#i think i will start compiling a book soon
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Is the world out there as ill as the world in here? How often are you sick? How often is your family sick, how often are your friends? How often does sickness spread, how easy has it become to be sick- for you, for others? How long are you sick? At times, is it endless?
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innerfare · 5 months ago
Luffy Fluff // Angst Compilation 
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Summary: A compilation of Luffy angst and fluff from my multi character posts (You're Wounded, Brushing Your Teeth Together, Flowers, Type of Date, You See His Cabin, Fighting and Making Up, Paradise, Nightmares, I Love You, You're Jealous, Wearing His Hat).
Genre: Fluff // Angst
CW: None // SFW
You’re Wounded: 
Makes a light joke, inspects the wound himself even if there’s a doctor present, will help bandage you up if you need it. Pretends to be nonchalant about the entire thing, is panicking inside. Fully realizes the depths of his affection for you, is terrified to realize it’s love.  
Brushing Your Teeth Together: 
Turns it into a competition. “First one done wins!” “Luffy, no!” Also gets toothpaste absolutely everywhere. If he was in the habit of wearing shirts, all of his would have toothpaste (and food) stains on them. 
Not one to buy you flowers. Instead, he picks them. Sometimes they’re weeds he thought looked pretty, other times, he presents you with a lush bundle of pink carnations you think he must have picked from a commercial flower field (this man has no concept of private property). He’s always very proud to present them because he worked hard to secure them; you'd better give him a kiss for his effort. Has, on occasion, accidentally brought you some that are poisonous. Also once brought you a bundle of radishes because he thought you would like the color. Receiving flowers from Luffy can be a bit like receiving a lizard from your pet cat. 
Type of Date: 
Everyone thinks he’d want to take you to dinner, probably to an all you can eat buffet, but this boy would actually drag you to an amusement/theme park. You’ll go on all the rides, riding the scariest ones multiple times over, and by the end of the day, you’ll have a stack of photos taken just before the roller coaster dropped. He’ll probably want to grab a bite to eat afterward, as if he didn’t already sample everything the amusement park had to offer; definitely something casual, like a burger or bbq joint. 
You See His Cabin For The First Time: 
He's literally so proud of just his hammock. Insists it can hold the both of you and could probably hold the entire crew if you tried, asks if you want to try, asks you if you’re sure when you say no. Definitely has a couple of dirty dishes that he’s forgotten about, as well as a few wrappers on the floor. Has some fishing poles, a net, quite a few different games, and a bookshelf that’s full of both comic books and snacks so that he doesn’t have to go all the way to the kitchen if he gets hungry in the middle of the night. 
Fighting and Making Up: 
You fight about his recklessness. You knew who he was when you fell in love with him and you don’t want to change him, but sometimes, it gets to be too much and you lose your cool. One perk of dating Luffy, though, is that he has very high emotional intelligence, so if it’s one of those fights where you just need your space, he’ll give it to you, waiting patiently for you to approach him to make amends (although it does weigh on him quite a bit when the two of you are at odds, like he’s waiting for the hammer to drop on your relationship; he has such an intense fear of you leaving him it’s unreal. He also struggles with the separation because he’s so clingy). He doesn’t really talk through the fight and do the whole apology thing, just pounces on you and kisses all over your face as soon as he can sense you’re good and ready to receive his affection again. If it was a really bad one, he might pick some flowers to give you. 
Paradise 1: 
Meandering through the woods in search of the tallest, most impressive tree, him giving you a boost up to the first branch to get you started before climbing up himself, staying behind you the entire time so he can catch you in case you fall. Finally piercing the canopy and poking your heads up above the forest, his hand on your leg to keep you steady, the two of you grinning as birds fly by, basking in the afternoon sun. 
Paradise 2: 
Escaping the chaos of life and climbing a desolate hill, sharing a late afternoon snack as you stare up at the clouds and point out different shapes, saying, “that’s you,” when you see a funny one. Arguing over which one of you gets to be the dragon cloud, your argument turning into roughhousing and the two of you accidentally rolling down the hill, him laughing and kissing your cheek when he knows you���re okay and then starting the argument again. 
He grins at the sight of you standing on a cliffside looking out over the water, tranquil in the peace of night. He hurries toward you and puts his hand on your shoulder to turn you around, ready to place a happy kiss on your lips, only to stop short at the sight of your face. You’re completely devoid of joy, the life and will to live sucked out of you by a force he can’t control. You’re a husk, and he’s powerless against it. He realizes the darkness isn’t from night, that there are no stars glimmering in the sky, that the world has had the goodness sucked out of it, yours along with it, leaving you empty. He wakes up with tears in his eyes and buries his face in his pillow to muffle his sob. 
Wearing His Hat: 
Luffy is very protective of his hat. It’s his most prized possession, given to him by his beloved father figure. He’d fight the bloodiest war in human history to get that hat back should someone steal it from him. It’s for that reason he’s shocked by his own reaction when you get a little tipsy one night and pluck it off his head, placing it atop yours. 
“Call me Captain,” you tell the crew, going member by member and giving them orders, getting onto Zoro’s case for not saluting like Usopp and Chopper did. 
He doesn’t feel the urge to snatch it back, doesn’t feel even a touch of anxiety that you could misplace or damage it. Rather, he feels a sense of pride- everyone knows him by his straw hat, so if you’re wearing it, everyone knows you’re his. And it’s in that moment he realizes that you’re his- not his belonging, but his person. You’re the one he wants to walk through this life beside, the person who chose to wear his hat. 
I Love You: 
He showed it first, asking you to join his crew, making sure you had a safe and healthy place to be yourself, fighting anyone who stands between you and your dreams, saving his funniest jokes until you're around to hear and giggle at them, even going so far as to share a little (really, only a little) bit of his meal with you, but you were the only who actually said it first. He gets severely injured after a nasty fight, and you stay by his side while he sleeps it off like he normally does, though it takes him longer than usual to wake up. When he does finally wake up looking for you and something to eat, you fling yourself on him and tell him how much you love him. You didn’t intend on confessing, but you were so worried about him and the words fell from your lips as soon as you knew he was okay. Your brows are still furrowed, and when Luffy asks why, you voice your insecurity that he doesn't feel the same way. Luffy just laughs at that and ruffles your hair. “Of course I do.” With that, he crawls out of bed in search of food. He quickly falls into the habit of telling you in the morning when you wake up, and it fills you with so much joy, it’s like he’s giving you a happy vitamin to start your day. And saying those words bring him so much joy that saying them is like he's taking a happy vitamin, too. 
You’re Jealous: 
He never told you Boa Hancock was in love with him, and when you find out, you have to remove yourself from the situation before you have an emotional outburst and start something with the Pirate Empress. The problem is, you don’t even know which emotion will spill out of you. Finding out the world’s most beautiful woman, and a powerful Warlord, no less, is desperate to marry Luffy is a whirlwind, to say the least. Luffy can seem clueless at times, but his emotional intelligence is through the roof, and he picks up on what has you upset almost straight away. He knows to give you some space, and when he senses you’re ready, he approaches you with a handful of wildflowers he picked. He doesn’t really say much, just pulls you into a hug, presses a few kisses into your cheek and temple, and says in your ear, “you’re my girl.” 
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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kerink · 1 month ago
okay, i finished the book of bill and i wasn't going to make this post because i was sure someone already had, but i was asked to make it anyway so here we go. my compilation of the billford content:
three songs have been identified in relation to bill and ford:
the first is "we'll meet again" by vera lynn, which is about the singer wishing well to the listener before they travel, and promising to return home to them soon. this song comes up twice, first when bill sang it to ford in the fearamid and then again at the start of the book of bill, where ford says he still gets it stuck in his head upon waking up, giving the impression they both are singing it to each other at different points.
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the second is a 1960s song by james and bobby; when you search this, the first song that comes up is "i'm your puppet." the meaning of this song is really straightforward, especially within the context of these two, but you can read this if you'd like. i believe this is the song ford is whistling in his dream before he's confronted by bill's previous victims. during this scene, he's sitting in a birch tree clearing (the tree commonly associated with bill) and sketching a yellow meadowlark.
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as an aside, something interesting about the meadowlark is that its chest marking has a very peculiar resemblance...
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the third is "sweet dreams (are made of this)" by the eurythmics. after bill tries for days if not weeks to talk to ford about the portal, bill resorts to violence and spends the night abusing ford's body and reputation. when ford wakes up, this is the song bill left playing for him.
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as an aside, i think it's interesting that the first draft of the song was played on a black and yellow synthesizer.
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there is an entire section in the book dedicated to bill outlining his dating tips. of the 8 tips bill gives, he uses 3 of them on ford. EDIT: he uses 5 of them
the first is "the love cage," which pretty much ver batum outlines what happened in the fearamid during weirdmageddon.
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the second is "vulnerability," where bill advises you tell your date 1) how no one can relate to you and 2) that you have a tragic back story, both of which he does in one fell swoop.
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as an aside, this is a fun chance to peek at bill being an unreliable narrator in some kind of mobius double bluff. when you read these two sections back to back, it appears bill is lying to ford to gain his trust, especially if you also just watched the previous video. however, earlier in the book, it's implied that the genocide of his dimension was traumatic and something he wishes he could undo, and later in the book, after ford leaves him, bill gets drunk and attempts to call his mother, sobbing. this gives the impression that bill was indeed being vulnerable with ford here but doesn't want us, the reader, to know it.
the third is "good ol'-fashioned valentines," where bill provides some cheap and easy gift-giving advice. he then follows this advice for ford's birthday.
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as an aside, i think it's funny bill brings up cats here. who belongs to whom, william?
them both accusing each other of cheating:
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a callback to stan's season 1 joke: "my ex-wife still misses me, but her aim is getting better:"
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this amazing lower back tattoo bill made him get:
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bill totally being fine and normal and great after ford leaves him for good. in fact, he's doing so well that he got drunk and took himself to dinner to celebrate. he's not upset. he's not upset.
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and let's not forget mabel calling it like it is, as always:
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and finally, here are some various tidbits i just enjoyed:
ford's a cipherholic attracted to things that hurt him lmfao
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can you just give him a normal compliment jesus
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the tattoo reads "if lost return to bill"
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also the "the rats were his idea? i get it now." get what baby hm? hm? hm? implying we WERE supposed to "get" something from it
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fated i guess
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not tonight dear i have a headache
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in conclusion, i definitely think bill is more in love with obsessed with ford than ford is with bill at this point. probably because ford's had a third of his life to come to terms with their partnership, while 30 years to an immortal being is imperceptible. given what we saw with "the love cage" and with how bill tells ford it's not too late to join the henchmaniacs during weirdmageddon, he's probably still trying to get ford back. in his own insane, demonic way.
as an aside, i do think it's interesting that the end of the book implies bill blames stan for turning ford away from him. especially since what he cites is what happens at the end of the show, implying bill thought he still had a chance during weirdmageddon
anyway, thanks for reading! if i missed anything, please let me know!
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aziraphales-library · 4 months ago
Hello there, thank you for all the work you do! I was wondering if you had any recommendations from smaller, less well-known creators? Like fics under 100 kudos or 1000 hits that you think deserve more love and attention! Thank you!
Hi! I did a similar post previously here, so check that out. I went back to my bookmarks again. These are all fics I've enjoyed that have around or less than 100 kudos/1000 hits (at time of compiling)...
Words not written by Ambra_Sue (G)
Aziraphale has a secret, something he has kept as close to his heart as possible for 6000 years. Something kept as close as the pages of a book pressed together, a piece of paper slipped inside a treasured tome, words left carefully blank in a notebook for that express purpose. What happens when Adam restores the world? Are some imprints of feelings powerful enough to be shaped into reality?
No Tartan Required by jars (G)
“You could do, you know,” Aziraphale says, soft-spoken and apropos of absolutely nothing. They’ve been sitting in the backroom of the shop for hours now in companionable silence, punctuated only by the rustle of old paper as Aziraphale turns the page of what must be his third or fourth novel of the afternoon. “Could do what, angel?” Crowley drawls easily from where he’s sprawled across the sofa. He doesn’t bother sparing a glance in Aziraphale’s direction, but he can feel the angel’s eyes on him from across the table all the same. “Look like you run a bookshop.” Or: nearly a week after the apocalypse that wasn’t, Aziraphale makes a rather surprising suggestion that leads Crowley to question first his sense of style, and then his place in the world.
Confused Serpent by Eigon (T)
Crowley has lost his memory, and he wakes up with an angel in the room.... Crowley also swears a lot.
Classic First Date by WittyWallflower (G)
Allergies are terribly inconvenient. Aziraphale would rather not spend his first date with Crowley sneezing unattractively, but taking a strong anti-histamine beforehand was perhaps not the wisest decision.
Paint a rainbow all around him by imaginary_glu (G)
Aziraphale takes up streaming. Crowley becomes "Mr. Teapot". They also really, really love each other, but that isn't new.
But you had to come along, didn't you? by Solimette (T)
At the corporate Christmas party of his new job as an editor, Aziraphale makes the acquaintance of the dashing Crowley from Marketing. Anathema, a mutual friend is convinced that there's something between the two men, but Aziraphale is a little hesitant. Time shows though, that even crappy Christmas parties can be the source of joy and euphoria, when being seen as who you are.
Percy by Jackie Thomas (NR)
A hundred years later, Adam Young has passed away and Crowley is still trying to save the planet. “Where do you think Adam’s gone?” Crowley asks Aziraphale. “I’ve been wondering.”
A Kaleidoscope of Butterflies by Inherently_human (T)
As part of his exposure therapy for his anxiety, Aziraphale is collecting positive experiences to teach his brain that things often turn out better than expected. He visits the local botanical gardens and soon finds himself enchanted not only by the gorgeous flora and fauna but also by the rather charming volunteer who seems more than eager to share his endless knowledge with Aziraphale. It doesn’t take very long for all sorts of things to start fluttering about, and it’s not just the butterflies in the glasshouse that are the source of this unexpected sensation.
- Mod D
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lexalovesbooks · 5 months ago
five books with aroace main characters you say....please share 👀
You are super in luck anon because almost as soon as i posted that I started compiling a list of all the ace/aro-spec books I could remember reading, these are all across a big variety of genres and age categories but all the mcs fall somewhere on the aro-ace spectrum (and personal faves are bolded)
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire: I think most people here know this one. A world where children sometimes disappear through magical doorways to other worlds, and sometimes return. When this happens, they usually are desperate to find a way back. Nancy is one of these children, looking for a way back to an underworld of living statues that has become her home while also trying to find a murderer at the boarding school full of other children looking for their own doorways back to their worlds. Asexual mc
Summer Bird Blue by Akemi Dawn Bowman: Rumi, a teenager whose younger sister recently died, moves to Hawaii to spend a few months with her aunt, where she tries to piece together who she is without her sister and rediscover her love of songwriting, something she and her sister always did together. Aro-ace questioning mc
Forward March by Skye Quinlan: Harper, a student at a prestigious high school whose father is running for president, deals with school, marching band, and a presidential campaign all while trying to figure out if she really likes the girl and fellow bandmate who recently was catfished by someone pretending to be Harper. Ace lesbian mc
All Systems Red by Martha Wells: This one is pretty popular too, idc. Murderbot is a self-named human-bot construct (think cyborg, but manufactured specifically for security purposes) who hacked its own governer module to gain free will, and then used that free will to continue doing its job while watching thousands of hours worth of space soap operas. Unfortunately, its existence of efficiently half-assing keeping humans safe is disrupted by a group of clients who end up in hot water, all while being unexpectedly concerned with its state of freedom and the status of its personhood. Aro-ace agender mc
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger: Elatsoe, also known as Ellie, is a young Lipan Apache girl who has a dream where her cousin tells her the name of his killer—the morning before she wakes up to the news of his death. She and her parents travel to the town he lived and died in and work to comfort his grieving family while searching for evidence that will prove the killer, a well-liked community figure, is guilty. Also features faeries, ghosts, and other paranormal and mythical creatures. Asexual mc
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic: ANOTHER very well-known tumblr book! Whatever, not gonna try to explain the plot, these are the lacrosse murder books you’ve heard of them and if you haven’t you can look up a summary. Mc is word-of-god demisexual but also it’s so evident in canon even without being explicitly stated that I personally don't even think you need the disclaimer
Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson: In a world where dead spirits regularly rise from deceased bodies to devour and possess the living, Artemisia is a nun-in-training who will one day cleanse the bodies of the recently deceased so that their souls can move on to the afterlife. Then, she releases an ancient and dangerous spirit from a relic to protect her convent from attack. The spirit possesses her body and gives her extraordinary power—but the spirit isn't necessarily on her side, and it's unclear if the connection formed between the two of them can safely be severed. Asexual mc (not explicit bc it's fantasy, but I think it's pretty obvious even without the exact word used)
Firebreak by Nicole Kornher-Stace: In a dystopian world torn apart by two rival corporations, Mallory is one of many people who find refuge in a virtual reality game that allows you to enter battle, earn real-life credits for sorely-needed necessities like water, and interact with virtual, computer-created versions of the league of supersoldiers that protect her home city from attack. Mallory has had a parasocial obsession with one of these supersoldiers—22—for years, until one day she gets caught in an attack that results in her meeting the flesh-and-blood version of the celebrity/superpowered protector. As she spends more time with 22 and his paired operative, she begins to see just how deep the corruption of the company that controls her city runs—and also begins to wonder what she can do to help the city and everyone who lives in it. Aro-ace mc
Dear Wendy by Ann Zhao: Two freshman college students bond over their experiences with being aro-ace and work together to form an aro-ace-spectrum community at their college. At the same time, both students anonymously run rival relationship advice accounts on instagram, and spend their free time engaging in mostly-joking insults with each other. Aro-ace mc, aro-ace non-binary mc
Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White: Miles is a teen living in the Appalachian South, who finds himself caught up in the crossfire of a centuries-long feud between his family and another, significantly more powerful family living in the same town. In the aftermath of a violent assault that lands him in the hospital, he and a childhood friend engage in a revenge quest that quickly begins spiraling out of control. At the same time Miles deals with shifting family dynamics in the wake of him coming out as transgender, and an apparition of a long-dead ancestor that no one but him can see. Aromantic trans mc
Those are all the ones I feel like writing out full summaries for, but some other books that I really like with aroace mcs are The Diviners by Libba Bray (ace lesbian mc in second book), The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon (word-of-god aroace mc), The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang (word-of-god aroace secondary character), and The Last Sun by K.D. Edwards (word-of-god demisexual gay mc, ace secondary character). The one thing I haven't really read any of is books with aroallo main characters :( If anyone has recs for those, please feel free to share!
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sxffrxn · 1 year ago
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When love strikes OP81
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An Oscar Piastri x reader, enemies to lovers story
Part One Part Two
Summary: Oscar Piastri and Y/N L/N have a long-lasting feud, nobody knows why. Do they themselves know why?
Warnings: swearing, Oscar and Y/N literally act like children, grammar mistakes, messy
Word Count: 1.4k
Arriving back at home was like a blessing from the Gods. As soon as Y/N stepped foot in her apartment, her coat was thrown off as she leaped onto her bed, luggage forgotten. That night, she had the best sleep she had in a very long time, despite still being in her travelling clothes.
When she woke up and checked her phone she found her instagram was blowing up. Panic coursed itself through her body. Was she cancelled online? Has someone made up some bullshit to spread about her?
But, alas, it was her interview. It had gone viral. Some people were speculating about Oscar and Y/N’s relationship, and some had compiled an entire 30 minute video of the pair being downright unpleasant to each other. Although Y/N did in fact watch the whole video - in 3x speed, she wasn’t watching a 30 minute long video - she has to admit some of these were a stretch, I mean there was one scene where they simply walked past each other, opposite sides of the walkway may I add.
Both Lamborghini and Mclaren’s PR teams were going to have a field day with this one.
About an hour later, Y/N got a call from her assistant, Gemma,
“What have you done Y/N, the internet is in shambles!” she started.
“No, Hi how are you? Are you well rested? Why yes I am thank you for asking.” Y/N replied.
“Y/N I don’t think you understand the severity of this. We have had Mclaren on the phone all morning trying to sort this mess out.”
“Gem, I replied the way I was supposed to, I can’t think of another way I could have handled that without it turning into a brawl!” Y/N answered in a less polite tone than she should have used.
“Y/N” she started, “I know you handled it the best way you could. I’m sorry this is just so stressful. I don't know how to say this..”
“Say what? Surely it's not that bad. I mean they’re not kicking me off the team are they? I’ve only done one race an-“ she was cut off by Gemma again.
“They want you to act as though you are civil. Friends even. And I’m not talking, not sending glares at the other. I mean they want you to do all sorts of things with him.” Y/N’s heart dropped, she could not do this. Did this tiny altercation have to resort to this? No. But was Y/N a petty bitch? Abso-fucking-lutely.
“Gem, I’m not pretending to date him or anything like that, I’ve read a lot of books with that in and I hate it.”
“No, Y/N, you do not have to pretend to date Oscar Piastri,” she let out a sigh of relief, “You will, however, have to go to many events with him to show you guys are really just friends off track and rivals on.”
“Ughhhhh. Do I have to? Like what’s the significance of this?” Y/N tried to bargain.
“The significance is,” Gemma started, “not fucking up the internet more than you have - and yes, again, I know it’s not your fault for the interviewer’s question but we need to uphold the reputation of this team. Unfortunately women are always the problem in the media’s eyes.”
Y/N sighed rolling around on her bed and taking a big sip of water,
“Fine, but don’t expect me to apologise to anyone for anything. I hardly did anything wrong!” Maybe the last part was a little fib but Y/N stood her ground.
It was media day for the Saudi Arabian grand prix. Y/N sat in her hotel room completing a round of sudoku on her phone - her newest favourite past-time. She was waiting for a knock at her door from Gemma to explain the plan of action for today. Today commenced the ‘sort shit out with Oscar bloody Piastri’ plan, she was given minute details about how they would be miraculously saving each of their reputations. I mean, Y/N could hardly see the problem with rivalry on track, I mean look at Pierre Gasly and Esteban Ocon, they had some issues - Y/N thinks so anyway - and nobody batted an eye, well I guess they weren’t as hostile with each other as Piastri and Y/N are.
A knock resounded through Y/N hotel room.
“Coming!” she went to the door and was met with the smiley face of Gemma,
“Gem you’re,” she checked her watch, “20 minutes early!”
“Yet you are all ready, what happened to ‘Little Miss constantly 10 minutes late’?” Gemma responded.
“Shitting bricks Gem.” Y/N patted Gemma on the back as she stepped out of her room and locked the door, “Let’s get this over and done with, yeah?”
Gemma filled Y/N in on the plan for the start of the day, Y/N would meet Oscar in the foyer of the hotel, have a few laughs and then head to the paddock, they would re-evaluate from there.
Y/N could feel herself gagging as she stepped into the main entrance, yes she was being very dramatic, but this was more stressful than telling her mum she had forgotten to take the chicken out of the freezer to defrost when specifically asked to. Oscar turned and scowled as Y/N walked up to him, this was going to be way harder than he thought. Gemma gave Y/N a firm pat on the back to usher her towards the aussie. They had fake paparazzi stationed just outside the hotel to get the best angles of their positive encounter. When Y/N felt a hand on her back, it was like a switch had been flicked and she grinned at Oscar as though they were best friends, she really channelled the 9 in her drama GCSE for this one moment.
She waved at Oscar as she got closer and he got the memo to sort himself out and act. They began walking out the door and to the shared car they would be taking (Y/N screamed into her hands and nearly punched a hole in the lift door when she found out they'd be car sharing), Oscar opened the door for Y/N to climb into the back seat before he got in. Both Oscar and Y/N had practically begged Gemma to be the peacekeeper and sit between them, but she claimed that she ‘needed to sit in the front because she gets motion sickness’ Y/N called out her shit and said that they had spent millions of car rides together in the back.
It was hard to not grab Oscar by the throat and throttle him into next week but Y/N kept her composure - and kept her hands to herself. It was almost peaceful at first, if you ignore the massive amounts of tension between the two, but that all soon changed as soon as Oscar opened his mouth,
“Do you know how long the car ride is?” he asked, directed to literally anyone in the car who could give him an answer.
“Longer than your F1 debut race” Y/N muttered under her breath, she did mean for him to hear it as she thought it was a pretty good joke. Turns out, it's probably not best to joke about race finishes - in this case, race not finishes - with someone who despises you.
“What the fuck, that’s not funny” he said turning to her.
Y/N stayed staring at her phone but let out a little giggle at his response. Oscar huffed and practically threw himself back into his seat.
“It’s about a 45 minute drive, Oscar” The driver, Kim (also Oscar’s performance coach) answered for him.
‘45 minutes with this bellend’ Y/N said in her mind before rolling her eyes and rotating her phone to watch a show on Netflix.
Oscar was in the same boat ‘No fucking way am I spending 45 minutes with her’ he thought to himself.
A loud ding sound echoed through the back of the car,
“Are you playing sudoku? What are you a fucking child?” Oscar commented. Y/N just scowled at him and stuck her tongue out. Oscar gave her a pointed look, then she realised, huffed, and pushed herself further into her seat.
This was going to be one hell of a car ride.
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A/N: Hey guys sorry for the late update, I didn’t drop off the face of the earth. I’ve been so stressed out with schoolwork recently so updates will be scarce 😬 Thank you guys for all the support on the first part I literally love you all!!! Still working out the ropes to tumblr but i promise I will get there in the end.
Taglist: @chiliwhore (comment or lmk to be added i guess!!)
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candyfloss-kittens · 6 months ago
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22 years….
I've known of the trio for… as long as I can remember, given my dad would watch them way back when they were still on Top Gear. I don't know when Top Gear first aired on TV in New Zealand, I guess when the show first started to get popular world wide? I don't know…. Though, I do have some very vague recollections of seeing news reports about Hammond's big crash back in 2006 when I was 8, but I really don't know. I might've just heard of it back then, not necessarily seen anything about it.
Now, while I had watched bits of Top Gear over the years, and back in primary school, I'd tend to hang more around boys at school rather than girls (I do recall at one point with the desk layouts I was the only girl in one group alongside five other boys), and if I recall correctly, a lot of them would talk about Top Gear. I think I might've even watched some of Top Gear with one of my closest childhood friends many years ago, we might've even watched the Botswana special together when it first aired in NZ, though I genuinely can't remember if that actually happened or not (my memory is… not great). But given me and him did do a lot of things together, and we were both interested in most of the same things, it's possible (I've not seen that old friend in years now, though. Last I heard, he's got three kids…).
I do remember back in 2015 hearing about Jeremy essentially being fired from the BBC, and James and Richard leaving alongside him. Though, I cannot remember what my thoughts on that while situation was, given I at the time I didn't care about them.
It wasn't until late 2021 that I actually started getting into Clarkson, Hammond, and May. I think right as the Grand Tour's Carnage A Trois released. Pretty sure it was a result of some YouTube compilation of the trio popping up on my YouTube feed. At like 1:30am in the morning after i had gotten home from working night shift at my previous job at a mussel factory (that has unfortunately, and frustratingly, now closed down). How, when I've never been interested in cars at all, I have no idea. Then I started mostly just watching YouTube compilation videos of them after work before getting to bed. Then, I had ended up finding a copy of one of the sampler DVDs that came with the Top Gear magazines, the Supercars one, at one of the op shops near me for $2. I kind of just… fell head first into the trio after that. Buying every book and DVD of theirs that I could find, which was a lot easier than I had thought. Found many of my TG books and DVDs at the op shops near me (still had to get a few online, though, because some weren't easy to find, like May's Cars of the People).
Then at one point, I got curious about if there was fanfic written about them. I'm no stranger to rpf fanfic, so while I was surprised to find that there is, I sort of expected there to be? Because if it exists, there's bound to be fanfic for it. What was a surprise though, is just how into writing fanfic of the trio I got. Especially considering at the time I was trying to move away from writing rpf. So, thanks for that, guys.
I still find myself curious whether or not the guys know that there's fanfic about them, and what their thoughts are on it, though. I'd like to think that they just don't give a fuck, because surely if they had a problem with it (if they're aware of it), then they would've said something about it by now.
So… yeah. Known of them since forever, but never really cared much for them until late 2021 at 23. And now in 2024, at 26, I'm still very much into them, despite not really caring about cars (with the exception of collecting die-cast cars, and putting together model kit cars). I don't even have my driver's license.
While I definitely got into the fandom late, it's been very fun. And in terms of my Ao3 fics for the trio, I still have many more ideas to come, so even though the Grand Tour has now ended, I'm not going to be stopping writing fic for them anytime soon. And definitely won't stop me from finishing off my collection of all their books and DVDs they've released over the years.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 2 years ago
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The Secret Exchange Diary of the Beauty and the Tyrant (His POV)
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support Cybird by buying their stories. Expect grammatical errors. Not 100% accurate.
CW: Slightly Suggestive
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Emma: “Prince Silvio, would you like to exchange diaries?”
Silvio: “Ha?”
We were chillin’ out in bed after taking a bath together when Emma suddenly proposed an unexpected idea.
Emma: “We’ll show each other our diaries.”
Silvio: “Who would do something so embarrassing? I ain’t gonna do it.”
Emma: “You really think it’s embarrassing? Your voyage log is in a book, you know?”
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Silvio: “Those two are different things. I won’t do it even if you ask me to.”
(Her head is really full of such fantasies.)
Emma: “Fine.”
Not expecting me to disagree, she easily backed down.
Emma: “Then, it’s okay if I send you my diary alone, right?”
Silvio: “What’s your goal here?”
Emma: “It’s a secret.”
(I don’t get it.)
I could tell she was up to something, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
(Never mind. If she’s satisfied with it, fine.)
Silvio: “You’re going to send it anyway, aren’t you? Fine, I'll go along with it.”
Emma: “Thank you!”
She giggled and hugged me around the waist.
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(I don’t really get how women think.)
Just like what she said, from that day on, she really did send me her diary.
Today I holed up in the castle's library to learn about the history and transition of Benitoite.
I've always known that the country is famous for its sea and trade. However, it was Prince Silvio's voyages that gave Benitoite the edge over other countries.
He had three major voyages in the past.
All of them were his greatest achievements that had already been compiled in history books.
My fiancée was really cool. I couldn't help but fall in love with him even more as I read about him in history books.
But what he achieved so far was not limited to voyages.
I'd like to know everything about him.
I might fall in love with him each time and suddenly want to hug him, but I hope he forgives me then.
(How can you write something so cringy?)
After reading her diary during my break, I closed it, and for some reason, my face wouldn't stop blushing.
It was so embarrassing that I almost jumped into the water but resisted and just ruffled my hair.
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(But what's in it for her by giving it to me?)
(It's not like she has anything special to tell me. If anything, it just makes me feel good.)
(This is like a love letter now. Ah, damn it.)
It was sickening as a trader to benefit from the diary alone because the principle in business is fair trade.
Receiving Emma’s diary alone wasn’t fair.
(If she's only giving this to make me write a diary, then that's quite impressive.)
She might be a sassy woman, but I didn’t think she would use this kind of tactic.
(No point dwelling on it. I just have to ask her.)
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Silvio: “Why do you want to exchange diaries?”
As soon as I finished my official duties, I stormed into her room and blurted out these words.
She was apparently studying hard, with a stack of history books on her desk.
She widened her eyes at my sudden visit, but stopped writing.
Emma: “I heard a rumor that you might be going on a voyage soon.”
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(You already heard about it, huh?)
It was just a minor voyage一one that would leave the castle empty for a few days. But despite knowing this, Emma didn’t look too happy.
Emma: “This is the first time I’m going to be separated from you here in Benitoite.”
Emma: "I know you often go sailing, and there'll be times when we won't be able to see each other in the future, so I thought if I wrote a diary, I'd miss you a little less."
Silvio: "I see..."
I ended up clutching my head and grunting.
(If that's the case, you should've said so from the start. Why can't you do something as cute as this?)
Silvio: "It wouldn't make sense if you were the only one writing the diary."
Emma: "That's not true."
Emma: "Just having my diary will make you remember me when you go on your voyage. Pretty wicked, huh?"
(What's so wicked about it, you idiot?)
I ruffled her hair messily in annoyance at her overwhelming cuteness.
Emma: "Are you mad?"
Silvio: "Why would I be mad?"
Emma: "Because it was pretty selfish."
Silvio: "*sigh* It's not even close to being selfish."
(To be honest, I was planning to take your diary without telling you.)
Emma: "Then why did you mess up my hair?"
Silvio: "I just feel like it."
Emma: "Don't mess it up just because you feel like it!"
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Silvio: "Shut up. I'm in the mood for this."
Now that I'd heard the reason, I couldn't bring myself to be embarrassed.
As I continued to mess up Emma's hair, I remembered again that no Benitoite businessman should ever break the most basic and important principle.
(It ain't my style, though.)
(Tch, I guess I don't have a choice.)
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A few nights later, I returned to my room after finishing my work and heard the sound of lively footsteps thumping from the corridor.
Emma: "Prince Silvio!"
Silvio: "!?”
The door swung open with a bang, and Emma jumped into my chest like a rabbit.
Without giving me a chance to react, she suddenly hugged me, causing my body to freeze in surprise.
Silvio: "How many times do I have to tell you not to startle me?"
Emma: "This is not the time for that!"
She moved away from me and held up a diary.
It was the diary I purposely left in her room when she wasn't there.
(I left it there because I couldn't stand to see it being read in front of me.)
Emma: "I didn't expect you to write it."
Emma: "The content一"
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Silvio: "Don't say it! Don't say it out loud!"
Emma: "I can't?"
Silvio: "You can't, you idiot."
(I want to get the hell out of here right now.)
Anticipating this, she blocked my way.
Emma: "Then let me tell you what I think of一"
Silvio: "I don't want any feedback!"
Emma: "I'll only say one short phrase."
I tried to cut off her words, but she quickly covered my mouth.
(This bitch...)
Emma: "I love you!"
I gulped, and my heart thumped loudly in my chest as I saw her face up close, beaming with delight.
Silvio: "You're getting carried away."
Emma: "Of course, I'd get carried away if I read that. It was like a love letter一"
This time, I put my lips on hers and took the words I couldn't bear to hear.
Silvio: "Don't say anything else."
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(I don't want to remember it.)
Every time she tried to speak, I kissed her lips and entwined my breath with hers.
I held her hips and felt a slight tremor in my palms as I deepened the exchange of our tongues.
(I won't let you say anything cheeky for a while.)
Just to be sure, I kissed her more deeply, and lewd wet noises echoed around the room.
I knew that if I did this, she'd be even more embarrassed than I was.
When I took everything away from her, Emma turned her teary eyes upward, her breath uneven.
Emma: "Are you embarrassed?"
Silvio: "So what if I am?"
Emma: "Nothing."
She only grinned and said nothing about what I did, which would normally make her blush and complain.
Silvio: "Are you sure you want to be smiling like that?"
(Is my diary really making you that happy?)
I pushed her against a nearby wall and put my knee between her legs.
When I forcefully shook her, I could see from her expression that her composure had vanished.
Emma: "W-What do you think you're doing!?"
Silvio: "If you humiliated me, it's only fair that you should be humiliated as well."
Emma: "Ngh…I didn't humiliate you."
Silvio: "You ain't convincing me."
I unbuttoned her blouse and forcefully pulled down her upper garments.
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As I mercilessly squeezed her exposed breasts, she began to moan.
(I was trying to keep you quiet, but if you keep making that kind of face, I wouldn't be able to hold back either.)
I lifted her skirt and continued to stimulate her directly with my knee.
When I smirked at the faint wetness I felt through my clothes, she noticed and looked away, blushing.
Emma: "Did you really hate the diary so much?"
Silvio: "If I really didn't like it, I wouldn't have done it."
I let out a small laugh, and despite her becoming somewhat disheveled, she laughed as well.
Emma: "Then, please stay with me for a little longer."
Silvio: "Ha?"
Emma: "Is that a no?"
There was no way I could resist her request, seeing how she carefully held the diary.
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Silvio: "I'll go along with you as much as you want if this makes you that happy. Damn it."
Swearing, I hold Emma in my arms and lay her on the bed.
As I sank her into the bed, the diary slipped from her hands, its pages flipping open.
I'm off to the shipyard today for a meeting to discuss the new voyage.
I'd most likely be sailing in a few weeks at this rate.
I plan to return in a few days, but I kinda feel bad leaving you alone.
We'll use an unknown route this time, so the danger is uncertain. This is why I can't take you with me.
I'll be back as soon as I can because you seem to be more lonely than I thought.
As you know, I'm a businessman before I'm royalty.
I will probably go on less risky voyages as I take over the throne, but I don't intend to stop because Benitoite has made rapid progress by crossing rough seas and creating new trade routes.
My way of doing things is different from my old man's.
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I may make you lonely and worried, but I will spoil you when I can be with you.
I'll keep up with the diary, and if there's anything else you want me to do, just let me know.
I'll even do a few outlandish things for you.
I can't help but fall in love with you, too, every single day.
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zzthekaiju · 10 months ago
Best of the Reptiles in Media - 02 - Heart
Here we are again taking a look at some of my favorite scaly heroes. And this time, we go to the realm of animation. That golden frontier where anything is possible.
A lot of people have asked me what my favorite animated film is. And ever since 2016, I've had the definitive answer. It's a film from Japan staring who might be one of my favorite animated protagonists of all time. One that I wish was recognized by way more people than just the cult following his movie got.
You could say that this character...has a special place in my Heart.
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And yes, that is his name. You'll learn to appreciate it.
Omae Umasou da na (You are Umasou) (2010) is an anime adaptation of a series of children's books revolving around a belligerent Tyrannosaurus Rex who ends up adopting a baby Ankylosaurus, with all the mishaps that implies. I'll admit, when I heard about this film for the first time, I wasn't sure what to think. Surely, this free film uploaded to Youtube wouldn't possibly--
It proceeded to rewrite my brain chemistry forever. It really is a great film. It's beautiful to look at, the animation is really action-packed and cute at the same time, it's got a gripping story (which I'll get into), and above all, it's main character is a martial arts-practicing Godzilla-looking T-Rex who engages in interspecies adoption. WHAT MORE COULD I HAVE ASKED FOR?!
But enough beating around the bush, why is Heart so compelling to me?
Let's start with an introduction. Heart is a Tyrannosaurus Rex from a prehistoric world whose lost egg winds up found and adopted by a kindly Maiasaura. Unfortunately, a carefree life of fun and peace with his mom and half-brother Light is brought to an end when he discovers his true nature as a "Big Jaw" (as in, carnivore). After running away out of fear of what he might do to his family, he grows up hardening both his soul and his combat skills so that he may survive the unforgiving badlands outside of the forest he grew up in (complete with training montage).
Then, as if life wasn't done throwing him curve balls, Heart is imprinted upon by a little baby Ankylosaurus he was just about to eat (complete with calling him the Japanese word for delicious, hence the name). Soon, Heart is caught between going with his true nature or taking a few cues from his own adoptive mother...
Design-wise, Heart isn't winning any accuracy contests, but then again, no creature here is. And it hardly matters, either. This dino manages to find a great balance between looking like the kind of character I'd want a plushie of (seriously, why haven't we gotten on to that) and one that conveys great ferocity and coolness. A major part of how that's conveyed is his expressions. This guy is a GOLDMINE of reaction faces for almost every occasion. So much so that, long ago on my Instagram page, I posted a compilation of faces that either cracked me up or just showed his facial range in general.
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What's your favorite? Let me know in the notes/reblogs!
Anyway, then there's when he fights. And MAN, does it go hard! Heart doesn't exactly wear kiddie gloves when he's put in a combat situation, utilizing heavy kicks and deceptive agility as his opponents barely keep pace. We see him go up against sauropods and other Big Jaws, and really, I just need to show you these GIFs to sum up what it's like.
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But that's not where Heart truly shines. It's his role in the narrative. You see, in most dino media aimed towards younger audiences, the big mean carnivore is the villain. This was most prevalent in works like The Land Before Time with Sharptooth, and the Carnotaurs from Disney's Dinosaur (both of which were the stuff of nightmares for little dino nerds like me). Not that this is necessarily a bad thing. Giant theropod dinosaurs are indeed scary, so of course they make for good villains. But then you consider that most of these predators aren't hunting our adorable plant-munching protags because they're evil. It's just in their nature as predators. What are they gonna do? Go vegan?
And that's the troublesome crossroads Heart finds himself at. You could say this film offers a deconstruction of the "vicious meat-eating dinosaur" archetype. The Anti-Sharptooth, if you will. We're obviously meant to root for him because he's the protagonist and an altogether pleasant guy, but at the same time, both herbivore and carnivore are fully-sapient beings here, and Heart must feed.
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The film does NOT restrain from showing him hunt down his prey, but it has the intelligence to show that this is not malice or even pleasure, it's simple survival instinct. He is a huge shade of grey in what would otherwise be a very black-and-white scenario in any other film. And it gets even harder for Heart when Umasou enters the picture.
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For the record, almost all of Heart and Umasou's interactions are the definition of adorable. Little Umasou is such a little ball of sunshine both inside and out, and poor Heart just doesn't have the...well, heart...to either eat or abandon him. Seeing his exasperation while keeping him safe while also training him in the ways of fighting like an anime protagonist (complete with training montage) is all kinds of endearing and a testament to Heart's strength of character. Of course, it leads to the inevitable point where he has to let him go...but unlike the source material, it doesn't take. Umasou knows that he and his adoptive dad are as different as can be, but he doesn't care. He's his family, and vice versa, something Heart comes to accept whole-heartedly (I did it again, didn't I).
And with that, the ending to this amazing nature vs. nurture story is very bittersweet, starting with Heart and Umasou reuniting with the former's mom.
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Actually, before I keep going, I just want you to know that this scene in which they finally see each other again made me go from "wow, great movie, ten out of ten" to "I NEED TO TALK TO MY MOM!!!" in less than a minute. Seriously, if you're looking to strengthen your maternal bonds, watch this movie and watch the magic happen.
Aaaaanyway, after a heated battle between Heart and the one implied to be his real dad, the truth remains that he can't stay. He's resigned himself to a life as an outcast, never being compatible with his parent and brother's kind while at the same time being shunned by his fellow Big Jaw for adopting food. Nevertheless, he leaves in high spirits, having mended what had for the longest time been a broken bond. That, and he doesn't have to be a straggler alone, anyhow.
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Really, Heart is everything I love about a lot of protags in one big package. He's a reptile (a dinosaur no less), he's a badass, he's a nice guy, he rages against what he is in order to be WHO he wants to be, and he's undoubtedly dad of the year. I hope more people come to recognize and appreciate him as much as I do.
Also, he's heavily implied to be in a steady relationship with an adorable Elasmosaurus, so he's got that "interspecies romance" trope possibly going for him too! C'mon, fellow You are Umasou fans old and hopefully new, you can't tell me you don't see it too!
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yuurei20 · 1 year ago
Ace Info Compilation part 19: Ace and Deuce (pt2)
Ace describes Deuce as “a boar who charges headfirst into everything. His internal breaks are busted. I feel like he sees me as a rival. I’d wipe the floor with him if he ever wanted to throw down, of course.”
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Ace’s bullying is a theme throughout Book 5: Ace forces a piece of apple pie into Deuce's mouth (breaking Vil’s rules about snacks), and when Deuce gets lectured by Vil for trying to stand up for Epel Ace says, “You’re not exactly smart about this stuff.”
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Deuce gets frustrated with Ace constantly insulting his intelligence and runs off, but Ace doesn’t seem to understand that he has done anything wrong.
Grim says that he should really start thinking about other people’s feelings before he speaks and Ace responds, “Why should a guy with his act together walk on eggshells around a guy slowing down the team? We’re doing the same rehearsals. Not my fault he can’t do the moves.”
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This is followed by a scene of Deuce revealing how much Ace’s comments really do bother him, and he and Epel make a pact to win the VDC and prove themselves to both Ace and Vil.
Deuce follows up afterwards and Ace says, “You’d better not be expecting an apology.”
Deuce responds, “I’m not letting you outshine me” and Ace becomes confused, asking, “Did he just declare war on me? Is he nuts? That knucklehead wouldn’t outshine me in a million years.”
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When Deuce learns his unique magic at the end of the story Ace mocks it, at first, as “just a way to get payback for when you get in fights,” but soon admits his shock at Deuce mastering the spell before him.
Ace and Deuce seem to be considered as something of a set by the other students, with Trey attempting to tempt Ace into a study session by offering to call in Deuce as well. Ace insists, “We’re not a married couple, you know!”
Ace does seem to know Deuce very well: during Wish Upon a Star he comments that “If I know Deuce—and I think I do by now—he’s gonna be so freaked out he’s frozen stiff,” and the scene cuts to Deuce looking terrified by his imminent performance.
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When Deuce disappears during Spectral Soiree Ace says, “I’m not exactly worried about Deuce, but I guess it is too quiet without him.”
During Phantom Bride we see Ace manipulate Deuce into volunteering by telling him that Trey is waiting for him “to swoop in and save the day.”
Cater comments, “Oh, Deucey. You can’t even see how he’s playing you.”
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Ace is extremely confident going into Beanfest, telling Deuce that “horsepower alone doesn’t cut it” and “you gotta have brainpower to make the right calls."
Deuce says he won’t let Ace capture him, if nothing else, but then the game begins with Ace and Sebek setting up an ambush that Deuce walks right into (after being tricked by Cater).
Deuce manages to outrun them to the point that he reaches Riddle, who takes out both Sebek and Ace.
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Deuce reflects that Ace was correct about not being able to depend on horsepower alone but Riddle points out, “At least Ace got knocked out of the game a few minutes ago,” not specifying the fact that it was he who took him out.
Despite the bickering and competitiveness, however, when Deuce gets into trouble with three Heartslabyul upperclassmen Ace is quick to save him by pretending that Vargas is approaching, which sends the bullies running.
Deuce reacts with “Where’s Coach Vargas? Did he leave?”
Despite everything that Deuce puts up with, he still picks up a souvenir for Ace during the Glorious Masquerade event: "You can get caramels like these in the Queendom of Roses. But here in Fleur City, they've got a salted butter flavor. I should get some of these for Ace."
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orphicparadox · 14 days ago
༘⋆₊ ⊹🔭๋࣭★ ⭑⋆。˚
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⋆ 18/02/2025 ⋆
tuesdays are probably my busiest days. not only did I have a mock test in english today, i had a lot of content-heavy classes to get through. after school, i had ceramics (skill requirement for duke of ed), and went to math tutoring. since i got home at 8:30pm, i think i was pretty productive for such a short study session. hopefully i get started on my english prep soon, since the exam is coming up.
⋆ work completed ⋆
English AT1 Prep - Compile resources + practice
Tutoring Homework - Complete all of Test One
Latin Homework - Pg. 124 vocab + worksheet
Global Studies Homework - Answer question in book
Math Homework - Look in the OneNote for details
Geography Homework - Type notes, finish questions
(i didn't finish the purple tasks)
⋆ exam countdown⋆
english assessment - 11 days geography project - 23 days?
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⋆₊。˚★🔭๋࣭⊹ ⋆༘。˚
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ohwormwood · 8 months ago
random thoughts i have while playing isat pt. 1
(compiled so i dont keep spamming others and my own blog, o7)
[woe! spoilers be upon ye!]
the daydreaming one is just like me for real and by that i mean they also think about found family tropes constantly
what the hell does siffrin have against croissants,,,, and isn't pan au chocolate just the same kind of pastry but with chocolate,,, is this the french equivalent of comparing hamburgers to meatloaf
odile, every time siffrin makes the deliberate choice to be close to isabeau while also being aware that they are OBLIVIOUS:
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"i'll always be by your side, whether in battle or in bed" "what i nice guy" siffrin would be the type of person to say "they seem like really good friends" when looking at a pair of lesbians i swear
i had a thought last night where the forgotten language is just french but reversed and i have no idea where that came from but i think its funny
i really like worldbuilding so i am the type of player in rpgs to go through every single book that contains lore,,, and that's why it takes me so long to finish games,,,
siffrin is uncannily good with people, at least at the start of the game,,, like, the charisma is off the charts, theyre so sweet and kinda just get what everybody needs in a conversation,,, but as soon as the subject turns onto themselves they just. flounder.
mirabelle gets my second flower of the game
i LOVE bonnie's writing,,, kids being written as if they are ACTUAL KIDS without being portrayed as dumb or ignorant is so so so important to me,,,
i just looked up what samosas are and i am desperate to eat one,,,
odile and bonnie's dynamic means so much to me,,,, just a wine aunt and her favorite neurodivergent kiddo,,,
every time i make a decision that makes any of the party feel even remotely bad i cringe inside,,,, siffrin you and me should NOT be this similar,,,,
siffrin canonically just. picking up random shit is so corvid coded of him hehehehehe
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viola-verse · 7 days ago
Fan Compilation Video: Samola Moments- Part One (?) by lalasgarden
Summary: 7 minutes of Samola (Sammy & Viola) moments all us flowers have been waiting for. All video clips have come from Viola's SEVENTEEN DAYS IN L.A: Part One (Coming Soon) vlog.
Small Bold - video captions.
A/N: Little late but Happy Woosung Day.
Youtube Compilation Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Send a request | Join the taglist
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Hello, welcome back to my channel or welcome to my channel if you're new here. Today I bring you a new Viola compilation video. I have gathered all my favourite clips of Viola & The Roses's Woosung from Viola's latest vlog - SEVENTEEN DAYS IN L.A: Part One. I suggest you go watch that if you haven't yet.  
Before we start, I just want to say, I am in no way shipping Sammy and Viola together. I created this video in appreciation of their friendship and the platonic love they have for one another. 
Now onto the video: 
The video starts video call between the two friends as they talk about Viola heading to Los Angeles for seventeen days to record some songs and shoot a music video for her next comeback. The two of them finally got permission to collaborate on two songs together.  
“Are you excited about coming to L.A?” Woosung is heard asking Viola, who nods, a mix of excitement and nervousness on her face. “This is your first time coming to L.A, right?”  
She nods again.  
Woosung seems to pick up on her nervousness, “You’ll be good,” he assures her. “I’ll be there with you. I’ve already promised [name redacted] that I’ll look after you.” 
As they continue their conversation, Viola shares her anticipation for the new experiences and opportunities that await her in Los Angeles. Their conversation is filled with mutual excitement and plans for their collaboration.  
I love their dynamic so much already. 
The screen then transitions to with Viola sitting on the plane, one of her managers sitting next to her, keeping her company. She’s always been a nervous flyer so the simple distraction her manager brings is welcomed warmly. 
“What are you most excited for?” her manager asks.  
“Aside from the experience, finally being able to work with Sammy,” she replies, honestly. “After he worked with one of our mutual friends, we started talking about working together if I ever came back to the idol life.” 
“And now here you are,” Her manager nods understandingly, the conversation flowing smoothly and easing her nerves. 
“Here I am,” she smiles. 
The scene changes again to Viola in her hotel room, getting ready to head to the studio that will be her new home for the next seventeen days. “Once I’m ready I’ll be heading to the studio we’ve booked out for my time here. I think Sammy is meeting us there today?” she asks, looking at her manager to make sure that is indeed what is happening today. The manager nods confirming it. “And then we’re going to go from-” 
She’s interrupted when there is a knock on the door. The door opens to reveal none other than Sammy himself, a warm smile on his face as he greets a surprised Viola, pulling her in for a friendly hug. Her manager, witnessing the reunion, smiles and steps back to give them a moment.  
“I thought we were meeting at the studio,” she says hugging him tightly. 
Sammy chuckles, "I couldn't wait to see you, so I thought I'd surprise you and come pick you up. Are you ready to go?"  
Viola nods and gathers her things before the manager takes them only leaving her with her bag and phone. 
My heart. The way he surprised her. I love that he did that. You could see she was nervous but as soon as she saw her bestie, she relaxed. The next scene I love even more. 
It changes to when Woosung and Viola are in the studio with a couple producers, both hunched over a coffee table, notebooks, paper and pens scattered everywhere. Their voices echo softly in the studio, mingling with the hum of instruments as they experiment with sounds and go through the lyrics that they have already written down, changing them when a better idea enters their mind and doing everything it takes to write two songs. The video giving the viewers a small look into their creative process and how the two friends who share the same passion works together. Their chemistry is obvious but there is nothing romantic about it. 
Their voices blend so well together.  
The video then starts to switch between scenes where they finish writing the songs and are recording them. “I’m going to go over the last verse one more time,” Viola says from inside the recording booth as she records her parts to the first song, Wrong Time. A ballad about being the right person at the wrong time and having to walk away from it. “The emotion felt a bit off.” 
“It’s already perfect,” Woosung reassures from the control panel. He of all people knows she’s a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to her songs. It’s one of the things that makes her a good songwriter. “But you can do it one more time if you want to.” 
She gives them a thumbs up and the producer starts playing the music again. Viola’s voice once again fills the booth and this time you can tell she’s happier with it. 
The scene transitions to Woosung in the recording booth, with Viola seated next to the producer. Her eyes are closed as she nods along to the music, immersing herself in Woosung’s vocals. 
As the final notes resonate through the studio, Viola opens her eyes, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. She leans over and presses the button, speaking to Woosung, “I think that’s it on the first song.” 
“I think so too,” he replies with his own satisfied smile. 
I’m going to say it again; their voices go so well together. I don’t care what anybody else says.  
It’s a couple days later in the next scene. Woosung has taken Viola out for dinner to celebrate them finishing recording their songs. The restaurant's warm, ambient light casts a gentle glow on their faces as they share stories and laughter.  
“How are you feeling about having to dance with me for the music video?” Viola asks him, her voice taking on a serious tone, making sure he’s okay with it. 
"I think it’ll be fun," he assures her, taking a sip of his drink. "I feel like I would be letting you down if I didn’t do some kind of dancing,” he adds, his eyes sparkle with mischief. “Been practicing my Lazy moves.” 
Viola then joking starts singing his song Lazy and doing the moves herself. They both burst into laughter, drawing the attention of a few nearby diners. 
I love them so much. That’s all I have to say. On to the last clip where we have a guest appearance by Dojoon. 
The final clip shows the pair once again in the studio, finishing up their second song when they get a surprise call from Dojoon, Woosung’s bandmate. They pause their session to take some time to talk to their friend. 
“I hope Sammy is treating you well, Lala,” Dojoon smiles. Viola had last talked to Dojoon a week before she came to L.A when they had dinner together with a few friends.  
“You know he is,” Viola smiles leaning on Woosung’s shoulder to be in the frame. “We’ve been talking about doing another collaboration, but it’ll be Viola and The Rose, not just Woosung.”  
“Or it could be Viola and the rest of The Rose. Sammy’s had his turn,” Dojoon teases.  
Woosung makes a sound in protest while Viola laughs. The playful banter between Woosung, Viola, and Dojoon is infectious. The call eventually ends when the duo has to get back to recording. 
Someone should petition for Woosung and Viola to work together again. When I say someone, I mean me. 
Anyway, that’s it for this video, let me know if you’d like a part 2 with more Samola moments from SEVENTEEN DAYS IN L.A or Samola moments in general. Don’t forget to like and subscribe. It really helps me out. 
see you soon!
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samolastan I admit I shipped these two romantically when the rumours were going around but it's evident that it's alway just been platonic with them. He's just another brother to her.
violasuniverse I agree, their voices do blend well together!
sammylover I was reminded of when Viola covered She's in the Rain, now hearing her sing Lazy, I want her to cover that too.
woosung4eva yall must be blind if you can't see that Wrong Time is clearly about Viola and Woosung's relationship.
lalasgarden @/woosung4eva I have my theories on who Viola wrote it about and it's definitely not Woosung, in my opinion.
woohan01 more samola/woohan moments please!
ogviolettes I love their friendship. Anyone else wondering who [name redacted] is?
violafan001 @/ogviolettes it's gotta be her husband. We all already know that the mutal friend Woosung worked with is Yoongi. Maybe her husband is also a mutual friend.
lalasgarden @/ogviolettes I have my theories. I might make a video on it.
iheartviola petition for Viola to cover Lazy? I remember her saying it's one of her favourite Woosung songs.
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©️2025 @viola-verse & @dancinglikebutterflywings - Do not copy. modify and/or repost anywhere.
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Tagged: @forever-atiny - @carattinymoa - @rainyday-daydreamer
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hexenmeisterer · 1 month ago
I went to my first furry convention last weekend! I had so much fun. since then I've been poking around learning more about the fandom and its history -- turns out it totally shares a close lineage with media fandom, because they both were born out of science fiction fandom / convention culture!
a highlight of the weekend at FC was when I ended up popping in on the Ask A Greymuzzle Anything panel (initially I wanted to go to the Furry Studies panel but it was very tragically cancelled 😭) but yeah we just wandered into this room where Rod O'Riley was speaking, and he talked a lot / very lovingly about his late husband, Mark Merlino, and showed a bunch of his art, and talked about what cons were like in the early days.
Later after I got home, I watched this documentary (The Fandom), which was a great general overview type thing. I was surprised to see Rod O'Riley and Mark Merlino heavily featured there as the people who started the first furry gatherings (room parties at Westercons)! They were also very involved with starting the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization, which was the first Japanimation/anime fan club in the U.S. (I was also surprised that anime fandom directly grew out of science fiction conventions/was perceived to have "taken over" them for a while before they differentiated!) check them out hanging out with Osamu Tezuka in this capacity here.
(WAIT also random detail -- further below, in the "convention history" video, they describe how these early anglophone anime fans screened anime. because there weren't subtitles or dubs, they passed out programs that described the plot of what you were watching, and also had someone stand up next to the TV and narrate lol! they cite this practice as an origin point for AMV culture, I'm curious to learn more about this! this also tickled my brain because I recently learned about Benshi, Japanese performers who provided narration for silent films both foreign and domestic.)
Then I found this recorded panel of furry fandom historians talking about their work (I got something like the furry studies panel I'd been hoping to attend after all!) it's full of great stuff. They think about so many of the same concerns that show up everywhere in fandom history about the urgency of preserving ephemera, obtaining artists' permission to archive their art (especially when they have reasons to not want it archived), and the challenge of interpreting fan-generated survey results/stats.
They also talk about this (kind of miraculously preserved) archive of fursona art from the 90s! there's some beautiful stuff in there. it's all just listed in order of image name, so you just gotta click around and see what you find! I really like a lot of the artist Grey Wolf's art, and they mark their files with .gw at the end. I'm curious to find out more about who they are/were in the fandom, but tragically grey wolf is the least googleable name ever 😭
One of the panelists runs Fang, Feather, and Fin, a lovely furry history blog/archive. so far I've read their "This Old Fursuit" profile of JD Puppy, which was so sweet! excited to explore more.
Another one of the panelists runs Convention History, which I hope will be a book someday soon! But here's an incredible recorded panel they did about the entire history of fan conventions, starting in 1939 with the first Worldcon. They've made this amazing graphic "family tree" of cons, which I want a high res image of sooo bad. but I might have to just email them for it or something.
It ends with a rad 7 minute compilation of convention music, from classic union songs sung by the futurians to filk to wrock to furry and brony music.
actually there's a video that's just the music compilation! here:
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naumin · 3 months ago
november updates
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ok so i know november ended yesterday, i did think about titling this post december updates but i know december will be a whole different beast for me... just let me have this... it's been a really long time since i sat down and talked about all my recent projects and goings on!!!! so in case you missed what i've been up to, read on... :)
the free Laios/Marcille fanthology I organised is OUT!!! no tall towers to climb (https://naumin.itch.io/laimar) came out November 10th, and erm only 5 days later than scheduled... it's a big boy at 112 pages with contributions from 14 fans !! I had so much fun organising this and was really touched by the love and care ppl put into their works... fans are so powerful... it's free to download and read digitally or even print and bind your own copy (I am really excited to see your printed and bound copies if you have made them please dont hesitate to @ me...) I love books.. i love making books...
I don't have plans to organise a Volume II however I did start writing a post of my process to maybe help and encourage anyone else who'd like to start a project like this one. It got really lengthy though and I wasn't sure if it was helpful to anyone lol so when I have a minute I really gotta go and edit that thing down
also nobody asked me but the title is based on a poem by 12thc warrior poet Xin Qiji. i guess the tower reminded me of their dungeon misadventures hehe.
also did i mention it's FREE! !!!!!!!
7 months of subscribestar I've officially been making new posts on substar every single week since May ! It's been really fun tbh and I don't have plans of slowing down yet :) I really appreciate everyone who's visited and it makes a huge difference even just subscribing for 1 month or 2, just having that little extra to help out on months where I can't take as many commissions or I'm sick or away from home etc! You may have noticed I've added a tip jar tier ($2.5) for those who can't manage the $6 sketchbook tier... on principle I wanna make it lower but after fees it'd be zilch and I am kind of like if you have $2... maybe hold onto that. lol. maybe use that somewhere else. you can always make 1-time donations through substar or ko-fi (yeah, I have one...) my next projects...
Ballet Yuri Year One, the compilation book of one year of works on Ilze & Evangeline, whos 1st birthday was in September and I haven't had time to look at the files since October but I will look at them again soon-- last spot I left it, it was at least 30 pages... I think it will definitely be double that and could possibly be triple that (omg).
NERD SEX VOLUME III my annual NSFW sketchbook which traditionally comes out around January/February! I'm delusional that this one will be the simplest to put together and so it might be the next thing you see from me. It will be available for all subscribers as soon as it's ready. I also gotta remember to upload Nerd Sex I & II at the same time. for those who dont wanna subscribe, you can get 50% off Nerd Sex I & II in the meantime now :) also i forsee about 300% more lesbians in Nerd Sex III. It's the year of the dyke.
A collaborative NSFW anthology coming next year. This one has a longer production period to give everyone time to work and give me time to get organised lol. Hopefully you'll hear more about this one in the new year! It's for the boys and the ppl who love boys <3
the issues oh my god I've been having technical issues with my ipad the last month. I keep getting random lines and marks while drawing in procreate ! A lot of people said it could be my sweater or hand or case touching the screen while I draw but I don't think that is it, plus it's only started recently. It's not my pen and it's not my settings. it apparently COULD be a technical issue with my ipad model which would suck cuz I got this refurbished (from Apple still) so do i have like..... warranty? will they repair it for me :S? idk. I'll have to look into it though sooner or later cuz it's driving me bananas and slowing my output! AGH! I pray she heals on her own overnight. amen.
commissions I am NOT taking any new commissions in December (unless you are a $10 subscriber) but I am still doing the KISS YCH which also has a very cute wintery version up for this month only lol. same price! check it out if you wanna see your pookies under the mistletoe <3 would make a great present to you or someone u know...
alright that's all. thanks for reading my updates post. did anyone read this whole post besides me? thanks for being there for a while whilst i talked to myself before you presumably left and did something more fun and enriching. i love you.
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galactic-academia · 1 year ago
There is a fury to Terry Pratchett’s writing: it’s the fury that was the engine that powered Discworld. It’s also the anger at the headmaster who would decide that six-year-old Terry Pratchett would never be smart enough for the 11-plus; anger at pompous critics, and at those who think serious is the opposite of funny; anger at his early American publishers who could not bring his books out successfully.
The anger is always there, an engine that drives. By the time Terry learned he had a rare, early onset form of Alzheimer’s, the targets of his fury changed: he was angry with his brain and his genetics and, more than these, furious at a country that would not permit him (or others in a similarly intolerable situation) to choose the manner and the time of their passing.
And that anger, it seems to me, is about Terry’s underlying sense of what is fair and what is not. It is that sense of fairness that underlies Terry’s work and his writing, and it’s what drove him from school to journalism to the press office of the SouthWestern Electricity Board to the position of being one of the best-loved and bestselling writers in the world.
It’s the same sense of fairness that means that, sometimes in the cracks, while writing about other things, he takes time to punctiliously acknowledge his influences – Alan Coren, for example, who pioneered so many of the techniques of short humour that Terry and I have filched over the years; or the glorious, overstuffed, heady thing that is Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable and its compiler, the Rev E Cobham Brewer, that most serendipitious of authors. Terry once wrote an introduction to Brewer’s and it made me smile – we would call each other up in delight whenever we discovered a book by Brewer we had not seen before (“’Ere!’ Have you already got a copy of Brewer’s A Dictionary of Miracles: Imitative, Realistic and Dogmatic?”)
Terry’s authorial voice is always Terry’s: genial, informed, sensible, drily amused. I suppose that, if you look quickly and are not paying attention, you might, perhaps, mistake it for jolly. But beneath any jollity there is a foundation of fury. Terry Pratchett is not one to go gentle into any night, good or otherwise.
He will rage, as he leaves, against so many things: stupidity, injustice, human foolishness and shortsightedness, not just the dying of the light. And, hand in hand with the anger, like an angel and a demon walking into the sunset, there is love: for human beings, in all our fallibility; for treasured objects; for stories; and ultimately and in all things, love for human dignity.
Or to put it another way, anger is the engine that drives him, but it is the greatness of spirit that deploys that anger on the side of the angels, or better yet for all of us, the orangutans.
Terry Pratchett is not a jolly old elf at all. Not even close. He’s so much more than that. As Terry walks into the darkness much too soon, I find myself raging too: at the injustice that deprives us of – what? Another 20 or 30 books? Another shelf-full of ideas and glorious phrases and old friends and new, of stories in which people do what they really do best, which is use their heads to get themselves out of the trouble they got into by not thinking? Another book or two of journalism and agitprop? But truly, the loss of these things does not anger me as it should. It saddens me, but I, who have seen some of them being built close-up, understand that any Terry Pratchett book is a small miracle, and we already have more than might be reasonable, and it does not behoove any of us to be greedy.
I rage at the imminent loss of my friend. And I think, “What would Terry do with this anger?” Then I pick up my pen, and I start to write.
Extracted from Neil Gaiman’s introduction to A Slip of the Keyboard: Collected Non-fiction by Terry Pratchett
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