#i really really hope its worth the wait is all im saying
sammyloomis · 1 year
i still have the email from when i preordered the borderlands lore book when it was first announced and just LOOK at that original release date
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literally almost a year later and we're still waitin fghj
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youngpettyqueen · 6 months
for prompts, might I suggest a number 14 with Julian takin care of Kira, and a ‘it feels worse than it looks—no wait-‘ with Julian being a bad patient?
oh my god I finally fucking finished it.
I am SO SORRY this took so long I got hit with. the most violent writer's block ive had in a HOT minute and this had me fighting for my life. I dont even know how many times I wrote and rewrote this. I went through so many different ideas it was actually ridiculous. at one point I had something finished but it Was Not Good and I dont believe in posting writing I dont like so I scrapped it and started again
I keep waffling on whether or not I like this, but thats entirely because ive spent way too long staring at it. im sure in a few days ill actually really like it, cause I really like the dialogue, which was what I wrote out first. pulling myself out of my perfectionism, I do think I like this, and at the very least im proud of getting it down when it gave me so much trouble
again, im so sorry it took so long, but writer's block is a bitch and ive had a lot going on lately, so I hope you understand <3
for the readers- 14 on the list is "Stop pretending that any of this is ok. It's not." I did adjust that one a bit cause I was having trouble making it flow. but, without further ado, here's what I've got! 
Kira slides down with her back against the wall, grinding her teeth as she clutches at her wounded shoulder. The pain is still hot, the hole burned into her skin practically still smoking. She hisses as her palm makes contact with the sticky, raw flesh, but she still clamps down. 
“Anytime you wanna get over here, Julian!” She calls, her voice strained. 
“Doing my best, Major!” Julian calls from where he is, hunkered down behind some debris as a makeshift shield against the barrage of disruptor fire. 
This is, in eloquent terms, a right fucking mess. Getting into a fight with a bunch of Jem’Hadar soldiers is never a good thing, even when they’re prepared. When they’re not prepared, it’s even worse. And this time, they weren’t prepared. Because there weren’t supposed to be any Jem’Hadar on this planet. This was supposed to be a quick pit stop for the Defiant, replacing some whatsit that O’Brien said was damaged in their last firefight, but then there were Jem’Hadar soldiers and they’ve managed to land themselves in a whole different firefight. 
It really just hasn’t been a great week. 
Kira inches closer to the wall’s edge. Her grip on her phaser isn’t stable, but it’ll have to do. She takes a deep, steadying breath, and then she twists over so that she’s peering out from behind the corner. She spots the Jem’Hadar pinning them down, quick count tells here there’s 3 of them, and she snaps her phaser up to hit them with some fire of her own. The motion pulls at her injured shoulder in a way that makes her want to scream, but she bites down on it. 
Julian, bless him, takes the opportunity to lunge out from behind the debris. He scrambles across the gap, barely dodging the returning fire from the Jem’Hadar, and manages to throw himself down behind the security of the wall. He plasters himself up against the wall beside Kira, right as she ducks back behind cover as the Jem’Hadar’s fire intensifies. 
Kira looks at him. He looks at her. He’s breathing hard and heavy, his hair a mess and dirt and blood staining his face. She musters up a grin to tell him, “You’re late.”
Julian gives her a flat look as he turns to her. “Forgive me, it’s a bit difficult to make house calls in the middle of a battlefield,” He replies, sounding very, very tired. But then his eyes flick to her bloody hand, still clamped over her wounded shoulder, and she watches his expression shift as he clicks back into what’s affectionately referred to as doctor mode, “Let’s see that shoulder, then.” 
Kira moves her hand, letting Julian get a look at the wound. She winces as he pulls aside the burnt fabric, taking a deep breath in through her nose and resisting the reflex to jerk away. “How’s it look?” She asks, mostly just to distract herself. 
“Like it needs more than what I’ve got,” Julian replies, frowning, “The dermal regenerator I have will do for now, but this is deep. I’ll need to immobilize your arm,” He tells her, giving her an apologetic look, “If you move it too much, you’ll risk tearing it open again.”
“Just do what you have to,” Kira tells him, “Won’t be the first time I’ve had to shoot myself out with only one arm.” 
Julian nods, and returns his attention to her wound. “Right,” He pulls his kit up and rifles through it for a second. The first thing he pulls out is a hypospray, which he quickly sticks into her neck. Kira relaxes fractionally as the painkillers immediately start to work, dulling some of the burning in her shoulder. Then he’s pulling out the dermal regenerator, and bracing his hand against her shoulder again, “Try to hold still.” He advises.
Kira just gives a tight nod, already gritting her teeth and bracing herself. She feels the dermal regenerator start to work. The hypo helps, but it doesn’t take away that burning, itchy sort of feeling of muscle and nerves and skin stitching itself back together inch by inch. She clenches her fists tight, breathing hard through her nose as Julian works. 
“Sorry, I know this stings,” Julian says, “I’m doing the best I can. This regenerator wasn’t meant for a wound like this.” 
Kira grunts a wordless acknowledgement. If she says anything, it’s just going to be a string of curses. Instead, she focuses on keeping her ear on the sound of disruptor fire, making sure it isn’t getting closer. If the Jem’Hadar decide to come after them, she wants to be ready. 
“Done,” Julian pipes up. She looks over as he puts the regenerator back in his kit, taking the worst of the pain with it and leaving her with a dull ache, “That’s the hard part done. I’m going to move your arm now,” His hands are gentle, taking her arm and carefully easing it away from her side, “There we go. Alright, hold it there, please.” 
Kira does. Julian sits back, and unzips his jacket to get at his undershirt. “This will have to do,” He tells her, tearing a couple of strips from his undershirt, “These won’t be the most comfortable, but they’ll have to do. I’m out of bandages.” He leans back in, starting to bind her arm with the torn fabric.
“Sorry about your shirt.” She cracks weakly.
“I’ll get a new one.” He replies, without so much as a smile.
She hates how flat his voice is. Hates how… unlike him, it is. Quiet, with no bite. “C’mon, Julian, where’s that boyish optimism of yours?” She asks, “I could really use a hit of it right about now.”
Julian secures the bandage around her arm. “I must’ve dropped it when they started shooting at us,” He says, not meeting her eyes, “Do me a favour, Major. Don’t pretend any of this is ok,” He sits back again, still not meeting her eyes, all caught up in taking in his work, “Cause it’s really not.” He does look her in the eye, then. And he looks so… tired.
But then, he’s looked like that for a while, hasn’t he?
Kira gives him a smile. A sad, quiet little smile. “I never said any of this was ok,” She corrects, “I’m just… used to it, at this point.” Very, very used to it. Used to it in a way she hopes he never is. 
Julian considers that for a moment. His expression is hard to read- sad, maybe. Sympathetic. Then he sighs, and breaks eye contact. “Well, I suppose I’m getting used to it, too,” He scrubs a bloody hand through his hair, “We should get going. Can you walk?” He asks.
No time for sentiment, then. Kira nods. “It’s just the arm,” She assures him, “I can do a hell of a lot more than walk.”
“Good,” Julian starts to push himself up to stand, “Let’s-“ He doesn’t get far. He wobbles suddenly, his eyes widening slightly as he nearly topples right over. He barely manages to catch himself, bracing a hand against the wall before he can fall against it.
Kira quickly reaches out to steady him. “Julian?” She sits up, frowning, “What’s wrong?”
Julian frowns, confused. “I… don’t know,” He says, looking down, “I can’t feel my-“ He cuts off, suddenly, his eyes fixing on something, “Ah.”
Kira’s brow furrows. “Ah? What’s-“ She follows his gaze, and comes to the same abrupt halt as she sees just what he’s found, “Ah.” 
Julian has a substantial wound in his thigh. A chunk of his pant leg has been burned away, revealing a raw, painful-looking burn that’s steadily oozing blood down his leg. Kira’s eyes widen at the sight of it. That doesn’t look good. That really doesn’t look good.
“Well,” Julian says, “That’s not ideal.” And then he sways alarmingly, nearly crumpling right to the ground.
“Julian!” Kira lurches forward, manages to catch him by the arms. He grimaces as he eases himself down, taking his weight off his injured leg, “Damnit, Julian, what were you thinking ignoring this? Gimme that tricorder-“ She reaches for his medkit, not waiting for him as she rummages through it herself.
“I wasn’t ignoring it!” He exclaims, “I couldn’t feel it! Honest!” 
Kira finds the tricorder and pulls it out. “Don’t tell me they augmented the ability to feel pain out of you,” He shifts again, adjusting his position to give her a better angle to scan him, and it draws a painful hiss out of him, “Guess not.” She hums.
Julian manages a weak chuckle, the first one she’s gotten out of him all day. “Not as such,” He confirms, “I’ve just been- gah!” He grinds his molars as she pulls the burnt fabric away from the wound, “Preoccupied.” He growls.
Kira huffs softly as she reads the results on the tricorder. It’s not a fun wound. “So busy trying not to get shot that you didn’t realize you got shot?” She asks, arching a brow at him, “I’m almost impressed.”
“Only almost?” Julian asks, all mock indignation, “I’d hate to see what I’d have to do to actually impress you,” He mutters. His eyes drift down, then back up at her. He looks worried, “How bad is it?”
Kira puts the tricorder down. “How bad does it feel?” She dodges. 
“Pfft, this little thing?” He scoffs, gives a weak little wave that’s probably went to ‘wave off’ the pain, “It’s nothing. Just a scratch. It feels worse than it… no. No, wait, that’s not right,” He blinks, and she can almost see the gears in his head turning as he tries to figure out the order of the words, “I don’t mean to alarm you, Major, but I think the shock might be setting in.” He tells her.
Kira can’t help but roll her eyes. “No kidding,” She says, “This isn’t my first time, Julian. Hand me the regenerator, I’ll do what I can with it.” She holds her hand out expectantly.
Julian hands it over. “Now who’s being serious?” He asks.
Kira adjusts how she’s holding him, making sure she’s holding the burnt edges of his uniform away from his skin so that she doesn’t accidentally fuse any fabric to him. “Oh, so you can make jokes,” She takes the dermal regenerator and adjusts her hold on it, making sure it won’t slide out of her hand, which is slick with blood, “I thought you dropped that along with your optimism.” She gets the regenerator going, doing what she can with the wound.
Julian chuckles again, grins at her. “I told you, the shock’s setting in,” He replies, all charm, “I’ll say anything just to say anything. Apologies, but I’m going to be talking your ear off until we get out of here.” He warns.
Kira keeps her eyes on her work, keeps her hand braced on his thigh to hold him still. “As opposed to when you don’t talk my ear off.” She counters. After a few seconds, she can see that the burn’s healed as much as it’s going to. She switches the regenerator off and hands it back to him.
“Rude,” Julian huffs, taking the regenerator and putting it back in his medkit, “How’d the regenerator do? I don’t want to look.” He’s looking even as he says it, like he can’t help himself. 
“It’ll hold,” She tells him, not seeing any point in sugar-coating it. He would see right through her in a second, “For now. I’m gonna bandage it, just in case,” She adds. Now it’s her turn to get at her undershirt, tear it up for strips of fabric, “I liked this shirt, you know.” She informs him as she does.
“I suppose we’re even, then,” Julian cracks weakly, “Have I ever told you you’d make a great medic?” He asks.
There’s the Julian she knows. “Flattery will get you nowhere,” She tells him. Satisfied with her bandages, she gets them ready, “I do have one question for you, Doctor.” 
Julian frowns, confused. Yeah, the shock really has set in if he can’t see what she’s doing. “Go ahead.” He invites.
Kira starts wrapping his leg. “What are your plans for the rest of the day?” She asks.
He looks even more confused. “What are my-“ She yanks the bandages tight before he can finish, and he cuts off with a pitched yelp, “Fuck!”
Maybe it’s a bit mean to chuckle, but Kira can’t help it. She doesn’t often get to hear him curse. “Oh, language,” She tuts as she finishes tying the bandages off, “There. Nice and tight. That oughta hold you together till we get out of here.” She gives his knee a pat. 
Julian pouts at her. “You enjoyed that.” He accuses. 
“I did no such thing,” Kira replies smoothly as she pulls his medkit closer to her and starts rifling through it, not bothering to ask him, “Want a hypo?” She offers.
“No,” Julian shakes his head, making her stop short and give him an incredulous look, “I’ve only got the one left. Save it for someone who needs it.” He reasons. 
Her look quickly flattens. “Don’t start with the heroics, Julian,” She advises, “You’re not gonna be treating any patients until after you’ve been treated. On the Defiant.” She doubts he can even stand on his own, let alone treat people.
“I can hold out till then,” He insists, “Someone else might-“
“Julian,” Kira cuts in, not giving him any room to argue, “Take the fucking hypo.” 
Julian’s brows shoot up and he looks a little stunned. Just for a moment, though, before he huffs a bit of a laugh. “Now who needs to watch their language,” He says, his tone light and teasing, “Alright, go ahead.” He nods.
Kira takes the hypo out of his kit. “Oh, thank you,” She replies, making sure her own tone savours strongly of sarcasm, “You’re a terrible patient, you know that?” 
There’s that grin again. All charm. “So Nurse Jabara keeps telling me.” He replies, like the pain in the ass he is.
“You should listen to her. She’s always right,” Kira sticks the hypo in his neck, and watches his shoulders instantly sink down a notch. She didn’t even realize how tense he was, “Better?” She asks. 
Julian takes a deep breath. Probably the first one he’s taken all day. “…Much,” He admits, with the decency to look a little sheepish, “Thank you, Major.” His smile’s a bit less charm now, a bit more sincere.
Kira finds herself smiling back. “Anytime,” She says. She shoots a quick look around, regaining her bearings a bit now that they’re both taken care of. She can still hear blasters firing, but not as close. They might’ve moved off somewhere else. Or they could be waiting, “We should probably get moving.” She suggests.
“Probably,” Julian agrees, “Just one problem, though. I don’t think I can walk.” He tells her.
Kira figured. “Can you limp?” She asks, “I’ve still got two good shoulders, both perfectly good for leaning on.” She offers, patting her shoulder for emphasis.
There’s that glint in his eye. First time she’s seen it today- stubborn determination, or, in another word, cocky. “I think I can manage that.” He says.
Kira grins. “Great,” She ducks in and gets her arm around his waist, pulling him in snug against her as he wraps his arm around her shoulders, “Alright, lean on me. Steady. And…” She pushes herself up, and brings him with her. He leans heavy into her side, and she tightens her hold on him to keep him steady, “Up we go. Ready?” She asks.
Julian takes a moment to find his balance, shifting most of his weight off of his injured leg and compensating on Kira’s shoulder. “As I can be,” He tells her with a nod, “Let’s go.”
And they’re off. Making quite the sight as they hobble back into the action, pressed hip to hip and clinging tight to each other. But, hey, they’re still kicking, and they’ve still got their phasers, so they’ll make do. They always do. 
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foggysilverfeathers · 4 months
Fake HC 10 dashboard mayhaps??
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☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
Reminder to love yourself! Smell the trees! Everything will be okay in the end 😊 ☀️
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
nvm gem ran out of pickles im depressed again
🐟 gemstone Follow
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
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1,930 notes
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🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
day 126 without a mending book
27 notes
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🚂 scars-axasqottles Follow
uM hey @.hpo-official could i ask why you havent' received my messages?/? Every calsl Ive made just puts me on holdd
⬜️ hpo-official-948204deactivated
Sorry about that, sir. Admin error. I'll speak to my manager.
🚂 scars-axasqottles Follow
🌸 joel-beans Follow
lmao they deactivated what a loser
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
Remember there's a person behind every poor worker! I see you bullies in the notes
🐟 gemstone Follow
@/mending-book-fanatic is a hermit permit office spy confirmed??
2,441 notes
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🌸 joel-beans Follow
Guys everyone agrees that purpur is cheap and beautiful and godlike and everyone should go buy it right now this second *sweats*
🌲 supreme-judge-bd Follow
I feel like I'm missing something...
🌸 joel-beans Follow
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
🌸 joel-beans Follow
If I don’t respond within the hour assume she got me
133 notes
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🎩 symmetrical-minister Follow
anyone know a good shop for ethically-sourced wood?? i normally shop at big wood but ive heard things about a mafia :/
🪓 big-salmon Follow
That is absolutely NOT true!! If anything you should be targeting the crypto scheme at Big Wood,,
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
aaaand this is why you should never trust businessmen in red suits
🪓 big-salmon Follow
says the one compensating with a massive HOURGLASS of all things
🐍 puppet-master Follow
Actually @.big-salmon Xisuma_voyd made a really well-explained video here going into detail about all of the shady elements of Big Wood, it's worth a watch.
🐟 gemstone Follow
To answer the original question OP here are some safer (privately owned!) shops :)
Gem's Moss Shop (azaleas for sale which can be bonemealed)
Bdub's Bamboo Shop (bamboo wood is a good eco-friendly alternative to your typical spruce or oak)
The Purr-purr bus (if you're okay with having slightly more exotic trees, from the End)
Hope this helped! <3
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
Why would you pay diamonds for less when you could just pay a few grains of sand for the best quality wood in the shopping district? You people confuse me
🌲 supreme-judge-bd Follow
actually the Purr-purr bus isn't ethical at all!! ive heard they blackmail people into giving them sails!!!
🐟 gemstone Follow
🌲 supreme-judge-bd Follow
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
2,750 notes
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🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
day 131 without a mending book
34 notes
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🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
day 164 without a mending book
🐍 puppet-master Follow
Grian you know you can get free mending books at the cat cafe right
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
it's not the same
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
I need to be able to smell the breath of the sea between its sodden pages
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
continue along the same path and you'll soon be facing villager unions
2,316 notes
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🔥 tongo-tak Follow
Friendly reminder that not everyone wakes up at 2am, so please tag your Pearldle spoilers for at least a few hours!!
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
skill issue tbh
1,102 notes
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🇸🇪 death2diorite85 Follow
hallo how flirt with pretty girl time sensitive question
🌺 git-gorgeous Follow
sell them something
🔥 tongo-tak Follow
bribe diamonds
🐍 puppet-master Follow
kill them
🇸🇪 death2diorite85 Follow
okay will do!!!!
🇸🇪 death2diorite85 Follow
2,989 notes
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🐍 puppet-master Follow
Happy pride month to lgbtqia+ people of all ages, genders and sexualities, you're all so valid and so loved <3 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
🐟 gemstone Follow
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
I'm making a rainbow beacon for pride, come look for it! i'll be with it by my husband @ renthedog's hole all week
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
🐾 renthedog Follow
2,655 notes
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🌸 joel-beans Follow
etho is just kakashi on maple syrup send post
🌸 joel-beans Follow
almost forgot to add important additional difference! etho is also obsessed with me
1,113 notes
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osachiyo · 8 months
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𝕱𝖆𝖎𝖙 𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖈 𝖆𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗 · dazai, chuuya & fyodor .ೃ࿐
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· 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 𐙚 none, gn reader, sfw content, fluff, petnames, headcanons + little scenarios, not proofread
· 𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔰 𐙚 sorry these are really short, im just trying to clear out as many requests as i can for now :') i was gonna add sigma n fukuzawa too but i wanted to get it out asap so i can work on my other wips. also ! i might focus a little more on fluff for the time being :) happy reading and hope you guys enjoyed !
𝖘𝖞𝖕𝖓𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖘... just some cute scenarios with some of the bsd men ᡣ𐭩
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dazai.. was an interesting man. he never got flustered no matter how much you flirted with him, not even blushing when you did provocative actions like sitting on his lap, or whispering dirty words into his ear.
instead, he somehow counters your lines with his own — leaving you the one flustered.
but when you give him genuine compliments, or do something nice for him genuinely from the goodness of your heart, the same man who's seemingly unaffected by your advances, somehow turns into putty — melting in the clutch of your warm grasp.
in the quiet sanctuary of your shared bedroom, you hummed sweet words against dazai's dark locks, your lips finding solace on the crown of his head. "you're so pretty," you whispered, a genuine compliment that seemed to momentarily lift the weight of his rough day.
"darling, not as pretty as you," he chuckled, his voice muffled as he buried his face in your chest. the day had taken its toll on him, a tough mission leaving him with more than a fair share of injuries. but those details could wait for another time.
for dazai, these moments were treasures. lying in your arms or having you nestled in his, the simple pleasure of each other's company became a haven. the absence of distractions allowed him to savor the rare peace he found with you, a feeling that almost made him giddy.
your words, genuine and warm, were like a balm for his weary soul. in these moments, he set aside his usual snarky quips and jokes, content to bask in the embrace and scent that spoke of comfort and home. the sincerity in your praise quickened his heartbeat, and for once, dazai didn't need to hide behind humor.
though his face was hidden from your view, dazai couldn't conceal the flush of pink spreading across his cheeks. it was a secret shared only with the solitude of your embrace — a silent acknowledgment of the vulnerability and affection that blossomed in these stolen moments of peace.
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considering chuuya's job, you two don't get to spend too much time together. but you had already known and accepted that when you started dating him.
though, when you two do get to spend some quality time together — it's all worth it. he makes sure to spoil you with his affection and attention when he has the chance — making up for all the time he's neglected you.
and after a whole day of getting spoiled by him — visiting fancy and expensive places, tasting amazing food, drinking the finest wine, you finally get to relax at home with your favorite person.
"quit scrunching that handsome face, babe," you sighed, smoothing the furrowed lines of his brows with your thumbs, delicately working the cleanser into his skin. chuuya simply hummed, surrendering to the soothing sensation and leaning into your touch.
"and what's the deal with this?" he asked, his arms enveloping your waist — right where they belonged. "it's just cleanser, does what it says — cleans your skin." chuuya hummed again, drawing small circles on your hips, "just make sure it stays out of my eyes, okay?" you rolled your eyes, adjusting yourself on his lap for better comfort, "obviously."
after rinsing off the cleanser and following through with the skincare routine you'd picked, chuuya stared at his reflection in the mirror — bunny headband adorning his head, bangs swept back and away from his face, which now felt surprisingly soft. "holy shit, my face feels so...smooth?" he blinked, gently squishing his own cheeks. you approached from behind, planting a tender kiss on his neck — "i did tell you my skincare routine works wonders."
"heh, yeah," he chuckled, turning to face you, playfully squishing your cheeks together before planting a soft kiss on your lips, "now it's your turn, love. your skin deserves some of that magic too."
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fyodor was a busy man, you always catch him in that dimly lit room — typing away while staring at his monitors. with all the plotting, scheming and hacking — he never really has any time left to take real care of himself.
and that's exactly what you're here for — dragging him out of the dingy room, not paying any attention to his complaints or threats, you know he doesn't mean them.
taking off his ushanka, you wonder how much time had it actually been since he's properly washed his hair — but you didn't ask him that, knowing he'd be even more irritated.
fyodor's complaints ceased once you proposed a shared bath, both of you disrobing before slipping into the warm water. the temperature, meticulously adjusted to his liking, showcased your thoughtful consideration. though the usual positions were reversed, with him against your chest, it was necessary for you to tend to his hair.
"right there, love," fedya sighed in content, tilting his head back and savoring your touch. your fingers massaged the shampoo into his hair, focusing on his scalp. "feel good, huh?" you smiled, placing sweet kisses on the pale skin of his exposed neck before gently rinsing away the shampoo from his raven locks.
these tranquil moments held a special place in his heart. simple yet profound, they kindled a warmth within him. your loving gaze had the power to thaw even his typically cold heart. in those tender glances, he found a promise to himself — to craft the perfect world for both of you.
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©sachiyoh— do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, reblogs are very appreciated♡
tags ・ @hopefulpain @inkmooon @constant-existential-terror @nda-approval @mellieellie @seiiushi @lynxxyyy @kentopedia
@sorasushik1 @himebwrries @nopethenope @neviex @fyodorisbbg @stygianoir @saharei @x-lunawrites-x @munnaitorei @emyyy007 @dearhoney-31 @the-foreigner @angoisfine @osaemu @honeycombflowers-blog @yuiiasathesilly @kaithegremlin @squigglewigglewoo @cupidszvlvr @ashthemadwriter-archived @bloobewy @mrs-bakugou @hauntedsol @ask-me-or-not @hanakotateyama @kissesmellow21 @dazaichuuya69 @xxsilverjackalxx @gettinshiggywithit @deaths-presence @sugaredpersimmon @rjssierjrie @iheartpieck @angelof-darkness @dazaisimpletmereadfanficspls @hellokitty-4-lele @scinclaitnoir @aly-insanity @kemis-world @bisexuawolfsalt @thateldribitch
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holllandtrash · 1 year
in you, i trust | mick schumacher social media au
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
after the it couple of formula 1 go months without any interactions, the fans start to speculate what's going on. there's no way mick and you are over...right?
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liked by jemmaf1, formula1wags and 23,403 others
tagged: dbook & yourusername
wagupdatesf1 (ex?)Girlfriend of Mercedes Reserve Driver, Mick Schumacher seen with a man during her Cabo trip - pictures taken 14 hours apart
view all 315 comments
orangelando "with a man" YOU MEAN DEVIN BOOKER
44hamilton how does she go from f1 driver and certified lover boy mick to a phoenix suns basketball player HOW DO THEY EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER
mickisbabyboy so does this mean her and mick are over...? 🥺
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michschumacher added to their story
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liked by riabish, lissiemackintosh and 54,203 others
yourusername i'm doing better than i ever was
view all 59 comments
schumyys only here to see if mick commented
boxboxpls remember when mick used to comment 500 heart eye emojis i miss those days
sebbymick am i reading into the caption too much or is this her fr announcing she's single
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liked by mickschumacher, mercedesamgf1 and 580,024 others
f1 Mick Schumacher is going to drive father Michael's @mercedesamgf1 W02 from the 2011 season at the Goodwood Festival of Speed! ✨
Now this, is special 🥹
view all 892 comments
mercedesamgf1 can't wait to see it!!
formulafanclub sooo exciting!!! complimentary tissues better be given with each ticket purchase
wtf1jemma so if yn doesn't show up to the goodwood festival of speed then we know something's up
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liked by yourusername, lewishamilton and 312,384 others
tagged: lewishamilton & georgerussell
mercedesamgf1 Blimey! It’s British GP Race Week at Silverstone. ❤️🤍💙
view all 975 comments
lewishamilton ❤️
lightsoutmick if y/n isn't there this weekend i will actually throw myself onto the track at lights out she HAS to be there
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liked by landonorris, mickschumacher and 36,024 others
yourusername good vibes good friends good city
view all 236 comments
whoislewis it has officially been 5 months since we got any mick content from y/n
formulanever no i think it's been 6
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mickschumacher added to their story
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liked by mickschumacher, dbook and 76,203 others
yourusername As many of you know, I spent majority of 2021 and 2022 traveling the world with Mick for formula 1. Because of that, my life was put on hold. While I cherish those days, I lost sight of who I was. 
Six months ago, Mick and I amicably decided to take a break. While the decision wasn’t easy, it was what was best for both of us as we both were in transitional points in our lives. During this time, I have traveled the world, for myself, and started to journal what I learned from locals, friends and strangers. Early on into this journey, I realized that my experiences were something that should be shared as I know we all go through times times when we feel lost and unsure of who we are. 
‘In Me, I Trust’ is available now and is a collection of my stories, thoughts and advice. I hope you take what you need from it ♡ 
view all 728 comments
dbook 10/10 stars
yourusername dev you're only saying that because there's a whole page dedicated to you dbook only a page??? i thought i had a whole chapter
slowdowninthepits SHE WAS WRITING A BOOK THIS WHOLE TIME!! sneaky sneaky
kissformick wait so does this mean her and mick are officially over 🥺🥺🥺 we really are children of divorce
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo and 414,500 others
mickschumacher worth the wait
view all 1,303 comments
0304mclarenss stop did y/n really send him a personalized copy im sobbing
ricciardoscafe "much like this book has found its way to you, i know my love will too" THAT MEANS THEY'RE GETTING BACK TOGETHER RIGHT?? RIGHT???/ SAY YES RIGHT NOW
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liked by mercedesamgf1, dbook and 73,22 others
tagged: mickschumacher
yourusername in you, i trust
view all 833 comments
mickschumacher did you re-name your book?
yourusername no that's the sequel, limited copies though, probably just for your eyes only
mcnorris all is right in the world!! mom and dad are reunited!!!
lovelylewis only y/n would write a book on being single and how to grow while being alone and then go right back to mick
formulanever i don't blame her
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haven't done a smau in a while, hope ya'll liked it ♡
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whole-circus · 1 year
Hihi I recently started reading your works and stchnvdhnifbmb I'm obsessed now lol
I must ask how the creeps would react to someone who was there for them before they became the way they are now? I'm quite curious (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;)
Take care and hydrate <333
Creepypastas with reader that had knew them before tragic eventes
➥ with Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu, "Ticci" Toby, Eyeless Jack, Ben Drowned
Ahh you waited so long for this Im so sorry!T^T
Also you guys have no idea how sweet that is! Im glad that someone likes to read my scribble! <3 Lots of love and also remember to hydrate! I choose couple of pastas, but feel free to inform me if you would like someone else!
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.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
☆ Jeff the Killer
During one of this normal days, or maybe during calm night? You finally saw him..You were looking at eachothers, not sure what to do - sure, he may be a killer now..but this killer was once your friend? Does he even recognize you? But to your suprise, he just started laughing. It wasn't his casual maniac laughter..this one were more friendly, just like the laugh of him you remembered. The laugh of your best friend. He remembered you..and even if he is way diffrent now, then the part of him is still your best friend. You are finally something good in his miserable life, and he almost felt normal once again. Its funny how you make a man like him smile and sigh in relief, just by your presence. And he doesn't care what he did do somehow deserved you again - all he could do is being grateful for that.
☆ Homicidal Liu
You manage to meet Liu on one, ordinary night. Even if he looked, oh so diffrent, then inside you could still recognize his past self. When it comes to Liu, he couldnt believe his luck in that moment. He craves for sense of normalcy like nothing else, its his only true wish..but now you are here again? He start to remember all this nice moments from his childhood..you were in all of them! Even if he didnt recognize you at first, he felt so many strong emotions and could find something familiar..and like that after a quick chat you finally were in eachothers arms once again. There you were..his only hope and only love, you have no idea how long he had waited for you - and when he finally got you, he wont let you go again.
☆ "Ticci" Toby
After everything he had done, Toby really became all this names they used to call him in school - he was a monster, a freak in fact. Could you even look at him in the same, sweet way you used to as a kid? He was scared, constantly scared..so he didnt made a first move. Until that day. When he finally saw you again, he finally felt at peace. The feeling when you were again in his arms felt like coming home from a long journey. He was able to feel the same thing, the same love and care from you. And he already felt much better, just from seeing your smile again.
☆ Eyeless Jack
He was sure you wouldn't recognize him..now he was a monster after all, a inhuman being, a demon straight from poeple nightmares. But he wished, he dreamed that you would look at him in the same way - they way you used to when everything was normal. Meeting you again made him so incredible happy..he almost feel human again! All he could do was just hug you, and sob quietly.. you had so much to talk about, but you have time for that..the only thing that matter is you right now.
☆ Ben Drowned
Ben wasnt the same person you used to cherish and care for..shit, he wasnt even a person, a human anymore. So was he still worth of your friendship? Your sweet words and hugs? Was he even worth looking at you? But he finally decide to meet you once more, he had all eternity and he needs you to make it worth exisitng. So when he showed up at your doors? He had it all planned, the things he will do and say..but just seeing you made him tear up and look in guilt to the ground. His always cool and smug persona, was replaced with the seriousness and culpability. And when you took him into your warm embrace? When you started to shush him ,a dcomfort him? He felt at peace once again, almost like nothing else matters but you both. You already made him the happiest and nothing can compare to you, nothing else in this world.
.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
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ssprayberrythings · 9 months
no more shots | MV1, LN4
female!reader x max verstappen or lando norris, up to the reader 
pov: you’re good friends with the drivers on the grid and after a wild night of celebrating your birthday, you get to relive what happened through watching your stories on instagram. lets just say it was a birthday you’ll never forget. 
warnings: alcohol consumption, talk of being intoxicated, reader is completely conscious, mention of kissing/making out, small amount of swearing, i think thats it
yourusername posted on their story   
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caption: birthday festivities in full bloom @yourbestfriend, @yoursister, @friend2 
╰ lilymhe: girl i cant wait to celebrate tonight 
╰ landonorris: hope youre ready for my fire dj skills 
╰ yourbestfriend: girl the boys are gonna drool tonight ;) 
╰ carmenmmundt: i hope you liked the flowers from george and i !! 
landonorris posted on their story  
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caption: i went easy on her today cause its her birthday @yourusername 
╰ yourusername: & i still lost..it was worth a try 
yourusername posted on their story
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caption: only here for free drinks 🏌🏼‍♀️ 
╰ lilymhe: i hope you still won 
╰ yourusername: you know i didn’t but thank you for being optimistic 
yourusername posted on their story  
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caption: i have the best sister in the whole world 🥹
╰ danielricciardo: max and i helped too..
╰ yourusername: thank you danny, i appreciate you 
yourusername_private posted on their instagram 
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landonorris, yourbestfriend, yoursister, georgerussell63 & others liked 
my mood for today because im realizing how loved i am and its overwhelming 
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yourbestfriend: bestie WE only want the best for you 
yoursister: sis pull it together, you cant be crying once your makeups done 
yourbestfriend posted on their story  
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caption: let the drinking begin @yourusername 
╰ yourusername: ❤️
yourusername posted on their instagram  
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maxverstappen1, yoursister, lilymhe, yourbestfriend & others liked 
its my birthday if you didn’t know 🍸
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maxverstappen1: happy birthday, tonights gonna be something 🤪
╰ yourusername: you already know it 
lilymhe: no one else i want to celebrate more 
╰ yourusername: i love you 
landonorris: pretty sure the whole world knows 
╰ yourusername: and is that a bad thing ? 
╰ landonorris: not at all 😉
carmenmmundt posted on their story  
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caption: celebrating the sweetest soul 💗 @yourusername @yourbestfriend @yoursister @lilymhe 
╰ yourusername: says you..but thank you lovely 🥰 
danielricciardo posted on their story  
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caption: @yourusername first of many shots 😏
╰ yourusername: bring ‘em on 😏
yourusername_private posted a series of stories on instagram
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caption: yes we did this  
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caption: my lovers @yourbestfriend @friend2  
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caption: the papaya boys showed up @landonorris @oscarpiastri 
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caption: the shots continue..
You posted the last story on your private instagram and then locked your phone. Sliding it into your back pocket, you looked around at your apartment where all your friends were scattered about. 
You didn’t always love your birthday but ever since becoming friends with the f1 drivers and some of their girlfriends, you’ve adapted a new attitude towards the day as they make being alive more enjoyable and continue to show you how deeply they all care for you. 
You turned to your left when you felt someone come stand beside you with their hand resting on the wall next to you, it was Lando “Hey birthday girl, what are you doing over here on the side” he asked looking at you
“Just taking it all in” you smiled at him answering his question. You were close with Lando, you had been right from the minute the two of you met. You both had similar personalities and when the two of you were together it really showed. 
“Well let me know when you’re done doing that and we’ll go do another round of shots” he smirked knowing you were a shot type of girl and would almost always shoot back whatever liquid was in a shot glass given to you 
“You know me so well” you told him in response before taking his hand and leading him to the table where the alcohol was. 
yourusername posted on their story  
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caption: let the night commence 
yoursister posted on their story  
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caption: tequila sodas in martini glasses >>> 😍
yourusername posted on their story
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caption: hey look its @maxverstappen1 
╰ maxverstappen1: where are you ? we ordered another round of shots 
╰ yourusername: near the washrooms 
Max read your reply to his question and then set out to find you. You had a bad habit of walking off when you had been drinking and most of the time it was with someone else but sometimes it was by yourself which was why Max was going to look for you now, not wanting anything to happen. 
He found you sure enough by the red bull sign near the women’s washroom “Maxieee” you called out once you spotted him “you found me” you smiled at the man 
“I sure did, thanks for not moving” he chuckled “Did you already use the washroom or are you waiting?” he asked, figuring that was the reason you were over here “I already went” you told him 
“Alright, let's get back to the others then, I believe there’s a round of shots waiting for you” he told you, you smiled wider, you loved your shots. 
As you started walking towards him, you slightly stumbled a bit as the floor was a bit uneven but luckily Max was there to make sure you didn’t fall and helped steady yourself. You didn’t even process that his hands were on you holding you in place to regain your balance. 
You couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol in your system or the feeling of his hands on you but you could feel yourself getting hot. “You good?” Max asked when you didn’t say anything at first 
“Oh yeah, thanks, that would’ve been embarrassing if I had fallen” you joked, brushing off the feeling you experienced a few moments prior. Max still had his hands on you but once he realized, he retracted them and dropped them to his sides 
“Don’t worry, there wont be any falling on my watch” he joked back, you just let out a small laugh and then the two of you made your way back to the others. 
lilymhe posted on their story  
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caption: my favourite dance partner @yourusername 
╰ alex_albon: rude 
╰ lilymhe: too bad - y/n 
yourusername_private posted on their instagram   
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pierregasly, landonorris, yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc & others liked 
drunk night ft f1 drivers 🤪🤪🤪🤪
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landonorris: i look good 
charles_leclerc: i don’t even remember this happening 
pierregasly: i wasn’t even that drunk…
yourbestfriend: my favourite out of these is the dude cropped out of the pic of lando and max 
- yoursister posted on their story 
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caption: no f**ks given @yourusername 
╰ yourusername: oh my goodness 
yourusername_private posted on their story  
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caption: @yoursister does this make you a wag now ;0 
╰ yoursister: ur the worst 
╰ yoursister: but yes it does 
You laughed as you snapped the photo of your sister and Daniel and posted it on your story. You had suspicions that they were seeing each other but neither had confirmed anything until tonight when you caught them making out. 
“Hey lovebirds, we’re doing karaoke if you want to join” you said calling them taking them away from each other's lips “Go away” your sister said turning to you, glaring. You laughed and then walked back to the rest of your friends. 
Tonight felt like it was never ending, you had done so many shots and had a couple cocktails. You were feeling great even if yes you were drunk and would probably wake up with a massive hangover, you were making memories with the people you cared most about. 
yourusername_private posted on their story  
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caption: they keep coming 
lilymhe posted on their story  
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caption: she may be my dance partner but she’s alex’s karaoke partner @yourusername @alex_albon
╰ yourusername: we were singing to you 
╰ alex_albon: still butt hurt about the dance partner thing 
yourusername_private posted a series of stories on instagram 
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caption: @pierregasly embracing the wild night 
╰ pierregasly: if i wasn’t drunk before this, i definitely was after 
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caption: maxie 
╰ charles_leclerc: wow you actually got him to smile 
╰ yourusername_private: he always smiles around me, maybe its you 
╰ charles_leclerc: you can be mean 
╰ yourusername_private: 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
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caption: charlie
╰ charles_leclerc: convinced you hate me 
╰ yourusername_private: i swear i don’t 
yourbestfriend posted on their story 
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caption: he stole my best friend 😡 @landonorris @yourusername 
╰ yourusername: oh geez 
╰ landonorris: 🤪
It was now close to 3am and you definitely needed to call it a night. Everyone was beyond drunk, the most sober was probably Oscar and George which made you feel at ease knowing if someone needed to be sober one of them could step up. 
You were on the dance floor with Lando, the alcohol controlling your every move because sober you would’ve never danced that close to Lando or let him put his hands on your waist near your butt while your arms pulled him closer by placing them on his shoulders. 
Sure Lando was an attractive man and you could understand the appeal but he was one of your best friends, you could never cross that line, could you? You had all these thoughts running through your brain but for some reason you kept dancing like this, until your best friend called your names and when you turned to her she had her phone out taking a quick picture of you two, similar to what you had done earlier with your sister and Daniel. 
“We should probably get out of here” Lando suggested “Everyone’s pretty drunk, yourself included” he added as his hands remained on your waist. He was also just as drunk as you were and if he was being honest, he didn’t mind the closeness between the two of you. 
“Yeah youre probably right” you agreed with him. Neither of you made any movement though just stared into each others eyes, caught up in the moment of how close your bodies were, it was as if neither of you knew whether to make a move or step away from one another. 
“You’re really pretty” he told you. You weren’t sure how to respond, he was your best friend, this was the alcohol talking or was there something here that you had missed before now. 
To Lando, he wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol talking but all he could think about in this moment was kissing you. With how close you were, it would be so easy to just lean in and join your lips but he wasn’t sure if that was something you wanted. 
Neither of you were so caught up in your own thoughts about the other, you almost missed the phone vibrating in your pocket, it was Lily. 
You quickly picked up, “Hey, everyone’s outside, I think some of us are going to find food and some are ordering ubers to go home. If you and Lando want to join or stay here, its up to you two” she told you “We’ll be right out” you told her before quickly hanging up 
“Everyone’s either going home or getting food, we should go meet them” you passed the message onto Lando before taking a step back causing him to retract his hands. Neither of you said anything after that and he just simply nodded. From there you both made your way towards the exit to your friends. 
yourusername posted on their story  
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caption: ending the night with my faves ♥️ @lilymhe @alex_albon 
( not pictured; max, charles & pierre ) 
╰ alex_albon: you couldn’t have waited till i was actually smiling 
╰ yourusername: nope 
more replies 
╰lilymhe: those fries hit the spot for sure 
After the six of you had finished eating, it was time for you to go your separate ways. You were ordering an uber and out of everyone you were still the most drunk, even with the food in your system so someone had to take an uber with you to be sure you got home safely 
“I live in that area, I’ll go with her” Max offered as everyone stood on the corner of the street outside the restaurant they were just in. You were sitting on the curb, just looking at your phone tracking the process of your uber. 
“Okay” Alex said “Text one of us when you’re both home safely” Lily added then the two of them started making their way towards their hotel. They had sobered up and wanted to walk home seeing as the hotel wasn’t far. That just left you, Max, Charles and Pierre. 
“Its 4 minutes away” you told Max looking up to him before looking back to your phone. “Do you want us to wait?” Charles asked as him and Pierre were going in the same direction and their uber had just arrived “No its fine, just text when youre home” Max said before the two drivers got in the uber leaving just you and Max. 
“Are you cold?” Max asked when he noticed you were slightly shivering “No I’m fine, the uber will be here soon” you told him as you stood up. Max just chuckled and noticed the way you indistinctly wrapped your arms around yourself. He shook his jacket off and laid it on your shoulders. 
“Thanks” you gave him a small smile, as you put the jacket on properly and instantly felt warmer. Within a few seconds your uber was here and Max was opening the door for you. “Oh why thank you” you joked to him earning a small nod from Max acting as a doorman and then closing the door before walking around the car to get in on the other side. 
It wasn’t a long drive from where you had been to your place but in your drunken state, it felt longer. You hadn’t even noticed your eyes starting to droop or the way your head rested on Max’s shoulder, being engulfed by the warmth of his jacket. 
By the time the uber pulled up to your place, you seemed to be sleeping. Max didn’t want to disturb you so he carefully got you out of the vehicle, holding you in his arms. He did a double take of the backseat making sure nothing was left behind before thanking the driver and making his way up to your front door. You slightly stirred slightly awake.
“Are you able to get your keys out?’ Max asked still carrying you but he could see you were sort of conscious “Yeah” you mumbled as you reached into your purse and pulled out your keys, turning slightly in Max’s arms to open your door. 
Once you were inside, you rested your head back on his shoulder and nuzzled into his warmth. He gently shut the door with his foot before making his way to your bedroom to put you down. 
He walked in, laying you peacefully on your bed “Will you stay?’ you asked ever so softly, Max almost didn’t hear your request. He couldn’t bare to say no so he gave you soft “sure” before going back into your living area and locking the front door. 
From there he made his way to your kitchen, noticing the mess from the earlier party, he made a mental note to clean up a bit for you. Right now he was focused on getting you some water and making sure you were okay. He filled up a glass he found along with some pills to help with the headache he was sure you’d have in the morning. 
When he walked back into your room, you had wrapped his jacket further around yourself and it was obvious you were knocked out. He admired how peaceful you looked before placing the water and pills on your side table and then carefully removed his jacket from you, replacing it with the fuzzy blanket that stayed at the foot of your bed. He also made sure to remove your shoes and plug your phone in before making his way back to the kitchen to clean up so that was one less thing you had to worry about tomorrow. 
When you awoke in the morning, you felt your head pounding and your throat was dry. Lucky for you, Max had put just exactly what you needed on your side table, however you didn’t remember asking Max to stay so when you walked out to your living room, you were shocked to see the Red Bull driver, sleeping on the couch, one of your couch pillows under his head and a blanket draped over him.
You smiled to yourself at the sight of him sleeping so peacefully and quietly made your way to your kitchen, wanting to refill your water. You felt your heart stop when you noticed there was a garbage bag full of the dirty plates, cans, decorations, shot glasses, along with all the dirtied dishes, washed and drying in your drying rack. 
There was only one person who could’ve done all of this and you could almost cry at the thought that Max took the time to do that even if he had been drunk himself and probably wanted to sleep. You refilled your water and walked back into your room, making a mental note to thank Max once he was awake.
You got back into bed and reached for your phone. You immediately went onto your socials and went through both your public and private instagrams seeing everything you had posted and the replies from everyone. You laughed, this was definitely a birthday you would never forget. 
yourusername posted on their instagram     
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yourbestfriend, yoursister, landonorris, maxverstappen1, pierregasly, lilymhe & others liked 
birthday film dump 🎞️
thanks to everyone that made it one to remember. you know who you are <3 
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yoursister: always a pleasure getting to celebrate my little sister 
╰ liked by yourusername 
landonorris: im never touching alcohol again..
╰ oscarpiastri: you know thats not true 
╰ landonorris: shhhh 🤫
maxverstappen1: do you remember everything that happened? 
╰ yourusername: bits and pieces..i remember the stuff that matters 
╰ maxverstappen1: 🙄
yourbestfriend: we have so much to discuss bestie 🤭
╰ liked by yourusername 
i hope you enjoyed this!! it was so fun to write and i hope it gets a good reaction!! i didn't know if reader should end up with lando or max so i left it up for interpretation but feel free to comment who you want her to end up with and maybe i can write an add-on with the driver who gets the most votes, just lmk ♥️
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starb3rrys · 1 year
Hey there 😍 i just saw that your requests are open and i love your 'BSD men top, bottom or switch' 💕💕💕 If you're doing a part 2, could you write the same for Tetchou and Jouno?? 😊
Really love how you wrote for the other bsd characters 💕💕 nice work!!
Have a good day 💕
Hi hi! Agh! Sorry for the late response, I appreciate the kind words and I hope you enjoy this story, Hope it was worth the wait!~
BSD men- Top, Bottom, or Switch? *+Part 2+*
Ft. Tetchou, Jouno, Ango, Oda, Kunikida, Sigma
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Top/Dominant Bottom
Lets start off with our lovely hunting dog, Tetchou is a very interesting character, he tends to be quiet around other most of the time but in a respectful manner. So it was odd when he started to talk to you more. He started to talk to you about interests, hobbies, he even showed you some of his weird food combinations and even made you try some (No cause lowkey what if its good?). He wouldnt even recognize his own feelings until Jouno called him out on how his heart beats faster when you’re around and how his body temperature rises when you smile at him. Once he acknowledges his feelings he decides to go for it (jouno fr hypes him up by saying something like “their heart beats faster when you’re around so that means they have feelings for you…..or some type of heart disease”). When he finally confesses to you he cant help but smile and blush when you confess back, finally..he can call you his~
Sex with Tetchou starts off with him promising to be gentle…and then you ends with you not being able to walk for a solid day (hes sorry guys i swear). He likes to be in control even when you’re on top, its just something about being able to control your reactions as well as your pleasure, he just loves how you’re completely helpless and vulnerable under him. He slowly pushes his cock into you, the warm feeling causing him to grunt as he holds your hips tighter. Once he’s fully inside he waits for you to adjust to him, once you give him the go ahead he thrusts slowly into you, wanting to go slow as to not hurt you, but god is it so difficult to, the faces you make and the noises you let out only feed into his neediness and desire but he holds back as much as he can. Once you begin to ask for him to go faster- thats where he loses it (lord have mercy on your soul). He starts to thrust in faster, the warm feeling of you around his cock putting him in a daze, his mind is clouded at the feeling as he lets out loud moans and grunts, he kisses you all over as he praises your beauty. As you cum around him you expect him to stop- you were wrong. He is just too lost in a daze, he cant seem to stop his movements, only being able to thrust faster as he overstimulates you, he just cant help wanting to leave you as a moaning lost mess!~
“God you feel so good! The warm feeling around m-Ah!~ my cock is so intense, im sorry- i don’t mean to be rough but i just cant help-Mm!~ it.. you’re just so beautiful… so wonderful…Ah!~ god i need you..you’re mine and only-Ah!~ mine!~”
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Next is our favorite blind man, Jouno is very dedicated and finds his work to be top priority, (bringing justice to the innocent and what not). So nobody would have guessed he would end up being head over heels for you. He makes sure to hide it of course but you cant ignore how he randomly has free time in your free time, or how he “coincidentally” finds you out and about in your daily routines. He has long talks with you and admires your sense of justice and your willingness to help others, and how your heart beat faster when he was around. The more you hang out, the more you both fall harder for each other. When you two were alone, you decided to confess. He could hear how fast your heart was beating and how your voice slightly trembled. He knew you weren’t lying and he couldn’t help but confess too. Publicly, he is not as openly affectionate as you are but in private, he makes sure to show you just how much he adores you~
Sex with Jouno usually consists of rough fucking and a lot of teasing. He plays with you and touches all over your body, he makes sure to comment and tease you for every sound you make, how your heart beats faster and faster as his hands trace from your chest down to your thighs, how your tremble and squirm as he roughly thrusts into you. Degrading words fall from his mouth as he grunts at the feeling of your warm walls. He bites into your shoulder as you moan and beg for him to keep going, he feels how close you are and slows down his pace. He can feel your disappointment and neediness and teases you about how desperate you must be for wanting him to keep going at such a relentless pace. He makes you beg for him to continue as he slowly grinds against you, once he is satisfied he thrusts into you like a needy dog. As you finally cum, he smirks while still thrusting into you, not stopping until you cum a second time, once you do he allows himself to finally fill you up with his cum. He truly does adore you, but he just can’t help wanting to tease the life out of you~
“Listen to yourself moan like a needy whore under me, ah~ your body is becoming oddly sensitive, are you close darling?~ aww~ to bad i wont allow you to cum until you beg like the desperate bitch you are for me to continue~…see wasnt that easy? I hope you don’t think im stopping now!~”
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Now our lovely four eyes, Ango is a very busy man, having to handle business as well as keeping secrets and information from others can be very exhausting. Knowing this, love wasnt a big priority for him. He usually saw it as just extra work and too time consuming, but then he met you. For some strange reason, you captivated him, he wanted to spend time with you, sometimes even rescheduling work or meetings just to see you. Ango is a smart man, he knew exactly what he was feeling but coming to terms with it was a bit harder. But once the time was right, he told you how he felt. The flustered/surprised look on his face when you confessed too was definitely one to remember and definitely not the last time you’d see it~
Because of his busy schedule, you and Ango don’t usually have much “alone time”. The more time you two spend apart, the more the desire for each other grows. So when you two finally get the chance to be alone together, you make sure to make up for lost time. Ango tries to take it slow and hold back, but all the pent up stress and desire gets the best of him. He moans and grunts at the warm feeling around his cock which he had long yearned for. Hes intoxicated by your smell and just cant get enough as he roughly fucks you as he kisses your neck, he makes sure to show you how much he missed you. Switching positions is very common, he loves it when you take control and leave him a moaning and whining mess. He holds on to your hips as he thrusts upwards into you as you bounce down on him. He truly did miss you, your voice, your scent, your body, and your sweet desperation~
“Oh god how I’ve missed yo- Ah!~ You still feel as good as i-Mm!~ remember… your face is still as beautiful too, how your eyes roll back and how your-Mm!~ cheeks flush deep red at my words, my beautiful darling~”
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My favorite orphan collector, Oda is not opposed to the idea of love but he doesn’t go out of his way searching for it. He just goes on with his work and daily routine, he doesn’t see a point or reason in changing it, until he met you. He took it very slow with you, making sure not to rush into anything and take it a step at a time. His schedule began to change because of this, he would find himself going out to eat with you rather than eating alone, taking you to visit the children every weekend and accompanying him on shopping runs for toys and snacks for the kids (The kids definitely told him to shoot his shot, they fr hyped him up). He loved how caring and kind you were to the kids, he loved your hobbies and your interests, all of these things about you just made him fall harder until the day finally came where he confessed. He brought flowers and asked you in the most romantic way if you would be his. When you said yes, he gave you a loving smile and made you a promise, he promised to always cherish and love you~
Oda made sure to keep that promise even in your most intimate moments. He is a true gentleman so he tends to prioritize your pleasure over his own, he starts off by kissing you, starting from your face, to your chest, to your stomach and to your thighs. He praises you as you hold on to his shoulders for dear life as you struggle to form coherent words, his sweet words contradicting his pace. He pays close attention to your sweet reactions and makes sure to do exactly what makes you feel good, he loves to hear those sinful moans and whines you let out at his movements. The way you beg and plead for more drives him crazy as he grips onto your hips, thrusting even deeper than before causing you to arch your back. He believes eye contact is very intimate, it reminds him that this moment is one that can only be shared between you two. So you know he’s close when he closes his eyes, clenching his teeth as he lets out low groans, softly cursing under his breath at the feeling of you. His mind gets clouded as he keeps thrusting into you with a needy pace, he kisses and bites your neck as he feels himself coming close. He just cant help it, you’re so amazing, so kind, and so beautiful, you’re someone he will love and cherish forever~
“Mm!~ Darling~ you look so beautiful, ..do you want me t-Ah!~ go faster? Mhm~ just keep your eyes on me, no no no don’t- Ah~ look away…, look at me with those pretty eyes, please..~”
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Switch, preferred top
Now my lovely ideal man, Kunikida values his ideals in both workplace and personal love life. So, when he saw you, his ideal woman, he was head over heels. He made sure to take things slow with you, he patiently waited for the right moment to ask you to be his. It had to be perfect, the setting, the time, the weather, it must all be ideally perfect for you. Once the time was right he asked you to be his, and oh lord the blush and huge grin on his face when you accepted, he swears he saw stars. He was so happy to finally be with you, you’re so perfect, everything he’s ever wanted, he treasures you and cant help but want to shower you with nothing but affection~
Kunikida is a very traditional man, he wants to take the roll as the dominant man in the relationship and in the bedroom. He prioritizes your pleasure and enjoyment over his, so it’s no surprise that your under him moaning as he thrusts deeper into you. His eyes only focused on your face, your reactions and the sinful noises you let out as he touches that one spot that pushes you over the edge, his cheeks are flushed, his hair is tangled, he’s a complete utter mess but he doesn’t care, all he cares about is getting to hear more of those sweet moans from you. Now, he would never reject having you top once in a while but getting him to fully submit is surely a task. He does try to put up a fight, he tries his hardest to hold back moans, only letting out low grunts as you clench around him, he still wants to have some control but god the way you move, the way you dirty talk into his ear as you kiss his neck, its all so much he cant help but let out low whines as he curses under his breath, its not fair how perfect you are~
“Ah!~ you feel so good darling, those noises you’re making gosh i cant help but- Mmm!~ want to hear them more, Fuck!- im close, i am so lucky to be with you, Mm! F-fuck!- you truly are…my ideal woman~”
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My beloved casino man Sigma, he has been through a lot in his 3 years of existence. He had people left and right use him then throw him aside when he was no longer needed, his trust and faith in others had almost disappeared, but you….you were different. From the moment you two met he felt safe and secure around you, a foreign warm feeling in his heart grew the more you two grew closer. Once the two of you got together it was like his whole world had changed. Love filled his heart and he couldn’t help but wonder, what did he do to deserve such a sweet angel like you? Sigma is very greatful for you, he wants to show you how precious you are to him, even in your most intimate moments…~
Sex with Sigma is very intimate and love filled. He kisses all over your body as sweet words fall from his lips. He makes sure to watch your every reaction, taking note of every noise you make, how you squirm and melt at his touch, and especially that pretty flushed face of yours. When he tops he usually goes at a relatively soft and gentle pace, each thrust filled with nothing but love and desire as moans and praises fill the room, but there are days where he isn’t as gentle. He swears he is trying to be as gentle as possible but god you look so cute and precious under him and the pent up stress from the day is getting the best of him. Praise and love filled affirmations contradict his current harsh and needy pace, (poor baby). He loves it when you top him, he feels safe and trusts you enough to be this vulnerable with you. He can’t do anything but blush and whine at your movements, how you reassure and praise him through it all, how you kiss him all over and make him feel loved and wanted. You’re just so perfect, like an angel sent from above~
“Gosh~ You’re so beautiful…What did I do t- Ah~ deserve you? You’re so perfect, so caring and kind, Mm!~ ..the way you clench around me… does this mean I’m doing a good job? I want to please you, make you feel as g-Ah!~ good as you make me feel, my love, my darling, my angel~”
Hello everyone! Agh! Im so sorry for not posting- finals have been beating my ass recently, im happy to say im done with them and i hope you enjoy this post…more on the way!
As always feel free to comment your own head cannons! Love ya!~
Tag list: @wintersoldier-barnes @aizawa-s-wife
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kindestofkings · 11 months
what came first, the chicken or the dickhead? [3/3]
f1driver!reader x lando norris
authors note: book a dentist app guys this shit is sweet !
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liked by landonorris and others 
yourusername 😭 🥺 guys I, I, I just won at my home race with my best friend alongside me. those two kids dreamed of days like these. lan you next 💓
to the tifosi for your unyielding support, to scuderiaferrari for helping me achieve things like this, and to charlie the best teammate a girl could ask for <3
view all 890 comments
landonorris so proud of you luv but PLEASE let me win soon, we dont need another max situation
yourusername lando tries to be sentimental challenge: FAILED f1fan hahahaha mate please grow up and make a move !
danielricciardo incredible stuff mate! landonorris you were so cute, what happened?
landonorris ha ha ha 😑
​​taylorswift you are killing it girl !! I see you're stateside later this year maybe you could join us at the era's tour?
yourusername 😀😀😀 I need someone to confirm this is real, landooooooooo landonorris its real so please stop hyperventilating in you drivers room alex_albon do you forget you have millions of followers and a mega superstar yourself?? yourusername and what she's TAYLOR SWIFT. she writes works of art like folklore and i drive in circles. alex_albon AT A VERY INSANE SPEED learn your worth please ynfan1 you did so well with him lilymhe
maxfewtrell you know what they say couples who win together stay together !
[this comment has been deleted]
ynfan2 max you are not quick enough for me I saw that 👀👀
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liked by ynlando4ever and others
taylorswiftupdates after a long time of online interactions the f1 ferrari driver yourusername was at tonights show!! it appears the driver was joined with fellow drivers lando norris,charles leclerc and daniel ricciardo.
view all 20 comments
ynfan1 can you imagine your favourite singer of all time making that face at you 🥺
ynfan2 and she got one of tonights secret song dedicated to her aswell!!
ynfan3 no way really!! what was it ynfan2 it was randomly Crazier, the song taylor sang in the hannah montana film 😂
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 liked by yourusername and others 
landonorris hope you enjoyed your birthday cause you're never receiving another birthday present again. why WHY is your favourite taylor swift song so obscure??
view all 300 comments
yourusername you are the best of the best of the best of the BEST
​​taylorswift you guys are the most adorable 🥺
charles_leclerc cause shes a country girl at heart come you know this 😂
yourusername ahem country girls shake it for me 🤠
yourusername posted on their story:
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eras tour READY
I lied nothing could've prepared me for this ....
taylorswift so glad you could come and enjoy 💓💓 that boy of yours is such a cutie.. yourusername he's a keeper for sure! hate keeping it all so secretive but like someone amazing once sang romance is not dead if you keep it just yours 😂 ❤️
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 liked by landonorris and others
yourusername I dont do tiktok but I love the its all too much for little lando norris cause he falls asleep during my taylor swift rants 😤
view all 700 comments
ynfan1 BABE?? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THE HOUSE OF COMMENTS yourusername oh fuck lan landonorris HA and you said it be me who would out us ynfan2 US? theres an us??
yncharlesshipper what happened to charlie??
ynlando4ever VICTORY
danielricciardo hahahahahah wait why does norizz look kinda ??
landonorris you can say it 😏😏
landonorris LOOK AT YOUUUUU ynfan1 k im obsessed with them even more now
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liked by yourusername and others
landonorris since she messed up I can FINALLY show off how I got the girl 2 years ago 😎
happy to announce i'm accepting apologises for all those norizz comments cause LOOK at who's my girl
view all 500 comments
yourusername thats right baby your girl !!
maxfewtrell FINALLY
danielricciardo agreed, and you're never hearing anything from me norizz alex_albon still in shock carlossainz55 can relax now, yn is scary
charles_leclerc we got there eventually! looking forward to not being shipped with you now yourusername 😂😂
yourusername I don't know what you're talking about I'm a catch!
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 liked by mclaren and others
yourusername car failures are a teams worse nightmare and unfortunately my hard truth for today's race in Singapore 💔 being ruled out during the formation lap is something I hope to never experience again, so sorry for disappointing everyone and the team!
ON ANOTHER NOTE its time for a hardlaunch cause LOOK WHO JUST GOT HIS FIRST WIN! congrats bro 😎 👍❤️‍🔥 💖
view all 290 comments 
scuderiaferrari could never disappointment, we win as a team and lose as a team!
yourusername you guys xx ynfan1 the teams support never fails to make me emosh, all you that deserve!!
f1fan still a slay in my eyes!
landonorris the use of bro here is conflicting to all the pride driven kisses i've been getting 🤔🤔
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liked by f1fan1 and others
f1fanupdates gasly is once again providing all the drama for the viewers! after another dnf the alphatauri driver made a jab at mclaren's first driver, lando norris...
view all 90 comments
f1fan1 why have one feud with a driver when you can have 2!! right pierre?
ynfan2 man is just realising he can't blame yn anymore so he's picking on lando
ynfan3 do you think its all related? like continuous beef that all links back to her?
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liked by yourusername and others
landonorris the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake
japan its been real!
view all 473 comments
pierregasly imagine being this cocky all while being overshadowed by your rookie teammate
landonorris imagine ruining your own career because a girl told you she didn't want to go out with you pierregasly if shes going out with the likes of you, think I dodged a bullet landonorris do you or do you not have a girlfriend rn? yourusername enough of this. pierre you are a broken record stfu and focus on your driving
ynfan1 OH MY GOD its all clicking, all this mess cause of a bruised ego...
ynfan2 men being men ugh
yourusername tay tay 🥺🥺 in your caption 🥺 love you
landonorris and the edit! i want all the brownie points baby 😏
yourusername "OH MY GOD," BUT I'M JUST GONNA SHAKE IT charles_leclerc AND TO THE FELLA OVER THERE WITH THE HELLA GOOD HAIR maxverstappen1 WON'T YOU COME ON OVER, BABY? WE CAN SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE landonorris wow wdc winner with the taylor swift lyrics in my comments??
ynfan1 OH MY GOD its all clicking, all this mess cause of a bruised ego...
yourusername posted on their story:
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my man my man my man 💓
landonorris where gasly wishes he could be 👀 landonorris love love love you
AHH I hope this was worth the wait guys!! the beef is so squashed in but I was consumed be the full by then lol
@vellicoranorca @toasttt11 @dzastinocha @dzastinocha @landosgirlxoxo @2bormaybenot @jpg3 @celestialams @dreamsarebig @dreamercrowd @dracosswhore @kissesandmartinis @inejismywife
weirdly couldnt tag everyone sorry !!
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teenytinyjimin · 4 months
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baroque (j. jungkook)
summary: masquerade balls are all fun and games until you meet that one person that you feel like you’ve known for a lifetime, but regardless as to who he is, you can’t just let him go.
pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2.4k
tags: masquerade, mystery, academia/renaissance/baroque (i know these are all different but its a little combination), ballroom dancing, reader is absolutely in love with this mystery man she’s dancing with, and he’s kinda in love with her too, spoiler: they know each other, kissing of course!
warnings: none
author’s note: IM BACK! IM SO SORRY BUT IM BACK! anyways i hope u guys enjoy! my last kook fic got a lot of traction so thank u so much <3 so i hope this is up to par with that one :)
── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
As you stood at the steps to the entrance of one of the largest ballrooms in town, you took a deep sigh. This wasn't a sigh of distress, however, it was more of a sigh of anticipation.
Balls weren't necessarily a thing of the 21st century. Had it been, say, four-hundred or five-hundred years prior, a ball would be the talk of the town and absolutely everyone would be flooding into the ballroom to have the time of their lives dancing with one another. Alas, it was 2024, and the only people you'd see attending a ball nowadays would be people who are actively interested in Renaissance and Baroque culture and seek rare events pertaining to such.
There was something about these classical time periods that felt ageless and beautiful to you. The big gowns, glimmering jewels, and elaborate ballroom designs were absolutely gorgeous. So of course you were going to indulge in as much classical beauty as possible in modern times. And that meant going to balls whenever you could (or, in other words, whenever you were able to hear about them through the grapevine).
So here you were, in your elaborate Renaissance dress, staring at the entrance ahead of you. This particular ball was a masquerade ball, so it was even more exciting considering the fact that most everyone would be anonymously dancing behind beautifully decorated masks. You looked down at your own mask in hand, a beautiful and ornate piece strewn with jewels, glitter, and feathers. You had spent the last week perfecting the mask and had gone through nearly a dozen prototypes before you created what you thought was the best piece of work you had ever done in your twenty-something years of living. It was beautiful, and it would do a perfect job of hiding exactly what needed to be hidden to make this masquerade a true mystery for you.
Fastening the mask over your head and onto your face, you began to ascend the steps and enter the ballroom. As anticipated, the venue was covered in beautiful Renaissance artwork and ornate chandeliers. The marble pillars holding the place together really brought everything to life as they echoed the Roman influence that they possessed into the large room. Ahead of you was a sea of elaborate gowns and tuxedos, all spinning around in harmony as they danced with one another to the beautiful orchestral music that played.
"A glass of champagne, miss?" A voice called out from next to you. You looked over to see a masked waiter with a tray of champagne flutes in his hand. You gave him a polite nod and curtsy as you took a glass from him. Champagne wasn't necessarily your drink of choice, however you needed something to keep you company while you waited for a good opportunity to join the dancing or, alternatively, until you were asked to dance.
As you approached the floor of the ball, navigating through the sea of dancing people, you attempted to find someone you may have recognized. Sure, masquerades made it rather difficult to identify a person and thus it was quite hard to know if you knew anyone anyway, but it was worth a shot for the sake of socializing. For the most part, everyone seemed pretty invested in their partners, committing to the elaborate ballroom dance that was taking place to the sound of a piano and violin.
Within a matter of moments, you suddenly found yourself on the ground as you had accidentally run directly into another individual. You looked up to see a gloved hand reach down to you, begging for your touch so that it could help you to your feet once again. As you obliged, you realized the body to which the hand was connected was much stronger than you had anticipated as you practically flew back to your feet. A little lightheaded from the rush of movement, you swayed for a moment and tried to find your footing, but the hand that previously helped you was now firmly on your waist as a form of support.
You brushed off your dress once you found yourself more stable, a bright red blush creeping to your cheeks. "I'm so sorry-" You began before looking up to the person in front of you. Something about his presence left you fascinated – He was tall with wide shoulders and toned arms, something you could immediately notice through his tight-fitting shirt. Despite being fit to his body, his shirt was beautiful and contained all sorts of frills and jewels. Only one of his hands were gloved, as the other one was covered in bracelets and rings of a particularly ornate design. He had the most beautiful chain necklaces wrapped around his neck which perfectly suited his beautiful jawline, which was both sharp and soft at the same time. His lips, a perfect amount of plump, were curled into a soft smile which made him a lot less intimidating than he seemed. When you finally saw his eyes, you were met with the most beautiful black orbs that were wide with wonder and amazement. You could've sworn that you've seen those eyes somewhere, as they reminded you of all the comfort you had ever felt in your life, but you couldn't quite put them to a face you recognized. Though this man's face was hidden behind a beautiful mask, you could tell that he was breathtaking in every sense of the word.
"Are you okay?" He asked, maintaining eye contact with you. There was no way you were going to escape his gaze, not because he wouldn't let you but also because you didn't want to. You nodded softly as you continued awkwardly brushing off your dress, unsure of how to speak to the man in front of you. The soft smile that was once on his face now grew to a more toothy grin as he took your hand in his and gently pressed your knuckles to his lips. "If you'd like to make it up to me, I'd love to dance with you."
How were you meant to say no to him? Besides the fact that he had quite literally left you speechless, everything about him was absolutely gorgeous and you'd never turn down an offer to dance with someone like him. As you once again responded with a nod, you felt as he used the hand he had wrapped around your waist to guide you further into the crowd of people and to a more open area where you could properly dance. Once there, he pulled you slightly closer to him as he took your hand in his free one. You naturally placed your other hand upon his bicep, which was tense under your touch, and he began to guide you into a waltz-style dance. It felt as if this came naturally to him as you effortlessly swayed around. You continued to stare into his beautiful doe eyes which shimmered with fantasy as they quite literally pierced into your soul. Whoever this man was, he was perfect in every sense of the word. He was just so perfect.
"You look absolutely stunning, by the way. I'm not sure if I mentioned that," He said after a moment, causing you to blush and look away. "I could say the same about you," You responded quietly, letting yourself feel the air around you blow through your hair. "Thank you for helping me up, by the way. This dress is difficult to maneuver in when you're on the ground."
"It's my pleasure. After all, we bumped into each other. I had an obligation. I wasn't going to let a beautiful girl fend for herself on the ground as a bunch of people danced all over her." You looked back over to him and let out a soft giggle, watching as a grin rose to his face. Something about him was just so warm and inviting, yet you couldn't put your finger on what it was. Perhaps you two knew each other in a past life, one in which you were actually attending balls together in the Renaissance.
"I bet you call a lot of girls at these sorts of things beautiful. I mean, look at you." You say in a teasing tone, watching as his grin dropped to a smirk. "Bold of you to assume that I go to these dances very often, miss." He lets out a soft sigh as he continues to effortlessly sway you around, refusing to stop staring at you. "But even if I did, you're the most breathtaking of them all. Honest."
You remove your hand from his as you bring both hands to rest on the back of his neck, attempting to push yourself closer to him so you can talk a little quieter. "You seem like a pro, do you really not go to balls very often?" He shrugs under your touch as he wraps both arms around your waist, holding you tightly. "Not really. This is my first time coming to this place at least. I'm more of a contemporary dancer."
"Ah, I see," You say softly, letting one of your hands feel at the hair on the back of his neck. He lets out a hitched breath at your touch but continues to sway the two of you back and forth. "It's a beautiful venue, though. It feels like we're in the 1700s and not the 2000s." He comments, looking up briefly at the chandelier above the two of you. You couldn't help but agree. Sometimes when you go to events like these you forget about the chaos of life and pretend that you're still in the Renaissance, which is beautiful in and of itself.
"Have you been on the balcony yet? It has a beautiful view of the city if you want to go take a look," You propose, looking back down at the man in your arms. You watch as his eyes soften and a small smile grows on his lips, pulling away so he can offer you his hand. "You lead the way," He says as you take your hand in his and gently pull him away from the crowd.
As soon as you reached the fresh air of the empty balcony, the two of you stood in silence as you admired the shimmering lights of the city in front of you. "Wow..." He muttered, clearly surprised at the sight in front of him. "You can see pretty much everything from here. How is that possible?" You approach the railing of the balcony and lean against it, taking a moment to look around. "The ballroom is on a hill, even though it doesn't really feel like it. It's actually above the rest of the town so the balcony is able to look down on everything around us."
"I hate to say it, but it seems like I might have found something more beautiful than you." Letting out a small gasp, you turn around to face the man behind you, noticing a huge grin on his face. You smile in return. "I guess I don't blame you. A good view beats a pretty face any day."
"Mmm." He hums, approaching you slowly. He secures his hands on your waist as he picks you up with ease and places you on the railing, keeping contact with you at all times to ensure that you don't fall. Once you are steady on the railing he wraps both arms around you and presses himself tightly to you for extra support, and you instinctively wrap your arms around his neck to stay safe. "I'm only joking anyway. I don't think it's possible to be more beautiful than you."
"Well, I think you're living proof of that, because you're definitely more beautiful than me," You mumble as the distance between your faces becomes much shorter than it once was. He lets out a breathy laugh as he removes one of his arms from your waist and attaches his hand to your face, stroking it gently before closing the gap completely and bringing you in for a kiss.
Kissing someone under the stars is one thing, but kissing someone mysteriously under the stars is another thing. You have no idea who this man is, you don't even know his name, yet here you are, lips connected to his. This is perhaps the best kiss you have ever experienced, as he is so soft yet so passionate with his movements. He never once lets go of you with his other hand, keeping you secure on the railing so that you don't accidentally slip. The one on your face is so soft and gentle, holding onto your face in the most perfect way. It is only now that you are able to really breathe in his scent, an obviously expensive cologne that you would kill to drown in at this point. He was consuming every part of you and you wanted him and only him.
The two of you pulled away briefly so that he could stare into your eyes for a moment. "You really are breathtaking," He mumbled, fiddling with the bottom edge of your mask. As he began to slowly pull it off of your face, you watched as his expression went from lovestruck to shocked. It looked as if seeing your face without the mask scared him. He didn't like how you looked.
"I'm sorry-" You begin to say, tears welling up in your eyes. However he stops you as he takes his own mask off, revealing a face that you could never forget. Jeon Jungkook. Your childhood best friend. The boy you had a crush on for years several years ago. He wasn't disgusted by how you looked. He was shocked that it was you.
"Jungkook?" You said breathlessly, unable to say anything beyond his name. He only stared at you in response, unsure of what his own next move would be. This wasn't something you had ever expected. Not the whole 'kissing your childhood best friend' part, but the fact that somehow in an event of anonymity, you would find your way to each other. And now that you have shared this night together, it's almost as if all the feelings you ever felt for him over the years have flooded back to you as you once again felt head-over-heels for him.
Finally, you watched as a toothy smile returned to his face. He placed his hand once again on your cheek and brushed it as you watched him admire your features. "Thank god it's you. I've been waiting for this moment for years," He mumbled before pulling you in again for another kiss.
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hhie · 1 month
I love you im sorry
9. am i dreaming rn (written: 2440)
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your only concern right now is leaving this place. never would you have thought that your friends would actually ask your ex/exbff to come pick you up last night. “shit i hope i didn’t do anything embarrassing”. You quickly take your bag and rush out of his room.
Just when you were about to reach for the door. The door opened and what stood In front of you was the boy that took care of you last night. He eyes at your messy state glancing at your bag. Taking it as a sign that you wanted to leave. However he didn’t let you through and before you could speak up he spoke up “ um i bought breakfast for us do you want to stay … i was thinking that we could have a talk too”
“ firstly, thank you for taking care of me last night i really appreciated it. Secondly i have nothing to say to you” you blurt out without thinking twice.
“i promise i wont waste your time and after this you won’t ever see me again” he pleaded, sounding so desperate that you could see him trying to push you back into the house. So you gave in “fine, you have 10mins and im not eating that” turning back, sitting on his couch with him tailing you. Sitting 3 arms length away from you.
“ im sorry i know i fucked up. I wasn’t a good friend or boyfriend. I disappeared from you and your life. I was REALLY going to tell you but the agency said no. This job was really my dream, you know how much i love to sing. I couldn’t reject it, but i know that i should not blame it on this excuse . I really love you, im sorry. Can we try again? ” he pants as he finished his speech saying all of that in one deep breath. Waiting for your response as he looks into your eyes. “ i really hated you, you made me doubt myself and for 8 months i wondered why you left me alone. If i was the problem..”
“ no you”
“stop let me finish, i will accept this apology but we cant be together, as of now we aren’t friends. And you were the best but you were the worst. I dont know anymore i still love you but i can’t..You are at the two ends of my spectrum and i am really confuse.”
“but i want you too, so just give me a chance”
silence spread across the room as he waits for you to answer “ i - ill give you a chance, a chance to be my friend again. A chance to prove to me that you really want me again. Because right now the thing im scared of is people leaving me.”
his eyes widen as he gain a slight excitement “ i will - i will prove it to you”
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taglistOPEN! @junviadinho @injunnie-lemon @sunghoonsgfreal @nessaassen02 @dudekiss3r @munstvrs @sthwaaberry @nmlee @chenlesfeetpic
#from인 had this ready in my drafts so double update today!!! tmr and sunday will have updates too 🥰 sorry for the wc i swear its worth it. okay bye love u guys!
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thecynthh · 9 months
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summery - going out to a concert with one of y/n friends, a weird turn is taken when matt makes a move.
notes - SMUT, ROCKSTAR MATTY POOOOO, guys im a virgin idk how sex works MADE FOR MY GIRLY @ihrtchris love u girl hope the wait was worth it <3 NOT PROOFREAD
a/n - guys it looked longer than it is i promise
also the bolded parts during the concert means its the song lyrics, also i love this song
the bustling noises of a busy kitchen fill my ears as i hear people shout and flames crackle. “so i think i'll have a sweet tea and a number 6 please.” i ask the waiter as she takes my order. 
“of course ma’am and for you?” cadence’s eyes swept over the whole menu again before speaking. 
“lemonade and a number 2 please!” the waiter nodded towards us and walked off to the kitchen. 
“hey are you busy tonight? i’m free and have nowhere to go, was hoping you knew about a party or something later.” i knew cay would know about any parties happening tonight, she was an epic journalist and worked for the editorial company i was at. 
“hm, come to think of it, no, i don’t think so. didn’t get an invite, i guess all the famous people are taking a break from being bitchy and petty.” i laugh at her statement about the rich and famous, we’ve met countless celebrities and models and almost all of them were like cay said, bitchy and petty. 
“come onnnn the one night i'm free from work and there’s nothing happening.” i drop my head dramatically on the table, careful not to hit the ketchup and mustard. 
“well….” cadence trailed off.
“well what???” i almost break my neck looking up at her. 
“i mean i saw a poster for this band, and they are playing at pacific square if you wanna go watch it, im down if you are.” cadence offered. 
“a concert? im not sure, i mean if the guys are cute” i joked. 
“ouh girl, i sure can tell you they are so hot.” she pulls out her phone looking through her photos. she taps on it and shows it to me. oh shit. they were really hot. 
the one thing that cay forgot to mention was that the band that was playing in our home town was starsturns. “WAIT! you mean starsturns is playing here??”
“okay, im convinced, i think i just found my husband.” i practically threw cay’s phone back to her, feeling a small piece of drool develop on the corner of my mouth looking at the drummer. 
“show starts at 8 i’ll be at your house with the uber.” cay says slipping her phone back into her pocket 
“holy shit i can’t believe we are going to see starsturns!!!” 
the ding of a bell goes off and we see the waiter sway towards us with our plates of food. i guess i have plans tonight. 
getting to the venue was a little troubling due to the death inducing trafic we were stuck in but cay is very much a hardass so when we did get to the venue she shoved her way to the front. 
“move your asses, two super fans over here!!!” cay’s enthusiasm scares people which lets us pass through sort of easily. 
being right at the rails that has to be only a metre away from the stage gets me riled up, we hear the curtains draw and and the stage lights get low. 
the sun just started to set and the neon flashes of their large stage lights flicker at the audience. the leader singer and lead guitarist chris looks behind him peering over his shoulder to the audience. the girls yelled and shouted, he was definitely a lady killer. 
chris began strumming his guitar in a steady pace as his brother nick, on the bass, keeps a steady beat emerging from the shadows. 
a slow rhythm on the drums begin to build up, slowly getting faster and with each tap of the snare the lights get brighter, and brighter. 
matt is revealed to the fans in such an epic way as the fans, including me and cadence goes crazy. 
the crash of matt’s cymbals begins their set list as their first song begins. 
time seemed to have lasted forever as they now have moved to a couple of slower songs that are more lyric focused. i throw my head back as i belt the lyrics living in pure harmony. this was my favourite song and i wanted to soak up every moment. 
chris noticed and waved a hand towards cadence and i letting security know to let us onto the stage. i shake cadence to snap her out of her little trance and yank her to the small stairs that lead up the stairs, a smile graces chris’ face as we run up to him. 
cay takes his hand as he spins her around, i stand back trying not to get hit by her long hair. i try to cover my mouth as i giggle a little seeing her have her moment with her favourite group member. i start skipping around the stage still keeping up with the song soon coming up to nick as he keeps his eyes on me as his bass still continues strumming. 
i lock eyes with matt, coming over to the back of his drum kit and wrapping my arms around his neck, 
“i dont wanna lose you now, 
im looking right at the other half of me” 
i sang my heart out as i hug matt while he kept his hand and foot trained on the instrument. he detaches the mic that was for his vocals and passes it to me, im a little shocked by his action but understand what he wants from me. 
i take the mic and start to sing. 
“show me how to fight for now,
and i tell you baby it was easy”
i felt alive. my idols and i sing this song with our hearts. i belt and add accents to my voice and really feel myself in the song. i bring the mic down to matt as we both sing into the mic as chris and matt begin to chant “you are, you are the love of my life” underneath my vocals letting me take the lead on the song. 
“you are my reflection, and all i see is you”
the song ends and i’m panting from using an excessive amount of air for singing and from prancing around. matt and my eyes never leave each other caught up in the moment. 
“give it up to y/n and cadence for singing this song with us!” chris yells into the mic. he holds up his signature rock n’ roll sign showing it to the fans, “thank you guys for coming out here tonight! love you all, have a good night!” with the last echo of his message to the fans the curtains move down and everything but the crowd lights turn off, still providing light for those going home. 
i hop down from matt’s little stage leaving the microphone i’ve been using on a table that was next to matt and meet up with cay at the front of the stage. 
cay was engaged in a conversation with nick and chris, talking to them like they’ve been friends since forever. 
“oh my gosh, thank you for letting us up on stage like that chris!” i knew cay was fangirling underneath her cool calm and collected front. 
don’t get me wrong, chris is very attractive, but simply not my type. i didn’t feel as strongly about him as i did with matt. 
“oh come on you guys are great singers! especially you y/n.” chris says as i walk over, i feel a wave of embarrassment wash over me with that compliment. 
“ah- thank you but it’s getting late, cay call an uber i’ll meet you by the gates in a second, just gotta run to the bathroom. 
i pat my pockets checking for my phone that wasn’t there. i make a quick run to matt checking his whole set up for it. when i pick it up i immediately get caught in someone’s hand. 
matt’s muscular hand grips my bare arm causing all my attention to look up to the man above me. “hey,” his voice is lower so his brothers don’t hear. “we are staying at a hotel tonight then sightseeing tomorrow, we’ll be in town for a night or two. we thought we’d visit our parents and take in the home town scene again before we travel again. was wondering if you wanted to come with me to our hotel.” 
“you can come to my house-“ i blurt out. “m-more privacy and it’s not that far from here or whatever your hotel is. i can get you back there just in time for your brothers to wake up…”
“ah, sounds like a plan, we just gotta take our equipment to our bus then i’ll meet you there, how does twelve sound?” he nods understanding my intentions. 
“uh yeah! sounds good, wait lemme give you my numb-“ 
“oh doll, don’t worry about that, gotta be a little careful with who you leave your phone around,” he winks as his grip on me loosens and falls. 
i almost ran out of the venue, finding cadence and the uber waiting outside on the street. “girl come on!” she waves me in letting the uber driver know where we were going. 
i close the door behind me gripping my hands very hard on my phone. cay rests and hand atop mine and looks at me with concern. “hey, what’s up?” 
“matt just- matt- matt invited me to their hotel.. but now we are meeting at my house at twelve.” my eyes are trained on the headrest in front of me. 
“YOU WHAT, HE- HE WHAT????” cay starts freaking out as much as i would’ve if i hadn’t been in such a state of shock. 
“yuuuup,” the uber slows down getting stopped close to my house. “i have his number in my phone, he said he was going to come when i text him my address.” i open my car door seeing as we’ve stopped right in front of my house. 
“all the details tomorrow morning at work !!” she yells as i exit the car, waving thank you to the driver from outside the car i walk to my house to finally freak out. 
WHAT THE FLYING FUCK was i doing?? no way am i about to have a one night stand with the drummer of sturnstars, one of my favourite bands  
i pull my phone out of my pocket to see a new contact that was put in named “hot drummer” with a new number. 
you shared your location with “hot drummer”
hot drummer (matt s)
not too long after i hear the doorbell ring throughout my house and i quickly rush to my front door. taking a deep breath in and out i push down on the large handle seeing matt on the other side of the door. 
matt leans on the side of my door frame looking as delicious as ever. “hey” a smirk grows on his face as he scans my body. the black cropped long sleeve i was wearing was getting clawed at by my long done up nails. my skirt was barely covering my ass and showed a lot of my legs. 
he looked at me like i was his last meal. he launches himself off the door frame as i take him by the hand, leading him to my bedroom. 
he looks around at the posters on the wall, one including their old tour one. his finger glides across the arctic monkeys and slipknot ones. 
“so you're a fan?” he asks coming to sit next to me. 
“yeah you could say that, i’m not crazy tho, some girls are worse. if i’m being honest i didn’t even know you guys were coming here.” i say truthfully 
“so if i do this,” he leans and kisses me, sparks fly in my stomach. “you’ll be okay with it.” 
“and if this happens,” his hand undoes the clasp and zipper on my mini skirt, “you’ll be okay with it?” 
his lips touch mine as i help him moves my skirt down to the floor as i hold the hem of his shirt pulling to take it off. my long sleeve and bra meet the floor not too far after matt’s shirt. 
he manoeuvres on top of me now pressing his raging hard on top of my heat. “please matt,” i say in a whiny voice, feeling more anxious and excited. 
“please what princess?” he teases. 
“please fuck me,” my hand snakes to the nape of his neck as i pull him in for a kiss. his fingers clad with rings, slip into my panties as he makes cold contact with his thumb onto my clit, my eyes roll back feeling him circle around my hole before plunging in. 
“oh- god matt please don’t stop,” i moan feeling him pump in and out of me. a familiar knot builds and snaps quickly due to the constant stimulation. 
“mhh, come on babe, give it to me” i squeeze around his fingers hard before i cum all over his fingers. “good job baby, you did so well, you ready for me?” i nod frantically as he sticks his fingers into my mouth for me to taste myself, letting me such on his two fingers while he tugs on my panties making the small fabric keeping the whole thing together come unloose. 
he's quick to undo his cargo pants letting the baggy material fall, and he tugs down his boxers letting his length spring out. i 
“what the fuck, that is not going to fit in me?!?” he laughs at my surprise, pumping up and down on his monster dick. 
“hey, i’ll take it slow, tonights ‘bout you.” he says hovering over me, “just tell me if it’s too much, alright?” he lines himself up and just puts the tip in, i arch my back in ecstasy feeling so full already. 
“fuck, matt keep going.” he takes this as an invitation to push all the way in. my moans only become more airy as he gets deeper and deeper. 
he gets more confident in his movement and keeps a steady pace, he lifts my leg, folding it by my knee, letting him hit a new spot. 
“mhhh, matt don’t stop.” his pace is steady with him constantly hitting my g-spot, “i-i-”
i couldn’t even get my sentence out before i completely collapsed underneath his arms, letting myself go. “you did such a good job pretty girl, can i cum in you?” 
“YES, yes matt please!” a slight feeling of overstimulation washes over me as matt grunts and shoots his load into me, falling onto my bed next to me. 
“ah, come on, let's get cleaned up. nick and chris are gonna be wondering where i am.” 
who knew, maybe dating a drummer isn’t that bad. 
taglist - @westwiing13 @comet235 @mayhem-72 @pepsiimaxx @strniolosworld
taglist is open !
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tragedyslut · 5 months
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you and ellie had dated. it was, a good time for both of you. then you left her. just simply because you had commitment issues.. and an avoidant attachment style. it was just too serious for you.
you still thought about her, you were both still in Jackson, you had been with her back in Seattle. you were with her after joel died. you had been with her through everything, and you had left. you couldn't say you didn't regret it, because you did. but you had a new girlfriend, or.. sort of girlfriend. you were just talking,
meanwhile, ellie was still crushed by you leaving. she knew you had a new girlfriend. she couldn't help but lay in her bed and think about what you probably said to your new girlfriend now. did you tell her she was pretty? did you say that she loved you? did you actually commit to her?
she couldn't escape it. she began to not love you, to let go, but everytime she'd just run back to that same spot. waiting for you to miraculously come back. she wondered if you thought it was worth it, did you feel better now?
she knew you'd never forget her. or at least thats what she hoped everytime she was crying in bed about you. she was just so crushed. she could have loved you, really loved you, but you wouldn't let her.
One day she decided to stop wallowing in her pity, and show up at your door. this wouldn't do anything good for her, she knew that. if anything, it'd make things worse. but she just, needed to shout at you about how shitty you made her feel.
she knew where you lived. you hadn't moved.
god, she couldn't stop thinking about you.
she was laying in bed, pillow between her knees as she desperately rode it. she couldn't forget how you made her feel, sexually and in general. her clothea were discarded to an unknown corner of the room as she kept desperately riding her pillow.
after a while of no she relief all, she got frustrated. she was so desperately horny. she couldn't do what you did to her by herself.
in a daze, she sloppily pulled on her clothes and stumbled out of her home.
she walked down the rigid pathway from her house, towards the little scheme of houses you lived near. she kept thinking about you the whole time. she saw an old lady drinking tea in her living room, (whom she knew) who probably thought she was insane for wandering about this part of Jackson at this hour.
she finally got to your door, and didn't hesitate to knock on your door. she didn't even realize what she had done until you swung the door open.
" ellie? what the actual fuck are you doing here? " you mumbled out, half asleep still. what could she possibly be doing here at this hour, and in her pjs no less.
" we need to talk. " she deadpanned, staring right at you.
" okayyyy.. well its 4am. can it not wait? " you said, still trying to keep your voice down because it was late.
ellie shook her head and pushed past you into the house. you had no idea how this whole thing would.. play out.
you followed her into the house, and then watched as she plonked down on your couch. you sat down next to her, giving her a confused and mad look.
" you're a fucking dick you know that? moving on and just leaving me like im nothing! "
" ellie. i haven't moved on. i think about you all the time. "
" why did you have to leave me like that..? i loved you. i really- i really could've loved you. but you didn't fucking let me. "
" ..what if i let you now? "
" what did you just fucking say? "
" ill let you love me. we can start again. "
ellie just started sobbing when you said that. it was everything she wanted, but she was just.. so upset. still.
" why did you not just stay.. " she sobbed out, not being able to contain herself. even when you embraced her, she only just kept sobbing.
after around an hour of her sobbing and breaking down, she finally pulled herself together.
" im sorry ellie. you deserved better than me leaving you like that. i promise. i won't do it again. if you'll.. just let us have another chance? "
" you can't ever get away from me and you know it. " she sniffled, giggling softly at her own comment. she was right though.
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discotenny · 1 year
Someone you cant have
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HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLO :D god its been so long for me to check ur blog and i have been meaning to send rq form last year but sadly i was to shy for that :,) im so happy ur still uploading and doing well 😭 but may i request a reverse part for "Someone you cant have" now with akechi ?
Goro Akechi x Reader ~ falling for their rivals significant other <Jealousy, mild reference of yandere!Akechi, mentions of murder, etc>
KABDKDBDK thank you for sending in a request!! Sorry to keep you waiting for part two after all this time lolol. Hope it was worth the wait <3 As always I tend to write using they/them pronouns for the reader insert unless requester specifies. Mentions of names will be y/n.
Something about you had captivated him from the first meeting.
A stranger who sat next to him on the train when there were tens of open seats. Who looked at him with eyes that begged for help from a creep following you around. Who whispered a promise of a warm meal once the whole debacle concluded. Who he willingly went into the streets of Shibuya with, against all his mind and stomach's better judgement.
"Thank you," you said to him with the most sincerity he's ever heard from a person. "I couldn't make it up to you enough. Where do you want to go? I’ll pay for everything.”
Sincerity... that's what it was.
You were so open and true to yourself it was almost frustrating. He chalked up your kindness at your first meeting as a one off instance brought about by unsavory circumstance. But even after, at your unexpected dinner for two- you were just so, so honest.
Honest in the way you expressed the troubles in your family life. The difficulty handling the troubles in your school. The troubles of romance you've found yourself in. You were charming. Funny. Interesting.
Which is why he didn’t mind exchanging phone numbers. It’s why he didn’t mind more dinners and more train rides. It’s why he didn’t push away the kindness you’d show him and the gifts you’d give him. It’s why he started reciprocating the acts.
And it’s why a funny feeling started to grow in the hole in his chest- fighting against the urge to put all of his attention into his mission. Interest- is what he called it.
Love, is what it really was.
When you mentioned a boyfriend he was disappointed. He of course saw it coming, after you’ve spent nights complaining over growing feelings and him giving you advice in turn. But Akechi was fine with the disappointment, and he was fine admiring you from nowhere closer than across a table. Akechi would be fine just admiring from a distance.
Coming soon, he’d complete his mission and he would never see you again. Akechi chooses to ignore the bitterness that comes along with that last idea.
The more the dinners and gifts and kindness occurred, the harder his fall was to ignore. His gifts started to get more and more romantic when viewed from a certain lens, his stares started to get more and more longing. But as noticeable as it was, Akechi couldn’t help himself. You, in all of your kindness, funniness, and all of your interest, were a brevity of light in his hell of a life.
One night, you show up to dinner and say you’ve got a surprise for him.
“Oh? What’s the occasion?” A butterfly flies around in his chest and he can’t help himself but smile. Sincerely, he smiles.
“I wanted to thank you, for all the advice and help you’ve given me these past few months,” you look into his eyes and it makes his heart flutter. “Let me go get him really quick.” You stand up so quickly and he doesn’t have any time to register what you just said. Akechi sighs as he watches you leave the restaurant.
You come back and Akechi has to physically hold himself back from lunging at Ren.
Ren, who you hold hands with. Ren, who’s smiling after you. Ren, who looks at him with surprise. Ren, you boyfriend.
“Akechi?” He says, eyes widening.
“Ren.” He replies, gripping the table underneath him.
Of course.
Of course
Of fucking course.
“Oh! I didn’t know you guys knew each other,” you clap your hands with a smile, seemingly not noticing the glares emanating from Akechi.
Ren’s arm finds itself on your waist and Akechi wants to scream. “Yeah, we’re friends,” Ren’s tone is casual as he smiles at you.
“Mmhm, you could say that,” Akechi forces out a smile so insincere you can’t help but question it.
“I didn’t know Akechi was the one buying you all those gifts, treasure,” Ren says.
“And I didn’t know Ren was this boyfriend of yours, y/n,” Akechi sneers.
“Ah, sorry I never mentioned names to you guys,” you chuckle, honest to a fault. Unaware of the smugness growing within your partner. Unaware of the heartbreak that falls upon your friend.
Ren goes onto explain that you wanted to introduce your ‘two favorite boys’ to each other after months of talking about one to the other. That this dinner, which was supposed to just be you and Akechi, was going to be intruded on by Ren. He says it all with a smile that makes Akechi want to throttle him.
What a lovely surprise, Akechi thinks.
He tries to keep his cool despite the anger clawing at his chest. Betrayal from you for not telling him that this piece of garbage was your boyfriend. Envy towards Ren for having yet another thing Akechi longed to have.
Dinner concludes quicker than you pictured as Ren has a curfew to abide by. He leaves the restaurant to wait outside, you wanting to talk to your friend.
“You seemed uncomfortable with tonight, I’m sorry if I pushed this on you Akechi…” one glance at you shows all the truth in your statement and Akechi hates it.
He hates that he’s let himself trust in your honesty, in your gifts, in your dinners, in your kindness- he hates your truth and he hates this clawing in his chest.
But what kind of friend would he be if he left you feeling so guilty? After all, you’d just run into his arms afterwards.
“I was just surprised, is all. I’m sorry that I made you upset,” Akechi smiles, insincere once again.
“Are you sure?” You look at him with the most curious eyes, “I’m sorry if I made things weird by introducing him, really.”
“Please, don’t worry about it,” Akechi attempts to console you by putting a hand on your shoulder. “I’m just happy you’re happy. After all this time of complaining, haha.”
Your hand meets his and squeezes it slightly. “Thanks Akechi, it really means a lot.”
He takes one more look at you, holding his hand and smiling so, so genuinely at him.
“Anytime, y/n,” He says.
You leave the restaurant with Ren and he sees him pull you tight as you walk away. He sees the way you stare at him, lovingly, in a way that you’ve never looked at him. He sees you go to intertwine your hands. He sees Ren hold your chin and bring your face closer. Akechi looks away.
Admiring a distance is bullshit if he’s just watching you be stolen away by him. Admiring from a distance would be fine if it was anyone other than him.
It’s just gonna be one more reason as to why he needs to plant a bullet in your boyfriend’s skull.
Ren's part, it kinda sucks because it was before my writers glow up ehehehhehehe
Hope you enjoyed it! I got so excited writing for my pookie Akechi that I ended up finishing this in an afternoon lolol. Also I ended up placing an order for persona merch because of this JFDSJJKFADSFJ. I just love my baby he's my forever boy &lt;3
Let me know how you guys think I characterized him!! I love my babby rsfwaeajfjrewo
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 year
sending a sillier request, maybe a zoro x reader where reader is pretty silly and laid back, kinda like Luffy, but they have a hard time showing affection through words and stuff so they do it more through favors and little gifts that show their appreciation? I was thinking maybe reader gives zoro a hand made friendship bracelet, might be fun to see a mostly unemotional person like Zoro react to such a wholesome gift :D
~ :]
Hi :]! It’s always great to hear from you. I love cute requests like this. I hope you like and it was worth the wait.
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Zoro x Reader: Show Don’t Say
Some people are really good at showing their affection through words, like Sanji.  You on the other hand, not so much.  It’s not like you didn’t love him, you were just a little too silly for serious things like I love yous.  Words were not your…what’s the word?  Strongest area.  Zoro was hard to read too.  Did he like you being silly?  Did he want you to show him you love him through words?  Your brain hurt thinking about it, which was hard due to your laid back nature.  So you talked to Nami.
“If you can’t say it, show it,” Nami said.
“But how?”
“Give him a gift.  Like maybe some new earrings and maybe you could buy me some earrings?”
You laughed.  Of course Nami would be the girl to ask for a gift in exchange for asking for advice.  But her advice gave you a great idea!
Later that afternoon, Zoro was sleeping on deck.  Everyone was doing what they usually do on these nice calm days.  But instead of playing with Luffy, Chopper and Zoro, you were inside with Franky working on something.  Once you finished, you walked outside and stood right in front of Zoro.  He could feel your presence so he opened his eye.  “Can I help you,” he asked sternly.  He was clearly a little annoyed that you woke him up.
You blanked a little at what to do so all you said was here and handed him a bracelet.  It was a gold chain, nothing fancy.  
He sat there examining the bracelet.  From that day on, his three earrings weren’t the only jewelry the future world’s best swordsman wore.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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masterfvck · 6 months
can you write something about sanayeon? (i think its nayeons and sanas ship name but im not sure lmao) need them so bad like i can imagine nayeon being all like "im the top in the relationship" to the public but in private sana bends her over an table and fucks her <333
Yes! It's finally done after my Very long time of no motivation burnout era 💥 I hope it was worth the wait 😭
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐩 (𝐨𝐟 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧.)
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Sanayeon (Sana + Nayeon, TWICE)
Cws: Top Sana obv, Sub Nayeon (also obv), slight begging :o, dirty talk(I tried?!), cunnilingus, fingering.
Lmk if I missed something!
Word count: 1.3k
(NSFW, minors don't interact pleek)
There’s dead silence at the table right now. Not awkward, or full of tension - just comfortable silence as all the TWICE members sat there, on their phones.
“Guys, I’m clearly the top in the relationship, right?” Nayeon very suddenly says, which made at least two of them choke on their drinks. Well, now all the looks were on her.
What a strange thing to say, out of the blue.
That was Nayeon for ya!
“Uhh. No,” Jeongyeon deadpans, which resulted in Nayeon trying to hit her. She was stopped by the others. “Hey! It’s true! You’re not a top-”
“Okay, Jeongyeon. We get it. Nayeon’s a bottom,” joins in Jihyo.
“I’m not!” 
“You are.”
“Are too.”
“Am NOT!!”
Chaeyoung cuts them off before any of the two can say any more. “Shut it! She might be, she might not.”
Both Jeongyeon and Nayeon grumble.
“Well, let’s ask Sana. She’s Nayeon’s girlfriend, after all,” Momo stated, and suddenly all eyes were on Sana.
She didn’t really know what to say - not right now, at least - the pressure of all members staring expectantly at her didn’t really help. “... What?”
“Well? Nayeon’s a fucking bottom, ri-” Nayeon groans. “Shut up!” she interjected.
“I mean… Maybe.” Sana holds back a grin and leans in her seat, putting on a nonchalant cover. Only to tease Nayeon - what else? - and it seemed to work. 
“Hey!” She whined.
Chuckles were heard from pretty much everyone in the room.
“There’s still a chance, though. I feel like they could both be switches. It’s… none of my business, though. That’s all I have to say,” Tzuyu noted quietly. “The impossible is possible.”
There was a small moment of silence, and Nayeon smirked. “See? Someone agrees.”
“I never said I agreed, Unnie.”
Her smirk instantly faded. “Wha-”
“Heyy, look at the time. I’m hungry. Goodbye everyone!” Dahyun laughs nervously and scurries off before anyone can stop her. Seems like the tension was too much for her to handle second-hand. Chaeyoung decided to go after her, not saying anything else.
Sana looks around at the others. Is this a scenario where everyone just leaves suddenly, and only her and Nayeon are left? No way, that would be too pr-
So maybe Sana was wrong.
It wasn’t long until Nayeon was bent over the table, squirming and whining underneath Sana. Yeah, the table was probably not the best place to do this, honestly. But she couldn’t resist the urge to just push her over right there and then and show her who’s really the top in this. Nayeon couldn’t resist Sana. Is anyone really surprised?
As Nayeon holds onto the table for dear life, she grinds her hips back against Sana - or Sana’s hand, in this case - and moans quietly.
Sana finds this a bit amusing.
“What happened to this whole I’m the top attitude from barely five minutes ago?” She laughed, curling her fingers at the spot Sana knew would make her arch her back like a cat.
And that was the exact reaction she got, as well. Nayeon cursed under her breath, tilting her head back.
“I didn’t-” she trails off.
“You can’t even finish your sentence properly. You couldn’t top me if you tried, admit it. Just look at how you’re grinding against me for more - you’re so desperate.” Sana’s words really didn’t help Nayeon in any way. If anything, it made her crave for even more now.
Nayeon gulped audibly, feeling her climax approaching slowly as Sana moved her fingers skillfully inside her. It was so good, almost too good. She couldn’t get enough.
And she couldn’t deny Sana, she was right. Nayeon couldn’t top her if she tried. She can barely speak right now.
“Are you close already?” Sana asked. Nayeon knew she shouldn’t have answered, but she nodded and let out soft breaths and moans.
She should have stayed still.
Because, at the words, Sana grinned and took her fingers out, ruining her approaching orgasm.
“N-Noooo…” Nayeon whined, head flopping back onto the table as she groaned.
Sana laughed a little at the sight.
“You’re adorable, really,” she cooed and held her waist, flipping her around. Her arms slowly guided her to sit on the table. Her wetness probably covered the table’s surface, but neither of them cared at this point. They’d just clean it after.
Sana lowered herself, kneeling on the ground and spreading Nayeon’s legs with no resistance coming from the older woman. She was even eager.
She approached her pussy painfully slowly, making Nayeon impatient.
“Please,” she whined. Sana smirked and chuckled a little at the sound. Begging now?
“Please what?” She murmured against the skin of her inner thighs.
“Please me. I-I need you.” And that was all Sana needed to hear.
She pressed a sloppy kiss to her clit first, which made Nayeon shudder and reach to hold her head. She didn’t complain - it felt somehow nice.
The kisses moved down her lips, tongue teasingly sticking out at her entrance, licking stripes up and down. She was practically turning Nayeon into a pile of mush for her. Her mind was so hazy, she felt almost dizzy. Her hand still held Sana’s head tightly and kept it against her as Sana herself held Nayeon’s thighs she loved so much. (Well, to be fair, Sana loves every part of Nayeon a lot.)
Nayeon barely mumbled out small “thank you”s as Sana worked her tongue on her, savoring the taste of her wetness. It was one sloppy mess, but at least it was a tasty sloppy mess.
The feeling of Sana’s tongue hitting her clit made Nayeon shudder even harder every time she did so. She wasn't even just eating her out at this point - she was devouring her like she's been starving for weeks. Her knees would definitely be hurting after this. She didn't care, it was worth it.
Sana’s grip on Nayeon’s thighs tightened a little and she started sucking on her clit eagerly.
“Hhngh- Ah,” Nayeon moaned out loud, feeling her orgasm approaching even more, muscles clenching under Sana’s touch.
With a few more licks and some grinding against Sana’s face, Nayeon came. Hard. She gasped for air, riding her orgasm out as she still held the back of Sana’s head against her.
“Ffuck…” She huffed out and let Sana pull away, breathless and covered in Nayeon's own wetness. She had a usual grin on her face.
She brought her closer, enveloping them into a kiss. Nayeon tasted herself on Sana's lips, but she didn't mind it. In fact, a part of her even enjoyed it. 
They pulled away after a bit, just staring at each other for a bit.
“... Did you really think you were the top here?” Sana asked, finally.
“Knew it,” she laughed out and pecked her lips. “Let’s get cleaned up.”
At dinner, they all sit at that same table.
First, there's some talking. Then Sana and Nayeon walk in together, hand in hand then taking their seats.
Everyone stares at them like they're about to get interrogated by the police.
It feels awkward… and the silence does not help one bit.
“... Guys, you cleaned the table, right?” Momo asked, finally.
There's no denying it, honestly. Sana wasn't even embarrassed one bit.
Nayeon was, though. Her face was flushed a deep red from embarrassment. Almost deeper than earlier when Sana was eating her out on this same table.
“Of course we did. We might be horny, we aren't gross-”
“Sana!” Nayeon nudged the girl’s shoulder.
“What? I'm telling the truth…” Despite the pouty look on her face, Sana chuckled.
Jeongyeon decided to interrupt them.
Probably in the worst (or best) way possible.
“... I knew Nayeon was a bottom-”
Rest in peace Yoo Jeongyeon. We’ll miss you! (Except Nayeon, maybe.)
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