#i should be studying for exams right now
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apollokyler · 1 month ago
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omg @saintseiya-zone posted the Underworld fanzine :) thanking them for the project ands inviting you to go see everyone's works<3 am excited to participate w papillon myu🦋 close-ups and some butterfly yapping under the cut
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took some liberty interpreting his wings ands his eyebrows as i stated on here earlier😏 gives him split eyebrows bc 1. it kind of looks like he has them in the manga 2. he's an aquarius 3. it's moth-core 4. it's cool.
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i love butterflies. their species and placements also matter :) butterfly namez from left to right: 🦋 Chazara Persephone 🦋 Agrias Narcissus 🦋 Leptosia Nina, the Psyche 🦋 Zerene Eurydice 🦋 Lycaena Hermes seems like everyone is understandable except maybe Narcissus, unless you read Homer, the hymn to Demeter, where the flower was kind of used as a lure for Persephone:
It [the narcissus] was a wondrous thing in its splendor. To look at it gives a sense of holy awe to the immortal gods as well as mortal humans. It has a hundred heads growing from the root up. Its sweet fragrance spread over the wide skies up above. And the earth below smiled back in all its radiance. So too the churning mass of the salty sea. [Persephone] was filled with a sense of wonder, and she reached out with both hands to take hold of the pretty plaything. And the earth, full of roads leading every which way, opened up under her. (homeric hymn to demeter. 10-16. translated by gregory nagy)
🐛The caterpillar species is also chosen intentionally, although untagged in the piece. It's a Papilio Polyxenes' caterpillar, aka parsley worm for feeding on parsley before turning into butterflies. I read books state parsley was dedicated to Persephone ands used in the funerary cult. still looking for the original source though
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aight yapping over for neow. just look at him
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martian-astro10 · 11 months ago
Sophie turner and Joe Jonas
so I was kinda curious about Joe Jonas and Sophie turner, because their Synastry and composite is fairly good but they had a very messy divorce. so i looked at the d9 chart of sophie turner and it's fantastic, she should not have gone through the things that she did, her 7th lord and darakaraka is well placed in d9 and even the rest of her d9 is very good. so I look at joe jonas's d1 and d9 and GUESS WHAT, his 7th lord is jupiter and darakaraka is venus, his jupiter is in 6th and venus is in 8th in d9, both the planets are badly placed. 7th lord or darakaraka of d1 should never be placed in 6th, 8th and 12th of the d9. This is why you should marry someone with a good d9 as well and the best part is that the moment the divorce was announced, EVERYONE supported sophie turner. that doesn't negate the fact that her ex husband tried to humiliate and ruin her reputation, but I'm glad that she remained unharmed for the most part.
GOSH i love when astrology astrologies the way its supposed to astrology
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marynated-chicken-22 · 2 months ago
i fear that Briatore is cooking something.
i also fear that Alpine will eat,
and yet i fear that food poisoning exists.
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potatounicoorn · 2 years ago
Okay as soon as I finish watching the concert, I promise to try to translate the mid speeches to all international Käärijä fans.
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thewizardingtoad · 1 year ago
Zod Exarion in the novel, my favorite scenes that were left out or not included that much, fun facts and more
Chess chess chess
(Novel chapter: 29)
So the manhwa isn't really telling with Zod's moods throughout the scene, but Desir put him through the gutter with that mach.
Desir thinks a lot about the differences between this Zod and the one from the labyrinth, between their play styles, and how the labyrinth affected him in the long run in small ways. It's also mentioned that the two of them carved out their chess pieces themselves.
Also Zod's pretty upset with Desir, like straight up how dare you suggest your idea worth as much as a sponsorship from the magic tower get out of my sight kind of upset. It's pretty funny actually, especially when Desir shows him just how much his idea is worth, and he straight up cancels all of his meeting that day.
Actually just go read that scene it's not long but it does so SO much to establish these two's relationship for the whole story it's really just amazing.
Fun fact: In universe, there's a book that details all of Zod's accomplishments; it's thicker than most encyclopedias.
Fun fact 2: While in the manhwa he's described as a man in his forties, the novel says that he's at worst 30 which is pretty funny.
Fun fact 3: In universe he has an 'archaic feeling to his word' which I think is pretty cool, like??? Yeah. I can see that.
Who are you really?
(Novel chapter: 84)
So the interrogation scene's also a bit different, Desir is very stressed out while Zod is fucking with him, admitting to not even wanting an answer in the first place, and during that convo Desir describes Zod this way:
Desir only saw Zod acting as the master of the Magic Tower, cold and calculative in all circumstances, and as the Seventh-Circle wizard with an insatiable curiosity in finding the truth of all things.
Which is not really a description that we get in the manhwa, but it definitely puts a lot of things into perspective.
Also, this chapter has a lot of important moments in it regarding some things that will be said later, a few notable mentions:
"My intuition tells me to trust you. And when I gave you all of my power, I decided to believe this groundless intuition."
His intuition as a wise man was telling him that Desir was very reliable.
He would never know the circumstances surrounding Desir but he could see his heart.
Where he admits that he trusts Desir taking the weight of his secret off his chest
"Haha... I'm sorry. But I give you my word. I won't ask about your identity anymore. Everyone has their own secrets that they can't share with anybody. I also have a bunch of secrets that I don't want anybody to know."
Where he reassures him when he sees that Desir isn't handling his little fuckery well
Zod's smile was amazingly warm. It was like the smile of a grandfather looking at his grandson.
And of course this motherfucking sentence which is a gut punch and a half ngl.
So clearly chapter 84 putting down the groundwork for *the scene that the mannwa haven't adopted yet and at this point I'm not sure if they will,* aka: the most painful thing ever
But before that:
Fun fact 3: apparently Zod's a good actor? Lol.
The flying ship of death flag
(Novel chapter: 249)
So of course a lot of things happened between these chapters but this is the one that I want to point out because. Well.
So in the manhwa Desir says 'build a flying ship' Zod builds a flying ship and all's well that ends well right? Not really.
You see The Flying ship Valkyrie is not just any random insane idea that Desir came up with but in fact The Ultimate Dream Project of Zod Exarion - the one from the labyrinth, y'know - and isn't that just great?
There's something poetic about Desir making sure Zod can manage to reach his dream, his ultimate goal, even after death. (Something something the student carrying their master's will something something reaching your parent's goals after their passing to feel closer to them etc. etc.)
Oh, it's also a pretty big death flag, but don't worry about that.
Fun fact: this scene emphasizes the fact that Zod wasn't "just" a magician, a lot. "The ship was the ultimate goal he wanted to reach as an engineer", "he lamented that he couldn't spend his life satisfactorily as an engineer"
Fun fact 2: And he whined about it a lot! No, I'm sorry ranted.
I'm gonna just put his here because god dammit I love this man:
In Desir’s previous life, Zod often lamented over the fact that he couldn’t spend his life satisfactorily as an engineer. When the Shadow Labyrinth arose, he was forced to discard his position of Tower Master and bear his title as the lone Seventh-Circle magician.
Desir recalled these scenes of frustration as clearly as if they had happened yesterday. Most often, Zod would rant while they played chess.
The quiet before the storm
(Novel chapter: 275)
So the fact that there is a traitor is revealed and we get this very cute scene:
Realizing that Desir had immediately jumped to the worst situation, and his mind had consumed itself with the task of discovering who, Zod immediately rushed to calm Desir down.
Zod had always been like this, even in Desir’s previous life. He was Desir’s rock, the one who would support him in his times of need. That was why Desir trusted Zod more than anyone else.
Which again alludes to the *surprise* we will be slapped with in the face soon, but really this is just nice.
“I have some good news. Actually, I only dropped by to share this.”
Zod’s eyes changed. The wise eyes, which seemed to encompass everything, were nowhere to be found, and the eyes of an excitable child appeared within a moment.
‘Here we go again.’
As an engineer, he used to show such eyes when he was discussing things that interested him. No matter how much time passed, Zod Exarion was a reliable constant.
And I'm also just putting my favorite quotes here, don't mind me. There's also a point I'm making, and I will get to that when I reach the end.
Oh hi Priscilla what are you doing with that artifa-
(Novel chapter: 278)
So this is exciting because we get the first second appearance description for Zod which is
He looked as miserable as the smashed tower.
Glossy black hair moved in the breeze.
So that's funny.
Actually I could start describing this scene in great detail, go over every little thing I wish was in the manhwa, but really, you should go read it because it's a lot. This act kind of starts from 275 and is I think the saddest one in the story.
For instance, Zod admits that he's thinking of the battle in chess terms and that makes him think of Desir, how he apparently lost a mach the first time in decades.
He's thinking a lot about his and Desir's relationship, and we get golden lines like this one:
It was no exaggeration to say that Desir was the only one who could share ideas with Zod throughout all the fields of his expertise, and talk casually with him.
The act also really drives home how Zod is THE BEST OF THE BEST when it comes to magic. He holds his ground with only his own mana to help him against Priscilla and 4 swordsmen, whose defense equals the aurora system!
Fun fact: He lost both an arm and a leg during the fight, while the manhwa only showed the loss of an arm
Fun fact 2: Zod's cane, which was a constant in the novel (read: It wasn't changed every time it appeared) had a first tear magic stone in it that was like a national treasure.
Aaand we reached where the manhwa is right now... kinda
I was going to add another segment and a long, Long rant to the "2nd half" of this post, but I don't want to ruin the kind of positive vibe of it, so I'm going to put that one in another post.
First I will go through the things that made That Scene in the novel work, why I'm disappointed how he manhwa's handling it, predictions on how the whole "Helena thing" will play out and then some final thoughts, so that's coming soon.
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spacespore · 2 months ago
i might make a little introduction/fun facts page aboout some of my ocs:3
probably taral, evie, anjali, francis.. i have the most to say about them!
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lightblueminecraftorchid · 3 months ago
Had a productive hour and a half! Knocked out my methods, results, and figures (the easy part of this paper). Now to find more sources so I can have a cogent introduction and discussion…
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valend · 3 months ago
fricking rain ruined my black friday thrifting trip eff my stupid chungus life
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you know it's exam season because i'm questioning all my life choices
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hunsa-jars · 10 months ago
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crescentmp3 · 2 years ago
hi im back at begging for my exams to go well at nobody right now
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magic-coffee · 2 years ago
There are people with self respect and dignity and then there's my chairperson of a college i left a month ago
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cheemken · 1 year ago
I’m avoiding my assignment rn by typing this but it’s already 12:20 am and I’m only halfway done so I need a break
Anyways, for the Villain Unova Kids AU; what if the three dragons were the evil ones?? Maybe they’ve been influencing the Unova Kids minds? And like idk why they’re evil but they are, maybe trying to re shape the world how they like? Kinda being like Giratina and wanting to take Arceus place? Or something else
Like Iris is pissed off about how she’s treated by people and Kyurem tells her to take action about it, to make them feel the way she feels everyday. Putting ideas in her head until she eventually snaps
Or Hilda talking about how she wishes she lived in an ideal world where everything was fine and they didn’t have to worry about criminal teams like Plasma or not being worked to death trying to help the People of Unova. So Zerkrom shows her that she can have her ideal world, she and all her friends can, if she allows him to help
And Hilbert seeing the truth of the people of Unova and not liking it. How unruly and selfish they are. Wishing for everything from the Hero’s but never appreciating what they’re given. Always asking for more and more. Now Reshiram is telling him how him and his friends can get rid of that ugly truth he doesn’t like
For Bianca, N and Cheren I suppose the others just convinced them to help them shape Unova how it should be. How Kyruem, Reshiram, and Zekrom are right and that they deserve to be above everyone else as they’re the strongest in Unova. How the three dragons used to be the strongest together, just like the six of them will be if they join them
Also for the Tao Trio lore, what if instead of the original dragon getting split up because of the two brothers, Arceus was the one to split it apart in an attempt to subdue its power and influence over the other legendary Pokémon. And the two brothers are just a story that was eventually believed to be true
Now since it’s split apart, it needs someone to fuse them back together. Someone who’s strong and capable of the task, someone who’ll believe that they deserve to be a hero. To be Hero’s of Truth, Ideals, and Fate
Mood tho felt that abt the assignments lmao
No cause like, it's like the reverse in Galar's lore where people thought that the heroes were humans where in fact they're pokemon, and now w that people believed the two brothers were the reason for the og dragon to split, but it's in fact Arceus, as he knows Kyurem is too powerful to be left alone like that, he's not gonna have another Giratina 2.0
And god chmdbd imagine Arceus believing that was it tho, that him splitting the dragons and confining Zekrom and Reshiram within the stones would be enough, that binding Kyurem within the Giant Chasm was enough, those three separated and never to form the original dragon again, as the Splicers were hidden by a human Arceus had entrusted with and has been passed down that family for generations. Until Drayden was the one to guard it. And ofc, Drayden knows he won't stay in the world forever, so he told Iris of the Splicers, so she would be the next guardian of it, to make sure to keep it hidden from those who only demand power, those who wish to form the original dragon once more. Little does he know, that's Iris' goal.
Ough your honour Kyurem telling Iris that he wishes to see Zekrom and Reshiram again, so they can be one again, and together, they'll help Iris be the most powerful trainer. Ofc, Kyurem didn't know Zekrom and Reshiram found their own heroes now too, also promising those heroes to find the other two pieces of themselves to form the original dragon, promising them power. Even better the heroes that Zekrom and Reshiram found were Iris' friends, who also believed the world could be better
And like it'd be dope tho if the dragons did see potential in Cheren, Bianca, and N.
Cheren was idealistic, Zekrom was drawn to him as well, he saw Hilda's vision of the world, and Cheren supported her wholeheartedly, believing it would be for the best, for their ideal world, that they kill off anyone who dares disrupt the peace, and Zekrom will be there to help them with it.
Bianca was truthful, Reshiram saw the fire in her eyes, as she knows just how painful the words of the people could be, how again and again she's been told she wasn't enough, and Bianca knows how selfish people are, something she wished the people of Unova knew, and Reshiram can help her and Hilbert with just that.
N knew all too well how powerful of a drive fate could be. N thought his destiny was to be Plasma's king, a hero, but he sees now destiny is quite an enigmatic thing, as his friends became the heroes instead. But he believes there's more to fate, he knows the ones who hurt his pokemon friends would be destined a bitter cold death, as he believes their deaths would be righteous, for no more will they hurt pokemon. Of course, Kyurem will grant him that wish.
With those three along with their respective heroes, the dragons are one step closer to becoming to becoming their true self, Unova's Dragon, Kyurem in its final forme. The only thing left now is for Iris to bring them the Splicers.
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a-passing-storm · 2 years ago
What if instead of studying for APES I learned the entirety of a song on bass...
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gaeela · 2 years ago
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Hi I hate twitter c:
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girlivealwaysbean · 2 months ago
even jate jate 2024 can't go peacefully it needs to give a huge FUCK YOU WORST FUCKING YEAR OF YOUR LIFE HAHAHAHAHA
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