#i remember when i got HEAVY into kpop i was going to post that stuff there
thundergrace · 1 year
Today, I've just made my 100th post on my side blog. That's hilarious 😂 It's really hilarious that I have a teeny tiny blog that is barely active and that I'm sure I've only had a few years less than this one.
But it's about one thing, so it makes sense.
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lunavadash-creates · 3 years
Have I ever told you that you are the sweetest cupcake ever?❤️ It’s impossible to not smile at your posts! I sincerely thank you for all your sympathy towards me! My heart just melts! It’s so rare to find such a pure and kind soul like you. Please, don’t change. Ever.
You made me worried a bit with your last paragraph - maybe I am oversensitive, but I am really worried. It breaks my heart honestly, I feel like you belittle yourself. Babe, you are wonderful! I am not saying this just for you to feel better, but because you REALLY are. Think for a moment about things you’ve already achieved! Darling, you graduated! It’s really something. It is even more something when you study two different majors at the same time and study in language school at weekends. It’s real hardcore! I am proud of you. SO FREAKING MUCH! You did so well and you did so much! Please, be aware of it. You are incredibly talented and creative. YOU are hard working, not me. And you know what? Please, have a proper rest. Don’t overwork yourself anymore. You have to have some space just for you. You have to rest and regain your balance. Don’t think about writing as your duty. I know you feel responsible for all requests you have. But they really won’t run away or disappear. They all will be waiting to be written when you rest. Don’t pressure yourself, I beg you. You know I love your writing. We all here love it. But we love you even more. Taking a break it’s not bad. It’s necessary. When you rest you will be able to concentrate, you will have a fresh mind and new ideas. Just remember that you are a priority.
Speaking of your visit to Prague. OMG, THIS ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK!! I envy you soooooo much! I wish I could see it by myself someday! Thank you so much for the photo! And geez, you are the very first person admitting that museums are wonderful! No one amongst my friends likes them and it hurts so much, because I couldn’t go to the Uffizi museum and Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. I would love to go to any museum with you then! Museum of sex toys sounds really interesting, mostly because it’s not about modern toys. Like, I would never thought that people could have such rich sex life! I heard that in Amsterdam and Paris there are similar museums. But! I bet you would love icelandic museum of punk. Ohh, I am pretty sure you would enjoy it! It’s really small, because well..Its former public toilet. Buuuut, if you like non-obvious museums this is definitely for you. Whale museum was also pretty good. Or I enjoyed it just because I love whales. I was also in a museum of teddy bears in Seoul and it was the cutest museum I have ever been in! Tell me more about that vegan restaurant! What good did you eat? I am not vege myself, but I avoid eating meat on a daily basis so it’s easy to make me excited with such things!
I am not sure if I am better. I mean, I changed my mind about being able to sleep all day. I am not able to sleep at all at the moment. I am tired and my eyelids are so heavy, but sleep never comes. I guess insomnia hits again, it's a never-ending circle. But I am concerned about your leg! I guess you had spoken with doctor since you got xray and usg. Did they say anything? Any ideas of what it could possibly be? It has to be something serious if you have problems with walking! How did you manage to go sightseeing in Prague? Babe, please, take care of yourself! And what does “health problem AGAIN” mean?! Have you had such a problem before?? It scares me like.. we just started adulthood? My friend sneezed and it made him lay in bed for 6 days not being able to move. Literally.
Yeah, I was in South Korea, but please, do not perceive me as your role model. Gods, it would be a terrible decision, really. But, I would love to share some stories with you if you want! I know it's a popular destination these days because of kpop. I used to listen to it, but I think a few years ago kpop was better? More interesting? Now I’m more into khh, but I think I can’t say that I’m into it anymore.
Talking about music! I discovered two new songs and I bet you know them already, but for me it was huge woah woah woah! First of it - Sabaton. Thay covered Metallica’s For Whom The Bell Tolls and they did it so good! Secondly - The Heart Asks Pleasure First. They basically made their own song based on one of my favourite piano songs. Oh my.. it’s sooo good!
And still talking about music! I just wanted to say that I also love our Wombo edits! That one with Ezio singing Stressed out was perfect! Mr Auditore looked very believably singing it. I liked the one with Edward and Haytham. I don’t know the song but it had such a christmas vibe! It made me think of Edward and Shay singing Last Christmas or some other shitty Christmas song together. Why them? No idea. I love Altair, but your latest headcanons could make me love them even more.
And! I just wanted to tell you that you inspired me to take japanese lessons on Duolingo. I am aware that such app won’t help me with learning such a language, but at least I can tell you that katakana sucks. Gods, I hate it so much. Hiragana is so pleasurable to learn. And I know katakana is visually similar, but it is a no no from me. I have learnt some basic kanji signs. And I just admire you so much more.
I hope you will have wonderful and peaceful week, Babe! Once again, please take care of yourself. Remember to have proper rest, sleep at least 8 hours and drink water! I hope your leg will be better soon!
Hey Knifey! I finally have the right mind set to respond to this ask!
So first of all thank you. You always make me blush with your kind words and I have no idea how to react! I want to squeaze you in a hug and give you all the sweets in the world!
As for the rest. You see i have always worked to hard on studying, so hard it actually burned out everything inside so now all i want to do i nothing! But i cant, i really want to go back to spending my free time in more creative way!
Omg Knifey! Finally i met a museum lover! And gods i want to visit them all! And you know? That Icelandinc museum sounds like such a goal, i want to go there 🥺 and Seoul museum of teddy bears?! I want to go there!
Honestly I love all museums and generally history. I enjoy visiting ruins of castles and villages, going to museums of everything! Art, machines, objects! There are always so many things and so many different ways to find the inspiration! And I always take so many photos for 'future references'. Some time ago i was in a gardens which showed different time of gardens of the world and there was this amazing exhibition of demons from Slavic mithology. That was so awesome! As well as Japanese garden!
In began restaurant i have this fried soy bites in some sweet-spicy sauce. So tasty! Im trying to recreate this recipe but so far its 1:0 for the soy :/
As for my leg. Its swollen AF bht i just... Put on my shoe and pretended it didnt exist. I can walk in good shoes but still im worried. As for that little again... I generally have some weird health issues. I had 5 surgeries for different stuff (spine, tumor, nose) so like... Generally i am healthy... Or at least i was until thst damned foot decided to show off. Its been 4 weeks and im still looking for a solution, running different tests and all. Hopefully they will figure out whag is going on.
Yes TELL ME ALL THE STORIES ABOUT KOREA.! I love stories, tell me everything!
Tbh i never listen ed to k-pop. I guess its just nkt my type of music but I enjoy some Japanese and Chinese songs (one i like is Arrogant by Xiao Zhang). I know songs you sent me and gods they are amazing! I love sabaton, rock/metal im general but I listen to all kind of music. Like Italian soundtrack from Winx, music from burlesque, Dragonforce, shanties. If there are k-pop songs you like you can always send then to me! Ill gladly listen to them all!
Im glad you like those wombos i guess i should make more! 😂😂
And gods. Katakana. 4 years of learning Japanese and I still need katakana board to remember those signs! And tbh i feel like Japanese duolingo has some mistakes ;/ but for Japanese i used lingodeer app and it was nice!
Knifey Im very sorry you have troubles sleeping. Is there something you can do to make it easier for you? Maybe you can take some melatonin pills? Maybe you are stressed? Can you maybe contact doctor, maybe they can help? I dont want anything bad to happen to you! Please take care of yourself? Pretty please?
Love you so much Knifey, you are such a sunshine and I just want you to be happy and healthy!
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popculture-etc · 4 years
Kenny Rogers, Adam Schlesinger,...coping with 2020
Worst year ever although there were some good.
It’s too early yet for me to do a quick look back on what 2020 is like here as we’re only going to be in the first of December tomorrow (it’s Nov 30 here) but I just have to as two losses this year broke me. Kind of, well, especially the second one.
You see, before East Asian pop, Jpop and Kpop, Western pop culture was my thing. It still is and this pandemic has made me go back to that recently starting with...the Beach Boys (their westcoast sound caught me, hook, line, and sinker and I wasn’t very fond of the Beatles to begin with...to be completely honest) I’m currently chillin’ to right now, as I write this post. I’m really weak to the westcoast sound. Beach sound/s in general, rather. I’m a big fan of the beach where nature goes, for one. Since some time, a few years ago, deep chill and tropical house music has been my go-to when I want to chill or calm myself down after an outburst of sorts and I put them on when I just feel meh, especially on Fridays. When I dream of being by the sea, the beach or in some island on my own. I live in a country with a lot of beaches and the Visayas here is basically island region Philippines, lol. Like most people, I listen to music according to mood just like the way I dress according to mood. And...it’s no wonder, really that I’m so into the Beach Boys now. RIP the Beatles. My dad played some songs of theirs on the guitar or so but the hold they have on me waned later on and I just think now how overrated they were back then. They did have good songs but when talking of good music, as in really good that it retains the same sound style or so, it’s the Beach Boys for me. Brian Wilson is the man despite his issues and personal struggles.
Anyway, we’re going quickly off tangent. I’ll save the Beach Boys fangirling for another day. lol.
I grew up with western pop culture rife all around me thanks to my American, cowboy country and folk music listening dad, my Carpenters-loving mom and then, college-aged aunts who’d made me see the Titanic film more than my fingers could count---the third is clearly an exaggeration but well...some of it is true and they were why I got into American films like Pretty Woman (we have this in good ol’ VHS in our family home, my grandparents’ in Jasaan), Mannequin, Ghost etc. in the late 80s, coming into the early 90s. So, tired of all the kdrama and uninteresting kvariety shows on tvn and the rebranded local channel, Kapamilya (long story for what we formerly know as ABS-CBN, the nation’s a mess right now and our gov’t’s just...ick!), I’d retreated to my cave and got into old tv shows I’d watched as a kid instead like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed and it’s been, well, moving on from there. I’m checking out Twin Peaks later. I’ve been watching old Hollywood films too. Some revisits on this include: Casablanca, Gone With The Wind, and especially A Streetcar Named Desire will always and forever be my favorite. Very young and cute and good looking Marlon Brando, ugh. I have some others in the stash which include Bonnie and Clyde I’ll be getting into much, much later, maybe over the weekends and holidays. In sum, I have a long history with western pop culture, especially America’s, more than I have with Japan’s and South Korea’s. The latter being very, very recent so it doesn’t really compare as much.
Let’s get right down to it...
So 2020 had us lose Kenny Rogers to natural causes on March 20 in a hospice and after, Adam Schlesinger to COVID 19 complications on April 1. I know the latter as the songwriter of The Wonders’ That Thing You Do from the film sharing the same song title. I know Kenny Rogers well because my dad listens to him over and over in the car. In pretty much the same way, I know the words to Islands in the Stream by heart and I accept and revere it as one of the best, if not THE BEST country-pop duet songs of all time between Kenny and Dolly Parton...as far as country and pop music in the US of A’re concerned, of course. Miley and Shawn Mendez’s cover of it I’d seen recently was alright but nothing still beats the OG one, as always. With music, it’s just, really always the case.
Kenny departing from us March this year was alright. He was well cared for in a hospice and at the right age too, to leave us and this mess of a world behind for the afterlife. Sounds grim but not really. Heh. He died of natural causes so we know he was at peace and accepted then that his time has come. Fans and long-time listeners of his should also be at peace with this knowledge. I don’t consider myself a fan but since he’s been around so much because my dad plays his songs in the car often, I’m the same. I’ve accepted his passing away early this year. He’s lived his life well and given us good music to listen to should we like to remember him and his works and celebrate his life and legacy doing so.
Schlesinger’s case was way worse because, well, COVID 19. And it’s well...I guess we all saw it coming, me included, that I’d just learned, watching the one of many national English news on ANC that ‘pandemic’ is the word of the year according to Merriam-Webster. Timely, huh? Yep. Predictable, really. Sarcasm noted here.
So if someone ever asks what 2020 was about, we only have to say that according to Merriam-Webster, it’s the global (COVID 19) pandemic. Short, not-so-sweet, succinct, and grim. Yep.
This one, Schlesinger’s case, is something I still find difficult to accept. He was only 52 years old! He was at the prime of his life and had some projects still he was working on at the time of his passing so WHY?! I suppose that’s all of us who followed him and his extensive work on tv, film, the stage and his own band, Fountains of Wayne when we heard news he’s passed away due to COVID 19 complications. It’s definitely me now though I learned of it late. Heh.
To cope with the sadness of losing Schlesinger, gone too soon at 52 years old and with an impressive Hollywood tv, stage, film resume to his name since and his own band’s, Fountains of Wayne (FoW) really good discography, by the way, I’ve been listening to FoW’s Welcome Interstate Managers---all of the contents of said album/record---and That Thing You Do’s OST with the Beach Boys’ Sounds of Summer Best of in between. My favorite song on Welcome Interstate Managers is the sarcastic take on real life as an everyday worker in sales, Bright Future in Sales. As much as I like chill sounds where music goes, I like me some music with lyrics jolting us back to grim reality in much the same way I like films (indies, mostly, or lesser known short and full-length ones) that tackle social issues not frequently discussed in public or so but we are aware are there, still plaguing much of today’s society. I live for cynical, satirical, ironic, and even hyperbolic stuff about real life actually. It may be why I’m so entrenched and attached to the era where we all hated ourselves---the 90s. Although one would say much of that sentiment or feeling did carry itself to the 2000s, though. I don’t know about you, but until now, I still hate or have heavy dislike for myself and everything else around me, especially our gov’t or current admin here in the Philippines, and people in general so I don’t think it ever really goes away. And going off tangent again for the nth time today.
Anyway, my 1996 was That Thing You Do on HBO in our household...on and off along with other 90s films like The Craft, Clueless, Jawbreakers (I think this still plays in Cinemax from time to time) so of course losing Schlesinger also was...rather, is hard. He’s done so much and he was supposed to be working on more and he’s left such a deep mark here for us, avid fans of American pop culture...I suppose, even the casual ones. Aside from his That Thing You Do, I’d also seen Josie and the Pussycats at some point. I don’t remember when, where...though I did watch some episodes of the cartoon on Cartoon Network (CN) so of course, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the film of it as well. He worked on a track or some tracks there, too. 
2020 sucks. COVID 19 sucks. This global pandemic sucks. But at least there’re films, tv shows, music, stage musical plays turned movies (Jonathan Larson’s Tick, Tick...Boom! is coming to us soon with Andrew Garfield in the lead---I’m wary of Garfield being a forgettable actor since The Amazing Spider Man because Dane Dehaan was what made that for me, to be quite honest so I’m not so sure of him being Jon here and as a self-respecting Larson fan since Rent, I’d rather they casted Neil Patrick Harris/NPH since he was in the London stage for this way back anyway...) to keep us entertained and fine until then. What would it take for ‘rona, and I’m not talking about the American Corona beer here that’s really popular in the west coast, to go away? I, like the rest of you in self isolation or quarantine, tend to think so but I don’t think we’ll have any answer to that until the vaccines are well underway by spring next year. Or at least, that’s what health authorities and scientists tell us anyway. I get reminded of it often in the news and I only tune in to that once in a while now because even that, following that daily, breaks my mental faculties down due to stress and pressure and all and I can’t have that when I still have so much, at the back of my mind, to do.
But anyway, time to conclude this one with one of my favorite The Wonders songs, All My Only Dreams just to end on a good note, better than the last paragraph’s ending at least and to remember Schlesinger as well that we’d lost this year along with plenty others we’d met in passing who’ve also left this world especially due to COVID 19 complications. I know we know a lot of those. For me, it’s a distant relative or family member I’d known since young but don’t have particular fluffy bunny feelings for because of some things that happened between the guy and me growing up in the NCR/Caloocan City to be exact. There’s also my good friend and former co-worker’s only remaining parent, her dad and a few more, I’m sure. So I hope 2021 would be better but I doubt it...very much. It’s still looking pretty dim, grim and bleak from here, where I’m currently standing in 2020.
Before we really end though, COVID 19 is definitely not a hoax. It hasn’t been since the first cases started in Wuhan, China. It’s just, only been getting worse and still continue to claim lives and spread to more people even those at home. So as someone who comes from a household of mostly medical workers or health care workers here, we should really be very careful about and around it. Let’s take the necessary health protocols seriously like wearing a mask out and maybe the face shield too and always keeping the sanitizers, alcohols in our bags among others---hygiene and sanitation, disinfection. It may come off really anal of me and I am not anal (I don’t like people with Type A personalities in the first place, lol...I’m just a very cautious Virgo, really, and a Type X---mix of Type C and D personalities) but seriously, SERIOUSLY, I can’t stress this enough, COVID 19, the virus SARS-COV2, that causes it is real. Very real and once it’s in your system, it can go the fatal, deadly way or just the mild and you’ll recover later anyway way. It’s not picking which people should die next and which should not, really. It’s really just there making a mess of things that are already messy since the beginning. My point being, it’s just better if we don’t spread it or are careful enough not to contract it with following health protocols set by health experts, scientists to help us get by this...pandemic. 
Well here’s to 2020 being over soon and 2021 creeping in on us soon enough. 
Billie Armstrong of Greenday upped a cover of That Thing You Do as a tribute to Adam and the youtube live of the Wonders coming together again to pay tribute to and celebrate Adam’s life may still be up on the ‘tube. I have yet to see the latter but enjoyed the former. They are just so...sweet and precious. Ugh. Adam Schlesinger, gone too soon indeed. :(
Another songwriter/contributor in the TTYD OST passed away last year, too. Rick Elias. Cause of death is brain cancer. I had a friend from college, young and so full of life and dreams, who passed away due to the same thing so I’m kind of aware how this goes. Ugh. Cancer sucks. All of these are just so...sad. Depressing, actually.
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jiminieloved · 4 years
Ex jkkr here, this might be a long ask but I feel the need to explain myself. I see your point. Still it was taken by staff, not them, and pretty much without consent, also the fandom reminded us that jk cuddles with everyone, and the pic alone made everyone angry too, might be another reason (look also bangtan bomb with jk filming jm, everyone delighted in saying how good jk was in filming jhope, and “forgot” about him filmin jm too, another reason of all this strange silence on jk’s part -1-
might be all this hate, “let’s hype other ships so that they don’t hate you”, 2) look at today selcas, most of them are not selcas, they were published on bts official page, not their personal one, again these were decided by staff, as their recent lives, they are funny and cute, but it lacks that personal feel we got when we watch them doing them alone; 3) yes, sk likes jk, but their views compared to the rest of the world is nothing, whenever tk does something, they trend -2- my country is little and kpop isn’t even famous, still during their live and after, tk was the first trend, 4) I sort of became an ex shipper not because I don’t like jk no more, in fact I still do, reason why I follow you, but because I got tired of wars, fanservice, and putting my hopes up, as queer myself I don’t want to see more and hope in that more -3- yes, some moments made them not look like friends at all, but again, seeing how dangerous it is to come out, why doing them? Who knows maybe to see how the reactions would have been, the answer is very negative, the other answer is “maybe because there’s nothing and they felt safe in doing that”, I’m not that young to encourage fanservice because I want to see two boys flirting so that I’ll be happy, -4- , I prefer them to do that IF there is really something (ofc usual fanservice during concerts is normal, they all have fun, I mean more heavy stuff, like rosebowl for example, or the October concerts). I’m sorry if I made you angry, I just wanted to share my honest feelings on this, I still think this is all done on purpose, I like everyone’s interactions, but some things are clearly staff’s doing. I wish you a good day -5- I forgot to say that I still love their music, and this is another reason why I decided to stop the shipping and all, just to focus on their music, they are artists before anything else, that's why I became a fan. however, trust me that there are lots of people there ONLY for their ship, ships sell too, sometimes even more than music -6-
Thanks for taking the time to explain yourself. I appreciate it. 
It seems to me that it’s not that you don’t support Jikook anymore, but that you’ve separated yourself from it due to the immense opposition it gets. It is possible to still support them without seeing all the hate and wars and toxicity, but I do admit it is difficult.
I was a little confused about some of the things you said, but I got the major picture. Yes, Bighit clearly fuels ships, but I don’t think every selca posted by the company is made with the purpose of fueling shipping. But who knows, maybe I’m naive for thinking that.
And you’re right that it’s unlikely they’re ever going to come out, at least before military service, but in my opinion there’s still merit in being one of the people who is there to support them. We can often be drowned out by a very toxic fandom who for one reason or another contests every Jikook moment that happens, but I think this gives me more reason to be a voice supporting them. 
The consent issue you mentioned is something I’ve thought about too. How much of Jikook’s interaction that we see is something that Jikook were comfortable showing us? Did they consent to the spooning photo being shared? They were both asleep when it was taken- did someone ask them before they posted it? These are valid concerns to me. However, I think there’s evidence that despite the obstacles that are in place for them to show their intimacy to us they seem to want to let us in on it, at least a little bit. They voluntarily showed us GCF Tokyo and Saipan, have by their own choice made many tweets together, Rosebowl was in front of a huge audience, etc. 
I think these are all valid reasons to take a step back and not get too wrapped up in the bubble of shipping and kpop, and remember there are real people and real circumstances behind everything we’re seeing. 
You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. I definitely see your perspectives, even though I might not agree with everything 100%. I’m sorry if this response was all over the place, but I hope you understand what I mean.
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hopeless-lovex0 · 5 years
Kim Hongjoong Fanfic
Warning: Angst. Cheating. Heartbreak. Cursing. Fluff.
Hello fellow Atiny and Kpop stand, I wasn’t able to post Wednesday nor Thursday and I know some of you guys were looking forwards to read part 6 but without further ado here is part 6 of I Have A Dream 🥳🥳
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She woke up to the sound of rain lashing down on her rooftop, the silence of the house being disturbed by the harsh water droplets falling from the dark sky.
The vibrations of thunder shake the small two-story house and emits a loud creak from within the place. Y/N tensed up for a second fearing that the small place would cave in on itself but then lightly chuckling from how crazy that would be.
She laid there a couple more seconds before hearing her alarm clock, the irritating ringing causing her to flinch from how unexpected it was. Sluggishly she lifts up her hand and slams it against the annoying piece of technology, the force of her hand causing the alarm clock to fall to the bedroom floor.
Letting her hand hang over the side of the bed she lays there a couple of minutes contemplating whether she should get up and go to work wanting to stay in the comfort of her warm covers the rest of the day, but then she realizes that Mrs. Park would scold her if she didn't take care of herself. Moving under the sheets she lets go of the pillow she was cuddling against and finally sits up, the darkness of the room making her think it's still night.
She hears the continues pitter-patter of the rain hitting her window making her turn towards it. She HATES the rain, the dark clouds surrounding the sky and the heavy feeling it drags along with it. She hates the memories that somehow always make their way back to her.
It was raining when she found them together, the rain falling down on her when she was breaking down somehow causing her to lose herself for a couple of days. The worse days of her life she would say, she was scared of how much she had changed after that night barely able to recognize herself in the mirror.
After a week she was finally able to come down to earth and take care of herself, she'll be damned if she let a man break her down. The thought of her baby also served as a motivation to her, wanting to give birth to a healthy baby and live in the small house she resides in now.
The room across her turned into a nursery after living in the village for a month. She felt the happiness of having a baby creep up on her letting her know that she was going to be alright with or without a man.
Shaking her head, she carefully steps out of the warm mattress, watching her step for the fallen alarm clock. Stumbling towards the dresser she opens it and takes out an outfit for the day, making sure that the clothing complimented each other or else Mrs. Park would roast her being the fashionista she is.
Setting her clothes down on her bed she walks towards her bathroom and turns on the showerhead, placing her hand over the water to make sure the temperature is just right for her. Feeling the warm water trickle down her hand, she turns towards her sink and takes her toothbrush and toothpaste figuring that she should just shower and brush her teeth at the same time as to save time.
Washing down her body with a little bit of struggle from the small baby bump she sighs to herself, the thought of her struggling with a much bigger belly to clean herself makes her huff in defeat.
Finishing up her shower she slowly steps out the tub and takes the white fluffy towel placed next to the curtain. Patting herself down she wraps it around herself and walks out the bathroom towards where she laid down her clothes.
She slipped on her comfy dark jeans and white long sleeve sweatshirt, the outfit was plain but still stylish as to not upset Mrs. Park with her lack of fashion.
Walking down the stairs, she steps over to the main entrance towards the shoe cubert. Kneeling down, she carefully opens the bottom of the cubert and takes out a pair of dark blue rain boots. Cleaning everything up she walks towards the small white couch near the exit and sits down with a huff, all the walking around making her lose her breath.
Leaning back against the couch she sits there a couple minutes rubbing her stomach before she sits back up and tugs on the rain boots knowing that her ride will be here anytime soon.
As in cue, honking comes from outside her house and Y/N curses out loud, quickly and carefully scrambling to get her belongings and to not keep the person outside waiting. Once at the door she shoves everything inside her purse and takes the raincoat next to the door as well as her keys not wanting to be locked out her house later on.
Once outside she locks her door and then walks towards the car parked in front letting the big water droplets hit her raincoat, too lazy to open up her umbrella.
She opens up the passenger door and quickly sits down wanting to get out of the rain already. “ Woooow look at you! The wet dog look is amazing on you!” She hears someone say on her left, snorting out and rolling her eyes at the driver.
She turns towards Kyung Mi, the villages teacher and lightly punches her in the arm already getting used to her teasing knowing she means no harm with her comments.
“ You like it? I got inspiration from you after that one time you fell in a puddle.” Y/N snickers out watching as Kyung Mi begins to turn red from embarrassment. “ HEY! You know we never talk about that okay! It could hurt my reputation around here.” Kyung yells at her not wanting to remember such humiliating memory.
“ What reputation? You take care of little kids who drool and slobber all over you and on occasions piss on you.” Y/N laughs out causing Kyung Mi to roll her eyes but she doesn't miss the twitch from her upper lip letting her know that she's holding back a smile.
“ Yeah laugh all you want but in a couple months you'll be getting slobbered and pissed on too.” Kyung says as she points towards Y/N baby bump. “ Yeah well, I can't wait for those times because at least I’ll finally have my baby with me.” Y/N says as she taps her stomach causing Kyung Mi to coo at her from the driver's seat.
“ Okay you cheesy momma bear stop with the cute stuff, you'll make my cold heart melt.” Kyung says but still gives her a small smile letting her know that she’s happy for her. “ Did you hear the big news recently?” Kyung asks her and Y/N shakes her head in confusion.
“ You know that big house a couple ways away from the town square?” She asks her and Y/N hums in acknowledgment while looking out the window. “ Apparently, there's a group of people moving in today. My neighbor said that he saw tons of people working on furnishing it and getting it ready yesterday.” Kyung says as she drives towards the town square where they both work at.
“ Really? Didn't someone say that the house was for celebrities or something since it's so expensive to rent?” Y/N mumbles out confusing plastered all over her face. “ That's why is such a big deal, apparently the people moving in are celebrities! Can you believe that!?!?” Kyung exclaims out loud startling Y/N at the same time.
“ What if they are cute! I can finally find myself a hot and rich girl Y/N! I can move out of this place and I'll take you with me. How amazing would that be!!” Kyung says excitingly taking one hand off the steering wheel and placing it on Y/N’s shoulder slightly shaking her as she talks.
“ Don't get your hopes up MiMi, it's probably just a bunch of old businessmen wanting to take a break.” Y/N chuckles out while patting Kyungs hand that is still placed on her shoulder. She hears Kyung sigh out and watches as she nods her head “ You're probably right, but that doesn't mean there won't be a cute assistant or even maid so I'll take what I can get.” Kyung says as she smiles at Y/N causing both of them to go into a fit of giggles.
Feeling the car stop, Y/N looks up and sees that they are parked in front of her job which seems to already be opened as the lights from inside are on. “ Don't worry, you'll probably find a nice girl to settle down with sooner or later.” Y/N says as she turns towards Kyung and pats her on the head causing Kyung to snort out a laugh.
“ Okay fashionista I believe you. Now go and have fun at work and call me later on if you need a ride home in case it's still raining okay?” Kyung says as she watches Y/N exit the car. Turning around Y/N gives her a thumbs up and watches as Kyung finally drives off towards the village's small school.
With a deep sigh, Y/N turns around and walks towards the boutique already expecting Mrs. Park to shove down some food down her throat in order to keep her healthy. As she walks closer she hears Mrs. Park’s loud voice coming from the back of the room and she shakes her head not once regretting ever applying here. Walking towards the back she prepares herself for a day filled with clothing and pampering.
They had left earlier than expected, the big bus taking them to Incheon arriving earlier in the day. From fear of having to pay more than they were told staff immediately rushed to getting every single boy in that bus and making sure their luggage was placed in the bottom portion of the bus.
In under an hour, they were able to get everyone on the bus and help with some last-minute packing before they finally set out towards Incheon.
The bus was quiet apart from some constant shuffling from some of the guys who had gone back to sleep, the rain combined with the smooth driving lulling them back into dreamland. Towards the back of the bus sat San, staring out the window as the rain fell heavily from the dark clouds.
He wanted to sleep, the heaviness from his eyelids and warmth that wooyoung was providing from beside him causing him to yawn but he couldn't. Mind wrapped up with the thought of her.
How was she doing? Was she taking care of herself? Is the baby okay? Does she know the gender? Constant unanswered questions floated inside his head and caused him to lose sleep multiple times throughout the 3 months that went by.
Turning to look towards the rest of the guys he located the one he was currently thinking about. Two rows away from him sat hongjoong, leaning against the window knocked out and snoring loudly against it causing it to fog up. San glared in disgust, how could he sleep so soundly after what he had done, sleep so calmly knowing that he ruined Y/N’s life and could have potentially ruined her trust in men altogether.
He glared at him with pure fire in his eyes and as if Hongjoong felt the intensity of his stare he watched as Hongjoong stirred and slightly woke up turning his head lightly then snapping his head back once he realized it was San who was staring at him.
Letting out a scoff San finally removed his stare from Hongjoong and continued to look out the window. He felt his body relax from the calming atmosphere and with that he lets his eyes close, letting sleep envelop him like a blanket.
. . . . . . . . .
“ San... San Hyung wake up, where here already.” San hears as he feels himself being shaken awake by wooyoung. Lifting his head from where it was resting against the window he catches sight of the big almost mansion-like house resting on top of a small hill.
Gathering his things, he shoves his phone into his pockets and lifts himself off the seat noticing that wooyoung decided to stand there and wait for him. Walking out together, San notices that he was probably the last one to exit the bus as the rest of the guys are already running towards the house in excitement and also in fear of getting wet from the small drizzle of rain.
Shaking his head, he begins to walk towards the house with wooyoung in toe. Up close the house is actually smaller than it looks like from down where the bus is parked but nonetheless still a decently big place. Arriving at the doorway he notices all their luggage stacked up against the left side of the big entrance and he quickly walks towards it wanting to take a shower and eat.
The rest of the guys seem to have the same idea because all at once they rush towards the mountain of suitcases and bags to last them a month startling the manager that would be staying with them.
“ Now, this is a big place but you guys will still have roommates just to make sure you guys spend more time together okay?” Says the manager and the guys grumble curses under their breaths seeming to have been looking forward to getting their own room which won't be happening now.
They wait as the manager takes out a clipboard from his bag and begins to call out names. San waits for his name to be called then immediately feels his body turn cold when he realizes that the only person left to room with is Hongjoong.
“ Okay last but not least San and Hong-” begins the manager but before he could finish San harshly interrupt him. “ No. I won't room with him so either you give me my own room or change roommates with someone else.” He says and he doesn't miss the way Hongjoong flinches from his tone.
The manager begins to stumble over his words, never have seen San tense up like he did just now and how hostile he was towards Hongjoong. In his mind, he prays that this break can somehow rekindle their friendship.
Seonghwa noticing how flustered the manager got from the situation decides to speak up not wanting to make him or the rest of the guys uncomfortable. “ I'll switch roommates with San, wooyoung and him can get a room together and I'll stick with Hongjoong.” He says and watches how the manager lets a breath out of relief and nods his head multiple times.
Not being able to stand the tense air the manager quickly turns around and begins walking towards a long hallway calling the boys after him and leading them into their rooms.
Once they are all finally settled in their big rooms, they all begin to unpack wanting nothing more than to eat, take a long hot shower and sleep. San is still tense from the situation and Wooyoung seems to notice because he grabs San by the shoulders and takes him back towards the front entrance.
“ Come on, let's go get some food and clear your head while we're at it. I'll let the manager know so we don't get in trouble.” Wooyoung says as he shoves his feet into his worn-out sneakers. San doesn't seem to hesitate and does so as well wanting to get out and relax for a while.
Grabbing ahold of some umbrellas they both exit the big house and begin to walk towards the path leading to the town square. San mindlessly walks after wooyoung not knowing where they are going. “ Where exactly are we going?” San asks and they walk a couple minutes in silence before wooyoung answers him.
“ I woke up before you on the way here and I did some research on this place. It's a pretty small village, only about 4,000 people live here but that's good since we won't be recognized. I also saw that they have a really popular restaurant around the town square. Good food and good service so that's where we are going.” Wooyoung says and San only hums in acknowledgment trusting that wooyoung knows his way around from just google maps.
Walking for a couple more minutes they immediately know they are in the town square from how light up and lively the place is even if the weather isn't the best at the moment. Walking deeper into the town square, they get looks from the locals and hear as they start to whisper but none seems to recognize them probably just talking about a new face in town.
They continue to walk before they stop in front of a small restaurant filled with people, the small establishment bustling with life. Walking up towards the door they are immediately surrounded by the smell of meat and kimchi making their mouth water from the scent. They scan around the place and quickly realize just how packed it is, the whole place filled with various families and couples.
“ Should we just order to go? ” Asks wooyoung and San quickly agrees, not in the mood to be surrounded by people. They step up towards the small counter and greet the little old lady sitting behind it before they start to order, knowing that if they just get for themselves the rest of the guys would kill them so they place a big order for everyone.
Being told that the order would take 30 minutes max, they decide to sit against the bench located in front of the window and wait for their food. They sit there in silence but San can see from the corner of his eye that wooyoung want to say something, opening then closing his mouth multiple times.
Finally gathering his thought wooyoung begins to speak. “ You know we can't keep this up right...?” He says and San lets out a sigh from the question. “ I know... I want to forget about it and go back to the way it was but I-.. I don-...” San stumbles over his words not knowing how to express himself, wooyoung seems to sense this because he carefully places his hand on his shoulder and San brings his hand up to grip onto his hand letting him know that he appreciates the gesture.
“ You are the only one who knew how I felt about her and how much I suffered in order to let her be happy with hongjoong. I saw how happy she was with him and how in love she was and it broke my heart knowing that it would never be me and then he does that to her. ” San says not missing the way his voice starts to quiver.
Taking a deep breath he begins to speak again. “ It felt like a punch in the face after she texted us and I wanted nothing more than to take her pain away. I should have let her know, even if it wasn't my place or yours we let her get hurt by not telling her sooner and it honestly breaks my heart.” he says and wooyoung brings him into a hug knowing that San needs to let everything out.
“ And then we found that pregnancy test and it just felt like someone took my heart and ripped it into pieces. Can you imagine the excitement she went through when she found out she was pregnant? She always said that she wanted kids, and the minute she finds out she might be having one everything else just went downhill.” San says as he grips onto wooyoung, wanting to be held by someone.
“ I LOVE her wooyoung, and I'll travel the whole world to find her again and be the one to mend her back together. I want to be the one who she calls home and lays asleep in my arms at night. I want her child to call me dad because I know damn well I can be a better one than hongjoong.” he sniffs out, trying his hardest to keep himself together in public.
“ I know you will and I want you to know that I support you 100%. Y/N deserves the whole world after what she's been through and I know that you are the only one who can give it to her.” wooyoung says as he pats San on the back wanting to comfort him as best as he can.
They sit there in each others embrace for a couple of minutes before San finally pulls away, lifting his trembling hands and wiping under his eyes to get rid of the tears that managed to slid down his face. Chuckling to himself he shakes his head and turns to look at wooyoung. “ Hey.. Thanks man I really neede-.... Wooyoung..?” San begins to say but stops once he notices wooyoung’s flabbergasted expression. Lifting up his hand he waves it in front of his face and that seems to snap him out of it.
Wooyoung stutters out something but can't seem to form a proper sentence, noticing San’s confused expression he slowly lifts up a shaky finger pointing at something across the street. San turning around as he had his back towards the window looks at what wooyoung seems to be pointing at before his heart stops completely.
Across the street where a small clothing boutique stands in place are two women talking animatedly under the cover of the store, trying to shield away from the small drizzle of rain. They watch as the older lady of the duo leans forward to place a kiss on the other woman's cheek before leaning down towards her stomach and kissing it as well.
That's when San finally takes her whole appearance in having been staring at her face the whole time. The swell of her stomach causing her white long sleeve sweatshirt to stretch out, letting everyone know that she is currently pregnant.
They both stare in awe as they watch the older lady walk away with a final goodbye and other one walk the opposite direction opening up a big clear umbrella and holding it above her head.
Watching her walk away snaps them back into reality and wooyoung seems to gain his ability to speak again, whispering out the name of the girl they just found “... Y/N..?” he says and San turns around to look at him still too shocked to speak.
They stare at each other for a couple of seconds before the old lady at the register calls out their names letting them know that their food is ready. Scrambling to pay for the food they both exit the restaurant and rush back towards the house knowing what they have to do. Arriving there in under 10 minutes from how fast they were running as well as how close it was they burst through the doors startling the people who are present at the kitchen across the entrance.
“ GUYS COME HERE RIGHT NOW!” Yells out wooyoung and from the sound of his voice, the guys seem to know it's urgent as they rush out the kitchen all already dressed in their PJs.
“ What happened?!?!?” asks SeongHwa as he sees how shocked they are from their facial expressions, San not even uttering a word out just staring into space.
“ We found them.” San says, sounding like he's out of breath and all the guys stare at each other in confusion. “ Found who..?” asks Yunho and wooyoung grabs his shoulder in excitement.
“ We found Y/N!”
Wooyoung screams out and the rest of the guys gawk at them, minds immediately going blank from the information just thrown at them.
“ What do you mean you found Y/N?!?!? You mean to tell me you saw her here? At this location?!?!” Mingi utters out too surprises to even raise his voice. Wooyoung nods his head rapidly and they all fall into silence.
“ Wait! San said them..? Does that mean that she is actually pregnant..?” calls out yeosang and the rest of the guys snap their heads towards the dancing duo, eagerly waiting for one them to answer. They watch as San lifts up his head, the same flabbergasted expression on his face and he nods slowly causing the rest of the guys to gasp out in shock.
They knew there was a possibility of that pregnancy test being positive, they just didn't expect it to be true.
They all stand in silence taking all the information in before San jumps up in a hurry startling the rest of guys from how fast he got up. “ Guys... Where's Hongjoong...?” He asks and the rest of the guys tense up quickly losing color on their faces.
“ He left a couple minutes after you guys left, he was mumbling something about being alone.” Jongho says and the rest of the guys curse out. “ What direction did he go?! Did you see where he went!?!?” Wooyoung fires at him rapidly, not liking where this is going.
“ He walked the same direction you guys went, towards the town square, but instead of going all the way into the center he walked towards the little village houses.” He says and San and wooyoung completely freak out.
“ FUCK.” yells out San and the rest of the guys flinch from how mad he sounds. “ What?!? What's wrong with that?!?!” calls out SeongHwa and they watch as San spins around to look at them.
“ That's the direction Y/N was heading!” He growls out and the guys feel a cold shiver go down their spins, not liking what's about to happen.
. . . . . . . . . .
Hongjoong pulls his black puffy jacket closer to him, feeling shivers all over his body from how cold the night is the rain not doing anything to help it as well.
He knew that he should have brought an umbrella or put on more layers to keep himself warm, but the tense atmosphere around the house revolving around him and the guys was suffocating and he just had to get out of there.
He walked down the path leading towards the town square but instead of going all the way into town he branched off into the road leading to the village houses. When they were close to arriving he woke up from his deep slumber and watched all the little houses filled with families, along the way passing a small park and that where he was standing now.
Walking in the rain, he quickly found an empty bench to sit on and rest. He inhaled the fresh air the village provided feeling different from the air polluted city, and he lets the water droplets hit his face. He watches as a couple runs for cover from the rain, having their hands covering their faces so the rain won't hit them. He watches as they finally find cover under a house and burst out giggling leaning against each other and finally giving each other sweet pecks on the lips causing Hongjoong to wince at the sight.
Looking away he feels his throat clench up and his eyes to water but he stops himself from crying. Ever since he did what he did, he has never hated himself more than the day she left, every day he would sneakily go to her abandoned apartment not wanting the guys to know. He would lay on her side of the bed and grip onto her pillow, sobbing loudly not wanting her fragrance to leave the plush fabric. Even going as far as buying the same perfume she would wear and spraying it back on her pillow, trying so hard to keep the memory of her in his thoughts.
It was hard every day to live without her and Hongjoong never realized this after she left, taking everything he loved about her with her. Not knowing if she was pregnant or not he prayed that he could find her before she possibly gave birth, wanting to be apart of her and his child lives again.
Humming seems to break Hongjoong out of his thoughts and he swears he's heard that hum before. It takes him a minute to remember the song being hummed before he jumps up in a hurry and wildly looks around the park wanting to find the source of the humming.
The song is familiar to him only because it's the song SHE always used to sing, telling him that her mother used to sing it to her when she was younger and since then has stuck as a little tradition.
Snapping his head towards the road he sees a figure walking closer and once they walk under the light located in the entrance of the park he feels his brain stop working.
Walking calmly under the slight drizzle of rain is Y/N rubbing her belly bump and humming to it causing Hongjoong to stifle a sob. “ It is real then.” he thinks to himself as he sees her in all her pregnancy glory. She seems to be glowing and the baby bump makes her 10x more beautiful to him, knowing that the child she is carrying is his.
Snapping out of his thoughts he sees a car pull up next to her and his heart starts to race watching as the person rolls down their window.
“ Y/N you little snake!” yells the person inside the car and Hongjoong relaxes a little knowing that the person inside is a woman.
Watching as Y/N walks towards the car, he hears her laugh out loud and it makes his knees wobble from hearing her laugh again.
“ Hey Mimi, what are you talking about?” questions Y/N and the person inside lets out a huff. “ I told you to call me if you needed a ride back home! What the fuck are you doing walking in the cold rain dumbass! Don't you know you could get sick! Are you trying to get sick? What about the baby? I swear I'm like your mother taking care of you!!!” Rants out the girl inside and all Y/N does is let out another laugh and walk towards the passenger side.
“ Get inside right now and you're staying over tonight okay? I gotta make sure that you don't get sick and endanger my godchild!” the female who he now knows as Mimi yells out before opening the passenger door and gesturing Y/N to get inside the car.
He begins to panic once he sees that Y/N is about to walk away from him once again and he starts to walk towards the car weakly calling out to her. He's too late as he watches Y/N close the car door and the car speed down the road leaving him behind in the park.
“ Y/N...!” he finally screams out her name and runs after the car but stumbles on his way out the park falling to his knees and reaching out a hand towards the car, watching as it moves away further from him.
Hearing someone call his name, he turns around to see the rest of the guys running towards him. San being the one leading the pack of overgrown children, they finally stop in front of him watching as Hongjoong breaks down again mumbling one name that causes the guys to look at each other.
He's calling Y/N’s name.
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narilgc · 4 years
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𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 . . . but i don’t regret the thing that i did !! hello all, i’ve been keeping this under wraps for the past few days but on a whim i’ve decided to bring on my second ( and last, i promise ) muse for the ride !! with that being said, it is jada here, max’s mun, but this time i’m presenting to you the wonderful im nari !! she was my initial idea before max, but i loved her too much to get rid of her !! i’m so excited for her to be here and i really hope she’s well received as well !! i’ve been slow on his acc for the past few days, and she’s the reason why, but now that i’ve gotten my life ( mostly ) together & things are running just fine again !! anyways, her profile’s here, and below you can find some general trivia on her as well as connection ideas !! oh, and like this to plot ! 
from damyang, south korea !!  a v small agricultural town & was born into humble beginnings - a seamstress for a mom, and her dad a farmer !! so she lived on a small farm when she was younger and was raised with pigs, cows, and goats as pets !
she helped around the farm her whole time she lived home, so she has a lot of life skills t & knows all about caring for animals and tending the farm !
they weren’t well off by any means - they had a small income to spread thin between all those people - but they made it work !! she never felt truly slighted as she knew their situation, in fact in her own way, she was spoiled in the best way she could be given their predicament.
raised in a household full of boys - she’s the youngest w a family of 6 loud, rowdy boys.
so in a way she’s more of a tomboy, used to roughhousing and all her sibling’s antics !! she’s also used to doing a lot of heavy lifting around the farm so has surprising strength for her size.
on the other hand, being the youngest & only daughter has upped the girliness !! she’s used to being babied so knows all about acting cute & her mom was always using her as an experiment for all her clothes !! was raised on handmade dresses her mom made in all sorts of intricate patterns & loved it !!
has been an actress in the making for a g e s !!! it all started when she was a really young kid, her mom would let her watch the tv in the tailor shop so she’d have something to do while her mom was at work !!
so there was this drama “a rolling hills romance” ( which i TOTALLY made up lmao !! ) that she absolutely loooved !! it was about a farm romance and was one of the only ones she saw that wasn’t taking place in the city !! it just got her in love with acting in general though, she’d eventually memorize scenes from all the dramas she’d watch and recite them out of the blue !!!
eventually it got her into theatre acting, which was her favorite !! she started watching broadway shows from abroad, memorizing the songs even though she didn’t always know what they were saying. but she just loooved the whole thing, and when she was in middle school she joined her school’s theatre department !
this is where the majority of her english skills came into play - she would memorize the lyrics, and though she didn’t really know what they were saying after a while she began to understand some words !! so while her pronunciation is pretty good from mimicking actors, she lacks the vocab to really use it !!
so she’s really hesitant to speak in english, because if people hear her speak they think she’s a lot more fluent than she is & it lands her in awkward situations !! so she mainly just ... doesn’t do that lol !!
i can’t believe i forgot this when i first wrote this !! this is a very vital part of her character omg !! her first “acting debut” if you could call it that was for a chocolate commercial when she was 8 !! basically she was in this christmas commercial for peppermint chocolates that got on tv and everyone in her town went crazy !! she like goes and delivers these chocolates while singing jingle bells and it’s wholesome and cute and swet !! it wasn’t that big at all lol but for their small town it was, and to them she’s a sort of small celebrity for it !! i’m sure some people might remember the commercial but notlike .... her yk ?? because that was her first and last role for a while lol !!
anyways !! she’s always been self-conscious of her looks - she felt like she wasn’t pretty enough, and limited her confidence. so at 16 she got 2 part-time jobs to begin saving up money, and at 17 she went to seoul to get a nose job & jaw reduction surgery.
and things seemed to be great after that !! she was confident, gaining more friends, but the real excitement came when her mom read online about an audition for legacy and jokingly asked if she wanted to do it. 
legacy had never even be on her radar !! she had always heard her friends talk about them for idols, but she had never thought of them as a company that accepted actresses. upon reading though, she was hooked !! she begged her parents, and they originally rejected the idea because they thought it was one of her phases. however, after much persuasion, they allowed her to attend auditions !!
she never expected to get in, she wanted to do it more as an experience than anything. but to say it was a shock was an understatement !! but she was so so incredibly happy.
had a hard time adjusting initially - she was only 17, and almost right after getting there she had to spend her birthday alone since she hadn’t made any friends yet. and although she’s naturally outgoing, it was really hard for her to be social at first because she was surrounded by so many more people than she was used to !!
for the past few years nari’s been doing general idol training, though that’s about to change !! she’s significantly improved her dance skills ( which were nearly nonexistent prior to training ) & gotten a lot better at her singing !! but her heart’s still deep into acting, and she knows that she wants to do that as well as some modeling !
she still suffers a lot with her self confidence, and there’s a lot of pressure for her to do well ! in school, because she’s the first of her family to go to university, and as a trainee, because she’s risked so much for it & doesn’t want to disappoint since her family has v high expectations for her !
a little lovebug !! she’s literally so loving and accepting of everyone - definitely, someone you can come to talk out any issues, she listens & provides support, free of any judgement !! also v keen on skinship i apologize in advance
she’s come out of her shell a lot since she got to seoul, but she’s still a little shy if she doesn’t know you well or is put in a situation w a lot of people !! pls be patient with her ^^
like max, she’s got a lot of energy in that little body !! but she actually has adhd so a lot of it isn’t really by choice. it frustrates her a lot because it limits her focus & has the tendency to make her restless. it was worse when she was younger, but has gotten better as she’s gotten older and she takes medicine to keep everything in check.
she’s also got v low self-confidence, she’s never been satisfied with herself and constantly wants to get better !! despite the surgeries, she’s still got a lot of insecurities both physically and not, but keeps them bottled up a lot bc she doesn’t want to burden others !! ( i want to shake her !! ) bc of that, she takes both criticism & compliments very seriously, she’ll turn all red if someone gives her the smallest compliment but will also overanalyze & judge herself if she gets critiqued. 
in fact her surgery’s almost made her more self-conscious, as she now feels that all the opportunities granted to her are because of her looks post-surgery. the worst insult she could get was she’s only succeeding because of her looks, because she’s worked so hard on her skills and she wants them to be what takes her forward, not something she had to pay to get.
despite that, she’s the true definition of a happy virus !! on the outside, she’s almost always smiling, and when all the other stuff doesn’t get in the way, she is on the inside too !! always trying to look on the optimistic side & give people a fresh perspective !
on that note she’s v childish, and sometimes she has to remind herself w younger trainees coming in she’s being seen as more of an example and needs to be ~serious~!!
the duality is real !! in performances, sad / angry scenes are actually her specialty, and right after she’ll just spring up and smile like what’s up guys !!! a lil creepy when she goes from sobbing to giggling so she’s learned to transition a little better lmao !!
she always wanted to be a youtuber, but never got the chance, and by the time she joined legacy she wasn’t allowed to have an account. so now she has these little vlogs she does to send her parents ! they’re mainly of her getting ready, hanging out with friends, and practicing ( all out of training hours, ofc ) so she can often be found seemingly talking to herself, even though she’s really recording videos !! 
though being an idol wasn’t her initial dream, she adores the music. her love for the kpop genre has made the last few years more bearable, and girl crush concepts are her absolute favorite !! she’s been religiously keeping up w future dreams like she’s still just a fan back at home, and you’ll catch her humming all around the company building !!
in fact, prior to joining legacy, she had a fan blog for all her faves where she would provide commentary called ri raves !! it was ... a sight !! 
she’s pansexual, and leaning towards girls !! it’s something she’s really shy about sharing bc of the fear of judgment, but if she tells you know you have all her trust !!
a little spoiled tbh !! she’s got the youngest child syndrome BAD, and since she was the only girl she’s used to things being done for her !! not in the bratty way, it’s just made her a little lazy and she loooooves attention and being doted on.
don’t let her appearance fool you though !! she’s got surprising strength ... strong woman do bong soon’s not her favorite show for no reason !!! all those years of defending herself from her brothers’ teasing had to come in handy, you know ?? we’ve got a black belt in hapkido here folks !!
definition of a theatre kid, starts bursting out into songs she loves out of nowhere omg it’s embarrassing ?? also overreacts about everything omg the world is on fire according to her !! she’s gotta faint dramatically !!!
she’s got the jeolla-do dialect, and prior to working on her standard dialect it was veeery prominent ! it makes her say a lot of words differently than someone from seoul might, and after realizing she was one of the only ones with it she’s been trying to make her speech sound more like standard korean nowadays.
she’s taken up sewing from her mom, and especially loves embroidery !! so she always loves upcycling & spicing her outfits up !!
definitely has a unique fashion sense because of it - in addition to that she’s very frugal, and favors thrifted clothing !! she’s got a mix of vintage, chic, and artsy style !
 a rule follower !! veeery unlike max, she tends to stick to the rules out of fear of what will happen if she doesn’t, because she has way too much on the line to quit now !
acting buddies ?? i know there aren’t too many, but even if that’s not your muse’s preferred career path, any muses who have a passion for theatre are welcomed as well !!
someone who unlike her, is v wild and lives on the crazier side !! she’s constantly going into a responsible panic when they’re around and they’re always trying to get her to loosen up !!
someone who co-stars in her little vlogs to her family !! hey, if you can’t be youtubers for real you might as well pretend, right ??
someone who made her adjustment to seoul easier as she transitioned from country to city life !! they’ve lived in seoul for a long time / their whole life and know all the best spots to show her !!
someone who’s clothing she likes to spice up, she’s always embroidering or adding pattern to their clothes to give their outfit a little flair !
someone who knows her past her happy side, who she’s got on speed dial whenever she’s feeling down and needs someone to talk to, and vice versa !!
someone who she came out too, be it on purpose or by accident, and it’s caused her to grow really attached to them bc it’s one of the most personal things about her !
a girl she’s got a crush on but is terrified to tell !!! like yes you’re pretty .... but these things are never easy !!! she’s gonna tell you .... eventually !!
and ofc - exes, flirtationships, summer loves, anything of the sort !
someone she lowkey fangirls over ?? she still hasn’t accepted the fact that she & the other trainees are kinda on the same level, someone she’s kind of became a fan of and can’t really function around them ??
by some crazy chance, this person has come across her old kpop fan blog at one time or another and won’t !!! let !!! her !!! live !!! it !!! down !!! will you accept her bribe and swear to never bring it up again ??? please ???
someone she doesn’t like ??? this is v rare but ... for one reason or another, she can’t stand them and transforms to a completely diff person around them !!
someone who made the mistake of teasing her a little too much or insulted her so much that she just straight-up tries to take them down !!! v unexpectedly !! bonus if it’s someone way out of her fighting capabilities !!
more ideas coming when i create an official plots page !!
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
I once said that I had no interest in idol anime. And then I got into IDOLiSH7. I then said that I still wouldn’t go to their concert. And then I got tickets for the REUNION live viewing. I then said that I don’t think I’ll scream very much, if at all. Yesterday, I slapped past me three times in the face as I defied all of these predictions.
I’m gonna skip out on some of the details of what happened since most people have already shared all that good stuff, so this post will be a lot more personal instead—what had the biggest impact on me, what made me go crazy, and my general impressions and feels. More like a long diary entry for future me, I guess ^^
As soon as the first song, “Natsu Shiyouze,” started, I literally started tearing up. I used to be such a big Kpop fan and loved SHINee so, so much. Their concerts were the only idol concerts I’d ever attended, and I thought I’d never ever watch an idol concert in my life again. But as soon as “Natsu Shiyouze” started, I felt this overwhelming rush of excitement that I could only ever experience when watching a live concert… I thought of SHINee and the way I felt when I saw them live, and then I thought of Jonghyun, and I started crying. But then they quickly turned to happy tears… I was just… so thankful that I found and got into IDOLiSH7, and so thankful that i7 gave me the chance to experience this feeling again… “Natsu Shiyouze” is such a fun and upbeat song, yet so many emotions, a mixture of happy and sad, were rushing through my mind already. It’s a complex and bittersweet feeling, but in that moment I was truly happy :’)
The sad sentimental stuff only lasted for one song, so the rest is just lots and lots of fangirling and screaming xD
I am in awe at the length the voice actors go to embody and present their characters. Just… it was a perfect balance of portraying their roles and also being themselves. This concert allowed me to appreciate the voice actors for who they are—more than simply “so-and-so character’s VA” ^^ I still remember the hype I felt when they all assembled themselves to replicate the REUNION poster image, with Onoken holding the huge flag… And also… seeing ZOOL standing up there with them was so askjdfh;askjdfhj;sad I’m so happy for them omg ;_____;
IDOLiSH7 (the group) is just so full of fun and full of life, and watching them together never fails to put a smile on my face. They’re so lively and energetic and they’re all absolute sweethearts. The most adorable and sweetest family ever <333 Every member had their own moments to shine (which I’ll get into in detail later), and it was literally impossible to not love every single one of these talented dorks ;~; <333
TRIGGER were just… legendary. They literally OWNED the stage. The amount of charisma and stage presence they have is just AMAZING. As a group, they were probably the strongest and most stable live singers, in my opinion, and DEFINITELY the most LETHAL in fanservice. Holy smokes were they ON FIRE. THEY’RE SEXY AND THEY KNOW IT, AND BOY DO THEY SELL IT. THEY OOZED SEX APPEAL. I’M ALREADY TRIGGER-BIASED BUT THEY DEFINITELY STOOD OUT THE MOST AND LEFT THE BIGGEST IMPRESSION ON ME. THEIR MERE PRESENCE IS ENOUGH TO HAVE ME SCREAMING.
Re:vale didn’t give as much fanservice as the other groups, but they were still KINGS. Their interactions and whenever they spoke in their characters’ voices oh my gosh as;dkjfha;skjfhas;j <33333 And the VAs were just… so “senior” and “experienced,” like actual SENPAIS. So much respect ;___;
And ZOOL… oh my gosh I’m just SO HAPPY FOR THEM. I cheered extra loud for them because I was so scared that some people wouldn’t, so I wanted to make sure that they got the love and support they deserved. But ak;dsjfha;skdj everyone was so supportive of them; the screams were SO LOUD and it made me so, so, so incredibly happy ;_____; They were badass and also had amazing stage charisma, almost like a Kpop idol group!!! And I’m glad they shuffled the lines so that Minami and Torao got to sing in their earlier songs, too ^^
Gonna list some of the highlights and parts that left the most lasting impressions and got me the most excited during the concert (not in chronological order):
-        Massun pulling Onoken to the middle again because he’s the centre omg he sounded EXACTLY LIKE IORI and that’s TOTALLY SOMETHING IORI WOULD DO A;SDKJFHA;SKJFHAS;J
-        Massun angrily throwing the towel on the ground OMGGGGG HE’S SO ADORABLE IT’S LIKE HE’S THROWING A TANTRUM AS;DKJFHA;SKJF TOO CUUUUUTE DX
-        There was a part when Re:vale were walking down the long part of the stage together and people around me were saying “play the wedding song play the wedding song” LOLLLLL like they aren’t married already ;P
-        Re:vale and TRIGGER made us do the “kanpai” thing twice each, and I ended up really, really needing to go to the toilet LOL but I just couldn’t leave? No I ain’t leaving during speaking segments and I was too scared to go even during the encore break for fear of missing out on anything as;dkjfhas;kj D:
-        Sogo’s VA twirling around in the frilly blue outfit with the big bow on the back omg SO CUTE. Tachibana also twirled around quite a few times during Re:vale’s performance xD Their outfits were all so beautiful. Especially the Eterno outfits omg the amount of detail and lace and sparkles and the gloves ahhhhh *___* But it must have been really hot and heavy, since they took them off pretty quickly after performing “Hoshikuzu Magic” only >_<
-        Speaking of outfits… TRIGGER’s outfits. So, so, SO COOL. Especially that one pink outfit of Tenn’s omg I can’t get enough of the criss-cross at the back and the long flowy skirt thing as;djkfha;sjkfh;asj it’s like an upgraded version of his Heavenly Visitor outfit and I LOVE IT *_____*
-        “ZONE OF OVERLAP” FULL VERSION. THAT IS ALL. *grabby hands*
-        I’d already been spoiled that Ryu would start off singing “Shine on the Sea” by himself, but it was still SO EMOTIONAL seeing the other two members rising up and joining him onstage ;___; Listening to this song and “In the meantime” seriously made me feel this sharp pang of guilt because moments ago I was screeching for ZOOL and then TRIGGER had to come out and make me remember all the terrible stuff that happened in Part 3 and I just a;sdjkfhas;kj Dx
-        I can’t remember which song it was, but there was a part where MEZZO were pretending to look really sad so they were kneeling together with their heads down and they looked like lost puppies omg awwwww a;sdkjfh;asjkhsa;j MUST ADOPT.
-        During the encore songs, everyone was on carts and grouped randomly or on one by himself. And they grouped Momo with the twins and it was the most adorable thing ever xD Soma and Onoken were being all sweet and cute and putting their arms around each other’s shoulders, and Momo’s just… awkwardly standing there third-wheeling xDDD
-        Nishiyama and Eguchi put their arms around each other’s shoulders OMGGGGGG I JUST WANT MINA AND NAGI TO BE FRIENDS ALREADY AS;DFKJHAS;DJK I hope this is a sign ;~;
-        There was one point where Saito Soma looked at Onoken with THE MOST SOFT AND LOVING EYES EVER OMG AS;DKJFH;ASJKHF;AJSD IT’S JUST LIKE THE WAY TENN WOULD LOOK AT RIKU ;_____; It reminds me of that one Tenn sprite from the game where he has his hand on his chin and his eyes kinda soften a;skdjhf;aksjh;asj SWEETEST TWIN MOMENT OF THE DAY DX
-        Re:vale said that they were a family ;___; I can’t remember it very clearly so this may not be exactly accurate, but something about how they were the parents, IDOLiSH7/MEZZO were the cute children (cue i7’s cute expressions), TRIGGER were the cool children (cue TRG’s sexy poses), and ZOOL were the bad/naughty kids (cue ZOOL doing gangster hand gestures LOLLLLL). And they even debated who was the dad and who was the mum ahhhhh what a happy family ;_____; ZOOL have been officially adopted by Re:vale. You are now part of the family. There’s no leaving. Ever >:D
Okay now I’m gonna go by characters/VAs and talk (more like yell) a bit about my overall impressions hehe prepare for lots more caps~
MASSUN. OMG. OKAY I REMEMBER WATCHING A FEW I7 VIDEOS WITH THE SEIYUU AND SAYING “HEY IORI’S VA IS ACTUALLY PRETTY CUTE.” TODAY? I EFFING FELL FOR HIM. HARD. OMG HE’S SO GORGEOUS?! HE LITERALLY FEELS LIKE A PRINCE A;SKDJFH;AKSJHAS He’s so in-character during the whole live that I always wonder if he’s actually serious and sensible all the time, but no my friend says he’s just trying to channel Iori xD And omg all the Ioriku interactions ;___; THIS MAN IS BOTH BEAUTIFUL AND CUTE AND TALENTED. WHAT A THREAT. I LOVE HIM. OFFICIAL NEW SEIYUU CRUSH.
Yamato was my least-favourite character initially because I don’t like green and I don’t like glasses (SORRY ONII-SAN) xDDD I’ve grown to love him as I progressed with the story (and fell deeper into i7 hell), but today? ONII-SAN SLAYED. OMG SHIRAI SOUNDS EFFORTLESSLY LIKE YAMATO AND ALL THE FINGER POSES AND EXPRESSIONS AND THE GOOD NIGHT AWESOME AS;KDJFH;ASKJFH;SAJ AND EVERY TIME HE REFERS TO HIMSELF AS “ONII-SAN” I AS;DJKFH;AKJSFH;AJ I YELL
Wingu is another one that seems to sound effortlessly like his character omg HE’S SO CUTE?!?!? AND SO SINCERE?!?!?!? Like he’s just… always smiling and energetic and happy, like he’s truly enjoying himself, and it’s like you can just SEE Mitsuki’s soul in him omg. And he also has this strangely comforting vibe where you feel so safe and relaxed in his presence? Yet hyped up at the same time? I can’t describe it but omg perfect Mikki a;skdjfh;askjdfh;asdjkhfjas
KENN OMG. I didn’t really know him that well or care much for him beforehand; I just thought he did a really good job as Tamaki and really adored his sexy singing voice. But today? DUDE HE’S THE CUTEST THING EVER OMG. HE’S LITERALLY LIKE… A REAL-LIFE TAMAKI WITH HIS CHILDISH INNOCENCE AND ENERGY. LIKE AN EXCITED CHILD RUNNING ALL OVER THE PLACE. HE WAS HAVING SO MUCH FUN AND I JUST. A;SKDJFH;ASKJFHD;J TOO PRECIOUS ;_____; And he was so good at finding cameras and giving bright smiles a;sdjkfha;skj he was one of the most lively and energetic and really kept the mood going <3 He’s also a REALLY good live singer. Among the top 3, in my opinion. I ended up loving and appreciating him a lot more than expected <33333
Awwwww Abeshi as So-chan ahhhhh he’s such a sweetheart? MEZZO were practically on fire with their fan service and there were just so many adorable and sweet moments between them. You can just see how much fun he’s having, especially with KENN, and he was just such a cutie throughout?!?!? He had a bit of that shy and reserved So-chan vibe whenever he spoke but you could really see him give his all whenever he performed <333
Nagi ;_____; I feel like every time Eguchi did anything, everyone screamed extra loudly, probably because of all the Part 4 feels ;_____; He didn’t speak in Nagi’s voice or accent very much, but whenever he did, he just… stole all the attention xDDD SO ADORABLE OMG. AND HE’S SO FRIGGIN TALL ASD;KJFA;SHFKJDASHF;J TOWERING OVER THEM ALL XDDD AND I CAN’T BELIEVE HE MADE US ASK HIM “ARE YOU HAPPY” OMGGGGG AS;KDJFHA;SJKFH;SADJ WHY DX
Onoken was the most ADORABLE THING EVER. He was seriously JUST LIKE RIKU throughout the entire concert. He was an actual ball of sunshine, super upbeat, energetic, cute, and just so good at leading everyone a;skdjfh;askjfh;asjk I don’t know if he’s just being in-character for Riku or if he’s always like this but omg I LOVED HIM. HE WAS THE LIFE OF THE CONCERT, SERIOUSLY. His singing voice is seriously like an angel, too!!!!!!!!! One of the best live singers of the entire cast. He was just the most precious and adorable thing ever and literally LIT UP the arena with his voice and smile and presence and just a;sdjfkhas;kjfhsa;j PERFECT.
WACCHAN AHHHHHHH I REALLY LIKE THIS GUY? I don’t know that much about him but I’ve liked him for a while (ever since I got to know him through Yuri on Ice) :O I dunno, like he just seems like SUCH a sincere and nice man? And omg I love it when he puts on Gaku’s super deep and sexy voice a;skjdfhs;aj *___* He’s also a really stable live singer and a really good performer <3 And during the end when he looked like he was gonna tear up omg as;kdjfha;skjfha;sj DON’T CRY AHHHHH But omg when he said “sobaya ja nee” ASJKDFH;ASJKFH WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE?!?!?
SATOTAKU WAS… JUST LIKE RYU OMG. He had that super pure and bright kind of joy on his face throughout the entire thing. You could just see and feel how happy he was to be there ;A; Another actual ray of sunshine and just… he has the brightest and happiest smile and I felt so happy seeing him so happy and just a;ksdjfh;askjdhf;aj WHY ARE THEY ALL SO PURE AND GOOD HUH?!?!? HE REALLY GAVE HIS ALL FOR EVERY LINE OF EVERY SONG, AND THE SINCERITY IN EVERY ONE OF HIS ACTIONS AND WORDS IS JUST INCREDIBLE
Momo’s VA didn’t really give as much fanservice, but whenever he spoke in Momo’s voice… CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!! It’s so difficult to imagine such a cute and childish voice coming out of his VA, but he just… AS;KJDFHA;SKJ HE DID THE “HAPPY~” THING TWICE (ONCE AT THE START AND ONCE AT THE END) WHILE TWIRLING AROUND AND AHHHH SO CUTEEEE OMG ;___; AND YESSSSS HE SAID “YUKI IKEMEN~!” WHEN YUKI’S VA ASKED HIM TO AS;DKJFH;ASJKFHA;SJK
Tachibana was such a blessing omg you could also see how happy he was to be there and how dedicated he was to the concert ;_____; He gave SO much fanservice, and every time he spoke in Yuki’s voice we all just collectively lost it. He’s SO GOOD at interacting with the audience and making us happy, and he really was like a big senpai who was not only taking care of everyone, but like… also returning to his own childish roots, just letting go and having the time of his life ;___; In some ways he felt more like Momo while Momo’s VA felt more like Yuki LOL xDDD
Subaru just… It warms my heart seeing him looking so genuinely happy from the bottom of his heart to be there at the live ;_____; You can just hear his joy and pride for his members whenever he speaks, and he’s REALLY good at getting the crowd hyped. He’s like ZOOL’s personal cheerleader when he’s not singing or something?!? And when he got the whole audience to say/chant ZOOL’s name… I may just be reading too much into this and filling in the gaps myself, but it’s almost like he’s just… taking in all the cheers and living in the moment where he can feel that everyone really does accept, appreciate, and support ZOOL. That all this is real—they really are standing there as part of the main cast and everyone really does love them. It just looks like it means so much to him, and I feel so warm and fuzzy seeing him looking so proud and happy asd;lfha;skjfs I’M PROUD OF YOU TOO ;_____;
Torao’s VA seriously took me by surprise because I really was not expecting him to look like that!!! I was expecting a big gruff man or something, but he’s so… smol and kinda cute? <3 But then he lowers his voice and IT’S STILL THE DEEP AND SEXY TORA VOICE OMG?!? He didn’t seem to give that much fanservice either, but he was clearly having a blast and getting SUPER HYPED UP during all of ZOOL’s performances, which was a joy to watch ^^
(Okay, if you don’t want to read through a huge slab of caps and witness a fangirl completely lose her sanity, skip the next “paragraph” xDDD)
As anyone (including future me reading back on this) can see, the biggest highlight of the live for me was obviously Saito Soma lol. I basically came home screaming incoherently about him and announcing that I was going to marry this man LOL (jks jks). I also secured Massun as my other infatuation, and gained two more new seiyuu crushes in Nishiyama and Hirose lmaooooo xDDD These four had the biggest impact on me thirst-wise, and Onoken, Soma, and KENN impressed me the most performance-wise.
I’ll DEFINITELY be going again next year (if possible). And this time I’m gonna want to go to BOTH days. And this time I’ll have one of those cool penlights D:< I still can’t believe I actually ended up at a Nanalive live viewing, considering my mindset before I caved and watched the anime and eventually downloaded the game late last year. I guess the phrase “never say never” really is true xD
I wasn’t even there at MetLife Dome, but it’s so easy to forget that you’re only staring at a screen when the entire concert was just SO AMAZING AND SO IMMERSIVE. The VAs never failed to acknowledge and address the people at the live viewing, so the experience is almost just as good as if I had gone to the live in person. People who got to go to the live, you’re super lucky and I hope you had the time of your lives! And for anyone who didn’t and is feeling disappointed, don’t lose hope! There’s always next year, and the year after, and many more to come!!! And there are live and delayed viewings! And in the end, there’s always the DVD/BluRay, so no one has to miss out <3 It’s definitely an experience I would recommend to all i7 fans ;___;
Thank you so much to all the performers and staff for giving so many of us two truly magical days filled with good music, happy tears, and plenty of love <333 We really are all under one sky ^^ <3
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oncloud999 · 5 years
more feels and rambles
ok so after yesterday’s post, i just still have so many thoughts that i need to just write it down here...
ok what i find really interesting between them is also their dynamic. at first glance, jk is the more expressive one, always with the stares and the smiles. but i think it’s just from the fact that jm is definitely better at hiding his feelings now after the initial barrage of feels he pushed onto jungkook. now he’s far more subtle. but he still can’t help himself from looking and touching. but what’s interesting is that although he initiates a lot of stuff on stage in particular, a lot of it is exagerated and seem very fan service-y. 
but in front of or behind the camera, he seems to LOVE putting his arms around jungkook, which seems to be a sign of dominance. jungkook, on the other hand, very rarely puts his arms around jimin. in fact, he does it more with taehyung. but he likes to put his arms around jimin’s waist more. but at the same time, what gets me the most, is the fact that jimin also clearly loves the fact that jungkook is physically stronger than him and can take care of him. he likes to play coy or even damsel in distress with jungkook which i find interesting. like when he asks jungkook to lift him off the ground like 10cm to reach the exercise bars when we all know he can jump that no problem. there’s also those pics of him and jk coming back from helsinki where he’s looking small and fluffy and jk is pulling him through the crowd. now i know the excuse is that they were being crowded around and they want to protect each other. but lets be real, non of the other guys are doing this and they have heavy security. and it’s definitely not their first rodeo. i’m sure it’s been worse before... but for some reason, jimin wanted to play the damsel at that moment and jungkook rose to the occasion to protecc. he also loves to be carried around by jungkook, mostly on his back but also in princess style. 
it’s also interesting to me when jimin plays these demure roles with jungkook because dude is 
a) probably the second fittest one in the group despite being the shortest (see when it comes to any physical challenges, after jungkook, they usually expects jimin to do it)
b) he hates being treated as small 
c) dude has perfect control of his body when he dances, he is NOT weak in any way
d) apparently can stare down a whole room of journalists at wembley. 
he is not demure or weak. and he doesn’t appear to behave like that with any other members. in fact, in a lot of instances, he has a very macho vibe in the way he carries himself. so it’s so interesting to me. 
the other thing about jimin is that despite being the apparent angel and glue of the group he is, there’s a vicious side to him that i think the members and everyone else is well aware of. he’s mentioned previously that he’s defintely mellowed since his earlier days and is now less angry and you can see that. in some of their earlier clips, he’s like openly angry sometimes. 
taehyung who is his bff, has stated that he’s one of the scariest members when he gets angry. i can see why, when he is angry and glares, it’s something else.
i’ve also seen videos of compilations of jimin being vicious/savage and for some reason, you never see him directing this towards jungkook. now this may be because jk is the youngest and all the members are clearly soft for him and excuses him from a lot of their more vicious banters. and yes i’m sure that’s part of it, and i’m sure jimin does feel the need to protect jungkook as well, but referring back to above point, one does not play the damsel with one’s younger brother... there’s a part of jimin that wants jungkook to protect and cherish him in a very non brotherly way. 
and the other thing i find interesting is the way the others react towards jimin’s more vicious side. like they never call him out for it where as if it was like hoseok or jin, they’d probably jostle him around a bit. they probably know he’s pretty intimindating. and while tae and jungkook still behave like bts’s babies sometimes, jm has never seem to do so and the hyung line treats him like one of them. like they expect him to hold his own where as they will give taehyung and jungkook some leeway in what they do because they’re younger. 
wait back to the point of bts being intimidated by jimin. you can kind of tell when jimin is being serious and when he’s kind of joking around cos his tone and the look in his eyes really change. for example, in the more recent episodes of run when they were measuring their arm lengths, yoongi said something like what’s the issue with having short arms cos you’re the shortest (cos it really doesn’t matter) but you can see he actually got a little angry and told yoongi to watch what he’s saying, but then he toned himself back down from a full on attack mode really quickly. but you can tell there’s definitely anger there, but albeit a little playful. then there’s the time where they were running around putting stickers on each other’s backs. when at the end, he said he will unfriend the person who betrayed him if it wasn’t jin, and you can see on taehyung’s face (even though he still tried to smile through it) that there was genuine concern that jimin was actually mad. and the way his face and voice changed, even though he was saying it in a joking manner, he was actually upset at the betrayal (lol they take their games hilariously seriously). and when th revealed himself and jimin still said he was going to unfriend him, like tae did look concerned. obviously they’re not seriously going to unfriend over that, but i’m guessing getting jimin’s cold shoulder and angry stares for a few days is no easy task. 
it’s clear that jimin will actually cut you off if he wants to. like in the 2019 ep where they sat around and talked, he was like i cut anyone that badmouths bts out of my life. that must’ve been quite a few people in the beginning because as we know, kpop is sort of a teeny bopper thing in korea especially and people don’t take you very seriously. i mean look who’s laughing now, but you know. the point is, he’s clearly cut people out before and he’ll probably do it again. and it’s hard cutting friends out because you generally tend to share friends circles etc. man is determined and can be vicious is my point. doesn’t mean he’s not a nice person because i think he still is, but he clearly will do what needs to be done. 
but jungkook doesn’t seem like he’s scared of jimin. like jimin has yelled and given him attitude before too (though in a slightly playful manner and never very sustained.. like in that recent video for tae’s birthday) but he just laughs through it and then doesn’t leave like he’s told to. he knows jimin will forgive him all his sins... and obviously that one vlive where jimin is like jungkook chastised me... the only time i can remember where jimin was legit upset with jungkook was that time when jk came to crash jin and jimin’s eat jin (not the recent one) and he asked to be let in and jin was ready to let him in but jimin was freaking upset and wouldn’t let him in and there was even a little scuffle between jin and jimin about who’s show it was and who gets to decide if the door is opened. and then came that picture where there may or may not have been a hickey... it’s a little suspicious
they just have such an interesting and funny dynamic. i want to understand. but it’s hard because we obviously only see a part of what happens between them and it’s honestly none of my business but i want to knowwwww
again, this is all my conjectures because i do’nt know they personally and i’m a fairly new fan of bts so it’s not like i’ve even seen all of their videos or anything. i’m just trying to keep up at this stage. 
gah, this has been keeping me awake thinking about it. it’s good to have it out hahahaha.
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crownbeed · 5 years
Because i do what @lanaren​ does =D
How old did you turn this year? 30
Do you feel your age? bih i have no idea what 30 is supposed to feel like.
Did your appearance change in anyway? i stretched my earlobes to 0g
Post your favourite selfie. no thank you.
If you travelled, where did you go? the ciiiiity.
Which fashion trends did you love? eh?
Which fashion trends did you hate? high wasted pants. idk man, i don't like it.
What was your favourite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible? i bought men’s boxer briefs to sleep in and let me tell you. that was a damn good idea.
What song sums up this year for you? BTS - Idol
What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then? Billie Eilish - When we all fall, asleep where do we go?
What was your favourite movie of the year? the only two i have saved are Brightburn and Into the Spiderverse so both of those i guess.
Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year? nah
Favourite new TV show? there were a lot but The Ozarks is something i look forward to a new season of. But also Queer Eye because i watched it with my partner. We don't watch much together lol
Which new ship/fandom has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears?😔 bts.... we dont talk about it.
What food did you try for the first time? i tried boiled from frozen squid leg. i didn't expect much (due to it being frozen) and i didnt get much lol
Did you make any big permanent changes this year? weaned off of effexor.
What was one nice thing you did for someone else? ...tried to send stuff to poland but canada postal costs is outrageous. other than that idk.
What was one nice thing you did for yourself? Stopped talking to family members.
Did you develop a new obsession? Red Dead Redemption and Kpop.
Did you vote? Yes, first time ever!
Did you move? No.
Did you get a job? No.
Did you get a pet? No, god no. i have too many pets
Do you regret not doing anything? Nah, i did the best i could given the hand i have been dealt. 
Do you regret doing something? If i cant think of anything does that mean no?
Have you done anything that scared you? oh boy yeah, went to a dbt therapy group, went off effexor, lost a doctor, got a new doctor, probably more man idk.
Did anyone/thing make you so mad it stayed with you for days? I was gonna say no, not things that happened this year but then i remembered that time i updated my FB icon with a selfie on fb and then changed back to my previous one like, right after saying “I felt like the other profile pic was a bit too much so I went back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” to which my aunt said “Both beautiful ❤”  and then immediately followed with “Went back and looked.. I like this one better...:D” and i just...bitch was that necessary? really? stfu
Did you lose anyone close to you? No.
Did you fall in love? nah.
Did you fall out of love? No.
Did you start a new relationship? No.
Did you go through a break up? With my old doctor. lol
Did you have to cut ties to someone? yeah but i think i started it last year. and it wasn’t like...a whole production.
Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year? well them sounds like fighting words. I befriended @ljmaystrader​ this year
Who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year? ~family~
If you could have a do over on one thing you did, would you take it? uhhh,wouldn't have bought my mattress. cause i done goofed. it sucks.
What was the best moment of the year for you? dude, idk.
What was the worst? dat effexor withdrawal tho
Did anything happen that you were sure would change you as a person but it really didn’t? Coming off of effexor. i was really like, moody at first but i don't think it changed much of anything. its difficult to tell between therapy and cutting out toxic people which was the most helpful.
Did anything happen to you that you were sure wouldn’t change you as a person but it did? That group therapy bro. i wasn’t expecting much. And yet it was one of the best decisions.
What are you most proud of accomplishing? how far i’ve come =)
What have you learned about yourself this year that you didn’t know in the years prior? hell if i know.
Did your opinion of anyone change for the better? no.
Did your opinion of anyone change for worse? possibly. but i dont think so.
If you make resolutions, did you complete them this year? I don’t do resolutions.
If you make resolutions, what will your resolutions be for the coming year? Still don’t do resolutions.
If you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do?  Who would you go this? i have like 4 hours omg. i just wanna be warm.
What do you wish for others for the coming year? As lanaren said: Be happy with yourselves.
What do you wish for yourself? To Keep progressing and getting healthier!
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blindersbeach · 6 years
the cabaret
wc: 1,661 requested: yes by those amazing anons! blurb: the readers works at a cabaret and bumps into a michael a/n: thank you for the requests for this and thank you sara for inspiring it!!
Friday nights bring the new customers that become regulars. The few that you are close to have kind souls. Franklin, comes in every night because his wife is the main dancer along with being the choreographer. Franklin is always proud of her and constantly supportive. Teddy is in love with the bartender, Joey. Sadly, they have to keep the relationship quiet without getting criticism. You accidentally walked in on them while you were cleaning up back stage. Teddy will be at the cabaret from opening till after all the chairs are stacked on the tables. There is also Rose. At first, she was against her sister, Maisie, working here, but as she went to more performances she realized how much her sister loves to dance. To you, they weirdly felt like the family you never had.
“Curtains open in 5!” Gus, the owner, called out backstage.
You sit in front of the luminous mirror applying kohl to your lash line. Already running out of time, you smudged the line fixing the mistakes your shaky hands made. Even after dancing for almost a year you are still nervous going on stage. Someone knocks on the door.
“It’s Maisie, you ready?” She puts her ear to the door, pushing her long chocolate hair out of the way.
You grabbed your hat and opened the door with a smile. Maisie links her arm in yours as you walk to the stage. Maisie and you had auditioned together and have supported each other ever since. She pulled you closer to whisper in your ear.
“I heard that are some Peaky Blinders here tonight! Gee, I hope a fight breaks out.” Maisie says almost jumping up and down like a bunny. She loves a good brawl.
“Remember the last time a fight broke out? Rose hid behind the bar and almost fainted and who are these Blinders you are always talking about?” You say confused.
“Do the Shelby’s ring a bell? They practically run Birmingham.”
“Oh yeah, don’t you always talk about the older one? Arthur?” You say putting your hat on and you both walk on stage.
“You mean the love of my life!” Maisie sits on the chair besides you.
“I thought you hadn’t met him?”
“He doesn’t know what is about to hit him!” Maisie strikes a pose and you laugh.
The rest of the girls sat in the first position. Your long legs with fishnet stockings were stretched out as a the small black dress slowly rises higher up your thighs. Most of the costumes varied but have similar color and the mandatory black fishnet stockings and a small heels. Some wore shorts, others a long skirt and a bustier.
The curtains shift to their ends and the bands begins a soft jazz tune. On the second eight count the drummer hits the cymbal and everyone in unison kicks their right leg up. This routine is engrained in everyone minds. All the movements flow out of the dancers. You no longer feel nervous. Empowerment rushes over you and the crowd roars. Before you know it, the dance ends. You pick your hat up and exit the stage. The crowd continues to roar as Gus shouts over them.
Maisie and you rush back into the dressing room. A heavy weight pushes you to the floor. Your knee aches and your stocking rips.
“A simple apology would’ve been nice…” You say struggling to stand up.
Sighing, you look at Maisie wondering why she does not have a reaction. She stares at the man that stares at you. He stands in awe. The unknown man wears a dark gray suit and his hair parted on the side. He looks out of place from the regulars you are used to. Too cleaned up.
“Come on, Maisie, we have to get ready for the next number.” Blood starts to slide down your leg. You reach your dressing room and shut the door behind you. “I don’t think Gus is going to let me on, he freaks even over a sneeze.”
“I’m pretty sure he is a Blinder. I saw him sitting with Arthur.”
Maisie usually changes in your dressing room since her’s is all the way in the back and does not have enough time between the first two numbers. She changes into a sequenced dress that hits her mid-thigh and wraps a white feathery boa around her shoulders. You pulled down your stockings and clean up the small cut. You changed into a pale pink dress and white stockings. The blood seeps through.
“Damn it, thats my only clean pair!” You yell throwing the stocking on the floor. You touch up your red lipstick and head out with Maisie.
Before you even step out of the door, Gus is waiting.
“Maiz, you got someone waiting for you in your room, but deal with it after this number.” Gus says and Maisie runs off wondering if it could be Arthur. “As for you, lets see this knee.”
“Gus it’s fine, I can go on.” You try to hide it behind your other.
“Take the night off, I don’t want to have another blood stain on these floors.” Gus pants you on the shoulder and the goes to make sure the girls are ready.
Going back into your room, you grab your robe and go to the bar. The music for the next number begins and the memory of the routine flashes through your head.
“What’s wrong with you?” Teddy says as you tie the ribbons around your waist. You fill him in on what happened as Joey pours you some whiskey.
“Sounds like Gus. Here this will cheer you right up!”
The whiskey does help, although you don’t feel the buzz you used to. Not that you need it anyways. Teddy stares deeply at Joey as he continues to work. You could tell that he wished to take long walks at sunset or sit as close to him in a booth like most couples.
“Well I better go. Enjoy your evening.” You say with a smile and walk backstage.
After changing into the more casual dress you came in, you stuffed the blood stained stockings into your coat and head to Maisie’s dressing room. You knock on the door and try to twist the handle, but the door seems locked. Moaning comes from the other side of the room. Your eyes go wide and then you head out through the back door. Guess she didn’t go on, you thought and laughed quietly to yourself.
A few days later
Your knee healed quickly, but Gus still didn’t let you perform as many routines you are used to. It is the end of the night as you sit in Maisie’s dressing room admiring the large bouquet of roses. They are from Arthur and you still can’t believe it.
“So tell me what happened again.” You say leaning back in the chair wishing a man brought you flowers.
“You know how Gus said there was someone waiting for me in my dressing room. Well I thought it was my sister, but it wasn’t. It was Arthur Shelby!” Maisie says with her eyes sparkling, “He wanted to talk to me, can you believe it?! He is taking me out again tonight.”
“He is one lucky guy.”
You realize how happy you are for your friend, she finally has the guy of her dreams. Then you realize now she really won’t shut up about it. As much as it makes you happy, there will always be a small feeling inside of you wondering when the man of your dreams with sweep you off your feet and give you bouquets of roses for no reason other than the fact that he is deeply in love with you.
“How is my beautiful dancer!” Arthur says as he waltzes in hugging Maisie from behind.
Maisie lightly pecks him on the cheek before pushing his hands away. Arthur instantly straightens up and puts his ‘tough-guy’ persona on after realizing there was someone else in the room.
“No worries, I was just about to leave. See you tomorrow Maiz!” You get up off your seat and pass Arthur.
“Oi, aren’t you that one girl Michael knocked over. He’s here tonight.” Arthur says before moving towards Maisie.
As you walk away, you can hear Maisie’s soft giggles from her room. You walk back to your room with your head down. When you arrive, the same eye-catching man from a few days ago stands in your room. You are glad that he isn't looking through your stockings like some other men have, but still have no clue what he would want to do with you.
“Pardon me, I just wanted to apologize for a few days ago and introduce myself.” He fiddles with a flower. Then stops as soon as he realizes he is doing it. “This is for you.”
“I am pretty clumsy myself, I’m Y/F/N by the way.” You say with a light chuckle. 
You gladly took the rose into your hand. If your cheeks are not already crimsoned from dancing, they definitely are now.
“I am Michael Gray, you might be more familiar with my cousins, the Shelby’s.”
“Yep, Arthur seems to taken a fancy to a friend.”
“Well, he isn’t the only one who has taken a liking to a cabaret dancer.” He says stepping closer. You realize his flirting and completely go for it.
“Oh really? Well tell me Michael Gray who else has… hopefully not one of your cousins.”
“You are standing right in front of him.”
“I can’t say I know much about him, but he is rather attractive. If only he would take me to dinner…” You say teasing him. His cheeks burn up red.
“Are you free tonight?” He holds your hand.
You look around the room almost as if you are looking for something.
“Looks like it.” He softly smiles before guiding you outside.
a/n: i hope you all liked it!! if there are any kpop fans (monbebe for life right here) hi! i won’t really post any kpop stuff but if you see something that isn’t peaky thats why lol
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aharris00britney · 6 years
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random stuff, some facts about me, some sims questions, video requests, hair sneak peaks, umm and other stuff too…. also I am 10 candies from being able to evolve that dumb fish so wig
Anonymous said: Do you have a car?
Anonymous said: Hi wcif the shirts in your coming soon in June update ps I love your cc x
hey! for any WCIFs for that stuff, I am probably going to wait until the posts for the hairs are up because I know that people won’t check when the hairs are posted for my old wcifs.
@angelamariacalle​ said: you could make a WIP the eyes that you use in your post with ice cream?     
i have no idea what you were trying to say ;-; the eyes I used are my default ones which you can download here
@ayoshi-sims​ said: Once you get this SHARE 6 facts about yourself and send it to your 10 favorite blogs ✨
I still play pokemon go (fight me)
I think that pop music was the best in 2007-2011 (One of the Boys, The Fame/The Fame Monster, Circus/Blackout, Animal/Cannibal, The best damn thing)
I am a super middle child! (two older siblings, and two younger ones as well)
I keep all my kpop albums on my dresser, with my Red Velvet one hanging in a red/white flower crown I own :)
My favorite food to snack on is either a tuna kit, or pickles
I am a bottom XD
Anonymous said: When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity!
aaaaah okay um
my kpop girlies i stan
my angel rocky (my old af pug)
my friends (irl and online <3)
the concept of love is always something that makes me happy omg i know that is cheesy but like… imagine finding someone that is perfect for you will always be there when you need and like just GOD I NEED A MAN NOW
charli xcx music umm yeah it’s 5 in the morning
Anonymous said: Hello, I was wondering if you have your sims on the gallery? Thanks for your time. :)       
Yeah! I have a few sims for download on my origin which is SPOTHARRIS I also have them for download on this page
Anonymous said: Hello!! Just wondering wicf the freckles from the discontinued model in your older posts (e.g. momo buns) thank you!!! BTW I love your stuff soo much! :)
Hey! I no longer have that file or even know where I got them from :( Here is an OLD af wcif I answered of them though
Anonymous said: Where are you from?
I am from Virginia, which is on the east coast of the United States :)
Anonymous said: Hi!! I feel like this is such a silly question but oh well I’m a noob. If I use your Quartz eyes V2 will they be inherited in the next generation if my sims have kids? Same with your hair colors as well?
I honestly have no idea how any of that stuff works :( I’m sorry! I assume it should but also maybe not? ;-; again, sorry!
Anonymous said: omg the hair with the flowers in it! *-* i love!! will you also make a version without the flowers? I also wanted to say I’m really happy your life is going well and congrats on the 30k followers
thank you so much!! and I the hair will obvi have no flowers :P the flowers should be accessories if everything works out. There are some clipping issues rn but I think it is fixable :) here is a pic without the flowers. If you guys have any recommendations about then pls send them my way
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Anonymous said: Would you ever consider doing really long curly hair like the singer Sza’s?
I personally don’t like super long hair in TS4, it just doesn’t look well with most clothes and has clipping/weight issues :( I’m sorry!!
Anonymous said: Do you know what happened to SimpleSimmer?
I don’t, no. But I am sure she is fine :) sometimes people just take breaks
Anonymous said: Hi! So, i really love your sim with the dark brown hair (for your hair cc) and i was wondering if you could ever share that sim! Because she has a beautiful face. Also i am wondering which skin overlay (etc) you are using! You can find me in the gallery under the name: xThisGirl (if that is an easier way for you to respond :)
Hey! You can find her download here, along with all my other sims :) I am glad you like her <3
Anonymous said: Hey! I know you probably won’t read this as fast but I wanted to ask, how do you shift the hairline to the side or any of that? Like your daisy hair, briana hair, and that one wip you had in a tutorial video of yours! I really want to do that but I just don’t know how :(
I will maybe record something for this! No promises bc I have to get someone to edit the videos for me and I don’t wanna bug him but I will see if he can edit it for me if I film it :) It is pretty simple to do once you get the hang of it
@sims4storiesandstuff​ said: I just wanted to say, your hairs are the shit! Absolutely stunning. I rarely use the EA hairs anymore! I think you deserve every follower you have.            
Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate stuff like this <3 I don’t play the game myself much so it makes me happy knowing that my hairs make other peoples games so much more enjoyable uwu
Anonymous said: hello can you make please a video when you make a hair and upload it?
I would like to! I just do so many random things while doing a hair like showing pictures to friends and getting their advice. So I will have to see, would you guys mind if the video had conversation stuff in it? As I said earlier, someone edits the videos for me so I don’t wanna get him to do more work for it by editing them out :( I will look into it for sure though!
Anonymous said: That hair wip in your lil video tutorial is absolutely beautiful!! Can’t wait until it’s released !! 🧡🧡
thank you so much!! Here are some more pics of it:
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Anonymous said: are you korean? If not, how can you like kpop if you dont understand it?
I am not korean haha, but music is about more than understanding. It is about the feelings it vibes you get from it and the moods it puts you in. People love screamo music even though it is hard to understand, and music like instrumentals and dubstep heavy are just… what the music makes you feel. I listen to ‘normal’ pop, kpop, instrumentals, artists like grimes that mumble their songs a lot with production heavy stuff. I think that as long as the music is something you enjoy, you shouldn’t be judged for liking it. I know you aren’t trying to be rude with this ask so don’t think I am attacking you please! I am just trying to give you some insight into why different music interests people :)
Anonymous said: I’m so happy to see that you’ve made a patreon account! you really make amazing CC and that’s such a gift to the community, I’m happy that now I get to feel like I can give something to you haha :) have a great day/evening!
thank you so much! and thank you for supporting <3
@lesyatim​ said: Hello,  it’s not ask. I only want to say that you make very beautiful hair and  THANK YOU! I Love You💕💕💕💕💕 P.S. I’m from Russia and I don’t now English very well♡)
thank you so much!! Спасибо большое (that is suppose to say thank you in german lmao)
Anonymous said: When did u make a skin?
it is a hidden gem :P It is mainly to fix the collarbones bc I use multiple skin overlays so I that is why is was never posted :)
Anonymous said: Congratulations i hope you have a happy family 😄
@dangerouskindofmind said: I actually don’t have a question! I just wanna say you are one of my favorite sims 4 creators out here. Your hairs; snatched. Your clothes; beautiful. Your sims; amazing. And your personality looks just as good lol. I’ve probably downloaded like 99.9% of your content and I just wanna say thank you for all you do to make my sims 4 experience loads better. I also hope you’re having a great day
thank you so much!!!! I appreciate it a ton, I love that my content makes people love this game more <3
Anonymous said: Just wanted to say that literally all of your CC is beautiful and from what I’ve seen, I absolutely adore your personality. Keep it up my dear, you’ve got crazy talent. Much love <3
thank you, thank you!!! My personality irl is kind of shitty lmao I am really shy and like reserved ;-; and it is just memorizing how to do some editing to hair meshes, not much talent involved <3 thank you so so much again though!! I love getting these kind of messages
Anonymous said: Are you gonna make an outerwear cc pack when the seasons expansion pack releases?
I don’t make much clothing CC so I highly doubt it. I am working on a swimsuit that I might post later this month though! We will see what happens though :D
Anonymous said: thank you very much for a playlist that you shared with One Shot,Two Shot,I’m totally in love ur the best
yesss BoA is such a queen, listen to the full mini album if you can! It is one of her best releases in my opinion.
Anonymous said: aharris00britney awnsered me,cuz I remember my question and it’s on the asks recent post AND i’ll shake this print in all my enemies face thx,I asked about the patreon and I’m doing it right now bby <3            
hehe thank you!! <3 you show them enemies
– just so the eating ass juicy booty ask so yep that is all I have gotten in the past month that I can answer :P
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rvkis · 6 years
180915 KBS in Berlin
so after being emo all sunday and monday i finally got the strenght to write my report about music bank in berlin and about the whole trip in general. if i got anything wrong you may correct me, since my memory might be messed up bcs A LOT happened. well, here we go ~
Friday, arrival in Berlin: later at noon i met up with my friend in düsseldorf to take the plane to berlin, since her sister and parents were already there but that’s not important. i was super nervous bcs it was only my second flight and without a parent at that. it was pretty cool tho, night flights are amazing. when we arrived we found out, that if our plane didn’t had a 30 minutes delay (bcs we were 3 people too much and couldn’t start off lol), we would’ve have arrived together with taemin, exo and wanna one. how cool would that be.
Saturday, D-DAY: after a very, very short night (berlin is hella loud jeez) we headed to the venue pretty early to grab some fan stuff and banners to cheer for our favourites. while we looked around first, so that we know where eveything is, we wanted to head back to my friends parents to tell them, that we’ll grab what we can get and then leave again. we had seated tickets so we didn’t need to line up for numbers. so on our way back to the car to tell them that, a van arrived just when i wanted to cross the street. and guess who was in that van - EXO. (so i can say i got nearly hit by exo, literally lmao) we had short eye contact with sehun who was sitting in the front and scrunched up his face bcs the sun was blinding, he looked so funny and cute haha. since there weren’t many people at the gate we decided to watch get them in to the venue. the girls next to us screamed so loud it sounded like she was giving birth, which made us laugh a lot haha (you can find the video of exo arriving on my twitter: skelettblume)
well then, after exo arrived we waited a little longer for taemin. but boy he was taking long, so we decided to grab some fan goods and banners and then leave, since we also wanted to do some sightseeing (so we missed taem :(). in the end berlin wasn’t really that nice, at least not too us. and due to the marathon that was going on it was pretty crowded and stuffed. so when we arrived back at the hotel around lunch time we were pretty tired and took a nap to re-charge our energy. then an hour before let in, we headed back to the venue to line up.everything went really smooth and we were inside after like 45 minutes. inside the venue they played music videos of all the groups that were to perform and fans chanted a long, it was super cool and set up a really good mood.
Stray Kids: the opening, after the mcess had a short speach, was made by them. they were really cute. and since it was felix’ birthday we even sang for him. in german tho since this was organized by the staff. originally we fans planned to sing in korean but ok lol. felix was really touched and even teared up, cutie. ;;
Songs Performed: district 9, hellevator, my space
GIdle: tbh i’m not a big fan of girl groups, therefor i don’t have much to say about them. only that they had one of the cutest fanboys. :)
Songs Performed: latata, maze, hann
WANNA ONE: they were def the 3rd strongest group this evening. fanchants were really loud and their perfomance was lit. during their ment they said they are really grateful that fans give so much love and support even tho their debut wasn’t that long ago.
Songs Performed: boomerang, energetic, light, beautiful, burn it up
TAEMIN ( ❤️ ): so, since i’m a shawol since the beginning i have A LOT to say here. it was my second time seeing taemin. i first saw him with the rest of the band back in 2011 during smtown paris. his performances were LIT 🔥 . he was so cute during his ment (he introduced himself in german ;;) and since i literally saw him grow up i can say he improved SO MUCH. I’M SO PROUD. he also prepared a video message from minho and kibum and was like “do you want to see them more than me?” and when the fans just screamed he took it as a yes and pouted haha. during hypnosis then emotions took over and i started crying bcs than it sank in just how much he grew up and everything. ;; and that he continues to be there for fans after you know... -anyways during press your number the fanchants def were loudest and he literally turned his perfomances into his own concert. 😁  something that was also really sweet was when he together with vcr minho and kibum sang I WANT YOU and the crowd flipped ;; it was such a cool surprise. kibum and minho said that they are sad whole shinee couldn’t come but want to next time. minho also looked really proud and happy for taemin. :)
Songs Performed: move, press your number, (with vcr minho and kibum) i want you, hypnosis, danger
EXO: like some maybe expected they def dominated the show. even tho taemin was just as strong with the fanchants but still exo boys really got it. but that’s okay bcs i’m also a fan lol (but shinee will always come firs <3). they were really cute ofcourse. suho really did his best and even wrote what he wanted to say on his palm ;;. as always as it seemed baekhyun’s mic was too low (when will they ever learn ugh). kyungsoo looked SO HAPPY during boomerang ;; i wanted to squish him so bad. kai spoilered a move for cb uhuhu and also looked really happy bcs of the fanchants. suho, chanyeol and sehun danced a few parts of WE YOUNG during ments. baekhyun sang a bit of YOUNG and looked really proud a the end. fanchants were SUPER LOUD and we all went crazy during WHAT U DO, it was awesome. OHHH and we sang happy birthday for jongdaes upcoming birthday and he also looked so proud haha. chanyeol thanked fans for liking WE YOUNG and all the love they get. he was so startled when he talked bcs he was really, really loved (i would say he and taemin def got the most love).
Songs Performed: the eve, kokopop, boomerang, what u do, power
SPECIAL STAGE - CHANYEOL: there were a few special stages, including a video message of bts, but since i don’t really have much to talk about them and also only want to say something to chanyeol’s one, i’ll leave the rest out. so, mr. park chanyeol - istg he gets my heart so weak. he was so considerate and sweet and performed WIND OF CHANGE from scorpions for us. i got goosebumps and teary eyes. his rap voice is already something but his deep singing voice just does things to you. also i felt so touched that he showed so much interest and prepared something so meaningful ;;. really i love soft pups. he also looked really proud/happy when he was done and the whole crowd chanted “PARK CHANYEOL” it was heavy.
Song Performed: wind of change from scorpions
Stray Kids - happy song, dna, hard carry
Wanna One - pick me, bang bang bang
GIdle + Daniel Lindemann - sunny by boney m
Somi - rollercoaster, gashina
besides the special stages, we also had a QUIZ and RANDOM PLAY DANCE break. the best question of the quiz was “is taemin beautiful” and everyone chanted “YES” and then it was his time to perform <3. during rpd break songs from top kpop groups were played (i only remember red velvet tho, bcs our section screamed for suho HAHA exo fans know what we meant). it was really energetic and hyped everyone up even more.
CLOSING: since exo was the last group to perfom, the mcees said a few more words and then everyone got on stage and bid goodbye with gangnam style. really, even tho it went on for 4 hours it felt really too short. but it was a really nice experience, since it was my first with lightsticks and fanchants (i really need more kpop concerts haha). since i’m a shawol first (before an exo-l) i spend more time with them and everyone was so sweet and worked so hard with handing out banners and even lightsticks. HUGE THANK YOU TO Y’ALL ;;. and of course like after every concert my post-concert depression is SUPER HEAVY like can i pls turn back time and go again ;;. anyways, i hope you all liked my ‘short’ report and i hope you get to see your favourites soon too. if you have any questions, just hit my inbox. thank you and that’s it. <3
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bbhl-incporated · 6 years
I like reading your unpopular opinions so can I request two more: 4Minute/Hyuna or BTS?
of course! 
4Minute + Hyuna: I honestly think Cube screwed them over by making Hate their do-or-die album? (Remember there was this rumor, kinda confirmed when they disbanded, that their “next” [at the time] album had to do well or Cube was gonna give them the axe? Yeahhhh) The MV was not good at all, like my casual friends cringe at the MV [you want to appease casual fans and hardcore fans alike] and I did too tbh…. and the song just wasn’t that great. It had BangBangBang’s issues when it came to overall song’s sound vs chorus sound but in a way that inhibited its success (so arguably it had the same issues, but worse). I think someo f their music was hit or miss but ofc Miss “Crazy” was a hit !!!  I think they could have done without the braids because… I mean they just didn’t add anything. It was off. Every black person feels differently about nonblack folks wearing black diaspora-heavy braids, but *for me* I’m fine with it IF the subject’s hair was done WELL, the subject looks good in them, and the look actually adds something or enhances something in the theme or video. Like…. do the hair justice, you know? Don’t just make it some random prop. They didn’t do that for me, so I’m just :/ about it
I think Cube focused too much on Hyuna and not enough on the other members … like take the fact that I don’t listen to 1D at *all* but I know the members’ names. I heard a few things from 4M way back but I could not name the members apart from Hyuna and that’s a problem. Similar issue with 2NE1 (CL; disbanded) and Miss A (Suzy; disbanded). Hmm it’s almost like there is a trend here!! And I don’t mean the person they focused on in each scenario is *bad* to focus on or a bad artist (definitely not in all those cases!); I mean they just flat out ignored the rest of the group pretty much :/ that’s not a sustainable business model for a group on the company’s part. You can’t just rely on the one person to carry the group! Destiny’s child even fell apart because of that nonsense stop it!
4minute was underestimated from beginning to end. They competed with 2NE1 and SNSD in the same promotion cycle (in 2014) and actually beat both of them for a music show win and that genuinely surprised everyone! It shouldn’t have!
*deep breath*
I liked their earlier stuff better than the vast majority of their recent stuff. However, Wings was a s o l i d album and I LOVE how each member got to have his own song. That should be more of a thing in kpop albums. BS&T is their best song so far, Wings is their best album. DNA was meh and so was their most recent one. I got excited about their collabs with Aoki and Desiigner but ultimately I was just .. .kinda confused when listening erwoijkfls
I don’t get the obsession with BTS not sounding hip hop ? Cypher pt 1-3 were amazing, 2Kool4Skool was amazing, hip Hop Phile was amazing, please I’m tired of the western Pop Lite sound that some of their songs give me make it Stop thanks
I think this isn’t unpopular but . Hormone War wasn’t a great song D: However! Boy In Luv was a banger and I’m right and I should say it. Let it love you! Just One Day is underappreciated too. 
Okay nitty gritty. My God when will BTS start scolding their fans when they pull bullshit. Didn’t stand up for Cupcakke at all, never stand up for anyone ARMYs go after on a whim, never tell them to stop doing the nonsense they do on Twitter even though they Obviously See And Hear About It. It’s gotten to the point where people who I know don’t listen to kpop have criticized them for it and I’m like ?!?!?! when you gonna do something !!! Bighit probably doesn’t want them to do so but honestly fuck BigHit they don’t wanna debut another girl group just because of the wack shit some Glam members pulled. And BigHit is too dependent on  BTS for income. BTS *is* BigHit. It’s insane!! Enough!!! BigHit needs to branch out with more artists (especially girls thanks!) and they need to start saying something when ARMYs go en masse attacking individuals and groups on Twitter! And elsewhere! 
Back to some songs before I end this, because this post is long given that I’m talking about two groups: people really need to stop saying certain songs are ~for the whites~ it’s so. annoying. Fire isn’t for the whites it is MY song I’m holding it captive, y’all can’t have it if you’re going to slander it this way. Fire is decent let it live. What Am I To You and Never Mind are also the two best intros; House of Cards and Wings are the best Outros. hmmmm oh and! Lie is a goooooooood fucking song. Not Today was … ehhhh it’s doable. I guess I can… do something with the hype in that song. But it was overhyped. Same with Cypher pt 4. Lost was surprisingly underhyped. Deserves lots of praise.
2!3! is probably the BTS song that makes me the most emotional. And its location at the end of the album, after going through all the members’ songs, made it that much more impactful. Probably one of their best songs.
To close: Jin needs more lines, and Jintro should happen. Jin is hyper neglected in BTS and that needs to End. It does. 
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jayflrt · 2 years
yeah, 60 credits!! i think i'll have around 50, so... close enough, but not enough for me to do a 13th year of school
i didn't have a phone until middle school so i could text my parents that i was on the bus safely (or i wouldn't've had one at all until high school), but both my parents are teachers and were up by 5:30/6 for work, and my dad drove me everyday, so i got to school at like. 6:45 and sat in a before school program, played games, etc. until 9:15 every school day from 1-6th grade
now that i only have one class a day, i am as heavy a sleeper as you can get LMAOOO like. i am a rock.
i spent... like $150 on the game? couple bp, couple welkins, and $100 genesis crystals to get my ganyu (and all the extra primos went into my kazuha fund since ganyu was guaranteed)
i didn't even have sucrose until recently, so i had no anemo battery and i have self-sufficient xiao. i've soloed all but like... 4 bosses w/ him? and i did half of them no dmg if i remember correctly
and omg yeah building takes so long, i say stick w/ ur main team and his current build until you have time and resin for him.
HELP YEAH IT WAS!! it was like,, book knowledge, literacy and grammar, and also just generally how nice you were. i think we had like a 50-100 person literate group and it felt like it was actually hogwarts because it was so active 😭😭😭
i started posting on quotev at 11. wattpad always scared me, so i stuck to quotev and ao3, but i've always been a good writer, and i think i still have like... drafts of my first AWFUL original pieces in my drive somewhere
maybe i will make a gc, idk LMAO i'm very bad at keeping in touch and i'd feel bad nkjdfsjdf
yeah i need sfw yong </3 honestly all of 127 in crazy underrepresented on tumblr (excluding hyuck and mark bc they're included in dream works) when it comes to sfw fics or reactions or anything.
i of course am Adding to the dreamzen supremacy w my mainly dream reactions and dream series on my sideblog 😭😭😭but i've written a 10k yong fic for a collab i was in which was so fun!!
AHHH TAEIL ANOTHER MEMBER I BARELY SEE FICS FOR ☹️💗 but that’s so cute !! son of apollo definitely suits him <33 and i get what you mean !! i did smthn similar for my nct series — mc for jaemin’s installment was jaehyun’s younger sister, and that was alluded to in other installments as well + many of the members appear in each other’s fics (ex. mark being in jaehyun and johnny’s installments as well as getting his own) 🤧
yeah, i like having ur series connected yk? like it feels so nice to write in that little nod that only the people who have read the other fics will get as like an easter egg! and it makes it feel more real <3 which is so fun and interactive
taeil not loved enough for being our vocal slayer. like those high notes y'all love? appreciate this man bc he's not gonna be slaying for us much longer he gotta go to the military😭😭
it is!!!! i appreciate any attention i get, especially if it's on my shitposts and stuff LMAOOO like it's nice that people care? and thinking abt the fact i have a following and stuff is so crazy. it's really nice to have people support your work!!!
i just wish there was like. a cheat code? to make longer fics more popular again bc they used to be POPPING when i joined kpop tumblr 2 years ago and now the attention span is gone 😭😭😭and long fics take so much more effort than reactions so getting a diminished response can be disheartening
omg you’re so close !!! 💖💖 i’m not sure how many units are allocated for each class where you are but that sounds like about 2-3 classes you need :o for me the units are distributed differently tho so it might be different for you !! but good luck, that must be so exciting 🥰 
HAHAHA YEAH SAME except it was for me walking to school and i had a flip phone 🤧 i enjoyed it a lot tho HAHAH i played my lil game of tetris over and over again and took pictures with my 144p camera <3 i started walking to school when i was in middle school bc i lived so close so that's why i got my phone :') and then we upgraded to a galaxy s1 and then an iphone for high school WOOOO (but man it's so weird to think i owned a galaxy s1 HAHAH beginning of an era??) 
omg you have one class a day?? that's so nice :o my monday classes are like that !! it's very relaxing but annoying that i have to go all the way to campus just for one class 🤧 i don't have a car either so i get in my daily cardio at least LMAOAO
omg i have not used the $100 for the top up crystals yet BUT it is very tempting especially with the bonus :'') i just wish the top up shop reset the bonus thing every banner or two ,, i feel like mihoyo would make so much more money doing so right ??? i just hope i get kazuha 🥰 
omg sucrose is sooo good and her ult is so pretty omg :'o i got c2 jean now so i feel like i should build her HAHHA but also i have her at lvl 80 and wanna focus on getting childe and raiden to 90 🤧 plus i wanna level up all of yanfei's talents :'') but yeah im focusing on my main team rn bc resin is so scarce 🏃‍♂️ 
that sounds so fun tho !! 💗 i can see how that transferred over to writing fics HAHAH but omfg i cringe looking at my old writing LOL like at least i tried ,, i can pat myself on the back for that :') but it's so funny looking back at how awkward my dialogue used to be and how 2d my characters felt. i also moved onto ao3 from wattpad but i feel like ao3 is kinda losing it's charm now ?? idk like before i felt like i could find so many gems and all the writing was top tier but now im seeing so much toxic romanticization and people writing smut for minors :// 
omg yeah i agree i think nctblr is geared toward the dreamies D; i mean i ult dream and also fall victim for writing more for the dreamies (mostly jaemin) HAHAH but i think 127 and wayv are neglected sometimes <//3 save for jaehyun and sometimes johnny, but i agree the other members (esp taeil!!!) deserve more fics 
yesyes i agree !! 💕 it's like a little special easter egg or cookie for the readers and i love seeing readers connecting the dots 🥰 plus i get emotionally attached to my characters so i wind up wanting to write more of them :] i love the little storyverses they're so cute <33
and omg yes :((( i remember long fics were a lot more popular around 2020 to early 2021??? idk what happened after that but ppl started shifting to shorter pieces like reactions/headcanons and smaus 🤧 i understand that it's easier to read but i personally think it's more rewarding to write your heart out for a long fic and receive love about it 💘 i think nctblr still appreciates a good longfic tho !! tbh they're more prominent in the fandoms that aren't enhablr LMAOAO 
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hoshyeoms · 6 years
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Hey friends!!! So today (04/04) marks 1 whole year since I’ve gotten into K-Pop!! While my blog isn’t the biggest for things like this, I wanted to do one anyways to kinda let the people who have made this last year so unforgettable and so much fun!! Thanks to you guys, I’ve become apart of something I never could have imagined! 💕💕💕💕 (ignore the fact I spelled appreciation wrong lmao)
@afoxthing : hiii!!~~~ I know we literally just started talking, but I already consider you a friend!! You are super cool and sweet, and I’m so excited to hear all about your concert experience with The Rose! 💕💕💕
@alli-ackles-xoxo: ALLY BBY ILYSM, I know I kinda suck at messaging you cause I’m literally always at work :((( but I love when we do get to talk!! I can’t wait til I get to go out to germany and see you one day cause lets be real here, I’m coming to germany when I marry my rich famous boyfriend lmao. I get so excited anytime you post on instagram cause I love seeing all the fun things you’re doing and all the lil adventures you go on all the time! You’re gonna have so much fun in the married life and I can’t wait to see all your cute pictures. I love you Allyyyyy 💕💕💕
@doublebam1a : Ray!! Hi hun!! We also don’t talk much, but being in the GOT7 chat with you is still so much fun!! I was so beyond excited to hear all about your 24k show and your interactions with Sunny! The chat will be on the up again soon, we just all gotta get away from the business of everything! I hope we do get to become closer soon!!! 💕💕💕
@godwangit : Lara!!! I’m not sure if you come on here much anymore, but if by chance you do see this....you were my first kpop friend! While we don’t talk much anymore, I like seeing all your tweets! I’m so proud of you for going through driving school and it’s scariness!! I know you’re doing super well and if you don’t already have your license, you’ll for sure have it soon!! Thank you for helping introduce me to all of this. Without you, I probably would have never gone past ToppDogg, I would have never listened to BTS, or started to explore more and making more friends. If it wasn’t for your kindness to answer all my ridiculously clueless questions and screaming about the beginnings of my collection of stuff! Thank you for everything!💕💕💕
@imjaebumaf : ANNIE, MY ANNIE BANANIE HI SWEETHEART!!! I love you so dang much, and I am SO beyond thankful we became friends. I went from adoring your blog to holding you so close, wow. You are so darn beautiful and sweet and fun and I’ll never forget one of our first conversations literally being you sending me a picture of a snake and it saying “hey bitch” under it while I was bored at work. I laughed so hard, I literally was in tears. The girl I was closing with thought (and probably still does) I was absolutely crazy! You’re always the cutest and I am so thankful I get to talk and be friends with someone like you! I know you’re probably studying hard (way too hard ms. 37 hours awake *cue stern mom look*) but summer will be here soon enough and you can relax!! Don’t stress yourself out and good luck on upcoming exams, I am rooting for you always!!! 💕💕💕💕💕
@lamptastical: I’m not leaving you out of this one, and I’m coming in hot and heavy with a nickname I know you’re gonna hate but I’m gonna secretly call you cause it makes me happy deal with it. You’re my BumbleBre (ayyy it’s cute isn’t it? You know it is, I’m sure you’re smiling looking at it, shaking your head, then telling me it’s dumb, but you secretly love it (; ) my literal guide to life, the only person who didn’t and doesn’t mind that sometimes I’m just a little messy. My head isn’t as correct as I think it is, and you deal with my stubborn ass. You’re like the big sister I needed, the one who talks to me about everything in the world, and helps me when I need it. I try to be there for you and I know I’m really bad at it, but I’m always here, even if I’m being super annoying (which I’m working on). I am so thankful to have become friends with you, on the level of all of our talks, especially the ones screaming about all of our favorite people and the ones with no words, just memes. Thank you for everything, I hope we can hang out one day soon!! I love you B 💕💕💕💕
@park-sungshine: Hi Mandaaaa!! You’re super dang adorable and I love your love for odd animals! You seem so dang cool I’m just kinda bad at starting and holding conversations until I get closer to people, but I know we’ll for sure be talking one day!! 💕💕💕
@pinkhoodiemark :  I can’t do something like this without mentioning the one person I literally cannot believe I was blessed enough to meet. Emi, my literal best friend. Last summer, when I was just a weird lil Mark bias floundering in the confusing waters of being a new ahgase. I followed you cause of course I needed Mark blogs in my life, I needed all the Mark blogs. Then we became mutuals and I was literally screaming to my other friends, I literally loved everything about your blog, you seemed so heckin chill and I couldn’t believe THE pinkhoodiemark followed me on tumblr holy cow!!!! But then to find out you were also seeing Day6 in Detroit, no fucking way my man, there just ain’t no way! But is that the best part, heck no it ain’t! You may know me as the stupidly excited person, but walking up to the group of you, Jes, Marah, and a few other people I was literally shaking. Here I am, 20 years old walking up shaking with my dad cause I was too scared to say hi to any of you guys (funny to think about now). Spending all that time in Starbucks freaking out about Got7 together, reading the Japanese on my pocky to me, and screaming about anime with Marah while standing in the rain outside the Music Hall! Ending the show and immediately finding each other to scream about hi touch, and make plans for the next hang out. But finding out you literally live a 20 minute (15 if I drive fast enough) drive from my house was the best part! My dad always told me to stop feeling so sad because the friends I made were never close enough, I would meet people with my same interests who were close enough and want to do the same things as me, and boom there you are! Sure you’re busy cause of school, but we still see each other when we can. I can’t believe I got the coolest and smallest best friend. Someone to cry about got7 with, who I’ve told all of my secrets to, and I still can’t believe we got to walk into each other’s lives. Even when you spent a whole day with me and my family at a trampoline park almost 2 hours from our house because I didn’t want to be third wheeling anyone. I love you so much dude, I suck at telling you in words cause I’ve never had an irl friend that meant so much like you. I can’t wait for our future adventures, and one day visiting you while you’re successful and thriving in Japan! There’s no one else I would want to spend 2 hours driving around Michigan looking for monkey bread at like 9pm with lmao. 💕💕💕💕
@sunkissedjae: Gabby, girl, you are BEAUTIFUL! I love that we have that mutual tagging each other in stuff relationship, a lot of friends I’ve made started that way. I also love that you seem to always get the weird references I make on here, or when I talk about Rich Brian you scream about him with me. You a real pal my dude. 💕💕💕
@thekoreanguys: KIARA BBY GIRL I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, we’ve kinda lost touch because of the hurricane and you moving and then me getting super busy but I think about you all the time! I’m for sure going to work on remembering to text you more often and talk longer than a few short messages. Thanks for being so amazing, also you’re 1/2 the reason I realized Yugyeom is my ult so like because of you and Evie torturing me with his pictures, I became the trash I am today. I love you sweet girl 💕💕💕
@whaaattheflower: Hi Ru!! Girl, first off you are so dang beautiful, I love when you send me snap selfies cause that gives me more reasons to remind you how beautiful you are! I know I’m not often in the net chat, but I do read the messages sometimes when I’ve got a little time to try and catch up and you always make me laugh so hard! You have the best jokes, and memes. You should honestly just be a comedian! Thank you for being a friend (golden girls anyone?) and screaming about tons of groups with me. From my Day6 hi touch, to my 24k fan meet, to the stress of MX tickets. You’re so special 💕💕💕
@yokonami: Rinnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!! Hi !  My absolute favorite JinJin bias, Rin you are so beyond sweet and so dang smart!! I love being able to send you cute lil love messages, and girl when you saw Astro and met Jinwoo I was so dang excited. As I was reading your messages, I literally was jumping up and down!!! I really hope our friendship gets even closer this year, love you lots!!! I also love that you are into pretty much all of the same groups, and that you scream about f(x) so much. I know everyone loves f(x), but you’re the only person I talk to that literally screams about them lmao I love that about you!💕💕💕
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verngyu-moved · 7 years
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its the last month of 2017, and i wanted to make a special post to a few people i’ve met this year, and just express my gratitude. this was originally part of my follow forever, but i felt like it deserved its own post since i tend to ramble ◑.◑ my apologies to everyone mentioned in this since it’s kinda long + a lot of ppl are mentioned hdjfkgkdfl
amanda @beautifulshuas - amanda!! im really glad the time we had that suddenly super deep convo that u didnt feel like i was intruding on anything hahah. it was nice sharing that experience with u (but also sucky bc it’s not a good experience) and i look forward to more 1 am conversations about shitty relationship situations lmaooo
jennie @boosonseok - no offense but ur shitposts are the best thing in the entire fandom lbr, and i enjoy seeing a lot of divaboo on my dash, since he is like my little brother. i appreciate ur shadiness (u kno the time) and shoutout to the california bay area heheheh \(≧∇≦)/\(≧∇≦)/
bonnie @cafewoozi - i think ive said this like 6 times but bonnie u!! are!! an angel!! i really appreciate all the help and advice you gave me this yr. u only say nice things abt ppls’ work and i still cant fathom that u actually....like....take time out of ur day to put smth nice on each post u reblog,,,, i can barely tag ppls names ??? a n g e l
kelsey @chanyoel - i lov eu thank u for putting up with w me yelling abt mingyu. u were the first person i converted to kpop.......bless. ur also one of the 5 ppl i actually text everyday (≧◡≦) u stick up for me, listen to me, and cry w me (its always bc of svt tho), thanks for being an amazing friend !!! also sorry for slacking off on @/ing u in jun posts..........i have the urge to @/you whenever i see him just kno that
sophia @gemhui - sorry i havent messaged u on tumblr much lately but ur still one of my best friends on this hellhole. weird to think we met thru another blog entirely when ur icon was scoups of ice cream and i messaged u abt it lololol thanks for being encouraging and so sweet all the time the world doesnt deserve u╰(◡‿◡✿╰) ps ur gay ashgdfjkldf
dana @jishua - dana m’luv thanks for letting me rant to u, ur rly one of the easiest ppl to talk to im so mad i waited so long to get to kno u, ur sense of humor is a+, u always have something positive to say, n ur also a #fellowcapricorn whaddup. remember the time i stayed up til 5 to watch the clap mv w u??? goOD TIMES.
jiyoon @jeonheart - jiyoon thank u for helping me learn how to gif stage performances, it prob seems like such a minor thing but it means a lot to me since i’d been trying to for abt a yr. u approached me and u didnt have to do that, and its very rare to see random acts of kindness on tumblr so i just wanted to thank u again ^^ i hope life is bein kind to u and ur in good health!!
stella @jeonqhcn - stella idk if youll see this but i hope school is going alright for u :( ur super smart (srsly) and really kind, ps jeonghan misses u (mingyu tells me jeonghan asks if you’ve said anything 2 me abt him) hope we get to talk more soon!!
adelin @pabospoiler - adelin its always a pleasure talking to u, esp when its about #tumblrstuff, since its nice to relate to someone else about being a content creator and the pros and cons of it. pls keep making ur stuff bc it is really good :( and u may not already kno this, but tbh, u are The™ Soonseok Gifmaker..............its u, bro.
renata @powerfulhoshi - u are one of the most encouraging ppl on here, ur full of nothing but positive light and energy.......u always make me feel less heavy when i talk to u, its refreshing. ur also one of the most under-appreciated content creators in this fandom,,,, wtf....im salty.....but im sure in 2018 u will be greeted w nothing but success and admiration !! bejos to u  (♥◡‿◡♥)
emmy @shuvee - emmy u are uber talented and uber intelligent!! i was not expecting to be ur friend considering u are Ultra Coole™ but its interesting talking about really serious stuff and bitching abt college :////, i didnt rly expect to ever talk to u......so im still in shock tbh. and to think this whole friendship was started bc i didnt know a ship name (wasnt it junshua)???? iconic
steffi @soonsyoung - stef idk i hope youll see this, but ik this yr has not been the greatest, but i love u i love u i love u. sorry for swerving down soonyoungs lane that 1 time. when things got shitty for me after everything that happened u were there for me, so just kno i will always be there 4 u, i miss u on here, but school is def more important and this site lowkey sucks lmao
rina @wonnwoo - !!!!! quite literally the wonwoo to my mingyu, the person who sees my ugliness and still ???? decides??? to stick w me ???? an angel. u give me the best gifts (u think im talking about the teen,age album but im rly talking about the **** and ****** recs). i will continue to better myself for the sake of u, so i can be strong for u, and help u when u need it. im #tsundere as u kno, so i apologize again if i seem cold i just jkdfglsdf have too many fluffy feelings to handle them correctly. i am also drafting a special w*nw** sm*t 4 u if u must kno
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