#i struggled to come up with some of these
solradguy · 3 days
Etsy is banning the selling of adult toys (i.e., insertables, penetrables, etc), erotic art/literature, and other "adult" goods come July 29th: https://www.etsy.com/legal/prohibited/
They're taking the Tumblr route with it. From the above link:
Examples of What is Allowed: - Illustrative (i.e. non-photographic or photorealistic) artwork depicting female nipples [included is a painting of a woman with her bare chest facing towards the viewer, standing casually. her lower body is dressed in layers of skirts] - Illustrative artwork depicting buttocks [included is a watercolor painting of a nude man from the back, his buttocks unobscured] - Illustrative depictions of genitalia without sexual context [included is a photograph of orangish transparent penis-shaped lollipops]
They go into more detail on the guidelines on this page: https://www.etsy.com/legal/policy/adult-nudity-and-sexual-content/1269612959532?ref=list
The page defines what it considers pornography ("Printed or visual materials that explicitly describe or display sex acts, sex organs, or other erotic behavior for the purpose of sexual arousal or stimulation") and then covers any methods people have used before to get around this or comply with it, such as:
This policy applies even if the above body parts are only partially visible, including through very tight, sheer, or mesh clothing, or through insufficient use of blurring or “censor” bars.
The adult toys and accessories section:
Etsy prohibits the sale of adult toys that are: - Inserted into the body - Applied to the genitalia - Designed for genitals to be inserted into them This includes adult toys such as dildos, vibrators, anal plugs, sex dolls, and fleshlights. Etsy allows the sale of non-insertable and non-penetrable adult toys and sexual accessories, as long as they meet our requirements for sale on Etsy. This includes items such as restraints, handcuffs, nipple clamps, body harnesses, sex furniture, and BDSM accessories. Permitted adult toys and sexual accessories may not be shown in use or worn by human models in listing or review photos. Consider using a mannequin or flat lay photography instead.
The final section on this page covers the banning of "mommy" and "daddy" branded mature items.
As always with these types of policy changes, it's going to hit LGBTQ+ creators harder than anyone else. There is a thriving adult toy/mature art community on Etsy and smaller creators are going to struggle greatly with finding a new platform and audience. Many of these merchants also sell gender-affirming items such as packers, artificial nipples, breast forms/padding, and specialized undergarments. While these weren't explicitly mentioned in the above rules, they're still going to be affected by these new policies.
Some creators that I follow have independently run stores alongside their Etsy storefront. I highly recommend supporting these artists and creators while you can and subscribing to their socials or the email newsletters on their independent stores before they have to close up on Etsy. It is extremely difficult finding creators like this due to how algorithms—even on sites like Twitter that allow nsfw art—and search engines actively reduce visibility on posts by nsfw creators or by independent merchants.
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its-avalon-08 · 3 days
I need some angst and hurt comfort right now. I was wondering if you could write something with Lando and his long term girlfriend and she’s pregnant and Lando has been very busy with racing and stuff that one day when she says she’s going to an appointment to get a scan for the baby Lando resizes that he hasn’t been to a scan ever. Only like to the first two. And he’s like guilty and stuff and more guilty when he relies that his girlfriend is use to it. Happy ending please.
I hope that makes sense. I just thought you would be good to write it as I love all your work. 💕
every scan, every kick (ln4)
✦ pairing - lando norris x female!reader
✦ genre - angst, absent lando, tears, fluff
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First Trimester
Y/N sat in the waiting room of the clinic, anxiously tapping her foot. She kept glancing at her phone, hoping for a text or call from Lando. It was their second scan, and she was excited to share this moment with him. She finally saw a text pop up.
Sorry, babe. The meeting ran over. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Love you.
Her heart sank, but she forced a smile. She knew he was busy, but it still hurt. She went in alone, the excitement dulled without him by her side.
Second Trimester
Y/N stood in the kitchen, trying to reach a jar on the top shelf. She had texted Lando earlier to help her when he got home. Hours passed, and she finally managed to get the jar down herself.
She heard the front door open and Lando's voice calling out, "Y/N, I'm home!"
She turned to see him, his face tired but smiling. "Hey, I’m sorry I’m late. The meeting with the sponsors ran longer than expected."
"It’s okay," she said softly, her smile not quite reaching her eyes.
Another Missed Scan
Y/N sat on the exam table, her hand resting on her belly. The technician smiled at her kindly. "Is your partner joining us today?"
"He’s… he’s running late," Y/N said, her voice wavering slightly. "We can start."
The scan showed the baby moving, but Y/N’s eyes were filled with unshed tears. She took a picture home for Lando, but it wasn’t the same.
Nursery Preparations
Y/N was painting the nursery, struggling to reach the higher spots. She had hoped Lando would be there to help, but he was away at a race. Her phone buzzed with a text.
Won the race! Wish you were here. Love you.
She smiled, genuinely happy for him, but the loneliness crept in. She continued painting, the room coming together, but the joy was tinged with sadness.
Doctor’s Appointment
Y/N sat in the waiting room, rubbing her belly absentmindedly. She was here for a routine check-up. The receptionist called her name, and she went in alone, the familiar ache of Lando’s absence gnawing at her.
The Breakdown
Y/N sat at the kitchen table, her eyes red from crying. She had tried to hold it together, but the loneliness and the weight of going through her pregnancy mostly alone had finally broken her. Kelly, P and Max had come over for a visit, sensing she needed company.
Kelly sat beside her, rubbing her back soothingly. “Y/N, talk to us. What’s going on?”
Y/N took a shaky breath, trying to compose herself. “It’s just… Lando. He’s always so busy with racing and everything. I understand his career is important, but… I feel so alone.”
Max leaned against the counter, his face filled with concern. “He’s missing a lot, isn’t he?”
Y/N nodded, tears streaming down her face. “He missed the last scan. And the baby’s first kick. I texted him, but he’s always so caught up in meetings or races. I try to be supportive, but… it’s so hard.”
Kelly pulled her into a hug. “It’s okay to feel this way, Y/N. You’re doing this alone, and it’s not fair. You deserve to have him by your side.”
Y/N sobbed into Kelly’s shoulder. “I don’t want to be a burden. I know how important his career is.”
Max stepped closer, his voice gentle. “You’re not a burden, Y/N. You’re his partner and the mother of his child. He should be there for you.”
Kelly continued to comfort her. “You need to talk to him, Y/N. He needs to understand how much this is affecting you.”
Y/N pulled back, wiping her tears. “I’ve tried, but he’s always so busy. I feel like I’m losing him.”
Max crouched down beside her, taking her hand. “Lando loves you, Y/N. He just needs a wake-up call. He needs to realize what he’s missing before it’s too late.”
Kelly nodded. “You’re doing an amazing job, Y/N. But you shouldn’t have to do it alone. We’re here for you, and we’ll help you talk to Lando.”
Y/N took a deep breath, feeling slightly better with their support. “Thank you. I just… I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.”
Kelly smiled softly. “We’re family, Y/N. We’ll always be here for you.”
Max squeezed her hand reassuringly. “And we’ll make sure Lando understands what’s at stake. You deserve to be happy and supported.”
Y/N nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope. With friends like Kelly and Max, she knew she had the strength to face the challenges ahead. They stayed with her, offering comfort and support, as she prepared herself to have the difficult conversation with Lando.
Y/N and Daniel Ricciardo sat at the dining table, laughing and chatting over a cup of tea. Daniel had stopped by to catch up, and the conversation had naturally drifted to the baby. Lando had just gotten home from a long day at the track, and he walked into the lively discussion. "Hey, guys," Lando said, dropping his bag by the door and joining them at the table.
"Hey, mate," Daniel greeted, smiling warmly. "We were just talking about the little one. How's the baby cooking, Y/N?"
Y/N smiled, her hand resting on her belly. "Pretty good. The baby’s been very active lately."
"Yeah, you mentioned that at the last scan," Daniel said. "Didn't you say the baby kicked like a future football star? And the doctor said everything is progressing perfectly, right?"
Lando’s smile faltered. "You went to the last scan?" he asked Daniel, trying to keep his tone casual. "No, I didn’t," Daniel replied, a bit puzzled. "Y/N was just telling me about it. I just thought you had been there. We just chat pretty often, you know?"
"Oh, right," Lando said, his voice tight. "Y/N told you."
Daniel, sensing the tension, tried to lighten the mood. "Yeah, mate. She even showed me the picture from the last scan. Your kid's got a strong heartbeat. Future racer, right?"
Lando forced a chuckle, but the guilt was bubbling inside him. "Yeah, definitely."
Y/N looked at Lando, noticing the strain in his expression. "Lando, it’s okay. I know you’ve been busy."
"No, it’s not okay," Lando said, his voice cracking. "Daniel knows more about our baby than I do. I haven’t been there, Y/N. I’ve missed so much."
Daniel sensed the need for privacy and stood up. “I’ll leave you two to talk. I’ll see you both later.” He gave Lando a reassuring pat on the back before leaving.
As the door closed, Lando sank into the couch, his head in his hands. “Y/N, I’m so sorry. I’ve missed so much.”
She sat beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Lando, I know your career is demanding. I understand.”
“But it’s not enough,” he said, his voice breaking. “I’ve missed scans, kicks... moments I can’t get back. And it took Daniel fucking knowing more about our baby than I do to make me realize how absent I’ve been.”
Tears welled up in Y/N’s eyes. “Lando, you’re here now. That’s what matters.”
“No, Y/N, it’s not enough. I’ve been so focused on racing that I forgot what’s truly important. You and our baby are my priority. I’ve been selfish, and I’m so, so sorry.”
She hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face. “We love you, Lando. We just need you here with us.”
He held her close, his own tears falling freely. “I promise, Y/N. I’ll be here. I’ll make it right. I love you both more than anything.”
They sat there, holding each other, the weight of their emotions filling the room. Lando knew he had a long way to go, but he was determined to make up for the lost time. For Y/N and their baby, he would be present, supportive, and the partner they deserved.
Lando and Y/N sat on the couch, the glow of the TV casting a soft light in the room. They had just finished dinner, and the weight of the day’s emotional conversations hung in the air. Lando had apologized, and Y/N had accepted, but the raw emotions still lingered.
They were watching a movie, but neither of them was really paying attention. Lando held Y/N close, her head resting on his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair, his heart heavy with guilt and love.
“Y/N,” Lando whispered, his voice trembling. “I’m so sorry. I should have been there for you. I missed so much, and I hate myself for it.”
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with understanding. “Lando, you’re here now. That’s what matters. We can’t change the past, but we can make sure you’re here for the future.”
Lando’s eyes filled with tears. “I love you so much, Y/N. More than anything. I don’t ever want you to feel alone again.”
She cupped his face, wiping away his tears with her thumb. “I know you do, Lando. And I love you too. We’ll get through this together.”
Lando’s tears began to flow more freely. “I just feel like I’ve let you down. You deserve so much better.”
Y/N shook her head, her own eyes welling up. “You’re an amazing partner, Lando. Yes, it’s been hard, but I believe in us. I believe in you.”
Lando pulled her closer, burying his face in her hair. “I’m going to be there for every moment from now on. Every kick, every scan, every little thing. I promise.”
Y/N held him tightly, her heart aching with both sadness and love. “I know you will. We’ll make it work.”
They stayed like that, wrapped in each other’s arms, the movie playing softly in the background. Lando’s tears eventually subsided, replaced by a deep sense of resolve. He kissed the top of Y/N’s head, his heart swelling with love and determination.
“Thank you for believing in me,” he whispered.
She looked up at him, her eyes shining with love. “Thank you for coming back to us.”
Lando leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. “I’ll never leave you again.”
They continued to cuddle, the warmth of their love and commitment wrapping around them like a comforting blanket. As the night wore on, they talked about their dreams for the future, the plans for their baby, and how they would face everything together. Lando knew he had a lot to make up for, but with Y/N by his side, he felt ready to take on anything.
As they drifted off to sleep, still entwined on the couch, Lando whispered one last promise. “I love you, Y/N. Always and forever.”
She smiled, her heart full. “I love you too, Lando. Always and forever.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 3 days
drummer in a band
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words: 2k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, hair pulling, male receiving oral, tour bus sex, brief mention of rafe being okay with cheating??, famous!rafe, drummer!rafe, fan!reader, very brief mention of rafes mom dying
rafes mother was the one who pushed him into it. a way to get out of his anger. it was the last thing she asked of him before she died, and as much as rafe struggles to admit it now, the only reason he never gave it up was for her.
he looks out into the crowd in a brief break between songs, listening to the main singer, tyler, who has slowly become a friend, address the sea of people.
it's the biggest venue they've ever played. rafe never thought he'd be in front of thousands of people coming from his small island, let alone playing the drums they're all dancing along to.
the earpiece turned to max volume announces and then counts down to the next song. rafe falls into easy rhythm, having practiced this song a million times. the last one of their set, the hit everyone is waiting for.
rafe doesn't feel the passion for performance like his other band members, but the money is something he can never say no to.
rafe gives the crowd a wave as he heads off stage alongside his band mates, noting the excited cheer of fans at the front of the crowd, so intrigued by the mysterious rafe.
“hey, some of my sisters friends wanna meet you.” tyler says, tugging rafe towards the open backstage area rather than escaping out the door to his tour bus like he always does.
“fine.” rafe grumbles, wiping the sweat from his forehead, just wanting to get back and get in the shower. his biceps are sore from drumming and he has no interest in talking to random girls.
no interest until he sees you.
rafe ignores the other girls all fawning over him and his band mates and steps right up to you.
“hi.” you say quietly, a shy smile creeping onto your face. “im y/n.”
“im rafe.” he says, eyes swirling all over your face, taking in your features.
“i know.” you laugh softly, and rafe loves the sound so much he wants to hear what other sounds you can make. “im a fan. i like that keeping secrets song.”
rafe smirks. keeping secrets is the song with the longest drum solo, and probably the closest to the style of music he likes to make most. “thanks, y/n.”
“don't feel like you have to stay and talk to me.” you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “you're probably sick of meeting random people and want to go back to your bus.”
“nah, i don't mind when they are as pretty as you.” rafe says, before glancing around the room, noticing no one is really paying attention to either of you. “but if you'd like to go back to the tour bus with me…”
you're nodding quickly, allowing rafe to place a hand on your upper back as he leads you through hallways and doors until you get outside. rafe peeks out first, noticing a gaggle of girls on the other side of the fence.
“you don't mind if pictures are taken of us?” rafe asks. he doesn't care if anything hurts his reputation, but he doesn't want to put you in a bad spot.
“as long as you don't.” you shrug. “i don't have a boyfriend.”
“good.” rafe realizes that he didn't even ask, or really care. if you did have a boyfriend he would have just snuck you out a different way.
rafe pushes open the door, not bothering to hide his intentions as he wraps an arm around your waist as you make the short walk to the tour bus.
“this one is just mine.” rafe says. “it was a requirement when tyler wanted me to your with them. i wasn't about to travel around the country packed in with them.”
“it's nicer than i expected.” you admit, looking around the surprisingly spacious living area.
“the bedrooms in the back.” rafe points.
“oh, trying to rush to get me in your bed?” you turn to look at rafe.
“im just trying to give you the full tour.” he says, but you're already walking backwards down the aisle, a smirk on your face.
rafe is quick to follow, glad he picked up all the dirty laundry before the concert. he shuts the bedroom door behind you even though no one should be entering his bus for a while.
“kiss me.” you tell rafe, gripping your hands onto his collar.
rafe ducks his head, his mouth covering yours. he wraps his arms around your middle, tugging you in close, feeling the way your bodies mould together just as your lips do, sharing dominance back and forth.
rafes hand drops to your bum, giving it a squeeze and using your mouth opening in a moan as an opportunity to thrust his tongue forward, licking and pressing against your own tongue.
rafe tips you backwards and you allow it, falling back onto the bed.
your eyes follow rafes every movement closely, the way he pulls his shirt off and tosses it away, revealing his chiseled torso. you could already tell how strong he was from his arms during drumming, but his physique is even more impressive when he's shirtless.
“like what you see?” rafe asks with a smirk. you blink your eyes to get out of the trance he's put you in enough to take your own shirt off.
“i don't know, do you like what you see?” you ask as rafe crawls onto the bed, his hands gripping over your tits, covered only by a leopard print bra.
“fuck yeah i do.” rafe answers, reaching behind your back to undo the clasp before pulling the bra away, flinging it to the other side of the room as his palms cover your chest again, thumbs finding your nipples and swirling around them until they're hard peaks.
rafe surges forward to kiss you when you let out a moan, unable to keep his lips away from you when you sound so good, fingers continuing to toy with your nipples as his hips slot between your legs, pressing his hard length against your core.
you take it as a cue to move against him, grinding your hips upward, annoyed at the barriers separating you but glad that they'll be gone soon.
“need you naked right now.” rafe pulls away, clearly having the same thoughts you are.
“and i need your cock in my mouth.” you confirm, both sliding off the bed to undress in a rush, hands gliding over the revealed parts of each other's bodies.
you sink to your knees the moment rafe pushes his underwear down, coming eye to eye with his cock, hard and standing away from his body.
“god.” rafe groans, head tipping back as your lips wrap around the head of his cock, giving it a gentle suck. his hands find a place on the back of your head, guiding you down.
rafes cock is large and pushing on your throat but you're unwilling to back down. you breathe through your nose until you're able to relax and take him all the way down.
“shit!” rafe moans out as you begin to drag your lips up and down his length, starting slowly but quickly picking up speed.
rafes hands help guide you, the taste of his skin filling your mouth, not even minding that he just performed a show. the slight tinge of sweat just makes everything better as you breathe in deeply through your nose and flick your tongue against the head of his cock.
despite rafes hands pushing you up and down, he can't control himself, hips slowly rocking back and forth to fuck himself deeper into your mouth.
you have tears in your eyes but don't stop yourself from looking up at rafe, watching his mouth drop in a moan as you make eye contact.
rafe pulls your mouth off of him, smearing the head of his cock over your lips as your tongue darts out to continue tasting him.
“on the bed.” rafe gives your hair a tug upwards. while you want to taste what it's like to have rafe cum down your throat, you need to have him inside of you.
you climb onto the mattress, staying on your hands and knees as you turn to look at rafe with a slight smirk on your face. “you don't have to wear a condom if you don't want. im on birth control.”
“yeah?” rafe says, the mattress dipping as he moves to kneel behind you. “and i can trust ya? not gonna baby trap me?”
“you're not that famous.” you roll your eyes with a smile on your face, making sure rafe knows you're just joking.
rafe laughs, hands squeezing your hips as he angles them upward, your arms bending to display yourself even more for rafe.
“that's it, baby.” rafe takes hold of the base of his cock, running it through your folds, feeling how wet you are.
“come on.” you wiggle your hips, ass shaking. “fuck me already.”
rafe lines himself up with your entrance, hips suddenly pushing forward to sink into your cunt. the sudden thrust and overwhelming pleasure has you falling forward onto your elbows.
“jesus, you're so-” rafe let's out a curse. “so fucking tight.”
you purposely clench your pussy tighter, feeling the way his cock pushes against your walls.
rafe gives you the shortest moment to adjust before he begins fucking into you, thrusting hard as the sound of skin slapping spreads around the tour bus.
“s-shit!” you squeal out, body rocking back and forth with the force of rafe pumping into you.
his hands squeeze your hips, fingers pressing into your flesh as his cock fills you over and over again.
you wonder briefly what your friends are doing, whether they're still talking to rafes other band mates or if the members had gone back to the other tour bus.
you aren't sure if they're aware where you are, but you don't really care in the moment as rafes thrusts speed up, a steady beat showing off his skills as a drummer to keep tempo.
one of rafes hand glides up your back to grip your hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail with his fist as he tugs your head back, causing an even louder moan to fall from your lips.
“you like that don't you dirty girl?” rafe chuckles as your moans just increase the more your face gets tipped up towards the ceiling.
“god yes!” you squeal. “don't stop.”
rafe has no plans on stopping the rhythmic motion of his hips, grinding every couple thrusts to touch against the spot that has your body shivering uncontrollably, pleasure so good your mouth just hangs open, unable to even make noise.
“you gonna cum for me?” rafe questions, pounding harder knowing that he can't last much longer.
“fffff-” you get out before moaning and attempting again. “fuck yeah.”
rafe drops your hair, hand moving to wrap around your waist and rub over your clit. the quick motion is all it takes for you to cum, body shaking as you fall onto your face, pleasure coursing through your body causing you to scream out.
rafe groans at your tightness clenching tight around him, and with a few more punishing thrusts, he's spilling inside of you with a moan and filling you up.
rafe grinds his hips as you both come down from your highs until he flops down on the mattress next to you. you straighten out so your ass isn't in the air, but can't even manage to turn to your back.
“that was good.” you giggle. “im glad you weren't too tired from your show.”
“speaking of shows, you gonna come to the one on friday?” rafe asks.
“it's like an hour away right?” you hum, turning your head to look at rafe, giving him a smile that makes his heart beat a little faster. 
“yeah. you can catch a ride on the tour bus.” rafe offers. “just can't mess around before the show and use up all my energy fucking you.”
“but you'll definitely save your energy for after?”
“for you?” rafe reaches over and pulls you tight to his chest. “hell yeah.”
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mrkis · 3 days
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⌗︙— bath sex with haechan !
a tired groan of satisfaction slips past haechan's lips as he sinks down into the warm, bubble-filled water, and the scent of vanilla surrounds him as he leans back against your chest. (he had been persistent that you join him for this little relaxation time, even though you knew the tub was far too small).
his eyes flutter closed as your hands come to rest on his shoulders, your fingers beginning to knead the tense muscles, eliciting soft grunts from him when you press into a particularly tight spot. He seems to struggle to fully relax, his eyebrows knitting together. 
“you’re home now,” you remind him softly, pressing a kiss to the back of his head as you feel him sigh. “relax, baby.”
“m’trying,” haechan murmurs, running a wet hand through his hair and sending water droplets scattering across his face. “today was hard.”
you prompt him gently, “what happened?”
haechan speaks in a quiet, weary tone as he begins to explain his day to you. he had to learn new, demanding choreography that left his body aching and trembling, and his throat is sore and scratched from repeated practice of songs. 
your hands continue their soothing actions as you listen with a concerned frown, hoping to help him unwind both physically and mentally. his voice cracks when he talks about a small argument he had with his members — some minor disagreement that didn’t deserve to be shouted over and you shush him softly, promising that everything is fine and not to worry too much about it.
“i know how tiring and stressful your schedule can be,” you murmur with sympathy. “but you’re home now–with me. just focus on relaxing for me, okay?” 
you shift, your arms wrapping around his chest in a comforting embrace as you press another tender kiss to the back of his head. your fingers offer soothing strokes across his stomach and he leans further into your touch.
“thank you for being here,” he says, voice barely above a whisper.
“always. i’m right here, just relax.”
a small gasp leaves his lips when your hand suddenly comes down to palm at his soft cock, and he bites down hard on his bottom lip, his head resting back against your shoulder as you hum in his ears.
his cock stiffens in your hand and you wrap your fingers around his base, gently squeezing and applying the pressure needed that will help him slump back into relaxation. your thumb traces across his tip and haechan whimpers softly, cursing under his breath as you begin to jerk your hand up and down.
haechan’s moaning against your ear, and his hands move down to grip your thighs beneath the water, parting his legs the best he can in the small tub as he tries to thrust into your hands, but you shake your head softly, reminding him to relax—and to enjoy.
“m’gonna cum,” haechan tells you. “don’t wanna cum like this, please.”
“what do you want?”
“on top—get on top of me.” his words come out as more of a plea and you can’t say no. with some awkward manoeuvring and ear screeching noises of skin rubbing against the porcelain white tub, you find yourself above haechan as he rests his upper body at the head of the tub.
he cards his fingers through his hair again, wetting it up even more as you shuffle upwards, knees resting uncomfortable on either side of his hips—but you didn’t care, this wasn’t about you.
“ah, shit—thank you.” haechan breathes out as you sink down onto his cock, his hands resting at your hips, squeezing the flesh between his fingers. his tongue wettens his bottom lip, and tired, hazy eyes gaze up at you as he helps you move.
the water ripples with each movement of your hips, the bubbles spilling over the edges of the tub. but neither of you care, not right now. all you care about is making haechan feel good—relaxed—and it seems to be working when you feel his body go slack beneath you, struggling to continue thrusting but still helps you move with half-hearted tugs on your waist.
his eyebrows knit together, his mouth opens, and soft pants leave his lips as the pleasure consumes him. one hand remains on your waist while the other slides up, curling around the back of your neck to pull you down, and he presses his mouth to yours.
the kiss isn’t hot and heavy like usual, it’s tender—sweet. and he’s moaning so prettily in your mouth that you can’t help but clamp your gummy walls around him, coaxing him closer and closer to his release.
“cum,” you whisper against his lips. “just let go and cum.”
“i love you,” haechan repeats his affections as his body seizes up, his head resting back against the edge of the tub as he cums deep within, and the lazy roll of your hips help you follow closely behind as you pant against his mouth. 
haechan’s hand moves from the back of your neck to touch your cheek, his thumb caressing the skin there as he presses soft, gentle kisses to your lips.
“i love you so much,” haechan echoes from before, pulling away from your lips to gaze into your eyes. “thank you, baby.”
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rafesfuckdoll · 3 days
Come Over Please
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summary: would you cheat on your boyfriend for your best friend? we'll see..
warnings: p in v, fingering, oral sex (reader receving), cheating, daddy calling. that's it i think....
word count: 1.2k
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Rafe has been calling you continuously, but you have been rejecting his calls due to being busy. "Pick up the phone y/n" he mumbles to himself. After his third attempt, you finally answer and hear heavy breathing on the other end of the line. You were currently hanging out with your boyfriend Tristan "What's up Drew? I'm with Tristan" You said into your phone.
The sound of heavy breathing intensifies as Rafe hears your voice and realises you're with someone else. His heart drops, but his desire for you only grows stronger. "Fuck sorry.. I thought you were alone." He replies almost mumbling, making you get worried. No matter the circumstances, your best friend Rafe was always the most important person to you, even if you had a boyfriend. "Why? What's going on?" You ask curiously, noticing his heavy breathing. He struggles to compose himself. trying to push his desires to the side as he lies to you. "I've had quite the day and I thought we could have a little catch-up," Rafe stated, taking a deep breath to quiet his racing heart and hormones. "I'll be right there." You say before ending the call abruptly. You were going home anyway, so why not make a short visit to Rafe's house along the way? As time goes on, you say your goodbyes to your boyfriend.
After some time, you eventually reached Rafe's house, located right beside yours. You have lived next to each other since childhood. You approach his front door, aware that he was by himself at home because his dad was away on a business trip.
Rafe had barely put down the phone before he heard your knock on his door. He quickly rushes to open it, revealing himself in nothing but sweatpants that do little to hide his arousal "Hey... uh, come on in." You looked at him and rolled eyes, obviously knowing what he just did. "Were you in the middle of something?" You inquire as he closes the door, aware that his arousal did not go unnoticed. With a smirk playing on his lips, he bites down lightly, eyeing you with a combination of desire and lust. "Nah, just been getting some exercise." He deceives, walking into the room after you. "Mhm," you murmur as you head to his bedroom, the usual spot where you both hang out. Rafe observes you moving towards his bedroom, feeling his erection pulsating in his sweatpants. He tries compose himself, but he knows he wants you. He enters his room after you, perching on his bed and flashing a cocky grin in your direction. "What's with the cocky look?" You laughed, sitting down beside him and getting comfortable. He chuckles before saying, "Well, you know... I just can't help but want to fuck you right now." He said with a slight smirk formed on his lips, his eyes focused on your face. Instantly widening your eyes, you clear your throat. "Dude I have a literal boyfriend." He raised an eyebrow, his smirk never leaving his face. "I know, but that doesn't change the fact that I still want to fuck you, does it?" He grabs your thigh and squeezes it gently, looking at you with a mix of lust and desire. Glancing at your thigh before turning your eyes back to him. "I mean, okay... but I would never cheat, bro." You're not telling the truth. You would never cheat, that's a given, but Rafe was your soft spot, and you acknowledged it. You'd do anything for him.
Rafe smirks as he glides his hand up and down your thigh, his fingers lightly brushing against your private area beneath your sweatpants. "Who said anything about cheating? We can just have a little fun.. no strings attached." He moves his hand inside your pants, his fingers tracing around your panties pushing them to the side, ready to slip his fingers inside if you give him the go-ahead. The unexpected touch caused a moan to escape your lips as you swiftly grasped his hand and pushed it away from inside your pants. "What fun? how would it not be cheating.." He places his hand back on your thigh. "Well we wouldn't fuck.. i can just eat you out until you cum.." You listen to his words, taking it all in. You wanted it bad, he made you weak and you were completely horny at this point. However, the burden of guilt concerning Tristan persisted. "Hmm..." Rafe moves in closer, his warm breath brushing against your face. "Come on.. it'll be fun. I promise I won't tell anyone. You can just think of it as a.. one time thing.."
"Okay," you murmur quietly, your lower lip trapped between your teeth as you lock eyes with him. After laying down on his bed and making yourself comfortable, you switched on his TV and nestled under the blanket, spreading your legs underneath. "Get under the blanket now," you ordered firmly. With a grin on his face, Rafe swiftly slides under the blanket and settles between your legs. He pulls your panties aside, revealing your wet folds. "Fuck.. you're soaked baby." His tongue darts out, flicking over your clit. He starts to lick and suck on your folds, his hand moving up to grab your hip and hold you in place. As he moaned louder, mirroring your own sounds, his finger slipped inside you, moving in and out while he sucked on your clit. Your moans were getting increasingly louder, your eyes fixed on the TV screen, yet not really paying attention to what was playing. Quickly moving his tongue and curling his fingers inside you, he skillfully targets your g-spot. He can tell you're close to reaching climax. "Let's go, sweetheart." You pull on Rafe's hair beneath the blanket, guiding his face closer to your core as you begin to squirt. "Please stop," you plead desperately. He groans against your pussy while you squirt, his fingers continuing to move in and out of you a few more times, making sure to lick up every last drop. He removes his finger from you, yet his tongue persists in teasing your now sensitive clit. His cock still hard as a rock, one hand of his reaching down to massage himself from outside his pants.
"Fuck me." You whisper and trust Rafe doesn't waste any time pulling his pants down and move up to hover over you, his cock in his hand. He lifts your legs slightly, wrapping them around his hips before entering you with a single deep thrust. "Oh fuck y/n." He groans as his eyes meet yours. Starting to thrust in and out of you. With his mouth slightly open, he breathes heavily as his hips move forcefully against yours. He starts to pick up the pace, his cock sliding in and out of your wetness. His lips meet yours in a passionate kiss while hes genuinely fucking you with everything he has, his thrusts becoming erratic as he gets closer to cumming, "Shit... im gonna-" "Cum for me daddy." You interrupt him, almost begging for it.
His member pulsates within you as you speak, his movements growing more erratic. Gasping, he kisses you deeply, bringing you closer as he ejaculates within you, his member remaining rigid as he eases into a slow rhythm. "Fuck, I needed that.." He whispers.
"Me too.." You pant out after he laid down next to you, both looking up to the ceiling. The guilt building up that you just cheated on Tristan..
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moonstruckme · 1 day
Mae! I have a request that I am really hoping you can do!
Emt! Marauders with reader that is admitted to the hospital because she is very sick and dehydrated, so they have a hard time getting her IV in, and after being there for almost a day, her back is killing her because of how uncomfortable the beds are?
I know it might be a bit of an odd request but I would love this if possible? If not it's 100% okay!
Thanks for requesting!
cw: hospital, mention of IV
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 618 words
Remus is moving his thumb back and forth over your hand, a slow, hypnotic drag, and you know he’s trying to get you to sleep but you’re too uncomfortable to manage it for him. 
You shift on your side, the muscles of your back stretching for one blissful second before the ache sets back in. You wish the hospital had one of those medieval torture devices that would pull you limb from limb until your spine stretched all the way out. You think it would help. 
Your poor boyfriend should be sleeping, too. He’s just worked a twelve-hour shift, and as soon as he got off he came here to sit with you. The boys had all been some mix of alarmed and happy to see you when you’d texted them that you were feeling funny and they’d come in their ambulance to find you ill and severely dehydrated, sitting down on your kitchen floor to keep from passing out. It had been an onslaught of scoldings and doting all the way to the hospital, whereafter they’d done their best to check in on you in between calls out. 
“Okay, dollface,” Sirius comes into the room with his usual burst of sound (Remus gives him a look, but it’s pointless; you were nowhere near sleep anyway), “prepare to fall head over heels for me.” 
“For us,” James says, coming in behind him with a large bag. “It’s not like it was only your idea.” 
“Yeah, but mine was the best part, so.” 
“What’s in the bag?” Remus asks, sounding quite lovingly exasperated with the both of them. You can only smile tiredly at the three boys’ bickering. 
“So nice of you to ask, Moony.” Sirius looks genuinely excited, his eyes clear and light. “In this bag is our girl’s salvation.” 
James sets the bag on your bed, taking out two pillows with a flourish. 
You gasp. “My pillows! You went back to get these?” 
“Yes, and it appears we forgot to lock the door on our way out of there the first time.” James smiles sheepishly, stacking them behind your back and head when Remus helps you lean forward. “It’s locked now.” 
“Thanks,” you say, meaning it with all your heart. Your back is already grateful for the familiar plushness, muscles you didn’t even realize were tight relaxing. 
“Oh, that’s not all.” Sirius grins at you, reaching into the bag again and pulling out some snacks from your kitchen. “We figured while we were there we might as well bring you some things you’d enjoy.”
“This is so thoughtful.” You smile at him as you take them. Your heart feels heavy and full. “Thank you guys.” 
“Are you feeling very besotted yet?” 
“Very,” you say, somewhat shyly. 
Sirius grins, leaning over to kiss your cheek. He’s careful to avoid your IV line, but his eyes go there, and he frowns when he sees the dull bruise forming around where he’d struggled to put it in. 
“I’m sorry about this, lovely,” he says, rubbing his thumb over the spot. 
“It’s fine,” you promise him. “It was hard, I get it.” 
“Remus could’ve managed it,” James says certainly. Remus blushes and Sirius’ lips tilt up in a half smile.
“Probably right,” he agrees, tone apologetic. 
“You’ve more than made it up,” you reassure him, returning his cheek kiss with one of your own. You rip open one of your snacks for emphasis. 
“I was trying to get her to go to sleep,” Remus says pointedly. 
“Oh, let her have a second.” James sits on the edge of your bed, gifting you a dazzling smile. “Five of those, lovie, then it’s nap time. We wouldn’t want our Moony to get cranky.” 
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Snitches the cat and his favorite bat
I wrote up dpxdc fics based off of prompts I happened to see in the last day to add to the reading pile for anyone who didn't prep for the archive down time today.
Snitches the cat comes from @garbagewith-a-cherryontop (I think??? I couldn't find a definite first post!) but the fantastic linked post is the one with how I think Snitches the cat looks here.
Word count is 1053.
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masterpost for my AO3 downtime fics
“Ugh- that's not- did we just summon a demon cat?”
“It's so messed up looking. Ew.”
Danny blinked and swayed on his feet. He'd had a tail a minute ago, speeding across the GZ to check in on Walker. There had been an unpleasant lurch in his stomach. And now he was on his feet. All four of them.
Wait, what?
“You fucked this up.”
His ears twitched at the sound of a slap. Danny swiveled towards the sound and then got distracted by the feeling of his ears swiveling back. Whaaaaat?
He looked down at his precious little feeties. They were adorable paws.
“Oh, you motherfuckers,” he said. It came out as a conversational yowl.
The humans looked at him from about ten feet away and five feet up. “Annoying…”
He was pretty sure they were high schoolers. There were five of them, two girls and three boys. They were all bigger than him. High schoolers were usually bigger than he was, but this was just ridiculous.
“Count yourself lucky, dimwits,” one of the older kids said. He took a step towards Danny. Danny pressed his ears flat against his head and hissed at the approach. “If you managed to sacrifice Patches to a demon, your Mom would straight up murder you.” He laughed when he said it, like anything about that was remotely funny.
Uh- what now?
Only now, Danny noticed a very distressed calico cat underneath a laundry basket on the other side of the room. There was a stack of textbooks weighing the basket down. A large rug had been rolled up and- he sneezed rapidly, eyes watering. Chalk! They'd drawn on the floor with chalk!
‘This is some incompetent summoning,’ Danny realized, way too late. ‘Did they- how did they turn me into a cat?’ He looked at his unfortunate brethren under the laundry basket. Her ears were flat against her skull and she looked scared.
He remembered the word “sacrifice” and his blood flushed hit with fury. They'd wanted him to eat her! They'd wanted something to eat miss Patches!
The teenagers froze and looked at him, aghast at the angry sounds that were coming out of his throat.
“Shut up!” One hissed. She took off her shoe and threw it at him. Danny dodged and then threw his head back to yowl even louder. Sonic attack! Aural damage, you big jerks!
“The neighbors are going to- make it shut up!”
Danny had to run, dashing over furniture and tearing his way across a crowded table to avoid being grabbed. He screamed the whole time, eager to alert whoever they were so afraid of. Someone should see!
The window burst in.
Danny stopped running, shocked. He hadn't actually expected-
Someone snatched him up from behind and smacked him on the face with a palm. His jaw exploded with pain. It cut off his yowling.
Stunned. He was still for a moment and then he struggled for his life. The grip on his ribs was way too tight-
He looked over at the sound of a sword being pulled from a sheath. Holy shit, that was bomb as hell. His eyes went wide at the sight of a heavily armored small child crouched on the windowsill. The boy's eyes were covered, but Danny could still see him look at Danny and the poor calico under the laundry basket. He sneered.
“Unhand the cat or lose your hands at the wrist, you wretch.”
Danny loved him.
The teenager dropped him. Danny caught himself with a stumble. He let out a sad mraow before he could stop himself.
Fight club baby was enraged. “What have you done to this animal?” He hopped down into the room, revealing he was at least a foot shorter than the smallest girl in the room.
Danny trotted to him and started winding around his ankles admiringly. What a good kid! He purred.
“I will be taking both of your cats with me. If you ever harm an animal again, it will be your head that is found in a chalk-”
“Robin.” A hugeass grown man squeezed himself through the window that the kid had broken. Danny craned his head up, up, up, to see him case the joint.
The older man radiated incredible judgment. “I see that you require education on animal welfare and demonic summoning. Go on, Robin.”
“That's my Mom's cat!” One of the teenagers protested. “You can't take her!”
Robin growled at her. Danny jumped in his skin at the sound.
“Then we shall return it to your Mother and her alone, when we explain what you've done.” Danny let murder baby scoop him up and purred at full volume. Hell yeah. He looked at the cowering teenagers with condescension.
“Not that fugly thing.”
Danny blinked. He ended up making an inquisitive mraow. Why was a finger being pointed at him? He was baby.
“That thing showed up, you can get rid of it. But Patches is Mom's cat, and you can't steal a cat because-”
“Batman can steal any cat!” Robin bit out, gathered up Patches, and jumped out the window with both cats in an expert grip.
That didn't sound right, but Danny just enjoyed the night air as a line pulled Robin up to where yet another masked vigilante was waiting, cackling himself to tears.
“Batman can steal any cat,” he wheezed. “Brilliant. Good detour, Robin. Can I hold one?” He held out his blue-striped palms expectantly.
He faltered when he saw Danny, visibly surprised.
Danny… was starting to feel bad. He curled into Robin, hurt. He wasn't ugly. Why did people keep reacting to him weird?
“No,” Robin said curtly. “You have damaged his pride, and Patches is still reeling from her shock.”
The man let out a sigh but let the topic go. “That's Patches, and this is…?”
Robin hesitated. “He is the Snitch.”
That unlocked cooing. “Snitches? Snitchy Snitch Sni- ow!”
Danny snapped at the hand that came way too close and he let out a warning growl. No baby talk!
Robin seemed very pleased. He rubbed behind Danny's ears. “Snitch… I suppose that Snitches will suffice. We are taking him home.”
“....Maybe, just for fun, we should take him to get treated for mange first!” The guy made jazz hands to go with his statement.
Robin and Danny both growled that time.
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choerypetal · 3 days
Hide and Seek / Homelander
(pt 2. of Meet and Greet)
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summary ; In part two of the meet and greet, Homelander's obsession reaches new heights, leaving him unsatisfied at his core and willing to do anything to make you his.
!! read part one first! ; !!
ps; english isn't my first language so i apologize for any grammar mistakes, xo' (as it will be eventually corrected if needed)
tag list; @private-eye-on-you ; @lins-shenanigans ; @horrorxgorewhore @siredtom ; @certain-tragedies ; @hotchners-wifey ; @naelis-open-sea
enjoy xo'
Homelander's comment, 'You look lovely in the costume,' lingered in your mind for a week. You couldn't escape his presence. His silhouette, his maddeningly perfect face seemed to follow you everywhere—from your usual coffee shop to the special limited editions of The Vought, and even as you continued watching the show for longer periods of time. From Deep's special cupcakes to the coffee most loved by Homelander, his influence was everywhere, not just keeping the city alive but himself as well.
Although you didn't realize it, Homelander had become just as obsessed with you as he was with seeing his own face on the cup you were holding. From a distance, he watched your every move—the way your plump lips touched the cup, how you drank your coffee, and even how you covered his image with your hand. Despite finding your behavior an offense, he knew he’d eventually have to tease about it. The sadistic man that he was, wasn’t afraid to even acknowledge it. Especially during their weekly Seven meetings. 
"So, I suggest we review some new recruits," Ashley said, her nervousness palpable. She wanted to please not only the public but, most importantly, Homelander. This was no easy task given recent events and the current situation. Homelander's obvious boredom showed his lack of interest, and Deep, poor thing, was just as disinterested, staring blankly at the screen and agreeing with whatever Homelander mumbled. However, Deep was secretly relieved not to have any of John’s powers. Especially right now. Because, at that exact moment, it was your face, and your face alone, that occupied his thoughts. Murmuring your name under his breath, he was fortunate not to get caught up in the moment. That of course, when a single cough from Ashley’s mouth was enough to slip his mind elsewhere. 
"You know, Ashley, just pick whoever you think will fit for now. Sign their papers. My brain is going to fucking explode from this hell hole," he said, standing up without even glancing at her. Not even Ashley's whiny complaints about the complications it might cause could stop him. He paused, considering for a moment that she might convince him. "Don't come to me for the next 24 hours," he snapped, his piercing blue eyes conveying a clear threat. When wasn't he a threat, anyway? "Or I'll personally fuck up every single one of you." That was enough to make her quickly nod in response. Poor thing, she only wanted to make him proud. A satisfied grin played on his lips, mirrored by Ashley's, though hers was a little more nervous. His, however, was genuine. 
You, on the other hand, had been fortunate enough not to see Homelander's face for a while. From the bookstore you frequented to the coffee shop, his presence seemed to pervade your life. Your mother didn’t help either, as she insisted on framing a picture of you with him in the living room—a gesture Homelander found endearing. On some nights, he would see you through the window, dressed in your pajamas, reading whatever caught your interest, with that picture always in the background. Unlike Homelander, it haunted your dreams.  
Deep down, Homelander struggled to resist the urge to invade your personal space, not wanting to frighten you. However, when he saw your forced smile at the meet and greet, he was reminded that a smile meant nothing to him. To him and you alone. It was your scent that drove him wild. At first, he considered going undercover, posing as one of your father’s coworkers, but he realized it would be futile. Why cover his own shame, when he could let his ego take it over?
So, he waited until sunrise. When he could finally entered your room, imagining you in your shortest pajamas, which hugged your curves so perfectly, he had to bite his bottom lip to control himself. Just by the thought of his fingers sinking into your flesh as you leaned toward him for more...
"Goodbye, Mom!" Your voice echoed in Homelander's mind as he realized he'd been lurking around your house since last night. He had been trying to dismiss, the missed call records provided by Ashley, however, unable to ignore them. Fortunately, he was hidden well enough that you didn’t notice him as you exited the house.
Your hair meticulously washed, your skin fresh with makeup, and that dress. Never in a thousand years, aside from his own enemies, did Homelander think he would become so obsessed with someone. He wanted to chuckle to himself at the irony, knowing he wasn’t being the most subtle superhero. When your gaze shifted toward his hiding spot, he quickly concealed himself behind a tree, exhaling in relief when you shrugged off the feeling of being watched. You then left for work, something Homelander knew all too well. This also meant he could meet your mother, who, after all, was his biggest fan. 
Fortunately, you managed to get through the day without a single client yelling at you. However, what you didn’t expect was an unexpected visit from the man himself. As you approached the door, you overheard some mumbling. Did your mother have a visitor today? 
And then it hit you.
Hearing the all-too-familiar voice say, "Oh, these look lovely," with a genuine smile, you froze in your tracks. Seeing your mother so happy, even more thrilled than a fangirl, like she’d seen god himself. She noticed you immediately. "My dear! Look who came to visit," she exclaimed, taking you into her arms for a hug. Before you could greet the guest, your eyes met his—Homelander, in your own home. 
"No need for theatrics, ma’am," he said with a casual chuckle, hushed by his own hand as he munched on the cookies your mother had made, casually wiping a droplet of milk with his thumb. Your mother giggled and said, "Mother is the name. We don’t have to get formal, right darling?" You blinked twice, hardly believing what you were hearing. Your mother was genuinely making Homelander feel comfortable, right inside your home. Given what you knew from your coworkers and the constant rumors, it was hard not to be creeped out by the thought that he might have done more than just a knock on the door that evening. Yet, you shrugged it off, thinking that perhaps playing the same game he did might be what he wanted after all. Like a cat and a mouse. 
There was a brief pause, then an idea sparked in your mother’s eyes as she looked at John one last time. "Why don’t you stay for dinner? Tonight is roasted chicken and mashed potatoes." How could he refuse? Spending more time with you was just the beginning of his obsession with protecting you and never letting you out of his sight. He smiled, his grin seemingly bigger than before, and nodded. "If Y/N doesn’t mind?" he said, his gaze shifting to you with a more serious expression. You gulped nervously, knowing you couldn’t just say no. "Yes—yes, of course," you stuttered. Oh, how adorable you looked.
“Then, make yourself ar home dear.” 
Dinner was only just a few hours from now, with your father now back from work had asked for a personal photo with the Homelander, and a talk John appreciated more. Considering his own father exiling him completely, it was a breath of fresh air for him, especially when he’d be glancing a few times at you, doing whatever you had in mind before the dinner. “My daughter is going to be working for us,” your father would be saying proudly, Homelander could only nod listening actively. “She’d do a great addition I am certain.” his gaze now meeting yours immediately, when you gaze up from your book, he could notice a light shade of pink coming your cheeks. Cherishing it a little too much when your father’s voice then abrupt his mind, “She’s beautiful isn’t she?” he’d said a little too proud. 
She is indeed… Homelander thought to himself that same night. Just by how attentive he was with you. Even if it wasn’t  much of a conversation shared, the glances were enough to please him alone. Which during the dinner, he was not afraid to show. 
Dinner had passed rather quickly, you were glad it did. Considering you listening to whatever nonsense Homelander had to offer to keep your mother so relonctent toward him. Let alone, praise him as a her own god. Boosting an ego, to whom you couldn’t comprehend yourself, and that Homelander was sure to make it seem tonight. 
"Thank you so much for dinner, truly," Homelander said, wiping the corners of his mouth, his eyes never leaving you. Your mother’s gasp was enough to momentarily distract him, and he asked if everything was alright. She quickly assured him it was and invited him to stay until her cake was done baking. Naturally, John didn't decline the offer. "Y/N," your mother called your attention just as you were about to excuse yourself, "how about you give a little tour of the house? I'm sure Homelander would appreciate it." The formality of his name seemed daunting, but John quickly corrected her. "John it is. No need to be formal, now, do we?" A shiver crawled down your spine as your mother’s eyes gleamed with hope, her slender fingers clapping together. "Oh, well, of course! Now, Y/N, make yourself useful and make John feel at home." 
A sigh escaped your lips; there was no way to avoid this, was there? "Yes, of course. Where do you want to start?" Your eyes never left his, feeling yourself getting lost in them, becoming his little mouse to play with. "How about..." he began, his eyes wandering as if he couldn’t be bothered to think. "The bedroom," he finally said. You blinked twice, a third time to fully process his words. "What?" you replied, incredulous. He chuckled, amused by your reaction, and shrugged off the question as if he hadn’t meant it seriously. "Nah, kidding. Lead the way," he said. 
So you did. You felt his shadow hovering over you as you both walked through the house for a little tour. John was no longer hiding his presence, leaning in closer to you. You could feel his breath. By the time you reached your bedroom, the tour was complete, and your mother’s cake would be ready. However, John had something else in mind, and he wasn’t shy about showing it. “And this is the bedroom,” you said nonchalantly, hearing an obvious scoff from him. 
"Funny, isn’t it?" he said, this time his tone serious enough to make your muscles tense. His back was to you as his fingers touched the doorknob, ready to close the door. And he did, pausing momentarily. "Finally, we meet again." His remark made you tilt your head. Meet again? As far as you knew, he had been stalking you all along. But knowing who he was—Homelander, with his omniscience and twisted games—you had no say in the matter. Neither did you, especially after hearing his chuckle. 
“Now why so quiet?” the question was enough to make you unsease. You wanted to tell him, to oppose to him. But you couldn’t he was now yours to torment completely. When he leaned further, scoffing once more by your vulnerability. In that precise moment, Homelander knew he won. 
“Heard you were a good, fuck.” his voice so nonchanltly, a gasp leaving from your mouth as you were unable to speak more than standing right in front of him. How his eyes would wondered around your figure, approaching near to you, his fingers now leaning toward your waist. Gripping by its touch, hungry to fuck you there, in the bed. Raw. 
"Thank you?" you stammered, eager to please him. His grin broadened, fighting not to turn into a frown at your response. He was so satisfied that he gently caressed your cheek with his other finger. "You need me, not just to save you, but to satisfy you." Though your heart was broken, you were a toy Homelander cherished without fear. You were his perfect little toy, as he began to lick his bottom lip, his breath drawing closer, closing the gap between you. "Mine," he growled, his voice hoarse, undeniably hinting at his intentions. He was Homelander, able to do whatever he wanted. And that included you being his. "Got it, little mouse?"
Oh, how he longed to watch you squirm between his legs, begging for more, moaning his name. His persistence knew no bounds; he would do anything—from leaving bite marks to scratches, and even hickeys if necessary. But he couldn't just stand there without having a little fun, right?
"You see," he said, his voice dripping with teasing malice. Disgust welled up in your mouth, but you fought the urge to look away. He loved watching you squirm, the fear in your eyes fueling his twisted envy of every inch of you. "How about we play a little game tonight, hmm?" His thumb brushed gently over your chin, lifting your gaze to meet his.
"W-what game?" you managed to say, breaking your long silence. Even he was momentarily surprised, but your stutter made it worth it. "Hide and seek," he said, pausing for effect. "You hide, and I seek. If I find you, you're mine. Got that?"
You gave a quick nod, followed by a satisfied smile from him. "Good then, I'll start counting. One, two..." You hesitated for a moment, just as his grip shifted from your waist to your arm, preventing you from fleeing your own home. When your eyes met his, they were dark with passion, lust, and a desire to capture his little mouse until its very last breath. "Run..."
Little mouse.”
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accioscarheadthings · 14 hours
kenji sato x reader
summary: you learn all about the kaiju baby and the developments it has made, while spending time with kenji sato
pairings: kenji sato x fem!student!reader
warnings: none:), lots of fluff, reader and kenji being emi's parents
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masterlist !
next morning, you were perched on a chair beside professor sato, yawning in fatigue.
kenji and professor sato made you stay the night at the mansion, providing you with a guest room.
you were up and early in the morning, eager to learn more about the kaiju baby at your disposal.
"come on. we have to stand up and measure you," professor sato spoke in a soothing voice.
"and analyze your entire genetic make up," mina added, hovering beside you.
but the baby kaiju still seemed doubtful of him, her beady curious eyes darting to you every so often.
"you guys are up already?" kenji stepped towards you, stopping at your side.
you spared a glance his way, giving him a sleepy wordless wave of greeting. you weren't one to get all cheerful and all in the morning. your brain had to flush out the exhaustion and drowsiness.
"kenji smiled back at you, offering you a cup of coffee, "thought you could use some,"
"oh, bless you. i can't thank you enough," you accepted it, sighing in bliss after taking your first sip.
kenji seemed pleased with your reaction, resting his elbows on the edge of your chair and standing behind you, his biceps bulging, "so, what are you doing?"
"we need to examine her so we can plan a training regimen to protect emi from protectors," professor sato said playfully at the kaiju baby.
kenji blinked, "emi? uh wait," he paused, "did you name her after mom?"
"i think she would approve,"
emi was still trilling in worry.
"okay emi," professor sato held up bunny in the hair, "now stand up nice and tall,"
emi got to her feet, slowly straightening up to her full height.
"my god," kenji deadpanned, "my dad's a kaiju whisperer,"
"good girl," i appreciated. emi's attention turned to you, letting out a happy squeal at your approval as her eyes brightened in excitement.
"ah well. looks like she's starting to like you," kenji stated.
"mina, please prepare to insert the microtracking device," professor sato instructed and the ai floated over, injecting as emi held out her hand.
"mina, treat please," professor sato took the donut when the ai handed it to him and held it out to the kaiju baby, "and before we eat, we say itadakiamsu,"
emi took the donut and munched on it, but few seconds later, her stomach let out a grumbling noise, and she looked like she was about to puke.
"professor sato, dr. y/n," mina addressed you both, "i believe that emi is experiencing a bit of nausea from the medicine.
you felt your chair being pulled backward and noticed it was kenji's doing.
"this never ends well," he stated as a matter of fact, "might wanna protect your coffee,"
i placed a hand over my cup, leaning back wearily as i let kenji drag me back.
"uh, dad, step away please," kenji waved at his father to get back when the professor didn't move,"
"oh she's fine," he brushed it off, "itdaki!-" the professor was knocked off his feet as he went flying backward, emi's puke hurling him to the wall at the far end, "-masu," he groaned, sliding to the floor.
kenji pursed his lips in amusement while you covered your mouth with your cup of coffee, letting out a laugh when emi trilled in joy.
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you were jotting down everything kenji told you about emi's growth and development in these past few days, when emi leaped out of his hands and ran all around the room.
"get back here," kenji panted, "right now, missy!" he was in ultraman form, struggling to grab hold of emi, but the baby kaiju kept dodging him, running between his legs
emi squealed in delight, finding the entire situation entertaining.
you had put on your war suit to aid kenji; you couldn't grow in size like kenji but you had strange inhuman superstrength, much like kenji's alien genes.
you dodged a table emi had kicked your way, catching it and setting it down.
"here, baby. uh, c'mere," you had distracted her with a fish, handing it as a peace offering and got her to settle down.
emi sat on her butt in front of you, accepting the snack.
"that's my girl," you appreciated, caressing her leg as you leaned back on her.
after putting her to sleep, you headed to your guest room and took a long hot shower, easing your tired muscles.
you stepped out in nothing but a towel as wet strands of hair fell, framing your face.
you halted when you saw kenji sitting on the edge of your bed, wearing on his sweat as he had a towel slung on his shoulder.
"k-kenji," you stammered, placing a hand against the towel wrapped around your body, "w-what're you doing here?"
kenji's eyes widened at the sight of you, jaw going slack. he pursed his lips, taking a moment to reply, "it's been like thirty minutes and dad's hogging the water supply in my bathroom,"
his gaze followed a drop of water that dripped down your throat, following the dip of your collarbone and eventually into your cleavage, which was more prominent now because of your hand pressed against it.
kenji snapped his eyes away, feeling blood rush to his face, "s-so, um, i just wanted to use your shower. if you don't mind,"
"of course," you nodded, "go on. it's your house after all,"
"and it's your privacy after all," kenji stepped towards you, "i can't step all over it, can i?" he came to a stop in front of you, his gaze so sharp that they could burn the fluffy towel covering you.
you watched him in silence, contemplating his next move. he reached a hand forward and tucked a wet piece of strand behind your ear.
your skin tingled, goosebumps rising in your skin.
he brushed the back of his hand down your cheek, noticing the effect he had on you.
without another word, kenji stepped into the bathroom, grinning to himself, leaving you all bothered and flustered.
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you were fixing your warbird suit in kenji's basement, having it haning in front of you.
seated on the table while your suit was held out in front of you.
emi who was watching her favourite rhymes about kaiju, ditched it and headed towards you, mesmerized by your suit.
you hadn't noticed her yet, too focused in the task in front of you.
it wasn't until she nudged your shoulder with her nail that you turned to her, "oh hi, emi baby," you greeted her kindly.
something about your voice captivated the kaiju baby and she stared at you in curiosity.
"uh, mina," you called the ai, it floated towards you, "why do i feel like emi's giving me heart eyes?"
"she is in a kind of way," mina spoke, "i suppose she can sense the feminine energy in you. naturally, her instincts would point her to the nearest-"
"-female," you completed, turning towards emi completely, "fascinating. didn't know her instincts were that sharp," you held out a hand for her and closed your eyes in uncertainty.
but emi surprised you by snuggling her giant beak into her palm, letting your hand slide over her big cheeks.
you snapped your head back to her, laughing in astonishment, "that's cute,"
emi let out a squeal, motioning her hands to you about something and you nodded, pretending to listen and just happy to be there.
that night, kenji came home to find you asleep on the floor with emi. the kaiju baby placed a hand over your body protectively (but it wouldn't touch you to not crush you under the weight of it).
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mina had pulled up the baseball stadium stimulation and right now, you were in the middle of it with kenji and emi.
emi wanted to show you her batting skills that she learned from kenji, and you were more than intrigued to see a kaiju swing a baseball bat.
you stood beside kenji as he tossed the ball to an awaiting emi, "okay, girl. here comes the ball," he tossed it.
emi swung the bat with the right precision, sending the ball flying ahead.
"woaah!! that was amazing!" you dragged out the word, causing her to squeal out in contentment from her.
"yeah baby!" kenji pumped his fists into the air, "now, y/n, your turn,"
"what!" you defended, "hell no,"
"oh c'mon," he grinned, "emi would like to see you play too,"
"i can', and i won't, kenji sato," you stated firmly, crossing your arms.
"emi wants her mama to play too. isn't that right, emi?" kenji asked out loud.
emi trilled in reply, handing you a baseball bat to hold in an attempt to encourage you.
you stared down at it, "i don't know how to hold it,"
"i'll show you," kenji stood behind you, placing his hands over yours as he showed you how to swing the bat, his body covering yours.
you could feel his body heat radiate in waves, slowly engulfing you, "kenji..."
"yes, sweetheart?"
"w-what're you doing?"
his mouth pressed to your ears, grinning, "teaching you the basics,"
you nearly shivered, a tingle passing down your spine.
emi tossed the ball at you and you swung the bat with as much force as you could (with kenji's help too, of course). the ball went searing through the air and out of you.
"whooo!!" kenji appeared in front of you, jumping on his toes in excitement, "yeah!! that was great, y/n,"
his fingers caught yours, "now c'mon, we gotta run the bases," he pulled you after him, running down the path.
you ran after him, your hair blowing back and letting little laughs escape your lips. kenji chuckled at you over his shoulder.
emi chased after you and kenji, hands stretched in front of her as her face was pulled in a giggle while mina floated along cheering.
you and kenji jumped into the spot after finishing your laps, and emi followed your actions, hopping up and down with you both, sending sand flying in all directions.
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everynight, professor sato would read the legendary ultraman stories to you, kenji, and emi, re-enacting them with hand motions.
you would lean back on emi's leg, while the baby kaiju rested its hand nail on your palm for you to hold.
kenji would glance and his heart would skip a beat at the sight every time.
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step by step, you and the professor trained emi to defend herself using holographs; from drones, missiles, or from another kaiju.
emi made satisfactory progress as time went on, and you jotted it down, discussing the results with the professor.
while kenji was having a bad streak at his baseball matches, he was slowly climbing his way up, able to keep up with everything due to the help he got from you and his father.
the critics were finally favouring his side and showering him with praises and honors.
you, emi, and professor sato would sit together and watch kenji's matches together, cheering and hollering like fools.
the night the giants made it into the playoffs, kenji came home with a wide smile and you all celebrated his accomplishment.
kenji embraced you, lifting you off your feet for a moment before placing you back down.
you all were fast asleep in the basement, emi snuggled against you when your watch beeped once.
groggily, you peeked at it, sitting bolt right up from the incoming call.
"agent," the captain of kdf spoke into the phone when you answered it.
"yes sir," you nodded, conversing with him as he asked the needed questions.
you spared a glance at the others over your shoulder to make sure that they weren't eavesdropping, "nothing to worry sir, i have it all under control,"
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@earth-to-mee @sassy-cat-in-town @breaddippedinorangejuice @nuhteyam @gameboigyu @byunpum @jennypenny-19 @doublebunv @moonjellyfishie @m00nd0v3 @despacito-uwu16 @reivelmin @seyoran @warlike-morning @crimson-mage-02 @b3e-sat0 @miffysoo @t4naiis @lovingyeet  @imsimping4life @mmeerraa @btszn @jusmango-shak @yobriisstuff @goldenpoison @fruchtgeschmack @iateurdad16 @bandolls
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jacaerysgf · 2 days
sleepless nights
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based on two requests; you can’t sleep and it seems neither can your husband. you find comfort within one another.
wrds; 546
a.n: just some fluff/minor angst to distract me from the pain of todays ep, 🫶
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the ceiling was nice.
or maybe it was a couple minutes ago. hours ago? you had no clue how long you bad been up staring at it.
you missed luke. So much. your little brother. gone just like that. and you were so sick.
the door to your room opened but you dont even have the strength to look. with war at large you should be alert, especially with the attempt on your mothers life you should care. yet if someone has come to kill you you’ll let them because you cannot find it in yourself to care.
what you do notice however is the bed next to you sinking down and the warm heat, his smell. you turn your head, the first time youve moved in awhile you can feel the strain on your bones. a gentle hand runs on your cheek and you close your eyes at the warm. You can feel his breath on your skin, face to face though you cant bare to look at him, your eyes closed but you are more awake then ever.
“you were not at supper.”
you have barely left your bed today you certainly could not attend dinner.
“i am not hungry.”
“when was the last time you ate?”
you dont know. yesterday? a week ago? nothing mattered to you anymore.
your silence tells him everything he needs to know and he sighs, scooting closer to you and pulling you right against him. your head in his neck where you can feel his pulse. It gives you a sense of semblance a sense of life. He is alive.
“i miss him.” He knows exactly who youre talking about and his pulse races a shuttering breath leaves his lips. “i do too, so much.”
“its my fault.” you two say at the same time, pulling apart to look at each other. he is the first to speak, his guilt racing through his bones.
“how is this your fault? i was the one who had suggested we fly out the blame is on me alone-“
“i had swapped with him. i did not want to fly to see borros and i asked if i could take lady arryn. He agreed,” you find yourself struggling to speak as the tears flood into your eyes and your throat closes around you. “it would have been me. it should have been me.”
He grips your shoulders and looks you dead in the eyes, despite the gloss over them you can feel the fury. “never say such a thing. what would i do without you?” your eyes shut and shaky sobs escape your lips. His lips press against yours and your sobs cease. He pulls away and brushes your tears off your face.
“i suppose it does not matter whos fault it is. Because we have each other. and we will never lose each other. ever. when our mother ascends the throne we will take her place after her. and everyday we will live, for him.”
You nod. Hes right. You should not be wallowing in your grief it is not what he would have wanted. You allow him to lull you to sleep. It is the first time you’ve been able to sleep in days. You are at peace.
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perm jace taglist <3 (open!)
@earth4angels @cruelworldlana @smurfelle @ireneispunk @hxtd @venmondiese @urmomsgirlfriend1 @jacesvelaryons @ravenn-darkholme @damewritesalot
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early mornings in the fushiguro household
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toji, from the continuously changing jobs he’s had, is used to a rather fucked-up sleep pattern. he wasn’t the type to sleep from 9 to 6, but rather 2 to 7. he wasn’t insomniac, no no- the sleep always found him- but he was so used to pulling all-nighters in his previous life, that now, he couldn’t go back to sleeping in the early hours of the nights. he was a little night owl, smoking a cigarette at 10, drinking some wine at 11- because, even after his part-time job as a bartender, toji can’t handle such fizzy drinks as champagne or lightweight beer. he’s more of a wine, a rhum, a whiskey or even a strong beer. whatever he can afford. it’s not that he can’t handle alcohol, he just doesn’t enjoy the taste.
after his nightly drink, he’d do some laundry and some dishwashing, squeezing the sponge that’s full of suds, as he had his eyes precisely on the football match he’s been waiting for to start. then, nightly check on megumi- only god knows what the teenager’s doing in such late hours, other than sleeping. but he’s filled with relief as soon as he opens the door, and the loud sound of his snoring reverberating against the walls of his bedroom.
much to his surprise- and delight- since you came in their lives, megumi’s been a better kid. not in behaving, he never was the troublemaker- but megumi is nowadays more open to his dad. he’s much more happy too, not that he necessarily has a smile on his face everyday. but his demeanor is less tense, his expression is relaxed, and no longer carries a very expressive frown, a scowl even. all that thanks to you.
speaking of, where were you? in your shared bedroom, sleeping with the covers halfway on your shivering body. the night could get quite cold when your lover wasn’t in bed, warming you up with the simple radiations coming from his much stronger, bigger, and imposing body. that’s why, after he checked on megumi, he checks on you- pulling the covers back up, leaving a small kiss on your forehead, as you subconsciously smile. toji wasn’t one to be strong on showing affection, but small gestures like this one made up for it. after the death of his late wife, it was hard for toji to open up. but everything was easier with you. not that he doesn’t struggles with his old ways from time to time- but you’re here.
as the whole neighborhood screams in a mix of rage, laughter, sadness, happiness, toji realizes he missed a goal. and a good one. so he tiptoes back in the living room, sitting on his couch, smirking, as he notices the team he’s bet on has scored a goal. and he bet a whole lot. the lords of football have blessed him.
the night buzzes, with the crowd of people down his complex apartment building all screaming in the pub with each goal- and for the final 10 minutes, you join him, waken up from the constant shouts.
“hey doll. why aren’t ya sleepin’?”
he questions, a visible frown on his face. he doesn’t like it when his pretty baby doesn’t get her beauty sleep.
“nothing, they jus’ keep screaming and ‘s waking me up. so i figured there was a football match tonight, and… wanna watch it with you.”
his eyes widened, but a genuine smile replaced his shocked expression, as he patted the empty spot besides him. it’s not that you hated football, you just were very much oblivious and lost when watching it. so instead of enjoying the game, he’d be explaining to you every move, reminding you of which team you support. not that he disliked it.
soon enough, the match ends, with a whooping 4-1 score from the team toji bet on. it’s euphoria in toji’s head- he’s gonna get money! you and him and megumi are surely going to the restaurant tomorrow night, megumi will get some new shoes or maybe this new game he wants, and you’ll be able to indulge in some shopping, and he… well he’ll spectate. because he already has what he wants. and all he wants is you, and megumi happy.
but the night goes at a fast pace, and before you both realize it, it’s 5 in the morning. but toji doesn’t sleep yet. maybe because it’s his day off,or maybe because he’s too busy admiring you sleeping. the soft, consistent move of your chest, as you breath in and out peacefully. the gentle glow the moon has blessed your pretty face with. the way your breasts are being supported in this tight tank top-
Maybe this is what keeps him awake.
but he doesn’t mind. he doesn’t mind at all. you’re a sight for his sore eyes. a sight he can’t revel in, during the day. but a sight he admires, he adores, during the nights. maybe that’s why it’s already six and you’re stirring up, and the sun is shining in your shared bedroom, and megumi’s preparing his breakfast, and he has not an ounce of sleep in his system. but who cares?
[Pic found on Pinterest, i do not claim credits at all! only the writing is mind 🙂‍↕️]
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I would absolutely love some hurt/comfort with poly!marauders. I struggle a lot with anxiety and shit, so if possible, maybe something to do with that? Thanks :)
Hiii i’m sorry this took so long for some reason every time I went to write this i’d blank but I finally got it finished and I hope you enjoy!
Your Job made you want to throw up. Even now sitting in your car about to leave, just the thought of it was enough to get your heart racing and your mind whirling. You have wanted this job since you were a kid. Back then it all seemed mystical. A place that would be filled with unicorns and rainbows. Then you got to high-school and suddenly everyone was telling you wherever you work there would be an asshole boss and mean colleagues. Even when this was being hammered into your head, you held out hope. All the way through college you grasped onto that hope with unrelenting force.
Then you graduated and worked your way up to your dream job. You had worked your ass off in other words. Even with the jobs you had along the way, of course they were shitty, but you held out hope for once in your life and believed that this job would be better. It would be perfect.
God were you wrong.
Now when you come home from work you’re absolutely exhausted. Your new boss has worn you down by overworking you. But you’re new and still believe you have to prove yourself so you do it all with no complaint. Not to mention your colleagues, who seem to see you as a tool to do all of the work they don’t want to do. But in order to become friendly with them, you try to hand out as many favors as you can, while being swamped with work of your own. You are stressed thinking about the next day of work almost immediately as you set foot inside your house.
Your sweet, loving, caring boyfriends have noticed a change in your demeanor. Your shoulders are tighter, posture stiff, movements languid because your body is so exhausted. After work one day James came behind you as you were cooking and wrapped his arms around your torso. He had whispered softly in your ear asking if you were alright and if there was anything he can do. You brushed him off and said you were just tired and he doesn’t need to worry. He’s been sending you worried glances ever since. Sirius had been silently studying you. He knows body language more fluently than any form of speaking because of the environment he grew up in. He could see it in your stance, something was wrong. He didn’t want to beat around the bush so he just asked you what was bothering you. Over and over and over again. Each time you’d respond with an over exaggerated sigh, saying
“I’m just tired Siri. There is nothing to worry about.”
or you’d let out a stiff laugh and quip
“Is there something wrong with you you’re not saying? Why are you always so insistent on talking about me?”
You know it’s a low blow and he was only trying to help but you’re already on edge and you don’t want your boyfriends to know what’s going on because if they know you are sure to have a breakdown, and you do not have time for a breakdown right now.
Remus hasn’t said anything to you yet, but his actions definitely express worry. When you come home from work as soon as you have set your stuff down Remus is up making you a cup of tea. Or he’s sitting on the couch patting the seat next to him asking you if you’d like him to read to you, or watch your favorite movie, or binge the new season of your favorite TV show. Sometimes he’ll just come beside you a massage your shoulder and let out a disapproving hum at the tightness. Hell mummer under his breath as if he was talking to himself,
“Working my girl too hard”
So that’s why sitting in your car about to leave for work, your stomach is turning. The stress of impressing your boss, pleasing your fellow employees, and keeping your stress from the boys has become to much. There’s nothing you can do as you pull out of the driveway and repeat the mantra in your head saying don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry.
Later that day when you are pulling back into the driveway somehow your day has gotten worse. You had to pull over on the side of the road and flash your hazards because your eyes got too cloudy from the constant fall of tears streaming down your face. Everything was just too much. And the thing is you are a hard worker. You fought tooth and nail for this job. You want this job. You were supposed to love this job. Instead your overcome with waves of panic every-time you think about going into work. Every-time a colleague texts you and you hear the unmistakable ping you flinch. It’s been consuming your mind fully since the day you started and you broke down.
You don’t care about hiding it from the boys anymore. You just need a hug. You blindly reach for your car door, making note that James isn’t home yet, and all but fling yourself inside the house. You’re letting out gut wrenching sobs and you feel like you can’t breathe. You’re practically suffocating in your jacket and you need it off. Off off off off off. You repeat over and over in your mind, or maybe out loud you’re really not sure anymore, as your shaky hands fail again and again to reach your zipper. Sirius is the first to get to you. His heart practically stops at the sight.
“Love, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
He scans over your body. Checking if he can see any physical damage. When he decides there is no life-threatening wounds, at least that he can see, he jumps into action.
“Hey, hey, hey” he says,
The last ‘hey’ coming out more sternly than the others. You look up at him and your heart somehow shatters more. His face looks so caring and scared. You sob harder at the sight and continue to pull at the neck of your jacket.
“it’s okay, I got it. C’mon let’s walk over to the couch okay? Sh it’s okay, you’re okay”
As Sirius takes your zipper into his hands and urgently, but less harshly, zips it down he slowly pulls you to the couch. Remus emerges from the hallway and immediately goes still at the sight. He rushed to the kitchen to get a glass of water and comes back to help Siri pick up your broken pieces.
When you finally catch enough breath to sob out
“I just don’t know how i’m going to do it anymore!”
“Do what m’love?” Remus quietly questioned while stroking your hair,
“My job!” you practically shouted into Siri’s chest. “My boss is throwing me on every project and he knows it’s too much! He wants me to fail and I don’t want him to win so i’ve been doing it all. But the better I do the more he assigns and I can’t keep up with it anymore”
Both boys comforting you share a worried glanced at each-other. Having a silent conversation with their eyes. Just as Sirius opened his mouth to say something, the unmistakable sound of the door opening and James yelling out,
“The loves of my life, i’m home!”
Really James has immaculate humorous timing. When he realizes no one has answers he scans the room quickly before his eyes catch on you curled up in a ball practically on top of Sirius and Remus kneeling on the ground in front of you.
His face immediately falls.
“Baby, what happened?”
The utter concern in his voice and his caring expression made you let out another sob and re-explain the story and add in a few more details about how your coworkers have been treating you.
Once you’ve spilled your guts the boys concerned faces only worded causing you slight confusion. You just told them what’s wrong, they comforted you, now you should go back to normal.
Remus is the first to speak
“The next time you’re feeling anxious about anything, especially your job, just tell me, Sirius, or James and we can talk about it or try to take your mind off of it. It’s not good to be stressed all the time, especially when you aren’t telling anyone about it. A job should never make you this upset. I know you love it but I think you should have a serious conversation with your boss when your ready.”
Sirius adds in,
“I could help you write up a speech or I could just march right in there with you. But please come and see me when your feeling anxious, or shoot me a text while your at work”
“We love you and we want you to be happy and if this job isn’t making you happy, I say drop it and find one that makes you love it the way we love you.”
James mumbles as he wipes his thumbs under your eyes, taking away your tears.
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thirstywoso · 2 days
Five years down, forever to go pt3 // Jessie Fleming x Reader 18+
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Synopsis: Jessie needs something or someone to take out her frustration after the draw against Utah
A/N: this was inspired partially by the draw to Utah Royals and the conversation myself and @flemingsfreckles had about the game/Jessie. Same as last time this can be read as a stand alone so you don't need to read part one or part two.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, Strap on use, oral, reader receiving/Jessie giving, Dominant Jessie, angry sex, breeding kink, marking, light bondage (handcuffs), light choking, as always there may be more than I'm forgetting.
This is literally just a quick write so probably not that great, it's also shorter than the other parts but it's deffo not sweet
Again you can read this as a stand alone no need to read part one and part two
As the whistle blew and the score had stood at 0-0, your eyes found Jessie on the pitch. Throwing her head back in annoyance you could tell she would be beating herself up for not doing more to help the team. You knew it was ridiculous because she was up and down that pitch, making runs, winning the ball back and punting it up the pitch to Sophia. Unfortunately the one chance Portland had was ruled as offside, much to your dismay as well as Jessie's.
At the end of the game your girlfriend looked visibly upset as she walked over to the stands.
Jessie being the professional she was spent time making the rounds with fans, shaking hands, signing shirts and taking selfies. You smiled on as you watched her greet some young children holding up signs, one reading 'Number 21 you're my favourite' another 'Jessie Fleming is my hero'. From where you were stood you couldn't hear what she was saying but she was smiling and laughing, you watch as she gives the two young fans a hug and a high five.
Seeing how she interacted with children always stirred something inside of you, a family with your girlfriend is something you had always wanted but her way with young fans had always made you feel that little more fuzzy.
You'd made your way into the family waiting area after watching Jess disappear into the tunnel with a sour expression.
You stood chatting with some of the other players partners until some of the players started emerging from the locker room.
Sam was one of the first ones out and she made her way over to you, resting her hand on your forearm she gave you a sympathetic look.
"She's pretty mad right now, she has some press to do but I hope for your sake she's calmed down by then"
"You both played well tonight, I understand why you'd be upset with the result but at least it wasn't a loss?" You question Sam as to why Jess is mad.
"I'm not sure what's going on she slammed the door walking into the changing rooms and wouldn't talk to any of us when we asked if she was okay" Sam tried to explain
"It's okay Sam I'll figure it out"
"Good luck" rubbing your arm one last time as she walked away to find her family.
Jessie was one of the last players to come out due to some of the press she had done after the game, you already knew she was seething. The tv in the family room had been playing some of the post match talks and you physically cringed when Jessie got asked why the midfield had been struggling.
The way her face screwed up you could tell it had hit a nerve and she was pissed off, as always though Jessie politely answered the question yet still stuck up for herself and the rest of the midfield.
When she came out you were the last guest waiting in the room, she caught your eye and stalked over to you.
"Let's go" she grabbed your arm pulling you to the exit.
You had booked a nearby hotel as it wasn't often you followed Jessie to matches around the country due to your work schedule. Instead of staying at the team hotel Jessie would be coming back to yours for the night.
On the way to the hotel Jessie was silent but the flush on her cheeks and her pursed lips told you that she was still seeing red.
You didn't dare ask her what was wrong, deep down you knew why. Jessie always picked apart her performances and you knew she'd be mad not coming away with the three points.
Unlocking your room with your keycard you walk in holding the door open for Jessie to come in behind you.
In a flash Jessie had you pressed up against the door as it closed behind you, she began kissing your neck eagerly not caring if she left a mark.
"Woah Jessie, slow down. What's going on?"
"I'm going to fuck you silly that's what's going on!" She huffed latching back on to your neck making quick work of her own jersey.
"Baby, I know you're upset and I'm happy to help but are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" You attempt to reason
"No talking. Just kissing. And fucking. And making you cum. For me." Jessie punctuates with small nips to your neck as she begins to remove your jeans and panties. Shimmying them down your legs so they fall around your ankles. You can't deny the throbbing in your core any longer.
"Okay then Jessie" you give yourself to her. Jessie tugs on your shirt or should you say her shirt, you were sporting her Canada Jersey from when she won Olympic gold, you had always worn her old jerseys when you went to her games.
You follow her as she walks back towards the bed.
As you get nearer she spins you around so that you're the one walking backwards. You feel the mattress hit the back of your knees and you sit, Jessie lifting the jersey above your head along with your bra leaving you naked.
"Up" she nods towards the head of the bed.
You shuffle backwards as she discards her shorts and underwear in a pile on the floor. Kneeling on the edge she crawls up towards you desperation and pure hunger sparkling in her eyes.
"You'll get exactly what I give you tonight, do you understand me?" Jessie asks you to which you reply with a nod.
Jessie grabs your face so that she makes eye contact with you. "I said do you fucking understand me" she practically spits.
"Yes Jess" you squeak out
With that Jessie's head is back down on your neck. Normally she was gentle with her work but tonight was different, harsh bites and nips were left down the column of your neck. Before she snaked her tongue up from your collarbone to the shell of your ear whispering "you're going to be such a good girl for me, I know you are" giving your lobe a slight nip she sits up on her knees drinking you all in.
Removing herself from the bed she walks over to her suitcase.
You can't help but watch her as your eyes glue to her naked form. Jessie gets a few items from her bag which you can't make out until she turns walking back over to you.
It was then you noticed her holding a pair of handcuffs, some lube and the biggest strap you owned. You sucked in a breath before gasping for air realising you'd forgotten how to breathe.
Within seconds she was back on the bed taking your wrists and handcuffing you to the bedpost.
"What's the safe word?"
"Say it at any point and we stop okay?" She said more serious, yes she wanted to take her frustrations out on you but she would always make sure your comfort came first.
Kissing her way down your chest she gently bites at your breasts dragging your nipple between her teeth before moving to the other one and doing the same.
She repeated this a few times your body wriggling within your restraints, unsure yourself if you were fighting against the pain or writhing into the pleasure.
Throwing your head to one side you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, seeing the marks down your neck and across your chest sent a rush or arousal to your aching pussy. Seeing how subbed out you were for Jessie you longed to be fucked by her, arching your hips towards her she got the hint.
She kissed down the length of your stomach all the way to your aching core, she knew how to tease you but today wasn't going to be one of those days. She knew you needed her and that she needed to be the one to ruin you.
Without warning her mouth attached to your clit looking down at her you saw her gazing back at you with dark eyes. Suckling on your bundle of nerves, pulling it between her teeth similarly to how she had treated your nipples.
Grazing her teeth along your sensitive nub as she flicked at you with her tongue. Your eyes rolling back as she drove you crazy.
The air sticking in your throat as Jessie's thick fingers plunged into you, stretching you open and curling inside you. Thrusting hard Jessie had you whimpering her name, unable to help it you beg for her.
"Please fuck me Jessie, please I need you so badly"
Jessie groaned into your sex as she lapped at you, her fingers stroking your walls bringing you closer to the edge. Your hands found her hair pulling at it, your thighs clamping around her face as her fingers were joined by her tongue delving deep inside you. Her spare thumb rubbing your clit as you saw stars, legs shaking around her head as you came in her mouth.
She wasted no time in pulling out and kissing you so you could taste yourself on her tongue.
Sitting back on her knees Jessie fastened her cock around her waist before disregarding the need for the lube due to how soaked you already were, using her hand already covered in your juices to stroke her cock.
Jessie uncuffed you before lining up with your opening, gently stroking the tip along your slit before she slid in with ease. Bottoming out within seconds you let out a low moan of her name as she ground into you.
Your legs locked around her waist as you clawed at her back.
Whispering in her ear "please baby, you know you fuck me better than anyone"
That's all she needed to hear before her hips were pulling back as she slammed back into you.
You could hardly gasp for air as she fucked the wind out of you, your nails idly running up and down her back as she thrust deeper inside you.
"You feel so fucking good taking me like this" she groans looking down at where her cock was slicing you open your lips stretched around her thick girth.
Your head falls back, her name slipping past your lips as she picks up her pace. Her hands around your throat holding you down as she fucks you harder.
You gasp for a breath when she finally releases you her body coming down flush with yours so you could feel the way her tits brushed against yours.
Feeling yourself getting closer all you could picture was how good of a mother Jessie would make and your brooding thoughts from the game had come back.
Her ear was so close to your mouth that she only just heard the gentle whisper fall from your mouth.
"Fill me with your babies Jessie"
Pulling back so she's held up on her hands, her muscles bulging. She looks down at you in shock, before you can even think if you've fucked things up she's pushing even deeper than before.
"You want my babies huh?" She asks with a smirk
"Oh I do so badly Jessie, I wish you could put your babies in me"
"I can"
Her hips slapping against yours the air filled with the filthy sounds of your sex being filled and the groans and moans falling from both your own and the future mother to your child's lips.
"I need you to cum in me Jessie, I want to feel you"
"I want to get you pregnant so bad y/n/n"
"Have my mini Flemings"
"Start a family with you"
You whimper her words driving you crazy your nails digging into her back.
"Just like that baby, I'm going to have your babies"
"We're going to be such a good family, please Jessie I need you deeper"
Her hips begin to stutter as your words bring her closer.
You scratch down her back again as you scream out "I'm cumming Jessie"
She pushes down on your stomach feeling how deep she is inside you her eyes rolling back. Knowing damn well if she was physically able to cum that deep in you it would surely be enough for you to carry mini versions of her.
She whimsies and cries out as she cums collapsing on top of you.
"Take it all baby, I want you to have my children" she whispers in your ear grinding her cock inside you.
"Take every last drop until your full of my babies"
Over stimulated and incredibly turned on by Jessie's attempt to impregnate you matched with the pressure of her hips grinding against you had your eyes squeezing shut.
Mouth hung open unable to make a noise as pleasure took over your entire form, you bit down on Jessie's shoulder as you squirt all over her cock.
Burying your head in her neck embarrassed she looks up at you with the biggest grin.
"Did you just squirt?"
You hide deeper in her neck
"Don't be shy that was so hot baby"
"I didn't think you talking like that would get me so bad"
You begin to kiss Jessie pulling back to ask her if she felt better.
Wrapping her arms around you pulling you tighter to her she confirms that you had brightened her mood.
So happy and content you both quickly fall asleep, Jessie's cock still buried deep inside you.
(There will be a part 4 coming which again can be read as a stand alone, I'm not sure I like this one because it's rushed but feedback is appreciated)
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zombvic · 1 day
Hii, i would like to request for Jude Bellingham 🫶🏻 The match between England and Slovakia just ended sooo i was thinking maybe some little angst with reader from Slovakia (because i'm from there🫶🏻) like he would be sad if she wouldn't wear his jersey or her little mad after the match because her country lost, Thank you, have a great day 💗💗
PATRIOTIC (jude bellingham x reader)
summary : in which y/n is a true patriot to her country
face claim : no-one exact
notes : I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!! given the fact im also slovak (jedine vsž !!!). this match was a traumatic experience tbh and i was on the edge of my seat (literally) while watching.. i feel like jude is doing everything to go against my silly ahh.. first joining the rival (madrid) and now knocking out my country from the euros man.. since slovakia is gone, time to cheer for spain and netherlands #vamosandstuff
pairings : jude bellingham x slovak!reader
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y/n, long time girlfriend of jude bellingham, could be considered a patriot when it came to sports. on an average day, you could say she hated slovakia. the politicians were horrid, inflation was growing by the week, dumb decisions made by the parliament. but when there was an international tournament, like the hockey world championship or the euros, her national pride was next level. she would proudly wear her jersey with the double cross and the red, white and blue colors and cheer for slovakia like her life depended on it.
this year, the euros were particularly exciting. slovakia had managed to advance to the round of sixteen after a tense tie with romania. the whole country was buzzing with anticipation. y/n, however, had a unique point of view on all of this. she was dating jude bellingham, the english youngster, and their teams were about to face off.
the atmosphere in the stadium was wild. y/n sat in her seat, heart pounding, wearing her slovakia jersey with her name on the back. jude knew she was here, but he didn’t know she’d be wearing that jersey. until now, hes only seen her wear an england jersey with a big number 10 on the back while he was playing. the round of sixteen had brought slovakia against england, and the tension was kinda scary.
the game started off intensely. slovakia's forward, ivan schranz, scored a goal in the 25th minute, sending the slovak fans into a frenzy. you could hear that "SLOVENSKOOOO" in your bones. y/n couldn't help but join in on the celebrations, her heart filling with pride. she glanced at jude on the field, knowing how badly he wanted to advance, but in that moment, all she wanted was for slovakia to beat england.
as the minutes ticked by, the match felt like it was dragging. england pressed hard, but slovakia's defense held strong. y/n's anxiety grew with each passing second. she knew jude was frustrated, but she also knew he was a relentless player.
then, in the 95th minute, jude did the unthinkable. he scored a stunning bicycle kick, tying the game. y/n’s heart sank. she wanted to jump up and celebrate his incredible goal, but the reality of what it meant for slovakia hit her hard. the game was now tied, and the prospect of overtime sneaked ominously.
another thing that kind of pissed y/n off was the way jude celebrated. i mean, come on. you scored against your girlfriend's national team, and that's how you celebrate? of course, it's a very passionate game, but it still hurt, obviously.
overtime began, and y/n's fear became reality. just 50 seconds in, harry kane scored, putting england ahead. slovakia struggled to find an equalizer, and as the final whistle blew, y/n felt a mix of anger, disappointment, and sadness. slovakia's journey in the euros was over, and it was mainly because of the man she loved.
after the match, jude came looking for y/n, a smile on his face. "did you see my goal?" he asked, clearly excited.
y/n, still wearing her slovakia jersey, felt a surge of annoyance. "yeah, i saw it," she replied curtly. jude's smile faded as he noticed her tone.
"what's wrong?" he asked, genuinely confused.
"jude, read the damn room," y/n muttered, turning away. she didn't want to start an argument here, not now.
jude sighed, sensing her mood. "i’m sorry, baby. i know you wanted slovakia to win."
"of course i did? but it's not just that," she said, her voice softening slightly. "let's just drop it for now."
"alright then.." jude reluctantly agreed and went out to dinner with his teammates to celebrate. y/n stayed behind in their hotel room, her mind racing. she knew she was being irrational, but the mix of emotions was overwhelming. how could she be happy for jude when her own team had been eliminated?
hours passed, and when jude returned, the tension in the room was thick. y/n's frustration had only grown. jude, sensing the impending argument, he tried to lighten the mood. "you know, you looked cute in that slovakia jersey," he teased.
y/n glared at him. "really, jude? that's what you want to talk about right now?"
jude's expression hardened. "what's your problem, y/n? i played my heart out there."
"my problem?" y/n snapped. "my problem is that you ruined our chance. you ghosted the whole match and then suddenly scored a stinker in added time."
jude's eyes narrowed. "i was doing my job, y/n. i’m supposed to score goals, remember? and why the hell were you wearing that jersey anyway? do you have any idea how that made me feel?"
"oh, so now it's about your feelings?" y/n shot back. "you think it’s easy for me? watching you celebrate while my team gets eliminated?"
"and you think it was easy for me?" jude retorted. "seeing you cheer for the other team? i thought you’d at least be supportive of me, no matter what."
"other team?? you mean my team??? also, what do you mean by supportive?" y/n scoffed. "how can i support you when you’re one of the main reasons we lost? i know it’s just a game, jude, but it still hurts."
"you’re being ridiculous," jude said, his voice rising. "this isn’t just about the game, is it?"
"of course it is! what are you on about?" y/n replied, tears of frustration welling up in her eyes.
jude ran a hand through his hair, clearly exasperated. "you’re mad at me for doing my job? for helping my team? you knew what this was from the start."
"it's not just about that! it's the way you celebrated, like you didn’t care about what it meant to me!" y/n shot back, her voice breaking. "you scored a goal and acted like you won the fucking world cup. did you even think about how i felt?"
jude’s face softened slightly, but he was still visibly upset. "i’m a footballer, y/n. scoring goals is what i do. it’s my passion, my career. i can’t just switch that off because of you."
"i’m not asking you to switch it off," she said, wiping her eyes. "i’m asking you to be considerate. to think about what it means for me and my country."
jude sighed deeply, frustration giving way to a partial understanding. "i get that, but you need to understand my side too. i can’t not play my best because of our relationship. it’s unfair to my teammates, to the fans."
"i didn’t mean to hurt you," jude said quietly. "i was caught up in the moment. i’m sorry if it came off wrong."
jude stared at her, his anger slowly giving way to realization. "y/n, i never wanted you to feel like that," he said, his tone softening. "i love you, and i cannot imagine you not supporting me from the sidelines."
y/n looked into his eyes, seeing the sincerity there. "okay. but next time, maybe don’t celebrate like you just scored in the finals when you score against us."
jude chuckled softly, pulling her into a hug. "deal. and maybe next time, wear my jersey instead of yours?"
she laughed, the tension finally breaking. "we’ll see about that."
as they held each other, y/n felt the weight of the argument lifting, replaced by a renewed sense of understanding and love. they might come from different worlds, but they were determined to make it work, no matter the challenges.
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if anyone was interested in my dads entire match commentary 😊
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"a mame po turnaji" means were fucked (basically)😭🙏🏽
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lilacstro · 2 days
part of fortune and what can be actually fated in your life
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hey! I KNOWWW someone will think or say, hey? wait- isnt that vortex? indeed it is, but I am sharing this post from an observation series pointer I made, so you can say this is an observational post/my own theory kinda post lol. This post is again not taken from any book or source and is my own observation. If this does not make sense for you or you don't agree, it's okay, you can skip :)
I had 3 asks for this one so here we go!! I will try to keep it short and simple because I see I rant quite a lot in my posts T T. Part of fortune in:
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1st house/Aries: I have not really seen a chart with a part of fortune in the 1st, but this specifically makes me think your soul chose your body for completing a purpose in this life time. Some fated connection with your body, the way you look. A spiritual connection/mission that can involve a series of fated events to bring you closer to your personal missions and goals.
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2nd house/Taurus: Fate with the money you have, money you receive or how you keep your money. Fate transforms your old belief systems for good. Fate with the things you speak or do at times, the way you make friends or other relationships.
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3rd house/Gemini: Fate with the things you come across, maybe someday you come across a book and it changes your life, maybe a social media post and changes your life. Fate with siblings, maybe they connect you to you destiny or you connect them to theirs. Fate encounters you at mundane places you go to, maybe your neighborhood park or the grocery store. Some fate with the place you grew up in
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4th house/Cancer: Fate in the family you are born into. Fated connection with the mother, might connect your mother to her higher purpose and destiny. Might impart fate to mother.
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5th house/Leo: Fate in children. Your children might be sent to you for a higher purpose. Fate in things you enjoy and your creative pursuits, maybe they turn into something more profitable someday, maybe they are trying to connect you to something important
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6th house/Virgo: Fate in Service. You maybe sent to people to help them, a godsend in some cases. Things change overnight, some small conversation changes everything at once. Finding out small things that lead to bigger ones, and another and another. You enter the lives of people when they need your light/guidance
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7th house/Libra: Fate in close partnerships and people you encounter. Fate in people you make friends with, interact with. Vibes of small conversation with a stranger at a store leads to someone very important in your life. You can learn a lot from people your close circle.
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8th house/Scorpio: Fate in protection and redirection. Fate in change. Whatever you struggle to leave behind or hold on tight to or actually decide not to let go off, may actually be taken away, yet, you will see how it was for your absolute best and higher purpose. Fate with inheritance or gains from other people.
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9th house/Sagittarius: Having fated destinations to go to, fate involvement in what higher studies you do, where you go for your higher studies and how it plays out. Encountering fate in regards to getting wisdom, your prayers are answered sooner or later. Right place, right time.
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10th house/Capricorn: A Fated occupational destination and position, might end up doing completely different from what you once imagined, fate in the people you meet who help you professionally or lead you to your true calling. May impart fortune to father. Fate brings you to dispensing karma to other people.
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11th house/Aquarius: Meeting Fated people, FRIENDS, finding people to help you in need ALWAYS. Encountering fated connections that later help you in life somehow even if they are lost. Being able to have connections/meet influential/powerful people somehow, unexpectedly.
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12th house/Pisces: Encountering fate in regards to esoteric wisdom, spirituality and spiritual self. Fate in regards to encountering unexpected, distant things. Maybe the thoughts and dreams you had that seemed unachievable will come true. Maybe your fate takes you to people who you never thought you would get close with or places you thought you would never go to. Fate with things and connections that probably were incomplete in the past life.
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paid readings are open btw:)
thank you so much for the read<33 i love you all
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blueskies4everxo · 20 hours
summary: Takes place hours after ‘Is This A Mistake?’ The petition for the Driftwood Throne is complete, a betrothal announcement between an unexpected pair. A family dinner. Visenya Velaryon discovers she has no self control when it comes to Aegon.
pairing: Aegon ii Targaryen x Visenya Velaryon (OC)
word count: 2.5k
warnings: again, smut, 1st half plot/2nd half smut, 18+MDNI, p in v (unprotected, westeros people!) oral sex (f & m receiving), hair pulling, dirty talk, fingering, targ!cest, cunty but lowkey softAegon in this one? if i missed one, just let me know
notes: i honestly had no idea where i was going with this one, dialogue taken directly from the show, this gif of tessa and hardin is the inspiration behind this one, also sorry for any mistakes or grammar issues, wrote this during the am hours.
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For Visenya, three notable things happened during the petition for Driftmark. Firstly, her brother Luke was reaffirmed as heir to the Driftwood Throne, his betrothal to Lady Rhaena accepted by the Princess Rhaenys. The future heirs of Driftmark would at least have some Velaryon blood courtesy of Rhaena’s mother Laena, which gave Rhaenys some peace of mind, Visenya was sure.
Secondly, the announcement of her betrothal to the future King, her brother, Jace. During the petition, Visenya could not bare to look at her uncle in his Hightower Green. She glanced to her right to see her older brother’s sad smile, his hand reaching to intertwine their fingers together, Jace squeezing her hand in comfort. Neither were happy with their betrothal. Jace had always had feelings towards Baela, their cousin, ever since childhood.
Visenya wonders if Jace would still comfort her if he knew her true feelings for the uncle he holds in such contempt? If he knew that Aegon’s seed was still dripping down her thighs at that very moment?
And thirdly, the petition of Driftmark ended with Vaemand Velaryon losing his head. Vaemond loudly questioned before the court, the legitimacy of her and her brothers births whilst calling her mother a whore. Her step father took his head for it.
Visenya picks up her dress, rushing down the Red Keep’s halls, appearing to be lost. Her grandsire had requested all his closest kin to attend dinner.
“Princess? Are you alright?” Turning around, Visenya found the speaker of the voice to be none other then Queen Alicent, walking down the stairs with her lapdog Ser Criston Cole at her ankles.
“It seems I am lost, Your Grace, Ser Criston. I have not been here for many years and I have forgotten my way.” Alicent Hightower stops in front of her, her eyes dragging over her face. Often she has been told she bares her mothers face, the only striking difference between mother and daughter is that Visenya did not possess the fair silver hair of her ancestors from Old Valyria but that of her alleged Baratheon heritage.
“Walk with me, Princess.” The Queen dutifully wraps their elbows together, Ser Criston walks behind them. The Queen leads her down a corridor, making few turns before unwrapping their arms, the guards open the door as The Queen walks into the informal dining room. Visenya glances up at the Dornishman.
“You look just like your mother, nothing like your father.” Ser Criston bows his head once more and leaves her standing in front of the doors, a quizzical look on her face as she stares at the departing Kingsguard.
Visenya briskly walks into the room, noticing her grandsire already sitting in the middle of the table, the feast already set up. Visenya begins to profusely apologise to the King until she sees him struggle to raise his arm.
“My beloved Visenya, my granddaughter, you’re here, sit. Let’s begin.” Visenya quickly bows her head to her grandsire before noting that the only spare seat is not next to her betrothed, but between Helaena and Aegon. Not wanting to cause more of a scene than she has, Visenya swiftly sits down, not acknowledging the man to her right, and a fleeting look towards Helaena who is playing with some sort of bug.
The Queen leads the dinner with a prayer, looking around Visenya notices only Aemond and the Queen take it seriously. Visenya coughs to hide her giggle at Daemon’s face as the Queen prays for Uncle Vaemond.
“This is an occasion for celebration, it seems. My grandson Jace will marry his sister, my sweet Visenya…” The King begins his speech, Visenya glances to her right, hoping to make eye contact with Jace with sits on the other side of Aegon, yet all she sees are the hurt eyes of her uncle. Visenya sees a deceitful smirk flicker across his face until she sees him turn his head to her older brother. Visenya ignores the King to hear what Aegon has to say.
“Well done, Jace. You'll finally get to lie with a woman. You do know how the act is done, I assume? Where to put your cock and all that.” Visenya’s left hand clenches around her goblet of wine as she hears Aegon taunting her brother. She hears Jace murmur something back to Aegon. Subconsciously, her right hand reaches underneath the table, away from the prying eyes, to squeeze Aegon’s thick thigh, a silent request for him to stop his teasing.
At this, Visenya watches as Aegon innocently tucks his chair further in and closer to her own. He places both hands in his lap, his left hand quickly grabbing Visenya’s wrist before she could withdraw it. Visenya feels as Aegon slowly drags her hand up his thigh until it rests firmly on his clothed cock. Visenya has long stopped paying attention to the toasts between her kin, wanting to play her uncles game. Visenya palms down on his growing manhood, rubbing her hand up and down, stroking the outline of his cock. Visenya’s own breath hitching, her thighs rubbing together as she feels her own slick gather.
“I regret the disappointment you are soon to suffer, niece. But if you ever wish to feel what it is to be well satisfied again, all you have to do is ask.” Aegon turns to face her, whispering so quietly into her ear, not even Jace could hear. Despite what is happening underneath the table, Aegon seems unaffected, the only glint in his eye due to the amount of wine he has consumed. Visenya quickly snatches her left hand back, slamming it underneath the table, bringing everyone’s attention to her.
Her saving grace is that her grandsire begins to writhe in pain, all attention turns to the King as the Queen calls for the guards to carry him out. At this Visenya also rises, seeking permission to leave the dinner early which her mother permits. As she turns away from the table, hurrying to leave her beloved uncle behind, the Queen bid her eldest son to escort her back. “Least you get lost again, Princess. My son knows his way around the keep better than anyone, don’t you Aegon?”
Visenya watches as Aegon rises, smirking at Jace, leaning down to whisper something into his ear before slowly patting his shoulder. Visenya turns her back on the silver haired Prince, waiting until the doors to the dining room have closed before Visenya picks up her skirts and makes a run for it, knowing her uncle will chase her. She knows these corridors like the back of her hand, contrary to what the Queen thinks. She runs towards the part of the keep where she knows that no one resides.
She stops at the doorway to an empty chamber, she turns around as Aegon catches up to her. Visenya can see the excitement in his eyes, the thrill of the chase. Reaching behind her she opens the door ajar, before grabbing a hold of Aegon’s shoulders. Visenya feels as his muscular arms snake around her, walking her backwards into the abandoned chamber.
“Bar the door.” She watches as Aegon releases her before quickly peaking his silver head out the door, glancing in both directions before barring the door. She watches as Aegon touches his forehead to the wooden door, sighing heavily, an apology on his lips as he turns to her. Visenya swallows his apology with her lips, sucking his bottom lip into her mouth, before releasing it.
“I do not want to hear it. You said I could ask you what it feels like to be well satisfied again. I’m asking.” Visenya breathily moans into Aegon’s soft lips. Her lips peck his before creeping kisses down his neck, her nimble fingers quickly unbuttoning Aegon’s green doublet revealing soft, pale skin. She pushes the offending Green garb from his shoulders, her bite mark from hours ago still visible on his skin. Her fingernails rake down Aegon’s chest, drawing a shuddering breath from him, stopping as she reaches the top of his breeches. Visenya quickly looks back up to see Aegon’s lustful gaze, his eyes widening as Visenya sinks to her knees in front of him. Visenya takes his shoes off. Her fingers make quick work of unlacing his breeches before pulling them down Aegon’s strong thighs, pooling at his feet, his thick weeping cock springing out.
“‘Senya, you don’t hav-… Gods.” Whatever Aegon was about to say, she cut off as her small hand took hold of the base of his cock and her lips engulfing his meaty head, slowly sucking on it, like it was her favourite candied fruit. She watched as the silver haired Prince tilted his head back to rest on the wooden door, his rough hands gathering her dark curls to hold away from her face. Visenya feels Aegon slightly thrust into her mouth, spit trickling out from the corners of her lips as she sloppily sucks his thick shaft. As she glimpses up, mouth full of his cock, she sees Aegon’s purple eyes staring down at her, growling at the sight of his niece on her knees.
“I truely have corrupted you, have I not?” Aegon’s sturdy hands push her away and she releases his cock with a pop, Visenya knows she must look like a mess, lips swollen and spit dripping from her chin. Aegon quickly lifts her up to her feet, his strong hands tearing the dress she was wearing at the seam, the dark blue fabric pooling on the floor, leaving her completely bare.
“Gods, she’s not wearing anything…” She hears him whisper under his breath. Aegon turns her around in his arms, her back to his chest. She lets out a whimper as his hands gently squeeze her round breasts, trailing down her flat stomach, his right hand creeping down to where she needs him most. Two of his fingers dip into her soaking folds, both groaning at how wet she is. Visenya’s dark head falls back onto Aegon’s shoulder, reaching back her fingers twist into his short silver hair, turning her face to meet his in an open mouth kiss, their tongues massaging against each other.
Aegon begins to push Visenya towards the bed situated in the middle of the room, breaking their kiss, she only just turns in his arms before he pushes her down on the bed. Visenya falls on her back, her dark hair contrasting to the white sheets beneath her, his hands spreading her legs, as Aegon kneels on the floor by the bed, she sees the lust in his purple eyes as he gazes at her glistening centre.
“Gods, you’re dripping. You love this, don’t you, Visenya. And they call me the depraved one…” Cutting off her uncle, she grabs his hair and pulls his face to her cunt, his tongue immediately sucking her little pearl into his mouth causing Visenya to push his head further into her centre.
“Seven hells…” Visenya pleaded as Aegon began delving his tongue into her, her legs beginning to clamp around Aegon’s head, suffocating him with the taste of her. Sensing her orgasm was near, Aegon grabbed her thighs, holding her in place as he ate her out, his tongue swirling and lapping at her little bud ferociously. Visenya stilled for a moment before letting out a series of loud moans, calling out Aegon’s name, as she bucked against his tongue, her hands pulling at his silver hair. Her legs fall limp as Aegon places a final kiss on her pearl making her legs buck with aftershock.
“Are you okay? ‘Senya?” Aegon whispers to her, crawling up her body, still twitching with pleasure. His forearms on either side of her head, holding up the weight of his body as to not crush her. He gently rubs his nose against hers, her tired eyes open, pupils dilated in satisification.
“I need you. I need you inside me. Please, Aegon... ” Wrapping her hands around him, she slowly drags her hand up and down his shaft, eliciting a groan from the man above her. Visenya pleads against Aegon’s lips, her hand tightening around him, rubbing his cock up and down her dripping slit, but Aegon not making a move to slide in, torturing her. Aegon rolls off her, standing up, Visenya whimpering at the cold, the lack of warmth that Aegon’s body provided her.
Aegon quickly turns Visenya onto her hands and knees, she glances behind her and watches as the silver haired Prince guides his cock into her wet, throbbing heat. She feels him shallowly thrust into her, teasing her, before slamming his cock in so deep that his pubic bone rests on her derrière, so hard that Visenya’s arms give out. Aegon wraps a rough hand around the nape of Visenya’s hair, before twisting and wrapping her chocolate hair in his pale fist, forcing her body back up.
Visenya thanks the Gods that she found this abandoned quarter of the keep. The squishing wet sounds of their sexes meeting, the sound of his balls lewdly slapping against her, and the moans and groans coming from both of them would’ve given them away if they partook in this depravity anywhere else.
Aegon begins to thrust into her with no hesitation, one hand still pulling the dark tresses while the other lands on her shoulder, pushing him yet even deeper into her core. He hits that spot inside her, that only he knows, that only he will know, betrothed or not.
“Seven hells, just right there! Please don’t stop! Aegon! Please don’t stop!” The Princess screamed, pulsating around her uncle, wanting to squeeze every last bit of his seed that he has to offer her. She knows that the pulsating heat was too much for her silver haired Prince behind her as she feels his thrusts start to slow down before he uncontrollably jerks into her as he paints her insides white, full of his seed.
Both their bodies collapsing, Aegon lands on Visenya’s small body as he hadn’t dared to pull out yet, he never does. If Aegon had to choose a way to die, Visenya knows it would be with his belly full of wine, with his cock buried in her.
With his cock still half hard despite his recent gratification, Visenya begins to slowly roll her hips underneath him, her little gasps muffled by the sheets beneath her, as he too starts to shallowly thrust into her once more.
“Vis… You’re insatiable. ” Aegon breaths as his damp head drops onto her shoulder blade leaving a wet trail as he licked her salty skin, Visenya giggling under him.
The occupants of the room were silent for a moment, until more moans belonging to the Prince Aegon and Princess Visenya filled the otherwise empty and silent hallway, the Clubfoot smirking in the shadows.
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