#i really love the texture and bits of highlighting here
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commsroom · 2 months ago
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mother program 🛰️ (by @rosenkranz-does-things)
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rayroseu · 13 days ago
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The point of view and Silver's character taking up majority of the canvas to symbolize this is HIS moment, The way he unsheathes his sword!!! On Dawn's sprite, it looks like its just a glowing light, but on Silver's art here it looks like a glowing metal !! THE WAY HIS HAIR FLOWS AND HIS ARMOR GLISTEN TOO THE NECKLACE AND AURORAL RING AT THE VERY CENTER OF THE PIC HE'S SO VIBRANT AGAINST THE DARK ATMOSTPHERE OF THE ART WHICH MAKES HIM MORE EMPHASIZED😭💖💞💖💞✨✨✨
I also love the little details that his armor glows in a purple light, maybe not because of magic, but because one of Malleus' attack is a PURPLE FIRE, Silver's magic is light so ofc it'll reflect its surroundings (like with this card where he's surrounded by a dark pink mist probably from the smoke of the purple fire(?) on his armor and silver hair
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The POV of this card also parallels General Lilia too.
worms eye view, focus on the weapon, one eye visible, 3/4 angle, fighting stance position, flowing hair, glowing cape--
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Silver back in his last birthday card also said this line, very obvious but I'm still impressed at how this card really matched his new SSR
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It literally has the same pose for both Malleus and Silver, the same composition and lighting, the final chapter is just Malleus and Silver possibly repeating the history that Lilia doesn't want to relive again, I feel like I'm gonna cry in the next chapter 😭💔💔💔
additional but I love the little sneak of Malleus' tail here, you KNOW ITS REALLY HIM BECAUSE OF THE TAIL END 😭💞💖 HE'S SO COOL IN HIS DRAGON FORM PLEASE DONT KILL HIM 💔💔💔💔
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also side note Malleus' dragon wings have really translucent skin(?), I already knew their wings are semi see through considering this sprite of Meleanor with faded, pale colored wings, but with Malleus I guess its more translucent and more purple?? But it could also appear mkre translucent bcs his dragon form is behind a light source which makes it a bit look like its glowing--
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I hope there'll be a trivia about his dragon form, I'm so interested how can he fly with such thin and translucent wings !! but I know they wont elaborate and they'll just magic it away for the explanation lol
side note but what i love the most about Malleus dragon form is that his wings looks like dragonfly wings with its transparent skin and root-like textures on them✨
Meleanor has them too? But her art is on Chibi form so her details on her dragon form is generalized (its the lines on her wings that suppose to signify the skin of her wings are crumpled and with root-textures like Malleus' has)
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dengswei · 5 months ago
I LOVE this set and i was wondering if you could pls explain how you did the text, including how you added texture to the ripped text and the highlighting/circling/etc of words? thank you for posting your beautiful gifs 😊
thank you!! 🥺 & of course! (photopea tutorial)
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the majority of the texture for the ripped paper effect i can't really take credit for it's on the paper it's self all i did was make the paper white (because the texture was yellow) and used curves to darken the texture), i got the texture from one of photopea's templates but it seems their whole template section has changed drastically and no longer has like anything i used to see before ???? so i'll just share both versions here:
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(original & my edited version)
for the ripped parts i just played around with this brush set in the plugins
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once i decided which of the paper brushes to use i had a new layer and used it where i wanted, so top left in the gif above, i clip masked the paper texture (and the adjustment layers as well) onto it so you get that ripped effect (if you don't like or want to add to that you can always use the brush tool again (or the erasure tool) set as the paper brush to add or remove sections i did this a lot when i realised certain words i wanted to show weren't on there (also changing the size of the paper brush when wanting to add a little bit or take a little bit away was a massive help)
i also always add a drop shadow to my paper textures, the settings i used is mostly the same EXCEPT for the angle for all of the ripped paper (it's also my text drop shadow settings) because depending on how the ripped paper looks you might have to change the angle
also i know in the screenshot below it's on but make sure the use global angle is off if you're going to have multiple different angles of drop shadow in your one gif (so if you want your paper texture on 125° but anything else on 60° the global angle needs to be off but if you want them the same then you can keep that on, which is why it's on for me because the angle is the same for both the text & the ripped paper) (and by text this isn't the text on the ripped paper, there isn't any drop shadow on the text itself there, just to clarify this was for my "ripped paper text tutorial by dengswei" text)
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as you can see i also clipped my "handwriting" text to the paper layer this is so it stayed on the paper rather then going onto the gif itself (and it saved the fiddly part of masking it away & it felt more authentic this way too)
i found for me it was easier to seperate the text line by line so i knew exactly which part of the text was on which and if i wanted to change anything either it being a typo, changing the paper texture, or wanting a different word on a different line it was easier that way because it didn't end up messing up all of the text (though you don't have to do it that way, it's just what worked for me here)
font i used was: vag-handwritten (a default photopea font)
all of the next part needs to be above the text on your ripped paper:
for the highlighting, circles, and the lines it's pretty much all the same, i chose the colour which matched the gif (so say purple), for the highlight used the rectangle select & colour fill tools and set that to multiply & then played around with opacity (for most of my highlighting it's set to 50%), for the circles it was the same except the circle shape tool (no fill just stroke) set to purple, set to multiply, with 100% opacity (i found the circles looked better with 100% on some gifs depending on what colour i used), & then duplicated it once or twice and then just moved each circle to where i thought it looked best & the double lines is also the same using the line tool, set to multiply, & playing around with the opacity, & positioning them where i like
for the squiggly lines, the hearts, the 3 small doodle lines at either side of a word, & any other doodles i had on there i doodled them myself with my drawing tablet (you probably don't have to use a drawing tablet i just found it easier that way) using the free pen tool and then did the same thing set it to multiply and played with the opacity
if the colour you choose looks too dark or too light with it set to multiply either try a lighter/darker colour, try out something else like lighten, or screen, or increase/decrease the opacity more (i found i had this issue with the yellow being hard to see on the white paper so i used a darker yellow and kept everything at 100% opacity rather than 50%)
hope that helps! and please if anything is confusing or you want to ask any more don't hesitate to ask i know i ramble on a bit and it can sometimes get a bit confusing 🤣 or if there was anything i missed feel free to ask again 🥰
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starryeyedstray · 3 months ago
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connorkus wishing you a very happy 2025~! my art ramblings below the cut as per usual
so my goal was to finish this drawing before the end of jan 1st in my time zone and ehehe that certainly did NOT happen. it's like 10am jan 2nd here ahahahah. but hey it's still jan 1st somewhere!!!!
i spent like 15+ hours on this piece and like 70% of that time was redrawing markus. i swear i have the hardest time drawing that guy. i miss drawing ladies. i used to them all the time. maybe that's why i got north down in one try. connor took like three tries. and then markus... i went through like 8 renditions of him. i hope he turned out okay. i've been staring at this piece for so long i've lost all objectivity.
y'all it really is a new year because i actually put my clean line art in a separate layer instead of what i normally do and spend an abnormally long time cleaning up my rough sketch. this led to veryyyyyy thin line art which it is not my usual style. i think it turned out okay??? i think in future pieces might change up the line weight cause i love my tapers but i was just too lazy to rethicken all the lines on the clean line art layer jskdfjksdjfkdsjfl.
i wasn't planning on doing a full colored piece because of the time constraints but i decided to put in some matte colors cause i wanted them to be color coordinated and i was like oh it looks a bit weird and flat maybe i'll render just a litt-- oops i rendered the whole thing ehehehe. tbh, i'm still trying to figure how i want to render and color things. i feel like i always like the plain lineart more than the colored version. i think that will be a goal for this year is figuring out how to color. right now like 50% satisfied with the how i render so hoping to get it closer to 100% by year's end.
btw, no one is allowed to compliment my fabric textures bc i literally cheated cause i just got a picture of fabric texture, set the layer to grain merge, and then added highlights. i was not gonna render out norths sparkly dress by hand that's for fucking sure lmao.
also, idk what cosmic void they're standing in. i just wanted a really soft glowy background without having to render out anything detailed. so uhm let's just pretend that they're standing in front of some sort of light display.
for listening to my ramblings enjoy these rough sketch layers~
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happy new year <333
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koboldfactory · 1 year ago
Hiii, I really love your art and I really wanna ask a question, but how do you your cel-shading stuff but yet still use some textured brushes while at it! And how to use these textured brushes without making it too muddy? I would really love to learn your process
Well my technique varies a little bit from piece to piece but I have a few general rules of thumb developed usually to allow me to finish coloring pieces in a timely manner. I'll throw in an example piece here to reference while I talk about what I did in it below the break!
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Ok so this is basically my go to coloring style for character art. I block out a base flat color (usually like the primary fur/feather color of a character), and then create a new layer (with the clip to layer below modifier) for each individual flat color on top of that for the various elements of the design. Then when coloring I tend to stick to the rule of one primary darker shade and one highlight shade, but since I'm using a rough brush it gives me a little wiggle room for opacity and texture (also use lock alpha to make shading way easier on the individual parts). These shadows and highlights are usually painted-on actual colors but sometimes I use multiply layers to push the contrast in areas a bit further. And for shiny metal bits, like Iris's claws here, I sometimes throw an airbrushed glow layer on top to make it really appear shiny and metallic!
Oh! also i create another clipping layer above the line art and color over it in parts to better match up with the colors below. Like over the brown clothing bits the lines become a dark reddish brown, they become shiny and light on the metal sword, etc etc.
Hopefully that helps and wasn't just random rambling.
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fruitzapple · 8 months ago
For your 3D art:
What are your influences?
What is your process for creating and texturing the models?
What software do you use?
Other than that, I will be keeping an eye out for more of your models as you are what I aspire to be as a hobbyist 3D artist.
Thanks for asking! I'll apologize ahead of time I'm not the best a writing but I hope my answers will be helpful and fun to read
1: I'm really inspired by arcane and into the spider verse! I love the way they can make 3d look like paintings or comic books I love to stylize 3d and I hope with more practice I can make my 3d art come off as different 2d styles. I'm also a big fan of the old low poly games look with the silly pixel texture it's kinda a funny balance between wanting my art to look nothing like 3d and wanting it embrace the sillies of the art form.
2a modeling: I start with cubes for almost everything I make. I started my 3d art journey with texturing Minecraft skins so I kinda like cubes, it also makes unwrapping it onto a flat plane for texturing just a bit easier for me. Here's an image with the geometry of my silly mailbox model highlighted.
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3: I use Blender to make all my models although I just learned a little bit of 3ds Max in my first 3d animation class, I'm mostly self taught though that being the one semester of a 3d animation class under my belt but youtube has been a gold mine for every question I have about 3d and I've practically learned everything I know about using Blender of youtube tutorials.
2b texturing: I use an add-on called uv pack master in blender to speed up my uv unwrapping process so I can make my texture look nicer faster. As for painting I use the tools in blender to texture my models with a couple extra brushes from another add-on it's outdated though and I should probably find some new brushes lol. This is what my texture looks like btw! It's a little messy but I hope you can find it helpful!
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I'm really passionate about 3d animation and almost everything involving it I love talking about it thank you for asking!
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mercurys-minis · 7 months ago
Yeah the bricks yeah good omg love those bases
Thank you! The process of making them is actually really simple, which is why I've been favoring them lately. I also like how I can overhang the edges of the base slightly to make it seem more like a tiny diorama.
I start by just cutting out bricks from a cork sheet, they don't need to be precise, just close, and I superglue them to the base, and then I build up the rest of the base with more cork and bits.
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After that I take gritty texture paint/paste and just smash it in there like grout, use a damp paper towel to wipe away excess, then if needed I use a wet brush to define the gaps a little more, move it around until I'm happy.
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Then I paint it! The painting is pretty quick, I don't even use washes. I mix up a dark slightly green brown, because I want the road to have that "it's old and grimy but the tops of the brick face has been washed clean" look. Maintained, but not repaired. I just paint that over pretty much everything. I mix up burnt umber and a bright red to get a dark ruddy brown for the base of the brick, then I keep adding more and more red to get brighter and keep just sort of roughly stippling it on pretty thin, not quite a glaze but thinner than if you were base coating. At the end I add either a little white or orange to do a final highlight. The concrete is all just neutral gray mixed from black and white. Finally I use a little gloss varnish wherever I want to have the pooled water (make sure to do this after you spray varnish if you do that lol).
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And that's it! I drill a hole all the way thru to pin my minis instead of trying to glue directly to the cork (precarious).
I really love doing these, idk if you were actually interested in a how-to but they really are simple to do if you want to try them.
Here's a few more before and after brick base photos.
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shahdraws · 8 months ago
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Redesigning Mualani
So,,, I’m trying to do some redesigns for Natlan the way I did for Sumeru. I started with Mualani, since her design honestly has the most potential.
Disclaimer: I do not belong to any demographic represented by Natlan, these are just purely aesthetic/ opinion-based redesigns.
So let’s start with the original, for reference:
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So, this design is not bad, it just could be a bit better, in my opinion:
So the character designers DO know what undertones are?? I like the warm-toned tan- it looks good, and I wish we could have had this skin tone in-game a lot sooner. That being said, I think they could have leaned in and given her a much deeper tan, since that would give more contrast with her tattoos and outfit.
Her outfit is actually really cute, I don’t think it needs too many changes.
I absolutely love her facial features. Her eyes are literally so pretty, especially with how long her eyelashes are!
Her hair is not bad, but I think it could use more volume and texture.
So here’s what I changed:
Deepened her tan. Literally so easy to do, and makes the design look overall more cohesive. Also contrasts with her tattoos more, making them more easily visible.
I added a small heart to her cheek, since I feel like that’s something she would like lol.
Added slightly more definition to her muscles, since it seems from her animations and splash art that she is athletic.
I gave her fuller, wavier hair, and added some blue highlights and several smaller braids. I feel like that sort of suits her more, and kind of ties together her look somewhat by matching her hair to her outfit.
I kept most of her outfit the same, since I think it’s super cute, I just got rid of the bow in the back, since it felt like it didn’t match anything. I also made her shorts slightly longer, since I feel like it adds a bit more personality to her look, if that makes sense?
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ariathelamia · 4 months ago
Hellhound HRT Month 6 (4 month wolf 2 month Hellhound)
Heya! It’s me again… starting to do some note taking which… i got kinda chewed out on not doing any of that when i woke up in the hospital-.. wait fuck getting ahead of myself. Let’s start from after I parted with Mars.
So, yeah I got home that day pretty ecstatic to say the least, I mean who can say that they get their meds from an eldritch ritual!... well Mars probably can but that's besides the point let me have this! 
The tablets taste awful, which is to say a lot since my taste hasn’t been the same since about month… 3 or 4? Something something Carnivores taste a lot less than herbivores or omnivores. Well anyway, meat tasted better than before, that’s for sure, but yeah everything else always tasted kinda… bland… so i started to enjoy textures more than taste… where was I?.. Oh yeah, taste of the meds… HORRIBLE.. like someone mixed the consistency of chalk with the aftertaste of puking your guts out… urgh… made a habit of putting them in a little bit of food and then down them that way… that way i at least only taste the food at first and only later maybe a bit of the meds.. 
Sooo anyway, changes… they happen fast on this stuff!! Maybe that's because there is a lot of change to come?... Or the cheap shot Erian gives us some diluted shit because he wants us on the meds for longer for a better and long lasting payroll… anyway! 
The most notable change is my fur… it changed COMPLETELY in color! It used to be orange with a few gray streaks here and there and now it’s almost entirely black with some gray highlights like the fur on my chest or around my wrists and.. other joints. pretty neat! Could swear some of these kinda look like eyes.. especially those on my elbow and knees.. wonder if it’s like a mark from who i got those meds? Well they look cool so i won’t complain!
But yeah pretty much my entire body is covered in fur now, with the fur in my face being a lot shorter and more dense… It feels REALLY fluffy though… like i swear to god i brush through it, and if i don’t press down it almost feels like brushing throw air… that kinda soft.
When it comes to other changes in my body… my legs hurt somewhat now… i guess that means they are starting to change form now too.. becoming.. digigrate.. or something like that? Wolf like! 
My Nails have now pretty much fused with my fingers. They actually look like really sharp claws now. Can’t pull them in yet so… gotta be double careful when scratching myself… already nicked myself pretty bad when I scratched an itch on my shoulder.
The tail has been as fluffy as ever~ I love this thing!!! Helped me a lot with my balance when doing parkour too! it’s just great~ 
Oh yeah! I am slowly growing a snout! hurts like a motherf-.... but damn finally!
Uhm… other than that… i noticed some tightness in my chest about three weeks ago… thought i just overexerted myself but… turns out it was worse than that. Which brings me to the reason I actually ended up in the hospital.
So here I was… meeting some friends from an online group that's basically made by therians for therians, which is an outdoor activity club for those of us that love exercising with our new formed abilities! Tell ya what, ain’t a damn human out there that can teach ya better how to use that tail for balance than some cat therian who already figured it out~ it’s quite specific and you gotta get a feel for it.. but their explanations helped a lot in increasing my stability when free running! Anyway I trailed off.
So I met those people again, that day it was another wolf therian like me- wait.. not like me, forgot i’m a hellhound for a second-, then there was that persian cat therian guy… and big ol’ me! We started easy with warm ups and stretches… that's also when my chest felt tight again for a moment.. but it went away really quickly so i ignored that… bad mistake.
Then we started running around the park at first.. into a more urban area of Hyper City, where we started to climb the buildings, jump some walls… typical kinda parkour stuff! It felt great having the wind in my fur, and doing it with a couple people that get it the same way I do! And boy oh boy am I happy they were there with me… 
Memory is a bit hazy… but I just remember being… hot.. like literally… my chest felt tight as hell, pun intended, and I was literally in mid jumping motion, past the point of no return…. two… and a half stories above some alleyway… and I freaking passed out, like that… From what the others told me I was right behind them… and then I was gone… but they saw some smoke coming up from in between the buildings… I was incredibly lucky I fell into a dumpster.. but must have hit the wall straight on before that… They had trouble getting me out cause… turns out when i told Mars i’d love to have a “fire in my chest”... the eldritch must have listened and taken it literally.. or it’s simply a hellhound thing to have freaking FIRE IN YOUR CHEST. But yeah grabbing me was difficult, too close to my chest and they got burned… even my freaking tank top burned away… god am i lucky i got fur covering my chest already.. the possible embarrassment!! 
But yeah they apparently got me out, called the hospital… and rest is uh history.
According to the doctor’s i had several broken bones… collar… lower legs.. right arm and shoulder… minor fracture of the skull.. lots of shaved skin from hitting a literal brick wall.. 
and to top it all off… freaking 185 degree fahrenheit (or 85° Celsius for us europeans) fever.
They apparently had to put me into an ice bath… and cooled me with tons of ice packs to try and fight the “fever”. Only when Erian, after they had called him in for a consult, figured out what was going on, they simply put me on heat proof bedding and sheets… and kept the temperatures from reaching too high. Guess we Hellhounds can grow a flame organ, kinda like dragons, in our chest.. When I asked them later if that means I can breathe fire they shrugged… I tried but nothing came out except for some smoke.. we all start small… but what we did find out was that, the heat that the organ produces is linked to my emotions. 
When i get angry, it goes up a lot! Happiness and excitement raises it somewhat and the calmer i am, the more towards “normal” temperatures it goes… Still don’t know what sadness does cause… they didn’t wanna force me to cry… tough luck trying in the first place, but they hypoth-... hyppo… they think it would lower the temperature further.
Anyway i am trying my best to stay calm and not get mad cause… while my organ is already functioning pretty well… my body still can’t handle the heat super well… It hurts when it gets too high and I end up with fever symptoms… so yeah gotta wait till I build up some resistance. 
Oh if you’re interested… i was apparently out for about 12 days- plus side, almost two new releases of my shows to watch! But… when i was out… I had some weird dreams… about the moon?... but also about those places i’ve seen from that ritual… They asked me to elaborate about it but nuh-uh, not gonna say a word to them! Not before I talked to Mars about it. Anyway yeah i remember some… weird creature trying to talk to me, didn’t understand a single word but it looked… at least a very little like mars… just… no visible eyes.. some long ass head… and big fucking grin… 
Had some time to think about it all a bit.. and one thing strikes me as odd. While i do take my meds during the early hours and the evening… the changes happen mostly at night… at least the biggest ones… sure the pain carries through the day but it only ever gets really bad at night… So it’s odd that my organ started to become active during the day… hm… bad luck i guess.
Now I gotta explain myself to Erian… way too many questions but he allowed me to rest for now before he comes back and asks them again… “Where did you get those meds? What species did you choose? Are you getting your check ups? Did you think for a moment before taking some back alley medicine?!”... blah blah…. as if it wasn’t partly his fault i had to ask some more… devious powers to help. Not that I regret it. Though it was nice of him to talk to the staff to let me continue taking those meds for now! I’m also back on his schedule again… probably better to be on “Mysterious alien provided Hellhound HRT” with a doctor that has seen a couple weird things already. Therian care seems to be still a little bit of an issue in most hospitals.... then again who can say they have an idea how to treat a hellhound… not something people face on a regular basis like a dog or a cat… 
The only annoying part is that… i’m now pretty much stationary… I get some visits from friends of the support group, and the runners group too, they bring me things I need… like a new tank top for when i finally get out of here… 
Oh yeah-... and the pain… god having broken bones AND changing bone structure is NO FUN! And the painkillers they give me are wack…. urgh note to myself… if anything feels slightly off before or during a run… stick to the low ground… 
Yay Part two done! Lets keep the fun times going~
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cheseely · 1 year ago
Hi, I'm sure you get this often but I really love your recent genshin artwork, do you think you could explain your painting process? I love the colouring effect in that piece especially. Thank you.
Thank you so much! I got a few messages like this from my previous piece (thank you guys for the staff pick & blaze btw, I really didn't expect all the support���) so I thought I'd share a bit of my process below as thanks.
I always do my lineart first because it feels less daunting to me when applying colours. I will do some rough colours first so I can easily adjust it to my liking.
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Next, I make sure to separate each character into different layers when I clean it up. I like to work one character or object at a time, it's less overwhelming for me that way, and I can use clipping masks for ease of rendering.
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I'll usually apply some adjustment layers on top of the base layer for shadows and highlights. When I say base layer, I just mean a layer of the colour without any effects.
I like using 'hard light' for shadows, and 'screen' for highlights, but you can really use whatever clicks with you.
Rinse & repeat this process for every character in the illustration. Note that I make Furina the focus so everything behind her will be less rendered than the elements in front of them (Neuvillette is a lot less rendered compared to Furina, and the painting in the back barely has much shading).
Once I render out each asset in the illustration and add shadows & highlights to my liking, I then to merge foreground/ midground/ background elements so I can make the overall illustration clearer to read. I don't want it to feel messy or overcrowded, and I think it's easy to get tunnel-visioned in small details and lose the clarity of the entire illustration.
Make sure to zoom out constantly and make your illustration B&W to check the values to see if the drawing is clear.
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I created a simple S curve with the values for readability, and have the foreground elements have darker values & contrasts.
As for the BG, I wanted to add more textures into the drawing, particularly the painting in the back. Here's an image of it when I only added in the base colours.
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I use the smudge tool to create more texture once I fill in the base colours. Since I don't really 'paint' anything with the textures in, I just put in the base colours and take a textured brush to smudge it. However, over-smudging can lose the painterly texture I want, so I usually smudge vertically or horizontally in a single stroke to create a sense of movement.
Another thing to note is that I only textured the BG, I thought it would help it blend into the background a bit better. I usually wouldn't do this for the foreground because I want those elements to be clearer.
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At the very end, I tend to spend a fair bit of time just fiddling with more adjustment layers, various filters (such as blur, or noise), or liquify small details to really finalize the piece. Just vibes...basically this is me
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Anyway, I hope that was helpful & it made sense!! Feel free to message me if you have any other questions & I'll try my best to answer! I might've glazed over a lot since I didn't wanna make this too long.
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starwarsanthropology · 9 months ago
Fuck Canon Tiingilar
i hate the canon tiingilar recipe with my whole heart. Look at this (original source Galaxy's Edge cookbook). This is supposed to be "blisteringly spicy Mandalorian stew or casserole"? This is a mild chicken curry.
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It sounds good, but it's not the rich, spicy, flavor-packed mandalorian stew of my dreams.
Let's start by breaking down the etymology of tiingilar.
Tiingilar is broken into 3 parts: Tiin, gi, and lar.
Tiin is an underived form of tiin'la, or coarse.
Gi is the word for fish.
Lar is a bit up in the air; it could be related to laar, for sing (which anyone who's seen someone bite into something spicier than they can handle can understand), or galar, for spill/pour (makes sense for stew), or even olar for "here", which I suppouse could be extrapolated to mean "whatever is here" for a stew which has flexible ingredients.
But the really important bits are the "tiin" and the "gi"! The first chunk of tiingilar means "coarse/rough fish(y)".
The other food word we have with "gi" in it from canon mando'a is "gihaal", (which, hilariously, breaks down into fish-breath), a pungent fishmeal. It's long lasting and stable which means its probably a staple ration food. It sounds like it'd put most people off at first, but given mandalorian tastes prioritize strong flavors (draluram), possibly including pungent flavors, and "richly nourishing" foods (yaiyai) it's probably a pretty common ingredient.
Guess what fishmeal is! A very high protein (typically 50-60%, but up to 70% for some varieties!), nutritionally dense, and coarsely textured! It's used in any cuisines; some is processed for human consumption but I cannot find any sources that use it in food except in research aiming to combat malnutrition (shout out to researchers at the Abeokuta University of Agriculture for being the best resource about fishmeal in food!). Although we can't know that gihaal would be the same as our version of fishmeal (which is normally processed from whole fish), I think that we can assume that mando'ade woudn't be skimping on the inclusion of bone, which include a lot of valuable nutrients, and would make it coarse.
So, gihaal is a pungent, likely coarse fishmeal that is a staple nutritional supplement in, at minimum, field cookery. It would make nutritionally-dense, protein packed, and strongly flavored base for tiingilar. Makes sense linguistically and practically for mandalorians to build their cooking around nutritionally valuable and shelf-stable rations.
Which brings me to the mandalorian values in food! Draluram (bright mouth: intense, bold flavors), heturam (spicy as in heat burning in the mouth), hetikleyc (spicy as in sinus burn), and yai'yai (richly nourishing, which I personally take to mean both nutritionally dense and satiating) are the 4 canon words that express the priorities in mandalorian cuisine.
These values fit in with the inclusion of gihaal as a base for tiingilar, adding yai'yai if not draluram, but where's my spice? Where's my layers of spice, the sharp sinus burn that makes your eyes water and the creeping warmth that leaves you panting and the bright heat and the numbing and tingling sensation at your lips?
Definitely not in that yellow curry recipe.
The inclusion of ginger and cinnamon (from garam masala) are both nice, but think bigger and broader! Obviously, we don't have mandalorian herbs, but add spice with chilies, cayenne, ginger, horseradish, mustard seeds, sichuan pepper! Bring out warming spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, star anise! Highlight the different elements of spice and warmth and flavor with enthusiasm and delight!
As for draluram, I think the pungent flavor of fish is a nice, bold addition to something for a unique flavor, but let's not forget other players. Aliums like garlic and onions are always lovely, but what about citrus? If mandalorians have behot, what's stopping you from adding in citrus juice or peel or some kaffir lime leaves? What about strong bitter flavors from vegetables you choose, like mustard greens or kale, or the rich savory taste of browned meats if you want more protein in your dish?
Yai'yai, we have a good base of protein and fat and nutritional content from the fishmeal, but why not build it out? Add sugar, both to balance flavors and because energy is energy and mandalorians certainly like their sweets. Fats and oils, other meats and proteins, vegetables and carbs. Add nuts, peanut butter, sesame for added bulk and another element of flavour. I want to see an end product that sticks to your ribs, that makes me skip seconds on not because I don't want more, but because I'm full on one serving.
Back to the etymology. Mild chicken curry is not tiin, nor does it have gi. It's fairly yai'yai, got decent draluram, negligible heturam, and no hetikleyc.
Tiingilar with a gihaal base (in irl cooking, any kind of fish base) and heavier seasoning to add multiple kinds of heat would fit all of those categories so much better.
So I guess in the end, I'm saying I don't have an idea of tiingilar as any one recipe, but tiingilar as a general dish that leans into mandalorian food culture and the literal meaning of the word. Maybe it's little gritty and somewhat fishy, but it's a rich and spicy and flavorful meal you can make with whatever on hand as long as you have a handful of staples.
Adegoke, Bakare & Adeola, Abiodun & Otesile, Ibijoke & Adewale, Obadina & Afolabi, Wasiu & Adegunwa, Mojisola & Akerele, Rachael & Bamgbose, Olaoluwa & Alamu, Emmanuel. (2020). Nutritional, Texture, and Sensory Properties of composite biscuits produced from breadfruit and wheat flours enriched with edible fish meal. Food Science & Nutrition. 8. 1-21. 10.1002/fsn3.1919.
https://mandocreator.com/tools/dictionary/index.html# for mando'a translations and definitions
https://www.reddit.com/r/Mandalorian/comments/mp1x7o/recipe_for_tiingilar_medium_heat_add_garlic/ for the recipe
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adobe-outdesign · 9 months ago
Have you reviewed nimmos by any chance? They arent my favourite pet but i do think my dislike of them comes from how theyre posed rather than their actual design
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We actually have two different frog Neopets, but I will say they're pretty different from each other. While Quiggles are inherently silly guys and very short, Nimmos are tall and considerably less silly. In contrast, hey have a sort of meditative guru vibe to them, which is sort of evident in the pose with the hands and the stance.
In terms of the design, I like them overall. The wide mouth makes for a fun kind of :3 expression, and the body has a pretty distinct shape to it that makes it so they're not too much like a real frog. I could kind of take or leave the underbelly—I don't mind it, but they're thin enough that it doesn't feel like it's needed to break up the space, and it feels like it should go under the mouth as well or something.
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I also agree that the posing of these guys is a little weird, as they're stuck in like a weird sideways slav squat. I like the idea of them having long frog legs in contrast with the Quiggle, but the problem is that the knees of the legs go to the side instead of the front, when in reality they should be facing forward like at least 20% more and the top part should be more horizontal to the body. The butt being above the ground rather than on it also doesn't help anything. Oddly, there also aren't many options that let you break from this pose—even colors like Faerie maintain the same off putting leg structure.
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Nimmos have mostly stayed the same after customization and arguably improved, with minor fixes like adjusting the feet so they're actually at the right perspective relative to the body.
Favorite Colours:
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Baby: First off, having the baby Nimmo just be a tadpole is a great concept, and secondly, it's pretty cute as well. The face is just similar enough for it to still look like a Nimmo, and the dark spots on the body provide nice contrast with the more teal-ish colored tail. There's both a converted and UC/styled version, though this is a rare instance where the converted is way better—the pose is more lively, the pupils are larger so it looks less dead-eyed, and the shading has been improved.
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Toy: The toy Nimmo is actually based on the IRL Sand Critters frog plush, but even if you didn't recognize it off the bat, it's still a great design all around. The green and orange striping makes for a nice palette, the subtle spotting adds a nice texture, and the red eyes pop. Also, this kind of highlights what I was talking about earlier with the underbelly—it looks a lot more natural extended up onto the jaw.
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Wraith: The wraith Nimmo is not the best wraith pet or anything—the swirls are very arbitrarily placed over the body instead of contouring and playing with the body's actual shapes, and the bulk of the swirls are a bit too low-contrast. However, the big thing here is the lovingly detailed face... on the stomach, with a regular face to match. I have no idea why it's like this because no other Wraith pet does this, but damn if it doesn't look cool as hell, and more than makes up for the lack of flow in the rest of the body. I also really like the neat swirly pupils they used here.
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BONUS: The Maraquan Nimmo is both one of the worst and yet also one of the best Maraquan pets, and I absolutely hate and love it. Why is it a spider crab? Why does it just look like a normal crab with a Nimmo's face? Who cares. 10/10 get this thing out of my house
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parttimesoulm8 · 5 months ago
Pete Wentz Has Gorgeous Hair: an analysis of the colors pete has done over the years (made by a stylist!)
hello foblr i'm a hairstylist and the only thing in life that brings me joy is looking at pete's beautiful hair. i've wanted to make a big post talking about this from a stylist's perspective for a LONG time. this post would be wayyyy too long to do a timeline of every haircut he's ever had, so i'm just gonna stick to talking about hair color and also what other chemical services i think he had/has. this is still gonna be super fucking long, so take a look under the cut!
before we get into the colors, quick detour to talk about the other chemical services pete has had on his hair. i've gone back and forth on this, but i don't think he used to relax his hair in the good old straight as fuck emo hair days. he said in this article in 2011, "the amount of maintenance that went into my [straight] hair was ridiculous" and "I want to get out of the shower and just be stoked, not think about how I don't want water to touch my hair." which would make a lot of sense if the only thing he was doing was straightening it. his side burns were always his natural texture, which they really wouldn't have been if he'd been relaxing it too. they were just too short for him to get with the flat iron. examples:
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bonus picture of him straightening his hair:
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that being said, i DO think he has a keratin treatment in the present day! his hair has a level of shine that i've seen in a lot of clients that have keratin, and it can be applied over processed hair without breaking it off. examples of the shine i'm talking about
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there's still a little bit of wave in there when air dried, though! this is still common with chemical straightening treatments, they only relax up to 80% of the hair's natural texture, so this could easily be what it looks like if he'd just air dried and not straightened it afterwards.
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okay, chemical treatment sidebar over. onto color! i can feel it in my heart that pete's hair lifts really easily. look at the ends of his hair, here. they're WHITE!
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while i can't say i am intimately familiar with hairdressing in the 90s, from all the pictures of incredibly warm 90s highlights i've seen, i'm assuming toners weren't too common/nonexistent at the time. if his hair is that white without any toner, i KNOW it lifts well. i will return to the blond later, because i have a lot i want to talk about with him being blond.
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man, i love pete with red hair. i will tell everyone in the world how much i do. i think all of these are semi permanent colors on top of bleach because of how vibrant they are. pete has also done that thing that every emo with naturally dark hair has done and died it Pitch Black which i fucking respect (i have done this too)
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pink!!!!! i think this is an incredibly flattering color on him and it really brings out his eyes, i think he should do the pastel pink again bc it looks so fucking good on him
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okay onto what made me wanna make this post! I wanna talk about pete being blond!
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i can tell you with confidence that this is his hair without any toner. this looks like about 4-6 weeks of regrowth and there's some unevenness in the tone of the blond, but look at those ends! white as fuck! i really do think his hair can get to blond easily. i also think it's really funny when people call this era "lemon pete" because that's such a shady way of saying his hair looks brassy lmao, it looks different when it's toned!!
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look at how gorgeous. his stylist is a saint. pete's all over bleach and tone with his long hair was so pretty but it also made me a little insane purely because of how long his roots often were, i know he's on the road a lot but i see these roots and it makes me want to cry as a stylist. it would be so hard to not get banding with roots this long.
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and then one day i woke up and felt strangely at peace and it was because pete transitioned his bleach and tone into a balayage (which is much lower maintenance) this is when he first started it, i think they did some really blended highlights to start it off
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it grew some more and they are definitely now doing a true balayage on him, look at how there's some blond that comes almost all the way up to the root but it's only really solidly blond at the ends. i think they also did some kind of lowlight on him based on the fact that he has no visible grays and that there's brown at the roots and also the mids but it's lighter than his natural color.
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here's another good picture of what i'm talking about with the blond, it's focused at the ends only.
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you can actually see the transition in this picture! I doodled on it to show you where the old bleach and tone was and where they started to blend it upwards
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i also happen to know from listening to a podcast that he takes rly good care of his hair! he mentions that he uses olaplex which rly does not surprise me, of course his fancy LA stylist got him on the olaplex train. he also uses silk hair ties! all of this was incredibly sexy information to discover if i'm completely honest. pete has had fucking beautiful hair his entire life and i wanted to force everyone to look at it from the technical perspective that i do, thank you for reading!
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zhuoyichenpretty · 4 months ago
Eps 28-29 Speedrun...
I'm trying to play catch up after falling behind a bit, so here's just a highlight reel/speedrun (as much as I can speed...which is not very much tbh). The meta has dwindled down to nothing; I do apologize. This is very much just reaction-based. Also, I'll probably have to stay out of the tag once the express episodes come out, unless the site I'm watching on uploads those eps too.
Spoilers incoming!
Ep 28
Heh. ZYC's plausibly deniable jealousy is back and boy have I ever needed it. His cursing better be more intense now that he's basically confessed to ZYZ several times over lmao. And oh how precious he is, taking Ying Lei's ice marks comment seriously enough to double check his neck.
Ah. Watching WX's convo with Princess Longyu while knowing what happens in ep 29, the irony of her lie about being poisoned...Good (and terrible) stuff...
Oh god oh dear I was watching the whole acting ordeal through my fingers with preemptive second-hand embarrassment for ZYC. The moment WX pulled out her little booklet but we were cut off from seeing the msg, I knew, esp given the very pointed shots of the fish right before their whole convo haha. Not bad of a set-up imo, more subtly natural than usual which I like since I prefer explanatory flashbacks to have a bit more premeditation baked into the original scene for viewers to pick up on in real-time, which this show doesn't always do.
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But oh my. I have to say this. I apologize in advance but it's in my damn handle so forgive me but—ZYC is so fucking lovely when sulky and embarrassed. I'm smitten. I had seen the director post those shots of TJR all dramatically lit and beautifully framed months ago and I had no idea it was going to be used for this. And this is coming off the heels of the previous episode's mpreg joke, which I'm still not over. This show's commitment to flustering ZYC's character needs to be studied and replicated in fanfics. Who said that? Not me. Anyway.
I've seen mixed reactions to ZYC not being in on the acting, but just for me personally, I like that it wasn't intentional for them to leave him out, and I really am glad to have heard his honest feelings in that moment. It felt significant to see him make that decision against even the rest of their family, and I'd personally rather it come out while the rest of them are playing at discord than actually seeing them fight internally just to witness ZYC draw his ultimatum so genuinely and seriously. It feels like yet another moment where the narrative is creatively committing subtext into text for us and for ZYZ to hear, without having to torment us with somehow worsening the stakes within their group to the extent that would elicit such a reaction.
WZY and Chongwu Camp really invest in a lot of latex skin huh?
Oh my god I love that PSJ sucks at acting too. Her panic at having to pretend lmfaooo. Also, this gets at something I really should have realized much earlier on, but the way ZYC and PSJ have so many similarities in disposition and belief, and also how WX and ZYZ overlap a lot in their inclination for acting and playful tricks and teasing—I love that. WX and ZYC each gravitating towards respectively familiar personalities in romantic partners, which actually very much happens irl. Basically seeking out personalities similar to their comforting (pseudo-)familial bonds. Also explains why I love both ZYC and PSJ so much.
Lmfao Ying Lei's theme song kicking in as he volunteers to hold onto the dragon scale really does get me. His song captures his character so well.
Any day I get to watch TJR inception-act as Ao Yin acting as ZYC is a good day for me. That little snarl of a reaction after Ying Lei pulled out his weapon is some good shit. I love that even the texture of his voice and the cadence of his line delivery is different (the stark contrast when actual ZYC shows up in the next scene is *chef's kiss*). And he is uniquely suited for batting his eyelashes, I must say.
Okay! Onto Ep 29:
First ZYC forgets how to count when he calls them a group of five...now ZYZ tricks Ying Lei into giving his all to protect an empty box...when will the grievances against Ying Lei end?
My live reaction to finding out WX's been fatally poisoned: ZYZ, ZYC, Bai Jiu, and WX passing around the hot potato of mortality.
I'm glad for some more emotional development on the Li Lun!Bai Jiu front! I feel like he's been on the back burner for a bit with the ZYC demonizing (which he caused anyway, lol). I am certainly intrigued by Ying Lei being around to hear Li Lun!Bai Jiu's monologue and what this may lead to. And it's been said but LZY (Bai Jiu's actor) does soooo well here it's such a great watch.
Also...Li Lun wants a roof (well, technically, eaves) to shelter from the rain and a lamplight in the dark? Sounds like a throuple with ZYC and ZYZ really might fix him tbh.
Justice for WX in ZYC's flashback from two years ago. She does not say "Are you stupid?" but more along the vibe of "Don't be silly" as she and ZYC discuss his snake bite. The subs are too literal here it makes her sound so out of pocket lmao
God I'm so glad PSJ slapped all of WX's will to live back into her in ep 27 because yes girl!!! Fight for your right to live!! Also, speaking of, where tf is PSJ ): Her girl is dying, why doesn't she get any screen time to react? Do I assume she knows or not?
But yay! The contract ripping was cute. As an aside, I do wish I personally felt enough of a spark between ZYZ and WX to ship them on my own because the writing is there for their pairing to be pretty solid. Like I've said before, they're sweet and good together but they just don't rot my brain. I wonder what's missing for me because I honestly like their acting much more than I expected to. Perhaps it could also be a matter of contrast, as some dynamics in the web of relationships stand out to me in terms of chemistry more than others, even if we're not talking strictly romantic (I mean, I'm of the belief that TJR could have chemistry with a brick wall if he wanted to). Anyway though, I'm going off topic. ZYZ and WX cute (and tragic)!
I gasped at ZYC going to meet WZY. That's what I call desperate measures.
Ha, ZYZ asking ZYC to protect him while he's weakened from the Ever-Burning Wood reminds me of CQL c:
Yooooooo ZYC grabbing the newly reforged Cloud Light Sword and all that gorgeous light. What a hero. Smitten, I say.
Ohhhh the Li Lun/ZYC superimposed images, the way I was holding my breath and worried for a second that ZYZ would call ZYC by the wrong name !!!! That's some legit ex-vs-current-lover storytelling like whew. But I needed ZYC to catch ZYZ a little better than that when he fell like embrace the man already pls
The cave scene!!!!! I'm looking through my fingers. I feel like I'm intruding. How many jade pendants does ZYC have on his person for ZYZ to drink at any given moment? And oh wow something about the framing of ZYC's hand on the wine bottle as he mixes it—what an intimate ritual. Feels like I watched ZYC make three separate confessions just seeing him pull out the jade, mix the drink for ZYZ, and hold it out to him with his eyes averted...And then he goes and lays his heart bare (again! once more on top of the conversation in ep 26 like he is really not letting any chance of misunderstanding arise he is trying to show his hand as much as possible wow). But yeah who's gonna gif the wine mixing for me?
Fuckkkk, they're zhiji, they said it, I'm going insane.
I love ZYZ's pause right before he drinks the first cup. Watching the gravity of this moment and ZYC's absolute sincerity hit him, settle on him. Such a meaningful and significant breath between actions. Like, we are allll aware of how serious this is.
ZYC holding intense eye contact while drinking the second cup??? Uh??? I really should be turning away now right? And ZYZ's stare back is truly indistinguishable from his openly loving looks at WX. I am on the floor.
All of ZYC's toasts are about ZYZ being a savior of some kind ;-;
ZYC most dramatic surgeon I've ever seen did you see the way his hair caught the wind? God but his nonchalance is killing me. Yes why not bare your heart and soul over some wine you mixed specifically for ZYZ and then operate on ZYZ's core in one sitting? All in a night's work I guess. Also ZYZ's still recovering from the Ever-Burning Wood oh my god someone take ZYC's license away what is this medical malpractice. Bai Jiu is out of commission for a little bit and all of a sudden everyone thinks they're a doctor smh.
All I have to say about the WZY meeting is sometimes I get so distracted by ZYC's eyelashes. Also goodbye and good riddance WZY! Unless the drama decides to pull a fast one on us, which is never beyond the realm of possibility here. But at least he burned.
PSJ is back :D Head empty except for how pretty her red cape is.
Ouuugh Li Lun who is constantly possessing people and obsessively making others look at the real him and Ao Yin who is constantly impersonating people and now asking to be remembered for how she actually looks. What a pair, I can see why they stuck together all this time. Also Ao Yin's true form is so pretty. Girl I know you killed a bunch of people and continuously framed our heroes and caused so so so much heartache for them but I'll remember your true form dw )-:
The borrowed sympathy Li Lun gets while in Bai Jiu's body is quite poignant and so complicated and tbh I want more of it. As someone who doesn't want him to go down this unfortunate path any further, I have hopes about the potential there, but it's probably safer to expect the worst.
Not sure if this more surface-level commentary is still fun to read, but this will probably be all I have time for from now til the end. And since I'll be staying out of the tag soon, it'll just be me shouting into the void for the next few days. Thanks to anyone still sticking around and reading these!
Also sorry I don't add more photos on the regular, I'm watching the show in pretty shitty resolution and on a player than is awful to screenshot from (-:
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thebellearchives · 2 years ago
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~ Vash the Stampede ; Trigun Stampede
✧˚ · . S Y N O P S I S : when Wolfwood asks about your favourite colour he seems confused about what exactly you are describing
‧₊˚ c o n t e n t s : vash x artist!reader, gn!reader, fluff
‧₊˚ a / n : i’m kind of tired of the “reader is an artist” cliché but i saw this tiktok and then found myself writing away at 4 am help https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMY4YkrdB/
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The heat of the sun almost disappeared to you the moment the pastel chalks started producing a calming sound against your sketchbook’s paper. You didn’t know how much free time you were getting today. Or tomorrow, or any other day really. So a simple quick depiction of the landscape was the way to go.
The car had gotten too small for the five of you at a certain point of the journey, so the decision to get out of the vehicle and stretch your sore cramped limbs had probably been one of Wolfwood’s scarce good ideas. As the chalk scratched the paper, you lost track of everyone and didn’t really know where they had wandered off. It was only you and your sketchbook. A rich ocre for the base colour of the dunes, some light touches of beige for the highlights, and caramel and cinnamon for the shadows and definition. Your hand fluttered here and there, carefully placing the pigments over the parchment textured paper and creating solid images out of vague designs. Then, using your fingertips you smudged the chalk from rough to soft. You smiled in satisfaction. The dunes looked very nice, now time for the sky. Your hand reached for the sky blue chalk, but soon found out your were close to running out of that colour. A frown appeared on your face.
With a tired snarl, Wolfwood made a sudden appearance right by your side. He was so nonchalant that the noisy way he sat down snapped your thoughts away from the chalk in your hand.
“What’s up birdie? You’re running out of blue?”
“Unfortunately” an annoyed sigh left your lips, but you went ahead and tried not to use much of it. Surely you could finish the drawing and save up the rest until you could get your hands on more chalk?
“None of the other colours look like they’ll be used up any time soon. You use it too much, honestly” he yawned disinterestedly.
“ I can’t help it” your voice almost came up as a complaint.
“Is it your favourite?”
“Not obvious at all.”
“Why would anyone not like blue?” you frowned again, this time in disbelief that anyone could ever not like blue, your hand stopping mid stroke.
Wolfwood was suddenly interested, he leaned a bit closer to you with a teasing smirk.
“I don’t know, why do you like it?”
Your eyes focused in front of you, where the sky was still bright. Vash, Meryl and Roberto were now gathered together directly in front of you both, lively talking about something you could not hear. You stared at Vash for a while, trying to gather your words and thoughts correctly. You thought about the way you couldn’t get your sight off his eyes sometimes, and how you had to remind yourself you were staring. Yes, the colour reminded you of the sky… but it also reminded you of those eyes…
“It feels… endless, infinite. Like it could drown you in it or you could get lost in it for hours and you’d love it, you’d never get enough of it. It’s just so full of brightness, it has so much to offer. It’s placid… and kind.”
Vash seemed to have lost interest in the conversation Meryl and Roberto were having, his beautiful eyes wandered off until they were placed on you. He offered you a sweet smile and a wave. You smiled and waved back.
“Wait, are you still talking about the colour or are you talking about someone else now?” his grin grew wider.
Startled, you cleared your throat and went back to your drawing.
“Don’t be ridiculous, i’m talking about the colour, obviously.”
“Yet again, not obvious at all.” he laughed as you hurried to finish the drawing. Maybe if you finished quickly you could escape his teasings.
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warmsol · 6 months ago
hi!! feel free to ignore this if you'd rather not answer it but i'm just wondering how you edit your backgrounds because they are breathtaking! there is just so much motion in your edits and i love them so much, you are so skilled <333
hi! i’m sorry it took me a bit to answer this, i kept forgetting 😭 but thank you for the kind words, i adore your editing so it means a lot coming from you! ANYWAY! i’ll get into it the best i can down below
when it comes to my edits, it really depends on the screenshot. but i’ll use my makoa edit for an example!
so, this is the original unedited screenshot. i’ll be basing my background off the horizon/ocean behind him. (also keep in mind i do this all with photoshop!)
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first thing i’ll do is separate makoa from the background. (do this is whatever way works best for you, for me i use quick selection or pen tool depending on my mood) when he is selected, i'll press ctrl+j and he'll appear cut out in a new layer. it should look like this.
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pressing ctrl, hover over your cut out sim layer, and click it. this will active the selection again. now, navigate to your original background layer. with the selection still active, go to select > modify > expand. expand this selection by about 15-20px. press okay! your selection will grow. now go to edit > content aware fill press okay. your original background should be filled now. (hide your cut out sim and wooo there ya go) it'll look something like this.
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looks a bit funky now, but once we get into laying down the ocean/sky it'll come together in time. SO! first thing i do is grab the ocean texture i've made/edited for personal use. i'll match this the best i can to the in game ocean/adjust it to my liking. it'll look something like this.
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now, i use my beloved sky replacement tool in photoshop to add in a sunset! if you don't know where it is just go to edit>sky replacement. choose a sky you like, and mess around with the settings until you get it to your liking. mine looks like this now.
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now we've got our almost finished background. here i'll run some topaz/sharpen actions i have, and blur it using tilt shift.
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now you can go in and add whatever you'd like. i usually don't finish my background off until i'm almost done editing, since i place everything around my sim. but here i added in the sun, some lighting, birds!
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and then it'll come together in the end after shading/highlighting and color adjustments like so.
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i really hope this was semi helpful?! i suck so bad at explaining things lol ;-;
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