#i said nervous luffy cute luffy around zoro
beanghostprincess · 8 months
thinking thoughts about luffy blushing around zoro and luffy being nervous around zoro for, like, once in his whole fucking life because his aroaspec ass has never experienced romantic love before and he's having a crisis
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princeoftheeternalbog · 4 months
Op characters with a clingy/handsy drunk? let's go
suggestive in Sanjis, Luffy, Brooks, DEFINITELY in Namis and Frankys and maybe Usopps? Mostly vague stuff, on that note would you guys actually be interested in like nsfw stuff? I know I'm really toeing the line here and i have drafts but I'm nervous to post😭.
Feel like this could be ooc in some places but who cares😻(me :()
Giggles a lot, he finds it so cute and it really makes him feel warm in his chest. He can't get enough of you to be honest. Like this man loves physical touch but be warned he will think it's a sudden new level in your 'friendship'(read:in love with each other) and start acting that affectionate all the time. Willing to carry you around and also wrap himself around you so you can walk with him just there, yes this includes to the bathroom-
Adores it. I think he actually loves affection and physical touch but just doesn't say it because he thinks it's obvious (it's not). So when you come up to him, wobbly and on your 6th drink, and just practically throw yourself into his arms hes just like :/). Makes sure you stay nice and close to him because he doesn't want you clinging to anyone else, and he always makes sure you drink water before bed even if bed involves falling asleep on top of him.
Makes him nervous to be honest. Usually he's the forward one in the relationship but here you are untucking his shirt just to shove your hands up it. He absolutely will shriek if its in front of other people, and he's trying to wrangle your grabby hands but he really enjoys it so his resolve is so weak. Tries to satiate you by being affectionate back but it just makes you worse and he ends up taking you to a more private area so he at least doesn't have to blush in front of others.
She thinks it's so cute. Let's you do whatever you want as long as the people around you are comfortable and you've said it's fine(when sober ofc), but she doesn't really care about people seeing until you start trying to either get undressed or undress her and then she takes you to a private space because she's ever so slightly possessive. Listen for a girl who didn't have much, you add a lot of value to her life and she wants to treasure you properly, she doesn't trust anyone else to appreciate you the way you deserve.
Surprisingly confident. You come up to him with this big dreamy smile and you're practically falling over yourself so he just- scoops you up. Front piggyback style yk, he's got one arm under your ass supporting your weight and the other one is holding his drink, listen this mf is strong okay you think a man who can build a boat isn't strong? Fool. He just lets you do what you want to be honest, one of your hands is tucked in his back pocket, the other is trying and failing to undo his overalls and he's just like "You okay honey?".
She's flustered. She's not that used to physical affection so it makes her really giggly and blushy, though she's still quite confident in her words and actions, she's fr twirling her hair around her finger. She has quite a high tolerance for alcohol but she actually gets a bit similar when she's drunk, she's more reserved of course but she just melts into you like butter on a hot pan. The crew always take so many pictures because they think it's so cute, literally every celebration you two just end up cuddling and then it sorta turns into a big cuddle pile with the crew because seeing her relax gets them emotional.
Oh baby you are looking in a mirror. He is just as bad if not worse- when he gets drunk he is a massive flirt and a massive tease. He's so giving in relationships and usually you don't have to ask twice but being drunk will mean he wants you to practically beg for a kiss. Half because he thinks it's funny and half because he's a horny bastard- Though if you get upset then he immediately drops the teasing, even when drunk he's so considerate of your feelings and your boundaries.
Doesn't mind at all but prefers to be in private when you're like this.
Quick headcannon that his bones are more sensitive than skin because there's less external protection-
Lets just say one time you touched a sensitive area in public and he will never get over the reaction he had or the fact that other people saw it. So you go to room jail as soon as you start trying to practically crawl inside his clothes to be as close as possible. He's not mad though, he giggles the entire way, he's just very shy about his interests.
Flustered as hell but makes him feel really secure in your relationship. Also, he lowkey loves being able to bring it up to tease you later, like he pulls an uno reverse when you're sober and you're just like omg omg omg- He's a sneaky guy fr, does so many unexpected things in a relationship. Don't get me wrong though he'd never let you do anything inappropriate, even when drunk he's very aware of boundaries and social etiquette so if he notices you getting a bit grabby then he takes you somewhere private for both your benefit and the people around you.
Oh baby. This man is feral don't even start. The first time he experiences it, it's actually really unexpected, it's quite early in your relationship so you havent been too affectionate yet, but you come up to him and just sit down. On him. And you can practically see his brain melting out of his ears, his face goes so red you think he's going to pass out but the second you stand up, drunk and lowkey sad, he snatches you back down. You wanted to sit there, you are going to sit there now you have no choice. (You do but would you want to get up?)
Menace. Cannot even state how much of a menace. He's so physically affectionate that it usually flusters even the most confident people, and this is while sober, so if you start getting clingy when drunk he just becomes obsessed. But he absolutely hates it if you're like that with other people so once you start getting to that stage then he's whisking you away to your shared room, usually you stick to him like glue anyways but the crew love to wind him up by coaxing you away from him with food and funny stories.
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latanyalove · 4 months
Hello, hello, you are accepting requests? If so, I would like to request a marine reader salving chopper and then she hands him over to the strawhats like "if you tell anybody, I will cut your throat"
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First of all, thank you for requesting! This is my first time making a request so I hope this story is to your expectations!
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Pairing: Tony Tony Chopper & Y/N
Content: The description of blood, sad backstory, cute Chopper, slight kidnapping in the end :)
A/n: I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
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"Shishishi! This is so fun!" Luffy's laughter echoed through the air as he effortlessly knocked down every marine in his path, his fists moving with lightning speed and precision. The thrill of the fight fueled his excitement, making the whole experience an exhilarating adventure.
"You know this was supposed to be a stealth mission," Zoro stated as he also assisted Luffy by slicing the marines.
"Who needs stealth when you can have this much fun?" Luffy replied with a grin, his laughter booming even louder.
Zoro shrugged, realizing that sometimes the unpredictable nature of their captain was what made their adventures truly unforgettable.
"Hey guys!" Usopp called over as he was in a different hallway, his voice filled with urgency. Luffy and Zoro quickly turned towards him, their excitement momentarily replaced by concern.
"Apparently the marines found where we hid the Thousand Sunny," Usopp said worriedly, his eyes darting around for any sign of a possible escape route.
Luffy's expression hardened, his laughter fading as he quickly formulated a somehow plan in his mind. "We can't let them get to our ship," he said firmly, his determination igniting a fire in his eyes.
Quickly, they made their way to where they had hidden their ship, sprinting through the hallways with unwavering resolve. Luffy's fists clenched, ready for another round of exhilarating combat, while Zoro unsheathed his swords, prepared to slice through any obstacle in their path as well as get lost for the fifth time.
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"Miss Y/N! Are you alright?" they asked, their voice filled with genuine worry.
As you turned around, you saw one of your subordinates standing behind you. Their faces were pale and filled with terror.
"Yes," you muttered, uncaring about the subordinate's expression. "What is it now?"
"I- I came to tell you that the straw hat crew has infiltrated your base," the subordinate stuttered, their voice trembling with fear.
"And what does that have to do with me?" you asked nonchalantly, leaning against the nearest wall.
"Mr Anstis has placed you in charge of the case," The subordinate quickly explained, nervous at your intense staring.
You cursed under your breath before you dismissed them, annoyed at the sudden responsibility thrust upon you. "Fine," you grumbled, pushing yourself off the wall. "I'll take care of it."
"Will you need support?"
One sharp glance left the subordinates sweating. "I can take care of them by myself," you replied, your voice laced with confidence and a hint of arrogance. "No need for support."
The subordinate then nodded and quickly left your office, leaving you to devise a plan to handle the straw hat crew's infiltration on your own. You knew that relying on your own skills and cunning would be enough to handle the situation, and you were determined to prove it.
As you stood up to check which weapon you could use to attack the straw hat crew, your hand grazed a knife that was placed irresponsibly.
You looked down to find your hand smeared with fresh blood, a deep cut on your palm. The pain shot through your body, but you clenched your fist to hide any sign of weakness. Despite the injury, you knew you couldn't let this setback deter you from your mission to take down the straw hat crew.
Unconsciously, you pressed your nails into the wound, causing a sharp jolt of pain to surge through your hand. The blood continued to flow, staining your clenched fist, but you refused to let the agony weaken your resolve to defeat the straw hat crew. 
“Don’t do that!” A high pitched voice yelled from behind you. People just loved sneaking up to you. 
You turned around to look at the person at your eye level but there was no one there, you then looked down to the funny looking reindeer. Its wide eyes stared up at you, concern evident on its face. 
“You’re only making it worse,” the reindeer said, gesturing towards your bleeding hand. “Let me help you before it gets infected.” 
You looked from the small reindeer to your desk where there were the bounty posters of every straw hat pirates. 
One of them especially caught your eye, Tony Tony Chopper. His innocent face stared back at you from the bounty poster, reminding you of the reindeer in front of you. 
"Tony Tony Chopper," You said out loud, the reindeer jumping at your voice. 
"I - I don't know who you're talking about?" The reindeer said, sweating more and more by the second. 
"It's not everyday someone sees a talking reindeer. Even if you aren't him, I could lock you up and use you for entertainment," you replied, gesturing at the weapons you had lined up.  
"But I suppose I could spare some time to hear what you have to say," you said with a sly smile, lowering your hand and allowing the reindeer to approach. 
You sat down on your seat and placed a footrest beside you for the reindeer, creating a temporary makeshift chair.  
The reindeer hesitantly came closer and reached for its bag, pulling out a small first aid kit. "I may be Tony Tony Chopper," it said, carefully cleaning and bandaging your hand. 
"Really? I didn't notice," you said sarcastically, leaning most of your head weight against your other arm. His huge hat was one of the things that made him stand out.
"So Tony Tony Chopper, what are you doing in my office?"
"Umm, I was looking for a place to hide to regenerate my energy and your office was the only one that was unlocked," Chopper explained as he finalised his treatment.
You, again, cursed under your breath as you remembered that you forgot to lock your door before going on your lunch break.
"All done!" Chopper said happily, your clean bandaged hand was a testimony to his hard work which made him extremely happy.
You looked at your carefully bandaged hand, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. As the reindeer expertly tended to your wound, you felt no pain at all.
The bandage was secure and comforting, and you couldn't help but admire Tony Tony Chopper's medical skills.
"Wow, your doctoring skills are no joke," you replied, fascinated by Chopper's work incomparable to the messy job that the Marines do.
"Really? You don't have to lie! I'm just doing my job as a doctor," Chopper squealed, doing a little dance. "But I'm glad you think I'm good at it! It feels nice to be appreciated."
You smile at his comment before standing up from your chair and walked over to your collection of weapons while Chopper placed all of the unused equipment back into his bag.
"You shouldn't move that arm for about two days and apply this cream three times a day," Chopper instructed, placing a tube on top of your desk.
Picking up a dagger from the list, you looked at the rather happy reindeer.
"Why are you helping me so much? Didn't you hear that I have to take care of your crew?" You explained gently yet the reindeer's expression didn't change.
"Luffy always said to help someone even if they're our enemy," Chopper said with a small smile.
Speechless, you placed the dagger back on the shelf and leaned against a wall, contemplating Chopper's words.
"I'll... I'll let you go and make sure this never happened if you leave quietly and quickly," you offered to the reindeer.
"Really?" he squeaked, smiling brightly. "Thank you!"
Chopper then ran over to you and hugged your leg tightly, expressing his gratitude once again. As he released his embrace, he gave you one last joyful smile before hurriedly scampered out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You flopped back on your seat and sighed heavily, feeling a mix of emotions. Part of you was relieved that Chopper had accepted your offer and left peacefully, but another part of you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for betraying the Marines and assisting the Straw Hat crew.
Glancing at the knife on your desk, which was covered by Chopper, you slowly picked it up, feeling the weight of the decision you were about to make.
You hated feeling a mix of emotions. Feeling emotions in general was a bother to you but all of them at the same time had you wanting to puke.
Feeling overwhelmed by the conflicting emotions, you impulsively threw the knife in frustration, and to your surprise, it lodged itself firmly into the wall.
As you stared at the knife stuck in the wall, more thoughts came into your head.
You should have killed him when you had the chance. His soul would be useful in the future but you just had to be soft and let him go.
"Shut up," you muttered to yourself, dropping your head to your hands.
The decision was made, and there was no going back now.
"No way! We caught one of the straw hats, Tony Chopper I think?" You heard someone say outside the room.
Your heart skipped a beat as you realized that the consequences of your decision were about to catch up with you.
You quickly ran out of your office and listened to the voice of Chopper struggling. Though it didn't take you long to find them.
The scene made you shiver. Marine soldiers kicking the unmoving reindeer on the blood-filled floor.
"Hahaha! Look at them, they look like a fish out of water!" A boy laughed joyfully yet his actions were not reflections of anything joyful at all.
"Please Stop!" you pleaded with them but it was like no words went into their ears.
Their laughter was a torment in itself. How could they be this cruel? You thought of that moment for years yet you never got an answer, even when you returned the favour.
It felt bittersweet. Though you knew you wanted revenge and you got it.
"Oh! Miss Y/N! We got one of the strawhat pirates right here!" One of the marines said, laughing as he displayed the reindeer as a prize.
As they moved away, you could see how badly damaged Chopper was. Chopper's body was covered in bruises and cuts, his fur matted with blood. His limbs were limp and twisted at unnatural angles, evidence of the brutal beating he had endured. His eyes, once full of life and warmth, were now dull and filled with pain.
"He looks like a fish out of water!"
As soon as those words were spoken to you, you felt your legs move as though they were on automatic pilot as you dashed towards the marines. You raised your right hand and immediately the two marines' faces changed from joy to horror as they realized what you were doing.
If you were a marine on this base, you would know what happens next.
"Wait Miss-" their voices were cut off as the two marines dropped onto the floor lifelessly, their bodies hitting the blood-stained ground with a thud. The room fell silent, the only sound being the heavy breathing of Chopper and your own racing heartbeat.
The taste of revenge was bittersweet, but in that moment, it was the only thing that brought you any semblance of satisfaction.
You rushed over to Chopper and picked him up, shaking him slightly to wake him up. His eyes fluttered open, filled with a mixture of pain and confusion, but as he looked into your eyes, a flicker of gratitude and trust appeared.
His eyes darted from you to the marines on the floor, a mix of fear and curiosity in his gaze. "What happened to them?" Chopper asked, his voice barely a whisper, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"Nothing happened," you said, standing up with him in your arms. "They won't be bothering us anymore." You couldn't bear to tell Chopper the gruesome truth, but you vowed to protect him from any more harm.
"Where are we going?"
"I'm taking you straight to your crew," you stated, running in a pace that wouldn't shake the reindeer in your hand. "They'll take care of you and make sure you get the proper medical attention you need."
"What about you?"
"What about me?" you asked, a hint of exhaustion and vulnerability in your voice. "I'll be fine," you reassured Chopper, even though you weren't entirely sure yourself.
"You won't. They have cameras across the base and they must be seeing you with me, which would consider you a betrayer to the marines and the government."
"I know," you replied, your voice steady despite the growing unease in your gut. "But sometimes, you have to make a choice between loyalty and doing what's right. And right now, taking care of you is the most important thing to me."
There was never any loyalty between you and the marines and you never do the right thing. You needed a place to stay and they needed someone to experiment with.
Why are you helping this dog anyway? He's more useless than you are. Don't tell me it's because he reminds you of your previous self.
We picked you for a reason Y/N, don't make us regret it.
"We've stopped moving,"
"Oh yeah, sorry," you said before running again, realizing that you had momentarily lost focus.
The urgency of the situation snapped you back into action, and you continued sprinting towards the location of Chopper's crew, determined to fulfill your promise and keep him safe. . . .
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"It's been ten minutes, where is he?" Usopp said worriedly as he stood on the deck of Thousand Sunny, scanning the horizon for any sign of their doctor's return.
"It's okay, Usopp," Luffy reassured, patting him on the shoulder. "I believe in Chopper. He'll come back. He always does."
"Yeah but it's been twenty minutes now," he said, checking his watch, "he might be-"
"Don't say that, he might be just caught up helping someone in need," Luffy interrupted, his voice filled with confidence. "Chopper has a big heart, and he wouldn't leave anyone behind. Trust me, he'll come back."
"You're right," Usopp said, walking over to sit down on the grassy patch.
Luffy followed him and Usopp pulled out a scroll out of his bag. "I found this old scroll while searching for you guys before," Usopp said, unrolling it and studying the words.
"It looks like a riddle," Usopp muttered, resting his chin on his hand.
I wear a facade of charm and grace, but beneath the surface, I'm a villainous face. I manipulate and deceive, I take pleasure in your grief. What am I?
After a few minutes, Luffy opened his mouth and said, "Isn't the answer evil?" Usopp looked at him in surprise and nodded slowly.
"Yeah, that makes sense. The riddle describes someone who pretends to be good but is actually malicious. Evil fits the description perfectly."
"Where did you find it?" Luffy muttered, slowly losing interest.
"I found it at the marine base," Usopp replied, his eyes still fixed on the riddle. "It must have been placed there for a reason... Perhaps it's a clue to something important."
"I think I know-" Luffy started, but then a voice made their attention divert.
Curious, Luffy and Usopp turned around and ran over to where everyone was standing. They looked in the direction everyone was looking at and their jaws dropped in shock.
They saw a marine officer running towards them with Chopper in her arms, his body covered in bruises and blood.
"Chopper!" Luffy exclaimed, his heart sinking at the sight.
The rest of the crew, on high alert and armed, quickly surrounded the marine officer, demanding answers.
Usopp's hands shook as he reached for his slingshot, ready to defend their injured friend. "What happened to Chopper?" Usopp yelled, his arms shaking with fear.
"I'm sorry," the marine stated, her voice filled with regret, "I couldn't reach him in time, but he needs medical attention."
The crew looked at her with distrustful eyes, their anger and worry evident.
"Why should we trust you? How do we know you're not responsible for Chopper's injuries?" Nami questioned, her voice laced with suspicion.
"I understand your skepticism," the marine said, her voice filled with sincerity. "But he helped me bandage my injury before he got caught with other marines. You don't have to believe me, but please, just take care of him. He needs medical attention."
Even though they were still unsure, Nami quickly walked over and took Chopper out of her arms, carefully cradling him.
She looked at the marine officer with a mix of caution and concern, but there was a glimmer of trust in her eyes. "We'll take care of him," Nami said firmly. "But if we find out you had anything to do with this, you'll answer to all of us."
The marine nodded, "Thank you, though if you tell anybody about this encounter, I'll find you and I will cut your throats," before turning around to leave.
Though she stopped when she heard the squeaky little voice again.
"Wait!" Chopper weakly called out. Everyone turned their attention to the injured reindeer, shocked to see him conscious and speaking. "It wasn't her fault... I... I ran into a trap... she saved me... I got caught by myself."
Chopper's words hung in the air, leaving the crew with more questions than answers.
"She can't go back," Chopper said, his voice filled with sadness. "She's betrayed the Marines by saving me. If they catch her, they'll punish her. That's why she risked herself to bring me back to you."
The crew eyed the two of them for a second, their expressions softening as they witnessed the bond between Chopper and the marine officer.
Then Luffy's loud chuckle came in, breaking the tense atmosphere, and they all looked back to see Luffy sitting on the railing of the ship, his wide grin spreading infectious joy.
"Well, if Chopper trusts her, then so do I!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with unwavering confidence.
"Well, Marine officer, do you want to join my crew?" Luffy asked, his grin widening.
The marine officer's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of emotions crossing her face. She glanced at Chopper, then back at Luffy.
"I shouldn't," she started, her voice filled with hesitation.
"Why? Are you scared of the sea or something?" Luffy pressed on, cocking his head with curiosity.
"I'm a marine, of course I'm not scared of the sea, but I'm a marine, which means you guys are my enemies," she explained, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
"But as a sign of gratitude, I'll buy you guys time. I'll delay any pursuit from the Marines while you make your escape. Consider it my way of repaying the debt I owe to Chopper."
Luffy nodded and stretched his hand all the way to her as if he wanted to shake her hand.
With a smile on her face, she took his hand and shook it firmly.
"Wrong answer!"
Before you could even process what he said, she was sent flying towards the ship and landed head first, the impact leaving her dazed and disoriented.
"You're coming with us whether you like it or not!" Luffy laughed as the Marine officer started to lose consciousness.
As your vision blurred and darkness enveloped your senses, the sound of Luffy's laughter faded into the distance. Unconsciousness took hold of you, leaving you unaware of the crew's decision and the fate that awaited you as a member of their unconventional pirate crew. . . .
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This could turn into a romantic part 2. What do you guys want?
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Just a Quick Headcanon
Zoro as a New Parent
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Based of Roronoa Koro a OOC of mine
Story Here <<
Support on Ko-Fi I'm poor!
• When Zoro learns about his son, He is both nervous and pleased to start as a father.
• He had experience with children had been a bit limited in truth but he had babysitted children around this young before so he figured the knowledge would be useful.
• A newborn baby was very different from a fully up and mobile one Zoro realized- but was fortunate to be able to experience this.
• It really wasnt-
• "You support the back of his head gently" You instruct as you watch Zoro awkwardly hold his 4 day old son with both hands. Clearly worried about hurting him or doing something wrong
"He's so small-" He whispered softly as if unsure if his voice could wake the child. It was too adorable.
He watched as Koro yawned softly and rubbed his little face with his little hands and snuggled hack for warmth- you practically saw Zoro's heart melt
• Koro is kuckily a very easy baby, maybe it was him being a newborn or just being Zoro's son but he wasn't a difficult boy.
• He rarely cried or fussed, would eat very well and slept often- Very Often.
• Koro and Zoro have a lot of similarities- but the one most prominent was that sleeping one-
• After a few days Zoro would introduce Koro to his crew with your blessing. You agree to two at a time of course and allowed it-
• Since Koro at this point had his eyes open he was looking around everywhere- Clearly wanting to see what was going on at all times.
• Zoro had Luffy and Chopper meet First. Luffy surprised and shocked to see that his First Mate had a son. You finding it really sweet to see the wonderment in the infamous Captian and a talking reindeer.
• "Woah! He looks just like you" Luffy says almost in shock as he holds Koro- The newborn staring confused at the smiling man
•Chopper also holding Koro and giggling excitedly as well as starting to tear up. "H-He's so cute!" Chopper said now fully crying while holding Koro who's bottom lip was starting to quiver as well.
• After this it went Nami and Usopp- Nami of course voicing how weird it was Zoro had a kid while Usopp promoted himself to the baby his status and making up stories to entertain. Koro however seemed to not be amused by any of them.
• Koro was starting to get irritated by being held when Robin and Franky came in. He did not like the cold hands of the robot and just stared at Zoro when Robin held him- Zoro already able to read his sons face which clearly said 'Make them leave me the hell alone-'
• And last was Sanji- Zoro was of course snide and rude to Sanji who happily returned the favor before letting the man hold his son. Much to your surprise however Koro seemed to just be staring hard at Sanji
• "Why is he looking at me that way?" Sanji questioned as Zoro scoffed-
"Cause he's a baby wai-" He sported as he heard a noise- you all did and everyone stared at Koro who was making a series of different cooing noises and squirming around as he stared at Sanji. He didn't seemed distressed at all only curious as he continued his gurgles and coos.
• "...I hate you-" Zoro said as he looked right at a very cocky Sanji, clearly Koro liking Sanji quite a bit.
• After this Zoro stayed in your village for a few weeks, letting his crew go ahead and come back for him later.
• With this Zoro takes time to help you raise your guys son. Allowing time for you to sleep inbetween feedings- helping with diapers and also helping you post partum.
• Truthfully he had been a God-Sent.. Calling doctors for you and talking you through your depressions and anxiety-
• The moment that damn near made you want to kiss him in joy was when he found out you had a clogged milk duct and he came in with a warm container of water with some Epsom salt.
• "You're a life saver-" You say when you see the container- Even though this should hurt your pride your tit hurt way worse-
• Zoro would stay by Koros side fir hours, Holding him and playing with the newborn. However does freak the fuck out when the embelical cord fell off.
• "It just falls off!?" He yells when he sees you set it to the side.
• Zoro adores his son and treats him as the most precious being on earth-
• It couldn't make you happier
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• Zoro will send a letter and a photo of his son to Mihawk. Truthfully he found what he did impulsive and didn't know why he did such a thing-
• When Mihawk gets the letter of the arrival of the new Roronoa he feels both surprised and a sense of pride. Keeping both and even showing Perona who squeals and jumps at seeing the cute baby.
• In less then a week a large crate filled with very expensive baby items arrives along with some stuffed toys that creep the hell out of you.
• The legendary Mihawk will even arrive himself to meet Koro- Zoro surprised that his teacher came and you terrified that a former Warlord was holding your son-
• Mihawk stares at Koro, holding the baby like an expert and silently staring. Koro doing the exact same and even scrunching his eyebrows as if mildly irritated that Mihawk was looking at him that way.
• The Warlord cracks a smile at this and nods in approval. Koro reaching for the Cross necklace to try and chew on which Mihawk easily slips away from the baby. "When you are older-" He stated calmly.
• "You have a strong son, I can see he will grow into someone great" Mihawk says calmly.
• "Sensei... I wanted to name you Godfather of my Son" Zoro said calmly, Mihawk looking surprised by this but nods non the less.
• "I will accept" He stated calmly and smiled softly at the boy. Clearly pleased to have a god-grandson to spoil.
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
So.... Hello! I'm not Very good at english since it's not my language but here we Go. I wanna to say i really love your art (from fanarts to your write style) and i Hope you have a good day today. Anyway i don't know If your ask are ope but How the Monsters trio Will react with they being your First in everthing! (Like First Kiss, First love, First s*x, etc) you can do nsfw-ish If you wanted
aww thank u!:) I am not going to go into grave detail because I am already doing a “First time” series with them but i like this request💓imma do it moreso where you’re THEIRS if thats alright
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Being the Monster Trio’s First (NSFW-ish)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Mentions of sex
I am half sleep and typing this all in one go so mb for my spelling errors im just making up for lost time not posting consistently because school and coms☹️
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Being Luffy’s First:
Crush: Being his crush is no different from being his best friend, he isn’t a very romantic guy if he likes you he will just tell you, “Y/N I think about you a lot, and I also think you may have a Lust DF power because when I think of you i get hard.” Bless him he is very blunt. BUT he does mean what he says so..be nice?
Kiss: Probably the most anticlimactic thing ever. Luffy already licks your face, hugs, and touches you a lot so when he starts running at you after a fight to see if you’re okay BAM. His lips smack into yours like a bowling ball and honestly. It’s cute. Completely uncoordinated, damn near sucked your bottom lip off, but…there was just something so addictive and attractive to his kiss that made you want more
Love: Very odd in his case. He just thought he liked you a lot. The signs were evident though, when you tell him he doesn’t deny it persay he moreso brushes it off because being in love is so new to him. However being his first love is something you can’t forget. He reminds you everyday why you’re important. Why he loves you. And why he fell in love with you.
Sexual Encounter: It was fun! You both were inexperienced. He didn’t know what hole to enter, you were shocked by how long he can stretch his dick. You both even spent the night laughing more than actually having sex, but once it came down to business it was a learning experience for you both. He was so attentive to make sure you were okay you felt yourself crying a little afterwards at how gentle he was with you.
Being Zoro’s First:
crush: He’s actually more of an asshole to you Not even on purpose he just doesn’t want to admit his feelings towards you. You’re beautiful, sweet, and charming and dammit he hates that he has feelings and how you always mess them up when you’re around him! He feels so powerless so please be gentle with him…or put him on blast. It maybe attractive to the mf.
Kiss: Awkward, awkward, awkward. He isn’t the rizzmaster okay. Yes he is pretty and he knows it but he is crap to flirting. absolutely crap. He was so hot in the face when you did the first move and kissed him he was a stuttering mess and pulled you back in for another kiss to prevent you from laughing at him. His kisses wasn’t BAD but …just practice with him. Yeah it was awkward but seeing your face so close and personal, smelling your scent. He couldn’t get enough.
Love: DENIAL IS A RIVER IN EGYPT Absolutely ridiculous how in denial he was. Everytime someone even said the word love he’d get so mad because that word applied to you in so many ways. He fell for you and he couldn’t do anything about it. You were the one opponent he could not beat and honestly, he didn’t want to. He fell for you and he fell so hard that it actually makes him nervous to be around you. He doesn’t know whether he loves you or hates you now for being so irresistible to him. Eventually he comes to terms with it and once it does and you feel the same way. Good luck getting rid of him.
Sexual Encounter: You taught him everything. He didn’t know his way from the clit to your ass. It took a lot of trial and error, sex wasn’t really NEW to him. He has seen porn but it’s completely different from films and pictures so sometimes he would back down when making out got too far, eventually he needed that release one late night while cuddling you and even though he could have went to the bathroom you stopped him and …helped him out. Let’s just say Zoro is so grateful he didn’t pussy out this go round!
Being Sanji’s First:
Crush: Sanji is an interesting guy because any woman that knows Sanji knows he is a mixture of a flirt and just having amazing manners for women. You however was just above the usual women he served to. Being his crush was an experience because you seen a side to Sanji most women don’t get to see. You seen him stand up straighter, sly comments that made your heart melt, and even kept his cool…too cool in fact. He really was Mr. Prince for you.
Kiss: The first kiss he planned it out. He knew his feelings about you and that you felt the same so he needed to plan it just right not just for him, but for you as well. The kiss was so soft and delicate you almost didn’t feel it. And that was because he shy’ed away for a moment, scared his sudden bold move would have you smack him, Luckily, he didn’t have to worry feeling your hands cup his cheek to kiss him back. He still touches his lips when he thinks about that time you kissed him.
Love: I mean man…you really are a blessed woman because out of all of the others he has seen and been with he chose you and only you. it’s insane really. He tries in his entire will to not mess this opportunity to find true love up. You being his first love he watches his mouth and actions around you more, He tries his hardest not to ruin the view you have of him and it shows. If you can just reassure him you love him for him and not who he thinks he needs to be. Sanji needs the confirmation that you love him almost as much as he loves you.
Sexual Encounter: LORD—- okay. okay. Just like Zoro trial and error HOWEVER. Much longer and worse. He really is still a pervert no matter how much in love he is with you so you have to take it very slow. Once you both are okay to be naked in front of each other he is back to being a shy boy so you constantly kiss and praise him, telling him how good he is for you, how well he is doing for his first time. You were so kind and patient with him, it never fails to leave a chill down his spine (in a good way) when he remembers that night of love making with you, and now that he has more experience he does nothing but reciprocate the same feelings back to you in bed.
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layla4567 · 7 months
The straw hats hearing your laugh for the first time [headcanon]
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The first time this boy heard you laugh was when you were sitting next to Ussop on the deck and he made you laugh with a joke. Luffy was on the mast and from up there he heard your loud and contagious laugh.
He couldn't help but smile, the sound was so happy and innocent. It wasn't long until he came down to see you and started laughing with you.
Luffy doesn't know how to hide so he approached you and exclaimed
"Wow Y/N, I've never heard you laugh, you should do it more often, you have a beautiful laugh!"
You turned around embarrassed, you didn't think your laugh would be heard so much. You were afraid of disturbing others with so much noise so you blushed embarrassed.
Luffy noticed and quickly hugged you like a bear. "Please don't be ashamed of it, I love that you express your joy like that!"
From that day on, Luffy didn't stop making jokes, funny faces or nonsense to hear your laugh again.
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Sanji was in the kitchen as always preparing a special dish by whisking something in a bowl and you were sitting at the bar waiting. You were waiting for him to finish while you looked distractedly at the boat window with one hand resting on your chin.
Suddenly and out of nowhere you remembered something funny and you couldn't help but smile widely while you let out a nazal pig laugh and closed your eyes. Since there was no one else in the kitchen but you and Sanji, the cook listened to you and looked up from his bowl to look at you with raised eyebrows and a wide smile.
When you realized that your laugh had sounded loud and ugly, you covered your mouth in horror and looked at him blushing and then looked at your feet. You mumbled an embarrassed sorry and ran out of the kitchen while Sanji followed you with his eyes, worried.
During the meal you couldn't make visual contact with anyone, especially Sanji, which seemed strange to everyone. Zoro even reluctantly asked the cook if he had said something bad to you. Of course he was offended and replied no. After lunch you locked yourself in your room without talking to anyone.
You sat in your hammock with your hands between your face, regretting having laughed like that when a soft knock on your door brought you out of your thoughts. When you went to open it you saw that it was Sanji looking at you worried, he always worries about you.
"Y/N, are you okay? You hardly spoke at dinner and you always have something to tell" He said trying to smile shyly.
You looked down and covered your face with your hands "It's my laugh, it's horrible and I hate it" Sanji looked at you surprised, thinking about why you hated something like your laugh, to him it seemed like the cutest sound in the universe.
"Y/N look at me" He grabbed your cheeks and looked into your eyes "You don't have to be ashamed of anything, I swear that if I ever die the last thing I want to hear is your sweet laugh" He said smiling and kissed the tip of your nose.
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The swordsman was practicing with his sword as he usually did and you were standing next to Luffy on the deck looking at the sea chatting. Suddenly Ussop wanted to join where you were but when he was going down the stairs he tripped and fell on his face.
You and Luffy turned to look at him and without hesitation burst out laughing. You let out adorable giggles as you tapped your knee. Hearing you, Zoro stopped practicing and looked at you, raising an eyebrow, then smiled sideways and let out a low, soft laugh.
Luffy ran to help Ussop and you looked at Zoro realizing that he heard you. You smiled shyly and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, looking at the ground.
Zoro slowly approached you with a mischievous smile "You didn't know you could laugh like that."
You tried to avoid his gaze, he tilted his head "I think he's cute" You quickly raised your head, looking at him in surprise and blushed.
Satisfied with his job of making you nervous, he walked away without saying anything else, leaving you frozen in place still in shock.
The next few days Zoro would make sure to tease you about your laughter so that you wouldn't forget "Y/N, do you remember the day you laughed at Ussop?, because I didn't forget it" He said with a wink "It was so delicious, you would laugh like that to if I asked you?" "Come on, don't be shy now."
And every time you laughed he was close enough to hear you again, whether you noticed his presence or not. And you always made him smile
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You were sitting near Nami while she was drawing her maps, you always sat next to her because you liked watching her work and she appreciated your company.
She was focused on the strokes she was making with the pencil and you were focused on the book that you had resting on your lap. At one point during the reading you let out a melodious laugh at a funny paragraph you had read.
It was just a second but enough for Nami to stop drawing and look at you with pleasant surprise. You hadn't even realized that she had paid attention to your laughter.
Nami didn't want to interrupt your reading so she let it go and continued drawing her maps but now with a tender smile on her lips and with the sound of your laughter still in her head.
That afternoon when you were both leaning on the edge of the boat contemplating the waves and the seagulls flying through the sky, she brought up the topic gently bumping your hip with hers: "What a cute laugh you have."
You turned to look at her confused while she continued looking at the sea "Today when you were reading near me, you started to laugh" You sighed an oh and smiled, nodding.
"I would love to bottle your laughter and carry it with me always." This time he looked at you with the only thing you could describe as love.
You gave her a kiss on the cheek and began to tell her the story you were reading and what had made you laugh about the book.
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You were both sitting in a hammock. You were swinging your legs funny while he told you funny stories and bad jokes.
The atmosphere was so happy that suddenly Ussop started tickling you shamelessly.
You kicked and squirmed trying to escape from his hands while laughing happily like a child.
Your high-pitched laughter filled the entire room and echoed, your cheeks were red as apples and seeing you and hearing like that Ussop became happier and continued tickling you in places that he knew were your weak points.
When you couldn't take it anymore you punched Ussop hard on the shoulder "Enough, Ussop!!" You screamed, panting but smiling.
Your cheeks were still rosy and he looked at you with a huge smile "I'm sorry, I just liked your laugh, I don't think I'd heard it before."
You shrugged, smiling flattered but answered modestly "It's just a laugh, it's no big deal."
"No big deal? Oh come on, I'm sure you'd win a laughing contest." You laughed again at the absurdity of what he had just said. He pointed a finger at you. "See? There it is, that's it. What do you think of going to play a prank on Zoro or Luffy so we can hear you laugh again?"
You shook your head "Don't be silly Ussop" He shrugged indifferently "Oh well that's a shame, then I'll have to do this" And without thinking twice he tickled you again until, this time you laughed harder until you almost fell of the hammock. Your laugh was so scandalous that the others went to see what was happening until they saw you almost on the ground holding your stomach and with tears in your eyes.
dividers credits: @benkeibear @rookthornesartistry
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lawsvalentine · 1 year
Iconic Romantic Movie Moments They Do • OP Men HC • (SFW)
Charcters: Monster Trio, Usopp, Law, Ace, Sabo, Marco
CW: None. Pure Fluff
Cee’s Note: Soooo this idea came to me when I was watching Tangled and the lantern scene happened and then I just started thinking about my favorite romantic scenes from movies. Hope y’all enjoy 😉
Luffy- Spider Man Kiss
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One day Luffy was feeling a bit mischievous and decided to use his stretchy legs to hang from the top of one of the rails of the Sunny to scare you. He saw you turning a corner and positioned himself before springing down in front of you causing you to let out a high pitched scream. Luffy started to laugh hysterically at your reaction, causing you to pout and whine his name.
Despite his prank, you couldn’t stay mad at your silly boyfriend. You also couldn’t deny how cute he looked hanging upside down so you approached him and decided to lay one on him. You gently held his cheeks, as your lips continued to move against each others. As you pulled away, Luffy had his signature grin plastered on his face making you giggle. From that day forward, Luffy decided to surprise you like that more often just to receive your kisses.
Zoro- Ghost Clay Scene
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One of the activities you liked to do in your spare time is pottery. After asking Franky to build you a pottery studio (which he happily obliged) that became your favorite place to be on the ship. Zoro had been looking for you when he noticed you didn’t show up during his training to bug him. When he finally found you, he smirked as a bright idea came to his mind.
Next thing you knew, your back was pressed against Zoro’s bare chest, his muscular arms wrapped around you, fingers interwined with yours as you both molded the clay in front of you. He pressed soft kisses to your neck making you squeal and turn your head. Let’s just say, Zoro made a mental note to do this more often with you.
Sanji- Lady and the Tramp Spaghetti Scene
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Sanji wanted to take you to a restaurant for a date once you guys docked the Sunny. You told him if he could woo you on the date, you would give him a kiss at the end of it. He got a nose bleed just thinking about the challenge and he was determined to win it. You guys were at this fancy Italian restaurant where he ordered the couple’s spaghetti special on the menu that could be shared with two people. Sanji knew he was close to wooing you after the gentlemen like charm he was giving you throughout the date.
When the food came, you both gawked at how huge the plate was. You were slurping up a noodle and you couldn’t help but notice how long it was but that didn’t stop you. Little did you know Sanji was also slurping the same noodle and before you knew it, your lips met in middle. You pulled away, eyes widened and cheeks heating up from the kiss. Sanji with heart filled eyes was babbling on about how soft your lips were and how he knew he would win a kiss from you. You roll your eyes and press your lips against his again to shut him up.
Usopp- 10 things I hate about you serenade
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You were chatting with Nami and Robin when you mentioned how romantic it would be to be serenaded in public. Usopp overheard the conversation and although he was nervous of the thought of publicly singing and dancing in front of other people, he was determined to impress you. With the help from brook with the song (lets just pretend that can’t take my eyes off you existed during that time) and Franky and Luffy with the choreography, Usopp was ready for his performance.
You guys were in the middle of a town when Usopp started performing his serenade. He was on top of high ledges of a building, prancing around, singing his heart out to you. He would occasionally wink and point to you during his song, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t swooning. You and the crew were cheering and hyping him up as he continued his serenade. In the middle of his song, a couple of marines spotted him and started to chase him. But the show must go on, because Usopp didn’t stop his serenade despite him being chased. You were a giggling blushing mess throughout the entire song but you loved every second of it
Law- Love, Actually Card Scene
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Law has had a crush on you for a while but didn’t know how to tell you because he was afraid he would say the wrong thing and mess it all up. He isn’t good with expressing his emotions, let alone being romantic. Bepo, Penguin, and Sachi knew about Law’s dilemma and came up with a great idea. At first, Law refused but after penguin and Sacchi’s begging and Bepo’s puppy eyes, Law decided to give it a try. But he threatened to shambles them off the Polar Tang if it didn’t work.
You heard a knock from your door, causing you to get up and open it, revealing your nervous captain. He was holding some big cards with his usual serious face. You read card after card, him flipping one over the other. The last card he hesitated for a moment, cheeks starting to tint pink, as he revealed the card. It read “will you be mine?”. Your eyes widened and mouth opened in shock before changing into a beaming smile as you wrap your arms around him and kissed him. Bepo, Penguin, and Sacchi, who were hiding in the hallway watching the whole thing, quietly celebrated and high fived each other.
Ace- Tangled Lantern Scene
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Ace had an idea for a date night for you but he needed some assistance from Marco to make it happen. Ace was leading you on the beach, blindfold over your eyes to the spot. Once you two reached the spot, he removed your blindfold revealing a small boat with two lanterns in the middle of it. You were confused yet intrigued for what was to come.
As you two set out, you were both holding the lantern in your hands. With a countdown, you both released your lanterns into the sky. Your face was in awe as more lanterns started to float around the air. Marco was flying around above you two dropping the lanterns around you guys. You reach out to catch one before releasing it back out. Ace just sat and admired how the lights illuminated your features. You commented on how beautiful the lights were, which Ace responded saying it didn’t compare to how beautiful you were. You blushed at his words before leaning in to kiss him.
Sabo - Enchanted Ballroom Scene
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You and Sabo were assigned a mission to go undercover to gather information from a ball thrown by one of the celestial dragons. You guys had to blend in so you both were in expensive ballroom wear. Sabo thought you looked gorgeous in your gown. A slow song started playing(again lets pretend this song existed in their time) and sabo asked for your hand to dance.
You were shocked considering he had been previously complaining about how he “doesn’t dance”. So you accepted his offer and you two made your way towards the dance floor. From the way he gently held you as you both swayed to the way he was looking at you, you couldn’t help but get lost in him completely forgetting about the mission
Marco- Titanic Deck Scene
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You had always expressed to Marco how cool you thought his devil fruit power was. Especially the flying, wishing you could fly like he does. Marco had offered to take you with him into the sky but you weren’t sure if you were brave enough to go that high. So he got the bright idea on how to ease you into it.
He held out his hand that you hesitantly took as he lifted you up at the edge of the ship. It was a bit high but not a bad place to start. Marco brought his arms around yours, intertwining your hands as he slowly brought your arms out wide, mimicking his wings. He slowly removed his arms without you realizing it, and you felt amazing as the wind blew under your arms making you feel like you really were flying. He chuckled at your excited expression, as he brought his arms to wrap around your waist and hold you.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hii :) I was wondering could you maybe write a scenario where the monster trio + law and ace react to their s/o who has a very bubbly personality (kinda like luffy) being hit by a personality swap devil fruit and become temporarily shy and apologetic
thank you <3
Warnings: personality swap, shy!Reader, GN!Reader
Word Count:1370 
     Your outgoing, happy, joyous demeanor was a constant, as unchanging as the sun in the sky. It was a blessing to him, unafraid to show him how much you adored him, always wrapping him in the love that you held. A paradise that wrapped him in your warmth and eased any fears or doubts. A beautiful memory of who you should be. He cursed the devil fruit and user that had done this, that had turned you into this meek, shy, nervous thing that apologized for everything, whether or not it was your fault. It was your face, your memories, your… you, but it wasn’t how you should be, it wasn’t the person he’d fallen in love with. He’d fallen for your energy, your smile, your spirit. The way you happily ran down the streets, shouting in excitement when you found something of interest or running back with something intriguing. He swore that he’d find the person who’d done this to you, find them and force them to change you back! While he’d always love you, even if you stayed like this, he wanted you to be you, bubbliness and all.
     He was pissed as he paced the deck of the Sunny. How dare someone mess with you! And worse yet? You kept apologizing! He’d tackled you in the hall and said he missed you while he’d been playing with Usopp and Chopper, you apologized for not wanting to play with him. Pulling you towards the kitchen for dinner, saying to hurry up and you apologized for slowing him down. Cuddling on the grass with you stating that he wanted to spend more time outside with you, you’d apologized for not coming outside more. Of course there was also how you now hated showing your affection. You used to be happy to give him a kiss on the cheek in front of the crew, in front of an entire town! Now it was hard to just get you to hold his hand in front of a couple of the crew. The one who did this would pay dearly.
     Sanji sighed as he sat at the table with you, a worried, sad smile on his lips as he caressed your hand.
     “I’ll always love you no matter what, you know that, don’t you?” he asked softly, not wanting to make things worse by being overly loud or energetic.
     “I’ll always love you too.” you said quietly, your cheeks bright pink simply from his hand in yours, your eyes looking down at the table.
     “My sweet Y/n, please look at me.” he said, putting a hand under your chin and lifting your face to look at him.
     “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to.” you whispered, looking into his eyes before looking away, ducking down as if afraid that someone would see you. Sanji sighed slightly, caressing your cheek. As cute as you were like this, as much as he still loved you, he’d begged Luffy to do whatever was necessary to find the bastard who had done this. He wanted you back to normal, wanted to hear you singing while cutting vegetables with him without a care in the world. Wanted to pull you into a dip and kiss under the moonlight after a slow dance on the grass. If he had to accept that you couldn’t be changed back, he would, but if he could, he’d change you back to your normal self, no matter what.
     Swinging his weighted practice sword, Zoro glared at the imaginary image of the person who’d done this to you. You’d trained with him, napped with him on the grass, gotten hella fucking drunk with him! The two of you would laugh as you downed drink after drink, not caring who heard, just rolling on the grass at something stupid that you probably wouldn’t remember the next day. The naps you would take with him, one arm around your waist, your head resting on his chest as you slept in the warm midday sun, unconcerned with who was watching, uncaring about how you were sprawled out with the swordsman. His swords clashing against your own haki infused weaponry, a grin on your face, a challenging look in your eyes as the sound of his practice swords hitting your own practice weapon rang across the ship, despite training in the gym. Giving Sanji good natured hell just because you could. It wasn’t like with him where the two actually fought, yours was more affectionate, but it was the thought that counted. He swore, if the man who’d done this couldn’t change you back, he’d slice them into a thousand pieces. 
     Already he’d tried everything in his power to change you back, hoping that something in his own devil fruit would allow him to fix the swap that had been made. No effect. You still tiptoed around the sub, trying to avoid ‘getting into trouble’, meaning that you avoided anyone and everyone at all costs so you wouldn’t ‘do anything wrong’. Poor Bepo, beside Law, he’d been the one who appreciated your bubbly personality the most. The polar bear had since started crying about how you didn’t want to spend time together anymore, how you didn’t want to listen to music and sing together anymore or just generally have fun together. At first, you’d apologized over and over for not spending more time with him, quiet yet repeated apologies, but after a while, Bepo stopped seeking you out, knowing that you’d just apologize and run away. Law himself had never been particularly extroverted, preferring his studies over most human interaction, but this was a bit much even for him. Even when it was just the two of you, you didn’t show him the kind of affection he’d gotten used to with you. You didn’t lay his head in your lap and hum as you ran your fingers through his hair, didn’t laugh mischievously as you took his hat, forcing him to chase you until he gave you a kiss to get it back, didn’t rest your head on his shoulder after a long day. He had to find the one who did this to you! 
     The devil fruit user growled angrily as he threw various fire attacks across the wet deck. Pops had agreed to find the one who’d switched your personality, not very fond of your new, shy personality. Ace had since become angrier and angrier, taking said anger out on either Marco, who would spar with him, or on the deck as he trained. Normally you’d be there to calm him down, wrapping your arms around him from behind, hands resting on his chest as you took deep breaths, causing him to breathe with you until he’d calmed down. He missed when you’d sneak up behind him, jumping on his back and screaming something stupid like ‘forward my brave steed!’ and he’d start running across the deck as the two of you laughed. The two of you raiding the fridge in the night, both trying to hold back your laughter as you snuck out with armfuls of food. Now you kept apologizing to Thatch for ‘any inconvenience’ in taking ‘too much’ food, barely even held his hand outside of his room, and the closest you’d come to jumping on him was when he’d made you jump out of your skin after tapping you on the back. He’d turn the person who’d done this into a crisp!
Facing the man responsible, he looked on in fury, about ready to wipe him off the face of the planet.
     “Wait, wait, please, don’t hurt me! I can’t change them back, but it’ll wear off, I promise!” the man whimpered, cowering before him.
     “Then you’re coming with us until they do. I won’t let you slip away this time.” he said, grabbing the man by the collar. The man groaned, knowing there was nothing he could do. One or two people, he could swap their personality and escape, but this was an entire crew who were furious with him. Thankfully, you only had a few days left before the effects wore off and were back to your normal self. They’d let him go once you were back to normal… right?
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luffyvace · 4 months
I just need ussop x male reader head cannons I can never find any cus I can definitely see them kissing and then ussop bragging about it as is he wasn’t sweating and race red please 🙏 I love your work it makes me smile at how silly it is smt 💙
I KNOWWWW I never see any usopp x male reader!!! 💥💥
awww that scenario is so cute and true <3
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THANK YOU!!! That’s so kind of you to say! Yesss I’m so glad you enjoy my siliness because my writing always has been and always will be ;D 💖💖
Honestly Usopp probably isn’t fazed much about the fact that your a male
he’s educated on lgbtq+ and if you hc him to be apart of them that’s probably why!
So he’s not much flustered or surprised at the fact that he likes a guy just the fact that he likes YOU.
and your!- just!- yoursoepicsoawesomesoincrediblesobreathtakingsostunningsoastoundingsoextrodinaryso-
i mean I guess he could’ve just said that buuuut
’cool’ is not cool enough of a word to describe you😉
alr that was a terrible dad joke but anyway-
thats not the point! The point is!….it really doesn’t matter your gender he just thinks your phenomenal (pan usopp? I’ll let you decide…)
the strawhats also don’t mind!
now every time I write they’re reactions it’s the same so I’m not doing it all over again- 😆
just a few honorable mentions :)
first off Robin knew it’d happen all along and nami got paid from the bets of it
Sanji doesn’t get the appeal but he knows every man isn’t the same (my boy zoro scarred him) and so is everyone’s preferences. (he supports)
luffy suggests to throw a party (just as an excuse to have one) but it’s not a bad excuse so you guys through one anyway
and yeah that’s all your getting 🥰
usopp tells the strawhats (probably luffy first) that you two are dating
he’s so excited when he does 💗
as soon as you say yes he’s running off to find everyone, (again- luffy first) shouting at the top of his lungs that you two are an item
okay on to your scenario~ 😊
*chuu*~ usopp gives you a little kiss on the lips (for the first time)
his face gets as red as a rose while standing there computing that he singlehandedly just had his first kiss with you and in general
you blinked and he’s already bolted off to go brag to the rest of the crew
specifically sanji, luffy, chopper and franky/brook
why them specifically?
Sanji because he didn’t even get to kiss at least Charlotte + plus he got his first kiss and partner before him
luffy & chopper because those are his loser bsfs
franky and brook? because he’s way younger than them and he got his first kiss before them 😂😂
he basically couldn’t stop boasting about it for a week straight
even then he’ll bring it up every chance he gets
”you may be strong sanji but at least I’ve had my first kiss” 😁☝️
his love languages are physical touch & gift giving (quality time too)
he will never not be shy about physical touch 💗
he just never gets used to it
his affections? (🤗) he lives for every form of physical touch ever from you
kiss on the cheek/forehead/lips/temple/hand, cuddles, linking pinkies/hold hands, footsie, high fives, shoulders/knees touches
you name it he wants it
seriously even the little stuff- generally before you start dating
Because then he’s even more shy/nervous around you
I haven’t mentioned that but he definitely is
he doesn’t know what to not do or how to act
yes those precisely bc he worries he’ll screw smth up by doing smth you don’t like
as far as how to act he simply doesn’t know what to do with himself around you
he becomes very self conscious
I’m sure quite a few peeps do in front of they’re crush ^v^
making you laugh counts as a love language for him
he loves the sound of your laughter. it lets him know he’s making you happy
he’s really worried about being a good boyfriend
so when he’s able to make you laugh he knows he’s doing something right
with quality time it’s all about the fact that he looooves to be around you!
whenever your away?
*goes to find you/asks around about your whereabouts* “hey m/n whatcha doin?” 😋
don’t get me wrong he’s not clingy the man still has hobbies—you know working in the usopp factory n such
But he does like to spend a good portion of his day with his lover 💛 (who doesn’t?)
gift giving is heavily his thing since he can give you his tinctures
you know cuz he likes to make stuff?
especially if your weak
then you can defend yourself
and he won’t have to worry about you <3
even if you are strong he’ll still make you stuff :P
maybe something that can help in battle but since you can handle yourself it likely protain to other things you like
if your strong he 💯 runs to you to protect him when danger comes
(he’s saying this as he runs away :3)
if he ever manages to save you he’d be so proud of himself and brag to everyone about it
”yeah!! I saved m/n’s BUTT!” 😼
he keeps retelling the story more dramatic a each time and the only one still buying it is chopper <3
even luffy don’t believe him no more 🗿
If your weak he will protect you with everything he’s got!
even if that ain’t much 💪
which it’s essentially just him telling you to run, stalling, then running away himself
He likely leads the threat to someone who can defeat them and takes the credits 😎
random :)
he is most certainly simping if you have abs
like he would just loooove to watch you work out 😍😍🙏
if you met back in syrup village he probably followed you everywhere
like you were his only friend before the usopp pirates type thing
Btw you were the vice captian of said group
If you’ve known each other for that long it’s likely love and not just a crush by now but you label it 🤷‍♀️
if not then when you helped save his village he prob developed a crush on you then
how bravely you fought 😍 (even if you were crying like him)
Or maybe he goes to your island and he finds you very cool (even if your not physically strong)
either way he romanticizes how you really are and develops a crush on that idea of you. BUT- dw he DOES genuinely love you ‼️
quick mention on kaya- lets say him, you and kaya were just close friends and they weren’t crushing on each other
you, chopper, usopp and luffy are a group- ain’t no doubt about it c;
y’all are always being silly 😜
If your the mature one of the group your gonna go crazy 🤗🤗 not crazier than nami
Pranks also happen a lot (water bucket on door, stealing stuff, ding dong ditching etc.. little harmless stuff 😚)
overall usopp boyfriend review and rating? 100/100 green flag please date him
Usopp def needs some more content ! Male reader particularly
Hope you enjoy lovely nonny~♡
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standfucker · 2 years
Record Scratch - Franky/fem Reader
This ficlet is a) something lighthearted after my rather heavy last fic, and b) how I cope with Franky’s post-time skip body.
SFW but suggestive.
Summary: Zoro knew you liked Franky. Most of the crew did. They did not, however, realize how far things had actually gone.
Ao3 link
You were the seventh person to arrive, showing up not long after Sanji had dragged Zoro back to the Sunny.
"Zoro!" You called out, giving him a brief warning before you nearly tackled him in a hug. Zoro caught you, returning the embrace before patting your back.
"Hey," he grunted.
You detached from him and fully took him in. "Oh, your eye!"
"My eye? What about your face?" Zoro thumbed at the thick scar that ran from your left cheek down to your neck, a new feature–something you must have received during the last two years.
"It was crazy. I can't wait to tell you all about it!" You bounced in barely-contained excitement. “Let’s swap stories over a drink later!”
You turned your head at the familiar voice while Zoro rolled his eyes. "Ah! Sanji!"
You leaped at Sanji, as well, and he caught you and spun a few times before setting you down.
"Ah! That scar! Who dared mar such a beautiful visage?" He held your face in his hands, tilting your head to examine the scar and looking genuinely upset.
"Don't worry! I gave as good as I got!" You grinned.
“If I was there, I would have pummeled whoever did that into dust–” Sanji started to say, but you’d already pulled away and were running toward Usopp. Sanji’s face fell at being ignored, and Zoro laughed, making the cook flip him off.
“Usopp!” You hugged the sniper before thumping his chest playfully. “Woah! You got tits now!”
“They’re pecs!” Usopp protested, but couldn't help returning your infectious grin. "And look at you! You look like a seasoned warrior!”
"Hehe, does it look badass?" You said, touching your scar.
"It totally does!"
Zoro smiled to himself as you bowled over Nami, then smooched Chopper, making the reindeer flail and protest in poorly-contained delight. Robin, Brook, and Luffy had yet to arrive, but that was fine–he knew who you really wanted to see.
You had always been friendly with the whole crew, but once Franky joined, you immediately attached yourself to his side. You followed the cyborg around like a puppy, always asking questions: about his cybernetics, about building ships, about Water 7 and Iceberg and Tom. At first Zoro thought it was because of your engineering background, but it slowly became apparent that there was more going on. It was the way you looked at Franky when he wasn’t looking at you, a fondness in your eyes that made Sanji grumble in jealousy whenever he witnessed it.
Franky either had a lot of patience or liked the attention, because he never tried to stop you.
It was cute, Zoro thought. He sincerely hoped that Franky liked you back. It was hard to tell–from the outside, Franky didn’t seem to treat you all that differently. But the way he humored your near-constant seeking of his attention made Zoro think that maybe there was something there.
The others must have felt similarly (stupid cook aside,) because everyone turned to watch as you finally, for the first time in two years, saw Franky.
To Zoro’s surprise, you did not run to Franky.
You stared.
Franky’s usually-enthusiastic expression faltered. Even with the sunglasses, Zoro could tell that he was nervous.
"What do you think?" Franky said after a minute, scratching his arm (and making the metal grind noisily.) 
"Franky!" Your tone did not sound pleased. You started crossing the deck, finally making your way over to him. "I've waited for two years–two long, grueling years, and this is what I see?"
You waved an arm angrily, gesturing to his massive body.
"How are you supposed to fuck me like this?" You demanded.
Zoro felt his brain screech to a halt. 
Hold on–hold on. What the fuck?! Zoro quickly looked at the others, as if they might offer an explanation. Sanji and Usopp’s eyes had popped straight out of their skulls, jaws on the floor, completely flabbergasted. Nami was covering Chopper’s ears, but she didn’t look that surprised at all.
"Baby, we can still do that," Franky assured you.
"How? You're so big!"
"I have full control over my body, just like before. I never hurt you back then, did I?"
You pouted. "No..."
They could only watch, dumbstruck, as you took Franky’s hand, bigger than your whole torso, and inspected his fingers, thumb trailing around the square edge. "This isn't going to fit."
Sanji flinched like he’d been physically struck.
The center of Franky’s hand opened, a smaller hand popping out. "Ah, okay," you said.
"I upgraded everything,” Franky explained. “And I do mean everything."
He leaned closer to you but made absolutely zero effort to mask his volume when he said, "it vibrates."
Well, that was something that Zoro could never unhear.
"I need a drink," Zoro said, turning to head for the galley.
"Me too," Sanji mumbled miserably. “What a terrible day to have ears.”
At least no one had to worry about the status of your relationship anymore.
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yuujis-sunshine · 1 year
𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒚 𝑫. 𝑳𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒚/𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 [𝑯𝑰𝑮𝑯 𝑺𝑪𝑯𝑶𝑶𝑳 𝑨𝑼]
𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: The Reader decides to confess to her love; Luffy by give him some chocolates.
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'Tomorrow is finally the day... Where I confess to Luffy!' She thought, blushing deeply. [Name] was walking outside, heading out to the store. Tomorrow was Valentines Day and she wanted to be more than Luffy's friend by showing him some love.
Everytime she saw him, she felt so happy and safe around the ravenette. His laugh made you frown go upside down, and his smile brought a light into your heart. So it's about time that she confess to him. [Name] made it into the store, and looked for the candy/gift section for Valentines Day. "I wonder which one he will like?" She muttered, looking at the cute stuffed toys in the aisle. After thinking about it, she decided to get the small medium plush monkey and the heart box with 10 chocolates with different fillings. 'Just thinking about Luffy's reaction makes my heart flutter... Wonder how will he react to my kindness?' Her heart beated so fast as she jumped excitedly and squealed, before paying for the items she brought.
[Name] was getting prepared for bed, but she was to excited and nervous for tomorrow. Her school outfit was already out and the stuff where the gifts were at was also there too. "Coming for you, Luffy!" She told herself, before actually getting sleep.
All of the students walked to class as [Name] hurried to the class that she and Luffy had together, which was Biology class for homeroom. When she walked into their class, she notices Luffy talking with Nami, Ace and Zoro along with his crew that you seen him talk too. "L-Luffy-kun... I want to have a word with you." She spoke nervously, as Luffy smiles at her and said, "Sure!" He left his friends and headed to a private place with her, wanting to know what was up.
"What is it?" He asked as [Name] started to stutter, trying to find out what to say.
"I-I have... Something to give you." She looked down. The ravenette's eyes widened as a big smile plastered on his lips, wanting to know what she got him. "It's a gift that I got from yesterday... Happy Valentines day." Luffy then received a plush monkey and the box of chocolate from her, as a bigger smile came to his face. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH, [NAME]-CHAN!" He had her in his embrace, happy for what she had done. "Y-Yeah..." And sooner or later, they started to date after that Valentines Day event. Every single one of their friends found out and were glad that they were together, even Boa was and she had liked him as well.
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theonesigngle1 · 6 months
One piece: highschool modern au (3)
New people:(3)
Upon arrival and seeing the exterior of the school. The difference in architecture is vast. There was an obvious split in materials that make up a highschool being the grand line and college being the new world. It was busy full of on campus peers.
Most people were going in one exit or the other. Luffy leading me to the left wing being the grand line highschool. Popular side considering so many students that showed up on orientation day and first day of class.
Everyone was led into a gym after putting away your bag if needed too. Many friend groups of past middle school groups stuck close while many glared at each other throwing paper and spit balls. There was a loud scoff and everyone looked at the headmaster. Being the said principal, He had white hair with various wrinkles while looking stern. The man next to him just laughed. Headmaster Sengoku and Garp. Seems Luffy knew him as Luffy immediately stopped Socializing and hid behind me, avoiding the gaze of the older male. The older male, Garp, was eating rice crackers while staring directly at Luffy.
The man was rather aggressive walking right up to Luffy giving him a fist of Love. Luffy whined and rubbed his head.
I giggle slightly and just smiled. I make eye contact with a boy, pink hair, he looked too young to be here..nervous too..she wondered if he got chosen like her. He looked kinda cute..Rather than rigid like all the other boys that smell like B.O or Axe body spray instead of some normal deodorant.  A boy next to him seems more out there and cocky. A chin that looked like balls and a haircut much uneven to the boys confident personality.
Though this was a boring first to entrance assembly talking about dress code, and hall passes. Though we were introduced to our home room teachers. And club coaches. Like a male who has a sword on his back and a fancy hat and a cape too, while another was rather.. Old per say. An old woman with wrinkles. I couldn't see her name badge though.
I got my schedule when it was finished. Yikes.. I made it to my classroom sitting next to Luffy at a table of 4. The small pink haired kid also sat next to us. He seemed shy or rather nervous close to pissing himself at the very least. Next was the green haired fellow that looked rather lost led in by a pink haired woman. She looked cutesy. Jeez, do any of these guys know how to take a shower? Both Luffy and the green haired guy smell like 10 cans of bounce dat ass if you get me… i side eye them as the green haired with swords i realized just glared back. The pink haired midget seemed even more nervous.
It was an awkward tension but Luffy seemed to break it quickly grinned while wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
"Name's Monkey D Luffy wanna be king of the pirates! And this is Y/n!"
He grinned, hearing captain Morgan..a stand in waiting for our real teacher in the background. Must be waiting for Mr.Aokiji.. Was his name?
"What about you guys!"
"K-koby.. I um..i want to be a marine…"
Luffy then stared at the green haired swordsman
"And yours"
Zoro just glared and rolled his eyes
"Roronoa Zoro.. Plan on being the worlds greatest swordsman.."
He spoke quietly his piercing eyes glaring. A fat woman then approaches Koby.
"Koby. Why aren't you sitting at my table scrubbing my shoes."
"I…i'm sorry alvidia.. I'll quickly do that"
Koby got up and i felt a slight twinge seemes Luffy had the same idea..(if he even has any of those..)
"Hey Koby aren't you gonna be a marine? Why go over there with that mean pig".
I rose a brow and luffy backed me up
"Yeah, don't you want to be a marine or something like that. You don't take orders from pirates yah know"
"The fuck are pirates.."
I mutter and Zoro explained standing up
"Pirates are the gangs in this big city that got accepted into this school.. People usually make these with friend groups as jokes or try to climb the podium.."
I smirked and Luffy cracked his knuckles grinning.
"Zoro! Be apart of my pirate crew! You too y/n!"
"No thanks.."
We both say at the same time. As Luffy has a shocked expression his eyes popping out.
"Why not?!"
"I don't want to be a pirate
"I'm a pirate hunter"
We say yet again at the same time
"P-pirate hunter Zoro! I heard of you…attacking lower gangs to climb the totem pole. And to make a little extra cash behind the scenes"
Koby squeaked and i shook slight
'Damn.. I'm gonna piss myself.. I'm seat mates with crazy people..'
I thought while looking down. I sit in my seat already calling quits and a calm voice yet cool say Casually
"Roronoa and Monkey. Back to your seats. Alvidia and Koby sit in a seat and stay."
This was..Mr.Aokiji, our home room teacher
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zorosq · 2 years
accidental ; roronoa zoro
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↻ fluff, luffy being an idiotic captain, accidental confession, swearing, just chaotic shit
↻ pairing ↬ zoro x gn!reader!
@nameless-shrimp asked: hi love! hope you're doing okay ☺
if it's okay to request, i was thinking of a scenario where zoro has a crush on you and he tries to be discreet about it, but luffy finds out and then at dinner, with everyone gathering around, the captain just BURSTS it out loud 😭 and poor zoro is embarrassed but you confront him privately that you like him too.
i thought it'd be funny and interesting haha - no worries if you can't! have a wonderful day/night.
a/n hi love <3 thank you for requesting this cute scenario! i can already play it out in my head 😭 happy reading :D p.s he's a simp ;)
"Shit... how do I do this..." Zoro muttered to himself. "Okay let's try this again. Y/n, marry me ― fuck! That's not it,"
"Zoro?" Luffy called out. He had heard Zoro just by coincidence. The others had told Luffy to call for Zoro. Which he had done... but at the wrong time. "You... you didn't hear that do you?" The moss-head hesitantly asked.
"Hear what?" Luffy asked, acting as if he didn't just witness Zoro rehearsing his confession. He did bad by the way. "At least make it more believable if you're going to lie!" The swordsman scolded. Luffy just burst out laughing. "What do you want from me anyway?" Zoro gruffed.
"Dinner's ready. So you better hurry or they won't let me get inside," Luffy said with a pout present on his face. "Fine," He mumbled before making a bee-line towards the kitchen.
When he walked inside, he was ― like always, left breathless at your sight. And unfortunately for him, you had chosen to sit beside him. For the longest time.
"Thank you for the meal," He mutters under his breath before digging in. "Y/n, can I have that?" Luffy asked. Well, he took it while asking. Not that you mind. "Of course," You said, laughing at his antics.
This somehow ticked Zoro off. "Oi, Luffy! Stop stealing Y/n's food just because they let you do it," The green-haired scolded his captain. "What's up with you, Zoro?" Nami asked. "Yeah, what's up with you moss-head?"
A light red tint colored his cheeks, embarrassed from the sudden attention from the entire crew mates. "Oh, Zoro likes Y/n," Luffy said cooly while enjoying his food. "You... I'm going to kill you..." Of course, he didn't. But he did left the table to went out for some fresh air at the accidental confession. From his captain, not him.
He decided that he should hide at the crow's nest, in hope that you wouldn't find him. "Shit... stupid captain. There's no way that Y/n's gonna return your feelings now―"
"Hey... Zoro," You called out. His face immediately turns into a bright shade of red. "H-Hi, how are you?" He stuttred out. 'What the fuck was "hi, how are you"?!' He scolded himself mentally.
You chuckled at his nervousness. In truth, you would be nervous too. But knowing his feelings already, you found yourself at ease. "I'm doing great," You answered, still smiling. "A-About earlier, just forget about it. I know you don't like me back so just―"
His answers were cut short when you placed your lips on his. It took him a moment to grasp what was going on before returning the kiss. Your hand went up to cup his cheek, trying to kiss him deeper. Zoro's hands went down to pull you closer by the hips.
At the burn in your lungs, the two of you finally pulled away, resting your foreheads together. "I hope that answers your confession," You said, still breathless from the passionate kiss while staring at him
He should probably thank Luffy for it later.
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writings-05 · 2 years
New faces (09)
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Heyooo guyss another chapter! It's a bit shorter than the last but idk I feel kind of down these days so I hope this will make someone's day better <3 have a great time reading !
Suggestions for fluff scenarios that you would want me to include into this fic are still open (this is a zoro x reader btw)
Previous chapters :
New faces (01)
New faces (02)
New faces (03)
New faces (04)
New faces (05)
New faces (06)
New faces (07)
New faces (08)
Description : first few days of dating Zoro
TW : mention of getting hurt (clumsy y/n), little bit teasing and a kiss
1210 words
So technically you were ready for some serious teasing from your crew members, but surprisingly there wasn’t that many, mostly because when Zoro was around he would just give a death stare to anyone if they commented on something. So your guess (which was right honestly) was that he intimidated them all but one person, Luffy, the captain. Luffy would tease the both of you here and there but it wasn’t anything bad really, you actually liked seeing him so happy like that and Zoro would just grumble something under his breath and voilà that was all, the teasing would end after that with Luffy going away while laughing. But at night time when you were in your room, Nami and Robin (sometimes accompanied by Chopper) would come into your room just to “chat” but they just ended up wanting to know how your love life was going basically which you didn’t mind sharing with them. Sanji would complain to you telling you that he could treat you better or just asking you why did you pick the marimo. You never complained about any of this to Zoro even tho he had told you multiple times that if anyone bothers you too much you just need to tell him and he’ll take care of it (fsjkf so protective), but you never said anything because in the end you’re all a big family and loved each other unconditionally.
Now to explain how you’re relationship with Zoro is going.. well it wasn’t what you expected at first. He’s actually very shy about demonstrating his feelings in front of other, which is why he doesn’t really hug or kiss you in front of the other (all of this you fully understand and respect). In the first days of dating you were very confused actually, he wouldn’t even talk to you much unless you were both alone and you didn’t like that, being the overthinker you are you would always wonder why he wouldn’t take to you... So one morning while he was napping in the crows nest, you approached him “Zoro-yah” you said as you poked his side to see if he would wake up. He just opened his eyes a bit, smiled at you and pulled you onto his lap. You were still very shy so you didn’t know exactly what to do and just sat there awkwardly “I can feel you being tense, is this making you uncomfortable?” he politely asked, you shook your head saying no “Okay then relax come on” he said as he put his arms around you and hugged you while you were in his lap. “Listen.. I need to ask you something” you said cautiously, he just opened his eye a bit and looked at you “Can I ask, why don’t you talk to me in front of the others? Or hug me or even kiss me? Are you embarrassed of me?” you quickly said the last part while just looking up at the sky. “I am most certainly not embarrassed by you” he quickly answer “look.. I’m just not used to all of this, honestly I would love to hug you whenever I see it’s just that I get so nervous because of the others.. I promise I’ll try my best.” You just turned over and hugged him super tight, this was the first time you had initiated a hug so he was a bit surprised but hugged you back. “Thank you for being so understanding, I’ll try my best to overcome my shyness as well” you told him with a little smile “Don’t worry baby, I don’t mind your shyness, it’s cute” he said as he squeezed your cheek. And believe it or not he really improved on that. He would casually hug you sometimes or hold your hand in front of the other crew members, they were also surprised at first but knew best to just not say anything, no kissing was done in front of them tho and you understood and respected his decision (you were also kind of shy honestly to do that in front of the other).
One random day, you, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper had the brilliant idea to race from one end of the Sunny to the other, the race had one rule : no using of our powers. Brook was going to be the referee. You started of the race pretty well actually being the first one, but then, as clumsy as you are, you didn’t see that Franky had wiped the stairs going down that you had to go down on, so one step and whoups you landed straight down the stairs knees hitting the ground and thankfully catching yourself by your hands. Zoro was the first one to be straight next to you gently lifting you of the ground before you even had the time to realise what had just happen, others just looked at you being scared if you were hurt “Y/N come to the infirmary I’ll clean your wounds!” Chopper said, what wounds is he talking about you thought but then felt a stinging sensation on your knees, they weren’t that badly scraped but still it didn’t look good. “I guess y/n lost then! I win!!” Luffy said as he quickly used his powers to jump from the stairs to the front of the Sunny “Heyyy that’s not right we weren’t supposed to use our powers!!” you yelled while still being in Zoro’s arms as he carried you to the infirmary. In the infirmary Chopper cleaned your wounds while reassuring you nothing bad had happened, Zoro just stood in the corner waiting for him to finish his job. You could feel his piercing gaze but you didn’t dare to look at him, you knew he wasn’t happy.. As soon as Chopper left, Zoro came in front of you and got down to examine your wounds more carefully “Don’t worry too much Zoro.. Chopper said it wasn’t anything serious!” you said trying to calm the tension down. He just looked up at you and sighed “Why aren’t you careful? Don’t you know how dangerous that could have been??” Zoro said while you just hung you head down low “sorry” you said. He lifted your head up with his finger as he got up a bit and kissed your forehead “No, don’t be sorry, I’m sorry for being overprotective of you… you just remind me of such a delicate peace that should be handled with care but then I see you falling and tripping all the time and it makes me worry. But I know you don’t do anything on purpose..  I think I just love you so much and care too much about you.” He said casually but as soon as he saw your big round eyes after what he said he took a step back and covered his mouth. You guys had never said the Lword before, this was the first time he had said that. “I love you too” you just told him with a big smile and blush on your cheeks. He just laughed it off and leaned in to kiss you, sure you didn’t plan on saying it right now but honestly you knew you loved him since the beginning.
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
How OP Men Ask to Be Your Valentines (SFW/Fuff)
Some are short and some are long. Also they all read poems.
Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Usopp, Ace
Black Fem Reader in Mind
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Wellll….he didn’t even know that day existed.
He seen Sanji decorate the deck the day before with heart shaped tapestries and making love theme foods and he explained.
When sanji realized that Luffy didn’t know he then asked if he asked you to be his Valentines and he obviously said no after a following “what is that.”🧍🏽
Needless to say after some yelling Luffy went to go find you
It wasn’t the most traditional way, but Lord help him he tried.
He stole some cupcakes and cookies and even a balloon Sanji had put up in the kitchen and rushed over to you.
Unfortunately none of the sweets survived except half a cookie, but you still had a balloon though!
“Y/N! Tomorrow be my Valentines! Okay?”
Before you could say yes or no he shoves the cookie in your mouth and hands you the balloon. He’s so proud of his declaration you couldn’t be upset.
“Oh wait! Sanji said i need to tell you a poem!”
“Violets are red, Roses are blue, please be my Valentines or else…”
“….or else what.”
He just chuckles at you while squishing your cheeks.
You don’t know if he was actually threatening you or didn’t remember the poem.
Honestly you haven’t been more warmed in your tummy to see the slight blush in his face when you nod in agreement and kiss his chubby cheeks
9/10 would love to see again.
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Only knows about it because of how much you talk about the special love day.
Still manages to nearly forget to ask you.
All day you been hinting on him asking
“Sanji asked all the girls to be his valentines…”
“…You don’t think it’s cute he asked them?…y’know…seems pretty cute.”
“He made a fool of himself.”
It irked you he didn’t even have a light bulb moment and just ask right then and there and ask. You would have appreciated it, but no.
It wasn’t until Robin and Sanji asked what did Zoro gift you to ask to be your Valentines and nearly smacked himself on the head for it.
Luckily Robin was going out to a floral shop and Zoro tagged along. She assisted him on what flowers to give you and even a card with a pretty gold necklace (he now is in debt from nami again)
You were in your room pouting up until you seen Zoro awkwardly walk towards you with something behind his back and plop the flowers and gifts on your side.
He then plops HIMSELF on your lap and buries himself in your tummy while wrapping his arms around you
“Read the card.”
And you do so
“Blood is red. My shirt is blue. Be my Valentines, but either way I’ll screw you.”
“I’mma beat yo ass, Zo.”
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Poor boy is a nervous wreck asking you (his crush) to be his Valentines.
All week he has been drawing you. You both took a picture together a few weeks prior and since then he has been struggling to draw you the perfect Valentines Day Card
Of course he draws you beautifully but that doesn’t stop him from being a little scardey cat about it
“Hey! Y/N! Uh…can i give you something!?”
You smile and nod. “Of course. You made a another contraption?”
He smiles timidly and shakes his head no before he got lost in thought.
You see a rose inside a pretty pink card and it says on the front “Please open!”
You do and its a small drawing of you, Usopp, and the Going Merry and it says:
“Just as I am brave and smart, you’re even more with your sweet, kind heart. It would be my honor to be your Valentines, and if that goes well will you eventually be mine(s)?”
It was written so funny so you chuckle a little, but you then gasp to see the art he done for you. It was so detailed and gorgeous in contrast to the tiny doodle he did inside the card
Poor boy ran before you could answer
Luckily you caught him and let him know of course you can be his Valentines
And a little more too…because you felt the same way about him.
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Genuinely surprised why his birthday isn’t on Valentines Day but we move
Obviously Mr. Prince wouldn’t dare NOT to ask you for your hand in being his Valentines, especially since you’re his girlfriend.
He plans out the entire 2 weeks of spoiling you (more than usual).
He acts like youre ganna say no somehow when everybody knows youre not
Zoro absolutely cannot stand him all two week
Everything is heart shaped
The food
The snacks
The desserts
Everything all for you and everybody has to endure it
You swear his eyes are a Crimson pink now this entire month.
And by February 13th he takes you on the deck after dinner and hands you MORE gifts
“Ji! You can’t keep giving me—“
“Just read it.”
The night was perfect, he was wearing a beautiful blue and black suit lighting up his cigarette with one hand as his other was still filled with another gift. He even got you the dress you’re wearing. You felt spoiled rotten. And you were. And Sanji knew that but he didn’t care.
He’d give you the world if you asked it
You open the pretty card and rose petals fall out and it says:
“My love for you cannot be compared. My love for you cannot be tested. My love for you cannot be measured. Even until the end of time my love for you shall never perish. You bring me light, you bring me joy, you are what I think about when I need remembrance of what I am fighting for. You are the calm in my chaos. You are my escape. My love. My Mademoiselle. I love you. -Your Prince, Sanji”
By the time you look up he is putting his hand out to you with warm cheeks and a smile,
“Yes! Sorry…i just..YES I wanna be your Valentines!”
You were overjoyed kissing your now bloodied nose man on the cheek and he hands you one last gift.
It’s a fake flower.
“I’ll stop loving you when that flower dies.”
Fuck he was corny but so romantic with it.
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
May I request zoro with my body accepts this baby, please. I hope you enjoy writing this😊😊
Helloo! I hope you like it! It was very cute and so fun to write! 😭❤
It was never you intention to get pregnant, at least not at that moment, not that soon. You and your boyfriend, Zoro, made a few plans “when the crew retire, we can get married”, or “when we can settle at some island, we can have a child”. The green haired man would even say they children would grow up to be a swordsman or a swordswoman. The subject would come up, and then you’d forget about it for weeks.
So of course, especially because your lifestyle was dangerous, you made sure you had protection. However, they have a chance of failing, which apparently, it did.
— I’m telling you, Robin. I’m worried, my period is late. — you whispered, looking around to be sure Zoro wasn’t anywhere near. — I think I might be… You know.
— (Y/N), maybe you’re worrying over nothing. — she gave you a reassuring smile. — It can be all this stress, or maybe you’re training a lot. But when we dock at some island, we can find out.
You nodded, but the signs were hard to be mistaken. Your period was late, the smell of certain food made you sick, and the fact that your jeans didn’t fit like before was already telling you what was going on. Zoro worried whenever you felt sick, but being dense about this subject, the man thought it was nothing to worry about.
The next day, when the ship finally docked, you ran to get a pregnancy test, making sure Luffy would help distracting your boyfriend. After the purchase, you went back to the Thousand Sunny and locked yourself in the bathroom. To be sure, you got three tests.
Not to your surprise, the three gave you the answer you already knew. Positive.
You kept staring at them for who knows how long, until a knock on your door made you jump and throw the tests in the trash. Luckily for you, it was only Robin, who was curious, but your face was already an answer.
For the rest of the day, you tried to avoid Zoro, still figuring out how to break the news. Should you have a serious conversation, tell him in a creative way or just say “I’m pregnant”?
You didn’t even need to try to approach him, because he did it first. It was already night, you didn’t feel like eating. First, because sometimes you felt sick after eating; Second, because you were too nervous. While looking at the ocean on the deck, you felt two strong arms wrap around you.
— Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something? — he whispered, slightly concerned. Not being the best with feelings, he could say or do something you wouldn’t like, but would apologize if you let him know. — Is it because we didn’t spend much time together today? It’s Luffy’s fault, he ran trying to find a place to eat, so he left me all alone.
You giggled and turned to look at him. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you took a deep breath. He knew that apparently, you weren’t angry, so that was good.
— No, you didn’t do anything wrong, don’t worry. — you bit your lip. — Something happened, and I’ve been trying to find a way to tell you about it. I’ve been feeling anxious about this the whole day, that’s why I’ve been avoiding you.
— Oi, (Y/N), are you sick? — he widened his eyes and got very worried. Chopper was an amazing doctor, though. He’d find a cure for whatever you had. — That’s why you’ve been feeling weird all the time!
— I’m not sick, Zoro. — you caressed his face to reassure him. — I’m okay, we both are okay. — you took one of his hands to your stomach, hoping he’d get the hint.
The man tilted his head, and it took him a while before he gasped and finally understood.
— You’re pregnant? — he asked, louder than he should’ve, because soon enough, the crew was outside asking if it was true.
When everyone digested the news, Chopper made you take blood tests and whatnot, Sanji started making you appropriate diets, Robin bought pregnancy books for you and Zoro, Usopp and Franky helped making the cribs and toys, Brook wrote lullabies, Nami bought cute baby outfits. And of course, Luffy kept talking to your stomach, saying he’d be the cool uncle who’d take the baby to cool adventures.
The green haired man used to touch your stomach all the time, still fascinated by the fact that there was a little baby growing inside of you. He tried to learn everything with you, he wanted to be part of it as much as he could. So whenever you read something about birth or pregnancy, he’d want to know. If you felt something different, he’d want to know. Also, Zoro attended to all the appointments and listened to what Chopper said, even if he didn’t understand everything.
You were nine months pregnant now, so when the ship docked, everyone thought it was better for you to stay with Chopper and Robin while the crew went to buy supplies. Even though you said that walking would be good, they convinced you to stay, but you made them promise they wouldn’t let Zoro get lost just in case anything happens.
While talking to them on the deck, you felt a little pressure followed by a sensation of something leaking. You didn’t freak out or got worried, but Chopper did. The reindeer desperately screamed for someone to find a doctor, until he realized he was the doctor. So he took you to the infirmary while Robin went to find the others.
Things were fine until the first contractions started, then you started cussing and praying that your friend would find your boyfriend soon. It didn’t take long, but it sure felt like hours. You were trying to take deep breaths, or focus on something else, when Zoro finally rushed inside the room. Chopper made him wash his hands and wear appropriate clothing, and soon enough the swordsman was holding your hand.
Zoro was a strong man, but you held his hand so tight, he couldn’t help wondering if he’d be able to fight again someday. But he didn’t complain, he knew you were suffering the most there.
It was already night, outside everything was quiet and some of the Strawhats were already asleep, when your child was finally born. Their cries filled the room, and you were finally able to relax and close your eyes.
He was the first person to hold the child, looking at them fascinated. They were so small, with a bit of his green hair, your (E/C) eyes, and your nose. He felt as if he was holding the most precious thing in the world right now.
— I know I’ll probably make some mistakes. — he whispered, looking at his newborn. — But I promise, I’ll love you, and protect you from everything that might try to hurt you.
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