#i think i may have a blurb cooking
sprout-gt · 6 months
borrowers in college dorms
very much inspired by the fact i've been packing up my dorm room for the summer but just consider the possibilities
consistant access to non-perishable items that would keep for a long time. dorm rooms are like snack havens. stockpiles would be easy to collect for the breaks.
lots of options for borrowing locations, since there are upwards of a few hundred people living in dorms supplies would never really be scarce
the spaces themselves are relatively small and simple to scale, and there would be long stretches of time during the day where they would be unoccupied as people attended class.
Since dorm furnature is usually pretty close together, there would be ample shadowy places to hide out in case there are any surprises.
easily traversable since dorm buildings usually have relatively simple structures (at least mine does lmao), so risk of injury probably wouldn't be too great
easy access to various entertainment and music like all the time everywhere. also, i can totally imagine borrowers making fun of bad dorm room decor as a past-time
also, i feel like if anyone were to be cool with a lil guy kicking around their dorm room, it would be a sleep-deprived 20 something.
i feel like if i were a borrower a college dorm would be my ideal spot
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jadewritesficshere · 2 years
Eddie cooks and Steve doesn't is a rule in their house.
Eddie is an amazing cook. He sucks at baking because he always stops following the recipes, but cooking??? Eddie could be a chef with how delicious the food is. Eddie learned how to cook out of necessity, and quickly found he actually enjoyed it. Eddie just gets distracted and lazy, tending to go for the quicker options that are still tasty. Put everything in a crockpot and push a button? Sign him up! Throw everything in a stew and stir it? Hell yeah! if he imagines he's making potions for a group of travelers well who really needs to know.
Steve, on the other hand, can't cook. He burns every thing he has ever made. He never really learned how, as when he had to take home ec in school he spent most of his time talking to Tommy and Carol. His dad had told him cooking was "a woman's job"- Steve wishes he could go back to his younger self and punch him for ever listening to his dad's misogynistic bullshit (hell, he would even punch his dad). Steve stuck to sandwiches and cheap frozen dinners, but most nights he bought fast food. It was easy and he always had money for it. He always made up for it by being active in sports (and he wasn't a total fiend he knew enough about health, some days he ordered a salad and grilled chicken sandwich instead of a burger and fries. He always drank diet soda, claiming it was healthier).
Steve never realized Eddie could cook. Steve had lamented over how he's a terrible cook, to which Eddie replied "oh me too". So, Steve had decided to try and cook Eddie a meal for their date one night. Of course day of, he may have set the oven wrong. And he maybe didn't know to cut the potatoes for mashed potatoes and just stuck them whole in a pot with milk. Eddie had come over early and they were kissing when a beeping noise was heard. The smoke detector going off is what alerted them to something being amiss. Eddie had taken one look at the burnt chicken and the smoke rising from the oven and immediately decided Steve was never cooking again. His eye twitched as he had lifted the lid on the pot, seeing a whole ass potato sitting in milk that was sticking and burning to the bottom of the pot, and slowly lowered the lid. Steve had tried not to cry, unable to look Eddie in the eyes as they opened windows to let the smoke vent out. Eddie had kissed his forehead and went to the fridge to see what was available. Eddie ended up making cheesy scrambled eggs, pancakes, and ham. Steve was still upset, disappointed and mad at himself. He took one bite before freezing and then looking up at Eddie. "Does it not taste good?" Eddie had asked. "It tastes like...betrayal! You know I can't cook and don't even mention you're a fucking wizard in the kitchen?" Steve had mock glared at him. "Oh excuse me, well you shouldn't have betrayal," Eddie went to grab Steve's plate and narrowly missed the fork that Steve had tried to stab at his hand, "You can take this food from my cold dead body!" Eddie had went to say something but Steve hunched over it and said "My precious" before shoving food in his face like a gremlin. Eddie's heart had soared at the fact that Steve had made a reference to something he knew Eddie liked even though he never read the books. Steve's heart soared at the fact that they wouldn't have to live on fast food and thought thankgodsomeonecanactuallycookthisissogoodholyshit.
That was the date that cemented the rule that Eddie is the one who cooks.
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withleeknow · 4 days
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how he would take care of you during shark week. ⤷ chan / minho / changbin / hyunjin / jisung / felix / seungmin / jeongin
pairing: hyunjin x f!reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff; mentions of menstruation bc obviously; erhmmm unedited and also i haven't been properly writing for like over a month now so this is basically just me easing my way into it again, i understand that this sux lol
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
main masterlist / blurb masterlist / ko-fi
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hyunjin, who takes it upon himself to be your personal butler the very second you mention in passing, in the most casual tone possible, “my period must be around the corner.”
hyunjin, who makes you hold a heating pad while he wraps you up in a tight burrito despite your countless protests and reassurances that you are not in pain. you literally don’t know how he does it; sometimes, his shoelaces come undone ten minutes after he leaves the house and yet, he’s able to tuck you in so tightly that you – a whole human being – can’t even wiggle your way out of the burrito.
hyunjin, who tries to be the perfect boyfriend and make you something decent to eat, but ends up having to call minho to ask for help when he realizes there isn’t a whole lot that he knows how to cook.
hyunjin, who ultimately has to order takeout from your favorite restaurant because he still manages to mess up dinner despite minho on facetime walking him through every step. (he mistook salt for sugar at one point.)
hyunjin, whose hobbies include filling his sketchbook with drawings of you as you nap on the couch with your head in his lap and kkami resting by your feet.
hyunjin, who washes your hair for you when you’re too tired to do it yourself, who rubs your stomach and massages your shoulders every night before bed.
hyunjin, who cancels all his plans just to stay home and watch bad romcoms with you, because there really isn’t anywhere else he would rather be. (this one is arguably more about him than it is about you; canceling plans is an introvert’s favorite thing to do after all.)
hyunjin, who already treats you like a princess on a daily basis but he gets to amp up the affection during that time of the month. he doesn’t mind; sometimes he even looks forward to having an excuse to wake you up with sickeningly sweet smooches all over your face, kiss you every time he walks into the same room, or simply crank up the doting that he thinks you deserve every day of the year.
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 14.10.2024]
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winterrrnight · 4 months
more on this cause this idea is everything to me (also it’s after 1 am and currently I’m listening to mitski so i’m in my feels) and cause I wholeheartedly believe husband!rafe is whipped for his wife and will worship the ground she walks on <3 a husband!rafe x wife!reader blurb <3 for @runningfrom2am who is the love and light of my life <3 cw: fluff, usage of nicknames, intentional lower case, soft soft SOFT rafe <3
part of this little universe <3
you can hear the door open and close, followed by rafe’s heavy footsteps entering inside the mansion from the kitchen where you’re busy cooking up a big pot of pasta for the two of you.
the kitchen is the first place rafe walks in, where he comes to stand behind you and firmly wrap his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder.
“hello mrs. cameron,” he murmurs in your ear, pressing a gentle kiss behind your ear.
“hello mr. cameron,” you hum, mixing some spices in the pasta sauce.
“hmm…” he hums, nuzzling against the crook of your neck and taking a deep breath, letting his eyes shut close. you can feel his eyelashes fluttering against your skin. “I missed you,” he whispers gently. “How was work? Not too hectic I hope,”
“It wasn’t baby, it was fine,” you say softly. rafe always tempted you not to work, that he’s earning more than enough for the two of you. but you didn’t really feel like sitting idle for the whole day. it’s a huge mansion you both live in, and there really isn’t much to do when rafe isn’t around for the day. so you prefer your job, something to keep you well busy in the day, put your hard earned education to use and since when did some extra cash hurt someone?
“how was your work?” you ask next.
“mine was fine, just really missed you,” he murmurs. “feels good to be back with you again,”
you can’t help but let a soft smile pull on your lips at his endearing words. “it feels good to be back with you too,” you murmur. you turn your head a bit to press a gentle kiss to his temple, before getting back to finishing the pasta.
rafe stays holding you, his fingers gently caressing over the fabric covering your stomach, his lips ghosting over your neck, shoulder and behind your ear. “hmm… my gorgeous goddess…” he whispers against your neck, pressing a kiss to your pulse point where he feels your heart beat thrum against his lips. “my absolutely perfect goddess… you deserve the whole world you know that?” his words slip out onto your skin like a searing promise. “and… and i promise to give you the whole world… my goddess deserves nothing less than that…” his lips press soft, messy kisses all over your skin, occasionally gently nipping on your skin too to leave the faintest of marks.
you feel your heart practically melt in your chest, causing you to let go of the wooden spoon you were mixing the sauce with. you turn around in his hold, your arms hooking around his neck.
“I’m so in love with you rafe…” you whisper, your breath intermingling with his as your lips brush past his briefly. “so so in love with you…”
“I’m so in love with you too baby…” he whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “and I always will be…”
you let out a soft sigh at his words as you rest your forehead against his, letting your eyes flutter close. you take a deep breath, letting his scent cloud your senses completely.
you really are deeply in love with him, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
— —
sooo what are we thinking???? do we like my take on husband!rafe??? do we want more??? 😁😁 please please give me any sorts of feedback you may have!! 🤍🤍
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i-love-ptv · 24 days
You Know Me..𐙚⭑
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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Based on the prompt: “no, i’m not going to give you a bite because i know you’re not going to like it. then you’re going to ask me how the hell i like it, and i don’t want to listen to that right now.”
Wc: 915
No warnings! Just fluff tbh! :]
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An: This is a random blurb I made today at 6am lololol
buttttt NEW CHARACTER UNLOCKED!!! It’s fall, and i’m missing stranger things rn 😣
ALSO!! I don’t know who made the prompt, since I got it from Pinterest, but if y’all know, tell me!!
Not proofread, i’m tired
feedback is ALWAYS appreciated mls <333
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You truly think that you’re being discreet. Taking subtle glances at your boyfriend, and more specifically, what he’s eating.
Steve’s mom has this special tuna casserole recipe, and she made it on the off-chance she’s actually home.
Just looking at it makes your stomach turn a bit, it takes you back to the dinner you had at Steve’s house when he first introduced you to his parents.
You can’t remember what his mother made, but what you do remember is how after Steve dropped you off at your house with a kiss, you were in and out of the bathroom all night.
You blame it on the fact that you may have a sensitive stomach, it’s not uncommon!
But, a part of you felt bad, she put her time and effort into making a meal for you. She doesn’t even really do that for Steve himself.
So you couldn’t just reject it, besides, your mother always told you to ‘try everything first!’.
So now, that’s exactly what you were going to do.
Steve had only come back to your shared home with one plate, so you had to think strategically.
Maybe you could distract him, tell him something’s wrong with the bathroom sink. Yeah! That’ll work!
“No, I’m not going to give you a bite because I know you’re not going to like it. Then you’re going to ask me how the hell I like it, and I don’t want to listen to that right now.” Steve’s sentence catches you off guard.
You whip your head towards him, staring at him like a deer in headlights.
“..What do’ya mean, honey?”
“No, don’t give me that look. Baby, I know you, and I know you aren’t the biggest fan of my mom’s cooking. I’m not either.”
You jump up at this, nearly falling off the couch, which makes Steve grab your waist with his free hand. He tries to get you to sit back down, rather than kneel on the couch.
“What? I love your mom’s food!” You practically yelled, your voice picking up in pitch.
Steve gives you a look, in both disbelief and amusement.
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to lie to me. D’you remember the 4th of July?”
You cringe at the memory of that day.
Steve’s family, meaning his parents, two aunts, an uncle, his grand-parents, and like four cousins - two of which, were kids - had came together for the 4th of July.
Steve, of course, invited you. He figured it would be better for him to bring you so you could meet his family, and so that he didn’t have to be alone.
The company was great, you loved talking and getting to know everyone, especially his grandmother.
But when it was time to eat, you were a bit….Hesitant, to say the least.
Steve’s dad worked the grill, and to be honest, you didn’t think it was going to be all that good, but it was!
But your dinner was spoiled by Steve’s mom’s watery macaroni and cheese, her oddly sweet potato salad, and her rock-hard rolls of bread.
But you refused to cause a scene, so you shoved all your thoughts down, and ate.
…Which resulted in you barking at Steve, telling him to drive home faster so you could use the bathroom.
You shiver at the thought of how you spent the rest of the night, in and out of the bathroom.
“Yeah, but, I think it was cause I ate too much!” You stammer, before continuing. “I’m all good now, though! Let me try some!”
You try to reach over to the plate, which is being tilted away from you by Steve’s right hand.
Your hands are resting on the brunette’s shoulders, while your body leans in the direction of the food.
“Baby, please. You don’t have to eat my mom’s cooking, I know it’s not good. Please save us both the trouble.” Steve sighs, you know he’s not mad at you.
He’s actually anything but.
He admires how you’re pushing down your feelings, only to uplift his and his mother’s. But he doesn’t want you to think that you’re required to do so.
After another 5-ish minutes of you blabbering on about how you ‘want to try her hard work’ and Steve arguing back, you slouch back onto the couch with a huff.
“I know y’wanna be nice, baby. But you don’t have to.” Steve softy coos, while rubbing your stomach.
“I know I don’t have to, but I want to Steve.”
Steve hums at you, and moves your legs from his lap as he stands up.
You track his body, as he walks into the kitchen, scrapes his plate, then sits it in the sink.
Steve goes back to the couch, picks you up, and then lays you on top of him once he’s comfortable laying down. He puts a blanket onto the two of you, and then rubs your back.
Steve leaves a firm, but sweet kiss on your forehead. “My sweet girl, always so nice to everyone, huh?”
You giggle softly, your eyes growing heavy at the feeling of him drawing shapes on your back.
The last thing you remember is him briefly reaching over you, and using the tv remote to turn down the volume.
Steve doesn’t know how he got so lucky with you, but he’ll spend the rest of his life thanking any, and every god for you.
And you’ll never be able to lie to him.
Cause he knows you.
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leahsgirl · 8 months
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homemade love | leah williamson x reader
why am i getting attached to a fake scenario i made up in my head i need help.
anyways happy valentine’s day & enjoy this blurb of pure fluff !
"do you want mamma to pour the flour or is wren doing it?" the blonde asked the nearly three year old next to her as she made sure to get the measurements right.
"wren do it!" taking the measuring cup that leah held out for her she dumped the contents in the bowl, being a little off target and some ending up on the counter instead. "good job beautiful."
leah had decided to surprise you, her fiancé, with breakfast in bed. it was valentines day after all and she loved to treat you in any way possible. she roped your daughter in of course, jumping at any opportunity to have the extra bonding time with her mini-me.
today was one of the rare instances where leah was actually awake before you considering it was often you having to pull the defender out of bed which was not an easy task could you just say.
"okay crack an egg into the mixture." she read from the cookbook open in front of her. "watch these skills kiddo." leah smirked as she took the egg and attempted to break it with one hand only for her to fail miserably and have the shell fall into the batter. wren giggled "silly mamma."
"shh don't tell anyone." she picked out the unwanted bits and booped her toddler's nose, leaving a flour mark on it.
eventually the pair finished the pancake mix after a quick flour fight and leah poured the mixture into the pan, flipping it with ease much to wrens amusement shown by her excited claps.
the skipper plated them up and let wren take control of the cream "okay! that's enough darlin." grabbing the bottle off of her after seeing what was practically a mountain of the whipped substance. finishing off the meal with a few strawberries and blueberries leah moved it all onto a tray.
"lets take this to mummy shall we?"
you stirred in your sleep as you felt a weight press onto your stomach. "mummy! mummy! wake up." the infant babbled as she continued to climb all over you.
"morning bubba." you gave her a weak smile while adjusting to the light coming through the window. "i made you bekfast!"
“oo did you now?”
"i'd say it was more a joint effort but i suppose she was the better chef." you looked up to see leah stood there with a goofy smile on her face holding a tray just above her waist.
"happy valentine's day baby." she placed the food down onto your lap, bending down and planting a sweet kiss on your lips.
"oh my, thank you guys." your heart swelled at the gesture - just picturing the behind the scenes you wished you were awake to see. "eat it?" wren who had now cuddled into your side looked up expectantly.
"hm i think wrenny should have first taste, considering she did make it after all." cutting a triangular piece out the stack you fed it to the young girl watching as her eyes lit up from the taste of sugar. "is it good?"
wren nodded vigorously and gave a thumbs up making both you and leah chuckle. you had to admit, they were good pancakes, almost too good considering leah's cooking history, she was by far not the designated chef of the family.
"wait hang on i forgot your present." leah suddenly realised as she dashed out of the room.
you look quizzically at your toddler "what's she got up her sleeve now?" only getting a shrug in return.
your fiancé now came back with her guitar she had been learning to play for a couple of months in her hand. "may i present to you ‘you are in love’ leah williamson version."
you couldn't help but laugh when you figured out what she was about to do. playing the chords to the song she began singing looking directly at you the whole time.
''cause you can hear it in the silence you can feel it on the way home you can see it with the lights out you are in love, true love you are in love'
you loved seeing leah like this; all cheesy and goofy, a complete 180 to how she was on the pitch. she may not be fully in tune but she did have a good voice that you could happily sit and listen to all day long.
wrapping the song up she took a bow as you and wren applauded her. "surprised it wasn't 'our song'." you say knowing how that was the older girl's favourite taylor song.
"thought i'd be a little spontaneous gorgeous." she winked as she now plonked herself on the bed so wren was in between the both of you.
"well i guess it's my turn now huh." rooting through your bedside table drawer. "i don't know if I'm going to beat the pancakes and serenades but here." you passed both wren and leah neatly wrapped gifts. "princess open yours first." you didn't have to tell wren twice before wrapping paper was flying everywhere revealing a baby doll wearing an arsenal shirt with the number 24 on it.
you looked at leah for any form of reaction but she clearly hadn't caught on yet simply sharing wrens excitement at the new toy "you can bring her to mummy and mamma's games."
"okay leah open yours." anticipation was bubbling inside the both of you.
the blondes mouth dropped open when she picked up the items at hand. "are ya serious?" doing a double take at the pregnancy scan photos and test she was holding in her hand. "it worked?"
nodding she rushed off the bed to your side, picking you up and twirling you around. "okay okay put me down! i don't want to start being sick before i have to."
she did as requested and held the scan right in front her face still in disbelief. "september 2024, twins.`' casually slipping it into conversation.
"fuck off." she said incredulously which earned her a glare off you, reminding her there is a child in the room.
"wren your going to be a big sister!" now shifting attention to her daughter - it being her turn to be picked up and bounced around.
"sister?" the little girl questioned. you pointed at your stomach "there's two babies in mummy's tummy." wren reached her small arms out to touch your belly "hello!"
"they can't talk yet love, they've gotta grow for a while in there, make sure they're strong and healthy just like you." the centre-back explained.
you smiled at the interaction. leah was such a good mum. you couldn't wait to make your family even bigger in a few months time. "good valentines day gift then?"
leah pulled you in to her side with her free arm. "the best. i love you." she pressed her lips onto yours, conveying every emotion possible. little laughs coming from the small body in the older girl's arms as she watched her grossly in love mothers.
"oh you find it funny when we kiss do you?" you quirked an eyebrow and watched as she nodded.
you pecked leah's mouth again..and again, hearing the giggles make a return.
"i think it's someone else's turn now." the defender smiled smugly and you quickly caught on, both bombarding your daughter with kisses on the face as she squealed happily.
god you loved your valentines.
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loveluvrs · 6 months
third time's the charm l oscar piastri x reader
request/summary – Hellooo!! Would you be able to write an oscar piastri blurb with little examples of the reader showing him off and him getting all flustered? For example, drunk in a club with her friends / to make him feel more confident / ect..? 🫶
author's notes – idk if this was what anon was thinking of but this is what i imagined 😭
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I walked into the paddock, hand in hand with Oscar. I was talking about the newest episode of the series I had been binge watching. Oscar, as usual, had settled into listening to me attentively, as I yapped on relentlessly without an end in sight. 
I stopped when I bump into Max’s mum and sister. His family was like a second family to me, and I hadn’t gotten a chance to see them yet since Oscar and I started dating. 
“Oh, hi! I’ve missed you guys so much. This is Oscar, you guys already know he’s my boyfriend,” I say excitedly as he reaches his hand out to greet them. “He loves the curry I make just like you guys do. Sometimes I think he may like it even more. I mean, he always begs me to make it whenever he’s visiting home,” I ramble on excitedly. 
“Ooookay, we should get going now. Nice to meet you,” Oscar says before dragging me along with him to Mclaren garage. “What happened? I was talking,” I ask with a pout. 
He laughs as he rolls his eyes playfully. “Yeah, I know, babe. You never stop talking, do you?” he says playfully, “you should remember to breathe every once in a while.”
“Ha ha. Very funny. I wasn’t even talking that much! I was just introducing them to you and telling them how much I love you!” I say defensively with a confused look in my eyes. 
“Love, you were telling them I beg for your cooking, that’s embarrassing!” Oscar says with a slight laugh. It’s only now I stop and notice that he’s turned slightly red, making me giggle. Oscar gives me an unamused look before saying, “don’t laugh at me like that, you do this every time!” 
“I’m sorry,” I say with a giggle, “you know I only do it because I love you. I just want people to know how great you are, promise!” Oscar opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted when some of his team members approach him to talk to him about the upcoming race weekend. “We’re going to talk about this later,” Oscar says softly as he points a finger at me playfully. 
I screamed as Oscar won the sprint race in Qatar, and I immediately rushed over to him after the race, peppering him with kisses all over his face. “I’m so so proud of you, oh my god!” I say excitedly. Oscar’s face was already red from the heat, and it somehow turned even redder when he saw the cameras approach us. He whined slightly as he burrowed his face into my neck. “Baby, don’t embarrass me,” he mumbles quietly in a shy voice. 
“My boyfriend just won a sprint race in his rookie season in F1, of course I’m gonna show you off and embarrass you. Don’t expect anything less from me,” I tease as I give him one last kiss before sending him off. 
When Oscar returns to our hotel room that night, I’m already half asleep. He spends a bit of time on his phone while in my arms, trying to keep up with everyone’s messages. He stops when he sees an Instagram post from me, his embarrassed and red face that was caught on the cameras now plastered all over this post. “Did you really have to post that?” He asks me playfully.
“I absolutely did. You’re amazing, and you’re mine. Two things every person should know,” I say playfully, earning a playful eye roll from him. “But I look awful, babe!” He protests, zooming in on himself in the photo. I stifle a laugh. “Thousands of people would disagree, actually. Plus, you don’t look awful, you look happy!” I say softly. 
He gives me an unamused look. “What if I don’t want to look happy?”
I giggle. “Then you are one sick weirdo, Oscar Piastri,” I tease with a soft kiss to his lips. 
It’s Oscar’s birthday today, and I have been meticulously planning out every single detail for the past few weeks, including a party with some of his closest friends after qualifying session that day. Despite my protests, Zak also insisted inviting some sponsors to the event and key investors of Mclaren, to act as an opportunity for networking. I reluctantly agreed, although I knew Oscar wouldn’t like it. 
As I thought, Oscar seemed a bit overwhelmed by the amount of people there. He was whisked away to a new person every two minutes, and it was all too much for him to handle. He eventually sat down next to me outside with a loud sigh, leaning his head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to invite this many people, but Zak said this and that. And you know how he is, he wouldn’t have stopped until I said yes,” I say with a frown as I clearly notice how he isn’t having the best of times at this party. Instead, he just smiles, leaning in to give me a soft kiss. He stands up again, holding his hand out towards me. “I don’t care. Just be by my side while I’m being interrogated?” He asks playfully. I giggle, and with a nod I take his hand, our fingers intertwining. 
We soon see one of my old friends that I knew from RedBull, and I introduce Oscar formally to her. As always, I begin to praise Oscar as a driver and as a person. And as always, he gets incredibly red. This time, however, I catch myself before it gets too bad, cutting myself off. When my friend walks away, Oscar has a frown on his face. 
“Why’d you stop? You usually go on for longer,” he asks softly. I shrug. “You always get embarrassed by it, so I just realized and quit while I was ahead,” I say quietly in a kind of embarrassed tone that he even noticed I cut myself off. 
Oscar shakes his head. “Oh come on, babe. Yes, I do get extremely embarrassed by it. But rambling on about me is so you, and I never want you to stop, you hear me? If I can’t praise myself then I need someone who will,” he says with a playful smile. 
“Promise? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything,” I say softly.
“No no no, absolutely not. You could never make me uncomfortable, ever. And you rambling on and showing me off is embarrassing, yes, but I love you for it. I promise,” he says softly. 
“Well, if you insist… then I guess I could squeeze in a few rambles here and there..” I say playfully with a giggle. 
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little-bumblebeeee · 1 year
Quick Steddie blurb ♡
Years after Vecna, when scars have healed and people have moved far and wide, Steve goes and visits Eddie. It's not the first time, not even close. Between acting like Dustin was their child and passing him off to each other like two divorced parents on each other's weekends and just wanting to talk again, they've actually gotten close. Eddie is the second person Steve calls when something happens, sometimes the first - only because he and Robin are roommates in their small apartment together, if they weren't Eddie would still be the second.
Steve's just cooking for his best guy friend that he may or may not be in love with, right? Nothing strange that Eddie is hiding, right? Wrong. Out of nowhere, Steve hears a meow and something - he assumes a cat - comes hurtling full force at his head, knocking him back slightly and digging its tiny claws into his forehead. "Shit- Eddie what the fuck!?" Steve shouts, flailing like a maniac to get the small cat off his head. "Ozzy, no! Bad!" Eddie says, picking up the cat by under its front two arms.
"Did you just throw a cat at my head!?" Steve says, wiping the tiny droplet of blood off of his forehead that bloomed there. Steve glares at the tiny culprit who Eddie is...cuddling. And cooing to.
"Tha's a bad boyy. You hurt the Stevie" Eddie whispers in between kisses to the Ozzy's soft forehead. "No, I didn't throw my cat at you. He just likes to climb and you're very climbable. He probably just jumped off the fridge" Eddie says, barely even looking up to see Steve's bewilderment. Steve shakes his head and returns to the food before it burns. "I'm in love with that." Steve whispers under his breath with a huff. Though he's sure he only thinks it, Eddie's head perks up.
"Aw, see Ozzy, he loves you even when you gave him a fourth concussion!" Eddie says, smiling widely. Steve, who had frozen up the second Eddie spoke, unclenches every muscle. "Yeah. Yep. Mhm." He says quickly. A little too quickly. But Eddie doesn't say anything more.
Eddie finally sets the poor Ozzy free and slinks up behind Steve, giving him a quick peck on the cheek as if they do this every day. "I know you meant me, sunshine" Eddie teases before snatching up some of the food and bolting, leaving Steve absolutely dumbfounded.
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bratbby333 · 7 months
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the jjk men + ur birthday
blurb/brain dump
fluff version/sfw,, smutty version coming next
feat: gojo, geto, nanami, megumi, toji, yuuji
author notes: this idea 100% came abt bc my birthday’s in two weeks n i can’t help but gift this to myself
Satoru is 1000% the type to over do it in the most endearing way possible. The celebration of you starts a week before your actual birthday. Stuffies, balloons, cupcakes, a lengthy, heartfelt card spilling his guts to you about how much you’ve changed his life. He’s even the type to book an expensive getaway for just the two of you after throwing you a surprise dinner party with all your friends.
“Your bags already packed. We leave for the airport in an hour” he says, brimming with joy.
He teases you about getting older, and you joyfully get to remind him that at least you’re still younger than him ((he pouts and huffs at this, of course)).
A deeply romantic man. Showering you in kind words and lingering touches of affection.
Suguru’s deeply intuitive and is most definitely the type of boyfriend to gather things you say you like throughout the year and secretly compile them in a basket to present to you on your birthday. He’s so sneaky with it that you have no idea it’s coming even though you two live together (where tf did he hide it??).
He’s so thoughtful and giving, it’s no surprise that he treats you extra special on your birthday. A bouquet of your favorite flowers, a reservation at your favorite restaurant, tickets to a movie you’ve been dying to see, walks in the park (stopping at your favorite café on the way there). He is just so deeply enamored by you and wants nothing more than to see your face light up when doing the things you love.
Stoic and serious Nanami worships you each and every day. You opened his heart in ways he didn’t know existed, so he can’t help but reward you any chance he gets. You didn’t think he could ever out do himself, but each time your birthday comes around you are proven wrong.
Hefty bouquets of your favorite flowers adorn your kitchen, living room, and bedroom, different handwritten cards sitting against the various flower vases. For a man of such well thought out and analytically chosen words, he sure finds as many as he can to describe to you in detail how much you mean to him and how much he loves you.
He makes reservations at your favorite restaurant and takes you shopping to find an outfit for your dinner date, amongst other things-jewelry, bags, shoes, etc. He just absolutely spoils you.
Even after a year of being together, Megumi still struggles to put his big feelings into the right words. He’d rather show you through acts of service than to say it directly to you. And you appreciate each and every thing he does for you.
The week leading up to your birthday, he takes over all the maintenance around the house; cooking for you every night, doing all the laundry, etc.
“I don’t want you to lift a finger leading up to your special day”
He takes you to get your hair done, your nails done, shopping…any sort of self care services that you want. He just loves being around you, even if a lot of the times, he may not be able to find the right words to say (you’re the only person he enjoys being around for extended periods of time) and he wants you to feel loved and pampered and beautiful on your birthday, even more so than you already are to him.
He cherishes the way you love him, and the man you’re turning him into, even if it scares him a little.
Violently nonchalant and seemingly uninterested in most people (I see where Meg gets it from), that part of Toji’s personality does a 180 when he’s around you.
Even though he hates being away from you, Toji takes on extra assignments in the weeks leading up to your birthday so he can make sure that he pampers you like there’s no tomorrow. You are not paying for a thing when he takes you out to celebrate your day.
And even though your celebration wasn’t as extravagant as it couldve been, you know the real party happens in the bedroom. Awoooga.
“Y/N!! Look what I got you!!” Yuuji grins wide.
“Happy birthday to the most amazing girlfriend ever!!” He beams, outstretched arms presenting you with three boxes in various sizes, wrapped neatly in birthday-esq wrapping paper (nobara must’ve helped with the wrap job).
Your eyes light up, giggling before looking at him.
“Yuuji, I appreciate and love you so very much. But, you do know my birthday is actually tomorrow, right?”
“Yes..duh! But I couldn’t wait. There’s more coming tomorrow, too!!” He replies, seemly more excited for your birthday than you are. Your heart melts at his never ending supply of enthusiasm.
He hugs you tightly and peppers your face with kisses.
The two of you spend the night before your birthday in the house, ordering food and binge watching movies until the sun comes up. And of course he has to be the first one to wish you an official happy birthday, right at midnight.
© bratbby333 on tumblr. all rights reserved. please do not distribute. 2024.
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themultifanshipper · 6 days
Oh my good your newest Oscar fic I am dead!! Also can he find out about her hidden toys :))
I'll be honest, I couldn't be bothered with a whole fic so have a blurb :3
Warnings: use of toys (duh), oscar discovering things about himself, mention of pegging
Part 2 of sorts to this
You finally tell Oscar about your secret box of toys.
Oscar is kinda jealous and possessive at first, feeling like he's been missing out and not taking care of you properly.
Him saying something along the lines of ‘throw them away , you're not going to need them anymore’
But one day when he's on the other side of the world somewhere, you send him a video of you going to town on yourself with them.
He's a wreck. He fists his cock in his motorhome's bathroom, obsessively going over the video over and over again, obsessed with the way you fuck yourself on your dildo.
You getting a text in the middle of the night “I changed my mind” and knowing exactly what he's referring to.
Oscar getting way too into it and after some experimenting decides he wants in on the fun, and soon your toys are used freely by both of you.
Him being shy about it for a while, always asking you if he can use your stuff (on you or himself it doesn't matter) and you noticing sometimes that a toy will be missing while he's away.
Then he'll come home and pretend he has no idea where it is but it always reappears in the box within a day of him being back.
Oscar going feral every time he thinks about you during race weekends because he's picturing all the things you could be doing to yourself.
Him sending ‘you up?’ texts and getting back a picture or video of you teasing yourself with a vibrator every single time, without fail.
He has a rapidly growing collection in a secure folder on his phone.
Him buying himself an actual dildo for himself to use when he's away and pent up because you pegged him once and he became a mushy mess after a few well aimed thrusts.
He may or may not become obsessed with your g-spot massager, using it on himself sneakily from time to time because after his first ever prostate orgasm, he became a bit too obsessed.
Sometimes it's fun to tease him by tying him to the bed and using the toys to make yourself come while he watches helplessly.
The most used toy is probably the remote controlled vibrator.
Oscar was immediately obsessed the first time you showed it to him. He uses it on you on those days when he's at home and wants to make you beg for him.
He'll tease you all day, bringing you to the edge at the most inopportune moments, like when you're cooking or doing laundry.
You'll feel the buzz, desperately trying to ignore it until it becomes too much and he'll turn it off, leaving you high and dry as many times as he wants.
The most adventurous thing you've done with it was wear it to dinner during date night. He made you come in a room full of people and no one had any idea what was happening just a few meters away.
His favourite toy is probably the bright orange vibrating plug your best friend got you as a gag gift.
Well joke’s on her, Oscar's favourite thing is having you on all fours with your ass high in the air and your pussy drooling down your thighs as he teases you with light touches and long licks.
Only when you’re begging like a slut for him will he finally fuck you, the vibrations from the plug making him go absolutely feral as he pounds into you, making you scream in pleasure into the pillows.
On of the best things ever is when he ‘catches you' in the act. It turns out he‘s quite into role play, and he'll pretend you've been a bad girl and punish you for pleasuring yourself without him.
Nothing is ever really a punishment with Oscar though, his idea of being mean is using whatever you were using on you, and making you come as many times as he wants.
Those are the times where you're really glad you told him about your collection.
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acewritesfics · 9 months
Take Me Home | Jay Halstead
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Request: from @/andreahalstead24 for my 500 follower celebration over at @/dlmlufics.
Fic Type: Blurb
Prompt: "No one in this world, past, present or future, matters to me more than you do."
Warnings: None
Word Count: 642
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Jay was getting tired of Y/N’s sudden and unexplained cold shoulder. He wanted an explanation for why she seemed to be ignoring him, only speaking to him when she needed to.  
Unable to find her in the bullpen, he heads into the locker room finding her sitting on one of the benches, stuffing her clothes she had to get changed out of after getting blood all over them trying to prevent an innocent by stander in a shootout from bleeding out into her bag. 
“What’s going on with you?” Jay questions, a frown on his face, confusion and concern in his pretty blue eyes. 
“Nothing,” she says rolling her eyes as she stands up and moves back to her locker. 
“Have you forgotten how well I know you,” his voice comes out a little more aggressive than he intended, but she’s been beyond frustrating since this morning. 
“What about your ex? Or have you forgotten how well you know her,” she slams her locker shut and hooks her gun and badge on to her jeans.  
This morning Jay’s recent ex-girlfriend had come by District 21 as a witness in their latest case. Y/N, along with Jay, took her statement. Jay being oblivious to his ex's lingering stares, subtle flirty remarks and the hopeful look in her eyes, only added to Y/N's already sour mood from her car breaking down on the way to the station.  
“Is this what this whole cold shoulder thing is about?” he asks surprised by her remark but also relieved that she said more than five words to him that didn't involve their case. "My ex-girlfriend trying to be flirty with me?" 
Maybe he wasn't oblivious to it like she thought. Y/N doesn't say anything as she zips up her bag and slings it over her shoulder. She goes to walk past him when he stops her, gently grasping her arm and turning her back around to face him. 
"No one in this world, past, present or future, matters to me more than you do," he says softly as he raises a hand to her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb making her look at him. "And I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. None of them matter anymore, especially her. You're it for me, baby." 
The look in Y/N's eyes softens as she listens to him, her arms move around his waist as she looks at him, seeing the love he holds for her. In his ex's defense, she didn't know about their relationship, and they couldn't exactly tell her while they were taking her witness statement. And he never flirted back, not giving her false hope that there was something still there between them. He had been nothing but professional and she had let her jealousy and insecurities raise their ugly heads, something that never happened often. Y/N knows she overreacted, and she deserves his frustration and to feel the guilt she's currently feeling. 
"I'm sorry for being horrible today. I don't know why I let her get under my skin. Women flirt with you a lot and it usually never bothers me," she apologizes placing a quick peck to his lips. "And I love you more than I've ever loved anyone else too." 
"Buy me dinner and I'll forgive you," he smiles moving his arms around her waist and pulls her closer.  
"How about I cook dinner and you can have me as dessert?" she suggests.  
"I may be tempted," he replies, looking like he's thinking about it.  
She smiles kissing him, "Take me home, Halstead." 
"You got it," he says letting her go and takes his hand in hers. "Also, women don't flirt with me a lot," he continues as they walk out of the locker room. 
"Have you looked in a mirror," she scoffs. "You're a beautiful man." 
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TAGGED:@mrspeacem1nusone - @halsteadbrasil - @allisonargent144 - @cs-please
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nolita-fairytale · 6 months
a little carmy blurb inspired by the eleven madison park granola recipe
a/n: a friend of mine put me on to the EMP granola... and now i can't stop thinking about carmy. assuming the nyc restaurant carmy worked for s supposed to be eleven madison park, i wrote a little blurb his relationship to said granola recipe and my pastry chef!reader. have i told you how much i love writing from carmy's POV?!
takes place in the 'make my heart surrender' world after sugar's had baby michael and a few months after you and carmy have gotten married. food is love. that's all.
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the familiar scent of caramelized brown sugar and toasted coconut waft through the home he's made with you--a smell that catches him off guard, considering it's been years since he's experienced it.
ever since you retired from the restaurant life, carmy's noticed how much joy cooking at home brings you. and he can't complain. while you no longer work at the bear, it's been nice for him to come home to a warm meal after a long shift. he's suddenly found himself on the receiving end of long culinary projects, done over the span of the weekend, where he hasn't had to lift a finger. but as you stand in the kitchen, a kitchen towel folded over the lip of the half sheet pan you're pulling out of the oven, it reminds him of old times and even older versions of himself.
"hey you," you say, as you hear the cease of his footsteps.
you rest the sheet pan against the coils of your stovetop before turning to look at him, kitchen towel in hand. you search carmy's perplexed expression, watching as he chooses the words that follow.
"wh-, watcha' doin'?" he stammers out.
"oh! i'm workin' on a care package for sugar. and i heard syd's out sick too so i think i'm gonna pack up some of this granola for her too," you answer simply.
"you okay, bear?" you ask him, the concern evident in your voice.
"i uh-. yeah. i just-," carmy begins, letting out a heavy exhale. "jus' haven't thought about it. you know... the granola. our old spot. in a while."
you sigh.
"should i have said something?" you ask, as it dawns on you that the old recipe may not bring back the best memories for carmy. "it's just that i made some a few weeks ago... at sugar's. and she begged me to make more. i mean, her and pete are totally hooked on it but.... i know that that wasn't a great time for you. i should've thought about that."
"no!" carmy protests. he doesn't want you to feel like you have to walk on eggshells around him, and he finds himself falling a little more in love with you as he wraps his head around just how much you love his sister too. "no. it's okay. i just. 's been a while." he chuckles, this time as an exhale of relief. "caught me off guard. is all."
you nod slowly in understanding, as carmy takes a few steps toward you.
"i don't know what it was about a few weeks ago that made me think about it. haven't made it in a while, carm," you say back with a small chuckle. it had been your job--to make the restaurant's signature granola that was gifted to diners at the end of their meal--for the first three months of your time at EMP. "feels like a lifetime ago. but uh... well shit. it's just as good as i remember it."
"oh yeah?" he asks you, curiously, his tone much lighter this time.
"mhm," you hum in response.
it's a strange feeling, returning to old things as the man he is today: a man who's found home again, changed by his restaurant, by his people, by loving and being loved by you. he picks up a few pieces of the still-warm granola, as you eye him carefully, before popping them into his mouth. the flavors hit his tongue, his palette dissecting each familiar note. he half expects to be flooded with memories of his darkest days, but instead it reminds him of you.
it makes him think of the morning of your first shift, watching you as you funneled the granola into the restaurant's signature glass jars. he knew his lingering gaze had made you feel like you were under a microscope, but he hadn't seemed to be able to stop his wandering eyes. he thinks of the way you'd notice that he hadn't eaten all day long, slipping him a jar of the granola right before dinner service started, without a word. a small smile spreads across his lips as carmy recalls the time you made it in the pandemic: playing around with different nuts, dried fruits, adding miso, sharing your latest creation with him after each volunteer shift with world central kitchen.
he's not sure how to say it--that this granola reminds him of you, and your love for him, not the restaurant. he wants to shout it from the top of your apartment building, proclaim his love for you in the form of a shakespearean sonnet, but instead he just says this:
"maybe you can make some more of this. for us?"
"you sure?" you hesitate.
a beat.
"yeah babe. i'm sure."
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fragileruns · 1 year
Hello love! Would it be possible to request something with derek morgan x inexperienced!reader? I think it's such an interesting dynamic since he's a very suave person. Maybe something about the reader being nervous or insecure of having less experience than he does? You can go either fluffy or smut or both 🥰 I hope this request finds you well. Thank you in advance!! ❤️
hi! thank you for your request <3 it’s just a little blurb but i hope you like it
derek morgan x reader. content warning: mentions of sex but no smut, reader being nervous, derek being a gentleman, reader likes coffee so if you don’t i’m sorry, reader has hair but i think the rest is gender neutral
You had spent longer than you’d care to admit picking out an outfit for your date tonight. You knew that Derek had seen you at your worst - working together had made it inevitable for him to see you sick at least once, tired, irritable, and much worse than that - but it still felt like a big deal.
It was your third date, and you knew what the implications meant. Even if you didn’t, Emily, JJ, and Penelope and taken to relentlessly teasing you to make sure you did know. And sure, you’d known each other for years and had been in this sort of relationship for a few months (your work made it hard to plan times to be together, which was why you’d been on so few dates), but you were nervous.
You had never really been with many people. Somehow, Derek had managed to be with quite a few people even with how often you had to be away for your job: you knew this because everyone did. He wasn’t exactly subtle. You, however, were not as skilled at picking up anyone while you were away or at home, for that matter. The only people you’d been with were the few actual relationships you’d had in the past.
So, you were sitting on his couch after your date - he had cooked for you, which somehow made this all even more nerve wracking - and you were trying desperately not to bounce your knee.
After what felt like forever, and simultaneously not long enough to prepare yourself, Derek had come to plop down next to you. He insisted you go sit while he did the dishes, something about being a ‘gentleman’ and ‘needing you to sit pretty.’
You were sure he’d noticed your nerves, but he had been kind enough not to say anything yet. However, once he placed a hand on your thigh in what was meant to be a comforting way, and you tensed up, he couldn’t hold it in.
“What’s up with you tonight? Did I do something wrong? You’re not vegan, are you?” He questioned, worried that maybe you hadn’t really enjoyed your dinner.
“What? No,” your eyebrows furrowed as you looked at him for a mere second, before casting your gaze in front of you. “Nothing’s wrong with me, I’m just tired.”
“Trying to lie to a profiler? Babe, that’s like, the worst move you could make,” Derek chuckled slightly, turning to face you more. He was trying to make light of the situation, and you appreciated that, but your nerves didn’t seem to care.
“I’m a profiler, too.”
“So you should know you can’t hide things from me. C’mon, just spit it out,” his hand moved to brush your hair off of your shoulder before rubbing it to try and coax whatever was wrong out of you. “I promise I won’t laugh.”
You shot him a look, and he grinned. “Okay, depending on what it is, I may laugh. Just a little bit. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want you to tell me.”
“I just - it’s our third date.”
“Really? Thought it was our fifth.” He tried to joke, but when it didn’t seem to calm you any, he just shook his head and mumbled a small apology.
“And there’s… implications that go along with it.”
Derek tilted his head, looking at you similar to a confused dog. But when you didn’t clarify and instead only gave him a look, he understood what you meant.
“And you’re worried about that?”
“I mean, kind of. Yes. I just,” you sighed as you tried to piece your words together, cheeks flush with embarrassment about even having to have this conversation. You were an adult, but for some reason, telling your sort of boyfriend that you hadn’t had sex in a while still felt awkward. “I’m not really.. experienced, I guess. I’ve only been with a few people. And you-”
“Used to be a total manwhore?”
“I wasn’t going to say that. And I really wish Garcia hadn’t taught you that term.”
He laughed at that then, and his arm lifted off of your shoulder to trail down your arm, before he grabbed onto your hand.
“Look, I’m not expecting anything out of tonight, okay? I just wanted to spend time with you, I don’t care if I see you naked tonight. Or for a while. It doesn’t matter,” he started, and the seriousness on his face was almost odd, since you were used to his teasing grin. “If you’re not ready for it, I’m not ready for it. Just because it’s our third date doesn’t mean we’re required to have sex. And I wasn’t really thinking about that, anyway. I don’t want to do it if you don’t want to.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to. I just don’t want you to be disappointed because I’m not as good as you expected. Or what you’re used to,” You frowned, and it made him frown, almost like a mirror.
“Baby. Sweetheart. Honey. You seriously think I’m going to be disappointed? I used to wake up early every morning so I could get coffee from your favorite place just so I could have an excuse to bring you a cup and talk to you.”
“That’s forty minutes out of the way.”
“I know. I’m like, borderline obsessed with you. You should be creeped out.” When the corners of your lips turned up at that, he broke out into a grin, and leaned forward to grab your face into his hands, forcing you to look at him. “What I’m saying is, I could never be disappointed by anything you do. If we have sex, and only whenever you’re ready for it, it’s going to be great for me no matter what. ‘Cause it means that I’m with you.”
Your head leaned against the palm of his hand, and he leaned forward to press a kiss to your lips, quick but loving.
“If you’re ever feeling stressed about these things, you need to just tell me. Don’t sulk, you shouldn’t be nervous about anything. Not with me. Got it?”
“Yeah,” you say quietly and his hands drop from his face, wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you to his side, your head falling onto his shoulder.
“Great. Now - which horror movie do you wanna watch? Halloween or Scream?”
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withleeknow · 6 months
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how he would take care of you during shark week. ⤷ chan / minho / changbin / hyunjin / jisung / felix / seungmin / jeongin
pairing: jeongin x f!reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff; menstruation obvi
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
main masterlist / blurb masterlist / ko-fi
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jeongin, who is so utterly clueless that it kinda hurts your soul a little. sure it's cute, and sure he's at least trying, but holy shit, there isn't a single thought in his head when it comes to things like this. blame it on not having a sister or close female friends, you suppose.
jeongin, who stands in the supermarket aisle for the better part of an hour, with question marks materializing from the crown of his head as he internally freaks out over which products you asked him to get. in the end, he gets the wrong kind because honestly, he thinks it's your fault. you didn't specify what you needed, you just told him "regular ones with wings. any brand will do," and sent him on his merry way.
jeongin, who buys you a month's worth of snacks to satisfy your odd cravings, but ends up eating most of them himself. he swears it was an accident; you were taking a nap and he was bored and had to occupy his time somehow, seeing that he couldn't bother you while you were resting.
jeongin, whom his hyungs think is the most adorable person on earth when he asks them for advice, with questions ranging from she says her stomach hurts, what do i do? to does ramyeon help? it's the only thing i know how to cook. sometimes, he's jealous of minho, because he'd like to make you your comfort food during your time of the month too.
jeongin, who watches dozens of videos of men trying period pain simulators, and winces every time as if he was the one in the simulation. by the end of it, he's kinda thankful that he was born a guy.
jeongin, whose body heat you take advantage of when you snuggle close to him at night. you often have to kick him away from you because he runs like a damn furnace all year round, but baby bread the human heater proves to be quite useful in times like these, where you can substitute your heating pad with his arm around your waist as his warmth lulls you to sleep.
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 27.04.2024]
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janitorhutcherson · 11 months
hi! can you do a fluff piece with Mike where he expresses his love to the reader through the different love languages? (like words of affirmation, gift giving, physical touch, acts of kindness, and quality time?) I feel like he would be especially great at acts of kindness with cooking :) thanks!
hii omg this is such a cute idea. this is gonna be quickish i’m sorry, i’ll totally do a longer one later. if y’all like it i’ll maybe make a series?!? but for now just a silly little blurb.
i feel like mike would be very loving and showing his love to you would be extremely important. like, extremely important. so he’d def be the kind of guy to take all of these seriously, even if they weren’t… easy… for him since expressing emotions doesn’t come as natural.
words of affirmation: words of affirmation is one of my favorite love languages. this is one that doesn’t come easy for mike — and not because he doesn’t love you, but just because he can’t really express himself well. if you’re like me, being reassured, told you’re doing great, etc, is important to you. mike would do his very best to remind you every day how important you are to him, leaving the occasional note in the morning before you head to work. it may say something like, “Reminder I am so proud of you for everything you do. I love you, baby!” he’s also ramble to you at night sometimes, just telling you how much he loves you. if you were ever down, he’d make sure to sit you down and point out all of the things he loves about you, physically and mentally.
gift giving: okay i feel like this is a big one. money doesn’t come very easily for mike. after he got “fired” (that’s what he pretends happened!😜), he had to find another job that still had shitty pay. his resume didn’t make him a great candidate for anything high quality. with that being said, every month he attempts to scrape up enough money to make you a little gift basket. it varies from month to month, depending on how much he was able to save. sometimes they’d be big baskets he’d have abby help him pick stuff out for. there may be a fuzzy blanket, some candies, face masks, maybe a candle. sometimes they’d be smaller, just a little note and some candy, maybe a stuffed animal from the dollar store. regardless of how big or small, you always appreciated it when you’d walk into your shared home and see it sitting on the table.
physical touch: oh my god i think this one is a huge one for mike. given his past, he is so touch starved. every second he gets, his hands are on you. of course, at night he loves to curl up with you in bed. he’ll have his arms tightly wrapped around you, playing with your hair or maybe rubbing your back. even when he dips down on the bed to tie his shoes in the morning, he keeps his hand on your sleeping shoulder until he absolutely has to move it. he’s the same way out in public. at the supermarket, he’ll hold your hand, he’ll wrap his arm around your waist when you’re standing in line for something. when you’re out to eat, his hand will be on your knee underneath the table. when you’re cooking at home, he will always come and wrap himself up behind you, moving with you to the point that it’s slightly obnoxious, but you don’t mind. as long as he’s with you.
acts of kindness: i so agree that this would be a big one for him that he’d be good at. before you, mike was a one trick pony when it came to cooking, and for that, he could barely do it. he could make something that was edible enough to be spaghetti. once you two started dating, he learned for you. he wanted to be able to make your favorite dishes and desserts. he surprises you all the time when he’s off of work or if he gets off before you, making your favorite dish and having it served up on the table with candles when you walk in the door after work. he’s also big on doing things like running you baths, putting the bubbles in and the epsom salts in. sometimes he’d get into it with you, holding you. i also think he’d like to take showers with you. if you struggle with mental health at all, i think he’d be the type of partner to help you wash your hair. of course he’d do chores for you sometimes, knocking out necessary errands. overall he’s a very loving partner who will do anything to make you smile.
quality time: quality time is something that isn’t easy to get. as much as you love abby, alone time is especially hard to come by. since mike is working day shifts now, you two will do your best to have a late night together at least once a week. you’re both usually pretty exhausted, taking care of abby, working, running errands. but once a week, usually on a friday night, you both stay up until 3am/4am, just talking, snacking, maybe watching a movie. otherwise, for quality time, he makes sure to sneak some time in with you here in there. he’d make sure to run simple errands with you, maybe even to sit with you at the nail salon. i also think he’d love to help you cook, go shopping. any chance he’d get to spend time with you, he’d take it.
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yumeka-sxf · 9 months
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I see people pointing to this to explain Yor's feats of strength, but now I am convinced that this scene doubled as a way to explain Demetrius's curiously blank state of mind, especially since the concept was being explained to Damian.
It's possible! I think this also plays into a theory I've seen that Mr. Green is somehow related to Garden...like, maybe he used to work for them and that's how he knows about techniques to "disengage" your mind and unleash your inner strength, either physically or mentally. Similarly, we also got that little blurb from chapter 85 about how Fiona was able to go completely berserk on Wheeler despite severely damaging her body, though that had to do more with physical than mental ability. But whether either of these examples has anything to do with Yor's strength still has yet to be seen, but as for Demetrius, the Mr. Green concept is a possibility. It's hard to say if Endo was planning to have anything in this chapter relate to Demetrius when he wrote it three years ago. It's also possible he may have now decided to try and tie it back to Demetrius since he's finally an actual character, similar to the tie backs he's been doing recently with the spelling of Anya's name and her classical languages skills which were eluded to a long time ago. He's cooking things for sure!
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