#i really need a chubby boy in my life please
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murrusauro · 7 months ago
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everytime someone draws engie without his tummy an angel loses their wings
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penkura · 10 months ago
OP Men Holding Their Firstborn for the First Time
Note: This is in relation to my post of headcanons for these five men and their children. I just started thinking of which ones of them will cry, who will freak out over holding a tiny baby, who may reject the thought at first. And it came to this lol. I think the next one in this series will be names for the kids or babies taking their first steps! The baby fever is strong help. For now, please enjoy these men being soft about their offspring!
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Ace almost has a heart attack when you try to pass your daughter to him, he swears he felt his heart jump into his throat when you ask if he wants to hold her, saying no that he's fine for now, but you insist he should. He doesn't do so for several hours, instead watching you with her as he works up the courage to have her in his arms.
What if my powers activate and I burn her? What if she cries and kicks? Oh lord, what I drop her??
"Ace, please. You need to hold her."
The look on your face, like you're begging him to hold her, finally makes Ace agree, sitting on the edge of your hospital bed to take your hours old daughter from you. You remind him to be careful of her head, make sure to support her, and smile when you finally get to see the two loves of your life together at last.
She doesn't fuss or cry or kick, instead staying fast asleep and seeming like she's snuggling into the warmth Ace radiates thanks to his Devil Fruit powers. He's just amazed by her, her tiny little nose and the beautiful, dark eyelashes that brush her chubby little cheeks. She's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen after you of course.
Ace fights not to cry but can't help the few tears that sneak out, wiping them away on his sleeve quickly, the one time he wears a shirt and it's the day you give birth to the newest love of his life.
Gosh, he always knew you were amazing. Now you've given him a family of his own, how could he ever repay you?
"Thank you for her...she's so perfect."
Ace can't seem to tear his eyes away from your daughter's little face, and that's okay with you. She's his baby too, he needs to have some time with her.
"What do you think we should name her, Ace?"
Oh. Oh crap, she does need a name huh?
Law doesn't even have a chance to think about it, he's holding your son immediately after birth since he was the one to help you deliver obviously. Once your baby boy is wrapped in a towel Law hands him right to you before checking to make sure you're doing all right. Your vitals are all normal and stable, he's relived that you're both fine, while he watches you talk to your crying newborn.
You tell him that it doesn't count that he held your son right away since he's your and the boy's doctor, eventually getting Law to sit down and actually hold him as his father instead. Your son kept fussing and crying until Law finally got to hold him, the newborn quieting after a few moments but keeping his eyes shut tight and his little hands in fists as he kept whining.
Once he finally opens his eyes to stare up at Law, it's probably the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life apart from Bepo.
Especially once you catch sight of a few tears in Law’s eyes, making you smile softly as you lean back to just watch them. He's quick to rub at his eyes and make them stop, but the few sniffles you hear every bit tell you he's trying to stop himself from looking like a bigger baby than your literal baby he's holding.
He's never actually held a baby so tiny, not since Lammy was born. And to know this is his son, it's crazy to think about while he watches your baby boy start to fall asleep.
He really does wish his parents, sister, and Cora-san were there. They'd all love to meet your son, and you know he's thinking that, but you hope realizes that all the Heart Pirates are going to love your little boy just as much as his family would have.
And that eases the sting a bit, especially when they all do get to meet your son, and not a single one of them is without tears, beyond happy for you and their beloved captain.
Penguin almost begs to hold your daughter once she's born and you're both stable. Law tries to push him away while he takes your daughter's vitals and measurements, asking how on earth you dealt with Penguin being so clingy the last nine months, which just makes you laugh.
"Go sit with your wife, damn it, I'll bring her over in a minute."
"But, captain--"
"Penguin, just come over here for now."
Penguin sits beside your bed and pouts until Law finally brings your daughter over, about to hand her to you before you direct him to your husband. Both ask if you're absolutely sure you want Penguin to hold her first, until you confirm it, and Law hands your daughter to her father, showing him the right away to hold her, before he leaves the three of you alone for a few minutes.
Penguin is absolutely enthralled with her. She's still fussy from being born, stretching out her little arms and legs, making cute little sounds, and he just can't believe she's finally here. He feels like you two waited an eternity for her to be born, now she has been! She's so small, she fits perfectly in his arms and it makes him want to cry so much.
"She's so tiny."
"And she looks just like you, Peng."
Due to you having twins, you hold your son while Sanji holds your daughter, blubbering like the baby girl was because he's just so happy to have these babies with you. It makes you want to laugh hearing him cry, watching him kiss your daughter's forehead to try and calm her down while he dotes on her and you give your son attention.
"You're an angel, a perfect little gift from heaven!"
When you finally swap which baby you're each holding, Sanji still cries, happy to have a son too! He never really thought you'd have twins, or that they'd be fraternal on top of it! Both are so precious to him, you're precious to him, this little family you've now built together.
Your daughter has his hair, but your son looks just like you to Sanji. He kisses your son's forehead before looking at you and your newborn daughter, still unable to believe this is going to be his life from now on. You, and him, and your two tiny blessings.
"I love you so, so much."
He can't wait to call Zeff and let him know the good news.
Zoro has no worries or qualms or tears when holding your son for the first time. Actually, it doesn't hit him for a few hours that he has a child now.
Your son is so quiet most of his first day outside the womb, sleeping and eating, only fussing when he needs something, but you're able to calm him down quickly. The way you're able to do that when this is your first baby impresses Zoro more than anything today.
It's only once you're asleep and he's holding your son again that it really gets to him. There's another person depending on him now, this one being his own flesh and blood, his newborn son that already looks just like him. His hands are so tiny, he's not even able to fully get his little fingers around one of Zoro's fingers.
Chopper made sure you both were left alone for the day, Zoro taking a bed next to yours and laying back with your son on his chest that night. That's when he realized just how small your baby is. His hand covered the newborn's back completely, his tiny hand fisting Zoro's shirt as he slept, small coos and whines coming from him every now and then. Zoro looks at you for a moment, before back to your son with a smile.
Your son may not have been planned, but Zoro's more than accepting of how his life is turning out.
Note 2: I am absolutely willing to elaborate on these men and their children. If anyone wants to see something specific, just send me a message! I'll be posting more of my own thoughts too!
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cupidkenji · 2 months ago
Slowing Down
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Now playing: slowing down - the backseat lovers whisper in my ear that you need me Pairing: Nam gyu (player 124) x AFAB!Reader CW: smut, drugging, noncon (putting this as noncon but the MC is into it. However, they are under the influence so they cannot consent.), toxic ex bf trope, he's kind of manipulative sorry, p in v, praise, mocking, possessiveness, creampie, this is literally deplorable i'm sorry, kinda ooc, university AU Summary: Four months after breaking up with your boyfriend, your roommate asks you to pick her up. Of course he had to be there. Disclaimer: Reader is always written with a chubby/bigger person in mind but in this she's literally not described. WC: 3.7k part 2
this is disgusting and i'm sorry, please head the warnings. this is also not beta'd or proofread. i am tired and going to bed. sorry if this sucks. i wrote some pre-breakup HC if you want more <3
also check out this PHENOMENAL fanart if you want some visuals
The mildly run down apartment of a random university boy was an unfortunate place to find yourself when you had the option of being anywhere else. The brick walls were cracking and the water from the current rainfall made a sheen over the building that resembled porcelain. The glistening building was taunting and never ending as you stared up at the top floor, a single window open and seeping dim lighting out into the dark streets. Smoke was billowing out of it, bringing the scent of weed and the sound of laughter down into the depths of the road with you. You didn’t know how your roommate knew this guy, or why she came here if she didn’t have a ride planned, but you moved forward regardless. The front door was heavy, greasy and gray but lacking any security measures that were common for entry. There wasn’t even a front desk, just a desolate lobby that sat in front of an elevator. 
She’d told you where to find her in the text she’d sent twenty minutes ago, begging you to come get her and successfully misspelling words that you’d thought impossible to type incorrectly. It wouldn’t have been difficult regardless, even without the guidance. It was midnight, most people who inhabited the building were either out at their own parties or asleep. The only room that harbored audible life was the one she was pointing you to, and you were less than eager to walk into a room with a group of who knows how many intoxicated strangers. You didn’t even know her that well, just that she was keen to partying, and was usually able to find her own way home. You figured she must be truly desperate to resort to you, you didn’t have the heart to tell her no. 
The knocking you did felt like it bruised your knuckles. You hadn’t hit the door hard, but making any noise in the stillness of the hallway felt like a disservice. There was a penetrating calm in the building if you ignored the music leaking from your destination. It seemed wrong. When the door opened, smoke invaded your lungs quicker than you were anticipating, and you fought the urge to cough it up. The owner of the apartment had come to let you in. You recognized him vaguely from campus and knew of him only through stories you’d heard whispered between the girls he’d been with. You just wanted to go home. 
A giggly drawl of your name sounded out from behind him, and he stepped back from the doorway to let you lay your eyes on your roommate. You had no idea what she’d consumed over the past few hours, but she seemed loopy and out of it. You walked through the doorway with your eyes stuck to her, thinking about how the fuck you were gonna get her home in this state. She was practically rag dolling on the small loveseat that sat in the living room. She appeared in her own world, and you really didn’t want to haul her back to the car in front of however many people were in here. You hadn’t looked up, going and leaning over her for a moment. She looked right through you, staring at the ceiling with a permanent uptick of her lips carved on her face. She was giddy, and seemingly glued to the furniture. Her pupils nearly encased her irises and you knew she wasn’t moving anytime soon. How she managed to request your assistance in this state was beyond you. 
You heard the man who opened the door return to his seat behind you. It wasn’t loud, not like a party, you assumed there were maybe three people besides your roommate there. You were now in probably the most uncomfortable situation of your life - alone with three high strangers and a practically incapacitated roommate that was your responsibility. 
“Do any of you know what she took?” It was the only thing you could think to ask, turning around to face the crowd as you said it. If you hadn’t gotten your words out before you spun, you would have choked on them. Of course, among the three people that could have been sitting there, was your ex. Locking eyes with him now was equivalent to letting someone rip the air from your lungs.
You’d met Nam Gyu at the beginning of your freshman year, him being a grade above you. He’d made you feel things you’d never envisioned for yourself. Writing them off trivially as immature and placing yourself above them. For two years you grew intertwined with him, and when he got deep into his problems, you did everything you could to help him. Eventually, it was too much, and you left. The residual devastation had stayed draped over you for the past four months you’ve been apart. You were growing convinced you’d feel gutted forever. He hadn’t taken kindly to the split, pestering and persisting every moment he could spare. He seemed convinced he’d get you back, never failing to remind you of the experiences the two of you had. Just his presence dragged you back to the depths of it, and your knees nearly buckled beneath you. You’d missed his eyes, missed being close enough to see all of him. You did a good job of avoiding him, so he resorted to calling, or texting. You never blocked him, you couldn’t bring yourself to. 
You couldn’t read his face, you could only witness the flick of his eyes over you, feeling too exposed even in your covered state. “Probably something from the bag.” The man sitting to his right spoke, sporting purple hair and painted nails. You’d seen him on campus too. “She’ll be alright.” He didn’t seem fully sober either, something in the nonchalance and slight slur of his words keyed you in. At least he was comprehensible. You didn’t even look at him, caught in the pinpoint gaze that stayed locked on you. 
You took a shallow breath, stomach stumbling slightly at the thickness of the oxygen combined with the abundance of smoke. That was what you told yourself, anyway. “I’m supposed to be taking her home.” Your eyes flicked to the left. A smaller man took up that end of the couch they were sharing, glossy eyes and shy demeanor. He was caved in on himself, he barely seemed to notice you. 
The man of the hour chuckles slightly. “Good luck.” He motions to the girl with his head as he speaks. “She doesn’t seem to be moving any time soon.” 
You took a glance behind you, your roommate fully asleep on the loveseat. You were fucked. 
The purple haired man looked at you. “You can stay here for a minute if you want. She’ll sober up in a bit. Shit’s fast acting.” You were thankful he didn’t seem creepy. He also appeared in his own world, more concerned about his high than the random girls that were there for the ride. “She could always just crash here too, we’re all planning to.” 
You looked at your roommate for a second time, considering the options. You could feel the familiar eyes casting a shadow on you. Regardless of the assumed kindness of the men, you still didn’t know them. You had no idea how well your roommate knew them either. You hated to think about leaving her here and something happening. Technically it would be on your hands, and you didn’t want her to get hurt. “Yeah, alright. I’ll wait her out.” You sunk down in front of your roommate, sitting on the floor wasn’t ideal, but you almost felt like you were protecting her, blocking any harm by keeping her behind you. You heard one of them mumble something about drinks in the kitchen, but you were planning to stay rooted to your spot. Since Nam gyu refused to say a word or steer his eyes away from you, you took out your phone to kill time while you waited. 
When your attention was away from him, he spoke with his friends. You hated how deep his voice cut. It was so indescribably comforting to hear it again. You’d been declining his calls for this very reason, you knew the more of him you had, the harder it would be to stay away. After an hour, your phone was getting low, and your roommate was still passed out. The shy one had ducked away to a different room, presumably going to sleep, just leaving your energized ex and his friend who seemed to be getting drowsier as the minutes passed. You didn’t want to consume anything that might have been in that place, but inhaling nothing but smoke for the past hour had sucked the moisture from your throat. You reluctantly stood, drawing the eyes of only one of the men, and taking begrudging steps into the kitchen. 
Opening the fridge, you grabbed a random carton of tea after your search for water failed. You grabbed a disposable cup from the container on the table, you were grateful - you hadn’t wanted to look for glasses. Leaving your now full cup, you turned to put the carton back in the fridge. He was standing far too close to you when you turned back, resembling a jump scare from some cheesy horror film. You took a shaky breath, grabbing your cup and walking back to your spot. You didn’t want to talk. He followed suit a minute later, a soda can grasped in his palm. He continued his conversation with the man beside him like nothing had happened, and you envied that ability. Your heart was beating like it was going to stop. You drank your tea faster than you even wanted to, just doing something to fight the urge of looking at him. You could have sworn your resolve would be stronger than this. 
His eyes seemed to float to you more than they had been. You felt monitored, stalked, even. It was such a piercing sensation that a mild cold sweat started on your skin. There was something so personal about the way he looked at you. A devoted gaze of a predator, someone intense. It was something that drew you to him in the first place, something that wrestled within you. Fear and want in one. God, you wanted to go home. You spent maybe another twenty minutes on your phone, feeling the world get hazy around you. You hoped the invading mental fog was just a consequence of the late hour, of the smoke around you. You needed to move, so you stood up to throw your cup away. Your legs felt like steel rods, heavy and immovable. You don’t know how you dragged yourself back into the kitchen. Your skin felt like it was buzzing, too sensitive to the air around you.
You heard the couch creak behind you, the sound of confident footsteps as you stumbled and nearly fell. You were an imbalanced scale, tipping to one side when attempting to stand normally. Familiar hands caught you, and the feeling of him on you after so long pushed a small sob out of your dry throat. You didn’t have the strength to suppress it. “Careful.” He spoke low, so close to you that you could feel the vibration of his chest on your back. Your lips trembled as you looked around, things looked like static, marbling patterns blurring around you. 
“What’s happening?” You hated how pathetic you sounded, teary and weakened. “Did you do something to me?” You sounded so small; quiet and choking out your words instead of saying them. His hands felt so heavy on your skin. You despised the inherent recognition that your body held for him. You weren’t stupid, he’d probably drugged you. How fucking deranged did it make you that you were still getting wet for him, even in this headspace. You squirmed a bit in his hold, but all that accomplished was making his hands rub against your skin, getting heavier as his hands tightened to keep you in his grasp. You looked back at the couch, his friend had fallen asleep, and your roommate was out like a light. You were so fucked. 
“No, no. You’re ok.” He started walking towards the door of the apartment as you stumbled to clutch on to him. The world felt like a pool of molasses. “Let’s go back home, yeah?” He was still holding you, dragging you along with him and mumbling out the words like he was talking to a baby. “Not like you wanted to be here anyway.”
It was still raining when you got outside, the feeling of your clothes sopping up the water and molding to your skin was excruciating. The air felt prickly, like a cactus, and it made your poor roofied brain so confused that your body didn’t know how to react. It was bordering on painful as you sat in the passenger seat of your own car - him grabbing the keys on the way out and getting in the driver’s seat like he owned it. He didn’t even seem high. Your body ached, tingling like a shockwave, but your thighs were clenching in direct opposition to the sensation. Wires got crossed in your brain, and you were practically dripping into your underwear as your skin buzzed like you were on fire. You couldn’t sit still, shifting little by little and choking ever so slightly on some of your inhales. The drive was only ten minutes, but it felt like an hour. 
You watched him open the door to your place. You swore you’d taken his key when you left him. Maybe it was yours, you couldn’t remember him taking it out of your pocket. Your apartment was cold, and you heard him sigh as he shut the door. He’d been here a thousand times over the years, something he was clearly remembering as he returned for the first time in four months. You heard the thoughts ring out in your head, bound back and forth with a million different things. Your hand was flat on the wall, looking at him lost like you were waiting for direction, or answers, or just something from him. 
You couldn’t seem to properly catch your breath, chest heaving slightly as he moved towards you, his hands cradling your face to force eye contact. “I’ve missed this, you know?” He looked over the space he could see. It was brief, just enough to take it in without diverting his attention away from you for too long. “You haven’t changed anything.”
He pulled your hand off the wall, turning you around and forcing you to walk in tandem with him as he headed to your bedroom. He was right against your ear, speaking so low and knowing, your brain felt like a puddle in your head, only thinking about him and what he was going to do. “Most people go through breakups and they want to change everything, get something fresh.” Your stomach lurched as he opened the door, your own room causing a new feeling to stir in your gut. It wasn’t comfort, or fear. You couldn’t tell what it was. “What does it say that you left everything the same, huh?” He put his chin on your shoulder, holding you from behind in such a disgustingly intimate way. Your underwear was sticking to you at this point, you felt sick. “Did you really think you could stay away from me?” There was none of the usual malice in his tone, he sounded amused. As if he was scolding you for such a comical belief. 
Your back hit the bed, as gentle as the first time he’d ever laid you on it. The lack of standing was a welcome relief, and you could have wept with the feelings that swept over you as you drank in the sight of him standing above you. You tried so desperately to remember why you’d left in the first place, fighting through the haze to not lose your will. “Wait- you-” You didn’t have a clue what you were even trying to express. “No- I can’t.” 
He was heavy on top of you, hands drawing lines of fire as they dragged your shirt off. That exposed feeling you’d been sitting on all night cranked up severely as he stared at you, tracing his hands over you as he remapped old trails he’d been so familiar with. Nobody had touched you in four months. You’d been reeling so hard from the loss that you’d barely touched yourself. With your already limited capacity to process what was happening, combined with your recent celibacy, you felt like you were going to die, and it just made you all the more wanting.
“No?” He mocked, slipping the pants you were wearing down your legs. “Why’s that?” 
You were breathing heavy, lungs filling with the air that seemed too thick, bearing the weight of the tension. “We’re not-” You stumbled over your words as he kissed down your chest. “We’re not together anymore.” He nipped at you, leaving a stinging feeling that forced quiet groans from your mouth. “And you fucking drugged me-”
“And you’re fucking soaked.” He ran his thumb over the prominent wet patch on your underwear, pushing it aside to make bare contact with you. “You’ve always been easy, honey, but this is something else.” He takes his time sliding against you, making you preen at the contact. You were so caught between right and wrong. He’d touched you a thousand times, dragged the same sounds out of you he was doing now; but he didn’t have the right to do that anymore, he shouldn’t be doing it, not like this. The argument formed and died in your mushy brain, the feeling of the craving you’ve had for months finally being satisfied pushed all reasoning out of sight. It felt so good, and he was barely doing anything. A couple slow lines up and down, and you could practically hear it. He was right, and you were in borderline tears from how much you needed this.
You watched his clothes come off, wishing you could have helped, but rejoicing in the view of his bare skin. It was fucking pathetic how much you reveled in the sight. You felt like a lapdog, some pavlovian response firing up in your brain as you stared at him. Had you truly thought you could stay away? You could have changed the locks, or cut your hair, maybe reinvented your wardrobe. You had been devastated, yes, but maybe the reason you were never heartbroken was because you knew the split wouldn’t last. A dedicated devotee rarely deserts the altar, why would you be different? Why would you want to be different when he felt so fucking good against you?
You choked on a tiny gasp as he started pushing into you, your hands reaching to grasp his shoulders as easy as any instinct is. You hear the small noise that pours out of his parted lips, tightening around him as he bottoms out. You go practically brain dead at the feeling, mourning that specific fullness more than you ever thought you could grieve anything. He seems to sense it. “Don’t you miss me inside you, honey?” Even if you can barely process anything other than the feeling of him, you still pick up on that sleazy tone he can never seem to shake. Mocking and arrogant, always talking down to you somehow. “It was stupid to leave.” He starts moving his hips, calculated and slow - loving in a way that’s out of character for him. “You know you’re fucking made for me.” His words were breathed out in a sigh, audible content in his voice, as if he could stay like this forever. You realized with slight horror that you wanted him to. You wanted to be here forever. 
You were being driven so thoughtfully to the edge that you could barely keep up. The hand that wasn’t holding himself up was rubbing timed circles on your clit, his face finding home in your neck. If he wasn’t leaving marks, he was saying something that was only making you tighten around him more. “I didn’t want to have to do this, you know that.” You nodded, eyes watering from the intensity. “I tried so hard.” You just nodded again as he sucked a bruise into the underside of your jaw. You were scared to look at the damage when this wore off. “If you had just talked to me, we could have worked it out.” You couldn’t pick apart his words right now. Not when you were so close and he said them in that tone that just killed any critical thinking you had in you. 
“I’m sorry.” You could barely hear the words as you said them, whispered hoarsely as you tensed up. Your lips were trembling, a tear running down the side of your face and dripping onto the sheets. 
His hips stuttered at the sight, cursing under his breath. “I know, It’s ok.” He put his mouth on your jaw, mumbling his forgiveness so you could feel the vibrations, etch them into your skin. “Don’t hold it, honey, you can cum.” The permission made you lightheaded, air rushing from your lungs. “Just let me back in, yeah? I’ll forget it even happened.” 
You were so close that it was painful, his motions speeding up. You whimpered, small and meek. Your hands were shaking, hiccupping as a couple more tears streaked down your face. The thought of having him back was so enticing, even through the mild sedation that was still coursing through you, you felt like you were whole again like this. You came hard, so hard that you thought you might black out for a moment as it fully hit you. He followed right after, cumming inside you for the first time in your entire relationship, as if to physically demonstrate his intentions, to emphasize that you were made for him. You belonged together, something that he whispered with various other praises as his hips slowed to a stop. You sat with the weight of what just happened, what was most likely going to happen when you were sober. You couldn’t imagine being away from him anymore. It was hard enough holding out for four months, but after this? It seemed impossible. You realized that it hardly mattered, even if you wanted to leave, after tonight,
you doubt he’d let you.
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soelstress · 10 days ago
First Words
Pairing: Steve Rogers x female!reader
Summary: Your baby boy surprises you.
Warnings: mild language (sorry Steve!)
Word count: 1.1k
A/N - Hello lovelies! I know I've not posted for a while. Sadly my plot bunnies are hibernating but I promise I've not forgotten the requests some of you have made. This is just a lil fluff piece based on similar real life events.
The divider is from the amazing @buck-star - Thank you Sydney! 🥰
The gif is sourced from Google
Do not Steal, Copy or Plagiarize any part of my work
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When you heard your husband's voice from the adjoining room you figured he was on the phone or communicating via FRIDAY. When another shout sounded you grinned, thinking Tony or Nat were really teasing him today. But it wasn’t until Steve came through with a scowl that you paused in folding the laundry. “What’s wrong Steve?”
“I feel like I should be asking you that. Why are you cursing so much?”
Confusion swept through you followed by slight annoyance. “I’m not sure if your attitude or your hearing needs checking first, Captain.” Steve’s brow quickly melted when you called him by his title. “I’m not a child Steve. I can swear as much as I please. But I don’t for two reasons as you well know by now. And besides I’ve been in here humming ‘Baby Shark’ yet again. So whoever is offending your delicate ears, it’s not me.” You crossed your arms defiantly. 
Steve smiled contritely as he held up his hands in surrender. “I’m sorry honey. You’re right. You’re not a child, you are my wife and though I’m not a fan of cursing I shouldn’t have asked like that. It’s just-” His head suddenly tilted before he darted out of the room. 
Nonplussed you followed and saw him peering into your son's bedroom. Your 10 month old child was toddling around his playpen on chubby little legs before falling on his bum next to his blanket and teddy without a sound. He looked around with blue wide eyes then began tugging his blanket and frowned when it wouldn’t move. Before you could take a step to help him, his mouth opened and you expected to hear the soft babbles of annoyance.
Your stomach swooped. At a loss for words both you and Steve stared at each other before silently creeping into the room and watching as your son managed to lift his blanket before dropping it again. “Fuck!”
“His first word?” You choked out, unable to believe what had just happened. 
Upon hearing your voice your son smiled and raised his arms while babbling excitedly. Steve picked him up almost robotically, mind still stuck that his son’s first word was a curse word. When you first met you had sworn like a sailor but dialed it back due to Steve’s discomfort, even more so after giving birth. Of course both of you had teasingly wagered if the first word would be ‘Mama’ or ‘Dada’.
“Steve, I haven’t-”
Immediately Steve cupped your cheek with his free hand. “I know honey. You’ve not said that word since the day he was born.” Your gazes met as you both briefly before flicking back down to the child cooing away in his daddy’s hold. “So where did he-“ Your gazes met once more.
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“STARK!” You stormed out of your shared quarters and down the hall to the living area where some of the Avengers were dotted about the room. Specifically the one whose armour would not protect him from your wrath.
Tony stood when he heard you shout, trademark smirk faltering when he saw you striding toward him with Steve hot on your heels as your son giggled at the fast pace. Steve carefully lowered the baby to the floor near the edge of the couch where Nat and Sam sat watching with wide grins. ”Woah Mama Bear, what’s going on?”
You poked Tony with every word. “What. Did. You. Do?” Steve stood close behind you, ready to step in though he too was beyond annoyed.  Although Tony himself was a father he was more likely to slip up with his colourful language than the rest of the team. 
Eyes wide, Tony shook his head. Usually he would snark and quip his way out of trouble but when he saw how angry you were, that Steve was making no attempt to stop you and that your child was close by instead of being kept away from the conflict meant this was serious. Tony opened his mouth to speak or more accurately plead for more details of what he had done. 
All eyes darted to the miniature Steve Rogers who was looking under the sofa.
Natasha’s eyes darted between you and Tony and back to the eager scavenger near her feet. Sam looked stunned. “Was- did he-”
The colour drained from Tony’s face as he realised what had made you so angry. 
”Fuck!” Your son sat back on his bum, clutching something in his chubby little hand. 
It took you a moment to recognise the item and you frowned before exhaling heavily in relief. ”Oh thank goodness.”
Steve’s eyes, so wide and blue like his son’s, were dazed with confusion. “Honey?”
Smiling, you crouched to brush your hand through your child’s silky hair. “Truck. He was looking for his truck.” Sighs filled the air, soft chuckles turning into laughter.
“What’s going on?”
Steve glanced over to see his best friend standing at the edge of the room, totally bewildered at the scene before him with no apparent explanation. “Hey Buck.”
“Fuck!” Bucky crouched down to catch the little blur that rushed over to him. As Steve followed and started to explain to Bucky what had happened you glanced to where the abandoned truck sat on the floor to your son who currently sat in his godfather's arms and back again.
Your loud groan interrupted Steve’s story, his brows furrowing in concern. But your original suspect in all of this had also caught on to your realisation. “The kid was trying to say Terminator’s name!”
Bucky nodded but was slightly confused as to why everyone either looked amused or annoyed. “Yeah, I thought ‘Buck’ was easier than ‘Bucky’. For now anyway. He’s said it a few times already-“
”Woah hang on Buck. He’s spoken before now and you didn’t tell us?!” Steve’s face was a mixture of anger and disappointment. Not only was his son's first word his Godfather’s name but it wasn't even the first time and Bucky had said nothing.
“It was earlier this morning! I was gonna show you when I came back from my run!” Bucky pleaded, stepping back but giving big puppy eyes to Steve. 
Tony scoffed as colour finally returned to his previously pale face. “Barnes, you dipshit.”
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romanreignsbae · 27 days ago
Baby Daddy - J.U
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A/N: just in favour of our very own main event jey uso winning the royal rumble!!! well deservedly! haters can suck his dick!!
warnings: smut & fluff (hope y’all enjoy!)
Another weekly exchange took place at your home per usual. Every Tuesday Josh would come and pick up your son Elijah until Wednesday evening. Due to his hectic road life, he really only got a day a week to spend time with his son. Josh took every single moment he got with his son, and savoured it. The problems you two had could never come in to say that Josh wasn’t an amazing dad.
Your son Elijah, was the best thing that ever happened to the both of you. You and Josh were high school sweethearts. You never once thought you would get pregnant with his child..at least not anytime soon. But in your last year of college, with a simple week of morning sickness, emotional breakdowns, and crazy cravings, you found out you would now be eating for two. And from there on out it was history.
Josh was ecstatic he was gonna be a father. From a young age he’s always dreamed of being an amazing father. He was even more happier when he found out the two of you would be expecting a boy. He was already picturing throwing around a football with his son, and teaching him all about his samoan family lineage. And even you were ecstatic.
You delivered a healthy baby boy, whom was loved by all the family around him. However for you and Josh, your relationship only weakened from that moment on. Josh was in desperate need of a job, and because of his family background, he turned to wrestling. As much as wrestling was looked at as a glamorous job, it wasn’t all that it seemed. Josh was constantly on the road, and even when he was home, he would be on interview calls or hitting the gym. You on the other hand, were just as busy as Josh. The two of you were constantly on the go and never has time for each other. So you both decided it’d be better if you broke up.
Well, it was you who broke up with Josh. It took a lot of guts to do so, but it had to be done. It was for the better…it seemed. Josh could never take the words ‘broke up’ to his heart, so he used ‘on a break’. You thought it was a immature and delusional way to deny reality, but he wouldn’t budge.
“Dada!” Elijah squealed as Josh walked through the door of your home. “Hey buddy! My mini uce!” Josh spoke back with just as much excitement. Your 2 year old son, ran on wobbly legs towards his daddy. You smiled at the sight. Josh handled Elijah on one hip, while turning to you.
“What’s up Y/n..” he spoke while Elijah was grabbing at his face. “Hey Josh, how are you?” you spoke back nervously avoiding eye contact. The truth was you’d never gotten over Josh. The road broke you two apart, also breaking your heart at the same time. You love Josh with your whole heart to this moment. He was your first kiss, your first boyfriend, your first time, and now the father of your child. When you broke up with him, you only broke your own heart too.
Now 2 years later after breaking up with him, you still want him more then ever. “I’m doing alright. Busy ya know. Well ima take Eli…i’ll see you tomorrow when I drop him off..” he told you while turning towards your door but not before grabbing Eli’s bags. “No! Mama! Come with us!” Elijah screamed out while kicking his feet all over the place.
Josh let Elijah down on the floor and he wobbled over to you. “Mama! Come with us to dada house! All of us!” he spoke on the verge of tears. “Baby..it’s dada’s time with you, i’ll see you tomorrow..” you spoke softly while caressing his little chubby cheek. “Please mama!” he cried out. He had never acted this way before.
“Baby..” you started speaking before getting cut off. “Y/n, I don’t mind if you come with us, you know it’s been a while” Josh cut you off. “Yay! See mama come with us!” Elijah then squealed. You thought about being with Josh for a long period of time, and it made you nervous yet excited. But for your baby, you would go.
“Okay, you guys wait in the car i’ll be there in a minute” you spoke softly. After grabbing your bag and some stuff you would need, you made your way out of your home locking the door behind you. You made your way into Joshua’s car, sitting in the passenger seat.
The car ride to Josh’s house was about a hour away, including the busy traffic. Josh blasted music the whole way to his house, to avoid the awkward silence. Elijah was dosing off in the back, and you took small glances at Josh when you got the chance. You felt him staring too, which only added tension.
Without either of you speaking a word to each other the whole ride, you made you way inside Josh’s beautiful beach side mansion. “Wow Josh! This place is beautiful!” you spoke astonished. He smiled at you. “Thanks...coulda been yours too..” he mumbled the last part thinking you didn’t hear. You did hear, loud and clear, which only added to your regret of breaking up with Josh. You knew he missed you, and you knew he still wanted you. You just couldn’t bring yourself to admit the fact you were still in love with him.
The evening was spent with you, Josh, and Elijah playing board games together, sitting together eating dinner, and ended with watching ‘The Lion King’ all together on Josh’s massive L shaped couch.
“He’s asleep” Josh spoke quietly. You looked down to your side to see Elijah fast asleep. “Yeah he is” you agreed. “Lemme go put him in bed, wait here.”
You waited for Josh, wanting to know why he wanted you to wait. You should be back home right now. ‘Aight..” Josh mumbled walking back into the living room, making his presence known.
He sat beside me on the couch and waited a minute before talking. “Y/n..ion even know where to start, there’s so much I have to admit to you..lemme start off by saying, I miss you, a lot.” he admitted.
You softly smiled. You were happy Josh admitted this so now you could get everything off your chest. “Josh, you don’t even know how much I regret breaking up with you back then..we were just in such a bad place and I was so scared that you’d find someone else while you were on the road, and truth is i’ve never stopped loving you..” you admitted.
He smiled at you showing off his pearly whites. “I love you too baby” he leaned in and your lips met for a soft kiss. You felt him grab your hips and pull you on top of his lap. While sensually kissing he moved your hips on top of his in a circular motion, creating friction. You gasped in pleasure softly.
You could feel a tent beginning to grow under you, adding to your pleasure. Josh groaned out. You took charge and pulled back from the kiss. “Life your arms up” you mumbled out of breath. Josh complied, and you took his shirt off.
“You sure?” Josh asked. You needed this desperately. After you broke up with Josh, you had no time to be with anyone sexually, and you missing him didn’t help the matter. “Yes, im positive” you spoke back.
You felt Josh’s hands roaming your clothed body, and he began stripping you piece by piece. Your body shivered at the sudden contact with the cold air. You were now left in only your panties, as Josh was left in his boxers. He once again moved his head down towards mines and shared a passion full kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance in which he won.
He broke away from your lips and peppered kisses on your jaw, then moving to your neck. You were surprised when you felt him sucking extra hard on your sweet spot, even after these few years, he remembered where you were extra sensitive.
“J-josh please!” you squeaked out. He continued his assault on your neck, and you swore you could feel his lips curve into a smile. “What you want mama?” he mumbled. “You..”
He pulled back from your neck and peppered kisses down towards your chest. He grabbed one of your breasts and massaged it in his large hand.
He then lowered his head down and softly took your nipple into his mouth, sucking on it lightly. You let out a moan to the feeling of his mouth. He did the same with your other breast and peppered kisses down your stomach.
He continued his kisses down to your thighs, once in a while biting down softly causing you to squeal. He was purposely denying the spot your body craved him most. Josh always knew how to drive you insane before finally giving into what you wanted.
He slowly slid your panties off in one swift motion exposing your core to the cold air. Your body was now covered in goosebumps hence the chilliness of the room.
“Missed this pretty pussy..” he mumbled while running his finger through your folds. “Yeah, yeah whatever just-” you were cut off by his head suddenly being pushed between your thighs and his mouth hungrily devouring you. You moaned out in ecstasy. You had almost forgot how talented Josh’s mouth was matched with your lower set of lips.
He sucked hastily at your clit almost sending you over the edge. You began grinding your hips onto his face, causing him to pull away quickly. “Baby if you gon cum its gon be on this dick” he spoke with deep chuckle. You whined at sudden loss of warmth from your lower region.
Josh chuckled at your neediness. As he took off his boxers revealing his hard length. You felt so touch deprived, as you moaned out into the chilly air of the room evoking a deep chuckle from him. “I gotchu baby, I gotchu..”
The tip of his dick slowly stretched you out as you almost practically screamed at the amazing sensation. Josh continued entering inside you at a steady pace allowing you to adjust to the now unfamiliar feeling. Your eyes were droopy as you looked up to see him with his mouth open as his eyes were also fluttering shut. “Damn baby, you always so tight for me, just for daddy..” he barely choked out.
Once he was fully inside you, he began thrusting into you at a very slow pace, prolonging the beautiful orgasm he knew you were on the verge of having. “P- please, daddy..please faster” you asked quietly barely being able to speak.
Without warning Josh began moving at a speed you could barely keep up with, causing you both to moan loudly with pleasure. “We gotta keep it down baby..we don’t want Eli wakin up” he spoke while not once slowing his pace.
The familiar feeling began brewing inside your lower belly, tingling all around signalling you were close. “I’m almost- i’m gonna” you choked out on the verge of tears. You forgot how intense sex was with Josh.
“I know baby, I know..” he mumbled while moving his hand down to playing with your clit sending you straight over the edge. “Fuck Josh!” you wailed as he held you down with his arm as you convulsed.
He continued chasing his own nut at a severe pace, which was slightly overestimating you. Before you could get a word out you felt his warm speed paint the walls of your now swole pussy.
He moved off you, lying down on the couch beside you gathering you in his arms before pressing a soft kiss to your temple. “I love you baby, and I want us to be a family this time, for real.”
“Mmm yeah me too, love you Josh..” you whispered as sleep overcame your body, while you slept in the arms of the man you have always and always will love.
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gumycandyyy · 1 year ago
୨♡ Winter King HCS ♡୧
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I am ashamed of tumblr for not making more fanfic of this funky fruit.
We got some general HCS and then some romantic ones under the cut! (I went a little overboard with the romantic ones, hehe!)
୨♡ General ♡୧
-Man's self care routine is off the charts
-I'm serious, he has like- 80 different bubble bath concoctions.
-Smells like mint
-or some kind of cold scent.
-I feel like he loves dressing up fancy, so he has a closet full of sparkly suits
-maybe even some dresses if he's feeling special.
-Doesn't actually need to wear glasses, he just likes how they look.
-While he loves his winter wonder world, I feel like he'd enjoy rainy weather more than snow.
-He got rid of all his madness and sadness, yes, but I think he'd cry at something especially cute. Happy tears, y'know?
"Why are you crying, sir? Are you okay?" "Oh, it's nothing. *sniff* Just those two rabbits that are cuddling."
-He is really bad at any percussion instrument
-like.. REALLY bad.
-His hands are too delicate for such a garish instrument as the drums!
-He loves playing duets on the piano, but rarely has anyone to play with.
-I mean, he could always concoct up an ice creature to play piano with him, but that's honestly quite dull.
-His favorite movie would probably be an old Christmas movie, like It's a Wonderful Life.
-He gets kidnapped by the Candy Queen so often, that occasionally he brings a book or something snuggly to help him wait for his ice scouts to rescue him.
-He once got so bored while kidnapped that he tried to read to some of the mutilated candy people
-That was the last time he saw his favorite book.
-Safe to say he doesn't bring his favorites anymore.
୨♡ Romantic ♡୧
-Will literally spoil his love interest rotten.
-You want that thing you saw earlier?
-Consider it yours
-You'd like for it to snow outside?
-A sprinkle or a blizzard?
-Literally anything, this man will go to the ends of the universe to get you what you'd like.
-Love languages are definitely gift giving and physical touch
-probably acts of service too.
-Loves dancing.
-Loves dancing.
-Whether it be a slow dance or ice-skating, he will take every opportunity to dance with you!
-He adores short people.
-Good, because he's tall as a giant.
-if you're shorter than him, he will no doubt use you as an armrest.
-He always makes remarks on how cute you are.
-Even if you're only two inches shorter than him.
-If you're taller...
-hoo boy.
-Expect him to be all over you.
-figuratively and literally.
-Will want you to carry him everywhere, sit in your lap, rest against you, whatever.
-Just let him touch you.
-He'll talk about how strong you are, how you'd be the perfect chair, etc. etc.
-He does the stupid "How's the weather up there?" jokes.
-Loves your body, no matter what it looks like.
-You're skinny?
-You're easy to carry around and dance with.
-You're chubby or fat?
-Literally will always be holding onto or resting on part of you. He loves squishy people.
-Somewhere in the middle?
-He could not care less. He loves you regardless of what you look like.
-And he makes sure to emphasize his point by complimenting you endlessly.
-He will never leave your side.
-Even if you need space, he doesn't.
-So why wouldn't you?
-Back to our regularly scheduled fluff-
-Candy Queen hates your guts.
-She thinks you're an obstacle, keeping her from the Winter King.
-No doubt tries to kill you.
-Multiple times. a day
-Her plans are always foiled, but if she gets too close to genuinely hurting you, Winter will be so upset.
"Oh, Dearest, please tell me you're okay!" "You are?" "Phew. I don't know what I'd do if you were hurt in any way."
-His petnames for you are probably
-My love,
-There are a lot more, but those are the main ones.
-LOVES kissing you.
-Anytime, any way.
-He finds it adorable when his nose bumps your face.
-Favorite place to kiss would probably be the back of your hand.
-He is a gentleman after all.
-Overall, he just adores you.
-And he sincerely hopes you love him just as much as he does you.
Headcanon requests are open for Winter King! Don't be afraid to send an ask, and be shameless! I know I am! (No smut tho. Some spice is okay, however.)
Have some free WK art for coming this far!
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reblog for a beginner writer?
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0-n-1-x · 7 months ago
hii! i just found your blog and it looks so cool! i was wondering since you write for shameless, could i please have some headcanons of carl (perhaps white boy carl but any carl is fine) with a chubby/plus size girlfriend who’s really sweet, nerdy, shy and feminine? like she wears a lot of pinks, pastels, sweaters and bows, basically the exact opposite of what people think carls type is. if you don’t wanna write about the body type that’s totally ok, thank you so much! sorry if i wrote too much😭
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WBC!Carl x Cutecore!reader
AHHHH!! I love this idea live opposites attract, by what you described I'm thinking of a cutecore/softie aesthetic (no you did not write to much tysm!!)
link to my masterlist <33
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Carl who is initially surprised by your cutecore aesthetic, with your pastel colors and cute accessories, but he quickly finds it endearing. He loves how different you are from the Southside vibe and how you bring a burst of color into his life.
Carl who is fiercely protective of you, especially when he notices people giving you judgmental looks. He’s always ready to defend you, whether it's with his words or with his fists, and he makes it clear that anyone who disrespects you will have to answer to him (which isn't always as intimidating as he thinks but you patch him up with kisses for trying)
Carl who is surprisingly good at giving you compliments. He loves how confident you are in your style, and he’s always quick to tell you how cute you look, whether it’s in a new outfit or just lounging in your favorite oversized sweater.
Carl who starts to get into the idea of matching accessories with you. It starts with something simple, like wearing a pastel-colored bracelet you gave him, and eventually, he’s rocking a cute charm on his phone or a keychain you picked out for him. When his group calls him out on it, he's like "ok so? I like to be pretty sometimes" because he associates that stuff with your beauty <33
Carl, who being with you brings out his softer side. He might still be tough on the outside, but around you, he’s more willing to let his guard down. He enjoys cuddling with you, playing with your hair, or just holding your hand/waist while you walk around the city.
Carl who admires your confidence and how you own your look. He’s always supportive and encourages you to be yourself, especially when people make rude comments. He loves how unapologetically you embrace your style and body.
Carl who surprises you with small gifts that fit your aesthetic, like a cute plushie, a pastel-colored hoodie, or a pair of earrings with tiny charms (all of which he totally didn't steal). He likes seeing your face light up when he gets it just right.
Carl who loves showing you off to his friends, especially because you’re so different from anyone he’s ever dated. He’s proud to be with you and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. If anyone gives him a hard time, he just shrugs it off because he knows he’s lucky to have you.
Carl who is always there to support you, whether you’re dealing with body image issues or just having a bad day. He listens when you need to vent, and he’s quick to remind you how amazing you are, inside and out.
Carl who loves finding common ground with you. Whether it’s bonding over a shared love of certain music or discovering new hobbies together, he enjoys learning more about your world and introducing you to his. <33
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corruptedcaps · 9 months ago
Love of a good man
Jenny and Brad had been dating for nearly a year. While they had yet to be sexually intimate with one another they loved each other deeply. Brad had asked a few times but each time she shot him down saying she wasn’t ready. However she was ready and had been for sometime. Brad was handsome, athletic and everything she wanted in a man but she held a dark secret.
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“Ok this is all gonna sound a little crazy but there has been a reason we haven’t had sex all this time and first off I just want to say that I am ready.” She said to him one night. He looked at her slightly worried but excited that they were finally going to make love.
“Ok here goes. A few years ago I was cursed by a witch. This curse gave life to a part of me that was... bad. You see every time I would have sex with someone I would change. A new me would come out and take over until the next time I had sex. This dark reflection of me ruined my life and every relationship I had. She is an evil, scheming, spoilt slut of a woman who lives to cause misery. She calls herself Natasha.” Jenny said looking sadly out the window.
“Natasha? As in your sister Natasha?” Brad asked dumbfounded. Jenny turned to look at him.
“I told you my sister lived to torture me. Well the truth is I have no sister. I am an only child but she does live to torture me. She transforms my good body into one devoted to pleasure. She is a big breasted vain conceited bitch and I wish I wasn’t stuck with her. The worst part is I don’t know what she does when she takes over! The last time she took over I was gone for months!” Jenny said on the verge of tears. Brad held her face in his strong hands.
“If she only comes out when you have sex then why do you want to have sex now?” He asked.
“Because there is a way to break the curse so that I can be free of her forever. If I have sex with my true love then it with eradicate the bad part of me. After a year together I know we are meant to be, that you are my true love.” Jenny said tears running down her face now. Brad pulled her tight into a hug. He held her and she felt safe. She pulled off his shirt and began kissing his perfect chest. She had wanted this for so long. She had to be certain otherwise she would lose another man to that bitch.
They stripped the clothes off each other like wild animals. They were both starved of each other but now they would finally feast. Jenny for the first time saw what Brad had packing and she was not disappointed.
His big cock slipped easily into her wet pussy and she nearly orgasmed right then and there. It felt incredible to be having sex again after so long and with one she loved so much.
“Oh Brad this feels so good, I knew you were my true love!” She groaned as she rode his cock. However his demeanour seemed to change, his thrusts becoming more aggressive.
“Oh shut up you fucking loser, thank god I won’t have to deal with you much longer.” He said coldly. Jenny’s eyes went wide.
“W-what are you saying? Wait! No! I can feel something. I need to stop…. Ooohhhh fuck but why fight it?” She moaned, her voice turning into a slutty purr for a moment. Brad grinned.
“Come out Natasha, it’s time to take over just like we planned.” He said pumping faster.
“Like you planned? Brad how could you do this? How could you be sooooo mmmm evil. Bad boys really turn me on! No! That’s Natasha, that’s not me!” Jenny groaned trying to fight it, trying to urge her body to get off Brad’s dick but it all felt too good. Then the changes began.
Her tits strained against her B size bra as they grew massive. Her chubby belly tightened and crunched in giving her a perfectly toned tummy.
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“Mmmm much better, being a hawt sexy bitch is much better than being some nobody loser. No! This isn’t right, this is my body! Oh please dear YOU wish this could be your body!” She said fighting with the emerging Natasha as the changes continued.
Her bony behind grew extra layers of fat to give her a bubble butt which Brad appreciated as she slowly bounced up and down on him. Her short sensible hair grew down her back, becoming thick and full.
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“Oh Brad my love I can feel her almost gone, then we can be together forever! That’s right Jenny, the true love curse works both ways, it’s just Brad happens to be mine and not yours.” Natasha said with a cackle as she felt Jenny slip away more with each second.
Long fake nails snapped onto her hands that she joyously ran down Brad’s chest. Her lips inflated into a bitchy pout and makeup covered her face finishing her transformation. However Jenny wasn’t gone yet, Natasha had to do one more thing to get rid of her.
“Oh fuck baby make me cum! I need to cum NOW! Ohhhhh fuuuuckkkkk yesssss!” She screamed at the top of her lungs as she orgasmed hard solidifying her dominance over Jenny’s body.
Collapsing onto the bed in orgasmic joy, Natasha could feel no part of Jenny still lingering.
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“Was it good for you?” Brad said slyly.
“Life changing.” She replied with an evil giggle.
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starhvney · 9 months ago
heyyy can you do drabbles of the guys with you baby please? like just some nice domestic stuff :) maybe with garroth, laurance, gene, and dante please. thank youuuuub
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mys dante, garroth, gene, & laurance
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: it’s the little simple moments with them that end up sticking the longest
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: why is every mys man sassy? idk, it really is the sassy man apocalypse, anyways so much fluff, & slice of life
𝐂𝐖: none unless you're easily susceptible to baby fever
𝐀/𝐍: um, perfect prompt for father’s day i guess? yes i made all of them girl dads except for dante because i can what are you gonna do about it??? also i realized i either included sleep or food in each of the drabbles for babies cause like what else do you do with them?? like i love babies but i’m the baby of my family so like i’ve never even changed a diaper before lmaoo i just hold them sometimes if there’s one around i guess. ok i'll stop yapping sry
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at first you weren’t paying much attention, the goofy laughter of dante and your baby pretty common occurrence in your home. you mainly were focusing on some paperwork in front of you on the counter, something you had really been needing to get to for the past week and just hadn’t gotten a chance yet.
your hand is rubbing your eyebrow as you lean over, trying to process the words you're reading. nothing is really coming through, however, especially when another round of laughter comes from the two.
you could never be mad at the distraction, especially when the sound was the joy of both of the people you cherished and loved the most. you couldn’t help but investigate, though, especially since dante was just supposed to be feeding your son.
how funny could that be, for them to be laughing more than any eating was getting done?
just as you turn into the dining room, your met with the sight of yogurt and a blueberry meeting the floor with a comical plap.
very slowly, your eyes drift back up to the two boys in front of you, accusatorily squinting at the one that was supposed to be more responsible than the other.
dante sucks in some air through his teeth, looking guiltily at you before back to your baby in the chair. said baby’s mouth and hands are covered in yogurt, the boy blankly staring back at you.
a moment of silence passes, both of them staring at you like a deer in headlights before dante leans over to the boy, whispering out of the corner of his mouth.
“we’ve been caught.”
“are you two…having a food fight?” you question, hands on your hips.
“no!” dante defends, lifting another scoop of yogurt up to the boy. “he just refuses to actually eat, and then i laughed when he got it everywhere… and now he keeps smacking the spoon away to try and make me laugh again.”
you sigh, watching as your baby grips the spoon, smearing the yogurt in his hands and smearing it over his mouth. dante’s head falls forward, landing onto the edge of the high chair’s table as he quietly laughs at the spectacle.
“what is he doing? it’s so dumb, i don’t know why it’s so funny. look at his little face.” he laughs, lifting his head and pointing at the baby who sends the both of you a proud look.
“don’t—” your voice wobbles as you hold back the urge to laugh yourself. “—don’t encourage it, dante.”
“i’m not trying to!” he insists, lifting the spoon back up to your son’s face.
“dude, just eat the food!” dante giggles, the spoon of baby food shaking in front of the boy’s face as his whole body trembles with his laughter. 
this time, it gets a little out of hand, his chubby hand smacking the spoon completely out of dante’s wobbly hands and splattering it onto the floor.
“alright, no more.” you say sternly, causing the two to look at you with pouty eyes. “i’m gonna clean him up and he can have a gogo squeez.”
you pace forward, scooping your son up from his seat and groaning when he smears his yogurt hands onto your clean shirt. dante stands up, grinning sheepishly and leaning forward to give you a peck on the lips.
you smile sweetly, giggling when you raise your little one up to dante’s face, allowing him to also give a big ‘ol kiss onto dante’s face, therefore smearing yogurt all over his cheek.
“it’s fine! you’re going to clean it up, after all.”
his eyes widen, looking around at the mess before hitting his lower lip out, hands lacing together in a pleading motion. “no help?”
you raise an eyebrow. “dante.”
“yeah, that’s fair.” he immediately concedes, clearly not all that serious about making you help in the first place. he points in accusatory finger at your son, lips pouting as he bends down to meet his eye level.
“dang you for being so cute and funny like your dad, now you got me in trouble and you get to be pampered like you’re not the culprit.” he complains, and your son merely laughs at the stupid face he was making.
“you two are going to be a handful, no matter the age.” you sigh.
“but you’ll love us!” dante winks, leaning forward to kiss your cheek and very purposefully nuzzling his face against yours, smearing more yogurt all over your face, too.
“ugh, dante!”
“i love you~!”
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there’s a certain fullness in your chest, something you can’t express in words at this moment. it’s such a simple, mundane day. yet, you’re lulled into an indescribable sense of comfort and love as the sound of your husband making your daughter’s laughter bounce off the walls fills the otherwise quiet house, all at the expense of him acting like a fool. 
a few times your eyes had diverted from the steaming pot on the stove in front of you leaning over to glance into the living room to see what they were up to. the first time he had been playing peek-a-boo, the next it was him crawling around on all fours while she babbled what was probably meant to be “yeehaw!”, and the next after that he had been tossing her up into the air and dipping her back down like an airplane.
you had to focus your attention on draining the pasta and taking the heat off the meat you were cooking, finishing the final sauces and seasonings when you realized you hadn’t heard garroth’s deep voice nor your baby’s elated giggles for a good while.
wiping your hands off on your apron you step into the doorway, peering into the now silent room. any slight concern you felt disappears, instead replaced by awe as you gaze at the endearing sight in front of you.
garroth is lazed back on the couch, somehow completely passed out despite being wide awake just ten minutes ago. his mouth is open, soft snores leaving his mouth. his hand rests firmly on your daughter’s back, keeping her in place as she rests on his broad chest.
before the moment is wasted you dash back into the kitchen to grab your phone, shuffling back as light as you can on your feet to not disturb the peaceful moment. your girl is tuckered out, cheek squished against her dad’s chest, drool dripping down onto his shirt, arms and legs sprawled out onto the rest of his torso.
you click a few pictures of the scene, crouching down for a second to admire the tranquil and frankly adorable memory you’re sure to keep even when your baby isn’t a baby any longer.
you lightly reach out to garroth’s shoulder, squeezing and gently shaking it to wake him up. it doesn’t take more than that—which was very surprising based on how hard he usually slept—for him to crack open his sleepy eyes. you can’t help the tiny giggles that leave your mouth at how he looked, the poor man’s eyes glazed and cheeks pink. a baby with lots of energy will do that to you.
“hey, my love. dinner’s ready.” you whisper, leaning forward to press a kiss onto his cheek.
he squeezes his eyes shut with a sleepy groan, going to stretch before freezing, his hand still protectively on your daughter’s back despite his lack of awareness. you reach to pick her up before he lightly pushes your hand away with a jut of his lower lip.
“no, she’s cuddling me right now.”
you lean forward, head resting on the couch as you snicker at him. “yeah, and drooling all over you too, goofy.”
“at least it’s cute baby drool. when you drool on me though…”
a smack to his shoulder shuts him up. “i do not drool!”
“sure,” he retorts, his chuckles shaking the girls head and waking her from her light nap.
she reaches up to rub her little round eyes, lips spreading into an excited smile when she sees both her mommy and daddy are right there with her.
“time to eat! are you hungry?” you whisper, reaching forward to wiggle a finger against her stomach, making her giggle and squirm.
garroth chuckles again, lifting the girl up as he suddenly stands up. “ah! the tickle monster is gonna get you! don’t worry, my princess, i’ll save you!”
the girl squeals in laughter, still a bit sleepy as she leans on his shoulder as he rushes to the kitchen. you follow after with an amused eye roll, unfastening your apron and throwing it onto the counter as garroth plops the girl right down into her high chair.
as you pull down the plates garroth takes them from behind you, arms encasing you as he leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
“i got it. thank you for dinner, sweetheart.”
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this moment is perfect. sitting on one side of a blanket, your husband on the other side keeping your daughter steady on her chubby legs as you call for her to walk towards you. you felt so warm, from the setting sun shining on your skin and warming the blood in your veins, to the the swirl of love in your chest as you watch gene lift your daughter’s feet and march them forward.
he looks so soft like this, skin glowing and eyes shining with a certain warmth you would’ve never believed could be seen on him a few years ago. soft coos and high-pitched chants comically leave his mouth, cheering the little girl as she takes a step towards you.
“come on, baby girl. you can do it.” he says, proud smile on his face as she takes another step. “there you go!”
a moment later her legs wobble and give out on her. though it would’ve been a short fall onto a soft and padded ground, gene’s hands still shoot forward, lifting the girl up with a small, “woah-!” leaving his lips.
while this maneuver had worked several times before, it would seem your baby was quite fed up with this practice, frustrated whines beginning to leave her lips and feet kicking out in the air.
“it’s getting kind of late, huh…” you note, watching the sky begin to slowly dim and a few fireflies light up above your heads. 
“yeah,” he says, cradling the little one to his chest similarly to how he did when she was even smaller than she was now. “and she did so good, right sweetheart?”
she seemed quite set on throwing a fit just mere seconds ago, but melts into her father’s arms with a giggle when he wiggles his fingers against her sides.
you feel yourself melting too at the sight, scooting forward and saving your daughter from the clutches of gene’s wrath with a clean scoop into your arms.
“aw, c’mon—” he starts, before his eyes drift to a firefly that landed right on his knee.
your baby’s attention immediately drifts to the soft flash of light from the bug, the cutest little gasp leaving her lips as she leans towards it in your arms.
he imitates her tiny gasp with his own, eyes reflecting the yellow-green glow from the bug as he carefully cups his hand around it, lifting it up towards her face and cracking them open for her to peer into.
“wow!” she softly gasps again, tiny hand wrapping around one of gene’s fingers to steady herself as she sleepily wobbles.
gene opens his hand, letting the firefly go off into the air. she sleepily blinks up into the dimming sky, lower lip beginning to wobble and eyebrows furrowing in irritation.
“oh, someone’s getting sleepy.” he coos, taking the girl from your arms as you start to gather the blanket up.
he holds her like a newborn, rocking her and ghosting light kisses against her forehead. she immediately flutters her eyes shut, one hand grasping onto his shirt and the other curling by her face like a little princess, just as gene had spoiled her to be.
“she’s getting so big. soon enough she’ll be too big for you to carry her like that all the time.” you say, pressing a kiss on her forehead as you two begin the short trek back into your neighborhood.
“not true,” he defends, voice quiet as he stares down at the features of her face. “i can carry you, so i can carry her until she doesn’t let me anymore.”
you don’t say anything to this, noticing the sentimental gleam in the deep color of his irises. 
“someone’s feeling soft.” you lightly tease, brushing your shoulder against his. “whatcha thinkin’ about?”
he doesn’t respond for a second, eyes slowly blinking before he finally looks at you, the amount of love in his eyes not diminishing in the slightest.
“thank you.” he says, voice quiet and tender.
“…for what?” you softly return.
“if you told me in high school, no, even after that, that i was married to you and had a baby and was living a happy life… i would’ve laughed in your face.” he takes a deep breath, leaning over to kiss your forehead and doing the same to the girl in his arms. “i never knew this is what i wanted until i met you. thank you.”
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once again, like clockwork, the shrill cries of your baby girl interrupt the peaceful quiet of the night. once again, your tired eyes peel open, muscles flinching for you to get up and comfort your child despite the exhaustion that settles deep into your bones. 
before you can even prop yourself onto one arm, your husband’s hand settles firmly on your hip, keeping you from leaving the warm comfort of your shared bed.
“no, stay in bed. i’ll deal with her this time.” he leans in to whisper in your ear, voice raspy from a lack of sleep and the late hour.
“you got her last time, though.”
“and you take care of her all the time when i’m working.” his hand moves down to your hip where he squeezes, pressing a kiss onto the side of your face. “go back to sleep.”
any further protests die from your throat when you feel the bed dip as he leaves, quietly closing the door behind him to go to the nursery across the hall. as soon as the door shuts so do your eyelids, as you feel yourself involuntarily drift back to a half asleep state.
it’s not until you wake back up quite a few moments later, hand reaching to laurance’s side of the bed only to find it empty and cold. you groan, turning to double check before catching the faint sound of the water running in the bathroom.
with a sigh, you leave the bed, holding back the shiver as the chill of the cool bedroom bites at your skin. cracking open the bathroom door, you find the lights off, room lit just by a candle and the nightlight by the sink. steam fills the whole room from the hot shower that ran, and you see laurance in the center of the room, gently rocking your little girl back to sleep.
he looks up to you, usually bright eyes heavy lidded from lack of sleep and shoulders slumped. his hair is a little dampened and flat from the moisture in the air, skin glowing as the heat stuck to his skin. despite this, he can’t help the soft smile that stays curved on his lips as he looks from your daughter to you as you approach him.
“she’s just now falling back asleep.” he whispers, voice barely audible over the water hitting the shower floor. “
you nod, standing in front of him to gaze at the girl in his arms. her eyes fluttered as if she were still trying to stubbornly fight off sleep. her little lips pouted as a bit of bubbled drool left her lips, perfectly content and comfortable in her daddy’s arms. 
you quietly hum a small tune, one of your fingers lightly ghosting along the slope of her nose. it has the same curve as laurance’s, just as the similar shape and color of her eyes to the man that held her.
you couldn’t help the surge of affection that overwhelmed you, reaching forward to plant your lips on his and place a few more along his face and neck. he leans forward as you pull back, quietly groaning before looking down at the small girl that was keeping him from making any hasty decisions. 
“if your mommy isn’t careful we’re gonna end up with another one of you.” he sweetly coos, gently rocking her.
“…i just kissed you.” you quietly giggle, looking down to see the girl had officially drifted into dreamland.
laurance merely smiles in return with a raised eyebrow, following after you back into the nursery. his focus diverts as he ever so gently sets your daughter back down to rest, releasing a sigh of relief as she doesn’t make a hint of protest, merely settling down into the crib.
you find yourself drifting to his side before he can turn back around, arms wrapping around his waist as you gaze down at the little girl in the blankets.
“she’s exhausting, but beautiful.” you quietly sigh, finger reaching down to brush against the soft skin of her cheek.
“just like her mom.”
it takes a moment for the tired and content fogginess in your brain to clear, realizing what he just said. 
“…excuse me?”
silent laughter shakes the both of you as he hugs you closer, dipping you down into his arms and pressing a kiss against your cheek. 
“i’m just joking, of course.” he giggles, peppering kisses along your jaw.
“a terrible joke. awful joke.” you say, though you couldn’t help the laughter that threatened to bubble from your lips, voice trembling with amusement. 
“i’m a dad now, i’m allowed to make bad jokes.”
“oh whatever, you nerd.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year ago
Would you write another sub Klaus story where he is obsessed with having his face between the readers thighs?
It’s okay if not 🫶
Needy Little Boy-Klaus M.
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Klaus had always been good at eating me out.
Good isn’t the right word, he was a God when it came to eating pussy, but once he began really allowing himself to descend fully into his headspace and be the Submissive boy he was meant to be, he became obsessed with shoving his face between my legs.
I was honestly a bit embarrassed about it at first as he was so persistent about doing it multiple times a day and not just in the evening when we escaped his family for our alone times. He found it completely crazy that I was embarrassed, confused as to why it was something to worry about at all
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‘I wanna make my Mommy feel good, why is that wrong?’ He asked, pouting in a cute way that only Klaus could with those adorable chubby lips that I love so much.
‘It’s not wrong baby boy, Mommy’s just never had someone want to do that for me, let alone as often as you do. It’s just something to get accustomed to is all.’ I explained but he didn’t look like he understood.
‘Then other men are stupid, I want to make my Mommy cum on my tongue. You taste like Heaven and I love how your legs shake around my head, and how you pull my hair so good and the noises you make for me. I want you to put me on my knees all the time…’ he clearly loved being on his knees for me and it’s honestly not something I can in any way be upset about. He worked his way out of his seat slowly as if I wouldn’t notice if he didn’t move too fast, ending up in front of me again, laying his head on my thigh and waiting for my permission, knowing he’s not allowed to play with either himself or me without my permission. ‘Please Mommy?’
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He always wanted it, like my clit was a substitute for a pacifier when he wasn’t in the mood for one and it was actually a sexy thought.
The reason we needed to have a rule that he can’t touch me without permission only came about because he couldn’t seem to keep himself from eating me out at times he should be doing other things, such as sleeping.
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I was awoken to the feeling of a nearly painful orgasm ripping through my abdomen and as my eyes opened I quickly realized how overstimulated I was, my clit swollen and sore as I looked down, still half asleep, to see my Little Wolf crouched on the bed with my thighs on his shoulders as he laid on his stomach, feet hanging off the end of the bed with his tongue lapping up my cunt like his life depended on it. He was making the most obscene noises I had ever heard and I was torn between wanting to fuck him and wanting to spank him as I realized it was 2:43 in the morning.
‘Niklaus!’ I shouted and he gasped, jumping in fright as he looked up with a guilty expression on his face, a face that was soaked in my slick. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ I questioned, reaching down and grabbing him by the hair, pulling him up to force him to crawl back to me.
‘I was making Mommy feel better-‘
‘I felt fine, I was sleeping.’ I spoke with a deadpanned expression.
‘No! No, you were wet and needy, I felt you grinding on my leg in your sleep so I made you feel better…3 times.’ I nodded slowly, taking in what he was saying before deciding on what to do, actually shocked that he was able to make me cum 3 times without me waking up.
‘Okay. I want to say that was a nice thing to do-‘ he nodded frantically but I shook my head back at him. ‘-except I can’t because it was completely self serving and you did it because you wanted to. I’m sad that I have to do this, because I actually enjoy the mornings I get to wake up with your sweet lips on me, but from now on you are no longer allowed to touch Mommy unless she says you can.’ His eyes went wide and he looked ready to explode.
‘Not Fair! I should be allowed to make my Mommy feel good whenever I want-‘
‘And you were allowed, but now you’re not because you took advantage of it, doing it while my baby boy should be getting a good nights sleep, and instead of taking care of me nicely once, you continued to do it until I became sore.’ He was about to argue again but his lips smacked shut when he took in the last part of what I said.
‘I made you sore?’ It wasn’t a big deal at all but Nik always hated causing me any kind of pain and I was happy to milk it this time.
‘Yes you did, Mommy’s pussy is sore and it’s because you are a greedy little boy.’ He whimpered, quickly moving to wrap his arms around me and snuggling into my neck.
‘I’m sorry Mommy, didn’t mean to make you hurt-‘
‘Calm down Nikky, I’m fine. You however, need to learn self control. From now on if you want to touch Mommy you need to ask.’ He pulled back, a desperate, upset look in his face.
‘I need to ask whenever I want to hug you?!’ I quickly shook my head in response to that.
‘Of course not Little Prince, only when you want to touch Mommy’s special places. You can hug me whenever you want, I would never make a rule against your snuggle time. That would be abuse, not discipline. My baby boy gets snuggle time whenever he wants, no matter what kind of punishment you’re enduring. Now, it’s time to go back to sleep, come here and snuggle Mommy like a good boy.’ He did as I said, me pulling the blankets up over us as he wrapped his larger body around mine like a weed.
‘Mommy?’ He mumbled and I hummed. ‘Can I suck?’ He asked and I hesitated, wanting to make it seem like I was considering saying “no” before smiling and pulling him closer. He tucked his head under my shirt and wrapped his lips around my nipple, content with his head residing under my shirt as it somehow made him feel more secure.
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I couldn’t dislike how much he loved eating me out, especially because he was so incredibly good at it. He would have his mouth on me 24/7 if it was possible and even though I often turned him down (usually at public events when he tried to sneak me away) he was always ready to ask again.
Since becoming the little Sub that I knew Klaus was he had become a needy little slut right along with it and I adored that about him, and I would never wish it different.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
Fic Moodboard
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katzkreationz · 11 months ago
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Hey all! Sorry for the long absence here, life has been kicking my ass 😅
But I did finally pick up the tablet again, and I've been working on some things. I've been interested in character redesigns so thought I'd try it with some of my favorites (and some old OCs no one's seen yet or in a while). So if you're interested in seeing them sooner, please do drop by my patreon!
Anti Comso and his family were my favorite villains in Fairly Oddparents (even when they kinda just...vanished along with every other previous villain that wasn't "relevant") Always thought it was a missed opportunity that we never got them acting ad a villainous family unit. Evil vacations, family bonding thru world conquest scheming, board game nights! C'mon it coulda been great!
Anti Cosmo-- some outfit changes, wanted to break away from the all navy blue color scheme a bit to make him really stand out more among the masses. Also wanted him to have a legitimate crown since...dude is the ruler of the race he deserves a cool ass crown. Made it reminiscent of a salt shaker, put a little upside horseshoe, and the number 13 for bad luck vibes. Alsoooo put some runes in there to symbolize "great protector", because even tho he's a menace....his plans are all focused on freeing his kind so they can do their thing. Just saying, if I had control of these characters, I'd probably be delving more into their place in the world.
Anti Poof (because I'm not calling him Foop)-- gave him a real body, and wanted to try and style his hair after both parents? Make him look a bit more like their kid ya know. Pretty simple design, cute lil onesie. Gave him a rattle instead to mirror Poof more, but cube instead of rounded. Styled it after a dice, and each side has an ailment he can inflict on people. Pink eye, stubbed toe, etc. In my version he's around his folks a lot more, but tries to keep himself presented as an independent person; he's a big boy he don't need no parents (the self proclaimed big boy says as he's burped like the 1 year old he is)
Anti Wanda-- the biggest changes, obviously. The show had some faults...like the constant fat jokes (cough fuck you Bitch Fartman). So out of spite, she's a chubby queen and her twink of a husband adores her every time she nearly snaps his spine. She's not the smartest, but she brings the muscle to Anti Cosmo's brains.
And of course, gave em all tails. Because they're cute, sue me.
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fangsforiris · 7 months ago
How would the s and m bros react to an s/o who's insecure about her body image. Like she's not 'fat' but she's got a chubby stomach and thighs. Thank youuu !
S & M Boys React to Insecure S/O (Body Image)
— — — — — — — — —
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“Mm? Do you really care about that? If I didn’t like what I saw, I wouldn’t have chosen you. Isn’t that right? We’ll gain and we’ll lose weight, it’s normal. I’ll show you what I love about you right now if you’re still unsure.”
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“Your physique is none of my concern, yet you fuss over such trivial things. You are perfect, my dear. And I shall say it as many times as you desire once you see what I see; perfection.”
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“Who cares about a few extra pounds?! They don’t mean much to Ore-sama anyways. All I care about is you choosing to be with me. You chose me, I chose you. That means we’re staying together until I say otherwise!”
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“Who says you should care for anyone’s opinions but mine? I think you are my perfection, Dolly. The ideal doll that is mine. I deem you as perfect, so you’re perfect. You have no need to think on things already decided for you. I love you, no matter your flaws. I’ll overlook them for you.”
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“You’re beautiful, S/O. I cherish you and love you for every curve and limb attached. Weight means nothing. It’s trivial, wouldn’t you agree? I chose you because of my longing, not cosmetics. It seems I’ve allowed you to forget how much i love you, though. That’ll change~!”
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“…You might see things you don’t particularly like about yourself, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder isn’t it…? Just… don’t worry about that stupid stuff, we’ll all die anyways, so what’s the point of wasting your time with it, right?”
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“Beauty isn’t permanent. We will all grow old and it shall lose value as we mature. You look fine just the way you are, I have no doubt about it. You doing so gives me reason to believe you doubt your masters choices… Do you believe I’ve chosen wrongly in choosing you? Because I will never think so.”
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“You shouldn’t cry over something like this, you know? But… I get it, being an idol and all. You can’t help insecurity, it comes with life… I guess we really are our harshest critic..! You’re cute and pretty, M-Neko-chan! So I don’t really think you need reassurance for something so cut and dry!”
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“Eh? Are you alright? Stressing over looks ain’t everything in the world, ya know? All that matters is that I like ya and that yer my type, alright..! I get that I’m tough on ya, but if I need to remind you about how much I cherish you, then I’ll do it.”
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“Eve… What’s the matter, why do you cry…? I don’t think… you need to change anything… If anything… I should… fix myself. You’re perfect, Eve. I’m so… grateful for you…! Don’t forget… please.”
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ohtheewhorer · 5 months ago
Imagine you’re Dale “Longlegs” Kobble’s Chubby!Virgin!FWB whom he slowly corrupts (3.3k words)
So here’s what I’m thinking—follow me on this…
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Warnings: Graphic Description, Shameless Smut, little bit of fluff, Desperate Sex, Passionate Sex Loss of Virginity w/ Blood, if you squint incubus!Dale, Religious Guilt, Blasphemy, stalker longlegs, yandere longlegs, Horny Reader, Loss of Innocence, Dark themes, Chubby Reader
A/N: I wrote a lot more than I expected as I always do 😩. Please enjoy my long ass blurb/fic about this hot evil old man. You can also read my fic on ao3 (I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE IMAGES USED)
You’re the preacher’s daughter who just wants some freedom from your overbearing, shotgun-toting, bible-wielding father. You’re innocent in appearance but if people really got to know you they’d know that you’re really a mischievous, horny little minx with a yearning for something dangerous; anything opposite to your sheltered life.
Then, one day, you run into Dale while visiting the local hardware store with your father. At first, you’re unnerved by his presence. After all, Dale is…unique-looking to say the least; his graying thin long hair, his filler plumped lips and face with skin that has an unnatural blotchy alabaster coloring to it which made him appear quite ghoulish yet somehow ethereal. But then there are those intense blue eyes of his that seemed to sparkle with joy the moment you entered his line of sight.
Dale made the bold move to approach you knowing your Paw was only a few distances away—something no man ever had the guts of doing in this small town—only to simply congratulate you on your upcoming 20-something birthday. You shrunk under his towering stature, eyes darting anxiously around in search of your dad. You weren’t sure whether you should be afraid of the fact that—regardless of it being a small town—how did some random stranger know your birthday? Or maybe you should be afraid for him considering he could very well be a victim of your father’s wrath. And all because the strange man dared to do the kind gesture of wishing the preacher’s precious girl an early birthday.
You even pitied the man enough to throw many discreet hints that he needed to back the fuck away from you before it got ugly. But the ever eccentric and bizarre Dale didn’t take any hints and ended up singing to you an old classic rock song that your worldly uncle would probably be able to identify.
Your father came around the corner and he had questioned Dale of his intentions while speaking to you, very well aware that his pretty princess had many suitors who vied for your hand in marriage. And you knew your father well enough to read his judging eyes as they scanned Dale’s entire presentation, scowling that a man like him would ever think he might have a chance regardless of if Dale ever had the thought to pursue you.
And Dale, oh, Dale…he’d speak broken sentences and barely audible words, euphemisms and epithets, riddles and rhyme and your increasingly frustrated father would curse him in biblical verses and claim that he’d spoken the ‘devil’s tongue’. And the moment your Paw calls out the lanky male as a ‘satanist’ instead of disproving his claim—preventing any potential small town witch hunt—Dale, instead, sends him a botched-lipped cheshire cat grin ending the interaction with a chilling line, “Your ignorance won't save you when the shadows you've denied finally come to claim you."
Goosebumps arise on your supple skin, staring up at the man with both fear and admiration. No one’s ever stood up to your father that way. Everyone’s always having to walk on eggshells around him, not wanting to be seen as a delinquent in the eyes of the lord’s appointed servant. But Dale has done it with that high-pitched playful lilt in his tone and that bright smile on his face. His courage alone was enough to spark your interest in him. He was dangerous and you wanted nothing more than to experience him.
And sure you could find plenty of pretty boys and bad boys in town that would happily sneak around with you and give you a taste of the wild side that you so craved. But you didn’t want just “a taste” nor did you wish to hide your deeds. You want to be very loud and proud with your degeneracy.
And so you made the effort to see him again, going to the hardware store within the next few days because it’s all you knew of him. You’d gone at least 5 times already, at varying times in the day; all alone, too, much to your father’s chagrin. Just when you planned to give up on your 6th visit, while turning to leave you could hear the familiar flowery voice from behind you that has you swiveling in his direction in elation.
He’d found you and so the rest was history. It didn’t take long after to build an intense bond with him that teetered the line of being sexual at times, especially once you got past the stage of learning each other’s name. He doesn’t usually leave his shabby house much so it made sense that you’ve not seen him around before. Though by his own horrifying admission he’d been observing (stalking) you for a while now and had already known about you. You’re just grateful to have met him; a man unafraid to push boundaries.
With him, you didn’t have to feel guilty for wanting to do things beyond what is appropriate within your conservative community. For one, you got to hold his hand that’s a lot more than you’ve ever done even while attending college. And when you asked to go even further like hugging…he lets you hug all over him (though mostly for his own selfish reasons since he’s as touch-starved as you). To most outsiders, doing these things aren’t much of a big deal but to you, a beginner hedonist, it meant everything. You want fun and Dale promised you this with every interaction; upping the ‘depravity’ as you went.
But then one day, Dale suggests to you that he could show you fun beyond the tantalizing ‘indirect kisses’ via sharing lollipops or the occasional lap sitting with added knee bounces for effect.
“You want to take my virginity…on my birthday…as a gift to me?” You ask incredulously. It was scummy of him to even think such a thing would ever be considered a gift. And from a man like him no less; much too old for you and quite terrifying to look at from certain angles. And yet…you felt a gush of your slick soak your panties. You needed therapy. You need to find God again. This is sick!
But it’s sooo damn tempting.
“I only want to open your mind to many great pleasures, Angel. Is that not what you told me you’ve been seeking?” Dale says, reaching a hand over the console of his car to rub one of your nylon-clad voluptuous thighs. “Be a good girl for me, just two more days… and it’ll be an even special day for the birthday girl.”
You tense a little, feeling his hand traveling higher up your thigh. “Do you think I’m ready?”
“That’s for you to decide, silly.” He giggles.
“I think I’m ready. I-I’m ready.” You repeat, giving him a struggling smile that falters when your breath hitches again. His hand is kneading the meat of your thigh.
“Oh, I’d bet these legs around my head would feel like just the loveliest hug.” He sighs dreamily.
You tilt your head in confusion. “I couldn’t. I wouldn’t want to hurt you like that.”
He laughs some more, running a calloused hand down your cheek and admiring its youthful elasticity. “You could never hurt me, angel. But I get the impression you have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t you?”
“I don’t think I do. I’m sorry,” You say, batting your long lashes and flashing your alluring doe eyes up at him. “Could you show me what you mean? I’d really like to know, pretty please.”
“In due time, love. You’ll have to first show me you can be a good girl when I ask you to be.”
“How do I do that?” You nudge your face deeper into his open palm, sliding his fingers over the edges of your jaw until they’re close enough to your pouty lips. Using your tongue you drag one long nimble digit into your mouth, suckling lightly on the tip. He has an earthy taste to him that you quickly grow addicted to.
Dale pulls his finger from your lips, webs of saliva connecting your lips to it. He smiles, wagging his finger side to side. “Tsk, Tsk. That was very naughty, angel. Being a good girl means you’ll have to listen to the sky father’s rules again. That means no premarital activities. You’re not allowed to touch yourself either. Wouldn’t want you to be a sinner before the big day? I’ll give you a pass for today although with some limitations. But then it’s 2 days of being on the nice list, missy. You’ve got 3 strikes if you lose them…you’ll be punished. And I beg you not to get on the naughty list or I won’t be making you sing pretty for me like the sweet birdie you are.”
“Why? Why should I go through all that trouble for you?” You hate having to bottle up your desires again when the excitement’s only just begun.
“Because it’ll make your blood much more pure for the sacrificial ceremony,” He jokes, then frowns when you place his hands away from you, turning in your seat so you’re not facing him. Dale leans into your ear, whispering. “You’ll know what real freedom is once you’ve had a taste of it and then it’s ripped from you like an anticipated treat stolen right out of a dog’s mouth. And if you cower from the dark side, back to your sheltered life, you’ll always feel as if you’re on the brink of going…FERAL!” His hand slaps against the window beside your face making you jolt up and stare back at him in terror. Your chest rises and falls, hyperventilating as he stares intensely into your eyes, his face is only a few inches from yours.
“So…I give myself to you and I’ll be free?” You question timidly. “Like you?”
Though he wears a big crooked smile, his eyes betray him as a tear runs down one plump cheek. “Why, of course, angel. You’ll be free…like me.”
You cup his cheeks, swiping your thumbs over the lumpy skin before placing your mouth over his. Your first real kiss! With a man you knew, at most, for a week. It’s a tender yet short kiss as you relish in the feeling while you can. His lips are slightly chapped and uneven in texture yet you moan into it because it felt so right. You pull away before you get too carried away and do something devilishly sensual like sticking your tongue down his throat.
You anxiously gauge his reaction. Is this strike one?
His eyelids slowly flutter open before looking back into your eyes again. He hasn’t experienced this kind of softness in forever. People are usually afraid of him and he’s used to being alone but having such a young beauty as yourself having just an inkling of interest in him blows his mind farther than any fucked up shit he’s seen and/or done.
But Dale’s just not capable of understanding these intense feelings he has for you and it makes him feel as if he’s losing the little control he has in his life. So he’s always jumping to the default of trying to creep you out as some sort of power move he possesses; proud that he can make people fear him by his actions aside from just his bizarre appearance. So now he’s just running his thick wet tongue along his puffy lips after your shared kiss, playing up the perverted gesture which should’ve been enough to make your skin crawl but you always match his freak.
Leaning over the console to invade his space once again, you touch the tip of his tongue faintly against yours just before he darts it back into his mouth. And if he were to give you a strike for that wicked move, it’d be so worth it.
Dale’s such a little shit, though, because he’d for sure make you watch some vintage porn that he owns and it’s not at all vanilla. It’s rough, dirty, pearl-clutching, thigh-clenching stuff. Choking, spitting, biting, bondage… it’s all so violent to a wide-eyed beginner as yourself. Your heart’s pounding a mile a minute, squeezing Dale’s arm and willing yourself not to look away or he’d consider it a strike.
And the next two days are even worse with little devil Dale making sure he tortures you through the agonizing march of time. He’d refrain from touching you at all, avoiding you like the plague. You’d feel like you’re going crazy like he’s some form of drug to you because all you can think of is him. Even while you sleep at night it’s as if his presence lingers around you. Now you’re beginning to understand why your father says that lust is a poison to a god-fearing mind. You’re convinced that Dale has sunken his gnarly sharp teeth into you, infecting you with his toxic venom so that you’ll never come out the same again.
When your birthday finally arrives, Dale knows for sure that you’ve officially surrendered yourself to him. He could tell it in the way you waited on his words hand and foot, wanting to follow whatever it is he asked of you with no question. He could make you up and break you down into the perfect little subservient minion of the dark side and you’d gladly sign away your life. It would be that easy.
He’ll take you to his special place, down in his dimly-lit basement, where there’s no chance of anyone hearing you scream. He’d start by making you cum with his mouth first just as he’d promised and you’re seeing fucking stars! The man feeds on you like he’s been starved for centuries. He didn’t even have the decency to pull off your cute lacy pink thong you’d carefully selected at some lingerie store for him to marvel at. He just flips up your pleated skirt, pushes your panties to the side and just digs in with an eager mouth and even eager tongue. Those same puffy lips you’d kissed the other day now sucking and making out with your own puffy lips while he gets his wish of you wrapping your pillowy thighs around him.
You’d offer to get on your knees and suck his cock the way you’d seen in one of his films but he’s too wired, wanting to fuck you right then and there on his dingy worn couch.
When he pushes into you, it’s as if you’re being split in two; surprising because, based on what you saw in those nudie films, Dale’s isn’t as big as those ones. It’s actually quite short, deliciously veiny with a hook. Girthy, too. As thick as coke can. Dale Kobble proves the theory of girth over length by a long shot.
He’s positioned you on your back to where your legs are pressed deep into your shoulders and now-exposed chest since Dale, in his impatience, lifted your shirt over your ample breasts and pulling them out of the cups of your bra to watch them jiggle and knock against one another other with each drive of his hips.
This man has zero patience for anything actually. He’d just push into your tight heat in one fell swoop and you’d gasp out loud, feeling the faint tearing within you. He’d pull himself out a little to marvel at the blood and cream coating his dick, gathering some on his finger to paint your sweet lips. And you’d flick your tongue between the spaces of his fingers wanting to drink in the essence and you feel so fucking powerful.
Once he begins his pace, it’s erractic, unrhythmic, desperate, and awkward but you fucking love it so much that it has you whimpering and clawing at his back. You don’t care how little experience he has, you never want him apart from you.
Dale would want to be as close to you as he could, falling over your masterpiece of a body with his full weight. He’s penetrating DEEP. He wants to give you all that dick no matter if it isn’t much. He’s all sweaty, his belly sticking to yours from all the worked up perspiration. You enjoy the feeling of his softness against yours, appreciating his torso (when you could at least) for the ‘dad bod’ built that it was.
He’s hoarsely gasping, whispering the dirty filth in your ear, caging you between his arms. You can’t push him away even if you tried but you’d be crazy to ever want to, squeezing your legs around his body in a death grip.
He’ll let his face fall in between the valley of your breasts, inhaling you. He doesn’t care to breathe anything else so to suffocate this way, would be an honor. High-pitched sobs and breathless whispers against your skin indicates to you that it’s been so long for him since he’s felt a warm body against his own. The more he thinks about how lucky he is to fuck such a tight, greedy cunt as yours it make him turn into an inconsolable mess; crying, spitting, and kissing all over you.
You’re no better, whining and mewling with reckless abandon. Your hands are anywhere clawing at his boringly pastel colored shirt, running your hands up his shirt to sink your nails into the sides of his ribs until you're settling on his long hair. With every bruising thrust, you tug hard on his hair earning pathetic “unh”’s and “ah”’s from him.
Whenever either of you muster up the strength to pull away from each other for just a few centimeters, you’d sloppily crash your lips together, swapping spit or devouring each other’s tongues then swallowing down your moans from each other’s mouths like passionate lovers who’ve known each other for years.
Dale feels like just as much of a virgin as you with how much you’ve reduced him to a sniveling lovestruck fool. He can already sense his approaching climax, not wanting to blow his load before you get a chance to experience bliss.
He’ll bring a finger to your clit, specifically the finger that dons that fucking ring so you could feel the cool metal against your sensitive button. And obviously, he won’t be nice about it, rubbing harsh, rapid circles on it until you fall apart. He’s not stopping until you’re sobbing—begging…you’re absolutely delirious. Your back arches off the couch cushions, eyes rolling into the back of your skull like it’s an exorcism. You can hardly breathe. This is exactly why orgasms are called ‘little deaths’ because you must’ve died and now you’re reborn again offering yourself to the soulless world.
Before you could protest he spills his sticky, hot cum inside of you. Your hands would instinctively try to push away but your legs keep him there, wanting every last fucking drop of Dale’s seed. The man’s got some big kahunas so you’re going to overflow with his essence.
And without a doubt, for all the money in the bank, Dale will scream “I love you” as he cums until he’s just whispering it while shuddering against you.
After it all, you’ll both lay together in an entanglement of limbs, cuddling in the afterglow while seesawing between either cleaning up or going for another round. Though considering you could feel him stirring up inside you again, you think it’ll definitely be the latter.
He’ll truly surprise you with your actual gift. A beautiful gold necklace with an amethyst pendant (and a secret tracker you don’t so that he’ll always find you everywhere even if you ever try to run away from him). And, of course, he wouldn’t forget to gift Paw something for having his part in the creation of you, so he mails him your bloodied lacy underwear as a reminder of the lost innocence of his precious girl.
Oh, and aftercare definitely involves those large hands of his giving you nice belly rubs and soft scratches along your skin with the occasional peppered kisses along the pudge. Then, you’ll eventually both come to the conclusion that you're each other’s anchor whether for better or much, much worse.
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cheynovak · 1 year ago
Dean Winchester x Reader (Y/N) & Sam Winchester (platonic)  
Warnings: Fluff, Implied smut, body shaming, alcohol, trauma, nothing too extreme,  
This story does not follow the SPN timeline.  
Side note: English isn’t my first language.  Words: 5166 
Y/N is a high school crush/friend of Sam, when they were 16 y/o they attended the same school for a while. She was one of the only kids who didn’t made fun of him, they became friends pretty quick. Sam always thought Y/N was a nice, friendly and cute girl, a little bigger than most of the girls in school but cute. Sam spends his entire time hanging out with her, trying to ask her to prom, only one problem, Y/N likes another, older guy, he didn’t know the older guy was Dean.  
 Now years later the brothers path crosses again with Y/N.   
Cursive are memories. 
~ Part 2 out now! ~
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Dean looked at the menu in front of him, waiting for Sam, hoping he had more news over the case they were working on. Vampires, only this time the nest seemed big, they had killed a few they found, but somehow more and more people seemed missing. It looked like every time they took one down another one popped up.  
“Dean? Dean Winchester?” The older brother heard his name and looked up, to see the waitress. “Yes... that’s me?” He answered reluctantly. “It’s me... Y/N. A high school friend of Sam.” He took a good look this time.  - “Y/N?” Sam had just entered the diner. “It’s been so long! How are you!” He asked her while immediately pulling her in a hug.  “I’m great! Too long I know. How are you?”  
Dean witnessed the conversation, still not entirely sure who she was. He started to think about all the high schools they attended to. Sure he would have remembered it when Sam had a girl friend... definitely a girl this... hot. Unless he didn’t attend school anymore. And then he remembered.  
“Thanks Dean, for driving us!” - “No problem sweetheart.” He winked at Y/N while she got out of the car. “Sam, wait a sec I need to talk to you.” He held his brother back. “Can’t this wait after school? I’m going to ask Y/N to the dance.”  “Yeah, about the dance...” he mumbled under his breath. “Hey, Y/N wait up!” Sam rushed out of Dean’s car, he watched his little brother jog to the slightly chubby but cute girl, knowing he won’t be taking her to the dance.  
Dean remembered, making him unconsciously interrupt their conversation, without filtering his words first. “Now I remember... Y/N the chubby friend from when you were 17!” - “What the hell Dean! ” Sam hit his shoulder, while he looked apologetic over to Y/N, who seem to be amused by Dean’s bluntness. “Yeah, well that’s what most people remember of me.”  
“I’m sorry, you look great! You’ve changed... A lot!” Dean apologised in a yet flirty way, looking her up and down. “And you haven’t changed, have you.” Y/N laughed at his attempt. “Please tell me you’re staying in town a little longer this time?” She turned to Sam. “Eh, a few days at least.” - “Great...” she kept looking at him, “Jeez, almost forgot to take your order.” They talked a little more after they had their food and in between orders.  
“Hey if you want, we can stay a little longer after the job is finished.” Dean told his brother. “Maybe you and Y/N over there can catch up some lost time.” - “I don’t know Dean, she seems to have a great life I don’t want her to be involved in ours.” - “Did you ever go out with her?” - “No, she eh, liked someone else.” - “Really who?” - “Don’t know, an older guy, didn’t attend our school.” - “ Oh really? I seem to remember she liked you.” Dean felt bad for his brother.  
“You’re lucky again, Y/N.” Her co-worker said while they were making their orders. “What do you mean?”  - “You always get the handsome or cute boys at your tables.” She nodded to Sam and Dean. “Old friend of yours?” - “I went to school with that one...” she pointed at Sam. “And that is his older brother. He, eh was the first guy I ever kissed.” - “Lucky you.” Y/N her mind drifted away to an old memory.  
School dance was in two weeks, but Y/N still had no dress. All the dresses she tried on were either, too long, short or small. The popular girls who bullied Y/N for being overweight seemed to notice Y/N struggling in the store and decided to ad a little salt to the wound.  
Dean dropped Sam off at the library a few streets away, he had to run an errands for his dad and decided to buy some magazines at the store for himself, the store he needed was across from the store Y/N was in. He noticed her, standing in front of a mirror, she looked good, but he noticed her cheeks were red, she was almost crying. Then he heard the 3 popular girls walk out “Can’t believe little piggy thinks she will find a dress that will look good on her.” - “No way she finds a guy to take her.” Another one added.  
Dean felt bad for her since she was the only kid in Sam’s class who was nice to him, he walked in the store, the second she saw the older Winchester enter the store she fled to the fitting room. “Y/N? Are you ok?” He placed his ear next to the door, he could hear her sniff. “Yeah, yeah I'm great thanks.” - “Don’t lie to me sweetheart... Is it those girls?” - “They just make fun of me. Nothing special. I’m used to it.” - “It is if it makes you cry.” She didn’t answer. “Why don’t you show me your dress?” Y/N slowly unlocked the door, looking up with teary eyes, Dean still leaning on the fitting room. “They are right, I look ridiculous, I won’t find a dress that fits me.”  
“What are you talking about? You look amazing.” He smiled slightly. “You just say that to make me feel good.” She felt her cheeks glow, afraid to look up. “No, no, no you look stunning in this dress.”, “This one maybe, the others are horrible.” - “Then buy this one.” - “Can’t, too expensive.” Dean’s heart broke. Y/N got back in the dressing room, changed and hung the dress back.  “Hey, why don’t we go get some burgers?” Y/N was surprised. “You want to hang out with me?”  
Dean never really wanted to hang out with Sam and her, he always felt too cool she thought, he always dated the ‘hot girls’ she knew he was a player from what Sam told her, but him being nice to her made her feel good. “Hey eh, why don’t you go in and order already. I have to buy some things for my dad, I’ll be right with you.” - “Sure... You know what you want?” - “I’ll take what you‘ll have.”  
Y/N watched Dean drive off, only to see that the girls from before were at the same diner. Great, she thought. “Keep your head up Y/N, you can do this.” Little did she know Dean went back to the store to buy that dress she liked. He walked into the diner to see the girls standing around Y/N’s table. “ How much do you eat Y/N, no surprise no dress fits you.”  - “It’s for not for me, it’s for Dean.” - “Did you really think a boy would want to be seen with you?” - “Yeah, especially Sam’s hot brother.”  the 2nd girl added. Dean felt the anger boil inside him.  
“There you are sweetheart.” Dean said a little louder than needed, he walked past the three teenage bullies. “Sorry, it was busy at the store.”  He took the place beside her, pulled his arm around her, while his other hand holds her cheek. “Let me make it up to you.”  Without warning he kissed Y/N’s lips. Leaving the other girls stunned. Then he turned to them “Friends of yours?” - “Not really” she said bold, that kiss and his arm made her confident. Dean waved them goodbye, while keeping his arm around her almost for the entire time.  
Y/N her memory faded when she noticed Dean walking up to her. “Can I get the check?” He asked. “Sure” She smiled. “You know, I never got to thank you.”  - Dean smiled confused, changing the subject “... hey, we are eh, staying in town a little longer. Why don’t you give us a call on your day off.” he wrote his number on a napkin and shoved it forward. “Well, I don’t know.” Dean still looked confused. “Are you planning on kissing me and then leaving me again, Winchester?” she flirted, leaving Dean startled.  
“Ready?” Sam asked dropping a hand on Dean’s shoulder. “Eh, yeah, I-I'm ready.” By the time Dean got to the Impala he remembered every detail. He had kissed her to shut those mean girls up, he and Y/N stayed at the diner talked, laughed, way longer than he was planning, he just felt bad for her but the longer he talked to her the more he actually cared for her, by the end Dean realised why Sam likes her so much, she was really smart, funny and mature. She made him smile like no one had done in years.  
He dropped her off at her house, but not before he kissed her again in the impala, “I, eh heard you have no date to the school dance yet.” He asked nervous. “No, I don’t.” Y/N’s heart was racing and her head spinning, is he really asking her what she thought? “Well, I-If you would like, I have no plans that night...” He looked up at her, she responded by pulling him in for another kiss.  
He opened her door for her, pinned her against the car and asked her not to tell Sam yet. “I want to tell him myself.”  
“Dean?” - ” Hm?” - “Why so quiet?” Sam asked in the car. “What? Oh nothing, nothing.”  
The next day Sam and Dean split up again, Dean wanted to surprise Y/N after work now he fully remembered. But he saw Y/N and Sam walk out of the diner, holding a milkshake, she had her arm wrapped around Sam’s arm. They were laughing, too involved in their conversation to notice Dean at the corner of the street. He could see the two of them being the perfect item since they were so similar, he for some reason even forgot about her. He decided not to drag himself down and went for a drink at the local pub.  
“You know, you never told me who the guy was who took you to the dance.” Sam casually asked Y/N while taking a seat at the bench in the park. “Wow, he never told you did he?” Sam looked confused. “Dean... He asked me.” - “Dean... my brother Dean?” - “Yeah... Please don’t tell me you’re going to mad at him? It was ages ago.” - “No, oh no not at all, it just makes sense.” Sam laughs sincere. “Why are you laughing?” - “He acted all weird yesterday morning, after seeing you and I can remember he spend all dad’s money, later he admitted it was on a dress for a girl, didn’t want to tell us who. And before leaving he snuck out.“ - “He brought that dress to our front door, with a note, telling you guys were leaving.”  
The night of the school dance Y/N got nervous, she still had no dress but Dean told her not to worry. “Y/N!” - She heard her dad call out to her “Come down here honey.” The second she got the end of the stairs she saw her dad holding a bag, a black clothing cover. “I think this is for you.” He helped her open it. Y/N recognised the dress immediately. A little note dropped out of the bag. “I’m sorry sweetheart, our dad decided to move today. I wished I could see you in this dress, no doubt you will be the most beautiful girl. D.”  
“Did you go?” - “Sorry?” - “Did you go?” Sam repeated the question. “No, I didn’t. I wanted but it wouldn’t be the same without my best friend.” She said bumping her shoulder to his arm. “You know, I really felt bad when you said you liked someone else.” He admitted looking shy at her. “But I’m glad it was Dean. He is a nice guy.” - “Ha, not what you said years ago.” - “Yeah, well in my defence he did get all the girls, even the once I liked back then.” He bumped her back. “I think he still likes you.” Sam casually said. “What? Oh, come on Sam. It was years ago, he didn’t even recognise me at the diner yesterday.” - “I’m serious Y/N he acts strange, his I like a girl but I'm afraid to say it, strange, call him.” - “You don’t mind?” She asked afraid of his answer. “No, not at all, to be fair, Jess is still in my heart and mind.”  
Sam and Y/N walked back to the diner where she parked her car. “Oh my god... He still drives that impala?” She asked while crossing the street to see the car up close. “Dean’s baby.” - “Great memories.” She said looking inside the car. “Oh please don’t tell me... you two...” Sam looked disgusted. “What?” Then it hit her “Oh god, no Sam! Dean and I, we never did, never...”  Sam looked relieved, he looked around “He is probably in that pub over there.” He pointed out. “It’s now or never Y/N.” He smiled like a child who had a secret. “Fine, I’ll talk to him.”  
Y/N walked in, a little nervous, if Dean really hasn’t changed, he had found himself a hot girl by now. To her surprise he was sitting alone at the bar, drinking a beer while watching the game on the small tv above the bar. 
“Hi stranger.” She smiled while taking the seat next to him. “Mind me sitting here?” Y/N asked when she saw his surprised face. “Yes, I mean no, no please sit.” - “I eh, I saw your car outside thought I’d say hello... Sam and I were at the park, reminiscing about high school. Would have been great if you were there” - “I saw you two when I walked to the diner, didn’t want to interfere your date.” - “Date?! Oh no Sam and I weren’t on a date.” -” Well, I think you two should.” Dean answered looking back at his beer. “Considering your history and both being really similar personalities and all.”  
“I’m afraid a little too similar.” Dean looked up. “Don’t get me wrong, Sam still an amazing person... I like him, but I might still like his older brother a bit more.” Y/N was afraid to look directly in Dean’s eyes when she confessed that. “Even when he didn’t take you to the dance like he promised?” - “Even when he didn’t recognise me.” Dean felt his cheeks burn, “You have changed a lot.”  
“It’s ok, deep down I knew it wasn’t the same for you like it was for me.” Y/N said without feeling any grudges. “At the beginning maybe, but after that day at the diner, after that first kiss...” Dean felt bold admitting this. “Please don’t tell me that you fell for the chubby girl?” - “I did.” - “You never do.” - “Oh I did, I fell hard, I used my dad’s money to buy you that dress! He was pissed!”  
“Sam told me, you didn’t have to get into trouble for me.” - “at least you were the prettiest girl at that dance.” - “I didn’t go.” - “What!” Dean dropped his beer back at the bar. “My date and best friend were abducted by their father, I didn’t want to be alone.” She joked but was serious about the alone part.  
After a few beers Y/N and Dean found themselves still at the bar. Laughing, joking and even flirting. 
“As much as I don’t want this night to end, I have to go. I have an early shift tomorrow.” They both stepped out realizing it was late, the sun had gone down. “Let me drive you.” - “Don’t you think you had a little too much to drink?” - “Bullshit, I can drive get in.” He said while holding her door. Y/N got in and immediately recognized the same smell as all those years ago.  
While driving Dean remembered their last night together.  
Dean had asked Y/N to go to the movies with him; to his surprise she accepted. During the movie he couldn’t keep his eyes on the screen. He kept looking over at Y/N wondering how to tell Sam he fell for his best friend, for his crush. He felt guilty but couldn’t keep sneaking around with her. “Sam asked me to the dance Yesterday.” She whispered without looking at him. "What did you say?” Dean asked, shifting in his seat, feeling a little nervous.  “That I liked someone else.” He could see her cheeks blushing. While his heart made a jump.  
“Oh really?” - “Uhu, he is handsome, a little older, a real prince charming, I didn’t tell all that to Sam, obviously.” - “Well, tell me who is this prince I need to fight?” he joked while playfull attack her, kissing and licking her neck, which made her giggle. His lips found hers, the kiss deepened “Let’s get out of here.”  
When they walked out of the theatre, holding hands, he saw his dad outside. He pulled her back hushing her with his hand on her mouth. “He has no idea I’m here.” he whispered in her ear. When he was out of side they ran to the car, and Dean drove them to an open spot next to the football pitch at their school. He pulled her closer to him, immediately kissing her again, seemingly not getting enough of Y/N.   
His hand moved under shirt, over her stomach, making her clench up and pulling back. 
Dean let go of her “Did I do something wrong?” - “I’m just not really comfortable in my skin.” She admitted shy. “Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart” - “it’s ok, I-I just never. No guy ever touched me like that. Probably because of my... size.” - “Don’t be ridiculous, you look amazing. I don’t get it why no guy ever took a change to be with you before.”  
But Dean held back the rest of the night, making her comfortable again. Keeping it to kissing and touching above the clothes. He didn’t want to push her away, thinking she deserved to know not all man are the same.  
The drive home was quiet and filled with tension. Seeing Dean driving his car made Y/N feeling warm and safe again. He looked the same but at the same time different, broken. He looked at her, noticed her staring. “Like what you’re seeing sweetheart?” She blushed, looking at her hands that were folded on her lap. “Sorry.” - “Don’t be, I like it, reminds me of the good old days.” he jokes.  
“Here we are.” Dean said trying to sound neutral, but his heart beats fast. “Why don’t you come inside for a second, I have something to show you.” Y/N said very enthusiasts.  Dean followed her up to her apartment giving himself a peptalk, thinking this may be the moment. “Wait here.” Y/N’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts.  
He looked around, no pictures or signs of a man. “Great!” he mumbled. “What was that?” she asked? Dean flinched “Nothing!” He turned around to see Y/N in the dress he bought for her.  
“Wow” Was all he managed to say. “It’s a little big, I know but I kept it.” She said while looking down at herself, not noticing Dean getting closer, “The first boy I ever loved gave it to me.” She looked up, meeting Dean’s eyes. Feeling the air shifting. “I never thanked you for the dress, did I?” Dean’s eyes flicked from her lips back to her eyes. “No, not really.” his lip pulled up in a half smile.  
“Hm. In that case.” Y/N’s hands moved over his shoulder, neck, to the back of his head, feeling his hair move between her fingers. Pulling him closer. “Thank you.” she whispered against his lips before closing the space with hers. Dean still tasted the same as she remembered, his full lips felt even better than before. Dean’s hands moved up to hold her ribs, pulling her closer to him but letting go of her lips. “Remind me to buy you more dresses.” she smiled before he finds her lips again.  
After a long passioned kiss Y/N spoke again, “I’m going to put on something more, comfy, mind helping me with the zipper?” She asked while turning her back to Dean. Knowing very well what she was doing. Dean moved her hair to one side of her shoulders, kissing the one that was showing, while unzipping her dress, letting it fall on to the floor. His hands roaming over her body, Y/N’s head fell back, letting out a deep breath, while he moved over to that one spot behind her ear.  
“Still as beautiful as I remember.” He whispered in her ear while he held on to her hips. Y/N turned around finding his lips again, walking him back to find the couch. Dean sat down slowly, while Y/N took a seat on his lap, straddling him. Dean’s hands holding her hips, his finger brushing over her ass, it was the first time she paid no attention to her own body, she usually was very well aware of the stretchmarks she had from being fuller, but for some reason Dean made her forget all of that.  
Their kisses deepen, hips grinding, breaths getting heavier, hands roaming each other's body, hungry for more... Until they were interrupted by the sound of Dean’s phone. Dean searched for his phone, “It’s Sam. He can wait.” Dean said tossing the phone on the other side of the couch, only to pull her back in for more, but his phone rang again. “D-Dean, maybe you need to pick up.” Y/N said between kisses. 
Dean sighs picking up the phone, “Sammy?” - “Dean? I found the nest, where are you, I need back up.” - “I eh, I am... I’m on my way.” He said, while looking apologetic to Y/N. - “Brother in need?” she asked still sitting on his lap. “I’m sorry, I really need to go.” He kissed her, holding her face in his hands. “I promise I’ll make it up to you.” he said looking deep in her eyes, just to be sure she knew he meant it. She nodded.  
"I’ll see you tomorrow.” Y/N kissed Dean and closed the door behind him, slightly hating Sam for ruing the moment, but over the moon, feeling the same butterflies as she felt all those years ago.  Y/N got ready for bed, Dean promised to have breakfast at the diner tomorrow and to pick her up after her shift, so there was no reason not to get in her pj’s. 
But by the time she got to the bathroom she heard a knock on the door. Smiling she yelled “Forgot something, Dean?” Only to open the door seeing no-one. She stepped outside to feel a presents behind her...  
Dean pulled over at the motel he and Sam stayed, so he could pick up his brother, before taking down the vamps nest. “Really Sam, fighting a nest in the middle of the night, smooth timing!” - “I thought the fast we take them out the quicker we can move on.” the younger brother looked at his sibling putting the weapons and the machetes in the car. “Unless you have a reason to stay.” Dean gave his brother a dead stare before closing the trunk.  
“Did you talk to Y/N yet?” Sam was curious. “Well, since you ask so nicely. We were in the middle of a... conversation, when you called.” he emphasised but keeping his eyes on the road. “That escalated quick.” Sam smirked. “I really think you should give her the benefit of the doubt and think, maybe, just maybe she is your ticket out of this life.” - “And leave you alone? No way.”  
“Think about it Dean, we liked living here. This town, the people we were mad at dad for leaving, again.” - “You were always mad at dad, you left for college.” - “Y/N’s idea.” - “Really?” Dean looked over to his brother this time. “Y/N told you to go study law?” - “No, she told me that we were more than our dad wanted us to be. That we could do what we wanted. Bet she didn’t want you to be in dad’s footsteps.”  
The rest of the ride the brothers were quiet. Sam’s words lingered in Dean’s head. Maybe there was a way to be with Y/N. He could tell her everything, no there was no way he would let her in to this life.  
The Winchesters arrived at the old warehouse where the nest was. When they entered, they immediately saw Y/N tight up to a chair at the back, unconscious. “Good for you to show up, I figured since you two killed my girl, I might just take yours.” One of the vamps spoke. “It’s remarkable how the smell of humas linger on our dead. So easy to track them down. And like today we were very lucky to find us a little surprise.” - “Let her go you son of a bitch!” Dean growled.  
Y/N heard Sam’s voice in a distance. “Y/N? Y/N wake up.” She slowly opened her eyes. “S-Sam? What happened. W-where am I?” She looked around, the haze in front of her eyes disappeared, she saw Dean chopping of the head of the last vampire, making her scream. “Hey, hey sweetheart, you’re ok.” He came running towards her. Y/N was too afraid to react, trying to wrap her head around the things that happened.  Only moments before she lost consciousness again.
Dean carried Y/N to the car, the vampire drank so much blood she felt too weak even to stand on her legs.  
The drive home was filled with awkward silence, Sam kept looking back at her trying to see how she was doing, but Y/N kept looking outside the window, trying to hold back the tears. Dean parked outside the motel they were staying, while Sam tried to help her out of the car. “What are we doing here? I thought you would bring me home?” Dean could hear the fear in her voice.  
“Home isn’t safe now sweetheart.” - “And this motel is?” - “It’s just for the night, tomorrow we check out your place and if it’s safe we can take you home.” Sam answered in his sweet voice. 
Sam supported her while they walked inside, her eyes roaming the place. “If there is anything we can...” - “I would like to take a bath.” She interrupted Dean, still not giving him a look. Y/N grabbed Sam’s arm again, “Can you give me a hand?” Sam looked over at his brother, hesitated before he answered “Eh, yeah sure.”  
Sam filled the tub before helping her with her clothes, in any other situation Y/N would have felt embarrassed but after tonight she didn’t care anymore. Sam held her arm when she stepped in the bath. She could feel the warm water touching her skin, stinging at the small bite marks that covered her body. “Are you going to be ok?” Sam asked before leaving her alone for a minute. “I’m fine Sam, thank you.” Sam left de door slightly open, Dean still stood in the middle of the room, he looked at her while his brother walked toward him, seeing her back all bruised.  
Y/N heard the brothers talk, “Why won’t she talk to me Sammy?” She could hear the pain in Dean’s voice. ” One, she just got ambushed by vampires. And two she saw you chop off someone’s head.” Sam took a deep breath. “She is probably traumatised, look at all the bite marks and bruises on her, they drained her, to the point of fainting. Give her some time.” He whispered knowing Dean meant well. “I’m going to get some painkillers and bandages for her.” He padded his brother’s shoulder. “Be right back.” 
Dean leaned against the bathroom door. “Y/N?... May I come in?” He waited for an answer, but she didn’t respond. Dean slowly walked in kneeling next to her. He slowly lifted his hand to caress her hair. At first, she flinched but the second she truly felt his soft touch, she couldn’t hold back her tears. Dean shifted on to the side of the tub, her head fell against his thigh. He held her hand and stroke her hair with the other, while he whispered to her over and over reassuring words “Shh, you’re going to be ok, I’m here.”  
By the time Sam got back he heard Dean and Y/N talk in the bathroom. As he walked over to take a peek, he saw Y/N in one of Dean’s old shirts while he towel dried her hair, or at least he was trying to. She was asking him questions about what happened, and he answered them honestly. Dean walked Y/N out of the bathroom towards his bed. “You need some sleep, take my bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.” he said while tucking her in. “Are you sure?” her voice was still very shaky. He kissed her head in response.  
Later that night Y/N woke up from a bad dream or was it a memory. She looked around the room to find something to recognise, seeing Dean sleeping on the couch he looked so peaceful yet in a very uncomfortable position. “Dean? Dean?” She whispered, by the third time he woke up. “Dean?” He woke up startled rushing over to her. What’s wrong?”  
Y/N opened the blankets, gesturing him to lay down next to her, doubtfully he crawled into bed next to her. For a second, they were looking into each other’s eyes. If the circumstanced where different he would have kissed her now. But instead, she pulled herself closer to him, her face was snugged against his shirt, she could hear his steady heartbeat. Dean’s chin touching her hair, he tugged an arm around her pulling her close. She let go of a sigh “I had a bad dream.” She confessed. “I’m here, try to get some sleep.” he kissed her head.  
If you liked this, please check out my masterlist for other stories.
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dolliestfairy · 2 years ago
Dolliest 🎀
Vincent Sinclair, Jason Voorhees, Asa emory, & Patrick bateman with Chubby!fem!reader who dressed like a Doll! ʚ ₊˚ ᥀✿
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Author Note ✿ : hello lovlies, sorry i have been on a break for like 3/4 days because i just like um.. really need some break and also i had a lot activities going on, but i still try to write something for you all, so please sit down and enjoy :). if you like my writings please give me reblogs and feedbacks. tysm! also we almost got 140 followers atp, Tysm for your support lovlies!!
Trigger Warning ✿ : insecurities, fluff, some murder stuff idk, blood & insect mentioned, and some comfort also :), and maybe some misspelled word. overall enjoy! Reader skin color is NOT announced.
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Dividers from @v6que ꒰ঌ ໒꒱. Gifs are not mine.
✿ Vincent sinclair
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- you're an Art, thats what Vincent think the first time he saw you.
- and oh my god... he freaking loves it watching you dressing yourself!!
- believe me, he would never let anyone take down your confidence, if the one who take down your confidence is his brother (take example : Bo Sinclair) he wouldnt be scared to defend you like it his life-priority.
- but if the one who takes down your confidence is his next victim?? they are dead. even if the victim was important bla bla bla, he doesnt give a fck. how dare they talk down to his beloved partner?? such a unforgivable act.
- Love, i mean﹍LOOVEE drawing you. you're gonna see THOUSANDS paper with a drawing that look Exactly like you, EVERYWHERE. he even had his own fav drawing that he's dedicated to you.
- he, drawing you, and protecting you from anyone who mocks you including his brother, is a way of how he show himself that he is truly in love with you.
- if you're feeling insecure? better be ready to be suffocate from his affection.
✿ Jason Voorhees
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- Man is silently drooling behind his mask.
- kinda like a Mommy kink....
- love the way you dress yourself with those soft pink dress and accesories, those glam nails and hairs and those soft makeup... perfect.
- but theres a time where he felt himself is not appropriate for you.
- we know this man is a insecure boy, but if you manage to cheer him up with your own way, istg your life is going to be put into this big mans life-priority.
- like.. he'll do everything to keep you happy.
- sometimes he even steal accessories or clothes or even make up that he found from his victim, where he collect them all and give them all for you.
- you might feeling kinda nasty seeing those gift is still covered in blood and with like a rotting-corpse smell... but if you accept it brightly he's gonna die on that place & in that moment.
- really love you. if you're insecure, he's going to slit somebodys throat for making you that way, but if you're feeling insecure because your own self? well then, he's going to go to hunt some victim, to get some MORE AND MORE stuff that you may like, well i mean.. thats just how he shows his love for you. his chubby doll 🎀
✿ Asa emory
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- didnt know how to feel....
- but he does somehow, loves the opposite vibes you both gave. like he's the bad murderer boy who likes insect and some nasty nasty stuff, life in a nasty place and then theres you! who brighten up the nasty place he live in, always dress like a doll, pink pink, Vanilla perfume n stuff..
- just perfect and balance combination.
- when his victim saw who he is and when they saw YOU who is behind him they're gonna find themself asking "y-you.. you-you didnt get k-killed?..." and only to get the answer of him "she's my Princess."
- BUT... thats on a rare occassion. sometimes he just called you "my partner" or something. but if he's feeling in a good & cocky mood then he's going to call you his princess.
- and just like jason, he likes to give you a beautiful beautiful stuff who is always & almost covered in blood.
- if he's sees you wearing the stuff he gave you he can feel his cold heart melting.
- jk.. he doesnt feel his cold heart melting, because you already melt him in the first place. he just can feel his cold & thick heart is being burned by your affection.
- and when i'm telling you this.. he's enjoying, every, single, one of it.
✿ Patrick bateman
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- oh my god..
- he's a real cocky man. but let me tell you something..
- like i'm not even joking. he spoils you... really really spoils you to the bone, to your soul like you feel like you're suffocating.
- because he's still a patrick bateman, he loves to suffocate everyone, you're no expectation. the only differences is that he suffocate other people with death.
- but with you?... oh he's going to suffocate you with.. LOVE, LOVE & LOVE!
- in which he doesnt even believe any of that.
- but he does, believe it with you.
- patrick is a aware man. he knew himself real well, so when he found himself on a one knee for you, he found himself surprised and well um.. unbelieveably.
- never in his wildest life he would ended up with someone like you.
- at first he tried to denied, but as times goes by, he cant help, but felt his cold and tough soul was slowly melting over your words and touch.
- you're so.. so.. precious. soft, and round.. need to be protected and loved.
- it has been Too long for patrick bateman since he have been feeling this type of.. feelings.
- but you manage to somehow make him feel it again! and he wont waste it!
- the way he suffocate you, choking you with his affection and love is just how he shows himself how madly he is in love with you..! please dont waste it darling, please dont..
- let your soft appereance burn his cold soul as he would burn this world for you.
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yallthemwitches · 4 months ago
Only Sleeping
For @jilytoberfest Day 26 🎶One bright morning goes so easy. Darkness always finds you either way🎶 - First Light by Hozier
AO3 Link Here
“Shh, Harry, we can't see daddy,” his voice breaks and the tears fall faster than he can feel them. Back at school he used to call them the miracle couple–The miracle couple now with a miracle boy. 
“Ok Harry, we have to be gentle if we are going to pet uncle Sirius.”
She takes Harry’s palms which are no bigger than snitches and uncurls his tiny fingers until they  lay flat like discs. 
“Remember—just like with daddy prongs: pat pat pat.” She holds him by the stomach and they both lean forward. Guiding his hand in hers, they give Sirius three soft pats to his back.
“Pah pah pah-” Harry gargles out, but some of his fingers start to lace into the dark fur, itching to tug. 
“Open hand Harry! We don’t want to hurt him,” and they repeat the process until Harry is capable of doing it without his mother’s guidance, crawling out of her lap to lean all of his body weight on the dog.
“Be careful, he’s going to think we have a new pet.”
James comes back into the room holding a teapot and three empty cups. Without hesitation, he settles himself cross legged next to Sirius and scoops up the baby, giving him a quick toss in the air. Harry chortles, cheeks ruddy with happiness. 
“I don’t care if I’m the new family dog as long as I have some time off to visit once and a while.” Now transformed, Sirius leans back on his hands, stretching his legs out with a yawn. 
“Dumbledore is stark mad these days—I know I’m a pretty nimble bloke but these missions are starting to take it out of me–”
James looks down at his lap, fidgeting. 
“I didn’t mean it like I was picking up your slack or anything mate–besides you can’t help it. I just wish I could visit more is what I’m trying to say.”
“Yeah–” James nods, shaking the self-disappointment from his mind. Setting Harry loose on the ground to pour their tea, the boy lurches himself in a standing position and zooms off down the hall, his little toddling feet making soft stomping noises as he goes. 
“He’ll be back,” James says simply. Even with Harry gone, none of the adults move to sit at the actual table, all used to life on the floor while entertaining a baby. 
“Have you taught him my name yet?” Sirius says, blowing on his tea. 
“Harry! C’mere kiddo.”
Harry zips back in the room, falling flat on his face before getting up without incident. He beelines to Lily, tumbling into her and grabbing onto her long hair. 
“Harry darling, can you say: Uncle Sirius?”
“Nnnkl siwisis.”
James lets out a laugh. “Well no need to push any farther, that’s good enough!”
Sirius slithers onto his belly and wraps his arms around his godson who immediately becomes interested in his hair, grabbing bunches of it in little fists while waving them around. 
“I know I tell you every time, but you both really did make a bloody cute kid.”
James cracks into a wide grin and Lily leans over to rest her head in her husband's lap, his hand instantly curling into her hair.
“Glad to hear it because we are trying for another. A girl this time if we can help it!”
Sirius shoots up, accidentally making Harry tumble back with an oof.
“You what? Please don’t tell me it’s because you lot are bored all locked up in here because I swear to Merlin—”
“No, It’s not because we are bored, you arsehole,” Lily gives him a pointed glare, “And James is getting ahead of himself—after the war we will try. Right now we are just—”
“Practicing,” James finishes. Sirius makes a puking noise which makes Harry gargle with joy. 
“See, your son agrees–disgusting.” 
James picks up Harry again and tickles his chubby belly with kisses, making his little legs kick wildly into the air. 
“Good thing you two are so grossly in love, otherwise I’d think you’d have killed each other already.”
The ground was so warm just that morning. Did he imagine it? Could it truly be the same floor?
The teacups glint amongst the rubble, even in shards they are still in the circular formation they had been used in. He suddenly has the urge to call for Hagrid to come back from the other room,“These didn’t fall, we drank them on the ground! We drank them all together just this morning!”
 Harry rustles in his arms, and he presses him closer, baby’s blood smearing into his jacket. The boy reaches up and tugs on his hair, his mother’s advice already forgotten. His eyes wide and green and alive.
“Dah Dah Dah Dah–” he coos, twisting to be free and join his dad at the stairwell. Even he knows it's an odd place for him to lay. They did everything on the ground these days, why not sleep? He looks so very asleep. 
“Shh, Harry, we can't see daddy,” his voice breaks and the tears fall faster than he can feel them. Back at school he used to call them the miracle couple–The miracle couple now with a miracle boy. 
Harry kicks his feet, but not out of joy caused by James’ kisses or Lily’s soft fingers. There's blood getting in his eyes.
“I’m here, buddy. It’s me... your uncle Sirius—remember?”
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