#i remember when i saw sonic movie 2
multicolour-ink · 1 year
I'm honestly so glad I've spoilt most of the movie for myself -
because I would've made a huge embarrassment of myself if I saw it in the theatre for the first time 🤣
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
Avatar 2 is so funny to me cause they are pulling some absolute Rip Van Winkle shit
Everything that the first movie had to offer 15 years ago is no longer valuable now, so the entire thing feels stunted and forced and out of time, no matter how much they claim this is a cultural event. No one cares. No one remembers.
They overslept and woke up irrelevant.
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brrtchu · 4 months
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Brrtchu’s Sonic fusions
I did like, some sort of Sonic fusion or fan kid thingy— because I saw so many fan kids on my for you page and I wanted to draw my versions cuz I thought it was cute 🥺💕
I’ll make color at some other time but here they are.
They’re all mainly Amy because I love Amy and she’s the spotlight of all my content apparently 🥰💕
And I was going to make a gender bent version for each Amy fusion but got distracted when I shaded in Armageddon by accident. 😓😂😅
So for the first one, Strawberry and Sherbert— yes I spelled Sherbet wrong on purpose because—
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I am a bumbling Neanderthal 🥰💕 anyways, I thought that should lean more on the sporty “light-weight” kind of weapon. Since Amy has her GIANT but cute hammer. And since Sonic has his speedy thing and Amy has a bird friend, I figured we give Strawberry an expertise in badminton, I call it birdie bullets. These birdies are special for ranged combat when she needs to. I thought a baseball bat was too generic and kinda violent. When she gets faster with each hit, she causes more damage that causes piercing. You can hear whistling too. She uses her speed too I guess lol.
As for the Shadamy fusion, Calamity, she is based off of Maria Robotnik’s design from Sonic X and sci-fi space suits with “roller blades” that I got inspiration from Big Hero Six. 😅😂 Her weapon is kinda weird in concept, but remember Bakugons and toy spinning tops? I forgot what that toy was called when they were combined, but it was like that and my brothers played with them all of the time. She has an arm band where she pulls the pin and the spinning top is released and enlarges. I call it Tornado. Because it destroys things in its path for a few seconds before you have to go retrieve it. She got a lot of silly gadgets. But sometimes she uses the chaos emerald if we want to get the easy way out. 🙄 of course we wanna use the silly bakugon spinning top. Her genderbent version, Armageddon, design is based off of Dr. Robotnik from the Sonic 2 movie. So yeah.
As for personality, they should all be the same but I’m bad at making personality. Lol
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hall0wedwyrm · 2 months
Basically, TLDR i saw a fake screenshot on TikTok showing Amy in the Knuckles series and it got me thinking about how she... doesn't quite fit in the movieverse yet...
So here is my long rant about why it would be bad for her to join in Movie 3 and she should be saved for a future installment.
to preface: I DO NOT HATE AMY OR HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST HER. I think shes wonderful and shes literally a main character so shes very important obviously.
First, the elephant in the room. Shadow the Hedgehog. One of, if not THE most, complex character in the Sonic franchise, let alone in the main expanded cast. Having to introduce, and illude to, aspects of Shadow’s backstory (his relationship with Maria and Gerald, The ARK, how he was made, and the fallout) and his future (returning with amnesia in his next appearance, potentially introducing the Black Arms and some of the Heroes and Shad05 story beats that are important who he becomes) in about an hour and a half to 2 hours. I just don’t see how it would be a good idea to introduce a core member of Sonic’s friends into the movie series when she could be introduced later so that Shadow has more of a time to shine, and Amy can too later on.
Historically, Amy’s talk to Shadow to remind him of his promise to Maria has been filled in by another character when the plot called for it. In Sonic X, during its own adaptation of SA2, Chris spoke to Shadow to try and help him remember his real purpose and talk sense into him. While it didn't exactly work out, it shows that this role could be interchangable in SEGA’s eyes. I propose a similar story, using Tom’s niece Jojo. Being a character who is around Maria’s age and doesn’t have a complete character behind her as of now, this could be a more meaningful way for Shadow to realise his purpose and remember his promise. Hearing the words from someone who is like Maria (a young girl who cares about Earth) would be more impactful to him. I can see any human character taking up this role though, but Jojo would be the best candidate, due to her simiarities to Maria.
However, while not introducing another new character could be good for not overcrowding the movie with new arcs and introductions involving them, I could see this working for one character; Rouge the Bat. She was introduced along with Shadow in SA2, which is immediately a good sign, as their plots intertwine with each other. They both work with Eggman, until they turn the focus on saving the world. Rouge is one of Shadow’s closest companions going forward, and has her own arc too. She is the one who frees Shadow in Heroes, and rekindles their friendship there.
Rouge also could connect back to the previous movie. Being a jewel thief at heart, she goes after the Master Emerald, but in Movieverse its destroyed and the Chaos Emeralds are retrieved from it. She is established as being the Rival to Knuckles, and this could help him fill a new purpose on Earth (cos lets be honest… he didn’t really do that in his show-) of becoming a protector of the Chaos Emeralds instead or something. The main part of SA2 is about the Chaos Emeralds so this makes sense. Refinding the Emeralds or going to the right spot to use them and such but thats besides the point.
Another huge loss of introducing Amy in Sonic 3 is missing out on how she was introduced in the franchise. In Sonic CD, she was introduced along side another key character in the franchise; Metal Sonic. She saw a blue hero coming to help her, believing it to be Sonic, but turned out to be Metal instead. Having Amy navigate the trio around and give them the lore would make a lot of sense, given the way that others were introduced in the second installment.
Its also appropriate for this introduction too, since Metal Sonic is the perfect equal to Sonic, compared to Shadow's unintentional equal. After Eggman's failure of using Shadow, creating Metal is the next best thing. Whatever the story is with Metal, whether its faithful to Sonic CD or is twisted to fit the Movieverse story.
Now... I think introducing Amy could also mess up a lot of aspects of what the movieverse has set up for the stories of the characters. I 100% know that they will try and pull off a romance for Sonic and Amy, since its one of her main character arcs and for the longest time and its kind of (??) the main romance of the franchise. BUT according to the Sonic Dream Team character profiles, and the ending of Frontiers, she's drifted away from that interest in him... so to go back to that would be a really weird choice. I know its a different universe, but if SEGA is trying to steer away from that, then why would they go back on it?
PLUS I think it would be a huge detriment to both of their characters. Movie Sonic is much different to the Sonic's of the past, as he has all of the charms of Modern Sonic (his quick wit and charming personality) but hes younger and less experienced and jumps head first without thinking because he doesn't know what to actually do. He was thrown into the role of the hero in the first movie because the place he grew up was being threatened and he refused to run away. Amy being introduced as solely 'the love interest' also does a disservice to her character. She's strong willed, and unafraid to stand up to Eggman and any other wrong doer. She's also rather hot headed but still kind and cares for those who matter. (this is also part of a larger discussion i wrote about how in canon Sonic and Amy wouldn't work out because they want different things and are very different people but thats for a different day and/or if anyone is interested). Sonic immediately switching to a head-over-heels guy would be a complete ruin of his character built up, while also immediately destroying Amy's.
Another problem is that there isn't a focus on romance of any kind in the story so far, and introducing it could mess up what they have going. The Movie's are clearly about familial love and growing up and filling the boots of a hero. It is not a story of romance in any way. The first movie was friendship, the second was about family bonds and making new friends, and the third is most likely about trust or learning to trust again (Shadow has to trust Sonic to save the world). It'll also be a huge moment for Sonic's character; Meeting someone who is not just against him and Knuckles and Tails, but against the world itself, someone who is so hellbent on revenge for the one he lost, and how hes going to over come that WHILE meeting his new love interest... is a huuuuge task to pull off and the two stories don't really mix imo. Plus even in SA2 the extent of the romance is just 'Amy mistaking Shadow for Sonic and then she thinks its awkward and gets embarrassed and thats how they meet for the first time'.
So yeah this could be done much better if it's something thats going to happen, and it would be better left for a 4th or separate installment. Having a mini romance arc along with the Metal Sonic stuff works better because the introduction of a potential romance was worked more into Sonic CD than anything.
Im still gonna be pissed off if they do a romance, because Sonic the Hedgehog has never been about romance... but its also a multimillion kids film franchise and its bound to happen, especially when its the main male and main female character. Just know i won't enjoy it lol.
IF they do Amy... I want tarot cards AND the Piko Piko Hammer and if you take either of them away i will be causing problems (on purpose). If you give her the original outfit +11 points and if you make up an outfit whatever as long as it works and its cute (I'm partial to Dungarees myself).
anyway yeah id like to see other opinions on this... maybe some other ways it could work out? or how else she could be introduced? or maybe even of she could be in Sonic 3 but idk what they would do for her to make her not get sidelined or overtake the plot...?
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ezgurple · 2 years
hi i luv ur art sm!! i saw that ur leo’s voice is roger craig smith, so i was wondering if u like the sonic games or movies??
yerp i LOVE SONIC I LOVE LOVE LOVE SONIC he’s so rad. i was watching a lot of sonic x and sonic boom at the beginning of the year then sonic 2 came out and I WENT INSAAAAAANE.. i love sonic. AND I WANNA WATCH SONIC PRIME I JUST HAVEN’T FOUND THE TIME!!!!aaaa anyway.. oh yeh i haven’t played any new sonic games tbh, im not much of a gamerrrr but i have played like the og games and like watching other ppl play his stuff.
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i also gave my leo roger’s voice becuz i wuz watching regular show 24/7 a while back and had no idea wut voice i wanted to give leo so when i heard thomas and benson talking i wuz like aaah yes that’s leo and donnie! then i remembered roger also does the voice for sonic and i was like OMG PEERRRRRRFEEECT. hehehehe idk im crazy
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monkey-network · 1 year
Good Stuff: The Super Mario Bros Movie
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A fan shouldn't always sugarcoat it. Even if you get something you never figured you'd ever want but appreciate a lot, that doesn't mean a bias should bury any deeper feelings. What I'm getting at is Illumination's Super Mario Bros Movie can be so awesome and it was worth going to the theaters to see personally, but I can't get over the crippling flaw it has to say it was as great as I could say now. Better to be honest now than get increasingly unfulfilled later. First, though, I gotta give the props where they are due.
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First, Bowser was The Best in this and I want him
For real, the animation was what I waiting for this whole time, no problems here. The film is fun. If it wasn't fun, that means Disney would've made it and it'd never come out anyways because of "creative differences". Illumination I found can make animations that are really bouncy fun, and it's best shown here. Plus the characters look incredible, DK especially, and there are moments where, in the best way, it felt like a cutscene from a video game I would want to play. Not to snipe at the Sonic movies, but this is seriously what I've wanted from video game movies since... Angry Birds 2? Like enough with the hybrid live-action crap, make a cartoon if the sourced game is about a CARTOON universe. "You mean like Ratchet & Cla-"
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We do not... talk about that one.
This leads to something tricky I had in mind to discuss, and that's "faithfulness". Not long ago I watched the 1993 Mario Bros movie, a fiasco that one can argue was unfaithful to most of the source materials even with the few things they got right. Did we get something more suitable here? Well, I definitely wasn't annoyed with the fucking stupid discourse surrounding Peach's characterization and Mario's voice that's for sure. Many will cite this as having a great fuckton of references but I enjoyed the liberties they took whether or not they were references. The fact it starts out in Brooklyn made me already smile but the final act had my booty jiggle with unhinged glee. There's some corniness to it, especially with the certain musical needle drops they do, but even then it felt like they reveled in the corniness of those moments. This made me believe Nintendo and Illumination were looking to just make it excitable and enjoyable regardless of what fits where. It pains me though, knowing that there is that crippling flaw I mentioned at the beginning because while this film was fun, it went by fast. Ludicrously so... disjointedly so.
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It was the Apex Cinema Speedrun, if you will
Many negative reviews claim this has a very thin plot and I honestly didn't consider that a wholly bad thing. A thin plot doesn't mean it wasn't cohesive or focused, or that there weren't any arcs to be had. The real problem comes in that certain moments don't feel earned when we barely get any time to cherish them. The pacing of this was kinda atrocious, the tight runtime truly being a detriment behind ideas for characters getting brought up well only to have shallow payoffs. Peach and Luigi especially had something about them I wanted to see more of, but before you got to see the plant blossom, they keep chugging and you're like "Ah, that's it?" They didn't need to spell everything out but let the characters breathe.
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Bowser and DK felt like the exception
If this was the only movie we ever got again (knocking on wood), the fun of it all would soon subside for increased disappointment in the long run. I could say "This needs more movie" as a compliment, but that would mean I was fine with what we got. The live-action film, batshit as it was, felt consistent with everything it wanted to show and tell whether or not you saw the director's cut. That's why it became a cult hit, you remember how batshit it was. I genuinely enjoyed the film, but even with its many stand-out moments, it's gonna be hard to remember this film as much as I want to.
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Except for Lumalee, I don't ever wanna forget them
I won't tout this overall as mid or "playing it safe" because they did so much right with this. When I say they stuck the landing with the Mario brothers themselves, that genuinely got to me. When we got the adventure, I relished the adventure. Like for the love of god, give me more of all this PLEASE! However, I won't give it a pass and call it perfect just because it tickled the Nintendo fan in me. Illumination's great when it comes to being in the moment, that's why I stopped hating on them, but in terms of their films having staying power this being a Mario film is carrying it hard from being a potentially forgettable one. For me, this is the movie adaptation of the Super Mario Super Show I never knew I wanted but looked forward to and felt was worth it. At the same time, my mind is fighting my heart strong knowing this Mario movie could've definitely been stronger. My final say is that it's a 6/10 movie with 10/10 moments. If you're looking for fun, this delivers no doubt, and don't let this review stop you from calling it a personal masterpiece.
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What matters is that Mario finally made the Range
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imagine-darksiders · 1 year
Hey. I was re-watching both of the Sonic movies last night and I remembered you saw them too (or at least the second one) and was just wondering if you've watched either of them again since? Honestly, they were just as good as when I watched them the first time, and I can't wait for Sonic 3!
Dude I went to the cinema like 3 times to see Sonic 2, the found family got to me okay?
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synamartia · 2 months
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❖ Call me Syn, Syna, or Raina, or whatever comes to mind when you think of me~ ( be nice, there ain't none of that negativity here ! ) I'll also respond to Smut Santa / Saint Dickolaus! 😉
❖ I'm 29, about to be 30. I'm afab and use female pronouns. Happy mama of 2 beautiful babes~ They come first before anything else, so if I don't get back to you in a timely manner or like... at all... that's why. Or maybe I just don't like you. ( nahhh that's not it ... ? )
❖ Previously went by Taqsyq, but after YEARS of being out of the writing game and just off of tumblr in general, I've decided to start over fresh. I started Taqsyq when I was like sixteen or seventeen, still in my nerdy emo girl phase fuck I still am, and there is a shit ton of things that I just wanna run away from when it comes to that blog/username, including some very bad memories that I'm not going to discuss publicly. Plus, again: seventeen, nerdy emo girl phase. Everything I wrote on that blog was the highest form of OOC cringe like you just saw a stripper accidentally slam her hoo-ha on a pole bullshit for me. The only reason I'm not deleting it is because I'm a memory hoarder and despite all the bad, I want to keep it for all the good that happened there as well. Besides, it's the account that I ran imagine-reborn (an imagines blog for Katekyo Hitman Reborn) under and I figured, if nothing else, I could get a few laughs and maybe even learn a thing or two from how god-awful teenage me was at writing.
❖ My rules are simple. Be kind to all: this is a safe zone for EVERYONE. I would like to keep it that way. I don't have a list for what I will and will not write (yet), so all I can tell you is: ask. My inbox is always open. If I don't feel comfortable writing something, I'll let you know!
❖ Minors: as of right now, I don't think I'll be posting anything that is safe for your consumption, so I would very much appreciate it if you did not interact. If you are not a minor and do not have an age indicator, this rule applies to you as well. I check my follower list daily and I WILL block anyone that does not adhere to this rule.
❖ Requests: Closed ( not for long. I promise ;D )
❖ Currently, I only write for Hazbin Hotel. But I'm open for discussion on anything else on my list down below! I'm always looking for something new to watch/read, so if you have any recommendations, fire away!
❖ Series ; Current Hyperfixation: Hazbin Hotel
Anime : Naruto ; InuYasha ; Death Note ; Bleach ; Hellsing ; Soul Eater ; Fruits Basket ; D.Gray-Man [ Original / Hallow ] ; Kuroshitsuji ; Katekyo Hitman Reborn ; Ao No Exorcist ; Yu Yu Hakusho ; Full Metal Alchemist ; One Piece* ; Shingeki No Kyojin ; Kimetsu No Yaiba ; Jujutsu Kaisen**
* Still trying to catch up. This is a massive anime, and I've spent the better half of this past year trying to watch it all. I've made it to the Raid on Onigashima, the part where Yamato got his bracelets removed. Love him, by the way! <3
** Nanaminnnn~! I am not okay about anything with this man. <3
Manga / Manhwa : Everything mentioned above ; Noblesse ; Bloody Cross ; Area D
TV : Hazbin Hotel ; Game Of Thrones ; Vikings ; Avatar: The Last Airbender ; The Legend Of Korra ; Supernatural
Books : A Song Of Ice & Fire ; Twilight Saga why did teenage me think it was the greatest series ever shoot me now fucking christ
Video Games : Final Fantasy Series + Individual Prequels, Sequels, Movies, Remakes* [ 7 / 9 / 10 / 13 / 15** ] ; Tales Of Series [ Legendia / Zestiria / Berseria / Arise ] ; Devil May Cry Series ; Kingdom Hearts Series*** ; Star Ocean Series [ Till The End Of Time / The Divine Force ] ; The Legend Of Zelda [ A Link To The Past ] ; Sonic Series ; Spyro Series ; Shining Force Series [ 1 / 2 ] ; Lufia Series [ Fortress Of Doom / Rise Of The Sinistrals ] ; Diablo 3 ; Lunar [ Silver Star Story Complete ] ; Infinite Undiscovery ; to be updated as I remember / play.
* So far, I've only played the first installment of Final Fantasy 7 Remake because I currently do not own a PS5, but I'm working on it. The Compilation of Final Fantasy 7 is my absolute favorite series of all time. I could watch Advent Children ( original and complete ) on repeat, and I've played the original release so many times that I don't even need a guide to get a 100% on a brand new save ( Obsessed much? Yup ). I'm a completionist at heart, and this game is amazing and it provides a massive sense of nostalgia for me.
** SLIGHT SPOILER (maybe? You've been warned) Another amazing installment in the Final Fantasy series, this game is so well written in my opinion. It stays away from the bigger cliches you see in most RPGs ( eg : the guy gets the girl, friendship is the key to saving the world, etc. ), the characters are so individually complex, the villain technically wins and reminds you how easy it would be for you to become the same type of monster. Plus badass women that fix your car, lights up entire cities, wakes up the fucking Gods to fight on your side, takes the entire mercenary army they led and defects to your side? IN HEELS? YES PLEASE. It has one of the best enemy turned ally characters in the FF series; I'm just disappointed we didn't get to see much of Aranea after everything in Tenebrae. Also Ardyn has some serious daddy vibes, and I would literally give my left tit just to lick Aranea's boot ( oh, the things I would do to these two, phew~ ).
*** Let's be real here. The Kingdom Hearts Series makes zero sense if you didn't play all of them and you didn't pay attention to each and every detail, and I did neither. I played 2 and 3 when they originally came out, but in my defense: it doesn't look like a series that follows a singular story, something that I did not know at the time, and usually the series I play have an entirely different story per installment ( eg : Final Fantasy and Tales Of ). I tried to piece together the story from online synopses and second hand game play ( I watched someone else play ), and it just didn't work out. So, suffice to say, my knowledge of Kingdom Hearts goes about as far as basic facts regarding Organization XIII because they were my whole reason for trying the games in the first place. I'm still open to discussion about it, though! Just keep in mind my side will be very limited. Sorry!
To Be Read / Watched / Played : Helluva Boss ; Phantasy Star Series ; Final Fantasy Series [ 1-6 / 8 / 11-12 / 14 / 16 ] ; Diablo 4 ; Black Clover ; Hell's Paradise ; Fairy Tale ; The Seven Deadly Sins ; My Hero Academia
❖ Look out below for a face reveal!
Dividers used © anitalenia
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segasister · 7 months
saw there’s a teaser poster for sonic 3 and I remember the memes about after sonic 2 got released they predicting everything to go silent when the sega logos are followed by “50 years ago” but what are the ways that the marketing for this next movie can be safistically cruel to the fans who knows the story? How about a poster that’s a broken framed picture of shadow and Maria smiling and there’s a reflection of a gun in the frame. I know it’s dark with the tone of the movies even with the dark moments they did have but hardcore fans have expectations if they want to adapt THIS story
Now the question is… who are they going to cast as Maria…?
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tenpixelsusie · 11 months
just remembered that it's been over a year since when i saw sonic 2 and booed at the harry potter trailer that played before the movie
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 1 year
What about launchpad and storkules? Himbo to himbo communication
I had no clue what to do so I just went silly and goofy with it!
Send me asks pairing two of the Ducktales good guys and I will write a short fic with them interacting. Not for Ships. Based on this post.
Fic below:
"Do you want to go see the new Sonic movie with me?" Launchpad asked. He had been asking people all week and everyone had either been too busy or too uninterested to take him up on the offer.
Storkules' eyes widened in surprise and delight.
"There's more than one?"
"Yeah! People really liked the voice actor, it's going to be a whole franchise."
"I would be honored to accompany you to see the Sonic."
"Awesome," Launchpad said with a grin, "I'll buy the tickets and you buy the snacks."
"Deal," Storkules agreed.
Neither of them quite remembered who the other was, just vague associations in their error screen minds, but the plan had been set.
That evening the pair met at the theater and headed inside.
A few people were distracted from the star-studded sequel by the presence of an actual god, but if Storkules and Launchpad noticed the staring they didn't audibly react.
Still, enough people posted about the Storkules sighting online that word got back to Dewey, who stayed up waiting for Launchpad like an expectant parent.
"Farewell, new friend. I hope to accompany you to the cinema again," Storkules said before taking his leave. He still had absolutely no clue who his companion was.
"Same!" Launchpad called after him, equally as oblivious. He beamed when he saw Dewey waiting for him.
"Dude, Sonic 2 was so good. The guy playing Sonic is like, crazy talented."
"Good to know. So, when did you become friends with Storkules?"
"Whoa, what a sick name. I didn't know you could name yourself after the gods. Maybe I should change my name..."
"Launchpad, that's the real Storkules."
Launchpad's eyes grew wide.
"Ohhhhh. I should not have made him pay for popcorn."
"I have a feeling that he didn't mind paying for popcorn." Dewey considered it for just a second before realizing that it actually made a lot of sense that Launchpad had unwittingly become friends with Storkules. Those two were actually perfect for each other.
"I'm glad you enjoyed your movie, Launchpad."
"I'll watch it again if you want to go," Launchpad offered.
"I might just take you up on that." The Sonic voice actor was really good, after all.
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bridoesotherjunk · 5 months
why are people even hyped for the sonic movies? tbh they're kinda awful, and the only reason people even give a shit about them is that they feel vindicated about successfully cyberbullying paramount into redesigning sonic.
the characters don't even feel in character. robotnik is literally just 90s jim carrey. sonic has a weird backstory about an owl. knuckles doesn't even SOUND like knuckles. about the only redeeming factor is tails
and now learning paramount is pro-israel it's time to make sonic 3 bomb hard. there's plenty of other, better sonic media
Okay, now that I'm off work I can finally answer this properly.
Firstly - i'm just gonna let you sit on that first question for a minute and see if you understand that you just asked me why people are hyped for a movie series about a massively popular videogame franchise that has been around for literally 30+ years. Sonic is older than I fucking am.
Secondly - anon. I adore Shadow the Hedgehog, and he is my favorite character in the Sonic franchise and I will probably continue to post about him and share reblogs if his design is revealed, but I personally am not planning on going and spending money to see this movie after finding out about Paramount's support for Israel. I don't really post about it on my blog, but I have been participating in boycotts of multiple brands. Paramount, and by extension Nickelodeon, is now one of them. Please do not mistake my posting of Shadow hype for me saying that I'm okay with Paramount. I just like Shadow and think he looks cool.
Thirdly - i completely disagree with your take on the Sonic movies. The Sonic franchise was dragged through SHIT through the 2010s. NONE of the characters were acting like themselves. Look up videos of people criticizing Sonic Forces. Tails is horrendously written in that game, but the others are not much better. The Sonic Movies -Sonic Movie 2, especially, have absolutely helped to repair the massive damage done to the brand thanks to Sega being way too strict. Knuckles was more in character in Sonic Movie 2 than he has been in YEARS in any of the other media. The amount of fans I saw saying that Knuckles finally felt like Knuckles again was insane. I remember the older games, back when he was still taken seriously and wasn't just "big dumb musclehead" stereotype. And then Sonic himself is acting more like the older tv shows' versions of him. Like in Sonic Underground and parts of Sonic X. He's fun, he's childish, that's who they chose to make Sonic this time. His personality has been so all over the place that I'm really not too picky, as long as he isn't completely stupid. These movies feel like they were made by someone who LOVES Sonic. You can tell the writers and the director actually give a shit about this franchise. They got kind of fucked over in the first movie, but were given more freedom in the second.
Fourthly(?) - To be fair, people have a solid reason to feel vindicated for bullying Paramount into changing Sonic's design. That's literally never fucking happened before. Studios typically DO NOT LISTEN to what fans complain about. They scoff and say "Well we know better than you, so shut up."
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sege-h · 5 months
Thoughts on the State of Play reveal
Under a readmore just in case
1- I know I said I'd keep the Son*dow tag blocked for a bit after Prime ended but I think I'll keep it blocked till the end of the year now lmao
2- I know the rumor has been going around since yesterday but I took it with a grain of salt since it's. Yknow. A rumor. But even when I let myself think 'what if its real tho' this is SO FAR FROM WHAT I EXPECTED. A!!! I thought at most we'd get is a remaster that'd also make Shadow playable! As soon as I saw the new level I was like WAIT WHAT. WAIT WHAT!!?!? and it just kept going from there!!!
I'm so happy we'll be getting a HD biolizard fight! He'll no longer be contained to the 3DS! Also from what little we saw Shadow will get to have some dynamic posing in the boss fights, like Super Sonic did in Frontiers. Good! I loved those!
3- Ian Flynn has #KnowingSmile'd the announcement and I'm hoping this means he got to write for whatever new content there is.
And speaking of Frontiers! I'm hoping that this ends up being Shadow's 'Frontiers' moment. In that his writing and character get what Amy's, Tails', and Knuckles' did in Frontiers.
4-I had the stream off to the side in another tab since I wasn't interested in most of what was shown. And then I heard the first few notes of the Generations music and i immediately switched tabs and I just!!! Feel like I did in 2011 except my computer/internet is way better, and you tube is shittier!
5- I'm excited for this for such Me reasons. For those new here- I live in a country that had no Sonic stuff for...well, never, really. Not until about 2022. The second movie did what I'd hoped the first movie would do (but then the pandemic happened) and brought over Sonic stuff here. For the first time in my life I went to a toy store here and it had Sonic stuff. I got to buy physical Sonic comics for the first time. For the first time in my life I can go to a video game store and actually see Sonic games there. It's been wild
That being said, 2011 had Nothing. Sonic Generations came out. And I didn't want to pirate it because a friend of mine had worked on it. I was determined to find it. And I only saw it irl one time- for the Playstation. A console I've never had. It was pretty upsetting! I remember posting about it here even....I've been on tumblr too long SHDGSHDHS
Later I'd find that there was a 3DS version. I have that! So I looked for that version of it alongside the PC one
So, for almost a decade, I looked, to no avail. And for this whole time I refused to look at any playthroughs! Any knowledge I had on whats in the game came from the trailers we saw
And then in 2019 my best friend helped me buy the 3DS version. I had 9 dollars on my 3DS and whenever the game went on sale it'd be on for 10 dollars. So he gave me a dollar and helped me get it SHDGSHDH
So I finally experienced Generations! It was surprise after surprise in that one, because I knew it was different but I didn't know how. I didn't expect a Rush level in it, or for the Biolizard to be in there!
And then in late 2020 when I got my new computer and could finally get steam, another close friend got me Generations for the PC! I'd somehow managed to dodge spoilers on it all those years so all I knew about it was: Theres Green Hill, Chemical Plant, City Escape, and a Silver boss fight.
I got to play modern City Escape for myself- which is the level that inspired the current iteration of my main OC, Storm. It was a joy
All this rambling to say...it's wild to think that once this remaster comes out, I'll be able to get it day 1, at least I hope I will. Still-it won't take me almost a decade to get to it
And if there's a physical release? I'll be able to go to a store here- HERE, not in one of our neighboring countries, not from somewhere else, but in a store here. Right across the street. And I'll finally have a physical copy of Generations. That was my final goal with the game-- I love it, I have two versions of it! And the plan was always that even though I'd gotten to play them now, if I ever ran into a physical copy of the game, I'd buy it. And now I'll really get to do it
6- Bonus thought of me being silly: Wowow my OC was shown at the State of Play--
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mystery--mist · 5 months
Saw your answer to the question about Sonic Movie 1 outselling Birds of Prey and wanted to put my own 2 cents into it. That being I agree that they are 2 different types of movies and people should stop comparing them. This reminds me of the Mario Movie (2023) and how it's fanbase got really toxic to be honest.
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It's why I had to make this stamp on my DA! I'm not saying that the movie's a bad movie but I'm saying that the defenders of this film act horrible. They attack the critics on RT for giving this movie a 58% score (let me remind you while that is a negative score it's not as bad as some other movies with low scores) and because of that its fans were saying that critics were wrong or even were trying to put their political believes into it. By saying that all the critics are "woke" when if you actually took the time to read the reviews you can see why people aren't in love with this film as many Mario fans are. It works better as a fun little time for fan service then a narrative with substance.
Oh wow! Sorry but I had to check again that answer cause I didn't even remember it haha (that happen when people ask me every 10 years)
I didn't know about this issue with Mario Movie, since I'm not very into the Mario fandom honestly. I did watch the movie and I enjoyed a lot with every reference about the franchise, I didn't expect anything else more than simple plot for children and a ton of references for the fans, honestly. The visual is precious, they did a very good job that Mario fans can enjoy, but that's all, I don't see it as The Movie of the Year XD nor a big deal. That would be my opinion about the movie.
And well, like in any other fandom, there's toxic people/fans who just throws bullshit though their mouth so as always...
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These toxic people will be always the rotten shit part of the fandom sadly (any fandom). The best would be ignore them and don't give them any attention which that's what they want. These kind of "fans", if you can call them fans, don't have a realistic view of the things and whatever they like it will be in an altar and idealized. That is a tunnel vision and closed when it comes to giving an opinion. I mean, you can have your opinion and liking or not something, totally respectful, but you can't force people to agree with you and state your opinion is absolutely true and anyone else is wrong. So nasty and toxic behaviour. As you said:
"if you actually took the time to read the reviews you can see why people aren't in love with this film"
They are totally blind due to their ego and all to take their time to check why and understand to others. I can say it's a waste of time to try to argue with them, eh. Gosh how I hate people who put politic shit in topics like these ones, I hate politic in general, actually.
Anyway, sorry for answer late, sometimes I take my time to reply asks :P I like dedicating my full time and interest in answering.
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power-rings · 9 months
Till Death Do Us Part: Chapter 2 His Presence
[previous chapter] [next chapter here]
Everyday since that day when Amy felt able to finally get back to work, without a breakdown, she had swore I had seen Shadow on the other side of the street. Was he watching out for her? Anytime she tried to confront him, he was mysteriously gone. Each evening that she took the stroll home, she still felt his gaze. She wasn't sure whether to be creeped out, or what. Amy shook her head, picking up the pace. For once since late last month, I actually looked forward to getting home. Her kids had came home just last week; their house felt normal now. Oh, how relieved Amy had felt when they embraced her the moment she opened the door. While at work, typically Tails watches the kids, or on the rare occasion Rouge or Knuckles will.  In the morning, the kids will be returning to school, she wanted to get as much time with them this evening as she could. Her youngest son Mach will be starting kindergarten, while Lily will be starting 2nd grade. Lily was ecstatic, while her brother was full of butterflies. At the dinner table, I would encourage Mach about school, and remind him he won't be having a full day until the next week. We had pizza at the dinner table, thanks to Tails for ordering for them before I had even gotten home. Once Tails left the house, I started helping the kids with preparing their lunches for the next day. Mach was a lot more pickier than his sister, he hated crust on his sandwiches, while Lily didn't mind. The three soon joined each other on the sofa, watching one of their favorite movies together. Summer days were ending for them, and my heart ached slightly. She was gonna be alone again. Dread started to seep in. Mach was going to be gone more, which was another reason why she was relieved she started working again to bring in some income, and keep herself busy. In her heart though, she will miss these days home alone with her youngest son. She wondered if he felt the same? Once the credits rolled, Amy got them ready for bed. She watched from the doorway as Lily sat on her bed, and set an alarm for herself. Lily sure has matured since Sonic had passed. When she saw her mother, she smiled warmly. They embraced, and Amy kissed her on the head. Their gaze locked with one another, feeling as though they were thinking the same thing. They laid on the bed together, Lily talking about that trip she took, and the accident with the jellyfish stinging Mach. Which, as Tails exclaimed Mach had handled it like a pro. The pair talked about Sonic, remembering those nights he'd be in the bedroom tucking her in. Or perhaps getting Mach fired up, causing him to get too excited to sleep. Neither of them never thought, they'd have to actually miss those moments. Yet, here they were. When Lily fell asleep on her shoulder, Amy carefully moved and tucked her in. Tears stinging her eyes, that she held back earlier.  When she went to check on Mach, he was on the floor playing with some video games. Sternly, she told him to put it away and get to bed. Just like with Lily, Amy lingered in his room and they sat on his bed. Mach rest on her lap, not much was said between the pair, except Amy asking Mach to make sure he didn't forget anything for school. She made a mental note to check his bookbag before she gets to bed. Like many nights before Amy stroked his ear until he had fallen asleep; which it didn't take long. Now that he was tucked in, Amy turned to switch off his bedside lamp and kissed him on the head before leaving. 
The hallway to her bedroom felt like it went on forever, she hesitated Infront of her doorway. So eerily quiet.  Last week, Amy got tired of sleeping on the couch because it was hurting her back now. Now feeling like maybe this would help her sleep, she got rid of the sheets that her and Sonic would sleep on together, and replaced them with fresh new bedding. New pillows and everything. It seemed to help her get to sleep, as well as some music playing to provide more noise to make up for the lack of Sonic's snoring that she oddly missed. She eventually fell asleep around 2 that morning. Amy must have slept hard, because when her alarm went off at 5am that morning, she didn't even move an inch. It wasn't until, 6:30am when Lily came into the bedroom. "Mom?" Her ears twitched, slowly lifting her head, blinking in confusion. Why had her daughter came in her room, at this hour? On a weekend- Oh shit. She gave her daughter an apologetic gaze before pulling the covers off of her body. The frantic hedgehog got her slippers on and quickly made her way into the kitchen, she wanted to make sure they had a good breakfast before school. She prepped some pancakes, with Lily's help, and cut up some fruit, and fixed some glasses of orange juices.  After Mach was rudely waken up by his sister, they sat around the table to enjoy the first meal of the day. To Amy, time flew by and before she knew it she was helping them get their belongings, and head out the door. Since the school was walking distance, the three of them walked along the sidewalk, when they got closer to the school building they saw two rows of cars for drop-off.  Some teachers guided them inside, while a lot of the parents had wished to walk them to the entrance. Lily knew where she was suppose to go, when she saw two of her friends from her previous classroom, she gave Amy a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek... leaving her brother and mom behind. A lady welcomed Amy and Mach inside, while doing so, the young hedgehog gripped his mom's hand tighter. Deep down she wanted to just turn around and take the kids back home, sure it was only gonna be for 6 hours but the loneliness in that house would drive her insane. Mach's kindergarten teacher greeted them warmly, Mach was guided to his desk, while Amy and his teacher had a quick conversation. Soon, Amy wished him a great first day, embraced him tightly. Alongside Amy, other parents said their goodbye's and went on their way. Amy stopped at the end of the curb, quickly texting Tails how the drop-off went. Once she looked up, she noticed a familiar motorcycle in the parking lot. Nah, it couldn't be him. As she inched closer, her curiosity getting the best of her..  
"Looking for something, Rose?" She almost jumped out of her own skin at the sound of his voice. She squinted at him, suspicious. Before she could even ask, why the hell he was at the school he answered, "Knuckles and Rouge are out of town." Yeah, she totally didn't forget their child was attending first grade now. 
"Hm, not very safe to let a minor ride on a bike." She smirked, playfully.
"He was fine. I'm not stupid; he wore a helmet." Shadow scoffed at her comment, while he mounted his bike. 
"He better... Rouge would kill you if anything happened." Amy glanced back at the school building, more children were being dropped off. 
Shadow shrugged, "if she didn't trust me with her son I wouldn't be here, now would I?" Amy's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and crossed her arms, inched closer to the other hedgehog. 
"Oh, you wouldn't be here to just watch me, now would you?" Shadow's ear twitched slightly, but Amy couldn't read him. "I saw you. Every single day I walked home. Slightly creepy, don't ya' think? I mean I would've been fine if you asked to walk with me. But, you just stood on the other side of the street-" Shadow waved his hand. 
"I wasn't watching you."
"I saw you." She went on to speak more, but Shadow silenced her. 
"I knew when you got off of work, I arrived maybe minutes before you clocked out." Shadow admitted, shifting further back on his bike. "I wanted to make sure..."
"Make sure of what?"
"...That you were okay." Amy felt like her heart fluttered slightly. Okay, that was weird. Why did it do that? Her gaze fell to her feet. Amy didn't know what to say. Could she really blame him? After that incident in the restaurant? She contacted him afterall. He wasn't the one who just randomly called in the middle of the day. Could she really be upset with him for checking on her? No. Nothing was spoken between the pair, Amy was pulled out of her deep train of thought when he revved up his bike. "I better go."
Amy blurted out an apology, "I shouldn't have assumed, I should have... j-just approached you about it. I'm sorry. T-thank you for checking on me, Shadow." Her cheeks felt hot, and she hoped that he didn't noticed the blush. "Next time.. let's walk together. I'd like the company."
Shadow looked away. Feeling awkward. He patted the seat behind him and handed her a helmet. Amy hesitated, but she did admit just now that she'd like the company. She snapped her helmet in place, and mounted the bike. She wasn't sure he was taking them, but she didn't ask any questions. As he accelerated further from the school, she grasped his waist tighter. It wasn't long before she realized that he wasn't taking her home. Going deeper into the city, the hill got steeper and Amy closed her eyes tightly. She felt him turn the bike to the left, and actually slow down. They had pulled into an apartment complex. He parked into a numbered parking spot, and dismounted the bike. "Is this your apartment?" He nodded. She followed him up a flight of stairs, he punched in a code, and the door unlocked. At the end of the hallway was an elevator, he pressed the upper level, triggering the door to open. Silently, the pair entered, as he punched the number 4 in the number pad. It only took seconds before they arrived on the right floor, he exited and walked down another hallway. He took a left, and stopped infront of his door. Amy hesitated in the doorway. She never been to Shadow's apartment... this was the same apartment complex Rouge use to live in, she remembered. After Rouge and Knuckles got serious, she moved out leaving Shadow to himself. "Close the door. Echo will get out." Amy quickly shut the door as she stepped inside. 
"Echo?" Amy asked, looking around the apartment. Did he have a pet? Shadow inched his way towards the kitchen. Roaming through some cabinets, and his fridge. Before she got an answer from the dark hedgehog, she heard movement coming from another room, finally making contact with a dark Chao that made its way in the living room. Amy squealed, startling the Chao.  "Aww! I didn't know you had a Chao, Shadow!" She reached to pick the startled Chao up. 
"Don't pick him up- he bites.." The second he warned her, Amy yelped in pain, and Echo flew out of her arms. Shadow gave Echo a cold look.
She rubbed the top of her hand, wincing. Amy laughed nervously, "my bad. Chao's are so cute, and precious." 
"Not Echo." Shadow scoffed and placed a bowl of fruit before the Chao. Echo stared the stranger down, before stuffing its mouth with fruit.
She glanced at her hand, noticing that Echo did in fact draw some blood. "Uh, do you have a bandage?" Shadow blinked at her injury, and then searched through his cabinet for a bandage for the bite. He grabbed her right hand, and put some anti-bacterial cream on it before wrapping it up. 
Shadow left the room to answer the door, some of his mail left at the door. Half of which he tossed in the trash. "If you wish to leave, I'll take you home. I hadn't fed Echo before I left. My couch would suffer if I didn't return quickly."
"Do you mind if we stay a little longer?" Amy glanced around the house. Looking at the frames hung on the wall, admiring a picture hung above the couch that displayed a mountain view. "Where was this taken?"
"It came with the apartment." Shadow responded quickly, keeping an eye on his Chao that just watched Amy search the apartment. A little red question mark forming above its head. Amy should have known, when Rouge lived here she probably did a lot of the decorating as it was. 
"Can I get a tour?" His eyes furrowed in confusion. Amy could tell he wasn't thrilled about the idea. Shadow shrugged, and guided her down the hall. There was a small half bath, an office in the next room, and then at the end of the hallway was his bedroom. "Jeez, didn't even make your bed, Shadow." She playfully elbowed him. Shadow rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms, watching her search the room. She stopped at his bedside, seeing a picture of Maria Robotnik. "...Is this her?" His eyes softened slightly, and nodded. Amy smiled. "What was she like?" 
"Too pure for this world.." Shadow's response was hardly audible. His red eyes darted to the ground. 
"I wish I could have met her." Amy sighed, gave Shadow a sympathic look, then made her way toward the door leaving the room behind, and leaving Shadow for a moment to his thoughts. She heard him clear his throat, but nothing but silence followed. She paused when Echo stood at her feet, staring up at her. The Chao made a weird noise, and walked away, leaving them behind. "Hm. I wonder where it gets that attitude from." Amy grinned back at Shadow. He merely scoffed.
Hours later, Amy was still at Shadow's apartment. Not much was spoken between them. They were actually just enjoying some coffee sitting at the bar in his small kitchen. "I can't believe Mach is in school, already." Amy sat her cup down, and gave a sigh, her hand running through her messy bangs. "Sonic is missing it all." Amy gave a painful smile, "others always tell me that he's not missing it, he's still here. In my heart..." She took a quick sip of her coffee. "Sometimes I just wished they didn't say anything at all." Amy exhaled, "It's not the same, Shadow. I wished they would understand." She noticed he was staring at her, and quickly she glanced away. "It doesn't get rid of the fact that he is missing out on everything. One day... Lily will be getting married." Amy's eyes started to sting with tears, "Sonic won't be here to walk her down the isle." Amy wiped at her eyes, and gave another tired sigh. "I know it's far in the future, but as a mother I think about these things." Amy met his gaze, "poor Mach doesn't quite understand what happened to his dad. He's only six, Shadow." She continued on, "when the time comes Mach finally asks more questions about Sonic, I don't know how I'm gonna handle it." She sniffled, trying to hold back from more waterworks. 
"...You'll figure it out when the time comes." Shadow chimed in. 
 Amy jumped when Echo suddenly jumped on the countertop. Echo glanced at Shadow, which in return Shadow told it to get down. Echo trotted towards Amy, perhaps the Chao could sense how Amy was feeling. Amy watched it jump into her lap. "Uh... hi there?" The ball floating above its head still perfectly rounded, so it was hard to predict what Echo would do next. The very hand that he had bitten earlier, he licked over the place as if it was apologizing. Shadow look on with surprised. Echo cooed and then hopped off of her lap. "See? Chao's are precious." She smiled. Amy wiped at her eyes, and exhaled. "I'm sorry, you probably have a lot of things to do. I... guess I should get home." Amy finished off her cup of coffee, and made her way into the kitchen to rinse out the mug before placing it in the dishwasher. "I can walk home-" She noticed Shadow making his way to the door, grabbing a set of keys and a helmet that he placed on the coffee table. After leaving the apartment, they made their way to the parking lot. "For a nice apartment, there's not a lot of vehicles here." Amy noted. 
"Yeah.. it gets busier at night." Amy wanted to slap herself, she had forgotten this place had a club underneath the living quarters. 
"For someone that likes the quiet, this is a strange place to live." Shadow smirked at her in response
"That's why I mainly work at nighttime." Amy nodded, the two of them both mounted the bike. But, Amy had more questions. Shadow must have noticed because he hesitated turning the ignition on. 
"May I ask what you do?"
"I work with G.U.N." Shadow cleared his throat, "I also sometimes guard the club here."
"Interesting..." Amy fixed her helmet securely. "I don't know how I feel about G.U.N."
"That's what Sonic would say."
"I... I thought that's who attacked your home?" She motioned towards the sky. Perhaps she was prying too much into Shadow's life, so if he didn't respond, she would understand.
"That was years ago, Rose. That was under a different ... leadership."
"Is this leadership better? I know they've made some decisions that could've been played out better."
"Perhaps." Shadow revved the engine, "But, I'm not gonna defend them. I just work with them. I could care less about their personal morals."
"Sonic never did like them." Amy leaned against Shadow's back, holding tight as he picked up speed. 
"Well, I guess I wouldn't either after being chased with a semi." Shadow scoffed softly. Amy pinched at his ribs.
"Yeah, because they had thought he was you. "
"It's not my fault for that their poor eyesight."
Tuesday morning came fast, and the routine was about the same as yesterday. Get the kids ready, breakfast, saying goodbyes at the school. But, today Amy was returning to work after having Monday off to take time for her kids. Quite honestly, it wasn't a bad day nor was it a busy  one. Which was helpful so the staff could restock on different items. Amy was asked to finish decorating an order for a birthday party. She found after working at the cafe, she enjoyed decorating various sweet treats. It was a simple "happy sweet 16" decorated on the top layer of the cake. By 3pm it was ready to be sent out to the customer, which she was pleased with the handiwork, and tipped very well. By 4:30 Amy clocked out, said bye to all her coworkers, and slipped out of the door. She paused a few blocks ahead, looking for someone. She didn't catch a glimpse of him on the other side of the street. Perhaps he got the wrong idea, and decided not to take up on the offer and walk with her. She was clearly disappointed. Amy checked her phone, there was a few text messages from Tails stating that he took the kids out to dinner, and was gonna play video games with Mach after helping him with his homework. She went to reply to her text, only to drop her device after colliding into Shadow. "Ouch! Sorry!" He grunted in response, and reached down to pick up her phone. She met his gaze, " you came?"
He shrugged, "you said you could use the company." Amy started to smile until she noticed the cut along Shadow's cheek, and dried up blood at his head. 
"What happened?" She went to touch it, and Shadow was taken off guard. He gently moved her hand away. 
"Tch, just had an confrontation at the club last night. Nothing I couldn't handle. You going home?"
Amy frowned, "yes." She started walking ahead of the male hedgehog. It probably only took them 10 minutes to get to her house. "Come in. You need to clean that up."
Shadow stopped at the entryway, "It's fine." Amy pulled at his wrist, and pulled him inside. Making him sit at the stool in the kitchen.  He sat with his head resting in his hand in defeat, while she looked around in her kitchen. She grabbed a wet cloth, and inched closer to the dark hedgehog, cleaning off any of the dried up blood, causing Shadow to wince slightly. Amy frowned at the gash. 
"Who stitched that up?" She looked over the gash that was poorly fastened together to close the wound. 
Shadow eyed her cautiously, "I did." 
"Jeez." She started to gather some different supplies from the first aid. After being with Sonic, and the many injuries that he sustained, Amy was almost a pro now. Carefully, she undid the poor stitching job, and started working on that nasty gash.  Unlike Sonic, Shadow actually didn't squirm. Yes, it hurt like hell but he knew this was a battle that he couldn't win with her, so he just allowed her to work her magic and close up the wound. She ran a finger along the cut along his cheek, which wasn't as bad. In response, Shadow subconsciously stroked her knuckles while her hand rested there. When she felt his gentle touch, her hand felt hot all of a sudden. So did the rest of her. What the hell is this? She only ever felt this way with Sonic. Only could he make her heart flutter, and her stomach turn into mush.  Yet, for some reason Shadow's touch, and his presence was causing all of these weird sensations. The front door opened, and Lily walked in with her bookbag, she froze when she saw a mysterious male hedgehog with her mom in the kitchen. "Oh! Welcome home, baby girl." Amy's face burned in embarrassment, and Shadow quickly got up from his seat. Lily embraced her with an arm hug, looking over her shoulder towards Shadow. 
"Mom ...who is that?" Her voice strained slightly, struggling so hard to control her emotions right now.  Meanwhile, Shadow made for the exit. Mach was in a rush, so he didn't even acknowledge his mom, or even Shadow and rushed upstairs to relieve himself. 
"Shadow?" Tails stood before the door, with some of the kids' belongings. Lily looked from her uncle to her mother. Conflicted. She only heard her daddy speak about Shadow, and perhaps seen him in the distance, but never became aquatinted with him. She had so many questions. Why was he so close to her mom earlier?
Shadow acknowledged with a nod. "I was just leaving." He made a quick gaze towards Amy, her face beet red.  
The twin-tailed fox's ears twitched slightly, and then closed the door behind him. Glancing at Amy, for a possible answer to this weird encounter. Amy smiled in embarrassment, and took the items from her fox friend. "I was just about to fix supper, if you'd like to join us?" Tails nodded, he made his way to the window and peaked out the blinds. Amy started to hang up the kids' bookbags, cleaned out their lunchboxes. Amy watched her daughter retrieve a soda from the fridge,  "Lily if you wanna help me set the table..." Lily met her mom's gaze. She didn't say a word. She just took a sip of her soda, and made her way upstairs. It felt like her heart was stomped on.
"What was he doing here? Did he hurt-"
"No." Amy answered quickly, as she preheated the over as the recipe instructed. "He's been more helpful really..." She realized that Tails never heard about that incident, and that Amy had called Shadow. She kept that to herself. "He just making sure I made it home okay." Tails raised a brow, not completely convinced. He didn't notice the first-aid kit and other medical supplies out on the counter, instead, he made his way to the living room. "Could you put the enchilada's in for me? I'm gonna check on her." 
Tails smiled, "of course."
Amy tapped on her daughter's door, Lily was sitting at her desk drawing away at her sketchpad, when her mom entered, she dropped her pencil and met her worried gaze. "Hey sweetheart. " Amy kissed her on the forehead. "How was school today?" Lily brushed her bangs aside, and closed her sketchpad, and sit on the edge of the bed, her mother joining her shortly after. 
"It was good." She shrugged, and leaned against her mom. Amy was trying to get a read on her. "I think Mach made a new friend," Lily looked up at her. Amy smiled back, full of pride. "Yeah, I saw them playing on the playground together. But, mom I think Mach gets into trouble a lot." Lily laughed a little, "he was in timeout a lot this afternoon." Amy gave a sigh. She would definitely talk to him later.  The pair made small talk for a few moments, then heard the beeping from downstairs, indicating the over had preheated to the set temperature. Amy got up from her bed, and made for the door. "Mom?" The pink hedgehog stopped, her ear twitching in attention. "Is... he coming over more?" She assumed that Lily was referring to Shadow. She looked away, tears stinging in her eyes. "I don't want a new dad." Her face turned red with anger, and hurt, as she rubbed at her eyes. 
"Oh baby, no. It's not like that..." Seeing her cry made her heart ache, within seconds she was at her side again. She held her close, while Lily cried into her chest. "Shadow... has just been watching out for me, that's all. Just as friends." It felt like she was trying to remind herself of that. Friends. Nothing more. But, how does Shadow see them? "No one will ever replace your daddy, sweetheart." Lily sniffled, wiping away more tears trying to escape. 
"Okay.." Lily embraced her mother tighter, and made for the restroom to wash up before dinner. While alone, Amy sat on the edge of the bed, lost in her thoughts. Was there something growing between her and Shadow? Something deep down told her that perhaps she was wrong. She shook her head, pushing away these lingering thoughts and questions. Amy met Mach and Tails downstairs, supper was almost finished. As she was setting up the table, when Lily came down she seemed to be more upbeat now that they had their talk and she had a relaxing bath to ease her thoughts. As a family they all gathered together at the table to enjoy some cheesy chicken enchiladas. Around 830 both of the kids were struggling to stay awake, so they made their way back to their rooms. Her and Tails was catching up, she invited him to stay here since there was a storm stirring outside. "Did Mach get in trouble today?" Tails sighed, and nodded. 
"Yeah, his teacher said he doesn't stay still very long, and will talk back to her sometimes." Seems about right. "Otherwise, he's doing well. Don't worry, Ames. It's a new start for him." He patted her hand. Amy went to get a bowl of ice cream for the two of them. As she scooping some of the frozen treat into a bowl for herself, her phone dinged. 
Hey chick. You doing ok? You should come to the club tonight. We need a girls night. Shadow's gonna be there, but he won't intervene. Buuuut maybe you want him to? ..I heard you two have been talking a lot. What's up with that???
Amy dropped her bowl, startled. She quickly cleaned it up, and tapped away at her phone. It's nothing. We're just friends. Rouge, it's a school nite. 
She saw the dots on the bottom of her screen indicating that Rouge was already texting back. Amy returned to the couch where Tails was watching some sort of movie, that she never seen before. 
Don't worry, dear we'll get you home before bedtime. Just friends.. mhmmm.
Amy rolled her eyes, and went to text her once more. Another time, Rouge. G'night. Luckily for Amy, Rouge let it be and didn't text back the rest of the night. Amy turned her phone on silent, and enjoyed the company of Tails. They turned in around 11pm that night. 
Amy had finished another day at the cafe, and just as expected Shadow was waiting for her. He was reading something on his phone, leaning against the building before she walked out. "Amy." She was actually shocked that he called her by her first name, they inched closer. If he had anything to say after that, Amy quickly stopped him. 
"Hey... uh, I think I'm gonna go by myself today." He blinked, but she couldn't tell whether this bothered him or not. "I'll be fine. Thanks for looking after me." Shadow shrugged, and started to turn around. At least he wasn't pushing the issue. If she didn't want to walk with him. He respected it. She started to inch further and further away from me, but she still felt his gaze on her. In fact, when she looked over her shoulder, she saw him staring at her. She gave him a smile before he disappeared. Honestly, this made her feel terrible. But, she didn't want her daughter to get the wrong impression of the relationship between them.  It was a quiet, and lonely walk back home. For the rest of the week, it was like this. By Saturday, she almost texted him to walk with her. But, no. She took the journey home by herself. 
Rouge later asked about coming to the club tonight, and finally Amy agreed. Her kids more than excited to have a night with Uncle Tails. Around 7pm that evening, she approached the apartment. Her eyes locked on the familiar motorcycle. He was parked in the same location as last time, just like he had mentioned the other day, it got busier at night, and he was correct. There was a long line at the entrance. But, once someone saw Amy, they let her through. "Party of 3. Under the name Rouge?" She nodded, and they allowed her inside before the club filled up with more bodies. Rouge was at the bar, and waved her over. "Party of 3? Who else is here?" Rouge shrugged, "another friend of mine, but she cancelled on me. So, it's just the two of us." She winked, "what you want to drink? I'll take care of it." 
Amy glanced at the drink choices presented before her, "just a water." Rouge frowned. Amy didn't feel like getting a strong drink, a cold glass of water with lemon sounded good enough to her. Rouge ordered a glass of red wine for herself, and order a water with lemon for Amy. Slowly the club started to fill up with more people. Among the group, she made out Shadow. He didn't see her, thankfully. That would have been awkward. They made their way to a round table near the back of the room. 
"How are you doing, m'dear?"
Amy took a sip of her drink, and gave a faint smile. "I'm hanging in there."
Rouge patted her hand. Even though they've had their differences, the two have put aside the past, and shared a good friendship. "Shadow told me what happened the other day..." Amy's ears perked up slightly, shocked that Shadow mentioned it. "He said you were a mess."
"I can't believe he brought that up."
"He seemed worried, Amy." 
Amy sighed. She snacked on some chips that was brought to them earlier, and dipped them in some salsa. "I appreciate him being there for me. But, I'm doing better now. He doesn't have to babysit me."
Rouge raised a brow, "babysit? I don't think.."
"Lily thinks there's something going on between us. She saw him at the house." Amy admitted, lowering her voice. There was a noticeable blush on her cheeks. "Honestly, Rouge. I can't tell how I feel about him." Amy looked away, "I have never seen Shadow like this before, though."
"He's rough around the edges, dear. But, he's not a bad guy. You just have to get to know him."
"I guess you would know, you lived with him for years." Rouge winked back at her playfully. 
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piko-power · 2 years
So random thought in the middle of the night lol
Remember that one part in Sonic 2 when the lights go out and TV just went static, and Sonic was just walking to the door, trying to play it cool: "Uh, excuse me? We did not order a Poltergeist."
Okay, so Sonic knows exactly what that movie is and what happens in it. (I never seen it but I forbid myself to watch it for obvious reasons, but I know some of the references.)
You also remember that part in the first movie where Sonic was watching movies from outside the window way before he started living with Tom and Maddie? Like Speed, Naked Gun, ect?
What if I told you
That Sonic saw Poltergeist from the window, and that was his very first (and maybe not last) horror movie?
One October evening, Tom decided to put on a spoopy movie for the fam to watch. (Ozzie gets scared easily the poor thing) and then, of course, the Blue Devil just comes up and takes a peek at this new and interesting movie. A lot less action packed and more suspenseful to his taste but he kept watching.
Until at some point where the movie was just stressing Sonic out so much that he just ran off back to his cave, completely freaked out from what he had seen.
Now this was when Sonic was a little younger at the time so he honestly believed that what he had saw was legit. He didn't get any sleep for days because he clearly thought that watching a scary movie, when knowing you don't live with anybody else, no one to give you comfort, was a good idea.
Though as he gotten older he knew it was just a movie, but static TV stresses him out sometimes. And now that Sonic is part of the family, I like to think that right when October arrives, he wanted to watched a spooky movie with Tom and Maddie, since he believes he's old enough to watch them now.
But of course, Tom and Maddie absolutely refuses to let him watch scary movies and doesn't want him to get nightmares, which makes him very disappointed. He mentioned the he had seen a scary movie before, which did NOT help his situation.
At some point they had no choice but to let him watch with them since he wouldn't take "no" for an answer. So they decided to watch an early 2000s classic film from Studiopolis Productions...
Night of the Zombots!
About halfway through the movie, half of Sonic's face was hiding behind a pillow and he was holding Tom's hand. At one point it gotten so intense Sonic cried out and just crawled under the blankets.
This was the part where Maddie decided to stop the movie there and change it to something more wholesome and funny. Sonic was still pretty shaken up, though.
He decided to stay in Tom and Maddie's room for the night since he couldn't get to sleep. He felt a lot better knowing that he was safe, now that Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady are here for him.
Yep. I'm definitely writing a story based out of this.
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