#i personally dont care about spoilers but i try my best to protect others just in case lol
crazyw3irdo · 2 years
okay yeah yeah im years late but im watching crown of candy and just finished ep 4 i am screaming
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hanakou-often · 16 days
I just happened to stumble upon your blog.. and I never really thought about HanaKou before, but these posts are very compelling. I love seeing other people’s ships in things and would love to be convinced into them.. heh. I’ve sort of fallen out of tbhk recently because the most recent arc hasn’t been compelling to me PARTLY BECAYSE KOU AND NENE AND HANAKO DONT KNOW EACH OTHWR?!?!? Which is really depressing, because I like them a lot. Ermm idk where I’m going with this I just was scrolling through the blog like “heh.. they’re cute I want to know more..” and now here I am. Please excuse my nonsense blabber idek if this makes sense 😔
Oh boy. Despite Hanakou being my hyperfixation for around 3 years, I still don't feel equipped to salesman my way into convincing someone 😭 most of my love for them has just come from PURE brainrot so I'll try my best to actually formulate more logical reasons why I like this sinking ship as much as I do. Long ass spoiler-filled rant incoming!!
1. Narrative Foils
A narrative foil is a character that contrasts another character, often the protagonist, to highlight certain aspects of their characters. Think Kabru and Laios from Dungeon Meshi, Sayaka and Kyoko from Madoka Magica, Draco and Harry from Harry Potter, etc.
To begin, Kou is a 'weak,' naive exorcist who always fights for justice and to protect the people he loves out of his own volition. Since he is the underdog of his family clan, the mediocre middle child next to his eldest exorcist extraordinaire brother, Kou is willing to do anything to prove his worth. This is primarily exhibited by his first meeting with Hanako as he recklessly plunges into a battle with the most powerful ghost in Kagome despite his inexperience with his weapon. When he's confronted about such, Kou states, "I don't care what happens to me as long as I can protect everyone!" and if that doesn't sum up his ideology, I don't know what does. He is shown to be the type of person to put everyone's safety, happiness and livelihood above his own, ultimately leading his selflessness to be his own detriment.
Contrarily, Hanako is a strong, knowledgable apparition who is given the role to protect students of Kamome, regardless of his detachment from the student body, as a way of atonement. As the long standing executive leader of the seven mysteries, Hanako has grown largely apathetic towards everyone, easily taking the cold, calculated and unconventional routes to reach the outcome he deems best no matter who it would hurt in the process. This is exemplified many times in the manga but to pick a lighter one: The time Hanako confessed to Nene under the kodama tree without telling her before hand that it wasn't real, leading him to hurt her feelings. It's clear that Hanako is the type of person to value his own goals and interests above everyone else's input, making him the more selfish antithesis to Kou's "selflessness."
Their differences in philosophy are really striking at times. Kou is endlessly optimistic while Hanako is more pessimistic, seeing the grimmer aspects of reality that Kou usually neglects. For example, Nene's lifespan has been a divisive topic between them for a while. Hanako had known about it from the start, originally intending to keep the poor girl in ignorant bliss for how much time she had left. At the point of the reveal in the clock keeper arc, he had no plans on trying to change her fate, solemnly stating that "there are things in this world that must not be changed...It's better for Yashiro this way." This is a direct contrast to Kou's more 'human' perspective as he immediately protests Hanako's claim of "There is nothing you can do," passionately asserting that he won't give up, he'll do whatever it takes save her and that is final. In the face of a dark reality, Kou completely rejects it, choosing to believe there's hope, like the naive son of a gun Hanako knows he is. From personal experience, Hanako knows it's stupid, it's idiotic, it's downright suicidal to go up against fate but somehow he ends up hoping Kou is right, trailing "I'm counting on you" as they settle back into a world that will never be the same after this revelation between them. (Something something Their differences are key to propelling the plot forward since Kou is the one to inspire Hanako not to just let Nene's life go by!!)
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All of this is not to say they don't have anything in common. In fact, they are united by their desire to save the people they care about, grounded in their ruthless determination to see out their goals and are self sacrificing to an extent. I would love to go deeper on this topic but I'm afraid my brain is already starting to fry lol. In short, their differences are what make them interesting as a duo!! Each of their qualities can compliment the other's contrasting attributes and as people say, opposites attract!!!
2. Pivotal Roles in each other's Narrative
Hanakou are very important to each other's story since they are a key player in both their humble beginnings and tragic ends. Respectively, they are each other's gateway to a new life. Much like Nene, Kou is a symbol of hope for Hanako, his spunky attitude and determined nature igniting a humanitarian spark that Hanako lacked in the sixty years he lingered Kamome. For Kou, Hanako is the first apparition he meets, the one that sets off his rocky journey with navigating the world of supernaturals as a lackluster exorcist, and the second person to fuel his fire by believing in him. Specifically, Hanako tells Kou he looks forward to the day he can expel him with ease, a statement that foreshadows their distant future. In order to complete their whole character arcs (Hanako going from stubbornly clinging to the near shore to repent to accepting he's done every to atone and ready to pass on; Kou starting off weak and naive then ending as a stronger exorcist capable of understanding both the supernatural world and humanity) they'll have to do exactly what Hanako anticipated: Exorcise him once and for all. This aspect of their relationship is something intricately intertwined with their fates and while AidaIro may have forgotten about it, I can only hope they'll deliver so that they can bring their narratives full circle.
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Now in the context of a romantic relationship, there are some absolutely soul crushing implications here. The hands Hanako loves to admire, intertwine his fingers with and adore are the same ones that will ultimately be his demise. Kou is Hanako's deathbed. That’s what they’ve known all along. It’s something that looms over their heads with a lingering heaviness neither boy wants address: Kou wanting to silently avoid his crushing responsibility while Hanako is just trying to savor whatever time he has with Kou. It's doomed just like everything else in TBHK <3
3. Young Exorcist arc
This one goes hand and hand with the second point but I felt that this needed to be discussed on its own since it's where many Hanakouers (ME) really took interest in their relationship. The arc begins with Kou being pulled aside by Teru, the two having a conversation about how Kou was supposed to immediately exorcise any seven mysteries he encounters. When Kou fumbles around him, insisting that he can't find it in himself to see Hanako as a bad supernatural, Teru is quick to remind him that "There is no such thing as a 'good supernatural'" and promptly takes him off the case. He was going to take matters into his own hands but the moment Kou looks at him with pleading eyes, Teru decides to give him more time to carry the duty out.
This is where Kou sets off to find Hanako, get some irrefutable proof that he's not evil like the generalization Teru makes. The effort he puts here into defending Hanako is absolutely adorable, if not a testament to their potential then a testament to Kou's sweet character. The suspicion he's built as he spies on Hanako who saunters around with a sack of stolen items is broken once the ghost explains that he's gathering them to return to their rightful owners. As stated previously, Hanako’s noble deeds are done more as a way to atone rather than out of his own good will so to see that he went out of his way to return stolen items to students, one of which being Kou’s safety earring, without being obligated to do so is great evidence to support Kou's idea that supernaturals can be good. Given this, Kou decides right then and there that he won’t exorcise Hanako after all. Now, Hanako here could have reveled in this decision, his kind act successfully manipulating Kou into compliance with his schemes, but instead, Hanako shows him exactly why he shouldn’t give up.
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He cares for the kid. He does. Which is why he has to show how wrong he can be. It’s a downright dangerous thought because it lures Kou into a false sense of security that all supernaturals can be “good” like Hanako.
Cue Teru's dramatic entrance where he immediately apprehends the offending apparition and tries to execute him (for good reason). Blah blah blah Teru is condescending towards Kou because he made the wrong call again, something something Kou is trapped in Teru's bead bracelet and question his view of Hanako once more. For a moment, Kou almost gives into despair, letting Teru exorcise him without another word. After all, what does Kou know about the supernatural world? He's a weak link to Teru's infinite knowledge, power and experience. Maybe he should just let him do what he deems best.
However, as Hanako objects to his sentencing, screaming that “death would only be a release” and he still has so much to do here, it reminds Kou that Hanako is here for a reason. Sure, he’s an apparition, something that’s synonymous with evil, but all that time they spent together has to mean something, right? Hanako indulges Nene and Kou, joking around, Hanako has indulged Kou when no one else believed in him, he's saved them when he easily could’ve left them to their own devices. That definitely means something. Suddenly, Kou breaks free from the beaded prison, charges in the middle of the battle field and grips Teru's blade with an iron fist, all to save Hanako.
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Just look at that. Kou slit his own palm trying to protect Hanako, someone he vowed to erase just weeks ago, because he's willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He defies his brother, someone he highly admired for the past fourteen years of his life, for Hanako’s sake. Kou’s change in attitude towards his exorcist duties is largely attributed to Hanako. The sole notion of Hanako, the not so evil supernatural, has turned Kou’s world completely upside down.
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I'll never forgive the anime for omitting this arc, not only because it excludes a pivotal moment in their relationship but also because it deprived an enriching detail to their development!!! Oh my god. Kou finally stands up for himself and owns up to his naivety. He knows he’s stupid for jumping from one extreme conclusion to the other before he has fully understood everything Hanako has to offer but he can no longer side with Teru’s one note view of him or supernaturals in general, lest more decent apparitions be erased without cause. He brings a level of nuance to the function that Teru does not appreciate!! When Kou decides to vouch for Hanako, undertaking the massive responsibility to watch over him all on his own, it shows a lot of growth in his maturity and his perspective of the ghost.
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So yeah. A lot to say about the young exorcist arc. Not only has it deeply impacted the Minamoto brothers relationship, but it has brought a significant change within Kou’s mindset. He’s no longer trying to label Hanako as a definitive good or bad but trying to deepen his understanding of him and decide what to do from there. As for Hanako, he seems to respect Kou more now, giving credit where credit is due, and feels as though their bond is strengthened by the vulnerable state they saw each other in. He even acknowledges this in the first chapter of ASHK when Teru comes in to “help clean" by immediately taking cover behind Kou and questioning the commitment he made to keep Teru at bay. It's also weirdly sweet to see Hanako taking cover behind Kou here!! It really goes to show how much trust they've built for each other and how safe Hanako feels around the exorcist C:
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To sum it all up, the young exorcist arc was an important part of showing how Hanakou work together and cement how their views of humanity/supernatural world are shifting because of each other!! I didn't get to talk about it too much but they also have a bunch of cute moments here which sorta feeds to the next point.
4. Classic Bromance to Romance
A bromance is defined as a quote en quote "close, friendly but non-sexual relationship between two men" and that's more or less what Hanakou brings to the table!!! First and foremost, they are complete opposites in a lot of their personality traits which makes it fun to see how they interact. Hanako's pervyness to Kou's disciplined innocence, Hanako's mischief to Kou's gullibility, Hanako's love of teasing to Kou's fiery denials, it's all just so entertaining to watch!!! They bounce off each other sorta like a coke and mentos relationship where on their own, they're absolutely fine but when they're together BOOM explosions, dumb arguments, rough housing 24/7, etc, etc. Just take a look at the shenanigans they get up to in this panel.
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How? Just how did they get here? They used to be enemies, they're still supposed to be enemies but here they are, a hopeful descendent of a powerful exorcist clan and an executive leader of a important supernatural group, just play fighting with a mop and broom like they're no better than two clumsy best friends goofing off on their free time. I love their little bromance so much because it's the result of their growth during the many adventures they've had together. URUGHH After they've been through, it's deeply endearing to realize that they really are just boys being boys at their core!! C:
Now moving onto the romance part, I want to preface this with how I do believe men should be allowed to have intimate platonic relationships with each other without having to get accused of being gay but alas, I fear Hanakou's closeness as friends can easily pave the way for something more as they blur the line between friendly and flirty banter.
It's already been established that Hanako feels safe enough to be his usual self around the exorcist, knowing that no matter how mischievous, touchy and downright despicable Hanako can be, Kou won't ever hurt him. It's a sweet sort of trust that can be explored further with some typical bromance shenanigans, IE Hanako gets bored and decides to test Kou's boundaries just for the hell of it. At first, it's only joke flirting and some harmless teasing here and there. Maybe a lingering touch or two (only to push some buttons of course). Most of the time, Hanako finds this endeavor to be deeply rewarding since Kou reacts in a way that Nene doesn’t, his responses leaning into his more physical, boyish volatility as he either bashfully pushes Hanako away, chases him off or just straight up punches him in the arm, visibly flustered. The reactiveness encourages Hanako to keep upping the ante to the point where it's more unusual for him not to mess with Kou. It's grown into a bad habit of his: snaking his arms around Kou's shoulders, fiddling with his fingers with reverent fascination, sneaking glances at the boy and making funny faces in the hopes he'll look back and laugh, etc, etc. As Kou gets used to Hanako's antics overtime, his extreme reactions gradually diminish and it's becoming increasingly clearer that Hanako isn't (wasn't?) just doing it because "he's bored" anymore. No, it's something worse. With a sinking clarity, Hanako realizes boredom isn't the driving reason for being around Kou anymore, it's fondness of the cute (flustered) expressions he makes, it's the giddiness that swells in his chest when Hanako manages to make him smile, the electricity that floods his system when Kou flirts back, it's...something else he does not want to dissect. And so, Hanako will bury this revelation under the belief it's due to his unfamiliarity of friendship. Fifty years of isolation has to do a number to your perception of romance vs friendship, right???
Meanwhile, Kou is committed to the promise he made in the young exorcist arc so he's usually admiring from afar watching over Hanako to make sure he's in line and keeping an eye on Hanako isn't hard as of late; they're spending more time together before, during and after school and as much as he doesn't want to admit it, he genuinely enjoys the company. Kou likes what they have, it's good that they can rely on each other and still leave room to joke around but to be honest, Kou has some...weird feelings towards Hanako. Every time their eyes meet his heart skips a beat, whenever he lets his mind wander it usually finds its way back to Hanako, their friendly banter stuck in his head, and for whatever reason, Kou's body can't seem to forget the ghost's touch, even long after he's fucked off to who knows where. There's something different about it. It's not the detestation he had when he first met Hanako, nor is it the quaint glee he had when he decided to not exorcise him. It's something completely new, something foreign that has his stomach doing flips every time he sees Hanako's bright smile or hears his stupid laugh. Kou tries not to think about it too much, lest he gives Hanako exactly what he wants, so he just chalks it up to his view of supernaturals being challenged. After all, going from believing all supernaturals are dangerous, evil vermin that need to be exterminated to voluntarily hanging out with such a friendly one is bound to stir up some mixed feelings, right?
Do you see my vision now? The bromance to romance pipeline would be unreal with these two confused idiots!! There's so much room for the internalized homophobia, the confusion of trying to differentiate friendly feelings from the clusterfuck of emotions the other boy evokes and the funny fumblings of two teenage boys letting the joke flirting go a bit too far like a game of gay chicken gone wrong. Their relationship speaks to me in a way that can only be described as the entertainment you get from mixing two reactive substances and waiting for the inevitable chaos that proceeds. Even if you don't ship Hanakou romantically, you gotta admit their dynamic is super fun to explore!! C:
5. Other characters reactions
I swear I’m taking this somewhat seriously but I really enjoy the more wholesome aspects of this ship!! Nene being the third wheel to her two guy best friends, the LEAST romantic people she knows, is something that is deeply entertaining to me <3 She came into Hanako's life wishing for a boyfriend, failed to get one and then had to watch him get one himself. She would be so happy for them but at the same time, she'd be fighting demons trying to figure out how these two IDIOTS got more rizz than she does. (How much aura do you lose for this LMAOOOO)
Then you got Teru which if you liked this aspect of Mitsukou where Teru disapproves of his brother dating a school mystery then hooo boy YOU’LL LOVE HANAKOU!! Whatever apprehension he has towards Mitsukou it's increased tenfold because it’s one thing to date a school mystery, it’s a whole other thing to date not only the ghost of a murder but the LEADER of the seven mysteries??? Teru would absolutely flip his shit, wasting no time to charge into Hanako’s bathroom and expel him right then and there the SECOND he finds out (AND I DON'T BLAME HIM!! he just doing his job fr). I’ve been told it’s sorta like a Romeo and Juliet situation where two star crossed lovers are kept apart by a long-standing feud between their opposing houses (Montagues and Capulets WHO? I only know the Minamoto clan and Seven Mysteries) and I think that can just about sum it up!!
6. Hanako-San (ASHK)
This post is already as long as it is so I’ll save you the trouble of attempting an analysis and copy and paste my ramble from another post: “In regards to HanaKou discourse, I've always seen people say 'Kou's into Mitsuba!!' or 'they're just platonic besties! Plus Kou rejected Hanako!!!' and sure, maybe Kou doesn't have a thing for Hanako but has anyone REALLY stopped to consider Hanako has a thing for Kou??? And just. Didn't process it because of internalized homophobia AND his crush on Nene overshadowing his feelings for Kou??? Because THIS chapter had NO RIGHT to be so fruity on Hanako's part” and yeah why is the first thing Hanako decides to do when he turns into a girl is flirt with Kou??? And an even better question is why did he genuinely sulk when Kou rejected him??? If you didn't mean it why were you so butt hurt then huh??? Hanako really is the type of guy to passively think "if Kou was a girl or if I was a girl, I'd date him 100%" and it definitely shows!!!
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7. Fanfiction. So. Much. Fanfiction.
This one doesn't have much to do with canon but it's more than likely why some people (ME) began to ship Hanakou!! My personal experience was I thought they were sorta interesting and I checked on ao3 to see if there were any others who thought the same. To my surprise, there were a bunch of fics lovingly written for them already and out of curiosity I started reading one. One became two, two became three, then suddenly I was tumbling down the rabbit hole feverishly consuming whatever I could get my grubby little hands on. As you've stated, seeing others' passion can be pretty compelling reason to start shipping something and I totally agree!!! Exploring the dynamics in such a freeing medium like Fanfiction can be much more invigorating than just reinterpreting canon so do give it a try if you're interested!! I promise Hanakou nation is a welcoming space and we'd be delighted to see more people on board with these two idiots C:
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AUGHHHH I struggled to find the right words to express my thoughts but I hope it gave you a better understanding of Hanakou!! These two really are my Roman Empire and despite how much I floundered around this post, I am genuinely grateful for the opportunity to share my visions!!! Thank you so much for asking C:
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wildernezz · 7 months
dead poets society scene that cannot be slept on any longer (im just rambling and analyzing the sillies and pretending to be smart. also spoilers loll)
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every single actor in this scene does such an amazing job. they genuinely all feel like such real and complex characters it's insane.
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i don't care if you hate cameron's character but you cannot deny that his scene was amazingly pathetic. his actor did such a perfect job at portraying him almost like a rat backed into a corner. he's doing everything he can to save himself, telling himself he's the one in the right, the one with common sense, when he knows he's faking it. all his dominance is such a pathetic lie and it's genuinely impressive to watch it be portrayed so accurately. it is exactly what it's like to watch someone desperately claw for an ounce of respect. cameron was always a desperate character, and the moment he got the chance to drop his friends and come out "higher" than them, it just made him even sadder to watch.
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and meanwhile charlie's the perfect example of failed justice and passion being outpoured all at once. he has so much determination and desire to stand up for what he believes, but it's all pouring out at once. he doesn't know how to handle all of it. he knows he's done for but he can't give up for the life of him, and it all comes out in a solid swing to cameron's face. that single punch probably sums up everything about charlie, and honestly everything i love about him as a character. he seems like a menace-y little bastard, but at the end of the day he just genuinely wants to do what he thinks is right. he's fiercely protective of the people he looks up to but he'll never admit it. that little shit has ZERO clue how to handle his emotions rationally and it's honestly respectable. he doesn't know exactly who he is, but his values are so strong that he's unknowingly guided by them. basically he's just a silly little guy and i hope he punches people more often :3
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AND TODD THE BELOVED <33 he is so underrated in this scene it's insane. every word feels like it's falling out of him. he's lost his best friend and he's lost all control over himself. it's powerful seeing such quiet and reserved character unwillingly transform into everything they've been trying to keep down. i will forever be in love with how his character completely breaks down after neil's death. this is kinda just me projecting but he fr feels like a representation of all of my own thoughts when breaking down, except he's actually voicing them. todd supremacy for-fucking-ever.
i absolutely adore how knox acts in this scene. especially his lines of "don't touch him charlie, you do and you're out," and then for that to be followed by "you don't know that" after charlie's little "i'm out anyway"?????? knox's entire personality in this movie might be about trying to rizz up girls (and it's a little concerning now but it was a different time guys please he's silly guys i swear), but he's honestly SOO sweet when he's not focused on that. he's just as protective of his friends and it's so nice seeing him be the voice of reason. like did u guys not see how quickly he reached for charlie when he was about to kick cameron's ass????? he genuinely wants the best for his friends and he knows them well enough to try and stop them from doing any irrational shit (even tho it failed later but shshsh). love knox for that.
meeks and pitts don't say anything in this scene, but their looks alone give off so much. you can just SEE how much meeks feels betrayed by cameron, and then pitts looks like he's still trying to process the fact that cameron would even do something like that. it's honestly so sad but god it's so amazing to watch.
anyways thank u for coming to my ted talk plspls ask me about films or drop ur random analyzations to me im so desperate to analyze my favorite little guys :33
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autismcatboy · 23 days
a series is not bad just because its pace, themes or focus isnt what you expected. it might not be the show for you.
i love fluffy, tooth rotting romance as much as the next guy. but i dont expect that from i hear the sunspot, because thats not what the story is about.
not every show is going to check every box and ive had plenty of series i stopped after dozens or even hundreds of chapters because as much as i wanted to like it, it just wasnt for me. that doesn't make them bad, because i can understand why people like them.
continued below, spoiler free but addressing specific themes in i hear the sunspot
i love the slow pace i hear the sunspot has. it feels more realistic to how some relationships develop in real life. i love the focus on personal growth, realizing your past biases and where you couldve been a better person but were selfish, presumptuous or inauthentic. this applies to every character in one way or another.
i love seeing the internal conflict, struggling to get your feelings across and wanting to throw in the towel. it isnt easy maintaining relationships as an adult. i have friends i wish i could spend time chatting with every day but it just isnt realistic to expect when we're all working adults with responsibilities we cant get around. ive gone days without talking to people i consider some of my best friends. it doesn't mean we dont care. it isnt always easy to find the time to actually talk, meet up or sometimes even just send a text.
its extra hard to communicate when you have a history of trauma. wether thats an isolated trauma or something prolonged that you havent been able to actually process and come to terms with, it makes it hard to think. sometimes youre stressed and pulled so many different directions by life that things slip away. it doesnt mean you dont care or it wasnt higher on your priorities. we all forget. we all fumble. we all make mistakes. we learn from them.
disability is much more than physical. kohei and maya have obvious physical disabilities but i think the series addresses more than that. trauma can be disabling. many of us dont have great childhoods or relationships with someone who helped us learn how to be decent people. many of us have deep insecurities, that we try to hide. and sometimes the things we do to try and protect ourself hurt us more. we run, we push others away, we get mean. because its easier to say on your terms when someone leaves your life.
it doesnt mean we dont care, when our fears get the better of us. it just means we make mistakes. and making mistakes means we can grow, be kinder to ourselves and others.
i hear the sunspot is about all of these things. a story about overcoming hardship, things that we didnt get to have a say in and cant fix, making hard decisions for yourself for once instead of considering others before you, chosing the unconventional path because it makes you happier, unlearning the things that no longer help us, and pushing through obstacles we dont even realize are keeping us from makes us flourosh. all of this, before being a story about romance.
both of taichi and kohei have a 20+ years of baggage in some form. romance isnt that easy when you have things you carry with you that youve subconsciously pushed so far away that you dont know its not part of you and you can let it go, and that those things make you behave rash, impulsively or like a doormat who just tolerates what people give you.
i understand peoples frustration with the pacing of the relationship in the drama specifically but want to gently point out- we knew how much of the series was going to be adapted and at the very least, it wasnt the whole thing. its fine to be disappointed but to say the series sucks, or has bad writing and direction, or all these other things that just dont line up with what the story is actually for, is just unfair. the story has never had romance as the main focus. does it have a relationship between two men? yes, so it is a bl. by definition, thats all it has. you can criticize the showrunners, directors, executive members for the way they chose to advertise the series setting up your expectations wrongly but it is not the fault of the series for telling the story it exactly set out to do.
its okay to not like a show or drop it because its not meeting your expectations. its not okay to keep coming back every week, when people have been saying what to expect, and then being mad when its exactly that. youre wasting your time and setting a tone that the things people love about the series are wrong. you can let it go.
why would you order soup and then be mad when you get soup?
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zhonglicious · 2 years
my take on the itoshi brothers
the itoshi brothers’ relationship is so complex and it makes me want to throw myself off a building so hard. spoilers to anime onlys, and spoilers for the u-20 arc onwards. if u dont wanna see then just scroll <//3 so anyways as i was saying, the itoshis
this is half analysis, half theory, part screaming, so like if u have anything u disagree w me on or anything u wanna add then please do
so obviously from the very start we can see how warped their relationship’s gotten ever since sae went to spain. rin focuses all his attention and efforts into getting better so he can crush sae, while sae doesnt even acknowledge his existence. 
at first, i only saw rin’s side in this. i admit, up until i reread the manga and their backstory, i was thinking ab the situation solely from rin’s perspective and ended up neglecting some details. most especially sae’s reaction to the fallout, as well as some other minor details.
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we can see from the suitcase than sae had just landed, and that his first instinct was to go to rin. his first priority was to go see his baby brother, with the intention of telling him about his decision regarding his soccer career. he obviously still cares about rin here, and we can see that as he didn’t “completely” abandon their dream. 
for sae, his view on their dream shifted. after seeing how big the skill gap is between him and the world, he decided that he can’t be the best with rin as he is. especially as rin hasn’t had the opportunity to see how it actually is outside of japan. i think he shifted his view so that they can still be the best, just with him lifting up rin rather than being by his side. much like how reo shifted his view into becoming a midfielder so he can make nagi shine even brighter 
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sae changed his resolve to become a midfielder, while he “entrusts” the original dream to rin. In his eyes, it’s still their dream, as he’ll still be the best with rin, just not as strikers. however, i don’t think he counted that rin would be completely attached to their original dream. well, either that or he was desperately hoping that rin would understand where he’s coming from
to be completely honest i think it's the latter. as rin expressed his discontentment with sae’s new resolve, we see in his eyes that he’s frustrated. and then it all comes boiling over when rin yells “you’re not the same brother i shared a dream with”
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we can obviously see the hurt in his eyes before his face is masked by shadow. i think that deep down he already knew that rin wouldn’t accept his “new dream” but was still hoping he would. rin saying this was just the confirmation that he would, in fact, not accept it
again this post is half analysis half theory. personally i think that the brothers, in their own way, were trying to defend their relationship. rin wanted to keep the previous them, the them that were together in their dream always. sae wanted to preserve his relationship with rin somehow, seeing as how much he changed after his time in spain
sae, in his own way, is still trying to protect rin. at first, his original plan was to make rin the best striker by becoming the best midfielder. that way, rin isn’t alone when he finally faces the world. however, as rin didn’t want to give up on their dream, then sae decided that the best course of action was to destroy that dream so that rin wouldn’t get hurt any further
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in my eyes this is the moment sae steels his resolve to shatter that dream. he then faces away from rin so his resolve doesn’t shatter, knowing that seeing his brother’s face in anguish will weaken that resolve
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the fallout hurt both of them, but that hurt spiraled into two different responses. sae becomes completely aloof to rin, while rin begins to harbor a boiling “hate” towards sae. 
after the u-20 game, we immediately see that rin’s “hate” for sae is in fact not hate. his first instinct is to call sae “nii-chan” a deeply affectionate title that hasn’t been said since that night. however, sae crushes rin’s spirit by saying that isagi is the one that has the potential to change japan’s soccer
now here i think sae, in his own, messed up way, is trying to motivate rin into becoming the best in the world. the worst part i think is that it works, as this is one of the critical moments that causes rin’s way of thinking to change, with the other one being the fallout. here, crushing sae is no longer his “first and foremost” priority, and he’s instead setting his sights on becoming the best, without anyone or anything holding him back
i’m not very good at articulating my thoughts and there ARE some things i wanted to put here, but i couldn’t explain them in a way that’s coherent to anyone other than me. but the final thought im getting away with here is that ultimately, the brothers still haven’t given up on their dream, whether they’re aware of it or not. by inadvertently giving rin motivation to become the best, sae is still giving rin a chance to catch up to him. in the same vein, rin’s desire to catch up to and surpass sae is his desire to prove his worth to sae again
once again these are just my personal views on the relationship. i could be wrong, i could be right, i could be partially wrong or i couldve missed the point completely. either way i just needed to get that out of my brain. so if u have anything to contradict me with or anything to add, please feel free to do so! i love hearing ab other people’s thoughts anyways <33
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louissatturi · 1 year
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"Me and Bruno my best friend. He is light"
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"This girl seems nice, she is always talking about exploding stuff, i'm a little sacared, but i think it must be BADASS to explode something... she speaks english from time to time, it would be nice to have her to help with non-translated RPGS, im stuck for days in a Força G Adventures quest... do they notice that im taking pictures hidden? '-' "
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"This guy is kinda crazy, his eyes change colors sometimes, i got to notice it when he talked to other people... it seems that people like him. I like his flower shirt that he wears, i would even wear it. But i think people would find weird since im always in black"
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"This girl has a really fucking good bird, i think its a parakeet (Arthur thinks its a vulture) she has a weird smell, maybe because of it, i heard that she is a florist, i wonder if she could tech me how to take care of some plants? It would be good to have a house full of flowers instead of skulls everywhere!☠️ not that i dont like them, Ivete has a good taste, is just that ... i like flowers, i miss them"
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"Those two fight sometimes. What’s worst? I understand both sides. I don’t think Luciano is a bad person for wanting to protect how he loves and i dont think erin is a bad person for wanting to something to help. Its weird idetifying with the two. If i could i would do everything alone, i would. But a big part of my journey was only possible because i had them by my side. We cant always do everything alone! :)"
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"Joui has always been kinda weird, like, how could someone not know força G???? Like???? He is weirder then usual this days, evertime like this, worried, i think he is hidding something (really was) but i know if he is hidding something, its for everybodys well being, i just hope he dosent get hurt. Belive it that there is a plant in this house? Looks like a relief in the middle of so much misfortune. It can be seen there in the corner"
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"With this i just remembered those nights of him training,trying, to play the guitar with just one arm. I was dificult for him. He felt a lot of pain in his fingers. That was a day that he got stressed and he thought he could never do this, i said some stuff to him that in my head ware obvious. The other day he gave me a hug and keept training. He is really badass playing after working so hard, im so proud of you, bro!"
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"Did i managed to disguise it? Bro, heros dont cry (at least not in public) do i have to feel shame for crying? I don’t think so, i feel closer to who cries next to me. Why am i ashamed of crying??? Everbory in the ordem liked tristan very much. When i die, i wish to die surronded by people too..."
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
I kinda want to start readingn yu yu hakusho (manga first bc thats how i roll) sooo would u be interested in pitching the plot and whatnot for me? I know this is smth I could just google buuut, Id like to get some info straight from the best source :3 (a nd fan whos likes to ramble)
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 OKAY SO idk what all the differences are between the manga and the anime (havent read the manga yet but i want to eventually) but yu yu hakusho starts off with, from the very get-go, the protagonist dying! yup, main character just dead right at the start, and the next part is a plot for him going through a test from the spirit world to get his life back! its actually pretty emotional, because yusuke (the protag) didnt want to come back until he realize how much the people hes closed to cared about him, but throughout the show he makes more friends and realizes more of what he wants to live for (while theyre all constantly risking their lives in battles jfkdjfj) and becomes way more well off by the end of the show.
a lot of the show is yusuke taking various cases from spirit world as their designated spirit detective, fighting demons and sometimes humans to protect the world through the use of his spirit gun power! theres a whole lot of excellent humor along with intense moments, and i cant pinpoint exactly how they do it but even the funny stuff happening during serious moments dont really retract from each other, unlike how some other series it can feel like awkward tone shifts.
yusuke is a snarky son of a bitch, absolute delinquent that loves to kick ass. hes defintely not the brightest, but he makes up for that in sheer willpower (and luck lol). hes not a pure goody boy protag, hes a lovable asshole!
kuwabara is similar to yusuke in being a delinquent that loves to fight, but he has much more of an honor code and actually tries to be polite and really sweet sometimes (especially to his big crush in the show) despite his usual brash loudness lol. hes the himbo of the group! he also has a kitten he loves :3
kurama is one of my top favorite characters ever (and my kin) because hes just so??? interesting??? hes literally the best character in the show to put in a situation. any of them. so none of this is spoilers bc this is all shit he straight up tells as soon as he shows up in like, episode 7 or something: hes a fox demon thief that almost was killed, but he managed to transfer his spirit into an unborn human child and was raised by his human mother, whos kindness ended up changing him from cruel and ruthless, to a much kinder person. hes a interesting mix of characteristics, where he can equally be the kindest of the group, but he can also still be the most ruthless. plus they really play up the pretty boy factor and his main weapon is a rose whip hes fucking great. also despite him being a lot kinder now hes still defintely an asshole sometimes and loves messing with people bc hes still a fox at heart.
THEN HIEI. HIEI HIEI HIEI HIEI I LOVE HIM SO SO SO SOSOOOOOO MUCH. him and kurama are partners (demon partners but gay partners too bc i say so, and also theres no one else hiei compliments so much like he does with kurama and theyre like 90% of the time together and kurama teases hiei SO MUCH and theyre just adorable okay,) hes my hearthrob trope of angsty edgy guy whos so tsundere about actually caring about people but hes actually SO soft deep down and just needs more love in his life. and is super hot. literally anytime this dude gets into battle he often either rips his shirt off or his shirt rips itself off by the sheer power of his fucking energy i love him. hes such a badass. and he has nice tits. and hes soooo soso sososososoososo cute he has the most adorable surprised faces and hfjjjdjfk OKAY ill try to hold off the gay a little bit to actually explain his character. hes such a rude little asshole and is often the quiet one at the edge of the room thatll snark you if he catches you being dumb. hes such a tsundere about having friends and caring about them but even yusuke can see through his shit and calls him out on it and says hiei will be there when they need him. short angry man gets friends who he cares for and who cares for him.
BTW THO there is some Iffy Moments in the show id recommend checking out the doesthedogdie site for various trigger stuff if u think ud need it !!! and unfortunately the anime often has a LOT of flashing lights so if that would affect you then you may have to stick to the manga, or maybe theres someone whos edited the show to be safe for photosensitive folks?? do ppl do that? idk. but still despite some flaws in the series, the characters are just so !!!!!! [SQUEEZES THEM LIKE A SQUISHY TOY] im literally so obsessed with them theyre just a fun cast with the best interactions aaa theyre like family to me (bc im kurama kinnie)
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catgirledteach · 11 months
tw suicide and spoilers for the finale
i'm really trying to see the positive in the finale but it just sits sour in my stomach. again i dont want to get bogged down completely by izzy's death as there was so much else in the finale that i genuinely loved, but this event really gets to me for a specific reason
as someone who has dealt with suicidal thoughts in the past i am genuinely upset if this is how izzy's story ends. and even more upset that it seems to be framed as 'meant to be' and 'simply unavoidable.' the first three episodes REALLY drove home izzy's belief that he had nothing to live for - he wanted to die and he very explicitly tried to kill himself. and i was glad they portrayed that at the time and even more encouraged when in episodes 4 through 7 it seemed like he was recovering mentally and emotionally. he was portrayed as having found purpose beyond serving someone who didn't love him back, accepting parts of himself he was previously ashamed of, getting support from people around him, etc. it truly was reading to me like an incredible portrayal of someone finally valuing their own life that they had been so ready to throw away before now
and then all of the sudden in the finale it feels like all of that is ripped away. he repeatedly says he doesn't care if he dies, that he's ready to go, and it all feels so upsetting considering where he started the season. and yes i can absolutely see the argument that now he was dying for the cause of protecting the legacy of piracy, but was he though? was that necessary for them to all escape? and more importantly does that change the fact that izzy was still completely ready to put his life in danger again for the sake of other people's safety? part of the comfort of found family is also learning to value your well-being and safety the same way those around you do, at least to me. and his lines about being surrounded by family ring incredibly hollow when the family surrounding him doesn't seem to be upset by his willingness to sacrifice himself for no particular reason.
as someone who is in a far better place than i was two or even one year ago, this hurt and it hurt deeply and a story that once felt like a safe space is one i no longer feel like i can trust. even if a third season comes out (and at this point i think i would still watch it if it came out) i can no longer relax when watching because i can no longer have faith that there will be a happy ending for characters i believe deserve one.
olu says the line about jim in episode three, 'we're best friends. family. someone i'd like to see grow old just like all my other friends.' to me this means i want to see my friends, my family, die in peace in their own time. the audience is watching a supposedly comforting romcom and one would assume they want to see the family that's been built onscreen have happy endings. i know it may sound extreme but it feels like a betrayal. personally it felt like the story was telling me, 'this is the only way it could have ended for izzy. he wanted to die because he was convinced he would never live happily and in the end he was right,' and luckily i'm at a point now where i refuse to believe that's true. that someone can go so far down their path of self hatred that the only way for their story to end is in their untimely death. and in a way i'm glad that i'm as upset as i am because it means i do not buy into that narrative for myself. i still value every other positive lessons and introspection this show has given me, but this is certainly a misstep that i don't know if i can ever truly forgive, and it has certainly tainted the story forever for me.
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re-ikrmso · 2 years
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IT’s THEM. THE BETCH. Ikari of the rp dm’s story! or the rpd!universe i guess cause thats what ive been tagging that stuff as lmao. On the left is thier “god” form and on the right is thier usual appearance. I do think that they would normally have black hair, but i wanted to make a large distinction for how i was drawing them so :D
 this is mainly me trying to draw out an actual design for them so if it doesnt stick dont be surprosed but i am kinda satisfied with the results XD it was a bitch trying to look for actual quotes from the actual rp though, a lot of the situations they’re in dont exactly warrant some of these expressions. 
//spoilers for some rp lore events below! idk why this matters i dont think im ever making like an offical comic for what happens but eh
Comments on lore references of drawings: 
1; upper left: mentioned //and spoiled in another post that they would eventually be given the role of god.// the problem is when you’re forced into the role, in a world you consider not yours, unable to change it...and you now have to protect it. Because you live there now, and the people you care about live there now. 
2; uppser right: they’re actually decently stacked in money. where’d they get it from? ask them yourself. (they steal shit. a lot of shit.)
3; lower left:  Appearance of a god form can be anything they want, but often representative or defaults to personal preference. But to be honest while doodling there was this design i thought was HELLA cool but i deleted it //sob// so i incorparated part of it here,which is thier “wings” (better demonstarted in the upper left). they’re wearing a shimmering cape that “bends” to form wings. I wanted to make it more indicative that they’re...”holier” ? whatever, that they’re now god or something, so i decided to add the things around thier wrist but it also doubles as them seeing thier role partly as imprisionment. 
also, why the red eyes? i wanted something to make it pop out, and i wanted to make thier eyes a dark brown so it matched out. though, there is that whole background element of not exactly human so :D also, why are one of thier ears white in the god form? they’re not, actually. but i thought it would be too awkawrd to fill it all in as black, so i left it unfilled 
4: lower right: i came up with the idea of a revival book wayyy before that plot came out on the dsmp, so don’t string me up for that. But yea, i figured i’d try and put SOME kind of design on it. I’m thinking that within lore of the rp, it could probably be used more than just revivals, but the characters pretty much only ever use it to revive people  :p To describe what’s on the cover, it’s a snake eating itself with a chaos mark in the background. oh yea. also YAYY I FINALLY MADE CHARCTER THAT HAS LIKE. EARS THAT ARE KINDA BLENDED IN WITH THIER HAIR OMG FINALLYYY. im so happy. also they are like. built like a twig they have no muscle whatsoever somebody feed them :(
other things on my mind abt them because i feel like it: 
 -Admittedly for how appalled they are at other people’s actions, a lot of what they do can be calling the kettle black, but oftentimes they are right that many people tend to get off scot free while they alone are punished (often unfairly in thier eyes)
-they dont take many things seriously and tend to miss out on....the tone of the sitaution, but this is often caused by them losing intrest in a situation, wanting to stay away from a situation, or being caught up in thier own turmoil/thoughts to display empathy or sympathy for others (...often due to thier friends or them being indirect or VERY direct victims of whatever is going on. often, but not always.)
 -they enjoy making bar drinks and thinks being a bartender is cool. they have great difficulty memorizing recipies but they are trying thier best
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deffonotsimping · 3 years
hiya<3 i saw your playable reader au and i love it! i was wondering if i could request a playable reader au with itto,kazuha, and thoma where playable reader is generally a very soft spoken person and is a big cinnamon roll that everyone likes and reader is probably really well known because of how soft they are and how nice they are to children and have some great accomplishments along with being wholesome(sorry if its very descriptive!) pls dont overwork yourself to much<3
That's so cute, I love it omg
Characters: Itto + Kazuha + Thoma
-> Masterlist
content!! playable reader AU, slight spoilers for the archon quest, spoilers for Thoma's hangout event
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Arataki Itto
You two are so adorable it's pathetic.
People headcanon you two to look over children together and you to softly scold him whenever he's being "mean"!
They imagine him to be extremely protective over you because how couldn't he be? You're so wholesome and everything about you screams soft
So much fanart of you two just cuddling in the warmth of each other's embrace, his face buried in your neck as he has his arms around you, not too tightly though in fears of breaking you.
They started shipping you two even though you haven't interacted in the game yet, however it is heavily implied that you know each other.
You, working as a general for the rebellion - which is a shock because? how can you be so soft and wholesome while literally working for the rebellion and fighting???? - should have met him already? right?
Well, they don't care anyway, you two are cute and that's all they need.
As for the popularity in this ship. Well. Either they ship you or they think people that ship you are just so annoyingly obsessed with making a character softer than they actually are for the sake of a ship.
Kaedehara Kazuha
You're a part of the Crux! Being one of Beidou's closest acquaintances (friends? besties? best friends forever?), you're bound to have met Kazuha!
(someone request for Beidou sometime pls I love her with my whole heart - generally any female characters too btw 😡 please I'm gay and I need them ‼️)
You got introduced to the Traveler right before they got to Inazuma. After the thing with the reactivation of the vision obviously didn't work, we can see a scene of you trying to comfort Kazuha.
Half of the fandom fell in love with you right then and there. You're so soft spoken and your voice feels as though you're whispering all the time, which some people appreciate.
"Kazuha, move, it's my turn to be in love with Reader."
So. Yes, the shippers are rather jealous at both of you - they still love you though!
Anyway. Once you're featured on Kazuha's banner as a new four star people start to go crazy!!
"Must.. c6.... them....... *ends up with c5 Kazuha and c2 Reader*"
Yeah. Ouch.
You're also an amazing dps Character if teamed with Kazuha and people just take that as a sign!!
If any Zhongli or Childe mains read this you probably know how awkward it is playing with each other and how much tension there is. Yes. This applies to Kazuha mains and Reader mains.
Soft and softer right here!
You're shown in his hangout event when him and the Traveler put clothes on the animals! Thoma said that he knew a person that was amazing at stuff like that and guess who that was! - you of course!
Ever since then people kept talking about scenarios in which the both of you just freshly met - how did that go?
Canonically, we don't know yet! However, it will be revealed in one of your voicelines once you're out as a character.
Shippers like to imagine that you two met when seeing an injured animal at different times and taking care of it without knowing of each other until one day you meet! :)
The ship is so amazing, lots of people like it and you don't have a lot of haters. (Well, people that like Thoma x Ayato usually don't necessarily enjoy ThoDer (Thoma x Reader) but there's still nothing but respect between the shippers for each other!)
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oops Thoma's was shorter than the others ehe forgive me 🙏
I actually really like how this turned out? I specifically think Kazuha's hcs are the best ones in this post :))
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coco-goat-milk · 3 years
That was amazing :0 I'm requesting out of curiosity? Perhaps, Scaramouche, Xiao And Diluc with a Nezuko kamado!S/o?
Nezuko! reader x Scaramouche, Xiao and Diluc
Pronounce: She/him/they, no pronounce mentioned so i won't either!
Warning: Slight spoilers for Nezuko, Xiao and Diluc, violence (a little bit noting concerning)
A/n: Moshi moshi~ sweetie, thank you so much for the compliment! it means a lot to me <3 And yes a very interesting request, the touch-starved tsunderes. Kinda sad not many people ask for the genshin females >:(
Please check my rules!! You can find the rules/request page in my masterlist that is pinned on my blog >:)
First time meeting:
Meeting him well was quite..eventful...the fandango man isn't very nice as we all know but what made him not yell at you? Maybe your calming presence? We don't know.
As you were just calmly sleeping near the training area for the harbingers, he stomped over to you.
He woke you up and got ready to yell at you, but you just calmly patted his head with a smile.
Scaramouche.exe. has stopped working
He exploded in red and then yelled at you to stop doing that, but you just kept coming back to him to do that.
He liked it.
When you two get together:
Ah yes, our aggressive fandango man has acquired an s/o.
Everyone questioned why such a sweet and cute person like you got together with you. Because he is hot asf.
You usually initiate affection, and he aggressively accepts it with a red face.
Since he has a busy job he doesn't really have time to go on dates but when he has breaks or time to spend with you he brings little gifts.
He does think you are lazy and usually reprimands you for that, you just growl at him and go back to sleep.
He is very bad at comforting you when you tell him about the people you lost, but at least he will try and be more gentle with you.
His anger slightly dims when you enter the room;
Scaramouche glared at the fatui agent in front of him, anger swirling in his eyes, the fatui agent trembled under the small man's gaze. Opening his mouth to yell at the poor guy, the door to the room opened and a person entered. The anger in Scaramouche’s eyes decreased and a smile appeared, the fatui agent fainted on the spot out of fear.
When he finds out that you are protective over him he will be very smug about it.
The little brat will tease you about it.
But he will be even more smug (and a little scared) when he sees you fighting someone for him.
will boast about you and how you are defending him.
Will bark at people who even look at you wrong /srs
He does have a soft spot for you, but he acts all tsundere.
A cute relationship and he secretly is a big simp for you (but don't tell him I said that) and he tries his best to be less aggressive to you, you don't mind though you give him affection and then go to sleep lmao.
First time meeting:
He was sitting on top of Wangshu inn when he heard someone approaching him. He wanted to teleport away but the person's scent was what he found quite different from other Mortals.
When you came into view he was kind of shook like who are you, and what are you doing here??
You just calmly walked towards him, and he really just tensed up like a cat.
When you were in front of him, he knew you were very cute but ma’am, sir, person what are you doing?
He was even more surprised when you cupped his cheeks (the ones on ur face perv!) and just gently smiled at him.
That moment he felt as if all the voices were just in the back of his mind and the pain in his body subdued, he declared you an angel on the spot.
Ngl he was about to cry on the spot
You often came back and he just basked in your comfort each time.
When you two get together:
It would be quite difficult since he is after all the conquer of demons.
Yes he has conquered your demon heart...okay i'll stop
He is quite surprised when he finds out about what you are, but..you seem quite laid back so he lets it be.
You both have lost many things and loved ones, although you take more care of him, comforting when needed and such.
He feels angry that you put him above you, like stop what are you doing?? He doesn't want you to see him as weak and wants you to take care of him.
But it doesn't matter because you want him to be happy and feel good.
PDA isn't something Xiao is very fond of but he does like it when you two are alone and you just hold his hand with the sweetest smile, he is stunned each time with your kindness.
You two don't go on dates often but you two just sit together or hug, you also love to make flower crowns and give them to him.
He doesn't like it but for you..yes only for you he will put it on.
You also like to take naps next with him, he doesn't actually sleep he just watches you with the fondest look in his eyes.
He also gives you adepti amulets.
You are very protective over him, when in battle you will protect him, (even though he doesn't need it)
Like he will be shocked, his heart just stopped, his organs failed him, his eyes popped out of his socket, jaw flew to the floor, brain dead on the spot, bones turned to mush-. All in all he is shocked when you basically socked the demon out of existence, and you looked very...um...scary.
You growled and when you turn to him, he thinks for a hot second if you are going to obliterate him from existence as well, but then your eyes meet and he can see how your whole expression changed from an angry one into a happy one.
Y/n: 😡 👹 🤼‍♂️ 🔪 --sees Xiao---> 🤗 🥺 🧎‍♂️ 💍 💓
Xiao: 🧍 The demon: 💀
He is very shocked at your display of strength, but nevertheless pleased that you know how to protect yourself.
The relationship is quite cute and heartwarming since our poor touch-starved bby Xiao needs love and affection<3
First time meeting:
It was at night when he was doing his Batman dark knight hero business when he saw a person being ambushed by some hillichurls.
Heading over there to vanquish the hillichurls, the person turned around angrily and with brute strength alone slayed the hillichurl.
To say he was shocked was an understatement, he stands there looking at them shocked when they turn to him.
He cocks his head to the side with the person mimicking him, asking if they were alright.
The person walked towards them and he noticeably tensed up, you however walked towards him and when you stopped in front of him he looked at you in confusion and suspicion.
Taking his hand in yours you gently caressed it, he found this weird comfort in you while you were a complete stranger.
When you two get together:
A lot of heartwarming and comforting moments.
You both have lost a lot of people you loved. While he isn't the best at comforting but his presence is very comforting to you.
While you give him a lot of comfort with your affection, he is a touch starved individual so be careful with him.
He is quite an uptight person while you are the opposite, sometimes it irritates him that you are so lazy/laid back but it also gives him some sort of relaxation.
When he goes to work at the winery you usually take a nap at one of the tables in the back or you just wander over towards the bar and lay there underneath.
He once almost accidentally stepped on you.
He loves it when he comes home and can cuddle up with you and just relax.
Loves taking you on walks when he is free.
You will growl at Kaeya each time he teases Diluc, Diluc has a very smug smirk plastered on his face.
He likes to bring little gifts from time to time.
One time he brought you a bouquet of flowers and you didn't know what to do so just ate them.
He really went 😀
He doesn't really like PDA but does like it behind closed doors.
He already knows of your strength but it still impresses him each time.
You let him rant to you about the knights.
You growl at Donna each time she ‘moans’ about Master Diluc.
He doesn't like it when you dont take care of yourself, he will take care of you <3
Overall a cute and heartwarming relationship with lots of cute moments.
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Dating the Obey Me! boys
So I had surgery yesterday and have to be stuck in my room not doing much for a bit so I plan to try and write lots of things and I thought why not start with Obey Me. Hope you enjoy, these are also kinda short since it was so many people! CW: Spoilers and slightly dark
Dating Lucifer is a bit of a struggle at the start
He's headstrong and cruel even to those he care's about so it can be hard to get into a relationship with him
Once that bond is formed however its a different story though he is still blunt and a bit harsh he's more open
He enjoys classic dates candle lit dinners walks under the moon or swaying in his office with his records on
Lucifer adores when you visit him in his office just to spend time with him while he works
Not much PDA but not fully against it will wrap an arm around your waist and might kiss your head if he's feeling really soft that day
Supportive even if he's harsh he wants the best for you in his eyes you deserver the world and then some
Mammon is very open about his feelings
Not good with PDA gets very embarrassed but loves it all the same
Will spend money on you without really thinking about it he wants to you everything and in his eyes money is everything
He gets you involved with many schemes but also does everything in his power to not let you get hurt
If any of his siblings are having a bad day and it gets taken out on you he steps in and will swing if needed
Speaking of siblings they dont treat him that well and though he tends to put on a front you kindness to him means so much he can and will cry
Soft just wants you happy your smile makes him feel special and truly loved so he wants you to feel the same
This is a roller coaster that's for sure
Leviathan is a tsundere on the surface but once in a relationship he's a bit more yandere then one might think
With that Levi is very tameable quelling any jealousy of another he might have is simple just give him affection
He can not handle PDA he blushes freaks out and might even faint if people are around
Indoor dates in his aquarium room and also gaming together or watching anime
Though he's not one to enjoy the outdoors if you want to go on a public date all you need to do is ask
Parise for him is heavenly you telling him he's done well or that he makes you happy means he world to him
Getting into a relationship with Satan is a friends to lovers kinda story he need so much trust to know he can be truly honest with you
Its very give and take he wants this to have the same importance on both side
Café dates often to a cat café and if you allergic dont worry he has a spell for that
Will show off your relationship to everyone
Enjoy soft PDA i.e. hand holding an arm around the waist forehead kisses etc.
Really loves talking with you about books whether about a book you both have read or simply you listening as he goes on about one he likes, Satan also loves hearing you talks about your interest
Hell protect you with his life you're someone who let him feel more then just anger someone who loves him for himself and its all he really wanted
Dating Asmodesu is not easy and there's a chance it will never be a healthy relationship
He's flirts alot and that's something you have to get use to but Asmo try's very hard to never take it to far once your together
Love PDA will always want to be all over you and hopes you feel the same
Shopping dates are a must in his eyes and of you ever feel self conscious he does his best to help
Talks about you non stop to anyone and everyone he's happy your in his life but in the end his sin makes it quite hard to ever be in a fully committed relationship
Spoils you so much, wants you to live in luxury like him after all someone as perfect as you deserves it
The genuine affection and love is something new to him its something he never thought he would have so when you entered his life he felt you could only ever make things brighter and he plans to always be there for you
This is a relationship that develops without much thought
It becomes a habit for Beel to share his food with you or to seek you out just to be with you for a while
At some point its pointed out how you both act and Beelzebub confesses
Dates are common and its often food date going to new and old places he thinks you would like
Not great at planning things but if you have something you want to do or talk about he's all in
Very soft with you though its not often that hell innate PDA or anything he's always up to reciprocate it
A gentle giant who wants you safe and happy even if it means sharing his snacks
This is a full slow burn with his hatred of humans and his lack of trust its not an easy ride
Being with him takes a while starting as just people to friends to maybe more to lovers its a drawn out thing
No PDA he just doesn't handle it well however at the house or alone he's very affectionate
You all go on dates rarely as he's not one for going out and would rather spend quite time with you at home
One of his favorite things to do with you is laze around while you talk about your day or things you've been into lately
Will always make sure you have a good nights sleep if your someone prone to bad dreams he can help with that
Though the relationship with him starts a little rocky he treasures you more then he might admit and he happy you gave him a chance
Another friends to lovers and a little forbidden on top of that but you two make it work
It starts as just him being overly interested in the human world and not so slowly he starts to take interest in just you
Diavolo spoils you when he can you've given him so much and he wants to give back
Loves PDA but knows that he has to reel it in due to him tittle so he settles for just holding your hand
Is a very soft demon for you wanting to make you're as comfortable as you can be
Really enjoys when you visit him even if it just you popping in to say hi it just brightens his day
Being in a relationship wit Diavolo isn't easy it takes alot to keep up with everything but he's never been happier then with you by his side
Barbatos (I love him so much so his is slightly longer)
A slow burn and secret relationship full of its ups and downs yet its something he wouldn't trade for anything
The start of the relationship is slow and honestly it doesn't even seem like your dating he's still closed off only being polite when you two are together
It takes him far longer then you would think for him to realize how much that hurts you he hasn't been wit someone for so long if ever he's not use to it
Once you break that barrier things are smoother he's willing to be open with you alone giving you affection when you ask and even sometimes acting with out you saying anything
Barbatos thinks about you alot when he's working always wanting to know what your up to and how your feeling
Wont want to tell anyone he takes his work very seriously and doesn't want that to ever be at risk but on top of that he knows some people dont like him and if they know about you well he doesn't want to think about that
Refuses to look into your future he knows he wont be able to handle what hell see
It a relationship that takes time and sometime it seems like it might slip away but he's always there and he strives to be with you and make you happy just please give him all your love too
A story tale romance most the time but one that almost seems impossible to keep
He's the perfect gentlemen sweet moonlight date or strolls through a garden, holding the door open or offering you his coat
With that it might seem like you never see the real him just the person/angle that he wants you to see someone perfect
Once you two have been together a few months hell start to really open up letting you see his more mischievous side and even talking about the pain from when the others fell
Simeon will always be there for you and when your down he wants to be someone you can lean on
The two of you in the in his room the soft lighting thanks to the fire with the only sounds in the room being the scribble of pen on paper and quite breathing making the night feel like endless bliss
He knows this relationship is dangerous if he's not careful he could fall but when you look at him eyes shinning with nothing but love he thinks maybe that wouldn't be so bad
An almost tragic love story that much to his glee ends in happiness
He's met you in many lifetimes yet you were never his bit this time this wonderful time you choose him
The most romantic dates with Solomon anything you want he can probably get
Tried to cook for you it didn't go well but man he tried
Helps you study and will partake in your hobbies if you want
Is ok with PDA prefers the simple stuff over anything major
Is such a lovely relationship one he's spent so long waiting for and he's wont let it slip away now
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tendous-socks · 3 years
tw: ⚠️⚠️kisaki⚠️⚠️ and manga spoilers, mentions of death, transphobia,
would misgender and dead-name me
must i need an explanation?😐
2. shion
“ what’re you gonna do about it?? HUH?? WHAT’RE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT ???”
actively looks for a fight
… if y’all are in a relationship he’d still call you his “girl” but beats people up for doing so….
3. mucho
i get the vibes that he’s traditional
would silently stare in judgment
4. mochi
he just doesn’t care clslfkxkslk
thinks it’s weird
“ nor/mal”
7. rindou..
“you either have a pen or a vag. “
*continues dead naming me*
he would be nicer about it when he’s in toman due to inui… but once they’re separated- an ABSOLUTE MEANCE
… reluctantly apart of the protection squad with inui ( enjoys beating people up tho)
10. bontent mikey
… he’s just so tired and doesn’t really care ) that is if you’re not close with him… but then again how close can you really get?)
11. ) PAH CHIN
but if y’all ain’t close he would slowly get the hint… this is canon.
because i said so-
11. sanzu…
he’s quietly judging you
12. akashi
traditional- plus it was a different era for him growing up so…
(would glare at someone if he really did see you getting emotionally distressed)
13. smiley
“ that’s one of the most stupidest shit ive ever fucking heard 😁”
“ you either have tits or a dick “
but would beat people up if you get SUPER upset ( call it his protect instincts with angry, but would send people to the hospital)
14. taiju
“ i wanna church girl who goes to church and reads her bible “
would spit at me
head canon : during tenjiku you were there and had to adjust your transtape cause it was coming lose 🙄
which is literally the most annoying thing in the world-
and shion saw you.
he came up and was like “ HUH WHAT’VE WE GOT HERE?? A GIRL PRETENDING TO BE A G-“
couldn’t even finish his sentence with how fast peh chin clocked his ass 🤭
( peh yan supremacy)
2. my main man takemichy
no explanation needed ( maybe deadnamed you only once cause he didn’t know)
3. inui cause i said so
i KNOW mama baji raised him right ✋🙄
almost clocked chifuyu when you told him about your first encounter kcksldofospdoco
almost clocked your mom when she said “you got it girlfriend”
she was confused when she saw you desperately trying to prevent the next criminal minds episode
best listener for body dystrophia fight me 🙉❤️
6. senju
*comes out*
“..oh okay! anyways as i was saying [preferred name] “
would need some gentle reminders only once or twice cause i will say it does take a bit of time for people to get used to it and there are always a few slip ups
tells akashi about your pronouns ( ONLY WITH YOUR CONSENT OFC)
( promises to try and be more girly if he calls you by them and your preferred name)
she wants you to go into more details about what you’re feeling cause she’s genuinely very interested about everything and she wants to know more about you.
7. emma 😻 vv supportive 🙌🙌
*sicks mikey and draken out on anyone who hurts your feelings
“you know [blah blah blah] from history?”
“of course yeah “
“yeah he ended up calling me slur during class- what’re you doing?”
*emma pulling out her phone
“hm? oh nothing don’t worry about it”
gave more insight about it to draken and mikey
the one of correct takemichy
9. yuzuha
hina but 10x worse
trips transphobes for shit and giggles 🤪🤞
i like to think that the girls (all 4) would just all stare down a girl who was shit talking you and just pick her apart mercilessly ( a little ooc but this is my head canons so they can be whatever i say they are)
ones idk about
1. mikey
he knows that you can handle yourself so he lets you correct people.
sometimes he’ll jump in and correct them instead for one of two reasons.
1. he felt like it
2. they kept calling you your dead name and misgendering you EVEN THOUGH you already corrected them
but if the person ACTIVELY does that and says some… not so fruity things. he’ll send em to the hospital and end up on life support 😌☝️
like dom tertto, he cares about his family. and toman is his family, and you’re in toman ( not THAT kind of y/n way 🙄 )
“ BE WHO YOU AREE🌈🌈🌈🌈🤪🤞🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈”
1. draken
… listen… idk why, but i just don’t SEE him beating people up for misgendering me… well okay i kinda see it,
but he’d be like, “ i don’t understand what you’re going through, but i support you and if you want to talk about it i’m here”
wants to try and understand so like i said before, he lets you rant about what you’re feeling
would let you handle your own battles cause your strong enough to
a true king 😎🙌
does in fact throw punches when it gets REALLY BAD
2. angry
… idk h o w empathic he is and how mad he’d have to be on your behalf when people actively kept misgendering you to become the blue ogre.
but he’d just start crying at the confrontation.. 😐
my hero ig 🤥
3. izana
“ that’s fucking stupid”
*beats up middle aged woman who said for you to “ have a good day ma’am”
but if y’all close he’ll only say it’s stupid once when he sees you genuinely upset and ignoring him
“ be who you are.. 🌈”
4. kaku
same boat as izana, A LOT less judgmental
5. mitsuya
won’t hesitate to send a bitch flying
actively corrects people
( teaches luna and mana about your pronouns for the next time you come over 🕺🏻)
6. haitani brothers
*actively bullies you
*bullies kid into the grave for looking at your chest area
7. …hakkai
he accidentally slipped up once🤒
( has nightmares about it)
8. chifuyu would only do it in his mohawk era cause he wanted to seem metal and impress da boys 🥶🥶☝️☝️
pulled you aside at the end of the day to apologize
( like i said before, baji almost clocked him when you told him about your first encounter )
who am i kidding they’re all in gangs, they’d probably kill someone if they hurt you cospwpfoslief
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
How about mikasa with a Pregnant s/o? I hope you get better btw!
Ah thank you anon! I hope I do aswell! And I love mother kasa concept! :D
『Mikasa with a pregnant s/o』
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- after you guys left the survey corps,she practically BEGGED you both to be parents. And all thought you wanted to, you wanted to spend some years alone with her.
- Ever since Eren passed away, your girlfriend never smiled the way she used to. But that all changed when you told her you were pregnant with a baby girl. This woman bursted into tears smiling a smile you hadn’t seen in a while. She picked you up and spun you around the room kissing you as you to began to cry tears of joy.
- You told her you were pregnant with a small version of her scarf, hinting at it. And as soon as she got it, she looked at you shocked, making sure you were serious, “d-darling are you serious..?” She said a small smile on her face. She looked at the small scarf and the baby clothes that laid in the box that you gave her as a gift, twirling around the outfit examining it.
-you gave her a soft nodd as you wiped away a tear, “Your going to be a mommy” you said with a smile. She put down the baby clothes and looked at you, still in shock. “Your not joking R-right!?” She said a bit more happier. “No I’m serious!” You said, beaming with a smile.
-she scoffed a bit as tears began falling down her face. Mikasa smiled as she picked you up, twirling you around, while crying tears of pure happily ness and joy. “T-this is all I’ve ever wanted” She said, kissing you while wiping away the both of yours tears.
- Throughout your whole pregnancy, all she would do would show you support in every way possible. She may be a bit over baring at time but this woman just wants to insure that your safe and well token care of. If you try to even pick up something, she’s scolding you, saying its dangerous and what if you fall or trip? All you’ll hear is, “y/n! Be careful dear! Let me take care of that.”
-Oh you best believe she gives you baths. One wrong move and you could get hurt, to her at least. Mommas wants to take care of youuuu ૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎ა! Plus, if you think she’s overprotective then, SHEESH BUDDY YOUR IN FOR A RIDE DURING AND AFTER PREGNANCY.
- This woman goes out her way to make sure you and the baby are safe. She doesn’t like you going out into town since a ton of people would crowd there and god for bid if someone knocks into you.. Let’s just say they are gonna get beat to the ground.
- For names, i think she’d like something unique, mystical even. I think she’d like something like a word that means a unique feeling, like the word Heriath; Homesickness for a home you can’t return to, or that never was. That’s my OC’S kid with her’s name anyways lol. Lacuna, Moira, jouska and others i think she’d like! You suggested if it was a boy that you wouldn’t mind naming the baby after Eren. She turned to you and smiled saying that she loved the idea of that, but, she couldn’t call him that without bursting into tears. You understood completely and was accepting of that aswell : D
— AND BOY OH BOY WHEN YOU WERE IN LABOR- Mikasa tried her best to stay calm. You both decided earlier on to have an at home birth with (just in case) a widwife to make sure you were okay. She held your hand and hugged you as you gasped for air, pushing as hard as you could. Mika would tell you things like “It’s okay baby.. your doing such a good job..” hike holding your hand, reassuring that you would be okay.
- When the baby came out, all you both could do was cry. I’d say if its a girl, she’d look more like mikasa with black hair and her Asian eye shape with your eye color. But if it was a boy, they’d look more like you with mikasa’s eye shape and mouth shape.
- She knows how sentimental of a moment you both as parents were experiencing, so she made sure you as the one who gave birth should hold the baby first. She kissed your head as you held the baby, caressing your hair.
- when mikasa held the baby, the first thing she did was wrap the baby in her red scarf. After Eren died, she turned the meaning of the scarf around. Eren showed her how to live, so she made a promise to show you how to live. And now that she has a baby, another piece of family, she vowed over her life to keep the both of you safe and sound.
- Her first words to your both’s baby was “I will always protect you, I promise you, over my life” She was so happy to be a mother. After all the chaos, she was so happy to finally live peacefully with the person who she loves the most.
- She has SO MANY DAMN RULES FOR WHEN ANNIE AND ARMIN COME OVER LMAO- No holding the baby standing up. All sharp objects aren’t allowed on you when touching the baby. No turning into a titan or she’ll cut off your face (these mainly apply to Annie LMAO) But after a while she chilled down. Annie was allowed to hold the baby ofc ofc.... Under MIKASA’S supervision ÙnÚ.
— the day your baby first walked, mikasa Litteraly cried at how big they had gotten and you had to calm her down like “Mika! Chill they aren’t even 1 yet and your already acting like they are going off to join the military!”
- Oh and speaking of military, your baby’s not going into the military- Hell n o. Momma mika would lose her shit even at the thought of her baby going out into gunfire. So if you wanted a military baby, sorry its not happening with her kid.
- The baby’s first words were “Muma” which was when they were referring to you. Everything this child does makes her so emotional. Litteraly even if the baby just picks up a spoon she’s almost in tears. She a proud momma dont let her down >:3
- I think our both’s baby would call her a unique version of mom. Like they would call Mika “Ummie” or “ummuma” But sometimes they’d just call her “mommy” so your momma and she’s ummie and mommy. (Lmao you call mikasa mommy too dont lie ;)
-OMI- YOUR KID AND ANNIE AND ARMINS KID ARE LIKE BEST FRIENDS. Your baby loves when they come over so they can see armin and Annie’s kid :D! AND OML- YOUR BABY LIKE LOVES ANNIE- She calls her “auntie awnnie” and always likes pulling at her bun while mikasa just stands and watches from the kitchen, eyeing annie down making sure she ant gonna touch her bby 😤
- Your child LOVESSSS Annie’s titan roar and everytime she comes over, they beg for annie to turn into a titan and do the roar. All you’ll hear is, “awuntiie awmmie! Titan! Titan!! 🥺” While annie rolls her eye with a small “fine” As she goes outside and transforms into her titan, roaring while your chid giggles. MIKASA HATES IT SO DAMN MUCH- SHE’LL ALWAYS SAY “You better be careful or I’ll kill you”
- of course, over the years Mikasa lightened up to annie and they are now best friends, but she cant help it... Over protective strong momma. but she wont allow armin to do it since his titans to big and dangerous ad trust me armin completely understands.
- Overall, she’s such a good momma. Always caring for you and her baby, making sure you both are safe and okay. She wouldn’t ever wish for a different life when she’s with you, and the sweet little one you two made <3
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animated-moon · 3 years
dating ushijima hcs
warnings: spoilers for haikyuu season 3
a/n: this is dedicated to @flairlust (mica 😚) and the ushijima brain rot that i indirectly induced in her 🕺✨
» when i tell you this man is sO FINE
» when i tell you this man is sCRUMP-DILLY-ICIOUS
» that basically summarizes what you think of him before you got in a relationship w anyone bcus anyone who doesn’t think ushi is hot doesn’t have eyes
» you got to be his friend because of your best friend, tendou, who nicely forced asked you if you wanted to be the manager for the club
» i think ushijima would want someone who’s sort of independent and able to take care of themselves
» and sometimes he’d accidentally overhear conversations you had with other team members which proved that you were a strong, independent person
» and because he was also one of tendou’s best friends, you guys got to hang out a lot more
» he found you surprisingly interesting and worthy of his time
» how you were able to decide and do things by yourself even when you were new to the club made him admire you
» besides that, you weren’t bothered by how quiet he was sometimes and how it seemed like he didn’t show emotion often
» you’d always try and include him in the conversation with the others if tendou didn’t do it and he honestly really enjoyed your presence
» he thinks he appreciate that and he appreciates you but oh boy it’s way more than appreciation
» he realized that he just mAyBe has a tiny crush on you when you guys were in practice and you were collecting the members’ bottles to go refill them
» and suddenly :)
» you got hit in the head by a ball.
» yEp.
» the force was so strong it made you lose your balance and fall and damn did it hurt
» it was by none other than goshiki and he had a horrified expression on his face
» the whole club was looking at both of you now and tendou was screaming and semi was asking if you needed help going to the infirmary
» you were like ‘wtf is going on ;-;’ because all you could feel was pain in your head
» you caught ushijima staring at you at some point and you swore you could see flames around him and in his eyes
» “y/l/n-san. are you okay?”
» he knelt down beside you (you were sitting down)
» i dont know what y’all think of kNELT DOWN but damn i’d be flustered
» “yea.. i think i’m fine. i’ll go to the infirmary for a checkup though.” then you left by yourself after being knocked down by getting hit in the head by a volleyball
» after that ushijima turned to goshiki and oh my god he was actually fUMING
» everyone could feel that dominance from him as he stared goshiki down (poor baby was so scared :( protect goshiki <//3)
» “be more careful next time” was all he said before he walked away to continue practice
» he felt like he was on edge, which was really weird because usually, he never worries about anything much
» he also put more force into his spikes and tendou was really worried because one of the first years looked like he was about to cry
» he made a mental note to talk to ushi after that
» when you came back though, it felt like all the tension just disappeared
» some of the members (including ushijima) came up to you and asked you how you were
» you just laughed and bro punched his shoulder and told him it was okay hKJNASGJKNFG
» after seeing that you really were okay, ushijima went back to practice
» his shoulders visibly relaxed too
» tendou was dEFINITELY observing his behaviour from afar and has been since goshiki hit you with a ball
» after practice, tendou called ushijima and pulled him far far away
» “wakatoshi-kun, do you have fEeLiNgS for y/n-san?”
» “i.. don’t know. i think so?”
» then he explained and elaborated his feelings to the best of his abilities and tendou was practically jumping with excitement because oH GOSH HIS TWO BEST FRIENDS!!
» he was still unsure if you liked ushijima or not but this boy somehow figures everything out
» but honestly, tendou being tendou will probably flirt with you just to push ushi to confess
» and that’s exactly what he did
» everyday he’d compliment you when you come to club and ushi would be like ???? but i told you i liked them??
» after a few weeks (yes) ushi finally couldn’t take it anymore and he was like “tendou >:(((“
» tendou, who knew eXACTLY what he was doing: yesss? :3
» but basically after their conversation, ushijima just walked up to you the next day and confessed
» yea.
» “y/n-san, i have to speak to you” (you were like wTH AM I IN TROUBLE)
» but then he confessed (it’s probably something about how he feels fuzzy inside when he’s around you and he ends it too with a “i think i like you” and makes eye contact with you)
» of course you said yes but gOSH YOU LOST YOUR BALANCE
» he thought you were sick because you looked like you were about to cry (i’d be bawling my eyes out already)
» i think he’s really open to stuff and for example, he thinks that it’s quite alright to show affection to your partner (just not go overboard)
» i think he’d always kiss your forehead (probably because of the height difference, unless you’re as tall as him and in that case hmu *lipbite*) (i’m just kidding please don’t actually hmu)
» he doesn’t really see the point in holding hands honestly but he’d do it if you wanted to (he’d probably ask why you want to tho)
» he likes to make sure you look presentable (uniform and hairstyle) so before you enter class he’d probably help you straighten your ties or make your hair neater and etc
» he noticeably smiles more around you :”)
» as i mentioned, he’s pretty comfortable with physical and public display of affection so all you gotta do is ask
» he actually finds you being a little shy really really cute
» rest your hand on his gently and caress his palms and he’d love you forever
» you have to constantly remind him to take breaks and to stop pushing himself
» he probably trained really intensely after losing to karasuno because he thought that if only his spikes were stronger and that he was better for everyone, they would win
» please remind him that he’s enough
» arguments with him are really bad sometimes because it literally feels like you’re talking to a wall
» he would NOT feel bad if you start to tear up (he would eventually, but never on the spot)
» if he was really pissed and he shouts or anything he’d try to walk away from it because he doesn’t want to scare you and cause you to leave him
» he’d try to resolve arguments and apologize as soon as he can because after all his parents have divorced before and he never wants both of you to go down that path
» he’s really sweet :(
» if you’re living together there’s an 80% chance he’d wake up early and make you coffee with scrambled eggs in the morning :”)
» if y’all ever went jogging together, he’d actually carry you back if you were tired and call it extra training
» hE
» anywhere you want
» he can actually show you a whole new world
» go to carnivals and buy matching headbands for you both (preferably the really cute and fluffy ones), AND he’ll win you stuff
» go to cafes and he’d sit opposite you and give you the softest smile ever when you play with his hand
» go to parks with him and you’d be that one movie couple feeding swans together
» he’d go on dates with you anytime you want (especially if you can’t sleep)
» he didn’t use to switch his phone on when he sleeps, but now that he has you, he tries to keep it on in case you needed him in the night (you probably called him up once because you ran out of doritos)
» no complaints or regrets whenever y’all hang out and he’d always keep you safe
» damn it mica you passed your ushi brainrot to me
» he’s really sweet, loyal and dedicated
» if you dated longer than 2 years, he probably thinks you're good enough as his spouse
» he doesn’t really have time for huge dates all the time but he squeezes you in his timetable
» he’s still learning a lot of things about relationships, romantic things and the meanings behind them so please be patient with him!!
» 11/10 wOULD RECOMMEND!! he’s husband material
- fin <3
@flairlust @satorisbby
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Hii! It´s me popping here again! How are you doing? So, I would like to ask if you have a favorite Sanji moment and outfit (if it´s possible to chose hahaha) <3
Author san~~~ I'm doing good. How are you. And.... this ask... it took a long while for me to collect the pictures and scenes. I had so many scenes but I tried so much to cut them down to some of the scenes.
This is going to be a long freaking post. With cusses and spoilers.
Sit back and play a song for feels!
My Favourite Sanji scenes!!!
Warnings : Simping, Please be aware I sometimes cuss at that man because I love him. That is how I really am. I cuss the person that I love idk why. But not all the people I cuss are the ones I love. There will be a lot of difference and I'll respect that.
Disclaimer: This is solely my pure opinion.
There are just so many moments like when Sanji saves Otama or tries on his raid suit and all those but Tumblr won't allow me to post more than 10 pictures sadly. So I did the only scenes part here, I'll do outfits in other post and make sure I'll link it here too. Check it out also!
So.. yeah... here it goes. My favourite scenes of Snooj!!
1) Sanji VS Enel
the 1st thing I always remember about Sanjis Coolest scenes is the one at skypiea. Sadly its one of the underrated scene of the anime.
Sanji in this scene protects Ussop and takes the hit. See his smile at the end. Wait for it. The SanUso moment is so pure where ussop understands Sanjis feelings completely.
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He stands still even after receiving the hit and then takes a puff of his cigarette and says "Thanks, I needed a light", then falls down. Please... why isn't he given more credit. He is an amazing chef and yes I know you see it but... he has his amazing fight scenes too.
I absolutely adore the way Sanji always thinks about so many things while he fights. I mean... he plays with the mind too. You see, in this same scene he made sure to ruin enels ark from the inside. He is like this in another movie too. Not only that, a scene in alabasta arc too, where he enters into the base of Mr. 3 and talks to crocodile.
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2) Sanji saving the Vinsmokes
Even after facing so much of abuse, he still saved his father and siblings. Looking at them after saving their asses is a delight to watch.
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This is the moment they all realise that Sanji won... he has become stronger without their genes and techniques.
3) Sanji shouts at Luffy for Ussop
As Ussop and Luffy start to argue about merry, Luffy almost says to pack up and leave but he was stopped in between because Sanji kicks gim in the face and shouts at him for almost saying Ussop should leave.
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Sanji never lets anyone to talk about leaving (even though he left and had a huge ass arc for him). He really cares about his crew and hates and it is really shown here. Not only the ladies. He definitely cares about the guys of the crew too.
4) Sanji uses Knives to fight
Cmon... its the only fight of Sanjis that he uses knives. The person being a chef and using food to fight made Sanji even more angry. He was already trying to find Robin chan and got into this shit where another chef keeps his kitchen dirty and uses food, pissed him off.
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He decided to teach him a lesson and got into the fight by using Knives (Improvisation on spot!) Isnt he excellent here.
5) Reunion with Luffy
Getting back to his King, his Captain Luffy was the only scene where Sanji smiled truly after coming to the Whole Cake island. Its way too adorable. Him realising what he truly wants and to know that his nakama would save him definitely if he is in any problem.
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Their smile is definitely the most precious. Infact for me... their smiles are the one piece for me. The most valuable treasures.
Bonus scenes
* Sanji saving the Maid of Vinsmoke family
Never he lets anyone harm a lady. Its not him. I could add Kalifa scene here but... this is also a good scene. One of the reasons why I really respect him. Yeah it gets annoying some times but... still its just how he is.
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* Him saving Tashigi because he heard her cry.
I know its Extra af but cmon, we are dealing with Sanji here. Its going to be like that.
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* Sanji's Surgeries
He is the best plastic surgeon ever. I won't step back on this opinion. He just makes people to completely change their faces. There were 2 of these who were shown in the anime. I really wanna see more people though.
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* AceSan and ZoSan moments
I definitely love these scenes so much. The Ace scene is just so beautiful + dreamy. He was so daamn polite and so nice with Ace. Yes Sanji is good with everyone if they are polite with him.
The ZoSan scene is perfect + precious. Yes this is the thirst quencher for me. I adore this moment very much. Please they could've kissed.
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The next one is kinda personal and not that needed. So I suggest you to skip this.
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* After Sanji and Pudding Kiss and also pudding cries.
This scene was so emotional and personal to me...
Its weird but... when she was crying, I was crying too. Idk why These feelings were there but... It was the moment I realised I liked that jerk Sanji. And... I actually dont like pudding. Everything about her felt a bit odd and not trustworthy. But... when she cried. I cried too. When I was rewatching that scene now again, I cried. I myself don't know why I cry watching that scene. I get so many mixed emotions and my feelings are not even clear to me. I don't know.
If you did read this. Thankyou for reading.
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