#i swear nasty ass selfish bitch
receival · 6 months
supernatural, seasons 1 - 5 starters.
the following is a collection of starter sentences from the cw show, supernatural.
i can’t do this alone.
where you headed?
no way i’m telling you.
i have these nightmares, and sometimes they come true.
you’re all i’ve got.
we go after this damn thing, together.
can i help you?
i kind of — i need to talk.
i’ve done some things … not good things.
there’s always forgiveness for us if we seek it.
salvation was created for sinners.
tell me what’s on your mind.
i’ve lied. a lot.
does that make me a bad person?
i know what you are.
you can’t be here.
this is hallowed ground.
maybe that works in the minor leagues, but not with me.
you’re wasting your time.
even if i did know where they were, i wouldn’t tell you.
this is everything i know.
what happened to them is not your fault.
it’s not my fault, but it’s my problem.
it’s not your problem. it’s our problem.
you got any better ideas?
this ends. now.
i’m ending it. i don’t care what it takes.
although i’m not too crazy about this new tone of yours — you’re right.
think real hard. it’ll come to you.
last time i saw you, you fell out a window.
i don’t know what you’re talking about.
this is what war looks like. it has casualties.
i’m gonna kill you, you know that?
sorry? i didn’t quite get that.
what the hell are you looking at?
who said anything about handing it over?
i want to stop losing the people i love.
i just … i just want this to be over.
did you get it?
you know this is a trap, don’t you?
don’t get yourself killed, alright? you’re no good to us dead.
it’s your fight. you finish this.
i want to thank you. for everything.
even when i couldn’t count on anyone, i could always count on you.
i wanted to let you know, just in case.
you kidding me? don’t say just in case something happens to you. i don’t want to hear that speech.
no one’s dying tonight.
i was hoping to kill more of your friends.
you know, i must admit, considering what they say about you, i thought you’d be … taller.
well aren’t you the chatty one?
i can’t believe you just shot me!
i’m so not in the mood for this.
holy water, (name). real cute.
where the hell did it go?
if you had just let me go in there, i could have ended all this.
the only thing you would have ended is your life.
you’re just willing to sacrifice yourself?
that’s not gonna happen — not as long as i’m around.
it’s not worth dying over.
no matter what we do, they’re gone. and they’re never coming back.
sometimes i barely feel like i’m holding it together.
did you really think i wouldn’t find you?
you gonna read me a story?
he begged for his life with tears in his eyes.
for your sake, i hope you’re lying.
you son of a bitch, you promised!
the things i did … it was a nightmare.
i’ll figure something out.
you’re selfish, you know that?
you don’t care about anything other than revenge.
how the hell are we gonna get in?
why are you splashing water on me?
come on. come on, we’ve got to get out of here.
(how are you?) / i’ll survive.
you saved my life back there.
i’m trying to thank you, here.
mad? i’m proud of you.
what the hell has gotten into you?
if you’re so sure, go ahead. kill me.
this was worth the wait.
two wrongs don’t make a right.
i want to know why. why’d you do it?
listen, you mind just getting this over with? ‘cause i really can’t stand the monologuing.
mask all that nasty pain, mask the truth.
you’re not my dad.
it’s inside me. i can feel it.
get back or i’ll kill you. i swear to god.
did i do this?
tell me if they’re okay!
you have to stay still.
i just need to find them.
you look good … considering.
man, tell me you can hear me.
come on, you’re the psychic.
i don’t know if we’re gonna find someone.
so, what? we just sit here with our thumbs up our ass?
well you sure know something.
if there’s only one working part, that’s enough.
you got to help me.
you haven’t called a soul for help.
aren’t you gonna do anything? aren’t you even gonna say anything?
i’ve done everything you ever asked me. everything. i’ve given everything i’ve ever had.
how is revenge gonna help him?
i should have never taken you along in the first place.
you get the hell away from me. stay back!
don’t worry, (name). i’m not going anywhere.
why won’t you look at me?
what’s happening to me?
it’s just a dream, that’s all.
i got to say, i’m impressed.
it’s out of my control. it’s just fate.
you always have a choice.
god, i feel like i’m at a slumber party.
alright, (name). this isn’t gonna work.
i’ll be damned.
oh, it’s good to hear from you.
it hasn’t been the same without you, (name).
you can’t kill death.
there’s got to be a way.
thanks for not giving up on me, (name).
this was the only way i could get you to talk to me.
what the hell do you want to talk about?
death is nothing to fear.
you’re living on borrowed time already.
how stupid do you think i am?
you really want an honest answer to that?
i took you for a lot of things, but suicidally reckless wasn’t one of them.
did you really think you could trap me?
i want to make a deal.
i don’t know how to help you. but i’ll keep trying, alright?
i mean, come on, you can’t … you can’t leave me here alone.
(name), you got to hold on.
you can’t go, not now.
we were just starting to be brothers again.
can you hear me?
it’s an honorable death. a warriors death.
you’re very cute.
there’s no such thing as an honorable death.
i’m not going with you. i don’t care what you do.
how do i know this isn’t just another trick?
oh, (name), i’m offended. don’t you trust me?
so we have a deal?
what are you doing that for?
you got some kind of angel watching over you.
you really don’t remember anything?
i had some things to take care of.
why don’t i believe you right now?
can we not fight?
half the time we’re fighting, i don’t know what we’re fighting about.
i just don’t want to fight anymore, okay?
(name), are you alright?
you shouldn’t have had to say that to me.
i put too much on your shoulders.
i made you grow up too fast.
i just want you to know … i am so proud of you.
why are you saying this stuff?
you’re scaring me.
stop asking if i need anything. stop asking if i’m okay.
i’m okay. really. i promise.
come here. i’m gonna lay my head gently on your shoulder. maybe we could cry, and hug, and maybe even slow dance.
don’t patronize me, (name).
what do you want me say?
aren’t you angry? don’t you want revenge?
look, don’t be stubborn. you know i can help you.
you’re not gonna hit me again are you?
look, if you don’t want my help, fine.
you didn’t think i remembered, did you?
they’re nice. they’re your friends.
i guess we’ll just have to blend in.
will you give me a little help here?
just because i’m not caring and sharing like you want me to —
these are your issues, quit dumping them on me.
am i gonna see you again?
(name), where did you learn to do all this?
i’m not alright. not at all. but neither are you.
that was beautiful. absolutely beautiful.
he’s the only one who gets to call me that.
something i said?
i can still see her, you know, the way she was.
but, hey, that was a long time ago.
truth is, i’m not handling it very well.
it just feel like there’s this hole inside of you? and it just gets bigger and bigger and darker and darker?
you and me? we were born to do this. it’s in our blood.
why are you even talking to me?
it’s an insult to his memory.
you can hit me all you want. it won’t change anything.
might as well put her out of her misery.
i just sharpened it, so it’s completely humane.
like i said, (name). no shades of gray.
you knew, and you just didn’t care.
i think you and i got some things to talk about.
i might be like you, i might not. but you’re the one tied up right now.
okay, i’m good now. we can go.
come on. i won’t even hit you back.
yeah, (name), but you didn’t. and that’s what matters.
you’re a pain in my ass.
i guess i might have to stick around to be a pain in the ass, then.
i don’t want to listen to you! i’m done listening to you!
it just feels like the right thing to do.
i think dad would’ve wanted you to have these.
if something evil happened there, it could have easily poisoned the ground.
well, don’t get too excited. you might pull something.
what else would it be about?
that’s perfectly normal, (name). especially with what you’re going through.
we shouldn’t even be here anymore.
you want to take another swing? go ahead. if it’ll make you feel better.
(name), where are you going?
what’s dead should stay back.
what the hell’s the matter with you?
stop it! that’s enough, okay? that’s enough!
i don’t scare easy, but you’re scaring the crap out of me!
you’re tailspinning, (name), and you refuse to talk about it, and you won’t let me help you.
i can take care of myself, thanks.
are lives are weird, man.
honey, is something bothering you?
haven’t we already talked about that?
haven’t we wasted enough time on him already?
you really think i could do something like that?
you brought me back.
you know what you did.
how could you? i loved you!
you really think this is gonna work?
it’s still me. i’m still a person.
i think she broke my hand.
you wanna stay for awhile?
i’m sorry. for the way i’ve been acting.
it’s my fault that he’s gone.
you can’t tell me there’s not a connection there.
we don’t know that, not for sure.
you’re the most important person in my life.
i never should have come back, (name).
i was dead. and i should have stayed dead.
you wanted to know how i was feeling. well, that’s it.
what could you possibly say to make that alright?
if i ran off with you, your mother might kill me.
you’re not a murderer, (name). you don’t have it in your bones.
i was upset, and i wanted to see you.
i’m sorry, baby, i’ll never leave you again.
what am i supposed to do now?
you mind your tongue with me, boy.
no one in their right mind chooses this life.
it’s my way of being close to him.
it was just a nightmare.
(name), i am trying to help you here, but you have got to be honest with me.
you asked for the truth.
can we make this quick? i’m really tired.
let’s pretend for the moment that you’re not entirely insane.
you’ve seen it, haven’t you?
what happened? talk to me.
these people are actually making deals with the damned things.
so we gotta clean up these peoples mess for them?
so, what, we should just leave them to die?
i don’t know what you’re talking about.
i was weak. i wanted to be great.
who don’t want their life to mean something?
i’m going to hell, one way or another.
you don’t really want to die.
i don’t want to die.
sit tight, alright? we’re gonna figure this out.
are you nuts?
i can buy us time to figure out something more permanent.
now allowed to say no, (name), not unless you’ve got a better idea.
we don’t have time for this.
just keep him alive.
i’m not going to put you out of your misery.
your misery is the whole point. it’s just so fun to watch.
i can’t do this anymore.
it’s all your fault.
i could have brought him back.
what the hell was that for?
shut your mouth, bitch.
it’s not the best time for a bleeding heart, (name).
what if we all have it?
it’s safer if you stay here for now.
i thought we were both going to die. you can’t hold that over me.
you can’t pull that crap with me, man.
why do we have to get stuck with all the responsibility? why can’t we live a little bit?
whatever weight you’re carrying, let me help a little bit.
you can tell me anything, you know what.
you don’t believe me.
he said that i might have to kill you.
take some responsibility for yourself, (name).
the truth is, it’s not your fault. (name), none of it is.
please, you’re in danger.
thank god you’re okay.
this has got to hurt like hell for you.
you can say a lot of stuff about me, but i’m not disloyal, and i’m not stupid.
i’m officially uncomfortable now. thank you.
well, sounds vaguely ominous.
what did you mean i looked the type?
i don’t scare that easy.
i should have found a way to save him.
you can’t save everyone.
the more people i save, the more i can change.
alright, time for bed.
if i ever turn into something i’m not … you have to kill me.
everyone around me dies.
please, you’re the only one who can do it. you have to promise me.
you have nothing to apologize for.
feels good getting back in the saddle, doesn’t it?
it had his face, but it wasn’t his face.
how’d you even know i was here?
i was chosen … for redemption.
hey, man, you’ve got to try this.
you’re enjoying that way too much, it’s kind of making me uncomfortable.
wait, there’s no such thing as unicorns?
i believe in what i can see.
i’m not enabling your sick habit.
there’s just chaos and violence, and random, unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere and rips you to shreds.
you want me to believe in this stuff? i’m gonna need to see some hard proof.
this is vengeance. this is wrong.
men cannot be angels.
what you’re doing is not god’s will.
“thou shalt not kill”. that’s the word of god.
weren’t we gonna go to the movies?
we should go, or we’re gonna be late.
look, i said i was sorry.
are you sure you’re okay?
you’re just one person, (name).
(name), it’s me.
are you bleeding?
i tried to wash it off.
i don’t think it’s my blood.
(name), what the hell happened?
(name), i don’t … remember anything.
what did you find out?
nobody’s noticed anything unusual.
nobody saw me walking around, covered in blood?
how the hell did i get here?
what happened to me?
what if i hurt someone, or worse?
we don’t know what happened.
what’s the last thing you remember?
it just … feels familiar, you know?
please tell me you didn’t steal this.
i’m not thinking anything.
okay, now this is disturbing.
look, i just want to talk to you, that’s it, okay?
oh, do you a favor. that’s what i live for.
what’s going on with you, (name)?
i don’t know how i know, i just do.
i’d say they don’t like surprises.
should we knock?
even if you did do this, i’m sure you had a reason.
i killed him, (name).
you’ve gotta snap out of it.
you never told me this.
i didn’t want to scare you.
no one can control you but you.
you promised me.
we’re gonna figure this out, okay?
i don’t want to hurt anyone else.
i don’t want to hurt you.
whatever this is, you can fight it.
you know, i’ve tried so hard to keep you safe.
you’ll live to regret this.
how’d you find me?
that looks like it hurt.
just had a run - in with a hot stove.
you’re really carrying a torch for him, aren’t you?
romance — that’s just out of the question.
i’m not trying to hurt you, (name).
i’m telling you because i care.
i care about you a lot.
maybe you should leave.
it didn’t have to be this way.
you’re not (name).
you really don’t know the truth, do you?
he put him out of his misery like a sick dog.
why are you doing this to me?
shoot me.
are you that scared of being alone?
that’s holy water, you demonic son of a bitch!
i got lots of names.
why didn’t you kill me? you had a dozen chances.
would you give me two minutes to patch you up?
how did you know he was possessed?
i know demons lie, but do they ever tell the truth, too?
i’m part of this now.
this is my fight. i’m not getting your blood on my hands.
so, what bring you?
well, it’s good to see you.
don’t try to con a con man.
(name), back from the dead. getting to be a regular thing for you, isn’t it?
how about i smack that smartass out of your mouth?
careful, now. wouldn’t want to bruise this fine packaging.
oh, don’t worry, this isn’t gonna hurt you much.
feel like talking now?
i’ll make him bite off his tongue.
you’re not getting (name), you understand?
i’m gonna kill every one of you first.
i don’t give a rats ass about the master plan.
this isn’t going like i pictured.
you know when people want to describe the worst possible thing, they say it’s like hell? there’s a reason for that.
hell is a prison made of bone and flesh and blood and fear. and you sent me back there.
whatever i do to you, it’s nothing compared to what you do to yourself, is it?
they’d have been better off without you.
by the way, you really look like crap, (name).
you wouldn’t know anything about that?
that sounds vaguely dirty, but, uh, thanks.
you okay? (name)? is that you in there?
i watched myself kill (name) with my own two hands. i saw the light go out in his eyes.
it must have been awful.
it wasn’t you.
if it’s the last thing i do, i’m gonna save you.
dude, that’s not how it happened!
sorry, i just … i can’t even concentrate.
if you wouldn’t mind, just give five minutes.
you brave little solider.
thanks, thanks for the hug, but, uh — i’m okay.
what are you talking about? i’m a joy to be around.
okay, that is just nasty.
looks to me like something was hungry.
i have had it up to here with you.
then you know that i can’t keep letting you hurt people.
come on! those people got what’s coming to them.
i don’t think i can let you do that.
i don’t want to hurt you. and i know that i can.
like i said, i liked you. but you shouldn’t have come alone.
you wanna see a real trick?
could we please just leave?
okay, so we’re taking the scenic route.
stop. i’m mad at you.
hey, you love me.
you’re a jerk.
i’m so sorry. i didn’t see you there.
you’ve got to help me.
we should get somewhere safe first.
what the hell just happened?
don’t worry, (name), everything’s going to be alright.
you’re serious about this, aren’t you?
just take it easy, alright?
something happened to them. something they couldn’t control.
i sure as hell ain’t making apologies for them.
we’re all just scared of the unknown.
the only thing i’m scared of is losing (name).
i have to see him again. i have to.
i don’t like keeping her in the dark.
i know you feel guilty, but let’s just stick to the plan.
what aren’t you telling me?
don’t what? don’t tell me because i’ll mess up your hunt?
whatever it is, tell me, please.
you’re like a walking encyclopedia of weirdness.
what did you do to him?
you should worry about yourself.
i didn’t do anything to you.
hurting me won’t bring her back.
all i got left’s hurting you.
what am i supposed to do?
this isn’t working at all, is it?
i’ll see you in the morning.
maybe we should talk privately.
god, i am so stupid.
well, i guess neither of us are who we said we were, huh?
i don’t remember anything,
is there something else we can try to make it go away?
i’m sorry. i am.
stop it. don’t talk like that.
i don’t want to hurt anyone else. i don’t want to hurt you.
i can’t do it myself.
i need you to help me.
i don’t want to die.
we don’t have a chance.
i am getting out of here right now.
no, come on, we’ve got to work.
i - i don’t really know what i’m doing.
isn’t that kind of cruel? messing with their heads like that?
hey, i just play the part. i don’t write the script.
i’m very glad that you’re, you know, alive and well.
you won’t get rid of me that easy.
i’m sorry, what were you saying?
raising these spirits from the dead? making them murder for you? that’s playing with fire, (name).
you know what, you’re right, i don’t understand.
i’ve got nothing against you. you’ve got no part in this. please, just leave.
i cannot believe there’s an afterlife.
there’s an afterlife alright — but mostly it’s a pain in the ass.
i wouldn’t have done that if i were you.
they’re not gonna be very happy with you.
would have hated to have gotten thrown in here.
hey, you feel that?
you telling me you didn’t see that?
i think i’m adorable.
we’re not quite done here.
this is, without a doubt, the dumbest and craziest thing we’ve ever done. and that’s in a long, storied career of dumb and crazy.
i’m not thrilled about this, either.
do yourself a favor: don’t talk.
i want to handle this alone.
i can’t thank you enough for this.
oh, man, are you a sight for sore eyes.
i am the last person on planet earth you want to screw with.
what are you doing up?
oh, you can’t sleep, huh?
(are you alright?) / i don’t know.
honey, you’re scaring me.
just tell me what’s going on.
forget it. i’m just happy to see you.
i guess i was wrong.
are you sure you’re alright?
get some rest. i love you.
you been drinking?
i’m really glad you’re happy.
i get it. why i chose you.
why do we have to sacrifice everything?
that was so easy, i’m embarrassed for you.
i’m sorry that we don’t get along. and i wish to hell i could stay and fix it, but i’ve got to do this.
you’re just gonna slow me down.
this is dangerous, and you could get hurt.
look, whatever stupid thing you’re about to do, you’re not doing it alone, and that’s that.
i don’t understand. why are you doing this?
you don’t want to do that.
yeah, i can see that it’s blood, (name). what the hell’s it doing in here?
there are things out there in the dark.
i’m just trying to help you out, (name).
why don’t you just sit tight and try not to get us both killed.
there’s nothing here, (name).
stick behind me and keep your mouth shut.
this is real? you’re not crazy?
why’d you have to keep digging?
put the knife down, (name).
you’re not real. none of it is.
why is it our job to save everyone? haven’t we done enough?
are you lost?
still doesn’t tell us where we are.
i feel like i’m in a nightmare, and it just keeps getting worse and worse.
you said we were chosen for a reason! that is not chosen, that’s … killed!
i don’t think god has much to do with this.
hey, look at me, it’s not even that bad.
hey, listen to me, we’re gonna patch you up, okay? gonna be good as new.
i’m gonna take care of you. i got you. that’s my job, right?
you should eat something.
i hate to bring this up, i really do. but don’t you think it’s time we … bury (name)?
i’m not going anywhere.
i just don’t think you should be alone, that’s all.
you don’t think i’ve given enough? you don’t think i’ve paid enough? i’m done with it.
i should send you straight back to hell.
you’re like a … puppy. you’re just too fun to play with.
i swear i’m gonna tear that son of a bitch apart.
i did what you asked. now what?
that was pretty cold, wasn’t it?
you of all people should know that what’s dead should stay dead.
i knew i kept you alive for some reason.
can we celebrate for a minute?
(name), tell me the truth.
you shouldn’t have done that.
don’t get mad at me. don’t do that. i had to. i had to look out for you, that’s my job.
you saved my life over and over. you sacrifice everything for me. don’t you think i should do the same for you?
there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you.
i don’t care what it takes. i’m gonna get you out of this.
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ozlices · 9 months
my mom has repeatedly dismissed the idea that she has favorites between us, and yet earlier this year she literally admitted to my face that she's prioritized my abuser over me bc she's 'going through worse stuff'.
and constantly. fucking CONSTANTLY i have to hear abt my abuser, how much she's 'changed' and 'loves me' and 'wants a relationship with me' etc etc etc
and the most draining part of all of this is that i busted my ass for multiple fucking years to finally break the shackles off and get the fuck out of here, only for a selfish, heartless, absolutely piece of utter and complete shit to damn me back here.
and now, im stuck in this cycle again. where spending EIGHT HOURS on the phone trying to get my phone shit settled, and being at my absolute fucking limit bc on top of dealing w that crap, i had to listen to my abuser and her kids screaming at the top of their goddamn lungs for the past two days, and snapping to shut the fuck up,, gets me dealing w my mother holding a grudge w me.
i made the decision when i was VERY young, but also old enough to realize just how deep rooted my trauma runs & how much it affects my responses to stress & other shit, to not have human children bc i fucking KNEW. no matter how much i try to be a nice person, no matter how good my intentions try to be, i can be very nasty. i can be harsh. i can be snappy. i can be violent. i can be completely apathetic to how my actions affect other people when i'm angry enough.
i ACKNOWLEDGE that shit. i will be the first to admit when i probably went overboard, but i am so fucking sick of being put in a position where if i dont apologize for being fucking straight up verbally, emotionally, mentally, or even physically abused, & responding to that abuse like any fucking body would, ESPECIALLY a person who has existing trauma, im an asshole.
im so. fucking sick. of being alive. this year has broken me. it really, truly fucking has. i lost EVERYTHING. i dont even have a fucking doctor. i am back in the house all my trauma happened in, damned by someone i thought was my best friend who looked me dead in my eyes a month after my daughter died in my arms & told me damning me back to the house every traumatic thing ive ever gone to 'wasnt her problem'. & having to be put right back in the cycles i brutalized myself to get out of.
and the worst fucking part is that this year has left me in such shambles from stress, i physically cannot pick myself up anymore. my alters can't pick themselves up anymore. we are all so fucking burnt out, and it is so fucking draining to lie to ourselves that hope is worth it when we had it all stripped away from us repeatedly in such brutal ways. nonstop. i swear to the moon herself, i mean it when i say not one single day this entire year has been peaceful. has been free from some degree of pain, or straight up agony.
i am tired of beating myself up for being angry. i am tired of being berated by other people for being angry. FUCK all of that shit. this year, and the shitty people who refuse to fucking offer me the same empathy they DEMAND from me, have fucking destroyed me. and i DESERVE TO BE FUCKING PISSED OVER THAT SO I FUCKING WILL BE IM FUCKING PISSED FUCK THIS YEAR FUCK MY ABUSER FUCK HER GODDAMN DEFENDERS FUCK THE BITCH WHO DAMNED ME HERE FUCK MY ENTIRE LIFE IT'S NEVERENDING BULLSHIT AND IM TIRED OF ACTING LIKE ANYTHING THAT'S HAPPENED TO ME WAS OKAY OR THAT I HAVE TO BE OKAY WITH IT!! NONE OF IT WAS OKAY!! IM NOT FUCKING OKAY WITH IT!! NOBODY FUCKING WOULD BE!!
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mrkis · 2 years
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WHEN I TELL YOU I THREW MY PHONE AWAY SCREAMING AT THIS 😭😭😭 I knew it was a moment of realization to him. I just knew it.
The whole chapter pulled on my heartstrings and I felt for him, the ptsd from his past relationship, the being cautious of letting anyone in - I get that. 🥺 Honesly, I can see the growth in his relationship with mc, and I love it. Also, the fact that he wants to speak to her and clear shit up, but thats just easier said than done, especially when both of them have trouble speaking out their minds and hearts. Especially, considering how complicated their relationship is because they feel like they are crossing boundaries when they aren't.
Eunbin... that selfish, egotistical, manipulative bitch .... 🙃 I swear to god she is the most unreasonable person ever. I had a friend like her. Constantly making herself the victim of her own decisions, and feeling like its all justified because she felt like it was alright. Honestly, how the hell did she think its okay to leave and that they are fine after having a fight then some stupid make up sex without discussing it with him further??? Jesus thats so selfish and self-rightous behavior 😤😤🫥 He blocked her ass and she still thinks they are fine??? What in the actual fuck?? How is that even an option?? I hate Eunbin with every part of me even more with each next scene ... 🙃🙃 And I bet my ass she would feel like everything is okay after this talk they had and she hugged him ..🤦‍♀️ the audacity tho, he clearly doesnt even want to be around her and she goes ahead and hugs him??? BITCH NO. Step away and get your nasty hands off of him. 🙂 I guess him letting her hug him makes her think she can win him over and they are "fine" now ...jesus... I want to blame Jaemin, for letting her think that, but a part of me realizes he is also very affected and its all happening too fast for his liking. I just hope he is okay after mc leaves him in chapter 5 cause this must be some bad ass trauma. And I hope they finally get to talk it out properly eventually in be it pt3 or chapter 7. But they NEED to talk, like asap.
And to end this on a happy note - JENO BEST BOY ❤️ I swear to god he is everything, the support and understanding - immaculate 🥹🙏❤️ Now if he can get mc and Jaemin to be truthful to each other and clink their heads together so they can finally act normal and SPEAK, I would just kiss him all over. ❤️
THANK YOU CAS, FOR ANOTHER GREAT CHAPTER 😭❤️ I would totally say I cant wait for the next part but ofc take all the time you need but just know I will cry when it drops. 😭❤️ I love twlg so much. Its literally my comfort story which is weird cause it makes my emotions go into overdrive with all the stuff happening but it is. 🥺❤️
the line is one of my favourite lines :> i'm kinda proud of that one! i'm happy that it gave you that type of reaction.. i love it. jaemin is very cautious! i'm happy you mentioned that! he only lets certain people into his personal space, even though he's got a group of friends surrounding him. it was always jeno that was the only one that could come close to him and burst that personal bubble, letting jaemin show his truth feelings and emotions... but that appreciation scene just shows how far him and mc have come and how open (ish lol) he is with her :(
they still need to learn how to have a proper conversation... but i'm lowkey loving how they avoid it because angst <3 annoyance <3 confusion <3
eunbin is...... a tricky character for sure. but she's so fun to write and i'm enjoying including her in more scenes (very excited for pt.3 because there's so much eunbin) she is, however, definitely the type that is able to get what she wants all the time because she has that sweet face and sweet personality that everyone adores. she can come across as very selfish and oblivious which, yet again, i love LMAO. her bringing the angst is just everything. angst is what i like best.
but ah..... i can't wait for you to see how jaemin reacts when he realises mc had left him. it's almost like deja vu.... but yeah! jeno is literally the best. he's so comforting and understanding, he's literally the bestest friend. i want him.
thank you for enjoying twlg and thank you for all the compliments :( i'm very very very grateful
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U ever
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
A/N: Lord knows I got a nasty attitude when I get in my feelings. I swear I’m working on it 😭 Anyways, when my past entanglments used to (respectfully) put me in my place, it had me feelings some things 🥴 so I’m translating that into headcanons. Hopefully this will get me out of my little writer’s block. Hope y’all enjoy ❤️
Warnings: cursing, implied sexual activity
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Todoroki Natsuo:
natsuo is generally an easy-going person so it takes a lot to get him riled up 
when you get an attitude, it doesnt really bother him bc he can understand where you’re coming from
but dont get too disrespectful bc he’ll remind you who you’re talking to
like when you do poorly on an exam and it just ruins your mood
you don’t feel like talking to anybody so you ignore his text when he asks you to meet up for lunch 
he’ll assume you didnt see it or youre napping 
but then he spots you on campus and goes to hug you 
he notices you’re stiff in his arms but doesnt think much of it 
“did you see my text?” he asks 
“yea, sorry. i forgot to respond.”
that makes him give you a side eye bc that’s what you usually say to people when you just didnt want to answer their text 
“it’s okay if you had other things to do. you just had to tell me—“
“i said i forgot, okay? sorry!”
his head kind jerks back in surprise but he drops it
he’s a todoroki, so instead of giving you space, the dense™️ gene activates and he’s all up in your business 
even though he’s only being a good bf and trying to cheer you up, you’re annoyed af 
texts you throughout the rest of your day about how you’re doing even though you respond with two word sentences
shows up to your dorm and you only let him in bc you feel bad
and he brought food
but now you’re regretting it bc he’s just yip yapping away and his cheery attitude is pissing you off 
fed up, natuso finally confronts you after you snap at him one too many times
“what’s with the attitude, y/n”
“i don’t have one” (okay miss girl)
“well you’ve been acting like you have one all day”
you smacked your teeth and got up “i don’t care natsuo. if you think i do then you can just—“
natsuo barks your name in a way that makes you turn your head
he grabs your arm and firmly tugs you back on the couch so you’re face to face with his frown 
“now i dont know who you’re mad at, but i know it ain’t me. so you can either sit here and have a conversation with me like an adult or i can leave bc i don’t need the attitude”
you: 😮
you keep up an annoyed faaçade but inside youre melting  
who knew natsuo could be so assertive? 
like damn, okay daddy
you apologize and telling him what’s got you so sour 
once you seem relaxed, he goes back to his usual self and y’all end up cuddling until his hands start roaming your body 
next thing you know, youre making great use of the couch 
needless to say, you were back to your normal self the next morning LMAO
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Shigaraki Tomura:
shigaraki is not the one 
he might have his moments, but ever since he grew into his role, he expects everyone else to do the same 
he lets his friends and loved ones get away with a lot of shit so he doesnt think it’s hard to give him some respect
and usually, it isn’t
but ever since he woke up, he’s been practically ignoring you
you got one kiss and a “missed you” and he kept it pushing
like bitch, wtf?
you know you were being selfish and petty but you went three whole months without dick your man and for him to pretty much ignore you bc he was “busy with his responsibilities” was making you feel some type of way
king of the underworld or not, you weren’t gonna take this laying down 
for the next few days you were ms/r. petty 😌 
every time he tried to greet you, you’d just nod your head and keep walking 
he’d try to kiss you and you’d turn your head so his lips would land on your cheek instead
if you came back late, he’d ask you where you were, just to try and make conversation, and you’d just say “out”
shiggy is confused atp and it’s pissing him off
he didnt have the time to ask you about it before it got bad
there’s a meeting with the higher-ups, talking about the next game plan and you walk in about five min late bc you were held up with a previous responsibility
shigaraki happily regards you
“y/n, good. we wanted to wait for you before we started.”
“oh that’s suprising. didn’t think you’d notice my absense. sorry for the hold up,” you bite before sitting down with a huff
everyone: 😦
you: 🙃
shigaraki: 🤨
the people in the room are sweating bc now that shigaraki was thicc™️ and highkey indestructible, he was actually really scary now
even though you were his respected s/o, no one knew how he’d react 
surpringly, he ignores your attitude and starts the meeting; so everyone forgets about it
the meeting goes on and whiles someone else is talking, you notice your bf shuffle his chair closer to yours 
you give him a side eye “what do you--”
shigaraki grabs the side of your neck in a firm grip and pushes your ear against his lips
“i don’t know what’s up with you, but watch it, sweetheart” he whispers before he goes back to listening like nothing happened
you: well call me scared and horny!
when the meeting ends, it’s just the two of you and he eventually figures out why you’re being like this
he gives you a smirk and calls you a spoiled brat before laying you across the table and apologizing to you in the best way he knows how   
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lmaooo funny how you think this man gives a fuck
you’re really beefin with yourself bc he don’t got enough energy to deal with the pettiness 
if you act way out of line though, don’t put it beneath him to retaliate
you give him nice, he’ll treat you sweeter 
but you give him bitch, he’ll give you bitch back tenfold
it’s the same for you
you’re just as jelaous and stuborn as he is
you’re perfect for each other but still a lil toxic in a good way 💀   
one time, you dragged him to go grocery shopping with you (he really hates how much he likes you lmao) 
whiles you were a ways away getting something, a woman came up to him and started flirting with him
*spidey senses activated*
you watch from afar, expecting him to immediately turn her down but he “plays nice” and you can see him gobble up the attention
it’s not until she asks for his number that he points to you and she genuinely apologizes before taking her leave
dabi acts all surprised when you throw a soup can in the cart and stalk off 
“you good bro?” he asks
“i’m great and i’m not your bro” you say, but there’s a clear attitude in your voice 
you couldnt even hide it on your face
he’s mad confused, but dabi doesn’t push it bc he doesn’t time for all that
“okay, be mad by yourself lol”
you weren’t even that mad but now since he wants to be funny, it’s game over 
“and you go fuck your other bitches”
he literally turns into that nick canon meme
dabi’s head is spinning 
bc wtf are you even talking about, my guy?
“yooo, i dont know who you talking to but i know it’s not me”
“who tf else is here, dumbass?”
now you got him heated and he’s this close to just walking up out the store 
but he thinks youre hot when you’re being crazy so he stays
he grabs your wrist to stop you “you’re doing a lot”
you snatch it out his hand, “and you didn’t do enough when that woman came up to you and started putting moves on you!”
ahh, so that’s why you’re angry
dabi’s anger fades and now he’s chuckling
“oh so you think this is funny? i’m not gonna stand here and be disrepsted by no man looking like a fucking burnt piece of charcoal--”
he pulls you into his arms and smothers your rant in a kiss that makes you see stars 
you’re lucky the aisle is empty bc you spend the next ten seconds with his tongue down your throat 
when he pulls back, he smirks at your speechlessness 
“well this burnt piece of charcoal is your man. no one else’s. and don’t forget it, doll-face”
he smacks your ass and walks away leaving you nearly skipping behind him
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innocentpeach777 · 2 years
the real tea abt the signs..... 💅🏿
and rating !!
dragging them......
VENUS IN THE SIGNS (and you can apply moon + mars 2...)
aries - literal mongoloids, but, so sexy.... !!!!!! literally irresistible sex appeal... !!! 💃 12/10 like literally gold standard, god tier
taurus - like literally, i swear to god, don't talk to me. complete bitches. every last one of them. like i stg i look at a taurus, and they are like "you're already dead. you just don't know it yet." literally fucking VICIOUS, MERCILESS bitches. stupid though. like, really stupid. not as dumb as aries. like, they don't... come off like they have a disability.... or anything. but!! pretty stupid. like genuinely.
also, sidenote, right? but, like, they're so selfish. and materialistic. and they're like mentally deranged shut-ins. like calm down. all they care abt is nagging daddy to buy them more stuffies and cupcakes and shitting in their fucking nappies and swapping spit with daddy. it's ugly. like you're fucking ugly.
you're literally just some fucking ugly geriatric crone with no brain, fucking drooling your rancid spit all over the sidewalk with your fucking paci in, in only your fucking nappy, your bare, ugly fucking chicken legs out!! waiting for daddy to come back from work like some half-starved fucking dog!! die fr!! 😝🤑 -15/10 go back to the fucking dog pound!!
suggested music if you have ever been personalized victimized by a taurus (literally any of them also, taurus sun, moon, rising, venus, etc idfc), below
gemini - get out 😙😚 10/10
cancer - the murderous krebs....
murderous krebs..... 16/10 CRAB RAVE!!!
🦀 ♋ 🦀 ♋ 🦀 ♋ 🦀 ♋ 🦀 ♋ 🦀 ♋ 🦀 ♋ 🦀 ♋ 🦀 ♋ 🦀 ♋ 🦀
for all my cancer girls out there!!!!!! you my real b's!! my real bbgirls!!!!!! ily!! i LOVE you!!!!! ❤
leo - like actual furries though!! like fr!!! i can't stress this enough!!! like yo why are you all furries?? like every single one of you??!!! it's disturbing. 🤯🤡 6/10
this one's for you stupid cunts!!!!
virgo - vore fetishists, formicophiliacs
actual robots also. like honestly, it comes off like their feelings aren't even real. like, get the fuck off my planet, bitch.
🤖-13/10 y'all whack
libra - they're complete narcissists and crybabies with literally no brains. non-sentient. will make you eat their ass. then kick you out of their house!!!!!!! they'll forget who you are!! they have dementia!!
they'll literally fart on you. like. 😷🍑💨 y'all nasty.
and they'll eat all your damn food!! they're like rats i stg!! im gonna die, the next time i see a libra im gonna die!! like get out!! also, total victim blamers and gaslighters. cannibals. like straight up watch out. I'm not even fucking joking. 🐄 2/10 thieves also.
scorpio - love them. i can't cap anymore. i love scorpios. and i love scorpio, like, the sign, also, like so much. it's so amazing. i could eat them (scorpios) like a rich cake. like, i... could just eat them. oh, god. oogh. they make me go oogh. 👯‍♀️ 💰 💲 🪙 💶 16/10 god tier sign (they love dookie though mm little piggies .... 🐖 🐷 🐽 🐗)
part 2 coming soon...... 💅🏿
u can use houses 2.... 💅🏿
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sassyhobbits · 4 years
ohhh could we have a “why are you awake right now” part two? 😍🙏
pt 1
Rowan hadn’t been sleeping for nearly long enough when he awoke to the thud of someone banging their fist impatiently on his front door.
He really didn’t want to get out of bed. For some reason, it was extra comfortable and warm this morning. When he finally deigned to open his eyes, Rowan realized why.
Aelin was curled into his bare chest, his arms wrapped around her, holding the woman close. The events from the previous night rushed back to him. Maybe it made him a selfish prick, but he couldn’t help but smile. It was nice to have her back.
The knocking came again, harder this time. Rowan reined in a groan, carefully detangling himself from Aelin, not wanting to disturb her peaceful rest. He slipped quietly from the room, cursing under his breath as the banging came again. Who the fuck had the audacity to be so demanding this early in the morning?
The answer to his question became obvious when Rowan threw open the door with an irritable “What?” and found Chaol Westfall standing outside his front door.
Chaol looked as though he had seen better days. His chestnut hair was messy, dark shadows under his eyes suggesting a night of little sleep, and his usually clean-shaven face had a hint of scruff.
“Where is she?” Chaol demanded, forgoing any greetings or even apologies for disturbing him. He looked over Rowan’s shoulder towards the couch, as if she would be sleeping there, before looking back at him. Chaol’s jaw clenched when he took in Rowan’s bare chest. He knew how it must have looked to him. Yet, he didn’t care. Not anymore.
Rowan knew who he was referring to, but he crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly. This was the man who had hurtled insults at Aelin the night before. “Where is who?”
“Don’t bullshit me, Rowan,” Chaol ground out. “She still shares her location with me. I know Aelin is here.”
“Regardless if she’s here or not, I don’t think she wants to talk to you.”
“It’s none of your fucking business. She’s my girlfriend.”
Rowan narrowed his eyes. “Funny. She said you two broke up last night.”
“It was just an argument. I just need to see her.”
“Go home, Chaol. If she wants to talk to you, she will.”
Chaol opened his mouth as if to spit something nasty out, but faltered when the sound of a door opening came from behind him. Rowan looked over his shoulder and found Aelin stepping out of his room, eyes widening as she noted who he was speaking with.
“Chaol,” Aelin breathed. “What are you doing here?”
Rowan knew that this situation was looking worse and worse. Opening the door without a shirt, Aelin wandering out of his room so casually. Chaol was clenching his jaw so hard that he could have been on the verge of breaking a tooth.
“I wanted to talk, Aelin,” Chaol bit out.
“Oh,” said Aelin simply. “Uh, alright then.”
She padded down the hall, brushing by Rowan. He managed to catch her eye as she lingered in the threshold, raising a questioning brow. Are you sure? I can kick him out. Just give the word.
She gave an almost unperceivable shake of her hand, brushing her hand on his arm. It’s alright. I can handle this.
Rowan knew Chaol saw the tiny exchange and the casual touch. Chaol had always seemed uncomfortable when he and Aelin had touched casually, had those little conversations through their eyes. They had tried to keep it to a minimum when Chaol was around, but Rowan found he didn’t really care what he thought anymore.
Rowan reluctantly stepped back inside, shutting the door to give them so privacy. He had been fully intending to head back to his room, not wanting to eavesdrop, but the first words that came out of Chaol’s mouth stopped him in his tracks.
“You didn’t wait long, did you?” he asked, voice dripping in venom.
Rowan froze, understanding the insinuation.
“Excuse me?” Aelin said back slowly, in a way Rowan knew promised violence. He could practically see her crossing her arms over her chest stubbornly.
“We have one argument and you go right to him. To his bed.”
“First of all, it wasn’t an argument. You broke up with me. Second, because you ended things with me, what I do after is none of your concern.”
Chaol released a bark of bitter laughter. “I should have known.”
“Known what?”
“That no matter what I did, you would never pick me. You’d always pick him.”
Rowan sucked down a sharp breath. He shouldn’t be listening, but he couldn’t get himself to walk away.
“No, Aelin,” he snapped, cutting her off. “Part of me probably always knew, but I hoped that I was wrong, that I could do something to get you to care for me the same way I care for you. But it had been a lost cause. Because you never loved me. You love Rowan, you have since we started dating.”
Rowan could have sworn time stopped in that moment. He barely dared to breathe, waiting for Aelin to speak up, to deny the accusation, to say he was being paranoid.
But she was silent.
Rowan knew that was an answer within itself.
Having Chaol turn up to Rowan’s apartment this morning had been an unpleasant surprise to begin with. The conversation they were having wasn’t doing much to change that.
Aelin had no defense against his last accusation. Because Chaol was right, even if she had hoped he wasn’t. She had been in love with Rowan for longer than she wanted to admit, but had been so frightened of losing his friendship, she had never said anything. When she had met Chaol, she saw it as an opportunity to finally move past those feelings she held for Rowan. That had probably doomed them from the start.
When Aelin stayed silent, Chaol took a step forward. “How long were you planning on stringing me along, Aelin? Until Rowan finally made a move? Was I just a distraction until then?”
“No, Chaol. Gods, no. What kind of person do you think I am?”
“I honestly don’t even know. I don’t think I ever did.”
Aelin wasn’t sure why, but his words hurt. He was acting as if their entire relationship was based on nothing. She had cared for him, and she still did. Just… not in the way he cared for her.
A tense silence blanketed them. Aelin knew she should look him in the eye, but couldn’t get herself to. She hugged herself tightly, staring down at her bare feet.
“Did you fuck him?” Chaol eventually asked.
Aelin flinched, looking at him incredulously. “Are you serious? What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“I don’t know, Aelin!” he shouted. “I just really don’t know anymore! Are you even sorry? The least bit guilty?”
In that moment, she could have said yes and apologized. But then she would be lying. And she didn’t give a damn about Chaol’s feelings right now. Aelin only straightened, holding her head higher, before saying. “No. I’m not.”
Chaol scoffed bitterly. “You’re such a bitch.”
“Yeah. I know.”
He shook his head, eyes filled with fury. “I swear to the gods, Aelin… one day-”
Whatever vileness was about to spill out of his mouth stopped when the door opened. Aelin was prepared to snap, thinking it was Rowan coming to defend her when she already told him she could handle it, but her words withered on the tip of her tongue at the sight of Lorcan Salvaterre lurking in the doorway.
Lorcan had been living with Rowan for a while now. He was an unpleasant man, and Aelin delighted in antagonizing him. They had a relationship built on hurtling cheap insults at one another, but kept it cordial beside that. On top of being Rowan’s roommate, he was dating one of Aelin’s closest friends, Elide. They didn’t maim each other for their sakes.
Lorcan’s face was stormy, extremely pissed off. Normally, that expression was directed towards Aelin, but today, it was for Chaol.
“It’s my day off,” Lorcan said lowly. “And I’d like to sleep in without you being an ass towards Galathynius so loudly. I’d appreciate it if you left.”
Chaol ground his teeth, but relented. It seemed he was just as tired of this useless argument as she was. He turned his gaze towards her once more. It was cold, like they were stranger. He shoved his hands into his pockets and turned.
“Goodbye, Aelin,” Chaol said before stalking off.
There was a sort of finality to his voice that told Aelin there would be no coming back.
She released a long breath, unfurling her fists and looking towards Lorcan.
“I’m sorry we woke you,” Aelin said earnestly.
Lorcan shrugged. “It’s not your fault. You two done with?”
“Yeah. I suppose we are.”
“Good,” Lorcan grunted. “I never liked him anyway.”
“You don’t like anyone.”
Despite everything that had just happened, that the wounds from Chaol’s words still stung, Aelin snorted out a tiny laugh. Even if she and Lorcan always gave each other shit, they tended to stick up for one another when anyone else was giving them shit.
“Well,” Lorcan sighed, glancing back inside. Aelin followed his gaze, finding Rowan standing there. Her stomach dropped, realizing he must have heard everything. “I’m going to go back to sleep. You two can… talk, I guess.”
Aelin gave a stiff nod, allowing Lorcan to close the door behind her. He didn’t say anything else before heading back to his room and quickly shutting himself in, leaving her alone with Rowan in the living room. Aelin had never felt nervous in front of Rowan before until now. Her hands opened and closed a few times, wondering what to say.
“How much did you hear?” she managed to croak out.
Rowan’s lips were tight. “Everything.”
Aelin nodded, finding it hard to look Rowan in the eye. Gods, if Chaol had fucked up her friendship with Rowan, she would murder him. Bastard.
“Was it true?” Rowan asked, taking a step closer. “What he said?”
Aelin heart was pounding in her chest, body flushed with fear. She managed to look him in the eye. “Yeah… yeah, it was.” She bit her lip hard. “I- uh… you’re my best friend, Rowan but you’re more than that. And if you don’t feel the same, I understand. And I understand if you need space after all of that.”
He didn’t say anything. The silence was killer. Aelin’s eyes flickered down to her feet again, feeling her eyes burn. She felt vulnerable, and she hated feeling vulnerable.
She heard Rowan take a few long strides forward until he was before her. His fingers nudged her chin, tilting her face upwards to look at him again. Aelin was always struck stupid by how handsome he was, how comforting the familiar planes of his face were to her. His green eyes held hers, refusing to back down.
“You love me?” Rowan whispered, so soft that Aelin nearly didn’t hear him.
Aelin swallowed hard and nodded. “Yes. I do.”
The air between them was electric, setting her skin on fire. Aelin wasn’t even sure she was breathing as Rowan slowly leaned forward and closed the distance between them, brushing his lips against her softly. It was nothing more than a whisper of a kiss, but it destroyed and remade her nonetheless. Aelin’s eyes fluttered shut, leaning closer to Rowan and his warmth as he cupped her face gently.
Rowan pulled back, her lips still tingling from his kiss. Aelin peeled her eyes open as Rowan rested his forehead against hers.
“I love you too, Aelin.”
Her heart jumped, a shaking smile finding its way to her lips. “Yeah?”
Rowan nodded, his eyes alight with joy. “Yeah. I really do.”
Aelin released a tiny, disbelieving laugh, feeling her eyes well with tears. She lunged forward, wrapping her arms around the back of Rowan’s neck as he pulled her close, face buried in her hair. Never in a million years did she think that her feelings would be returned.
She didn’t know how long they stood there, wrapped up in one another. Aelin would have been fine remaining like that for the rest of eternity, but weariness caught up with her. The late night combined with the early morning argument had taken a toll on her.
“Can we go back to bed for a bit?”
“Of course, Fireheart.”
He slipped his hand into hers, walking them back towards the bedroom. Aelin happily crawled back into the bed, snuggling back under the comforter. Rowan slid in next to her, not hesitated to pull her tight into his side. Aelin relished his warmth, his pine and snow scent, the feeling of his strong arms around her. She could get used to this.
Aelin fell back asleep with a smile on her face.
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
im the same anon who sent the pro-hero + league thing and dabi, shiggy, toga 🥺💞💖💖 thank you, lovely.
Enjoy, anoni!! I’m realising my scenarios are aren’t really scenarios, are they?
Strict!Pro-hero!reader being seduced by Dabi, Tomura, and Himiko!
Warning: N/S/FW content. Minors, do NOT interact. Seriously! This is no place for you. (Edit: that means a anyone under 18. That’s the threshold I’ve seen others use, so I’m sticking it’s that.) Note: there are individual warnings for each character so that you know what you’re about to read ^v^b
Warnings- adult content, thigh riding, biting, edging, alcohol mention, swearing
To say that you were known for being cool-headed and strict was a major understatement. You weren’t as popular as All Might, but those who knew you understood you to be a hero who, no matter how any villain taunted or insulted you, was concrete and unbending to their childish games. You went by the book and rarely made exceptions.
And then Dabi entered the picture. Cynical, rough, sardonic as hell, and quite the lawbreaker - and flirt. He’d stir some trouble in the streets, and then dip out when things got sketchy for him. In the midst of doing so, he’d always send some nasty smirk and comment your way. “Some nice legs you got there, doll. They’d look nicer above your head, though,” was his favorite; or perhaps it was your response he vied for so much. Because boy, you wanted to respond. You couldn’t deny the selfish gratification that came of his antics, knowing someone didn’t treat you as a gripey, square of a woman.
But that was the last thought on your mind as you sauntered through an alleyway on your walk home from having harmless fun with your fellow heroes. You hadn’t drank a sip, afraid of trouble spurring and hence your being called in. Your focus was fixated on your phone in your hand as you read the text one of your coworkers sent you.
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes, babe,” you suddenly hear, and instantly recognize the bastard of a voice. And instantly you feel that familiar throbbing at your core at the sound of it.
You look up from your phone, stone-faced as always, and try to resist the urge to scowl at him. You fail, though. He’s standing not far from you with his hands in his pockets, but it doesn’t look like this encounter was intended. “Don’t call me that,” you warn shakily, only for his smirk to widen and show off his teeth before he closes the gap between you. You elect to swing a fist at him but miss entirely before a blur flashes over your vision and your back hits the hard brick of the alley.
“Why not? We both know you enjoy it,” he snickers, his forearm across the front of your shoulders, his left hand occupied with pinning your wrist to the wall and knee stuck in-between yours. “If you really meant that punch, I wouldn’t have been able to dodge it, right?”
He even left your other hand free to prove his point.
Your breath is heavy and fluttered as he leans closer. You said nothing, but the fact that your wrist was relaxed in his hold told him everything. You see him smirk again, thereafter his arm leaves your chest so that he could put his thumb under your chin, the rest of his fingers splayed out on your jaw and you gulp. Your eyes fall half-lidded when he leans in close, but he quickly pushes your head back and veers off to the side to suckle at your neck, earning a quiet whine from you. Dabi acknowledges it with an eerie chuckle, to which you nearly respond with suspect before a cry leaves your lips at the sensation of teeth gnashing at your collarbone, the feeling of his chin staples rolling over your skin surprisingly heavenly. He resorts back to suckling and you’re sure he’s leaving at least a few hickies, but you’re too wrapped up in his hands fondling your hips and ass to care. They’re so warm, it’s ecstatic. He’s sweltering hot, unlike the cool wetness settling between your legs.
“Aah, Dabi...!”
You can’t help the whine of your lips or buck of your hips, nor the yelp that results when you unintentionally grind your throbbing core against his thigh. Dabi pulls off of your neck with a pop before he grabs your hips with both hands to pull you closer, encouraging you to ride his thigh. “My leg, ah?” he breathes, his voice more curious than either of you would admit. He leans in towards your ear, hot breath sending a chill down your spine. “Go on, do it,” he demands, his voice a whisper. “Lift that skirt and cum on my thigh, doll.”
You shut your eyes tight and moan at such a filthy command, his husky voice a contributor. Dabi’s too impatient with you to let you move your skirt out of the way as he does it himself, his returned grip on your hips surely to bruise them. You’re able to look down as he guides you, and there’s a clear streak of wetness soaking his pant leg. You shiver at the sight of your arousal, and again when he reaches to move your panties out of the way to let you grind bare against his jeans. You stare at the sight, not having it in you to look away. He must’ve followed your graze, his chest rumbling with a chuckle as you begin to cry out and moan louder. Dabi’s tongue is awfully quick to find and lick at your ear, while his teeth occasionally gnaw at it and pull. You were so pent up, even after a night of fun, it was no surprise your climax was already catching up to you. Your pace gets faster and faster, until that tightened coil-
Doesn’t snap. Dabi retreated his thigh from you and grabs your jaw to force you to look at his simper, earning a pout from you. “Aw, c’mon. Don’t make that face,” he taunts.
“You didn’t really think that’d be it, did you, babe?”
Warnings- adult content, spanking, swearing, orgasm denial
Being an infamously stoic hero had its perks. No one expected you to goof off on talk shows or crack a corny joke in interviews. Everyone liked that you weren’t careless and rambunctious; it just suited you not to be. A downside was being viewed as a “strict, rule-hungry old bag,” though. And you weren’t even old! But because you took being a hero seriously and followed rules, it gave you a public opinion not far off from Endeavor’s.
Getting on the trail of the leader of the League of Villains was a royal pain in the ass, much less staying there. It didn’t help that he seemed to take a special interest in you. There was always a hungry look in his eyes when you faced off, and nearly every time it felt like he’d planned the encounter as if to merely get a glimpse of you.
It wasn’t something you hated. This game of cat and mouse was exhilarating. Constant. Safe. It was a release. The more it happened, the more you thought it was the same way for him.
That theory was confirmed in its entirety when he randomly showed up in your apartment and looked at you as if he’d waited a significant amount of time. On you. You freeze in place after shutting your door, your bag of groceries still in hand as he stares at you from the couch. The silence that falls is thick, and not entirely uncomfortable, but it is unwelcome. You walk over to the kitchen area and set the bag atop the counter, before turning around to see Tomura standing right in front of you, the lack of hands adorning his body confusing you. “Why... are you here?” you ask hesitantly, noting the unconscious clenching of your thighs.
“You wouldn’t make a damn move, so I had to.”
His answer was simple and dry, and you begin to wonder if that meant anything other than what you wanted it to. His intentions are clear when he approaches further, backing you into the counter and caging you with an arm on each side. Tomura just stares at you. It was your turn. That’s how your little game went. And so you jolted forward, latching onto his lips with your own. Your dominance is short-lived, though, as he deepens the kiss when you yelp from his hand smacking against the side of your thigh, his tongue invading your mouth. Tomura’s hands are quick to snake up your shirt and paw at your uncovered breasts, the villain then smirking at the realization that you weren’t wearing a bra while he chuckles at your moan. His fingers pinch your hardening nubs, resulting in your pulling back from his lips and mewling.
His breaths are getting heavy, as are yours. Tomura grabs your arm and spins you around so that your backside is facing him, your ass end poking out at him when he grabs your head and pushes down to bend you over the counter. You glance back at him, but your focus is broken when you feel his hardened cock against your ass. Your whine only encourages him to briskly unbuckle your pants and pull them down, and you half-expect him to grind against you again - but he doesn’t. You begin to push back against him, albeit a hand on the small of your back lunges you forward and you scramble to get a grip on the counter beneath you. Hard to do that on a flat, smooth surface.
“Funny, you’re such a stickler about rules, and yet here you are, trying to make your own,” he jeers, and you swallow thickly. “You can follow a command, can’t you, hero?”
You gulp again and try to writhe in place, only to shriek when a hand lands sharp on your ass cheek as his other hand digs into your back. “Can’t you?” he repeats, and the feeling of your cunt clenching practically resounds throughout your body. You’re soaked, it’s clear. You pant instead of responding, almost sounding like a bitch in heat before another slap sounds against your reddening asscheek and you moan aloud, earning yourself yet another.
“I can!” you nearly scream, white-hot tears prickling the corners of your eyes - either from the pleasure, or the pain, you’re not sure.
“Don’t cum.”
You gasp and glance back at him, lips agape as you felt the pulling down of your panties. All you can see is those dark, red eyes glaring at you like a predator about to devour its prey.
Warnings- adult content, mentions of stalking, biting, oral, slight knife use (your poor panties), swearing, home... invasion?
Note- I’m not sure how old Toga is. Granted that she wears a school uniform and she crushes on Izuku, I’m setting her age to 20 here because I’m really not sure.
Being stalked by villains is not something you’re unfamiliar with. Being called a stone-faced, soulless shell of of a woman is not something you’re unfamiliar with either, a result of the public eye constantly fixated on you. On the contradictory, a grown ass villain flirting with your austere being was something you were quite unused to. Toga Himiko of the League of Villains was always hot on your trail, quick to retreat when noticed yet quick to notice you first. The smile that would crack her lips open was clearly meant for you and for you alone, always used as a flirtatious taunt. It wasn’t uncommon for you to track her down and chase after her, nor was it uncommon for her to track you down and leap after you.
Your game of push-and-pull had been on for a while. She was always so quick to escape no matter the situation, and you couldn’t for the life of you figure out how she did it. Nor could you figure out how the hell she got into your apartment. While you were there. Granted, you were asleep, but still...
She grins at you again in your bedroom doorway, that grin you know well, and seems to fiddle with the belt loop at her shorts, having long since abandoned the school girl schtick. It only worked for so long anyway. “Y/n-chan,” she beams, nearly drooling. “I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you tonight?” Her voice is sweet and lilted, and for a split second you believe her. She still had that sweet and harmless-looking appearance despite being a hardened villain. You lick your lips almost unconsciously, which she takes as an invitation to your bed, except she yanks your bedding off of you unceremoniously to replace it with her body as she straddles your hips.
You stare at her, your hands instinctively going for the sides of her thighs, with which she seems quite pleased as she squeaks at you. “You look so small down there, hero,” she mutters, her grin ear-to-ear. “So cuuute!” Her eyes then narrow almost darkly at you and she cocks her head sideways. “So quiet. Are you still sleepy, hm?”
Her thighs are so plump and sweet that you gulp underneath her while wondering what she’d taste like, but she shakes her head at you. “No, not tonight, lovey.” Himiko leans down and lunges her tongue into your open mouth, your moans mixing together as she does so, albeit yours increases in volume when she palms your breast through your shirt and squeezes before flicking her finger at your hardening nipple. The villain pulls away from you too quickly, sitting up so briskly your head almost spins, as she ignores the trail of saliva that follows. Her hips are adjusted atop you before she grabs the hem of your shirt and brings it up to your mouth. You catch on immediately and comply, biting the fabric into place as she goes to town kissing and licking your sternum between your tits. Golden, sharp eyes never leave yours in the moment, and her mouth feels hot against your skin as you moan. Her groping at your legs only serves to make you more vocal.
The bloodthirsty woman travels down your navel, yet goes right past where you want her most, while your whine is punctuated by the bucking of your hips. Himiko instead elects to suckle at your hip and upper thigh, before she parts your legs and settles between them. You jolt a little as she licks a stripe up your thigh until her tongue is a finger’s width away from the throbbing wetness between your legs. She giggles at your response, then landing a quick, tiny bite on your thigh before licking her lips. You don’t realise you’ve reached out to grab the top of her head and pulled it toward you until you feel the softness of her hair underneath your fingertips and another giggle escapes her. Himiko’s tongue pokes out from her lips as she pulls a knife from her belt to shred away at the hip of your panties before pulling them down to give her access to your throbbing clit.
Her tongue is quick to prod at your hole, then dragging up towards your clit before her lips are around it and sucking away. You cry out as a result, hips bucking again as your free hand clutches the bedsheet beneath you. You hear what sounds like a growl come from Himiko’s throat, then watch as her arms hook around your legs and hold your hips down. The sweat starting to coat your skin keeps her from getting a decent grip, so she uses force while her tongue dips into you and pokes around with her thumb rubbing at your swollen, puffy clit.
Your whining out her name encourages her thumb to rub circles and increase its pace, Himiko finally letting out her own moan into your soaked cunt as her tongue begins to lick and suck away. Your grip on the sheets tightens until your knuckles are white, your mantra of moans music to her ears. Until suddenly, she pulls away, your essence coating her lips and practically dripping down her chin.
“Y/n-chan,” she says almost darkly, with the look in her eyes making your cunt clench around nothing, “you can’t cum yet.”
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lovelyirony · 4 years
Title: I wish i could forget you
Tony Stark was not supposed to be in the car when Howard and Maria Stark attended a Christmas holiday party for another company. In fact, Hydra had wanted him to stay home. 
Unfortunately, Tony had ticked off Howard a bit too much, and so here he was in a tuxedo that was a bit too big, uncomfortably shiny shoes, and a temper that was close to blowing. 
Thank god they were almost home. 
When a car crashes, one almost can’t believe it. Tony can see the outside blurring, and he can hear glass crunching, and he hears things that he really doesn’t want to hear. He is fairly sure that Maria screamed. 
A metal arm. 
Well, not the most typical. He also doesn’t think that the man knows he’s here. 
Howard and Maria Stark are killed. Tony feels like shit because he couldn’t do anything. His forehead is bleeding and he didn’t want to move out of fear for himself, which seems selfish, but also maybe a survival instinct? 
God, his bow-tie is still constricting air flow. 
Once the man turns, Tony realizes that he wasn’t the target. They probably had no idea he was in the car, whoever “they” were. 
He gets out of the car. The car door creaks, and the man whips around. 
His eyes widen. 
The voice is surprisingly American. 
Surprisingly? He’s not sure why it’s surprising, it’s not like an American can’t kill just look at history, but still, Kind of surprising. 
"What, wasn’t supposed to be here?” Tony rasps out. He realizes now that he’s basically sent himself a death sentence as the man surges forward. 
“What are you doing here?” 
His eyes are piercing. Also very, very familiar with some photographs that Peggy has on her mantle and her desk. 
James “Bucky” Barnes. Son of a bitch. 
“What are you doing alive?” Tony asks. “I thought you were lost in a ravine in Europe somewhere.” 
“Ravine. In Europe. You know who you are, right? Is this some kind of sick...what did they do to you?” 
“I do not know what you are talking about.” 
His eyes get cold again. 
“Who are you?” 
“I am the Asset.” 
It is now that Tony realizes that every single shitty sci-fi book is probably right, and his disdain of “wacky science” and “magic” have all been for nothing, because here is Bucky Barnes, who apparently has no idea who he is. 
Then Tony gets knocked on his ass. His body slams against the icy road, and Barnes is rushing towards a motorcycle. 
And he’s alone. He can’t breathe, all the wind knocked out of his chest. He thinks he broke a couple of ribs. 
No one believes him. At all. SHIELD brushes it aside. 
“There’s no way Barnes could be alive. You were probably just seeing things,” they tell him. “Would you like us to find you a therapist?” 
“No,” Tony says, and they ask why. He laughs, sipping on his water. “SHIELD has so much loyalty to itself, I’m afraid I’d be compromised.” 
“Therapists aren’t supposed to divulge any information,” Nick Fury adds carefully. “And we’re a secret-keeping bunch. Nothing goes out that comes in.” 
“Unless, of course, it’s necessary,” Tony drawls, staring at Fury. God, the leather outfit...that’s weird. “Then I’m out in the open, Nicky. And what fun is that unless I get to show off an outfit in full-coverage?” 
“...I’ll have an agent escort you home. We’ll have guards overnight.” 
“Don’t bother.” 
“And why is that? Think you can handle it by yourself?” 
“Fury, my family has made a career out of thinking a lot of things. You’re not being as detrimental as you think.” 
He finger-waves, grinning and winking at agents on the way out. 
Now comes paranoia. This is welcome, actually, because it’s allowing him to work up new security measures and hack into various security cameras around the world to see if he can find Barnes. 
It’s like he’s a ghost. And fuck, maybe Fury was right. Tony doesn’t like that, but that may be it. 
Merry fucking Christmas. 
Years go by, and Tony keeps a tiny ear to any news about mysterious deaths that can’t be explained. A man that glows in lamp-light, has no identity. He’s not sure if it could be Barnes. God knows he’s no longer seventeen, and Barnes--it if it was Barnes--would be way older. He should’ve been an old man in 1991, but he wasn’t. 
It kind of reminds him of the conspiracy theory that Walt Disney was kept cryogenically frozen, which is just ridiculous, because as far as he’s concerned, you’d need a bit more to you than just regular skin and bones. 
And this is where it hits him. 
Barnes was experimented on when he was captured by Hydra. Peggy told him that Rogers told her that he was repeating his dog tag number over and over, as if someone was trying to take him over. 
Yeah, you’d need a bit more. 
Like a fucking super soldier serum. 
This then delves into Tony realizing that if Barnes is flash-frozen, then...well, could Rogers have survived? He always thought his dad was crazy, but a broken clock is right twice a week or however the hell that saying goes. He never used it, he wasn’t a broken clock. 
(He was broken, but he’s not going to compare himself to a clock. Perhaps  Model-T.) 
They find Rogers. Tony realizes Howard did his math completely wrong for years, and probably never let anyone look at it because he was a World Super Genius. And a Colossal Dick. 
Steve Rogers is one tough cookie to crack. Tony chips off some of the ice and puts it in a glass of scotch. 
“Do you really think that’s the most appropriate thing to do?” Phil Coulson asks. 
He’s shocked, but mainly because Tony has seen his Cap collection, and that man has so many limited edition cards and lunchboxes that it’s a bit crazy. But at least he knows how to decorate with it and not have it look like an absolute nutjob swept into his house and did it all in red-white-and-blue. 
“Phil, my darling, when have I ever done anything the appropriate way?” Tony asks. He stares at the face that’s emerging out of the ice. “Besides, what else are you going to do with this ice, hm? Besides melt it all off?” 
Steve is a miracle. Every scientist on earth wants to poke and prod at him. 
Tony breaks him out of SHIELD in a week, because he swears to shit if one more scientist asks to take blood samples “to see how going under Arctic temperatures affects the bloodstream” (and also take DNA for cloning) he’s going to lose it. 
Fury yells at him for two hours. 
Steve flips Fury off from the couch, where he’s been channel-surfing for the better part of three hours. 
“You’ve already corrupted him,” Fury scowls. “Rogers, we need to talk--” 
“He’s retired,” Tony says. 
(Steve is not, technically. Hasn’t said anything. But Tony is putting him on mandatory retirement for at least a year.) 
“What’s...what the ever-loving fuck is that?” Steve asks. 
An infomercial. For an automated chair. Mostly used for old people. 
Tony grins. 
“You wanna see how fast I can launch you out of one?” 
“I’m going to say yes. Professionally.” 
Ten miles an hour, and Steve goes flying across the room into a pile of pillows. 
It’s not the end-all solution. God knows Steve calls him “Howard” and asks where a lot of nasty food is, and sometimes can’t tell the difference between what his brain is seeing and what is actually there. 
But Tony gets him help. And Steve goes to art school. 
It’s all very funny, actually. Steve rants about “modern art” and how “if he could kill any concept it would be abstract expressionism, what the fuck.” 
Tony buys and then donates a Rothko in his honor. 
Steve fumes, but finds it hilarious. 
Then, there’s the attack on New York. 
Norse god of mischief decides to end New York, blah blah blah. 
Captain America reappears, everyone loses their shit, and Tony almost dies. 
Then he gets four other roomies besides Steve, and he has to make a chore chart. Ugh. 
Barnes reappears in France. Tony gets a fairly good image, and Natasha stills. 
“You know about Winter Soldier?” 
“Barnes? Yeah.” 
“You know who he is?” 
“James Barnes. At least, I think. He tried to kill me, wasn’t very successful at it.” 
Steve overhears. 
This leads to a chain of events that ends in Steve not coming to family dinner because he’d rather sit in his room and listen to Green Day or Glenn Miller or whatever the hell gets him even more upset. 
“Listen, Steve, I’m sorry. But up until this picture? I was only about sixty percent sure I wasn’t full of beans.” 
“Why is that the phrase you use?” 
“What, full of beans? Bruce says I have to work on my cursing. Apparently, children are impressionable. Who knew?” 
It’s not a total success. Steve still doesn’t like that Tony didn’t outright tell him, but Tony isn’t going to tell Steve that he has the mental stability of a single cashew. 
So begins the hunt for Barnes. Which actually isn’t too bad. 
He’s in DC. Not for any political clean-up, unfortunately. He’s trying to kill Fury. Tony doesn’t know why, at least until he looks up Pierce, who’s technically, mostly retired from SHIELD. 
And yet still uses most resources that technically? He needs more than one authorization from multiple people. 
God, people are getting bad at covering their tracks. Used to be harder to catch and see if someone was doing dirty deals. 
(Okay, not like he can talk because Obie was...well, no use in discussing that now. He needs to focus.) 
Nat and Steve are bad at lying. This kind of surprises him, because Steve is usually a successful liar. He’s convinced Clint that it’s not him who keeps eating his peanut-butter-fudge ice cream, but Thor. 
And Natasha used to be Natalie Rushman. Then again, Tony was poisoned during that one, so that might just be on him. 
Helicarriers go in the water. 
Tony’s working on making sure most of the information doesn’t reach the general public, although he can’t stop it all. 
Barnes falls off the face of the earth, and Steve wants to go on another treasure hunt. 
“Let him come to us, or figure himself out.” 
“This isn’t a college kid going backpacking in Europe for a year,” Nat snaps. “He’s...you know who he is, who he was, and what he can do.” 
“Counterpoint: we don’t know if he secretly really wanted to see traditional decoration of Ukrainian Easter eggs,” Tony says. “God knows that I want to learn more about that.” 
“Is everything a joke to you?” 
"Only on federally mandated holidays,” Tony says with a shrug. “But let him be. Steve, it’s one thing that he didn’t kill you. It’s another thing that he hauled you up from the Potomac. I’m not sure I would’ve done that because who goes up alone to a helicarrier?” 
“Historically nobody,” Natasha says. “Most people don’t have any helicarriers.” 
“God, this situation sucks,” Tony says. “What if. We potentially. Ignore all of it and have spinach and artichoke dip? Hm?” 
“With toasted bread?” 
“I’m not an animal, Steve.” 
“Your penchant for four a.m. coffee while you don’t realize you’re singing songs from the seventies says otherwise,” he responds. 
“Well well well, if it isn’t the punishment of you getting the aux taken away for a week,” Tony taunts. 
“Oh, come on!” Steve whines. 
“Nope, just you having to listen to more of Bruce’s questionable tastes.” 
Barnes comes stateside. The only reason Tony knows this is because Jarvis says that he may have spotted Barnes, but he’s not sure. 
“J, you’re the most advanced system in the world, not to mention my son, and you like to hack into the Pentagon for funsies.” 
“All of that could not have prepared me for this.” 
Barnes is wearing a neon green tank top that is advertising Coco Beach in Florida. 
“Can I laugh? Or is that sad?” 
“Multitask, Sir.” 
“Oh, true.” 
Barnes is not in New York. Tony has to near-about put an electric fence around the whole state so that Steve doesn’t go on a road trip. 
Hell, Tony doesn’t even trust him to go to coffee alone, but that’s a bit much. 
“We have to wait,” Tony says. 
Sam Wilson is a godsend. Also the funniest man Tony knows. 
He is also emotionally healthy and very perceptive, so he has been noticing that Tony is nervous. 
Because how do you face the man who killed your parents? Technically? 
“Are you talking to your therapist?” Sam asks. “Just thinking you should.” 
“Sam, we’re working on my issues from 2007. Believe it or not, it will be taking a full year.” 
“I don’t like that I can never tell if you’re serious.” 
“I know you remember the tabloids from 2007, I wrote a mesh vest. Clearly, I need so much help.” 
Sam snorts. 
“Maybe. Hey, I’ll catch you later. Clint and I are gonna go try and find some questionable shirts to crop.” 
“Did his little protege convince you? Bishop, right?” 
“Kate, yeah. She’s convinced our public image will go viral or something. Good luck with helping Steve and Nat with your super-soldier hunt.” 
“Thanks. Let me know if you find a shirt with my face on it. I want it.” 
Sam snorts. 
“Will do.” 
Bucky Barnes comes to New York in early May. The springtime is slowly but surely fading off, sun approaching more and more. Tony is enjoying coffee on a veranda, and then suddenly his waiter is nowhere to be found and he’s not entirely sure if his visitor takes credit or debit. 
“Can I help you?” 
“Maybe. Depends on if you’re gonna kill me or not.” 
“I think Steve would be a bit broken up about it.” 
“Do you care what he thinks?” 
“On this situation? Yes. When it comes to culinary choices? No.” 
There’s a ghost of a smile on his face. Tony’s trying extremely hard not to remember shattered glass and a motorcycle on ice. 
“Can we, uh, table this conversation? For later. Espresso and all that, plus the added bonus of our shared history, so...” 
“Shared history?” 
“You don’t remember?” Tony asks. Bucky shakes his head. “Ah. Then this is truly a comedy of errors. Maybe. Um. Listen, I, uh...I gotta go. You need to talk to Nat or Steve or hell, maybe even Thor. Is Thor a good option?” 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
“Barnes, I can’t exactly face you right now.” 
And then he jumps off a balcony. 
A fucking balcony. 
Jesus H. Christ, his therapist is gonna be so excited for their next session. 
The suit wraps itself around him, and he can finally breathe, and he’s thinking about calling Pepper and see if she would like to schedule him a vacation for maybe anywhere but New York and Iowa. 
“Why not Iowa?” Pepper asks. “They have good antique stores. I’ve gotten quite a few good finds for clothes.” 
“I can do shopping retail literally anywhere else, absolutely not.” 
“Spoilsport. Steve know you’re leaving?” 
“I didn’t even really tell Steve what happened with my parents.” 
“Oh, your therapist called. She sounded concerned, but also intrigued.” 
“It’s because Sally almost became an employee of NASA and still has a soft spot for aerodynamics.” 
“What exactly did you do when faced with Barnes?” 
“Check the front tabloid page tomorrow, just tell everyone I’m out of town.” 
“Got it. And Tony?” 
Her voice is soft. 
“Yes, dear?” 
He can feel her rolling her eyes. Affectionately, of course, but rolling all the same. 
“Be safe, and come back. You know Rhodey and I miss you.” 
“I miss you too.” 
A week is spent in Malibu. He really is thinking about selling this place. But for now, it suffices. 
Steve texts him. 
bucky’s back. holy shit 
be back in a week. radio silence. 
got it. no more messages from me. thor tells me to tell you that he broke the sink 
And that’s it. He’s sitting in the house for a week, has already called Sally once and explained how his suit works, and then listened to her talk about how “his reliance on the suit to help him escape unfavorable situations is not exactly the healthiest but also none of my clients have had to face someone who is of weird standing.” 
It’s no secret that Tony doesn’t like Howard Stark. Who would’ve liked that sorry excuse for a father, a man who was so cold-hearted the Arctic looked like a tropical paradise? 
Maria was...Maria was different. 
She wasn’t a good mother. No, she was never a good mother. But she tried, and she didn’t deserve her fate. 
And then there was the question of Bucky Barnes. Who wasn’t Bucky when he was there, but still so damn recognizable. 
It’s kind of like when there’s a movie about a famous person, and another person plays them. Like Tom Hanks, essentially. Bucky played whoever the fuck they get Tom Hanks to play and it’s similar: you see the resemblance, but it’s not it. 
So yeah. 
There’s also the little tidbit that things get complicated when you involve personal feelings and rationality, and really? Tony misses New York. A lot. And he’s not going to let someone else overtake his life just because he’s uncomfortable. 
So he flies back to New York. 
He’s in a bad way, Barnes is. 
“He remembered you,” Steve says. “What he did.” 
“Ah, there’s that.” 
“He doesn’t have to be here,” Natasha says. “I have a couple of SHIELD safe houses to choose from.” 
“None would be adequate to house something like me,” comes the response. 
Barnes looks remarkably shitty, as if he hasn’t slept in eighty years. And maybe he hasn’t. 
“Jail would be more fitting.” 
Tony rolls his eyes. 
“You are literally the most dramatic person ever, and Bruce threatened to take over the government because Thor ate the last croissant. Put those on the grocery list, Steve
“We’re not gonna throw you in jail,” he continues on. “Not because you happened to be used as a goddamned Swiss army knife. I have issues, sure, but I’m not going to be going all Hannibal Lecter or whatever.” 
“Who the hell is that?” 
“Cannibal. I realized that that’s a terrible comparison, please forgive me.” 
“Why a cannibal?” 
“Couldn’t think of anything else but Anthony Hopkins, the actor. My mistake. Point is, we’re gonna have to go through some channels, and I’m introducing you to BARF, as well as a new person who’s gonna rock your world.” 
“I’m pretty much well-acquainted with vomit.” 
“No, not that,” Tony says. “Although we can cover that through my 2005 edition of partying if we really wanna dig up some old magazine interviews. No, I’m introducing you to something that’s going to change your life.” 
After that, Tony doesn’t have much to do with Bucky’s life. 
He serves as a permanent guilt trip, nothing says “well, shit” much like being a permanent guilt trip. 
Sally tells him that they should talk it out. Do all that “and how do you feel?” questioning that makes his skin crawl and his eyes ascend to the ceiling. 
I mean yeah, they share a living space. Tony has seen Bucky laugh and smile with Sam, talk with Bruce about a really interesting article about regeneration of plant cells or whatever, and Bucky enjoys videochatting with Wakandan royalty. 
(It also helps that Shuri is blunt as ever, but so blisteringly smart. He’s reading her paper on regeneration of nanotechnology, and it just...it’s the Pieta of research, that paper.) 
But he never speaks to Bucky. Well, he does. But it’s more along the lines of “hey Barnes” and “how are you?” which aren’t exactly the Most Thought Provoking Statements Ever Made. 
Summer comes swiftly, and about near with a vengeance. Tony’s dealing with a heat wave and trying to figure out if going outside is even worth it, and then he and Bucky are alone in the kitchen. 
Tony was debating getting a couple of popsicles from the freezer. Bucky is considering sabotaging Clint’s smoothie that was supposed to be special for tonight, but that he’ll most likely forget. 
“Hey,” Bucky says. “Um, can we talk?” 
He’s been avoiding this, officially, for a month. Potentially more if you’re going to count a few choice events that have been brought up by his psyche. 
“Sure thing, buttercup. What are we talking about. Economy, world crises, the great debate on financial advice?” 
“Isn’t the third thing just the economy?” 
“We can break it down over coffee.” 
“Mm, maybe another time. No, I’m talking about us. About how I--I kind of ruined your life.” 
Tony blinks. 
“You didn’t ruin my life. If my life was ruined you’d be hit with so many lawsuits that I could make the rest of your life look like the third circle of Hell, or wherever it is that people go nowadays in Dante’s eyes. No, you didn’t ruin my life.” 
“I still killed your parents.” 
“If you hadn’t, someone else would’ve. Believe me, there were about fifteen others in line. Sometimes, myself included.” 
“You can’t not take me seriously,” Bucky stresses. “I still did a terrible thing. I just want to make sure you know that you’re being too kind.” 
“I most certainly am not,” Tony says. “Being too kind would have me feeding you grapes.” 
Bucky’s face blanks. 
“Don’t. I...I don’t wanna take advantage of your hospitality. I don’t want to remind you of what happened.” 
“You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t wanted,” Tony says. “Believe me. And if you want to leave, you’re free to leave. I don’t want to make you feel like you need to stay here.” 
“I...I want to make it up to you.” 
“Then use BARF and review it,” Tony says. “I’m serious. I need user feedback, and you’re the best candidate for it. Also, please try to convince Steve to wear neon yellow. I just want to see if he’ll do it.” 
Steve wears neon yellow. Tony laughs so hard he cries. 
Bucky smiles. 
It’s a nice smile, really. It’s wide and happy and wow. That’s all worth it. 
And then BARF. Bucky just gives user feedback, nothing else. Tony doesn’t want to know anything else, but they start talking more. 
Tony finds out that Bucky’s been doing crosswords to catch up on current events, and he’s bought taped recordings of World Series games. 
He loves antique stores. He visits them and brings home little trinkets that he remembers in his own house, or what he remembered. He watched old commercials from the fifties and sixties, laughed as he remembered the Sears catalogs that would come in the mail. 
“Me an’ my sisters would beg my mom for new clothes from the catalog, and she never would. Always sewed our pants and skirts so damn well, I probably could’ve used them for the next ten years.”  
Tony laughs. 
“Well, I can’t promise I can sew. But I could give you some armor that could last you twenty years, if you want. Steve told me you’re thinking about doing some distance missions.” 
“Just observation, no armor required.” 
“Sometimes it’s the simple missions that get the worst hits,” Tony says. “Believe me, I know how it goes. So, do you want some armor?” 
Bucky smiles. 
“I’ll need feedback.” 
“I’ll give it all I’ve got.” 
Bucky is a goddamned dream to design for. He knows exactly what he needs, what areas are most likely to be pierced, and also has a flair for the dramatic: he requests an Iron Man helmet be embroidered on the back. 
“You’re really just trying to be sweet on me, aren’t you?” Tony teases. 
“My master plan to gain your fortune,” Bucky teases right back. “I’ll waste it all on champagne pools and the worst-looking but most expensive shoes I can find.” 
Tony laughs. 
“Sugar, that’d be incredible if you could spend all of my money on that. I’d commend you.” 
Bucky smiles, and it shouldn’t be as nice of a smile as it is, but here Tony is with his opinions and his concerning thought that maybe he wants to see more of Bucky. 
In the morning, there begins a routine. Tony is always up at eight o’clock. It’s a rare lull in Avenger-morning-routines: Nat, Steve, and Bruce are all done, and Thor and Clint won’t be in until ten o’clock at the earliest. 
(What can he say? Thor’s a god and Clint...well. He needs a lot of beauty sleep.) 
Tony makes coffee, and Bucky makes them both breakfast. Says that officially, it’s to test and make sure that his prosthetic is still performing under optimal conditions. 
(They both know that’s not it.) 
Tony always says he pours too much water, makes enough for two cups. 
Steve calls them out on it. 
“You two are being weird,” he says. “And not like Thor and Bruce trying to reenact that one show about ghosts and unsolved things.” 
“That’s their form of courtship, don’t be fucking rude,” Clint remarks. Natasha snorts. 
“What, us being weird?” Tony asks, pouring a bit more coffee into Bucky’s mug. He always uses too much creamer and then won’t finish his coffee unless there’s more. “Why do you say that?” 
“It’s because you both do couple shit,” Bruce says, breezing into the kitchen. “Also, Steve, lovely to see that you have volunteered to be the next guest on Avengers: Unsolved. We’re planning on using you as a guilt-trip in order to access files about aliens.” 
“Truth will be found!” Thor adds. “But also, yes. Bucky, I thought you were taking him on a date to the art museum on Saturday.” 
Bucky turns red. So does Tony. It really is quite inconvenient. 
“I mean, we could go on a date there,” Tony says. “If you’re okay with that.” 
“You’re doing this in public?” Natasha asks, eyebrows raised. “Hm. Would not have called that.” 
“You owe me fifteen dollars,” Bucky says. “Not you Tony, quit looking at me like that. Yes, it will be a date on Saturday, I’ll wear a nice shirt. Nat said that I couldn’t do anything that surprised her.” 
“Technically, Tony surprised me.” 
“I thought dates were mutual events, hm? Fifteen dollars. I’ll use it to buy the best bouquet in New York.” 
“The best bouquet costs over a thousand dollars,” Thor answers. 
“Not questioning how you know that, but I’m scared of you,” Bucky says. “Then I will get the best fifteen-dollar-bouquet in New York.” 
Tony snorts, smiling. 
“I guess I’ll spray a bit of my perfume on my pillow then, soldier.” 
“I’ll pick you up at noon sharp,” Bucky says, grinning. He finishes his coffee. “We’ll make fun of Steve’s art exhibit together.” 
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Afternoons at the Hawkins Community Pool
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Word Count: 5,056
Warnings: Drowning, blood, hints at abuse, drug use, swearing
Author’s Note: GUESS WHO’S BACK, BACK AGAIN? MADDIE’S BACK, TELL A FRIEND! First fic finished in literal months hello yes I still write! I’m not washed up! Is this any good? I don’t know. Is this even a romance? No clue. Will anyone read it? PLEASE DO LMAO
Tags: This is my old list, if you want to be added or removed, shoot me an ask! @hotstuffhargrove @casaharrington @thechickvic @alex--awesome--22 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @so-not-hotmess @hipsmcgee @carolimedanvers
“It’s show time, ladies.”
Judging by the switch in the squad of middle aged women who made the west deck their pride rock, Billy Hargrove’s shift had begun.
You only had two hours left of your shift now. Once Billy got on deck, you could finally take a break. Fucking Heather always took an hour instead of the allotted thirty minute break, claiming to be easily susceptible to heat stroke.
As if you weren’t.
Still, now that her shift was over, everything would calm down.
Most people were either enraptured or absolutely terrified by Billy. He was…difficult to deal with.
Sure, he was sweet to the adults of the pool; the people who didn’t get in the way were always a favourite of the staffers, but to the kids? He was a menace. You didn’t understand why he’d take a job where he’d have to prioritize the safety of children.
As if on cue, Billy began his stupid strut to the south chair. You always took the north side, where the sun didn’t hit so hard. This gave Billy ample opportunity to strut around the deck like a peacock, smirking at the moms in heat, drooling over him.
“Afternoon ladies,” he crooned as he passed and you swore that at least three of them passed out from the sheer excitement of it all. He nodded to Mrs. Wheeler. Here came the cincher, the line that would make the group’s dreams come true and fuel their fantasies for weeks.
“Dig the new suit, Mrs. Wheeler.” He gave her a nod, chewing on something. If you had to guess, it was probably cinnamon gum. His breath always stunk of the stuff after shifts.
You averted your gaze after that; you knew exactly what would happen next. Billy would climb up onto his post and the ladies would check out his ass, giggling to themselves and high fiving Mrs. Wheeler for earning his attention for the day.
The image of Mrs. Wheeler’s sharply manicured hand gripping the top of her deckchair, mouth half open in utter lust, red lipstick smeared over the lines of her lips and eyes half closed as she stared at him climbing into the chair was something that would stick in your mind for the rest of the shift.
And then there was you on the other end of the pool, watching them like a creep.
Maybe you were the problem.
You had taken the job at the Hawkins Community Pool purely because it was tradition. You took the job every year, strapping into the bright red one piece with your hair pulled tight into a ponytail at the top of your head. You liked the job: the smell of chlorine and the sounds of happy kids splashing in the cold water. It was a relaxing job-most days nothing bad happened. The kids in town all took swim lessons in the winters one town over. Carmel had a heated indoor pool and a great deal on group swim lessons on weekends. You hadn’t seen a kid have a problem in the pool in three summers.
Today, someone had a problem.
You had just climbed out of your chair to head for your break. You were more than ready to step into the lush air conditioning of the office. Your back had only been turned for a second, Billy was supposed to be watching the pool anyway. But when you turned back you heard a scream.
Some weird kid had fallen into the deep end without a lifejacket. He couldn’t have been older than five. You quickly looked up to Billy.
That little fucking bitch.
He was flirting with Mrs. Wheeler.
You blew hard into your whistle, letting out a loud blast before taking off in a full sprint towards the deep end. You dove quickly into the pool and swam up to the kid before grabbing him under the armpits and swimming him into the shallow end, lifting him onto the deck and letting him cough and sputter.
“Do you need assistance? Can you breathe?” you asked quickly, catching your own breath. You had to ensure the victim was actually in need of medical assistance before you performed any life saving manoeuvres on them. The kid nodded quickly as an older man rushed up, bending down to rub his back. The kid immediately broke into tears, gripping tightly onto the man’s legs.
“Thank you.” The man said quickly, picking up the boy, who hugged him like his life depended on it. You assumed he was the parent and didn’t ask any more questions. Usually, you lay in with questions, but the kid couldn’t be more shook up. You watched to see where they’d go, letting out a relieved sigh when the group returned to the Wilson family, all examining the boy. He must be a cousin of theirs, in town for the weekend or something. You could go on your break with the knowledge that you hadn’t let a strange kid go off with an even stranger man who he didn’t know.
You blew your whistle again and pool activities resumed, although more cautiously. Now, you could start your break. But first, a quick pit stop.
You marched your way over to Billy and Mrs. Wheeler. It was as though they lived in their own bubble that sound couldn’t penetrate. Neither of them seemed to notice the commotion or hear the whistle blow. Mrs. Wheeler just kept laughing at whatever Billy was saying. She reached out to bat his arm and her fingers grazed there just a bit too longer, although neither of them noticed.
It was utterly disgusting.
You tapped Billy hard on his shoulder. He didn’t turn around. You tried again. Same response. You let out a loud, annoyed cough. Mrs. Wheeler didn’t even bat an eye at you and she could see you just over his shoulder. You finally blew a hard, short tweet into the whistle, effectively taking out Billy’s eardrum.
He turned fast, his face pulled into a sneer that you could only smile at. “What?” he snapped bitterly, fists clenched at his sides.
“Just wanted to make sure you could still hear. Since you missed the two other times I blew my whistle.” You replied, your fake smile turning sarcastic as you held his gaze.
“Sorry, I must have been distracting him, I’m sure he heard.” Mrs. Wheeler cut in, placing a manicured hand on his shoulder. She looked too proud of that fact, her lustful gaze unhealthy looking.
“That’s alright Mrs. Wheeler.” You looked over her shoulders briefly, catching sight of her group packing up to leave. Your smile turned to a malicious smirk “Oh, your friends seem to be leaving. If you don’t have your locker key, you should go grab it before they leave, don’t want to have your purse get stuck again.”
The last three times she’d come to the pool, she’d given her key to Mrs. Carol Simpson, whose son Billy had threatened to ban upon entering the deck. Mrs. Wheeler ended up stranded without her key, her bag locked in the locked with no way of getting it out. She had to have the janitor of the pool open her locker with the master key and then, to make matters worse, she had to prove that the stuff was hers. All of her things were dumped on the deck as she tried to prove that her granny panties and tampons were hers based on the shrill cries that there was a Minnie Mouse keychain on her purse. She got her stuff back, at the expense of her humility.
“I gave my key to the front desk, won’t lose it again.” Mrs. Wheeler chuckled proudly, an embarrassed flush creeping up her neck and ears.
“Oh, then you should ensure that they still have it. Mara is not the brightest bulb in the bunch, she’d lose her head if it wasn’t screwed on.” You replied, matching her laugh. Mrs. Wheeler’s smile dropped and she rushed off without another word.
You turned your attention back to Billy, your smile dropping away. “I’m going on my break, can you actually do your job while I’m gone.” You snapped bitterly.
“I was. Customer satisfaction is a key part of our job.” He made a big deal out leering at Mrs. Wheeler’s ass as she bent over to grab her things off the chair.
You scoffed “Watch the fucking pool, Hargrove, Mrs. Wheeler and her saggy ass will be back tomorrow.” You turned dramatically on your heel and stomped off.
You could scream. That boy was so…so…fucking frustrating! He was a nuisance and a pervert and a showboater and god, just a pig! All year he’d done nothing but screw anything in a skirt, just whoring around all year and making a mockery of some very nice girls. And now, now he decides to be a one woman man. And the woman is a married mother of three. What the fucking fuck??? How nasty! And she was into it? God who knew Karen Wheeler was a creep? Lock up your sons, mothers of Hawkins, Mrs. Wheeler is on the prowl for jailbait! It made you sick just thinking about it.
Even stepping into the cool office didn’t alleviate the feeling of heat stroke on your skin. You decided that you’d take a cold shower before eating. You couldn’t eat much, you had to go back out to the pool and potentially swim after eating. Usually, you’d take forty-five minutes instead of thirty since nobody was watching anyway, but Billy was distracted today and you didn’t want to risk him fucking up because you were being selfish with your break.
You plopped into the wheeling desk chair, sprawling your limbs and taking in the cold air blasting in the room. You let out a satisfied sigh, letting your head fall back and your eyes flutter shut. You could die happy in the air conditioning.
Billy Hargrove was such an ass. You’d never allow yourself to sleep with him. Not that he’d ever want to, you weren’t exactly his type. You were his lab partner that year and you had heard him on more than one occasion telling Tommy about how ‘shrill’ and ‘annoying’ you were. It wasn’t your fault that you weren’t going to sit around and do all the work for the both of you. And it benefited him! His highest grade that year was in fucking science! He thanked you at the end of the semester! Sure, it was a forced and uncomfortable thank you, and you didn’t need to know that it was his highest grade that year, but still! You two should be good! You should be fine! But instead, you were the shrill bitch who tells him what to do at work. God, you didn’t want to be the awful co-worker, the ‘shrill bitch’ that everyone gossiped about and made fun of, but somebody had to take the job seriously! And not seriously like Billy did, who got out his aggression by yelling at kids and threatening to ban them for the most minor infractions, even though the pool didn’t have a banning system period. No, you had to be the boring, mean one who saved lives and got shit done.
Everybody else got to have fun, you just had to work.
You let your head lull towards the window, peaking out at the pool from the half closed blinds. There was a pack of girls around your age surrounding the lifeguard chair, trying to engage Billy in conversation. God, that’s such a safety hazard, how the hell was he supposed to get down quickly in the event of an emergency? He should tell them to move back away from the ladder. Not that he was even paying attention to them; his eyes were on the pool, watching someone swim across the pool with a half smile. He was ignoring the girls, which was expected, but you were glad to see that…wait.
That’s Mrs. Wheeler.
Jesus Christ this guy!
You groaned, pushing yourself up off the chair and heading into the locker rooms, turning on a shower and blasting cold water over yourself. The initial shiver and burn of the freezing water faded fast and soon Billy Hargrove and his stupid thing face were far from your mind. Every one of your senses was heightened by the icy water that was soaking into your skin. You felt utterly refreshed and calm again. He was far from your mind and so was work in general. As your muscles began to slowly unfurl and release tension, your mind led you to the wonderfully comfortable world of the novel you’d left behind.
You were Anne Shirley on that bridge, waiting glumly for her Gilbert to arrive. And there he was-in his silly bloomers and flat cap, white shirt half buttoned and that smarmy look and that stupid mullet and-fuck. Your eyes shot open. God you couldn’t escape him! Billy fucking Hargrove was intruding on your comfortable dreams in rural 1910s Canada. God, it was weird enough that you were fantasizing about rural 1910s Canada, you didn’t dumbass Billy with his ugly ass tattoo creeping in to make it worse.
You turned off the water, checking the numberless clock over the doors leading out into the pool. Your break was just about over anyway. With a heavy sigh, you headed back out into the blinding sun, tightening your ponytail and climbing back into your chair.
You heard a loud blast from the whistle across the pool. “Hey! No running!” Billy barked from across the pool. Most of the people at the pool turned to look at him, except the pudgy kid who’d started running again. The kid didn’t stop this time, his mother gone now, and he barrelled over a little girl. She went down hard. You grabbed the first aid kit off the back of your chair, walking calmly over to the little girl.
“Hi there, are you alright?” you asked, kneeling down next to her. There was blood running down her tiny leg and cheek, two large scraps from the rough deck that made her skin ragged.
The little girl shook her head, sniffling loudly. She was holding back her tears, trying to be brave. It was very cute. “Can I help you?” you asked, offering her a small smile.
“I’m not supposed to talk to strangers…” the little girl muttered, shaking her head with a quivering lip.
“Well, I’m Y/N, I’m a lifeguard here. What’s your name?”
“Sylvia…” she muttered again, wiping her eyes hard with the back of her tiny hand.
“It’s nice to meet you Sylvia. Can I take a look at those cuts?” you asked. The little girl nodded and you opened the kit. You hadn’t noticed that Billy was looming over you, casting a shadow over you.
“You…okay here?” he asked awkwardly, earning your attention briefly.
“Yeah, we’re okay. You wanna go handle that kid? Ban him or something?” you replied, turning your gaze back to the alcohol swab in hand. “Now, this is gonna sting a little, okay? If it hurts too much you can squeeze my hand.” You offered her your spare hand as you wiped the wound gently.
Billy stood there longer than he should have. He knew he looked weird. He knew he should be tearing that fucking kid a new one. But there you were, smiling at some snot nosed kid, letting her squeeze your hand with her grubby little fingers, putting Barbie Band-Aids on her cuts and checking her head for bumps. You looked so…pretty. You had this look on your face; he’d seen it before when you were reading in class, the world tuned out except for the words on the page. Your eyes crinkled in the corners and lit up bright, your lips curled into a smile that creased your cheeks and scrunched your nose. You pulled a lollipop from the kit, and he knew that you had added those yourself, his didn’t have those. You sent the kid on her way, standing up again and brushing the gravel off your knees.
“You get that kid?” you asked, clicking the kit closed.
Billy swallowed “Nah, he wasn’t worth it.” he said smoothly, trying not to cringe. Since when does he give mercy to kids?
You rolled your eyes “The one time I want you to raise hell, you let a kid slide? You’re losing your touch, Hargrove…” you smirked, walking back to your chair. No faster than you turned away, Billy rushed off to kick that kid’s ass.
He never did what anyone told him. He didn’t know why this time it mattered.
The last hour and a half of your shift surprisingly flew by. And when it was time for Billy’s break, you didn’t even mind staying behind to watch the pool. You pulled the lines across the pool by yourself, preparing for the switch to the adult swim. Mike Wheeler and his grubby friends burst in while you were working.
“The pool area is closed right now. Please wait in the change rooms.” You said, not bothering to look over at the group.
“Is my mom still here?” Mike asked with an annoyed sigh.
“She left about an hour ago.” You replied.
“She said she was gonna drive us home!”
“Is Billy here?” a redheaded girl stepped directly into your view. You recognized her vaguely as Billy’s stepsister, you thought her name was Max but you weren’t sure.
“Yeah, he’s still on the clock for another two hours.”
“Fine, we’ll wait.” She snapped.
You finally looked up at the group, all milling around in their street clothes. You sighed “Okay, you can’t be on the deck in your street shoes. And you can’t be here during adult swim. You’re not adults.” You explained boredly. You turned back towards the office, catching sight of Billy spinning around in the desk chair, banging his head to whatever he was playing through his headphones.
“Follow me.” You said, heading towards the office. You didn’t bother to knock on the door, throwing it open without caution or fear. Not that Billy noticed, he was flailing along to what sounded like, through the muffled sound of his headphones, We Are Not Alone from the Breakfast Club movie. It certainly wasn’t the heavy metal that he associated himself with.
“Hargrove.” You got no response; he did another spin and a dramatic kick. You held back a laugh. He looked so silly. Dare you say…cute? That was something you didn’t think you’d ever say.
“Hargrove!” you cried. He pulled off his headphones quickly, practically jumping out of the chair. You swore there was a light blush on his face, although he could plausibly say it was a sunburn.
“What?!?” He snapped.
“You’re um…you’re stepsister is here…she’s looking for a ride home. What do you want me to tell her?” you asked awkwardly, your hand subconsciously coming to your left arm, rubbing your upper arm awkwardly.
Billy’s scowl dropped away, his face draining of colour “Oh shit um…shit it’s like seven, right?” you nodded awkwardly “Fuck…I gotta get her home…shit. Um, I might be late coming back can you just watch for like ten minutes, I’ll be back I just I gotta-”
You cut him off “I can handle the close for tonight, if you wanna just stay there.” You offered against your better judgement. Usually, you’d never offer to take a close. Closing a pool sucks ass. But…he just looked so utterly freaked out. He looked scared.
“You sure? I can come back, gimme like twenty minutes I can-”
“Nah, I can do two more hours. It’s adult swim, nothing happens anyway.” You replied with a shrug. Billy nodded, rushing out of the room and grabbing the nosy redhead, pushing her out.
He didn’t even say thank you.
Fucking dick.
You rolled your eyes. It wouldn’t be that bad. You finished putting out the lines and took your seat at the furthest end of the pool. As always, the usual old people came in and did their laps. The two hours went by incredibly slow and you wished you’d just offered to drive the brats home. But the hours were great and, luckily, the crowd finished their swim thirty minutes before the pool closed and nobody else came in. You closed off the pool and locked the gates, taking your sweet time to milk the extra minutes out of your shift. You left the pool with damp, clean hair and dried out skin.
You came home to an empty house, your mother promising to be home by ten. There were leftovers in the fridge. You were ready to settle in to a night at home. You slicked your skin in lotion and changed into dry, warm clothes. You piled up your dirty clothes and started a load of swimsuits. You wanted to watch a movie, but you hadn’t gone to the video store before work so all you had were your parent’s crappy recordings of movies from their era, which you had no interest in.
You had an empty house and nothing to do. Then it hit you.
You had a joint in your vent. You cousin Casey finally came in clutch. But you couldn’t smoke it in the house. The smell lingered too long, you’d get caught. You grabbed your keys, your purse, and the joint, scribbling at the bottom of your mother’s note that you’d be back by curfew.
You could hide out anywhere. You always chose the same spot though, out by the quarry where death haunted the weak of heart. The rumour was that the dead body found out there two years prior was actually Will Byers and he’d been replaced by a doppelganger. Either way, the area is supposed to be haunted by the dead little boy found there. You weren’t scared of ghosts which meant that you were always the only person out there. It became your little spot.
The drive there was short and sweet, you’d barely made it through the first song on your driving playlist. You parked close to the water’s edge, turning up your stereo and taking a seat on the hood of your car. You always chose the furthest edge of the quarry, where no one would bother you.
A car pulled up too close to you. You could’ve screamed.
And then you recognized the driver.
“Kill me now…”
Billy stumbled out of the car. His knuckles were bleeding. He had a cut under his eye. He looked…fucking pissed.
“Am-scra, freak.” He snapped, not looking over to see who actually was there.
“You scram, asshole, I was here first.” You snapped back, digging through your purse for a lighter, joint held firmly between your teeth.
Billy didn’t move. He took his seat on the hood of his own car, wrapping gauze tightly around his knuckles, knotting it roughly behind his fingers.
You sighed. You didn’t have a lighter. Hargrove did. You scowled turning to him as he struggled with the wrapping around a Band-Aid, losing it into the quarry.
You pulled one from your bag, holding it out to him “I’ll trade you for a light.” He turned to you with a scowl, looking over the scene. He nodded gruffly, pulling his steel lighter from his back pocket and flicking it open. You leaned over, letting the flame burn the end and start off the joint. You passed him the Band-Aid, which he immediately lost into the dirt.
You pulled another from your bag, letting out a puff from the joint before reaching into your bag. You pulled out your last Band-Aid, jumping off the hood.
“This is my last one. Let me do it.” you replied, pulling open the paper and stepping closer. Billy leaned away defiantly. You sighed, pulling the joint from your lips. “Relax, smoke this, I’m not gonna frisk you or anything.” You said, handing him the joint. He took it without another word, not complaining about free drugs.
You carefully pealed back the Band-Aid, sticking it to the delicate skin of his under eye, covering the cut. You smiled at your work, pulling your hands away from his face quickly. You took the joint back, returning to your seat.
Billy stared at you for a beat too long and you noticed. You caught his eye, raising an eyebrow at him. “What’s your problem?” you asked.
“None of your damn business.” He snapped back angrily, defensively.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes “Geez, chill out man. You were the one staring at me…”
Billy turned away dramatically, crossing his arms over his chest. You noticed for the first time that evening that he was still in his work clothes. You averted your gaze quickly, not wanting to get caught.
Billy spoke first. He didn’t have to, but he did. “Why are you so fucking nice to everyone?” he asked, almost whispering.
“What’d you mean?” you asked, keeping your eyes trained on the smooth, still water pooled just a foot from your feet.
“You helped some kid with a scraped knee, you saved the dumb kid who fell in, you helped me twice, you helped Karen Wheeler-” he listed off bitterly.
“Okay, one: helping those kids is literally our job. And helping you…well, you needed the help and watching you try to open a Band-Aid with your messed up hand was kind of pathetic.” You replied with a laugh. Billy rolled his eyes, turning away from you slightly.
“And…I didn’t exactly help Mrs. Wheeler. I needed her to go away so I could yell at you. She could report me and get me fired if she saw me being pissy with her favourite lifeguard.” You added, looking away.
“Karen wouldn’t do that.” He replied, looking over to you again “You gonna bogart that?” he asked, reaching out for the joint.
“Didn’t think I was sharing.” You passed it to him nonetheless.
“You can’t finish it on your own. I’m helping you.” He took a long drag, coughing on the end as the smoke filled his lungs. “This is shit.”
“It’s better than what Tommy buys.” You replied with a shrug.
“Tommy has shit taste.” He passed it back to you.
You took a long drag, finding courage in the cloudy feeling in your brain to ask a question burning in the back of your mind.
“So what the fuck is up with you and Mrs. Wheeler? Are you actually screwing her or is she just making a scene everyday for no reason?”
Billy chuckled “I’m not telling you.”
You made a face “That’s so fucking gross…she’s your stepsister’s friend’s mom, man. She’s got like three kids.”
Billy’s cocky look slipped away “I know, Y/N.”
“And you still want to screw her? Dude, that’s nasty.”
“I never said I wanted to screw her.”
You gasped loudly “Billy, do I need to call the cops?”
“No! Jesus, Y/N…” he groaned, slapping the hood of his car with a frustrated look “Look, I’m not fucking screwing her.”
“You tell anyone that and I’ll fucking kill you.” He warned, leaning over to get in your face. You hadn’t realized how close you two were until that moment. You’d both subconsciously moved as close as you could to one another, each of your spare legs hanging off the side, close enough to kick each other but far enough to not have to awkwardly touch.
“Got it, dude. Not like anyone would believe me. You’ve proved yourself to be believed on that front.” You muttered, silently puffing away.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked. He sounded sadder than you expected him to ever sound.
“I mean…everyone in school knows that you’re this…this macho man, de-virginator or some shit,” Billy burst out laughing and you blushed crimson, turning away. “I’m serious! Everyone knows that you get whoever you want.”
“I’ve never gotten you.” He said with a shrug.
“Yeah well I’m a ‘shrill bitch’, remember? Not exactly worth much bragging rights wise.” You countered. Billy didn’t reply, he looked out at the quarry silently.
“Nobody said that.”
“Nobody had to, Hargrove, I hear what you and your friends say. You don’t have to pretend that I’m some prize.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’ve literally heard you and Tommy laugh about annoying I am, how I’m shrill and shit. Don’t play stupid.”
Billy didn’t reply immediately, pulling his knees up to his chest.
“I don’t think you’re shrill. You’re a bitch sometimes, but you’re not shrill.” He said quietly.
“I mean…you’re cool. You’re good at your job and you’re nice to everyone and you’re hot and you’re smart and shit. You’re chill. Fuck Heather and her friends if they say shit.” He said to the quarry instead of you.
You smiled softly “Thanks, Hargrove…you’re not too terrible either.”
Billy chuckled “Thanks…”
You were both silent for a moment, staring out at the lake. Billy spoke first. “If I don’t tell anyone about it, can I kiss you?”
You furrowed your brow “Why would you want to?” you asked incredulously.
“Why wouldn’t I?” he shot back. You didn’t have an answer to that question. You dropped off the hood of your car, walking up in between his knees, wrapping your hands around his neck.
“You tell anyone about this and I’ll tell everyone about you and Wheeler.” You said, unable to hide the little twinge of nerves in your voice.
He smiled cockily “Deal.” He pulled you down to him by your neck, pressing his mouth to your demandingly, pressing himself up against you and wrapping a free hand around your lower back, fingertips inching towards your ass. Every inch of him was made of fire and it was catching every one of your nerves, igniting them. Your fingers dug into his curls and your nails scraped his scalp. You let out a whimper as his teeth dug into your lower lip and you tugged on his curls.
You broke the kiss first, pressing your palms into his chest and taking a deep, slow breath. He smirked up at you and you found yourself smiling back.
“Friends?” he asked cockily, pressing the joint into your half open mouth.
“Sure…” you breathed out, taking a long drag off the joint.
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good-doctor-imagine · 4 years
Scar » five
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four // six
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Reader
Summary: Some shenanigans at the Loser’s sleepover leads to the discovery of your soulmate.
Word Count: 2400+
Warning(s): swearing, a sexual comment, not proofread
It was the weekend before school officially started, before you and Richie had to stop playing at the arcade continuously, before the losers had to stop everything in their lives to do homework or study. Taking this as their last opportunity to do something fun together, the losers decided to have a sleepover. You weren’t technically invited at first, which really didn’t bother you, but Beverly convinced the rest of the losers to let you go as well. The guys didn’t really mind, you were quickly becoming part of the group anyway. Plus, all of the other losers were convinced that there was something going on between you and Richie and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to expose you two.
Beverly’s plan was different. She knew that you had a scar on your hand but she swore that she wouldn’t look for your soulmate. Beverly would never break your promise, but a selfish part of her wanted to understand her own soulmate’s scar. When she noticed a couple of months ago that her own scar blended in with her soulmate’s, her heart stopped. She knew it was one of the losers because she obtained both of them on the same day. Beverly hoped that she could eliminate some possibilities through you finding out who your soulmate was. However, she wasn’t going to go against her word and deliberately seek out the scar that matched yours, she was hoping that it would come more naturally.
You, of course, were clueless about this. You were excited to spend the night with the losers but also a bit nervous given that you were only one of the two girls attending. You trusted the boys and knew that they would do anything to cross the line but you never spent more than an afternoon with all of them before. Just from those afternoons, you knew their dynamic was a bit… rambunctious. It could get very wild very quickly and you wondered if you’d ever get sleep that night. There were two people in the group that would intervene if it ever became too uncontrollable. Mike was the person who put most of the losers in place and sometimes Stanley would help too. However, two people trying to calm down five other people was not too promising in your eyes. Before you left your house, you waved your sleep goodnight and headed to Bill’s house, ready for an all-nighter with permanent markers and warm water.
When you arrived, everyone was there except for Eddie who strolled in shortly after you with red cheeks and a sweaty forehead. “Sorry guys, I had to do the dishes before I left.”
“Aww, mommy made you do the dishes?” Richie sang with a proud smirk on his face.
“Shut up Richie, at least I know how to do the dishes. You’d probably break ten plates before you would successfully clean one.”
Richie was going to bite back at Eddie but was interrupted by Bill who sat in the living room in front of his TV. “S-So,” He started, hands pulling out some VHS tapes from his TV stand, “W-What movie do w-w-we want t-t-to watch f-first?”
Beverly made her way over to Bill and crouched next to him, eyes drifting over the tapes that he pulled out.
“Really? I came here to have some fun, not watch some lame ass movies all night.” Richie whined.
Bill didn’t respond to Richie, instead, he seemed too focused on the girl next to him. His eyes were not moving from her, only moving slightly as Beverly comfortably sat on the floor.
“Okay,” Mike spoke up, “So what should we do instead?”
“Hide and seek?” Ben suggested, his eyes shifting between Bill and Beverly.
“No offense Ben but that game is for sissies,” Beverly smiled, “How about truth or dare?”
“Hell no!” Eddie hollered, “Richie would make me do something like lick the toilet seat or something. There is no way in hell we’re playing that game.”
“You could pick truth,” You responded, although no one seemed to hear you.
“Maybe we could play seven minutes in heaven?” Richie beamed, eyebrows wiggling as he looked at Bill almost like he knew something.
“Beep beep Richie,” Stanley interjected, closing his eyes as he let out a sigh of defeat.
“C’mon Stan, you’re just mad because you can’t get any-”
“OKAY!” Mike once again spoke up, being the mediator of the group. “How about we start with something easy, like a board game or something?”
“Board games?” Richie was quick to jump in, “What are we- eight?”
“You just say that because you know you can’t win a game,” You teased, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You’re going to regret that sugar,” Richie threatened before turning towards Bill, “Do you have Monopoly?”
“U-Uh, I th-think so,” Bill responded, head snapping from Beverly to Richie. In an almost robotic fashion, Bill stood up from his position next to Bev and traveled to his basement door, hand hesitation before he turned the doorknob to walk in.
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It had been a few hours since you started the game, deciding to play with partners so everyone could participate. You were happy that you chose Mike as your partner. Not only did he calculate the decisions you made, but he would also calm you down whenever Richie would try to rile you up. He often made the smart decisions to use your money wisely rather than using it all at once like Richie tried to pressure you to. In the end, you and Mike were the ones that ended with the most money while Richie and Eddie found themselves in third, right behind Bill and Stanley.
“What the fuck?” Richie cursed when Eddie told him how much money he counted. “Are you bad at math or something? Let me see.” Even though Richie recounted the money that was on their side, they still ended up losing.
“Told you you’d be a sore loser,” You sent Richie a teasing smile while patting Mike on the shoulder.
Although Richie was normally quite playful, his response to you was fueled by his competitive nature and underlying humility. “It’s okay because you were riding Mike’s di-”
“I-I-I’m going t-to m-ma-make some popcorn,” Bill spoke before Richie could finish his comment, his face pink as he left the room.
“I’ll come help!” Beverly called after, rushing to go to the kitchen, not noticing Ben’s face fall when she left his side. Of course, Ben tried to cover it up before anyone noticed but you caught him.
“Are you okay, Ben?” Your voice was quiet so you wouldn’t attract the other’s attention.
Richie scoffed at you as he pushed his glasses further up his nose. Eddie rolled his eyes at his best friend, knowing that Richie was staring at you the entire time.
“Oh so now you care about people?” Richie complained, tilting his head roughly to the side making his glasses droop again.
“I only care for people who aren’t assholes like you,” You shot back, your mind completely shifting away from Ben. Ben felt a bit out of place, not sure whether to answer your question anymore.
“Bitch,” Richie shot back, successfully angering you.
“You want to fight?” You shot up, jokingly taking steps to Richie.
Mike put his arm in front of you to make distance between the two of you, once again calming down the situation. “How about we set up for a movie before the popcorn gets cold,” He stated, not even leaving room for comments.
You walked to Bill’s couch, trying not to pay attention to Richie as you walked around him. Plopping onto the furthest side of the couch, you let yourself sink in as you got comfortable. Richie whined again, stomping over to stand in front of you with the corners of his lips pulled down.
“That’s my spot.” Richie stood so close in front of you that you had to pull up your feet so that you wouldn’t touch him. Eddie shook his head and rolled his eyes before sitting next to you, crossing his legs in front of him.
“Really?” You feigned sympathy, leaning forward to look behind you. When you turned around, there was a proud look on your face. “I don’t see your name on it.”
“You can sit on the floor with me,” Ben offered, taking a seat on the carpet.
Instead of fighting, Richie grumbled and took a seat in front of Eddie, making it a point to glare at you.
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Sometime in the middle of the movie, you began to notice Richie and Eddie conversing quietly next to you. Eddie was crouched over while Richie leaned up, whispering into his ear causing Eddie to start giggling. To mute himself, Eddie covered his mouth with his palm. When you made eye contact with Eddie your face was contorted in confusion, eyes squinted at him as if you were trying to decipher what they were talking about.
Richie, being the loudmouth asshole he is, sent you a glare and spoke despite the movie that was playing. “What are you looking at, sugar?”
“I could ask you the same question,” You quickly quipped, sending Richie your own nasty look.
“Will you just shut up?” Stanley’s voice boomed from the other side of the room. The glow from the TV allowed you to see part of his face when he rolled his eyes and begrudgingly looked back at the screen.
Although you wanted to say it wasn’t your fault, you just crossed your arms and leaned back into the couch, eyes avoiding Richie and Eddie at all costs. To your surprise, Richie didn’t respond either and turned his attention back to the movie.
Eddie and Richie didn’t try to talk to each other for the rest of the movie. Only after Bill turned the lights on and everyone else started talking about the plot of the movie did they continue their secret conversation. With Eddie and Richie being between you and the rest of the losers, you were bound to get annoyed and a bit suspicious of their whispering and giggling. You didn’t hold back from the hard looks you made sure to shoot at them as you tried to pay attention to everyone else but them.
All of that was thrown out of the window when Eddie just about pounced on you, making you paralyzed from the waist. As you tried to maneuver his body off of you, Richie lunges for your feet, fingers dancing across the bottoms causing you to jump and start to kick.
“W-What are you doing?” You rushed out, the rest of your air lost from your laughter. Richie was giggling as well, telling Eddie to keep his hold despite your protests. He was determined in getting payback for telling him off and what was a better way than making you laugh until you cry?
As you were flailing your limbs around, the heel of your right foot caught the ground and dragged against the floor, pulling your sock from your foot. Noticing this, Richie reaches out for it, knowing that it would be more sensitive than the other with no barrier in between. When he got close, however, he froze. Your movements didn’t stop, your foot swinging up and hitting him in the face, kicking him backward.
Feeling your foot connect with something, you instantly cursed and put all your force into pushing Eddie off of you and onto the cushion beside you.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry,” You apologized, clambering to the floor in front of Richie. His eyes were wide and unfocused and his face was pale.
Your hand reached towards his face, where there was a growing red mark from your foot colliding with it. Before you could touch it, Richie flinched away, shaking his head. You were surprised, Richie was never one to move away from you.
“Are you okay?” You asked with a more serious tone, afraid that the force of your hit was a bit more powerful than you realized.
Richie was in shock, his mind trying to replay what he just saw. He remembered the time back at the quarry when he swore he saw a line at the bottom of your foot but he convinced himself that it was just him imagining things. Now that he saw it again, he was having trouble denying it. There was no way that his brain could be tricking him again.
“What is that thing on the bottom of your foot?” Richie asked when he found enough courage.
“The bottom of my foot?” You shook your head, beginning to believe that you did hit his head too hard. You glanced at the sole of your foot before focusing your attention back on your injured friend. “Are you talking about my scar?”
Richie didn’t respond, his breath leaving him once again. Now he could confirm that it wasn’t just his mind playing tricks on him.
“W-Wait what?” Eddie peered at you. His face was a bit red from the roughhousing just a minute prior. He knew about Richie’s soulmate mark, as well as Stanley and Bill. They were the only people to know other than Richie’s parents.
“Uhh, I-I think we s-sh-should leave th-them alone,” Bill spoke up, leading most of the losers to the kitchen. Eddie didn’t listen to him so Bill just grabbed his arm and pulled him along.
Your mind was completely perplexed at the situation that was unfolding. You had no clue why Bill wanted you and Richie to be left alone, or why Richie was so quiet.
After a few more moments of silence, you decided to question Richie again. “Richie, what’s going on?”
The curly-haired brunette swallowed, his mouth feeling dry. “How did you get that scar on your foot?”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes and throw a tantrum. You just wanted to know what was going on, not talk about the scar you’ve had since you were little.
Begrudgingly, you decided to tell him anyway. “I was pretty energetic when I was two and didn’t listen to my parents when I stepped on some glass.” You were expecting for Richie to follow up after, but he just nodded his head, eyes wandering off and glazing over as if he was lost in his head. You started to get annoyed, starting to feel dumb from not understanding what was happening. “Richie, what the hell is going on?”
He, of course, did not answer your question. Instead, he avoided it by asking a question of his own. “Do you have any other scars?”
“Yeah, Richie,” You scoffed, letting yourself roll your eyes, “I have one on the palm of my hand. Now tell me what the fuck is happening.”
Once again, Richie failed to answer your question. His hands took a hold of your left, forcefully turning it around so your palm was facing the ceiling, revealing the scar that formed a few weeks earlier.
“Holy shit,” Richie swore under his breath, eyes not leaving your palm.
“What, Richie?” You snapped. Just as you were retracting your hand, Richie took his left hand and flipped it over, uncovering a scar that was identical to yours.
“Holy shit.”
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bekahdoesnerdshit · 4 years
Amnesia Campaign Notes!
HEY folks what’s up it’s me, back at it again, thinking I’m so funny and good at notetaking. Anyway, in honor of this campaign wrapping up, here’s the highlights from my campaign notes!! Split up by session, and with as little context as possible. Enjoy!
First session: “It’s so fucking hot” and “We’re beat to hell” GREAT start folks
“Holy shit I have a lot of gold and platinum”
Altar made of light wood, top stained w/ blood (oh, good)
OUCH my magic hurts (36 fucking ouchies)
Oh Zize’s gun talks
“(But I had to shit)” I GUESS i ran to the bathroom mid game???
A list of characteristics we noticed about Iris, including “sleepy”, followed by “our friend!”
Soul Coins????
That’s fucked
Oh god big fight w/ Iris
She sweared @ us :(
Amaunator Amulet
Fuck that guy
Our house is SO cute y’all
Family photo :)
sdfjsdjfhdjf and then Ecstasy shows up and my handwriting quickly goes to shit
Oh god it’s happening
“hey angel” holy SHIT
oh god
oh my god
Next Session Title is “Session: I Get Laid”
“Oh shit she’s tall”
“Rainivere is me” kjsfsdkf uh YEAH bitch i’d hope we knew that at this point
Gift????? A bunch of diamonds???? 5000GP??????
Oh She Punched Zize
Oh cool E sold brain bits
Session Title: Okay I Didn’t Get Laid Last Session But! Second Time’s the Charm
Demon head (something something pussy blah blah blah)
(Ecstasy always gives demon head?)
jhfsjkdfhsdf “This isn’t related to anything but Ecstasy is still so fucking hot, just thought I’d make note of it”
Oh god we’re gonna talk about our feelings
Session Title: No Coochie :(
(Off screen coochie?)
Oh some birds!!!
......oh Big birds uh oh
COOL so we fucking die trying to teleport and then we end up in his bedroom. Great.
Zize put me on blast in front of EVERYONE thanks Zize!!!!
fsjdfs “Lent hits up her totally nice legit god”
About meeting Craving: “Slutty dress. Good for her!!!!”
“Hey!” Raini says, “maybe this is a bad idea?”
“Nah!” Everyone else replies, jumping in”
“You think some dumbshit river is gonna undo my Wish? Get FUCKED!”
Fight the? Hook? Stilt? Boys???
Then. Magic Mansion time! sexy sexy sexy
Give Cylthia and Yocheved memories back because I’m the best
Oh the town is made of skin and goop
cool cool cool very cool
Mystra! Bitch! What’s up! get her ass
Session Title: Raini Threatens to Nuke Hell. Oh No.
Aka! Somebody gave the wizard a Gun......
Followed by the first line of session notes: “Zize gives the wizard a gun”
We made a fucking black hole
And I almost died! 
Session Title: Session: I get Laid-- Two!!
Sorc: Arvest (Dragonborn, stinky)
Restated again later on, for emphasis: “Sorc stinky”
My notes on Drow Town are as follows:
We’re immoral nasty boys => whore
Selfishness and paranoia > being cool and nice
Get paid or you’re a heretic
No context: “We fixed Lent! Thank god”
“This fucking sorc is undermining me I hate her so much bitch”
skjhfshkdfjshdf “Zier doesn’t know shit I hate him”
Also there’s cave shadows that took my strength
I hate them too
I apologized to my friends and they’re proud of me! ......disgusting
Session Title: Uh....We Might be Fucked
Session Title: We Fight a Kraken
First line of notes: Well, we do! It goes great
He has some friends. It’s fine. 
Cylthia almost dies? It’s also fine
Alright Octavia, you old purple weirdo. Square up
Session Title: Other Shit Happened But. Zaani.
Most important notes from last session:
All the fish babies are missing!!!!!
Cylthia and Iris are engaged!!!!!
Red can say fuck!!!!!
“Eidyia ’Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!’ OH I love him he’s the worst”
“Lent HATES him it’s so funny”
“Holy fucking altitude sickness batman” hello???
Bonk my head :(
jskhgkdjfg called Timeless a “store brand gilmore who runs a 7/11″ which seems a little mean
All Caps: L O R P U S
“Esk (Fuck you)”
“Shape the fuck up. Fuck you”
“Give us soldiers. Fuck you again”
“NO lich stuff”
“Lent attacked me ahhhh >:(”
“OH I feel in a hole >:(”
“Nasty nasty glowing eel and friends”
“No magic bubble gets zize but like........okay.”
“Shoot shoot, bang bang, gun, etc. Blam”
Session Title: “Raini Chokes Out A Whale”
“The Goop Factory is WACK” which is just a very fun sentence to say out loud
“Sit there and die. Love, Raini”
Session Title: “Anti-Wizard Propaganda”
jkhgdkfjgdf “one guy peed on the floor that was pretty funny”
Follow up session title: “Wizard Rights......Restored”
“Uhhh nothing else important happened”
“Morgan killed my bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Tentacles and core, 120′ square room, abeast coochie in center. Avoid, please!”
“Raini becomes a support caster! ahaha”
Haste for the gunslinger! Haste for the paladin!!!!”
“Motherfucker killed my bird! Bastard”
“How about: bird two! Fire edition! FUCK you”
“Oh, what time is it? That’s right! Wish time”
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deaddovecoterie · 4 years
wanna answer all of em?
😡 - what are you mad about right now?
i’m mad about corona. i know it’s stupid because no one can do anything about it, but it’s just so frustrating to know that there are people dying from it. of course people die all the time, but like we could’ve all prevented it to some degree by actually staying at home in quarantine. and now everyone is going out and the numbers are spiking again, and i’m supposed to go back to school, which puts my whole family at risk. and like it also feels selfish to want things to go back to normal when, like i said, people are dying. but yeah
🤬 - what’s your favourite swear word?
i’m not really supposed to swear at home lmao, but like we always say shit and all the minor stuff around my house. i think u should swear smartly if that makes sense? like if you’re mad or if u have a reason, but i thoroughly enjoy the word fuck to be honest lol
👘 - do you enjoy dressing up?
when i have the energy to or when the situation presents itself, i do. i feel like if i actually liked my wardrobe i would do it more often, but like i honestly rotate through like 1 pair of jeans and like 3 shirts. if we’re talking about dresses and things like that, i sometimes do. just to remind myself that i’m a badass bitch😌 but overall id say sort of?
🦊 - do you consider yourself clever?
in full honesty? i do actually. i’m pretty witty and tend to get myself out of things or think up ways to solve stuff, so i would say so..? i suppose when i want to be i can
🦁 - do you consider yourself brave?
for the most part, yeah! i think that being brave isn’t that you don’t have any fears, but rather that you have many, but you choose to be brave despite that fear. i’d say i do have a lot of fears too, but i typically don’t let them stop me from doing things. i face things head on instead of hiding from it. so yeah. i think i am (i am a gryffindor after all)
🦑 - are you adventurous when it comes to food?
indeed i am. i’ll eat just about anything and everything; except squash. don’t fuckin talk to me about that nasty ass vegetable. yuck
🦐 - do you enjoy seafood?
i would eat solely just seafood for the rest of my life if i could, seafood is amazing
🦀 - what’s your favourite animal?
dogs, tigers anddd dolphins probably
🍁 - which is your favourite season?
☄️ - are you a plantboi or a spaceboi?
definitely a spaceboi
💥 - what’s your favourite holiday?
christmas ofc
🔥 - whats your sign?
taurus baybeeee
🍊 - can you cook?
indeed i can
🍑 - whats your favourite fruit?
nectarines, strawberries and watermelon IF it’s crispy and super cold lol
🏀 - do you play a sport/sports?
i used to, but ever since high school i haven’t had much time for a lot of anything else, although i did start and finish my lifeguard training. but before that i did baseball, gymnastics, soccer, basketball, track and field, flag football, volleyball, and cross country
⛺️ - do you enjoy the outdoors or indoors more?
totally depends on where i am and what season it is. if i’m somewhere tropical or warm, definitely outside, but if i’m at home in the winter than 100% inside
🏺- what’s your prized possession?
i don’t really have one to be honest...? i guess all of my pictures from over the years. or my graduation award; it was a virtue award (everyone in our class got one that was based off of one of their prominent personality traits ((based off of all of our teachers and classmates voted))) and i got the virtue award of loyalty, so that’s pretty cool. but other than that i don’t really have anything that i would consider “prized” ??
📙 - whats your favourite book?
i love both the HP and PJO series, but i also really love the fault in our stars and paper towns. and the lorien legacies series. there’s way too many tbh
🧡 - whats your sexuality?
confused lmao. bicurious...? straight...? i’m not sure
🆚 - who is someone you hate/dislike?
i don’t really hate anyone... kidding lol donald trump and myself honestly
🇧🇹 - what country would you visit if you could go anywhere?
grenada, greece, italy, the UK, ireland, etc
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glambitions-a · 4 years
hunger burns through you, and yet you stay.
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alternate universe fanfiction | descendants (one) | canon compliant | part one of ? | rating : mature | warnings : swearing, child abuse, mentions of rape, violence | word count : 1550 | masterlist
prompt: what if doug had told on the core four after they spelled ben? (featuring the imprisonment of a prissy pink princess) i made this post a while back about this fic.
tags (open): @cherry-bxtch​, @cosmosstarstudio​​
    a gloomy day on the isle is everyday, but today there is something in the polluted air that hasn’t been here in two months, opportunity.  it was only here once before, when the letters came.  but the four of them were alerted far too late, they were whisked away as soon as the villains came to a decision. (which apparently took a week)  and of course, even with the immense pressure the four children were placed under, they failed.  they fucking failed.
    but today, there is rumor of a tower in the thick, dark woods and apparently, an auradonian is enclosed inside.  mal doesn’t believe that, it’s obviously a lie, nobody from auradon would ever come here.  and there’s no way out to take somebody away.  it’s bullshit is what it is, but no matter how many times she had told her mother, she insisted that the four of them (once again) put themselves in danger to satisfy her.
     and the truth is, mal hasn’t talked to any of them since they were thrown back into the barrier.  and she assumed that each of them will be covered in bruises by the time she sees them again.  (well, evie less so but she’ll have no meat on her bones and frail as can be.)  mal hasn’t spoken to anyone since the coronation, the most she does is growl if someone gets too close.  she doesn’t even have the energy to go outside for a long periods of time, let alone fight with uma about turf.
    so, mal sends her mother’s henchmen (her own had been snatched by uma, and she can even find them laughing at her if she sees them.  nobody is scared of her anymore, and she doesn’t even care.) to get the three of them, and she half-expects them to refuse.  she can’t threaten them anymore and she certainly wasn’t their friend anymore.  when the four of them had gotten back, mal had told them that all of this was their fault.  (she definitely didn’t miss them or anything, that would be pathetic.)
     on the contrary, she hears the henchmen talking about that the three of them were practically shaking. (and together but that hurts a little too much so she ignores it.)  they were telling her mother that the ‘jafar boy’ had tried to threaten them but it had fell flat.
     she had laughed it off and pretended like that was so funny, but really her stomach twisted.  if jay couldn’t even threaten anyone, had mal really gotten the worst of it.  yeah sure, her mother degrading her self worth felt sort of bad, but was it worse than what jay got?  the three of them hadn’t been friends forever, carlos was always a target and evie became one too.  and jay and mal sorta’ had this ‘mutual bully’ thing going between them.  they never really talked about their parents, but mal saw the bruises and the lack of food.  and she heard evie’s ramblings about the other’s parents, just not her own.  
   today, her mother instructed her to go to the hideout to get them and then go see the tower.  mal hadn’t found a way out of this yet, it seemed maleficent had new allies, so eyes were everywhere. 
    mal hates the feeling of dread pooling in her stomach, she felt like it has to be a trap.  when she arrived, evie was twisting her hands together nervously and carlos was shaking next to jay as said boy tended to the cigarette burns on the younger’s wrist.  their eyes snapped to her and evie made a move to get up but she stayed still, as if she just remembered they couldn’t hug anymore.
    “are you guys ready?” her voice is clipped and neutral.  she’s met with silence and curt nods, and everybody's looking at her with wide eyes. “good, the woods are pretty far from here but i think once we get through those we’ll be fine.” 
   “fuck you, mal.” jay was giving her a dirty look and carlos was tugging at his sleeve to get him to stop talking.  but jay just wrapped an arm around the boy’s waist to pull him closer from where he had tried to run away to, “fuck you for coming back after two months and deciding that we have to go back to being your stupid fucking mind slaves.”
     mal hears the tiniest ’jay please stop’ from carlos but he stands up but pushes him away making the younger squeak. “you don’t get to do this shit.”
    “actually jay i can do whatever the fuck i want.”  her tone is pure venom, and the faint warmth in evie’s eyes fades as her brow furrows.  she looks at evie, pale as can be with bony hands.  she wants so desperately to hold them in her hands with the tenderness of a princess, but she thinks she’d snap them in half.
    “no you fucking can’t, uma is sending her wharf rats for our asses and nobody takes us seriously anymore.  unless we can score whoever or whatever is in that fucking tower, we’re so dead.”
    mal growled and stepped forward, and of fucking course jay stood up to meet her, sizing her up. evie stood up at this and fisted her hands at her sides, “that’s enough!” mal and jay turned to look at her and she took a deep breath, “okay, jay’s right.  if we’re ever gonna get any of our power back, we need to go to the tower.  so can we please go?”
    jay gave her a look that said, ‘i’m not backing off until you are.’  and mal shot one right back.  evie must’ve taken notice because she stomps her foot and crosses her arms. “guys!”
    the taller boy puts his hands up in surrender and walks backward to get carlos up and off of the ratty couch. (he flinches against him, what had cruella done to him this time?)  evie makes a move to put a hand on mal’s shoulder, but instead she hesitates and brings it back down.  mal pretends not to notice the pang in her heart.
     it only took an hour for jay to whine about how hungry he was, and how conveniently they were nearing the smell of rotten fish and salty water.  “shut the fuck up jay, i’m not risking my life in uma’s turf just because you need a snack.”
      jay snarled, “i’m not the only one that needs something.” mal hears a tiny gasp from evie as she hisses something at him, “you know eve’s mom doesn’t feed her, and carlos hadn’t had time to do his chores, so both of them are starving.  to be fair, i’m not even hungry, but they are so i’m going to put up a fight for it.” he looks at her with a nasty gleam in his eyes, “because i’m not a selfish bitch like you.”
    mal huffed, she had tried not to notice the bones seemingly poking out of the skin on evie’s and carlos’ frail bodies. but she wouldn’t let them go hungry now that she knew for sure.  she groaned,”fine, but we have to steal rags off to keep hidden. we don’t have the resources to start a turf war right now.”  she turned on her heels, trying to act like she’s still in charge and she didn’t just act out of pure pity.
    the other three nodded (jay had a stupid little smirk on his face but she chooses to ignore that) and followed behind her, which results in her feeling the  warmth of familiarity.  sure enough, jay disappears and comes back with dark colored cloths big enough to cover their bodies.  
    the slop shop was too far away, and mal knew enough that carlos and evie needed food that could hold them together.   and despite how sick it made her feel, the only real option was ursula’s fish and chips.  mal doesn’t like the taste of fish, but on the isle you really can’t hate any foods.  she’ll deal with it as long as it keeps her alive.  and unlike her, carlos has thrown up eating stolen fish before. even smelling it could make him hurl.  but evie had been trying to teach him how to hold it in, even if it didn’t work.
     their faces were hardly visible, so to be fair they could’ve faked accents and snuck into the restaurant.  but instead they went around to the alley with the intention of stealing something from the crates that the staff kept at the back.
    nobody was there to witness (although mal was in a bad enough mood that she would’ve wanted to beat someone up) so that certainly made things easier.  jay was currently trying to break open the wooden boxes evie was leaned against the wall keeping watch, carlos was somewhere and mal, well, mal was fiddling with the switchblade she kept with her.
    carlos’ capture was completely unplanned.  it happened all too sudden with maniacal laughter and a squeak from the small boy that now had a hook held to his throat.  jay had nearly jumped on the older teen that had carlos, but he wasn’t without injuries, and therefore he faltered. 
    “oh jay, looks like you’ve lost your touch.”
ʚĭɞ | if you want to be on my taglist, all you have to do is like this post.  i had so much planned for this chapter but i wanted to keep it shorter because i kinda liked the way it ended. - rory
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blackrosesfanfic · 5 years
Chapter 209
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"Me and my mama taking the kids to Chicago."
I look at the phone. I was ignoring him on purpose. "Try me Devin."
He snickers. "JJ. Your mama said have fun in Chicago. What little boy?"
"What did he say?"
"It sound like he called me a damn fool. What did you say boy?"
JJ had a sad look on his face. "I not talking to you, Daddy."
"What did you say?"
"It's a swim pool." He says turning to the book he had in front of him. "It a big swim pool."
"Look at you bothering my baby. You are a damn fool."
Dee comes back to the phone. "You always fuck me good before you leave. Come back."
I suck my teeth. "Wasn't nothing special, stupid. You had the choice to come."
"I told you that you could go by yourself. Just my selfishness that wants you here now. I don't really miss you."
I roll my eyes. "Bye, baby daddy."
He gets mad about that. "Yea."
"I'm just playing. I love you."
"Aight." He hangs up.
I laugh. He being so serious with his stupid self. I continue laughing to myself. I had been standing outside of the building on the balcony looking at the city. I only been here for a few hours but I miss my kids and my annoying husband. He has been being a sweetheart with his mother in town. I don't think he wants her to stay.
"Bae, why are we out here?" Cammie snaps.
"I'm out here. Who told you to come out here?"
She looks back into the club then rolls her eyes. "Stay out here. This fool."
"Cammie." August Alsina says coming up with a drink. "I was trying to tell you about my song."
"What song?" I retort.
He leans closer to Cammie. "Remember you were always saying shit like August you too young. And all that shit about waiting. Well I just used it to write a song. But on some real shit, a nigga was hurt when he found out you had a fucking family."
"August really?" She snaps.
"For real. This the first time we really had the chance to talk. I respect your relationship. So look... I'm trying this smoothie shit trying to get my health right. Taste the nasty as stuff."
Cammie pushes it away. "I don't know where your mouth been."
"Not on you." He snickers. "No, look. I never drunk any."
"Well I don't want it." She snaps.
He leans a bit closer to her. I lean over the balcony rail looking at the street below. She starts laughing really hard. I glance back at them. What's so funny now that he whispering? He wipes his face then chuckle as he walks away.
"What was that whispering?"
"Girl stop. That motherfucker wouldn't have a chance in hell."
"Girl he would be perfect in hell. A real temptation."
She giggles. "Well right now he a fucking disappointment. I'm good and loyal to my jackass of a husband. Who probably fucking cheating on my ass right now. I swear I want to go to where he is and jack him up. Slap him around for the old and the new. Like I swear MiMi if this bitch suddenly decides he wants to out of the blue cheat on me... it's over. Bye bye Mr. Sexy. Imma swell that pretty face all up."
"Yeah okay."
"Seriously, I'm too good to him."
"Bae, you fucking are." I say hugging her. "You know my ass will get that dick regardless."
She hugs me lightly then push me away. "Yeah, Dee's dick. You trying to act like you be cheating as much as he does. Shut up."
"Why are you out here?" Amber yells. "Guess who I see?"
She shrugs. "No. Christopher."
Cammie sucks her teeth. "I heard that him and Trey did not fix shit."
"Girl they got in a damn fight for some dumb reason he has yet to tell me. He fucking came home and walked straight pass me. I'm sleep on the couch waiting for him to come home. Then fucking play it off like he was looking for me when he came home. Or maybe his dumbass just walked pass me. Either way they stupid as hell."
Cammie swats her hand in the air. "I'm like 48 hours away from saying fuck this marriage and fuck this glamour life. Like I'm not even the same person I was 3 years ago. I try to walk around here and act like I am. But bitch let somebody tell me that I have to wait for a table or fucking wear a fucking no name brand ass shirt."
"You so damn dumb." I laugh.
"What's going on with your marriage?"
"Are we here for Amber to suddenly become a friend or are we here to celebrate my birthday?" I spat making my eyes big.
Amber puts her hand in my face. "Bitch, bye. Your damn birthday was yesterday."
I grab her and start humping her. "Let me fuck some sense in you!"
"You are too damn much!" Amber laughs while failing to get me away from her.
"Imma go dance with that guy right there." Cammie says walking away.
I look at where she going. "What guy?"
But she was already gone. I walk into the club looking for her. Amber starts laughing then points through the crowd. Cammie was pulling Chris' neck down to her so he would lean over. He shakes his head then she let's him go.
"Bitch not dancing with my man tonight." Amber says walking away.
"You bitches crazy."
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"I'll go check to see if the car is outside." I say walking away from Trey.
He acting very shitty. I don't know where it came from but he is. He was acting like he didn't ask me to come be with him. CiCi could have sensed how fucking weird he was acting and took it upon herself to call me. Either way he didn't ask me to leave. So I'm just going to be here to make sure nothing happens.
"The car is outside. You have bags?"
"Naw." He says putting his hands in his pockets and walking off.
See that's the attitude I'm talking about. Down and depressed. He usually perks up a bit after being left alone for a while. I need to watch him closer. I don't see how he could have took something. He doesn't have any bags with him.
"I mean... Buggiz you don't have to come to the house."
"The hotel?"
He shrugs. "Yeah you don't have to come."
"I just want to see you get there. I won't stay."
"I'm not feeling people treating me like I can't do shit for myself right now. I can get to the hotel fine alone."
I shrug. "And feces can sustain life."
"Right." I say opening the car door for him.
He gets into the car. I step to the front seat and get in next to the driver. I take my job more serious than my friendship with him. Fuck being friends if you are putting your life in danger. We not discussing what is best for the friendship. He may not even fucking talk to me for a while after this. But he can't fucking stop me from riding to this damn hotel. Because no matter how much of a jackass he wants to be the true will always be that he can't safely roam any street he wants. Especially not Miami. Especially since he carrying cash.
"This is a bit secluded." I say looking around.
"Exactly why I didn't need you."
I get out and open his door. "I said a bit."
He walks away without another word. I follow behind him but stay far back. Sorta so he will forget about me and I can stay around a bit.
"Enjoy your stay." The man shouts just a little too loud after Trey abruptly walks away.
"Buggiz." Trey says then gets in the elevator.
I don't answer him. I just get into the elevator. He really not gonna let me come into his room. I can already tell. For one he didn't hand me a key which usually happens. Even if I'm staying in another room he would hand me one of his keys. But he puts them in his pocket along with his hands. Business it is, Trey Songz. I'm walking you to this damn room.
"I'm here." Trey says opening the door.
"Damn, I never been here. I can't at least check out the room?"
"You fucking with me." He says pushing the door open wide and walking in. He gets on his phone. "I texted you the address already. Where are you at? Yeah."
I walk out of the bathroom nodding. "Aight."
"Yeah." He says.
He up to no fucking good. You can kick me out your room all day. Dont fucking mean I have to go anywhere. I go downstairs in the lobby and stand around watching people come in and out. I mean it was very boring but I wanted to know who he was inviting over.
"Buggiz my nigga!"
"Forrest." I say reaching my hand out.
He looks around. "Why you out here?"
I shrug. "Bruh, acting shitty."
"Yeah, I know. I heard from Ma about that fight him and Chris had. Bruh, acting real messy. Like why you at a private villa when you got a house that fucking looks like this shit? I was fucking enjoying myself at his house."
"He call you here?"
Forrest gets irritated. "Hell yeah for some clothes. Like nigga. Go to your damn house. I don't know."
"I wish I would have gone with him when he went to talk to Chris. I'm sure that has something to do with the way he acting."
"Hell, maybe." Forrest says walking away.
"I'll be down here."
I snap my head up. Forrest was standing off from me looking pissed. I look at my watch. Damn was that even a minute? 5 minutes? Why he down here so fast? What the hell does he have going on? Trey? I stand up really fast going to him.
"Everything okay?" I snap.
"Yeah." He looks at me still zoned out. "I'm trying to figure out what he just said to me."
I shake my head. "Did he take something?"
Forrest shrugs. "Imma go park this car. I wasn't gonna stay but this man crazy right now."
"If he let's you stay around do that. I'd feel comfortable with leaving as he wants me to."
"Yeah, alright."
I nod. Imma go tell him that I'm leaving for real and see if he tells me what he taking. I stop in the hallway and put my hand out stopping the girl from walking by me. Oh fuck no. I'm not about to let no shit like this happen. I'm only making fucking assumptions at this point. You get rid of me because your ass trying to fucking cheat on your wife? Nope. Fuck you as a damn friend.
"Oh damn, Bae, Trey asked me to text you. I forgot." I say boldly. If she wasn't here for Trey I would simply make some shit up.
"Call me for what?" She says smiling.
Aye hell she playing my card. "He has to get on the plane ASAP."
She sucks her teeth looking down the hall. "He texted me like 2 minutes ago."
"Emergency. Family first."
"Fuck some fucking family first. I told him not to fuck with me." She says turning and walking away.
Hold the fuck up. I look back behind me. Trey changed his damn room? When? Got damn it. I ain't dealing with this bitch. I watch the girl as she waits for the elevator with an attitude. Forrest steps out when it stops. He looks the girl up and down.
"Shelia." He says.
"How about tell your fucking brother to kiss my ass." She says kissing Forrest.
He wipes his face as the elevator closes. "What kinda fucking shit?"
I chuckle. "Interception." I do the Heisman. "Done."
"Was that that Instagram girl?"
"Fucking saw her in Cali a few months ago being friendly. Figured I would give it a try. Trey moved rooms."
Forrest shrugs. "I don't know. Why he being stupid? Cammie gonna kill his ass. You know she fucking friends with Cammie's cousin?"
"That girl?"
"That girl." He snaps. "She was at the baby reveal."
I nod. "That's why she so bitter so fast."
"She probably gonna fucking tell some crazy shit regardless."
"Damn, I'm glad I walked up the stairs. Let's not let him ruin his marriage. Deal?"
Forrest shakes his head. "Dumbass gonna try real hard. Deal though."
"I ain't going to talk to him now. I'm going to Cali. Keep Cammie mind right."
"Aight. I got the easy job." He chuckles walking pass me.
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thelittlestcheshire · 5 years
+ Hey Brother!
Dear Logan,
Hopefully snail mail doesn’t lose any of these letters, but I figured you’d love to see something handwritten for once. I just really want to say thank you. Thank you for being the best brother - and father for that matter - I could have ever dreamed of. I don’t feel like I get to say it enough, but I appreciate everything you’ve done for us over the years. I miss you so much - don’t worry, school is fine, I’m just homesick. I’m sending Belle a massive box, okay? Keep working with her on chat, please? It’d mean the world to me if her first word was cat. If it wouldn’t be too much to ask, could you please mail me some photos? I want to put some up in my room but I don’t have time to go get them printed.
I’ll be honest, it’s a bit weird being here and not there - I’m glad to be back, don’t get me wrong, but I really miss seeing her every day. I think I got attached to her, you know like in the Ella and Effie way? It’ll fade soon, it always does. But I really appreciate you calling me with her and keeping me updated, it makes my day. I’d love to hear more updates on you, how is therapy going? You don’t have to get quiet on me again, I swear you’re not distracting from my work - it’s senior year, the world load is slow and boring - please save me from the torture called nothing to do, I’ll thank you at this point ok.
I love you, I’ll call you soon.
Fuck You.
Zero - Imagine Dragons
Bedroom Window - The Pretty Reckless
Bad Dream - Ruelle
I Bet My Life til the end of the line, right? Love you, Emmett. Please visit soon, this is easier in the car when you pass me the aux cord, dude.
To The Better Twin,
Yes, you are the better twin - please stop objecting to it because I RESPECTFULLY DISAGREE. Anyway, Luxor is cool - maybe you should humor transferring for those last few months of school. It’d look good on that transcript, just saying. Could you imagine BOTH Elswood twins and the dog scrapbook? Okay mostly I wanna know how you can pet so many dogs, I want to pet some while I’m here. Teach me, Obi-Juan (whoever the fuck you are), you’re my only hoe.
Anyway, I miss you. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. IT’S ALMOST GRADUATION. You need to tell me where you’re going soon, okay, we need to not do this different school thing again. I feel like I’m missing so much, and it’s my own damn fault. Tell Carrie I say hi, and tell France HE BETTER FUCKING DRIVE UP AND VISIT ME SOON. Soldier Boy has no excuse, just a foot up his ass if he keeps texting me he’ll visit soon and he doesn’t before his deployment. Ignore whatever Serissa is doing this week, she’s a bitch. (Don’t give me that look while reading this either, you KNOW I’m right. Friends since diapers and our dads getting along doesn’t make her likable.) Facetime and catch up soon, okay? Tell me how the spring musical is going too? Did you write any new music?
Also, we need to discuss Dragon Age II. I finally stabbed Anders, you’re right, it actually kinda hurts. I’m probably gonna start Dragon Age Inquisition soon, any advice before I dive in? I’ll wait till you get back to me, work on something else on your “games to play” list. Thanks for that, by the way. It’s going to take me like six months longer on the next game, maybe a year, given the whole situation here, but I’m TRYING. I should have mentioned this to Effie too, fuck.
Anyway, I gotta head to class now and you know me, I’ll fuck this letter up if I write it in two settings. FEW MORE MONTHS DUDE, WE CAN DO IT.
Dear Logan,
Logan, I need to talk to you and I don’t know how to say what I’m thinking. You’re going to be so disappointed in me, I know this already, but I just want you to tell me everything is going to be okay. Please, don’t judge me until you read till the end, and don’t be mad at me for not telling you what’s been going on. I just, I didn’t think you needed my problems on top of yours - and you still don’t, but I can’t do I need my dad. I really need my father/big brother combo, so I guess I’m going to be selfish and tell you what’s been going on.
There’s this group of kids at school, they call themselves The Circle. They’ve been making everyone’s lives a living hell, I haven’t had as much trouble with them - I was away, remember? But I’m seeing what my friends are going through, hearing their stories, catching up on what I missed, and I’m scared. You know, they’ve threatened to kill before - and there’s this new thing, the Resistance, and they’re stepping in to “help” and I don’t trust them. I don’t trust them as far as I can fucking throw them, why would they make their first public “appearance” now? We’ve been terrorized since the schools merged, this timing doesn’t feel right. Is this a Robespierre situation? Promising the world, and then their reign of terror begins once they have the first taste of power. Maybe I’m so used to the concept of The Circle, us against them, the concept of another group lurking in the shadows scares me. Who’s to say they’re better than the last one? Am I just being paranoid? I want change, I want to be wrong, but until there’s some solid proof - something to prove they’re actually working with us and they’re not another one of the Circle’s sick games - a false hope, I’m not letting my guard down. I’m not going to stop expecting a nasty surprise one day when I open my door.
And all of this is on top of being scared for you. I want you to be okay, Logan. I want you to be safe, I want you to feel like you can come to me when things become hard, I want you to not feel like drugs are the only answer. I know how much it hurts, trying not to say everything that’s bothering you and trying to drown it out with substances. I’ve been drinking, and not in the way you know about. I day drink sometimes when I feel like I can’t hold myself together otherwise, I go to parties and drink until I no longer care, I drink wine in the library late at night as I study because I sleep better after a glass or three - even if they’ll never stop the nightmares. If you were here, if you had noticed while I was home still, you’d have been devastated - I know it.
And every time I think about stopping-
[This Letter Was Never Sent]
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