#i think it helps that theres not many ppl making content of them in the first place especially content id like to see
meamiiikiii · 11 days
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mira !!! :]
#isat#in stars and time#isat mirabelle#isat spoilers#<- due to act 3 optional content !#the img might be being chewed due to weird canvas size oops ah well#one of these miras is not like the other#one of these miras doesnt belong ASFASFSDAFA#a majority of these are based on things mentioned / that happen in the house cuz i thought itd be fun to draw :D#so like the wilting plant is from gardening room dialogue#the poster with ppl holding hands and sparkly eyes is (i think??) from some SAPSAPSAAP dialogue in one of the first rooms#i tried looking around ISAT to see if it's also in there too but couldnt find it so uh correct me if im wrong if thats NOT an exclusive LOL#side note the 2 in the poster are some old nuz ocs isatified ASDFASFA#funnily enough tho they are from 2 different games if they actually ever met they would hate each others guts i think. hmm...#however both are also the most qualified to help with promotional stuff so theres that ASDFAFA#mira looking at her bonding proposals is sorta on the tin but#the fact that she has like right next to her while she sleeps in her dresser makes me :(#cuz to me it potrays how much theyve been weighing over her cuz of how close shes been keeping them with her vs putting them on a bookshelf#or something idk if that makes sense i dont have proper words atm#but uhhh moving on chalkboard is from one of the optional events#which i think is! important!!! i dont think ive seen many ppl talk about it but!! yeah!#however i too do not have words on it atm but!!! yeah!!!! moving on for now!#the 'mira' that is really just the change god is ofc from the change god event :]#aaand ofc the iconic finish from mira towards the king#and then some misc miras with swords for funsies tbh ASFAFA#but yeah! i like mira a lot actually but as with many things i do not currently have many words to properly articulate *why*#all i know in my heart of hearts is that she is near and dear and special to me personally#one day. one day i will be able to gather my thoughts in a cohesive manner but that day. is not today!#anyway tag talk over :]
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anominous-user · 2 years
im so sorry for not drawing anything else But the flame-chasers I'm still hyperfixated on them even after almost a year
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moosh2727 · 2 months
this took forever but finally i get to see him!! spoilers ahead :3
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first of all, amazing cover. jet and the gang look amazing just in that one snippet
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extreme gear dodgeball... thats interesting, reminds me of the multiplayer modes in riders zg that was not racing but fun!
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HOW DARE YOU MAKE MY BOY ANGRY wave helping jet focus is nice like in zero gravity 💚
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the rouges being in shock is always so funny, im glad to see wave and storm join in on the fun 💚
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WOAHHH LOL dang sonic's going hard!!
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i now headcannon wave has a mindfullness youtube video she makes jet begrudgingly watch LOL 💚
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i love seeing them using their gear more, it fuels my autism 💚💚💚
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AMAZING I WANNA SEE HIM ANGRYYY, BEAT THEM UP JET!!! 💚100 gonna use this part for art ref because it looks so good
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the silence is so loud in this picture i love it, i wonder what jets gonna do? 😊
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oh my gosh this is so heartbreaking actually what the heck- ALSO WAVE TELLING JET TO RUN IS SO ON POINT
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the story telling via art is on point, theres not much words needed to convey the emotions the characters are feeling
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THEY HAVE A NEW ROOM, I REPEAT THEY HAVE A KITCHEEEEEEEEN, storm being the cook fits so well i love it.
the food (curry im guessing) fits their background and double points for looking extra yummy.
jet's first sentence fits him so well, im really glad they're doing good depiction with him and everything relating to them, considering the idw special where jewel broke her wing SUCKED because of idw ppl not thinking about where jet lives on the ship, so they made it SUPER inacurate.
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it makes me happy to see storm contributing and not being a stupid fat joke like in free riders. we need to appreciate this silly guy who got brain damage from amy hitting him many times, and he still manages to fulfil jets orders.
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storm doing this with his eyes is as good as his eyes in free riders, but way better than his weird blink in the zero gravity black hole cutscene
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jet being ahead of the game and i love it!!! NEW MISSION LETS GOOO!!!!!! 💚💚💚💚
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these riders designs are really helping me in the future with my own oc 🫶
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ouch my heart
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oh gosh thats so sweet but sad ugh
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jet has become more thoughtful! i just hope he doesn't lose his edge, but even if he does i'll love him anyway /p 💚
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i love how much talented ppl are in this community, im so glad for more jet content via idw and fan creations. jet needs all the praise and love. 💚
Overall i loved this idw issue, i can always make the excuse " use more jet content!" but they did a really good job with expressing all the characters fairly. (still, i still want more jet tho :P)
i waited so long for this issue its crazy, idk why it took so long to come out digitally since i don't have the money to buy them in person.
knowing more rooms, might create an accurate layout of their blimp soon!
anyway, i got a gaming pc and not a stupid mac earlier this week, meaning that i can finally play free riders yayy!!!
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softbutchthatlovesyou · 2 months
Im so tired of ppl demanding characters be interpreted as butch then get mad if the people who do "make them a man." (In quotes bc no ones even rlly done that. they just mde em masc at most)
And to be clear what I've heard called "making them a man," Ive see things like:
"Making them tall" (hi! 5'10 butch here!! who would have probably been taller if i could have done t when i wanted. Also women can be tall. there are record of tall ass over six foot women thats not a man thing!!!!)
Calling them boyfriend, husband, good boy (All terms ive seen m a n y butches enjoy)
Giving them he/him pronouns (me and many butches use those)
Them prefering to top with a strap (Many. Many stones have spoken on this I don't even think my two cents is needed)
Doing sports (Women dont do sports now? femaninity and sports can't go together?? do u want a butch or do u want to remake gender roles u cant have both.)
Eating "too much" (Get help. Just. Get help.)
Shaved head. Even when the character canonically hates long hair.
These are all just normal things for various butches/studs. And you know what multiple femmes do this shit too so yonow what this is dumb all around actually!! What kinda of stupid shit !!
Don't seek out butch content, or masc lesbian content and ve shocked if theres masculinity over there! And also stop labeling random shit as masc!!!!! Its weird!!! Let a butch be feminine and like sport or be femanine and enjoy he/him what the fuck??
(I used mainly butch as I honestly rarely see ppl put the effort into hc anyone as a stud, which is its own conversation of racism, id wanna make seperate. But many of these apply to studs and I wouldn't be shocked if they got the same treatement if they were thought of as often.)
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loaffofbred · 1 year
Hmm.. interesting (qsmp rambles)
Note: All roleplay/characters
So much has happened lately in one day! Apparently Bad has to do a survey for the fed, Cellbit has done the final code/enigma, Forever's plan to leave the island, Pac&Mike's plan against Foolish, and Roier found a book that Foolish possibly wrote with a gun in the grandma room of Cellbit's castle.
I find all of them interesting, but since im massively biased, i wanna focus on Foolish's and Bad's since im super curious with what's been happening to them. The questions seem like they plan to do something to change themselves, maybe they'll make actual changes? It'll be interesting if they actually listen to the suggestions and answers of the different members. Bad used the reward in order to ask the possible entities the federation has created, which is pretty smart since itll answer several of the questions we have, including the code, the eggs, and the island overall. It's interesting that the federation is rewarding or making transactions with this, I guess its self aware of everyone's distrust. If they ever do answer the question honestly, i feel like they'll be just as vague, but at least they're giving answers unlike the past months lmao
About Foolish's book and gun in Cellbit's castle, the thing is, theres at least 2 possibilities:
Richas was the one that put it, including the gun! Since he has a gun himself and may know some spanish, and is there to simply hide it for fun or for others to also possibly get it.
Foolish hid it, changed the contents of the book ( since the book wasn't with codes nor written in spanish before ) because he wanted to give a gun for fun! This is indicated further based on Foolish's (supposed to be qsmp) recent stream with the emoji as Grandma and his statements about his guns to Forever, saying he already has possible plans behind it. This means he did this offstream ;)
It's definitely leaning more towards Foolish, especially the overall mannerisms of the book, with the middle finger at the end of the page and random codes. But i wonder why he would do it in general, most likely for fun since its not like many ppl have any ammo for the gun. Yet I cant help but feel like its such a weird move, especially now that many people suspect him to be working for the federation! But this does establish that he would never be fully with the feds, which are definitely against spreading around guns lmaoo
I'm not super informed about Pac&Mike's possible plan, but from what I know they may use Rey(Phoenix) as a hostage, possibly do something to Foolish's dragon (Keep in mind they will be avoiding hurting Leo here), or kill him after an interrogation;
Killing him off wont be too incriminating, maybe except the badge but thats it really it
Interrogating him may be useful as long as they don't go in circles like the previous interrogations, its best to listen but also dont expect a direct answer from him. Imo its best to keep it casual, but if they don't have the patience, then go off
Rey as a hostage - Maybe possibly can work since he can be very attached to animals, i.e Mr. Mustard, but it depends highly if he feels actually threatened.
Destruction of Foolish's Dragon - Easier but more riskier to execute, probably should be the last resort!
If theres one thing i would recommend when it comes to trying to get through to Foolish, Bad probably knows more tactics since he knows Foolish very well. I know the trap/revenge will be done tomorrow but I feel like they could've benefited from taking advice from Bad at some point. Not sure if this is confirmed but if Foolish does stream tomorrow I wonder how he'll react to Pac&Mike's experiences. Since his moral compass is nowhere near similar to theres, I think they may misunderstand his intentions based solely off of his not so straight morals. If Mike ever does do revenge, from what I know of Foolish, he would never clap back at Mike (unless if it involves Leo and his family). Foolish is pretty chill and tries not to maintain any grudges, so if he was killed off, I think he would understand. In the end though, I do hope they come to an understanding! Foolish definitely still has to lie just because of his job lmao buttt, I think they can still come to an understanding without all the info he has.
anyways thats all folks, carry on!
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acourtofthought · 9 months
I’m not sure if it’s ok for me to ask you this but I really like your posts and the way you interpret. Disclaimer: I am not antielain but I get confused with her sometimes. If anything I say comes off harsh I apologize and plz kno I didn’t mean that way. Just heads up this will be long
I guess I sometimes think ppl expect almost too much from elain. Part of it is because we don’t know much of her character/personality. Like ppl expect that she’ll do a complete 180 and prove us all wrong. I do think she will prove us wrong but not like that I guess? Not so drastic? I’m thinking similar to how Nesta grew in her book where it wasn’t a complete flip of her personality but it was a build up on it. I personally think that’s the whole point of these books it’s to learn to give love to ourselves (via the characters) rather than change ourselves or personalities”for the good of others”
So I think ppl associate bubbly chatty extremely giving bighearted personality to elain bc of how she was as human, before her life changed completely. But I don’t even see her as that back then? Basically there is a “type” I see assigned to her by fans and for me it’s just not quite there.
There is so much anti-elain content out there so I understand wanting to contradict that and disprove the haters. And I don’t mean to bash anyone, but I guess envisioning her in one “appropriate” way by fans is strange. I hear too many what ifs about her and ppl getting upset at those who don’t agree with the what ifs of her personality/character (those “what ifs” are treated like gospel)
Additionally- I saw a post of yours mention that elain might be disturbed about feyre’s pregnancy and how she might be upset with herself for not being acquainted with her powers to foresee it and I honestly love that. it’s an exciting addition to look forward to about elain, but couldn’t sjm have mentioned that in nesta’s book? Like a scene where the three sisters talk about it or something?? This is what I mean about seeing a lot of expectations for elain’s character. Dont get me wrong I love this idea and I theres a good chance e it’s true, but I have to see it be shown for her character and so far I’ve been given nothing. Also why didn’t anyone tell Elain that the childbirth could harm feyre?? Maybe she could’ve done something! That could add to Elain’s character right! Even if Elain isn’t involved with ic stuff that’s her sister. I mean, Elain was smiling at her sis by the end (could be hiding her pain of sisters almost-death maybe?). Do we really have to wait for Elain’s book to know that she was disturbed by the events of feyre’s childbirth?
An anti-elain thing I see is that she’s not very bright. I don’t agree with this. I’m thinking if she was always aware what was going on bw nesta and feyre could she have done nothing? Especially since nesta has said she would do anything for Elain’s happiness. What of feyre’s happiness u know?
Elain never hurt others like Nesta did but when it’s pointed out how kind she is, I do believe it, but I can’t help but wonder if she showed that kindness to her sister Feyre. Like Feyre is so quick to say that about Elain, and Elain did own up to her mistakes, but it’s hard not to imagine how Feyre must have felt as a kid. feyre is so sure of Elain’s love for her I’m just wondering where that surety comes from because as a reader there’s a bit of a disconnect to what makes feyre feel that way. Could it be feyre’s guilt of them turning fae? And then elain never blaming her sis for it? I think maybe a little of it is that feyre understands elain. Do you think elain is a dreamer im the sense that she wishes good things for all people? Elain did had a chance at happiness due to her family’s love for her, maybe id like to see more of it reflected for her family? Do something big for them? I know she shows them affection constantly, and i love that I think it’s so sweet, but it still doesn’t tell me enough about her. As of now, Elain to me comes off as someone who puts herself first (not selfish but just knows her worth, not self destructive like nesta ), which will be exciting to see from the classic self-sacrificial type of fantasy mc, she is someone who maybe isn’t always quite aware of what she needs to do but she was the will and desire for it, and lastly, though she focuses on her well being she is still aware of the feelings and concerns of those around her.
I guess I see that elain has some flaws and I’m okay with it. She’s probably hard on herself like Nesta is to herself. And I think she’ll probably still have a few hiccups along the way in her book which is always exciting in a book. I don’t tell myself that she’s this perfect, sweet, summerflower child who’s never done anything wrong. I think she is currently lost snd For now, could be changed later)I think that maybe this is the first or one of the few times where elain isn’t the one fully happy while others around her are l so it’s a new thing for her to understand, navigate, and find the happiness within herself and around her (she’s already doing some of that). Maybe she always found the happiness around her from things being good but now needs to find it within? Also she is now finding the part of herself she’s always maybe wanted to. Or now needs to be due to now being fae.
And why would it be wrong if she’s imperfect? What is this obsession with her being perfect knows it all who doesn’t owe anyone anything? Since the fandom likes to talk about these characters like they’re real- elain would most certainly not think of herself that way.
Maybe I’m not seeing it all clearly of her character? Sometimes it is hard for me to keep her character and personality separate I admit. I know she loves her family, I know she’s concerned about a lot that’s going on, but we only get like 1 instance of her showing anything and that’s it. So when the characters just keep saying this and that about Elain’s traits, but Elain is shown having that trait or quality once im ?? Where you at girl?
Ultimately I tell myself that it doesn’t matter how a character begins but rather how and what they grow into. I think being turned fae has forced her to do a lot of growing up (I don’t mean this in a bad way at all. As a reader, I think it’s v interesting)I’m willing to bet if sjm had done more planning from the start i would feel entirely different. I think im at a confusing spot with her character, but at a 100% hopeful&optimistic for her story kind of spot.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and If you don’t answer I completely understand. Frankly, I don’t want to add to any anti-elain discourse ( or even anti- nesta I love her) My intention wasn’t at all to bash Elain’s character. I am absolutely not an anti but if anything comes off sounding anti I apologize. I’m looking for some discussion and understanding of her honestly. I think the most important knowledge I’ve gained from your blog is that elain shouldn’t and can’t be compared to the other female characters of this series especially her sisters. I mean, none of the characters should even be compared, but yeah expecting her to be exactly the way her sisters are is not the way to go about understanding her character. I love your posts about elain and I very much like Elain thanks to you. I’m lowkey obsessed with elucien bc of you. and your posts are what got me interested in her character since you pay attention to her in such a healthy way.
Nothing you said came off harsh at all and I was excited to receive your message!
This is going to be long and rambling so I apologize in advance.
I absolutely agree that some seem to expect too much from Elain, both right now and later, especially when SJM has given us quite a bit of growth from her already and she's not going to become a completely different person.
She started off the series kind but fine with allowing herself to be taken care of. She still had thoughtful moments though, she used her "allowance" from Feyre to buy Feyre paints and to buy her father a new chisel rather than using it all on herself.
But by the end of ACOTAR, she started taking care of Feyre, planning the ball to honor her return, finding her a dress, preparing a horse and a satchel for her.
In ACOMAF, we see her apologize for failing Feyre, we see her willing to risk her engagement by letting Feyre use their manor to meet with the human queens.
In ACOWAR, after she had lost everything, she only spent weeks (maybe 2 months) sitting silently in her room in a depressed state. Then she started learning how to bake (and now helps cook for the IC) and thought of a way to help the humans, by having them head to Graysen's estate. Then she was cruelly rejected by Graysen, was kidnapped a second time but still helped save Briar and Az, then saved Cassian and Nesta (as well as many others) when she stabbed the king but then saw her fathers murdered body.
Though she mourned those things in ACOFAS, she still did not regress. She continued taking care of Feyre and Rhys's garden, began helping those in Velaris with their gardens, continued cooking for the IC. Then in SF we see her stand up to Nesta, see her offer to search for the Trove, see her go to the Hewn Cith with the others despite Feyre offering to let her stay home and despite the fact that it's cruelty bothers her.
I honestly don't know how anyone could expect anything else out of her before her own book and even after her own book, she's not going to morph into someone unrecognizable. She's not going to become a bloodthirsty, dagger wielding spy who thrives on going after the enemy and plotting their demise.
I see some claim she needs to get fed up with the others holding her back, where she'll head off on her own or seek out Lucien to help her. But where in Elain's personality has she ever shown to be rash? Where has she ever shown to be that angry with her sisters that she's going to go behind their backs to prove something? It's exactly like you said, Nesta's arc made sense for Nesta because that was within Nesta's personality.
If Elain has a problem, she addresses it with the person (as we saw in her argument with Nesta) and moves on. She was laughing by the end of SF when Nesta said "fuck you". She nearly watched Feyre and her nephew die in front of her. At the end of SF, Elain and Feyre were beaming at Nesta while Elain held Nyx in her arms.
Where in that is anyone getting the "I'm mad and I'm going to prove them all wrong!" vibe from Elain?
I have a feeling Elain's setup will be that of Rhys coming to Elain for help with something in Spring or the continent and that will kickstart her book. She's already told us that "she's part of the court and will do what is necessary" so all that we need to have happen is Rhys finally asking her to get her hands dirty. Her setup doesn't need to look like Nesta's did.
I do think we're going to see a different version of Elain when she's around her people (Lucien, Vassa, Helion, Jurian, the LoA), but to me that's kind of a given based on SJMs pattern of the FMC coming into her own once she's with her found family. So I do think we'll get more of the outgoing, life of the party version of Elain that we saw in ACOTAR, at least the Elain once she was overseeing their new manor and at the ball.
To your point about Elain feeling guilty, I don't think, if Elain were taking the events of Feyre's pregnancy onto herself, SJM would necessarily tell us that in SF. For one thing, Elain doesn't often share her deepest sorrows and regrets with her sisters. We know she's mourning her father because we're told how often she visited his grave but it's not because she sat down and had a deep heart to heart with Nesta or Feyre over it. Just like we had to wait for SF to see Nesta's complicated emotions over her fathers death, I think we'll have to wait for Elain's book to get inside her head and understand how she's processing everything that has been happening. For another, the end of SF was meant to wrap up Nesta's arc. We were meant to walk away with that HEA vibe for her character, not necessarily focusing on anyone else. I think SJM subtly hinted that we're about to have Elain's story when she closed out the book with the rose carving, when Nesta lets go this symbol of Elain and releases it into the world as a "permanent marker of beauty and good" but I don't think she wanted us majorly focusing on anyone else outside of Nesta and her journey.
For anyone calling Elain dumb, I think ACOFAS and SF prove how intelligent and aware Elain is. After Elain talks of traditions, Feyre notes her wisdom. In SF, Cassian notes how Elain had seen everything about Nesta and understood.
SJM has confirmed that Elain is a quiet dreamer, that she has a different strength than Feyre or Nesta, and that she expresses love openly in a way that Nesta always struggled with so I don't think we can deny those aspects of her personality, I'm not sure why people keep trying to claim her story can only happen if she spirals down the way Nesta did or until she gets angry at their treatment of her. I think it's more important to respect that because Elain is so different from her sisters, the start of her book might look different than what some expect and maybe she's going to simply internalize her frustrations then talk it out with them in her book. If she's even harboring resentment. I mean, SJM already had Elain call Nesta out for treating her like a child, she joined the others in the Hewn City as "part of the court", and she was laughing when Nesta swore at her and nearly lost both Nesta and Feyre at the end of the book so maybe Elain isn't really worried about resenting her sisters right now, maybe she's just glad they're all safe and alive.
I do think Feyre and Nesta see certain aspects of Elain's personality but as all sisters do, I think sometimes they are blinded by other aspects. I also think they at times see her in a way that makes them feel better about things. Like Nesta assuming Elain was fine and settled at the start of SF only for Elain to remind them that she's struggling too. However, I do think Elain isn't truly Elain around them either, that she hides some of who she is. Like Rhys said, she may have been worried about disappointing them.
And yes, Elain has flaws (as they all do). It's funny that some will claim she's one dimensional while complaining about her flaws in the next breath. If she's canonically kind, loving and makes them all laugh at times while also being flawed....then how can she be one dimensional? I think it's because some are expecting her character to look like that of Feyre or Nesta's characters and the other badass female warriors in the series (or her other series). And that's a very narrow minded view, to only think someone is interesting if they look like every other single warrior heroine that SJM has written.
And despite her flaws, she has never lashed out at the other characters and I don't think she's given enough credit for that. She was afraid of the fae yet willingly opened up her home to them, has treated Feyre's found family with kindness from the start, made sure Feyre had a special cake for her birthday and has never blamed Feyre for what happened to her, held Feyre when Feyre was breaking down after Elain's kidnapping (so yes, I do think she has shown Feyre kindness ever since Feyre returned to the human lands in book 1).
Like you said, it's not that she's so much selfish as in "I do what I want regardless of how it affects others" so much as 1) she is more of an optimist and it's not easy for an optimist to understand a pessimists pov because optimists are constantly trying to focus on what's good and 2) she does seem to have a sense of her own worth and isn't going to beat herself down the way Nesta did, at least not to the extreme level did. She can still struggle with things while not self sabotaging. It's the same with Az and Lucien. Both Az and Lucien struggle with self worth and trauma but only one of the two is constantly trying to risk his life in foolish ways, arguing against orders, fixating on things he has no control over (i.e. Mor / mating bonds), brooding, distancing himself from the group. The other, despite his sadness, tries his best to focus on what he can control and I think that's Elain to a tee (T?).
And Elain has been open about the things she wants but she's never forced others to do them for her. For example, Nesta asked Elain whether she wanted to head to Prythian in book 2 or stay and Elain said she had to stay. Because she was engaged. So logically, it makes sense that she would. But never did she insist that Nesta had to stay with her, Nesta chose to stay. Elain should be allowed to make her own choices without someone calling her selfish.
I think she definitely could be labeled as selfish in the first two chapters of ACOTAR but I don't think we can say the same by the end of that first book. Some will claim Elain was selfish for bringing up their father to Nesta when, if she were observant as is claimed, she should have seen Nesta didn't want to talk about him, but.....Elain should be able to talk to her sister about their father because Elain lost him too. The trauma of their fathers death did not soley belong to Nesta (especially considering Elain actually loved him meaning she lost someone she was extremely close with) and while Nesta had a right to say she didn't want to talk about him, Elain is not wrong for attempting to bring him up in the first place.
And your comment:
"Ultimately I tell myself that it doesn’t matter how a character begins but rather how and what they grow into"
is hitting the nail on the head. Elain was meant to start in one place then grow from there but she's not going to grow into her full self until she's with the right people in the right place. I think the reason Elain's personality doesn't jump out to many is because she's not in the right place with the right people, just like Feyre wasn't fully herself in Spring and only came into who she was meant to be once she was in the NC. And maybe the reason there was more room for SJM to show us Nesta's personality was because as soon as Nesta ended up in the NC, she was with the right people in the right place. Her struggle came from letting go of her own self hatred but it was clear that she was free to be herself, even act out, because she belonged.
If Elain was super sassy, bubbly and outgoing in the Night Court then the entire narrative that SJM has built for her falls apart. She's got her full personality on mute because she's still waiting to find her own path with her own people and it's only then that her sisters will finally see her for all that she is too.
That's what I wish some in the fandom would understand about Elain. That they really shouldn't villain-ize a character for at times seeming odd and out of place, where she's in the background and not involved in the way the others because SJM has been hinting at her having to leave the NC before she can become true FMC energy. She's not going to have that energy before her book though even when she does, she's still going to be recognizable. She's still going to be loving and kind, she's still going to make friends easily, she's still going to want sunshine and nature. I think anyone trying to keep her in the NC tries to reason away the fact that they'd be sucking out a major part of her personality by claiming "Velaris has sunshine too! She can just avoid the Hewn City!" That's like saying someone can get the same sunshine in Alaska as they can the Bahamas.
But until it's time for her full arc, SJM has to keep Elain in a bit of a holding pattern since she's been driving home the narrative that she doesn't fit in where she's at. Elain isn't boring or worthless, she's just waiting for a reason to leave the NC and do her thing (again, something that won't happen until her book) and her individual journey can not be compared to Nesta's because no matter how much she fought it, Nesta always belonged in the NC and it was made clear to readers from the start.
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pasta5284 · 1 year
whenever i see posts talking abt like. fandom. like "whats ur unpopular opinion that will make the rest of the fandom mad" or "whats ur fav thing abt ur fandom" or "sitting in bed rotating my blorbo in my mind" or whatever im like. lol. i have not felt passion in so many years. ihave not had the brainspace to get deeply involved in any sort of media/fandom/content in so many years. i have spent the last few years especially an empty shell for anxieties. a body that walks arnd and does stuff and talks to ppl and technicalyl engages in interests but there is no real engagement anymore. its all going thru the motions. and this is not an entirrly unfamiliar feeling 2 me ive been depressed+ since like middleschool. but at least when i was younger i had shows and games and hobbies and i coulr lose myself in them. i haad anxious thoughts impulsive thoughts intrusive thoughts etc but my head was also filled w fun or interesting thoughts abt my ocs, the media i was into, my hobbies etc. but now there is nothing. i barely even listen to music unless im driving. when i am laying in bed all i think abt are the problems im facing or my own insecurities or whatever. anxious andd depressing and paranoid and. yeah. even when i consciously try 2 think abt things i like there is nothing. i feel nothing its hard to think of things to think abt. headcanons silly jokes analysis none of it comes to me even when i try. i would say this is just a part of growing up but most ppl i follow and are friends w r all within my age range. and plenty of them r mentally ill or traumatized or being actively abused/hurt but they still find escape. they can still watch a movie and then think about nothing but that for the next week. they can see a thing they like ans get excited abt it. tbey can get high and play video games and actually just think abojt the game and how much they like their fav character. instead of. physically doing the action but constantly arguing w someone in their head or debating if theyre a good person or not. or whatever. ad nauseam . every day. now that ive moved out and am working on myself the rumination is a bit better but now when im not constantly worrying abt interpersonal issues or whatever theres just a blank. the now freed up space hasnt gone back to thinking silly fun things its just blank or boring. my brain used to be a place i could escape but now i cant escape anywhere ever at all. even smoking weed or drinking or whatever doesnt help in any capacity. i am both trapped in my head and unable to be there anymore
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limpfisted · 1 year
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by default, unless your muse just does not give a shit about the happenings in the last seven years, your muse would have probably heard of a heroic “arcane knight” who frequents the hells to fight “evil” devils and monsters—but also goes town to town, place to place, fighting bandits, cultists and monsters (and yes, whoever mizora asks him to, sometimes innocents he allows himself to be fooled into thinking are guilty), and proctectinf women, children, people of marginalized fantasy races (besides goblins and devils), refugees, and the poor. he is a proper folk hero, and people HAVE heard of him all over the coasts, and he is known for storm and sword powers, as well as his charisma in telling tales of the hells.
but more importantly, no one, save the people wyll knows personally and has interacted with before AND after his banishment, know wyll ravengard, banished prince, is THE BLADE OF THE FRONTIERS. wyll has not been back to baldur’s gate since his father exiled him, some of the nobles never leave it. the blade and the banished son are known as names and rumors/legends all over faerun, but very few people know the two are one and the same, and wyll will dodge the question if asked. wylls father has also not told anyone about the pact, save his closest confidants.
in general, wyll never asks for payment, but is happy to take it when others insist. he buys fine things sparsely with his money, packs light, has few personal keepsakes, buys books and gifts them to libraries or sells them to shops when he is done with them. he keeps a journal full of poetry, and a seperate full of his adventures, and a third a book of spells and “progress” with his powers, and the further “gifts” he recieves from mizora.
mostly, people seem to be wary of him even before the horns, so they don’t ask too many questions until the job is done and their lives are saved—and even then theyre always content with not tall tales, but true tales enlarged, and news of other towns, over free drink and board.
wyll does not travel with others, though he sometimes makes friends on “missions.” he does not check in on them often—but they always have a blade by their side for missions of their own—though very rarely leisure.
wyll is something of a “workaholic” when he’s not celebrating his victories. he always goes the extra mile, theres always showmanship and flourishes, he genuinely lives to fight for others and be recognized for his goodness. which is what he deserves tbh he just saved ur life!!
wyll takes his job helping ppl by fighting monsters and devils very seriously, and he knows the blade thing isnt THAT serious, but wyll loves to have fun and keep things light and cheery even when hes suffering. the blade makes him confident and proud, and it gives his ferocity and impulses for violence and vanity and gratification meaningful and fun, even when they scare him
a part of wylls thing is in many ways hes a generic adventurer in temperament. like, he is swishy and gay and poetic and he can talk his way out of things and he makes a good love interest and a better player character. like balduran, he seems “pure good,” the heart and hope and pride of the gate. he keeps it light and smiley and soft, but his heroes and his upbringing are full of lies, and so is he.
in general i believe wylls stats and proficiencies were much higher pre-tadpole, a level 15 at least. hes lost some points!
wyll has saved many ppl, and pre-game, he is actually quite known in the hells as well as a pesky demon-like human. untouchable bc of his powerful pact. but also? a huge asshole? who makes them so so mad? they think this dude must be insane fr. how is some human gonna come here asking for another devil without making a deal, the damn nerve!!!
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daedalusdavinci · 10 months
spell homestuck
GOD. THIS IS SO MUCH LONGER THAN TWO FACE. i typed too much and theres too many qs so under the cut it goes
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or....... i guess comics, these days, but i HATE READING COMICS they juST HAVE MORE COMPELLING FANDOMS. book fandoms are PUNY nad everyone is STUPID. youd think actual literary fandoms would have reading comprehension and understanding of literary critique but no!!!!!!!!!!!!! its literally my eternal fuckign struggle. somehow comic fandoms hit the perfect medium between compelling, readable content and the enthusiasm of cartoon fans without the childishness of cartoon fans
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
this isnt really a thing i do. the only time i associate characters w songs is my own ocs. barbies theme is miltons tower from the what remains of edith finch soundtrack!
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
i have also never really been one to project myself into stories. its just not how i consume media. i think sollux and rose already closely resemble the kinds of friends i make, so maybe them?
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
(freddy fazbear vc) vanessa.... ive done things, im not proud of.
i dont even know if i want to answer this question bc its so fucking humiliating LKJSNDLFSDNFSDF the truth is yes. i am solely responsible for. a lot. particularly in the pjo fandom. i created several crackships ground up all on my own way back in 2014 and developed a following for them and i. dont wantto tell you what those ships were. LSKJDFNSLDJNSDFSDDF ive also pioneered many ship tags for other fandoms and i ship a lot of rarepairs and stuff but i dont think im RESPONSIBLE for them?? in that some ppl already were into them/talking abotu them or tht theyre still not popular (augh. to the ones that became popular) but i AM liTERALLY responsible for some crack shit in the pjo fandom and its. it haunts me sometimes. i dont want to talk about it. IF YOU REMEMBER WHAT I DID NO YOU DONT
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
this is so vague. my headcanons are shifting and nebulous and aus are my constant companion in everything, but uhhhhhhghhusjkdjnsdg i think. roxy writes the same way dave draws comics. its extremely memey and meta and self aware and largely just for the personal lolz, and were all doing her a disservice by pretending her writing looks like roses, when in reality dirk is probably the one whod make comics the way rose makes books (which is probably why he doesnt make comics). its more of that thing where roxy and dave are the same and rose and dirk are the same ykwim. well YOU dont corvus but im sure someone else does
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
jason takes after bruce in terms of like. adopting entirely too many kids. he broods
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
harvey is a heartwrenching character when written well, with a complicated view of morality, heartbreaking ties to our main hero, and a lot of internal conflict. something about such a hopeful character deadset on making a different in the system becoming a victim of it, and the potential he has as a vehicle for critiquing the law.
percy is my favorite character from pjo bc it was the very first time in my life i ever read a book and saw myself in it. hes aggressive, impulsive, and rebellious, he fidgets and has a hard time standing still, he acts on emotion without always thinking it through, he gets in trouble in school and hands his mom a murder weapon to kill his stepdad, hes just... hes a lot of the things ive always gotten in trouble for, things i couldnt help being, and hes a hero. he means everything to me.
vriska, i will maintain until the day i die, is one of the best homestuck characters- maybe just characters?- ever written. shes dramatic, shes impulsive, shes manipulative and mean and creative, and shes just so messy about it. shes a mean girl in a way that feels real, where her trauma impacts and shapes her as a person, and shes complex, with warring wants, and people she cares about, and dreams, and shes so messy. shes rough and rude and shes doing what SHE wants to, being a version of herself that feels right to HER, rather than some caricature of the hot badass evil lady. shes thirteen!! and she FEELS thirteen. shes a thirteen year old weird girl who is kind of an asshole, and she means literally fucking everything to me. shes a pirate!!!!! shes a swashbuckling badass dressing up in her larping outfit and yelling at her friends on the playground to swab the deck and she is the bestest ever, the end.
i didnt mean for each one of these to be longer than the last but here we are.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
i hate jdedave peace and love it just feels weird as hell to me. dave, for the most part, is hyper respectful of other peoples choices and boundaries but when it comes to jade hes always trying to mke choices for her, to protect her, and it gets to the point where even jade points out how much it bugs her. jades crush on dave also seems to come from a place of misunderstanding to me, admiring a lot of the parts of himself that he exaggerates and pretends to care about as a result of trauma. it always felt like a kid crush that they shouldve grown out of with time. dave also just sort of seems to... go along with whatever romantic relationships people push him into at that age, rolling with whoever flirts with him jsut bc hes trying to maintain the image of a player, so its really hard to take him seriously any time he hits on someone?
that is just my interpretation of it tho
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
well. i havent finished my reread of homestuck, so that feels difficult to comment on just yet, bc im sure ill have a different opinion when i do finish it. no one in dc gets character arc bc theyre all just undone immediately, so thats like. yeah. and in pjo the arcs are pretty weak bc 1) kids books and 2) RICK UNDOES THEM ALL. AUGH. regardless of all of this, i am going to say jason grace. he had a lot of development in like the last two hoo books, or maybe just like.... hints of how he couldve developed? promise? which rick immediately set fire to in toa when he killed him, but fUCKING WHATEVER. UGH.
anyway actually tho eleanor from the good place. bisexual icon. queen. probably one of the best character arcs of all time. the episode w her mom has some of the most powerful fucking dialogue ever and i think about it. all the time. i should rewatch the good place.....
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chanstopher · 2 years
wait wait i'm NOT ?? THE ONLY ONE WHO'S RESISTED KPOP FOR YEARS??? ok ok first of all u sharing everyone's kpop story makes me all smiley and giddy and i wanna share mine but also i don't wanna intrude bC I'M BABY HERE OK??? BUT LIKE ??? finding ur blog only recently when i allowed myself to actually dive into kpop an stray kids and just soak it all in?? has made me all smiles and i honestly just enjoy following u so much!!!
ok but like?? yes i have REPRESSED AND RESISTED kpop so long bc i'm a rebel and i always have this underlying urge to not??? follow the hype ya know?? i think my first encounter with pop was like?? 2012?? with gangnam style?? and i hate myself for admitting it, but i was studying in australia at the time and there was a music channel i remember which had a kpop segment i think?? so it was like gangnam style and ALSO SUPER JUNION?? (thats all i can remember) and i've listened to a bit of exo on the sideline and then BTW blew up and everyone loved them around me but i was just like NOPE?? BC I COULDN'T ALLOW MYSELF TO FOLLOW THE HYPE??? and i still cringe about the whole youtube rewind 'KPOP!' segment like what was that even back then???
but then i was exposed to the felix effect on TikTok during last fall (ugh yess but i couldn't help it) and it just continued into the new year and now i'm just in the deep end with all things stray kids, going through so many of their songs and their yt videos and i just?? feel so hAPPY GIDDY EXCITED??? but i also cry thinking about everything i've missed out on like ?? moments and memories??? exclusive merch?? PHOTOCARDS ??? (like pls sign me up i wanna sell my soul fo anyone who sells extra photocards i have like none) sbvhjfd
I'M SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG BUT YESS I'm a baby stay and my blog is still in transition but I AM HERE AND I'M gushing about them every day and receiving messages from hyunjin (god he's my fave) and felix and chan on bubble always makes my day and i am just so happy to see what they've accomplished!! LIKE TODAY??? ALL HAPPY TEARS ON MY END!!! i'm literally just waiting for my upcoming internship to accept my wish to be off in july so i can see them headline in paris !!! — thank you for u and ur blog, ur a treasure to follow!!
all baby stays are welcome here I am here for more ppl loving skz always, no gatekeeping here just love and support hehe (and omg thank you im so happy following this blog makes u happy 🥹💕)
i get being resistant to follow the hype especially with music a lot of popular music is really boring and i find myself underwhelmed by stuff ppl REALLY enjoy, and also just not wanting to be a part of what everyone is screaming about is totally valid.
I love that felix did u in tho, and theres always time to catch up on old content! sites like skzflix are superrrr helpful in finding older shows and things! and im always here if ur looking for something or wanna know where anything is from <3 i love how excited and happy u seem to be about skz, i think its always refreshing to have new ppl join in, i think it helps remind ppl who have been in about how exciting discovering skz was for them, and seeing things from a new perspective is so nice!
I hope ur internship gives u the time off! skz are amazing live and i hope u get to experience it!!
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hitachiincest · 4 months
Thank you for your response <3
I also imagine them as switches, though I do lean to Kaohika more… it’s just that, when you see fanfictions and fanarts of them, in my case I was almost horrified— at the way people take the uke thing way too far (it’s just an act, and like you mentioned, even if Kao likes to be doted on, he doesn’t have to be ukefied to be like that) and the way he’s feminized just make me want to show that he can also take the lead/be in charge (even if mostly in private) like in ep. 15 ;; They also confirmed it themselves in the first volume, that while it seems that Hika takes the lead, it’s the more mature Kao that drives the action/is the same (depends on the translation), and it may sound personal, but I hate it when he’s made all feminine— like with his Cinderella metaphor (and Hika and Kao always cross dress together), or the fact he ACTS as the uke, and that was only by chance— because when they initially joined the host club, Kao accidentally burnt his finger for real, and Hika was holding him, genuinely concerned— and then they realized that the girls love it so that’s how the act started in the first place.
oh, yea i remember back when id read a bunch of fics of them after my anime rewatch a few yrs back i was like oh thats.. hm,, ;;; cuz id found a few where kaoru was a bit Too uwu uke iirc tho quite a few of them were p old & from when that was the Norm so i just accepted that some fics were products of the times &/or written by younger fans, as lets face it ouran was & still probably is 1 of the entry level animes. i actually dont consume all that much content of them tho (i only read fics Occasionally [this goes for all fandoms] & theres not much art for them in the eng sphere & i dont follow/kno any jp ouran accs on twitter or use pixiv) so that combined w my bad memory of what i Hav seen means im a bit Unknowing of most fanon for them.. lmao... i figured most of the stuff like that was mostly left behind as of a few yrs ago but perhaps not..?
I can't speak much for the feminizing thing bc I can't recall too many fanworks ive read where that was an issue iirc? tho tbf I can't remember much of what I've read at all bc tht was Yrs ago rip sry ;; I Do think they should be portrayed crossdressing Together more often! it'd be cute; let hikaru be in a cute dress too (I may be biased on everything tho I'm a femboy liker thru & thru lol so I'm like more boys in dresses?? Epic im in lol) softer=fem clothes? False- in this house it doesn't matter the boy type; Get In The Dress lol.
but yeah that doesn't mean he's constantly like that... a princess roleplay or 2 or letting hikaru take care of him, maybe, not unlike ppl w rp aspects to their relationships (like how brats aren't brats Always! time & place, etc etc. someone choosing to be bratty in private doesnt mean theyre gonna act like that 24/7) but it's a little sad if people reduce him to his act all the time...
I don't think I mind ppl playing w the princess thing tho considering it Is a part of his chara, but the whole thing was supposed to focus more on the magic of an illusion shattering eventually & losing what he has not quite a princess & prince... ;; but he Was almost/p much comparing himself to a princess' story & when the magic breaks & he's metaphorically left in his simple flats & princeless instead of the lavish life he had at "the ball" [cinderella metaphor. there is no ball, im aware] so it can't be helped if ppl like the princess association i guess.. give ppl an inch & theyll go a mile, & all that. & honestly w hikaru "saving" [ep 15]/"finding" [ep 21] kaoru twice in canon, it doesn't surprise me if they imagine hikaru as his prince & kaoru the princess since while the metaphor was more abt the whole host club not jus hikaru, hikaru was also a big part of it, as the eps focusing on it display his longing looks at his brother & such, w a fesr of losing Him the most. so long as ppl don't Reduce him to his feminine metaphor 100%, i guess. tis only a small part after all, not a loadbearing one. the angst is more the important bit lmao give him a masc cinderella outfit, even. (altho... the allure of a bishie in a dress... Very Enticing to most I'm afraid)
him always having to be the uke role thing in their host act is kind of out of the fans control bc that's canon... if he's content w his act of being that way, then power to him I guess! he himself might also like that in public he's all uwu kyaaa hikaru <3 while at home it's Hikaru who's nuzzling into his throat. a smug sort of feeling, ya know? that only he gets to see hikaru like that, not everyone else.
WAIT actually as I was typing this I remembered some scene from thee movie shoot ep [ep 4, apparently] where they mentioned 1 of them being the receiver or w/e (bc sports) & it was apparently hikaru annoyedly asking why kaorus the seme in the script w their changed charas (hikaru being all "KAORUU OAO" & kaoru gently reassuring him, which is like their actual dynamic instead) w kaoru replying in a similar manner going "yeah >:T"
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which implies either he Likes/is fine w his uke role or at least doesn't think the fangirls would like them switching up & wants the status quo to stay the same just in case. I think if he did mind he wouldntve said anything? or even suggested to hikaru that switching up provides something fresh & "it's still doki doki twincest, hikaru~ these girls have a refined taste; they might just take a liking to gap moe ^^"
but those r the 2 charas theyve allowed to be chosen for themselves, in a way, & theyre like yea this is alright. rhey prov have an "if it aint broke dont fix it" mentality & since the girls expect the typical, they see nonreason to deviate. the twins are capable of speaking out- theyd prob speak up if they minded. also, kaoru might kno that hikaru might not want to be seen as vulnerable [ep 16 comes to mind tho that had more to do w circumstances going on at the time] so kaoru takes that upon himself & bears that burden upon his perceived character [as in the way one is seen, not his host club persona] so hikaru won't mind as much? idk im going off on a tangent I feel but I think the thing w "kaoru Having to be the public uke" isn't all that bad since he himself seems fine w playing around w that character. maybe one day they'll switch it up for fun. (not Literally, as technically they could have hikaru play as kaoru but it would still be seen as "kaoru", but I mean For Reals have hikaru as the uke)
in conclusion... to the fandom: pls accept soft dom kaoru into ur hearts & rewatch the twins' eps w fresh eyes I guess. love, @/hitachiincest & @/zyrellla (ghsnkmj lolol)
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boyheros · 2 years
Oo for the oc asks, 12, 25, 28, and 50!!
12. Name an OC that isn't yours but who you like a lot
UMMMM OH this is hard... milkt00th has some ocs i like <3 i got to learn about some of them during a conversation. very good. particularly Pigeon and Shay!! umm next i've always been a big fan of sporesgalaxy. they make so much good content and their ocs have a special place in my heaaaaart, some specific ones include Addison King and Cataclysm . there's way more ppl and ocs i'd mention but i dont wanna drag on and also some people i'm thinking of don't have tumblr LOL......also i like this oc called Nocturn maybe you have heard of him idk
25. the OC that resembles you the most (hobby, height, likes, dislikes, etc?)
WELL in appearance probably one of my. many self-insert type characters because they are literally just me with some extra stuff. like my spidersona or i made an mystery skulls oc version of myself once.
as for non-self-inserts, i think definitely Maverick !! i changed his hair to curly because i have curly hair & gave him freckles for the same reason... he likes to write and draw like me and i project a lot of my mannerisms onto him, even if they've never been drawn or mentioned... like his slouch or how he can't raise only one eyebrow and ends up raising both by accident, or how he likes to whistle or how he gets shy orrrrr probably a dozen other things. LOL
28. your most dangerous OC?
HMMMM. either Elizabeth ("kills" 5 people who were her COWORKERS and attempts to kill their kids also. kinda. "kill" is in quotes because some of them can come back but they're basically trapped foreverrrr so.) or... kinda any of the Mizrieta characters. being shapeshifters means they can kinda DO anything. they all have great capacity for violence but most of them don't use it. out of the Mizrieta I have made at this point i think Ero (haven't posted them here) has the highest implied kill count. i haven't come up with a number yet though. they target humans, especially clones. and then also the Facestealer maybe? not because he attacks or kills people but because he's a professional identity thief.
50. Give me the good ol' OC talk here. talk about anything you want!
WHEW. um. lets see. switching gears because all the ocs i talked about here are from the MVRCK story, heres a different guy: Sherwin. I changed up this story recently so theres like. magic and curses. curses are just any magic that's "applied" to a person, so good curses exist. i just didn't wanna call em blessings or something.
He had two curses, one of them nicknamed "the red thread curse." it's a bad luck curse. it can be passed on through family lines which is how he got it. the only way to stave it off is to tie a single red thread around yourself somewhere, and as long as it stays on you you'll be fine. but the more secure you make it the less it works, so you basically have to rely on luck to keep the string from coming undone...to prevent the curse that gives you bad luck... his second curse is a helpful one, it's called "all seeing eye" and it basically allows him to see magic and curses that don't usually have a visual cue. he works as a detective helping other people with curses in the hopes he can find a way to break his!
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dyketubbo · 2 years
goddammit now im mad over the emduo qpr discourse again. everyone owes me so much fucking money for that shit. i know i wasnt the best at wording but genuinely just fucking amazing how me going "hey i want qprs to be seen as their own form of relationship that isnt just headcanons and is its own form of shipping also i think people are weird about how they depict qprs by only ever depicting a romantic relationship but saying /p or by saying shit like 'qpps are platonic soulmates' and not going into how they can often be intimate relationships that isnt always as simple as best friends who get married also its kind of fucking weird that in its own way it contributes to pushing aside a woman whose an important figure to focus on two men and with how ppl treat that woman even outside of this its concerning me" got turned into uh.
the idea that i (an aro person) am arophobic and also against polyam people (even though i wasnt talking about polyam hcs) and also was calling people racist and fatphobic and misogynistic (people are already weird about kristins weight and i felt uncomfortable that her relationship with phil ic was being pushed away when its. canon. i know people dont think she is but she is canon shes the supposed reason a forest grew by the commune and she possessed phil once shes canon to the smp imagine if ppl said drista wasnt canon or something. and some of my discomfort came from the fact that shes a fat woc) and also was "playing the victim" and pulling "the minor card" (i was being harassed and expressed multiple times that the discourse was setting off my paranoia and making me spiral every time i got better and it was upsetting that it was mainly people in their 20s doing this to me, a 16yr old at the time)
and also i guess the idea that I thought qprs were nothing other than best friends?? (that was the entire thing i was arguing against . i wanted qprs to be treated as separate from strictly platonic and strictly romantic relationships. because they are by definition . i wanted them to be treated seriously and for people to stop calling them headcanons because it felt like it was delegitimizing that qprs are a unique kind of relationship and one thats often intimate and heavily committed)
like. auugh. sure if i could go back i would fix some of my wording but i was (and still am) a Teenager . who was uncomfortable and got pushed into spiralling to a point where i couldnt properly escape it (i was condescendedly told to go touch grass but i . Was going outside. consistently. it helped for a short while only for the drama to be shoved in my face all over again which kept setting me off and i couldnt manage to switch out + it was summer during a pandemic like. what else could i do but be online) and like. now i still have lingering trauma and for a good while it ruined techno and phil related content for me. i was terrified of that side of the fandom, only recently have i really been able to shake that off. its scary to know theres still people who think im arophobic or believe all the shit people said about me. when one of my friends tried to defend me one of the main people talking shit found their post and went on to publically talk shit about me to them and it made me. so fucking paranoid that they were tracking my name or some shit
and idk. knowing that for so many people it was just a blip of discourse to meme about and pass on is. a weird experience. that month was horrible for me. it led to me getting nauseous about even romantic shipping in the community (even now i can only really deal with strictly canon dsmp romance) and with how many issues i already had with romance repulsion and figuring out more and more about how alienated i felt from fandom spaces because of my aromanticism it was. i dont know. i still taste bile in my throat every time i think about it.
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joshuahong · 6 years
for some reason I feel something good happening to seventeen very soon...ever since 2017 pledis has made big changes regarding promoting seventeen and managing them.
2017 they released dwc which gained HUGE recognition internationally, then clap also gained and solidified their brand as self-producing and also shows how diverse their sound is imo?
2018 they had their japan debut which was SO successful, and ymmd broke seventeen’s previous records and svt is one of the top sellling boy groups after exo w1 and bts (AMAZING!!)
Now they’re entering the Chinese market!? with jun and minghao on the show cyzj joshua and vernon also doing activities in china???
I feel like svt is just gonna hit us with so much and the support they are getting worldwide is gonna shoot them to the top (they already are imo :’) I am just happy about svt gaining more carats!)
#bea boop#ofc theres more eras that were iconic and helped solidify their fandom and really show their skills but these are some of the few :)#tbh their new management team is doing really well#i think its smart they arent focusing too much in western promotions#because b////t///* is really dominating their and i am so proud as someone who followed them since boy in luv era :)#*there i cant spell lol#but like just being objective#m*/x did activities abroad and YES it was great content for fans but I think the impact was not as strong just bc ppl only know b**#this is all objective bc i stan all groups!! but m* is gaining more and more stans worldwide which makes me SO happy#b** is just SUCH a trend rn like so many ppl stream/know about them#honestly the timing for them is so perfect (me: an unofficial pr analyst LOL)#ok here is my analysis: b** impact grew SO MUCH because they have an amazing social media prescence#something sm did not invest much in for e** imo...thus b** has minimal competition (not invalidating their success#*i am just observing!)#not only that but rising groups like svt mx nct are so close like if they make the right move they can get there#*ALSO I AM NOT SAYING THAT B** IS ABOVE E** BC I STAN AND LOVE BOTH BUT THEIR MANAGEMENT IS VERY DIFFERENT#tbh...if e** had stayed as ot12........it would be so close...does that make sense??#BUT anyway all I gotta say is that svt's pr manager is smart...im not saying them promoting in the west would do nothing but I think#it needs to happen naturally#like when people loved dope by b** or call me baby by e**#my biggest fear is carats losing their kind reputation but i dont think itll happen#regardless i am still so happy with where svt is right now :)
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elysiuminfra · 2 years
This is your excuse to talk about Utterson. I agree, he deserves more content. 😌
i think when you look into his character he makes a perfect foil to jekyll. he has a strong will, he's resourceful, and moreso, he's active. he's the kind of man to indulge himself within moderation, and not regret it afterwards. he also plays an active role in the story, while jekyll simply lets things happen to him throughout.
i portray him as a direct foil bc i find it particularly interesting. my take on gabriel is that he's gay, DOES have relationships but keeps them relatively quiet (as its frowned upon in victorian society) while jekyll is ashamed of his homosexuality. and him being a lawyer, he has a drive to "win" or "solve" cases, which is sort of how he navigates his relationships as well. gabriel isnt perfect- he cares too much, puts too much of himself into others, and doesn't know when to let go- that's why his relationship with jekyll is so complex, and at the end, it leaves him deeply broken. he feels as if he's "failed." he couldn't save him from himself. he can be overly ruthless when it comes to solving other people's problems- comes with the profession. he can cross boundaries sometimes, and will do anything to "help" jekyll, even if it means digging into things that otherwise shouldn't be dug into (hyde's activities, for example, which i personally like elaborating on)
i think he's also deadpan but funny. the kind of guy to deliver jokes in such a flat tone that it makes you cackle. quiet, reserved, but a good conversationalist. ppl think he's boring but i think he's just like.... not that emotive. he just has a hard time expressing his feelings beyond words. he just grew up in a household where feelings weren't expressed, and in his professional life it only reinforced it. you're supposed to be objective!
i also hc him to be mixed chinese/white which i think im like one of the only ppl that portray him as mixed chinese. i like other ppl's headcanons but im like all alone over here...... also i associate a lot of symbolism with him, jekyll, and hyde. they represent different body parts. jekyll is the brain (thinking, the conscious self) hyde is the hands (active, kinetic, manipulating) and utterson is the eyes (observant, reflective). the color i associate with him the most is blue and grey :) like a pigeon
i think he's an overlooked and underappreciated character because when you really read into it he can be quite interesting. you think about the circumstances that shaped him into the person he is. like him being a lawyer, him being reserved and quiet but amicable- what shaped him to become that? what led him to this point? what is his history with jekyll- beyond just being his lawyer, but being personally invested in his wellbeing? theres so many things you can extrapolate on :)! which is what i like to do. but i mean my personal interpretations are not the same as everyone else's. i just have a lot of personal thoughts about this character and what i enjoy focusing on.
long story short is i like him he's more interesting than ppl think he is and i think more ppl should like him :)
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basilly · 4 years
tumblr tips & things!
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after growing rlly fast, i just wanted to provide some maybe helpful tips + things you could do if you’re a smaller blog! i am in no means an expert, I am still learning but this is what i’ve learned, specifically abt the mcyt tumblr community
disclaimer you DO NOT have to follow these, these are what ive learned and my opinion, but i think most writers can agree on this
its a lot of info im sorry ajdba but feel free to reblog and add ur own info!
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1. tags!
theyre superrr important if you want exposure for your works + writing pieces, just make sure to tag accordingly
meaning: do not cross tag, or main tag, (ex do not tag just dream alone) keep ‘x reader’ content under the ‘x reader tags’
^people get uncomfortable with x readers and sometimes they slip through the filtered tags
my go-tos for tags are mcyt or cc name then the following prefixes- x reader, x y/n, x you, fanfic, fanfiction
if you have a fic for dream, DO NOT TAG george, it makes it confusing
also tags for ur random posts r super helpful because if someone doesnt want to see it, they can filter it out (my talking tag is basilly blabs)
adding a tag for the ppl you interact for! i like doing this cuz i can easily search a tag on my blog to see my prev interactions w/ them (ex. if i interact w/ userA then i tag userA’s username)
2. create some sort of brand
of course u can switch it up, but using ur own theme makes ur work recognizable to others
like mine is my banner- i use it on every of my works + important posts, so ppl can recognize me
banners can be found on the internet or twitter (but pls credit the artist w/ permission) i found mine on google
for super thin page dividers, i use ibis paint (mobile app) and made a super thin canvas (3405x57) and filled it w/ my theme color
3. plspls dont beat yourself up for rejecting requests or feeling uncomfortable
you are not forced to write requests, if they make you feel uncomfortable you can decline
also if you’re not happy with the work, you can spend the time to revise + edit, we will wait for work you are happy with!
+ if you are stuck with some details on writing smth, ask a mutual or others! more brains and more ideas!
4. same goes for writers block & health issues
we all get it sometimes, no one is pressuring you and if they are, its your blog, you decide. and your health matters more
5. the mcyt tumblr community is SUPER NICE
if u wanna be moots aka mutuals (follow each other) literally shoot them any message and they’ll respond so kindly
ive talked to so many incredible moots who I absolutely adore theyre so kind
also interacting w/ moots: they can reblog your work, creating exposure but do not expect reblogs, and same to you we are not expected to reblog
6. please check a cc’s boundaries before writing
@/smp-boundaries has a majority listed, and if not, ask!
7. if u have any questions, just ask!
lots of ppl will not even mind that much, like i said theyre super kind
8. navigation + masterlists!!
super important for everyone to see your rules, works, all put into one spot, it makes it 10x easier
9. backup ur works + asks
tumblr can be glitchy so its always helpful to back up works on google docs or smth similar
having ur whole fic deleted is not fun and demotivating
asks can be backed up by sending them to ur linked email- this has helped loads for me
10. dont worry too much abt likes + follows
all blogs start out small and as you go and keep persisting, ppl will start noticing + following, its all abt perseverance + trust the process
even when fics r rllllyy good, tumblr has its own bad days and u get low notes- dont let this discourage you
11. anonymous asks!
some ppl get nervous and request on anon! personally think theres more requests that way
12. small text or read mores!
internet is a great help w/ this and itll give you guides and step by step instructions
mobile also is a lot harder to make an aesthetic blog, so a laptop or pc or chromebook is super helpful
13. for max notes, post at ‘prime times’
i think the queue tells u when the prime time is to post for ur time zone, but also a google search is super helpful
or, guess and check! trial and error- i did this and found the best time to post for me
once you find it, you can schedule or queue your work so it posts for you!
14. if there’s sensitive topics pls add TW and CW
as writers yes we try to cover some topics that ppl request but we dont want to trigger others, so at the top include TW// (trigger warning) or CW// (content warning) and add a cut or read more
do not put CW or TW on content creators- no matter how bad they are, its rude and dehumanizing
15. Formatting is SUPER important!
if you do not separate your lines of dialogue or paragraphs, chances are people WILL skip over it. it makes it hard to read and sometimes it is’t worth people’s time
rule of thumb is make a new paragraph every time someone speaks and indicate who is talking or make is distinguishable!
if your fic is over 500 words, id add a cut as well! if you dont know how:
on mobile: type :readmore: in a new paragraph and hit enter w/out a space after the readmore
pc/laptop: new paragraph, three dots far right
Smut also def has its own set of rules but i am not a nsfw blog- main things i can say is please add cuts and check for cc’s boundaries
thats all i have for now,,, i might add in the future!
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not everyone’s experiences are the same but this is whats worked and happened for me and what i found to be useful, i hope this helps you as well, if it doesnt, thats fine too!
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