#i remember the days of picking out a theme and setting up a blog from my rp days..............
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yara0546 · 17 days ago
hey<3 can u do how dreamies would celebrate V'Day with their s/o?
Nct dream reaction | celebrating Valentine's Day together
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୨୧ Pairing: nct dream x reader
୨୧ Genre: Fluff, Comfort, relationship.
୨୧ Disclaimer : This is a work of fiction from our imagination. It is not intended that the plot, theme, original characters, idols, etc. portray any real-life events/people. Plagiarism is NOT tolerated on this blog. If you believe we have copied an existing authors’ work, please message us privately. thank you and enjoy :)
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✦ Mark
Mark is the type to go all out but in the most genuine way. He'd show up at your place with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, a small box of chocolates, and a nervous smile.
"Hey, uhm… Happy Valentine’s Day! I wasn’t sure what to get you, so I just… got everything?" He chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
You laugh, pulling him into a hug. "Mark, this is perfect."
You both spend the evening at a cozy café, talking about everything and nothing, his fingers occasionally brushing against yours as he shyly reaches for your hand.
✦ Renjun
Renjun would pretend he doesn’t care about Valentine’s Day but still ends up planning something meaningful. He surprises you with a painting he made one that captures a beautiful moment you shared.
"I mean, it’s not a big deal or anything… but I thought you might like it," he says, avoiding eye contact as he hands it to you.
Your eyes widen. "Renjun, this is amazing! You remembered that day?"
He smirks, crossing his arms. "Of course, I did. I remember everything about you."
You melt on the spot.
✦ Jeno
Jeno doesn’t say much, but his actions scream love. He picks you up on his motorcycle, handing you a helmet. "Come with me. I have a surprise."
He takes you to a quiet hilltop overlooking the city, where he’s set up a small picnic. You sit beside him, leaning into his warmth as he gently intertwines his fingers with yours.
"I’m not great with words, but… I just want you to know that you’re really special to me," he says softly.
You smile, squeezing his hand. "I know, Jeno. I feel the same way."
✦ Haechan
Haechan would tease you all day, pretending he forgot about Valentine's. He acts completely normal, making you pout.
"Wait, today’s special? Why? Your birthday isn’t until…" he trails off, grinning as you glare at him.
But later, he surprises you with a candlelit dinner he prepared himself. As you take a bite, he watches you expectantly.
"I might have burned the first batch, but this one’s good, right?"
You giggle. "It’s perfect, Hyuck."
"Just like us," he winks, making you roll your eyes but blush anyway.
✦ Jaemin
Jaemin is all about affection, so expect a day full of cuddles, sweet whispers, and small surprises. He appears at your door with a giant teddy bear.
"So, this is my stand in when I’m not around," he jokes, hugging you tightly.
He takes you to an amusement park, where he wins you a bunch of prizes. At the Ferris wheel's highest point, he looks at you with that signature soft gaze.
"You know… I think I love you."
Your breath catches, and you whisper back, "I think I love you too."
He grins, pulling you closer.
✦ Chenle
Chenle would turn Valentine’s Day into something fun. Instead of a traditional date, he surprises you with an arcade challenge.
"If I win more tickets, you owe me boba!" he declares.
You playfully nudge him. "And if I win?"
He smirks. "Then I’ll buy you whatever you want."
After a day of laughter, he hands you a bracelet. "I saw this and thought it’d look good on you."
You smile, slipping it on. "Thank you, Chenle."
"Anything for my favorite person," he winks.
✦ Jisung
Jisung would be super nervous but determined to make the day special. He’d shyly hand you a heart-shaped box.
"I… I made these chocolates. I hope they’re okay."
You take a bite and smile. "Jisung, these are delicious!"
His ears turn red. "Really? I was so scared you wouldn’t like them."
You giggle, hugging him. "You’re adorable."
He buries his face in his hands. "Stop, you’re making me more nervous!"
But deep down, he’s happy you loved his gift.
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 2 years ago
Gimme your most stupid ghoul headcanons possible, like Sodo is scared of idk dust particles or something funny.
“silly ghoul headcanons”
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Synopsis: It’s in the title you silly goose. Just the ghouls with their silly little shenanigans
Pairing: Nameless ghouls (platonic or romantic) x GN!reader (they/them)
Theme: fluff ✿ , crack ✦
A/N: Heres my first fanfic to my Ghost blog! I gotta thank my bestie for making this request despite the silliness in it. I hope you guys enjoy it because I certainly had fun writing it. I might make a separate version for the ghoulettes cause I love my girlies <33
I also decided to add Aether in this one cuz I love him, remember to respect both him and Phantom as ppl because we don’t support that negativity and hate 🫡
TW: Swiss and Sodo joke about sex but it’s because they’re Swiss and Sodo
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Sodo, oh dear Sodo. He can be such a silly ghoul sometimes
He likes to act like he’s all tough and that he’s hot shit, but some of his habits you can’t help but laugh at
For starters, Sodo is the type of ghoul to be scared of really dumb stuff. Take hamsters for example
Sodo has this really inexplainable fear of hamsters. One day you picked up a cute little hamster from the pet store, and he hissed and erupted in flames the moment you brought it near him
“Sodo its just a hamster—“
Aether once pranked him by putting a bunch of hamsters in his closet and he let out the most unmanly scream ever, it was funny
Oh and we all know Sodo has a habit of slapping people’s asses
It’s basically his trademark at this point
But there was this one particular time where he tried to slap your ass, but he somehow missed and accidentally slapped Copia’s ass instead
Needless to say, he spent a good while trying to explain to the unamused Papa that he didn’t mean to slap him, but the other pair of cheeks that was in front of him in that moment
He once played Five Nights At Freddy’s and he had nightmares about Freddy for a whole week
No joke, he once thought that Swiss was Freddy because he was so disoriented from a previous nightmare and he socked the poor guy in the nose
You forced him to apologize to Swiss after that
I imagine he’s also the type of ghoul to write stupid little messages and graffiti with a sharpie on his fellow ghouls faces
He once made you help him literally knock out Aether just so he could write “number one cocksucker” in big bold letters on his forehead
Needless to say, you two got chased around by the angry ghoul who was holding a fly swatter for a whole ten minutes
Also we all know damn well this man has a dirty mind
Like have you seen him on stage? Of course he does
He has a habit of slipping in sexual jokes and in innuendos every now and then, because he snickers when seeing people’s reactions
Though there was this one time where he made a comment about your ass and he got slapped across the face
Idk Sodo has a weird obsession with your ass
He has toned down on the jokes, but that doesn’t stop him from slipping up every now and then. And it’s quite obvious he won’t stop with those jokes anytime soon
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Rain is such a sweetie and we all know that
But sometimes he can be a little bit of a menace, even to you and his fellow bandmates
To start things off, we all know Rain is a clumsy little guy
Like he’s a walking talking disaster with trails of chaos in his wake. He can hold a glass for someone and drop it like not even ten seconds later
Well there was this one time where you were giving him strumming techniques for the next upcoming ritual
Sodo tapped him on the shoulder from behind to ask him for something. When Rain turned around he accidentally slapped Sodo in the face with the neck of his bass guitar
Sodo then stumbled back in pain and literally destroyed Mountain’s drum set. You were just standing there processing what just happened, and Copia just looked… disappointed.
Rain also collects a lot of plushies
He has a literal pile of squishmallows in the corner of his room. Sometimes he likes to bury himself in that little nook of his room.
He made a little pillow fort in that area for him to snuggle in. Sometimes he’ll invite you to come and watch movies with him in there
However he once impulsively bought so many plushies so they were all flooding his room. You opened the door to his room and they all came flooding out, with a very euphoric Rain on top of them
“…. Rain what are you doing?”
“Feeling great. Thank you, Y/N.”
You helped him organize all of those little plushies in his room afterwards, even giving some of them to Phantom (who was new at the time) as a little “welcome home” gift
As a water ghoul, Rain naturally enjoys water
However he has this really cute habit of splashing around in pools/tubs like he’s a bird in a birdbath, but he gets embarrassed about this fact because the ghouls tease him for it
You once caught him playing around in the a storm in such a manner, it was so cute seeing him so happy and enjoying himself
The minute he spotted you, he immediately got all embarrassed and shy, but you reassured him it was all good and that it was fine to be excited about water
Needless to say, he’s a lot more comfortable showing off that side to you now
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Oh Mountain. Sweet sweet darling Mountain
Like Rain, Mountain is a sweetie. However he tends to have his silly moments.
I’d like to imagine that Mountain often bumps his head on doorframes or walks
The fucker is really tall, I mean it’s hard to not hit something along the way.
So he has a habit of sticking his hand over his forehead to avoid bumping into anything, the poor guy
I’d also like to imagine that Mountain had that light skin stare
Like he doesn’t even mean to look creepy. He just… has a habit of zoning out, so therefore he looks like he’s staring into your soul
Though this does make him really good at staring contests. One time Swiss challenged him, and they lasted for ten minutes
Swiss needed eye drops after that
Also he deadass looks like a sleep paralysis demon when he stands
One night you couldn’t sleep so you went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Mountain happened to hear the noise your footsteps were making, so he went to check up on you
He was just standing in the doorframe… staring at you, making sure you were okay while you grabbed something from the fridge
Needless to say, when you turned around, you dropped Swiss’s leftover cheesecake you were gonna eat upon seeing the tall earth ghoul in the doorframe
Also your scream was loud as FUCK
“… I don’t know. At least you’re okay.”
He apologized to you afterwards and promised to not accidentally spook you. Because for a moment you swore you saw the hat man
Mountain also rarely gets mad, the dude is as passive as a sheep
But the moment he gets angry… hide your children
The dude is scary as hell. Like, he’s even got Papa on his knees begging for mercy
There was one particular day during practices where Sodo and Aether were arguing a little too much. It’s normal for them to banter, but this particular day was getting out of hand
Everyone was already getting upset with them, even with Papa telling the two ghouls you knock it off, but of course they wouldn’t
Well, they didn’t until a drum from Mountain’s drum set came hurling towards both ghouls. Making the fire ghoul and quintessence ghoul yelp and duck instinctively
No one had noticed the fuming earth ghoul sitting in the corner up until that point. Everyone was speechless. Your jaw was on the floor even
Needless to say, Mountain apologized yet again, but now everyone knew not to fuck with Mountain after that
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Swiss is an… interesting specimen.
For starters he was accidentally summoned,
He was summoned at the same time as Aether. And they bonked heads upon getting summoned
It was rather funny seeing Papa being so confused as to why the ritual spell summoned two ghouls, and seeing said two ghouls yell at each other for bonking heads
But it all worked out because after Swiss showed off that he can literally do fucking anything, Papa just let him stay
And Swiss was the perfect flare of spice to add to Ghost, and he’s a sweet ghoul to be around
But that doesn’t stop him from being a literal menace to society
Swiss has a really strange habit of breaking into people’s rooms and just jumping on their beds to wake them up
All while he’s obnoxiously telling them to get up, much to the other’s annoyance
You once threw him across the room for waking you up, and Swiss was just laughing so hard on the floor when he saw your reaction
Since he’s quite literally known as the Swiss Army Ghoul, he’s good at almost everything.
Including cooking. He likes to cook a lot of meals for the people living in the ministry
Bro even has a stereotypical pink “kiss the cook” apron, he got it as a birthday gift from you
But the “cook” part is crossed out with a red sharpie and instead Swiss replaced with “dick”
Why? Because it’s fucking Swiss.
He also made it a point to bake everyone’s birthday cakes, but he’ll slip in something stupid to be funny
One time Cirrus was cutting her birthday cake and she got a whole ass doll head in there, which left her very confused
Swiss isn’t allowed to make people’s birthday cakes anymore because of that
Also sometimes Swiss will get high out of nowhere
No one knows what the fuck he’s doing because this ghoul is all over the place, but when he’s high he says the most out of pocket stuff
There was this one time he messaged the ghoul group chat while taking an edible saying “this edible is weak as shit.”
But then right after that message, he attached a picture of you and sent it with the caption “I’ve always wanted to fuck them.”
You could hear Sodo’s laughter from his room after that.
And when Swiss got sobered up, you asked him about the message, but bro literally refuses to acknowledge he sent it
“Swiss did you send that message from earlier—“
“Then who did?”
“The hat man.”
“Oh so this suddenly isn’t a safe space?”
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Ah Aether. We all love Aether. I mean who doesn’t?
We all know how much of a little psycho Aether can be, but he’s a lovable psycho that just exerts a lot of fun energy
That doesn’t stop him from being a little fucker however
He likes to pull a lot of pranks with Swiss, Sodo unfortunately being his main target
So there was this one time he asked you to help him prank the poor fire ghoul, and you said yes because you felt like messing with Sodo
(And also partly because you were kinda pissed with him due to the fact that he ate your leftovers)
So the prank was to put a bunch of sticky notes in Sodo’s room that all read “big cock energy” (because of course it did)
However during the process of putting the sticky notes in the room, Sodo walked in on two idiotic fools, those fools being you and Aether of course
And it’s safe to say that for a solid twenty minutes, the two of you were running around the ministry with an angry flaming fire ghoul hot on your trail, giggling like little children
(Sodo spared you, but Aether wasn’t so lucky)
“Because I hate them less than you, NOW C’MERE—“
Aether once fell asleep with a rotten ass banana peel
Like no joke— you once walked in his room to ask for something and his whole room STANK of rancid and rotten banana
And Aether was just sitting there, confused as to why you looked like you were about to throw up on his bedroom floor
Rain had to fucking disinfect the room (with a gas mask because it smelled that bad)
Oh and you Rain breaks things? Aether is so much worse
He once tried to clean up Swiss’s mic stand for an upcoming tour and the damn thing just- fell apart
Swiss was more bewildered than upset, because how in hell does that happen?
You literally do not let him touch your equipment because he’s gonna somehow find a way to break it all
When Aether departed from Ghost you were very sad
But then he messaged the group chat with this message “I’ll miss all of you fuckers. Be nice to the new ghoul, love all of you <33 (except for you Sodo, fuck you)”
Sodo then bursted out of his room tackling Aether, but it was more so out of love rather than being an ass
Needless to say, you all still keep in touch with Aether
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Phantom!!! We all love Phantom here
Since he was newer and the one of the more recently summoned ghouls, he had a hard time fitting in
But you and the other ghouls thankfully made him feel welcome, even if it took a little more time for some other ghouls to get used to him
And because of that, it didn’t take long for Phantom to start joking in the ghoul chaos
He is literally a walking meme
Phantom is the type of guy to quote old vines and also keep up with any meme trends
Part of being the youngest ghoul I guess
He often confuses Papa with his little antics (because he’s an old man), and you’re just silently laughing at Papa’s reactions to Phantom
Also Phantom has a habit of holding things weirdly
You thought it was just his guitar? Bestie no, the dude is holding things the wrong way all the time but still somehow makes it work
Like— he holds onto a pen like it’s about to grow a pair of legs and run out of his hand, but he still somehow has the most beautiful cursive handwriting there is
“…. Phantom— what are you doing? You’re holding that pen like it’s a—“
“Hush, Y/N. I’m writing everything I want for Christmas this year.”
Phantom can also be a bit of a nerd sometimes
Like— you know those kids in school that are so dorky and have that awkward teenager energy? But you can’t be annoyed at them because they’re so cute? Yeah, that’s Phantom
Man’s will ramble about the most nerdy thing so passionately that you can’t help but listen, it’s cute seeing him get all excited over… legos or something
Oh and if someone dares to insult his passion he will spread legos all over their room
(Poor Swiss was a victim of that unfortunately)
Oh yeah he almost once accidentally vacuumed Copia’s pet rat
The dude was just trying to clean up his room, and one of the little fuckers scurried in his room, and the rat’s tail got stuck in the vacuum
Phantom’s high pitched scream upon realization was enough to have you bolting in the room to check in on the poor ghoul
And you were met with the sight of Phantom desperately trying to pull out a screaming rat from the vacuum while the ghoul was on the verge of tears because he didn’t want to get scolded
You ended up helping him because no one wants to see Phantom sad
And it’s safe to say Copia now has one pet rat with no tail.
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hesthermay · 2 years ago
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PAIRING: bucky barnes x f!reader
SUMMARY: bucky barnes and the domesticity he deserves.
RATING + WARNINGS: general audiences, domestic themes, fluff. use of she/her, more fluff, use of y/n, more fluff. in my head reader works outside lolzies
NOTES: marvel!? again!? it never ended!! just switched to something else for a bit but hesthermay will always be a multifandom blog! i quite literally am attached to too many things for it to just be one anymore lmao. anyways!! this is apart of the lady may universe, all works will be labelled as such but remember they do not need to be read in any order or together at all! they can be read as standalone stories because they are all apart of a collection!!
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The sun had just finished setting, the dark sky staring back at him as he stood in front of the kitchen window. 
Bucky Barnes wiped his flesh hand on his jeans before reaching up to readjust the phone wedged between his cheek and shoulder before it could fall. His other remained submerged in the soapy dishwater, metal fingers clutching the wine glass more delicately than his past self ever thought he could as he secured the device. “No, Steve—if you need me, I can come back.” 
The blonde man shot him down immediately, insisting that it would only be a waste. Bucky sighed deeply and quietly, knowing his friend was as stubborn as they came.. “Alright, punk; if you say so.” 
Truth be told, he did not want to go back just yet. As tired as he’d gotten over the years, the fight most likely wouldn’t ever leave James Buchanan Barnes’ life and that was just something he was going to have to accept. But when he’s here, in the tiny town in the middle of nowhere that was his very slice of paradise, there was no fighting. Only hard work and long days, warm evenings and calm nights, and loud laughter and dinners shared between two. 
The life that Y/N L/N had given him was not one he had predicted, but one he would never take for granted. It was…all he could possibly want. If the world were to end tomorrow, he would spend his last moments with his lips on hers. 
A tail hitting against his calf was what caught his attention and momentarily pulled him away from the conversation, glancing down at the plump dog stood next to him. Her eyes were trained on the doorway of the kitchen and the brunette knew exactly what she’d picked up on, a grin growing on his face as the last dish was dried and put away. 
“Steve, I gotta go, Y/N/N just got home…okay, okay—I’ll tell her,” he chuckled as his metal hand swiped a rag over the counter quickly.
“Tell who what?” A voice piped up from behind him and the cloth was soon abandoned as he whirled around. There she was, standing in the doorway dressed for work and looking like it’d been a long day of it, while still radiating the kind of beauty he swore he’d never get tired of.
Bucky’s grin grew into a smile impossibly fast for a man who used to be a shell, a weapon, but that wasn’t unusual for him these days. “Ah, speak of the devil and she shall appear,” he remarked, and was met with an eye roll from his love and a laugh from his friend, before pulling the phone away from his ear. 
With one click, Steve Rogers was put on speaker phone and thrown under the bus. “Stevie says you owe him a dinner from when he kicked your ass in beer pong.” 
“I did not say that!” 
Y/N’s laugh echoed around the kitchen and filled Bucky’s chest with joy. “Oh, well quit your complaining and get your ass down here then!” She called out as she made her way to the fridge, boots thumping against the floor. “And last I recall, there was no ass kicking. You barely beat me, Rogers.” 
Steve and Y/N got along great, and it had become obvious to Bucky very quickly that they acted just like siblings. Their dynamic mimicked that of an older brother and younger sister, and if they didn’t look so different it’d be hard to tell they weren’t related. If they were, Bucky knew she’d give Steve a run for his money. 
“I’m all booked up for the next few weeks unfortunately,” the captain’s voice filtered through the speaker, “but I wouldn’t be opposed to a visit after I clear everything up.” 
“Oh,” Bucky drawled out as he leaned against the counter, arms and ankles crossed in the very name of ease, “I bet you wouldn’t. Grandma’s cooking’s pretty good, right?” 
Another laugh was accompanied by the popping of a beer bottle’s cap coming off and the clinging sound of it hitting the floor. “You’re damn right!” Leaning down to pick up the trash, Y/N continued to speak to Steve but the mechanic had already gained tunnel vision. 
His eyes were on her everywhere she went, observing the way her lips formed the words but not really hearing what they were, the way her eyes flitted over to him every few minutes because she was just as obsessed with him as he was her. 
The life that Y/N L/N had given him was not one he predicted, but one he would rather die than take for granted. It was his greatest gift.
The sound of his name broke his concentration and he was brought back to the present, tuning in to the conversation to hear Steve saying his goodbyes, throwing a ‘talk to ya later, Buck!’ at the end before he hung up. The phone was forgotten, remaining in the same spot with a black screen as the family of two now focused solely on one another. Y/N walked to the sink, beginning to wash her hands as she looked at the man before her with a semi serious face. “I sure am glad Steve let you have a break even with this long mission. I was starting to go a little crazy,” she chuckled. 
“I’ll always find a way back to you, lover girl,” he replied smoothly with that crooked grin as one hand reached out to swipe a thumb across her cheek, wiping off the smudge of dirt left over from her day at work. She beamed at him and he couldn’t help himself, couldn’t stop himself from pulling her in for a kiss; a kiss that conveyed how much he’d missed her, how long he’d waited for her, and just how much he loved her. 
When they broke apart she laughed ever so softly, eyes a little out of focus as she recovered from the display of affection. “You gonna let me set the table, Barnes?” 
“I suppose I could,” he feigned reluctance, waiting until the very last second to release his hold on her face, hands slowly pulling away from her face where they were gently resting. 
“Thank you for making dinner, by the way,” she threw over shoulder as she made her way into the next room with the plates and silverware stacked in her hands, and he followed her with the trays of food he had prepared for them. 
“Of course, doll,” he assured, knowing that if not for her he wouldn’t be able to make this meal nor would he have the motivation to learn how to. This domesticity, the routine of home life, was utter bliss. 
The life that Bucky Barnes had gained was not one he ever thought was possible for him, but it was one he would never let go of. It was all he needed, all he wanted, all he’d dreamt of. 
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all works on this blog belong to hesthermay.tumblr.com: do not copy, repost onto other sites, or claim my work as your own.
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m0rgandillard · 21 days ago
How do I start a blog? And like the intro and the blog part
How to Start a Blog
All my tips & tricks for starting your very own blog! (I am making a longer YouTube video on this, my channel is in my bio, and I'll link it here when it's up) Topics include: Theme, content, tags, growing a following, upload schedule, and content/blog ideas.
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✿Theme✿ The most important part of any blog (or any social media) is the theme, It's what sets you apart from everyone else on a platform. A theme is all of the visuals on your blog. I would recommend creating a Pinterest board of what kind of aesthetics you want for your blog, and then using those themes when customizing your blog. Type "dividers" in the search bar, and scroll until you find ones you like, I recommend picking out a themed divider (like the one above this) and a simplistic divider for separating and making things look cleaner (like the one below this section). Remember to give credit for dividers if the creators ask you to.
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✿Content✿ Now that you have a theme, it's time to figure out what you'll be posting! Write down some topics you are into, and pick one or two that you know you can post about long-term (self-care, cooking, digital art, film, etc...). Write down some ideas for posts you could make.
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✿Tags✿ Tags are one of the things that make it easier for people to find your content. If you don't know where to start, look up a few other blogs that post about the same stuff as you, and see what tags they use. It might take a while to figure out what works best for you, so experiment with what tags you put on your posts.
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✿Growing a following✿ One of the best ways to gain a following is by using Tumblr's new Communities feature. Make friends in your Communities, and take whatever you post on your blog and repost it in related Communities (be warned that it won't let you repost into a Community if you have links in your post). You should also follow and interact with accounts related to your niche (What you post). Not just to gain a following, but also to make friends in the communities that you're in.
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✿Upload schedule✿ Part of running a blog is having a good upload schedule. Personally, I would make a minimum upload schedule, which is where you only have a minimum amount of things you post in a week so that once you meet that goal, you don't have the pressure of doing more if you don't want to. Maybe start out posting once a week, and if you find it is pretty easy to maintain that, then you could up that to posting two times a week.
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✿Content/blog ideas✿ Blog topic ideas and two post ideas each Reading Blog - my 2024 dnf list - 2025 book recommendations Art Blog - My favorite art supplies - 2024 Sketchbook tour Film Blog - My favorite movies for a cozy winter - Movies for a rainy day Slice of Life Blog - My morning routine - Productivity tips
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Hey, you made it to the bottom of this post! I hope it was somewhat helpful if you're making your very own blog. I am making a more in-depth video about this on my YouTube channel (link in bio).
If you have any questions or just wanna chat, the button is on my page <3
Thanks for reading, ✿m0rgan✿
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flightfoot · 1 year ago
Do you have ML fic rec with supernatural theme? Smt like Spellbound or Bell the Cat thing perhaps?
You're in luck, I love supernatural/fantasy ML fics! I tagged everyone I know the tumblrs for, feel free to tag anyone I missed!
Dreams of You by @chocoluckchipz
Dreams had long been his only escape. Dreams of Ladybug, the girl who had always been there for him. If only in his dreams. And only while she was also sleeping. Because with the first rays of sunshine gliding over her skin, with the first fluttering of her eyelashes, from the moment she opened her eyes in the morning, memories of Adrien would vanish from her mind. She would go on living her life. He would always be the only one who remembered. At least until they meet in the real world and fall in love all over again, something that would’ve been easier to do if Adrien wasn't a prisoner in his own home.
May I Introduce Myself, Your Highness? by @chocoluckchipz
Whether picking up a stray animal off the streets or saving a dying child at the market, Adrien had always strived to be the best version of himself. Truly, he would've been the perfect candidate to be snatched up by a kwami, were he an orphan, dying somewhere remote after a short life full of nothing but suffering and misery. Yet as it stood, the sole heir to the French throne had little to complain about. Apart from, perhaps, a complete absence of a love life. That is until a mysterious girl, wandering around his gardens at night, catches his attention.
How Marinette Learned to Stop Worrying And Love The Ball by @rosie-b
Hidden from the crowds thronging around the busy fairy portal in Paris's town square, a fae gate sits at the edge of the forest, locked, rusty, and full of ancient magic. Marinette thinks that this abandoned gate must not work anymore... but one day, a fairy disguised as a black cat steps through it.
a winter so warm by @rosekasa
winters were hard for even the best of vampires, but at least adrien had marinette to keep him warm with her cuddles.
december was going to suck without her. so it was only to be expected to get extra cuddles in before she left, right?
(well, not really, considering those heating supplements he was taking, but she didn't need to know about that).
Stitched Together by @nedjsmlfavs
Stitch Witch Marinette was just supposed to be having a nice, terrifying outing with her best friends. She never expected to find a magically trapped kitten, but here we are! Whatever happened to this poor little guy?
The Mer-Human Race by @rosie-b
Bringing her hand closer to his lips, Adrien tried to plant a kiss on it, but Marinette pulled away before his lips could touch her.
“Save it for your girlfriend,” she said teasingly. “Or do you still not have one yet?”
Adrien smirked and crossed his arms.
“It’s a girl,” he said. “And I know her in real life. That’s all you get. Now, let’s get back to planning, shall we? We have a mermaid to beat.”
See This Chance by @19thsentry-blog
Luka died in 2016. Yep. Crushed by the Arc de Triumph when Mayura’s Robustus slammed into it. It was kind of a big deal, but once you’re dead, you’re dead—especially when there’s no Lucky Charm to bring you back.
Luka’s been dealing with it in the typical ways.
Written for FeLuka week 2023.
the legend of the firefly by @agnes-writes
“She’s… beautiful.
If he were to describe her, he’d say that they bottled summer in her eyes, and painted the night sky in her hair. Her lips are curved into a wistful smile, eyes trailing the thicket of trees where Adrien stands.
Her gaze sets his heart stuttering in his chest as it softens, and Adrien almost believes that look is meant for him.”
OR: A pair of lovers create a romance that transcends time, and leaves a mark like no other.
Anchor by @liiinerle
“Marinette. Please take that sabre out of your neck.”
“Right. Thanks. I forgot it was there.” She grabbed hold of the guard and pulled; the blade slid out like it had only been run through butter. After dropping it on the floor, she picked up one of the teacups and picked up a biscuit from a tin she’d brought in; she placed the biscuit on the saucer plate and handed the whole thing to Kagami, who could only really resign herself to accepting it.
Marinette has raised Kagami from the dead, and also happens to be dead herself. It turns out some bad choices were made in the past. But that doesn't mean they'll lead to bad outcomes for them now.
delicate in every way but one by katrinette
When Marinette finds a wanted ad that provokes just enough questions in her mind that she can't help answering it, the reward is sweeter than she could have imagined.
whose woods these are (I think i know) by Reiaji
Four years after his future turns to cinders, Adrien is a servant in the house he was meant to inherit. Disowned by his father and abused by his stepmother, his days are filled with drudgery until he meets a masked huntress in the forest behind his father's chateau. As his friendship with Ladybug turns to first love, he dreams of a future spent at her side. Then, on the eve of the Princess's masquerade, he meets his guardian—and is granted a wish. [Ladrien Cinderella AU]
don't you worry child by @mexicancat-girl
Marc and Nathaniel have a good life, married and living together in a cottage in the woods. But they consider having children at some point. Marc in particular really wants to start a family with his husband. He knows the fey are real, so he goes searching in the woods to find one to strike a deal. He may get a bit more than he bargained for in the process.
hella enchanted by @xiueryn:
Years ago, Marinette's father died and she was left with her awful stepmother. With magic forcing her to obey every command, she lived as a servant and gave up hope. When a man appears, searching for the very fairy that blessed her, Marinette decides to give life one more try. AU.
(a different ella enchanted au.)
How Could I Not? by SorryJustAnotherPerson
In fairy tale books, Princesses were saved by nights from ferocious dragons. Those books were not their story, but Rose was happy to flip over a new page with her Juleka every single day.
Many years ago, she was put to this tower by her parents and her kingdom, along with a fire breathing dragon, so she could find her prince charming one day. How foolish for them to not calculate her falling in love with the dragon. I mean seriously.
How could she not?
Once Upon A Time by kao_rei:
"Humans fear wolves. I mean, we're horrible, sickening creatures, aren't we?" Adrien laughed.
"I don't think so," Marinette muttered. "Well, not anymore when I met you."
Marinette's days are all the same—she puts on her red cape, makes deliveries for her parents' bakery, and goes home to rest before another busy day. Adrien is a wolf-boy who watches her from afar, awaiting the day they finally meet to change their stories.
While falling in love may bring about some challenges, they're willing to fight through them together because they'd never settle for a "the end". They want a "happily ever after", too.
(In which Marinette is Little Red Riding Hood, Adrien is the Wolf, and they fall in love somewhere between deliveries, flower fields, and shiny red apples).
life's waiting for you by @mexicancat-girl
Marc is the shy and soft-spoken Prince of the Underworld, used to being ignored at best and feared at worst. He greatly admires Nathaniel, the Prince of Nature, who’s much too out of his league. Handsome, kind, charming, and charmingly modest, with hair as red as a rose and talented artists' hands. Yearning for the love of a nature deity when he’s a deity of death is beyond ridiculous, so Marc keeps his hopes low. But an encounter at the border between the Underworld and the surface leads the two to speaking, which leads to Marc showing Nathaniel his writing and Nathaniel his art. And from there blooms a beautiful friendship…Or maybe more.
to love beauty is to see light by sagansjagger
Young common-mer Adrien will do anything to please his father, Gabriel Agreste. Adrien will even alter his tail, that hideous thing. But the sea witch he seeks out is not who he expected. A common-mer striking up a friendship with an anglerfish-mer is taboo among mermaid kind, but Marinette Dupain-Cheng is too interesting for Adrien to just leave her alone...
Ghost of You by its_just_iori
It finally happened. The akuma attacked at the wrong time. They weren't prepared. For the first time, there was a casualty. Someone was killed. Marinette doesn't care that her identity was exposed to the world; she can't stop blaming herself for what happened. If only she'd been ready... if only she'd done more... There's nothing for Adrien to say. There's nothing he can do other than stay by her side and help her through this pain.
The Pink Lady: Marichat May 2018 by seasonofthegeek
In this story, Chat Noir, Carapace, Rena Rouge, Queen B, and Paon are the heroes of Paris. The Ladybug Miraculous has been lost for almost a century and it takes all of their combined power to cleanse akumas sometimes but they’ve found something that works since they don’t have another option. Hawkmoth is one of their villains, but not the only one plaguing Paris. Chat Noir happens upon an old hotel one night on patrol and discovers something and someone he didn't expect.
The Beauty of a Rose by properjitterbug
In the small town of Bellerose, Marinette and Adrien are childhood friends while secretly pining for each other. They lead happy lives until one day a long, forgotten promise is stirred awake; changing their lives in ways they couldn't imagine. With time marching on, Marinette is left to chase after ghosts of her past as a strange creature appears in the depths of the mysterious forest. Arc 1: Chapters 1-11: Complete Arc 2: Chapters 12-?: In Progress -- Werecat!Adrien x Marinette
Note: this one's M-rated for a reason.
what worse luck by GuardianKarenTerrier
He doesn't know what happens. One minute he's struggling against the leash spell, the next he's tripping on his own momentum as the magic suddenly snaps, as he tastes freedom for the first time in- in ever, probably. Adrien doesn't stop long enough to think about where he's going or why. He just bolts. (Marinette's spell goes wildly off-target, but it's a stroke of luck for everyone involved that it does).
fire lily petals by @fragileizy
“Do you believe in soulmates?” His little witch looks up from her mortar and pestle, setting a heavy book in front of him at the table. The weight of the textbook upsets the flame of their oil lamp enough to scatter and smudge the shadows around them, and he stares down at the page for something to do instead of looking at her glittering eyes. Of course I do, he wants to say. Of course I believe in soulmates. I believe in it every time you look at me, Marinette. It’s as true as the demonic seal that stains my chest at our contract— it’s as true as the demonic seals that burn on your ear lobes that you keep hidden with your hair at our contract. But he’s a coward. He’s nothing more than a coward. The great Chat Noir, the legendary demon who has fought countless demonic wars, who has looked at the concept of death thousands of times, helpless to the way this witch looks at him. “It’s very... fairy-tale-like. Is it not?” Part One: Chapters 1 - 20 Complete Part Two: Chapters 21+ In Progress
Living With Dragons by @nomolosk
Stifled at home, Prince Adrien just wants to have an adventure. Accidentally captured instead of her mistress, Marinette Dupain-Cheng just wants to go home. But when you're living with dragons, things are bound to get interesting, and both of them might just end up finding something they like better. Set in the world of the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede.
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theneighborhoodwatch · 11 months ago
002 - Popstar, Franklydear and whatever we call what Wally and Home have going on
(send me a character/ship to hear my thoughts)
i've gotten Multiple asks about all of these pairings, so let's not waste anymore time. under the cut bc unsurprisingly this got Long.
when or if I started shipping it: i think it first Really started with this pokemon AU post clown made talking about what he thought they'd be up to in that universe... the language he uses in that post really caught my eye, and it just kinda snowballed from there, especially as canon started picking up and we saw more of them interacting 1-on-1.
my thoughts: i feel like we don't really get a lot of yuri in this specific Type of horror (i.e. cute thing is secretly fucked up), at least not in the west. i think that's a crying shame, but i believe popstar has the potential to truly open the floodgates. unless i'm forgetting herstory - idk i feel like there's definitely some rpgmaker game out there that'll prove me wrong but you know what i mean. more mascot horror yuri NOW.
What makes me happy about them: i think it's super cute that they both kinda geek out whenever one of them asks the other for help, like they're being asked by this big huge celebrity and not, like. their literal next door neighbor lol. sally in particular - as bullheaded as she is, her insistence on trying to put poppy in the spotlight more often isn't because she thinks poppy is untalented and needs to train up, but because she genuinely thinks poppy is Just That Stunning And Talented And Beautiful, and doesn't want that to go to waste. nepotism has never looked so romantic <3
What makes me sad about them: sally seems to enlist poppy's help Way more than poppy does sally's, and while sally clearly Wants to take poppy seriously, she has a hard time not immediately brushing off other's concerns in general because She's An Auteur, Dammit, She Knows What She's Talking About. it does make me very worried for poppy! i think things between them are gonna get Way worse before they get better lol. not dysfunctional enough to be toxic yuri but certainly painful enough that it will Get Me when it happens.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: THAT NOBODY WRITES IT
Things I look for in fanfic: MORE OF IT
My kinks: again, serious in-depth answers go on the nsfw blog only. i will say i think they're definitely those people who keep trying to set up roleplay scenes only to get distracted by trying to figure out the technical aspects and/or getting so in-character that they forgot what the end goal was.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: poppy partridge if you read this im free on Thursday night and would like to hang out. Please respond to this and then hang out with me on Thursday night when I’m free.
My happily ever after for them: after a series of trials and tribulations, complete with at least one breakup arc, the two of them reconcile in an appropriately dramatic apology-that-looks-suspiciously-like-a-marriage-proposal scene. i don't really know what happens after that. i was going to say they go on to become lesbian statler and waldorf, but i think they would both be too invested in trying to give actual constructive criticism, so maybe they just mst3k it instead.
when or if I started shipping it: i dunno! i don't remember ever being opposed to the ship, but there was definitely a period of time where my approach to it was more "hmmm i wonder what this ship being canon means for welcome home's Themes" and less "ough fuck they make me so sick," as opposed to the current day where it's a pretty even mix of both.
my thoughts: god what haven't i said about them. i think i peaked with this post. i don't think anything i say can summarize the appeal of their relationship to me more succinctly than that.
What makes me happy about them: when it comes to eddie, frank is like. frank is so fucking funny bc he seems to be under the impression that he's being subtle. yeah get mad whenever anyone who isn't you makes fun of that beautiful big breasted mailman to the point where you'll even defend his honor in the merch advertisements and also when you Do make fun of him be sure to be gentler than you would be with almost anyone else but also don't let up entirely bc then you won't get to see him be adorably flustered and also enforce a surname-only basis with him so people don't think you're getting too chummy but ALSO drop the surname-only basis whenever he seems genuinely upset to let him know that you're worried about him and want to help. and also do this in front of everyone at a holiday party. nobody will suspect a thing. and the best part is that IT WORKS ON EDDIE. EDDIE ALSO THINKS FRANK IS COOL AND TRUSTWORTHY AND RELIABLE ENOUGH THAT HE AUDIBLY/VISIBLY RELAXES WHENEVER FRANK ENTERS A SCENE.
What makes me sad about them: EDDIE'S ASS IS NOT PREPARED FOR THE DAY THAT IT'LL BE FRANK IN THE PROVERBIAL LOVESEAT OF TORMENT. arguably neither is frank but like given how eddie saw frank at the end of the homewarming special? it's going to FUCK him up.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: when i click on the eddie dear/frank frankly tag. and i filter out all mentions of wally darling. i should not still be seeing wally darling. do u understand. get that little yellow cunt OUT of here!!!!!!!
Things I look for in fanfic: pre-established relationship hurt/comfort or angst. i realize i may be alone in my interpretation of franklydear as not being Together together yet, but i am stubborn.
My kinks: i wonder how many times i can say "ask for my nsfw blog" without it getting old.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: GOOD QUESTION. i don't think either of them would particularly struggle to find a partner if they didn't end up with each other, but i also can't see either of them being attracted to any of their other neighbors.
My happily ever after for them: these two images specifically. in general they should get to be huge cornballs for at least a little while should they successfully endure The Horrors.
when or if I started shipping it: an old friend of mine made a joke about it once in 2022, waaaay before there was any like, huge fandom presence outside of a few scant discord servers. i thought about it too hard and now i'm here.
my thoughts: romantically or not, THEY ARE SOOOOO DOOMED, DUDE. THEY ARE SO FUCKING DOOMED. and i don't mean, like, "yeah they have some stuff that makes their current relationship less than ideal but i'm sure they can work things out ^-^" no i mean DOOMED. there's only one way this relationship can end and it is in BLOOD and TEARS. and i will be there with a tissue box and a big ol' bucket of popcorn. i've written about them so much on this blog already but by god i will write more.
What makes me happy about them: the obsessive aspect to their relationship, like. it feels very mutual. it would be so easy to make home coldly imposing 24/7 and/or just have them be taking advantage of wally's love for them, but. no. they seem just as attached to their inhabitant as he is to them, for better or worse. i get a lot more mileage out of a relationship where both parties Love each other and desperately want to be all-encompassing for one another in All aspects of relationships, but live in a reality where that simply cannot be, and their relationship is wildly unhealthy as a result. home is a monument to a past that either never existed or cannot be revived without Severe consequences. but wally doesn't care about that. all wally cares about is that he is his home. see also: this post.
What makes me sad about them: [copypastes the entire above paragraph]
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: most wally/home fic is either pure crackfic or fic in which home gets hit hard with the ron the death eater treatment. like jesus, he's already pretty morally ambiguous in canon by just Standing There, you don't need to make him an actual rapist to establish that his and wally's relationship isn't exactly ideal.
Things I look for in fanfic: i don't look for it because i've pretty much given up on it being there at all, but i hope more folks write some actual character study-adjacent stuff about them some day!
My kinks: i do have actual answers to this but no way am i stating them here. again, i have a separate blog for that.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE.
My happily ever after for them: you know that's not gonna happen.
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infranthrax · 1 year ago
here, we have a twisted wonderland commission. a special memory, one to remember. just for you. ❤️
user id: @heinous-desiree
this was communicated through discord. no tumblr ask was received. I have their message as proof below.
enter a commission?
memory archive in process… just a moment… ✨
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twisted wonderland matchups (SFW and NSFW.)
minors / ageless blogs that interact with this post will be blocked on sight as per my guidelines.
tw // nsfw themes, rigging, mommy/daddy dynamic, voyeurism, subby brat bullshit.
SFW Portion
» idia shroud
so he heard from the grapevine that you wanna play d&d and he squealed. listen, your chaotic, creative energy literally makes him feel like he’s not the only crazy one. you both would get along so well that yall would be inseparable practically. he’s the type of bro to take your ocs and put them in the sims for you.
the fact that you are also willing to get buck so easily, you make for one of those bodyguards with scary dog privileges and he breathes that man, like woah. he appreciates you. he would definitely teach you how to play d&d, lol, wow, all those games, and he would definitely throw out a nat 20 roll if he could to try and go simp mode, because let’s be honest, he does simp. and when this poor soul simps, he simps hard. take a metal pipe and drop it on him, that’s basically the equivalent of how he feels. regardless his shy little ass would rather just not act up on it because he doesn’t wanna look weirder than he already is.
how you lot would hang would be so niche… like a totally individualist kinda vibe, like it’s yalls’ energies, just mingling with each other. parallel activities are very much appreciated to him, like if you’re reading a book while he’s gaming, that’s a good deal to him. he also doesn’t do well in terms of executive dysfunction, as per his younger brother. if you actually remind him that he has to take care of things, because let’s face it, this blue blur gets caught up in his games for the most part that he sometimes forgets what time it is, he’ll appreciate you even more, in his stuttering red face way of course.
but there have been times where he would have to try and shakily pull your reins back. one time you saw a wasp in his room, and then he heard and saw it while he was in the middle of a quick match, and oh lord, he lost his shit. in response you decided to take the nearest object, which was one of his microphones, and tried to throw it at the wasp. you didn’t succeed at this however because he caught wind of you trying to kill it with his mic, and he held you and started yelling, “yo bestie! fuckin chill out that’s a murder hornet!” you still ended up killing the hornet anyway for him. bro was rizzed.
you lot eventually get closer and when white day hits he decides to be mr smooth guy and tried to (very nervously,) invite you over to his dorm for a movie. of course he picked an anime movie and you lot would end up having sort of an cheesy moment where he would kinda confess to you after the movie ended, all bashful and shit. it would be such a cute little set of banter. At first,he would be just as equally nervous around you in a relationship as he was before when he was crushing hard for you. holding hands in public? that’s a post marital act, how dare you manhandle this poor man with your sinful actions?! idia is definitely more of an introverted closed off person, therefore PDA is a no go for him as he thinks it’s embarrassing. behind closed doors though, thats a different story. idia is a massive cuddlebug and likes to have you sit in his lap as he games out. your relationship with idia is none but wholesome, especially when others find out. he would get teased for finally having a partner, more so with other students of ignihyde, which he jokes to you about as you’re really the only person he can talk comfortably to besides his younger brother and those he games with. you both share a very close bond with one another– one that is damn near bedrock solid. its cute, really.
»trey clover
now, i was actually debating on lilia and silver as well. but i was like… hm. trey definitely looks like a good choice here. if you didn’t go for the other three, being idia, or maybe lilia or silver, trey would have been who you went for. trey has the reins needed to pull you back as he’s more relaxed and level headed, and this in turn goes well with your… bratty tendencies… we all know trey dislikes conflict.
you’re the chaotic cat to his gentle big dog, basically. and oh, what a pairing this is.
i feel like trey would be the guy to insert a gentle sense of control— a soft dominant. with the air of a saint bernard, he’s careful with you with his words, his tone, his touches… but on the surface, that’s all he lets you know. key words being, on the surface.
you like ropes. and he likes control. with careful discussion beforehand, he’ll happily tie you down. hes not really into intricacies such as shibari or anything the like, as it’s too complex and busy for him, but it does look pretty. he’ll try shibari maybe a few times with you, but at the end of the day, trey definitely is a sucker for the simpler things. tying your hands behind your back, along with your forearms. handcuffs? maybe. if he’s too impatient for the ropes. they’re the fluffy ones though— he cares about your comfort.
if you wanna take the reins sometime, he’ll gladly let you… for a bit. have your luck with him— his name is clover after all. riding him slowly and tenderly, i get the feeling that trey is more so into intimate and slow love making than the rough act of sex, admiring the romantic aspect of it all. besides the rigging, if you want to introduce more kinks to the bedroom, he isn’t gonna oppose. he’ll try anything at least once, just for you.
he gets to know the mommy/daddy kink well but doesn’t go overboard with the whole idea of the kink where it goes into age play territory. trey gets off to it mainly for the moniker and strictly the moniker at first. eventually though he starts to explore the idea of being more of a caring dominant in conjunction with the daddy moniker, and shit… he’s figured out that he gets off to that so hard it hurts.
its a weekend and you’re out with the other heartslabyul students studying out or whatever, and you come back to trey’s part of the dorms to hear heavy breathing coming from trey’s bedroom. of course, your chaotic cat kicks in and you quietly open his door to see him masturbating to something on his computer. he was probably watching porn to learn more about how to please you better based off of the things you’ve already told him. the way he slowly stroked up and down his shaft, combined with the gentle squeezing he would have… it was enough to have your eyes glued to him. and the moment he saw you touching yourself to him, that’s when he would break. two things that could happen. he could hide it and he could grow heavily embarrassed, or he could break and discipline you for being a “peeping tom.” your voyeurism has gotten you your fair share of punishments from trey. and usually when he does punish you it’s filled with orgasm denial and the inability to touch until you’re crying and begging. (no. you have to be sincere. any mockery here is only gonna make it worse.)
aftercare with trey is fucking godly. he cares for your wellbeing after all and will coddle you, especially after a rough session. he’s the type of dude to go get you a light snack and some cranberry juice and cuddle you to sleep, praising you all the way down until you snooze. he’s attentive, and if you have any problems, he stops immediately without question. after all, even the most chaotic of souls also need care as well.
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coastober · 6 months ago
Hi! Welcome to the Coastober Tumblr Blog!
You might be wondering what Coastober even is, having stumbled upon this by either some fluke or by someone you know taking part. Either way, Coastober is a design challenge created by @rose-grimm-spirit-does-dumb-shit that runs throughout October where you make a design a day based on a ride or attraction designated for that day. So for an example from last year, the 7th of October was designated for The Dragon at Legoland Windsor.
Anyone can take part, however I thought it'd be good to answer any potential questions you may have as well as a general rundown for those who haven't really taken part in stuff like this before!
Are you affiliated with/copying CoasterMaynia?
First things first, nope to both. If we ever end up teaming up for whatever reason then this may change but for now they don't know Coastober exists, I also made Coastober before I had any idea that CoasterMaynia existed as I started this back before I was properly in the Tumblr Thoosie circles!
Does Coastober ONLY focus on coasters?
Nope! We actually focus on a healthy mix of coasters, flat rides, and scare attractions! This is another thing that sets us apart from CoasterMaynia.
When does the official lineup for the year come out?
It'll likely come out in September, this is because the "Official" Coastober prompt list is based off my own lineup and since I'm an avid Fright Nights fan I always wait till we have our official event lineup released so I can throw in our newest addition.
Do I have to follow the official prompt lineup to take part?
Nah, if you want you can create your own list for that year and it'll still count! Besides, I can't guarantee that you'll always like the look of my picks and since I like to throw in scare-attractions too there's some that might make you a lil' uncomfy to look into.
The official list I'd say should be taken more as like a guideline or "Hey here's something you can follow if you wanna challenge yourself or can't think of one", it's not absolute sacriledge if you don't use it y'know.
What should I do with my designs during/after Coastober?
Whatever you want! I personally put 'em up for ota and watch people snap 'em up but what you do with them is entirely your call, you could even end up trading coastobers with other participants if you find you've both got designs the other really likes!
What if I'm busy or life happens so I can't finish on time?
Easy, just don't sweat it and take your time. The aim of Coastober isn't to whack out designs one after the other but to learn more about the themed-ents world, push your art and designing skills and have fun. If you have to take a break, miss a day, or even fail to finish within the month then that's okay, feel free to finish everything at a time when you're more capable and available.
After all, october is quite the busy month for thoosies after all and looking after yourself is priotity!
How To Coastober
Pick your lineup. You can either go the official lineup or make your own, both work. Though if you're a little stuck, here's a nifty comparison of the two.
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2. Get prepped! While this step isn't exactly nesecary, it certainly does not hurt to do a bit of pre-Coastober research and idea rotating in the run-up. It helps the process flow easier when you're actually doing it!
3. Get going! The time has come, October is here! So grab your pens and snatch your pencils and get designing, remember to both credit myself {Spirit} for the concept of Coastober and tag your designs with #coastober on tumblr so this account can find and reblog them!
Other Useful Info
Account Mods This account is currently ran by: - @rose-grimm-spirit-does-dumb-shit {The Creator of Coastober} - @cherrykitkat
Prompts Lists, both past and present - 2024 OFFICIAL LIST
Fun Facts Coastober's been going on since 2021, this year however {2024} is the first year I'm actually making a proper effort to make it more accessible to others! That's why the prompts list will only go up to 2024!
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angelsdevils · 2 years ago
Draken x Reader
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Title: Hungover in a Hotel Room Song: Hungover in a Hotel Room by Luke Bryan Warning: Suggestive themes, fluff A/N: Uh... hi I am sorta maybe kinda back. But I figured to give you guys this <3
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Tag List: @omakeomuomu @thisbicc @chuuberrysworld @todorokistoya @penguinlovestowrite @bontensbabygirl @ddeadcalm @obeymesimp11 @pinksilk @leilalago @reiners-milkbiddies @winterv-black @bobateasilverpearl @jcrml @abellaheart-blog @supernaturaldreamergirl1130 @kittimacataclysm @sapphire-gemm
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Draken has made a lot of bad decisions in his life and would probably continue to make them. But right now, he was confused and nauseous. A warm body was tangled in his arms. He was completely naked, and the person in his arms was wearing his shirt. He tried to get the memories back, but he could put a face to the body that was in his arms.
He rubbed his face with his free hand, as the person began to stir. He glanced down, removing his hand to get a better look at the person.
You sat up looking around confused before turning your head to Draken. It took you both a few minutes but both of your eyes widened at the shock realization.
It was silent as you removed your hand from his chest. He let his arms fall from your waist and he couldn’t process anything. 
Your neck was covered in hickies and your lower half was extremely sore. You let a small whimper out.
That sound made Draken shoot up from the bed and wrapped his arms around you.
“Hold on, you need to lay down. You look in pain.”
“Because I am, my entire lower half hurts,” you mumbled. 
He rubbed your sides and gently laid you down. He trailed his eyes over your partially nude body, before looking away.
This has to be one of the worst mistakes or blessings he ever had.
“Do you remember anything from last night?” You asked.
“No, which is why I’m confused about how we ended up in bed together and did not realize it.”
You buried your face into your hands.
You just had sex with your childhood friend. How does that even happen? 
“I need to go to the restroom.”
You attempted to get up again, but Draken picked you up with ease.
“Let me carry you.” 
You fought back a blush and leaned against his chest. 
He sighed softly as he set you on the floor so you could do your business. He closed the door behind him.
You did your business before flushing and washing your hands. That's when you could see the number of damage he did. There were purple marks all over your nose. Your neck and chest were covered. 
No amount of makeup would cover this up. You opened the door, and Draken picked you up carrying you to the bed. 
“I am sorry, I didn’t mean to go overboard last night,” he said.
 He traced the hickies that littered your neck. 
“I would say it’s fine, but no makeup is gonna cover this up,” you said.
“Let’s stay in bed all day, you need to rest. And I need to take care of you.”
“You would do that for me?” You asked surprised and Draken smiled and laid you in bed. He stroked your hair out of your face. 
“I am not a douchebag to leave you hanging… plus I do love you.” 
“What? Anything I said last night, no… everything I said last night was true. I have always loved you.” 
You smiled warmly and kissed him, cupping his cheeks gently. He smiled and you leaned up pressing your lips to his.
“I never thought I would say this, but thank god we got drunk last night and made questionable decisions,” you said. 
“So, I am guessing you feel the same way?” 
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jae-bummer · 1 year ago
My Idol 3: Part Twenty
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My Idol from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My Idol is a South Korean competitive reality dating game show. It currently airs on Saturday nights on Jae-bummer’s blog. First broadcast in 2016, the show offers the opportunity for a lucky fan to go on seven blind dates with seven idols. The idol plans the date with the show throwing in a specific mission to complete during the day. At the end of the initial dates, the show opens up an audience vote to decide what four idols will move on to the second date.
My Idol 3: The Series
You imagined from Jinyoung's perspective; you looked a bit like a fish gasping for air. Opening your mouth only to close it again when no words came, you grappled with what to do.
Pulling himself up into a much less seductive position, (albeit still hot - it was THE Park Jinyoung after all) he patted the bed lightly beside him and smiled. "Sit."
Your brain instantly obeyed, dropping your body like dead weight beside his.
"I bet you're wondering why you're here with me," Jinyoung smiled easily. "And not Jack-"
"Y/N!" a familiar, gravelly voice called as it came hurtling into the room.
Belly-flopping into both you and Jinyoung's laps, Jackson splayed across your thighs, a wide smile on his face.
"Yah," Jinyoung groaned, immediately pushing the older man's legs away, causing Jackson to roll toward the ground. "You didn't even let me get to the buildup."
Plopping unceremoniously onto the hard wood floor, Jackson winced. "I was excited."
"Evidently," Jinyoung grumbled, shaking his head.
Trying to hide your amusement, you watched as Jackson crawled back toward the bed. Pulling himself to his knees, he set his arms gently across your legs and smiled up at you. "Hello, gorgeous."
"And it begins!" Jinyoung groaned. "I couldn't even flirt for five minutes without you ruining it."
"It's my date," Jackson bickered back. "Why should I let you flirt with them?"
"Because," Jinyoung said softly. Turning toward you, he reached up to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. Biting his lip slowly, he let it pop out from his teeth before smiling. "I'm good at it."
His methods were much more efficient than you had anticipated, causing your soul to leave your body before slamming back into it again. What in the Wattpad was that?
"So am I!" Jackson whined. "Y/N, tell him how much I romanced you on our first date."
"Oh yeah," you nodded, still struggling to get your bearings. "So much romance. Very...wow."
Jackson rolled his eyes as Jinyoung cackled.
"Jinyoung's obvious jealousy aside," Jackson sighed. "Are you ready for the best slumber party ever?"
"I'm going to own Season 4 when they draft me for this show," Jinyoung pouted. "Mark my words."
"Who came up with the idea for a slumber party?" you asked, noting how very themed it was. You hadn't noticed it when you walked in, but there were three sleeping bags rolled up and set at the head of the bed, each with their own signature 90's cartoon character. The fairy lights you had thought came default in the room were actually haphazardly strung Christmas lights. There were also even more snacks spread out on the bedside tables.
"Me," Jinyoung and Jackson said in unison, only to turn on each other. "You?!"
"I've always wanted to have a good, old-fashioned y2k slumber party," Jackson challenged. "I trained a lot as a kid and didn't have time to do fun stuff like this."
"You may have always wanted to do it," Jinyoung countered. "But I was the one who suggested it."
Narrowing his eyes and tilting his head to the side, Jackson gave a small nod in acknowledgement. "Okay, maybe I remember that."
Watching the two of them bicker back and forth was one of the purest forms of entertainment you had had in a while.
"Why don't we get started on some snacks?" Jackson continued cheerfully, springing from his spot on the floor. Grabbing you by the wrist, he dragged you through the camera men and back into the seating area. "Pick your poison."
Your eyes weren't sure where to land first. Every Korean chip and candy that you were familiar with was clustered on the tabletop. There were even snacks from your home country, which was a special surprise.
You glanced up to Jackson who was busy watching you. "Pick for me?"
A slow smile spread across his lips as he began to nod. "How about this," he hummed, putting a bag of shrimp chips in one hand. "And this to balance it out." He placed Lotte chocolate in the opposite hand. "Go sit and I'll grab us all some drinks."
Doing as you were told, you waddled with your snacks (you had admittedly grabbed one or two more) and cuddled up on the sofa.
Jinyoung followed behind, a bag of seaweed snacks in his hand as he dropped heavily in one of the accent chairs. "I have to ask, Y/N. What are your intentions with my friend?"
A shit eating grin spread across his face as you heard Jackson bark laugh from the kitchenette.
You snorted softly with amusement. It was incredibly clear how important Jackson and Jinyoung were to each other, so even though Jinyoung was phrasing it in a joking manner, there was a hint of seriousness behind the question.
"I have only good intentions," you said carefully. "While not every choice has been my own, I'm really valuing the time that I've spent with Jackson, and I look forward to getting to know him better."
"What a diplomatic answer," Jinyoung hummed. "Do you think you have a handle on his personality from what you've seen so far?"
"Maybe a certain side of it," you nodded. "He's very caring, especially when it comes to his family, both found and biological."
You watched Jinyoung's lips twitch at that. The way you saw it, Got7 was the family that Jackson got to choose, and he was all the better for it.
"He's got a fiery side to him," you continued. "But in different ways. He's fiery in his passion for what he's doing and, in his communication, to get his point across. He's also fiery in a simmering sense."
"Do tell."
You felt your cheeks grow warm. "Well, he has no issue conveying what he wants emotionally...or physically."
"Physically?" Jinyoung coughed, wide-eyed.
"Calm down," Jackson chuckled, placing a kiss on the top of your head before handing a drink to his member. "I tried to kiss them. No big deal."
"But I'm guessing he was very clear while trying to do that," Jinyoung finished, gladly accepting the bottle he was offered.
"It's important to be clear," Jackson nodded, taking a seat beside you. "I never want to pressure someone into something they don't want."
"Which brings me to my next point," you smiled. "He's both nice and kind. He's nice while other people are around, and very respectful. But in private, he's extremely kind. It's in his words and actions that not everyone gets to see. He doesn't need to prove that side of himself to anyone. He just gives it freely."
"Well said," Jinyoung agreed.
Jackson let out a chirp of approval, a cheesy smile on his face. "I could listen to you two talk about me all day."
"Which means we should stop immediately," Jinyoung laughed.
"No, no," you interrupted. "I want you to tell me about him. From a friend's perspective."
Jinyoung took a deep breath before leaning all the way back in his seat. He eyed his friend wearily.
"I met Jackson on his very first day in Korea," Jinyoung started. "I asked one of the managers if he was an actor from Hong Kong because he was so handsome."
Jackson beamed as he slapped the air. "You are a good flirt."
Jinyoung smiled before shaking his head. "We went out to a restaurant and started to get to know each other. I liked him from the very beginning. He was just so free. I know we all see this side of him that's so bright and clever, but really, he's one of the calmest people in private. He's a grounding force."
"Someone has to be," Jackson chuckled. "Half of you have the worst tempers."
Ignoring that barb, Jinyoung continued. "I like to say that he's my teacher of life. He tells me all the time that I can do anything. You'll find with this career that a lot of people will say that, but with him, you actually believe it. He has so much faith in you that you start having faith in yourself."
"Needless to say," Jackson said, emotion clear in his voice. "We're friends for life."
"We are," Jinyoung agreed.
"He's a true-hearted friend," Jackson nodded. "I know this wasn't a question about him, but in fifty or sixty years, I think we'll still be spending time together."
"Little old men," Jinyoung laughed. "Pop, locking, and dropping it."
"I hope I'm there to see it," you smiled.
"Me too," Jackson hummed, wiggling his brows. "Cause that'll mean I won."
"Not necessarily," Jinyoung said, waving a finger. "You could just be friends."
"Okay, that's fair," Jackson agreed. "If I didn't get another option, I think I'd be happy with that too."
"Thanks," you grinned. "Hopefully you'll have a high opinion of me someday as well. Hearing you two talk about each other is adorable."
"Adorable," Jinyoung scoffed. "Please don't tell another living soul."
"I hate to break it to you," Jackson whispered. "But there's been cameras recording this whole time."
Jinyoung sprung forward, clutching his chest as he gasped. "How was I supposed to know?! I should have charged a higher price to say all of that."
Jackson giggled. "Before my friend here makes me pay a compliment tax, why don't we play a game?"
"Sure," you agreed easily. "What did you have in mind?"
"Weeeell," he sang. "It wouldn't be a real slumber party without a game of truth or dare, would it?"
You shuttered internally. While you hadn't been to an abundance of sleepovers in your day, you had been forced into truth or dare more than once. The game could go one of two ways; one, incredibly boring because everyone chooses truth, or two, grow out of control as people try to out-dare each other. Judging your company, you were leaning toward the latter.
"Alright Y/N," Jinyoung said, mischievousness dancing across his features. "Truth or dare?"
You sighed, knowing that picking truth would be a cop out, but didn't want to commit to whatever twisted dare these two could come up with. "Truth."
"What's your worst fear?" Jinyoung asked. "Specifically, about this show?"
You weren't sure what kind of question you had been expecting, but it definitely wasn't that. Jinyoung had pin-pointed the exact thing that could instantly turn your brain to mush. You tried to tread water in the sea of problems that My Idol presented. Due to recent events, one of your newest fears was that you or one of the guys would get injured. Some of them already had and that was pain enough. The thought that it could get worse wasn't a line that you wanted to cross right now. No, you'd choose to ignore the chaos of the security issues and go with something that had been one of your fears when the show started.
"I'm afraid that I'll fall in love with more than one person," you admitted. "And that I'll have to break their heart and my own to make a decision."
Jackson's hand quickly found yours and gave it a soft squeeze. "You're not in an enviable position."
"Everyone thinks dating idols is all fun and games until you actually like them," Jinyoung smirked. "I think that's an easy fear to understand. Do you think it's possible to fall in love with more than one person at a time?"
"Hey, hey," Jackson said. "Only one question per truth."
"It's okay," you chuckled. "I didn't think so before I started this show, but now that I'm in it... It's starting to become a worry."
Jinyoung nodded. "I'm sure it'll all turn out fine. You just have to love Jackson best."
You let out a surprised laugh. "I'll see what I can do."
"Jinyoungie," Jackson cooed. "Truth or dare?"
"Dare," the man across from you said confidently.
"I dare you to go to our neighbors across the hall," Jackson grinned. "And ask them to have a dance party with you."
"In the hall?" Jinyoung winced.
"In the hall," Jackson confirmed.
"Isn't that a little much?" Jinyoung whined. "They're just people minding their own business. What if-"
"You could choose truth," Jackson teased. "If you're a... chicken."
Jinyoung's expression smoothed before quirking a brow. "I'm not a chicken."
"I dunno," you said, joining in on the fun. "Sounds suspiciously like something a chicken would say."
"God, you two are made for each other," Jinyoung grumbled, pushing out of his seat. "Where's the speaker?"
And that was how you and Jackson stood behind Jinyoung as he spun what had to have been an 80-year-old woman to the sweet sounds of JJ Project's Bounce (Jackson's request).
"That was cruel and unusual punishment," Jinyoung whined, plopping back into his chair.
You and Jackson dissolved into a fit of giggles as you both fell onto the couch.
"This has to be the best day of my life," Jackson cackled. "Why did she try to give you money after?"
"Did she think it was a service?" you gasped between peals of laughter. "That she was tipping you?"
"Oh god," Jinyoung groaned. "She kept trying to tuck it into my sweater pocket. And when I refused, she put a finger up to my lips to shush me."
The visual was enough to cause you and Jackson to laugh even harder.
'Okay, enough!" Jinyoung pleaded. "Jackson, please, truth or dare?"
"This isn't about me!" Jackson screeched. "This about you and your Host business!"
"Truth or dare," Jinyoung repeated through his fingers now covering his face.
"Dare, obviously," Jackson said, finally letting his laughter wind down.
"I dare you to jump into the pool," Jinyoung said, lifting his hands to shoot a pointed look at his member. "With all your clothes on."
"Now where's the fun in that," Jackson said, giving you a quick wink. "Let's do it."
Following your two dates dutifully outside, you stood beside Jinyoung and waited. The night air had gotten a bit chilly, but the pool seemed to be heated. Getting in didn't sound like a totally bad idea.
Crossing your arms, you watched as Jackson made sure the sliding door leading to the deck was as open as possible. Picking the seating area as his starting point, he began a full sprint out of the door and toward the pool. Just as he shouted something you couldn't make out, you were scooped into the air as well, quickly plummeting toward the water.
"Jackson!" you squealed seconds before your head went under. You moved your legs frantically underneath you until your toes touched the tiles at the bottom. Giving a solid push off, you broke through the surface and gasped for air.
"I have you; I have you," Jackson cooed, wrapping his arms around your torso and pulling you toward him.
"You certainly do not have me!" you shouted, smacking at his chest. "What the hell, Jackson?"
"It seemed like a good idea at the time," he winced. "Maybe not?"
"Absolutely not!" you groaned. "I didn't bring a change of clothes, you absolute turd."
Despite the insult, Jackson grinned. "But I got us all matching pajamas."
"Of course, you did," you sighed, shaking your head. While your irritation was slowly starting to burn away, you tried to calm yourself even further. Jackson seemed to recognize that taking you with him may not have been the best decision, but you could live in the moment. Who could say that they ever got to experience something like this? "At least the pool is warm."
"I definitely wouldn't have taken you in if it wasn't," Jackson nodded. Sticking out his bottom lip, he said quietly, "I'm sorry if what I did made you upset though. Sometimes I just don't think."
Sighing, you ran your fingers over the plains of Jackson's face, wiping the water away as you went. "You were just trying to have fun."
"But I should have considered how you felt," Jackson nodded. "Just because I'm trying to have fun doesn't mean I have to pull you into it. Literally."
"Valid," you said, your heart melting as he offered up genuine apologies. "I forgive you."
"Good," he smiled. Turning away from you, he shouted at Jinyoung who was still hovering at the water's edge. "Jinyoung-ah! Get in here!"
"Are you kidding?" Jinyoung called back. "This sweater is cashmere!"
"Party pooper!"
"I can tell you two really love each other," you chuckled, watching Jinyoung's retreating frame as it went back inside.
"Oh, I'm convinced he can't stand me sometimes," Jackson laughed. "But we're like brothers. We've been there for each other through some of the toughest moments of our lives... do you have friends like that?"
"I do," you nodded, letting Jackson glide around the pool with you in his arms. You tried to ignore the way the water had taken up residence in his collarbone, or how his shirt was now nearly see-through, clenching his chest as if it were painted on.
"What do they think about you doing the show?" he asked, finally stopping as he pressed your back against the side of the pool.
"Well, one of them also applied," you chuckled. "We both kind of did it as a joke. It's one of those things where you never think you would make it."
"But then you did," he smiled.
"Then I did," you sighed. "I haven't been able to talk to them as much as I usually do...and obviously I can't go out with them, but they're supportive when they can be. They send me a lot of food deliveries."
"if that's not the makings of a true friend, I don't know what is," Jackson mused. "What do you think they would say about you if they were here?"
"Curious about me?" you teased. His body was so close now, you couldn't help but have flashbacks of your first date. Just like it did in the hallway, having him only inches away made you feel slightly off balance. You hadn't had a single drop of liquor tonight, but you could have sworn you were intoxicated.
"Always," he said quietly. "I obviously don't know them...but what I've seen is someone brave. I see someone who willingly gives while the world takes. I see someone who can stand to be protected even though they think they need to protect everyone else."
"If only I could," you whispered. "But I think they would say something similar? Or at least I hope they would. I don't necessarily have the highest opinion of myself, but they seem to for whatever reason."
"Well, go on," he urged with another one of his flawless grins.
"They'd probably say I'm a nerd," you thought out loud. "That I read too much, eat too little, and stress about everything. I've been trying to do better with that by the way, but this competition makes it difficult."
"I think a healthy amount of stress is okay," Jackson nodded. "It drives you forward. It becomes a problem when it holds you back."
"Man, Jinyoung really got that spot on with the life teacher comment, didn't he?"
Jackson chuckled, shaking his head. "I think of him the same way though. I think we've both just lived so much life for our few years that it's natural for us to see things a different way."
"That makes sense," you hummed. "You had to grow up fast in a lot of ways."
"Maybe," he shrugged, adjusting his hold on you to circle around your waist. You couldn't help the small shiver that ran down your spine. "I think our generation sees a lot of that in general."
Allowing the conversation to lapse into a comfortable silence, you were hesitant to speak again. "Were you happy it was me?"
Jackson eyed you, amusement clear on his face. "Well, I didn't have much choice, now did I?"
You laughed, immediately feeling foolish. "I guess not."
"But to answer your question, I am so excited it was you. I don't know any different, but I wouldn't want to."
You nodded, trying to take both him and his words in. Before meeting Jackson, you had never really anticipated his introspective side. He was such a blast of energy and passion that it was easy for his quiet moments to get lost. The time you were sharing now felt incredibly special, despite having a boom mic hovering a few inches over your head.
Turning your eyes to Jackson's, you weren't surprised to see him watching you back. A layer of steam was starting to congregate just above the heated water, making the moment all the more dream-like.
"I think now would be a good time to say, I like you, Y/N," he said quietly, separating the space between you to rest his forehead against yours. He took a deep breath and blew it out of his nostrils.
"I like you too," you said easily. Probably too much considering it was only your second date.
"Am I...am I allowed to kiss you this time?" he asked, not bothering to look up. His forehead remained still against yours, his eyes closed.
"I dunno," you said, slowly turning it over in your mind. "What would you do if I said no?"
"Try again next time."
"What if there is no next time?" you whispered.
This caused his eyes to pop open. "Then I guess I'll have to get creative."
Smiling to yourself, you tried to really think it through. You were worried that kissing Chan had set a certain precedent, but you shouldn't even factor that in. Jackson was his own independent person that you were building a different relationship with. This one was just as amazing, just as much of a whirlwind. There was no denying your attraction to him, both physically and mentally. If you had met outside of the show, you were pretty certain you would have let him kiss you on the first date.
You licked your lips before deciding to make the first move. You wanted to catch him off guard just this once.
In a swift motion, you caught his mouth with yours, wrapping your arms tightly behind his neck in the process. You let your fingers rove through the back of his hair, tugging gently as he moved to get a better vantage. He let go of your waist, pressing you further into the wall, and moving his hands to rest on the lip of the pool. All boxed in, he leveraged the space by pressing his lips roughly against yours, breathing heavily through his nose as he captured your mouth again and again.
You could easily die in his arms, kissing him forever. He conveyed so much in one small motion, it was difficult to get all of your nerve endings working succinctly. He was such a shock to the system, you could feel the kiss all the way down to your toes and at the ends of your fingertips.
Dragging one hand from the back of his scalp to rest on his collarbone, you gradually reached up to grip his chin. Ever so slowly you began to push his face away from yours. His mouth continued to fight forward, causing you to giggle.
"Jackson," you said breathlessly.
"More," he groaned.
"We're going to get pruney," you protested. Really, you were scared of allowing things to go even further, especially with cameras lingering nearby. You knew he would never take things too far, but you also did not want to arm the My Idol crew with an hour's worth of footage of the two of you making out.
"I'll live my life happily as a raisin."
"While you would be the most handsome raisin in all the land," you continued. "We should get out."
Motioning to the cameras with your eyes, Jackson finally caught on. Groaning, he moved his body away from yours and started swimming toward the steps.
After you had both gotten out and toweled off to the best of your ability, you were given a colorful pair of pajamas to change into. The pants were a lime green plaid and the top had a small green bird on it, your name stitched underneath.
"The monograms were a nice touch," Jinyoung said lazily from his spot in the corner of the couch. He had a fluffy, bow headband on and several pimple patches covering what you thought was already flawless skin.
"Only the best for the best," Jackson grinned. Handing you a sheet mask, he moved to lay down on the sofa, resting his head on your lap. "Can you put this on for me?"
"How can I say no when you've already gotten so comfy?" you chuckled, pushing his hair back from his face. Your date hummed happily as you pulled the mask over his skin, flattening it out and smoothing in all of the serum. By the time you were finished, you looked up to find Jinyoung asleep, one of his under eye patches sliding slowly down his face. Judging by his fluttering eyes, Jackson wasn't far behind.
"Do you want to get in the bed?" you asked softly. Wedged between you and Jinyoung, he couldn't be comfortable.
"No," he grumbled. "Do you want to get in the bed?"
You looked longingly toward the main part of the suite. The option did seem incredibly nice after another long day.
"I'm fine here," you decided. If he didn't want to move, you didn't want to disturb him.
"Okay," Jackson whispered. "I'm okay with wherever you want to go...just as long as you stay."
You tried to combat the fuzzy feeling spreading warmly across your chest. He was so soft and beautiful in this moment. You didn't have the words to describe how it made you feel.
Just as his breathing finally began to even out, you heard a steady knock on the door.
"Y/N?" Insu called lightly through the barrier. "We've got a problem."
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leviathans-watching · 8 months ago
Hi! I really like your content, and I've been following you for a while but never done one of these before.
I was wondering if you had any tips for creating a writing blog?
thank you so much for the support! hopefully what I include is at least somewhat helpful!
first, i think it's important to note that a lot of my success comes from the circumstances surrounding the startup of my blog. i began to write for obey me during 2020, with my first work getting posted around may. this is important for two reasons: not only we're we in lockdown, leading to an insane increase in engagement from 2020-late 2022, but also since the game released in dec 2019, I was one of the first people to write for it, thus meaning I was filling a niche that had in increased demand. my point in this is to say that I attribute a lot of my success to these factors, and not necessarily to any actions that I took or inherent talent lol
also note that these tops are based in my experience and experience only, not in any science or data!
general tips:
don't expect to blow up overnight! i've been writing fanfiction since 2018 and i only started gaining traction in late 2020 haha. and in that time, don't be afraid to just throw stuff at the wall until you find something that sticks. set boundaries! if you get to a point where people are being demanding, unkind, leaving hate, asking for too much, doing anything to rub you the wrong way, shut it down. thankfully I've only had to do that like twice (as usually my followers are lovely and understanding), but it's important to remember this is your blog and your rules
writing tips:
play around with style, tone, themes, elements, etc until you find your groove. my works do span stylistically, thematically, plot-wise, etc, but commonly they're lighthearted and sweet, as I find that's what I like to write the best. find what you like to write the best! edit edit edit! once you're done writing, read through it once or twice to find typos/stuff you don't like, then when you move it from wherever you're writing (as I do not suggest writing in tumblr) look through it again as the new format and sizing will allow you to catch more. then, if you're still unsure, wait overnight and look through it again the next day before posting. but it's also not the end of the world to have typos if you get constructive criticism (given in a kind way ofc)... it's in your best interest to at least evaluate your work before deciding to take it or not. don't just dismiss it. reflection leads to improvement! when I first started writing I didn't even put dialogue into different paragraphs and without some nice comments who knows how long that might have lasted lol if you're struggling with writing block or can't seem to finish up a piece, give it a break. don't keep kicking a dead horse. I've had pieces that I start and don't come back to until like 9 months later lmfaooo
technical tips:
blogs that are centered around 1 (to 2) fandoms tend to do better. this is because ppl don't like to follow creators if there's also a bunch of random stuff appearing on their dash in between works. this is why I utilize sideblogs (i tend to post obey me and haikyu (to a lesser degree) on this one, and i have one for batman, one for another book series, and one for more personal poetry and stuff) a good and aesthetically pleasing layout is going to really go far. if you're blog and works look professional and attractive, they're going to pull people in. what this means is to come up with a blog theme/layout that is unique and fits the vibes of you and your writing, have a unique pfp (so not one of the of tumblr ones), and make sure your works are organized with a clear layout that's standard across your blog (this also helps create a 'blog identity'). feel free to look at mine for inspo obv or as you scroll through popular blogs/tags try to pick out elements that you'd like to incorporate. tagging is your best friend. i always start with the most important/broad ones (i.e. #obey me, #obey me game), then go into relevant relationships (i.e. #mammon x you, #mammon x mc), then characters (i.e. #mammon obey me, #obey me mammon), then anything else. this order can be changed if you have trigger warnings, which i'd say to put first. also, do not spam tag or tag thing's that aren't related in an effort to gain viability as that will actually make people less likely to engage. as with layout, try to standardize your process/blog specific tags so they create a 'blog identity' (such as my #leviawriting or #from: levi tags) be kind and interactive! if people leave you nice comments, respond to them! answer asks, have conversations, make new friends! this will make your experience much more fun and bring a lot of joy, and also make people want to talk to you
that's really all i can come up with right now! obviously if anyone has more tips feel free to tack them on and if you have questions send them my way!
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putschki1969 · 1 year ago
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2023/10/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第2回目‼️〜次回のトークテーマを募集するのを忘れました〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Talk Garden#2!! 〜I Forgot to Mention Next Month's Talk Topic〜
Today, the second episode of my podcast "Wakana's Talk Garden" has been uploaded to the fan club site!! I was very happy to read through all of your submissions 😭✨Thank you very much!! The first big talk theme for the episode was ``Autumn'', I was delighted to find out that so many people associated autumn with a greater appetite, seems like everyone is full of energy and in good health! 😂 This time the episode was a little longer than last time. Please take your time listening to it☺️I will be sending a little something to the four people whose messages were picked to be read out. Please be patient a little while longer😉💕
On a side note...I forgot to mention the next talk topic during the recording! ! 😂😂So I'm going to talk about it here! ! 😂😂November is the time for the Shichi-Go-San festival so the next topic will be "Shichi-Go-San Anecdotes"! You can share your own memories of the day or a funny story from your family, anything is fine!\(^o^)/ Personally, all I remember is eating not only my own but also all of my brother's chitose candy because I loved it so much! I'm looking forward to hearing your stories ♪\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////♪
By the way, I got a lot of requests to talk about my recording of "Mononoke Hime" but to be honest, I wasn't able to talk about it at all *laughs* The only thing I talked about were my high school friends😂 I'll be sure to share more about the recording on my blog! ️ The next episode of "Wakana's Talk Garden" will be uploaded on November 10th ♪
Lastly, here is a photo of my rice cooker which I've been using for about 20 years now. It's the one I mention in the latest episode 🍚 What do you think of it? It's pretty normal I guess? Maybe you can't really tell how old it actually is 😂 It's small but I like it because it doesn't take up too much space! It's cute because it is so tiny and round♡ No matter which setting I use, I think it always takes more than an hour and a half to cook my rice😅 I only eat brown rice so maybe that's why 🙄 Most of the time, I cook my rice in a pot but you need to watch over it at all times so the rice doesn't burn. I think a rice cooker is much more convenient.
Well, I hope you enjoy the episode~☆( *'▽’*)/
Wakana’s Talk Garden#2 「Speaking of Autumn」
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For this month, the topics are as follows =>
What comes to mind when you think of “autumn”?
Are you the type of person who takes comfort in things that don’t change? Or are you the type who wants change?
For next month's episode which is scheduled to air on November 10th, the topic is "Anecdotes of Shichi-Go-San"; The submission deadline is 10/31.
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psychicthepsychic-daily · 8 months ago
random but how do you make a character daily blog or just character centric blog? how do you run it?
cuz i’m thinking about making a whitty one. maybe whitty weekly or smth so i have a looser schedule
to be very honest, I wouldn’t say there’s a certain script or template you have to follow in order to make a character-centric gimmick blog. all that matters imo is that you stick to the character and have fun with it. a lot of these kinds of blogs are art based, which is great for those who have time and enjoy making art! but ofc it’s not a hard and fast rule — have you seen how many memes and shortfics I’ve posted instead of art lol
a weekly Whitty themed blog sounds like a lot of fun! definitely less stressful than a daily blog, at least in my experience ^^; not gonna lie it can be difficult to get myself to post every day. it’s good to know your limits and be able to figure out a schedule that meets your needs while letting you have fun and dedicate yourself to a project like this.
with running the blog itself, I actually came up with my url, title, and most of my tags beforehand so it was easy for me to categorize my posts from the beginning. #tea for thought is my general/ramble tag, plus I have separate tags for Psychic’s different interpersonal relationships and all that fun stuff.
Of course none of that is required, but I personally enjoy developing Psychic’s dynamics with other characters so for me organizing my posts about them is important. Depending on what parts of Whitty’s character you like to focus on the most, you can organize your tagging system to feature those alongside having regular tags for different kinds of media: art, fics, edits, etc. or don’t! it’s completely up to you.
generally, I’d take a pretty relaxed approach to running any sort of character fanblog ^^ just pick a cool palette you think matches the character, set up an intro post with a link to the source material, rules for interaction, and a small navigation guide. you don’t really need anything else!
just remember that the point of these blogs is to have fun and talk about your favorite character! if anyone gives you a tough time for how you’re running your blog don’t hesitate to block them. if you do decide to start a Whitty-centric blog please tag me so I can follow! :D wish you the best of luck in this endeavor <3
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ourpickwickclub · 2 years ago
I sent in a version of this a few days ago but it might have been to mean. How did you girls all become friends? I want to make some shefani friends, but everyone I’ve tried reaching out to and get to know on Twitter haven’t been the nicest or very welcoming.
I didn’t see the earlier ask. I’m sorry people haven’t been all that welcoming. I think most everyone has experienced that sort of thing at some point and it’s not fun.
Our story is sort of interesting. We were all on Twitter but hadn’t interacted. Periscope existed then… talking late 2015/ early 2016 timeframe… and we were all watching Gwen and Blake on Periscope anytime they had a show.
So, we would kept seeing each other’s names. A and I would always comment the same thing at the same time. Over and over. L and M and J all made me laugh. J made one of the funniest comments ever at MLs expense (I mean, I laughed for days anytime I thought of it and I’m laughing now thinking of it) and I knew she was my people. L and M both made such good observations and were hilarious and both funny in different ways. A was deadpan and the fashion and makeup expert.
I was actually at a concert in person and missed a Blake show on Periscope where something happened, I can’t remember what. But I reached out to M via DM (she always seemed so nice) and she filled me in. We started talking here and there and one day we decided we should see if L wanted to join. M and I had talked about bringing A and J into the group also. We didn’t tell L that but asked if her if there was anyone else she would want to have join our group chat and she said A and J’s usernames. How weird is that? Out of everyone commenting on Periscope, she named the only other two people M and I had talked about adding.
We added them and J, who never has been super active on the blog but is so hilarious, came right in when she got the request and said, oooooooh, what is this???? A didn’t see the request for a day or so, but joined when she did so casually. She just sauntered in one day, and started talking. No questions. A is so dryly matter of fact. It all just worked. We started planning an in person meet up almost right away.
I actually set up the blog because I needed to set one up for work and it was practice. We were all following the other Shefani blogs. J added our pics/theme. No one noticed us for a while. I truly believe the BARFs were the majority of our first followers. They lived to send in mean asks and pose as concerned Blake fans. We almost quit. It was tough because so many of the asks we got were negative. Any bad comment we made about ML triggered a lot of inbox pushback, which was a clue. But that made others send asks setting them straight. The same 5 BARFs sent tons of asks. Then, of course, we had Jigsaw. Has anyone been around long enough to remember Jigsaw? Creepy. We also did a lot of chart tracking back then.
It’s been a while since we talked about this, but we decided to sign with initials we ended up picking initials from Little Women characters. That’s how it became the pickwick blog. We’ve now met up a bunch of times with another meetup on the books soon. So excited!
Hope that clarifies. Still laughing thinking about it all that has transpired and the comments.
- B
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two-thrones · 11 months ago
ɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴜɴ
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
(CANON MUSES) - I'll only speak on my PoP muses here since this account was tagged. And honestly, from the moment I first played Sands of Time, I knew it would be a permanent and prominent fixture. I can't tell you why it resonated with me the way it did, but here we are: some 20 years, one PoP-themed tattoo, and a soon-to-be 4-year-old fan blog later. Zeke is such a solid balance of traits (both good and bad), Xenres is ridiculously fun to write for, and Malik's more lawful good nature intrigues me. (OCs) - In the early days (and only with one particular friend), I used to write for a lot more than I do now. I have a couple who've stuck with me over the years, and I'll occasionally use them for games with character creators, but I don't have blogs for any of them, even outside of the hub account. However, I have mad respect for OCs and adore getting to write opposite them.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Frankly, there aren't many things I don't permit in fiction. Fiction ≠ condoning something IRL. That being said, though, I do have a negative interest in non-con and everything in that general neighborhood— PWP, sex pollen, omegaverse, and so on. Sex is fine, and fluff is okay, but I'd prefer it not to dominate the story.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
Regarding genres, I enjoy grittier, darker stories the most, with a little room for levity on the side but a more serious tone overall. Fantasy elements, earlier periods, and post-apocalyptic settings in this vein are also great. In more vague terms, I love developing character dynamics and working on involved, plotted threads.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
When it isn't pure divine intervention, it's often music and only sometimes media. I'm sure there's nothing revolutionary about this.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
I haven't been able to listen to music and write for years. The closest I come these days is if I can't escape outside commotion, I'll throw in some earbuds and crank up the brown noise.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
Due to time restraints, I plan whether I want to or not. If I can manage, I'll sit down and reply right after I read something, but I usually end up thinking about it at work during the week.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Most certainly, but it has to happen naturally, and a slow burn is a must. Otherwise, I'm open to more one-sided relationships (on either end) if that's how things develop. Trying to force anything in writing is a big turn-off for me.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
January 16th.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
Green, black, gray, white.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
Most (but not all) things by either Rob Zombie or Powerman 5000. I don't care if that's a cop-out; I can't pick just one.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Either Spaceman (2024) or The Suicide Squad (2021), I can't remember which now.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Bigtop Burger (first & second season) by Worthikids on YouTube. Do recommend.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Ainsi Bas La Vida by Indila (slowed + reverb)
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Sushi, hands down. Generally, most things seafood. A close second (and considerably easier to obtain) might have to be a nice grilled cheese sandwich.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
It used to be winter, and then I moved to a place where it's winter 8 months out of 12, so now it's autumn. Unfortunately, autumn doesn't really exist here, but it's always with me in spirit.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
Not to be a golden retriever on main, but I sincerely treasure each and every one of you here who takes the time to write and/or chat with me despite how painfully slow I can be. Like it or not, if we're mutuals, I consider us friends and care for you dearly. :)
Tagged by: @origami-assassin (thank you)! Tagging: anybody who wants to do it, I'd certainly be interested in reading.
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ubeerosophy · 1 year ago
As You Are He
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My favorite time to drive is generally between 4 and 6 am. There is hardly any other traffic on the road during those hours which means less opportunity for me to get upset at the way other people are driving.
A while back I picked up a young man from an industrial setting in the wee hours of the morning.
People aren’t usually talkative at that time of day, especially during the week. The reason for this is that they are either bracing themselves for a full day of work or are getting off a long night of work. This particular gentleman, however, was friendly and open to conversation. It’s obvious when someone is willing to talk. Generally, after they get in and I tell them good morning, they’ll ask a question. Something like, “How’s your morning going?” or “Gotten many rides this morning?” Without exception I will pounce on the opportunity to converse. I have an innate intrigue with everyone and their backstory, but conversation also makes the ride go exceptionally faster.
We only talked for a few moments before it became obvious we had some things in common. Namely the way we look at and approach life. That is to say curiously, if not suspiciously. If I remember right, it progressed quickly to some half joking reference by one of us to the movie “The Matrix.” The Matrix, I’ve found, is a fairly accurate barometer for feeling someone out. If they prefer to wade in the shallower end of the pool, they’ll laugh and either fall silent or just change the topic. If, however, they spend any amount of time questioning the nature of reality and what we think we know about any and everything, they’ll seize the opportunity to dive headfirst into the deep end. This man chose to dive.
After I touched on some things I’m currently into and learning about, he asked me if I’d ever heard of the “egg theory.” Shaking my head, I looked in the rear-view mirror and told him no. What he explained sounded something like a form of reincarnation, but given that it had its own name and some random stranger was sitting in my back seat talking about it, I assumed there had to be more to it. As soon as he got out of the car, roughly fifteen minutes from the time I picked him up, I typed “egg theory” into the notes on my phone so that I could revisit it. A few days later I remembered the conversation and typed it into google.
“The Egg” is a short story written by a man named Andy Weir in 2009. It’s a very brief read, and presented primarily in the form of a dialogue between you and God, immediately following your death in a car accident. I don’t want to spoil every detail, but it plays with the notion that every time we die, we are reborn into another person that has or will exist throughout history. It doesn’t happen in chronological order, and the process will continue until you have lived every life that has ever existed on earth, accumulating their experiences and knowledge in the process. You are unaware this is happening while you are “alive,” and once you are done, you will ascend to a deity like status. In essence, the universe is an egg, whereby we are growing and will eventually hatch into another form of being.
A couple blogs ago, I referenced near death experiences, a topic I will likely revisit often. One of the reoccurring themes on the other side in NDE’s is the discovery of an interconnectedness we all have. The first couple times I heard this mentioned in an experiencer’s account, I thought it sounded overly cliché, but the more NDE’s I listened to, the more I began hearing it from a diverse group of individuals with varying pre-death beliefs and backgrounds. They weren’t just saying actions have a “ripple effect,” but that it goes even deeper than that. Like on a molecular or quantum level. According to these people, who have legitimately died and been uploaded with knowledge we seem to have once possessed and will possess again, when we do something to someone else, we are literally doing it to ourselves. It would seem that at least unintentionally, that’s the notion that the author of the “egg theory” is toying with. Everyone operating in that system is just a different version of the same person, so we are constantly interacting with ourselves. Whatever you do to someone else, you are literally doing to yourself.
For even the most zealous person of faith, in a monotheistic sense, this isn’t incompatible with their belief system. Not necessarily the egg theory itself, but the concept of literal interconnectedness. If you believe in a singular creator, then we all derive from the same source. No matter what we are made of or instilled with, our origin is the same. That’s true for pretty much any atheistic belief as well. Whether you consider us star dust or the breath of God, we each derived from the same place.
This concept can be found across all cultures and religions throughout time. In a philosophical sense, it may be referred to as the “Ethics of Reciprocity,” but one popular version of it is called “The Golden Rule.” It goes, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” While those words are valuable council even on a surface level, they take on another layer of meaning when one applies the aforementioned concepts. You are literally doing unto yourself anytime you do unto another. Even if just in a quantum sense, whereby we all originate from a singular source and retain a level of energy connectedness, we are still doing to ourselves on some physical level.
The ego seems to be a major problem for the ethics of reciprocity. I often wonder why we were allowed to have it, or why it was allowed to take the dominant role in our lives and behavior that it does. The ego seeks to serve the self, and approaches life from the vantage point of the individual’s wants and needs. That is, unless that’s the point of life. To identify the ego as problematic and then work to suppress it for the good of the collective. It seems so obvious.
Unless, of course, the universe is just an egg.
The UBeerOsopher
And now…a haiku:
if all that matters
could be fit into an egg
we’d just scramble it
“We meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.” ~ Carl Jung
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