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goldencuffs · 6 minutes ago
Damen deleted Laurent’s number but did he delete his nudes 👀 what’s Damen’s home screen/ lock screen situation like?
ooohhhh they definitely keep each other's nudes!!!!!! 👀👀 i actually feel like in this au damen kind of demanded them from laurent at first LMAO and then damen eventually started sending random gym selfies + selfies from bed and laurent started swooning lol
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goldencuffs · 1 hour ago
Omg you've opened such a Pandora's Box with your confession! The narrative makes so much sense when you replace Damen with Nikandros. But who would be the Jokaste equivalent for Nikandros? I... Wonder if it could have been Damen? (I think Nikandros has always been secretly in love with Damen.) However, you have done such a good job of making Damen an absolute a-hole that I find it hard to believe that Nikandros would hurt Laurent as much as Damen has in this AU. I think Nikandros would be a tender lover too. A gentle one.
Sorry for the rant. Please take your time with the writing but I can't wait for the next update! 🥺
hello!!!!! i know right??? it's hard to believe nikandros was initially going to be laurent's love interest in this fic!! and tbh there was really no "jokaste" equivalent for nikandros, in my outline he just slept around with a bunch of people, including laurent.
also you know what's funny.... i think nikandros would be more mean to laurent than damen would, which is why this whole au started!! 😅
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goldencuffs · 2 hours ago
Laurent def should ~accidentally~ send Damen a nude and be like oops not meant for you :). ORRRRRRR If we’re being super spicy ~accidentally~ send it to Nikandros who def will tell Damen LMAODJDJJS @ aimeric plz be the devil on his shoulders plzplz
LMAOOOOOOOOOO 100% it would be aimeric the one goading laurent to do this lolololol
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goldencuffs · 3 hours ago
AMW Damen:
(1) Laurent’s inexperience with kissing, with sex, shouldn’t be alluring, should be wake up call, but it isn’t. Damen savours it. He can imagine that he’s Laurent’s first. That he’s the only man who’s ever been inside Laurent.
(2) Laurent is getting better at anticipating Damen’s needs, learning his wants, and it thrills Damen. Laurent isn’t just getting better at sex—he’s getting better at sex with Damen. Damen’s trained him well.
I have news for you Damen, there is a version of you that is enjoying this like never before (aka yngt Damen). Two freaks who are obsessed with a boy who is made up of fours colours.
YNGT Damen should be grateful to you, Ruby. Make him BEG.
im genuinely so mind blown because i didn't realise the parallels but youre SO right bestie!!! 😭😭😭😭
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goldencuffs · 5 hours ago
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"It's the game I like"
(rooftop chase <3)
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goldencuffs · 11 hours ago
need laurent in his east northumberland high by miley cyrus era in the next chapter truly
LOL WAIT this is actually iconic?????? 😭😭
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goldencuffs · 12 hours ago
So, like, does Damen know he took Laurent's virginity? Or is he clueless/doesn't care?? LOL i'm curious. Also, thank you for gracing us with this incredible fic.
oh he definitely knows!!! in my mind, he and laurent dont ever explicitly discuss it but based on context clues — laurent having no friends/previous boyfriends or hookups — it’s pretty obvious lol 😭😌
i answered this before, but in that ask i said that laurent doesn’t really feel ashamed of being a virgin/inexperienced when he’s with damen even though damen will make fun of it from time to time. HOWEVER damen only does so bc be secretly loves the fact that he’s the only man laurents ever been with 😌😌😌
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goldencuffs · 13 hours ago
Hello hello hello hope you're having an absolutely stunning day! I was just wondering if I'd be able to ask what your updating schedule is like for yngt? In a 100% no pressure at all way, more as a way for me to like calm my obsessive brain bc I just can't stop thinking about it!!! I've read it so many times now and every time I get to the end of the last chapter I'm just like!!! Damen!! U dumb hoe!!!! Anyways no pressure to answer at all, love u and your writing smm have an amazing day!
hello lovely!!! 🥰🥹 omg thank you for being so sweet i cant believe youve read it multiple times omggg!!
no pressure at all — it will be up saturday/sunday 21st/22nd AEDT!!
this is a “short” chapter but it’s also the most important so even though it’s done, i have a LOT of editing to get through 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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goldencuffs · 14 hours ago
If this is a spoiler feel free to not answer but how does Laurent find out about Damen and Jokaste being together/breaking up? Is it something he reads on like TMZ because Damen is famous or does he hear it from Coach who casually mentions it over dinner?
Living for this fic and cant wait until the next update 🩷
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i dont want to spoil anything but you find out how laurent finds out in literally the second paragraph of the next chapter 🫠🫠
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goldencuffs · 14 hours ago
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goldencuffs · 24 hours ago
probably a stupid question but do you think Damen is hesitant to be official with Laurent because he’s Laurent’s only experience so far? Probably not right? He’s too possessive of him to really think like that
not a stupid question at all!!!!! i truly think damens hesitance to make anything real/offical with laurent is bc of his own issues nothing else
i know its not alluded to much, but damen has had his entire life carved out for him, particularly his profession. i think he and laurent are two sides of the same coin, in that sense — so he’s unused to making decisions that benefit him on his own
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goldencuffs · 1 day ago
😑 does Damen think Laurent is a slut who sleeps around or something
nooooo not at all!! in fact the opposite—damen knows he’s the only man laurents ever been with and he definitely likes that hehehe 😋
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goldencuffs · 1 day ago
thinking about 💭how characters are usually the ones begging To come in fics but damen begged laurent to come For him💭 and going insane
I KNOWWWWWWWW i mean its pretty much canon but i just love the fact that damen gets off on what makes his partners happy/what arouses them UFF 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋
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goldencuffs · 1 day ago
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year 5 of capri drawings for my bestie @carryonmylovelies ' bday!! <3 <3
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goldencuffs · 1 day ago
can you give me the first instance where Damen got jealous pls I’m curious and what did Laurent think?
you know what i think it might have been early on when laurent was more focused on his ballet classes. i imagine damen getting pissed that laurent was spending so much time in class which is ofc SUCH an asshole thing to get mad about but laurent definitely liked it 😌😌😌
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goldencuffs · 1 day ago
okay okay but at least tell me Damen is aware of how lucky HE IS that Laurent doesn’t realize how gorgeous he is? Can you tell me that at least??
hmmmmmm i dont know how to answer this without spoiling 😅😅😅
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goldencuffs · 1 day ago
i'm waiting till the entire fic is complete i can deal with this pain rather than the very specific plague consuming everybody else in the asks
(i adore you and all you do but i am wEAK and a coward so i shall await them all first!!! while still feeling pangs of hurt through other asks LMAO)
awww that’s completely fine, i get it!!! thank you for waiting so patiently ❤️
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