#i think all characters should be ponified
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koalbent · 1 year ago
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bzzzztrt(sound of ponification beam)
i think dans cutiemark would probably actually be a stethoscope but im lazy and didnt wanna draw a stethoscope so he got the cross. herberts magic is reagent coloured. i think he would be a white horse. herbert is slightly shorter than average male pony but still a very small bit taller than average female pony(would probably seem about the same height if not looking closely). dan is a bit taller than average male pony.
i plan to do ms paint drawings of them as ponies for colours n shit but i just havent gotten around to it + i currently have to wear a wrist brace pretty much 24/7 so not much drawing is gonna get done for a while(mostly just bc its a bit annoying to hold a pencil or whatever with this thing on)😭
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bonus drawings. LOOK HOW GOOD THESE LOOK WHAT THE HELL!! when did i gain this ability.
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somberstarr · 1 year ago
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The first thing any artist should do when getting into a new interest is to ponify the characters, of course. Death Note is no exception! Here's Moonlight, L, and Angel Song!
Extra art underneath! ↓
Wips + sketches
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And the initial designs that started it all!
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I thought the name Moonlight was really clever considering Light's kanji is 月 (moon) and it' pronounced Light.
L's cutie mark would be concealed somehow as to protect his identity, but I think it would have something to do with his love of sweets.
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infini-tree · 2 years ago
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walks in. ponifies the characters. walks out
(+ some notes)
the kids' ponified names are just based on Vibes/keeping the same first letters as the original. i kept playing with the idea that the "Heart" part of pony!harold's name should be a compound word, to keep the same number of syllables as Hutchins, but i already broke the "same syllable count" rule with george, so Heart it will stay
the kids' cutie mark is just as straightforward. melvin's is science-y, while george and harold are meant to parallel each other-- at least with the 'pencil drawing part of the cutie mark' motif. the spiral in george's is me being a bit cheeky.
why is it every time i do an au that's more of a design challenge than anything with a concrete plot, george just is the hypno-ring that made krupp cu /j
krupp and captain was the most difficult out of all of them to design since if i had to design one of them, it had to be fitting for the other too. the more natural colors (in comparison to the others) was meant to be more of a reflection of krupp's character, but the neutral color palette also worked for captain too so his accessories popped.
the coat pattern was also there to make sure he doesn't seem too monotonous, but then i learned about horse coat patterns-- specifically blanket patterns... that basically meant captain's underpants is just built into both their coats. its less obvious on krupp since he has a shirt (blue now, since white on white wouldn't look good).
as for krupp's ponified name, it was also a similar struggle since there were no K words that fit his vibe. it was initially "Key" for the longest time (read as: i had to sleep on it), but i decided on "Keeper" since it still evoked that trapping feeling, but it could have more positive connotations in a... protector/caretaker/teacher sort of way.
as for the "Bantam" part, i had wanted to keep a similar enough word to "ben". and having it be shortened to "Ban Keeper" was too good to pass up. bantam is a kind of chicken (which fits krupp's farm past as established in tetocu), but bantam also meant "small and feisty person", which krupp is. but is also what the children he's "keeping" are.
so basically you can read krupp's name as "keeper/caretaker of unruly kids [in detention]", "controlling one's unruly nature", or "farmer keeper", which i personally think is fun
don't worry about krupp hiding his cutie mark! its fine. he's fine.
captain is captain! you know him. you love him. he has changeling motifs due to the nature of the "radiation". apparently, characters gaining radiation/magic based wings and horns are a thing that happened in G5, which i didn't know until recently, so funny coincidences.
captain's cutie mark is underpantyworld. his cutie mark is different from krupp (stares at the changeling motifs)
edith, thankfully was straightforward. her ponified name is just a food name, specifically a type of cheese. her cutie mark is a ladle with some sparkles around it. i changed her dress to just a shirt, and her gloves to be some galosh sort of deal.
and as a bonus since you can pry alien!edith from my cold dead hands, there's a bonus reformed changeling form since that's the closest thing to aliens in this world! "Stemmata" is a type of insect eye, to fit in with the changeling naming convention of naming them after bug body parts, but also eyes because of the whole Two Blue Eyes thing. she was originally supposed to be called "Ocellus", but there's already a character that exists with that name...
i imagine edith defecting from a small hive and accidentally unlocking her reformed form, and she thinks she can't go back even if she wanted to so she just kinda... stays,
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shallowoak · 2 months ago
Design Chatter - MLP Law, Doffy & Cora
>> Link to Law & Cora << | >> Link to Doffy <<
I have way too much fun rambling about horses, so I'm going to do it again! The Donquixote brothers are some of my most loaded designs, so explaining my thought process will probably benefit y'all, too 💦💦 Despite featuring fewer ponies this time, it will absolutely be as long, so buckle up! Fair warning for OP spoilers post time-skip, Dressrosa especially.
The arbitrary guidelines I set for myself are the same as always:
Keep it fun and surprising, in the spirit of the original!
I draw in the G4 style, but features from every gen and toy line are fair game
I love back card / blind bag style character blurbs. I live for crumbs of worldbuilding XD
I've purposefully not included cutie marks because I suck at drawing them and I'd never finish a piece if I had to draw them :v (maybe a post for another time?)
🩹Trafalgar Law🩹
As a student, this Unicorn was invited to apprentice at the Ponyville Hospital- but sudden illness stopped him from completing his training. Bitter, he fell in with a rough crowd of Ponies who encouraged him to use his knowledge and magic to hurt instead of heal. Fortunately, he's found good friends to show him the way- and a little bedside manner.
I'd like to start this section by giving a massive shout-out to @solarmantle, whose Pony Law design inspired my own. Your work is seriously gorgeous!❤️
I knew right away I wanted my version of Law to be super fluffy. He's such a guarded, covered up person that it felt wrong for him to look 'exposed' in that way. The facial hair, thick coat and hat, feathers and... all of his backstory paint a cold image of him in my mind. (I like to think he shed lot when he was first sick, and continues to now whenever he's stressed. Which is always. Then every time it grew back, it came back thicker and thicker.) You can bet that he wears those blue foot bags you get at the hospital over his hoof fluff!
I'm a huge sucker for Law keeping his patches an adult. Since they're no longer being caused by illness, they just look like Vitiligo, which I've always thought is gorgeous. For me, it was a shame for him to lose such a unique aspect of his design! So I was self indulgent and just kept it. I decided to Ponify the spots by changing the white to 'glow in the dark green', so it still looks eye-catching, unnatural and perhaps a little dangerous too. One patch is even shaped like a skull- which really helps with his tough guy image.
Plus, I'm only human, and didn't really want to draw his intricate tattoos onto a horse body😶though for him to have 'DEATH' as a leg design would be pretty rad...
This Pony misses living in the clouds so much, his head has never left there! Though dedicated to his family, he often spends more time thinking about his own plans than seeing the needs just beyond his glasses- which is probably because he's never taken them off. Maybe thinking about a vacation would be more beneficial?
I'm a firm believer that looking at Doffy should always be uncomfortable 💀He does not make a cute pony. He should not make a cute pony. So if he looks weird to you- good! That's intentional. (Unless you're looking at an actual mistake in the art, in which case no you're not)
So, Celestial Dragons. What a thing to try and put onto a cartoon horse. Honestly, I didn't want to make them actual Dragons or Alicorns or anything cool that feeds into their image. The Celestial's power comes from self-entitlement and oppression rather than any actual respect or... powers- so I'm not gonna give them any! Their whole culture is built around their (inflated) ancestry, so I decided to equate that to, and base them off of, Generation 1 ponies.
Celestials have an interesting signature style. Even the 'fallen' Doffy and Cora look... pretty bizarre. (Vine boom) Uncoordinated. (Vine boom) Gaudy. (Vine boom) So to try and emulate in this in a more MLP way, I decided to load them up with features from the toys instead. I love a good toy gimmick and G1 has loads of great ones. The whole Donquixote Family are weird and toyetic as hell. It feels like it was meant to be-!
As a loud and tastelessly dressed man, I gave Doffy three gimmick features. Twinkle-Eyes, a leg design and Celestial stripes. Totally over the top. (I'll cover leg designs in Cora's section so I don't repeat myself!) Amazingly, Celestial ponies are a real thing in G1! They've got these marble effect stripes- plus a cute star headpiece.
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Since he's 'fallen' I decided to leave out the stars (wow, literally grounded! #humble) but I could totally see the current nobles having them. On a toy it's adorable! On an actual character, pretty ugly looking to have stars on rods coming out of your skull. Twilight even wore a similar headpiece in Suited For Success and the canon ponies thought it looked stupid- so I think it fits their aesthetic just fine.
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The Twinkle-Eyes are a bit of fun, considering we never get to see under the glasses. There are lots of popular headcanons that Doffy might be blind or have light sensitivity (as someone who wore green lenses for this, this would be cool) and having gems instead of pupils is my in-universe take on this! Beautiful. Horrific. The official lore for the eyes is disgusting. Couldn't ask for a better blend to suit him perfectly.
This clumsy Pony might not have a lot to say, but he doesn't need to when he wears his heart on his sleeve! He's full of surprises, too, from airship navigation to ice arrow shooting- he's even an Equestria Games champ at the sport! Perhaps behind the cute pink exterior lies an all action hero...? Nah, surely not.
Families are a weird thing in G1. Baby Ponies are just smaller versions of their parents- and even the parents look similar. Again, something really cute and simple for a toy becomes weird for an actual character 😂
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But it works for the Donquixotes! As kids, Rosi is absolutely a smaller, shyer Doffy, who in turn both look a lot like their parents. So I decided to let them share more features than you'd typically see in G4 or G5: Same pony type, coat colour, build, eye shape... Consistency is key if you want to fit in at Marijoa!
Cora is a 'Twice as Fancy' Pony, so he has symbols all over his body (instead of just the flank) to emulate his shirt! There's even a heart on his nose, perfect for booping 🥺Admittedly, the 'name on leg' gimmick is from G3, but I thought it would be a fun addition for a group who use code names in their daily and business life. Think of it like a spray paint stencil on the fur! King has fully replaced his old name, but Cora is just a code name, y'know?
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Doffy probably wouldn't show off his underground name every day lol, but sometimes strutting your stuff around the house makes you feel a little better 🤣
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taiblogcomics · 1 year ago
A Campy Little Adventure
Hey there, anxiety clowns. Well, we've got a whole new MLP stack to get through! Normally I'd start up again with the main ongoing series, but the next two issues are the conclusion to the Discord arc. Considering it's the Spooky Month, that somehow doesn't feel right to review right now. Instead, I'm gonna try something a li'l different. To that end, let's start something instead of concluding~
Additionally, my computer crashed just as I finished this review, and I have to rewrite the entire thing. So if this review kind of sucks, that's the reason! It's because I couldn't remember how I wrote it the first time or the timing and wording of a particular joke, and I'm a little mad about it.
Here's the cover:
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Even if it was a summer camp issue, this is perfect for the season. Like, it's practically a Goosebumps cover. At least the comic version, anyway. Certainly there were enough Goosebumps books about camp to justify this. Summoning demons is everypony's favourite camp activity, clearly. The other thing I like about this cover is that the black silhouette of the trees behind Izzy kinda makes her look like she's got a beehive hairdo. Real classy look. Anyways, as the colder weather finally sets in, appreciate this as one more look back at summer~
Since it's totally summer and all, the Mane 5 are setting up the titular Camp Bighoof. They're planning all the usual camp activities: arts and crafts, music circles, obstacle courses, nature walks, magic lessons… You know, standard stuff. As an aside, like… I don't wanna knock on the artist or anything because there's nothing actually wrong here. But all the characters are making the same ^-^ while staring up at the reader, and it's mildly unsettling. So I guess we're off to a good start if this was meant to cultivate an eerie atmosphere!
Hitch starts channeling his inner Twilight Sparkle by having an entire schedule and itinerary for every camp activity. It's fine, though, he's camp director. He probably should have that. The other four are the counselors, and they have three charges each. None of them are given names (though one looks like a ponified Terry Bogard), but they do all get cabin names: Sunny's charges are the Shooting Stars, Izzy's are the Beaming Buttons, Zipp heads the Sky Seekers (hint for Zipp: look up), and Pipp is in charge of the Melody Makers.
It's already the first night of camp, and they've set up a big campfire. This is always the best part of camping. Heck, this is the only good part of camping. Izzy proposes campfire stories, and Sunny immediately switches to flashlight-under-the-chin mode. As you might guess, there's a legend in these here woods. The camp used to be called Camp Horseshoe, after the canyon it's built in. But as these things go, soon they started finding huge hoofprints lingering around the camp. Well, nice to know Trouble Shoes' descendants continued on to this day~
Naturally, giang hoofprints lead to a giant creature, and Sunny describes Bighoof as a hulking, bipedal pony with a shaggy coat. Izzy then interjects that they have the same legend in Bridlewood, except it's got a unicorn horn and goes by the name Bridlesquatch, which is just not as catchy. Zipp chimes in that they also have a similar legend in the mountains near Zephyr Heights. Their version has shaggy white fur and is called the Zeti. Now that one I think is definitely something else. And before Sunny can dismiss it all as just possibly legends, a huge roar echoes from deep in the woods surrounding them.
Hitch has everyone cool it, since all the kiddos are freaked out now, and the counselors lead them back to their respective cabins for the night. The following morning, however, Sunny spots one of her charges at breakfast, looking bummed. He doesn't have a name or even a cutie mark, but he's a small fellow with a green mane, so I'm gonna call him Broccoli. Broccoli is homesick, which is pretty normal for a colt his age. Sunny bond with him by saying she misses her own bed too. Then she invites him on a walk to clear his head and lift his mood.
Sunny gathers her other campers, and the lot of them go for a nice scenic nature walk. Their walk leads them all up ons the camp sign hanging between the valley leading into the camp. The group's unicorn, a citrus-y looking filly I'm going to name Li'l Oranges, asks if they can practice their magic here. Sunny agrees, and they decide to spruce up the camp sign. Li'l Oranges moves rocks out of the way, Broccoli grows some vines, and their pegasus, a blue filly with a high ponytail, stretches the vines up to the sign. They even get a full splash page of them having fun together.
Alas, this can only go well so long. One of the rocks passes over Broccoli's head, spilling dirt on him and making him sneeze. The sneeze triggers a surge in his magic, over-growing the vine the one I'm naming Bluesky is pulling on, rocketing her into the valley wall. This triggers a landslide, and Sunny is only barely in time to pull them all safely out of the way. But the landslide has collapsed the valley entrance, the only way in or out of camp, trapping them in the valley. The sun is going down (how long was that walk??), and that same roar from last night is now echoing through the valley…
It's just a little MLP camp adventure, it's very cute. It's a decent spook setup, every culture can relate to the hairy wildman of the woods. Heck, this one even shows how similar the Bigfoot/sasquatch idea is to the yeti (their Himalayan cousins, in my book). A good start to the setup, especially turning it into a closed circle story at the end, which is how you arrange great horror. Really, the only drawback is the art style. Again, nothing wrong with it, it's just a bit too cutesy for its own good. Bright colours and very round curves. Like, it looks great for ponies! But a camp story needs a little bit of grit to it, y'know? Just a little more edge to carry the unease.
Alas, I don't have any further issues of this miniseries, so we'll have to put it on hiatus for another stack and look at something else next week~
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ask-shu-todoroki · 2 years ago
Here's your permission to talk about your MLP character hyperfixations
go on now
Do I just rattle off who's on my mind right now? Well, okay, lemme think... XD
King Sombra - Currently the most pressing hyperfixation at the moment because I want to write a redemption arc for him. I honestly think he was done dirty by the series and he should've been given the Discord treatment instead of being revived in Season 9 only to be killed off. Kind of a waste, don't you think? Also he's extremely hot and I cannot help but simp for his majesty aaaaa
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No seriously look at him and tell me if you're a man you don't immediately question your sexuality
Soarin - He just has a really cool design and looks like a really cool and chill dude. Can do no wrong and his voice is really cool too. Kind of gives off California surfer dude vibes and although he's second-in-command he's way more chill than Spitfire. I wish he had more speaking roles tbh because we just need more of this man instead of him being a weird side/background character hybrid. Like people know who he is but he only speaks in like, three episodes???
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Thunderlane - Okay, he's a background stallion and no one really cares about him and his brother Rumble and I didn't either until "Marks and Recreation." Like, he's a talented flyer but he can also cook? Where has this guy been all my life? His design is awesome and he looks like he'd be a confident boss type but from what I saw of him he's just as sweet as Soarin which is why they belong together don't @ me Idk how these people get his voice down perfectly but his voice fits so well aaaaa
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Help his face in this image, just, gay panic
Shining Armor - He's like the only major male character in the series that appears frequently and I'm not mad at it, literally best husband and he probably speaks for all new fathers when he looks like he's losing his sanity in The Crystalling. Wait, does that make him a DILF???
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Braeburn - He's not so much in my thoughts as other stallions but maybe he should, like he's a really cool and down to earth character and I can see why so many people in the fandom write him. Basically a Texas cowboy but ponified? How can you not like him hrrrr
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No really he's so precious and needs to be protected, can literally do no wrong, he helped take down his own queen like what an icon. He also never gave up on his brother who was kind of being a jerk to him and he's also the only leader who didn't get angry at Neighsay for being a racist. Definition of gentle giant in his metamorphized form
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Sunburst - Initially I was kind of "eh" about him when he made his debut but I grew to like him as he made more appearances in the series. Probably the character who I can connect the most with, being socially awkward, wears glasses, and also smart? I can connect with him on a personal level and his wizard vibes despite not actually being a wizard are to die for aaaaa
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Flash Sentry - Okay, hear me out, hear me out! I know no one likes him in the fandom but he genuinely seems like a nice dude, if his human form is anything to go by. Also we never really see what it's like to be a royal guard so why not go into more depth with him? He was supposed to play a bigger part in the series but he was axed due to the absolute vitriol that was thrown towards him from what I heard and it's really a shame.
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You can't tell me he's not cute in this shot
Flash Magnus - He's as badass as he looks. No seriously he's just such a confident and awesome character that I love him so much. He also looks suspiciously similar to Flash Sentry so I have to wonder, are they related? Is Flash Sentry a descendant of Flash Magnus? Is this a possible fic idea? XD Also his red mane is just, chef's kiss
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He looks like he's been through war and he's literally a living legend, what's not to love?
Rockhoof - Okay he gives me Thor vibes and Thor is hot so I think he is hot. The episode of him trying to find his place is the right mix of seriousness and comedy, like nothing in the modern world is made for someone that buff XD He and Thorax are gentle giants and I love them both pretty much, I can't choose between him and Flash as a favorite Pillar of Equestria XD
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Okay after writing like a thousand words those are all of my hyperfixations at the moment when it comes to MLP, they live in my head rent free fighting for space with Cars, Planes, Mariah Carey, and Transformers
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cutepencilcase · 2 years ago
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This YCH is now SOLD OUT But if you like my art you can check the YCH auction I'm currently running: https://ych.commishes.com/auction/show/22R5D/i-just-think-they-are-neat/ 😜
Gachapone YCH
It's been a long while since the last time I did a multi-slot ych and this just started as a silly little pun, but I think I fell in love with it! To claim a slot dm me with the slot you'd like, a reference of your character and your paypal email. Payment through PayPal. Rules: -Mostly limited to pony species, kirins, bat ponies and changelings should all be ok, I can also ponify your OC -If "rare" effect is requested you'll also receive a standart version of the YCH -I'll pick colour of the capsules based on what looks good, but if you have a colour in mind let me know
Update: I'll make an updated image when I can, but right now these are the remaining slots: 1, 5, 9, 10 and 11
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karma-jinx · 6 years ago
Next up to be ponified! Adrien!!! 
Which should come to no surprise cuz duh, how could I not start off with the main characters.
Mlp!Marinette and the post that inspired the ponification of these characters.
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Adrien is a Pegasus. Pretty boy, pretty bird, pretty pony. That’s where my logic went when deciding what kind of pony he’d be. I’m so clever I know.
But aside from that silliness, I think making him a Pegasus suited his life. In canon, it’s made known that he feels like he’s in a cage due to his father and schedule. Making him a Pegasus felt right as he’s a caged bird. Having wings to soar and be free; but is restrained and “grounded” by outside forces.
I believe by other pony standards, like earth ponies/unicorns/etc., Adrien IS a pretty pony. However, by pegasus standards he’s rather average. Don’t get it wrong he is a pretty pony. But I like to think that Pegasi hold a different standard of beauty. They love flashy and bold colors. Kinda like how birds irl have such colors. Even though that sorta only applies to the males but for pony world we’ll bend the rules slightly so that all bird like ponies like bright and bold colors. So while he is a bright color, he’s a rather tamed version of what most Pegasi find appealing.
Adrien honestly doesn’t mind this. He’s rather happy not being as boldly colored as other ponies. Especially since he’s a model and all; he already gets a lot of attention as is. If he had a bright secondary color, like green, he’d feel like he’d be more easy to spot when he’s trying to sneak out of the house.
Tried to give him rounded features for a more youthful and sweet look. As a flier his speed is average and agility slightly above average. He has a rather standard wings span. Again, all this adds to what was said before about Pegasi standards. There’s nothing really flashy or bold about him by their standards; but he isn’t boring or dull by any means. He’s just average and he honestly likes it that way.
As stated in Mlp!Marinette, Adrien won’t be given a “pony” name. Also, unlike Marinette I didn’t really have a symbol to give him as a cutie mark. Hence why he lacks one. Sure he’s a model, fences, and plays piano; but those are things that his father makes him do. I don’t really consider them HIS passions. So since I don’t really have something to go off he’s left mark less.
I did however try to incorporate stripes into his design like his iconic striped shirt. Which I ended up using as the background. Sorry is that look funny by the way. It got distorted a bit.
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ponyartistbrainiac · 8 years ago
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I’m gonna post something a bit different then I usually do
Let’s start with an update
I’m sure you all probably didn’t notice my absence the last few days V: but I have taken a small break from ponies
Glitch con is in a few weeks and I found out a very dear friend of mine has a pretty nasty injury and she wasn’t feeling to hot soooo I am drawing alot of art for her which is Voltron themed to give to her at glitch con to help cheer her up also I do plan on painting her brace at glitch so if you see me doing that please wait before trying to talk its very important I get it right the first time
After glitch con things should be back to normal but expect less ponies then usual for a bit
Speaking of glitch it’s no secret that I am going and if you all see me feel free to say hi, I don’t bite hard and I will post an update about what cosplay I’m wearing which days when it gets closer to time
I am also planning I going to Canterlotkc in october so look forward to that Suigin may be joining me for that as well
Also I have a bit of a psa for you all that I have been thinking about a bit but didn’t know of a way to bring it up
With the new pony movie coming out in october the fandom will likely get a second wind and revive from the void with lots of new and most likely young members
Please do remember that mlp is for kids and they are happy to be apart of this community too so try to be welcoming and don’t give them any grief for their ocs or art everyone starts somewhere and with this sudden influx of new community members we should help eachother and not tear another down remember what the brony fandom was founded on
Be nice to the new kids
Alright now for the moment no one’s been waiting for: info on the drawings I posted with this wall of text
I was in a place with not much to do all day so I did a couple of traditional drawings
The first is my oc Lufty which was created by Suigin and then given to Me, shes basically our weird horse love child v: and prepare for me to draw her alot
Shiro is the second one and he’s a ponified character from the voltron reboot (check that out man it’s good)
This Drawing was done for Carlee
The pony design for Shiro was created originally by Apen
And the last one is a drawing of Sombers oc Golden Blood from Fallout equestria project horizons
This drawing was a surprise for Suigin
Alright that’s all for now
See you in the flip side
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totallyfrandom · 6 years ago
A few weeks ago I watched more movies: “Here Comes the Grump”, “Flying the Nest”, “The Boonie Bears: Homeward Journey” and “My Little Pony: The Movie”.
"Here Comes the Grump” was a surprisingly good movie. Apparently it’s based on the TV series from the 70s, which I’m not familiar with. There is a somewhat romantic subplot in there, which I’m not a fan of, but I’m surprised they took a bit of a realistic responsible adult turn in the end (wish they did so sooner). I like that the villain isn’t truly a villain for a change, but a misunderstood wizard that turned evil (technically not a spoiler). I actually cried with an aching heart near the end of the movie because of the heavy emotions in it. I had much sympathy there. There should be a plot twist in the movie but honestly I saw it coming miles away. But that didn’t ruin the movie. I enjoyed big parts of it and I did laugh a few times. Oh and apparently Ian McShane voices the Grump. I recommend to take a gander on this movie.
“Flying the Nest” is an animated movie with birds (I do tend to get into that theme every now and then; they’re more common than I thought). It doesn’t beat “Adventures in Zambezia” but it was good. Thought there was a scene that came out of nowhere and then never mentioned again when it was over and I was so confused of what that was all about. I don’t think I ever got answers. That little weird thing aside, I like how the movie handled trauma; how the consequence of such caused the young bird--who has recently learned to fly--to refuse flying, which makes him more vulnerable on ground, and then how he overcomes it. I recommend to watch it at least once.
Then we have “The Boonie Bears: Homeward Journey”... oh boy. It’s another flop in my opinion. This is the third “Boonie Bears” movie title I watch and I can’t watch them chronologically because I just watch them as I find them. I feel like they get worse the more I find of them: this movie is even worse than “The Boonie Bears: Robo-Rumble” (which I’ve talked about before). I’m pretty sure Logger Vick has a different voice in this one and he sounds absolutely obnoxious with that voice. The song that he sings while building his “doomsday machine” is so cringey I just skipped that one. I hate the two monkeys too, they’re the most annoying animals in the forest (I don’t even know how they ended up in there; doesn’t seem like a natural habitat to them). While the ending is a bit touching, it didn’t move me all that much and nothing was really funny there that made me even chuckle. It’s a lot of awkwardness. Then in the ending credits the characters are speaking to the viewers and showing clips of “bloopers” (which are just scenes how the bears torture Vick in random unfunny scenes). I gave up watching more of it. Definitely a movie for small children. I don’t think I’ll find a better Boonie Bears movie than “The Boonie Bears: The Big Top Secret”. So definitely skip “Homeward Journey” and go for “The Big Top Secret” instead. I’m still keeping my eyes peeled for the remaining Boonie Bears movie, hoping at least another will be good.
As for the My Little Pony movie... it’s a bit complicated. At first I wasn’t interested because I don’t like the new series. Like, at all. Only one thing I liked about it is the Luteces cameo (ponified) in one of the episodes. But much later I saw some character concept art and interesting screenshots from the movie, especially of the cat character Capper, and I decided to give it a go. I didn’t have any high expectations of it. Long story short: It had some annoying moments (like I skipped most of the songs because it was too... “cutesy” and childish for my taste; I did watch through Capper’s and Tempest’s songs), some good moments and one scene actually almost made me tear up because emotions I guess. All in all, it was an okay movie. I wouldn’t watch it again but it wasn’t a waste of my time either. Didn’t make me change my views a whole lot on Friendship is Magic nor made me into a pony fan. I’d rather rewatch “My Little Pony Tales”, which is my favorite generation of My Little Pony.
If I have to pick a favorite pony in that movie, then it’s either Applejack or Fluttershy. I like Applejack for some reason, other than her southern accent. Fluttershy is sweet and a bit more quiet, also I like how she “dealt with” one of the Storm King’s henchmen. That was so sweet. However, I don’t like Twilight Sparkle and Rarity. I thought I’d like Rarity but she seems to be one who wants to be/look perfect (like one scene she was falling to her death but when a mirror fell next to her she admired herself in it for a moment before going back to screaming again; it was random and I didn’t find it funny). Despite I know the popularity of Pinkie Pie, I personally think she was the most annoying one. I can’t stand her. I’m pretty much neutral to the other ponies.
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txo-in-one · 7 years ago
@barkedatmailman replied to your post:
                   @barkedatmailman replied to your post:        ...                
   ((Then perhaps she should think about it few days before deciding anything. And if it is an OC she would like to make maybe even more time is required. Tumblr can be a nice place but if she is afraid of hate she should not allow anons from the start.))   
// I agree with this notion! We’ll take time, let her explore the fandom and the art, and we’ll see what really sticks. For all we know, this is just and excited phase she’s going through... That, or it could become like the MLP fandom, where we made a whole private AU by essentially ponifying our characters. // No matter what, though, it’s just good she’s having fun... I doubt she’ll try out tumblr (she isn’t just afraid of anons, she’s afraid of everyone, even kind cinnabuns she would be sooo anxious to approach), but if she does I’ll be sure to encourage da pants off her all the way, and I’m sure many of you kind folks will also help if anyone gets interested. For now, it’s just nice to embrace her excitement.
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