#i spelled assasinate wrong
corporatestooge · 2 years
fuckin god dammit i heard fiona back and i am not buying this stupid game but 
my girl
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jane-lynndrake-t · 18 days
I've got a fever and a migraine today.
I think it's all the stress from the past couple of days.
Owens said that we can take the topic of, well, everything one at a time.
Mr. Z said that I should start doing endurance training.
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grisen06 · 1 month
finally finished season 4 and apart from the obvious Ew im gonna make a list of All Major Things I Thought Was Wrong Because People Keep On Only Mentioning Two (that being five and the ending)
1. 'The Jeennifer incident' No because it was so important to them as a family to have this incident that showed how never properly learning to be a team and growing up in an abusive situation made them dysfunctional but now that's all overglossed with "actually our dad just wiped our minds
2. Their dad's (im not gonna try to remember how his name is spelled) last moments??? Why did it feel like the story (not the characters) tried to forgive him? "Oh hey you waited 2 more minutes to assasinate your child father of the year award you do actually care" like that whole seen felt so icky
3. The amount of shit that could've been solved with telling Ben (and the rest) "Hey btw never touch Jennifer just so yk" BEFORE everything
4. "We have to erase all marigold" Doesn't elaborate on the rest of the children that got borned outside of them
5. They come to this timeline 2019 and iirc s4e1 says 6 years has passed so that's 2025 but the ending acts as if it's 2024 and in the scene where Claire sees Ben on the news they mention him going to jail in 2019 which that + 4 years is 2023???
6. Season 1-3 all act as if there's one main timeline that keeps on being altered, not that there are multiple timelines existing at once
7. If Five started the commision how cane *No one*, not even the higher ups, reacognised him / mentioned it to him? Can't they contact which ever Five started them to stop s2 Five from ending them?
8. This could be explained by the small village being created by their father but their population is smaller than where i live yet the way the city is built w so many shops and stuff it seems like they are way bigger than where i live as if the creators didnt think at all but j slapped a number on the population sign (which as someone who has studied props and set design irritates me deeply)
9. their powers going weird. at first i liked what they did with five because his new powers seemed like a new/stronger version of his old but for the rest it just felt like they all just became powerfull for the sake of being good in a fight. esp since we saw what their powers upped to the max could be in s2 but instead of allison being able to i heard a rumor guys brains out she j has...telekenisis? kind off?
10. j what r the logistics of anything the keepers does/were capable of doing
thats all for now might add more later im just arghhh annoyed (+ obvi the horrible ending and everything abt five esp lila)
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your-absent-father · 4 months
*popcorn whipped out* tell me about the Harkensesses and the Lee. I’m listening.
(Also I might have spelled that wrong)
Okay the tldr can be found here for the plot. Harknesses on the other hand.
The big bad mafia corporation in the book is Harkness incorparated, organization that spans from import to hotels to entertaiment. One thing they don't advertise though, are assasinations. CEO of the company is Evalyn Harkness, the only legimiate heir, after his father died under mysterious circumtances. (See, secret assasinations lol) She is the head bitch in charge. She is hotheaded and assertive. Because the narration is from perspective of an outsider, the true crime podcaster, you can't see all the scheming she does but she has a plan to throw Valentine Lee, the unofficial third harkness sibling.
Valentine Lee is the CFO of Harkness incorparated. He is also the head of assasinations. He is the biggest scheamer and one who keeps a guard while talking, with Evalyn enjoying the flare of the dramatics. He has the plans. He has the ideas. He is planning to overthrow Evalyn especially now that all of incorparated is burning due to False Gods leak.
I am also happy to say that Valentine is one of the three love interest for the technical mc Beatrix Jones. Evalyn also has a sunshine girl as a love interest.
The last sibling isn't a schemer. Stevie aka Stefan is just... unofortunately born as a mafia heir while having a poets soul. He is the second lobe interest as Beatrix's best friend (the narrator Love is the third lol)
Bit of a snippet:
Context: Love sneaked into the Harkness incorparated and got caught by Valentine. Instead of killing her, they made a deal that Love would give a messenge to Beatrix in exchange for a story about a death of Nicholas Harkness. Now... she has found out they are planning to burn the whole place to the ground (troughout the story there are newsclipping made by three reporters. Those reporters are in that fire)
“You really thought you could just waltz here in normal circumstances? For someone who is researching us, you really don’t understand this company. Yesterday, we announced the whole company is closing for a bit. Tonight, someone with a vendetta against us, we still haven’t decided, is going to burn this place to the ground.” Valentine shrugged his shoulders. “We are prepping for the arson right now, so I’m suggesting you leave.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
Love could feel a chill down her spine as Valentine smiled, his dimples showing. Love was perplexed how he still looked terrifying even with dimples. “Because you won’t tell anyone.”
“How do you know that?”
Valentine chuckled. “You are very free to prove me wrong. Let’s see what happens if you do so.”
Love wanted to say something back, fight at least somewhat to Valentine’s accusations og her being spineless, but a loud smack on the door made her jump. She was going to die. She was totally going to die. Very tall gorgeous woman stomped inside with fury in her eyes, her shining straight hair bouncing with the clack of her high heels. Evalyn Harkness looked at Love, and Valentine, and back to Love. “Who is she, and why isn’t she dead?”
“You are Evalyn Harkness.” Love’s mouth was open as the woman in front of her rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
“She is harmless. You know the Love and Murder podcast? That’s Love from that. Found the id from the floor and was dumb enough to try to come in. She has been aimlessly walking around here.”
“Hey!” Love could feel the most dangerous woman in the world looking at her with furrowed eyes. She was going to notice his bluff. She needed to look more dumb she actually was. “Fine. I was dumpster diving after I tried to come in for the first time and I found it.”
Evalyn looked at Love up and down, a smile creeping slowly to her face. She bought the half lie easily, maybe because of how Love’s body was shaking. Slowly, a small giggle turned into loud laughter she hid behind her perfectly manicured and accesorised hand. “Just some dumbass fucking influencer. What is she even doing here?”
Love would have corrected her behvior, if she was like anyone else. “I’m… looking for your brother for an interview. “
The woman’s whole demenor changed. Love turned to look at Valentine who looked back at her like she had signed her death warrant. “Kill her.”
“Livvie, please. Not now. The girl is completely innocent. She is just… airheaded.”
“Excuse me-”
“No, I want her dead.” Love was like air between the two powerhouses arguing over her like she wasn’t even there, like she was a thrash no one wanted to take out.
“Please, let’s not-” Valentine rubbed his temples and sighed. “We have a plan. One extra body would jepordize it.”
“I’m your superior. Do what I say!”
“Livvie, Jesus.” Valentine rolled his eyes and looked at Love. “Do you promise not to tell anyone, even your podcast followers, you saw us here, and in exchange, you won’t become totally burned?”
Love nodded furiously towards Valentine and Evalyn. Valentine pointed towards Love, making Evalyn roll her eyes. She leaned closer to the older woman and smiled with only her lips, her eyes imagining Love bludgened to the ground. “Fine. If Valentine wants to protect another dumbass, be my fucking guest. If I do find out you, yes you, look me in the eyes, have even thought about me and my brother next to a camera, I will smash your head against the wall and feed your corpse to hyeenas in my next trip to the savannah. Got it, little girl?”
Love gulped and nodded largely. “Perfectly got it.”
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romanoffshifting · 7 months
Beginning of the Redback
Sorry its a bit late! Didn't get home as early as I thought.
Warning: red room is a warning in itself. Mentions of murder. Spelling errors. i think that's it??
Constructive criticism is greatly welcomed.
Ao3 link:
Natasha was officially a pledged Black Widow. Now she could take missions on her own and she was one of the most feared, admired and envied widows in the programme. She had just finished lunch and was currently in the middle of training with an other Widow whom natasha couldn't name. A round-house kick here, hair pull there and the second Widow was on the floor in about 10 minutes. She was good, but not as good as Natahsa. Until she lifted her face off the floor and headbutt Natasha. She jumped off the second Widow and grasped her nose which seemed broken. The Widow grasped at the newfound opportunity and lunged at Natasha whom barely dodged the punch aimed at her face. Rolling from her spot on the ground and jumping to her feet she kicked the widow before she received a blow to the abdomen. This widow was older, than Nat. Dark hair and blue eyes. Neither of them seemed tired, but both would be grateful for a rest. Three soldiers walked into the room which didn't go unnoticed by the fighting assasins but wasn't enough of a distraction to get them to stop. The two women kept going, punching, kicking, bitting and grabbing. Anything that could give them an advantage. While the red room preferred clean kills and fights, they encouraged "playing dirty" if it would get you the win. Natasha had the older Widow in a headlock and was about to throw her to the ground when she heard Madame B."Останавливаться!" (Stop") 
Both Widows thought they were in trouble and immediately ceased what they were doing, standing at attention. Natasha was able to get a good look at the three soldiers now. All were male, which confused her but didn't surprise her. Another thing she noticed was the red octopus symbol on two of the mens forearms, a red star on what appeared to be a metal sleeve on the third soldier and the ski masks which concealed their faces. The soldier with the metal sleeve was carrying a large basket as well as a two handguns on his hips while the other two were carrying larger guns.She thought she was able to recognise the metal soldier, but couldn't remember where from.
"Наталья, следуй за мной и солдатами.  София, вернитесь в свои покои. (Natalia, follow me and the soldiers. Sofiia, return to you quarters.) Madame B stated, looking at the girl's each in turn.
Sofiia and Natasha shared a glance, a look of fear in both women's eyes. Sofiia was feared for Natasha and gave her an apologetic look before leaving, Madame B and the soldiers following shortly after. Natasha, not wanting to be  into more rouble, followed behind quickly,  the soldiers falling to walk behind her so she was in-between them and Madame B.
They started heading towards the tip of the building, where she knew Director Dreykov was staying currently. He was visiting their school for a short time, but whatever it is for it has to be important.
All the way up, Natasha was thinking of what she could've done wrong. She just had her initiation half a year ago. Did she really mess up that quickly?As if Madam B was telepathic, she reassured the young woman. "Не волнуйся, девочка. Вы должны быть удостоены чести. Вы из всех наших вдов были выбраны для важной миссии. " (Don't worry, girl. You should be honored. You, out of all our widows, have been chosen for an important mission. ")  Natasha was still scared, but slightly more relaxed. She heard rustling coming from the soldier's basket but payed no mind to it.
Eventually they reached the Dreykovs office where the halted. Madame B knocked on the door thrice before stepping back and a faint "Входить." (Come in") Could be heard.They all walked inside where the soldiers all stood off with the metal soldier standing front an centre of the other two. Madame B brought Natasha up to stand beside her in front of Dreykov's desk.
"Natasha, wonderful to see you again. " He said, referring to their brief encounter when she returned from Ohio with Alexei, Melina and Yelena.  "As I'm sure Madame B told you, you have been selected to be the Head of our new Programme, mission. Whatever you wish to call it." Dreykov said while standing up."All you have to do, is raise and train the Redback. From how old it is now, up until whenever it is decided it is ready. Then it will will be sent to Hydra for to undergo a few, enhancements, before being put into cryosleep where it will stay until your retirement or death.
You are our best, Natasha. But the Redback will be better. It will be the only member, as of now, of the programme. The cycle will repeat when it's old enough to do the same with another child."
Natasha was astounded. Her, the head of a new programme? The reason for a new killer? For a better killer than she would ever be. What would they do to the child in Hydra? What sort of enhancements? Super soldier serum? Mind control? What other enhancements were Hydra able to perform?
"большое спасибо, дрейков. Это честь." (Thank you very much, Dreykov. It is an honour") Natasha replied, proffering to answer in her mother tongue.
"It is. One I know you will be great at. "Natasha's head snapped to her right when she heard more rustling coming from the basket the metal soldier was carrying."Ah yes, Natasah i hope you remember the Winter Soldier. He trained you for a while I believe. " dreykov said in reply to Natasha's distrust. 
The winter soldier. She knew she had recognised him. He trained her and a small group of her fellow widows for a while. Dreykov muttered something in russian and the three soldiers walked forward to him, the winter soldier handing off the basket to Madam B who received it with a smile (which was unusual).
"This, is to be the Redback." Dreykov said, gesturing towards the basket. "Go on," he stated to Madame b, motioning to the basket then natahsa with a wave of his hand. Madame B handed the large basket to natasha, the latter taking it cautiously. Dreykov looked at her expectantly, before she realised he was waiting for her to open it. She placed it down on the second chair in front of dreykovs desk before carefully opening the top.
Inside was a young child who couldn't be more than a year old, wearing a blue onesie, occasionally dotted with little moons and cats. She looked up at natasha with her big, mismatched eyes. A bright green one a and a warm brown eye. She looked at natasha and giggled. When natasha looked up, Madame B seemed to be holding back a smile while looking at the babe.
Natasha was really expected to train, fight, go on mission and raise a whole child all on her own. When she looked at dreykov and the winter soldier, dreykov seemed overly pleased with himself, while holding a look of disgust anytime he peered down at the child. The winter soldier, who had since got rid of his goggles held a soft look for the child and Natasha, but not letting anyone else see so. 
Natasha was speechless, she had no idea what to do now. She reached for the child and gently took it out of the carrier? Baby basket? She had no idea, but the babe seem pleased and held onto her when she rested the child on her hip. There was no love in natashas eyes when she looked at the baby, only pity and suspicion. She did however, catch a glimpses of blood in the child's hair and on the onesie.
"Почему там кровь?" (Why is there blood there? ") Natasha questioned, thinking the child might have been hurt. Dreykov stared blanket at the soldiers, before looking up again at Natasha.
"The mother made a fuss about it. Tried to hide away with it." He said. With a light laugh at the end. Natasha felt disgusted, but did not let her façade crack while Madame B stared longingly at the child, pitying it.
"It has no name, do with it what you will. But whatever you do, do not become too attached to it. Do not hold it at the top of your priorities to protect. That child shall only be at the top, because it is your mission. Only because it matters to the red room. "
By the time Dreylov had finished, natasha was still looking at him, nodding at his warning while the child was playing with her hair (Natasha pretended not to notice.)"Now that that is settled, it needs a name for our records. We will place its last name as Romanov for now and if you wish or it does when it is old enough to think properly, it can be changed but it does need a first name, and if you so wish, a middle name." Dreykov said while taking his seat again. "Any ideas."Natasha glanced at Madame B, looking for help but the woman only nodded at her as if giving her permission.
Natasha thought for a few seconds before replying to him.
"Даниил." (Daniel")
"Very well, you are all dismissed unless anyone has any final words."
When nobody answered they all left, Natasha taking slightly longer while putting the child, Daniel, in the carrier. She left after taking a final look at Dreykov, who gave a slight nod if his head.
She closed the door behind her, sensing someone else's presence.
"What are you doing, soldier?" She turned to look at the Winter Soldier.
"У вас есть новая миссия. Защити эту девочку, присмотри за ней. " (You have a new mission. Protect this girl, look after her. ") He said to her quietly, not answering her question.
Natasha was a bit confused, to say the least."Однажды ты сбежишь. С моей помощью или без, вы оба сбежите." (One day you will escape. With or without my help, you both will escape.") He continued.
Natasha opened her mouth to say something before closing it.
"Ты защитишь ее?" (Will you protect her?") He looked at her awaiting her answer.
"Да." She said finally.
"Good." He said, before walking away, leaving Natasha looking after him.
She sighed, looked down at the carrier and whispered to the now sleeping child. “давай детка. Пошли домой” (Come on, baby. Let's go home.”) walking away.
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winters-mistress · 5 months
a study of trust and heartache
"What's wrong?" Geralt asks Ciri as Yennefer disappears into the bushes and shrubbery to go find berries to eat. Geralt watches how Ciri stares after Yennefer, unblinking and tense, and he frowns when she finally looks to him. "You reek or irritation, it's a wonder Yen can't tell. So, what's on your mind?"
"Already calling her Yen, then?" Ciri seems to answer a different question than the one he asked. And Geralt frowns once again. "What's it been since we left? Three, maybe four weeks? And you're already referring to her by nickname." She chuckled bitterly to herself, wrapping her arms around her waist.
"What are you talking about, Cirilla?" The witcher asks.
"Do you really have to ask? Geralt, when we left Kaer Morhen, you told me you would not trust her. That you'd keep the walls high and protect me from my would-be assasin. But all she has to do is wear a low cut dress, swing her hips and flutter her lashes and you're drooling like a mutt scenting heat." Ciri's voice is bitter and unhappy as she stands up and walks a few steps away from him. "Do you have any idea how it feels, watching you fall under her spell again? Knowing that the moment she gets you under the thumb, she's going to turn on me and you'll be none the wiser? You can't tell me that she's remorseful, she's changed, because she'll always be the same to me. That manipulating, conniving bitch who lied to me and played me and used you as the tool."
"It's not like that, Cirilla." Geralt says, getting up ti face her, spinning her around. "I have to let her close so she can teach you magic, help you figure out how to balance chaos. I haven't forgotten what she did, pup. Nor will I, but I can't hold a grudge if it would be at your detriment." His voice is low, he's fully aware of Yennefer close by, listening in, but he feels this should be between them.
"Detriment? You think trusting her will be to by detriment? She tried to kill me! I didn't even do anything to her, she saw me as a means to an and, knew what I was to you, knew the bond we share, and still went through with it! And she would have succeeded if I hadn't figured out what was going on and stopped it, stopped her. She didn't have a miraculous change of heart, I stopped her. She was still going to go through with it, and you think it's its a good idea to have her with us. She's in with the brotherhood, you know that and I know that. How do you know she's not feeding them information about me and us to them right now? What if they're somehow watching us now, waiting for the moment you fall into her arms and then I get taken away and probably killed or raped or used? You used to think about these things, but the moment she flutters her lashes, you're as pliant as anything!"
"Are you done?" Geralt asks, after he's sure she's finished talking. "Ciri, you're being far too presumptuous in all this. Yes, I admit that she did betray us. She tried to kill you, she used me to get to you and she manipulated you. I know that, and I will never forgive her for it. Just as I will never forgive myself for letting it happen, not seeing what she was doing. Now, however, things are different. I'm not defending her actions, but Yennefer is awake at night, racked with guilt about what happened. She tried to kill herself to make up for what she did, and she beats herself up every day for it. I'm not asking for you to forgive her or trust her, and in many ways, I haven't forgiven or trust. But, I need to let her get to a certain distance to benefit you. She can't teach you if she can't get close, and we both know that you need to be taught more than anything, in ways I cannot teach you. I'm always going to have one eye on her, but I can't let her go with her tethers. I won't let anything happen to you, Cirilla. I promised you that when we first overcame Nivillen and Vereena, and I'll promise it now. You're safe with me, with or without Yennefer."
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turkeyjournal · 10 months
Book review: Killers of a certain age by Deanna Raybourn
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Just want to preface there WILL be spoilers so, dont read if you dont want spoilers.
Brief Descripition: 4 old ladies: Billie, Mary Alice, Helen and Natalie have worked for a secret assasination organzation called 'The museum' and forty years have been assasians. When they each are at the time of their life where they are retiring and decide to go on a cruise ship when all of a sudden the get attacked by The museum...
My Personal Thoughts: To be completly honest, i really enjoyed this book. I had alot of fun reading it and it was super fun. I wondered how they could write an action kind of novel in a book. Like how do you even write action scenes but Raybourn proved me wrong. This book is more a thriller/mystery/action type o book and i seriously suggest people read it. I was gonna give it a 8 but everytime they would mention art and descriptions of the art in the book, especially when at the end when they killed the baroness and at the end when they were trying to kill Vance i just got so bored and confused so it kind of ruined the vibe.
I actually thought i found a spelling error but then i found out that the word 'diffident' is a real word. I thought she was saying different but nevermind she wasnt. So there was no spelling errors which is great. I hate when a book has spelling errors it just looks dumb.
The start of the book, so like the first 50 pages were so bored. I think it had a good plot but i was reading it and just felt bored. But ater the first 50 pages, it was like i was stuck. The story was so intresting and thrilling, i loved how the book described every move. Sometimes the fight scenes in this made no sense, like at the end or example. When Billie was fighting Vance, half way i thought "what the hell is going on" and like "how is that move even humanely possible."
Billie was my favorite charcter. She had this kind of cool macho Sylvester Stallone in tusla king feel. It was cool to see a badass and older women who isnt some weird quiet "ive seen so many things and im so dainty and delicate and misunderstood" type of main charcter. Even her realtionship with Tarverner wasnt all angry and stupid, it was really mature and lovely.
During the time when they had killed Sweeney and Helen paused when shooting i thought that maybe Helen had something she was hiding and couldve done some whole betrayel act and played more into that because alot of back stabbing was happening throughout the story, but thats just my opinons honestly.
Overall, would i read it again? Maybe i could. When i rate things 7-8 usually means i really liked the book but it couldve been better and i MIGHT re read it but not 100% likely to. I think the size of the story was really good and i enjoyed it alot and it wasnt a hard read. It did however take me 2 weeks to actually start reading the book but that was only because i had alot to do with school and midterms. But now that i finally got to read it i thourghouly enjoyed it and i will be suggesting people to read this book aswell. I added an actualy picture of the book because last review looked a little dull so i put thisi to make it look prettier.
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scenefox2003 · 4 years
Helluva boss episode two was awesome, and absolutely stuffed with lore and backstory. Something I haven’t really heard anyone talking about yet is the recurrence of the name Mammon.
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It comes up so often that it seems important, so I googled it and it turns out it’s a word referring to wealth and greed, and also the name of demons of wealth, greed, and covetousness. This seems fitting considering that Mammon is the owner of a blatant rip off theme park full of criminally high prices and scams. A lot can be taken from this, maybe Mammon is the overlord of greed. What makes things even more interesting is his connections with Blitzo.
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A lot of this can be passed off as jokes/coincidences but I found it interesting.
We all know that Blitzo used to work at Loo Loo Land as a clown, until he was replaced by Robofizz. So he obviously has some ties to Mammon, even if it’s not all that significant. But him and Mammon have a lot of random things in common. The more obvious one is that Blitzo is very greedy and was specifically described as a “greedy clown” by little Eddie in the first episode. Blitzo’s desire for money is particularly played up in this episode, he immediately agrees to accompany stolas once money is brought up, and he taunts Robofizz by saying that he makes more money as an assasin than Robofizz does. They also both seem to be very clingy and insert themselves into friendships where they aren’t wanted, since Mammon writes twice that Lucifer is his friend when that clearly isn’t true.
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The final and most random thing that Blitzo has in common with Mammon is spelling.
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We all know Blitzo is terrible at spelling, and apparently Mammon isn’t too great at it either since he literally complains about diabetes being hard to spell on the back of a cereal box. Mammon also uses shitty texting language like Blitzo does on Instagram.
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The phrasing on this document sounds exactly like something Blitzo would say, and the little doodle is very reminiscent of Blitzo’s “art style”
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It seems like we’re going to see Mammon in the future, and this is where things get very far fetched so take it with a grain of salt. My conspiracy theory is that Mammon is Blitzo’s dad. Blitzo’s whole family seems to be involved in the circus, his sisters are seen on posters in the IMP office. Blitzo also says his dad crushed his dreams, and there’s a silhouette of someone with a similar head shape to his on his dartboard. The only imps we’ve seen with this head shape are Blitzo and his sisters.
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There’s a picture of robofizz with an arrow through it stuck on the wall in episode one, so this is probably how Blitzo lets out his anger towards those who have wronged him.
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So if we’re assuming Mammon is Blitzo’s dad these similarities would make a lot more sense, and his deep hatred for robofizz would be not only because he took his job, but because his father replaced him with a robot in their family trade because he wasn’t entertaining enough and no one liked him. Robofizz particularly chooses to taunt him by saying no one loves him and by using his old name without the silent o, which he could’ve changed out of wanting to distance himself from his family. Robofizz knows exactly how to get under Blitzo’s skin because he knows his insecurities. It’s honestly really sad if you think about it, Blitzo is so clingy and desperate for attention because all he wants is a family that loves him. But I’m just a fucking idiot who spent an hour writing this when I have actual work to do so take it with a grain of salt.
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lilisouless · 3 years
I´m gonna do a little reading experiment
Ok , so many of you are familiar with SJM , people here love her or hate her, i kind of want my opinion here and i can't give critics without taking a peck, so i´ll read the first chapters or both ACOTAR AND TOG , i´ve seen the plot and doesn't call to me.Also...SJM kind of writes like those "men writing women" memes except well, she is a woman.
My interest is maybe find if there are characters (the thing i mostly look for in a work) that can get my attention and make me keep reading, maybe one of this books turn into a guilty pleasure.
If i don't like then i´ll take this as an experience i´m sharing on here. My critism to SJM could only be limited since this is the first book on each series and maybe she got better there.
I won't be having all the books, i don't have the time or energy, the challenge here is seeing if i can get trought the first one and maybe like one of them.Who knows.
Let´s hit it: Throne of Glass
-She is weird, she is supposed to be a prisioner and keeps thinking if the people around her is pretty or not
-Prince here are tought to be...repugnant? what kind of weird ass worldbuilding is this? If this is setting up something interesting, i could be on board but right now is a really awkward way to setting Celaena (i won't always spell her name right) as having prejudice against royalty but this are the first pages,doesn't have a great impact
-Celaena´s narcisim and self image obsetion has to be her fatal flaw or i won't take it
-Like, i´ll take a protagonist with Celeana´s personality if it was well fleshed out, which i don't know if is the case here.But my great problem is: it doesn't quite fit an assasin. She is unsubtle, likes to be noticed,which could work from SOME assasin characters (Ex: that villain from The Nevers) but Celeana doesn't seem crazy ,why is she exactly an assasin?
-"No soy tonta, aunque cometí la estupidez de dejar que me capturasen" mija...te tengo malas noticias.
-Celinita celestina, creo que te has de haber graduado por palanca de la academia de acesinos.
-Enought with her, concensus?:
I don't "like" her but...strangely i may keep on with her as a guilty pleasure. Like those people who hate watch riverdale ( I don't i can't stomach it) Celeana doesn't strike me as a well writen character at first sight .BUT , i can take it as Dunyasha in another life, if i don't take her seriously i can have some fun reading her. My main problem is pretty much how much she doesn't make sense but,maybe i can live with that.
Celaena passes the test, unintentionaly and for the wrong reasons but she passes
-OHOHOHOH.I wrote too soon, she is a female mysoginist, of course she is. Yeah, i will never like her as a person,let´s cross fingers that i´ll take her as a character.
-Alright, i did laught at him complaining about Celaena´s smell, is just funny how shameless he is.He is a stiff rich and privileged kid...i may like him
-Dorian...you sure you want to offer fredom to this girl? she is kind of nuts
-"esa" 🤣🤣🤣
-Unfortunetaly, his POV is not really the big deal, is just a paragraph on how beautiful Sar...ahem,Celeana is and that´s it, what a wasted change to expand him.
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-I don't really have a lot to say about him, but i think he is fine
-He is a little generic til now and too serious but i actually like his banther with Cealeana and is a legit good contrast ,like those two and Dorian have a potential for a power trio
-No voy a mentir , el "¿estas casado? / yo tampoco😏" me mató
You know what? if nothing specially bad happens that makes me quit the book , i´ll may actually read it all for the fun,although i don't promise anything. Just the first one,the key is not taking it seriously.
-Ok, she likes painting, a hobbie is always something that makes a protagonsit a little more relatable
-Si,si mija ya entendí que eres tan pobre que no puedes ni prestar atencion
-But...her whole dylema with the arrow is conffusing, i am having trouble to get her personality , doesn't feel nuanced , it feels more,cultered
-WithCindy and El geek are right, how is she soo poor but as soon as she can afford fcking food she buys a strange and expensive arrow,doesn't make sense
-If this is setting Feyreh as materialistic i´m on it, BUT make it with self awareness ,since right now it just seems convenient
-Alright, Feyre being a painter right now seem like an excuse for purple prose
-I really can't point her personality ,she is just ...blah,generic and i´m surprised since i´d asume SJM´s lead female would improve ,Celeana is not great at all but at least she is defined ,Feyre is just like any female lead in all fantasy lit
-Nope, sorry Feyre but ...nope, i don't hate you but i´m nowhere charmed by you and you don't make me want to continue this.Failed test.let´s see if you supporting cast saves your series
Elain & Nesta
-So one is mean and the other is dump
You know what? i´ll just skip to the most talked characters here
-Not sure yet,he seems boring but maybe he is just quiet
-I kind of fell asleep thinking about this guy
-I like Lucien actually , the argument between Feyre and Tamlin is kind of generic banther but his interventions are kind of good
-Call her out Lucien
-Is official, i may not continue the reading but Lucien is my boy
-I´d root for him to be the main love interest (i know he is not, i know not even Tamlin is) but he deserves better than Feyre honestly
-Since this guy went, acording to tumblr,some character growth later on, this is probably like the case of Zoya in S&B or Jamie in ASOIAF , anything i could say about him here may not apply to his character in later books.
-Alright, i am not charmed by him, he seems to have an interesting backstory, has more personality than Feyre and Tamlin
-But, his character type is a personal pet peeve, characters that are overall: hot. His whole personality and actions revolves on them being the author´s fantasy hot guy and...that never does it for me. This is a personal thing since most people would call it the female gaze but ,like i said: for me it´s a no.
-Me when Lucien interacts with Rhysand:
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So...no, i won't continue ACOTAR , but Lucien it was nice to meet you.In my mind,you had a happy ending and that´s it.
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casualeviliris · 3 years
Godly remains.
'Splinters' 'Excesses' 'Frivolities' 'Excentricities' 'children of miracles' and 'shed' These are all names for the cast offs of gods and other deities. It is a rare similarity between divine immortals and Common mortals, the same way a mortal can cut their hair, shed their skin, or trim their fingernails which will rot into the ground, Or the same of Powerful spellcasters or Monstrous creatures can become the basis of Potion and spell reagents. Amongst gods it is different, due to the divine nature of their bodies the lost part isn't purely physical, tinged with emotion and thought too. It does not need to be all three with great strength, but loss, emotion and thought are the requirements. The fingernail of a tyrannical deity, chipped with a careless gesture of annoyed dissmissal, A drop of blood shed through careless obsession and outrage, The tears shed after a great betrayal, or sweat cast off in the eager construction of a great divine work. These lost parts have a physical form, bound together the three pieces can either remain inert or in the right or wrong place or hands, blossom. These 'artifacts' as i will call them can contain a great deal of raw power. which is where the many names come from. The Lost parts of a dead deity become a splinter, lacking in strong emotion, but rooted in the physical and usually created with a specific thought dessicating after their creation or remaining unrotted eternally. the remains of Vecna spring to mind, imbued with the powers of its origin, usable in many cases as a Spellcasting focus more arcane than divine, an example would be The femur of Lexis, The long bone forming a godly bow and imbuing the wielder with intuitions of a ranger.
Similar parts of a living deity given in thoughtless sacrifice will become children of miracles, Blood fed to a devout follower- drops spilled in the flow, or an injury taken in defense of a chosen champion will crystalize , and can be used as holy objects. The shield of DYN, Forged in a gout of fire when he interceded in the attempted assasination of Myst a holy symbol, and stalwardt shield that bears the scars his body should for his protection. Excentricities have little physical form, They are purely thought and emotion, deific philosophy and pondering, They Are in the smallest motes- the moisture on breath of the gods, the atomic decay of their firing neurons, They manifest themselves as inspiration, ideas, the charisma of great leaders, the muse of great poets and sculptors and painters, the twisted mania of the greatest inventors. The rally of George, Sparking the council of Drake to action against the Xenophobic 'Kingdom' is the product of one such excentricity. Shed is the raw matter, with the smallest throught and emotion perhaps subconcious emulation of past or respected humanity. It is the passive loss; shed hair, flaking skin, dandruff, clinging to intention but not forming anything of value beyond its raw material power. its quantity is its special quality, its divine matter often forms the kernel for new fiends and celestials, the simplest of which grow forth from it like a free floating pearl. any angel who is 'descended' from a god, likely came from shed. The final category Has two names. Frivolity and Excess. Frivolity is The true raw combination of the three Where the Corpse of a god may be Butchered to create splinters, Or blood can be spilled in giving to create Children of miracles, The killing of the god to make the corpse, and the blood that finds its target Thoughtful and intentioned Matter, Shed willingly or not IS Frivolity. it is Raw and pure like molten sugar or Metal, roiling, hot and full of potential. This is the material that brings about new gods, Creating concepts as it flies, Spawning countries, mountains and seas, If capturered or somehow interupted, OR alternatively if directly handled by its source, The three 'pillars' of matter, thought and emotion can be 'extruded' most commonly 'true' frivolity comes from extruding the matter, turning it into a tangible force, The flaming sword of DYN, The hammer of Thor, OR the Totems of Mystral mystra and myst. Excesses are what happens when Frivolity finds itself in a non-material plane, The nature of the plane it finds itself instead extruding thought or emotion instead, They manifest themselves as, beings that are, too focussed, Imagine A zeus, knowing what you already do of him as a being of pure lust. A single snapshot of a nigh omnipotent being Made into a whole 'creature' equal in power, but far surpassing their origin in unpredictability. Attempts to name this phenomenon fail, attempts to categorize them simply resulting in the universe refusing, and defying such attempts usually to disasterous effects. They can be named as a whole 'Frivolities' but attempts to name the root emotions, the type of god they come from, or any other such, will end in catastrophe, so they are given individual names. I warn some of the descriptions further from here may be, disturbing. and i encourage you to put them from your mind, and not to wander idly in worlds of thought, magic or the soul lest you encounter one unprepared. The source of vilomah is from the moment of the deaths of mystral and mystra, the first tears of Myst, spawned this creature, herself but dead, it cannot hold up its eternally screaming head, mouth stretched too wide, Its limbs distorted like a spider, leaving its little body like a 'fat' spider on legs far too long. Its tongue an exsanguinating arachnid like sucker, Denied existance By its feeling of death before birth could occur, IT demands its mother's milk from the world, wailing that it does not get it. Misery. An enormous sobbing figure, Inky black like the void, and nude, Mourning a betrayal, of lost love, of a
knife from where one thought only love and protection would come. The effect grows with time, empathic misery and soporific drunkeness teach Dwarves the meaning of the concept 'blind drunk and simultaneously hung over' It drowns its sorrows and drowns those around it. It is indifferent to harm, feeling it deserves it, but without warning It will attack, gangly limbs, neither fat, nor muscular nor skinny, Lashing out blindly, without reason, A figurative sharp tongue bellowing curses and stabbing words once held close but now, used with malice and angush. with more than sufficient power to bring a quick death. -----
Solitude. You are not alone, You see it in the distance, and it is tall and gaunt, you cannot see its eyes in their deep sunken brows but it looks straight at you. But you are alone. No friends, no family, their faces and names are gone. You are not even sure what a friend is, You simply feel the absense of an absense, B=B and B=0 That is the closest to the concept of a friend. There are no doors, no windows, no hills, no trees, there is only one thing you can comprehend You have no weapon but neither does this thinly cloth clad thing. Perhaps the only escape you can fathon, possibly fathom, Is the companionship of combat. To go through this Solitude. --- The delight. A creature of joy, the tears shed on a divine wedding day. The kiss of her bride's divine lips upon hers. Goldenskinned, golden eyed, goldenhaired. Halos orbit her head, and her wings stretch on into infinty, she holds no malice, only joy. and so do you. She is bright, all encombasingly bright, not like the hum of an interrogation lamp, or the flicker of a too hot fire, Nor the burn of an unrelenting summer desert sun. But the comforting brightness of a porchlight at the end of a hard, dark walk. A candle to scare away the dark and whatever lurks in it. The Joy is infectious, An army celebrates with the delight. Revels in the happiness. but The joy is dependant on them, the delight Would not let them go, and they are dependant on the joy, and they would not let the delight go. THey keep eachother in inescapable joy. Deep down for all it is agony. The Greatest danger of these items however is their replecation. In words such as 'otherworld' Where the collective unconcious brings fiction into extant reality, The retrieval of one of these objects, before bringing it into a collective unconcious can wreak havoc upon the attached true world or reality As a manifestation of a plane of thought instead of a material plane.
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doramasquishy · 4 years
The Sleepless Princess                         (2020)
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This is a sleeping beauty like tale of a princess named Chuyue who fell under a spell but with a twist. This adorable princess was rescued by the dashing General Xue Yao.
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                                   The beautiful princess Chuyue
Princess Chuyue acquired a very special ability to predict the future with the help of a birthstone that she accidentally got inside of her when she was still a child.Because of this precious birthstone she has been the main target of the assasins.
However,this supernatural ability also has it's own perks. This beautiful princess will transform into an animal creature based on the 12 earthly branches.She should avoid sleeping during the forbidden time or else her dreams will turn into reality.
She hid in Gouxi Pavillion during her strange transformation and her personal maid named Tao Yao and her little brother named Xu Xingchen commonly called as Prince Shun would look after her.
Chuyue's father was the original owner of the birthstone and worked for the Emperor. After his death, the emperor raised Chuyue as her own daughter and became a princess and like her father he wanted her to predict the future for him.
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                                          General Xue Yao is in love...
The country of Nansang is protected under the military rule of General Xue Yao His brother former General Xue Mu was believed to be killed during the war. General Xue however refuted this and thinks someone plotted his brother's death and the Emperor might be involved in some sort of conspiracy.
On the other hand,the Emperor who raised Chuyue ordered General Xue Yao to marry the princess after Marquis Beize refused to marry her daughter.
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The General himself is reluctant to marry the princess thinking he might be a spy sent by the Emperor but he couldn't defy his orders.
The sleeping princess married the General but Prince Shun wanted to take her back worried of her sister’s unconscious state.
Prince Shun silently admired the princess but he realized that it was wrong to love her even if they weren't biologically related and soon found out that the Princess has fallen in love with someone else.
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                         Chuyue confessed everything to  Xue Yao
The princess and the General both started at the wrong foot but having spent a lot of time of together they learn more about each other.
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                               General  Xue saved her countless times
They slowly began to trust each other and eventually fell in love. Chuyue would sleep soundly at night with the general beside him. The princess even won the heart of Xue Yao’s aunt and was even reluctant to see her leave the mansion.
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         General Xue bravely saved his wife from all of the flying bullets.
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However, there have been countless attempts to assassinate the princess but with General Xue Yao by his side no one can harm the princess. Their main goal was to stole the birthstone that the princess had.
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But with so many lies and deceit they decided to let go of each other.
Xue Yao learned that her brother once cared for the princess and even wrote her stories. Her brother died protecting Chuyue because of a fire that erupted in the temple. The princess was even unaware of it.
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Unaware that the princess have fallen in love with the general,the emperor ordered them to divorce since he had other plans for her.
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                                                Infanta of Xizhao
Naxi's appearance was very timely.She is the only Infanta of Xizhao who happens to met General Xue Yao during the war.
Naxi befriended Chuyue but betrayed her in the end. She earned her trust and even wanted the General to feel sorry for her after saving him in the past.
The truth is,She and her brother were slaves and the King of Xizhao never acknowledged them as his children.In order to avenge this cruelty, they planned to overthrow the king and owned the city. Later,Xue Yao found out the truth and how Naxi intentionally wanted the wolf to bit her and had that scar on her arm.
When Naxi came to Nansang she saved Chuyue and got wounded and the princess later found out the other scars Naxi had and feel indebted towards her especially for saving the General.She planned to silently help Naxi heal her scars fast by letting her sleep for a long time.
Meanwhile a man named Dongshi earned the trust of the king and owns a traditonal medicine shop. One time, Chuyue seeks for his help to recommend her some medicine that would allow a person to sleep for a long time. As part of his evil plan, Chuyue handed Infanta a wrong pill and Dongsi held the princess accountable.
Chuyue was imprisoned for what happened.Infanta almost lost her life.But with Dongshi's little trick she finally woke up. To keep the peace between Nansang and Xizhao and to maintain the business deal,Infanta asked the Emperor to grant her request and that is to marry General Xue Yao.
They both had a grand wedding and sadly Princess Chuyue witnessed all of this.She planned to give up on Xue Yao who once promised her that he will never marry Infanta.
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                                         They are finally together!!!
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With a turn of events the General finally convinced Naxi to divorced him and even marry Chuyue in the end.
A traitor came to work in  the palace and it happens to be Dongshi the man who fell in love with Princess Fei who is now a cold corpse.He wants to stole the birthstone to revive her life.
The moment of truth arrived, Dongshi killed General Xue Mu the night he rescued Princess Chuyue in the temple.He instigated the assassination.
Dongshi planned to destroy the whole country of Nansang.
But with Chuyue's special ability and with the help of the birthstone allowed her to reverse the future and saved the people she loved.
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However,this might be her last chance.After so many turmoil,the sleeping princess is now in a deep slumber.General Xue Yao would bring her around town and tells her stories.
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                                              General Xue Mu
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                                          The ever kind Tao Yao
This might be a sad ending for the both of them but their kindness and loyalty will never ever be forgotten. They both were the key to help General Xue and Princess Chuyue  attain  their happily ever after.I wanted to ship them both too. General Xue Mu made my heart flutter.
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The epilogue was a happy ending and satisfying.
The side couples Nan Nan and Louji were having fun playing games with Prince Ning and Infanta who is now expecting their first child.
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            The sleeping princess is now awoken by a true love's kiss.
The princess and the prince went on a short trip and entrusted Prince Shun to look after their son.
The chemistry is on point.I loved how natural the actors are and they were very versatile.I was smiling from ear to ear everytime I see them together.
The soundtrack is definitely a plus .A 36 episode drama might be too long but I am not complaining.
I would probably love seeing the Zheng Yecheng and Hu YiXuan in a modern drama together.
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elriell · 4 years
Book Rec’s
Going to try and add a lot of less known books that are amazing and not enough people talk about, this would be too long if I talked about each one in depth, so I am going to leave my fav quotes as that tends to give me a feel for books and whether I will like them and I will link the GR page for more info! Happy reading:)
Fantasy Vibes
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From Blood And Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout    (CLICK THIS TOO)
“Death is like an old friend who pays a visit, sometimes when it’s least expected and other times when you’re waiting for her. It’s neither the first nor the last time she’ll pay a visit, but that doesn’t make any death less harsh or unforgiving.”
“Fear and bravery are often one and the same. It either makes you a warrior or a coward. The only difference is the person it resides inside.”
 “You're an absolutely stunning, murderous little creature.”
Storm And Fury by Jennifer L Armentrout
“What are you going to do if it does get worse?” he asked. “Maybe I’ll get myself a seeing-eye gargoyle.”
Demons At Deadnight by A&E Kirk   
“I launched into a graceful ninja-like front roll, then stood my ground to face the monstrous heathen, fearless in my determination to vanquish the deadly foe.
Nah, just kidding. I bolted, discretion being the better part of not getting dead.”
“We are killers,” Matthias said. Bad news. 
“Not girls. We don’t kill girls.” Good news. 
“She’s no girl.” Insulting news? 
“What? Of course she’s a girl.”
 “Want me to check?” 
“Shut up, Blake,” the rest of them chorused.”
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black   
“If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse.”
“If you hurt me, I wouldn't cry. I would hurt you back.”
“I am going to keep on defying you. I am going to shame you with my defiance. You remind me that I am a mere mortal and you are a prince of Faerie. Well, let me remind you that means you have much to lose and I have nothing. You may win in the end, you may ensorcell me and hurt me and humiliate me, but I will make sure you lose everything I can take from you on the way down. I promise you this is the least of what I can do.”
MM Romance
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Him by Sabrina Bowen & Elle Kennedy
“Our mouths fit together so perfectly. Every time we kiss, I fall even more in love with him, and it has nothing to do with sex or lust. It's him. His closeness and his scent and the way he soothes me.”
“I…” He clears his throat. “I’d let you do it, though.” My hand freezes in his hair. “You would?” Wes nods. “I’d let you do anything to me, Canning.”
Misfits by Garrett Leigh (Poly romance, its just so perfect ala herongraystairs!)
“Learn something. Read a book. Explore someone. Anger is just a hole where your life could be.”
In The Absence Of Light by Adrienne Wilder
“The light is a funny thing, Grant. We think it shows us what we need to see, but in reality, it blinds us. That’s why I brought you here. I wanted you to see me.”
“Morgan may be autistic, but he is a normal man with a mental condition, not a mental condition who is a man.”
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic
“It’s not the world that’s cruel. It’s the people in it.”
“I'm not a math problem." "But I'll still solve you."
“Is your learning curve a horizontal line?”
“Who said 'please' that made you hate the word so much?"  Andrew gazed at him in silence for a minute. "I did.”
“I didn't think I was a personal problem. You hate me, remember?" "Every inch of you," Andrew said. "That doesn't mean I wouldn't blow you." 
Vampires, Angels & Greek Mythology
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Bloodlines by Michelle Read
“The greatest changes in history have come when people were able to shake off what others told them to do.”
“Takes a lot of tries before you hit perfection." He paused to reconsider that. "Well, except for my parents. They got it on the first try."
“No, thank you," said Adrian. "These hands don't sully themselves with fighting.”
“Everything's about my personal entertainment. The world is my stage. Keep it up- you're becoming a star performer in the show.”
Angels Blood by Nalini Singh
“Some things were worth the dance with danger.”
“You do realize this makes your wings even more unique." "Are you saying you shot me as a cosmetic procedure?”
“You ask a lot of questions for a dead woman.” “What can I say? I prefer to die well-informed.”
“You don't fear me," he said now. She wasn't stupid enough to lie. "I'm petrified. But I figure you didn't make me come all this way just so you could push me off the roof.”
Dark Lover by J.R Ward (warning OTT vamps if thats not your jazz either skip)
“Some bridges you crossed on your own, no matter who drove you to the edge”
“Vengeance was one hell of a roommate.”
Half-Blood by Jennifer L Armentrout
“Two people see each other across a room or their skin brushes. Their souls recognize the person as their own. It doesn’t need time to figure it. The soul always knows… whether it’s right or wrong.”
“It’s just words and words mean nothing. Only action does.”
“People do the damndest things when they’re in love.”
“There is a difference between love and need. Sometimes, what you feel is immediate and without rhyme or reason.”
Assasin-y Goodness
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Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
“When one consorts with assassins, one must expect to dance along the edge of a knife once or twice.”
“I comfort myself with the knowledge that if Duval ever feels smothered by me, it will be because I am holding a pillow over his face.”
“Surely He does not give us hearts so we may spend our lives ignoring them.”
“There is no shame in scars, Ismae.”
Daughter Of The Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller
“I am me because I choose to be me. I am what I want. Some people say you have to find yourself. Not I. I believe we create ourselves to be what we want.”
“Lass, you've the face of an angel but the tongue of a snake.”
“Everyone has something dark in their past. I suppose it's our job to overcome it. And if we can’t overcome it, then all we can do is make the most of it.”
“Waiting. Not waiting. One lover. A hundred lovers. There should be no judgement either way. A woman is not defined by what she does or doesn‘t do in the bedroom.”
“Even a man who’s spent his whole life at sea has reason to fear her when she’s angry. But not I. I sleep soundly. Listening to her music. The sea watches over me. She protects her own.”
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
“No mourners. No funerals. Among them, it passed for 'good luck.”
“It's not natural for women to fight." "It's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet there you stand.”
“I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.
“The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.”
“Kaz leaned back. "What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?" "Knife to the throat?" asked Inej. "Gun to the back?" said Jesper. "Poison in his cup?" suggested Nina. "You're all horrible," said Matthias.”
The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson
“It can take years to mold a dream. It takes only a fraction of a second for it to be shattered.”
“Taking another life, she had whispered, even a guilty one, should never be easy. If it were, we'd be little more than animals.”
“Maybe there was no one way to define it. Maybe there were as many shades of love as the blues of the sky,”
“We all have our different skills. You’re patient to a fault, which sometimes doesn’t work to your advantage. I, on the other hand, have the patience of a wet cat. Only on rare occasions does that come in handy.”
“Maybe there were a hundred different ways to fall in love.”
Circus Vibes
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Caraval by Stephanie Garber
“Every person has the power to change their fate if they are brave enough to fight for what they desire more than anything.”
“She imagined loving him would feel like falling in love with darkness, frightening and consuming yet utterly beautiful when the stars came out.”
“Some things are worth pursuit regardless of the cost.”
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
“You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone's soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows that they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift.”
“Secrets have power. And that power diminishes when they are shared, so they are best kept and kept well. Sharing secrets, real secrets, important ones, with even one other person, will change them. Writing them down is worse, because who can tell how many eyes might see them inscribed on paper, no matter how careful you might be with it. So it's really best to keep your secrets when you have them, for their own good, as well as yours.”
Six of Hearts by L.H Cosway
“Note to self: Never try to out-trick a trickster.”
“So why not live with the magic? Be a kid again and believe in the fantastical. Life is more fun with a little smoke and mirrors.”
“We all have thoughts that we would never, ever vocalise. And people who say they don’t are liars.”
“I once read that people who have imaginary friends never reach out to touch them. There’s some part of their brain that subconsciously knows it will break the spell. That’s what it feels like with Jay.”
Amour Amour by Krista & Becca Richie
“We all traverse in and out of people’s worlds, leaving footprints. Some larger, some smaller, but there is always a mark. We can’t sweep it away.”
“Life is a rollercoaster with no volunteers. We’re all forced to take a seat and ride it out.
“I’m average. I’ve been average most of my life, but there are moments where I feel extraordinary. Invincible. Able to conquer any fear and step outside any box. There is no illusion, no fantasy. I can climb a forty-foot pole. I can fly eighty-feet in the air. I can be taller than tall. It’s a dream that I’m living. Every day. With him.”
More M/M Romance
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The Song Of Achilles by Madeline Miller
“I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.”
“And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone.”
“He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.”
“He is half of my soul, as the poets say.”
Axel’s Pup by Kim Dare  (Shifter Romance & BDSM FYI if thats not your jazz)
"I want to screw you, and tie you up, and make you writhe from-you know all that. But I want so much more. I want the whole thing, not just a quick scene. I want twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. I want you to be mine. I won't take anything less."
Aristotle And Dante Discover The Secrets Of The Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
“In your dream. You were looking for me.""I'm always looking for you," 
“He was funny and focused and fierce. I mean the guy could be fierce. And there wasn’t anything mean about him. I didn’t understand how you could live in a mean world and not have any of that meanness rub off on you.”
“He looked like an angel. And all I wanted to do was put my fist through his jaw. I couldn't stand my own cruelty.”
“One of the secrets of the universe was that our instincts were sometimes stronger than our minds. Another secret of the universe: Sometimes pain was like a storm that came out of nowhere.”
Shattered Glass by Dani Alexander
"Tell me something good about your life," I whispered, needing to hear that he wasn't as broken as I thought him to be.[...]"You." It was so quiet I almost didn't hear it.”
“Is he my competition?” I asked. “Everyone is your competition.” Peter lifted his hand to his eyes and began lowering it incrementally. “It goes normal human beings, crazies, republicans, my hand, imaginary characters, corpses and then, in a moment of lustful psychosis, you.” By the time he was done, his hand was below the table.
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Kiss The Sky by Krista & Becca Richie
“You’re not a pit stop. You’re my finish line. There’s no one after you.”
“People hope to touch the sky. I dream of kissing it.”
“I love the way he’s staring at me. It makes me feel more than just beautiful. I feel like I’m his. Like no one else could possibly compare to me. He doesn’t even have to say the words. I see it in his eyes. I can practically read it in his mind.”
“I’ve wanted so many things in life,” he says softly, “but you’re the one that has meant the most to me.”
Translation: I love you.”
Wallbanger by Alice Clayton
“You know those moments when everything is exactly the way it was meant to be? When you find yourself and your entire universe aligning in perfect synchronization, and you know you couldn’t possibly be more content? I was inside that very moment, and fully conscious of it.”
“The right woman for you wouldn't want you to change anything about your life. She wouldn't rock your boat, she'd jump right in and sail it with you.”
“It breaks my heart the way young girls pick themselves over, never thinking they're good enough. You make sure you always remember, you're exactly the way you're supposed to be. Exactly. And anyone who says otherwise, well, poppycock.”
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
“Ugly love becomes you. Consumes you. Makes you hate it all. Makes you realize that all the beautiful parts aren't even worth it. Without the beautiful, you'll never risk feeling the ugly. So you give it all up. You give it all up. You never want love again, no matter what kind it is, because no type of love will ever be worth living through the ugly love again.”
“Some people they grow wiser as they grow older. Unfortunately, most people just grow older.”
“Sometimes the spirit of a man isn't strong enough to survive the ghosts of his past”
“My grandfather used to say the placement of a birthmark was the story of how a person lost the battle in their past life. I guess you got stabbed in the neck. Bet it was a quick death, though.”
On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
“Gentlemen are gentlemen in bed. They make sure you're having a good time." "I'll make sure you're having a good time, and that you're okay with everything. I just won't be well mannered about it.”
“In truth it’s difficult to describe a broken heart.”
“Sometimes words aren’t needed for you to know a change has come upon you.”
Romance Series
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Paper Princess by Erin Watt
“My skill, if I have one, isn’t dancing. It’s my ability to believe that tomorrow can be a better day.”
“My life is mine. I live it. I control it.”
“but a clean knife still makes a painful wound.”
“Fate is for the weak--those people who don't have enough power or will to shape life into what they need it to be.”
Foreplay by Sophie Jordan
“I’m not going to lie to you and convince you that I’m someone good and shiny like your guy that’s going to be a doctor.”
“You can’t even see it. I’m the safest thing you’ll ever find”
“That's what I wanted. Something to enrich me, to make me feel better about the things in my life that I could never change."
Wait for You by J.Lynn.  (AKA Jennifer L Armentrout) 
“You are really…” “Amazing? Awesome?” He paused, brows raised. “Astonishing?” “I was going to go with bizarre.” “Well, hell, if I had feelings that might actually hurt.”
“As long as the sun’s shining, shit can’t be that bad.”
The Deal by Elle Kennedy
“Sometimes people sneak up on you and suddenly you don’t know how you ever lived without them.”
“I want to murder him in his sleep, A. No, I want to murder him when he’s awake so he can see the joy on my face when I do it.”
“And the most important lesson I learned is that I’m not a victim—I’m a survivor.”
Romance w/ Epic Plots
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The Unbecoming Of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
“This was the boy I loved. A little bit messy. A little bit ruined. A beautiful disaster. Just like me.”
“You could start a fire with the heat between you two.""You're mistaking bitter animosity for heartfelt affection.”
“You're supposed to say, 'All I want is your happiness. I'll do whatever it takes, even if it means being without you.'""Sorry," Noah said. "I'm just not that big of a person.”
“I’ll walk forever with stories inside me that the people I love the most can never hear.”
“We are far too screwed up for a goddamned love triangle.”
“You will love him to ruins.”
The Winners Curse by Marie Rutkoski
“He knew the law of such things: people in brightly lit places cannot see into the dark.”
“Isn’t that what stories do, make real things fake, and fake things real?”
“The Winner’s Curse is when you come out on top of the bid, but only by paying a steep price.”
“The god of lies must love you, you see things so clearly.”
Obsidian by Jennifer L Armentrout (are you getting the idea I love everything she writes? because I do!)
“I've always found that the most beautiful people, truly beautiful inside and out, are the ones who are quietly unaware of their effect."
“More books." His eyes went wide. "You have, like, them books you just said you haven't read." "Doesn't mean I won't get more books."
Angelfall by Susan Ee
“I never thought about it before, but I'm proud to be human. We're ever so flawed. We're frail, confused, violent, and we struggle with so many issues. But all in all, I'm proud to be a Daughter of Man.”
“Sometimes, as we're stumbling along in the dark, we hit something good.”
“I knew from the start that your loyalty would get you killed. I just never thought it would be your loyalty to me that would do it.”
Unique Reads
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Dont Look Back by Jennifer L Armentrout
“I was stuck in a life I didn't remember, squeezed into the shell of this girl - this Samantha Joe Franco - and the more I learned about her, the more I was starting to hate her.”
“Things aren’t perfect. They are far, far from it,but they are getting there, and I wasn’t looking back. Not when there were so many good things in the future.”
Verity by Colleen Hoover
“I wasn’t heroic. I wasn’t simple. I was difficult. An emotionally challenging puzzle he wasn’t up for solving.”
“A writer should never have the audacity to write about themselves unless they’re willing to separate every layer of protection between the author’s soul and their book. The words should come directly from the center of the gut, tearing through flesh and bone as they break free. Ugly and honest and bloody and a little bit terrifying, but completely exposed.”
“No one is likable from the inside out.”
“Find what you love and let it kill you.”
Painted Faces by L.H Cosway
“We all paint on a face to show the world," Nicholas replies philosophically. "For some of us, that's quite literal.”
“I love him because he makes me laugh when I don't feel like laughing. I love him because he challenges my view of what a man is. I love him because I know I shouldn't love him and that he'll break my heart. I love him because he's a complete and total anomaly. I love him because I want to kill the sadness inside him more than I want anything else in the world.”
“You saw me, changed my life, made it better, and I’m completely fucking in love with you.”
Sorcery of Thorns by Margret Rogerson
“It was always wise to be polite to books, whether or not they could hear you.”
“Knowledge always has the potential to be dangerous. It is a more powerful weapon than any sword or spell.”
“When terrible things have happened to you, sometimes the promise of something good can be just as frightening.”
“You belonged in the library, as much as any book.”
“You unmanageable, contrary creature. You have made me believe in something at last. It feels as wretched as I imagined.”
Obviously not every book is going to suit everyone, everyone has pet peeves, and things that they won’t enjoy but hopefully this gives you some variety and I personally loved them all at some point! Pls feel free to come to my ask/chats to discuss any of them  that would make me so happy <3 this took 4 hours damn
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iturbide · 4 years
I have so many au ‘s I would love to read!! But can I ask for Hard Reset or the one of Assasins Creed? 👉🏼👈🏼
Of course you can! ❤
“I need you to do me a favor.”
Veronica looked up at Kiran, her head following them as they paced the narrow width of the corridor.  “I need you to close all the gateways to the other worlds.”
They’d expected that answer, in all honesty.  Putting on their best smile, hoping it didn’t look too frayed around the edges, they knelt and clasped their hands before them in a pleading gesture.  “If this is about getting new Heroes under contract, I should be able to figure something out.”  Breidablik’s power was slowly returning through continued use; they had even managed to restore the Exalted Prince Chrom just a day before, much to Robin’s relief.  “But I really, really need you to close the gateways for m--”
Kiran stopped, the words snaring in their throat as the Emblian princess balled her hands into shaking fists at her sides.  “Veronica--”
“NO!” she repeated, shaking her head emphatically.  “You never come see me anymore, I wait and I wait and now you come back and you just want me to do something for you, and as soon as I do you’re going to leave again, just like my brother!!”
She was crying.  They could see the tears starting to spill over, even though she was doing her best to hold them back.  “I won’t do it!” she sniffled, staring down at the cold stones beneath their feet.  “I won’t!  I don’t want you to go -- I don’t want to be alone again!”
“...I’m sorry.”
A sob escaped her, something small and soft like the mewl of a kitten.  Kiran reached out, offering their hand to her, but she refused to take it, standing rooted to the spot with her arms held straight at her sides.  “I’m sorry,” they repeated gently, fingers curling slightly (though they did not withdraw their hand).  “I’ve been...I’ve been so busy lately, trying to make sure that things go smoothly, that...you’re right.  I haven’t been around.  I wasn’t trying to hurt you, I swear I wasn’t, but...I still did.  Even if I didn’t mean to, I still hurt you.  And that was wrong.  And I want to make it right -- I will make it right, if you’ll let me -- but...but I still need you to close the gates.”
She finally lifted her head enough to meet their gaze, her eyes beginning to turn red and puffy from the tears.  “You’ll just leave if I do,” she mumbled. 
“No, I won’t,” they insisted.  “I swear it, on the gemstones -- on this one.”  Reaching into their coat, Kiran withdrew the charred green stone that Breidablik still could not restore, holding it out in the palm of their hand.  “I promise you, on this, that if you close the gates for me, I’ll do whatever you ask.  I’ll need to check on one thing once they’re closed, but as soon as that’s done, I’ll come right back, and I won’t leave until you say so.  You have my oath, Veronica.”
She sniffed again, her eyes never once leaving their face.  But slowly, deliberately, she lay her hand on Grima’s stone.
And since you asked for Assassin’s too (and I still love that AU)
Robin had told Chrom to stay back in Ferox with his sisters.  The young man had made it very clear that the journey he, Henry, and Tharja planned to undertake was a dangerous one, and not something that the exiled prince needed to concern himself with. 
But Chrom had asked to come.  Insisted on it, even.  He’d made this decision for himself to follow them south again, in hopes of getting answers to the questions running rampant through his skull in the wake of that monster’s attack. 
As he crashed to the ground with a blade pressed to the back of his neck, he realized he might have made a mistake. 
He could hear the crackle of magic on all sides as the Plegians fought against their assailants, figures seemingly conjured out of the shadows between the nearby buildings -- but all Chrom could do was struggle against the knee pressing down on the small of his back, desperate to escape but equally eager not to lose his head in the process (which, judging by the blood winding down toward his throat from a new, deep gouge at his nape, he was already failing at).  He couldn’t get to his sword, he didn’t have anything else, and he gritted his teeth as the edge sliced deeper into his flesh--
Thunder roared over his head, and suddenly the pressure on his back was gone.  The pain remained (and he didn’t see that changing for a while), but he staggered to one knee, fumbling for his blade even as he tried to get his bearings…
The battle was over.  As quickly as it had started, it was finished, leaving only a few bloody corpses, one shredded by dark magic, two more victims of daggers despite the obvious charring on their robes...and one that appeared to have been reduced to charcoal. 
He had never seen a spell like that. 
“Are you alright?” Robin asked. 
Chrom opened his mouth to insist that he was fine enough...and stopped as he looked back at the young man kneeling beside him.  It looked like Robin -- the hair was the same, as were his robes and weapons...but his eyes were somehow wrong.  Too sharp, too intense, any trace of his usual earnest curiosity replaced by something predatory in its attention. 
“Are you alright?” the young man repeated, and even his voice was wrong somehow, the sound itself familiar but the words and inflection too calm and measured for the man he knew.
It looked like Robin.  It sounded like Robin.  But deep down,Chrom knew it wasn’t. 
Rather than speak, he nodded, never letting his gaze stray from the stranger’s eyes.  And just like that, the spell was broken: Robin blinked, and his gaze suddenly softened with relief, a worried smile lifting the corners of his mouth as he offered his hand to the prince.  “I’m glad,” he sighed, helping Chrom up when he hesitantly accepted.  “I wasn’t expecting them to send covert agents -- usually we just have to worry about their guard patrols…”
“Are you alright?” Chrom pressed, catching Robin’s arm before he could pull away.  “...you’re shaking.”
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firyfox · 4 years
Ok I just need to talk about “Best Friends” again cuz I’ve been thinkin
I feel like this episode is a pretty good show of Cyrils character (and not in the way some of you antis might think) , because in the very beginning he’s the one most concerned for Ray , and although he backs out of going to rescue Ray himself when there were other capable agents around to do it (and judging by how he threatened Archer with a machine gun over the same situation in Vice , he’d step in for Ray if no one else could) , there’s something really interesting about how he acted with Archers situation when they were left alone :
Like , Archer psyched Cyril out in the previous episode , (which I’m assuming is part of what drove Cyril to fake an injury to take a break) and Cyril was pretty hung up on not being in danger or getting hurt , yet he still put himself at risk to help Archer and warn him . You know , the guy who repeatedly tries to put Cyril down and hurt him . And who Cyril suspects is a target for assasination . Think about that for a second -
When Archer , the guy who constantly hurts Cyril , is a clear target for assasination , Cyril (you know , the guy who is trying to avoid getting hurt) goes out of his way to follow Archer around trying to warn him , putting his own life at risk by hovering around someone who he believes will be targeted , and also someone who consistently screws with him . Cyril could’ve easily just distanced himself from Archer if he only wanted to save his own life , but instead Cyril puts himself at risk to save the man who constantly torments him .
What Alastair said to Archer is shown pretty well in this episode : “... (he’ll come here) to rescue you .. he won’t let you die” - the show literally spells it out - despite Archers treatment of him , Cyril still cares enough to help him .
And not only does Cyril actively help Archer , but when Archer gives Cyril an opportunity to shoot him on a silver platter , Cyril’s just like .. no ?? it’s wrong ?? and you got a bad leg :( . Then Archer tries to shoot Cyril again . And then on top of all that , Cyril still forgives Archer enough to the point where he’s still genuinely moved by Archer possibly considering him his best friend . Like ?? Holy shit ?? 🥺
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ofindcmitability · 4 years
( benjamin wadsworth, 18, he/him) welcome to san francisco, william bright. rumor has it they are a demon-darklighter, but only they could tell you the truth! when i close my eyes, i think of them and imagine scars, broken blades & bloody hands.
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enter at your own risk, this is a long one folks. i considered condensing but i said fuck it haha sorry guys theres a tldr at the end thou dw
tw rape, abuse, child abuse, child soldiers, murder, assasination, abduction, torture, grooming, violence, weapons, entrapment, death, sucide attempt
he was born from a negotiation between a darklighter and a demon. well, more like the demon’s father and the darklighter. the demon was called MEPHISTO. he hungered for power in all shapes and forms, fathering a cambion and trying to use her for his own means. his daughter, a cambion named LUCIANA, had too much of her mother’s heart in her. she was useless to him, at least until he found use for her. as a bargaining chip. the darklighter’s name was JACK. the man had been an ordinary human by the name of jack adler in the 16th century. he was chosen by a demon to become something darker. however, even with this new power granted to him, jack wanted more. and more was something he never stopped reaching for. 
jack wanted nothing more than his own army, and who better to be his soldiers than perfectly groomed children? so he made some. so many, all failures to him. the wrong species, he’d deem them. the wrong upbringing, the wrong strengths, the wrong EVERYTHING. in his hate for waiting, and sickness of failure, he started going after whoever he could. ( so yes, there’s lots of adler babies in the world. none of them to his standards but yeah. )
finally his mindset on a CAMBION. cambion, who were stronger than their demon counterparts. and a darklighter to boot? this child would be PERFECT. jack would even raise them himself, he decided. so after negotiations with mephisto, he took his daughter. he assaulted luciana, more than once. until finally, she got pregnant. 
luciana was at a crossroads. she wasn’t happy. but that wasn’t the child’s fault, none of it was. so, she decided, she would TRY and love them. her level of succession... varied.
a small boy was born, given the name XION. it was not luciana’s choice, but jack silenced any protest. luciana hated the name. it was the name of a blade, not a child. and that was what xion was groomed to be. trained to hurt, to maim, to kill, all before he even reached double digits in age. jack was relentless in his plan. he wanted this child to be PERFECTION. and in jack’s eyes, he was. a measly five-year-old with blood-stained hands. perfection.
xion didn’t know what was right and wrong, he wasn’t taught it. he was taught his to slice with a sword, how to choke someone, the best places to hit, and how to make someone feel pain like no other. he learned violence like one would abcs. it was something ingrained into him. he lacked the knowledge to know killing was bad. no one told him otherwise. luciana had tried to, once. when he was small and lacked understanding. but her voice was small, jack’s was loud. 
death was a normal part of life. to xion, it wasn’t just death that was normal. it was murder. murder he committed without looking back. xion had no idea the weight of a life. he simply obeyed his father’s orders without hesitation and continued on. he ate, he slept, and he obeyed. there was no room for likes, dislikes, wants or needs. he didn’t even know what he was missing. 
he was nine years old when things... changed. luciana had given up on him by then. seeing the child she bore as a monster rather than a little boy. it was easier for her that way, at least for her. it made it a bit harder when xion actually started questioning things. it began with a man, an old man. xion’s first victim to ever beg for his life. many never got the chance, or they’d attempt attacking xion. ( each target was handpicked by jack, of course. ) but this man, an old man. he cried. he begged for his life, he spoke of a child younger than xion, a child that apparently needed him. he was on his knees, shaking violently as tears rolled down his cheeks. begging and begging. and xion... hesitated. this was unlike anything he’d known before. it brought to the surface emotion he didn’t even understand. so, xion let him go. he didn’t understand why, he didn’t understand much of any of it. 
he knew his father was not one to confide in and his grandfather was hardly around as it was. so that left his mother. a woman who always kept her distance, who was cold at times. but never intentionally cruel. at least, not that he realized. he chased her down (no, it wasn’t easy. she didn’t want to be alone with him and he didn’t understand why.) but eventually, he was able to tell her. that he spared a man’s life. that he didn’t know WHY. that there was something wrong with him, obviously. luciana thought differently. instead of the anger he expected for his failure she... she put her arms around him. for a moment, he thought she was attacking him. but instead it was warm. it was a hug, his very first. 
she spoke with such kindness, such softness, such affection--- it was unlike anything xion ever knew. he wanted more of it. ( he’d never been loved before, he didn’t understand it but it felt so nice? ) he saw her smile and it made him feel something else unfamiliar. something... good. he made her smile and it made him feel good. it was kind of wonderous. in her burst of emotion, luciana decided he could be salvaged. he wasn’t a monster, he could be saved. she began going on about how they could leave jack, leave hell, leave everything behind--- even their names! she never liked xion, she proclaimed, she much better liked WILLIAM. with curious eyes, he agreed to her plan. he hungered for more of it, for more love and affection and warmth. 
a week, she had decided. she needed only a week to make preparations and then they would run like a week. a week, and then they were gone. well, luciana had been half right. she was gone in a week. on the day they were set to leave, xion couldn’t find the woman at all. and then there was his father, so smug... xion demanded the truth from him ( it was the first time he demanded anything.) and jack gave in. gloating, even. how luciana had deluded herself into thinking xion was any more than a weapon. how, maybe, she could have gotten away with it. if she hadn’t commissioned the witch to catch that spell. a spell to ensure jack couldn’t have any remaining children, to spare the world. jack hadn’t cared, he had xion. his perfect weapon.
his perfect weapon that attacked jack in that very moment. he dispatched with the boy easily, still only 9. scarring his down his eyes, and keen that he learns his lesson. xion, did not, in fact, learn his lesson. rather, he began to rebel. rebel was hardly even the word for his level of disobedience. refusing to even respond to the name xion ( in his head, he called himself WILLIAM, but jack needn’t know that ). 
3 years went by, with xion intent on escaping his father or fighting him at all opportunities. no longer was he the perfect weapon at jack’s hand, he was something far worse. angry, disobedient, without purpose. he hungered for those warm emotions his mother gave him, and when he couldn’t recreate them he settled on something far more burning. 
by the time the boy was 12 he riddled a number of scars, and unbridled fury. He wanted to find his mom. he was imbued with a goal. make sure his mother was alive, and once she was safe he’d kill his father and grandfather. simple. except… it really wasn’t.
it was nearing his 13th year when mephisto came back into the picture. angered at what jack had done to his daughter ( his possession ), mephisto arranged to set william free and to his mother. and finally, he felt it again, that warmth. his grandfather took him a asylum, a magical asylum. it was where his father had kept luciana and in the three previous years she’d been through what amounted to hell. her appearance alone was a drastic change, she looked so much older. so tired, so broken, exhausted by the simpleness of being. her hair was even whitening. and yet--- when her eyes landed on him she SMILED. 
before william could make a move toward her, there was commotion. hunters, in the asylum. he didn’t know if it was planned or coincidence, but the timing was all too perfect. one moment, his mother was smiling at him. the next, the door flew open. her eyes went black, and then there was a bullet between them. william ATTACKED the hunters, almost like a rabid animal. he was scarred across the face, but ultimately they hesitated to kill a child. rather, they knocked him out. 
he awoke in a cage with a devil’s trap upon it, keeping him locked within. the hunters were wary of the young boy, but ultimately unsure of what to do with him. they needed to decide if he was a menace to society or not. if he could be TRUSTED. so they did... tests. well, they called them tests. others would call them torture. william called them annoying (and to him, who been tortured properly the last three years, they were).
an ally of the hunters eventually came along. a young man by the name of DALLAN BRIGHT. it was around the time the hunters decided william was too dangerous, that he needed to be killed. now, you see, dallan didn’t exactly agree. and dallan (like his mother) was a cambion. so rather than arguing, he turned the hunters to stone and freed the young boy riddled with scars.
learning to trust dallan was something of a journey. he doubted it was permant, that dallan expected to become the guardian of a little hellion. and yet, together they remained. time went on, and something happened akin to bonding. will only thought akin because he had never bonded before. yet there dallan was, watching out for him in a way he had no idea what to do with. it was nice though. strengthened with time and action. when dallan proved time and time again he was trustworthy, and each time it shocked will. until eventually (maybe around the time he was 16) it stopped shocking him. because dallan was dallan and suddenly that meant something. 
due to moving around quite a bit with dallan, will never had a fixture of permanent schooling. rather he acquired data from time to time and did a lot of research on what could be considered normal. he lacks quite a bit of knowledge in some others, where others he’s practically a dictionary. 
his life changed in the form of a girl named lizzie saltzman. he was fiddling with a toy that made annoying sounds she wasn’t fond of. they talked and for the first time in his whole life, william felt interest, fondness. he was KEEN in getting to know the blonde girl who was undoubtedly one of a kind. the two met again, traded numbers, traded jabs and flirts. it was fun for them both, a spark to light up a whole home. however as she confessed to him her species a siphoner, will realized something vital. he happened to be a mass murderer, a former assassin, with kills over his belt extending past three digits. just because he wasn't that person anymore, didn’t mean lizzie shouldn’t know what she was talking into. he refused for a date until she knew more. then, she did. lizzie was a smart girl, she did her research. the two met at a library, ready to END IT ( before it even began). only for henchman of his father to attack. an altercation occurred, with the ultimate result of will sacrificing himself in order to ensure lizzie’s protection. will had been tortured for weeks, trying to reign him into submission. he had begged lizzie to let him go. she hadn’t listened. instead, she saved him. while he took to the mend, they spoke. they discussed. and their feelings were far too deep to let each other GO. it was beyond chemistry now, they were bonded together in ways they hadn’t with any other. eventually, the two went on their first date ( five guys ), they had their first kiss ( yes, there were fireworks between them ), among other things. they were a normal, healthy couple. at least until an incident occurred. lizzie’s life was put in jeopardy, and she confessed to him her dire situation of the merge. so, will proposed. it was a no brainer to him. if lizzie only had a few years left, a life sentence, if they didn’t find a way out of it— he wanted to spend every moment with her. she accepted, and they are officially ENGAGED. however, they made the decision to postpone the wedding itself for years to come. give them time to find a solution, and not to worry too much about it itself. only that bit has changed recently. done with the threat of jack looming above their heads, the two concocted a plan. a plan that went wayside. jack was banished to a prison world but lizzie DIED. or at least, will thought she did. his grief was painful, but upon learning she was alive--- well, things changed. the two made the decison to stop waiting for the wedding, they were happy and in love. they’re getting MARRIED. 
the next radical change to his life was somehow getting a best friend in the form of landon kirby. inspired by lizzie, will tried to be more social. this resulted in him meeting landon kirby. the guy was a bit nerdy, but later will found out he was too. there was no life changing situation that thrust them together, but rather, much like lizzie and himself— will and landon clicked. they hung out together, had fun, built an ease of a relationship. so much so, that will confessed to landon his past on his own accord. and landon, he accepted will without hesitation. it was landon who found will in the aftermath of lizzie’s ‘death’ and it was landon who talked him off the ledge. the two are kinda bonded for life tbh. 
for the longest time, william’s only goal had been to murder his father. that has changed in frequent time, however, if ever given the opportunity it wouldn’t be as easy he dreamed it. in fact, he’d probably struggle with killing jack due to the man being the single constant within his life and having such a power over him, even now.
meta on william halliwell & emotion.
nicole alfaro and arlo park are his half siblings and yep, will has no idea. 
TLDR: william used to be a weapon (assassin) his father jack. hella escaped and was semi adopted by dallan bright ( he is william bright now ). met lizzie saltzman, fell deeply in love, and is a kind of a hot mess but he’s trying. 
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mezzopurrloin · 4 years
Chapter 6-6: Lord of Outland
With the dimensional gates shut, the raid on the Black Citadel can begin.
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I feel like Kael'thas (and presumably, the other blood elves) are becoming gradually more fanatical throughout this campaign. Must be that magic addiction.
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Those poor Spellbreakers.
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The Draenei slip past the citadel defenses...
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...and destroy the generator powering them.
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Our first task is to kill the Master of Pain and Mistress of Torment. They hold the keys to Magtheridon's chamber.
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The Draenei are a key part of this mission. All Draenei units we get to use here are permanently invisible when not attacking, allowing us to use them for infiltration and sabotage.
Elder Sage: Cunning Draenei hero. Has a collection of abilities we've seen before: Chain Lightning, Feral Spirit, Shadow Strike, and Reincarnation. Not playable in multiplayer because a hero with permanent invisibility would be kinda broken. Also the only melee hero with Intelligence as their primary stat.
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Draenei Elite Assasin: Invisible Draenei melee warrior. Can use Critical Strike and Howl of Terror.
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Draenei Saboteur: Invisible Draenei saboteur who attacks by throwing explosive flasks. Deals a lot of damage to buildings quickly.
Liquid Fire: Each attack sets enemy buildings aflame, dealing damage over time and preventing them from being repaired.
I mainly used these guys for scouting and infiltration, and tried to keep them away from direct combat.
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Over on the other side of the map, Lady Vashj and her naga are infiltrating the Citadel through the waterways. While we have a base in this mission, we have no source of income and can only use gold coins found in the Citadel to bolster our forces.
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I decided to use the naga to make the first move. Here we have to deal with a few Fel Orc ships. The Orc Juggernaughts were one of the most powerful and distinctive naval units in Warcraft II, and now we have to sink them with our naga warriors. We start with two Royal Guards, which are quite handy.
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Securing a Fountain of Health gives our naga warriors a chance to patch up.
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That's a good point to switch to Kael's side. These towers here will easily destroy any intruders, but can't detect invisible units.
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We can just slip past the Fel Orc base on the opposite side too.
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There's the generator powering the defenses.
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Breaking it destroys them instantly.
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I was going to head straight for the Fel Orc base next, but then I got distracted by this shiny Fountain of Mana.
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This guy's a big ol' Diablo reference. He even greets you with the exact line the Butcher in Diablo 1 uses: "Ahh, fresh meat!"
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Defeating him grants Wirt's Other Leg, a reference to the peg-legged boy from Diablo 1. Its description is a reference to the Secret Cow Level from Diablo 2... I think.
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Now we can bust through that base.
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Some siege weapons would be pretty handy right about now.
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That was easy.
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These Fel Orc Demolishers work the same way as the Demolishers we've seen before.
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Well, except they have a new upgrade unlocked.
Burning Oil: The Demolisher's projectiles are coated in burning oil, causing them to start fires where they land.
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Back on the naga side, we've still got more ships to break through. There was another Fel Orc base here that swiftly fell.
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A Shard of Summoning? What's this thing do?
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Whoa. This guy should be a big help.
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Ooo, shiny.
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Pressing the switch raises half of a bridge. When Kael's forces reach the other switch, both armies will be able to join each other.
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There's another set of overpowered defense towers here. It might be a good idea to wait until we can get the Draenei over to it.
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The bridge is raised, and now both sides can fight together.
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And we can get the Draenei over to that generator.
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The Mistress of Torment is a powerful demoness accompanied by some other demons. I had Illidan and my Spellbreakers focus on burning down her mana, preventing her from casting any spells.
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She dropped a second Mask of Death as she died. There's a nice find for Kael.
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Now it's time to sneak past another bastion of towers blocking the way to the Master of Pain. The Draenei took out the generator the same as before.
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We've got another Fel Orc base to punch through too.
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The Master of Pain is less powerful than the Mistress of Torment, but he does have Reincarnation, forcing us to kill him twice.
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The reward for defeating him is an Orb of Venom that adds poison to a hero's attacks. It's not as nice as the Mask of Death, but I'll take it all the same.
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The gate leading to Magtheridon is open.
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Target acquired.
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There's one last generator to get rid of before we can face him.
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Let the battle begin. Magtheridon has a lot of HP and is accompanied by a level 10 Fel Orc Blademaster, plus some other demons.
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I focused mainly on sapping his mana and keeping my heroes alive. It was a pretty chaotic battle.
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The beast is down.
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Illidan lets out a cruel laugh as he greets Magtheridon.
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Well, Illidan has established himself as supreme ruler of Outland for life. Surely nothing could go wrong now, right?
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...Oh. Okay then.
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Kil'jaeden disappears in a flash of smoke.
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The Scourge campaign is a return to Arthas' side of things, and the conclusion of the Frozen Throne storyline. It's also the most difficult campaign, but I digress. Look forward to that next time.
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