#i should start drawing the characters with my headcanons too sometime
redgearsmovin · 18 days
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the neighbours!!
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ivorsblocksleeve · 28 days
the mcsm fandom fuckin sucks dude
As a long time member of the furry, danganronpa, and BNHA fandom im not the type of person who likes to generalize entire fandoms based off of experiences i hear about or have with other people in said fandoms. but the MCSM fandom is such a filthy stain on the internet and so many people in the community have gotten WAY out of hand. the constant racism and whitewashing of characters. people publicly talking about NSFW topics in numerous discord servers that have children in them, sometimes with people under 13 years old. the ridiculous amount of drama surrounding character headcanons among other things. its RIDICULOUS
im a black guy. i can care less about the "issue of blackwashing", it does not exist and never has existed. i care a LOT about the whitewashing in this community. there are multiple jesse skins for a reason, to represent a ton of different peoples races! red suspenders jesse is literally WHITE! if you want to draw white jesse draw HIM! why are people whitewashing the other jesse skins? why are people whitewashing characters like radar, stella, olivia, etc?? MCSM as a game has blessed its community with a wide range of characters of different ethnicities and races (even if not directly stated) and none of them are stereotyped, theyre all incredibly well written and have great characterizations but unappreciative morons are choosing to whitewash the shit out of them :/. the characters are so easy to colorpick. theyre minecraft characters. literally pixels. coloring people of different skin colors is NOT a difficult thing. have some common sense and use references properly.
im an adult who likes adult things. as an adult i understand boundaries and that talking to minors about sexual headcanons is NOT a good thing! woah! some of you dont understand how important it is to tag certain shit on different sites correctly or how to keep conversations about NSFW topics away from people who are WAY younger than you. vague jokes are one thing but time after time ive either heard or seen myself that grown ass people are describing explicitly sexual things with minors. gross much???? and PUBLICLY of all things. its one thing to have your own friend group or whatever, its fine to discuss things in private so long as its with someone in your fucking age range but JESUS CHRIST! MCSM discord servers have become BREEDING GROUNDS for these kinds of adult NSFW discussions with minors and it only creates a domino effect where they too start sharing that in OTHER MCSM servers with OTHER minors. ITS GROSS!!
(whole paragraph above also applies to headcanons and aus that are also potentially triggering. jesus christ some things should just be kept in private convos on the internet)
and my god the DRAMA over characters its insane. its completely fine to dislike certain headcanons and to have certain opinions on them. you can publicly voice your opinions in a RESPECTFUL manner. it really is not hard.?? at all. there are a ton of headcanons i hate personally, i rant about them in private and if i ever feel like voicing about them in public ill say it in a respectful manner. if someone dislikes a headcanon you like it is not a personal attack on your entire being. relax dude. i will always agree with the statement that fiction affects reality but my god they are just FICTIONAL CHARACTERS that you do not know personally and you do NOT need to go on a rampage and witch-hunt people because people say things like "i think xyz character has a different body type!" or "i think xyz character is a certain sexuality!". this especially applies to age headcanons. ages are NOT CANON, sure there are characters that appear to be older than others but ages are always up for speculation. not everyone is going to agree with your "minor coded" headcanons, dont attack and throw proshipper/pedo accusations on people who dont? id go into the infantilization of the characters who get this kinda treatment but different problem different day. point is, headcanons are headcanons and sending swarms of people after people who disagree with them is DUMB and STUPID and NOT NICE! stop doing that
in general this fandom harbors horrible mindsets and even more horrible people who i will not name and frankly its getting very frustrating seeing how the people in this fandom treat each other. have some respect for others and also yourselves. fix up your behaviors, dont make your bad attitudes everyones problem, and spend some time off the internet. have a good day yall
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ryuichirou · 1 month
What is your take on twst boys' body hair? I know their cards show they don't really have any, but maybe you have any thoughts about it?
Anon, hi!
As you might have noticed, I myself very rarely draw body hair due to my personal preference. And, as it always does, my personal preference is definitely going to make me biased in this post… But still, as always, I’ll try to be as objective as I can! Well, as objective as a headcanon could be lol
Let’s goooo
Riddle – a little baldie. It’s not like he is completely unable to grow any body hair, but he is, once again, a late bloomer… Out of every non-cursed non-animal non-fae character, Riddle is the least hairy. He copes by thinking that it’s better not to have any hair at all than to be gross and stinky about it. Very mature of him.
Ace – if one looks closely, it’s possible to see hair on his legs and a little bit on his arms, but he is a ginger, so they’re pretty light and thin. His pubic hair are a bit thicker, but it’s not like he has a bush or anything. He also heard that some basketball players shave their armpits to improve performance, but since it sounds like too much work, he decided that it’s bullshit.
Deuce – his hair is more noticeable than Ace’s since it’s darker, but unlike Ace, he does believe that shaving improves athletic performance, so he actually started to shave his legs… but then stopped because Ace made fun of him. But then decided that his running got worse with hairy legs, and shaved again. Now he is kind of stuck, but he is embarrassed either way somehow. When Ace was making fun of him, he said that Deuce should also shave his pubic hair off, and Deuce called him an asshole and an idiot, but started to kind of think about it… what if it also helps?
Trey – kind of hairy, he probably has the most noticeable arm hair out of all non-beast characters. While some of the characters could get away without shaving their face every single day, Trey isn’t one of them: he shaves every morning. He doesn’t think about his body hair much, but he would still choose to wear pants instead of shorts + longer sleeves a lot of times. He also shaved his arms for the Stargazing event…
Cater – look, another redhead with ginger fuzz lol His is even less noticeable than Ace’s though, because his hair is of a lighter hue in general. He trims and shaves his pubic hair sometimes, but it’s mostly due to boredom plus wanting to see what looks best on his body.
Leona – hairy like any other beastman. His hair is long and thick, not as long and thick as his brother’s though, plus they are somewhat less noticeable on his arms. The idea of shaving doesn’t even occur to him. Other than his face of course.
Ruggie – hairy boy, not much to say here. His legs are especially hairy… although he is probably the least hairy out of the beastmen of the cast. He shaves his face, but somehow his beard/mustache always grows in patches, so it’s for the best.
Jack – definitely the hairiest one of the cast. Grey/white hair on his arms, fuzz on his back, some chest hair here and there (definitely going to get more of those as he gets older), a massive bush with a gradient from white to black down there… Sometimes I feel like he has an undercoat… wait, does he? Anyways, he also tried shaving his legs once for track and field, and got frustrated because it took ages + he broke a razor. So he doesn’t do it anymore. He shaves his face every day though, but soon he’ll have to do it twice a day.
Azul, Jade and Floyd – merpeople who don’t have any body hair whatsoever. The first time they learned about the idea of body hair they got very visibly surprised. Floyd finds the idea of body hair very funny, he is someone who could glue some hair to his chest just for the sake of messing around. But he’ll get tired after a couple of minutes…
Kalim – his dad is super hairy, so he is probably also going to end up hairy, but for now he doesn’t have a lot of hair. There is white fuzz in his armpits and between his legs, maybe some white hair on the lower part of his legs here and there. Miraculously he can’t grow any hair on his chin, but this is definitely going to change one day.
Jamil – if he didn’t shave at all, he would be kind of hairy, but he shaves pretty regularly. The moment Jamil started shaving his face, he started shaving everything else too. “Might as well”, “I wear sleeveless shirts so my armpits are showing”, “It would look stupid if I stop here”, and voila, Jamil ends up with his entire body silky and smooth. He hates shaving (with his type of hair it takes so much time) but loves the result too much.
Vil – he also shaves regularly, but he doesn’t have a lot of body hair to begin with (it’s also very thin), so he doesn’t have to do it every single week. He does it purely for the aesthetics. He tried growing out his pubic hair, but it didn’t feel right to him, so he shaved it right off. In terms of taste though, he loves hairy men sometimes, but he strongly believes that body hair needs as much care as any type of hair, so if you have a bush you have to at least trim it.
Rook – he used to be hairier before joining Pomefiore. He still remembers Vil’s upset face as he looked at Rook’s transparent and yet very burnt little arm hair. A lot of Rook’s body hair is rather light, but the lower it gets, the thicker and darker it becomes. Anyways, he also shaves these days lol A lot of times he is smoothly shaved everywhere. It’s not like Vil absolutely requires him to be this drastic (just trimming pubic hair a little bit + shaving legs and armpits would suffice!), but Rook is a maximalist sometimes. He also has to shave his face regularly.
Epel – he can barely feel some fuzz on his body and he is super excited because he feels like it’s a sure sign that he will grow a huge beard very soon. He copes by thinking that his dad and grandpa are both hairy men, so technically he should be one too! Maybe he’ll become as hairy as Jack! It’s already happening, he can feel it! Yeah, he is pretty bald lol Some fuzz on his cheeks and between his legs are the only things he has going for him right now.
Idia and Ortho – no hair; somehow Shrouds’ curse also cancels it out. Idia is terrified of hearing a firecrotch joke though, he feels like it would cause his psyche irreparable damage. Ortho doesn’t care about body hair much, but he had a phase during which he really wanted to be able to grow it just because.
Lilia and Malleus are also completely hairless because they are a certain type of fae. Not all fae are as smooth as them, and Lilia technically should have some body hair because he is a bat, but somehow he ended up not having any. And Malleus kind of forgets that people are supposed to have hair on their bodies…
Silver – his pubic hair is so… soft. So tender and pearly white, it’s very fuzzy and doesn’t even feel like proper hair. He is like a beautiful unicorn… or a princess. He doesn’t have much and never really thinks about it. He did notice that he has hair in places his father doesn’t though, it kind of scared him as a kid lol
Sebek – he is the hairiest one out of the Diasomnia four. It’s probably due to the fact that he is only half-fae, and it kind of drives him insane, especially as he compares his body to Silver’s. How come he has more body hair than Silver?? How come his are thicker and darker?? He is also the only Diasomnia boy who shaves his face regularly, but it’s not as often as other people have to shave. Once every three or four days? Kind of.
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mirroredmemoriez · 8 months
Werewolves designs and other shit
Got bored- Remembered I have free choice to make posts on anything I want... So here I am with opinions no one asked for. As the title suggests, it's about werewolves. Starting off, I don't believe I need to explain what a werewolf is. However, I'll put it out there that in most descriptions and depictions it's meant to be a humanoid wolf. I say this because you'll find that in some movies or books it's just a person turning into a giant wolf with no human features or movement such as standing on two legs. (Or like a minotaur situation where the body is a human, but the head is a wolf.)
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Here I've collected just human references and anatomy- This is so I can make comparisons and such. Humans vary heavily in the way that we look, due to things such as lifestyle and genetics. At base level, of course we're HUMAN. However, things like our body types, hair texture, eye colour or shape and yada yada all can change the way we look and create differences between us and somebody else.
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This is the same for wolves, though maybe not as noticeable compared to humans? Mostly things like their size, coat colour or thickness and etc is what separates them from one another. Looking at their head shapes also can show what species they may be. Generally, they're a pretty lean animal seeing as wolves are known for their running endurance to hunt prey. Being too big would slow them down... I mention this because some depictions of werewolves people make them too muscular in my opinion? It's like they're hairy body builders. Speaking of werewolves- Let me try draw this post back to where I started it! First I wanna look at almost shifted werewolves, so not fully transformed.
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(Also I will be using depictions and characters which aren't labelled necessarily as a ''werewolf'' but share many features or similarities. For example, Bigby from The Wolf Among Us.) The common things we usually see is an increase in hairiness, canine growth and eyes becoming highlighted- Usually yellow, though sometimes the werewolf maintains their natural eye colour. We also have ears becoming pointed and the area around the eyebrows and forehead starting to protrude more. All of these things when done right I enjoy in a werewolf design! Though, it's a given that some do it better than others... One of my favourite werewolf designs and transformations has to go to the movie An American Werewolf In London.
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This to me is one of the PEAKS of werewolves in media. I could probably make a full post on just this movie... It's one of the most iconic designs and for good reason. Not to mention, I love practical effects, especially in horror. One of my dreams is to make a movie with them. Enough gushing though. What do I like? Well, it's grotesque nature really. A transformation shouldn't just be BAM you're a ball of fur in my eyes. The amount of change is crazy and so glossed over.
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The transformation literally has bones extending along with all the muscles and tissues alongside. Don't even get me started on what the organs may have to be doing? A human heart could not support a werewolf body, it just wouldn't be big enough... That muscle would literally have to increase in size to be able to deal with the power behind the body of a wolf. Yes, I'm aware they're supernatural and I shouldn't try heavily to apply science to them... However, I don't care? A TRANSFORMATION WOULD BE HORRFIC AND PAINFUL, SO IT SHOULD BE SHOWN AS SUCH! It's also why I headcanon that turned werewolves have the chance of just dying straight up with their first transformation, compared to ones just born as a werewolf because of how extreme the change is. Anyway! Some more designs.
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I think what some suffer from, is leaning either too close to a human and or leaning too close to a wolf? They can't find a balance and at times it's like a worse rendition of the Cats movie.
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Like here, the werewolves from The Quarry almost lean into some classic vampire depictions. The teeth I like! But the lack of hair and flatter snout just means it's not really screaming WEREWOLF at me.. More so a general mutant. (QUICK ADD! A flatter snout doesn't always break a design. It's just when other features such as hair are also lacking that it starts becoming less wolf in nature to me.) We've also got a more recent werewolf to look at... Which is Enid from the Wednesday show. Because fucking hell, that was a disappointment? She ended up looking like a mix between the Ice Age baby and Diego the saber tooth tiger.
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They did her so fucking dirty... And it would actually be very simple to fix! This could be salvaged- It just wasn't. Somebody saw that design and green lit it and whoever you are, why? I think I'll end this here now because I've reached the image limit... If anyone has any questions about certain things I've mentioned, feel free. I also want to state that this is pure opinion and by no means supposed to spread hate towards anything? It's your world, if you wanna draw your werewolves like the Sims 4, who am I to stop you? THIS IS MAL OUT! AND IF YOU'VE READ ALL OF THIS YOU'RE SOMEHOW MORE UNHINGED THAN I AM CURRENTLY. (I MAY MAKE A PT 2 AS I DO HAVE MORE THOUGHTS AND MENTIONS TO MAKE.)
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Hello Everypony :3
finally doing one of these, lol
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💙About me!💜
Welcome to my blog for,,, everything! No sideblogs around here we die like men/j
My name is Oliver, but you can also call me oli! (ive got other names too, but that's the main one, check my pronouns page for the whole list!)
Xe/Void/Fox/It/They pronouns but get silly with it, i dont mind!! (except she/her)
We're a system! We dont talk about it a lot but sometimes it comes up yay!!
important post you should read!
I write and draw tho i am better at writing, lmao
@inky-drawings is my lovely girlfriend whom i love very much<333
@azamonvoid is my sib from another crib whom if i dont see soon heads will start rolling<3
@lmanburgseulogy SUPER AMAZING person (cough im copying part of the intro from bug), also my twin o7
@willthemicrowave AMAZING DUDE. Tem you're super cool
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cc!Wilbur and/or cc!Dream Team supporters. If i ever post about them its the characters.
-> also, if you see me reblogging from someone who supports them, please warn me!
Anyone who engages in discourse, esp syscourse. I do not care, let people live. Any interaction about it will be ignored and/or deleted. This isnt the place for it.
People in poppytwt/blr. I understand some people write it or engage in it to cope, but it personally just makes us uncomfortable. Thank you.
Just in general hateful people. Transphobes, terfs, homophobes, misogyinists misandrists ect ect. It is not that hard to leave people alone, and if you can't, get out.
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✨ (main) Fandoms!! ✨
Hermitcraft/Life series!! My faves are Grian, Etho, Impulse, Zed, Jimmy and Mumbo (not in that order)
-> i engage in shipping the characters, quite a lot,,, if it makes you uncomfortable this ain't the place for you lol
DSMP! my mains are sbi (especially twinsduo you will always be famous to me,,,,), and sometimes feral boys!
-> i dont care most of those people are problematic now, my au just took a general outline of the smp then rewrote everything. There is barely any connection w/actual canon
SCU/Slimecicle cinematic universe!! Blame @alliumsmybeloved for this/j
Hollow Knight! Quirrel, Hornet, Hollow and Ghost are my faves!
-> nothing much other than i hate the traitor lord with a burning passion, lol
and many, many more!! Including percy jackson, portal, ect - these are just the ones im hyperfixating on the most lately!!
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⚠ Terms and conditions? ⚠
I'm ok with flirting but ask first just to be sure!
autistic silly little guy. Sometimes i get too much, feel free to tell me if i exagerate and get weird!
-> be nice about it tho, please,,,
send asks send asks!!! They're so silly i love em<333
i do take requests on doodles, headcanons, snippets ect!! It just takes me a bit sometimes to answer!
I have a dsmp/hermitcraft/qsmp/ect au im working on, my magnum opus/j, go check it out it's @the-caladrius-au RAAHHH
I write about the characters, never the ccs.
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💬Tag guide!💬
#Oli talks! -> silly tag for everything of mine, rambles,art, writing, reblogs (sometimes,,,)
#shift talks! -> like the above but for shift, one of our other alters :3
#Olis faves -> fav posts and/or posts i want to look back on!
#Oli writes -> pretty self explanitory, for when i write :3
#Oli draws -> for my art n doodles!
#Mutuals my beloveds -> Moot tag!!! For asks or when i talk with/about my mutuals! (if i forget to put it in a post with you, feel free to tell me!)
#nonnies my beloveds -> anon asks
#Beloveds! -> posts about/with @inky-drawings and/or @azamonvoid
#higgs Field au and #HFAU -> posts about my dsmp x Hermitcraft rewrite au
#the multiverse system -> stuff about our system!
#the horrors saga -> the horrors,,,,,, I just wanna write,,,,
#Twinsduo crumbs -> any and all Twinsduo content because I'm normal about them (lie)
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-> if i forget to tag things properly feel free to remind me!!!
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[plain text under cut]
Hello Everypony :3
finally doing one of these, lol
💙About me!💜
Welcome to my blog for,,, everything! No sideblogs around here we die like men/j
My name is Oliver, but you can also call me oli! (ive got other names too, but that's the main one, check my pronouns page for the whole list!)
They/It/xe pronouns but get silly with it, i dont mind!! (except she/her)
We're a system! We dont talk about it a lot but sometimes it comes up yay!!
important post you should read!
I write and draw tho i am better at writing, lmao
@inky-drawings is my lovely girlfriend whom i love very much<333
@azamonvoid is my sib from another crib whom if i dont see soon heads will start rolling<3
@lmanburgseulogy SUPER AMAZING person (cough im copying part of the intro from bug), also my twin o7
@willthemicrowave AMAZING DUDE. Tem you're super cool
cc!Wilbur and/or cc!Dream Team supporters. If i ever post about them its the characters.
-> also, if you see me reblogging from someone who supports them, please warn me!
Anyone who engages in discourse, esp syscourse. I do not care, let people live. Any interaction about it will be ignored and/or deleted. This isnt the place for it.
People in poppytwt/blr. I understand some people write it or engage in it to cope, but it personally just makes us uncomfortable. Thank you.
Just in general hateful people. Transphobes, terfs, homophobes, misogyinists misandrists ect ect. It is not that hard to leave people alone, and if you can't, get out.
✨ (main) Fandoms!! ✨
Hermitcraft/Life series!! My faves are Grian, Etho, Impulse, Zed, Jimmy and Mumbo (not in that order)
-> i engage in shipping the characters, quite a lot,,, if it makes you uncomfortable this ain't the place for you lol
DSMP! my mains are sbi (especially twinsduo you will always be famous to me,,,,), and sometimes feral boys!
-> i dont care most of those people are problematic now, my au just took a general outline of the smp then rewrote everything. There is barely any connection w/actual canon
SCU/Slimecicle cinematic universe!! Blame @alliumsmybeloved for this/j
Hollow Knight! Quirrel, Hornet, Hollow and Ghost are my faves!
-> nothing much other than i hate the traitor lord with a burning passion, lol
and many, many more!! Including percy jackson, portal, ect - these are just the ones im hyperfixating on the most lately!!
⚠ Terms and conditions? ⚠
I'm ok with flirting but ask first just to be sure!
autistic silly little guy. Sometimes i get too much, feel free to tell me if i exagerate and get weird!
-> be nice about it tho, please,,,
send asks send asks!!! They're so silly i love em<333
i do take requests on doodles, headcanons, snippets ect!! It just takes me a bit sometimes to answer!
I have a dsmp/hermitcraft/qsmp/ect au im working on, my magnum opus/j, go check it out it's @the-caladrius-au RAAHHH
I write about the characters, never the ccs.
💬Tag guide!💬
#Oli talks! -> silly tag for everything of mine, rambles,art, writing, reblogs (sometimes,,,)
#shift talks! -> like the above but for shift, one of our other alters :3
#Olis faves -> fav posts and/or posts i want to look back on!
#Oli writes -> pretty self explanitory, for when i write :3
#Oli draws -> for my art n doodles!
#Mutuals my beloveds -> Moot tag!!! For asks or when i talk with/about my mutuals! (if i forget to put it in a post with you, feel free to tell me!)
#nonnies my beloveds -> anon asks
#Beloveds! -> posts about/with @inky-drawings and/or @azamonvoid
#higgs Field au and #HFAU -> posts about my dsmp x Hermitcraft rewrite au
#the multiverse system -> stuff about our system!
#the horrors saga -> the horrors,,,,,, I just wanna write,,,,
#Twinsduo crumbs -> any and all Twinsduo content because I'm normal about them (lie)
-> if i forget to tag things properly feel free to remind me!!!
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iiotic · 4 months
Ink sans fluff headcanons
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ask: hi in my humble opinion YOU (someone who from an outside perspective seems pretty awesome) should write ink / GN reader fluff headcanons. i feel like you have a good grasp on his character from what i've seen! - anon
tags: Gn reader, really just wholesome Fluff?? Ink being a sweetheart, not proff read.
word count: 0.6k
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Okay let me start of with the fact that this guy cannot feel any emotions without his potions!! However I do not think that if he'd drink the pink bootle of paint he'd fall into the first person he sees. You would have to be chosen.
Ink would love a creative partner, who'd go with him on his lil' adventures!! You don't need to be as enthusiastic as he is just make sure to listen to his rambling.
This guy is completely new to this romance thing so you'll have to be patient with him. His love language is probably gift giving and quality time.
He'd ask a lot of question; what? Why? but as I said he's clueless. Of course, he had seen people dating in some of the aus but he never experienced it himself.
As I said if you're more of an artistic person, he'd support every move that you make. Constantly complementing your work. Would be extremely honoured if you'd draw him, paint him, make sculpture of him or give him a gift, like a braselet just for him!! Tears of joy, literally.
This silly would absolutely draw you so he'd sometimes ask if you'd pose for him. If you agree he's pleased, and if you don't? Well he'd draw you in secret. At one point you will find out, but who cares? However even if you'll agree posing for him he'd draw you in secret, just when you're doing normal things, being yourself.
Are you someone who dyes their hair? Amazing!! He'd ask you if he can help, he really wants to help. Don't expect for it to be perfect, though. He doesn't know much, nor anything.. Really. You'd have to teach him but I hope you don't mind? This skeleton would put a shit tone of rainbow in your hair so it that's not what you're into, you'd have to remind him that.
If you like to dye your hair yourself, he's perfectly fine with that too! He can help you with mixing the paint or give you some towels.
He has shit tone of sketchbooks dedicated just for you!!
Since he's really forgetful and has a short term memory he'd write important dates on his scarf. Like your anniversary or your birthday!! Forgive him if he'd forget, he's a bit scary in a silly way.
If you're away from eachothers for some times, he'd give you some little things that remind him of you. Nothing too big, though. Like something that you both only get, an inside joke between you or a really pretty flower.
If you're a cuddler then i must dissapoint you couse this guy can seat still for a long period of time!! The longest he will seat if he'd take a quick nap which is really really rare because I headcanon that he doesn't have to sleep??
The first kiss would be an incident or be really awkward. He's really really trying to be romantic, but can you blame him for ruining such an important moment? He's trying his best + it'd probably a great, funny and wholesome memory. That only you will remember
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(a/n) sorry if this is short!! I really need to get used to writing for ink. I KIN HIM A LOT TBH.
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ilovejoll · 6 months
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆ About me
| 💊Name: (I have multiple…) Mackenzie / N / Ame + any names of my kins ( Like J, Rokudu, Nicole, Homura, etc etc ) and nicknames are okay too ( ≧ᗜ≦) !!
| 🌈Age: 15 !!!
| 🫧DMS / @‘s: OPEN DMS!!! (Won’t respond fast, I’m anti social HELP) and @ whenever !
| 🎀Pronouns: He / She / They
| 🍬Likes: My awesome gf obvi. MURDER DRONES!!!!!!!!! Drawing, and a bunch of other. Stuff. ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
|❌Dislike: a lot idk lol
| 🧸 MY SIS IS @niniscookiecafe AND YOU SHOULD TOTS FOLLOW HER RN ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚
| 💘 u guys should also follow my awesome amazing wife @em0puppy /r follow xem now or I will killyo u /threat 😸
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆ About my art / blog
| 🐾 This blog is both for my drawings, writings, and reblogs (Bc I don’t feel like making separate blogs for all three -_-;)
| ⭐️ This blog is mainly SFW, but I do sometimes draw / reblog gore, body horror, nudity, etc. I will tag them with TWs like “(( body horror, (( gore, (( nudity, (( suggestive” etc etc. ofc, I tag spoilers as well.
| 🧶 I do not care about people spam liking and or rebloging me, go wild! Asks are always open! Don’t be afraid to say hi or spam me, I encourage it! PLEASE ask about my ocs / au… I beg… ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎
| 🎭 #Kenziebabbles ; my talk tag (I don’t shut up)! #Kenziedraws ; my art tag! #Kenzieanswers ; my ask tag! #wife ! <3 tag featuring my awesome girlfriend @/em0puppy :) , #mootsies <3 tag for when I rb content from people I’m mutuals with, #little budster <3 tag featuring my little buddy @cyncallbackpingwho u should definitely follow now 🔪, #free nini from my basement tag featuring my irl sis nini hehe @niniscookiecafe.., And lastly, #ArtforKenzie ; is fan art / write tag!
| 🌙 I used ibisPaintX for the majority of my drawings, and will sometimes post traditional stuff! I’m a multifandom blog, but rn it’s 999% MURDER DRONES, ocs, and 1% other stuff.
| 🖊️ I don’t do commissions (as of yet,) but I will accept art trades (with moots only, please.) I also take art requests thru asks, usually I’ll make a post asking for reqs but don’t be shy to send some anywayz! ૮(๑>◡<๑)ა
| 💌 I don’t care about others using my art / writings as heavy ref and or inspiration. I’d greatly appreciate it if you’d tag me, because I wanna see it! Tracing my art is also okay for practice and whatnot, but if you do post it, also tag me! I allow reposts, but please credit me if doing so. Idc about people using my art for headers, boards, pfps covers ETC all I ask for is credit lol. If you make fan art / write of my stories/aus designs and or original characters, DONT be afraid to tag me!!!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆ DNI
(What I say in my dni is final, I will not debate about it so please don’t start arguments! It’s for my own comfort and safety)
| ❌ Racists, homophobes, transphobes, pro Israel’s etc, basic dni criteria.
| ❌ People who whitewash, and who think “blackwashing” is real. Along with people who erase canon lgbt rep, or bash others non harmful headcanons. ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১
| ❌ If you’re an nsfw account, a proshipper, comshipper, or disrespectful / toxic “anti”. If you support anyone problematic (yandev, theftking, matpat, dream, Wilbur etc etc)
| ❌ I block empty blogs! If ur not a bot, at least have a pfp or I’ll block u 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。
| ❌ If you’re going to whine about my interpretation / redesigns of media, than my blog is not for u…… I don’t want to deal with people constantly saying what’s canon and what isn’t cuz Idrc lol. Please don’t argue with me over ships either, I’m a multishipper and don’t have to follow canon. (If u insist on doing this, I’ll block u.)
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆ Thank you for reading, if you’ve read all this, then you are more than welcome to follow! Don’t be afraid to dm and talk to me, I love making friends despite my antisocial tendencies ……!!!! I hope you enjoy your stay, and if you don’t, then I’m sorry ૮꒰ ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ྀི꒱ა ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆
. •🎀🍰🐾 • .
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IL0VE DOLL thisis by @/randygrim follow them or ill rip yourorgans out v
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Funny pinned post time bc it felt more convenient ⬇⬇
Hi I'm Mick aprofessionalwithoutstandards (or Maria, or Mickey), I'm nineteen, bisexual, bigender transmasculine she/him, Latino, weird in the head, all that good. I might talk kinda strangely or not respond at all sometimes, so bear with me, it's all on me n not you. I'm almost always not trying to start shit. I really do love talking to people so always feel free to talk :)
This is my tf2 blog and has always been only a tf2 blog, sometimes I post Portal stuff too
I make posts. I failed to start an original post tag so most original posts are just tagged #tf2
This is not a primarily NSFW blog but I do reblog porn and have genuine, non-jokey conversations about sex and kink from time to time (the latter is much more common than the former). All of that is tagged under "#mick dicks", so block that tag if you don't want to see any of that sort of content
"#open mick night" is a wreck of a tag but technically it's for anything more personal or anecdotal. Sometimes it means "not tf2" but more often it means "gameplay anecdote"
"#mick fics" is my fic tag. I think my art tag is just "#my art" but I don't draw for tf2 a lot </3 "#oc tag" is for my ocs
I tag for slurs (reclaimed or otherwise), excessive gore, body horror, drugs, and mentions of pregnancy more explicit than the baboon uterus. If you want something else to be tagged, feel free to ask me, but full transparency I will not tag for blood, light gore, or guns. They're kind of unavoidable
I like Sniper, I main Sniper, I even, as the kids say, kin Sniper. This isn't like a roleplay blog or anything, referring to me as him and him as me is just done bc it goes to my head
Not like a dedicated ship blog but I do post a lot of ship stuff. Primarily swordvan, bushmed, demomedic, and funny adminsniper, but you'll basically see everything here from time to time. I try to keep it all tagged for your convenience
The only thing I ask is that you don't send me stuff abt sniperscout/speedingbullet, it's not like a "dni" you can interact if you post that idc but it's a big personal preference and I'd like to have that respected, tysm Oh also no scoutpauling asks tysm
I don't really have a dni but I am just going to ask people to be normal. I'm just some guy and people who send me asks and stuff are also just some guys, respect me and respect other people. I know there can feel like a disconnect but I do see everything people say in my notes and I'm generally trying to cultivate a nice positive setting for everyone lmao. When I complain abt stuff don't take it too seriously lol, we're all just here to have fun
Figured I should stick this on here somewhere: I've never watched Emesis Blue, I don't know what Freak Fortress is, I have never played Team Fortress Classic and I do not care, and I have little to no interest in "fem fortress"posting (I do not consider the trans/nonbinary headcanons I have for some characters to be "fem fortress"). Nothing against any of these things, I just don't really care about them and won't be able to answer questions about them
Main is @biracy (so I reply and send asks from here), ao3 is biracy, Steam acc is Grampus Gaming
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spider-jaysart · 8 months
Hi!! Can I ask Damian (and maybe Dick 🙏?) for the character ask game?
Thank you, take care <3
Favorite thing about them: I just love his whole personality loll. He's a crazy, funny little guy that I think is really cool
Least favorite thing about them: Nothing. Only when he gets really mischaracterized by official writers who don't understand him, which happens A LOT
Favorite line: "Father, I imagined you taller."
Brotp: Damian and Jon
Otp: Damijon
Notp: Batcest, any of them that have adults paired up with him, including the canon ones Mar'i x Damian, Cassie x Damian, and Cassandra x Damian
Random headcanon: He can do ballet and it's because it's something Talia taught him while he was growing up in the league and being trained to learn many other things. He's a skilled professional at it now because of this and also bonds with his sister Cass over it and will sometimes even join her in her dancing. He also tries teaching Jon too, which can become fun for them both, and his other friends sometimes as well whenever they get curious or don't actually understand it that much like they think they do. Damian also owns a pair of green ballet slippers, but usually keeps them put away in his closet to keep them safe and clean and only takes them out when he really does want to use them.
Unpopular opinion: Okay sooo, a lot of people believe that Talia's character just gets only more ruined because of Damian's existence or whatever, but I don't believe that at all. Damian may be her son and is big part of her life because of it, but his character itself has nothing to do with hers like that at all when it comes to hateful writers choosing to write her horribly and just as another evil, lunatic villain and whatever else. Some people even say that he stole her story, but he did grow up with her during those 10 years of his, so of course he's gonna have the same life she dealt with and is also gonna have to get through certain issues from it now too because of it. But the point is that if anyone's gonna get blamed for Talia's usual trash characterisation, it should be the writers who hate her, NOT Damian who has many writers of his own who don't even treat him that well or like him that much at all either just like with Talia. Trying to pick on him is never going to fix anything about her. If Talia's ever gonna get anything better that she deserves in comics and other things, it needs to be done by writers who actually have care about her character and don't have anything weird against her that just only causes bad intentions of messing her up and then THAT'S what will finally start doing justice for her. And this not meant as an argument towards anyone or whatever btw, this is just me stating my opinion and beliefs about the whole thing
Song I associate with them: Self love by Metro Boomin & Coi Leray (Mostly because even though Damian may always put on a very confident act and always seems so prideful of himself a lot of the times, he actually has a lot of insecurities underneath all of that and doesn't actually always think so great of himself as a person)
Favorite picture of them: Definitely this very beautiful panel of him ofc💖
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I just LOVE the way Gleb Melinkov draws him and gives him his Arab features without holding any of it back as well! He even gives him long lashes (longer than Flatline's even, which I noticed while looking at another panel from this series!), which I really love too!!
Favorite thing about them: I really always liked his leadership style, especially in the Teen Titans 2003 cartoon, which I grew up with
Least favorite thing about them: Only when he's potrayed as a dumb, clumsy guy in some canon stories just to lift up other characters and put them in a bigger spotlight instead. It makes no sense because he's a professional acrobat and always has been that way since he was a little kid, so how could he ever be so trippy all over the place as if there are invisible banana peels getting in the way everytime?! And he is very smart, especially with all of the important experience he has from his many years of hero work, so he's not dumb either and if he was, he wouldn't have made it so far with this kind of life because of it or ever get much done like he did because he has to overly depend on others knowledge
Favorite line: "Titans Go!"
Brotp: Dick and Starfire, Beast boy, Raven, Cyborg (I know he's friends with many others too, but this is the group I grew up with and am more attached to, so they're my fave to see together)
Otp: Dickkory because they bring the best out in eachother and have so much love for one another too
Notp: DickBabs because I just don't think they really fit that well together at all and most times Barbara just makes Dick feel bad in a lot of ways with how she usually treats him in a romantic relationship, and that's not a healthy thing to deal with at all. And then there's also Batcest and Slade x Dick (which I don't even get at all because Slade is just such a horrible, gross and very toxic guy)
Random headcanon: Years ago, back when he would used to have long hair still, he one time had it tied up in a ponytail and then a villain chopped it off in half while fighting him. Dick was pissed and really kicked their butt for doing that
Unpopular opinion: People always think of Dick as the positive, sunshine guy and then there are the ones who get very mad about it and say that he's actually the angry, tough guy because him being super friendly and happy is just too "ooc". I don't listen to any of that stuff, because I believe that he's actually both. He IS a friendly guy with a warm, charming, humorous attitude that easily attracts others, and is very much an inspiration to many because of his positive, sunshine vibes as a great, hardworking hero, but none of it makes him dumb, weak or gullible, because he IS also the type who can become very serious and gets mad when he needs to be, also doesn't actually take bull from anyone, can be chaotic and crazy, works a LOT, is independent, does have a lot of intelligence and especially experience that should never be forgotten about just because he's nice, and also definitely has the determined mind to take care of things and get them done even though others will sometimes try to tell him what to do, but he doesn't actually listen because he's not the type to easily be controlled that way like a puppy would be and if he believes it's something that needs the attention and it's what should be done and no one else is doing it, then he will do it
Song I associate with them: Annihilate by Metro Bommin, Swae Lee, Lil Wayne & Offset (because it's about being fearless, embracing self strength and individuality, and becoming a much more independent person, and I think that totally fits Dick because he's not the type to fear much and hates being stuck under Batman's shadow and having independence is something that always had an important role in how Dick's life goes)
Favorite picture of them: Well, I just found this pic of him, which was done by Travis Moore
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It's very nice and really shows the struggle he goes through as a hero a lot of the times. Also, I really always liked the way he draws Dick, because he doesn't just look like everyone else and isn't sharing same face syndrome with his brothers and Bruce either, it's just a look that's unique to only him and it fits him very well. It's the exact way I always imagine him looking like whenever I envision him in my mind, even the hairstyle that's given to him by this artist too!!!
Thank you for sending this ask, I enjoyed answering it! And you take very good care too!! :)
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starflungwaddledee · 10 months
clearing my inbox of a variety of asks with text replies, or ones that will get art answers later but that i still figured i could get back to now with simpler responses in the interim.
lots of anons, but i'll ping anyone who i can!
topics include: general nice words + people's theories (thank you!!), dededesign, daroach (sorry), sentient ancient artifacts, magolor (sorry...), whispy woods (SORRY...). there's also a decent scattering of awtdy and clockwork heart tidbits but they're all over the place, and a small collection of increasingly desperate asks hoping bandee will be released from morpho dee 😂
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oohh this one is actually super old, sorry that i never got back to it! i get a little overwhelmed by the Nice Words ones sometimes and i'm not sure what to say besides 'thank you!!' because it means a lot to me and 'thank you!' just sometimes feels like it doesn't cut it...?
anyway, i'm very grateful!! i'm thrilled if i could inspire you to try out any constructed-language work of your own!! i'd love to see more of that going on in the kirbyverse so if you ever give it a crack feel free to lmk!
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i'm glad you like the full penguin dededesign; quite a few folks seemed to enjoy that actually and i was pleasantly surprised! i haven't drawn that much of most characters besides bandee, to be fair, but the next comic will be about dedede and should answer some of the other questions i've been getting about him too!
i should say that it's likely the totally full penguin design won't make it for the comic, because it's hard to draw the sheer length of their bills from many angles or having the expressiveness i need for dedede, and i really only did that one for funsies. but i'll hopefully find a nice compromise!
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aaaa the joy of being mentally unwell about The Characters and The Story. thank you, glad i can be of service! 👍
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this is quite perceptive of you to notice and it's definitely something that occurs in the timeline. due to galacta knight's influence (and kirby's altered reputation) visitors and threats- both international and intergalactic- start to think twice before risking an approach.
alas, because daroach appears in the timeline before galacta knight's switch-in occurs, he would already be in contact and friendship with kirby. that unfortunately means he'd meet the same fate as the rest of kirby's existing allies.
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@i-only-created-this-to-read a little similar to the above ask, yes, the intergalactic picture of popstar is definitely changed by the presence of a violent, otherworldly warrior and a ruthless hero. i also answered your questions about necrodeus previously and am not sure what else to say about him.
i have confirmed before that dedede is not dead, and more about his scenario and overall role in the plot will be revealed in comics. but i will say that he's a smart guy, despite his silliness, and a loving king. he absolutely came to the same conclusion about the frequency of his own possessions as well, through no small amount of heartbreak.
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i definitely headcanon the Lor as sentient; in the light novels, bandee also speaks to her fairly directly. i actually headcanon all the Ancient artifacts as having an amount of sentience (this seem in line with what we've seen in canon, so i don't think it's a reach) and the lor herself seems especially benevolent to me.
our headcanons for the novas are different to yours, though that plays more of a role in the clockwork heart au. i quite enjoy your theories about how the ending might go and you've definitely picked up some details!! i won't confirm or deny anything, but i will say the lor is present in the AU, and that magolor has enough knowledge of artifacts to know that a wish on a wishing star could be a viable solution.
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it took a while for folks to start asking me about magolor actually, which i found kind of amusing because he's the deuteragonist (second protagonist, after bandee) of the au!
i do definitely think that canonically magolor lives on the lor starcutter; though he does say he wants to buy a holiday home on popstar! however in awtdy, unlike the dream land four three, magolor's entire timeline is trashed from the get-go by galacta knight's arrival
some of these answers will take me longer to get to as i'll provide them in comics (it should be a fun reveal at least), but i will say: he hates popstar. he hates it there. he'd give just about anything to be anywhere else.
until he meets bandee, of course.
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the rest of popstar fare a little better or a little worse at various points in the au, kind of like in the mainline canon timeline. for the most part, galacta knight isn't that interested in most of popstar. he enjoys living there, it's peaceful and undeniably pleasant, and frankly he'd like to continue doing so!
he can be convinced (by kirby, and the maintenance of the lie) to perform care to some of its citizens when necessary- such as rebuilding after a crisis. but in general he minds his business in dream land, and occasionally off-world or interdimensionally with kirby and bandee on missions.
whispy, who also keeps to his own in the woods and is just a cantankerous old tree, is probably fine. at least up until star allies, when he, you know. gets possessed.
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@pumpkinnkidd oh absolutely.
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@torrentialchaos2 that would be a different story to chrysalis au, i think! one i could write, but haven't. chrysalis au is specifically about bandee, you can't really extract him from it? 😭 but if morpho possessed magolor it would depend on a lot of things: like what is everyone's relationship to him when it happens? i think even when he comes back from his redemption arc, magolor and the gang are friends, but it's not the same as bandee, who is a core member of their unit.
we've already seen what happens when magolor gets possessed and kirby has to Beat His Ass to get him back to normal. and we've seen that when morpho possesses others who are capable fighters, kirby doesn't hold back. so maybe that? magolor is a magical little guy; he's got a better chance of getting spat back out unscathed.
i could however probably write a version of this for magicapple if i wanted, which would be much more emotionally pulverising lmao
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@trainerbob23 thank you!! this one took me a bit to respond to sorry, but i'm grateful for the warm welcome! the AUs are definitely my primary investment and i'm glad that folks are enjoying seeing them develop! some of them are connected to each other (awtdy + it's various endings/alts) but others are separate.
i also do have some backstory/lore for starstruck dee, which i'll hopefully get to soon as well. i would say that she is... very much related to stars and the cosmos, yes.
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@eliastheownerof0axolotls this one was part of a longer ask (that i've answered part of, and still have another part of in my queue... sorry;; ) but i think this part- especially in terms of kirby- has probably been mostly answered by now! both kirby and dedede have significant roles!
i view dedede as having a mentor-like dynamic with bandee as well as with kirby, and they all care about each other very much! but (especially because they are all adults in my hc) he also absolutely trusts them to handle themselves.
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referring to this post and the (cw angst) art at the end. i will hopefully answer some other asks about the clockwork heart au which will satisfy more of its overall premise and timeline and all, but in regards to the peculiar image...
why that picture is completely normal!! bandee is super fine and normal in it and everything is great and good and fine and fine and fine and fine!!! hhahaha!!!
(something very bad is happening, lmao. entirely doomed by the narrative.)
speaking of bandee being doomed by the narrative:
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some tags here as well, but i just love the frequency of these...
bandee gets possessed one time and everybody loses it... quick!! when will he get unpossessed!!! save that little guy!!! he's sad so we're sad!! (relatable. everyone is so valid.)
the tags on the main posts about morpho dee are just full of people screaming and crying and being like "NOOO I HATE THIS SM I'M IN PAIN /pos" and it's so good hahahaha
sorry to the folks who hate to see him going through the blender, he's being spun in the microwave at like 90mph on my blog. but don't worry, chrysalis au does have a predictably good ending; though obviously bandee has some capital S Stuff to unpack afterwards!!
aaand i think that's all for now! hopefully if you've been hanging out for an ask for a while you're answer is here, and if not (and possibly even if it is), it's most likely taking me so long because i want to do an answer with art.
i'll try not to let these build up again like this, thank you for your patience!
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imbadatwrighting · 2 years
Hey, are your orders open? if so could you do headcanons of the yugioh characters reacting to s/o who has an obsession with the mystical elf card?
Nah cuz I had to search up the card cuz I forgot what it was 💀💀 also I was using a different fanfic site and just saw it so I kinda rushed to get dis done lmao 😭
Yu-gi-oh boys reacting to their S/o having an obsession w/ the mystical elf card
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Yugi Muto
He honestly didn’t notice-
I mean he picked up on how constant you used it and talked about it but at the same time he does that to a lot of cards in his deck so didn’t think anything of it
He’ll listen to what you’re saying always though
Doesn’t matter how many times you have been talking about this card, he’s gonna act like it’s his first time hearing about it from you
He got you a keychain that had the mystical elf on it because he knew you would like it but he didn’t know you would like it that much
You were basically jumping with joy on this
He was too-
As long as your happy he’s happy
He listens to you repeat the same story over and over and over again about using the Mystical elf card and doesn’t get tired of it ever
“Ok so like I was battling this one dude who was all about offense and guess what?!?”
“You have to guess Yugi!”
“Uhh, let’s see here… you used a spell card?”
“No! I got the mystical elf; she protected me and she helped me not lose…”
“Oh wow.”
“She really is my guardian angel. She must have sent you down as a gift for me.”
“She really is spectacular… and you know who else is?”
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Yami Yugi
He’s always listening
He loves to hear you go on and on about her; it doesn’t matter if it’s 1am or 4pm, he’s always interested in what your saying
He got you a rare mystical elf card for your birthday and you burst out in tears
He’s definitely in love with you and while he doesn’t tell you he shows it in multiple ways
Lots of people get upset when you repeat a story but he’s the exact opposite
He gets happy knowing you’re so happy that you forgot that you already told him this
Yami always says that you only hot headed when it comes to the mystical elf
The amount of times he cleaned you up after getting in literal fights all because of that card
So when he gets hated on you just say their ‘insecure’ but when it’s about the mystical elf you’ll get in a fight?!
Starting to sound like you love the card over him
“Ok! So the other day I was heading to the grocery story and these imbeciles where talking about how ‘ThE mYsTiCaL eLf Is StUpId’ blah blah blah and I walked over to them and started a fight!”
“Well maybe next time don’t go up to them.”
“It’s their fault! They threw the first punch!”
“I know but I don’t want you to get hurt… sometimes you have to let things go.”
“No I just want you to be safe and not die from some weak kids that have nothing better to do then fight random people.”
“Tell me, how did you first ‘fall in love’ with the mystical elf card?”
“You should know better than anyone how you can fall in love with your cards pharaoh.”
“I know but I love hearing your stories.”
“Is it because you love me, Yami?”
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Joey Wheeler
He understand completely because he’s the same way towards his Red-Eyes Black Dragon
If you are hot headed and get into lots of fights about it then you’re even more alike
You and him are constantly venting about the amount of people that don’t appreciate these cards
Neither one of you are talking about anything else except this stuff
That’s all of your conversations every single day
What’s his favorite color? Don’t know you never asked him that. You’re always talking to him yet you never asked him what his favorite color is? Correct.
My bro is poor af and so are you so both of you have little to no merch
Unless it’s Christmas or your birthday you ain’t getting shit
Sorry not sorry
He’ll try to draw you the mystical elf but it turns out looking like a blob with leaves on it
You guys are always talking about which one is better
Neither one of you win the argument though
If you are a little violent and use that as a way to make people like your favorite card then expect him to be cheering you on… from a safe distance
You might be able to fight but he sure as hell can’t
“Go baby! You can do this!”
“Why don’t you come over here and help me why don’t ya!?”
“Didn’t you say you were independent!? Why do you be needin’ me!”
“2 is better than 1!”
“So?? Since when did you care!”
“Since now! Your over there tryin’ to act slick by leaning against that wall like you’re the one that is beating up these people meanwhile I’m over here working my ass off!”
“I’m not just ‘lEaNiNg AgAiNsT tHe WaLl’ I’m cheering you on too!”
“Yeah from 30ft away! Joey get your ass over here and help!”
“They’ll win!”
“You know they said that they found the Red-eyes Black Dragon useless.”
“Count me in!”
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Seto Kaiba
Bro definitely acts like he doesn’t care
And it’s true-
Bro could not give a single f whether or no you like a card or not
I mean he definitely doesn’t constantly buy you things related to the Mystical elf
It doesn’t matter how expensive it is
If it looks nice then it’s yours
In Kaiba corp he has a whole room dedicated to the merch that he bought you and you couldn’t fit it in your house
He be buying so much it’s as if he’s the one in love with her
He’s not obsessed with her though, he’s obsessed with you
Not that he would ever tell you that
Not to mention the stuff that Mokuba gets for you
Dating Seto is like a two in one package
You get a boyfriend and a loving younger brother
Seto will subtly tell Mokuba what you would like and Mokuba will make/draw it for you
Sweetest boy alive oh my Lordy
Seto acts like he’s annoyed by your rants but honestly he doesn’t really care
He actually loves them
You usually sit in a spiny chair while he sits in his office chair, working, and you just talk about your day
And the mystical elf card of course
He will always tell you when you repeated a story
“Ok so the other day I was out, just walking around you know? Then all of a sudden I saw this guy in the alleyway and- ”
“You told me this already.”
“Oh right! Well there was also this time where I was at the mall and-”
“I was with you.”
“Oh. Well how about this one time where these two guys were trying to gang up on me because I ‘insulted their favorite cards’ by saying that mine was better-”
“You pressed the alert button on your watch that day and my guards took care of that.”
“Oh haha! I forgot!”
“I can tell. Why don’t you tell Mokuba about your day? He was asking how you were today. I’m sure he would enjoy seeing you.”
“Ok I will! I have a couple things to give him anyways! Bye Seto!”
“Be a little more quiet will you, please.”
“Oh sorry.”
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nqn · 1 month
In theory I would enjoy stendyle but the anti-cartman attitude in that circle of fandom ruins it for me. I'm also just very picky with how Wendy is betrayed. I think she's more of a tomboy than the fandom wants to admit
HONESTLY. you're not wrong. i enjoy the ship only when im looking at it and applying the mental notes of my Own headcanoning and whatnot.
like any area has a really loud "cartman bad no ifs and or buts" and i'm such a fan of Nuance so its SO SAD. i cannot deny, as a teenager i was also NOT a fan of him- but as an adult with media literacy im like. obsessed with the idea of analyzing him.
which. i got outta hand. adhd and stream of consciousness, y'know how it goes sometimes haha. lemme read more this.
and the stendyle stuff SUCKS bc its so like yeah. fuck that guy. but ???? why. i don't think thsoe three dating WOULD really change their opinions on him as a whole. kyle and stan ARE his friends. even if theyre always at each others throats, they ARE friends. and wendy and cartman aren't like. besties. but i think that their competition towards each other can be really fun bc shes not afraid to stand up to him- like even less nervous about it than kyle is. and i think she sorta seems to revel in having someone who she CAN get into little picky bitchy moments with because its something she's not offered often.
so YES. i do think that those three would hang out on a date and someone would bring him up and they'd be bitches for a minute bc he gets on their nerves, but i don't understand why so much of the fandom is like yeah fuck cartman all my homies HATE cartman. he is ten years old + heavily abused + has an unhealthy relationship with basically everyone who should have raised him. that's not even TOUCHING on his actual trauma. but we've been shown, TWICE, canonically, how he can grow up into a better person- not perfect and not 'fixed', but he can be better, so i don't get why everyones like yeah. that thing is the worst in the world forever with no room for discussion.
as far as wendy's portrayal by the fandom i gotta agree. she's always been the fish out of water of the girls canonly, and i think too many people just sorta boil her down again to like. pretty. smart. awkward. they bring up that time she fought cartman and enjoy it but like. she gets treated like either Girl Kyle or.. Pretty but Shy or something??
she's never doing the Trends with the other girls at first, and i know she's the like "awkward" girl out of everyone, so she's used as an offset for Whatever Shit the other girls are getting into. but she's NOT shy and awkward or anything! she's loud and proud until she's beaten down. she's opinionated and chooses not to engage with trends and i think a lotta ppl see that she's a very feminist character and theyre like yes! thats the Girl™
but i think. personally. that wendyl was a really really awesome move. i wish more people would play with that idea, of wendy being ABLE to be less of a Girl for a while, even without bringing the transgender stuff into the picture. she can be boyish and wanna be crude and weird. she's educated and smart, but that doesn't mean she isn't ALSO a sorta tomboy? like she's so cool. i love wendy. so much.
and so many ppl also sorta just make her Girl Kyle which. don't even get me started. i think that drawing comparisons between them as "stan has a type" can be VERY FUNNY but too many people push it too far? so they basically treat her like she's just a stand-in for kyle. but she literally isn't. she's so fucking COOL by herself.
AND like you pointed out- her reaction to stans cvs!! yes she goes "ew!" "gross!" but she. listen. the girl still kisses him while after he finishes spitting the last of it out. i think if she was allowed to just be boyish and no one stopped her then she'd have so much fun hanging out with The Guys.
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heyyy i saw that you’re taking sv and sve requests 👀👀👀 do you happen to write hc’s with a sv/sve character x farmer?
Hey hey, dear anon! 👋 Thanks for your ask)
I don't know if I can call it headcanons, in fact - these are small stories of a farmer and their partner, pure fluff and love. Still, I hope, you like it 😊
Btw, I only wrote about bachelors here, so if you want HC on bachelorette too (or you want something specific), then feel free to ask again!
Some random SVE headcanon: Farmer x bachelor
Alex takes a beach ball with him every time he and the Farmer go on vacation to Ginger Island. He believes that on such a beautiful, sunny and hot day, there is nothing better than having fun and playing volleyball with his partner/spouse. And if Sam, Abigail and other active youth come to the island with them, then you can even arrange a small competition! "You'll be on my team, right Farmer?" Of course, how could it be otherwise! Everyone had a great time, and if Alex and the Farmer also won, Alex will remember it all day long, calling his partner a "lucky talisman" and praising their physical abilities and dexterity. After this, there is nothing better than sitting on the sand and watching the sunset in an embrace with your loved one.
Sam has been emotionally tired of working at Joja lately, Morris assigned him an extra job that left him with rubbery arms and legs, and Sam himself is not in the good mood. So when he and the Farmer are sitting under the tree while Sam is telling what "kind of devil he got instead of the boss", the Farmer playfully pokes their finger into Sam's ribs, causing an immediate reaction - Sam's tirade abruptly stopped, and the corners of his lips involuntarily twitched into a smile. Sam and Farmer looked at each other with playful sparks in their eyes that meant one thing: the tickle war had begun! You two rolled around on the grass, trying to tickle each other, until after 10 minutes of playful wrestling, you both lay exhausted on the grass, and agreed to a draw. Sam sat up a little and kissed Farmer on the lips, thanking them for distracting him from bad thoughts.
The duet of piano and mini harp is a rather unusual combination, but Farmer and Elliott were able to combine these two instruments into a single harmony. Farmer found a certain charm and cosiness in the cabin of the long-haired writer. Especially when Elliott, having learned about the musical abilities of his partner, offered to play a duet together. Sometimes, on rainy days, when drops hit the roof in a crazy rhythm, the house is filled with the aroma of cooked lobster, and gentle music of harp and piano soars in the air, making Elliott's seemingly small and lonely beach house so cozy and alive that these wonderful emotions cannot be described in any book of the world.
Shane still can't believe that his partner talked him into helping Emily color the eggs for the Egg Festival. Of course, Shane loves everything to do with chickens, but he usually left the coloring to Emily and others, considering himself completely untalented in this. Well, until the Farmer insisted on painting the eggs together. The painted eggs turned out quite nice and neat. Some were either funny or a little ugly, as the Farmer and Shane started fooling around and poking paintbrushes at each other. Well, the eggs are ready, Shane and the Farmer have paint all over their hands and faces, Jas and Marnie are giggling softly. Shane turns to Farmer with a warm smile and says they should do it again next year.
For Sebastian, the Anphibian exhibition in the Zuzu city is perhaps the perfect excuse to ride a motorcycle with his partner/spouse. The feeling of a cool breeze on the skin, delicious street snacks and coffee with conversations about various topics, an exhibition of the most diverse and incredible species of frogs, salamanders, toads and others. A beautiful frog keychain bought by the Farmer for Sebastian as a gift. Slightly flushed Sebastian, who accepted the gift and now always wears it on the keys. If after the exhibition they return home late at night, when houses and billboards light up the highway, such a trip is especially dear to Sebastian's heart. "I know you're not a fan of big cities, but we should be doing this sort of thing more often, don't you think?" The Farmer cannot but agree with the wonderful proposal of their soulmate.
Honestly, neither Harvey nor the Farmer understood when they managed to spin in a slow dance to light jazz. A minute ago, these two were sitting in the Saloon on a winter evening, drinking spiced mulled wine, laughing and chatting. And in an instant - pleasant calm music sounds in the jukebox, they holding hands and slowly dance, not paying attention to other people present. Harvey was a little nervous and embarrassed at first, but after a couple of sips of a hot drink and a gentle look from his loved one, Harvey forgot about the existence of the whole world. Just him, his partner, the music and their dance. They finished the dance and people began to applaud them (some even whistled). The Farmer gave Harvey a light kiss, and they both returned to their table, ordering two more mugs of mulled wine from Gus. "On the house," Gus said quietly, winking at them both.
Victor's attempts to talk to the Castle Village adventurer during Spirit's Eve failed when a cloaked warrior with a scar rudely dismissed him and simply ignored him further. Victor, of course, guessed that the adventurers might not be too friendly and accommodating, but the insult addressed to him was clearly superfluous. When the Farmer came out of the maze and found out the reason for their partner's depressed mood, they turned towards the adventurer and barked something so vulgar that the scarred warrior's face twisted in anger. The Farmer immediately went to Victor, kissing him on the cheek and promising that "not a single arrogant will dare to offend a person dear to them." Later, the Farmer was offered to tell Victor his questions about adventures and monsters. Victor just looked at them with adoration and love, noting more than once how brave and wonderful his partner is.
A few days of relaxation in a house on Ginger Island, surrounded by beautiful sea views, sand, tropical plants and wildlife... Lance never thought that he would even have such a thing as "free time" and "weekends", and even more so - the concept of "partner", "spouse" and "love". The life of an adventurer is dangerous, usually no time for a peaceful life. Lance stands under a palm tree, listening to the sea breeze and the call of tropical parrots, enjoying the beautiful sunrise. The gallant adventurer turns around at the call of his partner, who with a smile invites him to breakfast. The cabin is filled with the scent of tropical curry made from freshly grown produce on this small piece of land. The Farmer kisses Lance and teases playfully about the fact that Lance flies faster than a bullet when he smells curry. Lance just laughs softly in response and looks at his love so tenderly that the Farmer, as if reading the magician’s mind, blushes a little and smiles even wider. Lance mentally thanked Yoba and his Guild leader for the opportunity to patrol Ginger Island. After all, it was thanks to this that two adventurers met and found their happiness in each other.
If someone told Magnus that he would put on a wreath of autumn leaves and throw the same fallen leaves at someone during the game, the old wizard would say that his interlocutor had gone cuckoo. He doesn't remember doing this even in his youth, much less now. But it happened: the Farmer offered Magnus a joint similar to the forest for mushrooms and plants for elixirs. After the successful collection, the Farmer, in view of their love and energy, began to shower Magnus's head with small pieces of leaves, invoking the "leaf rain magic". Magnus didn't really get the joke at first, but catching his young partner's playful attitude, the corners of Magnus' lips curled into a smile as he quickly raised his hand, whispering an air elemental spell, lifting a bunch of leaves into the air and raining them down on the Farmer. He hadn't laughed so hard in a long time. This went on until evening, when they both decided to return to the farm, take a bath and clean their hair and clothes from fallen leaves, both tired and in good spirits. Just don't forget your basket with mushrooms, you're two dorks!
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ryuichirou · 17 days
I love your Sebek and Idia pic on kofi! In honor of this, do you have any headcanons regarding their strange relationship? They can be dark or normal or both ☺️
Thank you so much, Anon! And thank you for being ko-fi supporter, it truly means a lot! <3
I definitely should draw this ship more often; it’s so amusing and fun. But I also should give them more of my attention in general because unfortunately, I don’t have any proper new dark hcs about them to share – I wrote a post with yandere!Sebek hcs back in March, so I’ll leave a link in case you haven’t read it.
I do have more general thoughts about them though, and so I hope you enjoy reading these hcs.
Idia’s usual dynamic with all the other boys that we ship him with is “he is trying to hide but they won’t let him”, but with Sebek it’s more of a “you again!” Somehow they always end up stumbling upon each other, even though they don’t necessarily seek each other’s company. Well, aside from situations like in Portfest, when Sebek brought a cotton candy machine for Idia to fix.
After bickering with Sebek for quite some time, I feel like Idia would start developing a weird soft spot for him. Of course it doesn’t mean that Sebek would stop being annoying to him, in fact, a lot of times Idia would be so annoyed that he would be surprised by just how angry he makes him feel. But other than that, he would feel like Sebek is just like a dog that barks a lot, and bites sometimes, but also kind of… cute in a weird way. Especially when he smiles like an excited puppy (especially if you ignore the fact that he is excited because he’s talking about Malleus). He also thinks that Sebek is good-looking in general, but that’s nothing new: in Idia’s head, Sebek is a handsome face + horrible when opens his mouth and starts yapping combo.
Sebek’s feelings for Idia are complicated too because if he wasn’t such a tsundere, he would consider Idia good-looking too, especially if one would dress Idia properly and make him straighten his back and all. But he doesn’t allow himself to think that way about him; he does, however, allow himself to acknowledge Idia’s strong points. One time he even complimented his technomagical abilities (stated it as a fact in a very stern non-compliment-like way), and Idia rolled his eyes, but felt his heart starting to beat a bit faster.
One time Sebek picked Idia up and commented about him being too easy to lift, as if he is but a feeble tree branch with one lonely leaf barely holding onto it. And he said it with such an annoyance, as if this fact somehow offended him. Idia got defensive and said that it’s just Sebek who is freakishly strong, and that Idia himself weighs a normal amount. That conversation went nowhere because Sebek sat Idia’s bony ass on his shoulder like he is a preschooler and left with him… somewhere. Somehow it ended up being embarrassing for them both.
One time one of their arguments brought them into the “cartoons are for kids” territory, and Idia made Sebek watch some anime movie. He fully expected Sebek not to get it because he is a normie who doesn’t even watch regular movies, but somehow Sebek followed the narrative surprisingly well… well, at least his critique after watching it was actually related to the story, and only after that he started complaining about characters looking weird and bug-eyed. This experience kind of made Idia want to show Sebek more movies to see if he’d get into them, but he quickly stopped himself, convincing his own brain that sitting down to watch anime with Sebek is a waste of time.
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ask-derrickman · 1 year
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Rain saw my colleagues doing this and would not let up until I did as well, I'm already starting to regret it...
ooc: [Inbox is currently open]
[More info under the read more yes]
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(YEAAHG ASK BLOG TIME seeing all the ttcc manager blogs around lately slowly pushed me into trying it out myself since I hadn't seen one with my beloved boy yet, taskline manager enjoyers rise up)
(And of course now for the obligatory forewards and rules I gotta bring up:
- Not technically a 100% canon-compliant Derrick Man (well... as much as you even can with him), the one on this blog is actually based on a still nameless AU I've thrown together, he's not very drastically changed as a person though hes still grumpy and boring and full of oil but its enough to mention probably (he may mention things in passing sometimes too if the topic comes up)
- On the topic of that too, shipping between William and Rain and William and Chip will probably come up occasionally, im normal im normal guys im normal
- Headcanons galore, well- I mean as is a given for a character with so little official content to be fair, i don't wanna ruin the fun by listing everything though (also because we'd be here all day)
- This blog claims no direct affiliation with any other character's askblogs, or any other blogs in general for that matter aside from my main, all characters depicted in my doodles as well are my own spins on them and unrelated to any other askblogs too (please feel free to keep sending me jokes from other askblogs though like the spayed bellringer thing i think its funny as fuck) ((this is not to discourage anyone elses blogs from interacting though I'm just noting this so its at their own discretion))
- Please behave in the inbox, I will not answer any asks that are very blatantly explicit or anything, this blog is technically being run by a minor keep in mind, also this is a toontown blog so like... idk what you're expecting from me to begin with dude
- Speaking of me, feel free to bully William i love that but I'd appreciate if you... try to go easy on the me behind this, im the only person running this blog and im disabled with a busy irl life so updates will be slow, I'm just having some fun with my blorpos here
- Not every ask is going to have a drawing alongside it too by the way, I dont quite have the stamina for that, and sometimes the inspiration doesn't strike, my apologies
That should be all unless i think of something else to add here, YEHEA! go crazy sorry that this is so long by the way thats my bad)
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plipple · 7 months
helloo, i was just curious if you'd mind sharing your gender/sexuality headcanons for dinoverse characters? if you have any of course!! xoxo
HELLO started bouncing off the walls OK
have trouble wording things sometimes so bear with me here
victor - trans guy but at the same time I think he's just doing whatever honestly. Figure out his gender and sexuality For Him because he's too busy to think about it himself nor does he care that much. This is why I draw Victor the way I do btw
vincent - here comes the. SO this is from hcs with my partner (@myramenisfuckingcold) that human vince was tfem ! and that the cyborg, for like. technical reasons or something i'm not sure how to word this probably had his gender exploded too. yeah hope this makes sense. parasite elaborate in notes if uou want
krueger - I'm so scared
draco - should find help for completely unrelated reasons. something is going on there
vanora - blhhrrglgghbn she's um.??? I actually. haven't thought about anything for her. get back to me later on that because I can't think of anything right now
zalmona - what ever. I think she is everything ever out there. i can't exactly put anything specific for him you just gotta understand what i mean here
myers - i dont ljke him he doesn't get anything here
loomis - entity. figure it out
claude - loves men refuses to admit it. he's like so old can you believe it ah ah aha ah aaah
edit ohmy god i forgot taylor. aroace thats all i have to say. they are 🪼
um. i'm sure you can tell who i favor 💕 I feeelll like I'm forgetting someone but probably not??? so SORRY IF I DID !! but Yeahh .
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