#i still want to do those studies tho so over the next few days i think ill open suggestions
jzixuans · 2 years
ough i was going to open character suggestions for me to do art studies but something axed my hand so today might b for pokemon or smth
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ros3ybabe · 4 months
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Where Have I Been?
hello lovelies. so, I started the challenege, did one day, and all of a sudden I feel off the face of the earth. I fell into a bit of a depression, and while I've managed to pull myself out, life has been busy busy busy! This is probably the 2nd busiest week of the year (the 1st will be in August, and you'll find out why). Here's an update on life:
I fly to Colorado on the 16th, so....under 5 days now. I haven't packed or anything yet, but I plan on doing that either tomorrow or Thursday. And I have to clean and prepack for when I return because....
I signed a new lease for a new place to live! I'll have roommates who I haven't met yet (I'm taking over someone lease, actually), but my lease starts August 18th. I return from Colorado on the 14th of August, so....I'm going to be very busy once I return.
I decided to call it quits on getting a 2nd job. It's going to mess up the schedule with my first job, and it would only make me 200$ more a month, which I'm not worried about missing our on since I'll still sell stuff on depop once I return from Colorado and I'm going full time at my current job.
I've gone out to lunch with my dad a few times as well, it's been really nice hanging out with him and spending time with my dad. I lucked out in the dad department and spending time with him is one of my favorite things!
I've been debating going to San Fransisco in October for an XG concert, but I don't know if I'll have the money or ability to anymore. (thank you new apartment and all those fees and expenses!)
my anxiety has been terrible. I haven't changed anything about what I do, but I did squish a lot of anxiety inducing things into the span of two weeks, which....my bad on that. Now I know, don't do that to myself.
I bought new makeup! The juvias place bronzer, charlotte tillbury setting spray, nyx eyebrow stuff, and blush, ughhh I love buying new makeup, I just wish it didn't cost money!
I've gotten better at doing my makeup! I've had people not even notice I'm wearing it because it looks natural despite being like, a full face! Thank you perfect color matches on my skin tint, foundation, and concealors!
I went to two movies with a friend. We saw the new Strangers: Chapter One and the Planet of the Apes movie. Both were definitely good, in my opinion.
I now have to plan with my boyfriend for when he needs to come down here and get his stuff and work out changing the utilities to our roommates name since I'm leaving. I don't feel like it should be my job to coordinate that, but oh well. I guess it's too hard for him and his best friend (my roommate) to call each other for once?? Ugh, men get on my nerves sometimes.
I need to ask my dad and a friend to help me move upon my return, which also means I won't be able to work that weekend, which kind of sucks.
I need to declutter my room and start throwing away things I don't want or need anymore this week to make it easier on myself when I return from Colorado but hahaha I procrastinate a lot.
I'm stressed about paying rent. I'll have to pay rent for here and rent/fees for the new place before august and then September's rent for the new place, and my new rent is about double what I pay now. so yayy, adulting and finances. I don't feel qualified to be an adult, but here I am, age 21, an adult.
That's about it for now! Lots of stress, lots of anxiety, lots of stuff happening super close together. But that's life, I guess. Forgive me for my absence from my blogs. I also stopped studying spanish for now, and my routines are non-existent. Colorado will change that, tho, for sure. I do plan on updating a little more frequently once things settle down when I'm in Colorado. but for now, it'll be kinda here and there with my posting.
thank you for all the patience and kindness, lovelies. til next time 🩷
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yuriko-mukami · 4 months
Her Calamity Dark 04
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
Chapter Selection
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Yuriko was washing rice while Yuuto stood right next to her, watching her every move. Sunlight sparkled from the droplets of water, reminding her how sweltered it was outside. It was slightly sweaty in the apartment, too, for it was only one room, and this tiny kitchen along with a bathroom. And right now, the kitchen felt even smaller than usual since Azusa had come with Yuriko. He was now working on the second counter with a vegetable-cutting task he had volunteered himself.
“It’s not difficult. You should use fresh water and then you just keep washing until the water stays clear.” Yuriko rolled the rice over again and again by her hand while staring at it. She wasn’t the best cook – and nothing compared to Ruki – but she knew how to make a few dishes. “Kareeraisu is a convenient choice because you will eat it for several days and the taste only gets thicker later. I made it often when… when I was still living with… Keisuke. That way I could focus on… hmm… other things because I didn’t need to make meals every day.”
“Makes sense…” Yuuto shrugged. “He should have cooked for you tho. It’s a parental duty.”
“Umh… Mom always said it was a woman’s duty to make sure the family gets to eat…” Yuriko shifted. Not that their mother had done that too often. Yuriko had tried to do all possible household chores while studying in middle school and high school. She had wanted to be good. But it hadn’t been enough.
“Dontcha go there…”
Yuriko lifted her head, glancing at Yuuto. “Eh?”
“I know that face. Dontcha let that happen. There’s nothin’ you could done differently. Our parents didn’t know how to raise kids, that’s for sure. So, dontcha let it get you. You gotta keep your head up high and move forward.” Yuuto ruffled Yuriko’s hair, making her blink heavily. She wouldn’t cry now.
“Oi, no cryin’. You’re a tough vixen who can push through, not a pup.” Yuuto smiled, making even more of a mess of Yuriko’s hair. “Didcha hear me?”
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“I… I… yes, of course.”  Yuriko nodded. She turned to look at the rice again and poured it into the rice cooker – the necessity she had told Yuuto should have. “Okay… now, we need to fry the pork and then simmer it with the vegetables.”
Yuuto pulled out a frying pan and tossed the meat on it. After setting the gas, Yuriko showed him how he should constantly move the meat with the cooking chopsticks so that it wouldn’t burn into the pan.
“How do you know all this?” Yuuto scratched his head. “I mean... you said our mother didn’t teach you much…”
“I read books. The library had some about cooking too.” Yuriko handed the chopsticks to Yuuto. “You should try it now. Haven’t you cooked anything before?”
“I know how to make an omuraisu.”
Yuriko tilted her head. “Eh? It’s super difficult to roll perfectly, I always end up breaking it. I bet you’ll manage the meat just fine then~” 
As Yuriko kept her eyes on the frying pan, Yuuto worked on the pork. She was pleased to see there weren’t any problems at all. She should send the recipe later to his phone, and then he could make this dish anytime he wished. Next time she would teach him another easy dish.
“I found a cheap laundry service nearby, so that’s settled too.” Yuuto continued frying the meat. “I just need a steady job…”
“You could… ask Karlheinz-sama…” Azusa commended from his duty.
“Absolutely not. I’m not gonna ask that je–”
Yuriko gasped, clapping her hand on her brother’s arm. “Yuuto! Don’t say it!”
“Fuck!” Yuuto tensed under Yuriko’s touch, and she let go of him. “Sorry… It’s just… damn those bloo– Vampires. I still don’t like them…”
“Azusa-kun is right here…” Yuriko whispered.
“It is okay… Yuriko-chan… I know that… Christina, Justin and Melissa… will always… love me…” 
Yuuto mumbled something, but Yuriko poked him between his ribs and left him alone with the frying pan, roaming toward Azusa. She had always wondered who these three friends of his were, for she had never seen them but Azusa had mentioned them often. Since he had been kind enough to bring her here, she should make an effort to get to know him better.
Leaning her bottom on the kitchen drawers, Yuriko smiled at the Vampire. “Say… Azusa-kun… umh… about Christina-san, Justin-san and Melissa-san…”
“Yes, Yuriko-chan?” Suddenly sparkly eyes glanced at the young Kitsune woman. Azusa held the knife firmly in one of his hands while nicely cut carrots occupied the chopping board with pieces of onion. There was still one potato waiting to be worked on.
“These friends of yours… Can I meet them one day?” Yuriko tilted her head, and her curls tickled her cheek. 
If there had been sparkles in Azusa’s eyes before, now they truly lit up as if he had been waiting for this question all along. To Yuriko’s surprise, he put the knife away and started to roll up his sleeve, revealing his slender arm full of faded… Were those scars?
Azusa drew his finger along his arm. “This here is Justin…” He glanced at Yuriko and continued. “This is Christina… and this…” Azusa gasped. “Melissa… is… almost gone… I must do… something��”
Before Yuriko had time to react, Azusa had grabbed the kitchen knife again, running the blade over the barely visible scar. Crimson elixir poured on his white skin.
“Oh my gosh! Azusa-kun!”
“Fuck! Stop that shit!” Yuuto was on Yuriko’s side within a second, snatching Azusa by his wrist and forcing his hand up. Azusa fought back.
“Please… Yuuto-san… stab me…”
“Fuckin’ hell I’d do that! Now, gimme the damn knife!” Yuuto’s words made Azusa release his grip of the knife that Yuuto caught.
Yuriko whimpered, pushing closer. “Yuuto, please, don’t!”
“Huh? I ain’t gonna stab him!” Yuuto pressed the knife into Yuriko’s hands without letting go of Azusa. “What the hell is wrong with you?! You ain’t doin’ such shit in front of Sis, you hear me?!”
“Squeeze… harder… Yuuto-san…” Azusa sounded almost happy, making Yuuto’s eyes widen as Yuriko simply stared at the view. “Ruki said… I can’t ask… Yuriko-chan… but he didn’t say… I can’t ask you… to hurt me.”
Swallowing, Yuriko tossed the knife on the cutting board and took support from the counter. She didn’t understand what was going on with Azusa. Why had he cut his own arm? That must have hurt so badly, and now there was blood slithering down his arm, soaking his shirt. This was terrible. Yuriko clenched her fingers against the edge of the counter as the kitchen swayed before her. She was gasping for air, almost panting. She didn’t want to lose yet another family member. Azusa shouldn’t cut himself; he could hit a critical place and then… and then…
“Fuck! Sis! Breathe!” Yuuto snatched Yuriko by her upper arms, swinging her slightly.
“Is… she enjoying so much… that she is… out of breath?” Azusa’s face appeared closer. Two pairs of eyes stared at Yuriko, one worried, the other curious. 
“I… I… can’t lose more people…” Yuriko trembled. Yuuto pulled her closer, enveloping her with his arms. For a while, there was complete silence in the kitchen as he stroked her back, swaying her back and forth.
“No one’s gonna leave you… It was just an accident.” Yuuto’s speech was mumbling against Yuriko’s hair.
“Yuuto-san… the meat…” Azusa said behind the siblings.
“FUCK!” Yuuto released Yuriko and dashed toward the stove, lifting the pan from it, and shutting down the gas. The smell of burning danced in the air when Yuriko tried to steady her breathing. 
“Yuriko-chan…” Azusa touched on Yuriko’s shoulder.
Blinking tears from her eyes, Yuriko gaped. Azusa’s skin would heal… He wouldn’t go away because of a single wound. He was a Vampire after all; there was no reason to worry. Everything was alright. They were all safe.
“You okay?” Yuuto patted Yuriko’s head and waited until she nodded. “Listen, Sis. I’m gonna need your help. You know how to do this… So, it’s your task now to finish that dish. I’m gonna patch Azusa up in the meantime. Can you cook?”
Yuriko nodded again. “I… I… can.”
“Cool.” Yuuto grinned, turning around, and taking hold of Azusa’s arm. “You, with me.” Without further explanation, he walked the Vampire toward the bathroom. Yuriko was left alone in the kitchen, and it took a moment before she could cut the potato and start cooking again.
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Yuriko poked her portion with the spoon. The atmosphere had changed after Azusa’s incident. It was clear that the Vampire wasn’t truly happy that Yuuto had wrapped a new bandage around his arm, securing the fresh wound under it. Yuriko wondered if she should tell Ruki about this later… but he probably already knew that Azusa might do something like this. At least it had sounded like that if Azusa wasn’t allowed to ask her to stab him.
Who would think such a thing beforehand without a reason? Yes, Ruki must already be aware that something like this could happen.
Shaking her head, Yuriko finally tasted the meal. Spices tickled on her tongue. She had added a bit too much but couldn’t be helped now.
“Yuuto-san… do you have… shichimi or chili?” Azusa looked at the Kitsune as if nothing had been up earlier.
Yuriko gaped. “But… but… there’s so much spice already…”
Azusa shook his head. “I could… add some more…” 
“Haa… just a moment.” Yuuto rose from the table and went to get the chili. He placed the tiny jar in front of Azusa who gladly took it. It was almost disturbing how much of it he poured over his rice and curry sauce. 
Yuriko turned her head and decided it was time to sail to the safer waters. Hopefully safer. “Yuuto… say… were you the only one with the white hair in the village?”
Yuuto was just about to push the spoon into his mouth but now lowered his hand. “Yeah. Why?”
“Umh… I wonder what they look like as foxes then?”
“Usually, the color of their fur is close to their hair. Like you and me.” Yuuto tasted the food and smiled. “Damn, this is good! You really know how to cook.”
“It’s just a simple dish.” Yuriko waved her hand hastily but couldn’t hide her smile. Still, her mind was wandering. “Are… are there other white foxes then?”
Yuuto shrugged. “Within the Yako, white’s a rare color. It occurs at times, like in our family apparently. It’s more common with the Zenko but even many of them have other fur colors too.”
“The Zenko?”
“The Kitsune in the Human World. All they do is cause trouble, so stay away from them. They kidnap the Yako children… I was in a rescue party at some point for gettin’ them back.” Yuuto frowned and explained how the Yako already had problems because the Vampires hunted their females and then the Zenko had made the situation even worse by taking some young vixens. It had been a constant fight and Yuuto had worked to get them back a few years ago. “But then Grandpa told me not to go to the Human World anymore. I did other jobs after that.”
Yuriko nodded. So, the fox she had seen could have been a Zenko. But the fox had only watched. And Yuriko was constantly with the Mukamis. So, there was no reason to worry about this matter, right?
Eating her food, Yuriko listened to the talk. Something felt off but she couldn’t quite put her finger into it. Maybe it was just because there was so much new information. Half a year ago she hadn’t known anything about the Kitsune aside from the folklore tales and now living as one had become her reality. Yet, all this talk about the Yako and the Zenko only sounded confusing. 
“Umh… why… the Yako are living in the Demon World and the Zenko in the Human World?” Yuriko pondered between spoonfuls of rice. “I mean… they are all Kitsune. Why fight? They could just get along and live in peace.”
“The Zenko took over the Kitsune Realms in ancient times and chased the Yako out there. The Founders gave the Yako a new realm, so that’s why…”
“Eh? Shin and Carla-san did that?” Yuriko blinked. “Just when…?”
“Dunno. But it was probably their parents… I mean, those jerks are surely ancient but not that ancient.” Yuuto emptied his plate, starting to fill it again with rice and sauce. “Anyway, the First Bloods were away for the longest time. I only saw them comin’ this year. Suddenly, they walked in and said they’d renew the old vows. Whatever that means. It didn’t change a shit for me. But Grandpa was all ‘Carla-sama’, ‘Shin-sama’, beggin’ for their attention… disgustin’. For me, they’re the same blood-suckin’ scum as —”
“Yuuto!” Yuriko glared at Yuuto and then glanced at Azusa, but the Vampire was focused on eating his portion in silence and didn’t seem even to listen to the siblings’ conversation. “Yuuto… Shin is my friend and he helped me to save you. He made Grandpa give your star pearl back. We… we should be grateful.”
“Yeah… yeah…” Yuuto sighed. “You surely have been busy making such friends. Vampires, Founders… What else?”
“Umh… zombies but humans too.” Yuriko pushed the last spoonful into her mouth. This could be a good chance to mention Nalia. “Actually… one of my friends would like to meet you.”
“Huh? Why?” Yuuto frowned again. “I don’t have time for silly little teen vixens.”
“Hmph, my friends aren’t silly little teen vixens!” Yuriko shoved her plate aside and started to search for her phone. “Besides, you have all the time. And she isn’t a teen or even a fox. She’s a nice human.” 
Yuriko put her phone on the table and tapped Nalia’s picture on the screen, turning the phone to face Yuuto. “She’s around your age and I can assure you she’s good company. She is looking for friends, so…” 
“Haa… dunno… I shouldn’t mess up with people. Humans. There’s enough shit goin’ on without.” Yuuto shrugged but picked up the phone, staring at the photo. “Red hair and green eyes, huh? She’s a foreigner, right?”
“Mhm. Her last name is Wagner, so yes, I think she is.” Yuriko realized that she still hadn’t asked where Nalia was from. She totally should do that —
“Nalia-san… is probably from… Germany then…” Azusa said, smiling over his plate. “Wagner is… a German name.”
“See? Nalia is a pretty human lady from Germany, and she’s interested in meeting you.” Yuriko beamed at Yuuto, wondering how Azusa knew about German names. He didn’t strike her as a person who had knowledge like that, more like Ruki could have said it. But maybe there was more in Azusa than met the eye.
“Dunno…” Yuuto sighed, starting to eat his second portion.
Yuriko leaned in, putting on the best pleading face she could manage. She stared at Yuuto with wide eyes and smiled. “Please? It would make me happy.”
“Haa… You ain’t throwin’ me with such lil’ sis’ stuff! Not a fair game!” But no matter how annoyed Yuuto tried to look, a chuckle escaped him. He lifted his free hand and ruffled Yuriko’s hair. “Fine, I’ll meet her. Tell her to come to that park nearby.”
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When Yuriko had put her shoes back on and was ready to step out of Yuuto’s apartment, he grabbed her arm and nodded toward the door. “You sure it’s okay to go alone with him?” 
Glancing at the door, Yuriko frowned. Azusa was waiting for her behind it, but she was aware that he could hear them. She placed her hand over Yuuto’s and pushed to remove it from her arm. “I’m sure… don’t worry, Yuuto. I have lived with them for a while now. Neither of them is hurting me or anything like that.”
“He seems… unstable.” Yuuto sighed. “Look, I’ve seen shitty things. Some people just lose it if too much happens. Dontcha be too near to him when… Haa… if things start to go south.”
“Really, Yuuto?” Yuriko placed her hands on her hips and stared at her brother. “You… you and me… have gone through lots of bad stuff too. We… should get others a chance to prove themselves before judging.”
“He pretty much proved himself today…” Yuuto turned his gaze to the wall. “You’re much more stubborn than a little sister should be. You should listen to me more.”
“I… I… start to listen when you… umh… start to make sense.” Yuriko wanted to kick something. As much as she enjoyed having a brother, she wished that Yuuto didn’t butt in her decisions constantly. It had been enough that she had tried to be good for mother and fath– Keisuke. That hadn’t mattered in the least. Now, she would do as she wished. She would keep the happiness that had been handed to her. Even if she needed to fight for it.
“Hmph, vixens should always do as foxes are telling them…”
This again? Yuriko glared at Yuuto. That was the stupidest reason he could come up with, especially since he had learned it from their relatives who had kept him against his will in the Demon World for years.
“Maybe you should reconsider that. You wanted out of there… Now, you should play by the rules of this realm.” Why couldn’t Yuuto understand? Yuriko had imagined how they would do fun things together, how she would finally have a family member who supported her… but she had gotten an overly protective douchebag of a brother who couldn’t accept how she was living her life. “I… I… will go now. I’ll visit you again later. Maybe with Ruki that time. See you later, Yuuto.”
This time Yuriko was allowed to step out. She pressed the door shut behind her and took a deep breath. The sweltering and moist afternoon air slithered into her lungs while enveloping every inch of her skin, making her feel instantly sweaty. It hadn’t been this bad last summer… or any summer before but this year the heat was really a bother.
The walk through the city did not feel any better since the sun was scorching from above. Yuriko was relieved when they finally stepped into the park which had at least some shadows. She hurried under the trees. Maybe they should have used the limousine, but she had insisted on walking since she wasn’t allowed to go jogging in the woods while Ruki was away.
“Are you… sad, Yuriko-chan?” Azusa’s words took Yuriko aback. She glanced at the Vampire next to her, shaking her head.
“Umh… no, Azusa-kun. I simply wish that Yuuto would see how good people you all are.”
“Good… people…?” It almost looked like Azusa couldn’t quite understand what Yuriko meant. “But… are you… missing Ruki now?”
Yuriko turned her gaze to the path they were walking. Going through here would take them into the forest but perhaps that was for the best. Surely, it was less sweaty there. “I’m looking forward to him coming home, yes. And I hope everything is alright with Karlheinz-sama.”
“The Vampire king?!” The voice bounced behind the trees at the same time as a white-grey head peeked out. Amber-yellow eyes pierced Yuriko but they seemed friendly.
Within seconds, Azusa had moved in front of Yuriko. A young man stepped out, scratching his head, and laughing like he was nervous. He was only a little taller than Yuriko. She was pretty sure they must be around the same age. But the most interesting detail arrived when the wind shifted and made the scent of the man waft toward Yuriko and Azusa.
A Kitsune. Without a doubt. He smelled like Yuuto, yet a bit different. In a similar manner, the Vampires had a distinguished scent but each of them was still unique. 
Yuuto said that white fur is rare for the Yako… So, does it mean that this man is… What was the other name? Yuriko shifted, trying to see better behind Azusa.
“You are… a fox person…” Azusa lifted his hand to prevent Yuriko from dashing in front of him. 
“Yeah, I surely am.” The Kitsune grinned, flashing his canines, and ruffled his hair. “The cutest fox in the city… Though… Now, I’m not sure anymore. You have such a cutie there~”
“Emh… How do you know that I am…?” Yuriko placed her hand on Azusa’s shoulder but stayed put.
“Easy! My brother and I saw you in the cafe before… and that smell of yours. Though, there’s so much Vampire in it too.” The Kitsune stopped for a moment, moving a bit closer. “Now, it makes sense. You sure hang out with these Vampires a lot. Such a cool vixen you are! I hope the blond one didn’t give you real trouble… For a moment I wanted to jump in there but Toshi-nii said it would be too dangerous…”
Just how much did this young man talk? Yuriko tried to keep at his pace and absorb every word. Suddenly, it dawned on her. The two white-haired men in the cafe and later in the street when she had talked with Kou! 
And in the library too. But it wasn’t this man… So… probably this Toshi-san he mentioned…
“Yuriko-chan… we must go…” Azusa took Yuriko’s arm and started to pull her along the path, making sure he was in between her and the Kitsune.
“But… but… He seems like a good person!” Yuriko glanced back. 
“I am a cute person!” The man waved his hand. “Kozima Toru is the name! I’m happy to meet a new vixen in the city, but I can see you’re busy now. Let’s talk more later~ Maybe after the mating season is over!”
Kozima Toru? Yuriko glanced back again but the Kitsune had disappeared. The name didn’t ring any bells to her but at least it wasn’t Nakamura, her grandpa’s family name. Perhaps her grandfather had not sent this man after her. Men. The first time, there had been two of them.  But then… They were tailing her on their own? That didn’t seem alright either, and Yuriko was sure Ruki wouldn’t like the news. Yet, she also knew it was better to tell him when he would come back home. Keeping secrets wouldn’t do any good, right?
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annie-creates · 2 years
Soft dean of evil
Pairing: Lady Lesso x anxiety reader (platonic)
Genre: fluff (kinda)
Words: 1500
Note: This is based on the idea @missvifdor posted. I took it as a personal challenge as I haven't written anxiety stuff before and I hope I didn't disappoint. Also y'all seem to like angst way more than fluff. XD
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The exams week was coming up. You had a small test here and there until now, but the determining exams were scheduled for the end of the semester. After two years at the school for evil, this year the classes were much harder and more advanced than what you were used to. You were confident in your knowledge before, but you didn’t know if it’s gonna be enough this year. You always wanted to perform well, being a perfectionist who didn’t wanna fail anything.
You started studying few weeks in advance, just in case. You wanted to make sure you don’t underestimate anything, not wanting to risk a fail in your third year of studies. You’d read your books before you went to sleep or in between classes, preferring them over hanging out with your friends and making mischief. They could wreak havoc without you while you’re going to go over your materials.
When it was only a week until the first exam, you devoted yourself to studying even more, sitting at your desk in the dorm for hours or seeking quiet places in the library, sometimes completely forgetting to come to dinner. You already had one fail from last year professor Manley gave you, you definitely weren’t risking another. You felt like your studying was going great, or at least fine. You knew most of your material, felt pretty confident in your memory and thought you were passing all your classes just fine.
You still wanted to learn more though to make sure you’re gonna give a great performance in the exams. Three days prior to the first one, you started having trouble sleeping. You could lay in bed for hours, restlessly rolling over with your thoughts going miles per hour. What if you’re not going to do well? So you opted to use those sleepless hours to study even more in the dim light of your bedside candle. It’s gonna be just a week, and then it’s over. You can manage to not sleep for a week if needed, right?
The first exam came before you even knew it, and you felt like you did kind of fine in Special talents, professor Sheeks didn’t seem particularly dazzled but she didn’t look like she’s gonna fail you either. Your second exam the next day tho was a test from Curses and death traps with Lady Lesso. That woman absolutely terrified you. Not only was she popular for being extra harsh and unforgiving on her students, she treated you all as if you were the mere plaque walking on Earth. But your overachieving ass was determined to prove her wrong. Nothing short of perfection was acceptable if you didn’t wanna end up in her doom room, and believe me you definitely didn’t.
Needless to say, you had no sleep the night before, rather burying yourself in the textbook. You felt like you didn’t know anything, even though you were going over the material for days, even weeks now. As the morning of the exam came you didn’t feel any better. In fact you felt much worse. Your thoughts couldn’t stay in one place and you felt a bit dizzy like throwing up. Your muscles started hurting but you convinced yourself it’s just from the long hours of sitting.
As you sat at your desk anxiously waiting for the questions, you silently thanked yourself for skipping breakfast cause it might as well end up on the floor now. You really tried to calm yourself and focus once you got the test, but no matter how hard you tried to keep steady your leg kept bouncing under the table successfully taking your concentration away. You scribbled a few answers, suddenly not being sure of anything, so you kept scratching and rewriting them. When you felt like you didn’t know you bit the end of your pen in thought, but you really couldn’t focus your mind on anything.
What felt like just five minutes to you turned out to be the whole hour when Lady Lesso asked for the tests back. You looked at your test freaked out that it was only halfway done, and that finished half probably wasn’t even right. It felt like tears were already stinging in your eyes as you set the paper on the stack on Lady Lesso’s desk and went back to get your things. All you wanted to do was crawl into bed and let the floor swallow you whole. You’re definitely gonna fail the test. And Lady Lesso will punish you and torture you in the school dungeons.
“Y/N?” startled you turned around in the door when the teacher called out to you.
“Um, yes?” you answered perplexedly, did she already know you’ll fail the class?
“Are you alright? You seam a little green.” Lesso wasn’t one to sugarcoat anything but when she saw how stressed one of her best students looked today, she couldn’t help but feel a bit of worry about you.
“Ugh, yeah, yeah, sure…” Not knowing what to say you just shrugged your shoulders.
“I noticed you weren’t quite concentrated on the test…” her words weren’t unusually cold but you felt like she must already know how bad you did on the test.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please don’t hurt me…” was all you were able to get out before your sobs overtook your body and you started shaking.
“Hey, it’s alright, come here.” Surprised she didn’t necessarily know what to do with your collapsed form but she took you by the shoulders and sat you on her desk so that you don’t pass out. “What’s going on?”
“It’s… I did so bad… and I don’t know anything… everyone is gonna fail me and you’re gonna torture me and turn me into some scary monster and I’ll never really live again and I’ll be miserable…” your rant went on and on, once you started voicing your insecurities out you couldn’t stop.
“Hey, shh shh, stop.” Lesso squeezed your shoulders to ground you and furrowed her brows seeing the awful bags under your eyes. “You’re not gonna fail, you’re my best student. It’s just anxiety talking…”
You put your hand on her forearm trying to steady yourself. “But I didn’t even finish the test…” you were confused why would she not let you fail.
“It’s alright, I’m confident in you. Or you can take a make up test, but look at you, when was the last time you slept?” you couldn’t really answer that so you just put your head down in shame. “Look at me when I’m talking to you. You’ll answer me when I ask something.” With a strong grip on your jaw she forced your head up to look into her eyes.
“A week…” you mumbled shamefully.
“What was that?” Lesso raised an eyebrow challenging you to try and not follow her orders.
“It’s about a week.” You exhaled while giving up the fight with your depressed feeling.
“Oh poor thing. Here’s what we’re going to do alright? We’re gonna get you something to eat from the dining hall and then tuck you neatly in bed. And you’re not gonna set a finger out from under the duvets until tomorrow. Understood?” her strong look was giving you no room for discussion.
“Okay.” Your sigh was enough for her to get you up and going, directing you into the dining hall.
After Lady Lesso made sure you had enough sweets and fruit to eat, she took you personally into your dorm making sure you follow what she told you. She wasn’t a stranger to anxiety herself, being just a naïve unaware reader when she first got into the school herself. But she learnt how to cope and she’s gonna help her students too. There was no way she was risking the future of evil failing the school because of neglected mental health.
“In you go.” She cooed you into bed, making sure you’re comfortable draping your duvet over you. After you were tucked in bed, she turned around to leave.
“Lady Lesso?” you asked in a small unsure voice.
“Yes?” Lesso turned back around to answer any request you might have.
“You really aren’t going to torture me?” maybe it was stupid to ask but you wanted to be sure.
“Did you break the school rules?” she encountered shaking her head with a small smile. “Of course I’m not going to torture you.”
“And Lady Lesso?” you called to her again when she was nearly at the door.
“Hm?” she was getting a little impatient with you, when did she go so soft to take such good care about her students anyway?
“Thank you… for taking care.” You smiled at her and finally sinked into your pillow.
“You’re welcome.” With that she left and closed the door behind her.
Maybe she went a bit soft in her days as the dean of evil, but as she overlooked your petite form, she couldn’t find it as such a bad thing.
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wtfsapien · 1 year
could you please write fluff for any of the mha teachers it and if any black butler characters?
Midnight chaos
I know I disappeared, completely wiped off the face of earth. So now I’m taking my time to finish writing those asks in my inbox rn. Might take some time to finish but I swear all of you will get yours!
Summary: How they would put GN!Reader to sleep after finding out they have been flipping their sleeping schedule around left and right.
Characters: Aizawa Shota (Bnha), Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler), Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler)
Warnings: None, I hope I didn't make them too OOC IM SORRY-
Contains: Fluff, crack
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Aizawa Shota
This man needs to tell me where he got that sleeping bag cause I need it too-
Since he never has a consistent sleep schedule, he knows the importance of having one
One day of coming home earlier than usual and catching you still awake at the wee hours well into the night, he squinted his eyes and just brushed it off because he knows you're an adult and you can chose to do whatever you want with your time.
But after catching you two more times awake in the middle of the night with the excuse of waiting for him even tho he told you not to
Aizawa decided to take matter into his own hands.
It was quite surprising when your world suddenly flipped over, literally when he carried you over his shoulder like a potato sack.
"Wait where are you going-"
"WE are going to spend some quality time"
And that's how you ended up in Aizawa's arms on the couch
No use trying to get out of his arms cause everytime you do he just shushes you and pet your head, telling you to be quiet like you were some child refusing an afternoon nap.
It's only the matter of time where both of you ended up asleep on the couch, dead asleep.
He better not catch you awake late next time
He'll give you that "I'm not mad, just disappointed' look HAHA-
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Sebastian Michaelis
Imagine his surprise when he finds you wandering around the halls like some ghost (even tho he probably sensed you a while ago, he didn't think much as he only thought you were just going to the loo or something-)
The dead fish eyes of yours he was met with certainly told him everything
Tho I'm sure he considered just slapping you into some deep ass slumber, he doesn't as he still considers your well being-
But don't think you're getting away with your excuses
Before you know it, you find yourself on your way back to your bedroom with him
The next thing was him reappearing in your room with some warm milk
You better chug it down or else-
This man devil is not leaving until you have fallen asleep so there's no use in faking it
"I know you're not asleep Y/n."
I dare you to open your eyes, you'll find his face just a few inches away from your own.
But his company soon became a comfort to you as you fell asleep
The next few days will go by him personally supervising you to sleep whether you like it or not. It's good for you after all
"A butler's job is to make sure of everyone's well being." BULLSHIT-
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Ciel Phantomhive
I'm honestly surprised he didn't resort to violence cause how much he wish he could have a comfortable sleep without any thoughts, worries nor nightmares (but maybe he'll do it verbally)
"Do you know how essential sleep is for people?"
That's the cue for his nagging
This boy is surprisingly naggy and chatty to the people he truely cares about?
"If you have the time refusing to rest, then might as well help me out with these papers-"
Que you immediately disappearing from his study
Staring at the empty space where you stood just a moment ago, a small genuine smile making its appearance at the edge of his lips
The workaholic edge lord hopes that was enough to scare you to the bed
If it didn't then he has plenty of ways to shove that sleep schedule back into your life again-
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llycaons · 10 months
came to the conclusion as I have several times before that I am simply not cut out for my job. I am bad at it, slow and a poor communicator and passive and easily overwhelmed. they said it would take about a year (from hiring? or from being on my own? either way) but whatever makes people slip into the flow and anticipate needs and Know The Supplies, maybe I would have gotten it had I gotten the normal training. maybe I wouldn't have. its easy to say 'oh I'm struggling because I'm in a unique situation' and maybe that's true, but I had trouble long before we got the Unique Training part, and then since the training was so different I had trouble with that, to the exasperation of my trainers and co-workers. and it really didn't feel good every day to know you're not living up the expectations and standards of the people around you, to know without a doubt they're all smarter and more adaptable and quicker-thinking than you.
I'm doing okay now since I'm one of the very few people on my unit and they desperately need me, and leadership is covering for my inadequacies by sending me to do easy stuff when I need to get floated, but like...there are team members who are extremely hostile to me and its for good reason! and it makes it worse to know THEY'RE not the ones in the wrong. maybe they could be nicer, but if I truly had confidence in myself, it wouldn't bother me so much.
but I don't know what to do. there is no other job I can do with these qualifications and skills, and no way to leave this city until late next year. and I need this income. I'm going to limp along until I can safely extract myself, but until then, we'll all have to bear it. and it's a terrible thing, to know you're a burden on your team and that you're only here because everyone else has quit. if I thought I would ever actually put someone in danger, I'd of course leave immediately. but I'm doing relatively straightforward cases with very qualified people all around me, and I know the basics to keep people safe at least
I find myself thinking about my strongest critic, who quit a few months ago, and how much my failure to adapt may have led to that decision. maybe it's self-centered; there were many issues far before I came along. and they haven't spoken to even their closest friend here in months, so I think they probably resent this place a lot and want to leave it all behind, and I don't blame them
things have gotten so much better recently because of those staff members quitting and my manager waking up to realize she has to actually support us, and I don't dread going to work anymore, even to float. tho we haven't been canceled in ages 😔 I don't know, I think the true issue is that I just need more predictability and stability in the things I do on a day to day basis. I learn slowly, and I have trouble remembering things. ideally I would find a job where we do a limited type of low-acuity cases every day but still....pays as well? I don't know, I don't know. give this another year then I'm sure everyone will be happy to see my back.
it's difficult to see yourself as incompetent, disliked, and unwanted in your job, and not have that bleed over into your personal feelings about yourself. it's really hard. I think of my failures and the anger, contempt, and aggression that came to me as a result, and it really makes me nervous. we're doing cases in another part of the hospital soon, with different people. it was such a mess last time! why was I so overwhelmed?
it's frustrating. I know I can do some of these cases - even difficult ones like livers and kidneys- and do them perfectly competently. I'm fine in any belly case. I even enjoyed neuro. I just freeze up when I don't have confidence. I don't know what to do all the time! and I need to be in a situation where I do. I don't know how much work I can even do on my end to Not Be Like This. studying didn't seem to help, and I can't study from the internet anyway since every place does things differently.
I've always thought I'd either leave here and then go back home, or stay exactly in place, but I could still stay a year and then just get another job in the same place.
I've always wanted to get higher certification, but knowing the people around me are way more competent without having that, it feels like a joke. a slap in the face. I dont have anything neat to wrap this up with it's just. I've always been so good at school and so proud of that even when I don't have much else to lean on. so this feels really bad. I should contact my EAP counselor today
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"Just because you can doesnt mean you should" obiyama
if you want👉👈
Hii!!! With your help I got an idea instantly for this, thank you! I struggled so long with coming up with something and then boom, there it was. So here you go!
Uchiha Obito / Yamato (relationship is established)
A kind of Modern AU (tho there is very little influence)
Rated G
2665 words.
Ao3 Link [x]
To win a bet with Kakashi and Gai, Obito learns a new instrument. Yamato is not excited about this.
There was thick air in the Uchiha household. When Obito climbed into bed and tried to reach over to his husband, Yamato scooched further away from him, back still turned. Obito made a whiny sound of pleading, but Yamato did not show mercy. He was hellbent on making Obito understand that he was mad and that small gestures wouldn’t suddenly make it better again.
“It’s almost over,” Obito whispered into the dark. “The deadline is the day after tomorrow.” The vain hope to get his husband to show him the affection he had been missing so much in the last week or so. 
At first Yamato didn’t want to say anything about it at all, content with just letting Obito boil in his own uncertainty for the hell he had unleashed on him during the past month, but then he couldn’t stop himself from going: “My plants are dying, Obito.” Plants were a sensitive subject for him.
Obito grumbled a little, something about how Yamato would be able to recover the plants without having to struggle too much, because he was so good at gardening, but then changed his strategy: “I am pretty sure it is not proven that music is influencing plant growth. I’ve seen a study about that.” He hadn’t but he was shooting in the dark that Yamato hadn’t either.
“My plants are dying since you torture them with what you call “playing music” each day. I don’t need to study to see how it goes.” Yamato pulled his blanket over his shoulder. “Besides, I miss my peace and quiet too, you know?”
Just thinking about Obito’s practice session this afternoon felt like his headache was back and made his ears ring. This apartment had felt like a torture chamber in the last month and while yes, Yamato was soon to be released from this suffering, he could not just let Obito off the hook now. 
“But I’ve improved so much already,” Obito knocked his head into Yamato’s shoulders. Yamato still didn’t turn around. He would keep freezing Obito out until he learned from his grave mistakes.
Yamato scoffed: “Sure, but not enough.”
Obito now went on the offence: “Isn’t it great that I practised hard to learn this new thing? Shouldn’t that make you happy? It's great to know that I can if I try.”
“Just because you can doesn't mean you should.” And with that the conversation was over for Yamato. He pulled the blanket even higher over his ears, scooched to the real edges of the bed so that Obito’s head fell to the pillow and then controlled his breathing to pretend he was falling asleep.
A few minutes later Obito quietly said Yamato’s name, but turned around himself when there was a lack of reaction. 
Of course Yamato felt bad at his icy behaviour to the person that he, by all accounts, loved more than anyone he had ever loved before, but Obito had brought the chaos into the household just five weeks ago and now neither Yamato nor his plants had only one second of quiet during the afternoons. It was driving him crazy.
He should have known that nonsense would come out of the fact that Obito went out drinking alone with Kakashi and Gai. Those three together, spurred on by a little rivalry they had had since childhood, never stopped thinking of stupid things to do with each other, especially when nobody was around to reign them in. But Yamato had stupidly thought that it would be fine, that they would go drinking and maybe bet on who could get drunk first. He had been too busy to join them and take care of them.
When Yamato woke up the next morning and rolled over to his still sort of hungover husband, Obito slurred that he was going to go out and buy a trombone. Yamato had naively assumed Obito was still sleeping and dreaming and maybe speaking nonsense, after all Obito had never played the trombone or had any interest in it at all or any other musical instrument, but no, Obito had been serious, very serious. After eating breakfast and taking a pain killer he was out the door to get his instrument.
At first Yamato put it down as Obito’s sudden quarter life crisis at 30, his realisation that he had never played an instrument before and really wanted to learn one before he was too old, something that Yamato felt like he needed to encourage, but then Obito had returned with his new shiny trombone and a beginners guide to playing it and explained what Yamato had missed the night before.
Apparently Gai, Kakashi and Obito had been very drunk and very impressed with the life band that was playing in the bar. According to Obito, Gai had mentioned first that he would have been an amazing musician if he had ever tried to learn, but he just never had. Obito then had agreed, yes, he too would have been an incredible musician if he had tried harder or even at all. Kakashi too mentioned how he always wanted to play the piano. All three were bragging about how great they would be as musicians if they had just tried a little.
So a bet was born, because of course it was. All three would learn an instrument in the span of a month and then they would compare who learned the fastest and best. Never had Yamato wished he’d be married to Kakashi instead, who relentlessly teased him when they were together, but Kkashi had picked the piano, which, depending on model, could be practised with headphones. Gai had decided to go for the violin, which could also be very disruptive and headache inducing, but still Yamato thought that Obito still picked the worst of all of them: the trombone.
Day after day Obito stood in the living room, open book in front of him, hands on the golden shiny object in his mouth  letting out wrong sound after wrong sound. Yamato, who mostly worked from home, had tried to drown out the constant noise with headphones and such, but somehow the trombone noise was everywhere. He could swear that he could sometimes hear the trombone in his sleep. 
Then his most favourite plant suddenly started losing leaves which had never happened before. Yamato was good at planting and loved his little balcony garden, but ever since Obito started torturing the house with trombone sounds his plants suddenly weren’t doing so well. While he knew it could also be the stiff breeze and the cold winter weather, Yamato decided it was the trombone’s fault. This was easier to explain.
Even their cat, a half grey half black cat named Zetsu was fleeing from the living room. The little boy who usually was constantly on Obito’s heel was now spending most of his time in the bedroom and bolted as soon as the golden shiny head of the trombone was visible anywhere. Not that Yamato could blame him, he wanted to bolt too if he could.
Yamato’s pure frustration at Obito’s obvious fun while practising only added to the constant noise and chaos. He couldn’t stop Obito from doing his little thing when he was always smiling and grinning when something was going his way, he thought in the first two weeks or so. But Obito wasn’t improving quick enough and the noise kept being terrible noise that gave Yamato a feeling like he was losing his mind.
“It’s good, you know,” Obito said one evening when Yamato complained about the entire situation, “through learning the trombone my lung volume will increase and as such I can hold my breath longer when I have things in my mouth.” He winked. “If you know what I mean.”
Yamato knew what he meant, but he wasn’t sure if the improvement was worth the current hell he was living in.
“How will you even judge who learned their instrument the best?” Yamato asked one day when Obito had just finished an especially painful rendition of “Oh when the saints” and tried to catch his breath. “Are you going to ask a professional?”
Obito grinned as if he had waited for this question: “Some friends will be judges. Genma, Kurenai, Asuma,.... You.” Then he added: “Which is unfair to the others because you will obviously vote for me.” 
“I wouldn’t count on it,” Yamato said deadpan. Obito pouted.
Slowly Yamato’s support had turned into a little more hostility and he just wanted this to end. He thought the only way to show Obito that this time he had gone a little too far was to withdraw affection from him. This pained him almost as much as it pained Obito, but it seemed to work at least a little. Obito was now exceptionally apologetic each time he had to practise, also, he had bought a muffler, which at least reduced the sound a little.
Only two more days, Yamato thought, and this entire nightmare would finally be over. In his mind he fantasised about a fire he could put the trombone on, the golden instrument melting right under it and never coming back. Blissful quiet would be spreading through the apartment and Obito would get his affection back. Happy end.
They decided to hold the competition in an old garage in Gai’s dad’s house. Might Dai was a way too enthusiastic man for his age and he had immediately volunteered to host all of them to watch their “triumph of youth” which entailed their mastery of an instrument. Yamato very much doubted any of them were very good at any of the instruments they had chosen. Well, Kakashi maybe, since he had in fact played piano when he was younger.
“Trombone huh,” Genma said and pushed Yamato in the sides slightly,” That must have a fun last month.” Yamato shot him a look that could kill. Genma laughed and gave Yamato a sympathy clap on the shoulder: “At least it’s over.”
Yes, at least it was.
They were all given a little sheet of paper with an instrument on it and several scales from one to ten. Presentation. Accuracy. Technique. Sound. “I don’t think any of us is qualified enough to judge on technique,” Kurenai said wisely but Gai waved it off with a typically excited: “You are all amazing enough to understand it even if you aren’t as qualified. I know you can do it.”
Yamato took his seat at the corner of the table and tried not to look too annoyed with the whole ordeal. Obito had been out all morning to practise again, where he had gone Yamato did not know, it was early when he left. Part of Yamato was happy that Obito had decided not to play trombone in their house at 6 am but the other part was upset that he hadn’t even said where he had gone.
First player was Gai. He had bought a wonderfully beautiful wood violin that looked safe and correctly draped over his left shoulder. He was very bouncy, as he so often was, talking about how his opponents shouldn’t be sad if he was the one winning. Unfortunately it was clear relatively quickly that Gai was not going to win. He ripped the strings over the violin as if he was trying to see through a tree. The song he was playing was barely recognisable. When Yamato looked to Asuma that was sitting next to him, Asuma had his head in his hands murmuring: “And that’s only the first one.” 
Gai bowed too deep when he was done, the audience clapped a friendly, but unenthusiastic clap while Dai howled and whistled for his son. The support was cute in a way. Yamato smiled from one to the other. “I think you just have to be a little softer,” Kurenai said to Gai when he came over. “Draw the bow a little lighter, at least for slow songs.” He gave her a thumbs up.
Next was Obito and watching him set up his little stand with sheet music and trombone actually got Yamato a little nervous. Despite it all he wanted Obito to make a good impression and yes, part of him even wanted Obito to win. He made a fist under the table to steady his nerves. Obito could only be better than Gai, right? He had practised so much.
The first sounds came out of the trombone and Yamato could see out of the corner of his eye that Asuma buried his head in his hands again. It sounded vaguely like a song Yamato had heard before, as if it had been run through a noise filter to distort it. Obito had trouble breathing, his head red and fingers sweaty, so he made one mistake after another. Yamato could have sworn he had heard Obito play this exact song perfectly not 24 h ago, but now he messed it up almost as much as Gai had. 
More friendly clap, though Yamato clapped a little harder than he had before. When his husband walked over to him Yamato reached for his hand. “You did well,” he said and pressed a soft kiss against his knuckles. It was their first real touch in a week. Obito blushed a little at the praise and then smiled, though he still looked defeated.
The miserable performances of his opponents didn’t bode well for Kakashi, who stepped up now to set up his electric piano. In real Kakashi fashion though, he did not seem to even take notice of anyone around him, too bored to even take this competition seriously. They all knew it was just an act however, that Kakashi cared, maybe more than all of them. He sat down and cleared his throat to get them to be quiet, then he played.
“Ah, better,” Asuma said with relief in his voice and Yamato heard it too. While nowhere near perfect in his execution, Kakashi definitely knew his instrument better than the other too. His fingers were not as light and easy as better pianists’ were, but he absolutely knew his basics. He had chosen a very easy song to play and strung along over the keys with minimal mistakes. When the song ended it was clear that he was the winner. The applause after was much more genuine than the ones before.
Nobody even needed to hand in their sheets. Gai jumped forward immediately, shaking Kakashi’s hand so much that he almost fell over. “As expected from my rival. Perfection.” 
“It was not perfect at all, I didn’t -” Kakashi tried to clarify but Gai cut him off again: “Perfection!”
Obito too admitted defeat, though he did it while frowning and grumbling: “You did well, man.” Which Kakashi accepted with a grin.
“To be fair, it was a really hard bet to win against someone who had a head start,” Yamato comforted Obito later, their hands entwined into each other again. It was nice to have the closeness back, now that they had both made it through the hell that was this month. “You did as well as you could.”
This seemed to soothe Obito’s wounded soul a little. He leaned over and let Yamato give him a kiss to the cheek. “I missed this,” Obito whined a little.
“I told you you could have it back if you would end this,” Yamato said a little smugly. “And now it is obviously over.”
“How do you know?” Obito let go of Yamato’s hand and shrugged, “I had fun playing an instrument…”
“Oh god.”
“I was thinking of maybe learning the drums.” Obito grinned.
Yamato could feel his throbbing headaches return just by imagining this. He looked up into Obito’s smiling face. “You are joking right? Please tell me you are joking.”
In what felt like cruel payback for the weeks of icy treatment, Obito just shrugged again, murmured “who knows” and pressed a soft kiss to Yamato’s forehead. 
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hechiima · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thought this would be fun with the end of the year!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
398,723. I'm really proud of this number tbh; never thought I'd write this much. Was hoping to hit 400k by the end of 2023 but I don't think that's gonna happen. Here's to hoping I hit half a million by this time next year!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
You Ever Been In Love?
Things Are As They Are
On the Morality of Birds
Awkward Business
The View from the Gallery
No DGS fics. I know its a smaller fandom so it makes sense but still. 🥲 Also I swear I'll finish Awkward Business someday I'm just. So deep into Sherlock Holmes/DGS hell atm. ;A;
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I never do unless it's a specific question. I used to but then I got overwhelmed/I never knew what to say so I just stopped. That said, I read all of them and they really mean a ton to me!!!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Prob Running Late or Shoulder Pain. I'm not really good with angsty endings so I usually only keep it angsty in the shorter fics lmao.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Lololol I think most of my fics have happy endings so that's a hard one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! Thankfully, I think the hate on fics trend has died down a lot since the ff.net days.
9. Do you write smut?
Hell yeah. Please read my smut I'm so proud of it. I'm also on a quest to boost the hmmk smut tag on ao3 so if y'all have any smut you wanna see for them lmk.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope. My dream fic of a holmesverse crossover will happen someday though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I've had a few translated to Russian and Chinese. Honestly it's insanely flattering when ppl ask to translate a fic like ough you liked my story so much you wanted to share it with others who don't speak English? It's so sweet. ;A;
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Okay so Mango and Krissey and I started an amazing pirate AU and l adore it. And someday. We will finish it. I believe in us. I'd love to co-write a fic tho so if anyone's interested please hmu I think it'd be so so fun.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Ugh. Johnlock/Hmmk or Nrmt have to be like. The only ships that made me insane enough to write multiple fics over so it's def them. I love insanely codependant relationships.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's so many. But off the top of my head, I have a fantasy AU that Beau and I came up with that I still love a ton (Finding You) and want to finish and a Edgeworth ends up in a Gregory lives AU (In Another Life) that I'm not sure if I'll ever finish. The former is just so much work and the latter I've kinda lost the plot thread so. Ough. Sorry.
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
aksfjjalsjflsjf everything else LMAO. That's why we practice!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't love doing it? I've done it like once for a fic where language was important but other than that I try to avoid doing it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
....hetalia..........it was the only other fandom i wrote for before AA. This was like in 2009/2010 tho I know better now but those fics ARE still up on fanfiction.net (: It sucks b/c sometimes I wanna compare my old writing to my current writing but I'm like ough. I cannot read these old fics.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I'd have to say A Study In Gold. I genuinely love that one so much. Thinking about hmmk early days makes me insane. I also really liked On the Morality of Birds b/c it was just such a supremely stupid fic.
@anyone who sees this and writes fic please feel free to do it! I'd love to see others talk about their fics <3
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joshuasabolboro · 6 months
On this day, I want to start by recalling my best memories which is me and my family enjoying and having a very amazing time on the beach and also splashing water everywhere.At night time I and my friends had played truth or dare and we'll sleep at nine we all said.
I wish to go back to that day over and over again.I also studied for what i think the next lessons on some subjects will be and I helped my mom with chores around the house which made my mom really happy and I was pretty happy for what I have done too and I also realized that my mom helps us and works hard just for us to have a good life and I loved her for that and the second is my dad because he also works hard like my mom but the difference is that my dad studies at night time because he us determined to work as an attorney or lawyer and those things are what I realized when I was having a sembreak.
And when you realize that they are gona that is when you will realize that you missed out on alot and you would want to go when they were still there or something else and I this when I was still at my sem-break. family is the most important thing or people in our lives and we must always not shoo them again they bring us love and no discomfort at times of needs and even if alot of people are close family will always get closer. Which is what I observed and understood while it was still sem-break and I love them all for that. I and friends also went to bambanti and the best one there is the viking, even tho I almost puked it was alot of fun.
My friends are one of the best people who entered my life and brung more joy to it and i thank them for that. Most family members of mine are older that is why i dont get the same vibe that i get from my friends or bestfriends and because of school I had a harder time trying to hangout with friends and family members.
My mom also baked a very delicious pie which i loved very much and praised her for it. We also went grocery shopping and we bought alot of yummy food and I remembered i had to comply so i did my ict and many more subjects.
The sem-break has thought me alot like by learning how to appreciate my family and never stoping to love them and that they would also do that too and during the sem-break i learned and played games with my bff's and by playing i mean like using time and theirs to explore different gaming platforms and i spent my time playing roblox with my friends.
And during that time i learned how to become more mature and although they always tell me to do chores but now i thank them for it because learned how to do things that before i couldnt even so i owe them that and at those times i saw my brother grew up more and i feel so proud as his big brother. And the fact that we went swimming was awesome and it was our tita's pool so we had it all to ourselves mostly loved the slide because although at first it is pretty scary but after you conquer it you eventually can notice that it is a very fun experience and i enjoyed it very much.
We also had mini picnic on our backyard and it was super fun, it also comes with marshmallows and a horror time which was super spooky and we slept in tents and i really think that it was such a brand new experience and i really loved it.
And my answer to why this is important bis because we need to spend time with our family and what they do to us is needed and without them there would be only very few to support us with achieving our dreams and they help us get through hard times.
Family is most important in our life and this sem-break has thought me that this sem-break teached me how to be more mature and understand what your parents have done in own point of view and it also showed me how fast time is because of seeing my brother grow up so fast is just one thing ive seen this sem-break and it also helped me get my mind off school for a little bit and this break made me breathe fresh air, also have fun.
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qualityempathshoebear · 8 months
Random recent thoughts + Storytime
I think im obsessed with ceaser salad even tho we havent spoken since that one time. Ive seen him around college soooo often (somtimes even multiple times in a day) but i havent spoken to him and he hasnt spoken to me. Ive honestly been avoiding him. But there was this one time, when i was waiting for my friend who was talking to some people she knew, when he came up to talk to those same people and we made eye contact. It was honestly so intense so i just looked awayb quickly, it was honestly just very "strong"(?). Like i honestly dont know how to decribe it, it was the first time hed looked into my eyes since that one time and it was ok.. a lot. Ive been actively avoiding him since (but also lowkey seeking his attention lol?). Im pretty sure he has this asian girlfriend but im not so sure. I saw him today tho, i totally forgot that he has a diamond pirecing in his one ear (i think its his left ear?). honestly hes not typically my type at all but he just gets more handsome every time i see him, and something inside of me just hurts. I almost wish id just taken the bus that day, instead of walking side-by-side with him. I just need to stop being obssesed. Its not healthy but i do wonder if he found me beautiful that first time we met, and if he still does. I can bet so much money that hes not into black girls tho.
Im really scared of failing. Failing exams, failing my potential, failing myself. I need to do well on these CAPs but i ahvent even started seriously studying for them and theyre a little over a week away. I dont want to let myself down but i just dont know what to do.
Ahhh ive totally forgotten to tell you this, but a few weeks ago (maybe 2) this drunk man hit on me while I was walking back from the library with my friend after "studying" (I wasnt productive). He started off the interaction by singing "my love life is so boring" while holding two green bottles of alcohol (not sure if thats something he made up or if its an acual song) to which I replied with "same" (in a singsong manner because duuuh). He asked me if I had a boyfriend, I told him "no" and he then went on to say that he could be my boyfriend. I just laughed a little and told him I was 17 but he quickly interjected and said "Im 19, its only a 2 year difference" (this man looked 20-21). He touched my back, twice. And idk.. the physical touching was kind of nice but obvously he was a stranger. I think im honestly just touch starved. Anyway continuing on with the story. I think he asked where I was going because I told him I was going home. The last thing I remember happening was him asking if he could come with me, me saying no, and then being dragged away by my friend. So theres that. Another cute little main character moment.
ps. my hisotory teacher wrote that my research notes were "fantastic!!"
All my love, until next time!
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audiovisualrecall · 2 years
Okay, just a list in no particular order of things I'd like to do, be it today or another day-
Shower (today)
Website - design of art website (i have a plan drawn and written out but certain design choices will need to be made and all acted upon), photograph art, go thru files of art both digital and photos and sort/organize/make folders for those to be used for website, deciding whether to pay for a domain now or later, etc. (Big task I will need to tackle in pieces and in short bursts so I don't get bored/overwhelmed/burned out on it)
Painting - working on the unicorn piece or another wip, and/or starting a new piece
Art, other - sketching on paper or digitally, doodling tony or stevetony, doing life study sketching from references (for x amt of time), etc. Something where the goal is to either have fun in the leisurely sense, or to work on skills/practice.
Call driving school - besides being super belated on scheduling lessons, my certificate of finishing the 5 hr class is now expired and idk if I need to take it again and if so do I have to pay for the class again? I do still want to set up the lessons I paid for tho bc that's still good to go regardless of the certificate.
Call dentist's office to schedule appointment. Have to write down all my weekdays off for the next couple weeks to be able to do this without going 'uhhh let me check'..
Finish my rewatch of Push -I'm about halfway thru maybe further than that. (today probably)
Continue organizing stuff in my room - may potentially require buying additional storage containers but not sure yet.
Do something outside on a nice day (like today)- take a walk, go to the park, draw outside, something outdoors.
Take Edison to the vet - he needs an annual checkup and probably boosters, and I'd like some advice on getting him to lose weight. Need to call and make an appointment. Need to know days off for next few wks to plan.
Go thru and toss out old dried bouquets that have been sitting in vases for uhh a month now. Hard to do bc the cat will hear the sound and come running over to try to eat anything that falls which makes it really complicated and difficult to take care of bc I don't want to drop anything and have him eat it and get sick. (The best I could do is take them into the bathroom with a trash bag and dust pan and close the door I guess?)
Job hunting - just casually mostly, I want to see what's out there that is interesting to me and that I could do (and would presumably offer benefits, if I were to go for them) so I don't feel like staying at my current job is the ONLY option (especially once I need employer provided health insurance, rn I'm covered by the YA29 program via my mom's employment w the city/state)
Start planting! - need to buy potting/starting soil, and find or buy a tray to start seedlings in, and I'd like to try the soil cube method so some way to make the 1x1 cubes and the following sizes possibly as well. Need to germinate some seeds like pepper seeds, and find out if there's a method for some other seeds or not. I'd like to start both veggie and flower seeds to be able to transplant outside around mother's day. At which pt we will need to buy some bags of soil/amendments for the garden out back and on the side probably.
Plant the propagated branch(es) - I brought home pussywillow branches from work and put them in water in a clear vase and they grew roots and stems with leaves???? To successfully plant out any of them I will have to stay on top of watering at first which is hard for me. Also the trees get a little big (not huge, but small tree sized and we already have a bunch of trees) so we won't have room for all of them, so I have to see if any neighbors would be interested in a branch or two.
Buy a hydrangea plant from work to try to prop branches from (can't successfully cut a branch at work and get it home without it dying along the way, probably, and the potted ones usually die quickly indoors or out eventually and our soil is too hard and full of roots to easily plant tbe whole thing, but props are just. A single branch and it'll make its own root system etc.) Also involves a LOT of watering once in the ground to live, and to thrive when summer hits as well.
Bookbinding- need to pick a story and do the typesetting/reformatting in order to be able to print and bind a fic. Could make a sketchbook also but idk if I have good paper for it rn.
Come up with solutions for organizational problems around the house, whether it means designing something or buying or finding something we have to use to improve things. No one else wants to brainstorm with me so this one is tough. Also extends to organizing my stuff.
Set up a space to make art in. This is difficult bc I don't like being upstairs when home alone, and unfortunately upstairs has the only space I'd have to make into a studio, but it has to be a guest room also.
Finish painting the upstairs bathroom - (also possibly adding the chair rail steph planned, and possibly spray-painting the radiator outside) includes touching up some patchy spots, and figuring out a solution for the area where the previous paint peeled up from the older paint, without having to re-do ALL of the 'white' paint in the room (which is actually a very light blue and idk if we have the color anywhere in the house and also it'd be a pain in the ass to redo bc light fixtures are in the way). May mean just extending the dark blue down or just... priming over that area and then covering it with the planned chair rail...
Taking some sort of classes on business/bookkeeping/accounting/tax/related stuff to help with small business thing since my etsy is making more $ than it used to and it'd be nice to b able to understand more, regardless of if I go further w/ it at all, it'd make things easier and less overwhelming/stressful. Also my grandfather was a tax attorney and accountant so it'd be kinda...nice.
Yard sale!!! We have a lot of stuff we already know we don't need and a fun way to get it out of the house would be tp hold a yard sale (over a couple weekends maybe)! We already went through a lot of stuff and boxed stuff up and made decisions abt other stuff. It'll help a ton with having the house not feel so cluttered and frustrating especially for ma. I do want to double check and go back thru some stuff to make sure tho. Anyway anything that doesn't sell in the yard sale can be donated instead, and we can add some books to the little free library box we know of.
Buying the og pokemon Gameboy games bc I stupidly sold them to a friend for next to nothing bc I wasn't playing them and she wanted them and idk I'm weak. Now I gotta buy them from somewhere again so my nephew can play them maybe and also bc it was dumb to get rid of them!!! I still have pokemon yellow tho. Uh so that's, red, blue, silver, gold, and crystal. I think that's it...
Buying a new bag, like my larger red one but uhhh better bc it's got some annoying issues I didn't know abt when I bought it. I love my small bag, tbh, but I realized the larger one can fit a BOOK without being too heavy so now I want to use a larger bag xD but it's not a Now thing I guess.
Learn how to fricking budget and track spending etc!!! I have a haphazard method rn that won't work for me long term which amounts to going oh I don't need that but i want it but no. and then giving in another time, and spending too much. And then repeat.
Work on my comic/story
Work on steph's book illustrations!
Get a gift for ma for upcoming bday!!
And plan something for ma's Bday with others!!!
Hair color - I want to make the baking soda+hydrogen peroxide paste to lighten part of my hair and then get overtone in rosegold/pink and apply it to successfully get some pink in my hair :) I actually rlly liked how the bubblegum pink/rose gold wig looked on me but I don't want to dye my hair permanently or have to use harsher lighteners. Issue is I don't have the color in the house yet so have to buy it. And both lightening and color have to sit in my hair for at least an hour. And presumably color needs to go on hair that has not just been cleaned bc the oils probably help retain the pigment or something. (I Could today do the lightening part, tho? Maybe?)
Make list of things I want/want to buy to give to parental units as a way for them to choose what to get me for a belated bday gift if they so choose to do so. Includes art supplies such as a new cutting mat with more visible gridlines bc I have a hard time w the one I have; bookcloth in diff colors for projects; bookbinding glue; maybe bookboard?, new sketchbook?... also includes roller skates bc <3
Wish bro in law a happy bday tomorrow, already made a gift for him so that's all set ^^
Bake! I want to try a bunch of recipes, including brownie bark, water challah, chive pancakes, and homemade cheezits, but also other stuff I've made before like sugar cookies (cookie press ones and rollout kinds and ones dipped in tempered chocolate mmmm and strawberry ones), muffins, etc.
Improve my recipe book's design, have to figure this one out. I want to be able to remove and add recipes, have it not be too big/bulky, look nice, and function well. Current album style wasn't made right (by me, first attempt at the method) and isn't really working but that may be I need to add larger posts but then it will be large and bulky anyway.... also I don't want to have to rewrite every recipe bc it's tiring and boring and tedious and also I transpose things. But I often rewrite bits of the recipes to make them easier to follow. Maybe I should use a typewriter on cards... 😅
Buy new flowers from work - can only do once I get rid of the old ones.
Actually follow thru on planning to do something with friends from work. Idk what the issue is, I like the idea of hanging out w them, and the activity in mind (pottery painting), but then it's like it has to be after work hours on Wednesday or Thursday, but since I don't drive I'll be getting home super late so I don't want to do it on a day where I have work the next day.... so that makes it harder. Blugh.
Get some specific pieces of clothing... going shopping results in spending an hour trying stuff on, being disappointed by the things I liked most not fitting, buying too much stuff/spending too much anyway, then finding out later I don't rlly like some of what I bought anyway, rinse and repeat. Also I forget to bring items I want to return every time. Buying online is easier and harder as well bc I can't try stuff on before buying. Sigh.
Updating etsy stuff? A bit.
Acquiring my dream bike / a bike. Lightweight/aluminum, specific style of upright handlebars, bike with fenders and rear rack, step thru but not stupid looking I just can't do the non step thru bc I'm short. dream bike is momentum I need street step thru (2018?) in glossy cherry red 😍😭
Figure out ways to make my room feel my age. I love it and hate it simultaneously and that sucks.
Uhhhh probably more I can't think of rn.
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primofate · 3 years
Smile for Me (Part 6 - Final) Zhongli x fem!reader
Summary: Zhongli never smiled at you the way that he smiled at his memories of Guizhong. Thinking that the only way Zhongli would ever be happy is for Guizhong to come back again, you secretly set off on a journey to bring her back to life. But it comes with a price: Your life. Warnings: kind of short and simple, dont be disappointed. There’s only slight fluff. Zhongli being slightly jealous and protective tho so... MAY NOT FOLLOW THE ACTUAL LORE, not proofread. Notes: Final one. Thank you for coming along on this journey. Time to start the next one XD It’s a little short, but 
Other Chapters: Shortfic Smile for Me (Part 1) (Part 2)  (Part 3)  (Part 4)  (Part 5)
“Yes, Baizhu said that he needed help with collecting Qingxin flowers,” 
You continued to busy yourself with making tea, not noticing that Zhongli tenses up, his eyes now hovering on you. He’s silent and doesn’t quite know what to say. A few minutes pass, the only sound was the clinking of tea cups and the sloshing pour of tea into it. “...Zhongli?” You call out when you realize he hasn’t said a thing about your errands today.
“I heard you, dear,” You turn to look at the expression on his face. It’s stiff and unreadable, meaning that he had something on his mind. “Did I say something wrong?” you manage to ask, taking the tray of tea into your hands and transferring it to the work table he and you used. 
Zhongli’s eyes avert away from yours, a rare sight. He must be thinking hard on something. “...Do you remember the last time you told me you had an errand to run for Baizhu?” You blink, your memory had never been good. “...Not...particularly,”
He holds a sigh back and lazily places his head on his fisted up hand. “...You went to that tree and disappeared for days,” Your smile turns into a forced one and it was your turn to avert your gaze in shame, nervously laughing. “Ah...Yeah...Bad judgement on my part, but that was long ago. I promise it won’t happen again,” 
“I’m aware...” Zhongli starts, using a hand to lift your face up from its downtrodden gaze, “...but it wouldn’t hurt for me to accompany you,” that’s how you know that there’s still an inkling of worry in him about that incident. You didn’t refuse, so that afternoon, the two of you side by side approach Bubu Pharmacy. Baizhu had been waiting at the entrance. 
“Oh, Mister Zhongli, what a nice surprise,” Zhongli throws a smile at the other man, “Indeed. I’m merely accompanying Y/N, for today,” Baizhu nods and gives you the exact amount of Qingxin flowers he needs, along with a few other herbs and flowers. “...and that would be all...perhaps you’d be interested in having dinner today, as a reward and thanks?” 
Zhongli’s eyebrows perk up at Baizhu’s invitation to you. Well, the ex-Archon had chosen to go with you in case anything happened, but Zhongli didn’t anticipate this kind of scenario. He unconsciously crosses his arms over his chest and waits for your response. He was aware that not a lot of people knew about the growing relationship between the two of you. You were rarely seen outside together, and if you were, there wouldn’t be any hints that the two of you were romantically involved. Public display of affection was not that common between the two of you. 
You smile a little, knowing that Zhongli had stiffened up behind you. “I apologize Sir Baizhu, but Zhongli and I had dinner plans already,” Zhongli tries not to smile at the perfect rejection you had dished out, but Baizhu doesn’t seem to understand the message. “Oh, then perhaps tomorrow?”
Zhongli could not hold back the chuckle that erupted from his lips. Persistent, he thinks. Baizhu is surprised when he speaks up, “Tomorrow would be fine sir Baizhu, Y/N is excellent at using the local herbs and animals in her feasts. You’d be welcome to join us,” he pauses here, possibly to let his words sink in, “at our humble abode,” 
Baizhu looks as if the snake around his neck had bitten him. “O-oh, the two of you are--?” You secretly bite the inside of your lip. Zhongli had such ways to be stern yet long-winded at the same time. Unlike your straightforward rejection, his way, without even directly saying anything, seemed comparable to a slap in the face. And yet he did it with such calmness and humility. 
Baizhu seemed to have gotten back to his senses and waves with a sheepish smile. “I wouldn’t want to intrude,” and moments later you and Zhongli were on the way to the mountains to pick some Qingxin flowers. You laugh a little behind your hand. Zhongli knows well what you’re laughing about but he gives you his best exasperated face. “It seems that I have more worries than you just disappearing, I didn’t imagine that I had to fend off potential suitors,” 
“Not to worry Zhongli, it doesn’t happen often, and my dinners are always reserved for you,” He makes a sound of understanding, in the next moment his hand finds the small of your back as the two of you walk and he turns his head towards you. 
Your mouth slightly parts at the sight of his smile, so charming and bright and gentle. Like a magical golden cloud floating in the air. This smile, is a smile that lives in the present, not one that lingered in the past. 
This smile, was for you, and only you. A smile that conveyed and repeatedly convinced you of his loyalty and sincerity.
He leans in sideways to capture your lips in a rare show of public affection. The kiss was far too brief as you slightly chase after his lips when he parts from you.  “Thank you, dear,” and his hand stays on your back as you walk.
He was not a very vocal person, but he had always managed to make you feel loved at every juncture and every turn.
Taglist: @larkspyrr​ @outlet-0 @rim0na​ @sweeti-pie​ @yamsthegod @reaped-winnower​ @hai-q-haikyuu @tkshoki​ @fanfictionenthusiast​ @skatercashew​ @leefletter​ @kimbapsana​ @hentaje @marginmaster87​ @tempehlust​ @rinnesy @hallohun​ @softlybeloved​ @ssalamanderr​ @ben6ett @rytszk​ @guilixi​ @mondstadts-favourite-traveler​ @mkazuyuh​ @ayra2452008 @simpingover​ @soft-like-sunshine​ @lnrchii​ @scheophi​ @multifandomgeeks​ @sacredmouche​ @foxxtrot-116​ @maple-leaaf​ @myday6-studies​ @thraiaiscrying @fadinganchornight​ @missbuwan @the-one-that-lurks​ @adeptitao @ilovemyleftboob​ @marblesphere​ @allinduetimethefirst​ @how-simpy @loltartaglia @minyoustar​ @sesetiger​ @lqvl3y @d8turai @candyqueen10​ @ichigo-no-tsumi​ @omoriq​ @saving-for-xiao​ @trashykawasmilkbread @jjkclub​ @seiiblue​ @midnightangelfox​ @korinkuu​ @heesocks​ @softlybeloved​ @bobaducky​ @normalisthenewnorm​ @how-simpy @atasi-luna @berryqueue​ @milkypompon​ @fadinganchornight​ @coldstonecrematorium​ @hanachan_2481 @gultonluvv​
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Commissions are open on my kofi :) and there’s only a limited amount available. Make sure you read the description of what kind of commissions I do: 
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
any art tips for a beginner who like literally j u s t started trying to teach themselves how to draw?
- Always keep a sketchbook and draw from observation. Don't worry about trying to make every page and every drawing a mini masterpiece. Sketchbooks are for thinking and figuring stuff out especially when you're just starting out. You're first sketches/pages will always be the worst because your hand and your mind are still loosening up but the more you keep at it the better they will become.
- You don't have to just do studies and still lifes all the time u can draw a bunch of anime and cartoons and shitty little mindless scribbles. Who's gonna stop you? Your mom? The president? Literally just draw whatever you want. As a beginner one of the most important things is to get yourself in the habit of drawing as much as possible because mileage is how you improve. Later on your own natural curiosity will push you towards more specific areas of study but for now just try to develop the habit and mindset of being Someone Who Draws TM. Just draw! Draw draw draw!!!
- Comparison will kill you but it's also just human nature so try not to let it get u down too hard. If you find yourself dwelling too much on the emotional aspect of this try to turn it into a learning situation. What is it about this piece/artist that makes me feel inferior? What specifically do I admire about this? Try to think about the steps it took to create this work of art and then copy it. Stroke for stroke. Really look at, deconstruct it, shatter it into a million little pieces and then try to tape those pieces back together again as best u can. Use pipe cleaners and glitter glue if u have to. There's nothing wrong with copying a picture this is literally how u study technique. Masters studies are important!
- This one is specifically a new age online artist thing but don't worry about style. Your own personal style is something that develops over time and often times u won't even notice it I promise. It's just like handwriting. You should really only worry about style once u move past the beginning/fundamentals stage and start learning about design. Seriously tho don't overthink it. Remember that you have to know the rules before you can break them.
- There WILL be days where u feel like every single thing u draw is absolute shit-tier garbage and should burn in hell for all eternity and I'm sorry to say but that just comes with the territory of being an artist. But fear not! This is usually the result of ur eyes/mind developing faster than ur hand can keep up with. When this happens try focusing on doing studies and exercises. I PROMISE you it will pass and you WILL come out the other end of it a fundamentally better artist. 100% every time. Do not let it get you down. DO NOT LET IT WIN!!!
- On the flip side of that there will be days where everything u draw is 🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯😜😜😜😍😍😍👌👌👌😎😎😎👑👑👑 and u should 100% EMBRACE THE FUCK OUT OF THAT FEELING!!! ALWAYS TAKE PRIDE IN UR ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!! YOU HAVE MADE IT SO FAR!!! LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO!!!!! 👏👏👏*airhorn sounds* (But seriously tho this is a GREAT thing and u should never let anyone try to take that from u. People trying to tear u down usually comes from a place of their own insecurities but always remember that that is NOT ur problem lmfao.)
- This next point is from the "things I desperately wish I could tell my past self" category so feel free to ignore this if u really want but please please please no matter how far u get into ur artistic journey DO NOT throw away/delete ur old stuff because u feel ashamed of it. You will 100% regret doing this EVERY SINGLE TIME. Maybe not immediately and maybe not even for a few years. But trust me. Not having ur old stuff to look back on FUCKING SUCKS and is a very cruel thing to do to urself. U don't have to keep it up online for others to see but do not deny urself the pride that comes with acknowledging how far you've come. PLEASE. For my sake 😔
- Just have fun honestly. If you don't enjoy art why do it? Spite? Actually spite is kind of a funny reason but u should still enjoy art nonetheless lmao. Go at ur own pace and don't be so hard on yourself all the time. Art is not a destination it's a journey and if you're not enjoying the journey why are u still on the bus? Oh god u missed ur stop oh god oh fuck u gotta keep riding this thing forever PSYCHE!!! U can always get off at the next stop! There is zero pressure to keep riding if u decide u don't particularly care for this avenue lmao.
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freakynct · 3 years
I would like to request!!! Reactions of roommates nct 127 inviting them on your bubble bath because you feel lonely🥺
𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝟏𝟐𝟕 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲
"ah y/n i'm sorry!" he said as he covered his eyes with his hand, hiding away your figure submerged in the bathtub. "i'm so so sorry." he tried leaving the room quickly but instead went against the door making you giggle.
"it's ok taeil, wait." you said and he stood still as a statue. "uhm don't you wanna join me?" his widened eyes peaked between his fingers at you, confused and intrigued with your question.
"y/n... what do you mean?" he mumbled.
"please. i've been feeling so lonely lately, please join me." you confessed to him, pouting in hopes that would entice him.
he sighed and slowly walked over to you, his eyes still avoiding contact with your body as he sat down on the floor next to the bathtub.
"i can just sit here with you if you want." his voice was so sweet and the way his fingers lightly grazed over your hand was even sweeter.
"yeah, that's ok with me." you smiled.
"johnny." you whined out to him from the bathtub where you were in as he stood with his back turned to you. he had come into the bathroom to look for something he needed and was currently going through all the stuff in the cabinet.
"hm." he mumbled in response, too focused on what he was doing to give you a proper reply.
"please come take a bath with me." you pouted even tho he couldn't see you.
"why?" he asked, but still he didn't seem too surprised or like he was paying attention to what you were proposing.
"i'm lonely." you whined.
"got it!" he almost yelled out as he had finally found what he was looking for.
"johnny!!" you shouted back, annoyed at his lack of interest in what you were saying.
"you're just needy y/n, you know this happens once in a while. you need a boyfriend." he said as he finally turned back to look at you.
"are you gonna take a bath with me or no?" you asked already impatient.
"why would you ask me something like that?" he nervous laughed when you suggested having a bubble bath together on the topic of both of you being stressed out with work.
"why not? it'd be fun." you smiled grabbing his arms in excitement while he raised his eyebrow at you in confusion.
"but why together?" you noticed he giggled everytime he mentioned doing it together, the idea of it made him shy.
"i don't know, cause we could talk and relax together. c'mon tae." you pouted at him and you saw how his face started to soften up.
"i don't know y/n. we're friends and roommates, wouldn't it be weird?"
"well we don't have to be naked. we can use bathing suits." you watched him think over the idea for a few seconds until he finally gave in.
"ok but i want extra bubbles." he smiled.
"sorry what was that?" he smirked at you after already asking you to repeat yourself twice.
"ugh forget it." you whined turning around to walk back to your room before you felt his hand yanking you back by your arm.
"wait wait." he chuckled. "i was just playing with you." you looked up at him and your cheeks burned at the proximity of your bodies.
"well... so you accept?" you murmured looking back down at his chest to avoid eye contact but you knew his eyes were still deeply buried on you and he was enjoying this.
"it's a little weird to ask your roommate to take a bath with you. is there anything you wanna tell me?" your eyes widened as you met his again and you saw his smirk grow bigger.
"yutaaa." you slapped his arm and he laughed. "i just wanted company cause it's more fun." you pouted and he sighed.
"don't worry, i'll make it fun."
"i don't think this is a good idea." he said looking around the room as if someone else was watching.
"will you quit thinking about this so much?" you said while taking your shirt off, to which doyoung looked away almost immediately. "it's just a bubble bath, i'm not asking you to marry me."
he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair before starting to unbutton his black shirt.
"i'll turn around and you go in first." he said as he was already turning his back on you.
"i don't mind if you see me naked." you shrugged your shoulders and proceeded to take off the rest of your clothes off.
"i do! i don't wanna make things weird." he whined and you laughed.
"we're already taking a bath together so." you got in the bathtub and covered yourself with the bubbles. "ok you can come in now." you looked at his bare behind as you waited for him to move but he only turned his head back to look at you.
"close your eyes too." he insisted.
"doyoung im already seeing your ass."
"close them!!"
"so this is what we're doing when we feel lonely now, huh?" he smirked as he walked over to you, his tongue poking at the inside of his cheek. 
"uh no, i mean, yeah." you tripped over your words as he started getting closer and closer to you. "it was just a suggestion, i mean, maybe it could be nice i don't know. 
your cheeks burned at the sound of jaehyun's low chuckle. he was already standing tall in front of you and his finger came under your chin to make you look up at him.
"calm down y/n, i didn't say i didn't want it." he smiled. "we can do it." 
you smiled back at his words before he went back to talking again. 
"wanna take off my clothes too?" he laughed as you slapped his arm. "ok ok. let's go."
you always cuddled with jungwoo in his room when you were feeling down or lonely and it was something he had already gotten used to and liked.
"jungwoo, come take a bath with me." you pouted looking up from his chest where you were previously laying your head on while he played video games. 
"a bath?" he asked confused but never taking his eyes away from the bright tv. 
"yeah. i wanna take a bath but i also don't wanna stop cuddling." you heard his chuckle and he finally looked at you for a few seconds. 
"i think you'll survive if you stop cuddling me for 30 minutes." he smiled. 
"pleaseee, i'll never ask anything from you again." you whined, pulling on his t-shirt and he sighed while pausing his game and taking off his headphones. 
"alright, c'mon needy." you frowned at him and he laughed, getting up. 
you walked through the hall with your towel in hand before stopping at mark's room door, which was slightly open. you looked inside and saw his leaning over his desk, hands roaming through his hair as he studied. 
"hey." you said, opening up his door a little more. 
"hey!" he smiled as he turned around to look at you. "you going to take a shower?" 
"a bath." you corrected him and he sighed. 
"man i'm really needing one of those too, uni is killing me." he said looking over at all of his papers scattered all over the table. 
"you can come take a bath with me if you want." you murmed a little shy, almost not expecting yourself to say something like that but mark's reaction wasn't what you expected. 
"oh yeah, of course, i'm coming right away." he laughed leaning back on his chair and you noticed that he thought you were just making a joke until he realized that you looked too serious to be any of that. "oh. you're being serious?" he asked surprised. 
"uhm... yeah i guess." you watched him look around the room before his eyes fell back on you. 
"are you sure?" he asked. you just nodded in response and you saw the little smile on the corner of his lips. "ok, then i guess i can take a break now." he said getting up. 
you heard the knock on the bathroom door and you told him to come in.
"here's the coffee you asked." he rolled his eyes as he kneeled down next to the tub, handing you over the hot mug.
haechan had lost one of the many bets you two made and now he had to serve you for the day which he wasn't too amused by.
"is that all?" he mumbled annoyed and you chuckled, leaning over the bathtub to get closer to him.
"no." you saw him roll his eyes one more time. "you have to get in and take a bath with me."
you saw his annoyed expression soften up quickly as he realized what you were asking.
"g-get in?" his eyes were slightly wide and you thought he looked so cute.
"yeah. or are you afraid of taking a bath with a girl?" you smirked and he immediately got up, taking off his shirt. 
"make room for me."
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heysatori · 4 years
How they are with a sleepy s/o
genre: fluff
pairings: Kuroo x reader, Kenma x reader, Tendou x reader, and Suna x reader
a/n: another self indulgent post ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ ive just been sleeping a lot lately especially during my classes so i thought of this heh|requests are still open (´• ω •`) ♡ |
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Kuroo Tetsurou
our captain is quite energetic and only retires to bed at night !
so when he learns abt how sleepy u are he teases u so much !
he'd catch u asleep in a lot of places
the classroom, the gym, the local convience store by your house, hell even the bathroom
hes super protective of u and he cares abt u a lot !! so he'd give u a light scolding about falling asleep in public places, especially if youre alone
after that though, hes always with u
he just wants u to be safe !!
and who better to protect u than ur own boyfriend right?
study sessions always end up being 1-2 hours of studying and you asleep the entire time after that
usually he doesnt really notice that ure asleep since u work pretty quietly
but when he looks up from his work sheet to see ur head flat against the table, blissfully knocked out - he can't help but chuckle
"kitten! youve fallen asleep again!!"
whether at his house or your house, he'd always pick you up and place you on his/your bed, even covering you with a blanket so ure comfy
he'd resume studying after that
but not for long
how could he ignore how cute u look over there??? cuddling up into a pillow when it could be him youre cuddling up against !!
so he'd quickly tidy his things on the desk and gently lay down next to you, shifting a little to get under the blanket
at the newfound warmth, ur unconscious body moves towards his body, quick to mush ur face into his chest (´。• ω •。`) ♡
he finds u so cute !!!
he cant help but lean down and give u a few kisses here and there
he falls asleep not long after that with u safe in his arms
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Kozume Kenma
our gamer boy isnt much of a sleeper
he'd rather spend his time gaming
which is, by default, what he ends up doing
when he realized how sleepy u are of a person, well he doesnt really mind
hes kinda scared for you at certain times, especially when u tell him stories about falling asleep on the train home
hes not there to keep u safe and wake u up !!
he'd tell u off with a little pout after those stories
its dangerous to be so sleepy !
u understand of course and always keep his words in the front of ur brain, especially when ure alone
being at home is a different story though
whenever u come over to his house, u always end up falling asleep one way or another
whether it be on the bed while watching a video on ur phone
waiting for him to finish a game
on the couch after a good meal, etc.
with how lax u are abt sleeping, kenma suggests an idea that u couldnt turn down
"pudding, cmere"
kenma says one day as he games, pushing his chair out a little of his desk, vaguely gesturing to his lap
u immediately light up and crawl into his lap immediately !!
u settle down with ur arms around his neck and ur head laying on his shoulder
kenma pulls his chair back in and resumes gaming, this time with a cutie in his lap !
u'll fall asleep not long after that, especially with the calming sounds of the clacking of his keyboard and the clicking of his mouse
he wont ever admit it but he'll give u forehead kisses every now and then while he games (´ ω `♡)
ure just so cute in his lap !! he cant resist 
since kenma can also be pretty lazy he also ends up taking naps with u too 
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Tendou Satori
miracle boy satori is a very energetic and hyperactive boy in general
so when he learns that his lovely s/o is basically a snorlax he cant help but tease u a little !
whenever he'd find u asleep in odd places, such as the classroom, a table, the floor, etc.
he'd wake u up gently !
little pokes on ur face and a few kisses until ur eyes flutter open
"theres my pretty baby!"
other than that, such as u sleeping around at home, he wouldnt bother to wake u
maybe cover u in a blanket or even join u !!
there are a lot of times tho where u fall asleep while waiting for him
since shiratorizawa has dorms he'd give u his key so u can chill in his room while waiting for him after practice
so one day when he retires to his room after a gruesome practice, he didn’t expect to see u snuggled up under his sheets !! 
he finds the sight so adorable and hes eternally glad that he decided to shower at the gym instead of showering at his dorm ! 
he drops his bag (quietly) and changes into some comfier clothes immediately 
once hes all tidied up, he shuts off the lights and climbs into bed with u ! 
he snuggles up under the sheets and immediately wraps his arms around u, pulling u closer to him 
u subconsciously wrap ur own arms around him and he melts !! 
ure so cute !!!! 
he leans down and gives u a big wet kiss on the forehead before he closes his eyes and decides to head to sleep too 
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Suna Rintarou 
suna here is quite a sleepy person 
so u two end up being the perfect pair !! 
well other ppl say otherwise but thats besides the point 
he loves sleeping with u !!
and despite his cold exterior he always melts when u cuddle up to him when u fall asleep on his chest after a long day 
there a few times where he finds u asleep at the gym while waiting for him 
and he honestly doesnt have the heart to wake u up when u look so peaceful
but he eventually does wake u up with a little nudge to ur shoulder 
“cmon bunny lets head to my house and take a nap” 
a common phrase from the man 
other times when u both cant fall asleep but still feel sleepy u guys just cuddle ! 
his favorite position is u laying on his chest with a hand resting on ur back or ur head 
sometimes he likes it vise versa too 
u guys watch a lot of movies during cuddle sessions or his guilty pleasure (cooking/baking shows) 
whenever u do fall asleep before him he always give u a kiss on the corner of ur lips and the middle of ure forehead before he drifts off himself 
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Hi! This is for the prompts: LWJ and WWX get together at Cloud Recesses but it’s a secret. When it does come out tho, probably due to WWX mischief some how. JC comes to the conclusion that LWJ has managed to ‘defile WWXs honor’ and now JC has no choice but to fight on behalf of his big brother, who clearly has been wronged.
Honor, Defended - ao3
“What are they doing,” Jiang Cheng said, voice strangled, eyes staring.
Nie Huaisang stood up on his toes and squinted over his new friend’s shoulder. “Fighting?”
It looked like fighting.
Not fighting? In that case, at least by Nie sect standards, that meant –
Jiang Cheng growled, which meant Nie Huaisang’s guess was right. “I’m going to kill the rotten bastard in white! I bet he waited until Wei Wuxian was alone just for this. How dare he take advantage of my – of Wei Wuxian!”
“I mean, I don’t know about that? They seem about tied,” Nie Huaisang said, making a mental note – not that many people could match up against Lan Wangji, especially when he was in a you-are-breaking-the-rules sort of snit. “Each one’s giving as good as the other gets, if you know what I mean…I’m talking about fighting!” He added hastily, seeing Jiang Cheng’s expression. “Just the fighting! And hey, maybe the Lan sect doesn’t flirt through fighting?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jiang Cheng said. “All cultivation sects flirt through fighting.”
Damnit, Nie Huaisang thought to himself with a sigh. That means I’m going to have to train with saber after all if I’m going to get somewhere here, doesn’t it? Well, at least da-ge will be pleased…
“Are you going to interrupt?” he asked, hiding his face behind his fan. “If fighting is flirting…”
As expected, Jiang Cheng choked. “Not all fighting is flirting!” he hissed. “But that most certainly is!”
Nie Huaisang didn’t understand fighting, so he just shrugged.
“Why don’t you confront him later?” he suggested, but Jiang Cheng shook his head, his features already settling into a mulish expression that had no right to look as attractive as it was. “All right, I see I can’t convince you. Good luck defending your brother’s honor, then?”
“If Lan Wangji doesn’t stop flirting with Wei Wuxian in class, I’m going to do something violent,” Jiang Cheng said.
“Okay, now I know you’re delusional,” Nie Huaisang said. “But still very pretty. Oh, I’m torn…actually no, I think I’m fine. I mean, what cultivator do I know that isn’t a bit delusional?”
“Can you stop talking nonsense and focus on how we’re going to split them up?” Jiang Cheng demanded irritably. Really, it was no wonder that Nie Huaisang’s best attempts at flirting were going nowhere. Jiang Cheng was thick.
In many appealing ways. Mm.
Damn his bad taste.
“Well, I think first you have to start by reversing your statement until it resembles the truth a bit more,” Nie Huaisang said, trying to be practical. “It’s Wei-xiong that’s flirting with Lan-er-gongzi, not the other way around.”
“He’s just like that!”
“A giant flirt, you mean?”
“Sociable,” Jiang Cheng insisted with the sort of blindly loyal stubbornness that was sadly very, very appealing to those surnamed Nie. Mouthwatering, even.
“Right,” Nie Huaisang said, dabbing at his mouth with his sleeve to make sure he wasn’t drooling. “I see. All right, I’ll help you. I’ll even promise to find a way to break them up for good, guaranteed – but first you have to meet one condition.”
Jiang Cheng arched his eyebrows, looking unwillingly intrigued. “Name it.”
“You have to come up with one way in which Lan-er-gongzi has been flirting with Wei Wuxian that isn’t ‘he existed being pretty in his general direction’.”
Jiang Cheng opened his mouth.
Nie Huaisang waited.
“…maybe he should consider being less pretty,” Jiang Cheng grumbled.
Nie Huaisang patted him on the shoulder, then left his hand on his shoulder because why not.
“We’ve all thought that about him over the years,” he said. “Better luck next time.”
“You’re supposed to be helping me preserve my brother’s honor!” Jiang Cheng hissed at Nie Huaisang, who had made absolutely no promises of that sort without giant loopholes that he could walk right out of. “Not – encouragingthis!”
“I didn’t! I just helped Wei-gongzi play a tiny little prank –”
“With pornography!”
“Tasteful erotic art,” Nie Huaisang corrected.
“With cutsleeve pornography!”
“Cutsleeve tasteful erotic art.”
“Nie Huaisang! You’re missing the point!”
“Am I?” Nie Huaisang asked thoughtfully, tapping his fan against his lips. “I don’t know, I’m not sure I am. Can you explain what the point is again?”
Jiang Cheng threw his hands up into the air. “Listen, it was bad enough when Wei Wuxian got thrown out of Teacher Lan’s classes and had to go copy rules in the Library Pavilion for a month; that’s disgraceful and loses face for our sect, but at least his personal honor was preserved –”
Bad scholarship was, in fact, not an impediment to having personal honor. Nie Huaisang knew this fact forwards, backwards, and intimately.
“But then Teacher Lan fell for Lan Wangji’s tricks and decided to assign him to supervise copying –”
“Lan-er-gongzi has tricks? That’s news to me.”
“…well, either way, they got cooped up there in that room, together, alone, for – for weeks!”
“Hasn’t Lan-er-gongzi been using the muting spell on Wei-xiong most of that time?”
“No, eventually Wei Wuxian learned his lesson and now he shuts himself up whenever he sees him starting up the spell, he complains to me and shijie about it constantly every night,” Jiang Cheng said, grumbling. “Stop interrupting me!”
“Sorry. Go ahead.”
“Anyway, if that wasn’t enough, you’re now encouragingthis debacle by setting up a prank that involves Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, and cutsleeve pornography.”
“I did,” Nie Huaisang agreed. “And it’s tasteful erotic art, Jiang-xiong.”
“Why do you keep insisting on that?” Jiang Cheng snapped. “Isn’t it the same thing?”
“No,” Nie Huaisang said patiently. “Because I also have pornography, and it’s a lot less tasteful.”
Jiang Cheng stopped, utterly distracted from his previous rant. “...you do?”
“Mm. Want to see?”
“Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan, wait for me, I want to talk to you – I need you! See, for whatever reason, I can’t find Jiang Cheng anywhere. Can you help me look –”
Nie Huaisang shut his window before Jiang Cheng could overhear and get distracted.
They were busy.
“All right,” Nie Huaisang said. “I admit it, you’re right.”
Jiang Cheng looked at him. “…you do?”
“I do.”
“Right about…what?”
“About the flirting, and Lan Wangji having tricks,” Nie Huaisang said, nodding wisely. “See, the Lan sect take their rules about their forehead ribbons very seriously. It’s parents, children, and lovers only. So if you ran into Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji entangled on the path near the back mountain, both of them soaking wet, with Lan Wangji’s forehead ribbon wrapped around their wrists…why, that’s practically an elopement!”
Jiang Cheng, predictably, turned purple. “He eloped with my – I’m going to kill him!”
“Have fun with that,” Nie Huaisang said happily, and watched as Jiang Cheng drew his sword and charged, shouting something.
Wei Wuxian attempted to defend their conduct, except apparently their conduct involved finding the ghost of a Lan sect ancestor –
“Did you bow?” Nie Huaisang asked, very unhelpfully. “Both of you? So you’d say you’ve made your bows to the older generation? Have you bowed to heaven and earth yet, too?”
Lan Wangji gave him a death glare, but maybe he should have thought of that before writing to Nie Huaisang’s brother disclosing details about Nie Huaisang’s love life.
“I’m going to kill you!” Jiang Cheng roared.
Nie Huaisang smiled over his fan at Lan Wangji and gave a jaunty little wave.
A few days earlier
“Wait, so, you’re actually together?” Nie Huaisang asked, and Lan Wangji nodded. They were having tea together the way they always did at the middle of the week, a tradition started long ago when their brothers were visiting and being utterly intolerable. Even their long-standing fight with each other would be put aside for mid-week tea. “Well done!”
Lan Wangji’s ears turned a little red. “Mm.” After a few moments, he added, “Mm.”
“No, no, I don’t think you need to worry,” Nie Huaisang said. “He may seem flighty, but he’s very loyal…the Jiang sect might object, though. They can be a bit tetchy about these things.”
Arched eyebrows.
“What do you mean, how would I know? Have you somehow missedthat I’ve been trying to snag Jiang Cheng all summer? There are more things in this world than Wei Wuxian’s waistline, shapely as it may be.”
Eyes narrowing.
“…don’t you dare tell my brother!”
A smirk, not that anyone else – excluding Lan Xichen – would know.
“I don’t care about your ‘appropriate conduct’! If you tell my brother that I’m dating instead of studying, I’ll find a way to make your life miserable, too! Just you wait!”
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