#i think about them like all the time now. god. god!
qlossytbh · 2 days
𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 - 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 the time where you had just a little too much to drink after a party at rossis and spencer takes care of you
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 alcohol intoxication, drinking, reader gets sick, emetophobia, a bit of suggestiveness (?), lots of pet names, spencer’s a sweetheart.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 2.2k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 suffering a bit of a writers block but i am on a roll lately. it’s like ive got all these unfinished drafts and i can’t seem to finish them ugh. im going through my request, slowly but surely!
𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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“Come on,” Spencer urged, wrapping a tight arm around you as you clung to his shoulder as if your life depended on it. God, your head was pounding and your own body felt like dead weight as you continued carrying yourself around.
You stumbled on your feet, too intoxicated to walk straight. The sharp stiletto heel that accompanied your dress was not working in your favor either, and they were frankly becoming quite painful.
“I need to sit down,” You slurred in a hushed yet collected manner.
“One second angel,” He whispered, reminding himself not to disrupt his neighbors.
It wasn’t your fault that Rossi's parties always consisted in a very sweet, very endless supply of the most exquisite cocktails you’d ever tasted. It’s not everyday you got to taste such bougie liquor and given your big sweet tooth, and Garcia’s pesky persistence to get you to follow along her alcohol tasting spree, all those free drinks were dangerous at your disposal.
Penelope had passed over this tart but perfectly sweetened strawberry drink she had encountered and you made the grave mistake of trying it. Just when the flavors melted in your mouth, you immediately made your way to the bar in search of your own, downing that one and three more in less than fifteen minutes.
In hindsight, that was a horrible decision. Spencer knew that if he had been glued to your hip, just like he usually was at these or any social event for that matter, he’d never let you drink as much and as fast as you did. He had nagged about something with rapid absorption and rapid increase in BAC— you were too drunk to remember any of the information he was dumping your way if you were being honest.
You began slowing down once the nausea and severe dizziness settled in. Usually, you knew your limits with alcohol. You knew how much got you drunk enough to loosen up, and you knew how much was too much, thanks to a few situations where you had to learn the hard way. However, something about the sweetness and the inability to taste any alcohol whatsoever threw you off your radar.
And here you are, dragging yourself against Spencer’s body and back into his apartment, too drunk to even walk and feeling like you were about to literally throw up any and every thing in your system.
Spencer pushed the door open, managing to balance you in his other arm as he unlocked the door swiftly. He walked in with you by his side, throwing the keys into the small metal dish by the door and now using both hands to keep you steady.
You remained quiet, trying desperately to focus on keeping the nausea down and not throwing up. “Spence,”
“What's wrong?” He asked, looking down at you as you dug your forehead into his chest, grappling at his shirt with a rough tug.
“I feel really sick,” The world around you was spinning and that pit in your stomach was getting harder to push down. He matted down the top of your tousled hair, tucking a few stray strands behind your ears.
“Do you need to throw up?” He asked, voice soft and comforting.
“I think so,” The nausea seemed to hit like a tidal wave, and all you needed was to lie down. You needed to lie down. Just the mention of puking was enough to get you to gag. Immediately freaked out and panicked, you gave a persistent nod, already pushing yourself off of him and making a very crooked B-line for the bathroom, knowing you were going to throw up.
Once past the bathroom door, you fell to your knees opening the lid of the toilet and hurling the contents of your stomach into it. You gagged, retching loudly while tears pricked the corners of your eyes and everything around you hurt.
Spencer followed closely behind, crouching beside you and pulling up your hair into a messy makeshift ponytail while his other came to rub comforting circles on your back, sitting through your discomfort by your side.
It was ironic really. Spencer had always been extremely opposed to anything germ related and this seemed to be his worst nightmare. If anyone knew about this, they’d probably not be able to believe how Spencer didn’t run in the opposite direction and quite literally ran right towards you and your germ related issues. Since he started dating you, he let certain things slide. He shared more of his personal space and didn’t mind if that included sharing things he wouldn’t tend to share around others.
He never thought twice about it if it brought you comfort. It came to him naturally, putting you and your comfort and happiness first.
You spit out the remaining acidic taste of bile into the toilet and groaned heavily. Your nostrils burned and so did the back of your throat, but all of the nausea was immediately alleviated from your system.
“Mhm, sexy,” You said, reaching over for a piece of toilet paper and wiping down your mouth. Spencer huffed a laugh through his nose, pressing a kiss to the back of your head. “This is embarrassing.”
“This?” He said, voice jumping into one of fake shock. You threw a glare over your shoulder and his face immediately melted into a sweet smile, rubbing your back with just a bit more clarity. “I’ve seen you in worse predicaments,”
“How do you feel?” You turned, resting your back against the toilet after flushing the contents away and turning towards him.
“I feel better,” You mumbled, screwing your eyes shut and attempting to blink away the tears and the burning sensation of your nose.. “But I probably look very disgusting.”
He tilted his head with a shrug, wholeheartedly answering. “You don’t look disgusting,”
“Liar,” You said with narrowed eyes, smiling playfully.
He shook his head with one of his signature smiles, those that tugged slightly to the right and crinkled the corner of his eyes just perfectly. He reached up, grabbing the empty glass cup that sat on the side of his sink, and was now filled with water. He handed you the glass which you took without complaint. “Drink,”
You drank down the whole glass, wanting to get the disgusting aftertaste out of your mouth. “Better?”
“Much,” You nodded, smiling up at him, feeling instantly better but still dizzy. “I feel like, rejuvenated or something,”
You reached back to push yourself up off the ground, only for Spencer to set a firm hand on your shoulder keeping you still.
“Give yourself a minute,” He told you. “You feel better after vomiting following excessive alcohol consumption mainly due to the removal of alcohol and its irritating effects on the stomach, but you need a few seconds.”
You hummed, picking at a rhinestone on your dress. “Does that mean I should expel all my stomach's contents everytime I overdrink to feel better?”
“No,” He narrowed his eyes at you. “You shouldn’t even drink enough to get to the point of having to throw up in the first place, love,”
“But those strawberry drinks were so good Spence,” You threw your head back with a pout.
“Yeah, yeah,” He dismissed with a playful tone. He hooked his fingers around your elbows. “Up,”
You steadied yourself with a tight grip on his shoulders and winced at the bright white light of the bathroom. He pushed you back, knocking the back of your knees into the toilet and forcing you to sit down on it with a soft thud. He crouched down and reached over to knead at the straps of your heel and promptly remove them.
He set them to the side and wordlessly moved into his room, grabbing one of his spare t-shirts and making his way back into the bathroom, where you watched him with weary eyes and a very sleepy but adoring smile.
Everything felt fuzzy but just seeing him work his way around you with such ease made your heart beat insanely.
“It’s not fair that you’re so pretty,” You voiced. Spencer opened his mouth to answer but could only mustered a stammered chuckle, blushing profusely but trying to resist laughing at the slurring in your voice.
“I’m pretty?” He asked. You nodded.
“Very,” He reached his hands out, grabbing yours and pulling you up.
“Is it okay if I take your dress off?” He asked, turning you around so your back was facing him. His fingers skimmed across your already exposed shoulders and back and everything felt so heightened that you shuddered at the ghost of his touch.
“Thought you’d never ask,” You said, shooting him a suggestive smile over your shoulder. He said your name with a warning, not faltering in the slightest.
“I’m kidding!” For the most part at least.
“Well, given since you can’t sleep in this dress,” His calloused fingers traced your shoulders in a soothing rhythm. “I brought you one of my shirts but I need to take off your dress in order to put it on,”
Your body seemed to feel magnetized to the floor, pulling your every movement down with a huge weight. Which was probably the alcohol having its effect on you. You felt stupefied but all you could think of was just how tired you were.
“That’s fine Spence,” You murmured, allowing his fingers to skim down your shoulders and towards the dress's zipper. Your eyes fluttered shut, trying to rest them while his hands moved around your back.
He pulled it down, all so gently and smoothly that you were growing even dizzier than you were with more than three cocktails in you.
“I love this dress,” You stated, watching as the sleeves loosened from your shoulders and began sliding down. The cold air hit your bare skin and you merely shivered as it fell and rested on the plush flesh of your hips.
“So do I,” He smiled, slipping his own shirt over your head. You huffed as he pushed the dress down your hips, allowing his shirt to fall over your upper body and cover you as best as it could while picking up the pool of fabric from the floor and laying it out against the toilet. “You looked very beautiful.”
You really did. The way that specific black sequined dress hugged your figure in every single angle and crease possible, flaunting off your body shape perfectly, made Spencer weak at his knees. He didn’t know how he didn’t drop everything the second he saw you to pull you elsewhere private and kiss you until neither of you could breathe.
“Looked? As in past tense?” You turned, facing him with a fake betrayal plastered across your features. “That’s rude,”
“You are insufferable,” He reached back, grabbing your spare toothbrush and putting a nice amount of toothpaste on it. “Now let me brush your teeth so I can kiss you,”
You surrendered your never ending teasing with a sigh, grabbing the hem of his shirt as he held your chin tenderly, brushing your teeth. Throughout the whole three minutes, you couldn’t hold back from allowing yourself to re-learn every single scratch and line on Spencer’s face, engraving its every detail and beauty into a small space in your brain.
Once he was finished and you had rinsed your mouth out with water, you were eternally grateful that the acidic taste in your mouth and lips had been replaced with a fresh minty one. “There,”
You hummed, pulling Spencer in by the said hem of his t-shirt and tilting your chin up towards him, smiling at him like an idiot. “Hi,”
“Hey,” His hands reached up, cradling your face tenderly in his palms, pouring any and every ounce of love he had in him onto you with a firm kiss.
“My legs are killing me,” You said, nuzzling your nose into his cheek and hugging his torso. He rubbed your back with a kiss on the top of your forehead. “I want to lay down,”
“I know but I need to get your makeup off, angel,” He murmured.
You groaned, needing to just get to bed or else you’d literally collapse “You specifically know that if you leave it on overnight, the buildup of makeup, along with dirt, oil, and pollutants that you collect on your skin throughout the day accumulates on its surface and can cause skin issues and breakouts.”
You narrowed a glare. “Yeah, yeah, I guess you’re right,”
“I always am,” He smiled proudly.
“Okay now you’re just pushing it,” He reached back, grabbing a makeup removing wipe from its respective package and dragging it very smoothly across your cheeks, lips, eyes and forehead— any part of your face he could get at. You shivered at the chilliness it gave your flared up cheeks.
Spencer was so gentle with you it made your heart swell in size at just how much attention and care he put into everything he did for you. If you weren’t as tired—and as out of it— as you were right now, you really would pull him down and kiss him anywhere (and everywhere) until your heart stopped beating as much as it was. Although realistically speaking the kissing would probably cause your palpitations to worsen.
He managed to get as much mascara off as he could but the waterproof substance stuck to the bottom of your eyes with a fierce grip. He tossed the wipe into the trashcan and quickly swiped his thumbs across the bottom of your eyes with a very docile brush.
“How do I look?” You said, narrowing your eyes with humor, knowing you probably looked absolutely disheveled. Spencer cocked a brow at you, reaching back and undoing the tie that held your hair into the gorgeous updo thing you had going on.
“Absolutely breathtaking,” He still said, pressing a chaste kiss to the bridge of your nose. His hands continued working at your hair, to which you let your eyes flicker close, resisting the uncontrollable urge to moan out loud as the pads of his fingers rubbed your irritated scalp soothingly.
“I’m sorry,” Your voice came out way more breathier than intended.
“What for?” He asked, letting his hands rest on the side of your neck.
“This,” It wasn’t exactly flattering— the state he had seen you in. And for some reason you felt embarrassed at the thought of him seeing you so exposed and in some shape or form. “I don’t know I feel like I made a fool of myself,”
He furrowed his brows. “I don’t know— I feel guilty that you have to take care of me.”
“But I love taking care of you,” He murmured, instilling such a delicate tone with you that it was impossible to feel uncertain about anything. “Don’t say sorry,”
He kissed you, perfectly, just like he always did. “If you say so,”
It was true. Spencer loved, absolutely treasured, moments where he could take care of you in his own special way. Be gentle and remind you just how much he absolutely loved you.
“Am I done now?” You huffed, slumping forward as all the bones in your body begged to sleep.
“Mhm,” He pulled back, scanning you entirely. “Good to go.”
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weeknd-ogoc · 2 days
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SUMMARY: in which logan feels like you're the only one who believes in him.
(inspired by nessa barrett's song, american jesus)
FACE CLAIM: nailea devora
CONTAINS: spanish!reader, o'ward!reader, lando being messy, small smut scene; unprotected sex, missionary, praising & a small angst scene due to an argument.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: hope you guys like it!! 💙
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liked by logansargeant, elbaoward and 129,356 others
yn_oward his blue jean little baby 🫐
tagged: logansargeant
comments limited
username my NEW favorite couple!
username honey forget about him and look at me, this isn't u!
logansargeant my very pretty girl 💙
yn_oward 😚😚
username how i'm announcing my man
elbaoward FINALLY! welcome to the family logan! 💙
patriciooward you knew?? elbaoward ofc, soy la hermana favorita! (i'm the fav. sister) logansargeant can't wait to meet you guys!
username nah this can't be
williamsracing can't wait to see you next weekend!!
liked by yn_oward
landonorris 💔 you still have time to delete
max_fewtrell he's kidding landonorris not kidding oscarpiastri is kidding
username why is there so much hate?? you guys are adorable!
liked by logansargeant and yn_oward
"god, i don't deserve you." logan quietly whispered as he hugged your sleeping body just a bit more tighter.
every now and then he would think back to the day the two of you had met — it was really love at first sight for him but you on the other hand, it took you a good while to really notice him.
he was just a rookie and you were the younger sister of pato o'ward who was in the mclaren indycar team, zak brown had invited you to the mclaren garage every now and then so you were hanging out with people like lando and your brother's good friend, checo.
soon enough you were hanging out with oscar and he found this as an opportunity to finally introduce himself to you.
"they're good friends..." oscar told him as they ate and at the table in front of them sat lando and you. "pretty sure lando has a thing for her but she's hard to read so i'm not sure if she does."
logan was ashamed to admit that this moment was when he sort of became jealous of lando.
oscar knew him for years now so he knew how to easily read him, he had a crush on you. "just talk to y/n, she's really sweet so it's not like she's going to ignore you or something."
so when it was time to go logan held the door open for you and you smiled at him.
"such a gentlemen, thank you!" you smiled and turned back around to lando who was eyeing the whole interaction between the two of you. "you've never opened the door for me."
as time went on he saw you show up to more races — you never went into the williams garage but he still managed to bump into you and you guys even exchanged numbers at one point.
"captain america!"
alex and lily saw the little smile that appeared on logan's face when he saw you walking towards him.
they both thought you guys would be so cute together.
"congratulations on getting your first points!" they overheard, also seeing the hug you gave him and how quickly he was to wrap his arms around your waist and gently twirl you around. "i told you that you had nothing to worry about!"
logansargeant recently added to his story
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viewed by oscarpiastri, yn_oward and 223,211 others
[caption: my future wife and my son 💙]
[tagged: yn_oward]
replies to your story
username omgg are you guys engaged??
yn_oward pls i look like death 🤠
logansargeant hush! you look beautiful as ALWAYS!!
username cuties!
username break up with her
oscarpiastri wow you're a dad before me
patriciooward slow your roll brother, you haven't met me yet.
logan sargeant was known to be quite the gentleman but all chivalry leaves his body when he had you sprawled out and trembling as his dick drilled into you at a steady pace.
his confidence in himself had gone significantly down since they chose alex to drive his car in australia this weekend and now there was rumors of a certain boy from formula 2 possibly replacing him.
"tell me again." he whispered as he pulled himself out of you, leaving his tip right at your entrance.
you whined from the loss of the feeling. "log plea-"
"tell me again." he pressed light kisses onto your cheek. "please, i need to hear it from you, always you."
aside from alex placing eleventh in his car and the rumors, lando had gushed to you about his pole position and decided to go find you after he placed p3 just to give you a hug, giving him a smirk right after letting you go.
"i love you and i believe in you."
he pushed back into you right after those words leading you to scratch down his very toned back and lock your legs behind his waist.
"god, i really don't deserve you." he said right before picking up his pace and hitting your sweet spot continuously soon leaving the both of you to see stars.
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liked by yn_oward, patriciooward and 30,342 others
williamsracing home soil hits different 😮‍💨 #f1
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yn_oward i pledge my allegiance to this man 🫡
logansargeant really babe yn_oward ilyyy !!
username replace him already
alex_albon my captain america 🫡
yn_oward amen logansargeant i hate you guys
username good luck in qualifying!
username 🦅🦅
patriciooward you got this!
"i'm such a dumb fuck!" you overhead logan say as he placed nineteenth in qualifying for the sprint.
it completely broke your heart listening to him say that about himself because you knew he had what it took to get into a good position but since the team was always prioritizing alex it was making him lose his confidence.
so it left him feeling uneasy for the next two days because he really wanted to get points in and make everyone proud of him, make you proud of him.
the day of the race you made sure to give him a good peptalk and he nodded along to your words, kissing your forhead. "you're right i got this, what am i even worrying about?" and just before he could tell you that you were his good luck charm, alexandra was calling you due to the girls wanting to meet up to see the puppies together on the paddock. "go. i'll come get you before we have to go back into the garage."
after a good fifteen minutes of girl gossip and the puppies playing together — you had noticed a blue and an orange figures talking in the distance, you knew how lando was towards logan so you decided you should go stop their conversation incase it wasn't going well.
"ugh they're adorable, maybe i should tell pierre to get us one." kika said as she looked at both yours and alexandra's puppies play around.
just a few minutes before that logan had just ended his small discussion with alex and james, he was looking for you but instead bumped into lando instead.
"logan! i was looking for y/n, do you know where she is?"
"she's with the girls showing off our dog." logan emphasized the word our to him.
"oh right, oscar told me about that." he popped a chip into his mouth and patted logan's shoulder. "so when did you guys become a thing? we used to talk all the time and she never even mentioned you guys talking."
logan knew he wasn't the best liked on the grid so he knew you weren't going to get the best support through social media and you knew how protective your brother was over you that you guys decided to keep your relationship a secret for awhile.
"right, i actually asked her out during the mexican grand prix last year and we just decided to keep things quiet."
"so that's why she cancelled our date over there." lando popped another chip in his mouth and nodded. "keeping a girl like her a secret mus-"
"hey babe should we start heading to the garage?" logan felt a pair of arms wrap around him and felt his building up anger, wash away. "hey lan."
"hey, i was looking for you but we can talk later..." he smiled at you and looked back at logan. "well see you on the track and good luck out there."
he rolled his eyes as soon as lando walked off and began walking with you towards the garage to get ready before the race started — you knew that interaction probably bothered him because he was being extremely quiet which was rare for him.
he felt his hands a bit clammy after you handed him his helmet and before he could put it on he gently kissed you. "quit being nervous, you're going to do great."
he nodded kissing you once more. "see you in a bit."
once the race began, you had been watching him through the screen nervously since he was doing pretty good — you had hope he would do good so the both of you could be in high spirits to move into your new condo in new york.
"are you sure you want to move in with me? i drool sometimes." you giggled as logan twirled you around. "and your son tends to snore sometimes."
"i know, you've drooled on me a few times already." he chuckled and nodded. "i don't know i'm going to get any sleep around you guys but i'll manage."
as you focused you attention back into the race you saw kevin magnussen make logan spin out of the race and you knew it was going to be such a hard week for him.
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liked by sebastianvettel, alex_albon and 121,311 others
logansargeant we're new yorkers now or whatever 🤎
tagged: yn_oward
view all 1,113 comments
username happy for you guys!!
patriciooward i think its rude, you guys never show off my beautiful fur nephew
yn_oward you can facetime him and see him chewing up our shoes patriciooward smh you guys always make that litte man out to be a menace 😭
username i think i bent my phone a little
alex_albon lily is asking for a sleepover
logansargeant y/n said come asap in pajamas
username im glad to see a smile on your face after sunday!
username bye you're so lucky to have her logan
logansargeant i know 🙂
after only four days since moving in, logan and you had already had your first fight which resulted you giving him the silent treatment that afternoon.
even though logan tried to put on a happy face you knew what happened on sunday was still bothering him but he didn't want to talk about it. "quit asking, i am fine!" he didn't mean for it to come out as loud as it did and he sighed looking back up to you. "look i-"
you didn't let him finish his sentence and walked into your shared bedroom with the dog following behind you — he pretended that your silence didn't bother him but it did and with all this silence he found himself thinking about the dnf and how this was most likely the end of his career.
he remembered you wrapping your small arms around his waist as he watched the rest of the race in silence. "it wasn't your fault amor."
at least he still had you right?
"it's a landmark day for lando, lando norris wins for the first time in formula one!" he scoffed as he overheard and excused himself from everyone. "it's victory in miami for norris and mclaren!"
he couldn't help but to think about lando — i mean he had a good team an even better car than him, he had the looks, his best friend and he knew the british boy wanted you.
but then he thought lando could never have you because you had eyes on him only and he was always letting his jealousy get into his head that he kept forgetting.
so the next morning you finally decided to leave the room quietly to walk your puppy and saw logan with a pout on his face. you had expected him to come crawling into bed some point at night but he never did.
he watched as you grabbed the blue leash and usually he would tag along but he thought you wouldn't want him around at time time.
and it was his own fault for missing out on it.
"be careful baby." he called out as you start heading for the exit but you just give him a small nod which causes him to slouch a bit. "have fun?"
your silence left him pouting once more and just as you were about to open the door, he sprinted towards you. "please tal-"
“logan, i'm giving you your spa-”
he groaned before grabbing onto your hand. "no. i want you to be in my space and i'm sorry for even shouting, it was so stupid and i did not even mean for it to come out like that."
before he could continue, you had placed a soft kiss on his cheek and nodded. "i know."
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liked by logansargeant, alexanderrossi and 102,540 others
patriciooward our monthly family game night was hosted by our baby sister for the first time, 10/10 will be doing it again sometime. 🎲
tagged: yn_oward, elbaoward
view all 3,900 comments
username my favorite trio ❤️
patriciooward p.s. if captain america tells you he's a better monopoly player than me, he's a big liar!
logansargeant p.p.s if the duck tells you he beat me in monopoly, he's a big liar! elbaoward please the both of you lost! 😭😭 yn_oward I WON!!! patriciooward yeah cause you're a cheater 🙄
username i should've been your cuñado
username you snooze you lose, get a life!
username lols why was she mad?
patriciooward she wanted to take the picture 🙂
username never thought her siblings would like logan
elbaoward 10/10 aside from her dog being a real menace it was great1
yn_oward told you guys but you guys didn't believe me
username bye i love you guys all hanging out!!
at the beginning of your relationship with logan, he was super patient with you after telling him he had to wait before you could introduce him to your siblings because of how protective your brother was over you and your sister.
"i just don't think lando is boyfriend material, he's like a diva..." you remembered your brother showing up to your room one early morning after pictures were posted of you and lando at a club.
"first of all, we're just friends i don't like him and please get out so i can continue my beauty sleep."
you had the biggest fear that your siblings wouldn't like him as much as you did but after some time you told your sister. "he's adorable, i'm glad he makes you happy."
just a month after lando had gone to tell pato about your relationship and your brother insisted on meeting him but you kept making excuses on why it wasn't the time yet.
"y el guero?" your brother asked the next morning and you guys giggled at his morning hair. "you guys don't look any better." (and the white boy?)
you scoffed throwing a pillow at him. "he went to get us bagels and coffee."
your sister braided your hair as she did since you guys were younger. "i like him, he's really nice."
ever since you were little pato had chased off boys that got too close to you and your sister but when elba had found her now husband, he became a little less annoying about who you were hanging out with.
he even tried setting you up with his other teammate david malukas before he knew about logan and you politely declined. "fine but you are missing out cause he's really great and i would approve instantly!"
pato nodded as he rested his head onto your lap. "yeah he's cool i guess."
by the time logan got back he caught the three of you having a pillow fight — he loved how close you guys were so he should probably get used to almost always having them around from now on, not that he had a problem with that because they were actually really fun to hang around.
he even planned to go fishing with your brother next week and your sister had invited you guys over for a sleepover the following week so he could meet her husband.
"i'll tell you what i told alba's husband the day i met him..." he remembered pato drunkly tell him last night. "she's a big girl and i know she can protect herself but i promise you te mataré si la lastimas." (i'll kill you if you hurt her)
right before he could even ask what that meant elba smacked her brother's arm. "he's kidding, he won't actually kill you."
logan chuckled nodding but with the look he was giving him right now he knew he probably wasn't joking. "i would never dream of hurting her."
later that afternoon everyone decided to watch a movie so you were setting up the snacks and logan stopped you, kissing your forhead as he always did.
"you're amazing." he whispered before giving you another kiss. "you're the greatest love of my life."
you smiled and before you could kiss him, pato cleared his throat. "sorry to interrupt this little nasty moment but your dog just peed on the carpet."
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𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
© 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐧𝐝-𝐨𝐠𝐨𝐜 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤.
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tayytayy12 · 2 days
I lost you, but I found me | CL16 x Reader, reader x ex!CS55
Part one
Summary - After your break up with Carlos someone helps you find yourself again.
Warnings - Pregnancy, swearing, divorce, toxic ex
Requested - yes
Type - Written
Notes - If you wanted reader to end up with Carlos I’m sorry, just following the request, and this hasn’t been proofread
The next month after that late night was tough, probably the toughest few weeks you would ever experience. You had moved out of yours and Carlos’ shared home with the help of your mother and sister and got your own apartment not far from their home, so you and your baby could be close to your family.
You hadn’t heard from Carlos at all since you had told him of your pregnancy, all you got was a letter in the post, divorce papers, of which he had already signed his name.
It didn’t hurt as much as you though it would as you scribbled your own on the dotted line parallel to his, you didn’t want to admit it but your relationship had been over far before that moment, you just had failed to release it before.
You had the support of your family and friends as you went further along in your pregnancy, they was all there for you, now being three months along your bump growing more and more by the day, you knew that you was going to be okay.
You hadn’t announced your pregnancy or even your divorce, Carlos had already been seen with a new girlfriend parading around the paddock, so you knew that the fans knew of your separation, but they still didn’t know of the baby growing inside of you.
It was summer break of the formula one season, which meant your home or Monaco was about to be flooded with drivers returning home from their busy schedules to spend some time at home, all of them you would try your very best to avoid, for obvious reasons.
Things don’t always go as planned though. Which is how you ended up in your current situation, having a late night walk along the deserted streets, like you had begun doing more often in the past months. It helped you clear your head. And it was working to do so, well, until you heard your name being yelled from behind you.
“Y/n!” You quickly spun around when you heard that familiar voice. You would recognise it anywhere, you knew Charles’ voice, he was one of your closest friends before everything unfolded. The man was quick to flash a smile and jog up to stand in front of you, “I thought it was you.” He said with a grin and he embraced you in a hug that you of course returned.
“Hey Charlie,” you said, using your old nickname for the man as you pulled away, “how’ve you been?”
He smiled as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, continuing both of your walks as you spoke, “I’ve been good, missing my favourite Ferrari fan in the paddock though.” He said as he quickly glanced down at you, he wasn’t going to bring up your husband, he wasn’t an idiot.
You smiled at the ground sadly as you chuckled, “Yeah, sorry about my absence. Didn’t really think I’d be doing anyone a favour by coming to any races, it would probably just end in arguments and lies about, well, this.” You said as you pointed down to your growing stomach, Charles stopping in his tracks, mouth agape as he sated down at your bump, for a moment you had forgot that you had told no one of your pregnancy.
“Oh my god,” he said as he looked down at you, “is it?” He said, not saying a name but of course you knew what he meant, “Carlos? Yeah, he wasn’t too thrilled when I told him, sent me the divorce papers in the post a week later.”
“What a fucking asshole,” Charles said, clearing angry at his teammates behaviour, but you just shrugged, “I’ve made my peace with it, I don’t need him to do this.”
Charles smiled at your words, he always knew you was capable of doing anything yourself, “How about I take you for dinner tomorrow night, late so no worries of nosy eyes prying.”
You raised your eyebrows at him, “are you asking me on a date Charles?” You watched in amusement as he tried to stutter his way through a response, you just shook your head and laughed, “yes, Charlie. I’d love to go to dinner with you.”
After that night you had begun to speak to Charles more and more. He had become one of the people you could rely on as your pregnancy moved further along.
You were now six months along, your stomach was growing more and more by the day it seemed, and you couldn’t wait for it to be the day where you would get to meet your baby.
After summer break had ended Charles had to of course go back to racing, but on weeks off he would come and bust and stay with you.
Over the months the two of you had formed a relationship, and you had chose to keep it a secret for now, knowing the backlash the pair of you would receive from everybody, but you were happy, the happiest you had been in years.
Charles showed you that love could be calm, that you didn’t have to spend every day worrying about him losing interest like you did with Carlos because, unlike him, Charles was always there for you.
That’s what lead the pair of you here, having a quite night in at your apartment as you watched a movie on your tv, you leaning against Charles with your head in his shoulder as he focused on the screen and subconsciously rubbed his thumb back and forth over your stomach, a habit the pair of you had come accustom to in the recent weeks.
You knew in this moment, that this was all you ever needed.
It was late at night when you woke up with a small grunt of pain coming from your now nearly full grown stomach as you neared closer to your due date, you sighed and tried to wiggle yourself free from Charles’ comforting hold to grab a glass of water, thinking this was just another case of braxton hicks, your due date though nearing closer still a month away.
You stood slowly but stopped in your tracks when you felt liquid drop down your leg, “What the fuck?” You muttered, this couldn’t be happening now, your baby would be okay other than probably a night in the nicu just for precaution but that though still frightened you beyond belief, but you wasn’t ready, this wasn’t supposed to happen for another month.
You turned around as quickly as the weight on your stomach allowed as you woke Charles, after you called his name for the third time he jumped out of bed, him having grown alert of the nearing to your due date, and for a moment you allowed your heart to swoon at his constant worry for you and your unborn child’s wellbeing. He didn’t have to stop you on the street that night, he didn’t have to ask you out for dinner and he didn’t have to start a relationship with you when your was pregnant with his teammates child, he chose to. He wanted to be there for you, with you. No matter what.
You couldn’t focus on his caring behaviour for too long though, as you swallowed the lump in your throat as you stuttered out the words, “My water broke.”
Charles’ shoulders relaxed slightly, glad that neither of you was in serious hurt or danger, but he still sprung into action, “Okay,” he said as he hopped out of your shared bed and dragged a t-shirt over his bare chest, “I’m going to help you change, then we’re gonna grab the hospital bag and we’re gonna make sure that you and Petit ange are okay?”
Your heart swooned at the nickname he had adjusted for the baby, but also for his calmness in the situation.
The pair of you hadn’t discussed what life would be like once the baby was born, all you knew was that Charles has contacted Carlos - per your request- and informed him of your due date, saying he happened to pass you in the street one day and asked him to inform the Spaniard, but he just scoffed and said to ‘send him the papers to get rid of anything he had to do with the thing’. So, that was your response to Carlos wanting to be in your child’s life, you sent him the papers to relinquish his rights the next day, you received the signed document back less than a week later.
Charles new that he wanted to be their for you, you was the love of his life, but he would never make you rush into anything involving him and your child, he wanted you to wait to make the calls on how much the two of them would interact, if at all.
You nodded at his words, begging to feel some of the man’s calmness radiate towards you as you nodded. You were going to be okay. All three of you were.
Labour was excruciating. Your mother had warned you of the pains of bringing a child into the world but you had always thought the she exaggerated it a bit, but now that you were going through it yourself, she couldn’t have underestimated it more.
The only thing keeping you semi-sane was Charles. Oh Charles, he was your rock. His hand holding yours the whole time as he whispered sweet nothings and encouraging words in your ear as he promised that the pain would end and you’d be left with nothing but happiness as you looked down at your angle.
He was right, once you heard your baby girls first cry it was like all pain had been forgotten as the nurses checked her over before laying her in your arms, even though she was a month premature she was still the pinnacle of health you didn’t have any words as tears flooded your eyes at the small human in your arms.
“Oh amour,” Charles muttered, his own eyes glassy and thick with tears as he looked down at the baby, “she’s so beautiful.”
“She’s perfect.” You muttered as you pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead and then led a gentle kiss on Charles lips.
It was a couple of hours later, your baby girl asleep in her crib still in the hospital as you had managed Charles to squeeze in bed next to you as the man rubbed his hand up and down your arm, “have you thought of a name for her yet?” He questioned.
You hummed, “I have actually,” you said as you linked your fingers with his, “i was thinking first name, Alessi, I’ve always loved it. Middle name, Marie for my sister,” you hesitated for a moment before saying, “and i was just thinking, maybe for a last name, Y/l/n-leclerc.”
You looked up at Charles who just had an unreadable expression on his face, you instantly groaned, “my god I’m so so stupid, just forget i even said anything, what was i even-,” he cut you off with a kiss that took your breath away, he pulled away with tears in his eyes as he said “I would love nothing more in this world then to be able to do this with you, to be Marie’s father.”
He nodded instantly, “and when she’s old enough we’ll tell her, about Carlos if your comfortable with it, and we’ll see what she decided from there on but until then, and if she accepts me after i would love nothing more to be her father Y/n, I mean it.”
You smiled with tears in your eyes as you nodded, “Then it’s settled. Alessi Marie Y/l/n-Leclerc.”
It has been eight months since that day where your baby had been born, and three months since Charles had asked you to marry him, which of course you excepted with no hesitation.
Alessihad grown, now eight months old as she mastered how to say ‘da-da’ whenever she saw Charles, even when she saw him on tv when he was away races, she sat with you on the sofa and chanted it over and over again as if he was going to walk through the tv and scoop her up.
She looked just like you, there wasn’t a trace of Carlos in her, and you were happy. If he didn’t want to know her, he didn’t have to, she had you and she had Charles, and that’s all she would ever need.
Today was different though, today you and Alessi would be joining Charles at his home Grand Prix. It would be your first public appearance with Lessi as a mother, and with Charles as his fiancée.
“Are you ready to go see dada race?” You said to your daughter as you put on her custom Ferrari shirt, the number sixteen and name ‘Leclerc’ sprawled across the back of it of course, the eight month old just giggle at you, not really understanding anything that you had just said, just the word dada and anything to do with you and Charles instantly made her grin.
You smiled when you heard the front door open, it was Charles of course, coming to get you and Lessi to take you to the paddock, “Lessi? Amour?” He called for you both through the house as you scooped your baby up and took her to see her dad, her instantly squealing in excitement when she saw him, making grabby hands, you laughed as you handed her to Charles, the man immediately taking her and holding her tightly as he looked at you lovingly, “Are you ready for this Amour? We don’t have to do this yet, remember?”
You nodded, “I’ve put off being near him for long enough, he can’t have anything to do with my life anymore. I want to support the love of my life at his home,” you said with a smile which he instantly returned as he kissed you gently, “and I’m sure Less wants to make her Grand Prix debut?” You said towards the baby who just giggled and housed in Charles’ arms, “Dada car!” She exclaimed making you both laugh.
“There’s your answer.” You said as the three if you left your home, ready for whatever the business of the paddock had to throw at you.
You could feel all the lingering gazes and hushed words round you as you entered the paddock for the first time in nearly two years, hand in hand with Charles as he held Alessi and your hand, your other being free leaving the diamond engagement ring on your finger out for the world to see.
Charles squeezed your hand, capturing your attention as you looked towards him, “Are you okay Amour?” You nodded, “yeah of course.”
He smiled at you as he led you and Lessi into his garage, where he was quick to show her off to anyone who would pay attention, people shocked seeing you with Charles with a baby after so long without a word or sighting, they was happy to have you back when you was happy.
He dragged the pair of you over to Fred, the man grinning widely when he saw you, “Well, long time no see miss Y/l/n.” You smiled with a laugh as Fred pulled you into a hug, “It’s nice to see you too Fred.”
The man smiled but it only grew when he saw a drowsy Alessi with her head resting against Charles’ shoulder, “Well who is this angle?”
“This is our daughter, Alessi.” Charles said with the widest grin possible as he saw Fred’s eyes flick from your joined hands to the ring on your finger, slowly piecing things together.
“She’s adorable,” he said, “but I must have to warn you, he’s here, and if her were to see this I doubt he’d be happy Charles.”
Fred didn’t have to say his name for the pair of you to know he was talking about Carlos, but frankly you who didn’t care, you were there, together, and you were happy.
It was later in the day, Charles had to go do some thing before the race, leaving you and Lessi to walk around, telling you not to hesitate to call him if you need too, but you promised him you would be okay.
Well you thought you would be, you was currently on your way to the McLaren garage, you had always been close friends with Lando’s girlfriend, Louisa, and she was one of your closest friends and one of the only people in the world to know of you and Charles and Alessi, well until now.
But when you got there, Carlos must’ve been seeing Lando, or something that made you extremely unlucky because just as you was about to walk in, he walked out, and it was like he had seen a ghost.
You looked down at the ground and held Lessi’s sleeping head into your shoulder as you prayed for Louisa to come out and meet you quickly.
“Y/n.” He said, shock evident in his voice as he eyes flickered from your eyes which were glued to the ground, to the sleeping baby in your hip, to the glistening diamond on your finger, “what the fu-.”
“Not infront of my daughter.” You said, cutting him off as you gained the confidence to look up into his eye for the first time in almost two years.
He scoffed, “I’ll say whatever the hell I want too.”
“Not in front of my daughter you won’t Carlos.” You said stubbornly as he rolled his eyes, “fine no cursing in front of our daughter.”
“Nope,” you shook your head, “you’re wrong, you signed away anything to do with her a long time ago, now if you’ll excuse me, I have people to see.” You said as you tried to walk past him but he stepped firing it you.
“You think you can leave that easily?” He asked, “after showing up to my place of work. With that with you,” He said pointing to Lessi’s sleeping frame, “and that on your finger.” He said, now referring to your engagement ring, “are you trying to embarrass me Y/n?”
“No, Carlos, I’m here for-,”
He cut off your quivering voice, it had been two years and he still had the ability to make your feelings spiral with one sentence.
“Is there something going on here?” Relief crashed over you when you head the voice of Charles come up behind you, Carlos just put on a fake smile to his teammate, “Oh nothing, just catching up with my old friend Y/n here.”
“Really?” Your fiancée questioned as he placed a comforting hand on your lower back, “because it seems to me that you’re upsetting my fiancée and are on the verge of waking up my daughter from her nap.”
Carlos was too stunned to speak, but when he found the confidence to speak his eyes darted to you, “You fucking whore. This is what you fucking do hmm? Run inti the arms of my teammate? My friend?”
“If I were you Carlos I’d stop using that language towards my fiancée and in front of my baby before I just happen to accidentally let it slip to the media everything you’ve done to Y/n and Alessi.” Charles said with a cold glare towards Carlos that just made the man scoff before walking away but not before shouting something over his shoulder about you being a whore, but you ignored it.
Charles cradled your face in his hand as he pressed a delicate kiss to your forehead, “are you and Alessi okay?” He asked delicately.
You nodded in response, but even after that interaction you knew you really meant it. Because, this in this moment was all you ever needed. You had the love of your life and your baby and somehow you knew even if Carlos were to give you hell for the rest of forever you would be okay, because you had your family.
Tags - @bibissparkles @ilovechickenwings @loloekie @itsjustkhaos @hiireadstuff @firexovni @notpeachybby @motorsportloverf1 @janeh22 @smithieandy @fanficweasley @ihaveaheadache1 @velentine @weekendlusting @multi-fandom-fan221b @amestejade @laneyspaulding19 @lemonlime101 @almostjollypozza @ajcs150
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writersblockedx · 2 days
Hi. I am sorry if that this is not your thing, so you can just ignore it.
I love some pervert Spencer Reid (I am so sorry, it is a guilty pleasure). Things like very inappropriate daydreams about his female friend and some admiration for her lingerie (maybe even stolen a few and feeling guilty about that, but at the same time, it turns him on).
If he got a peek of her nud form or just seeing a few spice pictures of her... idk
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What's the Harm? / S.R.
Pairing - Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader Summary - When Spencer accidentally walks in on Y/n getting changed, he can't seem to think about anything else. Warnings - Perv Spence, like soft smut, nothing in depth x Words - 1.2K
A/n - This is probably the closest I'll come to writing smut but I hope you enjoyed it anyway? <3
Spencer had always thought of Y/n as pretty, nice...lovely. But his thoughts have never delved any deeper. He was never one to dare let his mind go deep enough to wander about sensual thoughts - never mind such thoughts being about her. He was too himself, the idea of a woman even kissing him made the boy nervous.
And then something snapped in him.
He knew the culprit. It was something so innocent. In his logical mind, Spencer knew the girl hadn't done it on purpose, but gosh a part of him yearned that it had been. That she had just so happened to be left in her bra in the changing room for him to walk in on. That she had been waiting for the very moment he wandered in to grab his FBI vest too.
Y/n had her shirt and FBI vest laid out in front of her as she adjusted her bra straps. The boy was practically drooling. "Oh...uh...erm..." Were the only words he could muster as he walked in.
The girl jumped, grasping her shirt close to her chest before sending him an easy smile as she realised it was only Spencer who had walked in on her. "Oh, it's just you." She breathed out a sigh, worrisome one of the cops or god forbid Hotch had been the one to walk in. But it was just Spencer - what harm could he have done in taking in such a sight?
That day Spencer had muttered a, "Sorry, I'll erm-" And proceeded to leave without another word. But his mind was left marked as if the girl had just carved that very image of her in a lacy yet practical bra into the forefront of her mind.
It started on the jet ride back. Spencer was in the seat facing her, a book laid across her chest as her forehead nuzzled into the seat further, like she was sinking into the comfort of her own dreams. But as Spencer gazed over at her, his eyes wandered. At first, to her book then to the edge of her neckline where the shirt was pulled down ever so slightly Spencer could catch the top of her breasts. He thought to earlier that day. How soft they probably felt, how soft they would feel in his own harsh fingers, how it would taste to kiss them-
No. He couldn't be thinking this. He was her co-worker, a friend, a very close friend. She shouldn't be the subject of his sexual desires. Spencer hadn't even realised he had any sexual desires until that very moment.
He shook his head and followed her movements, leaning his head back against the jet seat, letting sleep engulf his mind. That was the best way to escape his thoughts. Or so he had thought. In fact, his subconscious mind had only done the very opposite, like it was taunting him.
The very thoughts of her naked and bare, cupped between his two hands, had clouded his entire dreams. Her rolling around between his sheets, giggling as the sunlight enhanced her nude figure. Her hand reached out, caressing his cheek ever so gently it made even his dream self shiver. What was he doing? Why was he here? Why was he only just thinking about this now?
A hand fell to his shoulder, jolting him awake. It just so happened that such hand belonged to the very girl who had infatuated his dreams, "We've landed," Y/n gave a sweet smile but all Spencer could focus on was what had since grown in his trousers.
His shoulders became stiff as he glanced between his lap and the girl, "I'll erm- I'll be right there." He murmured before the girl gave a tilt of her head. She thought about asking him if everything was okay but bypassed her concerns as she exited the jet.
It didn't stop there. It only got worse. His dreams were every night, getting more detailed, more handsy, the feel of her atop of him or the other way round, how easy it seemed for him to grasp her wrists and pin her down. And when he wandered into the office and glanced at Y/n, he could only picture her naked, he could only think about all the things he wanted to do to her.
The boy was at breaking point. The very thought of her...of her figure had consumed almost every waking thought. How was he meant to go on like this?
It only got worse when the team were invited around Y/n's apartment for end-of-week drinks. He was getting towards tispy and when he was directed into Y/n's room to find the adjacent toilet, he couldn't help himself. Of course, Spencer had been in her room before. He had been on her bed before. The flower sheets and little tv which faced the end of the bed where the two watched hours of crappy shows. 
But this time around, things were different. The boy's fingers traced her bedsheets, just as soft as he imagined her bare breasts to be. When his eyes caught her side dresser, it was as if something else inside of him had taken over. All those thoughts of her, the desire which burned inside him was pushing him on. His hand reached out as he guessed the right draw on the first try. An array of pants stared back at him. 
Some were practical and made for comfort, others were similar to what he had imagined her in. Silk, lace, ranging from black to red to bubblegum pink. His breath itched. But it was like he couldn't help himself. The same way an addict reached for a needle, he was reaching for one of her thongs, as if the very feel, the very lavender scent of her washing powder overwhelmed him with euphoria.
He was so distracted by the smell of the girl, that he hadn't dared to pay attention to the sound of steps growing louder. The boy jumped when the door rattled open. He had no choice. He slipped the thong into his inner blazer pocket and preyed in every way that he hadn't just gotten caught being so invasive by the very girl he adored.
"Spence?" Y/n's head tilted at him lingering at her bedside table. A tug of a smile as she questioned the boy, "You all good?"
He didn't dare speak, "Hmh." He was already moving past her towards the door, "I'm gonna- yeah." He muttered before leaving.
Y/n was left alone in her room as she scanned it. Her eyes found her underwear draw left ajar. When she wandered over and noticed her favourite red thong missing from her draw, she had an inkling about where it had gone. But she wasn't mad, no, if anything she was impressed to find Spencer had the confidence to do such a thing. And, strangely, she was flattered that the pretty boy of the BAU was thinking about her in the same way she had been thinking about him.
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lndonorizz · 2 days
Hi! :)
May I request sth with Lando where reader is Oscar's sister and her and lando just don't get along at all, they're always bickering and fighting etc.
At some point lando and reader are alone and she gets hurt (maybe she cuts herself, nothing super serious lol) and lando freaks out. Like "why do I always have to worry about you?? Why don't you take better care of yourself?"
And they both end up kissing <3
LN04 x piastri!reader
word count: 3.2k
warnings: kissing, injury, blood (mention)
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Did your brother think it was a good idea for you to housesit? And with the person you hate the most. Mentally, you were killing Oscar right now. You hands letting the frustration out on the chicken that you were cooking for dinner.
"Who pissed you off?" You hear a voice. Looking at him, his hands in his pockets as he looks over at you before walking in. "Isn't you enough?" You said with a fake smile as you roll your eyes.
"Fair point" he smirks as he walks over to the fridge, taking out a box of cherries as he places them down on the counter. Taking one out as he bites down on it. "Can you go out?" You ask as you placed the knife down.
"Why?" He furrows his brows as he spits the seed out into his hand. "I cannot cook with someone else in the kitchen" you sigh out as you look over at him. A smile tugs his lips as he leans over the counter.
"Sorry, no can do" he winks as he chuckles. You groaned as you went back to cutting the chickens into strips. "What are you making?" He asks again. "Making meal preps for Oscar and me" you replied. Taking the strips as you set them aside, now chopping them into cubes.
"Do you want any help?" Lando starts to walk towards the place you were standing at. "Don't you dare" you reply as you hold the knife Infront of you. He raised his hands as a sign of surrender, "touch anything" you finish the sentence as you go back to cutting.
"I can at least heat the pan?" He said with a raised brow. You rolls your eyes as you wave the knife as a go ahead sign. You hear pots clanking against each other as he puts it over the stove.
You look back to watch him, "put less oil- ouch" you yelp as the sharpness grazes you. "what happened?" Hearing his voice so close startled you a bit as you step back. Hitting your elbow on the counter. "God, why are so careless?" He huffs out as he grabs your wrists.
Pulling you towards the sink as he hold the finger that got grazed under it. Letting the crimson liquid wash away as he presses it slightly. "Why do I need to always worry about you?" He rants as he tsks his tongue. A frown on his forehead.
"Go sit over the stool and do not fucking move" he warns as he turns the stove off, walking towards the bathroom. You go as you sit over the kitchen stool.
"I've told you thousand of times to be aware" he continues as he walks in. First aid kit in his hand. "Lando, it's nothing serious-" you try to get the words out but only earning a glare.
"Don't bullshit me" he warns as he takes a bandaid, applying a bit for alcohol on it as he wraps it around the grazed finger. The proximity closing as he almost pushes in between your legs, trying to get a better angle for him to apply it.
As he finishes up, he looks at you. His front curls grazing your chin a bit as he does. You let out a shake breath at the closeness. He looks so.. good?
You could see the way his adams apple bobs up and down whenever he swallowed, your eyes flicking towards it everytime. Your lips gaped as you look towards his eyes again.
You leaned a bit closer, trying to close the proximity. A pull that wasn't ever here now suddenly so strong you didn't wanna pull away. His eyes flicker to your lips , your name sounding now oh so sweet when he whispered it.
Before anything you felt a hand around the back of your neck as he pushed you forward. Your lips colliding as he straightens up. Your head tilting back a bit, lips moving in sync.
The hand at the back of your neck now delving into your hair but his thumb circling at the side of your neck. His tongue flicking out to swipe against your bottom lip. Pulling away breathless as he licks his lips.
He chuckles, you look up at him now. "The meal preps?" He questioned with a smile, his hand now cupping your cheek as he circles his thumb around it. "Yeah, the preps. He'll be here tomorrow to pick them up" you replied. Both of you, not making a move to pull away.
This felt comfortable, right.. safe. Just looking at each other, his touch making you lean towards him. Maybe your brother has to starve another day or two.
[a/n: I realized I need to write to keep sane this exam season]
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 2 days
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Say It
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(Rafe Cameron x Reader)
Summary: You and Rafe both want to make your relationship official, but neither of you want to say it out loud. WK: 1.2k
Warnings: Unprotected sex, choking, possessiveness, jealously, face slapping, daddy kink, breeding kink, degradation, switch!Rafe & Switch!Reader 18+MNDI!!
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“Fuckin’ say it.” One of Rafe’s large hands has your chin pinched between his thumb and pointer finger while the other is buried in your hair, tugging on it to force you to look into his eyes. His face is inches from yours, blue eyes almost black from how wide his pupils are blown out, the look in them feral. He’s got you on your back with your knees hiked over his shoulders while he plunges his dick deep into your wet cunt, over and over again. When you don’t respond he lets out a low growl, releasing his grip on your chin to slap you across the face. “I said tell me who owns this fuckin’ pussy, slut.”
“Not you.” You smirk at him as you let the words slip from your mouth matter of factly. You let out a scoff that turns into a moan when he slaps you again.
“Yeah? If I don’t own you then why is your fuckin’ pussy suckin’ me in like a vice grip every time I slap you across your pretty little face then, huh? Looks like she knows who she belongs to.” Rafe pulls out until only his tip is still inside you before slamming back into you with breathtaking force. “Say it.”
“Fuck.” Your eyes roll back and a loud moan rips through you, much to your chagrin. You hate that even when Rafe was pissing you off he still fucks you so good it make your head spin. “You didn’t seem so concerned about my pussy when you were balls deep in some other bitch two days ago.”
“You sure about that?” He pushes himself up on his knees, his thrusts falter for a mere moment before he’s fucking you rougher and deeper than before. “Cause I’m pretty sure I’ve told you multiple times nobody grips my dick like this tight, wet cunt. What if I said I fuckin’ think about you every time, huh?”
“Oh fuuuckkingshit - don’t bull - shit - don’t bullshit me, you probably say that to all of your hoes.” He pulls out to the tip before slamming his hips against yours again, repeating the action over and over again, the sound of your hips smacking together and the squelching of your pussy filling the room.
“God, shut the fuck up, aight? ‘My pussy belongs to you daddy’ are the only words I wanna hear come out of that pretty little mouth.” He grips onto your chin again, squeezing your cheeks together so hard it almost hurts as he shakes your head slowly side to side. He pushes his hips flush against yours, stopping his thrusts all together. “Say it and I’ll make you cum on my cock.”
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up and just make me cum? It’s not that deep -“ you feel him start to pull out of you and you can tell by the smirk on his face that he’s going to stop fucking you if you don’t just tell him aloud what you both already know is true. “Ugh! Fine!”
“Fine what, huh?” Rafe leans down so his face is inches from yours that is still grasped tightly in his hand as he rolls his hips against you. It sends your eyes rolling in the back of your head but he’s not having any of that. He taps your cheek roughly with his free hand until your eyes meet his again. “Fuckin’ look at me. Whose fuckin’ pussy is this?”
“It’s yours, okay!? It’s yours, daddy! Now please just fuck me I’m -“ your words are cut short when Rafe pushes him self up, throwing your legs back over his shoulders before he continues to fuck you with in an inch of your life. “Oh fuuuuck.”
“Yeah, that’s right, this daddy’s fuckin’ pussy, you’re fuckin’ mine.” Rafe growls as he brings his hand up to your mouth, shoving it between your lips before hooking two fingers on the inside of your teeth. He tilts his head down to let a glob of spit drop from his tongue onto your already slippery bud. His free thumb snakes between you to rub quick circles on it and it has you clenching around him.
“Oh god, fuck! Daddy, I’m - fuck - I’m gonna fuckin’ cum.” Your words are slurred from pleasure and his large fingers still occupying your mouth, drool drips down your down and you’re so wet that your juices are coating both of your thighs. You feel white hot pleasure shoot through you as your orgasm washes over you, making you practically see stars.
“Good fuckin’ girl. Cum for me, fuckin’ give it to me. Cream all over my cock baby.” He fucks you through it and once you feel yourself start to come down you hook your legs around him and use what little strength you have left to flip him onto his back with you strandling him.
“Now, whose fucking dick is this then? Since you wanna be all cocky.” You smirk down at him grabbing onto his shaft that just barely slipped out of you, you run his head through your folds before slamming down on his cock. You don’t give him a second to think before you’re riding him hard and fast. Your tits bouncing deliciously above him.
“Goddamn baby, you’re so fuckin’ fine, shit.” Rafe’s hands grip onto your ass for purchase as he leans back and lets you take him for all he’s worth. Your pointed nails are digging into his chest so deeply that he feels like you might break the skin but god does it feel good. He feels himself start to get lost in pleasure before he’s snapped out of it by your hand landing a harsh smack on his cheek. “Fuck.”
“Say it, Rafe, tell me your cock is mine and I’ll let you fill my pussy deep with your cum. Say it or I’ll stop.” It’s your turn to grab onto his jaw as you bounce on his cock like a little fucking bunny rabbit, with a fire in your eyes he’s never seen before. He swears he could bust right fucking now. “I can tell you’re about to cum. Tell me who owns this cock, now.”
“Fuck, baby, you. You’ve always had me, aight?”
“That’s what I fucking thought.” You give him a Cheshire smile before leaning back to rest your hands on his thighs giving him a perfect view of your pussy swallowing his cock whole over and over again. “You wanna fill me up, daddy? Breed my little pussy? Go ahead. It’s yours after all.”
“Oh fuckinshit - fuck, you’re such a good fuckin’ girl, bouncing on my cock so good. I’m gonna fuck this god damn pussy full. Knock you up so everyone really knows who owns this fuckin’ cock.” He’s drunk on your pussy by the time you feel his cock start to twitch before you feel him start to spill inside of you. That combined with his filthy words has you cumming right along with him. Once you both come down from your highs your body falls limp against his as you both pant, trying to catch your breath.
“You’re a fuckin’ brat, you know that?” Rafe chuckles as he lets his fingertips mindlessly caress the skin of your back.
“Yeah? And you’re kind of a fuckin’ dick.” You snort, resting your chin on his chest so you can glance up at him.
“Yeah? I’m your dick though.” You both start busting up laughing at that before you’re tilting your head enough to latch your lips onto his in probably the most tender kiss the two of you have shared.
“And I guess, I’m you’re brat.”
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Divider is by @strangergraphics
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authorhjk1 · 2 days
Hi! Hope you can make something spectacular of Joy in this pls. The kind to easily suck her nonstop iykwim. 🥵
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(Joy X Male Reader)
"You taste delicious."
You mumble into Joy's pussy, before taking a deep breath.
Joy's words are cut off, when you resume eating her out.
After Seulgi gave in to the temptation, you were sure the rest of them would as well. And you weren't surprised at all, when it was Joy who took your hand and let you out of the girls' dressing room.
In this very moment, Irene is doing her job as a host for one of the music shows, while you are devouring her bandmate's sweet pussy.
Just like Seulgi, Joy doesn't have a clue that Irene is in on this as well. She thinks you are cheating on her leader.
You are still surprised that both women are completely fine with fucking a taken man. Even if it's one of their best friend's boyfriend. Although, you do remember that Joy and Irene had an argument this morning. You don't know what it was about. But this might be the reason, why Joy is doing is. Or at least one of the reasons.
"Oh, fuck. Your tongue."
Joy whines as she feels your tongue pressing on her clit.
"H-How isn't unnie constantly sitting on your face?"
Her lewd question makes you smile into her pussy as you keep eating her out.
While Irene does like to be fucked in front of the others, receiving oral is something she deems too intimate for the girls to see. It doesn't make sense to you, since she would happily suck you off in the living room, while they watch TV.
"Fuck! I'm gonna-!"
Joy's body trembles, her legs close around your head.
"Oh god!"
Her loud cry makes you wonder, if Irene can her hear. The two of you aren't that far away from the stage.
Joy cums on your face as you lap up her juices. She tastes similar to Seulgi, but sweeter.
As you reappear from underneath her dress, you see Joy's face after a while. Her cheeks are flushed, her eyes darker than usual.
"I wanna suck your dick."
She bites her lip, once she says those words. She can't help but get turned on even more at the thought of stealing Irene's boyfriend.
You push Joy to her knees in return, while you stand up. Your pants follow her to the floor a moment later.
"I can finally appreciate it, without her being in the way."
Joy's eyes glisten with, well... joy.
She quickly wraps her lips around your cock and starts sucking. She knows the two of you don't have much time left. The other girls will be looking for her soon and Irene is almost done too.
"Damn, baby."
Your moan makes Joy put in even more effort. The fact that you called her that, instead of Irene, almost makes her ruin the floor she is kneeling on.
"That's a good girl."
You sigh, holding her hair back, while you watch Joy in action.
Eventually, you do want more though. After a couple of moments, you slowly push her head off your cock.
"I want to fuck you."
Joy smiles up at you. She lets your dick fall out of her mouth, before gathering her saliva and spitting on it.
"How do you want me?"
She coats your cock in her saliva with her hands as she asks.
"Just try to be quiet."
You reply, knowing that she probably won't be able to.
After helping Joy off her knees, you lead her towards the couch and make her sit on it. The dressing room is right to Red Velvet's, where the other girls are, so you do hope she is not gonna be too loud. Instead of just fucking her on her back, you hook your arms underneath Joy's legs and fold her in half. Her knees are now pressed against her chest and her pussy reveals itself as the hem of her blue dress rides up.
"I'm gonna breed you now."
"Oh fuck, yes."
Joy gasps as she hears your words. You align yourself with her pussy and then you push inside of her.
"Dump all of that cum in me, baby. I want everything that's meant for her."
You have to laugh internally. Irene was right. Joy has a breeding kink. You don't know how she knows, but you appreciate her telling you.
"I'm gonna give you all of it. Your pussy will drip with my cum, while you talk to her."
Joy's eyes roll back as you start fucking her into the couch. The position she is in makes her look smaller than she actually is. And easier to handle. You use Joy's pussy like a fleshlight as you have your way with her. The only thing she can do is moan and whine. She can't move.
"Pound my pussy, yes!"
You want to quiet her, by leaning over and kissing her, but you know you wouldn't be able to keep up this pace at the same time.
"Oh god!"
Joy moans and moans as you fuck her. Harder and harder. Deeper and deeper. It's the perfect angle for your cock to penetrate her fully.
Joy's slick pussy is harder to resist than you thought. Soon, her juices make it too easy to slide inside of her. Her walls squeeze you too tight. Her eyes beg too much. Her moans are too loud. Her thighs feel too good in your hands.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Fill me up! Dump your load into your girlfriend's friend!"
You would laugh at her for not knowing what's actually going on, if she wouldn't be making you cum right now.
"Fuck Joy."
You hiss into her face as you shoot your load into her. Rope after rope of your cum paint her insides. You fill her to the brim with your seed.
"Yes, baby."
Joy sighs, the warmth of your cum overwhelming her.
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izzy-stuff-1 · 1 day
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choi soobin x afab!reader
summary: After you found out the smarty-pants in your class was in love with you you thought it would be fun to play around with him a bit, but things take a wrong turn when he is the only one you can text when you are horny and he doesn't hesitate and runs to you, making you feel better than any of your ex boyfriends could.
words count: 3.9k
warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, she/her pronouns used twice (in the texting part) sorry 🙏, oral, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex (don't!!), cum eating, gentle sex, idk tbh
You glanced to your side, watching the black-haired boy on the other side of the classroom as he wrote down some notes. If you were to be honest, you weren’t paying any attention to what the teacher was saying, so you had no idea what he was writing down either. But it didn't matter anyway, you knew he would let you copy his notes later. 
It was one of the perks of having the class’s smarty-pants be in love with you. You chuckled when you saw him look your way too, smiling at him before you turned away again. 
“What's going on there?” The black-haired girl next to you asked, her eyebrow raised as she pointed at the male on the other side of the class. “Why do you two keep stealing glances at each other?” 
“You know Yeonjun, right?” You asked, watching as the girl next to you nodded. “Who doesn't,” your best friend scoffed. “What does he have to do with anything?” 
“Well, he is the one that told me last week our little nerdy here has a crush on me. It all makes sense now if you think about it. I couldn't wrap my head around why he would always send me the lesson notes when I asked for them but not to others. I told Ryan he could ask Soob because I thought he wouldn't have any problems with it, but it turns out he only sent them to me to get me to like him, or something,” You explained, watching as your best friend laughed quietly. 
“It's kind of cute though that he does that.” 
“But I don't want ‘cute’ anymore,” you rolled your eyes. “I want someone who can actually make me cum and not just stare at me questioning why I wouldn't finish as if he even tried.” 
“Okay, I know the last boy was a fail as fuck, literally, but who knows,” the black-haired girl shrugged. “You want to tell me you think he of all people could make me cum?” You scoffed. “Please, he probably hasn't fucked a girl in his life.” 
You said that, but God, you had no idea what was coming your way. 
“Who are we gossiping about?” You turned as you heard the male’s voice, scoffing at how needy he was for the tea. “No one,” you shook your head. “Your rival,” your best friend grinned, answering instead when you didn’t do so. The blond boy scoffed, looking at the black-haired boy. “Oh yeah, I am so sure he didn’t fuck a girl - or anyone else - in his life,” he agreed. 
“I am pretty sure I’ve been with a girl more times than he has,” Ryan next to him nodded, joining their conversation. “Kinda crazy,” you commented, laughing. Before you could say anything else, you were stopped by the teacher hitting the board with his hand, making you look his way. “As I was saying,” he started his speech again, giving you a warning look before he turned around, facing the board again so he could write down a few things. 
Your head fell on the table soon after out of boredom, and before you could even start paying attention to what the teacher was talking about, the bell rang, announcing the end of the lesson. 
“Okay, guys, who is coming with me to grab lunch?” Your best friend turned towards you and the two boys behind you. “I am passing,” you mumbled immediately, not even fully sitting up and simply turning your head towards her. “I am going,” Ryan proclaimed, already standing up from his place, the blond following him right after. 
“Okay, I see you guys later, then,” you smiled at them, waving them off as they left the classroom. You knew you should get up too and move to your next class, but you were starting to feel unwell, and the thought of getting up sounded terrible. You sighed, closing your eyes for a few seconds. You knew this classroom was empty for another hour or so anyway. 
“Hey, are you alright?” You opened your eyes again upon hearing the soft voice and feeling the tap on your shoulder, blinking a few times to make your eyes focus again. “Mhm, sure I am,” you mumbled, sitting up straight as you looked around. The class was empty by now, only the two of you were left there. “Why? Were you worried about me?” You chuckled, teasing him. Suddenly, it was as if your headache completely disappeared when you saw the nervous look on his face. “Relax, I am joking,” you shook your head, but couldn’t hide your smile. 
“I don’t want to annoy you,” you started, slowly packing your stuff as he stood beside you, waiting like a puppy. “But do you think you could give me today’s notes, Soob?” 
“You-” he gulped, trying to ignore the nickname. There was simply something about you calling him Soob. “I don’t want it for free though. You could consider it as me owing you one and helping you when you’d need it?” You suggested as you stood up, grabbing your now packed bag. “Uhm, sure,” he nodded, not even paying full attention to what you were saying. 
“I’ll text you tonight about the notes then,” you beamed happily, looking like a completely different person as you placed your hand on his arm as a sign of thank you. You were devastated minutes ago, but whoever would see you now wouldn’t believe him if he told them so. Soobin wasn’t sure why, but he was glad you looked fine again. 
Soobin threw his bag on the side of his room, jumping into his bed immediately after the long day. He laid down on his back, simply staring at the ceiling of his room. He reached into his pocket for his phone, seeing two unread messages from his best friend. He opened his phone, staring at the two texts. “Look at Instagram” “Thank me later” There wasn’t much for him to question. Even though to many it might seem confusing, he knew exactly whose Instagram he should check. There was only one person that the two of them talked about together after all. 
The black-haired male clicked on the icon, waiting for the story to load for a second. Then his eyes widened at the sight. It was a picture of you, but not just any picture. He sat up immediately, looking properly at your body. You were wearing a white top, cropped slightly above your waist. He couldn’t help but notice you weren't wearing a bra underneath, your nipples showing through the fabric. Then he saw the black miniskirt, that you definitely pulled higher than you should. He gulped, remembering how you touched his arm earlier today, your fingers brushing on his skin as your hair fell in front of your face. 
He whined silently as he felt his boxers becoming tighter the more he stared at the picture, your body curves exposed for anyone to see. He shared the story with Yeonjun, his best friend, and immediately texted him how good you looked. 
Only, did he not know it wasn’t Yeonjun he shared the story to.  
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Soobin stared at the messages, screaming as he turned his phone off faster than ever before. He couldn’t believe it. He just told you he needed you. There wasn’t anything worse that could be happening at the moment. Not to mention the image of your body was still stuck in his head, making him hard. 
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He stared at the messages again, his heart fighting with his brain at that moment. He didn’t want to make you do anything, he felt like it would be too forced, even though you were the one suggesting it. But a part of him knew this was his only chance. There was no way he could get you differently. He knew about your dating history, so he also knew you had never been with anyone like him. It was always the boys like Yeonjun, who just understood how to talk to girls properly, how to make them fall for them. But he wasn’t like that, he had no idea what he was doing. 
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And just like that, he was in front of your place, rethinking his decisions as he knocked on the front door, trying his best to ignore the boner in his pants that still hadn’t gone down. How could it be when you shared a picture like that with him?
“You came,” you mumbled as you opened the door, looking up at him. Soobin looked down on you, noticing the same top you had in the Instagram picture. He gulped, his eyes then falling on the bottom part of your body and the white panties that were the only thing you were wearing. “How could I not?” He whispered, making sure this picture would stay in his mind. 
You grabbed his hand as you took him inside, closing the door behind you immediately. It was only now that you noticed how big his hands were against yours. You just hoped he could use them too. 
Soobin blindly followed you to your bedroom, his mind full of thoughts about how he should go about this, while his eyes were stuck on your ass, unable to look away as you walked in front of him. 
“Can I-” he started as his eyes followed you while you sat on your bed. “You can do absolutely anything, Soob,” you interrupted him, watching as his face turned red. “Soob? Soobie?” You smirked, noticing what the nicknames did to him. “Is that what turns you on?” 
“Everything about you turns me on,” he admitted, slowly getting closer to you while you moved back, not taking your eyes off him. You didn’t say anything, you couldn’t. You simply bit your bottom lip as you found him above yourself, holding eye contact. This was becoming more intimate than you thought it would. 
“Is it okay for me to kiss you?” He wanted to assure himself one more time. You thought about it for a second, not wanting to give him any hope, but also desperately needing his lips on yours. You nodded to him in the end, grabbing the collar of his shirt and bringing him closer to yourself, pressing your lips on his, your mouth slightly opened which only made it easier for him. 
His right hand found its way to your boob, carefully sliding under your top, his cold fingers brushing over your nipple. You groaned into the kiss, clenching around nothing but thin air. It felt pathetic. He had barely touched you and you were already getting wet. 
Soobin left your mouth for a second, getting a disagreeing whine immediately that made him smile as he started placing wet kisses all over your neck, slowly moving down to your collarbone and then between your boobs. Your lips parted as you breathed out from the pleasure, raising your head to look at him. “Mhm, take it off,” you whispered, your hand reaching for his sleeve. He didn’t hesitate for a second and listened to you, taking his shirt off while you took down your own, exposing your breast to him completely. 
“Fuck,” he groaned at the sight, feeling more and more uncomfortable in his sweatpants. He ran his fingers through his hair, looking at your body one more time before his lips found their way to your breast again, his hand cupping one of them as he pressed kisses on your other boob, his tongue making wet circles around your nipple. 
“Fuck,” it was you groaning this time, quiet moans escaping your lips as your nipples became hard at his touch. “Soob, please,” you whined, throwing your head back into the pillow. “Please, what? Hm?” He asked, not even looking up and just continuing what he had been doing until now, his lips moving down again, leaving wet traces on your stomach now as his hands found their way to your waist. “I don’t know. Just- fuck,” you moaned out again when you felt his lips on your clit through your panties. 
“Just?” He asked again, looking up at you. You could swear you had never seen anything better in your life. The male was in between your legs, his breath landing right on your clit as he looked at you, absolute need in his eyes. 
“Just fuck me already,” you begged, watching as he took down your panties, his eyes fixated on your already leaking pussy. “I don’t think so,” he informed you, moving up again so he would face you. “I doubt you could take it just like that,” he whispered, moving his fingers to your lips. You didn’t need to hear anything else and immediately opened your mouth, sucking on his fingers. 
Before you could even register his actions you felt him slowly inserting his two fingers into you, carefully watching you. He did so to make sure he was doing everything right. You weren't completely wrong when you said he probably hasn’t been with a girl in his life. He couldn’t say he would have much experience, but all of his friends were sex addicts - and now he could finally see why - and they couldn’t keep their mouths shut every time the topic came up, so it was only natural for Soobin to catch on to a few things. 
You gasped, your eyes rolling back. You knew there was an obvious difference in your hand sizes but god, his fingers were bigger than you thought. “Fuck, curl them now,” you commanded, not daring to look down. He did as you said, feeling his precum on his boxers. He wanted nothing more but to fuck you right then and there, but he knew he had to wait. 
It didn’t take much longer for you to squirm on his fingers, especially after he added pressure to your clit too, his thumb making slow circles around while his fingers were stretching your inside. 
“Can I eat you out, please?” He asked, looking up at you again, his thumb still rubbing your clit slowly. “Please, y/n,” he begged, making you go crazy. You weren't sure if it was the way he begged you, the way he said your name, or because of his breath on your skin, but you couldn’t say no to him even if you wanted to. “God, please do,” you whined out and just like that, his tongue was pressed on your pussy right away, not wasting any second of the time he had with you. 
It had been months since you had cummed thanks to a boy, so you didn’t have any expectations for him when you invited him over. But you were wrong when you thought no boys knew how to take care of their girls anymore because he did exactly what he should, making you cum on his tongue a few minutes after he went down on you, not leaving your trembling cunt even then, letting you ride out your orgasm as his nose was pressed on your clit, his tongue carefully licking every last bit of your cum. 
“Soob,” you groaned, pulling his hair, making him finally raise his head and look at you. “Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he mumbled, going up again to kiss you. “And delicious,” he informed you, pressing his lips on yours. “Fuck, Soob, you’re too good,” you mumbled before you kissed him again, slowly sitting up. “Come closer,” you said, grabbing the hem of his pants, and pulling him closer at the same time. 
He groaned, his eyes shut tight, his lips unable to stay away from yours. You smirked into the kiss, your hand grabbing his trembling cock over his pants, making him moan. “I don’t usually do this but…” you started, breaking your kiss so you could look at his body properly. “You were so good earlier,” you praised him, not breaking your eye contact as you changed your position so you would be kneeling. “Pants off, baby,” 
That alone was enough to make him go crazy. You calling him baby just did something with his head. And with his dick. 
“Fuck,” You breathed out when you finally pulled down Soobin’s pants and boxers, your pussy clenching around nothing again. You knew he would be bigger because of his height, but this was more than you had expected. 
He cupped your cheeks, making you look up at him. “Are you sure?” You chuckled, simply nodding. “I can take good care of you too, you know,” you proclaimed, looking up at him as your right hand wrapped around his cock, not breaking your eye contact. You knew it must have been making him go insane. 
You started slowly, simply kissing his tip and licking off his precum. Then, you decided to try to take his full length into your mouth, but stopped shortly after getting to his half, already feeling like you were going to gag any second. There was no way you could do this. 
However, Soobin saw it differently. To him, it looked like you were playing with him, moving slowly and carefully on purpose to tease him. His hand found its way to your head, carefully tugging the hair that was getting in front of your face behind your ears before he held your chin up, making you look at him, his dick still in your mouth. “Think you can go faster, pretty? Please,” He asked, hoping maybe begging would help him. 
He groaned when he felt you suck harder, trying to go faster too but failing miserably. He chuckled at the sight, his hand in your hair so he could control the speed himself. “If you want to stop, just punch me, or something, okay? Try not to bite my dick off if you can’t take it anymore, though,” he told you, and before you could even look up at him again and question what he was talking about, he was moving with your head on his own as if you were just a toy to fulfill his needs. If you were honest, you were glad he did so. It was turning you on more. 
“Fuck, just a bit more,” he moaned out, thrusting his hips into your mouth as you sucked on him. He didn’t dare to look at you just yet, he felt like he would stop if he saw you in the moment, scared he might have been hurting you by determining his speed. 
When Soobin finally looked at you there were tears in your eyes, and his cum was all over your mouth. He cupped your cheeks, wiping the tears from your eyes with his thumbs. “Sorry,” he mumbled. You looked up at him, high on all the pressure you felt until now thanks to him. God, you knew you needed to do this more often from now on. You licked the corner of your mouth, making sure not a single drop was wasted. 
“You’re not done yet, are you?” You asked, your puppy eyes almost making him cum again right away. “Fuck, no I am not,” he answered, leaning down to you to kiss you again. 
Soon after, Soobin found himself sitting on the edge of your bed, his back pressed against the white walls while you sat on him, your head on his shoulder, biting into his skin so you wouldn’t get too loud as he fucked you. Holding your ass, he was helping you remain at the same speed, moaning along with you. “So close, Soob,” you cried out. “Hold in a bit more,” he whispered, closing his eyes as he felt himself getting closer to finishing again, too. 
“Fuck,” you breathed out, a mixture of your own and Soobin’s cum leaking from your pussy. You raised your head slowly, your cheeks completely red as you looked into his eyes, still sitting on his cock. “Soob, this was the best sex I’ve ever had. God, you were so good.” He bit onto his bottom lip, watching your fucked out face. “Oh, yeah?” He asked, even more embarrassed than you were. “Does that mean you’ll let me fuck you again next time?” 
“Soob…” you mumbled, just watching him for a second before you carefully got off him. He just shook his head before you could say anything else. “I know, I know, don’t worry,” he muttered. “I still needed to try it,” he smiled awkwardly, his dimples being the cutest thing you had ever seen. “Let me help you clean yourself up before I leave. It's the least I can do,” He suggested. You nodded to him, convinced this was the last time you were together like this. You couldn't be more wrong though. 
You knew you couldn’t stay away from him for too long when he helped you to get into your bathroom and his fingers found their way to your clit again, making you melt at his touch. Even worse was when he carried you to your bed after he switched your bedsheet for you, asking you to let him eat you out one more time before he would leave you alone for good. 
You just couldn’t let him get away. 
“Fuck, Soob,” you mumbled, sitting on the edge of your bed, watching him kneeling in front of you, begging to feel your squirm on his tongue again. “You’re going to be the death of me, aren’t you?” His innocent eyes looked up at you, his hands rubbing your thighs. You sighed, “Just stay here.” 
You could swear you saw sparks in his eyes as the words left your mouth. “Really? Can I?” 
You nodded, agreeing. “Sleep here tonight, I’ll let you eat me out again next time.” 
Soobin smiled proudly, his hands squeezing your thighs. “Only next time?” 
“God, just come here,” you proclaimed, pulling him up from the floor into a warm kiss, feeling his hands roaming on your body again. The night was still nowhere to be done.
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I would absolutely love some hurt/comfort with poly!marauders. I struggle a lot with anxiety and shit, so if possible, maybe something to do with that? Thanks :)
Hiii i’m sorry this took so long for some reason every time I went to write this i’d blank but I finally got it finished and I hope you enjoy!
Your Job made you want to throw up. Even now sitting in your car about to leave, just the thought of it was enough to get your heart racing and your mind whirling. You have wanted this job since you were a kid. Back then it all seemed mystical. A place that would be filled with unicorns and rainbows. Then you got to high-school and suddenly everyone was telling you wherever you work there would be an asshole boss and mean colleagues. Even when this was being hammered into your head, you held out hope. All the way through college you grasped onto that hope with unrelenting force.
Then you graduated and worked your way up to your dream job. You had worked your ass off in other words. Even with the jobs you had along the way, of course they were shitty, but you held out hope for once in your life and believed that this job would be better. It would be perfect.
God were you wrong.
Now when you come home from work you’re absolutely exhausted. Your new boss has worn you down by overworking you. But you’re new and still believe you have to prove yourself so you do it all with no complaint. Not to mention your colleagues, who seem to see you as a tool to do all of the work they don’t want to do. But in order to become friendly with them, you try to hand out as many favors as you can, while being swamped with work of your own. You are stressed thinking about the next day of work almost immediately as you set foot inside your house.
Your sweet, loving, caring boyfriends have noticed a change in your demeanor. Your shoulders are tighter, posture stiff, movements languid because your body is so exhausted. After work one day James came behind you as you were cooking and wrapped his arms around your torso. He had whispered softly in your ear asking if you were alright and if there was anything he can do. You brushed him off and said you were just tired and he doesn’t need to worry. He’s been sending you worried glances ever since. Sirius had been silently studying you. He knows body language more fluently than any form of speaking because of the environment he grew up in. He could see it in your stance, something was wrong. He didn’t want to beat around the bush so he just asked you what was bothering you. Over and over and over again. Each time you’d respond with an over exaggerated sigh, saying
“I’m just tired Siri. There is nothing to worry about.”
or you’d let out a stiff laugh and quip
“Is there something wrong with you you’re not saying? Why are you always so insistent on talking about me?”
You know it’s a low blow and he was only trying to help but you’re already on edge and you don’t want your boyfriends to know what’s going on because if they know you are sure to have a breakdown, and you do not have time for a breakdown right now.
Remus hasn’t said anything to you yet, but his actions definitely express worry. When you come home from work as soon as you have set your stuff down Remus is up making you a cup of tea. Or he’s sitting on the couch patting the seat next to him asking you if you’d like him to read to you, or watch your favorite movie, or binge the new season of your favorite TV show. Sometimes he’ll just come beside you a massage your shoulder and let out a disapproving hum at the tightness. Hell mummer under his breath as if he was talking to himself,
“Working my girl too hard”
So that’s why sitting in your car about to leave for work, your stomach is turning. The stress of impressing your boss, pleasing your fellow employees, and keeping your stress from the boys has become to much. There’s nothing you can do as you pull out of the driveway and repeat the mantra in your head saying don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry.
Later that day when you are pulling back into the driveway somehow your day has gotten worse. You had to pull over on the side of the road and flash your hazards because your eyes got too cloudy from the constant fall of tears streaming down your face. Everything was just too much. And the thing is you are a hard worker. You fought tooth and nail for this job. You want this job. You were supposed to love this job. Instead your overcome with waves of panic every-time you think about going into work. Every-time a colleague texts you and you hear the unmistakable ping you flinch. It’s been consuming your mind fully since the day you started and you broke down.
You don’t care about hiding it from the boys anymore. You just need a hug. You blindly reach for your car door, making note that James isn’t home yet, and all but fling yourself inside the house. You’re letting out gut wrenching sobs and you feel like you can’t breathe. You’re practically suffocating in your jacket and you need it off. Off off off off off. You repeat over and over in your mind, or maybe out loud you’re really not sure anymore, as your shaky hands fail again and again to reach your zipper. Sirius is the first to get to you. His heart practically stops at the sight.
“Love, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
He scans over your body. Checking if he can see any physical damage. When he decides there is no life-threatening wounds, at least that he can see, he jumps into action.
“Hey, hey, hey” he says,
The last ‘hey’ coming out more sternly than the others. You look up at him and your heart somehow shatters more. His face looks so caring and scared. You sob harder at the sight and continue to pull at the neck of your jacket.
“it’s okay, I got it. C’mon let’s walk over to the couch okay? Sh it’s okay, you’re okay”
As Sirius takes your zipper into his hands and urgently, but less harshly, zips it down he slowly pulls you to the couch. Remus emerges from the hallway and immediately goes still at the sight. He rushed to the kitchen to get a glass of water and comes back to help Siri pick up your broken pieces.
When you finally catch enough breath to sob out
“I just don’t know how i’m going to do it anymore!”
“Do what m’love?” Remus quietly questioned while stroking your hair,
“My job!” you practically shouted into Siri’s chest. “My boss is throwing me on every project and he knows it’s too much! He wants me to fail and I don’t want him to win so i’ve been doing it all. But the better I do the more he assigns and I can’t keep up with it anymore”
Both boys comforting you share a worried glanced at each-other. Having a silent conversation with their eyes. Just as Sirius opened his mouth to say something, the unmistakable sound of the door opening and James yelling out,
“The loves of my life, i’m home!”
Really James has immaculate humorous timing. When he realizes no one has answers he scans the room quickly before his eyes catch on you curled up in a ball practically on top of Sirius and Remus kneeling on the ground in front of you.
His face immediately falls.
“Baby, what happened?”
The utter concern in his voice and his caring expression made you let out another sob and re-explain the story and add in a few more details about how your coworkers have been treating you.
Once you’ve spilled your guts the boys concerned faces only worded causing you slight confusion. You just told them what’s wrong, they comforted you, now you should go back to normal.
Remus is the first to speak
“The next time you’re feeling anxious about anything, especially your job, just tell me, Sirius, or James and we can talk about it or try to take your mind off of it. It’s not good to be stressed all the time, especially when you aren’t telling anyone about it. A job should never make you this upset. I know you love it but I think you should have a serious conversation with your boss when your ready.”
Sirius adds in,
“I could help you write up a speech or I could just march right in there with you. But please come and see me when your feeling anxious, or shoot me a text while your at work”
“We love you and we want you to be happy and if this job isn’t making you happy, I say drop it and find one that makes you love it the way we love you.”
James mumbles as he wipes his thumbs under your eyes, taking away your tears.
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bucksdaffy · 2 days
okay, so i think we all know how good tommy is for buck, right? because buck feels safe with him; he can be himself when he is around him without worrying too much (because i don't think that fear ever truly goes away when you have such abandonment issues) that he's going to scare him off (after all, tommy saw buck's perhaps less flattering sides pretty much from the get-go – his jealousy, him making an absolute fool out of himself by stumbling his way through their first date, him holding a metaphorical clipboard during chim's bachelor party – and still found him adorable; still assured him that he was interested). tommy supports him and he is there for him when he needs him the most.
but i feel like we don't talk enough about how good buck is for tommy as well. we may have not seen the true impact of it since we don't know that much about tommy as a character yet, but in these few scenes where we got to know more about him and saw how buck and tommy navigate their relationship, i think it's pretty obvious.
we know since 7x04, and we are reminded of it again in 7x10, that tommy really craves a family-like dynamic in his life. he wants to be a part of something, just like buck is. he is honest and vulnerable enough to admit that in front of him. and buck not only hears him, but he also tends to his insecurities. he verbally assures him that he does belong and that he is enough.
but he doesn't stop at just that. because words can only mean so much, and buck knows it. you never truly feel it unless you experience it. so what does buck do? he includes him. he invites him to his sister's wedding, where all the people he considers to be his family are present. he wants to show tommy that he can be a part of that family as well. so, when tommy turns up at the hospital and buck, with soot on his face, announces before god and all mankind that his guest of honor has arrived, he does it not only to show his family that he and tommy are a thing now. he also does it to show them that their little family might have expanded to include one more member. he wants tommy to further reconnect with chimney, hen, and bobby, and he wants him to get to know maddie. he offers tommy a sense of belonging he has been longing for. and he shows him that he's wanted.
this is also something that is obviously not resolved yet – it will for sure take some time until tommy truly feels like he's a part of their unit. it still seems to me like tommy might not believe his presence is that important, something buck used to struggle with pretty much up until the lightning strike. but buck has already taken action to prove to him that he matters.
pre-7x05 buck had an issue with being completely honest, not only with himself but also with others, something tommy used to struggle with up until he left the 118. but tommy motivated buck to process his feelings and accept who he really is without worrying what others may think of him.
this is not a one-sided relationship from which only buck gains something. they both complement each other well and help each other grow, which is why i feel like they work together like two pieces of a puzzle. the relationship is good for both of them, and i really hope we get to see that more in s8.
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shiftermeance · 1 day
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Liked by f1wags, y/nupdates, maxverstappen1, y/nofficial, redbullracing and many others
f1 and there is our ice queen, arriving in fashion to her first race of the season in Spielberg! 🇦🇹 A new fashion queen on the grid perhaps? 👀
#F1 #Formula1 #AustrianGP
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username1 oh she looks beautiful
⤷username4 right? Like can Max fight??
username69 so we're gonna ignore that f1 admin is a figure skating fan??
⤷f1 of course I am 😼
username15 f1 fashion game is SO BACK
⤷username27 lewis and her are about to show up slaying 🫡👏🏾
⤷username9 no literally, Fashion Queen and King of the Grid
username90 I met her! She’s genuinely so nice!
username62 lewis has some competition fr
username12 she flew to austria for a MAN?? 🤨
⤷username44 to be fairrrrrr that man is MAX VERSTAPPEN and her boyfriend so….
username8 of course she’d be more focused on an outfit then supporting max
⤷username7 relax?? She’s literally wearing a flowy shirt and some jeans, just because she got dressed doesn’t mean she’s not there to support
username37 ice queen? Ice flop maybe
⤷username35 oh yes, a two time olympic champion, truly embarrassing of her 🙄
username3 great another american ruining the sport
⤷username77 surprised she isn’t fat like all the others or is her shirt hiding that?
⤷username98 I was trying to ignore your blatant xenophobia and sexism but like I genuinely can’t, one: her and logan aren’t ruining the sport at all and two not all americans are fat, you see fast food and automatically assume and it’s crazy when one good click on the comment above and you’d see she’s an olympic figure skater and better than you’d ever hope to be
⤷username35 let them hate, they find every little thing to hate on because they can’t be them. See how many hoops they have to jump through to say anything offensive
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liked by bsf1, bsf2, maxverstappen1 and many others
y/n.jpg time to see my first ever vroom vroom race in person but at least I have my newest pookie with me 💗
tagged: lilymhe
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bsf1 pookie we miss you 😢
⤷y/n.jpg i miss you too 😢it’s time for me to watch men go vroom vroom in fast cars
bsf2 why didn’t you take us??? 😭😭
⤷y/n.jpg because you had work pookie?? 😞
⤷bsf2 oh…yeah….like i wouldn’t quit to go to a race 😞😢
⤷y/n.jpg yeah no…keep that bag, I promise i’ll take yall when you guys are free ♥️
alexalbon omg is that where my girlfriend went???
⤷y/n.jpg sorry she’s my girlfriend now 🫶
⤷lilymhe I know where home is 🫶
⤷alexalbon UMM???
maxverstappen1 was the meme necessary?
⤷y/n.jpg yes it was, my vibe was incomplete without it
⤷y/n.jpg expect more btw 😋
⤷maxverstappen1 oh god 😐
⤷y/n.jpg good luck on your race ☺️
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liked by landonorris, bsf1, bsf2, and many others
y/n.jpg …so that was a tough loss um…how do you feel after that?
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landonorris how the fuck you think I feel?
⤷y/n.jpg I have a gift for you
⤷landonorris stop I’m supposed to be mad rn
⤷y/n.jpg what he say fuck me for? 😟😔
username2 😭wtf? why is she so unserious
bsf1 how was the race in person?
⤷y/n.jpg loud as fuck 😭
⤷y/n.jpg it was like going to a hotter, louder monster truck show
charles_leclerc the meme?
⤷y/n.jpg your very memeable charlie, it’s a talent really and one that will be showcased on my page way more often
⤷username99 CHARLIE??
lilymhe we still on for drinks?
⤷y/n.jpg of course
⤷username5 max didn’t win and literally caused Lando to crash, what does you need to get drinks for?
⤷y/n.jpg see I don’t know if you know but it’s called, I’m my own grown ass person who can get drinks whenever I want
username4 not her making fun of Lando after her boyfriend ruined his race
⤷username7 *liked by author*
what are you talking about? Lando quite literally responded and he’s obviously not mad at her nor is she making fun of him
username9 both were scrapping and made mistakes. We’ll get em next week!
username23 just wait till next weekend, those guys are going to boo every chance they get, don’t be discouraged!
⤷username44 oh you must’ve missed it but they already started making comments towards her, apparently a fan of hers asked for a autograph and some butthurt fans called her all kinds of names
⤷username23 oh wow, yeah I would’ve never guessed from this post
⤷username1 y/n is not new to getting hate, after her first championship some commentators were calling her a possible “one hit wonder” and fans were saying her coach was better off coaching others
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Y/N L/N Talks All Things Sport-Like, Relationships And Careers
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 163,713 likes
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“Our next guest is an expert on skating and ice, her olympic career on the rise, please welcome Y/N L/N!”
[Inserts Y/N with cheers] “Welcome to the show! Uh you look fantastic, thank you so much for being here”
“Thank you for inviting me, Jimmy! And for the food!”
“No problem! Figured it was the least I could do after the flight here, um…so y/n your career has always been eventful but it's currently exploding right now and everyone’s talking about Y/N L/N and so I wanted to show you this photo and tell me if you remember how growing up in figure skating was” [shows a picture of younger y/n in her first competition]
“Oh….this was when I was 12, I had just started competing after begging my mother to sign me up for a skating academy for like a whole year [laughter]”
“Did you win this competition?”
“No [laughs] I got like fourth place and was convinced I wasn’t made out to be a skater and went home that night and cried the most i’ve ever cried I think”
“Wow, here’s you like what..six competitions later and look you’ve got a gold medal” {shows a different picture of her on the podium with a bright smile] [insert cheers and laughter] “I’m so happy for you, what did it feel like?”
“Um, well it felt like I was right all along, that my mom and coach were right and it just gave me a huge boost in confidence after that”
“And- I mean- look at you now two time olympic champion back to back, that is amazing- absolutely amazing. Uh- a little birdie told me that when you first signed with Team USA- um you were in a Chick-Fil-A drive thru when you got the call”
[laughter] “Um..yeah! I was actually at work- um, i worked in a chick-fil-a like ten minutes down the street from my house and I got the call from the recruiter and I was like “oh god, I can’t be on my phone at work but I have to take this…screw it” and i picked up the phone and if you ever watched the draft for the nba then it’s kind of like that, I remember I squealed and dropped to the floor as I accepted and I just could not shut up about it for the rest of the day”
[laughter] “yeah well that must’ve been an amazing feeling! To know your accomplishments have been recognized and that you were about to go to the big leagues”
“Oh yeah, I was riding on that high for like a week, it felt like- yeah- i did it. I mean, I felt like I kind of made it already when I won the rest of my competitions growing up but that call was the little cherry on top, you know? I was 18 years old at the time of the phone call, just out of high school but then it was like a massive dump where I was unsure of myself and if I really was that good. Hate really got to my heart during that time, I had already reviewed a large amount of misogyny that I had almost given up too many times to count”
“I had to push myself and remember why I was there, first and foremost my passion for the ice, and I wasn’t going to toss away my dream due to bigoted men around me. They wanted to see me fail and I wasn’t going to let them succeed”
“Beautifully said. I know recently a few fans have reacted poorly after the results of the most recent grand prix in Austria..how do you feel about that?”
“Well um, I get that they're mad, you know? No one wants to see a driver forced out of a race following a collision but again, I had nothing to do with that, you know? [laughter] Um..just because I’m dating Max does not give them that excuse but again, there will always be haters and so I do what I do best and ignore them the best I can; I know not everyone can respond maturely and things can be said in the heat of the moment so I try not to hold it against them”
“Right, well what are your plans for the future? Is another championship in the cards? Another career even? Maybe a more serious relationship outcome with Max?”
[laughter] “Um well figure skating is definitely the dream, you know, a lot of people will say I’m too old to be on the rink but frankly, there is no maximum age to figure skating, i’ll retire of course when I’m ready but um, that’s no time soon [laughter] um growing up I was really into psychology. Obviously as an athlete I know the importance of mental health and how it can truly affect your performance and career but I was obsessed growing up, probably from all the late night reruns of crime shows like law and order and 48 hours {laughter}’
“and um I don’t know about the last one, we haven’t really talked about anything like that, I think we both enjoy our lives together but i wouldn’t be opposed to any sort of change”
“Great! Well um, Max if your watching, there’s your sign right there [laughter] um…I googled you today to see what pops up and um..”
“Did you not know who I was beforehand?”
“No [laughter] no- i can do..I know all your poses and I can do it”
“Oh can you?”
“I can do it, no- no I just wanted to see what pops up and it says did you mean: ice queen or ice princess and I think that’s kind of fun, tell us about that”
“Um, I definitely didn’t do that- I guess someone at google loves me or something [laughter] but the nicknames ice queen or princess is from the 2018 Olympics when I won my first championship and that day I was wearing a white and silver costume that I was absolutely shivering in [laughter] but um- yeah, the judges and everyone liked it so much and I think the name came from one the judge's comments on my performance actually and everyone just ran with it and i liked it so much that I kept it [laughter]”
“Can I just tell everyone some of the stats you have right now, because wow. You are currently the highest paid figure skater at a net worth of 90 Million dollars. You are a 5 time US champion from 2011 to 2016 and 6 time World Champion from 2017 and 2023, you have countless endorsements with brands such as Disney, McDonald’s, Starbucks, Visa, Campbell’s Chevrolet, Coca-Cola, Kraft, and United Airlines. You’ve been given the James E. Sullivan Award for ‘Best Amateur Athlete, U.S. Olympic Committee ‘Sportswoman of the Year’, Readers’ Choice ‘Figure Skater of the Year’, Teen Choice Award and ‘Cosmogirl of the Year’” [takes in a deep breath] “phew…that was a lot to read [laughter] but yeah, that is all you’ve done since you were 12, that’s amazing!”
“It sounds so much grander and shocking when you read it all out like that! [laughter]”
“Yes well it was lovely speaking to you and wearing out my vocal cards reading all that [laughter] this is Y/N L/N, everybody! [cheers and applause] Thank you for coming! Stay tuned for our next guest after the break!”
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→ Face claims: (completely forgot to do these but we have: Lori Harvey and Zendaya) 
→ y/n and lily left the grid while waiting for the race to start to get food (she wanted authentic local food)
→ in the interview y/n did shade both lando fans and lando himself 
Author's note!
Hey guys! I worked hard with this one lol! Could not figure out how I wanted to do the interview and just decided to type it as if it was like a little youtube clip of the show so the brackets are like youtube captions. I wanted to wait until after Austria since I finally got the story aligned with recent events (obviously a fictional version of them). Plz don’t send any hate for the shade I threw in here, I love Lando and in fact do have his merch but his response to today’s race was slightly immature and dare I say whiney, plus i did steal some actual comments from instagram posts under red bull so :/ also had to include the weird thing europeans do where they hate on americans for seemingly no reason? Like I've gone to Europe and the hate I get is actually mind boggling. ANYWAYS! Hope you enjoy this chapter, maybe put in some request for what you’d like to see in the next because i have NO IDEA. 
Taglist: @boiohboii @ale-522 @ietss @theseerbetweenus @jaxx-7 @sainzluvrr @the-untamed-soul @ashy-kit @hc-dutch @nichmeddar @delululeclerc @sweate-r-weathe-r @dhanihamidi @tellybearryyyy @luvsforme @samantha-chicago @theblueblub
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⤷ Following the messy breakup between Max Verstappen and Kelly Piquet, Max’s manager comes up with a solution to divert the attention – a fake relationship. His new girlfriend? Two time olympic gold medalist figure skater, y/n for the USA team. Easy? Well…
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zegrasdrysdale · 2 days
[ get you home ] m. rempe
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pairing : Matt Rempe x fem!reader
summary : Matt makes sure his best friend gets home safe after going out with him and a few of the Rangers after a win, but his plans change when she tells him how she feels about him
warning(s) : alcohol use and drunkenness, a heavy makeout, some suggestive comments
author’s note : got drunk so i started to write a fic and finished it while sober lol :))
One of the things she loves about going out with Matt is the fact that he deters every guy from approaching her. Everyone views him as this scary guy because he’s a six-foot-seven hockey player but in reality, he’s probably the sweetest guy she’s ever met.
It works to her advantage though since she only ever wants to talk to him when she goes out with him.
Tonight in particular, she wants to stay glued to his side. He scored a goal in his playoff debut and all she wants to do is celebrate. She doesn’t want her attention to be pulled away from Matt.
The Rangers found a booth in a dark corner of the club they came to after game one against Washington and started buying drinks and shots for Matt after his goal that started this season’s playoff run.
She took so many shots with Matt when they first got to the club and kind of regrets it. She wanted to at least be coherent and remember her words when she tells Matt that she’s in love with him.
Tonight might not be the night to tell him though. She doesn't want him to think she's telling him because she's drunk or because he scored a goal.
Plus, she wants to be able to remember telling him and she isn't sure that's possible right now because of the amount of drinks and shots she's had. Tonight shouldn't be the night she tells her best friend that she's in love with him.
Once Trouba decides to leave, a bunch of the Rangers decide to follow him out the door. Once the captain leaves, that usually means whatever is going on is officially over. A lot of the older guys leave, but most of the younger guys like Matt and Braden stay for a little bit longer.
There are about three more rounds of shots before everyone else calls it a night. She stumbles out of the club holding onto Matt's arm so she doesn't fall on the sidewalk in her heels. She leans against his chest while he orders them an Uber to her apartment.
"Mm," she hums. "Comfy wall."
Matt laughs and wraps an arm around her shoulders to keep her stable. "You're so drunk," he comments. "How much have you had to drink?"
"A little less than you," she replies. "I think. How are you not stumbling after everything you've had today?"
He tucks his phone into the pocket of the pants he's wearing. "I'm a foot taller than you and over a hundred pounds heavier than you," he laughs. "Not to mention I have a faster metabolism and can handle my liquor. It's not my fault you're so short."
She looks up at him. "Hey, five-foot-six is not short," she retorts. "You're just freaking tall ." Matt laughs. "Out here having fucking trees for legs like God damn, Matt."
A car pulls up in front of them and Matt helps her get in the car. "Me and my tree legs are trying to get you home safely," he tells her. "You better be nice to me or I'm gonna leave you to get to your apartment by yourself."
"You'd never do that to me," she giggles. "You like me too much."
Matt slides into the car next to her and she immediately moves as close as she can to him. She rests her head on his shoulder before she shuts her eyes. Being drunk and being in a car is not the best combination. She'll gladly use Matt's shoulder as a pillow until they get to her apartment building. They're a good fifteen minutes away so she has time.
The Uber driver realizes who got into the backseat of his car so he and Matt talk about the game. The driver mentions Matt's goal and says what an amazing goal it was. She doesn't say anything but she agrees a thousand percent.
His goal was a beauty. It's something that he'll never forget for sure. She'll never forget celebrating it when it happened. Hearing his name announced during the next play will be something she'll remember hearing forever.
She listens to the conversation and smiles while they talk about the game. She doesn't chime in because she's afraid to open her eyes. The last thing she wants to do is throw up in an Uber.
About fifteen minutes later, the Uber pulls up to her apartment. The driver wishes Matt luck during the rest of the playoffs as he helps her out of the car. She thanks him as Matt shuts the door. Matt wraps an arm around her and helps her into the building.
As she walks through the lobby, she stumbles and loses her balance. With a groan, she slides out of Matt's grip and lands on the floor to pull off he heeled boots that she's wearing. "Stupid shoes," she says to herself. Matt laughs and holds a hand out to help her up when she is ready to stand back up.
"Why did you even wear heels to the game?" he asks as he pulls her up from the ground. "I mean, it's a hockey game."
"I wanted to look nice and dress up the jersey," she replies. Matt lent her his Stadium Series jersey. She might have to wear it for every game now since he scored a goal while she was wearing it. "Sorry I wanted to look nice. Good thing too since we went out afterwards."
It's easier for her to walk now that her feet are flat on the ground. She carries the shoes onto the elevator, where she leans against the wall for support.
"Are you still super drunk?" Matt asks. "I'm asking because I need to know if you'll be okay if I leave."
"We'll see," she mumbles as she drops her head to her left to look at him. "Can you stay anyway? Just in case?"
He nods and smiles as the elevator dings and the doors open.
She stumbles down the hallway to her apartment, dropping one of the shoes in the process. Matt picks it up and she uses her key to unlock the door. Somehow, she gets the door open, but she stumbles inside. Matt quickly wraps an arm around her waist before she can go crashing down to the floor.
The door closes behind them and she looks up at him. "Thanks," she says.
"Yeah, I think I'm gonna stay," he comments. "You just fell into your apartment." She giggles and stands back up. Matt wraps an arm around her shoulders. "Come on. Do you want to shower or anything before you go to bed? Want a snack? You're going to drink at least one glass of water before going to bed."
She looks up at him and says, "I should probably shower since I got a drink spilled on my pants." That was Cuylle's fault and she wasn't very happy that she smelled like beer for the rest of the time they were at the club.
"I'll get him to apologize for that tomorrow when he's sober," Matt tells her. "For now though, bath or shower? Think you can shower?"
"I think I can shower," she replies. "A cold one might sober me up a bit. Some of the clothes that you've left here are all in a drawer if you want to pull something together, or I can give you this jersey since it's technically yours."
Matt smiles and shakes his head. "That jersey is yours now," he says. "I'll find something. Go shower the beer smell away."
She sticks her tongue out at him and stumbles her way to her room. She pulls out a large t-shirt and a pair of slightly too small Lululemon shorts to sleep in before walking into the bathroom for her shower.
The water is ice cold in hopes that it sobers her up enough for the conversation that's going to happen after her shower. She wants to make sure she remembers the entire conversation and whatever she says to Matt. She wants to remember his reaction and what he tells her when she tells him about her feelings.
It's going to go really well or really bad. She has no idea how it's going to go. He may just tell her that it's bad timing since the playoffs just started, or he'll fully embrace it. Maybe he'll tell her that he feels the same.
The unknown is what scares her.
After a short and sweet shower where she only washes her hair and body, she hops out and dries off. She shivers from how cold it was and dresses quickly.
When she walks out of the bathroom with her wet hair French braided down her back, she finds Matt laying on his back on her bed on his phone. He's typing away, probably replying to people that he didn't get to yet about his goal or the win. He's wearing a pair of sweatpants and one of his Rangers hockey shirts that he found in the drawer.
Matt notices her standing in the doorway between the bedroom and her bathroom. "There's a glass of water on your table," he tells her. "I left some Advil for you too for the morning."
Just rip off the bandaid. It's time to get this over with.
"I have something I want to say first in case it chases you off," she tells him. "I don't know what your reaction is going to be when I say this but ... I love you."
"I love you too."
"No, Matt," she sighs. "I'm in love with you. I have been for months, maybe close to a year at this point. I know my timing isn't the best but I couldn't not tell you anymore. I'm not saying this because you scored a goal or because you won a playoff game or because I'm still slightly drunk but I am genuinely in love with you."
He stares at her while she talks, but as soon as she's done saying what she has to say, Matt gets up out of bed and walks up to her. "I knew what you meant," he comments. "I've been waiting for you to say something to me before I did this."
"Do wha-"
Before she can finish her question, Matt gently cups her jaw and leans down to press a light kiss to her lips. It's so light that she feels like he's just testing the waters.
It barely feels like a kiss when he pulls back.
She takes a step closer to him and looks up at him. "Can you please kiss me like you mean it?" she questions.
He crashes their lips together in a more definitive kiss that makes her heart beat out of her chest. She presses herself against him and fists his t-shirt in her hand to hold him close to her. Matt's thumbs trace her cheekbones and she sighs. He takes full advantage and licks past her parted lips.
She presses her hands against his torso and pushes him toward the bed. She has to tilt her head up to kiss him and it's starting to hurt her neck. So she pushes him down until he falls back and is sitting on the mattress. She crawls onto his lap so they're at a more even level.
This isn't the reaction that she was expecting. Maybe Matt saying that he loves her too or some cuddles. She thought that kisses would wait until morning when they're both completely sober.
That being said, this is what she thought their first kiss would look like. Rough, needy. She kisses him like she craves him, and he kisses her back like he's been holding back. She's seen Matt kiss former girlfriends before and studied the way his lips move, but experiencing it is something completely different.
Her heart is in her stomach and her body shakes with anticipation. She truly cannot believe that this is happening right now.
She slides her hands down his chest and stomach then slithers her fingers up under his shirt. Matt hums and pulls back from the needy kiss. “Clothes are staying on until we’re both sober,” he tells her. She nods but is very distracted by how red and swollen his lips are.
All because of her.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t touch,” she replies. “I’ll be good. I promise.”
Matt sucks his bottom lip between his teeth and looks her up and down in his lap. She reaches up with one of her hands and touches one of the scars on his cheek. He turns his head and presses a kiss to her wrist.
He trails kisses up her forearm and she smiles as he pulls her flush against his chest. She wraps her arms around his neck and Matt flips them so he’s pinning her down against the mattress.
She smiles and looks up at him. “You do know that I love you too, right?” Matt asks. “I mean, I knew what you meant when you told me that you love me. The timing couldn’t have been any better because I thought I was going to genuinely lose my mind if I held back from you any longer.”
“Seriously,” Matt replies. “I love you. I think I’ve loved you for literally ever. I probably realized it in February when you were in the crowd for my NHL debut. Seeing you in that jersey tonight, oh my God. I thought I was going to actually lose it at the club.”
She smiles and grabs the bottom of his shirt. She fists the fabric and holds him close. “You could’ve made a move whenever you wanted and I probably would’ve been okay with it,” she admits. “I hated seeing you with random girls or old girlfriends. They never wanted you like I do.”
“I know,” he says. “I think I see that now. I’ve had a few girlfriends, but none of them have stuck around like you have.”
“By your side always,” she promises.
Matt leans down and kisses her again. The kiss almost feels like her sealing the promise.
Because she’ll never leave his side. Ever.
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Horny Yuna
A/N: Just some random thought that was floating around my brain. Btw this is set when boys like you was made.
Warnings: Smut, Masturbation, Mommy Kink, abs riding, a teeny tiny bit of exhibitionism
Yuna’s POV:
It was another day of filming. So tiring. Promotions, dance practise, recording, photoshoot. All to make our boys like you song inspired by Taylor Swift. (Imagine seeing her in person it would be such a dream) Sometimes it’s so overwhelming being an idol, yes I do really love my job making midzy’s so happy but our work hours are hectic and unpredictable. We could be scheduled from 8 am all the way to 10pm and other days we have nothing on. Today we were lucky as all we had were some vocal recordings to do in the morning and dance practise for an hour as the dance isn’t to hard we just had to be synchronised.
“Yuna come on our driver is here.” Lia called.
“Yup I’ll be there soon.” In my usual excited tone. I finished the last touches of my makeup and left the dorm to join the others outside.
Our manager sat in the front seat chaeryeong and Yeji in the next two seats near the windows. And then me, Ryujin and Lia squished in the backseats.
We arrived at the studio in no time. The car ride totally wasn’t chaotic Yeji, lia and I were totally not belting our hearts out doing karaoke. Chaeryeong decided to scroll through social media and Ryujin took a nap which is impressive through all the noise.
( I don’t think people want more story bits so imma just cut to the smut )
It was Ryujin’s turn and boy I never thought I could get so turned on from those lyrics, it made me fantasise so many things while i waited for her to finish.
Well, you must be goin' crazy Thinkin' I'll be back, I'm sorry 'Cause you're cryin' like a baby But do I look like your mommy?
Yea you do look like my mommy and I am would be your best baby. I really want her long fingers plunging into my cunt that is dripping with need. Not sure if the lyrics are true but if you don’t like boys Ryujin I’m always here to be yours and only yours. I grinded slightly on the corner of the red couch I was sitting on hoping it would elevate the heat I was feeling but it only intensified.
Sigh what am I thinking i excused myself to the bathroom splashing water on my face. I really don’t want to mess up our friendship we even have so many years on our contract so if things ended awkwardly I would still have to see her everyday. God damn Yuna she thinks of you as a sister you even have the same last name for heavens sake.
( time skip )
After practising the dance I made the fatal mistake of looking towards Ryujin’s direction. Her abs glistened with a sheen layer of sweat her slightly below shoulder length messy hair. Oh how i would give anything to ride those abs. Ahhh why am i suddenly thinking so many dirty thoughts about my member.
“Unnie can we go home now?” I whined to Yeji the ache in my core being insufferable.
“Sure, but are you feeling ok? Your face is a bit red and your squirming a lot.”
“Yea I’m good just a bit under the weather.”
“If you say so.”
( At the dorms )
I bolted inside my room locking it as fast as possible throwing my outfit and under garments somewhere. Taking my fingers and plunging them immediately into my pussy dripping with arousal.
I turned on some fan cams of Ryujin and got to work.
Others POV:
“Do you think Yuna is ok? She has been acting odd all day and she ran straight into her room.” Chaeryeong commented.
“ I’m not sure but should someone check in on her?” Lia asked
They heard Ryujin’s name being called from Yuna’s room. Perhaps she needs medication or water.
Ryujin cautiously made her way over to Yuna’s room seeing what she wanted.
Ryujin POV:
Did I just hear Yuna groan? Is she ok? Is she that sick? I rushed to her door only to find it was locked.
She really sounded sick so I took my lock picking set out to pick her lock. What if she had fainted in there and hit her head? I had to at least make sure she was doing alright.
I was in the middle of picking her lock when I heard her moan Ryujinnie Mommy please… F-Faster. I definitely now had an idea what had occupied her mind all day. I was very flattered that, that someone was me. I now was really turned on and Yuna needed to fix the problem she started plus she sounded like she was having a little difficulty pleasuring herself so why don’t I just go in there and help her a bit.
“Oh you wanted me to go faster huh? What was that you were calling me, mommy?”
3rd person POV:
Yuna was shocked trying to pull a blanket over her as quick as possible hiding in embarrassment. Ryujin had seen it coming and immediately pulled the blanket off her. Revealing Yuna’s puffy flaps coated in a thick layer of cum and arousal.
“It’s not w-what it looks like unnie.”
“Are you sure because I came in here to help my baby and for her to get her mommy to a climax as well.”
Yuna was at a loss of words
“How does that sound” Ryujin said with a smirk
Yuna was still shocked and could only nod her head quickly in agreement. She never thought she would get another chance to indulge in her fantasies. She pulled down Ryujin’s clothes so fast it could beat an Olympian. Throwing Ryujin’s clothes somewhere she got to work on Ryujin’s pussy giving it a few kitten like licks. Then plunging her tongue in to the older girl. Ryujin produced some very unholy sounds that were music to Yuna’s ear. Determined to hear that sound from her unnie again she plunged her fingers in and sucked on her bud creating double stimulation.
“Yunahh— you ahh better not— stop mmmh.”
Ryujin’s sentences were barely coherent but they got the message along to Yuna. She picked up her speed and eventually was rewarded with a sweet sticky substance that she tried to take as much of it in her mouth but ultimately failing with some dribbling down the sides of her face.
“Unnie you good?”
Ryujin just laid there thoroughly fucked her eyes screwed shut panting not moving an inch.
“Sorry for being a bit greedy but woah Yuna mmmm you make me feel soooooo good”
“I didn’t  even know getting eaten out could feel like that” Ryujin slurred almost as if she was drunk
“Sorry to assume but you haven’t had sex yet im your first?!?”
“Uhm… no?” Ryujin’s voice came out quietly embarrassed that she had blurted out her secret that she was planning on taking to her grave.
“You give off such a girl crush vibe I just kinda assumed you’ve done it before if it makes you feel any better you’re my first as well.” ‘But definitely not my first sexual encounter I’ve been preparing for this day for ages’ Yuna added in her head.
“Being an idol has kept me pretty busy”
“Anyways my darling what is your first fantasy that you would like to fufill” Ryujin grabbed a magic wand like thing from a box nearby and waved it around in the air as if she was casting a spell
‘Fuck why the hell did ryujin pick up that and why does she look so innocent does she know that she’s holding a dildo?’ 
‘I wonder what this button does? And why does Yuna look redder than a tomato is that even possible?’ Ryujin thought 
‘I mean it’s probably just some lights right?’
Yuna quickly took the wand from Ryujin’s hand while she was inspecting the button and shoved it under pillow and switched positions with ryujin. Thump! Ryujin landed harshly onto the bed she didn’t even have the time to realize before she found a Shin Yuna grinding her pussy down onto her flat stomach.
( Authors note: idk how you guys do it with those fancy software thingos to do the text stuff but imma just be creative bare with me 😭)
 🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry 🍓🌷 = Lia
🌿🍵 Sleepy Matcha Lover 🍵🌿 = Ryujin
✨👑 Baby Princess 👑✨= Yuna
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛ = Chaeryeong 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭 = Yeji ( sorry guys ik the username sucks )
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Does anyone else think ryujin has been in Yuna’s room for an abnormally long time?
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Maybe they’re fucking
 🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry 🍓🌷: Maybe you just have a really dirty mind and ur just upset cause u haven’t been fucked in a long time 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭:  Nuh uh
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛:  Guys I’m sure they are responsible enough to not be doing that
 🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry : But what else could they be doing tho? 🤭
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭:  Says the one who bought a face roller in the shape of a dick 
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Yea but I was responsible with it wasn’t I?
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Sure sure if being responsible means sticking it up your pussy to see if it would fit 
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Nuh uh I never did that 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: 🙄
 🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry 🍓: Enough of this shenanigans even though I was a part of it we should probably go check in on them. 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: You sure about that? I can hear Yuna’s moans bouncing off the walls and they sound borderline pornographic and I don’t want to walk in on that.
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Unnie 🤣 I see you sitting by their door literally getting off from hearing their moans 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Meanie 🖕why did you rat me out 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Well since Chaeryeong ratted me out I’m bringing her down with me did you know she keeps a journal of at times in mv’s and videos we look the most sexy/ fuckable?
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Unnie you meanie I’m not ur fan anymore hmph.
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Noooo cherrryyyy 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭 deleted a message
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: fine ur forgiven 
🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry 🍓: We going in or no?
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star--nymph · 3 days
I think people forget with Cullen, and characters like Cullen, that indoctrination is a thing. We're lucky to live in an age where we have a surplus of access to resources that allow us to think critically on the structures around us, to the point where we overlook that most people won't and haven't. Cullen was raised in a backwater village where the main educators and leaders were Templars. He was likely taught scripture by Chantry Sisters, he possibly learned to read and write through them. From the day he was born, he was being taught to love and obey the Chantry with out question--and the Chantry teaches that Templars are a force of good.
So I ask you, how the hell was Cullen, at eight or thirteen years old, going to learn about the crimes of Templars? How was he going to unlearn propaganda that was fed him to him every day by people he respected and possibly loved? How was he supposed to be aware that this idolized image of Templars being the saviors of the people and even mages was a lie?
And then he gets shipped off, happily, to be trained a Templar. Again, he's put into this position where he's fed nothing but propaganda. He doesn't get a real taste of the Order being corrupted until he's out in Kinloch and he's not sure what the hell to do because what he's seeing isn't jiving with what he's been taught for nearly two decades. So yeah, he tries to justify it, he tries to have his cake and eat it too by reasoning that mages should be treated like people but also the Order wouldn't lie to him, so they must be right to act like this. The Maker always had a plan, right?
If Cullen had been lucky, maybe he could have realized earlier on that the Order was abusing mages, that he had been tricked, he could have gotten out and unlearned the bigotry that was planted inside him.
But then BAM! the Broken Circle happened and I don't see how no one gets how perfect this is for the Order? They now have a templar that is so traumatized by mages, he will literally do and say anything to justify their abuses because now? Now he's afraid.
And remember, after Origins, Cullen becomes so erratic, he has to be sent off to a Chantry to 'even him out'--where he was more than likely manipulated even further by the Chantry to be this blood thirsty agent for them. When he's shipped to Kirkwall, they could have not delivered to Meredith a better second in command.
So yeah, is it really surprising that he says shit like 'mages aren't people like you and me' when we meet him in Kirkwall? Man is sleep depraved by the looks of him, swallowing all Meredith's frenzied rhetoric on blood mages, he's seeing for himself the damage these mages are doing, he's isolated from his family, he has no actual friends, and he's living with C-PTSD among other issues. Even under the best of conditions, none of what he says or does in DA2 is surprising when you put it all together.
And yet, the man still had enough of that idealistic child left in him to realize see that Meredith was going off the deep end and that he should be protecting the mages. That's text. That's in World of Thedas. The reason why Cullen is able to turn on Meredith in the end is because he was able to see, even clouded by his fear and hatred, that what she was doing was wrong.
And all this isn't to excuse Cullen's wrongs. It's weird how every time someone brings up Cullen's history, it's assumed that it's just a justification for his actions. It's not, it's an an explanation. Cullen was a victim of the Order that became an abuser, a tool, and he is responsible for his actions.
But the thing is, by DAI, Cullen is well aware of his sins and he actively works to better himself by leaving the Order and getting off lyrium (which for most people is a death sentence). People can argue all day about whether or not Cullen's arc in DAI redeems him or was satisfying, or if he did enough to 'prove' that he was sorry or--good god--does he deserve redemption in the first place (which is such a Catholic way of looking at shit by the way; no one 'deserves' redemption; you do it to be better or you fucking don't) but the fact is that Cullen says that he wants to be better, that he sees the Order as--at the very least--flawed.
That, yes, he's still unlearning all the bigotry he held as a younger man and he's ashamed that he was like that to begin with.
You can hate him all you like, and whatever, but Cullen's story--intentionally or not--is about a man born into an oppressive society, raised to uphold its beliefs, used and abused by it, and then awakening to those lies and trying to free himself from those beliefs so he could be a better person.
And sometimes I genuinely wonder if the reason so many people hate Cullen is because they themselves might have dealt with something similar in our own oppressive society where they also had to unlearn harmful bigotry and maybe, just maybe, he hits too close to home.
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missmielyhoran · 2 days
Oreos and Pickles (Sad Ending)
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in which you spent 2 years with Harry and a grocery store trip makes you realize it was all secondary...
[Warning- Just pure angst, fluff if you like close your eyes ig, pregnancy cravings, complicated feelings and a very awful grocery store trip, alcohol, drunk driving, Harry]
Masterlist // Part 1
A single moment can change many things.
But not the feelings you have for someone and a simple grocery store trip made him realize that.
He loved the way dress flowed when you walked and how it showed just the tiniest bump only he could notice cause that's all he wanted to do.
But he hated how his hands weren't in his and how far you were walking. At the same time, a part of him was itching to run back in and talk to her, ask her how she was doing, how her work was going, and everything he could think of.
Was it wrong? Very much, but he doesn't know what to do.
He opened the door to the passenger seat, and you slid inside, saying a small thank you. He walked around and slid into the driver's side. When he looked up, he saw something he never wanted.
There she was, crying in the driver's seat of her directly in front of him. Their eyes met, and god, he shouldn't want to run to comfort her, especially with his pregnant girlfriend sitting just beside him.
"I'm going to Amelia's." Your voice brought him out of trance as he turned to look at you.
You were so different from her not only feature wise but also emotionally while she was this emotionally sensitive person. You, on the other hand, would not shed a tear even in the saddest of situations. He couldn't even think of a time he saw you cry.
"Niall and her are out of town I think" He replied.
He saw your face scrunch up in annoyance, "Just drop me off at Cam's house" you said, turning your face away from him with pure anger.
"Stress is bad for baby" He said, reaching for your bump but then retrieving back as you were very much not like that right now.
"Yeah I fucking bet" You muttered under your breath.
Harry just drove to your sister's house in silence. He was in a hurry but in a hurry for what? he didn't know, or maybe he did, but it was just not time his heart had accepted it.
As they reached the house, he saw your sister out collecting her mail. She waved at both of them, but when she saw your face, her smile fell, and so did her hand.
You got out of the car without so much so of a bye or when you will return, and Harry didn't know why he didn't care, you were mother of his child shouldn't he?
He drove off the curb and started driving towards his house. His mind was jumbled all with the thoughts. It was weird to just see her face he tried so hard not to even think about her. He threw out her pictures, her gifts, every piece of her existence, and yet she came back somehow.
He felt guilty and betrayed, betrayed by his own conscious and heart.
He took out a bottle of whiskey as soon as he got into the house. He drank half the bottle in one go feeling the burn in his throat and his eyes watering.
Heaving his threw the rest filled bottle on the floor, scattering the pieces of glass all around. He looked around, and his life looked like a mess. The living room was filled with boxes, your new clothes, and baby stuff he kept buying impulsively. All somehow felt like a mess.
The mess that looked like home in the morning.
In anger, he took his car keys and made a beeline to his car. He didn't care about the glass, the boxes, or the fact he was very much drunk.
He got into the car and started driving to the place he knew like his hand.
He drove and drove till the familiar white house building came into the view. His hands were shaking, and his body was shaking, to be honest, but he knew he had to do this.
He put his car in the park and walked to the porch, knocking on her door like he used to, and he felt like that again, like he was again where he was a few years ago.
Then similar eyes opened the gate, a very smaller version of eyes he fell in love with.
"How many times I have told you to not open the gate until I say so!" She came running from behind and stood freeze looking at him as was he.
He looked between the child and her and couldn't comprehend what it was.
"Harry, what are you-" She asked, leaving the words hanging in the air, but she also knew what he was here for.
"I wanted to talk to you" He said hesitantly, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
They walked through her house to her backyard, where she shut the glass door so no one could listen in to their conversation.
"Who was-" He left the question hanging in the air, confused as the woman who left him for not wanting a family was here playing house with someone else.
"That's my daughter, Cassie" She said with a soft smile, "She was a surprise totally not expecting, thought it was flu or something turns out I was pregnant" She said with a chuckle.
"So you left me when I asked you to marry me and start a family, and now here you are, playing house, huh?" Harry said angirly, "I cried, begged you to stay, and you left saying I deserved someone who could give me what I wanted! You could've given me what I wanted. You have what I wanted. You just didn't want to!" He said, slamming his fist on the picnic table.
"Calm your voice Harry my daughter is playing inside, and I don't want her to get scared or know what is going on here" She said strictly. Harry sighed and slid down back in his chair.
"I could've never given you what you wanted. A white-picked fence was not something I dreamed of, nor would I ever. Her father and I got divorced just in 6 months of marriage cause I couldn't do it" She said, "A marriage, a child and a career, I couldn't do it all at once, he understood that so we just co-parent now" She explained, "You wanted a wife Harry and you deserved one, and if so long into our relationship I couldn't agree to it then it was a waste of our time, we had different goals of relationship and at some point, we had to go onto our separate paths."
He stood there listening, feeling baffled on how she could just break his heart all over again without making him hate her.
"But you crying in the store, we can still have everything" He said, feeling tears breaming in his eyes.
"Harry what-no!" She yelled, "Oh my god" She panicked.
"Harry, I was crying cause I was happy. Yes, a lot of feelings came over me seeing you all of a sudden, but the main thing I felt was happiness. Happiness that finally you had everything you wanted, a beautiful girlfriend, a child on the way, and the way she looked at you- she is utterly in love with you" She explained softly, her eyes were filled with concern and contentment.
It was pathetic honestly how he realized what he had done. He had everything in the palm of his hand, and he threw it away on his own.
"It's not too late Harry go get her" She said softly, feeling his pain even after years of separation.
But it just might have been.
Cause as he was walking to his car practicing how he will kneel and ask for your forgiveness. The ring he had for you will be given to you today no matter what he will fix no matter what, but then he got a call from your sister.
You were in the hospital.
Turns out stress was bad for the baby.
So he got into the car with tear filled eyes to drive to the hospital he saw the oreos and pickles they bought sitting in the back seat but they were of no use.
Just like his apology, just like his pain, his realization, his love, the unmade crib sitting in the living room or the half painted nursery nothing was of use.
All cause of his stupidness and impulsiveness.
He lost everything chasing his past while having everything in present.
Now, all he has is regret.
I hope you like this it's kind of rusty I know but I will try to post more from now.
Please Like, Comment and Reblog it helps a lot.
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515 @yeehawbrothers @sleutherclaw @ikea2-0 @thechaoticjoy @astridcommings @grapejuicebluesrry @gxbiqs @gem1712
Love you guys a lot♡ please tell me how you liked it here♡
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strawberrybuni · 3 days
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Pairings(separate): Satoru x reader, Suguru x reader, Kento x reader, Toji x reader, Choso x reader Summary: You had a bad accident that gave you amnesia, and you no longer remember him, and he just can't seem to move on Word Count: 4.1k CW: a LOT of angst, hurt no comfort :( A/N: I'd rather jump into a volcano than make choso cry tbh
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Satoru was someone who never bothered with dating. After all, he was such a busy man, he didn't really have time to even think about all that, yet he somehow managed to find time for you. The two of you were damn near inseparable, twin flames if you will.
You were a talented sorcerer, a grade 1 and always improving. He always took so much pride in your growth and how you strived to continue to get stronger alongside him. You two used to spend as much time together as possible, but now he's grateful if you even respond to one of his texts.
About a year ago, you two were on a mission, and a curse user caught you off guard, getting you bad with an attack. You had suffered some pretty intense injuries, it was a miracle you were even still alive. However, your injuries came with a permanent scar, amnesia.
Your memories were completely shot, either in bits and pieces, or just completely gone from your head altogether. Unfortunately for him, he was completely wiped from your brain. Even worse? Your attitude towards him took a complete 180. The fire of once being his twin flame now completely put out with zero chance of it being relit. He wasn't sure if you not remembering various events of your life altered your personality and the way you thought, but you practically hated him now.
Any time he tries to speak to you, he's met with glares, eye rolls, and half assed responses. It didn't stop him from talking to you, though. He would rather you be rude to him than never talk to him again.
Satoru is a man who never spoke on how things affected him or how they made him feel. No one knew how he reread your old text messages over and over again, or how he cries sometimes over the loss of you. No one knew how he lost countless hours of sleep just looking over your vids and pics that you two had taken when you were still together.
No one knew how he was dying on the inside.
“You gonna stay up here moping all day, or try talking to them?” He was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as Shoko came to stand beside him.
He had been in his usual spot watching you from above as you trained with the students. He had been lost in thought, fantasizing about how the training would’ve been going if things were as they used to be. 
“Nah, I already bothered them today. Maybe I will later though.” He responded with his usual grin, but she saw right through his facade.
They stood there in silence, just watching, the faint sound of laughter filling the air. To Satoru, it almost felt like the universe was laughing at him. First he loses his one and only best friend, and now he's being forced to lose his one true love. Love really is the worst curse of them all, huh?
“You can talk to me, you know,” Shoko finally spoke after a few moments, not wanting to see her friend suffering alone. “It's fine, there's nothing to talk about anyways.”
“But there is Satoru. You might think you have everyone fooled and thinking that you’re unbothered by what happened, but not me. You don't.. have to go through all this alone.”
He mulled over her words for a few moments before shrugging slightly, deciding to be somewhat honest. “I guess I just.. don't find any point in talking about it. They don't love me anymore, and that's that. All I can do is accept it and go forward. If I push too much, they'll end up hating me more than they already do.”
He didn't want to accept it, though. God what he’d give to have you by his side once again. There aren't any lengths he wouldn't go to just to have you remember him. To call him Toru again. To love him again.
“Well that's surprisingly mature of you.” she teased with a sympathetic smile, causing him to pout. “Heyyy! I can be mature!”
She laughed at his whine, then smiled softly as she rubbed his back. “Just know we're all worried about you, okay? If you ever need anything, I’m a text away.”
He nodded with a smile, not bothering to say anything as he watched her leave. His smile slowly faded once she was out of sight, his attention being on you once again. He brought a finger up to pull his blindfold down around his neck as he watched you, letting out a shaky sigh.
“I really do miss you, sweetheart.”
You were out and about with your friends, having a good day out in the nice weather. You had since recovered from the accident you were in, the same accident that gave you a nasty case of amnesia. You had lost a decent portion of your memories. Fortunately, you remembered most of your friends and they’ve all bee a great help in helping you readjust.
“So uh.. how’s it been between you and Suguru?” One of them asks out of the blue. Suguru, your boyfriend before your accident 6ish months ago who was no longer playing that role in your life. “I mean, there’s nothing really going on, we talk sometimes if that’s what you’re asking”
“Well I was just wondering because he’s kind of sort of..” Your friend trailed off, motioning discreetly in a direction to which your eyes followed. Your eyes made contact with his as you found him to be leaning against a wall not far from where you and your friends are, a frown instantly gracing your lips. “Give me a moment."
You got up, incredibly upset as you made your way over him. You had felt a lot of sympathy towards him given the circumstances. You couldn’t even imagine what it would be like for your lover to suddenly no longer remember you. So, you agreed to try and make a relationship work, but after a few months, you found you just aren't into him anymore. No matter what you did, you just couldn't find that love for him again. So, you broke it off and offered to just be friends, not for him to borderline stalk you.
“What the fuck Suguru? Why are you here?” You ask, since this isn’t exactly the first time he’s appeared ‘randomly’ where you happen to be. “I just happened to be in the area.”
“Bullshit. That’s your excuse every time I catch you lurking. I know I said we could be friends, but this is the opposite of how friends should act.”
Suguru frowned at your words. He hated when you referred to him as just some friend. He didn’t want to be your friend, he wanted his title as your boyfriend back. Yes he agreed to being friends, but that was only so he could continue to try and recapture your heart.
“Well apologies Y/N, I actually was in the area I just.. was curious about what you were up to and followed for a bit.”
“Do you not realize how weird that is? What if I’m on a date, then what?” His frown deepened at your response. “You’re already going on dates?”
“Oh my god I can’t keep having the same conversation with you.”
Time and time again, he would insert himself into your personal affairs as if he was still your boyfriend. He’d get pushy for answers, needing to know what you’re doing. He just misses when you’d give him those silly little updates on what’s going on throughout your day. All of your selfies, your audio messages. God he misses it all. He didn’t mean to act like a creep, but he couldn’t help himself.
“What I do in MY dating life is MY business. We are not a thing anymore Suguru, get that through your head.”
“How do you expect me to do that, huh? How do you expect me to be okay with watching you go out with some other dude, to let him know you like I knew you. For him to attempt to love you the way I loved you. You’re being unfair, no?"
“Honestly I'm being really fair. I have done nothing but try to make things work because you seemed like genuinely a nice guy. Unfortunately, it didn’t play out how we hoped it would. I set my boundaries in us just being friends and you’re the one continuing to push my boundaries again and again. So no Suguru, you’re the one being unfair.”
You were right, and he knew that, but he just can’t go on without you, and doing this almost made him feel apart.
“Look Suguru, because I’m so generous, I’ll give you one last fucking chance. Push my boundaries again and I’m blocking you. Got it?” You asked, to which he nodded. “Got it.”
He watched you return to your friends, hands in his pockets as he left. He had no intentions of stopping, he just was going to be smarter and sneakier about things. You’ll love him again one day, he has to keep believing that for the sake of his sanity. He just has to.
Your feet dragged against the carpeted floor as you made your way down the hallway to Kento’s apartment. It felt like it went on forever as the feeling of dread bubbled up in your chest at what you were about to do.
Bringing your hand up, you gently knock a few times, anxiously awaiting for him to open the door.
“Ah, Y/N, I didn’t expect to see you. It’s a pleasant surprise, I was actually in the midst of cooking if you’d like to come in.” Kento’s face was kind, eyes almost pleading for you to accept his offer. He missed you in ways you could never even begin to imagine, which is why it was making it so hard for you to go through with this.
“Thank you, but that's okay. I just um.. I came to return this to you.” You held out your hand, your engagement ring resting in your palm.
Kento felt his mouth run dry.
“What? Why.. why are you..” He tried to find the words to speak, his mind unable to comprehend what you're doing, thoughts going a mile a minute.
“I'm sorry Nanami, I really really am. I’ve been trying to find those feelings again, to feel what I felt before the accident, to remember you. I just.. it’s been months now and I just can't go on with this engagement, because at this rate I don’t know if I’ll ever feel that love for you again. I’m.. I'm sorry.”
You truly felt remorseful, he seemed like such a wonderful man, you can understand why you fell for him in the first place. But for some reason, you just weren't in love with him anymore. The love you once felt for him was long gone.
Ever since your accident, the two of you tried everything to get you to remember. Hell, he’d be fine with you falling in love with him all over again. He doesn't care, just as long as you two are together. 
You’re the love of his life, you’re the oxygen he breathes. Irreplaceable. No one could ever compare to you in his eyes, he just can't live without you. Your wedding was supposed to be in a few months, and what was supposed to be the happiest day of his life was slowly slipping through his fingers, and there was nothing he could do about it.
“No, no no, wait please Y/N. Can't we just try a little longer? I don't mean to be pushy but I feel like we were really getting somewhere and–” Please don't do this. “But we weren't, I was just forcing it because I didn't want to hurt you–”
“I just don't understand why we can't keep trying, we had so many plans together Y/N. Marriage, kids, a house in Malaysia.”
“And that sounds lovely but Nanami–”
“Stop calling me that.” The air around you two fell awkwardly silent. “Call me Ken.. please.. like you always have.” His voice was broken, defeated. He's dealt with so much loss in his life, he couldn't bear to lose you too.
His days have become so devoid of the color you once brought to his life. Before you, he was simply going through the motions of life because that's what he had to do. Now that he’s had you, he doesn't know what to do with himself anymore. He doesn’t want to go back to how it was before you.
“I’m sorry I just..” He sighed, a hand coming up to rub his face. He didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, he really didn't, but god he was so desperate to try and get you to change your mind. “You’re everything to me. Without you I just.. I'm a shell of a man. Things aren't the same without you by my side. Please can't we just keep trying for a little longer? We could have a breakthrough.”
You listened to his ramble, but you weren't budging. You didn't think it was healthy for him to keep holding onto something that just was no longer written in the stars.
“I can't anymore Kento, I don’t.. I don't want to do this anymore, I'm sorry. I think continuing to try is a lost cause, and only it's filling you with false hope.” He remained silent at your words, nodding in reluctant acceptance, knowing pushing the envelope wouldn't end in his favor.
“Alright.. may I request one last thing from you, before you go?” He asks, fighting back his tears and emotions. “Please, stay for dinner. Cooking for you was something that always bought me joy and.. I'd like to at least sit and eat with you one last time.”
You thought for a few moments before nodding, it was the least you could do. You'd give him this one last thing before you leave for good. 
Originally, Kento wasn't going to go back to sorcerer work, since he didn't want to risk his life and leave you alone, but after you had left and he thought it over again, he decided he would accept Gojo’s request for his assistance.
He had decided on his plan. Once this final mission in Shibuya is all said and done, he'd leave for Malaysia, and maybe, just maybe finally have a better life for himself there.
What could possibly go wrong?
Love was something Toji never thought he'd ever try again. He had no interest in commitment in the slightest. If it wasn't just a quick fuck or a dynamic that benefitted him in some way, he truly just couldn’t give a damn.
That was, until you appeared in his life. 
What started out as just a friends with benefits type relationship, it slowly morphed into the both of you desiring more from each other.
You both understood each other. You were both from tragic backgrounds and dark pasts, and you two accepted good with the bad from one another. You two were so happy and in love.
Until the accident.
You were a curse user like him, and went on missions the same way he did. However, one really bad impact to the head had you in the hospital for a good few months. You were in a coma, and everyday he prayed that you would wake up. Although, now he kind of wishes that you did.
When you had awoken, you had lost various memories, including him. You didn't remember meeting him, all the moments you two shared, when he finally started telling you he loved you, none of it. And it killed him, not that he’d ever say it aloud.
When he told you how he was your boyfriend, while yes you found him to be very attractive, you just didn't feel the same about him anymore. You were always a closed off guarded individual due to your trauma. Yet for some reason back then, you allowed him into your heart. This time, however, you had zero interest in that.
Toji felt so many things. He was angry, confused, and heartbroken. How could you not remember all the times you two shared? Why did you not even want to try? Why didn't you care?
All the self improvement you helped him with all went down the drain. He just didn't care about anything or anyone anymore. Losing his first wife was hard, it destroyed him. Now he's losing you, except you're not even actually gone. You're right there, before his eyes, and has to watch you continue to live your life without him. 
“Shiu! That stupid mission was a– oh, um, hi Toji.” You awkwardly greeted him as you entered the office, not expecting to see him during your visit to Shiu. The tension in the room grew thick as Shiu cleared his throat. “I'm uh, gonna go smoke this. I'll be right back.” That bastard.
An awkward silence hung in the air before Toji decided to break it. “So, you seein’ anyone?
“I don't really think that's–”
“It's just a harmless question, doll.” His tone is borderline condescending, you let it slide though. “I was, not anymore though.”
Toji bit back a laugh at that. He liked to believe that deep down in your subconscious, you needed him just the way you always have, and that you’d never find another person who’d make you feel as he did.
“Yeah? And why's that?” He pressed, wanting any indication that his theory had any basis in reality. “Why does even that matter? It’s none of your business.”
You shot him down. Any time you two bumped into each other, he always pulled this. He'd get far too nosy about your dating life and you were tired of it. You understand that you two were in love before and that it's hard for him, but he needed to let it go. You weren’t interested and that was that.
“Ya know, if you ever want–”
Toji frowned, irritation bubbling his chest from your immediate rejection. “I wasn't looking for a relationship doll, just a good fuck. You really think I wanna be bothered with you again? I barely wanted to even when we were together.” He spoke harshly, none of his words even being true.
He hated himself for the way he was treating you, but he just couldn't stop himself. Hurt people hurt people, after all.
“Just tell Shiu to call me. I'm leaving.” Before he could say anything, you were already out the door, refusing to take his attitude any longer.
Whatever, he was fine before without you anyway. He'll continue to tell himself that doesn't need you until he finally tricks his mind into believing it's true.
Loud knocks at your door awoke you from your sleep, having fallen asleep by mistake on the couch. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you reached for your phone to check the time. 
Nearly 2AM.
“Y/N?? A-Are you in there? Please I-I just wanna talk.” A once all too familiar voice sounded from the other side of the door, and you knew it was him. 
Choso, the man who apparently was your boyfriend before your accident.
A sigh left your lips, you already knew what this was about. You had blocked him on everything because you believed this would be beneficial to him. You felt this would help him move on, because that's simply what he was going to have to do. Yet he just wouldn't.
You reluctantly made your way to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it. He looked like a mess. His eyes were bloodshot, red and puffy from what you could only assume was from hours of crying. His stripe on his nose was dripping, as if his emotions were pouring from it. He truly looked pitiful.
“Choso..” You felt awful, you really did. You didn't mean to cause this man so much pain and turmoil, but you weren't going to fake being in love with him. That wouldn't make the situation any better.
“W-Why? Y-You– you blocked me? Why?” He stuttered out, once dried tears slowly beginning to wet his face once again as he started to cry, his breaths coming out shaky and broken.
You let him inside, worried about him having an anxiety attack and nosy neighbors being in your business.
“Choso I'm really going to need you to breathe–” The second the door is shut, he’s pulling you in for a tight hug, his body shaking as small cries leave him. “Choso–”
“I-I’m sorry, I-I’m sorry. I just need t-to touch you” You suppose you could give him this. “Okay but you're squeezing me too tight, you're going to hurt me if you don't loosen up.”
You two stood like that for a few moments. You offered comfort to the best of your ability, rubbing his back soothingly. You knew you needed to calm him down as much as possible for the news you were going to break to him. 
“I think.. we should sit and talk.” Your soft voice broke the silence. You gently removed yourself from his tight hold, guiding him to sit on the couch.
“I.. blocked you because I felt it’s for the best” You turned your head away from him, the sad puppy dog look in his eyes making you feel far too guilty. “I know before my accident we were together and in love but.. I need you to understand that I no longer feel that way. I don't remember you anymore–”
“B-But that doesn't mean you c-can’t remember one day, right? R-Right??” That was something you didn't have an answer for.
“I don’t–”
“B-But you remember everyone else, w-why not me? Why don't you r-remember me?” He begged for an answer, shaky hands coming to hold yours, squeezing them tight. “T-There has to be s-something we can do right? Maybe Shoko could d-do something, anything. We just need to–”
“Choso, please just stop.” You felt a pang in your heart as his shoulders slumped, but you had to throw the cold water in his face. “There is nothing that can be done. I'm sorry, I am. I wish for your sake that I could wake up with all my memories of you back but I just can't. I'm just.. not interested in you in that way anymore.” You slowly pulled your hands from his, resting yours in your lap as you continued. This really sucked. 
“I thought maybe we could be friends, and over time either my memories would return or I'd develop feelings for you again but.. I just don't feel that way towards you. And you're so.. clingy. The way you are is unhealthy Choso. You have to move on.”
His eyes went wide at your words, his world shattering before him as he rapidly shook his head. “No. No no no I-I don't want to do that. I can't do that p-please.”
“You're going to have to. I know I was your first love, but I promise you'll find someone else who will–”
“I-I don't want anyone else I-I want you. I don’t want to e-ever even think about m-my life without you p-please, I’ll do a-anything Y/N please.”
He was becoming hysterical again and you're far too exhausted to be able to properly calm him down. Besides, he'd just do what he's been doing for the last two months. He'll cry and cry until you feel guilty enough to change your mind. Not this time. 
“I'm sorry Choso, but I need you to leave. It’s over” You stood up from the couch, wanting to be done with this conversation. Giving him the cold shoulder was something you didn't necessarily want to do, but he was leaving you with no choice at this point.
As you approached your door to let him out,  you heard a thud from behind you followed by a hand grasping your ankle to prevent you from going any further. The sight before you as turned your head to look only worsened how you felt. 
He was on his knees, his head down, grasping your ankle in a final desperate plea. “P-Please… d-don’t do this to me..” 
It was your turn for your shoulders to slump, but your mind was already made as you whispered “Please, don't make me call Yuji..”
You felt his grip loosen at your words, before completely releasing your ankle. He slowly rose to his feet, his eyes trained on the floor, knowing if he looks at you, he’ll completely crumble and he wouldn’t be able to leave. He doesn’t say another word as he leaves, knowing there’s nothing he could say that would change your mind.
“Goodbye.. Choso.” You said for the last time before closing the door.
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