#i really LOVE how honest and communicative casey is
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aroacettorney · 1 year ago
"communicate or break up" is the known standard relationship advice that aros usually give to others when asked, and the fact that caseys go-to resolution for her own relationship problems is to communicate and solve misunderstandings while ludgers go-to resolution for his is to break up at the very first opportunity is very funny to me.
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daysofmoron · 9 months ago
Okay, by this point I'm tired
A little bit of my thoughts on some situation, that one, by my surprise, that is still going and i see it like some hell of the ride
My discussion going to take places around one person /I'm not going to name them/
I met this person online while drawing in magma, and i thought/and still think/ about them as a fun to talk to and draw with
Let's be honest - we drew some NSFW stuff /in closed magma sessions/
At some point they revealed that they’re turning 18 and not 19.
After this everyone suddenly went into rampage mode/again, this is how i see the situation, you can have your own opinion on that/
Some people, like me, didn't care about their age, if they're fun to communicate with, I don't really think about how old they are
But other audience...well, some said that they're just disappointed, and i understand, they have their own reasons
But there were people who started anonymously or even openly harass this person
Let's be honest - nobody is going to sue you
You didn't know their age when you interacted with them. The fact that they were hiding their real age is their responsibility, not yours
Second of all - once they will turn 18 nobody is going to care or call the police. As if police would want to get involved in something like this
Okay, now to the point
On insta some other day i saw a couple of people posting in their stories "don't talk to this person" and sharing this person’s account
By this point i was so tired of seeing all of this happening, and I don't want people harassing one person because of one mistake they made, and, again, they admitted they were wrong, they’re already paying the price. Of course this doesn't mean that people will suddenly forgive them, but again, does this age stuff really matter when you just chatting?...
Anyway, i texted one person that posted this on insta, expressing my opinion that they shouldn't probably share this person's account, because let's be real, it can encourage more harassment, it even looks like harassment when you post stuff like this with some rude comment about this person
They replied to me that they weren't trying to harass anyone, just wanted to make sure that other people won't get involved in some weird stuff this person causing
. . .
I then saw that they also shared in the story that they have proofs
I asked for these proofs, they send me some screenshots of conversation with another person, who told that the person this whole situation is about not only hid their true age
Is also a t-cest shipper...
//a VERY heavy sigh//
I'm sorry...wHaT?
In this message i saw they were writing about this person following the artist that loves drawing t-cest, not only turtles, but April, Casey Jr and etc and etc
. . .
So like, we can't now like just the drawing style of artist? If they have some strange thing that we don't agree with, we should just ban this person
I still don't see people leaving, for example, fnaf fandom because creator hates lgbt
I still don't see people leaving the fandom of attack on titans because it’s chief editor killed his wife
And i still don't see people leaving hazbin hotel fandom knowing how shady vivziepop has been throughout many years, accused in drawing ped**hilia and z**philia
And wow, people still follow these fandoms and people just because they like what they’re doing.
They don't need to follow artist's ideas or thoughts just to like what they draw or make
And, somehow, we came to a point where the person this post is about is accused in being a t-cest artist basically without proof. Just because someone somewhere told something about that they think they saw. Just baseless words.
How about if I tell you that I am a huge unicorn with rainbow hair and i live in a big castle with butterflies as my servants –
Do you believe it without any photo proof? No, I don’t think so.
I’ve been drawing with them for months. I never saw anything remotely close to anything they’ve been accused in.
I follow their every account I know of.
And again, i didn't see any of this stuff -
I now think, that people are trying to make this person to be seen by others as a black sheep.
And now, I even think about stopping to interact with anyone in ROTTMNT fandom.
Why? Well because of people’s hypocrisy and egoism, how easy they’re ready to give up and turn their backs on a person because of one mistake.
Did the story of Alek Holowka didn’t teach us anything? Or recent story with Ed Piskor? Are you really forgetting that you’re talking about and with a real human beings? Or you just simply don’t care?
I'm getting sick of this -
P.S. again, this is my opinion on things, you can have your own thoughts on the situation
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tothefiniteyou · 1 year ago
one day i'd like to properly tackle the real root of raph and leo fights because i so often pull my hair at some of the mischaracterizations (especially towards raph). i don't want it to turn into this "media literacy/comprehension" battle though, because i truly feel like it's just a way to be like "i know better than you, im the correct one here". it's just not very productive, frankly.
all the same, it's odd how blown out of proportion some of their fights are, or how it so often boils down to this fight for leadership. like sure, maybe a bit, but the real issue is their similarities, not the role itself.
leo can be a prideful asshole (-said affectionately. he's my favorite i swear) and constantly needs control. he just weaponizes his title rather than be vulnerable and really talk about his fears because it's easier. leadership = one in charge in his mind because he was raised that way. it's like crossing his fingers and praying the leader card gets them to shut up and listen to him even though he knows it won't. but what, you want him to actually communicate?? his feelings?? no way... it's easier to fall back on the authority he thinks he has. which is a rough cycle if you think about it, because he's afraid of being vulnerable both because he's the leader and because he's the older brother.
(as a side note, this is such a teenage thing to do, as someone recently out of the teen stage. he basically throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his way and that is so real of him at times. it's hard feeling like you're the only one taking something seriously, especially when your responsibilities are just. more. of course it's his anxieties fueling it and making him kind of brash at times, but as shown in 2003 with post exodus, leo seems unable to voice what's going on in his head so he acts out in "raph-like ways").
as for raph, he's the same way, except it's his anger that acts as a crutch for him. in both the original series and later iterations, he's always best understood that the world hates them. it hates them, and they're all they have in the world. they can only count on each other (..and those eventually adopted into the family).
i'll always love the issue of april and the sea woman who was one of the last of her kind because it was the first time she really understood raph's anger. she didn't say anything, but it made her feel lonely herself. raph had been pushing her and casey away because they truly don't get it and never will. they have so many humans they can learn to love or get along with, but raph only has his brothers. just like the merpeople.
anyways, back on track. raph needs instant solutions, and as one trained to fight to protect, he sees this as the easiest one. he didn't grow up with leo's role as leader, nor his brother's personality and perspective. he doesn't want to be leader because he resents all that it stands for (read: the one to stop him from quick, easy justice).
to raph, pacifism won't get them anywhere, and that's part of his impulsiveness. instant solution is making sure the enemy can't harm again - but it's not that simple. not to leo, who always falls back on worst-case scenarios.
he's had it drilled into his head that a leader is always the one to make the right call, and i think it fed his ego a bit. not in a bad way necessarily, just. in a misguided, impressionable kid way. he has to prepare for everything to live up to expectations.
in the original comics, when they return to new york, there's a point where raph almost gets killed by the shredder because he thinks leo is too scared to "finish the job". it's one of their most emotional fights, and to be honest, i think raph was right. leo was scared. but so was raph, because he knew the shredder could do the things he had done to leo to any one of them again at any point in time. he had to get rid of the threat against his family.
to him, it's that simple. he knows the dangers that come from their line of work, but it's like he forgets how mortal they truly are.
so, in essence, im saying it's a more complex matter than just "i think you're a bad leader" or "you're pissing me off". make no mistake, he does do things to intentionally make leo upset/mad, but it's more because they both think they're in the right and disagree with their methods of protecting the family. it is a rivalry, but i wouldn't say it's about the leadership position.
this isn't to tear down rise or anything because i do like rise! (clarifying this part because i don't want it to seem like i'm comparing or saying one does it better than the other). and i agree that it is probably the healthiest depiction of raph and leo fights. however, i think the way and reason they fight in rise is more similar to other iterations than it appears at first glance. it's just that the roles have been reversed a tad and the approach with the entire topic is different. that's what keeps things interesting and the franchise alive!
and please don't take this the wrong way!! it's not directed at anyone or anything in particular, but rather something i've thought about a ton. you don't have to take my word as gospel or anything, im just a person saying words akvkksc. i think depictions of them as angry idiots are fun as well because, hey. they're siblings, and siblings will fight about anything even when they're in the wrong. especially when they know they are wrong. so write whatever and be free. the hair-pulling line was definitely more about mischaracterization in a generalized sense
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jerzwriter · 1 year ago
What is the love language of your characters?
Hey there!
So, in the past, I did the test for my Open Heart MCs and LIs to get answers, but of course, I can't find them. lol So I redid them, and I did it for Carolina and Trystan in CoP, too. I did not do it for Eli and Zoe because their WTD world is so different it wouldn't completely fit. This is how it turned out:
Casey & Tobias / Open Heart:
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While most would be shocked that physical touch is #3 for them, I'm not. This makes sense for them.
Words of Affirmation fit them completely. First, communication is the cornerstone of their relationship. It's why they work so well. They constantly reassure each other through spoken words, texts, etc., not because they feel they need to or out of insecurity, but because they are honestly that crazy about each other. It's all heartfelt, cherished, and, if I'm being honest, it's all a bit of constant, ongoing foreplay. lol
Quality Time makes sense because they love nothing more than being together.
Physical Touch. Anyone who knows this couple knows this is very, very important to them. But it works in conjunction with the first two, and, let's be honest, 23%, 26%, and 29%... they're all pretty close.
Ethan & Kaycee / Open Heart:
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I think this is appropriate for them. They're both very busy professionals who border on being workaholics, so showing love through Acts of Service is very important to them. Taking something off of their plate so they can get a little extra rest, or tend to a project they've been neglecting is a huge way of showing love to them.
Words of Affirmation also fit. Initially, Ethan is more insecure than Kaycee, and let's face it, hearing affirmations helped. As time goes on, that lessens, but they both love hearing loving, reassuring words about each other.
Quality time is huge for them because it's limited.
Trystan x Carolina / Crimes of Passion:
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This one surprised me a little, but just a little... They're a flirtatious couple, so I expected Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch to be higher, but this does make sense.
Think of all they've been through, individually and collectively. They know what matters most, and that is time with each other. They know it's fleeting. They know it can be stolen at any time. They want as much of it as possible and will not take it for granted.
Acts of Service also makes sense because of their jobs/lifestyle. Doing things out of love to lessen the other's load, when their own is so heavy, says I love you louder than words ever could, and it is so appreciated.
Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch are tied for 3rd, and both are very important to them. The fact that they are tied really fits. Think of how flirtatious Tyrstan is: words. But for both of them, especially Carolina, it's very important to have both of these things in tandem.
If anyone is interested in taking this quiz for their character/pairing, or even themselves, here's the link: Love Languages Quiz
Thank you for the ask! And I'm working on the other ask you sent. I'm familiar, but it's been a long time, so I want to take more time to answer. :)
(Oh, note gifts mean next to nothing for my pairings... that fits! lol)
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bosesmikas · 9 months ago
You mentioned somewhere that Donna is annoying you lately, so I'd love to know what you'd most want to change about how the character was written (and/or acted). Based on how she's described, I expected to adore Donna. In theory, Donna should be one of my favorite characters of all time, but in reality I range from being just "she's fine" to outright dislike (mostly past season 2!) It's so disappointing because I wanted so much to love her and to buy into her and Eric as an iconic couple, but I ended up hoping Eric would find someone else.
Yes! I mentioned it here.
Gonna put this under read more just in case.
When it comes to Donna, my issue is when it comes to her relationship with Eric. Both of them are flawed and make mistakes, but the difference is that Eric is always called out in canon and always held accountable, even for shit that isn't even his fault.
Whereas Donna almost never got that luxury. In season 1-2, I have no issue with how she's written, aside from the fact that her sisters were retconned. But after that, it's so much worse.
In "Eric's Panties", I can't get over how trusting Donna was of Eric until Jackie stuck her nose in. But my main issue is Donna's reaction. Like why is she even listening to Jackie in the first place? The only relationship she ever had was with a guy who cheated on her several times and would constantly pressure her into sex. She's not exactly the relationship expert. Even Hyde was defending Eric, and Donna still humiliated Eric and Shelly. And didn't even apologize! There's also the adding fact that even she believes Eric was lucky enough to be with her and boy did it show.
And then there was "The Backstage Pass" where Donna ditches Eric and doesn't even TELL him she's going to meet with Ted Nugent. Not only that, but she somehow believes that trust and honest communication only applies when two people are married? Then there's the cherry on top where she says she isn't sorry. Like wtf. If I were Eric, I would've broken up with her right there.
Don't even get me started on season 4. But my issue isn't even how Donna acted because I get it. I actually think in terms of writing, that's one of her strongest seasons. But it's the fact Eric is just Donna's doormat and he just...takes it. Aside from "Bye Bye Basement", Eric literally never claps back. She has so many more opportunities whereas Eric is the "loser".
In season 5, she seems fine from what I've seen sans her initial reaction to JH, but their attitudes about her relationship with Eric are no better and this goes on for seasons on seasons, so I'm not as mad.
Then there's season 6, where she gets mad at Eric for having fun with Jackie. Like Donna has a right to be upset that he tried to get out of it with her, but shouldn't she be happy that he did end up having a good time? Yet she's upset that her plan to make Eric miserable backfired and somehow he has to be the one to run after her. Her being like 'ugh' is a human reaction, but idk. They just should not have rushed the wedding and should've had a long engagement.
Also her saying they shouldn't have sex before their wedding because it would make it "less magical" is weird. I get what she's saying, like having a clean break. But like them not having sex for a bit and then doing it after marriage doesn't really do anything if you look at it from a logical standpoint.
Then there was her reaction to Eric dating Chloe while they were broken up and she was dating Casey. Like accusing him of cheating and somehow the mere possibility of them having being revolting?? Don't even get me started on her slut shaming Chloe. I've noticed this habit of her (and Jackie) slut shaming every woman they hate. And it can't be a coincidence that all the women Donna shamed are blonde (a pattern I noticed is that it's mostly blondes getting put down) but anyways.
I'm also very disappointed in her season 7 arc, with her and Eric stuck in this going nowhere fuck buddy relationship. Idc what anyone says, they were NOT dating this season. They called themselves 'bf/gf', yet didn't do ANY of the things people do in relationships. And then there was her reaction to Eric going to Africa. Which, her being upset makes sense. Her boyfriend is going to be on another continent. But her and Kitty teaming up to stop him from going is so selfish.
Donna herself even mentioned maybe wanting to travel, but when Eric does it, she's mad? And her being upset he "didn't include" her is ridiculous given that she walked out before Eric could even do so.
Also the fact that she, herself, post s2, seemed to believe Eric was lucky to be with her. Guess everyone's bs got to her head. And Red's bs advice got to Eric's head in s2 and so did everyone's comments after that. Even his own brother believed that Eric was lucky to be with Donna. It's so disappointing and he deserved better.
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rotm-channel · 9 months ago
Burgeess Obeserver :1ST ISSUE!!!!JAN 16 1954!
Local news
Last night January 16th hail fell upon our town,However this was no ordinary hailstorm as the hail was perfectly round with a dot in the middle.The experts are confused and so is the town.Some believe that this was caused by a freak of nature there are even beliefs that it may have been caused by a supernatural phenomenon namely aliens.Though research is inconclusive, some say it might have been a publicity stunt by the Cheerio Company but no one has come forth it is also important to note that such a stunt would be very difficult to conduct.
More on pages 2-4
Scientist have just discovered the legendary Missing Link a fish/ape hybrid it was thawed out of ice and it seems to have been perfectly preserved by the ice,however it was discovered that it was only 2 million years old which means that it's not our link but it is to something much different. As noted it looked like nothing ever seen and its existence has lead experts to question what really is this oddity of nature?
More on pages 5-6
Metro City loves Pat Boone.
as he tops the charts.Records and Hearts broken.
More on page 7
Yes the newest nuclear bomb Castle Bravo is recorded as the most powerful explosion ever conducted. It was so bright that the fireball turned the night into day.With a power of yield 15 megatons of TnT. It unbelievable power was created here last night.One that was far more powerful than anything ever created!
Pages 6-7
Lucky Dragon 5 incident!
+Scientists conduct research on the effect of fallout on a grub.
Page 8
Last night a radar picked up an unidentified flying object in the sky not far from Burgess!Could it be responsible for the Cheerio hail?
Page 9
Sports results
-NHL playoffs
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Playing toninght in our local Movie Theater:
War of the Worlds starring Gene Barry and Ann Robinson Sci-Fi
Our rating 10/10
Riot in Cell Block 11 Neville Brand Emilie Mayer Drama/Noir
Our rating 8/10
Peter Pan starring Bobby Driscoll Bill Thompson Margaret Kerry Animated family.
Our rating 10/10
Also:Compilation shorts:
Pluto's Heart Throb,Lion Around,Cold War,Casey Bats Again,Susie the Blue Coupe and Cold Storage
Theater Plays:
Waiting for Godot
at 7.PM
Howdy Doody 6-8 PM
I Love Lucy 8-9 PM
Our miss Brooks 9-10 PM
Better take your umbrellas out ,it will be cloudy with a chance of cereal shaped hail coming from the skies above.
Also seeing as there are tons of cereal hale covering the roads it is a snow day today.
Editors Note:According to Peter Ramsey, on January 16, 1954, Jack Frost caused Cheerio-shaped hail to rain down on Burgess.
Based on a true story and events.
And around the same time back then Castle Bravo went off.
I am proud to present the first issue of the Burgess Observer newspaper.
(Also this was originally on my dead account: https://www.tumblr.com/theburgessobserver well its here now!)
I have done it to chronicle the town(and to a degree the world) and have it on a semi-real life backdrop(ei some real life events) to detail more about it(an expansion if you may).To make it feel more real and lived in(after all it feels like a place you could just go to with working theaters/cinemas/communities).And also integrate some things into this wonderful world.
And also see how they would explain such supernatural occurrences/beings….
Please tell me your honest opinion and the pros and cons(what should i change or improve upon and how)
Also remeber that a comment will make the author much happier,and make the world a slightly better place. And Commenting,Following and favoriting me and my works will inspire me to do more!And i will always listen to your questions and suggestion
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ninja-muse · 2 years ago
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Diary of a Misfit by Casey Parks is easily the best book I've read this year, and it's a strong contender for being my Best Nonfiction of the Year Period as well. Pretty good for a book I fished out of an ARC pile at work because I thought it might be interesting and then left sitting on my floor for six months.
This is about Parks searching for the truth about Roy, the trans man who lived across the street when her grandma was growing up. Who was he? What was his life like, given how conservative and Christian the area still is? Is there anything to the story about him being kidnapped from his birth family? To the country music career?
But really, it's about coming out and growing into yourself and having parents (and a country) who do and don't accept you. It's about poverty and dysfunctional families and pain and trauma. It's about a mother whose life never went right, and a daughter who struggles with not being good enough to make up for it. It's about the power of role-models, of community, and of seeing others like you. It's about love, and it's about the stories we tell.
It's also about the rural, Christian, American South. Parks doesn't shy away from the realities—the racism, the homophobia, the small-town gossip, the poverty, the opioids—but she also writes with love and heart. The people she talks to are people, not caricatures of themselves or included to serve a political agenda, and that's clearly a deliberate choice. There is misgendering, from people who clearly cared deeply for Roy. There is honest, compassionate discussion of what opioid abuse, and child abuse, look like in the day to day. There are no good people, no bad people, just complicated ones.
And really, that's the heart of the book. Life is complicated. People are complicated. The past is complicated. Diary of a Misfit is powerfully, beautifully written; introspective and poignant; and above all, heart-breaking. If that sounds like your jam, you should absolutely read it. (Be mindful of your triggers, but read it.)
Side note: No, the real cover doesn't suck as much as this one, but it's close. I'm hoping they change it for the paperback.
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theburgessobserver · 1 year ago
Local news
Last night January 16th hail fell upon our town,However this was no ordinary hailstorm as the hail was perfectly round with a dot in the middle.The experts are confused and so is the town.Some believe that this was caused by a freak of nature there are even beliefs that it may have been caused by a supernatural phenomenon namely aliens.Though research is inconclusive, some say it might have been a publicity stunt by the Cheerio Company but no one has come forth it is also important to note that such a stunt would be very difficult to conduct.
More on pages 2-4
Scientist have just discovered the legendary Missing Link a fish/ape hybrid it was thawed out of ice and it seems to have been perfectly preserved by the ice,however it was discovered that it was only 2 million years old which means that it's not our link but it is to something much different. As noted it looked like nothing ever seen and its existence has lead experts to question what really is this oddity of nature?
More on pages 5-6
Metro City loves Pat Boone.
as he tops the charts.Records and Hearts broken.
More on page 7
Yes the newest nuclear bomb Castle Bravo is recorded as the most powerful explosion ever conducted. It was so bright that the fireball turned the night into day.With a power of yield 15 megatons of TnT. It unbelievable power was created here last night.One that was far more powerful than anything ever created!
Pages 6-7
Lucky Dragon 5 incident!
+Scientists conduct research on the effect of fallout on a grub.
Page 8
Last night a radar picked up an unidentified flying object in the sky not far from Burgess!Could it be responsible for the Cheerio hail?
Page 9
Sports results
-NHL playoffs
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Playing toninght in our local Movie Theater:
War of the Worlds starring Gene Barry and Ann Robinson Sci-Fi
Our rating 10/10
Riot in Cell Block 11 Neville Brand Emilie Mayer Drama/Noir
Our rating 8/10
Peter Pan starring Bobby Driscoll Bill Thompson Margaret Kerry Animated family.
Our rating 10/10
Also:Compilation shorts:
Pluto's Heart Throb,Lion Around,Cold War,Casey Bats Again,Susie the Blue Coupe and Cold Storage
Theater Plays:
Waiting for Godot
at 7.PM
Howdy Doody 6-8 PM
I Love Lucy 8-9 PM
Our miss Brooks 9-10 PM
Better take your umbrellas out ,it will be cloudy with a chance of cereal shaped hail coming from the skies above.
Also seeing as there are tons of cereal hale covering the roads it is a snow day today.
Editors Note:According to Peter Ramsey, on January 16, 1954, Jack Frost caused Cheerio-shaped hail to rain down on Burgess.
Based on a true story and events.
And around the same time back then Castle Bravo went off.
I am proud to present the first issue of the Burgess Observer newspaper.
I have done it to chronicle the town(and to a degree the world) and have it on a semi-real life backdrop(ei some real life events) to detail more about it(an expansion if you may).To make it feel more real and lived in(after all it feels like a place you could just go to with working theaters/cinemas/communities).And also integrate some things into this wonderful world.
And also see how they would explain such supernatural occurrences/beings….
Please tell me your honest opinion and the pros and cons(what should i change or improve upon and how)
Also remeber that a comment will make the author much happier,and make the world a slightly better place. And Commenting,Following and favoriting me and my works will inspire me to do more!And i will always listen to your questions and suggestion
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devisrina · 2 years ago
(I have no idea if you've answered this b4) Who's ur fav? Benvi, Bela-Eric, or Danny/Mindy (Ryan/Kelly is not an option)?
Hello Anon! I actually have not answered this before. So I might have to describe each ship, so I can give you the gist of which is my favourite.
To be straightforward- My favourite is Bela Malhotra and Eric Miller.
And Because I love talking about these ships, I'm going to give you the rundown of how I view each ship and if I like them or not.
(SIDE NOTE: This is going to become a long post.)
Danny and Mindy - THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE NO FOR ME. I have never liked them one bit. He was alright in season 1, and I did sort of see the potential. But if I'm being honest, I preferred Josh, Casey, Sam, and even Brendan Delaurier over that misogynistic dickhead.
And in season 2 of TMP, I preferred Cliff Gilbert Over any other love interest she had in that show. He was smart, sweet, and had nice banter with her. He genuinely had an interest in her. And it pissed me off so much how they ruined his character to make DANNY of all people seem to like her better match.
And believe it or not, it got worse. DANNY LITERALLY SA'd her in season 3 episode 4. And this issue got 'resolved' by him explaining to her that he was insecure about his experience and wanted to try it out. LIKE BITCH DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO COMMUNICATE, WITH words? He literally made her feel bad for something that he did when he violated her.
Ben and Devi - They are pretty neutral to me. I don't actually dislike them, nor do I love them. If you asked me in season 1 if I was either Team Ben or Team Paxton, I would've 100% said, Team Ben.
But now, I kind of just think that they kept fucking with their storyline. I got tired of the fact that we didn't even really see them date and how they would be in a relationship. I genuinely don't think that they would be toxic, they were really cute in season 4. But another thing that annoyed me quite a lot was the lack of communication, and the fact that Eleanor and Fabiola kind of push her away from ever really expressing to Ben how much she likes him. Like, Ben wants Devi to be open about her feelings, it really doesn't matter if she comes off looking uncool or not.
Also, I kind of liked how realistic Ben was in season 1 in comparison to how he is in the other seasons. In season 1, he was kind of like a mixture of himself and Ethan in the way he would respond to Devi. Like the way, he was just kind of chill and more grounded. they just made him super cocky in seasons 2 and 3 and then tried to give him growth beyond that. It was clear he kind of held a bit of resentment towards her after she broke his heart. I just wish that they quit trying to hit the replay button with them. They could've had more scenes together.
Bela and Eric - They are my favourites! They are the vibes, and like Quinn from Kappa says, "We have to preserve the vibes."
And I love to proclaim myself as one of the people who defended Eric even before season 2. I just thought he was capable of growing and changing. And I love how chill and unfazed he is by Bela, he sort of just accepts her for who she is. I love it so fucking much. It's not cringe, and it's very natural in comparison to Ben and Devi. I just see Bela and Eric as their ages and the writing team does a good job of connecting them to college life.
Because with Devi, you can kind of see when 'Mindy Kaling Dialogue' is set for her. And I wince every time I have to hear something along the lines of that. But with Bela, because the actress who plays her has this charisma where she doesn't really care what other people say, it just works. I know, Bela is insecure when it comes to how people view her, whether it is with her comedy writing, boys, making friends etc. The actress doesn't get enough credit for her variety and range.
Just to disclose, I am a Bela supporter. I think the fandom is too rude towards her, the fact that some of them even compare her to Ryan is truly gross to me. I don't like that she cheated on Eric, but it also kind of bothers me to see how many people were quick to dislike her. Especially since everything Eric says kind of gets swept under the rug the minute Bela does something shitty. And let's be honest, people love the 360 development of the 'asshole who is not so much of an asshole' and it happened with Eric. He literally heard her tell him that she was being ordered around by the comedian, and he just swivels in and takes the opportunity. Bela is not Innocent, what she did was horrible, and while the thing he did was not as wrong, it was still a shitty move. I've seen people dislike Bela since season 1, people will just jump at the chance to dislike her. And she got assaulted last season, and people overlook that because the narrative doesn't lead us into it. Like yes, the show is kind of shit when it comes to following up on major plot points, like with Whitney literally being Gr**med. But that doesn't mean that it didn't happen. It clearly affected her.
And people like to use the handjobs as a reflection of Bela always being sex-crazed. No, it just REINFORCES that she was broken even before college. She had all of this cultural pressure on her, she never had many friends, and she was nerdy and uncool. She had such a bad and negative view of herself before, so she's sadly just giving into any attention she might get even if it's bad.
And I think Eric would've been a good influence on her if they made a better choice in the way they wrote them. He warmed up to her in ep 10, he kind of just looked annoyed with her in Episode 1 of Season 2. There wasn't even any room left for subtext. After he gave her advice, and she left, he could've been seen looking at her walking away before he slowly closed the door. It could've been a parallel moment to the caution tape scene in the quad.
And the reason I loved Bela and Eric so much is that he was essentially who she would've been if she was more security with herself. Like, notice how she likes his glasses and his nerdy comedy vibe. He is the version that connects her to her old self where she was nerdy and loved comedy. Of course, she still loves comedy, but she tried to feed into that cool girl vibe. And that shows a lot about how she is with Priya. She is so insecure when she sees Priya's glow up and her jealousy of seeing how quick she got along with everyone kind of hurt her. It is wrong that she was projecting onto her, and it's not okay to be rude to people because they look nicer.
I think the most infuriating thing Bela did for me was when she was with Jorjia and ruined everything with the foxy. Evangeline and Jo were really on her side and it makes me sad that she self-sabotaged.
I do believe that Bela and Eric could get back together. But I think they need to develop a better connection as friends. Without the benefits lol.
I'm thinking that maybe they could have an encounter where they both have the same internship. At this point in time, Bela might be at another school if she did follow through with the transfer. Or she could still be in Essex, but they just don't talk to each other. Eric is mad at first and Bela doesn't blame him. Maybe there is a point where she helps him gain more exposure, and he kind of sees this as a silver lining. Like maybe she has changed. During this, Eric decides to let her in more and they have a nice friendship. He might try dating someone else for a bit, and Bela helps him navigate it because she doesn't want to be jealous or rude. I want her to go through therapy during this, so she can self-reflect. I think at some point Bela and Eric could have a moment where they almost kiss or gaze intently into each other's eyes. They kind of just brush it off, and Bela thinks everything is okay and it was a heat of the moment, thinking he didn't feel anything. But Eric wanted to kiss her. He might quit dating the girl afterwards because he realised he still has feelings for Bela. And because he's Eric, he kind of doesn't know how to deal with this, so he kind of pushes Bela away anytime they are at the internship and Bela asks him if he was okay.
And there could be a point where he almost sabotages the internship for himself and he bursts out the door. Bela could follow him out. Then she'd be like. "I have tried so hard to get on your good side. What else do you want?" It's kind of like a parallel to the summer theta party where Eric asks her what she wants.
Then he's feeling a mixture of conflict, anger, and everything above. But he knows he can't blame her. "I-I'm just mad."
And she shouts. "Why?!"
Then he's like. "Because you made end things with ____"
And she's all confused. "Why is that my fault?"
And then there is a moment of silence and the tension is thick. And she's like. "Well?"
And then he's like. "God damn it Bela-" and then he leans forward and they both know what is about to happen next when he kisses her.
It's all passionate, and then he releases for a second when they have to breathe, and they're all wide-eyed and their lips are swollen. And he says "Because she wasn't you."
And then following it, they slowly take their relationship slow. They talk to each other about their feelings, and they become an official couple this time.
So yeah, I didn't expect this to be such a long post. But yeah, thanks for the question!
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pridepages · 2 years ago
eARC Review: The Problem With Perfect
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A HUGE thank you to Netgalley and Hera Books for providing me an eARC in exchange for an honest review!
GOODREADS SYNOPSIS:  Ethan Wells knows what to wear, what to eat and how to do it but he’s happy staying behind the scenes producing the hit LGBTQ show Myles of Style. When star Chase Myles walks off set just before the Pride live TV show that will make or break Ethan’s career, he drives up to rural New York to convince Chase’s estranged twin, Beau, to pass him off as Chase for a week, but Ethan finds a hairy, rugged mountain man who couldn’t be more different from his social butterfly, influencer brother. Can Ethan transform Beau into the star of the show and fool his bosses and Chase’s followers? And when Beau turns out to be kind, romantic and everything that Chase is not, does he really want Chase back, anyway?
RELEASE DATE: May 10, 2023
See my full review under the cut!
The Problem With Perfect is a fun read reminiscent of romcoms and what has previously been called 'chick lit' with a gay twist. At the heart of the message is a simple adage: it's always better to be yourself. 
While that message can feel tired, Stover did bring a fresh twist in the form of a critique on rainbow capitalism and how some members of the community can get caught up in the image-driven social-media powered world that can trap us in the 'right' way to be openly gay. 
Unfortunately, the novel does suffer in style largely from the voice of the narrator: Ethan. At times Ethan's narration takes some odd and stilted turns that can make it difficult for a reader to latch onto his character. And from a pacing point of view, it's intensely frustrating as a reader to watch it take so long for Ethan to finally snap and break away from the pressures of his oppressive television network bosses. I counted at least two opportunities where I felt the tension needing to break, but it didn't. Consequently, when the inevitable crash happens, it occurs in the space of a handful of pages right at the end. This is always a mistake from a reader's point of view because there isn't a sufficient denouement. Even in a fluffy romcom, we still want to see the characters work out their emotional beats with each other and feel like they have some real resolution for the internal crises as much as the external ones. 
Still, the deeper you get into the novel the more your heart opens up to Ethan--because you understand where he's coming from and why he can be so difficult--and you find yourself rooting for him and for the ever-endearing love interest, Beau. 
The blurb makes a dubious overstatement when it says that fans of Casey McQuiston and Alexis Hall will love it. However, I do recommend this book to readers looking for upbeat, fluffy reads all about learning how be brave enough to live your live honestly and authentically.
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stellaridegifs · 2 years ago
First of all, I love your blog. It's amazing, beautiful and everything. Thanks for everything you do.
So, I loved the latest episode, little bittersweet for the Hermmans.
But this collections of gifs https://at.tumblr.com/stellaridegifs/706856456896593920/qcz1rvb2nryc
Makes me think that Stella doesn't know how Kelly is affected by the danger on her. The robot part was the key for me, cause for Stella, Kelly is always on "lieutenant mood" focus and ready. She's not even considering another mindset for him.
Stella don't feel the validation for her emotions and traumas. Until Kelly was honest with her about how bad is for him waiting the danger.
Probably for this, was so touching for Stella waking up at the hospital and see her husband. Not the firefighter Severide.
So, I don’t know how much the writers actually think about this as they develop these fictional characters, but... Stella Kidd’s love language is words of affirmation. She needs to hear it in order to believe it. This isn’t something she’s shy about either—she doesn’t make Kelly guess it. She lets him know how much his saying, “You got this, Stella Kidd,” means to her. Over the years, she’s also asked him multiple times to verbalize his feelings. This goes back to my favorites scene of all times from 6.16, where Kelly, for the first time, verbalized to Stella in a way she understood, how much she meant to him with, “Your opinion is the one that matters most.” That line started their exclusive relationship.
But, as we’re all aware, verbalizing his feelings and thoughts is something still new to Kelly, even now. He is definitely getting better when it comes to Stella. But Kelly as a person is so quick to shut down or change the subject whenever he senses he needs to share anything remotely vulnerable. Whereas Stella is a big believer in talking things out, Kelly literally walks away. Apart from Shay and Casey, and occasionally Gabby—all of whom are no longer with him—Stella has really been the only one Kelly’s been able to open up with... and even that took a few seasons of pulling teeth.
Stella obviously knows Kelly loves her beyond a doubt. But when you’re someone who associates feeling loved, respected, and validated with verbal confirmation... and the person you need to hear it from doesn’t give it to you, it can make you feel otherwise. I think this is why Stella—and us as viewers—is always pleasantly surprised whenever Kelly shares his vulnerability.
We know how Kelly acts when Stella is in danger, but Stella only sees him after she wakes up in a hospital bed. She doesn’t get the views of Kelly in a panic like we do. We know he unravels, but Stella doesn’t because Kelly is always calm and collected—or tries to be—when he is in front of her.
All this to say, I thought the dialogues in 11.12 from both sides were on point with the characters and needed for the relationship, and honestly... long time coming. Stella voiced her feelings and why she felt the way she did. And Kelly was able to ease her uneasy feelings and also explain his side in a way she understood. It was good communication and one of the better “fights” they’ve had.
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elamarth-calmagol · 3 years ago
An incomplete list of my "girl falls into Middle Earth" fic ideas
I don’t even think I could come up with a complete list, to be honest, but there are some that are so poorly planned out that they aren’t even worth mentioning, or are from when I was really young that I won’t admit to in public.  And even this is so extensive that I don’t think anyone will actually want to read it, lol.  If you like some of the ideas, feel free to steal the concept, but not the details.
Idea #1: A story about Alex, a 16-17-year-old closeted trans girl who I think was probably the first transgender character I came up with.  (I’m not trans myself but I like exploring different identities in my characters.)  She ended up in Rivendell pretty quickly after arriving, and the elves immediately got the sense that she was a girl, despite appearances.  (I often give elves this ability, since they’re supposed to be able to see things we can’t see.)  She can’t speak Westron or Sindarin, but they manage to ask her if she wants to wear dresses, and she’s very much YES.  For those of you who read my stories, the character Nethril originated in this story as Alex’s best friend at Rivendell.
Chance of me writing this: 1% likely.  I have a few scene ideas, but it has no plot and I barely ever think about it.
#2: Alex’s counterpart, a trans boy in high school who isn’t as confident in his identity and is actually read as a girl by the elves but ends up being able to communicate how he feels (he doesn’t speak Middle Earth languages, either) and slowly transitions from “girl who hates being a girl” in Rivendell to “the girl who rooms and bathes with the men” on the way to Gondor for Arwen’s wedding to “how dare you, I AM a man” in Gondor.  (At the time, my Lord of the Rings stories were heavily influenced by Don’t Panic/ Okay NOW Panic, which covers the trip to Gondor.)  I think Lossithil originated in this story, though I was very vague about who she was back then, and possibly also Aeril.
Chance of me writing this: see Entry 1
#3: Kale (Michaela), a straight and cisgender (how unrealistic) seventeen-year-old girl, and Belle, her four-year-old niece, appear in the mountains around Rivendell together a few years before the war.  Kale’s sister and mom, Belle’s mother and grandmother, died two years before this, and they were being taken care of by other relatives.  Kale was already mostly in charge of raising Belle, who’s a tiny hellion, and took over her care completely once they got to Middle Earth.  This story is a trilogy.  The first part is about Kale trying to figure out how to live in Rivendell and what to say about where they were from (Belle is young enough to pick up on Sindarin really quickly and becomes a translator).  The second part is five years later, where Belle is a spoiled nine year old (elves really love kids and refuse not to spoil her) and Kale, who is now a trained healer, hears about other modern teenagers who had appeared in other parts of Middle Earth and goes out to collect them all and find out what role they’re all supposed to have in the War of the Ring.  Part three is after the war is over and everyone is sent back to the modern world where they started, except several years later.  Kale can’t tell anyone what happened and is now an adult without a high school diploma or job or knowledge any events that happened over the past several years, and Belle can’t even remember what modern life is like and can barely speak English because she thought learning it was stupid, and they’re separated for a while because it’s thought to be better for Belle, which makes Kale really depressed.  Eventually, she tracks down the other people who were in Middle Earth with her, and I think they manage to get back there to spend the rest of their lives.
Chance of me writing this: 5% likely.  It’s way too long and complicated and I don’t have enough of it planned.
#4: Casey, a queer, tomboyish high schooler, lands in Bree and stays there trying to survive for three months until Gandalf shows up and she (yet again not being able to speak Westron) says every Elvish name, secret or public, she can think of to freak him out and force him to take her to Rivendell (like Penny does in Don’t Panic, except on purpose).  Once there, she learns that it’s ten years before the War of the Ring.  While she waits for that, she makes friends with Magoleth, whom she has a crush on, and joins the rangers, whom she lives with until things start getting serious regarding the Ring and she’s called back to Rivendell.  I created Magoleth and Gladhedir and several headcanons about female rangers for this story.
Chance of me writing this: 10% likely.  It becomes progressively less interesting as it goes on, and I don’t think I have anything planned after Frodo starts his journey.  She’d make a good tenth walker, though.  Or maybe she could go south with the Gray Company.
#5: Kit, a sixteen year old trans boy and the most interesting of my trans characters (at least for my Middle Earth stories), is sent to Middle Earth on some sort of mission to do something with his knowledge of the future.  She starts out the story thinking of herself as a girl who just really, really likes being mistaken for a boy.  She has an ongoing “game” where she tries to see how many people she can fool (double points if she can make it into the men’s bathroom).  It never occurred to her that she might actually be a boy.  I came up with Kit around the time the Hobbit movies were coming out, so the story is that she was at a theater watching one of the movies, and she fell asleep because they’re terrible, then woke up in Middle Earth around the time Frodo got to Rivendell.  She can magically understand Westron and Westron speakers can understand her, even though they’re definitely each speaking their own languages (like, if they recite poetry, the rhythm and rhyme don’t translate).  But the real miracle for her is that because she had short hair and masculine clothes and an ace bandage around her chest when she arrived, and because there’s nobody who knows her to give away the “game”, EVERYONE THINKS SHE’S A BOY!!! and she’s in heaven.
This only lasts a few weeks until he gets his period, when he tearfully admits the “truth” to Elrond, who’s like, “obviously this is important to you and if you can fool an elf you can fool anyone (because they can usually tell when a woman is pretending to be a man to be in the army or whatever) so I’ll help limit how many people know as long as you promise to never wear that goddamn bandage again, don’t you know that’s dangerous?”  And then he gets Kit to make friends with Magoleth, who knows how to make herself be read as male, and Lossithil also helps cover for him, and either Aeril or Nethril makes him a safe binder to use, and he slowly starts to think of himself as male.
Chance of me writing this: 20% likely.  I’ve seriously considered it, but there are too many gaps, especially what part Kit has in the war.
#6: This story basically started because I thought that everyone, including myself, actually chose characters who fit into Middle Earth too well.  There are four characters who land in Middle Earth together, all varying degrees of bad choices for the mission, who all react differently to the situation.  First, we have Ronnie, the group leader due to the fact that she’s the only one with any ideas as to what to do, a 20-ish-year-old (yes, there are actual adults in this one) paramedic with multiple piercings and dyed hair that freak out the denizens of Middle Earth a bit, and who tends to have three-week-long periods when she doesn’t have access to modern birth control (this is genuinely dangerous because of anemia) but copes better than anyone else.  Her foil is Cameron (a name nobody in Middle Earth can pronounce), who is a privileged college student who only knows about the movies and is not coping well at all and has a religious crisis because Jesus doesn’t exist here?  Then there’s Leah, a possibly autistic, possibly nonbinary, definitely socially anxious and skirt-hating high schooler who spends the first month suffering from severe withdrawal from her antidepressants and also has a religious crisis because God is real now??  And finally, we have Duane, who is a queer, 30ish Silm nerd who knows some Sindarin (though not all of it is accurate) and might have been okay except that he’s legally blind without his contacts, which he has to throw away after a couple days in the woods, and he has no idea how to even walk across a room while blind and now he has to travel across all of Middle Earth.
They arrive in a forested area near Laketown while poorly dressed and very poorly provisioned, and one or more of them might be cosplaying since they were at a convention, and it takes several days to get to civilization, where they learn that everyone speaks some weird language they’ve never heard before.  They have no clue they're in Middle Earth or any kind of magic world for several months.  Then, some elven traders come from Mirkwood, and they find out.  They manage to travel to Rivendell, arriving just after the Fellowship left.  Either they have their own quest in the south or they’re just trying to find their way home.  I’m leaning towards the idea that they (or at least most of them) do make it back to modern day, much worse for the wear.
Chance of me writing this: 40% likely.  From the beginning I thought of it as something I wanted to write, not just a random idea I came up with for fun.  I’ve been wanting to do it for years, but I accidentally started writing Silent Rider instead (oops), and considering that Silent Rider is already an epic, I don’t expect I'll want to start a whole new series when I finish.
#7: A fifteen-year-old girl with social anxiety, panic attacks, and depression lands at Tom Bombadil’s house, where she finds that she can weirdly understand all different Middle Earth languages, but nobody but Tom Bombadil and Goldberry can understand her.  She’s sent to Rivendell on horseback, and along the way she runs afoul of the Ringwraiths and is rescued by Glorfindel, who gives her a Sindarin nickname because she refuses to speak to him because of the language barrier.  She nearly dies on the way to Rivendell but is healed once she gets there.  She stays in Rivendell during the war but travels down to Gondor with Arwen’s wedding party (Don’t Panic influences again).  Along the way, she falls in love with Glorfindel, whom she marries only a year later.  (I had some uncomfortable ideas about age of majority in Middle Earth at the time.)  A few years after that, she and her toddler daughter fall asleep on a hillside and wake up in her back yard, several years after she left.  Like Kale, she is devastated and struggles to adjust back to living in modern day without being able to tell anyone the truth (everyone is convinced she was kidnapped by a cult and forced into marriage).  Eventually, the Valar take pity on her and Glorfindel, reunite them, and allow them to live in Valinor together for eternity.
Chance of me writing this: both 100% and 0%.  If you don’t know, the first half (except her age) is the plot of Book 1 of Silent Rider.  The underage romance, however, was traded out for a queerplatonic adventure story.
Actual #7: There’s a story summary that I think originated from the original Silent Rider story (which was supposed to begin with Mallory’s mom talking to a friend about how she’d disappeared for several years and come back different): “The only thing worse than finding yourself in Middle Earth is finding yourself back home again.”  This could be the summary for the third part of Kale’s story, or a sequel to the story of Ronnie’s group, but it would take a really long time to get there, so I’m seriously considering writing a short fic that goes back and forth between someone trying to survive in Middle Earth and that person trying to re-integrate into the modern world afterwards.  I’ve thought of a few different ideas, mostly nonbinary people finding that Middle Earth is actually more accepting of them than America, but it’s more about the trauma of your entire life changing, adjusting to it, and then having it happen all over again.  Only it’s worse in some ways when you come home, because in our scientific modern society, nobody would ever believe you magically traveled from another universe, so you can't tell a single person.
Chance of me writing this: 60% likely.  I really would like to, but I don’t have a plot or characters yet.
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rye-views · 2 years ago
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Bachelor in Paradise. Season 8. 7.4/10
I wouldn't recommend this season to my friends. I wouldn't rewatch this season.
Still attractive: Serene, Teddi, Sierra, Michael, and Brandon. My surprise when I saw them on the season: Michael A., Rodney, and anyone returning to the episode after leaving.
I'm dead at the fake cat Jill brought. I was not expecting Kira to say she could've been a pornstar. I cannot believe Michael A. is here. He also really is so ripped. Omg at Sierra not having a pinky and people not realizing. Omg at all of us listening to Wells's story about Clare Crawley being the other woman for Jared. Genevieve and Shanae starting a friendship is revolutionary.
I love the dance battle at the Sadie Hawkins dance.
It's so crazy polar this season. Sierra is so amazing of a person. Her breakup with Michael is heartbreaking. Why is she so understanding? What kind of man ever takes rejection in that way? Brandon and Serene are amazing together in the perfect way. Aaron says random funny things. I love how much everyone likes Michael A. Michael and Casey having a commentary on the people is like the muppets grandpas--Statler and Waldorf. Victoria Fuller is like the most stable to me here. Like no expectations, no problems. Brittany is a homie, and she can be my homie anyday. She confronts people for their shittiness. Why was Jacob eating the pineapple like that? Eliza's happy reaction to having both Rodney and Justin pursue her is gold. If it were anyone else, would I still think so positively about them? idk, but she was so cute and real and you go girl. Love Aaron and Genevieve talking through miscommunication and insecurities stemming from Justin. Love Victoria and Johnny talking about their fears within their relationship. All good communication. I though Genevieve was overreacting about being scared of a spider, but that mofo was huge. LMaoo at Victoria and Eliza reacting to Aaron and Genevieve fighting and making up. We love the support too, especially girls who support girls.
Romeo making bad decisions and crying so severely because of it is pathetic to me. I know people who don't realize their bad decision making while living the consequences, and while it does suck, you left behind hurt people on the way. Him leaving with Kira. He's such a loser to me. Like, find something authentic instead of being desperate. I don't like Kate. On a separate note, she talks in random sayings. I do hate how Shanae is being treated based on her past behavior, but I also do understand what it's like to feel some typa way about a bully. Same thing with peoples' treatment of Lace. I honestly feel like the men on the beach reacting to Lace coming back for Rodney is disrespectful. Peter is a horrible being. How can your view of yourself make you so delusional about the world? How can you so easily diss and stamp down others to keep yourself high? The Ashley peeing in the ocean thing is weird. Justin is not cute to me or great in personality or humor. He is not a hot commodity and is also a gaslighter. Same with Logan. I don't like how the men relate women's anger with natural disasters. It's so disrespectful. I feel like making the ladies leave and replacing them with new ladies..is just awarding men. We don't like that. People's reaction to Casey's fainting is kinda not great. They're just like aw that's horrible. Lace doesn't feel grown up to me. Kira taking Salley's vibrator is so weird to me. I also don't like how everyone opened her stuff. I would've preferred if Michael A. made more sense in his rejection of Sierra. I don't feel it was truly honest. Ency dealing with Andrew is so toxic. She's like someone who either has always gotten what they want in life (which I don't believe) or they're just soo not ready for a healthy relationship. Editors did do Ency wrong by making her so pathetic. I did not like how Brittany and Victoria seemed so over their breakup in the finale. Like, hearts were broken and ya'll are like I've moved on, and what's the problem? Love was on the line.
Memorable Quotes: "Hey, yo, I brought us tacos. What's going on?" "Ew, heartbreaks are the worst." "Paradise is built different." "I called the police. They're on their way actually cuz I've reported a murder of the vibe." "You never come in peace." "I'm going to need so much therapy after this, it's not even funny."
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Brettsey appreciation week
Day six - Favourite underrated moments or most frustrating moments
When it comes to the Brettsey fandom, I don’t think there are any underrated moments. We’ve had 3 years of build up, so have taken any crumb we’re offered.
There’s a few moments/things I just randomly think about and want people to delve into it all further, I suppose, so that is my interpretation of underrated!
1. The change from being Brett and Casey to being Sylvie and Matt. If I’m honest, I struggled to find the moments they switched from calling each other mainly by their surnames to being on first name basis, which shows how seamless and normal it was. It seemed gradual. They formed a friendship and became so comfortable around each other, that they weren’t just colleagues or friends-of-friends anymore and now it just sounds strange when they go back to Brett and Casey.
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2. The look, when Sylvie asks Matt to stay whilst she opens the letter from her birth mother. The shock on Matt’s face, when this woman, who he knows he feels something for but doesn’t quite understand it; wants him to be at her side as she experiences a momentous event in his life. Previously, he was often pushed out of big moments in his partners lives. He wanted his opinions to matter and wanted to be depended on and finally, this strong woman, who was managing the whole situation with grace, was openly being vulnerable and asking for his support and he just looked in awe.
Matt Casey is a puppy who just wants to be loved!
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3. It is so mature that Brettsey, can be going through some deep emotional turmoil but at the same time, they’re so solid in their friendship and basic want for the other to be happy that they always end up having a conversation and clearing their air because they can’t not be in each other in their lives. The way they communicate has not always been consistent (although, looking back, I’m not sure it was miscommunication, I just think they got completely overwhelmed by their feelings for each other). The wholesome, genuine care and love they have is so strong, that the self sacrificing idiots will always put the other one first and it’s nice that they have that in their lives, even when it’s a detriment to their happiness at times.
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4. I don’t really see many people obsessing over the opening of 8x01. Matt is in complete panic that Sylvie had been injured. He can’t stop apologising and is already beating himself up that he put her in danger. Yes he’s concerned about everyone, but he falters when he sees Sylvie in pain. We’ve seen Matt faced with a dire situation before but the way he reacted during this scene was just so different and whilst I’m sure he was worried about his whole team, seeing Sylvie injured threw him completely through a loop.
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5. Sylvie Brett is a confident, secure woman and it’s all because she knows her self worth thanks to Matt Casey supporting her and instilling that belief in herself. I also really love how even when they were firmly in the friendship zone, Sylvie was so comfortable around Casey that she felt no hesitation in reprimanding him and not worrying that she was overstepping. Now that they’re together, I can’t wait to see her to put him in his place when it’s needed.
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insomniac-dot-ink · 5 years ago
Books I’ve Read in 2020
AHello! I’m trying to read as many books as I can during the quarantine, here’s what I’ve finished so far:
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong (literary fiction): a son writes a letter about his life to his illiterate mother. Breathtakingly beautiful with it’s way with words this book is lovely and real in the hardest and sweetest ways. The author’s combination of prose and poetry is dazzling and intricate, this book has stuck with me for days afterward. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik (fantasy): a money-lender gets in trouble after bragging she can turn silver into gold and is kidnapped and ordered to do so by a fey creature. It may be that I am the perfect audience for this type of book, but it’s my favorite thing I’ve read all year. It’s a book that equally takes on the fantastical and real-world with compelling female characters at the center of the whole thing. A wonderful fantasy journey inspired by eastern-European Jewish folklore. 5 out of 5 stars.
Through the Woods by Emily Carroll (horror graphic novel): a series of short horror comics. Absolutely bone-chilling! This was a really fun type of scary story, especially the last one which made my skin absolutely crawl. Deliciously eerie, this was treat to read if not a little too short. 4 out of 5 stars.
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender (magical realism): a young girl can taste other people’s emotions in their cooking and begins to understand her family in new ways. This was a weird book, but it has everything you’ve got to love about that combination of the surreal and mundane. It’s sense of character was electrifying and I had fun engaging with this type of off-kilter real world. I was a little frustrated in parts bc of some characters choices, but that too was true to life. 4 out of 5 stars.
Crier’s War by Nina Varela (steampunk fantasy wlw): about a Made automaton heir to a throne and her human hand-maiden that is trying to kill her. This was an easy read with a lot of tension between the two main characters that I liked, but the writing itself was very weak. There was waaay too much exposition in parts and the dialogue had some really hockey lines. I enjoyed the twists and turns in the middle of the book, but the beginning and end didn’t have much movement. 2.5 stars out of 5.
The Huntress by Kate Quinn (historical fiction): honestly, I’m a little disappointed. This book just did not hit my sweet spots, it wasn’t fast-paced enough for me to get immersed in the plot, and the characters weren’t real enough to be wholly invested in them. That said I adored Nina Markova and the Night Witches, so that did help. 3 starts out of 5.
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White (horror sci-fi retelling): HAND IN UNLOVABLE HAND. A retelling of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein from the perspective of Victor Frankenstein’s wife and my God! The characters! The plot was well-enough, but the characters took the whole show for being complex and compelling. The main character was breathtakingly layered and I was wholly invested in Elizabeth and her story and the triumph at the end of this story was tangible. 4 out of 5 stars! 
Uprooted by Naomi Novik (fantasy): A story of a young woman who lives in a valley where a girl must go live with a wizard for 10 years. She is certain she won’t be chosen, but ends up having to be “uprooted” herself. I enjoyed most of this book! However, I think I liked “Spinning Silver” a lot more just because the ending of this one somehow lost me. The characters were good and plot compelling, but (SPOILERS) the big battle at the end seemed to drag and didn’t interest me somehow. 3.8 out of 5 stars.
Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (fantasy): excellent read! A story of a young woman in Jazz Age Mexico who goes on an adventure with a Mayan death God who is trying to regain his throne. A romp across the country absolutely brimming with likable characters and fairy tale twists. My only complaint would be that most of it felt a little predictable due to the fact we knew where we were going throughout the whole story, However, it was still greatly enjoyable for the heroine herself, Casiopea. 4 out of 5 stars!
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng (literary): a story of two families in a progressive “planned” community, how their lives intertwine, their secrets, and a central question surrounding motherhood. Deeply empathetic to its characters and introspective, this is an every-day story of people in suburbia that reads like a thriller. I could barely put it down and felt deeply for its characters and situations, 5 out of 5 stars!
Wilder Girls by Rory Power (YA sci-fi suspense): a story of a group of girls at a boarding school on an island affected by the “tox” which alters their bodies in strange ways like giving them scales or an extra spine. This was an eerie, interesting read with a wlw romance! Watch out for the body horror in this one, but it was very gripping and held my interest. Some of the pacing was off in places (like the romance), but had a very creepy atmosphere that did it for me. 3.8 out of 5 stars!
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio (thriller-mystery): A thriller about a group of Shakespeare actors in their last year of college and one of their classmates who turns up dead. I enjoyed the murder mystery part of this novel more than I expected despite the fact I had guessed who had “done it” pretty early on. I really enjoyed the James-Oliver dynamic with its growing homoeroticism, but I didn’t like how the character of Meredith was handled at all. She felt like a one-note aside. I might have given this book four stars, but the ending was EXTREMELY frustrating for me and I did not like the “open-ended” conclusion. 3 out of 5 stars.
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman (literary humor): a weird character-driven comedy about an old grumpy man and a new family that moves in next to him. Warning for themes of suicide. Anyway, I don’t normally indulge in cliches like “I laughed, I cried, I loved one Cat Annoyance.” However, that’s exactly what I did. I laughed out loud, I cried my eyes out (THE CAT’S HEAD WAS IN HIS PALM), I loved this book. It was sweet and compelling and thoroughly immersive. 5 out of 5 stars!
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow (historical fantasy): set in the early 1900s comes a story of a young girl and her experience with “Doors” that lead to different worlds. This book had a lot of great character development and really interesting descriptions, however, I didn’t like it as much as I wanted to. I found it hard to get myself to sit down a read it. There was just something missing with the push to “page-turn,” but it was still a really good book. 3.7 out of 5 stars!
Gideon the 9th by Tamsyn Muir (high fantasy, kinda gay): I AM FILLED WITH EMOTIONS. This was book was definitely a page-turner. I was very confused with it at the beginning, but the characters and their interactions were, forgive the expression, the life blood of the story and kept me wholly invested. The ending has CRUSHED my heart, but damn did I have a good time reading it. 4.5 out of 5 stars!
Harrow the 9th by Tamsyn Muir (sequel to Gideon the 9th): I really enjoyed this book. It was just as strange and twisting as the first book, though I think I enjoyed the first one a bit more since I love Gideon. It was fun ride overall, though the ending was kind of really confusing. So 4 out of 5 stars.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (historical fiction): Overall, I really enjoyed this book! The writing style was personable and grounded in reality. I found myself really liking the main characters and the exploration of the life of a bi main character was really well done I thought. A solid book with drama and glamor to boot. 4.6 out of 5 stars!
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah (historical fiction): A story of two sisters during WWII and their resistance to Nazi occupation. To be honest, this book wasn’t my cup of tea. It was compelling, but also wholly depressing and I felt like gloried in the pain of the two main characters too much. The history was wonderful and realistic, but it didn’t make me feel anything good afterward. It was just dark. 3 out of 5 stars.
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston (mlm romance): I finally finished this after the heaviness of The Nightingale. This is a story of the First Son of the USA falling for the prince of England. And it turned out to be a very fun and light hearted read! Some of it was kinda generic and too political, and it coulda been shorter, but I thought the romance itself made up for it. It just made me feel so sweet and lovely inside. 4 out of 5 stars!
Anxious People by Fredrik Backman (literary humor): I’m searching out heartfelt books and this one ticked off all the marks on my “sweet” list. A lovely book that made me cry more times than I would like to admit. Compassionate beyond belief, funny and heartfelt. I think I enjoyed A Man Called Ove slightly more, but this book was also dear to me and something I hope to reread in the future. 4.2 out of 5 stars!
Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel (sci-fi): A post-apocalyptical story about a group of traveling Shakespeare actors and a symphony. Overall, an excellent read that somehow pictures a more realistic or even softer version of the apocalypse. At first, I wasn't happy with the jumping around of the story, but as I progressed I grew fonder and fonder of the interwoven characters and their journey. A very fascinating read about a world that hits a little too close to home. The appreciation of the arts and preserving humanity was somehow very hopeful and I was fully engaged with this story. 5 out of 5 Stars!
Up next: The Hidden Life of Trees by by Peter Wohlleben (nonfiction science), The City We Became by N. K. Jemisin (urban fantasy), The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (fantasy)
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sylvies-chen · 3 years ago
I’m in my sad feels today. Matt’s been my favorite character since I first began watching the show so, so many years ago. Can’t imagine the show without him for any amount of time 🥺 and honestly, seeing how down this fandom is today, I can’t tell if it would help us to reminisce and share our favorite Matt/Brettsey moments together, or if we should just continue trying to keep our hopes up and hold each other as we grieve. I just wanna give everyone a hug today
ME TOO MARIA. Me too. I made the mistake of listening to Hozier in the car while it was raining and lemme tell you: don’t EVER do that if you’re grieving the departure of your comfort fictional character because you’ll cry nonstop 😭 I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you either, having watched the show for years as opposed to me who started it at the beginning of the pandemic. I think because of that I definitely developed a strong attachment to it, using fanfiction and excitement over the episodes as a coping mechanism with staying at home and everything covid took from me.
I don’t know if reminiscing about Matt would make anyone feel better or worse but I’m going to do it anyway because it’s important that we not forget the true essence of Chicago Fire, and all of what made Matt Casey so special. So let’s do it:
Remember when Matt Casey took in the Darden boys after Heather’s first DUI without hesitating? Even though it was tough and the boys were acting out and processing a lot? How even now, he wants to help them no matter what because he knows those boys deserve the world? Remember how he refused to take a bribe from Voight even when put under pressure, even when threatened and beaten and having his fiancée threatened? Because that’s how strong his moral code is? Remember when he ran for alderman and had his deepest trauma plastered on a billboard… and then kept campaigning anyway? Remember when Matt slid under a moving elevator to save a stranger? When he went over hell’s half acre to help a woman he thought he’d let drown in a river but was really scammed by her scuzzy boyfriend? Remember when he testified in favour of releasing his mother from prison because he wanted peace and healing? Because he wanted to forgive her and be a family that could be honest and open? Remember when Matt sat in the cold with Sylvie for hours to find a cat for an old man? How he used his contacts to give the man’s wife a funeral and showed true sense of community? Remember how Matt tried cooking corned beef as a peace offering to Severide? Remember when Matt got stuck in a building with toxic chemicals and clawed his way out to save a teenage girl and her father? Remember when Matt would lash out and act like a bit of a dickhead when he was really, truly hurting because he was so good and decent all of the time that when he got hurt he could never handle it well? Remember how when Gabby was wheeled into surgery he made it very clear to Will that if it came down to it, they should save Gabby and not their baby even if it meant he wouldn’t be a dad? Remember when he told Sylvie he was in love with HER and NO ONE ELSE and then left her to think about it because he didn’t expect an answer and simply… wanted her to know? Remember when Matt Casey let Kelly Severide stay with him and his fiancée even through the loud sex noises? Remember when he convinced Severide to come back to 51 after losing Shay? How he always went to Severide for advice and cigar chats? How he didn’t want to impose on Severide and Stella andnoffered to move out of the loft because he’s considerate and kind?
Remember? Nah, the question should really be: how could we ever forget?
Matt Casey IS Chicago Fire. He exemplifies all that goodness and decency and honour and loyalty that we all wish for and love. Some people are great and talented and wicked smart but it takes someone like Matt Casey to be truly good.
He’s not dead, I know this. He’ll probably make appearances in the future and he’s helping out Griffin and Ben in Oregon while still doing long distance with Sylvie. So maybe I’m being melodramatic here, sure, but I just want everyone to look back years from now and remember as much as they can about Matt. Because he’s simply unforgettable. Jesse made that show what it is today!!
Anyway, sending you lots of healing hugs Maria 💕 I hope you’re doing alright and that everyone’s taken some time to process Jesse’s exit and make peace with it all.
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