tasty-violence · 1 year
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Vanilla Twilight... All tied up.
I call 'em Nilla for short. Might make a (more) nsfw version.
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wispyecho13 · 2 years
Since Twitter is going straight to hell (surprised yet not at the same time), I’m gonna try to post here more. Ahem,
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An Esclipsona to go with my Kinsonas? More likely than you think. A Traveling Bard who’s known to disguise herself and steal hearts (and money) from those who are gullible. There’s more to her than just that, but you’d need to find that lock and key.
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wispyecho13 · 2 years
In the SBS server, I have shown off Trivia, and saw a good amount of rings being given. So I decided to respond by drawing her response.
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“My my, so many rings. Haven’t seen so many in one place since the party of the Elites. Don’t expect them back though~.”
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