#i simply have no motivation to finish personal projects
somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
i'm knitting a blanket for @learnorlose's as-yet-unborn-but-coming-soon niece and it's like. fuck me i miss knitting
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all my commissions are crochet (love u guys not mad at it it's just a thing) bc i am The Insane Pixel Crochet Bitch but it means i never really get to knit anymore
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 3 months
Indefinite Hiatus
Hi, Loves! As you can probably tell, I've been absent again. In frank terms, I tried to get back into writing CoD but simply couldn't find the previous motivation that I feverishly possessed before; I don't feel that intense need to write for the characters, their world, or their struggles. This doesn't come lightly, as some of my best times spent on this blog were posting and seeing the heartwarming reactions from you guys. I've made friends, memories, etc.
To be completely honest, I was writing about a type of love that I never really thought I'd find in real life, and trying to cope with that belief through this blog.
The issue is that, now, I have.
I won't go into much about my boyfriend, as I value my/his privacy, but I've never met someone who's so incredibly kind and respectful; compassionate and utterly selfless.
I feel no need to write about other men when I have the epitome of a perfect person telling me that he loves me.
I know this brings in questions about my upcoming works and my multi-part projects, and, unfortunately, I have no answers. I won't force myself to finish something and ruin what story it already had because I rushed to the end/etc. For now, everything is staying where it is for the foreseeable future.
I won't be deleting anything - this blog is going nowhere. Feel free to hang around if you wish, and, if not, I had such a blast writing for you:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and, to all of you, I wish you only the best.
- Hal
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bad268 · 2 months
Heyy I love your Kimi fics so I decided to send you in a request. I wanted something simples of their life’s as teenagers with very different livings yk. Maybe compilation of different moments of them together such as: she is on school brake so goes to a race with him, he keeps her secret of course but as just an excuse to pass more time together. Or maybe a glimpse of their nightly routine when they get to be together, like ordering food because any of them trusts the other with the stove and then getting ready to bed and just cuddle. Or also like they want to pass time together but she has a test (they probably study in the same school but Kimi just doesn’t care anymore) and he is simply laid in her bed reviewing his data from racing while she is in her desk studying. I think you understood the idea, just some cute fluff of two teens in love. Use your amazing creativity as much as you want, I’ve read a lot of your fanfics and I trust you I’ll make justice to a cute fluff. I hope you enjoy my idea.
Just A Glimpse (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (hehe this was fun to do)
Warnings: ADHD mentioned, talks about smacking pasta if that makes you uncomfortable (i guess)
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 1109
Summary: Just a glimpse into the life of Kimi and you.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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Your relationship started back when neither of you knew what love was. Back when you were naive 16-year-olds, you and Kimi connected because you were from the same area. Back then, Bologna, Italy was not the biggest area, and you two clung together like magnets. It became a running joke when he came back to racing after a midseason break, glued to his phone, that he found someone. 
That someone was you.
As your relationship progressed, you tried to be at as many races as possible, but when he first made the jump from FRECA to Formula 2, then Formula 1 at age 18, it wasn’t that easy. You were just starting in university, and it was already difficult to attend the 14 race weekends. Never mind the 25 they were making F1 drivers do. Still, you tried your best, and Kimi was always supportive of your ambitions.
He also tried his best to keep you hidden, Sure, he talked about you here and there, but he never named you and never posted you. He wanted you to have the privacy to do your school work in peace without being bombarded by fans. You two decided you would probably announce your relationship when you finished your degree. If you decided to continue higher after that, you’d either do it online or suffer with the newfound attention. Granted, your accounts were private, but you still knew the fans would spam you somehow.
One of your favorite things to do is hide away in Kimi’s driver’s room. It was a common occurrence that you would be studying while Kimi was preparing for a race. More often than not, you would be sat on the couch studying or working on assignments while Kimi is either reviewing data or stretching and getting ready for a session. On the rare chance Kimi had nothing to do, he would ask you a million and one questions about your work.
“What’s this essay about?” “That looks difficult.” “Didn’t you just finish a project for that class?” “That seems a bit much for a basic class.” Those were some of the things he would say whenever he looked over your shoulder as you skimmed anything on your computer. His interest always gave you new motivation to keep going.
Another favorite for you was the nights between races. The nights when neither of you had anything to do other than be with each other. Sometimes you would force Kimi to do face masks with you (skin care is essential!), sometimes you two would try to cook, sometimes you would just cuddle, and in the event you do all three, all hell breaks loose. 
“Stop moving so much,” You hissed annoyed that this boy could not sit still for the life of him and let you put the mask on. You had already struggled enough trying to get all of his curly hair back, but now he was flinching away every time you tried to put the product on his skin. “I swear, you have ADHD.”
“It’s cold, and I don’t like it. This one feels weird,” He groaned but stopped moving and let you do your thing. “Why do we need to do the slimy one? Can we just use the clay one again?”
“Your skin needs hydration, not help with the texture,” You explained as you laid the mask across his features. “Your face is inflamed and the clay mask will just make it worse. This one would actually benefit you.”
“I better get cuddles after this,” He mumbled as you finished up by washing your hands. Your mask had already been applied.
“After we make dinner, you can get all the cuddles you want,” You compromised, thinking dinner would not take too long to make. It was a new pasta recipe you got from Kimi’s nutritionist, and Kimi is Italian. What could go wrong? Those were your famous last words.
“Stop smacking the dough! The flour isn’t mixed right!” You shouted, but it was no use. Kimi walked straight up behind you and smacked the dough pile again just after you added more flour. This caused a cloud of flour to hit the two of you directly in the face. “ANDREA!”
“Oh no,” He muttered after he blew out the flour and went to wipe his face, but his hands got covered in the face mask he still had on. “Oh no.”
“‘Oh no’,” You mocked as you gaped at him. “What did I just say?”
“Stop smacking it,” He tried to sound serious and apologetic, but the smile on his face told that he was amused by the situation. 
“And what did you do?”
“Smacked it.”
“What did you learn?”
“Stop smacking pasta when you’re mixing it.”
That was it. You both couldn't help it as you both started laughing.
You made Kimi clean up the kitchen after you both washed off the floury face masks. You told him that since he got you into that mess, he could clean it up. While he did that, you called and ordered your favorite takeaway. You did not trust Kimi in the kitchen anymore. You went to pick it up, and when you came back, Kimi had cleaned the kitchen and set up a blanket fort in the common room. You chuckled to yourself as you walked up to the opening of the fort, but Kimi blocked you from entering. 
“What’s the password?” Kimi smirked as he only exposed his head and would not let you see inside.
“Is it Italian or English?” You countered.
“To make it easy, I’ll accept English,” Kimi teased as he watched you think.
“Hmm, the password has to be, ‘I bought dinner, and if you want to eat tonight, you better let me in.’ Is that right?”
“Actually, it was ‘I love you’ but I’ll take it.”
The inside of the fort was more than you expected. Kimi had moved the TV down, so it fit inside. There were pillows and blankets everywhere, and your favorite drinks were in an ice bucket to the side. You were impressed he was able to get this all done while you were picking up the food.
“How did you get this done? I wasn’t gone that long,” You asked skeptically as you sat down and looked around.
“You walk slow,” Kimi joked, but immediately after, the door slammed closed and someone texted Kimi.
“I better get credit for helping,” It read from Ollie. You looked over at Kimi who was smiling sheepishly at you.
“Want to comment on that?”
“No, not really.”
That’s just a little glimpse into the life of you and Kimi.
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aetherdoesthings · 3 months
hanahaki!reader x arlecchino
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forethoughts: omg aether finally uploads?!?!? apologies for the long break; i was getting my life together, because there's a lot going on in my life right now all at once. nevertheless, this was inspired by my previous work of hanahaki!reader x nico robin, but with arlecchino because of @edgeray's idea! thanks buddy, couldn't have revived my blog without you. also i'm sorry if there are grammatical mistakes or errors, i wrote this at 2am at a sudden burst of inspiration and motivation.
notes: modern setting, y/n and arlecchino are famous actresses, fem!reader, gentle!arlecchino, hanahaki au
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“And how long will filming take?” You sighed, biting down on a hateful tone as you looked at your assistant.
“Roughly a year, Ms. Y/N.” Your assistant replied, clicking a few buttons on her tablet.
“How much is Furina offering to have me star in it with her?”
“$10,000,000 Mora, Ms. Y/N.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, despite your makeup artist’s ‘friendly reminder’. That amount could be worth the turmoil and agony to have to be in a constant space with… her.
“Arlecchino has already signed on board to the project. Ms. Furina is waiting to hear from you.” Your assistant looks up at you. “Surely you would not pass up a deal like that just because she is in it?”
“Shut it, Navia.” You scowl.
Navia laughs. “I jest, Ms. Y/N. What about Arlecchino do you dislike anyways? I heard she is kind and respectful.”
“Yeah, like that gives you a golden star.” You rolled your eyes, finishing your glass of wine. It wasn’t that you disliked or loathed the actress. You respected her upbringing and career and found honor in being in the same tier as her. But something about her rubbed you the wrong way. Every time you watched one of her press interviews or promo videos, your stomach would feel ill, hollowing itself out and making your legs kick in the air like a kid on Christmas. Simply sickening and rotten. And now you were to do an entire movie with her. 
“Hmn, fine. I’ll take it.” You sighed, leaning back on your couch. All for the Mora. All of the Mora. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s just one year. You survived with lousy and inadequate ‘colleagues’. Certainly you’d be able to survive the bane of your existence.
“Y/N. I’ve heard so much about you. It is a pleasure to finally meet and talk to you in person.” A familiar voice you only heard from behind the screen was now playing behind you. You turned your body, a curt smile on your face as you faced the disgustingly tall and surprisingly built woman (that looked so much bigger than what you saw on a screen), a dumb, cute and sweet grin plastered on her face. You acquiesced her offer, shaking her hand.
“And I share the same sentiment as you do, Arlecchino.” You smiled as politely as you could muster, suppressing your inner self and pummeling it for the sake of face. “I look…forward to working with you.”
Arlecchino’s lips turned into a thin line, her crimson eyes boring into yours, as if peering into your body to find that soul she tortured with just her appearance. You kept your smile, withdrawing your hand. “How was your flight here?”
Shock and surprise pierced that air tight smile of yours, allowing it to falter for a second. “I beg your pardon?”
“How was your flight?” Arlecchino repeated her question, an amused smile on her stupidly perfect and gorgeous face.
“It was… good.” You stammered, folding your arms.
Arlecchino chuckled. “Vague but straight to the point.”
“I prefer things to be like that.”
Arlecchino grinned, placing a hand on your shoulder. You had to bite back a shriek or gasp, nails digging into your palm as you tried to remain a smile. “Let us go to rehearsal, hmn? I’m certain Furina is eagerly waiting for us.”
A blockade started to emerge in your throat, your nails drawing blood as you nodded your head. “Sure, yeah, yeah. You go on ahead. I need to do something real quick.” You said, hoping Arlecchino would buy it.
“Alright then.” And she did, that lovely gullible soul. The minute Arlecchino walked out of earshot, a violent cough erupted from your throat, causing you to double over until it subsided. Looking down, you noticed a lone cherry blossom petal right by your feet. You massaged your throat, hoping to alleviate the sudden pain. Had that petal been there all along? But you were standing on open land without a tree in sight. Furina’s movie synopsis did not mention any cherry blossom trees. Surely, you couldn't have coughed up a petal. No, you did not cough up a petal. That stuff was out of the movies, not in reality. Your mind recalled back to an old movie you shot once, about the protagonist suffering from something called hanahaki disease, where the victim would cough up petals because of their love for someone. The protagonist was lovesick and had their eyes set on the other character, but died because the other person did not return their feelings. This wasn’t happening to you. Yes, the movie was based off of a true story, but certainly not. You were certain you were hallucinating. 
“Y/N!” You heard Arlecchino’s voice call your name from afar. 
“C-Coming!” No. You had to get yourself together. Come on, this was Arlecchino. That… elegant, beautiful, eloquent asshole who you always watched from afar but never had the chance to be with up close. But now you could. And this was how you reacted? Your stomach churned, as you swallowed anymore nonexistent petals down into your vat of acid before making your way to everyone.
Filming wasn’t too bad in the first few weeks. You and Arlecchino were to play star crossed lovers, and all that was scheduled was basic exposition. No petals came up, which supported your case that you were just hallucinating and definitely not a fictional disease. Until it came to the more intimate scenes.
“Alright, and action!” Furina exclaimed. Arlecchino’s character was pinning you to the wall, her finger on your chin.
“Did you really think you could hide it from me?” Arlecchino’s character sneered, her eyes boring into yours, her lips getting dangerously close.
“I-” You ducked your head in time to not cough into Arlecchino’s face, bringing a hand over your mouth as you coughed loudly, the air escaping your body as you wheezed. 
“Cut! Everyone, take ten!” Furina yelled, and the crew murmured and resetted everything because of your sudden cough.
“Are you alright?” Arlecchino placed a hand on your shoulder, rubbing small circles in an effort to comfort you, her voice soft and gentle. A complete contrast of her character she portrayed. That did not comfort you at all, rather stir up a bubbling feeling in your lower parts, warmth rushing to your face.
You balled your fist, nodding your head as you forced yourself to meet Arlecchino’s eyes. 
“I…” You stammered, words suddenly disappearing from your brain, as if Arlecchino was sucking it out with that crimson glow, radiating with warmth and concern, the grin on her face dissipating the moment she saw your soul momentarily leave your body.
“I-I’m alright. I-I’m so sorry.” You regurgitated. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“That’s alright. Do you need some water?” 
“That’ll… That’ll be good.”
Arlecchino nodded her head, patting your shoulder as she asked a staff member to grab you some water. “I’ll go talk to Furina for you. You just rest and recover, got it? I don’t want my acting partner to be ill.”
Oh, your acting partner already is ill. A voice inside of you replied back. 
“Right, yeah. Thank you so much, Arlecchino.” You exclaimed, smiling back.
"Always, Y/N." Arlecchino walked away, waving her hand. "Get well soon."
The crew was busy packing everything up and preparing everything for tomorrow. Arlecchino was talking to Furina, most likely going over tomorrow’s shoot and your cough. As everyone around you was moving and busy, you were escorted away into a car, which drove you back to the makeup trailer. Alone in the backseat, you opened your fist, staring at the item in the dead center of your palm.
A goddamn cherry blossom petal.
No. This can’t be happening. What the heck is happening?! You forced yourself to breathe, staring at the curled petal. Why was this happening? All you did was be in close proximity with that damn Arlecchino, which made your heart flutter and start to drum, your stomach churn and mind go fuzzy, legs limp and-
You did not have a crush on Arlecchino.
You could not have a crush on Arlecchino.
You were colleagues. Workers. She was the winner of multiple awards, she was the one who the paparazzi could never get a picture of, she was everything and you… you were…nothing. Nothing compared to what Arlecchino had done. 
Yet you were here, forced to work together with her and even have to do intimate scenes with-
God strike me here and now. Or make me go into a fatal accident. You silently prayed to anyone who was listening. 
Arlecchino would not be the reason you coughed and hacked up flower petals.
You refused to believe those soft crimson glow in her eyes she always had with you, those thin lips that always curled into a smile when you walked in the room, and those fingers that found a way to your shoulder, or cheek, or your waist would be the reason why you were coughing up petals, just like-
Hanahaki. The word taunted you. No. That couldn’t be. 
You refused to believe you had fallen in love with Arlecchino, let alone die because of it. No. As long as you could breathe, you would not let yourself be a victim of love that you will never receive and have. 
Arlecchino was going to be the reason the newspaper headline would read ‘Y/N FOUND DEAD IN HER BEDROOM FROM HANAHAKI DISEASE’ and lead numerous people to speculate who your Romeo was. 
But in that ill state you were, a tiny part of you was at ease with that scenario.
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alesbianperson · 1 year
bully!ellie williams x fem!reader
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summary: Ever since that project that you both worked on, shes been unreasonably mean to you and you have no idea why.
warnings: mean ellie (not really extreme tho); implied football player!ellie; some swear words
authors note: this is my first attempt to write in like 2 years and just half proofread and english isn't my first language (cliché, i know), so i apologise for any context or grammar mistakes
You loved going to school. You were nice to everyone, and everyone liked you. Even the mean teachers. However, there was one person who could not stand you, and you didn't even know the reason. She was just being unreasonably mean to you since that one project.
4 years earlier
Your biology teacher just announced a partner project at which your classmates already began searching for their preferred partners. You turned to your best friend who just gave you a thumbs up, but before you could stand up and walk over to her, the teacher suddenly said: "Before you all get too exited, I already assigned the partners."
An annoyed sigh left your lips as you sat back down, already expecting the worst. Your teacher began to read the partners aloud while you sat with your fingers crossed, hoping you'd get assigned with your best friend.
Which did not happen. When only a few of your classmates were left, he finally said your name. "You will work with Ellie Williams." You sighed in relief. From what you've heard, she was pretty okay. Smart, too. So working with her wouldn't be a catastrophe. As the teacher began listing the topics that were available, you turned around to face Ellie, who was already looking at you. You flashed a smile at her, which she returned.
Within the next few days, you both mostly met up in the library to work. It was funny to work with her, plus the topic was really easy. You wouldn't really talk about anything other than the project, but Ellie somehow  always found a way to make some jokes referring to her interests and you couldn't help but laugh at every single one of them.
You both were finished very quickly and got an a for that project. Working with her was pretty fun, too. At least you thought that.
Ever since then, she began commenting on everything you did. When you'd ask something in class and the teacher answered, she'd chuckle and say something like "obviously." When you both crossed paths in the hallway, she'd make sure to talk about you to her friends and let you hear it. When you'd be studying in the library with your headphones on, she'd come up to you, lift them up on one ear, and let them snap back on before simply leaving again, or closing your books and mess up your notes.
All that with no explanation. And it drove you completely insane.
Present day
"Williams! Keep up!" The coach yelled across the field. You stood right beside him, holding the second football they needed for training earlier. Your brother had said this was a great 'side job' idea, but until now, it was kinda boring and exhausting to follow the coaches' unnecessary tasks. Plus, Ellie was in the team, and you couldn't ignore the feeling that she'd say something to embarres you any moment.
"So," the coach turned to you, "practise is almost over, bring the stuff back into the storage room." You mentally rolled your eyes at his tone and the missing please, but quickly picked up everything and walked to the storage rooms. Without really motivation, you began to sort the things into the right drawers or shelves. Suddenly you heard footsteps, which came from outside. Probably the footballers, you thought, since the locker rooms were right beside this room, shifting your attention back to the agility ladders until you heard a familiar voice.
"Why's she suddenly here too? Shes making me lose my fucking mind." Ellie. You didn't have the nerve hearing her talk shit about you again, so you made your way to the door, but the next thing that was said made you freeze. "Then go talk to her. Tell her how you feel. It can't get any worse than this." That was Jesse's voice. You knew him from one of your classes and as one of Ellies best friends. He sometimes apologised for Ellies behaviour when he was with her. "I can't. What if she's grossed out? She'll never even look in my direction again." You were confused. All these comments because Ellie was scared that you didnt like her? Your thoughts were interrupted by Jesse. "But getting her attention through bullying is better?" A short silence. "At least she looks at me. She notices me. Every time I walk into a room she's in, her attention is on me. You don't understand. I need it." More silence.
You needed a second to process what you just heard, and you still couldn't really believe it. Ellie Williams, the one girl you were one hundred percent sure hated every bit of you, suddenly liked you.
"Yeah, whatever." You heard Jesse say before you heard him walk off. After waiting a few seconds, you tried to move as quiet as possible because you weren't sure if Ellie was still standing outside the door. But before you could make that sure, you bumped into the shelf behind you, which caused a loud sound. "Is there anyone?" You heard Ellie ask and froze. fuck, you thought, looking for another door you could exit through.
The door suddenly opened, and you were met with the green eyes of Ellie. As she realised it was you, she went pale. "You.. heard all that?"
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french-unknown · 10 months
Hi I really love your writings I was wondering if I could requesting something with a reader with chronic pain/disability? I've been dealing with some really bad pain days and could use a little fluff. Maybe with mihawk, shanks, sanji, and zoro? I would really appreciate it ❤️
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: mihawk, shanks, sanji, zoro 𝐂/𝐖: fluff, little hurt / comfort 𝐀/𝐍: Hi and thank you very much! I learned a little about chronic pain (and life with it) to offer a headcanons in which you can project yourself so I sincerely hope you will like it and it will comfort you! I also focused more on chronic pain rather than disability because the latter was much too broad. Good luck with your pain! 𝐖/𝐂: 850 +
| m a s t e r l i s t |
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✧ He considers you perfectly capable despite your chronic pain and in no case does he brood over you or seem saddened for you.
✧ He has complete confidence in you and your feelings about your body so he never questions it if you tell him that you are tired or that you are in too much pain. In the same vein, if you tell him you can handle it, he believes you. He's not going to be on your back asking you if you're sure you're capable of it before each action.
✧ He remains very understanding about your illness.
✧ He never makes you feel guilty for being too painful to do an activity or outing. He simply pushes them away without ever accusing you.
✧ Will call doctors regularly to monitor the progress of your pain because health is very important to him.
✧ However, he will let you cuddle him if it helps you feel comfortable and eases the pain. He will put down his sword and his hat before opening his arms in "Go ahead, but finish me off quickly before I change my mind" mode.
✧ Don't put up with you being discriminated against or made fun of by anyone because of this. He has the capabilities to win against pirates and the Marine, and he won't hesitate, so whoever does will taste the edge of his blade.
✧ Is still discreetly impressed and proud to see you manage your life with your pain.
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✧ You will have to explain the concept to him because he does not know it.
✧ He tends at first to make jokes like: "Are you still in pain? Yeah, you just don't want to peel 10 kg of potatoes!" but really in good-natured mode and without a nasty ulterior motive. He's just teasing you like he always does.
✧ As soon as he understands that being in almost permanent pain also affects your mood and your management of emotions, he will make it his mission to cheer you up.
✧ He takes you to the four corners of the world with his crew to see wonder shine in your eyes and make you forget your state of health.
✧ He always makes jokes to make you smile when you're going through really shitty days.
✧ He doesn't think about it that much either.
He already asked you to help them weather storms. So, after spending hours running on the soaked deck with your heart beating wildly and holding on to the ropes that were going away or grabbing on to everything you could get your hands on so as not to finish in the water, he stood staring at you in surprise when you couldn't even move the next day.
✧ He even laughs about it.
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✧ He takes really great care of you!
✧ He is extremely attentive to signals of pain or even simply discomfort that you may make.
If you are slower than usual, he will approach you directly to keep you company. If you stay in bed longer in the morning, he will immediately come and bring you breakfast in bed. If you wince, he'll rush to your side to worry.
✧ However, he is sometimes too preoccupied. He is kind of invasive in these cases. He tends, for example, to take loads off your hands without asking your opinion to prevent you from getting tired or to overprotect you in the middle of a fight and in daily life.
✧ It's very cute at times but you're going to have to make him understand that you are an independent person and that he doesn't have to wrap you in bubble wrap or treat you like a child.
✧ He is the most adorable person in the world, when he sees that you are not well, because he tries his best to help you. He brings you sweets, hot water bottles, blankets or hugs to help you get through these difficult times.
✧ Above all, he is very sad that it fell on you but he is happy to be able to help you and support you. He's shamefully a little satisfied that he can be useful to you.
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✧ Don't understand the principle. He is used to pain from injuries he receives while fighting or training and pain has never stopped him from living his life. So he doesn't understand at first why you're so exhausted for "nothing" in his eyes.
He doesn't see why you sometimes can't even get out of bed.
✧ He even thinks at some point that you're just a little lazy. That you were just making excuses to stay in bed or that you were really being weak.
✧ He is quite harsh in his words like : "Why are you in pain? We've only been walking for ten minutes and what's more, you're slow!" or "Why are you tired? You spent your day in bed!"
✧ It has to be Chopper who explains the principle of chronic pain to him.
✧ He needs instructions on how to act when you need to rest or how this impacts your daily life. You have to explain and communicate a lot about the pain levels. You will also have to ask him to be less accusatory in his remarks.
✧ He will always have difficulty with the concept but he nevertheless understands that it is complicated for you so he sticks to the instructions.
✧ Finally, he enjoys taking a nap with you.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @iheartamora @bontensh0e @opchara @lys-ada @viscade @dozcan123 @kai-wifey
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taffycandyqt · 1 month
Please No
You can't sleep and seek company in your misery through your best friend. However he's not at home.
Request Rules
OH MY GOSH IM NOT DEAD! In all honesty I haven't been super motivated lately but I started this personal project a LOOOOOOONG time ago and felt I couldn't move on to other requests before I finished it. When I started this I felt really inspired to make it solely because I feel there is simply not enough Donatello fluff in this world, especially in 03' and 12' s case. So I hope you like it!
2012 Donnie x reader
Aged up, all characters are college/older adult age, depends on how you want to read it.
Fluff, slightly angst if you really want it to be there
Fem reader
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Sleeping was always a struggle for you. Logically you knew you needed sleep, physically you felt tired, but mentally you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. Your body hated the idea and actually laying down and sleeping, so you went to the only person you KNEW would be up right now.
Casey Jones.
He was annoying when you first met him be he was chill enough that he grew on you pretty quickly. Not to mention that if it weren't for him you wouldn't have met your now boyfriend. You always enjoyed spending time with Donnie but trying to pin him down was hard especially since you didn't know where he lived. He didn't want you to meet his brothers just yet, says he wants time to adjust to your guys relationship before being teased. Which, fair. SO! To Casey's you went. You two usually met up at grueling times of the night so it was customary to clime up each other's fire escapes and practically break into the other person's house. You'd either scare each other awake or find the other sitting in their kitchen shoveling cereal into their mouth watching conspiracies on YouTube.
Tonight though, nothing. Like the dude up and vanished. You checked the kitchen and his room. You even went as far as to check the bathroom. THAT WAS HIS WHOLE APARTMENT! Did he have just as an abhorrent sleep schedule as you? Yes, but he never left the house to make it a strangers problem. So to ease your nerves you decided to call him, if that doesn't work, your gonna pray Donnie is awake enough to answer the phone.
One ring. Two ring. Third ring...
"This is THE Casey Jones." You breathed out a sigh of relief. He isn't kidnapped, dead, or lying in a ditch high of weed somewhere.
"Hey man, just dropped by your place, where you at?"
"Oooooh, one of those nights huh?"
"Isn't it always?"
"heh, I feel ya. Here I'll text you my location so we can chill." after that you heard talking from the other side of the phone. Someone that wasn't Casey. But before you could ask any questions Casey quickly responded to whatever it was that they said.
"SHUT UP! ILL KICK YOUR BUTT INTO NEXT WEEK, BUD!" ending with extra sass on the 'bud'.
That's when you got his text. Perfect!
Orrrr not. You swear you followed the directions exactly, so why are you standing in the middle of an alleyway being told to go forward when THERE IS NO FORWARD! Being the reasonable person you are you blamed it all on Casey and let him know of your little predicament.
And, 'wait there, just a sec was his reply.' You didn't think Casey would be the kind of person to plot someone else's demise. Not that he he hasn't caused someone else's demise, he just doesn't have the forethought to think ahead about it. However this whole, standing in an alley in New York at 2 am alone, is really starting to feel like a plot.
Once again, your nerves started rising. You looked around the old bricks, worn with water damage and scraping and covered in graffiti. The dark distorted your surroundings making it unclear if you were really alone in that alley or not. The stench of the trash bags shoved as close to the corners and walls as possible started to get to you. Your breathing got a little heavier. The ominous lighting from the street lamp didn't help either. Then a sound rose above the scampering feet of rats. You turn to see the man hole cover slowly scrap along the concrete as a large gloved hand shoved it away. The darkness of the alley clouded the figure and with the covering gone the hole left seemed like a endless pool of inky nothingness. You were stiff as a board and you could hear your heart thrashing in your ears. This is it. This is where you die and it's all Casey Jones's fault.
"Hey you did make it! Nice!"
Your threw a scrapped can square at his face.
"Yo chill! I told you I was coming to get you!"
"Hehe, come on. I'll show you," he winked at you before gesturing you to enter into the manhole first.
"Oh come on! Don't you trust me?"
"NO! Also gross. I'm not going down there just for the heck of it Casey. I have never been curious what New Yorks sewer system looks like."
"It's not about the sewers! We just have to walk through the system to get to the place," he told you mildly annoyed.
"And your purposely being suspicious about 'the place', because?"
"Because that's a surprise,"
"Oh joy. I just love surprises at 2 in the freaking morning, in the sewers, wearing my pajamas," you snarked as you lowered yourself down the manhole scowling slightly.
Casey led you through the sewers keeping a brisk pace. You asked him about the voice you hear over the phone earlier and all he told you was that it was part of the surprise. To which you rolled your eyes.
"You seem pretty confident on where your walking," you remarked.
"Well I sure hope so!" he laughed to himself, "I've only been coming here since highschool."
Him saying that struck a possible idea of what his "surprise" could be. But you couldn't be sure.
You initially met Casey in college. Not that he went to collage, he just crashed a class that you shared with his friend. He called her red, talked about her a lot too. You didn't really know her outside of that one class. It felt strange to know so many details about someone you've never talked to. He did mention that she was Donnies first crush but Donnie never talked about her though so you didn't really care much for that detail.
You knew that Casey had known Donnie, his brothers, and "red" since high school. He told you about their adventures all the time. Sometimes it made you feel a little disconnected, especially since the only people you ever knew from the group were Donnie and Casey. But you tried not to let that feeling get to you. It would simply take time. Besides, even if you're newer and don't know the whole group, neither Donnie or Casey ever made you feel like you weren't a part.
The thing is though, is that Casey only mentioned highschool when talking about the turtles. So while it is a loose assumption, you had an idea of what he might be planning. Part of you really hoped it wasn't what you were thinking. The other part really REALLY wanted it to be what you thought. But the majority part was to tired to care and just wanted something to do.
After a short walk you noticed the sewer transition into an abandoned subway station. That's when you heard the sounds of videogames and people. The smell of pizza lingered in the air the closer you walked to the sound. Eventually you got to the part of the station where lights lit up the dark space.
When you got to the entrance, you saw two turtles playing videogames. Pizza boxes littered the floor, some of them containing pizza, some completely empty. You were a little stunned honestly. Donnie had a genuine reason for not introducing you to his family, you didn't want to cross that line. But at the same time, you really needed a brain rotting distraction. You hesitated. But when Casey gestured you to go first through the turnstile first, that hesitation crumbled. You just wanted some pizza, was that so wrong? I mean you were already here, might as well just commit. You and Casey passed through and neither of the brothers tired to look at you. The one in red acknowledge the sound by saying,
"Welcome back Case."
"What didja need to do that you left so fast brah?" Asked the orange one.
"My best bud needed A.M. pizza, so I figured here would be the best place for her to get some," Casey told them patting your back before taking his seat next to the orange brother and picking up an abandoned controller. You followed, feeling out of place, you sat beside him.
This got reds attention.
"I'm sorry, she?" He paused the game to look over at you.
"Dude chill out! First of all, shes not random, she's y/n," reds eye twitched, "Secondly, it's no biggie, she already knows Donnie, she's no snitch."
You smacked Casey's arm and shook your head.
"Hey! your already here aren't you?" he whined at you.
"Wait, how do you already know Donnie?" orange finally spoke up.
"Yeah, who are you anyways?" red questioned you.
"I-um. Hi, I'm y/n" you stiffly introduced.
You felt very awkward about this whole situation.
"And you know Don, how?" red reiterated impatiently.
You decided to play dumb.
"What do you mean?"
"How do you know Donnie?! Oh my gosh are you dumb?!"
"No, I get what you asked, but in what way?"
You both went back and forth like that for a while. Little did you know that this was Casey's plan all along. He had talked to Donnie about introducing you the family but he always said it "wasn't the right time". You and Donnie had been dating for almost a year now and had known each other even longer. Yet his brothers had yet to know you even existed! Knowing you, you wouldn't push the issue because you didn't want to pressure your poor boyfriend. You were under the false pretence that he would come around eventually. The truth is, he wouldn't. And it wasn't because of his brothers teasing.
They would still tease him yes, but they've grown, they know the line. The real reason Donnie hadn't introduced you was because one; he wanted you to himself. And two, the biggest reason; he was embarrassed of where he lived. Yes his home was cleanly and all but it was still a sewer. It had taken a long time for him to begin to believe that you actually thought he was attractive and not some kind of monster. Living in the sewer though? What if that breaks your entire image of him? What if you think he really is some slimy gross sewer monster after? He couldn't bear the thought. After being with you for so long, he doesn't think he could live without you.
It took a lot of nagging but when Casey finally broke him and that was the explanation he gave? Casey was so done. So he took matters into his own hands. He waited for the opportunity to present itself and tonight was the night.
"Dudes!" orange interjected, "Chillll. Ever consider that maybe she won't say cuz we haven't introduced ourselves yet?? Hmmmmmmmmm?"
He chewed red out. Red just scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Hi, I'm Mikey, and that grump is Raph," he told you, "He's been awake too long, he gets fussy without his nap."
You giggled at this, but before you could say anything back Raph had tackled Mikey to the floor. As they rustled you made a small laugh.
"What is going on in here so late?" you heard someone say from behind you. You turned to where it was coming from and saw the third brother you had yet to meet. Blue.
Before he could say anything to Raph or Mikey though, he made eye contact with you.
"Who are you?"
"This is my best bud y/n. Y/n, the fearless leader Leo," Casey introduced.
"Don't call me that Casey," he told him sternly. He walked over to you guys and took a seat in the other side of you.
"You know Case, if I wasn't half asleep I'd be way more upset about you bringing a stranger to the lair."
"She's not a stranger though, she's known Donnie for a while now. Besides we already got yelled at enough by Raph," Casey told him.
He humm and nodded in a 'that makes sense type' of way.
"So you've know Donnie for a while?" he asked.
You felt like could tell Leo just as much as you could tell Raph. Which was nothing. But you felt like Leo would be more receptive to a reasonable answer then Raph was.
"I'd tell you, but I'm not at liberty to say right now," you said.
"That's not suspicious at all," he teased.
"Hey!" you laughed at him and he laughed back.
Casey elbowed you and smiled proudly. He acted like he deserved a thank you for introducing you to your boyfriends family behind his back. All you did was elbow him in the ribs. That was he really deserved. You would be lying though if you said it wasn't an oddly fun situation.
That's when Raph had pinned Mikey and he started screaming.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY? I COULDN'T HEAR YOUR BEFORE?!" Raph yelled at him with this hands pushing Mikey's head to the floor.
"AAAAAAAAA!!" was all Mikey said him response.
Leo sighed next to you, "I guess I'll be taking care of that."
Before he could make a move though, you heard a familiar voice.
"What is going on out here?! I can't work with all this RACKET!" Donnie grumply shouted.
He stopped right in his tracks when he saw you though.
The only time you had seen Donnie that worked up was when an experiment failed or his brothers got on his nerves. Even then though, it was just venting after the fact, so you never witnessed the brunt of his frustrations. Safe to say you were a little startled, not put off or anything, just surprised mostly.
"Y- y- y- y Y/N?! What in Earth are you doing here?? At this hour? Here? I- ??" he was completely flabbergasted and udderly mortified.
He looked a mess, bags under his eyes, mask lazily pushed above his eyes, and not to mention yelling like an angry old man! Oh nononono. It was bad enough you were in his sewer home, there's no way you don't think his a monster now!
"Would you look at that, guess you did know Don after all," Raph said, head in hand while an elbow laid on Mikey's head.
You turned back to Raph, "Why would I lie about that?!"
This boy was unbelievable.
"Raph get off Mikey," Leo told him.
"Not until he says it!"
"Really Raph? I though you stopped doing that when we were teens."
Deciding that you needn't be involved in that conversation, you turned back to Donnie who had a horrified expression on his face.
"H- how long have you been down here?" he asked quietly.
"Not super long, Casey and I only got here like, a few minutes ago," you answered him.
Donnie took a deep breath, he looked like he was about to loose it. You didn't blame him honestly.
"You. Brought. Her. Here?!" he asked Casey. Clearly hanging by the thread of his last nerve.
"Yeah, s'not like you ever would have, so I took matters into my own hands. Besides she's my friend just as much as she's your girlfriend, I have a right to introduce her to my closest buds."
"Wait. Did you just say, girlfriend?" Mikey asked. Leo was helping him off the floor with a displeased Raph standing to the side. They all froze after Casey's statement and started at you and Donnie with wide eyes.
"JONES!" you both yelled at him in unison.
"What? They were gonna haft'a know eventually, I just got the awkward part out of the way for you," he shrugged and winked at you both.
You were gonna kill him. And by the looks of it Donnie and you were on the same page.
You pinched the bridge of your nose and let out a sigh.
"Okay, I think Donnie and I need to have a private conversation. When we're done we'll clear everything up with you all. Okay?"
"That sounds good," Leo nodded while everyone else complained.
You turned to Donnie signaling to lead the way to wherever you two could have some alone time. He seemed nervous and jittery, but led you none the less. He let you in first through a big sliding door that opened up into what seemed to be a garage. It had tables with tools and other electronic equipment strewn around. There were chemistry supplies as well along with some posters in the walls.
"So," Donnie started, fixing his gaze on the floor, "you wanted to talk?" He adjusted his mask to fit back over his eyes.
"Uh, yeah," you answered. Why was the air so thick all of a sudden? Donnie was so closed in on himself it was almost like he was afraid of you. Honestly, you wanted to ask him why Casey said he would never take you down here. But now wasn't the time for that.
"What do you want to do now? I know you wanted to introduce me on your own terms but now that that's not really a possibility. So where do you wanna go from here?" You asked.
You figured it would best to have a game plan before explaining everything to his brothers.
"I understan- Wait what?" He looked at you confused.
"Uuhhh, where do you want to go from here? Ya know, now that your brothers know?" You repeated yourself. Now you were confused.
"I. Wha. That's all you have to say?" Donnie said mouth agape, shocked.
"What? I mean, about this situation yeah? I mean, I am curious why Casey felt the need to do this but that's not really my first priority right now. Am- am I missing something here?" You asked him.
"I- I thought... I live in a sewer," he told you.
"You thought you lived in a sewer?" Your confusion increasing, "Like. You didn't know?"
"No! I know that! I just... you don't care?"
"Why would I care? I'm sorry," you put a hand to your forehead, "did you think I would judge you for your living conditions? Which are honestly pretty cush. Who do you take me fore Don?!"
"I! Well it's not that I thought you would judge me, it's just... I'm a mutant. Living in the sewers just- I don't know. The only things you think of living in the sewers are creepy gross monsters or rodents. On top of that it's the sewers! Most people find that pretty gross."
"Donnie. We've known each other for longer then a year. If I was disgusted by you, you would know by now," you spoke dryly.
"All this time I thought you just needed to get used to things. But you were just assuming the worst about me? What the heck Donnie?" You were hurt. You loved him so much, and he thought you would leave him because of where he lives? He really thought you were that judgemental?
"What?! No! I wasn't assuming the worst about you! I was just afraid you'd realize you deserve better than me!"
He stopped and looked at you, eyes wide.
"Yes! And I hate it when you talk like you're not deserving of love just because you're mutant."
"I just... I just don't see what you see in me," he admitted.
"Then stop assuming things and closing yourself off. Talk to your family, talk to your friends, talk to me. I never worry about whether or not you love me, you've seen me at my worst and never left my side. You're so scared of how I'll react to your worst you never even give me a chance to show you," you grabbed his hand and looked him in the eye.
"You don't get to decide how I feel or what I think, only I do."
"You're right, I'm sorry. Sorry for assuming things, things about you, and for taking so long to introduce you."
You kissed him on the cheek.
"Thank you," you smiled at him. Then pinched his neck and pulled him to you.
"Ow ow ow ow!"
"And never do that again," you let him go.
"Yes of course absolutely never again," he nodded and smiled at you. You smiled back and patted his chest.
"Now before we continue the conversation of how to approach your family, I feel like we should address the eavesdroppers in the room," you said pulling back the door all the way. It was already cracked open to allow the peepers better visuals for your conversation.
As it slid open you noticed Casey and the three brothers trying to run away from the door.
"What! Guys! What part of private conversation do you not understand?!" Donnie yelled at them.
"I told you guys you shouldn't have done that," Leo scolded them.
"YOU LITERALLY JOINED RIGHT AFTER SAYING THAT!" Raph pointed an accusatory finger at him, "AND FOR THE RECORD IT WAS MIKEY'S IDEA!" He yelled moving his pointing to the youngest.
"Wow dude, I thought we were in this together," Mikey put a hand on his chest hurt.
"Well in the end it doesn't matter cuz it already happened right?" Casey shrugged and took a seat on the couch again.
Out of everyone here you and Donnie were most ticked at Casey.
Both you and Donnie approached him from behind and grabbed one of his shoulders.
"W-what? Uhhh. You dudes need something? Eh heh..." he stuttered nervous. Only just now did he realize the hole he had dug for himself.
"Why don't we have a chat Casey," you smiled but it was less of a question and more of a statement.
"Privately," Donnie finished, no smile to be found.
You both were gonna have fun with this. Then Donnie could take you home and tuck you in. What a great boyfriend girlfriend bonding activity!
------------------------------------------------------------Listen y'all, I know Google maps don't work like this, but just for the sake of plot pretend like it does.
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starvity · 1 year
hi! i love your writing, im so shocked to find someone with the same ults as me ^ i was hoping you could maybe write a protective gunwook scenario? the idea of him always thinking he needs to protect you from others (even when he is a little scared himself,) is rlly heart wrenching.
like !;!!,!,! imagine him pulling you behind him slightly with a serious voice but you can feel him shaking a bit. 🥹 hes too precious rlly we dont deserve him.
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— ☆ follow your steps
gn!reader x zb1 gunwook
genre: angst, student!au, fluff?, gunwook and you as the popular class presidents // warnings: bullying, blood, violence, jealousy
author’s note: i was originally going for a happy ending because angst makes me feel so bad but no i like to make us (yes, myself included...) suffer today :D (you'll be fine) also omg ult twins!!!! you’ve got insane taste btw hehe <3 (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
gunwook and you were two of the most popular students in the entire school. you two being the two class presidents, you can often be seen together to work on projects or just share ideas on future plans to improve your lifestyle. it had started with a pure academic motive. meeting up after classes at the library to talk about the recent complains from the students and how you could find a solution to those. after a few weeks though, you found it less and less of a burden to stay late at school and, if you dare to say, you were excited to do your duty as a model student simply and solely to spend some time with gunwook.
and the other students were quick to catch up that maybe you two had become much closer than expected and let's say people were not very happy about it. you were aware of how popular you were just by counting how many love letters would be squished in your locker on valentine's day and how many students would wait for gunwook to clean the classroom until sometimes 5 or 6 to hand them a cheap snack and hearing a few words from him, a simple hello and thank you. and you hated how that popularity made all your relationships feel fake and forced. but when you were with gunwook, everything felt so light and casual. for the very first time, you felt like you didn't need to keep a facade and felt like you could finally be yourself.
gunwook was already waiting for you at the quiet and empty library as he had finished his classes earlier than you. he took the chance to grab a drink for both of you, thinking that it could maybe cheer you up after this long day. gunwook noticed that you still hadn't arrived after 20 minutes and assumed that you were probably talking to your teacher or helping your friends with their assignments like you usually do. therefore, he starts working, his glasses resting on the tip of his nose, almost sliding off. his chin was placed on the palm of his hand, his index occasionally taping his upper lip and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. almost 45 minutes since your class ended and you still were nowhere to be seen. the boy starts to get worried and he goes looking for you, considering that a walk around the school would also empty his mind a bit.
"i already told you we are just friends, nothing else" you state firmly, glaring at the group of students circling you. the girl in front of you, who seemed to be the "leader" of the crowd steps on your foot, lasers shooting through her eyes. you wince in pain but keep your composure and replies calmly "have you maybe considered that your terrible attitude might be the reason gunwook doesn't want to have anything to do with you, with all of you guys? he wouldn't even befriend and even less date any of you guys." you suddenly feel a boy grab your hair from your right while another person twists your arm from your left. despite the pain you keep your head up, smirking at her while some blood from the punches received earlier was staining your lips "and what if we were more than that?" her eyes turn dark and you know you're about to receive either a slap or a punch, or worse, in the next 5 seconds.
but those 5 seconds were enough for gunwook to find you and quickly stand between you two. he takes a glance at you from over his shoulder and his heart aches seeing the state they left you in. he orders them to leave you alone with a shaky voice but the only response is a couple of chuckles. all of a sudden, the crowd takes a few steps ahead, slowly closing the gap between you. gunwook takes your hand in his, he was trembling and he could barely murmur a sorry with the tears building in his eyes. and the boy had never felt so much shame and disappointment in himself before this moment when he understood that he won't be able to protect you this time.
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lovelylittlelevity · 4 months
Im very sorry to say that as of 5/29/24 Lovely Little Levity's blog and game has been decided to become a content archive.
this was a team decision, and due to the lack of motivation and health issues (mental and physical) among us, we've come to the conclusion to simply let sleeping dogs lie. While I wish I could say we ended with a bang or something else interesting, it was a simple decision to choose us and our health before LLL.
below are the final statements of those who wished to speak
While I wish I could say I had fun, that was only true intitially. While I understand I made my mistakes, nothing I did gave the free pass some of y'all think you have to stalk me through multiple blogs telling me to kill myself and otherwise harrass me. I really hope I can find the joy of creating with friends again with the other projects I have ongoing. I guess to the people who still want to make "expose" documents/posts about me all I gotta say is: Grow up. Get a life outside of fandom culture. Some of y'all are forgetting what an actual problematic person looks like/have never faced REAL conflict and it shows. EDIT: On @sugaryapplepie I have posted the completed scripts. I had finished Macaque, Wukong, and MK's scripts and each Y/N Route therein. If y'all wanna read 'em, head on over there.
Honestly it was fun at first but after a while it felt more like we have forced ourselves to make it because y'all wouldn't stop rushing us some of the time and kept on asking when the game was going to be finished. But when we released the demo, y'all said it felt forced. So it didn't feel fun anymore. It just became stressful in the end. Honestly the LMK fandom is just a whole disaster to the point so many are just at each other's throat. I just really hope it gets better for all of you.
In all honesty LLL was a mess. Early on we had the Scott issue, and then later more personal issues that slowed work down. Even when we had a pickup on motivation the constant pressure and rude comments were too much. It's not hard to be kind on the fucking internet, the world wont end if you dont click send on that kys message I swear. I could handle it better than the other members of LLL, however it doesn't mean i should have to. Thank you to everyone who was kind in welcoming me and aware of my tone deafness, you are appreciated more than you know.
-xoxo EK
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lovewash3d-doll · 3 months
•.*🩰*.•.Tips on How to Write Consistently .*•🩰*•.
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I am a person that especially struggles to write consistently: I’ll have a month-long writing phase where I write every day and then months without scribbling a single word. Over the years, I’ve developed some tips and techniques to initiate my writing phases even when I’m in the pirouettes and twirls of stress or a lack of creativity. They may be helpful to you or anyone attempting to write a little more!
1) Mentally Schedule Writing Time 🩰
Scheduling writing time is beyond adding it to your to-do list or planner as it is often left unchecked and forgotten—I’ve very guilty. Instead, you have mentally schedule it and put it in your mentality that you will write today! Tightly affirm that you will write and put it high on your priorities for the day! If writing is an afterthought, it will also be an afterthought before bed and the following day. Determination is really key and so is sticking to your word!
It’s also important to plan writing at reasonable times and for reasonable durations. I tend to plan to write after I finish my schoolwork but, I always end up too worn out and tired and simply slip into to bed. Instead, plan to write at a time where you know you won’t have any distractions or other tasking taking priority. If you’re seeing a friend later, grab your laptop or pen in the two hour period before. If you’re busy for the day, wake up an hour early or sacrifice some of your phone scrolling time for a quick few paragraphs.
Additionally, don’t expect yourself to immediately write for long periods of time or write very much. Unrealistic, unattainable goals can very easily kill your spirits so it’s important to be realistic. Start with 30 minutes and with the goal of writing one scene and naturally, as you get more in the mood, those 30 minutes will expand to an hour or even longer and your story or piece will have a fresh page written soon enough.
2) Books, Movies, & Music🩰
Before attempting to write, I always try to create the perfect atmosphere even if I may not particularly be in the mood! If I want to get in a creative mindset overall, I love reading a book in my genre or watching a tv show or movie that relates to the topic or plot line of my story. I mainly recommend reading a book since absorbing writing is a great way reinforce oneself to write. I also create music playlists for every story and listen to a couple songs before my writing session! It definitely sets the tone and puts me in the mindset of my story!
3) Do a Writing Challenge 🩰
One of my grandest periods of consistant writing was thanks to a writing challenge I did! For a Creative Writing Class project, I decided to follow the writing routines of several authors and blog about my experience. I dedicated at least half an hour every day and my results were fruitful. Not only was it a fun experience but, it also reinforced me to write and I got a lot of insight into different approaches! Any writing challenge is a very good motivator and I highly recommend it! For my challenge, I specifically pulled writing routines from this book (linked).
4) Journal Sessions 🩰
If you especially struggle to carve out large portions of time for your writing on a daily basis, a great tip is using a journal! Whenever you have 10-15 minutes of down time, let your stream of consciousness flow and write any scene or stanza or any part of your larger piece. Don’t worry about its quality: it’s simply important that you scribble something down. Once you have a considerable amount of time to focus on your writing, transfer your notebook writings to your laptop and edit away! After a few quick journal sessions, you’ll have a decent amount of material that you can mold into draft. It’s a lot easier to edit than to stare at a blank page!
5) Trip to Barnes & Nobles 🩰
This is a very niche tip that only applies if you are planning on writing a novel and looking to publish! I love Barnes & Nobles and sometimes, when I’m in a large writing slump, I love visiting a store and taking in the smell of fresh books and tracing book spines on the shelves. Looking at new releases and imagining my own book on those shelves really motivates me to go home and pick up my pen! It reminds me of my goals and sends me into a larger writing phase!
I hope this helps! Reblogs are appreciated! 🩷
lovewashed doll🩰
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boogiewoogieweeb · 2 months
11, 16, 65 🪽
hi curry! 🤗🤗🤗 thank you so much for the ask - it's always a pleasure to see you on my dash or in my notifs! (and congrats on FINALLY getting the nedward shirt🥳 i can't think of anyone more deserving after having to endure such long waiting times trials and tribulations!)
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
oh, now this is a difficult one, because how on earth do i link only three??? tell you what; i'll compromise, and we'll do five, okay? okay. and because i know you're a fellow joplittle afficionado, i'm listing five of my faves for our mutual otp (unranked and in no particular order):
To Guide His Banners by mia_ugly
quiet hours by MyresLight (aka the inestimable and my dearly beloved @maedhrus)
the comforts of home by hazelmotes
i've become the person who says darling by vegetas
ringing in your ears by @manicpixiedreamjop (hi gus! plugging your latest fic because i simply can't shut up about it!)
five, as i said; though i have so, so many more i wish i could share. and just so you know, having to choose these five alone was already an unbearably cruel, nigh herculean task 😩
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
a better question would probably be "do you ever stop nurturing fic ideas?" 😂 at any given moment, there are at least ten fic ideas rattling around in the lobster pot i call a brain, most of them half-baked and vaguely formed; some of them with some actual substance and merit to them.
lately, i've been overtaken by a nefarious subset of particularly horny thoughts regarding a certain first lieutenant from a doomed arctic expedition and all the various ways in which his anger and frustration at his captain's questionable leadership might manifest... which i wholeheartedly blame on matthew mcnulty's line delivery of, "you were told not to speculate", along with that delicious little lip-curling sneer he does when he says it.
granted, it's not really sharing an idea so much as it is Thirsting After That Middle-Aged Man™, but i figured if anyone would understand, it would be you, curry ❤️
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
as everyone and their mums probably knows by now, i'm currently busy with several wips. but the ones i'm most proud of and probably the most eager to finish are my terror lieuts vampire hunters/dhampir!jops au, and the sequel to two cupped hands; both of which are sitting at about 35% completion rate. unfortunately, i haven't had much motivation to write lately, and so the actual completion of said wips remains a sisyphean task at present. that being said, i'm nothing if not stubborn, so if it takes me ten more years to publish either of those wips, so be it. i know they'll find their audience regardless of how much time passes 😁
aaand that's it! once again, thank you curry for a wonderful set of questions - i had an absolute blast answering them, and i hope you have just as much fun reading my answers! ily!
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ghost-proofbaby · 7 months
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She’s said the wrong thing. She doesn’t fully understand how, but she can certainly feel Astarion bristle at those words. Nettie remains unaware of their internal conversation, digging around at her table full of alchemy sets and important looking herbs.  If you think that, as a reward for simply existing, the world is going to hand you kindness, you are a bigger fool than I took you for.  When Nettie turns around, finally having finished her piece, she holds a thorny branch.  If I must be a fool, at least I am a kind one. 
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summary: the tadpoles prove to have some use, and aruna proves to be a bigger fool than astarion expected when she trusts the wrong person.
wc: 4k+
warnings: continued memory loss, being poisoned? just canon-adjacent violence and such. nothing crazy.
a/n: mom can you come pick me up i think i'm projecting too much onto one of my ocs again (also experimenting with placement of the read more this time don't mind me)
masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
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Was Aruna someone’s daughter once?
It’s the only thing she can think of after she speaks to Arabella’s parents. A young tiefling girl, currently being interrogated, her parents desperate and brimming with fury as they try to find a way to save their daughter.
Surely, Aruna was someone’s daughter once. And if she was the one in interrogation, life at risk, she’d want someone to offer to help her as well. 
The druids that had been arguing with the tieflings let Aruna and Astarion through under the premise of Kagha wanting to speak with them. Which, in all honesty, doesn’t sound very promising. But Aruna is determined, mind rattling with thoughts of Arabella, someone’s daughter, and her singular goal of saving her. 
“What in the Hells are they doing?” Astarion questions the center of the grove, several druids gathered around the center point that appears to be a small idol. 
Aruna hadn’t even noticed the green flow of magic, had hardly heard the chanting, “Who knows?”
It’s a pathetic response. Hardly humoring him, falling terribly flat as she continues to take large steps in the direction of the stone door the druids had pointed out to them. 
Was she someone’s daughter once? Did she have parents out there, just like Arabella’s, anxiously seeking her return?
“You’re telling me you’re not the least bit curious about that?” Astarion squints after her. When she doesn’t respond, he reaches out for her, fingers wrapping around her sleeve just as she had done to him by the ox. But his touch is a bit rougher, a bit more secure. Less instinctual. “I find that incredibly hard to believe. What’s wrong?” 
She blinks rapidly at that, taken back by his sincerity, “Since when do you care about something being wrong with me?”
“Since you’re leading us, specifically me, into a possible fight while seeming impossibly distracted.”
Right. He didn’t want to be led astray, walked straight into danger, when she was in this state. It was nothing more than that. And that was reasonable. 
But she can’t stop picturing it; was she something small once? Something impossibly delicate? 
She sort of feels delicate now, void of memories and uncertain of just who she is. 
“I can’t remember if I have parents,” she admits all in one breath, uncomfortably aware of both his eyes on her and his hand that had yet to leave her arm, “I can’t remember if I had a childhood.”
“That’s all?” he scoffs, hand finally dropping, “You’re worried about if you had a childhood after agreeing to free some foolish tiefling girl?” 
His words are hard, but she can still see right through his mask – her words have given him something to think about as well. A kindred emotion, a flash of something lost, sparking behind his eyes for only a moment. 
“Yes, that is all. You seem to forget while you all have your own personal journeys and motivations that I can as well.”
She doesn’t know herself. All she knows is this, whatever this journey of their group had become. All she knows is the tadpole, the beach, her companions. She just recently learned about her magic while it’s clear the rest of them have an entire artillery of memories in which they’ve perfected their crafts. 
Of course Astarion is better with his daggers. He must have practiced wielding them for years, and remembers that practice. Aruna might have also, but she can’t recall it. The fact that she remembered how to even hold them properly is a miracle. 
“It doesn’t matter,” she says just as she sees Astarion’s hard exterior beginning to soften. She doesn’t want pity, doesn’t want empathy. She just wants to help the girl, “Let’s just talk to this Kagha and help Arabella.” 
Before she has the chance to turn, Astarion is speaking to her lowly, disregarding the way she clearly wanted to move on from the matter, “I do apologize. Your condition… does slip my mind. I forget myself.”
“It’s not a condition,” she snaps, “It’s… it’s temporary. Maybe once we get rid of our parasites, I’ll regain my memories. It’s fine.” 
Parasites. That’s what these tadpoles must be, leeches that have taken home in all their minds, and Aruna is just the unluckiest of the bunch to be stuck with one with a craving for memories. 
She’ll remember. She has to. 
“For what it’s worth,” he takes a step closer, nearly whispering, as though he’d rather die than allow anyone to hear his next words, “I do believe you had a childhood. We all must have, even those of us who can’t recall them.” 
If she had been a little less absorbed in all her own issues at the moment, she might have picked up on that little word: us. 
She would have noticed Astarion’s grouping of himself in that category. 
But she doesn’t. She only turns and continues onto their mission, to find Kagha and Arabella, completely unaware that Astarion has bared a vulnerable fragment of himself to her. The moment passes, and she never witnesses the fall of his face as he realizes that the thread of connection has gone entirely over her head. 
Aruna doesn’t know what her experiences with snakes had been prior to all of this, but she’s starting to sense they were not good. That, or all her survival instincts that were a product of human evolution were far more overactive than everyone else’s. 
Astarion doesn’t even flinch at the snake. In fact, he looks monumentally disappointed when Aruna manages to persuade Kagha to not kill Arabella by letting the bloodthirsty creature sink its fangs into her. 
“What a waste of a perfectly good show,” he sighs wistfully, watching the girl run off and out of the underground room they were now standing in. 
One sharp warning glance from Aruna, and he’s smart enough to not make another comment on it. 
“You wanted to speak with us,” Aruna says as she approaches Kagha once the death viper has long since departed. If Astarion notices, he certainly keeps quiet with his teasing. 
“Indeed,” Kagha looks up. She still wears a veil of authority, holding herself bigger than she is as if to prove herself, “You are the ones who fought at the gate against the goblins.” 
Suddenly, Aruna feels a squirming in her mind, a sudden presence pressing against her tadpole. It’s unfamiliar, sharp, but not unbearable. 
The same experience as when she had met each of her fellow ailed companions, but to a less intense degree. 
Aruna is shocked when she swears she hears Astarion mutter the sarcastic reply as it echoes in her head. She turns to look at him, but his lips are sealed tightly, wearing a bored expression that morphs into offense when he catches her glance. 
Why is she looking at me like that? I didn’t say that outloud, did I?
It’s nearly impossible to school her shocked expression, but Aruna manages. 
Astarion certainly did think the sarcastic reply, but he didn’t say it outloud. Aruna shouldn’t have been able to hear that. And yet the squirming in her head increases, and she has the sinking suspicion of who the culprit behind the shared thoughts might be. 
“We are,” she answers Kagha before the pause grows so long it becomes suspicious, “And the druids at the entrance said you wanted to speak to us. So, please, by all means…”
She trails off, but her eyes continue to flicker towards Astarion. He’s growing more antsy under her watchful gaze, but she’s not going to scold him for being a sarcastic ass in his mind. 
Maybe she had imagined it. Maybe the tadpole is draining her of memories and sanity. 
Imagined or not, tadpoles to be blamed or not, Aruna remains distracted for most of her conversation with Kagha. Her focus wanes, only leaving just enough sensibility to make out that Kagha wants their group to clear the way for the tieflings to leave the Grove. The ceremony that Astarion had questioned outside, was being executed with the intent of sealing the Grove off. No one leaves, no one enters. 
It’s all a bit morbid. And it makes Aruna’s bleeding heart ache for the tieflings. Predictable, she swears she hears Astarion’s voice say as her face contorts at that shared information. 
She feels the crashing waves of Astarion’s irritation over all else when Kagha finishes her short speech. 
“I’m asking you to help them. Will you?” 
He already knows her answer. And so does Aruna – there’s not a single way in which she’ll walk out of here without agreeing to do so. 
But she does take pause, and she does consider her options. Astarion may be shocked at the fact that she takes his reaction into consideration during these decisions now, but she does. And for all he seemingly loathes helping others, he is concerned with the parasite – he’s concerned with finding a healer, just like everyone else in her party. 
“I’ll help,” the quietest of groans are already escaping Astarion’s lips, but they grow quiet when she continues, “On one condition.”
“Offering conditional help?” he admonishes, “I didn’t think you had that in you.” 
For once, please shut up. 
She doesn’t say it outloud. She thinks it, shooting the thought like an arrow, straight for the pressure of the presence against her tadpole. 
It wasn’t an imagined connection. It’s clear Astarion had heard her by the way he nearly staggers not even a second after the thought has passed. 
Very interesting. 
“What’s your condition?” Kagha demands, looking between the two with brewing suspicion. 
If she knew about their tadpoles, she’d probably kill them. With that damn death viper, no less. 
“There’s a healer here by the name of Nettie,” Aruna feels Astarion perk up, all his dissatisfaction with the idea of helping the tieflings quickly fading, “I’ll help them, if she helps us.” 
“And what would you need a healer for?” 
“None of your business.”
Even Astarion is shocked by the sharpness of Aruna’s words. But when she looks at Kagha, all she sees is a woman turning her back on the helpless. And it sparks a new anger inside of her, a sense of righteousness that had to have been ingrained in her at some point. Whether it be before all of this or if it is simply a pillar of who she was, who she is, doesn’t matter. 
Kagha is someone cruel. And Aruna suddenly realizes that cruelty is not part of who she is, not at her core. 
Kagha smiles, a forced diplomatic grin that reeks of ingenuity. “You’ll find Nettie somewhere around here, feel free to seek her out as you please. But after you’ve seen her, I do expect you to speak to Zevlor, and to keep up your end of the bargain.” 
There’s no need for Aruna to bristle at the words or her condescending tone. Astarion does it for her, and without looking, she knows his hands twitch beside his daggers. 
Her dagger-happy friend, her shadow. She was never worried about blindly walking into a fight when it was him at her side. 
Nods are exchanged, and when Kagha turns her back, Aruna is quick to guide herself and her companion across the room, narrowly avoiding the abundance of mud. 
He doesn’t say a word until they’ve walked through a second doorway, entering what almost resembles a library of some sort. She expects a comment on her lashing out.
He surprises her when he simply says, “We have to talk about it, you know.” 
“Out of all our companions, you are the one I least expected a lecture from regarding being rude-”
“I couldn’t care less regarding your attitude with the druid,” he interrupts, stopping them just before they cross into what looks to be a living quarters. A hospital, of sorts, “I mean the tadpoles. You spoke to me, without uttering a single word aloud. How?” 
He doesn’t know that he initiated that connection. “I- You’re serious, aren’t you?” 
His lips curl, nose scrunching, “If you’re about to tell me I’m going insane, I might go find the nearest stake and put myself out of my own misery.”
Stake? How oddly specific. 
“See?” he exclaims suddenly, pointing at her accusingly, “I heard that! And yes, death by stake is quite specific, but don’t read into it too much, darling.” 
“Get out of my mind,” she hisses, more mindful of being quiet than he was being, “Gods, Astarion, I don’t know. Technically, you opened up that connection. I heard your thoughts first. Which, by the way – thank you for not being such a smartass out loud in front of Kagha.” 
His eyes widen, “Oh. Oh, you… heard that?” 
Instead of answering properly, she only puts on her worst impersonation of him, accent and all as she tries to perfectly mimic his “Obviously.”
“I do not sound like that.”
“You certainly did when you said it in my head.” 
“No, I did not. My voice is far less nasally, far more refined-”
“Who cares?” she cuts him off, “The point is, we can use these parasites for our benefit until we rid ourselves of them. Imagine the potential of using those private… channels to speak to each other when we’re in front of an enemy.” 
“I’d hardly call Kagha an enemy,” he snorts. But he doesn’t dismiss her idea, softening up in consideration, “I suppose you’re right. The only issue, of course, is how we opened up the connection to begin with.”
He’s right. Aruna isn’t so prideful as to fight him on that, nor is she idiotic enough to force the misfortune of figuring out the answer to that solely on him. 
“Well, what were you feeling when you first thought that?” she asks carefully. She isn’t trying to pry, something she’s starting to figure out he’s not fond of, but to simply get answers, “I wasn’t hearing your every waking thought before then.” 
He blinks rapidly, and she swears for a moment that he’ll take a step back. As though she’s gone too far. As though what he was feeling in the moment is private information that she hasn’t earned the knowledge of yet. 
He doesn’t. “I… I suppose I just wanted to say that outloud, to you.” 
That alone has a dozen implications.
“I need more than that,” she squints her eyes, “Especially considering it wasn’t something very important-”
“Making a sarcastic quip,” he looks pained as he elaborates, “Whenever I have something… particularly annoying to say, I enjoy watching your reaction to it. It’s fun to see you scramble when I run my mouth.” 
She doesn’t know how to respond to that, but it does make sense. When she had sent her own message to him, she’d been feeling almost the exact same way – regarding wanting to talk to him, not so much as wanting to annoy him. 
“I focused on the presence, or whatever it was, of your tadpole in my head,” she says, glancing over his shoulder as she catches sight of movement in the next room. A woman of shorter stature, hovering over something on one of the stone platforms, “So I suppose that’s the secret to it. Knowing us, another situation will arise soon enough for us to test our theory.”
He has more he wants to say. She can see it clearly in the press of his lips and the flare of his nostrils, but he doesn’t dare to speak whatever weighs on his mind, “Right. Of course. Knowing us.”
It was probably just another complaint of the way Aruna keeps getting them into trouble. He held his tongue, and she’s probably better for it. 
When they continue their exploration of the area, Aruna decides to take her time in surveying the new room rather than heading straight to the woman she had spied over Astarion’s shoulder. Tables of medicinal items, ranging from mugwort to jars of odd liquids, almost appearing to swirl with the night sky inside. The shelves of books, tomes, and slabs alike also pique Aruna’s interest. She wonders just how much trouble they might get into if she sent Astarion on a quick roundup of some of the interesting reads; his hands were far quicker and more adept for slipping them unnoticed into their packs. He’d proven such with the apple. 
She doesn’t even notice that the thought has slipped down their tadpole connection until Astarion is shooting her an amused look, crossing his arms as he stares her down. 
“And I thought you were against thievery,” he murmurs, voice low enough so that the woman on the other side of the room won’t hear them. 
Aruna really has no defense. Besides, aside from his torment of teasing, Astarion doesn’t seem to actually judge her for having any slip-ups in morale, “I am. Hence why I didn’t ask that of you.”
“Say the word, and I’d do it,” he holds up a hand, wiggling the fingers for emphasis, “You could have your own precious library to rival the wizard’s – for a price, of course.”
“A price?”
Her grin is impossible to miss. Radiant, it’s golden cast reflecting right back at her off of Astarion’s own lips.
“You didn’t think I’d do that type of work for free, did you, darling?” 
It’s a fun dance. A momentary distraction. For just a few brief seconds, they’re simply two people teasing one another, unbothered by their current circumstances or situations. 
“Of course not. And, just out of curiosity,” she hums, well aware that in a few moments, they’ll need to approach that strange woman. They’ll have to drop the illusion and return to reality. But that specific warmth that only he seems capable of triggering has begun to burrow into her chest again, and she chases after the feeling, “What would your price be? If I did request that of you?”
He hesitates. She had expected a quick answer, a rapid-fire she’d struggle to keep up with. She hadn’t expected for a genuine look of contemplation to cross his face, as though he was struggling to even come up with a response for the hypothetical. 
“Your daggers,” he says, although his tone isn’t quite as playful as it had been. His eyes flicker down at the blades tucked safely into each of her hips, and when they rise to meet her eyes again, it’s clear he’s somewhere far from her. Lost in thoughts, lost in his own mind, “You seemed quite defensive over them the other night. If they are special, and you’re hardly adept at wielding them, I might as well make use of them.” 
“You’re not getting my daggers,” she shakes her head.
“Then I suppose you’re not getting your library.” 
She laughs, and she prays he doesn’t hear any of the concern brewing beneath it. She prays that he’s still too far in his own head to recognize the way her attitude dips to meet his own deflation. Her laugh is as disingenuine as his forced smile he offers her, effectively ending the conversation.
He’s gone somewhere, somewhere so far that she couldn’t possibly follow, tadpole or not. 
She finds herself hoping it isn’t quite as lonely as her own mind. 
Nettie is… nice. 
Or, rather, nice enough. 
She’s fairly patient with Aruna and Astarion when they first approach, ignoring Astarion’s rude comeback to her requesting they give her just a second. She reacts kinder than necessary when Astarion prods the bird she had just healed as they pass by, prattling on about how the bird needs time to heal and how Astarion could benefit from exhibiting kindness to others. 
At least his responsive scoff stays between Aruna and Astarion, echoing down the connection of their tadpoles. 
She’s nice as she inquires what’s wrong with Aruna, she’s nice as Aruna explains the tadpole, and she’s nice as she offers to bring them back to her own private enclave for further examination. Hells, she’s even nice as she explains her entire experience with tadpoles thus far; a story involving another healer named Halsin, another unfortunate tadpole to be studied, and the dead drow on the table that Aruna tries to not stare at. 
Something about the sight of the drow makes Aruna’s chest ache. An indescribable sorrow. A mourning she can’t recognize. 
Halsin sounds more useful than this bore. 
Astarion’s voice in her head cuts through all that odd grief, helping her shake it off easily. 
Give her a chance. 
I gave her a chance when I didn’t interrupt her ridiculous spiel regarding that damned bird and kindness. 
And what makes that bird any less deserving of kindness than you or me?
She’s said the wrong thing. She doesn’t fully understand how, but she can certainly feel Astarion bristle at those words. Nettie remains unaware of their internal conversation, digging around at her table full of alchemy sets and important looking herbs. 
If you think that, as a reward for simply existing, the world is going to hand you kindness, you are a bigger fool than I took you for. 
When Nettie turns around, finally having finished her piece, she holds a thorny branch. 
If I must be a fool, at least I am a kind one.  
He doesn’t have a snarky response for that one. As a matter of fact, all that Aruna can feel through their connection is a resigned sadness. Something old, something yearning, something learned from a different lifetime. It makes no sense to Aruna. He doesn’t know her. Her being a fool shouldn’t affect him. Aruna’s own feet being set on the path of kindness has nothing to do with Astarion in the grand scheme of things beyond their journey to rid themselves of these worms. She’s the one with the ominous letter, she’s the one with debts to be paid regarding him once it’s all said and done. Her foolish kindness shouldn’t affect him. 
And yet, it does. To a startling degree that Aruna can’t even offer proper focus to at the time being, because her focus must remain on the healer in front of her.
Because Nettie is nice enough, until she isn’t.
A series of questions, as if Aruna was on some impassable trial, is all it takes for the smaller woman to lose that nice exterior. And Aruna is unsure if maybe it was her tone to blame, being a bit too snippy with Astarion’s anxieties pounding at the back of her head. Or mayhaps if it is her memory loss to blame, making certain gaps impossible to fill and certain answers impossible to be honest. She doesn’t know where she went wrong, but she did – she’s gone terribly wrong the moment that Nettie’s face hardens in a flair of certain impassive determination, and she reaches out for Aruna’s hand. 
Aruna can’t decipher if it was that knowing animal inside of her or Astarion that warns her so ferociously. Perhaps it had been the tadpole, a self-serving parasite that got them into this mess to begin with. She doesn’t know, she doesn’t know, she doesn’t know. 
She only knows that the moment those thorns scratch her palm, it hurts like all Hells. 
It burns. Terribly. And Aruna, for all her cluelessness, knows that healing shouldn’t burn. 
She tugs her hand away from Nettie impossibly fast the moment the tips of the thorns have dug in, looking down at the angry pink scratches left behind. Only surface level, but they burn.
“What in the hells-” Astarion starts, taking a step forward as Aruna cradles her hand to her chest. 
If I must be a fool, at least I am a kind one. 
“Be careful – your legs will probably give out first.” 
It’s not a cure. It’s not a plant of healing. It burns, its venom sinking its way into Aruna’s veins, spreading with a painful speed, her racing heart only quickening the process.
Aruna doesn’t have the chance to so much as blink before Astarion’s daggers are against Nettie’s neck. 
Kind fool indeed. 
TAGLIST: @emmaisgonnacry @writinginthetwilight @moonmunson
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anarchywoofwoof · 1 year
if you're an adult who, as a kid, was regularly shamed or made fun of for their interests or favs or whatever it is that you love, i have something to tell you: there's no one to stop you from loving whatever you want now.
what bands do you avoid listening to because you were told once upon a time they were cringe? maybe you internalized it and stopped listening because you didn't want to be outcast or seen as different or whatever the motivation was. go listen to every album. start at the top of their discography and work your way down until you're on the rare B-side shit. go crate digging. buy the vinyl and the cd (or pirate it whatever) and listen to them back to back and compare the two.
how many games do you avoid playing because they're childish or casual or immature or simply because video games aren't something an "adult" should be spending their time on? buy every game in the series. beat them all. in fact, spend literally every last minute of free time you have. look up the lore. find a strategy guide. 100% that bitch.
what show do you not binge-watch 24/7/365 because you were convinced that watching it over and over again was strange or weird, or why can't you watch something different, that's all i ever see on the tv?! watch every episode from start to finish. watch the behind the behind-the-scenes. watch the bloopers and outtakes. write a fic about your favorite character. write a fic about your least favorite character. write a fic.
i have news for both the adult you and the child you: for your own good, for your own personal growth and well-being, say "fuck you" loudly to every last person who should have the audacity to question your love for anything that gives you the faintest sense of happiness or brings you the slightest bit of joy.
there are so many things that we abandon on our journey to adulthood that we're told are incompatible or don't belong on such an adventure. you should carry with you whatever makes your journey worth taking, not the ideal journey that someone else has projected onto you
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Wholesome Sonic and Tails Wednesday Once Again
Based on me and my brother's interactions. Fic is under the cut! Enjoy!
“Tails, I’m bored.”
“Well, that seems like a you problem.”
Sonic sighed as he laid down on the floor in Tail’s workshop. The fox was working on something that he says isn’t going to be important. Just a fun little project for him to indulge in his hobby. Sonic, on the other hand, has nothing to do. That leads into the situation that is currently happening.
“Tailssss, give me something to do!”
“Why don’t you go for a run? Or check up on the others?”
“I already did! Everyone else is doing other things right now!”
He wasn’t lying. Amy was babysitting Cream, the Chaotix were working on a case that they wished to do by themselves, Knuckles was busy with the Master Emerald, Rouge is trying to steal it, and Shadow said he was busy working on something and told Sonic to leave him alone. Tails was the only person Sonic could think of bothering.
“Eggman isn’t-” “Available to beat up? Yep. You’re the only person I could think of bothering.”
“Darn…alright, fair enough. I sorta can’t leave this gizmo unattended though otherwise-” “You’ll lose motivation to work on it?”
“Yeah! How’d ya know?”
“Mmmmaaagiicccc~” Sonic chuckled before sitting up, “Guessing what you’re going to say before you finish your sentence is easy though.”
“Really? I find that hard to-” “Believe?”
Tails shot the hedgehog a look, “That one was an easy one!”
“Then give me a harder one!”
“Alright, how about,” The fox cleared his throat, “The-” “The fitness gram pacer test is a-”
Tails chucked a pillow right at Sonic’s face, interrupting the blue hedgehog, “That wasn’t what I was going to say!”
Sonic let out a couple of laughs, “Then what were you gonna say?”
Tails opened his mouth and left it open as his brain searched for something to say. He then closed his mouth and sent Sonic a glare that made the hedgehog nearly begin laughing again.
“What were you going to say, Tails?”
“...Shut up.”
“I was right wasn’t I?”
“Do you want another pillow to the face?”
Sonic looked at the pillow in his lap, “Why do you have pillows in here anyway?”
“So I can use them to take naps, duh.”
“...Bro, why don’t you use your bed?
Tails froze solid in his chair as if Sonic just caught him eating all the mints. Sonic got up from the floor and walked over to Tails in a joking, yet menacing fashion.
“Answer the question, Tails,” He spoke, on purposely lowering his voice to be “threatening”.
“...Chair comfy?”
Now, normally Sonic would agree with that statement. However, he is trying to be a good role model as an older brother so he simply raised a brow instead.
“That’s the excuse you’re going for? Buddy, if you keep this up you’re probably going to get some good ol back pain and trust me when I say that won’t be fun.”
Tails looked away from Sonic as the hedgehog let out a sigh, “By the way, when did you last take a break?”
“Uhhhh, does eating breakfast with you count?”
“That was five hours ago.”
Tails blinked in shock before looking at the time. His stomach growled and he shot a glare at Sonic.
“How dare you make me aware of my bodily functions.”
Sonic chuckled, “Ooo, you need to eat food and hydrate! Oooo!”
Tails jokingly let out a hissing noise as Sonic picked him up with ease, “How are you gonna grow up to be a big and strong boy, huh?”
“Hey, put me down! I’m not five!”
“You’re right, you’re eight! Nice job counting there, bro!”
“...I am going to bite you the moment you put me down.”
Sonic grinned, “Like you could catch me, Mr. I forgot to eat and my stamina is probably in the negatives.”
“...Okay, I’m going to straight up fight you now.”
“Wow, I am so scared.”
“I know where you sleep!”
“I know where I sleep as well, you ain’t special!”
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shiny-jr · 2 years
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✑ yandere writing prompts [ 5000 followers ]
– Warning: Yandere. Obviously, look at the title. 
– Notes: So I just wanted to do something (hopefully) small for this milestone. I know I’m already working on the damnation project, but I won’t be able to finish the rest of the results so maybe taking a few of these can show my gratitude. I tried looking up prompts but I didn’t really find any that I liked or haven’t used. So, I decided to try my hand at making my own that lean towards the softer side. Anyways, again, thank you all for 5000 followers! I hope that I can continue using my silly little ideas and stupid little words to amuse you all with my writing. 
– Instructions: Please only request one prompt with one character, preferably Twisted Wonderland characters or my ocs! I don’t want to overwhelm myself, especially because I have no idea how many of these will come in. I should remind you all, I can’t guarantee I’ll get to your request but I will try. If I have to, I’ll also save some of the requests well after this little event ends just to write later if and when I feel like it. Oh, and please try to add some stuff to your request. Like just random thoughts or something you wanna say, maybe even certain ideas you may want with the prompt that I might be able to write. Don’t just write “[ prompt ] with [ character’s name ].” I’m not a machine, so I’ll be less motivated to answer demands like those. But other than that, I can’t think of anything else, so feel free to request! I’ll most likely reblog this post once I stop accepting requests from this. 
ASTRAY - “You... You know I love you! Of course I never meant for this to happen!” 
COMMAND - “If you asked me to kill, I would do it.”
CRIMSON - “I’m bleeding? No I’m not, it’s not mine.” 
DETEST - “No matter how much you might hate me, I’ll always be yours.” 
DEVOTION - “You have no idea of the things I’ve done in your name.”
FEAR - “I don’t scare you, do I...?”
GAZE - “Do you let others stare at you like this?” 
HOLLOW - "Without you, I am nothing. I am empty.”
MERCY - “I-I’m sorry. Everything I do is for you, but I messed up.”
PURSUE - “You realize running is no good? I’ll simply follow you to the very ends of the earth.”
QUIT - “No, wait, can’t we handle this another way? Don’t leave me!” 
SAVE - “I’m the only one protecting you from such a dangerous and disgusting world.”
VIRTUE - “I never said I was a good person. But you, you are far too good for me.”
VISION - “Even when you look at me like that, you’re still beautiful.”
WASTE - “You could toss me aside like garbage and I would still come back to you.”
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keyboardandquill · 10 months
I keep getting writer's block in every. single. scene.
so, a while back I wrote a post about writing badly on purpose as a motivation for myself and others to push through when we feel our writing isn't good enough.
while I still stand by what I wrote in that post, I've still been struggling with achieving and keeping forward momentum. I keep getting bored with what I'm writing, and this happens on every single scene.
eventually I figure out where the block is, fix it, and move on. but it inevitably happens again.
recently, I read a post I read about undercutting tension by @septembercfawkes.
in the post, September talks about writing tension threads through to their conclusion while balancing additional threads of tension in the background so the scene doesn't take a nose dive once that conclusion is reached.
I realized, hey! that's what's been happening to me!
so...... how do I overcome that? it's not as easy as simply Doing. I have to figure out why I keep copping out on my tension.
For me, I think it's a combination of things.
first, I have ADHD and find it difficult to finish stuff (including scenes!) because I'm already thinking of the next scene or project.
second, I'm a pantser (for the most part), so I don't often know how a scene is going to end. that often translates to summarizing what happens next in only a paragraph or two so I can get on to the next scene.
third, and I think this is the big one: I get tunnel vision. In my focus on getting from point A to point B, I simply forget about every other thread of tension I have going.
there isn't much I can do about the ADHD, but the pantsing + tunnel vision combo? I can work with that.
I don't "Plot" in general because, in telling the whole story like that, my brain says I'm done and tries to move on to another project. However, I think I'll personally benefit from some limited planning. Micro-plotting the scene I'm about to write, and ONLY that scene.
the funny thing is, I've known for a while that I find it helpful to note what needs to happen in the current scene. I think I still struggled despite that because I wasn't consciously aware of the need to pay attention to my tension. (pay at...tension? eh? eh? anyone?)
anyway, I think I'll come up with a list of generic questions to ask myself before I move on to the next scene or chapter to help keep myself focused on the big picture.
(this is a reminder to myself not to consider these questions set in stone, and not to worry too much about answering them if I'm in a flow state with my writing during a given session. this is also a reminder to you as a writer, if you're still reading after that atrocious pun I made two paragraphs back. <3)
the questions will include:
do the characters need to react to something major that happened last scene?
did the characters learn something they have to follow up on/debate about?
what threads of tension were resolved last scene?
what threads of tension are still on-going as of the end of the last scene?
what new threads of tension might start in this upcoming scene?
I might make the questions their own post, now that I think about it. I'm also going to write them on a sticky note and put them above my monitor so they're close at hand. otherwise they're out of sight, out of mind. (which is another problem I have related to the tunnel vision. because I'm so focused on the Point of what I'm writing in a given moment, I'll forget to look at scene structure, which is an important part of Not Getting Writer's Block. so it goes.)
anyway, thanks for following along with my rambling, and I hope I said something that helps you in your own process! happy writing! <3
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