#i said wow shes so normal and well adjusted just like me
lizzardson · 1 month
one of the things that feels so clear on rereads but so many people miss the first time they read the way of kings is shallans PTSD. I think part of it is the way it gets overshadowed by the constant unending tragedy of kaladin's story, its easy to slot shallan in as the young naive rich girl and not look much deeper. Part of it also is the way shallan drastically understates her own trauma. she says that she's timid, she doesn't like confrontation, she talks about her father's temper, but she was the lucky one because it was never directed at her. There are so many things in her first few chapters alone that are textbook PTSD, the way she freezes and shuts down any thought process that gets too close to her father's death, the flashback when jasnah gets angry at her, how she dissociates when she draws. It's so obvious if you know what you're looking for, but just subtle enough, especially when it's compared to kaladin's trauma, that a lot of people miss it at first. anyway I would defend shallan davar with my life.
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letorip · 2 months
kiss with a fist [ii]
"Blood sticks, sweat drips, break the lock if it don't fit, a kick in the teeth is good for some, a kiss with a fist is better than none"
pairing: tara carpenter x reader
summary: you signed up to help tara with her stupid plan. not whatever the hell one would call this.
warnings: implied sex, use of alcohol, puking, arguing loudly and wrongly, curse words(?)
word count: 5.2k
A/N: sorry to make you wait so long, but here's the second part. there will probably be a third, so fear not, the story doesn't end here. i originally thought i would be able to just end it off right here, but it’s going kind of really well and i think a third or maybe even a fourth part is more reasonable
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For almost the entire walk to the frat house, Tara didn't actually say much. It surprised you too, the way she just glanced around the city that passed as you walked and fiddled with her nails. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, but you were so used to Tara having something to say that it made you speak instead.
"Wow, for once, you're speechless," you commented as you passed under a streetlight. Tara shot you a glare, shoving her hands into her jean pockets.
"Would it kill you to shut the hell up?"
“There we go, back to normal. Why are you being weird?”
“I’m not being weird,” she scoffed. “Mind your own business.”
"I'm just saying."
"Well don't say. Don't say."
The party fucking sucked. It was quintessential college, with frat boys who attempted to yell over the loud music that rattled your eardrums. Coolers upon coolers of shitty, cheap beer sat against the far wall, and a crowd had gathered around them to pick off all the free alcohol they could. Maybe a year ago this would’ve been fun. Now you found yourself disenchanted with the ordeal.
Tara was off god knows where, doing god knows what, which you figured was the point of the arrangement anyway. You weren’t too concerned with tracking her down, especially if situation also presented itself as a pleasant bonus— not having to put up with her.
Chad had wandered out of the room when he saw you and Tara arrive together hand in hand, going deeper into the party without a word. He was usually the one you hung around with at these kinds of things, but he had been a sad little dog with his tail between his legs since you and Tara announced you were meant to be a few days before the party. It seemed some of your friends were still adjusting.
The immediate reaction after Tara said “soooo, we’re together,” was to laugh, like you two were doing a bit. It got less funny when they saw you both blankly staring back at them and then Tara grabbed your hand and held it up with a forced smile.
The whole group was going through a somewhat awkward seven stages of grief thing. Chad was avoiding you completely, Quinn was a bit annoyed you were off the market now after an egregious few months of hitting on you, and Ethan was the only one to be a bit normal, even though it was clear he too had a crush on Tara and was disappointed with the matter.
When Mindy had gotten over her disbelief, she dove right into an endless game of questions, only occasionally staved off by Anika. "So who confessed first?" had been one of the first ones, accompanied by a glint in her eye. Tara jumped in before you could even open your mouth, eager to answer.
"(Y/n) showed up on my porch, all sweaty and disgusting looking, just smelling so unbelievably bad it was overpowering-”
“I had been working out,” you rolled your eyes. “That’s why I was sweaty."
“Mhm, whatever. Anyways, apparently they were just being such an asshole because they were in love with me," Tara said, with a wide, shit-eating grin. "Right?"
You had to hide your glare behind your solo cup. "Mhm. I was just overflowing with it. I have so many things to say about you."
“All nice things,” Tara corrected.
“Yeah. That’s what I said.”
“Was it?”
“Uh huh.”
Mindy’s questions followed you everywhere she did. Who kissed who first? Who’s more cuddly? Have you guys slept together yet? They volleyed back and forth and you and Tara fought for the first word each time to pin it to the other with gleeful sadism. Of course, it was then flipped around once the next question came and you would huff in annoyance at the other for being an asshole.
It wasn’t as bad of an arrangement as you had dreaded. You only had to be couple-y when other people were watching you two interact, or when Sam would glare in suspicion. Hold hands a few times, smile, share a glance. Other than that, things stayed mostly the same. The group probably appreciated you both not acting head over heels for the other and you liked it because it meant you didn't have to pretend to like her.
Tara had a brazen way about her that made you roll your eyes. She never took no for an answer, had a teasing remark for anything, and always felt the need to be doing something. Other people seemed to find themselves charmed by it. Others, but not you. Never you.
The walk there had been about all she could take of your personality, and the moment after you two were seen together, she ditched you at the door and wandered off to the dance floor. After that you had lost track of her, and ended up splitting your time between the kitchen, the bathroom, and the front room, away from the crowd. Mindy found you there, tugging Anika along with her.
"Cut the bullshit," She said with an eye roll, sitting right down on the couch in front of you. Anika plopped down next to her. "There's no way in hell you got together with Tara."
You grinned, sipping your beer and partially using it to block your expression. "No, we're together. I really like her."
Mindy scoffed. "You're a terrible liar." Your cheeks warmed and you tilted your head to the side.
"We have to separate you two like warring chihuahuas every time we hang out together," Anika said. She leaned forward and narrowed her eyes in a study of your face. "You're not confessing your undying love."
"I did."
"You didn't!" Mindy said, and she threw up her arms.
"I did."
"You didn't," Anika snorted.
"I...," you looked at them both, "...are you guys going to snitch?"
"Snitch to who?" asked Mindy. Now they were both leaned in, like eager children around a campfire. You swallowed.
"Sam." Mindy blinked. Then she sat back.
"What the hell did Tara get you involved in?" she asked. As much as Sam was part of your group, it was known not to fuck with her, and that's exactly what Tara was making you do.
You frowned. If anyone was going to ruin the plan, it probably wouldn't be Mindy or Anika. "You can't tell Chad, but we're not actually together."
Anika raised her eyebrows and shot Mindy a glance. "That didn't take a lot of brain power to figure out." You shrugged.
"Well, we fooled Sam. Tara needs a fake partner so she can go to parties and see people and stuff. And, well, you know how Sam is about that stuff."
Mindy crossed her arms. "And you said sure?"
You shrugged. "I mean, I didn't really see why not. Plus, she was being super annoying about it. Showed up at my house. She was begging, almost."
"So, you what, took pity?" Anika asked, giving you a look. You rolled your eyes.
"Trust me, it's not because it's fun. She's way too annoying and she'd probably say the same thing about me."
Mindy frowned, looking out the doorway and into the booming party. "Chad wouldn't like it."
You sent her a worried look. "Please please please, don't tell Chad. I know he's upset by the whole thing, but Sam would literally kill me if she knew I was helping Tara run around town."
"I don't know...," she said. "I know Tara wants freedom, but this is kind of bullshit, (Y/n)."
"It won't be for long. She just wants to meet someone. When she does, it's over. Life goes back to normal."
"Do you guys have a target in mind, or something?" Anika asked, a bit amused.
"Not even a little a bit. It’s like, her second party ever,” you shrugged. “I don’t know if she’s really dead set on a person yet.”
“Well… she better figure it out soon.”
“Mhm.” You looked out the same glass door and into the booming party outside. Through the jumping crowd, you could see in the distance Tara, who was dancing with her eyes shut and a smile spread wide across her cheeks. She looked happy like that.
You took a swig of your beer.
The boom of a fist on your door shook the thin walls of your apartment, and you jolted awake to hear three more hit the wood.
Immediately, a headache washed over you and you groaned. You tried to smush your head into the pillow to make it go away but there were the banging fists again, and you sat up, letting your legs dangle off the edge.
“OPEN THE FUCK UP,” came the voice again, and you blinked. Oh shit. You knew that voice. You clambered to your feet and stumbled out your bedroom and down the hall in a dusty pair of shorts and shirt. “I’M NOT KIDDING! OPEN THE—”
You pulled the door open like a deer in headlights, seeing Sam seethe on the other side with her fist raised. Nostrils flared, forehead creased, eyes narrowed. She looked about ready to rip your head off.
“You,” she said, spitting the word. You flinched. “Where the fuck is Tara?!”
Shit shit shit shit shit. Had she not gone home the night before?? Things felt a little bit fuzzy still. You remembered grabbing another beer from Ethan and flopping down in an armchair, then another and another, and then maybe wandering home while the sun started to rise. Had you seriously lost track of the attempted murder victim on her first night out???
You blinked, already aware that your cheeks were a dusty pink. "I, uh... she, um..."
Her hands went to her hips, glaring at you expectantly. "Well?! Where the hell is my sister?!" When you were still staring like an idiot, she threw up her arms. "I fucking knew I shouldn't have trusted you with her! This is what I get"
You stared, feeling a lie (though probably a clunky one) come to your brain. "I think her phone must've died, but she just left."
Sam's eyebrows rose, but you weren't sure if it was in disbelief or even more rage. "What do you mean?"
"We, um," your eyes went to the floor, feeling her glare laser itself into you as you spoke. "We got super drunk last night at the party, and I brought her back here and we both fell asleep," you looked back up to see her giving your pyjamas a once over, nose wrinkled. You flushed. "No! No— we didn't do that. We just fell asleep."
Sam looked at you for a moment, then crossed her arms. "I waited all night for her, you know," she said.
You nodded. "I know. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again."
"It won't." Sam repeated. "When I don't hear from her for a whole night, you know what I assume happened, right? You know how that feels?"
You swallowed. "I do."
She sighed. "I'm really trying here. I know she doesn't want me worrying about her, and I know she wants freedom. So I'm trying, (Y/n). Don't make me regret it."
"I won't, Sam." It felt like a giant wedge in your throat, and you tried to smile at her but she continued to frown, and she turned around and walked off. The moment she was gone, you spun around and slammed the door. You dashed through your apartment, grabbing your phone off your nightstand and quickly pulling up her contact.
Little Shit (do not pick up). You pressed the button and put it up to your ear, wandering over to the nearby curtain and lifting it to look out onto the city. "Come on, come on," you pleaded aloud. "Fucking pick up, asshole."
After the third ring and a good prayer to god even though you weren't especially religious, it stopped ringing and you could hear her grumbling.
"Tara??" you rushed. "Tara, where are you?"
"Mmm," she groaned, "the hell do you want so early?"
You scoffed. "Tara it's almost noon." There was a pause on the other end of the line.
"Uh huh," you grunted. "Your sister just almost ripped my door off it's fucking hinges because she doesn't know where you are. And you know what, neither do I!" There was some shuffling from her end, and then what sounded like running footsteps.
"I went home with this girl last night, I just woke up," she rushed. "Sam is going to kill me!"
"She almost killed me!" You almost yelled into the phone. Now that the worry had subsided you were left with anger. "She almost killed me because you wandered off and didn't go home."
"It's not like I meant to fall asleep," she argued back, and you could hear some talking in the background in faint voices. "I must've slept through my alarm— wait, what did you tell Sam?"
"That your phone died, and you were on your way home."
"WHAT?! (Y/n), this girl's apartment is at least fifteen to twenty minutes away," Tara said into the phone.
"Well it's not like I knew that, now is it?" you shot back, scratching your arm, "considering I didn't know if you were even alive until you picked up."
"God, not you too. I'm fine, drama queen."
"Drama queen?"
"Yeah, drama queen," Tara repeated, and more noises flooded in. It sounded as if she was in the city now, walking, "you sound just like Sam. I picked you because I thought you knew I didn't need a babysitter."
"That's not being babysat, Tara. That's making sure you're not dead," you rolled your eyes.
"Well, I'm not."
"Fine!" you shot back.
You sighed into the speaker. "Pick up some flowers or something on your way back. Claim that's why you're late."
"Good idea, actually," Tara hummed.
"I know." And you hung up.
You found yourself at an identical party the very next Friday night too, and the Friday after that, and after that too. The walls were just as stained. It smelled just as full of mold. This one didn't have a front room for you to barricade in, so you sat at the bar top instead, in the kitchen with your chin rested on the cool granite.
It had taken a whole night to get rid of the hangover from a few weeks before, and in doing so you had remembered why it was exactly that you didn't find these things too fun, anyways. You hadn't gotten anywhere near as drunk since. Mindy and Anika had decided on date night instead, and Chad and Ethan were off to watch a movie that originally you would've been invited to, had it not been for Tara.
It was painful, that Chad was ducking you. The irony wasn't lost, that the more time you spent with your fake girlfriend at parties and outings like a couple, the closer you got to actually repairing your relationship with him. You still would've rather gone to the movie, though.
You could actually see Tara, from where you sat. Through the bar window in the kitchen, she was on the dance floor, moving along with the rhythm of hard EDM as best she could. It was a giant mob of people, all clumped up and hopping around in excitement, and you didn't especially want to be out there.
As you watched, a guy came up behind Tara, tapping her on the shoulder and smiling down at her. You thought nothing of it, until you got a longer look at the guy's face. In the revolving, multicoloured lights that hung over the crowd, you recognised him in an instant, standing straight up and weaving your way through the party.
"You having fun, Carpenter?" He asked, with a douche-y smirk on his face as he said it. You rolled your eyes, coming up behind Tara and standing right behind her.
"I—" but you interrupted her.
"She is, Frankie," you shot, staring at him and crossing your arms. Tara whipped around to you with a glare.
"(Y/n), go away," she whispered loudly. But you stood your ground.
"Tara, literally anyone but him. I mean, anyone—"
"That's not your decision."
"Sam tased him in the balls last time. I mean, come on, you have to know he's a douche."
Frankie scoffed. "I'm sorry, who are you?"
"(Y/n) is just a—"
"—We're dating," you interrupted again. "So fuck off."
"No, we aren't," Tara shook her head. "Not really."
"Yes, we are," you nodded at Frankie. "Please leave. She's not sleeping with you tonight." He frowned, but started to walk off.
"That's not your decision, asshole!" Tara scowled and she reached out an arm to stop him. "Frankie, stay. You know what, I wasn't going to, but I will now."
"Frankie, leave. I mean it, you creep." You turned to her and glared. "Tara, listen to me, you—"
"No! Frankie, stay. Maybe I need the company," she shot back, narrowing her eyes. Frankie looked between you both, as did a few other people in the room who were starting to notice.
"They literally call him Date-Rape-Frankie, Tara. There's no way in hell you're sleeping with Date-Rape-Frankie. Frankie, leave."
"Frankie, no, stay. Well, what if I want to?"
"Then you're being stupid."
"Bold choice of words coming from you! You're not my mother."
"I'm not trying to be your mom, Tara. I'm using basic common sense. That guy is a creep and a perv," you pointed to him.
"Hey!" Frankie interjected, raising a hand to your shoulder.
"Fuck off!" you and Tara said in unison, dismissing him to glare right at each other.
"Well maybe I deserve the freedom to sleep with weirdos and whoever I want! I mean, who are you, the fucking sex-Nazi?"
"I don't have a problem with literally anyone else, Tara, but he's a weirdo!"
"Well then let me make that call! I'm not five. You don't need to baby me, I know he's a weirdo!" People were definitely staring now. You were both shouting, but a lot of it was drowned out by the EDM. It didn't stop others watching you point in each others faces and scowl.
"It's not babying you, Tara! It's basic caring! You have no clue about this shit, this is like your fourth party ever!"
"I've managed this far, haven't I?!"
"What, you want a cookie?!"
"Yeah, maybe I fucking do! I'm an adult, asshole! Let me do adult shit!"
"Wow, it's so adult and mature of you, to sleep with creeps and get hungover every Friday. How adult."
"Well, maybe it's not, but who gives a shit! I'm having fun for once! I'm being free without a fucking serial killer on my ass! I know you can't relate, but Christ, take the stick out from your ass!"
"Real nice," you shook your head. "This is what I get for helping you. Of fucking course." Before she could reply, you turned around and headed out the sliding glass door, into the fenced-in backyard. There was a pool back there, and you collapsed into a wrought iron pool chair, right near the edge.
People watched you warily, as you sat out there, but within minutes, the party was resumed. Even from outside, you could hear the thumping bass shake the windows gently as the glass moved in the panes.
There was a faint scent of petrichor from the small patch of grass out there, and the sky rumbled in the distance. It was peaceful out there, with small hanging fairy lights and the pool in front of you. You propped your legs up on the glass table and tried not to scream.
This was exactly what you should've expected, from Tara. Of course she would be selfish. Of course she would be brash. A part of you wasn't surprised. Disappointed, sure. But not surprised. You just sat there and tried to cool your breathing, watching the city lights in front of you.
You must've sat like that for an hour or two, just watching the city. It didn't feel like long enough. You might've even felt at peace, until you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Um...excuse me?" You craned your neck around, looking up in your chair to see a concerned guy looking down at you.
"Are you (Y/n)?" He asked, awkwardly scratching his neck. You nodded, confused.
"Uh, yeah? Do we know each other?"
"No! No, I was asked by Tara, I think was her name? She wanted me to get you. She's your girlfriend, right?"
The worry came back, and you stood up. "Why, what happened? Where is she?" Sam was really going to kill you.
"She's in the guest bathroom, I think she's sick."
"(Y/n)?" you heard a very uneasy voice on the other end.
"Can I come in?" you asked, and when there was no response, you let yourself inside. She was on the other end of the massive bathroom, leaned up against the bathtub with her head close to the toilet bowl.
Tara looked absolutely green, with her hair sweatily stuck to her forehead and eyes barely open. "Christ Tara, how much did you have to drink?" you asked in worry, coming to stand over her.
"Oh, just—" she gagged like she was about to puke and you bent down to grab her and tug her towards the toilet bowl. You spun back to the guy in the doorway, who stared at you both with wide eyes.
"Can you get me some crackers and Gatorade?" you asked him, sending a hopeful glance. He nodded and closed the door, and you turned back to Tara, who was bent over the toilet bowl.
You moved her gently and lifted the toilet seat up. "Are you okay?" you asked with a frown. You felt like an idiot the moment it left your mouth.
She raised her eyebrows. "Do I look okay?" Tara mumbled.
"Well, no."
"Thass' good," she slurred. "I had too many," she hiccupped. You nodded.
"I'd say so. How much did you have Tara?"
She giggled. "This many." She held up four fingers with a giant, toothy grin and slumped with her arms encircling the toilet bowl.
"Since when?" you blinked.
"Since you got allllllllll pissy!" You sighed, hands going to her hair and pulling it back. She wrinkled her nose at you. "Why are you touching my hairrrrr?!"
"So you don't vomit all on it, idiot," you replied, shaking your head. Tara huffed.
"I'mnuh gonnuh puke."
And then Tara puked. Everywhere.
You both sat there, that way, for about ten minutes. Tara vomited three times, during that span, and when she was done, you handed her the crackers and Gatorade and told her to do her worst.
She downed them in another fifteen minutes, sitting in the bathtub and eating while you sat leaned up against the bathroom wall, across from her, just in silence. The sounds of the party seemed to have died a little bit as the night droned on, and by now people would be wandering home or to someone else’s place.
While you waited, you shot Sam a text, letting her know you’d bring Tara home and that she was okay. Sam didn’t reply but she saw the message, and you figured that was good enough. When you checked the weather app, Tara finally spoke, coming to her senses a bit with more food in her system.
“Thank you,” she said quietly, staring down at the package for the crackers in her hand. “Thanks.”
You shrugged, staring at the toilet in front of you. It probably reeked in there, but at this point you were nose blind. “For what?” You meant for that to be it, just a small little acknowledgment, but Tara shook her head.
“Thank you for that. For being here.”
She stared right at you when she said it, and you knew she meant it with conviction. You nodded. “I know we don’t always get along, but I had your back, back there.”
“You have my back?” she asked, smiling a little and grabbing her Gatorade from the edge of the tub.
“I agreed to help you, didn’t I?”
She paused for a moment, then nodded. “You did, yeah.” Tara looked over at you, then tilted her head to the side. “I still don’t get why, though.”
“You were honest, for once.” It came from a surprising place, and you said it before you entirely knew you were speaking. You didn’t completely know what it meant either, until after you said it, but the words passed between you almost like a new understanding.
A few moments of silence came and went, before she spoke again. “I walk silently places at night in case I hear I’m being followed. By Ghostface. Same thing as when I’m home alone. I don’t do it as much anymore, but I still do it sometimes. Don’t tell Sam, please please please. She’ll make me go to therapy.”
“Okay,” you said, nodding gently. You leaned your head back up against the wall, craning it up to look at the ceiling.
“Why are you being nice to me?” She asked. You laughed, tracing the popcorn pattern of the roof with your eyes.
“I’m not the devil, Tara.”
“…Neither am I.”
“I know,” you said, and you reached your arm out for a cracker. She gave you one and you crunched down on it, while an especially large bass hit came from the speakers outside. “God, this music fucking sucks,” you groaned.
Tara nodded. “It’s really hard to dance to.”
“Well,” you shrugged, “it didn’t seem like you were struggling earlier.”
Tara frowned, then tilted her head in curiosity. “What’s your favourite song?”
You raised your eyebrows in amusement. “Why?”
“Just wondering,” she said.
“Okay… you’re going to laugh, though.”
“Am I?” she grinned. You nodded.
“Do you know that one song, The Promise, by When In Rome? It’s from the 80s, it’s super cheesy?”
She stared off for a moment, in thought, then shook her head. “Don’t think so, how’s it go?”
You rolled your eyes, but began to quietly sing it in a tone that wavered in between spoken word and humming. It was terrible and you were tone deaf, but it was the song. “If you need a friend, don’t look to a straaanger. You know in the end,” your voice broke a little at the low note, and Tara giggled but you continued, “I’ll always be thereee.”
“Mhm. And then it skips a little bit and the chorus goes, ‘I’m sorry but I’m just thinking of the right words to say, I know they don’t sound the way I planned them to beee.’”
She cut you off with her hand, laughing hysterically. You felt your cheeks flushed, and in any other time you would’ve been annoyed with her laughing at you. But this didn’t feel mean. You just smiled right back.
“That was good, actually,” she managed, between small laughs. “Why is it your favourite?”
“Um,” you shrugged, “my brother used to sing it to me, years ago when I was scared.”
“I didn’t know you had a brother,” Tara said, leaning her head on the tile wall of the tub.
“I have six.”
She blinked, then sat up straight. “Since when?!”
“Always, Carpenter,” you shrugged. “Everyone knows.”
“Everyone who?”
“Chad, Mindy, Anika. Even Quinn.”
“I didn't know. How come you never talk about them?”
”I just don’t,” you frowned. Tonight was definitely not the night to get into that. Instead, you pivoted topics. “Why, what’s your favourite song? I showed you mine, now you’ve got to show me yours.”
“I’m ninety nine percent sure that’s not how that saying is used,” she laughed, “but fine. When I was crying as a baby, my mom sung me this song, called Baby, I Love You by The Ronettes.”
“Don’t think I’ve heard of it.”
Tara shook her head. “Probably not, but they’re the same group that does that one song Be My Baby?”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Apparently my mom had Baby, I Love You playing in the hospital, when I was born and everything. It’s kind of comforting. When I miss her, I play it.”
“How often is that?”
She shrugged. “More than you’d think, considering she’s a giant asshole.”
"That's always how it is."
"Mhm... and just so you know, I know Frankie was a creep. I wasn't actually going to do anything with him. Just flirt. Have fun."
"I know. I wasn't trying to babysit you, I just wanted to warn you. That creep has so many stories."
"I know. I just don't like being told what to do, sometimes. It's a whole thing. I'm working on it, seriously."
You didn’t know what to say to that, so you didn’t say anything at all. You both sat in what you assumed was a prolonged silence, until you looked down finally to see Tara’s eyelids falling heavy.
You stood up with a sigh. “You should go home.” There was no reply, and you checked out the small window in the bathroom to still see it was pitch black out. It was definitely too late to send her home this sleepy, and after the incident a few weeks ago, there was no way Sam would let her stay at yours. “Tara,” you nudged her.
She groaned, rolling over in the tub and snuggling up. You rolled your eyes, then looked out the window one more time with an annoyed grumble.
The longer you had to walk with her on your back, the more you regretted this. Her arms were wrapped around your neck, face pressed onto the back of your shoulder and knees held up by your hands. You couldn’t see her, but you knew her eyes were shut and she was super close to being actually asleep.
"We make a good team, you know," she mumbled into your shoulder. You knew she was being funny, but you were too tired to laugh as you trudged up the hill. Carrying a drunk girl home was not at all what you had anticipated of the night, and though it had been shitty at the beginning and shitty until almost the very end, you could definitely say it wasn't shitty right then.
When you arrived at her apartment complex, Tara was soundly asleep and Sam came out to meet you both, taking her sister from you and stumbling with her towards the door. In the distance, right over another hill, the sky was already beginning to lighten up a bit.
Right as both Carpenters reached the door, Tara stopped for a moment to turn back to you with a smile. "Thanks, babe," she said with a cheeky grin that was only half awake. You smiled back.
"You too, babe."
Sam rolled her eyes, pulling Tara through the door. It was a pleasant night, still with the same faint scent of rain oncoming. In your weird, newfound peace as you walked home yourself, you didn't see that Quinn was watching you from the upstairs window.
so that was fun lmao. anyways there will be a part 3 but you and tara are kind of maybe friends now? now it's time for feelings 😈
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jayflrt · 7 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝟕𝟖𝟔 04. the world of the elite
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The first was the chilling realization that he was actually going to a Yale party. He hadn't been to a party in over a year (save for Jungwon's birthday party where they had to call the fire department when Jake almost burned the kitchen down), so Jay wasn't expecting to end up at this scene again in his new, fake school. (Could he even call this fake if he was actually earning a degree while his tuition was paid for? He could hardly tell what was real and what was fabricated anymore.)
Secondly, was it really wise for him to get close to his target like this? He hadn't dealt with assignments where he had to follow people around, so this was all rather new to him. He realized, however, that he managed to befriend you, his mission could get a lot more complicated.
Third—he had no idea how to talk to rich people.
There were times when Jay had to entertain particularly wealthy guests when his parents brought coworkers home. But it was so excruciating even then because wow, how shallow could someone get? The depths of his conversations with all the rich people he had met were not promising at all, so he didn't have much hope for his social battery tonight.
But Jay was probably on par with some of them now, so he had to adjust to this new lifestyle. There was no way he could lie about his upbringing, though, so he framed a story of him having a rich aunt that was over-the-moon when he got into Yale.
Moreover, he was so confused as to why Shin Yuna approached him. It wasn't like he looked well-off with his clothes that he thrifted years ago. Jay couldn't tell if Yuna was just being nice, or if she had other intentions that he was supposed to be concerned about.
"Whoa, nice jacket," Sunoo complimented once he let his eyes sweep Jay's outfit. "You'll be lucky if Yuna lets you out of her sight."
His eyes grew wide. "Is she expecting me to be by her side the whole time?"
"Probably. You still have time to back out, if you want."
He was conflicted. This was the perfect opportunity for him to get close to the people around you and get some information out of whoever was the most drunk there; at the same time, if Yuna was going to keep her perfectly-manicured claws on his shoulders the whole time, this whole night would be counterproductive.
In the end, Jay decided to go. He figured that if worst came to worst, he would just find the right time to ask Yuna some questions about you.
"Is Heeseung's place close?" Jay asked. The truth was that he already looked up all possible routes to the location when Sunoo sent him the address earlier; he just needed to ask as a formality.
"Down the block here," Sunoo replied. "His dad bought him an entire penthouse. Isn't that sick?"
He fought down a bitter remark and said, "Man, that must be nice. What do his parents do? You said Sunghoon's dad owns Park Pharmaceuticals, right?"
"Yeah, and his older brother, Sungjin, is taking over the company. And Heeseung's dad is a hedge fund owner," Sunoo answered. "They only made it big recently, like four or five years ago. I remember Heeseung used to be way different back in freshman year. Now he's more... subdued. I guess he didn't know how to handle being rich back then."
Jay could see the flashing of blue and purple lights from the windows of the penthouse down the street. He carefully watched the two figures on the terrace talking by the railing. At first, it seemed as if they were just talking normally. As he got closer, though, Jay realized from the faint sounds he picked up that they were, in fact, arguing.
It was you.
Jay had been looking at pictures of you all week, but seeing you up on the terrace was different. It seemed to just sink in that what he was doing was real, and seeing you in the flesh was all he needed for cold reality to seep into his veins like poison.
The man next to you must have been Park Sunghoon. Even from how high up the two were, Jay could tell that the man next to you exuded an overwhelming presence.
But he wondered what they were arguing over.
"C'mon," Sunoo said grimly, clearly having taken notice of the commotion above, "it's just up these stairs."
Jay felt his stomach sink deeper and deeper with each step he took. When they reached Heeseung's door, there was a bouncer guarding the entrance—probably some freshman Heeseung paid to keep watch. Jay stopped in his tracks, wondering if he was even allowed in since he had never met Heeseung, but his friend simply opened the door and walked right in, as if his arrival was expected, and the bouncer paid no mind. (Perhaps it was expected? Jay was starting to believe all these people had history that he didn't even understand the extent of.)
"Jay!" came a shrill cry from across the room. Jay turned to see Shin Yuna all but tackle him, draping her arms across his shoulders. He could smell the alcohol on her breath already. "I'm glad you made it."
"Thanks for the invite," Jay replied, gently prying Yuna's hands off of him, which she allowed him to do but grabbed his hand again right after.
Jay sent Sunoo a help me sort of look, but his friend seemed to greatly misunderstand the message he was sending across. Sunoo gave him a sideways grin and a thumbs-up before signaling that he was going to catch up with some friends in the kitchen.
"Come on," Yuna slurred, dragging Jay over to a sectional couch in the corner. "I'll introduce you to my friends."
He recognized some of the faces while he was looking into you—Karina Yoo, whose mother owned a private jet company; Choi Yeonjun, who landed a few minor movie roles with the help of his Golden Globe award-winning mother; Giselle Uchinaga, whose father was an investment banker and mother owned a nightclub; Kim Chaewon, whose mother revolutionized stem cell research; and then there was Lee Heeseung in the corner, who had his arms folded across his chest as he sized Jay up.
From what he gathered, this was most (or all) of the people in your inner circle. Heeseung and Sunghoon appeared to be more than that to you, though; childhood friends had a bond more special than the rest, he supposed.
Jay then wondered how Heeseung felt about his two childhood friends dating and now arguing on the balcony.
"Guys," Yuna started with a grin, motioning to Jay with a dramatic flair of her hands, "this is Jay, the new transfer student."
"Hey." Jay waved to the group, his mouth suddenly feeling extremely dry.
His greeting was returned by a few tight smiles from the rest and a chorus of unenthusiastic words of acknowledgment that he didn't feel too great about. Maybe he had to give up on his chance of entering your circle.
"Don't mind them," Yuna whispered to him as she pulled him over to sit on the couch with her. They were seated exactly across from Heeseung, whose stare made Jay feel even more uncomfortable. "They're all in a bad mood 'cause Y/N and Sunghoon got in a fight before you came. God, why do they always kill the vibe?" She was talking awfully loud, causing Karina and Giselle to shoot her warning glares. Jay had a sinking feeling that she was making the situation worse if she kept opening her mouth. "Seriously, I mean, we're here to party!"
Not that Jay was particularly avoidant with physical touch, but being touched and fawned about in front of everyone was slightly unnerving, especially when he didn't know Yuna all that well. Nearly half her body weight was on top of him, and Jay was pretty sure she would end up sitting fully on his lap if she took another shot.
"Are you... drunk?" he asked her warily.
She gave him a strange look before giggling. "Uh, yeah? Did you want a drink, too?"
"No, just—"
"Hey, so you've really never seen me online before?" she asked, tilting her head in a way that Jay had to admit would've been rather cute if he wasn't so overwhelmed and put-off by everything else. "I'm, like, TikTok famous."
"Oh, that's nice," he replied, sort of distracted as he tried to catch a glimpse of you out on the terrace. He saw a flash of your glittering silver romper, but then your boyfriend stepped in front of you again.
"Transfer student," Heeseung called out. He had his elbows on his knees, but once Jay looked at him, he started to stand up. "Let's get you a drink since the rest of them are being miserable."
Jay assumed it was a joke, but only he (and probably Heeseung) seemed to think so. Karina let out a sound that sounded partly like a laugh and partly like a scoff.
"Way to make it awkward, Heeseung," she sneered.
"He's the one who probably feels so awkward with you all being so quiet," Heeseung said, patting Jay firmly on the shoulder to get him to stand up. Jay had to gently peel Yuna off of him before he got up to follow Heeseung. "We'll be back."
While Heeseung and him were making their way past groups of students packed together, Jay couldn't figure out what the hell to say to him. When he first walked in, the look in Heeseung's eyes made him think he was a piece of trash stuck to the bottom of his shoe, but now he was just lost.
"I haven't heard of you before," Heeseung said once they reached a long table with bottles of alcohol strewn about.
"I didn't expect you to. Today's my first day, anyway."
There was a bartender on the other side of the room, but Jay figured that Heeseung brought him here for a private conversation. Without even asking Jay about his preference, he let his hand glide over the handles before he picked out a bottle of tequila. Jay wasn't much of a drinker but he let Heeseung pour him a shot.
"What do your parents do?"
Jay couldn't stop himself from barking out a laugh, shaking his head fervently. "Oh, no, they're"—he shook his head again—"they're no one."
"They can't be 'no one' if they managed to get their son into Yale."
"They didn't get me into Yale."
"They still raised you, didn't they?" Heeseung raised a brow. "My mom's a preschool teacher, and my dad was unemployed up until my sophomore year of high school. Not the professions you expected, huh?"
Jay's brows raised in pleasant surprise. Here he thought that Heeseung was judging him, but maybe it was the exact opposite. He really didn't expect a sincere response from someone like him, but perhaps he just misjudged the junior.
"My mom's an office worker, and my dad used to be a firefighter before he got into an accident," Jay answered. "Now he has a corporate job."
"And you're..."
"I'm what?"
"What're you trying to be in the world?"
Jay took the plastic shot glass that Heeseung handed out to him. Before downing it in one go, he answered, "Someone."
Heeseung laughed. "At least you have more of a story than most of the people in this room." He shot one of the cluster of students a sideways glance and said, "Let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if most of the people here bought their way into Yale."
Jay swallowed hard. He couldn't say anything when he was technically one of those people, too. All his life, he slogged harder than anyone else for a place in the world. He worked at restaurants illegally since he was thirteen, studied tirelessly to get free rides to universities, and gave up a social life just to balance multiple jobs to get bills paid. It felt strange to be one of the people who didn't have to lift a finger for extraordinary opportunities.
For a moment, he wondered if he would get in if he tried applying on his own. There was no use in pondering, though; this was all simply for the assignment—nothing more, nothing less.
"You made it here on your own, didn't you?" Jay asked with a flickering, newfound respect for Lee Heeseung.
"I didn't even think I'd be able to pay for college when I was in high school," he answered. "Of course I needed to work hard. Getting a full ride into an Ivy League isn't something you get by fucking around. Even though Hoon and Y/N were set their whole lives... I couldn't just be the only one who didn't make it in."
Jay wondered why Heeseung was telling him, a total stranger, all of this. He didn't bring it up, though, in case the question sobered him up to the point of not revealing any further information.
But he had to ask, "So why'd you drag me out here for a drink?"
It was a fair question. There were bottles of alcohol on the table next to the sectional couch. If Heeseung really wanted to just pour him a drink, he could've done so then and there.
"Thought I'd save you from Yuna," he said. "She gets a little messy when she's drunk."
"Oh." Jay almost shuddered at the thought of what could've happened if he was still sitting on the couch.
"Sorry. Are you interested in her?"
Jay's eyes grew as wide as saucers as he shook his head firmly. "N-not at all. I just met her today."
The alcohol started coursing through his blood, making his limbs feel less like muscle and more like jelly. Yet, he strangely felt more comfortable in his body.
"Good." Heeseung leaned against the table and crossed his arms again. "I would've felt bad for you if you were actually into her. She definitely thinks this'll make me jealous somehow." He suddenly stiffened up. "Don't mention this to the others, though. I don't think Y/N would be happy if she found out."
He arched a brow at Heeseung. So you didn't know about your own friend's feelings toward your childhood friend? Even though you were in a relationship yourself? Interesting.
But even more interesting because Jay swore he saw pictures of Heeseung and Chaewon together on his Instagram. Pictures that seemed to imply that they were a couple. Their little inner circle seemed to be more convoluted than Jay initially thought.
"Haven't even met her," he told Heeseung. "I'm not the kind of person to spread people's secrets like that."
Unless I'm paid to do so, he thought bitterly.
Heeseung smiled slyly, and Jay wasn't sure if it was one of friendship or as if he had just heard an enticing business proposal. "I hope my feeling about you is right." After grabbing the handle of Clase Azul on the table, he added, "Let's go back before they accuse me of scaring you off."
Jay followed after him, wondering if he had just accidentally gotten himself in Heeseung's good graces, or if he just made a grave mistake.
Jay decided to ask, "Hey, by the way, do you know about the Order of Kryptos?"
Heeseung stopped in his tracks immediately, spinning around so fast that Jay nearly stumbled over his feet.
"What about it?"
"Well, I just—I don't know—I was thinking of, uh, joining."
"You can't just join. You have to be invited." Despite the shame that burned under Jay's skin for sounding like an idiot in front of the junior, Heeseung's eyes twinkled. "But... I know someone you could talk to if you wanna get your foot in the door."
"You do?"
"This isn't like a frat where you have to rush. See, all these people here just target members of the current class and suck up to them until they get tapped. For example, Hoon's practically guaranteed a tap since his brother's in the Order right now."
"Then do you think I even have a chance?"
Heeseung shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. There's only fifteen seats, so it all depends on how much you impress them." He grabbed Jay by the shoulder and pointed out one of the seniors laughing with a couple other boys in the kitchen. "That's Jeong Jaehyun. He's probably the chillest in the Order—doesn't really give a fuck about prestige and background, or whatever. I'd talk to him when you get the chance."
Jay, wildly amazed with how big of a help Heeseung was being, returned the gesture by patting him on the back firmly. "Thanks, man."
"No worries. You should work fast, though. They start giving up their seats next semester."
Next semester. Jay was certain he could get on someone's good side by then.
This whole thing was rather frustrating for him, though. All Jay wanted to do was lay low and carry out his assignment properly, but to do so he needed to get close to you and your friends somehow. Impressing you meant impressing a senior to get into the Order. There seemed to be far too many hurdles he needed to cross just to uncover some dirt on you.
When he and Heeseung returned to the sectional couch, everyone seemed a smidge more lively. Yeonjun waved Jay over to introduce himself properly, claiming that he couldn't say anything earlier because Yuna was hogging all the attention. Yuna, on the other hand, seemed to have already blacked out on the couch, but none of her friends were exactly paying much attention to her. Jay wondered if this was a frequent occurence with her.
While Jay was in the middle of telling Yeonjun and Giselle about the school he transferred from, you came out from the terrace with Sunghoon, but there was an icy distance between you two.
Jay had spent the past week looking at pictures of you every single night. Almost every picture you had on your Instagram was burned into his brain.
But seeing you up close in the flesh was almost earth-shattering. All the details your camera couldn't capture were like the missing pieces that made you glow even brighter. Jay was almost amazed that Park Sunghoon could even fight with you when you looked like this.
"Y/N?" Karina called, but you were crossing the room in the direction of the bathroom. She threw a nasty glare at Sunghoon, who sat down on the couch with a heavy sigh.
Giselle raised a brow. "You're gonna let your girlfriend walk away?"
"She needs space," Sunghoon answered curtly.
"Oh, I bet she gets plenty of that from you."
"Watch your mouth, Giselle."
Jay wasn't sure if Heeseung was making the right decision when he stood up and offered, "Hoon, chill. I'll go check on her."
Chaewon was quick to grab her boyfriend's hand, frowning as she said, "I think one of the girls should."
Heeseung pulled his hand away, and Jay noticed the crumbling look in Chaewon's eyes before he pretended to be more interested in a loose thread in the couch. He felt bad for her; she was practically being humiliated in front of everyone else.
"I'm the host," Heeseung replied. "I should check on her."
Karina shot Yeonjun and Giselle a withering look. "Our Uber's almost here. I don't think she wants to go home with"—she motioned to Sunghoon with a jut of her chin—"you know."
"I'll ask Ryujin to take her home, but we should probably tell her before we leave," Yeonjun said. He lowered his voice to add, "Yuna's wasted. You know Heeseung's gonna get pissed if she crashes here."
Giselle snorted. "That's probably what she wants."
Jay looked down at his lap. So everyone was aware of Yuna's semi-hidden feelings toward Heeseung except you? Why was it a secret from you, anyway? This friend group—if Jay could even call them that—was messier than he had anticipated.
Jay, who was seated in the middle of the trio, started to feel rather awkward. Surely, they must have known he could hear everything they were saying.
"Uh," he started because he was starting to feel like he was obligated to chime in, "I can call an Uber for your friend, if she needs one."
"Aw, Jay, you're too sweet," Giselle cooed, but then her face of adoration turned completely serious. "But you're a man. We don't trust you."
"That... that's fair."
"Oh, but he's Sunoo's friend," Yeonjun added. "Sunoo would get her home safely."
"Just ask Sunoo or Ryujin—whoever's still here," Giselle said.
Karina, who was on her phone for a majority of the conversation, spoke up to confirm, "Yeah, their locations are still here. I'll text them to make sure Y/N's taken care of." She stood up. "Let's just get going and check up on her later in the group chat."
"God, how are we gonna drag Yuna out of here?" Giselle whined. She gently maneuvered the unconscious girl to make it easier for them to lift her up. "Yeonjun, you get her other arm."
After much effort, they were finally able to get Yuna barely stumbling forward as her arms were around their shoudlers. They said their goodbyes to Jay and Chaewon, but Sunghoon only got one from Yeonjun.
Sunghoon rolled his eyes and moved to sit next to Jay. Chaewon was completely sidelined at this point as she picked at her nails and waited for Heeseung to come back.
"Sorry for that mess," Sunghoon said. "I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Park Sunghoon."
"Jay," he greeted. "Nice to meet you. Heeseung told me a bit about you."
"Oh, really?" He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I hope it wasn't too awkward."
Jay grinned. "All good things. Don't worry."
"Great, uh..." He fumbled for a moment, reaching into his pockets and then handing Jay a pink iPhone. "Do you think you could hand this to my girlfriend? She should be somewhere in the house."
Although Jay took the phone from him, he grimaced. He didn't even know you, and he felt bad already. Your own boyfriend was sending a stranger to give you something when he could very well do it by himself?
And why did he have your phone in the first place? Jay wondered if Sunghoon had taken it from you during the argument, and the very idea made him feel cold.
"I really think you should give it to her."
His small smile stretched into an awkward grin. "I don't think she wants to see my face right now."
"Oh... sure—will do."
This time when Jay crossed the room and pushed through the packs of students, it felt slightly more intimidating. He felt like a lone fish amongst schools of them, and the few shots he took had definitely worn off by now. Not to mention the recent turn of events were incredibly sobering.
Heeseung's penthouse was nice. Nothing he could ever dream of affording before his anonymous client sent him more money than he would've ever made in his life.
When Jay stepped into the narrow hallway that led to the bathroom, he could hear Heeseung's gentle voice echoing.
"—talk to me, please," he pleaded. "I don't know what Sunghoon said to you, but—"
"Heeseung, just leave me alone." Your own faltering voice was treading on desperation. "You don't have to be here to comfort me. You're not my boyfriend."
And then it grew quiet. Jay was afraid that he was about to walk in on an uncomfortable situation.
Seconds later, the door opened and Heeseung was stony-faced, walking past Jay without even noticing he was there. You didn't even close the door after he left, so Jay inched closer to make sure nothing bad happened to you.
There you were, sitting on the edge of the bathtub and crying into your hands. There was an odd, disconnected feeling in Jay's chest. He had seen so many pictures and posts of you looking like you were having the time of your life, but the sight before him caused all of that to come crashing down, catching on fire.
Back outside, looking up at the terrace, you were so high above him, as if he would never reach you. Now, you were shattering to pieces before him, leaving broken shards scattered around you that Jay was hesitant to tread on.
Once you took notice of his presence, your head lifted up slowly, and Jay really felt bad for you now. Streaks of mascara were under your eyes and your red lipstick was smudged.
"Can I help you?" you asked flatly, sniffling every now and then even as you tried to act like you hadn't been caught crying.
Jay simply held your phone out, and you grabbed it from him once you recognized it was yours.
"How'd you—"
"Your boyfriend told me to bring it to you," he answered, and your eyes welled up with tears again. Jay sighed as you started breaking down in front of him, but he really wasn't all that annoyed as he sounded. He grabbed a tissue from the box on top of the toilet and ran it under water for a brief second. "Here."
Jay leaned down in front of you and blotted the tissue gently under your eyes, wiping off the residue of your mascara that stained your skin. You tried to resist his gesture at first, but when you realized what he was doing, you relaxed. If his eyes weren't tricking him, maybe you were even slightly embarrassed?
Then, he moved to your lips, using the other side of the tissue to carefully dab at where your lipstick was smudged. Jay tried especially hard not to stare at the curve of your lips, wondering what dark secret you could possibly be hiding behind the corners of your mouth. After he was done, he tossed the tissue aside and stood up.
"Thanks," you murmured.
"No problem," he said, backing up to the doorway. "You should probably keep the door closed if you need some alone time, by the way."
But one look at your expression, and he could tell that you were hoping that someone else would come looking for you.
"Y-yeah," you stammered out, standing up to close it yourself.
"Also," he continued, pressing his lips together in a thin line. Just walk away, Jay. This is none of your business. Just turn around and keep walking. "Your friends are worried about you, so..."
There's people out there who wouldn't make you cry like this.
He couldn't get the rest of the words out. Who was he to speak on a relationship he had only seen for a brief moment, anyway?
Before Jay could turn on his heel, you called out, "Wait! What was your name again?"
His eyebrows raised in surprise. "Jay Park. I just transferred here."
"Jay... oh, the transfer student." You said his name so gently that it was almost like you were handling glass. Then, he saw the first smile on your face tonight, and oh, he had never seen someone smile so bright. "I'm Y/N. See you around."
After you closed the door and Jay had headed back to where everyone else was, the loud, booming music grounding him back into reality, his heart sank with the realization that he had already been thrown into a world that he wasn't sure he liked very much.
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SUMMARY ▸ private investigator jay park just wants to complete his mission quietly and move on with his life. you, his new assignment who keeps consuming his thoughts, don't make that very easy for him.
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pia-nor481 · 2 months
She…What? Chapter Five
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Oscar Piastri, Lando Norris, Daniel ricciardo x Reader
Daniel finally talks to Oscar and Lando just can’t help but put his hands on her
2.1k words 18+
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Oscar couldn't move, he knew he should have, maybe run to Lando say what he saw. No that would be extremely selfish to ruin his night. Something was pulling Oscar in and keeping him there. He shouldn't be watching his friend's Girlfriend getting railed by another man, and he most certainly shouldn't be squeezing his cock at the sight. Twice tonight she's gotten him hard and yet this time he had no problem with it. He was pulled back to reality upon feeling his phone vibrate in his back pocket. It was a message from Lando asking where he was. He looked up one more time before turning away, hoping he'll remember the image of her tomorrow.
She awoke with a pounding headache the next morning, naked in Daniel's bed. "Morning Darling." He grumbled, pulling her closer to avoid the light from the open curtains. She moaned quietly pushing her head further into his chest, not wanting to wake up quite yet. "No, hurts too much." She never really knew her limit when it came to anything so trusting her with alcohol could be dangerous, especially when she wakes up hung over. "I know love." Daniel whispered sweetly, playing with her hair before reaching for the nightstand, grabbing water and some ibuprofen. Daniel didn't drink too much last night, he didn't feel like he deserved it. They continued to enjoy the others company for a while, waiting for the pain killers to kick in. "So, last night, what happened with Lando." Daniel said, lying back with a smirk on his face. "Wow you really are interested in your friend's sex life, it's almost like you want to fuck him yourself." She laughed, finally sitting up as he rolled his eyes. "Well, he blindfolded me, tied my wrists and make me watch him fuck me in front of the mirror, you know, the usual." She laughed, looking for any item of clothing she could used to cover her chest.
"Can we talk about something more serious?" Her head turned fast at his question, chest filling with worry. "Always." She whispered, coming back to him. Daniel let out a large sigh before beginning to speak. "So you remember Oscar seeing us last night?" She nodded slowly, knowing this could be a problem for his career, if Oscar decided to be really petty it could go all wrong for Daniel. "Why didn't you tell me you were sleeping with him." He said with a pointed tone, she was not expecting such an aggressive start to the day. "I'm not now, nor was I before. We agreed that if we were to sleep with anyone then we'd consult each other first... What's happened?" Her hand made contact with his chest, feeling the rapid heart rate. "I saw him in the elevator before I went to the club yesterday, and I may or may not have started on him. But he was still nice to me after and I feel like a bit of a dick. But then he saw us and well, he was getting off on it. No one normal would do that unless they were involved before, and I know for fact that I wasn't sleeping with him." First he was jealous of Lando and now Oscar, he was going a bit too far after being the one to suggest this relationship. "Maybe he's just a pit of a perv because I promise you I've not had any form of sex with him, or frankly even had any contact with him." She elaborated, swinging a leg over Daniel's lap. "Then why was there a McLaren hoodie with the number eighty-one on it in you're room?" He said clearly still annoyed. "Because, Lando was walking around the paddock hard and Oscar was being kind by giving him the hoodie to cover up. Lando left it behind the first time I gave him a blowjob. You can ask him you're self." She spoke quietly with her arms crossed over her chest. "No I believe what you're saying it just hard for me to adjust. That's no excuse but it's the reason. I needed to shift the blame from myself. But that's wrong of me. I'm sorry Love." He muttered the last part into her skin, running his hands over her hips. Guilt quickly consumed him.
"Would you be okay if it happens in the future because I have a feeling either Lando will ask for him or he'll come directly to me." She asked worried it could end badly. "Not really. If I'm honest, I'm still kinda mad at him. I know, I know he's not done anything but still. I just don't know about him. It's different with Lando, I'm actually close with him you know...Let me sort some things out with him first. Then we'll see." He said, chest puffed out slightly. Her nerves eased slightly as she grabbed his jaw, kissing his lips softly.
"You know what I'm like...I love to tease my men." She giggled out, receiving a harsh smack on her ass. "Don't start. You know what I'm like, I'll punish you." He said in a low voice, pulling her up so she was in his lap." You know I'd like that, Danny." She was quick to start grinding down, moaning quietly. "Darling, we can't. We have to be out of the room in half an hour." He groaned desperately wanting her. "Fine." She huffed rolling off of him, looking in his suitcase. "You were fucked twice yesterday and that still wasn't enough, need me to get you off again. Truly insatiable." The Australian laughed, bringing his hand behind his head, letting a sigh escape his lips. "You've never complained." She muttered, throwing a shirt at him. "I could never, I love watching you cum. Although it's not fair that women can have multiple orgasms and men can't. Otherwise you'd be on my dick a lot more." Her only response was a quick laugh as she grabbed his things, placing them neatly in his suitcase. "As much as I love seeing you like this, you need to put some clothes on. My room is a mess and we need to go soon." She stated, pulling Daniel from under the covers.
They walked rather quick towards her room, Daniel's hand around her waist as they made their way through the hallway. After struggling with the key to the door she rushed towards the bed. Daniel was quick to follow, deciding it was best to help her gather her things. "Woah, you didn't tell me you bought this." He stated dumbfoundedly, holding up a slick red vibrator. "I have to keep some tricks up my sleeve." She grabbed the silk from the floor and folded it quickly in her hands, placing it gently in her suitcase. "Oh, you weren't kidding about the blind fold. You really did have fun yesterday." He laughed tapping her ass before walking around the room, noticing the infamous McLaren hoodie. "You still have this?" She looked up briefly before zipping her last bag up. "Yes, I've not had the time to give it back. Lando was supposed to take it back to him the other day actually." She grumbled to herself, headache coming back. Daniel carried the hoodie in his left hand while guiding her out of the room. "Let's get you something to eat, it should help." They left the room in silence and headed towards the lift, she hugged him close as the dizziness set in. "I'm going to take this back to Oscar, gives me an excuse to talk with him." Daniel said, shrugging his shoulders. She smiled before replying, "I'll walk there with you, I want to speak with Lando, see if he even alive."
They walked back into the paddock late in the afternoon. Daniel needed to speak to his team about the race the day before as well as speak with Oscar. They made way to the McLaren hospitality and waited for the drivers to come out. Lando was first to make an appearance, coffee in his hands, trying to stay awake. "Hey Lovely." He whispered out, kissing her cheek. "You alright mate?" He turned to Daniel with a puzzled look. "Yeah, I'm good, you good to speak later though? The usual?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow. Lando nodded, slipping his hand in hers. "Can you do me a favour? Send Oscar out here. I need to talk to him." Lando nodded once more, guiding her into the building. It was a general rule that other drivers were not allowed into another team's hospitality. "Hey Osc, Daniel wants to speak with you outside." Oscar was shocked, that much as clear from his face.
If Daniel was concerned about him telling the media about what he saw that was understandable, but realistically he wasn't going to say anything, no matter how much Daniel disliked him. He was nervous walking through the door, he didn't know what to expect. The first thing Oscar noticed was his hoodie in the hands on the other Australian. "So...What did you want to talk about?" His nerves were showing, Daniel handed to top to him before speaking. "Mostly what you saw last night." Oscar cheeks pinked at the thought, if he was being honest, he masturbated in the morning thinking about her, he wanted to be the one making her moan. "That's fucked up man. You cant do things like that to your friend." He was almost furious that how casual Daniel was making the situation. "Hold on, it's not what you think...Lando knows." Daniel rushed out, pulling Oscar to the side, hopefully avoiding the listening ears of everyone around, Oscar let out a quiet and confused 'what?' before letting Daniel speak again. "Look, we have a pretty odd relationship. We were guess together first and I suggested that she start seeing Lando as well." Oscar's jaw dropped midway through the explanation. "She was with Lando the day you gave him you're hoodie, and that may have caused some temporary problems between us. You know, communication is pretty important in this kind of relationship. Well what I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry for talking to you like that yesterday, you didn't deserve that." Daniel averted his eyes, felling slightly embarrassed. "Thanks, sorry I just don't really know how to react. I understand why you're so mad though. Technically I did take your seat and caused a multitude of problems for you, so it's alright."
"I do have a few questions if that's alright." Oscar stated, pulling the hoodie over his head, quickly realising it didn't smell like him or Lando. Daniel nodded quickly, looking around. "So is this some kind of open relationship or is she...you know... a prostitute?" Oscar cringed using that word but anything else sounded too vulgar. Daniel laughed loudly, head falling back slightly. "No she's not. We aren't really together either. It's complicated. But yeah, I think open relationship is the best way to put it." Oscar nodded, finally understanding, although he with still on edge around him.
At the same time, Lando was quick to pull her into his drivers room. Kissing her neck as soon as the door was closed, she moaned quietly, knowing there was still plenty of McLaren employees in the building. "Missed you." He mumbled into her skin. It was when Lando woke up to an empty space on his bed he realised how much he craved her presence. "You were with me last night." She giggled, feeling him sucking on the base of her neck. He wanted to tell her she was all he could think about, he wanted to say that she was consuming him, but he just couldn't, he didn't know how. "Doesn't mean I don't miss you." She tugged on his hair lightly, wanting to look at him. "I have a little proposal to tell you about." Lando moved back, pulling her to sit on the bed with him. "Daniel and I have talked about it and of course I need to speak with you as well. What about bringing Oscar in on this?" Lando didn't speak for a while, and it concerned her very much. "I mean, I don't really mind. It doesn't affect me too much." He shrugged his shoulders as he spoke. Not really seeing how this was supposed to bother him. "Don't tell him about it though, I want to see how he reacts to being told about our relationship. I'm not sure whether he will ask you or me about it first." She said, lifting his shirt up. Lando made haste in pulling it off, reaching for her top. "Definitely ask me...Now come on, take your clothes off."
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Chapter Six
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saerins · 1 year
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+ michael kaiser x f!reader | wc 2.8k | content: fluff, kaiser is persistent lol, making out, suggestive
notes: idk babes …. hopefully i didn’t butcher him <3 running back to sae after this 🫡 kaiser lovers, enjoy the one and only kaiser fic on my blog !! hehe
summary: kaiser has more reason to visit his regular cafe spot now. and he’s not gonna quit until he makes you his.
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kaiser thinks you’re pretty.
call him stupid or superficial or whatever, but he can’t help it. he walks over to the far end of the counter where you’re working, staring intently at the latte art you’re doing.
it’s horrible. you’re probably new. figures, because he lives right above in the apartment complex and he’s never seen you here before. it’s a damn crime.
“i want a flat white cappuccino, hot, and could you make it with a heart on top?”
you furrow your brows and look up at him, his elbows propped on the stainless steel countertop, cheeky smirk filling his face. you continue wearing your straight expression as you go back to the task at hand.
“i’m not the waiter. you can ask mimiko, she’s the one at the register.”
kaiser doesn’t know her either. she must be new too.
you’re not that friendly. not that kaiser minds; he’ll break through your walls. that’s his personal challenge. he’ll do it.
“but i wanna talk to you.”
still unamused, you sigh and look at him, putting down your frother.
“get in line.”
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“hey y/n!”
kaiser’s still optimistic after the failed fifth attempt. he managed to get your name from mimiko when you finally made him go away that first day he saw you. to which you groaned, but kaiser only grinned.
today’s no different. you frown when he walks in, immediately relegating to the back corner of the bar. too bad though, kaiser’s got charms, he’s made quick friends with everyone else here plus he has the famous soccer player privilege so your other colleagues love him.
that’s why he manages to get behind the counter in no time, saying he’ll help work the register. but really, he has no clue what to do and he’s just dilly-dallying around you.
“no, real talk, why do you hate me so much?” kaiser asks, not really bothered but more curious.
you don’t even take him seriously. you’ve looked at him probably about twice this entire day, and one time wasn’t even by choice; it was only because kaiser was blocking your path to the fridge and wouldn’t budge unless you said please. (you didn’t. you just glared at him until he moved.)
“i don’t like your hair.”
“hey, what’s wrong with my hair?”
you shrug. “just don’t like it.”
“okay but what about my tattoos, you like those right?”
kaiser moves to adjust his shirt to let you see but you walk off.
“not really.”
he sighs, you’re really hard to get close to, he’ll give you that. but he’s not one to give up.
before kaiser can say anything else, a bunch of girls from the counter call your name, and he sees you smile for the first time since he’s met you and he feels even more hooked on you.
the control you have over him is pretty insane, and it’s only because kaiser allows it.
you and your friends talk about normal stuff. they’re asking how work’s going and you say it’s fine—just that there’s an annoying guy that won’t quit talking to you.
“wow, fifth date and you’re already telling your friends about me?” kaiser interjects, putting an arm around your shoulder and greeting your friends. he’s positive you’re seething right now, but he continues on. “hey there, you can call me kaiser.”
as your friends blush and introduce themselves, all kaiser notices is how you don’t push him away like you always used to upon first contact. so hey, maybe he is making progress after all.
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“so, barista y/n l/n, what’re your plans for today?”
it’s been two months since you started working in the cafe, and it’s been two months since kaiser’s relentless pursuit. he’s not backing down though.
“well, player michael kaiser, that’s none of your business,” you absentmindedly respond as you clean the glass in your hand with the cloth and put it back up on the shelf.
lucky for him, mimiko is on his side.
“our dear y/n has a blind date tonight,” she coos, getting a sigh out of you and winking at kaiser.
“first of all, i’m not a player,” kaiser makes sure to tell you, hurriedly making his way behind the counter as if he owns the place. “second of all, who’s the guy?”
you press your lips into a firm line and repeat yourself, “none of your business, kaiser.”
“but it is.”
“why the hell would it be?”
kaiser pouts. “because i like you.”
it takes you a while to respond, swallowing the lump in your throat. “i’ve been nothing but mean to you, you sure you’re not just a masochist?”
that’s a blatant lie, kaiser knows. he knows you’re not actually mean, you just have a sharp tongue.
kaiser notices how you notice him—placing three sugars in his coffee and doing it for him whenever you make it. adding to that; you personally make all of kaiser’s drinks instead of handing it to the other barista, and you make little hearts on top. (at first he thought you might’ve really wanted to poison him, but hey, he’s alive so probably not.) he knows you give someone else the horrible latte art and give him the nicer one you do. he knows how you’ve never actually been mean to him aside from saying you hated his hair and tattoos. (but then he also caught you staring at the rose that one time so maybe you don’t.)
“nope, pretty sure i like you,” kaiser affirms, because in the sunlight he thinks your invisible halo is shining and he’d be a lot more lovestruck now if half of him wasn’t upset that you’re going to go on a blind date when he can’t even score alone time with you.
“what’s his name?” he asks you again, when you don’t respond to him.
it’s about a half hour till closing, he’ll have the whole time to pitch himself to you, maybe. score a date or something. hell, maybe he’ll even convince you not to go on the—
“y/n, right?”
kaiser whips his head to the side to see your supposed date already here.
“i’m yukimiya kenyu,” he’s shaking your hand and you’re actually smiling. at a guy. do you smile at anyone as long as they’re not kaiser? “ready to go?”
“she has another half hour to go, idiot,” kaiser lets slip, catching a warning glare from you.
yukimiya grins sheepishly at the animosity, but you’re quick to defuse the tension. “actually i get off a half hour early today so i’m good to go,” you tell yukimiya, ignoring kaiser behind you. “just let me get my bag and we can go, okay?”
while you’re in the back clocking out, kaiser glares at your date, who’s leaning against the counter and scrolling through his socials. he’s clean, neat, looks like he could be a model. is that your type? kaiser can do that too, does he need to show you all the endorsement deals he’s done?
you leave without saying goodbye, laser focused on yukimiya and whatever the fuck he’s saying and kaiser has never felt more irritated.
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“so, how’s your date with pretty boy?”
that’s mimiko asking, because kaiser is still a little pouty even a week later.
“it was fine, we’re into a lot of the same stuff apparently.”
kaiser’s still hovering around you though, because it’s off-season and he’s going to spend every moment he can chasing you. you’re not making it easy though. you’re still giving him the cold shoulder sometimes.
“when’s the next date?”
kaiser is too focused on the thin air he’s staring into to notice you briefly throwing him a quick glance.
“don’t know if there is one, honestly.”
that manages to get kaiser’s attention, his mood immediately perking up and eyes now fully focused on you.
“why not? thought you guys had a lot in common or whatever,” kaiser half-mocks, still a little salty. (which is a little funny to you, considering what kind of person he is in the soccer world.)
you roll your eyes and sigh, moving to keep all the cutleries that you’ve just shined. “don’t know,” you tell them, “maybe because when i was on the date i kept thinking of this annoying guy i know.”
kaiser freezes up. did you really just say that? he’s going to take a shot and just assume he’s the only annoying guy you know. no one should take that position from him.
from the side, mimiko slowly shuffles away, leaving the two of you alone by the coffee machine.
“so… does that mean you’re giving annoying guy a shot?” kaiser’s grinning from ear to ear now, and it’s probably infectious because you’re trying to suppress a grin too.
“maybe, but if he screws it up i’m done with him.”
you’re still trying to act fierce, but it’s too late because kaiser can see through it now. you’re really just a softie inside, aren’t you?
“then are you free this weekend?”
you look at him for the first time with no disinterest in your eyes, like you’re really looking at him now. “what for?”
kaiser smirks. “annoying guy is gonna take you out for the best first date of your life.”
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kaiser doesn’t know if he succeeded. but hey, it’s been three hours since the date started and you haven’t run away yet so he must be doing okay.
he takes you to the amusement park first, because one time when you were idly chattering away with mimiko he heard you saying you haven’t been to one in ages. so here you are, on the third rollercoaster ride and you’re having so much fun kaiser’s proud of himself.
turns out you’re surprisingly nice to be around when you’re not being such a grouch. kaiser’s only liking you even more now. likes you even when you’re so excited to eat the corn dog that you get mustard on your face—that only means he gets to wipe it off. likes you also when you bat your pretty eyelashes at him so he’d win you that bunny toy you like in the claw machine.
“so, how am i doing?” kaiser asks when he escorts you to his car—next stop is dinner.
you hum, taking a bite of the big unicorn candy floss in your hand. “a solid six.”
kaiser clicks his tongue in faux annoyance, “it’ll be an eleven by the end of tonight.”
you laugh again and kaiser thinks all this work is worth it. he opens the car door for you, makes sure the aircon isn’t too cold that you freeze, lets you play your music in his car.
you’re kind of the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, but then again he might be biased. but who cares? you’re also kind of one of the most annoying, but you think the same of him. and you’re not scared of jumping into anything, he can tell because when he pulls up in a parking lot outside of the restaurant, he tells you he wants to kiss you kinda.
your answer?
kaiser never really expected you to agree. but you do; because you climb over to the driver’s seat and settle on his lap, your lips inches away and a smirk forming on your face when you see he’s taken off guard.
“want me to kiss you, kaiser?” you’re teasing him, and he thinks you’ve never looked hotter. he can feel your breath against his lips and fuck your lips are so so close and he wants to taste you so so bad.
but then he remembers who he is and straightens up, cursing himself for letting himself be so flustered into submission. “only if the lady wants it.”
you scoff, rolling your eyes and moving to open his side of the door, “well, if you don’t wanna—”
kaiser closes the door as soon as it opens and turns you to face him, “fuck, just kiss me already.”
the two of you hold onto each other, his hands around your waist and entangled in your hair, his lips gentle and rough on yours both at the same time. you taste sweet, must be all that candy floss you ate. he wants to taste more of you. the little sounds you make when you’re almost out of breath? music to his fucking ears. he’s so whipped for you and he hates you for it. but he also loves you for being like this, for being you.
you’re the first to pull away, smirking and biting your lower lip as you keep your index finger on his lips, separating him from you. “how was that, kaiser?” he doesn’t think you can sound more seductive if you tried.
“y/n l/n, you drive me insane.”
kaiser can’t even focus on dinner after that.
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fourth date in and kaiser’s fucking pathetic.
really, he can’t even remember ever being this pathetic because you’ve got him wrapped around your cute little pinky finger.
“what’re you staring at, perv?” you ask, catching him staring as you’re idly flipping through the channels.
it’s a lazy sunday in, you and kaiser are at his apartment, on his bed, watching movies. kaiser sighs because ness walked in on the both of you earlier and even though he’s more than happy to show you off, he’s not looking forward to the interrogation that will unfold.
“staring at your stupid pretty face,” kaiser says, and you avert your gaze, pouting, which kaiser has found out two days ago is just to subvert from your embarrassment.
“hey, when’re you leaving for the champions league again?”
“next week, why?”
you deadpan at him, “what, not gonna invite me to something?”
kaiser stares at you for a minute, dumbfounded, before laughing. that must be the first time ever that you’re asking him for something. up until now, it’s always been him.
“you know what, forget i asked,” you grumble, pouting even more and kaiser has to peck a kiss on your lips from how adorable he thinks you’re being.
“fuck, you’re cute,” he thinks out loud, and you look away.
it’s not like the both of you are together, he thinks, as his finger moves up and down your arms, watching as the goosebumps appear and disappear. but kaiser whatever this situation is, kaiser wants it. he wants this and more and he’s so far gone in you and he doesn’t mind.
“you better be in the front row, okay?” kaiser tells you that night, resuming that conversation. you move to straddle him instead and relish in how he’s dragging his eyes all over your body.
“yes, sir.”
fuck, you really do drive him fucking insane.
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kaiser finds it sexy, how you’re in the front row at one of his matches, how you’re wearing a jersey with his name and number on it, how he knows you’re cheering for him and him only.
he invites you to all of his games, puts you up in his hotel, sneaks you around so you won’t be under the public eye. it’s thrilling, and you’re still the same you, beautiful, gorgeous, kind.
you’re still not together, but now he’s sure where he’s headed with you. after six months of whatever this is, he thinks you’d kill him if you weren’t sure. and kaiser thinks you’re just waiting for him, so he’s going to make it memorable.
so, so memorable.
his team makes it to the finals, and with noel noa leading everyone, it’s no surprise they win. the bleachers go wild, everyone is chanting the club cheer, fanning their merch wildly.
kaiser is being pounced on by ness and his other teammates, so is noel. but kaiser pushes through it, weaves out of it, and he’s headed straight to you.
in front of everyone in the stadium, in front of international television, kaiser is running across the field and making his way to you.
kaiser is fast and persistent and so pathetic because he’s so into you and all he knows is he wants you around. for a long time, and forever, if he dare say. so he throws his legs over the railing and kisses you without hesitation, the entire crowd going wild.
he’s kissing you, slow and smiling against your lips and you’re holding onto his arms and fuck you’re so perfect.
“well,” you say when kaiser finally pulls away, his hand still on the back of your neck, “that’s one way to make things public.”
kaiser chuckles, pressing a kiss on your forehead. “now the whole world knows you’re mine,” he says, aware that everyone on his team is probably passing money around because he’s sure they bet on when he’d finally make you his girlfriend.
“you’re crazy, michael kaiser.”
yeah, but you love him, don’t you?
he loves you too, by the way.
kaiser pulls away and winks at you right before he gets ready to get back to his team.
“guess i’ll have to top this when i ask you to marry me, huh?”
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Ok, ok, HEAR ME OUT-
How about lmk Monkeifam and Bullfam with a Y/N who isn't afraid to throw hands —
Like i mean in a response to trauma or manipulation, becouse i fell it isn't explore enough in this situation -
Sure, your loved that you belived was a friend trapped /kidnapped/gaslight you is heartbreaking and of course you are gonna be sad and more incline to behave butttt-
There is always the other way of absolute rage that comes in once you realized you have been trapped/kidnapped /gaslight ecc- like i don't care anymore, i wanna throw hands, those people are death to me.(even thought this isn't the smarter choice considering the strenght of some of the people here) like them breaking Y/N down so they can comfort them to manipulate them, but then unsurprisingly the get the biggest smack/punch of their life . Just- wow the audacity.
Throwing Hands
Bullfam & Monkiefam
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“…is this some sort of pathetic attempt at ‘rebellion’, Y/N? I am not impressed.”
Your hands straight bounce. Like punching a bag of wet cement, the Demon Bull King’s skin just shifts around under your fists, never breaking or bruising. You only shatter yourself against it, leaving you worn and looking foolish.
He might not even punish you, given that it’s likely that you break a wrist on impact.
“Now, look what you’ve done to yourself, foolish child. Did you truly think your mortal flesh could stand a demon king’s might? Well, now you know better.”
You lost your temper and struck him. Immediately, you learn better than to do that ever again, and he considers it lesson enough.
Surprisingly merciful, all things considered. (Partially because he finds it somewhat funny.)
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I once said in my yandere alphabet that: “Red Son doesn’t want to waste his time doing something like caning or whipping you”. And though I think that viewpoint is usually true…
This changes that. It’s maybe the only situation where he would actively engage in any form of normalized torture “corporal punishment”.
Being physically attacked switches Red from ‘mildly reasonable, if a bit hair-trigger’ to ‘vicious and cruel’. Through brute force alone does he wrestle you into submission, binding your arms behind your back with a pair of metal cuffs.
He tosses you onto the nearest bed and couch before burning the lower half of your clothing off. He then takes up a thin metal rod to utilize in “disciplining” you, sharply lashing it down against your now unprotected skin. He’ll leave puffy, bleeding welts from the top of your rear to the bottom of your thighs, ensuring that you won’t even be able to think about walking for at least a week.
Problem is that not only does it not solve the problem of you being scared and angry, it also just… makes him feel bad afterwards. It breaks him, seeing you weep brokenly over his bed. Blood sluggishly trickles from the skin he’s lashed open, and you scream your lungs out into the sheets as you try to adjust to the pain.
And then he “has to” (wants to, in truth) settle in for some awkward form of aftercare, offering lotion and bandages. When you don’t accept, he forces you to drink a cup of honeyed tea loaded with sedatives because you won’t stop shrieking.
Antiseptic while you’re asleep, a few stitches here and there, then the lotion and bandages he tried earlier. And then a few cautious back rubs, trying to calm your fitful slumber.
“Gods, Y/N… what have I done to you? I… I was just… I was… no, I… I’m sorry.”
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An outright dodge. Princess Iron Fan has no time for your nonsense. For trying, she’ll lock you into whatever room has been set aside for you, barring the door with powerful magic.
One shallowly-filled bowl of food every two days, adding just a little bit more to it each day. One ceramic cup of room temperature water every four hours. A change of clothes every three days. Instead of brute force, Iron Fan teaches you through deprivation.
After a month of this, she might see fit you allow you back out of your room, letting you mingle with the family you have been forced to adopt.
After writing her a letter of apology, of course. Two pages. Pray you have the mind to keep your pencil steady.
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So very many tears to deal with, probably on both ends. MK knows that he’s doing isn’t all that great, sure… but it’s because he loves you!
Can’t you love him back, please? Ok, he’s been manipulating you! Maybe he’s been driving some friends away! Maybe he’s sent a few clones to tail you around the city! But, please, please- you can’t stop loving him! He just can’t risk having you hurt!
“Please, Y/N! You don’t understand! I’m just trying to keep you safe! You can hit me again, hit me as many times as you want! Just- please, Y/N… I need you. Please…”
His last resort is stuffing you in Shuilian Cave, given that you can’t escape with his or Sun Wukong’s help. Maybe a few ropes to keep you in place. He’ll cry with each knot tied, begging you not to hate him.
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Sun Wukong tanks your punch and gives your head a little pat, frowning at the display. “Sorry, bud. Trust me, I know I’m not exactly the good guy here. Go ahead and let it out. I… kinda deserve it, huh?”
The Great Sage knows you have every reason to be upset. Really, you do. All there’s only so much waylaying of emotions to be done, unfortunately. You were going to crack eventually.
He stands firmly in place, one hand rubbing your back while you break your fists against his body, watching you scream and cry. The man is just… unsurprised? He’s starting to realize that he messes up a lot of things.. So just letting you whale on him seems fair, gently trying to shush your angry tears while your skin grinds to bloody pulp against his shredded abdomen.
“How about I make us some tea,” he offers afterwards, surveying your destroyed hands. “And I’ll patch you up. Then… I think you’ve earned yourself an early bedtime for the rest of the week, bud.”
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“Oh, kiddo. Do you know what “screwing up” is? After this, they’re gonna put your picture in the dictionary as an example.”
Macaque does not tolerate having hands laid on him. Not by friends, not by enemies. And certainly not by his little student, who is supposed to be wide-eyed and placid, in awe of his every move and strike.
You are supposed to be sweet and respectful. You are supposed to be kind and loving.
And he’s sure that with a little bit of “training”, he’ll get you back to that disposition.
He’ll snap his fingers with an angry snarl, shadows springing all around you like cold wires. You are gagged with a cold ebon muzzle, both your hands locked inside a cuff of swirling black and purple. You want to act like an animal? Macaque will chain you to the wall by your new muzzle and treat you like an animal.
Maybe a few days spent so on a chain so short you can’t lay down will teach you better than to raise a hand against “the only person who even loves you, Y/N!” ever again.
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ykiwrite · 2 years
i'm not in love
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[bad] description: Wednesday pays you a visit in school
"And this is how you do differential equations guys. Any questions? Do i need to explain it again?" asked the professor of your beloved subject math, sarcastically of course.
"No, no we get it" shouted the entire class collectively already ready to leave in hopes of finishing earlier than intended despite understanding close to nothing before being interrupted by a gem amongst stones.
"Yes, actually can you repeat that part where…"
At that very moment you and every single being in that room let out a disappointed and annoyed sigh. Muffling out every noise surrounding you along with your vision going dark as you rested your head between folded arms acting as a pillow. Might as well take a rest since your phone died meaning no music, no music meaning no other options left except sleep to pass the time.
The bell rang and you were pretty sure everyone right now wished to be people speeding down the hallway heading out. 
"Guys, silence please. Listen to me for a minute, this is very important which i forgot to mention. We'll finish quickly and you got your break."
His rambling, although you were detached from everything could be present up until it got quiet out of the blue. Raising your head and adjusting your vision wondering what's the reason behind the silence until you spotted the reason and made eye contact with it.
Quite impossible to miss the one and only, from head to toe wrapped in black Wednesday, your Wednesday Addams.
"I am sorry for interruption sir, i considered since the bell rang the class is over therefore i may come in."
"Well uh, yes you can but i didn't finish my lecture yet."
"Would you mind if i were to take a seat in the back of the class until it's finally over? I planned on waiting for someone from this class in front of the school but your lectures allegedly prolonged."
"Yes of course, go ahead." said the man whose voice you swore was trembling at one point as he turned around to bring a lecture to an end. "Where were we?", hand hovering above the board pointlessly moving in circles in order to remember. Great, now she even confused him which will make this even longer.
As Wednesday made her way to you, swiftly moving in between rows of desks and chairs people kept turning around once they were out of her vision. Both peripheral and the center one, it's better to play it safe.
"I see how you pay attention in class." was her first words of the day spoken to you when she sat next to your empty seat. Looking at your as well empty white notebook page you couldn't defend yourself.
"Wow, not even a hi and how are you for your beloved girlfriend?" you said faking a disappointed flat tone. "Besides, what are you doing here? I can already see 90% of people in this class won't sleep tonight because of you. I can't afford to pay for therapy bills." 
"That's entirely not my problem. The reason i visited is because Enid told me you didn't answer her text messages." 
(That definitely was not the reason but you let it slide)
"You mean your text messages? I know when you use her phone, Enid doesn't use proper grammar. It screams 'Wednesday'. Also my phone died so that's why."
"Hmmm" she muttered looking you dead in the eye as if interrogating with hope you will break and confess. "I'll take that as an excuse."
"Okay but what about the real reason you're here?" You said giving her a playful smile.
"What are you implying?"
"Just say you wanted to see me so, oh so desperately. It's normal, nothing to be ashamed of. Couples do that in case this is your first time hearing about it." You gave her a wink knowing it will make her roll eyes.
"Dude, is this your friend?" ruined the moment by a guy sitting in front of you that was quiet up until now, unfortunately.
"I mean-"
"I'm the girlfriend. Why?" 
Seeing both of your sour faces he was brave enough to push forward "Listen, i always had a thing for like goth girls so i was wondering if you're free but since you two-"
"Alright guys, class is finally over. I apologize for making you stay longer, i'll make it up to you by shortening next class. See you tomorrow and have a good day."
All of the class shuffling drowned out his attempt for a small talk as both Wednesday and you thanked whatever is lurking out there for cutting it short. Wednesday was visibly close to falling apart from that interaction and it's for the best you leave as soon as possible to prevent any unwanted injuries. Clearly on behalf of the guy.   Eventually getting through the crowd and out in open felt like a wish come true.
"Looook, it's snowing right? The first one this year" you commented eagerly while looking around the sky that's getting darker and darker by each second.
"It's just snow." looking over to your side she feels like you shapeshifted into a child in those few seconds she looked away. She wasn't familiar with this type of werewolves but there's a first time for everything.
"It's also Wednesday today! It must be a sign." you claimed.
"Sign for what?" asked Wednesday completely clueless.
"Oh you know, the "first snow" traditions." quoting with your hands.
"The first snow traditions? If it's something coming from the things you read on the internet or you and Enids highly intelligent conversations-"
"No it's not! It says you're supposed to kiss the loved one on the first snowfall of the year." Looking back to her, asking you "Really?" just above a whisper. She was still wary but how could she not trust you. It's you after all.
Taking a deep breath in she turned to you fixing your winter hat and dusting of snow that has fallen, hands naturally finding their own path down to your face as she allowed herself to relax around you. 
"This better be true" merely an inches of space between two of you. In fact, she wouldn't mind if it weren't the truth.
time skip
"You lied."
"About what are we talking about?"
"About the snow tradition. I can't believe i had to hear it from Enid and her computer that there is no concrete evidence behind the snowfall and a kiss." said Wednesday bringing up your last weeks made up fact.
"And what are you complaining about exactly?" provided no answer. You won against Wednesday, congratulations. 
notes: for the sake of the story pretend you don't attend Nevermore and Wednesday can roam around freely (also no offense for math lovers)
fun fact also: i accidentally deleted this after writing it for hours i almost deleted the app
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aechii · 1 year
₍⁠₍ ONE OF US (2) ₎⁠₎
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{read part 1 here}
PAiRiNG ?! kylian x black!femreader
GENRE ?! romance, fluff (😞)
SYNOPSiS ?! it's kylian's wedding day, and he knows it never gets better than this
C/W ?! she/her pronouns used, just fluff and romance and a tad bit of swearing cos it's me writing?!?!?!?
A/N ?! the all anticipated sequel to one of us!! man, i've hit a writer's block and idk what's going on with my writing but i'm trying to get rid of it so that's that. i would like to dedicate this to @blubffsd (who has unfortunately left tumblr, but i will always hold them dear to my heart). they've asked for this many a time, and it sucks that i released it after they departed from this hellsite. wherever you are blub, i hope you're happy!
enjoy all my wonderful consumers readers :)
“are you ready?”
the voice comes from behind kylian, but his attention remains on the mirror before him. [y/n] had chosen the suit for him, said that the colour suited him, and as he scrutinises himself, he can’t help but wonder what she looks like in her dress. it elevates his heartbeat and he has to huff out a heavy sigh to wash away the light-headedness.
background noise seeps into his ears once again, and the loud seems to come with more clarity, and concern. his head turns, seeing his brother in the same style suit as him, but rather in a dark shade of blue. 
“you good?”
he faces the mirror, scans himself as his body begins to feel hot and the tie around his neck seems to tighten its hold. kylian slowly shakes his head, exhaling, “i’m so fucking nervous.”
ethan chuckles, landing a hand on his brother’s shoulder as he moves to stand beside him. kylian watches him and is succumbed by a thick wave of wistfulness; his brother succeeds his height, shoulders barely touching and his mind can’t fathom how time has flown past them. 
he still can’t believe he’s getting married today. 
“wedding nerves– it’s normal, bro,” ethan tells him, and kylian snickers in retort. 
“since when did you know so much about weddings?”
“well,” ethan slides his hands into his pockets, rocking on his feet, “when you have two siblings who are married- or getting married- you learn a lot of things.”
kylian nods understandingly, and trickles out a sigh for the umpteenth time.
“you’ll be fine, kylian,” ethan comforts, “[y/n] loves you more than i’ve ever seen anyone love someone- truth be told, you’re lucky.”
kylian can’t deny that. [y/n]’s presence in his life has changed him in a way that’s gratifying, and without her, it’s hard to visualise how he would cope. a love story that they would call, truthfully, unintentional, but undeniably destined. 
“i am, aren’t i?”
ethan doesn’t hesitate to nod profusely, “yeah, you are.”
their father calls them from the door as he enters. his forehead is sheened with sweat and sounds of bustling chatter from the living room bleeds inside then muffles again as he shuts himself in. 
wilfried smiles, finds it hard to withstand the unrelenting tears as he sees his son clad in the crisp, black suit. it wasn’t long ago, in his mind, that kylian played his first ever football match, reaching no more than his knees. and as much as his status quo gets now, he’s about to marry the girl who he could never have approved more of.
“you look- wow,” kylian’s father softly grips his son’s arms before smoothing out an odd crease drawn into his coat. 
“you’ll make me cry, papa, stop,” kylian humours out and wilfried joins him in laughter. 
“it’s just- i can’t believe you’re getting married already.”
“me too,” kylian adjusts his tie, but his father slaps his hand away. “i just cleaned up your shirt, don’t ruin it again.”
his son smiles, albeit wobbly, “sorry, papa.”
wilfried stretches out his arm, twisting it to check the watch circling his wrist.
“it’s nearly time. just about 10 minutes ‘til we have to leave.”
kylian feels a soft tremble oscillate through his skin and he fans himself as if it does anything. his father watches him as he does so, grinning.
“you remind me of how i was,” wilfried recounts, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “almost had a panic attack before we left.”
kylian looks at him, mildly intrigued, “really?”
“the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, kylian,” ethan jokes as he claps his brother on the shoulder, and it makes kylian shake his head, smiling. 
“it’s normal, ethan,” their father corrects, “it’ll be you soon.”
kylian turns to ethan, whose eyes trace elsewhere as he begins to blush. he chuckles at the sight, poking his brother’s cheek.
“don’t be shy now,” kylian says as he smirks and ethan fights back his own grin, nudging his brother’s touch away. 
wilfried watches on and his heart feels heavy in his chest. just one son left. he can’t believe it. 
he retains himself from getting overly emotional, ascending from his seat, “we should get going now. your mum will be angry if we don’t get there on time, you know her.”
kylian and ethan emit sounds of agreement, walking to the door. ethan exits first, and kylian stays behind trying to gather as much composure as he can.
“i’m proud of you, kylian,” his father voices, and it bleeds so much joy and pride that kylian begins to feel choked up. 
“thank you, papa,” kylian shakily expresses. he attempts to shake off the nerves, yet it proves to be fruitless, again. 
“god- i feel like i’m about to pass out.”
“it’s all normal, kylian. you’ll be fine, i can assure you.”
“i know, but,” he pauses, shutting his eyes for a few seconds, “i don’t think i’ll survive seeing [y/n] in her dress.”
wilfried grins so widely, he feels his cheek muscles ache. like father, like son.
“believe me, i know.”
he’s absolutely trembling. it’s so palpable that one of his groomsmen, brice, has checked on him at least twice now. he had responded with the usual, automated affirmative that he’s fine, but he truly is anything but. it’s been more than 5 minutes since the service was supposed to start, but the bride, his bride, was yet to arrive. 
he glances at his father who looks back at him, and his face doesn’t release his smile. it’s subtle reassurance, and he musters a small smile back just as the hall doors begin to glide open with an old rumble. 
and kylian swears his heart stops. he can’t hear the congregation stand and turn as she proceeds down the aisle. he can’t feel his mind frenzy, even though he knows it does, nor can he feel his hands that will, soon, bear the weight of the unifying ring. his eyes are stuck, stitched to the sight of his to-be wife completely encompassed in an ethereal cloud of white, and for a second, he thinks he’s being visited by an angel from heaven. 
before he knows it, he’s crying. tears of abundant happiness overflow as much as he tries to blink them away but he allows them to because he finds it almost prohibited to look away. ethan stands beside him, handing him a handkerchief, and he’s ever so grateful for his grounding presence right there and then. 
“she’s beautiful. so, so beautiful,” he mutters in tangent. his heart quickens the nearer she gets and he senses ethan bringing a hand to his back. 
then she stands right in front of him. and he stares. stares for what seems like centuries that pass until his brother whispers in his ear, “remove her veil, kylian. i have to go.”
it spurs his movement, shaking him from his reverie, and both hands, vibrating, pinch the sides of the lace, lifting and placing it behind her hair. 
he feels like he’s punched. again.
she smiles so gorgeously at him, and it’s like he’s fallen in love all over again. 
he breathes out slowly, gently interlocking their hands.
the priest begins his welcome and the usual protocol. when he asks the crowd if there were to be any objections, he holds his breath. he’s not aware of anyone being against them, but he knows that it happens more than one could think. silences engulfs the room and the priest, to his relief, breaks it as he proceeds with the service. 
his mind and ears block out everything after that and his gaze never leaves [y/n]’s otherworldly stature. every now and then, he squeezes her hands, just to make sure she’s really here, and she always returns the gesture, as if she reads his mind. 
he’s dazed when a hand comes up to touch his cheek, and his conscience zooms back into the present. 
“you with me, love?”
he nods absentmindedly and the congregation collectively chuckle at him. 
“i think you’ll have to say it again,” [y/n] jokingly tells the priest, and kylian, eyes wide, turns to him.
“i missed the vows?”
“it’s okay, kylian,” he smiles gently, “i’ll read them out again.”
kylian nods, this time, unmasking his ears to hear the words that he knows he’ll agree to wholeheartedly.
“kylian mbappe, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
his response is instantaneous, “i do.”
the priest tilts himself towards [y/n], “[y/n] [l/n] do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
“i do.”
kylian feels the tears gather as the priest utters the words he’s been waiting for, for the past 10 months. 
“i now pronounce you mr and mrs mbappe. kylian, you may kiss the bride.”
as their families cheer, holler and cry tears of utmost joy, his lips find his wife’s, both barely able to contain their grins. 
and at the back of kylian’s mind, he envisions a picture of this very moment, framed in gold and mounted upon the wall of his mother’s house.
just like [y/n] had wanted.
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latibulater · 2 months
Venture Bros Rewatch notes: Eeney Meeney Miney Magic
I love Rusty's bedroom but do we think that look is a holdover from the last time Jonas remodeled (as it's not dated enough to be 60s when the compound was built) or did Rusty remodel the bedroom as soon as he inherited the master bedroom?
Dean and Hank are playing Ouija is so cute
ENTERING....MR ORPHEUS. He comes OUT of the orphan heart machine (??? why?) and zaps Helper and knocks out Dean and Hank, so Dr. O can disable electronics and also cause instant sleep all with just a single nonverbal look...And his lankiness...his sharp edges...EARLY SEASON ORPHEUS ILU
"His magical Dracula powers" "youre standing there in FLAMES" whoever wrote this scene has a child
"brock is it okay if i cry?" after brock just choked him for waking the bodyguard up too sudden. there is both so much to say yet nothing needs to be said its all there
i can't figure out if you need to go outside to get to orpheus' part of the compound, dean is wearing a jacket over his pjs but no shoes and rusty has his rarely seen bathrobe and slippies
"abandoned arachnid lab" WHAT was GOING ON????
i LOVE the pan-ups for introducing characters
Orpheus was saving Helper........"his feeble mind had perceived what's not possible" this is contributing to my idea that our Helper is like Ben's Helper in that they are uh....not cyborgs exactly but meaty machines
Led zeppelin is pretty much the only music brock listen to during sex
How does Rusty not know Orpheus' name already? He's literally the landlord
"junior college upstate" "fEEL it's evil grip PuUUUUUULL ME BACK IN"
"scuba" "scuba" "scuba"
TRIANA girl of the hour. How is she so well adjusted and normal-acting. I want so badly to see a scene or two of Triana at school. Can she use her magic there? Is she is similar classes as Dermott?
"Single parent eh? Common ground" Rusty is so desperate for a friend as soon as he realizes Orpheus is bit like him he drops all snobbish pretenses
THE QTIP COMMENT. I LAUGH. "a walking reminder of our common shame"
"I saw him kill a guy with sock full of party snaps" okay but then doesn't in the next episode Dean get confused about Brock killing people at all? The whole body bags were sleeping bags bit? More evidence of mind erasure
"I'm kind of home tutored in a box my pop made. it sometimes gets very hot in the box. that my pop made" "wow that's kinda screwy" this is the entire moment of what made Triana hang out with dean and her bemusement tolerance and at the end (before prom) fondness
Brock fixing Helper is soooooooo sexy i wish i could chew on his forearms like a rawhide bone
Hank seeing an endless expanse of nature with Rusty wanting to spend time with him, contrasted then by Brock actually being the one present to get Hank out of the way
"we two doctor dads" LITERALLY RUSTY STOP he's got an instant crush and he is just so thrilled to have someone to hang out with. okay with the message O leaves for Triana who just left for school, but at the end she gets bored waiting for her dad at dinner. they seriously spend all day at rusty's lab?
"dont think i didnt notice the neon appointments" GAY BOYS
Rusty acting like an overly typical irate father, he was so channeling jonas trying to impress the only other single father he's ever met
"i DARE you to make less sense!"
Orpheus just pulled...a singular cupcake with pink frosting out of an upper cabinet....why do the Ventures live like this. 4 boys and a robot.
okay but the whole kitchen scene is so funny and really contrasting rusty and orpheus' character designs, in s1 orpheus really is all long lines and huge blocky black cloak, compared to rusty's tiny little frame, honestly we need more ...(rustyxorpheus=.....thapheus?) of this. the way rusty asks if he wants another brew "kaey"
hank's impression of their dad is hilarious
"the beast hungers for them...i just dont get how they can get the door open"
Orpheus commands the open "by the crimson name of lord balayseeta(?) i command you to open" and shit really DOES open for like a mile around and in-universe implications are that somehow Rusty has created this deeply magic resistant bio-engineered machine
the whole play by play about the orphan heart...........it was probably a clone of hank or dean....
polo polo!
m a r c o
Brock sitting down to hug Dean for feeling bad that is so sweet.
True love seems to be flimsy yet real and based upon chemicals, so could be the person they love most who makes their brainvlight up most when they see them
the way Orpheus stretches out his hands and launches it at the joycan to go into hell. he can just send shit to hell if he wants. and he can NOT go to hell or traverse, but he punches one way tickets.
i LOOOOOOOOOVE this episode truly 9/10
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starryeyedjanai · 7 months
it takes two, not three (but i’m here anyway)
stomarol 5+1 | E | Read chapter 1 on ao3 thank you @thoroughlycollected for the beta!
Steve’s never thought about them in this context. It’s always been off the table, really. He wouldn't think about Carol because she’s Tommy’s. And he wouldn't think about Tommy because, well—he’s Tommy. or, 5 times Tommy and Carol hook up in front of Steve and 1 time he joins in
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Steve doesn't think much of it when Tommy begs him to drive him and Carol to Skull Rock at first.
They're home for the summer and it’s been a few weeks since they got back. Steve's parents are surprisingly in Hawkins for the foreseeable future, so he’s been trying to get out of the house as much as possible.
They’ve hung out together, the three of them, plenty since they got back—at the community pool, around town, whatever they can do to pass the time during the hot summer days.
He doesn't remember summers being this boring, but now that they’re in college and have seen bigger and better things than the StarCourt Mall, coming back to little ol’ Hawkins is astoundingly boring.
He assumed that Tommy and Carol have been hanging out without him, at night, or the days that he doesn't see them, since they’re together or whatever, so it comes as a total surprise when he parks the car near Skull Rock and Tommy asks if Steve can take a walk through the woods so they can make out for a few minutes.
“You’re not fucking serious,” Steve says, but he sees the desperation on Tommy’s face, sees Carol’s pleading eyes. They’re fucking serious. Jesus Christ.
Tommy says, “Just five minutes, man. Carol’s parents are being such assholes and you know how my parents are. We haven't had a second alone since we got back. Just five minutes. Please?”
Steve looks back and forth between them before his gaze settles back on Tommy. “Five minutes? Is that how long you normally last?” he asks, his tone biting, a little mean.
Tommy rolls his eyes. “We’re not going to fuck in your car. We just haven't even been able to be alone in the same room in over two weeks because someone got a C in English.”
Carol glares at him and says, “I didn't know my parents would freak out like this! And English was hard.”
“You speak English,” Tommy says and opens his mouth to say something else, probably something just as snarky, but Carol cuts him off with a glare. Wow, they really must be pent up if they’re bickering like this.
Carol turns to Steve and says, “My parents are being total assholes. They won’t even let me see Tommy unless you’re with us. Please, just five minutes?”
Steve closes his eyes briefly and sighs. He silently curses himself—he can never say no to them.
“Your five minutes started a minute ago,” he says, opening his car door and getting out, slamming the door a little bit harder than necessary.
He walks away with his hands in his pockets, feeling a little bit like an idiot. He should have known. They only ever really come out here when they’re on a double date, when Steve and his date can make out in the front seat while Tommy and Carol make out in the back. It’s been a while since the last time they did that—and it’s in the middle of the fucking day right now—so Steve can't be blamed for forgetting that this is primarily a hook up spot.
He walks for a couple minutes, the muggy humid air making his hair stick to the back of his neck. He turns back around after another minute because they said five minutes and if they want any longer, they can get out and make out against a tree or something while he enjoys the air conditioning of his car.
When he gets back to the car, the windows are fogging up and Tommy and Carol aren’t vertical in the back. He rolls his eyes and taps on the window.
He says, “Time’s up,” before opening the backseat door. They pull away from each other’s mouths and look up at him.
Tommy has his hand shoved up Carol’s shirt and both of their lips are bitten red. He tries not to look at them as they sit up and Tommy adjusts himself in his pants.
Carol slides out of the backseat and closes the door, grinning up at Steve before taking her seat in the front seat again.
He gets in the driver’s seat and starts the car.
They hadn't had any other plans today, so he drives away from Skull Rock towards the mall, the silence in the car stifling and loud.
They don't talk on the way to the mall, so he turns the radio on and tries not to feel bad.
Look, he can sympathize with them, but he’s not going to feel like he’s cockblocking his friends because he won't let them have sex in his car.
He gets it. Truly, he gets it. Having all that freedom in college, staying out as late as they want, staying over when one of their roommates was gone for the weekend, and then having to come back here for the summer and live like they’re in high school all over again isn't easy. But still, using him and his car for a ticket to hook up in the middle of the day feels kind of slimy, even for them.
Part 2
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creativesnek · 1 year
Mushroom Foraging Scare
“All right guys! Today, I’m out here with Peach, looking for some tasty mushrooms for dinner.”
Luigi panned the camera stick over him, capturing Peach on the shot. As he continued to film, Peach smiled and waved at the camera, her excitement evident. The sun-dappled forest provided a picturesque backdrop for their mushroom hunting adventure.
"Let's see if we can find some of those delectable chanterelles," Luigi said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. He adjusted his hat and led the way deeper into the woods, with Peach following closely behind.
As they ventured further into the forest, the air became cooler and filled with earthy scents. The ground was covered in a thick carpet of fallen leaves, making each step slightly crunchy under their feet. Luigi's eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of mushroom patches. As they did so, the man thanked the donations and let the comments flow.
The forest is so pretty 😍
New area unlocked
Damn, the dark web theory to mushroom foraging pipeline is REAL
Weeg looks so adorable and excited
Protecc this man at all cost
*SuperBro has donated 1500 bits! I will never understand y u like mushrooms so much🤢*
Luigi smirked at his brother’s words. Mario has always hated mushrooms, even when they were little. If Mama cooked with them, he’d pick them off his plate and give them to Luigi. To this day he finds it ironic, considering Peach is a Toad person. One can see it on the white freckles and reddish cheek that she bloomed from the royal mycelium. In the end, Mario ended up falling for the thing he disliked most and Luigi will never let him live it down. 
They continued onwards, stopping every now and then to look over a dead log before moving on. Luigi and Peach were taking their time, enjoying the outdoors and summer breeze. As they ventured deeper into the forest, Luigi and Peach marveled at the vibrant hues of green that surrounded them. 
So peaceful…
Do y’all have a club or smth I can join? Kinda wanna get into this🤔
Isn’t this… cannibalism for Peach?
“Peach, you got a question,” said Luigi.
Luigi stopped for a moment. “Someone asked if this is cannibalism for you.”
Peach threw her head back and laughed. The question has popped up several times, and honestly it doesn’t bother her. Newcomers are a common occurrence during streams; plus, it was an opportunity to educate people on Toadfolk culture and physiology. Peach jumped over a log, “No, this isn’t cannibalism for me,” she replied with a giggle. “Toads are born from a special and totally different form of mycelium, which is why we’re sentient. Mushrooms, on the other hand, don’t come from this and therefore aren’t sentient or anywhere near close to being my species.”
Luigi adjusted his camera. “Well, Peachie here is born from an even more special mycelium, which is why she looks more like me than normal Toads.”
Ohh ok
Peach just *spawns into existence* 🧍🏽‍♀️
Guys, king oysters 3 o’clock
The green-wearing man’s eyes widened. “King oysters?”
Luigi looked around, looking for the mushroom patch that the comment mentioned. And lo and behold, there it was to his right. Giggling like school children, the two ran towards it.
Freaking dorks, i luv them
Damn they really want those shrooms😂
The two made it to the patch, then dropped to their knees. Luigi angled the camera, making sure he had a proper shot of the beautiful fungi.
Pat the cap
i wanna poke it
By law, Luigi must pat the cap.
*Tao Coffee ☕donated 1000 bits! give pats to the mushroom pls*
“Hold on, lemme double check that they’re safe,” said Peach.
She laid on her stomach, inspecting the fungi before standing up and nodding. Luigi lifted his free hand and proceeded to give the requested pats to the king oyster mushrooms. Cheers and happy emoticons flooded the chat. Luigi set his camera stick down, angled towards them as they started digging some out. 
“Oh wow, these are big mushrooms,” he commented.
Peach slowly dug one out and lifted it to the air. “Look at this one! It’s bigger than my hand!”
The two talked back and forth as they collected the mushrooms, exclaiming their excitement.
Still don’t know how tf I got here…
Take a bite out of it
I wanna bite it
Luigi looked at his phone. “I highly recommend not eating raw mushrooms, especially freshly picked ones.”
Peach gasped. “Ohh, how are you going to cook them?”
“I was thinking of sauteeing them and then eating them with rice,” he replied.
The two started suggesting recipes (with the Chat drooling over the suggestion) but were suddenly interrupted by the sound of thunder. They looked up and gasped; the once sunny sky had suddenly turned dark. Luigi dropped the king oysters into a bag, then put them in his backpack. Peach frowned, “That storm’s coming in pretty quickly,” he said.
Luigi nodded in understanding and looked around. In the distance, he noticed an old building, covered in vines and shrubbery. It looked sketchy but it’ll have to do, the storm was rolling in quickly. He grabbed his stuff and made a beeline towards it; Peach followed closely behind. The rain started pouring behind them. 
As they approached the dilapidated building, Luigi could feel a sense of unease creeping up his spine. The creaking sound of the rusty gate swinging in the wind added to the eerie atmosphere surrounding them. Despite his reservations, he knew they had no other choice but to seek shelter within its mysterious walls.
Pushing open the heavy wooden door, a musty smell filled their nostrils, and their eyes adjusted to the dimly lit interior. The room was cluttered with broken furniture and covered in layers of dust, as if it had been abandoned for years.
Sketchy af 🫤
Watch for glass or used needles u guys
Get out. Get outta there. 
Hell no, I’d rather stay out in the rain
*SuperBro donated 25 bits! Lu, Peach, keep an eye out.*
Heeding his brother’s and the chat’s words, they found a clean spot to sit and just wait. Bowser would be here soon to pick them up; he most likely noticed the clouds and is already on his way here. Luigi sighed, “Hey, at least we got our haul, right?” he said, trying to sooth the tension. Peach nodded.
An hour passed by. They tried to distract themselves by enjoying the sound of music or answering donation questions. Peach fiddled with her pocket knife, nervously looking around. Suddenly they heard glass breaking. Luigi's eyes widened in fear, his hand instinctively flying to cover his mouth to stifle any noise that might escape.
The group exchanged worried glances, their previous distractions forgotten in an instant. Peach's grip tightened around her pocket knife, her knuckles turning white as she prepared herself for whatever might come next. They had hoped for a peaceful evening, but it seemed fate had other plans.
Then they heard the horrible growl.
Omg do we call 911???!
dis so fake ong
^^ stfu. 😡
Hey there demons, it’s me ya boi
The duo shot up to their feet and booked it towards an exit, leaving the camera behind. They leaped over debris, screaming.
Someone call King!
He better come get his man
*King donated 1 bit! I’M OUTSIDE!*
They could see headlights from another exit. Peach and Luigi ran out into the rain. A large truck pulled closer. Both recognized it as Bowser’s standard vehicle. Without skipping a beat, they headed towards it as it meant safety. As Peach and Luigi dashed through the pouring rain, their hearts pounded with a mix of fear and determination.
Luigi headed towards the side and frantically got inside, wiping away wet hair from his face. Bowser picked him up by the scruff and pulled him inside further. Peach climbed inside, collapsing across the seats. There was silence except for their pants and the truck’s engine for a few seconds. Bowser touched his face, “Are you okay?!” 
“I-I’m okay…”
The concerned Koopa turned to look at the backseats. “Peaches, you good?!”
Peach gave him a weak thumbs-up. Bowser sighed and squeezed his boyfriend’s hand tightly. They took a moment to gather themselves. Peach slowly sat up and moved her ponytail over her shoulder, nervously running her hands through it. Luigi sighed and put his backpack on his lap. Then he froze. 
“I left my phone behind.”
Bowser stared straight ahead. Then took off his seatbelt. Luigi went to grab his arm but he got out before he could even touch him. He slammed the door close behind him, “Stay here.”
Peach and Luigi’s protests fell on deaf ears as the large koopa marched inside, smoke trails leaving his nostrils. They watched nervously as the minutes ticked by, fearful of what would happen next. Luigi knew Bowser was fully capable of defending himself, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t worry. 
They both jumped and screamed when the car door opened suddenly.
Bowser took his seat, getting comfortable on the custom-made seat fit for his shell. He handed Luigi the camera stick, which he had kept dry. Luigi took it, “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did. Also, it wasn’t some random crackhead or anything like that; just a bunch of asshole Boos playing pranks.”
The two sighed in relief. Luigi lifted the phone, trying to give the audience a reassuring smile.
He’s alive!
He lives!
Damn, Bowser lookin’ fine in the rain 👀🫦
Weeg, how could u cheatin on King? Disappointed 🙁
Bowser is King, dumbass.😑
The chat continued their expressions of relief (and the occasional bickering) as Luigi stayed on screen. Bowser wiped his hair back, then started the truck again. He also turned on the heater, “Let’s go home before you two catch a cold.”
Luigi smiled at him, “It’s my turn to make dinner.”
“Sounds good to me,” Bowser replied.
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The Nanny
Summary: Regina Mills is hired to be the nanny for Roland Locksley, the young son of widowed millionaire Robin Locksley. She balances her duties as Roland’s nanny with caring for her ailing father all the while fighting her instant attraction to her employer and her own past. Outlaw Queen, modern non-magical AU.
Chapter 1: AO3 | Wattpad
Chapter 40: Moving Forward
AO3 | Wattpad
"Here are your keys," the salesman said, handing Regina a key fob. "Congratulations, the car is all yours."
"Thank you," she said, holding the fob against her chest. "Is there anything else I need to do?"
He shook his head. "Just drive it off the lot."
Pride and excitement filled Robin as he rubbed her back. "Are you ready?"
"Yes," she said, her eyes shining with happiness. "Let's go!"
"Then I'll take you to your new car," the salesman said, walking away. "Follow me."
Regina took Robin's hand, giving it a squeeze. She smiled at him. "I have my own car."
He nodded, knowing how important this was to her after losing her last car because of Leopold Blanchard. Robin squeezed her hand back. "Yes, you do."
"I can't wait to take it places," she said. "I love Will and Marco but sometimes you just want to drive yourself and not have to wait for someone to come pick you up."
"I get it," he replied. "Not everyone wants to be chauffeured around all the time."
The salesman stopped next to a black SUV, smiling. "Here it is, Ms. Mills."
She released Robin's hand and moved toward the car as it unlocked. Regina jumped before looking at the salesman. "Is that normal?"
"Yes," he said. "As long as you have the fob, the door will unlock and lock without you having to press a button."
"Wow," she replied, amazed by everything. "Cars certainly have gotten fancier since I last owned one."
Robin chuckled as he nodded. "Yes, they have."
She opened the door and climbed in. The salesman showed her how to adjust the seat to her liking and then how to start the engine. Robin climbed into the passenger seat and buckled up as the car started. "Any questions?" the salesman asked.
"Not right now," she said, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. "But I probably will once I'm home."
"Well, the owner's manual is in the packet I gave your boyfriend," the salesman said, pointing to Robin. "And you can always call me if you want. My business card is in there too. Otherwise, I think you'll be fine."
She nodded. "Okay. Then I guess it's time to go."
The salesman wished her the best before closing the door. She turned to Robin. "You ready?"
"I am," he said. "Take us away."
"Okay," she said, putting the car in drive. She took a deep breath before easing her foot off the brake. "Here we go."
The car rolled forward and she slowly picked up speed as she drove away from the dealership. She bit her lip before letting out a little laugh. "I'm driving," she said. "I'm driving my own car."
"Yes, you are," he said, happy to see her so happy. "And you're doing a fantastic job. Do you want to go somewhere or just go straight home?"
"Part of me wants to go straight home," she replied, no doubt missing their twins. She had slowly been going out more and more as she continued to heal from giving birth as well as got them to start bottle feeding along with breastfeeding so she wasn't solely responsible for feeding them. However, she was always happy to return home and spend as much time with them.
She then bit her lip before saying: "But I also really want to go eat at Granny's."
He chuckled. "Then let's go eat at Granny's."
She slowed to a stop at a red light. Regina turned on her right signal, looking at him with a big smile. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," he replied. "We can consider it a celebration."
"I like that," she said, easing into her turn once the light turned green. She drove down the street until she came to the familiar diner, getting a spot right in front of her old apartment building. Regina put her car into park as she looked up at the building. "Wow, this certainly brings back lots of memories."
He nodded. "I'm sure it does. And I hope they are only the good ones."
"Right now, yes," she replied, unbuckling herself. "I also remember that the last time I was here, we talked about me buying a car."
"We did," he said, unbuckling his belt as well. "And now you've done it."
She laughed, nodding. "Yes, I did."
They got out of the car and after she locked it, he took her hand as they checked for oncoming traffic. Robin and Regina crossed the street before he opened the door to Granny's Diner. "After you," he said.
"Thank you," she replied, stepping into the diner. He followed her and let the door close behind him.
"Hello, you two," Ruby said, greeting them. "What brings you two to our humble establishment?"
Robin gently pushed Regina forward. "We're celebrating. Regina got a new car."
Pulling out two menus, Ruby's smile widened. "You did? Congratulations! You want to celebrate in your usual booth?" she asked.
"If it's available, I would appreciate it," Regina replied. "Thank you."
"Of course it is available," Ruby said, grinning. "You seem to have a sixth sense when it's open."
Regina chuckled, following Ruby with Robin in tow. "Or maybe you just keep my booth open on the chance I might come in."
Setting down the menus, Ruby shrugged as she smirked. "I guess you'll never know. I'll let you pretend to look over the menu and then I'll come back to get your order for a BLT and a ginger ale."
"Thanks, Rubes," Regina said, sitting down. "But you never know. Maybe I'll order something new this time."
"I'll believe that when I see it," Ruby replied. "Be back soon."
She walked away as Robin picked up his menu. "If you want the BLT, just get the BLT. Don't let her get to you," he said.
Regina chuckled. "Oh, I'm still getting the BLT. Ruby and I just like to banter about it. It's kinda our thing."
"Alright," he said. "I don't want you to be bullied into getting something you don't want."
"I appreciate it," she replied, smiling at him. "Thank you."
He nodded, opening the menu. "So I guess it's now just up to me to figure out what I want."
She hummed. "You're going to get the burger."
"So am I predictable now?" he asked her, looking over the edge of his menu at her.
"Maybe," she replied before smiling. "But I like it."
He chuckled. "Good to know."
Ruby returned, setting down a glass of Coke and another glass of ginger ale. "Okay, I think I've given you enough time to pretend that you've looked over the menu. So, you ready to order?"
"Yes," Regina replied, closing her menu. "I'll have the BLT. Please continue to hold the cheese."
"Alright," Ruby said, writing it down. "And Robin?"
He closed his menu as he said: "I'll have a burger, medium well, and some French fries, please."
She nodded, writing that down. "No surprise there either."
"We are predictable and we like it," he said, winking at Regina. She nodded as she laughed. "There is nothing wrong with it."
"Especially after the year we've had," she said, nodding.
Ruby chuckled. "I can't argue with that logic. So you two go ahead and enjoy your predictable and uneventful lives. You deserve it."
"You know, to anyone else that would've been an insult," Robin said once Ruby walked away. "But to us, it's a compliment."
"True," Regina replied. "But we're not your usual couple."
He nodded, taking her hand. "And I wouldn't want to be. I like us just the way we are."
Regina's smile turned softer as she seemed to melt before his eyes. "I like us just the way we are too."
"Here are your drinks," Granny said, surprising them as she set down Regina's ginger ale and his glass of Coke. "I must say, it's good to see you both."
"It's good to see you too," Robin replied, taking a straw from her.
Granny nodded before asking: "How are those beautiful babies of yours?"
Regina's eyes lit up as she pulled out her phone. "They are doing well and getting so big! I love watching as they develop into little people. They are just amazing. And Roland is doing well in school – he's now going three days a week! He's just a happy little boy. We're just really blessed. Right, Robin?"
"Right," he said, amused by everything she had said. "We're very lucky. Everyone is happy and healthy. I can't ask for more."
"No, you can't," Granny agreed. "I take it you're about to show me pictures?"
Regina nodded, holding out her phone to Granny. "Of course I am! I'm a mother with two adorable babies. I'm pretty sure I'm required by law to show them to everyone," she said.
"I've heard that too," Robin replied, nodding as well. "It's an actual law."
"Well, then, I wouldn't want you to break the law," Granny said, taking Regina's phone. Her gaze and smile softened. "Oh, they are beautiful."
Regina nodded. "They are. I go to bed thinking I can't love them more and then I wake up and find out I can."
Granny handed her phone back to her. "That certainly sounds like parenthood. Right, Robin?"
"Right," he agreed. "It's an amazing experience."
"I hope I can see them in person again soon," Granny replied. "Now, I think Ruby will be out shortly with your food so I'll let you enjoy it. Just come say goodbye before you leave."
Regina nodded. "We will. Promise."
Granny smiled. "Good. Then enjoy your free time and enjoy your meals. You both deserve it."
"Thank you," Robin said, sitting up straighter as Ruby approached with their meals. "I love how fast the service is here."
"We pride ourselves on it," Ruby replied, setting his burger down in front of him before placing down Regina's BLT. "Can I get you two anything else?"
Robin shook his head. "Regina?"
"I'm good," she replied. "Thank you, Rubes."
"You're welcome. Enjoy," Ruby said, walking away. Robin grabbed the bottle of ketchup on the table and placed it on the inside of his bun before taking a bite of the juicy hamburger. It never disappointed.
He looked up at Regina, watching as she enjoyed her BLT. After last year, he wanted to help make all her dreams come true this year. They were off to a good start – she had become a mother and now had her own car. Robin couldn't wait to see what dream she would achieve next.
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gurugirl · 1 year
I love stepdad Harry! Always brings a smile to my face when i see youve posted (guilty pleasure yum). Thank you for the last one!
but i cannot get enough of stepmom reader. You’ve made that one into something really special. In fact I told someone about it last week and they were like ~ nope. Not into stepmom stuff or older yn. Nope ~
but then guess what? they wound up reading it and binged all three parts and admitted to me that they were wrong 😂 I’m like ‘yeah I know’
just wanted to share that with you! Your stepmom fic is so shockingly good (not shocking bc you’re not a good writer, shocking bc it’s a trope most of us were not interested in) that it’s quickly become my top 5 all time favorite.
i cannot wait for part 4! I adore them and you so much. Do you have any idea when part 4 will come out? Any sneaky???
ps.. sorry for the weird capitalization stuff going on there. My phone decided when to capitalize randomly and I’m too lazy to fix.
A Good Boy sneak peek under the cut below!
🥹 thank you so much, babe. Really glad you liked the stepdad!harry from yesterday! That was a quick little fun thing to write.
As for stepmom!reader - wow! I really love that you're liking it so much and talking about it with other people and that your friend changed their mind 😂 Seems to be the theme for that fic. So many of y'all didn't think you'd like it based on the trope alone but I'm surprised that you guys did enjoy it anyway! Makes me smile.
So, I'm almost done with part 4. I think I can have it out by Thursday? Maybe? I'm super busy today (well, busy for me LOL) and gonna try to write but I've also got something I'm working on that someone paid me to write so I'm prioritizing that. Thursday at the earliest I'll post part 4 but I'll let y'all know.
And the random capitalization? My phone does the same. 😂 The words can't, can, and don't often get capitalized in the middle of sentences and it's a crapshoot on when the beginning of a sentence will be capitalized or not. I need to turn it off so it just leaves everything lowercase. So no judgement from me!
Sneak peek below !! (just remember this is literally copied from the word doc I'm writing in and hasn't been proofread or edited so some changed may be made before I post part 4)
Y/n was wearing her newly altered peach silk dress. The alterations were simple. The straps and hem were adjusted and the back column was dropped down a bit to drape to her low back. Her strappy nude heels were well-worn but comfortable because she was just simply not in the mood to wear the stiff, new heels she’d just bought.
The estate of Rebecca Manera was impressive. Probably equally as impressive as Leonardo Styles’. Most of the guests had already arrived by the time the Styles’ walked through the front door a little late.
Leo scolded Y/n for taking so long to get ready and making them run behind but in all honesty, she didn’t give a fuck. They could be half an hour late. No one would care. Why rush to go to a party? It’s not like they needed to clock in and earn a paycheck.
“It’s rude, Y/n. That’s why it matters. You’re so goddamn rude sometimes. You only think about yourself.”
She turned sharply to look at her husband in shock. That was the first time he’d ever said such a thing to her. Normally he had no opinion on how she conducted herself. She was chronically late. Yes, she could admit that was a flaw in her character but she was on time when it really counted. But to get so worked up over a party? And to insult her on top of it?
That had set the whole mood for the night. And now she was even more suspicious about this Rebecca.
But when Rebecca did make her appearance and introduced herself to Y/n she was taken aback. The woman had to be in her 50s. She was pretty, sure, but not quite Leo’s type. If Y/n were any sort of indicator of a type.
Servers walked around with trays and served the couples in attendance. There were only ten couples there as well as Rebecca’s two daughters, Y/n learned. Quite the intimate affair really.
Leo brought a glass of wine to Y/n as she chatted with Mrs. Topman (she never learned her first name, as the woman literally introduced herself as Mrs. Topman).
“Here you are darling.” His green eyes shined down at her before searching the room casually. She was on to Leo. But she found it odd that the woman he was with in the Hamptons was Rebecca. She was intrigued.
She watched Rebecca mingle and sip wine and laugh and there was nothing there that made Y/n think Leo would be interested in her sexually. But maybe that was it, Y/n thought to herself as she cocked her head to the side watching the woman speak boisterously. Maybe it wasn’t sexual. Maybe it was a woman he felt a deeper connection with than he did with Y/n. Perhaps it hadn’t started sexual but led there.
The snack table was set up with decadent treats. Y/n picked up a toast smeared with something pink, topped with heart-shaped tomatoes on top as she scanned the room for Leo, wondering where he’d gone off to. It hadn’t been that long but knowing about Rebecca being with him made things feel like she was in some kind of true crime detective story and was trying to get to the bottom of a mystery. Though there was no crime being committed, she could entertain herself with that thought.
“Are you enjoying your time tonight?”
Y/n turned her sight to Rebecca who was next to her picking up the same toast with pink schmear.
“It’s amazing. Your home is so lovely, Mrs. Manera,” she smiled and noted the woman’s massive diamond ring in addition to her massive diamond wedding ring.
“Why thank you. Phineas has put in so much work to make this large shell into a lovely cozy home.”
Y/n nearly spat her bite out. The home was anything but cozy.
“It’s incredible. Where is Mr. Manera tonight?”
“Oh, just over there,” she pointed to a man in tweed with thick black-framed glasses, “You haven’t met yet?”
Rebecca led the way as Y/n walked in her wake to meet Mr. Manera. She had still not spotted her own husband.
“Phineas, dear, this is Mrs. Styles. Leonardo’s wife.”
The man held his hand out, “Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Styles.”
“Likewise. You can call me Y/n.”
 “Well, Y/n. We’re happy to have you here. Where’s Leo anyway? Haven’t seen him.”
Turning around quickly to look over her shoulder she shrugged and faced the man and his wife again, “Not sure actually. I haven’t seen him in a bit myself,” she laughed. And before she could even think about what she was implying she spoke to Rebecca, “But I’m sure you’ve seen enough of him since you saw him in the Hampton’s this weekend.”
Rebecca and Phineas’ smiles dropped as they looked at one another and then back to Y/n, “I haven’t been to the Hamptons in over a decade. Are you sure you’re not mistaking me for Parker? Our daughter? She was just there all weekend with her girlfriends.”
A Good Boy Masterlist
A Good Boy tags: @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs @shishcabobsworld @daphnesutton @spinnerswife69 @holy-macncheese-balls @cookielovesbook-akie @lilfreakjez @itsgigikay @amateurduck
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beneathsilverstars · 2 months
For the isat ask game
3, 21, and 8 please
gonna throw in #4 first because the character i relate to the most is unfortunately..
4. Which character do you wish you didn’t relate to?
loop... hold on i just scrolled through my blog for twenty minutes to find the post where i realized this
me looking at posts online: wow all of you poor souls relating to siffrin, personally i am too well-adjusted and mentally healthy for that though me thinking about my own life: i am so sick of having to do hard shit all day every day, but i can't simply stop doing it. i desperately need help except no one else in the world other than me could possibly provide it. or maybe what i need is to be forcibly moved to a different timeline where i have to do nothing all day every day. haha if i was siffrin i would just spend nearly every day hanging out at the favor tree with- oh. ah, fuck. shit. fuck
3. Which character do you relate to the most?
on a more surface personality level i think the only moment in the game where i went "oh just like me fr" was about the stylish one, when Mirabelle said she thought she was scary. irl i am rather quiet and very flat, and people often think i'm angry at them even though that's an emotion i rarely feel! and i enjoy dressing up partially bc i love outfit design, but partially bc it makes me feel like i'm giving off cool intimidating vibes instead of plain i-hate-you vibes.
21. Your favorite Ship?
loopdile!!! i usually happily enjoy rather popular ships, i've never had such an odd rarepair grab me by the THROAT like this before. weird nonhuman x serious researcher is just silverstars catnip i guess... and. i suppose i did just say that i relate to loop on some level fjkghfg so ofc i ship them with the hot older lesbian -_-
8. How many Loops did your first playthrough have, If applicable?
108! i think i played the game fairly normally. other than the fact that it was over the span of three days.
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mrporg · 6 months
Lonnie and Sam
Another day, another #Fullbright character, this time from Gone Home.
You never meet Lonnie. Heck, you never interact with her at all. You just read about her in your your sister's, Sam, diary (with her permission!), from which the entries are distilled throughout the game. And all the while, you are trying to piece together what the hell happened back home while you were away and why everyone has disappeared.
But wow, you should hear Sam speak about Lonnie!
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=== SPOILERS below - Diary entries ===
"You know that feeling where the first moment you see someone, it's like they have a big gold star around them, and you have to get to know them? Well, there's this girl. I think she's a senior; [...]
She's always drawing in this notebook, looking so intense. I had no idea how I would ever, like, have an excuse to talk to her... "
"It's weird hanging out with girls. Daniel was around ever since I was little, and other girls... I dunno. But being around Lonnie is, like, instantly just right. [...] I dunno, I finally found someone I feel normal around."
"Lonnie brought her hair dye over today. She said, "I need to fix these roots. Think you could help?" Dyeing hair is weirdly intimate. I don't know if I've touched someone else's scalp before. That's pretty intimate, right? It felt intimate.
We looked in the mirror together after and I expected her to say something about how it looked crappy, or good or whatever. But that's when she said, "You're so beautiful." And she was looking at me. Right in that moment, I wanted to say... something. But I waited, and the moment was gone."
"At Todd's brother's place after the show, there was only a futon to sleep on, so Lonnie and I shared it. The lights went out... I was turned toward her... my eyes started to adjust, and then I could see she was looking at me, too. In the dark, she smiled. My heart was beating so fast. I rolled over, I felt so... I don't know, nervous? After a minute she put her arm around me, and was so close, and whispered in my ear, "I really like you." I just nodded my head and I really hope she could tell. I really hope... that she meant what I think she did. I've felt like a shook-up can of soda ever since. I hope we have a chance to talk before I explode."
Now of course, it's not that simple, because that wouldn't make a good story I suppose. But enough spoilers, go play the game if you want to know the rest ;)
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natalynsie · 1 year
Candy (Noco Oneshot)
Cody’s afternoons consisted of normal teenage things. Playing video games, doing homework, and thinking about Gwen.
So, a usual Thursday afternoon, Cody was laying in bed, watching a youtube video but not fully paying attention, and thinking about Gwen.
He thought about how she looked today in Spanish, and the things she said, all the typical stupid delusional teenage boy things that consumed Cody’s life.
Yeah. By this point, Cody knew he had no shot with Gwen. He stopped flirting with her for the most part. And they were chill as friends. Well, more like acquaintances. Either way, he stopped all of that because at this point he knew he was being annoying. But that didn’t stop him from thinking about her.
Cody yawned and turned off his phone.
Spanish was great. Cody loved sitting behind Gwen. When the teacher wasn’t being a stickler, Cody had a good time talking to Trent, Gwen, and Noah. And he did. And Gwen looked so good. She put her hair up in a half-up-half-down and she couldn’t have looked cuter. Cody was 79% sure she caught him staring.
Cody rubbed his eyes, adjusting his pillow.
Noah looked pretty cute too. He wore jeans today, and this cute little button-up shirt. Cody wondered why Noah had dressed so nicely these past few weeks. Whatever it was, Cody was not complaining. He didn’t mind a little eye candy.
In English that morning, they played grammar games. It was table versus table, and the winners each round got candy. If that wasn’t a motivator, Cody didn’t know what was.
Unfortunately, the rest of the class thought the same way.
“The second sentence should have a comma. You need to move you’re in the way. should have a comma between move and you’re. Congratulations to Eva’s table.”
Eva smirked at Cody and his table.
Ms. Brown walked to Eva’s table with a bowl of candy.
“Thank you Ms. Brown,” Harold said dryly. Leshawna, Ezekiel, and Eva just responded by taking their candy.
“You won this time Eva, but we will be victorious!” Izzy exclaimed.
“Calm down Izzy,” Noah suggested.
Izzy shook her head at Eva before returning her eyes to her own table with Noah and Cody.
“We gotta step up our game, guys,” Cody heard Courtney say from another table with Duncan and Alejandro. Cody turned his attention to Trent’s table, but it seemed he, Tyler, and Justin weren’t really interested. The other two tables did seem in-the-game, though.
“Okay, gameplan,” Noah began. “Me and Izzy do the work. Cody checks us over if we get our paper returned. Owen gives the paper to Ms. Brown when we tell him to because he sits the closest. Ready?”
“Wow, Noah. I didn’t know you liked candy that much,” Izzy expressed.
“Yeah, I thought you weren’t big on sweets,” Owen confessed.
“I’m just competitive,” Noah stated.
“No, you aren’t,” Cody replied. “You’re in my gym class. I’ve never even seen you touch a dodgeball.”
Noah crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. He took a quick glance at Cody before looking away. “I’m just into the game.”
“Ohhh,” Owen smiled. “I get it.”
“Get what?” Cody asked.
Owen laughed. “Nothing.”
Cody remained confused, but brushed it off. “Well I’m glad you’re doing whatever you’re doing, because I love candy.”
“We know,” Noah stated.
“I didn’t,” Izzy told the group.
Ms. Brown handed out the new papers. “Three, two, one, turn your papers over.”
Papers all around the room were immediately turned over.
Cody watched as Izzy and Noah stared at the paper, analyzing every word.
"Capital," Noah deadpanned, scratching the paper with his pencil.
Izzy made some changes all well before Noah handed the paper to Owen.
Owen charged for the teacher's desk, but unfortunately he came back with the paper. "We got the first 3 right but we're missing something."
"Cody," Noah said, shortly.
Cody nodded and immediately took the paper. "You forgot punctuation here," Cody pointed to a spot that read "I asked for a ham sandwich" he said. "Wait. Comma or period?"
"Comma," Noah answered quickly. "Dialogue with dialogue tags after it always has a comma instead of a period."
Cody quickly added a comma and handed the paper back to Owen.
After skimming two other papers Ms. Brown took Owen's.
"Good job. Owen's team wins this round."
Ms. Brown explained why Noah's team won, a few groans at simple mistakes were heard around the room.
Ms. Brown took the candy bowl and let the group each take a piece.
Cody quickly grabbed a green apple jolly rancher and popped it in his mouth.
"I can't believe you like green apple," Noah stated, twirling his snickers bar between his middle and pointer finger.
"It's the best flavor, no questions asked," Cody responded.
Noah rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Want my chocolate?"
"I wouldn't say it if I wasn't offering."
"Okay. Sure." Cody took Noah's snickers, smiling widely.
Noah smiled back.
Cody sat up in bed. He looked at the clock for a moment before staring back at his wall.
When the hell did I start thinking about Noah?
How did he get from Gwen to Noah? He was just thinking about how beautiful Gwen looked and all the things she did today and then he started thinking how beautiful Noah looked and all the things he did today.
And Noah looked so beautiful today.
Why was Cody thinking about how beautiful his friend was?
"Fuck," Cody whispered. "I like him"
Cody laid back down. He liked him. He liked Noah. Of all people.
And why? Because he wore a goddamn button-up shirt and gave him a candy bar in English. Izzy really was right when she said his type was girls who are mean to him and boys who are nice to him.
Cody did not need to like a boy. That was not something he needed to do. Especially with his parents.
Well to look on the bright side, maybe this would help him get over Gwen. Hopefully. But he hoped it wouldn't give him another useless unrequited crush.
Either way, this was a problem for morning Cody.
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