#i started this in fall 2018...
moonshxdows · 18 days
Shout-out to 16 y/o me just straight up manifesting my current life. really looking out for me tbh
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
hey I discovered your art and it's amazing and it inspired this weird idea so could ya please draw a bill cipher Kyoko Kirigiri fusion please?
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Dorito Detective! Dori-tective? Dori-ctive?? Dor-ective??? Det-ito??? Kyoko Devito. Make a deal with her and she'll give you the answer sheet for the class trial ⁠— for a price ⁠ofc ;)
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whorror-ghoul · 11 months
I fell down an absolute rabbit hole last night of domestic Dew and I think I might hc him as liking to cook now
Just him and Mountain working like absolute madmen this time of year and into the fall when not touring, with Mountain being in charge of the abbey gardens and Dew being one of the ghouls who's in charge of processing, preserving, and storing everything. And new arrivals are always surprised to find out that not only does this crass little bastard of a ghoul enjoys things like this, but he's actually one of the ghouls in charge of it all.
Bc while he's super chaotic onstage, I think a lot of us forget that those two are the oldest ghouls in the line up rn- and I do view Dew as being an older ghoul. He's one of the oldest members of his pack. I even see him as something of a de facto leader when they're on tour and Aether is no longer around as much, but that's a whole other thing.
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sortanonymous · 3 months
Life as a Truex fan these past 22 race weekends
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syntheticpaperd0ll · 3 months
so much for stardust is a year old.... fuck dude has it really been that long. am i really here to see a fall out boy album have its first birthday.
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psychoticwillgraham · 4 months
tfw ur so good at drag that ur very presence shakes the head honcho of the scene to her very core bc my potential to be a real star terrifies her bc she’s not and bc im better than her. who also tries to sabotage my career opportunities and cut my career at the knees so I’ll never find success just bc she’s pissed that I’m extremely beloved here and she isn’t. imagine having THAT big of an inflated ego from years of being coddled and being around yes men who do her every bidding, that a simple, tiny dog hair covered king, strikes that much fear into her.
I’ll definitely say that my fans are PASSIONATE like seriously. like ppl came to the show JUST for me and agreed to all vote for me so that I could finally get my flowers. I rlly hope somebody got a video of when the audience vote for the win was, bc my ears were ringing after the applause.
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pepprs · 1 year
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is this anything
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wavygrayvy · 7 months
Thinking about the fact that somewhere in the multiverse there’s definitely a timeline in which I got into the cars fandom 6 years ago and named myself Monty after Lightning McQueen instead of naming myself Grayson after my childhood cat…yes really
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scrambledslut · 10 months
the second i have money in my bank account i start itching to online shop (it’s a disease)
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maddy-ferguson · 9 months
i think about pluto will always be a planet in my room at least once every three months when i rewatch gilmore girls season 7 episode 11 santa's secret stuff and they talk about how pluto isn't a planet anymore
#like ohhh that was kinda crazy it still is.#tome#i think riarkle was my first actual ship they're the first ship i ever read fanfic of before that i'd only read one direction fanfic like#when i was 12 and it was in french and not on ao3 and this fanfic era for me was short lived because the fics i was reading were too sad#like they would make me too upset?/?/))/?#i read this loooong one and all i remember is the self insert character getting cheated on and danielle losing her baby and i was so upset#i cried in my mother's arms which does not sound like me AT ALL and i couldn't even explain why because it was way too silly like oh my#god. so i was like no more fic for you and i really didn't read any until after i started watching gmw seriously in 2016#i don't read fics for that many ships and when i do i can read fics for the same ship for literal years as long as they don't get together#/aren't together by the end of the show i can literally read it forever idc and so i actually haven't read fic for that many ships#like maybe 6 or 7. which i guess is a lot but like. for one (and i'll never say which one it is (even though it's like. a normal ship and#it's from a show you know i watch/enjoy))#of these i literally read fics like every day for three years. i never get tired of like anything#i read shirbert fanfic same thing every day from summer 2018 to fall 2019 when season 3 aired and i could never read fics of them again#after they got together in the show (even though i knew they would and i had even watched the movies) like once it's done i really can't#make myself care anymore#anywzy. love pluto will always be a planet in my room riarkle you will always be famous!!!!!#and like i say: brf slt#or i guess#gilmore girling
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flingza-roller · 2 years
do u have any tips for like. staying interested in things. sounds like a peculiar enough ask but ur bio says you’ve been into splatoon for 5 yrs and i heavily dislike the cycle i have of being obsessed w smth and then forgetting abt it in a couple months time. so would u have any advice perchance?? sorry for the long ask 🫶
OH MAN okay so splatoon is actually pretty weird in this regard bc my entire life ive had the same deal with cycling thru hyperfixatioms and each one only lasting like a few months, maybe a year at most. but boy i think might as well classify splatoon as a special interest cuz its solidified in my personality GDSJD
okay so, tips! i find it easier to stay interested in something if the people im around are also into it, so ive got a lotta splatoon friends/discord servers n shit (and a partner whos also brainrotting lol). its also good to stay engaged with the community (im pretty much just on tumblr cuz twitter sucks ass), i used to go to in-person meetups n stuff too! being surrounded by passion for that particular interest helps me stay passionate too.
oh and if ur an artist, the biggest thing: having characters ur really attached to (and project onto,,,) helps a lot bc its hard to fall out of an interest when ur in too deep with drawing the blorbos all the time. also making ocs and aus helps a lot with staying involved, making new content means it wont feel stale (im constantly making new stuff in my head for sploon, its what kept me fixated thru the quiet period between 2 and 3)
i actually havent even played splatoon 3 in weeks but im still very much fixated on the franchise bc my head. is so full of squids. hopefully some of this stuff helps and i wish u the best anon!! :]
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ratcandy · 2 years
time for me to be Mildly and secretly obsessed with god of war again because ragnarok made me cry like a bitch (spoilers in tags)
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himbeaux-on-ice · 2 years
debating putting together a "games i am looking for" (ie past nhl games i am seeking a full broadcast recording of but have not yet found) list, and linking it somewhere on the blog like people do with their amazon wishlists or w/e, just on the off chance someone stumbles across it who happens to go "oh yeah i have that one on my hard drive actually, here ya go" which feels like a fantasy but i mean. weirder things have happened on the internet lol
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yunmew · 1 year
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#Almost 2 hours straight of Ikegai Shun's voice 😭😭#But oh my godddd they are incredible#When kids 'grow up' listening to only the best music and then *learn* from it 😭#2023.06.27#(Also I finally when to LIQUIDROOM! 😭🙏)#(I'll post music when I get back to the US)#(I also when through all my posts all my drafts (on all my blogs) looking for what I wrote the last time I saw them but it looks like I#never posted it and deleted the draft. I first saw Yahyel that one time I went to midnight sonic in 2018 but I first saw Ikegai Shun earlie#that day performing glitch with soil and pimp sessions - on a beach - with his most beautiful voice. It blew me awayyyyyy 😭😭😭 I still am#Shocked to this day I'm still moved by how beautiful that experience was 😭🙏 Then later that night at midnight sonic I was exhausted at#Like 2 am and was looking for a place to sit down and I walked past the entrance to the area where yahyel was performing and it shocked me#It was INSANE O_O some of the most incredible music I had ever heard live 😭😭😭#I went in but I was so tired so I sat down at the back and started falling asleep but there music was so awazing 😭😭😭 there was a lot#of space so everyone was dancing and growing crazy and having an amazing time and I so wanted to join them but my body was giving out and#I kept falling asleep 😭😭😭 I was so sad 😥#And then Komu_i just suddenly walked on stage and was like 'Hi~ we have a new song coming out together next month so well play it now 💕'#And it was sooooo incredible 😭😭😭 (you can imaging my shock because I had been trying to stay up all night in order to#see Wednesday Campanella at like 4 am so I just could not believe she suddenly walked out on stage for this random artist's show I#had (literally) stumbled into 😭😭😭#Man that whole experience was just so amazing and it wasn't until a few weeks later that I realized the 'something something Shun' guy who#Performed with soil and pimp was the same person as the guy from yahyel 😭😭😭😭)#(and that's my yahyel story 😅 but I'll never forget how blown away I was the first time I heard them. THEY ARE INCREDIBLE.)
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arcticlovlies · 2 years
I cracked the arctic monkeys code. They only tour the year the world cup is happening.
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I have like 10 5sos fics in various stages of completion in my Google docs. I'm about to finish one and post it tomorrow just to mix it up. Throw a lil curve ball. Spice of life and all that.
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