#i really could just move now (i need to again after all)
hoe4sports · 1 day
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Leah Williamson x reader ft Sam Kerr
A/n: Been battling this huge writes block for a month now. If you have any tips on out to get rid of it, send help. You need to use your imagination on this bby
Warning: Angry Sam
Summary: You and your ex-wife struggle co-parenting
You look at your watch.
It’s now 1 long hour and 53 whole minutes since your ex wife, Sam, was supposed to come pick up your daughter for the weekend.
You don’t really know why you thought it would be different this time, it’s always been like this. From the moment you found her tangled up in her best-friends arms at your home, she’s been someone else.
It’s none of your business anymore. You know that she parties and drinks, probably more than what’s healthy. And you know that it’s always a new girl.
It’s the same never ending cycle. She gets a girlfriend, then she cheats on her with some random girl that she eventually ends up dating before the cycle repeats itself.
A part of you wants to take your daughter away from her. To never let her see her again. You’re her mom, you are supposed to protect her from harm. But, what do you do when the harm is her own mama?
“Still not heard from her?” Leah hums, her voice coming from behind your back.
You sigh at her while closing the blinds again, letting the last bit of hope disappear. The tears are now pressing in your eyes. Leah immediately wraps you in her arms.
“Shh, it’s okay, we’ll sort this out” she reassures you. You nod while sniffing into her shirt.
Your daughter coos from her little bouncer, kicking her feet with excitement. Her toothless grin spreading on her face. You can’t help it, but to turn your head to look at her. Her similarities aren’t there anymore. She’s growing into her own person. She has copied down Leah’s smile, just like babies does. Your hair, and your eyes. Not a single piece of Sam left in her. It eases your heart, it makes you feel less sad about your cheating ex-wife.
She cheated when you were just 1 week into your first attempt at getting pregnant. You didn’t leave at first, you did everything you could to salvage it. There wasn’t a single solution that you hadn’t tried. But she didn’t even try. The reality of the situation was that it fell through your hands like sand.
You don’t really understand why it happened. Why she chose her newfound best-friend over her wife and her daughter. It’s something you have come to terms with that you will never find in your heart to understand or forgive. Perhaps, it’s more that you have accepted the situation without being able to fully grasp the aspects of it.
Leah pulls away from the hug after giving you a kiss on the head. She moves towards your daughter, Ella, and scoops her up in her arms. Ella lets out a big yawn when she feels the comfort of Leah’s arms.
“I think that someone is beyond her bedtime, isn’t she?” She coos at the little baby in her arms. The sight of them makes your gaze soften, and your body relax. You can’t help it, but smile.
“Should we go upstairs to go night-night, huh Ellabear?” Leah asks as she leans down to kiss your daughter‘s forehead.
“Would you mind putting her down, baby? I think I need a minute..” you excuse to Leah.
You know that she’s more than happy to put her down. In fact, she’s been more than happy to put her down since even before she was born. Always excited for all the milestones you reached.
Leah nods at you before taking Ella’s little hand to wave at you, you smile sadly back at them before they disappear up the staircase of your home.
You look at your watch again. 19.06. It’s been over two hours. That’s where you decide that she has missed her shot for the weekend. You move to the kitchen to find your backpack with your pencils. You reach for your notes before writing down the details around the yet again, missed agreement.
The divorce was messy. Sam wanted the baby. You refused. She pushed for visitation, and time with her daughter in court. You refused. But, Sam somehow ended up winning the case. It made your blood boil. Your lawyer recommended that you would write down every time she didn’t pick up Ella, and the details around missed visits.
Leah’s footsteps were soon to be heard coming down the staircase. Her hands eventually placed on your shoulders, lightly providing you with a gentle massage.
“How are you feeling, darling?” Leah’s voice hums. Her soft tone makes your body relax towards her frame.
“I’m just, hm, I think I feel disappointed for Ella. I know she won’t remember this, but the guilt is eating me alive.”
Leah wraps her arms around your waist before turning you to face her. Your eyes meets her, and you share a moment of silence while embracing each other.
“Ella is safe, she’s fed, she’s warm, she’s dry and she has a mommy and a Leah that loves her so much” Leah whispers in your ear.
The statement makes you feel safe, like you are the luckiest girl in the world to have Leah to lean on. To have someone step up to the responsibility when Sam failed.
“She has a mommy and a mama” you mumble into her arms, “you and me”.
Leah hums in response before your hands intertwined. Your heartbeats slow down, and your breathing softens. It feels safe. It’s feels warm. It’s like your mind unconsciously knows that you and Leah are building the foundation of a future marriage.
Her sincerity and warmth has you drawn to her. How she’s fair, how she never lets anyone get away with anything and how she is protective of what’s hers.
Then, there is a knock on the door. The moment fades, and the memory is ruined by the continuous hammering on your door. Your heartbeat fastens again, and your breathing feels quicker and shallow.
You look over at Leah, and see that her fists are turning white. It’s only fair. You would feel that way too if you had something to our power Sam. But you don’t. She’s taller, stronger, faster and more assertive than what you are.
The banging doesn’t stop, and soon enough you hear Ella’s scared cries in her bedroom through the baby-call hanging around Leah’s neck.
Leah looks at you and urges her head towards the door.
Normally you handle moments like this. But you are just so tired of them. Of Sam showing up drunk or hangover, demanding her daughter to be brought to her. It always scares you. Sometimes, you have nightmares about it. The kind of nightmares that only can be calmed by seeing that Ella is safe and having Leah holding you while softly stroking your back.
Leah looks at you again while nodding towards the door. The banging is still loud. This time, you can hear Sam’s voice through the door.
“For fucks same, give me my daughter. It’s my weekend! I know that you are awake”
You shake your head violently before tears swell in your eyes. You cannot find it in you to deal with Sam tonight.
“Go” Leah whispers while pointing upstairs. Your eyes widen.
“But what if she hurt-“
“I’m stronger and taller, I’m gonna be fine. Go calm Ella down, and I’ll be there soon, okay?” Leah urges moving towards the door.
You nod rapidly before going for a beeline up the stairs. You hear the door open up as you move upwards.
“Leah? Get me my kid will you” Sam commands.
Leah crosses her arms while looking firmly into her eyes.
“No, it’s past bedtime. She’s sleeping, or was before you scared her”.
“Nah, listen mate, this dosent involve you” Sam laughs before pushing towards the door.
Leah pushes Sam away from the entrance before grabbing the handle.
“I pay for the diapers, the clothes, the food. I put her to bed, I wake up with her at night and I wake up with her in the morning. I give her kisses and hugs, and I give her baths. What do you do?”
Sam looks at Leah with a gaze in shock.
“I, uh, I.. This is ridiculous, can I come and get her? It’ll be quick”
Leah grabs the door handle, and closes the door. But before she completely closes it, she looks Sam straight in her eyes.
“No, I suggest you leave before I call the police on trespassing.”
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emmcfrxst · 3 days
Hear me out… lil blurb of old man Logan and reader just slow dancing together to find comfort, despite all of the evil going on around them 😭
okay so i got carried away and tweaked the prompt a little bit. this is fluff with a spoonful of angst. little more than 900 words. reader’s gender/characteristics are not specified but it’s implied that you’re shorter than logan. putting the drabble under the cut as to not clog the tags <3 inspired by lyrics from The Mountain Goats’ song Sax Rohmer #1
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The soft melody of the rain outside harmonizes with the dull buzzing of the old, beat up fridge you’re leaning against, a glass of water cradled between your palms. Your gaze falls on Logan as he walks through the front door, droplets of water gliding down the exhausted lines of his face. He says nothing as he sheds off his suit jacket, eyes lingering on you for a moment before he cocks his head to the side, an eyebrow arched in question.
“Couldn’t sleep?” his voice sends pleasant tingles down your spine; the rich, raspy quality of it enveloping you with his every word. You wish he’d speak more often— you would love nothing more than to drown in the depths of his voice, but Logan is a man of very few words, and you’ve long since made your peace with the realization that not much could ever change that part of him; and you wouldn’t want to, either. Your relationship with him may be complicated at times, but you remain certain of the depth of your feelings for Logan— you’ve come to love him as he is, not interested in trying to modify the results of over two centuries of pain and loss; his past is part of who he is, and you love that person wholeheartedly.
“Was waiting for you.” the softness of your tone seems to reflect the look in his eyes as he steps forward, clothes leaving a trail of droplets behind. Your eyelids flutter lightly once his hands are on you, curling around your hips like they have done so many times before— it’s been years of living by his side, but his touch still manages to set your insides alight with the kind of trepidation that one feels for their first love. You move forward until your chests are touching, rain quickly saturating the shirt you’re wearing— one of his; an older, more tattered one you’ve held onto all this time, as if needing proof of your shared past. You wrap your arms around Logan’s neck, tilting your head upwards so your foreheads can meet in a tender press, his beard tickling the top of your lip. Up close, you can see the array of new bruises making their home on his handsome face, a frown downturning the curve of your lips.
“M’okay.” he mumbles quietly, already expecting you to point it out— these days, you find that you don’t really have to say anything anymore, whether it be from the synchronization of your souls or your lover’s dismissal of any and every concern about the changes in his physicality; Logan has a way of soothing your worries away with a tender brush of his lips on your forehead, sincerity enveloping his tone like a warm blanket on a cold day. He knows his limits, and after a series of tearful confessions between the worn out sheets of your shared bed, he knows not to push them too much so as to not upset you. Nodding in response, you let your nose rub against his, comforted by the fact that he will tell you about the events that led to the purple blooms across his skin all in due time— it would end up being a group of drunks like usual, anyway; a small pack of testosterone filled idiots emboldened by the alcohol and refusing to pay for the services Logan offered them. Nothing I can’t handle, he would add afterwards, cradling the side of your face with a tenderness very few people have ever seen the great Wolverine exude. You’re okay with pushing all of these thoughts to the side for now, anyways— focus on him, because he kept his promise to you again today
I’ll always come home to you.
“Dance with me.” your lips brush against his as you whisper out your demand, making Logan raise one eyebrow at you playfully.
“There’s no music.” he states as if that was obvious— because it is, but under the dim lights of the kitchen, here with him in this moment, you can’t bring yourself to care. A soft chuckle leaves him when you shrug lightly, your lover’s head tilting down to give you a proper kiss; the first one since he arrived a handful of minutes ago.
“Doesn’t matter. Just wanna feel you.” your explanation makes his heart ache, idly wondering if he would survive the tearing open of his chest in an attempt to gift you the appendage— it would be worth the pain, and there is no one else he would die for like the way he would for you. It belongs to you anyway, he thinks serenely.
“Alright.” he ends up saying, voice laced with layers upon layers upon layers of tenderness. He takes a moment to memorize the way your eyes light up at his acceptance, wanting to take the visual away with him were he to meet an untimely death the next time he steps through the threshold of your front door— he wouldn’t go down without a fight, but he’s old and tired and aching and although he denies it when it comes to you, he knows his body doesn’t heal the way it used to; there is a chance, every time he leaves for work, that he won’t be able to keep his promise of coming home to you, but he will try anyways— would come home with blood pouring out of his mouth if it meant getting to hold you for one more night. You make it worth it. You make him want to live.
You rest your forehead on his shoulder, body swaying along with his as he kisses the crown of your head in silent reverence.
Tomorrow may not be guaranteed, but none of that matters tonight as you wrap yourself around him, dancing around the kitchen in the moonlight, anchoring him with the steadiness of your heartbeat and giving him something to fight for for a little longer.
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reidmania · 21 hours
braids? | s.reid
summary; when spencer has time off to heal after being shot in the knee, and his hair is finally long enough, you figure theres no better time to teach him how to braid.
warnings; fem reader, fluff, mentions of being shot in the knee, jesus hair spencer, i love long hair spencer, mhmskajhawgktgrf, reader has long enough hair to braid, established relationships, fluffy fluff fluff
an; so.. another chap of beartober, out of order but this is the one i wanted to post so get over it. i am still in fact dying on illness but i deprived you all for a really long time and i feel bad. i am not longer in hospital. yippie!
beartober masterlist
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You sit cross-legged on the floor of your living room, a tangle of hair and laughter surrounding you. Spencer sits across from you, legs spread widely (because he had no other choice with his current injury)  his brow furrowed in concentration as he attempts to follow your instructions. You can’t help but smile at the determination etched on his face, even if his fingers seem more suited for catching a football than braiding hair.
He was bored, you knew he was. Having to take time off of work in order to heal from his knee injury, using crutches and having to rely on other people. Well he wasn’t exactly fond of it. So were you exactly shocked when he asked you to teach him how to braid, no. Were you excited to finally show him how to do something nice with his hair now that it had grown out? yes.
“Okay, Spencer,” you say, reaching out to tuck a loose strand behind your ear. “It’s really not that hard. Just grab three sections of hair.” You separate your own hair into three neat parts, demonstrating the flow with the ease of practice.
He mimics your movements, but his fingers fumble as he gathers the strands. “Like this?” he asks, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
You nod encouragingly. “Exactly! Now cross the right strand over the middle.”
Spencer looks at you with a mix of admiration and confusion. “Over the middle? So, this one?” He raises a finger, pointing to the strand that’s supposed to cross.
“Right! But you just picked the wrong strand,” you giggle, trying to hide your laughter. “No biggie! Just start over.”
He lets out a mock groan, the corners of his mouth twitching up. “This is like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded. How do you make it look so easy?”
“Spencer, if anyone could solve a rubix cube blindfolded it would be you.” You lean forward, resting your chin on your hand. “It just takes practice. And maybe a bit of magic.”
“Magic, huh?” he replies, rolling his eyes playfully. “I’ll just need a wand then.”
“Yep, a pink sparky one!” You wave your imaginary wand, and the sound that leaves his lips is bright and infectious. “No other ones would work.” You shrugged. You were still trying to convince him to dress up as a fairy for halloween, (it was not going well)
“Okay, let’s try again,” he says, determined to return to his features. This time, he grabs his hair with more purpose, his fingers moving with the rhythm of a cautious dancer. “So, cross the right over the middle… like this?”
You nod, trying to keep a straight face as he tangles the strands yet again. “Close! But it’s actually the left that goes over next. You’re almost there!”
“It seems Almost is my middle name,” he quips, shaking his head. “I’m starting to think I should stick to less intricate hairstyles—like a buzz cut.”
Your jaw drops, as you instantly shake your head“Spencer, please don’t! I’d miss your gorgeous hair.” You chuckle, and he grins, leaning forward the best he could to brush his lips over yours before pulling back.
“Maybe I should just keep growing it out long, Would that impress you?” he teases.
“Oh, yeah.” You can’t help but laugh again, and Spencer joins in, the sound of your voices mixing in the cosy space. “I actually really like your long hair” You added, you don’t miss the way his cheeks warm slightly, the sight only makes your smile widen
He shakes his head, changing the topic away from your affection, “Alright, serious face now,” he says, trying to regain his composure. He focuses intently, his fingers fumbling as they once again clash into a confusing mess of strands.
“Okay, okay! Let’s break it down,” you say, suppressing another giggle. “Right over middle, then left over the new middle. Just think of it as a dance!”
“A dance? My fingers are definitely not rhythmically inclined,” he replies, puffing out his cheeks in exaggerated frustration. “What’s the next move? A cha-cha?”
You can’t help but snicker. “Nah, not my style. More like a ballroom dance.” You mumbled, “Maybe with an added shimmy.”
He attempts a shimmy while still holding onto his hair, which only results in a larger tangle. “Who knew hair braiding required so much coordination? I feel like I’m trying to juggle chainsaws while on a unicycle.”
“Maybe don’t picture the chainsaws,” you suggest, your laughter bubbling up again. “Just focus on the hair!”
“Right! Hair. Got it,” he says, his focus shifting back as he tries again. “Okay, let’s do this!”
He manages to get the strands crossing in a somewhat coherent pattern this time. “I think I’m getting it!” he exclaims, his eyes lighting up with a mix of pride and surprise.
“Yes! See? You’re a natural!” You lean closer, encouraging him. “Now, we just need to finish it off. Keep going!”
Spencer’s confidence surges, and he concentrates on the braid, his fingers working diligently. “I should be a professional hairdresser. This could be my calling,” he jokes.
You roll your eyes playfully. “Right, because that’s the career path I imagined for you.”
“Hey, I could be the first male hair braider in the history of ever!” He says, knowing he is definitely not the first male hair braider, he finishes the braid, pulling it together with an awkward but endearing clasp. “Ta-da! I present to you… um, something that vaguely resembles a braid!”
You can’t help but clap your hands in delight. “It’s beautiful! Look at that creativity!”
Spencer’s grin grows wider as he surveys his handiwork, which resembles a chaotic, yet charming, structure. “I think I’ll add ‘hair magician’ to my résumé.”
You reach out, gently tugging on the braid. “You’ve got the magic touch, Spencer. You just need a bit more practice.”
“I think I can manage that,” he replies, looking at his hair in the mirror, now adorned with his whimsical creation. “Can we do this again? I want to get it right.”
“Definitely! But next time, I get to teach you something else,” you say, the giggles still bubbling in your chest.
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sexilene · 2 days
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jj x reader cockwarming!! ⋆˚𝜗𝜚˚⋆ #03 (sorry bout the spelling mistakes!)
jj often takes you with him when he goes fishing, he basically does all the work and you sit there flipping through a magazine or sunbathing. and just like all the other times, watching your boyfriend’s veins form his arms stand out as he lifts buckets of fish and what not, looking all manly. and sure he’d smell a little salty and his hands a little fishy but you couldn't care less, all you could focus on was the throb of your clit and the need to have your tired boyfriend’s dick inside you asap.
at some point he dramatically stretches and leans back on into the car seat, a joint held tightly to his pursed lips. you both are seated in the front of a dingy little truck you found for him at some junk yard car place, you had surprised him with it for his birth last year and though it needed some work jj was still entirely greatful.
jj inhales, his eyes closed while you’re seated sinked on top of him, your fingers tangle in messy blonde hair, his cock pulsating warming inside you.
“jay? please put it out…im so tired and i really wanna cum!” you whine, rocking your hips slightly. you pout and lay your cheek down onto his shoulder as he continues to hold you down with his hand on your hip. you too had been like this for about 30 minutes now, just cock warming him and you had tried to fuck yourself on his cock, but nothing seemed to work to ease the need for him to just slam you down on his dick.
“baby, how could you be tired, you literally did nothing the whole time hmm?” he coos, before inhaling again and then blowing out smoke from his nose.
“keep tellin ya, if you wanna cum, you jus’ gotta wait till papa j s’ready…” he speaks with a soft growl, squeezing the flesh of your hip. you whine again to get your point across, rocking your hips again against his. the wet sounds of your cunt and the feeling of your clenching pussy finally made him give in and help you out,
“gimme a sec baby cakes, i’m almost done” slurs, finishing off the joint and stubbing it out in the ashtray in the cup holder. he grabs your face to make you look at him, the strong grip on your jaw probably is going to leave a mark from his rings. he blows the last of the smoke out of his nose again and then pulls your face in to give you the sloppiest kiss.
“really wanna get fucked, really bad…” you pine, all these smells overwhelming your senses. the earthy saltiness of your boyfriend, the smell of his joint and the smell of your wetness…
“imma take care of you now, kay?” he smiles before his other hand finds your other hip, lifting you up effortlessly and then slamming into you from underneath. “iv’e gotchyou babe, just take it.” the force of that singular thrust has your eyes closing shut and your nails to dig into the skin of his neck.
your boyfriends cock hitting deep into your soaking cunt at a bruising pace, up and down up and down, against your sweet spot over and over again.
“like a pretty little sex doll you know that?- cept your warm…” he jokes,
your head lolls into the little spot under his jaw, drooling on his shoulder, your eyes clenched shut as you whine,
“don’t be funny right now! im- oh! you’re being mean…” the tight coil in your belly starts to snap as he continues to slam you down on his dick sloppily, your clit rubbing against his skin giving you little shockwaves of pleasure.
“m’sorry- fuck! love you, you know that….” he grunts, fucking up into you as you start to feel the way his cock starts to throb sending you over the edge. you squeal into jj’s mouth in an attempt to kiss him while you creamed all over his cock. he just continues to groan and fuck up into you through your orgasm, and eventually his.
after coming down from both your highs, you continue to sit there impaled on his dick, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. you try and sit up and move back to the passenger seat but jj hold you down on him and shushes you.
“no no angel, you wanted to cum that bad? were gonna keep goin till you can’t take it,”
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dovveri · 2 days
kidnapping 101
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synopsis: who dared kidnap you? you were the mafia boss of your city who the hell had the audacity to pull a move this big?
warnings: guns, kidnapping, swearing, mafia stuff yk but like its comedic? so its not srs or angsty
w/c: 2.6k
a/n: put off posting this bcs i wanted to add more plot more word count but then that anon said they dont read long fics anyway so i cbb. it's implied momo x reader but it can also just be everyone friends yay
.ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊°.~♡︎
you had a straw bag pulled over your head and felt hands shoving you into a hard wooden chair, hands tied behind your back. you huff, unbelieving of the situation you've found yourself in, but try to keep yourself collected enough to assess the situation and to not let your attackers know they had caught you by surprise.
you doubt anyone could guess you were a mafia boss in your day life. you were just another university student after all. funnily enough, university students were also your main customer base, they needed cheap, accessible drugs, and you provided. though they never dealt with you personally, you were worth much more than rookie errand runs and simple intimidation.
so how the fuck did these people find out who you were?
you were captured coming out of the university library, you weren't even up to anything illegal today. you just wanted to get away from all the responsibilities underground and actually get some study done for once. you didn't get to catch a glimpse of your assailants before you were drugged and fell unconscious.
you strain your ears, trying to hear the muffled whispering going on.
"-what? what do we do now?"
"how am i supposed to know?!."
"i don't know you're smarter than me!"
"ugh oh my god i can't believe nayeon put us up to this. did we really just drug someone?! wait fuck- look she's waking up-"
the bag is pulled off your head and you snarl unceremoniously, blinking to adjust to the dim light in the room, quickly surveying your surroundings and tugging on your restraints to check on them.
huh. they were only loosely tied up, you could get out of these easily.
you squint at the two girls in the room, they had to be around your age, but you had never seen them before. they weren't on any of your watchlists and you'd know if they belonged to rival mafia gangs.
"who are you?" you demand, voice authoritative and loud, forcing them to shrink back into one another, unsure of what to do.
"w-who are you?!" one of them squeaks out.
you blink.
"you two drugged and kidnapped someone you didn't know?"
they exchange glances, before looking back at you, "well... when you put it like that..."
"what?! she's right sana! what are we doing?!"
"i don't know!"
"neither do i!"
you watch them bicker, fiddling with your restraints and slowly undoing them without catching their attention.
"okay that's enough. who asked you to capture me?"
their faces whip back to yours, one of them, momo, speaks up again. "um... i'm pretty sure we're not meant to tell you that."
"nayeon right?"
she gasps, "are you a mind-reader?!"
you scoff, "i heard you talking when i was waking up."
momo mutters to herself, blushing for having thought otherwise.
"who is nayeon?"
sana speaks up this time, "our friend."
"and your friend asked you to... kidnap me for what reason?"
"erm..." they look at each other again, silently communicating and nervously flitting their eyes around the room, "we're not entirely sure."
"are you two her slaves or something?"
"what?! no!"
"then why are you doing whatever she asks?"
"because she's our friend!"
"right... slaves."
they frown at each other, unsure of themselves.
"so you both don't know who i am?"
"no. should we?"
you're interrupted then, the door to the room opening loudly and another woman striding in.
she pauses when she sees you, blinking slowly, and then she turns on her heel, eyes ablaze and in panic.
"guys who the fuck is this?!"
"how are we supposed to know?! you asked us to kidnap them!"
"what the fuck?! i didn't ask for you to kidnap anyone! i asked for you to steal the answers to the exam next week!"
"no you didn't!"
"yes i did!"
"that's not what you said momo!" sana turns to momo, pointing a finger at her accusingly.
"wha- nayeon you told me you needed to interrogate the person who wrote the exam!"
"that was a joke momo i didn't mean literally!"
"you need to specifiy!"
"what?! why would you think i meant kidnap them?! that's not normal!"
"i thought you were doing it for the thrill or something!"
"sana! why didn't you stop her?!"
sana shrinks, hiding behind momo, "i dunno you've asked us to do some pretty weird stuff before nayeon... it wasn't that out of line."
"what!? like what?!"
"don't put me on the spot! i can't think of anything right now! like- like- like that time you asked us to set off fireworks and we ended up setting the school on fire!"
"that wasn't- you weren't meant to build a bonfire in the middle of an empty classroom! of course the fire would catch!"
"that was my idea...." momo pouts, looking adorably embarrassed.
nayeon sighs, turning back to you, "i'm sorry for all this. this has been a major misunderstanding. are you- do you want us to do anything for you? you won't take this to the police or anything right..?"
you chuckle, the situation absurd to you, how two girls managed to kidnap the most powerful mafia boss in the city by accident.
your thoughts are interrupted by hushed bickering behind nayeon.
"what are we gonna do about the drugs?"
"i don't know give them back to the person that gave them to you."
"they looked scary though..."
"momo why did you accept drugs from a random person anyway?"
"we needed a sedative to kidnap them!"
"you did what?!" nayeon flips around again, eyes comically wide.
momo flinches, backing up into sana who yelps when the other girl steps on her foot in haste, "erm- we- uh..."
"you drugged them?!"
nayeon's flipping around to you again, going as far as to bow down and get on her knees, putting her forehead to the floor and apologising profusely, "i'm so sorry! i'll take responsibility for their actions please don't take this the wrong way we really didn't mean to and this has all just been a big misunderstanding-"
you can't help but burst into laughter, shoulders sagging in relief now that you realise you're not in any real danger and your identity was still safe.
they look between each other a little confused, still concerned you were going to turn them in or ask them to do something for you that would be less than ideal. you think it's very cute honestly, you were always surrounded by too-serious mafia security and people asking you what to do, it was refreshing to be around people who knew how to let loose a little. money was important to you as a mafia boss, but you wished your organisation knew how to have relax a little more, the bad guys were always meant to be more lively after all.
"sorry- this is just quite funny, i don't think i've laughed like that in a long time."
they exchange nervous glances again, keeping their distance. you stand, having undone your restraints long ago, stretching a little with a curious glint in your eyes.
sana and momo gape at you, "h-how did you- were you always- didn't we tie you up?"
you shrug, shaking your hands loose for effect, "they weren't hard to undo."
"o-oh... wait who are you again?"
you stretch out a hand to the three of them, "l/n y/n. nice to meet you all. and you can relax, i won't be pressing any charges. you're safe."
"r-right..." nayeon comes forward and shakes your hand gingerly, letting it go as soon as she could and shrinking back next to the other two.
you raise an eyebrow, "so where'd you get such a strong sedative momo? it's alright if i use your names right?"
"y-yes of course." nayeon responds for her, but momo looks back at you, thinking before she replies.
"erm... well i was kinda just asking around outside the campus bar- obviously i didn't say we were going to use it to kidnap you, i just thought uni students might have some sort of access to like party drugs or whatever. i didn't realise it was going to knock you out like that-"
"and who gave you this drug?"
"erm... he was one of the older students i think... the most notable thing about him was his hair. he had big orange hair, curly, it made him kinda look like a clown."
your eyebrows crease together in a frown, so that's why the drug had worked so well. it was one of your own. you were only asking momo to see if there was suddenly new competition around campus for your drug business, but it seemed kim heechul, one of your drug pushers, had made moves of his own.
"what did he say to you?"
"he just told me what kind of drug it was. he didn't even ask me to pay actually- that was the main reason i took it. he just said if i was looking to have a good time this would be the perfect drug for it."
your mind works quickly, piecing the pieces together, anger bubbling up inside you at the realisation of one of your employee's actions.
"a-are... are you okay y/n?" momo looks concerned, stepping forward hesitantly.
you purse your lips, "i'm sorry momo. i just need to make sure... you didn't take any of this drug for yourself did you?"
she frowns, "no. why are you asking?"
you breathe a sigh of relief, "that's good. you three may not know this, but the drug you used to sedate me was mine. i kind of... control the drug market at our uni. i probably should've said that in my introduction to you all. i'm a mafia boss. it's also why i'd never go to the police and turn you in, that'd probably be exactly what they wanted... me to waltz right into a police station where they could hold me indefinitely."
they stare at you in shock, slowly coming to their senses.
"wait so... why would you tell us this? are you not afraid we'll turn you in?"
you laugh, "no. because we're at what you'd call an impasse. you turn me in and i turn you in. so the best solution for both of us is to do neither."
"anyway, i'm sorry you had to go through that momo. the ass that gave you those drugs has already been on a short leash. he probably intended for you to take the drugs and to take advantage of you while you were out. i may run one of the biggest crime organisations in the city but i still have morals. i mean- don't get me wrong i can see why he'd want you you're drop-dead gorgeous but if it were me, i'd just ask you out like any other normal person."
they stare at you while you ramble, still trying to process all the information they were learning, and trying to match their stereotype of a mafia boss in their heads to the girl their age dressed in an oversized hoodie and fluffy pyjama pants in front of them.
momo squeaks, "o-oh!"
"-like you're kind of adorable and really you're just my type which also grosses me out because why do i have the same type as that clown kim heechul- like you don't gross me out sorry i didn't mean for it to sound like that although i think it's quite well established by now that i think you're really attractive so it's definitely not you and kim heechul is definitely getting shot and-"
"woah! woah woah slow down i don't think anyone needs to get shot- um and it's okay you don't need to apologise- i probably should've known better than to take free drugs from a random person on the street..."
you frown, "don't say that. why don't you come under me? i wouldn't want anyone taking advantage of you like that again. and you won't have to worry about stupid stuff like whether or not it's your fault for being adorably innocent, you'll have my full protection."
momo blinks, looking at sana and nayeon for help.
you misunderstand, thinking she's worried about her friends, "your friends can join too. it's decent money, and i won't make any of you do anything you're not comfortable with. i get it y'know? i'm only able to pay for college because i do this, and i'm good at making other people do the dirty work. dangle some drugs and money and people will do anything for you."
nayeon lets out a sound of disbelief, "...this is a joke right? like surely this is a joke. sana pinch me."
sana does exactly that, but nayeon yelps, "not that hard!"
"you asked me to pinch you!"
"yeah pinch me not crab claw me!"
"i just got my nails done it's not my fault!"
before you can laugh at their antiques the door behind them slams open, people rushing in with guns pointed. there's a few screams before hands are clamped over mouths and you feel yourself be surrounded.
you react instantly when you see one of the intruders grab momo by the neck, pointing a gun at her head. you lurch forward, pushing past the people surrounding you, knocking the gun out of their hand and hitting the back of it into the person's head, rendering them unconscious with the force of your blow.
you quickly check on momo, helping her up and inspecting her neck, fingers tingling from where your skin meets.
"boss- what- are you okay?"
"shut up! i was fine! god can't i have a single day to myself without you numbskulls barging in?" you bark with your fingers still daintily checking momo's neck for any marks.
"you- you were kidnapped boss we were just-"
"i'm fine now aren't i? i can take care of myself. i don't need you all watching my every move! i'd like to have some privacy to myself every now and then." you turn back to the bodyguards looking awkward and shuffling around in their bulky protective wear and guns.
"y-yes boss. sorry boss."
"wait for me outside." you sigh, flicking your wrist in annoyance, "and find kim heechul. i need to have a word with him." you add as an afterthought.
they shuffle out the door they came through, mumbling apologies and tripping over themselves. you roll your eyes, refocusing back on the other women in the room.
"i'm sorry about that. are you guys okay?"
they stare at you, faces tinged with red, nayeon speaks up first. "so you weren't joking..."
you shake your head, "and i'm serious about coming under me too. i'm kinda afraid to say it but if word gets out that i was kidnapped, some of my rivals might go out looking for you three and try to recruit you for themselves. they'll treat you a lot worse than i will. and they generally won't take no for an answer..."
"but you'll take no for an answer?" sana chirps in.
"like i said- i don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to."
nayeon and sana look between them, but momo shrugs, smiling up at you, "i'm in. i like you. you're funny."
you grin at her, justifying the immediate connection you felt with her just by being able to anticipate the kind of person she was.
"well if momo's in i'm in." sana agrees happily, slinging an arm around momo.
they look towards nayeon who rolls her eyes and groans, "someone has to make sure the two of you don't kidnap the wrong person again right?"
they all break into laughter and you join them, feeling like you had people you could almost call friends for the first time since you'd started your mafia business.
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sissylittlefeather · 3 days
Kinktober Day 16: Mirror Sex
Easy to Love
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, SMUT, body image issues
Word Count: ~1.6k
Kinktober Masterlist
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“Honey, I've told you and told you. Yes, I still think you're sexy.” Elvis follows you around the house as you tidy and move things and generally just try to keep from letting him win. 
“I know you say you do, but I'm not sure when the last time you really looked at me was.”
“I look at you every day.” You huff and roll your eyes. 
“You know what I mean.” 
“Well, I would look at you naked every day if you'd let me!” He catches a baby toy that you throw in his direction and tosses it into the pile in the corner. Why you insist on tidying things up never ceases to amaze him. You have a maid to do that, but you weren't raised with that kind of luxury, so it's in your blood to clean things in your own house. 
“Honey, please. The baby is with your mom. It's just you and me here tonight. I would like to make love to my wife without the lights turned off and you fully dressed.” 
“Maybe you should've married someone else, then.”
“Oh stop it. I married you because I love you. And I'm gettin’ real tired of your whole song and dance about how I wouldn't want you if I saw you.” You look over at Elvis and he stands there with his hands on his hips. He looks better than he ever has in his life, having just started playing shows in Vegas again after all those years doing movies. And you'd be happy to make love to him, but you had a baby less than a year ago and it's proving more difficult than you expected to shed the baby weight and get back to who you were before. You were a tiny little thing, so small he could almost wrap his hands completely around your waist. And now you're not exactly big, but there's definitely extra soft parts where there weren't before. You turn and face him, as defiant as he is. 
“I just don't look the same and I don't think you'll like it. Just give me time to lose this weight and we can go back to how things were before.”
“Baby it's been almost a year. Almost a year of making love in the dark or under the covers. I want to fuck you like I used to.”
“Have ya seen you? You look great. Maybe you should just… find a fan…” He walks over to you and takes your chin between his thumb and forefinger. 
“Don't you dare suggest something like that. I'm tired of this, Satnin.” He bends over and picks you up over his shoulder. You protest, trying to get him to put you down, but he refuses. He carries you to your bedroom and flops you on the giant bed. 
“I'm just sayin'. I'm never gonna be what you want. And you have women everywhere. Just pick one of them and do whatever it is you're needing.”
“I need you! God you're a pain in the ass.” He rolls the heavy, full length mirror up beside the bed. 
“What's that for?”
“You'll see. Take your clothes off.”
“Elvis I-”
“Damnit for once in your life don't argue! Just do what you're told.” You pout and then start to pull your clothes off. If he won't believe you then you'll just have to show him. “Come here.” 
He takes his own clothes off, seating you in between his legs with your back against his front facing the mirror. 
“El, what are we-”
“Shhh. Look at yourself.” You turn your head to look away and he grabs your chin and forces you to peer into the glass. “Look at that sexy woman.”
“All I see are rolls and squishy parts.” You see him purse his lips over your shoulder. 
“Damn it, honey just stop!” He starts to run his hands over you and you wince in discomfort when he gets to the parts that you don't like. 
“Please stop touching my belly.” You whisper pleadingly. 
“What? This belly?” He puts his hands on your stomach. “The one that carried my baby so well? I'm supposed to not love this part of you?” 
You meet his eyes in the mirror and he's dead serious. Part of you thought he might be making fun of you, but he's obviously not. He sets his chin on your shoulder and runs his hands up to your breasts, squeezing gently. 
“And you can't tell me this part didn't improve.” He's not wrong. Your breasts did kind of come out of nowhere when you were pregnant. Still, they're not as perky as they used to be and you open your mouth to say something but he stops you. “No. You don't get to argue with me.” 
He slides his hands down your sides to your hips and grazes his fingertips over your stretch marks. You'd been so tiny that your hips widening to make room for the baby had caused your skin to split into these scars that you hate. You groan when he touches them and lean your head back to look at the ceiling. 
“Look in the mirror.” His tone is firm, and he's obviously tired of fighting you, but you're too ashamed. You shake your head and keep your eyes up as they fill with tears. “Damn it, y/n, I said look in the fuckin’ mirror!” 
When you look back down at his reflection, a fat teardrop rolls down your cheek. He softens immediately and wraps his arms around you affectionately pressing his cheek to yours. 
“Honey, please don't cry. I know it's hard for you to believe me, but I'm not just sayin’ this. You are beautiful. You see all the ways your body has changed as bad things, but I see them as evidence of my wife’s strength. You made a miracle for me, honey. I wanna worship you for it. Please let me.” 
His eyes are so sincere that it's impossible not to believe him. You turn your head and meet his lips with yours. After a short time you pull back and he just looks into your face for a while. Your heart is pounding as the tension builds between you. Finally, he can't stand it anymore and he dives in fully, his tongue slipping into your mouth to dance against yours. His hands run all over your body, touching and squeezing any part of you that pleases him and you don't protest. The heat in his kiss is too much to interrupt. Eventually, he spreads your thighs and his fingers make their way to your center. The tip of his middle finger gathers some of your arousal and finds your clit, slipping over and around it easily. You moan softly into his mouth and he smiles. 
“You wanna see how sexy you are? Look.” He nods towards the mirror and you turn and watch as he slides his finger up inside you, his thumb playing with your clit now. He adds a second finger and pumps them in and out for you to see. Your eyes are glued to his hand in the mirror as he works your pussy. “I want you to watch yourself cum. See what I see.” 
You nod and whimper as your orgasm begins to build in your hips. He pulls his fingers out and rubs them over your clit harder and faster. 
“Come on, baby. Cum for daddy.” He whispers, nibbling on your earlobe. 
“Mmm, fuck, Elvis…” You moan loudly, balancing right on the edge of your release. He pumps his fingers inside you again and then goes back to your clit. 
“You're so sexy, mama. Cum for me.” That's all it takes for you to fall headfirst into oblivion. You moan loudly and watch in the mirror as the waves of pleasure crash into you and you shudder and pulse. “You see now, how sexy you-”
But you interrupt him by pushing him down on the bed and climbing on top to straddle his hips facing the mirror. You watch with your eyes wide as you sink onto his cock. He laughs loudly and grabs your ass. 
“Yes, baby. There's my sexy girl.” You're entranced by watching yourself in the mirror as you fuck him, bouncing and rolling on his dick, moaning as you see him slide inside you over and over again. He holds your hips and whimpers. You haven't fucked him like this in a very long time. “I'm gonna cum fast, honey. Slow down.”
“No?” He closes his eyes and bites his lip as he tries to hold on. 
“I like the way my tits bounce when I move this fast.” 
“Yeah me too. Damn, I've created a monster.” He whimpers and grasps at the sheets. “Honey, I have ta- OH GOD!” 
He holds your hips tightly as his cock throbs inside you and shoots you full of his release. Somehow, the mirror is angled just right for you to be able to see his face as he cums and it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. You forgot how powerful it makes you feel to bring him to the place that only you can. When his body relaxes, you climb off and turn around, crawling into his arms. He kisses your forehead. 
“Sorry I didn't last longer-”
“Not a problem. We'll do it again later.” He looks at you in his arms. 
“We will?”
“Mhmm. With the lights on and everything.” You kiss his lips softly. “Thank you for loving me so well.”
“You’re easy to love, honey.”
“Can we have the mirror again?” He laughs and nods his head. 
“You're a pain in the ass. But you're easy to love.”
@ccab @atleastpleasetelephone @deltafalax @msamarican @angschrof @lustnhim @jhoneybees @polksaladava @searchingforgravity @librababe99 @hooked-on-elvis @theelvisprincess @makethemorning @your-nanas-house @peaceloveelvis @mrspresley69
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333sturns · 2 days
strangers to lovers (3)
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with the help of his older brother, nick, matt decides to step out of his comfort zone . . .
warnings: inappropriate language
this chapter was kinda ass but thats ok
join my taglist | masterlist | part 2 here . . .
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matt blankly stared at his phone screen as if an answer would pop right at him. he let out a sigh before throwing his phone down next to him.
he hopped onto his feet and hesitatingly walked over to his older brothers room. “nick?” he said, almost at a whisper as he gave the door a gentle knock. nick was quick to open the door with a smile.
“yeahhp?” nick examined matts face before giving him a sign to walk in and sit. shutting the door behind him.
“come in,”
matt walked in and sat onto his bed while he fidgeted with his fingers. he didnt know why it happened to be so difficult for him, but it just was.
“i just—“
“ah let me stop you real quick, is this about that girl? if so, i need to know more about her. i dont even know her name for fucks sake.”
matt smiled awkwardly with that same feeling of his cheeks beginning to burn up again.,he reached over for nicks phone beside him and searched quickly for your instagram.
“thi—mm—this is her.” matt muttered. clearing his throat mid sentence.
nick gave your instagram a few looks here and there, nodding his head in approval. the smile fiercely tugging at the corner of his lips. “oh shes stunning matt!”
“yeah. i know.”
nick sat down next to to matt and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. pulling him into a tight side hug. “what are you so worried about then?” nick watched closely at matts movements, studying them intently.
“i dunno, i just dont know what to say and she’ll probably take advantage of me and i’ll just get all sad after and—! shit-sorry.” he looked over at nick who had a frown plastered all over his face. he then shook his head and comforted matt by rubbing his shoulder gently.
“oh matt.., you never really know what’ll happen until you decide to make the first move. if you really like aaliyah, then dont miss out on this opportunity. just go for it. me and chris will always be here for you; no matter what.”
matt felt the embarrassment completely disappear from his body from nicks affirmation. giving him a sense of the comfort and reassurance that he needed. “i love you, nick.” matt mumbled. “love you too matt.”
after a few minutes of talking, matt gave nick one last hug before he walked back to his room. he gently shut the door on his way in before jumping back onto his bed.
he grabbed his phone and took a deep breath before opening instagram. he searched intensely for your profile and zoned out for a while before hitting the ‘message’ button.
< aaliyah lacerow 📞
aaliyah lacerow
384 followers • 21 posts
you both follow rolemodel and 66 others
| view profile |
OCT 15 AT 5:12 PM
Hi aaliyah
( • • • )
matt smiled to himself to calm down, realizing that theres no going back now. the message was already sent and he’d just look stupid if deleted it.
matt could feel his heart almost pop out of his chest when he saw the chat bubble pop up after what felt like centuries. he waited for your response impatiently as his fingers hovered over his keyboard.
is this real omg
Of course
How are you?
absolutely amazing !!!!!!
because of you
how are you
Im good
Youre quite expressive arent you?
you couldn’t help but blush at matts message. you subconsciously smiled from ear to ear and placed your phone down for a second to try and process everything. squealing out in joy as you were quick to type back,
i guess so
sorryyyy sjdkdjcjd
Dont be, its cute :)
oh my god ?!!?!!
you felt your body heat up in a matter of seconds. having to turn your phone off completely and breathe.
“so this is really happening..!!!”
“my god shes adorable.”
matt chuckled at your response while shutting off his phone. placing it aside on his drawer as he smiled to himself. he felt the nervousness from earlier wash away from his system. now, feeling flustered and queasy.
he finally got one of the difficult parts out of the way, so.. what’ll he do next?
. . . . .
✉️: @zayluvss @ilusa @faith5drpepper @toooster @ifwdominicfike @marrykisskilled @lvrsturniolo @lormyaaa
. . . . .
© 333sturns
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reidsbookclub · 1 day
Vows of Rivalry Part 2 : Ties That Never Broke
To read part one click here
AN: SURPRISE!!! There WILL BE one more part
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The scent of antiseptic filled the sterile air of the hospital room as Y/N stirred, blinking against the harsh fluorescent lights. Her body ached, remnants of Marcus’s captivity etched in bruises on her skin, but it was the emotional weight that hung heavier. The library—the place where she’d once spent countless hours studying, arguing, and competing—had become a prison. And yet, when the door to her freedom finally swung open, the first person she saw was the man she thought she’d left in her past.
Aaron Hotchner.
She shifted on the bed, glaring at the door as if willing him to walk through it again, just so she could lash out. That single sentence of his still echoed in her mind, sparking her rage.
"I'll always find my wife."
His words had sent a shockwave through her chest. The years that had passed since their impulsive Vegas wedding felt like a distant blur—years where she assumed Aaron had moved on, climbing the ranks of the FBI, focused on his career. After their law school graduation, they had barely spoken, and she'd convinced herself that he had forgotten her entirely. Yet, somehow, here they were. And somehow, in his mind, she was still his wife.
The door creaked open, and just like she feared—or perhaps, anticipated—there he was, standing in the doorway. Tall, composed, and in control. But the subtle crease of concern between his brows, the tightness of his jaw, betrayed something deeper.
"You shouldn’t be up. You need rest." His voice was calm, but there was something else beneath it. An edge.
Y/N let out a sharp laugh, bitter as it left her lips. "Rest? You think after everything that’s happened I’m just going to lie here and rest?"
Aaron stepped further into the room, his dark eyes fixed on her, unwavering. "You’ve been through a lot. Let me help."
She cut him off with a harsh tone, anger flaring up. "Help? Aaron, do you really think you can just walk in here and say shit like ‘I’ll always find my wife’ as if it means something? After all these years?" She stood, ignoring the way her muscles protested, taking a few steps toward him. "We haven’t spoken in years. You made your choice, and I made mine. You didn’t come back looking for me then so you don’t get me now."
Aaron's jaw clenched, his gaze never leaving hers. "You’re right," he said quietly. "We haven’t spoken. But it doesn’t change the fact that we’re still married. I never forgot you, you never stopped being mine–hell I never stopped belonging to you.”
Y/N recoiled, stunned by the calm conviction in his voice. "Are you serious? We got drunk and made a mistake. That’s all it ever was. I thought we got the marriage annulled after graduation." She crossed her arms over her chest, glaring up at him. "We should’ve, if we didn’t."
Aaron took a breath, but his voice dropped lower, firmer. "We didn’t. I thought we did, some signatures were missing, I found out three years ago.”
The weight of those words hung between them, suffocating in its intensity. Y/N’s heart raced, a mix of disbelief and anger. How could he say it like that? As if it were that simple. As if their shared past, their rivalry, and all the feelings she’d buried meant nothing to him. 
She let out a bitter laugh, her eyes narrowing. "And you never thought to tell me? Google exists Hotcher, you could have looked me up” She scoffed and continued, “then we need to get divorced. Officially. Finally."
Aaron stepped closer, his gaze never wavering, but something deeper flickered in his eyes—something possessive, something primal. "You are my wife," he said, the words coming out like an oath, as if they were undeniable. “We shouldn't, not when we can have a second chance." He said, desire lacing his words 
Y/N’s chest tightened, the heat of her anger rising, mixing with something else she didn’t want to acknowledge. Why now? Why after all these years was he hellbent on this? He had his chance and he never came looking for her. Why should she give in to long buried desires now?
  "Well, then," she shot back, her voice icy, "you will watch ‘your wife’ walk away from you and go on dates" Her words were sharp, aimed to cut. 
Aaron’s stoic expression barely changed, but his eyes darkened, his jaw setting in a way she recognized all too well—determined, unyielding. He took a step forward, closing the distance between them. "We’ll see about that."
The tension crackled between them like a live wire, memories of their law school days flashing through Y/N’s mind. The late nights in the library, mock trials where they’d argue until neither of them could stand to lose. The constant back and forth—annoying, frustrating, and yet thrilling. The fire between them had never gone out, and she hated that Aaron seemed to know it, to feel it, just as she did.
But this wasn’t some debate they could win. This was real life, and she had made up her mind. She would break this tie, no matter how deep it ran.
The door opened again, and Morgan stepped in, sensing the tension thick in the air. He cleared his throat. “Sorry to interrupt, but the doctors need to check on Mrs. Hotchner." earning an annoyed glare from her
Aaron didn’t move, his eyes locked on hers, the unsaid words hanging between them. Y/N’s heart pounded, but she forced herself to hold his gaze. She wouldn’t let him win this time. She wouldn’t let herself fall back into the trap of whatever unfinished business they had.
But as Aaron finally stepped back, a flicker of something in his eyes—something close to regret—made her hesitate for just a second. A second too long.
"Get some rest, Y/N," he said softly, his voice almost a whisper. "We’ll talk later."
And with that, he was gone, leaving her with nothing but the echoes of his words and the weight of the past they had never fully dealt with.
That night she tossed and turned ghosts of the past dancing around her, never letting her forget that one night after a study session when she realized that Aaron would be the one person that despite her best efforts she could never have
The library was empty, save for the two of them. It had been two months since coming back from Vegas and so far she had only seen her drunken mishap husband two times.  Y/N sat across from Aaron, her textbooks spread out like a barrier, though it felt more symbolic than actual. The flickering fluorescent lights cast a dim glow over the room, the kind of light that made everything feel distant, almost dreamlike.
They had been at it for hours—debating cases, tossing challenges back and forth, neither willing to back down. Aaron always had this infuriating way of countering every argument she made with precision, his sharp eyes never leaving hers. But tonight, there was something different. Something quieter, that was until something caught his eye, standing up while mumbling “I’ll be right back” 
The hum of the fluorescent lights above was the only sound as Y/N sat surrounded by books, her eyes scanning the pages in front of her, though her mind was far from focused. The late-night study session had been typical—heated debates, Aaron’s dry wit always getting under her skin, and that smug smile he wore when he thought he had the upper hand.
She hated that smile. Or at least, she tried to convince herself she did.
Y/N sighed, leaning back in her chair and rubbing her temples. Law school was demanding enough without Aaron Hotchner constantly occupying her thoughts. They were rivals, academic sparring partners at best, always challenging each other, always pushing. But somewhere along the way, the constant back-and-forth had become... more. The quick-witted remarks, the lingering glances, the way her heart raced whenever he got too close—it was something she could no longer deny.
She was falling for him.
The realization hit her hard. She closed her book with a snap and sat there for a moment, the weight of it settling in her chest. How had it happen? They weren’t supposed to be anything more than two law students vying for the top spot. He was Aaron Hotchner, the driven, fiercely competitive future lawyer, and she—well, she had dreams, too. Big dreams. But now, those dreams were getting tangled with thoughts of both of them tangled in between sheets.
Y/N glanced up, scanning the library’s dimly lit rows of desks, searching for the source of her distraction. And there he was—Aaron, leaning over a table across the room, his back to her, speaking quietly with another classmate. The girl, Lauren, laughed at something he said, flipping her hair in a way that made Y/N’s stomach twist uncomfortably.
Lauren. She was smart, beautiful, and always seemed to find an excuse to study with Aaron.
Y/N frowned, watching the easy way Aaron smiled at Lauren, how relaxed he seemed in her presence. It was a smile Y/N rarely saw directed her way, a softness in his expression that was reserved for moments like this—when she wasn’t around to ruin it with their endless bickering.
A lump formed in her throat. Of course, he would go for someone like Lauren. Someone who didn’t challenge him, someone who wasn’t constantly pushing back. Why would he ever see Y/N as more than his academic rival when there were girls like Lauren who could offer him something easier, something lighter, something fun?
For a split second, Aaron glanced over his shoulder, his eyes meeting Y/N’s across the room. Her heart skipped, but she quickly averted her gaze, pretending to be engrossed in her notes. She couldn’t bear to watch whatever that moment was between him and Lauren any longer.
She had misread him, hadn’t she? All those moments she thought were something more—the way he lingered after study sessions, the way his eyes would soften when he thought she wasn’t looking—they were just her imagination. Aaron didn’t feel the same way, and she had to stop pretending otherwise.
Her chest tightened as she made a decision then and there. She wasn’t going to be the girl pining over a classmate, least of all one who clearly had eyes for someone else. She had worked too hard to get where she was, and she wasn’t about to let some unrequited crush derail her future.
With renewed determination, Y/N gathered her books and notes, shoving them into her bag with more force than necessary. She was done thinking about Aaron Hotchner like that. From now on, she would focus on her studies, on her career—on anything but him.
She slung her bag over her shoulder and headed for the exit, but not before glancing one last time in his direction. Aaron was still there, still smiling at Lauren as if Y/N hadn’t just walked out of the library, as if he hadn’t even noticed she was gone.
The cool night air hit her as she stepped outside, and she took a deep breath, trying to shake the knot in her stomach. She wasn’t going to let this affect her. She couldn’t.
"Stay single, stay focused," Y/N muttered to herself as she walked toward her dorm, repeating the mantra over and over in her head.
Because no matter how much her heart ached, she wasn’t going to let Aaron Hotchner steal her focus. Not now. Not ever.
That time in their lives kept replying that night alongside a constant look of him saying “my wife.” But it didn’t make sense. Why would he still call her “my wife” with so much passion, like if it had actually meant something to him, life if she meant something to him, could she have misread the situation back then? 
The bell above the door jingled as Y/N stepped into her favorite local coffee shop, the warmth of the place instantly wrapping around her like a cozy blanket against the winter chill. She was grateful for the distraction from her thoughts—thoughts that had been haunted by Aaron Hotchner ever since their run-in two weeks ago.
That night had been intense, his declaration—"I'll always find my wife"—still echoing in her mind, leaving her rattled, confused and furious. The gall of him, to claim her as if the years apart hadn’t mattered, as if their Vegas mishap hadn’t been a drunken mistake they both should’ve erased long ago. She had never felt more determined to put distance between them.
As she made her way to the counter, scanning the menu out of habit, her eyes landed on a colorful figure sitting in the corner booth, one with bright red lipstick and unmistakable, colorful style. She seems like such a friendly, confident person. Y/n couldn’t help but think. And sitting right next to her a dark-haired woman, a stark contrast to  the other woman’s sunny personality 
"Y/N!" Penelope's voice rang out like a bell as she waved her over enthusiastically. "Oh my God, it's you! Come here!!"
Y/N forced a polite smile, taking a deep breath before walking over. “I’m sorry but have we met before?”
Penelope's eyes were sparkling with mischief, and Emily gave her a small, knowing smile, one that immediately made Y/N wary.
"I’m Penelope Garcia the tech genius working with boss man Hotch and this lovely lady is agent Emily Prentiss, also a profiler," Penelope began, twirling her spoon in her coffee mischievous smile forming , "soooo….how’s married life treating you, Mrs. Hotchner?"
Y/N froze mid-step, her body going rigid as the words sank in. She felt her heart skip a beat before the irritation surged to the surface. "Excuse me?" she said, her voice cold and cutting.
Penelope, always bubbly and seemingly oblivious to tension, blinked innocently. "You know, being married to Aaron," she clarified, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "I mean, we all found out after that whole incident with you getting kidnapped. Everyone was surprised, but Aaron—well, he's been—"
"Stop." Y/N held up her hand, her expression sharp as a knife. "I am not, and will never be, Mrs. Hotchner."
Penelope looked taken aback, the smile dropping from her face, and Emily, sensing the shift, leaned forward, speaking in a calm but firm tone. "Look, Y/N, we know it’s complicated, but Aaron’s a good man. He never stopped caring about you."
Y/N felt the anger bubbling just beneath her skin, the heat rushing to her face. "Caring about me? He hasn’t spoken to me in years. We were never really married, okay? It was a drunken mistake in Vegas, and we both know that. The fact that he thinks he has any claim over me is ridiculous."
Emily exchanged a look with Penelope before speaking again, softer this time. "We’re not trying to speak for him, but—"
Y/N held up a hand, cutting her off. "No. You don’t get to defend him to me. Aaron made his choice a long time ago—he wanted his career, and that’s fine. But I’m not some trophy wife who’s going to stand by and let him think he can waltz back into my life, claiming me like I’m some possession he forgot to pack when he left."
Penelope’s eyes widened, and she sat back slightly, clearly surprised by the intensity of Y/N’s reaction. Emily, however, didn’t flinch, her dark eyes studying Y/N carefully.
There was an awkward silence that followed, the tension thick between them, until Penelope cleared her throat, clearly trying to change the subject. "So, um… speed dating," she blurted out, her voice rising to an unnaturally high pitch. "There’s a fun little event this Friday, right here at this coffee shop. We were thinking about going."
Y/N’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, the sudden change in conversation catching her off guard. "Speed dating?" she repeated.
"Yeah," Emily chimed in, seemingly relieved by the new direction of the conversation. "It’s actually pretty popular here. People from all over the city come, and it’s a good way to meet new people, you know? No pressure, just fun. Make friends…or get a date"
Y/N hesitated, feeling the weight of their earlier conversation still lingering. But the idea of speed dating—of meeting someone, anyone, who wasn’t Aaron Hotchner—sounded surprisingly appealing. A chance to remind herself that there was life beyond Aaron, beyond the years they hadn’t spoken, and definitely beyond the ridiculous notion that they were still somehow connected by that impulsive mistake in Vegas.
"Maybe I will stop by," she said, her voice firmer than she expected. "It sounds like fun."
Penelope grinned widely, clearly thrilled by her response. "Yay! It'll be so much fun, and you’ll meet all kinds of people!"
"People who aren’t Aaron Hotchner," Y/N added pointedly.
Emily chuckled softly. 
As she left the coffee shop, Y/N felt a small sense of satisfaction settle in her chest. If Aaron thought she was still his wife, well, this speed dating event would be the perfect way to show him just how wrong he was.
Aaron POV 
Aaron Hotchner sat in his office, reviewing case files, but his mind was somewhere else. Ever since he’d seen Y/N again—after the kidnapping, after hearing her spit venom at the idea of being his wife—she had consumed his thoughts. He never expected her to come back into his life so forcefully, or for the old feelings to rush back as though no time had passed.
There had been anger in her eyes, but underneath it, Aaron could still see the spark—the same fire that had drawn him to her in law school. He had been foolish to let her slip away all those years ago. The rivalry, the banter, the drunken wedding in Vegas—it had all been a game they played. He realized now how much it meant to him, how much she meant to him.
The knock on his door snapped him from his thoughts.
"Hotch, I’ve got something you might want to hear." Penelope Garcia peeked her head in, a smile dancing on her lips that made him instantly suspicious.
He raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair. "What is it, Garcia?"
Penelope slid into his office, closing the door behind her. She was practically bouncing with excitement, her eyes bright. "So, I may or may not have run into Y/N at the coffee shop today."
Aaron’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of her name. He kept his face neutral, but the tension in his chest tightened. "And?"
Penelope grinned, clearly enjoying this more than she should. "She, uh, made it pretty clear that she’s not interested in being Mrs. Hotchner."
Aaron’s jaw tightened at the mention of Y/N’s words, the reminder that she was still pushing him away, still resisting any connection to him. But Penelope continued, oblivious to the growing storm behind his eyes.
"But," she added, leaning forward, "there’s this speed dating event at the coffee shop on Friday, and guess who’s thinking of going?"
Aaron’s breath hitched. Y/N? The idea of her sitting there, meeting other men, while he was waiting on the sidelines was enough to make his blood boil. He hadn’t fought for her then, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to let her slip away now.
"Speed dating," he said flatly, the words tasting bitter on his tongue.
Penelope’s smile faltered as she picked up on his mood. "Yeah... I thought you might want to know. It’s just—well, I’ve seen you two together, Hotch. There’s still something there, whether she wants to admit it or not."
Aaron stood up, his mind already racing. He wouldn’t let her sit across from anyone else, laughing, making small talk with men who didn’t know her the way he did.
No. He was going to remind her who she belonged to.
"Friday," he muttered, almost to himself. "I’ll be there."
Penelope’s eyes widened in surprise, her mouth curving into a pleased smile as she gave him a thumbs-up. "Go get your girl, bossman."
The coffee shop was buzzing with activity when Aaron arrived. He stood just outside the entrance, scanning the room, his heart pounding harder than it had in a long time. He wasn’t nervous—Hotch never got nervous—but he was on edge. He didn’t know what to expect when he saw her again, especially not like this.
Through the window, he saw Y/N sitting at one of the tables, chatting with a man across from her. The sight of her in conversation, a polite smile on her face, was enough to send a possessive wave of jealousy coursing through him.
She wasn’t supposed to be here. She wasn’t supposed to be meeting other men. Not when she was still his wife.
Aaron Hotchner pushed open the door to the café, his sharp eyes immediately zeroing in on her. Y/N. There she was, sitting at a small table near the window, absently toying with the edge of her cup. He hated how casual she looked, how she could sit there smiling at another man like nothing between them had ever mattered.
But that smile didn’t reach her eyes. Aaron knew her better than anyone else, and he could tell when she was pretending. She wasn’t interested in the man sitting across from her. She was just going through the motions.
He felt a twisted sense of satisfaction knowing she wasn’t into this. Into him. Whoever this stranger was didn’t deserve her smile, didn’t deserve the attention she was giving. He could feel his blood boiling just thinking about it. She was still his. And no one else had the right to sit there, trying to win her over.
His jaw clenched, and without even thinking, he strode across the room with purposeful, heavy steps. He didn’t care about the looks he was getting, didn’t care about the whispers that followed his path. The only thing that mattered was her. And the man sitting in his seat.
As Aaron approached the table, his presence loomed large, casting a shadow over the pair. The man was the first to notice, his smile faltering as he looked up in confusion.
Y/N’s reaction was different. Her eyes widened the moment she saw him, her lips parting in a mix of shock and disbelief. “Aaron?”
Her voice was soft, startled, and he reveled in that moment—the moment she realized he was there, that he was still very much a part of her life, whether she liked it or not.
The man, oblivious to the tension, blinked up at Aaron. “Uh, can I help you?”
Aaron’s gaze didn’t waver from Y/N’s face. “You can leave,” he said coldly, his voice low and dangerous, every syllable laced with authority. His expression was hard, unyielding. “Now.”
There was no mistaking the command. The man’s confusion turned to discomfort, and without another word, he scrambled to grab his things, mumbling an excuse as he quickly got up and moved away from the table.
Aaron didn’t watch him go. His focus was entirely on Y/N. But instead of relief or gratitude, her eyes flashed with anger.
“What the hell are you doing here, Aaron?” she demanded, rising to her feet in one swift motion. Her voice was sharp, cutting through the lingering tension in the café. “This is a speed dating event, Aaron. You’re not supposed to—”
“I don’t care,” he interrupted harshly, stepping closer. His voice was rough, edged with something darker, something possessive. “You don’t belong here, Y/N. You don’t belong with anyone but me.”
Her mouth fell open in disbelief, her fury bubbling over. “Excuse me? Last time I checked, we weren’t exactly a couple anymore heck we never were one, Aaron.” Her words were like daggers, but they did nothing to quell the possessiveness swirling inside him.
He took another step toward her, closing the space between them. “We’re more than a couple,” he said, his voice low, almost a growl. “You’re my wife.”
Y/N scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest defensively, her eyes narrowing. “For the last time, Aaron, that was a drunken mistake in Vegas, and we should’ve gotten divorced years ago.”
“No.” His tone was final, his dark eyes burning with intensity as he shook his head. “We didn’t. And I’m not letting you walk away again.”
Her pulse quickened, a mix of fury and the magnetic pull she always felt around him tangling inside her. She hated how he could still do this to her—how his presence, his sheer force of will, could make her feel like everything else faded away. But she was angry. Angry that he thought he could just show up and dictate her life.
“Aaron, this is ridiculous. You can’t just barge in here like you own me,” she snapped, her voice rising. “We haven’t been together in years. You don’t get to decide where I go or who I meet.”
But even as she spoke, she felt the words falter slightly, her heart betraying her anger. Because part of her wanted him to fight for her. Part of her wanted him to be the man who wouldn’t let her go so easily. And Aaron could see that hesitation in her eyes, could feel it in the air between them.
His hand moved before he could stop himself, reaching out to brush his fingers lightly against hers. That single touch was electric, sending a spark through both of them. She didn’t pull away, and for a moment, they just stood there, the rest of the world fading into the background.
“Come with me,” he murmured, his voice softer now but still commanding, still full of the weight of his emotions. His thumb gently caressed the back of her hand, and he leaned in, his gaze never leaving hers. “Let’s talk. Just us.”
Y/N’s heart raced as she looked up at him, her breath catching in her throat. She could see the raw intensity in his eyes, the deep well of emotions he kept locked away from everyone else. This was Aaron at his most vulnerable, and it made her chest tighten. He wasn’t asking—he was demanding—but beneath it all, there was a desperate plea, a need for her that he couldn’t hide.
She hesitated, torn between the storm of emotions raging inside her. But as she met his gaze, she knew that she couldn’t walk away. Not yet. Not from him.
“Okay,” she whispered, her voice barely audible, her fingers tightening around his.
The night air was crisp as they walked down the street, silence stretching between them as they headed toward a quiet bistro nearby. Aaron had insisted they leave the coffee shop, and now here they were, about to have what would be their long overdue first date.
Y/N was still fuming, though she couldn’t deny the way her heart fluttered at the sight of him beside her, his presence commanding, yet comforting in a way that only he could be. She had spent years convincing herself she was over him, that their marriage had been nothing more than a mistake, but seeing him tonight—really seeing him—was undoing all of that.
As they sat down at the bistro, Aaron finally broke the silence. "I never stopped thinking about you, Y/N."
She blinked, caught off guard by the sudden confession. "Aaron—"
"I was a fool back then," he admitted, his voice softer than she expected. "I thought that pushing you away, focusing on my career, was the right thing. But it wasn’t. And I should have fought for you."
Y/N’s throat tightened, the vulnerability in his words pulling at her. "We were just kids back then. We didn’t know what we were doing."
He reached across the table, his hand covering hers. "I know what I’m doing now."
She met his gaze, the weight of his words hanging between them. For the first time in years, she felt something shift. Something that had been locked away since their Vegas wedding all those years ago.
"Maybe we should’ve had this first date sooner," she murmured, her lips curving into a small smile.
Aaron chuckled, the sound low and deep, sending a shiver down her spine. "So its a date now huh” he teased, “better late than never” 
And as the night went on, they finally began to peel back the layers of what had been left unsaid for so long—starting their first real date with the promise of a new beginning. 
The hum of the city faded into the background, and for the first time in a long while, he felt something akin to peace. But it wasn’t the calmness of the park that had his heart racing—it was the woman sitting next to him, Y/N.
She had been quiet for most of their walk, though every now and then, she would glance at him out of the corner of her eye. The tension between them was palpable, as if all the years of unresolved feelings were pushing to the surface, demanding attention.
Aaron shifted on the bench, his mind slipping back to a memory that had haunted him for years. He had kept it buried for so long, but now, with Y/N so close, the words bubbled up before he could stop them.
"Do you remember that night?" Aaron started, his voice low, almost tentative.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "You’re going to have to be more specific, Hotchner. We had a lot of nights."
He smirked at that, the old familiar banter between them igniting like a spark. She always had a way of calling him out, of keeping him on his toes. It was one of the reasons he had fallen for her so hard in the first place.
Aaron cleared his throat, his gaze drifting to the small pond in front of them. "It was the end of a study session. One of those long nights at the library when everyone else had already gone home." He paused, glancing at her to gauge her reaction. "We were alone, arguing, like always."
Y/N’s lips curved into a small smile, her eyes narrowing slightly in thought. "Ah, yes. The usual bickering about which of us knew more about tort law."
"That’s the one." Aaron’s tone softened as he recalled the details. "You were so frustrated with me that night. Your nose did that little crinkle it does when you're annoyed, and your face flushed red. I thought—" He trailed off, hesitating. This was harder than he expected.
Y/N tilted her head, her eyes searching his face. "You thought what?"
Aaron let out a slow breath, finally turning to face her fully. "I thought you were going to kiss me."
Her eyes widened, surprise flickering across her face. "You thought I was going to kiss you?"
He nodded, his gaze intense, locking onto hers. "Yeah. You leaned in, your eyes were... different. Softer, for just a second. I thought maybe, after all our back-and-forth, maybe that was it. Maybe we were finally going to stop pretending."
Y/N’s breath hitched slightly, her posture stiffening. "And what did you do?"
"I waited," Aaron said quietly. "But you didn’t. You just... walked away. Like it was nothing. After I heard you talking with friends about how you wanted to stay single, focus on school.” 
She blinked, a mix of emotions crossing her face—surprise, confusion, something else he couldn’t quite name. "I didn’t know," she whispered, more to herself than to him. "I had no idea you felt that way."
Aaron leaned back against the bench, running a hand through his hair, frustration bubbling just beneath the surface. "I thought about that night for years, Y/N. I convinced myself that maybe I imagined it. Maybe I was just seeing what I wanted to see."
She was silent for a long moment, her eyes locked on the ground, before she finally looked back up at him. "Aaron, I— I’m confused.. I thought, I always thought you and Lauren were dating. I saw you together after we all came back from Vegas."
“Lauren?” Hotch asked confused, “Lauren? The Lauren that was in our Constitutional Law class?” Y/N nodded at his comment and Hotch let out a rare laugh “my silly, reluctant wife. Lauren is my cousin” “your … your cous-” 
Before she could finish, Aaron leaned in, closing the distance between them in a single, fluid movement. His hand found the side of her face, his thumb brushing lightly over her cheek, and then he kissed her.
It wasn’t a kiss of desperation or urgency—it was soft, deliberate, and full of all the things he had left unsaid for so long. Y/N froze for half a second, her breath catching, but then she kissed him back. Her hand moved to his chest, fingers curling into his shirt as if to hold him there, to ground them both in that moment.
When they finally broke apart, the air between them was thick with something new, something neither of them could ignore anymore.
"I should’ve kissed you that night," Aaron admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I’m glad I get to kiss you right now."
Y/N exhaled slowly, her eyes searching his, still trying to process what had just happened. "I don’t know what this is, Aaron," she said, her voice soft but uncertain. "But I... I…think I  don’t want to walk away again."
He smiled, his thumb still tracing gentle circles on her cheek. "Then don’t."
people that asked to be tagged in this nest part plus some friends that always support me : @samuel-de-champagne-problems
@boldlyvoid @reid-ingandweeping @cuddleprofiler @shinebrightlikeafanbase @rousethemouse @milla984
@foxy-eva @reidsaurora
62 notes · View notes
ziminy · 2 days
My sleeping beauty
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What happens when you accidentally break a curse
Tags: smut, mdni, f!reader, witch!reader, cursed prince!nanami, oral (f receiving), fated lovers, fingering, praises, names (love), nanami making sweet sweet love to you, sudden love confession, creampie, just me being feral for this man,
Author's note: I kinda got inspired from real life because when I wake up I hit every single object in front of me and I can bearly stand on my feet. So try to think of someone who was asleep for a few good years. Might as well not get up from the bed at all.
Author's note: I'd suck the soul out of this man.
Masterlist kinktober masterlist
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You were looking for some plants that grow in a very specific region. It wasn't something new for you, since you do that all the time. Unfortunately, this time you woke up with some complications.
You were walking around looking for what you needed when you saw a castle a little bit away from where you were. It looked abandoned, vines and all kind of vegetation taking over it. It had lot of cracks and it looked old and very much damaged.
You couldn't ask for a better place to make as your temporary home.
So, you went there, happily preparing everything you needed to accommodate yourself in a tower that looked in a presentable condition and then left to look for the plant you needed once again.
Everything went smoothly, you found what you were looking for, no one disturbed you and now all you had to do is prepare the potion you wanted to make so badly. However, you needed to do the potion on a sunny day, and outside it was raining. And since you didn't had the perfect environment to complete your quest, you decided to explore the castle.
It was indeed old. From the furniture to the decorations. You haven't seen that style in a good couple of years.
It had its own charm though. It looked like a time capsule.
You won't be able to find buildings like these anymore, and even if you do, it was just some cheap imitation of how things used to be. It won't look as authentic as this.
This place was huge, outside and on the inside. Rooms after rooms, and windows so tall that it reaches from the floor to the ceiling. Paintings bigger than yourself and long rugs that looked like they needed some cleaning. You could do a few spells here and there, but was the pain really worth it when you won't spend a lot of time there anyway?
And besides, you liked the place just the way it was. Forgotten by humans and full of dust.
"This place stinks of magic." you said after you walked into a corridor far away from where you placed your little laboratory.
The hallway you just walked into was getting absolutely no light from outside, no windows could be seen. And the walls were full of green and plants, long spiky vines that went to a door, blocking any access to it.
Not for you though. With a hand movement the door was free to use, now being wide open leading to a room with a single large window and a bed.
The moment you stepped into the room you could sense the source of the magic you kept feeling, and it lend you to the bed.
There was something in it, but you couldn't see what exactly it was. Maybe it was a ancient relic, or a very rare magic object that would go good with your collection of antiques. Whatever it was, it got your attention and you moved closer to the bed.
You expect to see something unseen before, since this place was filled with this overbearing magic that was playing with your senses, but instead, you saw a beautiful man sleeping.
You blinked a few times, trying to understand what's going on. Why was he the source of this bad feeling, why he reak like evil magic.
You were about to step away, not wanting to get caught in the middle of this but when you tried to turn around you lost your balance and fell on top of the sleeping man, your face right into his, lips touching softly. You quickly got up, wanting nothing more than to run away from there. But he woke up.
Eyes looking at you and at your failed attempt to get out of there. Now stuck in that room and owning an explanation on why you woke him up.
"Um-" you bite your lower lip, not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry for waking you up."
He didn't said a thing, slowly getting up, still sitting in bed and looking around the room for a moment. He looked confused at first, he looked confused at his surroundings and at you.
The room felt a lot more clear now that he woke up, the bad magic disappearing a little with each second that pass by. And he seems to regain his consciousness too, now looking less confused and at peace somehow.
"It's you." he said after a while, making you jump when you heard his deep husky voice. He got at the edge of the bed, looking like he was about to get up, but he didn't. "I never thought that you'll appear." he said, a hand going over his face, massaging his forehead for a moment. "I apologize." he sighed. "I just woke up and I'm a bit dizzy."
"No, it's alright." you said, surprised at how calm he was to wake up with a stranger in his room. "I'm the one who should apologize for entering your home without permission."
"It's alright. I'm sure you had a good motive." his words only made you feel guilty for staying without even checking if someone lives in the castle. "Plus, it's raining." you forgot about that.
He was way too understanding, and it was suspicious.
Was this a trap? Was this a big elaborate scheme to get rid of you in a complicated way? You don't remember getting on anyone's bad side so this whole situation was confusing.
"W- well..!" you had to get out of there. "I will take my leave now. If you excuse me." you said, ready to run away from there.
"Where are you going?" he tried to get up, but ended up falling back on the bed. "Come here, let's talk." you were on high alert, waiting for anything to jump out the shadows and hit. You were extremely paranoid and the fact that the room was magic free now was even more suspicious. "How long have I slept?"
"I don't know." you answer truthfully.
"Aren't you sent here by my parents?" you shook your head. "Then why are you here?"
"I'm doing some research about the local flora." you weren't lying, but you weren't saying the truth either. It was better to not reveal too much.
"I understand." he didn't sounded like a bad guy, but you couldn't trust him completely. "You see, I was cursed right after I was born." that explains the unpleasant magic. "I fell into a deep slumber. And I couldn't be woken up no matter how hard people tried."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because you broke the curse." but how?
"I didn't do anything though?" he shook his head.
"Only the true love's kiss could have saved me." he chuckled at your dumbfounded expression. "You don't have to believe me. I had doubts about it too. However, I see that it was indeed true. And personally, I'm glad it ended up like this. I'm happy your my savior." he spoke with such a calm voice. For a moment you actually believed his words, making your heart skip a beat and your face getting hotter.
Was he saying the truth? You might consider any of his advances if his words were true.
"I really didn't do much." you said, playing with your fingers. "I tripped and fell on you. It was an accident, I swear."
"It's alright. I'm not mad." this was only making you feel guilty. "I hate to ask this, but can you help me get up? I'm a bit rusty from all that sleeping." your body moved on it's own towards him, grabbing his hand in yours and helping him stand on his feet.
He was tall. You didn't noticed that when he was sitting, but damn, he was really tall. And now that your closer to him, he looks a lot more muscular too. Broad shoulders, and the way his hand was a lot bigger than yours. His touch was gentle, while his steps were clumsy.
"I want to get closer to the window." he said and you stayed by his side until he got to the closest window.
The castle was surrounded by ruins. Not a single civilian could be seen. Anything human related looked like it was slowly evaporating, getting destroyed by time and nature.
"This place used to be full of life." he said, a hint of sadness could be heard in his voice. And it was very much showed on his face.
"The king moved the palace somewhere else."
"I see." so they forgot about him. They chose to leave him behind and continue to move on.
"The new location is much worse, if you ask me." you tried to console him in a way or another. "And the kingdom is not doing as good as it used to be since they moved the palace. It's their lose, if you ask me." he could only sigh.
"It still makes me feel useless."
"Don't be. I'm sure you'll do much better without them, if that's what you want. I can take you there if you wish to." why were you trying to please this man was a mystery. Whenever he looked at you your knees would go weak, you wanted nothing more but for him to be happy and in a good shape.
"I want to take a look around the castle before I decide." and his wish came true. You showed him around, you cooked for him and when the night came, you even looked around for a better room for him to sleep in. "I'm not weak, you don't have to look after me." he said that but he couldn't even stand on his feet on his own.
"Say that when you can get out of bed without my help." this situation was making him feel even more miserable. He was abandoned, being way too useless for anyone's help and now he couldn't do anything on his own because his body felt like gelatin.
How much time did he actually slept? It couldn't be one or two days by the way this place looked like, it couldn't be weeks or months either.
But you were there for him. You helped him with anything he needed, you even forgot about your own research and only focused on him. And your help did wanders because a few days later he was like a brand new person. He was back to his own self. But if you're being honest, you're a little sad about it. You couldn't be as close to him as before. So you had no choice but to watch him from afar.
"Have you decided what are you going to do in the future?" you asked him while you were walking around the castle.
"Ah.. Well." he forgot about that.
"Do you want to go to the palace? You don't have anything to do here anyway." he knew that. "Or.. You could come with me." he looked at you, not sure if it was you who said those words or if it was his imagination playing with him. "I'm planning on leaving this place as soon as possible." being around him was not good for your heart, plus, if he never planned on being with you then you're only playing with your feelings.
"You're leaving?" he asked. You nodded and kept looking right ahead, too flustered to look at him or in his direction.
"I finished my research a long time ago. I was waiting for the right time to leave."
"I want to come with you." he said, still not believing that you're the one who suggested him to come with you.
"You're sure? My place is not as luxurious as this castle." he'll lit this place on fire without even blinking if that means he'll be with you.
"I'll go to the end of the world if you're there. I'll come with you wherever you plan on going." you smiled softly. He was too much for you. He said whatever he wanted to say without thinking twice and it always took you by surprise.
"Then, how about we leave tomorrow? I have to gather my stuff and then we can leave once the sun is out." he'll do whatever you want him to.
He helped you pack and by the time you were finish it was already dark outside.
For a moment, you managed to slip out that room, going somewhere further away from the tower, back to where you found Nanami sleeping.
The room looked the same, the big bed in the middle of the room, the window that was still open from the last time you went there and the big moon shining on the sky. Tonight it was full of stars.
You could see this scenery from anywhere in the castle, but it looked extremely beautiful from that specific window.
"I knew you would be here." his voice could be heard from behind you.
"I was exploring the castle for one more time before we left." he stopped next to you, looking out the window in the same direction as you did.
"You look beautiful tonight." you giggled. "You look beautiful all the time." oh, but could he stop for a moment. He was always complimenting you.
"You look beautiful too, Kento." he smiled, being more happy with the way you said his name than the compliment.
"You're more beautiful." you could only laugh at his stubbornness.
"You are."
"Let me kiss you." one of his hands went to your hips, waiting for your answer before he would continue to do something.
"Sure." you laughed, still a bit surprised by his words.
Dragging you closer by your hips, his free hand went on your cheek, softly placing his lips against yours. He stood there for a second, liking the way your body feels before getting his face away to look at you, enjoying the expression you had on your face even more.
Your big eyes, and the way you're looking at him. Your lips looked like it was calling him back, and he couldn't get enough of you.
His lips went back on yours, placing a small kiss before another came, and then another, and the more your lips touched the more hungry it became.
That soft delicate kiss was now a much more passionate one. One where your mouths were open and tongues touching, hands traveling on the other's body to discover more. Soft sounds leaving out your mouths when a particular spot was being touched, when it felt too good.
"Stay with me tonight." he said between kisses.
"Mm." you hummed something in response. Too horny to even think of a sentence to formulate.
With small steps, you were walking towards the bed, clothes being taken off and all naked by the time you got to there.
"Lay down." he said, helping you get in bed. "I want to taste more of you." you'd let him explore your body however he wanted.
You nodded, looking at him get in between your legs, placing them on his shoulder and leaving a small kiss on your lower stomach.
He looked up at you for a moment before he lower his head, another kiss placed on your pussy before he took a better look at you. "You're so wet." he said all happily. "For me." he placed another kiss. "I'm going to take good care of you." he slowly kissed your entrance, and then went up until he found your clit, kissing and sucking it as one of his fingers went inside of you.
He kept moving his finger at a low speed while he was giving your clit the attention it needed. And after some time another finger was added, trying to stretch you out as much as it's needed.
"Ken.." you sighed his name. "It feels good. Keep it just like that." if this is how you like it then this is how you'll receive it.
Your hands went to his hair, gripping it softly, making him to curl his fingers.
What was he doing out of you. It was so good that you couldn't even think straight anymore, your mind blank as you felt something building up inside of you. Somehow, you wanted him to stop. Too embarrassed to let him see this part of you. But at the same time you needed that release. It was so close, you could practically taste it and you'll start crying if he actually stops.
Your thighs almost closed, lucky his hands were there to stop you from trapping his head.
"You did good." he said and got up, finding a good position in between your legs.
"Oh, Ken.." he could listen to you and your voice for hours. The way you say his name was more than enough for him.
"Tell me if it hurts." with his cock in his hand, he slowly got inside of you, stopping when just the tip was inside to see if you're in any kind of discomfort. Then he kept going, stopping not even halfway through just to make sure everything was alright.
"Just get in already. I want to feel you." you were impatient. You felt like he was playing with you by how slow he was going.
He dropped some of his body weight into you, his arms placed on either sides of your head, caging you between him and the bed after he got all the way in. He stayed like that for a moment, enjoy the scent and warmth of your body.
It was nice, it felt nice. For him it was the way you were to tight, the way your warm walls were hugging him so nicely. And for you it was the way he split you open. His cock touched so many good places. But he didn't dared to move just yet, he wanted to stay like this for a little longer.
"Ken." you said his name so sweetly.
"Yes, love?" he kissed your forehead.
"Can you move?" he could, but he liked the way things were like at the moment. But he couldn't complain when you looked so lovely for him.
So, he slowly moved his hips. Getting out of you just a little, pausing, and then getting back inside. It wasn't anything wild, but it was enough to make your body heat up even more. Soft sounds leaving your mouth every time he moved, the friction being too good.
The pace was painful slow, truly. But from how he stuffed you up it was more than enough for the moment. The places he touches, the way he felt inside of you. God, he could stay like this forever.
"You feel so good." he praised you, his lips on your forehead, placing a soft kiss before he moved his hips a little faster. Again, it wasn't something too much. It just a little faster, it was still the same old enjoyable pace.
It was more than enough, but you wanted more of him. You wanted to leave kisses all over his body, to touch him more, you wanted his body even closer to yours.
He was killing you softly. You needed something more, you wanted him to go faster, but he was so painfully slow. You wanted him to go deeper, but he seems to hold back.
"Ken." you said his name, placing a kiss on his cheek. "I need more." he hummed, nodding his head and placing his arms somewhere closer to you.
He kissed you before starting to move again, this time deeper, hitting your deepest spot just right. It took you by surprise even if you knew what he was about to do. You couldn't help but gasp every time the tip of his cock was touching that spongy spot.
He wasn't even applying any kind of force, he was just moving in and out of you, not getting even halfway out. He wanted to stay inside of you, he's not stupid to leave you alone when you were so good for him.
Your arms went around his neck, one of your hand going to his hair when his lips touched yours. His kisses were so passionate, full of love and lust. It was full of his feelings for you, making it up for the time he couldn't express how he felt when you two meet. It was his mixed feelings, it was for the way he loved you as a person and for the way he loved and craved for your body and more. He might not say it out loud, but he fell for you the moment he open his eyes.
"I love you." he said after he broke the kiss, giving you time to give him a response. You looked at him, big doe eyes and blinking slowly, trying to understand what he just said. "I'd sleep another hundred of years if that means that I get to meet you again and again." he stopped his hip movement, still inside you. "Ever since I opened my eyes, I loved you." you had a dumb smile on your face, giggling and looking away for a moment.
"Oh, Kento." your laugh was so colorful. "I love you too." he kissed your cheek, then your forehead and then your hair.
He slowly started to move his hips again, somehow, this time more passionately. His lips never leaving your body, kissing every inch on your skin that gets in front of him. He was so determined to make you feel good. He wanted to know that he did well, that he's giving you more pleasure than you ever received.
Maybe he's dumb for being selfish, but he didn't cared when your voice sounded like the best melody he ever heard. The sounds you made, so sweet and melodic, making him to want more.
"There, just right there." you said out of breath when he kept hitting a spot that got you trembling. His lips on yours once again, kissing you hungrily while a hand of his went between your legs, moving his thumb on your clit, making you moan into his mouth.
He kept going, the room filled with filthy noises made by your bodies. Wet sounds of skin against skin, too obscene for anyone else to hear.
"Cum with me, please. Cum with me." you begged, out of breath and too desperate for your sweet release.
He was close too, hang in there for a moment. He'll give you what you're asking for. He won't leave you alone.
A low groan left his body, and with a few more thrusts, he came inside you, going as deep as he could, filling you up.
"We might have to stay here tomorrow as well." he said after a while, both of you finally having somehow more clear minds.
"I don't mind where I am as long as I'm with you." you said, cupping his face with your hands and kissing him.
"I feel the same." he said, kissing your forehead before he started to move his hips again. "You can do it one more time, can you? I haven't had enough of you just yet."
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Author's note: It only took me two days to write this and it's very much obviously. I might re write it in the future.
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aothotties · 16 hours
Hard work pays off- Sukuna
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CW: some fluff, unprotected sex, creampie
an: sorry not sorry i love sweet Sukuna even though hes canonically an asshole
You let out a relieved sigh as you pulled into the driveway of your home. It had been yet another long day and it was finally over. You gathered all your things and got out the car to head into the house
You walked in and closed the door behind you and kicked your shoes off. As you walked deeper into the house you were greeted by your husband, Sukuna.
He walked over to you and pulled you into a hug
“How was your day, sweetheart?” he asked 
As soon as the words left his mouth you broke down. Tears immediately fell for your eyes and you cried into his chest. Truth is, you were at your limit. Trying to balance school and work had gotten the best of you.
You sobbed for a few minutes while your husband held you there in his arms, rubbing your back as you let it all out. Once you were done crying you looked up at him
“Im sorry baby, i'm just overwhelmed” you said 
“Don't apologize, love. I know you are and that's why I'm here to make it easier for you. I'm making your favorite pasta and the garlic bread is in the oven. Go take a quick shower it'll be done when you get out” he said while still holding onto you 
More tears pooled in your eyes as you heard him talking. No matter how hard your day was he always made sure to take care of you. You gave him a soft kiss and made your way to the bathroom to shower.
After cleaning up and throwing on your pajamas you came back to the kitchen to see the table set up for both of you. You sat down in your seat and looked at the delicious meal in front of you and felt like crying again.
Sukuna noticed your eyes glossing over and walked over to you to put his hands on your shoulders 
“What's wrong? Are you okay?” he asked as he gently rubbed your shoulders 
“It's just that..you always take such good care of me and i really appreciate it” you said as tears fell 
He leaned down and placed a kiss on your cheek
“You know I'd do anything for you. You’re working so hard you deserve nothing less” he said 
He sat back down and you both enjoyed your dinner. Afterwards you both cleaned up and put away the leftovers. Once everything was down you headed to your shared bedroom to lay down and unwind.
As you were laying there Sukuna crawled over to you and began rubbing your back 
“relax , princess” he said and he began giving you a massage 
Your eyes closed and you let out soft groans as he worked out the knots in your back. He was gentle yet firm and it was exactly what you needed after a long day. Your not sure how long the massage lasted as you were in a trance but when he stopped you turned over to him and pouted 
He looked ad you and let out a soft laugh
“Sorry ,princess, the massage doesn't last forever “
You moved to the other side of the bed to cuddle up with him and placed a kiss on his lips
“Thank you for everything Sukuna, i love you”
“You're welcome, how are you feeling now?” he asked 
“Honestly, still stressed” you sighed 
“I can take care of that for you” he said as the look on his face changed
“What?” you asked, confused by what he meant 
But you didn't get an answer. Sukuna crawled on top of you and began kissing you passionately. His hands roamed all over your body and his kisses trailed down to your neck
You moaned as his lips pressed against your sweet spot. His hands fondled your breasts causing your nipples to harden, he then pinched them causing you to hiss with pleasure 
He lifted your shirt and began sucking on the hardened bud. Moans escaped your lips as he did so. He moved over to the other one and his hand slipped into your pajama shorts and panties.
He swiped a finger up your slit feeling how wet you are 
“She's so wet for me” he whispered in your ear as he dipped a finger in your wetness
All you could do is moan in response. He had added another finger and your back arched off the bed. He was fingering you slowly, hitting your g-spot with his long digits. 
“K-kuna- fuck” you whined 
“Yeah? You like that?” he responded 
He picked up the pace and you felt your orgasm building in your core. Your eyes rolled back and your mouth slacked open.  He was making you feel so good just with two fingers. Your orgasm washed over you and you gushed all over his hand. He removed his fingers and lifted them to his mouth to taste your essence 
“Mm, so good” he said as he looked directly into your eyes. 
He got up and removed his shorts and you did the same. He crawled in between your legs and placed himself at your entrance. He slid the tip up and down your slit slowly, teasing you. You whined and tried moving closer to he could slip in 
 He placed his hands on your hips to keep you still and slowly slid himself in. you both left off a groan as he bottomed out. 
Just like always Sukuna started off slow, taking his time and allowing you to adjust to his size. But after a while he could no longer contain himself. He started moving his hips at an ungodly pace, repeatedly hitting your cervix in the process 
“Of fuck, baby” you moaned 
“I know you like when i fuck you like this” he groaned
He lifted your legs to his shoulders and continued bullying into your core. You were on cloud nine, your mind went blank and you couldn't even focus on any of the stress in your life. All you could think about was how good your husband felt stretching you out on his dick . 
He manhandled you and flipped you around so you were face down ass up. You arched you back and he smirked at the sight of your pussy glistening for him 
“Good girl” he said as he landed a smack on your ass
He reentered you and grabbed your hips to stabilize himself. Sukuna was hitting your g-spot and you were seeing stars. The feeling of his cockhead hitting that spot sent you over the edge and you came so hard you squirted on his thighs and wet the bed under you.
You felt him twitch inside you and knew he was close as well but knowing him he wouldn't stop until you gave him another one.
He grabbed your hair and pulled you up flush against his chest. His other hand snaked around your body and began playing with your  clit
“I know you can give me another one baby” he groaned in your ear.
Your moans and the sound of his pelvis hitting your ass filled the room. Both of your bodies were sweaty and your heart was racing as Sukuna continued to fuck you in this position. 
Your thighs started shaking as you grew closer to your next orgasm. He grabbed the back of your neck and pushed your face down into the pillow. His strokes got more erratic because he was close as well. You screamed out and tears rolled down your face as you came again and Sukuna came soon after, filling your cunt with his hot cum. 
After giving you a few minutes  to catch your breath Sukuna hopped out of the bed and ran a hot bath for both of you
He lifted you up and carried you to the bathroom 
“Do you feel better now?” he asked with a cheeky smile on his face 
You rolled your eyes but couldn't lie
“Yes, thank you baby” you chuckled in response
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james potter x blacksister!reader who breaks down in front of him
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The halls of Hogwarts were silent this time of night, the only sound the occasional creak of floorboards or the soft wind brushing against the stone walls outside. James Potter had been patrolling—another night of prefect duty—when he saw a figure slumped near a window, head in their hands.
He wouldn’t have paid much attention, probably would’ve assumed it was someone sneaking out past curfew, but the gleam of dark hair caught his eye. He stopped, his heart sinking. It was you.
You and James weren’t friends. In fact, you weren’t friends with anyone, really, except your own family and some Slytherins like Barty, Evan and Pandora. Most people knew to keep their distance from the Black siblings, pure-blooded and cold. You walked with your chin high, always distant and aloof, like you didn’t care about the world around you.
But now, huddled near the window, your shoulders shook with quiet sobs. James hesitated, unsure if he should leave or approach. He wasn’t used to seeing you like this—broken.
Slowly, he stepped forward. “Hey…”
You didn’t respond. Your sobs didn’t falter, and he suddenly felt out of place. He wasn’t supposed to see this—wasn’t supposed to see you like this. But something inside him couldn’t just walk away.
“Black?” His voice was softer this time, unsure, but you still didn’t move. He took another step closer, and that’s when you finally looked up, eyes red and puffy. There was a desperation in your gaze that caught him off guard, and before he could say anything, you shook your head.
“Please…” your voice was hoarse, a whispered plea. “Don’t look at me.”
James froze. He’d seen people cry before, but never like this. Never someone so proud, so unbreakable, shatter in front of him.
You wiped your face quickly, trying to compose yourself, but it was no use. Your mask had already crumbled. You knew James could see everything now—the pain, the hurt, the cracks in the perfect image of the Black family. And for some reason, that made it worse. He wasn’t supposed to see you like this. No one was.
“Look, I didn’t mean to—” he began, but you cut him off.
“Just… don’t,” you choked out, voice shaky. “Please.”
James swallowed hard, guilt flooding him. He could leave, give you your space like you asked, but something in his gut told him that’s not what you really needed.
“What happened?” he asked softly.
You stiffened, staring down at your hands, the silence stretching unbearably. James was about to give up when you finally spoke, your voice barely audible.
“Sirius… he ran away.”
James blinked, his heart skipping a beat. Sirius had only run away from home a few days ago, but he hadn’t told anyone where he’d gone—only that he’d shown up at the Potter’s doorstep with nothing but the clothes on his back. How did you know?
You must have sensed his confusion because you let out a bitter laugh, though it was tinged with more sadness than anything else. “I know he’s with you.”
James’s throat went dry. Of course you knew. Sirius was your brother, after all. But that didn’t explain why you were crying—why the tough, untouchable Black sister had broken down in the middle of a dark corridor.
“He didn’t even tell me,” you continued, voice wavering. “He just… left.”
The words hit James like a blow to the chest. He’d always seen Sirius as invincible, but to you—his sister—Sirius leaving must have felt like betrayal. Like abandonment. And for the first time, James understood. You were left behind to deal with the mess of the Black family while your brother escaped.
You sniffled, wiping your face again, but this time your hands trembled. “I’m supposed to be the strong one. The one who holds it together. But…” You broke off, biting your lip hard, as if trying to stop yourself from crying more. “But I couldn’t. Not this time.”
James crouched down beside you, unsure of what to say. “It’s okay to not be strong all the time,” he said quietly, surprised at how soft his own voice sounded.
You shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut. “Not for me. Not in my family.”
He understood that. The Blacks had a reputation to uphold—a legacy of power, of purity. Emotions had no place in their world.
But you were just a person. A sister who had lost her brother to a world that wasn’t yours.
“I can’t hate him for leaving,” you whispered, almost to yourself. “I just… I just wish he’d told me.”
James’s chest tightened. “He was probably trying to protect you.”
“I don’t need protecting,” you snapped, though the words came out too broken to sound convincing.
Silence stretched between you, the weight of everything pressing down. James wanted to say something to fix it, but he knew there was nothing he could say. Sirius was gone, and you were left to pick up the pieces.
“He’s going to be okay,” James finally said. “I’ll… I’ll look after him.”
You looked up at him then, eyes glassy but determined. For a moment, the vulnerability vanished, and you were the strong, unshakable Black again. But this time, James saw beneath it. Saw the hurt that came with that strength.
“Promise me,” you said softly. “Promise you’ll take care of him. No matter what.”
James nodded, his voice firm. “I promise.”
Your shoulders slumped in relief, but the sadness in your eyes didn’t fade. You stood slowly, brushing off your robes like nothing had happened, though the cracks were still there, visible to him now.
Without another word, you turned to leave, but before you walked away, you paused, looking back over your shoulder. “Thank you,” you whispered.
James opened his mouth to respond, but you were already gone, disappearing into the shadows of the corridor, leaving him alone with the weight of your words.
He’d keep his promise. For you, for Sirius. Because now, more than ever, he understood just how much it mattered.
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writeriguess · 1 day
i Have request😈😈
Idk if you do smut or anything but could you do a little thing where it's a villain Katsuki x villain f! reader and they are finally getting a moment alone after a bunch of meetings with the league.
The dimly lit room fell into an awkward silence after the League of Villains' latest meeting. Everyone had filtered out, leaving you alone with Katsuki Bakugou, the explosive hothead who always seemed to find ways to irritate and attract you all at once.
You leaned against the worn brick wall, arms crossed, eyes tracing the sharp lines of his frame as he stood across the room, still radiating the tension from the meeting. His crimson eyes locked onto yours for a split second, and there it was again—the unmistakable fire between you two. The kind that felt like a fuse had been lit, burning slow and hot.
“I swear, if I have to listen to that icy bastard one more time, I’ll blast him out the damn window,” Katsuki grumbled, pacing a bit. The tension in his body spoke volumes. He was always like this after meetings with Shigaraki and the others, shoulders stiff, jaw clenched. But tonight, it seemed different. His irritation was coupled with something more—something darker, hungrier.
You raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. “Oh, come on, Katsuki, you know you enjoy it. Gives you an excuse to show off.”
He scoffed, but his gaze didn’t leave you this time. "Tch. Like you’re any different." He took a step closer, his boots echoing softly in the otherwise empty room. “You’re always there, pushing my buttons. What? You get a kick out of trying to piss me off?”
You tilted your head, eyes glinting with mischief. “Maybe I just like seeing how far I can push you… until you snap.”
His lips curled into a predatory smirk, and in two strides, he was in front of you, hands pressed against the wall on either side of your head. The sudden proximity sent a wave of heat through your body, his energy practically crackling in the air between you.
“You think you can handle me if I do?” His voice was low, dangerous, but laced with something else. Desire.
You stared up at him, defiant. Your heart raced, but you’d never show weakness—not to him. “Why don’t you find out?”
For a moment, neither of you moved, both challenging the other with heavy gazes. Then, without warning, Katsuki surged forward, his lips crashing against yours with a force that stole your breath. His grip on the wall tightened, knuckles white, and you could feel the raw power simmering beneath his skin.
Your hands shot up to his chest, gripping the fabric of his black shirt as you pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. It was rough, heated, like both of you had been holding back for far too long. His hands slid from the wall to your waist, fingers digging into your hips as he pressed you harder against the bricks.
Every movement was intense, like the two of you were battling for dominance, neither willing to back down. His teeth grazed your lower lip, and you gasped, giving him the opening he needed to slip his tongue past your lips, taking control. But you weren’t about to let him win that easily.
With a tug at his shirt, you spun him around, slamming him into the wall with a grin. His eyes widened for a split second before they narrowed, a low growl rumbling from his chest. “Oh, you’re really asking for it now.”
Before you could even reply, he flipped the two of you back, his lips finding your neck, trailing heated kisses along your skin. His hands roamed freely now, rough and possessive, as if claiming you was just another victory for him.
You gasped, arching against him, the friction between your bodies driving you insane. The League's endless meetings, the constant bickering, all the tension—it had all been leading to this.
“Katsuki…” you whispered, voice breathless as you felt him smirk against your skin.
His voice was husky as he leaned in close to your ear, breath hot. “Yeah? Still think you can push me, huh?”
You grinned despite the rush of heat pooling in your stomach. “Maybe I just like seeing what happens when I do.”
He chuckled darkly, pulling back just enough to look you in the eyes, the fire in his gaze mirroring your own. “Careful what you wish for.”
And just like that, the line between animosity and passion blurred completely, leaving only the raw, dangerous chemistry that had been building for far too long.
The tension was suffocating now, an electric charge crackling in the air between you. Katsuki’s hands were all over you—rough, possessive, demanding. You could feel the heat radiating from his body as he pressed you harder into the cold, unforgiving wall, his lips devouring yours with a hunger that had clearly been simmering beneath the surface for far too long.
“You’re playing with fire,” he growled against your lips, voice low and dripping with a dangerous edge. His breath was hot, his body even hotter as he moved against you, muscles taut with tension.
“Maybe I like the burn,” you whispered back, barely able to finish the words before his mouth was on yours again, more demanding this time. There was no hesitation, no restraint. His hands slid beneath your shirt, fingers digging into your skin as he pulled you closer, as if there was any space left between your bodies at all.
His lips trailed from your mouth to your neck, sharp teeth grazing your skin, and you couldn’t help the soft gasp that escaped you. It only fueled him, his grip tightening, his hips pressing hard against yours. You could feel him now, hard and ready, the friction sending a wave of desire crashing through you.
“Tell me you want this,” he muttered, voice dark as his lips brushed your ear, his breath making your skin tingle. “I’m not about to stop now.”
You grabbed a fistful of his shirt, yanking him closer, your eyes meeting his in a blaze of defiance and need. “Do I look like I want you to stop?”
That was all it took. In one swift movement, he spun you around, your back slamming against the brick wall. His hands were all over you now, pulling at your clothes, tearing at fabric with a frustration that had clearly been building from all those meetings, all those moments where you two had butted heads.
Your shirt hit the floor, followed quickly by his, and you were met with the sight of his sculpted chest, skin flushed with heat and tension. His hands found the waistband of your pants, yanking them down with a roughness that sent a thrill through your body. The cool air hit your skin, making you shiver, but the heat between your legs was undeniable.
“Fuck, you drive me crazy,” Katsuki growled, his voice hoarse as he kicked off his own pants, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. The intensity in his eyes as he looked at you—raw, hungry, dangerous—made your breath hitch in your throat. There was something primal about the way he stared at you, like he was barely holding himself back.
You reached for him, pulling him close until your bodies were flush against each other, the heat between you practically suffocating. His hands found your hips, sliding down to grip your ass as he lifted you slightly, pressing your back harder against the wall.
“I’ve been wanting this for a long time,” he muttered against your skin, his lips trailing down your neck to your collarbone, leaving a path of fire in their wake. “You, me… no more bullshit.”
He kissed you again, hard and demanding, and you responded with equal intensity, biting down on his lip just enough to make him growl. His fingers hooked into the sides of your panties, and with one rough pull, they were gone, discarded somewhere on the floor.
You could feel the heat radiating from him as he tugged down his boxers, his hardness pressing against your thigh. The anticipation was almost unbearable now, the need between your legs pulsing with desire.
“Katsuki…” you whispered, breathless as you felt him press closer, his hand sliding between your legs, fingers teasing your already slick folds. He smirked, feeling how ready you were, and the look on his face was one of pure satisfaction.
“Already so wet for me, huh?” he teased, voice thick with pride and lust as his fingers slid up and down your slit, barely brushing against your clit. “Knew you’d break eventually.”
Before you could snap back at him, he pushed two fingers inside you, curling them just right, and the breathy moan that escaped your lips was all he needed to hear.
“You like that?” he asked, voice rough as he pumped his fingers in and out of you, his thumb grazing your clit with just enough pressure to make your hips buck against him. “Want more?”
You nodded, unable to form words as the pleasure built inside you, every nerve in your body alight with the sensation of him. He pulled his fingers out suddenly, and you almost whimpered at the loss before he gripped your hips hard, positioning himself between your legs.
He didn’t hesitate. With one sharp thrust, he was inside you, filling you completely, stretching you in a way that made you gasp. His grip on your hips was bruising, his breath ragged as he began to move, his pace rough and relentless from the start.
“Fuck, you feel good,” he groaned, his head dropping to your shoulder as he thrust into you again and again, each movement sending a shockwave of pleasure through your body. Your nails dug into his back, scratching down his skin as you struggled to hold on, every thrust driving you closer to the edge.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper, faster, needing more, wanting everything he could give you. The sound of skin slapping against skin, the raw, animalistic grunts that escaped his throat, and the soft moans you couldn’t contain filled the room, the world outside forgotten in this moment of pure, desperate need.
“Come on,” he growled, his voice barely more than a ragged whisper as he thrust harder, his hand moving between your bodies to rub your clit with just the right pressure. “I want to feel you come.”
It was too much—the heat, the pressure, the way he moved inside you. Your body tensed, the pleasure building to a peak, and with one final thrust, you shattered. Your orgasm crashed over you, your walls clenching around him as you cried out his name, your nails leaving deep marks on his back.
Katsuki followed close behind, his grip on your hips tightening as he groaned your name, thrusting deep one last time before he came, his body shaking with the force of it.
For a moment, neither of you moved, both of you breathless, bodies tangled together in the aftermath of the storm. Slowly, Katsuki pulled out, his forehead resting against yours as he tried to catch his breath.
“You’re fucking trouble,” he muttered, but there was a hint of a smirk on his lips.
You grinned, still panting. “Guess you like trouble.”
Katsuki chuckled, pulling you into a soft, lingering kiss. “Yeah,” he whispered, voice low and rough. “Guess I do.”
Requests are open. Send as many as you like at once.
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perfectsunlight · 1 day
warnings: mentions of absent father, guilt, media harassment, public scrutiny
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the spotlight was never kind, and it was never forgiving. he’d known that for a long time, longer than ivory had been alive. but watching it now—watching her now—felt different. she wasn’t even out there yet, but the headlines had already started tearing her down, clawing at her for any piece they could sink their teeth into. he stared at the screen in front of him, a low buzz in his ears as the news anchors dissected every misstep, every move she made.
“beautiful girl, but wow, what a mess...takes after her mother, i guess.”
the commentator’s words stung more than he cared to admit. she didn’t take after jennie—at least, not entirely. she had fire, yes, but that fire wasn’t just jennie’s. he knew that spark was part of him too, whether he liked it or not.
that recklessness, that defiance—it was something he recognized all too well. he had spent years burying it, hiding it behind charm and charisma, but it never really disappeared. and now, here it was again, alive in ivory. she was more like him than anyone would ever realize, and the thought made him uncomfortable. it wasn’t pride swelling in his chest—it was fear.
the commentator’s words echoed in his head. they always had something to say, didn’t they? picking apart every aspect of her life, her choices, her mistakes.
he leaned back in his chair, dragging a hand down his face, trying to shake the feeling that had been gnawing at him ever since paris. since that night. ivory, in a mess of bad decisions and drunk missteps, caught in the chaos like so many young celebrities before her. the media was eating it up, like it always did. 
but seeing her stumble felt different, more personal.
he watched the headlines roll in like waves, relentless and cold, each one a reminder of how unforgiving the world could be. ivory hadn’t even made her statement yet, but the media already had her pinned down, judging every mistake she made, analyzing every move like vultures circling prey. he knew this world too well—the noise, the chaos, the people who fed off of the fall of someone like her.
especially someone like her.
his hands rested in his lap, fingers twitching as he stared at the tv screen, where her face flashed once more. he could barely recognize her beneath the harsh lights and makeup, but he knew that look in her eyes. that guarded, defiant expression. it was the same one he’d worn too many times. ivory wasn’t afraid of the attention, of the scrutiny—she was too stubborn for that. but there was something else in her posture, a tension that made him uneasy.
she wasn’t ready for what was coming.
he knew the world wasn’t gentle. not to women, not to girls like ivory—girls who looked like they had it all together on the outside but were breaking inside. he saw the same storm brewing in her that he’d seen in jennie all those years ago. the need to prove herself, to fight back against the world’s judgment. and she would fight. it was in her blood to fight.
but no matter how much strength she had, it wouldn't be enough to stop the headlines, the whispers, the blame. 
he ran a hand through his hair, exhaling slowly as the cameras pointed to her entering a nearby car. the cameras clicked wildly, flashing like a thousand tiny stabs of light. even through a screen, he could feel the tension in the air. the girl kept her head down, her jaw set, trying to shield herself from their gaze. but there was no escape—not for someone like her.
and as much as it hurt to admit, he knew that better than anyone.
he’d walked this road, felt that same heavy weight of expectation and failure, the pressure of eyes on him, waiting for him to stumble. but this wasn’t his battle now. it was hers. it had been jennie’s before her, and now, it had passed down to ivory—an inheritance of fame and scrutiny that none of them had asked for but had no choice in carrying.
there was an ache in his chest as he watched her. guilt, mostly. some regret, too. but he’d made his choice a long time ago—he’d chosen to stay out of her life. he wasn’t a father to her, and he never would be. he had no place in his daughter’s world, and part of him accepted that. he wasn’t there when she took her first steps, or when she lost her first tooth. he wasn’t there when she needed someone to tell her everything would be okay. he wasn’t even there when she was born.
jennie had been the one to raise her, to protect her. ivory was hers, not his.
still, something tugged at him when he saw flashes of her sitting in that company car, faced with the same firestorm he once did. she was barely old enough to know what was happening, yet already old enough to have her name smeared across the media, already old enough to be blamed for something she barely understood.
he could almost hear the reporters now, sharpening their knives. every question would be a trap, every headline a new scar. ivory was resilient, sure. but no one came out of this unscathed. not jieun. not jennie. not even him.
and certainly not her.
the irony of it all hit him like a punch to the gut. he had once been untouchable, invincible in his fame. now, watching his daughter face the same storm, he felt powerless, weak. she didn’t even know him. not really. and he wasn’t going to change that.
no, that was jennie’s role—always had been. ivory was jennie’s kid. she’d built that girl from the ground up, instilled in her a strength that he could never have given. he hadn’t given her his presence, or even advice as a parent figure.
all he’d ever given was distance.
as the cameras flashed again while the car pulled from the curb, his mind drifted to the world’s response. they’d pick apart her mistakes, dissect her words, and for what? because she’d been drunk in paris? 
because she was young and lost in the very industry that had made him and her mother?
he almost laughed bitterly. they didn’t understand. they’d never understand how easy it was to lose yourself in this life. the world didn’t care about her struggles—they only wanted the headline, the spectacle. they didn’t care about the cost.
and in the quiet of his own thoughts, he came to terms with it once more—he wasn’t going to step in. he wasn’t going to reach out. ivory wasn’t his responsibility. she never had been.
but as he watched her prepare to face the crowd, to answer for her sins as if she owed them something, he couldn’t help but wonder if things could’ve been different. 
if he had been different.
he wasn’t her father. he wasn’t even a friend. he was a ghost in the background, watching from afar, silently hoping she’d survive the world that had already claimed so many. 
she was stronger than he’d ever been. he knew that.
but strength could only carry you so far. and for ivory, the storm was just beginning.
his phone vibrated, a familiar set of initials in the contact name appearing on the screen. he leaned over the coffee table to mute the screen. without a second thought, he answered and placed the device to his ear. 
“hello?” his voice was monotone, his eyes and mind distracted by the reporters on his tv recapping the events of today, mostly being centered on his daughter.
“it’s me, just shut up and listen to me for once.”he didn’t know how to respond to her immediately, and he knew it was best to let his daughter’s mother speak before asking too many questions. “what’s this about?” he answered finally, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue as he ran his fingers absentmindedly over the tv remote's buttons.
“i’m sure you’ve seen the headlines, if you so much as breathe a word about her or me to the press i’ll make sure you regret it.”
his grip tightened around the tv remote, his knuckles shades of ivory as he felt almost insulted by her words. after all this time, why would he say anything? he might not be a father, but that was still his flesh and blood. why would he add more burdens to the ones she already had to carry?
but he knew better than to fight jennie. especially when she was like this.
“you’re threatening me?” he replied, his voice edged with a subtle tone of incredulousness. his daughter’s mother was fierce, always had been. he respected that about her—how she never backed down, how she fought tooth and nail for what was hers. 
and ivory was hers. he knew that. he’d always known that. 
but that didn’t mean jennie had to go for the jugular every time she called.
there was a pause on the other end of the line, long enough for him to feel the weight of her anger settling in. “consider it a warning,” jennie finally replied, her voice cold, calculated. “just stay out of it, like you always have.”
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justme315 · 3 days
Caught 2/3
Fear of giants, angst?,, broken trust, unintentional fearplay, panic, curse words, a character being religious
First part:
"Wait! Nate please-" Hunter yelled out as his friend began to run in the opposite direction from him. His speed was unusual, much faster than it would be normally. He moved rather chaotically, as a scared kitten does when man appear.
It wasn't even surprising that Hunter didn't have to try hard to close the distance between himself and Nate. One step and their distance was maximally minimalized.
Nate was startled at that realization. His body moved against his will, cold sweat flowed his body, eyes as wide as they never were, skin turning pale. It was so easy for Hunter to get to him. It was so easy for him to just grab him. To hurt him. To kill him.
This whole situation could have been well handled if it was only the human who was panicking. Sadly, in this case it was not only the smaller being being terrified. Nate was just as scared as..
The giant.
Hunter mumbled certain words, not really making any sense. He was closer to Nate bit his movements were just as chaotic and unnatural as Nates.
His body was trembling, the marks revealed that he just stopped crying but his eyes seem as if he was about to burst into tears once again.
As he put down his enourmous feet just a few feet (human ones) behind Nate the humans world collapsedm
The human lost his balance and landed on his knees as the ground beneath him shook. His breath quickened, eyes became foggy from tears building in them, his heart raced just as his mind did.
He quickly tried to stand back up but was meet with his best friends shaky voice.
"Nate- Please calm down -" the giant spoke in his uneven speech, trying to calm down the situation between the two boys. Nate turned around only to face a gigantic face, many, many feet above him.
His legs became unsteady. His eyes were wide with terror. He took a small step back and as soon as he did he began running again.
This time though there was no way out.
The giant rushed his enourmous hands down. He kneeled and in less than a secound his freaking as-big-as-a-damn-house palms stopped Nates escape route.
"Nate, freaking hell just listen to me for a minute!" Hunter yelled out. It wasn't supposed to sound this angrily or harshly, he just didn't know what to do. He knew his words were useless but he needed to get his friend to listen to him. He thought he had lost him forever but the boy followed him to the forest so maybe there was a way to make their friendship last..
Well, anything Hunter thought was against the truth. I mean, he had a tiny tiny man, terrified of him, trapped between his palms. If Nate wanted to do anything with him after finding out the secret it was all long gone by now.
The sudden yell that Hunter made, made Nate stop in his trucks. He stood there, unmoving, only his shaking body making any movement whatsoever.
"Nate for Gods sake, please just stop running and listen to me" Hunter signed as he looked down at his friend. It was just now as he realized how terrified the human must have been. His eyes slightly soften and he looked down with pity and shame.
"Damn, Nate.." he whispered, moving his hand away slightly "I didn't mean to scare you, please don't freak out"
Nate looked up at his giant, his face still full of disbelief and fear, yet somehow.. empty. He looked drained. Like he lost all emotion, all energy, all his stupid positivity.
He just kinda stared.
His face showed fear, so did his body, but his eyes revealed dissapointment. Furthermore, they revealed a heartless expression.
Hunter knew thoese eyes. He saw them in so many peoples expressions. He saw Nate looking like that at others. He knew what those eyes said:
I lost trust in you.
Hunters eyes became foggy and blurry. Tears began to built in them. He kept this a secret so this wouldn't have happened! Why the fuck did it happen?!
Hunter moved his hands back, giving Nate plenty of space. He totally expected the boy to start running again but he just stared. It was even worse if we're being honest.
Nates heart raced but it wasn't half as fast as his thoughts. What stopped all of that was his eyes going black. He blinked bit it didn't dissapear. His body felt heavy. This situation was overwhelming. He wanted all that gripped him to the reality gone. Because all that held him there was just.. the thought that Hunter had lied to him.
Before he could process what was happening he fell down, feeling his body touch the harsh ground. He lost all his strength in a second. He fainted? But he was still partially counciois.
Well, at last for a few more secounds.
The harsh ground was replaced with warm, soft, enourmous hands of the giant. The last thing he heard before totally going blank was Hunters yelling.
"Hang on du-.. ! I'll ge-.... -lp...!"
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it! Sorry that this part is short but it leads to the final part!
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shybluebirdninja · 20 hours
Summary: In a bleak world where Logan has lost his purpose, an unexpected connection with his nurse brings a spark of humanity back into his fading life as an Uber driver.
Pairing            : Uber-Driver!Logan Howlett x Nurse!Fem-reader
Genre              : Heavy Angst
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7: The Final)
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It’s raining tonight. Not just the light drizzle that softly pings off car roofs but a full-on downpour, the kind that soaks you the moment you step outside. You rush from the hospital doors, pulling your jacket tighter around you.
The shift was brutal. A patient you’d been caring for all week—someone you’d started to bond with—didn’t make it. You tell yourself it’s part of the job. You tell yourself you’ve done this before, handled it before. But it doesn’t get easier, not really.
Your phone buzzes.
Your driver: Logan. Estimated arrival: 3 minutes.
Of course, it’s him again.
You step under the awning, watching the rain pour down. Logan pulls up, headlights cutting through the misty air. The old, beat-up car looks even worse in the rain, the wipers swiping furiously at the windshield.
You climb in, already drenched. Logan doesn’t even look at you, but you can feel his mood, the tension in the car. Maybe it’s the weather, maybe it’s something else. His knuckles are white on the steering wheel, his jaw set hard.
“Rough night?” he grumbles, his voice low, barely audible over the rain slapping the windows.
“You could say that,” you reply, your own voice tired. You lean back, exhaling slowly, watching the rain streak down the glass. The silence that follows isn’t as awkward as it used to be. There’s something strangely comforting in it now.
“You?” you ask after a moment.
He doesn’t respond right away. Just the sound of the tires sloshing through the wet streets fills the space. Then, quietly, “Rain hurts.”
It takes a second for it to sink in. You glance at him, and he doesn’t meet your eyes, staring straight ahead. But there’s something in his voice that wasn’t there before—vulnerability. The same rough edges, sure, but now with cracks wide enough for you to see through.
He keeps driving, and you don’t press him. But you wonder, quietly, what kind of pain he means. Physical? Emotional? Both?
You clear your throat, trying to distract yourself. “So…are you going to tell me what your deal is? Or should I keep guessing?”
He chuckles, but it’s a sad sound. “No deal. Just an old guy with too many miles on him.”
You smirk. “Yeah, right. I’m pretty sure you’ve got more going on than that.”
“Don’t we all?” he mutters.
The rain gets heavier, drumming on the roof. You watch the city blur outside, streetlights casting long reflections across the wet pavement. Something in you aches—not just from tonight, not just from the loss of your patient. Something deeper. You’ve felt it before, but sitting here, next to this grizzled old man who looks like he’s been carrying a mountain on his back for years, it feels even heavier.
“Why do you keep driving?” you ask quietly. “You don’t seem like the kind of guy who needs the money. Or…any of this.”
For a long moment, there’s only the sound of rain and the low growl of the engine. Then, finally, Logan speaks.
“It keeps me moving.”
You frown, confused. “Moving?”
He sighs, long and deep, like he’s trying to push away something that’s been sitting heavy on his chest. “If I stop…I think I’d just disappear. You know what I mean?”
You do. Far more than you’d like to admit.
You both sit in that strange, shared understanding, not saying a word but knowing that whatever invisible weight you’re carrying, it’s something he knows well. Maybe too well.
The car slows as he pulls up to a red light. You’re not far from home now, but something makes you hesitate. You don’t want the ride to end just yet.
“How do you deal with it?” you ask softly.
He glances at you, finally, and the look in his eyes takes you off guard. It’s raw, like he’s peeling back layers of himself, just for a moment. “You don’t. You just…get through it. One day at a time. And hope it hurts less tomorrow.”
You swallow, hard. There’s something almost heartbreaking about the way he says it. Like someone who’s been hurt too many times and has stopped expecting the pain to ever end.
You don’t know what to say to that. So you don’t say anything.
The light turns green, and Logan drives in silence again.
When he pulls up to your building, you hesitate before getting out. The rain is lighter now, but you still feel the heaviness in the air. You turn to him, something you’ve been wanting to ask hovering on your lips.
“Logan…” You pause, unsure how to even phrase it. “Does it ever get better?”
He doesn’t answer right away. His eyes, now dark with something deeper than you can understand, flicker toward you, and then away again.
“It can,” he says finally, his voice rough. “If you let it.”
You sit there, the words hanging between you like the rain still lingering in the air. Then, with a nod, you open the door and step out into the night.
As you close the door behind you, Logan doesn’t immediately drive off. You stand there for a moment, watching his car idle in front of the building. You half expect him to roll the window down, say something else. Maybe even crack a joke. But he doesn’t.
Instead, the car slowly pulls away, leaving you standing alone in the soft drizzle. You watch the taillights fade into the distance, a strange ache in your chest.
As you walk inside, your thoughts stay with him. His tired eyes, his quiet pain. The scars you saw, not just on his hands, but all over him. Scars that run so deep, you wonder if they’ll ever truly heal. And, somehow, you realize you want to know more.
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221beloved · 2 days
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Only One Bed
I've taken a bit of freedem here... hope that's okay.
(Link to ao3)
"What about this one?"
John pointed towards a bed that was standing a little apart from the others, just a hint of irritation in his voice.
"That's--" Sherlock tried to protest, but John grabbed him by the hand and pulled him over to the piece of furniture.
"Yes, one of the last options, so we better try it."
Mumbling and grumbling Sherlock followed John.
When Sherlock had seen the name Mummy on his phone this morning, he'd picked up growling, "For Christ's sake, if this is about Christmas again--"
He'd been cut off apparently, and John had watched him blink in annoyance, his brows drawn together. Every now and then he'd tried to speak, most certainly to protest. But even the worlds only consulting detective didn't stand a chance against Mummy Holmes.
And so they went to pay a visit to the furniture store, to look for a mattress for the Holmes parents, because they couldn't get into town that easily any more, let alone transport a mattress.
Sherlock's suggestion to just buy one online had been crushed before it had left his mouth completely. They wanted John and Sherlock to test the quality. Which John could understand. By getting older you couldn't sleep on planks any more. Neither was a bed of feathers the best option.
But after almost three hours at the furniture store with Sherlock, John was slowly reaching his limits.
"Come on, sit down," he all but commanded Sherlock and even helped by unceremoniously shoving him down.
Sherlock bounced on the mattress, just a little, and he didn't just sink in and sat in a hollow, like he'd done on some other models.
"Well," John said, sitting down next to Sherlock. "Promising."
Sherlock crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"We could be long done if we'd just take that first one."
John shook his head. Sherlock had confidently marched to a certain mattress as soon as they'd entered the department, proudly presenting John his choice. And John had been content, until he'd seen the price.
"We're not choosing that one for your parents."
"Why not?" Sherlock had frowned at him.
"Have you seen the price?"
Sherlock had shrugged. "They can afford it."
"Doesn't mean they should."
And, “No, we won’t buy them two small mattresses when they only need one. You want them to get suck in the crevice?”
And so they'd been wandering through the department, testing different mattresses, discussing over the price tags, and in Sherlock's case, crouching down and peering under the bed to determine whether the comfortable feeling was due to the mattress or just a good slatted frame.
"We won't take the first one," John told Sherlock for what felt like the hundredth time.
"Now lie down."
And to John's endless relief, Sherlock did.
They lay next to each other silently, staring at the ceiling.
"I like this one," John said, not moving.
"It's... not bad," Sherlock agreed hesitantly.
"What's the price?"
"550£" Sherlock provided.
John shifted a little in his position, then turned on his side to face Sherlock.
"Still expensive. Should be fine though."
He yawned. The mattress really was comfortable, and the hours of arguing with Sherlock were taking their reward. John felt like he could sleep for years.
"But what if two people lie in the same spot," Sherlock mused. "Will it still be adequate then?"
"Oh for--"
John reached out an arm and pulled Sherlock towards himself almost violently, wrapping his limbs around him and tucking Sherlock's head under his chin.
"Well?" he asked.
Sherlock's shocked stiffness resolved and he wriggled even closer into John's embrace, all but melting against him, his arms finding their way around John's body.
"Yes," he mumbled into his jumper eventually. "Yes, I think... this one's adequate."
John let out a groan. "Oh thank God! Finally!"
They could buy that sodden thing, drive it to Sherlock's parents and go home. Finally.
But for now he just wanted to pause a little longer. It was so warm in Sherlock's arms, and the mattress really was comfortable. He felt like he was floating. He closed his eyes.
"Excuse me?" an unfamiliar voice reached John. He groaned and shifted a little, but found he couldn't move. Something was holding him in place.
"Mm, no cases," he muttered. Problem solved.
"Sir, excuse me, you can't sleep here," the voice kept on intruding.
"Yes I can..." John mumbled sleepily, revelling in the warmth around him.
"Sir, I have to ask you to get up. You really can't sleep here!"
The voice was getting more agitated and John opened his eyes in annoyance. He found the reason for the warmth around him in Sherlock, peacefully sleeping next to him, and he smiled.
When he looked up though, he found the source of the unfamiliar voice. A man standing beside the bed they were lying in, arms crossed in front of his chest, watching them half in annoyance, half in sympathy.
"Long day?" he asked, smiling, and John could only blink at him for a moment.
"Oh shit," he then blurted out. "Oh shit, shit!"
He shook Sherlock's shoulder violently.
"Sherlock! Wake up, Sherlock! We fell asleep."
Sherlock batted his hand away.
"Piss of," he mumbled. "I thought you liked it when I sleep."
"Yeah," John freed himself from the tangle of Sherlock's limbs. "But not in a furniture store."
Sherlock's eyes snapped open and he sat up abruptly. "Oh."
"Yes, oh."
John turned towards the employee, who was watching the scenery with an amused expression.
"I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over us," he mumbled, his cheeks and ears burning.
"Sleep," the employee chuckled. "Sleep came over you. I'm glad the mattress was to your liking. Would you like to buy it?"
"Yes," John said, rubbing a hand over his neck. That wasn’t making it any better.
"Yeah, we've actually decided to take this one."
"Perfect," the man smiled. "I'll just go get one for you then."
John watched the man vanish around a corner, then turned to Sherlock.
"Oh my god... this was humiliating."
"Quite," Sherlock agreed, trying to smooth his curls down and get the wrinkles out of his suit jacket.
"Oh my god..." John repeated dumbly.
"I really love you," John said when they were leaving the store. He reached out for Sherlock's hand. "But please let's never repeat that."
"What, the looking for an adequate mattress instead of just buying the cheapest, or the falling asleep?"
Sherlock looked as if he wanted to argue about that, but just nodded eventually.
"Fine. We'll just take that model too, in case we ever need a new one."
"Perfect." John stretched up and pressed a kiss on Sherlock's lips.
"Let's make a delivery then."
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