#i think i might have ascended to another realm
shewhowas39 · 2 months
some very important Mystra context
all right, i'm back on my forgotten realms lore bullshit again. this time about Mystra, because i see a lot of misunderstanding around her (and for good reason, there have been MULTIPLE Mystras.) but also because there's a narrative that Gale was groomed that i'd like to gently push back against.
so, very condensed history here, but the first goddess of magic was Mystryl. she was replaced by the first Mystra in like the -300s DR (BG3 takes place in 1492DR, this will come up later.) the new Mystra was goddess of magic until the Time of troubles (1358 DR, i believe), when Ao (big powerful god) got real pissy because the Dead Three stole the Tablets of Fate in order to try and take on more power. as a result, Ao forced all the gods to walk among mortals in their avatar forms. this was a huge event in forgotten realms history.
so Mystra was like "this is bullshit" and tried to go back to the heavens. Helm, serving Ao, ended up killing her to stop her from doing this.
meanwhile, there's a human mortal who calls herself Midnight who is essentially an adventurer. Midnight ended up killing Myrkul, and Ao was like "nice work, you're the new Mystra" and Midnight ascended to godhood.
when she ascended, Midnight also inherited the essences of the old Mystra AND Mystryl. (if this sounds confusing, that's because it is. forgotten realms lore gets wild.)
so Midnight, now also called Mystra, is the new goddess of magic. but in 1385DR, not even 30 years after ascending, Shar gets pissed becasue she wants to control the weave, so she tasks Cyric, another recently ascended god who used to be mortal, to go kill New Mystra. he does so, and this causes the spellplague, a 10 year long event in which a bunch of awful shit happened with magic and tons of wizards died.
but New Mystra wasn't entirely dead. her faint essence still existed. so in like 1479 DR (13 years before BG3 takes place) Elminster senses her presence. she's possessing a bear, it's all she's capable of at this time. she tasks Elminster with finding mages to be her Chosen, so that they can help her get stronger again. this is probably when Elminster was like "so i know this guy named Gale." at this point int ime, Gale would have been an adult most likely, because i think we can all agree he's in his 30s in BG3.
still, even with Elminster's help and her new Chosen, New Mystra didn't become a fully revived goddess until 1487 DR (5 years before BG3 takes place.)
and this is why the "Gale was groomed" narrative doesn't quite work for me. now, let me be clear, i'm not saying their relationship was healthy. there was an obvious power dynamic problem, and her telling him to blow himself up is objectively shitty. however, Gale would have been an adult when they met, even if he met her when she was still too weak toeven have a body beyond that of a bear.
i know there's a letter from Elminster to god Gale that says soemthing about fidning Gale as a child, but Mystra would have been essentially a wisp on the wind at this time. Elminster may have already been looking for talented wizards to help bring her back, but he dind't even have the ability to connect with her until he sensed her as a bear in 1479 DR, at which point - again - Gale was an adult.
but, moving away from that narrative, i also wanted to bring this up becuse it makes Gale's possible outcome of ascending VERY interesting, becuse the current Mystra, formerly Midnight, was also a human who ascended. however, in her case, this was bestowed on her by a very powerful god as a "reward" for killing Myrkul. (i say "reward" in quotes because it also put a target on her back with Shar and got her killed not too long after so you know....ascension ain't all that pretty.)
anyway, i thought this might be of interest to some of y'all, because reading up on Mystra lore can be confusing as hell since there have been multiple Mystras, but that context does really make her relationship with Gale way more complicated and (to me) way more interesting.
tl;dr - the Mystra that is Gale's ex is not the same Mystra who has been a god for thousands of years. she has her essence and the essence of Mystryl, the first goddess of magic, but was originally a human woman who ascended and then got murdered real bad and then came back only VERY recently thanks to Elminister.
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platinumrosetail · 6 months
Yandere Hualian x reader.
Warning: In the fem reader's first life, she was the younger sister of General Pei Ming. She lived as a beautiful young woman loved by her brother, without caring that he was a womanizer. Then, according to Pei Ming's ascension story, when he was accused of treason and broke his sword. However, the reader remained in the mortal realm and was unjustly executed. After 800 years she is reincarnated again, but as a humble traveler, there she meets Xie Lian and Huan cheng (you decide how) after many adventures together. He then reunites with his brother, although at first he does not remember him, although Pei Ming insists that he was once his brother. Little by little she will remember her past life. In the end he has a relationship with Huan cheng and Xie lian, and when he remembers his previous life, he sadly dies, but some time later he is reincarnated again.
(I based this request on some Chinese dramas, thank you for accepting it.)
Oooh interesting, also my first heaven officials blessing/tgcf request yay!
Warning: noob author, female reader, yandere characters, and others.
Characters: hualian (hua cheng and xie lian).
You were the little sister to pei Ming, you didn’t mind his womanizing ways but you always scold him to be careful as one of those woman he woo’s could seek revenge when he breaks her heart. Though not many gods knew about you as you had died a little after your brother ascended to godhood, falsely accused and executed over a misunderstanding along with how you were the little sister to pei Ming so they thought you had a part in the rebellion even though you were innocent, your brother couldn’t save you as he had only learned after your death that you were in trouble and it was already too late to save you.
Pei Ming has hope that you might reincarnated or turned into a ghost and he just couldn’t find you good enough. He has searched high and low for you, and when he gets frustrated he usually woo women’s hearts and release his frustration by having sex with them and leaving afterwards to continue searching for you after the stress and frustration is out of his body.
Pei Ming was right to think you reincarnated though it was only after 800 years had you finally reincarnated this time as a young female and humble traveler, each time you have left a place he would arrive missing you each time as you have never stayed in one place for too long which resulted you in meeting a nice young man by the name of xie lian who is a humble cultivator also traveling. You soon start having a crush on xie lian as he is such a kind person so it was no surprise when you started developing feelings for the young man.
On your journey with xie lian you meet many interesting people and fight against some enemies as well, though even when you can fight it’s not as good as two junior officials from the heavens and your crush; xie lian, fighting though xie lian always seems to be there for you no matter what and can protect you and your weak spots which warms your heart and love for him.
You soon met hua cheng when you had became a bride bait to lure out the ghost groom or also known as ghost bride as you all soon found out that the ones behind the disappearance of brides was a woman one who shared history with pei Ming, who you find familiar in name but can’t place where it was familiar. Pei jr saw you and noted to tell his father about you.
You later met San lang when he was with you while you and xie lian was riding a cart together to get back home to your little shrine in piqu village, later spending the night there with you and xie lian before the two junior officials came by again with another mission to banyue(?) pass. Many months later and many adventures later you, San lang who you later found out was hua cheng, and xie lian who you also found out later was a god, started a relationship together.
Pei Ming had soon asked xie lian if he could meet you as you very well could be his sister who finally reincarnated, xie lian at first was worried that pei Ming would flirt with you but soon found out that you were pei Ming’s reincarnated sister and let pei Ming meet you though with a subtle warning on if pei Ming hurt you he and hua cheng would show no mercy even if he was your past life brother. You were skeptical about the situation between you and pei as you had no memories and there wasn’t really any proof and pei Ming could have gotten the wrong person but after meeting pei Ming you kept getting memories of your past life but before you could celebrate on finding out the pei Ming is actually your brother you were sadly killed by a jealous woman who had mistaken you for pei Ming’s lover instead of sister.
The woman was soon tortured and killed by hua cheng, xie lian and pei Ming, thankfully the woman was a ghost so xie lian and pei Ming didn’t get in trouble on killing her if she was human, and even if she was it would be easy to hide that fact considering who the three were. Hua cheng and xie lian are now on the hunt for your next life with pei Ming as the two both love you and won’t let you go even after you die and pei had just found you he won’t lose your next life like he did last time which means he gives up on womanizing if it meant you won’t get hurt like you did last time. You won’t ever escape them and no one will ever take you away from them now.
(A/n: hope yall liked it!! I decided on making pei Ming a platonic yandere as I thought it fit plus since xie lian and hua cheng were already yandere i thought why not him too? lol anyway hope yall have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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Do you think we can find Meleanor in the spectral realm?
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Possibly, but I don't think the evidence is very strong for it since we don't really know a lot about how the Spectral Realm even works or what is considered "enough" to anchor a deceased person's spirit to the physical plane of existence.
***Book 6 and 7 spoilers under the cut!!***
For example, the senators of Briar Valley are said to be ancient spirits (presumably of dead fae?) capable of wielding powerful magic. What makes them different from ghosts? Why do the Draconias seem to obey their word even though the Draconias should be more powerful than them...? I've seen some fan theories stating that the senators might be deceased Draconias themselves, but if that's the case then why wouldn't Meleanor also be "left behind" in a ghostly form, whether as a senator-like spirit or as a ghost? The way the narrative treats her passing, it is as though she is gone for good and was not brought back in any way. Which, honestly, is a little strange to me because you’d think she’d linger as a ghost because she has a country, and unborn son, and a missing husband to worry about. Many, many possible regrets and attachments to bind her to this plane of existence.
It's also not clear what the ground rules are for the Spectral Realm or ghosts "passing on" in general. Yes, we know that ghosts exist because of lingering attachments or unfulfilled desires. But... what happens once those are resolved? The lore implies they ascend to another world, but that "other world" is not well-defined. This "other world" could be the Spectral Realm, sure. But what's the point of the Spectral Realm's existence if it seems like ghosts can pass between the world of the living and the dead with barely an issue???
The only thing I can maybe think of which could be perceived as "Meleanor's spirit resides in the Spectral Realm" is the time Lilia mentioned he stumbled across a portal to the other world, but never entered it. Even then, this detail is so vague you can interpret it any number of ways. You could see it as Lilia being on the hunt for Meleanor's spirit after her passing, but was unable to enter the Spectral Realm (under normal circumstances) since he was still living. I don't know if this is really the case though, since he doesn't seem to have qualms about partying over in the Spectral Realm rather than... I don't know, potentially letting Malleus meet his mom or something 😅 In any case, I personally like to think that Meleanor is entirely gone from this world. It enhances the emotional stakes and drama of what Lilia and Malleus are going through right now. Meleanor still being around in a ghostly form, able to talk to Lilia or her son whenever she wants, feels a little convenient and scared to fully commit to the darkness of their history to me. (I want to stress I don't see this as being the same as Idia bringing Ortho "back"; this was a trauma response for him and it's still clear it has a large emotional impact on him even when he brings Ortho "back" to cope with his circumstances. Meanwhile, having Meleanor around alleviates the guilt and loneliness both Lilia and Malleus have, and lord knows how this would alter the senators' feelings about what happened.)
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Don't you think it's funny cause actual canon gay characters in BL manga will say "I love you" but only the shounen bromance can spew out some of the most romantic shit akin to a 19th century poet writing a letter expressing his surpressed love for his lover 😭.....
Genuniely can't tell if it's bait or not, but I'm going to treat this ask seriously anyway.
Here, have some examples of beautiful and poetic expressions of love in BL media!
I'm going to start with my favourite murder husbands, Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu from Word of Honor/Faraway Wanderers!
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This happens in episode nine, less than one third into the story- it's that early, they've known each other for like a week and are already able to tell they're meant to be. They've made their decision to be together, and over the course of the story:
They defend each other multiple times and fight side by side in multiple episodes, sometimes protecting their adopted kid/mentee Chengling as well
Zhou Zishu is willing to go against the whole martial arts society for his boyfriend. With zero hesistation, might I add.
They both know the other has done horrible things (lots of murder on both sides here) and that's not only okay, it's a big part of why they're soulmates and get each other so well!
Zhou Zishu is slowly dying (poisoned nails in his chest, long story) and Wen Kexing can and will risk his life to save him. Don't worry, they get a happy ending both in the show and the novel even if the show's last episode is behind a paywall and Netflix didn't even include it for some reason?
But enough about them, let's move on to the immortal fantasy genre boyfriends Hua Cheng and Xie Lian from Heaven Official's Blessing!
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Please note how Hua Cheng is ready to accept Xie Lian in whatever state he's currently in- as a god, a fallen outcast, even grieving and angry and at his absolute lowest. He's stood by Xie Lian in his worst moments, even if at the time Xie Lian had no idea it was him.
Hua Cheng has loved Xie Lian for 800 years, ever since he was a boy Xie Lian saved from falling to his death during a procession.
Xie Lian became a god, then fell due to horrible circumstances, almost committed a war crime against another nation that destroyed his country, spend 800 years wandering the mortal realm as a poor cultivator with his powers greatly reduced, and eventually ascended to become a god again. Throughout it all, Hua Cheng loved him and did his best to help him and then find him.
They're both adorable and the definition of a power couple once they're reunited- no spoilers, but they eventually fight an incredibly powerful god side by side and win & the last scene in the story is them reuniting for good since there's no more obstacles to their immortal love.
Let's move on to my favourite Japanese BL, Our Dining Table (also available as a series that came out semi-recently, but the examples below are from the manga.)
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Yutaka is a lonely salesman who meets Minoru, a restaurant worker and his much younger brother Tane grieving the death of their mother.
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Yutaka and Minoru hit it off by bonding through food they cook and share. The series is incredibly heartwarming, and as seen above Yutaka becomes a much happier person thanks to both his new relationship and big brother-like bond with little Tane.
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As a little bonus, the whole found family together!
This post can't be complete without Golden Stage (or Golden Terrace, as the English official translation calls it).
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Fu Shen and Yan Xiaohan aren't even in love at this point! This is at the beginning of the story, when their marriage has just been arranged by the emperor and they're still bitter rivals.
Yan Xiaohan is already protective of his future husband- later on, he also builds him a mansion meant to accommodate his disability (nerve damage in both legs, which requires a wheelchair and/or crutches). They're both incredibly powerful military generals, and the emperor was an idiot thinking an arranged marriage would humiliate them.
Of course they fall in love, of course they're a power couple, of course they send each other letters through trained geese when they're separated during the war, of course they run to each other as fast as they can across a wide cold river when they're finally reunited! Of course they're important to me!
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....Aaand how about some Wangxian to wrap up this post? They need no introduction, an absolutely wonderful and complex relationship in a complex fantasy/intrigue story available in several forms - the books, the animated series (as seen above), the live action series, the audio drama, there's so much!
Some of their most beautiful moments:
Lan Wangji writing a song for Wei Wuxian and naming it Wangxian. Years after it's composed, Wei Wuxian plays it and LWJ is able to recognise him even in a different body.
LWJ begs WWX to come with him to Cloud Recesses, to safety, after WWX makes himself an enemy of the whole cultivation world for protecting innocent people.
They confront the final villain together, and work together to expose his crimes. This is also when their final love confession happens, and it's hilarious- in front of everyone's salad, WWX declares he also wanted to sleep with LWJ.
Despite censorship, the animated series was still able to allude to their wedding, showing them in red wedding robes (unfortunately can't find a gif rn)
Respectfully, if you genuinely think BL doesn't have beautiful love confessions and displays of romance, you need to find better BL.
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in-my-loki-feels · 3 months
🤎 multiple kisses / kisses all over / kiss after kiss - if you're still doing these for the ask game!
Don't think too much about logistics or this probably falls apart. I just went with my first thought, which turned into this sappy mess. 🙈
(I'm also counting this as a bingo fic but all of that will be at the end.)
🤎 multiple kisses / kisses all over / kiss after kiss
Mobius had never been to space, but he supposed that it might have felt like this: drifting through nothingness in a bulky suit, witness to the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen—well, second most. Either way, the screens at the TVA hadn’t done it justice. It was breathtaking, vibrant green and blue and purple ribbons of light, and somewhere deep within was possibly, hopefully, the god who had saved them all. 
He knew this could be a fruitless endeavor, and maybe even a one-way trip, but he’d had to try. After waiting so long for a sign, what could he do but go look for one himself? Especially after O.B. had told him he’d possibly found a way to reach the Citadel at the End of Time, a place Loki had described but Mobius never expected to see for himself.  As he drifted closer, Mobius could see that the tree before him was made up of countless glimmering timelines, all woven together to create a slowly shifting, shimmering Yggdrasil. The Tree of Life. The connection between the Nine Realms, and now all of time, he supposed.  Mobius wondered how exactly he’d get inside. He’d told O.B. he had a plan but the truth was he was making it up as he went along. He’d had to say that to get O.B.’s help to make it this far. He couldn't rely on O.B. for everything. Just as Mobius thought he’d have to raise his hands or bump face-first into the tree, the timelines slowly parted before him, allowing his momentum to continue carrying him forward.  The inside of the tree glowed with as much light as the outside. It didn’t seem entirely hollow but there was definitely space for him to float forward. There were also scattered pieces of black rock that had veins of gold running through it. A larger chunk looked like it could have been a piece of a window. It took Mobius back to the moment he’d received the file that changed his life forever, standing in the golden light passing through a stained glass window.  His foot bumped into something and he came to a stop. It was difficult to see in his cumbersome suit, but when he moved his foot around it felt like something stable. It also, strangely, felt as though there were gravity now. Mobius lifted his other foot and found another surface just above the first. Stairs? Slowly, laboriously, Mobius ascended the steps.  His breath caught in his throat when he reached the top and saw a familiar figure seated on a golden throne. Mobius’ legs shook with exhaustion and anticipation, but he forced them into motion so he could cross the space between them.  Loki looked ethereal surrounded by the sparkling, swaying timelines. He still held some in both hands, but the rest seemed to be woven into his cloak, stretching out all around him. Loki’s hair moved as if nudged by a gentle breeze, but Mobius couldn’t feel anything inside his suit. Loki’s eyes were open, glowing the brilliant green of his magic, but as Mobius waited, there was no sign he saw Mobius at all. He was silent and still, the guardian of all of time now. Always.  Mobius couldn’t stay in this stupid suit any longer. If his skin was gonna get peeled off at least he’d have one last look at Loki unobscured by a window pane or dirty helmet. He fumbled with the heavy latches, not wanting to remove his gloves just yet. Finally, the clasps snapped open and he was able to turn the helmet enough to unlock it. With shaking arms, he lifted it off his head. 
Loki looked no different than he had through the visor: motionless, bathed in the light of the timelines he protected. Mobius stared long enough to realize he hadn’t turned to spaghetti or had his skin peeled off. He waited a few more seconds just to be sure then decided if it was safe enough for his head it would be safe enough for the rest of him. He hurriedly stripped off the rest of the suit and then approached Loki.  He’d had no plan for what came next and still didn’t. All he knew was there was a growing need within him to touch Loki, to know he was real. He started with Loki’s hands, so cold they seemed as if they should be frozen stiff. Mobius was able to take them in his—careful not to brush the timelines—and press a kiss to each knuckle. He kissed the back of each hand, then turned them over and kissed the pale underside of each wrist. When he looked up, Loki’s eyes were still unseeing, or all seeing perhaps. He was the guardian of the timelines now. The God of Stories, but what of his own?  Mobius swallowed down that bitter thought and gently set Loki’s hands on the arms of his throne. He reached out to cup Loki’s face and found his skin was just as cold here.
Mobius leaned forward to press a kiss to the crown Loki wore, made of the same black stone threaded with gold that floated around them. Below that, he placed a kiss on the center of Loki’s forehead. He kissed both brows, then each cheek and then hesitated before placing a gentle kiss on Loki’s lips. They were as cold as the rest of him, so Mobius kissed them again and again until he felt he had transferred some warmth. Loki’s mouth remained still against his, but what else did he expect? Even if Mobius’s vision was a little blurry when he pulled back, he didn’t mind. This was still more than he thought he’d ever have when Loki locked the doors against him and Sylvie and walked out onto the gangway alone.  Mobius brushed his thumb across Loki’s cool cheek and wondered if he could chafe warmth back into Loki’s hands without disturbing the timelines. Then Loki blinked.  Mobius’s heart stopped. He waited, counting the seconds in his head. At thirty, Loki blinked again, then after a shorter wait, a third time. The green glow remained in his eyes but his gaze shifted a fraction to focus on Mobius, instead of looking through him.  Loki blinked one more time, a slow brush of dark lashes against pale skin, and then his eyes widened ever so slightly.  “Hey there,” Mobius said in a thick voice.  A tear escaped the corner of Loki’s eye, rolling down his cheek to land on Mobius’s thumb. Mobius felt his own eyes overflow as he leaned forward to press another kiss to Loki’s lips. This time, he felt a gentle tremor against his mouth before Loki kissed him back.
This unintentionally mirrored an idea I had for a longer bingo prompt fill (which I still may do!) but I'm going to go ahead and count it towards the "citadel" and "together at the tree at the end of time" squares. @kcscribbler @lokiusbingo Bingo card here!
Also shoutout to @thosegayoldmen for planting this idea in my brain a month ago. It never let me go!
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ozthedm · 10 months
Vampire Ascendant Ramblings!
I love Baldur’s Gate 3. I love the vampire genre. I am particularly fascinated with the concept of the Vampire Ascendant for a number of reasons that mainly boil down to “what does it mean to be the Vampire Ascendant and what is the true cost of this power?”
This post is essentially a collection of my observations, thoughts, and headcanons regarding the ascension ritual. Think of this as fanfic inspiration material. Get ready folks, because we’re about to dip a toe into 5e lore and get existential.
What does the Rite of Profane Ascension actually do?
Raphael explains the ritual as thus:
“If he completes the rite, he will become a new kind of being - the Vampire Ascendant. All the strengths of his vampiric form will be amplified, and alongside them he will enjoy the luxuries of the living. The arousals and appetites of man will return to him, and unlike Astarion, he will have no need of a parasite to protect him from the sun. But the ritual has a price, as all worthwhile things do. Lord Cazador will need to sacrifice a number of souls including all of his vampiric spawn if he is to ascend… Your soul will set off a very wave of death, bringing Cazador his twisted life.” 
TLDR: If Cazador offers up the souls of 7000 vampire spawn, then maybe he’ll feel less like shit.
Other specific perks include:
The hunger for blood that plagues all vampires will no longer affect him.
His heart will beat again (Could he even be considered undead at that point?)
He still gets to remain immortal in the sense that he will never age
He can choose to extend his protection from the sun to his spawn, but this protection can be revoked
He can be reflected in mirrors.
There are some details that remain unclear, so here’s where we step into headcanon territory:
Running water will no longer harm him
A normal wooden stake won’t be enough to paralyze him. You’d be better off with a magical weapon
Although he will still need an invitation to enter homes, His enhanced vampiric charm practically makes it a nonissue
And now a couple of notes on Mephistopheles and the contract itself:
“Devils bargain with mortals to upend the divine order. They stake claims on souls that would otherwise go to the gods or be cast adrift somewhere other than the Nine Hells. If you are already a creature of Law and Evil devoted to no other entity, your damned spirit is of meager value.”
  - Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
Mephistopheles is an arcane innovator. His realm, Cania, is essentially a giant laboratory where he conducts extensive experiments. 
When it comes to souls, Mephistopheles prefers quality over quantity. He mostly acquires the souls of highly accomplished wizards and sages to help him with his research. To demand the souls of 7000 vampire spawn seems uncharacteristically beneath him (especially for the power he’s offering) 
My thinking is that Mephistopheles is working on something that specifically requires vampiric energy and lots of it. The 7000 spawns are nothing more than fodder.
A devil’s deal never ends well. This is repeatedly stated throughout the game. Considering what we know of Mephistopheles and how little Cazador cares for his spawn, this whole contract sounds far too good to be true. So what’s the catch?
A few possible ideas as to the downsides:
Mephistopheles is always watching. After all, this is a completely new kind of being that warrants study. 
The Ascendant’s hunger for blood is replaced with a different hunger. A hunger that is indescribable and insatiable. He will always yearn for more. More power, more control, more anything. He may even return to Mephistopheles in an attempt to fill the void. 
The Ascendant’s own soul is included in the price, albeit differently. Where the other souls were simply consumed by the ritual, his will serve another purpose. (Not gonna lie, this one sent me on a whole existential journey trying to figure out what is means to have/lack a soul)
I might post more thoughts later, but this is enough for now
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wangxianficrecs · 4 months
💙 stay by my side by ravenditefairylights
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🔒💙 stay by my side
by ravenditefairylights (@ravenditefairylights)
T, 27k, Wangxian
Part of the MDZS Reverse Big Bang: 2022
Summary: “A-Ying,” Lan Wangji says quietly, trying to gauge whether the boy is asleep. Even as the boy’s figure tenses and his head peaks out from the rest of his body to look around, he doesn’t stop shaking. His clothes are wet, Lan Wangji can see in the candlelight, clinging to his skin. Winter has not yet passed. The boy must be freezing. “Hello?” A-Ying asks hesitantly, looking around. His eyes are big, but despite some suspicion in their depths, the boy mostly looks curious. “Hello, A-Ying,” Lan Wangji says kindly. “I heard that you prayed to me.” --- a boy, a god and a rebellion against the empire Kay's comments: THIS STORY!! I love it very much and I recently re-read it and it immediately had me hooked once again. This story really has everything. I loved the historical world building with the cultivation sects having fallen a thousand years ago and everyone living under the Wens' tyranny ever since, I loved God!Lan Wangji, who looks out for abandoned children and makes sure Wei Wuxian finds his way to the Jiangs, where he is raised as Jiang Cheng's and Jiang Yanli's personal servant, I absolutely adored Hanguang-Jun hypeman and the very best wing man Lan Jingyi and I loved how Lan Wangji didn't want to admit to himself that he had fallen in love with Wei Wuxian, very in-character for him. Also, the identity shenanigans were very fun! Exerpt: “It is an honour to meet you, Lan- gongzi ,” Wei Wuxian says politely with another bow. “This lowly one is Wei Ying, courtesy Wuxian.” “You have a courtesy name?” Lan Jingyi asks, surprised. Wei Wuxian is used to this surprise and doesn’t do anything other than nod. Lan Jingyi doesn’t pry either—must be the famous Lan restraint to abstain from gossip. “Come with me, I’ll show you to the guest dormitories.” “Many thanks, Lan- gongzi ,” Wei Wuxian replies. Lan Jingyi takes him through the grounds with only a lantern to light the way. Wei Wuxian has missed his chance to explore, but still… “Lan- gongzi , may this one ask you a question?” “Yeah, sure,” Lan Jingyi says. When he shrugs, the lantern he’s carrying gets jostled and the light plays on the shadows around them. “Is it true that the Cloud Recesses have the first temple that was built for Hanguang-jun?” Wei Wuxian asks. “And Zewu-jun?” he adds quickly, in case Lan Jingyi is offended that he’s included only one of them in his question. Lan Jingyi’s face brightens up under the yellow light. “Yeah! Hanguang-jun is the best —and Zewu-jun, of course, but he’s not as cool as Hanguang-jun, although he’s so close. Zewu-jun and Hanguang-jun were the last cultivators to ascend to immortality before the shift into the Wen dynasty when the cultivation clans were wiped out. They were both sons from the direct family line in charge of the Lan Sect—Zewu-jun was the heir and then the sect leader when their father, Qingheng-jun, also ascended to the Heavenly Realm. Zewu-jun is the god who protects leaders and musicians—you may note that his statues always depict him playing the xiao—he’s a martial god regardless, like his younger brother, Hanguang-jun.” Wei Wuxian knows all of this, but he doesn’t interrupt. Lan Jingyi sounds as excited to tell him about them as Wei Wuxian is to hear about Hanguang-jun again.
pov lan wangji, pov wei wuxian, canon divergence, god lan wangji, tgcf, tian guan ci fu fusion, historical, sunshot campaign, secret identity, identity porn, identity reveal, worship, angst with a happy ending, age difference, friends to lovers
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lorkai · 1 year
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Request: Can you make the brothers and the dateables react to MC that has family issues? I had a really bad family issues and I want a little comfort
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: This is really delayed but I hope you enjoy this if you're still around, anon. Ily /p and stay strong!
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warning: family issues, toxic family, very implied usage of force in belphies part, lots of comfort, possible ooc brothers, I proofread this just one time.
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You never talk about your parents and/or siblings. So Lucifer doesn't think he has the right to inquire about your life before being selected as an exchange student. But that's not to say that after you and him become close, he doesn't feel curious about your childhood memories or your life in general. He might seem like he doesn't care about these things, but Lucifer would love to know more about you and what you liked as a kid, what you did, your little adventures and such.
Sometimes he imagines younger you running through the halls of your house or singing your favorite song and he smiles fondly at the image he imagined. It's just too cute. But if by chance he finds out or you tell him that you don't have a good relationship with your family and that they were toxic/controlling in some way, know that he will be welcoming you into his family with open arms.
You're a human dear to him and his brothers, so he won't tolerate anyone treating you badly. Still, unbeknownst to you, he's probably going to put a little curse on your family members. A small price for the pain they caused you.
And of course he will comfort you the way you want to be comforted, with sweet words, with tight hugs or just being there to listen to you talk about the situations you went through with your family. And as he comforts you Lucifer thinks about how he longs to ascend to the human world and confront your family, maybe he will when you sleep.
And he will understand perfectly well if you don't want to go home after the exchange program ends. And since you can't stay indefinitely in Devildom, Lucifer (and his brothers who probably snuck in after you two) insist on going with you to the human realm to help you choose a new house to live in, in another state, in another country if you want and he will pay for everything. All for you, MC, so don't hesitate to summon or call him whenever you want company.
Mammon always asks you to tell him about your childhood, what your family members are like and things like that. He just wants to know more about you since you're someone he loves dearly (platonically or romantically, it's up to you). He might be a little slow and don't realize that you're uncomfortable with his questions or that you're showing signs of growing up in an unstable household, so forgive him for that.
But when you tell him about the bad family relationship you have? He wants to scream about how these humans don't deserve you and that they should rethink their ways and that it's not your fault, but he puts all that aside to give you a big hug and whisper encouragement and praise in your ear. If your family doesn't love you, Mammon wants you to know that he and his family will love you wholeheartedly. They'll love you so much you'll want to run away from them, Mammon can promise you that.
He'll probably work double time to help Lucifer pay for and furnish your new home, that is, if he can't talk you out of leaving Devildom. But don't worry, he's always looking for a reason to visit you in the human world, mostly sending you videos and memes while you're away again to make you laugh. And sometimes sending silly texts at dawn saying how lucky he is to have you around. You're so unique, so genuine and cool, and he loves you and he is always willing to hear you venting about what you went through with your family.
Levi knows the first signs that something is wrong and he can see it from afar. The avatar of envy has probably already seen this in some form of media, so he doesn't ask you about what your life was like before you came to Devildom or about your family. Instead, Levi focuses on making you have good memories with him and his brothers, hoping that will be enough to give you amazing memories and that his efforts will be enough to make you happy.
Still, if you want to talk to him about your family members or something reminds you of a bad experience with them and you need to vent, Levi will be there to listen to you and will let you hide in his room until you feel better. He won't ask you anything for fear of making you feel worse, but he will definitely hold your hand while some sappy anime is on tv.
Just like Mammon, he'll love that you stay here in Devildom instead of going back to the human world, where you'll be alone. It's much better to stay with him and his brothers, but he will respect your wishes and send you multiple messages every day.
"You're strong, Mc!" Levi tells you every time you tell him about his experiences. And it's the purest of truths, even with all the past diversities you've become a strong and kind person. And he wants you to know it and be proud of it.
Satan, like Levi, can see how uncomfortable you are when Mammon asks you about your life before Devildom and he deduces that maybe it wasn't a pleasant life, so he always changes the subject so you don't feel pressured to answer. And the neutral look you give him is enough for him to know that maybe his assumptions are correct and that if you familiars weren't downright terrible they weren't good. Honestly Satan tests the waters a bit before asking you questions directly, he doesn't want to trigger any bad memories in you.
A fury quickly rises inside him when you finally tell him everything that happened, but he reminds you that your feelings are valid and that nothing was your fault, leaving you to lay your head on his shoulder as one of his arms wraps around your waist and Satan hums to make you relax. You don't have a good relationship with your family and he can understand you a little, after his birth he also didn't have a good relationship with his brothers but only because of his anger. And Satan is willing to make you create good memories with him and your brothers.
Secretly he, Lucifer and Belphie are plotting something against your family members, just a lesson for them to learn to be more decent humans. And even if they learn that lesson, Satan is still hesitant to let you near them and he doesn't forgive them easily, he prefers you to stay there with him and your brothers who love you very much.
Contrary to what people might think, Asmo can be quite observant. And although he really wants to know what you were like as a child, see your childhood photos and listen to children's stories, he prioritizes your happiness much more. So he prefers to know the things you like, the things that make you happy so he can comfort you when his brothers go a little overboard with their questions. Asmo also likes to monopolize you a little mainly to do your skincare and paint your nails, this symbolizes that you are a member of his family, after all Asmo paints his brothers nails.
He has an intuition that things are worse than he realizes when you sit in his room after a nightmare and don't communicate with anyone. Ever so affectionate, Asmo hugs you and pulls you into his lap, whispering praise and words of encouragement as you mutters the memories that haunt you to him. Oh honey, you have a terrible family and Asmo is more than happy to welcome you into his family.
If you're not staying in Devildom, Asmo wants to be in charge of decorating your new home. He knows you well enough to know what you like and what you don't, so he's confident that together you'll do a great job. But be careful, he might end up not letting go when it's time to leave, he can't stop himself he loves you so much he could devour you here and now hehe <3
Beel, oh dear Beel who prioritizes family a lot, doesn't seem to be able to process that some humans are mean to their loved ones on purpose. Maybe they like to see the tears and all the sadness and misery they can create, all the conflicted feelings and mental health impacts you honestly don't know and don't want to know. And while he doesn't question why you don't talk about your family, he also feels curious about your life and relatives.
And his eyes light up at any mention of your childhood, especially if you're telling silly things you did as a kid, he loves listening to you and could listen to you for a million years.
But when do you finally tell him about the terrible relationship you have with your family? My boy here is practically adopting you into his family without consulting anyone, nuh-uh, you're not going back to the human world and keep living with people that bad. At least, not if he can stop it. And believe me, he's more than happy to give Diavolo a piece of his mind once the exchange program is over.
Beel takes you everywhere to have dinner with him and his brothers in order to create good memories that are able to replace the painful memories of your life with those people. He's also the one who suggests you see a psychologist if you feel comfortable with it, after all he loves you and wants you to take care of your mental health, even if you think the situation isn't that bad after all. Again, if you feel comfortable of course, otherwise he can lend you an ear and give you advice for your fears and concerns.
He is much more open with how important you are and he will continue to express it through words and actions if you let him. You are family now and he will treat you with as much care and affection as he treats his brothers.
Belphie is furious. You're the best human he's ever known, a hardworking, kindhearted human who makes him laugh with your incomparable sarcasm and bad jokes, he could cradle you in a blanket like a burrito and look at you for hours without getting tired. You are precious like that. His suspicions begin when he often notices how you dream of the same people but in different and increasingly violent contexts, and in one of these dreams you scream "Mom, Dad, stop" over and over again. So yes, he knows from the beginning how bad your family is, but he doesn't know how to broach this topic without you freezing in fear.
So he does what he does best. Every night he gives you the best dreams and removes those people from them so you can have a good night's sleep. In return, your family gets the worst dreams of their lives and no matter what doctor they visit or what medicine they take nothing seems able to make these nightmares stop. It's little compared to the pain they caused you. And every morning if the topic of your family comes up, Belphie finds a way to change the subject, usually by making up some story about Mammon.
But if you feel comfortable telling him about your family, he will comfort you as best he can, holding you in his arms and paying attention to every detail. He's not good with advice so he'll be quiet the entire time, muttering occasionally to let you know he still hears you. He can hold your hand if you get too anxious about a specific memory.
Although he wishes it's still not possible for a human to live in Devildom, so he knows you're going to have to go back to the human world at some point and he was the person who had the idea to buy you a house somewhere. The house is big enough for you to live comfortably and he and his brothers can help you with everything you need, it's the least they can do to repay everything you need.
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four-leaf-loco · 10 months
On Gale's Inactivity as a God
So one thing I noticed while autisticly reading the forgotten realms lore is that Tymora (goddess of good luck) is weaker than other gods because she gives so much of her divine power to her followers; aka she actually helps them. Gale taking an approach of 0 real contact might actually be a part of a plan to overtake the godly power structure, like Lathander tried (resulting in a lot of fuck ups and Tyche, his long term lover, dying and splitting into Basheba and Tymora, essentially saved via the help of Selune). Lathander wanted to dethrone Ao and take his place essentially.
On romanced partners; having a fellow loyal God to possibly be interconnected with in the eyes of mortals and most likely give out their divine powers like or more than other gods could be a tactical move. Take off some suspicion from him maybe. It will make taking over Ao easier too. Just one more god on his side guaranteed. I mean he is to thank for making you a god. You're allied to him, a lesser god to an even lesser god. But who knows, this is all conjecture.
My Roleplay Choices
Romancing Gale as a good or neutral aligned character often leads to encouragment or inspiration for him. Maybe a character like that would become a God of those things. A kind God who wishes to help their followers with inspiration and bouts of creativity/intuition. That would pair very very well with Gale, God of Ambition. Encouragment leads to Ambition. It's exactly what happened to him, well meaning words lead to him getting bolder. Defy his mortal status. Not just use the crown but reforge it. Yes you threw the crown into the river but baby your fault for letting me know where it went.
Using your powers only helps his. Maybe people will worship you together. Maybe Gale will be the main deity due to him ascending first and being the end goal. Most of the divine power would filter to him as you are left to gather the souls of your dead followers, attend to their needs, help them. Grow your flock. Gale will have statues and temples dedicated to him (with small shrines to you). He'll say it's to your love but you as a god know better, you just turn a blind eye, another cheek. He doesn't tell you of his plans and the other gods take pity. They can all see it clear as day, already taking sides. You're stuck with him, dressed in his regalia, his, his, his. Gale's ambition fully removed from you now. A project of the past. But as a god, not really a person anymore, the two of you an endless loop of give and take that feeds into an inseparable dynamic. He wouldn't grow as much as he needed to without you and you couldn't either, not really. The target would be on your back when the other gods decide it's time to put a stop to Gale's plans. You could leave and join the others but oh how your divinity sings for his. Intertwined for eternity. If you die he'll bring you back as soon as possible (he won't) (it's only fuel for his fire, oh what have you done)(the divine will come undone)(or he will fall harder than any else).
But idkkk just some messy thinks and thoughts and interpretations 💭
Hope you enjoyed them! Also comment your ideas for what God your character would be, I mostly play bards or bard multiclass so I wanna knowwwww yoursss 🔥💯❤️
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backjustforberena · 1 month
how do you picture show rhaenys and corlys as a young couple? do you think their beginnings are similar to the book?
We don't know what their beginnings are in the book. Haven't a clue. We don't know how/when/why they first met, we don't know any details of the courtship, we don't have any quotes or gossip or any idea of it at all. The earliest thing we have of these two characters, as a couple, is when Princess Rhaenys flies over to the Shield Islands to tell her grandfather that she's marrying Corlys and would like his blessing. Then we skip to the wedding, if I remember rightly. The information is pretty threadbare.
I mean, obviously, the big thing that is different, that we can at least be certain of, is the age gap. Corlys and Rhaenys in the book have a big age gap. Corlys and Rhaenys in the show don't. That's going to impact how they might have acted being a "young couple" in love. Corlys wasn't young in the book.
I picture them as very much like what we see in the show. I think it's just without a lot of that history, a lot of that stuff that comes from being married for years, and a lot of the baggage and loss that came to them during their marriage. We have Steve Toussaint saying that there were two scenes that showed glimpses of Rhaenys and Corlys being how they were like when they were younger, in Season 02. Or, at least, what they are like when they don't have masses of stress like war to get in between them. Those would be the bed scene in Episode 02 and, then, also the picnic scene in Episode 03. Steve's also said that, when he thinks of the relationship, the scene that keys into that and showcases it, to him, is the scene in Season 01, Episode 05, where Corlys and Rhaenys are talking about having betrothed Laenor and they're in one another's arms.
So, from that, I gather that there would have been a playfulness. There's honesty, there's an indulgence. There's a lot of affection and they enjoy each other's company. There's an idea that they are only themselves when with each other, which is quite a delicious concept to think about when you're then taking that back to a time when they are courting and getting to know one another. Having this marvellous discovery of finding a person that you don't have to put up a front for - especially for Rhaenys, having grown up in court! Corlys has this wonderful habit of trying to make Rhaenys smile and doing these low-key romantic things like holding her and feeding her food and telling jokes.
And I always think about how, really, at the start of their marriage, the sky is absolutely the limit. The realm is at peace, Rhaenys is the heir's heir with nothing to stand in her way of ascending the Throne one day, Corlys is building his house up better and better to become one of the richest, with a Fleet at his back. They're young, they're bold, they're carefree - they've got their passions in Meleys and the Sea Snake. They've got their own little kingdom at High Tide and nothing in the way of a really fantastic life together where they, basically, rule the planet and have a little tribe of kids before dying of old age when Rhaenys has achieved world peace and Corlys has achieved all of his ambitions as well. GDI, you Myrish assassin. You ruined everything.
Eve and Steve have also come up with a sort of idea of how they met and why they are attracted to one another and so that features in my thinking quite a lot. The idea that Corlys was unique amongst his peers: he was a bit rough, a bit wild, and an adventurer. Eve says he probably just strode into this big ball that Rhaenys's parents were hosting, looking like a "rock star" and Rhaenys was immensely attracted to the idea of a self-made man and it was "no contest". And vice versa, Corlys sees Rhaenys and wants her. No one else. Even if he's punching above his weight, he's got to give it a go.
And then add all of THAT to what we have in the show, which is Baela saying that Corlys made Driftmark what it is and became rich and did a lot of these voyages and things for Rhaenys. Again, Steve said something in a podcast where he imagines Rhaenys, flirting, saying that if Corlys wants her, he's going to have to earn her. And god love him, Corlys loves a goal. He went for it and he got it. They both got what they wanted: each other.
So, you know, how can you not kind of take that and run with it?
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five-rivers · 1 year
Shock Advised
No one knows when they’re going to die.  Not unless they’re planning it out themselves, and even then there’s a certain degree of uncertainty.  Even then, it’s a surprise when you exhale, and the next inhalation never comes.  
Like most other people, Danny was not expecting to die.  Not that minute, not that hour, not that day, not that week.  Not even that year.  Or decade.  He was young, and, as far as anyone could tell, given the unique features of his biology, healthy.  
If he had known he was going to die, he wouldn’t have been in school.  Dying was worth at least a personal day, in his opinion.  
It happened quietly, too.  No loud noises, no fanfare.  Just… a breath going out, and not coming back in.  
Danny didn’t notice at first. Or at second.  Or even third.  All that had registered to him was that the pain in his chest that had been building up all day had finally stopped and he could focus on his test.  
Then the portal opened in the classroom.  
There was a lot of screaming.  Some swearing.  A few book titles.  It was like they’d never seen a portal to the Ghost Zone before.  
Danny, too, felt like screaming, but that was more because this had interrupted his test.  It was worth a lot of his grade!  A lot of his grade!  And Mr. Lancer said this was the last try on this test!  For everyone!  No exceptions!
A procession of solemn ghosts emerged.  First, the observants.  Then, an assortment of minor princess and princesses, like Dora.  Then, more notable monarchs, like Frostbite and Pandora.  Finally, Clockwork stepped through, a huge, jeweled, casket in his hands.  
“Daniel Ph–”
“Time out,” said Danny, making a T with his hands.  “Time out!”
“It would be inappropriate of me to use my powers in such a setting, Daniel,” said Clockwork, chidingly.  
“That’s not what I mean, and you know it.  I mean… I thought you said you wait for this until after I’d died.  For real.”
“Yes,” said Clockwork.  “You have.” 
“I think I’d notice if I… had…  Oh.”  Danny had looked down and had seen, for the first time, his body, slumped back in his chair, his lips going blue.  
Mr. Lancer, apparently, saw it, too, because he vaulted over his desk with athleticism Danny had never seen from him before.  “Manson!  Run to the office and get the AED!  Foley!  Call nine-one-one!  We need an ambulance!”  He wrestled Danny’s body down to the floor.  
“Mr. Lancer,” said Danny, stepping intangibly to the side.  He wound up inside someone else’s desk.  “I don’t think…  I think I’m gone.”  At least, he was gone from his body.  
“Let me try,” said Mr. Lancer.  He looked up at Danny and the other ghosts crowding the room, only able to all fit because they were overlapping one another with intangibility, even as he started chest compressions.  “You’ll let me try, won’t you?”
“As the Observants have told me many times,” said Clockwork, “there is to be no interference with Daniel’s passing.  From our side.”
Mr. Lancer’s face twitched and he paused his compressions, bending to breathe into Danny’s mouth.  And, wow, that was uncomfortable to watch.  
Maybe Danny was in shock, if that was his reaction to seeing CPR performed on himself.  Or, rather, on his lifeless body.  
“Clockwork,” said one of the Observants testily.  “Get on with it.”
Clockwork clicked his tongue.  “Doesn’t the boy deserve some sense of closure?”
“He’s had far more than his fair share of it.  Get on with it.”
“Oh, very well.  You, Daniel, have died.  Again.  In a way that does not allow for do-overs in the form of intense reanimatory ectoplasmic radiation, time travel, cloning, reality warping, or mass retcon.  As such, you are now free to ascend to the throne of the Infinite Realms, or, as they are often known in this locality, the Ghost Zone.”
Danny got the distinct sense that those were not quite the proper words.  It might have been the glares of the Observants that tipped him off.  
“I have the AED!” said Sam, breathlessly, skidding through the door.  
“Give it to me,” said Mr. Lancer.  He flipped it open and pulled out a pair of scissors to cut through Danny’s shirt.  He and Sam started sticking on the little adhesive pads.  
“Sam,” started Danny.  
“Don’t,” said Sam.  “Just don’t.  We’re going to make this work.”
Again, Danny didn’t think so, but he couldn’t just turn away.  That didn’t seem right.  
“No shock advised, continue CPR.”
Mr. Lancer cursed under his breath and resumed compressions.  “Sam, you do the breaths, do you remember how from first aid?”
“It’s okay,” said Danny.  “I mean, things like this happen.”  He didn’t think it’d happen to him.  He still wasn’t sure what had happened, but, still.  His body functioned in defiance of the laws of physics.  He could use his imagination.  
“Shut up, Danny,” said Tucker.  “Yes, sorry, no, my friend was just being fatalistic.  Yes, the one who’s dying, it’s Amity Park…”
“No shock advised, continue CPR.”
“Really,” said Danny.  “I got a couple extra years.  It’s fine.  It’s… I would have liked more time, but there are worse things, aren’t there?  In the middle of a test is pretty bad, don’t get me wrong, but I could have been dismembered or something.”
Sam laughed wetly.  “Don’t make jokes.”
“Why not?  Might liven up the mood.”
“Oh my god,” said Paulina under her breath.  She was gripping the sides of her desk with white knuckles.  “Oh my god.”
“Your last words to us had better not be a pun,” hissed Sam.
“I think that was a metaphor, actually.  Or a misappropriated idiom.  I know, I know, I’m really killing the English language, he–  Ah!”  Danny winced sharply at the sudden pain in his chest.
“Shock advised.  Stand clear.”
Sam and Mr. Lancer both threw themselves away from Danny, and Sam punched the button on the AED.  
There was light.  
“So,” asked Danny, squinting over at the blue-skinned and hooded being sitting in the visitor’s chair next to his hospital bed and reading a brochure titled Kidney Stones and Why You Want To Avoid Collecting Them - A Guide for the Rock-Obsessed Geologist.  “What was that all about, if I wasn’t actually dead?”  His voice was a mess.  They’d only just removed the oxygen tube.  
“You were dead enough,” said Clockwork, folding up the brochure.  “Your heart had stopped.  You weren’t breathing.  Your brain activity was slowing down.  Your classmates were too focused on their tests, your teacher was too focused on his grading.  Underneath your shade, it was not immediately noticeable.  If nothing had drawn their attention to you, no one would have noticed that you were dead until the end of the class.”
“But something did draw attention to me.”
“Yes, indeed,” said Clockwork.  “I did.  Just in time, too, wouldn’t you say so?  Of course, if you had not already been dead, I could not have come to announce your ascendance to the throne.  Ah, such a pity, isn’t it, that we didn’t account for humanity’s renewed interest in the art of necromancy?”
Danny coughed a little.  It wasn’t quite a laugh.  “CPR isn’t necromancy.”
“Isn’t it?”  Clockwork stood up and put the brochure down on Danny’s bedsheet.  The title now read Undeath and You!  Coping With Your Monstrous and Twisted Existence!  “Goodbye, Daniel.”
“Bye, Clockwork.  Clockwork?”
“Thank you.”
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carebooks · 2 months
Greens & Blacks Targaryen Family Dynamics
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the Greens essentially are a family that do not talk to each other, they do not jest, they might say they love each other but i don’t think they like each other. Aemond would have been fine if they never found Aegon and he could ascend the throne, Luke would never do that to Jace. the Greens are a family built on eggshells, their bond has never been that close or strong. it’s always been Alicent or Otto that kept the leashes close, but they were never really out of love. and it makes sense considering Alicent never wanted this, she didn’t want to marry a man her father’s age and be maritally r*ped. there’s a scene where younger Alicent is bouncing one of her crying children at night and she looks so numb to it. she’s not sad, she’s not angry, she’s given up and it’s heartbreaking that this is the path her own father put her on. so there’s subtle resentment going backwards to Otto and forwards to her children even if she doesn’t realize it.
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the Blacks however, are presented like a real family. they have nicknames, they smile, they hug, they get along essentially. Baela and Rhaena are excited about the joint betrothal to Jace and Luke and vice versa. they’re looking forward to it, they grew up together and they like each other as people already. and you can feel the love that Rhaenyra has for her children, all of her children. when she and Daemon hold hands in S1E08, when they laugh at dinner later in the episode— it’s effortless for them because they find happiness in each other. even before that, when Rhaenyra was married to Laenor, they had a friendship in their marriage, they raised their children with love. he and Harwin Strong got along well. it was a very nice and stable dynamic between the three.
in the end, it comes down to the fact that one woman got to build her family on her terms with lovers she liked and loved.
while the other was forced to build her family out of duty and sacrifice with a man that she was made to be with. their families reflected how their lives ended up going.
both were forced into their positions by the men in their lives who craved power and ambition and used these women like pieces in a game. even if they loved them, even if they cared about them, even if they were blood, none of this would have happened had it not been for the men.
another example of the family dynamics:
in HOTD S1E08, the families are grown are we can see how they’d developed after years apart and it’s so interesting seeing the difference between the Greens and the Blacks.
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the Greens are not aligned with each other, they’re looking to other places or facing a different direction. they all have their eyes on something different. Aegon looking miserable, he knows that their father would never get up and defend them the way he did for Rhaenyra. Aemond looking at Daemon, almost assessing him, remember that this is who the realm fear the most, the best swordsman in Westeros. Helaena looking anywhere in general, she might not even be looking at a person, probably a wall to focus on as she disassociates. Otto looks at Rhaenyra, he knows that the second that Viserys stepped into that throne room their side was moot. and Alicent looks to the floor, passively in disappointment.
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whereas the Blacks are huddled together in a more directional approach, they’re keeping each other safe. Rhaenyra constantly holds Luke’s hand throughout this scene. they’re a unified front. they’re also all looking at Viserys, the one who came in for his daughter, for Rhaenyra and essentially for his grandson. remember, he wasn’t walking to the throne, he was walking to her. they’re grateful for it and they’re relieved when he names Luke the heir again. only Daemon’s eyes are off sometimes (and while this is a great foreshadowing possibility on how he was always going to break away from the family, not the Blacks, but the family) right now, the reason he isn’t looking at his brother is because he’s looking at Aemond. they’re assessing each other and see the other as potential enemies or threats. Daemon’s eyes are off because he’s aiming to keep his family safe while Aemond is intrigued by the challenge.
i have to assume that part of the reason the Greens (Alicent, Aegon, and slightly Otto) look so disgruntled and insulted is because Viserys managed to work up the strength and walk to the throne for Rhaenyra. for his firstborn, for the daughter he’s always kept safe. they’re seething on the inside, the Greens have been next to Viserys for the last ten years, when has he ever done something like that for them? it hurts to know that he will always consider Rhaenyra and her family first.
the Greens and Blacks family dynamic will never not be interesting to me. and now that they’re in a time of war, so many things are turning their heads. Luke was killed and Daemon left after the fight with Rhaenyra, the Blacks are starting to slowly come undone. meanwhile, Aegon finds himself liking being king, he was taking pride in his son, trying to break the cycle since his own father barely acknowledged him. he loved him so much and while his death was tragic, it ended up making him respect Helaena more and ended up having Helaena and Alicent bond slightly.
But when it came to Aegon’s grief, Alicent could not offer her son comfort or companionship in shared suffering. Not the way Rhaenyra did with Jace. because ultimately, Alicent has been hard conditioned this way, she doesn’t know how to parent any other way, she doesn’t know when to offer sympathies to her son, and her relationship with him just keeps breaking. the Green’s wont last that long. they’re closer to the verge of collapse, always have been. built on eggshells, remember?
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mywitchcultblr · 10 months
Odd question for you:
So, the humor of Batstarion aside, do some people just elect to read their own biases into things involving Ascended Astarion. I recall being early in the fandom and assuming based on general commentary he just locked you in his basement and then molests you.
Then: when I actually ascended him and am looking forward to this whole fantasy I just get a goofy, camp vampire Lord who literally lets you live your life. Where do I get a refund? Where is my vampire daddy? lol
Am I alone in this???
No, you are not alone. I found a lot of people who have a strong negative opinion about endings for bg3 companion... How I should explain it in English? Playing the telephone game? Where they are only receiving bits of information and never really experienced the ending themselves or at least never really thought about it deeply because they already developed a bias from these fragmented information and encouragement from like-minded people who share the same bias. Thus, the truth and nuance became diluted amidst the buzz and discourse. For example, Gale endings
People mistook his ambition and huge ego as evil? I think this rooted from "God Gale doesn't propose Tav/Durge unlike human gale, so God ending must have been bad"
"Gale become power hungry, so it must be the evil ending and a bad ending" and "Larian said power is bad"
Gale is a neutral guy, as a human he is neutral good and as a God he became a neutral aligned God. His ascension to Godhood doesn't turn him into Bane or Bhaal, developing an ego big enough to the point he became a god doesn't make him evil or this ending evil. You might dislike it, but objectively, this ending is not evil or bad...
Gale bad ending is him dying and never resurrected, never recruited or sacrificed to BOAAL because they led to his untimely death before he can destroy the brain, reach the crown, or determine what he wanted, how he will approach Mystra...
"But Mystra will kill God Gale because he challenged her!" That is a possibility in his origin ending, before the epilogue is even released, now we got to see new and improved epilogue Gale can take his lover to his realm where they will enjoy their life as Gods, and he has a lot of plan, and although he kinda insinuates that he wanted to challenge Mystra, maybe Tav or Durge can persuade him to not do it
"What if he has no romantic partner?" Maybe he will challenge her, or maybe he will not. I found the ending where Gale immediately going after Mystra to be frustrating, it feels like Larian insisting on the 'power bad' thing in such an on the nose and irritating manner
Gale might have a big ego but HE IS NOT AN IDIOT, he is not a barbarian with 8 intellect, even when he's drunk on power he is still a highly intellectual person/being, and surely he should know that it will take a lot of time and resource for him to be able to challenge Mystra, is it even a good idea to fight her? What would AO say?
He should just focus on his own domain and followers
Same thing with Wyll, this guy HAS NO EVIL ENDING. WYLL CANNOT BE CORRUPTED. Yet there are people out there who say that him becoming a Duke is an evil ending, HOW?!
Now, Astarion... God help us all with this guy. The moment I saw his picture for the first time, I know his fandom will be a disaster
White, sassy, morally gray, handsome, twink, vampire with a sad backstory... The perfect tumblr sexyman, I love him, but I knew the conversation about him will be a mess and headache inducing
Ascendant Astarion is NOT a bad ending, is it evil? Yes, is it bad? No.
It is bad for the city to have yet another vampire lord, an even MORE powerful vampire lord who has no vampirism weakness, but this is NOT bad for him. He enjoyed the power, he enjoyed the freedom, and he finally reclaimed everything that Cazador took from him and even more. I found the notion that ascended astarion 'is not truly free' to be baffling because Cazador is gone, no one can compel him and enslave him anymore, and he is freed from all vampirism weakness.
So long Cazador is dead, both spawn and ascended astarion will be free and have the choice to lead the life they wanted. An outsider moral interpretation of his choice is not his own opinion
"Ascended Astarion regret his choice." No, he never did. I didn't find a single conversation or scene that say he regrets his ascension
"Ascended Astarion is meaner and more evil, so this fate is bad." Your feeling about him doesn't translate to what he feels and how he sees his life and choice...
Or like you said about people claimed. "Astarion will lock Tav/Durge in his basement and molest them" Now, is ascendant romance more toxic and darker than spawn romance? Yes (although it is pretty tame by vampire/yandere standard) but how he treat his lover also depends on Tav/Durge attitude towards him, their personality, their goal and YOUR OWN ideas/ interpretation...
Baldur's Gate give you 'hard canon' and things that you can interpret on your own because it is dungeon & dragons! Hard canon or fixed canon is something like "Orin will die either way" and "If you don't spare nightsong then Last Light will be destroyed." and then there are things that you can decide and interpret on your own such as how your Tav/Durge fare after the last battle, their background, their family, and how their romance with companions play out
There are dialogues or scenes that hinted the future but at the same time there are several options and each dialogue option will lead to a different universe such as whatever you encourage Wyll to be the blade of avernus or becoming a Duke
What irritated me is that there's people who doesn't like his ascension romance, and they be like "Well I don't like this romance and i don't like him now, so I see your Tav/Durge WILL NEVER BE HAPPY WITH HIM AND IT IS A FACT!" NO, THAT IS NOT HOW IT IS WORK!
You cannot enforce your own narrative perspective into other people's. "What about the 'freedom' dialogue in patch 5?! If you clash with Astarion he will-" like I said each dialogue choice lead to a branching multiverse, just because one person have a conflict with ascended astarion doesn't mean my Tav who is very devoted to him have the same problem or will not be happy
Also, patch 5 confirmed the theory that Astarion turned his lover into a bride/groom instead of regular spawn. If you chose a dialogue option that hinted Tav/Durge feel trapped and doubted if they are truly flourishing, then Astarion will say something like (I'm paraphrasing here) "Well, I give you everything! And I will make sure that you live your best life, even if you don't appreciate it!"
A bride/groom has an emotional and mental link with their creator, if Tav/Durge is not happy then Ascended Astarion will feel unhappy as well. Mind you my Tav (Astaroth) doesn't say he feels trapped, he said that he is happy with Astarion and grateful to share everything with him and then Astarion said that he is blessed to be with Astaroth as well then he also said:
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"I may have power, but it would be nothing without you. You complete me."
I don't do Karlach romance, and although I have my own thoughts that if Astaroth romanced her (tbh the guy is gay so he has to be bi/pan in alternate universe) in the end he will feel a bit disappointed with being trapped in hell, doesn't mean I have the rights to ENFORCE that Karlach/Tav romance in general will be unhappy and tragic just because of MY OWN interpretation...
People also shouldn't enforce their own choice for Astarion as
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imari4444 · 19 days
My reaction to the Natlan archon quest I guess (very much spoilers BEWARE)
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MY DAUGHTER!!!! MY CHILD!!!! NOTHING BAD BETTER HAPPEN TO YOU MY SWEET PEA!!!! (bad stuff happened and I am not okay-)
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No… you didn’t-
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NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! (Crying cat in the BG is me-)
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BAHAHAHA!!!! Venti mentioned(?)
We love the broken holy lyre <3
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This made me laugh… this lady is slowly becoming one of my favorite archons (which this is very odd to think about but human archons? I feel like venti would’ve done something like this since he wanted humanity to be free of gods? Why didn’t he do it((well I have an idea as of why but more importantly why does venti seem to dislike the ‘pyro archon’ or at least describe them as a war mongering wrench? Could he perhaps be speaking of a specific archon or is there more to the human archon than just humans? Maybe we have another Furina situation? So many questions!!! So many theories how exciting!))
This brings up more similaritiesand quesitos I have about Natlan and Mond (you know I have to bring up Mond because I’m constantly thinking about how to fit everything into my messed up fics timeline. forgive me 🙏🙏🙏) but the Abyss/abyss order.
This is the first time they attacked another nation and was the main perpetrator since Mondstadt and Dvalin!
Liyue was the fatui, Inazuma was the fatui, sumeru was… the fatui. Fontaine was celestia and one of the sinners pet narwhal(plz let me know if I’m wrong on that-) now finally the abyss makes an appearance again but I don’t think it’s the abyss order, just the abyss (?) how Intresting. So many ties with Natlan and Mond already it has been at a puzzle.
That brings up a sort of theory that’s been in my head recently.
There are six tribes and one each represents an element in Natlan. But we’re missing pyro, which could be because it’s the nation of pyro but then we remember that Vanessa’s clan left Natlan. The ‘children of murata’ I’m starting to realize was not the pyro archons name but the tribes name, like the children of echoes.
So Vanessa’s tribe was the pyro tribe and maybe Vanessa being able to ascend to godhood like the OG pyro archon suggests that maybe only Natlan humans can ascend, and if so why?
Does it have something to do with natlans non existent leylines? That also suggests why we’re currently being introduced to another ‘spirit realm’
So far we have four (five?) different mentions of the afterlife and how it world of genshin.
Venti: being able to guide souls to the afterlife or ‘home’ hu Tao and the exorcists in liyue introducing wayward souls, sumeru and the rebirth of life(? Samsara??? Idkkk :|) (it’s complicated I might be wrong I’m not going further into it-) and also the possible shade of death (like istoroth shade of time) but now we have the night kindom and the ode of resurrection which sorta reminds me of the souls stuck on the island in Inazuma…. Also the night kingdom lowkey feels like hell- so…
AHHH SO COMPLICATED, I wonder how it all ties together… what is the actual afterlife? Maybe non of them are and they are all just different levels of ghostly shenanigans.
Anyways no more ramble apologies… (I’m not really good with lore despite my love for learning it , so please tell me if you have any canon info or if I made an error in assumptions 😓)
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OKAY! OUCH- (someone write a fic where her family reincarnates right now, I beg of you-)
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Im so proud of her I feel like a mom UHABNAA
…. I’m building her DPS
She’s going to be unstoppable >:)
I’ll put her on my Klee team too muahahhahaha!!!!
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midheavenastrology · 2 years
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🥂Hey y’all here’s another astro observation
Happy Sag Season 😇 as a 9th house stellium, I’m here 4 it 🙌
𓃗 Chiron in Gemini could manifest as either not knowing how to drive until later in life/having chronic car problems or having trauma to do with cars (could’ve gotten into a horrible car accident or died in a car crash in a past life)
𓆣 This just came 2 me but I’ve noticed a lot of celebrities have Pisces moons and it makes a whole lotta sense: Pisces: fantasy, illusion, being able to morph into the environment around them/the moon: emotions, ur subconscious. Using ur emotional/subconscious nature to create a fantasy character:an illusion: the basis of acting
𓅟 Neptune conjunct mercury: ur dream world is probably hella vivid. Like when u dream, u probably dream in real vivid colors with creatures who have five heads and weird foreign places that have spaceships made of candy or some shit. I mean 4 real if u have this aspect, u gotta write a movie script or something about ur dreams. (Note to self 😝)
𓃟Neptune aspects to ascendant, moon or Mercury : any new place u live in or sleep in u probably pick up on the vibes, energy and especially dreams:fantasies:traumas of the people who have lived there. U will often see this in ur dreams. Hello nightmares….😖 ...But imagine…the type of dream work healing ❤️‍🩹 u could do 🥲
𓆏Neptune in Sagittarius aspects to moon or ascendant, as well as in the 12th house: sag placements are SO physic. More so than any water sign. It’s because they have foresight- the archer’s arrow shooting into the distance- seeing ahead of time. If a Sagittarius placement, especially those with these aspects and placement tell you something that might happen to u in the future…take note(this placement reminds me of the quote from dune “do you often dream things that happen, just as you dreamed them ?”)
𓆉The house placement of a stellium is just as impt as what sign and planets the placement is in. It can completely change the flavor of how that sign/planet presents itself. For ex: someone with a Libra stellium in the 8th house will def have a darker, more secretive side to them than an average Libra. In some cases, they’ll seem more scorpionic than anything.
𓃰Look at ur 8th house placements and then look at ur 9th house placements- the Scorpio to Sagittarius transition is literally the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis. Think of ur 8th house placement as a gift from the universe before u passed onto ur next soul journey and the 9th house is how u can manifest it into the 3D realm.
𓄿For ex: I’ll use zendayas placements: zendaya has her sun in virgo in the 8th house- her soul gift is about sharing her innate gift of humbling ur ego to heal trauma: she has Mercury, Chiron and her north node in Libra in the 9th house- so she did this by playing her character Rue in Euphoria- a young adult struggling with drug addiction that ultimately finds a way to heal both her own trauma of loss and her families as well by losing her ego and humbling herself. She “shared” her resource through communicating it in a Libra way- acting.
𓆈If you have significant 6th house placements and you don’t have a soft spot for animals……I dunno what happened ?
𓆜If you have ur north node/rahu in the 2nd house and ketu/south node in the 8th house: this lifetime is ALL about money 💰 and how to secure money for yourself. You MUST respect money, u have to treat it like ur greatest teacher because in many past lives you were born into wealth, so you did not respect it. You probably wasted someone else’s resources away on whatever you pleased with zero respect for the hard work that another person went through to acquire that wealth. Kinda like Marie Antoinette…”let them eat cake 🍰 “ mentality in past lives. You might also do such things, like gamble, borrowing against ur means, stealing etc to acquire money.
𓆙In vedic astrology, Rahu is a kind of obsession, therefore having it in the 2nd makes you almost obsessed with money, gaining wealth, so you could do this through illegal means. It’s only when u respect and value money gained through true hard work and integrity will the fruits of ur labor shine down on you.
𓃮On the other hand if you have the opposite - north node/rahu in 8th and south node/ketu in 2nd, this lifetime for you is about the spiritual, it’s about letting go of a need for security, a need to obtain and hoard possessions/wealth and live a very nomadic, spiritual existence of letting go of control in the material realm. Kinda like a gypsy, free spirit. It’s about living a life that is less focused on stability/structure in the 3D and more about finding ur souls true calling in the 5D.
Das all y’all 💜💜💜🌞🌞🌞👏👏👏
Hope this was helpful 🍵
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House of the Dragon 2x02: Quotes
"- And where were the members of this council while the murderer threatened their king? And where were you, the Lord Commander of my Kingsguard? (Aegon II) - I was abed, Your Grace, having ordered the Night's Watch. (Ser Cole) - Abed. Abed! Instead of safeguarding the sanctity of my family. (Aegon II) - This is not the time for blind accusations, Your Grace." (Otto) "- I will not be seen as weak. (Ageon II) - You're already seen as weak, Aegon. Let no one say I do not grieve. Jaehaerys was my grandson. I loved him. I will not have him die in vain. Jaehaerys will do more for us now than a thousand knights in battle. (Otto) - No, I do not wish to be a spectacle. (Alicent) - The realm must see the sorrow of the crown, a sorrow best expressed through its most gentle souls." (Otto)
"- Sometimes, we have to pretend. (Alicent) - Why? (Helaena) - We are representatives of the throne. We have a duty. Helaena, what you saw last night when you came to my room... (Alicent) - This is for my boy." (Helaena)
"- Are you gonna hurt me? (Blood) - No, but I cannot vouch for His Grace." (Larys)
"- There will be swift retribution in one form or another... It must be said that the damage to our position is immeasurable, at a time when we most need loyalty to our cause. (White Kight) - But it's a lie. Having lost my own son, that I would inflict such a thing on Helaena, of all people, an innocent. (Rhaenyra) - The death of Prince Lucerys was a shock and an insult. A mother so aggrieved might, naturally, seek relief in retribution. (Alfred Broome) - Are you suggesting, Ser Alfred, that my grief drove me to order the decapitation of a child? (Rhaenyra) - I merely thought, perhaps, an action taken in hast. (Ser Alfred) - Mind yourself. (Rhaenys) - Did you send assassins to murder children in their beds?" (Rhaenyra)
"- My father? (Baela) - He must follow his own path." (Rhaenyra)
"- Have you told anyone? (Alicent) - What do you take me for? (Ser Cole) - One who seeks absolution. (Alicent) - There is none for what I've done." (Ser Cole)
"- You defy my authority, Ser Arryk. (Ser Cole) - I do not. (Ser Arryk) - The white cloak is a symbol of our purity... our fidelity. Kingsguard are a sacred trust. Will you so easily sully our ancient honor? (Ser Cole) - I have erred, my lord. I'll remedy the error. (Ser Arryk) - Where were you when Jaehaerys was murdered? (Ser Cole) - With King Aegon. (Ser Arryk) - And you were not in the private quarters where you might have prevented the crime. (Ser Cole) - His Grace wished to entertain his companions in the throne room. (Ser Arryk) - But if you had thought to go upstairs... (Ser Cole) - Where were you Lord Commander? And why has Helaena the queen been granted no sworn protector? Surely once she ascended, she.. (Ser Arryk) - Your brother is a thief and a traitor to the crown! (Ser Cole) - You well know how it pains me. (Ser Arryk) - How are we to know that you do not secretly share his sentiments? (Ser Cole) - I denounced him before the king. We were one soul in two bodies, yes. If I'd shared his sentiments, I would've fled with him. (Ser Arryk) - First, your brother betrays us. And then the young prince... is murdered... on your watch. You are mad, Ser. (Ser Cole) - Mad! You cannot think that I did this! (Ser Arryk) - What I think has no relevance! You have brought disgrace upon our ranks... and now you must restore it. (Ser Cole) - How am I to do that? (Ser Arryk) - You will go to Dragonstone and strike down Rhaenyra in her own halls. The way she sought to do with Aemond. We will pay the princess back in her own bloody coin. (Ser Cole) - Alone? (Ser Arryk) - Does your courage fail you, Ser Arryk? (Ser Cole) - It's not a matter of courage. The castle is defended against all enemies, now especially. How would I enter? (Ser Arryk) - Your twin serves there at the pleasure of the so-called queen. They will mistake your for him if you play the part. (Ser Cole) - We are sworn to serve forthrightly, not to traffic in deception. (Ser Arryk) - Put down the pretender and you will end a war before it begins. (Ser Cole) - If they see the two of us... (Ser Arryk) - You must not let that happen. (Ser Cole) - You would send me to my death. (Ser Arryk) - Or to triumph. And glory. Now, will you go? Or must I question your loyalty to the King? (Ser Cole) - As you command, my lord." (Ser Arryk)
"- You missed supper. (Baela) - I wasn't hungry. (Jacaerys) - I don't think anyone was, really. Too many empty seats. (Baela) - Do you know where he went? (Jacaerys) - Harrenhal, I would think. Sometimes I think I hate him. (Baela) - It's hard... with fathers. (Jacaerys) - What do you remember of my uncle? (Baela) - He taught us to catch fish.. and sing sailors' shanties. He had a weakness for cake. (Jacaerys) - And... Ser Harwin Strong? (Baela) - He was gentle, and fierce. They called him "Breakbones". He loved us.. I think. (Jacaerys) - Of course, he did. (Baela) - I miss Luke." (Jacaerys)
"- Daemon sent them to kill me. I was out. (Aemond) - You were with me. (Madam Sylvi, the whore) - In truth, I am proud... that he considers me such a foe. And that he seeks to murder me in my bed. He's afraid of me. (Aemond) - As well he should be. The boy is grown into a man. (Madam Sylvi, the whore) - Mm. No. Not here. I do regret that business with Luke. I lost my temper that day. I am sorry for it. (Aemond) - I am glad to hear it. (Madam Sylvi, the whore) - They used to tease me, you know? Because I was different. (Aemond) - I would remind you only that when princes lose their temper, it is often others who suffer. The smallfolk... like me." (Madam Sylvi, the whore)
"- The markets have been running low since the blockade. Surely the city cannot yet be short of food. (Hugh) - I think not, but people are afraid. Those with means are hoarding everything they can. (His wife) - The selfishness of people. (Hugh) - I cannot blame anyone for doing what I myself would do if I could. (His wife) - I don't think you'd let children go hungry while you filled your own cellars. (Hugh) - Lucky we don't have enough coin to find out. (His wife) - The king has promised us some relief. (Hugh) - Did he say when? I'm afraid, Hugh." (His wife)
"- To serve with the Sea Snake is to make your fortune. Had I such a chance, I would leap at it. (Addam) - That's because you haven't seen what I've seen. There is a war brewing, Addam. A real one. (His brother) - Another opportunity to distinguish yourself. Remind him of your worth. (Addam) - Oh, I need no favors. (His brother) - But, brother, he owes you, he owes us." (Addam)
"- I mistrust this silence. Daemon flies when we most need his hand at the oar. (Corlys) - Devotion has never sat well with him. Where he goes, he wishes to be his own master. (Rhaenys) - Well, he is the king consort. (Corlys) - But he is not the king. (Rhaenys) - Neither am I, but I manage. (Corlys) - I too have felt the crown pass over me. It is a hard thing to accept. And now Viserys is dead and all claims are in doubt. (Rhaenys) - You do not think... Daemon will challenge her? (Corlys) - Not as such. But neither can he allow her to command him. (Rhaenys) - Pity. I have, on occasion found to be... quite enjoyable. (Corlys) - Let us take him at his word. If he can take Harrenhal, all may well be forgiven. In the meantime, I am here. And Meleys. We will not let the queen falter." (Rhaenys)
"- You're aware of yesterday's events in King's Landing? (Rhaenyra) - I am. (Mysaria) - Tell me what part you played in their unfolding. (Rhaenyra) - I had nothing to do with it. (Mysaria) - I know you are entwined with the usurpers, that you aided them in denying me my birthright. (Rhaenyra) - I took profits from an inevitability. I regret it now. (Mysaria) - I'm sure you do. Who are you? (Rhaenyra) - A prisoner. I gave Daemon two names. That is the extent of it. And I did not wish to do that much. He said it was the price of my freedom. Does he say otherwise? (Mysaria) - He is gone. (Rhaenyra) - For how long? (Mysaria) - A week, or forever I do not know. (Rhaenyra) - He does do that doesn't he? You remember me now. (Mysaria) - He said he would marry you. He said you carried his child. (Rhaenyra) - Not everyone found the jest funny. And now it seems, he's done it again, made a promise and then slipped away. (Mysaria) - You trade in the secrets of the Red Keep. Your web runs unseen through King's Landing. And now... when my enemy coils himself to strike at me... (Rhaenyra) - I can do nothing now but ask you to honor your husband's words. (Mysaria) - It would not serve me to set you free. At best, I lose an asset to my cause. At worst, you betray me in some foul way. (Rhaenyra) - I have no interest in betraying you, Your Grace. (Mysaria) - So you say. (Rhaenyra) - I was brought to Westeros with nothing. I toiled in service, I stole. I sold my own body for coin or bread. And I listened. I collected confidences. I made myself valuable to powerful men. Bit by bit, I earned my living. A house, a household, a home. Then they set it all aflame. (Mysaria) - Who did? (Rhaenyra) - The Hightowers, I can only assume. The Hand... did not like it when I showed my teeth. But I thank him for it. For too long, I made it my aim to be of consequence. But now, I see that was the wish of a child. Daemon. Otto Hightower. Makes no difference. They will never accept me. I might as well have remained a whore. (Mysaria) - How did you get that scar?" (Rhaenyra)
"- Who are they? - Ratcatchers in the king's employ. - What'd they do?"
"- What have you done? The ratcatchers! (Otto) - Oh... I had them hanged. The maggot who took my son confessed to an accomplice. He could not say for certain which man it was, so. (Aegon II) - Idiot! (Otto) - Beware how you speak to your king, my lord. (Ser Cole) - The king is my grandson and my grandson is a fool! He's worse than a fool! He's murdered innocent men! (Otto) - And one guilty one. (Aegon II) - And hanged them from the walls of the city for all to see! (Otto) - Plot against the king, and I will pay it back a hun... (Aegon II) - They are fathers and brothers and sons! And their wives and children gather now at our gates to weep and curse your name! With your child's blood, we bought their approval. With your mother's tears, we made a bitter sacrifice against the deprivations to come. And you've thrown it away. After all I've done for you. Thoughtless, feckless... self-indulgent. (Otto) - At least I did something. I have not answered injury to the crown with, what? Wailing and currying favor with fishwives? I will not be thought weak. Even now, news of Rhaenyra's monstrous crime spreads through the realm. The great houses falter. They cannot but come to our side. I wish to spill blood, not ink! We must act. Ser Criston Cole has acted. (Aegon II) - And what... has Ser Criston Cole done? (Otto) - He has sent Ser Arryk to slay Rhaenyra. (Aegon II) - Alone? (Otto) - He's pretending to be his own twin. Brilliant. (Aegon II) - Gods help us all. (Otto) - It's time the bitch queen paid a price. (Ser Cole) - And you acceded to this, this prank without consulting me or the council? Instead of judgment, you display impetuousness, and diminish us in the eyes of our enemy. Ill-considered, trifling! Do you never think of your father? His... forbearance, his... judiciousness, his.. dignity. (Otto) - Fuck dignity! I want revenge. My father is dead. (Ageon II) - He is. And we are the poorer for it. He was right about you. (Otto) - He made me king. (Aegon II) - Is that what you think? (Otto) - Remove your badge, Ser Otto. You were my father's Hand. Not mine. Take it off. (Aegon II) - You wouldn't dare. (Otto) - I have dared.... and I find it stimulating. (Aegon II) - Insolent pup. You think yourself clever, but without a strong hand at your side... to guide? (Otto) - Give it to Cole. (Aegon II) - Your Grace? (Ser Cole) - In this hour, you have proven yourself of more worth than a hundred old men. My new hand will be a steel fist. (Aegon II) - You will regret this. (Otto) - Give it to him. You are dismissed." (Aegon II)
"- I do not know if I trust you. And I sense that there is danger in you yet. But I will keep the word of my house if you say that it was given. You may go. (Rhaenyra) - Your Grace. (Mysaria) - I will see that you are given passage. I'm not so unworldly as to let you fly free. (Rhaenyra) - Thank you. (Mysaria) - Ser Erryk, Mysaria will be leaving us. Let her collect her things. Then have someone take her down and secure her berth on the "Corwyn"." (Rhaenyra)
"- Ser Erryk... I thought you were within. (Guard) - A sorry lack of vigilance. The enemy is about, good ser." (Ser Arryk)
"- Ser Erryk. (White cloak) - It's been a strange day. I'm restless I will stand this evening's duty." (Ser Arryk)
"- You must sleep tonight, Your Grace. Let me ask the maester for a draught. (Elinda) - Perhaps that would be best." (Rhaenyra)
"- Do not do this. I beg you. (Ser Erryk) - You were the one who betrayed us, Erryk. (Ser Arryk) - We were born together. (Ser Erryk) - You parted us! But I still love you, brother. (Ser Arryk) - Your Grace. (Ser Erryk) - Erryk. (Rhaenyra) - Forgive me." (Ser Erryk)
"- It is ignorance and vanity. You know as well as I do that Aegon must be kept in check. As does Ser Criston. The two of them together... (Otto) - Ser Criston is not temperate... but his devotion cannot be questioned. If it does come to war.. (Alicent) - He's ensured it. (Otto) - He's young and unschooled. His faith is in steel and bone. (Alicent) - He has not the long view. None of them do. They wish now not for the good of the realm, but for the petty satisfaction of vengeance. (Otto) - Aegon is still malleable. It is the death of the child that has unstrung him. (Alicent) - I can't stay here. Exiled from the council. Witness to the blundering of our plans. I'll return to Oldtown. The Hightowers are still strong, and you have a son there who will take more kindly to instruction. Daeron may yet help us in weeks to come. (Otto) - Go rather to highgarden. The Tyrells must be taken in hand. Their bannermen are wavering. While you're gone, I'll speak sense to him. His blood will cool. In time, you may yet return. (Alicent) - The young are peacocks.. all shrieking and feathers. (Otto) - But we will yet prevail and bring forth peace, I still believe it. As long as you and I hold fast. (Alicent) - I have sinned. (Alicent) - I do not wish to hear of it." (Otto)
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