#soonyoung blurbs
holdinbacksecrets · 2 years
hi!! can u do the “oh, its love” thing for jihoon and soonyoung??? <3
thank you for requesting! i enjoyed writing these 🖤
soonyoung: it’s freezing outside. it’s absolutely freezing. the rain drenched your coat. the wind stole your breath, and all you want now is soonyoung. it’s the moment when your eyes meet as he opens the front door. his gaze molds into love— into sincere concern, and he holds out his hand to you. he doesn’t say anything as his palms frame your face, squishing your cheeks ever-so gently. his lips find your forehead for the very first time in your year of knowing each other, and you find your breath again. your chest feels light and warm, and he holds you despite your damp clothing, smiling at the scent of rain. he holds you until you can’t wait any longer to take a shower and get dressed in something warm, drink something warmer, and talk to the only person who can never get enough of your thoughts, rambles, and when it’s needed, silence
jihoon: you haven’t slept on a couch since you were a teenager, spending the night in your best friend’s basement. the sofa in their family’s television room felt like a dream you always looked forward to collapsing into again. but the dream has slipped away— became blurry before you started spending nights with jihoon in his studio. as a teenager, you slept over because you were too tired to drive home. as an adult, you arrive because you can’t fall asleep at home, all alone. your body sinks into his couch like you’ve sunk into love, and now you want it all the time. you want him close. you want the sound of his voice and hums over shining the senseless thoughts in your head. you want his jacket on your legs and the air’s aroma that lulls you to sleep in your senses. it’s the desire for close, closer, closest, and there’s no denying it’s love
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sweetkpopmusings · 1 year
how they feel before they know it's love with seventeen <3
a/n: i'm genuinely obsessed with "i don't understand but i luv u" like i have been listening nonstop since it dropped and i cannot get enough <333 i thought it'd be cute to do a lil post somewhat inspired by the song, so here it is !! i hope you find some comfort in the sweetness of these :,-) pics not mine~
content: fluff, sentimental and cute vibes only | wc: 2.6k | warnings: none really! | pairing: seventeen x gn!reader | requests: open
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seungcheol, as a leader, knows how to step back and support his members, even when it comes to holding back what he wants to say to let the others continue the excited conversation. with you, it was an entirely different story. it’s not that he ever spoke over you–he would never dream of such a thing–but he talked with you nonstop. there was an effortless exuberance in your conversations because he knew that you’d always listen to him. anything, truly anything, that popped into seungcheol’s head was something he wanted to share with you. sometimes he worried that he was annoying you with his endless chatter, but speaking his mind to you was instinctive. he wanted to share every one of his thoughts and perspectives with you because he wanted you to have all of him. every word he said to you was filled with a deep desire to share himself with you. the vulnerability that flowed through each conversation with you convinced him that maybe, just maybe, there were some important words he had not said to you yet. 
jeonghan’s an extremely caring person. everyone knows that about him, but his thoughtfulness towards you went to a whole different level. he thought of you first for everything. everything. he could be on tour and trying a new drink, and the first thing that would pop into his head is “y/n would love this drink.” he did not care that you were hundreds of miles away from him; at that moment, all he would want to do is send you the drink in his hand, so you could try it and then tell him what you think about it. he never realized thought of you constantly until one of his members–probably joshua–pointed out how he always said your name in conversations or bought two of everything just in case. jeonghan would never intentionally try to bring you up, nor was he aware of how he ended up with duplicates of small items. in truth, your name was always on the tip of his tongue, and you were always on his mind. one day soon, something else would be on the tip of his tongue when he said your name. 
joshua tried to play it cool, but he was fascinated by you as soon as he laid eyes on you. the nuances of how you speak, the gestures you make when you’re telling a story, and the way your favorite songs exposed the most important parts of you–shua was obsessed with memorizing each of these things. when something about you was engraved in his mind, he would show you he knew it by teasing you. his imitations or remarks were always spot on, but they clearly came from a place of fondness and attention. he teased you effortlessly with a soft smile and a sparkle in his eyes, something that made you melt each time. he wasn’t aware of the look on his face or the tone of his voice because the adoration came out so naturally when he was with you. if other people were around when shua poked fun at you, it was completely obvious to them what he was actually saying when he flawlessly imitated your facial expressions while telling a funny story from when you two went to a coffee shop over the weekend. even before either of you could put words to it, you could clearly feel the love behind every teasing jab.
junhui is so very unique, and that shines through in the way he treats you. from the moment he met you, he felt a very intense urge to make you smile. he thought about you constantly, and, one day while shopping around in a random city the day before a show, he found a small figurine that reminded him of you. he was so excited to give it to you that he couldn’t stop smiling every time he looked at it. from that point forward, he collected small trinkets and keepsakes for you, as a way to bring you a little burst of joy, even when he was away. sometimes he bought them, and other times he would just hold onto a sticker from a music shop you went to together, giving it to you when he was proud of you for a specific accomplishment. to junhui, it only made sense to write you a little note with your favorite jokes and hide it in your bag for whenever you had a bad day and needed a pick-me-up. through each thoughtful gift, it became clear that he wanted to give you the world, and junhui most certainly would, one snowglobe and ticket stub at a time. 
soonyoung always felt strongly about you, so he never really stopped to put an exact word to it. how he felt about and with you was something special, something only shared between you two. it was just the world you lived in together, and, in his mind, there was no reason to analyze his natural state of existence when it felt as wonderful as life did with you in it. one thing, however, that made his head feel light and his stomach feel frenzied was a new habit he developed after he met you. whenever he said something funny, even the smallest comment that made someone else laugh, he immediately had to tell you. he’d call you, send you a voice message, or rush over to you from across the room, just to tell you the story and repeat his silly little joke. soonyoung, from the first time he ever heard you laugh, knew that he needed to see that smile on your face and hear that sound fall from your lips every chance he got. he wasn’t quite sure what to call that. soon enough though, he’d figure out how to express his deepest feeling for you with words that weren’t tied to a punchline.
wonwoo always excelled at observing everyone and everything around him. after he met you, however, most of what he saw, heard, tasted, smelled, and touched made him think of you. everywhere he went, something reminded him of you, and he’d always smile. the shoes a stranger on the subway was wearing could be similar to a pair he saw you in the other week. maybe, in the back of the restaurant he ate at with friends after a long day of work, there was someone who ordered a drink he’d ordered for you a hundred times. no matter where he was, what he was doing, or whom he was with, wonwoo found something in his surroundings that tied him back to you. even when you two were together, you’d catch him smiling in a quiet moment. he’d brush it off, say “it’s nothing; i’m just happy to be here,” but, really, he’d want to say “the sound of the car horn made me think of that movie we watched together a few weeks ago, and every time i think of you i feel so comforted and happy, like nothing could ever go wrong.” he’d stay quiet, pondering what it truly meant to always find you in his surroundings regardless of the distance between you, and he’d squeeze your hand a little tighter as he discovered the answer.
it was extremely easy for jihoon to find inspiration for his music from you. what he didn’t realize was that you left an indelible mark on his taste in music. whenever you two spent time together, he would give you the aux (literal or proverbial) because he was interested in what music made you happy, sad, want to dance, relax, etc. he listened very intently, and it took almost no time at all for the songs you introduced to him to make their way onto his playlists. more than that, he would frequently hum the melodies of songs you showed him as he walked around his place and cleaned. no one would ever point it out to him because they had no way of knowing that the new songs he obsessed over were all tied to you, but, eventually, jihoon realized that all the songs he associated with you were the only ones he ever had stuck in his head now. memories of you permanently embedded songs into his mind, a playlist only for him to listen to in the quiet moments of life. as he wrote lyrics that expressed this occurrence, he understood that it all came down to the fact he could never, and would never, get you out of his head. 
seokmin was so fond of you, and he naturally expressed that fondness by giving you at least one thing to smile about each day. it started as a way to break the ice during conversations when you first got to know each other. once you two didn’t need icebreakers, the habit stayed, and seokmin’s habit became one of the strongest aspects of your relationship. seokmin never relied on anything fancy; he would send you a wholesome meme in the morning, so you could start your day smiling, or he would show you a funny video clip when you met up for dinner, starting the night off with a hefty dose of laughter. there was a sparkle in his eye when he laughed with you, one that only showed up when he saw your smile. he would be particularly proud if he made you laugh until tears fell or you smiled so big your cheeks hurt. whenever that happened, he would boast to his members, showing them the picture or video while beaming with excitement as he recounted your reaction. alongside his excitement toward your joy existed the fact that he couldn’t rest easy until he knew you had at least a little bit of serotonin in your day. truthfully, he never felt more at peace than when he was the source of that happiness, and he wanted to feel that for as long as humanly possible. 
mingyu has a real presence. from his height to his goofy personality, people know when mingyu is around. those charms were how he caught your eye, and he always got an energy boost when you were around. as he grew closer to you, more comfortable, mingyu’s behavior revealed an even sweeter side of him. whenever he spoke with you, his voice was soft and careful, every word meant for you only. his looks always held you gently as he soaked up every word that you shared with him. any times jokes or teasing comments wove their way into your conversations, he laughed hard but quietly, just loud enough for you to hear, even leaning closer to you, enclosing the both of you in the joy of the moment. if you had physical contact with each other, mingyu’s touches were as soft as everything else about him. it was never out of the belief that you were fragile. rather, tenderness radiated from mingyu whenever he felt you near, and it enveloped his entire being when he looked at you. mingyu was always caring, always considerate, but his loved ones often commented that they had never seen him so soft before. mingyu knew, without knowing how to explain it quite yet, that you were the difference.
minghao values peace and quiet. life is chaotic for most people, and this was especially true for someone in his line of work. he tried, as best as he could, to create pockets of calm whenever and wherever he could, through meditation or simply waking up to watch the sunrise by himself. searching for that peace grounded him in his toughest times, and he depended on that calmness to get through it all. as he got to know you, searching for that peace became easier. minghao was calmer, knowing you were there, and he instantly relaxed whenever you were beside him. there was not anything specific that you did; you could just look at him, and his whole body would relax, proving just how stressed he had been mere seconds before he laid eyes on you. to minghao, you were the ultimate source of serenity. he never wanted to lean into clichés, but it was true that, even in a crowded room, he would know you were there by the way his heartbeat relaxed into a natural, happy rhythm. it didn’t take long for minghao to notice that you had this effect on him. it also wouldn’t be long before he admitted this, and something just as meaningful, to you.  
everyone knows seungkwan is an entertainer through and through. when you two were introduced to each other, he performed as well as he could to keep you laughing, and, unbeknownst to himself, to impress you. as time passed, however, he realized didn’t have to perform in front of you. he felt comfortable enough to be his most authentic self, and he only ever wanted to be his most authentic self with you. he still loved to do bits around you and be dramatic when the moment called for it, but he wanted to show you other sides of him too. for seungkwan, he felt a connection with and appreciation for you that could only be expressed by him letting his guard down. what mattered more than entertaining you was showing you every part of himself as honestly as humanly possible. showing up exactly how he was whenever he was with you was all he could think of because he always wanted to meet you exactly where you were. it wasn’t long after he realized this that his truest feelings toward you came out. it wasn’t something he thought of before he said it; it was something that slipped out when you asked him, “how was your day?” 
hansol’s mind is expansive. his perspectives reflect his astute introspection and deep compassion, and he would never cease to amaze–or entertain–those around him with the thoughts inside his head. to hansol, however, your mind was the most fascinating. he was deeply curious about the things that made up who you are: your hyperfixations, the dreams you had at night, your favorite snack for each time of day, etc. he was endlessly entranced by everything that colored your life. he wanted nothing more than to color his life with them too. this genuine interest meant that hansol’s eyes were filled with childlike wonder whenever you shared something about yourself with him. he committed every minute detail to memory, and he often retold anecdotes from your life during conversations with his friends. even to them, it was endearing to see his delighted laughter as he recounted stories of small social faux pas in your adolescence that became inside jokes between you two now. it was during one of those conversations, while smiling at the thought of you, that hansol started to uncover what influenced his infatuation with all things you.   
chan took to you immediately. your personality charmed him, regardless of how charming you thought yourself to be. he couldn’t get enough of the conversations shared between you two, existential or lighthearted. chan genuinely wanted to talk to you as much as humanly possible–without annoying you or taking you away from the other people you cared about–and that’s why he started calling you whenever he was done with his schedules for the day. it could be the hardest practice of the year, but chan, drenched in sweat and barely able to walk, would light up the second you started to say “hello” on the phone. the sound of your voice literally put a pep in his step. he developed a liking to walking home, just so he had an excuse to talk to you for a long time without any interruptions. neither of you needed convincing, however, because everything flowed so seamlessly between you. chan didn’t know exactly how to tell you this, but, with you, he was eager to say even the simplest things until his voice gave out, just so he could keep on talking to you.
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hannyoontify · 1 year
how your relationship with seventeen was revealed
warnings | reader wears nail art for minghao's part
notes | reader is also an idol, kinda unrealistic in some parts but whatever js let me have this one LMAO, not proofread
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seungcheol – an interview
he thought it was high time to reveal your relationship to the world. after (a lot of) discussing with you and receiving your permission, he mentioned you during an interview for a magazine shoot. the question was smth around the lines of "what do you do when you have a particularly bad day" and cheol casually said "i go to [name] for comfort. they're a really special person to me and always cheer me up whenever i'm feeling down. i'm lucky to have them." with an absolute love sick smile.
safe to say, twitter almost crashed after that interview was released and you confirmed it on a livestream js a couple days later. (both pledis and your company were not happy but fuck them)
jeonghan – your hair color
your company's very big on self-expression when it came to physical appearance, so they never forced a hairstyle / makeup / clothes on you or your members. you were free to dye your hair however you wished, and you mostly kept it natural. until you met jeonghan. a couple months into your relationship with him, jeonghan came up with the idea of matching hair colors. he often had to dye his hair for comebacks, and instead of dying your entire head, he suggested that you would only get a single, visible strand of hair dyed in the same shade. you loved the idea and no one really noticed, not even your own company, until a eagle-eyed carat pointed it out on tiktok. the entire kpop community knew you and jeonghan were close since you both guest mc-ed together before and one of your members were close with seungcheol. and it seemed legit. the entire internet blew up and it even became a trend among couples. your companies both released a statement just a few weeks later, confirming the allegations.
joshua – his podcast w/ vernon
there was a question sector of the podcast he hosted with vernon where carats could submit questions via twitter and he and vernon would answer them. he saw a question that asked about their thoughts on your group's most recent comeback, and vernon managed to sneak in a few praises, complimenting the composition of one of the bsides before shua began a word vomit of praise, specifically for you. he complimented how much you improved since the last comeback and how good you looked in the music video, the teaser photos, the most recent stage, basically everything. he was so busy talking that he didn't notice the massive side-eye vernon was giving him and once he stopped talking, joshua physically slapped a hand over his mouth because oops.
no worries though, you thought it was funny and thought it was high time that the two of you revealed your relationship. joshua got clowned for it a lot though, especially by vernon.
junhui – instagram
the two of you tried your best to time your posts so nothing seems suspicious. for almost a year, your pictures from cat cafe dates to museum dates and late park dates went unnoticed by fans. that is, until your group went to japan recently for a short trip for promotions and jun tagged along since he had no schedules for 2-3 days. you found a cute convenience store during a late night walk with him and took pictures. some on your own, some of only him, and some together. except this time, the two of you forgot to talk beforehand and you both posted the photos on the same night.
your manager scolded you for being so careless, but truth be told he didn't actually care. he thought it was funny and only had a word with you because as your manager, he had to. (he already knew beforehand and thought you guys looked super cute together)
hoshi – seungkwan
you and hoshi were having a movie date night but you guys weren't particularly in the mood to actually watch a movie so the two of you just fucked around the whole night, prank calling different members to see how they would react and watching instagram reels (because hoshi swears by them and thinks they're better than 'that stupid clock app'). (the funniest reaction you got so far was mingyu, who was half asleep when you facetimed him and asked him if his refrigerator was running. when he responded with a groggy 'yes', hoshi said that he better go catch it and mingyu actually dropped his phone to go catch it.) the next victim was seungkwan, who you didn't know was doing a weverse at the same time. when seungkwan received the incoming facetime call from hoshi, he grinned and decided to accept the call by showing the camera his phone screen. what he didn't expect was to see hoshi's arm wrapped around you and his chin tucked onto your chin when he answered the call.
when seungkwan accepted the call, the first thing you saw was a reflection of you and hoshi, and you recognized the familiar flow of comments flying past the unfamiliar phone screen at an incredible speed. you dropped hoshi's phone in sheer panic and glanced over at your boyfriend who looked as equally panicked, his jaw basically reaching the floor. poor seungkwan began fumbling for a random excuse but it was too late now. the cat (tiger) was out of the bag.
wonwoo – via the company
wonwoo never thought there was a point in hiding your relationship from the public. he was with the person he loved and what a few jobless netizens had to say about your relationship wouldn't change that. after a couple months of 'testing the waters' and seeing how far the two of you would commit to the relationship, wonwoo just straight up went to the ceo of pledis and went 'yo i'm dating [name] from [group name] and you can't stop me' (with your permission of course, and you did the same thing) after a lot of discussion with both your ceo's, the companies agreed to simultaneously release a statement to the public about your relationship with wonwoo.
woozi – his lyrics
we all know woozi projects everything that's going on in his life through his song lyrics. yk those posts where people are like "i need someone to break bruno mars' heart again" bc his breakup songs are so good? it's like that. the latest seventeen comeback is FILLED TO THE BRIM with love songs and everyone and their mother is like "what the fuck is going on" because woozi's written love songs before but not like this??? the lyrics seem so much more deeper and personal, and the listener can almost feel woozi's heart and soul being poured into the lyrics and melody. woozi personally denied anything on a weverse live but people caught on once he released a mixtape of a love song and the lyrics contained a physical description of a person that was a little too similar to you.
minghao – books (and nail art)
minghao likes reading books. you like reading books. that doesn't mean you're dating, right? so many people in the world love to read books, that doesn't automatically make you lovers, right? ... right, except you read and post about the same books minghao reads and recommends to carats. even then, that could've been a coincidence, right? you just have similar taste in books.
wrong. you made a silly mistake of saying on a live how all your favorite books were recommended by a super close friend that you held dear to your heart. still, you can just be friends with minghao, right? wrong again because fans noticed that you had matching nail art with minghao's, the signature 8/infinity sign on your nails. there was no point in being in denial any longer.
mingyu – instagram
another silly little mistake. he recently came back from a trip with just you and him, and naturally, he wanted to upload some photos to instagram for his lovely fans to foam at the mouth scream over (he knows the power he holds). he was lying in bed (next to you), ready for bed as he scrolled through chose different photos to upload. what he didn't realize was that he had also clicked on a photo of you and him kissing in the dark, under a streetlight. it was a classic, romantic kiss. his hand was resting on your lower back, your arms wrapped around his neck as he dipped you, your leg held up by his other hand. almost immediately after posting, mingyu set down his phone and went to sleep in your arms.
the next morning, he woke up to about 56 missed calls from his manager, a BUNCH of weverse notifications, and 300+ messages from the seventeen group chat (that came back to life for the first time in almost a month and it wasn't js seungcheol talking to himself)
dokyeom – weverse live
dokyeom is surprisingly not shy when it comes to his relationship with you. after a few serious discussions, the two of you ventured out to the streets of seoul in broad daylight, your hand tightly entwined in his own, but no tabloid or news outlet seemed to catch whiff of it. dokyeom was frustrated because he wanted to show you off to the world, tell everyone that he was yours and you were his, but no one was bothering to expose it. so he decided to take this matter into his own hands. after receiving permission from both companies, he started a weverse live–with you. the two of you sat side by side, awkwardly waiting for more and more viewers to enter the livestream. obviously the entire internet went insane when dokyeom held his hand in yours and said with a proud smile that the two of you were dating and would appreciate all the love and support. and the internet officially lost it when he pressed a kiss to your cheek, which made you blush intensely.
it was cute, and even his manager–who was sitting behind the phone–was smiling as he watched the two of you together.
seungkwan – an entertainment show
similar to joshua. a couple members from your group were guests on a show that seungkwan was a regular cast of to promote your upcoming comeback, and of course they already knew that you were dating him. before the recording, they were teasing him (they're all already very close) and kept mentioning your name, which made seungkwan turn into a bright red tomato. during the recording, when it was time to promote your group's most recent comeback, your group members stood in the center of the room and gave a little sneak peek to the choreo of the title track, which seungkwan followed to with on the side (people didn't notice this until the airing of that episode–and an fyi, this was before their official comeback). and when the time came to the talk about the production process, seungkwan immediately began to ramble about how much you improved on your live singing and how proud he was of you. he also talked about how you talked to him about how much you struggled with the change of concept and how you pushed through those hard trials. he also couldn't forget about how good you looked and how the concept change looked really good on you and the new makeup look accentuated your eye color. at the end of his very long speech, seungkwan realized what he just did and sank into his chair with his bright red face buried into his hands.
vernon – vernon being vernon
vernon did a vernon and randomly revealed it on a weverse live, almost giving his poor manager a heart attack. he was reading through the comments when he randomly said 'by the way, i'm dating [name] from [group name]' HIS POOR MANAGER. HAD A MINI HEART ATTACK BEFORE TURNING OFF THE LIVE IN A PANIC. the following day, pledis released a statement, confirming vernon's impromptu confession.
dino – dispatch
my poor boy was the only one who fell victim to dispatch 😭 he was so careful not to get caught because he didn't want you to receive any backlash. specifically went on dates later in the day so the two of you wouldn't be as easily recognized, trying to stay home as much as possible, covering up as much as you both could. but eventually, dispatch caught the two of you hugging at the entrance of the hybe building at 11 pm. first, weird. why were they watching you guys at 11 pm. second, seungcheol was so relieved that the secret was finally out because he was running out of excuses as to why dino was almost never at home anymore.
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reblogs and feedback is always appreciated ^-^
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3raaaachachacha · 1 year
4:04 pm
Hong Joshua x female reader / 589 words / fluff
Warnings: None
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You had one rule at work that you swore you would never break. Do not date coworkers. Every time you heard about coworkers dating one another, it always ended up with a messy break up with someone having to quit their job, and that was something you didn’t want to deal with. Then Joshua came into your life while you were working at the local coffee shop near your apartment. Everything about him screamed boyfriend material. His handsome looks, his cute smile, his charming personality, and his gentlemen like skills. You had been working with him for over two months now and still, there wasn’t a negative flaw you could find in him. Yet you couldn’t date him.
It was almost an unsaid thing between the two of you as every shift you worked together, both of you would tease and flirt with one another nonstop. Some customers even commented on how cute your relationship was. You hated to admit that you had a crush on him, but until one of you quit, you couldn’t do anything about it.
“Hi cutie, did you miss me?” Joshua chuckled as he clocked in for his shift, making you roll your eyes at him.
“In your dreams, Josh,” You giggled with a small blush on your cheeks as you tried your best to focus on the current drink you were making.
“How did you know?” He teased back, making the both of you laugh from his quick witted comebacks, “When are you going to let me take you out on a date? I feel like I’ve been more than obvious that I think you're pretty,” His question made your eyes grow wide as you handed out the drink to the customer before turning back to face him.
“It’s not that I don’t want to go out on a date with you, it’s just,” You stopped, realizing how stupid it may sound to him as you bit your lip lightly.
“You don’t date coworkers? Is that it?” He guessed correctly as you nodded your head.
“I just don’t think it’s a smart idea to date a coworker since a countless amount of bad things could happen,” You slowly got quieter as you went on with your sentence, beginning to play with your fingers.
Joshua nodded his head in understanding before walking over to the manager, “Hey, I quit!” He randomly announced, taking off his apron and clocking out of the register as your eyes grew wide with surprise.
Your mouth flew open to protest his actions, but nothing seemed to follow as your throat felt dry from his bold move. He walked around the counter with a smile on his face to order a drink as you followed him.
“Excuse me miss, I’d like an iced Americano and to take you out on a date this Saturday. What do you say?” He smirked as he saw a small grin beginning to spread across your face.
“It would be my pleasure sir. Would you like room for any cream in that Americano?” You chuckled at his irresistible charming attitude.
“You know my order so well,” Joshua chuckled as he couldn’t keep his eyes off you.
“Hmm I wonder why,” You both continued to giggle as you returned back to him with his drink, “I can’t wait to see what you have planned for our date.”
Joshua smirked at you with a small chuckle before taking a sip of his coffee, “Don’t worry, I’ve had it planned out since the day I first met you.”
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- Admin 🦋
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fairyhaos · 1 year
for my synaesthesia, hoshi is very, very interesting.
his colour is a navy blue, deep and dark and bottomless. like a blue that is so blue that you feel as if you could fall into it, down the endless depths until the end of time. it's an intimidating colour, definitely, a little unknown, but still with such a mesmerising pull.
hoshi is navy blue, but darker than that, like a clear sky in the countryside at 1am. no one else is awake, but the stars are, and they appear as tiny, hopeful pinpricks of light amongst the all-encompassing swathes of velvet. he's blue like a midnight sky, like the slowing down of time and speeding up of the pulse.
but he's also the colour of ink across a page, blue and dark and staining, flowing effortlessly and painting stories and images with every movement of the quill. he's a storyteller, a storydancer, his footsteps like inky blue across the clean canvas of the stage.
hoshi is captivating, effortless, velvet. he's infinite, everlasting, evermore.
hoshi is navy blue.
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synaesthesia tags: @jeonghanis @jeonwonwoo @weird-bookworm  @summery-bat  @jiji-verse  @moonlitskiiies  @butiluvu  @loversepiphany  @a-wandering-stay
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fics-lovebot · 1 year
seventeen fic recs
main masterlist
· · ♡ · · tysm to the amazing creative minds of the writers for giving me sevaral moments of joy reading your creations
i´ll be constantly updating this list so make sure to check it out often for new recs ;)))
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs❤️
dating svt (hyung line) - LOVE IT, joshua got me on a chokehold, and wonwoo PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE :( wherecanIgetoneofthose
dating svt (maknae line) - mingyu as a back hugger is so :(((((((((, I can totally see dino writing love letters to his s/o :(((
pick-up lines - non-idol! au, fluff, silly af, my favs are jeonghan, jun, wonwoo, woozi, mingyu, chwe and chan
you take your promise ring off during a fight - performance unit, vocal unit , hip-hop unit, angsty af, made me cry a little
reaction to the camera panning to them when their idol!s/o is on stage - idol!au, idol!reader, dsfkjsdfjh the jeonghan is my fav idk
kitten ears - pwp, smut, hybrid!reader in heat, LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING ABOUT THIS ONE RIGHT HERE, IT´S FILTH,,,,, and my fav one is hoshi´s LDJSLFJH read it whenever you feel like having a smut fest
hip hop unit
let me take care of you - drabble, fluff, hubby!cheol, pregnant reader, he is straight uP husband soon-to-be-daddy material, this was so CUTE,,,
caught in a trap - smut, seunkwan´s sister!reader, older brother´s bff!cheol, face riding, he makes you beg for it, “you’ve got me in your little trap, baby. what are you gonna do with me?” SLDKJSHDFKSJ whY is he like tHAT??
as your boyfriend - he gets offended if you don´t let him pay???? now THAT´S my kind of man
whatever you say - fluff, crack, text au, #simp, this is funny lmao
he angry fucks you bc he lost in a video game - blurb, smut, explicittt, the title??? I can see the vision. listen the way this just escalated INMEDIATLY I-, he is ANGRY FR FR in the hottest way, just read it ok pls
he´s rough and in love - smut, just pwp, i made up the name bc it is what it is, he´s already made you cum twice but he still looks at you with eyes full of the purest love while doing the nastiest things, puthy clenching dirty talking, you talk too much, y’know that?, he wanted to keeP GOINg like,,,,sir
the peephole - smut, perv!wonu, roomies au, he´s obsessed, "Speak up, slut. Or have I fucked you completely stupid already" UMMMM?????
scented candles - e.r, fluff, idk idk idk this was cute
couple things - slice of life, fluff, “is there… a reason you’re upside down, my love?” 
needle in the hay - idol au, angst, smut, break up au, idol!reader, 97-liner! reader, poor wonu, slow burn kinda, he´s hopeless and scared and nervous
lingering looks - fluff, idol romance u, POWER COUPLEEEEEEE, I love it, this could be us but he playin
marriage -married life au, dad!wonu, his daughter (a child) wants to marry uncle gyu so he goes on cardiac arrest bc there´s no mf way bUT at least it wasnt soonyoung
workplace crush - work au, co-worker!wonu, I CAN TOTALLY SEE HIM AS "THE IT DEPARTAMENT CRUSH"!!!!! I would have had to quit, it´s too much
cat and mouse - smut, kinda red flag!wonu, "Wonwoo thinks you’re the cutest person ever. And the part of you he finds the most cute? The fact that you actually think he’s going to let you avoid him forever." FLSDUKFJHSLDKJFH
arguments - smut, “You remember how I dealt with that little attitude of yours last time?”  he´s a cocky mf
wisdom tooth surgery - fluff, reader is out of it bc of anesthesia and she cant believeee mingyu´s hot rommie is her mans, it´s a nice read
bruised - angst, fluffy ending, break up au, tough guy wonu but he´s actually a cutie pie, he´s careless about his safety, I LOVE ITTT, the angst is gewd
what you need - smut, shy!reader, soft dom!wonwoo, praise kink, JEON MF WONWOO I- LSFHSKDJFHLSJDFLH this made me blush yall, the ending too sdfksdfkh
birthday boy - fluff, f2l, the fLIRTING!!??, i honestly blushed, my eyes got watery and everythin, i HATE IT (not) bc why is he so dreamy every TIME??, also,,, the make out sesh?? MY GODDD, i swear I felt it. he. is. inloveeeeee
first kiss - fluff, established relationship, he IS going to kiss you or else,,,,the man is obsessed
he´s big - smut, size kink,"daddy's too big for you? s'okay, princess, you can do it. you can take it. you're my good girl." CALL THE MF POLICE RN!!!!1!!!!! iminlove
big buff gyu - smut, manhandling, dom!gyu, “look at me, let me see you cry, baby” STOOOOOPPPP sksdfnslflfwkf
beach boobs babes - smut, beach au, chubby reader, big boobs, he´s suffering sfjfjdhdjdh, HE´S COCKY,, literally, shit talker, titty fuckin, he likes thicc girlsssss
pup code - fluff, smut, crack, size kink kinda, mingyu has a fat crushhhh, lowkey himbo vibes, he gets so nervous lmao, jeonghan is a lil shit, somebody help mingyu omg, wonwoo is a victim!!!!!, “I’ve never done the Zoolander face in my life!” jefjrejufriuj
sleepy talk - fluff, married au, “Do you think I’m pretty?” “Sweetheart, we’re married.”
his girl - smut, angst, emotionally unavailable reader, whipped mingyu, “i’ll fuck you forever.. as long as you want. fuck you ‘til you never wanna leave again”
funfetti - bf!gyu, birthday au, so FLUFFY I WANNA CRYYYYYYYYYY love him sm :(
hybe romance - idol!gyu, idol!reader, fluff, love itttttttttttt, THOSE PICS OF MINGYU ON PART 2 LORDDDD, if I was an idol hanging out with the 97 squad i´d be a hOE, no questions asked, bunch of men i want to fucc sitting together would be the end of me
pussy drunk - smut, pussy whipped, "i'm legit gonna kill myself if we dont fuck again", HE NEED SOME MIL
creep - smut, halloween au, serial killer!gyu, ghost!gyu, jeonghan is always starting some shit I swear, this is DIFFERENTTT and the smut is so good yall PLEASE read it
first morning together - fluff, UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :((((((( ihateithere
warm on a cold night - fluff, college au, bsf to lovers, it´s cute
daddy - smut, lowkey fluff, dom!mingy, daddy kink, SIZE KINK are we even surprised atp?, innocent! reader
drunk giant - drunk!mingyu, bc why would he try to challenge cheol to a drinking game??, wonwoo is tired, and somebody get hoshi´s lips off of seokmin!
gym and thirst - smut, those pics of mingYU NAUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WOOF WOOF SDKHWEYWRAWRRAWRAWR bc why tf would joshua do that for????? pls I love big men
mingyu´s cause of death - FLUFF, bf!gyu, this made me really want to cry myself to sleep from the beggining bc there´S NO WAAAAAAAAYYYYY :´´) so cute #simp #whipped
heater - fluff, gyu is cold,,,or is he not, “you’re literally taking all of my body heat, that’s why i’m cold,” “maybe if you didn’t insist on using my boobs as a pillow-,” “oh shut up,”
stain on the sink - fluff, e.r, slice of life, sex joke, you bleach his hair, is so domestic idkidk
cuffing season - smut, richbf!mingyu, he got a black card, good money, good job, loves spoiling you AND he´s wearing the wife beater - grey sweats combo??????? CUFF HIM UP NAAAOWWW, AND AND AND he also makes sure to fuck you without ruining your hair and nails that HE PAID FOR!!!!!! BUT since he gets a lil carried away and you chipped a nail he gives 300 dollar$$$ to get it fiixed right away LIKE????? god please when is it my turn to be happy
worshipping you - smut, sub!gyu, a short one but WHEEEWW
wet sound - smut, short one, THE DIRTY TALK!!!!!! I HATE HIMMMMMMMMMM bc wdym he makes her shut up so she can listen to her wet coochie sOUNDS????? call 911 rn
kitty - smut, THE VISUALS??!?!??! the way this played in my mind had me shook
trouble - fluff, non-idol!gyu, you´re his pretty mess, lowkey brat reader, in love gyu, baking cookies with his cute lil helper sdfljsdfljh :( its cute
vernon loves your face - he´s so in love omg, sdsdkfj it´s so cute
coffee talk - fluff, coworker!vernon, work romance au, jwhhxsjxsjd cutee
no studying for you - smut, he isn´t letting you study, “Hansol! For the love of fuck!” “Yeah that’s me, I love to fuck,” what?? dkdsfjfj
bias - fluff, slice of life, idol!au, you make the cats choose their svt bias, IT SO WHOLESOME :((((((((
vocal unit
bad joke - angst, fluff, calling you clingy
tom and jerry - smau, fluff, crack, text au, SOMEBODY COME GET JISOO LMAOO, he´s doing too much
mr. nice guy - smut, next door neighbors au, I HATE HIM skfffkjs this got me blushing and shit, he cosplays as a gentleman but he´s actually just a flirty nasty mf
You Know What They Say About Men With Big Feet - smut, big feet, big nose, big muscles and a big dicc YUPPPPPP, seokmin has it ALL
perfect man - smut, he´s a gentleman, reader makes the mf move and I would have too
2am conversations - slice of life, “what if crabs think that fish can fly?” “angel, it’s two in the morning,” sdkhfksb it´s cute :(((( so domesticc
such a flirt - fluff, he keeps on flirting but has a breakdown when you flirt back lmao, cute
call me by his name - smut, softdom! wannabe harddom! hannie, hSLFDHSLKFH I CAN REALLY SEE THIS HAPPENING idk idk
the long way - model!jeonghan, staff!reader, UGGHHDSLHFLSKH i love this, he´s so confident and lowkey straight forward
tinted windows - smut, ceo!hannie, panty ripper,, literally, car sex, “sir you have a meeting in twenty minutes.” “fuck that stupid meeting, i have more important things to be doing right now.” IT´S GOOD YALL
dance unit
why do you love me? - fluff, blurb, so cute
too hot - very suggestive, naaaahhhh he was done for before it even started
first time - smut, fluff, crack, they´re both dumb, reader is boldddd lmao, #couplegoals
drunk and in love - fluff, wasted!hoshi, him in his tiger patterned-shirt, asdkjasdh he´d deff be like this, he rants about how wonderfull you are to whoever got ears, so cute
jun realizes he has a size kink - blurb, smut, the words he SAIDD I-, in my opinion it was too short!1! that was some good stuff
how badly do you want this? - smut, oral, 7 mins in heaven, it´s hottt
lollipops and candy bars - smut, sub!hao, reader loves to tease, cute and innocent looking reader, hao needs help lmao, "Well, I finished off my lollipop a while ago, do you have anything else I could suck on?” SKLHDLFJHKLDJ wow
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rubyreduji · 1 year
JJ!!! In case I haven't said this already, congrats on one year on here and 3K!!! All absolutely deserved 💕
Okay so, as we all saw I had a very...strong and public reaction to those pictures Soonyoung posted. I also know you're likely swamped with drabble requests so, I'm opting to send you a nsfw link instead because 1. Hoshi has been rotting my brain and I need to suck his soul out (DID YOU SEE THE VEINS) and 2. So I don't write something for him myself lmao. I also felt represented by the woman in this wearing glasses lol.
NSFW link
— join the sleepover!! 🧸️
AHHHHH RJJJJJJJJ i love you sm <<33 i hope you enjoy hehe (i actually have no clue how long blurbs are supposed to be?? but this is around 500 words which seems right to me)
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[minors dni!] [cw. oral (m. rec), cum eating]
"that's it, baby" soonyoung coos as he slowly lowers his cock in and out of your mouth, your lips closing around his length as he does so. you stare down your nose at his cock, watching it disppear into your mouth before pulling back out. your eyes trail up his torso, your mouth watering a bit at the sight of his tight, toned abs and the pretty veins that lead back down to his cock, your glasses giving you the perfect hd view.
soonyoung's cock is heavy on your lips, the salty taste of his pre-cum spreading across your tongue as he pushes his tip further into your mouth. your tongue presses flat against the bottom of his cock and you can feel the ridges of his thick veins as his length runs in across the surface.
"so fucking good," soonyoung grunts above you. all you can do is hum, sending vibrations through his cock, making soonyoung grunt even more. "fuck, keep that up and 'm gonna cum"
soonyoung's hips start to quicken their pace, his cock sliding further each time, until his tip finally reaches the back of your throat. you lay there, letting him fuck your mouth as you do your best to get him closer to completion, your lips sucking as hard as they can as your tongue runs along swirls around his cock.
soonyoung's breathing gets more labored as your mouth gets slicker, a mixture of spit and pre-cum dribbling down your chin and onto your chest. you're an expert at taking soonyoung's thick cock between your lips and you can feel he's close by his shallow thrusts and rapid pace.
"a-ah, shit, shit," soonyoung huffs as he quickly pulls his cock all the way out of your mouth, a pop sounds as his cock is ripped away from your lips.
soonyoung reaches down and grasps his cock in his palm, tugging at his length brutally as he aims his tip at your face. you open your mouth instinctively, ready to catch his cum on your tongue. you gasp a bit when his cock spurts out right onto your glasses, the thick substance splattering against the lenses. soonyoung continues to milk his cock (some of it finally landing your mouth), before he drops down next to you on the bed with a sigh.
"sorry 'bout your glasses," he mumbles.
you just laugh, "it's okay, i'm just glad you didn't get it my hair."
you reach up and take your glasses off, scooping the cum up with your pointer finger before popping it into your mouth. soonyoung groans slightly at the action, making a smirk spread across your face.
"you're turn now, pretty boy," you tell him, pushing your soaked panties down your legs before throwing a leg over his head, your bare pussy now straddling his face.
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highvern · 1 year
Doctor, Doctor
Pairing: Kwon Soonyoung x female reader
Genre: fluff, roommate au
Warnings: mention of head injury but not graphic, halloween
Length: blurb
Note: first fic im actually posting :) I have more in the drafts but literally put this together so I wouldn’t feel pressured. Love laugh love horanghae.
“For the last time, I’m fine!” You shout, voice tense with exasperation. You tried moving away from Soonyoung’s prodding fingers but the swift movement sent a throb through your temple.
“Yeah most people are fine when they lose a fight with a coffee table, now hold still!” Soonyoung responds, equally annoyed at your insistence.
Soonyoung’s hands gently comb through your hair looking for any additional damage while carefully avoiding the raised red bump on your forehead. He didn’t want to admit he felt guilty since it was partially his fault for you rolling off the couch and straight into the hunk of wood. But, in his defense, he didn’t think he’d scare you that much with the mask he bought for his Halloween costume.
“You’re so annoying.” You grumble, resigning to your fate of Soonyoung’s mothering.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will make me cry.”
You can’t help the snort that escapes in response.
“That’s my girl.” He smiles. “Now, tell the doctor where it hurts.”
“I’ll tell you where it’s gonna hurt!”
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24carathoney · 8 months
Carat Masterlist
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ღ - Fluff
🔞 - Smut
𖦹 - Angst
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One Shots
Blurbs // [🔞, ღ, 𖦹] Backseat // 🔞 Fan Calls // 🔞 Birthday Girl // 🔞
Let's Play A Little Game // 🔞
Blurbs // [🔞, ღ, 𖦹]
Poolside Kisses // ღ
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Crimson Ties // Choi Seungcheol // ღ // 🔞 // 𖦹
Part 1 | Part 2 | 
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catboyieejeno · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ seventeen ∘₊✧──✧
multi-part series
➱ The Camera Roll series (nct + svt)
➱seventeen as boyfriends ➱relationship details (hhu)
⋆ ★ in order by member:
drabbles/imagines/blurbs (F) fluff (M) smut (A) angst
⋆ ★
[☆] seungcheol
nothing yet!
[☆] jeonghan
nothing yet!
[☆] joshua
nothing yet!
[☆] junhui
nothing yet!
[☆] soonyoung
nothing yet!
[☆] wonwoo
nothing yet!
[☆] jihoon
nothing yet!
[☆] seokmin
nothing yet!
[☆] mingyu ღ pillow princess (M)
ღ foreplay (M)
[☆] minghao
nothing yet!
[☆] seungkwan
nothing yet!
[☆] vernon
nothing yet!
[☆] chan
nothing yet!
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holdinbacksecrets · 3 months
svt finds out you were married before you met them
anon… this request is golden. thank you so much for sending it! i had the best time writing these 🤍
seventeen find out you were married before being with them
seungcheol: he’s at the bodega around the corner because you’re out of… he forgot the excuse. luckily, it was mumbled and difficult to make out, so he’ll bring back coffee. his palms are sweating and he looks up at the ceiling as if the answer’s in between the popcorn. now, you’re his. he’s yours. you’re one. but you were someone else’s, and that idea isn’t new to him, but knowing that someone was your husband makes it feel different. he looks up again. “please give me something here.” a light flickers. he leaves without the coffee
jeonghan: he stops to watch you spoon strawberry jam onto slices of toast. they’re golden brown triangles beside scrambled eggs, and you’re making sure the bright red covers the golden brown surface perfectly, just like you always do. the only red he can think about is the blood his heart is pumping, and the fact that his heart stopped pumping for a moment or two
joshua: “now everything makes sense.” “what do you mean?” “sometimes you’re just too good at being my partner.” “that has nothing to do with being married before. i’m literally just in love and obsessed with you. actually, being married did make me strict about the dishes. i’ll never go to bed with a pile in the sink.” “baby, you won’t go to bed if there’s a spoon in the sink or a crumb on the countertop.” “and how good does it feel to wake up and see a clean kitchen, hmm?”
jun: he’s confused. he’s wearing it, swallowing it, holding it in his gaze, and suddenly wondering how well he knows you— why it took you so long to tell him
soonyoung: “i knew it was a mistake by the next morning. i woke up craving my mom’s pancakes.” “have her send us the recipe.” you squeeze his hand and bow your head so your lips can brush its palm. “don’t worry, history won’t repeat itself.”
wonwoo: the photo album’s on his lap. it feels like a fever dream to look at you. you watch the sky through the window, craving color after too much black and white. “i’m mad at myself.” “why?” “i should’ve waited for you.”
jihoon: the ring came rolling out of its hiding spot and stopped in the middle of your bedroom floor. the sunlight caught it. he blinked a million times, felt his lips part too. you let it be. you exhaled, feeling relieved to part with the secret. finally
seokmin: “look at me. do i look upset?” “no… you eyes are all shiny” like he might cry. “it means a lot that you told me.” “i shouldn’t have waited so long.” “you really didn’t wait that long.” “are you sure you’re ok? do you… am i…” “yes.”
mingyu: the words come out on a sunday morning in the park near your place. your head’s on his shoulder. his hand’s on your thigh; it’s warm and the slightest bit rough—different from the cool, soft breeze on your cheek, on the back of your neck. he asks about your happiness and when it left the space you created with your ex. he wants to know what he can do to make sure that never happens again. he wants to make sure he’s not missing anything
minghao: he’s watching you. there’s gentle love in his eyes. he’s hoping you’ll look up and away from the sudsy dishes for just a moment long enough to realize he’s not mad. to realize it doesn’t change anything
seungkwan: he wonders about your wedding dress and if you still have it. he wonders about pictures and videos and the expression on your face at the altar. moments he’s dreamed about are already existing in memories, have already been seen by your loved ones, might be sour in your head. would you do it all again? do you even want to?
vernon: “i can’t help but wonder how many people make the same mistake as me… think something’s love when it’s not.” “do you really think of it as a mistake?” “pretty sure that’s just a fact.” “i’m not so sure… aren’t you the same person who’s told me for years that everything happens for a reason?” “maybe i just tell myself that to lessen the blow.” “possibly, but maybe it’s true. maybe that step that you think was in the wrong direction was crucial. i wouldn’t have found you any other way.”
chan: “i feel like i shouldn’t be looking at this… it’s like i’m seeing your dress before i’m supposed to. i shouldn’t know what you’ll look like walking down the aisle.” “this isn’t who i am anymore. think of how much time has passed. i have brand new skin now.” “…i thought you were going to say something romantic.”
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tokiiee · 1 year
love languages — seventeen
seventeen’s ( soonyoung, jun & seungcheol ) love languages : pairing soonyoung, jun, and seungcheol x idol!reader genre fluff, romance, blurb(?) cw non idol au, gn!reader, lowercase on purpose ( archive )
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choi seungcheol ( 최승철 )
his love languages are acts of service and giving gifts. cheol is the type of boyfriend to do everything for you guys. he’ll wash the dishes after dinner, do the laundry while you fold it, etc! he is the type to run errands for you just so you don’t have to do them "૮₍ •⤙•˶ actually so sweet though because he’ll listen to you, telling him about how you saw this cute necklace while coming home from work and he’ll listen, smiling the whole time and the next morning he’s already making plans to go buy it for you <33
moon junhwi ( 문준휘 )
acts of service. he notices the little things. jun sees your car is a little dirty? he’ll wash it for you! you forgot a few ingredients for dinner? he’ll rush to the store for them. honestly he’s just happy he can be of help to you. as long as at the end of the day everything got done and you weren’t stressed doing it by yourself, he’s beaming with joy! but just know he appreciates ( and wants ) a thank you and kiss on the cheek for helping so much ><!!
kwon soonyoung ( 권순영 )
words of affirmation and quality time. soonyoung expresses his love in so many ways to you, but these are the two main ways. he loves spending time with you.. like so much. there is definitely a memory with the two of you going on a walk in winter just hand in hand talking about how your day was and your future together. that quality time together plays into the words of affirmation. while listening to how your day was and smiling at the good, the bad parts of your day where you’re beating yourself up leads him to giving you words of affirmation. he stops walking and holds your face while telling him how proud he is of you before pecking your lips, his adorable smiley eyes appearing :((
© tokiiee 2O23.
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hannyoontify · 1 year
seventeen '96 line and their love languages
warnings | brief mentions of food
notes | based on pure speculation and my guesses by reading their “vibes”. i have a feeling it might be a little diff since the way that they treat their members is probably gonna be different from the way they would treat their s/o. listed from greatest to least (imo) and feel free to drop an ask abt ur opinions i would love to have a discourse abt sebongs’ diff love languages lol 95 line | 96 line | 97 line | maknae line
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junhui : acts of service, physical touch (special mention: words of affirmation)
i struggled a bit with junhui bc he’s.. wen junhui. but i narrowed it down to acts of service bc he loves doing things for the members, cooking hotpot for others during in the soop and specifically not adding peanuts bc he knows vernon’s allergic and him wanting to know and experience the diff things the members liked doing during in the soop. i also saw a short compilation where he placed a hand on the wall whenever a member was spinning just in case they hit their head. js super small things 🥹 i saw a clip of junhui (idk the context of the video) but he was on a skywalk with others and he was jumping but he noticed that a co-star was afraid of heights so he immediately stopped and went over to make sure that they were okay and js my sweet sweet baby 🥹 he always puts others before himself and i think regardless of his love language that’s js the kind of person he is OH LIKE HOW PRE DEBUT JUN MADE BREAKFAST FOR MEMBERS BEFORE GOING TO SCHOOL AS HIS WAY OF SHOWING THAT HE CARES FOR THEM BC OF THE LANGUAGE BARRIER MY BABYYYY but yeah like if you wear glasses and you fall asleep with them on, he’ll silently take them off and put them down at your bedside table so they wouldn’t break or smudge bc he knows js how much you hate it when your glasses get smudged. totally the type to notice the smallest details about you and your preferences and act on it 
junhui just… likes to cuddle what else can i say i think he’s also one of those members who always has his chin tucked on another member’s shoulder. i don’t think he’s the type to initiate physical touch, but if the other person initiates, he’s more than happy to cuddle or have an arm around them. with a romantic partner, i think junhui would be the type to appreciate the smaller, unspoken touches between him and his partner. light hand squeezes under the dinner table, his arm wrapped around your shoulders protectively as he introduces you to his friends and coworkers, light touches on your lower back/waist when he’s passing by you, interlocking pinkies in crowded areas. he can get fidgety if you guys cuddle in the same position for a prolonged period of time so make sure to let him be little spoon sometimes </3
hoshi : quality time, physical touch (special mention: gifts)
okay i think this is a hot take but i think hoshi’s top love language (both giving and receiving) is quality time. not to like project but i’m also an infp and my top love language is quality time and i can js see that in hoshi. his favorite days are when you pick him up after work and the two of you go on long drives late into the night, accompanied by nothing but the bright stars and the low hum of your car’s engine as his hand is intertwined with yours. you just drive, listening to hoshi’s little stories and anecdotes about what happened during the day. the topics could range from what his coffee tasted like that day to how another member made him upset and you would just sit there, listening to him talk. he liked it when it was js the two of you, his hand in yours and being in the same space as you. he loved the way you glanced over at him whenever you could, flashing him that lovely smile of yours and patting his hand whenever he got particularly frustrated. he wants to be with you at all times, even if you aren’t particularly doing anything together. he js likes breathing the same air as you
this kinda correlates with quality time BUT LET HIM HOLD YOUR HAND. PLEASE. he feels so much more at ease if your hand is in his and he js wants to feel your presence right like he likes being in the same room as you but he would like it even more if he was attached to your hip so he can hold you and kiss you whenever he wants yk? def kind of like a forehead and kisses kind of guy ofc he loves your lips but smth about kissing your forehead makes him feel all soft and fuzzy inside (he mentioned last night about his kiss transmitting to your brain faster through your forehead than your lips since it’s closer to your brain or smth but you don’t rlly remember since that was at 2 in the morning) surprise back hugs and resting his chin on your shoulder. you’re the only person he allows to squeeze his cheeks and call him ‘adorable’ and he likes it. he likes being adored by you, he likes having you in his personal space because when it comes to you, he doesn’t have any 
special mention: GIFTS!!! i mostly wanted to write this part bc of that iconic clip of hoshi falling flat to his face after receiving a pair of jeans that he wanted/were expensive so he paused the music during the rehearsal and was thanking everyone LMAO yeah that’s infp’s, they get super touched by the smallest gestures so gift giving is one sure way of showing him how much you appreciate and love him. 
wonwoo : words of affirmation, quality time
wonwoo my lovely boy :((((( he’s a bit more quiet so when you first started dating, he wasn’t very vocal about his affections and feelings but he’s worked on it and grown a lot since then. not the type to declare his love every 2 minutes but like the small “i’m proud of you” with a warm smile or a “good job” “you did amazing” like he js knows what to say to make you feel better. he’s a smart person and he makes the right word choices to comfort you and make you feel loved even without those 3 words. blushes whenever you compliment him and hides his face in his hands. gets so shy when you compliment him bc you???? the most wonderful human in the universe thinks he’s?????? the best thing to happen to you??????? pls keep telling him that bc he loves hearing from you how much you love him and how much he means to you bc it really helps him when he’s feeling down (he even has a separate album on his camera roll of js screenshots of your texts and words of encouragement specifically for rougher rehearsals/days)
quality time!! i think we kinda saw this coming, he likes sitting on the couch with you, playing super smash bros and he loves the way you bounce up and down in your seat whenever the game gets intense or you get excited. when they’re more complex pc games, he’s never admitted it out loud, but he likes it when you sit next to him at his desk, watching over his shoulder. “get ‘em get em right there- OOOO THAT WAS SO CLOSE BABE” you always ask him if you’re annoying him during his games but absolutely the fuck not bc he loves hearing you comment and he loves it even more when you give him a victory kiss after a game. it was js a quick peck on the cheek regardless of whether or not he won bc he’ll “always be a winner in [your] eyes” also liked it when you comforted him whenever he lost and cursed out his opponents bc although he himself never does it, it feels nice to hear you call 37 year old men on the internet “prissy dickwads who still wet the bed and cry for their mommies”. has he ever told you that he loves you?
woozi : acts of service, physical touch
jihoon is a man of a lot of unspoken words and feelings. not a big fan of physical touch or talking, so he resorts to relying on his actions to relay his feelings. i think we all know what i’m about to say; his giving love language is song writing which basically is a combination of acts of service and gift giving. his second ever ‘i love you’ was through a song (he thought the first one should be said out loud since it’s a pretty big deal) but he just loves you and cares for you sososososososo much but why js say them in the same ol’ tone in the same ol’ way when he can say that over and over again in hundreds of different ways accompanied by thousands of different sweet melodies? yeah and bc you’re a big music nerd too, he feels appreciated how you always listen attentively at least twice, once for the music and a second time for the lyrics. and then the praise and compliments that came flooding in afterwards is almost as immeasurable as his love for you. he sometimes wonders how you never run out of compliments to say but he loves it. and besides songs, woozi loves to take care of you. making sure you’re fully tucked into bed before he turns off the lights, making sure to stock up on oatmeal raisin cookies in his studio because he knows you love them (despite seungkwan’s absolute hatred for them and how ‘deceiving’ they are), folding your laundry for you when you’re busy, and occasional breakfasts in bed 🥹
OKAY. HEAR ME OUT. he doesn’t like physical touch in general but you (and dokyeom) are the only exceptions. he js kinda melts and knows he’s safe when he’s in your arms. not really one to initiate skinship but will NEVER decline if you offer cuddles bc.. they’re cuddles. from you. why would he say no? he likes it when you’re on his couch in his universe factory and js kinda hold him during his breaks in between long work periods. it helps him de-stress and momentarily forget about all the new chord progressions, rhythms, and lyrics he’d been working on the for the past 3 hours. he melts under your touch when you run your hands through his hair, his head in your lap and staring up at the ceiling (aka stealing glimpses of your face whenever he can) ofc there are days where he wants to be alone and you respect that, which he’s thankful for. likes head pats pls give him lots of head pats and your occasional surprise kiss on the cheek will have that man BLUSHINGGGGG (pls keep doing it he loves it)
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reblogs and feedback are always appreciated ^-^
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3raaaachachacha · 2 years
8:45 pm
Kwon Soonyoung x female reader / words / fluff / smut
Warnings: foreplay, fingering, squirting, cursing, dirty talk, implied sexual relations
Disclaimer: contains 18+ content; minors do not interact
Day twenty-nine of kinktober - kwon soonyoung x fingering
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Sometimes you didn’t quite understand your boyfriend’s tiger agenda, but you loved him more than life, nonetheless. It was only after you found your new love for his long slender fingers that you didn’t mind seeing his ‘horanghae’ sign. It was after one steamy night where you couldn’t get enough of him from missing him during the Face the Sun tour.
It was hot and heavy in the bedroom as you crawled on top of him, surprising even yourself from your direct confrontation. Soonyoung could care less as he smirked up at your gorgeous face before bringing your lips to meet his in a heated, yet passionate embrace after such a long time.
“I’ve missed you so fucking much,” He whispered to you in between kisses as his hands roamed every inch of your body.
You whined as you couldn’t help but grind down onto his lap, feeling his prominent bulge beginning to burst from his sweatpants. You hide your face into his neck as you held onto his shoulders for dear life, “Soonie, I want more,” You desperately whimpered.
“What do you want, my love?” He smirked at your cute figure, holding your hips to guide you back and forth while pressing gentle kisses to your shoulder.
“Your fingers,” You stuttered out with embarrassment as your face lit up bright red.
Your boyfriend chuckled with a confident tone, biting his lip slightly from the request. He lifted you slightly to remove your cotton shorts with your panties along with it before sitting you back onto this lap, “Do my fingers turn you on babe? Do you love how they feel inside of you?” He asked as his fingers lightly roamed near the spot you needed to be touched most, feeling your juices trickle out of your drenched core.
A pathetic whimper left your lips, almost sounding like a cry, “My baby must really need them, huh? Being so patient for me,” He teased before inserting two of his slender fingers into your dripping hole, making your moan out from the immense pleasure.
“More, Soon, more!” You begged as you hide your face in his neck, nipping at it to leave marks for later. Soonyoung quickly obliged to your request inserting another finger before adding pressure from his thumb to your clit. He turned your head to meet your eyes before engulfing your lips into a passionate kiss, not wanting to break the level of closeness the two of your shared.
“Tell me babe, how much do you love my fingers in you?” Soonyoung teased, knowing the answer, but wanting to hear the dirty words fall from your innocent lips.
You bite your lips, feeling as if you could make them bleed before finally giving in, “So fucking much. I love having them in me so much that I could cry if I didn’t get them,” You cried in pleasure. With another few thrusts of his fingers, had you squirting as you came harder than you ever had before. You let out the most beautiful moan your boyfriend had ever heard as he swore, he could have come in his pants if he tried his best not to.
“Fuck, that was so hot baby,” He smashed his lips onto your, even though you were already fucked out, “Stay with me baby. We are quite done yet,” He smirked, placing your hand on his rock-hard cock.
⊱ ──────────────────────── ⊰
- Admin 🦋
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urrsstrully · 6 months
seventeen masterlist ―୨୧⋆ ˚
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ಇ - angst | ౨ৎ - fluff
reactions / headcanons
— when you show him/he found baby pictures of you : hyung line - maknae line [౨ৎ]
— introverted members having a very extroverted s/o [౨ৎ]
— extroverted members having a very introverted s/o [౨ৎ]
— when their s/o is sensitive to loud noises [౨ৎ]
hiphop unit
vocal unit
— their s/o is a crybaby [౨ৎ]
performance unit
— their s/o is a crybaby [౨ৎ]
oneshots / blurbs
choi seungcheol
— meal [౨ৎ]
yoon jeonghan
— accidental [౨ৎ]
hong jisoo
wen junhui
kwon soonyoung
jeon wonwoo
lee jihoon
— high school heartthrob [౨ৎ]
xu minghao
kim mingyu
— dance with me [౨ৎ]
lee seokmin
boo seungkwan
chwe hansol
lee chan
— evaluation [౨ৎ]
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hannie-dul-set · 10 months
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— arranged by: member (eldest to youngest) | date (latest to oldest) | type (full-length to drabbles to blurbs) i don’t recommend reading my older works because they’re terrible. still putting them on here for the sake of bookkeeping | last updated: 23.12.18 
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HUMILITY. lucky 7 collab with @haokyeom; humility /(h)yo͞oˈmilədē/ — a modest or low view of one’s own importance; humbleness.
PAIRING. choi seungcheol x reader. GENRE. royal! au, romance, fluff, prince! seungcheol. WARNINGS. none. WORD COUNT. 4.8k.
EVEN IN DEATH. even in death, you’ll never win.
PAIRING. choi seungcheol x reader. GENRE. dystopian! au, angst. WARNINGS. suicide, major character death, swearing. WORD COUNT. 569.
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LUST. lucky 7 collab with @haokyeom; lust /ləst/ — the mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the spirit is life and peace - romans 8:6.
PAIRING. yoon jeonghan x reader. GENRE. college! au, extremely suggestive, angst. WARNINGS. borderline smut, implied smut, nsfw themes obviously lmao but no actual doing the dirty because i can’t write smut for shit, swearing, jeonghan is the literal devil. WORD COUNT. 4.5k.
[pink bedroom! aesthetic]
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RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. it’s easy to miss things when you’re preoccupied. but sometimes the obvious answer is just simply right in front of you.
PAIRING. joshua hong x reader. GENRE. coffee shop! au, fluff, humor, underlying pining. WARNINGS. swearing. WORD COUNT. 996.
BLANC & NOIR. there’s no plot, just joshua being a devil, really.
PAIRING. joshua hong x reader. GENRE. suggestive, power dynamics. WARNINGS. nswf-ish lol, finger in mouth yes u heard me. WORD COUNT. 634.
[boyfriend! au]
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PRIDE. lucky 7 collab with @haokyeom; pride /prīd/ — it was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels - st. augustine.
PAIRING. kwon soonyoung x reader. GENRE. dystopian! au, angst, suggestive, romance-ish. WARNINGS. major character death, mentions of death, unhealthy relationships, one slightly nsfw scene. WORD COUNT. 3.7k.
[art hoe! aesthetic]
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DILIGENCE. lucky 7 collab with @haokyeom; diligence /ˈdiləjəns/ — thoroughness, completeness, and persistence of an action, particularly in matters of faith.
PAIRING. lee jihoon x reader. GENRE. canon compliant, established relationship! au, comfort fluff. WARNINGS. none. WORD COUNT. 679.
[cottagecore! aesthetic]
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BETWEEN THE AISLES. wherein you discover your feelings for your best friend in between the grocery aisles.
PAIRING. kim mingyu x reader. GENRE. best friends! au, fluff, humor. WARNINGS. swearing. WORD COUNT. 2k.
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HONEYDEW. seokmin smoochies.
PAIRING. lee seokmin x reader. GENRE. tooth rotting fluff. WARNINGS. none. WORD COUNT. 410.
BE CAREFUL. sunset at the beach with seokmin.
PAIRING. lee seokmin x reader. GENRE. summer! au, fluff. WARNINGS. none. WORD COUNT. 461.
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THINGS YOU CAN’T HIDE. seungkwan decides that you’re his best bet to get his annoying friends to finally fuck off.
PAIRING. boo seungkwan x reader. GENRE. college! au, volleyball! au, fake dating! au, fluff. WARNINGS. swearing. WORD COUNT. 2.1k.
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[vernon punk! au] [vernon red movie theatre! aesthetic]
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SEVENTEEN MASTERLIST. © hannie-dul-set.
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