#i think i have a good idea on how to make it. i found a knitting pattern on ravelry (beloved) about the hat and it
ginkgooou · 3 days
dance lessons | alexia putellas
summary: you and alexia try dancing.
this one took a while; i rewrote it like three times before i was finally happy with it. i'm no expert in dancing, but i tried my best to describe the moves. i hope you enjoy! feel free to send feedback or requests. 😄
english is not my first language.
4,272 words
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you were out with alba, leisurely strolling through the city, when you came across two people handing out flyers. as you were about to walk past, one of them stepped forward, stopping you with a friendly smile.
“hey, do you two want to try a dance class?”, the woman asked you, offering you a flyer.
alba just shook her head. “no, thank you.”
you stopped, intrigued, taking the flyer from her hand and looking over it. it seemed like a fun idea, something you could do with alexia - an opportunity to try something new together.
as you skimmed the paper, the lady explained, “we teach ballroom and latin dances. it's for beginners, so anyone can join. you can sign up online if you're interested. the website's on the flyer.”
you nodded thoughtfully, looking up at her with a small smile. “thank you. i'll think about it.”
with that, you turned to alba, who linked her arm with yours as you walked away. she gave you a knowing look. “you sure ale will do it with you?”
with a smirk, you replied, “i have my ways.”
well, your way was simply signing both you and alexia up for the course without telling her. after three years together, you knew your girlfriend very well and you knew if you'd asked her, she would've immediately said no.
alexia loved her routines, finding comfort in the structure of her days. they gave her a sense of control in a world that often felt too chaotic.
you understood that and respected it, but every now and then, you'd try to pull her out of her comfort zone a little. a new restaurant, an unexpected detour through the city or, when time allowed, a spontaneous road trip - just small things. it was always a struggle to get her to agree to your ideas. alexia could be very stubborn, but you always found a way to persuade her.
you knew that this time would be particularly difficult as it wasn't a one-time thing like usual; the dance course would last over several weeks. you could already picture your girlfriend's grumpy face, insisting she didn't want to go, claiming that she had football and no time for something like this.
but, you'd already made a plan.
first, you decided that instead of ordering in, you'd make dinner. you settled on cooking pasta with the homemade sauce that she liked so much, hoping it would put her in a good mood.
you had just started on the sauce when you heard the soft click of the front door echoing through the apartment. it was quickly followed by the muffled sound of footsteps and the soft thud of alexia's bag being dropped on the floor.
a few moments later, you felt your girlfriend's strong arms wrap around your waist, her familiar warmth bringing a smile to your face. she placed a gentle kiss on your shoulder before resting her head there with a soft sigh.
“hola, mi amor. i missed you.”, she mumbled, her voice tinged with fatigue.
turning your head slightly, you gave her a quick peck on her lips, whispering, “missed you too. how was training?”
“good. lots of things to work on.”, she replied.
as you continued making the sauce, alexia stayed wrapped around you, watching you cook. “ale?”, you said gently.
she hummed in response, letting you know she was listening.
“why don't you go shower? dinner will be ready soon.”
alexia just pressed herself closer, burying her head in your neck, making you chuckle at her clinginess. “baby, come on.”
“vale.”, your girlfriend grumbled, clearly reluctant to let go. with a sigh, she finally released her hold on you and headed upstairs.
while she showered, you finished preparing dinner and began setting the table. you were just plating the food, when you heard alexia coming back downstairs.
you looked up to see your girlfriend padding into the kitchen, her wet hair falling over her shoulders, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.
“it smells amazing, amor.”, she said, coming over and kissing your cheek. you smiled at her, turning back to the plates. “go sit down. i'll be right over.”
alexia nodded and made her way to the table, taking a seat and pouring two glasses of water.
once you finished plating, you walked over, setting the dishes on the table before sitting down beside her.
both of you eagerly dug in, conversation flowing effortlessly throughout the meal. between bites, alexia recounted her day, telling you about the intense drills, funny moments with her teammates and the interview she had to do while also asking about your day.
once you finished dinner, the conversation and you watched as the tension slowly melted away from her shoulders. her tone became lighter and more relaxed. you knew this was the perfect moment to bring up the dance class.
you glanced at her with a smile. “oh, i forgot to tell you! i was out with alba today. we went for lunch and then just wandered around.”, you began casually. “funny story, actually - we walked past some people handing out flyers.”, you continued, chuckling nervously as you watched your girlfriend closely.
alexia eyed you with suspicion. “what did you do?”, she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“well.”, you started, clearing your throat, “they were promoting their dance classes. i checked out the website - it looks really cool and professional.” you paused, grinning excitedly at alexia, “so, i signed us up for the course! it starts on monday.”
“no.”, your girlfriend said immediately, shaking her head. “no, no, no. we are not doing that.” you laughed at her instant refusal, expecting nothing less.
“come on, ale. it'll be fun.”, you urged, trying to convince her.
“no! i don't have time. i have football.”, alexia argued, crossing her arms defiantly. “sorry, amor, but it's just not happening.”
you sighed, giving her your best puppy dog eyes. “please? for me?”
your girlfriend quickly looked away, knowing she would crumble if she looked at you much longer. “..no.”, she repeated, but her voice lacked the firmness it had before.
sensing she just needed one more little push, you proceeded with part two of your plan.
you scooted back and stood up, alexia's eyes following you as you moved to straddle her lap, your arms wrapping around her shoulders while hers instinctively fell to your hips. she slightly leaned back in her chair, making room for you.
you slowly leaned in, lips nearly touching. “please?”, you asked again, your lips brushing hers.
you could see alexia's resolve wavering and you knew you almost had her. closing the distance between you, you pressed your lips softly against hers. when you pulled away, your girlfriend chased your lips, clearly not ready for the kiss to end yet.
“for me, baby?”, you asked again, a smile forming on your lips.
alexia opened her eyes, gazing up at you. after a few seconds of silence, she sighed dramatically. “i hate you.”
your grin only widened. “so you'll go with me?”
“yes.”, she grumbled, rolling her eyes. “but i don't like it.”
“thank you, thank you, thank you!”, you squealed, showering her face with kisses. your girlfriend tried to keep a straight face, but she couldn't suppress the wide smile spreading on her lips.
it was monday evening, just before 6 pm, and the dance studio was filled with people. you stood near the back, surrounded by couples who were much older than you, their chatter filling the air. shifting nervously, you glanced at the door for what felt like the hundredth time.
alexia was late.
you two had agreed to come here separately, since your girlfriend had a late interview. she had assured you she would make it, but as the clock crept closer to 6, doubt started to creep in.
when it was time for the lesson to start, the two instructors, a woman with a warm smile and a tall man with black hair, stepped forward.
“hello everyone and welcome to the course! i'm isabella and this is my partner, luis.”, the woman said enthusiastically, her voice carrying across the room. “over the next few weeks, we'll be teaching you how to dance.”
you were trying to listen, but your thoughts kept wandering to alexia. as isabella started to explain a bit more about the class, the door suddenly swung open. your girlfriend burst through, slightly out of breath, still wearing her training kit.
“lo siento!”, she called out, blushing as she realized that everyone was looking at her. for a second, she scanned the room, her gaze darting past the curious looks before landing on you.
a small smile tugged at the corner of your lips as your girlfriend hurried over, weaving through the people. when she reached you, she leaned in for a quick kiss. “i'm sorry.”, she whispered apologetically. “i didn't mean to be this late. the interview took longer than expected.”
you smiled at her, shaking your head. “it's fine. you're here now.”
alexia sighed, running a hand through her hair as she looked around, clearly feeling out of place in her kit. “i didn't have time to change.”, she muttered, tugging at the hem of her shirt.
“don't worry about it.”, you said softly, taking her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
someone clearing their throat beside you interrupted your whispering. you turned to see an older man giving you both a disapproving look. “could you stop talking? we're trying to listen.”, he said, sounding annoyed.
“sorry, we'll stop.”, you quickly apologized, flashing him a polite smile.
though, when you turned to your girlfriend and your eyes met hers, you let out a giggle. alexia couldn't suppress a grin, quietly shushing you and gesturing to the front.
you tuned back in just in time to catch isabella's last words. "so, our first dance will be a slow waltz," she began with a smile. "but before we begin, let's go over the hold."
she turned to luis, who took her hand in his as they stepped into position. he placed his right hand gently on isabella’s shoulder blade, while she rested her left hand on his upper arm. their free hands met between them. “the lead,” he explained, “places his right hand on the follow’s back, just here, and the follow’s left hand goes on the lead’s arm. your other hands meet, like so.” they turned in a circle so everyone could see clearly. they invited you to try it out, moving through the room and giving tips when needed.
“okay! now to the box step. it is really simple.”, isabella said. “the lead steps forward with their left foot. the follow steps back with their right.”
on cue, they moved, their feet sweeping across the floor in perfect synchronization. “step forward,” luis said, narrating his movement, “then side with the right foot, and bring your left foot to your right. then, you’ll step back with the right foot, side with the left, and close the feet again. that completes the box.”
you shifted your weight slightly, looking at alexia, who was staring at the instructors as if this dance was a tactical briefing before a big match. her brow was furrowed in concentration, which made you grin.
after they had showed you the movement a few more times, isabella smiled encouragingly at the class. “now, it’s time for you to try. we’ll walk around and help you.”
you turned to alexia, a playful glint in your eye. “so,” you began, raising an eyebrow, “who’s going to lead?”
your girlfriend chuckled, moving closer with a confident grin. “me, of course.” she tried to get into position, placing her hand on your shoulder blade, but you stepped back, not ready to give up just yet.
“but what if i want to lead?”, you asked hopefully. alexia shook her head. “no, i lead. no arguments.”
you huffed, pouting slightly as you mumbled, “so not fair.”
with a sigh, you finally let her step closer and take hold of you while you rested your hand on her upper arm. you could feel the warmth of her hand against your back, and despite your earlier protest, an excited smile crept on your face. “well, then. lead the way, capitana.”, you told her, laughing as she shot you an annoyed look at the nickname.
as it came to trying the steps, you could feel alexia’s earlier confidence beginning to waver slightly. she bit her lip, glancing down at her feet, and then stepped forward with her left. you weren’t ready yet and stumbled a little as you quickly tried to follow her lead and move backward, but you couldn’t hold your balance and accidentally stepped on her toes.
“oops, sorry!”, you blurted out, pulling back.
alexia just shook her head, a hint of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. “no, it was my fault.”, she said, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. “okay. let’s try again.”
you both repositioned yourselves and tried again. this time, you were ready and as she took a step forward, you moved back with your right foot, staying in the rhythm. alexia was incredibly focused, her brows furrowed in concentration.
“forward, side, close.”, she murmured to herself, following the steps. the determination in her eyes made you smile, but you could also feel the tension in her body. “hey, ale.”, you said softly, catching her attention. when she looked up at you, you continued, “try to relax. this is just for fun.”
your girlfriend took a deep breath, trying to let go of the pressure. “you’re right. just for fun.”, she replied, smiling at you.
after a few minutes, isabella made her way over to you. “good! that’s good.”, she praised, offering a warm smile. “but try not to look down at your feet. keep your eyes on each other or look over the left shoulder.” she gestured for you to step closer together. “you can also move closer together. it will help you feel the movements and make it easier to follow the lead.”
you and alexia nodded, moving closer, and got back into position. your eyes met and a soft smile passed between you. when alexia stepped forward this time, you could feel the shift in her weight, making it easier to anticipate her next move. the closeness made everything smoother, as if you were more in tune with each other.
“that's much better!”, isabella remarked before moving on to help the next couple.
after the first successful attempt, you tried the box step again. but it was alexia who faltered this time, accidentally stepping on your toes. “i'm so sorry.”, she muttered, her cheeks flushing as her gaze shifted over your shoulder, embarrassed. “it's just…”, she trailed off, meeting your eyes for a brief second before quickly looking down at her feet. “it's hard to concentrate with you so close.”, your girlfriend admitted softly, biting her lip.
you smiled at her confession, finding it incredibly endearing that even after all this time, you still had this effect on her. you couldn't help but press a quick kiss to her cheek. “i love you.”, you told her as you pulled away, catching the soft smile that lit up her face.
alexia's hand pressed gently against your back, drawing you closer, her eyes sparkling with affection. “te quiero.”, she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, making your heart flutter.
suddenly, luis’ voice cut through, interrupting the moment between you. “alright, now that everyone's practiced the box step, let's learn the turning box.”, he announced, moving to the front of the room. “isabella and i will demonstrate.”
alexia cleared her throat and let go of you, turning her attention to the instructors.
luis took a moment to position himself with isabella. “the lead steps forward with the left foot, but this time, instead of moving straight, you'll turn slightly to the left.”, he began, showcasing the first move.
“as you step to the side with the right foot, your body should turn about 90° to the left.”, he continued, guiding isabella through the movement. “then, step with the left foot next to the right.”
they showed you the turns a few more times, with isabella also guiding you through the follow's role. as the demonstration concluded, luis turned to you all with a smile. “now it's your turn again.”
you and alexia quickly got back into position. “ready?”, your girlfriend asked, looking at you with a soft smile. “yes”, you answered.
you tried it slowly, wanting to get a feel for the added movement. it worked surprisingly well; you barely had to think about it as alexia confidently led you into the turn.
alexia was focused on the steps, murmuring them quietly under her breath. with each turn, you got more comfortable, feeling more confident in your steps.
encouraged by how well it worked, alexia picked up the pace a little and soon, you were gliding across the floor. just as you executed a smooth turn, you suddenly became aware of another couple moving in the opposite direction.
before you could react, you collided with them - your shoulder bumping into the man's side while alexia accidentally stepped on the woman's toes.
“oh no, sorry!”, alexia exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. you, on the other hand, struggled to keep your laughter in as you turned to the couple, who looked just as surprised, but quickly joined you in the laughter. the man shook his head, waving off the mishap with a hrin. “it happens to the best of us.”
once you repositioned yourselves, you began anew, alexia now more aware of her surroundings. but the collision seemed to have made her relax more, smiling slightly while continuing to dance.
when luis approached, he smiled brightly at you. “that's really good!”, he said, nodding with approval. “keep it up!” the praise filled you with confidence and when you looked at alexia, you found her beaming with delight, her eyes sparkling with pride.
after a few more minutes, isabella moved to the sound system and put on music. “now, let's try it with music.”, she said enthusiastically.
as the melody of a slow waltz filled the room, everything changed. the soft notes wrapped around you, making the steps feel more fluid and natural, the rythm guiding your movements. alexia's confidence grew with every turn, leading you through the dance seamlessly.
you spent the remainder of the class learning more about the waltz, with luca and isabella showing you new steps here and there.
as you laid in bed that night, you turned to face her. “so, how did you like the class?”, you asked softly.
alexia shifted slightly, turning her head to meet your gaze in the dark. a small smile tugged at her lips. “i actually liked it.”, she admitted.
you raised an eyebrow, teasing her. “really? that's funny, considering someone didn't want to go at first.”
she chuckled, her hand reaching out to playfully nudge your arm. “yeah, yeah. but, really, it was fun.” her fingers intertwined with yours under the covers.
you grinned, satisfied with her confession. “i told you it would be.”
alexia sighed softly, leaning in to kiss you. “it was only fun because i did it with you.”
you smiled, your heart fluttering at her words. alexia wrapped her arm around your waist and pulled you closer, her warmth lulling you to sleep.
over the next few weeks, you continued going to the dance studio every monday, learning something new each time. throughout the week, you tried to practice as often as you could, but time seemed to always slip away from you.
both of your schedules were packed - alexia busy with training, matches and interviews while you had your own work commitments. it usually ended up with you practicing an hour before having to leave for class. but, despite the lack of practice, you both had improved quite a lot, especially alexia.
you could see your girlfriend's confidence grow with each session, her movements becoming more fluid and graceful. she led you effortlessly through the various dance routines - slow fox, cha-cha and tango - as if she had been dancing for years. she was a natural at this.
at least, that's what it seemed like to you.
one afternoon, you decided to surprise alexia and pick her up from training. you had a free day and since alexia's car was at the mechanic, she needed someone to pick her up.
after parking your car, you made your way over toward the building's entrance. halfway there, the door swung open and the first few girls exited the building. as soon as they spotted you, their faces lit up with excitement, and they rushed over.
“hi! i haven't seen you in sooo long. i've missed you so much.”, claudia said, pulling you into a tight hug.
you smiled warmly, returning the hug. “hey, clau. i missed you, too. work's just been a lot these days.”
after claudia let go, you turned to greet patri and ona with a hug, too. meanwhile, claudia continued talking, “you should visit more often. ale’s so much nicer when you're around.”
you couldn't help but laugh at that, knowing all too well how your girlfriend could get when it came to football. “i'll talk to her.”, you replied with a grin. then, glancing toward the building, you asked, “but speaking of alexia, where is she?”
more players had started to trickle out of the building, but still no sign of your girlfriend. ona was quick to answer your question, “she wanted to do some extra practice. she's still out on the pitch.”
you turned back to the group with a grateful smile. “ah, thank you. i should've known.”, you chuckled. “i guess i'll head in to find her.”
patri grinned, nudging your arm playfully. “you'd better. otherwise, she'll be out there all day.”
you laughed, pulling each of them into a quick hug. “alright, bye guys.”, you said, the three of them echoing your words as you headed toward the building.
inside, you made your way through the familiar hallways, your footsteps quickening as you approached the pitch, the faint sound of voices drifting toward you.
but as you stepped outside, the sight before you made you stop in your tracks.
there was alexia, but instead of practicing football, she was…dancing. and with mapi, of all people. they seemed to be attempting the tango - or at least something that resembled it. your girlfriend was, of course, leading, her movements focused and graceful.
mapi, on the other hand, was clearly less enthusiastic about the whole thing. “why am i doing this? i don't want to do this!”, she complained, barely trying to follow alexia's lead.
your girlfriend, already looking annoyed, sighed in frustration. “you need to be closer. i can't do this if you're standing a mile away from me.”
mapi threw her hands up. “i don't want to be closer, i need my space! i want to be free, not glued to you!”
you stood silently at the edge of the pitch, trying to stifle your laughter as you watched the scene unfold. alexia, determined as always, restarted the routine, but mapi still kept stumbling over the steps. your girlfriend's patience was running thin, the vein on her forehead looking ready to pop.
“come on, mapi. you're not even trying now. is it really so hard to follow a few steps?” her voice rose in frustration. “it's so much easier with ingrid! why do you always have to make everything so difficult!”
“well, i am not ingrid! and i am trying!”, mapi shot back, stamping her foot and refusing to take another step. alexia took a sharp breath, throwing her hands up in exasperation. “dios mio, i've had enough! you are no help.”, she huffed, rolling her eyes. she spun around, ready to storm off the pitch, but then her eyes fell on you.
she froze, looking like a deer caught in headlights. “oh, no.”
you couldn't help the grin that spread across your face as you stepped onto the pitch. “oh, yes.”
alexia blinked, trying to recover. “it's not what it looks like…”
you raised an eyebrow. “it looked like you were trying to dance.”, you teased, coming to a stop in front of her. “so this is what you've been up to?”
alexia blushed, looking everywhere but you, thinking of ways to get out of the situation. “it's just been a few times…”, she mumbled.
but mapi, who clearly had enough, jumped in. “a few times? she's been dragging ingrid into this for weeks! alexia stole my girlfriend - ingrid's always busy with her now. she barely even talks to me at training! and now i had to dance, too.”
you laughed, watching your girlfriend grow more embarrassed by the second. “i see. and you didn't tell me because…?”
alexia ran a hand through her hair, giving you a sheepish smile. “i just… wanted to impress you.”, she murmured quietly.
you chuckled softly, moving closer and cupping her cheek. “you're so silly, my love.”
your girlfriend wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you closer, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “i'm sorry?”, she said with a crooked smile.
shaking your head, you leaned in to kiss her again, only to be interrupted by loud gagging coming from mapi. “ugh, can you not? this is torture.”
you both laughed, breaking apart as alexia turned to her best friend. “you're one to talk. and just so you know, i'll never dance with you again.”
at that, mapi began to laugh happily. “thank god!”
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tpwk-formula1 · 2 days
Omg hi. I just found you and cheered. I have a order.
Lando Norris, Thick Crust, Red Sauce,
Cherry Tomatoes, Root beer, Mango Smoothie,
If you could maybe make it a dizzy, inconcent reader where people flirt with her and she dosnt now and flirts back and Lando thinks the only way for people to leave her alone would be if she pregnant with his child. And he definitely has feelings for her. 🤭
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Lee-Lee's Pizzeria Menu
thick crust sugar daddy red sauce rough sex cherry tomatoes "I can't wait to watch you swell with my babies" root beer daddy kink mango smoothie baby trapping dessert yes served by Lando Norris
Lando x Ditzy! reader
AN: Okay! So I am so sad that I had to close my requests early but in a week I got over 100 requests which is fucking amazing and I am so happy for them but I want to make sure requests are coming out in a timely manner so I will be completely all requests within the next few weeks and once the Pizzeria is back open it will be a rebrand... So if you have any prompt ideas, kinks, or overall things you want to see get added to the menu just send me a message and I'll see what I can do!
TW breeding kink, baby trapping, pregnancy, dirty talk, rough sex, creampie, jealous Lando
WC 1200+
"Danny! You can't just say things like that," I laugh loudly with the Australian in front of me. I can feel my cheeks growing red from the sexual joke Daniel just cracked.
I can feel a hand on my lower back making me look over my shoulder to find Lando making my smile grow more before I lean up and place a kiss on his cheek.
"What are you two up to?" Lando questions with a slight edge in his voice.
"Was just telling, Y/N about my summer break," Daniel says with a smile. I watch as Lando's face grows in a smile before he's ushering us towards the bar.
"Don't wander to far," Lando tells me making me look up and smile.
"Okay, babe!" I say when I place a kiss on his cheek.
"Are you okay?" I ask Lando softly making him nod his head before flagging the bartender down and ordering both of us drinks.
As time passed I found myself talking with Charles and Ollie.
"Charles! You'll have to invite me over sometime!" I tell Charles as he finishes telling me how he finally got Leo to stop peeing in the kitchen.
"Hey, sorry to interrupt but I'm just gonna steal her away. We have early morning plans so I gotta get this one off to bed," Lando says randomly interrupting making me raise a brow before trying to speak.
"Say bye," Lando tells me before I can even say anything.
I just turn back towards the two men waving a good bye before following Lando out of the club.
"I literally told you not to wander off," Lando snapped when we finally hopped into our Uber.
"Lando, I could see you the whole time," I reply back softly not understanding why he was so mad.
"Could you? Cause there was a solid 5 minutes where I was wandering around to find you," Lando tells me roughly making me huff and turn my back on him to look out the window.
Lando and I sat in silence for the rest of the car ride when we finally pulled up to his apartment building instantly making me get out and march to the front doors not waiting for Lando.
When we get into his apartment I lock myself in his bathroom still not wanting to talk to him, but eventually I had to face him and when I walked out of the bathroom I was changed into a silky sleep dress while Lando was sitting in bed in his boxers.
"I don't wanna see you entertaining men anymore. You're mine," Lando says not even looking up from his phone.
"Last time I checked, you were the one who was adamant we were nothing more than sex and money," I reply back while climbing into the bed next to Lando.
"Do you see the way you walked into my home like it was yours? How you climb into MY bed like it was yours? The way you have half my closet full of your stuff? That's all because you're mine, whether it has been a discussion or not, you have come into my life and fucked up any prior deal, so fucking sue me if I set a boundary with you," Lando finally snaps back making me look around his room realizing that over the year of us hooking up for money I had basically moved in. I had made his home our home and I didn't even realize.
"Lando, I think we should have this discussion when we are both fully sober," I tell him softly. I knew what I wanted sober or drunk I wanted Lando to be mine but was this just some drunk game Lando was playing.
"No, I'm barely fucking tipsy., I didn't even realize you didn't realize you were mine. I thought it was unspoken," Lando tells me softly before turning towards me and placing a soft kiss on my lips.
"Do you know how many men want to fuck you?" Lando questioned with a raised brow making me laugh slightly.
"Lando, you're the only man who wants to fuck me," I reply back with a roll of the eye.
"You're mine," Lando said moving topics again and pulling me in for a heated make-out session.
I quickly climb into Lando's lap and grind my bare pussy against his briefs making his groan slightly.
"I'm gonna put a baby in you," Lando tells me softly making me sit up and stare at him in complete shock.
"The fuck are you on about now?" I ask Lando before he pulls me back into for a kiss where he flips us over so I am now under Lando letting him grind into me backing me whimper.
"You're mine and when you walk around that fucking paddock in 6 months everyone will fucking know you're mine," Lando said while trailing kisses down my neck making it clear he was marking his territory.
"You're insane," I whisper back but it quickly turns into a moan because Lando is leaning down and taking a soft lick out of my clit.
"Daddy," I moan when Lando starts sucking on my clit while lightly teasing my soaked hole with his fingers.
"Oh fuck," I scream out when Lando slips 2 fingers in and finds my G-spot.
"I want you to cum on my fingers," Lando says while speeding his actions making me feel the band in m stomach start to grow tight letting me know I was close to cumming for Lando.
"Daddy," I scream out when the band finally snaps and I'm cumming all over Lando's fingers. Lando helped ride my orgasm out before he's pulling his briefs down and roughly shoving his cock deep into my pussy.
"Oh! Daddy," I gasp still not fully recovered from my previous orgasm and can already feel a second one building up.
"Fucking hell, so damn needy already gonna cum for me," Lando said with a smirk while bringing his hand down to my clit and giving it a rough rub bringing me closer to the edge.
"Daddy," I whine when I feel myself reach the point of no return, cumming all over Lando's cock with a shout. I was shaking and so long in my own pleasure, I don't feel Lando's hips shutter as he fills my pussy full of his cum.
"I can't wait to watch you swell with my babies," Lando groans with a smirk while slowly pulling out of me.
"Lando, I probably didn't get pregnant from one time," I tell him softly with a laugh falling from my lips.
"I'll fuck you until you do," Lando says with a shrug. That night we fell asleep tangled in each other's arms.
6 weeks later
"Fucking hell," I gasp while staring down at the positive pregnancy test.
"I told you, you were gonna have my babies," Lando said with a proud smirk.
"Lando, what the fuck are we gonna do?" I ask starting to panic.
"Hey, calm down! It's all gonna work itself out," Lando tells me softly while pulling me into his chest.
"I can't wait to see everyone's face when you show up to the paddock supporting a bump caused by me baby," Lando tells me making me laugh lightly.
I knew we would figure everything out. It wasn't how I pictured myself getting pregnant but boy am I happy it's how it happened.
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fastandcarlos · 2 days
Dating A-Z Headcanon : ̗̀➛ Oscar Piastri
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Oscar isn’t overly affectionate, but he does like to have you close. Quite often he can be found holding onto your hand or to your waist to make sure that you’re by his side and where he can make sure that you’re safe. 
You first met when you were in school, having been paired together for a project. At the start of it you were both too terrified to even say anything to each other, but as you got to know each other more you found yourselves increasingly comfortable around one another, so much so that you even managed to come top of your class for your presentation together. 
When his career began to take off, Oscar knew that he couldn’t deny his feelings for you any longer. As he spent less time at home, and with you, he decided to tell you how he felt so you knew that he was thinking of you even when he wasn’t with you. One night before he went away for a race Oscar decided to tell you everything, opening up to you about exactly how happy you made him feel. 
Most of the time your dates were quite private, Oscar wasn’t exactly the flashy type, especially when there were plenty of people around. He liked to keep your dates quite simple, usually you would go out for a nice meal or Oscar would arrange for you to do something at home together. He promised whenever he was home that he would organise at least one date for you both before he had to go away again so that he could make sure that you got to spend some quality time together and make some new memories. 
You were the only ever person that Oscar had dated, and so he quite often felt like he was learning on the job. You and Oscar knew each other incredibly well and so Oscar didn’t really tend to worry that he was doing the wrong thing. At times he would ask other people around him for some tips and advice when he wasn’t sure if he was doing the right thing, but you and Oscar were close and so if he felt as if he was doing something wrong, usually he’d open up to you and learn about what it was that you wanted from him instead. 
An argument between you guys is rare, you’ve got a good understanding of each other and know when to stop before things run away. Neither of you were particularly loud or argumentative at the best of times and so it was a pretty rare thing to happen. When an argument did happen, Oscar would get pretty cut up about it, he hated the idea that he had upset you and would work hard to make things up to you, particularly if he knew that he was the one at fault for your argument. 
His family absolutely adored you; you were a tad nervous to meet his family, particularly with his three younger siblings, but they absolutely adored you. Above all else, you loved making fun of him with his mum, particularly on social media where all of Oscar’s fans could get behind the two of you as well. 
Wherever Oscar went, you went, when it came to home. When he originally considered moving out to Monaco he spoke to you about it a lot, wanting to make sure that it was something you wanted to do as well. When you gave him the greenlight, Oscar started to look at making the move, relieved to know you’d be going together. 
He was the first one to say those three words after a race win. It was one that Oscar had fought particularly hard for and found himself overwhelmed at the end of it. As adrenaline ran through his body, the moment Oscar reunited with you those words came tumbling out before he even had a chance to realise what he was saying to you. 
It was quite rare for Oscar to get jealous; he was pretty relaxed and chill about most things and trusted you more than he trusted anyone. If he ever did get jealous, then Oscar would get a little bit more protective around you, he’d stand a little closer and make sure that he was listening to what people were saying to you. He’d never admit it, but you could tell from the look in his eyes sometimes that Oscar was feeling a little envious. 
Having a family was something that you both knew was quite a way off, but that didn’t stop you from talking about it from time to time. Oscar especially knew that you were the person that he was going to settle down with and spend his future with, although he still had plenty that he wanted to achieve when it came to his career before he even started thinking about all those other things in life. 
If there was one sound that Oscar never got bored of hearing, it was definitely your laughter. His deadpan sense of humour could leave you in stitches sometimes with how nonchalant Oscar was about things. He didn’t even mean to make you laugh most of the time, but with his dry jokes and blunt comments you couldn’t help but chuckle around him. Oscar loved knowing that he was the reason for the smile on your face, even if he didn’t realise that he was the reason for it sometimes. 
He tried his best to hide it well, he didn’t like upsetting you by telling you just how much he missed you. But Oscar did miss you. Terribly. He was a different person in the paddock when you weren’t around, he was quieter than usual and would be a bit more distant in meetings, something that Lando picked up on quite a lot during their race weekends together.  He was constantly wishing that you were there with him, checking his phone all the time to see if he had a text or a missed call from you.  
He didn’t have one particular nickname for you, Oscar would just call you whatever came to mind, usually choosing a nickname that he knew would annoy you as he loved being able to wind you up. 
Oscar was obsessed with your smile, it made him feel like he was home. His heart raced whenever he saw your wide grin, knowing you were happy was the most important thing to him. 
P ⇴ PDA 
The two of you weren’t huge on PDA, however everyone knew that the two of you were together from the little gestures that you shared. Oscar tended to hold your hand and keep you by his side, particularly when you were entering a busy area, wanting to keep you by his side and out of harm. 
He asked you for your advice on just about anything, Oscar would ask you for help whenever something was playing on his mind, knowing that you usually had the right answer to help him out. 
One thing that no one knew about Oscar was that in the bottom of his race car he had a picture of you. It was positioned so that no one else could see it aside from him, but when he needed a bit of a boost or to see a reminder of you, Oscar would glance down at it. He’d made sure to pick one of his favourite photos of you so that he could remember why he raced, particularly when he was missing you. 
S ⇴ SEX 
He liked to take control when it came to sex, Oscar wasn’t particularly rough, but he was the more dominant out of the two of you. It meant a lot to Oscar, he made sure that each time was special and filled with a lot of love. He quite liked being able to show you how much he loved you, words weren’t particularly a strong skill of Oscar’s and so he loved being able to show you with actions instead. 
Whenever he could Oscar would text you, especially when he wasn’t at home. He loved receiving your updates and hearing from you, mostly so that he knew that you were safe without him around. 
He didn’t like to make it too well known, but Oscar’s little bubble knew exactly just how much you meant to him, you were his priority and by far the most important person in his life. 
Whenever he had a bit of time Oscar loved to arrange trips for the two of you so that you could escape for a while. Adventuring with you was by far one of Oscar’s favourite things to do, although he saw much of the world, there were always more hidden gems around for you to see too. 
Although he wasn’t particularly needy, when Oscar wanted your attention, he would kick up quite the fuss to make sure that you knew all about it. 
He loved kissing you when you least expected it, creeping up on you and pressing a kiss to your cheek or against the top of your head. He wasn’t the biggest kisser in the world and so Oscar knew that when he did kiss you it would usually come as a surprise. He didn’t like to just kiss you, he loved kissing you with sentiment and love, knowing that his kisses would often leave you feeling nervous with adrenaline. 
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were his team mate, the two of you were the perfect duo together. 
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
When he falls asleep, Oscar loves to hold onto you. His grip is as tight as possible wanting to keep you warm and make sure that you’re right by his side and not going anywhere. 
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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yan-maid-cafe · 3 days
Yandere Monster Fucker Concepts
Not a yandere monster. A yandere monster fucker with a darling monster.
Yandere Royal that gets kidnapped by the big snarling dragon. Only to become obsessed with you and not wanting to be saved. Anytime the hero comes, they alert their big dragon love. Watching as you burn the royal's armies to a crisp. They just want a happy little future between them, you, and your children. Don't question them, they will find a way.
Yandere Cult Leader and their eldritch god. They found you when they were at their lowest and viewed you as their saviour. They know that you're not a "good god", it's hard to hold that belief after sacrificing human life to you, but they don't care. They'll sacrifice countless cultists to you if it means that they can be in your good graces. They can't wait for you to finally arrive into their world, you'll destroy everything in your path and create your paradise. And maybe if they pray enough you'll make them your spouse. Or your pet. They'll take either at this point.
Yandere Pirate that unknowingly enters siren territory while sailing with his crew. Crashing into the rocks, leaving them stranded on the damaged ship. Despite trying to fight off the alluring melody, one by one his men begin to jump off the side into the water to be ripped apart by the monsters. Until finally the captain falls victim too, jumping into the water and feeling themself submerge. Only to be met face to face with the siren that had led them here, but they're beautiful, more beautiful then anyone the captain had seen. Their arms outstretched as if to embrace them. But at that moment, the captain was pulled out of the water by another ship of men. They crew quickly covering his ears before he could hear the song again. Able to read the men's lips as they explained that they were headed back to land. But all the captain could focus on was the beast he had just seen, and just how badly he wanted to jump in again.
Yandere Villain that works alongside a vast array of monsters, but only one catches their eye. One of the small kobolds that they had recruited. From the looks of it, they appeared to be the leader of their little group. They were actually starting to think that those kobolds didn't even listen to them, just their little leader. Which was less then ideal, that disloyalty would just make a coup easier to perform. So the villain needed to get closer to the reptilian leader, if they could get closer to them, than maybe they could redirect that loyalty towards themself. But they were cought off guard by the scrappy little thing, they weren't the brightest but they were very cunning. Having set traps all over the villain's lair in case any wannabe heros showed up. And they seemed to have memorized the villain's plans and were already getting their army in on it. Before they even knew it, the villain finally understood why the other Kobolds picked this one to be their leader. And suddenly the little reptiles didn't seem to dispossable.
I have a lot of yandere ideas but I'm too lazy to write them all. So I'm thinking of posting more concepts like this so I can post more often. It was much easier to write for me.
Also I tried to keep both the yandere and the reader gender nuetral. Which was easier said then done. So if this makes no sense, I'm sorry. I tried to make it work.
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ewyuzu · 2 days
warning: nanami smut. minors dni!
you weren’t sure how you ended up in nanami’s office after hours, but here you were—sitting on the edge of his desk as he stood in front of you, loosening his tie with that familiar, composed expression. the dim lighting of the room cast shadows over his sharp features, and though his face remained calm, there was a dark glint in his eyes that sent a shiver down your spine.
his hands came to rest on your thighs, his thumbs gently tracing circles on the soft skin as he looked down at you, his gaze heavy with unspoken intent. the atmosphere between you was thick with tension, an electric pull that seemed to grow stronger with each passing second. your breath hitched as nanami leaned in, his lips brushing against your forehead in a gesture that was surprisingly gentle given the intensity in his eyes.
“you’ve been driving me crazy all day,” he murmured, his voice low and smooth, sending a shiver down your spine. his hands slid up your thighs, pushing your skirt higher as he stepped closer, his body crowding you against the desk.
“kento…” you breathed, your heart racing as he pressed a kiss to your temple, his lips lingering for a moment before trailing down to the curve of your jaw. his touch was soft, almost teasing, but there was a tension in his grip that betrayed the control he was barely holding onto.
“do you have any idea what you do to me?” he asked, his voice rougher now as he cupped your face in his hands, tilting your chin up so you were forced to meet his gaze. “i’ve been thinking about this all day.”
you swallowed hard, the intensity of his stare making your pulse quicken. there was something about the way nanami looked at you that always made your knees weak—like you were the only thing in the world that mattered in that moment. his lips crashed onto yours, and the sudden heat of his kiss took your breath away. it was demanding, filled with a hunger that had been building up all day, and you found yourself melting into him, your hands gripping his shirt as you pulled him closer.
nanami’s hands slid down your body, gripping your hips and pulling you flush against him. the solid weight of his body between your legs made your head spin, and you couldn’t help the soft moan that escaped your lips as his tongue teased the seam of your mouth, deepening the kiss with a hunger that made your toes curl.
he broke the kiss just as quickly as he started it, his lips trailing down your neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. the sharp contrast of his teeth followed by the soothing touch of his tongue had you gasping, your fingers tangling in his hair as he worked his way down your collarbone.
“kento… please,” you whimpered, your voice breathless as he pulled back slightly, his eyes dark with desire as he looked down at you.
“please what?” he asked, his tone teasing as his hands slid under your skirt, gripping your thighs with enough force to make you shiver. “use your words.”
“i need you,” you whispered, your voice barely audible as you arched into his touch. “i need you, now.”
his lips quirked up into a small, satisfied smile, and in one swift motion, he had you flipped around, your chest pressed against the cool surface of his desk. his hand came down to press firmly between your shoulder blades, pinning you in place as he leaned down to whisper in your ear, “good girl.”
your heart pounded in your chest as he tugged your skirt up higher, his fingers tracing along the curve of your ass before delivering a sharp slap that made you gasp. the sting sent a jolt of heat straight to your core, and you whimpered, your body trembling with anticipation as nanami’s hands slid between your legs, parting your thighs and teasing the heat of your arousal.
“so wet already,” he murmured, his voice a low growl as he rubbed his fingers through your slick folds, teasing your entrance but not yet giving you what you craved. “did i make you this wet?”
“y-yes,” you stammered, your voice shaking as his fingers slid inside you, stretching you with a slow, deliberate rhythm that had your knees weak.
nanami’s other hand came up to grab a fistful of your hair, tugging your head back just enough so you could hear the rough edge in his voice as he whispered, “you’re mine tonight.”
the possessiveness in his words sent a shiver down your spine, and you moaned softly as his fingers curled inside you, hitting that sweet spot that made stars dance behind your eyelids. his pace was slow, almost torturous, and you couldn’t help the needy whimpers that escaped your lips as he worked you open with deliberate, measured strokes.
“kento, fuck—” you gasped, your body trembling as the tension coiled tighter and tighter in your core.
“be patient,” he growled, his voice firm as he pulled his fingers out of you, leaving you aching and desperate for more. before you could protest, you felt the blunt head of his cock pressing against your entrance, and with one slow, measured thrust, he buried himself deep inside you, making you cry out in pleasure.
nanami groaned low in his throat, his hands gripping your hips with bruising force as he began to move, his thrusts deep and steady, each one hitting that spot inside you that made your toes curl. the heat of his body pressed against your back, the firm grip of his hands on your hips—it was all too much, and you could feel the tension building inside you, your body trembling as he fucked you with slow, measured precision.
“you feel so good,” he rasped, his voice strained as he buried himself deeper inside you, his pace picking up as he lost himself in the pleasure. “so tight.”
your body responded to his every touch, arching into him as he drove you closer and closer to the edge. his grip on your hips tightened as he slammed into you, the sound of skin against skin filling the room as the pace became more frantic, more desperate.
“come for me,” nanami growled, his voice rough and commanding as he leaned down to bite the curve of your shoulder, the sharp sting sending you over the edge. your body convulsed around him, your orgasm crashing over you with an intensity that left you breathless, your walls fluttering around his cock as you cried out his name.
nanami followed shortly after, his hips jerking as he buried himself deep inside you one last time, his release hot and thick as he filled you completely. he groaned low in his throat, his body trembling as he leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your neck as you both came down from the high of your shared pleasure.
for a moment, the two of you stayed like that, his body pressed against yours, both of you breathing heavily as the aftershocks of your orgasms slowly faded. then, nanami gently pulled out of you, his hands soft and reassuring as he turned you around to face him, his lips brushing over yours in a tender, almost reverent kiss.
“are you okay, love?” he asked softly, his voice filled with concern as he cupped your face in his hands, his thumb brushing over your cheek.
you smiled up at him, still a little dazed from the intensity of what just happened. “more than okay.”
nanami chuckled softly, pressing another kiss to your lips before pulling you into his arms, holding you close as the two of you basked in the warmth of each other’s embrace.
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Touch <3
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Summary: James has always been touchy until oneday…he’s not
w/c: 1.3k
warnings: nothing much! Just fluff xx
a/n: this is my first story! It’s pretty shit and I wrote it while half asleep in a plane but oh well!
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James had always been touchy. Y/n was used to it, though when they first became friends in year one, it took her off guard. She wasn't accustomed to this type of physical affection. Her family weren't really huggers… they weren't really anything, to be honest.
James had always been touchy which is why on the first day of sixth year, y/n was utterly confused. They had met up at the platform as usual, but James made no move to hug her or even say hello.
he looked at her for a second, there was something in his eyes, something that hadn’t been there before…it was almost like a silent plea for something…something y/n didn’t have.
“Hey Jamie…?” Y/n said akwardly, scratching her head not quite knowing what to do.
He was always the first one to say anything
He was always the first one who made the move
He was always the first one to do anything really.
“Hey” he murmured back making no effort to keep the conversation going. Anxiety bubbled in her chest as she tried to think what had possibly gone south between them. When fifth year ended everything was fine, but the more y/n thought about it the more she remembered the little things.
Like how he hadn’t invited her over to his house that summer like normal…or how when they said goodbye he had squeezed her a little less tighter than normal. Maybe she was just overthinking it, maybe everything was fine.
“You look different”
“Oh-I uh changed my hair”
It was true though she had gotten into a fight with her mother and decided the best act of revenge was bangs and washed out cherry red hair dye. 
“Cool…it suits you” something twitched at the corner of his mouth and he gave her a saddish sort of grin
He took a step close before stopping and sighing again
“Do you remember my thing for Lily-“ 
“Bloody hell mate we’re gonna miss the train” 
a loud voice broke through interrupting whatever he was trying to say as Sirius sauntered over to them with Remus close behind.
“What are you lot doing? I thought we told you to meet up on the train?” Remus rolled his eyes at Sirius’s badgering and stepped away from him.
“Well we’re all here now so let’s just get on” 
and with that they boarded the train and found their regular cabin.
Remus and Sirius sat together as always and James took his dedicated seat next to her. They sat together in silence and listened to Sirius have a one sided argument with Remus over ABBA and QUEEN.
“Hey…uh wanna talk?” James leaned in and whispered in her ear, his breath was hot, the feeling sent a shudder down her spine as she nodded. He gave her a small smile and left the room.
Remus looked at her with an eyebrow raised before turning to Sirius, a wordless conversation seemed to flow between them before Remus spoke up.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” He paused before going on.
“I don’t think you’ll like the conversation”
“Oh shut up moony she’ll be fine, just let her go” Sirius barked slapping Remus on the shoulder.
She furrowed her eyebrows confused, why was everyone being so cynical today?
“Huh? What do you mean…uh you know what never mind” she huffed and left to follow James.
“Hey love” he was leaning against one of the empty cabin doors in the quieter section of the train. Everything about him screamed aloof or non-chalant (BAKA) it was so un-James like.
“Your acting kinda weird is everything okay?”
y/n asked worriedly and mused with her hair
Maybe she was overthinking it, maybe everything fines and she’s just being silly
“Oh uh” he laughed awkwardly and re-adjusted himself so he stood upright in front of y/n shuffling his feet slightly.
“I-uh…you didn’t come to the manor this holidays”
She stiffened
“You didn’t invite me”
“…oh right-uh I didn’t think I needed…to”
His ran a finger through his dark curls and sighed
“This is hard-why is this so hard? I mean it was so easy with Lily” 
“What about lily? James whats actually going on?”
“God-I” he sighed and took a step closer to the girl semi-trapping her against the compartment door.
“Remember when I liked lily?” 
Y/n rolled her eyes who could forget? It was all day everyday, all he would ever do was talk and talk about her…she loved lily they were close friends but everytime he mentioned her she felt this silent ache in her chest. Y/n just assumed it was unease with the fact lily didn’t like him back, she was obviated just worried about James’s unrequited  feelings…probably. 
When she didn’t answer he went on.
“It was easier back then…I liked her a lot but it’s-it’s different now I guess, I mean my dramatic gestures never seemed to work and now…now I don’t know what to do”
So this was why he was acting weird? He was worried about Lily? God and here she thought it was about her.
“If your worried lily doesn’t like you why don’t you talk to Mary for advice? They share a bunk in our dorm” 
He paused his eyes softening, he reached up a hand and tucked a strand of loose hair behind y/n’s ear. 
“No-Lily and I…well im over her, I talked to her about it late last term and she-mentioned how my dramatic gestures and clingy-ness was off putting”
No it wasn’t,  it was cute . Y/n had always had a soft spot for stuff like that she never really understood why Lily didn’t like it.
“So who is it then? Who’s the lucky girl” he paused again, he cupped her face with his hands before quickly dropping them and taking a step back.
“Do you think I’m too clingy?” It was a genuine question, he was being serious. Why was he acting so strange?
“No-but everyone girls different, James you dodged the question, who?”
“You-of course it’s you! I mean we’ve been friends for years so I never really saw you like that but then-god I don’t know something changed…and I” he stopped before looking down and taking a step back
“I talked to lily y’know-it was stupid but I wanted advice and she told me I was always to ‘expressive’ and blunt-I didn’t wanna mess it up with you…I don’t wanna ruin anything we could have, I didn’t want to be clingy-like normal I guess so-…” 
He trailed off and let out a defeated sounding breath.
“Sirius and Remus know…they think it’s a bad idea purely based on the fact that it could ruin our group”
Oh so that explains it
“I dont…think it’s that bad of an idea-maybe” y/n’s cheeks flushed and she all of a sudden felt very hot.
“And I don’t think I’ve ever really felt that your too…clingy”
God this was embarrassing 
“Oh-well now I look kinda stupid..don’t I” he smiled-a real one this time not a smirk or fake grin and let out a loud laugh.
“Maybe” she grinned and took a step towards him, his eyes twinkled as he slung an arm around her positively delighted.
“So-does that mean I can make embarrassing gestures of my love for the world to see?”
“But I thought you liked my dramatic-ness!” He let out a mock cry and pouted.
 “No-I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned that” she giggled 
“Oh-Why must you wound me?”
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goquokka00 · 3 days
Hellooooo! Can I request bangchan x innocent!reader? Kind of like corruption kink, also, reader is a virgin. And can you pls pls pls add some overstimulation plss? Sending love 🩷🩷
Oh, definitely!!! Took me a bit to get actual good ideas and decide the flow and all that, but I think this one turned out really well. Hope it's what you were picturing 💗💗💗
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Summary: Chan was always aware of how innocent his step sister was. He was also aware of how good of a student she was, too. It always managed to feed into his imagination, and it didn't help that you were his ideal type. So imagine his surprise when he found the perfect blackmail to get his precious little sister to do whatever he wanted.
Pairing: Step Bro! Bangchan X Step Sis! Reader (F!)
Genre: Smut (MDNI!)
Warnings: Stepcest, Chan is manipulative, Reader is gullible, a little bit of bullying kinda? but they're step siblings so they're gonna pick on each other anyway, mentions of masturbation, nipple play, oral sex (f! receiving), fingering, dirty talk, p in v sex, unprotected penetrative sex (please wrap it before you tap it everyone), squirting, overstimulation, 100% 18+ (seriously like if you're a minor don't read pls and thank you <3)
Word Count: 5.3K
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The first time Chan had ever met you was when his mom decided to have you and your dad over for dinner. At that point in time, your parents had been together for about a year and had finally deemed that it was time for you both to meet.
Now, Chan had been fully aware that his mom's boyfriend had a daughter. He knew that you were extremely kind and sweet, as his mom put it, and that you were a very good student. He had also found out that you were younger than him by about 6 years.
He was NOT warned about how beautiful you were. The second you had walked into his home, your crop top and very short shorts hugging your body in all of the right places, a sweatshirt tied around your waist as you took off your sandals and straightened your bangs out and tightened your ponytail...he already knew he was fucked.
You were the definition of his ideal type. A perky chest, curves, thick thighs...someone who was extremely kind and considerate, and wanted nothing more than to just help out where they could...god, you were perfect.
That night, during dinner, you paid attention to every detail him or his mom had said. What his interests were, what his mom liked in children, rules that they had in the household, and so much more. You took all of that information in and remembered it. Every question you were asked was answered with such...perfect answers.
How were your grades? All A's, with a few B's, but nothing too extreme.
What were you majoring in? No clue, you were just focusing on generals at a local community college until you figured out the career path you wanted to take.
What were some of your favorite hobbies? Writing, reading, drawing, sometimes even going on walks or going to the library to study on fascinating topics.
What chores did you usually do? Anything that had to be done, but you weren't a fan of doing the dishes because of the small bits of food that would touch your hand and scare the crap out of you.
You were like an angel from heaven. Even after dinner, when Chan and his mom were cleaning up, you offered to help dry dishes and tidy up a bit. It was unbelievable.
You were unbelievable.
Eventually, over the years, Chan got to know you better. And he got to understand that you were, in fact, innocent. You didn't know anything about sex, you didn't cuss, you went to church with your dad every Sunday at 9am, you've never done drugs or drank alcohol, and you had beliefs that prevented you from doing any wrong.
Upon finding this out, Chan realized something that stirred within him. He wanted to taint you. He wanted to corrupt you, make you the farthest thing from innocent. He fantasized about it, thinking up ideas on how he'd be able to get you to succumb to him. But he never acted on it.
But that feeling lingered. And it only got worse when your dad and his mom got married, which resulted in him and his mom moving in with you and your dad. Your house was bigger, anyway. It could easily fit the two of them.
But God, those feelings of wanting to corrupt you got so much worse. He was around you so much more often, seeing you do tasks so...seductively. And you weren't even trying to.
One time, the remote to the TV fell underneath the couch while you and him were watching an anime series. You had instantly got to the ground, got on all fours, and reached underneath the couch to grab the remote. And in the process, Chan got a whole view of your ass. Your perfect ass in those gym shorts, your pussy outlined just enough to give him ideas.
There was another time you had been doing laundry, and was just switching the loads around. Chan just happened to walk by when he saw you bent over in an oversized t-shirt, the only thing covering your cunt being your panties as you swapped loads.
What Chan wouldn't do to give you his.
It got to the point where Chan couldn't help but steal your panties when it was his turn to do the laundry and jerk off with it. It felt like the only way he'd ever get to even have you. Breathing in what your pussy could smell like, maybe even putting your panties in his mouth to try and get a taste...
It was getting bad. Chan knew he'd have to do something at this point. He had to get you, he had to have you. But how? You were perfect, you did no wrong. And you would NEVER just...do it because he wanted it.
Well, luckily for Chan, an opportunity presented itself.
See, you were in college. Both of you were, which was why both of you still lived at home. Better than the dorms, much better.
Because you were in college, you had to take a very important test for your major, known as the Literary Composition Exam, or the LCE. You had spent weeks studying for this test. You'd spend hours locked up in your room, going over every little bit of material that was available to you, doing whatever it took to make absolute certain that you passed.
Except...you didn't.
For whatever reason, when you went to take the exam, the material wasn't the same as the stuff you had studied. And so, while some of it was the same, you did your best to answer everything correctly.
But when you received the test today, you had seen that you had failed it. Miserably. Your heart sank, even as you took it out of your backpack once you got home. How were you supposed to tell your parents? You...you couldn't. You refused to share that with them.
You gently placed the test face down on your desk, putting a few papers over it before going to the bathroom. Maybe...maybe a warm shower would help melt that stress away.
But as you were taking a shower, Chan had gone into your room. It was his turn to do the laundry this week and was going and collecting all of the dirty clothing from each room. Your room was the last Chan had to go to, and then he could get all of the loads started.
But as he went to your closet, he noticed a paper underneath some others. It looked like all marked up, and he couldn't help but be curious. Weren't you supposed to get your results back for your LCE today?
Chan took that moment, reaching for the paper and sliding it out from under the others. Instantly, his eyes widened. This...this was your test. This was the test that you had spent weeks studying for, and you...you failed it. Chan couldn't believe his eyes as he grazed over all of the pen marks.
You, the perfect, most innocent daughter in your parents' eyes, had failed one of the most important tests that you'd ever have to take in your college career.
It was remarkable. Chan couldn't take his eyes off of it, looking at each question you had gotten wrong. There were so many...you usually aced every test that you ever took...EVER. Seeing how much you had gotten wrong was just insane.
And that...was when you walked back into your room.
You had changed into a sweatshirt and some gym shorts, your hair dried and in a ponytail. You had your dirty clothes in your hands, and had just wanted to lay down. But instead, you were met with the sight of Chan in your room, your failed LCE in his hands. Immediately, your heart dropped.
"Chan, what are you doing in my room?!" You were frantic, throwing your clothes to the side as you tried to reach for your test. But just before you could reach it, Chan held it out of your reach, raising a brow.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I just wanted to look your test over. It's pretty interesting." Chan spoke. He went back to it, flipping through the endless pages. "It's not every day I get to see that you managed to fail anything, let alone one of the most important tests in your entire college career."
"What, I'm just saying." Chan shrugged, continuing to keep your test away from you. You weren't amused, going to him and reaching for it, practically climbing onto his body to try and get the test from him.
"This isn't funny, give that test back!"
"No way, this is legendary."
"Chan, seriously!"
"I'm being serious! I already said I want to look at it, why are you so desperate to get...it...back...oh my god." Suddenly, Chan realized something. It was why you were so desperate to get that test back. "You haven't told mom and dad yet."
"No, and I really don't want to." God, just the idea of your parents finding out that you had completely bombed the single most important test in your entire college career made you sick to your stomach. But Chan? Oh, this gave him leverage. Something to hang over your head, to potentially use against you.
It couldn't be more perfect.
"You're not going to tell them? Really?" Chan raised a brow, looking back to the test. It was only for a moment, before he looked back at you, a smirk on his face. "Then I guess I'll have to break the news to them-"
"NO!" It was one thing for you to have to tell your parents, but if Chan told them first...? Oh, it'd be hell on earth.
"Well, they can't not know, Y/n."
"Yes, they can! There's a retake next month, and I'll be extra sure to pass this time, just...they can't know!"
"I don't know...keeping things from our parents is so...wrong, don't you think?" Chan then turned, starting to go towards the door. "I'm going to go and show them this. Keeping secrets is bad."
"Chan, please no!" Like that, you were wrapping your arms around his torso, holding him there in an attempt to keep him from leaving your room. He couldn't leave, or he'd tell. "Please...I-I'll do anything."
Oh, you shouldn't have said that. You really shouldn't have said that.
Chan slowly turned, not believing his ears. For a moment, his dick twitched, slowly starting to betray him as he looked at you, your eyes shining and begging him to stay and not go. To not tell your parents. Was this finally it? Was he getting the chance he had craved for so long?
"Anything." You confirmed it, right then and there. You were really willing to do anything in order to keep Chan from blabbing to your parents. This was it. This was finally what Chan had craved for forever.
And he couldn't wait.
"Well then, I guess we can figure something out, can't we?" Chan said, handing you your test. You quickly took it back, moving to hide it once more. And you were going to hide it even better than you had. "I'll keep my mouth shut up until you've retaken the test and pass. But you have to do something for me, too."
"Okay, and that is...?" You asked, turning around. You weren't sure what Chan had up his sleeve, but you had said you'd do anything to keep the horrible grades a secret. You always kept your promises too, which Chan was very aware of. And so, he'd have to be careful about how he went about this.
"See, I was asked by a friend to do some research on how to best please a girl." God, he sounded so stupid. He sounded completely and utterly stupid. "And while porn exists and yada yada yada, I want to make sure that all of the techniques actually work. And since you said you'd do anything to keep this whole test thing a secret, I was thinking you could help me out. A favor for a favor."
Please work, please work, please work, please work, please work, please-
"Um, well I guess when you put it that way...I wouldn't mind, I suppose..." You bought it. Holy fucking shit, you bought it. Chan couldn't even believe his ears. "But I've never really...done anything like it before, so I don't have a preference."
"Oh, well...that's okay. I was thinking that maybe we could give some stuff a shot. Y'know, field test a bit." Keep squeezing the orange, Chan. He was so close; he was practically salivating at this point. "Obviously if you get uncomfortable, we can stop, but I just really want to help out my friend, you know? And you would really help me out in return."
Well, if that was the case, then you could understand why Chan wanted your help so bad. You were like a fly caught in his web at this point. He was simply asking for your help, and you trusted him.
"I mean, if it'll help out, then I guess I don't see the problem in it." Bingo. Chan couldn't believe that had actually worked. He thought you would've called him gross, that step siblings shouldn't do that kind of stuff. Part of him wanted to question you, figure out if you were serious or not. But it was only a small one.
He worked hard for this. He wasn't just about to give it up.
"Alright, then do you think you could clear up some time tonight? That way we can have plenty of time." Reality? Your parents were both leaving to be out of town around 5pm. They wouldn't be back until a few days later.
"Oh, yeah. That makes sense." God, just how gullible were you? Gullible enough to make Chan's cock throb, it seemed.
All he had to do was wait.
It took about 3 whole hours for your parents to actually leave. And while they only left thirty minutes behind schedule, it felt like hell on earth for Chan. He wanted nothing more than to get into your panties, play with you for hours and make you writhe and squirm and cry.
Chan wanted to make absolutely certain that they wouldn't be in the house, though. If your parents found out about this, he'd be in a whole world of trouble. Both of you would be.
And so, he waited a whole extra hour, watching the Life360 that your parents had forced you both onto, making sure they were far enough away to where he knew they weren't going to turn around. And once he was sure, he walked to your room and knocked on the door, stepping inside.
"Hey, you got some free time?" Chan walked inside, seeing you laying on your bed. You were only in an oversized shirt, thigh high socks, and panties, scrolling through your phone. God, just the outline of your cunt got Chan riled all over again.
"Yeah, what's up?" You asked, turning. You were so adorable, it hurt. Chan stepped inside more, gently shutting the door before walking over to you, before sitting on your bed.
"I was wondering if we could start trying stuff out. Figure out what pleases you best." Chan said, watching your face light up as you remembered what he was talking about.
"Oh, okay. Sure." You said, moving to sit up. Chan smiled, moving a bit so you'd have some room. "What exactly are we starting with?"
"Well, I wanted to start with playing around with your breasts a bit. I've heard that feels nice." Chan said, his hands fidgeting with themselves. They wanted to be on your body so badly. Finally touch something that was so pure.
"Okay." The second you gave him permission, Chan's hands were on you. He started by cupping the flesh through the shirt, gently massaging them as he watched you closely. Your breathing had hitched, your eyes watching what he was doing. But it was when he looked back down that his blood ran down to his cock.
"You...you aren't wearing a bra...?" Chan couldn't believe his eyes. Your nipples were perked, practically poking themselves through the shirt you had on.
"Well, yeah. Bras aren't that comfortable, so..." You just shrugged, before gasping as Chan brushed over them. He moved his thumbs back and forth against them, moving to pinch them gently. That got a whine out of you, and it was such a beautiful sound.
"Jesus...that feels nice?" Chan asked, watching you nod. That was good, and to him, an indication to go further. He carefully moved your shirt up, taking it off to see your bare chest in all of it's glory.
It was gorgeous. Nipples perky and stiff, your flesh round and supple. It was everything Chan could've wanted plus more. And when he touched your skin, it was so soft... it was soft and delicate and so perfect.
Every time his fingers flicked, pinched or messed with your nipples, you'd whine and squirm a bit, the sight always going straight to his dick. He was so hard, he wanted nothing more than to just flip you over and fuck you right then and there. But he wanted to take his time, too.
And that's what he did.
He moved his head down, eventually taking one of your breasts into his mouth, using his tongue to flick against your nipple and sucking on your skin. The feeling of it caused you to moan, arching your back into him more.
"Ch-Chan..." Oh, you moaning his name made him want to scream. He was so hard, you were so perfect, everything about this situation was perfect.
He eventually pulled off, looking up at you as he continued to mess around with your chest, giving you a cheeky smile. He knew what he was doing felt good.
"Mhm?" Chan couldn't help but laugh a bit, finding your reaction adorable. But he wanted to take things further. Just a little bit. "Can we go further? Want me to make you feel even better?"
"Alright...go ahead and lay down then."
As you laid down, Chan was finally able to see your panties for the first time. They were pink with white paw prints, a tiny little white bow on the front. They were so cute on you, practically signaling how innocent you truly were. And when Chan got himself between your legs, spreading your legs apart, he noticed the wet patch laying right over your cunt.
"Look at that...already so wet, and it's all for me..." Chan licked his lips, taking a hand off of your leg to your clothed pussy. Slowly, agonizingly so, he placed his pointer right where your clit should be, bringing it down to your hole. It was feather light, and it caused you to whine and squirm. "That feel nice? I bet it does, you're getting wetter by the second."
He wasn't wrong, unfortunately. That wet spot got bigger the more he spoke, the more he barely touched you. It was agonizing, yeah, but god, it was amazing, too.
Chan admired it for a moment. One of the many panties he'd steal were right here on your body, forming one of the largest wet patches he'd ever seen in his life. It was wrong. But god, did he not care. He didn't care in the slightest.
He eventually leaned his head down, pressing a kiss right onto your mound, breathing in your smell. Musky, but so so sweet. And once that was committed to memory, he figured it was time to get rid of the panties and see the real thing.
"Let's get these off of you, huh?" Chan's hands moved as he spoke, hooking around your panties and bringing them down your body, his eyes not leaving yours once until the panties were completely off. And the second he saw you, his everything stopped. His brain, his heart...the only thing that was working was his dick, and that thing was throbbing.
You were beautiful. It was the cutest little pussy Chan had ever seen in his life, glistening wet. And when he spread your folds open, he was met with a pink that rivaled the panties you had on. Not to mention how your hole was clenching, and your clit was peeking out from under it's hood.
"God...you're so fucking beautiful." Chan couldn't even take his eyes off of you. He took his finger again, gently touching the pink muscle, touching your clit and pulling it back to get a better look. It made you squirm, your hole clenching. "You have such a pretty pussy...and to think it's on my step sister..."
All you did was whine, not really knowing what to say. The touch felt nice, but his words were nicer. You'd never heard him talk like that before. And the pit that grew in your stomach when you heard it was beyond amazing.
Chan took a moment to continue just touching you, watching how you'd react to certain touches, where you liked to be touched. But he knew he could do more. He could do so much more.
And so, keeping his eyes on you, he lowered his head and gently flicked your clit once, watching as your breath hitched, your hips flinch a bit.
"That feel good?" Chan asked. He already knew the answer, and it was only further confirmed by you nodding.
With that nod, he went back down, using his tongue to give one long lick up your folds, before flicking your clit and coaxing it out of it's hood, gently suckling on the small bundle of nerves. That got a nice, loud moan out of you.
"Oh my...god, Chan...!" Oh, the way you said his name in such a vulnerable way...it was absolutely delicious. It made Chan groan, his hips bucking into the bed.
His pattern was immaculate. He'd suck on your clit, using his tongue to tease it in the meantime while his hands went to spread your cunt apart. He wanted to make sure that you were nice and vulnerable so he could really get in there. And oh, the moans you rewarded him with. They were absolutely perfect.
Your taste was even better. Salty, sweet, just a tiny bit of tang but not too much...It made him realize more and more just how much he craved you, how much he just wanted to ruin you into nothing.
Eventually, he went further, diving his tongue into your hole to really scrape out your juices, his nose consistently bumping into your clit. And it made you cry out, your legs wanting to close, feeling yourself get closer and closer to the edge. But Chan didn't let you. He gave your cunt one last lick before moving his hands to keep you spread once more, before looking up at you, licking his lips.
"Keep yourself spread, okay? I want you nice and wide so I can taste all of you." Chan spoke. You couldn't help but nod, feeling the need to comment.
"I...It feels really good, by the way. Whatever you're doing it...it feels really, really good."
"Does it?"
"Yeah?" Oh, the smile on Chan's face when you said that. You probably gave him that input so he knew this was good for his friend to know. But he wasn't here for that. No no no. He was here simply to get you to cum over, and over, until you couldn't take anymore.
He eventually dove back in, plunging his tongue into you while his arms and hands kept you nice and spread, not wanting you to squirm around too much. And he kept going, even as you began to buck your hips, trying to squirm and get away.
"Chan, I...I feel weird..." You could feel the coil in your gut, a form of tightness as you neared closer and closer. Chan could feel it too, as your legs were really starting to shake.
"It's okay, you're just gonna hit an orgasm soon." Chan's voice was muffled, due to his face being buried in your delicate cunt, which was dripping more and more of it's juices into his mouth. "Get there though, go ahead and just release it, okay? Can you do that for me?"
You could, and you did. You moaned out, your hips bucking as Chan practically latched himself onto you. He continued to work you through your orgasm, watching as you panted and shook, the orgasm washing right through you.
"There you go, good girl..." Once you had calmed down, Chan debated on moving on. He could let you experience his cock, which had been painfully throbbing to get into the pussy it's been wanting for so long. Or he could simply keep going with this.
That's what he did.
The second you stopped squirming, he latched right back onto your clit, making your squirm from the oversensitivity, feeling something new. Something different. You couldn't look down, as your back was arched and your head was thrown back, in nothing but pure ecstasy, but the second you felt something inside of you, you gasped, before getting louder.
You didn't know what it was, as Chan's head hadn't moved at all. But Chan knew. He had slipped a finger inside of you, and he groaned once he felt just how tight you were. He knew you were going to be tight, but he didn't expect what he had felt.
"God, you're so tight...how are you ever supposed to fit any cock in there, huh?" Chan pulled back, watching as you took his finger, Chan adding another one to watch you really grip it. "You're practically sucking in my fingers...does it feel that good? Are you that needy?"
All you could do was moan as Chan plunged his fingers deep into you, eventually curling them up and rubbing that gummy spot. It only took two small movements with his hands for you to cum again, your body shaking once more as your back arched again.
"Oh, you're so pretty when you cum like that, sis...look at you, squirming around for me and everything..." Chan couldn't take it anymore. If he didn't put himself inside of you, Chan would go insane.
And so, he pulled himself back, moving to get his cock out of his pants. The poor thing was red tipped, angry. It was harder than Chan had ever seen himself. But it didn't stop him from lining himself up with your entrance. Hell, it encouraged him to do so.
"You're being so good, letting me figure out what feels best for a girl. You're such an amazing little sister, helping me out with this, all because you don't want our parents to know about some silly little test grades..." As Chan spoke, he rubbed his tip against your cunt, coating himself with your juices as you whined and squirmed, the pleasure already too much for you.
But then, Chan pushed in. And both of you moaned out. For you, it was the stretch. He felt amazing when he went inside and stretched you out. And him? You were so tight, practically hugging his cock inside of you, gripping onto him for dear life.
"Jesus christ, you're like a fucking vice, squeezing me like that..." Chan eventually began to move, thrusting in and out. He was slow at first, knowing that this was your first time, and that you hadn't taken dick before.
But from the way you were moaning, he could tell you liked it. And so he sped up. He moved quicker, harsher. And you couldn't help but moan, feeling him move so quickly nonstop, not taking any breaks to catch his breath. All you could do was cry out, feeling him practically pound into you.
It was when Chan lifted up your leg when you felt him reach that gummy spot again, hitting it every single time without fail. And that got you to cum for the third time.
Your body shook as Chan stopped, quickly spitting on his hand to go and rub tight circles on your clit to help you through the orgasm, watching as your body shook and writhed from the pleasure. But this time, he didn't wait for you to calm down. No, after a few seconds, he started up again, grunting as he felt your walls flutter around him while he moved.
"God, you feel so good around me, squeezing me while you're cumming...my dick is just that good, huh? Does that feel good?" Chan asked, continuing to harshly thrust as he rubbed tight circles around your clit.
You simply whimpered, your hips bucking with every movement. It's like you couldn't control yourself anymore. Everything Chan was doing was incredible. You didn't know how, or why, but...it was amazing. It was overloading your brain. You felt so good, too good.
And before you even knew it, the fourth orgasm hit. And it hit hard.
At this point, you were so wet from all of the other orgasms and Chan's saliva that Chan slipped out, accidentally pulling out too much as your body trembled. And that was when it happened. You felt a new sensation, almost like a liquid was shooting out of you, and onto wherever it was landing.
You don't know, you couldn't think. But Chan knew, because it landed on him. Just seeing that made him groan as he stroked himself.
"Mm, you just squirted everywhere....making a fucking mess because my dick is just that good, yeah?" Once you had stopped, Chan was back inside of you, almost relentless at this point.
He just couldn't handle it. Seeing you squirt on him, on his cock, something that was so wrong and foul...it made him feral. He just couldn't believe it. He was surprised he didn't just cum from watching you do that.
But you...oh, you were so overwhelmed. So overstimulated. Everything felt way too good, and you were completely lost within the pleasure to even know what was happening. It was way too much, and your body was well aware of that.
"S'too much, I can't....! I can't, Chan, I...too much...!" It's all you were chanting at this point.
But Chan...he was finally getting the fantasy he had thought up for so long. Finally, you were here underneath him, absolutely wrecked and overstimulated, tears going down your cheeks from the overwhelming amount of pleasure he was bringing you.
"Give me one more...just one more, sis...please? You can do one more, I'll even go with you this time...please, just one more." At this point, he was getting desperate, too. But all you could do was shake your head, completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of pleasure coursing into your body.
"I can't-"
"You can, I promise...I know you can, just one more..."
Before he even knew it, you came for the last time, screaming out his name from the sheer bliss. And this time, your walls fluttering around him was what did him in. He just groaned loudly as he filled you, still pumping into you as he rode both of your highs out.
Once he had come down from his high, he simply pulled out, flopping down next to you, pulling your shaking form next to him, both of you breathing heavily. Nothing was said, and nothing had to be said.
All that was known was that this definitely wouldn't be the first time this would end up happening.
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
Taglist: @miss-daisy04 @kayleefriedchicken @wolfs-archive @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @wolfs-howling @rose-w-00-d
102 notes · View notes
pinkponyclubbb3 · 10 hours
inspo: a sexy friend of mine gave me this idea thanks beautiful 💋
Summary: One day, Matt stumbled upon a cam girl while mindlessly scrolling the internet. He can’t help but be intrigued and start desiring her. What happens when Matt meets this girl he’s been getting off to?
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y/n’s POV
I adjust my bra strap and look in the mirror again before going live. I set up the ring light and sit in front of the camera before I hit the ‘LIVE’ button. “Fuck, something’s off,” I tell myself. I take my bra off and throw it on my bed. I looked through my closet and found a bra with red heart-shaped cups. I smile, satisfied with my outfit, and sit down. “Pfft, okay.”
I click the ‘LIVE’ button and immediately, the view count goes up by the hundreds. “Hi, guys!” I wave my hand. I turn on the TV to play music in the background so it’s not awkward and we can all get in the mood. “So what are we in the mood for tonight, hmm?” I cross my legs and read the comments.
‘Take your top off’
‘Turn around, beautiful’
‘Dance for us’
‘spread your legs’
One of the usernames caught my attention. It was someone who I hadn’t seen in my streams before. @/mattbern He sent me a hundred. “Wow, a hundred already? Thanks, baby, just for you tell me what you wanna see?” I lean in closer to my laptop to read more comments. It’s been a few minutes, and he hasn’t said anything. “Okay, our first-timer is a little shy, so I’ll do a majority vote.” I set up a poll that has two options. ‘Dance’ or ‘Tease’ Votes immediately come rolling in. “Okay, tease, it is.”
I turn around to show my red panties and use the hem of it to pull it down slowly. Before it shows anything, I lift them back up. I bend down to pull out my basket of sex toys. I pick a pink vibrator and sit down on my chair. I spread my legs so everyone can get a good view. I use my hand to touch up against my thighs but not giving myself the attention I need. I take my ring and middle finger and start sliding my fingers against my clothed cunt. I can feel myself getting wetter by the touch.
I take the vibrator and turn it to the lowest setting. I start on my inner thighs before lightly grazing it on my panties. I close my eyes and smile feeling how good the sensation is. I decided since the new guy spent so much money and didn’t give a request i’ll give him something to work with. I click the button for the second setting which is more intense but still not enough to make me cum or anything. I tease my clit with it and throw my head back. “Oh fuck, matt” I turn the vibrator off after a few seconds and go back to my screen.
‘No fair i’ve never had my name moaned’
‘He’s a lucky guy’
I can’t help but laugh at the replies. Money starts rolling in and so do requests.
Hours later
I have my head thrown back and my chest is fully exposed. “Okay guys I think that’s enough for tonight.” I wipe the sweat off my forehead and reach for a random shirt to put on. “Thank you guys for joining this was so fun,” I blow a kiss to the camera and turn off the live. Before I get the chance to exit out the site a message pops up. @/mattbern
‘hi sorry i’m new to all this I wasn’t sure what to request.”
Matt’s POV
I send the message not expecting her to reply. The live stream has thousands of viewers. I look down at the mess I made on myself. “Fuck,” I get up go get a towel to wipe myself off when I hear a notification. I run walk back to my laptop and see her message.
‘no problem, sweetheart we all start somewhere. did you enjoy the stream?”
I bite my lip, not sure how to respond. God I sounded pathetic with the first text. ‘Yeah, I’ve never seen anything like it’ What the fuck am I saying. A couple of minutes go by, and she responds. I hope to see you in future streams;) Have a good night.” I smile at the message and reply quickly, ‘Goodnight,’ before shutting my laptop off. A part of me feels guilty for watching a random girl get herself off online. A sick part of me can’t wait to do it again.
❀ ❀ ❀
it’s been a couple of hours of me tossing and turning and I can’t get myself to sleep. I sigh out of frustration and sit up. I reach for my laptop and go back to the site i was on hours ago. I click her username @/theywanty/n. To my surprise she’s active. I hover over the message button debating on texting her.
After going back and forth with myself I click and start typing. ‘How much for a phone call?’ It takes a while for her to respond making me start regretting the question. ‘130’
I send her the money and see the call come up. “What no camera?” I clear my throat. “Not this time.” Her voice is sultry and inviting. "No camera today, just voice. What do you want to talk about?" I can hear the smile in her voice and I blush furiously, glad she can't see me. "Uh... I don't know. Whatever you want."
“Did you like the stream?”I smile thinking about her moaning my name. "It was interesting. I've never watched anything like that before." I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. "But I couldn't stop thinking about it. About you." I hear her chuckle softly on the other end of the line. “I noticed you didn’t make a request after you sent the money. Were you shy?”
"I... I was. I didn't know what to ask for. But.. I liked watching you touch yourself." I say, my voice getting bolder as I talk to her. "It made me hard." I admit. I hear her softy laugh. “Wow maybe you’re not as innocent as I thought.”
“I mean, I've never done anything like this before. But there's just something about you. I can't help myself." I say, my breathing hitching. "What are you wearing right now?" I ask boldly.
"I'm wearing a little black dress... and nothing else. I took off my bra and panties while we were talking." She whispers seductively into the phone. "Now can you touch yourself for me, Matt? Tell me how it feels..." I hesitate for a moment, but her voice is so commanding that I can't help but obey. I slowly move the waistband of my pajamas pants down, sliding my hand into my pants to wrap around my hard length. "It feels so good.” I whine into the phone.
“Does it? You sound so pretty, Matt.” I grunt, starting to stroke myself slowly as I listen to her words. "I need to hear your voice while I touch myself." I can feel my breath hitching in my throat as I imagine her hand moving beneath her dress. “Are you going to be a good boy and let me talk you through it?” I can’t hold back my moans "Yes, I'll be good. I'll listen to you," I whimper, my voice growing tighter as I get closer to the edge. "Please, talk to me... tell me what to do."
"Good boy," she coos approvingly. "Now, listen closely. I want you to slow down, Matt. Draw it out... make it last. Can you do that for me?" My eyes shut tightly "Y-yes... I'll try," I choke out, slowing my strokes to a torturously slow pace. The anticipation is killing me, but I don't want to disappoint her. "It's so hard... I want to come so bad." I whimper. I hear her moan through the phone. I know she’s getting off too.
“I can hear it in your voice, matt. You want to cum?” I hear the mock in her voice. "Y-yes... god, yes I wanna cum so fucking bad," I sob, my entire body trembling as I fight to hold back my orgasm. "Please... let me cum... I'll do anything” I beg, my voice cracking with desperation.
"Anything, huh? That's a dangerous promise to make, Matt." She chuckles darkly. "But I'll take you up on it. If you want to cum, you'll have to do something for me first." She pauses, letting the silence build. "Please... what do you want me to do?" I beg, my voice shaking as I try to hold back my release. "I'll do anything... just please... let me come for you." I'm pathetic, but I don't care.
"Just a little longer, Matt," she whispers seductively. "You're doing so well holding back for me, such a good boy" Her voice is like velvet, wrapping around me and drawing out my pleasure. “Can you beg for me?” she asks, her voice a soft purr. "Beg me to let you cum, Matt. Beg me to give you permission. Show me how much you need it."
My breath giving away how much control she has over me. “Please y/n i’m so close please let me cum for you.” I hear her laugh on the other side of the phone. “Okay baby cum for me.”My breath hitches, my entire body tensing up as I finally release. "Thank you Oh god, I'm coming." I gasp, my voice breaking as I finally find my release. I catch my breath wiping the sweat off my forehead. “You did so good for me, matt. I hope we can do this again soon.” I nod even though she can’t see me. “Me too y/n.” We say our goodbyes and hang up the phone.
Jesus Christ.
y/n’s POV a month later
I’m getting ready for a party I was invited to a few days ago. I met this girl at a bar, and we hit it off as friends. I told her about my job, and she was supportive. We even went shopping for more costumes and are talking about doing a stream together. I look down when I hear my phone ring, and the name ‘Mia’ pops up. I pick it up and listen to her turn down her music. “Hi babe, you ready?” I adjust my mini skirt and pat it down. “Yup.” I grab my bag and head downstairs. “Okay i’m outside.” she hangs up before I can respond.
I open the car door and get welcomed with the smell of liquor. “Fuck Mia, did you drink already?” I laugh and fake faint. She hits my shoulder. “Not yet. I brought us drinks to pre-game, but I spilled one when I hit a speed bump.” I turn around to see the seats are soaked. “Idiot.” I laugh at her. She pulls out two water bottles that looked like they’ve been crushed. “I got these though!” She turns up the music and passes me the drinks. “You can start if you want I can’t have any until I get to the house.”
I take a small sip and close the bottle so we can finish them together. “Whose party is it?” I turn to her. “My friend Chris. He’s really cute you know if I didn’t have a boyfriend…” I laugh and hit her shoulder “Mia you can’t say that!” I say laughing. “I’ll introduce you to him! You guys would be so cute together!” I shrug her off. She turns left and I see a lot of cars parked around a house. “Shit.” I whisper not believing how many people are there. “This is so gonna be so fun!” She parks the car and turns to me to grab the bottle i’m holding for her.
“Ready?” I nod twisting the cap off. We cheers and chug the bottle. “Ew! what is this?” I see her face and she’s confused. “Bitch you drank my bottle! I poured myself something stronger. Sorry mama I didn’t notice.” We laugh and head towards the house. We see a lot of people in the front yard sitting on the grass. We open the front door and see the lights are off but there are colorful LED lights keeping the room lit. “Mia!” I hear a boy shout. A boy with a sleeveless shirt that says ‘Pirate Girl’ on it comes over. “Chris! this is my friend y/n!” she introduces us.
She wasn’t lying he is fine. I look at him up and down admiring his build. “Hey gorgeous hope you have a good time. Let’s go get some drinks I’ll introduce you to my brothers too.” We follow closely behind him and I feel her elbow my shoulder. “He’s a triplet.” I roll my eyes not believing it. We get to the kitchen and I see a boy sitting down at the table on his phone. Chris goes up to him and calls his name. “Matthew! This is y/n.”
“Told you he’s a triplet.” His brother looks up at us and when he meets eyes with me his smile drops.
“Hi nice to meet you. I didn’t actually think he was a triplet.” He laughs nervously. But just nods. Did I do something wrong? “He’s shy.” Chris tells me. I just nod and follow chris to get some drinks. As Chris and I head into the kitchen, Matt hangs back, standing near the door and watching me through the open doorway. He looks a little out of place among the loud, laughing crowd, and his eyes keep drifting back to me. I’m sure I would’ve recognized him if I knew him. Something about him seems so familiar.
Matt watches as chris and I disappear into the kitchen, the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filtering out. I see him take a deep breath, looking like he’s mustering the courage to approach the kitchen door. He lingers in the doorway, his eyes flicking between mine and Chris. “Matt join us!” I pass him a red solo cup.
he freezes, his eyes meeting mine. I smile encouragingly, gesturing to the counter littered with shot glasses. He hesitates for a moment before slowly approaching, his hands shoved awkwardly into his pockets. "Oh, uh, no, that's okay."
Oh my god. His voice. It finally clicked as to why he felt so familiar. My eyes widen and I know he knows that I know him from somewhere. That’s why he was acting a certain way towards me. I can’t help but bite back a smile. “I’ll meet you guys later i’m gonna go to the bathroom.” Chris ignores him starting up a conversation with me. “Where the third clone?” I jokingly ask. He points behind me and I see another boy who looks like Matt. I nod trying to find an excuse to leave. “It was nice meeting you but I have to pee really bad i’ll catch up with you later!” I give him a side hug and go follow Matt.
I follow through a hallway and I see he entered a room and shut the door. I knock and let myself in. “Hi Matt.” Matt jumps slightly when he hears my voice. “…Hi” He scoots over motioning me to sit. “So you’re the mysterious man behind the screen?” Matt nods, his eyes wide with curiosity as he takes in my appearance. He's admitted to fantasizing about me for a while, and the reality is even more captivating than he imagined. “Y-yeah... that's me.” He clears his throat, trying to play it cool despite his racing heart.
I take in his appearance his blue eyes, he has sort of a tiredness look to him that’s really attractive. His messy brown hair. “You know you’re really cute, matt.” He smiles and looks down. “Thank you. It’s crazy seeing you after all those phone calls we had.” I see he’s playing with his necklace indicating that’s he’s nervous. I nod agreeing with what he says. “Am I making you nervous, Matt?” He looks at me as if I have some special power that can read his mind. “What? No.”
“You’re not?” Matt fidgets with his necklace again, betraying his nervousness despite his words. “Maybe a little. But it’s not a bad nervous. It’s more like... excited nervous.” He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself. Our faces are inches apart. He looks at my lips and back up at my eyes. “Don’t be nervous, sweetheart I’ll take care of you.” I say barley above a whisper. He nods as he leans in closer. I decide to close the space in between us. His body relaxes as he leans into me further. I grab onto his hair pulling it slightly.
Matt lets out a low whimper, his body tensing slightly before melting into mine. His hands roam to my back. His body shivers as he feels my soft hands caress his face. I pull back from the kiss watching him blink dazedly, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. “You want more?” He doesn’t hesitate to nod. His eyes filled with desire. “Yes please.” He leans in finding my lips again, more demanding this time.
I take my right hand brushing it on his crotch. Matt lets out a low groan as I cup him through his jeans, his body convulsing slightly at the sudden contact. He grinds his hips forward, seeking more of my touch. His breath hot against my lips. “Y/n” he moans. “What baby? what do you want?” His voice barely above a whisper. “Touch me, please” I bring his lips back into mine and smile against his lips. His body melting into mine as he kisses me back eagerly. He breaks the kiss, his hands moving to help me free him from his jeans. “Give me your hand.” He gives me his hand and I pull my underwear to the side so he can feel how wet I am.
He hesitantly touches me, his fingers slowly moving to part my folds. He lets out a low groan, his eyes filled with wonder. “Is this what I do to you?” I nod smiling at him. “Want to help me out?” He nods. Matt's shyness momentarily forgotten in his eagerness. He helps me push my skirt down, his hands shaking with anticipation. He looks up at me with wide, eager eyes. “W-what do I do now?” His voice is barely a whisper, his innocence endearing.
Matt allows me to guide his fingers, his breath catching in his throat as he feels my slick heat. He mimics the movements I show him, his touch tentative but growing more confident with each passing second. “Like this?” He asks, his voice husky with desire. I nod shutting my eyes. “Mhm like that you’re doing so good.” I praise
his confidence soaring. He continues to rub me with his fingers, his thumb gently pressing against my clit. He looks up at me, his eyes filled with adoration. “I love making you feel good, Y/n.” Matt's body stiffens as I wrap my hand around him, his head falling back as a low groan escapes him. His hips instinctively buck forward, seeking more of my touch. “Oh fuck..” he moans. “Lay down.” I say demanding. Matt immediately obeys, laying down on his back on the bed. He looks up at me with a mix of excitement and nervousness. I straddle his lap so now i’m sitting on top of him. “Is this okay?” He nods eagerly. His hands find his way to my hips. “Please let me feel all of you.” 
I grab his hard cock and line it up against my dripping wet cunt. Matt's eyes roll to the back of his head as I sink down onto him, his fingers digging into my hips as he tries to hold back. He lets out a series of low moans, his body tensing beneath mine. “Fuck,” he pants. I give myself a moment to adjust to his size. “Fuck you’re big matt.” I rest my hand on his stomach as I start moving myself up and down his shaft.
Matt's breath hitches as I start to move, his hands gripping my hips tighter. He looks up at me in awe, his eyes dark with lust. “Yes just like that.” he moans, his hips starting to thrust up to meet my movements. I throw my head back in pleasure. “Fuck you feel so good,Matt. You’re doing so good for me just keep on doing that.” He bucks his hips forward hitting my G-spot “Fuck!” His face scrunches as he starts to get closer to his orgasm. When his faces scrunches his glasses move. I take off his glasses and put them on myself. “Y/n I’m gonna cum”
“Give me a second matt i’m almost there” I lead his hand to grope my tits feeling my stomach knot as his thumbs circle around my nipples. “Oh fuck I’m so close.” I tell him. I pick up my pace feeling the knot in my stomach become undone. “Cum for me, matt let me feel all of you.”
His face contorts with pleasure as he finds his release, his hands gripping my hips tightly. I can feel the warmth spread inside me, his breathing heavy. His thrusts become sloppier as we both finish. I catch my breath then slowly pull out and lay down. “Did you like that?” I ask him as I take off his glasses and put them back on him. He nods not being able to speak. I laugh as I get up and put my clothes back on. “It was nice meeting you.” I say before I open and shut his door, heading downstairs.
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
a/n: oh my god this took forever to write. i’ve never written a sub matt so lmk if you liked ittttt!!!!!!!!! check my pinned so you can see how you can be tagged in the next fic!!!
thank u to @sturnburbs for the request. 💋
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miukki960 · 2 days
I'm gonna make this post before I go in the tag and see ANY God or Diew slander, because for me the conflict this episode not only made sense, but was necessary for their relationship to move forward.
The seed was planted long ago when God first found the picture of Diew and Dr. Asshole, and at first God handled it rationally (as expected of our Green Flag King). But the longer the situation went unresolved, the more doubt and insecurity began to creep in until it all came to a head in this episode, because all God needed was honesty and openness from Diew, but Diew has learned from past conditioning to lock those parts of himself away and only show a surface level of his personality and self.
I found that God's argument with Diew, while definitely escalated by emotion and insecurity, was justified at its core. We've learned throughout this story that God's main love language is Quality Time, and that most often is fulfilled by God genuinely enjoying doing anything and everything with the people he loves, so long as they are having a good time. But his conversation with Dr. Asshole put the idea in his mind that Diew has simply been going with the flow and doing whatever God suggested in order to make him feel good, that he hasn't actually enjoyed their time together. And while we as an audience know that's false, the idea is one of God's worst fears and most devastating nightmares.
But he loves Diew and doesn't want to believe it's true, so he gives him multiple chances to prove him wrong. And when Diew continues to reply with lies and deflection, it unfortunately proves him right. Because while the context is a bit off and there is definitely a misunderstanding at play, at the end of the day Diew isn't being honest and isn't trusting God enough to open up and show him the deeper, more emotional parts of himself. So God comes to the only conclusion he can see, that even if Diew is no longer in love with Dr. Asshole, their love was deeper and more meaningful than what he has with God now.
But don't get me wrong! Even though Diew was choosing the wrong dialog options during his argument with God, he was also justified in choosing to keep his secrets and emotions hidden. What God doesn't know is that Diew HAS opened up before, bared his heart and soul to someone he thought he loved and trusted, and what was he rewarded with? Disinterest, deflection, shame. As someone with major anxieties related to human interaction, you only have to burn him once to teach him to never play with fire again. And Dr. Asshole burned him deeply on multiple occasions.
No amount of kindness and sweetness and love from God was gonna convince him to play with fire again. In fact, it was reaffirming. Much like what we have been seeing with Wan towards Beer, I'm sure Diew sees how good and wonderful God is and is absolutely terrified to fuck it up. But just like Wan, his defense became his biggest downfall.
At the end of the day, rather than focusing on what happened, we should instead focus on why it happened and how the characters are going to grow from it. And we can see that how through the characters actions during the last few minutes of the episode. We see Diew, who's defense is to isolate, actively reaching out to God multiple times in multiple ways, ready to explain and open up and heal. And we see God going through the more nasty, volatile parts of his emotions alone, so he doesn't hurt Diew while he's in the wrong headspace, but also doesn't bottle the bad things to explode later.
I think what gets me the most is that in their very last conversation before the end of the episode, Diew was asking for togetherness and God was asking for space, and they were both upset on many levels, but they were still speaking to each other with love in their tone and words.
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derpydoteddrake · 2 days
An analisis on the symbolism of this shot and what it means for Jayce and Viktor
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(this does not contain any le*ks, only material that has been officially released so far.)
But first to understand what this shot means, his connection to the new magic and how this relates to his relationship with Viktor, we need to look at what his bracelet represents.
He got the crystal for his bracelet by a mage who saved him from an impossible situation, this implanted in him a lifelong obsession with the idea that if he could give this tool to people, he could greatly improve the lives of many.
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But since he knew they would not allow experiments like this in Piltover in normal circumstances, he needed to do it in secret. This is what at that moment the bracelet represents.
His conviction is so strong, this goal is so important to him that he made the reminder of that fateful encounter something that he can not just carry, but wear it on himself everywhere he goes. However it is hidden, the same way he needs to hide his research.
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But then he is found out, his research is going to be destroyed, and he loses all hope in completing his dream. So he takes the bracelet off, as a symbol on how he is given up. But then Viktor comes into the picture.
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He gives his bracelet back and with it his hope for his dream, it's no longer something he has to burden himself alone, it's not just Jayces dream anymore, and so he declares: our hextech dream.
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And this gesture and this declaration changes the meaning behind this bracelet, it's not just a symbol of his dream anymore, it's now a symbol of their shared dream of helping people and in turn their relationship and partnership.
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This thematic connection is later emphasized when he complains about being useless in the face of Viktors illness and his frustration about not being able to develop the technology he wants to and he reflexively tuches it.
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And after he no longer needs to hide it and he can fully pursue his dream, he puts it on proud display, he turns the crystal upside down and even has clothing that lets his bracelet show, he is proud of they work and he shows that off.
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But in the shot we got for the crystal to embed itself in that way, he needed to turn the bracelet upside down. And why would he do that? Well, he would need to be so disillusioned with their dream, so ashamed of letting Viktor down that he doesn't even want to be reminded of it.
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I dont think it's a controversial thing to say that Jayce will have a chance to destroy the core and he won't, which initially Viktor will be mad about, but later allow Viktor to do his shenanigans with it. Thematically that would make sense.
But the bracelet isn't just worn in a different way, that would be reversible, the crystal is literally burned into him with a crack in the middle. It is irreversible. What does that symbolize?
Easy, they didn't just lost they dream,
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The crystal is no longer a symbol of his hopes and dreams and a wonderful relationship, It is a symbol of his failure to do good with hextech, broken promises, and letting down his closest friend.
it is grotesquely melted into him forever, a reminder how he cannot escape the reality he helped create. Giving hextech to people is no longer a dream, it is real and it's a nightmare, he didn't improve anyone's lives who needed it, he made weapons to oppress.
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And the gem is cracked in the middle, mirroring his broken relationship with Viktor, the man he let down over and over again, he wasn't there when he needed him, he went against his will and made weapons, and he failed to fulfill his promise to him.
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Since we saw Viktor will gain the ability the transform people, I would teorise that he will be the one who will melt the crystal and metal into him in a heated argument. (tho his powers are distinctly purple)
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It is not something he wants to remember, but it is something he will have to carry for the rest of his life.
And now Viktors mind is twisted, he was not strong enough to destroy the core when his mind was still intact and now Viktor commits horrific acts in the name of trying to do ultimately good.
And so the bracelet is not just a reminder of his failure, but also a reminder of the promise he will have to fulfill one way or another.
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ellecdc · 3 days
Rosier Twin Microfic
CW: untrue anatomy and physiology of earth worms, cruelty to earth worms, the general oddities that are the Rosier twins
Evan was exploring the grounds of the manor in search of his sister under the direction of their mother.
He found he didn’t mind all that much; the green of the trees and grass, the blue of the sky, and the pinks and reds of the flowers in the garden were all a welcome reprieve from the sad, dull grey and beige that ‘decorated’ the inside of their familial home.
That is, he hadn’t minded until he found himself sinking up to nearly his knees in loose soil as Pandora materialized from behind some shrubs.
“Evan! What have you done?” She chastised, not looking at her brother but rather where the bottom half of his legs had disappeared.
“What have I done?” Evan shot back incredulously. “What the hells is this?”
Pandora simply let out a displeased huff as she dropped her gardening spade and moved to help pull her brother out of the earth.
“You’re standing on my worms.” She admonished as he finally stepped onto solid ground, sure enough brushing loose soil and earth worms from his professionally tailored trousers and dragon-hide boots.
“What in Salazar’s name are you doing with a colony of earth worms?” He all but sneered at his sister who barely spared him a glance, though her face read ‘I can’t believe you asked such a ridiculous question’.
“The worms are good for the soil.” Pandora responded simply. “After the trouble the Honking Daffodils had with the gnome infestation, I figured they could use all the help they could get.”
Evan turned to survey the space; the worms did seem to be attempting to make their way towards the vegetation, though he really thought they’d be more effective coming from both sides of the plant.
“You ought to put some to the right of the plants, too, Panda.”
“I could only find fifty on the grounds, I don’t want to separate them from their family members.”
Evan fought the urge to roll his eyes as he bent down and dug a worm from the loose soil. “You know that you can cut them in half, right? Then you’d have twice as many and can establish colonies on either side.”
The expression on Pandora’s face told Evan she was warring with the side of her that hated the idea of chopping up living beings and the side of her that valued experimentation.
With one look in her brothers direction, Evan knew the decision she’d come to in her mind.
“I…don’t think I can cut the worms, Ev.”
So, that’s how both Evan and Pandora found themselves being scolded by their mother for being late for dinner (and rather filthy) as Evan spent the rest of the late afternoon cutting up earth worms for his twin sister.
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waywardchaos3 · 2 days
Satoru Gojo Kiss Prompt: Back From The Dead
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x fem!reader
Prompt(s): “You came back./…” “I promised, didn't I?” + Returned From The Dead Kiss
Rating: Angst with some Fluff
Warning(s): This story contains some manga spoilers, but since I have not read the JJK manga or seen s2 at the moment, it's not totally accurate... I just hope you all enjoy it as this story isn't super specific to the prompts but it's the same idea, yeah?
WC: 1,926
Main Masterlist
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A/N - This is yet another story of mine that was inspired by a fic written by another amazing writer here on Tumblr! It was inspired by this fic by the amazing @just-jordie-things!
*I will definitely have to make another story like this that is more based on the events of the manga and the anime when I get the chance too, so stay tuned for that!*
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It had been weeks since your long-time boyfriend, Satoru Gojo, had been sealed in that damn box.
The world around you fell into chaos in a matter of minutes since word had got out that the great Satoru Gojo was in the prison realm.
Curses and Curse users seemed to crawl out of the shadows and the depths of hell itself to celebrate his removal from this plane.
Every day there's a new challenge just to keep up with exorcising all of the curses that came out of hiding.
There aren't many jujutsu sorcerers left...
So many have decided to or were forced to retire...
So many have died...
With that being said, there are only a few of you left who can fight this fight.
You included, even though you'd instead go straight after Geto for doing this to Satoru and putting you and so many others through this.
Not only do you have to deal with your desire to go after Geto and fight against curse users and powerful cursed spirits, but you also have to deal with the weight of fear you're carrying, not knowing of his well-being.
Is he even still alive in there?
You hope so...
You've also wondered if he's okay or if he's hurt so many at this point...
You know that time works differently in the prison realm, but that's all you know about it.
The box was supposed to be a rare object, but Suguru Geto had somehow found it and used it with such ease to seal Gojo inside.
Will he ever return?
You don't know for sure, but you hope that if you and the others can get your hands on the box and find a way to unseal him, your hope would be restored.
Thinking about Satoru and Geto being the one who had sealed him away as much as you have been ever since he was sealed into the box causes your mind to be occupied with anxiety for you to patrol the area you were asked to properly.
Your teeth grit together roughly as the thought of Geto being the one behind Satoru being sealed away in that box, your eyes currently focused on a rather rowdy group of teenagers messing around on the other side of the street near an alleyway, distracted.
Your feelings about Geto, who had once been a very close friend of yours, have always complicated, especially after he had reportedly killed his family and went on to slaughter hundreds of non-sorcerers...
You've struggled so much with the way you miss him, too.
No matter what he seems to do or what heinous acts he commits, some nights, you still cry yourself to sleep because you wish that things could go back to the way they were.
On most of those nights, Satoru sat awake with you, comforting you as you wept and reminisced about the good old days when you, Satoru, Shoko, and Geto were friends and would hang out and also go on missions together.
Satoru had spent hours combing his fingers through your hair, cooing softly about how he missed those days, too.
And now that you're here, Satoru is sealed away, and Geto is to blame; it's as though all of your feelings have become crystal clear.
You HATE Suguru Geto!
You hate who he's become.
You hate that he let himself take such a dark path.
You hate that he betrayed you, Satoru, Shoko, and jujutsu sorcerers everywhere.
Right now, though, you mostly hate him for what he did to Satoru.
When it comes to Satoru, though... you love Satoru Gojo.
You had known him since the two of you were very young children. You became close friends with him, which stayed that way until you got into high school when he asked you to be his girlfriend.
You had been dating ever since.
And even with Satoru sealed away, you love everything about him.
Not sensing any cursed spirits or cursed energy in general, you huff, deeming the area safe for now before starting your trek back to the apartment.
Walking home, you think about how long you've tried to remain positive.
For your students.
For the other sorcerers.
Being the closest to Satoru, you know that you have to put on a brave face and ensure everyone that hope is not entirely lost, that at the end of the day, everything will be okay, and good will triumph because that's how it's supposed to be.
You are feeling hopeless, though, and you've been carrying those feelings since that day in Shibuya when Itadori told you that Satoru had been sealed away.
You remember every second of your short interaction with him that day.
His wide eyes, his shaky voice, the way he had asked you what that meant, and then the look he had given you as he looked to you for guidance on how to help with the situation.
In response, you had sent him off rather quickly to help at the bus station, but truthfully, you just needed him gone so he couldn't see your entire foundation crumbling.
And then came the deaths of your friends... your students... and people you had fought alongside your whole life...; they all began piling up, and you couldn't help but feel hopeless...
What else was there to feel, though?
The man whose mere existence was supposed to put all of this at ease was gone, and now, with how long he's been sealed away, you're starting to think he'll never come back.
Cold raindrops hit your face just as you reach your apartment building.
You consider yourself lucky to have made it to your apartment building before the storm started, but the weight of your anguish squashes such positive emotion.
It's only a matter of time before you're killed too, you think bitterly, more irritated by the notion than afraid.
You know that you're getting reckless, as many of the others who are still fighting the fight have told you.
You're running on little to no sleep... Barely eating anything, which means your energy is always low.
In fact, the last few curses you'd had to exorcize were low enough in grade that you considered yourself lucky, but you knew that if you were to run into a grade one- or a special grade- you'd be lucky if your death is quick and painless.
"What am I going to do?" you mutter to no one and nothing in particular as you dig in your pocket for your keys, ready to enter the building and just go to bed and sleep—or at least try to.
As you're about to enter the building, you realize that the rain seems to have stopped, as you no longer feel the chilly wet drops hitting your skin.
'I could've sworn that the skies were overcast just a minute ago,' you ponder before tilting your head back to look up at the night sky.
Sure enough, the stars aren't visible, and the sprinkle had turned into a full-on downpour.
Even though you're now paying attention to the storm, hearing the distant rumbles of thunder, curiously, you remain dry.
You're not under an awning, and you don't have an umbrella, so you're not sure what's causing this phenomenon.
Your brows furrow in confusion as you stretch your hand out in front of you, reaching as far as you can, and to your surprise, you remain dry.
"What the hell?" you mumble as you look down at the pavement around you.
You can see a clear line before you, where the raindrops are pelting the pavement just in front of your feet.
You've seen and witnessed many weird things in your life as a jujutsu sorcerer, but this has to be the most peculiar thing you have ever seen.
You do a slow 360° turn, and just as you thought, the pavement underneath you is dry.
That's when you notice something strange when you turn away from your apartment building's door.
The dry patch of pavement stretches out another ten or so feet and clings around another figure.
As you look up at the figure, the air gets knocked out of your lungs as you see the familiar head of white hair, causing you to sputter for a second as tears sting your eyes.
"Satoru." you whimper out before running towards him at full speed.
As you reach him, you crash into him, clearly knocking the air out of him.
After stumbling back a few steps from the impact, his strong arms wrap around you, and he's holding you tightly against his chest.
"Oh my god... Satoru..." you gasp out as you cling to him tightly, with your arms around his neck and your legs wrapping around his hips to keep yourself in place, your hands getting lost in his pure white hair as you have your face buried in the crook of his neck.
"I know, sweetheart... I know..." he breathes gently against your neck as his own hands are lost in your hair, breathing in your familiar scent he'd damn near forgotten.
When you finally pull away from him, it's only for a moment, just long enough to see Satoru's pretty face, seeing that it's unharmed, which fills you with relief before your hands grab the collar of his t-shirt as you tug him against you so fast that your lips slam together.
This kiss is messy, your teeth clashing with his, both of you panting so hard that it's challenging to kiss properly, but you don't care about that one bit.
Just a minute ago, you were so sure you'd never seen him again, but now that he's here with you, you'll take any scrap of closeness you can get.
He has one arm wrapped under your legs to help support you, while the other tangles in your hair, pulling you back while he gasps for breath.
You let go, gasping for breath. "Oh my god, you're here, you're real, you-you're alive..." you whimper as you press your forehead against his, your hands cupping his face. "You came back...”
“I'm alive." he nods against your forehead, his lips brushing yours again.
"I promised, didn't I?"
That's right. Itadori mentioned that before he was sealed in the box completely, Satoru had told Itadori to tell you that he promised to return to you, no matter what and no matter how long it took.
"I'm here; I'm home," he says before giving you a long, deep kiss.
He lets go a few moments later, and you look him straight in the eyes.
"I thought-" you choke on your burning throat. "I thought you were gone, I thought- I thought I'd never see you again..."
You're tearing up again, the weight of your emotions confusing you, but you still muster a smile as you look at him. "I thought I lost you..."
"Oh, baby," he sighs, setting you down on your feet so that he can wipe your tears away. You didn't lose me; I'm right here." He assures you, and you nod, leaning into the warmth of his palm. And I'm not going anywhere, never again, okay?"
You nod back at him, shutting your eyes as you relish in the comfort of his presence.
Now that he's back with you, you can finally get your life back on track and end what's been happening with Sukuna and Geto.
Right now, though, all you want to do is stay wrapped up in his embrace, which is what you will do.
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daydreamerwoah · 2 days
Family Tree (Chapter 3)
Simon x Y/n <3
If you all read my "Bourbon" one shot, this chapter is somewhat based off that, but I changed some things to fit with the story.
After another week had passed, Colonel Williams and his team had finally completed all the necessary paperwork, and you were finally able to get the keys to your father's home. The awkward silence between you and him as he placed the keys in your hand made him rub the back of his neck. He was at a loss for words; you were as well. The two of you stood outside on the sidewalk, glancing up at the townhome. The brick exterior almost reminded you of the dingy apartment you had back in the States. It was old. And from the looks of the bay window that faced the street, you could make out a crack in the corner of it. 
"Thanks, Colonel Williams," you smiled. Well attempted to through the furrowed eyebrows on your face. 
"Course. Let me know if y'need anything yeah? Always a call away," he said, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. His small grin did nothing to ease your slight anxiety, but you accepted it nonetheless. 
After he got in his car and left, you glanced back at the house for another moment before taking a deep breath and walking up to the front door. Placing the key into the lock, you slowly turned it to the left before hearing the click of the door unlocking. The moment you turned the handle and opened it, you were hit with the awful stale scent of a home that hadn't had a window open in months. The dark, long hallway made you feel like you were walking into the unknown - which technically you were. You had no clue what was going to be on the other side of the wall, but you had an idea as you got to the end of it. And that idea was unfortunately correct.
The living room - while seemingly a decent size - was filled with so much stuff. Books, clothes, hardware, and anything else you could think of were scattered all over the floor and chairs. The only thing you could make out a little was a pillow and blanket that laid on the couch, like your father had been sleeping there. You turned your head to the left, looking into the adjacent room and seeing a huge dining table that had more junk stacked on it. You walked closer to it and couldn't help the deep furrow of your eyebrows. Newspapers dating back from a couple of weeks to years were just there, along with documents that looked like past due bills. It made you somewhat cringe about what you'd find in the kitchen, but you swallowed the small lump in your throat as you continued walking toward the back of the house. 
To your surprise, the kitchen was relatively clean. Only a few things, like canned goods and unopened tea bags, sat on the counters. More papers that seemed to be bills and letters also scattered along the countertops. When you opened the fridge, you were also a bit shocked to see the only thing that was in there was a shit ton of beer. What the hell had your father been doing? You could have taken a wild guess, but it seemed ridiculous; you didn't know the man. How were you going to judge someone you had never met before? 
Once you had walked through the entire house, you found there were three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, all similar to how it looked on the ground floor; old, dusty, and semi-abandoned. It seemed that the man had spent the majority of his days and nights downstairs and would only use the bathroom when needed, as you saw his toothbrush and razor laying on the sink. 
What the hell were you going to do with all of his stuff? After all, the house was now in your name, but you felt weird at knowing you were going to have to do something about it. Some children always took the low road of selling their parent's home,' taking the money, and moving on with their lives. But you didn't want that. Did you? You obviously packed up everything you had to move to England, so why would you sell something that was left to you? 
"Shit," you sighed. 
That entire weekend you spent cleaning out all of the clutter that was in the townhome. From the old newspapers to the canned goods, it was all dumped in the garbage can outside on the curb. You even picked up supplies to deep clean the kitchen and bathroom since you needed to use those areas the most. While you still had access to the hotel room that was paid for by Colonel Williams's team, you didn't want to keep bugging them for longer than you needed. Even though he reassured you it was okay. He even offered assistance to come help you with cleaning out the house, but you declined. While it definitely would have helped make things easier, you were just as stubborn as the man you never met. Not accepting help was something that was the norm for you. 
As you were taking out another bag of trash to the curb that Sunday afternoon, a woman - probably in her late 60s if you guessed - walked out of the townhome that was next to your father's. 
"Oh, hi dear," she greeted.
You softly smiled at her, "Hello."
"I thought I heard something going on over here this morning," she stood close to the fence that divided you two, "I'm Alice," she said, holding out her hand. 
You sweetly took it, "Y/n."
"Lovely name," she smiled, "Did you just buy the home?"
You quickly glanced at the front door, wishing she wasn't asking you questions right now, before looking back at her. But it didn't really matter at that point, did it?
"Uh no no... it-it was my.. dad's."
Alice's eyebrows furrowed for a second before the shocked look ran across her face, "You're Charles's daughter?" You quickly nodded, "Oh my goodness dear. I'm so sorry for us to meet under the circumstances. Your father and I had been neighbors for over 20 years." She explained, giving you a sad smile, "If you need anything. Or just want to come over for tea, I'm always home. Me and Misty don't often get visitors." You wanted to ask who was Misty, but before you could, you heard the low sound of a meow down by Alice's feet. You looked and saw an orange and fluffy cat glancing up at you, its tail flicking side to side slowly. Alice looked down and giggled at the animal, "She's a big fuss, but she's friendly."
You smiled when another meow came from the cat before Alice bid you farewell and walked back into her home, letting you go back to cleaning. Looking around the living room, you still had a lot to do, but at least for now, you had made some progress.
"Okay. Make sure you don't get the stitches wet for a week. Come back when they're ready to be taken out, alright?" You told the young patient, who had taken a nasty fall while skateboarding. Her mother, while a bit worried, thanked you before they walked out of the room. 
So far, the week had been pretty easy.. at least at work. Every day after your shifts, you would stay up at least until a little after midnight, cleaning out and organizing the house. It was now Wednesday, and exhaustion felt like it was about to hit you the moment you clocked out.
As you typed up your notes on the computer, Ella's cheerful voice popped up beside you as she sat down in the seat, "Soo.... what're you doing after work?" she smiled. 
You glanced at her, slightly giggling at her question before focusing back on the monitor in front of you, "Ella-"
"Oh come on! You don't even know what I'm gonna say."
You couldn't help but side-eye her, making that sly smirk of hers turn into a huge grin, "Okay... humor me. What were you going to say?"
She tried her best not to laugh, but it was obvious as she pouted, "We can go get drinks.... and food?" she asked. 
That made a chuckle bubble up your throat. Usually, she always asked you to go for drinks, but maybe she thought adding the food part was such a huge difference. Yet, you couldn't help but consider finally giving the girl a chance to have a drink with you. Maybe then she'd stop asking you constantly about it if you went at least once. 
Sighing, you turned and looked at her again, "Okay fine."
The squeal that left her lips made you laugh, "Yes yes yes! I promise it'll be fun yeah?" she exclaimed before grabbing a paper chart to head and see her next patient. When she got down the hallway, she turned around facing you, "You can't back out!" she shouted. 
Shaking your head, you smiled and continued to type up your notes before seeing your next patient.  
Ella left 15 minutes before you did, and she made sure you were still coming before she left. You promised you would be there, but as you walked out of the hospital and got on the bus, you almost regretted agreeing to go out. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy her or anything, but the thought of being out when you really wanted to just go to sleep sort of made your head hurt. 
One drink. That's all you'd have, and then probably tell her you were tired and were going to head home. 
When you walked into the pub, the scent of beer and greasy bar food filled the place with its aroma. It made your stomach slightly growl since you hadn't eaten since lunch and that was barely a real lunch - chips and a bottle of water. 
"Y/n!" Ella's voice yelled out as she stood up from her seat in a booth off to the side. You glanced her way and smiled, walking towards the booth and sliding in. "You made it!"
You giggled and playfully rolled your eyes, "I told you I was coming."
"I know.. but- I thought you'd change your mind or something," she said as she pouted. 
Did you really give off the impression that you would go back on your word? Maybe. It was obvious that Ella didn't know anything about you, but you felt a twinge of guilt run through you as you looked at her. 
"I like keeping my word," you said before a knowing grin spread across your lips, "Besides... you were going to ask me until I eventually said yes," you teased, making her laugh. 
"Oh shut it," she said before a waitress came over to the table and took your drink orders. You also got an appetizer to share. 
It was odd. Well no.. good. Ella was a sweet person, and the more you got to know her, the more you realized you and her could be friends. Even with you dodging a lot of the questions she asked. Anything about family was an immediate "they're all back in the States" except for the one you moved over to England for. When she asked if it was a cousin or something, you just said no before switching topics. But she wasn't stupid... you dodged those questions like it would kill you if you answered them. It was a difficult subject - that she was certain of - so instead of pressuring you, she followed your lead. Surprisingly, you two had a lot in common - music, food, even some of the books you liked to read. The only difference you two seemed to have was the type of alcohol you liked. While she settled for vodka, you fancied a bourbon over anything. 
"Reminds me of one of my boyfriend's friends. He loves bourbon," she giggled. 
"Sounds like he's got good taste then," you joked. 
A full laugh escaped her mouth as she pulled out her phone, "Speaking of boyfriend. I'm gonna see if he wants to join us. Maybe you can meet him," she said, typing away on her phone. By that point, you were two drinks in, and somehow, the sleepiness that once plagued you vanished. Maybe it was because of the distraction of getting to know Ella. Or maybe it was because you had some food in your system. But either way, you didn't mind meeting the boyfriend she always talked about so lovingly. She glanced up at you and then back to the phone before setting it on the table, "You alright with him bringing his friends? They had a shit day at the range, so they're all needing a drink apparently," she giggled. 
Meeting more people? You internally cringed, "Maybe I'll head out. Let you guys chill-"
She instantly cut you off, "Oh come on. You don't have to leave. I know they wouldn't mind. Plus you have to meet Kyle anyway," she tried convincing you. 
You couldn't help but slightly groan. Looking down at your attire - nurse scrubs that had a tiny stain from the food that dropped on your top - you shook your head, "I'm not dressed to be meeting anyone, Ella."
She all but barked out a loud laugh, "Look at me. I promise you they won't care about that. They're really cool. Probably gonna come in here with dirt on their clothes from being outside most of the day, so we'll all look tired," she joked.  
A sigh left your mouth, "Fine fine... geez you know how to convince me now that we had two drinks together," you teased. 
"We're so gonna be besties," she beamed, making you playfully roll your eyes. 
"I'm heading to the restroom," you said, standing up before making your way to the back of the pub. At least you'd try to look half-decent and fix your hair a bit. 
They're about to meet... cue the awkwardness lmao!
Taglist: @simp-4-masked-men @dayrin085 @jessicab1991 @kylies-love-letter @kalypsoox @brownlee-22 @firefoxkairan
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bitchesuntitled · 3 days
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Broken Hearts Mended
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader, Joel Miller x F!Reader
Warnings/Tags: 18+ Minors, get out! Language(at this rate, just expect it. That's just me), Pregnancy, Dieter trying to fix his past, sad!Dieter, dad!Dieter, smut, pinv, oral(m!recieving), wedding crasher!Dieter, TIME TRAVEL, OFC
a/n: This is for the Roll-A-Trope Challenge by @burntheedges I got Time Travel! Never dabbled with that before but it was fun and sheesh, Kate- this is the longest story I've ever written! This could be considered a part two of Some Broken Hearts Never Mend but can be read as a standalone! The OFC is based off my bestie IRL @hessofather - thank you for being you, for helping me with the witchy stuff, and love ya bitch! Thank you @beefrobeefcal and @jay-zzle(for the moodboard &) for your eyes on this one! Love you both!
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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He’d been staring at the clock for an eternity or what felt like an eternity. Today was the day, the day Dieter’s been dreading since he found out. 
Today is your wedding day.
In typical Hollywood fashion, a friend of a friend let it slip when the wedding was. Saturday afternoon, 3 pm to be exact. Mark was supposed to be on standby to ensure Dieter stayed at home today and didn’t do something stupid, but what Mark didn’t expect was to be locked in the pantry with Dieter sitting outside.
“Dieter, come on man,” Mark pleaded, “Think about this before you do something dumb.”
“Would it really be that bad if I went?!”
“Yes,” Mark sighed, “Dieter, you need to let her go. If you go to that hotel all that will happen is you make a fool of yourself and embarrass her!”
“Embarrass her?!” Dieter scoffs, looking at the closed door with offense. “I got sober for fucks sake! For her and she didn’t even let me see my kid! Instead that bastard is playing daddy to my Lexi! My peanut!”
“Dieter!” Mark shouts, slamming his fists against the door, “Let me out and let’s talk face-to-face about this.”
“Sheesh Mark, calm down,” Dieter says, glancing at the clock, “If I go, maybe she’ll see me and remember how much she loved me. I gotta try right?”
“Dieter, please,” Mark sighs, “Don’t do this. It’s not a good idea.”
“I have to try, Mark.”
“Damn it, Dieter!”
More punches are being thrown at the pantry door as Dieter slowly backs away from it.
“If I don’t try now, I’m just going to spend the rest of my life wondering what if!” Dieter shouts, “Mark, you gotta understand that man.”
Dieter was able to bribe a waiter into letting him in through the kitchen, he had tried the front but the hotel staff quickly guided him right back through the front door. The place was gorgeous, decked in all navy blue, gold, and white, and the flower petals spread down the aisle he stood in front of. Joel is standing next to the officiant, fiddling with the gold cufflinks on his wrists. The bridal song began and everyone looked back at Dieter.
He stood there frozen, unsure of what to do until he heard the door behind him open, he turned slowly. There you were, standing before him in a gorgeous flowy white gown.
“Dieter?” You asked, confusion painted across your face before it turned into a silent rage.
“I- I need-“ he began, trying to think of what to say.
“Jesus Christ,” your father muttered under his breath before shouting for security.
“Wait-“ Dieter gasped, as two men in suits grabbed his arms pulling him towards the hall, “Please! Let me just ha-“
“Wait!,” you shout panicked, before clearing your throat, “Sorry everyone,” you announce, “Let me just take care of this real quick then we’ll be ready to get this wedding started.”
Dieter was dumbfounded. You were actually going to listen to him. You wanted to hear what he had to say. He knew it! He still had a chance. You let go of your dad’s arm and looped it around Dieter’s, leading him out into the hallway with a polite reassuring smile to your guests.
In another life, this would be the way it went. You in your gorgeous wedding dress, walking down an aisle on his arm, smiling politely to your guests before he whisked you away to ravish you the entire night. Once the doors closed, you stepped away from him clearing your throat.
“The fuck do you think you’re doing here?” You hiss, the rage in you tipping over its boiling point.
“I wanted to-“ he starts softly before you interrupt him again.
“Wanted what Dieter?!” You seethe, “Did you not feel it was enough when you showed up at my home? My work? Lexi’s fucking school?”
“I didn’t think-“ he winces, knowing immediately those are the wrong words with the laugh you let out.
“No Dieter, you didn’t fucking think,” you scoff, “You’ve spent the past six years not fucking thinking and it’s shown plenty!”
“Baby-“ Dieter tries again.
“Don’t you dare call me that!” You stop him, “Dieter, you need to leave. I’m marrying Joel and Lexi finally has a dad who wants her and loves her.”
“But I do love her,” Dieter says, tears blurring his vision, “That’s why I stayed away from you both. I love you both so much, I didn’t want you wrapped up in my shit and I’m trying to change!”
You shake your head with a sigh.
“You just have to give me another chance,” he whimpers, the tears steadily falling down his face.
“No,” you say quietly, “You’ve had enough chances.”
You were officially done with his shit and let him know he’d be hearing from your lawyers on Monday. His heart broken, his mind felt numb, and Dieter’s legs began to move. He felt like pins and needles were pricking all over his skin, trying to ignore the feeling, he began to speed up. He’d be fine as long as he kept moving. His chest felt like there was a weight on it, trying to catch his breath.
He needed to find somewhere with air conditioning, maybe it’s the heat finally getting to him. Standing outside a store called Vixen’s. Huh, he thought, a sex shop would be the perfect way to distract his mind. A dinging sound chimes as he enters the store.
“Good afternoon!” A cheery feminine voice calls out from the back, “I’ll be right with you.”
Dieter stood next to a counter, focusing on his breathing. The place smelled like sage, rose, and lavender. This was definitely not a sex shop. His hands held onto the counter in front of him as he closed his eyes and took in the sweet aroma of the shop. Whatever it was, it was working to help calm him down.
“Sir?” A feminine voice called out to him, “Ya alright?”
Dieter looked towards the voice to see a short woman with auburn hair standing next to a door that stated Employees Only. He gave a short nod, signaling he was okay. He just had to focus on his breathing.
“Fuck!” She gasped, flailing her hands in the air, “It’s you! C’mere!”
“Huh?” Dieter asked in confusion, trying to catch his breath.
“C’mere!” She said more sternly, motioning for him to follow her, “Been expectin’ you to show up any day now and you’re finally here!”
Dieter began to follow the stranger apprehensively down a hall, passing multiple doors, as she began to talk more.
“The names’ Willow Vixen. Now that you’re here, maybe I can finally stop using the rose.” She states, wrinkling her nose, “Not my favorite but that’s what the ball suggested for your arrival. Considering it doesn’t give me much of a time frame I figured fuck it and just started making sure it was around at all times.”
“Ball?” Dieter asks, his legs taking over, continuing to follow Willow until they meet a door that has her name on it, “I’m sorry but do I know you?”
“Not yet, Dieter,” Willow hums, grabbing a key ring from her belt loops, and unlocking the door, “When we get inside I’ll explain.”
Once she opened the door, he was hit with a powerful smell of sage and rosemary. She ushered him in, closing the door behind her.
“Sit,” she commanded, pointing to a table in the middle of the room.
He wasn’t sure what he was even doing here. Following a stranger into some back room of a store sounded like the beginnings of some ritual sacrifice and by the way her office was set up, it looked like it, too.
The room was dim before Willow fluttered about lighting candles while humming, beginning to shed more light on her space. He could see a table covered in an emerald green cloth with four chairs surrounding it, and a crystal ball sat upon a perch in the middle of it with dozens of candles surrounding it.
“So… uh,” Dieter hesitates, hands scrubbing through his hair. The fuck is he doing here? He should leave. Willow continues to hum while she lights more candles by a thick open book sitting on a desk, flipping through the pages before she stops.
“Ah-ha!” She announces with a joyous clap, “Would ya look at that! Found it on the first try.”
She looks up to see Dieter still standing by the door with a nervous energy about him.
“Gah damn it, Dieter,” she grumbles, approaching him, “Ain’t gonna hurt ya. I’m here to help ya. Now go on, sit,” Ushering him to the table, lightly patting him on the shoulders, “Let me just get a few more things ready before I truly start this process, alright?”
“Help me?” He asks, watching Willow move in the space around them. She grabbed a bottle and began spritzing it around the chair he sat in.
“Duh, I told ya,” Willow said with a raised eyebrow smirking, “Oh wait, maybe I didn’t? Did I?”
Dieter looked at her in bewilderment, continuing to watch as she placed the spray bottle of liquid beside him and grabbed incense instead, placing them in their holders and lit them.
“T- tell me what?” He asked nervously, placing his hands in his lap and beginning to fidget with his fingers.
“My apologies, sir.” Willow bows, “I am a witch! Well, kind of a-a witch. I’m a witch practicin’. My great great great great grandma was one and it kinda skipped a generation or two cause my folks decided we should follow Jesus instead. Ya in any sort of religion? I’ve been involved with… too many.”
Dieter shakes his head. Fuck, this is how it ends, he was right. She’s gonna sacrifice him.
“I’m spraying lavender right now to try and get your ass to calm down,” she states matter of factly picking the bottle up again, Dieter flinches when she sprays some directly onto his hair, “Your energy is thick with nerves. Now what was I sayin’?” She asked, stopping in place and staring at the table cloth.
“Oh yeah! Sorry, I have a disorder where my memory ain’t the best. Think Dory from Findin’ Nemo,” Willow smiles brightly, “I’m a witch and this here crystal ball-” she taps a finger against the clear ball in the middle of the table, “-showed me to be expectin’ ya.”
“Sh-showed you?” Dieter asks, cocking his head to the side with wide eyes.
“Yeah!” Willow exclaims, “Showed me you comin’ here, us doing some magic and then you fuckin’ off to whatever it is you’re tryin’ to change!”
“Wait,” Dieter stops, eyes widening, “What am I changing?”
“Beats me,” Willow shrugs, fanning the incense around before plopping down in the chair across from him, “Alls I know is I’m supposed to help ya get there.”
Dieter looks at her and then the ball in between them. It starts sparkling inside as the clear crystal becomes dense with a weird purple fog, swirling around the inside of the crystal.
“Oh shit! It’s doin’ the thing again!” Willow shrieks in excitement, bouncing in her chair, “I told ya the thing showed me what I needed to do! Maybe it’s trying to show you what you need to do.”
Dieter stares at the ball before the swirling fog reveals you lying in your shared bed years ago. He remembers this morning clear as day, it’s the morning before he went to that stupid party and relapsed.
“It’s her,” he chokes back a sob, “What kind of sick fucking trick is this?!”
“It’s not a trick!” Willow protests, “I’m tellin’ the truth! Just watch the damn thing!”
Dieter continues watching the fog swirl within the ball, seeing himself join you in bed. Dieter perks up as he watches himself undress you and begin worshiping you like the goddess you are. Willow clears her throat turning her head.
“Ope,” she murmurs, cheeks becoming flaming red, peering at the ceiling out of privacy, “Don’t think I’m supposed to watch this bit.”
Dieter is entranced, watching the two of you, reliving that entire day. Except in this version he never leaves the house, he stays home with you instead. That’s what he should have done, stay home and hang out with you instead of go to that stupid fucking party.
The purple fog disappears and the crystal becomes clear again, leaving Dieter even more confused.
“Wait!” He shouts, gripping the ball with both hands, “Come back! Show me more!”
“Now hold on just a damn minute,” Willow scolds, pushing his hands off the ball, “Don’t break my damn ball. It’s the only one I got.”
“But I want to see more,” Dieter lets out a pathetic whine, “How can I see more. Make it show me!” He demands.
“Not how it works, bub,” Willow huffs, “But, from the looks of it that’s where the ball wants me to send you.”
“S-s-send me?” Dieter stutters out with a scoff, “How are you gonna send me back to the happiest time of my life?”
“Time travel, duh,” Willow snorts, “The hell do you think you showed up here for?”
He looks at her with bewilderment. How the fuck is this girl supposed to help him go backwards in time?
“Now, now,” Willow says, clicking her tongue in annoyance, “I recognize that look. Ya don’t believe me,” she adds with a roll of her eyes, “I’ve got everything ready.”
She stands making her way to a small tea kettle, filling it with water from a jug before placing it on her desk beside the book. Willow moves through her office with a practiced ease, opening and closing cabinets, grabbing the things she’ll need for this ritual. Taking one last glance at the book on her desk before clearing her throat.
“Now, I’m gonna brew this tea for you to drink. It’s got some cloves, rosemary, garlic and cinnamon in it,” she explains, plunking and sprinkling the herbs in the kettle, “Oh shit!” She laughs, opening a desk drawer to pull out a small hot plate, “Ain’t gonna get very far without boilin’ it.”
Dieter watches as she softly hums, flitting about the room as the tea gets ready.
“Now, I got white sage and mullein burning already,” Willow explains pointing at each, “Helps with clarity.”
He nods, still confused and a little scared. He has no clue how this is supposed to actually work. Time travel isn’t real, this isn’t some movie like Back to the Future. Although, he thinks tilting his head, would be pretty cool to drive the DeLorean. His thoughts are interrupted by Willow chanting something over the tea right as the kettle lets out a shrill whistle. Willow pours the tea into a little cup bringing it over to the table, placing it in front of Dieter.
“Ain’t gonna lie to ya,” Willow grimaces, “Probably gonna be nasty as fuck with the herbs I had to use but it’s what the book said to use.”
“Probably not the worst thing I’ve ever ingested,” Dieter shrugs, “So how’s this work? Do I just drink it?”
Willow nods, “I said the spell, I have the scents going, all you have to do is keep an open mind,” she continues with a smile.
Dieter nods, staring at the cup. What’s the worst that could happen? His life is already fucked. At least he can say he tried if it doesn’t work, grabbing the cup and downing the drink. Willow was right- it’s rancid, he begins to cough placing the cup back on the table.
“Now what?” Dieter asks with a grimace, glancing at Willow.
“Now,” a grin spreads across her face, “We wait.”
- - -
The sun’s rays shone through the curtains causing Dieter to wince as he woke the next morning. How was he supposed to know if the ritual worked? Willow said they just had to wait. Wait for what though? Hearing a soft groan next to him he peeked one eye open at the sound, looking around he noticed this wasn’t his room. Well, more so not his room anymore. The soft yellow walls and white curtains had all been replaced after you left with dark grays.
Glancing next to him, he felt like his heart stopped. There you were, snoring softly next to him. Maybe he was dreaming and his mind decided to torture him, it wouldn’t be the first time it had happened but then you reached for him. Your hand laying on his chest above his heart. Dieter didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, shout with joy or all three at the same time. His palm reaches out, gently touching your face.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers to your sleeping form as he rubs the apple of your cheek with his thumb, “I was such a fucking idiot.”
You crinkle your nose and let out a huff as you sleep. A grin plastered across his face, he can’t believe it actually worked. If he ever sees Willow again he’s going to have to thank her. She may not know what for, with traveling back in time, but he’ll thank her anyway. 
“You’re staring,” you let out a sleepy grumble.
“Can’t help it,” Dieter whispers, grinning like an idiot. You open an eye to look at him, raising your brows.
“Why are we whispering?” You giggle, scooting closer to lay your head on his chest, listening to the thump of his heartbeat.
Dieter takes a deep breath into your hair, shrugging his shoulders, wrapping his arms around you and holding you tight. Afraid if he loosens his grip you’ll be gone again. His hands begin to roam under your shirt, feeling the softness of your skin, the roundness of your belly. You’re still pregnant, grinning to himself as he sits up and moves you to lay on your back, rubbing his hands down to your hips. You’d always complained of them hurting with the added weight of Peanut, their little Lexi who would be coming into this world.
“Mmm,” you let out a soft moan, as his hands gingerly massage your hips, your fingers digging into his thigh, “Dieter.”
He couldn’t stop smiling, unable to believe this is actually happening again. Being with you, being back in your shared home, being here during the happiest time of his life. Dieter leans over your belly, pulling up your shirt to expose your bump, placing a soft kiss there.
“I love you,” he breathes out, his voice cracking before trying to get a grip on his emotions. 
“Babe?” You ask, concern lacing your voice as you reach for him, “What’s wrong?”
“Missed you,” he says, kissing your bump again, “Both of you.”
“Babe,” you laugh, “All we did was go to sleep.”
“Yeah,” Dieter huffs, rolling his eyes, “Just went to sleep,” he hums, lifting your shirt more to uncover your breasts, his lips placing a trail of open mouthed kisses until he meets one of your nipples, sucking it into his mouth. You let out a soft hiss as your fingers tangle in the soft waves of his hair. There’s one thing Dieter knows he can’t fuck up, sex. He’ll figure the rest out later.
You moan as he spends equal time on each of your breasts, sliding a hand down your front into your underwear. Dieter lets out a groan when he feels the wetness already collected there. He needs this, to you it was yesterday, to him it’s been six years since he’s felt you around his cock.
“I need you,” Dieter grunts, pushing you on your side, flopping down behind you and pushing his boxers down. His stiff member pushing into your ass.
“Jesus, Dee,” you giggle as he quickly pushes your underwear down enough to get to your core, “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Please don’t,” he whispers into your neck, slipping his length between your folds, coating himself in your arousal. Dieter grips his dick, slowly pushing into you, simultaneous moans spilling from both of you.
“Fuck, baby,” you moan, throwing your head back against his shoulder, “So fucking big.”
Dieter pants, feeling your walls constrict around him, stopping himself when he’s fully sheathed inside of you. He doesn’t want this to end before it’s even begun.
“Oh god,” he whimpers, grabbing your hand, lacing your fingers together, “Missed this.”
“Dieter,” you pant, hips squirming against him, “I need you to move, baby.”
He nods against your head, slowly pulling out, his tongue laving against your pulse point as he sharply pushes back in.
“Fuck,” you cry out, gripping his hand tighter. He knows it’s your favorite so he keeps the same rhythm, pulling out slowly before plunging back in. He can’t stop the words flowing from his mouth as he thrusts into you. His pace grows quicker as he speaks.
“Please don’t leave me,”
“I need you,”
“I love you,”
“I won’t fuck up again,”
“I promise,”
“I love you.”
Every phrase punctuated with a sharp thrust into your wet heat, producing a moan from your lips.
“Dieter,” you moan, “I’m gonna come, baby, I’m gonna-“
Dieter can feel the fluttering of your walls, gripping you tighter he moves faster, unable to control himself any longer.
“Fuck,” Dieter groans, “Look at me, baby.”
Your head lolling against his shoulder as his hips snap into you, he grips your face turning you to face him. Slotting his lips over yours, smothering your cries as your orgasm rips through you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Dieter grunts, grinding his hips into you as your walls constrict around him, warm ropes of his come painting your insides. He kisses you softly while both of you try to catch your breath.
“You okay?” You ask, eyes gazing up at him.
Dieter nods, keeping his arms wrapped around you.
“Bad dream,” he murmurs into your hair.
“I’m sorry babe,” you give him a sympathetic smile, giving him a quick kiss before moving off of him with a hiss, “Wanna go look at stuff for the nursery?”
“Hmm,” Dieter hums, wrapping his arms around you again before you can leave the bed, “Let’s stay in bed all day.”
“We just woke up,” you squeak out with a giggle, as he pulls you back against him, “Already need a nap?”
“After that workout?” He laughs, kissing your neck, “Uh… yeah!”
Dieter’s eyelids are heavy. He felt calm, more at peace than he has been for years, having you back in arms, the comforting weight of you next to him. The hint of your perfume surrounding him, causing him to quickly drift back to sleep.
- - -
“Dieter wake up!” Mark shouts, “Time to go.”
Dieter jumps, how long had he been asleep? The room is dark as Mark flings the gray curtains open allowing the sun to burst in.
“What the fuck?” Dieter groans, covering his face with the pillow next to him, blocking the sun from his eyes. His sleep-addled brain hasn’t registered what’s happened.
“Come on, man,” Mark says more sternly, grabbing the covers to pull off of Dieter, “Gotta get Peanut.”
“Peanut?” Dieter asks, flipping the pillow off his face, sitting up taking in his surroundings, “No, no, no. This isn’t right.”
He looks around at the gray bedding, the curtains, the walls. Where’s your house? He was just there, wasn’t he? Was it just a dream after all?
“Yes. Peanut,” Mark says, giving him a confused look, “Lexi, Your daughter.”
“I know who Peanut is, Mark.” Dieter snaps, “But she won’t let me see her.”
“Dieter,” Mark scolds, “Do not tell me you've been using again.”
“What? No!”
“You’ve had your daughter every other week for years now.” Mark explains, “Are you sure you're not using anything?”
“You mean, I have custody?” Dieter asks, beginning to choke up, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. 
Whatever Willow did, it worked, well kind of. If Dieter had some sort of custody of Lexi that means he must have changed something going back in time.
“I gotta go see Willow.”
“Willow?” Mark asks, shaking his head, “Dieter, you don’t have time to go on some wild goose chase looking for whoever it is you’re talking about.”
Dieter rushes out of bed, grabbing random clothes he finds throughout his room to throw on, running down the stairs to find his crocs.
“Dieter!” Mark shouts after him.
“I gotta fix it, Mark,” Dieter yells back, finding his car keys, and opening the front door, “I gotta fix it!”
“Willow!” Dieter bellows, bursting into Vixen’s, “It worked! It kind of worked!”
He hears a crash a couple aisles over and a gah-damnit!, before Willow appears at the front of the shop.
“The hell you comin’ in here yellin’ about?” Willow asks, rubbing the top of her head, “You made me drop a jar of Dragon’s blood on my damn head. I do not need any more feminine power right now!”
“Sorry,” Dieter chuckles, “I think we need to do the ritual again. I have custody!” 
“Custody?” Willow asks, confused.
“Custody of my kid, Willow!” Dieter says, gripping her shoulders giving her a little shake, “All I did was fall asleep, had a crazy vivid sex dream about my girl and now I have custody! I’ve never even met my daughter!”
“Alright, alright, alright,” Willow says, wiggling out of his grip, “Don’t touch me and I don’t wanna hear about your weird sex dreams but come on back.”
He follows her through the dark hall, to her office, the white sage and mullein is lit, the tea is brewed while Willow chants the magic words. He chugs it again. The warm liquid tingled in his throat as it went down.
“Not as bad the second time,” he sputters out through a cough, “Should you make extra so I can take it home?”
“Not how it works,” Willow chuckles, “Gonna have to come see me. Door will always be open.”
“I don’t understand how this is working at all,” Dieter admits, “All I did was go to sleep?”
“Maybe in your sleep is when you’re traveling,” Willow shrugs, “I won’t lie, I’m not sure how it works either. Remember, I’m new at this.”
Dieter leaves Vixen’s, feeling on top of the world as he makes his way to your house. He cannot believe he’s about to see his kid for the first time, well maybe not the first time but it is for this Dieter. He pulls up to the address he found saved into his phone under your name, taking a deep breath before getting out of his car.
He makes his way to the front door. It’s a different house than the last time he showed up, hoping you’d forgive him for running off and taking forever to get his shit together. Taking a deep breath he presses the doorbell, hearing the chime inside.
“Daddy!” He hears screeched from behind the door before it opens. A little girl looks up at him with wide brown eyes and soft curls.
“You came to get me!” She exclaims, grabbing his hand with both of her little ones and pulling him through the entrance.
“Y-yeah, I did,” Dieter murmurs, unable to stop staring at the back of her head. Her hair bounces with every step she takes as she continues babbling at him about something.
“Hey Dieter,” you smile at him from the couch with a book in your hand, “She’s been super excited for you to get her this week. Thank you again for keeping her an extra week.”
“Extra week?”
“Please don’t tell me you forgot,” you groan, “Dee, you promised me you wouldn’t forget! This is super important! Joel’s taking me to meet his family.”
“Joel?” Dieter asks, clenching his jaw, fingers flexing of his free hand against his thigh. Of course, Joel is still present. 
You study his face, taking in the tension rolling off him in waves, putting your book down and getting off the couch.
“Peanut, baby,” you say in a sweet tone, “Why don’t you go upstairs and get your stuff ready so you can go have fun at Daddy’s?”
“Okay,” she chirps, climbing the steps to the second floor. Leaving the two of you alone.
“Dee?” You ask, approaching him, “You doing okay?”
“Yeah, fine,” Dieter lies with a nod of his head, “Just forgot you have plans next week.”
“Look,” you start, gripping his hand, “I know this whole thing is weird for you but I know one day you’re going to find someone to love,” Dieter’s thumb begins to rub against your fingers softly, noting the absence of a ring on your hand.
“You don’t get it,” Dieter scoffs, shaking his head, “It’s you. I want to be with you.”
“We tried Dieter,” you say, giving him a sympathetic smile, “We just aren’t meant to be.”
- - -
When he wakes next, Dieter is blinded by the brightness of the room, closing his eyes again, not ready to get up.
“Daddy,” a little voice says, poking his cheek with tiny fingers.
He groans feeling a weight on top of his chest. He can hear you humming softly downstairs in the kitchen, little fingers continue poking at his face trying to wake him.
“Peanut,” he chuckles, “Why are you poking my face?”
“Time to wake up!” She announces, standing up on chunky legs before plopping her butt back down. Dieter lets out a grunt before opening his eyes, spotting the soft yellow walls of the room. He can’t stop the smile forming on his face. He’s back to where he wants to be, this timeline seeming to be much better than the present.
“Come here,” Dieter playfully growls, tickling Lexi’s sides. Her high pitched squeals echoing throughout the house.
“Breakfast is ready!”
“Hear that Peanut?!” Dieter asks enthusiastically, “Momma made breakfast!”
“Breakfast!” Lexi shouts, throwing her arms up in the air, “I hungry!”
Dieter scoops her up as he gets out of bed, carrying the toddler with him down the stairs to the kitchen.
“Morning,” you hum, smiling at both of them, “The contractor was supposed to be here earlier but he overslept so said he’d be by soon.”
“Oh?” Dieter asks, setting Lexi down into her booster seat as if he’s done this every day, “Who’d we hire again?”
“Dieter, I swear,” you laugh, rolling your eyes, “You’d be so lost without me.”
“You have no idea,” he murmurs, kissing the side of your head as he grabs the plates of food you had set out, giving one to Lexi and sitting down next to her to eat his own.
“It’s Miller Bros,” you huff, “And no, they’re not like the Mario Brothers from Nintendo,” you add after seeing Dieter’s head perk up. You always were good about knowing what was on his mind.
“So, what’s the plan for today?” Dieter asks, stabbing his fork into the eggs, “Besides the contractor coming, I mean.”
“I don’t know,” you say, shrugging. The rest of the meal went on, the scraping of silverware against plates and random chatter from Lexi the only things to be heard. It was eerie how quiet you were, Dieter stared at you as you scrolled mindlessly on your phone. He can’t pinpoint what’s going on but he feels there is something different here. Lexi finishes her breakfast, scooting off her booster and running off to watch TV.
“Is everything okay?” Dieter asks, fidgeting with the fork in his hand, he can’t risk losing you but he needs to know the answer.
“No,” you admit quietly, “I just- I don’t know what to do anymore Dee.”
“What do you m-“ he tries, the doorbell chiming interrupting his sentence.
“That must be the contractor,” you sigh, “Wanna start the dishes while I get the door?”
“Uh, yeah,” Dieter nods, “Sure.”
He gathers the dishes, rinsing each item before putting them in the dishwasher, hearing you speak with the contractor.
“I’m so sorry ma’am,” the contractor says with a gruffness in his voice, “Would’a been here earlier but my idiot brother wrote the time down wrong.”
“No worries,” you reply in a cheery tone, “You deserve the extra sleep, you work so hard.”
Dieter hears a deep chuckle from the man and a thank you, you’re too kind darlin’. It makes his stomach twist, he knows who this is. Joel fucking Miller. Can he not escape this guy?
Dieter slams the dishwasher closed, pacing throughout the kitchen. In his present time, the man is there. Now in his supposed past the man shows up too?! He wishes he could call Willow but a quick google search shows that Vixen’s doesn’t exist just yet, groaning as he tosses his phone onto the counter. What is he supposed to do?
He sees through the doorway how you look at Joel, the sparkle in your eyes, the way you seem almost bashful as Joel continues to talk about the most mundane things. Dieter can’t help the idea that’s popped into his head as he makes his way to the couch, sitting with your shared daughter as she watches cartoons.
It wouldn’t be the craziest thing he suggested, he’s Dieter Bravo. He’s definitely said worse things in interviews. He continues watching the two of you, the slight smirk on Joel’s face, the shy smile gracing your own.
Maybe if you fucked Joel you’d get it out of your system.
Dieter sees the attraction to Joel, of course he does. He’s rough, burly, and has that southern charm about him. The way his shirt hugs his biceps, his jeans clinging to his thighs. Joel clears his throat and Dieter snaps his head up, finding Joel staring directly at him, having been caught ogling he can feel his face turning a shade darker. You smile at Dieter, covering your mouth while a giggle escapes your lips.
“I’m gonna get started on the bathroom,” Joel says, eyeing Dieter on the couch, “Don’t let me interrupt your morning, Hollywood,” he adds with a wink.
You make your way to the couch, curling into Dieter’s side.
“So,” you giggle, with that sparkle still in your eyes, “Joel, huh?”
“Joel,” Dieter smirks, wrapping his arm around you, nodding his head. He brings you closer to his side, kissing your temple, before he scoops Lexi into his other side, keeping both his girls close to him.
- - -
“Dieter,” Mark says, giving Dieter’s shoulder a shove, “Need to wake up, you’re home.”
“Home?” Dieter grumbles, scrubbing his hands down his face, he feels metal on one of his fingers. Eyes popping open, he spots a band on his left hand. Married. He’s married?
“Yeah, home,” Mark chuckles, “And don’t worry. I took care of everything so the three of you could spend some time together for the next couple days.”
Dieter grins, saying your name out loud quizzically, he needs to make sure it worked this time. Mark nods, he gets to spend time with his girls. His girls. Dieter hops out of the car, grabbing the duffle bag from the backseat.
“Thanks for the ride Mark,” he hollers as he makes his way to his front door, shaking with nerves as he stands there. Taking a deep breath he opens the door to find the house covered in darkness, flipping on the light he takes in the room before him. Toys, books, and small shoes scattered around. His smile grows wider as he hears a noise from upstairs.
You must be upstairs waiting for him. Dieter sets his duffle bag down next to the door before flinging his crocs off on his way up the stairs. The door of the master bedroom is opened by a jar and he can hear grunts coming from within.
Fuck, Dieter thinks, manly grunts can only mean one thing.
He tiptoes to the door opening it more, seeing you naked on your knees before Joel. His thick cock in your mouth as you bob your head faster along his length.
“S’it baby,” Joel groans, throwing his head back as you take more of him down your throat, “So fucking good at that.”
You’re moaning as he grips your head, holding you on his cock.
“Fuck,” Dieter whispers, feeling his dick twitch with interest, watching you gag on Joel’s length. Joel’s head snaps towards the doorway.
“Ya just gonna stand there Hollywood or ya gon’ join?” Joel smirks, eyeing Dieter up and down, “We’ve missed you.”
You moan, pulling off Joel's cock with a soft pop, twisting your body to see Dieter.
“Hi baby,” you purr at him, “Glad that you’re home.”
Dieter stands there frozen, watching you stroke Joel’s shaft with a sly grin.
This present time is nice, Dieter thinks with a smirk on his face, I can live with this.
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4pfsukuna · 13 hours
No ordinary love
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Debrief: Terry promises to come back in one piece and something about those pretty eyes has you believing everything he says.
Warning: fluff, angst, no weapon formed against me shall prosper but against this mans eyes? We never stood a chance.
Terry has always and i mean ALWAYS been persistant. If he had a goal he didnt care about obstacles; that didnt matter. He could sometimes be so one track minded and while you loved that about him its one of the reasons you and him couldn’t date.
“Still look as good as i remember” You hear and your keys fall from your hands with a loud clatter against the freshly painted porch. After a long day at the hospital being the head nurse may pay well but they make you work for your paycheck. And after your 9 ½ hour shift that was only suppose to be 3 just to help cover everyone’s lunch you were so over it.
“What you doing back in town?” You ask reaching down for your keys but he beats you to it taking the heavy grocery bags from your hands relieving your arms for a moment. He could be here today and gone tonight that’s how it was with him and your attachment issues just didn’t allow that, you needed a constant. Fuck the military and mcmap but you also couldn’t ask him to choose you or a career, so you chose for him.
“Damn no ‘welcome back, i missed you, good to see you it’s been so long’?” he jokes trying to look you in your eyes but you avoid eye contact at all cost. You would fold the minute you looked into those electric blue eyes and when he smiled at you instantly you were weak in the knees fuck standing up.
“Its been so long i guess i should enjoy this time i have before you up and leave” you snap before finally looking up at him and it’s his turn to look away. “If im lucky you’ll say something before you leave this time, hmm?”
And yeah he was fucked up for leaving with no good bye but this man was so unbelievably down bad for you that had you made the slightest indication of wanting him to stay he would’ve. You heald his heart in your hand with no regard or maybe you just didn’t know but to hold that much power over someone was insane.
You can’t lie thee Terry Richmond was a fine fine FINE man. God took his time with him if he took 7 days to create earth he took 8 to make Terry and watching him do all the manly things around your home never got old as he hummed along to you playing Sade.
“See something you like?” He ask looking over his shoulder at you as you take a sip of the moonshine from your cup pulling his attention.
“I love a good handyman… might have to get me one im trynna see what that be like” you throw shade sitting on the couch not expecting him to make his way over to you holding your chin in his palm as he directs your head up to him.
“You can get the idea of another man out your head, i got some loose ends im trying to take care of but it’s always gon be you mama… always has been.” He promises and its the one that he doesnt let anything get in his way but you didnt want him to break this. You look away before he squats down pulling your face to his again lips close enough to yours all he had to do was breath heavier and yall would be kissing.  
“So you finallygon’ let me take you out on a proper date?” He ask his lips brushing yours and you almost can’t even comprehend what he’s asking you feeling the heat buzzing so much between you two as it always did.
Your tongue grazes your bottom lip and he instantly follows it with his eyes before his thumb follows the trail. 
You and i, baby… This is no ordinary love you hear sades voice through the speaker and make the mistake of looking up into his eyes yeah he had you on lock and no key to be found as much as you wanted to stand up you couldn’t.
“Ill think about it” you murmur your lips brushing his before pulling away drinking the rest of your moon shine his eyes watching you with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. He needed to take care of those loose ends ASAP.
And when the morning comes he’s gone… as you expected. You didn’t expect a bouqet of roses and sunflowers on your living room table. You can’t help the smile, you want to be so mad at him but damn this wasn’t no grocery store bouqet this was some professional shit. 
Its another 4 days before you hear from Terry again, and in them 4 days you smiled on your way to work seeing the flowers although they would make you sad looking at them before bed. Just a reminder that all you had was an empty promise and empty bed never coming home to a man and really the only one that you knew was for you. Dating was pointless because none of them was him you didn’t even bother anymore yet he was probably out slanging dick left and right so before those thoughts can take over you submerge yourself deeper in the tub enjoying the lavender bubbles and cinnamon scent of the candles you lit.
Fuck, terry smelled like cinnamon.
“Oh so you do remember my number” You speak into the phone, sitting up a bit, voice raspy.
“I deserved that, how was work mama?” He ask and you instantly hear the frustration in his voice. He sounded tired, frustrated and like he wasn’t in the mood for shit yet he was calling you.
“You sound like your day was longer than mine” you admitted running your fingers through the bubbles and he chuckles.
“Yeah… just needed to hear your voice and I can get through anything. You like the flowers?” He ask and it sounds like he’s taping something a nervous tick you know he has. You don’t even let your mind wander into that territory just hoping it has nothing to do with his cousin mike who was always finding himself at the wrong place at the wrong time.
“Yeah a lot… you being safe out there? Wherever you are?” You ask and he laughs this time.
“Yes baby, gotta make it back to you in one piece” and he never said that before, never even called you. He must be in something deep.
“You in trouble with the law?” You tease earning another laugh and the sound of taping gets louder. Leave it to him.
“And im not your baby, either” you add and that makes him laugh… a real one you can’t hide the smile on your face just glad he can’t see it.
“That’s why you smiling ain’t you?” He ask earning an eye roll as you sink back further into the bath. Its silent for a second, a comfortable one and you close your eyes.
“Just…” you trail off not knowing what kind of trouble he was in. “One piece” you reiterate.
“One piece” he promises easing your mind  before catching you off guard. “You miss me?”
And you hang up the phone.
The next time you see Terry again is when you’re up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep. You’ve tried a bath, a shower, journaling, reading the Bible and even eating. Ok and maybe catfish, baked mac n cheese and cabbage wasn't exactly a late night snack  but it gives you a view of something rustling through the bushes outside and you're quick to grab the knife from the top of the fridge.
You don’t expect it to be a bloody Terry with two bullet holes one in his shoulder and one in his back not close to his spine but as a nurse youve seen enough  life changing accidents and you never wanted it to be terry so as you sit on the couch behind you cleaning his wounds you silently pray over him, for him to any God that will listen that this man lives and comes out on top.
“Baby?” He asks softly and absent mindedly you answer not even realizing he called you that; just that he called you. You were stuck in your own thoughts. you stay quiet for a moment until he looks over his shoulder seeing the emotions swirling in your eyes. Anger, sadness, worry maybe even regret.
“Baby girl i'd rather you just yell at me and tell me you hate me than silent treatment” he grinds his teeth turning back forward so you can finish. It feels nice being touched in a tender way he can’t remember the last time somebody did it's just been fighting for the past few days…weeks… months.
You don’t say anything at first you look for words to say until you think of the only thing you know that will get through his head.
“You promised… you promised me one piece” you feel your eyes start to water and hes quick to turn around quick to face you when he hears the tremble in your resolve.
“I am in one piece…” he tries watching the way your eyes start to water with tears and you stand up tossing the needle and thread onto the coffee table next to his empty plate.
“Are you fucking serious? This aint one piece! This is not a life” you finally yell at him before a tear falls yanking your hand from his grasp. “You and this disappearing act fucking sucks! I never know when you’re leaving or coming back if it’s for days or weeks and when you do come back you leave all these promises of being with me and settling down! When? When the next bullet goes through your spine and you’re paralyzed?” You snap harshly at him through tears you don’t even give him a second to talk or breathe.
“You never break a promise because you pussyfoot around what actually happened. Its like telling a lie— not telling the whole truth is still a lie. I don’t want no more of your promises or half truths.” And he opens his mouth to speak but you arent done yet now that he got you started he was going to listen to everything you had to say.
“ You don’t think I’m worth more than that? I deserve flowers…all the time. And dates not promises of one. I deserve a person i know i can rely on, someone i can come home to because THEY are home not the house. I deserve love and alot of it…all the love i give without expecting anything in return and you know what? Nah. I need that in return. And you can’t provide that so i gotta let you go cause it’s hurting me more to hold on” you cry but articulate so perfectly hes silent. It’s nothing he could say you read him like a book, tore his heart out like some flimsy pages and closed it shut like you closed your heart off to him.
Everything was falling apart, he didn’t think his day could get worse.  You had walked away and shut your light off making sure he heard you lock your door. Oh you were done done.
Leaning forward he drops his head in his hands you were the only thing keeping him at ease, the only thing keeping him going and without that he was fully ready to crash out. Ready to kill everybody in that crooked ass police station. Fuck peace, nah now he wanted problems. 
Terry was a man that didnt let nothing stand in the way of what he wanted. You are what he wants and right now he was prepared to burn the whole state down if it meant getting you back in his arms, but this time officialy.
Yeah they fucked with the wrong one this time. 
Cleaning up everything, the first aid kit, dishes and alcohol he had to clean up his act to he throws on a fresh shirt looking at the flowers you still had on the table even though they were starting to wilt.
You wrap yourself up in the blankets angry at how stupid this whole stupid situation was. It was starting to feel like that episode of spongebob where he keeps asking squidward “are you finished those errands yet” like an ass there are no errands squidward just didnt want to work and why were you so heartbroken over a man who didnt want to put in the work for you.
“Bitch and they were roommates” your coworker gossips over lunch just some leftovers you had thrown together though before you can ask any follow up questions theres flashing police lights, sirens and yelling making the two of you stand up and rush into the hall. Gossip hour would have to wait.
A familiar blonde girl gets pushed past you on a stretcher covered in glass and blood even blue lips. You know her, an unfortunate upbringing but she cleaned up even got a job at the court house and was in school for law.
“Summer?” You ask walking with the stretcher listening as everybody yells commands to another.
“You must be the girl… t-the girl he’s in love with” she smiles clearly dazed out of her mind. “He did 100 miles an hour with no tires” she whispers before passing back out.
Nothing she was saying was making sense and not that you gathered much but what you did gather is that there’s someone else in a car with her. Someone else that needs help so running back to the main entrance all you see is several shelby springs cop cars and damage to the front doors.
“One day somebody is going to take down those fucking crooked cops” you shake your head thinking maybe summer was to dazed and just saying anything.
“Baby girl” you hear behind you turning to see Terry who looks like he’s also covered in glass, this time a bullet proof vest a bouqet of roses and sunflowers in one hand and a vhs tape player in the other.
“Terry wh—“ he stops you pushing the flowers in your hand pulling your face to his and finally kissing you. His lips are warm and he kisses you hungrily holding you as if youre going to run when he lets go.
“Hey man” a security officer speaks up unaware of the situation, stepping too close for either of your liking.
“Shut the fuck up” he fucking barks before pulling you back to his lips licking into your mouth not caring about professionalism, or restraint just you… it’s always been you. Leaning back into the kiss giving him the same amount of passion and intensity he’s pouring into it you feel him relax with a slight groan.
Pulling back from him needing to breathe he chases your lips making you giggle.
“Stop denying me” he gruffs out only for you to swat at his hands pulling at his shirt to see if he's hurt anywhere but he shakes his head.
“One piece baby, i promised” and that was enough for you. No new bullets, cuts scratches anything. He heard you, heard your rant and didn’t say anything words wasn’t enough he had to show you.
“I also promised you a date… hows tomorrow night?” He ask before shaking his head pulling 3 crumpled hundred dollar bills out his pocket and tucking it into the front of your scrubs.
“Nah call out tomorrow, im picking you up at 6” he tells you with a smile this time shocked you pull him down for a kiss.
“Yeah… i did miss you”
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oo-delallymrcrow · 2 days
Mating Season
Summary: it's mating season for two of the boys. Frost and Torbek, separately of course.
A/N: NSFW MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!! 👉👈 I didn't realize how long this was going to be.... @pustak31 gave me this wonderful idea! Kremy was apart of this ask but I think I'll add him to another fic that has mating elements to it 👀
You don't really know how you got here…. But you're here as you can't stop shaking at how Frost pounds into you from behind.
It was cold, the snow fluttering outside when you noticed the change in Frost. He had told you about this once, the changing of the season indicating that it was time to mate. It made you blush but you moved past that, keeping to the back of your mind until now.
You found Frost sniffing you a lot more, holding you to him as he nosed at your neck. The sounds that emitted from him, the low growls.
He had started to groom you. He would brush your hair, even of you just did. Join you in the bathroom a lot more to just bathe you. You enjoyed that part, not to say you didn't enjoy all of it. He was tender as he lathered your hair and gently scrubbed your skin. You noticed that he would linger around your most sensitive parts before continuing the bath.
Once you were out, he would dry you, brush your hair, and toss you into bed before rubbing his face all over you.
You giggled and let him continue, rubbing his face against your cheek before he let his hands wander. He gently ran a hand down your soft tummy before moving to kneel between your legs.
Your breath hitched as he hiked your legs up and quickly laid down, pressing a kiss to your hips before going down.
He took his hands and used his thumbs to open your lips, shivering as your pussy was on full display. He pressed his wide tongue against you, slowly licking up and circling your clit before doing it again.
You slapped a hand to your mouth as you cried out and arched up. You pressed your other hand to the top of his head, petting the fur before pushing his head. Whether away from you or towards you, you weren't sure as he hummed.
“Delectable,” he murmured before licking your clit and pulling away.
He climbed over you as you tried to reach for him. You were turned over quickly as Frost pulled your hips up and you were faced down in the mattress.
You heard the shuffling of clothes before your breath hitched at the feeling of his cock sliding against your folds. You whined and looked back at Frost.
“Frost, please.”
He kept eye contact with you as he slowly pushed himself in. You tried to keep your eyes open but the feeling was too much.
You pushed your face into the mattress with a cry as he fully pressed himself against you. He leaned over you to kiss your shoulder.
“That's a good girl. Stay just like this for me.”
He whispered into your ear before he pulled out and slammed back into you. You cried out almost like a scream as he started at a fast and hard pace. You squirmed and reaches out with your hands to grab at your pillow to dampen the noises escaping before he grabbed it and threw it to the side.
“No need for that dear. I want to hear you as I make you cum.”
You jumped at the feeling of a hand on your clit, rubbing it slowly. The difference between his hips and the hand was making you feel that orgasm build faster and faster. He leaned down again as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
“Sorry for this my dear,” he murmured before lightly biting down.
Your orgasm hit you faster than you thought possible as you cried and pushed your hips back against his. Your whole body was trembling as Frost growled against you and you heard a rip as his claws dug into the sheet. As you came down from your high, you whined as Frost slowed his pace.
“Frost,” you whispered as he pulled his teeth from your shoulder.
He licked at the wound as he kept his slow pace.
“Hmm very good. I think we're going to keep going.”
You whined as he slammed into you and paused. He leaned up and grabbed your hips.
“We don't have anything to do tomorrow.”
You have had a shadow all day. It was kinda normal for you, Torbek staying with you and helping you out with whatever you were doing. Usually if someone asked him for help or he wanted to go do his own thing he would. But right now he was just right behind you with everything. You couldn't walk five steps without the bugbear right behind.
If you thought that was weird, it got worse when Gideon started talking to you. He was joking around with you like usual and placed a hand on your shoulder.
His hand was ripped off you and you heard Gideon yell ‘what the fuck’ as Torbek slammed him into the ground with a loud roar.
You blinked in shock as Gideon tried to fight Torbek off of him as he swiped his claws and snapped his teeth. You yelled out as Frost and Kremy ran in at the commotion.
“Torbek!” You yelled out, making him freeze for a second before he moved to stand behind you.
He pulled you to him as he huffed and growled in Gideon's direction as Frost helped Gideon up.
Kremy gestured out, “what the fuck was that!”
“He just attacked me out of nowhere! What the hell was that man?”
“Torbek didn't like you touching my (Y/N),” he huffed as he squeezed you tighter.
“Torbek? Are you feeling overprotective of (Y/N)? Staying close to her?”
Frost looked from Torbek to you
“Hmm, I believe Torbek is in his mating season.”
It got so quiet you could probably hear a pin drop.
You looked up at Torbek, seeing his eyes get wide, before he burrowed his face into your hair. You sighed and looked back at the guys.
“I think I'll take him to my room for….awhile.”
Frost nodded his head in agreement as Kremy helped Gideon stand on his feet as you lead Torbek to your room.
Once you got there, Torbek moved you to the bed while pulling your clothes off. Your breath hitched as he ran a claw down your body. Softly tracing your curves as your body shivered in excitement.
You never got to finish your sentence as you were picked up and thrown onto the bed. He climbed onto of you, already removing his clothes to grab your legs and push them up. You squealed and tried to cover your naked pussy as he growled and pushed your hands away.
He used one hand to spread your lips and the other to line his cock up and push into you. You cried out at the intrusion, not prepared to take such a large thing.
He was kind enough to stop and give you a minute to catch your breath before he continued pushing in. You couldn't stop your body from shaking and the tears that spilled down your face as he kept going.
It wasn't until he nuzzled into your neck that you realized you were tense and crying. He had stopped and pressed a few kisses to your neck to comfort you.
“T-Torbek,” you gasped as you felt something warm inside of you. Something different.
You could see the witchlight in the canisters bubble and shine brightly as he gently pulled out and pushed in again.
You looked down to where you were connected through bleary eyes as you saw purple goo?
“Torbek can make it better. It will feel good I promise.”
He pushed himself up to watch you as you felt a nice haze come over you. You gasped and moaned as the feeling of euphoria started to slowly run through you. Your hands shook as you ran your hands through his fur and gripped his shoulders as your toes curled and you pressed up onto him.
The feeling of your orgasm was different. It was like the sun warming your skin. Your back arched and you let out a small cry as it hit you.
You slowly relaxed into the bed as Torbek slowly pushed himself in and out of you. Keeping a lazy pace as he nosed at your neck.
“Torbek discovered witchlight is a wonderful aphrodisiac for you. It helps keep you slick for Torbek,” he groaned against you.
All you could do was nod as you pulled his face to you for a soft kiss. Keeping your lips close together as he kept his pace. You whined and tried to move your hips to indicate to go faster.
“Torbek is in no hurry. Torbek has a few days before he'll let you go.”
Your eyes rolled back as the pressure on your clit and the constant motion made you cum again.
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