#i skipped some days lol
bunny0rgans · 7 months
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Creamtober (Day 8-11, 18, 20-22)
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kirby-the-gorb · 11 months
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aroaessidhe · 2 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Bury Your Gays
a scriptwriter in hollywood who’s getting attention & an Oscar nom after working in the industry for years, but is being pressured by algorithm-obsessed producers to kill off the queer characters in the season finale of the show he writes
and when he starts getting stalked by the monsters he wrote (based on traumas of his past) he has to figure out how to survive, along with his best friend and boyfriend
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icantalk710 · 8 months
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This semi-mild cold has been an annoying start to this week 🤧😪
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lloydfrontera · 11 months
a list of crimes bk moon has committed against me personally with the sequel in no particular order but you will Know which ones i feel more strongly about anyway:
javier smiling to himself and getting all nostalgic as he watches rakiel because he reminds him so very much of lloyd
like seriously this man cannot stop comparing the two of them and getting quietly happy because it brings back fond memories it is heartbreaking he literally has to remind himself to not get swept in sentimentality several times every time he talks with rakiel
and as if that wasn't enough damian and rakiel remind him so much of himself and lloyd that he ends up offering to help them without even thinking about it. like. he feels so identified with them, remembering how hard it had been for him and lloyd to go through that whole ordeal on their own that he just. tells them they have his support before he even realized what he's doing. he wasn't planning on doing that. good work on not getting sentimental babe.
when lloyd and javier are on a call planning how to defeat the demon king, despite the awful circumstances javier can't help but smile and then laugh at himself because no matter how terrible the situation is he still finds it enjoyable to prepare for something with lloyd like they used to do. "it was a feeling similar to a distant longing. or a joy that felt like going back to the past"
javier is pining so hard. like. it's insane.
lloyd asking rakiel about javier. asking how he's doing. acting all nonchalant about it even kind of annoyed. and then once he's alone. sighing and then smiling faintly. "like the smile he used to smile at someone"
"'so you're doing well? i'm glad' a feeling that blooms for a moment. a memory that's suddenly missed."
i am. going to fucking explode.
and then. there's their actual face-to-face conversation. which. oh my god. i don't even know what to start with.
javier always saying "it's been a while lloyd-nim" no matter how long it has been since they last talked?? because any time at all is too long???
lloyd saying that if anyone hears him say that they'll think they're gyeonwoo and jiknyeo. y'know. the mythical forbidden lovers that live in different realms and can only meet when the stars align so to speak.
y'know. just casually comparing your protagonists to one of the most romantic and tragic couples in mythology. no biggie.
and again. javier smiling when he sees that lloyd is still just the way he was when they were together. hello. hi. can i help you.
lloyd knowing exactly how long it's been since they saw each other in person. down to the very day. "107 years, 7 months and 17 days".
javier getting really, really, really happy about it. about lloyd still being the same. and thinking that, maybe, lloyd feels the same way deep down.
lloyd being so very, very casual about saying "it's been a while so i'm glad to see you" very specifically calling back to the very thing javier says to him whenever they talk.
and then. and then javier. thinking as he sees lloyd leave. that it was really nice to meet him after so long. and that the sight of him leaving still felt the same as it did before. and wondering if those gyeonwoo and jiknyeo lloyd mentioned before felt like this too.
javier. comparing what he feels at seeing lloyd leave. to what the cowherd and the weaver girl felt at separating again.
bk moon i am crawling on your ceiling
anyway if this novel doesn't end with the barriers between hell and heaven falling apart so lloyd and javier can spend the rest of eternity together instead of helplessly pinning over the other and reminiscing over the lifetime they already spent together i will throw someone off a bridge <3
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slugpup2 · 11 months
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inktober day 17: demon
i really wanted to finish this on time, but i got busy once again. anyways, she might not actually be a demon, but she custody over a lot of them, so that's close enough for me.
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yujeong · 6 months
kpanniversary2024, prompt 3: Heroes
“I wanted to be The Flash.” Vegas’ eyebrows furrowed, visible confusion on his face as he said, “What?” “He was my favorite superhero when I was young. My friends would make fun of me for it, wondering why I liked him more than Batman or Superman.” Vegas gulped slowly, trying to understand what Pete was saying. “Why did you?” he asked. “He had the power to run away.” It took Pete a few years to figure out that wasn't actually true. The Flash did indeed have the potential for such a thing; he could run faster than the speed of light, he could transcend realities and universes without so much as breaking a sweat. But just because The Flash could, it didn't mean Barry Allen, the man behind the costume, could as well. It didn't mean Pete could have.
(A snippet from the things you can(not) change because I love it very, very, VERY much ❤️)
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puppyeared · 8 months
MAN your art, but especially the latest pieces of Walking Fire Friend and Sparkle Dog really have the vibes of like, sanrio?? I want stickers and half a dozen accessories with them plastered all over so bad
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!!! thank u for the kind words!! im playing around with the halftone effect, i like how it makes it look like a newspaper comic ^_^
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telomirage · 8 days
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in order from left to right: the face of someone who is unaware they're about to rawdog their first day back to work, the sky, the sky, the sky, the sky
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lucalicatteart · 2 years
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cannot resist using the polls to make up a little collaborative story lol.. Not sure how much I can keep it up with my low energy/health problems lol, but I'll try to draw a new picture (+ write a small text blurb and new action options to vote on) each day based on the past day's results, at least for a while. Kind of like a 'sketch a day' type challenge, except story based with votes choosing what happens next. :0
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cinematicnomad · 10 months
it's like a decade+ later but i really am convinced that my queer lit professor had a crush on me in undergrad and really, fuck me for not realizing i was bi earlier bc i would have pounced on that.
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greenfrogartist · 17 days
Guess who finally finished a fan art? This frog :D
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This is for you @zoiaeras and your amazing Spider-Man x DC
Was gonna draw him on a roof top smoking with Nightwing in the background, but I suck at city scapes + wanted to draw peter being completely calm and at peace with who he is and was lol
Here is the fic if you want to check it out (you totally should) :
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satangcrush · 9 days
your wips look so good!!
first of, both dumb ways to die and poison? sounds so fun!! i always love when people expand more on devildom lore because there’s so much that the devs mention like once and then we never hear about it again ….. :3
the horrors of econs omggg!! i love me a lil college au, and i feel like satan is so college!nerd coded. i can imagine him judging reader so hard and then suddenly….. not so much anymore. >:D
thank you sweet alba!!!
okay for dumb ways to die, these are directly taken from my notes:
while walking, the stars could potentially disappear and if you are not alert enough, you may or may not fall to your death (diavolo implemented this so that demons can hone their senses and stay sharp
To enter certain places in RAD/the palace, you will have to answer a series of questions correctly else you may end up losing your life -> inspired by Diavolo's favourite past time as a kid
The plants in the Devildom have resorted to being carnivorous because of the lack of sunlight. (to get enough nutrients) aka meaning, if you don't have your wits about you, you may end up as a plant's next meal.
I believe that the Devildom may still have demons who eats human (black market kinda shit) even if Diavolo is cracking down on it for the peace keeping agreement. However, there are multiple times that demons have stopped you, thinking that you escaped from an illegal human farm.
The weather in the Devildom is also much much more extreme! The hailstorm is out to kill you and will kill you if you are not under shelter. Thus, it is imperative for you to check the weather forecast before leaving the house.
The popular hotspots in the Devildom aren't suitable for a human's constitution. The spots that Asmo loves to frequent are unfit for human as the temperature goes up. (They use actual volcano molten lava) Though Asmo believes and swears by this spa.
im planning to have maybe a couple more ways but my brain ran out of juice LOL!
for poison (placeholder title), this for real came to me in a dream:
More often than not, you're usually the first (or second to Solomon) human to try any type of food in the Devildom.
It comes as part and parcel of the tri-world building efforts that Diavolo had envisioned and honestly, you did have a hard time adjusting to the different culture and food at first but now? You would like to think that you are coping better.
It also helped that the brothers were much nicer to you than they were in the past and even offered some sort of relief when you weren't sure if a particular item was safe for humans to eat.
Though, sometimes. You do wonder where they get that knowledge from. I mean, you were the first human (apart from Solomon) to touch the grounds in Devildom.
this is my introductory part for poison (im thinking of changing the name lol) and im really excited to explore more about this in the future hehehehe.
also ill answer the horror of econs in a separate ask as this is getting long hehe
thank u lovely for the ask muah muah
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hattiestgal · 9 months
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For today's fen: Important part of the local ecosystem!
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 9 months
[cws: starvation/food insecurity, fantasy racism, psychiatric abuse, ableism, and Upsetting Pictures.]
one thing that fucks me up immensely about pericles before and after the asylum is how fucking skinny he is.
like. as much as obviously the two designs are Very Inconsistent in general which annoys me, look at him pre-timeskip. look at how he's shaped.
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his head and face are way smoother and rounder, both in front and back, and the space between his cheekbones and his eyebrow ridge is filled in; his body is rounder in general and his belly is noticeably between his thighs when he's standing up; he has kind of a chubby butt; his chin and neck are softer and wider around, which you can really see with the width of the scarf compared to his shoulders and the angle where it meets his head. it comes up in front of his face more because there's not as much of an angle with his chin to hold it down.
now. compare all those things to this.
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and like, you could argue some of these design differences are tiny things to zero in on in a show that's as loose with its models as sdmi is. but present-day pericles' design is pretty obviously supposed to be unsettling because he's physically built to be a Cute Roumb Little Mascot Creature--so much so that the framework has managed to stick around a little in spite of everything--and has become gaunt and haggard anyway. and you could also argue that the body type changes are just thanks to aging twenty years (and i don't doubt that's contributed).
except. he spent those twenty years in an asylum where the other inmates we see look like this.
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(fun little fact that @thecottageinthedark pointed out also: remember how he literally got caught at one point because he couldn't stop eating sunflower seeds, even during a heist? a high-fat, high-calorie snack for birds? you know, exactly the kind of thing a starving person who finally has proper access to food would be wolfing down?)
did i mention that this happened in a (fantasy) racially segregated prison, which is technically an asylum so the inmates can be kept there indefinitely, because in an actual prison you're required to have a sentence? did i mention that none of the human characters we see in human prison look any less healthy during or afterward, and on top of that are allowed to move around and socialize? did i mention the absolutely horrific treatment of the asylum inmates is implied to be despite the fact that the (physically abusive!) guard is playing up how dangerous and malicious they are? (you know. except for pericles 🙃)
did i mention the man who got pericles imprisoned--who he had not only done nothing to beforehand, but had helped--says he was there to 'live out the rest of his miserable parrot life in a cage, where he belonged,' and not only do none of the characters we're supposed to side with have anything to say about that, but the audience is clearly supposed to agree with him too?
(did i mention said man--who was in on the crime, singular, that pericles went to prison for!--spends those twenty years living a life of luxury in power while abusing the child he kidnapped as a baby and held hostage his entire life, and when we see him in prison he is not only chilling out and helping the authorities but reading a newspaper?)
did i mention the part where by the time we meet pericles he hasn't spoken in years?
like. man the 'ooooo scary evil abused asylum crazies' trope is bad enough, even when they pretend to lampshade it for a minute before playing it straight; i don't know how they added in All That and made him emaciated and expected no one to find it heartbreaking or even sympathetic. i don't care how bad he was before the asylum (and dear god was he ever), that is horrifying and no one deserves it. god damn.
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goliig68 · 1 year
I'm really concerned about old xian's health. Sitting behind a computer for long period of times can cause serious damage to your body especially your neck, back, shoulder and wrist. And many comic artists and mangakas are suffering from it after drawing for many years and old xian has been drawing for more than 7 years. I remember they used to update every seven days and more regularly, but now they're taking longer breaks, and it's taking a longer time to get a new update, and recently it seems like old xian takes a break after updating two chapters.
I hope old xian take break as much as they need, I don't want them to hospitalized from over work😥🙏🏻
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