#i slept terribly last night
blackjackkent · 3 months
It still amuses me that because I have both Halsin and Minthara in camp, Halsin just gets stuck out on the ground somewhere and doesn't have a tent anymore.
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Anyway, Rakha takes a little while in camp with Wyll to settle down after the Shadowfell/sheep adventure. It takes her a bit, because she really is just feeling terrible from a lot of different things at this point and it's all kind of stacking up; in this case she also feels pretty humiliated, both by the embarrassingly juvenile transformation and her own response to it.
Luckily none of her party really pushes the issue - Minthara definitely found the whole thing amusing but is smart enough not to make a show of it, and Lae'zel I think also found it funny but was more concerned about Rakha's well-being. Wyll would have found it funny if it was anyone other than Rakha, but as it is, he just sits with her and holds her hand and lets her lean on him steadily.
After a while she does speak a bit. The first thing she says is that if Volo finds out from any of them what happened and starts making a song about it, that she won't be responsible for what she does after that. :P
Eventually, though, she goes to check in with Halsin about the curse situation.
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"Thaniel is resting," he says, "but it's no easy slumber. I discovered what's wrong with him. The shadows rended him in two when they bore him away to the Shadowfell. Half of his essence remained here amidst the curse. What stayed behind would have been the strongest part of him, but after all these years left in darkness, corruption must have taken hold."
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Rakha listens quietly to this. She feels like she is waiting for the handing down of a verdict. Life or death. Will the curse be cleansed or will it remain, burning on her skin, forever?
"Can it be undone?" she prompts sharply.
"Perhaps," Halsin says, which is a much less certain answer than she would have liked. "If we can find Thaniel's lost half and make him whole again. Only...the missing half may not come willingly. The curse will have sunk its tendrils deep, twisting Thaniel's essence into something... else."
It's not really much to go on. But Rakha squints thoughtfully, tying these words to another moment out in the shadows - the strange boy laced in green luminescence. "I met a sort of shadow child before," she says slowly. "A little boy named Oliver. Around Thaniel's age."
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Halsin's eyes widen. "And you saw this boy yourself?" At once he is energized again, hope back in his expression. "That can't be a coincidence, but we need to be sure..." He hesitates, draws his head back slightly. "And I truly mean *we*, if you wish," he adds, with an odd caution that she can't quite account for. "Every moment counts, and I've asked much of you already without being at your side."
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Rakha grunts wearily. She had really hoped that this might finally be a day ending in good news - that they would strike a blow against the terrible broken magic in this wasteland. But why should things start being simple now? At least there is a possible next step to follow - if she can manage to find Oliver again out there in the dark.
"All right," she says with a slight shrug. "Leave it to me."
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afreauxheaux · 9 days
I read a Batman comic before bed last night and then I kept dreaming about fighting villains in my hometown like it was Gotham. Do not recommend!
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tj-crochets · 1 month
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Throwback to the first quilt I made for myself! Now, years later and having made a lot more quilts, there are some things I’d change but I still love it
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bisexualfeathertail · 2 years
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la llorona
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displayheartcode · 7 months
I can’t tell if I want to read some thing new or reread an old comfort book
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
harry the type to get asian flush from his forehead down to his neck, hermione the type to have all her joints inflame by next morning and hurting harder than period cramps, and ron the type to pass tf out and wake up needing to guzzle a jug of water in the middle of the night
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f1owermoon · 4 days
sorry i just. need to rant for a second
#cause dude the whole joost situation is SO fucking upsetting#he's mentioned over and over again how overwhelming this whole overnight success thing has been for him and to respect his boundaries#and instead of yk respecting his wishes “fans” go and make things worse by constantly overstepping and being creepy and weird like hello???#like why can't we all just be normal and take a step back and enjoy things#these people are gonna end up driving him off the internet and i wouldn't blame him one bit#and the worst part is the people who should get the memo obviously don't (or refuse to) bc this isn't an isolated instance#like its been going on for a while now#idk man i just think about how hard it must be for him rn#one of the things that turned me into a joost fan (besides his music) was his personality#like i obviously dont know him on a personal basis#but from the little bits ive seen he comes across as a really genuine and sweet and kind dude#super thoughtful as well. like i just love the way he thinks and his take on things#like i remember watching his eurovision interviews and just thinking oh man this dude's a ray of sunshine LMFAO#also the literal definition of resilience like dude's been through so much stuff and hes always managed to come out on top despite of it#and thats something i really admire about him too. like the way he put it as not letting your traumas be just that#but also something that can drive you forward#but yeah dude's had more than enough like he deserves to be happy and have some peace and ppl keep ruining it for him and it makes me upset#like i actually slept like shit last night and woke up feeling terrible and i wonder if what went down yesterday w the whole live thing#has anything to do with it lmfao#and you may be like ok well youre taking it too personally and letting it affect you#and yeah maybe youre right LOL but i cant help it i care about the guy and i want him to be okay#he seems to have a really good support system though so i hope things blow over soon and he can finally have some peace#anyway. rant over! 💋#raquel speaks
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c0smiccom3t · 28 days
I hope my message finds you well 🍉❤️
I would be very grateful if you could donate to me and my family we can achieve our goal as soon as possible 🥺 💔🇵🇸
I hope anyone can donate even 20$ will make a big difference and reach the goal very soon
If you can't please reblog and share with other maybe anyone can help
Your donation saves an entire family from death
Thank you in advance 🫶
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starlene · 1 month
worried that I will enjoy the upcoming Swedish Roxette musical more than a normal amount
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bookpdf · 10 months
having a physical form sucks so bad literally every action (and inaction) has consequences & ramifications
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transgaysex · 4 months
i got hit with like. nauseating anxiety a couple hours ago and i dont know how to make it stop
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cadrenebula · 1 year
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Vierapril Day 13
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sourcedecay · 1 year
Awake but I don’t wanna get out of bed I’ve just been visualizing a glass of water for the past twenty minutes
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windstir · 9 months
It's almost twelve o'clock here, and I just wanted to say I'm proud of you. It may not seem like a lot, but you've lived another day, and then another, to see all the small joys, because what is life if not a collection of small joys? Always doing your best, which is the best anyone can do, by the way, don't let them convince yourself otherwise ✊
I may not know you personally like Null or others, we didn't play Sims and Minecraft (which my computer can't handle, tbh), but I had some good memories this year thanks to you. Thank you again, for all the adorable commissions and chatting in between them 💝
Here's to more crazy fandom adventures next year! And to finding good therapists, me and you 😅🥲 Cheers! 🍾
thank you very much! i hope you have a great new year, thanks for the words (i kinda needed those atm) and thank you for supporting me, my art and the weird things i throw at the public
it's great to know someone (in the other side of the world!) is out there listening and reading and enjoying what i do
thank you for being here, thanks for everything, happy new years! sending blessings, fortune, happiness and a good therapist your way ~
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mukuberry · 7 months
☹️ ill......
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ainawgsd · 9 months
Guess who got a cold for Christmas!
Spoiler alert, it's me
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