#i skipped thru most of it LMAO
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st4rfckerz · 8 months ago
this is all i need tbh
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jacklesraised · 2 years ago
its not exact but i did come to a certain realization
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nix’s shirt is v v similar to taytays in ikywt lmao
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lionhanie · 9 months ago
myung jaehyun ; voodoo doll
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academic rivals to... crush?, childhood friends turned frenemies, jaehyun has feelings and in SEVERE denial
word count: ~1.9k
warnings: i curse like twice lmao, reader is shorter than jaehyun, jaehyun goes thru insane internal conflict because he’s coping w/ his newfound crush on u
this work is part of my boynextdoor as old 5sos songs series! ↳ if you want to listen to the song, here u go!
a/n: tbh this is one little self indulgent because i feel like jaehyun + this concept would respectfully Ruin my Life so…. voodoo doll fits the scenario well!
likes ��� and reblogs ↺ always appreciated!
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your families were close, having moved into the neighborhood around the same time. living next to a family with a son the same age as you essentially meant you would be seeing each other often; whether it was leaving the house at the same time to walk to school or being sent next door to return borrowed tupperware, it was safe to say that you were more than familiar with each other. 
it was sweet, really. the picture of you and jaehyun at your kindergarten graduation has been framed in the hallway outside your bedroom for as long as you can remember. jaehyun’s older brother used to treat you guys to ice cream after a test. hell, your families would take weekend trips together over the summer! even when you were young, your mothers always joked that it would be just perfect if the you two started dating, especially when your families trust each other already! and it would be so convenient too, being right next door and all. except, things didn’t work out as they had initially hoped. 
you were almost always competing with each other growing up -- who could get a better test score, who could get the most medals in a certain sport, who would get more votes at a class election; you name it. once, you made a bet on who would be taller than the other by the time you finished middle school; it’s a defeat that jaehyun never let you hear the end of when a routine check-up at the doctor told you that you were done growing. it was friendly competition for a while, until you both started taking the rivalry a bit too seriously. 
the tension at the dinner table was evident every time your families would join together for your monthly dinners. making sneer remarks towards each other, scoffing at the boasting of one’s achievements, ultimately resulting in a one-up battle that would always be shut down by the parents. it was just petty at this point. you really had no reason to feel so… negatively towards each other all of a sudden. 
“everytime you’re near me, suddenly my heart begins to race / every time i leave, i don’t know why my heart begins to break”
until one day, things are different for jaehyun. he catches himself looking at you from across the classroom longer than he normally does, eyes quickly darting away and cheeks slightly flushed when you address his very obvious staring. when it’s time for lunch, he finds himself sitting a little closer to your table of friends, his heart skipping a beat upon hearing your melodious laughter. when he sees you talking to another guy, he grips the notebook in his hand a bit tighter, a pang of jealousy ringing within him-- he dismisses the feeling and goes about the rest of his daily routine.
despite the apparent hostility in your friendship, you’ve never walked home without the other without good reason. making sure he got the both of you home safe was something jaehyun’s father encouraged him to do ever since you guys were in elementary school; it’s practically second nature to him. there’s not as much conversation exchanged nowadays, especially compared to how you two used to talk the entire walk home as kids, oftentimes having trouble stopping your giggles when you part ways to walk into your respective homes. 
he’s sitting on a bench outside of the school’s entrance, earbuds in as he waits for you to walk out the glass doors. a cool breeze flies by while he hums along to the song that had just come on shuffle. it’s a little strange that you weren’t out yet. it’s been over fifteen minutes since all club activities were supposed to end, and you never wanted to stay at school longer than you need to be. jaehyun contemplates going back inside to look for you, even going as far as getting up and throwing his backpack over his shoulder-- oh, there you are. 
“let’s go?” you finally walk out of the doors, fiddling with your tangled pair of earbuds. he feels a wave of relief wash over him, phew. he was worried there for a second. wait. why was he worried? it’s not like something bad could’ve happened to you; you were probably just talking to one of the teachers or something. he’s acting like you’ve never been a little late before. if anything, he’s probably made you wait even longer than he just did, and /you/ never seemed to think twice about it. what is up with him today? 
“give me those,” jaehyun says, referring to the earbuds you were currently struggling to take knots out of. he doesn’t actually wait for you to hand them to him, rather opting to grab them out of your hands, making you roll your eyes. he untangles the stubborn loops with ease, handing them back to you after. “wow, and no thank you? you’re feeling especially cold today, y/n.” he scoffs as he places his hands in his jacket pockets while he walks beside you. 
“and it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest and i’m having trouble catching my breath”
“myung jaehyun, thank you so much for helping me just now! what would i do without you?” you respond, very obviously sarcastic. “i’m exhausted, starving, and i’d rather not deal with your attitude again today, okay?” jaehyun watches as you plug your earbuds in and place both of them in your ears; you usually leave the one closest to him out to hear him better with the few sentences of small talk shared on the trip home. if he had puppy ears on his head, you would’ve seen them droop at the way you were completely ignoring him now.  he wanted to brag about the grade he got back on his english paper earlier, but it didn’t seem like a good time to do so. maybe you had a bad day. 
as you walk on the familiar route home from school, all jaehyun wants to do is crack a joke or make a fool out himself by doing something stupid-- anything that would possibly brighten up your mood a bit; except you’re focused only on whatever you’re listening to and the sidewalk in front of you. his mind is all over the place as he walks in silence beside you; what’s got you so upset? the exams coming up? surely not, you always seem to get higher scores than him with ease. is it the school festival? you’ve been stressing out over planning your club’s performance for a while... why does he want to know so badly? whatever it is, it’s hurting him to see you stray from your usual demeanor. 
“i don’t even like you / why’d you want to go and make me feel this way? / i don’t understand what’s happened, i keep saying things i never say” 
after dinner, jaehyun’s doing homework at his desk before he pauses to look out the window that faces yours, noticing your lights are off already. it isn’t too late, maybe around 11pm, but it’s definitely way earlier than your typical bed time, especially when finals are right around the corner. “i guess y/n had a rough week.” he rests his chin against his hand, internally debating whether or not to check in on you. it’s not weird to send you a text right? he’s just concerned, after all. 
to: my y/n sorry about earlier. are you going to sleep now?
“...are you going to sleep now? myung jaehyun, you sound like a freak, god. let’s just get to the point.” he mocks himself as he deletes his previous message.
to: my y/n i wouldn’t have teased u if i knew u were having a bad day :( need to talk about it?
“should i even bother apologizing?” jaehyun puts his phone down on his desk. why is it so hard for him to send you a text right now? picking it back up, he erases his message again.
to: my y/n u ok?  → sent!
“that should be fine, y/n can talk about what’s wrong if they want to. and i didn’t seem too needy… this is good, yeah.” he tries to convince himself that he crafted the perfect message literally 3 letters but okay lmfao, but he regrets making himself sound so nonchalant when, in reality, that is the last word he would use to describe himself right now. maybe he just needs to sleep on it. 
“tell me where you’re hiding your voodoo doll ‘cause i can’t control myself / i don’t wanna stay, wanna run away / but i’m trapped under your spell” 
jaehyun packs up his laptop and notebooks, arranging them haphazardly in his backpack before moving to wash up for bed. he’s a couple steps out his bedroom door, halfway to the bathroom, when he hears his phone chime three times. you’re still awake.  it’s almost embarrassing how fast he finds himself back in his room, eagerly opening his messages. 
3 new messages from “my y/n”! lmao yeah, life kicking my ass lately tell u more tmr if u want details :p  thanks for caring, jaehyun
thanks for caring, jaehyun. what? of course he would care. honestly, he’s offended; why do you think he wouldn’t care about you? he simply reacts with a thumbs up to your second message-- jaehyun hesitates momentarily, but he ends up reacting with a heart to your last message. he thinks you should get some sleep, you need it. 
now, myung jaehyun is having trouble sleeping. which is odd, because he normally knocks out the second he’s under the covers. his heart is practically beating out of his chest thinking back to your texts, even if it was only a couple words. it’s been a while since you two just… talked normally. it’s a sad realization, especially when jaehyun thinks about the years of history you have together. the thought of you laughing at his silly antics and hitting his arm playfully on your walk home, just like how you used to, gives him butterflies. it’s hard to ignore when he’s trying to rest. he’s searching and scanning every possible explanation in his head as to why he started looking at you differently now. he tosses and turns in his bed, even rearranging his pillows numerous times in a sad attempt to push his feelings for you out of his head and finally sleep. 
jaehyun could’ve sworn he hated your guts, but he can’t exactly explain why the “hate” started in the first place. could he have liked you this whole time? no, that doesn’t make sense… you know what, it’s probably some freaky magic manifestation stuff… yeah, that’s it. maybe a voodoo doll or something… because surely there’s no logical reason as to why jaehyun could possibly be falling for you after all this time. 
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© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
a/n: bye i think its so funny to think that jaehyun is just so unwilling to accept his own feelings that he blames it on LITERAL MAGIC looooooool silly boy i love him :,)
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sadie-bug345 · 10 months ago
greasers when they’re sick
i myself have been deathly ill for the past week so whilst i am bedridden i’m writing this🤡🙆‍♀️🤩 ANYWAYS LETS GO
hates missing school solely cause my guy despises talking to teachers abt what he missed
also cause he thinks he gets super behind when guy just skipped one day of school😭
probably holes himself up in his and sodas room and when soda comes in to check on him after work it’s like PITCH black and pony is just sitting in a pile of tissues
”what do YOU want?” says pony with a voice similar to kermit the frog cause bros nose is SO stuffed up
and soda just assumes pony is in one of his moody, poetry reciting moods again and slowly exits the room, leaving only a baloney sandwich in his wake💀🤡😭
def the type to not accept help
like he would go to school sick and the second someone brings up how his voice is screwed up he’s like 😐”what’re you sayin bout me?”
if the gang does quarantine him to a room he’d def just be able to entertain himself and prob come up with his own secret language and fictional multiverse or smth
idk he just gives the type to be fully okay with being alone for a bit but the meds he’s on make him all wacky too so it’s an interesting mix for sure
i’m sorry this guy has the most nastiest cough 😭
idc if he doesn’t smoke a lot he just got those mucusy coughs
other than that everyone’s having a good time, making jokes and feeling good and then soda pauses his laughter and unleashes the most rattley cough and then everyone just goes quiet and he just looks like 😃
definitely unfazed by sickness in general
until one day my guy just has the worst time and breaks downnnn🥰
we’ve all been there too esp when you’re sick and shit just goes downhill and everything sucks and you hate everything and everyone
now johnny doesn’t accept help but that’s NOTHING compared to darry
he has peak older-sibling syndrome and is just used to only helping other people
so when those people that he takes care of flip the script, my guy is just weirded outtt
like he def appreciates two trying to make him soup but he just doesn’t know how to react
goes lowk crazy with not being able to work or straighten up the house just cause he always feels like he’s gotta do SOMETHING productive with his time
i’m sorry but guy is def the type to go to school FULLY sick and either not say a word about it or complain like a lil bitch the whole time
also he totally smokes while he has a cough like soda which is so unhealthy i can’t even😭
just overall his habits and life doesn’t get upended by “some fuckass cold” (his words, not mine)
like bro please you just gotta rest sometimes😭
the gang is able to get him to stay at the curtis’ couch one day and bro just WIPES OUT
istg he’s out for like 15 hours straight in the full daytime and everyone is scared to walk past in case they wake him up
but dally is a crazy heavy sleeper so he actually gets a lot better after calming down for once🥰
honestly stays home from school like a normal person
except bro gets one cold and then just doesn’t show up to school for like two weeks😭
and it’s not cause he’s a wimp it’s just cause guy finds an excuse to skip out for a so called “vacation” and he rolls with it
and then he’ll just spawn back in on campus like a month later like nothing happened and everyone just expected two to take a dare too far and end up in the hospital🤡
bro just pushes thru the pain😭
he probably takes way too much of the recommended dose of general meds (don’t do this please🧍‍♀️)
and then goes all loopy for hours straight
and people are kinda sus about it but honestly it’s steve so who is really all that surprised
ANYWAYSSSS i think imma post a romantic kinda sick reader x greaser thing so that’ll hopefully come out soon while im still coughing my lungs out🫶
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liauditore · 1 year ago
For the ship bingo, perhaps ethubs or boatboys?
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sorry it took so long to get to this i got so excited someone asked me to talk abt ethubs i went into a coma 😭😭
um uhh umerm ethubs yeah etho and bdubs and last life and mindcrack UHCs and eyah yknow um yeah
you know that one post that's like "inside my head is a five page essay with footnotes and when i speak it's just ouhghh blorbo he is so shaped". that's me with ethubs. not even kidding ethubs is the ship that made me finally "get" shipping in general, mcyt or not. i. words. i care them.
and uh there's. not rlly anything i can say i think that my ethubs moots haven't already said? They've been friends forever, they play off eachother super well, "he loves me", they're both so obsessed and in need of eachother but at the same time would rather eat raw, unpicked cactus than admit that, etc etc they're so unwell
im just gonna skip on over to the song lyrics bit cus i. they make my brain short circuit i cant even sentences.
The scarlet summer is gone and peaceful gray is draping the city Alone, I reach out for you to hold me tight, shivering Always the days spent with you warmed my heart and kept me from freezing Although I knew they were gone forever But in my pain, to me you came like the warmest breeze "On nights so cold I know you need some company."
Though only in lonely and freezing times, we held each other close to keep from feeling hopeless nothings And now again I can see summer fast approaching like a storm that there's no stopping Repeating in a cycle Like our mistakes
My love for you is endless, just like the deepest sea And like the ocean blue your complications speak to me I've come to understand you, your parts and inner workings My sun only in winter Only when I need you or else you won't need me
Leave you in Summer, Yet You're In My Fluffthoughts (Ashe translyrics) (sidenote this might be one of my favourite music videos of all time)
Falling so deeply while clinging to love But even so, I feel my heart and it’s floating up above Your true face, such a passionate one, shows your beauty, coming in a flood True, all of our short-lived youth will someday come to end Ah, even so, in my view, it starts right now, yet again
And every day, I found I prayed for you to be always full of happiness that remains Ah, just like this, please wait right by my side, please stay
Tablet (Will Stetson / sayriris translyrics) (after watching LL the first thing i did was make a MV to this song with LL Bdubs and it was still the most insane thing ive ever done fuelled by pure gargoyle inspiration juice)
I wouldn't say they're ~~Divorced~~ quite yet cus Idk if they were ever really married as much as just plain endlessly obsessed with eachother, which they still are. But they definitely broke up lmao
but yeah uh their chemistry is great. bdubs said it best. they've been thru the trenches together.
Boat Boys
Thankfully much less thoughts about these two or else this post would get way too long lmao. I like them but I'm not too insane about them I guess? Etho's very awkward near people he isn't used to which was fun to watch but made their interactions kind of limited for a lot of DL I feel.
Joel's obsession with Etho is hilarious and seeing Bdubs get jealous of his #1 ethogirl status getting challenged is great fun. He's definitely gone through a bit of an arc from "I KILLED ETHO! I KILLED ETHO!!" in Last Life to "Eefo D:< You're making me nervous, eefo D:<" in Double Life to whatever the cow divorce situation was in Limlife. It seems like Etho's otherworldly status has been nerfed in his head and he's much less intimidated by him, while still admiring him in that 'childhood hero' sorta way.
I think because of that I've always seen them a little bit as more of a mentor/prodigy relationship than anything else? Specifically one that Etho is not even aware he's in. Eitherway, I don't really ship them in the romantic sense 🤷‍♂️ etho's just way too aloof and joel's got too much fangirl energy for it to be anything intimate lol
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cyanrendipity · 1 month ago
New full moon... which I totally wasn't avoiding... ahaha... I love arcana strenght and arcana wheel of fortune.... nothing bad ever happens after that fight 🥲👍
WELL starting from the beginning, what a month
We got a bit more strega but turns out only Takaya talked to me again, I assume I won't get 1 on 1 Jin time which is sad, but I'm enjoying it anyway, we also got to see Medea but just for a split second, come back girl (Is that all we see of her? Does she show up again?)
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Amazing month, I loved the Shinjiro's hang outs but I feel like there was some dialog missing from just talking to him around the dormitory? Maybe I'm wrong, or wait hang on maybe I didn't check them all?? Time to play this month again (not) I love Shinjiro 🥺
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But on the other hand is really hard not to hate Ken LOL It's the same as I feel with Yukari, like I understand they're young and going thru a hard time but also they're annoying to me specifically,
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(I say that as if I didn't feel the exact same way when I was 11)
I think Ken is an interesting character tho and I thought his first two linked events, the ones that happened so far, were pretty neat, him asking MC to take care of his hamster if something happened to him pulled on my heartstrings I'll admit, these children should stop being ready to die they're making me sad
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Speaking of which, Mitsuru Akihiko and Shinji flashback😭 I loved Shinji's linked events, I don't remember the fact that he skipped classes being acknowledged in the original (before his eulogy I mean). The 3 of them making a promise to graduate together torn my heart to pieces god, how can they make this EVEN SADDER.
Shinjiro without a hat is always funny looking tho, hat hair <3
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Now finally for the full moon 😔 I thought I would have a hard time cause I only pick my team based on my faves (Aigis, Akihiko and Koromaru, pretty sure I've always used this team for everything since my first playthrough of fes lmao) but turns out I'm op and poor fortune couldn't even do the unfair wheel properly, I remember I had SO MUCH trouble with them when I was playing portable, I kept having to use save states to cheat that fight. I'm pretty sure on that version the colors meant who it was gonna affect? But this time no matter what it affects everyone I feel like that makes it so much easier. Anyway it was over pretty quick
And MY GOD this was THE MOST HEART WRENCHING VERSION OF SHINJIRO'S DEATH WHAT THE FUCK, this cant be recency bias I'm gonna go watch the other versions hang on
Ok so, I guess they took inspiration on the anime version of the scene with Akihiko holding Shinjiro instead of Shinji just fucking walking and falling over (good choice, very good choice, my heart) BUT THEN RELOAD ALSO ADDED HIM PETTING KOROMARU, I CAN'T, I CAN NOOOOOOT HE HOWLS ALONG WITH KEN'S SCREAM AUGH!!!!!
I am literally so hyped up right now this is amazing I almost cried but then I got too excited by how good it was LMAO, absolute cinema as my friends say, my heart hurts I need to punch something
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karatekamania · 5 months ago
haha hey you know that ask game you reblogged. what if. the prompt i gave you from it...... was all of them . grins EVILLY
UMMM!!!! TEEHEEE!!!! hi anon here's the dissertation u requested from this ask game, obviously im doing joe and sk (Ziggy) bc who else would i be able to answer 30 questions about??? i went into detail w all of these
under cut bc loooong and theres some doodles
1. What’s their love languages?
love languages are pseudoscience but as i said in a post before (and as u can see from my art and hopefully writing lmao) they're a very physically affectionate couple to me! to paraphrase my ramble from a bit ago, they're both the type of autistic person to thrive on physical touch but Joe's spent most of his life being extremely lonely and touch-starved. so I think Ziggy (whos like. a very clingy cat kinda) just loves to be rly gentle and affectionate w Joe in a way he never thought he'd ever experience or deserve. sobs a little (idk i make em v v sappy bc. comfort ship)
2. Do they have a dynamic trope? (enemies to lovers, sunshine x grumpy, etc?)
i dont knowwwwwwww but if i ever end up putting tha things i wanna write/finish writing on ao3 theyd probs be tagged friends to lovers which i assume is what the question's asking? and probs also hurt/comfort kinda i guess, in both "directions" but i def think Joe has more Problems in his life than Ziggy, especially when they first meet, so it just goes that way (again, comfort ship. i project my problems onto both of them but maybe more on joe soooo)
3. Who cooks? Who cleans up? Who’s banned from the kitchen?
Joe's a good cook I think, out of necessity (because his dad was such a terrible one) and also he takes it up as a hobby! not too sure about Ziggy, im tempted to say he sucks a bit at it n is just a bit clumsy and incompetent. 6switcher also lives with Ziggy and Joe and he's kind of like, a 3rd (platonic) member of the relationship and cooks for them all occasionally!!!
4. What’s their favorite sleeping/cuddling positions?
again they're like velcro around each other so i think they always hold each other when sleeping,, its v. comforting for both of them!!! i went thru my art tag and ive literally drawn them snoozing like 9 quintillion times and kinda similar each time,,,, the comfy cozies,,,
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also really liking the hc that space kickers are kinda catlike in some ways so maybe sometimes Joe wakes up and like. his arms numb because Ziggy's curled up like a cat and is lying on it or Ziggy's sprawled out in the most bizarre sleeping position possible.
5. Who does what chores?
They have a cat (remix 9) that was also originally Joe's so he probably looks after that side of things, and as I said Joe also does the majority of the cooking I think!!! Other than that I can't really see them particularly dividing things out in a special way, maybe bc they r both autistic they have sensory hangups around certain things and the other takes charge! and again 6switcher lives w them so does some of it
6. Do they go out often or prefer to stay indoors?
When they first meet Joe is still living in the basement and they meet behind Senior's back, so they pretty much have to spend all their time out and about! which they both enjoy. When they move in together I still think they do a lot of fun things together out and about :) especially bc I imagine Ziggy's place is in the middle of a big city w lots of stuff to do!! and they also play for the same football team! but I think they're both good at looking at each other and deciding to skip a plan/social gathering
7. Who is the more romantic one?
i dont knowwwwwwwwwwwwww they are literally just. so sappy to each other. maybe I'd say Ziggy - they call Joe a bunch of really sappy petnames and gives him physical affection a loooot
8. Do they have any favorite activities to do together?
football :)))) Ziggy teaches Joe how to play, Joe teaches Ziggy to be happy w/ doing the sport for fun and not professionally (Zig had 2 retire early when he was young)! I think they also like to watch football games together (either at the stadium or on tv)!! also I think there's a market (like a night market!!) near where they live so they visit there quite often. ohhh and stargazing sniffle
9. Baths or showers together? Do they like elaborate ones with bubbles and flower petals?
probably not - Ziggy likes 2 take really cold baths/showers while Joe likes 2 take really hot ones bc in my mind palace space kickers are adapted to colder temperatures than humans! maybe they tried a few times but it didn't work out bc they kept arguing! but I think they'd both be fans of really long fancy baths n run them for each other
10. Who drives and who picks out the music?
Ziggy drives a silly little stereotypical ufo, Joe picks out the music (usually the rockers)
11. What’s a song that describes their relationship? Or, what’s the song that they’ve deemed “their” song?
as much as Ziggy isn't a huge fan of the rockers (Joe is), "that one song" (the rockers 2 song,,, enjoy my shitty in universe name) is their song because they had their first kiss/got together as a couple at the battle of the bands!!! so that 1 ig
12. Who gets up the earliest? Who has the worst sleep schedule? Who is the sleepiest?
Another hc I've thought already abt before is they have different sleep schedules, partially because they're different species! Ziggy goes to sleep later/wakes up earlier than Joe and also spends time awake in the night/napping, a bit like a cat kind of! they should maybe consider getting seperate beds but they are wayyyy too clingy w each other to consider that dfjkdjdjd. Joe's the sleepier one I think, especially before they move in w/ each other and he's overtired from training so much and probably has a bit of an unhealthy habit of denying himself sleep. he's the kind of guy to say "oh i'm fine, i'm tired but i don't need to sleep now!" and then Ziggy will play with his (remaining) hair for 2 minutes while they're watching tv together and he'll be like honk shoo honk shoo. i think in general he struggles to sleep normally but doesn't when Ziggy is there :')
13. What’s their opinions on PDA?
hypocritical,,, they both tend to be annoyed by others doing it, but are very pda-y themselves
14. Who does fashion shows after a mall trip and who watches and compliments them?
Ziggy is a v. fashionable guy and considers buying/modifying/making clothes a hobby, and probably even gets suuuper into it and likes to do lil mock fashion shows for Joe (like walking up and down the room as if it's the catwalk).
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He also likes to buy Joe clothes n stuff, at first he buys Joe kinda fancy fashion-y things (wiimix7 outfit!!!) and then learns what he acc likes to wear (rly comfy cozy sweaters n stuff).
15. Do they go on vacations together? Where is their favorite place to visit?
they visit Joe's home planet quite often because he gets homesick and also ends up with earthling family other than senior. and they probs go to the beach there too or smth :)
16. What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
Joe has a growing collection of earthling plants (part of their apartment is slowly turning into a jungle) to feel more at home, and they love looking after them together, and Ziggy loves to listen to Joe talk about the different plants and how he's making sure they're all happy!!!
17. What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
very cliche but they cuddle up (under a blanket if its cold) and watch TV every night until one of them (usually Joe) starts falling asleep... Usually things like football games or like, shows/movies from their respective planets which they feel is important to introduce the other to. idk its just a mega important part of their routine to both of them :)
18. What does a date night out look like for them?
uhhhhhh idk Ziggy takes fuckin forever to get ready and pick an outfit and stuff a lot of the time! I think they live in a big city on Ziggy's planet w a lot of stuff to do so they have p varied date nights,,, stuff like going for nice dinners or concerts or watching the space/cosmic dance together! but tbf i think their fav date nights r like,, just stargazing together on a quiet hillside or something. i think if they're at a concert or a restaurant or whatever they often end up stargazing together anyway bc they both get overwhelmed easily n go and sit outside to chill for a bit
19. How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
when Joe was still living in the basement, letters! they communicated mainly by post during that period of their relationship and I think they'd just,,, include little inside jokes or send each other little heart candies n stuff. when theyre together i think theyd do things like subtly holding/touching hands or one holding on to the others coat or whatever,,, like idk theyre just always holding on to each other whether subtly or not
20. What clothes/accessories do they steal from each other?
Ziggy steals all of Joe's sweaters, even the ones he buys for Joe as a gift, bc they're oversized and really comfy and just like,,, feel like a big hug to him!!! Joe also lends him a pink rockers t-shirt one day so they can match at the battle of the bands and it becomes Ziggy's fav pyjamas! idk if Joe steals any of Ziggy's extensive wardrobe bc a lot of it isn't his style, though i could see him taking a liking to Ziggy's scarves :)
21. Which of their friends/family pokes fun at them for them getting flustered/affectionate?
6switcher basically bullies them 24/7, and Ziggy likes to playfully make fun of Joe for getting super flustered, often after doing something intentionally to make him flustered
22. How do they apologize after arguments?
I think Joe overapologises and overexplains a lot (now im thinkin Ziggy would do the same as well. but especially Joe), but he'd also default to baking something for them. I think Ziggy would just come and wrap their arms around Joe after they've had an argument
23. Do they like pick up lines?
They both see pick up lines as kind of cringe and would use them as a joke/bit! I think they both don't get why anyone would use those kind of things unironically
24. What are their favorite places to kiss on their partner(s)? What are their favorite types of kisses?
Zig likes to kiss Joe all over,,, but their fave is the very tip of Joe's nose, like it just makes him completely melt every time. I like to draw/imagine them also kissing him on the forehead n cheeks a lot. I hc space kickers as having patterns on their skin, I think Joe finds Ziggy's really really pretty so he likes kissing each of the lil spots and stuff on his shoulders and arms and stuff sniffle... ye
25. What is their dream home? Do they buy a place together? Who plans the decorations and who does the heavy lifting?
When they first meet and are long distance they both dream of living like,, anywhere together. I think they're pretty happy in Ziggy's little apartment, but eventually I imagine them moving to Joe's planet (because he missed it a lot) in a lil house and maybe running a kids football academy or smth! Idk exaactly what the interior decor is like but probs like,, cozy and full of plants n sunlight (projecting my dream home dreams onto them lmfao)
26. Do they have any pets or kids?
They have a cat and a fuck tonne of plants
27. Who would propose? What would their wedding be like?
im so unsure of which 1 would propose to the point where im considering the sappy gay relationship trope where they both propose at the same time!!! Whoever proposes, I think they'd do it outside live house ogu where they had their first kiss for sentimental reasons... I think Joe especially would want to get married bcs he has like,, no family or anything after running away from the basement (before he reunites w his mum), and he'd see getting married as a big part of leaving his past behind him and also becoming part of Ziggy's family! I think their wedding would have a mix of both earthling and sk traditions (whatever they are), space gramps would officiate it, 6switcher would be the best man and idk. gay space marriage (old art below)
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28. What’s something that reminds them of their partner(s)? Do they have anything on them daily as a reminder (a photo, phone background, tattoo, clothing/accessory, etc)?
before they live together i think they know where each others planets in the night sky are and they look out for them every night, and probably also swap clothes so they can feel closer to each other! Joe has an old film camera that his dad stored in the basement and he takes pictures of em as lil mementos :)
29. What is something they can never agree on? How do they meet in the middle?
They spend a lot of time deliberating about whether to move back to Joe's home planet and maybe disagreeing on that! Joe misses it sometimes and has family/friends there, while Ziggy's job/football team/friends/family are on their planet. They compromise by makin lots of visits before/after they move I think, idk. I also think they never agree on like, how hot the room should be bc theyre adapted to diff temperatures lol
30. Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say!
im SOOOO normal about them they make me ILL!!!! and ive learned like 90000000 art things just to draw better pics of them!!!!!!! and they bring me so much genuine comfort!!!!!!! as an extra thing I think they'd speak mix of each other's languages to each other
thanks for reading this far and thank you anon for enabling me
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musicallygt · 9 months ago
Borrower Skyes Au: Ema and Klavier Sizeswap - A Small Visit
Well, it's been well over 3 months since the last chapter......... like a year and a half LMAO. My writing style is very different now (like how i write in present tense instead of past tense) but i don't feel like going thru the old chapters and changing them to match lol.
Some things to note:
1) i looked up the process of visiting someone in prison and decided it doesnt work for what i want in my fic lmao. if ace attorney can have a fucked up inaccurate legal system then this doesn't have to be accurate either and i can do what i want forever lol
2) I reference this fic that @spirit-small wrote for my au a lot in this!! the experience is definitely enhanced if you read it first
“Kleine Fräulein, we are not doing that!”
“You can’t tell me what to do, fop!”
“I’m serious, there is no way this will end well!”
Ema is giddy, just barely holding back giggles as she practically skips out of the Prosecutor’s Office. The more she thinks about this idea, the more excited she finds herself becoming– not even the fop could stop her from doing this (and it’s not like he can, not when he’s now the size of a borrower while she’s the size of a bean).
“It’s not like your brother can do anything to me now!” Ema whispers back. “What’s he gonna do? Put me in another jar?”
“Watch before you cross!” the fop hisses in her ear just before she can step onto a busy road, cars speeding by. She’s bouncing in place as she waits to cross, the fop on her shoulder gripping her hair tightly as he’s jostled in place. 
“Listen, hör zu!” There’s a desperation in his soft voice, even as he speaks quieter. “We already got plenty of chemicals from the Office, let’s just forget about your idea and head back–”
And Ema promptly tunes him out, ignoring his pleas as she finally crosses the street. She is going to visit his brother, that foptop, whether he wants her to or not.
She looks up at the street signs, mentally going over the directions to the detention center that she managed to get.
The fop just doesn’t understand why she has to do this, why she needs to see his brother.
Ema can’t stop grinning. 
Oh, she can just imagine the foptop's face when he sees her again, now the size of a full-grown bean. He'd probably freak out at the sight of her, especially after what happened last time they met. Maybe he'd even beg for her not to hurt him for what he did to her, and maybe she'd pretend to consider showing him mercy.
She giggles. This is going to be so good.
“One visitor to the fopto— er, K-Kristoph Gavin!” she announces once they reach the jail, the tiny fop on her shoulder finally shutting up as he hides in her hair.
The bean at the front office just pauses in the donut he’s biting into, just before shoving the rest of it into his mouth and turning to the computer, messy fingers on the keyboard. “Name?”
“Ema. S-Skyence. Ema Skyence.”
He looks back at her, eyebrow raised.
“Like ‘science’ but with the ‘k’ sound.”
An awkward pause. 
She really should’ve chosen a better fake name.
The bean asks more questions, most of which Ema doesn’t really understand or has no idea how to answer. But she answers them anyway, with the most bean-like answers she can come up with. And the bean types them down, meaning her answers must be good. (Or he doesn’t actually care. He seems more concerned about stuffing his face with donuts than questioning most of her replies. Which still works for her.)
Ema can’t help but stare at his hands as he types, watching how just a single finger can be used to press down the keys instead of having to use his entire body weight. Now that she’s bean-sized, she should try it out with the fop’s computer back home. It definitely seems a lot faster that way.
“I’m surprised, honestly,” the bean speaks up after swallowing another donut, filling out more information on the computer. “Mr. Gavin doesn’t really get any visitors here. Well, except for his brother sometimes. And that defense attorney, Phoenix Wright.”
Ema blinks. “Mr. Wright?” There aren’t that many defense attorney beans named “Phoenix Wright,” are there?
“Oh, were you one of his clients before?”
“Er, something like that…”
What is Mr. Wright doing with a bean like… like the foptop? There’s no way they’re friends… are they?
Before she can ask more about him, the bean at the computer speaks up again as he finishes typing. “All right, there we go! You’re good to go! Just follow Meekins over there to Mr. Gavin’s cell.”
After going through a strange doorway (a “metal detect-tour”) the tall bean, one much taller than Ema and almost comical and cartoonish in nature, leads Ema through the prison, down to some farther section away from all the other prisoners. To somewhere called “solely-tarry confine-mint.”
“Well, this is it, sir!” the tall bean announces loudly as he leads her into a cell that looks a little too nice than what the foptop deserves. “Mr. Kristoph Gavin’s cell, ma’am sir!”
“Quiet down, Meekins,” the foptop speaks up from where he sits, not looking up from his book. “Your voice is as pleasant as nails scraping across a chalkboard.”
Ema shudders, the foptop’s smooth voice bringing back memories from her one and only encounter with him, memories she doesn’t like to dwell on.
(No, this is your chance to finally get revenge! He won’t know what hit him now that I’m bean-sized!)
The tall bean’s already loud voice is amplified by the device hanging around his neck, Ema wincing at the volume. She can feel the tiny fop’s  entire body cringing on her shoulder— with his current size, she can only imagine how much worse the sound is for him.
“Yes, why else would you be here.” The foptop turns a page, still not looking up. 
The way he’s just so… so calm, it’s so frustrating. Ema can’t wait to get her hands around his neck. (Maybe. She’s not sure yet what she’s going to do. She’s still figuring that out.)
“Now, if you would be so kind as to leave us be…”
“Meekins.” Though he still doesn’t look up, the foptop’s voice us low and dangerous, Ema tensing up as goosebumps run along her arms. Hadn’t he used that same tone when he first found her…?
“I asked you to leave us alone. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“Y-Yes, sir! Sorry, sirrrrrr!” Despite definitely being taller than the foptop, the tall bean is clearly intimidated by him, quickly shuffling away after that threat.
“Well, Wright,” the foptop begins, still not looking up from his book, “if you’re here to ask me again why I killed Mr. Shadi Smith, don’t bother. My answer is still the same: I killed him because I’m an evil human being, end of discussion.”
(Damn right, you are.)
“Actually,” Ema speaks up, her voice cracking.
Damn nerves...
She clears her throat, making her voice louder, steadier. “Actually, I’m not Mr. Wright.”
The foptop freezes midway through flipping a page, finally turning his head towards her. His brows raise, eyes widening ever so slightly in what Ema hopes to be shock.
On her shoulder, the tiny fop grips her hair tighter, tense.
Ema just stands taller, puffing out her chest. “Bet you regret putting me in a jar and trying to suffocate me now that I’m the size of a bean!”
Why isn’t he feeling threatened?! Ema glares harder, waiting for him to finally crack under her intimidation.
“Ah. You’re my brother’s… roommate.”
Ema’s fists tighten on her bag strap. She can’t explain it, but she hates the way he says that word, “roommate.” It feels… condescending.
Like he refuses to see her in that way.
“Y-Yeah. I am.”
A pause. Neither of them move, just locked in a silent staring contest.
Ema refuses to back down.
“Well? Aren’t you scared, foptop?”
Why is her voice wavering? She shouldn’t be scared now, not when she’s the size of a bean.
“Scared?” the foptop asks with a stupid smirk, pushing up his glasses. “Why should I be scared?”
Ema takes a deep breath, forcing herself to stop shaking. “Because I’m bean-sized,” she states again. “I can get my revenge on you now.”
And the foptop just laughs. His laugh is loud, menacing, echoing in the cell around them. 
She hates his laugh.
“Fine, then.” With that, he closes his book, setting it aside, and he stands up.
He’s… taller than Ema. Much taller…
It never occurred to her that he’d still be taller than her even when she’s bean-sized.
“Go on, then,” he taunts, arms outstretched at his sides. “Get your revenge on me now that you’ve inexplicably grown to human size.”
Ema can’t move. She can’t speak. Her throat is tight, her chest heavy.
She’s the size of a human bean, but with the foptop towering over her, it’s like she’s normal size again. The giant foptop looming, able to grab her in his massive hand at any time, dropping her in another jar…
Her grip tightening even more on her bag strap, she hunches into herself, taking a step back.
“What’s the matter?” He takes a step closer, his eyes gleaming behind his glasses. She backs away more.
She hates how he mocks her.
“I thought you were going to get your revenge on me, were you not?”
She says nothing. Maybe this really was a bad idea…
“Or I suppose your revenge is shrinking down my brother and keeping him prisoner on your shoulder.”
Ema’s eyes widen. She had forgotten about him. One hand immediately goes to her shoulder to shield him, the tiny fop shifting tensely as he tries to stay even more hidden in her hair.
“Oh, did you think I wouldn’t notice him sitting there on your shoulder? I almost thought you brought him along to taunt me.”
“He’s not my prisoner,” Ema finds herself saying, her fingers now curling up protectively. She doesn’t know why she feels the need to defend him. “I’m finding a way to get him back to normal.”
“And am I wrong to assume you’re at fault for his minuscule size?”
She doesn’t answer.
The foptop extends his hand to her, palm up with a grin. “Now, I’d like my brother if you don’t mind. I’m not comfortable leaving him in the hands of someone like you.”
Ema doesn’t move. No, she can’t let the foptop have his brother.
The foptop frowns, a certain danger in his eyes that makes Ema’s blood run cold. “Don’t make me ask again,” he says, his voice low and threatening. “Hand over my brother. Now.”
Ema’s fingers wrap around the fop, refusing to obey.
“I’m staying with her,” the fop suddenly speaks up before Ema can say anything, moving her hair out of his way to show himself to his brother. His voice is loud and steady; if it weren’t for the way he’s trembling in her hand, she would’ve believed he’s not even a little bit afraid of this situation.
The foptop arches a brow, his frown almost a scowl now. “You’re staying with her?” he repeats incredulously, shaking his head. “Really now, entrusting your safety to this..." 
The foptop pauses, his eyes narrowing as he glares down at her. 
“…creature, at a time like this… Rather reckless of you, don't you think?"
Ema’s blood boils.
Creature. That’s what he called her: creature.
She’s not even a person to him.
All Ema can do is glare.
"My choice to trust Kleine Fräulein is none of your business," the fop replies, his voice not wavering despite how much he shakes. He grabs onto her fingers, wrapping his tiny arms tight around them. “I’m not a child anymore, Kris, I can take care of myself.”
Ema can’t explain the warmth she feels in her chest at his contact.
The foptop, meanwhile, hardly shows any reaction, though the look in his eyes tells Ema everything. “Listen to yourself, Klavier,” he says quite forcefully. “You’re four inches tall and you think the reasonable course of action is to willingly endanger yourself by staying in the possession of the lunatic—” He practically hisses the word. “—who did this to you. Your diminished size seems to have affected your ability to even think logically.
The shrunken fop hesitates, having no reply.
“Hmph. Sounds like you’re finally listening to reason.”
The foptop steps towards her again, hand outstretched once more. She takes another step back.
Ema doesn’t know why— hell, she doesn’t even understand what exactly is going through her mind right now— but she knows she can’t let the foptop have his brother. She can’t let that happen. Not here, and not during a time like this.
She has to keep the fop away.
She doesn’t even realize what she’s doing until her fist makes contact with the foptop's jaw.
"Man, that was a terrible idea. We really shouldn't have done something so incredibly reckless.”
“Ja,” Klavier deadpans, his grip tight on a lock of her hair as she walks, “that was an awful idea. I wonder why we decided to do it.”
Kleine Fräulein doesn’t respond.
Not that he expects her to.
The walk away from the prison is silent between them, neither of them uttering a word.
With each step, Klavier finds himself very conscious of every breath he takes, his chest tight.
Dealing with Kris is something he can usually handle; the man had practically raised him since the two of them were boys, Klavier growing up knowing what he’s like. Sure, he’s sometimes… difficult to put it lightly, and he was found guilty of murder, but… Kris is still his brother…
He stares down at his fists— despite how tightly he holds onto Kleine Fräulein’s hair, they still shake violently. It’s… He’s… 
He gulps, breathing suddenly difficult.
He’s never felt as small as he did compared to his brother today, and it wasn't just literally. The way Kristoph spoke, so condescending and demeaning, as if Klavier isn’t his own person, an adult who can make his own decisions...
As if he’s still the helpless little boy who relied so much on his older brother... Who trusted his older brother without fail or question…
“At least that felt good,” Kleine Fräulein suddenly speaks up, interrupting his thoughts as she continues to walk who knows where. “I mean, my hand still hurts, but I didn't realize how satisfying that would be. Probably the closest I'll ever get to punching you, fop.”
Despite it all, Klavier can’t help but chuckle at her remark. There’s some comfort in how even in this crazy situation they’ve found themselves in, Kleine Fräulein is still the same as ever.
It’s calming, in a strange way.
“We should do this again more often. Or at least while I’m still so huge. I have more I’d like to do to that jerk of a fop.”
He shakes his head with a smile. “I doubt Kris would agree to be your punching bag again. Besides, they’re definitely not letting you back in there after you got kicked out for that.”
“A minor inconvenience.”
He laughs, and in that moment, everything almost feels okay. Almost.
When his laughter dies down, Klavier purses his lips. He stares up at her— from his vantage point on her shoulder, hidden in her hair, it’s rather difficult to see her face clearly.
His throat tightens.
He stares down at his wrist, his crystal bracelet from Kleine Fräulein still adorning it, having shrunken with him.
After a moment, he scoots closer to Kleine Fräulein's neck, the lock of hair still tight in his grip. "Danke, Kleine Fräulein..." he somehow manages to choke out, leaning into her warmth.
She just hums in reply, almost nonchalantly, Klavier feeling the vibration from her neck as she does so. 
He closes his eyes, just trying to forget today, just trying to forget his fears, and just trying to forget how miniscule he is.
Being with Kleine Fräulein doesn’t exactly help him feel better about it all— she seems to enjoy being the bigger person for once, based on how she treats him now— but at least... she makes him feel safe.
"You know," she speaks up after several minutes of silence, Klavier's eyes snapping open, "it's been a long day. I think we should get some Snackoos. As a treat. Where do you beans borrow stuff from?"
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n0t-vzin1s · 2 years ago
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bf!armin x fem!reader
guys i won't hesitate to admit that i'm head over fucking heels in love with armin and if you disagree, fucking fight me
also sorry to my gn or male readers!! these hcs would only make sense with a fem!reader due to how it was written (i am so tired i didn't even realize)
aot manga spoilers
god where do i start with this maaan
you more or less likely grew up with him, eren, and mikasa
so one day
when you know
he was with you and eren that day
and istg the scared look on his face had you IN TEARS
fuck your parents, armin is all that matters
i would sell my left kidney for armin
during training, you were almost certain that armin was gay
like absolutely in love with eren LOL
so you brought it up
"yo homie are you gay?"
and he looked at you with the most PUZZLED expression like 😨
but he was like "nah fam"
and he whipped out the "i.." awkward ass gulp "like someone else"
and you already knew it was either you or mikasa but mikasa seen him as brother
and let's b honest
who wouldn't have a crush on armin!!
yeah you were one of em
time skip to god fucking knows where
bro grows some balls and kisses your goddamn ass
halfway thru, it was ruined due to eren and mikasa walking in like "woah. who is THIS BABE??"
until they realized it was you and that they were screwed lmAo
armin is extremely soft
like not even in like his skin is soft
he's just
he's so gentle and scared to hurt you
and he's constantly checking up on you and making sure you're okay
often brings you things to show you
he LOVES reading books with you about the outside world
esp b4 he seen the ocean!!
i could see him and you taking horse rides into the large forest against levi's wishes
he feels rebellious when he's with you
random hc buuuut i feel like he would LOVE to dance in the rain
or lay in the grass and watch the stars all the way to the sun rise with you
he knows every single constellation
no doubt abt that
for your birthday, he gets you books!! it's more of a gift to himself, really, but you don't mind cause it's cute!!
for HIS birthday?
you get him books.
for valentine's day?
it's always fuckin books
but it's armins hobby and you love him for it
armin is extremely awkward and constantly needs praise
he has a fear of yoh leaving him for some one who he considers "better"
and you have to remind him
"armin honey there is no one better than you"
he constantly has to be near near you on the field cause he's scared of losing you
but you have to remind him that you can handle yourself
he finds it hot when you take down a titan
cause like
your muscles are flexing against the tight suit and he just likes the way it looks
he will stand up for you with his life
cleans your injuries for you since he's a goddamn doctor
what kind you may ask?
he often writes stories abt you
they don't explicitly say your name, but you often realize that they describe you
he actually wanted to be a writer at some point in his life before everything went down
during the time you visited marley, the two of you got some quality time in like eren and mikasa had
but the two of you often sought out the other for comfort when eren started changing
cause like
you grew up with that boy
and to see him change his life so drastically kinda hurt the both of you
his dreams kinda went down the drain like eren life did
he was so happy that he got to see the ocean with you of all people though
when sasha died, he cried in your arms
as well, when he hange died and he technically became the next commander
he needed a lot of comfort
cause he wasn't sure he was going to do good
but armin struggles to talk abt his feelings!! so to have him open up to you and let himself feel vulnerable infront of you is a huge step for himself
he often doubts his self-worth!! like way too often to be considered normal
when the rumbling started, his priorities were both you, and mikasa
and he did his best to keep you safe
but hot goth mommy mikasa honestly did better
don't tell him that tho
he never talked about the future
like what would happen after all the titans went away
omg how could i forget
when he became a titan, he started closing himself off for weeks at a time cause he didn't like killing innocent people
but when he opened up you felt bad for him
cause he was so exhausted
like he hadn't slept for weeks at a time
armins trauma is so overlooked
anyways back to the future
he honestly wanted to travel the world and write about what he'd seen over the years
he also wouldn't allow himself to get into a relationship with you until the whole thing was over
cause even tho it would hurt, atleast you or him would've died knowing that there wasn't a future for either of you
buuut it still hurts lol
anyways when he killed eren, he literally sobbed for weeks
regardless if he was seen as a hero in others eyes, he didn't see himself as one
but during the aftermath, when he gets to finally settle down with you, he feels ecstatic
mikasa, you and him (as well as the other living cadets) often visit erens grave and leave things there
armin usually leaves little notes telling him about his life and how things are doing
and they always end in the same way
"how are you doing up there?"
and he usually gets a sign back from the universe somehow, sometimes it'll be a bird landing on him, and other times it could be leaves swirling around him
regardless, it leaves him happy and you in tears every damn time
whenever there's a thunderstorm, armin always says (without failure)
"oo, someone pissed eren off again" while laughing
and you can never understand how he's not sad by his death
he is
god i wrote this with the intention of it being happy but i'm fucking sobbing i hate this
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quinloki · 1 year ago
Hahaha jokes on you for saying people are qualified to speak to you bc now I’m even more encouraged to send you my thoughts
Jk. But I appreciate your acceptance of them. I’m currently trying to bully my IRL bestie to hurry tf up on getting thru one piece bc right now my options are limited like she’s in enies lobby now and I’m like pls… at least get to post time skip… I can scream about Law and Marco then
Omg ok so it’s peak squirrel brain hours for me rn so lemme try to tell you about this brainrot I’ve been having.
I literally have no idea where it came from but modern au, you’re a patron at thatch’s bar, you go there often and are friendly with thatch bc he’s a nice guy. Friends with Luffy. You go to said bar, having a great time with your friends, whitebeard crew shows up bc it’s thatch’s place obvi, but some other crew busts in trying to pick a fight. Somehow you get yoinked as a hostage bc the other crew wants to fight somewhere else (a trap duh) and it’s not a situation where they can get you out safe so they’re like yes we’ll fight you at this location but Marco is like I wanna come too, prolly cause he feels responsible maybe you were by the whitebeard crew bc you were luffy’s friend or you were flirting with Marco and that’s why you got snatched
And the baddies they’re like fine fine but it’s seastone cuffs. They got beef with him or something so they were down, plus having one of their fighters tapped out seemed smart
So you go off with them and both of you are just subconsciously trying to protect the other Marco even has you come sit on his lap bc the sketchy van you’re put in has stuff all over the floor and you’re wearing shorts/skirt and it’s conveniently freezing in the van so like, y’all can warm eachother up
And the baddies are like oh wait is it the Phoenix’s gf is that why he wanted to come and they’re taunting like oh the things we could do to your little gf and Marco is like just remember the cuffs won’t be on forever
Anyways they drive y’all around until the meeting time maybe taunting or roughing poor Marco up a little and finally they all meet up at this trap location except obvi the whitebeard pirates are gonna kick ass and come to the rescue and they take you back with them to heal any injuries/make sure you ok
Oh no one of the baddies gets away and starts posting all over the dark web about the phoenix’s weakness and everyone is like oh you’re in danger guess you gotta stay with us for awhile
And Marco was so nice so you just have a huge crush but he somewhat avoids you bc he feels responsible so you’re like oh he does not like me back oh ok
And idk they’re loosely mafia ish so some shenanigans ensue of people coming after you but Marco is always there to protect you and the tension is off the charts
That’s kinda as far as my brain got bc I keep starting over lmao
Ugh I wish I was better at making that a cute little story I’m so good at coming up with things in my head but typing them out is so hard T_T
But I hope you enjoyed my brainrot I’m about to head to bed and will most likely be thinking of it more <3
An Author friend of mine - far more successful and suited to the job than I am - said something once that really sticks with me.
The ideas are the easy part, writing is the hard part.
Some people will come to her with ideas, and want some sort of 50/50 deal for doing "half" the work, and honestly, no matter how well fleshed out the idea is, it's barely going to be 5% of the process at best.
I don't share that to put your idea down, not even a little, but I do mention it to highlight that you're not wrong. Turning ideas into stories is the hard part, and honestly I always love seeing that truth understood too. (Real fun is when you apply that to other things and realize that certain types who have "great ideas" are rarely the ones who make them reality, but they really want to continually tell you how great their ideas are changing the world >.> )
I love everything about this!
So - I have to admit I have a Mafia AU Marco story I'm slowly working on. It's pretty complex so far, intended as a slowburn anyway, and I really want to incorporate this idea into it. I just love the vibes.
AND - lol - one of the points I wanted to sort out for it was specifically having the reader end up in the Main House for the Whitebeard Mafia family. This idea is PERFECT, a few adjustments for the reader type and the AU itself, and the vibes are there. It's a Devil Fruit AU too, so >.>
the reader as a hostage gets Marco as a "hostage", they're supposed to let her go at that point, but someone gets the brilliant idea that the girl keeps the bird inline, and Pops' prize bird keeps the other boys inline, so they're keeping both.
The idea of the doomed kidnappers thinking the two are together works, it'll be the 2nd or 3rd time they've met and yeah, there's been flirting, but nothing committal. So her staying at the Main House for protection still leave Marco with a sour taste - he does like her, but this situation isn't fair. He's too laid back and experienced to blatantly avoid her, but he makes sure there's always someone else around, excusing himself before his brothers can "leave the two of them alone" or anything.
In this particular story the reader is an adopted kid of Big Mom's, trying to get away from the mafia life to some degree, and more than that to avoid being married off for whatever reason by Big Mom in the first place. (this is grumbled about in the first chapter, so it's not some big reveal). That certainly adds another layer to things, especially if Lin-Lin sees it as an in to tie the two families together.
Ah, sweet Kazieai <3 I would love to utilize this wonderful idea you've blessed my morning with. Just because the idea part is easier than the writing part doesn't mean it isn't worth due credit ❤️Especially when it's just the scenario I was trying to come up with.
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cuips-not-cute · 1 year ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
thanks @toburnup, @numinosmoon, @pearynice, and @morningberriesao3 for tagging me, y'all are the coolest<3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
nine!! but one of them is my darling friend @lollaika's amazing fic, The Agony Of A Loving Gaze, of which i am merely the artist
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
269,805. whew.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
stranger things at the moment lmao but i've written for good omens and our flag means death before, too
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
he could be brave, blood is an aphrodisiac, honeyed affection, cyclical, and lover, be good to me.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes i do!! i'm horribly, horribly behind atm but i will catch up!! love engaging with people who like my stories, and i've made some fabulous friends thru ao3 comments, too<3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
don't think any of mine?? big fan of happy endings
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
gosh i don't even know they all pretty much have the "and they lived happily ever after" vibe at the end i'm a sucker for sweet stuff what can i say??
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i've gotten a couple weird comments from peeps who don't know how to read tags but those go straight in the trash, good vibes only
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
me?? smut?? never!!! lmao i like it all, the kinkier the better. one of my most proudest smut scenes i've written involved some super sweet fisting. i love stuff that's fucking depraved but still with a good undercurrent of softness. love it when they're gross and in love
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i haven't!! generally can only focus on one fandom at a time so i don't know that i ever will but i love a good crossover fic
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as far as i know!! just waiting for the day that i see my art on like pinterest or smth, tho
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no but gosh that would be SO COOL!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have not!! love beta'ing and being a soundboard for all my super cool and talented writer friends but i write so erratically that i doubt i could co-write with someone
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
...steddie. i'm so embarrassed but i love them. ineffable husbands is SUPER close behind, tho
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hmm, had a kooky tentacle porn oneshot in the works but that always gets put on the back burner while i'm writing a multichap thing...and i seem to always be writing a multichap thing. maybe one day
16. What are your writing strengths?
oh smut, probably. my fav thing to write , too, so it makes sense. tho i've heard from multiple sources that my kiss scenes are good, but those usually lead up to the smut anyways lololol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hmm, scene transitions or points where i need the mood to shift dramatically. usually skip around those and write them later during the second draft
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
it's cool!! i'm lame and don't know any other written languages so i prolly never would do it for fear of mistranslating smth but it's neat to see, especially when it's the author's native language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
technically i think way back when i worte a lil thing for the gemma doyle series, did not think of it as fanfic at the time, tho
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
cyclical!! that one was a BEAST but i'm stupidly proud of her. as it is a time loop fic it was THE angstiest thing i've ever written but i had a great time making it.
honorable mention for my current wip, tho, which will be a steddie sex tape au chock full of pining and porn. hopefullyyyy the first chapter will be out soon (!!!)
tagging the lovelies: @lollaika @jhrc666 @steddielations @thefreakandthehair @phantom-organism and @wormdebut <3<3
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mattscoquette · 6 months ago
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who does that lmao😭like sometimes I’ll skip a video cus it just doesn’t appeal to me personally, I’m honestly kinda scared I’m not loving the triplets as much as I did and I don’t wanna stop watching them but it feels almost forced now when I watch them🥺
i get what u mean completely! sometimes i’ll skip out on a video if it seems boring or unwatchable 😭😭 the most recent deaf blind absolute baking i didn’t watch bc halfway thru i was soo uninterested.
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nicegaai · 7 months ago
Su-san anon here I love you and your opinions sm. SuIce is so tasty I agree, personally I think Ice should have the most embarrassing daddy kink known to man and Swe should be eaten up by remorse bc of how much he enjoys little Aisu-kun calling him that when they fuck. When they're done Ice feels mortified and wants to hide from the world while Swe feels nauseous and thinks he should hand himself to the police. But they end up fucking again regardless lmao. This is my ideal dynamic for them, I'm afraid.
im holding your hand and we're skipping thru a beautiful meadow...
this boy needs a father figure so bad!!!!! dare i say ice has preexisting issues about den in this scenario ...
aikun and susan are the two most repressed gay men in the subarctic and i need them to bond about it So Bad i dont care HOW but i want it to GET WEIRD i need sweden to be the only one who rly listens to him and is a supportive mentor who sees himself in ice, and ice can look up to him like the father he never had (sorry den u werent very present..) and a role model and they both develop a thing for each other that they try and mutually keep repressed ...
and at first sure they have their cute little affair sans daddy kink and its already on the edge of appropriate. they can justify a few encounters and just not want anyone else to know — norway and denmark would freak out, swedens kids dont need to know hes getting laid, iceland is not universally recognized as an adult and thats problematic, its just casual and theyre private people... whatever reason. swedens into younger men and icelands into older men and there was a lot of lowkey sexual tension and now theyre fucking and its great.
im obsessed with the extreme guilt angle youre giving them though, ughhhh thats absolute kino. i have no idea how the daddy kink would START but i just KNOWW that their communication skills are rough and post coitus they wouldnt talk out their guilt/shame/embarrassment very well. they each retreat to stew in their mental illnesses... neither can confide about this in anyone else either, theyll hold their problems inside until they die. OR until theyre horny enough to go back for more, which im sure is what their love life relies on anyway... and then the cycle continues........... hot. option 1, ice coming back to apologize really flustered and asking if that was wayy over the line.. OR option 2, sve coming back like umm heyy...(sexual intent) like hes decided that if ice was into it then its ok, and ice being like d-d-dont look at me ..... and then they fuck.
anyway i went looking for every time they interact for Evidence
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hes docile because he's daddy svi's little boy and he cant be mean to him.. he'll be getting a reward for good behavior laterrrr
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look at that physical contact theyre basically canonically in love. also the size difference ....... think about it...
i dont know how to end this post. suice forever
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simp4konig · 1 year ago
Hii! So I’m new in the Call of Duty fandom but I don’t play the games like on the ps5, etc… I only play Call of Duty on my phone and I got addicted and began digging deeper so here I am! Since I don’t/can’t play the different games of cod do you recommend any channels on youtube that does an amazing walkthrough of the games? I really really want to watch some walkthroughs but I don’t know whats the order of watching each game?? Does each game connect to each other? I’m still kind of confused since I’m still new😅😅. I’m sorry to disturb you though but I hope you can help me😭
To summarise before I go on a useless tangent and ramble needlessly, here are short answers for your questions:
Yes, the games are related. Modern Warfare 1+2+3 are chronological, and are the same story with the same characters. Similarly, it is widely believed that the Black Ops series + Cold War take place in the same timeline as Modern Warfare. I know for certain that Cold War is connected to MWI+II+III because Captain Price is a playable character in multiplayer, and the Black Ops series mention the same villains.
There is no particular chronological order in terms of a greater narrative, however, if you want to understand the story of Modern Warfare, watch walkthroughs of MWI, MWII, and finally MWIII. Black Ops has its own series so if you want to watch those too, you can, however you won't be missing major plot points in Modern Warfare if you choose not to. Cold War is in the same timeline as Modern Warfare, but you won't be missing major plot points in Modern Warfare either if you choose not to.
My advice: Watch game walkthroughs (I would recommend at least once, even in 2x speed, just so you know the general gist of the lore).
Watch COD compilations (trust me, there's LOADS) that are 10–20 mins long, and feature the most iconic scenes in the game back-to-back so you aren't missing anything
Dont resd this if you dont want to!!!vvv it's long and its just me sympathising with you becsude im in the same situation 💀💀... Vvvvvvv
Played MW and MWII, theold versions only💔And i DONT hsve a PS5 EITHER so i csnt play the remasyers/reimagines, neithet can my parents justify buying the games just to hage a 100gb game on our PS4😫😫 were in this together anon,... 😓
I mostly have been going on youtube and tyoing out "MW 2019 walkthrough" and "MW2 2022 walkthrough" to see wheyher the plot has chsnged so i can keep up to daye and understand whay the fandom is on about !! Since ive plaued the older remasters , i watch these in like 1.75 speed or even just skip parts bc i already kniw what's gonna haooen mostly 😙✌️ but any scenes that im like "WOAH wtf is this i dint rmeebrt this happening🤨" I watch them 10–20min compilations of certain charwcyer moments 😌 Because i honestlu do NOT hsve the time to watch a whole ass 9–12h video in multiple sittings, i have homework and studyijg to be doing‼️‼️
And fir my headcannond/fanfictions , "[insert character here] voicelines" so i can understand the characyer thru their voicelines (like König and Krueger), as well as seeing their skins and backstories on theit respevtive wikis, googling their respectivr countries, ajd builfing my vision of these by also reading OTHER people's headcannons/fanfictions !! If you were to resd my oldest works, youd see thay my König was the fanon König, but as ivr gotten more used to writing him and changing my perception of his character+personality, you can tell how how i write for him has slowly developed 🙌
i feel like a hypocritetelling u to watch MWIII tho because neitjer have i plaued it NOR watched a walkthru bc my fav characters DIE and i dont wanna put myself thru that just yet😇 obviously, with MWIII remaster here, i think ill hage to soon ....
Im honoufed u chode yo ask ME of sll people !!☺️❤️❤️❤️... So im sorfy i couldnt be more useful ☹️💔💔💔
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tickle-bugs · 8 months ago
@ticklishraspberries tagged me in this a billion years ago and bc i'm literally the worst im doing it late. thank u for the tag lovely!!!
❤️ Newest obsession: no obsessions really!! probably healthy overall lol but i strangely haven't been like consumed by a fandom in a very very long time. i've been enjoying my adventures with superman s2, critical role (surprising no one), dead boy detectives, and dungeon meshi lately tho!!
🎥 Last three movies I watched and what I thought of them:
as much as it physically pains me, i'm gonna skip this one. im a big film nerd and all my friends know what movies i'm gonna see when so i'm nervous they'll ID me on this blog thru my letterboxd LMAO
🎶 Three songs I’ve discovered recently and loved: trying to be original and not talk about anything super popular rn lmfao
Killer Shangri-Lah by Pshychotic Beats (found this through killing eve hehe)
Run Your Mouth - The Marias
Slowly Spilling Out - Saint Motel
💘 Newest Fav Ships: none atm really? eve/villanelle from killing eve comes to mind since i just finished the show. any combination of charles, edwin, and monty from dead boy detectives (and crystal/niko BIG TIME) come to mind. not much in the way of new tho. just my usual bullshit.
📺 Currently Watching: critical role c2 (still lol). i finished most of the shows i was watching atm. might start house of the dragon or the acolyte soon tho!
📖 Currently Reading: haven't read anything in a while :( i JUST redid my bookshelf today tho so hopefully i can change that
🎮 Currently Playing: baldur's gate 3 has my soul and will not return it
😍 Currently Looking Forward To: getting back into writing (hopefully. fingers fucking crossed)
✅ Recently finished: not -technically- done yet but deep cleaning my room! it's done so much for my mental health to redo my space from the ground up :)
💌 Something to share: for the first time in almost a decade im working on a lego set and when i tell you i am healed? whew
tagging @thebest-medicine @fickle-tiction @kourtniwritesagain but absolutely no pressure!!!
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nightmare-dreamt · 2 years ago
Hi there i am not sure if your matchups are open but i wanna shoot my shot lol feel free to delete and apologies if they are closed :)
Id like a matchup for aot, demon slayer and tokyo ghoul (but mostly DS so if it is easier for you to only write one, pls do DS)
I am a bisexual guy so idm any gender, but pls give me adult characters.
A lil about my personality: im an entp. I think if my friends were to describe me they'd say im helpful, talkative and open-minded. I'm the type of guy to have a lot of random accumulated knowledge that is also struggling to pick a career lol. I talk a lot and seek stimulation thru conversations. It is my favourite way of learning and i find that i remember things best when it is a fragment of a conversation i had. I show my love for other people thru acts of service and i feel most loved when people give me some quality time.
Likes: board games, long walks, long convos, jewellery, animals, museums, travelling, webtoons & manga (esp psychological or crime stuff), history
Dislikes: close-minded people, politics (it makes me clutch my forehead lmao), networking, unnecessarily rude ppl (esp to service staff)
Appearance: tall, dark hair, pale-ish, thick brows, always in dark loose clothing but with cool jewelry
Thanks a lot in advance if you end up doin this and if not, it is fine. have a good day :)
Matchup for Anon!
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Levi Ackerman:
He would fall for someone who is helpful and caring, wanting someone who isn't afraid to show their soft side and be there for someone who is in need. He spends a lot of nights in his office doing paperwork and sometimes he'll fall asleep on acident, but his heart always skips a beat when seeing his favorite tea in front of him when he wakes up.
Acts of service, like mentioned before. He has a bad sleep schedule so someone who would help him and do simple tasks would make his heart swell. If you're making a mess, but then clean your mess up when you're done, he's in love. Bring him his tea or something to eat, he has hearteyes like he's making sure not to let you go.
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This man has been dead for centuries and he has never found someone as talkative as you, but for some reason he doesn't mind, not at all. He enjoys listening to your conversations and putting his own thoughts into them, never feeling ashamed of them or disturbed. He would never tell you to stop talking and instead would tell you to keep going wanting to have a long conversationw with you. He also likes your voice and laugh, so it's just a win win.
During any moment in time, Muzan would drop everything for you and spend as much time that is needed. You miss him? Well guess what, he's at your door ready to spend the next week by your side. You want to go somewhere? Well guess who's coming with. This man is never leaving your side, unless you want him to then of course he will.
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