#i still have the album on my pc so I don’t care about the album itself
yoohyeon · 5 months
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Mutuals do you know how much could I get selling my NCT albums ? Without inclusion or almost cause I think some may be damage
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valentoru · 2 months
|| Limitless ||
SYNOPSIS: Gojo Satoru, a big time artist, who’s known for leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake wherever he goes. And you, the lead guitarist of an upcoming band, who’s absolutely certain that no one will ever love you. Through an accident in which you happened to kiss Gojo in a frantic state, you both decide, via convenience alone—and zero regard for both of your managers—to pull a fake dating stunt what could go wrong? Any press is good press…right?
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Three days later you found yourself stood in front of Gojo’s office again.
You’d never been there before three days ago, but once again you had no problem finding it. The staff scurrying out of it with misty eyes and a terrified expression was a dead give away. Not to mention that Gojo’s was the only one in the hallway completely void of pictures of kids, pets or significant others. Not even a copy of his album cover with the hit song that had won him a Grammy. You knew about all the awards he’d won from a quick google search you’d done the previous day. Just dark brown wood with a metal plaque that read; Satoru Gojo.
You had felt a bit like a creep the night before, scrolling through his Wikipedia page and going through as much information you could find out about him. Unlucky for you, he was reserved and didn’t let the press know much about him. Still you’d quashed yourself the feelings, telling yourself that a thorough background check could be considered mandatory before embarking on a fake-dating relationship.
You took a deep breath before knocking and then another between Satoru’s “Come in” and the moment you finally managed to force yourself to open the door. When you entered the offices he didn’t immediately look up and continued to type on his PC. “My office hours were over five minutes ago, so—“
“It’s me.”
His hands halted, hovering and inch or so above the keyboards then he turned his chair towards you. “Y/N.”
There was something about the way he talked. Maybe it was an accent, maybe it was just the quality of his voice. You didn’t quite know what, but it’s was there, in the way he said your name. Precise. Careful. Feel. Unlike anyone else. Familiar—impossibly so.
“What did you say to her?” You asked, trying not to care about how Satoru Gojo spoke. “The woman who ran out crying.”
It took him a moment to remember that less than sixty seconds ago there had been someone in the office—someone whom he clearly made cry. “I just gave her feedback on something she wrote.”
You nodded, silently thanking all the gods you were not a member of his staff team and never would be, and studied your surroundings.
He had a corner office, of course. Two windows that together must total who knows how many square metered of glass, and so much light, just standing in the middle of the room would cure twenty people’s seasonal depression. It made sense. With all the money he brought in, along with the prestige, that he’d be given a nice space. You on the other hand, didn’t even have your own office or filming booth, you just went where you were told and nine times out of ten the booths would smell of sweat and the offices would be with other people you didn’t know.
“I was going to email you. I talked to my publicity manager.” Satoru told you, and you looked back at him.
He was gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. You pulled it back and took a seat.
“About you.”
“Oh.” You stomach dropped. You’d much rather his publicity manager didn’t know about your existence. Then again, you’d also rather not be in this rooms with Satoru Gojo, have to go to shows, have climate change be a thing. And yet.
“Well, about us,” he amended. “And social media regulations.”
“What did they say?”
“There’s nothing against us dating—though they don’t recommend it—and we are free to keep it a secret. Unless of course it’s gets out then we don’t have a choice.”
A mix of panic and relief flooded through you.
“However there are some issues to consider. Any of the members of staff in this building could sell us out. Equally, if we get spotted, press may sell us out, which means we simply have to be cautious.”
You nodded. “Fair enough.”
“And I absolutely cannot collaborate with you until this is over.”
You huffed put a laugh. “That won’t be an issue. I wasn’t planning on asking you to collaborate with my band anyway.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Why not? Your band does the same music as I do.”
“Then we would collaborate perfectly.”
“Yeah we may, but we don’t plan on collaborating any time soon. Plus, there are millions of people who do our genre music, and if we were going collaborate, I’d argue against it being with you. I’d like to finish the song ideally without crying in the bathroom after every meeting.”
He glared at you.
You shrugged. “No offence. I’m a simple girl, with simple needs.”
To that he lowered his gaze onto the desk but not before you could see the corners of his mouth twitch. When he looked up again, his expression was serious. “So, have you decided?”
You pressed your lips together as he watched you calmly. You took a deep breath before saying, “Yes. Yes I…I want to do it. It’s a good idea actually.”
For so many reasons. It would get Maki and Yuta off your back, but also…also everyone else. It was as if since the rumour had begun to spread, people had been too intimidated by you to give you the usual shit. The staff had quit trying switch the bands nice 2pm sessions with their nasty, horrible, life-sucking 8pm ones. People had stopped cutting in front of you at the coffee shop next door. And two different staff members had been trying to get ahold of you to potential work under your band as well. It felt a little unfair to exploit this hugged misunderstanding, but this was lawless territory and your life had been nothing but miserable for the past two years. You had learnt to get away with whatever you could. And if some—okay most staff looked at you suspiciously because you were dating Satoru Gojo so be it. You friends seemed to be largely fine with this, if a little bemused.
Except for Megumi. He’d been avoiding you like you had the pox for three solid days. But Megumi was Megumi—he’d come around.
“Very well then.” He we completely expressionless—almost too expressionless.
Like it was no big deal and he didn’t care either way; like if you’d said no, it wouldn’t have changed a thing for him.
“Though, I’ve been thinking about this a lot.”
He waited for you to continue.
“And I think that I would be best if we lay down some ground rules, before starting.”
“Ground rules?”
“Yes. You know. What are we allowed and not allowed to do. What we can expect from this arrangement. I think that’s pretty standard protocol, before embarking on a fake-dating relationship.”
He tilted his head. “Standard protocol?”
“How many times have you done this?”
“Zero. But I’m familiar with the trope.”
“The…what?” He blinked at you, confused.
You ignored him. “Okay.” You inhaled deeply and lifted your index finger. “First of all, this should be a strictly in the work place agreement. Not that I think you’d want to meet me out of work but I’m worried about the press. And just incase you were planning to kill two birds with one stone and being home a date for Christmas—”
“I wasn’t.”
“I wasn’t planning to ask you to celebrate Christmas with me. But also my family don’t really celebrate.”
“Oh.” You pondered it for a moment. “That’s something a fake girlfriend should probably know.”
The ghost of a smile appeared on his mouth, but he said nothing.
“Okay. Second rule. Actually it could be interpreted as an extension of the first rule. But—” You bit into your lip, willing yourself to bring it up—“no sex.”
For several moments he simply didn’t move. Not even a millimetre. Then his lips parted, but no sound came out, and that’s when you realised you had just rendered Satoru Gojo speechless. Which would have been funny any other day, but the fact that he seemed dumbfounded by you not wanting to include sex in your fake-dating relationship made your stomach sink.
Had he assumed you would? Was it something you’d said? Should you explain you’d had very little sex in your life? That for years you’d wondered whether you were asexual and you had only recently realised you might be able to experience sexual attraction, but only with people you trusted deeply? That if for some inexplicable reason Satoru wanted to have sex with you, you weren’t going to be able to go through with it?
“Listen”— you made to stand from the chair, panic rising in your throat—“I’m sorry, but if one of the reasons you offered to fake-date is that your thought we would—”
“No.” The word half exploded out of him. He looked genuinely appalled. “I’m shocked that you’d even feel the need to bring it up.”
“Oh.” Your cheeks heating at the indignation in his voice. Right. Of course he didn’t expect that. Or even want that, with you. Look at him—why would he? “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to assume—”
“No, it makes sense to be up-front. I was just surprised.”
“I know.” You nodded. Honestly, you were a little surprised too. That you were sitting in Satoru Gojo’s office, talking about sex—not only the meiosis kind of sex, but potential sexual intercourse between the two of you. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make things weird.”
“It’s okay. This whole thing is weird.” The silence between you stretched, and you noticed that he was blushing faintly. Just a dust of red, but he looked so…you couldn’t stop staring.
“No sex,” he confirmed with a nod.
You had to clear your throat to shake yourself out of inspecting the shape and colour of his cheekbones.
“No sex.” You repeated clearing your throat. “Okay. Third. It’s not really a rule, but here goes: I won’t date anyone else. As in real dating. It would be messy and complicated and everyone and…” You hesitated. Should you tell him? Was it too much information? Did he need to know? Oh, well. Why not, at this point? It wasn’t like you hadn’t kissed the man, or brought up sec in his place of work. “I don’t date, anyway. Yuta was an exception. I’ve never…I’ve never dated seriously before, and it’s probably for the best. This job is stressful enough, and I have my friends, and my music, and honestly there’s better things to use my time for.” The last few words came out like more defensively than you’d intended.
Satoru simply stared, saying nothing.
“But you can, of course,” you added hastily. “Thought I’d appreciate if you could avoid telling people in the—well anyone—just so I don’t look like and idiot and you don’t look like your cheating on me and rumours don’t balloon out of control. It would benefit you, too, since you’re trying to look like you’re in a committed relationship—”
“I won’t.”
“Okay. Great. Thanks. I know lying by omission can be a pain, but—”
“I mean, I won’t date someone else.”
There was a certainty, a finality in his tone that took you by surprise. You could only nod even though you wanted to protest that he couldn’t possibly do that, even though a million questions surfaced in your mind. Ninety-nine percent of them were inappropriate and not your business, so you shooed them away.
“Okay. Fourth. We obviously can’t keep on doing this forever, so we should give ourselves a deadline.”
He pressed his lips together. “When would that be?”
“Im not sure. A month or so would probably be enough to convince Maki that I’m firmly over Yuta. But it might not be enough on your end, so…you tell me.”
He mulled it. Then nodded once. “May twenty-ninth.”
It was a little over a month from now. But also… “that’s a weirdly specific date.” You racked your head, trying to figure out why it could be meaningful. The only thing that came to mind was that you’d be in Boston that week for a charity show.
“It’s the day after my contract is reviewed. They will be deciding whether they are going to renew it or terminate it.”
“I see. Well, then, let’s agree that in May twenty-ninth we part ways. I’ll tell Maki that our breakup was amicable but that I’m a little sad about it because I still have a bit of a crush on you.” You grinned at him. “Just so she won’t suspect that I’m still hung up in Yuta. Okay.” You took a deep breath. “Fifth and last.”
This was the tricky one. The one you were afraid he would object to. You noticed that you were wringing your hands and placed them firmly in your lap.
“For this to work we should probably…do things together. Every once in a while?”
“Things. Stuff.”
“Stuff,” he repeated dubiously.
“Yep. Stuff. What do you do for fun?” He was probably into something atrocious, like cow-tipping excursions or Japanese beetle fighting. Maybe he collected porcelain dolls. Maybe he was an avid geocacher. Maybe he frequented vaping conventions. Oh God.
“Fun?” He repeated, like he’s never heard the word before.
“Yeah. What do you do when you’re not at work.”
The length of the time that passed between your question and his answer was alarming. “Sometimes I work at home, too. And I work out. And I sleep.”
You had to actively stop yourself from face-palming. “Um, great. Anything else?”
“What do you do for fun?” He asked, somewhat defensively.
“Plenty of things. I…” Go to the movies. Thought you hadn’t been since the last time Megumi had dragged you. Play board games. But every single one of your friends was too busy lately so not that, either. You’d participated in a volleyball tournament, but it had been over a year ago.
“Um. I work out?” You would have loved to wipe that sumg expression off his face. So much. “Whatever. We should do something together on a regular basis. I don’t know, maybe get coffee? Like, once a week? Just for ten minutes at a place where people, not the press but people we know, could easily see us. I know it sounds annoying and a waste of time, but it’ll be super short, and it would makes the fake dating more credible, and—“
You thought it would take more convincing. A lot more. Then again, this was in his interest too. He needed his contractors to believe in their relationship if he was to cajole them into renewing his contract.
“Okay. Um..” you forced yourself to stop wondering why he was being so accommodating and tried to visualise your schedule. “How about Thursday?”
He angled his chair to face his computer and pulled up a calendar app. It was so fully of colourful boxes and your felt a surge of vicarious anxiety.
“It works before eleven a.m. and after seven p.m.”
He turned back to you. “Ten’s good.”
“Okay.” You waited for him to type it in, but he made no move to. “Aren’t you going to add it to your calendar?”
“I’ll remember.” He told you evenly.
“Okay, then.” You made and effort to smile, and it felt relatively sincere. Way more sincere than any smile you’d ever thought you’d been able to muster in Satoru Gojo’s presence. “Great. Fake-dating Thursday it is.”
A line appeared between his eyebrows, “why do you keep saying that?”
“Saying what?”
“‘Fake dating.’ like it’s a thing.”
“Because it is. Do you not watch rom-coms?”
He stared at you with a puzzled expression, until you cleared your throat and looked down at your knees. “Right.” God, you had nothing in common. You’d never find anything to talk about. Your ten minute coffee-breaks we’re going to be the most painful, awkward parts of your already painful, awkward weeks.
But Maki was going to have her beautiful love story, and you wouldn’t have to wait ages to finally do a Cancer Awareness Campaign. That was all that mattered.
You stood and thrust your hand out to him, figuring that every fake-dating arrangement deserved at lead a handshake. Satoru studied it hesitantly for a couple seconds. Then he stood, clasped your fingers. He stared at your joined hands before meeting your eyes. And you ordered yourself not to notice the softness of his skin, or how tall he was, or…anything else about him. When he finally let go, you had to make a conscious effort not to inspect your hand.
Had he done something to you? It sure felt like it. Your flesh was tingling.
“When do you want to start?”
“How about next week?” It was Friday. Which meant that you had fewer days than seven to psychologically prepare for the experience of getting coffee with Satoru Gojo. You knew that you could do this—if you had worked your way up to being in a band and kicking your stage fright in the ass, you could do anything, or as good as—but it still seemed like a horrible idea.
“Sounds good.”
It was happening. Oh God. “Let’s meet in the downstairs coffee shop. It’s where most of the staff and well—anyone who comes here at all—goes to get coffee. Someone’s bound to spot us.” You headed for the door, pausing to glance back at Gojo. “I guess I’ll see you for fake-dating Thursday, then?”
He was still standing behind his desk, arms crossed in his chest. Looking at you. Looking entirely less irritated by this mess than you’d ever had expecting. Looking…nice. “See you, Y/N.”
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TAGLIST(25/50): @bbmsxlene @lunavelha @satoryaa @tranzumaki @k-kkiana @luvkvni @lysaray @kalulakunundrum @arysbruv @r4veeen @stillnotherapy @catobsessedlady @colortheoryrocks @minzxec @dazqa @packsvlog @luvvmae @simplysm1le @mintfyi @fushism @angstmuncher @fackeraccount @astro-stars @lavender-hvze @miizuzu @rayrayline @kanaojacksonofc @letsmyy
I have so much in store for this fic I’m genuinely debating making a discord server so that I can pester you guys with spoilers and talk to you guys about stuff bc there’s literally SO MUCH to tell
© valentoru all rights reserved- do not publish my work on other platforms, plagiarise or translate.
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jojo-schmo · 10 months
Jojo I've been listening to the Kingdom hearts 1 title screen music non-stop because a friend of mine told me that It was good and now I actually want to start playing the entire series like you don't understand. The song just gives off a calming atmosphere and I'm legitimately curious on where to start.
I know that you Played Kingdom hearts before because I see you mention it on your blog multiple times. And I was wondering where you first started on the Kingdom hearts series.
(I know Kirby is your main priority at the moment but I couldn't resist asking this question, also FNAF rules ngl)
OHOHOHO. OHHHHH. These are floodgates I have yet to open on this Tumblr but I am a huge, HUGE Kingdom Hearts fan. I am not currently in a Kingdom Hearts phase (since it’s been a few years since we’ve gotten anything new). But when I am, I am utterly consumed hahaha. It was the first game series I was a truly a fan of. Years and years before I learned about Kirby.
Kingdom Hearts music is INCREDIBLE and I could talk forever about it. I’ve been to three of their World Tour concerts when they came to the US. The OST albums on Spotify consumed my top statistics this year :P with every new game, I always quietly sit and listen to the new version of Dearly Beloved on the main menu for a while before I begin as a personal sentimental tradition. :’)
I started playing Kingdom Hearts almost at the very beginning. I followed the series across all the different platforms it released on over the years. Thankfully it’s easier than ever to play now! If you’re interested, I recommend getting your hands on the “All-In-One Package” for the PlayStation or PC- whatever you happen to have (however I hear the switch version is extremely flawed. I don’t have it but maybe be careful with that one).
Some people would recommend playing them in chronological story order since it can be quite a wild ride. You can look up the chronological order out there. But my personal recommendation is to play the games in the order they released so you get the same experience as the people who followed the series from the beginning like me hehehe. But do whatever you’d like! I love this series very very much, through all of its triumphs, and even for its flaws and the absolutely wild story it has,
…because where else can you have a frame with a realistic looking Orlando Bloom as Will Turner Pirates of the Caribbean, with a cartoonishly bright Goofy staring blankly in the background? Or Yao from Mulan socking Donald Duck in the face?! I love it I love it I love it anyone can talk to me about Kingdom Hearts whenever they want!!
Here’s a condensed version of how I got into the game. Just for fun. :)
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Free games?! I already loved my PS1. Now could I pass this opportunity up?! Thanks EJ, for changing my life with your generosity. If you ever see this, hope you’re well. You rock.
Anyway- The life-changing part of the game happened to me almost immediately lol. Like in the opening of the game and the tutorial section haha
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I was instantly hooked. It’s been a huge positive influence in my life. 20 years later, I still remember the emotions I had playing each of the games for the first time. I’ve probably played KH2 a few dozen times, just on the PS2! I can’t wait to see where the next game takes us- but if there’s one thing you have to be as a Kingdom Hearts fan…. Is patient! xD
TLDR: I love Kingdom Hearts and I hope you do too.
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vii-is-free · 5 months
Leona Plays Hogwarts Legacy
Okay, I’m late AF to the game (lol) once again in terms of fandom things but that’s okay.
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Meet my MC, Leona! She liked my pen name too much to come up with her own.
Don’t have that much to reveal about her backstory, except she was thought to be a squib until she woke one morning with pink hair. Not even the hairdresser at Hogsmede can reverse the color. Still working on a background story.
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“I do care about Anne, but I’m tired of explaining myself. Perhaps we should part ways.”
Home girl ain’t dumb (like me) because she’s not putting up with Ratty Healy-I-Mean-Sallow’s shit over there.
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This household is on its second play through, and this time around we are TEAM BLIND JOE ALWYN OMINIS GAUNT
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Look how cute we are napping together. So peaceful, no worries over their megalomaniac best friend, no sanctimonious soliloquies Taylor will never see about how awful her new album is because the only modes my brain has right now is “I fking love Hogwarts Legacy” and “I fking hate TTPD.”
No hate if you do enjoy it! I really wanted to like it. It’s just….
I had Imelda’s god damn face on the entire time I was listening and finally had to put the AirPods away at “He jokes that it’s heroin but this time with an E”
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Im sorry, WHAT?
Anyways, s/o to anyone still playing and eagerly waiting for the new DLC! I do want to get HL on PC so I can try out some cool modding, but we’re on the Nintendo switch screenshot budget for now.
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electromignion · 1 year
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Bridgewater fanart again! (Jeremy Bradshaw in his office)
This is my biggest biggest fanart I’ve ever done so far and let me just say that I’m super proud of it!! There are a lot of details once again 👀 (kudos if you can see the references!)
This is a fanart totally dedicated to @thelaurenshippen , thank you so much for your support on my fanarts, it truly means the world to me, and it isn’t much but it is my way to thank you, as you said that you had a new headcanon as you reblogged my Jeremy sleeping fanart “also: new headcanon I now have vipin started TAing for Jeremy when he was still in undergrad so Jeremy also has one photo of the two of them at Vipin's graduation in his office” so I had to do this: Jeremy’s office where there is a picture of the two at Vipin’s graduation!
Once again as the details are detailing and the headcanon is headcanoning, I’m putting some further explanation after the read more! (And also I’ll tell the refs if you don’t want to search for too long 😭)
It took me 19 hours (I’m slow don’t judge me too much and this is not counting the frame on Jeremy’s desk 😭) so let me just say that a LOT of thoughts went through that little (big?) piece.
First of all as you saw, there is Vipin’s graduation pic on Jeremy’s desk, so here’s a further explanation of it under the post of the art itself (in case you want to see it in a bigger way too)
Then, for the phone’s screen, I did a fake conversation between Vipin and Jeremy which I think totally happened at some point. And here is the real screenshot of it because I don’t think you can see well what is written on the fanart unfortunately. (I also put a little reference to the album “Feelings and Such” by Louden Swain in it which is what Jeremy is supposed to listen to, I gotta say the main reason is because it’s my fave album and group but I would totally see Jeremy listening to that kind of music from time to time, I see him listening to “There’s the Rub” from that album)
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Then comes his computer: it is truly the logo of the Bridgewater State University, the sticker from the real merch of the Bridgewater podcast, and the ace flag (because Jeremy Bradshaw being on the ace spec soothes my soul)! It’s my headcanon about Jeremy’s computer, it’s the third time I’ve drawn his pc, and the stickers stay the same no matter what and it’ll stay this way jsksksk
There is little basket of stim toys on his desk too and that’s totally my headcanon: I see Jeremy as a really caring professor, and to me he would have it in his office for the stressed out students coming to see him so they can feel better, or at least his students know he has some to lend! (And I’m nd, I would love to have a professor like that 😭) (thanks for a moot on Twitter for the slinky idea!!)
For the sticky notes on the desk: the one on the papers states “read before 03/24” which is the date the last episode of S2 aired, the pink one “proofread Lauren’s thesis defense date 08/06” Lauren is a direct nod to Lauren Shippen, and the date corresponds to the first airing date of the two first eps of S1 of Bridgewater.
The sticky note it “printer password BSU1976JyBw PS: Vipin I do have a limited amount of copies!” because I thought that printers in the uni might have password deferring from each profs (at least it was like this in my French highschool — as a reminder, I’m from France so it’s really me trying to find stuff on the internet), so BSU = Bridgewater State University, 1976 being Jeremy’s birth year (at least I tried to calculate it and it was 1976? Hopefully I’m right 😭✋ as the show aired in 2021 I tried to assume that 2021 was also the date in the podcast and as Jeremy is 45 during S1 welp), and JyBw is just the first and last letter of his first and last name. Comes my headcanon: at some point Jeremy couldn’t print anything because Vipin had printed too many stuff, hence the little reminder because Jeremy doesn’t want to beg to have more copies 😭
The research paper Jeremy has to read before 03/24 has been written by a certain “J.Novak”! (Totally a Supernatural reference) And when it comes to SPN refs, it’s much more subtle, but I did the same soles for Jeremy’s shoes as Castiel in the episode The End of spn (because the shoes are quite famous for being also identical to the one Dean wears so it was funny and on a funfact Jeremy’s legs and feet posture is bc I saw Misha sit like this so I thought it was fun (I also sit like that so it made me happy))
Behind Jeremy there’s an undone Rubik’s Cube, because I totally see it as Jeremy’s very own stim toy but the catch is that he doesn’t know how to solve it 😭 (thanks another moot for the idea @stillwinchester ily!!).
There’s also a mug, because our man needs to stay concentrated (tea? coffee? Your thoughts, to me Jeremy is more of a tea guy), this is a reference to the X-Files! Big Blue is txf’s Nessie, and the mug is a literal copy of the “real” merch mug you can see in “Quagmire” (3x22 of the X-Files)
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For the posters on the walls, the one behind the bookshelves was the main art of an exhibition which occurred “Supernatural America: The Paranormal in American Art” and I’m persuaded that Jeremy would have gone to see that! And he would have loved to keep something from it! (But he ended up having to put his shelf in front of it because he had to put his books somewhere and maybe it creeped out his colleagues and students, here’s a picture of the original painting)
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Agatha Wojciechowsky (American, born Germany, 1896–1986), and Spirits. Untitled, 1963. Watercolor and crayon on paper. 11 3/4 × 8 7/8 in. Courtesy the collection of Steven Day, New York, NY. Photo: Steven Day
And for the one near his desk, it is an old poster from the American Folk Art Museum, and to me Jeremy would totally be a museum guy, it’s very “academic” after all, plus he would be interested into it as it’s more around people and self taught people and so on, as he is very interested into anthropology, it goes well with the whole vibe.
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For the blackboard, the titles are basically what he is teaching in his lecture in S1 EP01 so to me it would be his way to see more what he has to work on for his students (and I think he fidgets his chalks in his lecture because in the same ep as he speaks you can truly hear a lot of chalk sounds which weren’t due to him writing so I understood it that way?), and there’s a little magnet with a “buy cat food!” because headcanon to me but Jeremy owns a cat (a black cat you can see him on his lockscreen on my drawing of Jeremy sleeping) but as he spends a lot of the time at the BSU, I think he would put reminders just in case 😭 (and there’s a little flower drawing made by Vipin! to me he would doodle little stuff from time to time with little smileys to brighten up Jeremy’s day a little)
Then in the bookshelves you can see a little purple owl! It’s to me, an amethyst carved one, as Jeremy had had his esoteric era when he was younger (it was said in S2 that he tried to be Wiccan) he must still have some stone knowledge and as amethyst is supposed to have soothing and good vibes properties, he might have taken this although he doesn’t believe in it anymore, and of course he picked it because it was an owl because it’s better now to laugh about the owl situation 😭
Lastly: all the books are real books! It took me some time but all of these exist, it’s mainly anthropology book, faculty/uni book, research stuff, and there are two books about the Bridgewater triangle! I tried to keep it around Jeremy’s field of course so it’s the occult, witchcraft, the Salem trials, UFOs, beliefs and all!
Thank you so much if you’ve read this far and I’m very grateful for all your support, it truly means the world to me and Bridgewater is very very close and dear to my heart, lots of love to you all! And thanks for bearing with me through my ideas and headcanons 💜🫶
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archivxx · 1 year
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Note: a conversation with Clyde Donovan will become 100% more awkward after the word “sex” is uttered by me.
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Three days later you found yourself stood in front of Clyde’s office.
You’d never been there before, but you had no problem finding it. The staff scurrying out of it with misty eyes and a terrified expression was a dead give away. Not to mention that Clyde’s was the only one in the hallway completely devode of pictures of kids, pets or significant others. Not even a copy of his album cover with the hit song that had won him a Grammy. You knew about all the awards he’d won from a quick google search you’d done the previous day. Just dark brown wood with a metal plaque that read; Clyde Donovan
You had felt a bit like a creep the night before, scrolling through his Wikipedia page and going through as much information you could find out about him. Unlucky for you, he was reserved and didn’t let the press know much about him. Still you’d quashed yourself the feelings, telling yourself that a thorough background check could be considered mandatory before embarking on a fake-dating relationship.
You took a deep breath before knocking and then another between Clyde’s “Come in” and the moment you finally managed to forced yourself to open the door. When you entered the offices he didn’t immediately look up and continued to type on his PC. “My office hours were over five minutes ago, so—”
“It’s me.”
His hands halted, hovering and inch or so above the keyboards then he turned his chair towards you. “Y/N.”
There was something about the way he talked. Maybe it was an accent, maybe it was just the quality of his voice. You didn’t quite know what, but it’s was there, in the way he said your name. Precise. Careful. Feel. Unlike anyone else. Familiar—impossibly so.
“What did you say to her?” You asked, trying not to care about how Clyde Donovan spoke. “The woman who ran out crying.”
It took him a moment to remember that less than sixty seconds ago there had been someone in the office—someone whom he clearly made cry. “I just gave her feedback on something she wrote.”
You nodded, silently thanking all the gods you were not a member of his staff team and never would be, and studied your surroundings.
He had a corner office, of course. Two windows that together must total who knows how many square metered of glass, and so much light, just standing in the middle of the room would cure twenty people’s seasonal depression. It made sense. With all the money he brought in, along with the prestige, that he’d be given a nice space. You on the other hand, didn’t even have your own office or filming booth, you just went where you were told and nine times out of ten the booths would smell of sweat and the offices would be with other people you didn’t know.
“I was going to email you. I talked to my publicity manager.” Clyde told you, and you looked back at him.
He was gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. You pulled it back and took a seat.
“About you.”
“Oh.” You stomach dropped. You’d much rather his publicity manager didn’t know about your existence. Then again, you’d also rather not be in this rooms with Clyde Donovan, have to go to shows, have climate change be a thing. And yet.
“Well, about us,” he amended. “And social media regulations.”
“What did they say?”
“There’s nothing against us dating and we are free to keep it a secret. Unless of course it’s gets out then we don’t have a choice.”
A mix of panic and relief flooded through you.
“However there are some issues to consider. Any of the members of staff in this building could sell us out. Equally, if we get spotted, press may sell us out, which means we simply have to be cautious.”
You nodded. “Fair enough.”
“And I absolutely cannot collaborate with you until this is over.”
You huffed put a laugh. “That won’t be an issue. I wasn’t planning on asking you to collaborate with my band anyway.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Why not? Your band does the same music as I do.”
“Yeah, alternative.”
“Then we would collaborate perfectly.”
“Yeah we may, but we don’t plan on collaborating any time soon. Plus, there are millions of people who do alternative music, and if we were going collaborate, I’d argue against it being with you. I’d like to finish the song ideally without crying in the bathroom after every meeting.”
He glared at you.
You shrugged. “No offence. I’m a simple girl, with simple needs.”
To that he lowered his gaze onto the feast but not before you could we the corners f his mouth twitch. When he looked up again, his expression was serious. “So, have you decided?”
You pressed your lips together as he watched you calmly. You took a deep breath before saying, “Yes. Yes I…I want to do it. It’s a good idea actually.”
For so many reasons. It would get Nichole and Tolkien off your back, but also…also everyone else. It was as if since the rumour had begun to spread, people had been too intimidated by you to give you the usual shit. The staff had quit trying switch the bands nice 2pm sessions with their nasty, horrible, life-sucking 8pm ones. People had stopped cutting in front of you at the coffee shop next door. And two different staff members had been trying to get ahold of you to potential work under your band too as well. It felt a little unfair to exploit this hugged misunderstanding, but this was lawless territory and your life had been nothing but miserable for the past two years. You had learnt to get away with whatever you could. And if some—okay most staff looked at you suspiciously because you were dating Clyde Donovan so be it. You friends seemed to be largely fine with this, if a little bemused.
Except for Kyle. He’d been subbing you like you had the pox for three solid days. But Kyle was Kyle—he’d come around.
“Very well then.” He we completely expressionless—almost too expressionless.
Like it was no big deal and he didn’t care either way; like if you’d said no, it wouldn’t have. Hanged a thing for him.
“Though, I’ve been thinking about this a lot.”
He waited for you to continue.
“And I think that I would be best if we lay don’t some ground rules, before starting.”
“Ground rules?”
“Yes. You know. What are we allowed and both allowed to do. What we can expect from this arrangement. I think that pretty standard protocol, before embarking on a fake-dating relationship.”
He tilted his head. “Standard protocol?”
“How many times have you done this?”
“Zero. But I’m familiar with the trope.”
“The…what?” He blinked at you, confused.
You ignored him. “Okay.” You inhaled deeply and lifted you index finger. “First of all, this should be a strictly in the work place agreement. Not that I think you’d want to meet me out of work but I’m worried about the press. And just incase you were planning to kill two birds with one stone and being home a date for Christmas—”
“I wasn’t.”
“I wasn’t planning to ask you to celebrate Christmas with me. But also my family don’t really celebrate.”
“Oh.” You pondered it for a moment. “That’s something a fake girlfriend should probably know.”
The ghost of a smile appeared on his mouth, but he said nothing.
“Okay. Second rule. Actually it could be interpreted as an extension of the first rule. But—” You bit into your lip, willing yourself to bring it up—“no sex.”
For several moments he simply didn’t move. Not even a millimetre. Then his lips parted, but no sound came out, and that’s when you realised you had just rendered Clyde Donovan speechless. Which would have been funny any other day, but the fact that he seemed dumbfounded by you not wanting to include sex in your fake-dating relationship made your stomach sink.
Had he assumed you would? Was it something you’d said? Should you explain you’d had very little sex in your life? That for years you’d wondered whether you were asexual and you had only recently realised you might be able to experience sexual attraction, but only with people you trusted deeply? That if for some inexplicable reason Clyde wanted to have sex with you, you were going to be able to go through with it?
“Listen”— you made to stand from the chair, panic rising in your throat—“I’m sorry, big if one of the reasons you offered to fake-date is that your thought we would—”
“No.” The word half exploded out of him. He looked genuinely appalled. “I’m shocked that you’d even feel the need to bring it up.”
“Oh.” Your cheeks hearing at the indignation in his voice. Right. Of course he didn’t expect that. Or even want that, with you. Look at him—why would he? “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to assume—”
“No, it makes sense to be up-front. I was just surprised.”
“I know.” You nodded. Honestly, you were a little surprised too. That you were sitting in Clyde Donovan’s office, talking about sex—not only the meiosis kind of sex, but potential sexual intercourse between the two of you. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make things weird.”
“It’s okay. This whole thing is weird.” The silence between you stretched, and you noticed that he was blushing faintly. Just a dust of red, but he looked so…you couldn’t stop staring.
“No sex,” he confirmed with a nod.
You had to clear your throat to shake yourself out of inspecting the shape and colour of his cheekbones.
“No sex.” You repeated. “Okay. Third. It’s not really a rule, but here goes: I won’t date anyone else. As in real dating. It would be messy and complicated and everyone and…” You hesitated. Should you tell him? Was it too much information? Did he need to know? Oh, well. Why not, at this point? It wasn’t like you hadn’t kissed the man, or brought up sec in his place of work. “I don’t date, anyway. Tolkien was an exception. I’ve never…I’ve never dating seriously before, and it’s probably for the best. This job is stressful enough, and I haven’t friends, and my music, and honestly there’s better things to use my time for.” The last few words came out like more defensively than you’d intended.
Clyde simply stared, saying nothing.
“But you can, of course,” you added hastily. “Thought I’d appreciate if you could avoid telling people in the—well anyone—just so I don’t look like and idiot and you don’t look like your cheating on me and rumours don’t balloon out of control. It would benefit you, too, since you’re trying to look like you’re in a committed relationship—”
“I won’t.”
“Okay. Great. Thanks. I know lying by omission can be a pain, but—”
“I mean, I won’t date someone else.”
There was a certainty, a finality in his tone that took you by surprise. You could only nod even though you wanted to protest that he couldn’t possibly know, even thought a million questions surfaced in your mind. Ninety-nine percent of them were inappropriate and not your business, so you shooed them away.
“Okay. Fourth. We obviously can’t keep on doing this forever, so we should give ourselves a deadline.”
He pressed his lips together. “When would that be?”
“Im not sure. A month or so would probably be enough to convince Nichole that I’m firmly over Tolkien. But it might not be enough on you end, so…you tell me.”
He mulled it. Then nodded once. “May twenty-ninth.”
It was a little over a month from now. But also… “that’s a weirdly specific date.” You racked your head, trying to figure out why it could be meaningful. The only thing that came to mind was that you’d be in Boston that week for a charity show.
“It’s the day after my contract is reviewed. They will be deciding whether they are going to renew it or terminate it.”
“I see. We’ll, then, let’s agree that in September twenty-ninth we part ways. I’ll tell Nichole that our breakup was amicable but that I’m a little sad about it because I still have a bit of a crush on you.” You grinned at him. “Just so she won’t suspect that I’m still hung up in Tolkien. Okay.” You took a deep breath. “Fifth and last.”
This was the tricky one. The one you were afraid he would object to. You noticed that you were wringing your hands and placed them firmly in your lap.
“For this to work we should probably…do things together. Every once in a while?”
“Things. Stuff.”
“Stuff,” he repeated dubiously.
“Yep. Stuff. What do you do for fun?” He was probably into something atrocious, like cow-tipping excursions or Japanese beetle fighting. Maybe he collected porcelain dolls. Maybe he was an avid geocacher. Maybe he frequented vaping conventions. Oh God.
“Fun?” He repeated, like he’s never heard the word before.
“Yeah. What do you do when you’re not at work.”
The length of the time that passed between your question and his answer was alarming. “Sometimes I work at home, too. And I work out. And I sleep.”
You had to actively stop yourself from face-palming. “Um, great. Anything else?”
“What do you do for fun?” He asked, somewhat defensively.
“Plenty of things. I…” Go to the movies. Thought you hadn’t been since the last time Kyle had dragged you. Play board games. But every single one of your friends was too busy lately so not that, either. You’d participated in a volleyball tournament, but it had been over a year ago.
“Um. I work out?” You would have loved to wipe that sumg expression off his face. So much. “Whatever. We should do something together on a regular basis. I don’t know, maybe get coffee? Like, once a week? Just for ten minutes at a place where people, not the press but people we know, could easily see us. I know it sounds annoying and a waste of time, but it’ll be super short, and it would makes the fake dating more credible, and—”
You thought it would take more convincing. A lot more. Then again, this was in his interest too. He needed his contractors to believe in their relationship if he was to cajole them into renewing his contract.
“Okay. Um..” you forced yourself to stop wondering why he was being so accommodating and tried to visualise your schedule. “How about Thursday?”
He angled his chair to face his computer and pulled up a calendar app. It was so fully of colourful boxes and your felt a surge of vicarious anxiety.
“It works before eleven a.m. and after seven p.m.”
He turned back to you. “Ten’s good.”
“Okay.” You waited for him to type it in, but he made no move to. “Aren’t you going to add it to your calendar?”
“I’ll remember.” He told you evenly.
“Okay, then.” You made and effort to smile, and it felt relatively sincere. Way more sincere than any smile you’d ever thought you’d been able to muster in Clyde Donovan’s presence. “Great. Fake-dating Thursday it is.”
A line appeared between his eyebrows, “why do you keep saying that?”
“Saying what?”
“‘Fake dating.’ like it’s a thing.”
“Because it is. Do you not watch rom-coms?”
He stared at you with a puzzled expression, until you cleared your throat and looked down at your knees. “Right.” God, you had nothing in common. You’d never find anything to talk about. Your ten minute coffee-breaks we’re going to be the most painful, awkward parts of your already painful, awkward weeks.
But Nichole was going to have her beautiful love story, and you wouldn’t have to wait for ages to finally do a Cancer Awareness Campaign. That was all that mattered.
You stood and thrust your hand out to him, figuring that every fake-dating arrangement deserved at lead a handshake. Clyde studied it hesitantly for a couple seconds. Then he stood, clapped your fingers. He stared at your joined hands before meeting your eyes. And you ordered yourself not to notice the head of his skin, or how tall he was, or…anything else about him. When he finally let go, you had to make a conscious effort not to inspect your hand.
Had he done something to you? It sure felt like it. Your flesh was tingling.
“When do you want to start?”
“How about next week?” It was Friday. Which meant that you had fewer days than seven to psychologically prepare for the experience of getting coffee with Clyde Donovan. You knew that you could do this—if you had worked your way up to being in a band and kicking your stage fright in the ass, you could do anything, or as good as—but it still seemed like a horrible idea.
“Sounds good.”
It was happening. Oh God. “Let’s meet in the downstairs coffee shop. It’s where most of the staff and well—anyone who comes here at all—goes to get coffee. Someone’s bound to spot us.” You headed for the door, pausing to glance back at Clyde. “I guess I’ll see you for fake-dating Thursday, then?”
He was still standing behind his desk, arms crossed in his chest. Looking at you. Looking entirely less irritated by this mess than you’d ever had expecting. Looking…nice. “See you, Y/N.”
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Taglist: @h3artilly @carinaryen @bootsieboo @southparktegreity
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moonjxsung · 6 months
hi bb!!
how are you?
tofu is doing well for now! the doctor said her eye will probs take a while to heal (like your cat’s, i’m sorry that happened to her too☹️) and it might not be as pretty as before. but whatevs about that, i just want her to be okay. thankfully we started treatment at home (ive had cats with basically every type of disease ever so i kinda know what to get them) but i still wanted to check it out professionally of course when i got back from uni). so for now, eye cream and constant checkups to se if it’s actually working because she could still become blind from that eye. but im remaining positive because its been working.
that said, we had to separate her from little devil maknae soju (we suspect she was the one that did it) because we saw soju hitting her🥲🥲🥲 i still feel super bad that it happened but im trying to power through without blaming myself😅
crying @ the party over hanji is so real though!! i’m glad you had fun!!! not you taking pics of your pcs/ holder for me🥹🥹🥹that pc holder is so cute😭😭😭 i’ve been looking for a cute double pc holder but have had no luck! i saw one once that said bias and on the other side bias wrecker!
and sherlock! i was sooo excited when i read that they had covered it! i think they all did so good. but han really popped his pussy with jjong’s notes (jongho did too!) and you can’t really expect a bad vocal performance from seungmin ever! i love ateez’s cover too but tbh i think i like skz’s better, like imagine if we get a well-produced version instead of a crowd recording😭😭😭 i just know shinee are super happy about it! (fun fact: my first ever kpop bias was minho when i was like 12 and the fact that my current bias is also a minho is crazy to me. maybe i have a minho radar).
i love you bb! have the best (rest of) the weekend! take care of yourself & stay hydrated💕
Ahhhhh I hope Tofu gets well soon!!!! That’s so rough, it’s so hard seeing your cat’s eye like that and just seeing them in constant discomfort 💔☹️ sending all my love to sweet Tofu (and some to devil maknae Soju too I suppose, just don’t do it again pls 💘)
Ahhh the party was SO much fun!! We’re all taking our first group trip to San Diego in June bc my sister lives there and my friend is graduating from her master’s program so we’re gonna head down there together and have a big celebration and get our matching tattoos !! I think we’re each getting 2 and then I plan on getting another in Chicago so it’s going to be a bunch of tattoos for me in summer I think I’ll be at 9 total by the time fall comes around 👼🫶 the double pc holder is my fav ahhh I got it at a cupsleeve event actually !! I was trying to decide between keroppi and kuromi and imagine my surprise when the guy said it was double sided 😦😦 SOOOO CUTIE
THE SHERLOCK PERFORMANCE WAS EVERYTHING TO MEEEEE OH MY GOD I’VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT IT FOR DAYSSSSSS THEY DID SHINEE SOOOO MUCH JUSTICE FRFR🫶🫶🫶🫶 also being Minho biased at age 12 IS SO REAL…… Choi Minho truly the peoples’ bias 😫🤲 I’m honestly so scared for the future of shinee with all the contract news but I’m just praying for Onew comeback and Shinee album as soon as possible 🤕 I’m Onew biased + Taemin wrecker and my sister is Minho biased + Kibum wrecker and we’re BOTH whores for jjong bc LOOK AT HIM……. Shinee my beloved ☹️🤲💎 I love being a staywol in 2024 life is so good frfr I love that Shinee just adopted skz
I love you bby I hope you had the best weekend!!!!!! 🫶💝💖💕💓💗💞💘👼 also random piccies of my men. my husbands frfr (don’t tell hanji)
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94erz · 2 years
Something that’s been interesting to watch with the general fandom is how ANGRY they are j-hope fans want CDs. As if wanting something so simple is demanding too much when HYBE just released a nearly $300 collectors edition (over $300 when you factor in EMS and S+H) that came with the same CDs for Proof as the standard edition and the compact edition. Re-releasing LY:Her as a vinyl (and JITB) despite there being massive production issues ongoing with vinyl’s, versus just simply releasing a CD.
And I have to question, if Coldplay wasn’t involved with Jin’s single, and it was treated the same way as JITB, would they have been as angry? Would Jin’s fans demanding more for him be seen as asking too much? Demanding too much of HYBE? Insulting Jin?
And what about future releases I wonder. Depending on who releases a FULL album next, and it’s once again back to digital albums, will they care about it too? Will they be angry and want more? Or will they simply not care like they’re now showing for JITB?
It’s almost like...there’s a really noticeable bias within the fandom...
Also related side tangent
Seeing some just awful takes about PCs and multiple versions like no, fans don’t NEED PCs or several versions of an album, if BigHit/HYBE went back to one album with 1 PC per album (or NO PCs honestly) life for a lot of people would be a lot better actually. The collector obsession would honestly die in its tracks if LESS PCs were even an option, but a company will always maximize profit so if they can sell 4 versions collector’s and diehard fans with buy all 4 and yes, PC collecting will be more rampant in order to complete sets. 
They could easily go back to the skool luv affair era, I prefer my Dark & Wild album the most ANYWAY, the only one similar was Butter. Though I will confess album wise YNWA are the best, they’re slim, simple, look more like books than albums, there were 2 versions of that which is still better than 4, but they could have also only released one of those too. 
I mean, I only bought one...I’m not that intense about BTS albums since they all have the same songs anyway.
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dankusner · 5 months
GIMME SHELTER Who Is Meant To Throw Louis C.K. His Comeback Party?
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a charming Shelter Island cottage, nicknamed Primrose and once lived in by Babe Ruth, l
You know what I would really like?
I would really like it if certain older male comedians could just stop freaking whining all of the time about how it’s just not fair that people’s taste in comedy is changing with the times for the very first time in all of history.
Earlier this month we had Jerry Seinfeld out here talking about how you can’t make edgy shows like “Seinfeld” and “Mary Tyler Moore” anymore because of the “extreme Left and PC crap, and people worrying so much about offending other people” in the same damn interview in which he explained that George Costanza, a character based on Larry David, with a father played by Jerry Stiller, had to be made Italian because the president of NBC and noted “Saved By the Bell” guest star Brandon Tartikoff was concerned that the show would be “too Jewish” for Middle America.
(Is this yet another way in which Fran Drescher is a radical?)
He also complained about how you couldn’t do certain episodes of “Seinfeld” now.
To be fair, that’s very true. The Chinese restaurant episode would be about three minutes long now that we all have cell phones.
Then, this week we were treated to Bill Maher and Bill Burr (whom I generally like!) sounding off about how unfair it is that Louis C.K. is still canceled and how “people” need to welcome him back.
To refresh your memory: For years, Louis C.K. was known to ask up-and-coming female comedians if he could take out his dick and masturbate in front of them. It was an open secret in the comedy scene. It was reported as a very obvious blind item by Gawker in 2012 and was brought up as a non-blind-item multiple times afterwards throughout the years (and C.K. was repeatedly asked about it as well).
It didn’t become a thing that anyone actually cared about, however, until #MeToo happened and The New York Times did an exposé in 2017.
“Don’t get me started on that,” Maher told Burr, in regards to C.K. “Isn’t it time everyone just went ‘Okay, it wasn’t a cool thing to do, but it’s been long enough and welcome back!’”
Who is it, specifically, that is supposed to do this? Everyone? Like, are we all, collectively, as a people, supposed to get together and throw Louis C.K. a ReDebutante ball to reintroduce him to society? Or is it just women in general? Female comedians? Barbie?
“They took $50 million, I think they punished him,” Burr added. To be clear, no one “took” $50 million from him in some class action suit, so I assume he’s referring to the $35 million he said he lost when his movie got pulled on account of people being grossed out by his behavior.
“Enough!” Maher added. “I mean for Christ’s sake, it’s not the end of the world. People have done so much worse things and gotten less. There’s no rhyme or reason to the #MeToo-type punishments.”
Okay, but what if it’s not a fucking “punishment”? What if some of us are simply repulsed by the idea of a man who feels so free to ask women he has no existing romantic relationship with if he can masturbate in front of them? Because I will tell you, I don’t hear those stories and just think “Burn the witch!” — I hear them and I feel tired. I feel nauseated. I feel fucking annoyed.
I don’t really feel like laughing. Especially when there are so many people out there who actually do make me laugh and whom I would prefer to give my money, attention and support to. Is that allowed?
For the record, Louis C.K. is hardly being punished. The New York Times article about him came out in November of 2017, and by August of 2018 he was back doing comedy, with the support of an absolute shit ton of his celebrity friends. He won a Grammy, in 2022, for Best Comedy Album … for his comedy album about being cancelled. He’s been on tour, he’s put out four comedy specials, one of which was a live taping of his sold out show at Madison Square Garden.
If that’s “being canceled,” sign me up, because I’d say he’s doing okay! In fact, I would say that he is doing much better than the vast majority of people out there who have never just come out and asked anyone if they could masturbate in front of them before.
But it’s not really about that, is it? No one is worried about him starving to death, no one is worried about his ability to make money, they’re not even really worried about his ability to do comedy — because let’s be real, there is a built-in audience for men with such “credentials.”
Hell, half percent of Bill Maher’s entire career at this point is literally just whining about this shit (the other half being whining about college students and trans people). If it weren’t for cancel culture, he wouldn’t have no culture at all.
To his credit, Bill Burr did point out to Maher that people don’t really, actually get canceled anymore (if they ever really did), which Maher was not at all interested in hearing — insisting, in a truly incredible display of self-awareness, that if either of them said ever anything wrong they could lose their careers “in two minutes.”
Donate Just Once!
The idea of “cancel culture” has allowed a lot of people to give themselves passes on bad behavior or to explain away why they didn’t stay a huge celebrity forever. It’s not that they really did anything wrong, it’s not that they repulsed people to the point where they just weren’t interested in watching them do stand-up or star in movies or host late night shows, it’s that people are hopping on a cool bandwagon and destroying their lives because it’s trendy. It’s like saying that people don’t like you because they’re “just jealous.”
Bill Maher has an absolutely massive platform. He is absolutely free, if he likes, to invite Louis C.K. to be on his show — which you will notice he has not done since 2011.
Who’s doing the cancel culture now?
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sweetiejunie · 3 years
Txt reaction to you getting a photocard (pc) that’s not them
Genre: fluff
A/n: havent posted in a reallyyyyy long time but i randomly thought of this and wanted to write it
That’s not me :(
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Would snatch the pc from your hands
Doesnt even give you a chance to look at it
Immediately stand up and announce hes getting you a new album to open
“I’ll be right back.”
“Yeonju-“ and his already out your door
Will probably keep doing this until you get his pc or comes back with 10 more albums for you
“Yeah no, this is unacceptable.”
“Yeonjun, its just a card.”
“Maybe it is but u should still only be collecting mine.”😤
He’s pouty about it but tries not to make a big deal of it
But you can tell he was upset
He would tell you its fine cause he loves all his members and it’s random anyway
You still feel bad and in the end u end up buying more albums
He’s lowkey happy you did but at the same time he doesnt want you wasting so much money on this
“Y/n, you didnt have to buy a new one.”
“Yes i did, im dedicated to finding your pc now.”
Super dramatic about it like “why don’t you love me anymore y/n?”😭
After he’s done with that he drags you out to get a new album
Probably makes u open it in the shop and you stay there until you get his
The shop owner may start to think its a hostage situation
“We’re staying here till you get me.”
“You’re being ridiculous, beomgyu.”
“No, I would like to call this love.”
He won’t show it but he’s kind of disappointed when you didn’t get him
You wouldn’t really be able to tell either
I feel like he’s the type that tries not to let small things like this get to him (and he’s good at acting like it doesn’t)
Keyword: tries
He’ll tell you it doesn’t matter and at the end of the day it’s just a piece of paper
But the next day he shows up with 5 more albums for you
“I thought you said you didn’t care?”
“Maybe i lied.”
Huening Kai
The only one that actually doesn’t care
He would probably sit there and fanboy with you
If you get him he’s all smug about it
But you don’t then he’ll sit there and talk about how handsome his member looks
He’ll make sure you don’t feel bad about not getting his
“Aw i didnt get you, kai.” ☹️
“It’s okay, don’t you think soobin hyung looks so handsome here though?”
Hope you enjoy this short reaction! im thinking of writing a full fanfic/ au in my free time soon. Haha~ so do look forward to it 💕
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tuesday again 4/12/22
limping, hobbling, stumbling blearily into spring. two screencaps from killing eve in the watching section, so if you want to go into that show completely blind don’t read this post.
listening Macross 82-99′s Grandlife, Highlife (w-Rollergirl) off the album A Million Miles Away. this album on loop and this song in particular got me through a particularly bleak workday on uhhhh thursday
i do love a nice chunky background bass. this is video game music adjacent, future funk maybe? very jet set radio, very space channel 5. it’s a groovy little instrumental track that’s not technically dance music but you can bop along to.
how did i find this: i think if you’re just Around on the internet you’ve probably heard [ 82.99 F.M ] , which i could have sworn was a previous tuesdaysong, maybe from that weird unarchived period in 2019 when i was still figuring out what these posts were and didn’t have a running spotify playlist. much to consider
reading fallow week, so here are three articles i’m thinking about
interview? article about? a franciscan monk who is the ethical advisor to the pope about artificial intelligence
can you bury your gay darlings?
solidarity to all striking etsy sellers
watching not to be an old lady but i am fucking Despondent about how my two bbc shows of choice (killing eve and peaky blinders) have ended.
for peaky blinders,
jnf nysvr shpxvat gurer ng nyy be jnf vg n unyyhpvangvba??? v pnaabg shpxvat ORYVRIR gung NYSVR jnf gur crefba gbzzl tbg pybfrfg gb gryyvat nobhg gur oenva ghzbe gung jnfa'g n oenva ghzbe??? NYFB URL! FUBJ! LBH ARRQRQ GB QEBC GUNG VASB GUNG ZNLOR GUR QBP JNF N SNFPVFG FYVTUGYL ORSBER *GUR YNFG SVIR ZVAHGRF BS GUR YNFG RCVFBQR*!!!! guvf qvq abg srry rnearq naq znqr zr srry natel naq orjvyqrerq zbfgyl. jung n jnl gb shpxvat fghzoyr naq gevc bire lbhe raqvat ng gur ynfg cbffvoyr frpbaq.
for killing eve, i’m just. well. that was a television show. this bit was darling tho
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playing okay so you know how some people (not me) meal prep? i have realized that knowing ahead of time what i want to eat for lunch is helpful, bc most of my job right now is deciding where different bits of information go. and the decision fatigue is at like eleven by the time lunch rolls around.
just as i have to literally write “walkies” on my to-do list, i have realized i literally need to prep funtimes to decompress from work. this week, this has looked like finally installing itch.io on the work pc and going through the six gigantic bundles i bought for various charitable reasons, filing things into various folders to play later.
“but kay, isn’t that exactly your day job?”
no. it’s different here. shut up.
anyway that’s how i rediscovered depanneur nocturne (which i also apparently bought on steam at some point?), which i pitched to @andmaybegayer​ as: a tiny cozy game about exploring a magic shop/convenience store to find a gift for your partner who is a deer.
the vibes in this one are Just Nice! a very nice little game that made me quite happy and content for the rest of the evening. the poster work on the walls was absolutely fucking baller, and your partner who is a deer and the shopkeep who is a salamander witch are delightful. not saccharine sweet like some cozy games are, where they’re quite smug about ~*being wholesome*~ and ~*self care*~. this was like a slice of life episode from an anime you half remember and will never find again.
i took screenshots but don’t want to get up and get them off my work computer so here’s one lifted from the itch.io page. not a hundred percent on the game discovery here but i know it wasn’t through work, may have just been me fucking around on steam on my own time
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making wrote a double drabble about *checks notes* the two ladies from 1952′s High Noon, bc i think they should have hit da bricks and they Literally get on the same train, this shit writes itself. i have been wailing about this for several days but Why is this is first actual fic for this movie it is SUCH low hanging fruit
also people really liked this post about how i acquired a cool new lamp
also also people yelled at me a lot for this modern noir snippet. you know how sunset boulevard was the rot hidden under the sundrenched decadence of los angeles? what if a modern noir was the rot under influencer culture
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hi honey:) thank you for your support 💗💓💖
I think I did I literally bit better with my studies today , at least I’m not that anxious but still stressed 😩
Thanks for playlist , I’ll make sure to check it out ~~💖
Bebe and ITZY song? Whatttt? Haven’t heard anything about it , is it out now?
I’m so happy for you , u are in a better place that’s so amazing , and I’m happy there’s something that exists you :) I hope you will get your albums ~<3
I’m happy for Jake ( Jake or jay recovered?) 🙈🙈🙈
Are you a foodie? What do you like to eat ?:)🥨🍇🍳
Hope you have an amazing day , sending love (hehe by this text & by thoughts ) 👀🙈🙈❤️
How’s your niece ? Are you still involved in family gathering ?☺️☺️
Tags Are you so CUTE 🐱 YOU ARE CUTTER 🥒😌😍😍😍
~ 🐁
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Hi my 🐁 anonie 🥺💞 good to hear that you’re doing better today!! 💘 yep the song is called “break my heart myself” it released today morning aish I WON at life bc it featured English yeji/ryujin vocals! They even did a studio choom dance cover of it before, maybe you haven’t seen it. I didn’t know bebe would literally COLLAB with them after the cover but there we have my queen always promoting kpop 🥹💝 yep heejayke they all recovered but their stamina is so low…:( covid actually makes our bodies tired and brain functions slow (for those who’ve had it before) and they had it twice so they were saying how they feel so tired nowadays :((( I really wish I could nurse jake and take care of him :(( </3 I really love caring for my loved ones. It makes me feel very happy. It’s always loving>>> being loved for a giver like me!! My skz album is already dispatched and I’ll get it within this week 😍 I’ll def show you MY PULLS OKAY? (I’m manifesting a lixie pc aah 😭🤲🏻) as for enha </3 I’ll order them after a few months bc the pob reseller is not found yet!! I want the weverse pobs too so after I find resellers who can sell me the goodies I’ll order albums together. Probably around November, good for me cz that will be a gift for my jakey’s bday as well!!!! Ahh me? 👀 I LOVE seafood 🦞 the most (minus sushi I don’t really like sushi) and then I’d say fast food? I’m a big dessert lover so I love pastries, cakes, donuts, and oh coffee ☕️ for sure! I don’t really eat that much at all…bc I start feeling insecure if I eat too much and feel like I’ll gain weight..it’s really stupid..but yeah :||..DONT EVEN YEA IM STILL BOOKED, gonna go visit a lake bridge tmrw and I really don’t know what to wear..plus the main thing is it’s so HOT ☀️ and I hate summer ;;-;; ! I have eaten so much lately haha and missed workout sessions so I gotta grind 🏋️‍♀️ after everything too! I HOPE YOU ATE WELL TODAY AND LOVED YOURSELF A LITTLE MORE THAN YESTERDAY. YOU DESERVE LOVE AND AFFECTION YOU ARE AMAZING MY BABY 💕💓🥰🤗
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starjxsung · 3 months
Hello my star,
How you’ve been? I’m sorry for not being there in the past few weeks of you being here. I’m very sorry to hear what you’ve gone through and though I am not good with words of support, I want you to know that you are strong, and so much more than what people may think of you. You’re a kind and loving soul, and there’s more to you than just your silly writings on tumblr.com. I hope you heal from the things you don’t talk about, and from the things that hurt you when you don’t expect them to. I care about you, and no matter how far apart we may be, I will always be your no.1 defender.
On the other hand, have you done anything fun lately? I’ve began photocard collecting as of late, and now that I’ve started I can’t seem to stop. I’ve bought so many PC’s and Albums and I even managed to score the recent Seungmin Magazine, (which was the biggest win for me). I have so many POBS and I have also managed to collect some of the new stay hideout pcs. I recently bought a PC binder so that I could house all of the PCs I’ve been getting. (I’m convinced my mailman hates me with how much mail I get recently). It’s a wonderful experience, getting the mail and reading the nice messages that the sellers give me. I’ve always wanted to collect PCs and though it may seem like a small thing, it makes me feel very happy to do something I’ve always wanted to do.
I’ve thought of you every day since the start of your break, and I still do as I write this. Is it weird to feel comforted by someone you barely know on the internet? To me, you feel like coming home after a long exhausting day and finally relaxing, a breath of fresh air. You were in my dream one day, and though I don’t know what you look like, it was the fact that dream me was able to acknowledge your presence in itself.
I hope that you’re taking care of yourself. Whenever you feel a breeze, it is the string of ‘I love you’s and ‘please take care’s that I have wished into the air and have made their way to you. I hope that wherever you feel a breeze you are wrapped in a blanket of my care and thoughts of you.
Take care of yourself, not only does the small corner of stayblr need you, but the world itself, as a world without you has no meaning.
-cutie anon. 🎀
my ANGEL !!!!!! oh how I’ve missed you. the world is visibly duller when you’re away 💔
how I love you ! I’m doing okay. I’m so much better, I spent some time away from home to heal from all the strange curveballs life’s thrown my way this year so far. I met so many wonderful people and immersed myself in the culture of this little town, and even though I’m back home, I feel like a part of my heart will remain there permanently. it’s a beautiful thing to be look around and realize that you’re not so hindered by your bad experiences anymore. I’m definitely still coming to terms with it, but I’m putting it down as best as I can.
trust me when I say the notion of your mailman despising you is not at all lost on me. I’ve been collecting so heavily these past few months and my collections’s grown like… tenfold with the emergence of several new kpop stores in my city. My Felix shrine has to be the craziest thing I’ve ever put together (and it only continues to grow) but nonetheless collecting is SO fulfilling and I love every corner of my little room. I also scored Jisung & both Felix’s magazines which was a huge win for me 👼 I’m glad we both got lucky on that front!
Is it weird to say hearing somebody dreamt of me is the single most comforting thing I’ve heard in a long, long time? Something about that warms my heart in ways I cannot begin to explain. I think I’ve been so lost this year sometimes I cease to remember I’m even perceivable to you in any form. I like to think I’m always with you in one way or another, whether physical or emotional and in any form possible. I’m always looking out for you, rooting for you, right there with you. Even if I’m gone away, I’m never far. I hope you feel it 💓
I’m so moved by your kindness and the beautiful little poems you drop in my inbox from time to time. I hope you always feel my love so robustly from all the way over here, and I hope you remember that it’s the unending love you shower me in that keeps me going. You deserve all good things and your soul gets more beautiful every time I’m acquainted with it. You’re really one of a kind 💫
I love you, take care of yourself for me and I promise I’ll stop by to visit your dreams at my earliest convenience. All my love, always 💌
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jayflrt · 3 years
here <3
NOO hi alice its been awhile since i've sent an ask IM SORRYYYY
i finally went down to the shop to collect the txt jewel case! its actually similar to hot sauce jewel case! i pulled harley quinn tyun and hyuka as well as the other version's soobin! (i have tyun hyuka for the other ver hehe) AND I WAS SO HAPPY :((
im travelling to malaysia to visit my friend's family for 2 weeks and they're bringing me to different parts of the country / islands! so i think i'll have fun~ i actually only decided to travel (i wasn't going to anym) because i had just recovered from covid and so i can save a few hundreds on the PCR pre-depature test! as i only need to take the normal ART and would save me about a hundred dollars per test (theres 3 i think!)
IDK WHETHER ITS ALLOWED ㅠㅠ i haven't signed any contract or anything but i don't blame my employer because he's trying to talk to his MD about hiring us and he apologized :") but its because i thought my slot was secured (they only informed me the night before i was supposed to start) so i cancelled my other job and now im jobless 🧎🏻‍♀️💀
so far im having an okay week! i just went out with one of my close friends ystd and we were going to put beads in our converse shoe laces so we went to shop for beads (but ran out of time before we could put it in our shoes :( so we're meeting again soon!) and we picked loser lover! we also bought a bunch of yellow themed beads to make a beomgyu theme bracelet (bcs the official metal one is expensive and we decided to just make our own versions!) and both of our biases are beomgyu HAHA
i also found out that a couple of our mutual friends (who were her friends before mine) didn't like me at our first meeting but my friend thought i was cute so she defended me from her own friends 😭 shes a real one 🦾 they thought i was annoying / hated them but she explained its just my humour is vv odd and i was just socially awkward and if they were nicer to me i'd get along well and now we're all friends (though not as close as i am w my friend!)
i'm also starting college (?? idk if it's college but im getting my diploma!) and im honestly so excited for it, i have a friend going to the same school and we've known each other since we were born since our parents are friends but we're really awkward now since we barely meet up and talk / talk in general ㅠㅠ but im making it my goal to try and befriend her because on our last overseas trip together it was REALLY awkward between us and i shared a car with her family and only talked to her mom 💀
I THINK THATS ALL FOR NOW? 😭 i still need to do a bunch of stuff today including searching for my missing 28 pcs 👹 i hope you have an amazing week ahead~ <3 do drink loads of water and take care of yourself well! -🤖
omg it’s okay 🤖 anon you don’t need to apologize !! i’ve been busy myself this week with all these exams 🤧 thankfully i’m at home tho so i’m more relaxed HAHAH
omg you got the jewel case AND pulled harley quinn taehyun and hyuka ?? :oo IM JEALOUS but your collection is thriving 🥰 i’m v excited bc me and my friend are gonna meet up next week and go to a kpop store :o i’m trying to decide which albums i want from there 🤧
omg that does sound fun !! :’)) AND OMG IM GLAD YOUVE MADE A FULL RECOVERY 😭💗 i hope you enjoy your trip to its fullest then and make a lot of memories. take pictures !!! <3 have you made plans of what exactly you’re gonna do? :o
OMG NOOOOO that’s still horrible with the misunderstandings 😭 and you had to cancel your other job PLS i’m so sorry :(( i hope the job search goes well now tho !! you will cop a great job i promise 💗
HAHAH omg you didn’t have time for the actual beading 😭 but that sounds so wholesome and like it’s a lot of fun !!! i hope you can bead the shoelaces soon >:) AND THATS SO CUTE OMG BEOMGYU THEMED 😭😭 i already know it’s going to be etsy level merch ♡
also noooo why did they judge you so quickly :((( i’m guessing maybe they just protected their feelings when they thought you didn’t like them by saying they didn’t like you either 😵‍💫 i’m glad you’re other friend cleared it up tho and hopefully you guys can all get to know each other more and get along !! 🥰💖
and congrats on starting college soon !! that’s gonna be such a good experience :o i hope you have a good time — tell me all ab it when you start >:)) AHAH I HOPE YOU CAN BEFRIEND YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND AGAIN 😭 that is awkward but it almost must make her shy to reconnect/talk in front of parents :’)
ALSO MISSING PCS HOWWW 🤧🤧 and omg i just bought svt dicon so i will show u how they are in my next ask when they arrive tomorrow >:)))) and thank you so much !! i hope you have a wonderful week too and take care 🥰🌷
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peachfaeryy · 3 years
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Hi 🌙
It's my birthday right now. I'm 26 now.
1. What is my fondest childhood memory?
My fondest childhood memories definitely consist of the lovely people who I grew up with and derived my sense of humor/silliness from: my cousins Anna & Emily, Savannah -- my childhood best friend, and Kaleb, my eternal crush. These memories consist of them in elementary school, camp, and my grandma's house in San Antonio.
2. What is my favorite comfort food?
Probably nachos/chips/chips & queso.
3. What’s my favorite way to exercise?
4. Am I a morning person or a night owl?
I lean more towards night owl but I try to avoid both.
5. If I could have any superpower, what would it be?
The currency of youth.
6. Do I prefer cooking, baking, or neither?
I love both cooking and baking :) I find both extremely rewarding and cathartic.
7. Am I an introvert or an extrovert?
Ambivert strongly introvert-leaning.
8. What superhero do I find most relatable?
None, I detest all superheroes.
9. What is my favorite season of the year — and what do I love most about it?
Winter because it provides me with the most amount of physical comfort. I love sleeping in a very cold room, opening my windows with no AC on. Sitting in my car listening to music/eating with engine off. Less humidity. Food is tastier. Style is better.
10. Do I believe in the existence of angels?
Not particularly? Well, yes but I believe they have absolutely no role or effect on our world.
11. What are my favorite TV series?
American Crime Story (OJ & Versace), Fleabag, Atlanta...90 Day Fiance, Game of Thrones
12. What was the last movie I watched (or the last movie I enjoyed)?
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (let's gooOoo)
13. Am I a tidy person or a messy one?
I used to be very messy but not I'd consider myself pretty tidy. My nature is messy though.
14. Am I afraid of the dark?
15. Am I more of a coffee person or a tea person?
Mostly coffee.
16. What talents do I possess that I’m proud of?
I don't have any natural-born talents but I suppose my ability to teach myself a new skill over time.
17. Do (or did) I like school?
I loved school and literally work at a school.
18. Did I go to the prom?
Unfortunately, yes.
19. What is my idea of a perfect date?
Definitely grabbing pizza at a nice restaurant.
20. Do I enjoy DIY or crafts?
Not at all, sounds awful, lol.
21. Do I forgive others easily?
Yes. But not so much anymore now that I'm older and more experienced. My instinct/nature is very forgiving.
22. Do I have a nickname — or did I ever have one?
23. Do I have any phobias?
I'm scared of most anything anything everything...I'd say my daily fear is mistaking my razor for my toothbrush in the shower.
24. Have I ever met one of my heroes? If yes, who was it, and how did it go?
25. Do I speak any other languages?
No, but I told myself I would learn Spanish before I die.
26. Have I ever traveled outside my native country?
Yes! I have been the Mexico and Ireland.
27. If money were no object, what would I want for my next birthday?
Maybe a trip to South Korea/Germany/Rhode Island
28. Have I ever been addicted to something?
Yes. But as far as substances? I'm addicted to Nsaid.
29. When I was a kid, what did I want to be when I grew up?
I wanted to be a wildlife photographer when I was a kid-kid.
30. Have I ever won something?
$75 with scratch offs
31. Have I ever narrowly escaped death (or serious injury)?
I'd say so, yes.
32. Do I prefer baths or showers?
33. How am I feeling right now?
34. Have I ever played any sports?
Soccer, Basketball, and cross-country
35. Do I prefer the beach or the mountains?
Beach, but I feel connected to both.
36. Do I prefer a Mac or a PC?
37. Do I prefer dogs or cats (or some other pet)?
Cats...I honestly do not like dogs at all.
38. Do I have any piercings or tattoos? Would I like to get any?
I have three tattoos: three rune, a sword, and a butterfly. All of which are on my arms.
39. Do I have kids?
Not right now.
40. Do I have siblings?
41. What do I do on a typical Friday night?
Same thing I usually do: practice dance/choreo for a couple of hours. Read, cook, watch Youtube. If I’m going out, I’ll maybe grab dinner/hang with my friends. I MAY go to ~the club~ in a blue moon.
42. If I could go anywhere in the world with unlimited funds, where would I go?
43. What do I do to relax?
Shower, listen to music. Do my makeup for fun.
44. What do I do to wake up or boost my energy levels?
Blast Stray Kids
45. Would I rather have unlimited energy or unlimited money?
Unlimited money
46. Am I a collector of anything? If yes, how big is my collection?
I collect Kpop bullshit...(albums, photo cards, posters, etc.) essentially merch from my favorite artists.
47. What sort of gift would I want from my significant other on Valentine’s Day or on my birthday?
JUST flowers. All I care about it getting flowers on both of those days.
48. Which would I rather avoid — excess heat or extreme cold?
Excess heat.
49. Would movie genre would I rather watch: action, romance, fantasy, or horror?
Of those choices: horror. I also like a solid journey story.
50. Have I ever been on a diet? If yes, how did it go?
More like a mini eating disorder, lol? I went through phases where I only consumed 1500 calories.
51. If I could live anywhere for a month with whomever I choose, where would that be?
Greece with I suppose...someone I get along with.
52. Have I ever gone camping? Or do you look at a tent and think, “I feel like that’s the wonton wrapper, and I’m the filling.”
Yes, several times. I actually thoroughly enjoy camping.
53. What’s the last song I listened to?
Ribs -- Lorde
54. What’s my current obsession, and how much have I spent on it?
Anything kpop...hours. I’m talking hours and hours.
55. What’s a favorite book of mine?
We Need to Talk About Kevin
56. What should I be doing right now?
57. What’s my best feature?
Physically? Boobs.
Personality? I would say kindness but that’s basic. Witty? Self-discipline.  
58. What’s the most expensive article of clothing (or shoes) that I own?
Damn...shoes...? $100?
59. What is one thing I could not live without?
Music. My one coping mechanism and literally the reason I’m alive and functional.
60. What’s one thing I can’t leave the house without (other than keys and my wallet)?
Phone... BC packet?
61. What’s one of my pet peeves?
Slow walkers
62. What wild animal would I love to have for a pet (as long as it didn’t eat anyone)?
Maybe like...a toucan?
63. What’s my favorite drink?
An ICE COLD fizzy SODA boiii
64. What’s my spirit animal, and do I own anything featuring that animal?
I guess I’m very cat-like. I used to have a lot of cat stuff, but not anymore...
65. What’s my favorite restaurant, and what’s my favorite splurge order?
I like basically any fast food joint. I’m also a sucker for Chili’s. I’m really basic. A splurge order for me would be ordering a margarita with my meal.
66. What’s my favorite movie — or the best one I’ve seen in the last three years?
I’ve been obsessed with We Need to Talk About Kevin, Pirates of the Caribbean...I’ve been wanting to rewatch Little Miss Sunshine
67. What’s a favorite hobby of mine?
Dancing :)
68. What’s my favorite go-to snack?
Health-wise: apples and peanut butter. But if I don’t care: chips
69. What are my must-haves for watching a movie in a theater?
True interest in the film
70. What’s my favorite kind of competition to watch (sports, cooking, etc.)?
Not really into competition shows.
71. Would I rather get an electric shock or get an intramuscular shot (tetanus, etc.)?
Electric shock?
72. What’s my dream car?
Bella’s shitty red truck let’s gooooo
73. What are the must-haves in the home of my dreams?
LOTS of open space, sunlight, heated bathroom floor
74. What’s my favorite sandwich?
Chicken salad, BLT, plain peanut butter
75. What’s my favorite kind of dinner? (comfort food, four-course, take-out Chinese…)
Comfort food
76. If I could change my eye and hair color, what color/s would I choose?
I would DEF change my eye color to a warm brown and my hair to very dark brown. I’m growing my natural hair out. I’m going dye-free right now.
77. Who is my favorite fictional character (or one of them)?
Jack Sparrow
78. What’s my longest relationship so far (other than family)?
4 years...
79. What is my star sign — or do I usually avoid that question?
I DO NOT care about this but I’m a Leo
80. What is my lucky number, or what is a favorite number of mine?
Uh? N/A
81. What city do I live in now, and what’s my favorite thing about it?
I still live in Denton and I detest it.
82. What state do I live in now, and what do I love about it?
Texas, its diversity.
83. If I had to move to a different state, where would I rather go?
New Mexico
84. Have I ever colored my hair? If yes, what’s my favorite hair color experiment so far?
Yes, most of my teen and adult life. But my “crazy” hair experiment right now is going dye-free and wearing my natural color.
85. Whom do I miss right now?
My 14-year-old self
86. Have I ever made a mistake that someone else refused to forgive me for?
87. Do I have a celebrity crush? If yes, who is it?
JOHNNY DEPP and all of Stray Kids lol. Jungkook?
88. If I could meet any celebrity for coffee/tea and a chat, who would it be?
Marina Diamandis
89. As desserts go, would I rather have ice cream or cheesecake?
Ice Cream
90. Would I rather live in a house or an apartment, and why?
A small house.
91. Would I rather live in a treehouse, a cave, or a submarine?
92. What is one big goal that I want to accomplish this year?
Move out of D*nton.
93. What do I want to do for a living?
I’m happy being a teacher, but ultimately I’d like to counsel kids.
94. When I feel sick, where do I usually feel it first or most noticeably?
My head.
95. What sort of smartphone do I use, and what made me choose it?
Uh? Android?
96. What’s one movie that I’ve watched repeatedly? What do I love about it?
I watch signs pretty frequently. Midsommar? I connect with its characters because they seem like real actual people? I’ve been wanting to rewatch the Lovely Bones.
100. If I could afford one, would I rather hire a chef, a personal assistant, or a housekeeper?
97. What is one food that I refuse to eat?
98. What exotic food would I be willing to try?
I’d be open to trying most any food.
99. What is one item on my bucket list, and what made me choose it?
I’m kind of working on it now. I want to put a few years in while I’m young and able to become a very good dancer. I know that to obtain that it IS going to take years. It’s something that’s really important to me because I’ve always wanted that for myself but never made actual steps to obtain/execute it. And ultimately, I want it because it allows me to feel like my true self.
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radramblog · 3 years
The year is going by (and my topics list is stagnating)
I’m kind of in an awkward position where I have too much to talk about and can never pick out a topic. But this came to mind, so I guess I’m metaposting again.
There are two and a half months left in the year. 79 days, apparently, which I suppose means I’ve completely and fully missed the 200 post special by this point. And I don’t think it’s going to be worth doing a 300er in like two weeks.
I’ve had a digital stickynote on my PC with a list of ideas for blog posts. A lot of them are albums that I meant to talk about, because I thought I could make them work. And I’ve done the math, and I would literally have to do every single one of them with no exceptions every Tuesday if I wanted to get to them all.
Except that’s not including the artists I wanted to do deeper dives on like I have with Linkin Park and Radiohead, and it also doesn’t include space for literally any other music that catches my eye. I think the conclusion this comes to, effectively, is that I might need to start doing tunes twice a week rather than once.
But there’s a fair few other things on the list. The issue with a lot of them is that because they’ve been on this list for so long, they’re one of two things- either they’re something I wanted to discuss because I was fixated on them back in January, or they’re things I really care about and want to devote time to properly address, to give them what they deserve, at a level that at this point I’m not sure I could entirely do them justice in my own eyes.
There’s also one or two that I’ve just kind of talked around halfway but not, like, fully done. One of the games I have listed on the list is System Shock 2, which I’ve posted about a couple times but not in a general sense- of course, at this point, that hyperfixation is gone, so I’m probably satisfied with where I am with that game. Similarly, I have personal topics like nostalgia and mental health listed, where I’ve kinda addressed them but I’m not sure I’ve given a full picture but also maybe I just shouldn’t?
Although what is this blog but a manifestation of my mental health.
I think I need to properly devote myself to going down this list. There really aren’t that many topics on there (aside from all the music), and I know there’s some things that I won’t sit right having not covered. I think I’ve inadvertently saved a lot of passion projects for the end of this, well, passion project.
A lot of this is, of course, predicated on the assumption that this blog effectively ends as 2021 does. The whole thing did start as a new year’s resolution after all. And I’m kind of still undecided on what happens once that big number ticks up again. On the one hand, I really enjoy having a place to vent my opinion, and if I stop posting so regularly I’m likely to gradually fall into not posting at all. On the other, this has eaten up a lot of my time, and it’s not like that many people would miss it. But I think I would, at least.
Cross that bridge when we come to it. We’ll see how we go- I thought near the beginning that if I ended up working full time I’d probably have to quit this blog, but also with my current volunteer position I am working like 5-7 hours a day. Of course, I’ve managed to fit writing a fair few of these posts into that.
Shit this post wasn’t supposed to be this meta actually uhh hey it’s October huh?
This year has kind of dragged more than last year did. To an international audience that statement may sound confusing, but 2020 kind of blew past for those who weren’t locked inside for half of it, and while we were locked in this particular corner of the world, we were at least free to explore it. At this point, though, it’s hard to believe the whole thing is coming to an end. I’ve followed a Twitter account named 2021 Progress Bar that posts every time we reach the next 1% of the year, and those numbers are getting to be a bit of a jolt. We’re near the end of everyone’s second semesters, we’re deep into “birthday season”, and we’re getting to the point where people start talking road trips and other getaways.
And it’s not like I haven’t been doing things in this year. I finished my fucking Masters degree only a few months ago, for fucks sake! I’ve been on at least one road trip (kinda lose track at this point), started volunteering and making connections, saw some banger live shows
I think I’ll save most of my thoughts on 2021 as a whole, though, for when the year’s actually truly ending, though. I’ve had some ideas for how the possible last week of this blog could look, and I think they could be fairly interesting.
I guess I should write that down on that list, huh.
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