#i stuck some orang on their bc I am evil
sanderssidesthehouse · 2 months
for the bingo thing?? how about logan??
- lots of love, rayn 🤍
Thanks for the ask, Ryan! I can absolutely do my favorite boy, apologies for my lack of hinges.
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I think Logan is probably the most trustworthy, not bc none of the others wouldn't try their darnedest, but bc he also wouldn't get distracted and he's very capable and nor very impulsive generally.
I don't think anyone can quantify the sheer amount of Logan angst I have read, which is a fantastic marker for how much I like him. I relate to him so hard. I was always smart (and got called a robot frequently) but I have trouble with the emotional stuff. Identifying emotions is not my strong suit so sometimes I'll be straight chilling but start crying and have no idea why.
Also he has eldest daughter syndrome for real. Someone please help my boy.
Also one of the few cases where we could fix each other. If Logan Sanders told me he was proud of me I would shatter into a million pieces and reform into a better person. If he gave me a pat on the back and told me everything would be ok I'd say I'm yours in whatever way you want me. Lab partner? Done, I'll bring PPE. Help with work? I'm not that smart but I'll try. Wanna make out about it? My tongue's already in his mouth. Who said that?
Also, hi, he is so fucking tragic. Everytime he is ignored he takes it as a personal failure and if anything ever happened to c!Thomas that he could have prevented if he had been listened to it would destroy him, even if he literally did everything he could. c!Thomas cannot function without his Logic, we all know this. He's trying so hard, but he's not getting far at all and it really does matter. And this is why he feels like he can't ever be silly or have fun bc the weight of his world is on his shoulders and I'm not crying about it I swear.
I also need everyone to acknowledge the growth he's gone through. Whenever something gets brought to his attention and he sees that he needs to work on it, it doesn't happen that episode sometimes, but he does change his methods or behavior. He's trying so hard. That's what really gets me is his genuine, honest, whole-hearted effort that he puts into everything he does. That's my BOY.
Another thing really gets me is how absolutely tender Logan can be. Like Mr. No Emotions rolls up and does his best to provide comfort and care even though it's not his strong suit and he knows it (though he will try to defer to someone who's better at it if possible). This is absolutely related to how genuine he can be, which makes his current state devastating to me. Bitter cynicism is not what I want him to feel like he has to do! He's always been a little sarcastic and a little petty, but like in a way that didn't make me concerned for his mental health. He had such a beautiful outlook at the beginning but it's long since started to crumble. I hope he's not left with ruins.
I have so much to say, I don't think I'll ever be done. I really want to talk about what a dork he is. 'Cogitating cap'? I'm in love with him. I could never argue with him like 'whatever you say bbgirl'. Except for when he's doing that 'I don't have emotions' routine. I need all of them to stop lying to each other and themselves.
Right, so current state of canon thoughts. I need him to have the bitchiest, pettiest, rawest break down imaginable. He deserves to let it out and I want it to be explosive. I want him to do something they can't ignore.
Just in case I want to be clear, I don't think he's perfect and he's not the only one getting ignored. He is absolutely not the only one denying his feelings and I need ALL of them to cut that shit out. Also any annoyance expressed is at the character as a 'person' not the narrative, I really like how everything is being written and explored. That 'done dirty by canon' mark was hesitant and now I can't even remember why I put it there. I'm sure I'll remember in the middle of the night, I've had a long day lol.
Thanks again for the ask, and as always, absolutely anyone and everyone is welcome and invited to agree or disagree or ask for clarifications or expansions. I tried to keep it short and tbh compared to the amount of thoughts I have, I succeeded.
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Intro post bc I feel like it
Mostly our 21 pilots song introjects will be active here nowadays, we're still figuring out how many of us there are. So this will likely keep getting edited
Blurry (he/him) 🎒 I'm the one typing this post. Why am I here if not to suffer /hj
Robin/Ruby (they/ve) 🐦‍⬛ gatekeeper, prefers to sing over excessive speaking
Sock/Sacarver (he/him/she/her) 🔪 evil bisexual all I know how to do is eat hot Cheetos and lie /lh
Keons (he/him) 🚕 the car guy. I like the color orange a lot. hellhound coded
Tomo (he/him) 🥊 from cringe fail bishop to fashionable disaster! I miss the fairly local guy a lot :''')
Rhys (he/him) 🚬 forever stuck with at least some fellow bishops. I guess. At least I'm out of dema now
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angrypixie-sarisa · 4 years
Of Death and a Baby
Piedras Rodantes Pt. 23
Sam xMexican!Witch!fem!readerx Dean (polyamorous)
Author’s note: There’s the use of indigenous language, Nahuatl, casually but magically as well. Nahuatl is the language used by the Aztecs. It doesn’t mean they were magical, but Día de muertos was celebrated long before the Spanish conquista. Because of the focus of death in this chapter I personally think that the connection between the tradition and language is quite beautiful and I wanted to use it in a way with respect. I personally am learning Nahuatl and felt the enthusiasm of incoporating it to the story. If someone finds it offensive or has notes about it I will gladly take them and even erase the chapter if necessary.
Warnings: kinda long, swearing.
(no gifs bc my wifi sucks)
“Okay, so, are you sure he had no aura? Like, not even a spark of red? Yellow? Heck, not even blue?” Diego was sitting criss cross in front of you. You shook your head as you finished drawing on your floor.
“Nothing, and when I say nothing, believe me, it was nothing. You remember that spooky book at school? The one with the weird gray lump?”
“Wha-the weird one?”
“It reminded me so much of that.”
“Word. Hence this.” You signaled towards the things drawn on your floor, all surrounded by the respected color, tarot cards, crystals and herbs. Diego sighed as he helped you light up all the candles. 
“You know, if they find out about this, they’ll get mad.” He said as he placed his hands on his knees, palms hugging them lazily. 
“¿Quién?” You asked as you did the same thing. He gave you a look as if you were supposed to know who he was talking about. 
“Sam and Dean?”
“Oh, pft, who cares if they get mad? Esto es justo y necesario. Además sus sentimientos no tienen nada que ver en si hago magia o no. Screw them.” he dedicated you a proud look, before clearing his throat. “Ready?” 
“On three?”
He nodded. “One.”
“Three. Nihuinti, nichoca, nicnotlamati, nicmati, nic-itoa, nic-elnamiqui: ¡Maca aic nimiqui, maca aic nipolihui! Incan ahmicohua, incan ontepetihua, in ma oncan niauh: ¡maca aic nimiqui, maca aic nipolihui! Estoy ebrio, lloro, me duelo, digo, me acuerdo: ¡ojalá no muera yo, ojalá nunca perezca! Donde no se muere, donde se encumbra, allá vaya yo- Ojalá.” You both chanted in unison. The circle started to illuminate with variety of colors, though the ones that repeated the most were red, purple, orange, green and blue. You kept chanting the same words over and over until in the center of it all, you got an answer. 
Slowly, you both opened your eyes and moved your hands from your knees as you looked at the center on the circle. 
You sighed. In temporal burnt letters it was written “Tetlapopolhuiliztli. Atlenkauitl.” Which meant sorry, no time or bussy.
“Well, there’s another way.” 
“I know, but it’s the longest way of invoking death.” 
“But it’ll be worth it. You’ll have your answers.” 
You sighed while passing a hand through your hair. 
“Es la muerte. Tiene sentido que esté ocupada.”
“Ni modo.” Your phone vibrated in your backpocket. You took it out and checked it only to find a text from Lisa. She managed to convince Dean to get on board with the gun lesson and the knife throwing. Verga. You forgot about it or rather you were utterly convinced that he wouldn’t give in that you decided to focus all your energy and thoughts to summoning Death. But well, she was busy and now you were stuck multitasking. 
“It’s not fair. I wanted to learn how to throw it.”
“I know champ. But for now your mom gets this privilege.” You caressed his hair slightly. Though Lisa didn’t feel it like a privilege. She would rather not have to know how to fire a gun and throw a knife, but her situation demanded it so here she was. 
“Okay, once you master the movement of your throwing hand and you don’t fear to hit your foot instead of the wood your standing on-” 
She looked at you with a mock on her eyes at your teasing. 
“Then you’ll move from throwing at the floor to throwing at a wall. For now, stick to the other method, the precautions and keep practising. Salt in the windows and doors, the whole shebang.” 
She nodded as she and Ben helped you get the set up you brought for her practicing. Next thing you were at the door, already saying your goodbyes and as you walked a block away your phone vibrated again. Since you wanted to summon her, you kept thinking everything could be a signal that death actually made some time to pay you a quick visit. But sending a text wasn’t her style and when you saw your screen it was Dean’s name that appear. It was a text, however, you didn’t get the chance to read as a call came to replace it. 
“Hey. I was just with Lisa and Ben, made sure the house’s properly safe and all. What’s-”
“Y/N, we need your help.” He sounded desperate, his voice was rushed and it sounded as if it came from different places, kind of like up and down, for some reason. 
“Wha-Why? With what?” Just after you asked your ears were filled with the sound of whales, very noisy and demanding whales with a tiny sob here and there. 
“Is that a baby?!” 
“Yeah! I told you we need you! Quick, I don’t know for how much longer we can handle this!” 
“Okay, but-”
“Perfect. See you here.” And then he hung up.
There was a knock on the other side of the door, a very loud knock. "No, no please don't…" Dean muttered as he heard the baby starting to cry again. Sam passed a frustrated hand over his face as he saw his brother open the door only to be met by another catastrophe. Your eyes were flames and he could swear you could kill anybody with that glare. 
"What. The. Hell? At least if you ask me to come over give me the fucking place where you're at! I had to open five different doors to come here! There's a Swedish family you owe an apology to!" You practically helped yourself in. Taking deep breaths to calm yourself as you walk through all the room. Your eyes landed on the whaling baby. "Hi. I'm sorry, did I scare you, darling?" You went to pick him up and to the brothers surprise the baby lifted his arms at you. "Yeah, come here buddy. Hi! Are these evil men not attending to your needs? They're pretty awful aren't they?" 
"Excuse me?" Dean glared at you and the baby as he settled his head on your chest, on top of your heart. You passed a soothing hand through his back and rocked him gently. 
"Sorry I woke you up. They were awful to me as well." You whispered to him.
"Oh, come on!" Dean, once again, complained.
"That's a lie." You heard Sam say at the table.
"Don't believe them. They would say anything to save their necks. A bet they don't even hold you. Tsk. Muy mal." With every word you felt him relax and you looked down to confirm that his eyes were droopy. 
"Hey, about your spanish." Started the older Winchester and measured his words as he was met up by a murderous gaze. 
"What about my Spanish?"
"I'm tired of wondering whatever you're saying all the time. Could you just cast that spell that Diego did for Tyler?" 
"Me too." 
You turned to look at Sam and you couldn't see anything other than mere curiosity. You rolled your eyes as you whispered the spell and a light orange smoke appeared at your feet before dispersing quickly, as though something scared it. 
"Did it-did it work?"
"Pues claro que funcionó. ¿Verdad que sí mi niño?" And as you spoke words started appearing as if they were watching a movie with subtitles. 
"Wow! That's awesome! Say something more." 
You thought for a while as if suddenly you didn't know any Spanish. Funny enough, the next words you spoke weren't Spanish. 
"Ma cochi, pitentzin. Maconexteca pitelontzin. Ma cochi cochi noxocoyotl. Maconexteca noxocoyotzin. Maconexteca pitelontzin. Ma cochi cochi pitelontzin. Maconexteca noxocoyotzin. Maconexteca pitelontzin. Ma cochi cochi pitentzin." But it worked, the spell translated the Nahuatl words, the song to them. But of course, the sound of it wasn't familiar to the brothers. 
The baby in your arms cooed lazily at the sound of the song. Instead of bothering to answer the brother's questions you kept singing to the babe until he fell asleep. Only then did you stop singing and placed him in the crib. 
"What was that?" Sam asked. He had stood up from his place on the table to lean nearby on a wall. 
"Nahuatl." You said nonchalantly. But of course that wasn't a satisfying answer. 
"I studied Nahuatl so it makes sense that I know how to speak the language." You looked at their dumbfounded faces and sighed. 
"Do you need a quick class of Mexico's history?" Seeming that there was no response you continued. "As in the United States, México was also populated by indigenous cultures. The dominant, and I'm not proud about this, culture was the Aztec/Mexica. They dominated great part of the country so it's the most spoken indigenous language, although there's still a small number of people that speak it. I personally fell in love with it and so wanted to learn it and did." You shrugged when no response came from them. "What can I say? I'm a woman of many surprises." 
“I see that.” Sam said, patting your head gently as he went to head outside. 
“Where are you going? I hope you didn’t just drag me around here to babysit.”
“I just have to cover something I missed. Brb.” He winked at you before disappearing behind the shut door. 
You sighed and passed a hand through your hair, then turned to look at Dean, who was resting in one of the beds. “Well at least you’re here to keep me company.” 
You sat beside him, looking at the wooden bars of the crib whilst biting your lip, deep in thought. He never used to pat your head, he only did it once before you told him to stop because you felt like a dog. 
You felt heavy fingers tapping at your back lazily. You turned around to face the tired look on his face. “What ‘cha thinking?” 
You released your lip and turned your attention back to the crib.
“Nothing.” It would’ve convinced him if it wasn’t for the fact  that your voice sounded low and dark, causing him to sat up. 
“That’s the worst lie you’ve ever told.” When you didn’t answer, he pressed. “Is it Sam?” 
At that he caught your attention, seeing as your head quickly spun around to face him with a puzzled look painted in it. 
“You feel it too?”
“Feel what?” He thought the distance between you and his brother was bothering you and he didn’t know why it was there in the first place. You two should be like newly weds or something, after all, you were reunited again. 
“Nothing, nothing.” You panicked and closed your mouth before you could say something else. 
“Y/N.” He warned. Well now he needed answers. He wanted to know what was happening. 
“Dean, you don’t wanna know, okay?”
“Except I do, you’ve just called me Dean.” 
Finally, you met him in the eye again. “What?”
“You only call me Dean when you’re serious.”
“That’s not true.”
“Mhm, sure.”
You laid back on your forearms, still looking forward. “Don’t know what you talkin’ ‘bout win- I mean, De-”
“See, I told you!” He slapped your thigh playfully as he chuckled, earning a few silent laughs from you. 
“Okay, alright, you’re right. I do call you Winchester frequently.” His hand wrapped above your knee and squeezed gently. He gave you some time in silence before he planned to press again. He didn’t want to give the impression that he wouldn’t ask again but also he didn’t want to annoy you with his insistence. 
“What is it? What about Sam?”
You groaned. “You never give up, do you?”
He shrugged as his thumb made tiny circles on your jean wrapped knee. 
You sighed. “Fine. Si te vas a poner en ese plan, pues ya que.” You huffed as you sat up again. 
He smiled softly. “ I love this spell.”
“Yeah, except now I can’t talk shit with you in the room anymore.” 
He bumped his shoulder with yours. “Don’t change the subject.”
“Wha- you were the one who did.”
“Ay, sí, ya sé.” You rolled your eyes, took a deep breath and let go. “Do you think Sam is… You know, our Sammy?” There was a pause as his hand stopped moving abruptly. You started playing with one of your beaded bracelets nervously as you waited for his answer. “What do you mean?”
You sighed before answer. “He’s not Sammy, Dean. He’s… Different and not in a good way.”
“What- How is he different?”
“Well he doesn't fight with you.”
“Oh, so you prefer it that we fight?”
“No, i don’t mean it like that. I mean it’s not natural. You guys fight and now he rises from the depths of hell and suddenly your brotherhood is just paradise?”
“How do you even know that we fight normally?”
“He told me before going back to hunting, before going to hell. Dean he’s not Sam. There’s something wrong with him, he-he has no aura. He’s way to poised and calm all the time. He patted my head.” You started listing all the things, carefully toning down your voice so you wouldn’t wake up the baby again. 
“Wow, what? Your basing all this on him patting your head?”
“It’s not just that, didn’t you hear what I said? He had literally no AURA. And him patting my head? I asked him not to once and he never did it again through the time we were together.”
“So he’s awkward, he’s remembering how it was having you around it doesn’t mean anything.”
“Well, how do you explain the aura then?” You crossed your arms. 
At that, he remained silent, clenching his jaw as he thought. “Maybe you’re still tired, from the djinn thing.”
You took a deep breath and clenched your fists. You knew he wouldn’t understand.
“Just forget I told you this.”
“No, Y/N, I-” But whatever he was about to say got muffled by the sound of something splattering, followed by baby cries. You both looked up to see skin and blood on the wall. 
You both hurried to aid him, you beating Dean to it as he answered a call from Sam. 
“Dean.” You called as you picked the baby covered in green goo. He hanged up the phone and took the baby from you. But neither of you knew what to do except for panicking and do a funny dance where you stood. 
“I know.”
“The baby, he’s…”
“I know.” 
“What do we do, Y/N?!” 
“Um, okay, well…” You stammered. “No need panicking.” But what could you do? Was there anything to do, really? All you could do was take care of him until you could figure out something better. “Um, we- we can’t have a dirty baby. Let’s clean him and for once stop him from crying.” 
The Winchester nodded rapidly. “Yeah, yeah that sounds like a plan.” He took the baby to the bathroom, living you staring at the mess left behind. 
“I guess I’ll deal with this.”
You finally got everything clean except that the baby kept crying. You tried cooing at him and playing with him but nothing worked. It would’ve been easier if you had a baby toy but, the brothers didn’t buy any. 
“Y/N, come on. You were supposed to be the baby whisperer.”
“Oye! Just because I’m a woman it doesn’t mean I’m the baby whisperer.” 
Then, there were knocks on the door before a voice came through. “Manager. Everything okay in there?” You frowned as you both shared a look before glaring at the door. 
“Yeah, no, we’re fine. Thank you. Good night.”
“There’s been complaints. Mind opening the door, sir?”
“Ay, pinche wey, pues que le valga a la verga.” You whispered. The older Winchester pressed a hand on your mouth despite your complaints. “You cannot curse in front of a baby.” He scolded. 
You shrugged his hand away. “Oh, grow up, everybody does.”
“Uh, it’s not a good time. J-Just got out of the shower.” 
The doorknob started moving impatiently. You shared a look with the hunter. In your eyes he found an ice cold blue that wasn’t supposed to be there. He saw you move to hide on one side of the door, leaving the baby to him as he placed the him in the crib, before mimicking your actions. 
The door opened up to reveal a police man with a knife. Manager, mis huevos. Dean heard your voice in his head, not affording to look at the translation.  The intruder just needed to advance a couple of steps before he grabbed his arm and you got the knife out his hand. 
Struggling, the man pushed you two away from him, making the stupidest thing and pushing you two in between the baby and him.
“Get the hell out of the way.”
“No that’s not gonna happen.”
“A child should be with his father.” 
“Prove he’s your son, then we’ll consider it.” You said. 
“I’m not just talking about me, I’m talking about our father.” 
You masked your confusion well enough but the hunter looked as if he took the bait. You mentally facepalmed.  And as the guy went to make his move you quickly dodged his kick before you kneeled and kicked his other leg. 
“Y/N, look out!” 
He grabbed you by your hair and pulled. But just as sudden as it was it stopped. Dean had jumped into action and wrestled with the man. 
“The knife!” 
You felt it beneath you and you grabbed it as you went and pressed it on the shapeshifter’s throat. He groaned, placing his hands around the hunter’s throat. 
“Try me, I’ll choke him before you could slice my throat.”
“You talk to much.” As you went to move your hand he slammed his head with yours, freeing himself from your threat. 
You placed a hand on your forehead and saw him towering over you. But before he could do anything else a gunshot was heard and his body met the floor with a thump. 
“Well, there goes our deposit.” You heard Dean say towards the door. You needn’t see it to know that it was Sam.
You were driving to meet up with Samuel and the cousins. The boys had discussed about the events and Sam had suggested to go to Samuel. You weren't happy about it, your gut kept telling you that something was wrong. Still, there you were, sitting at the back of the car, keeping an eye on the sleeping baby. 
You looked out your window, not really knowing where to look at, but you certainly didn’t want to face forw, when something caught your eye. As if the world had slowed down, you perfectly saw a lost soul watching dumbfounded at the cars as if they didn't know how they got into the road. 
Your fingertips started tingling and you glanced down at them to find them colored a coal black tone. 
Verga. You glanced around shoving everything trying to find anything that could help you; there had to be something you could use to hide them. 
"Hey, what's up?" Dean asked watching you through the rear mirror. 
"Uh. Sammy…" you cleared your throat. "Sam, do you happen to have the other day's gloves?" 
"Uh, I think so. I think there somewhere back there." 
You sighed and mumbled a thank you. You were sure to move carefully, trying not to flash them your fingertips. 
Just as you thought you had no exit to your problem you saw crushed leather fingers beneath the baby's car chair.
"Ay Dios mío, gracias!" You quickly retrieved them, shoving your hands swiftly into the soft fabric from the inside. 
"So, what's with you and the gloves?" The older brother asked. 
"I- I well, you know, I tend to wear them when I get too overwhelmed."
"Overwhelmed, 'bout what?"
"Er, um, pues, 'bout the energy of people or a place, sometimes certain hours of the day. It depends but the feeling's rare."
While it was a true statement, it had more to do with the fact that death started surrounding you and it would only intensify once the summoning was complete. But, the fingers usually happened if the spell for summoning death worked a little too well.
It was night time when you arrived and the chills down your spine intensified. There was no way you were leaving the baby’s side now. 
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Soon all of this mess would be over. 
You held the baby close to you, careful not to crush him, and the cousins gave you weird looks about it that you decided to take care of by giving them the finger. Every time you did, Dean shook his head. 
“Oh, relax he’s asleep. He can’t see me.” 
Gwen approached you with her eyes fixed on the baby. She went to caress his head softly as she said. “Well, aren’t you the best disguise a monster ever wore?”
You looked away from her, sure that if you stared at her for too long her head would explode. Instead you locked eyes with Dean and you both rolled eyes in unison at his cousin’s words.
However, she noticed. “I’m kidding, guys. Relax.” She said before going away. 
You lifted the baby softly so he could hear your words. “Cura, cura, cura. Sana todo lo que llevas. Que tus abuelos están contigo y sus espíritus te protegen.” It was an incantation to wash away the energy of the brother’s cousin, you didn’t want it sticking around where it didn’t belong. No one heard, but they did see you and questioned you. When asked what the hell you were doing, you shrugged. 
“Que te valga madre, ¿no?” 
When you fully lifted your gaze, the Sams were already heading towards you and the older brother had already stood besides you. 
“Hey, let me see the little guy.”
“That’s alright I got it.” You said firmly. 
Samuel smiled. “What do you think I’m gonna do?”
There it was, your ice cold eyes again. “I don’t know. What do you think you’re gonna do?”
“You don’t want an answer to that question.” Dean backed you up. 
“Well, I’m curious. Who exactly do you think we are?” Christian asked from his chair. 
“Hunters.” You both answered. But that didn’t matter because his response was only directed to the one on your right side. 
“Funny. Here i thought we were family.”
“Hey, let’s not get worked up.” Sam started. 
“Yeah, let’s not.” His cousin finished before directing his attention to something else. 
“Here, Y/N, it’s fine.” He neared you and looked at you. “Let me take him. It’s okay.”
“Heh, well you’ll have to rip him off of my arms.” You didn’t move. You stood your ground because stepping back would’ve ment intimidation and you weren’t intimidated you were furious. 
“Y/N.” Sam said quietly.
“No, don’t talk that bullshit to me. What do you want him for? Hm? Tell me, give me a good reason why you want me to hand him and I will.”
The room fell silent, more than it already was. You scoffed. “What you can’t think of a good one? He’s fine, he’s healthy, he isn’t injured. You want to take a look at him? Hear your words. Look. You can do that shit with your eyes, I don’t need to hand him over for that.”
Samuel, sighed, raising a hand to scratch the back of his neck. 
He’s nervous. The older brother heard your words in his head. His back shuddered, but when he turned to look at you he saw that your attention wasn’t directed at him. He didn’t even think you actually intended to talk to him. What did you said once? You tended to think loudly. 
“What are you gonna do with him?” The attention of the good ol’ Campbell shifted from you to his grandson. 
“Raise him.”
You scoffed. “Simón, wey. Esa ni tu te la crees.” 
“Raise him?”
“You got another suggestion?” 
“It’s dangerous out there for him.”
“What about in here? What are we gonna study him? Poke at ‘im?”
“Your mind goes right to torture, Dean. Don’t assume that for everyone.” 
“What exactly you’re tryna say?” Great, now you got two angry people. Good luck fighting us.
“Sorry, I heard what you majored in. Down in the pit.” Christian retorted.
“Ay, pinche puñetas! Que te valga madre, pinche cabron de mierda!”
“Sorry, I don’t speak mexican.” 
You gritted your teeth. “And I don’t speak bozo, yet here we are.” 
“The hell is your problem, man?”
His cousin stood up and walked directly towards you. “You’re starting to become a pain in my ass.” 
“Take it easy. They’re my family.” Sam stepped in. 
Christian took a look at you. “I’m not scared of fighting a girl.”
“Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you.” 
Dean gulped and looked at your eyes, they were no longer icy blue, they were pure red, as fire and blood. As if you could burst something into flames by just looking at it. 
“We’re done bristling up here or what? Nobody’s doing anything to him, guys. When he’s old enough we throw it to him.” Samuel spoke. “He wants to volunteer to help out, that’s fine.” 
“Could be great.” Mark added. 
“How?” You asked lowly. 
“Think of the kind of hunter he’ll grow up to be.” 
“Hm. See I didn’t see it before but now I do. Thank you for that, you’ve opened my eyes.” You said sarcastically. 
“You have to be joking! I mean, come on. You can’t Angelina Jolie a shapeshifter.”
“Why can’t you give me an inch of trust, Dean?”
“Y/N, give him the baby.” Mark commanded. 
“Uy, sí, mamón. Lo que usted ordene. Se me olvidaba que le tengo que hacer caso a cualquier pendejo que abra la boca.” 
“Maybe because you two are back from the dead and I seem to be the only one who wants to know how.”
“You’re not the only who wants to know.” Sam said softly. That took you off guard, it sounded so genuine yet only in that moment he felt honest. 
“Well, there’s too much of mystery in this family for me to get comfy.”
“Then don’t. But don’t put it on us. All we’re trying to do is invite you in. You too, young lady. You think we are some merciless hunters but we’ve been nothing but open to you. Christian, you’ve always wanted a baby, haven’t you?”
“I mean, yeah.” 
“Try to take him away from me and see what happens.”
Samuel scoffed. “What you think you can do better?”
“At raising him? Yeah, I do.”
“But didn’t you tell Sam that you didn’t want kids?” Gwen stepped in. 
“Well I changed my mind, sue me. One thing is for certain, I have a better chance. You guys are always on the run, always hopping from one town to another. You don’t have a steady income. I do. And I have a savings account with money enough to start a college fund. If you can’t say the same thing, leave the baby the fuck alone.” Your phone kept buzzing like crazy. Just a little bit more, he’s almost here. 
Everyone fell silent again. This was new to Dean. He had never seen you liked this but he always knew that you had a good way of shutting people the hell up with solid facts. 
Just when Samuel opened his mouth to respond, distant barks were heard and panic overflowed the room. 
You looked at Sam, only to find nothing but confusion. Then you turned to Dean, but he only dedicated you a panic look as well. You felt paralyzed, your body tensed and for the first time in years, you didn’t know what to do. Well, you did, but it was easier for you to think tit than to move your body. You had to blame it on the spell, it was making you slow and frightful, like an old person that had their foot more on the afterlife than on the material world
“Safe room.” Samuel said. He placed a hand on your shoulder and guided you towards a door. “It’s downstairs. The baby’s gonna be safe there, go! We got it, go!”
Loud clanks and footsteps echoed in the safe room where the four of you where at. 
“Come on, Bobby John, you’ve got to be quiet.” Dean cooed at him above of you. You still didn’t feel like handing him to someone else. 
“I’m gonna go check, you guys stay here.” Sam said, but as he looked through the window his image was mirrored and the shapeshifter yanked the door of it’s hinges. He took Sam by the collar, blocking his attack and threw him out of the room, knocking him out. He spotted you and began to walk towards your direction, getting rid of Dean in the process, making him blackout as well. . He then saw you and took your form. 
“Give me the baby.” 
“Took you long enough.” You whispered before handing them the babe. The shapeshifter gave you a thankful look as they carried the baby in his arms. They took a deep breath as they relaxed knowing that his keen was finally with them.  
“Thank you for calling us. And trusting us, Y/N. Thank you for taking care of him, we are in debt with you. It did making the tracking easier”
“There’s no need for that.” You sighed. “I’m only glad he’s safe. I was the only one who thought he was better with his kind.”
Your mirrored self gave you one last nod before walking away. Just as they were about to round the corner, they turned to you. 
“But you didn’t trust one of us before. What changed?” 
“Like I told him. All I needed was proof that he was the father. Now it doesn’t matter anymore. He has no one close to him left. I’m sorry for all the trouble, it wasn’t supposed to go like this.” 
They shrugged and as they walked away they said: “Make sure to make your injuries believable.” 
Yeah. You thought and sighed. That was going to hurt.
The rest of it went like you expected, lots of clean up and confusion. Dean asked about the shapeshifter alpha (which was the one tracking the baby) and his grandparent and Sam answered patiently. 
Now you where at the walk to the car, tending to your black eye, that you funnily gave yourself, while the brothers talked. 
“You know what’s funny.”
“Back there, the fight in the motel. That guy said that they had to be with their father. So maybe, he was talking about the alpha.”
“Uh, I guess so.” Sam said nonchalantly. 
“So you heard that?” 
“I don’t know, it was kind of a hot moment? Why?” He looked at his brother and then at you, but whatever he was searching for he didn’t find it.
“Because if you did know the alpha was out there and you knew they were looking for the baby, then that means you took the baby as bait.”
Sam fell silent but looked at his brother as he waited for the question. “So did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Took the baby as bait?”
“Of course not, Dean. I honestly thought Samuel was the best shot we got.”
The older Winchester looked at you for backup and his brother mimicked his action. 
“Ah no, a mí ni me miren, yo tengo mis propios problemas ahorita.” You pointed at your black eye and thankfully that made them take their eyes off of you. And the rest of the ride was silent as a tomb.
When you got back to your house, a tiny shadow was waiting for you, meowing. 
You sighed, relieved. “Schrödinger, hola gato guapo.”
“You have a message. It’s on the altar.” He walked you towards your coffee table, where you had mantled death’s altar. In the center, on top of the tarot death card, there was an envelope with a black wax seal, death’s seal. 
You sighed. “Always so fancy and proper, huesuda.” You opened the enveloped and unfolded the letter that was inside. It was a personal letter to basically tell you to be patient, she had a lot of work but as soon as she felt a space between her schedule she would gladly have a cup of coffee with you. 
“Great. I’ll have to make café de olla de aquí hasta que aparezca.” You clicked your tongue.
“At least she communicated with you.” Schrödinger said as he rubbed his body against your leg. You smiled and picked him up. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
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jmblyajones · 5 years
Titans: E.L._.O 2x11
1. y’all see how the recap had Adeline say “they” and it showed Slade’s “discomfort”? y’all know what that meeeeans, we’re getting inTO it!!
2. OH MY FUCKING GOSH! WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO GAR?!! He didn’t say yes!! the audacity of this bitch! woooow. I’m ready to fight like..
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3. BRUCE COMING WITH THE LOOKS, THE FACTS, AND THE TEA 👏🏾👏🏾 mmkay alazul we gon’ need your ass to pay attention now!
4. loving the core four on the title card :,))
5. everyone’s been talking about this whole Trigon situation and how Rachel isn’t in control because Trigon is in control. I wonder (if that is true) if this will cause Rachel to start heavily meditating and this chick she met would help her with that? (i’m trying to figure out this girl’s purpose lol)
6. LMAO i really thought kory was leaving 😂 but sis’s outfit though... sexy as hell PERIOD
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7. what a cliché ass song lol... i’m literally bracing myself to see if dawns gonna sing again 😂
8. y’all can’t tell me that “hanged man” card didn’t look a little like comic book jericho, just a little
9. Y’all... these writers got me hot. Either kory and dick barely speak or they’re hooking up with other people. i’m packing up and LEAVING... y’all are not about to have me out here looking a fool. no ma’am
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HOLD UP did she just say “which allowed me to discover new things... and love” ??
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can i hold kory for like 5 minutes please?? 🥺🥺 ugh and that close up shot of kory, bellissima!
10. sooo... rose and jason just left to hook up and play heroes.. i hate to be that person but the last time we saw jason he almost tried to kill himself... homeboy needs mental help fr
11. aaaahahaha kory out here bopping her head! that’s my girl! rolling that neck like the rest of us!
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12. see, ladies always gotta be the damn back bone to bring the family back together and slap sense into men because who runs the fucking world??
13. Donna and Dawn have irked the hell out of me, now they are leaving to save Gar and Conner, GREAT! but they are still riding on this high ass horse! Give me 5 minute alone with them pleeease!
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14. is Rose really asking jason why HE is the asshole?? girl get the hell out of here 😂! bruh it’s like they are trying to be so damn comic book cannon but it just comes off corny, cringe and hella forced. and since when does jason speak so eloquently? lmao (it’s only because of how limited their interactions been this whole season that this is so hard to believe)
15. bruce vs dick, i love to see it. they got this old man out here kicking ass! ageism? we don’t know her. i can just imagine dick punching himself in reality through this whole scene lmao
(close enough haha) “bird of prey” y’all know the writers had some fun with that line 💀
16. AAAAAAWW SHIIIT!! LETS GOOOO!! Glad Dick came back down to Earth and took his recollection with him mmkay!! And i’m so glad we saw Slade’s ass signing!! This has me sooo hype y’all! (and shout out to people who caught on to Slade signing because they really only showed Slade signing for half a second and cut away quick, fast and in a hurry)
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(this begs the question, how did she know about the orange soda? slade could’ve known about ellis bc he was tracking them and dr. light tried to kill hank and dawn but the orange soda was before slade killed garth? donna seems to keep to herself. so how could rose have known about it to place the soda??)
18. Of fucking course right when kory and rachel get to the jail, the jail bird escapes smh.
19. Mercy Graves is one trifling ass bitch. I hate her with all my fucking heart. I hope this is worth it for her. I hope this evil bitch is happy with herself!
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(i hope Eve can come back and fix gar back before the mind control bullshit! and possibly be the one to help him expand his powers!)
overall solid ass episode 9/10! the lighting and coloring at the diner scene was phenomenal! that was so damn perfect! not to mention when dick finally came to his senses and we saw him recollecting to slade in his chair, coming to the realization about jericho! i am really trying to figure out when will we get everyone fucking unified! I hope it’s next episode so that at the end of e12 it could be a cliffhanger of them still not working as a team... retreating, figuring out their shit in e13 and finally drop kicking slade and rose’s ass!
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beemovie2007 · 4 years
@taylorswiftsmethdealer​ tagged me (thank you avery)
1. name/nickname: my name is 2 syllables i dont need one
2. gender: milf
3. star sign: scorpio (it means i’m evil apparently)
4. height: i’m very tall (5′1″)
5. time: rn its 8:56
6. birthday: november 1
7. favorite bands/groups: bleachers and 1d (on thin ice)
8. favorite solo artist: megan thee stallion or taylor swift (obviously)
9. song stuck in my head: right where you left me except its just help i’m sitting at the restaurant
10. last movie: some indian movie
11. last show: idk
12: when did i create this blog: 2 weeks ago bc i deleted my old one
13. what do i post: bad text posts that are heart touching
14. last thing googled: throuples meme
15. other blogs: @timmytheaveragekid
16. do i get asks: sometimes
17. why did i choose this url: bc karlie tried
18. following: 493 people
19. followers: [redacted]
20. average hours of sleep: bold of you to assume i sleep
21. lucky number: 5
22. instruments: i played recorded in 4th grade
23. what am i wearing: sweatpants and an ugly orange t shirt
24: dream job: physiologist (i didn't even spell that right so maybe not)
25: dream trip: malta or petneu
26. favorite food: the chicken alfredo pasta from dominos
27. nationality: american
28. favorite song: right now its coney island or new angel
29. last book read: the thousandth floor (its a gay love story/ murder)
30. three fictional universes you’d like to live in: the princess dairies one (just for nicholas devereux), the fairly odd parents one, and idk
tagging @dorotheeaa and @dorothca + any one else who wants to
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… Hey, wireless?
Okay. Thank god for common sense. I accidentally lost my post bc my wireless conked out.
I was wise, and copied the contents. so we have lost nothing but the tags. Which weren’t that interesting any way.
So here we go!
In no order: (also, I apologise for any typos my fingers decided they wanted to type a mile a minute… DX)
Aw, Naohisa (still thinking I’m spelling his name wrong) is giving them science lessons…
That Melto loves and Asuna doesn’t get… XD It’s okay Asuna, I’m not sure I understand, either.
Melto’s so starry-eyed, gods love him. XD
Aw, Tyramigo. It’s okay, Melto, he doesn’t mean it meanly. ^^
They’re really cute though. XD
I guess Kou got the idea to see the world in his head from watching tv…
But I feel like there are better places to get into the river than jumping over this railing…
He’s clearly got no idea why that’s shocking. ^^
I guess she decided that she couldn’t really tell a 209 year old what to do…
This episode officially made me conclude that Ui and Touwa are the smols. They’re the youngest of the siblings. Kou is next, then Melto and Asuna are like… Twins who are slightly older than him. No one can agree which one of them is older. Banba is obviously the eldest and stuck managing them. Maybe until Gold gets here. Unless he’ll have to manage Gold, too.
Touwa’s fast, but Banba outweighs him… A for effort, though, sweetie. <3
To continue reading foreshadowing in everything… I wonder if Touwa commenting he doesn’t think Banba can lose in one v one means we’re eventually going to see just that happen.
Or, potentially, maybe Banba did once lose to someone in one v one?
Or both?
Touwa, honey, I just want you to know I very much support the concept of you and the others just tackling your brother. Like Merry and Pippin w/ Boromir. Just jump him. He could use the hugs.
Banba gazes majestically off into the distance as he prepares to be angsty.
Banba: ‘People will always betray you.’
I so want whoever hurt him like this to be an absolute dickwad and I want to see them get their asses kicked, esp by some truly pissed off little sibs.
By Banba, too, absolutely. But I would kill for an ep where the kids find out what this person did and go on a roaring rampage of protectiveness for their big brother. TT^TT DX
Touwa definitely doesn’t know what happened… DX I think he knew Banba was distrusting towards others and very much a loner, but he looks so sad and confused that I don’t think he knew it went this deep…
I wanna hug my little green gremlin son, too! DX I WANNA HUG ALL OF THEM!
Eh. I’m sure she’s fine.
Mook suit actors, the unsung heroes of any and all Sentai. XD
Hey, Green final slash! And Black again. ^^
XD Touwa. Banba’s just like ‘irritated growl.’ ^^
I’m… Pretty sure Ui just insulted this guy…?
Okay, here’s the thing. I don’t see nobody glowing green and losing life force. So… Did they just decide not to put that effect in, or… Or did the Minusaur actually come from someone else?
Like… Tall Cheese?
Ahem. Sorry. I mean Fita.
Though she’s not glowing either… Augh. I dunno what I’m saying.
Why would they chain up Ui, but not Kou?
Well done, Kou. ^^ Boy’s clever is a fight. XD
… What the heck was that boise and dramatic shot of her face? Where they just trying to remind us she’s an idol? I think it happened when the brothers find her, too… Does it mean something? Hmm… I dunno.
Kou’s reaction is hilarious, though.
Ui’s neck is gonna hurt later… DX
Okay, but later the brothers wake her up just fine? I guess the effects were only temporary… That’s probably why they chained them up, so that they couldn’t escape even when they woke up.
And… Kou’s sense ends here. Why didn’t you call the others, you dork? XD
Hmm… I miss Tankjoh, but I kinda like the new guy’s music…
I think he’s meant to be a drastically different personality. Where Tankjoh was surly and serious, this guy is bombastic and childish.
These are the most badass children I have ever seen.
Actually, that’s not true, but, they’re up there.
I’m wonder if it’s an effect of the brainwashing.
I love that girl in the lavender sweatshirt who just goes for the spinning kick. XD
Touwa probably bothered Banba until he agreed to bring her here. XD Which may have been easier bc Banba probably didn’t want to have to deal w/ her…
Melto thinking ‘oh, crap, she’s pretentious, the only way we’re gonna get her to talk is… *sigh* okay, someone has to take this bullet, it might as well be me…’
Honestly, though, I think the only other person who would possibly be willing to do that is Touwa, and probably not. Asuna wasn’t taking well to getting ordered around, and Banba would never kneel to anyone (… Well… Actually, no comment). My interpretation is that Melto realises she’s rather high and mighty, and that she’ll respond to an act of 'reverence’ like that, and he knows no one else in the room is gonna be willing to do it w/out complaining. So he just steps in to save them all the trouble. Mom friend to the rescue.
Honestly, it’s very sensible of him. ^^
I need to write more w/ Melto… DX
Banba is the back modelling. Bc boy can’t be in a single scene where he isn’t posing in some way at every opportunity.
Sorry Short Cheese, Banba doesn’t care if you think he has manners (I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to ditch her in the forest earlier XD). Touwa looks slightly miffed, but I think he’s less effected by it coming from you. The only one you’re offending is Asuna. And, actually, I’d advise against that.
Hey, isn’t Asuna also technically a noble?
Asuna’s like ‘First off, how dare you? Second, how dare you? And third… How dare you?’
XD This is even funnier bc of one of my casual ships. ^^
Melto hates this so much, but he’s willing to do it to find out what’s happening. XD Poor baby.
Oh, okay. So the mind control is just his thing.
This is so vague I can’t trust it… I mean, I guess most of it could be on the level, but… Hm. I gotta wonder if they were allowed to escape… And what exactly he’s got on them to have them still be doing this? (Bc next ep pretty much reveals they’re trying to trick the team) Is Short Cheese mind controlled? Is Tall Cheese? They repeat her ‘I would risk my own life to save her’ twice this ep, so I’m guessing Tall Cheese/little sister’s life is still in danger somehow…? I dunno. I guess we’ll learn this weekend.
So… What, you can just teleport? Why didn’t you do that when you were running before? SUSPICIOUS?
Also, I’m not sure I trust these flashbacks either, bc they’re from Short Cheese’s point of view, and next ep indicates she wasn’t being on the level w/ the team. I mean, she’s holding that orange rock in a bottle… But… Did it come from her planet? Is it something they stole from the Druidons? Or is there a part of this story that was left out (actually, that much is obvious bc Short Cheese didn’t mention the rock at all), where the Druidon gave it to her? Too many variables, even if I didn’t know they were up to something.
I should note that it’s pretty obvious they’re not actually evil and are being forced into doing this. They’re only here as guest stars and they’re being promoted as being idols (exhibit A, the abrupt song sequence coming up), so I HIGHLY doubt they’re gonna pull out the rug and make them outright evil.
And, anyway, the next ep preview practically confirms that. XD
Girl in the lavender sweatshirt is ready to kill something, I swear.
I also like the boy in the burgundy and white sweatshirt. XD He’s paying such good attention. ^^
Asuna’s offended, Melto’s somewhere else thinking about Wyzul, Banba doesn’t care and Touwa’s in. XD
Touwa clearly here thinking ‘dear god, I know I never want to go through that… O_o’
Honey, I am so sorry, but I make no promises. DX
That’s a very direct question, but no less then I’d expect from Banba. Though also… Kinda odd? What are you trying to establish here, sweetie? Why are you asking this?
This line is very important, clearly. They repeat it twice. Pretty sure it’s to make us understand that whatever is going on next ep, it’s bc the sisters are trying to protect each other. Like I said, I’m presuming that Tall Cheese is actually still in danger somehow.
WHAT WAS HE TRYING TO ESTABLISH W/ THAT QUESTION? And then he just accepts her answer? I’m confused…
I really can’t tell if he’s finding something odd w/ this, or if he’s accepting it bc he’s sympathising w/ her… DX Tatsuya is being unreadable too well! DX
And then she… Just starts singing? Like, I love this show, but… There could’ve been a better lead up to that.
Though I do love Naohisa reacting to the lights. XD
So… Was this just a random musical interlude, or… Was she doing something? I guess it was so that Kou could hear it and make the connection, but the execution could have gone a little better.
Banba takes that extra moment to pose. XD
Untransformed fight! ^^
I love how Banba just delays transforming to take off. :D
I needed to use a new emoticon.
Kou’s little ‘Ah!’ and pointing when the kids show up! XD
Girl in the lavender sweatshirt is going to cut something.
See, this is an effective use of the singing.
Uh… What. Melto, what does that… Whatever. Sentai logic.
Now he says ‘Okay, Tyra!’ instead of just ‘Tyra!’
Banba would be SO AWKWARD. XD
Oh, NOW you transform. XD Well, we wouldn’t have had that beautiful weapon toss if you had before. ^^
See? We bring up the line again, and there’s a weird sound cue? Does it mean anything?
Touwa sees the other smollest sib and must immediately go help her. XD
I do like the improve mobility of this mech. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adored the clusterfuck of orbs that was the Kyuranger mecha, but… It’s nice to seem something more dynamic once in a while?
Kudos the new suit actor, too. Whose name still escapes me… DX
Convenient train tracks. XD Sentai logic.
Actually, just Toku logic.
I love MirNeedle and his honk and his spinning attack. XD
Could you be more tsundere in one sentence???
Touwa’s just like ‘stages of realising your brother is a tsundere, stage 3: acceptance’
Kou doesn’t mind, though. XD
I do think Banba is starting to kind of like the trio, but boy is very damaged and the concept scares him, so he’s trying to fight it as much as possible, even though it’s just kind of a slight, vague fondness at this point.
Like, eventually, he’s going to end up adopting them, it’s going to happen, he’s going to have at least four younger sibs, actually five. But we’re not there quite yet.
I would love a ‘we’re not each other’s only family anymore’ sort of thing from the brothers. Or maybe one of the trio telling them that. XD
One day, a Mosasaurus will be in that empty spot, I bet.
Melto and Banba on the same wavelength. ^^
So… The Minusaur host is dead now?
This is cute, but I already know there’s more to this.
XD Oh, Banba. You’re starting to like them, I know you are. You’re not getting out of this. Though I do get why you really don’t want that to happen.
Though I do think his getting emotional next week is a partially due to it. ^^ Like, yes, there’s the fact that he’s mad at Kou for being too trusting, and that it might be dangerous for all of them/earth, but… I dunno. Probably overthinking.
But I’m gonna wax on about that shot in the preview later, don’t worry. XD
Or worry, if you don’t want to hear my rambling. In… Which case why would you even be reading this.
Melto on point again. XD I really need to write more w/ you… DX
Though on the other hand, I guess there’s a possibility that she could have read it in Naohisa’s papers at the house, or he said it to her. But she didn’t seem interested in the research, and they could just ask Naohisa if he mentioned it.
Hm… Maybe they’re waiting to update the ED until Gold gets here.
Why does Kou have the inflation Soul activated?
… That sounds like he knows way  more about economics than he actually does. XD
As far as the preview, I like the drama that seems to be happening. ^^ Maybe they’ll finally give us some slightly more concrete info on what happened to Banba. Or just… Anything about the brothers’ past? And what about that hooded person? The sisters are up to something, but they’re obviously being forced into it somehow, Wyzul is definitely the sneaky type. We’re also heading into May, which means DimeVolcano and possibly Gaisorg/Gaisoulg? Though he wasn’t in any of the scans so even if his figurine is releasing, we likely won’t be seeing him until the very end/month after.
There are so many better possibilities. DX I know who I want it to be (even though I don’t strictly know ‘who’ that is XD), but there are other possibilities too.
And while I would like to see next ep, I am also curious about the arc coming after it. I really wanna know if my crazed visual analysis madness was right about it only being the kids who are trapped in Wonderland and Banba is trying to get them out. I wanna know.
Hm… Does anyone know where the ‘newspaper summaries’ come from? Like, we got the ones from 5 to 7… Are we gonna get ones for 8 to 11 at some point?
I am an impatient baby. DX ^^;
That’s all folks! Virtual chocolate eclairs for anyone who read all that. But, actually, that’s not all! I still wanna ramble about something—namely, and silly personal theory/hc of mine.
Bc of this face:
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Okay, so. During that conversation where Banba did the whole ‘Kindness can make one weak’ thing, I mentioned that I found Kou’s reaction interesting? Bc it might’ve been in his characterisation to get mad and insist that kindness does not make people weak—esp since he clearly still doesn’t think that. But instead, he just looked a little hurt, and looked sad? Like… It seemed to me he was more saddened that Banba thought that way at all than being offended by the statement. Not ‘how could you think that?!’ but more… Like ‘that’s so sad that you’ve been made to believe that?’ If that makes sense? That somehow, Kou caught on that Banba has this view bc he was hurt terribly in the past? And then there’s this face here. Boy looks like a sad puppy. It’s totally my skewed interpretation bc I had that thought before, but to me it looks like he’s looking at Banba like… Empathetically? Like he pities him? So now I’m falling even deeper into the idea that Kou doesn’t find Banba’s distrust of others insulting of offensive in anyway, but is just sad for the fact that someone could come to think that way. Realises that Banba is like this bc he got hurt and is scared, and is just heartbroken by that? That someone could get hurt so badly that they lose faith in nearly all goodness in the world? I might like it if there’s a moment where Kou proves he’s more thoughtful than he seems (like, he can be thoughtful, he has his moments—though he is still an impulsive, goofy doofus) by, like, outright asking Banba what happened to him. That’d def throw Banba for a loop, I think. This is, of course, just my overthinking and incoherent rambling. But I do like the idea. ^^ Last note: my god Tatsuya has pretty eyelashes! DX
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More of the Misadventures of Aish rereading Misadventures and fixing typos, like a cowardly fool because I can’t sleep
chapters 21-25 oh no here we go
(actually I did this in like November on my phone but only just now remembered that I never posted it so here ya go, this is all weeks old)
Okay so with the chapter titles, I didn’t actually start naming them until about ch27 or so, but I had already nicknamed this chapter something like “IT’S FRIENDSHIP YOU COWARDS” bc this one got a surprising amount of notes on tumblr and I’m 99% sure most of the people who read it did not realize that this is in fact a Kimax fic
And also THIS CHAPTER WAS THE TURNING POINT. I could either have kept the fic rly lighthearted until way near the end, or decide to start shoving in the Angst much quicker. 3 guesses what I picked >:D
Oh highkey same Alix?? except for me it’s not superpowers or anything it’s just called “anxiety disorder”
The obliviousness physically pains me
I’m the guard who just blatantly lets Alix steal popcorn. also why was there just casually popcorn there. god I don’t even know what I was thinking when I wrote any of this
Oh yeah I remember!! I was mad at people setting off the smoke alarm while making popcorn in the middle of the night!! just uni things am I right
...why am I noticing now that the whole popcorn thing is just a metaphor for Kim’s entire love life I am going to throw this fic out of the window I swear
this is a freaking game of Civilization where one civ takes a runaway lead in the science victory while the rest are all still stuck in the industrial era
Kim is me watching dinosaur movies too tbh, dinosaurs are so frickin rad
well this is depressing
and adorable
I hate so much that I know what the Bad Dream means I hate it I hate it I h
“It’s not up to you to question why people care about you so just roll with it” damn past me, that’s actually some really good advice???
Alix is a Kimax shipper even this early in the fic, btw. whenever she talks to them about each other she’ll always say stuff like “oh yeah you two are so close” or “he cares about you so much” without specifying whether she means that platonically... my dudes... she’s shipping it
Kim having an existential crisis in early hours of the morning is such a mood because it’s 2am and I’m having one right now
Alright chapter 22 now
the carriage guards!! my favourite characters in the entire fic!!!!!! they’re the BEST okay they just casually chill at school through the entire thing and only show up again in the last chapter omg they’re so amazing I love them??? absolute LEDGES
Kim’s parents being all like “yeah if our son doesn’t wanna come home from school then just KIDNAP HIM and bring him back lmao”
“Hey, do you want me to threaten your guards with my snake or something?” WAS THAT FORESHADOWING??? BECAUSE SHE VERY MUCH DOES DO THAT LATER. TO DIFFERENT GUARDS YES BUT IT’S LEGIT A THING SHE DOES
talking on the phone is stressful? yes it’s that good old “anxiety disorder” again, really a pain tbh
god I’m so proud of Kim, already that good good character development
also Kim’s grandma is me
omg I have to put Kim and Alix’s dumb chess games in the sequel, I came up with an entire thing about how they blatantly cheat etc and it’s ridiculous and Max gets a headache whenever he has to “referee” (aka make sure they don’t fight), it’s so great okay
me: *thinks about chapter 34 and throws up*
oh I’m the snake too btw. the snake also will hate chapter 34
Max holy moly repressing your feelings isn’t healthy??? stop that
hhhhhhh chapter Lila now, like literally that’s the entire chapter 23, it’s basically just Lila
this is just the damn Volpina episode
dupainchien!!!!! dupainchien!!!!!!!!!
I know this isn’t even that much of a big deal in this fic but like... can Marinette and Adrien just get together already lmao
hskdjhdkjfhgs for the record Lila and Kim is actually a pretty good ship?? but they’d both try to out-brag each other and it would be ridiculous so uh
hm anyways. time for CHAPTER AROACE
Kim’s like. ABOUT TO start falling for Max oh thank god, I need this
Lila: *just stabs Kim’s homework with a parasol*
Kim just... Did That??? WE STAN
(oh and later note: in this he just treats Lila like how Adrien treated her in Chameleon lol)
I remember at this point I wasn’t sure if Lila would actually really return in the fic, and then literally like 2 chapters later I brought her back already because damn that girl needs a redemption arc
do I hug Kim or do I hug Max?? you FOOLS, you ABSOLUTE BUFFOONS, I am going to hug ALIX for having to deal with all their romo bullshit
Max trying to get drunk on orange juice is the mood
(also Juleka is absolutely wearing a Reflekta dress)
Juleka, outright: “Max. my dude. alix is aroace you dense idiot. you are all idiots. you absolute fuckwits.”
I’m still the snake btw
hhhhhhhhhh I wanna make a daisy chain now, or just go outside and sprawl in some grass, I can’t because it’s 2.30am and I live in the city and it’s winter, screw this fic for making me miss my school days
oh no I’m having an allergic reaction again
“You need more sleep” me calling myself out
I am going to hit Kim over the head,,
oh good, he wants to smack himself in the face too
no nonono no Alix I think you are cute too. but you see, I mean it in the adopting way. but you ARE objectively adorable (source: the Reverser episode and also like all the other episodes) people just don’t say it in this au because of your TERRIFYING PET SNAKE
she offered to give him a telephone... lov that foreshadowing
*unimpressed* “are you in love with me?” OH FUCKING FINALLY
skdfhskdjfhsd avoiding people and having a heart attack when someone knocks on your door? I see the return of that anxiety disorder eh
Alix didn’t bring the snake (me) with her on purpose bc she knows Kim is still a bit scared of it at this point and doesn’t want him to be in a bad mood while she’s crushing his heart and soul
I hate myself because when I was writing this I was thinking “oh mood?? oh mood worm same hat???” and yet still. didn’t. realize. I’m. aro. *le sigh*
I’m gonna cry this is so sweet
“So are bossy, intimidating, hot girls your type?” no actually because Ondine is neither bossy nor intimidating (tho yeah she is hot) (and not particularly relevant in this fic unfortunately)
Alix is not in fact as oblivious as she claims to be btw, she just thinks it would sound mean to say “oh yeah I guessed you had a thing for me but I aggressively ignored it bc it annoyed me since I’m aroace lmao”
I’m genuinely going to hecking cry omg I remember now why this was my Ultimate Brotp for so long ugh it’s so good, @ ZAG LET KIM AND ALIX BE FRIENDS
I’m laughing?? so hard??? at the fact that their height difference is so ridiculous that literally like he has to kneel down??? god this is the funniest thing
oh also btw she was internally debating with herself like “should I give him the mistletoe kiss?? sounds gross but I feel so bad for him dammit” and decided to right there on the spot because she was lowkey curious anyway, which I’ll be honest is still an aro mood
SO LIKE. there are two (2) instances in this fic where I tried to pretend to be funny by dropping in the word “heartrate”. one is near the beginning, and the other is right here
in other words, the exact start and end points of Kim’s crush on Alix?? AND I DID THAT BY ACCIDENT OMG I’VE CHANGED MY MIND I’M PROUD OF MYSELF NOW
oh... oh no. uh oh. the dreaded evil Chapter Twenty Hecking Five
it’s called “Pain” for a reason. also my OG nickname for it was “Death”. also for a reason.
I even listened to Death Valley (the FOB song) on repeat while writing it (along with the next like 9 chapters lol) because the word DEATH just seemed so accurate
no really this is THE real turning point in the fic, where it stops being just a dumb teen movie and starts being all A N G S T Y
like this is the first chapter that has NO lightheartedness AT ALL
okay. here we go
this is all??? foreshadowing??? for dumb chapters like 30 and 34??? I Hate
this is the equivalent of seeing a kwami die, for the record. like I know kwamis can’t die but THIS IS HOW IT WOULD FEEL
god this is even worse in hindsight knowing what happens later, bc poor Alix is all like @ herself “oh well it’s a nightmare so it’s not real” and I’m just like... oh dear. honey. sweetie. welp. I mean on the bright side you’re psychic so that’s kinda cool right
I love how Jalil is actually really sweet and a genuinely cool brother, you just never get to see it when Kim’s around bc he hates Kim lmao (I mean for good reasons..)
“I can’t live without this snake!” I MEAN YOU’RE NOT WRONG
these timeline powers are SO cursed man. why was I so evil and cruel holy actual shit
(the whole “some character deaths but not really” tag refers to all this clusterfuck btw)
okay it’s funny how this bit with Adrien is the Collector episode despite it not having aired yet when I wrote this, I guess I’m psychic too
Nathalie being sympathetic huh? not so much in the sequel when I get round to it...
Adrikins being all “I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER” I’m dying
uh yeah there’s a difference between being grounded, and like, literal actual house arrest
damn... capitalism really is bad
so is imperialism
fix this damn typo thing where I used the word “soon” twice in one sentence like was that really necessary
I love how Kim is so obviously bi that even Marinette notices and straight-up tries to set him up with a hot commoner boy
oh noes here comes The Death
Hi Aish Snekwami, I am afraid
god imagine how horrible it must be??? to have something traumatic happen in another timeline but you’re still aware of it in this one so you still suffer the effects even though nothing bad happened in this timeline????
Max shows up for two seconds this chapter to remind everyone that I have an anxiety disorder again and then hecks off, good for him
I mean I think I remember writing this when I was on a very heavy painful period which full-on incapacitated me but like even that’s nowhere near as bad as fucking. snake. bite (ye I did some research, it was creepy...)
man this is so evil... I can’t
god that’s so haunting ughhhhhhhhh
honestly whenever I stub my toe etc I always think to myself “is this karma for that time I lowkey killed Alix off in chapter 25?” and yeah, it probably is
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royallyanxious · 7 years
Concept from your friendly resident roman loving anon: roman breaks his arm and is sad bc he cant perform with a broken arm so the other sides write loads of reassuring and happy comments on his cast to make him feel better (and u bet ur ass he keeps either the cast or a picture of it somewhere in his room to look back on) (you can also bet patton puts a pun like 'its break a leg not break an arm silly' on the cast)
Platonic LAMP
Word count: 1400ish
TW: broken bones
 "I had no ideathat Sides can break bones..." hummed Virgil examining Roman's cast. Smallsmile was tugged on his lips."I have a very weird feeling that my pain bring you alot of satisfaction.” Grunted Roman, leaning his head against the wall in hisroom. Virgil raised his gaze and sent an evil smirk hiding half ofhis face in the shadow of his bangs."That feeling evolves into certitude." Roman sighed.Virgil stuck out his tongue and took a step away, lettingPatton come closer."Oh, kiddo." sighed Patton letting his fingerstravel across the white cast "Why can't you be more careful..." hegently patted the injured hand. Roman growled quietly.
"Hey, Pat be careful, that bone is broken afterall." huffed out Virgil quietly."Would you mind telling me how did it happen?"asked Logan squatting next to the bed. His eyes were scanning the cast as if hewas trying to somehow look through it."Well..." Roman cleared his throat "That waslong and tiring battle. Both of us were blind with sweat which was covering ourforeheads an eyelids. I was barely standing on my legs and-""I was there. He fell off the ladder." cut himVirgil casually earning a death-glare from Roman. Logan snored.Patton's lips curled up but the politely tried to hide it byplaying with the paw of his onesie."I was decorating the stage when it started tremblingout of nowhere!" excused himself Roman "I thought I had this undercontrol-""He was singing When Will My Life Begin from Tangled andtrying to dance..." muttered Virgil."You could have caught me My Imbalanced Romance!""The only imbalanced thing there was the ladder and mayI remind you that I told you to calm down!" groaned Virgil."You could have caught me..." mumbled Roman."I was on the opposite side of the stage!" Virgilslammed his hand again the wall "Do you seriously think I wouldn't caughtyou if I could?" Virgil clenched his teeth and only then the othersunderstood how much he blames himself for this situation. His hand slipped downthe wall. "I’m sorry okay? I really am!” He looked truly heart-broken.
Roman smiled softly.
“Don’t sweat itVirgil, I should have been more careful. It’s my fault.” He re-assured theanxious side and sighed “Too bad the play will have to be postponed… I reallywas looking forward to show it to you guys…” Roman fixed his gaze at thepattern covering his pillow. His painted red nails were a little bit nervouslystroking little golden strings which were decorating each corner of the pillow.
“Hey, Ro…” Patton satthe right side of the bed, gently hugging Roman. “It’s fine kiddo. We can wait.At least you will have more time to learn the script. You got perscripted more time.”
“Yeah… I guess you’re right Padre…” Romansmiled faintly, fidgeting with the buttons of his shirt. The other sides werewatching him cautiously. They knew how important this play was to Roman. He putall the effort into it, planning every step and every detail. “If you don’tmind guys I would prefer to stay alone for a while.” Said Roman finally chewingon his lips.
“You sure kiddo?”Patton tilted his head. He would prefer to keep an eye on the creative side.Logan delicately nudged Patton’s shoulder.
“Let’s give him somespace Patton. Roman needs to rest now.” The logical side said quietly and Romansmiled with gratitude.
“O-okay… If you needanything just let us know…” nodded Patton a little bit hesitantly.
“He can walk Patton. His arm is broken, not leg.” Reminded Virgil,holding the door open for the others to leave.
“We should dosomething to cheer him up!” pouted Patton, folding arms on the chest, makinghim look like a toddler.
“Agreed. He lookedincredibly upset with this unfortunate event.” Nodded Logan, tapping hisfingers against the table.
“I want to at least try to fix this…” mumbledVirgil.
“You say it’s yourfault one more time and I’m going to physically fight you.” Patton raised hisfinger and pointed it at Virgil, frowning.
“What do people usuallydo when their friends get sick?” asked Logan completely ignoring Patton. Thesilence fell in the common room.
“… Make them get-well-sooncards?” suggested Patton finally.
Virgil pulled up thesleeves of his hoodie, making a hoodie-paws.
“I mean… it is anidea but this is Roman we’re talking about. We can do better than that.”
Logan rubbed hischin.
“How about a chart?”
“A chart?” snortedVirgil.
“Yes, a chart showinghim how many famous actors suffered from having a broken arm.” Nodded Logancompletely serious.
“This one is a littlebit… too original.” Said Virgil carefully.
“We could spell onhis cast!” lightened up Patton suddenly.
“I think you meant “casta spell” Patton and although it would be very satisfactory to heal Roman thisway, I’m not sure any of us is able to achieve that.” pointed Logan politely,adjusting his necktie.
“No! I meant spell onhis cast! I saw it on some movie! A kid had a cast on their legs and theirfriends left cute, little notes on it! Like a magical spells!” Patton clappedwith delight.
“That could...actually work out.” Nodded Virgil.
“Even though from thelogical point of view this action is quite pointless, I  suspect this is something that could makeRoman feel better.” Said Logan finally after few moments of considering prosand cons of this proposition.
“Great! Since we all agree I’m gonna bring some crayons!”
“Now, Virgil you getthe purple one…” whispered Patton handing the anxious trait one of the colorfulcrayons “I will take the orange one and Logan-“
“I will take blue.”
“But the blue one isbroken.” Whined Patton quietly.
“That’s not of agreat importance if it’s broken or not. I still can write with it.” Loganwithout asking for permission reached for the blue crayon.
“So what’s the plan?”asked Virgil for the third time since they decided to do this.
“It’s easy. Basicallywe wait until Roman falls asleep, slip into his room and write small notes onhis cast. He will wake up to see a lot of nice things and that will put him inbetter mood!” explained Patton cheerfully. He was clearly excited with thewhole idea of sneaking in and out.
Virgil shushed him,peeking through the keyhole.
“I think he’s asleep.”He whispered to the others and gestured them to come closer to the doors. Logantook off his shoes to make less noise.
They crack opened thedoor. Indeed it seemed that Roman fell asleep. His chest was rhythmically raisingup and down and his face expression was much  more relaxed now.
The first one who wrotesomething was Patton. His tongue was sticking out as he was spreading more andmore of orange color across the white cast. Finally he looked at his work andnodded with content. He was done.
The next one was Logan.He took much more time than Patton, thinking twice before writing down eachletter.
The last one who approached sleeping Roman was Virgil. He hesitantly squattednext to the sleeping man and with a little bit shaking hand, scribbled fewwords on the edge of the cast. Taking one small glimpse at Roman he quicklybacked off.
Roman yawned and lookedat the clock, hanging on the wall.  Hehad been sleeping for two hours. The empty feeling was still aching him fromthe inside but at least he wasn’t so tired now. He wanted to get up, find therest of the sides and maybe eat something when his gaze fell at the white masscovering his arm. Only that now it wasn’t completely white.
Roman moved his armcloser to his eyes which almost immediately started filling up with hot tears.
“These guys…” hemumbled to himself “These guys are something else…” he said to himself readingthe small noted once again.
“It’s break a leg, not break an arm silly!” with a small drawing of a puppy next to it.
“I would love to remind you that I improve that saying. Fracture a femurRoman. But not literally this time.” Written with blue.
“…I hate both of these equally. Get well soon Princy.” Written in purple.
 “These guys aresomething else…” smiled Roman, the feeling of emptiness in his heart was gone.
UPDATED TAGLIST: @depressed-alone​ ​ @changeling-ash​ @dear-lover-dearest​ @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms​ @calmingthoughtsinyourhead​ @zo-geeky​ @fandomfreak-19​ @thegnatnat​ @inha-led​ @tree4life25​ @panic-at-theeverywhere​ @reallyanextrovertipromise  @shit-happens-bitchachos @pastel-patton123​ @pinkeasteregg​ @greymane902​ @princeyssash​ @ilovemygaydad​ @musicphanpie-b​ @all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2@birosezz @winged-outlaw @anxious-fander-talian-bean @lizaelsparrow @moonstonefox12 @pastelnerd101  somecrappyclone
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heyhyuck-blog · 7 years
Help From Hyungs (Jisung Hogwarts!AU)(requested)
Hey guys! So I added SR17G into this (bc I’m legit so excited for their debut my daughters aww)(But it’s really only Hina and then mentions of the others, sorry) and here are their houses: Hina: Slytherin, Koeun: Gryffindor, Yiyang: Ravenclaw, Ningning: Hufflepuff, Hyerin: Gryffindor, Lami will end up as a Hufflepuff. Enjoy!
Genre: Fluff
Tags: none
Characters: Park Jisung, Y/N
Word Count: 1,725
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“Look at our baby Jisung, being sorted into Slytherin. I was kinda surprised, actually. I thought you would be a Gryffindor. I’m glad you’re with us, though!” Renjun smiled at the younger boy, nudging him on the shoulder. Jisung just stifled a laugh and looked at the floor.
“I’m just angry that there weren’t that many kids sorted in Slytherin this year. Damn evil people, always making our house look bad.” Donghyuck pouted, walking on the other side of Jisung.
“Not all Slytherins, am I right?” Jisung muttered, embarrassed by his own comment. Donghyuck’s loud laugh stifled a small giggle from behind them.
Saying that Jisung was nervous was quite the understatement. In fact, he was absolutely terrified. Sure, he was a pureblood with parents that had been sorted into Slytherin themselves, but they would never tell him what it was like.
He was terrified that he wouldn’t make friends because of the stigma around Slytherin, even though it had lifted a little bit. He was terrified that he would end up as one of those bad people. However, he was most terrified of other people in his house.
“Hyung, I’m scared.” He suddenly blurted out. Donghyuck let out another laugh, embarrassing Jisung even further.
“Don’t worry, Jisung. It’s not as scary in the dungeons as one might think.” Renjun placed an awkwardly protective arm around Jisung, it was only awkward seeing that Jisung was significantly taller that Renjun.
When the whole house arrived at the common room, the incoming first years were instructed to stay in the common room while the older kids went to bed. Jisung, not knowing where to stand, ended up by himself.
“Hey freshies, I’m your prefect for this year. My name is Yuta, and this is my lovely assistant, Taeyong. He’s cool, I guess.” The upperclassmen addressed the first years very casually, which threw almost all of them off guard.
“Yuta, you’re scaring the kids.” Taeyong shoved Yuta’s shoulder lightly, which made Yuta stumble a little bit. “Sorry about him. I’m Taeyong, and we’re the head prefects for Slytherin this year. If you need anything, you can talk to us.” Taeyong then went on to explain the dormitory system and eating schedules.
Jisung went to bed that night thinking about how his life would play out here.
“Okay, you have to meet some of my friends. They’re pretty darn great!” Your long time friend and neighbor back home, Hina, dragged you down to the common room the next morning. It was safe to assume that you weren’t exactly ready to meet people yet- your hair a mess, crust in the corners of your eyes, and pajamas still on your body. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes as Hina practically dislocated your shoulder from tugging on your arm.
“Yo, Hina! We’ve got new meat for our cult- I mean friend group!” A male voice called from down in the common room.
“Same, Donghyuck! This is Y/N, they’re my neighbor that Yiyang and I talk about a lot!” You opened your eyes to see three boys in front of you. One had brown hair and a tall nose, a wide grin plastered on his face. You assumed that was Donghyuck. One had dyed orange hair and soft features, you didn’t know who he was. The last one, standing in between the previous two, was very tall and had light brown hair. He seemed surprised and mildly terrified.
“H-hi, I’m Y/N.” You muttered out, your voice not quite ready for the day yet. The one with the dark brown hair, Donghyuck, stuck his hand out.
“I’m Donghyuck. The carrot-head over there is Renjun, this is Jisung. Jisung’s a newbie, like you, I’m assuming.” You shook his hand and nodded in agreement, taking the faces and names into memory.
“Y/N here should probably go get dressed. Go, shoo.” Hina pushed you back towards the dorms and you stumbled in to get dressed.
It had been a couple of months since you had arrived at Hogwarts. You had become close friends with Donghyuck and Renjun, but Jisung never really seemed to talk to you. He spent most of his time with a Ravenclaw first year named Chenle, and he had also gotten close to Mark and a few of Renjun’s friends, Jeno and Jaemin.
You were walking back from Herbology, and it just so happened to be pouring rain outside. You, luckily, had brought an umbrella with you so that you wouldn’t get soaked on your way back from the greenhouse. However, an unlucky soul hadn’t bothered to check the weather report.
You held the umbrella above Jisung’s head as he attempted to shove his herbology notes under his cloak. “Need some help?” You asked, flashing a small smile at him. He looked up at you and stood up straight, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Uh, yeah, thanks.” He smiled back at you. “Do you want me to hold the umbrella? I’m taller, so…” You handed him the umbrella and he easily held it above his head.
“Man, class seemed really long today.” You yawned a bit, the rain making you sleepy.
“Yeah, it seemed like Professor Longbottom would never stop talking.” Jisung laughed a bit. Not knowing what else to say, you two walked in an uncomfortable silence back to the Slytherin common room to prepare for dinner.
“Thank you,” Jisung handed the umbrella back to you when you got back to the common room, “I’ll see you at dinner.” He dashed up the stairs to the dorms at what seemed like the speed of light. A voice cleared her throat from the other side of the common room. You looked over to see Hina and Donghyuck lounging in chairs and attempting to study, smirks on their faces.
“May I inquire as to what just happened?” Hina asked, raising one eyebrow.
“What? I just let him use my umbrella on the way back from Herbology. Not a big deal.” You slightly rolled your eyes, catching onto what the two were insinuating.
“Probably not what he thinks…” Donghyuck muttered, barely loud enough for you to hear. Your face turning a light shade of pink, you made your way up to the dorms to prepare for dinner.
“Hyungs, you have to help me!” Jisung dramatically called, plopping down next to Chenle in the great hall.
“Is this about Y/N? Because, if so, I totally called it.” Donghyuck called, lightly pointing at Jisung.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa- is this the Y/N that I know?” Mark waved his hands, obviously out of the loop on what’s happening.
“Yes- to both of those.” Jisung hid his head in his hands, prepared to face teasing from his hyungs.
“Our Jisungie is in love, how precious. I’m going to get you two together if it’s the last thing I do!” Donghyuck called, probably a lot louder than he thought he did. Mark slapped his hand over Donghyuck’s mouth and shushed him, half of the great hall was staring right at their group.
Jisung could feel the heat rising even further on his cheeks, his embarrassment through the roof.
“Okay, I will admit, it’s really cute. But we gotta give Jisung some space, he looks like he’s about to pass out-” Renjun, placed a calming hand on Jisung’s back before Chenle interrupted him.
“Screw that! Where’s Y/N, we gotta let them know everything-” Chenle was then interrupted by Jeno.
“No way! We gotta be more subtle about it, ya know?” Jeno looked around for approval from the others. Jaemin nodded.
“Jeno’s right. We gotta form a plan.”
“Don’t worry, already got one. It should be pretty easy, all it involves is us, the room of requirement, and those two. Also midnight.” Donghyuck listed off the requirements on his fingers.
“Why do all of your plans have to happen at midnight?” Mark shook his head at Donghyuck.
“Do you have a better plan?”
“…You got me there. Let’s do it.” Mark, the unappointed leader of the group, gave in to Donghyuck’s plan.
Jisung still had his very red face in his hands.
You were shaken awake at some ungodly hour of the night by Hina.
“Hina, it’s late and I have an early morning class tomorrow, come on-”
“Come with me, it’s important.” Hina whispered, casting a light spell on her wand as she dragged you out of the Slytherin common room and through the dungeons.
Maybe it was your fatigue or poor lighting at this time of night, but a door seemed to appear in front of you on the wall. Hina dragged you through the door and you were greeted by bright lights and way too many people for this late at night.
“Okay, good luck. Do your thing, Jisung.” Mark called as he shooed all of the other people to a side room of the large open space. You could tell that all of the others were trying to listen in on your conversation because you could hear clattering and a lot of whisper-shouting.
Jisung didn’t look you in the eyes. He looked behind you, at the ground, at the ceiling, everywhere but your eyes. You began to shiver from the stone cold room, cursing yourself for not grabbing something to cover your arms while Hina dragged you to wherever you were now.
“Okay so there’s something I want to tell you.” Jisung spurted out, eventually.
“Wha-” You started to reach for his hand.
“I really like you.” You immediately retracted your hand, your face turning a bright scarlet color. Jisung had his eyes completely shut, his nose scrunched up. His hair was messy from previous sleep, a too-large sweatshirt covering his shoulders.
“I-um, I don’t know what to say…” You giggled a bit, only as a defense mechanism. You could see his shoulders drop in disappointment. “Actually, I do, I like you too.” You hears a light squeal from Donghyuck, which was promptly silenced, probably by Mark. Jisung’s head snapped up, a look of shock on his face.
“You’re not joking, right?” He asked, his voice small but his eyes big.
“Of course not.” You reached for his hand again, he brought you in for an awkward hug.
“Ah, young love.” Jaemin cooed from the other room. You giggled into Jisung’s warm shoulder, both your and his faces staying a light red.
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morgibritt-blog · 7 years
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Shipwrecked Passion: A Murder Mystery Bachelor Challenge
Please read the post in it’s entirety before signing up and messaging me. This is very important!!
Meet Dreamboat Willie Mirage! He mostly just goes by Willie, or Dreamy. He thinks he's the hottest bachelor alive and is excited to have 12 women drooling over him as they compete to win his affection. He's an aspiring business man, quickly rising the ranks of a technology/lifestyle business, Oasis Technologies.
All was going great as the Willie and the girls headed out on a yacht to go to the private island where the bachelor challenge was to take place when out of nowhere a huge storm came over them. They all washed up on a desserted island. The only passengers to survive were Willie and the 12 bachelorettes. Dreamy decides that the show must go on, despite the circumstances! Surely, he will be missed and they will have the best out on a search party looking for him. They're bound to be rescued soon! Right?
Please note! This is meant to be a humorous, satirical sort of BC. Think Frozen where Ana falls in love so quickly with Prince Hans. It will be a bit over the top and cheesy, as I sort of make light of the silly circumstances of a bachelor challenge. I hope that no one will be offended by this. If you do end up having a problem with it, you can always block the tag “Shipwrecked Passion BC” I am in no way meaning to make fun of your BC particularly, but more just having fun with the idea as a whole as I make a super self-absorbed and stuck up Bachelor.
If you're still interested, read on for more details for signing up.
Firstly, this will be a MMBC -esque styled BC. You have to be okay with your sim being a murdered/killed or being the murder. Not to mention any struggles involved with being shipwrecked on a deserted island.
Dreamboat Willie is only interested in women, preferably hot ones with big tatas. (satirical, remember)
This will eventually develop into a rainbowcy, with the winner and Willie being the founders, so please make your sim a one-color berry female (similar to what @romeo-and-simulet did with her Dream BC)
Your sim MUST have some kind of flawed personality trait. (Snob, slob, coward, evil, mean-spirited, etc.) And if you'd like, it would totally be cool if they were themed toward that flaw (similar to how I steered Dreamboat Willie toward the snob trait). Again, remember I mean this to be a light-hearted satircal MMBC, if that's at all possible. So I think it would be fun to have some outrageous contestants with over the top awful personalities. Not that they can't still be loveable, but they should be humorous.
No “Unlucky” Trait as it will make the sim hard to kill.
I'm going to be somewhat particular with how the outfits are set:
Everyday - something ratty, tatty shipwrecked, beach style. Formalwear - something nice that they'd be wearing while they were on the yacht before being shipwrecked on the island Sleepwear, Swimwear, athletic -- all geared toward being shipwrecked No need for outerwear. It will always be summer on the island.
CC/Sliders are fine by me.
Your sim can be a supernatural if you want, although I'd caution being a Vampire because of all the sun they'll be getting.
Please include a post of your contestant with traits and a bio.
Preference will be given to mutuals (I follow you, you follow me) for spots. Meaning if I have 13 people ask to sign up, 12 mutuals and one non-mutual, the spots will go to the 12 mutuals, even if the non mutual asked first. But if I don’t get 12 mutuals interested after 48 hours, the spots will go to nonmutuals. Sorry! 
If you have any questions, let me know!
I'm going to sort spots by general color, because I'd like an assortment of colors. But there will be a few "wildcards" if the color you want is already taken or the color you have in mind is not on the list.
When you go to sign up for a spot, please identify your top 3 available choices. So something like “I’d love to sign up for your BC! My top 3 spots are 5, 3 and 7.” This will help me get colors sorted out, especially if there’s a delay in me updating the list of participants.
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Orange (claimed)
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Green (claimed)
Blue (claimed)
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Turquoise (claimed)
Wild Card (any color) (claimed)
Wild Card (any color) (claimed)
Wild Card (any color) (claimed)
Wild Card (any color) (claimed)
**Remember to identify your top 3 favorite spots when you sign up! Use the code word “Cloud 9″ when signing up. This tells me you read the whole post and I will use this as a preferential thing when assigning colors.**
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thegeminisage · 8 years
zelda blogging which is so deeply super spoilery, possible the most spoilery it’s ever been, so if you haven’t THOROUGHLY explored the central-north part of the map DON’T read it
aww some of these gerudo wear glasses! love it
i like the music here too but i kinda wish it had been the same melody from oot ; ;
omg riju is tiny!!! is she still young?!
aww her relationship with buliara is sweet they obviously care about each other a lot
AAAAAH THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT MY SWORD lmao maybe i should have gone to get it after all
oh my god a sand seal that gives you words of wisdom for food
ooh i get a free accessory for giving this lady some flint...hmMmMMmMMmmm
topaz i guess bc i'll probs need lightning protection soon? but no, i'm getting a helm...
haha sapphire to go with link's eyes?
ruby bc the flame armor is the ugliest and i wanna wear something else? LOL
went with sapphire iin the end MAY I NOT REGRET IT...
ooooh i shoulda been saving my gems....Dang
i mean, at least i have the 10k i need for the great fairy, but there's so much cool stuff here and i can't bUY ANY...
ah no i did get some opal and amber earrings :3
swim speed up and the ithers are just extra defense
"apparently the accessory maker and the teacher of the relationship class were both in a tragic love triangle, and now they are both single" nintendo this is an all women society please give me lesbians i BEG of you
ok, i need 1 ruby and 5 topaz to finish buying one of everything here. i'll remember
hahahahaha "you've gotta take your time when selecting gems and voe" wise words, lady
omg i found a bar but im too young to drink. nice, nintendo
lmao you can tell one of the ladies you're over 100 and she doesn't believe you dxkfjhg
ok so the hideout of the yiga clan is apparently to the northwest of here so i get to RIDE A SAND SEAL or surf behind one i guess. tbh im a little worried i'll break all my shields :/
i got a gerudo one that i really like!! goes with my scimitar and golden bow!
aww can i not wear accessories along with normal armor...? that sucks
LOL SEAL PUNS the options when talking to the sand seal lady are full of em im dying
wow i can't get this shrine unless i wind sand seal races which i can't do with the divine beast out LOL
jesus those sandstorms look so huge and terrifying...especially since i know they'll disable my map
i wanna explore but tbh i better just stick to the plot and away from those bad boys
oh JESUS i went to an outpost where they're monitoring the beast and it's. so big. and so loud and big and. so scary. oh my god, it's huge
oh FUCK i got too close and it started targeting me so i ran away and thankfully it stopped...definitely gonna take it easy on the exploration if i can help it
oooh no no no why is the air turning green out here...dnw dnw leave me and my map alone!!
uh, and where is my fucking seal...? i left it right HERE
ugh i had trouble mounting the one from before when i stayed in the monitoring outpost do they like leave if you stay gone a long time...? fml
awww this old gerudo never found the lovers pond ):
ugh i see so much stuff i wanna check out but im too scared to get off the seal for long :/ ESPECIALLY if i get stuck in a storm i'll want a way out
oh wow the air is so hot here even my gerudo outfit is useless
tbh, maybe that's a good thing, if i'm eating food i can wear armor with actual defense...much as i love these clothes they're great for getting your ass kicked
ok no seriously WHY does everyone from the yiga clan drop bananas..............
i know that everyone talks about how cool it is that this game just plops you down in the world and lets you figure it out for yourself without hitting you over the head with the instructions
but i just found a bow and some torches in a circle of lit torches with some obviously flammable banners nearby, so
i found the missing gerudo soldier!
"all i've ever seen them do is patrol and eat[in red text] bananas" LMAO WHATS THE DEAL MY DUDES
theres some bananas here on a table wtf do i do throw them at them?? lmao
dude pranced right over to it and pocketed it lmao
nooo i missed a chest...maybe i can get it on the way back out ;_;
this is so funny dkjfgh fck
urgh i wish i could just...snipe them from here. it'd be so EASY
im actually not even totally sure which direction to go, im all turned around
ok, one stationary guy at the door maybe i have to move him?
i couldn't even fight they one-shotted me and mipha's grace didn't kick in! that isn't fair at all
at least i can get the chest i missed
lol and i cant save in here. perfect.
ok yeah im gonna have to look it up bc as far as i can tell this room has no exit all the hallways just circle back around into it
apparently i CAN fight them...? they're just really hard?
this walkthru is so unclear lol there's a hidden door i can find with magnesis on the right-hand wall WHICH RIGHT...
WAIT fuck i finally see the exit
ah ok. wrong room for the hidden door.
master kohga!! he just...knocked himself out with his own attack. lmao ok
fuck this is SO FUNNY he is so funny
i love it even his bones cracked
isn't what he used to be, apparently
wow this is a boring fight he has a lot of hp and he's so far away the only way i can attack is arrows
and now arrows aren't working anymore...? obviously i'm doing something wrong
maybe i can reflect the rocks back at him
ok google says to drop his things on his head
this undertale naruto motherfucker im crying i love him
"pretty soon you'll be gone! and not just from my line of sight!" i'm CRYING
fuck the ball rolled on top of him and made him fall
what a fucking legend i'll never forget you master kohga i promise
aaaand thunder helm retrieved
but i gotta rescue that missing gerudo!
ah good her cell is empty!
lol im skipping sooo many shrines rn...i'll come back to them later i swear
oh NOOOO i got a memory!!!
urbosa the prankster!!! witht he power of lightning at her disposal!! protective of princess zelda!! i'm dying!!!
also im sad so zelda's sealing power mjst be what she used to seal ganon away but apparently in the past she couldn't make it show up for her whole life...?
aw no poor riju the helmet is too big on her
(give it to meeeee)
ok it's time for the divine beast bit but before i do jack or shit im going to upgrade my armor as much as possible rn
ugh you can't enhance the gerudo clothes...geez
aaah riju is talking!!! i always get so surprised!!!
i did it!! tbh i had a really hard time keeping up with her...a dash was too fast but regular speed was too slow
ohhh wow it's really walking around while on it
oh man. it's so big. it's so big
oooh you rotate the insides of this one!!
i get the feeling now i should've done more shrines in this area afterall, they have the same sort of electricity theme and they would've been good practice 
okay that was...easily the hardest beast so far
i had to use a guide TWICE and i could barely understand the instructions, PLUS i got two terminals by sheer dumb luck
oooh boy okay a lightning boss im assuming here we gooooo
LMFAO i suck so much at this urbosa was like "there is valor in dodging"
thanks zelda i missed your captain obvious statements
geeeeez i just barely got it
oh EW that never gets any less gross
ohhh my god
oh my gOD?
she mentioned nabooru from oot BY NAME holy SHIT this continutity between games!!!
and "calamity ganon once took on the form of a gerudo that makes this all the more personal" jesus fUCKING christ
i feel so bad for ganondorf the man like
he didn't ask for this shit anymore than link or zelda
and at least they get to win most of the time he always loses and even when he does win he's hated, his win brings ruin
where's the fic where the only way to end the cycle is to become friends with him huh
or like, frankly: the true enemy isn't ganondorf but the evil that takes hold of him
when does he get to be the hero and fight it and smash it to little bitty bits!
oh lord and the blood moon as soon as i get back
do people like, see these towers popping up and beasts moving around? does it scare the shit out of them or make them hopeful?
anyway i hope now i can explore with less sandstorms
oh boy time to ride into a sandstorm gee i sure hope i dont get lost
LOL and first thing i run right into a camp of enemies just bc i was trying to stay in a straight line!!!! jesus
lovely! i am now hopelessly turned around in a sandstorm. i literally don't even know which way i came from
my sand seal is also STUCK lol
ah i passed through it! i'm right where i need to go!
i'm. i'm 500 short. oh my god
nothing i can't earn with 10 minutes of cooking, tho
huh...? she only asked for 1k...?
i could've SWORN i read someone asks for 10k at one point!
god what if i've been MISINFORMED all this TIME
ooh this one is orange and green
FUCK "i know what you're thinking...can't we just skip to the part where she enhances my clothes?" FUCKING PLAYED
holy FUCK just found my first molduga...i have to KILL one of these for a quest? jesus christ!
ohhh that actually wasn't too bad at all once i figured out the strategy...i've had more trouble with lynels and hinoxes
i'll be honest, the interactive map take a bit of both fun and "work" out of exploring...i look at empty areas and don't wonder "ooh whats over there" but think "ah i can just glance at that bit"
which should make me feel like my Pure Enjoyment of the game is being compromised, and i guess it does a little, but
i wasn't kidding when i said the need to explore was a bit compulsive so it's mostly a relief
ah from up here i see the sandstorm...i think it rotates around the desert? so, it's very possible to avoid and survive even if you do get stuck
anyway i missed several shrines but the quests for them are so complex and i am so Sick
of the desert. even worse than rain tbh
now the question is what to do next: master sword or rito beast
lowkey wanna wait until i get all four beasts before the sword, but
i know you do all four beasts and then ganon and that's it, so if i got the sword then it wouldn't help me for long
plus i'm a little tired of fighting the temperature and changing gear/eating food all the time, so......i guess i'll go check out the forest
maybe i'll see dinaal! i've only seen him once from veeeery very far away
im getting aaaaawfully close to hyrule castle i Dont Like This
lmao every time i catch sight of the divine beasts in the distance, the fact that i can SEE them from THIS far away, blows my fucking mine
they are SO BIG
im getting a much closer look at that flying thing and i'm almost CERTAIN it's a divine beast
just. jesus christ. so BIG
ohhh my gosh i can see the giant pink tree from here *_*
or maybe it's brown, maybe the deku tree is dead lmao
lol straight up skipped the bottomless bog and the enemies at the bottom bc i glided in from death mountain
whoa this tower has rock all over the top??
ah maybe it's so i can't glide to the big tree in the middle lol
not the lost woods if i don't get lost!
lol jk i got on top of it and there was a super cool sword here
aww rauru hillside...im sad
BRO im in the lost woods but its just playing the maze shrine music, i was so hopeful for saria's song
zora's domain having the same music set me up with false expectations t b h
omg if i go too high i die!! i can't follow my higher-ground instict here!!!!!
which is pretty cool but if all i have to do is wander around these woods with my map ON to find the master sword i am gonna be disappointed
even gerudo desert turned it off sometimes
ohhh okay if i wander off the path i also die i can't just go wherever i gotta follow torches i guess
mkay i googled it bc i got stuck and couldn't see anymore torches and it's wind direction! neat
see i feel a little bad about not figuring that out for myself but like...it's not Fun to die over and over bc you can't solve a puzzle. so #realgamers can shut the hell up lol games are for fun
the ember thing is SUPER clever tho and like i know this game is so like, praised bc it stops holding your hand, but i would have appreciated a TINY obscure hint
i did get as far as carrying a torch but i thought maybe i was burning off the fog or smth
omg i found korok forest!!!
there's my sword
said "oh" out loud
kinda wish the quest had been more, idk
mmm not yet. not yet. i'll talk to some koroks first
haha and the very first one tells me to go get the sword all right all right
man. i always remember now that fi's been in there since the ages of skyward sword, sleeping
tbh i kinda miss her 
even though she's way more annoying than navi could ever DREAM of being
for all we complain about compaions, they're a zelda staple and it feels lonely without them
i know not having one makes for a stronger game, i do, but...
really though. the master sword quest was SHOCKINGLY easy. i know i looked up the ember thing but geez it's the first truly disappointing this about this game
and my brother told me they made you work for it lmao but that was. not even close to Work. i've had more trouble at bokoblin camps
like. fucking weak. tbh. i'm so sad like i can't believe this game let me down
and like at first i was like "ok if link gets his memories back with the sword i'll give them that, that's pretty sick"
and i straight up burst into tears
"i have watched over hyrule since time immemorial" i know i know i was there i know i missed him so much one of the very first major zelda characters i ever knew i know technically he hasn't been there since the very beginning but he was my beginning
and i didn't even think i cared about him that much emotionally but i also welled up the first time he spoke old hylian in wind waker
oh god link's not WORTHY of the sword yet yes okay i'm here for this i knew this game wouldn't let me down
idk why i never considered the big pink tree might be the deku tree like i joked about it just a few minutes ago but i didn't seriously consider it so i was so surprised
and all the koroks running around and i know i KNOW they used to be kokiri it's almost like i came home, Really Home, the forest was where link began for me, not hyrule proper, he was always a child of these woods
ohhh my god i gotta mop up my face stream is soon!! jesus fuck
oh god now he wants me to pull it again
what if i'm not worthy? what if i am?
i don't have long left to play but i CANNOT leave it here, jesus christ
okay. i'm gonna try. i gotta try. courage!
oh my god it takes your LIFE?
and he said enough when i was down to my last quarter of a heart!! i'm gonna cry i was so close link tried so hard but he wasn't ready yet
i could eat food to max out my hearts but where's the fun in that........
ok. ok. i need to. step back a moment. fuck.
there's hestu! oh my god buddy you finally made it home!! me too pal me too
im gonna save and quit here before i talk to him tho bc like. i gotta stream. but Wow. god Damn
LMAO I LIED JK im playing a bit more after stream
i talked to the trial korok and "do all the shrines here, it's based on the trials the legendary hero himself did" im crying!!! thats some History!!!
oh my god the koroks are so CUTE??
oh no this is so precious they've been waiting for him
sdfgsfdg "nooo vegetarians everywhere nooo that's my face" i wish i had thought to taka e a snap of that but i cant get him to say it again
aw omg they set up little stores and they only have one of many items please please i'm so proud of them
they set up a little bed for me!! they don't even want my money to sleep there!! i'm sleeping in a tree again, just like i was in oot ;____;
tbh it's so fitting that i did the scary mysterious thing of trying to pull the sword at night and i'm meeting the koroks in the brightness of day
i saw a shield resting on this rock and i had a tiny heart attack like OMG THE HYLIAN SHIELD?!?
ok. ok. i did the trials. i'm gonna see if i can get the sword now??
lol i have the same amt of hearts im not leaving to find a goddess statue and i was trying to boost my stamina anyway but maybe the food boost will help? unless they dont let me use it, we'll see
aaah no it DOESN'T omg
well, maybe one more heart container will do it...?
ugh i don't wanna go back and do the desert ones
me: already fast-traveling
Great, A Sand Storm, Just What I Wanted
fuck i stopped by town and there's a secret club that sells gerudo clothes for men
LOL why.........do they think dudes will feel weird looking pretty? come on
they said there's a high demand so i choose to believe there are lots of gerudo transmen. anyway back to the forest i got two more heart containers i pray it's enough i was SO CLOSE before
she's been fighting 100 years and she has so much faith in link
more importantly she heard the sword speak to her im crying fi is in there fi and zelda/hylia meet again
her smile is like the sun, i would do much to feel its warmth upon me again ME TOO PAL im weeping my poor brave daughter i promise i'll save her i promise i promise
it's almost 7am but that was worth it. that was W O R T H I T
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