#i saw a euphoria edit and it just made me think of them
dozenrozez-a · 1 month
Scarlet: Oh this bitch needs to be put down Roselle: no, no, no. Scarlet, NO! Roxie: Scarlet, beat her ass!
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writingbyshiloh · 1 year
Part 3. Elizabeth
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5+1 masterlist
CW: Drinking, established relationship, ummm fluff? Implied smut, reader wears jewelry. No beta
AN: Yes hes looking at Liz in the gif but the chapter is also about her. The chapter hinges on the reader wearing earrings, I’M SORRY. IDK what season this is among, Liz and Tom are together but so are Aram and Samar so take that as you will. I also watched so much Euphoria while editing
Everything was going well. The team knew that you were seeing someone and it's almost become a running gag about the biker story. Ressler told Liz who ended up telling Aram. You told Samar yourself, omitting a few key details, knowing she would find it funny. 
They just didn't know you were seeing one of the most wanted men in the world. You hesitated to say ‘dating’ because most romantic relationships don’t have the power to end your career and possibly get you arrested. It's not like you could update your Facebook profile with the information. 
Cooper even noticed that you were picking up less overtime and leaving closer to the typical end of the work day. You didn't fully stop your overworking habits, partly because it was something you always had done but also subconsciously to show Reddington that you're not going to throw your job away for him. That you were an agent first (even if you are not the poster child for fidelity or integrity). 
Alternatively, Reddington was also dropping hints - not names - that he was seeing someone. The first time you felt a spark of jealousy. Obviously, he was drawing on someone from his past and putting them in the current timeline, but it still stung. You still agreed with his partner in his retelling, before realizing that he was talking about you, and you were agreeing with your own opinions.
With you not wanting to slow your overtime, and him “keeping up criminal appearances” you hardly saw him outside of FBI business. Not for lack of trying. You tried to  He frequently invited you to wherever in the world he was, and you declined due to time reasons. It never stopped him from bringing you back a postcard. Always delivered in person, in case someone in the US Postal Service noticed the pattern. 
Tonight was different. The office air felt stiff and the pile of forms felt endless. It wasn’t even closely connected with the blacklist case and was boring. Plus the description of his safe house for the next few days seemed like a dream. Large windows overlooking waterways and lush green plants were how he described it to Liz, directly outside your shared office. 
You triple-checked you had the address right before knocking. Reddington told you to come straight from work, that you could shower at his safe house. With time being so rare between you both, you hastily agreed, taking your spare change of clothes you kept in your office. 
The door swung inward, Reddington's arm sweeping you inside. Once the door was fully shut and locked, his hand moved to the small of your back guiding you into the apartment. 
“Agent! You made it!” You could tell that he had a glass or two of wine from the strong enunciation. You made a face at the name, something he loved to call you.
“Don’t call me that, I’m off the clock.” You heave a sigh allowing him to show you to the kitchen. “I brought you a gift.” You push the bottle of wine out awkwardly for him to take it. 
You hear him quietly read the name, pronunciation much better than anything you could have attempted. 
“You didn’t need to. This is more expensive than what you drink” 
“Well, there was a betting pool at the office. And I won.” 
Reddington raises an eyebrow for you to continue. 
“The betting was about you. And if you were seeing someone. I may have used insider knowledge to win.” You try to be sly but you can't help but smile. 
Moving closer to get the bottle, he pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
“I didn’t start the pool.” you continue, not wanting him to think you scammed your coworkers. 
“Is that so?” 
Ever the gentleman, he pulls out a stool from the kitchen island for you, before sliding a full wine glass towards you. 
It was flattering in a way. Out of all the constant security threats, deals, and thinking, he had a drink for you, signalling that he was eagerly waiting for your appearance. 
You rest the cool glass against your cheek, while he manoeuvres in front of the island to the stove, some sauce cooking slowly simmers. You take the time to study his outfit, the cool browns of the suit jacket that's resting on the back of the bar stool, the umber colour vest and the crisp white dress shirt. The piece du resistance was the apron he tied in the back. 
When spending the night with Reddington, you either had him when you went to sleep or when you woke up. Given his constant travelling and busy schedule it made sense that he hardly had a normal sleep schedule. You got him last night, leaving you to wake up to your alarm in a new bed, confused at the unfamiliar setting. 
“You look nice.” 
The post office didn't seem to have a dress code. Red wore a three-piece suit most days, Ressler was in a dressed-down version of that. Samar was the most casual, either a tank top or tee-short tucked into jeans. You tried to hit the middle of the Samar and Donald dress spectrum. 
“Thank you. I feel like I’m missing something though.” You shift your weight side to side to see if he notices anything.
He also looks at you, trying to figure out what is off, but not being able to come up with anything.
You pass Dembe in the door. as you left Reddingtons, making a joke about how Dembe was now covering for the day shift. 
The feeling that you were missing something or forgot something dragged during your commute. You thought it was your phone or maybe your keys but you had both with you in the car. 
As if to prove a point, your phone’s ringtone jolted you out of your thoughts.
You hit answer, saying your last name when the connection went through before the other person had a chance to speak. 
“Hey, it's Keen. Are you at the office?” 
“I’m like, ten minutes out.” 
“Can you pick me up? My car battery died, and Tom is out with Agness.” 
You switch lanes before turning into a parking lot to put Liz's address in your GPS. 
“Yeah, sure! I’ll be there in 15 maybe?” 
“Where are you? I’m not that far from your place.”
“Do you not switch up your routine? In case someone is following you?” It sounded like bullshit but you could always play up the paranoid angle later. “Before I joined the task force, my old team would -” 
“I’m sorry I asked. I’ll see you in 15,” Liz said cutting you off. 
While waiting for Liz you realized what you were missing. Jewelry. You took it off to shower and ended up - in his words - “distracting” Reddington before you got a chance to dry off and put it back on. Rooting around in your wallet while waiting you found a spare pair of earrings that were work appropriate. 
You spy Liz talking on the phone, coming down the steps to her apartment building and you preemptively unlock the passenger door. 
“Hey, do you mind making another stop?” Liz said in lieu of a greeting.  
“Sure, where?”
“Reddington called. He said for us to meet at his safe house.” 
Of course. 
“I can direct you, Dembe told me where it was” she continued. 
You glance at the apartment door numbers for the second time in 24 hours. Only this time, Dembe will be the one letting you in (probably less enthusiastically than Red did, but you don't hold that against him). 
“Good morning, Lizzy” Red greets her as you all make your way to the main space, Liz leading the group, you behind her and Dembe taking up the rear. 
“Oh, you brought company! Good morning, Agent.” Clearly, Liz didn’t tell him about your morning car ride. 
“Liz is having car trouble. I picked her up,” you explain, secretly enjoying the fact that you were able to catch him off guard. 
Quickly, Reddington and Liz are diving into the newest name on the blacklist. You’re half listening, eyes scanning the room to see if your jewelry is in sight. 
You spy your earrings and ring on a bookshelf. You didn't leave them there, but knowing Red he probably moved them there to remember to give you. Debating if you could sneak them into your pocket, you catch Dembes eye. 
He gives his head a small shake, letting you know it's dumb to take them. 
By now, Liz and Reddington are starting to argue as she moves around the room. Your strategy for these arguments is to avoid them as long as you can.  If it's something that affects you doing your job you voice your opinion, but there is so much messy history between them you try to stay out of it. 
As she moves closer, you start to worry. You don’t wear your ring at work so that is safe from identification. The earrings are simple, probably she won't connect them to you. However, she is a profiler. And a good one at that. It is possible she’ll pick up on some obscure motion of gesture and put everything together. 
You watch her eyes skim the bookshelf probably looking for something to bring up in the argument. 
She sees it. 
“Had a guest over?” 
“I’m a gentleman, I don't kiss and tell.” Red deflects. Bullshit, you think while trying to remain calm. 
“Don’t you have a pair like these?” Liz directly asks you. You can see her eyes shift to see if you're wearing earrings. 
You lean in, pretending to examine them. 
“Yeah, me and practically every other working professional.” 
Her eyes flicked to your earrings, thankfully buying your excuse. You probably needed to hide them forever now. 
Not going to let you suffer on your own, Reddington chimed in with another “fun” fact about the blacklister, drawing everyone's attention to a book on the self, away from your earrings. 
It was close. It was too close for comfort. You were sloppy. But you also couldn't dwell. Liz would pick up on the change in behaviour. All you could do was focus on your job and hope Liz brushes it off. 
Red taglist (dm to be added/removed): @soraya-daydreams, @horrorqueen22, @wild-rose-35, @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek, @zombieskullxz, @rhepworth, @fanficismydrug, @btsjiminsthings, @emilynissangtr, @navs-bhat,
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scarletanpan · 3 months
Dreamer Isioma doing incomprehensible things to my gender identity rn
God I just. I love him he’s so cool I wanna be them so bad. Like I love the way he changes his voice around in songs literally Obsessed w princess forever and just saw the music vid for gimme a chance and apparently they got top surgery like years ago oh my god he gives me so much gender euphoria Idk if that’s strange I actually can’t stop listening to that album it’s so bad but every time I hear their voice it makes me so happy i need to talk to my doctor before I go insane
Like u know how they say the first stage of acceptance is denial. This stage is like all sorts of fucked up and has been going on since childhood atp bc used to hate being mistaken for a boy bc it made me insecure and yet between 5-10 was convinced I Was a boy and no one was telling me bc my voice sounds way deeper to myself than out loud. Like conspiracy theory mode thought my dad was editing the audio of videos to make me sound like an elf it just didn’t feel right
And then fucking skip to now in the last few months I’ve hopped from ‘im nb but a girl’ to ‘actually gender means nothing im anything tbh’ to like ‘idc if ppl think im a guy that happens historically when ppl can’t see my chest’ to now ‘actually maybe i like being a guy. Sometimes’ Idk i can tell I want something else but idk what it is yet pray for me
Also long past being a lesbian id prob say demisexual or something Idk I just have to like them as a person first it’s rlly not constrained by gender. Actually almost never has been considering my first crush was this nb kid in my asl class shoutout to elliot ig
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 years
hi! i’ve read all of the boyfriend crossovers and i love them so much, is there any way you could write something similar but like “boyfriend headcanons” for hoshi because those are my favorite types of headcanons and you have my favorite writing style 🫶
thank you for sharing sweet words and requesting!
boyfriend things: soonyoung edition
suggestive 18+
♡stops you in the doorway to wrap his scarf around your neck a few more times
♡buys you used copies of your favorite books, but only the ones with passages underlined because he knows the joy you feel when your love for words is shared with strangers
♡when you fall asleep on the couch, he’ll turn off the drama you’ve been watching together. these nights are on your schedule and everything. it would be foolish to watch without you. sometimes, you catch him looking over at you, making sure you haven’t fallen asleep yet. sometimes, you’ll squeeze his hand to remind him you’re still awake
♡is terrible at filtering himself when he’s talking to his parents about you or your relationship, but it’s endearing so far. they’ve already heard all about your job promotion, the tattoo on your ankle, the plants in the windowsill you happily let soonyoung name… bengal, amur, malayan, bali
♡distancing yourself when things—hardships of life you’re so good at keeping silent—hurt, but he’s memorized where you hide
♡always sleeps in your flannels and places one in the dryer before he showers. he’ll watch it spin for a moment or two before heading to the bathroom. if you’re around, you may catch a glimpse of bare skin before the door closes. when he knows you’re watching, the door opens again. “come in?”
♡once, when he saw how enamored you were watching the rain, he opened the window. “why don’t you say hello?”
♡the first night he slept over was sealed with a tiger sticker on your bedside table “think of it like a coaster. i don’t love the idea of it being covered, but the option’s there.”
♡loves the privacy your apartment creates for him and the two of you together. loves how natural it feels to be himself and relax. it’s so easy to relax and exist and be. he can just be in your dim lighting, with candle notes embedded in your sofa cushions. face first in its smooth green, it’s all vanilla and amber
♡speaking of vanilla and amber… your perfume. he wears your perfume. only sometimes. he appreciates your individuality: he’s obsessed with your eyes softening when his scent meets your senses, but god… he turns his head in a busy, crowded room and his own eyes soften at the thought of you on his skin
♡he cheers you on. he supports you. he tilts his head when you’re quiet and takes your hand. it’s the sweetest, gentlest, sincerest, yet entirely silent way someone has ever encouraged you to open up, reminding you he’s here. he’s holding you. he loves you. lean on me
♡he comes to you. he organizes his thoughts on the way to your place because he knows that helps, but you’re ok with messy rambles too. you’re balancing. grounding. you’re the city after rain when everything’s quiet yet alive and understood. you understand
♡he loves seeing you. he loves when you unravel. he loves your trust in him. the way it’s consumed you, and he can pinpoint the moment your fear disappeared completely. the apprehension evaporated along with the doubt of this working out. when you let go, your place in his heart solidified because it was a sign to him that you’re showing up now. and he can see you. you’re beautiful
♡he’s the first person you’ve ever made love with. the beginning was fluttering touches and giggling and asking first. it became comfortable and safe with exploration and wonder and the euphoria of together
♡soonyoung’s love is entirely or nothing. it’s head first once the water is known to be safe, when the temperature is right. he’s closed his eyes and floated on the surface with the sun beaming across his skin. he’s cool in the water, yet painted in warm rays, welcoming- asking for the sun’s light. he’s memorized how good and sweet and desirable it feels to be warm, to be loved, to love you
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vritest · 3 years
3 words
fezco x fem!reader
warning: NOT EDITED, drug use, euphoria drama idk? this kinda follows the plot but it’s very much different and i kinda added my own twist so enjoy! lol
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it was a summer night. hot, humid, quiet. the only think that could be heard of was the slight breeze coming from your open window of your little room, as you sat in your bed. crisscrossed, holding your phone as if you were waiting for a text to come in. from maddy or cassie. you hadn’t heard from them ever since the whole nate situation. you also haven’t heard from bb, or kat. it seemed as if your only friends that you thought would have your whole back, just left you in the dust. you were left overthinking every second now. maybe it was your fault. even if you hadn’t done anything. you knew rue was the one that confronted cassie about it infront of maddy, but still you felt that weird sense of guilt you just seemed to consume like a normal thing.
truth was, your mental health had been recked. your whole friend group had been destroyed basically. now you really had nobody. that you trusted at least. you sat on your bed for a few more minutes reminiscing and thinking replaying happy memories with your friends you missed so much. you sighed looking up at your ceiling, inhaling the summer humid air and exhaling, and with repeating like a pattern. it wasn’t long until a boring sensation filled your body, which made you suddenly have the most craziest idea ever.
you wanted to get high. truth is, you didn’t get high everyday. perhaps when it was at a party and the music was blasting to your ears with the smell of sweat and dancing body’s making you wanting to try the drug, just for the sake to not feel anything even if it was just for a second. you liked it. of course not the extent that you were a drug addict, it was simply just a pleasurable thing to expirence for you.
you looked down at your phone, still in your hand. the screen turning on slowly the lock screen showing, you, kat, bb, maddy and cassie holding up the middle finger. you guys were posing on maddys bed your tounges out, you guys were happy. you were happy.
you only let out a sad smile, unlocking your phone and pressing messages. you scrolled through your contacts, occasionally passing by their names ones again, it was like you couldn’t escape it. but then there it was. rues name. ‘rue rue’.
“fuck it” you muttered. you hesitantly pressed the call button near rues name. putting your phone close to your ear biting your lip as the ring of the phone buzzed through the screen. until it suddenly stopped.
“hello?” a voice said, from the other end.
you sighed in relief.
“hey rue, i know it’s probably not the best time but um you know a few people that sell, right? i’m just feeling really fucking down right now and i need something to get my mind of everything”
you said letting everything out. you chuckled sarcastically, as you could hear rues slow breathing through the other end of the line, tapping on your phone as you waited for her to answer your question.
“yeah no i totally get it” she stopped
“i know a guy.”
rue had told you were this, “guy” was. apparently his name was fezco. you kinda didn’t believe someone would ever be named that. i mean sure it was a bad ass me but, it seemed a little too good to be true. at least that’s what you thought, until you stepped in to the little liquor store. a guy, who you assumed was fezco, sitting in the counter smoking a blunt calmly. his eyes slightly closing but then opening as he saw your figure walk, towards him. you placed your hands behind your back and coughed awkwardly quickly gaining his attention.
fezco grabbed his blunt, turning the other way around and placing it onto his ashtray. quirking at eyebrow up as he definitely recognized your face quickly. he’s definitely seen you before, he didn’t know why out of all people your face was so familiar, maybe it was your eyes of lips, but something was definitely a highlight to him. you were also extremely, pretty.
“hi, a friend told me you sell, just wondering how much for some pre rolls” you blurted. fezco wasn’t suprised that you came for drugs, you were just another costumer, right? that’s what he tried to convince himself at least. he didn’t know why he expected so much from you. sure you looked like an angel, a halo on top of your head and those dimples of yours standing out, but still he was suprised that’s all you said.
“for sure, gimme a minute” he muttered. getting up from the counter, starting to walk near what seemed like a little room near the refrigerators with beverages. you looked around a while. by now it seemed like fezco was whipped for you, and there was no denying that you hadnt ignored him either. you were nervous once you face his face. his gold chain dangling on his neck and his colorful polo shirt fitting his figure so nicely.
he walked out the room, as you watched him and noticed the blunts on his hand. you and him exchanged blunts and money. paying him 40 dollars which was the average price you’d pay for pre rolls.
there was a light awkward silence in between you two. as you still were in his store, lighting up the blunt there with your pink lighter. inhaling the smoke and coughing as you exhaled. fezco chuckled a bit, as he clearly noticed you didn’t smoke often, for sure, he thought.
“you don’t smoke a lot, ain’t you?” he asked. his voice deep and raspy yet suddenly bringing comfort. you chuckled awkwardly proving his theory right.
“i guess i just do it when i have a lot on my mind” you muttered softly. he bummed in understanding, but wanting to know more. you both exhaled and inhaled at the same time, the smell of weed spreading through the tiny store.
“so life’s been tuff, i’m guessin?” he asked. you nodded.
“you could say that, or you could say my friends definitely hate me”
he eyebrows furrowed.
“those ain’t real friends then” he stated. you pouted, letting out a cloud of smoke again. squinting to look at him, his blue eyes staring right at your c/e. you shrugged, brushing it off, but you knew he had a point kinda.
“i don’t know. maddy and cass are like so close to me i just can’t let them go” you said. fez eyes widened at the names. he put the puzzle pieces together, how had he not noticed? you were the girl that was always dancing with maddy, cassie kat and bb. he was snapped back to reality once there was that, silence, again.
“oh so you friends with them?” he asked.
“i don’t really know where we stand. you made a good point”
he let out a teasing grin. you smiled back leaning against the counter which he was sitting in. letting the breeze let your hair wave. fez admiring your eyes and how shiny they look, even if you were starting to squint them because of the weed hitting you already. he didn’t know why you even bothered to stay and talk to him. especially someone that would hang out with those types of people.
you never had someone that bothered to listen as well. half the time it was brushed off by your friends boys drama or whatever the fuck. you were never really payed attention, but you were to blindsided and didn’t see the truth. fezco made you come to realization. you admired him for that. even if it was just a simple conversation. no strings attached.
you looked down at your blunt. it was already small. which meant your smoke sesh was done, you were satisfied. surprisingly, you didn’t think the weed was the thing that satisfied you the most. it was definitely fez’s company, at least now you knew you you could come to when you needed to let it out, even if you two weren’t close.
“i gotta go, my moms gonna beat my ass if i’m not home by the time she told me to”
he chuckled.
“shitttt, you gon leave me like that?”
you laughed. letting out a genuine smile. which fez felt like he absolutely folded, your smile seeming like a rey of sunshine.
“thanks for letting me talk to you though” you stopped. “i enjoyed it”
“whenever you need me, you know where to find me”
your cheeks flushed red. screaming in the inside. walking backwards to leave and waving goodbye to him. your reaction automatically telling fez, you would definitely be coming more often.
after the cute little conversation between the two, you did what fez told you. you knew where to find him, and so you did.
every day you would come over to his liquor store. not for weed, more for fezco. just for him. every conversation you had with him was like a breath of fresh air in between all the fire that was surrounding your life. whether it be your parents divorce, or your friend drama thingy, he was there every step of it to make sure you weren’t alone. you did the exact same thing to.
“i’m planning to go to college, after senior year. maybe ucla, berkeley i don’t know. i just wanna make my parents proud” you told him. leaning against the counter. he looked at you with a fond expression, admiring your desire to go to college.
“you a smart girl. if non of them accept you, imma have to send a full ass essay explaining to them what they missed out on”
you giggled at his caring tone.
you both continued talking about, school , college other shit like that. you expressed your passion on starting your own business, definitely modeling or something. for high fashion brands. fez talked to you about why he had dropped out, you obviously understood and felt bad for him as he described his life. it seemed as if he never had a childhood, it had been taken away from him because of all the drug stuff. that’s why fez told you if he wasn’t able to go to college, you definitely could for him.
giggled and smiles were shared a bit more. ash peeked through the refrigerator, his eyes squinting and eyebrows furrowing seeing you definitely over heels for his brother. then after a few more long minutes you smiled again. genuine and fez returning that smile with a flirty grin. inside ash wanted to vomit, but he was curious of the girl he had been watching for the last weeks.
fezco walked inside the room again, sighing. ash followed his figure as he went to sit down on the chair next to ash.
“youre fucking wipped dude, it’s gross” ash said which made fez look up at his brother acting dumb. ash scoffed.
“don’t act like you don’t know what the fuck i’m talking about. you were obviously flirting with that girl” he pointed out.
“nah man i wasn’t flirting. y/ns just nice and we was.. talkin that’s it”
ash just snorted. making fezco grab a joint on the little table and lighting it up. pulling it up to his lips while he started to randomly think about, you. he wasn’t quite sure where you both were at this point in your guy’s relationship. it definitely wasn’t a just friends thing that’s for sure. it was more than that at least he felt it was. you also had that feeling too, the both of you oblivious of each others feelings leaving ash to just watch as the two fell more in love every day.
the days passed. you still hadn’t heard from your friends. which for some reason, started to be the last thing on to it mind. normally that’s all you’d be thinking about, stressing over to be specific, but everything’s changed. by changed, it meant the momment fezco came in to your life, and you came in to fezs.
it suprised rue when you told her about fez. basically how wipped you were for him. the tone in voice you used when you talked about him was definitely a huge clue. you’d been talking to rue more often, wether it be about fez or just random shit on your mind. you’d also been hanging out with her and fez at the store a lot often, maybe just to fuck around for a while, smoke or simply just having fezcos presence there.
you knocked on fezs front door. the rain hitting you as you tried to hold on to your sobs hoping it wouldn’t make it obvious that you were feeling like shit. your parents had had a crazy fight that night. with them both yelling at eachother, but then something that never happened, happened. they started getting violent. you didn’t know what to do at that momment. all you wanted to do was run. probably escape from everything. you didn’t think weed could help you this time.
the door cracked open. fezcos eyes meeting your sad ones as you stared down, your hair covering your face as you pulled fez into a hug you so needed right now, crying into his shoulder.
“woah woah woah” he said. you sniffed in response, looking up at him, mascara on your cheeks and your makeup smeared across your face, messy.
“is it fine if i stay here for a while?” you asked.
“of course.”
when you first moved in with fez it was definitely unexpected. especially for ash who was still doubting you were good enough for his brother. you could definitely tell every time he would test you. you found it cute, the way he did everything to make sure his brother was making the right choice.
he didn’t like you at first. thought you were some junkie. that wasn’t the case at all though. you were really fucking smart. probably spending most of your time just reading and writing essays and poems, in the notebook you’d had since middle school occasionally using it as a diary to let everything out.
he noticed how much you loved to take care of people, wether that be comforting fez when he came back from a really tuff day, or ash when he was feeling like shit or just really needed someone he was only 14 after all. you were pretty much always there. and eventually he understood why his brother had fallen in love with this girl.
you and fezco were both in bed. he smoked his weed as you had a book in your hands, your hair up and your glasses on concentrating on every word on the book reading it, as a cloud of smoke appeared next to you, looking over at fez who pointed the blunt your detection offering it to you, you accepted as you took it in and closed your book.
“you ever think about the life you’d have after college or some shit?” fez asked, you furrowed your eyebrows thinking about his random question wisely. you sighed.
“probably live in the city, i like the skyline. it makes me happy you know? especially the lights at night, it’s really beautiful. once my parents took me to la at night, with the palm trees and everything it was amazing” you said. even though fez had a completely different, it didn’t matter. i’m every form of way he could possibly live his life, the picture in his mind always contained you in it, there’s not a single one that doesn’t have your comforting smile on it.
“live in a fucking farm for sure with them cows and sheep , you feel me?”
you chuckled, receiving an unexpected response.
“we’d live separately then, that would definitely suck. cant really go a day without seeing you to be honest” you said. fez looked down at you, as you made contact with him. your eyes basically shining as hard as when you first saw him at the liquor store, smoking his blunt like he was right now. it took fezco a momment to let what you said sink in.
“whatchu mean by that?”
“that i love you too much to leave you”
you finally said it. the 3 letter word that for some reason had been so hard to let out of your mouth. you looked away kinda embarrassed hoping you didn’t make it awkward all the sudden. you only could hope that tus wouldn’t ruin your relationship. you’d gotten so far, you weren’t about to mess this friendship up.
“shit, sorry that was-“
“i love you too”
that night everything changed. it was time you and fez stepped out of the friendzone taking a huge step forward in your relationship. you two became inseparable, literallly. your physical affection was something you two became more comfortable with.
ash noticing everything.
occasionally throwing sarcastic commentaries like “don’t fuck on the couch, jesus” or “ew” whoever you’d kiss or whatever the matter may be. but deep down ash was internally cheering being basically both of your guys number one fan, so much so he could basically start a fan account everything.
months passed quicker than usual. you started school, which meant you had to see THEM again. sure you weren’t really happy, because then everything would come back to you but at least you knew you had fez and ash on your side, your family.
every month seemed to be like it was in 2x speed. you’d been doing well in class, doing your homework on time thanks to fez laying down in your bed smoking while you rehearsed your college essay to him for the 100th time still not convinced if it felt right, but he was always telling you to not stress out that much.
“some colleges will be smart enough to accept you, others will have missing fucking braincells” he said.
you’d submitted your essay and now all you could do was wait and worry.
the school year continued to go on. you still only talked to rue, fez picked you up from school now, and you still avoided maddy and cassie. they seemed to avoid eachother as well. that was until one day after school.
you walked to the back at the school, looking for fezs car before walking to the parking lot. until you heard a voice yell your name.
“y/n! wait! please!”
you looked back to see maddy running towards you. she embraced you to a hug. your eyes widening and tightening her grip on to you. you chuckled a bit.
“i’m so so sorry, i was being a total fucking cunt” she said. you hugged her back finally. it was nice to finally have one of your childhood best friend back again. you’d waited all summer and half the year of her and finally she was back and she definitely looked healthier, you pulled away.
“you’re fine maddy, don’t be sorry. i should’ve put in the effort to make sure you were okay as well”
she shook her head disagreeing. you turned back at saw fezcos car, maddy looked at you and then at fezco, widening her mouth as she got an idea of what was going on. you hadn’t told her about fezco.
“bitch…are you hooking up with fezco?!” she squeeled. pulling you into a hug again. you laughed at her excited tone in voice remembering how much maddy had hoped for you to get a boyfriend. she’d always talk to you about how much you needed to be in a romantic relationship.
“we’re dating” you chuckled. “and i have to go but text me so we can make plans alright? love you!” you said, starting to walk away.
“you better, we have a lot of shit to catch up on!” she yelled, you turned back at nodded laughing. it was good to finally be back.
you were happy again.
you started hanging out more with maddy, catching up on all the shit like she said. you also still talked to rue, not as much as you used to but definitely still consistent enough to consider her still as a friend.
fezco on the other hand, had taken you to a million dates already. wether it be the beach, a restaurant, the mall, anywhere you wanted to go hell take you and he will make sure you enjoy the fuck out of it. and you did.
you two had fallen so in love with eachother. something you’d always been afraid of because of your view of love shown by your parents and how sometimes in can really cause to hurt eachother it really sucked.
it was already march. which meant the acceptance letters would be coming in, some not luckiers than others. you’d been waiting for a few weeks now, for the email to come in to your computer. you’d find yourself sitting infront of the computer for hours simply just waiting.
“don’t worry about it ma, i’m sure one of them will accept you”
fezco would say, ash would agree, but he didn’t really want you to leave. so didn’t fez he much rather you stay with them until the day he fucking dies but you had a life to live, placed to head, money to earn, too much would be waisted if you’d just stick with him, he thought.
finally after weeks, the notification on your email app rang, quickly you opened it. the first think on the email saying.
“Congratulations Y/N!”
“no fucking way.” you said, slapping your mouth with your hands. you yelled as fez and ash came in to your room, hugging you as tears strolled down your cheeks, this time much for a much different reason than the time you showed up at fezs for the first time.
it was the momment you’d been prepared for. you’d waited your whole life for this momment. and for some reason you couldn’t help but want to stay. but you knew you wanted to continue striking for your dreams maybe become a model, poet or writer wherever destiny takes you is where you believe you would succeed.
it took fez a while and ash to realize that they wouldn’t see you for a while. it was hard for both of them to leave you at the front of the university, after a 4 hour drive. there tired faces, leaving your suitcases at the front of the dorms. you just stood there for a minute, and then hugged them both tightly.
“ i love you guys” you said.
“imma miss you a lot surprisingly” ash said. fez sucked his teeth elbowing his brother making ash scoff and you giggle as you held to fez a bit longer not wanting to let go.
“i want you coming back with that doctorates degree or whatever the fuck” fezco said. you chuckled nodding and sniffing. finally exchanging your final goodbyes and i love yous.
this would be the new chapter of your life, a blank page ready for it to be filled with memories.
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to-star-lake · 3 years
one & only
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sanzu haruchiyo x f!reader { you're sanzu's one and only. }
18+ minors dni | murder, drug use, dark themes, rough sex, choking, toxic relationship, character death, bonten sanzu
a/n: sanzu's name { 三途 } is written the same as 三途の川 { sanzu-no-kawa, “river of three crossings” or “sanzu river” } which is the japanese buddhist version of the river styx.
sanzu doesn't call you his girlfriend. he'd never use such pedestrian language to describe what you are to him. soulmate is closer. but still, to take everything he felt about you and edit it down to a single word? it wouldn't be possible.
the best he could describe it is perhaps that you were made for him.
the day mikey introduced you to the other executives as bonten's newest advisor, sanzu stood in the back of the room, unconsciously biting his lip as he stared at your clean and crisp white tee shirt, tucked neatly into a pair of black slacks. your perfect skin. your shiny hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. your delicate hands. and the sharp glisten of your eyes. you looked so sincere.
a top scholar and graduate of the national university. your parents had been foreign diplomats. you spoke five languages. all this brilliance packaged neatly behind such a pretty face. oh, you were so perfect. so pristine. i'll make you regret playing with monsters, little princess. sanzu thought he couldn't wait to break you.
it didn't take him long to realize how wrong he was.
he'd stare at your hands, the ones he thought were so delicate, as they beat mercilessly into the skull of a traitor that lay limp beneath you. being a bonten advisor meant you never needed to get your hands dirty. but you didn't mind. and sanzu felt a trickling heat of excitement shimmy up his spine watching the blood splatter across your perfect skin, staining your clean shirt.
he'd listen in awe in the war room as your fingertips traced gracefully over blueprints of the city, and you'd describe plans for a new building downtown. a new shell business to run money through. a merger with a smaller, weaker gang simply as a means to procure disposable foot soldiers for mikey.
on one particular night, he'd sat back and watched you, transfixed, as he pulled the car up beside a dark tinted suv at a stoplight on a deserted street on the outskirts of shinjuku. you'd pointed your gun out the open window, so fast and precise on the trigger, taking out all the passengers in the car. he would've missed the shots with a single blink.
he couldn't recall all the details of the rest of that night. but he woke to find you in his bed the next morning, your naked body tucked comfortably under his sheets beside him.
his head pounded and he tried to remember what happened but all that he could recall were a series of blurred images. of the two of you leaving the war room together after receiving orders from mikey to take out the heads of a rival gang. a vision of your bare thighs, exposed under a short, plaid skirt as you sat in his passenger seat, and the quiet rattle as you attached a silencer to the end of your gun.
he remembered the sound of indistinct chatter and an image of you sitting across from him in a dimly lit restaurant. a vague recollection of a bottle of scotch, of him staring at himself in the restaurant's bathroom mirror as he wiped some white residue from his upper lip. of you, bent over the sink with a straw in your nose. a blurred reel of your legs wrapped around his waist, of him pushing you up against the mirror so hard the glass cracked and you moaned into his open mouth. you sounded as sweet as you tasted.
in the grey winter light here in his bed, he looked at the blotches of blue and purple bruises that lined your neck and chest. at the edge of your perfect lips, a little swollen and the skin a little cracked. at the indentation of teeth marks on your shoulder, red with coagulated blood under the surface.
your eyes fluttered open and for a moment he was afraid. afraid that the cold light of day would be too harsh for you. afraid that all that was mystifying and beautiful in the night would be destroyed by the light. afraid you would leave.
but you'd looked into his eyes for a moment, and your lashes fell closed and you'd snuggled into his side, languidly dragging your arm across his chest.
let's sleep a little more, my head hurts and we still have at least another hour before we have to go meet the others.
oh, your voice sounded so sweet, still raspy with sleep, a lullaby to his ears.
as bonten leaders, he knew a relationship with you was strictly forbidden. he knew what mikey would do if he or any of the others ever found out. and he knew you knew too.
but you simply shrugged your shoulders as you picked up your clothes that were scattered across the floor of his bedroom. like you knew what he was thinking, and said i'm not afraid of them. are you?
he'd laughed at himself then. just who was corrupting who? he wondered.
the time he had with you began to envelope his heart. and the love he felt for you; small, crackling embers at first, had grown into a fire so bright and wild and twisted it could not be extinguished.
you were his partner; his chosen one. he loved the way your knuckles looked when they were bruised and red; such a beautiful contrast against your delicate and soft skin. he loved the way your fingers graced the handle of your gun, the dead calm of your eyes when you pulled the trigger. he was intoxicated with the knowledge that you were watching every time he carried out his duty as executioner.
his infatuation with you burned in his chest when he'd glance up at you, standing in the distance, eyes fixed on him and you'd slowly drag the palm of your hand up your thigh; testing his willpower to not pin you to the ground and tear you apart right then and there in front of his men.
under the cover of darkness, the two of you came alive. going on sprees, speeding through the bright streets of tokyo, the lights around you a blurred spectral of color to your bloodshot, medicated eyes.
in the midnight hours, your bodies would be intertwined, and in your arms he found a sanctuary. your body was the most addicting drug of all. you made all the pain disappear.
the quiet hours of the early morning, when time teetered on the edge of night and day, he'd lay on your chest, and for just a little while, his world would fall quiet. the air around him felt still. he would be coming down from his high, and he could feel everything. but he didn't mind. these small hours of lucidity shone brilliantly in his mind. when he could hear your breathing. feel your heartbeat so vividly beneath your bones. smell the lingering and sweet scent of your skin on his.
he'd become so possessed by you, so possessive of you that one night when he had you laid out beneath him, your legs spread wide for him, and he thought you looked so beautiful like this. so perfect like this for him. your skin, slick with a layer of sweat, luminescent in the moonlight. your lips, parted and choking out shaky pleas for him, begging him not to stop.
he buried himself so deep inside you, nails clawing into your skin, so desperate to be one with you. and he thought no one, no one else would have you like this. he was so intoxicated by the medley of pills in his system, completely unhinged in the euphoria of being inside you, he'd reached for his gun on the nightstand and held it to your forehead, point blank between your eyes.
you didn't even flinch. he watched you knock the gun from his hands, and slide your fingers up his wrists, and pulled his hands to your neck, letting him wrap them around your throat. if you're gonna kill me, do it with your own hands, you'd said.
god, he loved you so much. he wanted you so much, he needed you so much. he'd closed his hands around your neck with the gentlest force and watched your eyes roll back.
say my name, he'd command. and when you did, he closed his hands more forcefully around your delicate neck so he could feel the vibration in your throat as you choked out his name over and over. you'd clenched down so tight around him and he came harder than he ever had, collapsing into you.
he'd slowly let go of you, chest heaving, and gently caress at the skin of your neck, red and starting to bruise.
y/n...if i died, would you die with me? he'd whisper into your skin.
mmh, yeah. you'd whisper back.
i don't want anyone else to have you. i want you to be mine forever. he'd kiss the corner of your lips.
he'd feel your fingers laced up into his hair, your legs wrapped around his hips, pulling him close.
what am i going to do with you...i might really kill you one of these days.
he'd lift his head to look at you. and your expression didn't change a bit. your eyes held the same resolve they always did, and you said, then i'll wait for you by the sanzu river.
this was what flashed through his mind when he walked into one of bonten's warehouses late one evening for a meeting of the executives, and he saw all of them standing in a circle around you, bound and tied, blood streaming from your hairline, your bruised body limp on the concrete.
he fell to his knees then, watching mikey shove the end of his gun against your temple.
did you think i wouldn't find out? mikey's thumb clicked down on the hammer.
he saw your eyes flutter open and find his. you smiled.
the muzzle flash was bright, and the shot rang through the dark, open space.
he stared at the blood pooling from the side of your head into the dust. he felt a single tear roll down his cheek. shit, am i really crying right now? he laughed at himself.
WHO ARE YOU LOYAL TO, SANZU?! mikey demanded.
i'll wait for you by the sanzu river. your words echoed in his mind.
mikey may have been his king. but you were the redeemer, his messiah, his salvation.
the choice was simple.
he pulled his own gun from its holster and held it up to his temple.
i'm on my way, love.
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dancingazaleas · 4 years
floch forster | look at you (smut)
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yeah i’m a floch simp... i don’t want to talk about it..
anyways enjoy brat tamer!floch or whatever he is in this because i’m on brainrot
edit: i’m sorry if this is bad, when i finished most of it i just wanted it to be over
warnings/notes: smut, cursing, brat tamer!floch, fem!reader, edging, overstimulation, spanking, clit spanking, choking, degradation, praise(if u squint), rough sex, aftercare(cus i love floch), porn without plot, face smacking, squirting, dumbification and spit kink.
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ever since you’d woken up that morning, you were in a bad mood. whenever floch would try to hold you while watching a movie, you’d shove his arms away and he would only get to hold you if you forced his arms around you. you had barely spoken to him and whenever he said ‘i love you’ you just hummed in acknowledgment.
so, he decided to take you out to a club, begrudgingly, and invited mikasa, sasha, jean, and niccolo to come along. he assumes connie is tagging along since thing one and thing two never separate.
whenever you hung out with sasha, mikasa, and connie, your spirits seemed to lift. while he was happy, he couldn’t help but wonder if he’d done something wrong. he tried not to thinking about it too much as he talked with jean and niccolo sparingly.
he decided he’d let it slide, considering you were upset all day. but whenever he saw you speaking to a random man with a flirty look on your face, he decided that enough was enough.
which led you to now, hands pinned down behind your back as floch pulled your dress up over your ass and panties down and off your body.
“i’ve been nice all fuckin’ day, even when you were being a little bitch,” he growls as you try to kick him away while snickering, “and you decide to repay me by acting like a little whore. you better count without complaining and you might just get to cum tonight.”
you stuck your tongue out and turned to face floch, kicking your feet back and forth.
“who says i’m gonna let you,” you taunt and yelp at floch’s hand tangling with your hair and shoving your face into the mattress.
“me. i say. unless it’s not to count, an apology, or the safe-word, you don’t fucking speak,” he lets the hand on your head up.
he waits to see if you respond, but the only one he gets is a pout accompanied by a sharp glare. he keeps eye contact as he gives a harsh slap to your rear.
it has your hips jerking towards floch’s thighs and a sweet yelp falling out of your mouth as you croak out the number ‘one’.
by the time he’s at ten, you’re already tearing up and whining for him to stop. your whines have him spanking you harder than before, telling you that it isn’t the safe-word.
he doesn’t stop his spanking until he’s at the number 17, admiring the pretty crimson starting to form on your asscheek in the shape of a hand print. he lets go of the hands being held behind your back, using it to gently rub over your cheeks.
“crawl up and lay on your back,” he’s gently patting your thigh.
you don’t move, focused on wiping away the tears pouring out of your eyes.
you shake your head, sitting up and facing him on his lap, “don’t wanna, it’ll hurt my ass.”
“you should’ve thought about that before you were a slut,” floch grabs your neck with his right hand and your left thigh with his left hand.
he makes it seem easy whenever he lifts you up and throws you onto the bed. you whine as you watch floch unbutton his black shirt, trying to ignore the slight pain on your ass. he shimmies off of his jeans while you shimmy off your scrunched up dress.
floch straddles your hips, hand grabbing ahold of your neck and putting a small amount of pressure on it. you grab onto his wrist and he hisses as your nails dig into his skin.
“you wanna apologize,” he raises an eyebrow at your smug face.
you open your mouth, trying to catch some of your breath before you speak.
“no,” you give a breathy laugh and flutter your eyes to try and get rid of the tears.
whenever floch removes his hand, it gives you a chance to breathe—even if it’s pointless. because before you know it, floch’s hand slaps at your cheek and it has your head turning to the side. he grabs your jaw with the same hand and jerks your face back to look at him again.
“you sure?”
“yeah,” you’re smirking and manage to spit at him.
he flinches when it hits his nose and the sight makes you snicker, especially whenever he struggles to wipe it away with the back of his hand. but when he does get rid of it, you feel yourself getting the shivers at the neutral expression on his usually sneering face. floch isn’t exactly known for being understanding.
he squeezes your jaw harder, “open your mouth, right now.”
reluctantly, you open your mouth and stick out your tongue, continuing to dig your nails into his wrist anxiously. he gathers his spit towards the inside of his lips and then spits into your mouth harshly. you whine at the feeling of it running down your tongue.
“close,” you keep your mouth open and tongue out.
“you want more,” he laughs, “you’re a dirty whore, wanting me to spit in your mouth like that.”
he spits in your mouth again, but this time it’s slower and—somehow—more seductive. you close your mouth and swallow, suddenly silent compared to before.
“you still don’t want to apologize”, he asks condescendingly and moves his hand away from your jaw.
you’re starting to feel yourself slipping in that small little headspace from all the harsh smacking and you know you won’t get what it is that you want if you keep up your bratty act. it’s going to be a miracle if he even gives you his cock.
“‘m sorry,” you mumble and try to rub your thighs together, which doesn’t go unnoticed.
“say it louder, don’t mumble your words.”
“i’m sorry floch.”
“you mean that?” lips starting to bite and suck at your neck.
“i do! i do,” you whine, now clawing at his biceps and shoulders when his lips trail down to your tits.
he’s groping at one tit and biting at the other, twisting your perky nipple between his nimble fingers. when he pulls away, he admires the teeth marks he’s made around your areola. and he reeks of arrogance when you whine even louder whenever he licks a stripe back over said marks. but then he leans up to give you a, surprisingly, sweet kiss on your lips that has you humming in satisfaction. you pout at him with a small huff as he pulls away. he scoffs and forces himself in between your rubbing thighs.
“look at you,” he’s laughing again as he holds open your bare folds with his fingers, “you’re soaking, you fuckin’ slut.”
you’re shaking your head at him while he lowers himself to your glistening pussy. as soon as he rubs his tongue across your clit, your fingers are grabbing at the sheets.
he slowly inserts a finger inside of you, opposite arm reaching across your hips to hold them down. your moans raise an octave when he adds a second finger with his first, curling his fingers swiftly.
“gonna... ‘m gonna cum,” you cry while your toes curl and arch your back.
and with that, floch pulls away from your pussy and laughs at your body flopping against the bed while you cry.
“you thought you were gonna get to come so easily? after flirting with some sleazy guy at the club? must’ve slapped you stupid earlier,” his hands rub at your thighs, watching your chest rise up and down.
before you can reply, he’s burying his face back in your pussy again; eating you out as if you were his last meal on death row. his fingers are inside of you again, thrusting in and out of you vigorously. your hips are bucking against the arm holding them down and your fingers are clawing at your sheets.
“pl—please,” you managed to moan out, “gonna cum!”
floch moves his fingers faster and you feel him smirk against your clit. your moans are getting higher and shorter as you start to tip over edge of euphoria. but before you can, floch’s pulling away and chuckling at how your legs start to shake and your whimpers. you moan out whenever floch smacks your clit with the tips of his fingers.
“you’re so dumb,” he scoffs, “you actually think you’re gonna get to cum after the way you’ve acted all day?”
you’re sobbing and whining at this point, now tugging at his hair. he slaps your hands away, going back to torturing your puffy clit with his tongue. you’re legs are trembling whenever he pulls away again.
“please... wanna.. come please,” your lip quivers when floch comes back up to your face.
“ ‘wan, wanna com,” floch mocks your face and voice.
it makes you sniffle and reach up to wrap your arms around his neck. he kisses you.
“god, look at you,” floch groans against your lips, “begging like an obedient whore just to come around my fingers. you’re stupid if you think i’m gonna let you come around anything that isn’t my cock.”
he coos condescendingly, “you want that, needy girl?”
you nod frantically and squeeze your eyes close, tears going to run down your cheeks. floch pulls away and takes off the grey boxer briefs he’s got on. the tip of his cock is an angry red and dripping with precum.
he pumps his cock twice with his right hand before gripping it at the shaft and aligning it at your entrance. he slowly pushes it into you, snorting at your needy moans. he throws his head back with a groan as he bottoms out, and grips at the back of your thighs and pushing the front of them to your torso.
“floch! floch!” you sound like a broken record as you keen his name.
“you gonna come? just from me shoving my cock in you,” he patronizes, “haven’t even moved yet, and you’re already about to cream on my cock.”
he pulls out halfway and quickly thrusts back in and he can’t help but laugh for the umpteenth time at you throwing your head back while you flutter around him. he lets you put your legs around his waist and reaches up to put his hand on your neck and the other one holding up his weight by your head.
you’re crying out his name again when he starts thrusting in and out of you and applies pressure to your windpipe. it, quite literally, leaves you breathless and letting out broken moans.
he squeezes a little tighter for a bit, “do not fucking come.”
you plead and grab at his wrist, trying to ignore how floch’s cock drags against the sweet spongy spot inside of you, how his tip prods at your cervix, and how his hand squeezes against your throat. it leads you towards your orgasm; lower body convulsing against the mattress while your eyes roll back and your mouth falls open in a silent scream.
floch scoffs and takes his hand off of your neck, stilling his hips.
he smacks you, barking at you, “i thought i told you not to come.”
“ ‘m sorry,” you babble, “felt too good..! ‘m sorry.”
he smacks your face again, “it only felt good for you. you’re gonna lay here and let me use you until i come, understand?”
you shake your head whenever he starts thrusting into you again, “sensitive!”
he doesn’t stop thrusting even when he slaps you across the face again, “you’re the one who came without permission, you deal with the consequences. it’s what you get for being a whore anyways.”
with that, you’re coming again within a matter of minutes, mind completely blanking out from all the edging and sudden overstimulation. your eyes glaze over just as floch puts his hand against your neck once again.
floch starts rubbing a thumb on your clit with his other hand, slowly starting to near his orgasm. it has you squirting on his cock with a high pitched moan. he groans and throws his head back at your pussy gripping him like a vise.
“coming inside,” he warns and you just nod and squeeze him absentmindedly.
he comes, groans falling from his lips when his thrusting slows down to grinding while he rides out his orgasm.
he takes a moment to catch his breath, finally pulling his half hard cock out of you. his cups your cheek, gently facing you towards his face.
“you okay? you with me,” he asks softly and rubs his thumb on your cheekbone.
you respond with incoherent mumbles and fluttering eyes. he places a kiss on your cheek and scurries off into your shared bathroom. you hear the water turn on and the opening and closing of different cabinets. floch’s walking towards you with a warm, wet rag in his hand. he wipes away the cum that’s starting to drip out of you and onto the bedsheets, and the temperature sends shivers running down your spine.
he throws the rag into your bathroom—that had its door open—and gently picks you up bridal style. he carries you into the bathroom and carefully puts you into the running water. the pressure on your burn as you whining, especially whenever he slips in behind you.
“you with me now,” he pecks and massages your shoulders.
you hum in response as he lathers soap up in his hands. he washes you silently and cautiously, not wanting to inflict anymore pain unto you.
whenever he’s done washing you, he helps you stand on your wobbly feet. he dries off your hair and for some reason it has you smiling stupidly while ogling him. he gives a little smile when he catches your staring, covering your face in sweet little kisses. you start giggling and pucker your lips in a request of a kiss.
he kisses you continuously, hands gently holding your cheeks after he wraps the towel around your shoulders.
“look at you,” he gives you a kiss and it makes you feel light on your feet, “my beautiful girl.”
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Spotlight ↬ t.h
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A/N: This whore made me write this okay? shh you didn’t see me write this 🤡 Lord save me what have I written 😪😪💀
WC: 1.4k+ 
Warnings: smut. minors dni
Pairing: tom holland x photographer!reader (basically the plot lmao)
Masterlist || Taglist
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“Is it just me, or are these pants super tight?” Tom grunted, pulling the tight dress pants in question to fit over his thighs. Wiggling his toes, he tried not to groan at the numbness in his limbs the uncomfortable pants brought, hoping the photoshoot wouldn’t take long.
He really wasn’t in the mood for a photoshoot this late at night, especially after a long day of continuous online press. The things he did for his fans. He just hoped that the new photographer wouldn’t be a rookie, he would feel terrible if he snapped at them for doing their job. Not that he would ever, his anger management was going well. 
“I don’t know man, ask your stylist.” One of the dressers said. Tom didn’t know what his name was, there were too many people to keep track of names. And then there was the makeup artist, who decided that he needed makeup that very moment, brushing his nose with powder with a fluffy brush. Trying hard not to rip his pants, he sneezed three times in succession. 
“Bless you.” The makeup lady chuckled, dusting more on his cheekbones before going to the rest of his face. Trying to deflect her, he moved around a little, earning a chuckle from the others. 
“I think I’m already pretty without makeup, thank you very much.” Tom joked, rolling his sore neck, curling his toes once again as they cracked satisfactorily, sighing in relief that the darn fitting was finally done. 
“You are pretty but the camera needs a little highlight to show your cheekbones off.” she retorted.
Scoffing, he looked around, eyes landing on the multiple flashlights in front of the green screen, and another person. Furrowing his brows, he shrugged, maybe that was the new photographer. 
“Who’s that woman?” He asked anyway, sneaking a glance at You. He could only see your back, but he could see your hair tied up in a bun, baggy olive pants and a plaid shirt loosely hanging off your waist. He felt jealous looking at your comfortable clothing, pushing down the feeling with a huff. You were a stranger, and he would be home soon anyway. 
“That’s the new photographer, she’s an intern but quite good at what she does. We saw her portfolio and immediately hired her.” 
“That’s great.” He muttered absentmindedly tracing his eyes over your form. He found himself unable to stop the blush creeping up his cheeks when you turned around, a smile on your lips when you saw him eyeing you. It wasn’t often that somebody caught his eye. 
“She’s off-limits.” The older woman muttered, smirking when he huffed. 
“It wasn’t like I was going to do anything.” he said defensively, yet unable to take his eyes off you.
“Of course you weren’t.”
No he wasn’t. At first he wasn’t, but his stupid tight fucking pants were making him uncomfortable, twisting the rings in his fingers to stop the anxiety blooming in his chest. His eyes followed you again as he sat at the ground, watching you as you adjust the settings of your camera. 
"Y/n, right?" Tom asked, as you nodded bashfully. 
“Ready?” You smiled. Giving you a thumbs up, he posed in multiple positions, his eyes following your hands as they held the lens of the camera. You tried not to pay much attention to the man in front of you.
You had come here strictly to click photographs, not hook up with a celebrity who was decidedly the most attractive person in this room. You felt your breath hitch as he spread his legs, casually sprawling his hands between his thighs, right on top of his crotch. The rings on his fingers and the highlights of his makeup visibly shone against the bright lights. Clearing your throat, you lowered the camera from your face. 
“Can you- can you turn a little bit? To your right?” You stuttered, indicating the new position, bunching up the hem of his grey dress pants as he shifted.
“This is better?” He asked, looking up with a smirk. He definitely knew what he was doing, and judging by his smug expression, which you decided to capture before it vanished, he knew how it was affecting you too. 
The overall shoot was exhausting, with the constant wardrobe change and time limit. But the entire time, you couldn't help but be intrigued by the British actor in front of you. 
His wardrobe definitely defined his muscles, the lights working wonders as they created shadows in just the right places. 
“Can I see the photos?” He asked, coming to stand behind you once the rest of the crew disappeared to pack everything up. Your breath hitched again, the closer he came, the faster your heart beat. 
“Th-they need to be edited.” You stuttered, switchin on your camera anyway. Without turning, you held the instrument in your hand, lifting your elbows as he came closer, his mouth nearly on your neck. You were both thankful for the empty dressing room. 
“I bet they look good, they came from a sweet thing like you.” He whispered, bringing his hands closer to your waist, teasing you as his fingers traced non existent circles on the small of your skin visible from the hitched t-shirt. The air around you grew thicker, it was getting harder to breath with every passing minute as he ran his cold fingers burning your skin, the cool of his rings a foreign touch.
You’ve had a one night stand or two before, but they were usually men from random dive bars. Not a celebrity, who had taken interest in you surprisingly fast. Your gut twisted at the thought of doing him, the heat of the spotlight suddenly burning your skin. Was this going to be a one night thing too? You didn’t know. You didn’t care. You weren’t going to admit it, but you were a fan of Tom Holland. You had seen his interviews of him for Cherry, but somehow, the Tom Holland standing behind you was a complete 360 of the Tom you saw in the interviews.
“They look good because they have you.” You said, squirming at the funny feeling of his lips on your neck, sucking on the nape. Fuck professionalism, no one was there to catch you, the lights of the studio having been switched off because of it nearing it’s closing time. You had a trailer of your own, but you were too lost in his lips to care.
Twisting around, you jumped up as he caught you with ease, crashing your lips with his with a hunger that surprised you, arms grasping his shoulders as you dug your nails into his clothed shoulder. 
Panting as you parted, you took off your clothes, the cold air hitting you as your body got used to the sudden temperature change. He watched in awe as they fell one by one, first your pants, then your shirt, leaving you in your sports bra and panties. His hard on was very visible from his pants, as he reached to unveil himself alongside you. 
“Don’t you think this is a little unprofessional? We literally just met.” You spoke, walking closer to him, holding his cheeks in your palm. Biting your lips, you ran your hands on his now bare chest, feeling the hard skin of his nipples, his defined pectorals. Yeah, you really didn’t give a fuck about professionalism, you were about to fuck Thomas fucking Holland, maybe teach him a lesson after he left you all hot and bothered during the photoshoot.
“It’s unprofessional only if you want it to be darling.” He groaned, pulling you closer to his, your chests smacking against each other as he grasped your head, kissing you, the pace increasing as he picked you up by your waist, slamming you against the door of the studio. 
You never knew a touch could mean so much, lost in your high of his lips against yours, his skin against yours feeling like fire and ice at the same time. 
“Say the magic word babygirl, and I’ll stop.” He said, grunting as you dug your fingers in his back, your head spinning at the euphoria his voice brought you. 
“I don’t think I’ll be able to say anything with your dick against me.” You said, stopping for a moment as he looked at you open mouthed. A moment passed and his laughter rang in the studio, your own mixed with his. 
This was gonna be the longest night of yours. 
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Injured Part 2
@canigetanamenforbritney here you go!
Part 1
Warnings: hospital setting, refusal of medical attention, pet names, surgery, negative discussions of someone, stitches, descriptions of medical care, painful wound tending, exhaustion, begging, mean caretakers
*not edited*
"He needs surgery."
"Yeah, yeah I get that. That's not the problem. The problem is, you won't perform it."
"We aren't about to waste supplies on a villain, Hero."
Villain fumbled with consciousness- played with, frolicked with it- until it because a drifting manner. Awake here and there, hearing bits and pieces of conversation. Then the blissful euphoria of sleep. Those moments of painfree unconsciousness were what he longed for, craved.
He didn't understand his situation. He knew that there were people around him, but they didn't seem to be doing much. Only periodically pinching his elbow, leaving him floating in serene waves.
Was this what care felt like? It didn't seem like much, maybe Villain just had an active imagination- dreaming about endless words of compassion, a light touch to his cheek... maybe those sensations were just fantasies.
The people... they seemed to speak above Villain in rumbling tunes. Never aimed at him and even in his foggy state he knew that they were strictly clinical.
It was, to say the least, disappointing.
Very disappointing.
Maybe he did just expect too much.
Hero paced around the hospital bed as the nurses argued amongst themselves. Villain was stable, but not faraway from slipping. Why did she have to do this to him? A dagger in his side, concussion, broken ribs, dislocated shoulder... the injuries went on above this.
And then the fact that he was doomed to actually take care of himself in this state? The very idea that Hero expected him to jump back on his feet- it was disgusting.
How could she be a hero when she allowed someone to suffer?
She saw the trails of blood, the discarded bandages, the opened cupboards. He struggled. Struggle to stay alive.
"We could get fired if we operate on him. Honestly, just hand him over to the center."
"What is wrong with you!" Hero exclaimed when she heard that utterance. "A life for a job."
"You beat him up," that same nurse pointed out, crossing her arms. "Stop your hypocrisy, you are not better than us."
"Yeah if it wasn't for you, he wouldn't be here," another chimed in.
"Shut up! Shut up! All of you, shut up!" Hero growled. "I will pay for the surgery and take full responsibility. If he doesn't die, he will be permanently disabled."
"We know."
"Yeah I know you know," Hero said, huffing and giving an awkward smile. "You know and yet you still don't do anything about it. What kind of sick doctor are you?"
"One that follows the law."
Hero was silent and thrusted her hands through her blonde hair.
"It's nothing against Villain-"
"Yes it is!" Hero roared and flung herself next to Villain's side. His eyes were halfway open. Hero sighed, "Should I give him another dose?"
"No," the head nurse said. "Let him wake up."
Hero waited and waited, foot tapping and teeth clenching in anger, as Villain became more and more accustomed to his surroundings.
"H-hero?" He croaked, nervous fear evident in his eyes.
"Yeah, it's me."
"Mm care... caring f-for for me?"
"Trying to."
Villain groaned and threw his head back suddenly, pain gripping every one of his features. Tears formed in his eyes and as sudden as the outburst happened, he stilled and collapsed back onto the bed.
Everything hurt.
The drugs must've worn off, inviting the pain to eat him whole. Villain groaned and tossed his head about, punching the mattress with clenched fists even though that hurt and...
Villain cried out. Even Hero stepped away from that primitive noise.
Why was he is pain? Why did he have to go through this?
Because I am a villain, he answered himself. Stupid stupid stupid! He shouldn't have delved into the evil side of the world, should've applied for the College of Heroics or be a normal civilian or anything other than villainy.
He cried, his chest shuddering. Small squeaks escaped his mouth. Even the boisterous nurses ceased their banter, looking in pity at the sobbing human on the hospital bed.
"We'll operate, but we won't give him anesthesia," the head nurse conceded.
That was good.
Not ideal, but good.
Hero helped slide on a blue hair net over Villain's head. Wild eyes darted around, creasing at the edges every once in a while, as the pain flared up in many places all at once. His breathing hitched as well.
"What are they doing to me?" Villain wheezed, fingers tapping. Anticipation etched at his body.
"You'll be fine," the hero soothed, rubbing her fingers together. After the surgery...
"Cuff him," one of the nurses ordered, wrapping Villain's wrists and ankles with soft, padded bracelets of leather. He stiffened before instinctual motions kicked in and he struggled.
"Don't. Don't do that," Villain pleaded as he watched the nurses inhibit his only chance to fight and to escape. He gulped, pressing his head back into the hospital bed like his pain was forgotten. But the irregular heartbeat on the monitor betrayed his real sensations and emotions- pain and fear.
Hero frowned at the distressed face before looking up at the nurses.
"Should've we give him something? Like a muscle relaxant? Make the procedure easier?" Hero asked, but immediately wished she hadn't for the villain's face contorted into an expression of pure terror at the mention of "procedure".
"Maybe," one of the young nurses whispered, but the head nurse brushed the idea off with a firm "no".
"Let's begin," that same nurse said and approached the writhing villain. "Begin incision on his right side where we assumed a piece of residual metal is from the dagger."
"Let's not do this," Villain begged, pulling madly against the restraints, but the nurses did not pay attention.
Just as the sliver of metal was about to protrude into Villain's skin, Hero spoke up,
"Where is the doctor? You know, the one who actually does surgeries."
"Why does it matter?"
"Because you weren't trained for this."
Hero was silent, but her gaping mouth spoke loads for her.
"Hero," the head nurse chuckled. "This is a villain. A half-eaten cheeseburger in the trashcan. Relax hon."
Hero bristled at the pet name, but didn't do anything rash. She just pulled up a chair and sat at Villain's side. He looked up at her with large, pleading eyes that broke Hero's heart.
"It'll be over soon," Hero promised. Villain's face relaxed slightly, but his muscles stayed tense in waiting for the inevitable pain.
"Begin incision."
Villain mewled as the thin knife slipped into his skin, right above the infected flesh. His toes and fingers curled in, then stretched out.
"Okay stop," Villain said in a hurried manner. His brow furrowed, nose twitching. "Stop."
Hero placed a hand on his shoulder, but it did nothing to quiet his protests.
"Located the residual. Tweezers."
A tool made of two grated prongs took the place of the knife. Villain sighed as the knife marked its leave with a clatter, but his muscles immediately seized when the bloodied particle was removed.
Villain's eyes widened as a nurse pulled his skin together, shoddily and lazily stapling it. Villain screamed, jerking around each time the plunger cinched his tender flesh together.
Hero wrinkled her nose. The nurses weren't even bothering to use actual medical tools. Literally, the stapler was from the school section at the local Walmart.
The nurses topped their kindergarten artwork with a thin line of some numbing ointment, but that was all. A tiny gift, a mug saying "The Best Teacher Award" on teacher appreciation day.
The next injury the nurses fixed was the dislocated shoulder. Two nurses positioned themselves on both sides of the shoulder. Without warning, they pushed the joint back in.
Villain arched his back up in a desperate feat to escape the miserable pain. He clenched his teeth, holding in a scream that Hero knew just wanted to go.
Then he fell back into the bed, breaths full of pained whimpers.
"Okay. I think we tortured him long enough," Hero said, angling herself to give a more authoritive stance.
"We are taking care of him?" The head nurse replied, purposely making her statement an authentic question.
"Just give him something. At least something to take the edge off," Hero pleaded. "Can't you see? His world is nothing but pain."
Hero sighed, shook her head, and went back to Villain who now had tears streaming out of half-lidded eyes.
"Make them stop," Villain whispered, not even looking at Hero. "I'd rather be hurt. Rather be hurt at home."
Hero felt a twinge of pity, listening to Villain's requests. It was saddening to say the least, someone so hurt just wanting to go home if it meant that they could escape the extra pain of care.
Pain of care, now that didn't sound right.
Hero grabbed Villain's head and stroked it, but the tears and whimpers did not cease.
After a good few hours, the villain was throughly exhausted. He could barely stay awake, just dozing off even as caffeinated nurses shakily sewed the millions of cuts together.
Hero slowly stroked Villain's head, watching as his eyes drifted shut. She smiled. Sleep was his only escape from the pain.
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txdoroki · 4 years
Hello ^^~
May I request Todoroki, Bakugo, Midoriya and Denki's reaction to the readers confession? In which they also have a crush on the reader? 💜
hi! yes ofc,, sorry it took so long for me to get back to you! been busy >,<
since it’s so long it’ll be under the cut :^
include todoroki, bakugou, midoriya, denki, kirishima :P 
might do a pt 3, lmk what characters yall wanna see ^-^
part 2 has been done
words: 1696
not edited btw i wrote this at 4am lmk if something doesnt make sense and i’ll fix it ahhhhhhhhhh
todoroki would be like 0-0 the entire time.
“hey todoroki, wanna go out on a date with me? we could go to the movies or wherever, it’s your choice,” you smiled up at him while he walked beside you, carrying both of your bags of schoolwork and books while he stared off at the road in front of you both.
he had always made an effort to do small, caring things for you. he’d hold the door, carry your books, or walk you home after school among many other things. you didn’t think much of it, you’d both been friends for a while, so you figured he was just being kind. no, no that wasn’t it.. he was just bad at showing he wanted to be more than just kind. more than just your friend from a while ago.
he was taken aback by your question, and internally cursed at himself for not asking you weeks ago. 
“um, todoroki?” you softly shook his arm when he seemed to have zoned out on the ground, but your bright smile didn’t fade. he adored that from you, he loved how eager you were to spend time with him. to talk with him. to try and learn about him. to do anything at all with him. you were so sweet and understanding, always. 
“oh, yeah sure,” he nodded at you, glancing down at you from sheer nervousness that you’d be laughing at him. that it’d be a prank. 
when you picked up on how on the edge he seemed to be, you leaned into him a bit, a goofy attempt at ensuring you wanted to go and it wasn’t a forced thing.
“you know, i’ve liked you for a while,” you grinned at him, winking when you saw his eyes quickly flash between content and joy. 
“me too,”
bakugou would be like ??!??!?!?!?!?!!???!?!!? who???? me??!?!?!?!?!!?? how??!?!?!?!?!?! screaming internally but on the outside like duhhhh
“hey, bakugou, i have a crush on you, by the way,” you whispered in his ear from behind the beanbag chair he was seated in. him and denki were in the middle of a wii tennis match, mina, sero, and kirishima all focusing on it to see who won.
“what? fucking dumbass, hold on a sec,” he scoffed when you ran your hair through his hair, ruffling it while he tried batting your hand away with his free one.
he tried to maintain focus on the match, lowkey trying to impress you with him winning. it was difficult, his mind kept drifting off to you and your cute face and your cute- back to the game, he’s gotta win. for you. after what felt like forever, he finally won, then dragged you out of denki’s dorm.
 “ooo sneaky link?” you heard mina giggle, and the three boys that remained in the dorm roared with laughter.
it got louder when bakugou screamed over his shoulder as he took you by the hand away from the dorm, “fuck off, extra, hell no,”
once you were both out of earshot he smirked, “so, you think i’m hot?” he rolled his eyes when you giggled and nodded, and a blush covered both of your faces, “well, you’re okay, i guess,”
“so when’s the date?” you smiled at him, chuckling when he pulled out his phone to check his fucking calendar app. such an old man.
after a few seconds, he pulled up a date on his phone and turned it to you. only a week from then.. ”february 14,” he winked at you and walked away, not even turning back, “see you at the dorm, dumbass,”
midoriya would be like  ≧◉◡◉≦
“all might’s spot as the top hero will not be easily passed by endeavor, or anyone else. he’s great for many reasons, would you like to hear them?” he only paused for a second, turning his head to see your amused nod before immediately continuing, “well first of all his quirk is-”
“midoriya, i wanna date you, if you want,” you interrupted and slowly put a hand on his arm, softly smiling at him.
“huh?” the small sentence shook him from his ranting, and he turned his entire body to look at you. your cheeks heated from the disoriented stare he gave you. he was that shaken up by something you’d said? “really?” 
“yes, of course. you’re very handsome and very passionate and ve-”
“yeah of course i’ll date you, thank you, y/n,” he kissed your forehead before turning back to the school hallway, ignoring the excited giggles of his classmates, “okay, so all might’s quirk is obvi....” his mind started wandering to how excited he was at the thought of dating you. it was a dream come true. “oh, sorry, so his quirk is obviously very good for hero w-”
“midoriya, can we go to your dorm after school?” you interrupted him again, smiling sweetly at him. sometimes it was difficult for him to not talk about heroes and all about them all, but you understood and tried helping out with other things.
“oh, of course, sweetie.. hah, can i call you sweetie? or would you prefer just y/n?” he began going on and on about the different things he wanted to call you if you were comfortable, not stopping until you grabbed his wrist and dragged him to both of yours next bell. 
ugh, calculus.
denki is like oh.? hehehehehehehehe 
you were sprawled out on your best friend’s bed, laying starfish on your back as you huffed about how frustrated and annoying today was. although you held back the most important part. it was especially frustrating how much you adored him. the good ole denki kaminari. you had these feelings for quite a while, trying your best not to confess. i mean, he was a class flirt, he wouldn’t like you back, right?
nah. he hadn’t flirted with anyone other than you in months. and you were the only one that didn’t pick up on it. 
“c’mon, y/n, i know you aren’t telling the full story. say what’s on your mind,” denki lightly ran his fingers up and down your right leg. it tickled but not enough to be uncomfortable. 
“i can’t,” you groaned, giggling when he rolled his eyes and persisted, saying no matter what he wouldn’t tell anyone.
“if you tell me, i’ll give you five bucks, y/n,” he chuckled when you sighed and finally nodded. when you sat up, he turned so you could tell he was listening to what you had to say.
“fine, but only for the money,” you giggled, “i uh.. i’ve been interested in you for a really long time now.. but i understand if you don-” 
wait what
he kissed you, moving his hand up to cup your cheek. your eyes slowly closed, leaning into his touch.
holy shit he kissed you???
when you were let go, your cheeks felt burning hot.
he kissed you again, and you melted into it. it felt like fireworks, euphoria filling your body.
“so does this mean you like me back?” you nervously played with your hands, trying your best to disregard the harsh red blush that was thrown on your face.
“well, duh, took ya long enough,” he chuckled, brushing some of your hair out of your face.
you cried out when you heard the click of his phone camera, and went to hide yourself.
“awe you look so beautiful, y/n. can’t wait to brag about you, baby,” he winked at you, typing something into his phone.
later that day you checked snapchat and saw on his private story the photo of you plus a caption, it read, 
“they finally realized, big dummy. y/n if you see this, you’re lucky you’re a good kisser ;)”
you shook your head and ran to his dorm, pounding on the door. you were gonna beat him up.
kirishima is a big ole softie duhhh everyone knows this. he best boy, no arguing!!
you sighed as kirishima held you to his chest, the lovely feeling of your growing feelings for him hummed in your chest. you had tried hard to push it back, how would that work out? would he reciprocate? was this only platonic?
“are you alright, y/n?” he whispered into your neck when he heard the sigh, trying to hide the deep red hue on his cheeks from you.
you both had agreed not to catch feelings for each other, fine at first with just cuddles and sweet compliments. no specific ties to the affections, just a way for the both of you to feel loved. an ideal thing to have, except that both of you were slowly breaking the agreement. 
you both ached for each other, but neither of you wanted to be the first to admit it. it was simply too risky.
“y-yeah, sorry, just thinking,”
“awe, no need to be sorry, pumpkin, what’s that pretty brain of yours thinking of?” he ran his fingers through your hair, appreciating the shivers of content that had you moving a small bit in his hold.
when you didn’t respond, he cocked an eyebrow, wondering if you hadn’t heard him or if you just chose to be quiet.
“pebble, what’re you thinking about?” he asked again, gently running his hand up and down your arm.
too deep in your thoughts to actually comprehend you were saying this out loud and not in your head, you whispered, “i wanna date you, i don’t want this to be just platonic. i need to be with you, kiri,”
“oh? you need to?” he smirked, chuckling when your eyes widened as you realized you had actually said that out loud, “well, if it’s a need.. i can make it happen, of course,”
“w-wait what?”
“you said you need to be with me, you weren’t lying, were you?” you slowly shook your head no, avoiding his gaze that bore into your skin, “let’s do that then, how’s that sound, pumpkin?”
“good,” you smiled into his chest, trying to move your hand to your arm to pinch you. were you dreaming?
you weren’t, this was real.
the man you’d liked for a while liked you back, oh hell yeah.
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dummysmile · 3 years
Leaving - Hwang Hyunjin
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Summary - You’re in a toxic relationship with Hyunjin and he wants to leave you.  
SMUT! (16+) 
Word count: 1.4k 
Trigger warning - Edited: 8/21 Toxic ASF, Dom! Hyunjin, Domestic violence, and Breath play. Also Hyunjin is not an Idol.  
Stress, it was all you ever felt lately. 
Your assistant, who also happened to be your boyfriend, was the source. He stayed home due to a “stomach bug”. This left you to have to manage things by yourself. You hate taking responsibility.  This all happened because things may have gotten out of hand when the deadline for marketing strategies were too close. One minute you were writing and the next thing you knew, your fist was gliding across his sweet and already puffy cheek leaving a nasty bruise. 
You were just arriving home when you saw Hyunjin quickly close the door. You basically power walked to the door. Thinking about how suspicious it was that he closed the door just as you pulled up. “Hyunjin?” You called out entering the house. You saw him cowering in a corner behind the front door. In his head, he was hoping and praying you didn't see the suitcase. “Hyunjin, what's the matter?” You asked, stalking up to him. it was similar to lion stalking a gazelle in a long field of grass. The blonde avoided your gaze. Nevertheless, he still felt the burning sensation clash against his milk skin. “Nothing, I was going to...clean out the closet.” He stammered, looking around. You watched his body tremble as he walked over to the black case. He began violently kicking the wheel. “The wheel is broken, You see, I was taking it to the trash” He gulped, stepping back to the corner.”See the broken wheel? You see it, right? Tell me you see it!” Hyunjin pleaded, as you made agonizingly slow gazes to him and the suit cases. “Please don't.” He whimpered, softly throwing his head into the corner. You stared at him. “The wheel sure is broken, but I’m curious.” You chuckled, “As to why the fuck the shirt I bought you last week in there?” You stated more than asked, walking towards him. 
“Y-y/n, I don't know.” He whispered, holding your hands in his. “I probably thought it was a different shirt, you know how I can be-.” He started, but he was cut short with a slap that echoed through the room. “Don't lie to me!” You roared, bringing your hand down on his cheek again. Hyunjins hand instantly went to cradle the stinging on his face. “I’m sorry.” He cried, sinking to the ground latching on to his knees. He stared at the ground wondering how he let you take over his life. He expected you to have some angry outburst, but you instead crouched down on the floor with a deep sigh. 
“Hyunjin, you know I love you?” You asked, pulling him into you. “Why are you so closed off, don't you love me?” You went on. You felt the hot tears melting into your skin. It made you feel bad knowing you made him cry. You held on to him, pulling him on the ground to lay with you. You laid in silence. You both thought about memories of the past, the sweet romance that started as an office love. “I want to leave.” He whispered. It was so quiet, his said words missed your ears. “What?” You asked, as he sat up. “I want to leave you.” He said slightly louder. His hand swirled in your hair, looking away from you. The tears still falling down his face. “I know.” You sighed, making him look at you. 
“I just love you too much.” He stated, kissing your lips. 
You didn't hesitate to kiss back since it wasn’t often that you two would ever kiss. His soft lips didn't go with any of his movements as his hands traveled down the curves of your body. He kissed your cheeks before biting them awfully hard and then traveling back to your lips. “I really missed this Y/n.” He sighed. “You...cowering at my touch.” He purred, unbuttoning your dress shirt. “This skirt is staying on, you look too good in it.” Hyunjin said. As embarrassing as it was, you could cum at the feeling of his hands running up your thighs. He held himself up to be face level with you before giving you a smile. His hands traveled over your belly button before he reached under your skirt yanking away your panties. “Damn, these were my favorites.” He lowly chuckled, tossing them at the suitcase. 
His long fingers created shapes along you clit causing you to release sharp moans. His middle finger glided across the pool of wetness. Hyunjin watched you with pure wickedness, bringing his fingers up to his mouth. He watched you get embarrassed over his vulgar action. Smirking, he brought his hand back down to your throbbing hole. He went at a strong and fast pace making you scream out. Your back nearly snapped from the arching you were dong.  “Say ahh for me.” Hyunjin mumbled in ecstasy. Since his pleasure came from your pleasure, you could see the wet spot growing faintly. You opened up your mouth as he instructed. He jammed his fingers against your throat making gag deeply. He bent down wrapping his tongue around yours tasting you. replacing his tongue with his finger. You immediate reaction was to suck on his digits. “Are you ready to take this dick?” He asked in your ear. Hurriedly, you shook your head up and down. “Yes, please, I want you so bad.” You pleaded over his long digits. Your saliva dripping from the corner of your mouth. “Look at you, begging like the cock slut you used to be.” He teased, pulling off his clothes. His movements were slow and seductive, winking at you as begged with your eyes for him to hurry. “Stop moving so slow.” You whined. He sucked on his teeth nodding. 
He took his position with your hands interlocked with his. Hyunjin slowly pushed into your pussy. You both gasped at the sensation. It turned you both on even more. “Gosh, you fit me like a glove.” He moaned. He kept a steady pace as your walls reacted to everything and every once in a while twitched. You stared at him in awe, wondering why it was hard for you to find something to say. So deep in the pleasure you didn't notice that he began to cry. 
His palm struck against your face. “Ow, Hyunjin, what the hell is your problem.” You barked. “You don't scare me.” He chuckled, as his thrusts got faster. He lifted your right leg over his shoulder. Bringing another slap to you. You felt the stinging in your face. Letting out a pained groan. His painful slaps left you regretfully wondering if it felt like that when you were the slapper. “Take it.” He demanded slamming into you repeatedly. “You. Better. Take. It. Bitch.” He boomed with every slap and thrust. “Hyunjin, slow down.” You moaned, afraid you’d make a giant mess. “Fuck you Y/n.” He moaned slowing down. “You hurt me.” He moaned, throwing his head back. “I know, I’m sorry.” You moaned out gripping his hands. “You're never sorry.” He snarled, placing his giant hand over your mouth and nose. “I could kill you right now. I’m so fucking powerful.” He moaned. With Hyunjin holding your mouth and nose you could feel the pure euphoria. “That’s how I feel about this relationship.” He said letting go of your mouth and nose.
“Strangled, but happy.” He smiled
For the next few moments there was nothing but skin slapping, moaning, other lewd sounds. “Hyunjin I-I feel it.” You moaned. “I feel it too.” He groaned kissing you on the lip. His hips buckled as he rolled his dick inside you. You felt the orgasm wash over you and all the stress you’d been feeling wiped away. Not too long after Hyunjin came on your skirt. You didn't even care that he did. 
“You can leave if you really want to.” You pout rolling towards the wall. “This is pathetic. You’re on the floor trying to get me to stay with your manipulative ass.” He gasped, standing up to put his clothes on. “I’ll go to anger management and we can do something.” You suggested sadly. You were still staring at the wall. “You’re gonna keep going?” Hyunjin asked in shock. “Please stay with me.” You begged looking at him. “Please, let me go.” He whispered  laying on the floor to hold you. “I can’t.” You cried, “I love you.” You shouted making eye contact.
“I want to leave.” He said boldly. “I know, baby.” You whimpered. 
“I know.” You bawled, holding him. 
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D 🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Race to the Edge ✨
Tuffnut choked on a stun dart- I think I've seen it all regarding the twins HAHDHSHHA
Fishlegs really had Meatlug opening its mouth WIDE JUST TO SAY ABORT THE VERY LAST SECONDHAHSHGSGG
I love how Hiccup and Astrid can communicate without actually talking 🥺
I love how all dragons are a reflection of each of their owners like even tho Barf and Belch aren't the smartest they can be whenever they actually try
- Snotlout and Hookfang are both hotheaded and never really listen
- Fishlegs and Meatlug both are sweet, smart, resourceful and jealous sometimes hehe
- The twins and Barf and Belch are crazy and dumb but can be smart and strong whenever they need to be
- Astrid and Stormfly are both authoritative and badasses but also caring
- Hiccup and Toothless are both natural born leaders
Astrid built the ballista
Fun fact: Mala means bad in Spanish and it makes sense if you think about it cause Mala is BADASS HAHDHSHAHA😂 sorry I make bad jokes like that
Hiccup referring to Tuffnut as one of his best friends is adorable 🥺
"Flattery has no effect on me, mainly because I never hear any" dudeee ruff that's so saddd🥺😭
And then him actually fighting Gruffnut is pretty badass I mean they threw actual punches and kicks and everything 😳
Why was Hiccup so cold towards Astrid? When she was just trying to help with his bounty problem
The way Toothless prevented Stoick from killing Savage 🥺🥺🥺
Now that I think abt it Hiccup got kidnapped so many times
Stoick punching Ryker and threatening him is one of the best things I've seen 🤩
Dude poor Snotlout was just insecure in ep4 And I love how Hiccup tried to help him and even then Snotlout still tried his best to show that he can be a leader
- i really loved how he learned that he couldn't just stop covering someone, I mean even when Astrid told him to "peel off and help Hiccup" he was like "no way I'm not leaving your wing" 🥺🥺🥺
Submaripper - tidal class, super powerful, prefer deeper open water and typically very reclusive. Extremely territorial and dangerous.
I LOVE HOW THE SUBMARIPPER SAVED HICCUP, and Toothless's face whenever he couldn't get Hiccup out and Barf and Belch breaking the pod to get him 🥺🥺🥺I can't
𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕝𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕕𝕖𝕡𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕤𝕪𝕞𝕡𝕥𝕠𝕞𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤
- multifaceted disorder
Uncontrollable euphoria - Astrid
Lack of coordination - Heather
Mood swings - Snotlout
Complete catatonia
Cold ankles
Paranoia - Fishlegs
Stoick is so fine 🤩
JAHDHAHSHA HICCUP REALLY OUT HERE FAT-SHAMING HIS DAD when poor Stoick is just trying to tell him that going after Viggo only for revenge is neither safe nor the right thing to do
- "What? What do you mean? You love revenge. Revenge is your thing. Weren't they gonna name you Stoick the Vindictive before... Well you know." *signals to Stoick*
Shadow wings - ep7 they follow, herd and shadow. Big one isn't as fast or maneuverable. Small ones are smart and quick. The big one looks like the submaripper.
The Flying Shatter-Scatter move with Shattermaster and Windshear was so cool and it's also basically the only thing that has pierced through dragon-proof ships
Bro I really wanted to see Astrid saving Toothless when she saw he was in danger in ep8
Everyone's shocked faces whenever Hiccup and Fishlegs weren't thinking the same thing HAHDHSHABA
Toothless's facial expressions whenever he saw Astrid was in danger and the way he grabbed Snotlout and went down the volcano just to try and save her- I love their relationship 🥺
And how Hiccup was so worried when he saw Astrid in the lava and the way he grabbed her 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Dude I shipped Throk and Mala so harddd
And the red night terrors ufff we love them
Tuffnut just killed Macey
Ruffnut is so badass bro I love her she really had a sword to her neck and was like "take your best shot pal"
Project Shellfire: a weaponized dragon, Shellfire - tidal class, Titanwing, bigger than a submaripper, long range firing capabilities.
Hiccup just saved Astrid from falling to the water and the way he looked at her right after he put her down- he seemed so concerned I can't 🥺😭
First name Astrid calls out is Hiccup's 🥺
Her eyes omg
The way she started hyperventilating and the way he held her hand with both of his and the way he kneeled down next to her and made sure she knew that he was still there and the way Toothless's facial expression went 🥺😔 and the way he put his wing on her legs to try and cover her or protect her 🥺🥺🥺I can't
I mean Imagine how Astrid must've felt I just can't I'd be so stressed out and desperate and the next day she was just like I'm going to look for my dragon idc
No dude because the way Hiccup grabbed her by the waist to prevent her from falling off of Toothless and how both of their expressions softened whenever he told her not to apologize and whenever she hugged him 🥺
I love how the twins are trying to learn how Astrid feels but Ruffnut takes advantage of "blind" Tuffnut and has him run off of a cliff
AND HOW HE CAUGHT HER AND GOT SO NERVOUS WHEN THEY BOTH FELL DOWN 🥺 wait now that I'm watching it again he actually prevented her from getting hit in the head omg
"Of course she's not gonna hide. What was I thinking? She's Astrid."
MISTAKE whenever Astrid took the dragons out of their pens they weren't wearing their saddles and now that they've found them they have them on.
Them spending time with each other's dragons is so funny
Nonono I can't this is the beginning of it all! The beginning of Hiccstrid dating is HERE!!!! and that scene whenever he tells her that she's strong and they'll get through it and he holds her arm and then slowly moves down to her hand 🥺 I love them too much I can't- I want what they have. HE WAS GOING IN FOR THE KISS TOO I CANTTTTT OK THIS IS TOO MUCH
"There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Always."
I love how Meatlug got so serious after she heard Toothless's distress call
Fishlegs riding Hookfang is HILARIOUS
That final scene is gold bro I just can they're too perfect I mean we get Toothless and Stormfly messing around in the background and then we get Hiccup scooting towards Astrid so that their shoulders were touching and also Hiccup asking Astrid if she's really ok and then him telling her that he never stops worrying about her and her saying that she feels the same way AND HER ASKING HIM ABOUT THE ALMOST-TO-BE-FIRST-KISS IN THE FOREST and him getting all nervous and being like "no it wasn't perfect" and telling her that he thinks abt kissing her a lot AND HER BEING LIKE "this seems pretty perfect to me" AND THEN BAMM THE KISS UGHHH IM NOT CRYING OK... yes I am😭
Hiccstrid kiss count: 2😘
I love how Astrid comforts Hiccup and puts her hand on his chest
Wait shit I completely forgot That Snotlout is actually the one that came up with ~Hiccstrid~ hehehehe -> also the first one to notice that they were acting kinda sus (nvm he thought one of them had a gambling problem)
Ruffnut's impression of Viggo is actually pretty accurate
Heather knowing about Hiccup and Astrid and just getting the gang away so that they can have a few seconds alone
OMG THE SUBMARIPPER I LOVE IT!! It is the natural and hated enemy of the Shellfire
The Triple Stryke let Dagur ride him
No and when they kissed IN FRONT OF THE GANG AND THEY WERE ALL LIKE 😳😦 AND "This. Changes. Everything." Iconic
I can't imagine watching this season by season and having to deal with that cliffhanger LIKE WHUT- the whole volcano just exploded and ur telling me that's IT!! Nope nope nope
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stevesharrlngtons · 3 years
a/n: this is 110% inspired by @skarsgard-daydreams and her wonderful eric x reader series unto dead. if you haven't already, GO READ IT, it will change your life.
this is literally just filthy smut. that's it, nothing else, you've been warned why am i nervous? is everyone nervous posting smut? this came out of loving marie's stories with a passion, and wanting to bring some good solo pam smut to the table. with that being said, 18+ and sorry if it sucks lmao ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ enjoy!
Time meant nothing in the dungeon, and even less when you were under Mistress Pam’s rule. It didn’t matter to her if she went against her word and five minutes of spankings turned into fifty. She didn’t care if she promised that after she counted to three you could cum, and then let hours lapse between one and two. And she certainly didn’t care about your opinion on her lack of concern over the loss and fluctuations of time during your sporadic sessions.
Your sessions only happened on the rare occasion Eric was out of town, and the even rarer occasion that he allowed Pam to play with you without him.
Tonight, the stars had a lined and allowed both of the requirements to be met for her to handle his girl all alone. Although, his presence was never really left out of these affairs. The security camera in the corner always reminded Pam, and you, of his omnipresence.
As Pam looked over your restrained naked body now, she knew without even having her maker in the room that he was enjoying himself. Your lithe form shone under candlelight as sweat drenched your skin and wetness slicked between your thighs. Your chest was rising and falling in great succession. You squirmed uselessly in the binds that secured your wrists and ankles to the steel table, as your body subconsciously tried to curl inward for comfort after another orgasm had been cruelly ripped away from you. Pam smirked, lashes batting down at you as she weighed the heavy wand vibrator in her hand.
“Stupid girl, thinking she gets to cum whenever she wants. So greedy,” she ran the wand on low vibration over the length of your form, enjoying greatly the way it made you gurgle and whine, "I own your orgasms, your pussy isn’t allowed to pulse unless I choose to make it do so, correct?”
She rounded your pert nipple with the wand, “Correct?”
“Yes! Yes, Mistress!” you gasped out, knowing that not responding at all would only make your deprivation worse.
“Look at that, maybe you aren’t just a stupid little cunt after all,” she slowly moved the wand away from your nipple to draw it between the valley of your breasts, up your throat and along your cheek, just to press it hard into your jaw and chatter your teeth, “you’ll learn your place one day. Until then, I do enjoy teaching you.”
She said this in a mock sympathy, she said it like you should be grateful for her torture and her lessons.
Though, nothing that had happened this evening was surprising, and you should have mentally prepared yourself for the tribulations she would put you through. The foreplay and the lead up to penetration when you were alone with Pam was always maddening.
“He might be big, but no one fucks like me. We have to make sure you’re really ready,” she’d say in her signature drawl as she’d pull out a new toy to use on you.
“Do you think you’ve had enough?” Pam asked flippantly, pushing the head of the vibrator into your cheek firmly once more before taking it off all together.
This time, you knew better than to answer. Both answers were wrong.
“Let’s check, why don’t we?” she posed it as a question but it was rhetorical. Anything Pam wanted to happen, would.
She turned off the wand and placed it to the side, along with many of the instruments she had already or planned on using on you. Unable to crane your neck far enough to watch her walk to your bottom half, you relied on your peripheral vision and the sound of her stilettos on the concrete to alert you. Soon, you felt her icy soft hands part your thighs wider and the sound of a hum leave her lips.
“Would you look at that?” manicured nails came to spread your lips that were dripping with arousal, “quite the excited little slut, aren’t you? You don’t hate your punishments as much as you let on, it seems.”
Her touch felt so good you could barely control the moan that ripped through your chest when three of her flat fingers started to rub the outside of your pussy.
“That’s right, let that brain of yours melt out of your little cunt. You’re so much better when your Mistress’s little fuck doll and nothing more.”
Pam could smell the delicious aroma of your eager pussy and the sweet blood pumping steadily through your femoral artery. She wanted nothing more than to sink her teeth into your skin and let your oozing blood mix with your arousal so she could slurp up her favorite cocktail. But she knew she had to refrain. Eric was always very strict with her biting his pets, especially when he wasn’t around.
“You just can’t resist, can you?” she chuckled lowly and your breath hitched, “pretending to struggle but soaking yourself between your legs.”
You wanted to reply, you wanted to say anything even if it was just to continue to play into the evening, but the second you felt her fingers breach your center, your brain powered down like a TV set.
“Even wetter inside,” she said in faux surprise, “with no resistance.”
“But you know what, little slut? I think I want more. I want your cunt to drool so much it makes a puddle on the floor for me, and then, but only then, will I think about putting a cock in you.”
The idea of finally being filled had you delirious, and when Pam crooked her fingers and started to pump them inside you, you felt crazed. Her skillful finger tips hooked and rubbed over your g-spot so well, you had the brief worry of passing out cross over you.
“Finally being a good girl, huh? A good little toy for me. You were such an insolent little brat earlier, weren’t you? But after a few hours with mistress, suddenly you're the perfect little pet Daddy and I deserve.”
Her fingers started to pick up their pace, “keep this up and who knows what will happen.”
“But you better not cum. You better not even think about that pleasure.”
“Because good little pets don’t own their orgasms. No, no they do not.”
“Pa- Mistress, please, I-” you stuttered, anxiety started to blossom in your chest as you felt your stomach clench.
“Hold it,” she replied firmly, but didn’t stop her assault.
“I’m gonna- please, slow down!”
“I said to hold it.”
But it was too late, you had already started to tip over the edge before you could do anything else to warn her or ward her off. The way she was hitting your g-spot combined with the heavy edging she had subjected you to made your resistance useless.
The second she felt your muscles tighten hard around her fingers, she saw red. She didn’t even contemplate working you through your orgasm as she immediately pulled her fingers out of you, ruining the euphoria of your high as you were left pulsing around nothing and starved of the release you wanted. An involuntary scream left your lips as you began to thrash hard again, but a hard slap to your thigh stopped you.
“You dirty fucking slut! You’re nothing but a greedy little whore whose cunt rules her. You can’t even follow directions,” she stormed around the table to stand by your face, her hand coming to grip your jaw tight and angle it toward her, “fucking say it.”
You were still trying to catch your breath, to come back to your body as salvia caught in your throat.
Another brutal slap sounded through the room as Pam whacked you across the face with anger and conviction. The sharp sting made tears well in your eyes.
“Do I have to make you say it? Move these useless lips myself? You’re supposed to be a good little toy and yet I still do all the work.”
“I’m, I’m nothing but a greedy, a greedy little whore whose cunt rules her. I can’t even follow directions,” you did your very best to choke out.
“Not even an apology,” she scoffed and dropped your head back to the table with a clang.
“I’m-” but she cut you off.
“Save it. I don’t want to hear another word you have to say. Toys don’t need to talk. They have nothing important to say.”
Tears finally fell over your lash line and streaked your cheeks. But you weren’t ready to tap out yet. You didn’t want to.
“You will prove your atonement to me, and you’ll do it with that tongue of yours buried deep in Mistress’s pussy,” Pam sneered as she slapped your face even harder (if that was possible) in the opposite direction, “you better get to work to prove to me that I should show you any semblance of mercy.”
She started to hike up the latex dress she wore, “and you better get to work. We have a long night ahead of us.”
And you as strange as it may have sounded, you looked forward to it.
i haven't written smut in years, and haven't written good smut maybe ever lmao, so i hope this was up to par! forgive any errors, i wrote and edited this at 2am
once again, plllsss read marie's series (and just everything she writes bc holy fuck are they are all so good) also very much blushing reading this back in the light of day who knows if this stays up lmao
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fiddlepickdouglas · 4 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 2 - Desert Oasis
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, was it coincidence or was it meant to be?, 2.3k
@trevor-wilson-covington is my bestie who makes me these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
Part 1
The boys entered the empty theater from backstage, all gazing at the splendor of it. Luke leapt onto the stage with a stomp, smiling at the echo. Alex just took in the high ceiling, the lights, and the private boxes that made it feel less like a concert venue and more like a mini operahouse. Reggie seemed to think something similar, and by extension made some wobbly ballerina spins across the stage. Not to miss an opportunity to show good form, Alex pirouetted and ended with a jeté, unable to resist feeling smug.
“Now that Alex has christened the stage,” Bobby said. “When do we do a sound check?”
“The stage manager guy said not till about five,” Luke mentioned. “So we can do whatever we need until then.”
“Then why’d we get here so early?”
Both Alex and Reggie gave Bobby funny looks. They knew why. Bobby’s face went from confusion to understanding as he added things together. Luke was already heading back toward the green room. Julie Molina hadn’t arrived yet, but he was clearly excited for when she did. He was probably compiling lyrics to show her.
“Met her once and he’s twitterpated,” Bobby joked, Reggie chuckling after him. “Bet you know what that’s all about, though, right Alex?”
“Well...” Alex said in a high-pitched voice. He wasn’t entirely sure if it was the same thing. Willie was nice, and seemed to accept his invitation, but he didn’t dare assume.
“Come on, that waiter couldn’t keep his eyes off you,” Bobby insisted.
“Waiter?” Reggie puzzled. “What waiter?”
Alex looked at him, sticking his tongue in his cheek. “Really?”
Reggie shook his head, still clueless. Bobby stuck his hands in his pockets.
“Your friend, Smooth McDuck, here practically asked him out right in front of us,” he said. “How many pancakes did you eat anyway?”
“Ooooh that waiter!” Reggie said, finally.
“Okay,” Alex muttered to himself as they continued toward the green room. He didn’t want to get his hopes too high, especially with Bobby being so encouraging. Part of him was almost afraid of seeing Willie actually show up at the show tonight. It was more from the uncertainty of what Alex would do if he saw him again because he didn’t trust himself to keep his cool. How he’d managed it back in the diner he attributed to either his upset stomach or mild shock. 
As they reached the green room, Luke was on the phone, a concentrated look on his face. A crew member sat with his arms folded next to him.
“Uh huh...okay, thank you.” He sighed. “Yeah, sure thing. Thanks, bye.” He hung up and ran his hands over his face.
“What was that about?” Alex asked.
“Just called the motel to see when we could check in and they’re flooded, plus their other rooms are full,” Luke told them. “But they’re gonna give us our money back and hopefully we can find somewhere soon.”
Everyone groaned at the inconvenience. Finding somewhere in Vegas that they could afford within a handful of hours sounded practically impossible.
“Who wants to go hotel hunting?” Bobby said solemnly, looking around for more volunteers.
“I’ll do it,” Reggie responded.
“Me too,” Alex followed. “Is there a phone book?”
“I got you,” the crew member said, going back to a closet and pulling one out. He handed it to Alex, who proceeded to flip through the yellow pages.
“Anyone got a notepad so we can write numbers down?” he asked.
After a bit of scrambling between the rest of them, a pen and notepad were provided.
“I’m gonna go get the cash back,” Luke said, heading out to the van and disappearing.
In a combination of checking their map and collecting a list of numbers and locations, the other three looked at their options.
“Okay, I say we take turns making calls,” he said.
For the next hour Bobby, Reggie and Alex rotated between contacting numerous hotels and writing down prices and seeing where reservations were open. Most places were too expensive, the rest were booked. They were down to the last two numbers, and Reggie was on the second to last call.
“We need two rooms. Or one with room for four, if you have that,” he was saying for the umpteenth time. The silence thickened with anticipation, and then thinned out again. “No problem. Thanks anyway, bye.”
Hanging the receiver, Reggie sighed heavily.
“Man, if this last one doesn’t work, I am gonna hate driving back overnight,” Bobby stated.
“Me too, I can’t fall asleep in the car,” Reggie said. “I don’t know how Luke does it.”
“Well, let’s try this last one and hope for the best,” Alex told them.
He picked up the receiver again and dialed the last number, listening to it connect to the operator and then start ringing.
“Thanks for calling the Desert Oasis, my name is William, how can I help you?” A familiar voice said on the other line.
Alex dropped his jaw.
“Willie?” he breathed. Bobby and Reggie perked up in interest. Luke reentered the green room as he returned from collecting their money.
“Um...yes?” Willie answered in confusion. “Who am I speaking to?”
Alex chuckled nervously, avoiding the looks on all his friends’ faces.
“It’s, uh...it’s Alex. You work at a hotel too?” One of the guys playfully socked him in the shoulder and he swatted them away.
“Yeah, I do.” He could hear the slight happy tone in his voice and had to make himself focus on the task at hand.
“Cool, well, me and the guys are actually kinda desperate. Do you have any open rooms?”
“We should.” Alex pumped his fist excitedly at those words. He could see the rest of the guys’ faces light up.
“Do you want one with four beds or two with two beds?” Willie continued.
“What’s cheaper?”
“The one room. How many nights do you need?”
“Just tonight,” Alex told him.
There was a short pause on the other line.
“Okay, I’ve got you in.”
“Yes!” Alex exclaimed, to which the boys started celebrating. Luke and Bobby hollered while Reggie gave everyone high-fives. Honestly, if Willie had been in the room, Alex might have nearly choked him with a tight hug. “Thank you, Willie, thank you, thank you!”
WIllie giggled on the other line.
“Of course! You guys should check in soon though.”
“Yes, right,” Alex calmed from his euphoria. “We’ll be there as soon as we can. Thank you, again!”
“Yeah man, I’ll see you soon!”
Alex hung up and ran his hands through his hair in relief.
Luke wrapped an arm around Alex and thumped his chest, and Alex in turn messed up his hair.
“Okay boys, let’s get checked in!” Luke cried as they all ran to clamber into the van again.
Alex was still wonderstruck at the idea of seeing Willie again. It had been only a couple of hours; maybe he’d been nervous at the thought of him appearing later that evening but now he was too excited for that. Even though it was a short drive, he made sure to ride shotgun this time. The last thing he wanted was for the nausea to resurface.
As they arrived, Alex grabbed his backpack and headed straight for the front desk. It was empty, but soon a man with dark curly hair came around the corner and stepped behind it.
“Sunset Curve, I presume?” he asked. He had a slight accent that Alex couldn’t place. Maybe it was French? Either way, he was disappointed not to see Willie there. The rest of the guys had piled in behind him.
“Yeah, man, that’s us!” Luke said, stepping forward.
“Tell your friends!” Reggie quipped habitually. The concierge gave him a stiff but polite smile. Luke quickly handed him the cash to pay for their stay and he was handed a room key.
“Your room will be on the second floor and then all the way down the hall to your right. Have a wonderful stay.”
Alex sat in disbelief while Luke had handled everything, so Reggie had to nudge him. Returning to the present, he shouldered his backpack and followed the boys to the elevator. He didn’t like the unsettling feeling descending on him like a shadow. It was more than just not seeing Willie upon arrival, but he couldn’t explain it just yet. A small pat to his shoulder diverted his attention.
“He’ll be around here somewhere,” Bobby assured him.
Alex nodded back to him, glad for the support. This was a newer side he was seeing from Bobby, and it was a change that strangely didn’t make him completely freak out.
As they got into their room, Reggie sprawled onto the main bed as though he were landing on a cloud. Luke claimed the couch, which Bobby insisted was a pullout bed as well. They all got to argue over which territory they claimed, and found out that the couch was just a couch, but there was a bed that came down off the wall in the closet. Reggie had brought his stuffed bear and placed it on the main bed, saying it was now being “reserved”. In retaliation, Bobby threatened to be the big spoon, to which Reggie replied “I’ll just be the bigger spoon!” in a very flustered manner. Alex sat on the bed from the wall with his legs crossed, enjoying the insanity.
“What you should really be fighting over is who gets to shower first,” he said, knowing the seeds of chaos he was sowing.
“Dibs! I call dibs!” Reggie yelled, raising a hand.
“Not if you can’t get in there first,” Luke said as he passed him on the way to the bathroom. This caused a comical fight to enter the bathroom, which Reggie ultimately lost.
“They know there’s showers at the venue, right?” Bobby muttered over to Alex.
“Not if we don’t tell ‘em,” Alex murmured back, giving him a fist bump. He preferred not to wait for all three of them at either location to finish getting cleaned up after the show.
Bobby picked up Luke’s acoustic and started playing around, and quickly Reggie sat on the floor to listen. Alex didn’t feel up to jamming and decided he needed to get out.
“I’m gonna take a walk,” he announced, to which the other boys only nodded. He caught Reggie’s hypnotized expression as he looked up at Bobby and chuckled as he made his way out the door. He wondered if they would ever figure it out.
Alex pulled a drumstick out of his fanny pack and dragged it along the wall of the hotel, tapping a simple rhythm. This place was across the street from the diner, he’d noticed on their way in. The temptation to search for Willie grew, but he questioned it for a moment. Was he really going to get feelings for a guy he’d barely met and likely wouldn’t see after this trip? It seemed a little crazy.
He came to the end of the hallway and peered through the window overlooking the street. It was kind of a pretty view of the Red Rock Canyon, and would have been even better if the window had been wider. The sun was bright, inviting him to go outside. It isn’t searching for Willie, it’s just getting fresh air, he told himself. He took the stairs down to the main floor and waved at the concierge as he pushed his way out the door.
The wind had picked up a little, and Alex breathed in as the breeze swept over him. The heat was a little more intense than back home, but he liked the change. Heading toward the sidewalk, he chose to try just walking around the block before going back up to the room. Being on the outskirts of the city was thankfully much quieter.
Quiet enough to hear the gentle click-rooolllllll of small wheels behind him.
Before he could fully turn around, Alex was hit full force with someone’s entire body weight and they both landed together on the concrete. Grunting in pain, he looked to see Willie on the ground beside him, hand on top of a cracked helmet.
“There are better ways of getting my attention,” he said hoarsely, standing up.
“Sorry, I was meaning to stop before I got to you,” Willie said, chuckling through his own pain and holding onto his skateboard. Alex offered him a hand and Willie took it to help himself up. The closeness already had Alex catching his breath and he mentally begged to hold himself together repeatedly.
“So I don’t get it, do you just run back and forth between the hotel and the diner as you’re needed?” Alex asked.
Willie’s eyes went side to side and he shrugged.
“Sort of,” he told him. “It makes every day different.”
Alex caught a glimpse at his other hand and saw the newly opened sore that wasn’t being mentioned.
“Willie, your hand!” He cried, carefully taking hold of it so the palm faced up.
“It’s no big deal,” Willie said while trying to pull it away. Alex kept a firm grip on his wrist so he couldn’t hide it. “I’ve had worse.”
“Well, you shouldn’t stay cut open,” Alex scolded gently. He dug into his fanny pack and pulled out an alcohol cotton pad and some bandaids.
“Do you seriously carry those with you everywhere?” Willie wondered as Alex opened the packet.
“You’ve seen my friends, right?” was his only response. He continued to clean Willie’s hand, ignoring his winces, gasps and reflexive jerking, and then covered it the best he could with the bandaids. Willie just bit his lip and sighed.
“You used to play doctor with your teddy bear as a kid, huh?”
Alex looked at him and the adorable expression on his face was too much. He smirked.
“Right, hah. Not gonna be a problem, will it?”
Retaining his smile, Willie sat backward and raised his eyebrows.
“Problem? I don’t think so.”
He dropped his board and kicked off.
“Hey, where are you going?” Alex said, running after him.
Willie simply nodded for him to follow, and it was all too compelling. Holding the strap on his fanny pack, he ran to catch up, unsure where they were headed.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
MTV Unplugged presents: BTS
by Admin 1
What a time to not only be alive, but also be ARMY with BTS taking the MTV Unplugged stage on February 23rd 2021 as the first Korean artists in history to do so. It’s another marvelous achievement on the already highly impressive list BTS have to their name, another mark they’re leaving on history and another piece solidifying their place among musics greatest, at least if you ask me and everyone else who tuned in and was left extremely impressed and emotional, a mix of euphoria, emotional rawness, but also a sense of warm, soft, and gentle comfort and hope.
With this gorgeously put together setlist they’ve also proven, once more, that even when you take away all the high budget stadium stages, the dynamic and explosive choreographies and the fancy music video editing, and just focus on their craft as musicians and their most valuable instruments--their voices--BTS can stand their ground easily. Their talent and passion is unmistakable and shines brightly in all these songs, four of their own and one cover.
The performance was shown simultaneously on dozens of MTV stations across the globe, some watching on TV and others via official live streams, and yet others catching up with what they missed hours later. All the promo, hype and attention paid off and they showed that it was all worth it, that they are more than worth it, and that we as ARMY have every right to be proud of them and be proud of being ARMY.
So, let’s do what I love doing most and talk about each performance, shall we?
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What an absolutely delightful, happy and funky way to open the show and introduce new listeners to just how fun BTS can be. The stage was one giant room filled with lost of little details, including a motorbike with a second passenger extension, arcade games, a football game, and a sofa. Right from the get go there’s this joyful aura around the members, smiles on their faces, little dance moves making their steps light and fun--they were having fun and subsequently we were, too.
How wonderful is it to also finally see Yoongi with them as well, even if it’s very noticeable (and understandable) that he’s keeping his shoulder steady and arm moving as little as possible? After all Telepathy was “his” song for BE and contains lots of little Yoongi signature features, most obviously his knack for playing with autotune in a way that is very audible yet never quite too much, just walking along the line in an interesting way. There’s a genius note change from Hobi in the second half of the song that’s one of the absolute highlights, just like Namjoon and Seokjin doing their little minimal movement dances in the back while grooving along to the music.
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As Vminnies we get our own little treat with Jimin and Tae coming together to sing alongside each other and do their little dance as well which we’ve previously seen during the Dear Class of 2020 performance of Mikrocosmos. Then to finish off their little segment, they also do this funny little thing of pointing at each other with Tae as though acting like he (perhaps) wants to boop Jimin’s face/nose from afar. Absolutely adorable.
Speaking of which, can we talk about their cute Donald and Daisy Duck accents on their clothes and accessories which add this little sense of retro? As well as the fact that Tae is wearing the cardigan equivalent to Jimin’s Gucci sweater from his NOTES on Dis-ease video? I do very much enjoy these little details from the stylists. Also, has anyone else noticed that Tae has different in-ears? His usual ones were green yet here they’re translucent.
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The way I gasped when the members turned to Tae and asked him to introduce the next song and he said it’s one that is very meaningful to him, honestly, I can’t even describe it. I was so, so happy but also getting ready to be swallowed by all the feels. I know ARMY sns had theories that we’d get Blue & Grey based on the visuals of that stage which we got in the teasers, and yet somehow I still wasn’t quite ready when the song began and we were graced with absolutely breathtaking vocals that went straight for the heart.
The visuals for this performance were perfect for the song while being interesting yet not too much that it would pull your attention away from the song itself. One by one the members sang their parts and found their places along the two main walls, the lighting cold yet on the white/grey side, none of them really interacting or looking at each other which was fitting with the atmosphere of that blue and grey feeling. Then, for the second half, the ‘stage’ switched to more of a blue lighting and we had moments where first Seokjin and JK sang together and then Jimin and Tae, their voices harmonizing so heavenly with each other yet still none of the members really looked at each other, at most looking into the camera.
I love how this performance put the focus on each member on their own but also in moments on the entire group, that feeling of being alone but never quite alone, that they have each other, and that we have them. Tae also really seemed to be highlighted during this performance, which makes sense when given the history of how the song came to be. But, really, each of them was just as visible and equally beautiful in this.
Speaking of beautiful, my jaw dropped when we got to see (and hear) Namjoon during his verse. Honestly, that mans beauty and handsomeness--it somehow keeps on increasing with each time we see him.
From anon: Omg vmin in blue and grey 😭😭😭. They coudnt even look to each other while singing “Don't say you're fine' Cause you're not Please don't leave me alone, it hurts too much” it’s my fav part by the way and their harmonization it’s heaven. I loved they choose this song to the mtv performance!
As much as this was supposed to be a surprise, MTV accidentally spoiled it hours before their performance was aired, and yet, despite knowing it was coming, I don’t think any of us were quite prepared for it right after Blue & Grey.
Fix You is a gorgeous song in its original version with a sad backstory, and it’s one of those Coldplay songs that they are extremely selective over when it comes to requests for official covers or use for commercials or movies/shows. They are about their entire discography, but I think it especially goes for this song, and yet they gave BTS the permission to do this official unplugged cover.
We also know the song means something more to the members, seeing as Jimin posted a video on their 6h anniversary showing the members during a trip they’d gone on together while the song is playing in the background. They also spoke about Coldplay during the press conference before their Wembley concerts, and Namjoon and Hobi had gone to one of their concerts a few years ago, as well as Tae on a different occasion. There certainly is a level of admiration and respect involved, a deeper connection to what they were singing, which was very clear and tangible during their performance as well.
Vocal line were truly outstanding in this, especially Seokjin (who took sns by storm as the “pink mic guy” with floods of praise and people wondering who he is, what his name is, because they’d all fallen in love with him--very relatable because same). Rap line switched between harmonizing with the vocalists in their low register and did a beautiful job of it. Namjoon harmonizing with Seokjin truly gave me goosebumps (and made my little namjin heart very happy). We also had Tae and Hobi harmonizing and sharing a brief smile with each other, as well as Namjoon harmonizing with Jungkook and Jimin, and Yoongi harmonizing with Tae and Jungkook.
The stage was also beautifully thought out, minimal yet captivating at once, all the members sitting on barstools in a line with the blinds drawn on the windows behind them, spotlights shining on them from above and others dancing behind them giving them a beautiful glow and turning something simple into something extraordinary and gorgeous. They truly didn’t need any more than that.
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And like their performance wasn’t outstanding enough, we also saw Coldplay themselves not only tweet about it while calling the cover beautiful in Korean (and tagging the member’s twitter account instead of the _bighit one), but also post the same comment below the video on YouTube and share links to it on their facebook and IG stories, as well as sharing the video in their community tab on their YouTube channel. 
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So, not only did BTS garner big approval from Coldplay fans and ARMY alike, but also from the original artist. A wonderful moment in music and between two legendary artists in their own right.
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This acoustic version of Life Goes On is truly a masterpiece, so calm, soothing and offering that sense of comfort, togetherness, and this reassurance that life will go on, that we’re together in this, that we’ve made it through the blue & grey, that we’ve helped each other to “fix” ourselves, and that we can now slowly heal and grow from the things we’ve gone through. The electric guitar, the slow and quiet drums and on top of that the members voices, all of it coming together truly beautifully.
Their outfits kind of gave me UK private school or University secret society vibes, or as Admin 2 called it “ready to go hunting, we’re just missing our Beagles or Basset Hounds” which isn’t necessarily wrong. And yet the warm shades of brown fit the atmosphere of the song really well, complement it even.
While we’re “used” to vmin having their little moment, we only really saw Tae smiling towards Jimin, though the camera unfortunately didn’t give us a wide shot to see if Jimin returned his smile, though I’ll go ahead and say he likely did if he noticed Tae’s. Though honestly, Tae’s wide happy smile was enough to melt my heart on its own.
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And then, to close out the night, we got a very funky and fun yet calm version of Dynamite during which, surprisingly enough, the members actually stay in their seats against all ARMY theories and bets (well, okay, Namjoon stood up for a moment, but sat down really quickly again and no one actually got out of their seats to dance). Who would’ve thought a day like this would come, especially looking at how they got up in previous seated performances of Dynamite.
I love the not so subtle flex of all their gold, silver and platinum records across the wall behind them, as well as their MTV moon men. With how humble they are about their awards and achievements, this felt like a good moment to highlight just how hard they’ve worked, how much they’ve achieved, before they got the chance to be on MTV Unplugged and that truly, if someone deserves to be there and showcase their talents, its them.
Looking at how many times we’ve seen and heard Dynamite, it’s fascinating how they still managed to create a version that was different from all the previous ones and felt fresh and new. Their outfits were simple and all white and thus didn’t pull too much attention onto them leaving the focus on the music and vocals. Tae’s adlibs were absolutely fantastic and they all just seemed to have so much fun with this performance, smiling and dancing in their seats, obviously having a great time. We even got Jimin smiling and scrunching up his nose happily at Tae while he sang! 
Overall this MTV Unplugged performance was a wonderful display of their talents and music merits, their vocals and rap, and just how outstanding they are as a group on this vast world stage. The setlist was perfect, though perhaps a little short. Honestly, if you ask me, they could’ve performed five or ten more songs and I would’ve remained glued to the screen through it all. And yet, still, I couldn’t have asked for more. I was left brown away and so extremely impressed despite being ARMY and knowing how good BTS are. They truly manage to find new ways to grow, evolve, and showcase their musicality with each performance. I also love how they don’t shy away from trying new things and challenges, like rap line singing and harmonizing with the vocals.
I’ll definitely come back to watching these stages many times in the future and they’re easily up there in my top ten of favorite performances of all time. Thank you, BTS, and thank you MTV Unplugged.
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washymylifeaway · 4 years
Haikyuu SakuAtsu fanfic recs: series edition ;)
As I was making that cursed SakuAtsu fanfic rec post (it really is cursed, but it’ll get done eventually cause I do love the SakuAtsu too much, when tho? only god know LOL), I decided that if I’m gonna finish it, imma have to break it up. SO that’s why this is our lovely series edition post LOL. Originally, it WAS writers, tags, series, then single fics BUT I decided to scrap tags and even then I was like it’s too long..... And so, this post materialized LOL (mayhaps writers next? who knows anymore cause I certainly don’t LOL). These are ONLY some of the series that I absolutely adore, and I say some because 1) the tag is literally like 4k fics long and I was on like page 20 something and I have SO many tabs open rn for SakuAtsu, so chances are I missed one or five LOL :’((((( and 2) my ao3 account hasn’t been made yet (should’ve done this a looooooong time ago) and so I don’t have them all saved anywhere :( (these just sound like excuses LMFAO) So these are just the ones I saw and was like OOP I LOVE and then added LOL (and so they’re in no particular order hehe). I also didn’t *** any of them cause they’re all so freakin good and even if you randomly chose one, you will not be disappointed.
As per usual, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for series and each individual fic before reading and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
I would also be more careful cause there are a lot more TW in these fics than other ships!
Terminal Curiosity by favspacetwink, moonlumie (E) // CHECK WARINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES!!! this is one of the BEST series I’ve read for this ship and even though I tend not to read WIP, IT’S WORTH IT! Please read ALL the tags before going into any of the fics in this series because there’s some real spicy stuff that may not be your cup of tea!
your highs and lows by astroeulogy (T,M,E) // this fic made me go on a roller coaster of feels from start to (tentative) finish :))) It’s great and I love it AHHHHH The progression in their relationship is just so ajfkjsf, and I just adore how Atsumu just broke(?) during that first fic and the number of double takes he did, v relatable LOL.
Different Kinds of Dysfunctional by DeathBelle (T,E) // I LOVE the entrance to this fic and how it flowed so well. I think Atsumu is characterized really well throughout this series (I could totally see Atsumu bringing the same thing up over and over again LOL), and his development was done beautifully (You just want to make me say it.,,, Kinda, yeah.). I really freakin love this series so please go ahead and read it don’t be shy hehehe.
we call everything on the ice, "love" by awkwardedgeworth (T) // I LOVE this fic omg,,, it’s in series, but it’s only two fics LOL... Anyway, Notte Stellata is one of my favorite SakuAtsu fics and I have reread it way TOO many times and the fanpage fic IS SO AMAZING (AND FUNNY ASF PLS). I really love ice skating AU’s too so this really made this ‘series’ all the more better <333333
know you better & related stories by theglitterati (T,M,E) // this is definitely one of the best relationship development series I’ve read, I love it so much! It really touches all the bases, and the progression is just SO good. It really is the fic version of the get along shirt, extended edition LOL.
flutterbird (a collection of sakuatsu one-shots) by wordstruck (T,M,E) // this series is such an easy pick up because it’s a bunch of one-shots (esp. if you’re not into smut cause there is some), BUT all of them are def worth a read. Personally, the third one, the sakusa kiyoomi listography, is my favorite (cause imma sucker for Sakusa), but that’s just personal preference hehe :)
Atsumu + Sakusa + The National = ? by isaksara (syailendra) (T,M) // this is another stand alone fic series but with AUs :D I don’t even know like most (ie. all) of the references (LMFAO), but I still read all of them LOL. Again, a personal favorite (without any references LOL) is the second one, famous angels (never come through england), it’s really funny and good and I just love it okay?
Better For Us Both by abrandnewheart (M) // (this was CP from my angst fic rec post LOL tho it is slightly edited cause istg my writing style changes every post LOL) THE MUG FIC. There is a sequel and when I saw it, it took me another week to read it cause I was like,,, am I ready to have my heart break again? No LOL. But the sequel is actually not as angst (but there’s still angst), so if you want to be like semi-broken or whatever, just read the sequel LOL (also it’s Sakusa POV HEHE). It’s so sad and it made me physically hurt every time someone even mentioned mugs afterwards (LOL why am I so dramatic but it’s the truth :///). Go ahead and hurt with me. You should read it even if you don’t like angst because you know what they say, no pain no gain :’)
parallax error: angle of inclination by min_mintobe (T) // okay so technically this ‘isn’t a series’, but it is two fic that are related, and what is that if not A SERIES :DDDDD Anyway, I really love this fic enough that I would find loopholes in my own dang post to recommend it LOL. I really love the service ace bet between Sakusa and Atsumu (I do think it is a superior headcannon (it’s hc right?)) but I also love what’s left unsaid by both in each other’s POVs hehe. If you want to go straight to Sakusa’s POV (cause their different POVs of the same fic), here it is parallax error: line of sight. You can read either first, but I recommend you read both eventually :)
to make any other mistake by honeymilktea (rosevtea) (T) // I, myself, am a very big fan of college Haikyuu (tho idk if it seems like that LOL), and this fic is very much up my alley hehe. I really like the idea that they are both TA’s and that Atsumu would totally bribe Sakusa into fake dating him as well as Sakusa wearing his brightest outfits to spite Atsumu.
How Do You Know? by awkwardedgeworth (T) // these fics are both so funny omg. The google search histories, the trial and error, and just everything in these two fics gives me so much dopamine LOL. There’s one POV for both end of the ship, though their tragedies are slightly different.
the human disaster chronicles by firtree (G,T) // is this another Atsumu gay panic fic? Yes, yes it is and I have absolutely no shame in recommending it hehe. I realllllllly like this fic and Atsumu having a break down cause Sakusa didn’t follow his routine? It is the move. Anyway, pls read this series cause like the title suggests, it really is a disaster (but at least there’s love right? LOL).
I Love You (Though it's Inadvisable) by Anubis_2701 (T) // okay the series itself is a wip (as in only one fic for now LOL), but the fic is so good, I couldn’t leave it off :))))) First, I do love a good soulmate AU and although I’m not a big fan on the body switching AUs, THIS one was SO good!!! It gets really cheesy and fluff at the end, but the beginning of this fic was just so immaculate, that we’re gonna ignore how much the ending made me want to stick my head into a hole (cause it was so FLUFF OMG).
The Germaphobe and the Asshole by metaandpotatoes (T,E) // so this series is also actually a WIP, but it’s okay I only read the first and the last one anyway cause they’re basically stand alone’s LOL. This series focuses a lot on Sakusa’s mysophobia, so if you’re not a fan of the hc, you should prolly pass hehe. TBH, my favorite is the third one, Avoidance Behavior, but that’s mainly cause I really like SunaOsa and I love the brother bond in it!
you are the cause of my euphoria by SugarHighs (T) // ajsfljksadhjkdfk is my first thoughts while reading this series cause ATSUMU WOULD. He would start posting thirst trap pics (which really reminded me of Wonho) in order to prove he was the most good looking member of MSBY. Tho, we do love the clowning of one Sakusa Kiyoomi, as done in the third fic (PLEASE NUMBER 17 AND Cheezel). Even if you can’t get yourself to read the other fics, read the third one, 5 Ways To Tell If The Person You're Dating Is The One, for the free serotonin boost plsplspls.
'basis' - noun. the underlying foundation for an idea or process. by auvelli (T) // like I said, college AU is a great AU, love it. This one, I do love indeed. We do stan having microwaves and mini fridges hehe. I support the ramen endeavors but oatmeal is gross, I said what I said. Anyway, I love the tags in the second fic, so even if you don’t end up reading it, read the tags,,,, they’re funny okay?
and i press you to the pages of my heart by volchitsae (T) // I LOVE THIS ONE, teehee again the college AU makes another appearance LOL. I REALLY love this writer, and this one is so funny but cute at the same time. It’s another two POV fic, but you’ll want to read this one in order hehe. Again, the ending is so FLUFF, that my head wanted to take a visit to the underground BUT ITS OKAY.
affection and acid reflux by volchitsae (T) // so the first fic is ~angst~ but IT GETS BETTER OKAY, happy endings. HAPPY ENDINGS. Anyway, there’s some really cute Sakusa in this one (esp. when he talks to the boy at the village LOVE HIM) and a healthy amount of angst as well. I really like this fic and guess what it is? Say it with me, COLLEGE AU LOL.
how big the hourglass, how deep the sand by volchitsae (E) // did I just recommend the same writer three times in a row? Yup and I think that says something LOL (tbh I like some of their stand alone fics more tho LMFAO but that doesn’t mean these series are bad nononono not at ALL (this sounded sarcastic but that was not the intention LOL)). This one is ~magical~ (v literally) and has some kinky stuff (holy water ftw) in it, so tread carefully :) I would make sure to read the tags before each one because it gets kinda steamy LOL.
^^ if I had to choose between these three, I liked and i press you to the pages of my heart the most just cause the plot was my type LOL. But they’re all good hehe.
a study on you(th) and reverie by sieges (G,T) // this series is such a sad series :( The first two are the only SakuAtsu but the third one is an angst Osamu one so there’s that LOL (and ofc the fourth one is KuniYama (is that their ship name idk)) But the first one is a moving on fic (which I liked) and the second is like basically a fake break up (which I liked more LOL) and both have some nice shares of angst and fluff so choose your battles wisely (or just read both LOL).
Burden of Blame by DeathBelle (E) // CHECK WARINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES!!! ah yes, the mafia fic LOL. I REALLY LOVE THIS FIC. I felt so bad for Atsumu the entire fic and yes it is, ATSUMU BEST BOY time. Did I really just recommend this series AGAIN for the THIRD TIME in THREE SEPARATE POSTS? Apparently LMFAO I didn’t even know TBH LOL. I just really like this one,,,,,, okay? But pls Atsumu just here for the ride man cause he BEST BOY. Anyway, if you want to see my other comments of this fic that I forgot I did links here :D (links and here are two separate links to two separate posts LOL).
OKAY so that’s most of the series that I saw and was like gotta put this here LOL. And do you see how long this is (I know I’m missing so many series I like istg when I find them later imma cry or just make another post LOL).... Can you imagine how long my actual fic fic one is LOL (i’m not kidding tho it’s so long I might just do fics with their actual summaries instead of adding my invalid, piss poor reviews :/). Ugh the more I think about it, the more I lose motivation to finish LMFAO, so imma go be no thoughts head empty, but I hope you enjoyed reading these series! I love SakuAtsu SO much, so there’s lots more to come (is that good or bad idek). I know I was kinda lazy on the warnings (my bad), so I hope you all were attentive and made sure to check before reading! Also if there are any errors, send me a message/ask! PLS, they’re v embarrassing LOL. (Also tell me if I forget to cap my I’s bc I do that sometimes and I can’t tell cause of the font LMFAO.) The way my posts get slightly more chaotic every time I post LOL.
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