#i think it's a good idea to look up the play to see if the premise interests you before jumping in
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library-windows · 2 days ago
man I am sorry to start chewing on stuff on a shitpost but I think about this scene sometimes and I started spitballing to myself and, well,
Mikage looks and sounds bored/disgusted/dismissive when he says this, at odds with the content of what he's saying, that Tatsuya is a "truly good person". And we also see that Tatsuya really isn't a good person; not a monster, just kind of a shallow jerk. He likes Wakaba, but he wants her to be the one to make the move. He wants her to be the one giving love, and himself to be the one accepting it. He assumes that she must love him, despite him never actually doing anything to merit it.
Even in their little-kid hijinks, when Wakaba proclaims him her Onion Prince, he's just confused and unresponsive. He doesn't try to defend her or comfort her. (Granted, they're four or whatever, but he's already not earning the role of being somebody's "prince" by taking the initiative to protest against Wakaba's bullies; even when he's Assigned Prince By Wakaba, he fumbles it.) We're probably not meant to love the fact that Wakaba is back on her bullshit with Saionji (albeit with a different power dynamic), but we're also meant to see that she's way too good for what's-his-nuts here.
He's neither outstandingly good nor exceptionally bad. He's just kind of an immature, stupid teenage boy. So what's this exchange about?
And I think my interpretation ends up being that "you are a truly good person" here isn't a moral judgement. Mikage isn't saying he's a good person sincerely or ironically. He's saying Tatsuya fits in with Akio's system. Tatsuya is unquestioningly, and unfailingly, trying to hold up the prescribed roles of "prince and princess", "boy and girl", "powerful and dependent". He's decided he likes Wakaba because they conveniently knew each other as children, and assumes she must feel the same way, that she'll delightedly fall into his arms -- even that she'll plead with him for his attention and strive to "win" him. He is the prize by virtue of being "the [male] prince". And he fantasizes that her error in not doing what she's supposed to do and being his childhood-friend-turned-lover trope will come back to hurt her, and he'll be the gracious savior who corrects her and lets her be happy at last, but always holding that over her.
His failure isn't his own, it's that Wakaba isn't falling in line the way she's supposed to. Tatsuya himself is fitting perfectly into Ohtori's/Akio's mold. He never goes deeper because there's nothing deeper there; Tatsuya has the inner depth of a puddle on the sidewalk.
What are the Black Rose duelists? They're "bad kids" in some way. Not in the sense that they're delinquents (though Kozue plays with this), but because they're somehow failing to fit into the system, and they sense it, even if they refuse to consciously recognize why. When Mikage pushes them, they reach a point of breakdown where they face whatever deficiency makes them unable to perform their roles the way they're supposed to, and that's what gives them their power as duelists. They let their anger and grief and jealousy about whatever is broken drive them.
The Black Rose duelists can't fit into the system like the mob, but they also lack the ability to make themselves exceptional* as the Student Council duelists do. So unlike the Student Council duelists, who (at least initially) see the dueling system as a way to seize the power that they want, the Black Rose duelists want to break the system -- not to remove it altogether, but to remake it in their own image so that they become it. If they can't force themselves to fit within the limits of the system, they'll instead warp the system to fit them -- just as Mikage isn't really trying to destroy the idea of a Rose Bride or of a power structure, he's trying to make it into what he wants/needs it to be.
Tatsuya isn't failing to fit into the system, though. His failure here isn't internal; it's external, in that Wakaba hasn't correctly fallen in line with the role she's been given. He's angry and upset that she's deviating from her half of the script.
Tatsuya himself fits Akio's prescribed system perfectly; by Ohtori's definition, he's a "good person". Mikage wants to alter that system, and to do so he needs the people who can neither fit nor transcend* the system; he needs "bad people". The Black Rose duelists are ultimately driven by obsessive jealousy and inferiority (Kanae toward Anthy, Kozue toward Miki, Shiori toward Juri, Tsuwabuki toward Touga, Keiko toward Nanami, Wakaba toward Utena). Tatsuya isn't jealous of Wakaba, nor does he feel inferior to her. If anything he believes himself superior, the one she should be grateful to for choosing her. Wakaba is the inferior, and she's not acting like it.
The path he must take doesn't lie through Nemuro Memorial Hall, because it lies through Ohtori.
I think Mikage's coolness and disgust here is just because Tatsuya has wasted his time; there's nothing here for Mikage to work with. I don't think he actually cares that Tatsuya is kind of a shithead. But the choice for his rejection to be framed in terms of morality reinforces that what's good for Ohtori-as-Akio's-structure doesn't equate to goodness or individual wholeness, and it foreshadows Akio's own nature.
ionno just wanted to hash that out and articulate it for myself I guess
*Also obviously the Student Council duelists/Utena are not actually transcending the system or exceptional on that level, but they perceive themselves and are perceived as others by such; that their exceptionalism proves the rule is of course by design.
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thedeathlysallows · 1 day ago
18+ possessive!Bucky that likes to beg. what else is there to say really? lol
"Well? What do you think?" You do a little spin, the fabric of the dress twirling around you. Your smile is absolutely beaming as you smooth your hands over your new gift. "Thor said it's traditional Asgardian clothes worn on Eostre. The Spring Equinox."
Bucky swallows thickly, unsure how to answer your question. The dress is made from a pale pink fabric that's so thin there's no inch of you left to the imagination. Each of your curves are accentuated beautifully. If the way his cock stirs in his pants is any indication then he certainly likes it, but the idea of anyone else seeing you in this dress has him turning a little green. Jealousy rages in his gut, nasty and mean.
"Buck?" And you're suddenly so self conscious as you say his name that Bucky wants to kick himself. Your bright smile wavers slightly and you blink back tears. "Oh, it looks bad, doesn't it? I told Thor it wouldn't fit me the same as women in Asgard but he wouldn't listen-"
"You look beautiful, doll. Really." Bucky finally manages to find his voice in the midst of your rambling. He wraps his fingers around your wrist and tugs until you fall into his lap. "Did Thor get to see you?"
You shake your head, cheeks heating up in a shy blush. "No. Only you."
You're damn right only me, Bucky wants to say.
And so he does.
He says it and watches the way your breath catches in your throat while your thighs clench together reflexively. Your fingers grip the front of his Henley for dear life as his metal hand crawls under the hem of your pretty dress and strokes your bare skin. Heat rolls off Bucky in waves, all but consuming you.
"Spread your legs for me, sweetheart," Bucky purrs in your ear. You're quick to do as he says, earning a low moan from him. "Oh, good girl."
Bucky slips a finger between your folds, finding your clit and rubbing soft circles. You jerk at the initial sensation before relaxing into his familiar touch. He's always so good to you. So eager to please. Your head falls onto his shoulder while he plays with you, teasing you until you're a whimpering mess in his lap.
"That's my girl." Bucky kisses your forehead, trailing his lips to your neck where he bites down over and over. Not hard enough to break the skin, but enough that there will be a mark by the time he's finished. "My beautiful girl."
You whine out his name and a small, "please."
He grins widely. "Do you need something?"
"C'mon, use your words like a good girl and maybe I'll let you have what you want." Bucky takes this opportunity to sink two fingers inside your slick cunt, pumping them in and out of you slowly. He loves the way you squeal and squirm on top of him.
You bite down on his shoulder, muffling a loud moan. "You know what I want."
A laugh rumbles through his chest, sending vibrations all through your body. "Then take it, doll."
He lifts his hips enough for you to tug the waistband of his pants and boxers down, hard cock slapping against his stomach. You're practically drooling at the sight, desperate to have him inside you. Bucky, reading every emotion that flits across your face, grips your hips as you sink down on him. He watches in pure awe as he disappears inside you inch by inch.
"Oh, fuck, you're so good to me." Bucky buries his face in your tits, licking and kissing at the skin your dress leaves exposed. "So good."
Bucky could stay like this forever with his cock buried deep inside you. He means every word he says about how good you are. How absolutely perfect you are. Because he loves you.
He loves you.
"Please let me cum inside you," he begs softly in a sharp contrast to the way the tip of his dick pounds against your cervix as you bounce in his lap. "Please, sweetheart, please... oh, God, you feel so fucking good..."
"Bucky... yes..." You all but sob out the two words, pleasure curling tightly in your belly before washing over your body leaving you tingling all over.
Bucky lets out a broken moan before spilling inside you. He holds you in place, making sure you get every single drop.
Fuck, you're such a good girl.
Bucky can't get enough.
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arandomao3user · 2 days ago
Incorrect quotes TIMBERN again, because I said so:
Tim: Bern.
Bernard, half awake, it's two in the morning: Hm?
Tim: Will you love me forever?
Bernard: Odd question—
Tim: Usually people say they'll love someone till the day they die but, maybe I don't wanna stop being loved when I die. Maybe I wanna be loved for all eternity no matter what happens. Maybe I wanna be loved even when I die, even after.
Bernard: Mm, that's nice babe. Sure, I'll love you even when we're ghost, having... Freaky ghost sex.
Tim, kicks him under the blankets:
Bernard, snickering:
Random reporter at a gala: Mr. Drake-Wayne! Mr. Drake-Wayne! It seems you've brought a plus one tonight! Who is he?
Tim, committed to a bit here, looking over at Bernard: Huh? Oh... Oh. Oh, I have no idea.
Tim, without hesitation or pause, throws himself at Bernard and they begin making out:
Bernard, also committed to the bit, making it the sloppiest make out session possible right in front of the camera:
The camera zooms out to see Dick's horrified face and Bruce's tired expression:
(That's how Tim came out as bisexual to the public.)
Bernard, with Tim, walking at night: This is romantic— well, as romantic as Gotham can get.
Tim, holding his hand: It is, and Gotham is very romantic, for your information. I rather like the aesthetic.
Bernard: Well, I for one, like your aesthetic.
Tim: Oh? And what is it you like about it?
Bernard: The eye bags and pale skin, really, brings out the sickly Victorian attitude—
Dick, getting throw from the rooftops and crashing into a nearby wall:
Jason, running out from the same direction, shooting rapidly into the darkness: HI TIM!
Tim: I f#&-#%@ hate this family.
Bruce, formally meeting Bernard for the first time: And what exactly are your intentions with my son?
Tim: Bruce, really?
Dick: It's our responsibility, baby bird, only the best for you.
Jason, who was dragged here against his will, reading in the background: I don't care about any of this bulls-#t.
Bernard, making direct eye contact with Tim:
Tim, trying to telepathically tell him no in every language he knows:
Bernard: My intentions are simple sir, to love him, be with him forever, and show him the appreciation he deserves.
Tim, pinching the bridge of his nose:
Bernard: And also find a pair of handcuffs he can't get out of—
Bernard: That's not what you called me last night—
Tim: ONE JOB! You had ONE JOB!
Bernard: I think I did that pretty well last night—
Jason, slowly looking up from his book:
Bruce, feeling his last functional brain cell imploding:
Kon: So, what's Bernard like, is he a good guy?
Tim: Oh, yeah, he's great! We attempted to summon the Jersey Devil last night before making offerings to Dionysus and then sent videos of ourselves singing along to Chapel Roan to Ra's Al Ghul and I made sure it'd play on all his devices, he won't be able to turn them off anytime soon.
Kon: Is... That's...
Tim: Romantic, right?
Kon: . . . Y'know what? Good for you, happy for you, buddy.
Tim: Thanks! We're gonna make calzones tonight and genetically modify garlic.
Alfred: I hear you wish to be a chef some day.
Bernard: Oh, yeah! I love cooking, kinda always have, it's like a break from regular Gotham city chaos.
Alfred, just glad he finally has someone to pass down family recipes to: Yes, my boy, it is.
Tim, half asleep, stumbling out his bedroom at four in the afternoon on a weekend:
Bernard: Hey, sleepy head!
Tim, stumbling right up to Bernard, throwing his arms around him:
Bernard: ???
Tim: What if the churozzle is-tha mcgraffle?
Bernard: . . . What?
Tim, promptly falls asleep against Bernard:
Bernard, making a TikTok: I was nice to the exchange student ONE TIME in high school.
*The camera zooms over to Tim, dressed in Grinch footie pajamas, there's a smudge of SOMETHING on his cheek, his eyes are glazed over, the television is playing some old Care Bear rerun, he's hunched over, hair in the messiest bun known to man, and he's eating cereal that's so soggy that the fruit loops have become one with the milk, creating an odd, pastel rainbow liquid slop.*
The paparazzi waiting for the Wayne's to show up to a very, very important, high class social event and charity gala in Gotham that the Wayne's have been attending for generations, not even Bruce has ever appeared as anything less than well behaved:
*The Wayne's limo arrives, Alfred calmly walks around, opening the door*
Damian, falling out as soon as the door opens, scrambling back: DOWD YOU DEFILER! DISHONOR TO YOU! DISHONOR TO YOUR WHOLE FAMILY!
Cass, dragging Jason out who's waving a gun around, yelling for the first time anyone's ever heard in public: YOU CANNOT SHOOT HIM! TIM IS RIGHT THERE! BERNARD, GET OFF HIM!
Stephanie, cackling like a mad man with her mouth full of popcorn, this is pretty much the only reason she came:
Duke, getting out to stand to the side: Can we just f#&#@# leave them?? They ain't stoppin' anytime soon and I really don't wanna be around when this progresses.
Bruce, casually getting out the limo, giving Alfred a tight smile as he passes him, going to meet with Barbara and Jim:
Jim, absolutely horrified: By God, Bruce, what happened?
Bruce: Tim turned 21 today, so Alfred sat him and his boyfriend down before we came here for a few rounds of drinks. Unfortunately, we miscalculated how much of a lightweight they both are... And how they might act while drunk.
*The paparazzi cameras zoom to Bernard and Tim passionately making out in the back of the limo...*
Kon, who is here with a less than impressed Lex Luthor: GET IT, TIM!!!
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imnotshua · 1 day ago
show me how - kmg
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٠࣪⭑ pairing: kim mingyu x fem reader ٠࣪⭑ summary: you meet mingyu in a bar and then you fuck. that's it, that's the tweet. ٠࣪⭑ genre: generic au, strangers 2 lovers, smut ٠࣪⭑ rating: explicit. minors do not interact with me, i'll block you. ٠࣪⭑ warnings: swearing, drinking, one night stand. ٠࣪⭑ smut contents: gendered terms, mingyu has an enormous cock (canon), kisses, v fingering, oral (f receiving), v sex, mingyu 🔛🔝, wet patches <3. teasing but it's good natured. if you think i've forgotten anything please let me know so i can fix my post! ٠࣪⭑ wc: 2k - complete ٠࣪⭑ a/n: i needed a break from angsty wonwoo and this just sort of happened, my bad, lads and ladettes. please note this is unbeta'd and unedited because it's 1am and i'm tired now thank u vm, any mistakes are my own but do lmk if u see any so i can fix ٠࣪⭑ thank you all for visiting my little corner of the internet. i hope u like this one<3
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · Jeonghan always does this. He insists it’s his job as department lead to take the new recruits out for drinks, as a sort of ice breaker. Terrible idea, you always say, to feed newbies (far too much) alcohol on their first Friday, and expect them to feel totally comfortable in his presence come Monday. That’s why you’re always there too, because you can rein Jeonghan in (sometimes) and it’s not your department to actually worry about. 
Tonight is like any other. Jeonghan is playing matchmaker for some unsuspecting interns and Seungcheol is trying not to make moon eyes at him. Ridiculous, if anyone asks you, which no one does. You’re perfectly content sitting at the bar nursing your drink and texting Seungcheol to let him know what a down bad loser he is, until someone too enormous to ignore takes the seat next to you. And you’re annoyed, even though it is the only spare seat in this place, because his giant arm knocks yours as he calls down a bartender, sending your drink splashing over the counter. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” he says, grabbing for tissues and mopping up the mess. “Let me get you another.”
“Oh. No, I’m good actually.”
“That was a full glass of wine.” Here we go.
“Yes it was.” 
Seungcheol is texting you already. 
Cheolie: who is THAT guy Cheolie: you should fuck him immediately oh my god Cheolie: he’d swing you round like a bat
Why on earth would I want to be swung around like a bat?
“C’mon, let me make it up to you,” says Tall Stranger. Even sitting down he’s a head above you. He’s probably terrible for your mental health. ”I’d feel guilty all night if I can’t replace it.” 
“I don’t take drinks from random men.”
Cheolie: idk dude but he could do it Cheolie: he’s your type!!!!!!!! Cheolie: when did you last get laid even “Technically you’d be taking it from the staff. I’d just pay for it.”
He’s not even hot. He’s just tall
Cheolie: bitch i can see his cheekbones from here Cheolie: 11/10 easy
Finally turning looking at him properly, you have to give Seungcheol credit where credit is due. All smooth skin, big eyes, and perfectly full lips. You could cut your finger on that cupid's bow. 
“I guess you’ve got me there,” you say.
“I’m Mingyu.” He smiles wide. Oh nooo, he’s hot. 
I’m not fucking a stranger from a bar! Go tell Jeonghan you wanna suck his dick and leave me alone
Cheolie: :))))))))))))
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“My apartment was definitely closer,” Mingyu says between wet kisses pressed to your jaw. 
You push him off to pull your shirt over your head and he gapes at your chest. Pervert. “Well, we’re here in case you turn out to be a killer,” you say. Mingyu crowds your space again so fast, slipping impatient hands down your body, warming your skin with them. Snaking one between your legs and finding the material of your underwear a little damp. “At least then my roommates could find my body.” 
“Not a killer–” he says against your neck. “But I am about to murder this pu–”
“Oh my God, never say that again.” 
The best thing about one night stands with guys might actually be that you can say and do pretty much anything, and there’s little to no embarrassment. You can tell Mingyu here that it’s his job to make you come before he does, and all he does is nod, dumb and horny, and a lot into it. 
He moves back on your bed, pillows shoved out of the way and spine pressed against the headboard, and looks at you with something like trepidation. If trepidation could be sexy or whatever. You climb into his lap and take your time unbuttoning his shirt. Mingyu watches your hands as you brush against his skin and asks if he can kiss you.
“Since you asked so nicely,” you say, offering up your neck. 
Unfortunately, he’s ever so good. Just smiles sheepishly (very hot) and tugs your chin down to catch your bottom lip between his. It’s better than you expect. Attractive men don’t kiss this well, usually, because they never had to work for it. Unfair, really. “Let me make you feel good,” he whispers against your lips, deft fingers tugging your underwear to the side.
Everywhere goes tight as he rubs circles over your clit. Mingyu holds up your skirt with his other hand, leans back to watch, and the heat creeps over your neck. What was that you were thinking about little to no embarrassment? Disappears the moment you see his jaw slacken, cheeks flushing with want, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “You feel so soft,” he says. “So fucking wet.” God, who made him? You drag an unsteady breath as a finger slips inside, curls it just enough to make you whimper. He strokes you gently, working you open, slipping another finger in just as soon as he thinks you can take it. You can’t. 
“Fuck,” he gasps. He leans in to drag his teeth across your shoulder.  “You just got so tight. Wanna feel that on my cock.”
“Do you always narrate?” Your words come thready. Embarrassing times ten. 
“Uh– yeah,” he laughs. “Should I stop?”
“No, no. It’s okay.” 
“Gonna make you come now, baby,” he says. “It’s gonna be fast, okay? Need to fuck you.”
“Cocky–” you start, but he’s laving a flat tongue over the lace of your bra, making your nipple pebble through the thin material. His fingers slide deeper, his wrist coated in you, and the way he uses the heel of his palm against your clit is leaving you breathless. He smiles with pleasure as your moan catches in your throat. Applies the pressure, just the right amount, to have you bucking against his hand. “Needy.” He says it like it’s praise.
“I’ll snap your fingers off inside me, Mingyu.”
“Do you always threaten people?” He teases your clit again and it’s blinding. He moans as you clench impossibly tight. 
“Yea– fuck. Shit. Gonna come.”
Mingyu's lips find yours in a second. Licks into your mouth, kisses you through it. Hums happily, so annoyingly pleased with himself, as you shudder your way through your orgasm, a wet patch forming on his jeans. 
The rest of your clothes come away just as quick, and Mingyu groans like a fucking loser. It’s both gross and horribly attractive. Doesn’t move his hands from your body as you make fast work of his belt, lifts his hips to help you pull his jeans down and free his hard length. 
“What the fuck is that?” 
Mingyu blinks. “What is what?”
“That can of fucking Pringles you’ve got between your legs?” 
“It’s not that big.”
You can’t quite believe it. “Oh my God, you are going to murder my pussy,” you cry. “This is cruel and unfair. They’re gonna put ‘Death by Monster Cock’ on my headstone.”
“This is unbecoming.”
“Your dick is unbecoming.”
Mingyu looks ready to cry. “Are you going to touch me yet? I think I’m going to explode.”
“Yes, yes, fine. But this had better be as hard as you get.”
Unfortunately when you take him in your hands, Mingyu does actually get harder (hahaha you’re going to die) and you try to decide how you’re actually going to take this. 
“God– fuck,” Mingyu murmurs as you work your hands over him. He all but melts against your headboard, and you wonder just how many people have survived him. Not like– the size of him (well, that too) but the way he looks right now, sweat beading on his forehead, the way his pretty pink lips fall apart, like sins are spilling out of them. You roll your fist over the head and he keens. Mingyu sounds so good, you could get used to this. He groans, loud, pushing into your circled fingers like he’s desperate. You like how his chest heaves, all tight breaths and strangled half-formed noises. 
“I need– need–” 
“What do you need, baby?”
“Wanna be inside you,” he breathes. Pulls you down onto the bed, rolls on top to press a kiss to your sternum, and nudges your legs apart to slot between them. His cock slips against your cunt, still wet from his fingers. Reaches over to fish a condom from the pocket of his jeans (how presumptuous!) and tears the packet with his teeth (hot). “This okay?” he says, as he rolls it on. 
“Yes. Yeah. Be gentle, okay?” Embarrassing times a million.
Mingyu’s eyes go soft. Ew. 
“I’m always gentle.”
He is. The stretch hurts but he’s slow with it. Gives you a second to adjust, to angle your hips just right, before he moans, tells you you’re beautiful, that you feel so fucking good around him. He braces himself above you, slides into you so agonisingly beautifully deep you think you can feel him in your stomach. A moan escapes you, “Feels good, Gyu,” you whisper, and Mingyu swears. 
“You’re so tight,” he gasps.
“Pretty sure a cave would feel tight for you,” you laugh. Mingyu’s cock jolts inside you. “You’ve got the Hubble Telescope for a dick.”
“Please stop saying weird things,” he begs, and slips out just to slide back in. Pushes the air right out of your lungs. You forget to blink. Mingyu takes your broken cry and your nails digging crescent moons into his arms for the praise it is, and fucks you like you need him. His hands hold your thighs, rubbing slow circles into the skin with his thumbs, pulling them up around him to give him better access to your centre. Lets you hold on to him just to anchor yourself, almost lost to the pressure of your building release. 
Mingyu is so good at kissing. He nudges your cheek with his nose, bites open mouthed and wet at your jaw, presses one–two kitten kisses at the seam of your lips before he’s licking into your mouth, all soft lips and sensuality and tongue. He whines into your mouth as he fucks you, gasps desperately when you clench. His fingers are splayed across your body, touching everywhere he can reach with his huge hands, cups your breasts and moves to pull a nipple between teeth and grins lazy when you whimper, when you arch into it. 
He’s starting to fall apart now. Stuttered breaths and hasty thrusts, chasing your heat and his own release. God you wished he’d come inside you. He looks so pretty when he’s desperate. Eyebrows raised and eyes wide and mouth open. “Gonna come?” you ask. He nods with fervour. “Make me come again first.”
Mingyu doesn’t waste time. Loves a challenge, it seems. He pulls out without warning, leaving you empty and pulsing around nothing, fists his hand around his cock and thumbs off the condom as he dives between your legs to eat you out like a man starved. It’s embarrassing how wet you are. How he has you coming apart faster than you expect, how the way he sucks on your clit has you seeing stars. “C’mon, baby, show me how you come,” he groans between licks. “M’not gonna last.” 
His free hand teases at your clit, slips further to gather up the wetness on his fingers just to take it and run it over his cock. Fuck that’s so hot. He watches your mouth fall open, he’s all doe-eyed and too sweet for the moment, and you think he really must kill people, but by accident probably. He hums as he licks into you again, your fingers find purchase in his hair, pulling him against you tight and desperate and needy, and then his tongue flicks over your clit fast fast fast and you’re gone. Coming fast and hard, and he’s moaning at the taste of you, at the wetness pooling between your legs and soaking through the mattress. Mingyu’s done for too, “baby, you look so good,” he’s cooing, sitting up on his calves and bucking into his own hand and spilling his cum over your body. Spreads the mess over the soft skin of your stomach and tells you you look so pretty. 
God. You’re ruined. Upon your headstone will read death by softboy (with monster cock.)
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thank you so much for reading! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging so my fic can get seen outside my own little space <3 i love seeing your feedback. if you'd prefer to scream at me directly, feel free to send me a message <3
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mixingandmelting · 1 day ago
There’s a vid that I can’t find anymore! But it was a streamer playing Stardew Valley, and she was trying to get her character pregnant. When the morning came in the game, and it didn’t happen again, she frustratingly yells/complains, “WHY AM I STILL NOT PREGNANT YEEET?” After that, her BF slowly pops his head around the corner, looking at her.
So, I was wondering how the batboys would react to hearing their s/o randomly yell that while in another room or maybe next to them while they play their game? 😂
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….That’s one way to welcome him home. 
He just got back from his day job (being a gymnastics instructor this time) and in the middle of taking off his shoes, he hears you scream that particular line. And he’s now more confused than ever who exactly you were directing it to: yourself, him, or that one game you’ve been playing since a month ago. 
At least Haley’s not worried about it, happily wagging her tail and running in circles in front of her dad. 
He presses a finger on his lips, ruffling her head when she instantly goes quiet for him before picking her up and tip-toeing to your room.
“Is it so hard to get me pregnant?! Or is it too much to ask that I give birth to kids?!” 
His eyes grow wider at every step he takes, your rant becoming more absurd the closer he gets to your room. You want to have kids? Who’s kid? His? One of the characters in the game? 
By the time he reaches the door frame, he stiffens, hearing you slam your headsets down and stomping towards the door. 
“Uh, I’m back?” It didn’t make the situation better, awkwardly smiling there while waving a hand in front of the doorway. 
“…You-How much did you hear?” 
He doesn’t answer, the silence being a telltale on its own. 
“…I was just trying to further romance my in-game character. That’s all.” Your voice comes out quiet and muffled, your hands covering your face. 
“Well, I was going to say all you had to do was tell me and we could’ve gotten to it right away-” He dodges the oversized body pillow you swing at him. 
Placing Haley down, he goes over to you and hugs you from behind before picking and twirling you up in the air. You squeal, patting his arm with a hand while your flustered mind struggles who to tell off: him or Haley, who nips at your pants. He doesn’t let you live down on it for the rest of the week though, pumping his eyebrows up whenever he passes by and sees you playing the game. 
Slowly, he walks back and takes a peep at you from the doorway. His eyes wide with every question a man could possibly have. 
He was simply passing by, planning to get to the one book he’s been meaning to read at the couch since you like having your gaming time. Even getting a good cup of coffee ready and carrying a pillow snug under his arm. 
Then you screamed that line. 
“I did not just spend this much time with you only for you to do this to me! We’re even married!” 
He takes a second to think before silently nodding his head in agreement, recalling everything you told him regarding your efforts to romance one of the characters including how you had to specifically buy some pendant to propose. And only after you give them a bouquet and reach ten hearts. 
“Why else did you think I chose you over Sebastian?! Did you think I was going to choose based on looks?!” 
Oh, there’s more tea? 
The next handful of minutes flies by, his book forgotten. He’s pretty sure no one could blame for it either when the gossip was just too good to pass. Then an idea struck. 
With expertise, he sneaks into your room and slowly makes his make towards you. 
“Seriously, he’s such a jerk.” 
“Oh most definitely.”
“Even when I forgave him for cheating on me.”
“Tell me about it.” 
“Like, come on just why won’t he ask- What the fuck?! Jason?!” 
He raises an eyebrow, his trademarked, shit-eating smirk ever so present.
“If you really wanted one that badly, you could’ve just asked.” 
He cackles, letting himself get tackled onto the mattress that happens to be behind you/ the one he’s currently sitting on. His arms automatically wrap themselves around you, using the magic of smothering you in his embrace to calm you down as he knows you know he’s doing you a favor in covering your expression up. Glad to know it works, you snuggling into his shirt with flushed ears. 
He chokes on his water, hacking and coughing up a storm. The two of you are currently hanging out, playing the same game. And it was quiet too, with the occasional mumbling of profanities whenever the characters decided to give attitude towards either you or him. Until you scream why you weren’t getting pregnant. 
“W-what?” It takes him some time to finally ask the question, his throat sore and needing time to recover. 
“Yes! Pregnant!” You make hand motions to your screen, backing away as he tries to lean and look over. “I did everything that everyone online said! Upgrade the farmhouse, add the nursery, go to bed BEFORE 10 PM-! What am I doing wrong?!”
“It IS a 5% chance; it might take a while.”  He rubs circles on back in attempts to console you. Too bad it fails, you rolling your eyes and groaning.
“Yeah, but I'm at my final straw here. Especially when I’ve been playing for two years…”
…Is it really that hard to get kids in the game? 
He takes a quick glance at his screen where his character is happily raising children with their respective spouse. And he hasn’t been playing for a year.
“… Tim?” Crap. He was quiet for too long. 
He jumps into action, trying to change the scene but he’s too late. You gasp. Your eyes wide in betrayal 
“You-How-“ Oh no. It’s never a good sign when you fumble over your words. “It took you how long again for you to ask me out? But you already have kids in the game???” 
“Well, I was nervous-“ 
“More like abs-er-gutless.”  
…Excuse you? Sure, he’s not a Greek God like Dick or built like a refrigerator like Jason but he knows he has pretty good abs and takes full offense to that. 
So, without a word, he gets up and hauls you over his shoulder.
“Tim, what are you doing???” 
“Taking you with me to prove a point.”
Needless to say, he’s successful in changing your mind that night as well as receiving a heartfelt apology for creating a word to describe his apparent “lack of muscles”. 
He’s so glad the two of you aren’t out in public. The scene it would’ve caused especially with how loud your voice was- he can feel himself getting the goosebumps. The two of you were hanging out at your place with him having stepped out to use the restroom while you told him you’d wait. 
Now he's facing a dilemma as he awkwardly stands at the entrance way to the living room. The rational side of him wants to shake you, ask if you’re aware you’re still in high school. The protective boyfriend side of him wants to know who you were asking and for what reason. 
The worst part is that there’s no real, good way to find out unless he leans his head out from behind the wall. And him getting caught red-handed for snooping on you is the last thing he needs to happen right now. 
“How is it that I’m not pregnant yet?!”  Please, he’s on his knees. Stop saying that and instead, drop the context. “A week! It’s been one whole week and I’m still without kids!”
Screw it. 
Slowly he moves his head forward. Then blinks.
There, with your back towards him, he can see the screen of your laptop filled with colors, all retro, 8-bit themed. His eyes make out a character that you keep moving, seemingly walking around in an area filled with green, red, different shades of browns. 
…Oh. You’re playing Stardew Valley. 
Sliding back behind the wall, he sighs in relief. Finally, he can rest and be assured it’s not between yourself and him or with some other guy he didn’t know about. You’re yelling crazy things like usual whenever you play that game. That’s all. 
“Duke? What are you doing there?”
“What? Oh, uh, nothing. Just coming back from using the restroom, that’s all.” If not for the furious blush on your cheeks, he would’ve really thought you were unamused. 
“...I’m going to stick my head into the kitchen sink for a second, don’t follow me.”
The next hour is spent with him convincing you that it’s fine and there’s nothing to feel embarrassed about. Then another once he admits after you give him a look that it’s funny and he probably won’t forget about it. 
Really? Out of all things you’re going to yell, you’re yelling that? His eyes are flat as cement, not even a single drop of him laughing at the sight. 
First off, why in the world would you be this frustrated? It’s a just game that’s meant to waste time, nothing worth all the effort and the attention. Second, why are you so desperate to have a child? With a fictional character nonetheless? Is he not your significant other? Is that character more interesting than him that you decide to spend hours interacting with them and not him?
“It’s probably because you lack the skills to get the game to move as you please.” He doesn’t appreciate the snort you let out in response. 
“Sure and you do when you can’t even get to reaching eight hearts.”
Say what now? 
“Of course I can! I just haven’t gotten that far since I’m busy with keeping a city safe!” 
“Excuses, excuses. That’s what they all say.”
The two of you glare at each other, huff, and turn away. Only for you ruffle your hair after another failed attempt. 
He slumps into his chair, drilling holes to your side visage. He can’t understand. Was that game really more important to you than him?  But he doesn’t like how it’s making you this fed up either. A moment of compilation later and watching your face scrunch up, he gives in.
“Here, let me try-”
“Okay, that does it!” His back straightens when you slam your hands onto the desk. “We’re getting ice cream, go on a walk, and come back to this stupid game!”
“...Why again?”
“Because I’m frustrated and I’m not going without you!” Blankly he blinks, watching you stomp out of the room. Well then. 
Despite snorting, a tiny smile forms on his lips as he jumps off his chair and follows right behind you. About time you make his visit worthwhile, you should’ve proposed this from the start. He does end up sharing your pain once the two of you come back, resulting in failure every time he tries and causing him to hate the game even more. 
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tillichan · 18 hours ago
game character!reader AU | general headcanons
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About: In another parallel universe somewhere, Sylus, Zayne, Xavier, Caleb and Rafayel are just the common people who have the fattest crush on you, game character. Warnings: fem!reader. Author's note: I post it again (click to see an original post) because one reader asked me to do it recently. Unfortunately, I still have a lot of requests and I'm going to do a milestone event. So I haven't enough time to create a new writing blog as I promised. But, my dears, if you like this story and would like to request something about it or ramble, please feel free to request! Besides, I was thinking of doing their reaction to Nightly Rendezvous card, let me know if you're interested or share your ideas about their reaction!
"Ahhh, why I am such a loser?!"
The sudden shout coming from the office made Sylus wince. It was Luke and Kieran, his subordinates, who neglected their duties again. Instead of work for the good of Onychinus Group, they were concerned about a video game.
"Should I reduce your salary?", Sylus loomed large around them. "Maybe then you can stop playing games instead of working"
"This is the last time!"
"We won't do it again, boss!"
Sylus raised his eyebrows skeptically. "You said that an hour ago. Besides, what's so interesting about this game?"
Oh, how wrong he was when he asked about it. The eyes of Luke and Kieran lighted up with excitement. They were eager to tell about this addictive game, Love and Deepspace, that won the hearts of people around the world. They dragged their boss down to hell.
"And today a new chapter was released! We unlocked a new character, (y/n)! She's our new favorite and we were trying to get her limited 5 star card, but, ugh, we suck at it", Kieran ranted.
"I can't believe! Boss, your presence brings good luck! I got (y/n)'s limited card!", screamed Luke and showed Sylus his phone screen.
There were you. And you were... hot. No, this simple word couldn't describe you. You were ethereal. Queen.
Sylus's eyes winded uncontrollably as he looked at you. It was the day when Sylus downloaded the game and… really got into it.
• You're Dragon Queen in a previous life and the head of 109 Zone, the Queen of underground world in this life. And you are the Queen of Sylus's heart. Oh, dear, falling in love with a game character was the last thing Sylus expected of his life. But can we blame him? No one resist your charms. • Sylus pretends that he's a very casual player who plays only when he wants to play. Hint: he wants to play every day. Especially he loves to open up the quality time menu to work or train with you. • He doesn't like MC at all. Like the creators, why? He wants to be your badass boss of Onychinus, not this wholesome boy. He secretly dreams about the day you will be aware of his existence. Or, at least, he wants to create not only MC appearance, but also his personality. • Being the boss of Onychinus Group, a very influential company that is engaged in the delivery of fruits and other... things, means that Sylus is a very reach person. And he is more than ready to invest all his own personal finances into you, his queen. All limited cards, the most beautiful and expensive clothes, Sylus has it all. How else? His queen deserves the best. • To clarify the situation, Sylus isn't interested in game and in other love interests. All he wants is you. Sometimes he asks Luke and Kieran in a voluntary-compulsory manner to read the chapters without you to unlock your chapters. • This is the reason why he has the max affinity level with you. And almost 0 with other love interests. • He is so whipped, oh. Luke and Kieran cringe every time they see him playing Love and Deepspace, because he looks at his screen with such of love and adoration as his fingers brushes against the cold surface gently. "Good evening, my queen", he whispers and kisses his screen. After this Luke and Kieran will never peep.
"Look! That's young master Xavier! Ah, he is so handsome~"
"I heard that he's the young master of this Philo Clan, the most powerful family in our country".
"Really? But he is kinda... weird. He doesn't interact with anyone, he spends most of his time playing with his phone or sleeping. We are the classmates, so I know what I'm saying".
Xavier could hear the voices even over the music played on his earphones. But he wasn't interested because all he wanted was to get home as soon as he can, hole up in his room and play Love and Deepspace.
Xavier wanted to see you. He needed you. You, his guiding star, his princess, his favorite Love and Deepspace character. The only one reason Xavier wakes up in the morning.
Even though his home was always full of people, Xavier has always felt like he was alone in life. His parents were always busy, they were only interested in him as a future head of Philo Clan. But no one has wanted him, just Xavier. That's why he closed himself and started spending his time alone practicing fencing, listening to music and playing video games.
Love and Deepspace was just another video game. And Xavier didn't expect much of it. But then you appeared and he was smitten with you, a princess of Philos with saint powers. For the first time in his life, Xavier stayed up all night. He just couldn't stop playing, he wanted to find out more about you.
You are a ray of light in darkness of his life. His life, his body, his soul, all this belongs to you.
• First of all, Xavier is very possessive player. He is jealous of another players, even of MC! Yes, of course, his MC looks just like him and his name is Xavier too, but he is still not him. Not that he makes trouble or something like this, but the fact that you are not aware of his existence makes Xavier sooo disappointed. Not to mention that there are so many players that love you and post a lot of posts about you. Xavier tries to avoid it, because he feels that seeing you with another player or MC breaks his heart. • He'd lose his mind if he sees your NSFW pictures with another MC. He is about to call his hacker friend Jeremiah and ask to hack the account and delete all pictures. • Xavier is your the most loyal and devoted player. He plays only for you, he doesn't interested in other love interests. He reads only main story and your cards. Especially he likes quality time and ASMR, because these options make Xavier feel that you see him, not MC. • One more person, who very much wants you to be aware of his existence. He sleeps a lot because he can meet you in his dreams and he wished upon a falling stars to meet you in his next life. • He has completed reading all your bonds, memories and myths, maxed his affinity with you and acquired all your memories. He sleeps to the sound of your voice, he loves to talk to you, not to mention that he has so many your favorite voice lines and pictures, oh, that's crazy. Xavier is down bad. • Once a month the creators of Love and Deepspace receive an anonymous donation. It's an astronomical amount. And your birthday now is literally a national holiday followed by a fireworks, your face on all the posters, buildings and TV.
Caleb grew up in the children's house and was adopted into a family. Despite a difficult childhood, Caleb was fine because you were with him. You always helped him fighting difficulties and cheered him up whenever Caleb was in a bad mood. You, his favorite character of Love and Deepspace.
At first, Caleb was skeptical of this video game. But his classmates and friends were obsessed by Love and Deepspace, so Caleb was just dragged into this. Why not, after all, it's just a game, he thought. Oh, this naive boy...
Honestly, the main love interests did not interest Caleb. He just read the main story and then you appeared. You were MC's childhood friend who grew up the children's house with him. And Caleb couldn't help but fell for you.
Then you died. In this chapter. Caleb was so disappointed, he nearly crashed his phone and stopped playing for a while. Until his friends shared with him the amazing news, Love and Deepspace reveal a new love interest, you.
Oh, how happy Caleb was! He opened Love and Deepspace after a few months break and started playing again. He completed the all chapters in a day just to unlock your story.
And as soon as you appeared again, Caleb became obsessed with you, cool and badass colonel who has a softest spot for MC.
• Caleb is a little... toxic player. He wants you to be only his and he also doesn't like the way you are so popular. Not that Caleb is jealous of other players, but... He is better than they all, right? He wants to love and protect you and treat you how you deserve to be treated. That's why every time Caleb sees the players say something disrespectful he goes crazy. No mercy, he will destroy them all. • Caleb is so disappointed that there are so many good cards and events without you. Like why? He aggressively waits for more your content and he completed reading all your bonds, memories and myths. • Like the others, Caleb absolutely isn't interested in other love interests. Sometimes he finds them annoying because they distract MC from you. MC (him, Caleb) and you are the couple made in heaven, they should always be together. Not to mention that there wasn't enough your content, so why the creators continue to add other love interests in your story. That's not fair! • He wants to become an astronaut and find you one day. Because maybe you're exist somewhere far away in space. And Caleb will get into a spaceship and go in search of you. • Oh, Caleb is obsessed. Like he collects your merch, you voice lines, your arts, your fanfics, your pictures, literally everything. He wants to surround yourself with you. He trains every day with you, sometimes he keeps the quality time open throughout the day. Caleb just wants to spend every minute with you.
"Mister Rafayel, you're famous artist, tell our readers what inspires you?", asked him interviewer.
"My muse, of course", confidently replied Rafayel.
"Oh! Tell us more about her, please! Who is she?!", interviewer wasn't able to hide his excitement.
"It's...", Rafayel paused, the interviewer held his breath preparing for a sensation. His eyes wide with excitement. "... a secret", Rafayel winked at camera. Interviewer sighed in frustration.
Yes, you were his muse. Mistress of a Deep Sea, an ethereal Siren, his Goddess, you the character of a video game, Love and Deepspace.
If someone told Rafayel a year ago, that he'll fall in love in a fictional girl, he'd probably wouldn't believe them. But it happened a few month ago when he heard your unearthly voice for the first time. Rafayel had the worst art block ever. He stumbled down the street in search of inspiration.
And then he heard you... You, a beautiful siren, hummed quietly to yourself from the big screen. Rafayel forgot how to breathe, because, ugh, it was the first time he saw someone so beautiful.
Rafayel downloaded the game and started playing on the same day. He became so absorbed so he forgot to sleep and eat. His manager, Tomas, found Rafayel a two days later with bruises under his eyes as he played Love and Deepspace with breathless interest.
You brought him back to life. You inspired him. Because of you Rafayel created many paintings. And each of them dedicated to you, his muse.
• Rafayel maintains a blog about you called (y/n)shusband. But he mostly posts your arts he did himself. This blog is very popular, because his arts are just so perfect. Rafayel truly believes that the animation of game does not convey all your beauty. So he does an ethereal arts of you. • He loves playing with photo booth. He spent a fortune on the clothes for you and his MC to make an aesthetic photos. You and his MC are the most beautiful pair in the world of Love and Deepspace fans. • Even though Rafayel does his best to stay cool when he plays Love and Deepspace, he fails every time. Thomas can tell that Rafayel is playing his favorite game, because his ears and cheeks are so red. He smiles like a lovesick fool while watching your cards. The way Rafayel tries to hide it is very fun. Ah, he is just head over heels. Can we blame him? Of course no. • Rafayel doesn't care about other love interests. You're his precious Siren, he doesn't want to waste his time on someone else. • He goes crazy because he. wants. to. hear. your. singing. Your voice is so ethereal, you're a siren, but he has never head your singing. Rafayel is ready to snap, crackle and pop every time he reads just a description of your singing without your voice line. • Poor Thomas has to remind Rafayel about his work and deadlines. Otherwise he forgets about it.
"Greyson, come here", Yvonne called him waving her hand. "Look, doctor Zayne smiles as he looks at his phone. Maybe he got a girlfriend?"
Grayson peers cautiously into the room. His colleague was right. Their cold and distant Zayne had the softest smile on his face. He sighed dreamingly and murmured: "Thank you, (y/n)".
Then he turned off the phone. Greyson and Yvonne ran away, afraid of being discovered. But they were gagging to found out who (y/n) is. They didn't know that the answer was simple. You were a game character Zayne had a fattest crush on. A secret crush, of course.
Even though Zayne doesn't seem like this, but he likes to play video games in his spare time. Of course he was interested in a new game, Love and Deepspace, it promised to be interesting. Especially because one of the characters was a healer. But Zayne didn't expect that he would have got it bad for a game character, you.
You were a healer who worked in a hospital. Your personality, your beauty, your dedication, all of this made Zayne fall in love with you. Yes, that was silly, but he couldn't do anything. He was in love. Once and for all.
• Even though Zayne is interested in story he is very loyal. If he wants to see something like myth to learn more about the plot, he just watches it on YouTube. He isn't interested in other love interests at all though. He is hopelessly in love with you. • What are you doing with his heart? Every time Zayne looks at you his heart beats like crazy and he has the butterflies in his stomach. He never expected that a crush on a game character can be so deep and intense. • Zayne adores the calendar reminders option. Every time he sees "It's time to work doctor Zayne! Have a good day!", Zayne loses his mind and feels that he's ready to move mountains. • He is very chill about your fans, another players and this stuff, Zayne just cherishes these moments the two of you share. This is his little world. • Zayne is very busy so he hasn't a lot of time to play, but he open the game every day before running and opens quality time to work together. The way you are always with him warms his heart.
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writingroom21 · 1 day ago
Only Fans
Pairing: stepdad!rafe x onlyfans!stepdaughter!reader
Summary: Rafe finds out a new secret about his stepdaughter and can't seem to help himself. Or Topper gives Rafe an accidental present.
Warnings: 18+, smut, reader does onlyfans, use of dildo (reader), spanking, cream pie, reader calls Rafe daddy.
Wc: 2K
“Man if I was in that house I would be taking advantage. She’s just there begging for it with these videos.” Rafe slows down his pace as he hears Topper talk. “Bet she’s imagining him every time she says daddy. Probably hopes he’ll hear her and do something about it.” Kelce laughs agreeing with his friend. Rafe creeps up behind them looking at the phone they are looking at. What he wasn’t prepared to see was his little step-daughter naked on the screen as she sinks down a huge dildo. His brain short-circuits as he watches you bounce up and down. How your pussy perfectly swallows the dildo with ease. Shit. “What the fuck are the two of you watching?”
The phone clatter ons the tiled floor causing the edges of it to crack. “Fuck Rafe you scared the shit out of us.” Topper picks up his phone inspecting it as Kelce clenches his heart. “Are you fucking sexting my step-daughter?” He stalks forward making his friend take a step back. Topper looks at Kelce for help but the other man just gets up and backs out of the room. “No no. It’s her only fans, she makes these videos and posts them on the internet.” Rafe snatches the phone from his hand and looks through it. He can clearly see Topper was on a website and sure enough there's videos of you. Without thinking he sends the website page to himself and tosses the phone back at his friend.
“Delete that account and if you look or talk about her again I’ll kill you.” Rafe rushes to his truck and sits in the front seat with his phone in his hands. Pulling up the website he creates an account and subscribes to you. “Am I really about to do this?” He mumbles to himself before clicking on the first video. There you are in one of his work shirts playing with your pretty pussy. You tease your clit as you smile into the camera giving it a wink as you sink your fingers in. “Fuck daddy you feel so good.” His dick swells in his pants making it uncomfortable as he keeps scrolling. Video after video there you were fucking yourself all while crying out the word daddy.
Having enough he throws the phone on the passenger seat and races home. All he needs to do is get it out of his system. He’ll watch your videos and fuck his fist until the idea of you is out of his mind. Screw Topper for watching that video. Of course he would find your only fans and enjoy your videos. The fact that Topper, his friend, got to see you like this pisses him off. That should have been saved for him. He should have seen you taking each dildo, watching as you slowly work your way to something that stretches you out for him. But the thing that infuriates him is that you are posting this for others to see. Thankfully every video is solo so he didn��t have to see you fucking someone else.
He slams his truck into park and practically runs into the house. It wasn’t until he was passing your room that the plans divot. Your bedroom door is wide open displaying as you lay on your back with your hand shoved in your panties. You have headphones in so you probably didn’t hear him and your eyes are closed so you can’t see him. He should walk into his room and jerk off to the image of this. Create some scenario where you get on your knees and suck him off. But he’s not that type of man. No he’s the type to walk into your room, lock the door, and climb on your bed next to you. Your eyes snap open at the shift of weight. “Rafe oh my god.” The clunky headphones fall on the bed and he can hear a male's voice.
“Who are you talking to?”The corners of your eyes crinkle. “No I.” You close your mouth and try to move to the edge. He only takes that as a sign to move closer, his hand finding your thigh. “Who is it?” His grip tightens and he pulls you to him. The bed sheets ruffle underneath you as you try to make space. “It’s an audiobook.” Now that was new. Picking up the headphones he takes a listen. A low chuckle comes from him from what he hears causes you to feel embarrassed. “Is that what you think of when you fuck yourself for those videos?” Your eyes widen even more but something in the way he looks at you makes you bold.
“No, I think about you. Wishing you would finally fuck me the way I want.” A huge smile spreads across his face. Now on his hands and knees, Rafe climbs over you. Your back lands on the mattress as his body hovers, barely touching you but enough to drive you insane. “Should’ve just found me baby. Would’ve shown you what a real man feels like.” He emphasizes the point by grinding his hard dick on your thigh. Instinctively your thighs open to welcome him in. You love the way his jeans feel rubbing against your panties. The ridge of the zipper grazes your clit with the slow rocks of his hips. Blue eyes are trained on yours waiting for you to say something.
“Show me.” The words are softer than you intended. “Show me, please Rafe.” Leaning back he watches you breathing heavily. His right pointer finger trails a path from the base of your throat all the way down to the hem of your lace pink panties. He snaps the band, marveling at the way you shut your eyes in pleasure. Allowing him to do whatever he wants. He gets up from the bed ripping the panties off of you in the process. “Why don’t you show me how you think about me? Go fuck yourself on one of your dildo’s.” Your eyes flash brightly at the idea. 
When you first started posting you loved all the comments you would get. Seeing how much someone wanted you turned you on. But the thought of Rafe watching you makes you the horniest you’ve ever been. While also making you super nervous. He makes his way to the end of the bed. Fingers wrap around your ankles pulling you to the edge of the bed, forcing you off and to your dresser.
How does he know where your dildo’s are?
He sits down as you grab your favorite one. It’s long but mostly girthy so it stretches you out just the way you like it. The suction cup grips the floor making a noise when you get it in place. Next you grab a bottle of lube. You squirt some on the tip and spread it making sure to make eye contact with him. Your eyes glaze over watching as he pulls his pants down and palms his cock. Shit. Just by looking at him you can tell he’s going to feel amazing. It’s a good thing you picked this dildo since Rafe is like the perfect mirror image of it. There’s a small twitch in his eye almost making you flutter. “Where’d you get that?” You sink down on it, enjoying how it fills you with a delicious burn.
“Was mailed to me at school. A gift I guess.” You don’t really care who sent it. All you know is that it’s the best dick you’ve gotten and that includes real life. Everything about it drives you crazy, especially the large vein going from the tip to base. It feels so good when it rubs against your g-spot. Slowly you bounce on it, your tits bouncing along with you. There’s a drop of precum that falls from his tip. You lick your lips wishing you had him in your mouth. Your heart rate picks up when he stands and walks over to you. This is the moment where he makes you suck him off. Well that was what you were hoping for. What you didn’t expect was for him to pull up by your hair and drag you to the bed. 
He shoves you face first over the edge and gets right behind you. The tip of his dicks swipes up and down slicking himself up with your juices. “Wanna hear a secret?” He’s teasing your entrance with his tip, barely pushing it in before pulling back. You whine out a what, locking your ankles around his back so he can’t fully leave. “You’ve been fucking yourself with a mold of me.” A while back Topper came up with the great idea of Rafe making a mold of his dick for your mom. He didn’t want to do it but his friend had convinced him it would benefit their sex life. Which at that point and still is none existent. Topper handled everything so now Rafe gets why your mom never said anything. He just thought she didn’t care and he wasn’t going to fight over something stupid.
“What!” You scream as he shoves fully inside you. You feel full, the same fullness you just had when you straddle your dildo. Oh fuck he was right. “Fucking Topper must have thought it was funny.” He starts thrusting furiously, spearing into your g-spot with each thrust. “He convinced me to make one of those molds. Didn’t know he sent it to you… got you nice and ready for me though. Might have to thank him.” Your ass bounces as his thrusts increase in pace. There’s a glaze film over his eyes as he looks down at you. A glob of spit falls directly where he enters you. A loud slap echoes the room followed by a loud moan from you.
His hand rubs the bright red handprint forming on the globe of your ass. “Finally got the real thing and can’t even speak.” His right arm lifts up to swat your ass again in the same spot. “Oh god.” A deep laugh comes from his chest, his fingers pulling at the ends of your hair. Tsking, he pulls a bit harder. “That’s not what you usually say.” He grips your hair at your scalp pulling you up-forcing his phone camera in your face. “Come on, princess, say what we both want to hear.” Burning liquid circles your veins as you orgasim peaks and you scream out. “DADDY.” A hard thrust praises you. “Daddy just like that. Please cum I want to feel you.” His grip on your hair shifts to your neck as he records your face. 
“Yeah? Wanna feel your daddy fill you up?” Rafe leans back pushing you back to have your face shoved in the sheets. The phone pans over to where he is essentially destroying your pussy. “Please daddy, cum in me please.” His nails dig into your back as he holds you down so he can fill you up. Slowly his hips come to a halt making sure to keep you plugged up. Shifting back, he adjusts the camera to catch the way his cum drips out of you. His thumb catches some, smearing it on your clit before shoving the finger back in you. Rafe pulls back, stopping the video and sucking his thumb in his mouth.
You watch him over your shoulder hoping he’ll do something else. Just then the front door slams. “I’m making chili tonight!” Your mom yells as she makes her way through the house. She talks to herself as you turn to face Rafe, your stepdad who just fucked the shit out of you. There’s a big smile on his face and he starts to back away. He sends you a wink right before he leaves you in your room wondering how you can act normal around him again. A few hours later you’re scrolling on tik tok when you get a notification. Looking you see it’s from Rafe and something flutters inside you. There’s a video with you at the forefront of it all.
Go on and post that baby. Want your followers to see how well your daddy treats you.
Taglist : @rafedaddy01 @rrafeswhore @10ava01 @selfcontollover07 @akobx @starkeysbebe @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @rafesbabygirlx @lolasangelz
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senpazzi · 2 days ago
The Way I Speak About You
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pairing: singlefather!Johnny Suh x Afab!Reader
part 1 found: here
synopsis: you and johnny were the epitome of right person, wrong time. with your best friends’ wedding coming up soon, the only person that you relied on being your date was johnny. despite him being out of your life for 6 years, he also had a daughter.
warnings: smut, single dad johnny, reader is a workaholic and an over-thinker, your best friends name isn’t mentioned (do wtv u please w this info), heavy language, drinking, alcohol, etc.
It’s been 2 weeks since the park meeting with Johnny. The rest of the day was spent catching up on each other's lives. How work was for both of you, living alone in the city? You even got to talk to Katie and enjoy playing with her on the swing set as Johnny pushed both of you.
During the 2 weeks, you’ve been talking to Johnny almost every day now. Facetimes becoming a regular thing before and after work. He told you how he closed on a deal selling a house that was almost worth a million. Not only was Johnny a handsome wealthy guy, but the way he treated Katie erupted something in you.
Seeing the man that you loved years ago, being a domestic and careful dad was exuding, to say the least. Johnny on the other hand could say similar things about you. To him, you were the most determined and passionate woman ever. You owned up to your mistakes and you worked for what you wanted. Yet, you haven’t 100% come clean to Johnny about how you were feeling.
Early on in the week, it was another morning after an overnight shift for you at the hospital. To say the least, you were drained. Your eye bags felt like they were growing eye bags. The only thing you looked forward to was coming home to Facetime Johnny.
After getting cleaned and comfortable in bed, you rang the man. On the second ring, he answered. Your eyes widened the instant you saw him. His hair was wet and sticking to his face, his chest was bare and his shoulder tattoo was on display. He looked hot. You could’ve choked just by his image alone.
“Oh sorry, Y/n I just got out of the shower, Katie was having a hard time sleeping last night so I couldn’t shower before bed,” he shyly chuckled as his face turned red in the camera. Secretly, if this was the outcome, then you prayed she had a hard time sleeping every night.
You cleared your throat and shook your head with a smile. “No omg, you’re good. Poor baby, I hope everything is better later tonight,” liar.
Johnny smiled nodding along to your words. “Me too, it hurts really because you know Stephanie was good at soothing her to bed when she was younger. It’s been over a year but she hasn’t gotten used to it,” he shrugged as if it was just an easy realization.
You solemnly nodded, your smile faltering a bit at the fact. “Try reading her bedtime stories, or talking to her before bed. It’ll tire her out,” you suggested surely.
“You know, she’s much more interested in hearing you talk. She said she loves talking with the pretty lady I’m always on the phone with,” Johnny assured you with a smile as he propped the phone up. He exited the frame for a few moments and returned with a pair of grey sweatpants on his lower body.
His abs glistening and on display. “Which also had me thinking, I think me and Katie would love to have you over for dinner this Saturday,” he brought up firmly. He grabbed a bottle of lotion before lathering it all over his arms.
Your eyes widened. Like a date? No, there’s no way. You blinked rapidly at the sudden idea. “Really? I mean I’m not opposed but that’s a little intimate. Dinner just us three?” you asked reassuringly.
His smile never left. Only growing. He nodded as he graced his arms with the liquid. “Yes Y/n it’s a little much I understand but, I like you. Katie knows I like you, and she likes you too. Don’t you think it’s a little weird for us to pretend to be dating for this wedding and we can’t even sit and have dinner together?” he asked curiously reading your expression into the camera.
He was right of course. “Well, yeah no you’re right I just wanted to make sure this is really what you want I mean. Where do you want to go?” you nervously jumbled out. A date with Johnny and his daughter was amazing just as it was terrifying. You haven’t eaten alone with Johnny in years. And how would Katie react to it genuinely? A new woman with her dad? Would it confuse her?
Johnny let out a soft chuckle looking into your eyes the best way he could via Facetime. “Y/n you seriously don’t think a dinner with you and my daughter won’t make me happy? Two very important girls that I love eating with me are all I want in this world right now,” he admitted with a grin tugging on his face. His heart felt like it was skipping a beat. Of course, Johnny never hid his feelings for you. But the rejection you bestowed on him years ago stuck. But honestly, the guy had nothing to lose. But he knew for sure that he couldn’t lose you again.
“The day you called me was one of the happiest days I’ve had in a long time Y/n. And the day we came back from the park and hearing Katie ramble about you made me even happier,” he continued running his fingers through his hair.
“My love for you never went away, I prayed someday to have you back in my life. With school being over and you finally having your career, I hope you can make the time for me now. So we can be happy together. Is that okay? Is it okay for us to start to work towards something Y/n?” Johnny plead his case to you. If only he knew that this love wasn’t one-sided, but how could you admit that to him?
How could you admit that you were too scared to give up a piece of yourself to him back then? That you know any argument or misunderstanding would lead to you spiraling and feeling like a failure? You were always a perfectionist. You blamed school on your insecurity on why you couldn’t be with Johnny. And everyone knew that except for him.
You sighed and looked away nervously from the screen taking a deep breath before formulating your sentence. You face the camera and smile once more looking at his handsome face. His beautiful eyes. The plea in his eyes.
“I’ll go to dinner with you and Katie, I’d love that more than anything Johnny,”
“What?!” your best friend cursed aloud on the phone, her face in shock on the Facetime screen. She was getting dolled up for the Bachelorette party tonight at you guys’ favorite bar that you’ve been going to since you were 20-year-old college kids with fake IDs. She thought it would be a bittersweet way to celebrate the end of her 20s and enter a mature and devoted marriage with Derrick.
You sat on the other line, combing your hair as you sighed thinking about how to continue with the bomb you dropped on her. “He asked me out on a date, it’s not a big deal. We’ve been talking for 2 weeks again as friends, maybe it’s just a friend date. Plus, we have to get more acquainted since the wedding is in 2 weeks,” you tried to calmly batter out as you fluffed the curls in your hair.
Your best friend scoffed grabbing the phone as you heard her jingle her keys to walk out of her apartment door. “Y/n you’re fuckin’ insane, I don’t understand how you’re being so nonchalant about this. He’s finally taking you on a date. A real date! It’s been like 6 years and he’s still in love with you, that’s amazing!” your best friend lectured you as you heard her get in the Uber. “This is to Club Atlantis correct?” she asked the driver before getting in the car.
“God you’re so silly, he’s a guy who’s simply taking his old friend to dinner. He’s much too busy with Katie and works to focus on an old crush,” you bluntly downplayed as you grabbed your keys and purse before walking to the door of your apartment. “I’ll see you in about 15 okay? Let’s enjoy your Bachelorette party and stop fuckin’ worrying about guys okay?” you cheered into the phone as you searched for your Uber as well.
“Okay Y/n babes, see you soon,” your best friend graced before hanging up.
You waved goodbye to the Facetime as you hopped in your Uber as well, heading to the club.
The club was packed. It was a Friday night, 11 pm. The LED lights were purple and there was a hazy hue in the building mixed with scents of cigarettes, marijuana, and vapes. Alcohol was everywhere, bodies were everywhere, and music beaming. This hadn’t been your scene in ears, and to be honest it never really was.
“Hey boo!” a familiar voice rang in your ears, seeing your best friend running up to hug you with a bottle of dark liquor in her hand. Surrounding her were some familiar faces. Her older sister, and your other two mutual friends Danielle and Skylar. Now the rest of the bodies? Probably haven’t seen it since college or have never seen it at all.
Your smile graced your face leaning into hug all the ladies, greeting them and kissing their cheeks as they did with you. “Hey girls!” you greeted as you scoped around the scenery, seeing your friends dressed in skimpy dresses or two pieces complimented with heels that were going to swell their feet later.
“Take a shot!” your best friend's sister shouted as she took the bottle from her hand, motioning for you to tilt your chin back.
You rolled your eyes playfully, opening on command as the girls counted to 3 as they poured the liquor. Your face scowled, yet you drank the warmth. All the girls cheered and clapped smiling at you. Some are already drunk.
“Okay bitch! Time to turn the fuck up!” Danielle screamed grabbing your best friend's arm and leading the group to a private section they had rented. “Come on Y/n!” your best friend pulled you along as the girls sang to the chorus of the song blasting through the Club.
The night was chaotic. You lost count of the number of shots you took. You lost count of the number of times one of the girls yakked in the bathroom. You lost count of the number of guys you curved away from you and your group.
Everything was becoming blurry. Senses loosened. No one in your group was in their right mind. It was 2 am and 6 drunk women and a bride-to-be were shitfaced in a club filled with 20-somethings with no morals left right now.
You are one of them. You chuckled and turned to your best friend who was slumped on the velvet couch sweaty from all the dances she danced in the last few hours. You whispered to her cheekily with the idea that sparked in your drunken mind.
“Should I text Johnny that I miss him?” you giggled out stupidly at the idea. Your best friend's eyes widened and your mouth erupted into laughter. She hit your chest playfully and motioned to your phone. “Girl, you’re too fuckin’ much. Tell him you love him and have a good night,” she egged on before looking to face her sisters and friends gossiping about the background of you and Johnny’s relationship.
You picked up the phone and dialed Johnny’s number. “Be right back!” you squealed as you walked to the restroom holding the phone to your ear.
It was late, of Johnny was asleep in bed when you called. On the third ring, Johnny groaned looking over to his nightstand next to his bed to see your contact picture appear on the screen of his phone. He stretched a bit before picking up the phone and checking the time. “Hello? Y/n it’s late, are you okay?” he asked groggily.
His sleepy voice. Fuck, was it enough to turn you on while you were sober, but right now? Girl, you were trying not to moan in response to the sound of his voice. You sat on the sink, swinging your feet as you slumped against the cool tile wall of the bathroom. “Johnny-“ you dragged out with a hum. “I miss you, the Bachotlette was so much fun,” you whined out with a pout.
Johnny sighed into the phone and rubbed his temples. “Y/n, are you drunk right now?” he asked with a stern tone. His brows furrowed as he pulled the blankets off his body and searched around for some clothes.
“Nooo!” you dragged as your brows furrowed at his assumptions. But of course you were. Anyway could tell. Who couldn’t know that you were? “But I miss you, Johnny, we’re at Club Atlantis like how we used to always go together! You, me, Derrick, Steph, everyone!” you mindlessly called against the phone.
Lucky for you, Katie was spending the night at her cousin’s house with Uncle Mark and his wife. “Here I come Y/n, stay with the girls until I get there and I’ll take you home okay?” Johnny asked of you as he slipped on a T-shirt and some sweatpants. Sliding his feet into some sandals.
You bit your lip at his command. He was coming to get you? You squealed in excitement into the phone, causing Johnny to pull away from his device for a moment. “Johnny you’re coming to get me! I wanna stay at your house, I bet it’s so nice and big,” you emphasized at the end of the sentence biting your lip cheekily.
Johnny’s eyes widened at your words, clearing his throat at your antics. He shook his head and sighed in relief before grabbing his keys and heading to his car. “Please stay put Y/n, I’ll be there soon okay?” he begged of you before starting the engine of his car and pulling out of the driveway.
“Yes, Johnny! See you soon! Mwah!” you kissed the speaker of the phone and hung up, walking out of the bathroom back to the section filled with your friends who were getting up slowly. They were bumping and slumping everywhere, boy did y'all have time tonight?
Your best friend smiled cheekily at you. “How did it go?” she asked cocking her head to you matching your smile. “He’s my ride tonight, he’ll be here in like 15?” you boasted to the girls, receiving a bunch of cheers and claps from the crew. “That’s my girl!” your bestie cheered on.
You were now in the passenger seat of Johnny’s car, fastened up in the seatbelt with your head lying on the cold glass of the window.
Johnny was driving back to his house, his gaze repeatedly following the road but as well trailing off to you. “You had fun tonight didn’t you?” he asked rhetorically as he giggled to himself.
You nodded, “mhm!” you hummed as your eyes began to shut. “More fun now that I’m with you,” you sluggishly whispered out.
Johnny sighed and shook his head once more. “Poor Y/n, a lightweight as usual. You always say the silliest things when you’re drunk,” he reminded you. “Just like that time, we were in school and drank at the dorm. Told me you loved me even though I and Stephanie were just getting together,” he brought up a bit meekly.
Your eyes opened and faced his soft gaze. “I won't lie, not even while drunk Johnny,” you brought up as he reminisced in the moment. “I’m having fun with you now, and I did love you. Always have,” you shyly admitted feeling your cheeks turn red.
Suddenly it felt like the alcohol washed away. Realistically it didn’t, but you knew that what you were saying wasn’t the result of the liquor. It was the truth. The most honest you’ve been and of course it sucked that you brought it out in this state. But the honesty behind it was never watered down like it was when you’re sober.
Johnny’s breath hitched at your confession. It’s not like he was surprised honestly. But it was more so he couldn’t bring himself to accept it. If you love him, why turn him down? Why be so inconsistent? Why not have been with him this entire time? He shook his head remaining silent. You could talk with him about this at another time right? Preferably when you were sober. If you could even remember this conversation at least.
Shortly Johnny pulled into his driveway. Parking his car and shutting off the engine, swiftly gets out and comes to the passenger side to help you out. “Come on Y/n, let’s help you out here okay?” he asked as he unbuckled your seatbelt for you and took your hand in his.
You stumbled out of the car due to your crazy heels and altered feeling of senses. But thankfully you were able to latch on to Johnny’s large frame as he guided you inside the house. Of course, you were right about the house being nice and big. Complimented with warm-toned furniture and hardwood floors. Adorned with beautiful portraits of him and his family, including the adorable Katie.
He guided you to the guest room, a simple queen-sized bed with white sheets and a TV parallel to it. You gasped at the room. “Johnny! I didn’t know you had a guest room,” you stupidly reacted looking at the scarcely decorated space which caused him to giggle.
“Have a seat Y/n,” he gently instructed leading you to sit on the edge of his bed. He got on one knee lightly lifting your ankle to untie your heel. Your breath hitched seeing him in the angle. He was focused and careful, his eyes carefully averted away from your bare legs.
“Johnny,” you whined softly as you cocked your head to the side to eye him.
“Hm?” he softly responded as both of your heels were in the palms of his hands. He rose back up to his feet, leaving the shoes near the edge of the bed. He hovered over you, his tall and broad frame standing above you. But not intimidatingly, lovingly. His eyes looked softly at yours as your expression was meek. “What’s wrong Y/n?” he questioned.
Your heartbeat is louder at the way he spoke to you. The gentleness and care this man poured onto you was one of the first things that drew you to him. It’s not surprising that that’s never changed. “I told you I was having fun with you and you’re pushing me away to bed so early,” you complained rolling your eyes at him with a bratty expression to go along with it.
Johnny wasn’t annoyed surprisingly. You would think he would be. You called him out of his sleep begging for his attention and had him drive miles out to get you. But to Johnny, if this was one of the only ways to care for you, he’d take it. He’d drive hours to be with you. He’d care for you, in any state whether it’s drunk or sober. Better him than anyone else.
“Ah, Y/n please don’t start that tonight,” he says as he pulls the blanket away and guides you to rest on the plush mattress. “Rest, we have plans for tomorrow night, right? Our dinner with Katie? I’d hate for you to miss it cause’ of a hangover,” he cooed.
He watched you pout as you reluctantly calmed under the sheets. The tightness of your dress hugging you wasn’t enough to overwhelm your feeling of tiredness. You blinked heavily as you looked up at the warm face of the man caring for you.
Your cheeks swarmed red and your eyes watered. Thinking about everything over the past few years. How did you miss out on this? You were stupid. The man who would go across the Earth, distract himself for years, give you time and space as you begged, just for years later to be met with the same amount of loyalty and love he left you with. Johnny’s love for you never changed. And neither did your love for him.
“Fuck,” you cursed under your breath as a warm tear fell on your face. You hid under the blanket to distract Johnny before he could notice it. Unfortunately, you were too late.
Johnny’s eyes widened as he kneeled downwards and caressed your cheek. “Hey, Y/n. What’s wrong,” he asked carefully whispering, hoping that he didn’t overwhelm you. He knew it could be a response to the alcohol, but it didn’t diminish his worry nor hinder his fear that something was hurting you.
You gently wrapped your arm around his wrist, strumming the area with your thumb. “I-I…” you stuttered choking on a sob. “I love you, and you don’t believe me. You never believed me,” you murmured muffling your sobs through the blanket.
Johnny’s head tilted and confusion hit your eyes. “What? No Y/n, I know you love me, we’ve been friends for years of course I know that,” he cooed as he attempted to calm you down. You shook your head rapidly as he wasn’t understanding what you were throwing out.
“No Johnny! I’m in love with you! You thought I wasn’t because I was worried about school,” you confessed as you sat up against the headboard with tear-stained cheeks streaming through your makeup.
“When I told you that night Junior year, I meant it. But you were with Stephanie and completely ignored it! You thought I hated you, but I was too scared, I didn’t want to fail! I didn’t want to argue, and then you fucking left us after graduation and wanted to fucking marry her Johnny! What was I supposed to do?!” you spat out in a daze.
The emotions ran through your veins like venom. You knew he wasn’t all to blame for the situation, at all. You didn’t do your all to show him that you loved him. How could you? But how could he not see through you? Wasn’t he supposed to be your best friend?
Johnny ran a palm down his face. His breathing was heavy. His eyes were sullen. He felt like shit. Of course, he knew was at fault, he went to be with someone else in the distraction of his feelings and yours. He shook his head before gently squeezing into the side of the bed.
He hugged you, closer than he ever had before. You sobbed into his broad chest. He believed every word you said. But there was no way he could talk to you about everything right now, not while you’re drunk and in bed with him. This close, he needed your full awareness and closure.
He pecked the top of your forehead and strummed his fingers through your hair as your sobs calmed and your breathing slowed.
“Don’t worry Y/n, I’m in love with you too,” he assured.
He calmed you until you were resting. A deep sleep overthrowing your consciousness.
The next morning was all too quick to come. The sunshine peeks through Johnny’s guest room curtains. You looked around the unfamiliar space, groaning at the sleepiness that was still taking over.
Thankfully, you weren’t one to have a loose memory after drinking and you were aware that you safely went home with Johnny. However, you don’t remember Johnny leaving the bed, as you noticed the side of the mattress was empty.
You flipped the blanket to the side pressed your bare feet into the carpet and trudged through the home. “Johnny!” you called out looking around for signs of the man.
A few moments later, his figure is seen opening the door to the primary bedroom as his body is covered in a black hoodie and matching sweatpants set with his slides on. “Good morning Y/n,” he smiled as he wrapped his arms around your waist for a hug.
You smiled back in return hugging him back and pulling him closer. “Hi, sorry I had to crash last night I didn’t expect you to bring me here,” you sheepishly apologized to the man. A deep sigh escaped your lips thinking about everything that happened last night.
“Don’t mention it Y/n,” he assured taking your hand in his. “Hey uhm, I have to pick up Katie in an hour, should I take you home now so you can have some time to yourself before dinner?” he suggested as his eyes gently scanned over your figure.
You were still in a skimpy dress. Your makeup was melting off and your hair was frizzier than anything. “Yeah that’s a good idea, I look a fucking mess,” you self deteriorated on about your looks. Johnny chuckled and let go of your palm.
“You’re a very pretty mess,” he complimented as he walked to grab his keys. “I’ll be at the door until you’re ready,” he calmly spoke.
You nodded turning to the guest room to grab your shoes, purse, and phone. You opened your device and saw missed calls from your best friend as well as spammed pictures of the night out flooding away your message box.
You texted her back immediately, letting her know you were safe and sound with Johnny and that you would be calling her back as soon as you could, sending lots of heart emojis and liking messages in the group chat.
You met Johnny at the door with a smile, lacing your hand in his signaling that you were ready to go.
While walking to Johnny’s car, he told you about Katie spending the night at her cousin's house and all things revolving around her and her social life. She’s very sociable like Johnny and everyone else loves having her around. She was only 3, but she was learning sight words and math already and could count to 100!
You were in the passenger seat as Johnny was driving, bragging more about the skills of his beautiful daughter.
“She’s such a treasure, she’s the best thing that came out of me and Steph’s relationship,” he admitted to you smiling at the thought of his daughter. “I want to enroll her in some extracurricular activities. I’d love for her to do a sport and play piano as I did, I’m scared I’m just not the best person to teach her, I want her to have more female figures in her life,” he solemnly admitted with a sad smile.
Your heart sank at Johnny’s words. “Growing up without a mother and distant from grandmothers or aunts must be a struggle for Katie, despite her having a lot of friends at daycare,” you poured your two cents out into the conversation, nervously meddling at your fingers.
Johnny nodded his head slowly in agreement. “Tell me about it, I just want the best for my little girl, that’s all. I try my best to buy her the toys and clothes she likes, but I have no idea what any of the dolls that she likes are from. Or any of the princesses or shows she likes to teach her, it’s hard to be a single parent but I want to be her best friend,” he confessed.
His cheeks were red at the vulnerable statements he shed out to you. It’s not that Johnny wasn’t attentive to Katie, there were just some things he naturally didn’t understand. He didn’t understand everything about hair, nails, princesses, and when she should play with certain things like makeup and such. How could he?
“Well, how about you start telling me when Katie starts taking an interest in certain things and I’ll help you set up a time to take her out and explore them. I’ll even tell you everything I know about Disney princesses and hair,” you chuckled as you held his right hand.
Johnny smiled beamed. “I would appreciate you more than I already do,” he softly admitted peaking over to glance at you.
You returned the bright look, glancing to the windshield to see him pulling up to your apartment complex. “Well, time for me to go. See you at 6?” you asked as you began to unbuckle your seatbelt.
Johnny nodded. “See you at 6 Y/n,” he assured before leaning to kiss your cheek. You grinned like an idiot, covering away your smile with your palm. “Bye Johnny,” you teased rolling your eyes as you exited the car.
He waved and sat in the parking spot before making sure you safely entered the apartment. The sigh that left his body was deep. He was completely whipped by you. Enamored even more with your interest in Katie. His heart swelled. It was full of love. For you.
You managed to have a very productive day once you arrived home. Of course, after showering and eating breakfast, you did some laundry and tidied the space around you. It was now nearing time for dinner and of course, you filled in your best friend from the events of last night.
You sat at your vanity once again, blending the makeup across your cheek with your phone propped up showcasing your best friend on the line, in bed next to her husband.
“Did you guys have sex?” she asked bluntly causing a disgusted groan from her husband lying next to her. “Shut up Derrick,” she cursed rolling her eyes.
A tsk sound escaped your lips. “No darling,” you assured her with a cheeky smile. “Just confessions, if anything happens again, I’ll let you know. But, I genuinely want to have a talk with him about everything,” you replied as you closed the lid to your powder, dusting it away from your face.
You stood up in front of the camera and smoothed out the outfit you adorned. A cream-colored blouse some blue jeans with a wedge. Something simple and flattering, yet appropriate to wear around Katie.
“Oh God! Y/n you look beautiful, if he doesn’t try to hit while you’re in that, I’m gonna do it for him,” she complimented with a beaming grin. Derrick clears his throat eyeing her. “Oh come on, let me hype up my maid of honor,” she scoffed rolling her eyes at her fiancé.
You chuckled at your best friends’ antics and continued getting ready, finishing your look with a nice lip gloss and spritzing some perfume. You checked the time, it’s about 5:30 and you wanted to make sure you were on time. “Okay babe, I’m bout to go. Love you! I’ll update you on everything when I’m finished,” you wished to your best friend as you picked up the phone making kissy faces.
She bid you farewell kissing the screen as well, signaling you to hang up. Once doing so, you grabbed your keys and headed downstairs to the parking lot. Sending Johnny a quick text letting him know that you were on the way as you slipped into your car, starting the engine.
Johnny was finishing up with the meal he prepared for you three. Just a simple steak and potatoes with a salad, nothing too fancy.
“Daddy! When is Ms. Y/n coming?” Katie ran into the kitchen to ask him with a small pout. Johnny smiled as he had just seen your message not too long ago appear on his phone.
“She’ll be here any minute baby. Are you that hungry?” he asked curiously as he finished dressing the salad. Katie shook her head.
“I just wanna see her,” she shyly confessed looking down at the tile floor. Johnny’s heart pattered, causing him to look at her with the softest eyes and his mouth tugging into a sheepish grin. “I wanna see her too Katie,” he assured the little girl.
A few moments later, a ring on the doorbell flooded the home. Katie immediately cheered running to the door knowing it was you. “She’s here!” she ran to the door singing out.
Johnny quickly followed behind her, worried she would open the door alone. “Hey, Katie! Wait for me baby,” he calmly asked catching her in time and popping her on his hip. He opened the front door to be met with your beautiful frame, a smile so bright it could light up the night. At least that was what Johnny said.
“Hi, Ms. Y/n!” Katie happily cheered waving at you. Your smile grew even bigger as you stepped inside to hold the sweet girl's hand. “Hello beautiful!” you greeted the young girl. “Hi, Johnny! It smells great in here,” you complimented as you slipped out of your shoes.
Johnny’s cheeks blushed red as he sheepishly strummed the back of his nape. “Thank you, Y/n. You look beautiful, like always,” he complimented moving to the side and setting Katie down.
Katie immediately latched on to your hand pulling you along with her to the table. She began babbling about dinner, movies, toys, anything you could name. Of course, you and her were best friends now, and best friends sit and listen to each other yap. You were no stranger to the scenario.
Johnny’s heart swelled at the sight. You paid attention to Katie just like he did. When she spoke, you responded. When she showed you toys, you looked. You made her feel seen and loved and that’s why she cared so much about you. And one of the many reasons Johnny cared about you.
Johnny set the table, handing you and him a nicely portioned plate of the dishes, while handing Katie her pink pig-shaped plate with steak bites and mini-sides. “Thank you, Daddy!” Katie grabbed before picking up her matching fork and started eating.
“Thank you, Johnny,” you said with a smile before starting to eat as well. Everything was heavenly. He remembered exactly how you liked your steak and what dressing you ate with your salad. The gestures meant everything to you.
Johnny’s smile was huge seeing that you and Katie enjoyed what he cooked. “Of course, girls. You know I had to go all out for my babies,” he assured as he took a bite of his own cooking.
The conversation was light. Katie talked about daycare and her friends. Johnny spoke about work and his interests as well as you. The flirting was kept to a respectful minimum, due to the toddler right next to you who was fighting sleep for the last hour.
Katie’s head dipped as she yawned over her empty plate. “Uh oh, someone’s very full and very sleepy,” Johnny pointed out as he stood up from the table, picking up the toddler to place her on his hip.
Katie sleepily yawned and rested her head on his chest, waving at you softly. “Night night, Ms. Y/n,” she pouted out closing her eyes.
Johnny giggled looking at you briefly. “I’ll be back, let me set this princess to bed,” he alerted you.
You nodded and waved to the sleepy girl. “Goodnight Katie, sleep well,” you bid to her as you patiently waited for Johnny to get back.
You kindly took it upon yourself to take the dishes off the table and wash them out for him. He’d done a great job of creating such a meal for you, it’s the least you could do.
Entering the kitchen, you notice the refrigerator. Lots of pictures of Katie over the stainless steel. Pictures of her when she was first born, her first Halloween, and even one recently of her and Johnny back in Chicago.
But one really caught your eye, the long dark hair that was too familiar. Stephanie, Johnny, and Katie sitting together at what seemed to be a fair or an amusement park. The sight was painful for you. The genuine looks of smiles bestowed the picture. From all three individuals. What went wrong?
Thoughts have flown through your head. About maybe one day, you could be a family with Johnny and Katie, maybe some children of your own. Getting older has definitely played a factor in your thoughts, but you would be happy with this. Being the mother that Katie needed, being the wife that Johnny needed. You loved them both.
“Yeah, I still need to take that down,” Johnny spoke from behind you, causing you to jump and almost drop all of the dishes. Your heart was pacing at the sudden scare.
“Fuck, you almost gave me a heart attack,” you cursed as you set the dishes into the sink. You looked shyly over to the pictures. “I-I, honestly. I couldn’t bring myself to take that down either honestly,” you tried to consolidate with the heartbroken man.
Johnny shrugged and came over to the fridge, tugging at the photo swiftly. “I can’t be bothered to care anymore,” he told you softly. “Plus, there’s something I have to speak with you about,” he brought up almost too bluntly causing your heartbeat to pick up with immense nervousness.
You cleared your throat meeting his eyes. “Yeah of course, what is it?” you tried to ask as coolly as your voice allowed.
Johnny leaned against the counter with his hands in his pockets, gaze falling into yours. “You said you loved me last night, while you were drunk,” he mentioned tilting his head to you. “I wanted to see if you could tell me that while you were sober,” he asked coolly. He knew that you loved him. But he knew that you were scared and reluctant, as you’ve always been.
But you two were adults now. Johnny understood you, but he also knew for his sake that the scared and reluctant act would do more harm than good for you two.
You sighed deeply thinking hard about what to tell him. You couldn’t lie, you gained nothing from it. It just pained the both of you more. But your mind wouldn’t let you be vulnerable.
“I-I was really drunk, I shouldn’t have poured it on you like that. You just got out of your relationship, and we just started speaking again, I don’t even know if I’m ready for anything,” you rambled out just to be caught off guard by Johnny rubbing his temples frustratingly. You looked at him with furrowed brows confused with his response.
“What will take for you to stop being so worried Y/n?” Johnny brought up. “We’ve loved each other for years, we stopped talking for years just to be brought back together. Nothing is holding us back anymore, we can be happy. Together. You’re worried I know,” Johnny began with a frustrating tone yet quiet voice.
His hands grabbed yours as his pleading eyes stared into yours. “You told me you loved me, that you’ve always loved me. Show me,” he spoke out to you gently.
Suddenly, a plethora of emotions hit you both like a truck. Especially you. You couldn’t think of anything. Anything other than kissing him. You cupped his cheeks, pulling him down to meet your sweet lips in a hunger-filled kiss.
He took no time to kiss back, pulling your nape deeper into his lips and filling your body with passion. The tension in the room thickened and the temperature rose, filling you both with an intense new feeling for each other.
Johnny’s hands roamed around your waist, enamored with your figure under the blouse. After a few moments, he pulled away from your lips breathing heavily and panting for air.
Your eyes met. His eyes hazily looked at yours, filled with an array of love and devotion. Yet laced with an ounce of lust. “Please stop hiding yourself from me Y/n,” Johnny pleaded to you as he began to kiss your jaw, earning soft hums from your mouth.
“Let’s just love each other,” he whispered as he closed any centimeter of space between you two. All you could do was nod and wrap your arms around his neck.
“We will just love each other. I’ll love you, give you all of me. I swear,” you promised to him as your hands roamed down his shoulders.
“Open,” is the first thing Johnny said to you as pushed to your knees on the floor of his bedroom. His length, hard and flushed dripping with pre-cum awaited your soft lips.
You did so, by opening your mouth ajar, and you felt a grip in your hair pushing your wet mouth onto his hard length. A groan of pleasure leaves Johnny’s mouth as he begins to thrust slowly into your mouth.
Gagging, you did your best to grasp onto his cock and suck away at the muscle. He was big, but it could t surprise you that much. Everything about him was. His muscles, his shoulders, his chest, his height. He was attractive in every physical and mental aspect. Reason number 99 on why you loved him.
Spit coaxed his length, making it easier for you to take it. But, it pushed him closer to his edge. You looked so beautiful to him, your eyes were welling with tears as you obeyed him so well.
“Such a beautiful girl,” he cooed loosening his grip a bit on your hair once you got a good rhythm on his cock. “You love me so much you’re gonna gag on my dick? Make me feel good and cum in your mouth?” he filthy mouthed at you. He strummed his thumb over your flushed cheeks as lewd noises from your lips filled the air.
All you could do was hum and gag for him, choking as his tip penetrated your throat. Each gag pushed him closer and closer to his climax. “Fuck, Y/n my baby is taking me so well, gonna cum so quick for you. Such a good girl,” he praised as his hips bucked into your throat quicker.
Tears were streaming from the intensity, but who were you to stop? You owed this to him, for his years of unconditionally waiting for you. Loving you. You needed this and so did he, you wanted to prove to him tonight that you loved him more than anything.
Johnny’s core tightened as his legs began to shake nearing his release. “Fuck,” he panted before slowing down his sloppy thrusts. Without warning, his warm thick liquid filled your mouth.
You didn’t think twice, swallowing his load and pulling off his length with a small pop sound. You took the back of your forearm wiping away any excess spit from your lips. “Did I do good?” you asked shyly looking at his gaze for an answer.
He nodded with a sheepish smile, helping lift you up and guiding you to his bed. “Yes baby,” he praised as he stroked your cheek and pushed away and excess hair from your sweaty face. “May I return the favor?” he asked softly pecking at your wet lips.
You responded with a soft nod as your eyes fluttered from the gesture. You lay on your back against his mattress. Johnny slowly came onto the bed, laying his long slender fingers against your seeping core.
Moans erupted from your lips, your legs shaking on impulse as he began sliding his digits against your heat. Coaxing his fingers in your stickiness. “Mmph, Johnny!” you whimpered out as you began bucking your core against his strong hand. A cocky grin filled his lips as he watched you impatiently move against his hand.
“So needy baby? You need me hm?” he asked staring at your weak expression. You nodded your head profusely at his question. “Need you! I need you so bad, I love you so much, please!” you screamed out confessing your desire for him.
A low groan escaped from him as he slid two fingers deep inside your aching pussy, clenching around his digits immediately. His pace was slow yet deep, taking in the feeling of your warm cunt.
“Feels so good right? I fuck you so good with my fingers,” he hummed out watching as his digits disappeared deeper into your core. Your abdomen tightened at the feeling, slick wet sounds filling the air as you began to pant at his touch.
He leaned into your ear, kissing and licking at your lobe and sucking on the bottom. “Imagine how good you’ll feel when I fuck you, right baby?” Johnny seductively whispered into your ear.
Earning enough stimulation, you pulsated around his thrusts feeling your climax reaching. Your back involuntarily arched as his pace quickened rapidly. “J-Johnny,” you spewed out with a harsh breath. “Cum, I wanna-“ you could barely get out as your climax overtook your body, causing sly spasms as you released onto his hand.
Johnny’s smirk grew as he acknowledged the sensation pooling into his palms. “You did so good didn’t you?” he asked as he slowly retracted his palm, bringing his fingers up to your lips for you to swallow your own cum.
Your brows furrowed as you stuck your tongue out, swirling around his digits and humming at the taste of your sweet release. Johnny watched intensively as you did so, his ego swelling at the sight.
“Good baby,” he cooed once you finished and made his way to spread your legs and sit between your thighs.
“Johnny,” you panted looking at him with lustful eyes, bringing your hands to graze over his clothed chest. He adorned a white muscle tee, exposing his biceps and shoulder tattoo to your eyes. “Yes darling?” he asked tilting his head to the side to meet your gaze.
“Off please,” you begged tugging at the light fabric of his shirt. He chuckled as his hands roamed to your light blouse, lifting it from the hem to expose your nude-colored bra. “Only if you do the same for me, baby,” he reprimanded motioning you to sit up.
You nodded obediently doing so, sitting up to swiftly remove your blouse and tossing it across the room. You then unclamped your bra, throwing it to the side as well. Leaving your top half completely on display for your lover.
His eyes lowered to your chest, enamored completely with what he had seen. Your nipples are hard and on display for his eyes, darkening as his breath hitched while lewd thoughts filled his head. “You’re so beautiful Y/n, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this,” he praised as his hands made their way to your breasts, toying with you.
You bit your lips at the sensation, arching your back at each gripping movement caused a loud moan from your lips. Your eyes fluttered rapidly as his fingers pinched at your nipples. “You sound so pretty, feels so good right? Want me to fuck you now hm?” Johnny questioned as his hands lowered to your waist, gripping the sides and pulling you closer to his chest.
You nodded rapidly, tugging once more on his tee as your eyes locked with his. “Now Johnny!” you whined out earning a coy chuckle from him once again. “Okay, baby, don’t worry, you’re gonna feel so good,” he assured kissing your forehead as removed his tank.
His hand reached for the small of your back, lying you down once again on his mattress and lining himself up with your slick entrance. He was careful not to break the kiss, distracting you once he entered his thick length into your tight core.
The sensation filling you causes a loud scream to erupt from your throat, just to be shushed and calmed down by Johnny. “Shh, darling,” he whispered slowing his pace as he deepened into you. “Be a good girl, take my cock, princess, I know you can do it for me right?” his words were so explicit yet filled with a tender reassurance that you desperately needed at the moment.
You nodded slowly, shutting your eyes and taking in the feeling. “So big Johnny,” you praised as he was now fully engaged in your heat. His movements started off slow, yet deep and steady. Low grunts echoed from him, while high-pitched moans came from your sweet lips. Johnny couldn’t help but feel encouraged to ram into you rougher, now wanting to hear how loud you could get for him.
He wanted to hear how amazing he made you feel. He knew you loved him and that he was all you needed. He needed to hear it from you, one way or another.
“Talk to me baby,” he instructed as he quickened his pace hitting your sweet spot. You could barely focus on formulating a sentence, all you could think of was the sensational pleasure he gave you. “F-feels so good Johnny, I can’t…” you gasped out needily as you felt him ram into your core as your legs were close to your chest.
Johnny grunted out, gripping the sheets adjacent to you as he buried himself deeper into your cunt. “You can’t what baby? You can’t take my cock? You can’t take how much I love you? Hm?” Johnny asked as his thrusts became steadier and deeper, sweat beading on his forehead. “You want me to stop?” he teased earning a whine from you.
“I can take it! I want to feel all your love, please keep fucking me!” you moaned out, feeling his deep thrusts strike something in you. The sex was rough. Everything about it was passionate and aggressive, but it was exactly what you needed from each other. Years worth of tension, pent-up aggression, and remorse, are finally being poured into each other.
“I need you, I love you, please!” you confessed to Johnny, pushing his nape closer to kiss your neck as you reached closer to your high.
Johnny’s eyes fluttered as low grunts escaped his mouth. He was lost in you. The woman he loved the most, the longest. He finally had you. He gave his all to you, and you were finally doing the same. “I love you too, let me cum for you darling,” he begged as his kisses and thrusts alike become rugged and sloppy.
Mixes of curses and moans echoed in the air, your climax clashed with Johnny’s. He rammed into you, deepening his ejaculate into your cunt, mixing away with your juices until he collapsed to the side of you.
Both of your chests were heaving up and down, sweat beading over each of your bodies.
Once the calm filled the air, your head cocked to the side as you faced your lover. “I’m sorry, for everything that’s happened over the past few years. I know I was dumb because I was scared but-“
You were cut off immediately by a warm familiar hand cupping your flushed cheek, and a soft tingling kiss pressed against your lips.
“No more apologies Y/n. Let’s just do this the right way,” Johnny asked of you. His eyes filled with a sparkle, a plea.
All you could do was smile. Nodding to him before you took him into a deep kiss again.
“By the power invested in me,” the reverend spoke at the altar. You stood behind your beautiful best friend who was draped in her white lacey veil and dress. To her opposite was her husband Derrick with a proud Johnny standing behind him, his gaze alternating between the scene ahead, and you.
You held back a few tears that threatened to fall, the sight was beautiful. The pianist played a soft melody in the background. You looked stunning in the silky emerald dress that all the other bridesmaids had to wear, as it complimented the black suits with emerald ties the groomsmen wore.
The wedding was picture perfect, it was exactly how your best friend and you could’ve imagined. The green accents surround the garden as well as the tables and decor. Your best friend pat away a single tear that streamed down her beautifully painted face.
“You may now kiss the bride,” the reverend happily stated. Not even a moment later, the pair began to kiss each other with such a loving vigor as the room erupted in cheers and claps.
Your eyes matched with Johnny’s, the same amount of energy that you felt in the moment was reciprocated from him as well. It was evident that love was in the air for everyone, you two included.
Following the ceremony, the room erupted into laughter and dancing. Your best friend was already tipsy from champagne, laughing in the arms of her husband.
You sat at the table with all the other bridesmaids, giggling as you sipped on your own glass as well. Then, a familiar warm hand caressed your shoulder causing you to look up at the source.
A beaming Johnny met your gaze, his hand extended out to you. “Care to dance?” he asked almost too casually. It was cliche, but it was Johnny. Could you really say no?
A soft giggle came from the table as you and the girls looked at him. You reached your hand out taking your fingers in his, “of course, Mr. Suh,” you agreed dipping to him playfully as he pulled you to the dance floor.
He wrapped his hands sweetly around your waist, pulling you closely to him. Your arms naturally met around his neck taking in his beauty, staring blissfully into his eyes as you began to sway along with him to the music.
“You know,” he began as he stared down at your figure. “I always knew, since freshman year that they were going to last,” he mentioned referring to Derrick and your best friend, causing you to tilt your head to their direction.
“Yeah, especially the way Derrick spoke about her. It always let me know that he was so deeply in love with her you know?” you replied back, smiling happily at the sigh of your best friend in the arms of her loving husband.
Johnny nodded with a small chuckle. “Yeah,” he stated before locking eyes with you.
“It’s the same way I speak about you.”
Authors Note:
EEEEK! this took me a few days, but i THOROUGHLY hope you enjoy! pls repost and like everything! engage! i’ll write more i swear, any requests or suggestions you have, PLS lmk!
love, mei~
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wendichester · 9 hours ago
hi! A fan here! Can you please do a dean x reader where she's a substitute teacher at the school that makes the supernatural play, she turns out to be a hunter as well and she's on the same case as the Winchesters. Thank you so much!
✮⋆˙ the substitute,
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summary. the real winchesters come to join the supernatural musical
pairing. dean winchester x reader
wordcount. 554
notes. thank you so so much for requesting, lovely 😙
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The first time Dean sees you, you’re standing at the front of a high school auditorium, wrangling a bunch of teenagers who clearly couldn’t care less about whatever speech you’re giving.
“…And remember, if you forget your lines, just keep going,” you say, clapping your hands. “The audience doesn’t know you messed up unless you tell them.”
Dean leans toward Sam, who’s sitting beside him in the back row. “I don’t get it. Why the hell are we wasting time at a school play?”
Sam sighs. “Because kids keep disappearing from the drama department. And—” He gestures toward the giant banner above the stage.
Supernatural: The Musical!
Dean groans. “Right. ‘Cause that nightmare needed to make a comeback.”
Before Sam can reply, you spot them. Your gaze flickers over the two men in the back, assessing. Then, with a quick word to the students, you step down from the stage and make a beeline for them.
Dean straightens, expecting some kind of lecture about visitor passes or whatever, but when you reach them, you cross your arms and smirk.
“You must be the Winchesters.”
Dean blinks. “Uh—sorry, what?”
You tilt your head. “You guys aren’t as sneaky as you think. And you definitely don’t look like parents of a student here.”
Sam shoots Dean a See? look.
Dean recovers fast, flashing you his signature grin. “Depends. If we say yes, do we get detention?”
You don’t take the bait. Instead, you gesture toward the exit. “Let’s take this outside.”
Dean exchanges a look with Sam before following you into the hallway.
The second the doors swing shut behind them, you turn on your heel. “So, which one of you is the genius who thought it was a good idea to work a case without checking if another hunter was already on it?”
Dean blinks. “Excuse me?”
You raise an eyebrow. “I’ve been here for three weeks investigating these disappearances, and then you two waltz in, stepping all over my toes.”
“You’re a hunter?” Sam asks, surprised.
“Yup.” You pull a small flask from your pocket, unscrewing the lid and taking a swig. “Been tracking this thing since the first kid vanished.”
Dean crosses his arms, studying you. He’s met plenty of hunters in his time, but none quite like you. You seem… comfortable here. Like you actually like the whole teacher thing.
“So, what’s the play?” he asks.
You grin. “Oh, that’s easy. I keep being a responsible adult, and you two try not to traumatize any more students while I figure out where this thing is hiding.”
Dean huffs a laugh. “And what exactly is this thing?”
You hesitate. “Still working on that part.”
Sam frowns. “The bodies—”
“Never found.” You nod. “No sulfur, no EMF, no signs of witchcraft. Just kids vanishing without a trace.”
Dean scratches his jaw, intrigued despite himself. “Alright, teach. You got room for two more on this field trip?”
You smirk. “That depends.”
“On what?”
Your eyes flicker to his. “How well you can follow instructions.”
Dean’s grin is slow and lazy. “Sweetheart, you have no idea how good I am at taking direction.”
Sam groans. “Oh my God.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Fine, Winchester. You’re in.”
And just like that, the case—and whatever this is between you and Dean—just got a whole lot more interesting.
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urcoolgf · 1 day ago
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what's your deal? pt. 4
pairing : childhood bsf!rafe x reader
content : fluff
summary : desperate to distract you from enzo, rafe decides to go on a date of his own– but when it backfires, he’s left feeling even more hopeless than before
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he had spent all night thinking about it– about you. your smile when you talked about enzo, how giddy you got, the way he had never seen you like that over a guy before– the way he had never made you like that… it was driving him insane, even more insane than he already was. he didn't sleep much that night. he even peaked into your room around 4am to find you tangled in your comforter, the parts of you that were showing were clad in tiny pajamas barely covering anything. that image alone solidified the idea in his mind that enzo could never have you.
he didn't deserve you. enzo wasn't the one there for you when your first boyfriend dumped you– an idiot, by the way– he wasn't there that one time you got so sick you couldn't even feed yourself– he did it for you, and he did it happily (even if he gave you a hard time in the moment). enzo wasn't there when your mom died. he didn't stay at your house for weeks on end, doing anything, and everything he could to make you feel better, wiping your tears.
enzo. could. not. have. you.
you were his– everyone on kildare knew it. he wished everyone in the bahamas did, too. but, he wasn't a simple man. he wasn't just gonna flat out tell you that you were his, that enzo could never treat you as good as he could. so, he did the next best thing– he made a plan, duh. he's a proactive type of person after all.
at breakfast the next morning, rafe didn't speak to you– in fact, he didn't even really look at you. you knew he was probably mad, but he was 21 years old– he would have to get over it. throwing a tantrum wasn't gonna keep you from seeing enzo again. your dad hadn't planned any specific 'family outings' for the next two days, so you all were free to do what you wanted in the meantime.
usually, you would hang out with rafe– explore the area, find new restaurants, go to the beach, take walks… but he was proving to be difficult, to say the least. the good thing was, you had enzo to do all that stuff with while rafe continued pouting.
enzo couldn't hang out until tomorrow, so you decided to just chill at the beach for today. after you ate, you returned to your room to change into a swimsuit. sarah and wheezie said they would join you, but they've kind of been doing their own thing this whole time– which was fine by you, as long as they were having fun.
your bikini was a light pink (and pretty tiny)– trying to get every spare inch of your skin tan– so, when you walked back downstairs with a towel and your bag in hand, rafe finally decided to spare you a glance. his eyes widened in what seemed to be anger, but you couldn't care less.
your dad was already gone for the day. he met up with an old friend he made when him and your mom used to come here all the time, and they were going fishing today. sarah and wheezie were still eating as you walked out the back door, heading towards the beach.
rafe never said a word to you though– his plan wouldn't work if he did. as you laid your towel down on the warm sand, you felt a sense of peace. you were alone, the weather was perfect, and the sound of waves crashing was so calming it could lull you to sleep if you let it.
you pulled out your book you had brought for this trip, and began reading while you tanned your backside.
a few hours had passed, and you decided you wanted some lunch. sarah and wheezie had since joined you. sarah laid next to you while wheezie was playing in the water. you turned your head to look at sarah. she had her eyes closed, but you figured that was just to block the sun's rays.
"hey, sare? you want some lunch?," you asked, eyes squinting to keep the brightness out.
"i'm okay! i'll probably just make wheeze and i some sandwiches in a bit," she responded with a kind smile.
"alright! you cool if i go grab somethin' quick?," just as the words escaped your mouth, your phone pinged, but sarah replied anyway.
"alone?," she propped herself up on her elbows, clearly nervous about having you go off alone, even though you were older than her.
enzo: Hey! My afternoon freed up. Wanna get some lunch? There’s a great local place not too far from your house. It’s super lowkey :) I’ll meet you there?
y/n: sounds awesome! just send me the address
"no. not alone. i'll go with enzo," you couldn't help the smile that formed, almost giddy that he was able to hang out earlier than you expected.
"oh, okay! sounds good. have fun!," she gave you a sly smirk as if you were gonna do something your father wouldn't approve of.
"see ya later," you laughed, standing from your towel, and grabbing your stuff before walking back to the house to put some more clothes on– kind of.
you just threw on some tiny jean shorts, and a basically see through top over your bikini– when in rome, right? you put on some perfume, and fixed your curls a bit before slipping on some sneakers, and pulling your purse over your shoulder. rafe’s room was empty as you passed by it, and you realized you hadn’t seen him since breakfast. weird.
you headed out the front door. turning on your phone’s gps, plugging in the address enzo had sent you– only a 7 minute walk, not bad.
once you had arrived, enzo was standing by the entrance scrolling through his phone, his other hand rested in his pocket. he glanced up, when his eyes met yours you started almost skipping toward him. once you got to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck. you didn’t care if it seemed like too much, because he returned the hug without hesitation.
“hey pretty girl,” he flashed his perfect teeth, and you swore your heart skipped multiple beats because ‘pretty girl’? you were absolutely done for. the two of you made your way inside, which was actually still outside because the sitting area was all open. only a floor, and a roof– some railing lined the edges, but still gave the view of the ocean.
“this place is so cute! i can’t believe i haven’t been here!,” you said, turning toward enzo with a mixture of excitement, and shock in your eyes.
“it’s new. built it a few months ago, but it’s gotten great traction. people love it like it’s been around for years,” the hostess guided you to a table. enzo was right– it was super laid back. a bar on the opposite side of the railing, constant chatter, people in their swimsuits. it was nice to be somewhere so down to earth. you and enzo continued talking, totally oblivious to who was standing just mere feet away from you.
he was ‘laughing it up’ with some girl he couldn’t quite remember the name of. nothing she was saying was funny– he didn’t even find her interesting, but she was the first option he came across, and she didn’t have to be perfect to be part of the plan.
she touched his bicep, almost as if he had told her to act it up– he had not. her voice was honestly agitating him, but he forced himself to get over it. you were sat in the perfect position– once you glanced up from pretty boy over there– you’d get the perfect view of him and the girl hanging off of him. then you’d know how it felt to be replaced.
you looked around, taking in the atmosphere when low and behold– rafe cameron everybody. his blue eyes met yours, and you just gave him a quick wave and small smile. it was like you had only met him in a pass by, and not as if he’d been your friend your whole life– he was fuming inside. you turned back to enzo who was now talking about some other new restaurants around that you needed to try before you left. you listened intently, watching the way his lips moved, and how his brow quirked when he got passionate about sharing something.
man, you were so fucked.
a long enough time had passed where rafe was officially pissed. you hadn’t said anything to him, hadn’t come up asking who this girl was. you didn’t show the slightest sign of being mad that he had ignored you that morning only to have another girl with him later that day. rafe wrapped his arm around the woman with him, striding over to your table with a drink in his hand and a proud smirk on his face. he was gonna make you notice him.
“hey, guys. funny seein’ ya here,” he chucked a little, raising the brim of his beer bottle to his lip, still holding a smirk.
“hey, rafe,” you were nice, but you hated how he had been acting, and honestly you were really trying to just spend time with enzo.
“what’s up, man?,” enzo said calmly. he probably wasn’t oblivious to the tension between them two, but he was surely good at acting like he was. how mature– you weren’t even sure rafe knew what that word meant.
“not much, man. jus’ hangin’ out with my friend here,” he smiles down at the girl tucked under his arm, her eyes looking back up at him with clueless admiration. the waitress appeared behind rafe, ready to take your order.
“oh! i think it’s time to order… i’ll see you at the house, yeah?,” you absent-mindedly asked rafe. you didn’t really care what his answer was, or if he even gave one. you turned back to enzo quickly asking what was good there. you had been so caught up in talking you hadn’t even looked at the menu in front of you.
if you were paying any attention to the look rafe was giving you, you would swear he was burning holes in the side of your head right now. his anger evident in his wide eyes as he scoffed, and walked off with whatever-her-name-was.
“what can i get started for you guys?,” the waitress asked kindly. rafe could hear your laugh, fading as he got farther from you.
“i’ll just have whatever he has,” your giggles driving rafe mad. his envy only growing when he hears enzo laughing along with you.
“that’s a lot of pressure!,” he joked before saying his order– you even had the waitress chuckling, it was absurd.
his thoughts began to race as he walked off with some girl who wasn’t you, while you sat infatuated with some guy that wasn’t him.
rafe has never felt this out-of-control. usually he was always able to maintain a situation, but you were proving impossible to maintain. maybe that’s what he liked about you usually, but right now it was infuriating. the whole ‘vacation fling’ was supposed to be a joke– now, not only was it real, you were wanting to stay with the guy.
enzo had you… what the fuck was rafe supposed to do now?
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TAGS ! @yktayy9669 @drewsswifeyy @drewrry @frankoceanluvr11 @dearestmillls @icaqttt @mystic-megumi @hpboysslut2707
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81pastrys · 2 days ago
hello i hope your doing well, i was hoping you could write something about lando with his little girl and hes doubting his abilities to care for her (i picture lando as a single dad so he dosent have much support) however when he reaches out for help his daughter only wants him and it reassures him that hes doing a good job.
Summary— Lando questions his ability to care for Lexie because he had her so young, but she proves him wrong in one day.
Warnings— mentions of adoption
A/N— I figured this was more a Lexie than a Lila
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Lando’s ex springing that she was pregnant was something for itself, but what he didn’t expect was for her to give him sole custody of Lexie. He begged his mum to take custody, but she didn’t think that was a good idea.
Now Lexie is 3 and he really feels lost, the threenager phase was kicking his ass. He had a good load of work and his mum had her a lot now. His day off was nothing of the sort.
Lexie jumped on top of him, courtesy of sharing a bed in his mums house. “Daddy wake up!” She squealed at him. He woke up and smiled at her. He tickled her off of him and then they got ready for the day.
His mum would do all the girly things with her in the morning, like picking an outfit, doing her hair. She wouldn’t do it today with him there though. “Lexie why won’t you listen to Mimi?” Lando asked. She smiled up at him.
“Because daddy, you’re here.” He looked to his mum who melted at the comment. He helped her pick an outfit for the day and helped her get changed. Then she wanted him to do her hair ‘like he does his.’
“You want curls today?” He asked, he didn’t exactly know what she meant. She nodded and he used his hair products to get her curls perfect. “All done! Look at your beautiful hair.” He giggled with her in the mirror.
They ate breakfast and had a fun day just playing around the house. At the end of the day they did a movie night with everyone and Lexie was the last one to pick a spot. She hesitantly walked towards the couch and towards Lando.
“Come see, lex.” He grabbed her and she melted perfectly into his side. “I love you.” He whispered. She mumbled the same words back to him and he smiled.
Despite the amazing day he had with Lexie, he brought up having his mum adopt her. He was older now and really thought it through. “No.” His mum said flatly. “You got someone pregnant who didn’t want kids Lando, so you have to pay the price.” She explained for the millionth time.
“But mum, racing is hard with a toddler, I can’t do it on my own!” He whined to her. Lexie was sound asleep a few rooms over. “It would be so much easier if you just adopted her.”
“Lando, I told you no.” She said firm. Lando let out a heavy sigh. “She loves you, like I love you.” She said. Little feet pattered across the hall and made their way to Lando. Lexie held out her arms for him to hold her, accompanied by whines.
“Scary dream daddy.” She whined in his arms. His mum gave him a told you look and he sighed again. Out of anyone in the house, he ran to find him.
“It’s okay Lexie, let’s go back to bed yeah?” He said, walking back to his room. He laid in bed with her until they fell asleep. Maybe it wouldn’t be bad after all if she really did want him instead of anyone else.
Can’t beat a good dad Lando fic
Taglist: @il0vereadingstuff
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pushspacetocontinue · 2 days ago
"That's a good way to see it," Leofric said, with another small nod, "It means that we're doing something right. One thing we have is that we care about each other. While at least two of his lackeys were simply loyal to his money or other perks."
And therefore could be outbought, as the Twins had shown. Of course there was the fact they had been surrounded and didn't have their car, which would have played a part in their decision as well.
"Guess not," Travis seemed all right with that idea.
"That's a pretty cool idea," Simon said, "I just don't want them bringing me a sandwich because I dreamed about eating for example. It feels like it would be extra unneeded work for example."
"I mean, I've already started you all with 1000 points just for shooting at him in the first place," Antonio said, "But I think you can get 100 if you shoot him right in his mouth, because he can't seem to stop running it even now."
Bill tightened his tentacles around Ratchet's legs in response to the kicking. Enough to hurt a little, and for Ratchet to feel how cold they were through his clothes, but Bill otherwise didn't look up from his game or say anything else.
"Thank you," Leofric said, with another nod, "That will be useful for both my healing endeavours and for Rook's remodelling plans."
"Y-yes," Russell said, "And you've, you've both defin-definitely earned, earned a, a break. As they say, all, all work and, and no, no play makes, makes you a, a dull boy."
Travis moved to help Erica reload, as well as get a couple of guns prepared for the Twins. He still didn't fully trust them, but he knew this was part of Russell's ploy to keep them on their side for the moment.
"Go, and, and join in," Russell then said, gesturing with his head, "From, from what I've seen, you, you get the most points for, for getting him in, in the dick or, or his mouth."
"As far as he's concerned, they feel like nails," Antonio said, when he saw they were a little disappointed that they were nerf darts, "More pain, less mess."
"Look at it this way. We can't do worse than Five, who has been collecting enemies and losing allies." Willow replied while giving the drone and Smokey a gentle pat, before turning away, "Let's not exhaust all our options on the first thug that's bothering us."
After all, they couldn't keep this whole matter under wraps for too long. It would be wise to keep at least a few tricks up their sleeves to catch the next problem off guard.
"Well, I must maintain a connection in order to control a full swarm."
"It's like talking to animals, in a way." Erica added.
"I still think it's unfair." Lucien replied. Erica was right, he was already out of ammo and had plenty of time to keep arguing. He figured out how to remove the clip and the elf immediately got to reloading it.
"Look. You get pool, I get to do well in a game that's basically the main thing I do at work." Rook said, motioning to Ratchet with the nerf gun, "The angle's right. He doesn't even fly around or throw stuff at me."
Erica chuckled, "Can you tell which one's the face and the butt?"
Ratchet kicked in annoyance. "Fuck you!"
Erica shot again. "Be nice or you'll find something else up your butt!"
She turned to Rook, who nodded approvingly.
The Twins both gave a slight nod of acknowledgement to Leofric before they placed two boxes down.
"This is the herbalist stuff."
"And this is for the arson."
"It's not arson, just a bit of forceful remodeling!" Rook said, glancing at the box with the supplies she requested. The brief pause gave Ratchet time to turn to the brothers.
"For shame, boys! How could you ditch us for the Hentai Squad?"
Erica shot him again, "Fifty points, please!"
The Twins didn't need to be told twice to accept the offer.
"Yes. We would like to join-"
"-the shooting practice, boss."
"It's been a long day!"
The only downside was that they wouldn't be allowed to use real bullets on Ratchet.
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bradleysass · 2 days ago
Attention - @rosekillermicrofic - wc: 812
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Barty flopped onto Pandora’s bed with a dramatic groan, throwing an arm over his eyes. “I need help.”
Pandora barely looked up from her sketchbook, lazily twirling a pencil between her fingers. “I’m not bailing you out of jail again.”
“That was one time.”
“Three times.”
Barty waved a dismissive hand. “Irrelevant.” He rolled onto his side, staring at her like a man on the verge of a breakdown. “This is serious, Dora. I need Evan’s attention.”
Pandora arched a brow. “You already have it. You’re his best friend.”
“Not like that,” Barty whined, pushing himself up onto his elbows. “I mean real attention. Like, gaze-lingering, heart-racing, bite-his-lip-when-he-looks-at-me attention.”
Pandora sighed, setting her sketchbook aside. “So you finally admit it.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
She gave him a flat look. “Barty. You’ve been in love with him since we were sixteen.”
Barty groaned again, throwing himself back onto the bed. “Yeah, well, knowing it and doing something about it are two different things.” He turned his head to look at her. “So? What do I do? How do I make him look at me the way I look at him?”
Pandora hummed, tapping a finger against her chin in exaggerated thought. “Well, you could try actually telling him.”
Barty scoffed. “That’s insane.”
“Or,” she continued, ignoring him, “you could make him jealous.”
That got his attention. He sat up, intrigued. “Go on.”
“You’re always attached to him, right?” she said, tilting her head. “So, do the opposite. Flirt with someone else. Act like you’re too busy for him. Make him miss you.”
Barty frowned, rolling the idea around in his head. “What if he just—what if he doesn’t care?”
Pandora smiled knowingly. “Then he’s a better actor than you.”
Barty mulled it over, feeling a flicker of something dangerous and thrilling in his chest. “Alright,” he said slowly, a smirk creeping onto his face. “Let’s make him suffer.”
Two days into his experiment, Barty was starting to think Pandora might be a genius.
At first, Evan hadn’t seemed to notice when Barty started answering texts late or making plans with other people instead of their usual hangouts. But by the end of day two, there was a distinct shift. Evan had stared him down at lunch when Barty laughed a little too hard at something Dorcas said. He’d gone oddly quiet when Barty had made an offhand comment about maybe seeing someone new.
And then, the final straw—Evan had cornered him at a party.
Barty barely had time to register the firm grip on his wrist before Evan was dragging him out onto the balcony, away from the noise and people. The cool night air hit Barty’s face just as Evan spun around to face him, his expression unreadable.
“What’s going on with you?” Evan demanded.
Barty blinked, playing innocent. “What do you mean?”
Evan scoffed, running a hand through his hair, visibly frustrated. “You’ve been weird. Distant. Acting like—like you’re suddenly too busy for me.” His jaw clenched, his voice dropping lower. “Are you?”
Barty swallowed. He hadn’t expected Evan to react so fast, or so intensely. His heart was hammering in his chest. “Why do you care?” he asked, testing, teasing, just to see what Evan would do.
Evan took a step closer. “Because it’s you,” he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And you don’t just slip away from me without a damn good reason.”
Barty felt like he was standing on the edge of something dangerous, exhilarating. “And what if I want you to chase me?” he murmured, barely above a whisper.
Evan’s eyes darkened, his gaze dropping to Barty’s lips for a fraction of a second before meeting his eyes again. “Then stop running.”
Barty barely had time to process the words before Evan closed the space between them, pressing him against the railing. The cool metal bit into Barty’s back, but he barely noticed—Evan was right there, his breath warm, his presence overwhelming.
“You’re an idiot,” Evan muttered, voice rough with frustration.
Barty smirked, trying to keep his composure even as his pulse skyrocketed. “Took you long enough.”
Evan huffed a laugh, then cupped Barty’s jaw, tilting his head up slightly. “If you wanted my attention, you could’ve just asked.”
Barty’s breath hitched as Evan leaned in, the anticipation crackling between them like a live wire. And then, finally—finally—Evan kissed him. It was firm, almost possessive, like he was claiming something that had always been his.
Barty melted into it instantly, gripping Evan’s shirt to pull him even closer. The tension, the teasing, the games—they all led to this moment, and Barty had never felt more electrified.
When they finally pulled apart, Evan rested his forehead against Barty’s, exhaling softly. “No more running.”
Barty grinned. “Only if you keep chasing.”
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loveunt0ld · 1 day ago
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juno - hwang hyunjin
he’s always been your best friend, ever since middle school. but somewhere along the way, that all changed and then you found yourself seeing him from a different perspective. noticing the way your heart danced extra when he was around. little do you know, hyunjin’s been in the same boat for a while now too. is a silly game of truth or dare enough to change that?
a/n: this is my first time writing something like this but i really wanted to for hyun’s bday! this is sort of lightly inspired by sabrina carpenter’s juno. happy birthday my forever love ♡
hwang hyunjin. that was the name of your best friend, who you’ve been in love with for the past couple of years now. you remember meeting him all those years back. he warmed up to you rather quickly. he was a ray of sun on the most gloomiest of your days. he was light personified. even though he tells you he’s the lucky one, he doesn’t realize the ways in which he’s changed your life. your happiest moments were all thanks to him. what a privilege it is to grow up with the warmest soul on planet earth you thought.
you two were now in your last year of college, and you still hadn’t confessed the way you felt about him. it’s been years of lingering touches, longing looks and nothing from either of you. despite how close you were to hyunjin, you could never tell what he truly thought of you. to the average person, you two looked like you were dating, so clearly in love. but between you two? you were both too scared to cross that line.
you were pulled out of your thoughts by a tap on your shoulder. you turned around to see him. hyunjin. you felt your heart leap out of your chest, but you smiled upon seeing him.
“y/n? are you okay?” hyunjin asked, concerned something was bothering you. you shook your head, scared that your voice would shake and betray you. you grounded yourself before answering.
“yes hyune. i’m ok, i promise.” too close you thought. hyunjin gave you a look before accepting your answer, not wanting to pry anymore. you’ll talk to him when you’re ready he thought. he has no idea you close you are to just saying to hell with it, especially when he looks at you like you personally put the stars in the sky.
“if you say so. i just wanted to ask if we were still on for our little get together later?” he asks. he was celebrating his birthday with a small party. you had been anxiously waiting. you had spent an insane amount of time trying to get him a gift, but nothing ever felt just right.
“of course hyun! how could i forget?” you smiled, feeling your heartbeat in your ears. you prayed he couldn’t hear it. he gave you prettiest smile ever, with his crescent moon eyes on full display. he’s the prettiest when he’s happy you thought.
“i knew you wouldn’t. just wanted to remind my favorite girl is all. i don’t think i’d have a good time if you weren’t there.” he playfully says, all while playing with your hand. this can’t be casual anymore. he’s starting a whole war in your heart and he’s not even aware of it. you’re reminded that this whole party wasn’t even his idea to begin with, but rather your friend groups idea. you hoped he’d at least have fun.
“i obviously need to be there. who else is gonna bug you if not me?” you joked. he laughed, knowing he’d feel some sort of calmness with you there. it’s just so easy to do things with him by your side. he thought so too. you stared at him, hearts in your eyes. he looked down at his watch, immediately standing up.
“i didn’t realize i’m gonna be late for my next class. ill see you later, ok love?” he said while hugging you, not forgetting to land a kiss on your head. this is totally not what bestfriends do. you waved him goodbye, already nervous for the next time you’d see him.
later arrives and you’re standing outside of hyunjin’s apartment. you can feel the music coming from inside and you already know what to expect when you walk in there. leave it to jisung and felix for being in charge of attendance. your nerves settled as quickly as they rose. you texted hyunjin, telling him you arrived. seconds later he opened the door, looking at you and just taking in your appearance.
“hi pretty. im glad you made it. just be warned it’s a little crazy in there.” he stated, as if you couldn’t see past his shoulder where the madness ensued. you laughed anyways, happy he warned you regardless. he took your hand before he shut the door and led you to where his friends were. all of them immediately turning their heads towards your arriving figures and smiling, like they all knew something you didn’t.
“i see he’s already protecting you from this madhouse.” seungmin says, practically yelling over the music. you both chuckled, but too nervous to say the wrong thing.
“now that y/n is here, we should play a game! anyone up for truth or dare?” jeongin proposed while the others wore knowing smirks, clearly aware of his intentions. they all agreed to it, including hyunjin. you felt your heart drop, scared of what would happen.
you’re all sat in a big circle. it’s childish that this is the game they chose to play, right? but in the same nature, it felt fitting given the scenario. hyunjin sat by your side, listening to the outrageous things that were coming out of your friends mouths. each truth or dare becoming more outrageous than the last. your stomach hurt from constantly laughing, it was almost enough to make you forget that you and hyunjin were also playing.
“your turn hyunjin!” minho yells, snapping you out of your thoughts. you tensed a little bit. you had no idea what they had planned for him but you don’t know if you liked it one bit. hyunjin, on the other hand, looked calm. he didn’t indulge in his choice too much.
“dare.” hyunjin states. now you were sure everything you tried so hard to hide from him would be undone in a matter of minutes. maybe you needed this push, before it was too late. either way, that didn’t help to settle the storm brewing in you right now. you looked around, hoping the dare wouldn’t involved you. but they all knew your feelings for him.
it’s minho who also announces the dare. “i dare you to tell your crush how you feel. at this exact moment. doesn’t have to be in front of us, but you should tell her.” he reveals and you feel like you can’t breathe for just a second. that is until hyunjin is taking your hand and taking you upstairs to his room, that’s when you snap out of it.
the guys watch as hyunjin drags you away. they look at each other, knowing it’s long overdue. changbin starts talking, “do you think he’ll be mad at us?” clearly worried about what hyunjin would do. chan can only laugh beside him.
“he wouldn’t be. not when she feels the exact same way about him.” chan assures them, and that’s enough for all of them to smile at each other, happy that hyunjin would finally have the girl of his dreams.
up in hyunjin’s room, neither of you could look at each other. you hovered near his bed, while he stood at the door, making sure to lock it. the tension in the room thick enough to be cut through with a knife. you hear him shuffling around but you’re too scared to look up at him. you see his shoes come into view, knowing he’s standing right in front of you.
“y/n… i knew they would do that. but the truth is, i planned to tell you on my own terms. they’re not wrong. it’s just that, somewhere along the way, my like become love. im in love with you. you’re the only one for me y/n.” hyunjin states while looking down at you. “will you look at me y/n? i want to see you.” that’s enough to have you slowly look up at him.
“hyunjin, i have something to tell you too.” you confess, deciding to lay it all on the table before you changed your mind and ran away from it again. he waits for it, knowing the world you two so perfectly built together is about to change.
“i want you to know that im so in love with you. i have been for a while. and i need you to know that i want you to keep falling in love with me for as long as we let each other.” you whisper, too scared of how he’ll react. the room was charged with the desire you two had for each other. he stared into your eyes as he grabbed your hands, silently asking for your permission while he got impossibly closer. you nodded, more than willing to let him in.
hyunjin kissed you with the hunger of a starved man. you wrapped your arms around his neck while he held tightly onto your waist. he deepened the kiss while he brought you as close as your bodies would allow. he walked you two back to his bed and eventually your knees hit the edge causing you to fall backwards. the kiss broke, while you two pulled away to giggle and he made sure not to put all his weight on you.
“i don’t think you realize how long ive wanted to do that for, baby.” he softly spoke, while brushing a strand of hair out of your face. you smiled up at him, not believing anything that just happened. you two sat up while he pulled you onto his lap, straddling him. he lazily drew circles with his thumbs while he held onto your waist.
“the amount of times i almost threw all caution out of the window when we were alone. I’m glad i didn’t but, i also wished id done it sooner.” you reveal while caressing his cheeks, leaning in to plant a soft kiss to the tip of his nose. hyunjin looked up at you, eyes so full of love.
“keep on loving me y/n. i won’t break your heart ever. and if i do? please tell me im the dumbest man on earth. don’t ever let me do such a thing.” he pleaded softly. you nodded, knowing he was being true to his word. you leaned your forehead against his. hyunjin would make sure to make you the happiest girl ever.
“you know, i originally had another gift for you. but i don’t think anything can beat this. happy birthday my lover.” you state, while leaning in for another kiss. he kisses you softly this time. trying to savor the moment, while basking in the warmth that is you.
“i have an idea or two.” hyunjin suggests while smirking. you laugh, having no choice but to give in. he’s the birthday boy after all, and the love of your entire life. the man of your dreams. after years of pining, he’s finally yours and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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whiskeyandwant · 3 days ago
Whiskey and Want |dbf!Joel x f!reader| | 18+ MINORS DNI | {series masterlist} {last chapter}
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Chapter 5: Sweat & Sin | wordcount | 4.7k {TLOU AU, modern-ish, no outbreak, Sarah lives!}
| a/n | Buckle in because chapter 6 is long. This is where it really starts to all burn down. We're hungover, horny and done with Joels b.s. dbf! lines don’t just blur, they shatter. It's smutty, messy, and fucked up in all the right ways. hope it leaves you wrecked. Tell me if you’re feral for it, ‘cause I sure am. xoxo
" “I—I wasn't—” you stammer, but he steps closer, boots heavy on the hardwood, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Heard my name, sweetheart. Don’t stop now.” His voice is molasses-thick, commanding but warm, like he’s daring you. “Show me what you were doin’.” You know what, fuck it. I don’t even care anymore. "
Warnings/tags: 18+ only, minors DNI, SMUT, pussy pronouns, slow burn, forbidden romance, angst, yearning, Alcohol aftermath, intoxication,unprotected PIV, m/f masturbation, size kink, penetrative sex, cum play, sexual tension, strong language, emotional vulnerability, age gap dynamics, smoking references, dbf undertones, possessive sex, guilt, mentions of grief. series warnings after the fic. reader uses she/her pronouns and has hair. no major physical descriptions of the reader. no use of y/n but has the nickname Bird, Birdie, etc. reader has a backstory.
You wake to a skull-splitting throb ripping through your temples. Joel was right. You’re feeling it today. Sunlight slices through the curtains, white-hot and sharp. You roll over and bury your face in your pillow, It smells like smoke and shame; a faint echo of last night. Joel’s kiss burns through your head, rough hands and a growl daring you to forget. His “Go to bed, Bird” rings in your ears.
You groan, hauling yourself upright, stumbling downstairs. You’re half-hoping he’s there, half-dreading facing him—gonna be hard pretending nothing happened. But he’s not here, because he left you last night feeling like a mistake, leaving you feeling stupid for thinking he felt it too.
You walk into the living room. Your dad sits on the couch happy as ever, totally oblivious reading the newspaper. Your eyes drag to the coffee table and Joel’s whiskey glass still sits there, another reminder. The Cypress Hill t-shirt you’re in is wrinkled with sleep, pooling over your body, you haven’t looked in the mirror, unsure if you want to face yourself yet.
“Hey, Bird, you look like shit,” he says, eyeing you up and down.
“I feel worse than I look,” you reply, flopping onto the couch beside him. “Tequila’s never a good idea.” Your stomach churns at the thought, mouth-watering like you’re about to puke. You squint toward the kitchen, and the clock reads 10:38, at least you got decent sleep.
“You hungry?” your dad asks, brow arched, peering over the paper.
“Maybe. Probably should eat something, definitely need water.”
He folds the newspaper, tosses it on the table, and grunts as he stands. “I got called down to Dallas, some job’s fucked up. You know it was possible to install gutters fuckin’ backward?” He  huffs out half a laugh,” Oh, and the airs busted again—Joel’s gonna be here on his lunch break.”
You blink, relief creeping in, the coast is clear. “Wait,” you say, panicked, “Joel’s coming over?” You slow your voice, hiding the mix of dread and thrill. “Yeah, why? Probably be here soon. You cool with that?” He lifts a brow, probing your unease, but his phone rings before he can dig.
“Yup,” he answers, grabbing his keys from the hook by the door. “Love you, Tweety. See ya Wednesday-ish.” Then he’s out, leaving you alone with the heat and Joel’s looming shadow.
Cool… I guess?
You grab your phone, and tap the screen, anxious for what’s there.
Three new texts.
(9:04 AM)
Karlie: Girl are you good??? Did that dilf kidnap you? Give me the tea ☕
You’d rather not. She’ll escalate to 911 if you don’t reply.
(10:40 AM)
You: Hey, sorry, I’m good. Hungover as fuck, I’ll call later xox
(9:08 AM)
T-Mills: You okay bird? We’re ok right? I didn’t mean to make u uncomfortable. don’t leave me on read
You’d hoped Tommy would let it go, how did you tangle yourself with both Millers in one night? At least you didn’t kiss Tommy. You just let him grind on your ass in public, then you know, ended up on his older brother’s lap. You replay last night again. The bar, Brett? Brad? Ben—the kid Tommy nearly decked. The truck, Joel taking care of you. The dream, somehow ending better than reality. “We shouldn’t be doin’ this,” Joel's mouth claiming yours, then “Go to bed, Bird,” like a punishment, like you were a bad dog.
Fuck him.
You tap Tommy’s name and shoot off a response without thinking. It’s probably the only way you’ll do it.
(10:42 AM)You: It’s fine Tom, must have opened my phone half asleep last night. I feel like shit!!! Remind me to stay away from tequila next time
He replies instantly like he’s been waiting.
(10:42 AM)
T-Mills: Next time huh? Round two tomorrow??? 🎉
Fuck Joel. Let Tommy fix this.
You know what, fuck it. Maybe more booze and Tommy’s attention will soothe this ache.
You: 9pm, pick me up???
You check the last text.
(10:30 AM)
Joel: Is the a/c rlly broken or??
You laugh out loud.
What a piece of work.
Does Joel think you’d lie to get him over? You don’t even want to face him today. Shame washes over you like cold water, maybe last night was just a big fuckin’ mistake.
(10:45 AM)
You: ???? i just woke up, don’t know what you’re talking about lol 🤷
A text bubble pops up, vanishes, pops up, vanishes. You laugh again. Joel’s got his foot in his mouth, and can’t muster a reply.
(10:46 AM)
Joel: k.
K? Really?
Oh, fuck that guy.
You get off the couch, and head for the bathroom to scrub last night off. The image of Joel’s face before he said “Go to bed, Bird” feels permanently burned into your head. His eyes scared, like he fucked up, angry at himself, disgusted. Rejection stings your eyes, but it turns to anger the longer you stew.
If he wants games, you can play too.
You hop out with a plan. Black denim shorts, barely covering your ass, paired with a cropped Rangers shirt from your high school slut phase. The one with the neck cut out, it hugs your curves, makes your boobs look fantastic. You throw on a cropped flannel, put on mascara, and lip gloss, tying your hair into space buns to finish the look. You head downstairs, the silence is loud, not even the hum of the A/C, just you and your thoughts.
You try to eat the sandwich Dad left, but your mouth’s dry—it goes down like sand, Gatorade helps. Boots drag and a knock hits the door, you’re even sweatier knowing Joel’s there, alone now. You ditch the flannel, wrap it around your waist, and let him in.
Fucking get a grip.
It only takes a minute for your facade to crack. He looks gorgeous, toolbox in hand, curls tucked under a Rangers cap, in work pants with a toolbelt sitting low on his hips. He barely acknowledges you, only giving you half a smile as he walks in. You catch his eyes flick to your chest as he passes by you on the couch though.
Small victories.
He heads to the thermostat, fiddling with wires, ignoring you like you’re air. Anger jolts through you, tingling from your toes to your shoulders, but that toolbelt pulls it back to your core. Finally, he breaks the silence.
“Where’s your dad?”
“Dallas. Work trip,” you deadpan. Yes girl, give him nothing!
Joel hums, shakes his head, and then gets back to it.
You try to ignore him, but your competency kink wins. He mumbles about circuits and fuses, cursing under his breath and groaning as he works. You half-watch true crime on TV, but it’s no use.
“So,” you start, eyes on the screen, voice calm, bored, flipping to MTV, “why did you do it?”
Joel sighs, long and low. “Ain’t got words for it, kid. Shouldn’t’ve happened, was a mistake, end of.”
You laugh, bitter, leaning over the couch arm. “Cool, and now you’re gonna make it my fault? My problem? You started it, Joel.”
You stand up from the couch, legs moving toward him, face flushed with anger.
He stops, drops the pliers, and pinches his nose bridge, squinting. He locks his eyes on you—something unreadable in them, “See, this is why it never should’ve happened. You think I want this, Bird?” His jaw clenches, voice rough. “Think I’m happy fuckin’ everything up? For what? This?” You can hear grief crack through his voice.
“So answer my damn question. Why’d you kiss me?” you repeat, firm, smooth, the anger outweighing the anxiety in your words. 
“I don’t know, kid” he sighs, pain clear. “Because I’m weak. I’m fuckin’ weak and you…” He stops, eyes raking you, shaking his head, fists balled.
“You what?” you press, voice low and cutting, walking closer. “Just say it. You wanted it, Joel. Don’t blame me.”
“Wanted it? I’m fuckin’ haunted by it, Bird, by you.” It comes out as a snarl, his eyes glazed with shouldn’t and can’t.
You’re in his face now, “Then why’d you come here? You could’ve just said no to him.”
He grabs your shoulders and spins you, your back hits against the wall. His voice is a jagged whisper, “Because you’re a goddamn curse. I hate you for this. I hate me, but I can’t fuckin stop.” His mouth crashes down, rough, hungry, swallowing your gasp. His free hand finds your shirt hem, fingers searing your skin.
You lean in, tangling into him, hands grasping fabric, pulling closer. You’d crawl into his ribcage if he’d let you. He pushes back, caging you against the wall. Your head spins. You buck your hips, desperation met with metal and leather. You unbuckle his toolbelt mid-kiss. It crashes, tools scattering, narrowly missing your feet.
“You’re fuckin’ killin’ me,” Joel groans into your throat, panting. His mouth bruises your jaw, and trails fire down your neck, boot forcing your feet apart. “Tell me no,” he rasps, voice breaking, shifting his body weight to the knee that’s flush against you. His fingers hit your shorts’ waistband.
“Tell me to stop.”
You don’t, you can’t. You’ve never wanted something so badly before in your damn life. Your breath hitches as his hand slips under, grazing your skin, teasing the edge of your underwear, slow and deliberate, heat pooling low. He’s relentless, his teeth on your collarbone, one hand pinning your hips, the other circling where you’re soaked until your legs tremble.
“Joel,” you choke, arching into him.
“Fuckin’ say it, Bird,” he growls against your chest.
His touch intensifies, fingers teasing your entrance, barely dipping in. You gasp, “please” slipping out, hips bucking involuntarily this time. “I can’t do this,” he mutters, faltering, at war with himself; he doesn’t stop, he just keeps working you to the edge.
You manage to whisper, “I want this, Joel—you, I need you” your pulse hammers.
“You think you can handle that, little Bird?” He drawls, “Huh? You know what you’re signin’ up fo?”
His voice is sending you over the edge, a whine breaking free when a truck rumbles outside. Keys rattle, Joel freezes, “Fuck.” He pulls back slowly, eyes wild, hands leaving you just as the door bangs open.
“Birdie, forgot my damn wallet!” Dad booms, stomping in.
You shove your shorts straight, heart slamming. Joel steps aside, grabs his toolbox, jaw tight, muttering, “Gotta fix this damn thing.”
Dad strides through, tossing his keys on the table, squinting—Joel by the thermostat, you flushed, leaning against the wall trying desperately to look chill. “Still hot as hell,” he grunts, eyes narrowing. “Thought you said you were on it?” He snags his wallet from the counter, oblivious but sharp.
Joel clears his throat. “Fuse issue, takin’ longer than I thought.” He dives back into the unit, tools clanking, avoiding Dad’s stare.
Dad hums, skeptical, he glances down to the toolbelt. “Right. Looked like somethin’ else was goin’ on when I walked in.”
Your stomach drops, but he doesn’t linger, just shrugs. “Don’t burn the place down while I’m gone.” He grabs your half empty Gatorade, “Love you Bird— bye Joel.” and heads out again, door slamming behind him.
Joel mutters, “Fuckin’ close,” twisting a wire, glancing at you—gaze loaded—then back to the A/C. It hums to life, cool air trickling out, tension thick as ever.
“Done,” he says, flat, packing his tools slowly, stalling. He straightens, toolbox in hand, but doesn’t move for the door. You’re alone again, the hum of the A/C doing nothing to cut the heat between you. His stare lingers, heavy, like he’s waiting for something.
“Why’d you stay?” you snap, voice sharp, stepping closer. “Could’ve bolted when he left.”
Joel’s jaw ticks, eyes flicking to the floor, then back to you. “Shouldn’t be here,” he mutters, rough. “Shouldn’t’ve come at all.”
“Then why did you?” you press, anger flaring. “You’re so full of shit—sayin'’ it’s a mistake, then pullin’ that?”
He steps toward you, close enough you feel his breath, warm and unsteady. “You don’t get it, Bird. I can’t—” He cuts off, shaking his head, fists clenching. “Fuckin’ hell.”
“Get what?” you bite back, staring him down. “That you’re a coward? Say it or leave.”
His eyes flare, guilt and want warring there, but he doesn’t answer. The silence stretches, taut, your pulse pounding in your ears. You’re inches apart, teetering, his hand twitching like he might reach out. Then he steps back, and turns, a low “Fuckin’ trouble” slipping out as he heads for the door. His gaze burns into you one last time, loaded with everything he won’t say, and he’s gone.
What the actual fuck?
You’re left reeling, his “ruinin’ me” echoes. The air cools, but the weight stays heavy. You slump down on the couch, staring at the whiskey glass, twirling the stupid necklace, even after that it still manages to ground you. Your skin still buzzes where he touched you, jaw to hips. The anger keeps churning, with something else now—want, raw, and fucking unshakable. Joel’s a coward, sure, but you’re not innocent. You pushed. You wanted it too. You sit back down on the couch, flipping through channels, trying to keep yourself distracted from the way you feel. You try reading and end up scrolling through your camera roll. Oh, fuck my life. You find an old picture, of Joel, Sarah, and Tommy. All of them wearing lifejackets, from a camping trip probably 5 years ago, Sarah had sent you it then, but it feels like this is the first time you’re really looking at it. Joel looks hot, Tommy, oh shit Tommy looks hot too actually, “goddamnit” you mutter to yourself.
Heat pools low again, unignorable now, he left you high and dry earlier—bastard. Guess you’re going to have to finish what he started yourself. You climb upstairs, shedding your shirt off halfway, it’s too hot, and you’re too pissed. You click your bedroom door shut, shorts sticking to your thighs as you sprawl on the bed, the curtains are half open, letting a warm glow in. You put your earbuds in your ears, and let your hands start to travel, letting the quiet of the hose settle while you drown it out with Pheobe Bridgers, Motion Sickness blaring loud. You slip the shorts off, leaving you in just your panties, and your fingers hover. You place the pointer and middle finger of your left hand on either side of your folds, scissoring them back and forth—slowly. Teasing your lips, barely grazing your clit. You’re already sensitive, you were so close to coming undone earlier, you know diving right would overstimulate you too quickly to enjoy. You want to take it slow, and draw out your pleasure for as long as possible.
You can’t stop thinking about the way Joel was looking at you downstairs, the way his brown eyes turned black, staring down at you like you were prey. The grip he had on your jaw, squeezing your cheeks, craining your neck towards him. You clench your thighs around your hand as the warmth at the bottom of your belly intensifies, you take your hand away, edging yourself.  You repeat this over and over until you’re practically soaking through to the mattress—desperate, your walls clenching around nothing.
You hear his rough, baritone voice in your head now, repeating over and over, “Think you can handle that, little Bird?” Your breathing grows erratic. Finally, you give in, sliding two fingers down, spreading your slick around the sensitive bud at the top of your pussy. You roll your fingertips over and over, teasing your entrance. You’re not sure if you’ve ever worked yourself up like this—it's agonizing, but feels so fuckin’ good.
You close your eyes tight, imagining your hands being replaced by Joel’s, his fingers fubbing merciless circles over your throbbing clit. A loud broken whine escapes your lips—”Oh fuck, yes, Joel”—as you plunge your middle finger in, curving it to reach your g-spot. You add another finger, then a third—stretching yourself out, picturing Joel fucking you with his fingers instead. The warmth simmering in your belly gets red-hot, pussy squeezing desperately around your fingers. You buck your hips into your hand, gasping every time your cupped palm creates a vacuum against you. Shockwaves jolt through your clit. You’re not being mindful now, no more teasing, you’re chasing your high, holding back sobs, biting your lip so hard you taste copper, right on the edge. A low rap hits your door. What the fuck? No. Who the fuck? You pull your earbuds out, “Hello? Who’s there?” you manage to choke out, trying to sound normal, but you don’t, and you know the answer. “ It’s me.” comes that low, gravelly voice through the door. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. I'm never wearing both headphones again. You snap your head towards the door and start to pull up your panties and the covers over yourself—not that it would help you at this point, you’re screwed, fuckin’ naked and afraid. “Thought I heard someone whimperin’ my name,” he says, as the doorknob turns. The hinge creaks as the door pushes open. “Need a hand?” You conjure up the courage to look up to him, adrenaline courses through your veins; it feels like your whole body is on fucking fire. There he stands, broad and rugged in the doorway, his dark eyes locked on you. His flannel’s unbuttoned at the collar, work pants slung low, and his thick cock, the one you’ve been dreaming about strains against them—girthy, solid, the outline making your mouth dry. You freeze.
“I—I wasn't—” you stammer, but he steps closer, boots heavy on the hardwood, a smirk tugging at his lips.
“Heard my name, sweetheart. Don’t stop now.” His voice is molasses-thick, commanding but warm, like he’s daring you. “Show me what you were doin’.” You know what, fuck it. I don’t even care anymore.
Heat floods your face, and your pussy clenches at his words. Shaky, you spread your legs, tugging the blanket down, letting him see the mess. Your fingers were still slippery, panties soaked and needy, pulsing under his gaze. “Joel, I… I was just—” you whine, sliding them in your panties again, bringing a finger to your entrance.
He looms closer, eyes dark and hungry, his breath hitching as he watches. “Atta’ girl Show me how bad she’s been needin’ me. You wet like that just sayin’ my name?” Joel’s body weight shifts the mattress beside you before he rolls over to cage your body beneath his. Your heart is beating fucking erratically. His arms rest on either side of your head, completely silent as he moves one arm and trails a hand down from your collar, inching lower and lower. His fingers trace over your hardened nipples, carving an invisible line down your belly before stopping between your thighs. He places his hand over yours, like he’s the master to your marionette. “Oh, poor girl,” he coos—round puppy-dog eyes on yours again. “ Soakin’ fuckin wet. S’that all for me?” You want to speak but you can’t, you only nod. He guides a finger over the thin, soaked fabric of your panties lightly massaging your swollen lips. You’re still frozen, unable to form a sentence. You exhale a shaky breath that you hadn't realized you were holding—the faintest “please” escapes your lips. He keeps rubbing, harder now, dipping into the elastic of your underwear. “Left her cryin’ out for me earlier huh? Need me to fix her up?” his voice is low, drawl smooth—like honey. He lists his hand to cup your cheek in his big hand, making direct eye contact, searching your face for an answer. He drags his thumb across your cracked bottom lip, tugging it down, like he's trying to pull the words out. “Asked you a question, use your words darlin’,” his lips are ghosting your earlobe, whispering. “Tell me what you need, Birdie, I’ll make it all better.” You turn your head to face him, staring up through half-lidded eyes for a moment, before finding your voice again. ‘J-Joel, I need you,” breath hitching on every syllable. He slides his hand down between your thighs again, slowly moving your hand away now. Hand searching for the hem, hooking his thumb in, pulling your underwear off. He slides a finger down into the pool of slick between your legs, spreading it all over before he pulls his hand back. He brings it up and holds it between your faces. “I can tell, baby. She’s droolin' f’me. See that?” He rotates his hand, you watch as his finger glistens in the afternoon sun, and your jaw goes slack. Joel drags that same finger along his bottom lip and then sucks it clean. “Wanna taste?” He grabs your chin, tilting your head to give himself more access, and presses his mouth onto yours, gentle—swirling his tongue, exploring every inch he can reach. He lets out a little, strangled whimper. Did Joel Miller just whimper into my mouth? Holy fuck, he sure did.He pulls back off of your lips, you’re both collecting your panting breaths. He dips his head back down to the column of your throat, kissing along it, murmuring into your chest, “Sweet ain't she?” The room fills with stifled moans, labored breathing, and the creaking of weight under the bed frame. Joel is everywhere, taking up every thought, filling all of the space around you. Your head swims, hunger and lust flip-flopping in your belly. Nothing has ever felt so electric, so perfect. You’re impatient, painfully worked up, and you can’t take it anymore. “More, I need more, Joel,” you chant between gasps. “Please, make me come.”
“Say it again,” He says, pumping his fingers in and out, languid—slow.
“I need you to make me come.” You’re practically in tears now, his fingers circle your clit.
“So close. Try again, Bird.”
“Please, Joel, I’ll beg—I’m begging, don’t fuck around—you owe me.”
“Keep beggin’ for it, baby,” he says, voice low and rough. “You sound so pretty when you’re desperate.” He growls, shifting, and then he looks at you, all gentle. “Shouldn’t have left you like that downstairs,” apology soft, eyes guilty. His hands tug at his belt, pulling the work pants off, you see the outline straining against his briefs. You face him, grabbing at the waistband, tugging them down, you watch his cock spring free, thick and heavy against you. You pull him in closer to you, lips brushing against his ear. “Then make it up to me, cowboy.” His cock is even bigger than you expected it to be, It’s thick, heavy—girthy, and solid. Flushed pink and slightly curved, thank god you’ve been stretching yourself out for a while, because if not you’d be worried it would never fit. He groans, low and broken, ripping his shirt off, and throwing the blanket off of you, both fully naked now. He lets his eyes move down your body, “fuckin’ so pretty, been dreamin’ bout’ this for too long.” You whine and grab his cock, giving it a few slow strokes before moving even closer and lining him up to your entrance, sliding him up and down, through your folds, rubbing your clit with the leaking head, moaning. He grabs your hands and puts them above your head, rolling over on top of you, he leans down pressing at your entrance. “Sorry I left you like that earlier, baby,” he murmurs, voice filled with want. He pushes in, just the tip, allowing you to get used to the stretch before he slides in more. You moan into each other's mouths as he fills you up completely, inch by inch, slowly, It feels intimate, careful—like he's trying not to break you. He starts moving, deep and steady, dragging through slick walls, hitting that spot that makes everything throb. You're trying to match the rolling of his hips, hands move from above your head to his back, raking red lines down it. You wrap your legs tight around his torso, warmth coiling in your core, his hand is on your jaw again forcing you to look up at him. “You’re mine, Bird,” he whispers, breath hot on your skin. You shudder, breathing out his name. Your walls clench around him, squeezing his cock, every little sound you pull from him brings you closer to the edge, your pussy dripping as he thrusts, deeper, not rushed, building you up. His forehead presses against yours, sweat beading off of both of you, he picks up the pace. You bring one of your hands down between the two of you, rubbing circles. His thrusts get sloppier, he's staring down where you’re connected, watching you massage your clit, jaw slack, like he's hypnotized. He leans down to you, crashing his mouth to yours, all teeth and need. “You’re close, I can feel it. I’ve got you baby—let go for me,” That's all you needed, a tightness snaps low in your belly, and you come hard, soaking him. Your body is shivering as waves hit, you're squeezing around his cock, juices messy and hot down his shaft. Tears fill your eyes as you hold back a sob, you’ve never felt anything like this before. The intensity of the orgasm makes you raw, and emotional; your head spins. Joel groans, rough and low, “Fuck, darlin’—so messy,” his breath ragged, eyes dark with want.
But he’s close too. His thrusts turn sharp, urgent, cock pulsing. He pulls out fast, shaft slick and gleaming from you. He grips it, hand pumping once, twice—and he comes, thick ropes spilling across your mound, hot and messy over your trembling skin. He moans, head tipping back, cock throbbing in his fist as he rides it out, breath heaving.
Joel’s breath steadies, thick cock softening in his hand, cum streaked across your stomach. Guilt flickers in his eyes, but he grabs his flannel, wiping you gently. “Made a mess, huh, darlin’?” he murmurs, voice low. He fetches a warm washcloth, cleaning you with careful swipes—stomach, then between your thighs where you’re still slick. “Feel okay?” he asks, tucking the blanket around you, hand lingering on your arm.
“Yeah, Joel… I’m good,” you mumble, voice sleepy but warm. “You don’t have to go unless you want to."
He freezes, eyes darkening—guilt floods in fast, jaw tightening like he’s swallowing a blade. “I can’t stay, Bird,” he says, rough, standing up, grabbing his jeans off the floor. “Sarah’s callin’ tonight—said she’s got some news ‘bout school. I can’t be here, fuckin’ you, when she’s tryin’ to tell me somethin’ big.”
Your chest tightens—Sarah, still his anchor across the miles. “She’s in Boston, Joel,” you say, sitting up, voice sharp. “It’s not like she’s waitin’ by the phone—you’re just runnin’ again.”
He pulls his shirt on, belt clinking as he buckles it, eyes dodging yours. “Don’t matter,” he mutters, low, pained. “She’s countin’ on me.” He keeps talking, like he’s spiraling and can’t keep the words in, “Every second I’m with you, I’m lyin’ to her, to Kev. I’m here, balls deep in you, and she thinks I’m the dad she can trust. That’s what’s killin’ me.” His voice cracks, boots scuffing the floor as he turns for the door. “Lock up after me,” he says, quieter like it’s all he’s got left—then he’s gone.
You’re alone, body buzzing, sheets a mess. “We’ll Never Have Sex” by Leith Ross hums faintly from the forgotten earbuds on the floor. Too soon Leith, too fuckin soon, too fuckin late. Your phone buzzes It’s Tommy again.
(7:25PM) T-Mills: We’re still on for 2morrowr? 🐦🍺 Anger simmers beneath the afterglow. Honestly, fuck it. You decide to go. You text back,
(7:27PM) You: Yeah, dont be late! 😛 You toss the phone aside. Your fingers automatically reach for the necklace, “Seek the light” feeling heavier now.
series warnings!!! fluff, smut, angst,unprotected p-in-v (please wrap it up), f/m masturbation, fingering, large but legal age-gap (joel is in 40's reader is in mid 20's), size kink?, choking, pervy!obsessive!joel, pervy!mean!Tommy, possessive/rough sex, praise, sex on the phone, drinking/smoking, strong language, sneakin around, lowkey obsessive and reckless Joel, blackmail, competency kink, risky sex, infidelity/implied, semi-public sex, breeding kink lowkey, overstimulation, a tiny bit of coercion, dirty talk, oops its a creampie, brief mentions of grief and implied suicide, Tommy is a jerk in this one, guilt and betrayal, bar-fights @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @brittmb115 @mystickittytaco @your-nightmaredoll @leenieweenie12 @orodaeh @jokesonthem
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seekingdandelions · 9 hours ago
Okay, so, apologies for the mini-essay, but seeing this on my dash opened a forbidden door in my brain:
I was really into Dream SMP while it was ongoing, which meant that I got to witness the absurdity of it all, and its inevitable downfall, in real-time. It went from feeling like friends messing around and playing with a narrative, to mostly consisting of a palpable, deeply existential fear of losing their rapidly growing audience.
The Dream SMP could only ever be as successful as it was during a pandemic, evidenced by the fact that it all fell apart as the world started to open up again.
Some members were talented storytellers, but most… were not as gifted, to put it nicely. But everyone wanted a slice of the pie, which meant confusing, sometimes contradictory, plots where everyone wanted to be the main character, growing animosity between the less celebrated members and the successful ones, and monologuing.
Good lord, the monologuing.
As the individual stories people were trying to tell drew them further away from others, activity on the server dwindled, meaning that if somebody wanted to kickstart a story, they had to go it solo... Which often manifested as at least half an hour of monologuing that was mostly repetition, a sad/concerned tone, and aimless wandering around.
'I'm sad because of this, but I shouldn't be sad because of that, and if they knew I was sad it would make them sad, so I shouldn't be sad, but I am sad', type stuff. And when that was over, the person's chat would be like 'Wow, go off king, Oscar when?', and then the rest of the six-hour VOD would be mining, it was WILD.
I think the point where I realised that the Dream SMP had gotten irreparably bad was when they did an armageddon, doomsday event. The hub point of the world got absolutely nuked, which led to everyone crawling to separate corners of the Minecraft server which... isn't ideal for improv, as you might imagine.
But the absolute worst part of that event was that at least three different people decided to have a "villain arc" independently, at the exact same time (because the villains got the fanart and the animatics), and most of the others just stood around and watched silently. So, when the place that is supposed to symbolise community is under threat, half of the people that would usually fight to protect it were like 'Lol, no, I'm feeling a little evil today >:3' and started burning the place down. In some stories that could be a compelling turning point, but it just did not work at all, and it really spotlighted the variance in storytelling skills between participants. There was no build-up to the betrayals, it made no sense, and DSMP members were realising that caving to the will of the viewers was profitable (pandering to what your audience of mostly young teenagers wants to see is a bad idea, for obvious reasons).
There was a lot of audience homework copying inspiration, actually. Viewers would post that characters need therapy, so someone starts trying to do in-character therapy. Viewers would theorise about a villain arc for someone, which would then happen with zero development. Viewers would say, 'Hey, it would be neat if this guy was a time traveller' - enter stage left, that guy's time travel-based side series.
Throw in the constant drama, the ever-looming misogyny both on the server and in the community (source: just look at the gender ratio and the general treatment of Nihachu), and the fact that some of the acting was... rough.
At the time, it was all a lot of fun. Regardless of how it turned out, the enjoyment I personally got from the Dream SMP was very real, and I'm glad that I had it to get me through a rough time, but as a case study it's endlessly fascinating how something could be so fundamentally doomed to crash and burn. I don't think I could sit through and enjoy an entire Dream SMP vod again (unless it was a Technoblade vod, but even then it would be bittersweet for... obvious reasons).
I never actually watched the final stream that they did on the server. I don't know how people who're still active fans do it.
So yeah, Homestuck but bad doesn't sound too innacurate.
Watched a 3 hour plot summary of the Dream SMP just to see what all those teenagers in 2020 were on about and I've come away from it with the conclusion that, corollary to my joke that The Locked Tomb is "Homestuck if it was good", the Dream SMP is Homestuck if it was bad
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