panfriedstar · 1 day
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cross guild hours except only one of them is vaguely doing work~
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panfriedstar · 3 days
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Catching up on One Piece lately ! 👀 I got inspired and my photo study became a Zosan one 😂❤️
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panfriedstar · 4 days
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post-timeskip chopper redesign
detail explanations and extras below :)
his right horn that broke off never grew back, so his horns are uneven
he starts to develop more reindeer fur patterns
his hands begin to resemble monster point more. because of this, he’s able to tie things better so I gave him a tie on his pants
bandaid on his nose because I feel like he’s still getting used to his growth and has become a little more clumsy because of it
+ some extra doodles
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panfriedstar · 4 days
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one piece sketchbook dump (feb.2024)
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panfriedstar · 4 days
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one piece sketchbook dump (mar.2024)
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panfriedstar · 4 days
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one piece sketchbook dump (may.2024)
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panfriedstar · 4 days
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one piece sketchbook dump (july/august.2024)
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panfriedstar · 4 days
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whitebeard pirate doodles and headcanons!!!
some misc headcanons bc I love them lots </3
Marco has terribly illegible doctor handwriting that only the nurses are able to read. It induces a headache to anyone else who attempts to read it
Haruta was the youngest/only child in his family of nobles who was allowed to do anything he wanted; except for his true dream- to play music. His family forbade it, so he ran away and joined the Whitebeard pirates as a musician
Blamenco is Haruta’s biggest fan and always stores random instruments in his cheek pockets for sudden performances
Thatch runs over to Ace to hand him a pot full of water when he starts getting angry because he knows it reaches boil faster in his hands
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panfriedstar · 5 days
Ace, trembling with overstimulation and tearfully begging Marco to stop, stop, please he needs a break stop—
And Marco coos at him because he isn’t even moving his hand at all, just letting Ace fuck himself delirious on his fingers
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panfriedstar · 5 days
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Quick doodle for @cyborg-franky from earlier this week~
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panfriedstar · 5 days
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drew these silly things for a challenge on twitter lmaooo
+ ace variant so he can have cringe rizz too (+ requested by @bottommarcothephoenixenjoyer!):
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panfriedstar · 5 days
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Just them
To be honest? I didn't expect to do smth with this sketch, but today I wanted to color something TOO MUCH
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panfriedstar · 5 days
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i found this sketch on a hidden layer inside a totally different artwork's file???? idk when i drew it but, well , here we are 🔥🍍
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panfriedstar · 5 days
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Ace & Marco
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panfriedstar · 5 days
I like to think the Marines must have collectively smacked their heads off their desks when Ace joined whitebeard.
Like, this kid, the kid, the one with the thing that only a few people know, yeah that kid...
Was already a huge, flaming pain in the ass and now is apparently part of Whitebeards family.
All of the sudden he's a whole new person. He calls Whitebeard pops and calls the crew family. They call him brother and commander and Ace and ours with possessive eyes because Whitebeard is no fool. He knows and while he doesn't tell them the details, he tells his family that they'd take Ace from them. Would take their brother away and leave his blood on their hands and his screams in their ears.
And that's a hard no. That's where people fuck up with them.
And maybe Ace gets dragged to Marineford still. But this time they don't plan on just getting him out.
They shake the earth.
Marco ripping through people as easily as he'd rip through earth and stone for Ace. Talons shining like the swords Vista swings and the way light shines off diamonds.
I just think of Ace with his head hanging and hunger a beast in his belly that howls at him. Wrists tacky with blood dried like tar and bones sore from the cold stone. How everything hurts and it's been so long since something hurt this much. How he draws his knees up the best he can to rest his head on them, a respite for his aching neck.
The walls around him shaking and dropping dust around him. He doesn't know what's going on but it doesn't really matter. He wonders if they'll bring the whole place down just to make sure he dies in the dark where he belongs.
And how solitary his cell is. How it's dark and quiet and something inside him feels the same way. It curls up under this skin and he thinks he'd give anything to sleep.
The door slamming open to the sounds of the chaos beyond and Ace snapping his head up to squint at them. His family.
They pull him up with careful hands, someone breaks the chains and blue feathers flick aways the pain like it does the old blood.
He doesn't notice them eyeing it all. The dark room, the weight lost, the shivers, the way he clings to whoever is closest.
They bring it down.
And they wipe the dust from the destruction off their brother's face with love.
Cleaning out my drafts and this has been in there for awhile. Not exactly what I wanted but I'd rather share part of it than just delete it. Weeeeeeee
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panfriedstar · 5 days
Shortly after Ace starts dating Marco in a modern AU, Luffy is chatting with Sabo about his latest E.R. trip when when he goes "Actually, Pinapple man was there and--"
Sabo is completely confused for a moment, until Luffy notices and clarifies, "You know that guy. I forget his name. That pinapple guy. Ace brought him to BBQ last week."
It takes Sabo a full minute to process that Luffy just called Ace's boyfriend, the department head of the university hospital, 'that pinapple guy' but when he does... he laughs. He laughs and laughs to the point of tears; he can't remember the last time he laughed quite this much.
He keeps bursting into snickers when he rushes to the store right after.
When Ace gets home that night, there is a pineapple sitting in one of the kitchen chairs, complete with googly eyes and fake glases glued on--as well as having its own plate and cuttlery set out before it, ready to get its own serving of dinner.
Ace doesn't have to look at the name tag that reads "Marco, that pineapple guy" that is hanging on lanyard that's tangled in its leaves before he, too, starts laughing until tears are streaming down his face.
A photo of Marco the Pineapple is set as Marco the Human's contact photo before dinner is even served.
Marco the Pinapple sits at the table for a few days but after a Straw Hats visit, it is deemed that he is taking up too much space and is relocated to the living room, his new home being the top of a cabinet.
By the time Marco the Human visits the ASL household about a month later, Marco the Pineapple is pretty much a family member.
Marco doesn't notice the random pineapple at first--the pineapple that is now wearing a tiny lab coat and a stethoscope--until Ace's cat, Kotatsu, jumps on that particular cabinet.
It's only when Sabo's warning hiss of, "Kotatsu, you know you can't touch Marco, don't you dare" draws his attention that he notices the cat wasn't about to start wrestling with his ankles.
Instead, he was sitting next to the decorated pineapple and staring straight at Sabo as if to tell him to try and stop him.
Marco isn't sure if he's ever been faced with a sight so bizzare... but he would be lying if he said he didn't find it hilarious.
Ace gifts him Marco the Pineapple Jr. to keep on his desk at work.
And Marco loves it.
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panfriedstar · 5 days
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Family (2/3)
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