#i suppose this is a perfect moment for that tag XD
an-inky-fingered-lass · 4 months
A Love Letter to the Thursday Murder Club.
I just finished The Last Devil to Die. Book 4, and the last for a while. Mild spoilers for the whole series ahead.
This is not likely to be coherent, because I just finished the book about half an hour ago and I am a Wibbly Mass of Feelings. It is also, despite the spoiler warning, unlikely to have much to do with the actual plot, because my reading comprehension skills are rather terrible for anything that is not character arc and theme and worse when I am as invested as I am. Which is helplessly, hopelessly, far more invested than I have been in anything for a while.
I will be rereading for the actual plot, because I have an inkling it was genius. I was very confused, if I'm being honest, by the time we got to some of the big reveals, because I lost track of one or two of the major players at some point... I will also be destroyed all over again, but this book will be worn and tattered and so well-loved and I am so grateful it has found its way into my life.
This is a story of such kindness.
I mean, they all are. That's one of the things that struck me from the very beginning. But this book especially. I didn't cry, but it was pretty damn close, and that doesn't happen often.
This series has been everything I have been longing for for so long. And it was everything. A story about people from different backgrounds, who have lived very, very different lives, coming together with all the skills and perspectives they can each uniquely contribute to solve crimes -- that is actually a story concept that has been sitting on my to-write list for a really long time. I'm crossing it off now. I've found everything I hoped for and more.
It never would have occurred to me to make the crew a gang of pensioners, the ends of their lives a visible end of the tunnel, but that's what makes the whole thing work. It gives them such a unique approach to everything -- the kind of compassion and rationalism, wisdoms and sorrows and kindnesses that can only truly be represented by people who have seen so very much.
Every single person in this story is given the chance to be a person. Drug dealers and murderers, mothers and daughters, spies and nurses, builders and psychiatrists and people who were someone else, once. People with their whole futures ahead of them, people with too much past weighing them down. The broken, the hopeful, and the rebuilt. Some that are more than one. Each with their own lives and stories. Their crimes are not excused, nor even forgiven -- consequences come for everyone; the best and the worst of us alike. Is there such thing? Right and wrong, kindnesses and cruelties, choices and consequences. Mary Oliver is my favorite poet, and I think of Dogfish often --
And nobody, of course, is kind, or mean, for a simple reason. And nobody gets out of it, having to swim through the fires to stay in this world.
(Yes, I'm quoting Mary Oliver in this disaster of a ramble. I'm in that deep.)
I don't know where I'm going with this. But I am not sure I have ever seen a story treat its inhabitants with such kindness. There is room for laughter and grief, love and sorrow alike, nestled comfortably in side by side, in a way that diminishes neither one or the other. More than most things, to me, at least, this story is about the way we each choose to live our lives. They are all we have.
"Grief doesn't need an answer, any more than love does," says Elizabeth. "It isn't a question." "Did you get milk?" says Stephen. "People will want tea." "Let me worry about milk," says Elizabeth.
It's probably not as significant without context. But when I tell you this passage destroyed me...
I fell utterly in love with Elizabeth from the very first book, to the surprise of absolutely no one. I don't love Joyce, Ron, Ibrahim, Stephen, Bogdan, Donna, Alan, and everyone else any less, honestly. I love them all with my entire heart. I am probably the most compromised over Elizabeth, because again, I'm me. Put a retired, terrifying, loyal, somewhat morally grey old spy with an abundance of sarcasm and humanity and a bushel load of bravery and heartache both in front of me and I'm doomed, apparently.
Joyce and Elizabeth have officially become my duo of all time, which is saying something, because I have a special love for duos. I also have a special place in my heart for Joyce and her courage and kindnesses now, and probably always will. IBRAHIM AND BOGDAN especially also have my heart. Oh, what am I saying, I'll keep going like this until I've listed the whole cast. I love them ALL. Have I mentioned Chris? And Viktor? I DIDN'T MENTION CHRIS.
Ugh. Ugh, I love them.
Also, it might be hard to tell from this essay, but I do have to mention that every single one of the books in this series is hilarious. I read the entirety of The Last Devil to Die with a goofy little grin fixed on my face, except for the parts where I was internally bawling. This book broke my heart and glued it tenderly back together. I finished it with my heart full to bursting, aching and happy and grateful.
I will have to come back again sometime, and write something more coherent. But I am so very grateful to have found this series. I am used to falling in love with things, with stories, and occasionally sighing over the things I might have personally done differently (I'm a writer, I can't help myself). But to find a story that is everything I've wished for, that I wouldn't change for the world, is a certain kind of gift.
I think I lost my point somewhere. My grandmother's cat is keeping me company, I'm about to go get a drink of water (I'm been forgetting to hydrate, absolutely terrible), and I really need to go to bed -- but, well. I have got to quote something. I was going to use the last line of The Bullet That Missed, which has been stuck in my head ever since I finished it, and but it's a little lonely without the rest of the book. This one, then.
"[The museum in Baghdad] has pieces from six thousand years ago, can you imagine? And on these pieces you can see fingerprints, you can see scratches where someone's child has come in and distracted them. You understand that these people are still alive? Everyone who dies is alive. We call people 'dead' because we need a word for it, but 'dead' just means time has stopped moving forward for that person? You understand? No one dies, not really." - The Last Devil to Die, Richard Osman
This was long. To the Thursday Murder Club, and to Richard Osman, thank you. It's been an honor.
Until next time.
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Girls' Night [NSFW]
First of all a HUGE thanks to @dragonflylady77 that's the was super quick in beta reading this! And... this is my first wlw fic so I hope it's not a total disaster XD!
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Stevie Harrington/Billie Hargrove WT: wlw, genderbending, enemies to lovers, modern AU, college AU, roommates, strap on, cunnilingus, Billie uses pet names for Stevie, Billie is Stevie's gay awakening, fingers sucking Words: 6444
tagging those who were interested ;): @romeren, @idkevenknowwhattoput, @womp-womp-waa, @nikkitheseance
@akichania, @kiraixi, @bbygirlbilly @katyawriteswhump, @darleenjade
Read here or on AO3
Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
God, her mom always said she wasn’t the brightest girl and she was right, as always.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
The air is freezing and she’s walking around in a super short dress and high heels because Jonathan was supposed to drive her to the party, which he did, and drive her back, which he didn’t. Yeah, because Miss Stephanie Harrington, the richest girl on campus, managed to be dumped by the charity case Jonathan Byers, during a party, in front of half the college’s students. And to make things even worse, in front of Billie Hargrove and her boyfriend Tommy Hagan. The same Tommy that followed Stevie around for years.
Not that she’s jealous of Tommy. She never liked him, she’s fucking jealous of Billie.
Yeah, because, as if it wasn’t enough that Stevie’s personal life was wrecked in front of everyone, it should have happened in front of the hottest and cleverest girl in the entire school, the same one who sleeps on the other side of her room: Billie Hargrove.
Crossing her arms around her chest to warm herself a bit, Stevie keeps walking down the deserted street while she replays the entire night in her head again and again, trying to understand where she fucked up so badly. She asked her boyfriend to go to a stupid college party, what’s wrong with that? Would it have killed Jonathan to go to a party for once? She always went with him to see all those boring niche films with subtitles and never once she complained, but the one time she asked him to come with her, and he begrudgingly agreed to come, the night ended up with him accusing her of being too mundane and careless about the world, and then he left her at a party, alone, in high heels and clothes far too light for going home on foot. She should have probably called an Uber, but she felt too humiliated, and when Billie stepped toward her, looking at her with a mix of astonishment and compassion, she couldn’t stand it anymore, and she just fled like a thief.
That's how she found herself walking alone, at night, trying to get back to the dorm. Stevie's still deep into her thoughts when one of her heels gets stuck in a manhole. Perfect. Just fucking perfect. She tries to free herself, pulling her stuck foot free, but she loses her balance and falls onto the pavement, scratching her knee. For a moment her brain freezes, occupied with trying to understand how liking designer dress and an alternative guy brought her to sit on the ground, holding her bleeding knee and crying out loud like she broke a leg.
It’s just a scratch, Stevie should grab the fucking shoes and walk back to the dorm, but the world is ending right here and there, her heart is broken in so many pieces she feels she’ll never be able to fix it, and even if her leg isn’t broken, her knee hurts badly and it’s bleeding, and she doesn’t even have a fucking tissue because she chose a bag so small it barely fits her phone and her keys. She wipes her eyes, wondering how terrible she was in a previous life to be treated like this in this one.
Her mom never liked her. Stevie's legs are too long and muscular, her chest is too big, her smile is too wide, and she's not feminine enough for her mom’s liking. And her boyfriend dumped her because she’s too dumb to understand that her designer clothes are made by a brand that employs child labor in Bangladesh, wherever that stupid country is. And every lesson she’s attending is so fucking complicated that she spends all her time with books and tutors. But no matter how hard she tries to study and to make new friends, she’s always the rich girl whose father’s name is engraved on the new wing of the campus. And she’s definitely not living up to the expectations.
A car passes by, stops a few feet from her. After a few moments of awkward silence, the driver puts the car in reverse and stops right at Stevie’s side. The girl tries to avoid making eye contact with whoever might be in the car, she's already in deep shit and doesn't need to add being kidnapped to the list of bad things that happened today, but the voice that comes from the car sounds awfully familiar. 
“Harrington? Are you ok?”
God no. Please no. Everything but not this.
“Hey? Did you drink too much? Do you want me to drive you back to campus?”
“I’m fine,” Stevie replies, her eyes pinned on the pavement in front of her, trying desperately to maintain a little bit of dignity.
“Harrington, you’re sitting on the pavement, you’re bleeding and your lips are blue. Get in the car. Come on.” The blond woman in the car leans toward the passenger seat to open the passenger’s car door. When Stevie doesn’t move, she smirks, “I’m not going to bite you.”
“As if I care about that. Where’s Tommy?”
“I dumped him.”
“You what?” Stevie asks, turning toward her.
“Oh, Stevie…” the woman sighs, almost with sympathy. “Come on. Get in the car. It's fucking freezing and you’re dressed like a…”
“Like a slut. Thanks. I know. Jon already told me.”
“I was going to say like a princess, but that's not important. Get inside. Please.”
Stevie stares at Billie for the longest time. They have been roommates for two years and she never heard her use the word please. Not even once in two years. 
She tilts her head up to stop the tears, as her mother taught her, even if her makeup is already ruined, and gets up, limping a little before getting in the car and slamming the door closed just to piss Billie off. The other girl glowers at her and when she reaches out with her hand toward Stevie, the brunette instinctively flinches, moving closer to the door to avoid getting hit, but Billie is just turning on the heating.
“I don’t punch women, Harrington. Not even the bratty one who tries to damage my precious baby.” 
“You’re fine,” Billie replies, her eyes on the street.
The air quickly warms up and Stevie lets out a little satisfied moan.
“Yeah. Thanks.” she replies, still looking out of the window, “Thank you for picking me up, and sorry about the door.”
“What happened to your knee?”
“I fell.”
Billie turns toward her with a soft smile. “I get that, babydoll, I was wondering how bad it hurts.”
“Not too bad. But I need a tissue to stop the bleeding.”
“My bag is in the back, grab it, there should be a packet of tissue somewhere.”
“Your bag?”
Billie turns toward her confused. “Did you hit your head too, Harrington? Should I drive you to the hospital?”
Shaking her head, Stevie takes the bag from the back, staring at it for a long time before daring to open it and look inside. The bag is the most precious possession a woman has, it contains all her secrets, but Billie doesn’t seem to worry at the idea that Stevie will snoop around in her bag, so she roots around until she finds a little orange packet of tissues and takes one out to dab the cut on her knee. She hisses a little, cleaning the cut from the dirt.
“We should disinfect it as soon as we get back to the dorm.”
Billie snorts. “I’m quite used to patching up people. Especially myself.”
“Oh, yeah. I almost forgot you are on the boxing team.”
“Yeah, that’s why.” Billie chuckles, and Stevie stares at her in confusion, feeling that there’s something she’s missing and feeling too dumb to understand what that is. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.” Billie winks, before pointing at her bag. “Would you mind getting me a cigarette and lighting it up for me?”
“Lighting it up for you?”
“I’m driving, if you hadn’t noticed, I would prefer to avoid getting into an accident because I was trying to light up a cigarette, so what do you say?”
Stevie nods sheepishly. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Of course, Billie needs help lighting the cigarette. The fact is that Stevie isn’t really a smoker. She smoked some weed a couple of times with Jonathan, but cigarettes aren’t really her thing. Pretending to know what she’s doing, she gets a cigarette from a crumpled packet, holds it between her lips, clicks a silver zippo open, and breathes in while the cigarette starts to burn. And she immediately starts to cough, holding the cigarette between her fingers.
Billie bursts out in a loud laugh while she grabs the cigarette from Stevie's trembling fingers. “Let me guess, not really a smoker, huh? I should have known. It’s not good for polite girls like you to hold something in their mouth, huh?”
“Fuck you! I just don’t like it,” Stevie replies, still coughing.
“There’s a bottle of water in my bag.”
“Who the fuck are you? Mary Poppins?”
Billie lifts an eyebrow, dragging some smoke with deep calculated breaths before lowering the car window and putting her hand out to keep the cigarette out of the car. “I like to be prepared,” she simply states, while she keeps smoking and Stevie can’t avoid thinking that Billie’s lips are exactly where her own were a moment before, and when Billie turns toward her, she catches Stevie staring at her lips. 
“You sure you don’t need to go to a hospital? You seem a little bit out of it.”
“I’m fine.”
Billie gives her a crooked smile. “Yeah. Obviously. That’s why I had to pick you up from the fucking street, crying like a toddler.” 
“Fuck you! You didn’t have to! And if it pisses you off so much, pull over and I’ll get back on foot.”
“With those shoes? Those are inappropriate weapons, not a way to walk.”
“They complement my dress beautifully!” Stevie snarls.
“Your legs complement that dress beautifully,” Billie says, and for once it doesn't sound like a snarky comment. "But you would look hot even wearing a trash bag. I’m merely suggesting that you don’t want to jog back home in high heels, especially since one is broken.”
Stevie stares at her shoes and realizes that, when she fell, the heel broke. The red sole of the Louboutin seems to mock her. Those stupid shoes cost a fortune and they broke on the worst night of her life. Great. Absolutely great.
If only she hadn’t insisted on going to that stupid party.
“It’s all my fault.” She sighs, covering her eyes with her hands when she feels her eyes burning, “I shouldn’t have insisted.”
Billie scoffs but doesn't reply.
“I knew Jonathan hates to party. But I insisted. I wanted to go to a fucking college party! And for what? To be humiliated and dumped in front of everyone and walk my fucking walk of shame? Great job, Stevie. You aren’t even able to keep a stupid boyfriend. Mom will be so fucking proud of you.”
“Jonathan was an asshole, but he’ll think twice before doing something similar to another girl. I’m sure it is not enough to heal your bruised ego but trust me when I say he’s pretty bruised too.”
Turning to stare at Billie, Stevie notices that the skin of her knuckles is broken. “What have you done?”
“Gave him a lesson in gallantry,” Billie replies, taking another deep drag from her cigarette.
“You didn't have to.”
“Why not? He was an asshole. He treated you like garbage. You always followed him around like a faithful puppy. Whatever he wanted to do you were on board, and the only time you asked him to do something you wanted to do, he acted horrified because you wore the wrong designer dress? Fuck him. If he really cared about child labor, he would have said something before, maybe even told you about which brand to avoid or not. The truth is that he knows shit and he doesn’t give a fuck, all he wants is to show the others he cares about the environment when he drives a car that pollutes more than a fucking plant.”
“Why are you so angry? He just… He…”
“He treated you like shit in front of everyone! That’s why I’m so angry!” Billie snaps.
“You treat me like shit every single day,” Stevie replies with a self-deprecating smile.
“I don’t. I’m not all cotton candy and pink clouds like you, and I might not be the most effusive person on the planet, but I respect you and I would have never treated you like he did. Why the fuck did you get into a relationship with someone like him? He doesn’t get you! All he cared about was shaping you like he wanted and showing the world he could change you, and that’s horrible. You’re your own person. You have your tastes and your ideas! That’s what makes you!” Billie complains, punching the steering wheel.
“Why are you so angry? It’s not like he did something to you.”
“Because he did it to you!” Billie growls. “And you are my roommate.” she quickly adds.
Stevie looks at Billie with confusion, she never thought they were so close that Billie might have gotten upset at the idea of her being mistreated by her boyfriend, but Billie doesn’t explain herself, so Stevie tries to change the subject. “What happened between you and Tommy?”
“That fucking asshole? He told me I was fucking crazy for punching Jonathan in the face, and I told him that if he liked him so much he could fuck him instead of me. Not that it was a great loss anyway, he definitely has no idea where the clitoris is and his sexual prowesses are way worse than he tries to sell you.”
“Why were you in a relationship with him if you despised him so much?”
Billie lifts an eyebrow, taking her time before answering, “My father. Tommy’s family is rich and well known, nothing better for his waste of a daughter.” Billie then takes a turn so sharp that Stevie’s body gets dragged toward Billie’s, and for a moment her shoulder bumps into Billie’s arm.
“Sorry,” Stevie mutters, trying to grab the handle inside the passenger door.
“My fault. I was going too fast.”
“You like to drive fast.” 
“I do. I love the adrenaline. I used to dream of becoming a Formula One driver when I was a kid. But guess what? I’m a fucking woman. So my father signed me up for ballet classes. Ballet. Me. Can you imagine?”
Billie’s tights are massive, and Stevie can’t really imagine her on her toes dancing the Nutcracker.
“I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“For your father. I know what it means to have someone that forces you to be different from what you are. I have been on a diet since I was a kid. I was always too much. Too big. Too tall. Too strong. Too noisy. Nothing I did was good enough for my mom. I played volleyball for years but my passion is basketball.” Stevie says, wrapping a lock of hair around her fingers. “Jonathan was the first choice I made on my own. Mom hated him from the first moment I told her about him, but I wanted to try something different. A man dedicated to doing something for the planet seemed like a good option. And maybe I even thought that he wasn’t going to leave me because where else would he have found another dumb rich girl? But it seems that he really didn’t care about the money.”
Billie reaches out and takes Stevie’s hand, “I’m sorry babydoll. He’s an asshole and he doesn't deserve you.”
“That’s what my Nonna used to say, but I’m starting to think that if no one deserves me, maybe that’s really something wrong with me. Why am I like this? Why can't I be like the other girls? I would pay good money to be just the rich dumb bitch everyone thinks I am… but I have feelings and I can’t hide them.”
“It’s a good thing, Stevie. You really care about people. I like that.”
“Yeah? Well, I fucking hate it. People step on my heart like it’s nothing and I just keep smiling politely, begging them to take another piece of my soul, and then I’m left with holes everywhere.”
“You need to find the right person. They’ll fill all your holes, and not only the one in your soul.” Billie winks, throwing the cigarette butt out of the window.
“You’re so gross,” Stevie replies, blushing.
Billie chuckles, parking the car, and getting to Stevie’s side before she can’t even open the door. “Do you think you can walk to the dorm or do you need me to carry you?”
“I can walk! It’s just a scratch!” 
Billie hums and puts Stevie’s arm around her shoulders and the two of them limp toward the dorm. Luckily, they don’t meet anyone in the parking lot or in the corridors, and when they finally get back to their room, Stevie plops on her bed with a loud moan, but her relief is short-lived because Billie drags her toward the edge of the bed, a red emergency kit in her hands. She takes a chair and gently lifts Stevie’s calf, putting Stevie’s foot on her leg.
“It’s not too bad. We just have to clean it with some antiseptic and put a nice tight bandage on it. No doggy style for at least a week.” Billie winks, holding Stevie’s foot when she tries to escape from her tight grip.
“Not that I have anyone to have sex with anyway,” Stevie replies, blushing even more.
“You never know. I’m sure that as soon as the campus finds out that you are single, there will be a line out of our door.”
“I doubt that. Everyone saw how stupid I was.”
“Everyone saw how rude Jonathan was. You were just having some fun,” Billie retorts, cleaning the cut with some peroxide pads. When Stevie hisses, Billie lowers her head and gently blows on the broken skin. “Better?”
Stevie doesn’t trust her voice so she nods, remaining as still as she can.
“Such a good patient. I might give you a lollipop once we are done,” Billy replies when she starts to wrap her knee.
“I don’t need it. It’s just a scratch.”
“Who’s the doctor?”
“No one? You’re no doctor!” Stevie chuckles.
“Fine, smartass, I’m no doctor, but I’m sure I have cleaned more cuts than you. So shut up and let me work my magic, okay?”
Stevie nods, feeling a little cramp in her stomach. The good kind of cramp. The kind she gets when she feels excited. Billie’s warm hands are gentle and softer than she thought.
“So no more Tommy, Stevie murmurs.
“No more Tommy.”
“You don’t look desperate.”
“Because I’m not. I already have eyes on someone else, and now that they are single too, I might even get my chance.”
“Oh… were they in a relationship?”
“Yeah. A shitty one.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Well, I wish you luck. Whoever they are, they'll be lucky to have you.”
“Do you really think so? I’m not exactly a catch. I work three minimum wage jobs to pay for my studies and I have a bad temper.”
“You don’t have a bad temper.” 
Billie quirks an eyebrow.
“Ok, you have a bad temper. But you’re not a bad person. You’re just passionate.”
“Passionate? I like that.” Billie chuckles, lifting Stevie’s foot, but then she stops, looking at the other girl in the eyes, holding the ball of her foot.
“Billie?” Stevie asks, trembling.
Without breaking eye contact, Billie bends down and kisses the sole of her foot and Stevie’s stomach cramps again.
“What… what are you doing?”
“What does it look like?”
“You… you kissed my foot.”
“I did. And I would like to kiss more of you. Would you like that?”
Stevie never thought about it, but now that Billie is sitting between her legs, staring at her with her icy blue eyes, all she can think about is that she would like it very much. But Billie is a girl, and they shouldn’t.
“Are you gay?” Stevie asks, biting her lips. She has seen Billie walking around with girls before but never suspected that she was gay. And she had Tommy.
“Bi. And if you want it, I’d like very much to fuck you.” Billie replies, harsh and honest as she always is, and Stevie feels a familiar warmth move from her stomach to the folds between her legs.
“What? How?”
“There are ways. Many ways. Do you know that black box I asked you not to touch? It might contain a few toys. And my strap-on.”
“Your… oh god. Oh god. You have…  Did you… Did you fuck someone in our room?” Stevie asks, covering her mouth as if those words were too much for her.
“Of course I did, Stevie. How could I not? I have lived two years with you: a fucking goddess, sleeping on the other side of my room! There’s only a finite amount of masturbation you can enjoy before starting to need something more. And I wanted and needed something more. Something I never dared to ask you. But tonight, when you looked at me in the car, I felt it. I felt the electricity. Tell me, am I wrong, Stevie?”
No, she’s not. Stevie’s sex is throbbing with excitement.
Staring with no shame at Stevie's pink thong, Billy murmurs, “Your thong is soaked, baby. Do you want me to do something about it?”
Stevie tries to cover herself with her hands, both aroused and ashamed at the surprising turn the night has taken. Less than an hour ago, she was crying on the pavement, and now Billie is looking at her with hunger and desire, and Stevie really doesn't know what to do. And there’s her little problem too. The one she’s never told anyone.
“I... I can’t.” she mutters, and Billie tilts her head in confusion.
“What do you mean, you can’t?”
“I… I can’t come. Okay? I’m… I’m broken. And you’ll get bored and then you’ll be mean to me, and we still have two years to spend together and…”
Billie gently lays Stevie’s foot on the ground and sits next to her, grabbing her chin and turning her head toward herself, “What are you saying?”
“I have… Jonathan said I should have gone to see a doctor because I’m not normal. I… have never… not even alone,” Stevie tries to explain.
“Let me get this right: the shitty boyfriend who publicly humiliated you, told you that you have some kind of illness because you never had an orgasm?”
“Should have punched him even harder,” Billie mutters, her piercing blue eyes fixed Steve’s caramel ones. “The only problem you have is a boyfriend too selfish to dedicate enough time to your necessities. I’m sure we can fix this. And even if we can’t, I don’t care, okay? I’ll keep going down on you until you’ll beg me to stop. And if you are into it, I will keep going even then. I want to bury my head between your thighs, hold you open with my fingers, and eat you out until you’re screaming in pleasure. But first, I’d like to kiss you.”
Stevie loves kisses, but Jonathan never took enough time to kiss her, his kisses were sloppy and quick. Not an appetizer, just something he wanted to get rid of quickly.
“I’d love to kiss you. Can I?” Billie asks again and the only thing Stevie can do is nod.
“You’re made to beg, sweet girl, ideally kneeling at my feet, but this should wait a bit.” Billie chuckles, cradling the back of Stevie’s head before kissing her, nibbling at her lower lip, pulling it with her teeth before releasing it and making it bounce back. Billie cradles Stevie’s face between her hands while exploring her mouth with her tongue, and Stevie tastes the cheap punch in Billie’s mouth. She doesn’t know how long Billie kisses her for, but when she steps back and they lock eyes, she sees that Billie’s flustered and her lips are red from Stevie’s lipstick. 
Studying Billie’s face, Stevie feels hot and needy like she never felt before. Stevie brushes her thumb on Billie’s plump lips and the blond girl quickly catches it and starts to suck it. No one has ever sucked Stevie’s fingers, but the feeling of the rough tongue on her sensitive fingertips makes her shiver, jolting her hips to get some friction.
“You’re so needy. Did Jonathan treat you so badly? Didn’t he know what a treasure he was gifted?” Billie asks, getting closer, and their chests brush against each other, making Stevie shiver. Even under the clothes, Stevie’s nipples are hard and sensitive.
Billie quickly lowers the neckline of Stevie’s dress, freeing one of her rounded tits from the constriction of the expensive garment. Her soft skin has a long indented line made by the seam of her bra. 
“Poor thing. Did it hurt?” Billie asks, smiling like a wolf, “Did the bad bra hurt you? Or did it brush against your nipples just right? Sending shivers down your spine?” The blond girl licks her thumb and then starts to rub at Stevie’s nipple before pinching it hard enough to make Stevie whimper. The dark pink rosebud becomes even darker while Billie licks the long column of Stevie’s neck.
When she finally frees Stevie’s nipple, the girl moans loudly at the feeling of the blood rushing back.
“So sensitive,” Billie praises her, whispering in her ear. “How could Jonathan say that you’re frigid?” She chuckles.. “You’re so wet I could just slide into you and make it my home.” 
A shudder goes through Stevie’s body, while Billie’s right hand drops to Stevie’s knee, brushing gently against the inside of it, before moving up to her inner thigh. Tickling her.
Billie’s hands are calloused but gentle while they pet her, moving slowly but relentlessly toward the top of her legs. When she gets to Stevie’s thong’s elastic band, she stops, making swirls on the sensitive skin that connects her thigh to her sex.
“Is this ok?” Billie asks on Stevie’s lips, and Stevie nods, spreading her legs even further.
In the back of her mind, a voice that sounds like Jonathan’s calls her a slut, but she doesn’t care. Billie has shown her more kindness tonight than Jonathan in a year and a half.
“So needy. You’re so wet, baby. Is this all for me?” Billie whispers, making the words roll on her tongue, purring like a big cat. Or maybe a tiger.
Stevie nods, and her half-closed eyes widen when Billie spreads her labia with her fingers, and the fabric of the thong brushes against Stevie’s swollen clitoris. One finger gently slides under the thong and strokes her opened labia, taking Stevie’s breath away. A few more strokes and then Billie’s finger leaves the warm nest between Stevie’s legs and ends up in Billie’s mouth. Billie sucks on it, looking Stevie in the eyes. It’s so intimate and so hot. Stevie should close those stupid legs and push her away, preserving whatever is left of her honor, but Billie’s looking at her like she was the most succulent meal she had ever had, licking her lips with her pointy tongue. How come Stevie never noticed how pointy her tongue is?
“You taste so good. Can I have more? Pretty please?”
Billie’s tone is clearly mocking, but god, Stevie wants her mouth on her, so she grabs her pink thong and slides it down, revealing a perfectly shaved pussy. 
Grabbing the elastic band with both hands, Billie helps her out of it. 
“You want to lie on the bed for this,” she suggests.
“Because I’m going to eat you out for hours, and I don’t want you to get tired. You’re a pillow princess, aren’t you?”
That’s not true. Stevie has put the work in it when needed, but if Billie’s going to worship her, she won’t complain.
She quickly strips off the tight dress she was wearing, revealing a matching bra that is still cupping one of her breasts, while the other is dangling, the pink fabric crumpled under it. With a smooth movement, Billie unhooks her bra, which falls on Stevie’s thighs like a big pink feather.
Billie crawls on the bed, pushing Stevie toward the head of the bed and boxing her head between her elbows.
She stops just a few inches from Stevie’s mouth, waiting for her decision and Stevie doesn’t make her wait for long. She grabs Billie’s hair and yanks her towards herself, taking control of the kiss. If there’s something Stevie can do is kiss, and when Billie lets out a little moan, she feels really satisfied. But her satisfaction doesn’t last long, because Billie frees herself from her tight grip and grabs Stevie’s wrists, pinning her hands above her head.
“Are you going to behave?” Billie asks, “Are you going to keep your hands out of the way, letting me do what I want?”
“Are you going to make me behave?” Stevie asks with a mischievous smile.
Billie’s fingers brush over Stevie’s inner thigh. 
“I know that all this brattiness is just an act. You want to be a good girl. You want to be praised and cared for, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do,” Billie whispers before kissing her again. Just a peck. A gentle brush of lips against lips. “Be good, huh?” she says before diving between Stevie’s legs.
The first touch of Billie’s tongue feels like electricity and Stevie tries to close her legs, but Billie’s broad shoulders prevent her from moving too much. Billie lifts her eyes, staring at Stevie, and her pink tongue flickers again, brushing against Stevie’s clit. Stevie grabs the wooden head of her bed, holding to it to avoid moving her arms.
“Good girl,” Billie praises her, spreading the folds of her sex with her fingers before starting to lap at her again.
Stevie moans at the feeling that has nothing to do with what Jonathan used to do. He used to touch her with no patience, trying to open her quickly and efficiently, while Billie is definitely taking her time. She bites the soft skin on the inside of her thigh, while she penetrates her with a finger, and the sudden sting of pain makes her flinch.
“Sorry, couldn’t hold back,” The blond girl replies, lapping at Stevie again, moving her pointy tongue up and down, side to side, sucking at her swollen clit.
“It’s too much. It’s too much,” Stevie whines, her legs trembling like a newborn deer around Billie’s head. The girl lifts her head just enough to get a good look at Stevie. She’s still holding tight at the head of the bed like a good girl, so Billie keeps going down on her, pumping her fingers inside Stevie’s pussy faster and faster, while Stevie moans gibberish and squeezes her eyes.
That’s what her first orgasms feel like: like it was squeezed out of her, she thinks while all her spasming muscles relax, her hands release the grip on the head of the bed and she melts on the sheets like fresh snow.
Billie keeps fucking her with her fingers through the aftershock of her orgasm, slowly slowing down the pace, then she cleans her mouth with the back of her hand and crawls toward Stevie’s face.
“You ok?” Billie asks softly, her blonde hair curled by the sweat on her forehead.
Stevie nods, unable to talk, and Billie grins. “See? Nothing wrong with you. You orgasmed just fine.”
Stevie slaps her, trying to shut her up, but she’s so uncoordinated that Billie easily stops her hand.
“Do you want to stop or do you want to keep going?”
Keep going? How?
Stevie blushes remembering the comment about the strap-on and her legs shiver.
“Would you like that? Would you like me to fuck you with my dick till you’re a moaning mess?”
Stevie’s cheeks burn while she nods, but she just had the first orgasm of her life and she wants more. She’s greedy like that.
Moving like a cat in the semi-darkness, Billie opens her closet and grabs a black box. Inside there’s a black adaptable harness and a few toys.
“Which one would you like, Princess?” Billie asks, showing her her dildos. Stevie grabs a black one, confused by the little tube on the side.
“That’s for ejaculation,” Billie explains, “Do you want to be filled with my cum?”
It’s so nasty. Girls don’t talk about ejaculation. But Billie is so confident and Stevie is wondering how it would feel for Billie to fill her with her cum, but then her eyes see a purple dildo. Her favorite color. It’s thinner than the black one but longer.
“This one?” Billie asks and Stevie nods quietly. 
“Great choice.” Billie winks, grabbing it and the harness. Billie quickly strips out of her tight jeans and her red shirt, remaining in a pair of red boxers with a huge wet stain on her groin. 
“You did that, baby. Are you proud of yourself?”
Stevie’s mouth feels immediately dry like the Sahara while she stares at the girl,  keeping her boxers on she adjusts her harness and pours a huge quantity of lube on her dick.
“Next time I’ll ask you to make it wet. But I want you on your knees while you suck my dick, so it’ll have to wait. Sadly.” She grins, spreading Stevie’s legs even farther and making herself comfortable between Stevie’s legs one more time. She strokes her dick, brushing it against Stevie‘s hole before starting putting it.
Billie’s dick is hard and a little bit cold, but she definitely knows how to use it. Stevie’s legs instinctively wrap around Billie’s waist, the ball of her feet digging into Billie’s back, urging her closer and closer.
“Just like that. Look how well you’re taking me,” Billie praises her while her dick opens Stevie like a flower.
Once Billie is seated comfortably inside her, she kisses Stevie, deeply and hungrily  before she starts to move. Her pace varies between deep and fast thrusts, and slow and strong ones, in a crescendo that makes them both moan loudly.
“Touch yourself,” Billie begs, “Touch yourself while I fuck you.”
Stevie nods, but instead of sucking her own fingers, she pushes them inside Billie’s devil's mouth and the woman immediately starts to suck them, making them wet with her spit.
Once Stevie starts to touch herself, she’s a goner. A few more trusts and she’s coming, screaming, but Billie quickly puts her lips on Stevie’s mouth, eating every moan directly from the source.
Billy holds her closer and keeps moving inside her while Stevie’s hips jolt against her out of her control.
“Look at you. Not bad for a girl who allegedly can’t come,” Billie whispers, kissing her cheeks.
When the waves of pleasure finally slow down and let her breathe, Stevie asks, “What about you?”
“You don’t have to reciprocate, babydoll. That’s not how it works, even if someone made you think it was,” Billie chuckles.
“What if I… what if I want to?” Stevie murmurs, blushing with embarrassment and biting her lower lip.
“You sure?”
Stevie nods, and Billy smiles.
“You could eat me out if you want to.”
“I… I want to but I have never done it before.”
“I can teach you. Would you like me to tell you what to do?” 
Stevie never nodded so quickly in her life. 
“Okay. Okay. That’s what we are going to do. I’m going to ride your face. We don’t want to hurt that pretty knee of yours, do we?” 
Stevie shakes her head, her eyes wide with excitement, while Billie removes her harness and her soaked boxers.. 
“Stick your pretty tongue out for me,” Billie asks, and Stevie immediately complies.
Billie moves swiftly, getting above Stevie’s face and it’s the first time Stevie sees a pussy that’s not hers so closely. Billie’s is different from hers: first of all, it is surrounded by a mass of blond curls that tickle her face, her labia are longer and pinker than hers and her scent is musky. Stevie can’t wait to taste her first pussy, so she tries to reach out for it.
“Calm down. We don’t want you to strain your neck. I plan on riding your face for a long time,” Billie chuckles, lowering herself onto Stevie’s face. 
As soon as Billie’s sex is within  reachable distance Stevie gives it a first shy lap. The taste on her tongue is metallic and spicy, almost intoxicating, and she laps it again, moaning. 
“You enjoying yourself baby?” Billie asks, with a satisfied smirk. “More?”
“So polite. If I had known that a taste of pussy would make you so soft, I would have hit on you sooner, pretty girl.” The blond woman chuckles. But her laugh quickly turns into a series of soft moans while Stevie keeps lapping at her sex, probing inside with her tongue as if her life depended on it.
Stevie sucks, licks, and nibbles, eager to give pleasure to the woman that just gave her the first two orgasms of her life.
“Stevie…” Billie moans, grinding harder against Stevie’s mouth. 
Stevie grabs Billie’s muscular tights, holding so tight as to leave bruises, keeping her pinned on her face until she feels the other woman squirm in pleasure, her mouth flooded with Billie’s juices.
“Fuck!” Billie moans, collapsing at Stevie’s side. “Not bad.”
“Not bad?” Stevie asks, disappointed, and Billie pinches her chin and turns Stevie’s face towards her.
“Best fuck I had in a long time,” she tells her, looking into her eyes.
“What now?” Stevie asks, feeling unsure.
“Now we clean up and we sleep. And tomorrow we’ll talk,” Billie promises her, and Stevie finds the courage to snuggle up to Billie, kissing her shoulder.
Billie turns around, moving Stevie's head on her chest, just above her beating heart.
“Tired?” she whispers.
“Yeah,” Stevie replies, trying to suffocate a yawn.
“Sleep. I’ll be right here when you wake up,” Billie murmurs into her hair, and Stevie falls asleep with a big smile on her face.
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tj-dragonblade · 5 months
also academic conference AU if you're feeling generous xD
Ahh, Nemo. Previous snippets tagged for convenience! Still don't know where this will end up but I am literally just sifting through the lyrics and drafting whatever comes to mind for this line or that with the barest bones of a set scene behind it. I am sure you can clock the lyric in this one, lol.
Here, he thinks, bitter and contrary, here is something he wants: rain. The reflection of his moods in the weather of the Dreaming had been a boon of validation; the intensity of his feelings was often imprudent to act upon, as he had tragically learned time and again, and letting them scatter and reflect into the vastness of his realm allowed him the management of himself to the benefit of all involved. And now even that small kindness is beyond him. Hob's small balcony is bathed in sunshine, bright and warm, birdsong weaving brightly through the trees; it is idyllic, a perfect late spring day, and he. Resents it. He wishes, desperately, to stand on his own balcony (not his) off his chambers (not any longer) soaking in the pouring rain, letting the worst of his overfull feelings wash away that he might. Find new clarity, in his thoughts. But the weather remains belligerently cheerful, unmoved by the strength of his distress; he whirls from the railing and sweeps back inside. Even his dressing gown (Hob's dressing gown) is a pale substitute for the flowing robes he had favored, lacking the presence and drama that he had preferred. Nothing is as it was, Before. But this is as he had decided it should be. He must find. Other ways, to cope. He considers crawling back into bed (depression nap, old pieces of collective memory supply), but Hob's note had said he would be home by eleven. Which is…soon, he decides, after studying the clock. And Hob would be… No. Hob would not be disappointed to find him back in bed, nor angry, but. Hob would worry, for his emotional well-being, and he has given Hob enough cause for concern already. He appreciates that Hob cares. But he does not wish to burden him more than necessary.
The Academic Conference AU is a long-term beast that started life more than a year ago as a quick smut fill for the prompt 'bed sharing' and turned into an anticipated four chapters of hooking up and relationship development. Assuming I can see it all the way through. I've got pieces of this scattered all over; here is the tag for that and here is a pre-spicy snippet from the second chapter:
He texts Dream, because he's gotta do something with himself in the interim. They exchanged numbers on day one and it's occurred to Hob that Dream might waste precious moments waiting for him outside the panel Hob's supposed to be attending once his own lets out, unaware that Hob skived off. Hey ;) Meet me back at the room, soon as you're able I'll be waiting for you He debates a moment, unsure if sending a pic is too much, whether or not it would be appreciated, especially while Dream's stuck in a presentation. But he's sitting in his hotel room [buck naked]* and waiting to get fucked; if this is not the appropriate time for a spicy pic, he doesn't know what is. He's tasteful about it; he snaps a downward-angled shot of his chest, hair damp from the shower, neither his face nor his dick in frame. Discreet. Just in case. He hits 'Send'.
WIP Title Ask Game
*I am reminded I need to find out if 'buck naked' is a particularly American term and seek a British replacement of comparable tone, if so
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saltynsassy31 · 10 months
no cus i totally understand your frustration, ive also quit splatfests for the moment until they get an overhaul
i suggest if you feel close to getting hateful to either shiver or shiver fans then maybe quit for a while for your own sake cus ive felt a lot better after doing so, im still really sensitive to negative comments towards frye or rude ones about shiver winning but taking some time for myself has made me feel infinitely better
ive been close to hating shiver before bc of how cocky and rude them and their fans can be but it doesnt really do anything but sour your enjoyment of the game more, so its really not worth it
i do have to say though, anyone who says "its just a game" reaaally needs to understand the frustration of people OTHER than them, sympathy is something a lot of people forget about when it comes to things that arent real life. just because it doesnt affect you doesnt mean everyone can shut off their attachment to the game or a character like a light switch; a lot of the time you dont know whats going on with them. i myself am really attached to frye cus i am hashtag autism creature and he brings me comfort, so anyone being rude to me about shiver winning really REALLY gets under my skin. its not entirely (if they were serious, if they werent then its not at all) their fault, but nintendo fixing the frustration of splatfests constantly keeling in one direction (which theyre supposed to do anyways but they havent) would definitely fix the issue. we need to find a way to have nintendo fix this, not attack anyone else for what bundle of pixels and text theyre attached to.
not everyone has really thick skin and if we want splatoon 3 to be more hospitable then we should try to cut down on the general splatfest bullassery in public spaces (being overly cocky and rude/blaming others in a way with no basis or truth behind it). its not something everyone can always do since we arent all perfect, but if we make steps in that direction then we could help more people enjoy the splatoon community rather than being eaten up by toxicity and spite
i didnt word all of this entirely correctly so like interpret ad best as you can cus im eepy but yeah.
a fye for u to enjoy (also ur anon is off btw)
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u dont have to but for the sake of not being harrassed id appreciate if u didnt tag with public tags
I don't want to quit playing it, I do enjoy splatfests, to a certain extent, i like going with my friends and i made a lot of new friends through it, it's like, the online community that I'm having a problem with
I don't hate shiver, I thought I did but I can't, she is still a comfort character (tho Frye is like, my obsession besides being my comfort character cuz I am also part part the 'tism XD), in a way, I like her dynamic with the group at least, she annoys me, yes, very much so, but I don't hate her
And I don't hate people who like her either
Who I do hate is people being mean about it, I had turned off anon cuz of a stupid person who was going around every frye support account anonymously just saying mean stuff and praising shiver as the best, I just forgot to turn it on, so thanks for reminding me 😅
Saying that "It's just a game" is so annoying to, tell that to the football fans, they go just as crazy if not more so
Splatfests are ment to be fun! You should be able to enjoy the splatfest without having to worry about people fighting
I don't like fighting with people, I hate how angry I become, how mean I can sound sometimes, I usually just vent without interacting
At least she won in Japan, so that is one other win under her belt, I just wish she'd win more in the future 😔
Oh also I almost didn't participate in this splatfest either and I did only because I haven't had time to play and I haven't finished my catalogue yet 😅 I usually use splatfests to up my catalogue quicker lmao
Also, don't worry, I won't tag anything that could get you harassed, if anything does happen, please block for your health, I don't want anything happening to you, you seem very sweet ;w;
Edit: also YOUR FRYE PLUSH IS SO CUTE! I've been seeing people get her but idk where to buy her!!!! Where'd you get it? :0
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dapandapod · 7 months
Bring a friend home
Hello there! I honestly don't remember what the exact prompt was, but @firefly-party insisted on Jaskel something something Ikea, and thus, here we are! It was one of those eves I'm convinced I'm hilarious, lets see if you agree xD Please enjoy this silly madness!
On Ao3 here
See, there is thinking outside the box, and there is thinking outside the box. Then there is IKEA. Ikea is the kingdom of DIY and flat boxes. There is nothing you can’t do with a poor man’s budget and imagination, just ask youtube.
Which is why Jaskier finds himself getting lost by the couch section, and then again by the kitchen tables, and then there were the pretty lights and the cool shoe racks. HIs favorite was hot pink, in case anyone was wondering.
Oddly enough, Jaskier’s goal is the kid’s section.
He knows they are supposed to be at the end of the lap, and learned the hard way that short cuts really is just short for really-fucking-lost-where-was-that-blasted-map.
All he needs is the huge roll of drawing paper, and he means the HUGE one. It is heavy as shit, and well, maybe he should have brought something to carry it with, but that was future Jaskier’s problem, and now present Jaskier is cursing past Jaskier for getting distracted by the funky looking bed set.
It will be fine, probably, if he can make it to the downstairs area there should be those heavy duty baskets.
Jaskier is contemplating if he should buy the low budget pens as well, wondering if his niece and their Infinity Art Project will be worthy tools, when something catches his eye. There, by the exit, there are giant plushy baskets.
See, Jaskier is not a big fan of plushies, not really. They lack the warmth and the weight a person would have, but they are also much, much less dramatic than a person, probably.
And there, between the orangutan and the giant panda, there it is.
It is blue and white, and has just the one row of teeth, which his niece would have plenty of words about if she was with him.
It is soft and it’s silly and it’s silly and it's perfect, and Jaskier possibly said that out loud because there is one of those yellow striped shirts with the blue print turning around, and it takes him a moment to look up from that unfairly well shaped chest and into the face of a giant.
Which he also might have said out loud, if the twitch of the giant’s lips is anything to go by.
“Hej,” The man greets, of course he does, as if Jaskier speaks Ikea. “Anything I can do for you today?”
His name tag says Eskel, and it takes a WILD amount of willpower to not blurt out ‘How about me?’ and instead just stand there gaping for a moment, clutching his huge roll of paper.
“Your shark only has one set of teeth,” Jaskier says after one heartbeat too long, Eskel’s eyebrows lifting with the corner of his mouth.
“Well, I hear teeth make them harder to cuddle, and frankly, I myself find too many teeth a bit concerning. Tried to bring it up with the design team, but turns out I’m not very good at swedish,” the giant says, and Jaskier is feeling weak.
Actually yes, the paper roll is getting too heavy to hold the way he is, so he shifts, considering whether to either put it on the floor or between his knees, because that clearly is the right way to hold a giant huge fucking paper roll.
“Bitemarks are hot though,” Jaskier says before he can shove his entire fist in his mouth, which also would have been an unfortunate thing to do in front of this man. “I’ll just-” Jaskier says, turning on his heels to flee, only to walk almost straight into one of the display shelves.
He is saved by a big hand on his shoulder, and then not saved when Jaskier proceeds to drop the monster of a paper roll an inch from his toes.
The thud of the paper landing on the concrete floor makes Jaskier just close his eyes and accept his doom, because there is no way paper nor floor survived that.
“Ah, let me get that for you,” Eskel says, and when Jaskier opens his eyes again, the giant yellow striped man is kneeling in front of him, picking up the paper roll like it weighs nothing to him. It probably doesn’t.
Jaskier is wondering if Eskel would be able to pick him up as easily, and firmly shuts that down.
“Where to? Do you have a basket or a shopping cart?” he asks, and Jaskier is an embarrassed, shamed, blushing puddle on the floor.
“Ah, I was just… going to get that and get to the registers.”
Eskel nods sagely, and nods towards the shark plushies.
“Go give them a squeeze. You just might find a cuddly friend to bring home,” he says, and Jaskier…cannot.
Either this man is as dense as a brick and doesn’t realize what that sounds like, or he does.
Either way, Jaskier does walk over to the shark cage, the iron bars of the plushie basket holding an unholy amount of soft and silly and perfect bodies with staring eyes and too few teeth. BLÅHAJ, he reads, completely unable to pronounce it, but bewitched anyway.
He squeeze one, as instructed, and then the next. But the way the first one is looking at him, as if betrayed, Jaskier can’t help but to pick it up and hold it as he squeezes the others.
It is very nice to hold it actually, and Jaskier realizes he is indeed leaving here with a shark, and he is mentally preparing himself for the berating his niece will get him when they are introduced.
Finnigan. That is his name now. And he knows he will be berated even more when the niece finds the pun in there.
Turning around, Jaskier is surprised to see the employee is still watching him, and still holding that huge, now slightly dented paper roll for their Infinity Art Project.
“You are a good salesman, I’ll give you that,” Jaskier says, wagging his finger at Eskel.
“I’ll help you down the stairs with this, your hands look rather busy,” the giant says good naturedly. “If you don’t have more to pick up from here, that is,” He adds, stopping himself halfway to the stairs.
Lovely, simply lovely, and the way the scar stretches when he smiles, Jaskier squeezes poor Finnigan very hard to his chest. Good thing he isn’t a squeak toy, or this would have been very awkward.
“No, I’m done, thank you. But I can take it myself.”
“It’s alright,” Eskel waves him off with one hand, WITH ONE HAND, SIR!
It is simply unfair how some people just are like that, it is almost insulting how one person can be this kind and handsome and strong at the same time.
It is probably illegal somewhere, and Eskel will be put in handsome-jail if he ever goes there. Fuck, Jaskier needs a coffee and to shut his brain the fuck up.
They walk together down the stairs, but then Eskel just follows him and refuses to let the giant huge fucking paper roll down. Jaskier explains the Infinite Art Project and Eskel makes a contribution with a handful of those hand sized miniature pencils from one of the dispensers and winks as he tucks them into Jaskier’s bag. Well fuck.
Their time is up when Jaskier actually arrives by the registers and is forced to choose which line is the shortest and which one will offer him more time with this hunk of a human.
“When can we expect the art exhibition to begin? Any chance one can get an invite, considering how I am contributing?” Eskel asks, and oh boy, yeah, that man probably knows what he is doing.
Jaskier feels himself giving a crooked smile and pretends to consider it.
“For the meager price of One Cinnamon Bun, I might even let you in on the process itself,” Jaskier dares, heart racing and hands sweating. Poor Finnigan, they haven’t even left the store yet, and he is already on cuddle duty.
“A man should know his worth,” Eskel agrees with a nod. “You got yourself a bargain. Though I will add in a chosen beverage to go with it, in about fifteen minutes when my shift is over?”
Oh dear lord, Jaskier is going to combust on the spot.
They part ways, allowing Jaskier to dump his stuff in his shabby little car and to run into the bathrooms and check out his hair, only to meet up again by the Bistro outside the register area.
If Jaskier felt weak from seeing this man in yellow and blue stripes, it has nothing on him compared to Eskel in civilian clothes.
Eskel is enlightened about the arts of a 7 year old, and Jaskier brings home two cuddly friends from Ikea that day.
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kittensartswriting · 11 months
Friday Monday Kiss Tag
Thank you for tagging me @talesofsorrowandofruin and @starbuds-and-rosedust! It's not exactly Friday but it's fine xD
Rules: post a smooch between your OCs for Friday. It can be as light as a peck or as intense as a makeout. It can be romantic or platonic or familial. As long as a smooch takes place it’s free reign!
Here's the dads from Bear Castle Chronicles kissing for the first time in a party where Julius thought Marcus was scowling at him when he was in fact pining extremely hard. This would be from a prequel, which I have written more scenes for than I care to admit. Also I conveniently have art fitting for this (though they are dressed in this art in casual clothing not evening wear, so not a perfect match).
I'll tag @kainablue @writernopal @oh-no-another-idea @italiangothicwriteblr @captain-kraken! As always, no pressure!
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The excerpt (about 800 words) under the cut:
“What is it with you?” Julius was getting annoyed.
“What? Am I not allowed to accidentally look into your general direction now? - Scadi damn it!” He snuffed out the candle he was trying to use to light his pipe. “And what if I looked at you once or twice? Is looking at people not allowed?”
Julius sighed and took the pipe from his hand. He winced as their fingers touched, quickly pulling his hand away.
“No, I’m not saying that. I thought you seemed to be acting different from usual and you getting so defensive about it really only reinforces that feeling.”
Julius steadied the pipe on his lips with his amputated arm and took another candle from the lamp to light it up. Puffing into it for a moment gave it a proper cinder. He offered the pipe back. Marcus hesitated, then took it from him. Julius was suddenly very aware of the small silence between them. Marcus paused, then he very gently kissed the pipe as he took a smoke from it. Smoke poured out of his parted lips.
Julius blinked and turned to look away. His ears were filled with his own heart beat. This is not what he was supposed to think. He was supposed to be getting over Marcus.
“What if I was looking at you? Everyone was looking at you”, Marcus muttered.
His eye was turned downward. What was with his bashful expression? Julius realized they were still standing so very close the smoke poured right into his face. He didn’t mind.
“Everyone? And why would that be?”
“You were radiant.” Marcus’ voice was low. If Julius had stood any less close, he wouldn’t have heard him properly. “Your smile was so bright it was blinding.”
If it was everyone, why was he saying it like that? Like a confession. Julius felt the danger growing. Danger of hope. He tried to damp it down.
“Sounds like you’ve drunk a little too much”, he said, trying to sound light, as if he was joking.
“No. Well, maybe, but I’m telling the truth. If you don’t want people to stare, maybe don’t look like that.”
Julius laughed nervously. “Like what?”
“Like the most beautiful thing in the world.”
He was about to laugh again, but then Marcus raised his eye at him. That look filled him with the cool summer night, till he couldn’t breath.
Marcus turned away and closed his eye. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I have no right.”
Maybe Julius had drunk one too many classes of wine or maybe he just lost his reason, but he nevertheless bent down, took Marcus’ face into his hand and kissed him. Reason caught up with him quickly enough and he pulled away.
“I’m sorry.”
What had he done?
“You have already made clear how you feel, and yet I –” He wiped his face. All the feelings he had tried to convince himself he didn’t have anymore, crushed over him in a wave. “I’m really sorry. I can’t – I need to clear my head.”
He turned to leave, but Marcus’ hand grabbed his wrist. Marcus looked down. His lips were still parted, like they had been, when Julius leaned for the kiss.
“Do it again.”
Slowly Julius turned back, afraid to break the illusion. He leaned down, tenderly touching Marcus’ cheek. Marcus’ eye was lowered into his lips and fingers brushed against his jaw. His lips parted again. Julius kissed him, this time carefully, cautiously - gently brushed his lips against Marcus’. They were wet with wine and tasted of tobacco, but not just that. They tasted like him. Like the air tasted in his chambers, like his hair smelled, when he leaned close enough. Like home. Lips still almost touching they breathed the same air. Marcus closed the gap and pressed his lips into Julius’. First painfully softly, then with his whole body pressing closer. His hands grabbed Julius’ face. Hungrily. Julius could not hold back his desire. It poured over as he sank his fingers into the thick hair in the back of Marcus’ head.
He had to pull back before he lost all of his sense. Holding each other, heads still together, they took breathless gasps of air. Julius was about to lean for another kiss, but with pains stopped himself. He bit his lip as he shook his head.
“This is a pretty dangerous place for this…” he breathed.
Finally he tore himself away from Marcus. A gasp escaped Marcus’ lips. For a moment they just stood there, both quite breathless. Marcus’ pipe was on the ground, very snuffed out. Julius picked it up and lighted it up again like before, now very aware of the memory Marcus’ lips had pressed into it. He let his lips linger on it for a moment, clinging to Marcus’ taste. Marcus took the pipe back and raised it on his lips with slightly trembling fingers. Julius had to look away. The urge to throw that pipe away and kiss him again was very hard to resist.
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 9 months
Saz and Elliot Big Post
Here's some Saz and Elliot stuff. I'm still fucking around with this. And I'm still iffy about this scene with Saz and Elliot. Been rewriting this off and on and am playing a dangerous game of using what I've written in my notebook as guidelines and not a draft XD. Let's go Fucked at Five. Note also I really like fucking around with the narration.
Tag list: @outpost51 @nanashi23 @winterandwords @jezifster @kk7-rbs @aether-wasteland-s @dumbthunder @manathen @the-void-writes @liv-is (Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!) 
Elliot looked up at the bear morpher. Close enough to rest face first in Saz's chest. Careful to not hit her with the one antler staying strong. The other sadly tossed after the exhaustion of being taunted by the much larger deer morpher, Ian, for having it secured with tape. Keeping his face hidden in her hoodie he raised his arms to Saz's face.
"I gotta tell you how this is gonna work." Elliot squished Saz's face uncaring of the minor resistance, "So I gotta get a standing of how well you can handle yourself in a fight. And that's a perfect time to work on your morphing."
"So you're gonna beat on me? Wow. I know I'm sturdy but there's gotta be a better way." Saz rested her hand on top of Elliot's head mirth in her tone not yet bothering to push him off just yet.
"Love the enthusiasm." Elliot grinned against the fabric, joy flowing off of his sarcasm, "You basically joined a war effort. So you have to get used to it."
Saz starred off for a moment. Yeah she had done wrestling back when she was "human". But the bear morpher was conflicted. Fairly so. She shifted the focus back, with a suck of the teeth.
"How's fighting you supposed to help with my morphing?"
Elliot finally pulled away from her. Hair frazzled from the movement.
"A lot of people first morph in high stress situations. You know. Anger and fear can play a big part too." The deer morpher flinched a little catching onto the quick souring of Saz's mood, "Your's was a... Bit unnatural. But you should still be—"
Saz rolled her eyes, her closed fist hitting her chest, "I was drugged. Say it how it is. I was drugged with some mystery pill and I—"
The bear morpher sucked in a harsh breath and released it shakily. Interrupting herself. There was no need to recount what happened. She was drugged, she morphed for the first time ever, got tranqued, and almost killed. Almost? Her teeth sank into the throat of and her claws has to puncture some organs. There was so much blood. She could almsot remember how violently she reacted to the taste when she had returned to her human form.
The bear morpher squeezed her eyes shut now clasping her hands together. She grit her teeth, squeezing her hands together as tight as she could.
The deer morpher moved in cautiously. He knew how easily he could make the situation worse.
Saz opened an eye looking down at Elliot.
"If it makes you feel any better the way I'm gonna piss you off will definitely replace all that other stuff." Elliot tried, offering what might just be true.
The bear morpher opened her other eye. A small snicker slipped past.
"Don't you already do that?"
Elliot laughed, "Glad you're feeling better asshole."
Saz hummed shortly, "I don't. Not really. But I'd rather not spiral in front of you."
Elliot huffed at that one, "We'll have to talk this out eventually. Especially if that's what's in the way of you morphing."
Saz slowly sat. Her arms outstretched behind her. Focusing on the subtle pull in her shoulders.
"Thought you said it was a stress response."
"And I said when you first morph, usually."
"So there's exceptions?"
"There's always exceptions."
Deer and bear stared at each other blankly. Bear sighed exasperated.
"So it's complicated and not set in stone. So what makes you so sure fighting is the way?"
"Two birds one stone Saz. You're more than welcome to find someone else. I'm not the best with this stuff." Elliot stated honestly.
"You're very lucky you're my best friend." Saz said unamused.
Elliot shot up a double thumbs up, "Get up. Guard up."
Saz groaned and stood. Arm in front of her face and an arm tucked in at her side. She grunted out a soft ready.
Elliot rolled his head around his neck. Already used to the uneven distribution of weight jutting out of his skull. He moved in quickly throwing a couple of punches to test Saz's block. Noting that it was solid but had a lot of gaps.
His fist lodged itself into her side. She staggered in the direction of his follow through. Grunting when his fist met her jaw. She hissed at the pain turning her back to him when she saw another punch coming.
He grinned a little glad to see he faked her out and went for the back of her knees sure she'd crumple. Saz stood strong, maybe a small shake in her next step. That wasn't important. She grinned this time. Turning around to face him, tackling him to the ground.
He briefly panicked. Laughing involuntarily when he felt Saz's hand cradle the back of his head. Sure to not let his skull hit the ground without some sort of cushion.
She moved quickly, sitting on his stomach. Elliot's laughs came out on wheezes. Gasping when her hand clasped his face. A pleased hum slipped past Saz's lips.
Elliot's remaining antler broke off. Saz moved off of him and hoped he wouldn't notice. Or wasn't as attached. Prepping for the next match.
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topsyturvy-turtely · 2 years
Fluffbruary with turtely
Day 7
[day 6] [day 8]
prompts: routine | colorful | energy and
picture prompt: by @fluffbruary <3
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fandom: BBC Sherlock
A/N: first i struggled with finding anything to write to these prompts and suddenly i had an idea where i could use all of them??? wth?? i don't get my brain. also: I AM SO SORRY FOR BEING SO LATE!!!
John was in detention. He was the only one there and his teacher had left the room twelve minutes ago and still hasn't come back. Maybe she had left the school building already. Who knows.
Now John was sitting there, long done with his stupid assignment, letting his lazy gaze drift out of the window. The rain was absolutely pouring and John made a face when he thought about biking home in this weather.
Just this moment his teacher came back. "Done with your assignment, Mr. Watson?"
"Yes. Can I go home now?"
"No, you know you can't."
"Yeah, but don't you wanna go home as well, Mrs.?"
"Well, I suppose I couldn't help it, if you went to an extremely long bathroom break..."
John Watson was already on his way out before she had even finished her sentence. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Hudson! See you Thursday!"
John jumped outside and headed to his bike behind the rugby field. He kept his head low, so his hood would protect his face but suddenly he saw a movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned and... couldn't believe his eyes.
There was a boy... dancing?! On the rugby field?! WITH AN UMBRELLA IN HIS HAND???John was about to open his mouth and yell at the boy if he had gone insane, when the boy jumped, making a split in the air.
Amazed John shook his head, with his mouth slightly open. The boy turned, his limbs in perfect posture - apparently he had internalized the whole dance routine. There was a certain strength and elegance in his energy flow, only ballet dancers could pull off. It was then that John realized the umbrella wasn't at all for protection from the weather - rather it was a tool to support his dance... it swung through the air, pointed at the sky, grazed the earth one- two- three times. With its bright rainbow design it brought a colorful spot into the dull rainy weather, which had painted everything gray.
John continued watching the boy dancing until the dancer was finished. He realized he had been staring, when the dancer lifted his head and caught his eyes.
Raising an eyebrow, swinging the umbrella one more time, so it landed gracefully on his shoulder the boy made his way towards John. Said boy still gazed at him, unable to pull his eyes off. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth, "That...", he searched for the right word "... was amazing." Simple but true.
The dancer looked carefully surprised. "You think so?"
"Yes, of course it was. It was... extraordinary, quite extraordinary."
"That's not what people normally say when they see a male ballet dancer."
"What do people normally say?"
The dancer looked away, "Piss off." His voice was steady but John thought he heard a hurt undertone. "I'm sorry- Who are you?", the dancer asked
"Oh! Uhm... John. I am John Watson.", John held his hand out. "And your name is...?"
"Sherlock Holmes."
John raised his eyebrows at that odd name. "Well, would you like to walk together for a while, Sherlock?"
Sherlock considered for a second... shrugged and offered his umbrella to John.
"Let's." he simply said. And so they did, sharing one rainbow colored umbrella like they didn't know it any other way.
funfact: before i went to bed last night i was like "i have to look at the prompts for tomorrow!!! maybe i have some cool dream i could use!!!" weeelll... guess who half dreamt of an ballet dancing sherlock in the rain xD
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed💚) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @7arantellgrrl @ssmeowl123 @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @pansherlock @the-smol-bean-libby-blog @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @almosttinycowboy @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @psychosociogentleman @quickslvxr @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @johnlock2708 @battledress
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ultraviolet-ink · 7 months
What do you think about asoryuu?
Oh boy, this one's going to be a bit loaded, so here's a bit of a preemptive apology for a ramble/word vomit/rant on my end. Suffice to say ASRY is a NoTP for me. When I was first getting into DGS all the way back in 2019/20, I was a bit ambivalent towards the ship. I had only watched a playthrough of the first game, and I had the feeling that Kazuma was going to come back, but the ship didn't really scream to me at that point, and it kind of befuddled me to see how it was so popular (and a bit of a tangent, I think people only really ship the 1-1 dynamic, but that's a convo for another day). If you even look at the header of my blog, it is no secret that I ship Ryuususa, and it is my OTP. When I had watched the fifth case on the playthrough, I was sold on that ship, and the last moments really sealed the deal for me-- there's something really compelling about the goodbye scene between Susato and Ryuunosuke at the docks, and the localization legitimately made me cry (happy tears of course!) Being a little naive, I started to post about it and I got... a LOT of harassment calling me a lot of names/accusing me of being okay with a lot of really horrible things (intrusive thoughts WHOOOOOOP). The harassment was so bad that I only recently opened up to my therapist about what had happened, and I was pulling away from servers/people I thought I was friends with/wouldn't treat me horribly. I found a lot of solace with people who were also violently harassed pre-localization (shout out to the Baroryuu community, you all were really kind to me, and I am proud to also be a Baroryuu lover <3), when I say it was drama filled pre localization, I mean it. I can even point out when my harassment started to March of 2021 when someone on twitter said not to read my dgs fics since I was a proshipper (I hadn't even called myself that at this point, and honestly I don't really use that title [idk how else to describe it lol], but I do follow that philosophy and call myself anti-harassment), and since I hadn't had a twt at that time, they linked to my ao3, and since I put my tumblr on my fics, I got a LOT of disturbing anons. Even when I made my server, I used to have a link that anyone could click on (word of the day is naive lmaooo), and I got a lot of creeps coming in trying to surveil the server and make sure their friends weren't in it (one person was even trying to get access to the nsfw section which was FUN). After reading this, you're probably thinking "what does this have to do with ASRY?". A lot of the major bullies in fandom HEAVILY shipped ASRY, and would harass people who shipped other ships (Baroryuu and Asobaro shippers were racist, Homuryuu shippers were okay with incest because of that stupid "greatest family in the world" line, etc.). All in all, it came with a lot of entitlement and anger that other peopled DARED not to ship that ship. Those sorts of people really tainted the ship for me. As for the ship itself, I can definitely see why people love it a lot (especially 1-1), but I really didn't like Kazuma in 2-4/5. I found him to be really particularly awful and obtuse (which, makes perfect sense in the story! Who wouldn't be in his position?). I was also mad that he only said ONE (1!!!) thing to Susato when he got his memories back (despite HER recognizing him and getting the ball rolling), and it was basically "Thanks for helping out my friend, bye!" (#justiceforsusato lol). Even at the end of the game, I still was mad at Kazuma and didn't really like him. It's only due to my friends (namely @leafyemeralds and her VERY GOOD TAKES in our convos) that I eventually started to warm up to him. Now he's my personal punching bag to Atone(tm) XD I suppose TL;DR I'm not a big Kazuma fan, harassment made me really dislike the ship, so I don't ship it (also, can ASRY shippers tag their stuff? this is more of a problem on twitter, but it happens on tumblr. Filters can only work if they're there =3=)
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blackjackkent · 4 months
Director's Cut meme on Two Sides of the Coin :)
Your choice of section to discuss!
(Director's Cut meme - "Reblog this if you want readers to come into your ask box and ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story, section of a story, or set of lines.")
😍 eyy, my favorite fic I've written so far. (link)
(Almost as soon as I reblogged that meme I was like "oh god, this is so self-indulgent to ask for haha". But long live self-indulgence I suppose. XD Ty for the ask!)
There's probably a lot I could say about Two Sides, but the first few "commentary" thoughts that come to mind:
The bit at the end, where I had to write three twenty-five word messages for Karlach's Magic Mouth recordings, were all written in one go without counting. They all turned out to be twenty-five words on the dot. (Except the second one, I think, had to have "as best I can" changed to just "best I can". :P ) I was utterly astonished and am quite sure I could never do it again on command. :P
I originally planned the fic to be a LOT different; my original intention was to intermix Karlach and Jaheira's conversation with flashback scenes about Jaheira and Khalid's relationship leading up to his death. All very artsy. I'm SO glad I ended up dropping that whole premise because it made the fic feel very unwieldy. I think it's considerably tighter focusing just on Jaheira and Karlach in the "present". And hey, now I have reason to eventually write a Jaheira/Khalid fic separately. :P
I'm really proud of the whole fic and I think Jaheira and Karlach's conversations came out really well and are very affecting. However, in some ways, my favorite part of the whole fic is the introduction to The Chamber of Illusions and Peyter, and his banter with Jaheira. I think it sets a nice contrasting tone to the overall sad themes and adds some extra depth to the whole sequence.
I've been working a lot on trying to add variety and greater object work. By default I tend to do a lot of "character verbs adjectively" around my dialogue tags, and lots of silent beats defined only as "a long pause" etc., and it tends to get rather repetitive.
One of the things I focused on a lot in this fic was practicing filling beats or illustrating dialogue with action instead. (i.e. J and K dodging fish carts at the harbor, or Karlach accidentally slamming her pen into the ceiling in a moment of emotion). It's not perfect by any means and I have to think about doing it very consciously, but I definitely learned/practiced some stuff writing this fic that I am trying to carry forward into my future writing.
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charlotterhea · 7 days
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Last part of my Summer Fic Reading Challenge journey and ngl, it's extremely satisfying seeing the whole card ticked off. XD
19. Parallel universe
At first, I wasn't even sure what was meant by 'parallel universe', wondering whether not every AU story is technically a parallel universe. XD But then I searched for the tag and stumbled upon "The Unforeseen Possibility of Universes" by MsRosemaryPrince and finally, it clicked. We're talking about 'parallel universes' in the physical sense... 😏 Yes, sometimes I'm a bit slow. Didn't stop me from enjoying the story, though! The thought of Hermione and Severus finding each other in every universe just makes my shipper's heart sing, so I devoured this one and might keep my eyes open to find more stories with this tag. ^^
11. Mythical creature AU
Although creatures are a huge topic in HP, I've only read a few fics centering around creatures so far. I'm not that drawn to that topic personally, I guess. But digging through the archive for this prompt made me stumble upon "just a mannequin with nothing left to hold" by eatgodbemoss and I have to admit, if they are all like that I should probably read more creature fics... 😆 I thoroughly enjoyed Severus being possessed by an incubus and I enjoyed even more how our favourite idiots beat around the bush. Go read it if you're in the mood. ^^
24. Canon compliant
Guys, I hit the jackpot with this one! So, canon compliant is hard to do with Hermione and Severus but I still gave it a shot. You never know, right? And not only did I find a cute story about an encounter with them at the end of year one, but it also is about CHESS! 😍 You cannot imagine how much I love stories about chess! I don't even play chess! I don't know a single chess rule! I can't even envision the moves! And yet I have the time of my life reading them. 😂 Anyway, the story is "Pawn to Eighth Square" by scratchyquill and it's a quick but adorable read. Didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. Go read it!
12. Space AU
For this prompt, I chose a longer story to read, "Sagittaria" by multilingualism. It had everything I love, Snamione, bits and pieces from the book woven into the plot to discover, moments to grin about, and a twist at the end I didn't see coming despite the hints that have been there! I'm hooked for part 2 of the series!
Free Space
Honestly, I don't know if I'm supposed to read a story for this one as well but since I had a one-shot I wanted to read anyway I chose to use it for this. So, "Call me Severus" by kidansong. What a cute story is this? It just ticks all my boxes. Virgin!Severus and explicit consent? Hell, yes! I really love the softness of this story and the fact that it still manages to be hot as fuck. I mean, how could it not? Explicit consent is hot as fuck... 😆
This story really was the perfect one to complete this challenge and I'm really happy I made it despite being doubtful a couple of weeks ago. I had so much fun reading all those wonderful stories and am very grateful both for the authors that they've written them and for the mods of the challenge to offer bingo cards. I had a great summer full of reading and chatting with a writer or two in the comments. 💚
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mobolanz · 1 year
Using two anime men pictures, what is your type of man? One picture for looks and one for personality.
Oh that's quite an interesting question actually (that deep down I hoped to get one day xD)
Since you said one for personality and one for looks seems I can't use a Reiner picture because I'm into him for both in a balance 🤧 😆✨
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But I'm putting this picture here nonetheless if that's alright (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
So instead I'll add two other guys from my top5 ever list :")
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For looks , I'd say closest match is coyote starrk from bleach. :3 stern and solemn face, dark hair, tall, and a goatee to top it. I want to get tagged in any x reader fic one comes across 🤩🤩
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For personality kureno sohma from fruits basket- watch me project into both icky toe and arisa . Aah I mean, very level-headed, calm, polite, gentle, selfless and compassionate person. :") also once acknowledging that even unintentionally he did wrong he's doing anything possible to better it in the available ways, and us actually taking responsibility unlike a certain other jealous dog fuckup I'm supposed to find complex🙄. Also Like would be worried about you first and foremost even in a near death position. Hell. Literally asks if YOU'RE doing well and pats you comfortingly on the head while laying in a hospital bed 🤧🤧. And if he could he'd stay by your side forever to hear you laugh to see your smile to taste your lips to show HIS real and not lonely smile and ahhhhhhhhh ;w; he's perfect for both my sad girl and energetic sunshine moments xD
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Thank you for the ask !:D
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lovely-menza · 2 years
It's me (again) tag!
Tagged by @blackccelebration to do this thingy, thank you so much!! I sort of remember of doing a tag like this long ago but now we can update it yay!1!!!! 💜💜
1 - Are you named after anyone?
Not really, after a song yes, the other one is just because mum liked the name and I like to think it's because a medieval weapon but that's just me ksjdksjs
2 - When was the last time you cried?
Uhm I cry all the time, but last time it was last tuesday at the bus stop 💀💀💀
3 - Do you have kids?
Nope fortunately, but I do have a dog who is just like a kid! (just turned 1 this month) and the other one is just like an old man (turned 15 this month) but I love them
4 - Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not all the time, I come as pretty sincere even when it's the perfect moment to let out my wittiness, but that's when I pay a lot of attention, I suck at being witty sometimes :')
5 - What's the first thing you notice about people?
I remember writing something like 'their face expression when I'm talking to them' which still stands today xD no but seriously, I'm still insecure and sometimes worry about how do people perceive me, but I think it also has to do to the fact that I like face expressions and structures a lot lol
6 - What's your eye colour?
Brown, even if the sunlight flashes in it goes from dark brown to light brown and no other variation, some of us are boring asf okay?
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
Idk what is this supposed to mean but I like scary movies with any endings!!!
8 - Any special talents?
Obsessing over dead pe- Okay actually I think drawing portraits or faces (once again me looking at people's faces) and uhm... instruments count? I just play bass as you've seen jmhskdhsksj but then again I'll keep with art and maybe my good interaction with any pet
9 - Where were you born?
(in Buenos Aires btw)
10 - What are your hobbies?
Playing bass lmao, also drawing since I went on and off by MANY YEARS ALREADY it's frustrating but I'll work on that!! and uh, collecting vinyl records? I don't go out and hunt that much but when I do I don't buy literally anything, I have a little collection of things I adore rather than just keeping lots of records I won't listen to that much
Btw my last finding was Reggatta De Blanc 1986 press record kajskahskajd
11 - Have you any pets?
As I already mentioned two dogs with their respective ages! the baby one is called Bonita (or Bonnie/Lola for the friends) who I adopted 6 months after my doggie Lila passed away :( and the oldie but goldie is Ciro, who's still alive after the fucking mess he was all his life, I adopted him as a weeks-old puppy but he's stray at heart lol
12 - What sports do you play/have played?
I only played volleyball and softball at school, I didn't like softball a lot but volleyball is always fun
pity I dropped out because I couldn't play with my mates - as an outcast myself they'd always play with their friends except me :]
13 - How tall are you?
I'm around 1,65 or 1,68 idk I wish I was a tiny bit taller sometimes hhhh
14 - Favourite subject in school?
Either was the music-related subjects I had in highschool (I don't even remember the names now but it were two branches of it) or history, philosophy... can't think of any other
15 - Dream job?
Living off from art I think, any lol
Now I have to tag 15 blogs? damn okay here you go: @the-rippers, @lil-melody, @outlandos-d-amour, @l0st-d0gs, @crampdown, @thespiritofvexation, @dy3rs3v3 , @viktoria-sob, @larsgoingtomars, @musicrunsthroughmysoul, @themagicalmysticalboy, @jeffament, @princessleiaqueen, @overthinkinks & @itbe1964 Of course you know this is optional so you can ignore and go on with yer life :D
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puppy-phum · 1 year
So I thought maybe Taylor Swift’s red with PuenTaylay since their colors are blue lol. Idk. I honestly can’t think of a good quote. If you think of one and tag me that works too 😂 I just want to see JimmySea on my dash again 😍 I miss them already
hello deanna ♥
i am somehow so very grateful for this prompt :'D it was delightfully vague despite being so straight to the point, and this is why i decided to both follow it and not follow it at all.
here's the result
everyone keeps telling me puentalay are taylor swift coded but i've never really listened to taylor swift that much (i don't really count the radio hits i was subjected to throughout my life). so this was my excuse to finally get into her music! mostly through jessi's @patprans amazing vv edit from a while ago. i went through that whole list of songs in it and i have to say it was a journey.
from it, this love stuck with me the hardest. tbh i cry with it now if i listen to it bc it feels so right for these two. so thank you to you both for opening my eyes, i suppose XD not that i ever really was against any of this, i just didn't have the right motivator before. now i had that and the time. it was fun ♥
and don't worry, i also looked into red! i do know that song haha, i haven't grown up under a rock after all. but i had to look at the lyrics properly and i do get where you're coming from with this prompt. i can feel puentalay there, especially bc of the colors. which i wanted to hold onto even when i abandoned the song itself!
so there's blue, as their beginning and ending. there's black and gray for the missing part, for the loss and grief and longing. and then there's red towards the end for the love! which. truly if loving puen is red am going insane for a little bit. we have had the convos about puen and red, am not digging into that again.
i just hope you like this! and thank you so much for joining in and always talking with me even when our tastes are very different ^^ i appreciate it a lot! have a wonderful rest of your week ♥
(some more rambles under the cut!)
i really love the way this song starts and how it seems to tell the whole puentalay journey in just, what is that, one verse? well, you know. in just a few lines we've come from their starting point to the inevitable tragedy of them having to separate, and then we've come to their reunion and persevering love.
so the edit tries to interpret all that. the first pic is about the water (which i've been thinking about so much and am going insane about it currently, there's so much Water!!), about how talay gets swept into this other universe and how he finds puen. which. i hope you get it that this is also about that glass house scene in ep 4 where talay runs through the rain to get to puen again. that's important. that's puen's tide - that rain.
and then there's a bit of fluff there. about the things they could go on and on about. about these moments where they find each other. about these moments where they... idk. are just lovely and in love. i wanted to show that.
bc i needed that before we hit the angst town! skies grow darker? currents come and sweep you away again? yeah, so true. puentalay literally just get together and then they're fighting which leads them to the secret island. which then, kind of, steals puen from talay a bit later. I tried to show all that too.
and then it's just. episode 11 part 1/4 heartbreak hours. that part is legendary and i love the angst so much even if watching it feels every time like someone is trying to carve my heart out with a plastic knife. but this line in the lyrics!!! it was just so perfect. gosh. (paired with the "and this love came back to me" like CMON i could make another edit only for that)
this then leads to the pink and the red. bc next we see what they had, what good things they got. the "silent screams" are, for me, about talay. about how he's saying he doesn't do love, doesn't really think about it, but still ends up seeking it. and idk, the dusty heart thing always gets to me. that's kind of his silent scream; talking about the love he does not want to the guy who wants nothing else but them to fall in love. how ironic.
puen got the "wildest dreams" then bc damn, that man has so many Wild Dreams. i didn't want to include the popcorn eating in this bc that would've made this edit cracky imo, so there's now just puen intensely staring at talay. this man is up to no good. his fantasies are horrible yet so, so cute. am so happy he actually got to finally live his popcorn fantasy XD what a doofus.
and then finally! all the things they never even dreamed about! aka everything in the our skyy eps. all of that was so good and domestic i bet they never thought they would have something like that. so that was for the last one. am kind of happy this took so long to make so i got those eps before this ♥ they're such a joy.
idk how much sense any of this makes bc it's 2am and my brain is fried but i just had to get all of this out. thank you once more for giving me this chance ^^ ♥
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Tagged by @princess-oriana-iantoya <3 <3 <3
Name: Androgynousclintbarton (oh marvel days XD)
Works written in 2022: 153 XD
Word count: 243,418
Fandoms/Ships: Naruto fandom.
All sorts of different ships. Some Kakagai, some KakaIru and SakuIno or SakuLee. there's a lot of different options lol
Favorite work of yours: Bully Kakashi hours commence it was a lot of fun to write and i always enjoy letting Iruka have a bit of fun :) Plus it pissed some people off so that's always extra fun lol
Proudest achievment: Be my love, be my end I really like this one because a lot of times when people do a 'character goes evil au' they either make their ship get together or it's just this endless longing/pinning. I put an end to it in the most beautiful, kakagai perfect way i could think of and i think it turned out really well
Favorite Line:
As he looks into those stunning onyx eyes, though, he remembers a wish he made long ago. In a far more uncertain time of their lives.
I wish that no matter what happens, everything turns out ok.
A lot had happened in their lives since the day he made that wish. Far too many friends had been lost to the cruel reality of their loves, two wars had come and gone, and more time than he could count it seemed like they would lose each other. At the end of the day, after all was said and done, they had survived.
Favorite passage that you loved writing:
His hands stilled, leaving the mochi he was working on half-finished as he turned to look at Iruka. What he was greeted with was an overwhelming look of love. 
A love that could easily seep into his bones and claim his entire being, if only he would allow it to. If he would simply stop guarding himself for just a moment and allow Iruka in completely.
Without any walls between them.
“Iruka…” he glanced down at the ball of Mochi in Iruka’s hand. A small treat with such a huge weight in it. If he tried it and it wasn’t as good as his father’s he’d be disappointed. On the other hand, if it was somehow as good as his father’s he’d feel like he was destroying something precious.
To lose that little bit of comfort that he looked forward to every year, replacing it with new memories that might never live up to the past.
“I’m not sure I can,” he admitted, placing a hand over Iruka’s wrist and pushing the offering away. “I’ll have it at the festival. Like I’m supposed to.”
“Alright,” retracted his hand, a frown tugging that beautiful smile off of his face. “It’s your birthday so you get to do what you want.”
Some KakaIru tenderness that i really loved writing.
Most difficult passage:
All of 'Don't make me Choose' because i was crying the entire time. you know how hard it is to write through tears? very hard XD
favorite character moment:
Dear Journal: From the heart
Exploring Kakashi's emotions and struggles when he was a kid, and having him write all of it down was such a fun and interesting challenge. It gave me the best excuse to delve into the character's mind and i think it turned out really well
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frostbite-fable · 4 months
YOU. I just finished reading your fic 😃
“will you weapon your skin (feed the monster within)”
and I wanna say I despise you for making such a well written story. I was a little disappointed when ao3 said you had comments disabled, but that quickly went away after I saw the link to your tumblr 😈
allow me to humbly say: HOLY SHIT? First of all ☝️YOU WROTE IT SO WELL.
Alastors POV was just immaculate. His curiosity winning over everything up until the end was just perfect. And how cruel and ruthless his words were was honestly top tier. I couldn’t help but feel bad for Lucifer (but than again, in the very beginning he did say that he wasn’t something to be easily broken.)
I’ve gotta admit, the soft(??) moments had me giggling and kicking my feet. And I could easily tell that Lucifer was holding himself back. Sure in a physical capacity, but also those few moments he indulged his heart a little too much (uh, Owchie).
as much as I enjoyed the…fun..stuff…..THE ENDING.
ALASTOR REALIZING JUST HOW SWEET LUCIFER IS (not nice, nice is a four letter word/ref).
that hurt man. That honestly hurt (good job 🫠)
And alastor also sloooooooowly realizing that maybe, maybe that Lucifer’s sweetness isn’t such a bad thing. Also we love him watching Lucifer sleep 🫰
(I wouldn’t be surprised if Lucifer noticed. Lucifer might be loud, BUT SO IS AL LMAO)
also Alastor needs to apologize to him like oh my god. THE JABS HE MADE AT LUCIFER ABOUT HIS WIFE AND HEAVEN? Had to take a second to process the lilith one tbh. That shit stung.
ANYWAYS, before this gets too long, I just wanted to say thank you for blessing my eyes with this story. It was fabulous, and worth staying up until one in the morning 👍 I will definitely be sure to check out your other works in the future! Thank you again 🫡
real picture of me opening my inbox this morning:
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Okay I am SO glad you liked it, this fic took over my life several times in the last month and I'm so relieved to finally have it done and posted so it can stop haunting me lmao
It was so important to me to get in the soft little bits (I think I tagged it as "Attempted Tenderness" which, like . . . yea h) and I loved getting to write Alastor as that snappy/defensive/mean, it was super cathartic, especially getting to write Lucifer as a foil to that.
That ending was not supposed to be anywhere NEAR as long as it was (none of it was supposed to be that long lol), but the more I got into it, the more I was like "oh this is gonna be an entire thing huh ;___;" and then we had to go through this journey together XD
Also I did NOT mean to turn off guest comments on there I am so sorry I'm not against them I'm just an idiot skdljfskdlsjga
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