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babykittenteach · 4 days ago
A couple extra notes about the theft post, and then I kinda hope to be done making any posts. I swear this is not a drama blog. I'm Todd in the Shadows taking a break from music videos to well actually James Someton and then hopefully never doing it again. Cut for length, no reblogs because I'm not trying to get anywhere with this except explaining some thoughts.
No one's really brought this up in reply to me, but just to be clear in case anything sounds like claiming ownership over ideas: being inspired by other people is normal and good. You are supposed to be, I would argue. Particularly, when we're in fandom and these are all transformative works. When I've made a piece of art, if it was inspired by someone else, I am going to be mentioning them. I ask authors if they don't mind art, I tag people who inspired things and link to their posts, etc. etc. I'm happy to do that. Not just because it's the right thing to do, but I actively enjoy getting to use art as part of an ongoing media conversation. I like getting positive attention and little numbers that go up for my work, yeah, but that's not why I'm driven to draw or write. I'm trying to express something in me to other people, and I hope they respond. I can't imagine trying to hide that conversation. Especially if it means I can foist off blame for something cursed onto someone else. Helpful guide by unadulteratedkr here, btw. See, this is a very easy thing to do, linking.
Further, I make art. Occasionally. Allegedly, I even write. I am 100% certain something I've made has been similar to something that already existed that I just wasn't previously aware of. That happens. It's normal. I accidentally did that with my username. I don't think random coincidence things like that are plagiarism or even necessarily a bad thing. If you find out later that someone had already done something and you want to be clear about it, just add like a little note? But most of the time it's obvious people just had similar ideas. It's not, for instance, an ongoing behavior stretching months and at times being "literally saw the original 11 minutes ago" or "kudos'd the original last night."
Like, for real, fuck this guy. I glossed over this in the post, but reaching out to me like that privately when he found out I also write was almost certainly groundwork. If I may explain: I talk to people a lot about things I make because they come say hi. That's normal, it's lovely, it's good, it makes me happy. Please do not for one second get suspicious of normal people who are, even when the world is this fucked, by and large good. I promise most people are good. This guy used a good and normal thing for another purpose, like someone hiding a hand buzzer in a handshake. People are good; that guy's an asshole. I don't think for one second that normal human interaction was why Atticus reached out to me the way he did. Given what I know about how he talked to other people and how he justified his bad behavior to them, with more and more examples of this popping up from newly revealed private interactions, he was using the access and the good faith of apparent friendship to get things and get away with things. After almost a year of my being in the fandom, that was the first time he'd slid into my private messages and it was probably to test the waters. See if I was going to gush back, see if I was hungry for approval, etc. because then I'd be easier to jerk around. You make excuses for people you look up to; you make excuses for people who give you something you need. That's what he did, and I'm not saying that to lecture anyone; the opposite. It's why he got away with things, because people want friendship and approval. It's why, even after one of the most frustrating fandom periods of my life, I genuinely am sorry for people who got jerked around even when they didn't want to hear me out.
If someone hurts you and tries to guilt you into forgiving them with shit like "our friendship means so much to me" and [insert medical or mental health reason here] instead of just admitting they fucked up, please please please please please pleasepleasepleasePLEASE be careful with them. When I hit the block button on him, I even sent the prediction that he would make a post about it to friends. He hit the "i thought we were friendly" and the "I'm so stressed about--" points real quick. If I had bothered to explain it to him, it would have looked like all the other Didn't Mean Tos he's been revealed to have done. Please have more respect for your feelings than he did.
tl;dr-- okay but no, really, honestly, truly fffffffffffffffuck this guy. I hope to not make another post about this. If you need to, you can dm me here or on Discord, babykittenteach there too.
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inbabylontheywept · 8 months ago
so once me and my wife were watching a documentary where a snake ate like a million eggs. that snake just went to fucking town on eggs. and the snake made the eggs look so good that i kept thinking about it, and thinking about it, and thinking about it, and eventually it was 11pm and i ran out of willpower and decided to eat one (1) singular raw egg just to prove to myself that the snake was surely a liar.
the snake was not a liar. texture is like, super important to me and raw eggs are very Texture so i had another one, and then another one, and then another one, and eventually i ran out of eggs.
i had like, fifteen raw eggs.
i didnt really know how to explain this momentary madness to my wife, so my Plan was to put all the eggshells into a grocey bag, and then throw that grocery bag in the dumpster, and if she never noticed that would be Excellent and if she noticed immediately i could lie and say that the eggs went bad.
except i cant lie very good, and of course with murphys law being such, i got salmonella.
so i threw up a lot and my wife asked me what poisoned me so and i tried very hard to dodge the question but i was oozing shame like oil from a room temperature cheese and eventaully i gave in and told her everything and to her enormous credit she was more flabbergasted than actually upset. she did make me promise to not eat any more raw eggs, which i have stuck to, and she gives me weird looks during nature documentaries now as if desire was the only thing keeping me from eating thousands of pounds of krill anyway i made a joke earlier about being able to eat my age in eggs and my sister in law in law made a drawing to comemorate the moment and also because it was my birthday. she's excellent. thank you 10000000% @cintailed. you should all visit her page and admire her work.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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Knowledge Revenge.
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vulpinesaint · 3 months ago
quiz enjoyers! i am now inviting you to come create something in my workshop❕
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a-sweeter-solarsystem · 5 months ago
take my hand for a moment
your objective from this point on is to survive
the election results are going to take a few days. The world is going to be very tense. I want you to take all the things you like to do to distract yourself and splurge on them. I want you to go eat your favroite foods and spend time with friends. I want you to do what you gotta do to make sure you can make it through the week.
There are people out there who want you to survive. There are people out there who are just as scared as you are.
We'll get through this. We will find a way
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kotse · 6 months ago
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@hg-aneh your honor they’re silly
edit: i am NOT aneh!! i love and have borrowed their character designs, no affiliation!!
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junkworldusa · 9 months ago
you make me want to draw again
here you go! this is also for my future self.
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jdorian · 10 months ago
"how can you multiship?" well you see honey, when two people love each other very much and neither of them is real...
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egophiliac · 3 days ago
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missed the mark by (looks at calendar) uhhh. hm. but I really wanted to do something for the 5th anniversary! happy five years to these idiots 🎉
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creekfiend · 3 months ago
something that drives me insane on a relatively regular basis as a body jewelry understander is talking to people who have sensitive skin who are like "oh well I just can't wear any earrings without my ears getting inflamed" and I say "well what have you tried" and they say "well I've tried sterling silver and I've tried gold..." and it's like. ok. I don't know how gold and sterling somehow got spun by the jewelry industry as being especially good for sensitive skin but whenever I'm like "well have you tried implant grade titanium" they're always like "no....... but I've tried sterling silver... and it didn't work ..." like. I don't know how this narrative about sterling silver somehow got so strong but when they put pins in your fucking legs when you snap your leg in half are those pins made of sterling silver or are they made of implant grade titanium or surgical steel????????? HELLO. HI. YOU MIGHT BENEFIT FROM TRYING IMPLANT GRADE TITANIUM I AM JUST SAYING
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noodles-and-tea · 6 months ago
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I don’t know if it’s just because of Alex’s personal voice quirks or whatever but Bill and Stan talk in quite a similar manner and my personal head canon is that Bill does it on purpose to mess with Ford :(
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jacqcrisis · 2 years ago
Put salt in your baked goods. Put salt in your desserts. Just do it. Please. Salt isn't just for savory, it's literally a flavor enhancer so even a pinch can take a meh recipe to one people can't stop eating. Listen to me. Your cookies and cheesecake bars are bland and uninteresting. I'm taking your hand. I'm guiding you with a gentle touch to the back. We can do this together. Trust me.
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gumy-shark · 4 months ago
i wish all my mutuals who @ me in those tag games a very i swear i see it and i love being thought of even though i rarely if ever do them. i love you.
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chloesimaginationthings · 5 months ago
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Leaked scene from the FNAF 2 movie…
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redpapercraness · 7 months ago
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all four of my sonic 3 movie trailer redraws in one spot 🫡
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i-am-a-fish · 3 months ago
this post is an experiment, I am curious about how far you will get into the post.
to start, I challenge you to read the orange text below, and not read any further:
the challenge is to only read this far into the post. if you are stopping here, leave a comment about your favorite carbohydrate.
ok, you have decided to continue reading. hell yeah. no shame in that at all. this test is not meant to make you feel bad, in fact, you should be happy whenever you want forever.
if you made it here leave a comment of your favorite fictional universe, you are officially a Tier 2 Post Reader.
ok, the next part of this post is behind a barrier, there's a keep reading button. if you made it this far, tell me your favorite reptile in the comments. you are more than welcome to stop here, only continue if you would like to.
hiiiii :)
ok you're in the big leagues now. this is the DLC of the post. if you made it here, tell me your favorite milk substitute.
now FOR REAL. this would be a cool place to finish off at. you can go after this, I promise you're not missing out, you can leave. If you made it here, tell me what tattoo you would get if you decided to get a new tattoo today.
thank you for reading, I promise this is a cool place to stop reading the post. you really can go now. :) 👍
*ahem* alright, you are still with me. I'm happy to have ya. here's the deal, the chance of you seeing a picture of my dog within this post is 12.5%. you have a 1/8 chance of seeing a dog in this post.
keep in mind, that is not a high chance.
if you are ready to leave now, tell me your favorite plant. like, your favorite plant can be a tree or a specific fruit or vegetable or whatever. just tell me your favorite. then you may leave the post.
alright. since you made it here, I have the ultimate test: a link. definitely the highest barrier to entry so far, this could lead you anywhere. it's a trust exercise with a complete stranger.
clicking on this link will continue the post further, for how long this will go on, I cannot say. If you do not want to proceed, tell me your favorite sauce, and be on your way. I like buffalo ranch.
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