#i remember when i was trying to convince my mom to let me buy some medical themed jewelry from an etsy store and it had the tags
longingforacultparty · 4 months
i miss wearing menhera. i should get back into it.
#the bin#never got a chance to get many oieces cause i was a teenager when i was real into it before#i kinda ket go of it when i moved over to tumblr and had really bad experiences in the community. idk what its like now. that was years ago#i miss the amino i used to be in. it was really nice.#now that im an adult and i can buy and wear what i want tho i shoudo really get back into it#i probs wont get much into the tumblr community tho. idk whatbits like now but considering what a lot of other adjacent communities#are like for other styles ill probs mind my own business like i do with the other ones#i remember when i was trying to convince my mom to let me buy some medical themed jewelry from an etsy store and it had the tags#more menhera on it and she looked it up and came to me supwr concerned and i lied and said oh no no no im not into that style#thats just ankther style that usedbthese things but if u see here it also has tags fir these styles and those are the ones im into#and apparently she actually did believe me. i kinda assumed she didnt but i talked to her abt it more recently and apparently she did#i kinda wanna go back and read menhera chan. its a shame the creator sucks abt stuff but i do still like the character and aesthetic of it#but i wouldnt wanna give him money so id probs not buy anything not second hand. idk. the character used to really important to me#ask a very sad teenager. idk. i like menhera much more outside of that character tho.#hmm. well. add it to the list of styles i wanna grow my wardrobe for. i also miss drawing menhera art a lot. would love to get back into it
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twice-inamillion · 9 months
The Company
Taeyeon and IU’s Plan 
Smut and Story Building (Sex, Deep Penetration, Defloration, Creampie, Fingering, Blowjob) 
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Chapter 3
4,315 Words
(IU finds out that Taeyeon has been looking through her phone that filled with her sexual experiences with her boss. Taeyeon is convinced by IU to get a taste and comes up with a plan. Taeyeon gets more than what she can handle. OC gets a little surprised but is more than happy to accept it.) 
A few weeks pass, and every time Taeyeon stays at IU’s apartment, she notices hints of your sexual relationship with IU. Anything like cum covered panties, cummed covered skirts and marks on IU’s thighs and chest. 
She can’t hold on any longer; she needs to confront her friend about the type of relationship the two of you have. Taeyeon tries to find the looks for the best moment to talk to her about this. 
“I’m going to ask her today; I can’t wait anymore. It’s awkward every time I see the two of them together.” 
Taeyeon arrives earlier than usual and prepares dinner for the both of them, “Some pasta would be nice and easy to do. She changes into some comfortable clothes and gathers all the necessary items to make the meal. 
“Taeyeon, I’m home.”
“Welcome back. I made dinner for us.”
“Aww, that’s nice of you. Let me change.”
“Okay, I’ll set the dinner table.”
Taeyeon sets the dinner table and waits for IU to take a seat before serving her. “What’s the special occasion?”
“Nothing much. I just got tired of ordering takeout and wanted to make something homemade.”
“Haha, you should do this more often.”
“I’ll try, only when I’m done early. Anyways, how was your day? Don’t think we have talked comfortably in the past few days.”
“Hmm… nothing much. Just the same old thing. You know, helping with ranking the trainees, setting up meetings, and doing my duties as the CEO’s assistant.”
“What kind of duties do you have?”
“Just busy stuff like going over his daily and weekly schedule, setting up his meetings, sometimes bringing him his meals or some do simple tasks.”
“Seems like he has you overworking yourself.”
“Ah, no, that’s not true. He also has Irene as the secondary assistant. We share the tasks here and there. It's not that bad, actually, once you get used to it. But there are times when it does get busy, and I come home tired.”
“Is he nice to you?”
“He can be a bit tough, but he treats me nice. He asks how I’m doing, buys me nice things like jewelry, and gives me spending money.”
“Seems like the two of you have more than a boss-and-employee relationship.”
IU smiles and tries to play it off, but Taeyeon teases her, “Omg, are you and your boss something?” IU can’t help but grin, causing Taeyeon to push deeper, “I kind of figured the two of you were a thing. Is it actually a thing or work sex?”
“Haha, why do you want to know? Are you perhaps interested?”
“No! I just wanted to ask since you have been acting a bit differently.” 
“Hmm.. okay. I’ll tell you, but don’t tell anyone else, okay?”
Taeyon is now completely invested in finding out their relationship and eagerly nods, “Yeah, I won’t tell anyone.”
“Okay, remember how I told you that my family has financial issues?”
“Yeah, of course. You said that your family was struggling really back, especially your mom.”
“I wanted to help her somehow, so I contacted some people and became his personal assistant. This meant I had to service him at the workplace and him “personally.” I knew it was bound to happen and did it for my mother’s sake. So I had my first time with him. I thought I would hate him, but he’s really caring. He and I aren’t dating; it’s just a work relationship. I’ve been with him for a bit over a year and learned that it’s better to take the initiative and serve him than for him to act on it. If he has to ask for it when he might fuck you based on his mood, and trust me, that might be a bit dangerous. So I learned to read his mood and service him.”
“Oh wow. I didn’t know it was that serious.”
“The pay is really good, and the benefits are much better. This is one of the reasons why I have this apartment, and my mom is living in a nice house.”
Taeyeon hesitants but asks, “By the way, how far have you gone? Like, what do you do?”
“Well… the first few times, it was just regular sex, then it was a handjob and blow job. As time kept going, we would do more stuff, like me giving him head in his office or having sex in there too.”
“Have you two done anal?”
“Ahh, I haven’t, but he’s done it with someone else.” 
“Irene, his other assistant.”
“He fucks her too?”
“Yeah, and let me tell you this. Their relationship is much different than mine. She didn’t want to service him and learned the hard way. Anyways, are you interested?”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t try to hide it, Taeyeon. I know you looked through my panties in my hamper and went through my phone.” 
Taeyeon panics and lies, “No, I didn’t do that.” 
“Don’t lie, that phone is something that he gave me. It screen records every time someone tries to log in. So I know that you’ve been looking at my videos of him fucking me.”
Taeyeon panics, and it shows. IU reads Taeyeon like a book and teases her by asking, “Are you interested in him?”
“Ahh, no! I’m just interested.”
“Lies, I’ve heard your moaning during the night. I know that you’re sexually interested and frustrated.”
“No, you’re wrong.” 
“I mean, if you are, and I know you are. It will make my job easier. There are so many things I have to do, and if he’s busy with you, then that means I have to spend less time servicing him. What do you think?”
“Umm… I don’t know.”
“I’ll even help you. I’ll tell you the best time and even get him a bit tipsy for you, haha.”
“You’ll help me?”
“Yeah, you’re my friend. It’s not like I have anything to lose. Look, I’ll even show you some pictures from today,” as IU pulls out her phone and shows Taeyeon a video of you getting your cock sucked and you cumming in her mouth and face. IU notices Taeyeon slide her hand between her legs and rubs herself under the table, “Don’t tell me you don’t see yourself being in my place. Just imagine his hot cum on your face and going down your throat.”
“Hmm… you said you’ll help me, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll take care of everything. You just got to follow my advice, and you’ll be good.”
“Okay, I’ll do it,” causing IU to smile.
“Is that the last schedule for the day?”
“Yes, sir. You’re done for the day. Are you planning on dining out?”
“No, I just want to go home and rest. This was a busy and long weekend; I wanted to have a drink and relax. I’ll probably go out tomorrow.”
“Would you still like me to service you later tonight?”
“Hmm… actually, how about we share a drink?”
“It would be my pleasure, sir.”
You gather all your belongings and head to your apartment with IU. The two of you wait for the elevator and can’t help but notice the large height difference between the both of you, almost a foot apart. The elevator door slides open, and the two of you enter and scan your keycard to the top floor. 
Arriving at the top floor, you walk down a long hallway towards the single, large door on the floor and insert your code to enter, “Finally, back home.” The two of you take your shoes off, leave your items on the table by the hallway, and sit on the large couch. 
“Would you like me to serve you the usual?”
“Yes, please.”
IU heads towards the kitchen and to the alcohol cabinet and grabs a bottle and two glass cups. She pours the both of you a drink and walks back. “Here you, sir.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I like your initiative, Ji-eun. You’ve become a reliable assistant.”
“No, thank you, sir. For the opportunity to serve you and the help to my family.”
“Ahh, yes. How’s your mother doing?”
“She’s doing well, thanks to your generosity.”
“No need to thank me; it’s all due to your hard work.”
IU grabs the bottle once more and pours another drink as you enjoy the view from the top floor of the building. Watching the sunset is one of your favorite things after coming home from a long day. 
“Would you like me to order you takeout, sir?”
“Sure, that’d be great.”
“What would you like?”
“You can choose.”
“Okay, I’ll place an order.”
You place your drink down and change into something more comfortable while waiting for the food to arrive. IU sets the table, cleans a bit of the living room, and places your items where they belong. “Would you like another drink?”
“Yeah, I could go for another one.”
She serves you another drink, and you take small sips as you continue to enjoy the view from your living room couch. You and IU have a small conversation about some of the schedule for next week and about the process of the trainees when IU’s phone pings. “Sorry, sir. It’s the delivery person; I’m going to go down to the lobby and meet them. I’ll be right back.”
“Okay, sounds good.”
You walk to the kitchen, open the fridge door, and grab a couple of beers for the meal. You wait for IU to arrive and check your messages. When you hear the door ring go off, signaling that IU was coming inside. 
“Sir, I’m back.”
“Nice, I grabbed a couple of beers for the two of us.”
“Sir, I met Taeyeon in the lobby and asked her to join us. Would that be okay with you, sir?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“She’ll be coming up in a few. She just went to get changed.”
“Okay, let's get the table ready for three.”
After a few minutes, the doorbell rings, and IU opens the door for Taeyeon. “Hello, sir. Thank you for allowing me into your house.”
“It’s no problem; you’re welcome anytime; come take a seat.” 
Taeyeon sits on the couch across from you," Would you like a beer?”
“Yes, I’ll take one.” he grabs a beer and opens it. She crosses her legs, and you catch a glimpse of her not wearing any panties. You try not to look at it, but you can’t help but admire her thighs. 
“The pizza is ready.”
“Thanks; actually, do you think it would be better to eat here in the living room since it’s pizza?”
“We could do that,” says IU.
“I’ll help you, Ji-eun,” standing up and helping bring the plates to the living room table. 
With everyone sitting down, you all grab a slice of pizza and a beer and start to eat. You ask Taeyeon about her week and if she’s comfortable as the vocal coach. 
“I like it here; the place is beautiful, the staff is nice, and the trainees are very hardworking.” 
“That’s good to hear. Better than SM, huh.”
“Haha, yeah, it is,” she laughs.
IU mentions that she’s been hearing positive feedback from the trainees ever since she started and congratulated her on a good job. Taeyeon smiles and puts her feet on the couch, giving you a better view of her private area. 
You try not to look, but you can’t help your curiosity and eye her every time she moves her legs. IU notices this and asks, " Taeyeon, would you mind passing me a napkin?”
“Sure,” and she reaches for the napkin, allowing you to get a glimpse of her cleavage under the oversized shirt. IU looks at you and smiles, knowing that the plan is working.
“Like what you, sir?”
You turn around to IU, “What do you mean?”
“I asked if you liked what you saw.”
You see IU’s smile and turn to Taeyeon and see her smile. “What’s going on?”
IU says, “What do you think, sir? She wants you.”
“Is that true?”
“What do you think? I wouldn’t give a show to just anyone,” says Taeyeon.
“Hmm… So the both of you planned this.”
“You catch on quick, sir.”
“Okay, I’ll play your game. Taeyeon, you must be aware of the type of relationship I have with Ji-eun, right?”
“Yes, I’m aware.”
“And you’re fine with that?”
“Yeah, I am.”
Calling her bluff, you stand up, walk towards her, and extend your hand. “Alight, since you want to play, we can go right now.”
“R…right now?” looking at IU, who only smiles.
Knowing what will happen, she takes your hand and follows your lead to one of the bedrooms. The both of you hear a small chuckle from IU, and her saying, “Have fun,” before you close the door.
“You want to play? Let's see if you’re game,” and sit on the one-seater coach in the room. 
Taeyeon stands there, confused about what you mean. “Strip.”
Taeyeon is caught off guard by your command and hesitates. You repeat it once more, “Strip.” Understanding you’re serious; she stands before you crosses her arms, and removes her oversized shirt and then her loose, small shorts. 
In front of you is a completely nude Taeyeon. She has small breasts and a clean, shaven cunt. Without saying a word, you scan her body, from her feet to her head. She turns around and gives you a view of her behind, “Amazing. I can’t believe a member from Girls Generation is standing in front of me, nude.”
You signal her to approach you and say, “Come over here.” You grab both her hands and her right in front of you. You lick your index and middle finger and rub her lower lips. She moans at the sudden touch of your warm fingers against her cold skin. Using your two fingers, you trace and swirl the outside of her lips until you feel her moist. 
You remove your fingers, pull her towards you, and pick her up. She suddenly yelps from being picked up and notices you walking towards the bed. You toss her onto the bed and watch her reaction as you spread her legs wide open, giving you an embarrassed look. She tries to cover her pussy, to which you tease her and say, “I guess you’re all talk and no game,” giving her a smirk. She gets offended and removes her hands out of pride, responding, “I’m not all talk; I can back it up, too.”
“You’re sure about that?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“I’ll give you one last chance to back out.”
“Don’t need it, I can play along.”
“Alright. Let’s play.” 
You remove your shirt and shorts and toss it to the couch. Taeyeon’s heart begins to race as she’s focused on your boxers and sees you pull them down, revealing your semi-hard cock. You pull her towards you and her folds once you say, “You have a really nice pussy right here.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah. I can’t wait to fuck you,” grabbing your cock and pressing it against her lower lips. She pushes your cock away and says, “Wait, you’re not going to wear a condom?”
You stop and are surprised by the most ridiculous question and reply, “What do you mean a condom? I only fuck, raw. Why? You don’t want to?”
No, I was just wondering. I heard that it’s important to wear a condom.”
“I check myself regularly, so I’m good. Are you?”
“No, I’m good.”
“Okay, then we’re all good to continue, right?”
“Yeah,” turning her head around and thinking of all the possibilities of fucking without a condom. 
You grab your cock with your right hand and give it a few pumps and press it against her lower lips. You look at Taeyeon and see her face of anticipation, waiting for your next move. With your hardened cock against her entrance, you smack it against her folds right before inserting yourself inside of her. 
Taeyeon groans from the pain of your cock making its way through her tight walls. “Fuck… you’re so tight!” as you shove more of your cock inside her. Due to the pain, Taeyeon grabs onto the bedsheets with all her might. 
Suddenly, Taeyeon screams when you shove your whole length inside of her in one go. “Wait…Wait… pull out, pull out, you’re breaking me!”
Seeing her in pain, you pull out your cock, and caress her cheek, “Are you okay?” Taeyeon replies, “You’re too big; I thought it was going to die. Give me some time to get myself together.”
‘Wait… don’t tell me” as you look down and look at the tip of your cock covered in a thin layer of red. 
She nods her head in tears and says, “Yeah, it’s my first time.” You’re surprised by her comment and would have never known that this would be her first time, but the idea of being her first man makes you hard again. 
You grab a tissue, get yourself cleaned, and reassure Taeyeon that you’ll make it pleasurable. She nods and wipes the tears off her face before you move on to insert yourself once more. 
With your cock at the entrance of her, slowly insert your length; Taeyeon groans from the slight pain in her walls and begins to stretch to their limits, “Ow… you’re still too big.” You get on the bed, get on top of her, and begin to kiss her neck and play with her breast as you move inside of her. 
Taeyeon slowly forgets about the pain and focuses on the pleasure of your kissing and her tits, “Hmm, yeah… that feels good, don’t stop.” You move towards her breast and take her nipple into your mouth as you play with the other. She continues to moan and let free of her nipple and continue to thrust your cock.
Taeyeon wraps her arms around your neck now that she’s comfortable with your length. You increase the pace of your thrusting, causing her to moan and even laugh, “I can’t describe the feeling, but it feels so good!” 
“Just wait, it's going to feel better,” as you place her into a mating press. With her legs pushed back, you do a strong thrust, each other’s pelvis smacking against each other. “How do you like that? Can you feel it deep inside you?”
“Ahh.. yeah, I can feel the difference. My womb is taking the shape of your cock!” Her hands move towards her breast, pinching and twisting her nipples as she feels her orgasm coming. 
Seeing her pleasuring herself, you can’t help but tease her as you focus your focus on her clit. Taeyeon yelps, asking you to stop because she can feel an overwhelming feeling approaching.
Instead, you place it between your thumb and your index finger and give it a nice pinch. This causes Taeyeon to instantly cum, as you feel a rush of fluid covering your cock. You pull out and enjoy the scene of her orgasm as her body violently shakes. You watch as she rides her orgasm and decide to tease her, so you insert your middle finger and begin to thrust inside her cunt. “Don’t… don’t do that, you’re going to make me come! Stop!” It didn’t take her long for her to reach her second orgasm. “Ahh, fuck! I’m cumming!” as a gush of fluid sprays and her body spasms. 
“Wow, I didn’t have to do much. Seems like you don’t relieve yourself often, but that won’t be a problem now that I’m here. You’re going to be a good fucking with me, but now that you had your fun, it’s my turn.”
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“I need to get my fill too, you know.” 
“Please… wait,” not letting her finish her sentence as you insert your cock inside. She throws her head back and screams, “Oh fuck! You’re going to mess me up inside!” Her walls tighten around your cock, not used to having your massive length inside of it. 
“Your walls want to squeeze my cock, fuck you feel so tight.” You start to pump your cock inside her slippery walls, feeling all the grooves and crevices of her meaty flesh. 
You listen to the beautiful sound of Taeyeon’s moaning as you thrust inside of her for what feels like ten minutes. Taeyeon is a complete mess; her hair is ruined, and her body is all sweaty. The tipsy sensation has disappeared, and let her know that you’re about to reach your peak, “Fuck, I’m about to cum.”
“Wait… what did you say?”
“I said I’m about to cum. Where do you want it?”
Puzzled, she tries to come up with an answer, and it is taking longer than what you’re used to. Not wanting to hold it in any longer, you decide where you want to bust your load. Feeling the weird feeling of your cock throbbing your cock she says, “Outside, do it outside,” but it's too late.
The amount of time she wastes on deciding, you end up making the choice for her. You pull your cock out and do one last thrust when you hear her say she wants you to cum outside. Instead, all she hears is, “Fuck! I’m cumming!” Her eyes widen when she hears your comment, and she is bombarded with a large wave of cum flooding her womb. 
She cries, “So hot! Pull out!” That only makes you want to shove your cock in deep and paint her womb white. 
After finishing your orgasm, you notice Taeyeon looking at her bulging belly, filled with your load. You pull out and watch as she presses her fingers on her stomach, causing a large amount of cum to ooze out. “I told you to do it outside.”
“You took too long, so I made a choice. Plus, I normally cum inside of my girls, so there shouldn’t be an issue, right?”
“But I’m not one of your girls. I’m not IU or Irene.”
“Yeah, you’re right. You are not them, but since you took my hand, you’re mine now.” 
“You don’t own me.”
“Haha, says the person with the cum of their boss inside of her.”
She sees your smirk and realizes that you’re right; she does have her belly full of your cum right now. “Don’t smirk.”
“You know, I’m right. How about another round?”
“Another round?”
“Yeah, I mean, if you’re up for it.”
Taeyeon’s pride doesn’t let her back down; she wants to wipe that grin off your face, even if it means going another round. She looks down at you and notices your hardened cock. “Alright, I can do another round.”
“Haha, alright. Let's change the scenery,” as you extend your hand. She takes your hand, and you walk her to the balcony. She looked down and saw the campus and trainees walking in groups back to their dorms after a long Friday night. 
You kiss her nape, which causes her to shiver, and her nipples harden. “Put your hands against the railing.” 
“Don’t worry. Just let me lead, and enjoy.”
You raise her right leg up in the air, and with your left hand, you position your cock to her entrance. “What are you do… ahhh” as she feels your cock penetrating her cunt once more. The both of you spend the whole night fucking throughout the penthouse, the balcony, living room, kitchen, and shower. Every time you move locations, you make sure to make the two of you get to orgasm. 
Taeyeon wakes up on the bed, looks around, and notices you are gone. She gets up and looks at the many stains throughout the bed, which makes her remember the night she had. She takes a cold shower to wash the stains of fluid on her body, “Ugh… I feel so full.” She presses her stomach and notices a white cream liquid oozing out of her. Pressing her belly harder, a gush of cum squirts out, covering the shower floor cum, “Fuck…that’s too much.” 
After her shower, she changed into her clothes and walked out to see you in the living room, reading a newspaper. She walks towards you, “Good morning,” to which you reply, Good Morning, Taeyeon.”
As she walks towards the kitchen, she turns around to ask if she could grab something to eat when she sees IU on her knees. “Ji-eun! What are you doing?” 
IU turns around with a smile on her face and replies, “Good Morning, Unnie. I made breakfast, by the way.” 
“Why are you going down on him?”
“Oh, I’m having breakfast too. Want some?” as she holds your cock in her hand. 
“Come on, it's good.”
“Are you sure?”
She looks at her friend’s satisfied face and remembers the videos she has masturbated to before. She looks at you and back at her, giving her a reply.
You woke up this Saturday morning full of energy. After going on a run early in the morning, you return and enjoy the breakfast your assistant, IU, made for you. You give her a treat as a reward for a job well done. 
You turn, you’re done reading your newspaper, set it on the table, and enjoy the sight in front of you. “It’s nice to see two friends sharing a meal together,” you say with a slight grin.
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kromeihl · 2 months
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“Hey.” Kenji spoke as he entered the kitchen, coming back from school. “I’m making katsu curry tonight.” Aunt Mina spoke as she chopped the ingredients. “You’re serious? Katsu curry?” He mutters as he opens the fridge to grab a drink after glancing at the table.
“Since when don’t you like katsu curry, huh?” His aunt asks, moving the ingredients to the counter placing it on a pan. Kenji slowly moves away and into the sink as aunt Mina looks at his face in surprise. “Oh my God..”
“What’s up?” Kenji glances at his aunt as he asks. “What happened to your face?” She says in concern as Kenji laughs it off, “Oh, I’m all right, I just— I got hit by a baseball in practice.” He waves off, “I’m fine.”
His aunt gives him a look, not buying his excuse. “Kenji— you don’t even play baseball that much anymo—“ she gets cut off as she sees her husband carry a box of trophies. “Ben Sato, don’t you even think about leaving that filthy box in my kitchen. She says with a glare as she wipes her hands with the towel draped on her shoulder.
“These are my.. bowling trophies.” He says, trying to convince her to let him put it there. Kenji smiles as he listens to his aunt and uncle’s banter, chuckling as his lips are placed on the opening of the plastic bottle of juice he’s drinking.
Uncle Ben looks at Kenji, noticing his state. “What happened to you?” He says as he moves down his box of trophies. “He got hit by a baseball. You’re lucky you didn’t get hit by a bat instead.” Aunt mina answers, making Kenji chuckle.
“Well, it would’ve been more interesting.” Ben adds as he winks at Kenji, having fun at riling up his wife. “Ben!” Aunt Mina scolded.
“It’s funny because it’s stupid and dangerous.” He adds, making his wife turn to him as Kenji lets out another hearty laugh, “Remember how we were stupid and dangerous?” “No.” Aunt Mina quickly replies, stirring the food in the pan. “Trust me we were.” Uncle Ben nods, looking at Kenji.
“All right, good to know I’m not the only one.” He smiles, looking down at the wet floor. “Hey, where’s the flood?” He asks, uncle Ben picking his box of trophies again. “Follow me. I’ll show you.” He walks away, barefoot. “You serious?” Kenji asks, “Yeah!” His uncle replies. “All right.” Kenji mutters under his breath, his aunt looking at them both, unamused, as she continued to cook.
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After Kenji and his uncle talked in the basement while trying to find the leak, his uncle finally starts walking up, Kenji still cleaning up some boxes and organizing them. “Hey, before you come up, see if there’s anything else worth saving.” His uncle speaks as Kenji held a piece of frozen meat on his bruised lip. “Okay.” Kenji replied, still organizing the things inside a box.
He walks away, moving a box from a corner. He puts it down, suddenly noticing a briefcase with the initials, “HS” on top of the lock. He remembers in the car, on their way to this house when he was still a child, his dad had the same bag. Hayao was taking out a folder, with plenty of papers outside.
He blinks the memory stuck in his mind as he slowly picks it up, walking upstairs. His aunt and uncle were heard bickering, Kenji still fixated on the briefcase of his father. He walks and stops into their view, his aunt and uncle staring at him in shock. They look at each other before looking back at Kenji.
“I forgot all about that thing. It was your dad’s.” Uncle Ben speaks up, making Kenji turn his head to him. “Yeah..” He mutters, “He asked us to keep it safe for him.” Kenji felt his eyes tear up at the sight of his father’s belonging. Feeling a sense of nostalgia wash over him. “He saw it in the window of that leader shop in Okinawa. He was 19.”
Uncle Ben sat down on the chair, Kenji placing the leather bag on the table. “What does a 19-year-old kid need with a briefcase?” He jokes. “And guess who sold it to him.” Kenji shrugs, “Your mother.” Kenji glances at him in surprise, “Mom?” He smiles softly, remembering his mother.
Aunt Mina walks towards them, leaning on the wall as her heart clenches at the sight of Kenji smiling sadly. “That’s how they met!” Uncle Ben replies, nodding his head. “Dad asked you to keep this safe?” He glances at the bag before looking at his uncle, “Why? There’s nothing in here.” Aunt Mina smiles, walking a bit near.
“Hayao was a very secretive man, Ken.”
“Yeah, that’s true.” He laughs, remembering his father. He starts opening the bag, feeling paper. He pulls it out of the bag, shock present on his face as he stares at it. “Who’s that? Do you know who this is?” He furrows his brow in confusion as he shows the picture to his aunt and uncle.
“Some guy who worked with your dad, I guess.” Uncle Ben says, acting unsure. Kenji tries to show his aunt, but she doesn’t reply. Ken looks at it, feeling like the answer was incomplete. Aunt Mina suddenly walks towards him, wiping the table. “Okay, put it away from the table. We’re going to eat, and wash your hands, now.” She says sternly, earning a nod from Ken as he puts the picture back inside.
“Go on.” Uncle Ben motions him to move, Ken nods, taking the hint as he walks away. As soon as his figure disappears, uncle ben looks at aunt Mina, a hand falling over her mouth as she looked in disbelief. “Oh dear..” She mutters.
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Kenji was in his room, opening the briefcase as he placed the things outside, on the floor, all organized. Pictures, coins, scientific calculator, pens, were all scattered there, even his dad’s ID with the name “ULTRA” printed on the top. Kenji’s eyes slowly move towards the eyeglasses’ case, hand moving to get it.
He pulls out the glasses from its case, staring at it longingly as he remembered his father wearing them.
He slowly walks over to the bathroom, blinking as if to get ready to put on the graded glasses, even if he already had perfect vision. He slowly put it on his face, closing his eyes and opening them as he tries to adjust at the change of view. He slowly looks at the mirror, trying to adjust to his new look. He flashes a smile, poses, and even adjusts his glasses to look cool.
He takes them off, putting it on his shirt as he went back to his room, sitting down on the carpet floor as he grabs his father’s ID. Suddenly a memory flashes in his mind.
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“Ken, I need you to be good.” Hayao, pats his son’s shoulder gently. Little Kenji looked taken a back, looking down then back up to his father who was kneeling on his level. “Dad, you’re leaving me?” He said with a voice that almost cracked, his father gently smiles, trying to cheer his son up.
“Just for a little while, Kenji. Your mother and I have something to do, it’s very important.”
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Kenji shakes his thoughts off, still staring intently at the ID. He bites his lip, his eyes landing on the word “ULTRA” again, making him sigh as he placed the ID down, grabbing the briefcase that was laid at the center of the floor.
He starts observing it, moving it from side to side. He opens the briefcase again, putting his hand inside as he searches for more, maybe he missed something. He groans, turning the bag to the back as he opens the zipper. And he was right, he did miss something.
He slowly moves his finger from the start to the end of the zipper. His finger gently moves across as it stops in the end, flicking it as the part of the border opened. He finds a folder.
Before he lets it out fully, he quickly stands up a bit to close the door and clicks a device that he created which locks his door. He then sat back down, grabbing the folder like notebook and opening it.
He traces his fingers softly against the paper, eyebrows furrowing as he bites his lip, studying the notes and equations his father had written down. “What the heck, dad? You’re some genius..” He mutters, still studying the writings intently. His eyes falls to a sentence, an equation at the bottom of the paper, with the title “ØØ Decay Rate Algorithm.” He mutters the words written. “Zero, zero, decay rate algorithm.”
Suddenly his thoughts were cut off as someone knocks on the door, making him rush to keep the things out of the way. “Wait! One sec.” He says while moving it around. He finally sits back at his chair, placing his arms on the desk as he moves his hand around the computer. “You can come in now.” He replies, moving his long fingers around the mouse.
Uncle Ben looks at him, hand on the door knob. “You okay, Ken?” Kenji nods, “Oh, yeah I’m okay. What’s up?” Ken nods his head, acting cool. Uncle Ben raises a brow, his eyes falling to the glasses hanging on his shirt. “Is that..?” Before uncle Ben could further ask, Kenji puts the glasses on, blinking once in a while to try and adjust to the grade again.
“Yeah, it’s dad’s.” Uncle Ben smiles, giving him a nod, “Well, you look just like Hayao.” Kenji gives a small smile at the comment, “Can I come in?” Kenji nods at his uncle’s request.
Uncle Ben nods, closing the door behind him as he grabs a rubik’s cube from Kenji’s desk as he walks. “Well, uhm.. Listen.” He starts. “I don’t have much education. You know that, Ken.” Uncle Ben, sits down on his bed, fidgeting with the rubik’s cube as Kenji turns his head to look at him.
“Like, damn, I stopped being able to help with your homework when you were ten. Don’t even mention the fact that I don’t know how baseball works.” He sighs, “What I’m trying to say is, I know it’s been rough for you without your dad.” He looks at Kenji, who had looked down. “And I know we don’t talk much about them.”
“No, uncle it’s all right.”
“No, it’s not all right, Ken. I know that. I wish I could change it, but I can’t.” He sighs.
“Onda Hakase.” Kenji’s uncle said, making Ken look at him seriously and with curiosity. “That’s the name of the guy in the picture with your dad. They worked together for years and they were close. But after that night we never saw him again. He never called.” Kenji felt shock as he takes in the information, but hiding it with a nod.
“Not once.” Uncle Ben nods back, looking down at the rubik’s cube, “Go figure.” He mutters, looking back up again, his eyes trail to the computer, with a picture of you. “She’s pretty.” He points his head to the picture making Kenji’s smile falter as he turns his head back to the monitor. It was a photo of [Name], the one he had taken when she was so serious into reading that book. Kenji felt his face heat up slightly, feeling embarrassed that he was caught with his monitor screen with you on it.
“Uncle Ben.” Kenji calls out before his uncle was about to leave, “You’re a pretty great dad.” He smiles, making uncle Ben feel a pang of warmth engulfing his heart at the comment.
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It was a few seconds after uncle Ben had left, Ken staring at the monitor screen, it was still you on it. He places his chin on his hand, his elbow resting on his desk as he zooms in into the book you were reading. “All about Kaijus.” He snorts as he mutters out the title of the book, raising a brow. He had sworn he heard that name before, it just wasn’t clear to him anymore.
His eyes slowly move to your face, observing your features. The background didn’t matter to him at all, he was just starstruck at the sight of you. He quickly snaps his thoughts off, moving his mouse to move the tab to the side and search the internet.
He remembers the name of the guy that his uncle mentioned, swiftly typing on his keyboard. “Hayao Sato and Onda Hakase.” He quickly clicks on a link after it popped up, his eyes slightly widening as he reads.
𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭?”
His father and Onda Hakase were beside each other, a picture also displayed on the screen as he continued to scroll relentlessly. Pictures were shown. “𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨.” His eyes slightly widened, knowing that his parents had already died wasn’t such a shock to him, it was just a really bad memory.
He searches again, “Dr. Onda Hasake.” Tapping on another link that says, “A World Without Weakness.” His eyes slowly scan Dr. Onda’s statement, tapping into even more links to get more information as he studies all of them. His eyes then slowly fall into an Intern Enrollment, which was now closed. His cursor slowly move to the picture of a building, the ULTRA.
He furrows his brows as he continued to do a little more research on it, making a plan to meet Dr. Onda. He sighs, exiting the tab and seeing the picture of you in his screen again. He smiles, “Uncle Ben’s right.” He turns his attention back to his plan, sighing.
This is just the start.
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Hi lovies! I know what you’re thinking about, there’s less interaction of reader and ken together here but the next part will take a big turn👀 Just wanted to make y’all wait ‘cause patience is a must (or I just like playin’ with y’all.) I’m working on two stories, (one that pays up and this one on tumblr!) So sorry if I haven’t reached your expectations this time..😞
Thank you so much for the support and being patient. I’ve been busy lately, with much love 💕
This series will be under this tag— if you’re having difficulty finding other parts, check this: #ameijamsspiderken🕸️
taglist: @luneariaa @lovingyeet @aishallnotbefound @harperwasstaken1 @onlysarang @thewifeoflevi @mochminnie @zayai
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froggibus · 2 months
i really love how you write the obey me characters, i feel like theyre so in character and i appreciate that a lot! If i may, can i request headcanons of the brothers on how they help Mc stay hydrated? lol Especially now that it’s summer and drinking water is more important than ever. I feel like they would all have their own way of doing so.
thank you :-)
The Hydration Situation - Obey Me! Brothers
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Genre: fluff/crack
CW: dehydration + effects of dehydration, lots of water drinking, kinda protective! brothers, Beel/Satan/Asmo are the only ones who understand hydration, slightly overbearing brothers, Levi is a weeb, reader kinda = MC
that is so kind, it’s really nice to hear you enjoy it!! summer writing has me in a CHOKEHOLD right now so I’d absolutely love to do this for you! thanks for the req & hope you enjoy 💓 also the title kinda sounds like a big bang theory episode lol
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he has some…interesting ways to make you stay hydrated
obviously he starts with the easy ones/what works on his brothers
he will make it more easily accessible, maybe buy you a cute water bottle & some stickers to decorate it
also will remind you CONSTANTLY
but if that doesn’t work, he’s going to Pavlov you (esp if you respond well to praise)
anytime he sees you drinking water, he’ll reward you (stickers, praise, snacks)
anytime you forget, he gives you a disappointed sigh (usually reserved for Mammon) and makes it well known that he’s upset
(spoiler: he never actually is)
if you ever complain about a headache, muscle cramps etc it’s SO over
the first question he’s asking is if you’ve drank enough water, followed by him asking you why you haven’t drank enough water
he WILL make you sit in his office with him while he does paperwork and monitor your water intake
until you’ve drank enough for the time of day & staved off the incoming effects of dehydration, you’re not leaving
(Levi begrudgingly partners with Mammon to try to rescue you, which just ends up with all three of you being locked in his office and forced to drink water)
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he himself is not the best at remembering to drink water
however Satan told him some fun (read: unfun) facts about humans and dehydration that have made him paranoid for life
he’s absolutely convinced you’re going to drop dead on the spot of you forget your water for even an hour (very funny to watch)
this leads to him always carrying water for you in his bag and car like a worried mom, and setting alarms for himself to remind you
probably keeps an entire case of water bottles in the mini fridge in his room just so he can always have one on hand
however don’t you dare question why or else you’ll get a lecture :,)
“whaddya mean overbearing? d’ya wanna die or something? is that it? you’re my—our—human & it’s my—our—job to take care of ya”
whenever you guys go out to eat he’ll always force you to order a water and won’t let you get anything else (even juice) until you’re finished
accidentally ends up drinking more water himself, too
(also probably pavlovs himself into associating it with you)
despite how cheap he is, if you run out of water when you’re out and about, he will spend an absurd 5$ on a plastic water bottle for you
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again, definitely not the best at remembering his water
he lives off of Baja Blast or something (even tho he’s literally a sea creature)
he’s playing a game like Kenshi or Raft or something and realizes that humans are so fragile they’ll die without water
even tho he could technically research this he doesn’t and just lets himself panic spiral instead
decides that it’s now his responsibility to make sure you drink enough water and that he’s your protector
honestly it’s really sweet if a little dorky
trades out all his soda for water and Gatorade and when you ask about it he just says he’s ’being healthier’
feels super awkward when you praise him for that
whenever you come for your late night movie marathons he has a glass of water waiting for you (in some cool cup, no doubt)
he’ll offer you up some Gatorade if you finish and some ‘healthy’ snacks like strawberry pocky (cause it totally has real strawberry in it)
feels super happy and proud of himself that he’s helping you get better and staving off the effects of dehydration
probably forces you to wear a dorky matching bucket hat anytime you go outside
“it’s hot out! you need water and shelter or it’s game over”
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the least but also the most overbearing ever
read about it in some book about humans in the summertime and he’s been worried about it ever since
buys a notebook (that he lets you decorate) that he keeps a little water log in
he’ll colour in squares every time you meet your hourly water goal and (unbeknownst to you) he’ll give you a sticker at the end of the day if you meet it
you’re a little confused but who doesn’t love a free sticker?
super big stickler about sun protection too—if you try to leave the house without some SPF and a hat, he’s dragging you back inside until you agree to
you don’t really notice or care that much when he’s suddenly following you around with a journal everywhere—you just assume it’s one of his experiments
let’s it ‘slip’ to the other brothers so that they can watch over you whenever he’s not around (which just results in all of them panicking oops)
if the temp outside reaches above like 30c/90f, he won’t let you leave without a water bottle and some sort of sports drink
though he’ll really just find someway to coax you into the house
“there’s this new book I got in a lot online and I couldn’t help but notice it was also on your wishlist…care to take it off my hands?”
he thinks he’s slick… but also it works lol
you two end up spending most of the hot days inside, cozied up in the air conditioning of his room reading books
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probably the only one who’s made you drink water outside of the summer months
he’s a stickler for hydration so anytime you’re hanging out, he’s always serving up some sort of new fancy water
has a little mini fridge of it like Chopped Leaf
watermelon, cucumber, charcoal, coconut—you name it
he lets you be for the most part, but if it’s a particularly hot day or he notices your skin and hair are looking a little dull, he’ll step in
does something lowkey, like a self care day
he’ll pamper you as a distraction to keep slipping you glasses of water, and by the end of the day, you’re back to your usual glowy self
he has a little app on his phone to track his water intake and probably has an extra little profile for you on it
the only one aside from Satan who also realizes you need electrolytes and vitamins in addition to the water
(meanwhile the other brothers have just been flushing all the nutrients out of you 😭)
don’t worry, he has an insane vitamin collection to make up for it
keeps those Alani Nu energy drinks around since they have collagen & stuff in them
also he’s like those people online who have like a crazy collection of different shapes/flavours of ice cubes
if you’re particularly sick or dehydrated, he’ll make a fun little game out of it by setting up a water bar or something for the two of you
it’s really sweet, honestly
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as a football player, he knows how important it is to stay hydrated
probably didn’t realize just how fragile humans are until you get woozy and delirious while playing football outside
he’s super worried but keeps it together and does a little research on his DDD
shows you where he keeps his secret stash of water, sports drinks & energy drinks
totally gives you a free pass to have any that you want too
after that, he’s watching you like a hawk
he’ll subconsciously time you and if you haven’t drank water in a while, he’ll give you a gentle reminder to
ends up getting you a water bottle (maybe one that matches his sports one ^^) just so that you’ll remember
like Mammon he keeps water on him at all times so that you can both stay hydrated
during your midnight snack runs, he won’t share with you until you drink a big cup of water (sometimes more if you’re having something salty!!)
he also has those flavoured electrolyte packets to make it a little more fun for you if you need it
or if it’s just very, very hot outside
he’ll make you a fun little glass of water and maybe even garnish it with an umbrella like a cocktail
also makes you eat lots of hydrating foods!! watermelon & cucumber are big ones for him, maybe celery and grapes too
he’ll make a little platter for you guys to share
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I do not believe this man drinks water I’m sorry
didn’t care much at first about your water intake but when he notices you getting a little run down, he steps it up
makes sure to keep an extra glass of water on his nightstand for you whenever you come to nap or play games with him
sets alarms so he can wake up between naps and check on you
although he’ll just lazily text “water?” to you most of the time
and you just respond with a thumbs up emoji or something
probably finds those ‘sleepy mocktails’ online or something and makes you them before bed
like the magnesium cranberry juice ones
steals from Beel’s secret stash for you
probably has a secret mini fridge in one of his nightstands and stocks it up with extra water for you
on particularly hot nights (esp if you’re sweating a lot) he might wake you up so you can take a few sips of water
cause nothing is worse than waking up all achy with a dry throat and nose
making you drink more water kinda forces him to drink more water too
Asmo is absolutely seething with envy at how shiny Belphie’s skin and hair get
(this summer becomes known as the summer MC pees a million times lol)
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masterlist | obey me masterlist
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magiccath · 10 months
tenth doctor x f!reader (no use of y/n)
summary: In which you take the Doctor to your brother's wedding as your "date"
warnings: f!reader (in a dress) who has a brother
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“No mum, but I-” you let out an exasperated sigh, pacing about the TARDIS control room. As your mother chattered on through the phone you rolled your eyes, casting a quick glance at the Doctor. 
He didn’t appear to be paying any attention to you, his gaze fixed on the console. He was messing with the buttons with no apparent rhyme or reason. He was probably just keeping busy while you tried to wrap the phone call up.
Unbeknownst to you, he was listening in on your conversation as much as he could without being obvious.
“Fine. I’ll be there, and…” you glanced at the Doctor again, relying on a hope that he would just play along with you, “I’ll bring someone.”
The Doctor pulled his attention to you, a questioning look plastered on his face. Did you have a secret boyfriend he didn’t know about? Who was this “someone” that you were going to bring home? The Doctor didn’t want to admit it, but he felt a pit of jealousy growing in him. 
“I’ll see you soon,” you smiled, “I love you too,” you pulled the phone away from your face before slamming it closed with a sigh.
“What’s that about?” 
“My brother’s wedding is this week, and my mom still expects me to bring someone,” you absentmindedly ran your fingers across the buttons of the TARDIS, “would it be too much to ask you to be my date?” you asked anxiously. You knew you were asking a lot of him, but you didn’t have any other options. You hoped he wouldn’t find it too weird. 
“Not at all!” The Doctor grinned, Honestly, the Doctor was too distracted by the fact that you weren’t harboring a secret boyfriend to think before speaking. He was more than happy to do it, he would hardly have to pretend. He felt a dull pain in his chest thinking about being your boyfriend. He had to remind himself he was just a date to get your mom off your back. It wasn’t real.
He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. “When is it?” 
“Thursday at 4,” You smiled, surprised he was going along with this so easily. Usually, it took some convincing to get him to do the things that you wanted.
“Go get dressed,” he nodded towards the hallway with a smile. 
You frowned and checked your watch.
“It’s Monday,” you laughed, ignoring him. He had absolutely no concept of time. It didn’t really matter when you were a space and time traveler. You had to remind him of important holidays like Christmas if you wanted to celebrate them. It wasn’t the kind of thing he thought about.
“Time machine,” he said as if reading your mind. He accentuated his point with a wink, flicking the switches on the console quickly. 
You rolled your eyes but complied, leaving the control room to get ready. You pulled your best dress from the back of your closet. You never wore it, and you never had much reason to. You were always traveling with the Doctor, and a formal dress hardly seemed appropriate. Still, when you moved into the TARDIS you brought it with you. Just in case. 
You’d bought the dress a month after traveling with the Doctor. You’d seen it in a shop window and the blue reminded you too much of the TARDIS to walk away from. The material was velvety and draped nicely, comfortably highlighting the natural curves of your body. If you looked closely at the fabric you could see the stars and planets etched into the crushed velvet. 
Looking at it now it felt silly to buy a dress simply because it reminded you of a man you had just met. You tried to push these thoughts from your head and focus on getting ready. 
When you were done you stood in front of the mirror, trying to make sure the girl looking back at you was still yourself. You couldn’t remember the last time you had dressed up like this. The last time you looked… this good. 
You shook your head, pulling your focus back to the task at hand. You ran your hands through your hair anxiously before leaving. You walked down the hall carefully, stopping in the doorframe for a moment to look at the Doctor. 
It was rare that you got to see him like this. His head was bent over the ship’s console, his brow furrowed in concentration. His spiky hair flew about in a million different directions. He had swapped his normal stripped suit for a plain black one. It was more properly fitted to his body, the black fabric draping over the sharp lines of his frame. You loved his normal suits, but there was just something about this one that had you captivated. Honestly, you found it hard to look away from him.
The Doctor turned towards you, the sound of your footsteps down the hallway pulling him from his work. The sight of you stopped him dead in his tracks, his eyes following the shape of your body in the doorframe. 
“You look…” he trailed off, wide-eyed. 
“Weird, I know,” you laughed, pulling anxiously at the hem of your dress. 
“Beautiful,” He whispered, his honey eyes connecting with yours. The compliment made you turn away, a scarlet flush spreading across your cheeks. 
He’d truly meant what he had said. Your hair fell elegantly around your face and shoulders, its color shimmering in the control room’s light. The Doctor couldn’t remember a time you had ever worn something so elegant or flattering. Not that your normal clothes were unflattering, there was just something special about seeing you in such fancy clothes. He was so used to your normal attire, that he found it hard to focus seeing you like this. He tried his best to keep his eyes from wandering, but it was hard. 
You found you were having a similar problem with him and his nice suit. It’s not like you hadn’t ever seen him in a suit before, he wore one every single day. There was just a special kind of whiplash in seeing him in something he didn’t usually wear.
“Shall we?” You asked nervously, trying to catch the Doctor’s eye again. He swallowed anxiously before nodding in agreement. 
He had already landed the TARDIS outside of the wedding venue while you were getting dressed. You took a deep breath preparing for what you were about to walk into. You truly loved your family, but they could be overbearing at times.
At the last moment, you held out your hand for the Doctor, a smile plastered on your face. Of course, he took it with an eager smile. 
“What’s your brother’s name again?” He whispered as you walked out of the TARDIS doors. You slapped him lightly, assuming he was jesting. The Doctor didn’t want to admit that he really couldn’t remember. He wasn’t really good with names. Thankfully, the couple’s names were plastered everywhere, saving him the embarrassment of having to ask again. 
It wasn’t long before your mother had rushed over, already dotting all over you. She fixed your hair and dress in places that didn’t really need to be fixed. The Doctor watched with a frown, examining the interaction like a nature documentary. 
“You look darling,” she smiled, taking your face in her hands. Moving on from you, she pulled her attention to the man at your side. “Hello, Doctor!” She smiled, pulling him into an unsolicited hug. 
“Mum,” you groaned, pulling on her sleeve. This was only her second time meeting the Time Lord, and she was already hugging him like family.
“Quite alright,” the Doctor grinned, hugging your mother back happily. He was a fan of hugs after all. 
“It’s wonderful to see you again, how’s the traveling going?” she chattered on. You nodded along, not fully processing her words.
Surprisingly, the Doctor was still listening intently. He seemed to be enjoying her copious amounts of energy.
“She never really tells me where you go. I hope she isn’t too much trouble?” She continued. The doctor smiled politely and shook his head. 
“If anything, I think I cause trouble for her,” he said, smiling at you adoringly. 
Absentmindedly you slipped your hand into the Doctor’s. He rubbed reassuring circles with his thumb before removing his hand to wrap it around your waist. 
You didn’t hear the Doctor’s answer or any that followed. The feeling of his strong hand on your waist was distracting enough. Holding hands was something you did all of the time. In a moment of great tension or danger, the Doctor would grab your hand without a second thought. If you were feeling lonely, you often would slip your hand into his. But he had never held you like this. Like you were a couple. 
“Well!” your mother clapped, pulling you out of your haze, “I should let you show your date around,” she winked. She’d always liked the Doctor, even though mothers usually didn’t (according to the Doctor himself). Your mother was always trying to set you up with someone, so you could imagine how happy she was that you showed up with a date.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered to the Doctor, turning in his arms, “they’re going to be brutal.” 
“Oncoming storm, remember?” The Doctor smirked. It was typical of him to think he could handle anything. However, there was a major difference between your family and an army of Daleks. 
“I’m the only remaining family member who isn’t married, my dating life is a big deal,” you warned, adjusting his tie anxiously. He didn’t stop you, he knew you just needed something to keep your hands busy.
“They’re all…” you looked up at him with an almost solemn look, “expecting of me.” 
“Well,” The Doctor shrugged playfully, “you’ve got me here with you,” He smiled, pulling you closer to him, “You always have me.” 
His words made you turn a scarlet red, and you were more than happy to see your brother out of the corner of your eye. If anything, he could serve as a distraction so the Doctor couldn’t see the impact his words had on you. You didn’t want him to assume you had an ulterior motive in asking him to be here.
You called him over excitedly, giving him a big hug before introducing him to the Doctor. The Time Lord smiled politely, introducing himself to your brother with an excited smile.
The rest of the evening went as such. You walked the Doctor around, trying your best to keep the introductions short and painless. He didn’t seem to mind though, he happily answered all questions and continued all conversations. The whole time he was touching you in some way. Holding your hand, wrapping an arm around your waist, hugging you when you really needed it. You couldn’t help but marvel at how well the alien played a boyfriend. You figured you’d have to edge him on a bit, grabbing his hand now and then. You had always just assumed that physical contact wasn’t something he consciously thought about. 
Your family loved him of course. He charmed just about everyone in a mile radius without even trying. Before long he was laughing and talking like he was part of the family. It was weird, seeing your lives collide in such a way. Even still, it seemed so natural. You didn’t ever want the night to end. The cheerful laughter rumbled through you, the Doctor’s hand resting comfortably in yours. 
Eventually, you left for a minute on your own, the Doctor following you shortly after. You had to admit, he was really selling this boyfriend thing well. 
“You’re been an excellent actor,” you laughed when he came into your line of sight. You smiled at him, genuinely grateful that he had made this night enjoyable for you. 
“I’m not acting,” the Doctor said, so quiet you almost didn’t hear it. 
“It’s made this event so much more bearable and frankly-” you stopped suddenly. “What do you mean?” You asked confused. He wasn’t acting?
The Doctor looked at you wide-eyed, suddenly sensing he had said the wrong thing. “Nothing,” he mumbled, pulling his eyes away from yours. Something about the last few hours had given him the confidence to admit how much he enjoyed being with you in this capacity. But even further, something in your face now made him reconsider.
“What do you mean you aren’t acting? You hate this stuff.” 
“What stuff?” He asked, deflecting. 
“Romantic stuff.” You planted your hands on your hips, your stare relentless. 
“Not with you,” He groaned, his eyes connecting with yours again. “I love doing this with you. Having you this close, having your full attention and affection.” He groaned, running his hands over his face. 
“I don’t understand,” you laughed uncomfortably, averting your gaze. 
“I want this. For real.” 
You stared at the Doctor for a moment, letting his words register. Once it fully hit you, it felt like a weight was lifted off your chest. 
You threw yourself into his arms, standing on your tip toes. You still weren’t tall enough, so you pulled him down to you, crashing your lips into his. He adjusted quickly, lifting you off the ground so he could properly kiss you. 
As many times as you imagined kissing the Doctor, you never imagined it this perfectly. It seemed almost impossible that your lips fit together so well. His hands gripped you strongly as if he was afraid you would slip away. Your own hands tangled themselves into his hair, pulling at the locks slightly. 
As he deepened the kiss a content sigh floated from your lips, eliciting a smile from his own. You couldn’t get enough of each other, pulling desperately to get closer. You didn’t want to admit how much you wanted this, even if it was fairly obvious at this point. When you pulled away to gasp for air the Doctor stared into your eyes with a goofy grin. 
“Can I stop pretending I’m not in love with you now?” He asked, and you threw your head back laughing.
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
─ 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐈𝐕
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Summary: Now that your life has turned upside down, are you still willing to put your siblings' feelings first? Or would you rather fight for your feelings and do what makes you happy regardless of the consequences that might result in the future?
Prev ; Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: S2 SPOILERS! fluff, swearing, yelling (lmk if i missed anything!)
Y/n’s Pov
"God why is it so hot!" Taylor complained -- holding her hair up, fanning herself with her hands. "Well, Aunt Julia said that the AC is broken" Belly said walking in the kitchen.
"What? No fucking way!" Steven groaned. Aunt Julia walked inside the kitchen "Alright, today's open house is cancelled. I need you all out of the house before the AC guy gets here." Aunt Julia said — we all looked at each other, smiling.
"Great, let's go to the beach! We could go surf and all of that" Jeremiah suggested, I looked at him and nodded. "You guys should go.” Conrad said patting me. I looked up at him “What? what about you?” I asked him.
“I'm not leaving the house" Conrad said, shaking his head no. "Oh come one Conrad!” Jeremiah pushed, "I mean we can go to the mall, they have good ac" Taylor suggested - still using her hands to fan herself.
Conrad still shook his head no "Cool, have fun. But I didn't ditch finals just to leave this house-" — "Conrad, I am trying to keep my shit together" Aunt Julia said cutting Conrad off, placing the papers down on the table "You already ruined my day and I would at least appreciate it that you guys get out of my hair for a few hours." Aunt Julia continued — she was pissed.
Conrad was about to say something else but I grabbed his shoulder gently, calming him down not wanting him to say anything that'll ruin everyone's mood "You know, we can go to the boardwalk" Belly said, I looked at her and nodded. I looked back up at Conrad nodding at him. Everyone agreed.
I watched Skye sit down infront of Aunt Julia "Hey you should come with us, Skye" I suggested looking at them — smiling. "Oh uhm sounds very state fair plus I should just stay here with my mom.. right?" they said - turning to Aunt Julia for confirmation. Aunt Julia shook her head no.
"It wasn't my favorite but you should go" Aunt Julia smiled gently. Skye nodded "I guess I'm coming with you guys" they said with a smile — standing up, walking towards us.
"Great! let's go?" I asked all of them, they all agreed and started to walk towards the door. I felt an arm around my shoulder, "Thank you, Y/N" Conrad said, I looked up at him and nodded "Of course, Connie" I said putting an arm around his waist before walking towards the door.
We were now here at boardwalk, we all decided to buy some ice cream first just to cool off.
"I promise you'll have fun, Skye" I heard Belly say to Skye — trying to convince them somehow. Jeremiah scoffed "Fun? The last time we went here you were crying" he said teasing Belly.
"Hey I remember that! Susannah had to throw your clothes away after" I said, pointing at Belly — chuckling at her. "Hey! you were crying too" Conrad said, poking my arm. I shook my head no “Nuh uh! I wasn’t!” pushing him a little.
"You know, Susannah used to force my mom to go here when they were kids. My mom hated it but Susannah loved it" Skye said. Conrad looked at her before saying “You know what my mom also loves?" he paused "The beach house"
I went beside him and grabbed his shoulder gently "Connie" I whispered. "My mom's not evil, Conrad" Skye paused "And your mom wasn't a saint" Skye continued — raising her brows before going back to eating their ice cream. We all stopped walking, looking at Skye.
I sighed, "Skye, have you ever played shoot your shot?" Belly asked Skye, breaking the tension. "No, I think I'll keep it that way" Skye said, looking down — shaking their head.
"Omg you need to see us beat Conrad's ass" I chuckled — shrugging my shoulders, looking at Conrad who was already furrowing his brows at me. "You can never do that" Conrad said smirking. I squinted my eyes at him, "Oh really?" I teased more, “Yes” he hummed — looking at me before eating his ice cream.
"Oh come on you guys, not another great boardwalk showdown" Steven complained — poking my side. I pushed his hand away, slapping it “Stop!”
“So basically they have this thing where whenever they go here they would try to beat each other in shoot your shot” Taylor said. “Yeah every year, not until they got so competitive that my mom banned them from playing” Steven said chuckling — Conrad chuckled too, agreeing with Steven. “So is everyone in?” I asked — looking around. All of them agreed except for Skye.
“Uhm.. I should probably head out” Skye said, their voice quiet, “No you should stay” Conrad paused clearing his throat “It’s fun” I nodded at Skye. “You’re in our team now” I said, patting Skye — smiling.
“Okay, just so you know, I dont do high fives or trash talking” Skye infromed us — Belly nodded “Deal” Skye nodded back before asking “So what’s the prize?”
“Well the loser has to buy the winner the biggest bag of candy” Jeremiah said “Candy? can’t we have something that is a little more sexier?” Taylor suggested — shrugging her shoulder.
“You know, we can talk about the prizes later” I said raising my shoulders — looking at everyone. Conrad clapped “Alright! Let’s go?” he said before walking towards me putting an arm around my shoulder — I nodded and started to walk towards the arcade.
We played a variety of games, such as 'Shoot your shot', 'Go kart', 'Rock Climbing', 'Basketball' and even went to see Cam Cameron, who was with us the entire time. When the competition ended, our team lost. So it was either me or Belly who must ride the Tower of Terror as a punishment.
"Okay, you guys should do rock, paper, and scissors!” Steven suggested — clapping his hands, liking the scene of both of his sisters not liking the thought of riding the Tower of Terror. I looked at Belly — pressing my lips together. Her face filled with fear.
I clapped my hands “You know what! As the older sister, I’ll do it for you” I said winking at Belly before walking towards her — patting her shoulder. I walked towards the gate of the ride, I felt someone grab my shoulder “You know, you don’t need to do it alone right?” It was Conrad, smiling down at me. I looked up at him, confused.
“Come on, Y/N?” he said guiding me. He was going to ride it with me, “Let’s go!” they all yelled — clapping. We went in and got buckled in, I took a deep breathe. I felt Conrad’s hand against mine, I looked at our hands before looking at him. “You’re going to be alright, I’m here” he said — smiling gently before locking his hands with mine.
He was always there for me. When we were kids, he was always there for me, making sure that I did not feel left out. He was always by my side, including me whenever they played games. That's how he was, he never left me alone.
We just held hands the entire time - looking at each other smiling. Afterwards, we went down and high fived with everyone else and decided that it was time to head home.
Conrad’s Pov
We we’re now on our way home, I was in Steven’s car. The girls were in Jeremiah’s car. “You know, today was fun” Steven said, smiling. I nodded, agreeing with him “It was fun” I smiled.
Steven shrugged his shoulder, still smiling “I dont know, I haven’t seen you that happy for such a long time”
“Well it did feel good feeling like a little kid again” I paused “And that’s what mom probably wanted, was us to be happy again” I continued. “But today was good” I said nodding — smiling at Steven.
“Okay but I just couldn’t help but notice something between you and Y/N” Steven said — I looked at him confused. “What?” I asked. He went and slapped my shoulder gently “Oh come on! Let’s forget about the Belly thing, she’s my sister too but you know I just noticed that there was a vibe between you and Y/N” He smiled at me, raising his brows teasingly.
My smile couldn't be contained - it was good that it was somehow dark. “What?” Steven chuckled “Just an observation” he said. “Well..” I laughed “I appreciate it” I nodded before looking away from him — still smiling.
We were now here infront of the beach house, as we all started to walk towards the door, we heard Jeremiah yell “What the fuck!” so I immediately went and ran inside. I looked and my heart dropped, the house was empty.
There was nothing left, no furniture, no plants, no paintings. All the things that reminded us of mom were gone. We stood there trying to take everything in. Our world has been shattered. I felt someone hug me from behind, it was Y/N, crying, making my heart break even harder.
The worst part of today was returning home to this, everything gone. It broke me, it broke all of us - to see our house, my mom's house, empty. It was like pushing the truth that Mom is really gone.
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak @amj2277 @whoisalexa @remuslupinwifee @gulphulp @layanderson @astrvalee @goldenmoonbeam @podiumprincess @johannelis2302nely @silcintilla @smw-96 @apollo3475 @drikawinchester @fangirl-kimora @sanjanapm @milyswrld @scysuxx @starkeylover @fallingforel @mysticalstarlightflower @ifilwtmfc @allnrsnz @yeosxxx @elvishoe69 @be4tric3s @users09 @mirrorwalls1989 @sunflowers1610 @rubes26
hope u guys like this one !! i’m still sick but i feel much better than yesterday :))
love lots !!
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hauntedwitch04 · 11 months
Bday secret party
Remus Lupin x reader
Words: about 2.0k words
Warnings: pure and awesome fluff (after yesterday ahaha), lovely Remus, my obsession with Edimburgh
Author's note: Hi! Here another one shot fo the series for my birthday. Hope you like it loves.
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Bday plan
"James, I swear if you said anything to her I will hang you upside down from the astronomy tower for an entire day." Remus says in a particularly annoyed and contrite tone.
The young werewolf immediately felt guilty for talking that way to his friend, but at the same time he couldn't believe that James had almost screwed up the whole plan he had designed to put on your birthday party. He had been planning everything down to the last detail for a month now, to make sure everything is perfect on your big day, and he couldn't let a chatty deer ruin everything just because he's careless.
He sees pure fear in his friend's eyes after threatening him with one of his greatest fears: height.
"Sorry." Whispers James, as he backs away slowly to make room for his friend, seeing that he is stressed right now. "But I swear she didn't understand anything. It just slipped out that I had to see you to arrange something, and I said it was my gift to her." Potter continues, as he looks at Sirius, who up to this moment had been silent. Immediately his best friend understands the plea for help and nods.
"Yes, she didn't understand anything, we were very good at lying to her." Says the older Black, as Regulus runs a hand over his face, remembering the scene that took place a short time ago in the Great Hall. Indeed James and Sirius had been good at creating a believable excuse, but I young Black knows you better than you think, and he had seen in your eyes the seed of doubt, and he knows that this is not good at all. In your group of friends you are known for having a sixth sense and a spirit of observation so keen that sometimes it seems you can read people's minds and, even, the future. The very moment they've said their shit, Regulus knows that some strange mechanisms have been activated in your mind that have caused you to weigh all possible options, and so he knows they're screwed.
"No, you have to excuse me. I didn't think organizing a birthday was so hard, but at the same time I want everything to be perfect for her, because she deserves it." Remus confesses, as he holds his head in his hands, trying to relax.
"You know she's going to say you're overreacting anyway and she doesn't deserve it." Regulus comments, as he puts away the last things for the party. Your birthday would be celebrated this evening, after a romantic walk between you and your fiancé. Remus had managed to convince the prefect with the Ravenclaw night shift to turn a blind eye, and would thus take you in front of the Room of Requirement, afterwards around the park, and there all your friends would surprise you. It was a well-thought-out plan, and it still doesn't explain how you didn't actually almost come to find out only today and not weeks before.
"Which is silly after all he gives every day for us." Sirius continues, as James nods, placing balloons on the wall. "Our mother deserves a proper celebration." The oldest Black concludes, making all three other boys laugh. "Ever since you and Remus got together, the boys started calling you the 'mom' of the group, since they always teased Remus for being their dad in a way, since he was the most responsible of the four.
When they finish laughing they go back to work to sort out the last few things for the party, knowing that it is now only a short time away. Right now you are supposed to be with the girls, whose job it is to distract you from the absence of your friends and your boyfriend, but Remus cannot help but keep fidgeting both behind every little detail and out of fear that at any moment you might walk in the door and find out why he has not been very close to you these past few weeks, but after all, part of him knows it might be because of the gift he gave you.
Remus keeps moving like a damned soul without rest for a while before Regulus stands up and blocks him with a hand on his shoulder.
"Man, everything is perfect, why don't you just relax for a moment?" The youngest among them asks the werewolf, but immediately Regulus sees in his friend's eyes that there is something else and not just what they are preparing that is upsetting him.
"There is something that doesn't give you peace." Regulus comments, and Remus says nothing, and just looks at him. "It's not like it's the gift you gave her, is it?" The Slytherin continues, marveling at the Gryffindor in front of him.
"How did you do that?" Lupin asks, increasingly shocked by young Black's prowess, when the other in response merely laughs.
"You were playing with a little box earlier, and can one read the doubt and fear in your eyes?" Regulus explains, continuing to laugh, while Remus in response rolls his eyes and looks at the clock, seeing that it was almost time to see you, so he gets up.
"It's almost time for our walk. Take care guys, the others should be here soon. Don't screw up please." Lupin asks as he looks at his friends, who reassure him and give him pats of encouragement.
"Go and return victorious with the lady messer Lupin." Sirius says, giving him a sort of bow, just before Remus walks out the door. He turns and as a last thing gives him a middle finger, after promising never to let him see "The princess bride" again.
Remus could feel his own heart beating in his throat as he saw you coming downstairs in simple jeans and his favorite sweater. You are simply perfect in his eyes, and nothing could change his mind.
"Finally, it seems like I haven't seen you in forever. Where have you been until now?" You ask curiously, seeing him a little stressed. "Are you okay? You look a little pale honey."
Immediately his heart warms at hearing your concern, and he can't help but think that maybe those nutty friends of his are right to call you "mom," and gently the boy shakes his head.
"I'm fine honey, maybe I just need to get some air. Would you like to take a ride with me?" He asks, and he doesn't even have to wait a second for an answer, as like a hurricane you pounce on him, taking him under your arm and running toward the school grounds. You walk around the lawns for a while, laughing and joking like you haven't in a long time. Nothing could dent your mood, and nothing exists apart from each other at this moment.
From the outside, one can see obvious the love you feel for the other person, only from your eyes, more than from your gestures, which seem to sing the most beautiful love song ever heard.
Hours seem to pass, then Remus looks at his watch and realizes that you are running late, so with the excuse that he has to catch another prefect in one of the side corridors to get the keys to a closet for the next prank James and Sirius are planning, he takes you in front of the mystery room. He's never felt more flustered than he does right now, and he's doubtful whether to give you the gift now or later, when you, damned curious as usual, lean out and touch the door.
"How come the room of needs is visible?" Ask curiously, as you watch him break into a cold sweat and try to play the part of the one who hides nothing.
"I have no idea my dear, try opening it and see what's behind it." Try suggesting Remus, as he rests a hand on your shoulder to guide you into the darkness of the room that opens before you. A few seconds pass and just as you're wondering what the point of it all is, the lights come on and all your friends pop out from behind couches and armchairs, shouting who "surprise" who "happy birthday," but all with beaming smiles on their lips as they come to hug you.
You immediately feel tears in your eyes, which you let run, because of the happiness and excitement they made you feel seeing so many people gathered to celebrate you.
Once you've greeted everyone you turn to Remus, who looks at you smiling, his hands behind his back.
"Did you arrange everything?" You ask in amazement as you look around and try to memorize every single detail of everything around you. "You didn't have to-"
"Yes I had to. You deserve this and much more than I can give you, you deserve the world, indeed the universe. And it wasn't just me, everyone helped me in some way." He interrupts you, as he circles your shoulders with one arm, and you hold him even tighter to you, squeezing his waist. "I love you, and all I want to do is remind you of that every day, but today especially, after all it's your day, and we all came here just for you, because we all love you, me more than all of them." He continues, resting his forehead on yours. Then he freezes for a moment, right for a few seconds and pulls out a box from his pants pocket.
"I want to give you my present now, because I want you to think about it." He says and you, confused for the umpteenth time this evening, wipe away the last of your tears and then pick up the box he is handing you. It is a black velvet box, and when you open it you see a pair of keys. You look up not understanding what they were, so your boyfriend explains.
"These are the keys to an apartment in Edinburgh, in your favorite area, which I may or may not have asked an old family friend to rent to me and my girlfriend, once I finished school, if she wanted to move in with me. What do you say, what will she decide?" He asks as he strokes your face and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. You can't help but cry again before you go back to hugging him, just enough to take his breath away, your arms wrapped around his neck.
"I don't even have to think about it, the answer is obviously yes idiot." You whisper between the kisses you leave all along his face, making him laugh, while a few tears escape him as well. "You know you're pretty dumb for the smartest guy I know, it was obvious my answer was yes. And me thinking for a moment today that you had found a new girlfriend and were going to break up with me, damn how stupid I am."
Both of you laugh, still clasped in each other's arms, enjoying that closeness you had missed so much.
"I love you more than my own life, how could I ever look for another girl, when I have the most perfect girl that exists in the whole universe?" Remmy says in a whisper in your ear.
"I love you too Lupin, but you don't have to suck up, look you've already won your reward tonight." You counter by winking at him and he jokes by raising his eyebrows and whispering "I won, let's hurry up and leave this party then," making you laugh, until that sweet moment is interrupted as usual by the grace of Sirius Mr.Elegance of the Year Black.
"Do you want to be part of the party too, or are you going to be lovebirds the whole party?" He asks to throw a handful of confetti at you.
"I guess your reward will have to wait for Lupin." You say, as you hear him laugh, and together you go to enjoy this party with your friends, while in your mind already what will happen tonight in your own personal after party.
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narcissarina · 6 months
𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔞𝔤𝔢, 𝔅𝔩𝔲𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔰
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જ⁀➴Previous chapter
Pairings: bodyguard!Leon × college billionaire!reader
Word count: 3,172
Tw: use of drugs, drugged reader, attempt assualt, mention of age-gap.
Summary: You wanted to got to the party, so Leon came up with a plan. But it quickly backfired to something Leon would regret for life.
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Leon curses under his breath, not knowing why you’re tempted to go up to the guy and introduce yourself to him—didn’t you just say that you hated men? Even Leon could tell that in your first meeting, how you turn him away. No one ever turn him away, not even his greatest enemies.
Every time Leon is out to a visible sight, you scold him and ask him to stay behind you. He just wanted to shove you to him but then he remembered, he’s awkward with women just as you were awkward to starting a conversation with a guy.
Two people met that’s awkward to interact with their opposite sex.
Leon mutter encouragement to you, his tone uninterested but tries to hide it. You think Leon supports you with your judgement, trust me. He doesn’t, he can’t shake of some feeling.
As if the brunette guy is bad news.
The following day ended, and class ended yet again. With you dejected and sulking, Leon watch you eat your lunch when lunch already ended. You spend your lunch time trying to gather courage but didn’t and now, here you are.
Ranting to Leon and shaking him aggressively, as if he’s so convinced that violence is your love language. You accepted defeat and stood up from the bench, where you and Leon sat together, “I’ll be back, getting another drink from the cafeteria.” You said and walked away, Leon watch you—finally inside the cafeteria and bought your drink.
Then a figure came up to you, it was that guy.
Leon squint his eyes, stood up and slide your bag to his shoulder—he doesn’t know why he’s being extra protective when both of you were just college student, heck—Leon is older than you, seven years age gap.
Your conversation with the guy was a bit awkward, but he has a great communicating skill and overlook your awkwardness. “We’ll be hosting a party, all students are invited so me and my pals came looking for you to invite you.” He said, catching a glimpse that Leon’s finally behind you.
You were stunned, you were mesmerized by his smile and his voice (although Leon’s is so much better, but go girl) you accepted the invite immediately, without thinking that your father and step-mom would even agree to let you out.
“expect me to be there!” you said, then coming home in a panic and throwing all your problem to Leon, who clearly doesn’t even know if he’s a therapist or your bodyguard anymore.
“You can’t go.” Leon said, “your father said no parties.”
“Fuck!” you curse and flop down to your bed, clearly throwing a fit. “can you talk my father about it, please?” you beg, looking up at Leon’s icy blues. Leon shakes his head, “not a chance, princess. That would mean that I’m questioning his orders.”
You groan and hit your head with the pillow, “I’ll ask him myself!” and you did, got downstairs and barging into your father’s office with your step-mom in his lap, they flinched and the woman got off of your fathers lap.
You twitch and want to throw your high heels at them, you refrain of course. You badly wanted to go to that party, they even said that Sarina will be there—so a familiar face will keep you comforted in the party, “Father.” You start and walk towards his desk.
“may I go to a friends party?” you asked, your voice polite and this was the first time you asked your father anything, it’s always been him gifting you without you asking because he’ll always spot you looking at items in the mall then buying it for you—maybe because he thinks you’re shy, no?
“No you c—” step-mom’s got cut off by my father, “I mean, honey. This is the first time you asked me for anything, if it’s your happiness. How could I say no?” he said, you jump in excitement thinking that he said yes, but there’s a catch. “But dear, the outside is too dangerous for you. The reports hasn’t stop and it worries me that you might get targeted.”
“I can protect myself, isn’t that why I learn martial arts?”
“Even if you do know how to protect yourself, facing the situation for the first time will leave you stunned and weak. You have no experience in the streets, you have experience on the field where you train and take down opponents who had consent to fight you.” Your step-mom pointed out, and you don’t want to argue but she’s right.
Thanks to them, you haven’t encountered those type of things, they keep you safe here in the confinement of a house that’s been barely a home to you. They have money, they can buy whatever you asked but you feel like a bird in a cage.
Only singing and attracting limited audiences, a golden cage where you—the bird, sit pretty and shielded from the world. Even if you call it a Golden Cage, it’s still a cage, right?
“You can go.” Your face light up when your father said that, “but you have to take Leon with you, if not. No party.” Your step-mother added, you frown and storm out of the room.
Leon follows when you bump into him at the door, he’s been standing there and observe you. He doesn’t step in because it’s between family.
You felt so suffocated in this house, every wall feels like it’s shrinking and trying to crush you slowly. You hate it here, hate every décor and stuff that you have. You wish to have your mother here, comforting you and singing you your favorite lullaby.
You heard you name called out and a knock on the door, “princess?” it was Leon, he came in and sat at the edge of the bed—keeping his distance as he watch you sulk and be sad in your bed. Wanting to root away and have no life.
“Your parents do have a point.”
“I know…” you said in defeat, your voice hardly let out those words as you were trying to hold tears.
“But it’s just so suffocating, if I take you with me. I’ll ruin the mood, because it’ll be uncomfortable to have an agent standing guard and following me all the time.” You mutter and rolled yourself like a burrito with your blanket, you eyes teary as a tear slip to your temple.
Leon wants to wipe those tears away, really. He felt an ache deep in him, seeing you in pain and sharing your burden to him made him feel sympathy towards you—even though you mistook his gaze as pitying you.
“I have a proposal.” Leon said, his tone remain the same, “you’ll go to the party, but you have to update me every thirty minutes,” he said, “but I need you there in the party.” You mutter, sniffling and sitting up and remain a burrito.
“I know, but we have to make them think that I’m with you in the party.” He said, gesturing you to scoot a bit closer, “perfect timing that the D.S.O needed me for something.” He added. Soothing your back as you lay your head against his shoulder.
“I just have to keep updating you every thirty minutes, hm?” you asked to confirm, Leon nodded and took out his phone and asked for your phone. He sets it up to 30 minutes timer so you’ll know when to update him and when he’ll know you’ll be texting him.
“If you don’t text me, I’ll barge in to the party and take you home.” He added and chuckle at his own words, you nodded and hugged him. “Thank you so much, Leon!” you said and gave him a small peck on the cheek, you don’t even know why but you’re too enthusiastic to care.
This made Leon smile, seeing you happy because you’ll have time to be with people whom you’re familiar with in a party. Your friend would be truly shock if she sees you without your bodyguard and that your parents agreed to this.
A few hours later, you two arrived at your destination. Leon used his motorcycle to take you to your party, you were so excited that you were humming and being all giggly the whole ride.
“Remember, update me every thirty minutes.” He said, you nodded, “yes, sir!”
“Don’t drink too much alcohol, in fact—don’t even drink alcohol, a cocktail is fine.” Leon said and you gave him the helmet you wore back. “If you’re into trouble, hit me up, okay?” he spoke in a worried and low tone. Showing that he’s worried and not wanting you to be in great danger.
You nodded and waved him goodbye as he left.
You entered the venue and people are already drinking and playing games, Sarina’s at the table talking to someone. Her attention was snapped away and shrieked, “oh my god, girl!” she said and walk towards you, eyeing you up and down, “slay queen.”
“Come, have a drink.” She offer, “I can’t drink alcohol.” You said, ordering a cocktail because you knew better than getting wasted, and you kept Leon’s words in mind.
“I am just surprised your parents let you attend,” Sarina took a sip, can’t stop smiling at you. “Actually, they really didn’t let me—” before you could finish, Sarina gasp and smack your shoulder, “girl! I didn’t knew you’re a troublemaker.”
“bitch, I am not done talking.”
“my bad, bro.”
You both laugh, “I can go party if I tag Leon along.” She raised a brow, “then, where is he?”
“He planned this out for me, I just need to update him every thirty minutes to ensure that I am safe while he was needed back at the agency.”
Sarina nodded, taking in your words. “wow, never knew you two were in it, huh?” she smirked, “you two a thing.” You shake your head, “you wish!”
“girl, I’ll steal him away from you!”
“You’re too much a pussy to even try, Sarina.”
The party went well, and people are dancing. You kept your word and every time your phone vibrates, you’ll text Leon how was the party for you and that you assure him that you’re only drinking cocktails, not alcohol.
Sarina’s almost wasted, and the others were sleeping in the soft cushion of the chairs, while others played shot games. You enjoy to watch from the side as the brunette walked up to you—striking an opportunity since you’re all alone.
“oh!” you placed down your drink, “hello.” You greeted back, “enjoying yourself?” he asked, you nodded and share to him that this was actually your first time partying since your parents wouldn’t really let you. Why are you even sharing personal information with this stranger?
Your phone vibrates again, “sorry, let me take this quick. I don’t want to worry Leon.” You said and walked a few feet away from the barstool, texting your bodyguard.
Little did you know, he drugged your drink. Putting on a weird liquid in and mixed it with a toothpick. Then putting it away, after you texted Leon, you came back and held your drink. Taking small sips and enjoying your conversation with the brunette.
It's getting late too, and the drug starts to kick in.
“Sorry, I’m feeling a bit weird.” You excuse yourself, you walk towards the wall and support your back there—taking out your phone and trying to text Leon without trying to fall unconscious.
“Leon, I felt weird. I need you asap.” You sent then blacked out, your phone dropped.
The brunette catches you before you take a fall in the fall, he grab your phone and brought you upstairs.
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Leon was called by his friends, not the D.S.O itself but it still counts, right? He’s with Chris, Rebecca, Claire and Luis. Having coffee while Luis excuse himself to smoke out, they were having a wholehearted conversation.
“So, how’s being a bodyguard?” Chris asked, Leon shrug and gave a small smile, “not bad, although she’s a bit sometimes.” Rebecca nodded and Claire’s taking a sip of her drink.
The sound of Leon’s phone notification, the room fell silent and look at him, “excuse me.” He said and took out his phone, his expression dropping and his hand gripping tightly around the drink he’s holding till it exploded and got his hand burnt by the hot coffee.
“Jesus, Leon!” Claire gasp, Rebecca quickly took a towel and wrapped it around Leon’s burnt hand, “Geez, what are you thinking? What happen?” Chris asked, noticing how Leon’s frown and his quick change of demeanor.
“I got to go, now.” His voice is firm and urgency, the three only nodded to each other and followed Leon—incase that Leon’s in need of help.
“hey, guys. I bought some do—” Luis quickly got his back to the wall to the group of that almost look like an angry mob, “h-hey!” Luis called, “Sorry, Luis! Leon got something urgent.” Rebecca shouts for Luis to hear, “So it’s just me and the donuts.” Luis mutter and got inside the room again, alone.
Leon tried calling you a few times, but no avail. “God fucking damn it!” he curses, “she isn’t picking up her phone.” He said to the group, “is she in danger?” Chris asked, “if she sent that kind of text where she said she felt weird, it’s a possibility.” Rebecca answered Chris question than receive a silent answer from Leon.
“Do we have a plan? Or do we just barge in?” Claire asked, as they finally arrived to the car. Chris took the wheel while Leon’s at the passenger seat, the girls at the back. “Don’t have time to think of a plan, the party needs to pause as I get her out.”
“I knew leaving her alone is a bad idea.” Leon beat himself to it, “it’s not your fault, you just want her to have fun.” Rebecca assured, “it’s not like you can control the events and when will it happen, don’t beat yourself up.” Claire said and Chris got the car to a speed.
Ignoring every traffic jam and signs, good thing they use the agency’s car rather than a normal one. Or else, cops would chase them and ticket them for speeding. But since they’re agents, they get a pass because it’s official business.
“Come on, come on…” Leon mutter, his grip to the handle almost deadly and feels like it’s going to break. His head is swirling to possible scenario on what would’ve happen to you if he didn’t arrived in time, is he too late?
What if you got kidnapped?
What if you were violated against your will?
What if you were already dead?
These thoughts would eat Leon, if you were murdered—he wouldn’t forgive himself, heck even put a bullet up to his head because he failed to protect you. He was suppose to protect you, but it feels like he’s already failing his duty as your bodyguard.
Chris arm extended to squeeze Leon’s shoulder, his attention were snatch away from his thoughts. Chris gave Leon an assuring look, “trust me, she’s safe and no harm will be done. We’ll there on time.”
Chris was right, after ten minutes, they finally arrived to the venue—barged right in with gun in hand and ordered everyone to stay on their grounds, Leon spotted Sarina—your friend, passed out in one of the cushion chaired, “Chris, escort this girl at the car. She passed out from drinking.” Chris nodded and carried Sarina out.
Leon turn to the brunette who froze in place, he walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar, “where is she?” his voice low and deadly, “I-I don’t know, man.” The guy stuttered, Leon lost it and got the guy off of his feet and pushed him against the bar counter.
“I won’t hesitate to shoot.” Leon threatens, “Leon, that’s too far!” Claire shouted, the brunette plead for his life and gave Leon your whereabouts, “u-upstairs, second door bedroom. She’s with two guys in there, but I-I swear I don’t have anything to do with it!” Liar.
All lies.
That’s what swarm in Leon’s head, he threw the guy at Chris feet and Chris didn’t asked and just held the man up, handcuffed him and stayed on the ground.
Leon panicked, adrenaline kicking in as he went upstairs to the second door bedroom—kick the door and there you were, passed out and two almost naked guys surrounding you.
Leon shot them each of their knee, hearing their scream reach downstairs where guests feared their life in angering the more dangerous and well-known agent.
Leon got up to you, sleeping so soundly as if you do not have a care in the world. You flutter your eyes open, “Leon?” you utter weakly, “I’m here, princess.” Leon crouch down and your eyes met.
“You came.”
“You called.”
You nodded and yawn, “I’ll be sleeping, too tired. Did I party too hard?” you asked, your smile never disappearing and Leon nodded, “yes, you did.” You got drugged.
Leon took off his leathered jacket and placed it on top of you, then carried you like a bride and came downstairs, “two men upstairs, turn them in to the police and file for use of drugs and attempt assault.” Leon didn’t know who’s he is talking this to, probably to the three of them to hear.
Claire took the lead up and followed by her brother.
“You take her home, we’ll deal with this.” Rebecca spoke and salute to you, Leon mouthed her thank you and took a cab home. Your home, where he’s there and you’re safe.
It was already late, but he wasn’t late to save you. Time check: 9:50 PM, the cab arrived to your house as Leon took you out from the cab and carried you inside your home. “Oh, god!” your step-mom exclaimed, “did she partied too hard?” your father asked, “she did.” Leon lied, he knew you didn’t even drink to be this passed out.
You were drugged, but he lied for you.
“I’ll take her to her room.” Leon excuse himself and you, bringing you to your room and lying you there. You whine and smudge your makeup as you toss and turn, he stay sitting on the edge of your bed. Brushing off strands of hair from your face.
If he didn’t arrived in time, you would’ve been in pain, violated nor even did something worse, he wouldn’t ever forgive himself if that happened.
“I won’t let you out of my sight, ever again.”
You open your eyes again and giggle at Leon when he lean in to whisper those words, but you’re too sleepy to make out of it. He held your hand, and you squeeze it. Your chest rising up and down, finally relaxing your face and sleeping soundly.
“You deserve to know what happened, I’ll tell when you wake up. But for now, I am here to protect you, princess.”
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Next Chapter>>>
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enchxanting · 1 year
our love is god [ethan landry]
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read part 2 here || all parts
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
warnings: nothing yet but this fic is heathers-inspired, so be warned for the future.
author's note: hi guys, long time lurker first time poster. this is my first time WRITING fic so feel free to leave any critique. also i don't know if i did the cut right lol i have a lot planned and hope you like!
Dear Diary,
I should’ve never let Mindy convince me to start this operation. 
Sure, it’s nice to have a steady cash flow, but nothing is more aggravating than everyone and their mother asking for doctor’s notes, report cards, prescriptions, and absence notes when I’m just trying to make it to fourth-period math. When I was ten, I expected to use my Nancy-Drew-inspired skills to unearth hidden staircases or find whistling statues, not help someone’s checked-out mom get a Xanax. 
Yet I forged three (3) permission slips today. Why? Because, next to mysteries, I love the sweet smell of cash in the morning. Yesterday, I added $150 to the rainy day fund. Hopefully, when the weather’s right, I'll be inspired to buy a car and ditch Woodsboro. This town is fucked, alright. Just ask Chad, Mindy, Sam, or–
“Tara! Jesus Christ!” I rub my leg where her sneaker connected. “What’s your damage?”
“Are you done, Shakespeare? You said you’d get lunch with me like, fifteen minutes ago.”
Tara isn’t so great with patience. But, again, I am not so great at keeping track of time. “Yeah, whatever,” I say. “Let’s go see what they’ve cooked up for us today.”
I follow her through the winding path of tables, chairs, and teenage bodies. As we go, I collect bills from outstretched hands and replace them with papers of varying sizes. Tara turns to smirk at me. “What was the event this time?”
“Oh, you know. It’s report card season, and this school is not known for its stellar GPAs.”
“We just have you to thank for keeping it floating below a 3.0,” she teases. “Tell me, Y/N. Does all that extra brainpower of yours get used up matching the way people dot their i’s and cross their t’s?”
I roll my eyes at her. “Sure, Tara. Let’s just get some lunch. I’m seriously starving.”
We grab trays and join the line, aimlessly chattering about the day. Tara’s been my friend since the beginning of the year when I was the only new kid in a town struck by tragedy. We were the only new buyers in Woodsboro over the summer. The rest are still empty, the memory of last year’s Ghostface attacks having driven out long-time residents.
What’s surprising, though, is that the so-called “Woodsboro Four” are still here. Sure, Sam, Tara, Mindy, and Chad mostly stick together, but despite the terrible tragedy that they witnessed, they let me and Annika, Mindy’s current girlfriend, into their lives. I could never measure up to that. I’m just glad they want to be my friend.
I’m taken out of my musings on friendship when I feel someone’s eyes on my back. Without turning around, I recite my usual speech. “$5 for report cards, $10 for prescriptions and absence notes, and an extra $5 for rush fees.”
“Woah, um, tempting, but I’m not looking for any forgery.”
Confused, I turn around to put a face to an unfamiliar voice. The guy’s tall, almost as tall as Chad, with curly brown hair and brown eyes that widen when I meet them. “Sorry, I was just going to get my lunch, but you dropped some cash back here.”
For some reason, my voice is not working. All I can do is look up at him, suddenly captivated by how shy he seems to be. When I pause for a few moments too long, Tara reaches around and takes the money from his hand. “Uh, thanks. I’m sure my friend here appreciates it. Usually she’s more talkative.”
“Oh, god, yeah, sorry,” I finally get out, stumbling over my words. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” Suddenly, I think he remembers to be bashful and walks away without another word.
When he’s gone, Tara laughs. “God, Y/N, drool much? I’ve never seen you like that before.”
I flush red. “Whatever, Tara, you’re the worst.” I give her a playful shove and walk off to buy my lunch. I hand the money to the cashier, but all I can think about are those big, brown eyes, and I know I’m fucked.
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Prompt: How the OM! Brothers shop for groceries and stuff ft. me!
Pairing: NA
Genre: Headcanons, Crack
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This old man has memorised the layout of all his favourite stores. He makes a neat little list in a notebook. He will not type his list in the notes app of his DDD. And his list will be in the order of how he walks through the aisles.
Like, if the first few aisles of the store have foodstuff, those will be at the very top of the list. I add stuff to my list as and when I remember them, so if I ever make a list for him he will most definitely forget to buy something and then blame it on my lacking list-making skills (my mom does this).
No matter how many things we need to buy this man will NEVER take a cart. He will take 3 baskets if required, and give two of them to me. Also will not buy anything that is not on his list. Is ice cream on his list? No? Then I guess we're not getting it...
Man speedwalks through the store. Like there's no time to see which brand of chips I want, I take my eyes off him for one second and he's already at the checkout counter-
Gives everyone who takes their time deciding what to buy, yknow, like a normal person, a glare so intense you'd think they offended his entire lineage or something.
Might yell at me like once for being slow or something during our shopping trip, then make it up to me by buying me ice cream on the way home (Lucifer is an Asian parent confirmed)
Overall, I'd give him 7/10 because he does get the job done, but I will not be the first to volunteer to go with him.
List? What list? Haha I'm gonna have to be the responsible adult here-
He never makes a list, because 'he remembers it all in his head anyway'. I'd make a list, then proceed to drag him everywhere, making him hold the stuff.
Complains a bit (a lot) about having to follow me around, but will shut up if I glare at him
Remembers what his brothers need, but always forgets stuff that he needs and when we get home he gives me his best puppy dog eyes and goes "Actually..."
With the amount of trouble this dork can get in I'm pretty sure we're banned from at least one store-
Doesn't care what I put in the cart as long as he can do the same.
We end up forgetting a few items and then having to go back to the store before Lucifer finds out. Then we get ourselves some smoothies as a reward :3
People would hate us because we're the kind of idiots to stand in an aisle taking up all the space while arguing very loudly about cereal brands-
5/10, we're both too easily distracted and absolute menaces when it comes to shopping.
My boy gets all his stuff from Akuzon so I dunno how I'd get him to come grocery shopping with me. If no one else is free that day, he might come with me. Though he'd try to convince me to order from Akuzon before placing a foot out the door-
Whose idea was it to let two socially-inept introverts shop without their assigned extrovert/ambivert? If there are no self-checkout counters we would play rock, paper, scissors to determine who makes small talk with the cashier.
We'll end up buying a lot of junk food and soda. Again I feel like I'd have to make the list and Levi would help with carrying the stuff but I'm sure he'd also add stuff that he wants.
Doesn't care much about like, the necessities? Like, it's ok with him if I wanna get fresh veggies or milk but he won't be one to suggest it if I don't.
Levi gets lost at one point because I'm bad at keeping track of people who come grocery shopping with me and I'm gonna get called to the front desk to get him.
On the way home I take him to the bookstore, get him some new manga and me new books for having survived that ordeal.
9/10, he's like a very well-behaved, anxious kid who occasionally tugs on your clothes and asks you if he can get his favourite bag of chips.
He won't like this, but he probably is like a toned-down version of Lucifer, except he makes the list in the notes app of his DDD.
Pretty flexible with what we can buy, he'd let me get what I want, within a limit though. Knows how to tell what is fresh and what isn't so I let him select the fruits and veggies
He also speedwalks, but holds my hand so I don't get lost <3
Meanwhile I'm trying to keep up without falling and apologizing to all the people I bump into. Ain't my fault I got little legs-
Hates it when people bump into him and don't apologize so my main job is making sure he doesn't blow up and get us thrown out of the store-
Definitely teases me when I can't reach something before being a gentleman and getting it for me
We end up going to a cat cafe before going home
10/10, I would enjoy it. Very much date vibes.
He would happily follow me on my grocery runs.
Very easily distracted, I'd need to hold onto him so I dont lose him.
Very good at reminding me what needs to be bought. Has his own list of things that are needed.
Spends a ton of time and takes utmost care in choosing the best of everything. He has a good eye when it comes to stuff like this.
Knows exactly what his brothers like or need and makes my life so much more easier.
Will let me buy everything and anything I want because he is amazing like that.
Flirts with the cashier during checkout and gets us a discount. I aspire to be like him one day-
On the way home we end up going to boutiques so he can do his own little shopping~
9/10, as fun as it is going with him, I don't like being dressed up like a doll after a tiring day of getting groceries. Also won't help me put them away when we get home
Beel is a sweetheart. I can see him always volunteering to go grocery shopping with me.
Another one I need to be cautious about, he might wander off if he finds something particularly appetizing. Will need to have something on hand to satiate his hunger.
He'd be content with following me around while carrying stuff. Occasionally pipes in when he sees something he heard his brothers wanted.
We will buy a ton of snacks. Now to keep him from opening any of those before we check out...
Probably wouldn't let me get everything I want, but will still be willing to let me get junk food as long as I promise to share them with him.
On the way home we go and have a meal at a restaurant, and then once we're home he helps me put everything away.
10/10, an absolute sweetheart as long as he has something to munch on while we work.
This little shit (derogatory).
This sadistic little bastard enjoys abusing his baby of the family privilege. Annoys the fuck out of me while we're in the store because he knows I'll try my best not to lose my composure in a public place.
The kind of asshole to pick something up and put it somewhere it's not supposed to be. Ever found a bar of soap next to rows of cereals? It's his handiwork, and he's so smug about it I swear-
Gets lost on purpose, to the point where I contemplate leaving him in the store and going home on my own.
Has. To. Comment. On. Every. Single. Thing. I. Get. That is until I threaten to not get the detergent he likes, and suddenly he's a good boy helping me by holding everything
Could care less about what I buy as long as I buy enough for him, Beel and me to share, but like I said before, will comment on everything.
We come straight home and this man just leaves me in the kitchen alone?? He won't help me put away the groceries, he goes straight to his bed.
3/10, there is very little chance I won't try to strangle him on the way back home out of frustration.
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watashime-ciel · 1 month
rhythm heaven headcanons because im more sad than i should-
but first of all i have an announcement. and its that today, august 18th in argentina, its children's day and as im 16 im still technically a child to i asked my mom to get me something very specific as a gift. so, in a few weeks or months, dj yellow plushie is coming home! i wanted both yellow and blue, but she could only pay for one, so i chose yellow. hes gonna be with me in conventions from now on, either being tied up on the table so people buy me stuff to free him (/lh), or being my cosplay pal. thats all. if you wanna follow the dj yellow plushie adventures, follow me on instagram berry_lemon_arty, and if you cant find it, try with watashime_vkipper. its the same acc, but im changing the user soon to watashime_vkipper when i go back to my showroom. ANYWAYS lets go with the headcanons (and idc if i repeat some from past posts, i cant remember what i said)
-J.J is someone very insecure, actually. and lets out his anger on others (ahem, Yellow). but when he met Cecil, things changed a bit. Cecil allowed him to be angry, sad, disappointed, and make questions that were a call for reassurance
-Yellow has worked restlessly to buy a ticket to see Kikuo, no matter if he was in another country. and he never could- something happens everytime hes going to buy a ticket, and the money goes somewhere else. he cried for days because of that (reference to Kikuo just leaving argentina in this instant, although im not a fan lol)
-Cecil is also a germaphobic, but not as much(?) as Blue is. Cecil can at least touch whatever is contaminated to throw it away or clean it, whilst Blue cant because he feels like hes gonna pass out
-Yellow has been more time in a mental hospital than in school.🧍
-for a time, Blue was convinced he only signed up to Yellow's dj classes because he fell in love with him at first sight. it was during the time he was unsure how to express himself
-remember that Yellow's spirit animal is Len Kagamine? but its also Angel Dust, and possibly Spinel for how flexible he is. breakdancing? he can do it. pole dancing? he can do it. parkour? he can do it. lyra dancing? he can do it. dance trapeze? guess what. HE CAN DO IT. has he ever broken a bone or something? surprisingly, no. the only time he did was his right ankle at a comic con, participating on the cosplay contest as Kokoro Tsurumaki dancing Egao Sing A Song. Kokoro uses heels, and he loves them, and knows how to dance and do acrobatics with them. but he jumped and didnt get down very well, breaking his right ankle, but finishing the performance like nothing and winning the best performance prize. he only felt the pain once he sat down, but he did feel something wrong after not getting down properly
-you cant use your fingers to count the amount of times Blue got back home from work and saw Yellow in a female cosplay. and you cant also count the different reactions he had. dont use your imagination that much.
-Cecil is obsessed with Final Fantasy (a reference to Soushi)
-J.J may or may not accidentaly call acoustic guitars, "autistic guitars". most of the times he doesnt notices that
-whenever Cecil went to J.J's house (to his parents', actually), J.J's mom would do that classic "mom-embarassing-son" conversation thing. that way Cecil found out stuff about J.J that he couldnt even imagine lol
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medievildead · 1 year
for the ship opinion bingo kratos/heimdall 👉👈
HOOOO BOY SORRY THIS TURNED INTO A RANT however you did ask for my opinion and this is my blog so you know what. I am gonna post it. And this will be the only time I talk about it.
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I reeeeeally don't like kradall it creeps me out and I don't understand it at fucking all. I see people try to make Hear Me Out posts about them and AUs about them and it just makes less and less sense to me (and I KNOW this is bold ass words coming from me I KNOW) but the canon dynamic that does exist for them at no point to me ever at all in the slightest tipped me off or made me think to ship them. Never clicked.
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Then again you gotta remember that I'm someone who has been autistic about Kratos since 2005 and I am so incredibly damn picky about shipping him unironically with anyone. Shipping Kratos with Heimdall knowing the kind of person Kratos is and what hes gone through to Become his new self in the norse saga just doesn't make sense. A lot of kradall I see (that isn't non/con honestly another huge reason I don't vibe with it is that a bunch of people use it as a bolt for r/pe stuff in the early moments of Ragnarok fandom) is just them in a very ooc marriage situation I can't wrap my head around. Throwing Kratos into a heavy intense relationship is dumb to me like it took him centuries to fucking get over Lysandra and then moving on to Faye and I'm expected to belive the Hear Me Out posts about why Kratos would be in a long term relationship with.... Heimdall? The guy who is a complete prick to giants? Who actively said misogynistic shit about Atreus' mom who Kratos still loves with his whole heart? And threatened to actively kill his 14 year old son? Kratos's son? Kratos who has lifelong trauma about his child dying from war? I'm not buying it im sorry. No way you cook it will convince me.
In the early points of the ships existence honestly felt to me like people who were into Heimdall just wanted to explore a crutch for brat breaking. But its just genuinley not something I'm into. I'm a firm believer of ship and let ship as long as its harmless and for the most part it is! It's people having fun but it's not for me and never, ever ever will be no matter what and there is a reason I don't talk about it on this blog.
I've been in this fandom a long time and let me say Kratos x Heimdall reminds me a lot of when GoW3 came out and people started shipping and writing tons of Kratos x Hermes dubcon stuff for the sole reason of yaoi fujoshi people wanted to fetishize the gay male power dynamic. Its like I honestly feel some people see a big muscular man and a smaller effeminate man and are like "oh I need to make one a submissive girl" like again I know its just words and pictures on a screen but I have been here long enough to be Very Tired of seeing my sexuality get used as a fetish tool sjshskdnks
And. And ill be honest. And this is petty and trust me this is literally just me and my opinion but I cannot fucking stress how utterly confused and flabbergasted because FREYR IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE. HE IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE. BLATANTLY INTO KRATOS, A COMPLETE KIND SWEETHEART FULL OF LOVE, EXACTLY THE KIND OF GUY THAT WOULD SHOW KRATOS A GOOD TIME AND HAS AN ADORABLE ONSCREEN DYNAMIC THAT DOESN'T EVEN NEED TO BE AU'd OR CHANGED TO MAKE SENSE AND THIS FANDOM DOES NOTHING WITH IT. I see so many AUs where Heimdall survives to get with Kratos and valid but you know what??? I am gonna be angry, WHERE ARE MY FREYR LIVES AUs. WHERE ARE MY AUs WHERE FREYR LIVES AND GETS KRATOS ASCENDED ON THAT VANAHEIM ZA???????
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LIKE FORREAL. I honestly feel like this fandom gets so blindsided by Heimdall and wanting to put him in situations and hell I'm guilty of it too, but I have genuinley met GoW Heimdall likers that straight up forgot Freyr existed and it shocks me. I don't get it!!!!!!
Theres a reason I ship Heimdall x Hermes together and its because their individual dynamics are so unbelievably compatible and I like to explore that. But I get people wanting something more realistic in universe as a muse. When it does come to shipping Heimdall with someone else in canon that makes absolute dynamic sense to me, I gotta be honest, Heimdall x Gná is the only "heimdall gets a dom" pairing that I can realistically get behind. Since they both would actually like each other despite being hated by all their peers for their devotion to Odin. Is it healthy? No, but Kradall isn't exactly peaches and cream either. So we work with what we got babey!!!!
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baelpenrose · 2 months
Nihilus Rex 29: Confessions, Part I: The Priest and the Sinner
Nils confronts his grief about Jessie, and grapples with his fading faith. This chapter, along with two others threaded throughout the story, are meant as critical character studies of who Nils is as a person, and while they are part of the larger story, the chapters titled "confessions" also function as a micro story unto themselves.
Beta-read and co-written by @canyouhearthelight.
For the life of me, I cannot remember
What made us think that we were wise and we'd never compromise
For the life of me, I cannot believe
We'd ever die for these sins, we were merely freshmen
The Verve Pipe “Freshmen Song”
I was troubled when I went home. After Lash and I split, we agreed to call the next day and talk through some stuff, but I had promised my parents I’d call. And…I still needed to check in on Jessie’s family. I had been missing my every-other-week checkin for a while. Maybe a long while. Between Lash and everything else I’d been doing, it almost felt like….
Oh god, I don’t know if I’d checked since the heist.
So I went by their house, after buying flowers and ready to make all apologies. I knocked, slowly. “Mrs. Parson, it’s Nils. I’m…” I felt a wash of guilt. Why should they let me in? I’d all but forgotten them in my own grief and the madness that had followed it. “I’m sorry I left for a while. I got caught up in something. And I’m sorry for everything else. I should have been here sooner. I should have been with Jessie more.” The door was still closed.
I knocked again. “I don’t know if you’re even home. But I want you to know I’m sorry. I should have kept coming, way longer than I did.”
The door opened, and Mrs. Parson stood before me. Despite being slightly younger than my mother, she looked older. Her chronic illness, the marks of longtime working-class life, and the grief of her daughter’s death had taken their toll. “You shouldn’t have come back.”
I felt the words like a slap, but I took them. And I suddenly felt a flash of anger that always preceded things that shouldn’t be said, things that couldn’t be taken back. Jessie wouldn’t have wanted me to say the things I was going to say. Jessie had forgiven these people, wanted to take care of these people, would have wanted me to take care of these people, would be angry that I had failed to check in. I had already failed to deal with the student debts in time.
But Jessie wasn’t here and I was going to fail her again. All the things that we’d told each other, about mental health breakdowns, about crises of faith, about problems with parents…
“Speaking of people who shouldn’t have come back. How’s the stepson?”
Mrs. Parsons blanched. She’d remarried not long after Jessie’s father had walked out on her to the anger of the church, and found a new guy whose wife had died some years before.  Jessie’s stepdad was actually a pretty standup guy - he’d fumbled once, in the immediate reaction of finding out about what his son had done, but even Jessie had believed in the aftermath that it was a matter of shock more than a matter of not believing her, and he had done more or less the right things once he’d gotten a chance to get his wits back. It didn’t change the fact that the initial failure, especially given that her mom had desperately been trying to play peacemaker, had definitely compounded the trauma. Her stepbrother, on the other hand, was an abusive jackass that Jessie had definitely been pressured to forgive a little too fast, and somewhere along my little revolution was going to be a bonus objective of ensuring he didn’t live to see the new world. 
“Jessie forgave him.” She sounded half like she was trying to convince herself. 
“Hm. Did she think she had a choice?” I knew the answer, I wondered if this woman did. Jessie thought she did, but that only forgiveness was the right one, because she had always believed, more fervently than I ever had, in the forgiveness of Christ.  I also knew that the dissonance of that hadn’t helped her, had rattled her, had convinced her she was falling short if she was still angry.
And I was ready to bite, especially when Mrs. Parsons then pivoted. “And you? You’ve had choices recently. What’s your new girl’s name? Elakshi? The one you went on air with at the hospital? You moved on fast.”
 I gaped. “Moving on fast…I mean, you want to talk about moving on, I probably shouldn’t have let it slide that you were so scared of your second husband moving on like the first at the first sign of trouble that you didn’t want Jessie talking about what your stepson was doing. Mind you, Mr. Parsons fucked up when he first found out, and as bad as it was even then he wound up doing the right thing once he’d taken a second. I can forgive shock a lot better than I can forgive forced martyrdom. Don’t talk to me about moving on from anything too fast when you weren’t willing to deal with something to begin with. You can call it the forgiveness of God all you want, but be real: you wanted to dodge the stigma of a second divorce. The fact that she dropped out of college to try to help you with your sickness is beyond me.” The snarl, the hate, the sudden surge of helpless rage I’d always felt at never quite being able to express what I’d wanted to to Jessie because she wouldn’t have heard it and it wouldn’t have helped, things I should have said but couldn’t, things I maybe should have said because they maybe could have helped, but now I’d never know…
She glared. “Jessie thought you loved her!” 
“SHE LIED!” I paused at that, and she kept going. “She lied, Nils. She lied, because she knew that you were the kind of person to go all the way to the wall for something, for someone, and she also knew that if you two ever got together, you could get her to go with you.” Her voice grew quiet, but carried on, determined, and I almost strained to hear the cold drumbeat of words that left me numb. “And she knew that you wanted to go places, that you didn’t want to be stuck dealing with her family, or yours, or the church you’ve always wobbled on but that she always believed in, and knew that you would care about her but probably never actually be happy with her without one of you changing the other too much to recognize.” A sigh, and she rubbed her arms with her hands. “So she lied, and you didn’t recognize it enough to realize that she reciprocated how you felt. I had to watch you two pining for each other from the time you were little and then I watched the boy who comforted my daughter through all sorts of awful things I fucked up with and can never forgive myself for drop off the map weeks after she died.” Her voice shook before she steadied and continued, steely. “And then you showed up on TV with your new girlfriend. So don’t tell me how she felt forced to do anything because you were never able to figure out her feelings well enough to guess how her beliefs and feelings impacted what she did.” 
She took the flowers from me while I was still reeling. “Thank you for the flowers. I’m sure Jessie would forgive you, and I have no doubt you’re doing something that would either thrill her or horrify her. That stunt at the hospital was enough of a hint. But I can’t forgive you for vanishing. And I understand if you can’t forgive how badly I did when she needed me. Don’t come by again.” 
I nodded. “I understand. Oh, and as long as we’re being honest? Your hunch is right. If you have any affection for your stepson at all? Tell him that he should try to make sure I’m never reminded he exists. Jessie forgave him. I don’t. God bless you for whatever that is worth.” 
I walked away, shaking, and took some breaths, slowly shaking, and the minute I was out of sight, around the corner, into my car, I closed the doors and started screaming. I pounded the steering wheel and howled for a second. 
She’d loved me and I’d never known. I’d fucked it up. I had…Fuck. Fuck FUCK!
I drove to the church. It had been a long time since my last confession, since the funeral, but I could stand to speak to Father Rivera. He was the only one who did confessions this late, and the only priest in the diocese that I respected anyway. He’d done Last Rites at the funeral of a suicide because he thought it was the right thing to do.  And…I had just made a deal with the devil.
First though. I called my mom. She’d always been the more devout of my parents.
“Hey mom. Confessional booth stuff is inadmissible in court of law, right?”
“That’s right, Nils, but…why?”
“Have some stuff I’d rather talk about with a priest.”
“Forgive me father, for I have sinned. It has been five months and two weeks since my last confession.”
“What do you have to repent of this time?” 
“Before I answer, Father, may I ask something and be answered?”
“Yes.” Father Rivera sounded confused. I’d already looked up the answer to this, and asked my mother this, just to be sure. I wanted to ensure I could trust Rivera, though I was pretty sure he wouldn’t squeak, it was good to know that it would mean nothing if he did.
“Is what I say in here protected by the Seal of Confession, and are you bound by the sanctity of the sacraments to reveal nothing of what I say to anyone?”
“I can say nothing of what is said here to anyone provided that you are confessing sins you have already committed. If you confess a sin you are currently planning to commit, and thus are unrepentant of, that is not within the Seal of Confession.”
I thought about that. A tacit warning and an admission.
“Okay. Then I will say this. I have slain nine men. Six by mistake, three in retribution. I have stolen - but profited nothing, and I do not count the theft among my sins, because I believe the word of Christ argues that my actions there were in fact holy in nature. I have lied, and brought shame to the name of my father, but in so doing brought safety to the sick. I have sinned, sexually, beyond what we spoke of the last…every confession I’ve been in, actually.”
Father Rivera’s voice came across. “Stop, stop. Nils, you confessed something very, very serious, followed by something that I want to question, followed by something I already suspected and the whole city got without context, followed by something that I already knew because of the girl you appeared on local TV with and that I know you aren’t remotely repentant about because you confess some new sexual sin every time you do this.” He took a breath. “Also, Nils. You forget I was a young man for years before I took Holy Orders. You aren’t confessing on that last one, because I know you too well to think you’re repentant. You’re bragging. Stop.” 
I took a breath. “Murder first, then?”
“Killing first. When you say you killed nine, six by mistake, three by retribution. How?”
“I manipulated people into situations where they’d be killed. Six of those were not deliberate - my design was not for them to die. Three, I deliberately got killed because they were involved in something that killed friends of mine.”
“You weren’t the one who killed them, though?”
“Not directly, but I can’t, philosophically, say politicians commit murder whether or not their hands are ever touched by blood and then deny my actions here were the same. Hands at the direction of my mind pulled the triggers, whether those hands were connected, physically, to my brain by my own nerves or simply by words and minds willing to trust me doesn’t absolve me, it just stains the people I used as catspaws - my guilt is increased, not decreased, at that point. I will confess to being a murderer, but not a hypocrite or a pharisee.” 
“No, and that is honest - as you’ve always been, in your way. Do you repent of the killings?”
“All of them? I know you, Nils. I didn’t have to ask for reasons beyond the ritual if you regretted and repented the ones you’d done accidentally, but I mean the people you got killed on purpose.”
“Yes, I do.” I lied. “I believed it was necessary, but it was wrong, and I rushed to it in wrath.”  An advantage - now, Rivera would feel obligated not to tell anyone, even if he wound up being suspicious. 
“I’m curious - what led to your belief it was necessary?”
“The three I did on purpose were the ones behind the firebombing of the cafe. I figured that out through deceptive means, ones that wouldn’t hold up in court, but ones that involved manipulating their allies into turning on them. There were friends of mine in the cafe. Ones who didn’t make it out.” 
Rivera sighed. “Nils. It wasn’t yours to decide who should live and who should die.”
“I know. As I said, I was angry.”
“And the other six?”
“That ties into the theft. The one I don’t know was a sin.”
The voice took on an amused note. “Now I’m curious. Almost morbidly.”
“Is usury not still a sin? Did Christ not demand that debts be forgiven every seven years?”
A tone of comprehension crept into his voice. “Nils…are you saying…”
“I want it noted this time I am bragging less of the act itself than the skill it took to accomplish it.”
“I will take you at your word that that is not inconsiderable. I am still…Nils, my son. I want to confirm. The banks.”
“Yes.” A note of pride crept into my voice.
“Your actions with your father’s hospital were doing a good thing in a bad way, for Christ did heal the sick without indebting them. Your deceptions were sinful means - thou shalt not bear false witness. Your actions with the debts were forgery and theft on a massive scale, and yet they saved thousands of families, and it is…hard to proclaim that you have not, once again, done holy work by sinful means. The Jesuits would be impressed. I am not a Jesuit, I believe that the actions of flawed men that take the will of God into their own hands will often lead to dark places - the Church’s most harsh critics, not without reason, point to the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Residential Schools, all people who did what they thought was ‘God’s Will’ by evil means.” 
“And yet, should the ends themselves not be considered? Should saving people in the here and now not weigh heavier than the imagined ideals of ‘God’s Will’ by people so corrupt they believed they were right to rape? To torture children? What was it Christ said of those who took to brutalizing children in his presence? Something about millstones and swimming? He took a whip to moneychangers, He never took a rod to a child, that was a Proverb - and not quoted from His word.” 
“Of course, and the Proverb was supposed to refer to a shepherd's crook rather than a whipping rod anyway. And yet, the Great Commission - a point on which you and I have gone around a few times in your studies of history and philosophy - was from His word, and was how the worst of those justified their acts. But you’re too clever not to realize what you’re doing - your ends may be noble, but your means make use of the devil’s tools and those who do that will, by degrees, find themselves among his vassals before they realize they’ve lost their way.”
I didn’t agree with that, and wasn’t entirely certain my allegiance was to any particular higher power rather than an alliance of convenience with whichever one countenanced a victory over the horror I saw in this world. Then I remembered this was supposed to be a confession, and figured I should stop arguing - my goal was mostly to get things off my chest and keep from drawing too deep.
“As you say. Means aside, I believe that in the process of all that, I may have made something of a deal with a devil. There’s an associate of mine who I don’t like and don’t trust that I’ve been forced to work with, and I fear that much of my most important work will be stained by working with him. But…it was necessary to help those people.”
“Define ‘devil.”
“His every aspect is vile and his views on the world almost diametrically opposed to mine. What he calls justice, I call horror and what I call justice he would call perversion of nature.”
“How did you convince this man to collaborate with you?”
“For a day, we shared a common enemy.” 
“Ah. Many such partnerships corrupt good men. And you say your means have no risk of corrupting what you intend?”
“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t have the doubts I do.” 
I could hear Rivera folding his hands. “I see.” 
I could feel Mrs. Parsons’ words weighing on me. 
“And…” The words tumbled out. “I failed Jessie. I should have listened more carefully. She died because I didn’t pay close enough attention. It was my fault…”
“No. That I will not absolve you for, because that wasn’t. You didn’t know everything on her heart. She came to me regularly. That was not on you. There are others who should seek God’s forgiveness for that, and you have your sins to bear and repent, but that, Nils, THAT truly is not one of them.”
“Had I acted sooner, she wouldn’t have been crushed under so much debt.”
“And even if it was your responsibility to shatter the entire banking system to save a life, which it categorically is not, I will say that is NOT what pushed her over the edge. Not from everything she told me. That failure was more mine than yours. Nils.” His voice was strained. “Jessie’s death was not your fault. And if your war against the world’s economy is some act of penitent crusade because you believed you should have acted sooner, you should stop now, because all wars lead to men riding with demons, and yours is not necessary.”
I froze. Then I spoke. “I would like to repent now, Father. I’m done confessing for the day. Thank you for your guidance.”
“The forgiveness prayer, and then a full score Pater Nostrum and a dozen Ave Marias. The Rite of Penance again, the last one over the candle.” That last was unusual for Rivera, but I supposed I had just confessed to nine murders. 
“O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen.”
He finished at the same time I did, then I went to the pews and silently spoke the other, ritual repetitions. Then, I headed to the altar, placed my hand over the candle, and silently chanted out the prayer of Penance, trying to ignore the pain, and slowly pulled my hand out of the heat as I finished. It had driven my anxiety up, and I hadn’t realized the impact it would have, to do that, after the fire in the cafe. 
As I walked out of the church, I called my mother. “Yeah, Mom. I saw your other text. I probably should have…should have talked to you guys about her sooner. But yeah, uh…her and I are working together great. We met in class, but we’re kinda working together, on and off, on outside projects.”
“When do you want her to meet us, like formally?”
I froze. “Uh…I’ll talk to her, but I think she might be open to it? I had to meet hers, after all.”
“I’ll be there, Nils. Relax.”
I took a breath. “Okay.”
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frogsare-friends · 11 months
I'm Not Built for Helping Myself
chapter index | chapter 1 (you are here)
Nothing at the summer house felt the same without her there. That was the one and only thing I was confident would never change. Sometimes I wished I was back in Boston, with too many bad memories to make it a happy place. There I could be mad at her, at Dad, at Conrad, even. Here all I can picture is her smile, the one reserved for summer, for Cousins. The rest of the year were tight-lipped, plastered on smiles that never reached her eyes. I couldn't blame her, though. I wore the same one. Dad and Conrad, however, prefered a blank slate. Cold and bitter, telling everything and showing nothing.
I almost think that if I could leave, I would. I would go and never come back, never remember her smile, or the dresses that were still hung in her closet. When I was little Belly and I used to sneak into her room and play dress up. Belly wore her button down (the only one Susannah had owned) and made me wear her heels and her frilly dresses she'd buy for the fancy dinners Dad took her out to. They had stopped doing that when I was 12, they started back up as apology dinners when I was 14. We'd leave the place a mess, and looking back, Mom definitely knew what we were up to when we'd run off scheming, giggling to ourselves — unbeknownst to us that we were giggling to everyone else, too. Dad found us once, I was dressed in my mom's favorite shade of blue, Belly and I putting on her brightest red lipstick. I haven't touched makeup since, made Conrad put the contents of her vanity in a tote to go in the attic.
I think that if I ever really did leave, Conrad would kill me. I don't think Conrad could ever let people know how much he cares about them, not without hurting them. He's trying, I have to remind myself. Maybe he wouldn't kill me, maybe he would track me down and never stop texting and calling. Not to convince me to come back, just to yell at me. Just to hurt me enough to make sure I know Conrad cares about me, but not to care about me enough to make sure I know I hurt him. Maybe if I couldn't read Connie so well that approach would actually work.
"That's stupid," I think. I don't even make sense in my own head. I get why everyone wants me to be happy all the time now, it's so much less confusing for everyone.
"Jere, c'mon man. Liam's having a party tonight. You're the DD!" Steve yells as he runs past me, not waiting for me to object. I'm excited, excited to get out of my head a little. Spend some time with my brother, Steven, and — mainly — Belly.
I should go check on her. I'm so in love with her that sometimes I think it might kill me. I've never felt anything good so strongly, nothing that hasn't crushed my lungs. I know Conrad feels that way too, know about the panic attacks. Maybe I'm a bad brother for not telling him I know, but Conrad has always shut down when people notice things about him. The problem with me is that I never stops noticing, but I know how to pretend. I'd help, though, in a heartbeat. If I was there when he had one, mysterious older brothers be damned, I would help him. Would ask him for 5 things he can see. I don't have the heart to tell Conrad that anxiety is genetic, that I get them too. I can't tell him about how I get sick when I'm anxious, how I sit in bed and cry and have panic attack after panic attack when the weight of this house and the last get to be too much.
I want to. I want to look at Conrad and find what used to be there. But I can't. I try and bile rises up my throat, and really, that's the problem in the first place. So what's the point? I've never been one for holding grudges, and I'm not. If accused of it, I wouldn't deny it, but that's not what this is about. It's about trust. I trusted him, I needed him. And he wasn't there. I knows it's not fair, not fair to ask Conrad to take care of me, look after me, care about me. I know it's not fair, but I can't help thinking that I do it every time. Conrad thinks he's the only one that carries everything, but he isn't. I'm the one there to pick up the pieces and glue them back together whenever Conrad drops it. I've always looked up to Conrad, but more, I've always looked after Conrad. When Dad went to London for two weeks because he was mad at me, I was there for Connie, not the other way around. It's not fair, it never has been. But I can't help but want Conrad to care about me the way I care about Conrad. I know he cares about me as much, but I don't care how much he loves me if he won't say it, won't talk about it. I want more than for Con to love me a lot, I want him to love me well.
By the time I get upstairs, Belly is already dressed and putting on her makeup. God, I'll never get over how I can't breathe in a good way whenever I see her. Not like the world stops, like I stop. Because in the entire world all I'm thinking about is her. The world is still there, I just couldn't care less when she is too.
Then she turns around. And she's wearing the same dress that Mom used to love. The same one Dad once caught me in. The first of two times Adam Fisher ever laid a hand on either of his sons. And suddenly that good feeling of can't breathe, of too much is very much a bad feeling.
"Jere, what's wrong?" But I can't, I can't, I can't. She always could read me too well.
"I-" and I don't get the time to finish my sentence before I'm running to the bathroom. Pulling up the seat and dropping to my knees in front of the toilet. There's a soft hand on my back, rubbing it while her other one grabs a hair tie, pulling my hair back for me. God, I love her.
"It's okay, Jere. Shhh, it's okay. Let it out, I got you" she continues to whisper sweetly into my hair, kissing my head when the worst of it's over. I'm panting, trying to get rid of that feeling of not being able to breathe.
"Ew guys, no being in the bathroom togeth- Oh. You okay man?" Steven walks over, looking like he wants to help but would also rather be anywhere else. He does have a fear of throwing up, afterall.
"It's fine Steven, he'll be fine. I don't need you throwing up on the floor, get out of here. You and Conrad go, we're not gonna make it." I'm not mad at Jere for being sick, how could I be. But I will be mad if Steven doesn't get out of here and throws up all over the floor because of it. I'm not cleaning it up, and I'm definitely not rubbing his back.
"Are you sure you don't want us to stay here? We can go out and get some crackers," Steven offers, his back turned but still listening intently.
"No, you go man, I'm good. You've been looking forward to this all day, have a good night" I'm practically begging him. I like to think that if things were different, if I wasn't sobbing over a toilet, begging him to go, Steven would stay. I don't usually get what I like though.
"Yeah, alright dude. We'll see you tonight?" Steven walks out before he gets an answer, I wasn't sure he was really asking a question though.
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askthepsychic · 4 months
Part 2
As the day goes by, Twilight and Nyx continue to forego sleep. When noon comes with no sign of Fluttershy, Rey at first figures she’s just running late, but as the hours pass she begins to worry. Koenma has been with her all day, but he decides to briefly return to Spirit World in order to get someone to check on Fluttershy for Rey’s peace of mind. A few moments after he rejoins her, a new face joins them.
Koenma looks at the newcomer “ah, Yuna. Rey, as Spirit Detective, Yuna here will be working with you as your assistant. While you’re going to be the primary investigator and fighter, Yuna does have some potent skills of her own. Which makes sense considering she’s descended from two powerful warriors who played essential roles in the work of a former detective. Now, that being said, I assume you have a report regarding Fluttershy’s status?”
Yuna nods “yes, sir. I regret to inform it is apparent that we can no longer count on her involvement. Apparently one of her animal friends woke up sick this morning and has remained so all day.”
Rey grimaces “Fluttershy is nothing if not devoted to her animals. Out of curiosity, which animal is ill?”
Yuna looks at Rey “a rabbit named Marigold.”
Rey scoffs “of course it would be her. That rabbit is a direct descendant of Angel Bunny, an animal who was extremely cherished by Fluttershy in her original lifetime. That love has been inherited by his descendants. Heh. There’s practically no way Fluttershy will leave Marigolds side while she’s sick. She’s probably trying to convince herself that my message to her was just a strange dream, or that Twilight or Nyx must’ve fallen asleep at some point so she wasn’t needed in the end.”
Yuna nods “precisely. And while she’s convincing herself that you ended up not actually needing her at worst, you’re here watching time tick away without getting the necessary energy for your resurrection.”
Rey nods “and the silliest part is I can’t even be mad at my one hope. I love that Fluttershy is so caring towards her animals. Hmm. I wonder. Could my presence last night be responsible for Marigolds illness? I’ve heard it said that a ghost’s presence lowers the temperature around them and I’m sort of a ghost right now, right? Could the temperature change have made Marigold sick?”
Koenma hmms, rubbing his chin “it’s logical. Unfortunately.”
Rey sighs “so all that’s left now is to wait for this chance to be spent. I don’t believe for a second that mom or Nyx will fall asleep now, and Fluttershy’s not an option anymore either. As far as Spirit World’s ability to help me is concerned I’m finished.”
Koenma sighs. Yuna looks between the two of them, then looks at the clock in Rey’s room. There’s only three hours left until this gambit ends.
As the time ticks down, the three of them keep their vigil, Rey still secretly hoping for some miraculous last ditch effort, Koenma wondering if there was more he could’ve done to help Rey, and Yuna trying to think of a solution that might have escaped them.
Two hours left.
One hour left.
At forty seven minutes to the end, Yuna gasps, then Flies off as fast as she can, leaving the other two blinking surprisedly.
Meanwhile, at Fluttershy’s cottage, the pegasus sighs, taking a cloth from Marigold’s forehead to cool it down again. As she drops the cloth into a bowl of ice cubes and water, she blinks, hearing Marigold stirring. She looks back, but finds Marigold still asleep.
Then the descendant of Angel Bunny speaks.
“Fluttershy, you have to hurry. Time is running out. Remember your dream from last night. It was more than that. She needs you. You can get another animal to watch Marigold while you’re away. Please!”
Fluttershy blinks, stunned for a brief second, then turning to look towards the palace of friendship. She whispers one word “Rey” then she’s off like a rocket, pushing herself to achieve greater speed than she ever has before as she tries desperately to beat the clock.
As the clock approaches midnight, Rey blinks, not quite understanding what she just saw. The colors matched Fluttershy, but she’s never seen her move that fast.
Yuna comes up saying “she may not be known for it, but that pony can really move when she’s desperate. Marigold was asleep, so I temporarily possessed her to urge Fluttershy to act.”
Rey blinks “of course! One of the two criteria that are necessary for spiritual possession! I’m going in to get into position.”
The two Spirit World entities nod as Rey heads into her current bedchamber.
Five minutes left
Twilight and Nyx are startled by a commotion from the hallway, accompanied by what sounds like Fluttershy shouting out in desperation for Rey.
Four minutes left
Rey blinks, then flies through the door into the hallway, finding Fluttershy opening doors on each side of the hall.
Three minutes left
“Rey? REY!”
Two minutes left
Fluttershy charges down the hall, stopping outside Rey’s door.
One minute left
Fluttershy throws the door open, her eyes falling on Twilight and Nyx laying on either side of Rey’s body, the glow starting to fade as the clock begins to announce the passing of the hour.
One chime
Fluttershy begins moving towards Rey, ignoring the questions Twilight and Nyx are asking.
Two chimes
Three chimes
Four chimes
Five chimes
Six chimes
Tears fall in Fluttershy’s wake as she continues desperately trying to reach Rey before time runs out.
Seven chimes
Eight chimes
Nine chimes
Fluttershy reaches Rey’s bedside and jumps up to her side, leaning down over her.
Ten chimes
An inch apart
Eleven chimes
Twelve chimes
The clock goes silent
Fluttershy slowly parts her lips from Rey’s, praying to see some movement from the pokemon. She looks over Rey’s body, looking for any sign that she made it, but at first it seems she failed. Her ears finally register the sounds of Twilight and Nyx’s voices as her body begins to shake with sobs.
She spends the next moment filling the two alicorns in on her dream, Twilight soon embracing her in shared grief. However, the two are startled out of their tears by Nyx speaking.
“I don’t think you failed.”
Fluttershy blinks, looking over at Nyx.
The lunar alicorn looks back at her “mother may be a divine, but she’s not the right type of divine to perceive spiritual things. So she is taking you at your word because she missed the blue glow that passed up your throat and into Rey. The life energy you were so desperately trying to deliver to her. But I saw it. The transference was completed.”
Fluttershy blinks, then looks at Rey again. And… there. An expansion of her chest. The sound of an inhalation.
Her eyes open. She rises and turns to look at the three of them. “I’m sorry I scared you, Fluttershy. Getting back into my body wasn’t as straightforward as I was expecting.”
Fluttershy leaps out of Twilight’s embrace, giving Rey one of her own. Twilight and Nyx aren’t far behind, embracing both of them together as the relief washes over all of them. Rey knows she won’t have long to relax. A threat greater than any she has yet faced is on the horizon. She will have to resume her training in two days at the latest. And pray that what she can hopefully now learn will be enough to tip the scales against Grogar.
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duskwood-lovers · 2 years
Unnecessary Guilt
It's been 5 years, 5 years since everything has changed. Lilly and Hannah lost her brother and a friend even though Hannah never talk to Mc but what she hear from group Mc sounds like a good friend.
Jessy lost her best friend and a lover, she is not fine even after several meeting with therapist she still feels the same. Dan trying his level best to help jessy somehow.
Today is the day 5 years back, everyone life changed likely everyone.
Duskwood group decide to gather and visit graveyard. Firstly Jessy refused but everyone successful convinced her. Jessy,Lilly and Hannah start crying to see his brother and Richy grave. Even Richy was the one who was behind everything but still he was still their friend. Thomas, Cleo and Dan trying to comfort them. Dan himself trying not to cry but couldn't stop himself.
As it's getting dark they decided to stay at Thomas and Hannah apartment. Cleo and Lilly make coffee for everyone as they are sitting in the living room.
Dan:-What are you going Jessy?
Everyone looking at Jessy but she still try to call someone. They know who she is trying to call but there is no use. Dan sign and snitch Jessy phone.
Dan:- It has no use she is not gonna pick you call
Jessy:- how do you know?! She is my friend she lost the person she loves because of us. Do you even have any idea how I feel when we tell her that Police found to bodies in mine. Ever after the news she trying to be strong for us. But we are not their for her!
Cleo:- Jessy we tried. She suddenly stop replying in group, not picking our call. We don't know where she is. We even went to her home town.
Jessy:- yah, you know what they say she was crying and suddenly went somewhere and never come back. Do you know what does it mean?
Hannah:- Jessy please try to calm down please. Don't think negative.
Jessy suddenly start crying not only her but everyone.
Jessy:- what if she done something to herself. Oh nooo, I can't even imagine and everything happens because of us.
No one said anything. They know this guild will never let them survive and killing them day by day.
Somewhere in the abundant Island.
"seriously, we went outside for few hours and you messed the entire house" Mc and Blair looking at them furiously. Mc carry a little girl, Emma. They looking at them with horror.
Jake:- baby you come early I thought, you gonna be late.
Jake gave a nervous laugh to mc.
Jake went to mc take their 4 years old daughter in his arms.
Emma:- Daddy we had so much hun. We will go again daddy.
Jake laugh and look at mc. Mc couldn't help but smile at them as well.
Jake:- Princess, it's fun not hun. And you, me and mom will go their again. right love?
Before mc could reply. Blair yell.
Richy looking at Jake and mc for help but they start laughing at his state. Suddenly Jessy wake up and start crying. Yes, Richy and Blair named thier 2 years old daughter Jessy.
Everything is fine now. Those two bodies they find in the is of FBI agent who was trying to catch Jake but for his protection he kill them. They found in very bad condition.
Jake also take Richy with him. When everyone tell her that they found jake and Richy bodies she was broken. But after two days, An unknown message come to her phone with some coordinates. Mc decided to went in that coordinates with her best friend Blair. Blair know everything. As they went there, it's an old building.
They were hesitated at first but they went in. They saw a Richy and a guy completely covered. And the rest is history.
Mc still remember the day when jake ask her to leave everything behind start a new life with him. Mc teasing say to jake " you, me in an abundant Island" But never underestimate Jake after few days jake buys an entire island just for her. It's been 5 years but they still love each other very much.
Jake:- I love you Mc, you gave me life's best gift.
Mc:- I love you too
Emma:- I love you three
As they look at their daughter and Emma start giggling. They hug each other tightly this the life they want.
" Hello, this is my first oneshot I hope you like it 🙃😅"
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