tasty-violence · 7 months
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tasty-violence · 9 months
Friendly reminder to all the writers on here:
You don’t owe anyone good writing.
You don’t owe anyone a complete storyline written in order.
You can jump around. You can abandon projects. You can write really shitty stories! Writing is about telling stories and creating worlds. Not about what makes your followers happy.
I have to remind myself of this a lot, because in most of my stories I’ve gotten stuck and don’t know where to go. But you can jump around. You can skip parts. It doesn’t matter.
Write what makes you happy.
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tasty-violence · 10 months
served my duty as an autistic artist and made a bunch of autism creature reaction images
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tasty-violence · 1 year
Don’t Add Fanfiction To Your Goodreads Shelf
Hi folks, I know some of you like to use Goodreads to track all your reading and don’t want to distinguish between books and fanfiction.
I am, however, begging you not to do this. It is extremely jarring and disconcerting to be a fic author and find your works somewhere in the wild where you did not personally put them. Fics are not books, are not published in the same way as books, and exist in a precarious legal space.
Please don’t attempt to elide the separation that exists between fandom and the world of official publishing.
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tasty-violence · 1 year
Hello! Just curious on if you accept fanart for your fic? (nothing nsfw, just thinking about some dialogue that hit hard)
I would be honored to see any fanart of my fic c: 💜
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tasty-violence · 1 year
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Bbygirl (they/them)
Vanilla Twilight linework
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tasty-violence · 1 year
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Vanilla Twilight... All tied up.
I call 'em Nilla for short. Might make a (more) nsfw version.
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tasty-violence · 1 year
Ok could you do angel dust niffty loona and muffet with a reader who is the same size as niffty.
Hey hun could you tell me a little more about what kinda one shot you’re looking for? Is everyone just hanging out?
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tasty-violence · 1 year
Fucked hard enough to feel something - Sun/Moon/Reader
CWs: Violent sex, blood, tears, cuts/bruises, scratches/bites, mention of scars, self harm scars, tentacock
“I don’t care if you hurt me.” It’s soft, the way you say it. “I just need you.”
And you wanted to feel needed.
The insecurity coursing through your veins physically hurt- more so than any pain they could cause you. They look down at you with concern, tracing fingers down the profile of your face before nodding.
“You will tell us to stop if you need us to?” They murmur questioningly.
You nod.
Withdrawing their gentle touch, they glance around before picking you up and bringing you to your room. They’re unsure how to proceed, but understand that you need them right now. Laying you down, they notice you’re shaking. With fear? They can’t tell.
Whispering to you soothingly, they begin kissing your neck; trailing up to your lips while their hands wandered your form. Their body cages you beneath them, undressing you with deft fingers. You occasionally whimper, generally when their touch leaves you for more than a second. They’re happy to soothe you, slipping their tongue against yours and kneading your body gently.
But you don’t want gentle.
“Please.” Your voice is hoarse. “Please just use me.”
Hands tighten on your thighs, pulling them flush to their pelvis as they growl. Their sharp claws digging deliciously into the tender scarred flesh, marred from previous attempts to feel some semblance of control.
One hand raises to pull at your hair, tugging your head back to expose your sensitive neck. They watch the way you swallow, the motion of your throat- the beat of your pulse… Sharp teeth nip across the canvas of your neck, searching and soothing with their tongue until finally clamping down along the juncture of your shoulder.
The moan that escapes you is obscene; and their fans are going wild as they lick the oozing blood that runs freely down your clavicle. It’s freeing- you feel opened, like some dark part of you is draining out with each puncture on your skin. The blood slipping down your skin almost feeling like an extraneous poison in your veins. It’s a relief to feel it flow.
They’re grinding against you, muttering indecipherably while elevating your hips with their free hand. Between static you can hear amalgamations of your name, how much they want you, how they love that you are so willing to feed into their bloodlust.
A sharp gasp leaves you when they turn you over- flipping you onto your belly and holding you down. Their claws trail tenderly down your spine, over your ass, down your hamstrings… You moan when they return to your hips; squishing your ass in their hands and getting a look at your beautiful holes… Presenting just for them.
Their thumb swipes through your folds, collecting a meager amount of your arousal before plunging into your heat. It hurts. Good hurts. A slight stretch to work your body open while their other hand remains between your shoulder blades; forcing you to stay still. If you dare move too much, those talons of theirs dig bloody pits into your back.
You’re both panting, their thumb withdrawing from your heat to instead be replaced with a slick tapered end of their cock.
“Fu-u-uck…” You whimper, hands clenching in the sheets as they bottom out with one quick thrust; one of their forearms supporting and elevating your hips with theirs.
The stretch burns, and tears bead at the edges of your eyes as they rock against you; their cock snug against your g spot. Stimulating you while barely moving. When the hand holding your shoulder blades down moves, you let out a soft cry. The lack of contact hurts more than the marks left behind.
You don’t miss their touch for long, though. Those sharp talons instead moving and scratching down your back as they encourage you to upright yourself. And you do, finding yourself on your hands and knees before those teeth are once again digging into you- the meat of your neck along your spine.
Only once they are situated do they start fucking you; snapping their hips quick and hard against your ass as their voice glitches with snarls and groans. Slamming against your sweet spot as hard as they can without breaking bones.
It’s too much and not enough all at once; pain and pleasure melting together while your vision spots in and out. Their hands move to grip against your belly, forcing you to meet each of their thrusts with equal intensity.
Before you can process much more, the first orgasm erupts from you with a cry.
They don’t stop.
You don’t want them to stop.
Keep going. Keep going until you’re sobbing and too overstimulated to think of anything but them.
Blood is dripping onto the bed from where there teeth have locked into your neck. Your eyes have rolled back into your head as they draw another orgasm from you- claws anchored in the soft flesh of your belly.
You don’t even know if they’ve cum yet. Too overcome with these overwhelming sensations they’ve granted you with.
And you still want them to keep going.
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tasty-violence · 1 year
Just a quick thing:
I am open to the idea of taking requests. The thing about a request though is that I choose whether or not I do it, and the timeframe I take to do it. As long as that’s understood then we’re golden.
Another option, if you would like to help me live as a disabled person, is to commission and/or tip me on ko-fi, which is linked on my carrd.
Tagging a few fandoms I’m in. Can’t think of everything obviously but, you know.
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tasty-violence · 1 year
Pining after separation. Part 3
CWs: Sub Sun top Moon, knotting, both genitalia, some feminine endearments, sappy idiots finally communicating and being in love
“You… Love me?” Sun’s face feels like it’s on fire as they squeak the words out. “Really?”
Moon crosses their arms and rubs them, nodding, but also looking away.
“I’m sorry I’ve been acting so off Moon… It’s just been so weird since we got separated.” Sun reaches for Moon’s hand, gently releasing it from their bicep. “I didn’t know if you wanted space, or if you needed time, or…”
Moon ran their thumb over Sun’s knuckles as the solar animatronic trailed off.
“Or if I just didn’t like you anymore?” They suggest gently. “Sunshine, I could never stop loving you.” Moon presses a kiss to the hand they held, holding it to their cheek with a gentle smile. “I thought something was wrong but I didn’t want to pressure you into talking if you weren’t ready.” The lunar automaton sighed. “Yet here we are.”
“Yep… Here we are…”
Sun glances down at Moon’s mouth, inching forward.
“So… Things are okay between us?” Moon asks, eyes also downcast.
“Yeah…” Finally. Finally, they’re connecting, touches gentle and explorative as they find each other again. They were separated, sure, but they weren’t broken.
Sun’s giddy as they roll, Moon pinning them down by the shoulders and attacking them with all the kisses they had missed out on in the past weeks of pining. Their hands wander against each other; fingers finding hinges and wires and eventually each other as Moon settles Sun’s wrists above their head.
“There’s my pretty sunshine.” Moon purrs, pushing their pants down with a mischievous grin. “I missed you.”
Sun squirms under their beloved’s stare, body on fire as the lunar automaton dips their fingers into their wet heat. The moan that Moon draws out of them is obscene; Sun’s pussy practically sucking their fingers in.
“My sweet, sweet, thing.” They coo to the solar counterpart, loving the feel of Sun’s slick clinging to their fingers. Sun’s neglected cock writhes between them, and gives a jerk when Moon vibrates their fingers against Sunny’s sweet spot.
“Moony-!” Their beloved whimpers, moving their hips against the lunar animatronic desperately.
“Yes, Sunlove?” Moon’s watching their face with rapt attention, fingers gliding in and out of their heat with ease. With Sun’s wrists pinned they cant cover their face; their beautiful love opens their mouth to plead only for soft moans to slip out. “Use your words…” Moon coos, capturing Sun’s mouth in a bruising kiss before separating. “What does my love want?”
“You!” Sun’s voice is desperate, their hips chasing Moon’s fingers fruitlessly as the lunar animatronic slows their pace, turning their vibration off.
“You want me?” They ask humorously. “That’s not very specific…”
“F-F̴̩̞͕́̐̒̐͜u̶̜͋ĉ̸̣͗ķ̴̟͂͐̎ me, please Moony!” The solar animatronic begs, wriggling under Moon’s grip desperately. “Please!”
“Well, since you’re asking so nicely…” Moon finally releases Sun’s wrists and shoves their own pants down, using the slick on their fingers to pump their cock with a groan.
Sun’s slack-jawed a moment, watching their Moon ensure they’re nice and slick before pressing their tip to Sun’s entrance.
“Sunny…” The lunar animatronic cups their beloved’s face in their free hand. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” As soon as the words are out of Sun’s mouth, Moon is snapping their hips forward; fully hilting with a strained groan.
They share a sweet kiss, tongues tangling together while Moon gives shallow thrusts. Sun’s making soft noises against them, legs hooking around Moon’s hips to spur them on.
“M-Moony…” Had they the capability, they would be tearing up.
“I know, I know…” Hushing their love, they pick up their pace.
Eager hips slapping wetly against each other; Moon grunting as Sun squeezes so deliciously around their cock. Bringing a hand down, they jerk Sun’s cock to the pace of their bodies. The solar counterpart is so close- they can feel the vice around their cock tightening with each push and pull. Moon isn’t far behind, their knot emerging the faster they go.
Slipping in and out with slight resistance into Sun’s heat; until their partner locks them in and tries milk them for all they have.
They’re both crying out as they orgasm; Moon reaching their own finish, unable to leave their beloved, their knot completely swollen in their lover as they cum.
Holding each other, two messes.
Two partners.
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tasty-violence · 1 year
Pining after separation. Part 2
Sun was acting weird.
Well, weirder than usual at least.
Ever since they separated it seemed like everything changed. They used to be more than just coworkers- more than just two parts.
They didn't know what they were. Moon missed their sunshine. They missed talking. They missed badgering each other. Having fun.
Where did it go?
Skulking through the plex, Moon couldn't help but wander back to their room. No one would know if they skipped out on security... And this was important. More important than anything else.
Moon cared about this. About their Sun.
Slinging onto their balcony, Moon knocked softly on the precipice of their room before entering. Sun, who was still awake, looked up in surprise.
"Hello." Moon whispered, moving into the dim room with a soft smile. "Can we talk?"
Sun looked panicked for a moment, but nonetheless scooched over in their bed to make room for Moon.
"What do you want to talk about?" The solar automaton asks, their voice wavering slightly.
"What's going on?" Moon asks, reaching for Sun's hand... Only to falter when Sun pulls away. "You've been acting... Odd."
"I, um-" Their Sun looks away, up, down, anywhere but at Moon. "Well, um..."
Moon tips their head, wanting to offer support to their counterpart.
"I don't- I- Um..." Sunny taps their fingers together, heat practically radiating off of them.
"Sun I love you." Moon blurts.
Agonizing silence.
Owlish eyes staring at each other.
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tasty-violence · 1 year
Pining after separation. Part 1
CWs: Wet dreams, separation anxiety, pining anxiety
Limbs tangling together, scorching bodies against bodies, their tongues wrestling while they grappled against one another…
Only for Sun to wake up.
With a frustrated groan, the animatronic turned over in their bed before sitting up. Another wet dream, another day alone.
Ever since they had been separated, Sun hadn’t been able to rest. Dreams of their Moon in their arms, moaning into their neck, heavy breathing they didn’t need…
They shouldn’t indulge themself with these thoughts. Things were awkward enough. Speaking of awkward…
“Sun?” Moon calls from the floor of the daycare, now arriving back from their security rounds. “I’m back.”
The solar animatronic shakes off their hots, unplugging themself from their charger before going to the balcony to greet their Moon.
“Moon!” They definitely sound normal and fine. “How was your night?”
“Just the same as every other night…” Moon clips their tether to their back, soon landing beside Sun with a flourish. “Sleep well?”
The solar automaton definitely wasn’t staring. And definitely heard whatever it was that their counterpart asked.
“What?” Definitely listening, and not thinking about what kind of acrobatics and contortions Moon’s body can do… “What’s up?”
Their other half’s head ticked and turned a moment, concern flitting over their features.
“Are you okay? Did you charge last night?” Moon reaches for Sun’s hand, only for the solar counterpart to back away hastily. “Sun?”
“Yep! Everything’s fine! Better get to work!” Sun jumped down to the daycare, everything feeling too hot and stuffy.
If only they could actually talk to Moon…
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tasty-violence · 1 year
Heavy, Sun/Moon/Reader - SFW but sad. P2
You notice.
The glances, the lingering, the sadness… You’re not trying to push them away, but it’s all you know. All you’ve ever known. It’s the only way you can remain safe… Unharmed. And yet, even if you’re cold, they keep trying to reach you.
Why the hell did they care?
Sure, they seemed nice enough… And they were the first ones at this job to at least try to talk to you… But could you put yourself in a position to be hurt again? You liked this job. You liked being by yourself. If you made friends with an animatronic, that would complicate things. If you made friends with /anyone/ it would complicate things, much less the daycare attendant.
You didn’t want to have to lose this job just because you ruined another relationship. Still… They kept trying. Not in any annoying way, but in an endearing way. Small waves to you when you pass by. A ‘hi’ and ‘bye’ when you come and go.
Little things.
And maybe, just maybe, you were starting to warm up to them. The solar one had looked practically *giddy* when you said hi back. It was adorable. And the lunar one had been strikingly similar when you waved back.
So what if the little things made your heart flutter?
And so what if your resolve was cracking ever so slightly?
… And so what if your shifts were transferred to after-hours?
Oh, you were in trouble now.
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tasty-violence · 1 year
Thats enough copy-pasting for now… im going to continue tomorrow after work.
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tasty-violence · 1 year
Heavy, Sun/Moon/Reader - SFW but sad
CWs: physical and emotional abuse, trauma, hurt, angst
They notice.
It’s the way you flinch when they raise their voice, and how you panic when they raise a hand. It’s how your voice wavers when you have bad news.
They notice.
Your winces, your shivers, your recoils. Loud noises make you jump. Their mere presence makes you detached and shy.
You avoid them. You avoid everybody.
They’re supposed to be your coworker; your friend. They just can’t seem to get close enough to try. Every step forward is met with two steps back. You never let yourself be vulnerable. You never let your guard down.
No one can get close to you. Any instance alone with you is met with thinly-veiled panic, masquerading as indifference or even hate. But they notice. You linger after clocking out. You listen to their stories and shows. You laugh at their corny jokes. You blush when they make eye contact. So they’ll keep trying. All you have to do is let them in.
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tasty-violence · 1 year
Hunt, Sundrop/Reader - NSFW
Content warnings: Primal, being pinned against a wall, and the promise of rough sex (or literally being eaten, if you’re more into that. Up to interpretation)
Tearing through the plex, your shoes thundering on the floor as you scramble for places to hide. You could barely hear over your thundering heart- their giggles. How could a fucking *giggle* sound so menacing?
You duck into Roxxy’s Raceway; trying to silently hide behind the construction equipment strewn around the area. Your chest hurt from trying not to breathe too loud but also trying to re-saturate the oxygen in your veins. Gulping, you peeked around the metal construction barrel.
No Sunny.
Giving a soft sigh, you tried to stealth your way to the lounge; your feet were sore and your body still trembled with adrenaline. You could hide out there. Sunny wouldn’t think about going there, right?
Wrong. Oh so very wrong.
You were pinned against a wall without any time to react. Their large hands holding you down by the neck; their giggling now smug. Their body was flush to yours, making their arousal all the more evident while they ground against you.
Despite being an animatronic, they sounded breathless as they picked you up by the hips; rubbing your ass against their bulge with a groan. You couldn’t help yourself, moaning quietly into the arms you braved yourself against the wall on. They always found you.
Now they were going to devour you.
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