#i outran her tho
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evilkaeya · 1 year ago
Me reading through your posts at 2:18 AM for that one time you were really really on and talking about Chuuya (let's be honest, for the unspecified amount of time I've followed you that's happened more than once coughcough) (I say this positively, very positively, do continue whatever it is you do) a while ago because I wanted to send an ask to tell you about how almost every time I hop on here I see you post recently and it's either about Chuuya or the second option or something that leads me to believe you're the type of person to accidentally blow up your microwave at 3:00 AM cause you didn't remove some tin foil packaging or didn't put the water in your instant ramen noodles and it brings the biggest smile to my face for reasons I don't know how to explain with words so here, you can have my emotional soup but anyway I was doing that in the beginning and the site couldn't take the absolute power radiating from one of your posts and so it crashed on my phone three times in the span of three minutes so now I'm here
That's crazy. Have I told you guys about that one time our vice principal chased me around the school because I was skipping classes?
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fly-chicken · 2 years ago
Best moments from chapter 75 that warmed my heart (you know before Melinda showed up w her internal struggle)
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Omg these two 💜 I love that Beckys habit of wearing her heart on her sleeve is from her FATHER being such an emotional guy (although an emotional guy holding keys to a countries weapons is a pin I’m leaving for later)
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Awwwww Damian is gonna think of this moment over and over. I’m with Anya tho, that was a very cool and brave thing for a 6 year old to do.
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Yor running all the way from home to make sure her baby is ok 💜 (bonus that she outran a speeding car to get there and NO ONE BESIDES THAT ONE SS AGENT IS SUSPICIOUS)
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And Anya being able to drop being a brave student and just be a kid. Going to her mother to keep her safe. Also bonus that Yors dialogue is clear here showing it’s an absolutely true statement. Yor has fully (even if she doesn’t admit it yet) stepped into the role of Anyas mother.
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And then what makes this sweet moment even better?
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TWILIGHT WAS THERE TOO! He finished his other mission to check on Anya! Her little shock face is exactly how I felt too, bonus his colleague asks him about the tearful reunion ‘with his girl!’
Twilight, even your fellow agents know this is now your child. ACCEPT THE LOVE MAN
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chewytongue · 2 years ago
Please go off I want to know what happened with Riris family after the hunting for sport.
Not after but during: Riri and a stranger that was also in the arena decided to climb up a tree and while they were having a lovely convo her grandpa shot the guy in the neck, he collapsed to the ground and she spotted grandpa and her cousin in a bush, gpa reloading his crossbow, miriam told her she should run and neither of them were expecting Riri to be so fucking fast but she easily outran them and ended up finding an entrance to one of the lounges and Karened her way in
Gus also so happened to be in the same lounge so they hung out until Miriam came up and told Riri that her and their grandpa didn’t think she’d run so fast and that the chase was going to be more fun than it ended up being since they lost her like,, immediately. Gus showed her a photo of him and Riri’s gpa shaking hands and holding a written agreement that guaranteed her safety and that was enough to convince Riri to go back into the hunting arena and fight her grandpa.
She got some good hits in, most importantly she was having fun, but grandpa won and took her out with a war-pick to the gut. He did hold up his end of the agreement tho and gave her a health potion (i got Elaine to roll a charisma check just to see if he’d help her off the ground and she passed) he told her he was impressed and that she’s not a coward like his son. Positive interaction with grandpa achieved.
After they escaped the arena they went back to the mansion cause they wanted to get Pi as well as Wheeler, they had a brief convo with Emerick, since Raven was interested in what the fuck was going on with her photos including a photo of Elijah with a bug drawn over his head and “not normal” (which jasper and I think about so much), he gave them the rundown about him being a parasite and Elijah’s still in there but he’s not in control and his is in the midst of dying.
Riri left a letter behind
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And then just over a week after coming back to the mortal plane they found Miriam on Bimmy Juffett’s boat, had to explain to her Why they’d be mad at her (that’s another thing when Miriam found Riri in the lounge she was ready to receive some unkind words but Riri said “why would I be mad” lmao). They decided not to send her back after they received a letter from grandpa that said Miriam was in a state when she left, they were ok guests, he knows Wheeler is with them and won’t tell her dad they kidnapped her if they can be friendly, and then asked Raven if she’d like to read his manuscript,
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The manuscript was of course Twilight fanfiction but now the vampires are badass and kill people and the werewolves are more accurate and Bella dies in the third chapter
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anauro · 3 years ago
hey you watch stranger things?? what are your thoughts???? how did you like this new season so far? thoughts on potential byler? max? vecna?? (omg sdjfgh im sorry for being so obsessive)
also, this is a bit weird, but do you associate any of the stranger things characters with the marauders? e.g. steve harrington is a james potter variant, but are there any others you can see? personally, i reckon robin radiates sirius black vibes... thoughts?
Hi possum babe 💖
I am very intrigued by the new season, but I think I preferred season 3.
Like, I found a lot of it predictable so far, although I don’t know how exactly they plan to tie, what, four or five different story lines together and I’m very excited for that. I’m also not the greatest fan of the Russian gulags storyline, because I got traumatized as a Polish teenager by being forced to read about some Polish dude surviving these camps and what he described was much worse than what the show has showed us.
But I love Max and I love the new Robin x Nancy friendship! Also Argyle, the comic relief so desperately needed and Murray “my fingers are arrows” ❤️
Also the finale battle between El and Vecna will be epic, I can just see it 🤤❤️‍🔥
When you say Byler, you mean Will x Mike? I’ve seen it on tik tok and the that scene where El says Will has been acting different and doing the drawing happened and yeah, kid is fruityyyy. I’m not sure if Mike will reciprocate, but then he hasn’t been saying love to El for a while, so maybe he has a sexuality crisis of sorts too? Would be interesting to see how this pans out.
Also honorary shout out to Suzie for, as always, saving the day and also the “Never ending story” scene is my absolute fave 💖💖💖. Not even the singing, but everyone’s reaction as they’re trying to save the World, but instead they have to listen to two kids being cute and in love 🥰
And YES, Marauders!!! I can’t watch anything or read anything without associating it with Marauders. So here are my thoughts:
Steve Harrington is James Potter confirmed, no arguing there whatsoever. He’s hot, he’s popular with chicks, he’s the ally and the babysitter friend. I have a feeling someone will die in the series and I really, really hope it’s not him.
Robin to me has Marlene vibes, but this could be just me loving Marlene a lot. But Steve and Robin “platonic with capital P” is just James and Marlene.
That makes Nancy Wheeler Lily! And look, it would work perfectly cause her and Steve dated and, I know they will likely get together again, but Robin x Nancy would be an amazing ship imo. I know Lily x Mary is the popular ship, but I have to be edgy and I prefer Lily x Marlene or Mary x Marlene. Nancy x Robin works beautifully for me, although I know it won’t happen.
Dustin is Peter. I like the idea of Peter not being the idiot friend and also the way Dustin worships Steve, but also constantly mocks him is how I imagine (dass) James’ and Peter’s friendship.
Max has strong Regulus vibes with how closed off she is, but actually very vulnerable on the inside. Also, she outran Vecna and it’s a total Regulus parallel.
I think look wise, Eddie reminds me of Sirius and although I don’t love Sirius, I don’t think he’d be a coward. But the hair and the clothing is 💯 Sirius. Also that conversation between Eddie and Steve about Nancy, would totally be Sirius and James about Lily 🥰
As for the rest of the characters…. I’m not really sure tbh.
I guess Eleven gives off Regulus vibes too and Will reminds me of Remus, but neither is my favourite character and I think their involvement in season 4 has been quite minimal so far tbh. I guess El could be Sirius too.
Dr Brenner is a total Dumbledore tho. And I hate him sooo much.
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musingmycelium · 6 years ago
N, all numbers, for Wren? :)
N: Never Have I Ever -oh i see ;p1. what would they never do?
this is super vague and i think wren would have different answers depending on who she’s talking to and about. but, a hard limit for her in terms of something, under no circumstances, she would do? she wouldn’t compromise another person’s freedom, nor cause them harm, if they do not make their intent to do harm to others obvious.
2. what have they never done that they want to do?
[before the end of da2] wren has never sailed. she’s read tethras novels about pirates and love on the high seas tho so she absolutely definitely wanted to
3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do?
wren hates oatmeal (the heathen) and cannot believe people eat it to enjoy it
4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done?
HA, okay so when she and galahad were teenagers they used to dare each other to do stupid shit as competition because that’s what kids, and ime especially siblings, do when they’re bored in the middle of hodunk nowhere. well, one of those times galahad dared wren to mess with a near-by farmer’s cattle, specifically to run across the bullpen to see if she could make it without the bull catching her. 
wren, dumb as all fuck but headstrong enough to say ‘hell yeah i can make it fuckin watch me’ decides this is a good idea and does it. she jumps the fence and starts fucking bookin’ it across the pen but the bull sees her and starts charging, duh. wren tears across the field, legs pumping and heart racing bc holy shit?! oh fuck! and she makes it to the other side of the pen with fuckin moments to spare. 
she scrambles over it and doesn’t look down because she’s too busy looking behind her at the bull she just outran and drops down from the fence. into the cow field. not noticing the dip in the ground, or the cow patty in front of it. she trips and lands face first and galahad, having watched the whole thing, laughs his ass off at her. 
it’s the coolest thing she’s ever done and she can never tell the story because if/when she does galahad ruins it by telling everyone what she did right after
5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do?
become a noble! wren didn’t super care about the amell name/status even when they were in kirkwall. she’s not a fan of social stratification, especially in the city of chains. but! she does use it when she can get something out of it and its something she never expected to be able to use.
abcs of your ocs ask!
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julivea · 7 years ago
Ok here we go, part 2
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•Omg plz this horse is so pretty
•A welsch pony(is that the name)
•A tiny mare, named June
•She got her at her birthday, hence the name.
•She is a showpony, like she competes on looks and god her FOALS.
•She and Meliodas decided to let their horses have a foal, and it turned out gorgerus.
•She loves braiding Junes mane.
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•You can't tell me she won't have a massive horse.
•Here is Fredrik, the northswedish horse.
•Lol he is super strong, and really kind.
•Diane is a clumsy rider, so she wouldn't survive on a fast horse with a lot of nerves.
•She once tried Meliodas horse, fell off after 1 min.
•He likes food.
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•Merlin is one of those who just...don't get it.
•She bought a almost extinct horse race, like 40 of them.
•She observes them. Don't ask.
•She named 1 on them, I think she named it Oz
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•God she is so pretty, cute AF.
•Her name is Vilma(lol actually a swedish name but fuck that)
•Strong horse, but very lazy
•BFF with Fredrik
•Eats a lot
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•I bet he would have the proudest horse out of them all.
•Like a P.R.E or, Andalusian.
•Big neck, like wow.
•This is a mare, he wanted to name it merlin but he was in night mode at that time
•Her name is now Armstrong
•Bravest horse around, no kidding.
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•He got a mule.
•This mule tho, always escapes from his paddock.
•Like he doesn't run away, he just...hangs around. He likes Merlins horses tho.
•Fabulous af.
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•She can do tricks, she can steal
•Like holy shit they have her in the bar, and she steals from the customers
•I think, if she were to be in camelot somehow now like in the recent chapters, she would kick the shit outta Meliodas
•This is a badass pony. Like what.
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years ago
SPN 5x04: “The End”
Ahhh, the informant.
Why is Cas even on the side of the highway??? Baby, what is you doing??
“You know, it’s kind of funny. Talking to a messenger of God on a cellphone. It’s, you know, like watching a Hell’s Angel ride a moped.”
“This isn’t funny, Dean! The voice says I’m almost out of minutes.”
“What stuff?” lmao, Cas pls.
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Cas dead ass stood there for hours tho, bless his heart.
So, while Sam was having his talk with Lucifer, Cas and Dean were having their own talk, Dean went to sleep and slept for a bit while Sam learned he was Lucifer’s vessel, than probably immediately called Dean to tell him.
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“Lucifer’s wearing you to the prom?” Isn’t that gonna come back up at some point?
“Look, Dean, I can do this. I can. I'm gonna prove it to you.” Aww, Sam.
“We're not stronger when we're together, Sam. I think we're weaker.” Dean, pls.
It even pains Dean to suggest they stay apart, damn it.
Here we go. Endverse!AU.
(I like how Zachariah had the humor to place him in the exact location.)
Ha, “Luc y Bar”
You might wanna back away, Dean.
Oh damn, he just punched a kid.
I remember reading somewhere that Jensen ran so fast, he outran the extras, and they had to tell him to slow it down a little.
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“Do You Love Me” by the Contours. The COOLEST WAY to use this song, period.
August 1, 2014.
And there's the bastard.
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As a Houstonian, welp. 
So Bobby is RIP in this world?
Yep. :(
The photo! (That Dean somehow keeps, manages brings back to the present with him, stows it in John’s journal...where Mary finds it, many years later. Did she ever ask about it?)
The Impala is also RIP :( (I wonder at what point Endverse!Dean let her go to waste.)
dun dun DUN
“Why don't you give me one good reason why I shouldn't gank you right here and now?”
“Because you’d only be hurting yourself.”   
Dean’s got jokes, lmao.
Endverse!Dean got a certain look in his eyes when Dean mentioned Zachariah. I wonder what his last encounter with him was like.
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“Rhonda Hurley. We were, uh, nineteen. She made us try on her panties. They were pink. And satiny. And you know what? We kind of liked it.”
Ooohhhh the CANON fact that Dean has tried on panties and liked it.
Ahh, so the virus started in 2012.
And Sam?
Endverse!Dean stopped talking to Sam in 2009...
I’d trust me.
Oh dear, I hope Dean didn't get any splinters from that.
(Tho it is rather fucked up that God just...stepped down and allowed this shit show to happen.)
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Really Risa? There’s bigger things to worry about than Dean sleeping with someone else, get over yourself.
I love that Dean asks for Cas. I wonder how he would’ve reacted if Chuck told him that Cas was dead.
There he is.
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Endverse!Cas is so funny, in a very sad way.
Dean’s reaction to the orgy thing, lmao.
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“I thought you’d gotten over trying to label me.” Huh, wonder how long that lasted. And did it start when Cas started losing his powers? (”So you’re an angel...with no powers. What does that make you?” ) 
I can’t even revel in Cas laughing/smiling because I know he’s bitter about it.
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“What happened to you?”
RIP that dude. Killed by Endverse!Dean.
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“Me and him—It's a pretty messed-up situation we got going.” Umm, he was pointing at you Dean, why did you look at Endverse!Cas????
(Completely irrelevant, but Jensen has such a nice voice.)
The Colt! 
I was just about to ask if they had gone to Crowley’s for it, when Endverse!Dean explained that it’d been moved from place to place.
Endverse!Cas is mad cute.
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And he still resents Dean torturing...as does Dean.
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Me too, Endverse!Cas.
The banter between Endverse!Cas and Endverse!Dean is next level.
“Are you saying we, uh, walk in straight up the driveway, past all the demons and the Croats, and we shoot the devil?”
“Okay, if you don't like, uh, 'reckless', I could use 'insouciant', maybe.”
“Are you coming?”
“Of course.”
But Cas’ loyalty to Dean still remains.
“Lucifer’s wearing him to the prom.” OOOHHH I KNEW THAT LINE WAS GONNA COME BACK UP.
“I’m begging you. Say yes...but you won’t. ‘Cause I didn’t.” Not yet, anyways.
Chuck and his advice, lmao.
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Good lord, Endverse!Cas is going through it.
“I’m all but useless.” :(
“That’s just how I roll.” Why does Endverse!Cas talk like Dean?
Cas beside Dean, no matter what.
“I’ve seen your lying expressions. I see them in a mirror.” Ouch, that hurt.
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Endverse!Dean is a dick.
“You mean you're gonna feed your friends into a meat grinder? Cas, too?” o h, why the distinction between “your friends��� and “Cas” h u h
Poor Endverse!Cas probably died in that battle (or worse, he survived but had to go on without Endverse!Dean.)
RIP Endverse!Dean. Killed by Lucifer.
Archangels really like to look snazzy.
(Oohh lord, I’m remembering a post where someone suggested that Sam probably recognized Dean and tried to reach out to him, and when Dean rejected that, it would explain that hurt look on his face.)
Nature itself has always been Lucifer’s favorite thing about the Earth.
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“The...little hairless apes.” Fuck u too, buddy.
“I know what you are.”
“What am I?”
“You're the same thing, only bigger. The same brand of cockroach I've been squashing my whole life. An ugly, evil, belly-to-the-ground, supernatural piece of crap. The only difference between them and you is the size of your ego.”  
All the angels seem to like Dean.
“You better kill me now. Or I swear, I will find a way to kill you.” And you will, Dean.
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“ Whatever choices you make, whatever details you alter, we will always end up—here. I win. So, I win.”  (EXCEPT YOU WON’T, MOTHERFUCKERRRR)
Back to the present we go!
“Oh, well, if it isn't the ghost of Christmas screw you.” I love Dean.
“You’re the only person who can prove the devil wrong.” He’s riigghhttt.
!!!!!! Such a special, classic little moment between Dean and Cas. <3
“That’s pretty nice timing, Cas.”
“We had an appointment.”
“Don’t ever change.”
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What an interesting car Sam chose.
I find it fitting that Ruby’s knife was sort of the olive branch here.
Did Dean eventually tell Sam about his 2014 trip?
“The point is...maybe we are each other's Achilles heel. Maybe they'll find a way to use us against each other, I don't know. I just know we're all we've got. More than that. We keep each other human.” :’)
I wanna hug both of ‘em.
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