#doodles attached at the bottom
sergeantnarwhalwrites · 9 months
Saz and Elliot Big Post
Here's some Saz and Elliot stuff. I'm still fucking around with this. And I'm still iffy about this scene with Saz and Elliot. Been rewriting this off and on and am playing a dangerous game of using what I've written in my notebook as guidelines and not a draft XD. Let's go Fucked at Five. Note also I really like fucking around with the narration.
Tag list: @outpost51 @nanashi23 @winterandwords @jezifster @kk7-rbs @aether-wasteland-s @dumbthunder @manathen @the-void-writes @liv-is (Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!) 
Elliot looked up at the bear morpher. Close enough to rest face first in Saz's chest. Careful to not hit her with the one antler staying strong. The other sadly tossed after the exhaustion of being taunted by the much larger deer morpher, Ian, for having it secured with tape. Keeping his face hidden in her hoodie he raised his arms to Saz's face.
"I gotta tell you how this is gonna work." Elliot squished Saz's face uncaring of the minor resistance, "So I gotta get a standing of how well you can handle yourself in a fight. And that's a perfect time to work on your morphing."
"So you're gonna beat on me? Wow. I know I'm sturdy but there's gotta be a better way." Saz rested her hand on top of Elliot's head mirth in her tone not yet bothering to push him off just yet.
"Love the enthusiasm." Elliot grinned against the fabric, joy flowing off of his sarcasm, "You basically joined a war effort. So you have to get used to it."
Saz starred off for a moment. Yeah she had done wrestling back when she was "human". But the bear morpher was conflicted. Fairly so. She shifted the focus back, with a suck of the teeth.
"How's fighting you supposed to help with my morphing?"
Elliot finally pulled away from her. Hair frazzled from the movement.
"A lot of people first morph in high stress situations. You know. Anger and fear can play a big part too." The deer morpher flinched a little catching onto the quick souring of Saz's mood, "Your's was a... Bit unnatural. But you should still be—"
Saz rolled her eyes, her closed fist hitting her chest, "I was drugged. Say it how it is. I was drugged with some mystery pill and I—"
The bear morpher sucked in a harsh breath and released it shakily. Interrupting herself. There was no need to recount what happened. She was drugged, she morphed for the first time ever, got tranqued, and almost killed. Almost? Her teeth sank into the throat of and her claws has to puncture some organs. There was so much blood. She could almsot remember how violently she reacted to the taste when she had returned to her human form.
The bear morpher squeezed her eyes shut now clasping her hands together. She grit her teeth, squeezing her hands together as tight as she could.
The deer morpher moved in cautiously. He knew how easily he could make the situation worse.
Saz opened an eye looking down at Elliot.
"If it makes you feel any better the way I'm gonna piss you off will definitely replace all that other stuff." Elliot tried, offering what might just be true.
The bear morpher opened her other eye. A small snicker slipped past.
"Don't you already do that?"
Elliot laughed, "Glad you're feeling better asshole."
Saz hummed shortly, "I don't. Not really. But I'd rather not spiral in front of you."
Elliot huffed at that one, "We'll have to talk this out eventually. Especially if that's what's in the way of you morphing."
Saz slowly sat. Her arms outstretched behind her. Focusing on the subtle pull in her shoulders.
"Thought you said it was a stress response."
"And I said when you first morph, usually."
"So there's exceptions?"
"There's always exceptions."
Deer and bear stared at each other blankly. Bear sighed exasperated.
"So it's complicated and not set in stone. So what makes you so sure fighting is the way?"
"Two birds one stone Saz. You're more than welcome to find someone else. I'm not the best with this stuff." Elliot stated honestly.
"You're very lucky you're my best friend." Saz said unamused.
Elliot shot up a double thumbs up, "Get up. Guard up."
Saz groaned and stood. Arm in front of her face and an arm tucked in at her side. She grunted out a soft ready.
Elliot rolled his head around his neck. Already used to the uneven distribution of weight jutting out of his skull. He moved in quickly throwing a couple of punches to test Saz's block. Noting that it was solid but had a lot of gaps.
His fist lodged itself into her side. She staggered in the direction of his follow through. Grunting when his fist met her jaw. She hissed at the pain turning her back to him when she saw another punch coming.
He grinned a little glad to see he faked her out and went for the back of her knees sure she'd crumple. Saz stood strong, maybe a small shake in her next step. That wasn't important. She grinned this time. Turning around to face him, tackling him to the ground.
He briefly panicked. Laughing involuntarily when he felt Saz's hand cradle the back of his head. Sure to not let his skull hit the ground without some sort of cushion.
She moved quickly, sitting on his stomach. Elliot's laughs came out on wheezes. Gasping when her hand clasped his face. A pleased hum slipped past Saz's lips.
Elliot's remaining antler broke off. Saz moved off of him and hoped he wouldn't notice. Or wasn't as attached. Prepping for the next match.
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puppyeared · 5 months
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sleights van
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cmoonghost · 5 months
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wanted to do the race swap thing ive seen around a few times teehee
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swordmaid · 2 months
found a website where u can get custom acrylic keychains done 🙏🙏
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hartxstarr-art · 5 months
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au where everything is the same but its not actually its completely different honestly woah
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kafus · 9 months
i feel like now is a good time to rip the bandaid off and state that if it wasn't already obvious from me bridging complaining about not being able to post trauma art into posting art of my ocs that has a sort of dark vibe to it, vee and nova's story involves sexual abuse and they're like an abstraction of shit that happened to me in real life and are like. insanely important to me for a variety of reasons
i have been scared for a long time to talk about this since i don't want people to look at the words sexual abuse next to a child character and think that it's some nefarious shit. it's not dumbass these are my Trauma Projection OCs that i care about very deeply and not some weird NSFW thing but at this point i think my intentions are very clear and it is safe to start breaking the ice (but i'm not going to dump all their lore all of a sudden my heart's too weak for that still)
worth noting that if you see a summary of their backstories anywhere else on the internet atm, due to aforementioned Fear i have only ever shared anything about them in a heavily sanitized fashion. i stopped doing this months ago because i hated doing it for obvious reasons and realized i could not keep up that charade. and like for what? i'd rather just not share things than share them but lie about the parts i care about. fuck man
anyway yeah when the time is right i'd love to reintroduce you all to my ocs. Properly this time. with more confidence
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doodle17 · 9 months
I don't think you understand when I tell you I am OBSESSED with giant-house-dog Gir holy shit
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Also the ragdolling would probably end with the Piko in question a partially broken mess on the ground BC they weren't made to withstand drops -🌟
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darqx · 6 months
Snakes on a post
Another particularly long answer dump since i, once again, have a backlog of things to potentially answer |D
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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Got jumpscared with my own old art for a hot minute there LAUGHS.
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(For those wondering, the naga doodle from here was attached to the ask)
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That is every other Royal that exists in the Nether and also at least some of the demons that challenged him for his Royal title lol.
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Believe me, no one was or is more surprised then me XD;
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So, the thing about where Rire's ichor manifests is that it kinda exists and doesn't exist at the same time. Meaning that his upper back is where the manifestation point is anchored, BUT it can still manifest with a bit of space in between it and his back hence why it will manifest over his clothes and not through them.
So if you touch where the manifestation point is sans the ichor, than you are just straight up touching his back. With the ichor, he still gets sensory input from the tentacles to his back but it's a lot more soft and muted esp the further away it gets from him. As you've seen implied though, he would feel a very sharp pain if a great deal of damage was done to the ichor where it clusters at the manifestation point, since he'd DEF be feeling that straight in his back lol.
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He is definitely a top and the only way he would bottom for anybody is if they somehow forced him to.
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Ah i knew i'd answered this a long time ago [finally found it]! Holy crosses (those that have been blessed) can also burn him but they would need to be in contact with him the entire time. Being a Royal he also has more of a tolerance to these than normal demons.
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Well, unless said person actually has the undeniable ability to make good on their words, Rire would just stand there rather genially with that little smile he sometimes has and let them finish.
And then he might use them as reverse suggestions for dealing with said person (why would you give him any ideas!!?)
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In BTD canon it is quite possible that they actually haven't in person. But we are using creative license here haha.
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Rire heals a lot faster than a human. Cain is not my character so I don't know how his stacks up.
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I've grouped these asks cos they kind of have similar answers - 360° (jk sorry sorry to the second q that is just a very common spelling mistake and I couldn't resist XD; )
Now, even though we mashed all the characs together in BTD, they all actually come from different storylines and so their canons outside the "BTD canon" may differ. This tends to bleed in. With this in mind:
The rules of Rire's canon (eg the concept of Battle Royales and how to become a Royal) don't apply to Cain. Anyway, they don't live in the same place either.
Cain is canonically the oldest and most OP character in BTD lol so yes he is stronger than Rire - you might've noticed, but Rire is never in the same drawing as Cain voluntarily. I play with this along with the "natural weakness" aspect - which I've also referred to as scissors-paper-rock rules XD Basically; demons beat humans, angels beat demons (purely because demons have weakness against holiness).
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It would (be insane) but I hope you are not looking at me to fulfil this :d
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Not really
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His coronation day is a public holiday in his sector so yes XD
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Aww thank you very much for your interest! ≧(´▽`)≦ It's really cool that some of you guys want to actually fund such a thing - I'd have thought you'd have enough of him killing you in BTD1 XD Unfortunately, I have no plans for a Rire game at the moment as I'm working on a webcomic which looks like it will take up all my free time (that being said, he will be in the webcomic at some point).
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Nope! Although i can kinda see why you might think that lol.
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Whatever that one is where he doesn't particularly care what someone else identifies as. It really makes no difference to him or how he will act.
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There are viruses in the Nether that if contracted could potentially kill you, yes. Part of being a Royal is becoming a lot more robust than normal Demons though. As for if/when Rire dies, I dunno maybe either in a Battle Royale somewhere thousands of years down the line or by old age (which is rare for a Royal but not impossible if you play your cards right).
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If you are asking if he has a heat/rut of some sort, he does not |D
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userpeggycarter · 5 months
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@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 animation.
day seven — birthday extravaganza 🥳
OMG its Blorbo Bleebus!
[in ● sp] [id under the cut]
gifset about Peggy Carter from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
gif 1 of 7. two close-up shots of Peggy are blended together. at the middle, there's a static image of Peggy with her arms crossed. the text says, "OMG this motherfucker is Peggy Carter".
gif 2 of 7. two gifs of Peggy are blended together. there are stats bars at the bottom of the gif. the pairings (extremities) are:
just some guy - the protagonist of life head empty - too many thoughts awful company - ray of sunshine hated by all - loved by all trauma 3000 - untouched by history sadistic for fun - helps others for fun stupid as shit - scary-smart 1000 weapons - 1000 tools enemy of god - at peace with life break the rules - change the rules
gif 3 of 7. two shots of Peggy are blended together, one of them being of Captain Carter. the text says, "evokes" and the options are the following:
spontaneous gushing powerful violent urges raw, unbridled affection the horny meta-posting on main creative drive defensive feelings distraction delight symptoms of projection absent-minded doodles on tabletops the most godawful takes known to mankind
all options have a checkmark next to them.
gif 4 of 7. two close-up shots of Peggy are blended together. there's a chart at the center of the gif, titled "subclass". the subclasses are:
angst lady enemy of the state friend shaped girlboss soft and sweet brain cell haver just like you fr aspirational character chew toy
the angst lady, enemy of the state, girlboss, brain cell haver and aspirational character options are marked with a circle.
gif 5 of 7. two shots of Peggy are blended together. at the center of the gif, there are three stats (intense, complex, and fruity) with 10 points each. Peggy has all 30 points. while the intense and complex points are green, the fruity ones have the colors of the bisexual flag (blue, pink, and purple). at the bottom left corner, there's a big asterisk with the following text next to it: if you or a loved one is attached to a character that fills all of these boxes, you may be entitled to financial compensation.
gif 6 of 7. two close-up shots of an animated Peggy are blended together. the text says, "you want them to have...". the list is the following:
a better time less trauma more romance more friends catharsis revenger sympathy a better situation more healing more sex The Realization and a trademark symbol next to it.
all options have a checkmark next to them.
gif 7 of 7. two shots of Peggy are blended together, a close-up and her silhouette entering a room. "select all that apply", the text says. the list is the following:
tragic backstory? orphan? frequently violent? divorced? has enemies? sidekick owner? no friends? pets stray animals? chronic insomniac? murderer?
there's a checkmark next to "tragic backstory", "frequently violent", "has enemies", "sidekick owner", "pets stray animals", and "murderer". each checkmark has a color that corresponds to a small static image at the bottom of the gif. the tragic backstory one is an image of Peggy crying. the frequently violent one is an image of her holding a gun. has enemies: a picture of Dottie. sidekick owner: a picture of her and Jarvis. pets stray animals: a picture of Peggy holding a puppy. murderer: yet another picture of her holding a gun. end ID.
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gildedoak · 10 hours
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SEASON 1 FINALE, PART 2: Southern Comfort Food, Episode 13 - Apple Tartlets
(content warnings: hospitals)
ALL OF THAT DRAMA JUST TO REVEAL THIS ONE DETAIL!! I noticed the mistake around the Peach Cobbler episode, and then I had to work it into the story SOMEHOW.
This has been absolute wild ride! And there's still more to come! Season 2 is already in the works, along with a separate new comic series. And of course, fun doodles and stuff in between.
SOUTHERN COMFORT FOOD SERIES Chicken and Waffles Sweet Tea Peach Cobbler Hushpuppies Crab/Crawfish Boil Gumbo (plus character notes!) Beignets (part 2) Shrimp and Grits Cornbread Biscuits and Gravy Pecan Pie/Sugar Pie Fried Catfish Apple Tartlets, Part 1
Description under the cut!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: single comic page, colored
Lucifer lies in a hospital bed, slightly propped up, with an IV attached to his left arm and bandages around his neck. He's wearing a blue hospital gown, tucked among pink bed linens (presumably supplied by Belphegor). A golden blush colors his face as Alastor leans forward and kisses the back of his left hand, looking him in the eye.
Alastor, also blushing a little: And don't think I haven't noticed your wedding ring has been missing from your finger ever since I made you chicken and waffles.
Towards the bottom is a caption: See you in "Season 2" of Southern Comfort Food!
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smahell · 1 month
is there a villain in obey me?
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yes. according to this simple search, diavolo is the antagonist we should fear. and date. and collect cards of. for some reason.
this was sent in a discord server I was in as a very very obvious joke (hopefully) and this result is surely ai generated, or google's done a whoopsie-doodle and taken something off of reddit.
yes, diavolo can assert himself as an antagonistic force, but all of his actions are always within logical reason. though it may be against the wishes of the brothers and MC, he always does what is right for the devildom, whether that may be putting lucifer on house arrest, or locking belphegor away from his brothers.
diavolo is literally just trying his best, and he's been doing that since his father basically dumped the responsibility of a whole realm on his shoulders and abandoned him to sleep at the bottom of the devildom. his past is genuinely so sad.
so, who's the villain in obey me????
you could certainly say it's belphie.. but you can also date him. belphie changes through our the story, and as of right now, he holds nothing against humans and anyone in general. though it was a short span of time, he has gained the (somewhat undeserving) forgiveness of everyone around him after trying to kill MC.
like yes, michael, but it's very obvious with him disguising himself as raphael, going against god's will, and even his manipulation of the brothers that he wants the brothers back, and still sees them as family. even if that may not be reciprocated.
you could say father. but in a sense, lilith broke the rules, and so did the brothers. they all needed to be punished accordingly. and the brothers still refer to him as "father" and not by any other name. they don't hate him as of now.
they feel sympathy. an attachment. a connection.
in the og where michael was mentioned once or twice, the fandom was quick to assign him as The Bad Guy™, but getting to know him through nb, he really is just like all the other characters in terms of role. and throughout nb michael is doted on fondly by the brothers. it's that sort of difficult familial love estranged families can relate to.
are these good decisions? no
but he's not a villain.
if you lost the loving family and friends you knew, and you had the power to get them back through such unconventional means... michael is just using the powers he was given.
"so then.. maddie's the bad guy." okay grandpa, let's get you back to your wheelchair..
she's barely even mentioned for starters, and from what I've heard, she's not even been mentioned in nb. all she's done is made mammon cry at some point, and tried to marry diavolo. she might be a shitty person, yes, but she's never even involved enough to make out lives, or even all the brothers's lives a living nightmare. she's a very minor nuisance, at most.
all the characters do something antagonistic. every single one of them. if there was a villain it would discredit the fact that the game isn't about heroes and villains and morality, but about people. and that's what makes obey me so good. and if there was (a villain), the story would've ended by now, long before the franchise's fifth anniversary. ****
every character is morally grey, and the fact that it leaves it up to the player to annotate what is good and bad makes the whole experience more immersive and personal than ever. however, it speaks volumes concerning a lack of media comprehension that anyone would try to assign a villain to obey me.
obey me is about dating silly demon boys, and watching people live, whether that be in peace and harmony, or in tense, on-the-brink-of-destruction moments. the story has no need of a true antagonist, when we have well developed and wide range of characters gets that impact the story no matter what. enjoy the game, hate or love the characters.. whether they're antagonists or not, just have fun.
****(because the devs weren't very good at writing the first game.. so I doubt they could've had the support to have written a second one)
[edit: this was brainstormed between @prettylittlelambs and i on discord :3 thank you for sort of inspiring me and going me come up with more ideas]
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llumimoon · 11 months
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making an AU based off a show based off a doll line means I go WAY TOO HARD on trying to figure out the fits.
here are the designs for the Ever After High AU !!! :D the story this time around is like. WAY too complicated to explain in one post but like the super duper summarized version is this:
For generations the citizens of Ever After have been following the tradition of signing a magical contract in the Storybook of Legends promising to relive their parents' fairytales to keep the stories alive. But there's a bit of an uproar when the newest Evil Queen in ages refuses to follow her destiny and things start to get a little complicated as the students at Ever After High realize that maybe not everything has been played by the book in the past. When Normal breaks a magic mirror he REALLY wasn't supposed to find, his life and story are thrown into chaos. Add in some wildcard Wonderlandians and now nothing's going according to the script. Is a happily ever after really possible?
The AU doesn't follow the show to an exact T, we mostly borrowed some elements and the initial Raven and Apple conflict so there's quite a lot of surprises in store :3c
(EAH AU made by @rindomness, @kaseyskat, and I!! <3 :])
Edit: more designs
image description under the cut
[ID: Four Images of dndads season 2 characters in an Ever After High AU, the first two images being design pages and the last two being doodle pages.
Image 1: A character line up of three designs, from left to right Scary Marlowe, Normal Oak, and Hermie Unworthy. They are each labeled with the fairytale characters they represent, from left to right Evil Queen, Snow White, and Mad Hatter. Hermie has a speech bubble that says "Hello ~ Audience! (yes you looking here)". On the far left Scary stands with her left hand on her hip and her right hand resting palm up with swirlfs of magenta and purple magic coming up from it. She has a serious look on her face and is wearing black mascara and purple eyeshadow. Her hair is various shades of purple to pink and is put up in a side ponytail with a spiky silver hair accessory along with a silver chain around her forehead. She is wearing a black cape with a magenta underside and a sleeveless ankle length dress and long fishnet gloves. The dress has a fishnet neckline and a purple jewel with silver wings on her chest that connects to the hood of her cape. There are chains that connect on he bottom of the jewl to loop around her back. She is wearing a black corset with silver lacing and the bottom of the corset is embellished with silver feathers and a stylized silver crow head. The skirt has a slit down the right leg that is connected with a silver chain and has a dark purple mesh layer on the top half of it. She is wearing black leggings underneath and platform ankle boots that are also decorated with mesh, chains, and lace. She has spiky silver bracelets and fingerless gloves on the back of her hand that connect to a silver ring with a purple gem on her middle finger. To her right stands Normal who is at shoulder length height to Scary and stands up to Hermie's eyes on his left. Normal stands with his right hand up holding a red apple and his left hand playfully posed out by his side. He is smiling cheerfully with an open mouth and has one green and one brown eye. He is wearinf a small tilted red and gold heart shaped crown with a teal bow on the bottom. He has short curly brown hair. He is wearing a white high collared shirt with long sleeves, lace details, and puffy teal shoulders. He has a short red cape attached to a big red bow with gold trip on his chest and a gold apple brooch in the center. He has a brown belt with a gold buckle and gold chains connected to the belt loops. He has puffy teal shorts with three red slits on each side and a white lace trim. He has sheer white tights with white vertical strips and red and white boots with gold detailing and a brown heel. To his left stands Hermie who has his right hand holding a teacup filled with tea at his stomach and his right hand is up to wave at the viewer. He is smirking and has teal hair with various turquoise and pink highlights. He is wearing a purple and magenta striped hat wirh a teal polkadot bow. He also is wearing teal glasses with a circle and square frame with purple and pink lenses and a rose gold glasses chain. He has a striped teal vest that has a long coat tail with pink and purple detailing on the underside. He has a rose gold pocket watch in his vest pocket and a purple and magenta bow on his chest. The collared shirt underneath is a light striped pink and lavender with puffy sleeves that turn into big circle sleeves with a lace trim. He has pink and purple gloves with a magenta ribbon around his wrists. His skirt is mid thigh length and has three layers, the top layer is magenta and has teal and purple polkadots, the second layer is vertically striped with pink and lavender, and the bottom layer is lavender lace, and the whole skirt has rose gold detailing. He has thigh high horizontally striped socks with lace trim and teal, pink, and purple heel boots with purple bows and laces.
Image 2: A character lineup of two designs, zoomed in so that the lower legs are cut off. Link is on the left labeled Prince Charming while Taylor is on the right labeled Queen of Hearts. Taylor has a mischievous smile on his face and his fist in the air as he shouts "Off with their heads!" while Link has one hand up to stifle a laugh and a fond expression and the other hand rests on the hilt of his sword on his belt. Link is dressed in white and gold princely attire that matches Normal's color scheme and a similar but longer red cape and a teal belt sash. He has gold shoulder tassels and a simple golden crown. Taylor has red streaks in his hair and two heart shaped space buns. He also has a golden crown with red heart shaped gems on them, a heart card earring, and a red collar with a heart lock charm. His dress has a high white neck collar that goes around the back of his head and connects to a short jacket with puffy red and black striped sleeves and a white lace trim and golden heart lapel pins connected by a chain. The dress has a sweetheart neckline and is split down to his waist in a V shape in order to mimics the appearance of a white heart on his top. The dress then flares out into a big poofy skirt that has frills at the bottom and has big red and black stripes on it. A sheer top skirt has a white and gold checkered diamond pattern on it. He also has white and red striped tights and black mary janes with a red heel and a golden heart clasp. He's also holding a golden staff with a red heart jewl at the top.
Image 3: A dark grey doodle page on a light grey background. Normal is standing with an exasperated expression on his face and is squatting with his arms out shouting "Am I the only one who cares about following our destinies!?". In the bottom left corner Link os holding Taylor in a princess carry, the both of them grinning with their eyes closed. An arrow is pointing at Link that is labeled 'was supposed to be Norm's prince'. Scary is in the bottom right turned toward Normal with her tongue sticking out and her middle finger up. Her bangs obscure her face. Hermie is in the top right looking at the viewer with his hand cupped toward his face saying "Don't worry, he'll figure it out" with a knowing smile. His eyes are obscured by his glasses.
Image 4: A dark grey doodle page on a light grey background with a sequence of events that go from left to right down the page. Normal is looking desperately up at Scary and clutching an injured arm while Scary looks concernedly down at Normal with her hands hovering. Behind her stands Hermie who's in a intense thinking pose with a hand on his chin. Scary says "Norm what-" and is interrupted by Normal saying "I need your help. I didn't know where else to go." Hermie has a thought bubble above his head that says "Is this im the script?" The next section has Hermie snapping with his eyes closed saying "I'll make it a comedy then, that'll fix it." The next section shows a loud bang on the door behind Normal who looks surprised and the section after has someone outside the door say "Oh thank GOD," while Normal sighs in relief. The last section has Scary with a frustrated look on her face and her hands up with magic energy coming up saying in all caps "Ok what the fuck is going on." /end ID]
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cessmaga · 8 months
Cageblind doodles (w/ mild nsfw tw)
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not me getting attached to the most obscure ships ever known to mankind (I'm not normal)
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body type comparison for drawing reference (I tried to compare their height and body types)
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I kinda like that they're not in the same timeline movies cuz I have more freedom making my own canon about them w/o getting the way of canon (at this point they're ocs to me now)
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lol redraw this cageblind edit pfff
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nsfw tw ‼️(I'm horny on mainnnn) yes I made kenshi a bottom what about it
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crimsononiarataki · 25 days
@foolxsh-vxgrxnt asked: As per usual, Nathan slips a simple envelope to the Oni before continuing in his previous direction. This time, it's a doodle of the cave with a lone tiny Scaramouche inside and a sun position diagram drawn beside it. There's also a red '6th' with a simplified version of his hat above it at the bottom of the page.
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It had been a while since the last time he'd seen Scaramouche. Of course, he knew as a Harbinger the other was often busy for weeks at a time, so he thought nothing of it. As he saw Nathan, he Oni would flash the other a slight grin in greeting, something he did with multiple members of the rebellion, though he wasn't close to many of them. He opted not to be. Better to not get attached. That's how he felt. Even as a social creature.
He'd make his way to the cave, either arriving at the time depicted in the drawing, or directly before it. He made sure to do a small patrol before doing so, that way nobody saw him heading toward the cave. He may have a new scar or two this time, but neither of them were major, or all too noticeable in the first place.
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A chuckle would exit him as he thought about how creative the newest letter he'd gotten was. Not thinking that the other may doodle or draw things to show off to any extent. He'd stretch slightly before making his way into the cave.
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junkienet · 2 months
✱ LEATHER KISSES ? king caesar.
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fluff ⌇ missing a partner undertone ⸻ ﹙ 𝒜lt ﹒ universe ﹚ established relationships. 𝒻.ᐟreader
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the gleam of the bonfire clatters twice , three times. you , with pummeled hands and a mottled nose , rub your buttocks in the gore of wood bound to the muddy lot. the colony of the seditious apes of san francisco , dwelling on the hill south of the muir woods grove , was splashed and sullen. you scan your periphery , zigzagging. up , down; clouds of gloom in the aspect of frond and earthly fields rubricated by gorilla tracks. left , right; wall of stalks and brush , jungle grotto toward the thundering creek.
yawning , you wait for caesar.
panted hoo's and thorax bumps percuss above your skull , the committee's agglomeration is perennial. you wheeze , your chin lands your palm. you lick the blueberry sapidity of your bottom lip , conquering a flimsy sprig. with the apex pointed towards the space between the appendage of your shoes , you tattoo the mud. you sketch a house, with a beaked roof and quadriform windows. then, without effort, you draw a heart. you indolently grope to compose it captivating by attaching bird—y propellers. with your head warped , you doodle a pair of ocelli eyes similar to a grassy meadow and twinkling suns , worn and human. the bonfire clatters four , five times. you , with troubled legs and eager fingers , miss caesar.
you hammer the denouement with the branch among your digits , with each roll the din of the council members disengage to their huts with wobbles on their haunches and shoulders. your orbs pirouette above the circumference of your larynx , running a folded lip , pinched nose and exhausted eyes.
of grassy meadows and twinkling suns.
you impel the twig to the fire , the flare zapping in sumptuousness. the aloque bubbling that scorched your cheek is cornered behind the indigo and avid glow. your feet wiggle squiggly between earth and vegetation , and the ape king sways donnishly in your midnight collision. he grunts and exhales, steepening his head downward. his leathery forehead kisses the sweaty skin amidst your brow.
the bonfire clatters six, seven times. caesar, pompous—chested and cheeks fluffed in erudition, had missed you too.
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