#i think he goes i did not do that. seek help. why sm i talking in the tags tonight
pricemarshfield · 1 year
AUGH. i cant find the text for the book im talking about online. posting so i remember in the morning to take a screenshot and go batshit about it here
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rafesproperty · 1 month
Im BEGGING so hard they make Rarry happend (rafe and Barry) BECAUSE LIKE EVEN THE CAST SHIPS ITTTT
The thing is that if one of them was a girl everyone in the fandom would go insane over them, but since they are boys it probably won’t even happen.
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THESE ARE NOT‼️ PLATONIC LOOKS. The eyes, chico, they never lie
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Topper is me asf
They would literally make so much sense. The thing is Barry is so special to Rafe in so many ways. Notice the way Rafe lets Barry talk to him (sassy, making fun of him, Barry literally going “let me lead and SHUT UP” and Rafe just going “ok🥰”, Barry going “I’ll knock that J-Crew lookin ass out” and Rafe just smirking and blushing). Rafe would NOT let people speak to him the way he lets Barry speak to him… like ever 😭 Also when Barry told him he’ll lead it was when they went after the Pogues and it’s something Rafe very much cared about. HE’S A PROACTIVE TYPE OF PERSON, he would not let someone he doesn’t 100% trust “lead,” he’s a control freak. Yet here he was, just going “okay,” trusting Barry with something so important to him.
Barrys presence is so important in Rafes life and I feel like neither of them really realises but it genuinely is. RAFE ALWAYS RUNS TO BARRY FIRST. He would NOT let anyone know he killed Peterkin (Topper and Kelce are his closest friends and he’d never tell them), yet here he was on Barrys floor, confessing to him, allowing him to see his breakdown AND —
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He slept AT BARRYS when he had probably the worst day ever (Ward screaming “Rafe you fucked us!” at him, him drowning Sarah and Topper beating him up happened in the same day) and the next scene we get is Rafe waking up on Barrys couch. I imagine him going into absolute panic in the middle of the night and not wanting to go home to his dad, the only place he can think of being Barrys… so he goes to Barry. We were so, so robbed of a scene where Rafe shows up in the middle of the night saying “I didn’t know where else to go” with a beat up face and Barry going “Shit, country club.”
I’m just convinced Rafe felt safe enough with Barry so he always ran to him.
Their first meeting in S3 as well. I’m pretty sure that was the first time they saw each other since Barry betrayed him in S2 and Rafe was just okay and calm and ASKED BARRY FOR HELP AGAIN. Rafe holds grudges like crazy, yet he trusted him enough after his betrayal to seek him out again. Like nothing ever happened. And Barry helped him again. Because Barry always helps him (he claims it’s just for the money but the thing is he was willing to murder for Rafe and that is not something he was comfortable with the entire show, I’m genuinely convinced he would not accept that offer from anyone, murder being over the line for him… yet for Rafe? Yeah).
We could see Barry being uncomfortable by Rafes murderous temptations in a few scenes (especially the one where he tried to drown Kie), but the second Rafe asked him to kill Ward he was like ALRIGHT I’LL DO IT FOR YOU. Also Rafe was so hyperfixated on his dad, it was the most important person in the world to him, so him asking Barry to do it just shows the level of trust. He asked Barry to free him of this burden.
Also Barry DOES NOT do it only for the money. In Season 2 when Rafe comes over to pick up his drugs and asks Barry for “a piece” (a gun), Barry giggles and makes jokes UNTIL Rafe says “Do you realise it’s either me or him (John B) in this situation, right?” and in that very moment Barry switches and goes full angry protective mode and pulls out an entire bag full of guns 😭 And is fully ready to go with Rafe and to protect him and shoot a Pogue for him. But Rafe did not ask for help. He didn’t offer him money. He just asked for a gun. Barry did all of that on his own and he went with him on his own. I think that’s also why Rafe told him “You know I’ll take care of you,” he himself was surprised someone was willing to protect him and go with him out of their own free will.
At the end of S1 Barry went with Rafe after the Pogues because they owed him money, but he still handled Rafes mental breakdown pretty well (NO other character ever managed that, not even his family), he cracked some jokes and got Rafe out of the panic state by motivating him to go do something about it, and joining him.
Also the shit they say to each other…
“You know I’ll take care of you.”
“I own you now.”
“Tranquilo, baby.”
Barry casually saying “How does that feel, babyboy?” in S1
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Nice try mf I know love eyes when I see them
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Another thing is their dynamic is absolutely perfect. Rafe, a bit psychotic, always taking everything seriously, grumpy asf and Barry, sassy mf that takes nothing seriously and is quite literally the only person that knows how to handle Rafe and how to talk back to him.
PLUS the actors shipping them is so wholesome and funny tbh (at least we won’t have another Jiara accident uhm…)
They also ADMITTED VERY PROUDLY that they send Rarry edits to each other 😭 “You know, whenever I miss Drew we’ll run back the tiktoks” dnsjskks
Drew literally going “Nick Cirillo who plays Barry in the show, my right hand… also my lover”
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That’s boyfriends right there
One more thing I’d like to add is Barry was so judgy of Ward when he came to see Rafe (in S2 right before Rafe tried to run away and Ward came to warn him from the police), now it might be because Ward beat him up in S1 orrrrrr because he simply saw Rafes state (Rafe probably told him that his dad yelled at him that day when he slept over) and didn’t like his dad a single bit. I choose to go with the protective bf option.
Again, if one of them was a girl it would be one of the most popular ships just bc of their dynamic and banter and chemistry (JJPope situation all over again).
I hope Drew and Nick manage to sneak in a little bro kiss in some of the upcoming seasons (like that scene from Deadly Class when Marcus is randomly bro kissed), feel like it’s something they would 100% do 😭… Imagine drunk Barry going “Country cluuubbb, mwah” and Rafe just 🧍🏻
And I’d love to continue with more pics and edits but Tumblr won’t let me add more so we’ll end it here.
But they genuinely mean the world to me. I think a lot of people are shipping them as a joke but I’m IN LOVE with their ship and dynamic and the bond between them.
That’s all ty for reading 💕
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
What I think class 1b were like as toddlers because I cant stop thinking about it <3
Awase - definitely got in trouble a lot for welding shit together, he would welding his toys together to make these big as sculptures to give to his dad and it would be so cute but such a pain in the ass at the same time. He tries to be helpful with his quirk though <3 one time he was holding the light for his dad (universal experience) and welded the light to his forehead only to blind his dad when they looked at eachother.
Sen - he was a good kid for the most part but I think he would test peoples patience and pick fights with litterally everyone. Like some kid down the street looked at him wrong so now hes chasing him down the street screaming with a handfull of water balloons. Has 100% threatened to drill people with his quirk <3 took pictures of anything and everything with his moms phone.
Kamakiri - spent 100% of his time outside catching bugs or frogs or something. His mom would constantly get onto him for bringing bugs and shit into the house so he would go outside with a little grass hopper in his hands and sulk on the porch </3
Kuroiro - he would mostly keep to himself and just draw or play alone simply because he preferred it that way but the one game he always loved playing with others was hide and seek, only because he was a GOD at that game. 100% made a babysitter almost cry before because they thought he ran away or something when he was just hiding in the shadows (quite litterally)
Kendo - pure angel. Nice to everyone and everything and helped with anything she could help with <3 she seems like the type of kid that would hold your hand or something if you were sad or do something for you that makes her happy and omg I love her sm <3
Kodai - quiet kid. She did 100% use her quirk oh her toys though. Like she would take a small dino figure and size it up to take up her entire room to be more accurate to the game shes playing. Mostly kept to herself and was akward around others but definitely liked helping <3
Komori - problem child. She grew mushrooms everywhere and would pretend to make mushroom soup with the mushrooms she grew <3 definitely had to go to the hospital before because 'pretty mushrooms cant be poisonous' (the pretty mushroom was in fact poisonous)
Ibara - had one of those pocket bibles that she carried with her all the time. Stereotypical christian kid <3 not much I can say tbh exsept I feel like her vine hair would get caught on stuff a lot
Shishida - such a big kid for his age but shy asf. Hid behind his moms leg when he met new people. People constantly thought he was a short teen for how hairy he is when hes like 5. Idk why but he gives me 'doesent like loud noises' vibes. Asked his mom for shades to look cool and they stayed with him ever since
Shoda - shy kid that hides behind his moms leg 2.0. Idk why but I feel like he was a leash kid. Not because he was a problem child but because he would just wander off and no one would notice. Almost got cps called on him mom like 12 times for child neglect because he just walks away lmao
Pony - she the kid that walks up to strangers at pools and stuff and says shit like "my mommy says that her sister is a narcissistic bitch that deserves to rot in hell, watch me do this, its really cool!" Then she just jumps in the pool while whoever shes talking too goes through the 5 stages of grief.
Tsubaraba - problem child. Definitely was one of those kids that made up jokes that dont make sense (He thinks theyre funny plz laugh) also a very talkative kid. Not in the pony way but he would walk up to you and tell you everything he knows about dinos <3 ran out of breath quickly when he was a kid (cuz his quirk) so he had a little inhaler on him all the time
Tetsutetsu - outgoing popular kid that everyone likes. Everyone wants him on their dodge ball team <3. Knew different cuss words but not what they ment so he would say shit like 'son of a fuck you bitchin butt fart' or shit like that. Almost bit his tongue off before because he was talking while eating. (I wanna say he learned his lesson but he did it again a week later.)
Tokage - really liked legos as a kid. Her entire bedroom was just legos and her pet lizard named after some character from a movie she liked or smthn. She would confidently shout the wrong awnser in class (thinking shes right) and get hella confused when the teacher says shes wrong. Pony type talkative <3
Manga - his parents fridge never had enough room for his drawings. The only trouble he would cause is drawing on the walls or his bed sheet and stuff like that. He was pretty good at controlling his quirk but he was still really careful to not say certain things that would lead to house fires or his family being crushed lmao
Honenuki - adorable kid. He would constantly go up to strangers and compliment them <3 he would steal his dads ties and stuff and walk around with them on to feel like an adult and it was always so cute. Definitely the type of kid thay would take his moms phone to take pictures of random flowers and shit.
Bondo - taller and bigger than the rest of the kids his age. He preferred playing with bugs and other small animals than the other kids. One day he came home from school and his mom saw that he had a rabbit? For some reason? Next thing ya know they have a pet rabbit called carrot stick and it was his best friend <3
Monoma - he was cannonly teased and made fun of a lot as a kid for his quirk so I think he had some hannah montana type double life. Like at school he was being bullied and kept to himself and just kinda sit there and take it but at home he would be talking about how he rulled the school and was treated like a king there because of how awesome he is </3
Reiko - watched a lot of horror movies as a kid. Like her babysitter would be like 'you cant watch that its too scary' but then the babysitter is the one that ends up scared while reiko is drawing a little doodle of whatever movie monster is in front of her <3
Rin - angel child. Definitely shy but will talk your ear off if you ask him about dragons <3 his mom has the entire 'how to train your dragon' movie franchise memorized because of how often rin would watch it. He would pick flowers (or weeds that look like flowers) on his way home from school and give them to his family.
They were all so sweet im gonna cry </3
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goldencuffs · 6 months
omg thank you sm for the update! I loved the latest chapter sm 😭❤️👌💯👏 the fact that Laurent and isander's incompatibility is SO blatantly visible now lol. I mean it was apparent from the start if one looked closely enough but now it's just like 😬 ykwim and on the other hand we have Damen who is not only attracted to Laurent but also wants to tc of him sm and Laurent wanting to be seen and kinda be there for Damen as well but since it's all from Damen's pov it's hard to show that ig not that Laurent has got many opportunities to get close and really spend time with Damen without isander hehe.
The slowly worsening condition of Damen is painful to watch.. him thinking it is his punishment and not seeking help from any other person in his life .. (I mean hello? Kashel? Nik?) he's being so deliberately neglectful towards himself.. and at the same time Laurent is suffering as well. So far from home with no friends and a shitty bf (can you tell I dislike isander?) who can't give two shits and is being a jerk and top of that he's attracted to his bf's father and it's hella confusing and complex 😩 at least Damen apologised (tho he needed a jealousy pill to finally get the guts to face laurent) and good on Laurent for not immediately forgiving Damen.. he was rather cruel tho I understand he was panicking as well hehe..
All this to say that I really love the fic and I honestly don't know where you'll take it ... maybe they'll get to talk and clear the air and maybe they'd bone to get it out of the system but idk if they'll end up together coz 👀 it kinda is a complicated situation (understatement of the year) and what are they gonna do if it did turn out to be more than just physical chemistry (which I know it'll be) ig I'll just have to wait to see but yeah I wanted to ramble all that.
If you made it this far then thank you for listening to me ramble sorry for the passage lol. Can't wait to read more and have a nice day!
listen i love this entire breakdown and i love you!!! i completely agree, it's a complicated, messed up situation from ALL angles which is why damen is going through it!! 😋 also laurent definitely doesn't stay away for long - how can he?? the next chapter goes into all this more - the two of them constantly skirting boundaries and seeing what they can get away with hehe
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morkleemelon · 4 years
nct ideal types 2021 :: dream
127 version | this has been on my mind for a bit and I wanted to write it down- these will consist of confirmed facts and then my own thoughts. the latter part is, as it sounds, strictly from my opinion and observation and may well not be accurate. this is just for fun! proceed~
mark lee:
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confirmed: likes someone with long black hair who is nice (on air nct show)
my thoughts:
he moved to korea to train when he was like 13 and has been busy as a bee ever since. I don’t know his life but I feel like he hasn’t really had the chance to date much if at all yet. this brings me to think he would prefer someone who can lead in the relationship
he grew up christian and seems to still hold those ideals. although if he really liked someone it wouldn’t be an issue, this makes me think he would be drawn to someone with similar ideals
he laughs a lot and gets along well with people who are funny (haechan, yuta, jungwoo). I think that he would like someone with a good sense of humor
he doesn’t spend money lavishly and prefers to use what he has (i.e. the jansport backpack, not having youtube premium, keeping all the gifts he receives in his bag). all of this points to him preferring someone modest and not wasteful
mark got jisung a bracelet that costs over $1000 for his birthday (what a good bro I’m cry). he likes songs like ‘I got you’ by Bazzi (mark superm quarantine playlist) which is about spoiling a girl. this all makes me think that although he is frugal for himself, he likes spoiling others and would like to spoil his significant other
From Japan official book vol 1, mark said he wasn’t sure what his ideal first date would be, but he answered that it would be to go to a restaurant and have a good meal because he likes eating. So someone who’s down for simple dates and perhaps also good at cooking (because our boy can’t even make an egg)
From the same magazine, he said he doesn’t care about fashion and would like his partner to “wear what she likes”. Doesn’t seem like he goes for style much!
huang renjun:
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confirmed: n/a
my thoughts:
I strongly feel like he would want to feel like the ‘man in the relationship’. he would want to feel protective over his partner and that’s why I think he would adore someone smaller than him
he’s full of chaotic rage energy (in the cutest way that would never actually hurt anybody). to balance out these vibes, renjun would match well with someone calm and sweet
looks-wise besides being a petite person, I can envision someone very cute, probably with shorter, un-dyed hair
renjun is into sci-fi movies and shows and confirmed he believes in aliens (weekly idol). I think he’d be drawn to someone with a big imagination who likes sci-fi as well
lee jeno:
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confirmed: n/a
my thoughts:
jeno is really really shy (when he met yeeun from clc to mc together, they said they couldn’t even talk at first because it was so awkward). I think jeno would like someone more outgoing but not overwhelming
I feel like his ideal type is literally like renjun- a little fiesty and literally, little. jeno has mentioned that he loves renjun’s voice too, so perhaps he would be interested in someone with a nice voice
he works out a lot and likes physical activities like biking and going to the gym. I think he’d like someone who values fitness and health too
he loves animals and has 3 cats of his own despite being allergic. because of this, I think he’d like a person who loves animals too
lee haechan:
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confirmed: someone with a nice voice/ singing voice. someone with shorter hair
my thoughts:
he’s so extroverted and craves attention from whoever he’s around, and that wouldn’t be an exception for the person he likes. he’d want someone who looks up to him and gives him attention
he’s still really young and even enjoys movies like the kissing booth (I’m sorry I had to bring it up because I think it’s important). ignoring the actual bad parts of that movie, I think he’s interested in that young love, dancing together at the arcade, kissing in the rain, come over to his house in secret, type relationship
haechan seems to be especially close friends with foreign swaggers line (mark, johnny, jaehyun) so I’m thinking that perhaps he likes the western vibe
during oshiete Japan, he and Yuta were the only ones who chose to give three roses to a hypothetical ‘lover’ (they had to choose between 4 types of roses to give). the psychologist said that this means haechan is “flirty and attention-seeking” which makes a lot of sense. this adds to my point that he would like someone who gives him a lot of attention and good reactions
during a recent fansign (1/23?) OP asked “what are things girls do that makes you flattered?” to which he answered “when I did something wrong and get scolded, that scary look makes me flattered”. although it’s a bit awkwardly translated, this insinuates that he likes it when he gets scolded by a girl. *jaemin voice* sexayyy. thus, I’m adding that haechan likes a someone strong headed and not afraid to scold him
na jaemin:
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confirmed: n/a
my thoughts:
he has a sort of 180 personality where he’s either really energetic or prefers to be in the background. jeno says that jaemin hardly talks at the dorms after schedules because his social battery is dead. this is classic introvert behavior so I think he would vibe well with someone patient and calm
he’s the sweetest boy and he volunteers often for unicef and was even cast to sm while he was volunteering. he’d appreciate someone who shares similar values and likes helping others
I think he often doesn’t think or worry about himself. he goes out of his way to please others and help others and often disregards what he actually wants because of it (i.e. taking his shirt off at the dream show even though he was uncomfortable I’m so sad poor baby). he needs someone who is thoughtful and who reminds him when it’s time to stop and think of himself
looks-wise, I’m gonna be completely honest when I say I think he doesn’t go for looks. personality and morals are key
his favorite member of snsd is tiffany. he never confirmed if she was his ideal type, but perhaps he’s attracted to her bubbly, girly personality
zhong chenle:
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confirmed: he’s only into girls (vlive)
my thoughts:
this may be a stretch, but in a live he was doing, chenle was talking about which member of wayv princesses was the prettiest. he said something along the lines of ‘ew they all looked weird’ but later admitted that kun was probably the only one who ‘looked okay’. kun was snow white which brings me to my first prediction which is that lele likes the classic chinese beauty (black hair, pale skin, elegant, gentle)
chenle loves winning and he loves to be praised. although his mbti shows that he’s an introvert, he would crave the full attention of his s/o. someone who looks only at him
during the from home live, he was asked to act out a scenario where he accidentally ate his girlfriend’s food. haechan (who was acting as the girlfriend) went “buy me 10 more” and chenle just went “okay :)”. ngl, kinda fell in love with him then but this makes me think he’d want someone to spoil
park jisung:
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confirmed: likes it when people call him 오빠 (oppa) - take this how you will
my thoughts:
debuting at 14, I’m quite sure he hasn’t had the opportunity to have a relationship yet. this being said, he also seems quite innocent and shy which is why I think he would prefer someone who knows what they’re doing and isn’t afraid to speak their opinion
just from vibes, I think he would wanna be with someone like a best friend to him. someone who’s down to just hang out and talk, play video games and watch movies etc.
he’s quite tall (the tallest in dream) so I think he’d actually be ok with a tall person maybe even around the same height as him
maybe not a definite need, but I feel like he’d be impressed by someone who can dance well since dancing is such a big part of his life
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bunnygotchi · 2 years
thank you sm for the ask!!! putting this under a read more bc oh my god i rambled so much. also tw for mentions of stalking and murder (my bad)
my favorite oc who i can't stop talking about rn is named adam. he is a transmasc mortician with agoraphobia! he is about 26 years old, 5'5", skinny (like 110 lbs), with light brown skin, curly short black hair, and brown eyes. if you're wondering why i'm being so detailed it's because i wrote a story about him for a screenwriting class and i have a 7 page character bio on him that goes into little details that i now want to utilize and share lol. adam is super introverted! part of this is due to social anxiety, tying into his agoraphobia, but another is just a lack of interest in socializing. he never had the desire to make friends, or to form relationships. i would say he's somewhat self centered, but in a weird way. he doesn't think he's like the greatest man ever, he just thinks that he's skilled and smart (which is true) and that he only really needs himself. he became a mortician not for the desire to help others grieve, but just because he found that he was certain he could pick up the craft easily. and he did! he's good at it. he's detail oriented and meticulous. but he's selfish enough to not care about helping families grieve, despite his profession adam keeps to himself and is incredibly awkward to talk to. he's overly blunt and doesn't emote very much, and he just generally has very little social skills, so attempting to even just do small talk with him is a whole thing lol. he also doesn't really care about nice things. he gets good money in his profession, but actively chooses to stay in a small, cheap apartment that's decorated very modestly. he likes to save money and essentially never spend it. sometimes he likes to paint, but it's mainly underwhelming abstracts. i know these are a lot of little details. i love him very much. now i'll talk about more in depth stuff lol. adam was created after my partner and i finished watching hannibal, and were interested in making ocs for serial killers. so in the typical canon, adam becomes a serial killer. that might seem cliche given the everything about him but well. his partner did it first, he's more just an aid to it all if anything. my partner and i don't actually go into the serial killer direction with him much anymore. he's just kind of weird LOL his partner. oh boy. his partner is my partner's oc, named avery. for a short version, avery (they/them) is a well known, well liked, and wealthy lawyer. they're known for never losing a case and seeking justice. this is not true though! they're a crook, and often take cases for murders they committed, then pin it on others successfully lolz. they are also an adrenaline junkie, and after they couldn't get that rush from sky diving or cliff jumping or whatever, they just decided murder was the place to go. very awesome. bringing them up bc they're a big part of adam's character - i promise i'll be done soon. avery is absolutely obsessed with adam. when the two met, they started stalking him, finding out every single little thing they could about him, while still just appearing very calm and smooth during their next few meetings. when this gets revealed, adam is like. flattered. ok freak. (also no i don't think this is a good thing to be irl this is purely for the cool fictious vibes). adam had a whole crisis meeting them bc he doesn't know what love is, and hardly knows how to make relationships of any kind happen in the first place, so it was like a whole mess. but in a codependant, dysfunctional, sexy way. they are in love and insane adam is only emotional with avery, as later in the relationship especially he can't help but emote heavily and get easily embarrassed at everything, since such intense emotions are a lot for him! still, avery becomes his whole life and in some instances, my partner and i have said sometimes that he quits his job and essentially just becomes a house husband for avery which is awesome bc he isn't good at cooking or cleaning. ok i'm done now. sorry for being autistic i love this guy and his partner so much
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disenchantedfaerie · 4 years
So many things to say and so many things not to say.
Fandom: This fandom is toxic. There is no other way to put it. It’s toxic from top to bottom, left to right, diagonally. My partners and I discussed this today because we were bored. We whole heartedly believe it starts at the top and by top I mean her majesty of the written word. Of course, now that’s she’s dropped the self diagnosis of “somewhat autistic,” you really can’t say anything because then you’re a horrible person. But she uses that as an excuse for her snark and condescending attitude. Hey. Whatever lady. I don’t follow you, I don’t read your books and aside from the few things I see, you’re no better than the leads. The difference is you’ve been milking the fandom for 30 years; people are waiting for you to finish and you can’t even complete the one that was supposed to be done last year. Yet you continue to yak about this side thing or that side thing and really, I don’t need a JF origin story. We’ve gotten that enough in the 9 other flipping books. You see the pattern here tho folks?
The female lead: She has done her share of being flippant and rude to people on her SM. She becomes sweet as pecan pie on Thanksgiving when she wants to want to launch something though. She was the one who wanted to end the shipper rumors and so IFH happened but sadly when you skirt around a subject and don’t say your partner’s name or take photos of them/with them and only take photos with your male lead in what could be construed as compromising positions - yeah. People will continue to buy what you sell to them. I’ve said it time and again, they are the biggest trolls in the fandom and do more to fuel the ship, even now that she is married to another man who is not the male lead, than anyone else. That’s all I have to say about her. She doesn’t owe anyone anything, none of them do actually, but sometimes being kind goes out the window with the lot of them.
His highness: Where to begin? His “fans” come all the way over here to our little corner of tumblr to hide behind Anon Asks to spew their hate and vitriol to those of us who seem to have opinions that differ from theirs. Namely, he is not a god. He is not someone we worship. We simply come together over coffee and tea and trade stories of current events and talk about the what if’s. My opinion of him is based on his own actions. Maybe all these “fans” want to blur the timeline of events and take it as gospel from his highness that he went on his luxury vacation before the travel ban while the rest of us cancelled ours and many lost jobs and incomes. Well that’s simply untrue. When he was called out, knowing he was wrong, instead of being the sweet, humble, normal guy that everyone says he is, he doubled down, became rude, flippant, went on a blocking spree, posting articles about COVID being no worse than the flu. Did his traveling companion get serious threats. I believe so. I believe he has as well from the same kind of people that come here to our little corner of tumblr, keyboard warriors that hide behind their anonymity and spew hate and vitriol. I also believe that people have gone to Glasgow and stalked his flat, which, come on people. That’s wrong on so many levels. I lived in LA for many years. It never occurred to me to drive to Malibu, Hollywood Hills, Laurel Canyon to actually stalk the celebs. Why? What’s the point? So I can see them in their grungy clothes looking like real people? No thanks. I don’t have that kind of time or energy. Thus the 4 page rant. Hey good for you dude. It’s about time you grew a pair actually but what did it accomplish? Nothing really except people stopped talking about his covidiocy. Why? Not because he wasn’t a covidiot and quite frankly still is (remember, he’s the king of “it’s not worse than the flu”) but because he pulled the mental health card. I think he does have mental health issues. I still have high hopes that some day he will realize this himself and seek the help he needs.
Now these Anons come to our little corner of tumblr and drop their comments saying things like “I hope you get COVID and die. It’s because of you he did his 4 page rant. The people you call mommies are his real fans.” Mmmkay. I used to blindly defend him. I used to buy into his shilling and his ever so sweet exterior, I even bought into the “best fans ever” bullshit. You want to blame us who never name him, her or the one who “writes” in any blog, never hashtag him, her, or the other one or the show, never interact with any of them on other platforms of SM for his 4 page rant, his mental illness, all of his flaws and accuse us of not being fans - fine. He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Perhaps you need to sit back and take a long look at yourself in the mirror as well. Wishing a deadly disease on people, making threats, spewing hatred - isn’t this the exact same thing that was done to his highness and you were all up in arms about it, yet you come here and do it to others and think that’s okay. What makes it okay? Because you’re defending your favorite star? If this is what it means to part of this fandom, part of his fandom specifically, no thank you. When y’all can walk on water, then you can judge me. Until then, judge not lest ye be judged.
I walked away long ago but I’m still human and still have an opinion, everyone does. If he’s your favorite celeb then perhaps you should follow his advice the next time you see something you don’t agree with - suggest you ignore. He’s the one that started the entire “be kind” campaign right? Or does that only apply when it’s comvenient? If you think this is the sort of behavior that will get you on his Christmas card list or the top of his potential list of never ending “girlfriends” - well, good luck. At some point this man (again, he’s a man, he’s flawed, he makes mistakes and he’s not perfect) will fall from the pedestal his fandom have put him on and then where will you all be? He has been unapologetic for all the things he’s done. He continues to shill his swill and all his other crap when a lot people can’t make ends meet. He continues to ask for donations to HIS causes instead of asking people to take care of themselves or their own communities. I love Scotland as much as anyone but my money right now is better served in my community. I ignore most of what they all do, following his own suggestion of ignoring, but things cross my dash and I do not condone or appreciate threats. I didn’t condone it when the threats were directed at him, his traveling companion, or anyone else nor have I ever made a threat against anyone.
I wish to be treated the way I treat others and if you can’t do the same, if you can’t engage with me in a calm, adult manner, I don’t have time for you. You can have a differing opinion than me. It’s okay. We don’t have to agree but we can respectfully disagree and discuss, not argue, about who’s right and who’s wrong. It isn’t cut and dry, black and white. We can agree to disagree and still be civil and still be friends.
My Scotsman added this: When will the games end, when will the games stop? I had high hopes for his highness to lead by example and be better but he’s a follower and he followers her majesty’s lead. He follows his business partner’s lead. He sees her milk the fandom, so why can’t he and he does an excellent job of it. His fandom vote for meaningless awards until their fingers bleed, buy all of his merchandise, buy anything he sells up to and including the ship. Is there an ounce of him being a genuine person left? Yes. He gives us a glimpse now and again but make no mistake, he will take you for what you’re worth. Maybe one day he’ll change and we’ll follow him again. Until then, I’ll be watching like my partner. I’ll be around.
I guess at the end of the day my point is this, the fandom made itself toxic and I highly doubt at this point it can or will turn around. Why would it? All we can do is choose to be part of the toxicity and contribute to it and pass it forward like these precious anons have been doing or we can choose to walk away, scroll on by, try to make the world or at least our little corner of it better.
I’m still disenchanted. I hope one day my wings turn white again with the promise of a better time and place. Until then, take care my friends. I’ll be watching and I’ll be blogging.
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aaaaang · 4 years
Drabble prompt: Wuko goes on their first date and mako takes too long to realize that it is in fact a date and not just two bros hanging out lol
Oh... I got carried away with this one.... I really liked this one....... thank u sm 💖
Wu has been acting weird lately. It's true that Wu acted weird all the time, but this was a very different kind of weird. Mako didn't know what to make of it...
The night started just as any night did between the two of them. Mako was by himself as he tried to work on some paper work and Wu was... doing what ever he did in that bedroom of his. (Mako would be lying if he said he didn't have his own vanity routine, but he genuinely did not know what took him that long. And how can someone own so many shirts in so many colors?)
It was quiet and peaceful. That is until Wu barged into the room, loud and bigger than life. He did that a lot, taking charge of a room and becoming center stage. By now, Mako has gotten used to how much room he takes.
Suddenly, they were both off to a night on the town. However, when they entered the Sato Mobile, Wu turned toward Mako and asked where he would like to go. Some place that they hadn't been to. Someplace Mako specifically knew. Afterall, Wu always chose and he'd rather see something Mako would like. So, despite his better judgment, Mako gave the driver the address to Narook's.
Clue number one: attention.
Narook's was not the place to take a prince. It was in a worser part of the city (but not the worst) and there was a good chance they could have run into trouble. Not to mention the joint itself was nothing like the up scale restaurants Wu had taken them to before. The walls were old and not as well kept as they should be. Seating was close together, which on a busy night meant weaving your way through people and tables and definitely knocking into people. The decor was probably pretty far from on trend as well. Oh yeah and the kitchen was pretty much right there.
But when Mako thought good food, he thought of warm cheap noodles and broth. Surprisingly, Wu seemed enthralled with it all.
"I don't think I've ever been to a place like this before. So... worn and vibrant!" Wu was observing a rather loud party right next to them with a smile. "And pretty loud too, haha! I don't think I've ever had a noisy dinner."
Mako rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his seat.
"You should be here during a pro bending tournament. Much worse," Mako added on with a bit of a groan. Oh the many times he had spilled food during a busy night...
Wu laughed at that, turning his attention back to Mako and leaning across the table.
"I didn't say it was a bad thing, you know. I think I like this." Wu gestured vaguely around them. "You don't really feel alone. Kinda like you have a family."
There was something in his eyes that seemed to give away a lot more than he was telling. Mako almost wanted to ask but he found the words trapped somewhere. There was something else in the air and in their words. Feet pressed against his under the table, and he pressed back without much thought.
"Oh my-Mako is that the wolfbats? Wait a minute... Mako is that you in that picture?"
And then that something else was gone.
Clue number two: the air.
After they finished eating, Wu insisted they walked around. Something about fresh air helping digestion or... what ever. Mako tuned him out. (Definitely did not get distracted by watching Wu covering his ears or anything. No, he intentionally missed what he said.)
Fall was starting to come to an end, and with winter came a chill. It wasn't too bad yet, just enough to bite at your nose and ears. Mako dealt with the cold rather well, years of living off of the streets developed a bit of a resistance to it. Also, he had his fire bending to warm him up if he truly got chilly.
It seemed Wu did not fair the same. He brought a scarf to cover his neck, but as they kept walking he pressed closer and closer to Mako to seek warmth. It got to the point where their hands constantly bumped into the other. Not wanting him to freeze, Mako simply pulled him into his side with a hand on his waist. Again, he thought nothing of it.
"I told you to wear something heavier," Mako chided.
"Mako, I can't predict it to drop so quickly. What do you want me to do? Hire a 24/7 weather man or something?"
Wu seemed to press into him just a little bit more than necessary. Mako didn't find it in him to mind. They spent the rest of their walk quietly talking to each other. Mostly, Mako listened. He didn't mind that each either.
Clue three: touch.
The rest of the night passed like this: Wu and Mako walked down the streets with the light of the lamps and shops guiding them. Every once in a while they were stopped either by people recognizing Mako or by some window catching Wu's eye. They stayed close together and nothing else eventful seemed to happen. It was overall just... pleasant. Much more enjoyable than bars or mixers or what ever else Wu drags him to, that's for sure.
They make it back to the hotel suite, and Mako goes back to his paper work. At this point, Wu goes to the bathroom and then to his room for the night. Instead, he lingers in the shared room. It's odd. Very odd.
Just as Mako gets puts his pen to paper Wu speaks up.
"Hey Mako, I had a fun night tonight," He says quietly.
He's leaning against the entrance to the hallway, his arm across his body as his hand props him up. Wu looks small. He's a small man in general, but he always seemed to take up a room. Now he seems to be just a tiny flame in the corner of a dark room.
"I did too," Mako says back.
Somehow that doesn't feel like the right answer. There's this quietness between them, and similar to the moment in Narook's but a little... worse? Mako cannot figure out why. They hold each others gaze.
Then Wu pulls away. The moment is lost as a smile stretches across his face. His usual bright smile, yet he somehow looks small still.
"Well! You tired me out, big guy. I'm going to head to bed. Make sure you don't fall asleep at that table again. You'll get a neck injury, and then what would i do without you?" Wu pulls away and heads towards his bedroom door. He waves as he heads inside. "Night buddy! See you in the morning!"
And as quick as he came in hours ago, he's gone. It's quiet. Mako is alone.
At first he picks up his pen and tries to write again. He tries to call back the thought that he had before Wu spoke yet the only thing that he can think about is Wu and just how odd tonight has been.
Why had Wu wanted to go somewhere Mako enjoyed? He didn't share a taste for high end cuisine like Wu did. He suggested a noodle joint of all things, yet Wu agreed. Actually, he seemed to really enjoy it. The only other person he's seen eat like that was Bolin. Mako knows this because he couldn't stop watching him eat. He tried to hide it, but it certainly made him smile.
And they walked along the streets, why did Mako indulge him in that? Wu looked and walked like money, he was aware of what could have happened on that street if they weren't careful. But Wu was pressed against him, excitedly telling him about some story or another. When people recognized Mako they gave them a *look* and he found some sort of amusement out of it. Mostly, Mako couldn't stop watching the way the lights of the city shaped and changed Wu's face. How much his eyes seemed to shine and reflect them. There was a certain loud beat in his chest as his heart-
Clue number four: his heart.
The chair crashed against the floor as Mako stood. Before he could entirely understand what he was doing, he was making his way to Wu's bedroom door. He caught himself before he burst in and instead opted to knock on the door pretty loudly.
The door cracked open, Wu hiding behind it.
"Yes, Mako?" He asked tiredly.
Mako felt his mouth dry out and his tongue turn to sandpaper. He forced the words out of his mouth.
"I was just-you know tonight it was uh great! I uh-I realize I didn't quite-uh... you and I, we went as pals-I mean not pals. We-"
Mako silently cursed to himself and squeezed his eyes shut. Stop stumbling over your words, Mako! Stop fucking this up! Why did he have to be so bad at this, huh?
Breathe in. Breatheout.
He opened his eyes to find Wu starring up at him with a blank expression. He carefully tried again.
"Wu... did you take me on a date?" Mako finally asked.
Wu covered his mouth as he started to laugh. Embarrassed, Mako joined him.
"Yes! Of course it was a date." Wu answered him after his laughter seemed to calm down some. There were tears in his eyes threatening to spill and stains where they had before. He reached over to crowd into Mako's space. "Took you long enough. I thought you were letting me down easy..."
"No, I really didn't know." Mako pulled him closer, just like he had tonight. Both hands on his waist. "I should have known, it seems pretty obvious now. But... well I haven't been on that many dates you know."
Wu hummed and slowly slid his hands up Mako's chest to steady himself.
"Did you like it? The date?" Wu asked softly. Mako could see in his eyes he was worried. "Do you... do you like me?"
"Yeah. Yeah I did." Carefully, Mako leaned down to place a kiss on Wu's lips. He pulled away with a whisper. "Yeah, I do."
He didn't have to see Wu's smile to know it was digging into his cheeks enough to show his dimple. He could feel it as Wu pulled him down for another kiss. And then another. And then another.
They spent that night exchanging soft kisses and sharing secrets in the dark. No one but the moon that covered them in light was there to witness them. It was odd, but Mako could get used to this new normal between them.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(未定事件簿) 莫弈 [剧情: 第2章] [Tears of Themis] Mo Yi Private Story Translations (Chapter 2-7)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist / Mo Yi’s Masterlist / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Mo Yi’s Private Story tag is #Tears of a Personal Psychiatrist. *Chapter 1 can be viewed here!
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Location: Mo's Mental Health Research Center
After confirming Li Yu's identity, Mo Yi rejected my request to continue taking part in the investigation.
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MC: Why!?
MC: It wasn't easy for us to get this far, Dr. Mo! There's no way I can just give up on this so easily!
Mo Yi: …...
But Mo Yi only continued staring at me in silence, a thoughtful look on his face.
Mo Yi: ...Before we put this discussion on the table, please answer me this honestly: Have the PUAs come to you for revenge?
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MC: Oh...No… They haven't; why do you ask…?
His sudden question caught me by surprise. I hurriedly avoided his eyes, pretending not to understand his question.
Mo Yi: I'm supposing that the "spam message" you received the other day was actually an SMS they'd sent as harassment.
Mo Yi: And recently, the actions that these people have been taking have been getting more and more aggressive; essentially having even affected your daily life to a certain extent.
Mo Yi: That's why you said they were "arrogant"; am I right?
MC: !!!
MC: ...Nothing gets past you after all.
I couldn’t help but to sigh, deciding to come clean about everything that I’d been hiding from him recently.
MC: Yeah. Some PUAs have been verbally harassing me with threats lately.
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Mo Yi: When did this start?
MC: Probably not long after the “Anti-PUA” Club turned into a mutual aid group. Someone had suddenly added me as a friend one day.
MC: They asked if I was the Lawyer who’d helped Lin Yunyun, and I thought that they were also a fellow victim, so I replied in the affirmative; but in the end...
I couldn’t stop all the many different sorts of harassment messages that I’d received recently from popping back up in my mind at the thought of it.
Those messages, not fit to be shown to anyone at all, were always sent to my phone at fixed timings. There were countless, so many that I could never delete them all even if I tried. It gradually became a personal living hell of nightmares.
MC: There were only a few people who did it sporadically at first, so blacklisting and blocking them worked like a charm; but then the number of people doing it increased...
MC: Why do they always choose to bombard people during sleeping hours!? Don’t these people need sleep too!?
However, I’d failed to notice how Mo Yi’s face was twisting itself into an increasingly unsightly look at this moment in time.
Mo Yi: ...Why didn’t you tell me? How were you planning to put up with this alone, if I hadn’t asked today?
MC: Well… It wasn’t anything big at all. They only sent me a couple of unpleasant texts, and it didn’t really cause a big impact on me or anything like that.
MC: Anyway, let’s not talk about this anymore and get back on the topic of how to continue our investigation. I—
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Mo Yi: I apologize, but my stand is still the same; it’ll be for the best if you don’t take part in the upcoming course of action.
MC: ……
Mo Yi: ……
That was how Mo Yi and I faced each other in a stand-off; neither of us saying anything, neither of us willing to back down.
The air came to a stand-still, the damning silence that would make anyone hold their breaths accompanied by the faint scent of “gunpowder”, as figurative sparks filled the air.
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MC: Then, could you tell me a reason why I should not? I can’t give up on this just because you tell me to, Dr. Mo.
Mo Yi: ……
Mo Yi: I have three reasons for this.
Mo Yi: Firstly, although Li Yu’s story was created from one big patchwork, Wang Chen is still an experienced PUA, from what we can glimpse from the credible parts of her story.
Mo Yi: I cannot allow you to interact with him alone, considering how you’ve not received the relevant training.
Mo Yi: Secondly, although our actions have not been fully exposed yet, the fact that the other party retaliated against you means that they’ve already got their eye on you.
Mo Yi: If this goes any further, it will only escalate; and when the time comes, it won’t just be merely verbal words of threat.
Mo Yi: They will attempt to break through your psychological defenses from all angles, thus, endangering your very life itself.
Mo Yi: And lastly…
He placed the teacup in his hands down, his gaze dropping to my face, an inexplicable emotion within his golden orbs.
Mo Yi: Just what’s in your mind, as you do these things?
Mo Yi: Is it to uphold justice? To deter the other members of the PUA Group? Or is it to save all of the girls who’ve been harmed by it?
Mo Yi: Can you really do all of this?
Mo Yi: Even if we did settle this matter with Li Yu along with all the other people backing her, there’ll still be other PUA Groups in this world who lurk in the dark.
Mo Yi: They’ll continue hunting girls, and even go so far as to treat you as a right thorn in their side, using various methods to retaliate against you to no ends.
Mo Yi: And at the very end of it all, not only will you fail to protect others; You might also very well be unable to protect yourself.
Mo Yi: This fairness and justice you seek might not be able to see the light at all.
Mo Yi: Now, with all that considered; are you still willing to continue on?
He waited quietly for my answer after finishing.
He had a look of utter seriousness on his face, so focused he was. However, the corners of his eyes and his eyebrows still presented the same calm he’d always displayed. Hence, I couldn’t tell just what exactly was going through his head.
But none of these mattered anymore. I don’t even need to think to answer this question of his.
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MC: Of course. Even so, I still wish to continue as usual.
Mo Yi: Why?
MC: You just asked me what’s in my mind as I do this, right? I’m actually not thinking of anything at all; no thoughts, head empty.
MC: I’ve never held onto any pipedreams, nor have I ever thought of using this PUA Group to go fight against the other PUAs.
MC: Granted, trying to rescue all the girls who’ve been victimized is an even bigger delusion.
MC: I’m only trying to do what I can as one, ordinary, Lawyer.
MC: That being said, there’s one thing that I know for certain. And that is that I cannot ignore the crimes that appear before me.
MC: I cannot allow the group that’s backing Li Yu to go scot-free, let alone allow them to challenge law and threaten justice as they so wish to.
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Mo Yi: You...
MC: Secondly, you said that I “cannot protect others”; but there isn’t only just one fixed way of protection.
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MC: Don't all the girls in Lin Yunyun's mutual aid group learn a lot about all sorts of things pertaining to PUA?
MC: All that's requires is for one of those girls to understand these through what I've done; so that they'll keep their guards up and watch out for these things.
MC: If so, then everything I've done up till today have already served some sort of purpose in protecting them.
MC: And lastly, about their cars if revenge…
I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes at the mere thought of those less than savory messages I'd received.
MC: I've already been prepared to face all sorts of people, who come up with all sorts of retaliation methods, since day one of being a Lawyer.
MC: But if really does come down to the point where it gets as serious as you've described, then that's when I'll wield the Law as my weapon and protect my own rights.
MC: The road to justice will always be a rocky one, but no one can stop me so long as I refuse to give up.
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Mo Yi: ……
I blurted out everything that I had in my mind, even forgetting to check just what sort of expression Mo Yi currently wore.
It was only until I had regained my bearings that I looked back up at him. He was still looking at me with a serious look on his face, yet his eyes were like that of stormy seas.
Mo Yi: You… You’re really different from everyone else.
He suddenly laughed.
MC: What are you laughing about, Dr. Mo?
Mo Yi: Nothing. I’m just feeling slightly fortunate, and a little happy.
MC: Fortunate? Happy?
Mo Yi: Yes. Fortunate, that I chose to stay back then; and happy, because… I met you.
Mo Yi: You always never fail to surprise me.
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MC: ……
He spoke slowly, but that didn't fail to impede the strength and impact that each word brought.
It was almost as if he had just conveyed some sort of inexplicable feeling to me through mere words. It was hot, yet full of possessiveness, almost engulfing me whole.
MC: Does this mean that… I can take part in the continuing investigations?
I hurriedly changed the subject upon seeing how the air around us was starting to turn increasingly warmer.
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Mo Yi: Do I have any other reason to be denying you?
MC: Great! Then let’s hurry and get started!
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MC: Do you need me to contact Wang Chen? Are we still going to be using our previous tactic?
Mo Yi: Don’t rush, for starters. I’ve got even better ideas.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Previous Part: (Chapter 2-6) | Next Part: (Chapter 2-8)
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shadowtagged · 4 years
about that gaiden content :   @logicusage asked, so here we go  ~ 
disclaimer: this info was accumulated from HERE, and the OP’s source is a korean version of gaiden, so some details may have been lost / changed in translation. also, gaiden is apparently REAL COMPLICATED and big chunks / details were left out by the OP in these summaries, so i’m not entirely sure on some events and their timeline. the OP did include page numbers tho, so i’m using those to put together things chronologically. 
gaiden takes place 1 - 2 years prior to the main storyline.
tsu has been putting up with ayatsuji’s shit for about 2 years when gaiden takes place. 
The case of Reigo Island happened about 5 years prior to canon  ( i’m assuming that means gaiden canon, not bsd main canon ). this case is why ayatsuji fell under gov surveillance and it’s also the case involving tsu’s mother’s death. ( more on this DRAMA LAMA below ).
The case of Reigo Island is a serial murder case, where the residents of the island apparently killed tourists for their money and somehow disguised it as the victim’s staying on the island for prolonged amounts of time. 
The case involved 17 culprits, all were said to be killed by ayatsuji’s ability -- including tsu’s mother. 
In actuality, there was an 18th culprit, who actually orchestrated the whole thing. they are called the ‘engineer’. 
Not entire sure on this point, but apparently Aya failed to deduced the Engineer’s crimes because he had already left the island by the time Aya arrived, so the Engineer remains the only living survivor of that case and tsu is out to get him. Well, mostly just to ask him a question.
and that question is :    “ If my mother was an evil murderer, I will throw her out of my heart. If she was nothing more than your puppet, I ahve to seek revenge against Ayatsuji-sensei for having murdered my poor mother under your control. Did my mother dirty her own hands? Or did she only help in your plans? “  ( my little tsuji-squared heart go brrrr )
GAIDEN STORY BITS   (  listed chronologically, i think  )
at some point  --  definitely AFTER the reaper manifests for the first time, but i think a whole ton of other stuff occurred in between  ( likely still involving tsu and her ability tho )  --  stuff happened which lead to Aya escaping the gov and go rogue. 
aya calls tsu after he goes rogue and he  LIES  tells her that he can’t stand left because he can’t stand being chained down by petty underlings of the gov and that he can’t stand being associated with such incompetent people. tsu, of course, gets all kinds of emotional about it calls him irresponsible and blames his irresponsibility for her mother’s death.
after aya went rogue, ango straight up asked tsu if she would be able to shoot + kill aya and she said  “ of course ”
meanwhile, tsu is trying to process things / put things together on why aya left and she realizes that SHE was the one with murderous intent when she apparently RAN OVER someone  ( i’m thinking technically it was her ability and not her, but i’m not entirely sure. )  and aya left to prevent tsu from being killed by his ability. 
in the end, tsu realizes that she can’t shoot aya.  cause she love him too much.
aya apparently goes to challenge kyogoku again on that same mountain + waterfall area from the very beginning of gaiden, but aya’s being chased by the gov this time, which tsu believes puts him at a disadvantage. 
tsu runs and runs and RUNS up that moutain in order to get to aya and save him. --  and to tell him something.   probably, that she loves him.
but tsu doesn’t make it in time. when she gets there, ango is already pointing a gun at aya’s head, thanking aya for his service to the gov before shooting him in the head THREE TIMES. 
tsu breaks down over aya’s death.
at some point after aya’s death, tsu gets into a life-threatening situation of her own. there’s a gun pointed at her head  ( i think ? )  and she’s bleeding out and calling out to her mom AND AYA and guess who answers her call ?? 
that’s right it’s aya. he’s not dead. he just enjoys torturing tsu. 
tsu actually confronts aya, asking him why he left the gov’s surveillance for her / to save her and of course aya is a brat about it saying that he wouldn’t go that far for her. but in the end he confesses that he knew it was tsu’s ability that was the murderer and not tsu.  ( i’m not sure if this is referencing the police force that tsu accidently killed or someone else ?? and if it’s someone else, I’M SO INTRIGUED !!  )  and he only pretended to leave the gov in order to catch the real culprit off guard. 
aya mentions something about  ‘ retraining ‘  tsu and tsu threatens to push him off the cliff again.  ( this is v important plot point, i swear. ) 
apparently aya and ango collaborated on how to fake aya’s death and they purposely left tsu out of the plan cause  ( like chuu )  her expressions are far too readable sometimes. all the time.  i love her sm.  
these two idiots are in love and in this essay i will -- 
aya lost his cool when tsu was being barraged by bullets  ( and was having a momentary freak out that caused her to freeze up ) . he called her an idiot  ( which is a universal bsd symbol for love )  and pulled her to safety.  PS. She also called him a jerk, specifically saying “i started running with a jerk”  and honestly do you care them ?
aya cooked lamb and teased tsu about not having a serving for her to the point tsu.exe crashed and she ACTUALLY FAINTED. tsu is a pure cinnamon roll who apparently really loves her lamb.
when aya went rogue, he called tsu and lied to her about a whole bunch of stuff in order to get her to give up on saving his life  ( and by extension, to save her life ) .  please read more HERE cause it’s gold and i’m soft about it. 
when tsu is injured during that near-death experience and tries to move, aya catches her so she doesn’t fall on her face. T ^ T
aya apparently teases tsu about ‘training’ a few times and the specific word used in the original japanese has some s/m undertones, so excuse me while i formulate on that. :3c  specifically on how tsu is a switch and while aya talks a big game, tsu can still TOP.
i’m sure there’s a bunch more that i have yet to uncover and honestly, i’m excite 
tsu and her mom didn’t have a great relationship. it’s implied that they were sorta estranged several years prior to her mom’s death. 
also, SURPRISE !   tsu’s mother isn’t actually dead. she faked her death and was in hiding. 
apparently, tsu’s mom and ayatsuji have a long chat. i’m assuming it happens towards the end of gaiden, but i can’t be totally sure. 
i’m also not entirely sure if tsu KNOWS her mom is still alive and is just in hiding ??
tsu’s mom is apparently a BIG TIME agent and has been for some time. specifically, she’s the director general’s aide. 
it’s implied that ango may have met tsu’s mother. 
it’s also implied that tsu’s mom is the one who arranged tsu’s assignment with aya and specifically arranged it that tsu’s first day would be aya’s bday. 
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
The truth about Power of Attorney and Fiduciary Obligations:
How Ricky ISN’T destroying Darren’s life or the law behind using a POA. 
One of the main tropes that fuels the cc conspiracy is that Ricky, as Darren’s manager, has Darren’s power of attorney (POA) and that allows him to do all sorts of nefarious acts that Darren is powerless to stop him simply because of the POA. 
Today Chrisdarebashfulsmiles wrote this piece:
every time that i see references to s/tar t/reck in M’ stans nickname i think about two different things
1) they decided to ignore the blatant truth about D because… S/tar W/ars folks!!
2) RR sometimes is a genius but always against D. You know what was the biggest problem about the en/gagement post of January 2018? D (and C with him) didn’t think about calling a lawyer and ask him to write a document o whatever it took to avoid that kind of post. If you know even a little about pr and manager, you know that they have a power of attorney that they can use for a lot of things: in all of them there’s also the use of their client SM.
Since last year, i have to be honest, i think the ST mistake was done on purpose. Because of course RR knows about how much D loves SW. But putting this aside, a post like that can’t be erased with a “Oh sorry we were kidding, we are not engaged she’s my beard”. And all of that opened a door to what RR and Bears are still seeking: money (him) and fame (her).
It was easy for every lawyer on the Earth to find whatever occasion D allegedly did not what they requested and it was easy, with the help of SS, to find occasions to give them every thing they wanted. I still feel is a miracle that D won the awards he deserved, because everything was about her.
Something is for sure changed around E/mmys, when we expected her to go out of his life and instead, my opinion of course but i know that it’s shared by some of my closest friends here, they started to build the sham wedding. Because you can say the contrary every minute of your life but that s** is fake af.
And thinking about the past, D’ speech when he won GG, Sag etc, they pointed all to the fact that in the future we would have seen less stuff awards worthy. And he was right, we are only see Ads of all sort… to the point that we went literally crazy for his M/et appearance.
I’m not joking now writing that i hope that the expiration day is near because this man not only deserve to do his job and not 56484595050 pay off to every people that enabled and that are enabling her, but because he needs to be free to be who he is. Because i don’t want (despite liking seeing him and listen to him) to see C doing again something RR related (i still have to accept the fact that J and K are produced by LG and so RR).
And i wanna go crazy for D’s jobs like before.
Her point-I think- is that Ricky wants money and Mia wants fame so Ricky used  Darren’s POA to post the engagement post on Darren’s Instagram which started the ball rolling until he found himself walking down the aisle him. The core underlying premise is that Darren was unable to reverse it once it started nor was he capable of stopping it from escalating.  She claims that Ricky wrote the “fake” Star Trek engagement post using the wrong space-travel franchise and “a post like that can’t be erased with a “Oh sorry we were kidding, we are not engaged she’s my beard”. Really? Why couldn’t Darren set the record straight and fire his manager? That would be the logical thing to do. It isn’t normal to just go along with whatever your team writes until you find yourself married to someone you hate. God- it’s so dumb.  Going along with an unhinged plan simply because his manager posted it on social media is the definition of stupid and poor decision making.  
But let’s back up a little.  Chrisdarebash... starts out by claiming that “If you know even a little about pr and manager, you know that they have a power of attorney that they can use for a lot of things: in all of them there’s also the use of their client SM”. One of the long held ccBeliefs is that Ricky holds Darren’s POA and that POA gives Ricky the power to do whatever he wants and Darren is forced to do whatever it is that Ricky signs his name to- regardless of how detrimental it is to Darren’s person or career. In legalese- Darren is the principal and Ricky is the agent. So is that cctrue? Does the principal forgo all rights by giving the agent his POA? NO, of course it isn’t true. There are laws regulating the use of a POA and the law says the agent must act in the best interest of the principal at all times. Anyone who knows anything about the law knows this is called FIDUCIARY OBLIGATION.  
“The power of attorney creates a strict fiduciary duty to manage the principal's funds appropriately, including engaging in careful bookkeeping to document all expenditures.” (X)
The entire trope that Ricky is controlling Darren’s life because he holds his POA is utter rubbish. It simply isn’t true. Abby, the Ivy League lawyer- either knows this and simply lies about it or doesn’t understand one of the most basic concepts of the law. This is something that every America should understand because ALL Americans should sign a medical power of attorney to make medical decisions if they are unable to.
The entire cc fandom should have the skills to Google this concept on their own but clearly they have no desire to know the truth. This one lie allows them to  dismiss a lot what they don’t like about Darren. It just allowed Chrisdarebash...to claim that Darren was forced to get married simply because Ricky wrote a post on Darren’s Instagram about a Star Trek engagement. It allows them to claim that Ricky forces Darren to do #ads and gigs they can’t stand. It is a powerful ccExcuse except it is based on a complete lie...and that is how the ccers role. They don’t care about facts and truth. Whatever rationalizes their foregone conclusion- Chris and Darren are in lurve- is fine. Me? I prefer to base all of my theories and excuses on true, real concepts. I like to use Google to ensure that I understand what I’m talking about-ESPECIALLY when I attack other people for being stupid cause ain’t nothing more embarrassing to me than raging about something and being stone cold wrong. As evidence I present the entire statement by 
every time that i see references to s/tar t/reck in M’ stans nickname i think about two different things
1) they decided to ignore the blatant truth about D because… S/tar W/ars folks!!
2) RR sometimes is a genius but always against D. You know what was the biggest problem about the en/gagement post of January 2018? D (and C with him) didn’t think about calling a lawyer and ask him to write a document o whatever it took to avoid that kind of post. If you know even a little about pr and manager, you know that they have a power of attorney that they can use for a lot of things: in all of them there’s also the use of their client SM.
Since last year, i have to be honest, i think the ST mistake was done on purpose. Because of course RR knows about how much D loves SW. But putting this aside, a post like that can’t be erased with a “Oh sorry we were kidding, we are not engaged she’s my beard”. And all of that opened a door to what RR and Bears are still seeking: money (him) and fame (her). 
me: “bears”? 
It was easy for every lawyer on the Earth to find whatever occasion D allegedly did not what they requested and it was easy, with the help of SS, to find occasions to give them every thing they wanted. I still feel is a miracle that D won the awards he deserved, because everything was about her. 
me: No idea what this is supposed to mean.
Something is for sure changed around E/mmys, when we expected her to go out of his life and instead, my opinion of course but i know that it’s shared by some of my closest friends here, they started to build the sham wedding. Because you can say the contrary every minute of your life but that s** is fake af.
me: this cracks me up.  ”When WE expected her to go” was exactly like this weekend when you all fabricated the fantasy that “Mia campaigned to go to the Met”  and then obsessed about it for days. You all mislead yourselves. 
And thinking about the past, D’ speech when he won GG, Sag etc, they pointed all to the fact that in the future we would have seen less stuff awards worthy. And he was right, we are only see Ads of all sort… to the point that we went literally crazy for his M/et appearance.
I’m not joking now writing that i hope that the expiration day is near because this man not only deserve to do his job and not 56484595050 pay off to every people that enabled and that are enabling her, but because he needs to be free to be who he is. Because i don’t want (despite liking seeing him and listen to him) to see C doing again something RR related (i still have to accept the fact that J and K are produced by LG and so RR).
me: there is nothing to suggest the expiration date is near. If you start listening to Darren, actually hear what he is saying, you will see that he is quite happy. If you continue to misconstrue the truth, you will end up being shocked and disappointed time and time again. It’s all on you.  
And i wanna go crazy for D’s jobs like before.
me: well as fans we don’t actually get to dictate how or where Darren’s career goes. We can only wait for projects, support them, or move on to another celebrity. 
With all the ignoring of the truth the stans are doing, there’s probably not much time left to do anything else. Well, aside from sending hate our way. It’s a sad thing, needing lies to be true because you couldn’t even imagine living with anything else. I could feel the desperation through my screen when they went crazy because of one simple tweet. I’d pity them if they weren’t directly contributing to the hell D’s living.
me: hahahahahahhahahahahaa. omg, I’m wheezing. No self awareness and copying my words.  
Monday night was fabulous. That was the best thing to happen in a long time. I think we all - including D of course - needed it. It’s definitely sad that good things are so rare at this point and he’s going to pay for getting so much love while the PBB was left to survive without attention. It’s sick.
me: let’s be real, she got more coverage over the last several days on cc blogs than she would have had she gone. Oh look, another phrase I use a lot.
It’s time to realize that there is no reason for her to be in the spotlight because she’s not interesting or talented or anything else that would justify her being where he is most of the time. I can’t wait for her to be left with nothing. And most importantly, I can’t wait for D to finally live his best life. That day can’t come soon enough.
me: the only spotlight she’s in is the one that the cc fandom shines.  
@chrisdarebashfulsmilesI agree 100%, i think something went horribly wrong right around the emmys and somehow RR/PBB/SS found the power to force the wedding. I am confident in stating D did not plan to go this far and they clearly threatened something big to get him to agree.  (I would go so far to say that PBB and family von beard were planning well before D agreed).  And any person watching can see that he has gained nothing as a result, if has been one giant loss.  And the only value would be IF he finds his way to freedom soon.  Because as I repeatedly state, this cannot be sustained long-term and no question, he foretold it in his January speeches.  I also agree it is amazing he won despite the circus around him and I think that is a testament to how well love and respected he is in the industry.  And no question, he had a strong behind the scenes campaign likely led by RM, who still needs to now step up and help him win his life back, far more important than any award.
me: well...he gained a spouse and that IS the point of getting married so I would say he nailed it. As for you repeatedly stating he can’t sustain this long term...it’s been 9 years. Exactly how do you define “long term” cuz I gotta say, I would say he has sustained it long term. 
The level of ignorance is astounding and continues to get worse by the day. You may be right the ST reference may have been intentional, after all RR and PBB LOVE LOVE LOVE to play games with the stans and see how much and what they can get away with.  And stans let everything go. B/en, ST, rings, handshake, I’m gay, timelines, the fact that the entire wedding was SOLD. They continue to kiss her ass and directly contribute to this hell.  At this point, they are partially responsible because they are choosing to pretend like everything is normal.
me: That is RICH coming from the women who believes FetusMiarren is Mia and lets her jerk your chain in ways that continue to entertain and astound me. As for you “list” of “proof” that stans ignore-I have written posts proving almost all of them are complete and utter bullshit.  You cannot expect stans to believe complete rubbish, even if you repeat it incessantly. Bullshit is bullshit and it will always be bullshit. Your junior high obsession with Mia is really, really scary and super immature...especially for a professional.     
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jianyitopia · 7 years
수고했어 종현아
In South Korea, the suicide rate is one of the highest in the world. Because of their "you will get over it" behavior, people just refrain their feelings deep inside and let them devour their inside. Many of you may not be aware of what K-pop industry is like. Even fans don't know, which is the saddest. You want to be good looking in South Korea to be able to make it. South Korea is an ugly country, and its people have always been the same, for a long time. Whenever someone is depressed, or mentally ill, they can't properly seek for help because mental illness and mental therapy is a tabou. Your friends would say "Do you think you're the only one suffering?". How do you expect people to live in these conditions ? I have loved this country lots, blinded by my favorite singers' beauty and talents without seeing its true side. It is heartbreaking for me to criticize it, but it is the only thing I can do for now. I am disillusioned on this mourning day.
Everyone have always known the hardship of being famous. Your private life is nowhere to be seen, paparazzi everywhere, crazy schedules. Let me tell you, it is even worse in South Korea. They will reach for you when you're a kid, ripping you away from your family so you can come train. Every day that passes is the same. You train, learn to sing, learn to dance, learn to please fans, have a great body, to be funny, be pleasant and polite, know how to behave on and off camera. Because behaviour and looks are all that matter in South Korea. Then, after more than ten years of hard training, you don't make it. Why ? Because there were better kids, who trained less than you but were blessed by God. And you're here, away from your family, from your friends, struggling alone, ten years wasted when you could have become a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher. Notoriety will never bring anything good. You want to be famous ? Go on, the path may lead you to money, but you will find despair and horror.
To the people wondering why comitting suicide is thinkable, I would like you to close your mouth if you don't know what you are talking about. Depression is a mental illness, it is serious and you can not joke about it. Oh, you like being praised, wealthy, talented and loved. Jonghyun was loved, adored, praised, yet he felt alone in this darkness, he was hurting himself and his wounds were so deep he couldn't wipe them off with that bright smile of his. He was reaching for help, he was screaming in a silent whimper, yet we were all closing our eyes, his company was closing its eyes, we were oblivious to his pain because Jonghyun was one of the brightest people on earth. Yet, if a smile is faked, the happiness behind it is non-existant.
As I write this, I can not contain my tears that are flowing down my cheeks. I can not believe it. I do not want to believe it. Tell me this is a joke, tell me Koreaboo made a mistake in its report. Just tell me you are not gone Jonghyun. This is so selfish to say this. My heart aches, I wish you had endured it longer, but at the same time, you're gone for a better place, a place where there is no pain.
When I first read the news, I collapsed on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, telling myself like a mantra "This is impossible, not you, this is not possible..." But yes, celebrities are not immortal because they are famous. Fame can not bring anything good, you said it yourself Jonghyun, you were suffering from it. You told us you were not meant to be an idol, and I just don't have anything to respond. Because you are the best person to know what is good for you and what is not.
A long time ago, as my soul was wandering without any goal, you took my hand Jonghyun. You held it and led me to a world I thought was beautiful. Maybe K-pop is just a style of music, but it meant so much more to me. It was something I could dive in, a burning passion that made my life turns 180°. Oh, how I loved korean music, how I wished to be korean. You were one of the first who opened the path to this world, and never have I been so thankful. I remember, oh yes I do, watching your music video frowning, asking myself "What the heck am I watching?". I remember whistling your songs, humming them anywhere I would go because it was stuck in my head. I remember the old videos, in SM entertainment's training room. I laugh a little bit as I remember the background of this training room : a blue sky with cloud, which symbolized freedom.
I feel so sorry. You were not free. And I wish we could have lightened your heart, lessened your pain. I feel like the world stopped, and is not going to keep going. But life goes on, doesn't it ? I guess I will just need time.
Jonghyun, one last word. You worked hard, you did well. You were a fallen angel, and now we're giving your wings back. So please fly, fly away from this cruel world, fly away from the pain, the wounds, the tears.
It must be cold Jonghyun. I hope you can rest in peace. You deserve peace, you deserve freedom, you deserve happiness.
I love you.
I will forever.
수고했어 종현아.
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evilpixiea · 8 years
Imagine a soulmate AU where your partners name is written on you. Bruce researched Clark Kent extensively when his name appears . Doesn't understand why his soulmate is supposed to be some shy country bumpkin. Disregards it and focuses on the mission. Clark is immensely disappointed that his sm is supposed to be a high society airhead.Still, he has a childlike faith in sm and tries to get assigned to galas where he can meet him. Maybe he worries about the strange injuries and scars on Bruce.
As a rule, I don’t like soulmate AUs. I don’t like destiny, I don’t like insta-love, I don’t like any of those tropes because they (for me) take away all the best parts out of a romantic story. There is no tension, no risk, and no sacrifice if everyone is made to match.
However, I kinda like this idea.
Perhaps it’s because Bruce said “sorry soulmate, I have bigger fish to fry” and decided not to seek Clark out in favour of becoming Batman. That suggests a level of agency and independence that is normally not present in destiny driven stories. It also suggests there is a chance soulmates might not end up together which gives us the all important ingredient; risk.
Without risk there is no reward. Or, more actuality when it comes to storytelling, the reward becomes a given which means there is no tension. Eg, if the there is nothing stopping the hero from getting what they want, and no danger of them losing what they want, then there is no story.
But there is a story here.
And if I was telling it, I would tell it like this…
Bruce’s signature appears on Clark’s forearm when he’s fourteen years old. At the time there was no internet, especially not in a small town in rural Kansas. He doesn’t know who Bruce Wayne was… he just knows he was the man he was destined to marry.
Around the same time Clark’s signature appears on Bruce, under his left arm, over his rib-cage. Unlike Clark Bruce has resources and uses them… and finds several Clark J. Kents scattered across the globe. It takes him longer than he would like to admit but he does eventually conclude that the man who’s name was on his body is the red faced farmboy who had won a ‘strangest looking pumpkin contest’ in the Kansas City Fair Day… news which had made headlines in his hometown, Smallville.
Bruce isn’t particularly pleased by this information but ultimately decides destiny marks aren’t important. After all, Alfred had never found his mate and being destined to be together hadn’t stopped his parents from being gunned down three days before their tenth anniversary. Whoever this Clark J. Kent was, Bruce was perfectly content never to know him.
Ten years later, Bruce is Batman and has recently reemerged after an extended absence from public life. He is also very quickly making a name for himself as a fairly vapid playboy. Clark is working to the Daily Planet and is both thrilled and horrified when he hears the news.
He’s spent the last five years contacting every Bruce Wayne on the planet but so far hadn’t found any who knew who he was when he told them his name. He couldn’t believe this Bruce was really the one made for him… but he can’t not know either.
He manages to convince Perry to let him cover a Wayne Foundation Gala and goes to Gotham, both wishing this was his Bruce he was about to meet… and wishing it wasn’t.
When he sees Bruce laughing and drunkenly flirting with the bartender he takes the opportunity to use his xray vision to scan his body through his clothes. Sure enough, there is his name, written down Bruce’s side.
But all around his name there are big black bruises and at one place it looked like he’d been stitched back together.
How would a rich socialite get so badly hurt? Had he been in an accident. No. There were scars as well. Some years old by the look of them.
Horrified, Clark approaches.
“Mr Wayne?”
“Yes?” Bruce’s eyes fall to the badge and then roll back into his head. “Oh God. No more reporters. Please, have mercy. I have answered so many questions today already.”
Clark thrusts his hand towards him. “My name’s Clark Kent.”
Bruce’s smile vanishes… as does his drunken demeanour. He looks at the ID badge again and this time takes a moment to read the name. “Ah. I see…”
“I think you know why I came.”
Bruce’s eyes move back up to look at him and then, all at once, becomes the drunken grinning playboy again. “To ask me where I bought my tie?”
“No. You’re my soulmate.”
Bruce’s concurrent looks of confusion, shock, and then pity were so convincing that if Clark hadn’t already seen his signature on the man’s side he would have been convinced.
“I am sorry Mr… eh… Kent. Bruce Wayne is a very common…”
“No! I know it’s you!” At first Clark is angry that this man - his soulmate - would lie to him… then he remembers the bruises. Perhaps Bruce is being abused by someone and is scared to talk to him? Why else would he lie to him like that?
He grabs him by the hand and pulls him through the party to a quiet corner away from the crowds. Bruce seems uncomfortable but doesn’t resist him.
“Look. I know it’s you. I know you’re mine…”
Bruce makes an unhappy sound but doesn’t otherwise protest.
“…I also know someone is hurting you. That’s okay. You don’t need to be afraid. I can help you.”
He’d expected Bruce to look confused or maybe relived. He hadn’t expected the look of anger and contempt that flashed across the man’s face. “And how do you know this?”
“I… well I saw my mark… and the bruises…”
The anger was brighter now, as was his contempt. “Where? Where did you see this?”
“Here. Just…” This was his soulmate, right? He could be honest with his soulmate. “I looked through your clothes.”
“You looked through…?” Bruce trails off as Clark opens the first two buttons of his shirt and shows him the Superman shield. The man’s eyes flash and the anger leaves to be replaced by a new look… calculating. Without saying a word Bruce looks back at his face and studies him.
Clark can see the moment when he recognised Superman.
“I can keep you safe,” he promises. “Whoever is hurting you…”
“That is my business.”
He’s stunned. “But… Bruce, we’re soulmates.”
“I am not interested in a soulmate, least of all one who looks at me naked before we’ve even met.”
“I’m sorry. It wasn’t about… that. I just wanted to make sure you were my Bruce.”
“I’m not.”
“Yes you…”
“No. I’m not your anything. Now get the hell out of my party, Superman.”
Clark’s hurt. More than hurt, he’s angry. He feels like he’s been betrayed by the person he’s been dreaming about and looking for for almost a decade. He leaves Gotham and writes a scathing article about the gala.
After a week he calms down, realises how intrusive he was, and writes Bruce a long apology letter. He is, after all, his soulmate. They have to figure this out somehow.
But Bruce never responds to him.
He manages to convince Perry to send him to another Wayne Foundation event only to find his name scratched off the door list.
He flies to the rooftops and decides to wait until Bruce leaves but is interrupted by Batman - holy shit that guy is real - who tells Clark to get out of his city.
Clark flies to the manor the next day but Bruce’s butler told him to leave even after Clark showed the man the name written across his forearm.
That’s when Clark gives up. Clearly Bruce wants nothing to do with him. Just because they had their names written on each other didn’t mean they would get a happy ending. Heck, lots of people never even found their soulmate.
In the following months he starts having a relationship with Lois only to have that fall apart when her soulmate shows up out of the blue having read her name in the newspaper. Clark had never felt so pettily jealous before than when he watched them kiss with wild excited passion in the middle of the office moments after showing each other their mate marks.
He starts spending more time as Superman and even starts doing missions with other heroes. Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and even Batman. In fact, as the months went on especially Batman. He wasn’t sure what it was but Batman was both incredibly secretive and incredibly… interested in him. It was nice to have someone who was interested in him even if it was probably just his powers (and weaknesses) Batman was interested in.
Truth be told, he was interested in Batman too. He was smart, incredibly skilled, and had a brutally dry sense of humour. He also had a laugh, a low rumbley sort of laugh, that might just be the most beautiful sound Clark had ever heard.
They become friends, in their own weird way. Then they became close friends. Then one day…
“Hm? What’s up?”
“Do you know who I am?”
“As in your secret identity? No. But, wait, no. You don’t need to tell me. You don’t know my secret identity so it’s only fair…”
“You’re Clark J. Kent.”
Clark stares at him. “I… how did you…?”
“You told me.”
“I told you? When did I tell you? I don’t even introduce myself with my middle initial.”
“No, but you sign your name that way.”
“My signature. Where the hell did you see my sign…” he trails off… and realises who he’s speaking to. “Bruce?”
Batman pushes back his cowl. Doesn’t say a word.
“Oh… I… I didn’t… the bruises… it all…”
“You really didn’t know it was me?”
“Then why were you spending so much time with me?”
“I don’t know. I suppose I… I just like… you.”
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panlight · 8 years
Ok am I the only one who can’t stand the way Edward treats Rosalie? No one really treats her well TBH, but he is so mean to her all the time. Literally from the moment they met. Someone just got raped and murdered to death and instead of saying “wow that poor girl” he says, “what are we going to do with her?” In a disgusted tone. It’s not wonder she doesn’t like him! Imagine how she felt after what she went through and he was just standing there in front of her talking about how much of a pain this was all going to be for him. He also annoyed me in midnight sun. When Rosalie said that she could kill Bella and leave no evidence behind her, Edward goes “yeah we all know what a great little assasian you are.” That to me just sounds really mean. She was allowed to seek revenge and justice for herself and he acts like she’s this horrible person for killing “poor innocent” Royce and his friends. I guess this is all SM’s plan to make Edward seem perfect and Rosalie is just the family bitch. To me though, Edward seems like an ass and I feel sorry for her.
Yeah. I mean, I think in some cases this is another issue where SM’s problem is not so much the content but the tone.  It’s clear to me that she intended for them to have a bickering sibling relationship, but that under it all they do love each other and care for each, just like it’s clear that SM intended for Edward to be protective but not abusive, but sometimes the words she uses make these things sound more intense than she maybe meant? It’s sort of her own tendency toward choosing flowery words, sometimes she overreaches and it gives a different connotation. Edward’s concerns about a well-known figure like Rosalie Hale joining the family are valid (although it would have been nice if he had realized that likewise Rosalie’s concerns about his dating Bella were also valid lol), and I don’t think SM meant to make him come off so cold and mean here, but it’s easy to read that way. 
Generally I do think Rosalie is treated poorly by most of the characters throughout the series. I have a real problem especially with how her antagonistic relationship in BD with Jacob escalates. The blonde jokes and dog jokes were meant to be funny (casual misogyny and racism aside). The “Fido” bowl read, to me, as just another ‘joke,’ but Jacob throwing it at her head, even if it didn’t hurt her, made it violent and physical and not funny. (And like, he’s a GUEST in this house and throwing things at someone who lives there?? I get he’s helping protect them/Bella but yikes. Yet I’m sure SM was just giggling to herself writing it, not realize the implications, just like she didn’t realize the racist undertones of the ‘dog’ jokes) And the fact that Edward AND EMMETT just laughed at it… Again, I know SM meant for it to be light-hearted and funny and that’s why Emmett didn’t take it seriously, but it felt like Jacob went over a line there, and it would have been nice to have seen Emmett or Edward stick up for her.  
I also really dislike that SM chose to have Rosalie lose control at the birth. (I know, she hadn’t fed for awhile, but again, it was like A WEEK, that’s not starving). That was Her Thing, did she really have to put Rosalie down to lift Edward up there? Why couldn’t Alice or Jasper or Emmett, who have less control, have been the one to break? Rosalie isn’t perfect and can be cold and cruel herself, but when you actually go back and look at her being “mean” or “such a monster” to Bella it’s … really very tame, actually. Alice was meaner to Rosalie in New Moon than Rosalie ever was to Bella, and by the end of the second book Rosalie is apologizing so like… she’s not so bad, really? 
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How to Be a High Value Woman (7 Principles to Help You Raise Your Value)
If you’re trying to learn how to be a high-value woman, I’m going to bet that one or more men have made you feel less than that.
Am I right?
All women are created equal…
But from a romantic perspective, not all women are equal in a man’s eyes. (Hey, I didn’t write the rules. I only report on them.)
To guys, some women are “nah…”
Other women are “meh…”
And some high-value women are “HOLY crap, this woman is amazing. I need to take her home to meet my parents.”
And no, which of these three arbitrary categories a man assigns you to is not necessarily dictated by your physical looks. There are other intangible qualities that make a high-value woman.
If you can position yourself as a high-value woman, he’ll want to take you home to mom. He’ll want to commit to you. He’ll love you.
“Adam, how can I learn how to be a high-value woman? I wanna be one!” 
Not to worry; we’ll get into exactly how to be a high-value woman in this video and post. In my years of coaching women to find their one true love, I’ve seen the spectrum, from women who thought they were worthless to women who were so confident, they could attract any man. Which do you want to be?
Your coach,
      P.S. Learning how to be a high-value woman starts with confidence. If you need a little boost in that department, why not join the Sexy Confidence Club?
Introduction: How to Be a High-Value Woman
You might spend a lot of energy looking at other women and admiring them for their confidence, their poise, or their sophistication. But I’m willing to bet others look at you for exactly the same reasons! It’s easier to see positive qualities in others than in ourselves.
So in reality, I’m not going to be your fairy godfather that waves my magic wand over your head and turns you into something you’re not.
What I am going to do is help you enhance what you’ve already got…those wonderful qualities that maybe you can’t quite see right now.
So the secret to learning how to be a high-value woman? Simply seeing that you already are one! With a few principles to help, you’ll soon see your own worth.
Principle 1: Don’t Acknowledge His Value
So the guy you’re going out with is a doctor.
Who saves children’s lives.
And is a volunteer firefighter in his spare time.
Could you have won the man lottery??
The problem with dating a fantastic guy is that you might feel a little less fantastic yourself. So you have two ways to approach this.
1. You can constantly gush about how awesome he is (his high valueness). This may please him a little at first, but after awhile, he will grow tired of it. And he might see you as less valuable in comparison.
2. You can refuse to be impressed. Of course you’re dating a high-value guy. After all, you’re flipping fabulous, and you should attract a stellar guy.
Bottom line is: the less you acknowledge someone else’s value, the higher your value. If all his accolades are just meh to you (or you at least act like they are), then he’ll perceive you as equally fabulous, if not more.
Here’s an example.
I have another company where I work with wealthy people, and let me tell you: they’re always trying to impress me with their money. Flashing their fancy cars, their Black Amex cards, they let me know that they think they have high value because of their eight-figure salaries.
What do I do? I treat them the same as if they were some Joe Shmoe. I refuse to give them higher status by treating them as better than me. So what does that do? It elevates my value.
The best way to impress a rich person? Don’t be impressed by their money.
If you’re seeing an attractive guy, treat him like you would if he looked like the guy from high school that never had a date, not some Adonis. He’ll wonder who else you’ve dated to not be impressed by what most women are.
Principle 2: Don’t Try to Flaunt Your Value
The moment you bust out your Instagram account to show off that you have 200,000 followers…
…tell him you’re “kinda a big deal in my industry…”
…or tell him you have three dates this week, is the moment you’re giving away your value to him because you’re seeking his validation. You want his approval. You want to impress him.
But that’s not the way to succeed at how to be a high-value woman. A high-value woman doesn’t shout out her accolades. He finds out how successful she is anyway, without her saying a word about it. If you have 200,000 Instagram followers, trust me, he’ll find out, because he’ll be creeping on your profile.
I know you’ve done amazing things. I know you have a super cool circle of friends. Just don’t make a point of letting him know that. Let him find out on his own.
Principle 3: Remain a Mystery to Him
Be a little mysterious to keep him wanting more.
Telling him your whole life story on a first date is not high-value. In fact, it shows that you’re trying to make him like you.
I get it; a lot of women simply open up easily. They’re ready to tell a guy everything from the story about breaking their leg at age two to why they got divorced.
But my advice is: be like an onion, a sexy onion (work with me here). He needs to peel back the layers gradually to get to know what you’re really about. Give him a layer here and there when he asks for it, but let the rest be shrouded in mystery.
The same goes for your social life. If he asks you out for Friday and you’re planning pedis and face masks with the girls, he doesn’t need to know that. Simply tell him you have plans. Let him wonder what you’re doing.
Principle 4: Remember, You Don’t Need a Man to Complete Your Life
You don’t need a man, you just want a relationship to supplement your already kickass life.
A man should be a nice addition to your world. He should not complete you (damn you, Jerry Maguire).
If you are living a full life with activities and people you enjoy, then you won’t be desperate to pair up and find a boyfriend. When you meet a great guy, he’ll get that about you if you’re not always available and over-eager to talk to him.
So even if inside, you’re gushing over this man, reserve a little time for you and the things you love to do. After all, you’ll still have your friends and interests down the road…the jury’s still out on whether this guy will still be around.
Principle 5: If He Doesn’t See Your Value, Then He’s Blind
I’ll be honest: not every guy will see your value. These guys aren’t the ones you need to worry about, because they’re not right for you.
Your value doesn’t decrease based on his inability to see your worth. You determine your high-value, and no one else.
Always, always demand respect. Don’t timidly ask for it. Demand it. It’s your right as a human being, and it sure as hell is yours for the taking in a relationship. And a lot of guys will try to get away without respecting you. Weed them out early and move on.
If you’re wasting your time on a man who treats you like dirt, he is not treating you like the high-value Sexy Confident lady that you are. Move on because there are dozens of guys out there who would be blown away by your magnificence.
Principle 6: A High-Value Woman Has Walking Power
Don’t deal with his crap. Walk away.
Did you know you had power? Oh yeah, you totally do.
A high-value woman will walk away from a relationship if it’s not healthy for her…and men know this.
So one tip for how to be a high-value woman is to own that power. If this guy keeps disappointing you…
If he makes you feel bad about yourself…
If he doesn’t meet your expectations about what you want in a partner…
You got it. Walk.
You need to have exceedingly high standards for how you are treated. Not only does that ensure that you get out of any situation when a man isn’t meeting those standards, but it’s also attractive for men to see a woman who won’t take no sh$& from a man. It makes them want to try even harder to get your approval.
Principle 7: A High-Value Woman Will Express Her Feelings to a Man…
…when he’s clearly invested himself in her.
No sooner.
So if in past relationships you’ve spouted out your emotions too soon and wondered why the guy disappeared, now you know. Learning how to be a high-value woman means reserving that vulnerability only for a man who is ready to give as much as he gets.
So let the man woo you. Let him earn your trust. Even if you are melting inside because you reallyreallyreally want to profess your undying love for him…
Waiting only makes a man want a high-value woman even more. It also gives him time to sort out his feelings. Maybe he’ll even express them first, and then you have the upper hand because you can decide to reciprocate or make him sweat. (But you wouldn’t do that…would ya?)
So you see what I meant? I didn’t give you a magic spell to turn you into Beyoncé. I simply gave you some principles you can work with to succeed in how to be a high-value woman. The foundation is already there. All you have to do is know your worth and have high standards.
So let me hear from my ladies: Are you a high-value woman? Give me a “heck yeah!” in the comments below and let me know which principle you need to work on.
In part 2 of this article, I give you three scenarios you can use to show that you’re a high-value woman. But it’s only available to Sexy Confidence members. Join the Club today and get exclusive access to content like this, as well as a whole network of women who support you.
    The post How to Be a High Value Woman (7 Principles to Help You Raise Your Value) appeared first on Sexy Confidence.
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