#i really should be sleeping cuz i have work in the morning bUT THIS HAS ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT THIS IS SO GOOD
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tootiecakes234 · 1 year ago
I just know you would receive “gifts” from Katsuki all the time. They’d be little things to make your life easier that you didn’t even know you needed.
You like to read at night to unwind, but sometimes it’ll be a really good book so you want to stay up reading it. The thing is you don’t wanna bother Katsuki cuz you know he has a strict bedtime. This means often times you’ll stay a little longer in the living room reading as to not bother him.
One night you’re getting ready for bed when you see a box next to your bed.
“Hey Kat, is this yours?”, you say loud enough for him to hear you in the bathroom.
He peaks his head out the door and says, “No, I ordered it for you.” And then goes back to what he was doing.
You sit on the edge of the bed and open it up. It’s a reading light with a dampener so you can adjust the brightness.
He comes dragging his little slippered feet towards his side of the bed.
“Now you can keep your ass in bed. Tired of waking up and you being asleep on the couch. I’m an old man, I can’t keep carrying you to bed.”
You look at him with a bright smile on your face.
“You know you can just say, you like me being in the bed with you while you’re sleeping. You know, because I’m your big bad protector and I make you feel safe.”
“There is no talking to you sometimes you know that?”
It’s winter time and you always have your gloves on because you HATE your fingers being cold. The only problem is of course you have to remove said gloves to use your phone when you’re out and that SUCKS.
You’re out with him one day and you’ve been texting back and forth with Mina because her and her girlfriend are in an argument and she of course comes to you about it.
You are always there for your friend so you’ve been removing and putting on your gloves over and over again until Katsuki can’t stand it anymore.
You’re outside on a bench waiting for him while he runs into some shop when he comes back out he snatches your phone out of your hand.
“What the hell? I’m usin-“ you start shouting at him.
“ give me those shitty gloves and put these on. I’m sick of watching you struggle.”
When you look down you see a pair of gloves in your favorite color.
“How are these any different from the ones I have now, Mr. Know-it-all”
He smirks at you, “These gloves are thicker than those thin ones you use AND they work on smart phones.. so yea. I do know it all.”
“Oh…. Well thanks I guess” you murmur lowly.
“Now you can talk Racoon eyes through her mental breakdowns without getting frost bite in your fingers.”he says then hands you back your phone. “She deserve better than that idiot anyways. Don’t why she keeps putting up with it.”
Katsuki is leaving for a mission today and you’ve been so gloomy. He gonna be gone at least 3 days, maybe even the whole week.
You’re been wrapped around him like ivy since you woke up this morning.
“Listen woman, I have to go. You do this every time.”he says with his arms wrapped around you waist pulling you even more flush against him.
“You should clone yourself or something. Who am I gonna cuddle with now?? And who is gonna cook for me?? I’ll die of starvation before you get back. Is that what you want. To come home to a dead girlfriend???”
“You are so damn dramatic. Cuddle with the damn plethor of plushies you have in my goddamn bed. And as far as food… you won’t starve. You’ll just eat out everyday and I’ll come back to you complaining you’ve gained weight when you look the exact same.”
“I do not.”, you start to object.
“Yes you do. Which is why I made a few meals and froze them.” He says all smug, cuz he knows that would surprise you.
“You what??” You ask looking up at him with wide eyes.
“There’s a pot pie and dumplings. I even stored a lasagna in there.” Then his phone buzzes letting him know his ride is downstairs.
“Ok I gotta go. I love you.” And he bends down to give you a deep kiss. “Be safe. Call Eiji if you need anything and try not to burn the house down before I get back.”
“I love you too. Come back to me in one piece please.”
He smiles at you, “always”
He kisses you one more time and then heads to the car.
You go directly to the fridge to see the frozen meals he left you. And not only are the packages all neatly but he’s left the heating instructions on top for you.
To say there were tears shed would be an understatement.
Katsuki Masterlist
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @blaize-hewwo @sweetblueworm @tippy-toes @superlegend216
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list in the comments💕
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supernova41st · 4 months ago
Scent 🕯️
Tf2 mercs scents
A/n: I was gonna say something about Medic shaving but then I got flash banged by that one picture of him with the hairy chest.
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He took the term “cologne king” and ran with it.
He puts on like 10 sprays of cologne every morning guys it’s bad
Tries to cover his sleep stank with cologne every morning but it’s very much there
He does use deodorant because he’s not THAT stinky (tho spy is the one who forces him to wear it)
“Scout, did you put on your axe this morning?”
“ughhhh I don’t wanna 😒”
Uses 2 in one because he’s lazy asf. He’ll only use the good stuff if it’s from spy.
He doesn’t rlly care for face care, he uses the same bar of soap he uses to wash his ass and it works fine surprisingly
His rooms smells kinda musky but it’s subtle,it mostly comes from his mattress that he’s been using since childhood (which he barely fits on)
Have you’ve ever been inside the car of a guy who works out frequently? Yeah
He smells musky asf, he does sweat a lot so it makes sense!
He has a subtle Cinnamon smell to him, no one knows if it’s from something he uses or if it’s natural
If you ever give him a hug god rest your soul cuz all your gonna be huffing in that day is his scent.
Def uses Dr squatch deodorant cuz he’s classy like that. Wont use cologne unless it’s a gift from someone
You’ll never catch this man being stinky, EVER.
He uses the good shit, Le Male Elixir, showers every night, and every now and then has a Smokey scent to him.
Scout begs and begs for his cologne but he’s a gatekeeping king so he won’t budge.
“Absolutely not.”
His shampoo has no scent + he doesn’t really care for buying the expensive stuff cuz his hair is always covered anyways.
His skincare is pretty good, uses face wash serum and moisturizer. No anti-aging stuff tho, he personally thinks aging is a privilege.
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If you can smell these two photos, you’re smelling pyro
He just smells like a hospital, but when finishing a mission he smells like straight blood.
His hospital smell mostly comes from the latex gloves he has to wear, the blood smell is from surgery’s or brutally killing enemies. (Obv)
Definitely doesn’t mind getting blood on him, so if you complain about the smell to him he’ll shrug it off.
Cologne wise he’d use something minty, he’d only ever use it when going somewhere fancy. Other than that he sees no use for cologne.
He’s quite high maintenance, so he never stinks nor does he necessarily smell good. He just smells like.. medic.
You’ve ever took a whiff of milk to check if it’s expired? Yeah.
Sorry but he does not gaf, there’s a puke stain on his shirt from like a week ago + he uses pretty cheap cologne.
Def uses Irish spring cuz I said so, it fits him.
Would have a sleep stink but getting a sleep stink would come from a bed, lord knows he’ll make it to his bed before passing out drunk.
He doesn’t shave, he uses child safe scissors to cut his beard 😭 someone help him.
but it’s also like, hot?
He had that garage workshop scent, he’s also sweaty cuz of course he is. For god sakes he’s in his 50s and doing garage work he shouldn’t be doing that he should be sitting down and having a fucking glass of water.
No cologne for him, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, that being all the sweat he collects from making shit he probably shouldn’t be making !!
Showers at night cuz that’s when he gets all the sweat off, he takes those piping hot showers that would burn off a normal persons skin off.
He hangs around piss jars all day, I’ll let you do the rest.
No sleep, no cologne, just him. He just smells like rain and spoiled milk.
His camper van smell interesting to say the least, it’s not necessarily clean so it just smells like straight coffee, not the good kind.
He’s not that musty! He is quite hygienic.. in a way
He had a skincare routine, and spends half and hour in the shower cuz he ends up dozing off after a while <//3
He does NOT play about that skincare routine btw, if he sees a pimple he’s tracking down what he used to cause it.
Once he does he’ll use it as target practice lol
This guy smells like 1000 things at once.
If you took a whiff of him he’d smell like straight dirt at first, but then it somehow transfers to a wet dog kind of smell, with a hint of oil.
*need a cologne of that
If you offer him deodorant/cologne he’ll deny it. He says that the way he smells is how god intended
His helmet smells FOULL, if you take the tiniest sniff you’re gonna pass out.
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whyse7vn · 8 months ago
[ kim seokjin min yoongi x reader ]
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jin: i’m going to bed now if you even care
resting my body after a long hard day at
work if that’s even important in your eyes
almost died today if you even give a shit
it’s 2 am and i’m JUST going to sleep without you (my girlfriend) messaging me (your boyfriend) goodnight if you even care a little bit
you have 5 missed calls from jin!
jin: be honest do you care?
y/n: no
jin: you didn’t say gn
y/n: it’s 2 am
jin: no u right you don’t even care that’s what’s up
y/n: what
jin: no lol i get it whatever
y/n: what do you want
jin: a goodnight would be nice
y/n: it’s 2 am
jin: yeah???
y/n: am
as in morning
jin: awww who died
here for u 💓
y/n: morning not mourning
jin: can you say gn pls so i can sleep
you have 1 miss call from jin!
y/n: no joke ur 5 seconds away from being blocked
jin: just say you don’t care about me at this point 😭
y/n: i do not care about you at this point
jin: um
y/n: at all
jin: ok well that bit wasn’t necessary
i think i got ur point
y/n: i’m glad
jin: i guess i’ll just go to sleep then
without a goodnight from my lovely girlfriend
you have 10 miss calls from jin!
y/n: jin
jin: yeah
you can no longer send messages to this contact!
jin: 😧
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yoongi: miss you
delivered 5 minutes ago
yoongi: wow that’s crazy i’ll just jump off a cliff then
y/n: that was kinda dramatic
yoongi: sorry do i know you?
y/n: get a grip
yoongi: reply faster
do you even love me anymore?
y/n: well
yoongi: that’s not funny
y/n: do you see me laughing?
yoongi: take it back
y/n: i take it back
love when ur clingy >.<
yoongi: i’m not clingy
y/n: you just threatened to kill urself cuz i didn’t reply to you instantly
yoongi: that’s basic respect
i message you
you reply within the next second
y/n: that’s unrealistic
yoongi: no it’s not
you do it most of the time
lately you’ve been slacking tho
y/n: excuse me????????
yoongi: ur excused
y/n: and if i slap you?
yoongi: i’ll enjoy it
y/n: YOONGI OMG?/):).£
are you dying????
what is wrong with you
ur acting like you love me or something
yoongi: don’t say things like that
makes it seem like i’m a bad boyfriend
y/n: looks left looks right
yoongi: i’m a good boyfriend
y/n: looks at audience looks back at you
yoongi: stop
i am a good boyfriend
y/n: yeah!
yoongi: and if i slap YOU?
y/n: GASP
good boyfriends don’t threaten domestic violence
yoongi: neither do good girlfriends
y/n: are you saying i’m a bad girlfriend?
yoongi: looks left looks right
y/n: how low of you min yoongi…
i am NOT a bad girlfriend
yoongi: ur not a good one either
so where does that leave us
y/n: i’m the best?
yoongi: lol!
y/n: is this ur fucked up way of calling me a good girl
yoongi: ok where tf did you get that from?
ur really bad at reading the room
y/n: i’m in no room
yoongi: it’s a saying 🙄
y/n: ignoring you just rolled ur eyes at me rn
i’m SAYING we should kiss
yoongi: wow so clingy
y/n: what can i say!!!
yoongi: can you acknowledge what i open our conversation with pls
y/n: no
yoongi: ok kys bye
y/n: ur clingy
yoongi: k
now come home
idk the jin one was the first draft for the jin part in delivered i think and idk where the yoongi one came from just found her has said hey this is ok ig… thought they kinda gave the same vibe so posted them together better than nothing right? SIGHS sorry idk WHO WANNA BUY ME A NEW PHONE WHO⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
i’m spiralling and have no storage pls forgive me
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @earth2ela @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @seokmyballs @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @meowgiz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @iammeandmeisiam @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks @futuristicenemychaos @featjunranghae @jksgirlfrl @yeetedandoboi
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penkura · 6 months ago
You want ideas, I'll give you ideas owo I know you like Zoro too, so best of both world I assume. Reader got hit during an attack and when reader wakes up she can't remember anything/anyone at all. Zoro/Sanji is in a realtionship with reader and feeling unsure if reader forgot it as well. Reader is super shy/nervous and interested in some else. (If you go for Zoro as bf, maybe reader is interested in Sanji and the other way around) Another idea: You've been dating for a long time and Sanji still hasn't proposed. One evening you get impatient and are completely drunk and proposed to him. He loves you but reject it, cuz he believe that this is a "Man's job" to do.
Of course this would work for others as well if you don't see Sanji in this kind of scenarios :) If you need more inspiration/prompts (especially Law/Penguin/Shachi) hit me up. My mind is overflowing with ideas right now.
Take care of you <3
I love the second prompt and may have to come back for the first one later on. 👀
For now though! Sanji gets more attention from me, and I made this one in a modern setting, hope that's okay! 💚
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It’s very rare for you to indulge in alcohol as much as Zoro normally does, but for once you’ve let go and decided to have more than what you usually do. It’s not your fault that you’ve been seeing your friends get engaged or married lately and it makes you feel like you and Sanji are way behind the rest of them. You two have been together for a few years, but he still hasn’t proposed or even asked you to move into his apartment with him, what’s the deal? It’s been so long, you just want to know you aren’t wasting your time with him.
Okay, maybe it is all on you, since you haven’t even voiced this to Sanji, only to Nami and Robin, the two looking concerned when you cried over your drink to them, before they started to drag you to Sanji’s place for the night. You sleep over there enough as it is, you really should just move in already, even Nami has said that multiple times.
Sanji isn’t even expecting you that night, you’d told him you were going out with Nami and Robin, so he’s surprised when they bring you buy and you’re a crying, drunken mess when you see him and you’re shoved into his arms. For a moment he worries someone did something to you, he’s ready to find out which bar you’d gone to and fight whoever upset you, before Nami just sighs.
“She’s upset with you, so you better hurry up and make it right.”
He’s confused, but Sanji doesn’t question Nami as she leaves, instead turning to you when you whine and snuggle your face in his shirt. It makes him smile and kiss the top of your head, before you push yourself off him and give him a glare that doesn’t really work with you being drunk.
“My love, are you all right?”
“No……I’m mad at you…”
He tilts his head, especially confused when you lean against him again. Sanji takes that as his cue to lead you into his kitchen and start making you some tea, after he gives you a glass of water. He’s got to start sobering you up, it might be the only way he gets an answer out of you as to why you’re upset with him. While he works, Sanji has you set at the table with a glass of water, but the tears in your eyes while you watch him don’t go unnoticed, he gives you a slight smile that makes you try to glare again.
“What is it, love?”
“I wanna marry you…”
You pout with a nod, as Sanji goes back to making your tea. It’s like he doesn’t even care, you just you want to marry him. He should be happy about it right? But he just ignores you almost, and it makes you even more upset.
“Will you,” you hiccup a bit which makes him smile, “will you marry me…?”
Taking a breath, Sanji waits a moment before he responds to you, wondering if you even realize that you’ve said. You’ll probably forget by morning, but he should clarify things for you.
“No, my love, I can’t accept that proposal. “
“Why nooooot?”
“Because it’s my job to ask you that.”
You stay quiet after that as Sanji finishes making you both some tea and brings it over to you. You don’t touch your drink for a few minutes, Sanji asking if you were okay while you look at him still with tears in your eyes.
“…why haven’t you asked me yet?”
Another deep breath, Sanji sighs and places a kiss on your forehead, causing you to lay your head on his shoulder. He hopes you’ll sleep quickly, but you put your arms around his shoulders and just look up at him, though he can tell you’re starting to doze off so he doesn’t push for you to drink more of your tea, instead picking you up and taking you to his bed to tuck you in.
“Because,” Sanji makes sure you’re properly in bed and asleep before he smiles to himself while he watches you, “It’s not your birthday for a few more weeks. But I promise, I’ll ask you then.”
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mikaxd1234 · 1 year ago
[Tough Day At Work]
Where Vanessa comes home in a bad mood and... Well... Angry sex?
Warnings: Dark!Mean!Vanessa/Vanny. F!Reader. Sex :3. Vaginal fingering. Oral sex. Praise kink. A sprinkle of degrading? Knifes use. Idk what else to say hehe.
Edit: also, i should have said that this is the first fic i ever wrote in my life aha
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(used an Amy Hughes pic in this one cuz it kinda fits and she's so pretty and hot and-)
It definetly wasn't a good day for Vanessa.
Her boss was acting like a bitch today saying something about that her work wasn't really "impressive" enough. Vanny was ready to tear his head off but, of course, Vanessa opposed to that.
That, and today's patrol was really slow and stressing since all she got to deal with was a lot of speeders here and there, and a few drunk men.
And all she wanted to do was to go home, have some dinner and then just sleep in her beloved girlfriend's arms.
But... She kinda lost all her temper today to even be kind with her girlfriend.
Y/N was peacefuly laying in the couch of the living room watching a movie, she wasn't really paying attention at all. Everything she could think about was her girlfriend, Vanessa, she missed her so much... I mean, yeah, she saw her this morning, but still...
Y/n and Vanessa had been dating for eight months now, they moved in together to Vanessa's place a little after the fifth month, and they were the happiest together.
To distract herself with something else, she got up to make her way to the kitchen and start making some dinner, since she already knew that Vanessa must be really hungry after her shift and it wouldn't be long before she got home.
But before she could even take a step, the front door suddenly bursted open, startling Y/N in the process.
- Holy Jesus! - Y/N gasped.
A certain blonde with her police officer suit barged into the house, muttering something to herself while closing the door with her foot as she loosened up her black tie.
- Oh! Hey Ness! How are you? - She walked up to Vanessa with a smile on her face - You're early! I was going to start dinner before you-
- You haven't started dinner yet?! - Vanessa interrupted her, her tone harsh - God, it's just ONE thing that you have to do and you haven't even started?!
Y/N stopped dead in her tracks - U-Um... Ness? - She took a little step back - W-Wha-... Are you okay...?
- I break my back out there every day only to expect, i don't know, a little plate of food and you can't even do that?! - She grabbed Y/N wrist tightly.
- A-Am... N-Ness?! - Y/N winced- What a-are you doing?! Let me g-! - She stuttered as she tried to take her arm away from Vanessa's grip.
- "Go"? No, no, no. I think this deserves a little lesson - With her free hand, she grabbed Y/N shirt and slammed her on the wall - What's your excuse to this disrespect?
- "Disrespect"? What are you even talking about?! V- - Y/N got interrupted as she got slapped on the face.
- Wrong answer, i won't ask again... - she whispered coldly, her eyes burning with anger.
Y/N started tearing up, Vanessa has never acted like this before.
- I-I don't know, I... I was just... Laying on the couch and-
- Oh, so you were just being a lazy brat while i was working? Is that your excuse? - Vanessa pushed Y/N to the wall even harder - Don't know you, but i think this is worth of a punishment.
Y/N's eyes widened as she got slammed to the wall again, the impact making her slid down to the floor as Vanessa let go of her shirt. Then she saw Vanessa walking away towards the kitchen,the opening and closing of drawers could be heard as Y/N still sat on the floor, confused and with tears on her eyes.
Then, the sound of heavy footsteps where heard when Vanessa walked back into the living room, now holding a knife.
Y/N let out a gasp and started crawling away from her until her back hit another wall.
- Now, there's no need to be scared, sweetheart - Vanessa crouched in front of Y/N and took a hold of her chin - You trust me, don't you? - She lifted Y/N's chin up slightly so they could be face to face, her face softened slightly.
Y/N hesitated fo a second, but then, she nodded. Vanessa smiles slightly and leans in, joining their lips together.
Things get heated fast as Vanessa deepens the kiss. Y/N was extremely confused and a little scared (and kinda turned on) with Vanessa's behaviour tonight.
Once they pulled apart, Vanessa's hard expresion returned as she grabbed Y/N's shirt with her free hand again and pulled her up.
- Good, now move - She pushed Y/N towards the hallway that led to their bedroom.
Once they got there, Vanessa pushed Y/N to the bed, making her fall on her face.
- U-Uhm... N-Now what...? - Y/N stuttered as she sat on her knees on the bed, now facing her girlfriend.
- Undress. Now. - Vanessa ordered, her voice still harsh.
And Y/N, as the sucker she was for the blonde, she complied. Trembling hands started to peel each layer of clothing off until she was completely naked and sitting on the bed.
- Good girl - Vanessa praised, walking up to Y/N, she stood next to the bed - Finally you did something good today...
- Van... I-I swear i didn't mean to- - she got interrupted as Vanessa's free hand came up to her throat, gripping her neck.
- Shut up... Just shut the fuck up - Vanessa pointed the knife that she held right below Y/N's chin, making her gulp.
- Now, what am i supossed to do with you? - She faked thinking as she tapped the tip of the knife on Y/N's chin - A brat who can't do a simple job... One, making dinner, and maybe cleaning up the house.
- That's two jobs- - Y/N muttered before being interrupted.
- Quiet - Vanessa snapped, tightening her grip on Y/N's neck.
- Yes, Ma'am - Y/N muttered again.
Vanessa stared at Y/N for a few seconds before pushing her to the bed, making her sit with her back on the headboard - Now i know what to do - she raised the knife, Y/N was already flinching, but then, Vanessa stabbed the knife on their mattress, the knife's handle was pointing up.
Y/N gasped, now she was definetly scared, but confused at the same time.
Vanessa grabbed Y/N by the hair on the back of her head and pulled her face to face with her, then she crashed their lips together in a messy kiss. The blonde swept the tip of her tongue on Y/N's lower lip, demanding access. Access that Y/N already eagerly provided. They both moaned as Vanessa's tongue began exploring the insides of Y/N's mouth.
Now Y/N was both scared and turned on... She even felt herself get wet with just a kiss!
Vanessa seemed to notice that as she trailed one of her hands through Y/N's body, slowly inching down. Once she got below stomach, she kept her caress feather-light. She trailed her hand slightly over Y/N's slit, making her moan softly - Wet already? Such a slut - she mumbled.
The officer pulled on Y/N's hair, forcing her to pull back - Ride It - She whispered on her ear.
Y/N was still dizzy from the kiss as she so suddenly got pulled back - Wh-Wha..?
- Ride the handle - She coldly ordered.
Y/N looked almost scared, but complied anyways. She slowly climbed on top of the handle until she was hovering it. She looked up at Vanessa, who's eyes darkened. Then she lowered herself on the knife's handle, moaning as she felt how cold it was.
- Mmm... V-Van... - She moaned as she slowly moved her hips to accomodate to the stretch.
- That's right, good girl - Vanessa cooed as she softly caressed Y/N's hair - now ride it like the slut i know you are...
Y/N nodded and slowly raised her hips, then slamming them back down, moaning loudly. Then repeating the action. She repeated this until she found a steady pace.
- Is that all you got? Come on, pretty girl, i know you can do better -Vanessa teased, her hand coming up to take a hold of Y/N's throat again - Be better for me.
Y/N moaned at that and started moving her hips faster, moaning and whining desperately as she rode the knife's handle harder. She already felt herself embarrasingly close to her climax.
- That's it, you're doing so good - She coed, her voice deep - So good for me... - Finally, Vanessa started taking a little of her clothes off, first starting with her jacket, then her tie. Then, she climbed on the bed, right in front of Y/N, placing her hands on Y/N's hips to help her with the movements.
- A-Ah... V-.. God~... Nessy! - Y/N moaned, throwing her head back.
- Now, pretty girl... - the blonde said, her voice sounding a little more glitchy now.
Y/N was too dizzy to understand anything until she felt the officer grab her from the hips and lift her from the knife's handle and shove her to lay on the bed.
Y/N saw the blonde crawl in between her legs before she dove into her cunt, licking and sucking her whole. She moaned and gripped the sheets.
The officer grabbed the now wet and kinda sticky handle and raised it off the mattress. Then she slowly trailed the tip of the knife through Y/N legs and stopped in her left thigh. And in a swift motion she passed the knife on her inner tigh, making a noticeable cut, then leaving the knife next to them. Y/N yelped at the sudden pain.
- A-Agh! Vanessa?! W-What are you doing?! - Y/N screamed out, the blonde still licking her up, and feeling the blood of the cut trail down to the sheets.
- Oh... Vanessa would be sooooo mad~ - the blonde said with a more noticeable glitchy voice before laughing maniacally and then diving right back in, Y/N's mind finally clicked.
Y/N moaned softly before she said - V-Vanny?! B-But i thought-!
- That I was Vanessa? - She chuckled - Oh no, dear. Vanessa was too tired to even drive the way home... Poor her if she saw this...
- I- B-But how did you...? - Y/N stuttered, now being embarrased at the situation and closed her legs slightly.
- Imitate her voice? I learnt to do that - Vanny smirked - Now shut up and spread your legs for me, bunny~
Y/N hesitated, but then nodded and spread her legs again.
- You know what i want to hear, my dear bunny~ - Vanny teased.
- I-I'm all yours... - Y/N stuttered softly, her hands ready to grip the sheets.
- Good girl~ - She cooed before diving into Y/N's cunt again, lapping her up and massaging the cut on her thigh.
Y/N moaned and threw her head back, feeling the last almost-climax build up again.
Vanny seemed to notice that and started moving her tongue faster on Y/N's clit - O-Oh... Mhmm... V-Vanny! - She moaned. Vanny decided to sped up things even more and put two fingers inside Y/N, curling and scissoring them inside her.
- Doing so good for me, Bunny - Vanny coed with her glitchy voice, speeding up the motion of her fingers and tongue - Come on, Come for me, pretty girl~.
Y/N moaned one last time before closing her eyes crying out as she felt her climax explode, feeling herself squirt right on Vanny's tongue and fingers. Vanny let her ride her high until she finally her motions stopped.
Y/N panted as she tried to recover, she opened her eyes and saw Vanny crawl on top of her.
- H-Hey you... - she panted as one of her hands went to Vanny's face to caress her cheek.
- Not bad, i'm proud of you, baby - Vanny giggled before leaning in to press her lips on Y/N's, caressing the cut on her leg again.
They kissed for a little while before Y/N suddenly felt Vanny lay completely on top of her, as if she passed out.
Y/N sighed in relief since this meant that Vanessa was finally coming back.
A few minutes passed before she felt the blonde stir and groan slightly.
- Vanessa...? - Y/N muttered softly.
- Y-Y/N...? - Vanessa mumbled, her voice deep as if she just woke up from a nap.
Y/N sighed again and smiled - Ah... Finally... There's my girl...
Vanessa suddenly tensed up and lifted her head up, now noticing the weir position they were in - W-What the...? - She then sat up in between Y/N's legs and also noticed the cut in Y/N's tighs - Oh my god... Y/N, Y-You're okay?! Fuck... Um... What happened?! - She panicked.
- Hey, Hey! Easy! Easy! I'm fine, i swear! - Y/N giggled slightly.
- No, you're not! You're bleeding! Fuck... What did she do to you...? - She muttered as she got closer to her thigh to examinate the cut - Fuck, it's nasty...
- First of all, come here - Y/N extended her arms towards Vanessa.
Vanessa smiled slightly and laid on top of her again, hugging her tightly.
- Secondly, well, she... Kinda made me ride a knife's handle and... We need a new mattress... - Y/N mumbled the last part.
- She what ? - Vanessa raised her head again and looked around, finally noticing the knife next to them in the bed. Y/N smiled innocently - Well, i think it's a little unfair that she got to see you like that and not me... So i might have to do it again... - She grabbed the knife and felt how the handle was sticky - How does that sounds, pretty girl ? I promise to patch you up later - she teased as her eyes got darker.
- Please, make me yours... - Y/N looked at her as her own eyes darkened too.
Vanessa chuckled slightly as she put the knife's blade on the hole that was already done on the mattress - God... I love you... - she sighed softly.
- What? - Y/N raised an eye brow teasingly.
- I love you - Vanessa repeated, sighing.
- Say it again?
- I said i love you, dumbass, now get on that thing and ride it like the brat you are, you won't get a chance to rest tonight.
- O-Oh... Yes ma'am... And i love you, too...
It was definetly going to be a long night...
The End :3
God, this sucks like hell. Definetly the first and probably the last time i'll ever write stuff like this.
Anyways, sorry if u don't understand something, english is not my first lenguage.
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malice-ov-mercy · 2 months ago
step bro!noah thot with a cruel intentions style relationship.
You and Noah who have always had a flirty love-hate kind of relationship (you love to hate him, he hates to pretend that he doesn't love you)
Bets are your favorite kind of game, it's how you get the most you can out of him because he's such a sore loser and has no other choice than to stick to your chosen rules of the game.
The next bet you make becomes a guy (will maybe? 😏) but only one of you can have him.
Whoever gets him first finally gets whatever they want from the other and in this case, Noah will finally get to have you after literal years of teasing.
Gotta be honest, have not seen Cruel Intentions, had to do a google search for the plot and wowie it sounds like a ride.
It should be easy to pick up the extremely friendly florist at the local flower shop right?
18+ below the cut. (Implied sex, brief mention of alcohol consumption, stepcest, handjob)
Noah can just buy oodles of flowers for you under the guise of trying to make you swoon. He’s got it all planned out in his head: tell Will all about you and get him invested and rooting for him, make up a date that doesn’t happen and then come to him heartbroken and needing a friend bc you “broke his heart”.
So Noah comes to him all sad, really playing it up and of course Will, being the sweet boy he is, offers him support and even to go out that night when he gets off. Noah fakes trying to turn him down, but Will insists, and who is he to deny a cute boy’s offer??
Goes so well Will ends going home with Noah that night. Maybe it’s just the drinks in his system but Will swears that vase full of flowers on the dining table looks familiar. Noah’s quick tho, tells him you didn’t want them so he brought them home instead of just tossing them out cuz Will worked so hard to arrange it for him. Also briefly mentions that his stepsister really enjoyed them, so he more or less gave them to her, and Will thinks that’s super sweet.
Will didn’t intend to sleep over, but there was no way he was driving home and he passed out quickly after getting the best sex of life. He also didn’t want to leave immediately after waking up, but he work soon and needed to get home to clean up at least a little. Managed to find some paper and pen and left a note plus his number before trying to leave. Makes it half way thru the living room before you open the front door. You’re just as surprised to see him as he is you. Poor thing thinks he just ruined a relationship.
Noah comes waltzing out of his room in the tightest pair of boxers you’ve ever seen that do absolutely to hide the morning wood. Gives you a sly smile as he walks up behind Will and wraps his arms around him and kisses his neck.
“If I knew you had company, I would have stayed longer at mom and dad’s.” You finally break the silence and see Will visibly relax.
Pleasantries and introductions are short and Will sheepishly walks past you and waves politely at you both before shutting the door behind him.
Noah’s shit eating grin grows wider. “I win.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes. You’ll never let him know you weren’t even trying.
“So what do you want?” You say, trying to sound as annoyed as possible.
In an instant, Noah’s in your space, pressing your body up against the door. His hand cups the back of you neck and he uses his thumb to tilt your head up. You try to hide your gasp as he presses his hips flush to yours, feeling so much of his cock thru thin layers of fabric.
His already dark eyes somehow seem darker as he gazes down at you. He grabs one of your hands.
“I think you know what I want.” He rasps; you can still smell the alcohol lingering on his breath and an unmistakable musk you’re sure was Will. “I just need you to say yes.”
You chose to answer by closing the distance and kiss him. Noah brings your hand to his bulge and flattens it, silently and desperately asking you to touch him. He moans in your mouth when you rub your palm along his length, giving you an opportunity to slip your tongue in his mouth. He grabs your hand again and hurriedly helps you tug his underwear down enough to free his cock.
Noah breaks the kiss with a shaky gasp when he feels your hand wrap tightly around him and start quickly jerking. All Noah can do is gasp and moan. He’s so dizzy and his legs aren’t the most steady. Doesn’t even realize he’s thrusting, subconsciously chasing after a rapidly approaching climax.
“How long have you wanted this?” You asked. You already knew the answer. It wasn’t like Noah hid his desire from you, and it wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy teasing him and playing along. You wanted this too, perhaps just as badly as him. You just wanted to hear him admit it—actually admit it.
Noah tried to answer, but he was too focused on holding together for a little while longer. He hoped this wasn’t the last time, that it would spiral form here, but in case this was the only time, he needed to drag it out.
“You better answer me, or I’ll stop.” You warned.
Noah whined. “So long. Since before our parents even married.”
He fell apart immediately after, whimpering so pathetically as he unloaded and staining your dress with his release. You don’t let up, enjoying how high pitched his whines turn the longer you go. And Noah doesn’t dare stop you. It feels too good, even if his legs are trembling something awful and feels like he’s going collapse. Just keep touching him please. It’s all he’s ever wanted.
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heartsfromia · 2 years ago
a helping hand — c. seungcheol
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pairing: non-idol! seungcheol x f!reader
word count: 4,872
genre: minor angst, fluff, workplace romance
warnings: reader experiences sleep deprivation, curse words, reader is a b*tch to cheol cuz of sleep deprivation and an annoying manager
author's notes: i have returned with more (not proofread) writing !
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Your eyes were practically filled with lead as you stared at your computer screen, the design you had opened on Photoshop blurring as consciousness continues to slip past your fingers. Whatever you had planned on fixing with the design in front of you was long gone with your sanity and will to stay awake. As darkness surrounds you, all you could hear is the clicking of your mouse and keyboard, your department completely empty aside from you.
Your eyes flickered to the bottom corner of your screen; 08:24 PM, it read. Everyone else in the department had gone home, at six, but because your annoying, and cutthroat new team manager was giving you so much crap for the designs you submitted for next quarter’s social media, you were forced to work later to fix the mistakes she had pointed out.
It wasn’t unusual for the design team to stay later in the office to finish up projects, but your former team manager never allowed anyone to stay past seven. Safe to say, your new team manager didn’t care—all she cared about was that you work quick, and efficient. If it requires staying overnight at the office, then better bring out your neck pillow.
“Hello? Is someone still here?” Jumping in your chair, you looked over the dividers of your cubicle, spotting Seungcheol, an employee in the Marketing division, standing by the door.
Raising your hand, you announced, “I am.”
Seungcheol’s eyes squinted, trying to spot you through the dark before his eyebrows knitted together in confusion upon seeing you in the empty room. “Y/N? What are you still doing here?” His footsteps echoed throughout the empty room, approaching you and seating himself in the cubicle beside you. “Working on something?”
You weakly nodded, sleep returning to fog your brain. “I have revisions from Hyunhee.”
“Our new team manager,” you grumbled, just thinking about the woman made your head ache in annoyance. “Since Jiha is on maternal leave, I have to handle both hers and my own projects, and Hyunhee—safe to say—” you motioned to the empty room “—she’s a pain in my ass.”
Seungcheol couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking his head. “And this?” He nodded his head towards your computer.
“It’s for next quarter’s Instagram feed, but Hyunhee has a completely different idea to what my former team manager had, so she hates every single thing that I’ve given her.”
“Really? She’s that bad?”
You nod, your lips jutting out slightly as you recall how terrible Hyunhee was to you since she became the team manager. “I don’t get it, though—don’t get me wrong, she’s a nightmare to everyone, but it feels especially bad when it comes to me.”
“How come?”
“It might be because on her first day, I had a septum piercing, and she called me out on that saying it’s unprofessional and that I should remove it,” you explained, the design on your computer long forgotten as you shifted in your chair to face Seungcheol. Your brows furrowed upon a realization, “Wait, why are you still here?”
“I left at six, but came back because I forgot my phone charger,” he explained, “and since the janitor was mopping up the area in front of the lift, I chose to go down the stairs and walked past here and noticed the light in your cubicle.”
“It must be nice having an overbearing manager,” you mumbled, adding, “you can leave once work hours are over.”
“Why don’t you continue it tomorrow, Y/N?” He takes a gander at your work. “It looks good, too, you can do finishing touches tomorrow morning.”
“Because Hyunhee wants it tomorrow, before she comes in,” you responded, the urge to cry out of frustration growing stronger. “And this design is the one that she rejected, all of it.” You couldn’t but chuckle at Seungcheol when he stares at you with widened eyes, shocked.
“Is this even allowed? I get staying an hour after work hours end, but it’s almost nine, Y/N.”
“She doesn’t really care, just cares that the project is complete and placed on her desk when she asked for it,” you informed him, and immediately looked away as he stares at you in pity. It’s pathetic, really, to feel obligated to invest so much time and energy for something you knew could be completed within working hours. Maybe you were scared of Hyunhee. Rumors say that she got the job as team manager because she is indirectly connected to the Chief of Operation in your company, and you didn’t want to find out what would happen if you crossed the line.
Or in this case, submit a late project.
“Do you want me to accompany you while you work on this? I don’t mind staying in late,” Seungcheol offered, and your heart couldn’t help but melt at his offer. You couldn’t lie that being accompanied by an attractive guy as the hours grow late wasn’t a bad thing—it could help keep you awake, too, but you felt bad. This wasn’t Seungcheol’s project to complete, it was (unfortunately) yours.
So, you shook your head, giving him a reassuring smile, “No need, Cheol. I might go home in twenty minutes, and continue then.”
“I’ll accompany you until then, Y/N,” he states, sitting back and crossing his arms over his chest to indicate he wasn’t going to move.
“Seriously, Cheol, you can go home, I’ll be fine.”
He only shakes his head, standing (or sitting) his ground. He then nods his head towards your abandoned project. “Go on, Y/N, move it to your USB.”
As you move the files to your flash drive, Seungcheol stood from the chair, eyes wandering around your cubicle space, noticing the little pictures you had all around the walls of the divider—there were a few of you with your friends and family, none that came off to be anything more than platonic.
Why was he even looking to see if you had a partner or not? His cheeks heated at the realization when his heart raced at the possibility of you being single.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, what?” You couldn’t help but chuckle seeing his flustered face beneath the dim lighting of your cubicle. Your interactions with Seungcheol aren’t daily, but they’re enough to have you form an interest towards the Marketing division employee. He’s also the only one from the Marketing division that doesn’t give ridiculous deadlines like the rest of his team.
“I’m ready,” you repeated, and he nodded, taking a step back to allow you to walk ahead of him after turning off your desk lamp and the two of you left the office.
“Do you usually stay at the office this long?” Seungcheol asks as the two of you stepped into the elevator, and you shake your head no before answering, leaning your back against the metal walls.
“Not really, I get really bad headaches if I stay up too long, so safe to say I’m going to have a blast tomorrow at work,” you answered with a bitter chuckle. “It wouldn’t be a problem if right when I get home, I sleep, but I still have a lot to fix before tomorrow morning, so…” You trailed off with a shrug, Seungcheol’s look of concern not going unnoticed, causing you to chuckle. “It’s fine, Cheol… I’ll be fine.”
He only nodded, not convinced enough but didn’t press on. “Did you drive here?”
“Yeah, I did.” He nodded, and that was the end of your conversation as the two of you bid goodbye before climbing into your cars and driving separate directions towards your homes. As you had told him, the moment you stepped into your apartment, you didn’t directly fall into the soft covers of your bed, knowing well enough that the second your head touches your fluffed up pillow, you’d be out like a light.
So, you placed your work laptop onto your coffee table, arranging your pillows in a way that allowed you to sit on your wooden floor without flattening your butt. You brewed up a shot of espresso, ordering something to snack on as you turned on your personal laptop for an ambience. Once you felt that you could comfortably continue the project, you put on your headphones and got to work, eyes flickering between the laptop and the sheet of paper that Hyunhee had revised, making sure that all details she demanded of were there.
It was 4:52 AM when you finally finished everything, double checking and adjusting all elements before saving and resting your head on your arms that were folded on the coffee table. Despite downing two cups of iced coffee, the caffeine could not completely erase your exhaustion and soon enough, you awoke to your alarm, indicating that it was already eight in the morning, and you needed to be in the office before nine-thirty.
As you pushed yourself up, your head immediately spun, your vision blurring and for a couple seconds, an aching feeling pierced through your skull, forcing you to have to sit for a minute to let it pass. Damn it, today was going to be difficult to get through with your obvious sleep deprivation. Not even taking an ibuprofen could aid the headache that was going to worsen the longer you stayed awake, but you couldn’t call in sick, especially an hour before the day starts. Hyunhee has always nagged about last-minute excuses, asking (demanding) all of you to inform her 24 hours before, and anything after would not be allowed.
Pushing yourself, you quickly showered, deciding to grab breakfast on the way and within twenty minutes, you were out of your apartment and on the way to the office. Upon arrival, you practically sprinted to your office, eyes locking with your co-workers as they stare at you and shake their heads, indicating that Hyunhee hasn’t arrived yet. With a sigh of relief, you tip-toe into your supervisor’s office, placing the printed results and found your cubicle, practically falling onto your chair.
“Hey, Y/N, you okay?” You glance over at Yeeun, finding her staring at you with a look of concern. “You look really pale, Y/N, how much sleep did you get last night?”
“Barely any,” you answered with a pout, grabbing your phone to see your face. Although, you couldn’t really tell the difference. You did feel terrible, but safe to say, work isn’t that fun for you to put on so much effort for a job that doesn’t pay you enough. “I finished the Youngbok project just this morning.”
“Seriously? You’re still working on that?”
Before you could answer, Hyunhee bid everyone a good morning as she entered the department, her heels clicking against the ceramic floor as she walks into her office. You could only share a knowing look with your co-worker as you sunk into your chair.
It was good twenty minutes of peace in the Graphic Designs department, the clicking of keyboard and mice, and soft murmuring of the employees filling the air before a shrill yell emerged from Hyunhee’s office, a shiver running up your spine as you realized in your sleep deprived state that she had called you.
Yeeun shared the same look of genuine fear with you, as everyone stared at you with wide-eyes. You stood from your chair, the steps you took to Hyunhee’s office felt heavy, as if the soles of your shoes were filled with lead. Dread began to fill your body to the tips of your hair as you gently knock on your superior’s door, her eyes glaring at you before staring at the sheets of printed out designs you had laid out. You entered her office after excusing yourself in a tone nothing higher than a whisper, and she glances between the door and you, signaling you to close the door.
This isn’t going to end well, you couldn’t help but think as you push the door, the clicking of the lock practically echoing throughout the department, everyone outside of where you were, were sat at the edge of their seat, fearing for what was about to happen.
There was a deafening silence as you stood in front of her desk, watching as she flips through your designs, and you felt yourself disassociating for a second, in a daze as your eyes gloss over while staring at her crossing out everything with her wretched red marker.
A slam of the compiled prints against the ceramic floor broke your daze, and you found your designs by your feet, on the floor.
If you were pale from sleep deprivation then, you were now pale from pure fear.
“What the hell is that?”
“I-it’s the revised designs you asked of me,” you stutter, internally beating yourself up for sounding so scared.
“Are you sure? Because I asked for designs, not pure rubbish, Y/N,” she insults, her words laced purely with venom as she stares you down. Not knowing what to say, you stayed quiet and she took that opportunity to berate you even more. “I don’t understand what Mr. Kim had saw in you, but it sure as well wasn’t anything good, because how is that you have worked in this department for so long, and yet, are incapable of providing compelling designs, hm?”
“I’m sorry, Hyunhee, I will work on it and fix everything I did wrong,” you quickly apologized, kneeling down to pick up the papers.
She leans forward, resting her chin atop her hands, as she glares at you. “I want them today, before you leave the office—even if that means you have to spend the night here, I don’t care.”
“I-I understand,” you muttered, ducking your head.
“Leave.” She didn’t have to tell you twice before you dipped out of her office, tossing the paper onto your desk and slumped into your seat. You wanted to cry. You wanted to cry and scream, but you didn’t want to give Hyunhee the satisfaction that she actually broke you apart. All eyes were on you, however, everyone knew better than to bother or ask someone after they had faced the devil incarnate. Yeeun found it difficult to turn a blind eye on your obvious disoriented state, from both sleep deprivation and having faced Hyunhee so early in the morning, but she knew you’d snap if she even poked you.
You wanted to leave, walk out of the office because you believed you didn’t deserve to be treated like that unwarranted, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t bring your feet to stand up and walk out that door knowing well enough that you can never come back in. You would have lost your job—all the work that you put into this job for the past year would be thrown out the window because a woman that has barely sat in that office feels that she has power over you, and your future. In a way, she did. Her words will always go against yours, and hers—backed by the connections that got her this job with minimal experience in graphic design—would always prevail.
So, all you could was listen and work on the revisions she had given. No word had left your lips since you had left Hyunhee’s office, and no one bothered you as you put on earphones and focused on the project opened. Your break times consisted of staying seated in your chair, opening YouTube to watch some video that you couldn’t pay attention to, watching it for five minutes before closing and continuing the project.
Before you knew it, shades of orange had begun to bleed through the blinds of the office, people were packing up and sparing pitiful glances as they bid each other goodbye, their wary gaze not unnoticed by you. Nonetheless, you paid them no mind, completely set on finishing everything before the day ends. You were lucky enough to gain at least thirty minutes of sleep because Hyunhee had left the office early, allowing for you to close your eyes with no fear of being woken up by the she-demon.
You were tempted on sleeping, anyway, knowing well enough you’d wake up with an ache in your neck and an unfinished assignment. Your eyes were closing slowly, your screen blurring as you felt sleep take over you, only to jump, a scream exiting your lips when you felt a hand grasp your shoulder.
“Oh my—I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Seungcheol profusely apologized when he noticed the tears brimming at your eyes from the genuine scare. “I called you earlier, but I didn’t see you wearing earphones.”
Too tired, too angry, you couldn’t muster up a comment, only shrugging off his hand as you turned your head to your computer, the jolt from Seungcheol giving you a bit of energy to work off of.
“Hey, I heard, by the way, from everyone that Hyunhee gave you an earful,” he stated, sitting besides you.
You couldn’t help but scoff, “An earful? That’s an understatement.”
“Are you okay, Y/N?”
Aggravated, you removed both earbuds from your ears, spinning with a sharp turn on your chair to face Seungcheol, your brows furrowed and fury running through your veins. All you ask is to not be disturbed until you get this stupid, cursed project done, was that so much? “Do I look okay, Seungcheol?”
Noticing your hostile behaviour, his expression mirrored yours, with a touch of worry found in the glint of his eyes. “I’m just trying to make sure you’re okay, Y/N. I don’t mean to be rude, if that’s how I come off right now.”
“Well, you do, alright?” You lifted your earphones, waving it in front of him. “If I have these on, it’s a universal sign that I don’t want to talk to anyone—you noticed them, why are you bothering me right now?”
Taken aback by your words, he was stunned—his mouth opened then closed, unsure on how to react to your sudden behaviour. He has never seen you this angry, not even when ranting about Hyunhee. You watched as his jaw clenched, momentarily looking away as if that would allow him to cool down, before he clapped his hands on his knees and stood from his chair.
“You’re obviously exhausted, Y/N, Yeeun told me you barely slept that might be why you’re being the way you are right now,” Seungcheol pointed out, “I’ll leave you alone, alright? I’m so sorry that I actually give a shit about you, and wanted to make sure you were okay.” Before you could take back all you had said, Seungcheol was out the door, leaving you in your office alone, the darkness encompassing you, seeping deep within to your bones.
The one person that genuinely was there for you, only ever cared for you, and put him on the receiving end of your shitty day. Way to go, Y/N.
Rubbing your eyes with the heels of your palm, whatever energy you had to work on the project was thrown out the window, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to continue clicking the mouse or tapping the keyboard, not with the guilt from how you spoke to Seungcheol still plaguing your thoughts. You weren’t going to get anything done at this point.
Packing your things, you quickly rushed out to your car, praying that he didn’t completely hate you as you drove to his apartment. You weren’t sure what you were going to do once you got there, but what you were sure was that you’ll grovel, and hope he forgives you for being such an ass, unwarranted. Upon arrival, you practically jumped out of your car, rushing up the evacuation steps to his floor, and reached up to knock, but paused.
What if he doesn’t forgive you? It’s not like your friendship with him was more than as acquaintances. He didn’t have anything to lose with losing you, but you felt you had everything to lose with losing him. He was the first person you got to know in this stupid company—as he mentored you during your internship in the company. Then, after you graduated college, you reached out again, and applied for the Graphic Design division. Seungcheol guided you ever since, and admittedly, you’ve grown fond of him—you admired him as a role model, and more.
He’s not obligated to forgive you, but you already came this far, might as well give it a try?
Taking a deep breath, you gently knocked on his door a few times, hearing rustling on the other side before the door swung open, revealing Seungcheol already out of his work clothes, and in a plain white tee and grey sweatpants. “I thought I said just leave it by the— Y/N?”
“Sorry, I forgot your delivery at the restaurant,” you improved, causing Seungcheol’s thick brows to furrow before he chuckled, your joke successfully amusing him.
“What are you doing here?”
“It’s definitely not to deliver your food, that’s for sure,” you awkwardly smiled, feeling your heart race from seeing him in such a laid-back outfit. You had never seen Seungcheol wear anything other than the button-ups and slacks you were used to seeing at the work, so seeing him look so… cozy, was a sight you wish to never grow tired of.
The corner of Seungcheol’s lips tilted upwards, but he didn’t laugh. Leaning against the frame of his door, he crossed his (muscular) arms over his chest, waiting for an explanation as to why you suddenly appeared at his front door.
“Look, Seungcheol—”
“Delivery for Choi Seungcheol.” A new voice caused you to jump, both your heads turning to see the delivery boy appear from the turn, his eyes looking questioningly at both you and your acquaintance. “Choi Seungcheol?”
“That’s me, thanks,” Seungcheol uttered, reaching out and taking the plastic bags from the delivery boy, the latter leaving with a tilt of his hat towards you and disappearing past the corner.
“As I was—” You turn to face Seungcheol again, but he, too, disappeared. You peeked into his apartment to find him pulling out his order, arranging them on his coffee table before sitting on the floor. He glances up at you, wordlessly waving for you to come in, and unsure what else to do, you obliged, closing the door behind you and slipping your feet out your shoes.
“I didn’t expect company, but dig in if you want,” he uttered, handing you a pair of chopsticks. It was only then did you realize that you barely ate today, too occupied with the stupid project. “If it’s not enough, we can always order more.”
“Seungcheol, I’m trying to apologize to you,” you spoke up, head tilted down at your knees. “I’m really sorry for taking my anger out on you… You of all people didn’t deserve it…”
When Seungcheol didn’t respond, you looked up to find him slurping up jjajangmyeon, eyes trained on his TV. “Are you serious?”
He glanced over at you, stifling a laugh before wiping his mouth with tissue, “I thought you were going to go on a full rant, at least three paragraphs.”
You pouted, “Me coming here was on a whim, I didn’t really prepare anything.”
He found your defeated expression adorable, couldn’t help but chuckle as he pushes a bowl towards you, adding the noodles onto the empty space before tapping the rim, gesturing for you to eat. “You’re really pale, Y/N, did you eat anything today?”
“Probably cup noodles,” you mumbled, eyes glimmering at the sight of the thickly coated noodles. “I couldn’t really do anything other than work on that stupid project.”
“Hyunhee made you stay late again?” You nodded, your cheeks full of the noodles. “Look, Y/N, I know you love being a graphic designer, but do you really think it’s alright to work under someone like her? This seems like she’s abusing her power as team manager, and overworking you.” As he spoke, he reached out with a tissue in hand, wiping the corner of your lips. Why did he look so nonchalant about it, too?
“I don’t want to quit, though, I’ve been here longer than she has, why do I have to leave?” You complained once you swallowed the noodles. “I just… I hate it, you know? I’ve just been trying so damn hard, yet nothing ever works out… Especially since she came into the picture.”
There was a brief moment of silence.
“How about transferring divisions?” Seungcheol quipped, continuing, “I’m sure if you make a letter of intent to the department manager, you could be moved to a different division where Hyunhee doesn’t exist.”
“Is that possible?”
He nodded. “Did you think I was always in the Marketing division?”
“I honestly thought you’d be a finance guy.”
“I was.” Your widened eyes caused him to laugh. “Then I moved, it was a few months before you came in as an intern.”
“Really?” He nods, and you thought about it. “You think I’d be allowed to move divisions?”
“Yeah, why not? If you give a good reason to why you should be moved, then it’s possible.” You pondered over the suggestion, the two of you letting a few minutes of silence pass while eating before you spoke up again.
“But I don’t want to leave the department.”
“Then ask to be transferred to a different division.”
“What about your division?” Seungcheol stares at you with bewildered eyes, genuinely surprised at your suggestion. “I mean, it’s less work for you since I already have experience working with you, and I won’t need a mentor—I already know the head, so that’s also less work.”
“No, not mine, Y/N,”
“Why not?”
“It’s a violation of our code of conducts, Y/N, don’t you know?”
“What about me moving to your division violates the code of conducts?”
“Employees from the same division are not allowed to fraternize with one another,” he explains, “if you move to my division, we’ll be co-workers.”
“So? It’s not like we’re dating.”
“Not yet.”
“Sure—” You froze, the chopsticks you raised to your lips dropping back into the bowl. “—What?”
“What?” Seungcheol asked, nonchalant. His tone might’ve been nonchalant and unbothered, but you could see from his cheeks to the points of his ears were flushed a bright red under the warm lighting of his living room.
“You like me?”
He shrugged, “Why do you think I walk by your office every day?”
“I thought you only did that because the janitor was cleaning the floor.”
He inhaled a deep breath, releasing the heavy sigh before standing to grab water from the kitchen, ruffling your hair on the way. “You’re very oblivious, Y/N.”
“S-so, all this time?”
“Not all this time, Y/N, I just know that I see you more than just an acquaintance,” he explains, tossing you a bottle of water. “But that’s not important right now. Right now we need to get you out of Hyunhee’s team.”
How… How is he able to continue this conversation after admitting to having feelings for you? How is he so calm?
He wasn’t. If you looked closer, the only reason why he tossed you the bottle was because if he handed it to you, then you’d most likely notice his shaking hands. The only reason why he changed the topic was because the longer you talk about him and his feelings, the redder he’ll be and to be honest, he likes to come off calm and collected to you, despite being the complete opposite when it comes to being near you.
“You’ll help me with that?”
Seungcheol nods. “Of course I would—just think of me as a helping hand now, Y/N. I help you, and you can help me when the time comes.”
“And what would you need help with, Choi Seungcheol?”
“I have two tickets to movie Saturday night, I’ll need help to make sure the other ticket doesn’t go to waste, Y/N,” he proposed, causing your cheeks to ache from the smile on your face. “But right now, I need help finishing this food. Are you up for it?”
You chuckled, nodding, “I’ll gladly give you a helping hand.”
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noturlondonboy · 4 months ago
Headcanons for genderqueer Kate coming out to Yelena?
I feel like queerness in general is still a bit of a learning curve for Yelena considering her oppressive upbringing (but that’s my headcanon! All good if you don’t see it that way)
No you are so correct my friend let’s see what I can cook
-we could start on her coming out as gay first honestly. She’s not exactly nervous about it but she’s already crushing on Yelena and doesn’t really know how to go about it
-plus the internalized homophobia is strong and horrible. Yelena knows about Gay People, yea, but she’s convinced herself that nobody she knows personally is queer and there’s no excuse for her to be attracted to women
-Kate decides to just casually drop it into a conversation by mentioning a past girlfriend or a woman she thinks is really pretty (cough cough Florence Pugh)
-Yelena is just giving her A Look and asks is Kate is attracted to women, and her tone isn’t exactly very nice because she’s freaking the fuck out on the inside
-Kate gets all quiet and nods and gets ready to be rejected in some form or another but Yelena is completely silent and just leaves
-she goes to Natasha immediately and kinda just has a meltdown because she realizes that yes, she is massively into Kate and yes, it feels awful and wonderful at the same time and she’s terrified and wants to run away
-Natasha says the right things but is also just kinda like “…you know that I’m dating Wanda/Maria/Peggy (choose your favorite) right?”
-she eventually decides that she needs to see Kate and apologize for how she left and heads back to her apartment
-Kate meanwhile is NOT having a good time. Miss girl is kinda just crying on the couch with her dog because she’s just like me actually
-Yelena knocks on the door for the first time in her life because she feels bad. She calls out for Kate when she doesn’t respond, but still the door doesn’t open for her and she knows she doesn’t have the right to pick the lock like usual
-she apologizes through the door and explains why she reacted the way she did and that she doesn’t think Kate is disgusting and maybe lets it slip that she’s kinda into her
-which of course prompts Kate to open the door immediately
-Yelena can see that she’s been crying and nearly bursts into tears herself “oh malen’kiy yastreb… I’m so sorry”
-unclear who moved first but suddenly they’re kissing and obviously it’s the fucking best cuz duh
-they’re dating for a whileeee before Kate starts to explore her gender. (Pretty similar to it went in some of the other posts I’ve made) but it makes her panic a little when she realizes that she should probably talk to Yelena about it
-Yelena knows something is up but doesn’t want to push it
-Kate is trying to work up the courage to just blurt it out but accidentally goes “would you still love me if I was a worm” and Yelena just goes of course stupid because Kate asks her that like three times a week
-except when she looks over at her Kate is on the verge of tears and looks so distressed and disconnected and something is clearly actually wrong
-Yelena asks if she’s ok and Kate just shakes her head and starts crying and Yelena is kind of expecting the worst because yes, Kate gets upset about things, yes Kate has cried before and struggled and had a hard time but this is clearly different
-“I don’t think I’m a girl, Lena”
-Yelena does NOT know how to respond to that but she can see that Kate is kinda goin through it so she just nods and says ok and they cuddle
-she takes the night to think about it, and meanwhile Kate is just panicking and stressing and trying not to cry herself to sleep but it also feels so good to have finally just voiced it
-they talk in the morning, and Yelena apologizes for not really saying anything but assures Kate she still loves her and doesn’t want anything about their relationship to change
-she’s never given gender much thought in the first place and she’s gotten so much more comfortable with stuff that’s lgbtq related and honestly if Kate needs something to be different in order to be comfortable Yelena will make it happen
-Yelena would explode buildings and dismantle governments for Kate Bishop ok
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barcalover86 · 2 years ago
Why?-Pablo Gavi
Summary: Pablo broke up with you, but he regrets it
Requests open
Waiting list
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You were dating Gavi for 7 months and the time spend together was the best one in your life.
Your love was so strong, and people around you were really proud that Gavi had found a girl like you.
You were going to his matches to support him, and he would be by your side when you needed him. Your relationship was something that everyone wished for.
The day when he came to you after a match just to tell you that he doesn't feel anything towards you in a romantic way caught you off guard.
Just the morning before, you two were kissing while cuddling each other, and the reason he told you was definitely a lie. You asked him since when he doesn't love you anymore, he just saying that he doesn't know exactly but it has been some time.
You started to panick. You weren't mad at him, nor were you screaming in anger, but you were really shocked and were about to cry.
You couldn't blame him for not loving you anymore. For you, he was out of your league even if he all the time used to tell you that you were the right person for him. Well, it seems like it isn't like that, at least not anymore.
Your relationship wasn't exactly publicly announced, but people knew that you were somehow seeing each other or just hooking up.
You were getting a lot of hate because you were just a stupid girl that was used by Gavi to pleasure himself. That's what people thought, but it wasn't at all true.
He loved you, and he admitted himself. He fell for you harder than he could for someone else. He couldn't live without you on his side, and when he went to the changing room after he confessed to you, he cried harder than he did all his life.
He cried like he couldn't breath and like his world just ended. Like he just ended his world.
His football friends were by his side. Nothing worked.
"I don't know why you broke up with her"
"I already told you, I feel like I don't love her anymore, but fuck cuz I still do and I don't know. I've never been in love, and I'm so scared that I got so attached to her, and if she leaves, how to live without her? It's better that it ended now."
"You really think that?" asked Lewa
"Joder, no" he said while bursing into crying.
After Gavi got home, he went to Barca' insta account and saw a video that they posted on their story while they were in the changing room "celebrating".
He could clearly see his crying face like anybody else that was looking at it.
People were around him, calming him down while his hands were on his face.
His sobs were heard over the music that was playing behind.
"Mierda" he thought.
He went to tik tok just to see your haters saying that you were the reason for his heartbreak and that after you two fcked you just blocked him and used him.
They were really angry, and Gavi felt even sadder so he wrote something and posted it on his story.
"I am really disappointed that some of you want to find drama all the time and accuse people that you don't even know. You know who I am talking about. I appreciate your concern about me, but if you post things about it, don't you dare think that it helps me. Stop hating people that you've never met! It is our life and not yours. Mind your own business! Gracias a todos!"
He posted it and then went to sleep just so your face appeared on his mind. What has he done?
You, on the other side were just staying in your bed thinking about what you could have done for him to not love you anymore. Again, people started to accuse you of breaking his heart when he was the one who broke yours. You missed him so bad that you went to his insta to see a picture of him. You saw that he put something on his story and opened it.
He for sure saw the hate coming again after you.
You were now thinking if you should call him because you deserve to know the real reason he end things between you two, but at the same time you were scared that he doesn't want to hear about you anymore, that being the reason why he posted his story, to not even see things about you on tik tok. You deep down knew it was a lie, but something inside you told you to just call him. If he will answer, good. If not, as well good.
It was really late at night and Gavi didn't pick up the phone. That's it, you thought. It's clear that he doesn't want to hear about you.
The reason why he didn't pick up the phone was that he put it on silent to that he could sleep. Tomorrow morning he had training.
The next day, when he saw that last night you called him, he started to panick and question himself if he should call you back. He knew now that you were mad at him for not answering.
He decided to do it, and when he heard something he was happy that you answered that quickly but the thing is that you blocked him, not being able to contact you.
He was so hurt, and he himself got into this, still not understanding for sure why he broke up with you. He clearly loves you and maybe being attached to someone isn't that bad, but now it was only too late.
He went to training with tired eyes. He couldn't concentrate at all, and people started to tell him to try to get over it, but even themselves knew how much he loves you and true love isn't fading in just a couple of weeks.
Days have passed, and all he could think about was still you. He hadn't heard anything from you, even if sometimes he would ask for his friends' phones so that he could see your insta page.
You didn't post much, but that little was enough for Gavi to know that you were at least healthy. He tried to talk to your friends but they only replied him that what he did was wrong and that he has to talk to you face to face and not towards messages, but that was way too complicated while being a football player and having to switch cities and countries every week.
He was on his urge to give up and let you refind your life, until one day he saw you at one of his games. His eyes sparked at the sight of you and smiled knowing that you came for him.
After the match was over, he rushed towards you.
You rolled your eyes and went away.
"No, no, please stop. I tried to reach for you to tell you the reason I broke up with you because now I so regret it but I couldn't find a way to find you please listen"
"I already gave you a chance, Gavira. I even called you the night after. Why didn't you pick up? Were you hooking up with some other girl?"
"Wha-no! My phone was on silent, and I'm sorry. I called you back the moment I saw but you decided to block me.."
"Good for me"
"C'mon, we both know that you miss me as well. Just let me explain"
"Yo, hermano, I don't miss you anymore. I'm over it, and I'm proud because of it"
"Yes, you heard that right. Now leave me alone"
"No, I won't. The reason I broke up with you was that I was so falling in love with you that it scared me. I got really attached and I was afraid that someday you would leave me and I would have been destroyed. That's why I decided to leave first , but the moment I didn't see your eyes anymore, I just broke down into tears. I know that's not a good reason and I should have been there for you because you got so much hate because of me and my stupid private relationship kind of thing and I want to try it again with you. I know that you are truly my soulmate and that no one can ever take my heart like you did. Maybe you don't love me anymore, but I will try to make you fall for me again if you let me.."
"That clearly won't happen Pablo"
He sighed. He was proud of himself , and he finally told his feelings but so disappointed that he lost you forever now.
"I'm sorry again, y/n." He said while turning his back at you.
"That won't happen because I still love you" you shouted after him.
He remained frozen.
"What?" he replied with a smile full of hope on his face.
"Yes, I still love you and miss you..miss us"
He smiled even more and went to hug you.
"So you are attached to me, huh, Gavira?"
He chuckled.
"How could I not be?"
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rubylovessharks · 10 months ago
what would coffee do to them?
this is not a X reader but i have headcannons about this sooo~ here's what i think coffee would do to each twst character :) also i have no idea why but coffee makes me sleepy, so im not going to pull stuff like this outta nowhere-
Riddle- i think he's used to it cuz he studies a lot, so he probably needs to get more energy. So it would make sense that Riddle would drink coffee and gain more energy, nothing weird.
Trey- I don't think he's really into bitter tastes, but he doesn't mind them. So I don't think he'll drink coffee that much, it also probably doesn't do too much though. But what if when Trey drinks too much coffee he'd want to bake more?
Cater- Cater probably drinks coffee in the morning. Cater is a character I don't know too much about but with the small information I have on him doesn't really make me think of what coffee would do to him.. So my guess is that he gets more energy and like any normal person and after a while the energy leaves and he gets tired. Nothing special.
Ace- Ace doesn't seem like someone who would drink coffee often. Maaaybe to study? But not that often. At some point if he drank too much he would just pass out, and when I say too much it'll probably be 5 or 6 cups of coffee. One time Duece found him like that and freaked out so hard, he called Riddle and told him this and Riddle also kind of freaks out but seems calm and takes Ace to the nursery. Deuce makes sure Ace never gets to drink that much coffee ever again.
Deuce- We all know that Deuce studies a lot so he probably drinks a lot of coffee, and also I think he doesn't notice when it's the time Riddle set for everyone to sleep, so until Riddle notices that he isn't asleep he scolds him and then immediately feels concerned about the amount of coffee he's been drinking. The same thing will happen with Ace. Ace swears he's stopping Deuce from drinking that much coffee cuz "he's too loud when he studies!" but we all know that's not true..
Leona- This guy almost never drinks coffee only because he naps a lot. But I think he would drink coffee when he NEEDS to do something, so that's he's way of getting energy. But here's the thing, when he does drink coffee even though the caffeine works on him he still looks like he's half-asleep.
Ruggie- This guy knows how to do the best coffee you'll ever drink! But it'll cost you a lot.. He probably does drink coffee in the morning so he can get going throughout the day, this guy has many things to do. I also think that every few hours he would drink another coffee to keep going.
Jack- I don't think Jack drinks coffee, at least not often. Nothing special after drinking coffee as well. He's pretty normal about it.
Azul- He likes he's coffee with milk, I like to think that the first time he heard of coffee on land (they probably have something like coffee under the sea) he wanted to try all types of coffee, just to fully understand what he likes, and what can sell better. He did not like black coffee.. Other than that he's nothing special as well.
Jade- He's the total opposite of Floyd. He becomes really really energetic. He tries to play it cool, like nothing has changed- but you can see that he has more energy. He's movements are way faster than what they are normally, you can see that he's eyes are looking around more often, and things like that.
Floyd- I think that because Floyd has a lot of energy depending on his mood the way to calm him down would be with drinking coffee. I know that caffeine should make a person more energetic, but with personal experience I feel like falling asleep. I think he would be like that too. The only effect other than sleepiness would be the energy in his veins, he's still sleepy though.
Kalim- Don't give this guy coffee- he'd get seriously energetic. If he already has energy on a normal day coffee makes him even more energetic.
Jamil- He's probably not someone who drinks coffee often. I just don't see him as a guy that drinks it regularly, but he definitely drinks it from time to time, just not super often. I think he has normal reactions to it, not too hyper but not like Floyd who'd fall asleep.
Vil- He's more of a tea guy. He doesn't drink coffee often, but when he does it would probably be closer to things he needs to do during the late evening. Also a guy that doesn't have a weird reaction like some of these guys would.
Rook- Thinks all coffee is good. He enjoys the beauty of everything, coffee is no different. Doesn't have a preference, will drink any and every coffee. It does not work on him, I repeat. Coffee does not work on Rook. Not getting more energy and not getting sleepy. You'll see this guy downing a cup of coffee and see that nothing happens to him. He'll drink coffee just for the taste.
Epel- First thing in the morning he's doing is make a cup of coffee. Black too, he thinks it's manly. He probably doesn't need it though so after some time you can see that in class he looks more sleepy than a regular student should. Vil probably scolds him about it.
Idia- He doesn't always drink it cuz he has his energy drinks but if he had to he would make a black coffee to get through the night, I think that at some point energy drinks aren't going to work properly on him so coffee is something he'll start getting used to.
Ortho- He's a robot, he doesn't need coffee. And when he was a child and alive I don't think he would've tried it or something- that's it really.
Malleus- I don't know if he would be into coffee or not, but I think that the first time he did try it his pupils would get bigger? I know our pupils get bigger because of light and stuff- but Malleus isn't human, so maybe some of the energy he got from the caffeine would make his eyes try to focus more on his surroundings??? Even if he's pupils didn't get bigger, he's eyes would still try to focus around.
Lilia- I'm not sure if in cannon it is said that he drinks anything to keep him awake when gaming with Idia or not but I think that he doesn't need coffee during the night, I think it even takes him a while to fall asleep just cuz bats are night animals so it kinda makes sense that he's fully awake at night. I might be breaking canon or something since I don't know too much about him, so sorry if I did- I like to think that in the morning though he has to drink coffee or else he's not able to function throughout the day. (ik he's not a bat but he has similarities so it makes sense)
Silver- It doesn't work on him, He probably tried drinking coffee at some point in his life to get through the day without falling asleep, but it didn't work very well...20 minutes after drinking it he fell asleep. After that he made another coffee and it would repeat like that all day.
Sebek- He would drink coffee on days he feels like he needs to. I don't know much about this guy so I'm not sure of what else to say.. But he probably would drink coffee with milk, not too much milk though, and he probably brags on drinking it black and not actually his taste, but if he tried black coffee again you'll see him throwing it up cuz he probably doesn't like the taste. He's probably more loud and aggressive after drinking coffee though.
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takadokii · 1 year ago
✴ extra: 2:47 !! ‧₊.࿐
summary Gojo likes speaking to you late at night and smalltalking you to sleep so he can finally mutter the words he really wants to get off his chest. The ones he's far too afraid to say when you're awake. pairing high school!gojo satoru x f!reader tags gojo is annoying (canon.....)warnings little bit of childhood gojo angst word count 1.3k links collection ; taglist
this is an additional chapter of my series "caught in the middle", if you enjoyed this, consider checking it out! 🩵
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At first, you confuse the blaring noise with the sound of your alarm, so in a weird way, you're almost relieved when your left eye opens a little to discover the moon is still up, shining through the cracks in your blinds. It was practically full tonight, you note, so close one could confuse it for being full already.
You grin at the thought of having a few more hours of sleep before getting up. That is if, whoever decided to call you at this ungodly hour would make it quick.
You were hoping for a spam call or a wrong number, but when the name Gojo glared back at you, your hope for some rest evaporated in front of your squinting eyes.
"Wooow, is that a way to say good morning to your best friend, hmm?"
"It's not morning, nor is it good."
"You didn't deny I was your best friend, though."
You sigh. Placing the phone next to your head, you let yourself fall back into the pillow. It was now slightly colder, something that eased your misery.
"I'm so telling Shoko!"
"Did you need something, Gojo?" You try to get back on topic, knowing that was close to impossible considering it's Gojo. There's a raspiness in your voice that Satoru's lacked, telling you he must have been up these past few hours.
"No, just wanted someone to talk to, and Suguru still has my number blocked!" 
"... that's an excellent idea, actually."
"You wouldn't! Don't even pretend," he smiles. The smugness in his voice would have annoyed you if you were more awake.
"So, how was your day?" He finally speaks, and you can hear his smile.
"Was okay, work was boring, but I didn't have to do much cuz Aki was there."
"Aki…? " You heard him mumble under his breath, deep in thought, "Ahh, I remember! That little brown-haired guy with the big fat crush on you!"
You make a noise of agreement.
"What's up with him? He still into you?"
"Mmm, I dunno, maybe. But more importantly! Today, this guy came in and offered me 3000 yen if I would go and eat with him!"
"No way, that's not enough," Satoru scoffed in disbelief.
"It's really not! And He was like three times my age or something. It was really gross."
The two of you are silent for a little. Satoru doesn't mind. He even thinks you've fallen asleep for a second there. He's sitting by the windowsill, it's not cold underneath his skin, and his bear back against the wall felt as though they were the same temperature. He lets himself get lost in the thoughts of how warm your hands were in comparison, how everything about you radiated a warmth he could never really produce on his own. He longed for it, both to be warm and to feel yours.
The thought that you would probably flinch away at his cold touch made him frown, and he wondered if that was the only reason. Hoped that if his hands were just a little warmer, there would be a content smile on your face instead, and you'd simply squeeze it back.
"How was your day?" You finally ask in return.
His head snaps towards his phone screen, he got so lost in his thoughts he forgot you were still there.
"Good. I've been thinking about your book and... what I said about it. I thought maybe I should give it a try," Satoru smiles, "so I can properly make fun of it, of course."
You hum, "Didn't know you could read."
He ignores your comment.
"But you have to lend me your copy. I'm too embarrassed to have that in my purchase history."
You huff in disbelief. 
"I'm sure you've got worse things in there. Remember when Shoko found your-"
"Okaaay , enough!" he interrupts, raising his voice just enough to cut you off. The little giggle he can hear along with the rustling of your sheets brings a grin to his face nonetheless.
"So that's why you called me? To have small talk and cadge my romance novels?"
The question makes him frown, and he dislikes the thought that you'd assume he'd need a reason to call you in the first place.
He wonders if Suguru sometimes calls you just because, if you fall asleep on the phone together or send each other little updates on your days. He wonders if you would have answered with a more lively tone and quicker if it was his best friend.
He counted five rings when he called.
"I guess…" he begins, but you accept this as an answer already, unaware Satoru was playing with the drawstring of his pants, trying his hardest to mutter the words burning on the tip of his tongue.
"I guess I just missed you," he finally breaths.
He's met with silence and hates it, tapping a rhythm against the window to break it.
"Did you hear me?" He whispers, embarrassment and disappointment washing over him.
You don't respond.
He counts about 3 minutes to conclude you've fallen asleep again, and it's confirmed when he can hear your soft breathing through the phone.
Tiptoeing towards his mattress, he lays down, puts the phone on his pillow and scoots over a little. He doesn't bother putting the blanket over his body, knowing it wouldn't make a difference. He assumes this is how you must be lying right now, and he imagines turning his head, closing his phone and finding you lying there.
Warm and breathing, softly.
"To be honest… I've been having this dream about you lately, and..." Satoru waits, in case you woke up again, in case you were pretending to sleep or actually on the toilet without telling him earlier.
He waits for just about five rings.
"I'm kinda scared I'll have that dream again... I've never really had that, you know."
It must be the almost full moon that makes him so melancholic tonight as he reflects on his life thus far. The empty apartment he stayed in during holidays, big enough for a family of three generations, the one his father had dismissively given him the key to. 
Occupied just by Satoru, the house was cold, even during the summer. It was quiet most of the time, simply lacking the warmth of being lived in, of people. 
He remembered back in middle school, playing tennis for a year and hockey for two after that. He remembers walking home from tournaments, his racket or helmet tossed in the trash on the way somewhere to make space for a trophy he was hoping to hide, putting them at the bottom of his drawer as soon as he entered his room. He'd announce he quit the club on the dinner table and it was met with a hum or silence.
During all this, he remembers training with his mother every evening and with his trainer every morning and noon. He remembers wearing his best clothes on the weekends and sitting beside his aunts as they gushed about their nephew.
"The future head of the Gojo clan." 
He had heard this phrase in a million tones, in a million ways, from a million people.
Laced into their tone was often malice, jealousy, pity and occasionally pride.
"I've never really…" he starts, and he suddenly feels like crying. He remembers a conversation with you long ago, which makes the feeling in his chest even heavier. "... had something to dream about."
His next breaths are shaky, and he's surprised by the sound of them. 
He wonders if you can hear it through the phone.
He stays like that, lying on his back, hand on his chest as he listens to the pounding of his heart matching his uneven breathing.
"Anyway... It's late," he looks at the clock on his nightstand: 3.07, next to it is a picture of the four of you in your first year, Shoko's face pressed against yours, you're smiling brightly one arm around her and the other around Suguru, who holds back a grin as he looks at you. Satoru is standing next to him, arm on his shoulder, eyes closed.
"Too late, maybe," he chuckles drily.
"Goodnight," he whispers, before a bittersweet smile dares to form on his lips, "dream of me too, okay?"
He hangs up before you can answer.
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thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy! If you're interested in more of this dynamic then please check out "Tales of the Cursed!"
Love, jae 🩵
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amimuu · 10 months ago
A splurg of questions if thats okay: What does VTA Lamb and Narinder do on a daily basis? What are their sleeping arrangments? Routines? How does Narinder navigate the touchy awkwardness currently? Does Lamb ever ask anything of Narinder outside of being put to rest when all is done? (Is there ever any hesitancy about that still, on either side?)
Alr lemme think UHHHHH….this is gonna be a long one brace yourselves
What do they do on a daily basis/their routines?
Well, excluding crusades…
Lamb: basically it goes like, morning sermon, checking on the disciples individually, checking on how they are doing on supplies and stuff like that, and just going around the cult making sure everything is working properly, sometimes sending a follower or two on errands to get more stuff if needed. They normally have a little checklist with them to not forget (which they tend to make the night prior). They also go on walks sometimes, in which Narinder usually tags along (I think I answered an ask about this before but am not sure). They walk in silence 80% of the time, and sometimes they stop by the Lamb’s favorite spot (a tree up a small hill close to the limits of the cult grounds). After this Lamb goes back to their room and does NOT sleep unless they really really need to (which can be up to 6 days without sleep)
Narinder on the other side: wakes up, Morning sermon, checking the protection he set around the cult is still working, cleaning the Lamb’s statue (and leaving offerings, usually flowers), following the Lamb around a bit, checking on the Lambs’ memorial altar (set up by the lamb when they first started crusading. Narinder started taking care of it after they died), and then if it is a silent walk day he just goes and tags along. Sometimes he tries to give gifts to the Lamb, but they are usually rejected or immediately disposed of. Still, doesn’t discourage him. After the walk or if there was no walk at all he goes back to his hut and sleeps. Lemme say that cat sleeps a LOT. Which brings us to the next question
Sleeping arrangements:
It’s basically like this.
Both their sleep schedules are concerning for very different reasons. Lamb doesn’t sleep nearly enough, practically avoiding it like the plague. It was easier when they had the crown cuz sleeping was more of a choice, but now that they are stuck in a semi-mortal body that has semi-mortal needs it’s not as easy as it was. They dread it. Because every time they go and sleep there’s a new nightmare waiting for them. About what? About what not, really. They are haunted. And funnily enough Narinder barely shows up in these dreams, and when he does it’s usually in the form of a memory or a comforting presence. Usually
So yeah avoid sleep at all costs!!
And then there’s Nari who just sleeps an unhealthy amount of time ever since he was freed. The cultists assumed he probably needed big amounts of sleep for some reason and just rolled with it. They were wrong. In fact Narinder doesn’t need to sleep AT ALL, but he enjoys it. He finds his dreams comforting especially cuz a certain someone tends to show up. Before resurrecting the Lamb this was his way to process his grief, but after resurrecting them he is finding it very hard to leave the habit behind and honestly? Why should he. Now,
How does Narinder handle the touchy awkwardness?
Oh boy does he struggle. Lamby here tolerates his presence but they made their point clear. They don’t wanna talk. And Narinder respects that, begrudgingly. He does however, bring them gifts as mentioned before, hoping this can somehow ease things a little between them (This is the way in which he knows to give affection, offerings.), but naturally it is ineffective. He is protective of them too, but mostly from afar.
Does Lamb ever ask anything from Narinder aside from their initial request?
Sometimes, but it’s rare. They do however ask him at one point to please take better care of himself. And other stuff later on in the story. But currently, just the occasional “Please go get this or that” or asking for his company during crusades, mostly cuz that’s both their responsibility.
And so we get to the best one.
Is there any hesitancy about it?
OH BOY IS THERE. A big chunk of the main arc revolves around what they both truly want and have wanted for a long time but their lack of communication kept them from. Narinder straight up hates the idea of having to let Lamb go again. While the Lamb is exhausted and feels betrayed, but a part of them wishes to remain with Narinder for the rest of eternity, so that makes things more complicated
See, they’ll eventually talk this all out but that’s after they actually start crusading and are basically obligated to spend time together. Everything I listed here eventually starts to shift as the story progresses , shifts that include Narinder getting into knitting to avoid sleeping all day, discussions about what ifs, lamb accepting some gifts and eventually asking Nari to please not go where they can’t follow. Fun stuff :]
HOPEFULLY THAT WASNT TOO LONG OF A RAMBLE (who am I kidding it was UHM.) and also hope very much it answered your questions :>!!!
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craynekiller · 1 year ago
more FNaF hcs because the tism™️ is telling me to info dump
sorry if some of these are the same as the last one I forget which ones I put before 🙁
-When Mike was chasing after the car he tripped scraped his knee broke his ankle and busted his kneecap and just gave up on life right then and there
-Mike smokes weed but he could take the tiniest tinniest hit of a bong and he’d cough up a lung so he just mainly sticks to blunts or bowls
-Abby has called 911 multiple times because she wanted to contact Vanessa but it obviously didn’t work. 
-Vanessa used to dye her hair fun colors but she can’t anymore cuz of her job but she wears colorful extensions 
-Abby’s therapist has tried so hard to hint at Mike that he should get an autism diagnosis because his sister has one and he still hasn’t picked up on it despite showing clear traits of autism 
-When golden Freddy and Abby left the cab he just handed Cory a piece of paper with ‘one million dollars’ scribbled on it in green crayon. Cory was to scared to say no he just was like “yeah ok sure” and then cried 
-Mike and Abby did not go to Aunt Janes funeral they instead went to Dave and Busters and played arcade games while their entire extended family blew up Mikes Nokia phone
-Aunt Jane was a “wine mom” and was in heavy denial of being an alcoholic 
-Abby really likes bugs and puts them in her pockets but Mike is terrified of bugs so he freaks out whenever he sees them crawling on her or in her laundry 
-Vanessa apologizes to people while arresting them
-The animatronics consider the cupcake to be their puppy and get confused when people think he’s a menace
-One time Doug ran into Mike and Abby at Walmart once and he just threw his thick ass lawyer wallet at then then ran away to have a panic attack. Mike and Abby bought a blow up pool that day
-Doug had to go to therapy due to Aunt Jane being an absolute fucking Karen
-Doug’s now a regular at Sparkys and is besties with Ness, he considers Ness “The son he never had”
-Bonnie kid (Jeremy) really liked Spider-Man
-Vanessa has a pitbull named Princess that she took home from an animal control call. (The dog is a fucking danger to society)
-Abby picked up on some 80s slang from the animatronics and now just says radical to everything 
-Max and her friends would be doing TikTok trends before TikTok was even a thing (stealing soap dispensers from public bathrooms, sticking pennies in electrical sockets ect)
-Vanessa is a Disney adult/hj
-There’s a rubix cube in the pizzeria that the animatronics have been trying to solve since they’ve been dead basically 
-Every night after Abby goes to bed Mike goes to the kitchen and eats shredded cheese by the handful. Abby caught him once and he cried.
-Mike is the type of person to ask those weird questions while watching movies, like: “If their underwater how are they drinking soda?”
-Mike would stuff all his emotions and feelings down till he bursts and it usually results in him locking himself in his room while having a panic attack
-Max was also a weed dealer so Mikes out of a babysitter and a plug. 
-Vanessa hates soda, loves tea tho
-Mike really likes the Care Bears and uses Abby as an excuse for liking it
-Ness uses those really cheesy pet names for Mike, some of them southern originated because I believe in southern Ness solidarity. Ex: Sweetie pie, Sugar, Doe
-Abby is really good at hide and seek but caused Mike a few panic attacks because of how well she hides
-After Freddy’s neither Mike or Abby could sleep without a nightlight so she lent Mike hers on the agreement she could sleep in his room with him. (He of course accepted)
-Mike: Where’s my Diet Coke?
Vanessa: Oh I threw it away, sodas not good for you.
Mike: Oh ok- WHAT.
-Abby still asks Mike to tie her shoes for her even though he already taught her how to tie them herself
-Mike has a very particular morning routine that he has to follow every morning and feels icky if it gets interrupted for any reason 
-Mike is more noise sensitive and Abby is more texture sensitive but Mike still hates certain textures (ex: olives)
-Mike has considered owning chickens and even went with Abby to look at little chicks but she soon started sneezing and feeling sick and that's when they found out she's allergic so that quickly got shut down
-Abby gives her stuffed animals lore and hierarchies and Ness is always asking her about it when her and Mike go into the diner
-Vanessa Has a very minimalist style not because she likes it but because she's scared of getting attached to anything she calls home which at times worries her when she's with Mike, Abby and Ness. This results in her sitting in bed, chewing on her lip thinking of constant escape plans and emergency exits in case her father ever returns, if something bad happens, etc.
-Mike likes seeing Abby draw him and pretends not to notice when she stares and tries to get the color of his shirt just right (he buys clothing in colors she has to make it easier)
-Abby is the type to point out cows and horses and will repeatedly kick Mike's seat even while he's driving until he acknowledges them
-Abby doesn’t understand why her and Mike can’t just print more money to make them rich and Mike has had to explain to to her 12837383838 times
-Ness is a theater kid (yeah if you didn’t see this coming I think you need glasses)
-Ness and Mike play lps with Abby, Abby explains all of her lps lore extensively and Ness listens to every bit of it while Mike is just like: “I love you both but wtf”
-Mike sometimes age regresses sometimes when put under pressure and Ness is literally the best caretaker ever (this one’s based on a Dreamtheory fic I read once and I fell in love with the idea)
-Ness and Mike call each other every night before going to sleep and once Mike forgot so he woke up the next morning to 300+ voicemails from Ness asking if he’s ok
okay that’s all i have for now I’ll post more later when i feel like it oki byeee 😘✌️
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i99zhuo · 11 months ago
Hii Im a ONCE 🍭It will make my day if you can make guides for my bias and bias wrecker .Sana and Tzuyu respectively 💗🍭😭
How to live like Sana °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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This is a guide on daily routines inspired by Minatozaki Sana! thank you for the request, tzuyu guide will come soon!
content list (routines):
shower and self care 
(_ _  ) . . z Z⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚୨ :★: ୧   ∗  ˖࣪ ໒꒱  ˚₊· 
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✸ ꒰ morning routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ 
🌅 First things first, Sana usually wakes up super early in the morning to go to work! try to always wake up at 8am at least, this logically gives you more time to do stuff and be extra productive!
Now, head to your kitchen to get a glass of water (or you can leave one in your room the night before) and drink it so you can fully wake up.
🏝 Then, it's time to get ready! Sana has a cute mix of comfy and feminine style, so feel free to copy her outfits for casual days. She then does her makeup, she usually does a cute and sexy style, using techniques to soften her bone structure, remember to always research which makeup techniques are the best for your face shape and features. Lastly, do your hair, Sana sometimes does an updo hairstyle, but she just leaves it down most of the time. Also, remember to pack a lip gloss so you can retouch your lips anywhere.
Study in your dead time, like when you're on your way to school! This will ease the weight of work later and make you have things fresh in your memory.
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✸ ꒰ study routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ 
🗿 Yes, Sana has the prettiest, cutest handwriting in all Japanese, English and Korean. You can try and practice your handwriting while studying so you can memorize everything while making pretty and organized notes.
Sana says that while studying on where you are doing your exams you should have 3 candies with you (if you're allowed to eat in class), this will wake you up and give you more energy!
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✸ ꒰ workout routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ 
🏄🏼‍♀️ First, Sana spends most of her time dancing to powerful and energetic choreographies for all Twice songs, keep that in mind and try to learn to dance to any rhythm of your liking. 
Second, for her workout routine, opt for a cardio or full body toning workout, try to emphasize on toning your legs from time to time. And add a yoga or stretching season after you're done with your routine!
🍹 Sana likes to have a bowl of yummy raspberries after she’s done with work, you can have any fruit as a reward snack!
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✸ ꒰ shower and self care routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ 
Before showering, play some music and wash your hands so you can wash both your face and body with clean hands.
🍧 After showering, apply serum, night cream and night eye cream on your face and take a massager to massage your face and neck! 
Sana has two products she uses the most, those are lip balm and hand cream! It's best to apply lip balm and hand cream after you get out of the shower to lock in extra moisture, just let your hands dry before doing it.
🥥 For self care you can try to have a penpal or write letters to your friends as a gift. If you don't feel like it, try to write a letter for your future self to read in the future, you can get inspiration on Pinterest!
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✸ ꒰ night routine ꒱⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ 
Time for dinner! Sana always has a really full dinner usually consisting of spicy food.
🌊 Now, it's time to relax and check your phone or social media for a little, you can also watch movies while laying in bed.
Before going to bed, sana stretches every night with momo, do this stretching routine to completely relax your body before sleeping!
🌷 Finally, use some hair ties and clips to get your hair out of your face, if either your face or hair are greasy it can clog your pores and cause pimples around your hairline or forehead, so it's better to prevent anything.
Good night!
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(_ _  ) . . z Z⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚୨ :★: ୧   ∗  ˖࣪ ໒꒱  ˚₊· 
hiiiii, so this and tzuyu's guide are actually my last requests! so when I publish tzuyu's guide I will be re-opening my requests, although idk if I should keep doing this series cuz its getting quite repetitive, but let me know! maybe we should give it some rest and start a new one, what do u guys think?
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sarcastiaa · 11 months ago
𝓝𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓲 𝓚𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓸’𝓼 𝓦𝓪𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓢𝓱𝓸𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓐𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 2
I wrote a part 2 as some of you wanted! Thank you for loving the part 1.
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♡ On the days when you’re sick and he’s working from home, he’d sit on the bed next to your sleeping body and work on his laptop. When he looks at you, he would simply turn his laptop off for a moment and stare at you, admiring your beauty even though you’d call yourself a mess at that time. He’d like to admire you and your beauty even when you feel the worst about yourself, you drooling during sleep, your messy morning hair, your thighs and stretch marks that you hate, he’d look at them, kiss on them and admire them everyday.
♡ He knows you have ADHD and you can’t focus properly while talking to him or doing anything. So when he has to tell you something important or wants to talk to you about something he’d take you to the bed and make you sit while he’d go to the dresser and bring one of your nail polish. He’d sit in front of your feet and paint your nails while talking to you and that’s his way of making you focus on him and the conversation. You’d see him sitting on the floor painting your nails and all you can do at that time is to caress your hand on his hair and talk to him. He knows how to control you <3
♡ Kento would sit and stare at the ring on his finger. The wedding band. He likes to hold your hand while you sleep just to feel your little hand on his and to listen to the sound of both of your wedding bands clinking. That sound was his second favorite, first was always when you moaned his name~
♡ After having steamy nights with Kento, you’d find yourself lay on the bed, tired unable to move. Kento would bring washcloths to clean you up on bed and then he’d change the sheets before sleeping as well. He’d do anything to give you the rest after all of that.
♡ Before getting married, Kento would occasionally call you “Wife” just to see your reaction. The way your cheeks and the tip of your ears used to get rose pink, the way you squinted your eyes while smiling, the way you looked away and your hair flipped with the turn on your head, he’d enjoy that. Now he’d call you “Mommy” occasionally to make you feel the same way. The way he said “Mommy” is not sexual, he initiated it as his baby’s mom.
♡ Kento would secretly take pictures of you when you’re zoned out, working or doing something and he has a whole folder in his phone called “My Love ❤️” where he keeps them. At work when he feels frustrated or tired he’d open his gallery and go through that folder to see you and to remind himself at the end of the day you’re at him waiting for him.
♡ Kento rarely calls you by your name. It’s always “Sweetheart”, “darling”, “love”, “my girl”, “my princess” or something that he uses and that makes you fall for him over and over again.
♡ When you’re standing in front of the mirror after shower trying to dry your hair with a towel, Kento would make you sit in front of the mirror and plug the dryer. He’d tell you how you shouldn’t always leave your hair half dry cuz you get sick easily. Then he’ll use the dryer on your hair while giving you little lectures on how you should always take care of yourself.
♡ Kento would look at you standing in front of the mirror and hug you from the back making out feel safe in his arms then he would rub his hands on your belly and remind you how beautiful your body would look when you’d be pregnant with his child. He’d just rest his head on your shoulder and look at you and him on the mirror for minutes.
♡ When he’s turned on he can’t really ask for it or say it to you. Instead he’d just start acting clingy or poking you. He’d stare at your face or just randomly kiss you on your neck, put his hands on your waist and squeeze it tightly. And after being with him for so long you’d understand what he wants or what he’s initiating. You would just look at him with a smile and drag him to the bedroom and slam the door close knowing things would get even better from there.
♡ On an arcade date when you see one specific teddy bear and told him you wanted that, you would see him putting all of his heart and money out to get that one teddy bear. You’d go around the arcade playing other games while he’d be stuck with that one claw machine until he gets the teddy for you.
♡ Kento would never tell you to not wear revealing dresses even when it bothered him a little. He would simply just try to cover or walk in front of you when he notices some men staring at your cleavage or he’d just make you hold something on purpose and give excuse like he needs to tie his shoe or something. So that you move looking towards him and the men pass by without staring at you. He believes he’s taller and stronger than anyone so even if anyone stares at you or bugs you he’d always be there ready to fight.
Part 1:
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geeminz · 7 months ago
ᯓ A CHANGE OF HEART // giselle x oc ; smau
04 | do something, babe
↳ in which: mihye has been secretly dating giselle, her best friend’s older sister, for four months. what happens when their relationship turns toxic, and their secrets become public?
word count: 844 (quite short, ik!)
taglist: @thefckghost @emphobics @jisooftme @xszn @gtfoiydlyj @wonysugar @bluhuir @baewonlove @ourlovesarang @yeetaberry127
a.n. HELLO GUYS IM BACK and im apologizing again cuz i missed my deadline for this again TT but to make up for it, i'm posting three (3) THREE !! updates !! so i hope you guys will enjoy that haha
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the rest of the day is silent. mihye has waited for hours on end, and still.
radio silence from giselle.
there’s no hiding it now — mihye doesn’t even wanna go out anymore, fearing that someone might ask her if she was okay, as the puffiness in her eyes would be an easy giveaway to what she’s been doing for the past few hours. it hurts to even cry now — mihye has just wiped off the last tear from her eyes. 
the last for today. maybe the last for this hour.
the brightness has long faded away, replaced by the grim loneliness of the evening. mihye’s tired of crying, but one recollection of her fight with giselle earlier, and everything is spilling out again.
4 months. 4 months with her.
is this how it ends?
this wasn’t how it started. how could it all have burned down so quickly?
mihye’s now on her bed, letting the emptiness of the foam surround her. the ghost of giselle’s presence haunts her memory, and just like that, she’s taken back to their first month.
giselle couldn’t even live without her back then. arms always wrapped around mihye’s waist, nose always buried in the crook of mihye’s neck. the sound of rain used to feel so good before — because it meant giselle was coming over in nothing but her sweatshirt and sweatpants. just to keep both of them — mihye and giselle, warm together, amidst the freezing pour of harsh rainfall.
waking up to the heat of the sun rays used to be something that mihye looked forward to every morning — because it meant she had slept longer than usual (longer than she should). she’d be late for class by then, but mihye would think, ‘fuck it. giselle’s here. let me savor this moment.’ 
mihye used to sleep so good whenever giselle was with her.
now, mihye just sleeps to stop herself from crying over giselle again.
an exhausting, confusing routine.
mihye remembers the sound of giselle’s breathing. she’d rather play that on loop than remember how angry giselle was — is, at her.
‘maybe the honeymoon phase is over,’ mihye thinks. ‘maybe this is the rough patch that we’re supposed to work through together.’
despite the melancholia, mihye is hopeful. because she loves giselle. because mihye thinks that all this crying would just go to waste if they didn’t try to fix it. 
but mihye’s not stupid as well. she might run towards giselle at the snap of giselle’s fingers, but giselle’s got to snap her fingers first.
the ball is in giselle’s court. mihye just wants to see her play it.
(but even if giselle doesn’t score, mihye would still be her number 1 cheerleader.)
what her other friends don’t know is that mihye has spent her whole adolescent life adoring giselle. kazuha used to always beckon mihye over for sleepovers, and mihye would always accept — one, because kazuha’s her best friend, and two, because kazuha’s older sister was just so goddamn pretty. 
13 year-old mihye couldn’t take her eyes off of kazuha’s cool older sister, giselle. mihye admired how giselle took life by the balls — how she did whatever she wanted, and how she stood for her actions.
mihye was 14 when she first admitted to herself that she had a really big crush on her best friend’s older sister. the older girl had always left her blushing in some way — through a simple wink sent mihye’s way, or the way that giselle used to always open the door for her. giselle, or as mihye used to call her, unnie, was always gentle with her (even more with mihye than with kazuha). mihye felt protected with her unnie, and as time grew, so did her adoration.
she was 17 when she realized that the feelings she’s been harboring for giselle may be more than just a little crush.
giselle had always been a taker, and that was the thing that drew mihye in. giselle never faltered — she wouldn’t let anyone stop her from doing and taking whatever she felt like taking. giselle was opaque — mihye could always see giselle, everywhere. she just could never see right through her. her lies, maybe. but giselle’s true, honest thoughts? no. not really.
not even now. just like her 14 year-old self, giselle has left mihye frozen and confused, clutching her pillows so tightly against her chest for dear life in bed again. if before, it was from the endless swelling of her heart because of one simple “good night” text from giselle, now, it was because of the lack of texts at all from her girlfriend.
mihye has always wanted giselle. but now that she has her, it feels like nothing’s changed — she’s still running after her.
guess that’s how it’ll always be, huh?
well, mihye was tired. she wants all these draining feelings to stop, she wants someone to put an end to her tears. and she’s tired of running, too.
can’t she run after me this time?
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