#i only figured out alpha lock like 2/3 into it
froggtogs · 23 days
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casual shiver magma board cooldown that took too long
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buckyshoneybunny · 2 months
The White Wolf (Part 1)
Wolf/Alpha!Bucky + Wildlifephotographer!curvy!reader  
W.C.- 2111 
Summary- Upon exploring the mysterious forest, you come across something you thought only existed in books. 
Warnings- None really. 
A/N- After a lot of contemplating I decided to turn this into a series. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to get another part out until the end of next week, hopefully 🤞. I haven’t decided how many parts yet tho. Anyway, thank you so much for the response on my last post, I could literally cry. I’m going to try and work on doing a masterlist, if anyone has any requests or story ideas I’d gladly take them. I hope you enjoy! Will be a slow burn.
Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 Masterlist Series Masterlist
They say, that if anyone could marry an animal, that you’d be the first person to do it. That’s the only way to describe your love for animals. You loved animals with everything in you, you loved volunteering at animal hospitals and shelters, helping injured animals, but most of all, you loved capturing the beauty of animals with nature. Not necessarily studying them, but observing. Watching wildlife, and capturing the beauty of nature paired with the animals you loved, that was what you lived for. 
Which is how you ended up here. New York City seemed to have lost its touch with nature and the animals around, so you decided to adventure out in the few forests they have left to capture the beautiful world of nature and prove to everyone that it’s worth salvaging what’s left. There was one forest in particular that caught your attention, thick trees with no way to get through but the path that led through them, the morning dew that settled over the trees, it screamed mysterious and begged to be explored.  
When you told some of the locals your plan, they warned you not to go there, said dangerous creature lurked in that forest. They said that lots of tourist would go walking there, but few returned. That only fueled your determination to explore the mysterious forest.  
So, bright and early Saturday morning you packed up your camera and some supplies, threw on a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top, a winter coat over top that to strive off the cold fall air. Shoved on your combat boots and grabbed a knife your dad gave you for protection and headed out the door.  
You were a little bummed when, a mile in, nothing had changed, thick trees and brush surrounded you. But you keep going, determined to find something. Your determination paid off. 
About another half a mile, give or take, you came across the most beautiful scene you had ever seen. It was a clearing in the trees, the land was flat with a big gorgeous clear blue lake. The early morning sun shone through the trees, creating a peaceful atmosphere. The soft, green grass covered in a layer of moister, flowers littered throughout the field. But what caught your attention was the somewhat big, beautifully white wolf lent over lapping at the sparkling water.  
I thought all wolves were extirpated from New York? You quickly and quietly hide behind a tree and whipped out your camera. You snap a couple of pictures of the wolf, you put the camera away and look for a way around the field, not wanting to alert the wolf of your presence. As you back away from the tree, you step on a twig, the sound reverberates through the forest. 
The wolf’s head snaps up, gaze locking on your figure. You freeze in fear and captivity from its sparkling steel blue eyes. The wolf slowly stands up, revealing he’s bigger than what you first thought. He sniffs the air and growls. 
Now, throughout your life, your father always told you to remain still and calm when presented in a situation like this. He said animals can sense fear, chances are though that they’re more afraid of you. Don’t let them sense you’re afraid, if they can sense you aren’t a threat they’ll most likely leave and you can get the hell out of there. When have you ever listened to his advice? That’s the only explanation as to why you ran. 
You spin around and take off, willing your feet to run faster once you hear his howl and rustling behind you. Logistically you knew you didn’t stand a chance out running a wolf, but you hoped to god he’d lose interest quickly and leave you to run away in fear. You’d never like hurting animals but when the sounds of heavy paws hitting the ground got closer you grabbed the knife that was strapped to your side. 
The wolf quickly catches up and knocks you to the ground, growling. Before he can rip your head off, you cut down the side of his back leg, not to kill him but to get him to back off. The wolf yelps and scurries off of you. You take off running again but trip over a root, you fall to the ground, hitting your head on another root, knocking yourself out. 
When you come too, you’re lying on the floor of what looks like a small cabin. The main area, where you are, is a small neat kitchen and a living room joined together. There’s a table in the corner by the kitchen, a couch, rug, and small coffee table in front of a fireplace that’s currently burning with wood. You lay between the table and fireplace on the rug, a fleece throw covering you. Your bag is, what looks like tossed on the couch. You quickly crawl over to it, sighing in relief to find your camera undamaged.  
Your head is pounding, you reach back to scratch your back to find teeth holes in your shirt. Your ass and backs of your legs brown with dirt, looking like you were dragged. You freeze when you hear a whine. You look over to see small hallway that what looks like it leads to a bathroom on the right, and a small bedroom across from it, there's a door at the very end, looks like a linen closet.  
You slowly and quietly stand up, you carefully toe off your boots, hoping your sock covered feet won’t make much noise. You grab the fireplace poker as a weapon and follow the noise. When you reach the bedroom, the door cracked, you find the wolf curled on a large dog bed in the corner, furiously licking the wound on his leg, the one you gave it. 
You take a deep breath and push the door open. The wolf growls as soon as he sees you, he tries to stand up but whines and falls back down. You gently set your makeshift weapon down and turn to the bathroom. You rummage through the cabinets and drawers to find what you’re looking for. 
Walking back into the bedroom, you slowly make your way to the wolf, he growls and buries himself more in the corner. 
“It���s okay,” you murmur. “I just want to help.” You gesture to his leg, you set the supplies down and cautiously stick your hand out for him to sniff.  
Once he assures you aren’t here to hurt him, but to help him, he lays his head down and watches you from the corner of his eye. Once settled beside him, you dip a washcloth in warm water and gently clean his wound. He whines and jerks his leg. 
“I know, I’m sorry. Let me fix what I caused,” you say softly. Once you finish cleaning the wound, you wrap it in gauze.  
“There, all better,” you cautiously reach out to pet his fur. He lets you; you reach up to scratch behind his ears, he closes his eyes and nuzzles your hand. 
You giggle. “You aren’t so bad, huh?” He just lays his head in your lap. You look over at the nightstand to see a picture of two tall, muscular men. One with shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, and a metal arm. Huh. You think as you look at the metal arm, the other guy has blonde hair, blue eyes- not a sparkly as the other guy’s is- he doesn’t have a metal arm like his friend. 
You pick up the picture. “Is one of these your... owner? Did they find me?” You question the wolf, knowing he probably doesn’t even understand you much less can answer your question. The wolf opens his eyes, he looks to the picture then back to you, giving you almost a deadpanned look.  
Just then the sound of the front door opening and closing, and the sound of feet padding through the cabin, fill the silence. 
“Hey, Buck! I just wanted to check in and se-what the hell?” The blonde man from the picture stops short when he sees you, his eyes widened.  
“Uh, hi,” you give him a shy smile. 
“Who are you and what the hell are you doing in here?” He asks, almost harshly.  
“I’m Y/N. I was exploring the forest when I... I had seen him. Needless to say, he chases me, I cut his back leg, I fell and hit my head. I woke up here and helped patch up his wound. That’s the short version. I’m guessing the other man lives here? Is this his... pet?” You gesture to the picture on the nightstand. 
The man snorts. “Yes, the other man lives here, I’m Steve and the other man is James but everyone calls him Bucky.” 
“How do you get Bucky from James?” 
“His middle name is Buchanan” 
You hum in understanding. “Will this Bucky be back soon? I’d like to apologize for hurting his wolf” 
Steve grins in amusement. “You’re petting him right now.” 
“Huh?” You look down at the wolf still nuzzling your hand.  
Steve snickers and leans down next to you; he reaches over to pet Bucky but he growls in warning. Steve puts his hands up in surrender and chuckles. “The towns people didn’t tell you about our kind?” 
“Your kind?” You look at him, confused. 
“We are a wolf/human kind, we shift to our wolf form during full moon. Bucky here is the alpha.”  
“What?! Are you jok-this is a joke, right?” You ask in disbelief. You go to stand up but Bucky whines and puts his front half on you, nuzzling into your stomach. 
Steve chuckles. “Somebody likes you.”  
“So, you’re telling me that the whole, alpha, omega, beta crap exists?” He nods, you go quiet, not knowing what to say. 
Steve spends the next couple of hours explaining everything to you. From the pack, to why he isn’t in his wolf form, once you have a mate you can shift whenever you like but they still have ruts/heats after the full moon. Steve left with the request of watching over Bucky, you agreed, and that he’d be back in a few days. He also said to be careful, once full moon is over and Bucky shifts back, he’d go into rut. 
You stay on the floor for a while, Bucky still half on you and asleep. When he does wake up, he sits up and start to rip the bandage off.  
“Bucky wait-it's not done healing,” you go to stop him but he gets it fully off, showing that the wound is healed. “What the..?” You whisper, tracing the area the wound was at.  
“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” You giggle. He sticks his tongue out and pulls his lips back, almost like a smile. 
He pauses and sniffs the air, he tilts his head, you giggle. He leans towards you, sniffing. He all but shoves his cold, wet nose into your neck, inhaling deeply. You yelp and giggle, trying and failing to push him away.  
“Bucky!” You laugh. He licks up your neck and you laugh harder. He nuzzles his head into your chest.  
“You’re a goofball. Listen, I have to go out and grab my stuff from my hotel if I’m gonna stay here for the next couple of days, okay?” His head pops up, ears flat and whines. “Awe,” you coo and scratch behind his ears. “I’ll be back, I promise. Wanna walk me to the edge of the woods?” He jumps up and runs to the door.  
You leave the bag you brought and head out, once off the mini porch Bucky stops, he motions to his back.  
“You want me to get on your back?” You ask in a slight condescending tone. He was huge, on all four legs he was just past your waist, but you weren’t skinny and you’d worry you might hurt him.  
He nods. “Won’t I crush you?” He rolls his eyes and waits. You sigh, giving in you straddle his back, legs wrapped around him just in front of his back legs, arms around his neck. Once you’re settled, he takes off, your grip tightens.  
Once you get almost to the edge of the woods he stops and lets you off.  
“You’ll wait for me?” He nods and lays in the brush out of sight.  
You head off to your hotel, grabbing your stuff and checking out. You get back to the woods, “Bucky!” You call out. Nothing. You walk a little further, where he had been laying was a pool of blood. 
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merrybloomwrites · 7 months
I Hear Them Calling (Chapter 5)
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Story Summary: Alpha Harry Styles and omega Y/N Y/L/N meet under less than ideal circumstances. Overtime their paths will cross and they will be drawn to one another in ways they never expected.
Chapter Summary: Harry and Y/N spend the weekend together in Chicago
Previous Chapters: Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3 ; Chapter 4
Word Count: 3.8k
“So, what are we going to see in the city?” You ask Harry. You’re both on the couch eating fruit, since Harry insisted you needed some sort of snack to hold you over until lunch.
“Well, first, we should swing by your hotel. Figured you might want to get changed,” he replies. You laugh and nod in agreement. While you wouldn’t mind living in Harry’s comfy clothes doused in his scent, you know that going in public, with him, wearing his clothes, is admittedly a terrible idea.
“Then obviously some lunch,” he continues. “And after that, I have no idea. Maybe see where the day takes us?”
“I like that plan,” you answer. Normally you like to have everything totally scheduled out, but you’re excited to see what experiences might happen naturally.
“We can keep your things in the car while we’re out and stop back here to drop them off on our way to the arena later,” he adds.
“Am I staying here tonight?” You inquire.
He pauses, trying to find the right words. “I would like for you to stay,” he finally says. “It’s just, you’re only hours out of a drop. And you said that hasn’t happened for a long time. I would like you to stay close to me in case something happens. And uhm, my alpha is fairly attached to your omega at the moment.” Harry blushes and his eyes look down at his fingers as he finishes his sentence.
“Harry?” you say, and his gaze meets yours. “I’d love to stay.”
His anxious face instantly morphs into one of excitement and he says, “Fantastic! Okay, I’m going to call a car to take us to your hotel and we can start our adventure.”
“It’s only a couple of blocks, we could walk it.”
At this he seems nervous again and he quickly explains, “It’s probably best if we drive. We’ll be more under the radar that way, and I don’t necessarily want to be seen in public too much.”
“Oh, right, of course. That totally makes sense.” There’s an insecure part of your brain telling you that it’s because he doesn’t want to be seen with you, just some average nobody, but you tell that voice to shut up. Harry would never be so callous, so shallow. He simply wants his privacy.
A few minutes later you’re back in your quiet hotel room. Harry is waiting in the car, so you quickly get changed and freshen up. You spray on our scent blockers and are disappointed that you no longer smell like Harry. He put on blockers before leaving his hotel as well so now it will be hours before you’ll catch his scent again. If you’re lucky. You remind yourself this whole situation is temporary, and you should take what you get.
Your belongings are mostly packed so it only takes a minute to get everything together. When you reenter the car you let out the breath you’d been holding while separated from Harry. You admit to yourself you are still feeling the effects of the drop, and you allow yourself to revel in the presence of an alpha. Normally the idea that you need to rely on an alpha for anything would make you mad, but not right now. Not when that alpha greets you with a shy smile as you slide into your seat next to him. And especially not when that alpha reaches over so your hands are resting close enough to just barely touch.
It's a bit of a drive to the restaurant Harry picked out, and you pass the time making small talk. You discuss your families, hobbies, favorite vacation spots, anything you can think of. Nothing is all that crazy or interesting, but Harry is locked in on every word you say. It makes you feel warm inside, having his full attention and knowing he truly wants to hear what you have to say.
Harry is so absorbed in the conversation that even he is surprised when the car stops outside the restaurant. He gets out, quickly moving around the car to open your door for you and lead you inside. The diner he’s chosen is lowkey, giving hole in the wall vibes, and you think it’s perfect.
It’s not empty, but the crowd there doesn’t bat an eye as you two walk in. A quick glance around the room shows that you’re the youngest people there by far. Everyone is engaged in conversation or reading the newspaper or a book they’ve brought with them. It makes you feel comfortable, relaxed, and you know you’re going to enjoy this lunch.
You’re seated together at a table towards the back, and a waiter comes over to take your drink orders. After he walks away it’s quiet for a moment, both you and Harry reading through the menu. He comes back a few minutes later to take your food orders. Once he leaves again you fold your hands on the table in front of you and look at Harry.
He’s sitting the same way, hands folded just inches from yours, and his eyes are already on you.
“So,” he hesitantly begins. “What’s your favorite song?”
“Like, of yours?”
He laughs before saying, “No, just, in general. But I am also curious what your favorite of mine is.”
You think for a moment, and you catch him chuckling and your very serious thinking face. “I guess all-time favorite song might be ‘Annie’s Song’ by John Denver. It was my parents’ wedding song, so we played it a lot at home. Makes me think of them.” You smile and think again for a moment before saying, “And my favorite song of yours, well, that’s harder to choose. I think maybe ‘Canyon Moon’. It’s just so fun, and upbeat. It’s the first one that really hooked me on your music.”
“That is a fun one, yeah. Kind of bummed it’s off the setlist if I’m honest. And I too love a little John Denver occasionally.”
The discussion on music lasts until your food is placed on the table. The delicious smell alerts you to how hungry you are, and you immediately dig in. Conversation stops again so the two of you can eat.
As Harry settles the bill (which you attempt to help pay for, but he quickly denies) he says, “We’ve got about an hour before we need to head back to the hotel and get ready. There’s a park nearby. What do you say about a little stroll?”
“That sounds perfect,” you reply.
He stays close to you as you walk the couple blocks to the park. His hand reaches out towards you multiple times but he pulls it back like he’s afraid to make contact. It keeps your mind spinning, wondering what’s he’s thinking when he does this. Is it an unconscious gesture? Is it a protective one? Does he just want to be touching you the way that you want to be touching him?
Once in the park he leads you to a bench by a small lake. The bushes grant you both some privacy from the few other people who are walking nearby.
“So,” he says timidly. “How are you feeling today? After the drop and everything.”
You take a moment to assess in order to answer truthfully. “Honestly, I feel pretty good right now. Like, better than I have in weeks. I think my omega really needed that break.”
“You said your meds lost their potency right? And that’s been going on for weeks then, at least since the first show you came to. How have you been coping with all of that? Do you nest at all?”
“I tried nesting in the past, but it never brought the peace people said it would. I guess cause most people are betas now so it’s harder to get alpha or other omega scents. And without those nests aren’t as comforting.”
“That has to be frustrating. I’m sorry it’s so difficult for omegas. I wish things were different for you guys, I truly do.”
“Thanks. Me too. Can I ask, why do you keep your alpha status a secret?”
“I guess because people have certain views of alphas. They think we’re mean and controlling and yea, a lot of alphas are these days. I just didn’t want people to judge me before getting to know me. Plus, some record labels and managers don’t want to work with alphas. Say they’re too unpredictable or difficult.”
“Seems like it’s tough for alphas too.”
“Yea, but at least we’re safe. No one tries to cross us or control us. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have your free will taken away by an alpha command.”
“It’s definitely not fun,” you say, shivering at the memory of being frozen and silenced just by a knothead alphas words.
Noticing your slight distress, Harry places his hand on your knee and says, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought that up, I know you have bad memories with that.”
You’re instantly soothed by him, and you reach out to place your hand on top of his. You have no idea where the courage to touch him like that comes from, and you’re about to pull away when he flips his hand until your palms are touching and he’s able to intertwine his fingers with yours.
The sound of your purring is sudden and surprising. It’s not something that happens often, and you almost cut it off, but you see the smile that breaks out on Harry’s face. You sit there, holding hands, and purring softly. Neither of you tries to start a conversation, just enjoying the moment.
Harry’s phone ringing brings you both back to reality. His driver is on the line, reminding Harry that it’s time to head back in order to stay on schedule. He lets go of your hand as you leave the bench, and though you’re disappointed, you remind yourself of the media frenzy that would ensue if Harry was caught holding hands with a girl.
You’re especially soothed when he reaches out for your hand again once in the privacy of the car. Just like the earlier drive, you get to know each other better, this time discussing favorite books at length.
He insists on carrying your luggage into the hotel for you, and letting you have the first shower. You’re in the living room finishing your hair when Harry walks out of the bathroom, having finished his own shower. He’s wrapped in a towel, water dripping off his hair and down his chest. You pray that your suppressants still work well enough to at least prevent unwanted slick production. Because you would literally die of embarrassment if the telltale scent of honey filled the room.
“Sorry, so sorry, forgot to grab clothes,” he says as he dashes into the bedroom to grab an outfit from the dresser. He jogs back into the bathroom and closes the door behind him. You let out the breath you’ve been holding and quickly reel in your thoughts to ensure your face isn’t still beet red when he comes back out.
You force yourself to focus on perfecting your hair in an effort to erase the image of a practically naked Harry. Or at least, erase temporarily. While you’re in his presence. It works, because by the time he comes out again, now dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, you’ve fully contained your thoughts.
“Car will be here in five minutes, you almost ready?”
“Yup, just gotta grab my phone,” you say before walking back into the bedroom to get the phone from where it’s been charging. Harry’s scent is strongest here, likely because he’s been sleeping there for weeks, plus he was broadcasting his scent the night before during your drop. It’s so potent that you almost feel dizzy. You shake your head in an attempt to clear it, quickly get the phone, and rejoin Harry in the living room.
He's distracted during the drive over, checking updates on his phone that he’d been ignoring during the day. It’s hectic but organized at the venue. There’s so much to be done but it’s a well-oiled team and everyone does their job well. You hang out in Harry’s dressing room for the most part, wanting to be out of the way.
There’s a brief moment after Harry is ready and before he needs to go on stage, and you need to find your place in the crowd. You’re finally alone again, and the two of you are standing facing each other. He reaches out to hold both your hands between his and he says, “I have another question for you.”
You’ve been asking each other questions all day, most lighthearted, some serious. But you can tell by his tone that this may be the most important one yet.
You meet his eyes, encouraging him to go on, and after a moment of nervous hesitation he says, “I’ve really like spending time with you. I’ve known for awhile that my alpha had formed a connection with your omega, and I thought that’s where my feelings for you came from. But after today I know that I just like you. You’re funny, and smart, and beautiful. So, uhm, I was wondering, will you go on a date? With me?”
You’re speechless for a moment, so you nod your head yes while trying to process everything he just said.
“Can I take you out tomorrow morning for brunch?” He continues.
Finally, you find your voice and say, “Yes, Harry, that sounds perfect.”
The brightest, most boyish smile spreads across his face. Harry’s about to speak again but there’s a knock on the door and a voice telling him he needs to leave the room in one minute.
Harry quickly says, “Can I scent you? Before you go out there?” You again nod yes, knowing that he needs this, needs to protect you in this way even though you’ll be in a VIP section with plenty of security.
Plus, you’ve decided that you’d have to be insane to ever say no when he asks that question. One of his large hands cups the side of your neck while his nose moves to the scent gland on the opposite side. It slides against your skin, and you’re surrounded by his mouthwatering smell. He presses one gentle kiss directly near your mating spot before he pulls back, gives you one last dazzling smile, and walks out the door.
Jada walks in to find you still standing, dazed, in the middle of the room. “Need a minute?” she asks with a knowing smirk.
“Just, uhm, gonna use the…bathroom, real quick,” you stutter out before fleeing through the door to the attached restroom. You quickly take some deep breaths and grab toilet paper to clean up the slick that had escaped. Thankfully you’d held it in until Harry left, and Jada, being a beta, would be none the wiser. Still, you need to pull yourself together and get your desire under control before you embarrass yourself.
Once you’re ready she leads you to the VIP section. You feel amazing, completely opposite from the night prior and you know that you owe it all to Harry. Not once during the entire show do you feel dizzy, or anxious, or any of the negative emotions you’ve been feeling for weeks. Instead, you feel electric, especially during the handful of moments when Harry’s eyes find yours in the crowd, sharing a special look with you.
You’re screaming along with all the other fans as Harry runs out of the venue. Jada then leads you out to the car the two of you will be taking back to the hotel. The ten-minute drive turns into almost thirty with all the post-concert traffic.
Back at the hotel, you knock on the door to Harry’s room. Technically it’s also yours now, and yes, you do have a key, but it still feels weird just walking in while you know he’s there. It takes a moment but finally he’s opening the door for you. As you take in his appearance, you realize you made the right decision to knock. His hair is, once again, wet, he has pajama pants on and is quickly throwing on a shirt. Obviously he’s just showered again, and you know you would not have survived seeing him with any less clothes on.
“There you are,” he says, smiling and pulling you in for a hug as the door closes behind you. For a moment you’re surprised, but quickly melt into the embrace.
Before pulling away he says, “Why don’t you change into some comfy clothes, and we can put on a movie.” You head to the bedroom, grabbing your own set of pajamas before changing and washing your face. Once you feel clean and comfortable you join Harry in the living room.
He’s already laid out blankets on the couch and pulled up the latest Rom Com on the TV. After confirming that you want to watch it, he presses play and you snuggle under your blanket.
You try to pay attention to the movie, truly, you do. But Harry’s right there, sitting next to you, looking perfectly cozy and domestic, not a single scent blocker covering the delicious smell that’s started to feel like home to you.
It’s not surprising when you start to subconsciously shift closer and closer to him. He notices the small movements, and without hesitation, wraps and arm around you and pulls you close to him. He adjusts the blankets so that you’re tucked in before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
Feeling safer and more content than you have in possibly your entire adult life, you fully relax. The next thing you know, you’re being gently placed into the bed. Sensing that you’re awake, Harry smooths down your hair and says, “Get some sleep, love,” as he pulls the covers over you.
Waking up with Harry’s arm slung around your middle is unexpected, but entirely welcomed. Everything feels so warm, so safe. His arm unconsciously tightens around you, and you snuggle deeper into the embrace.
It isn’t long before Harry wakes up, stretching out beside you and saying, “good morning.” His husky morning voice has you practically melting, but you still manage a “good morning” in reply.
Neither of you move for a while, choosing to lay there holding each other for as long as possible. It’s nice, once again feels rather domestic, and you have to stop yourself from imagining this happening every day. Your mating spot practically tingles at the thought of you and Harry bonded to each other, raising pups together in your home.
An alarm rings on Harry’s phone, thankfully stopping your daydream from getting too out of control. You take turns getting ready before heading to the car for your first official date.
Brunch is absolutely perfect. Harry had booked a private room to ensure fans and paparazzi wouldn’t be able to spy on your date. He steps away to use the restroom at one point, and you think about how it’s going so far. It’s just like any first date you’ve ever been on; better even.
It’s almost easy to forget that he’s this world-famous popstar. When it’s the two of you together, focusing on each other, he really just becomes the man of your dreams. The fact that he’s a respectful and gentle alpha is the icing on the cake.
After brunch you head back to the hotel to repack your bags before flying home. Harry watches sadly as you prepare to leave him. You ignore your own feelings for the moment, not wanting to cry in front of him. But truthfully, the fact that you have no idea when you’ll see him again is borderline devastating.
Once you’re packed and ready to go, Harry pulls you in for a hug. You stand there holding each other for a minute before he pulls back. You look up at his face, mere inches from yours, and note how his eyes are looking between your own eyes and your lips. His hands slide up your arms, your neck, until they’re cupping your face. He leans in and presses one simple kiss to your lips.
His eyes meet yours again, silently asking if that was alright. You can’t help but lean back in, giving him a couple kisses of your own.
It doesn’t go any further, and that alone brings you some peace. He’s not just doing this all to get into your pants the way many alphas would. Honestly, this whole weekend with him feels more like puppy love than anything.
 “Would it be alright if I scented you before you left?” Harry asks before adding “Since you’ll be at the crowded airport and everything, it might be safer if you smelled like you have an alpha.”
Some omegas might find this controlling, overwhelming, overprotective, but you know that’s not his intention at all. So you agree, and close your eyes as he leans in to scent you once more. It’s electric having him so close to you. It takes all your self-control to hold back a needy whine when he presses a kiss to your scent gland.  
“One more thing,” he says after pulling away. You watch in confusion as he walks back into the bedroom. He comes back out a minute later holding his green Pleasing sweatshirt. He hands it to you, and you can immediately tell he’d scented that as well. Without hesitation you slip in on, catching the satisfied smirk on his face as you do so.
You get a text from Jada letting you know a car is there to take you to the airport. Harry pulls you in for one last kiss, and having to leave his embrace is nearly physically painful for you. After saying a final, quiet goodbye, you grab your bag and walk out of the room.
All the stress of traveling seems miniscule compared to separating from the man who is quickly becoming one of your favorite people, not to mention is the alpha your omega seems to crave.
You arrive home pretty late that evening. The last thing you want to do is wash away Harry’s scent, but you desperately need a shower after an afternoon of travel. Thankfully you have his sweatshirt to burrow into.
You sleep peacefully that night, still surrounded by Harry’s scent, knowing the last text you received before bed was a message from Harry saying, “Sleep tight, I’ll call you tomorrow.”
AN: Thank you so much for reading! So sorry for the long delay between chapters! Hoping to get the next chapter out much sooner!
Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305@creativelyeva@daphnesutton@selluequestrian@lovingfurypanda @stardream14 @tbsloneely@eversincehs1@boomitsallie1@rose-garden-dreamz @fictionalmensblog @buckybarnessimpp @ottawaoutlander @storyschanging
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matchaxberries · 4 months
You want requests, i got em
I wanted to request a longer or more detailed version of the Moon predator/prey thing. Its a big kink of mine i have no idea how you knew lol, thank you once more
Punished Prey
Alpha!Moondrop x Omega!Gn!Reader
One-shot, Requested, NSFW (smut), Omegaverse!AU
Summary: Everyday, (y/n) helps Sunrise clean up the daycare, and helps with turning all the lights off when done. They always say bye to Moondrop, and make their way home after. But not today, Moon has other plans for his omega, a punishment in mind for their naughty behaviors.
Warnings: Omegaverse, like 2 paragraphs with Sun, reader is described with female anatomy but gender neutral pronouns are used, predator/prey dynamic (reader is prey), degradation, kind of dub-con, reader gets called a slut, a bit of praise, aggressive/rough behavior, biting and marking, fingering, orgasm denial.
(A/N) Sorry it took me so long to get to anon. :3 I hope this fulfills your desires, if there’s any spelling errors I apologize and this isn’t very proof read. Shaking your hand for the pred/prey kink me 2. If you have any other requests send them my way. :3
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It was meant to be a usual day at the daycare for (y/n). Helping Sunrise pick up after all of the kids are gone, helping shut off all of the lights and saying goodbye to Moondrop. That didn’t go as planned, and now (y/n) is hiding with their hand pressed firm against their own lips, heart beating against their rib cage like some twisted drum.
(Y/n) adjusts their position as quietly as possible, foam pressed against their back, and their legs shoved against their own figure in an awkward position. One arm holding their legs, the other still firmly against their mouth to maybe muffle their breathing from being too loud. They can hear the noises of Moon walking, the bells on his clothing jingling, his small hums escaping from his lips. He’s enjoying this, every bit of this.
Moon begins to speak, knowing well (y/n) can hear him, but not knowing exactly where they are. “My star… Do you know why you’re in this position hmmm?” His tone is almost mocking, as if he’s explained already.
Earlier, (y/n) had finished helping Sun clean up for the day. They began to head to turn the lights off, but Sun had protested that clearly. “Sunshine, I really don’t think that’s a good idea-“ (Y/n) only ignored his pleas. “What? It’s not like we are doing anything. I’m just saying bye, you aren’t in any sort of rut are you?” They give a small tease. This causes Sun to flush, “no no no! It’s not that.” He holds his own face and sits down on the padded flooring.
As he does, the lights around him go dim, the only light is the glow on his pants, and the small illuminated stars around the daycare. He begins to hold his head tightly, and slowly Moon begins to come out.
Moon stands up swiftly, glowing eyes locking onto his prey. “(Y/n), you’ve been naughty today~” he begins his walk to them, and makes haste of pushing them against the wall. “I’ll give you thirty seconds to run. Don’t let me catch you unless you want a punishment.” Moon strokes their cheek lightly with a finger, stepping back so they can hide.
That brings them back to now, as Moon continues his explanation. “I saw you talking to that alpha earlier today. They were taking in your scent quite more than I’d enjoy.” His steps stop, as he continues. “No alpha eyes my omega, and an alpha with a kid at that. Naughty naughty…” His steps pick back up, he starts climbing up through the slide, his speech echoed now from the surrounding plastic. “I might have to ban them from the daycare. How rude, smelling up my prey.”
(Y/n) slowly begins to move their positioning, if he comes through the slide, they’ll be right in his sight. They begin thinking of the circumstances he’s explained, they are always friendly with all of the parents that come into the daycare. They don’t remember any particular alpha’s eyeing them, or becoming weird with themself. They want to explain themselves to Moon, but there’s no snapping him from this, he’s keen on punishing his prey, even if they have a reasonable explanation.
(Y/n) decides to slowly make their way down a rope ladder, since Moon is going up. They quickly go under the bars and other items of the indoor playground set. They find a place they deem safe, against the wall, and hidden behind a foam panel.
It’s oddly quiet now, and (y/n)’s heartbeat begins to quicken against their chest. They try to listen for the bells, maybe they’re too far away? They try to listen for the creaks above them of the bars or foam. Nothing, not a sound. Maybe he stopped moving, or maybe he’s lost in thought.
All of thoughts thoughts are cut off suddenly by a pair of red eyes directly in (y/n)’s face. “Found you.” Moon states menacingly, grabbing their shoulders a bit hard, and pushing them against the wall with a sick grin.
(Y/n) let’s out a quick noise of pain, almost a yelp. “Wait- please I’m sorry, I didn’t know anyone was looking at me weird or acting weird to me-“ Moon cuts their explanations off by sticking his fingers in their mouth, pressing two fingers down against the back of their tongue. (Y/n) chokes, and tries to force them from their own mouth, but they’re not as strong as their alpha. Moon hums at their struggles and stares at their face intensely with his glowing red gaze. His eyes might be the only thing really visible in the daycare right now, except very faint glows of the stars on his pants.
Moon trails his free hand down (y/n), forcing his hand into their shirt and up to their chest. “Do you like to choke on my fingers like a greedy slut hmmm?” He coos at them, pressing his other hand firmly against their chest, toying with their nipples. (Y/n) tries to let out some sort of noise, a protest or even a moan of pleasure, but Moon’s fingers are shoved too far into their mouth, any sounds come out completely muffled and gagged.
He begins to move his hand that was on their chest, down to the waistband of their pants. He makes haste of pulling them down, along with their underwear. The cold air now biting at (y/n) thighs, their cheeks flushing at the sudden exposure.
“My pretty star… You’re mine, ours. No other alpha can ever satisfy your heat like we do. No other alpha even deserves to smell your scent.” Moon begins, taking his fingers from their mouth finally, leaving a trail of saliva from their lips to his fingertips. His fingers quickly move down to (y/n)‘s clit. They let out a strained noise, grabbing onto Moon’s wrist tightly. “We’re in the daycare Moon, why can’t we at least move up to your bedroom-“ They whine out in protest, but Moon let’s out a small growl. “It’s a punishment. You’ll take it where I want and when I want.” (Y/n) takes that as their sign not to make anymore protests to him.
Moon begins to rub his fingers along their sensitive clit, just barely giving enough friction to get off on. (Y/n) places their hands up on his shoulders, he’s bending over by some, since they’re under a play-set. It makes it easier for (y/n) to reach him and see his face. They let out small moans, and try to grind themself against Moon’s fingers. He pulls them away quickly, and their legs go together in an instant trying to get the friction they’re missing. “Naughty prey. Stay still or I’ll make you…” He grabs them and forces them to lay flat against the floor instead of shoving them against the wall, sitting in between their legs after forcing them apart. (Y/n) tries to lift their neck to see what Moon is doing, but it’s uncomfortable considering the cold flooring, and lack of cushioning.
Moon places his fingers against their clit again, and begins to rub circles into it lightly. He leans up while doing so to meet their face with his, “My star… Are you a good omega?” He questions, mainly as a tease to cause (y/n) more embarrassment. He places a gentle kiss to their lips, instead of an aggressive one, and (y/n) kisses back with a small whine.
Moon pulls away, and while teasing at their clit, he begins kissing and biting at their neck. Not leaving anything too noticeable yet, but he’s doing it aggressive. He runs his tongue lightly down their neck to their chest. Taking a nipple into his mouth, nipping and teasing it. (Y/n)‘s back arches some, they let out hisses of moans, feeling the pleasure of multiple things building in their core. Moon pushes them back down flat, his lips leaving their chest with a small pop sound.
While his fingers are working away at their clit, he very suddenly pushes a bit of his finger into their entrance. Barely enough to please (y/n), but just enough to tease them. “Moon, please…” they begin to pout, trying very hard not to rock their hips against him. He only gives a hum, pumping barely half of his finger in and out of their entrance. (Y/n) let’s out whines, and small moans as he does, their leg very slightly twitching in anticipation for him to shove it all in them.
He finally pushes one finger all the way in, his fingers are long and slender, so they reach deep into (y/n)’s core. He begins to curl it against them, moving it in and out at an agonizingly slow pace. “Already so soaked and slick for me aren’t you? You like it when I hunt you down and punish you like this?” His thumb continues rubbing slow circles into them, with his finger still pumping in and out of them.
His pace quickens, as he takes another finger shoving it in. He curls them upwards as he thrusts, placing a hand at their stomach and lightly pushing down. (Y/n) chokes at the sudden change in pace, trying to find something to grab, they hold onto his hair as lightly as possible, trying not to tug. (Y/n) feels their core tighten, an orgasm building in their stomach. As soon as they feel they’re about to release, Moon takes his hands away from them.
(Y/n) begins to speak, opening their mouth. A protest ready at the tip of their tongue, but fingers meet the inside of their mouth again. They muffle out a noise, and can taste their own juices on Moon’s fingers. “Clean them nice and well for me, my prey. You can do it.” Moon mocks, it would almost seem like encouragement to anyone else, but (y/n) knows well by his tone.
He takes his fingers from their mouth when he deems them ‘clean.’ And begins to work his own pants off. He unties the ribbon that holds part of them up, and unzips the rest off. His length is tightly pushed against his boxers, leaving a bulge that has a small stain. Moon must be pretty excited as well judging from it, he slips his boxers off finally, member springing out.
“Fix it for me, my star… I’m so hard, it hurts. I wouldn’t want to put it in you like this.” He lightly rubs his own length from base to tip. His glowing eyes stare into (y/n)’s, with a small smirk tugging at his lips. (Y/n) hastily sits up on their knees, putting their hands on him, and stroking him lightly. Moon tangles a hand into their hair, pulling them forward. “With your filthy mouth.” He demands to them,
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Word count: 1,791
Character count: 9,854
(A/N 2) I am done with school now! I started this a while back so if anything seems different that is why, sorry for the random hiatus. I need to get back into writing often. Also slight cliff-hanger :3 let me know if a part two is of your interest.
Request Rules
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avocadoguru · 2 years
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He was staring at her in a way no one had in her entire life. She couldn’t read anything in his eyes - not surprise, not fear, not malicious intent - nothing. (wolfrry, werewolf!harry, alpha!harry, ranger!y/n)
Lupus Noctis- Masterlist, Author’s Note & Warnings
Chapter 1 (word count: 4.1k) / alternatively, read on wattpad
“Ready to head out for patrol?”
Y/N looked up at her colleague before switching off her laptop for the day “Yeah, let’s go. Finished for the day, anyway.”
“Good. Eager to get home early, I never sleep well on a full moon, I’ll just toss and turn the whole night, least I can do is try and turn in early.”
“Really? Thought that was just a myth or something. Just close the curtains.”
Nick shrugged as he locked up the station behind them “It’s not that, it’s not even shining directly through my window. For the longest time, I didn’t even make the connection until an ex of mine figured out I could never sleep through full moons.”
“So then why aren’t you the one on watch duty tonight?”
He furrowed his brows at her as they started going down the trail they usually took when they started their nightly patrol “What, like you don’t sleep while you’re on watch duty?”
“I do, but the bed in there is awful. So it’s not a good sleep anyway. You could’ve taken one for the team.”
“I mean, I’ve been stationed here long before you came along, so I did actually spend quite a few full moons while on watch duty, thank you very much. It’s guaranteed no sleep. At least at home I maybe get 2-3 hours in.”
“Awh you poor man, you,” Y/N teased as they ascended an area of the trail where it became steep.
“Right? Speaking of. You’ve been here almost 2 months now. How are you liking it so far?”
“It’s… definitely not what I was expecting. But in a good way, I think. The only thing that I’m most phased by is how secluded this place seems most of the time when it’s not even that far outside town. I was expecting a bit more… action?”
Nick laughed lightly “Action? Like what?”
“I dunno. More wildlife interaction, for one.” 
“God, Y/N. You’re such a rookie” he snickered. “You’ll get your fair share of wildlife, don’t you worry.”
Y/N wouldn’t call herself a rookie in general. Maybe for this particular job, but she was confident in her skills. A trained survivalist and ranger. She could identify species of birds, reptiles, mammals, and plants from sight alone. She knew how to build a fire, climb a tree, make a shelter from only what the forest could provide, and forage for food. She could do it all, despite being a newbie to the team. She felt like she was probably even more skilled than Nick. But as much confidence as she had in herself, she knew the forest, mountains, and wildlife were due respect. Especially during the night.
“I mean, don’t you find it odd that the bears are so few around here? Like ok… boars and rabbits and what have you, but where are all the bears? I’m convinced they’re hidden somewhere in the deeper parts of the forest.” 
“Haven’t you patrolled deeper in? With Karl, maybe?” Nick asked with brows raised.
“No, I have, but we hardly saw anything exciting. You can’t really believe we only got the 3 bears we’ve spotted this year around here. I mean, the place is massive,” Y/N's breath was slightly labored as they continued along the steep path, "The highest points are so difficult to access, the few times we actually get up there can’t really give us that great of an insight.”
“Bears are nosey. They’d have come down to explore way more had they really been cooped up high up there. I know it’s odd, but there’s just not that many. I’m sure there’s more than the 3 we’ve inventoried, definitely. But I wouldn’t expect many more deeper in.”
“What does Karl think? He’s not much of a talker.”
In all honesty, Y/N preferred patrolling with any other of their colleagues. She wasn’t big on small talk, which Nick seemed to have a penchant for. She much rathered be vigilant and actually do her job whilst patrolling instead of listening to his mindless chit-chat. Or maybe it just irked her ‘cause she had a feeling he had a thing for her and was worried he’d try more one day.
“He’s on the same page. He’s been here the longest and has seen most of this forest, but it’s always been like this. I’d say we’re lucky not to be handling that many bears. Maybe look for excitement outside of work.”
Y/N let that comment at the end slide. She got the vibe that Nick might have been trying to flirt with her once or twice but she wasn’t about to entertain any workplace romance. Especially not with him, since that would definitely not amount to much excitement if she was being honest.
“Maybe if we were stationed at the highest point we’d have a better understanding of what really goes on in the deepest parts…”
“Yeah, no. You’ll see once we hit winter, there’s no way to make it to the top, no SUVs or ATVs are gonna get you there unless we hiked up there and stationed for longer periods of time. And that’s definitely not in the job description for me, I didn’t sign up for ranger life full time.”
“Suppose you’re right… It’s a difficult climb even when dry. I don’t think I could’ve driven the 4x4 on my own up there. Karl definitely knows the trail like the back of his hand and we got stuck a few times anyway – what was that?” 
“What was what?”
“Didn’t you hear that?”
They both perked their ears up and listened intently but there was nothing to be heard except for the usual forest noises. “Sounded like a wounded pup.”
They kept on listening for a while and then slowly resumed their trek, “Well if it was a pup, you know what that means. Where there’s a pup, there’s a she-wolf guarding it with her life. Honestly, I’d have much rathered had more bears on our hands than all these wolves.”
“At least they keep their distance, not as nosey as bears are, as you put it.”
“Unless you get in their way,” Nick cautioned.
Y/N knew the story, knew who she'd replaced when she got this job, and what had happened to him. Safe to say, she didn’t want to stumble upon any wolves while patrolling on foot. Whenever they were inventorying fauna they would take their jeeps for a reason.
“But the pup sounded like it was hurting…”
“Virtually impossible. They’d never let a pup stray from the pack. You’re just not used to hearing them up close. It’s deceiving, even the young are quite feral. And never by themselves.”
Y/N was not convinced, she knew what she’d heard, but then why wasn’t the pup crying out again? Maybe she’d imagined things. And Nick was definitely right about not going near a wolf pup.
After finishing doing their nightly rounds, Nick got in his car and drove away, leaving Y/N to peace and quiet. 
She filled her water bottle and turned the radio on. The radio station Y/N usually listened to began crackling and the fuzzy noise was more annoying than silence, so she turned it off. She wondered if the moon was affecting the equipment at all. Normally she had no issues listening to the station. It was one of the few that typically came in crystal clear. She shrugged as she sipped her water.
The night shift wasn’t all that bad. It could be a little creepy. The dark, dark night, the noises coming from the forest, the chill in the air, the silence inside the station… She tried to ignore the strange feeling she had in her chest. Something felt off. Perhaps it was because it was her first night shift during a full moon. Perhaps it was nothing. Perhaps it was just that she couldn’t listen to a little bit of music while she did her paperwork. The music made things feel lighter.
The tiny station wasn’t anything special, but it did have some very high-tech equipment, medical-grade kits, room for a bed, a table, a bathroom, a desk, and an entry area for any wandering humans. The daytimes are for people. During the day shift, she was used to encountering a person here and there. People would occasionally come into the station with a question during daylight hours. But at night, it was animals. They’d usually run off before she could spot them. She’d hear them, she’d take notes and infrared pictures, and use the data to compile for inventorying and informational purposes.
Finishing half of her bottle of water, Y/N locked up the room with the computer and turned the sign on the window to the station so it read ring bell for help just in case anyone were to wander toward the station. After dark, the forest park was closed, except to registered campers, but that didn’t always stop people from finding their way inside anyway.
She was about to settle in with her book when she heard the same wail as before, much fainter this time due to how far away she now was from the place she’d heard it initially. And even then, she registered it would’ve been across a clearing that was most probably amplifying it and making it sound way closer than it actually was. 
Her keys in her hands, she debated what to do. What if it was hurt? It sounded like it was hurt. After all, part of her job as a ranger was to ensure the wildlife’s safety, and poachers were unfortunately hard to keep at bay. 
It didn’t necessarily have to be a wolf. There were all sorts of pups that sounded about the same at an early age. Could’ve very well been a stray dog even, not unheard of, and actually much more probable to roam on its own than a wolf. Maybe it was attacked by a wolf and left to suffer, maybe it wasn’t poachers at all. Maybe, maybe, maybe. The possibilities were endless.
She thought to call Nick back in, after all, how far could he have gone? But she felt a sense of urgency taking over her, well, if worse came to worst - she was armed and knew her way around the woods.
Wolves travel in packs. There’s no way there was just this one pup and maybe its mother - no, she’d have heard them from afar. And especially with the full moon, they were bound to be vocal. 
Just to be safe though, she took the Jeep. Making sure to keep a low profile - after all, the moon was up and was definitely aiding her way around the forest without having to turn on the headlights - she knew the general direction she was going in, but couldn’t help but wish the pup would make some noise so that she’d be able to locate it more easily. 
She kept her window down and her engine revving to a minimum as she made her way as close to the clearing as possible. She’d have to go on foot soon, but she would leave the car close enough to make a run for it if needed. 
The cracking of twigs underfoot and the bright moon rising above made her feel grounded. The moon gave her a sense of direction, while the dried twigs let her know she was stepping on solid ground. Though it was only visible when the curtain of leaves opened every ten feet or so, it was the moon that would help guide her back toward the path.
Y/N stopped and closed her eyes. She wanted to hear it again, the noise that she’d heard earlier. It could have been a wolf. It was very likely a wolf or stray dog. But she wanted to hear it once more and then she’d turn back, she promised herself. With her eyes closed and the sounds of the wind blowing through the brush and the tree limbs, the scent of pine and wood all around, she felt calm. These moments were the ones she considered a perk of the job. Being in nature, still, and quiet with a cry of an owl or a small peep of a fox.
She sighed and opened her eyes. Her heart rate had calmed considerably. The silence of the moment (though not without the noises of nature all around) had made her feel peaceful. Y/N shook her head and laughed at herself. She was silly to wander off the path in this off-limits zone. It was dangerous at night. It was time to head back to the trail.
And there it was again! The whimpering of the pup, but this time around, she could also hear muttering. Human muttering. Poachers, then. Just her luck. She knew she had no choice but to call in reinforcement in this case - there was no way she was gonna arrest people on her own, even if by some miracle there was only one person, which was never the case anyway. She went for her walkie-talkie and then fumbled for her phone instead, realizing yet again she was alone at the station for the night. Nick was gonna have to make that u-turn after all.
But just when she was about to make the phone call, she stumbled upon a very peculiar scene. 
There was just one man - oddly enough, probably an amateur since he didn’t know this was definitely not a one-man job, and he was holding the pup close to him, while he was kneeling on the ground in front of it. 
She couldn’t tell the exact breed of the pup. She was too far away and it was too young to tell, but the man was the one she was casting all her attention upon now. He seemed to be in some sort of physical pain, he was contorting and grunting, which was what was making the pup whimper. It didn’t seem to fear the man, but it was clearly compassionate to his suffering. 
Still - what the hell was this man doing? Had the pup been the one to cause him harm, he’d have hurt it by now, she’d seen her fair share of human cruelty. But the pup was not budging. Also, the man was speaking to it, whatever he was muttering was more than just grunts of pain - he was actually speaking to the animal.
She took in the appearance of the man, or at least as little as she could make out of him from a distance. He had long hair, he was definitely a tall person, even knelt on the ground, she could tell. His appearance was overall very… unique. Certainly not your average Joe the poacher. 
An idea came to her that made her grasp her rifle more tightly than before. What if he was some sort of hippie weirdo, some sort of witchcraft enthusiast that was looking to perform some sacrifice on the pup? With the way his body was contorting, and the chants he was seemingly performing, his overall appearance, the dark clothes, the long hair - it all added up. He was gonna sacrifice the pup for some pagan ritual and she wasn’t about to sit there and watch him take out a knife or something right before her eyes, hurting the pup before she could intervene!
“Stop right there!” 
The man’s eyes darted toward her immediately and she could’ve sworn they shined a bright yellow hue when they made eye contact. Clearly, her imagination was running wild with this whole pagan ritual scenario she’d been envisioning just earlier because the closer she got the more the man looked as normal as any.
Well. Maybe that wasn’t quite the right way to describe him. Aiming the rifle at him and advancing slowly, she couldn’t help but take in his appearance more closely. His eyes were in fact piercing, but they were a very light shade of bright green. His complexion seemed quite ghostly but that was surely due to the intensity of the moonlight that was shining brightly upon them in the clearing. His hair was unlike anything she’d ever seen on a man before. Long, silky curls, reaching slightly over his shoulders, it appeared to be wild and soft at the same time. She couldn’t make up her mind, because his mouth kept catching her eye the most, his large mouth with luscious, almost feminine lips that shone temptingly in the moonlight along with his irises. She had to stop inspecting his appearance as soon as her eyes landed on his cross pendant that hung low on his torso, his shirt open to his ribcage. She’d gotten close enough, and also, she was getting distracted.
Yes. He was unusual looking for sure. She was probably not far off in her assumptions since there was an eerie vibe to him, but what really confirmed it was the intensity of his stare.
He was staring at her in a way no one had in her entire life. She couldn’t read anything in his eyes - not surprise, not fear, not malicious intent - nothing. But she felt incredibly vulnerable under his scrutiny. She barely had a chance to glance at the pup, which, at a closer inspection, she still couldn’t quite tell whether it was wolf or not. It was weird how it just stood there next to the man, though. Like it was his pet he’d trained for years and years, and the pup couldn’t have been more than 7 maybe 8 months old judging by its build. 
The man was still panting heavily, his jaw slightly set, but whatever was happening to him before - pain or him performing a chant or whatever it was - had seized. She made sure her demeanor and voice were unwavering “What are you doing with this animal here? Are you aware you are trespassing in a prohibited area?”
“Officer. I was not aware. I’ll be out of your hair, and back on the trail.”
“Stay put.” she gestured with her rifle, discouraging him to get up as he was about to. “Why didn’t you log into the station if you were going to camp overnight? You are violating a number of laws here, sir. Is this animal yours?”
She tried her level best to read him, but his eyes weren’t giving away anything. It was like looking at a psychopath, oddly enough, that was the only comparison that came to her mind. She’d never seen anything like it.
“I wasn’t planning on camping… the pup is my pet. He wandered off a while ago and I’d been looking for him ever since. Now that I’ve found him, we’ll be leaving.”
“Sir, I will not warn you again. You are to stay put until I give you clear instructions otherwise.” She looked at him some more, scanning him head to toe as best she could. He was wearing chelsea boots. Heeled chelsea boots. Velour, heeled chelsea boots… to go for a hike? “Did you drive here?”
“Yes, my vehicle is parked at the southeast entrance into the forest.”
“That’s the furthest exit. A long trek over here, at least a 9-hour walk. You’re telling me you made it all the way over here dressed in those?” she pointed her rifle to his boots and for the first time she saw a hint of a reaction on his face, if only for a split second.
A smirk.
The man had smirked. 
Was this entertaining to him? 
“I stopped for a quick walk, just to get some fresh air. I wasn’t planning on spending the whole day here. My pet wandering off left me no choice, I’m afraid.”
“What’s the dog’s name? Why isn’t it collared? What breed is it?”
The man looked over to the pup who was just standing there dumbly. This was the oddest dog she’d ever seen. If she didn’t know any better she could’ve sworn he’d placed some spell on it to stand so still - she’d never seen a dog behaving like this in her whole life.
“I don’t know. Haven’t had him long.”
“Sir, have you stolen this dog?”
There it was again, that smirk, only this time, it seemed like he was doing it with his eyes somehow. They sparkled with mischief. “No.”
“Do you have any means to prove this is, in fact, your pet?”
“He obeys me.”
Y/N whistled and tried to make the pup come to her, but it didn’t even budge. 
“I’m his owner.” the man reiterated.
“I’ll have to take it in until you can make proof of ownership, I’m afraid.”
“You’ll do no such thing.”
Y/N scoffed “Sir, you are in no position of bargaining. Let me see some ID.”
“I don’t have any on me.”
Y/N pondered the situation. Did she really want to take him into the station? She wasn’t prepared for that, she didn’t call in for reinforcement as per protocol, and she would’ve just gotten herself into unnecessary trouble. She could easily just take the pup - the sweet little thing was obedient and well-behaved, check its chip to see if it was in fact stolen, and have the man bring in proof the next day. Yeah. That sounded a lot more reasonable.
“I’m taking the pup into the station until you make proof of ownership tomorrow. You’re lucky I’m not fining you for trespassing.” She unclasped a key from her keychain and threw it at him, he didn’t budge to catch it so it hit him square in the chest “That’s for the tourist cabin down west from here, it’s a 5-minute walk. You can’t miss it. Stay on the path, and don’t try and take any shortcuts. This area isn’t tourist friendly. This is why you should log in at the station when you plan on camping. Make sure to check for snakes, otherwise, it should make do to get you through the night,” she also threw a flashlight in his direction. “Use that.” She whistled again, trying to get the pup’s attention “Come here, boy, c’mon.”
The pup wasn’t budging, if anything it began whimpering. The man looked at it and without having to say a word, it unglued itself from him and made its way toward her reluctantly.
This man was definitely into some dark magic at the very least. The whole thing sent shivers down her spine. It was as though he had the dog hypnotized or something.
She tied a makeshift lead around the pup’s neck and secured it to her belt, as best she could while still aiming the rifle at the strange man. “You may get up now.”
He didn’t even bother picking up the keys and the flashlight in doing so. He stood at an impressive height, even taller than she’d originally assumed. He was clearly concealing his displeasure with the way he had to give up the dog, that perpetual scowl on his face was the only thing trading any kind of emotion, though she suspected that was his default expression.
“I expect you tomorrow at the station with proof of ownership. If you don’t show up it’s considered a federal offense. Am I understood?”
“Understood, officer.”
She nodded and lowered her rifle for the first time since coming upon him. “Be safe.” 
She waited for him to start towards the cabin, but he was just standing there, staring at her. “It’s that way,” she gestured the rifle in the direction she’d indicated earlier.
He reluctantly took a step back, and then another, and then turned and disappeared into the woods. It was as if he’d never been there.
She looked down at the puppy who was seemingly distressed, looking after its owner “It’s alright, boy. You’re safe,” she whispered at it and then tugged on the lead to make their way back towards the jeep. 
It wasn’t until she got inside and secured the pup in the crate she had in the back that she realized the man hadn’t picked up the key and the flashlight from the ground.
Oh well. His problem. She’d done her duty.
The drive back was much shorter now that she could use the headlights and not worry about being as silent as possible. Just as she was about to unlock the station though, she heard a wolf howling. She’d not heard one as close in the whole 2 months she’d been stationed there. It made all her hair stand up on her body.
The last thing she expected was for the sweet little pup by her side to start howling in return. 
“Guess you’re not exactly a dog, are you, boy?”
She knew it. That man was not its owner. And whatever hold he’d had on the pup was not exactly human either.
Chapter 2
A/N: (@fkinavocado and @gurugirl here) We're so excited to begin this series and we really hope you love it as much as we do! ❤️
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badbatchsprincess · 22 days
Heated ~ pt.21
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9 ~ Pt.10 ~Pt.11 ~ Pt.12 ~ Pt.13 ~ Pt.14 ~ Pt.15 ~ Pt.16 ~ Pt.17 ~ Pt.18 ~ Pt.19 ~ Pt.20 ~
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: Smut! Short chapter my b.
IM NOT DEAD!!! woooo! Sorry there's been such a big break from my posting but I'm going to get back into finishing up this story and getting our precious pip back to her pack. Don't worry! And thanks to everyone sending messages and commenting you make my day and really help me stay encouraged to write. So thank you!
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You stared at your reflection in the mirror, gazing at the somewhat hollow figure of yourself. 
The monstrous silver collar weighed heavily on your spirit and collarbones. 
You traced your fingers over the indents where you had used a butter knife in a futile attempt to pry it off. Stolen from the mess, of course—it had been confiscated immediately. (Imperials are no fun.)
This followed the explosive outburst after that dreadful meeting in Tarkin’s office. 
The fight you put up required multiple troopers to pin you down, with the help of Crosshair to calm you as they forced this constricting collar onto you. Your screams had echoed throughout the entire base like the roar of a Zillo beast.
That was two days ago.
You didn’t even have the strength to get out of bed. It was so dehumanizing to be reduced to this… breeding stock? 
You didn’t know. 
You couldn’t think about it without feeling sick to your stomach. It made you itch with rage. The fantasies of murdering Tarkin were becoming more gruesome by the hour.
The 104th tried to visit, but you just curled up in bed, trying not to cry. Their voices and concern only reminded you of the 501st. You did your best to stifle your grief. They left with forlorn expressions and a curt shrug from Crosshair when they asked when you’d come out again.
Crosshair tried to nudge you out of bed, but you just burrowed deeper into the blankets, determined to remain in solitude. He sighed and left you be, feeling your despair through the bond.
Now, here you stood in your apartment bathroom, wearing Crosshair’s clothing, poking at the reminder of your purpose here. 
Your neck was raw from tugging at the collar; Crosshair had smeared bacta on the open sores that morning, and you looked at the red healing lines. 
You were suddenly overcome with the need for your other alphas. You craved the security they provided. Even when you were on the run, doing strange jobs for Cid, you felt secure with them. 
You missed their warmth, their hands, their pleasure… your home. You just wanted to scent them again, curl up in your nest, and never leave.
You looked back in the mirror and ran your fingers over the Aurebesh engraved in the metal:
“Property of CT-9904.”
You stared into your own empty eyes and decided enough was enough. The Imperials were winning if they could break you.
Fascist fucks. 
You took a deep breath and steadied yourself, willing your spirit to lift. 
Enough moping. 
It’s time to fight.
Grabbing the leather tie belt from the counter, you wrapped it around the large shirt, tying it at the waist to resemble Jedi robes. Then you pushed yourself away from the sink and turned toward the main living space. You grabbed a pair of slippers, hit the door lock, and stepped out into the hallway, making your way to the training center.
Crosshair had been ordered to track down your pack and had to pretend nothing was different. His new team of stormtroopers were inexperienced and desperately needed Crosshair’s knowledge if they were going after the Bad Batch. He had been working with them for the past few days, preparing them for this high-risk mission.
It wasn’t long before the security detail filed in behind you, following Tarkin’s orders. Two 104th infantry men flanked both sides, keeping a respectful distance but serving as a reminder that you couldn’t run far without being caught. You chose to ignore that last detail, but whatever.
Omegas and Alphas pressed themselves against the walls to let you pass. This was the one change you noticed drastically since your little show in the cafeteria and your grand escape from the facility. You were not an omega to be trifled with. You noticed the other omegas didn’t dare meet your gaze. Good. Stay away.
You had a reputation to uphold.
Descending the metal stairs, you floated down the corridor to the training rooms. Inside were endless rows of workout equipment for the regs, but more importantly, the open training mat where Crosshair was running drills with his new squadron. He sensed you immediately and gave you a discerning glance before turning his attention back to his men. However, you scented the alpha you were looking for. On the viewing platform, Wolffe sat watching Crosshair in silence. You filed in next to him, sitting down in acknowledgment.
“It’s good you’re up,” he said, keeping his gaze fixed ahead.
You sighed. “Can’t let them win. Not even the small things.”
He nodded. “You’re right.”
You nodded in return. “Did it work?” he asked.
You nodded again. “Light turned green. It’s just a matter of time.”
“Good.” He smirked. “I heard all about it from my men.”
You stifled a laugh.
“You would have made a remarkable Republic spy,” Wolffe joked. “Missed opportunity.”
You hummed.
“So, you really had a thing with a reg?” Wolffe asked, turning to face you and leaning back on the bench.
“It was a long time ago,” you said, giving him a sidelong glance.
“Didn’t think regs were your type,” he gestured toward Crosshair with his chin.
“It wasn’t a relationship. Just an… understanding,” you explained.
“I get it.” Wolffe smirked, clearly remembering something fondly. “We may be clones, but we’re still men. Alphas at that… The Republic had a pretty big budget for bunker bunnies.”
You whipped your head around, wide-eyed.
“What?” he laughed. “Your boys didn’t tell you?”
You gawked. “No!”
He snorted. “Yeah, every permanent base, and sometimes they’d bring in a ship for extended encampments.”
You were floored. You had no idea. Then you looked at Crosshair, trying to picture shiny Cross, Hunter, Wrek, Tech, and Echo experiencing that for the first time. You giggled, knowing there was probably some trauma related to that topic.
“What?” Wolffe was amused with your musing. 
“I’m just thinking about my pack. Oh god. I can’t believe all of the 501st was getting down like that and I had no idea.” You buried your face in your hands and laughed. 
Wolffe laughed too, “You really didn’t know?” 
“No!” You shook your head, “I thought quarterlies was like random people!” 
Wolffe snorted, “No darling, there was a special sector just for the girls back in Coruscant. They had the whole floor to themselves. Hundreds of omegas.” 
You squealed, “Oh my god.” 
“Ya know, I recall seeing Echo and Crosshair there a lot now that I think about it. Even your Sergeant a few times I think.” 
If your jaw could hit the floor it would. 
“Yeah. They liked to pop the shinys early. Get them accustomed to being around omegas at an early stage. Nothing worse than the first rut ya know?” 
“And Kamino?” You scrunched your brows. 
“Yeah thats where the first ruts happen.” Wolffe said like it was obvious. 
“Maker.” You shook your head. Images of your pack loosing their virginity flooded your mind. You felt Crosshair’s curiosity spike the bond. He was probably wondering what had you feeling like that. You could feel his eyes on you from across the room.
“Is that not common for nat borns?” He asked curiously. 
“No Commander, it’s not.” You shook your head, “You usually just have it happen naturally, most go through the first heat alone. Then when you’re an adult you might find a partner.” 
“Hmm.” He pondered. 
You were overcome with images of a young Tech trying to understand his alpha instincts. Probably fumbling around confused… poor baby. You shook your head. 
Oh god… Hunter… poor thing with his hyperdrive senses. That must have been so overwhelming the first few times. 
Then you thought of Crosshair. There was no way young Crosshair was ever awkward. He probably knew exactly what to do from the start… that man was too cocky to be anything else. 
You knew he was a whore from the get go… you giggled to yourself.
You’ll never forget that time on one of your first missions with the batch, you saw the way he finessed an omega into banging in a bar bathroom with such ease. It had your mind reeling for days after that. 
You remembered having to rub one out in the marauder fresher to take the edge off after imagining him with that omega for hours. He had come back looking throughly fucked. His hair was mused, his skin glowing from sweat, and the strong alpha scent radiating off of him made the whole ship reek of Crosshair. The others carried on with dinner as usual but you couldn’t help but let your mind wander. That’s when your thoughts about your squad had started, actually. 
The thought made your body suddenly warm. 
Wolffe must have sensed your smell change as he peered at you softly. 
“Excuse me.” You said standing and walking towards the mat directly at your mate. Your guards stayed behind with their Commander while Crosshair ordered his squad to keep practicing their drills while he tailed after you. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked as you lead him over between a row of punching bags. 
You just grabbed this hand and slapped the door panel dragging him into the nearest supply closet and shutting the door behind you. 
The lights fluttered on as he peered down at you, confused by your sudden behavior. 
You felt your heart quicken seeing him in his all matte black imperial amor. It felt so wrong to be turned on by it but, damn did he look good. So tall, so masculine. So… Alpha. 
“What, omega?” His voice dropped an octave sensing your becoming flustered through the bond.
You looked up at him meeting his steely gaze. You felt your core pulse, “Echo said you all had developed feelings for me when I first transferred, but I never told you when it happened for me.” You felt your chest starting to heave trying to keep up with your sudden rush of arousal. 
His smell was crowding you in a delicious way, like a warm embrace. 
He narrowed his eyes at you and backed you slowly into the near by shelves feeling your pulsing through the bond. He could feel your desperation to cum. He could almost smell it. 
He raised a brow playfully. 
“Remember when we were on Nal Hutta picking up that weapons supply from that shady dealer?” You recounted feeling the steel shelving pressing up against your spine. 
“And you had tripped and fell into the baby sarlac hole?” His memory clearly differs from yours. 
You nodded, “My shoe had been chewed up and the others left you and me in that bar while they hunted down a pair of new boots for me?” 
“Always loosing your shoes huh ad’ika?” He smirked and joked.
“You picked up that omega at the bar.” 
He narrowed his eyes not sure where this was going but listened regardless. 
You panted feeling the heat radiating through the bond and the wetness growing in your panties, “When you finally found your way back to the marauder, I had finished up dinner with the others… You smelled so good and you looked so different. And after knowing what you were doing…”  You remembered the rush of heat that had flooded your cheeks that night. 
Crosshair ran a finger lightly along your jaw making you shudder against the shelves. 
“What about it, omega?” He trailed his fingers to your cheek where he rubbed your skin softly. He could feel the heat in your cheeks now. It made his trousers tighten. 
“Something had changed. I couldn’t get your scent out of my mind. I had to finger myself in the fresher just to get to sleep.” You admitted with a whisper. 
He flashed you his teeth in a wicked smile, “That wasn’t even two weeks after you transferred.” 
“I know.” You sighed as his hands ran down your sides spreading their strong warmth making you purr and flex into his touch. 
“You’ve been imagining me fucking you for all that time?” He asked reaching around to squeeze your bum. You mewled and reached for his breast plate. He slotted his leg between yours pinning your hips to the shelf. 
You nodded. 
“Poor thing.” He whispered. 
“I didn’t ever take advantage of quarterlies because I didn’t want anyone else.” You sighed into his lips. 
“You already knew you belonged to us ad’ika.” He claimed. 
You nodded pathetically. 
“Every mission. Every time you’d come back covered in mud or blaster residue.” You whimpered grinding yourself down onto his leg, “I felt bad hoping you’d need me to patch you up. I just liked being able to scent you.” 
He guided your hips up and down his thigh. You bit your bottom lip holding back your moans. 
“Why did you tell me this now?” He asked adding more pressure to your core watching your face scrunch up as the pleasure was bleeding into your system. 
“I just remembered.” You whimpered, “Then it made me horny again.” 
He chuckled, “It’s your heat coming love.” 
You groaned as a particularly nice ridge rubbed up against you, “Fuck.” Your head slumped against his shoulder. He used a hand to grab your hip helping to guide you along his thigh. 
“Why do you have to look so good in that?” You mumbled. 
“In what, love?” 
“The armor.” You whimpered leaning up to look at him with bleary eyes. 
He smiled and leaned down to kiss you. You moaned deepening the kiss desperately feeling your orgasm starting to approach. 
“You like it, huh?” He smirked pressing kisses to your forehead while he pushed your hips down harder against him. He loved the way you twitched and squirmed under his hands.
You nodded suddenly feel the crest of your orgasm. 
Then it all stopped. You whined as Crosshair pulled away only for a moment before flipping you around harshly and bending you over a stack of near by shipping crates. You gripped onto the cool steel as he flipped up the bottom of his shirt you were wearing and yanked your panties to the side before shoving his joggers down and pulling out his leaking cock. 
You bucked up against him feeling his tip rub through your folds. You let out a pathetic whimper as he continued to gather your slick… too slow for your liking. 
“Alp-“ you were cut off as he surged forwards filling you to the absolute brim. 
You both sighed feeling each other so closely and you tried your best to grind back against him but he continued on pinning you to the crates to create a steady rhythm with his hips. 
“You were always such a good little medic, cyar’ika.” He praised, “I also would be a little reckless sometimes just so I could feel your hands on me.” He ran his hand up your spine to your neck where he fisted the hair at your nape, “We all did.” 
He chuckled thrusting a little harder making you yelp, “Our little omega.” 
“Cross.” You whined pushing back against him. The need to come was all consuming and he, like the good alpha he is, could seem to feel it through the bond. He reached down between your legs and starting making circles against your clit making you jump from the pleasure. 
“Fuck.” You moaned barking down feeling the crest approaching. You also felt Crosshair start to tense up letting you know he was close. His energy was thrumming through the bond intensifying your own sensations making it nearly unbearable. 
Then finally, with a pinched yelp, you bit your lip harshly as you came. 
“Good girl.” He praised into your ear. 
You slumped against the shelves, letting him hold you up as you regained your footing. With the urge to mate now abated, you began to return to normal.
“It’s coming soon,” you said, looking up at Crosshair with worried eyes.
“I’d be lying if I said I wished we had more time,” he sighed, nuzzling your head. “My brothers will need enough time to make a plan.”
“They can do it, though, right?” You wondered, suddenly feeling skeptical.
“They can do it,” he said confidently. “I just don’t know how we can be ready.”
You nodded, understanding his concern. It was frustrating being on the inside and having no idea what was going on.
A ping broke the silence, making both you and Crosshair look down at his com.
“Nala Se wants you in her lab,” Crosshair said, sounding resigned.
You took a deep breath. This couldn’t be good.
“Try not to fight her,” Crosshair sighed, petting your hair and tucking it behind your ear.
“You’re not coming?” you asked, suddenly filled with anxiety.
“Only if you want me to.”
“I do.”
He nodded and then tilted his head toward the door.
You exited first, grabbing onto Crosshair’s arm as he walked the two of you to the lab. Fortunately, the walk was quick and short. Nala Se’s office was just inside the infirmary, where a few regs were getting their check-ups. A couple of mating bites were being cleaned and treated, while others had come in for deep scratches down their backs. Clearly, the regs had been busy.
It didn’t escape your notice that every single one of them turned to look as you passed by. Crosshair’s presence was intimidating enough, but they couldn’t help but be curious about his mate. You could smell their scents spike as you walked past, clearly intrigued by your unique smell. Some even tipped their noses up to get a better whiff.
Crosshair approached the private lab and opened the door, allowing you to step inside and leave the room of wandering eyes behind you.
“Y/N,” Nala Se’s floating voice made you tense.
You stared at her, keeping your grip on Crosshair.
Crosshair looked down at you before addressing Nala Se. “What did you need my mate for?”
“She’s been ordered to have her remaining birth control dissolved in anticipation of her upcoming heat.”
You couldn’t help but lean a little closer to your mate, feeling your anxiety increase.
“Shouldn’t it just dissolve on its own?” Crosshair questioned. “I’d like to avoid putting her through more stress than she’s already had.”
“While I would normally agree, these orders have come from the Admiral,” Nala Se explained. “He wants to be certain she’s fertile.”
Crosshair looked down at you again. Knowing you both had to go through with this, he gently nudged you forward, and you climbed up onto the exam table. Crosshair stayed close, while Nala Se prepared the injector.
You nuzzled into Crosshair’s chest, and he soothed you with gentle back rubs. You felt Nala Se approach and press the injector to the implant site. With a quick jab, the dissolver was administered, and you felt the cooling medication spread under your skin. You flinched slightly when she pulled away, and Crosshair quickly nuzzled your cheek to keep you still. A small badge was applied, and then you were effectively dismissed.
“Once her heat begins, we will need to be informed,” Nala Se reminded you as you practically yanked Crosshair out of the lab.
In mere seconds, your scenting abilities came to life. Everything around you seemed to brighten. Crosshair’s heady scent enveloped you, followed by the unmistakable smell of regs. It was overstimulating.
You winced as you entered the infirmary. Crosshair noticed and knelt down to get a good look at your wild eyes, sensing your panic through the bond.
“Is it happening?” he asked, looking worried.
You shook your head. “No, no. I just… I can smell everything.”
“Let’s get you back,” Crosshair said, standing.
“Actually, I require your mate for one other test,” Nala Se said, appearing with her holo pad.
“It can’t wait?” Crosshair snarled.
You patted him gently on the shoulder, reminding him to stay calm and that you were okay.
You followed the long-necked alien back into her office, letting Crosshair remain at the door like a glorified bodyguard.
“I require a sample of your DNA,” Nala Se explained, leaving you to stand in the middle of the sterile white office.
“Blood?” you asked.
“Yes,” she blinked before grabbing her tool.
You held out your hand, letting her draw blood from your palm.
“Why are you doing this, Nala Se?” you questioned, watching her take your sample and not the sequencer. “Why would you help these people?”
“The Empire destroyed my home, and they’re threatening my loved ones,” she deadpanned. “I’m not here of my own volition.”
You were shocked she answered at all. You had always thought she agreed to help because of the money promised to the Kaminoans by the Republic. You had no idea they had destroyed everything. You didn’t know she was a prisoner herself.
You nodded. “Then that makes two of us.”
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Sorry this chapter is so short. I'm getting back into the swing of writing with my schedule, and according to my outline this was going to be a short/filler chapter anyways. Buttttt don't worry I'll be posting more regularly again.
Taglist: @substantial-exposure
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blouisparadise · 9 months
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Upon request, today we have a rec list of bottom Louis fics that feature breastfeeding or lactation. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Come Here (And Rescue Me) | General Audiences | 2,139 words
“It’s because of people like you that the world is going to the dogs.” The woman barked with scorn. Her eyes were as dark as her soul and Louis held Apollo closer when he started to whimper, being very in tune with his surroundings. “Breastfeeding in a park? Where do you think you are? We’re not in one of these poorly developed countries where you can act in such a discourteous way and…” “I’m sorry, but could you get lost?”
2) Effervescent Opal, Say My Name | Mature | 3,463 words
Louis has an oversupply of milk after his first pregnancy and Harry wants nothing more than to suck him dry.
3) Stuck On Me, Stuck On You | Not Rated | 8,738 words
It’s not a big deal that Harry and Louis grew up together, and not a big deal that Harry is in love with Louis since he can remember. But it’s a big deal that Louis is pregnant and has no idea who the father is.
4) Could Start A Cult | Explicit | 8,750 words
He lowers down the top that Louis is wearing, successfully unclasping his nursing bra as well, letting Louis’ tits bounce at the sudden movement. Harry massages both breasts to stimulate the milk flow, and he can feel his cock hardening inside his pants.
5) I Don't Want To Close My Eyes (I Don't Want To Miss A Thing) | Explicit | 13,605 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis is married to Liam and pregnant with his child. Liam isn't ready to be a father, but Dr. Harry Styles is more than willing.
6) Three's A Crowd, Four's A Party | Mature | 16,569 words
"Morgan, sweetie, mommy and daddy have something we want to talk to you about." The little girl looks at them confused, having no idea what's about to happen. "First I want to tell you that we love you very much and nothing will ever change that, okay?" "I love you too!" Louis smiles. "What we wanted to talk to you about is that there's going to be some changes around here soon." "Why?" "Because mommy's having a baby."
7) Mob Boss Omega | Mature | 16,786 words
Mafia "any organized group using extortion and other criminal methods" In all definitions, I am in line for the throne. As the son of a mob boss I'm set to inherit everything my father has built up. He's always been set on expanding though and who better to use than his overprotected omega son. That's me in case you're wondering. The crown omega prince of the mob.
8) Baby, Loving You’s The Real Thing | Explicit | 21,011 words
Harry never thought he’d be taking care of a child at the age of twenty-one—well, trying to anyway.
9) Fell For You | Explicit | 26,136 words
A crime investigation fic in which Detective Louis Tomlinson and Detective Harry Styles are tasked to solve a case together where Louis hates Harry Styles or does he?
10) For Your Eyes Only | Not Rated | 26,501 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis likes to feel beautiful and taken care of. Harry is just the person to help. They figure it out together.
11) Just Forget The World | Explicit | 42,861 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis is the last person on earth who can get pregnant after the birthrates decreased then completely stopped twenty years before and in search for someone with good genetics and a family tree Harry is chosen to mate with him.
12) I'm Me When I'm With You | Mature | 86,123 words
AU in which Louis finally is able to attend the University he’s been dreaming off: Queens University. But fate works in mysterious ways and it certainly doesn’t care about your dreams nor your plans. No, fate had a whole other future planned for him the moment he met the popular, gorgeous and mighty Alpha named, Harry Styles who accidentally impregnates him after a one nightstand… Accidents happen, but not all accidents are bad.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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somethingsnow · 3 months
FINALLY FINISHED WITH THIS in all actuality this took so long was because exams yay but I now it’s summer time so I’ll have a bit more time for drawing and posting hopefully. Also I hope you enjoy some lore a little stories with this art.
Day 1 game night (technically not really but I have a little story for it so originally the whole crew was going to do game night but something happened and they left so it was just Inkling, Tweak, Shellington, and the Vegimals. Tweak was on stand by, Inkling was reading and Shellington was finishing some research while his kids played games on one of tweak’s old consoles while they reached a hard level and needed help so they went to their dad for help)
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Day 2 fluff ( I was going to do angst but now that will probably end up as a comic or writing thing but while I was rethinking I remember the “you drew stars around my scars” I think that’s how to goes but I then imagined Peso having some like skin/scar safe pen and drawing on Kwazii’s scars cause he was scratching at them (he does that when he remembers some he does like I’ll probably rant about another time) so Peso stops him and draws on them so if he were to look at them and scratch them he instead think of something else)
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Day 3 sea monster (I made up a sea monster that Kwazii tells the crew about it turns out the “sea monster” was a puffer fish and crab that he ran into in his pirate days and when the puffer fish stung him he got pinched by a carb at the same time and dew to the puffer fish’s toxins his vision blurred and he saw it as a kind of sea monster I could explain the whole story in a different post if wanted to)
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Day 4 food ( Tunip was just learning how to cook and he burnt a kelp cake and was so sad about it because he thought that the old timer was working (it wasn’t) he set it for the right amount of time but it didn’t work so it never went off and that’s when they got a new cooking timer) (also ignore the bad hands I couldn’t figure out how to draw them holding a plate)
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Day 5 idol outfit (This is when I figured out how to use the alpha lock setting on procreate I genuinely really like this one it also took the longest but it’s really just Dashi and Tweak in cool/fancy clothes cause for fun when nothing was going on Dashi had the idea to do a kinda fashion show with stuff only in their closet)
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Day 6 cosplay (This was for poops and giggles but I was out of town and had no internet and for a joke I had a photo of the Lorax in my camera roll and I thought “what if they somehow dressed the Professor as the Lorax” and this was the result of that thought)
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Day 7 swap jobs ( For this one I had no clue who to do so I made a wheel and spun it for who to swap their jobs and it pick Tweak then Kwazii so yeah also some scars and stuff and gone because those where form missions but the ones that are there are from pirate days or something else… but yeah the only thing swapped are their jobs pasts are kinda the same so yeah)
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43 notes · View notes
animeomegas · 2 years
24 Hours - Epilogue
[Alpha!Reader x Multiple Naruto Characters]
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Summary: You had spent the best part of a week married to each of your possible future suitors. You had enjoyed yourself immensely, but now was the hard part; you had to sort your life out and figure out which path you were going to pick... GN!Alpha!Reader x Multiple
Warnings: Pregnancy stuff, swearing, vague descriptions of injuries, some n-sfw discussions.
(And here we are!! The epilogue is complete!!! This project has been a ride, but it’s all worth it to give to @omeganronpa​!! I hope everyone else has enjoyed also though, and I hope you enjoy the ending, even if it’s not the one you hoped for :D Merry Christmas!!!!!! 💞💞💞)
Word count: 9.4k
Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Epilogue
When you opened your eyes, you expected to see the purple-on-purple design of the fortune telling shop through clouds of incense, with the mysterious fortune teller hovering over you and smiling in that infuriating way that made you want to answer the question of whether to thank her or punch her with the answer ‘both’.
But no, you woke up in your shinobi, standard issue flat, in your boring, plain bedroom that never had time to be interesting or messy because you were never there. Your whole body ached from the mission you had almost forgotten you’d just done, but you pushed yourself into a sitting position regardless.
You were still wearing your mission clothes and you clearly hadn’t showered. It was almost too normal to find yourself in such a situation.
Had it all been a dream? No, you decided, definitely not. That was too much for a dream and what would anyone have had to gain from such a genjutsu. No, you really had lived an extra week in the future, and doubting the authenticity of it wouldn’t be helpful. But did that mean the fortune teller had carried you to your room? You felt strange that she’d seen you in such a vulnerable state and then gained access to your home, apparently bypassing all your traps, only to leave you lying on your bed. She had done you a great service, but that didn’t mean you trusted her enough to feel comfortable with that.
Ignoring the fact that you looked and probably smelt like shit, you jumped out of bed and ran through your house, barely remembering to grab the keys from your mission pack on the way and stormed down the stairs to the ground floor. You needed to see the fortune teller. She needed to explain herself to you.
You squinted against the bright light of the sun as you exited out onto the quiet street, but when you swivelled towards the fortune telling shop, you found it as empty as it had always been. The windows were unobstructed by purple curtains and the only thing you could see inside was small amounts of debris and an abandoned counter. Baffled, you walked to the door, noticing the fortune telling signs replaced by the old for sale price with an abysmally low price, and tried to push it open. Locked.
It was exactly as it had been when you went on your mission. Empty, abandoned, lifeless and containing zero fortune tellers or purple décor.
Completely bemused, you had no other choice but to return to your flat. It felt so cold after all the homes you’d spent the last six nights in. You had believed house and home to be synonyms previously, but the last week had shown you how wrong you were.
Regardless, you couldn’t believe the whole shop was just… gone!
You decided to get out of your clothes and hop in the shower; you’d be able to think and rid yourself of the dried blood and mud at the same time. You turned on the hot water, silently mourning the superior shower and bath at the Nara compound as you did and stepped under the water.
You stayed standing there for a few minutes, watching the brown water flow down the drain as you pretended that you hadn’t just had your entire world view turned on its head by a possibly-not-real fortune teller.
How were you going to pick? You ran through everyone you’d spent a day with as you squirted shampoo into your palm. No, it was more than that. It wasn’t just about picking a mate; it was about picking a whole life. You had so much you needed to do before you’d be in a position to take any mate and give them the version of you they deserved.
You needed to sort yourself out before you tried to court one of them.  
Your number one priority was to figure out how you could be in the village more often. The schedule you were operating on now was unsustainable, with or without a future mate, but you also couldn’t be a good alpha is you were never present for your omega. Unfortunately, you’d also be a pretty bad mate if you were completely broke and unemployed because you decided to stop taking missions. You had to find a middle ground.
It would be a slow process, and although it hurt your heart to think about going back to your lonely life there was no other choice; you wouldn’t be able to stop missions right away. But you could start working on something else, something that would allow you to switch to taking missions part time eventually. Or should you go for an in-village job?
No, you quickly dismissed that idea. You would miss the thrill and the travel that came with taking missions, so your first plan was better. So, what could you do part time while taking missions for the other half of your time? What were you good at? What experience did you have outside of the usual shinobi skills? What would be a good fulltime venture in the event that you were too injured to continue missions or for after retirement? You had to consider it all.
You took a moment to just appreciate the hot spray of the water once more. It was soothing to think in the shower, all the best ideas were born there in your experience.
As you pondered the question, you started thinking about what other ninjas had done and you found yourself considering Ino’s dad’s flower shop. A shop could be perfect. You were great at business; you had been thinking about that only yesterday when future Naruto was telling you about the business fairs Konoha was hoping to start.
The more you turned it over in your mind, the more you were convinced that it was a great plan. You started to feel enthused just thinking about it. You’d have normal hours to work around whatever family you had, you could easily hire someone to run it while you were on missions because running a shop didn’t require specialist skills and barring the most extreme injuries, you’d be able to do it fulltime if you were forced into retirement early.
Yes, you liked this plan. It felt right. It had you feeling hopeful for the future, something you desperately needed. What kind of shop though? And how could you afford it?
The image of the now empty shop under your flat came to mind immediately, mainly because of how cheap it was. It was a rundown commercial building in a residential area, it wasn’t like people were clamouring to buy it, but if that kind of property was all you could afford, you’d need a business that could survive in such a location.
What kind of shop wouldn’t need much foot traffic to survive? Perhaps a shop that people didn’t visit every day and were therefore more willing to travel out of the centre of Konoha for. What kind of shop could you run where the remote location was a selling point?
Hmm, you would have to think about it more, but buying the shop downstairs wasn’t a bad idea if you could figure out a business that would work.
The water was getting cold, so you stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, drying yourself off and trying to avoid aggravating any injuries.
Getting this business set up would be step one. Dropping to part time missions would be step two. Getting closer to all your friends and helping them out with your future knowledge would be step three. Then and only then would you think about a mate.
Despite your energy for change, your life continued much in the same way for another year or so, and while it hurt at first, you’d fallen into the familiar pattern pretty easily. The goal you had made it easier to preserve though; knowing you didn’t have to do this forever was energising.
You put away as much money as you could from every mission, trying to save up for that shop, but before you had enough and before you had a chance to deepen and create all these friendships you wanted to make, war broke out.
The war put things on hold for obvious reasons, and in the darkest days, you wondered how the futures you had seen could ever be possible, because it felt like no one and nowhere would be spared from the brutal destruction.
You had fought as hard as you could, for those perfect futures and for your present loved ones. But eventually, it was over, and you had won. Sasuke came back and you focused on rebuilding your village and your home. You had a lot of time to think about your shop as you cleared rubble and organised relief efforts. Haku turned up to Konoha not long after it was up and running again, and you knew it was time to start chasing that future once more.
You opened your shop exactly two years after the war had ended. It wasn’t under your old flat, because the whole building had been destroyed, but you went for a similar place. You needed somewhere a little more private, a little more hidden, for your store.
You created a shop for heat and rut supplies, but you specifically aimed it towards shinobi by, among other things, allowing multiple exits to and from the building, operating on weird opening hours a few times a week for shinobi who were on missions during usual opening times, and including specialist seals for protection and scent control that shinobi could use to feel safer during their vulnerable times.
You stocked everything you could think of. Toys, lube, informational books and porn, nesting materials, high calorie ration bars, seals, nest décor, water bottles, low effort recipe books, first aid kits, cleaning supplies designed to be odourless so they don’t interfere with the heat/rut, and so much more.
It was a slow start, many people not aware of your shop for the first few months, but shinobi were awful gossips, so every one of them that came to your shop spread the word and soon business was booming and the money followed not long afterwards. You hired some brilliant staff to cover your days off and missions, and everything went as smoothly as you could have hoped.
The war was over, the shop had been set up, missions were dropped to part time, and you had money rolling in. It was time for the final step: choosing a mate.
You had become closer with all the omegas you’d spent those futures with, after the war.
You had asked Shikamaru to teach you to play shogi, and now you played together every week, allowing him a break to indulge in his hobbies with you. He beat you every time, but you were getting better, and he seemed to like watching you grow and change as a player. He had never once let you win though even when you had begged for a the shallow ego boost.
You, Naruto and Sasuke were closer than ever. You helped Sasuke fit back into the village and looked after him when the trauma got too much. You were there for Naruto to talk through his feelings about the war and to cry on each other’s shoulders as you thought about the people you had lost. You started to nudge them both together too, because whether you chose to join them or not, you wanted them to be happy.
When Haku had come to Konoha, you had helped him find a place to live, conveniently retracing your steps from memory to the place you had lived with him in the future. He had loved it and after you’d given a few suggestions on the interior from your memory, Haku had called on you for interior design advice every time he needed it. You were pretty sure his love of your designs based on what you saw of his choices in the future was definitely some kind of paradox, but that wasn’t going to stop you.
You had reached out to Shino in order to get to know him better and you’d had many ‘friend outings’ with him alone and also with his team. You listened to him and were delighted to find he already had that strange sense of humour that cracked you up more than anything else.
It was through Shino that you got closer to Kiba as well. And when Kiba had been sick on his birthday, all his friends on missions or unable to risk getting sick from him, you had been the one to spend the day with him, nursing him and trying to cheer him up. He had returned the favour when you had inevitably caught the sickness a few days later and you’d been lose ever since.
You had supported Neji leaving his clan as best as you could, offering him free reign over your shop for nesting supplies after hours, so he could shop privately for the supplies to build his first nest. You had even started stocking specific medication after hearing about how hard it had been for him to find pain meds that didn’t mess with the ones he already took to manage his heats after years of suppressant abuse. It had been difficult to get your hands on the medication, but for him, you did it.
You had also prioritised the other relationships in your life. Sakura, Sai, Ino, Chouji, Hinata, Lee, Tenten… all of them.
So, now, at your birthday party, the table was full of all these people. Your relationships with your friends were the most precious thing you had, and to see them all together here, to celebrate your birthday, it brought a tear to your eye.
It had taken serious planning to get a night where everyone would be there, but you had done it and it was more than worth it.
Neji caught your eye and nodded at you with a small smile; you had slipped him some free heat meds when you had arrived.
Kiba was grinning at you and poking your leg with his toe at varying intervals.
Shikamaru was watching you and when you caught his eye he mouthed ‘happy birthday’ before turning back to his drink.
Shino was sat right next to you and was telling you a story about his latest mission.
Haku was sat on your other side, between you and Naruto because you’d been worried about him feeling out of place, but he simply looked serenely around the table. When he got to you, he grabbed your face in his hands and pressed a kiss to each of your cheeks. A birthday greeting from Kiri, he explained.
Naruto was frantically searching through his bag for your gift that he was swearing must be there somewhere, while Sasuke stood at his shoulder, rolling his eyes.
These were the people that could be your future. And you knew who you were going to pick.
After agonising over the perfect courting gift, the right place for a first date and the right things to say, it was surprisingly easy to start a relationship with who you had picked. It was so easy that you kind of regretted over analysing every second of your memories of that cycle to find clues as to what you should say or do.
But in the end, you didn’t even give the courting gift or get through the planned words before your courting offer was eagerly accepted.
Things moved quickly. You were glad that you had worked on yourself first; you would have been unable to handle being a good partner back then, but now you could do everything a good mate should do and more.
Technically, you were on a courting date now, but you were far past the awkward restaurant dates and daytime walks around the village. No, this was relaxed, the eating takeaway in your living room and binging bad movies together kind of relaxed.
“What kind of decision was that?” you exclaimed, watching the protagonist choose to run upstairs rather than out the front door while she was being chased by a serial killer. “Like, I’m not here to victim blame, but…”
“That sounds exactly like victim blaming to me,” Kiba laughed, knocking his shoulder into yours.
“No, I said I wasn’t victim blaming!”
“Uh huh, like you said you weren’t going to eat all the mac and cheese,” he said, eyeing the empty pot that said mac and cheese had once been in.
“Shut up, I hate you,” you grumbled, snuggling into his shoulder and pulling the blankets around yourself. The protagonist was getting brutally murdered on screen, but you weren’t paying much attention. It wasn’t like these civilian horror films ever got anything right about actual murders anyway.
“Yeah, you hate me?” he leant down and whispered directly in your ear. Shivers ran down your spine. “I don’t believe it.”
“Believe it, dog boy,” you said without any heat.
“You sound like you’ve been spending too much time with Naruto,” Kiba smirked, pushing himself somehow closer to you. “Should I be jealous?”
“Never,” you said firmly, dropping the joking tone immediately. “My attention is yours; I’ll never look away, I promise.”
Kiba grinned, his lips now hovering close to yours.
“I love it when you say stuff like that,” he said, voice lined with a growl. He kissed you before you could formulate a reply.
With Kiba, you’d quickly learnt that every kiss was like the first time. Not because he kissed slowly or hesitantly or sweetly every time, but because the first time had been intense, hot and heavy and so was every kiss that followed.
You hummed into Kiba’s mouth, satisfied by the way he was using his tongue. You had become so comfortable with Kiba so quickly, but you’d yet to go all the way. Kiba seemed eager to take that step as soon as possible, but you wanted to court him for a little more first; you really didn’t want him to think that you were only there for sex.
You kissed until the credits of the film started to roll and only then did you realise how late it had become.
“Damn,” you said, pulling away, panting a little. “It’s already almost 1 AM, you don’t have a mission tomorrow, do you?”
“Nope,” Kiba replied, snatching one of the last slices of pizza from the table and shoving it in his mouth. “I’m still on leave from the last one.”
“Nice… Do you, uh, well,” you stumbled over your words. It was annoying considering how much you have practiced being casual about it in the mirror. “Do you want to stay the night?”
Kiba looked at you for a moment, a little bit of pizza sauce on his cheek, but before long he was grinning again.
“Hell yeah, I do!” he said, excitedly. “But I don’t have any pyjamas or stuff with me.”
“I have a spare toothbrush,” you said quickly, deciding not to mention that you’d bought an extra just for him. “And you can borrow some of my clothes to sleep in.”
You weren’t sure if it was just your imagination, but Kiba’s eyes seemed to darken at your words.
“Sounds good,” he said after a long pause. His voice was as heavy as his gaze.
You had offered to take the sofa and let Kiba take the bed, but the look of offence he had given you had had the offer dying on your lips.
You and Kiba were laying together in your bed now. You pointedly ignored the instinctual rush of having the omega you wanted to mate in your bed.
Kiba was draped over you, seemingly feeling no awkwardness at sharing a bed with you for the first time. He really wasn’t going to change much, at least personality wise, if the future version of him that you met had been accurate.
You sighed happily, rubbing circles on Kiba’s back. The mixing of his scent and your scent was making you pleased and sleepy. It was so nice to have Kiba here with you, and you couldn’t wait to see how your relationship was going to grow and change.
“Just so you know,” Kiba said sleepily. “Inuzuka don’t get married, so if you’re waiting until marriage to fuck me, you’re going to be waiting a long time.”
You snorted at the unexpected statement, having to stifle your laughs with your free hand.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“I was just letting you know.”
“You don’t have to worry, anyway,” you said, still chuckling. “I’m not waiting for marriage, I just… want you to know that I like you for you, not for sex, y’know.”
“I already know that, dummy,” Kiba said, flicking you on the side. You could almost hear him rolling his eyes. “You don’t need to wait for that.”
“Seeing as we’re on the topic though,” you said, resuming your rubbing of his back. “Why don’t Inuzuka get married?”
“There’s no point of marriage if you already carry each other’s bite marks,” Kiba said bluntly. “Nothing is more important than that.”
You turned the thought over in your mind. You had kinda assumed that future Kiba and you had been married, but apparently not. It made sense though, now that you were thinking about it, and not being married wouldn’t change anything in your relationship.
“I get that,” you said. “It fits your clan, not going to lie.”
Kiba snorted but didn’t deny it.
You laid together in silence for a while. You were starting to think Kiba had fallen asleep, but he’d obviously been thinking about things, because he spoke up again, sounding a little hesitant for the first time since you’d known him.
“Do you, uh, want any pups?” Kiba asked, trying and failing to sound casual.
You just started to laugh as soon as you registered the words. You couldn’t help it.
“Wha- hey! Why are you laughing?”
“I’m sorry, I just-“ you couldn’t get the words out between laughs, but Kiba’s frowny face eventually calmed you down. “I would love to have pups in the future. How many do you want?”
“A few, I guess-“
You burst out laughing again, unable to keep it in with the thoughts of Kiba only having a few pups. This time Kiba hit you with a pillow.
“Why are you laughing?!”
You responded by picking up your own pillow and hitting him with it, devolving your quiet cuddling into a wild pillow fight.
You had a sneaking suspicion that despite you taking these early days slowly, it wouldn’t be long until Minoru popped into existence. And maybe it was a weird thing to think, but you were really excited to see him again.
It turned out that Minoru did come pretty soon, only two years after that first time you’d slept in a bed together with Kiba.
And just over a year later, Ichika joined the family, and you were now a family of four.
Kiba had proclaimed multiple times how you were on the same wavelength with names because he always loved your first suggestion. You kept where the inspiration came from to yourself as it was technically cheating.
Now, Minoru was three years old, Ichika was two and it had been four years since Kiba had gone on a mission. He still worked around the compound when he had the chance but being pregnant was too much of a risk on the field and he was still breastfeeding so he couldn’t be gone for more than a day or two.
He wasn’t technically retired, simply on leave, but you had a sneaking suspicion that he was pregnant again (with twins), going by the timeline you’d seen from the future, so he wouldn’t be returning to being an active shinobi anytime soon.
(You remembered when Kiba had been worried about him and Akamaru getting bored without missions, but the pups had kept both of them more than busy.)
You were still taking missions, but you had stopped taking long ones altogether and pulled back the number of short missions as much as you could. You spent almost all of your day in the shop instead, so you could be home for dinner and the bedtime routine almost every night. Kiba and your pups deserved a present mate and appa.
Unfortunately, even though you were only taking a short mission every fortnight, that didn’t mean being a shinobi wasn’t dangerous.
The last thing you remembered was accidentally triggering a trap and having your foot mangled and a paralytic fired into your neck.
The paralytic had worn off on its own, but your foot had required pretty intensive surgery in the hospital back in Konoha. You honestly couldn’t remember much about the journey back or initial treatment, but you had eventually been released home with strict instructions not to put any weight on your foot unless absolutely necessary.
You felt guilty for burdening Kiba with your care on top of your two toddlers, but he had been rather aggressive when you tried to apologise.
“It’s my job to take care of you,” he had said. “I don’t want to hear any apologising bullshit.”
At least you were capable of staying alert all day, even if you were stuck in bed. You could work on the paperwork for your shop which stopped you from feeling entirely useless.
You sighed, leaning back against the headboard of your bed. You still had another week before your final surgery and then another week of recovery before you could try to walk again. You amused yourself briefly by imagining putting a bounty on the head of whoever set that trap, but your daydreams were interrupted by the door opening.
In toddled Minoru, tightly clutching at a glass of water, using his entire focus to keep from spilling it. Kiba, holding a sniffling Ichika, came in behind him.
“Hey everyone, what’s up?” you said, smiling as Minoru successfully placed the glass of water on your nightstand without dropping it. “Good job with the glass, baby, thank you.”
Minoru smiled, but it was sad and lacklustre. He looked more worried than anything else.
“We’ve come to check on you and bring you some water,” Kiba said. He sounded stressed but was obviously trying to keep it together. You weren’t surprised; you had heard Ichika crying all morning.
“How are you feeling, appy?” Minoru asked, nervously fisting at his shirt.
“My foot’s a bit poorly still, darling, but I’m okay,” you smiled at him and ruffled his hair. “Do you want a cuddle? You won’t hurt me, I promise.”
He nodded, and with your help and a frankly over the top amount of caution to avoid your foot, Minoru settled down and curled up on the left side of your chest. For being only three, Minoru was already such a worrywart. You were thankful that your arms were uninjured so you could snuggle him and pepper his head in kisses with no constraints.
Minoru purred under your attention.
Ichika was less content though. Despite Kiba rocking her and attending to her needs as best as he could, she was still crying. You could see him talking to her in low tones, although you couldn’t hear what he was saying.
You suddenly remembered the day you’d spent in the future, something that was still weird to recall now that you had got on with your life. You remembered Ichika’s issues with her Inuzuka senses being too strong and overwhelming her. It would make sense that those issues had started young.
“Babe, pass her to me,” you said softly, holding the arm you weren’t using to support Minoru up. “I have an idea to stop the crying.”
Kiba didn’t look like he had much hope, but he didn’t argue, simply passing her into your free arm with no complaints. Ichika struggled and increased her cries as she realised she was being put down, but calmed a little when she realised you were now holding her.
You manoeuvred her head so that one ear was pressed against your chest, and you covered the other one with your hand.
“Try covering her eyes with your hand,” you said to Kiba, seeing as your other hand was holding Minoru. Kiba looked sceptical, but he’d obviously been worn down with the crying because he followed your instruction with no complaint, shuffling onto the bed on your right and using a hand to cover Ichika’s eyes.
The sniffling and quiet cries continued for a while, but Minoru seemed content to snuggle, and you’d mouthed ‘wait’ at Kiba enough that he did. Eventually, the sniffles died down and Ichika’s breathing evened out. When you and Kiba withdrew your hands, she was asleep.
“How did you do that?” Kiba whispered, looking like he wasn’t sure whether to thank you or accuse you of witchcraft. “I’ve been trying to get her to take her nap for three hours.”
“I’ve been thinking about it,” you explained in an equally soft voice. “And I think she’s been having trouble with her senses getting too much for her. That’s why when we muffled her hearing and sight, she was able to relax enough to fall asleep.”
Kiba’s mouth pressed into a firm line and his eyebrows furrowed in concern. He looked very worried.
“That’s not good,” he said, stroking her hair gently. “We’ll need to go to a medic and see if it can be fixed because if not, she-“
“Hey, stop spiralling,” you chastised softly. “She’ll be fine. Even if she needs more support or she decides against being a ninja, she’s still healthy and we can manage the symptoms and make her happy. That’s what matters.”
“Is Ich’ka poorly too?” Minoru asked suddenly. You and Kiba both looked to him, having forgotten that he was still awake. His bottom lip was trembling, and the poor thing looked incredibly upset at the idea that both his sister and appa were unwell.
“No, baby, Ichika is fine,” Kiba rushed to reassure him verbally while you pressed a kiss onto his little forehead. “We just think that sometimes things get too loud for her, so we’re working out how to fix it for her.”
Minoru blinked at you a few times but seemed to believe you because he nodded and laid his head back down on your chest, yawning.
“Okay, ommy,” he muttered before sticking his thumb in his mouth.
“They both ended up missing nap time because Ichika was crying,” Kiba explained, gently climbing off the bed and leaving your two pups snuggled up on you.
The pain in your foot was overshadowed by the burning affection that threatened to overwhelm you as your two babies snuggled into your chest.
“I’m going to change your bandages while they’re sleeping,” Kiba said, slipping into the bathroom and coming out a few moments later with everything needed to tend to your foot. It was common for him to change them while the pups napped because neither of you wanted them to see any of the gore in case it scared them. Especially Minoru, who had been inconsolable when you’d come back injured from your mission.
“Ouch,” you grumbled as he wiped at your foot with cleaning alcohol.
“Oh dear, poor baby, are the wipes too much for you?” Kiba teased, picking up the bandages and beginning to wrap them around your foot. “Do you want me to kiss it better after it’s all bandaged?”
“Yes,” you said earnestly, ignoring the teasing aspect of his question.
Kiba snorted, but obliged, pecking the bandaged foot while trying not to laugh. You hoped you could make him laugh more often; he had been so serious and stressed recently, torn between your injury, Ichika’s constant crying and Minoru’s refusal to leave the house in case you got worse while he left. And all of that was on top of the normal caring duties for two toddlers.
You felt guilty for getting injured and making his life so hard, but you knew he wouldn’t appreciate the insinuation that you were a burden on him. You were pack and as far as Kiba was concerned, pack looked after each other no matter what.
“Are you okay with them in here with you? I need to go and try and clean the house, it’s in an absolute state,” Kiba asked, packing away the medical supplies.
You didn’t want him to work and work and work until he dropped.
“You should lay down with us, babe,” you said, still keeping your voice low so that you didn’t disturb Minoru and Ichika. “You look like you need it, no offence.”
“None taken,” he snorted. “But I still need to clean and Ichika has been refusing to be put down, so now’s the only time I can do it.”
“Let’s just, hire some poor genin team to clean the house or something,” you suggested. “We have enough savings and I’d class this as an emergency.”
Kiba hesitated, but in the end, you managed to coax him into climbing in on Ichika’s other side and having a nap with the rest of the family.
Once you were better, you couldn’t say that you weren’t glad, but you still treasured the little nice moments that you had managed to find in between the hardships.
A month after your foot had mostly recovered, it turned out that you had been right about Kiba being pregnant, and before you knew it, your family was now six people as Akemi and Kaito made their appearance.
With four under four, you and Kiba tried your hardest to put the hundreds of condoms you’d received as gag gifts to use. Of course, you knew from your trip to the future that it wouldn’t last forever, but you made it five whole years without Kiba being pregnant even once. When people teased you for having the largest family of your generation, you just laughed, knowing that it was going to get bigger one day.
You had been right in your assumption that picking Kiba would mean that you were never lonely again, and although you sometimes longed for moments where no sticky hands were trying to climb you, you thrived in the large family atmosphere.
You also carved out time to spend with your friends, refusing to let the relationships you had forged die from something as mundane as not having time to hang out.
The garden you had wistfully imagined hosting BBQs in while you were in the future was now frequently filled with those once imaginary BBQs. Naruto and Sasuke always came, Naruto excited to play with your pups and pine over the pups he and Sasuke were eventually planning on adopting together. Sai and Sakura came too, Sai always bringing some bizarre side dish with him. Hinata and her two children seemed a little intimidated by most of your feral goblins, but Ichika got on with them like a house on fire and you were happy to provide her with some calmer company. Shino had adopted a distant relative from his clan and was raising him as a single oma, although when they came along, little Kazue (and oh goodness did it pull on old heartstrings when you saw him for the first time) normally tucked himself up on Shino’s lap and refused to play with the other children.
It was chaos when you all got together, but the kind of chaos that lit a fire in your very soul. It made all those earlier lonely days seem like hallucinations.
After those five years, Kiba was pregnant again, with the baby that you’d almost seen born during your future excursion.
You were incredibly thankful when the birth passed without any fainting incidents. You had even managed to intercept Minoru’s anxiety by explaining to him about clan pregnancy before his lessons on childbirth at the academy and so instead of the tears and worries over Kiba dying, he’d instead proudly explained to all his classmates that his clan and oma were simply ‘built different’.
The actual birth had also gone much smoother. You were his actual mate this time, able to easily provide the comfort and intimacy that Kiba needed while also having the know-how from the previous three births to support him and the pup properly. It wasn’t your first rodeo this time. It was rodeo number four, which you considered an ‘out of the danger zone’ number of rodeos.
And with that, you had Hibiki, your fifth child and third son.
When you had been in the future, you had assumed that the mystery fifth child would be the last one, but you knew better once you’d actually been mated with Kiba for years.
Yua, your sixth child and third daughter was born a few years later.
And when, a few years after that, Kiba got pregnant again, you immediately booked an appointment to get sterilised so that you could continue to indulge his breeding kink without making any more mouths to feed. You were doubly glad about that decision when the final pregnancy was revealed to be twins.
“You’re doing so well, babe, so well,” you were naked and pressed up against an equally naked Kiba, holding him from behind as he worked through a contraction.
“It feels strange that this is the last time I’m going to do this,” Kiba said between gritted teeth. “I kind of don’t want this labour to end, is that weird?”
“Yes,” you said bluntly, vaguely concerned but not surprised.
“Yeah, that’s fair,” he acquiesced, relaxing slightly now that the contraction had passed. “You sure you don’t want one more?”
“You know you’re not allowed to make decisions when you’re in labour, horny or feral.”
“I guess that’s also fair,” he sighed, stretching out his legs.
You rubbed on his stomach to try and ease the discomfort as best as you could. This was your sixth rodeo now though and it was almost funny to recall the panic from your trip to the future and at Minoru’s birth. You could probably deliver an Inuzuka baby in your sleep at this point.
“Drink some water,” you prompted, holding a water bottle to Kiba’ lips. He drank obediently, emptying the bottle in one go.
“I reckon these twins will be out pretty soon now,” Kiba said, reaching over to grab a ration bar and tearing it open with his teeth.
“I’m not surprised, it’s probably like a slip n’ slide in there by now.”
Kiba laughed at your joke and almost choked on his ration bar in the process.
“You’re the one who’s been in there the most, so you would know.”
“Pfft- Shut up,” you smacked him gently on the shoulder.
“You should know by now that that won’t happen,” he smirked, pressing his lips against yours.
A muffled smashing sound from the main part of the house had you both startling apart.
“Want to take guesses on which chaos gremlin was the cause of that?” Kiba said mildly, unperturbed by the sounds of destruction after so many years.
“Hmm, I bet it was either Akemi and one of her experiments gone wrong, or it was Hibiki attempting to eat his dinner from a dog bowl on top of the counter again.”
“Not a bad bet, but personally I think that was the sound of Minoru snapping and frisbeeing something fragile at the wall.”
“May the best person win,” you said, shaking his hand. He played along with a grin, but he soon tightened his grip and bent over in pain.
“Fuck, maybe I don’t want this to last forever,” he grunted, still squeezing your hand. “It hurts like a bitch.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, holding him tightly. “I wish I could take some of the pain for you.”
“I think it’s time,” he panted, ignoring your statement, not that you blamed him.
“Alright, I’ve got you, let’s get you sorted.”
That evening, twins Kaede and Natsu, a girl and boy respectively, finished off your family.
As a family of eight, the days felt long but the years flew by.
It was with a mix of relief and sadness that you faced your youngest, Natsu, moving out of your house. You had done it. You had successfully raised eight pups into functioning adults and sent them out into the real world.                    
It wasn’t like all of them didn’t pop over for dinner three times a week and crash here after missions, but still, it felt strange that you wouldn’t be caring full time for your army of pups anymore.
Some of them were already mated and you already had two grandpups. Most lived in the compound, some were ninja, some were not. But they were all exceptional people that were exceptionally loved.                                              
You and Kiba were holding each other on the couch as you mourned the final pup leaving the nest. Kiba had hugged Natsu so fiercely that you were worried it would hurt him.
“I can’t believe they’re all gone,” Kiba said, sounding unsure about how to feel.
“They’ll be around, I wouldn’t be surprised if Natsu was back here tomorrow asking how he’s supposed to cook pasta, when what he really wants is for you to cook it for him.”
Kiba laughed, but his heart clearly wasn’t in it. You pulled him closer and let him grieve this stage of his life.
You had never regretted your choice to choose this family for your future, not even once.
You thought about all of your precious pups, the highs and the lows of raising them, of seeing them grow. Each of them were so different but so precious. And funny, all of them had immense comedic value and you had so many funny memories from raising them.
Like Minoru, your oldest and most responsible. He’d decided to become a medic, something you could easily tell from the near permanent expression of exasperation on his face. You remembered the day his old genin teammate had come back from a mission injured but had refused to go to the hospital. Minoru had dragged her back to your house.
“If you won’t go to the hospital, then you’re going to let me heal you, no arguments!”
That was the first thing you heard after the front door went and it was enough to pull you from the washing up.
“Minoru, please, I don’t want to intrude-“
“You’ve already bled all over the carpet, so you can get over issues of ‘intrusion’,” it was Minoru’s voice and the voice of who you believed to be one of his genin teammates.
He came into view moments later, dragging said old genin teammate. He muttered a ‘hi, appa’ but then promptly ignored you in favour of dumping his bleeding friend on the sofa.
“Um, you should probably go to the hospital,” you said tentatively, walking over to the two teens. “Our house is like, covered in mud and dog hair at the moment, that can’t be sanitary.”
“You’re right! She should be in the hospital!” Minoru shouted. “But she’s such a- such a-“
He struggled to find the words to match his fury for a moment.
“Such a… rat bastard! And she won’t go to the hospital even though she’s bleeding out!”
You snorted but quickly disguised it with a cough. You should probably discourage that kind of language but it was hilarious, so you decided to let it slide.
“Look, give healing them your best shot, but if anything gets worse or she passes out, let me know and we can take her to the hospital, okay?” you said, putting your reassuring appa voice on.
“Fine,” Minoru grumbled, kneeling at the side of the couch, hands hovering over her stomach. “I don’t care if this hurts, by the way.”
You didn’t manage to disguise your laughter quite as well this time.
Ichika came to mind next. She had worried you and Kiba a lot when she was younger, with her senses heightened so far above the normal Inuzuka level to the point of pain. But in the end, she had turned out perfectly able to take over the clan leadership when it became clear that Hana wasn’t going to have any of her own pups and Kiba and Minoru were uninterested in such a role.
What made her so perfect was her ability to make herself, and by extension the clan, seem perfectly normal and well-functioning. She was the only non-gremlin child you had, and the clan was using that to their advantage in negotiations and political bullshit.
Sometimes she fooled people too well though. You distinctly remembered the first time she had brought her boyfriend to a family dinner to introduce him to you, Kiba and the rest of your family. Ichika had tricked him with her normalness and the poor man had no idea what he was getting into.
Ichika had called a family meeting about an hour before her new boyfriend was supposed to show up, and so all of you were crowded in the living room because no one wanted to piss off an already stressed Ichika. Even the terror twins were managing to sit somewhat still.
“Listen up!” she shouted, slamming her hands on the coffee table. “I really like this man, so I will have no one scaring him off, is that clear?”
A couple of your pups chortled, but Ichika’s glare cut them off.
“I mean it,” she said. “That means no asking if they have any ‘interesting’ diseases (she pointed at Minoru), no setting a trap on his chair or in any other part of the house (she pointed at the terror twins), no eating from receptacles designed for dogs (Hibiki was pointed at next), no trying to bite him (Yua) and well…”
Kaede and Natsu blinked up at her innocently, only two years old, each sitting on one of yours and Kiba’s laps.
“I guess you two get a pass,” she said reluctantly. “For now.”
“Pass!” Natsu giggled happily.
“What about us?” you asked, gesturing to yourself and Kiba, trying to hide your grin. “Do we have rules too?”
She squinted her eyes at you as she considered it.
“You are allowed to threaten him once each. Once only,” she stressed. “And they have to be normal threats that normal parents make, got it?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Kiba snorted, bouncing a happy Natsu. “So, when’s Kairo getting here then?”
Ichika’s eye twitched at the deliberate incorrect name.
This evening was going to be fun.
Your terror twins, Akemi and Kaito, came to mind next. And that was Terror Twins (affectionate) of course. They had both taken to shinobi life a little too well, specialising in tracking as any good Inuzuka did, but also traps and demolition, to the surprise of no one. And of course, they loved to practice those skills in your house.
Their Inuzuka dog companions were just as bad as they were, but their killer puppy dog eyes always got them out of trouble.
They both had genin teams at the moment. Rival genin teams. Although the rivalry seemed to just be between your twins, because the genin seemed to become close through commiserating over their ridiculous jonin instructors.
You still remembered the first chunin exams that they had been entered in. As green genin, none were promoted, but seeing as it was hosted by Konoha, Akemi and Kaito had begged the whole family to attend to watch their genin beat the other’s genin.
“Kick his ass, Sakurako!” Akemi shouted from the stands. “Yank that pretty boy hair!”
“You got this, Akihito!” Kaito shouted, not wanting to be outdone. “Don’t be afraid to bite her if you have to!”
You put your head in your hands, hoping that no one figured out that you were technically responsible for both the crazy jonin. You regretted saying yes to attending.
Next you thought about Hibiki, the boy you almost saw born twice, which was a cool fact that you’d never be able to tell him.
Hibiki loved dogs more than people. Yes, that wasn’t uncommon for Inuzuka, but Hibiki took it to the extreme. He had demanded to eat from dog bowls rather than plates for five years, and maybe other parents would have put their foot down and said no, you and Kiba had just decided to indulge the little weirdo.
Hibiki liked walking dogs, playing with dogs, learning about dogs, barking at people and a whole myriad of other similar things. He spent every day shadowing his aunt Hana in the vet clinic and resisted going to the academy because there weren’t dogs there. It was not surprising at all when Hibiki started to work at the clinic full time.
You still remembered the first time Hibiki had asked Akamaru to join him in the bath, as all of his older siblings had asked before him. It was the first time that Kiba’s normal hose threat hadn’t worked.
“I want Akamaru to come!” Hibiki sulked, stomping his feet.
“Akamaru gets hosed down in the garden, so unless you want to do that, it’s time to get in the bath without Akamaru,” Kiba said back, the threat of the hose well practiced.
“Okay!” Hibiki said, face lighting up. “I want to get hosed in the garden with Akamaru!”
You could almost see the wind getting taken out of Kiba’s sails.
“I- what? You want to get hosed down with cold water in the garden?” Kiba questioned, eyebrows raised.
“Yes! Thank you oma! You’re the best!” Hibiki cheered, running from the bathroom to the back door.
You and Kiba made significant eye contact, but in the end you both just shrugged.
“Alright then.”
Yua was next. She and her dog were inseparable and impossible to trick. She had gone down the traditional Inuzuka route of tracking, and Yua’s wicked smarts were perfect for it. She started leading tracking teams when she was only 15 years old, and you were more and more proud of her every day.
She did have a mean streak though. She wasn’t a bully or anything, you wouldn’t have allowed that, but she became easily frustrated with those around her. Like the time you and Kiba had been called into the academy because Yua had been in an altercation with some of her classmates.
“You have to apologise, Yua,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady and firm.
“But why should I have to apologise if what I said is true!?” she exclaimed, obviously frustrated. “I didn’t lie!”
“It doesn’t matter if you think something is true or not,” you explained, taking a breath to keep your patience. “Telling someone that they could ‘have an intelligent thought bite them on the nose and still not know what it was’ is very rude and mean.”
Yua huffed, obviously not understanding the situation. You were very aware of the academy teacher watching you fail to get through to your daughter.
“Fine,” you said, giving up on the explanation. “No training at home until you apologise.”
“What? Appa! No!”
Finally, you had Kaede and Natsu, the babies of the family. That title was something that Kaede resented wholeheartedly and something that Natsu embraced with enthusiasm.
Kaede’s favourite phrase growing up was “I can do it by myself, appa!”, while Natsu had favoured the “Can you help me appy, please?”.
Kaede had always been determined, someone who knew themselves entirely. You remembered when they had told you to switch their pronouns to they/them at age 12, they had done it with the confidence of someone so much older.
They had become a paperwork ninja, deciding it was their destined role and that no on would stop them and no one would talk down about the job. They were a force to be reckoned with, behind that desk. Just because they were the first Inuzuka paper nin didn’t mean they were well adjusted or normal. In fact, her companion dog had been trained to bite ninjas who gave late reports or who didn’t take enough time to make their writing legible.
While Kaede had been determined and self-reflective, Natsu only knew one thing: he loved cuddles. For years, he had been happy doing anything as long as it included getting cuddles or praise from one of his family members. Even his Inuzuka dog was the snuggliest dog you had in the family. He did have a penchant for teasing people though, but in a charming, if a little feral, way.
He had decided that the ninja life wasn’t for him, to the surprise of no one, and instead he helped out in your shop full time. Your customers loved him and his pup, who stayed curled up by the counter, was just as big of a hit.
You were still sometimes in awe of how different they were.
A breaded chicken fillet was on the menu for most of the pups tonight. You sat around your massive dining room table in the house you had to buy a few years back when it became clear that the number of pups was vastly outnumbering the number of bedrooms, passing round the plates.
You automatically turned to Kaede and picked up her knife and fork in order to cut the fillet up for her.
“No, appa! I can do it myself!” she said, pulling her plate away from you. “I’m not little anymore!”
“Alright, alright,” you said holding up your hands, having passed her cutlery back. “Let me know if you need any help, okay?”
“I won’t,” she said fiercely, immediately attempting to cut the fillet up herself. She was butchering it a little bit, but it would all taste the same, so you let her get on with it.
You turned to see Natsu with his full-on puppy dog eyes staring at you. He was holding up his knife and fork for you.
“Can you cut my chicken for me, please?”
You softened as you looked at him. Apart from Ichika, he was the only one of your pups to have fully grasped the concept of manners.
“Of course, I can, darling,” you smiled, walking around the table to cut up his fillet into little chunks. “Do you want ketchup as well?”
He nodded, so you took the ketchup bottle and squirted a little smiley face with the sauce.
“See? It’s a smiley face because it’s happy to see you!”
Natsu grinned, looking up at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
“Thank you appy, I love him!”
“You’re welcome, baby. Would you like some, Kaede?”
She nodded too but held out her hand to take the bottle from you, clearly wanting to pour the ketchup herself.
It was quite amusing that the two were twins; they couldn’t be more different.
They were all your pups and you loved them so much that you couldn’t articulate it. You would cherish them forever and from your perspective now, it was strange that you had ever considered choosing a different life with someone else.
You had thanked the fortune teller in your mind many, many times since that fateful week, but you also had to give yourself some credit for putting in the work to make this life happen. You built your shop up from the ground, you helped your friends, you wooed Kiba into being your mate, you built your family with him, you raised all these amazing human beings and somehow kept your sanity amongst the chaos.
You had earnt this life, fully and completely.
“We did good,” was the only thing you could say to Kiba as you held each other on the couch. “We did so good.”
“We did,” he agreed. “And we have so much more good to do.”
And you did, but you felt like you had it under control now. You knew what you were doing, no longer were you that hesitant teenager with desires for a life so much more than they had.
No, you could handle whatever was thrown at you now.
So, imagine your surprise when Natsu burst into your shop only a week later to tell you that he’d met a mysterious fortune teller in the night and spent a week in the future, mated to seven different friends.
The end. 
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filthyfluffyfantasies · 11 months
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✧ ˚  ·    . DL;DR - this fic is not meant for anyone under the age of 18 as it contains the following: a/b/o dynamics - and writer's personal twists on werewolf lore/ the concept, shitty parents who lock their clueless daughters up in a bedroom because they think it'll stop everything that's going to happen, a mother figure reminiscent of Margaret White -the 1978 version, swearing, reader is locked in her bedroom, sneaking out and being 'rescued' by billy hargrove, an ooc/good side of billy hargrove. this one is also kind of tame.. but a little weird, imo. just protecting my own ass with the warning up here because some people see a/b/o on a piece and lose their entire goddamn minds over it. writer does not give permission for her works to be reposted, with or without permission. ✧ ˚  ·    .
prompt - a/b/o ( bonus ficlet; pt 2 of 3 )
character | fandom - werewolf!alpha billy hargrove | stranger things
reader | original character - female reader, clueless!omega reader & non -or vague, description.
words - roughly 4.2k
tagging -< taglist here >
✧ ˚  ·    . you find yourself in the throes of heat, clueless as to what's happening to you, with your mother flipping out. enter billy hargrove rushing in to the rescue.. it's only right to thank him with a makeout in the Camaro, right? ✧ ˚  ·    .
When heat fever hits an Omega, it’s hard and it’s fast. When it hit you, thanks to being blissfully unaware of the whole Alpha/Omega and werewolves do exist and everything that goes along with, you’re blind-sided.
First it’s the unbearable body heat. It feels like you’re sitting in a volcano’s lava stream and someone’s siphoned out all your blood, replacing it with scorching lava. This, of course, was put down to a cold. Maybe a bug that’s gone around a time or two already this month. Either way, you plopped yourself in an icy bath because you’re determined already, nothing is going to spoil your plans for the night.
Then it’s the jittery shakes. As you’re trying to fix your hair and do your makeup to get ready to go, the shakes hit and it’s so bad that you smear cherry colored lipstick outside the outline of your lips. And you have to re-do your mascara at least three times, by the time you get the shakes to subside just a little, you’re into the third phase.
Your entire body tenses. Everything, from your gums to the soles of your feet hurt. It feels like you’re being pricked with a thousand tiny needles and stabbed by a million little knives. This happens at the dinner table, because of course it does.
But then there’s a sharp sting. You drop the fork in your hand and clutch your opposite wrist against your body. Your mother is looking on in concern. Fear making her eyes wide.
And since she’s been drinking for about three hours by this point, the accusations start to flow. Instead of motherly concern, you get accused of being a little slut with some big, strong Alpha boy all day. She even threatens to call the school and make sure you were there all day long.
❝ Gee thanks, ma..❞ you sass, ❝ I feel like I’m dying and you blame it on your weird hangups about sex and boys..❞ you roll your eyes as your mother paces the dining room, a hand in her hair, mumbling about how this wasn’t supposed to happen to you, this gene was supposed to be completely out of the family line by now.
❝ When you’re done being weird, I’m getting dressed to go out with Bethy and Sean. I promised I’d take them trick or treating before my movie.. Since you can’t seem to find it in yourself to be a normal mom just one night..❞ you rush out of the dining room to go upstairs and throw on a pair of jeans.
You’re halfway up the stairs when your mother catches up to you, pushing you into your own bedroom at the top of the stairs as she locks the door from the outside and tells you that it’s for your own good. ❝ I'll not have you become a sex-addicted wolf whore. Not in this house.❞ she calls through, ❝ You'll stay in here until you learn to ignore these sinful urges.❞
You spend about two and a half hours pounding on the door until you're too exhausted to continue. ❝ Please, ma. Please open the door, I'll be good, I swear.❞ your voice dies away and you flop down onto your bed, taking several shaky breaths as you stare up at the ceiling.
You pull yourself up from where you'd flopped onto your bed about thirty minutes later and take a few shaky breaths. Your heart is still pounding, this is the first time your mother has resorted to locking you in your bedroom since you were at least 10. It feels like the walls are closing in rapidly until you hear the sound of your younger siblings laughter down below because your bedroom window isn't fully closed.
As soon as you realize you left the window cracked, you start to work at it. And it’s hard because it’s an older window, it likes to stick for absolutely no reason. As you’re doing this, you hear a lone howl.
It’s coming from the thick treeline across your backyard. You turn your attention back to what you’re doing. It wouldn’t be a surprise or anything, you do live near a forest, there are animals in said forest.
That’s the only thing today that’s had a logical explanation. - the thought comes along with another round of searing heat, this time it’s so hot to your body that you’re dizzy. Your mouth is dry.
Then the howl echoes off the night all over again. It’s getting closer.
You pump your fist in victory as you manage to raise the window to your bedroom about halfway. It’s enough for you to fit yourself through. The movie you were  supposed to be meeting your friends to see in town is long forgotten by this point, you’re more focused on not becoming Carrie White to your mother’s Margaret.
You’re about halfway out the window when you hear your name being hissed from the ground below.
It’s Billy.
He’s leaned against the trunk of the tree that houses your little sister’s tire swing. Watching you. ❝ You’re gonna break your fuckin’ neck.❞
❝ It’s better than being here when my mom gets in with the siblings.❞ you hiss, frantic. You drop from your window to the roof of the front porch just now. Billy’s on autopilot. Nothing on his mind but getting here, to you.
❝ Give me a second, goddamn..❞ he crushes out the cigarette he’s half finished with and hurries over, stopping at the side of the wrap-around porch.
To any of the neighbors, this probably just looks like a teenage girl sneaking out to meet her boyfriend. To you, it’s a full-blown panic because your mother flipped out for no good reason earlier.
❝ Jump down. I gotcha.❞ Billy knows this is a terrible idea, if he wants to sever the connection completely, this is the last place he needs to be right now, but.. He’s been bombarded by everything about you and when he could feel you panic all the way across town, he fought like hell but it was a battle he lost, sneaking away from Tina’s stupid party and rushing here. To you.
You eye him warily. Swallowing hard as you squeeze your eyes shut and jump. Strong arms are waiting, there’s never even a split second where it feels as if he’ll drop you. It doesn’t surprise you, you’ve seen him lifting weights in the gym after school. He can lift more than almost all the other boys without even breaking a sweat.
❝ Hey, whoa..❞ you realize what’s going on, the fact that somehow, Billy Hargrove knows exactly where you live without ever asking. You look at him and he grumbles. ❝ What? Is this not what you just spent twenty minutes wishing for, doll? We don’t have time t’ talk right now, alright?❞
And there’s something urgent. Something wild in baby blue eyes. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want to be here himself, that he’s here against his own free will. Like he’s not in control of his own decisions.
And you’re not sure why, but your last visit to your grandma at the state home your mother shoved her into, that all comes rushing back. She kept talking about how ‘things aren’t always what they seem to be.’.. Then she started to tell you about your family bloodline being descended from a pack of Omegas… Female werewolves.
What any of it had to do with your latest argument with your mother, you weren’t sure at the time.
But so much of what your beloved grandmother said that day has actually happened since. And she’s always just kind of… known things.
Your mother says she’s crazy, that it’s dementia or something. But given the way your day has been going, you’re starting to wonder.
As you’re cycling through the whole thing in your mind, Billy’s made it to his idling Camaro a block away and he’s opening the passenger door, placing you in the passenger seat. From the backseat, a girl with flame-colored hair speaks up quietly. 
❝ Hey.. I’m Max..❞
You nod. Give her a weak smile. Because the whole episode you were having earlier took a lot out of you and when you jumped down into Billy’s arms a few minutes ago, you were half afraid you wouldn’t make it because your whole body felt boneless. Like rubber or jello.
Billy gets into the Camaro and stomps the gas, the sound of Metallica filling in the thick silence that settles over the three of you. As the Camaro blows past the sign heading into city limits, Billy reaches out to lower the radio.
❝ For fucks sake, stay awake, alright?❞ as he grumbles to himself about this being a really, really bad idea and how he should’ve just ignored what he was hearing -and feeling because of it, because it’s only going to end in tragedy.
Max speaks up quietly. ❝ You don’t have to become him, Billy. How do you know any of that?❞
❝ Because I do, alright!❞ Billy snaps before going quiet. The car spins to a stop at the curb in front of the arcade. Billy nods to Max and Max wordlessly collects her skateboard, rushing out of the car as if hellhounds were on her tail.
This leaves you all alone with Billy.
The boy who has been a constant in your brain lately. The boy who scares you and yet, you feel connected to somehow. The boy you want more than anything but the fact that you want him actually sort of terrifies you.
The Camaro starts to drive away. By the time you’ve managed to totally overthink everything, the Hawkins sign is blowing past all over again. You glance over at him. Studying strong facial features as he drives and makes a point to stare at the road ahead.
You can’t take the silence anymore and you’re just about to say something but Billy beats you to it first. ❝ You don’t have a clue what’s happenin, do ya, doll?❞
You shake your head No at him. He grumbles under his breath as he brings the Camaro to a stop in the gravel parking lot out at the quarry. When Lover’s Lake is too full, this is another popular makeout spot, or so you’ve heard, anyway.
You wouldn’t know personally, the most you’ve ever done with a boy is a little kissing, a lot of heavy petting in the back row at the Hawk. And then your mother fucked all that up by throwing a tantrum when he forgot you warned against stopping by and she lost her entire mind upon answering the door to find said boy standing on your porch. He wouldn’t even look at you the next day and when word got out that your mom was a nutcase, it wasn’t as if any of the boys were lining up after that.
Your heart is racing. Of all the places to take me, you think to yourself, he picks a popular makeout spot. What’s he planning?
Billy coughs abruptly as soon as he catches on to your noisy mind yet again today and this time, he speaks up. ❝ Do y’ have t’ think so damn loud, darling?❞
You jump a little, drawn out of your own noisy thoughts. You give him a blank look and Billy shrugs but he doesn’t bother explaining himself, instead he chooses to remind you that he’s asked you a question. And it’s a question he expects an answer to because that answer is going to help him figure out how in the hell to handle this little situation the two of you find yourselves in at present.
❝ I asked you something, doll. Kinda waitin’ on an answer.❞
He stares at you expectantly as you shift and squirm in his passenger seat, each move of your sexy little body sends that totally unfiltered sweetness in your scent wafting right up his nose. It’s hanging so heavy in the air between you both that he almost feels like he’ll choke on it. And yet, he can’t get enough of it and the sweeter it gets, the harder his cock gets, pushing painfully against the front of tight blue jeans.
It’s so bad that he has to shift in his seat and hope that takes away some of the pressure. When it doesn’t work, he lightly punches the wheel.
You watch him struggling with himself quietly as you try to think of an answer. You don’t have the first clue what’s going on. Beyond the episode earlier and just a few bits and pieces of the ramblings of an old lady with bad dementia, you’re fucked for an answer.
❝ No. Not a single clue.. But my grandma, she kept talking about something big happening to me.. The last time I visited her in the nursing home.❞ you go quiet. Billy rubs his chin thoughtfully. 
At least somebody tried to warn you. Now, he thinks to himself, I need to figure out just how much her grandmother told her, if she believes any of it. ❝ Okay, what’d she tell you?❞ he asks, baby blue eyes settling on you. When you lock eyes with him and see the way his seem to glow in the dim car, you gasp and your jaw drops. Billy acts as if the fact that his eyes glow in the dark is completely and totally normal. 
❝ She kept trying to tell me that I’m the descendant of wolves? And soon, something is gonna happen to me. I think she called it..❞ you fumble around in your brain for the term she used and as you repeat it back to Billy, your whole body starts to burn all over again. ❝ Mating season. Yeah, that’s what she said. But she’s got dementia and she’s always had this weird fixation on wolves and stuff, so..❞ you shrug and fall silent, staring out the windshield of the car.
The orange sunset is starting to fade, the sky is painted with shades of pinks and purples now, hints of a darker inky blue peeking out of the clouds that surround the full moon. Billy’s staring up at the sky too, trying to figure out how to proceed. When he sees you clutch your right wrist against your own body, he reaches out, snatching your arm and pulling it so that he can look.
The second he raises your sleeve, he bites back a groan.
The same marking he saw turning red in the shower this morning is sitting on your wrist, flesh raised and red, angry as if it’s a fresh burn. He bites his bottom lip and when you pull your wrist away, he almost wants to hold onto it for a few seconds.
Just because he’s in the same position as you are right now, body on fire, mind scrambled and jumbled with the biggest portion of your thoughts focused on each other.. In varying sexual situations, he shifts in his seat as he remembers the daydream you were having earlier this morning that he was forced to endure as he sat beside you.
You circle back to his bizarre statement about you thinking too loud. And you’re gaping at him. ❝ When you yelled at me about thinking too loud..❞ you pause as you try to tell yourself this all absolutely has to be some kind of weird fever dream, that’s the only explanation at this point.
Because the only alternative is that your grandmother isn’t crazy like your mother claims. And if that’s the case then that means everything she’s been saying for years about the family bloodline is.. True.
Billy speaks up quietly, ❝ I wasn’t yelling, but anyway.. What about it, doll?❞
❝ You did yell.❞ you’re pouting just a little. Billy snorts in laughter quietly. And then he clears his throat. All he wants to do at this point is get to the bottom of it all. Figure out just how hard it’s going to be to sever this stupid bond his wolf has chosen to make on his behalf without any consent from him at all. You’re picking at a loose thread on the edge of your sleeve and staring down at your own lap intently. Because this is a lot for you to take in.
Not to mention, the longer you’re surrounded by him and his everything, the more you’re tempted to lay down and offer yourself up to him in the backseat of his Camaro. And you sense that this isn’t exactly what he wants. That for whatever reason, he dreads this. He’s been fighting it, if his own noisy thoughts are anything to go by. Then it hits you.. You’ve been thinking you heard him talking to you randomly all day but if he can hear you thinking it’d make sense that the same can be said for you.. Right?
❝ Fine, whatever. Look, can we just get back on fuckin track here?❞ Billy asks as he takes a cigarette and lights it up. He offers you the pack and you take one for yourself. He leans into you and naturally, it’s way too close. Close enough that the tips of your noses brush and when this happens, that woozy feeling is back. And so is the searing fire that’s been running through your veins all night.
You sway just a little and swallow down a lump because your throat’s all dry and it’s bothering you. Billy speaks up quietly. ❝ Shit. Fuck. I was hopin’ this wouldn’t fuckin happen, darling..❞ as he shifts in his seat all over again and stares at you.
He’s losing this fight too, all restraint has flown right out the window with the dying embers of the cigarette he’s just finished off. You bite back a whine as you feel yourself starting to spin out of control and you find yourself leaning into him just a little too close for the second time in a day, just like you were in class earlier.
Billy grips your upper arms and stares into your eyes. He hasn’t even touched you and there’s this fucked-out glow in them, lust blotting out your irises. He knows you’re dripping by now, this has him almost drooling because the scent of you is entirely too sweet to resist a second longer. 
You speak up, a tiny and wavering voice. ❝ You were hoping what wouldn’t happen, hm?❞
He chuckles. It’s a dark and dangerous sound. Rather than be completely crass about it, he grabs hold of your wrist and places your palm up against the way his cock is so hard it’s about to burst straight through his jeans. You shiver and whine because feeling how hard he is only makes the flood between your own thighs so much worse. You’ve been wet all day, no thanks to him.
❝ Do you get it now, doll? I shouldn’t be here with you right now.❞ Billy trails off, thumping his cigarette pack against the wheel just so that he has something else to focus on for a second or two. After a long pause, he looks over at you again. You’re staring at him, waiting on him to finish saying what he’d been about to say. ❝ It’s dangerous for both of us, alright?❞
This answer isn’t satisfying enough for you. ❝ Wait.. w-what do you mean dangerous, Billy?❞ your voice wavers. He can smell the fear the exact second it creeps into your scent. He sighs and shakes his head. Mumbles something about you, asking for it with all your fucking questions and then he looks at you and leans in closer. That predatory and hungry gleam is in his eyes again and they’re glowing an even brighter blue that’s almost as hypnotic as the waves in an ocean on a calm day.
❝ I wanna fuck you til I’m empty, you're so full of me it drips outta you and you can’t remember anybody else’s name but mine. I wanna bite that pretty little neck, leave my mark behind so shit like what Jason Carver tried t’ pull earlier doesn’t happen t’ you again. But see, here’s the thing..❞ he rubs his forehead. He’s regretting the keg stands right now. And the entire bottle of Wild Turkey he managed to consume just hoping he’d numb himself enough that he wouldn’t hear you anymore in his head. He wouldn’t smell you, ready and waiting. Ripe for the picking.
❝ If I do any of this, doll.. It’s only gonna destroy both our lives.. I'm a bastard, you'll realize it sooner or later.❞ he exhales a plume of smoke into the air after lighting another cigarette. There’s angst in his voice, it’s almost as if he wishes what he’s just said wasn’t true at all.
And you’re wondering where he gets that idea from to start with. Because the more you stop and think about it, the only thing that’s kept you fighting your own pull to him has been every bullshit belief your mother drilled into your own head.
To be fair.. Grandma said Mom wanted no part of any of it when she was my age. Said she even turned her back on the whole thing and purposely got knocked up with me then left town. She was hoping she’d breed out the family bloodline. That worked so well, thanks Ma. - the thought has you sitting there, slowly coming to terms with it all.
And maybe that’s what prompts you to speak up, placing a hand on his thigh as you stare at him intently. ❝ Why? Are you not even a little curious, Billy?❞ you’re leaning in closer and you’re not sure why you do it, but you push your hair away from the right side of your neck. Billy rubs his chin and coughs, shifting around in his seat all over again. Offering up your neck to him like this is definitely not a smart move on your part and yet.. Here you are, doing it.
❝ You’re in heat, you’re not thinkin, doll.❞
❝ Oh trust me, Billy.. This is the first thing I’ve actually thought out completely in a really long time. Don’t I get a say in what I want?❞ you frown just a little, ask in a quieter tone, ❝ Somebody’s gotta take care of you, Billy. And maybe all the fighting this off I’ve been doing is just tiresome.. Unless you’re trying to say you don’t want this to happen and you’re the one who wants to reject it.❞ you pause, searching baby blue eyes for any sign that might be the case.
Billy chuckles to himself and decides that he’s about to call your bluff. He leans into you and just barely drags his teeth over the soft skin at the base of your neck. His nose buries there next and he inhales deep. ❝ It’s kinda fucked up, y’know.. You pickin me. Don’t you know how scary I am, doll?❞ he mutters, breath hot against your skin. Your own breath hangs in your throat and you whine out as your hands find purchase in the fabric of his red shirt.
❝ All I know is that I trust you. And I want you and damn it, I’m sick and tired of fighting it, Billy..❞ you mutter as another intense wave of heat -pain along with it this time, sends you into him, seeking comfort.
Billy’s breath catches and he awkwardly wraps his arms around you, letting you melt into him completely. When he can feel you calming down a little, he pulls away to stare down at you.
And he knows he’s irrevocably fucked because there’s no way he was ever going to keep fighting it off. He was doomed to lose the fight all along. He doesn’t like losing but in this case, considering the prize he might have even if it’s just a little while before he somehow fucks it all up, he’s not really sure it’s a bad thing this time around.
❝ Careful what you’re askin for, princess. This is kind of permanent. Because I’m not gonna let you go so easy once I take you for myself, doll.❞
There’s supposed to be menace in his words, it’s supposed to be a threat and you’re well aware of it. But there’s also comfort in them. He’s protected you on more than one occasion. You feel safer with him than you’ve ever felt with anyone. There’s calm. You’re not chasing your next thrill when you’re all preoccupied with thoughts or dreams of him.
❝ I-I don’t care. It’s what I want, Billy. Are you seriously going to deny me? I thought you were a red-hot stud, Hargrove, what’s with the fight you’re putting up, hm?❞
He bites back a groan as your palm settles against the way he’s strained at his jeans all over again. When you ghost it over the bulge, he bucks himself up into you and a helpless, needy sound wrenches it’s way free from the depths of his chest. You’re whining quietly, you’ve given up the battle with restraint. You’re ignoring that pesky little inner voice that keeps insisting that he’s scary, that you’ve seen his mean streak at work before and you shouldn’t be doing this. You’re ignoring them in favor of the other side to it, the one that insists this is right. This is exactly what has to happen.
As your free hand clasps against the back of his neck and your fingers tangle in the curls of his mullet, his hand slips up the front of your shirt and you moan as he squeezes your tits and growls against your partially open mouth. ❝ You don’t have a clue what you’re getting yourself into, darling.❞ he mutters as his tongue parts your lips and drags over your own tongue. Thick digits dig into your hips and tangle in your hair, pulling at it as he deepens the kiss and maintains total control. His heart is about to beat right out of his chest and you feel it as you melt against him…
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the-ravening · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @zsparz and @six-demon-bag for tagging me! ❤️
1. How many works do you have on ao3? Only 12, because I am a baby writer.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 86k
3. What fandoms do you write for? Winterbaron, or more accurately, Zemo/everyone
4. Top five fics by kudos: Let's do a top 3, since top 5 would just be like half my fics.
Something Sweet to Eat (142 kudos) Extremely underage Halloween fic, bunny boy Zemo shows up trick or treating at Bucky's house Adopt, Don’t Shop (123 kudos) Omegaverse, bratty teen Zemo is for sale at an Omega kennel and Alpha Bucky goes shopping Gift-Wrapped (113 kudos) This was the first fic I ever posted (just a few years ago) and I'm still pretty proud of it. Just a silly Winterbaron rimming PWP, but it's hot
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to, I always mean to, but I think I'm a bit behind right now. I know there are some amazing comments on Home to Me from last year that I still haven't replied to and I feel bad about it all the time.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Under Lock and Key (what a mess we’ve made), the Heinrich/Helmut Zemo dadcest fic I wrote for @ex0rin where I followed her hurt/no comfort philosophy of leaving him on the floor crying.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I don't know if I really do happy endings? I have PWPs where the happy ending is they both come, if that counts. 😅 Let's say... Ink Kissed (with violent precision) where tattoo artist Bucky gives his client Zemo a dick tattoo, and Zemo ends up quite happy with the tattoo as well as the rest of the service.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I've only gotten one or two of the world's mildest hate comments. I guess my ships are sufficiently niche that no one cares about them.
9. Do you write smut? Yeah! Do I write anything other than smut? No.
10. Craziest crossover: I've only written one crossover, A Suitable Course of Treatment, Bucky Barnes/Laszlo Kreizler from The Alienist, which isn't crazy at all because as we all know, Laszlo has Zemo's face. (If it counts, I once started a Dir en grey x Sailormoon fic where the band members magically turned into Sailor Scouts, but I did not ever get far on it.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, the aforementioned Adopt, Don’t Shop was co-written with @violenciorp and @tales-from-a-maphia-don, because Vio lovingly bullied us into it, despite me and Mel ostensibly not being into Omegaverse.
14. All time favorite ship? I've jumped ship a lot over the years, but it's gotta be Winterbaron, since this is the ship that finally got me writing and posting and getting really involved in a fandom.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The first serious attempt I made at writing in this fandom was this teen Zemo necrophilia thing, and I wrote the necro part but none of the plotty stuff leading up to it. I still dream of finishing it, in an abstract way where I have no motivation to ever work on it.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm pretty good at rhythm and flow and making my prose sound musical? That's something I focus a lot on and I tend to read aloud while editing to make sure it sounds good to my ear.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Probably plot and dialogue, and figuring out how to include technical details of things I know nothing about. But most of all procrastination, my arch-nemesis.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I personally avoid it, because I find it annoying to have to look up the translations in the middle of reading. I prefer to just say they're speaking in whatever language but write the dialogue in English.
19. First fandom you wrote in? J-rock RPF in the early 2000s, but I mostly just did a bit of RP and never got far with any fics I started.
20. Favorite fic you've written? Sometimes it feels like every new thing I post is my new favourite, haha. But I thiiiink my fave has been Something Sweet to Eat since I wrote it (the Halloween fic mentioned earlier), because it's probably the most self-indulgent thing I've written to date. I am truly the main audience for that fic and I'm very happy with it.
No pressure tagging: @violenciorp, @tales-from-a-maphia-don, @thepiper0fhameln, @ex0rin, @unlikelymilliner, @evenmyhivemindisempty, and anyone else who sees this and wants to join in!
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tina-mairin-goldstein · 7 months
✏️"what are your current WIPs about?"
Thanks for playing with me, @kaylinalexanderbooks!
I have several WIPS right now, so this could be interesting.
Caraval- A Hannibal (NBC) sort of crossover/rewrite of the book Caraval by Stephanie Garber. It's also omega verse, with Will being an omega, Hannibal an alpha, and so on for the various characters who appear. Will must play a magical game that plays tricks on the mind and involves magic to find his sister (Abigail) over the course of five nights, searching for clues so he can find her before the other players and win. Hannibal, who initially brings them to the island where Master Legend hosts Caraval, teams up with him. As they play, Will realizes the game is far darker than it appears and that it is a race against the clock to find Abigail, because it is far more than a game.
Long list, so the rest are under the cut.
2. For Remembrance- A post-fall Murder Husbands story for my collection, Words Are Not The Only Way, centering on my chosen flower (rosemary) and its meaning. Won't say too much, but there is amnesia and rosemary plays a part in trying to help the amnesiac person recover their memories.
3. All Night or a Hundred Years- A Fantastic Beasts story from the POV of Percival Graves, who has been locked up in the dungeons of Nurmengard for a long time. Leta, rather than dying, is secreted away by Grindelwald in the dungeon as well, and she is helping Percival remember what it is like to be human and giving him something he hasn't had in a long time: Hope. They are getting to know each other and trying to figure out if they can escape, and how. Percival is close to giving up, but Leta won't take it. This one is on hiatus, however, because writer's block is a bitch.
4. Untangled- A Fantastic Beasts version of the Disney movie Tangled, with Newt as Rapunzel, Tina as Flynn, Grindelwald as Mother Gothel, and Theseus as Maximus, along with a bunch of the other FB crew members taking roles. Currently paused in favor of Caraval. Things are switched up in this, because Tina has the case of beasts instead of Newt. It's cheerful and fun and I sort of don't want to finish it because of that, so I'm being slow.
5. The Third Day- A Hannibal (NBC) rewrite of the HBO show The Third Day. Will is getting divorced from Molly and is grieving Abigail, who died under mysterious circumstances several years earlier. He meets Mischa in the woods, where is trying to hang herself, and takes her back to the place she lives, where he becomes trapped for three days and nights. Hannibal, Alana, Jack, Bella, Margot, Mason, and several other characters star as the residents trying to either run Will off the island or keep him there as he uncovers mysteries tied to himself and Abigail's death, as well as all the weirdness on the island.
7. Beloved- This is being scrapped and will be rewritten as a sequel to another story, His Shadow Suspended On Dust. Initially, it was a thirty-years post-fall story about Hannibal getting sick and Will taking care of him and living through his last days with him. Some of the original will remain, but it will be heavily rewritten, and there will be another story, called When the Snake Slithers By, between it and HSSOD.
8. The Lone City- A Pokemon anime rewrite of a favorite book of mine, called The Jewel by Amy Ewing. Starring Mairin, it centered on girls being sold off into surrogate slavery for the ruling class of the island, who became so inbred they can no longer safely carry their own children. Sort of a magical Handmaid's Tale, but with Pokemon twists. It was going to lead to Mairin uncovering the truth, falling in love with Alain, and escaping and so forth, but it's been on hiatus due to computer trouble, and I don't think I'm ever going to actually go back to it since it 's been more than a year.
9. Han+SPN- Temporary title, an attempted Hannibal/Supernatural crossover co-written by @ sarcasticsciencefictionwriter. Sam and Dean are driving through Maryland one night and Dean hits Will, who is a ravenstag, with Baby. Will is pregnant and fleeing hunters who are coming after him and Hannibal, who is half ravenstag, for being cannibals and want to kill their baby as well. The Winchesters learn that ravenstags only take what they need and chose harmful people as their victims (i.e, the rude), and end up teaming up with Will to save Hannibal from the hunters after Bobby, who saved Will when he was a fawn, tells them to. Currently paused because I didn't come up with much an outline and Sarc can't work with that. I'm playing with idea that Sam and Dean might have to deliver the baby.
I believe that is all my WIPS, unless you want to count the to-be-written finale to my collection, the Price of Godhood, where Will is Persephone and Hannibal is Hades, which will be about Will going to the world above on the first day of spring and saying goodbye to husband for six months.
Thanks so much for the ask! I've never done this before and I was so much fun! Feel free to hit me up again!
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: I’ve Been Burned Before - Chapter #3
Pairing: Steter [Stiles Stilinski + Peter Hale]
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 
Warnings: None
With a sigh, he starts marking down his inventory. It’s been six years since he left Beacon Hellhole behind, along with the ones he once called friends. For the first year perhaps, he maintained a small measure of hope that someone would notice his absence but as his power grew and the silence from them continued, he used what he had learned to make them forget, to make them all forget.
A/N: Enjoy!! ♡ ♥︎ ♡
Full AO3 Link
Created For: @anyfandomgoesbingo / Square Filled: Amnesia
“Thank you so much for your help, Spark Gajos!” the young woman says, her eyes full of gratitude.
The amber eyed man smiles. “My pleasure, Alpha Bennett.”
“Goddess bless you, young one.”
“Well met, Alpha Bennett. Same wishes of fortune to you and to yours.”
He watches the young woman’s retreating figure before flipping the shop sign to: 
✴ Sorry! We’re Closed! ✴
It’s quiet this early evening and he likes the quiet. It’s part of why he chose this location after college to build his business. His mind sometimes wanders to the ghosts of his past, but he can’t imagine wanting anything he had before—“Well except for one thing,” he says under his breath and turns to head into the back room.
With a sigh, he starts marking down his inventory. It’s been six years since he left Beacon Hellhole behind, along with the ones he once called friends. For the first year perhaps, he maintained a small measure of hope that someone would notice his absence but as his power grew and the silence from them continued, he used what he had learned to make them forget, to make them all forget.
At first, he thought he'd regret it, but now, the amber eyed man can’t bring himself to regret it one bit. His business is booming, and he’s helped hundreds of people. He's aided humans, hunters and supes alike over the years. The tattoos on his skin indicate his strength as a spark and people will travel thousands of miles just for him.
Only the amber eyed man himself remembers Stiles Stilinski. Everyone else in the world only knows of Mieczyslaw Genim Gajos, the mischievous spark whose loyalty and compassion are acknowledged as well as his power to right any wrongs done to himself and others. He isn't feared but rather revered. So, he goes by Genim or Spark Gajos in regard to formality. No one knows of Stiles Stilinski. At least, that’s what Stiles believes.
🔥♡✨ ♥︎ ✨♡🔥
It’s nearly 2 am when Stiles’s eyes snap open at his spark’s warning that his wards are being crossed. He bolts upright because there is only one person who would be able to get past them. That person is dead so far as Stiles knows. So, he grabs the bat from its home next to the doorjamb of his bedroom and slips downstairs like a shadow, completely silent.
He can see the silhouette of the person through the back door’s glass window, and he feels his spark vibrating in anticipation though of what, he has no idea. The door creaks open and with a silent deep breath in, Stiles bolts forward ready to swing the bat which is imbued with his spark. 
Suddenly, a scent hits him and he freezes. His eyes lock with ice blue ones and his jaw drops, but no words come out.
The man quirks a brow and nods towards the bat still held aloft. “I see you still don’t play but still have the bat.” His eyes roam over Stiles in very blatant admiration. “Then again maybe you do play. I mean look at how much you’ve grown, Stiles.”
A thousand thoughts fly through his mind at once. He remembers the cocktail bottle. He remembers standing between Derek and the alpha. He remembers when everything clicked into place. He remembers the lie he was told and the burn he got as a reminder. 
Long slender fingers gently brush his left arm where the scar still sits, his hold on the bat wavering for a brief moment. He digs his nails into the scar to snap himself out of it and uses his spark to hide his scent. There is no need for him to let this person—his person—have access to anything. 
“What the hell is a Stiles?” he asks. It makes sense, since most people actually asked him that after he started using the name.
The man tilts his head and gestures to him with a sweeping motion of his hand. “You are what the hell is a Stiles.”
Stiles scans the man’s face, feeling like this has to be a trick or something. The man before him looks like Peter Hale but at the same time he doesn’t because the Peter Hale he remembers had burns covering the entire right side of his body as a result of the Hale Fire. So, Stiles has no idea how Peter is even here right now.
“You shouldn’t remember that name.” Stiles steps aside gesturing for the man to enter. “I mean you shouldn’t even be alive.”
“Yet here I am. How funny is that?” Peter quips as he steps inside, glancing around. He absolutely does not—absolutely does—flinch when the door locks and the magic sweeps over him. He’s not pleased when he feels it. “Someone has been busy haven’t they?” he says with a purr. “Such a powerful and extremely beautiful spark you are, sweetheart.”
“Shut up Peter,” Stiles replies with an eye roll to rival the wolf's and steps past him towards the stairs underneath which there is a small cubby. When Peter tries to follow, he can’t. Ice blue eyes flick down to see a perfect ring of mountain ash surrounding him. “Like I’d really just let this slide,” Stiles says when he feels Peter pushing against the barrier slightly.
Peter huffs. “Forgive me for expecting a warmer welcome, darling. I mean, you know, after I got such a warm goodbye the last time.”
Stiles winces and his shoulders slump, though still full of tension. He slowly turns around with a sapphire gem encrusted dagger in his hand, a collection of small runes engraved in the blade. “Yeah. Well, that wasn’t me. I tried and you saw how well that went.”
“Yes. Tell me, did they realize they got you with the flames or were they too relieved to have the big bad wolf taken down to even be bothered to care?”
“What are you doing here at 2 am in the fucking morning, Peter Hale?!” Stiles asked, his tone icy and blatantly ignoring the wolf's question.
Peter smirks. “That’s more of the hello I was expecting. Well, to answer that question it’s going to cost you some answers to some of the questions I have for you.”
Amber eyes flicker briefly a shade of glowing purple. “Don’t try to manipulate me. It won’t work.”
“Won’t it?”
“Are you sure?” Peter says smoothly.
The hesitation on Stiles’s face is beautiful and Peter can tell the curiosity he always loved seeing in the boy coming out. “Fine, but I reserve the right not to answer certain questions.”
Peter scoffs. “Like I’d ask anything too personal. It’s not like I care if you’re super kinky or super vanilla in bed.”
Stiles squeaks and his cheeks redden slightly. “Shut up, Peter.”
“Stiles? You simply must answer that now. I mean I can’t imagine you as either but then again maybe I want to experience it for myself.”
“You wish.”
Peter nods. “Oh, I do.”
They stare at each other, neither willing to give in but Peter is certain that the time he spent paying attention to this building and its wards will pay off.
Surprisingly, however, Peter is the one to break first. “Two weeks ago, I landed at an airport nearby. I was running away again. I would have gotten on another plane but before I could even go to the counter to buy another ticket, I smelled it.”
“Smelled what? Good old classic airport bathroom lust that all the couples getting a quickie in before their flights are coated with? Some stale Cheeto contraband? Super sweaty week old socks?”
Peter glares at him. “No." His tone turned slightly wistful. "I smelled lavender, cinnamon and petrichor but this time there was also the scent of ink and paper. I had smelled it once before and I have been looking for it ever since. Then, who should I see when I look up but you. I saw you Stiles, you who I have been searching for the past three years, two months and eighteen days.”
Stiles swallows thickly and subtly sniffs his shirt. Then he feels stupid for doing so. He doesn’t have a werewolf’s super sniffer. “And why were you searching for me?” His brow furrows. “Wait. Three years?”
“No. Three years, one month and eighteen days.”
“Yeah, okay then. Whatever. Well, I’ve been gone longer than that. So…try again.”
Peter sighs. “I swear that’s how long it’s been. By the time I was cognizant again, three years had gone by. Only I didn’t know that until I stopped at a motel for the night a day after leaving that accursed hellhole of a town.”
Amber eyes lock with ice blue ones. “Well congratulations, Peter Hale. You are one of two people in the entire world who remembers Stiles Stilinski. But news flash, I’m the other one and I’m telling you now—He’s gone. Stiles died. I don’t—He doesn’t exist anymore. Got it?!” 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Peter says softly.
“Don’t. Call. Me. That.” Stiles’s voice is icy but Peter can smell salt in the air. It makes him whine as the last thing he wants is his mate crying.
“What do you want me to say, Stiles?” Peter asks softly. “Ask me again. Ask me why I’m here.”
Stiles clears his throat and subtly sniffs. “Why are you here, Peter Hale?”
Peter meets the spark’s gaze to ensure Stiles knows how sincere the wolf’s next words are. “I’m here because someone stood between me and death and didn’t waver. I’m here because someone defended me even if it still meant I’d die. I’m here because someone burned for me, and I can’t get their scent out of my head. That's all I can think about. So as soon as I caught that scent in the airport, I followed it. That scent…" he trails off and swallows thickly, his throat clicking quietly. "Do you know what it means, Stiles?”
Stiles wants to shake his head because no he doesn’t know but really his heart would stutter if he said he doesn’t know out loud. So instead, he just waits.
Thankfully, Peter doesn’t keep him waiting too long. “That divine scent—the scent of lavender, cinnamon, petrichor, ink and paper—is my mate’s scent. It’s your scent, Stiles. A wolf who finds its mate will never want another and will never cease their desire to be with their mate. So, when you ask why I am here…that is why.”
The silence is deafening. Stiles had dreamt of someone—anyone—realizing he was gone but no one had. Not even his own dad had noticed. So, he made everyone forget he ever existed. Except, apparently not everyone did because here’s Peter Hale who is looking at Stiles in a way no one else ever has. It has been six years since he left that accursed town and now, here he is face to face with a piece of the past once more.
There’s no reason he can’t just make Peter forget too, and then send him on his way. The wolf wouldn’t truly be hurt or anything right? After all, Peter is Peter and Stiles is Stiles.
“I am sorry you’ve spent so long searching. If I had known, I would have made sure to spare you the pain.”
Peter frowns. “The only pain I’d feel is if my mate rejected—” He cuts himself off, eyes widening in understanding, and he laughs humorlessly. “—which is exactly what you’re about to do, isn’t it? You’re about to reject me, aren’t you?”
Stiles’s throat clicks because really, he doesn’t want to but how exactly are they supposed to go about this mate thing? “Wouldn’t it be easier to find someone else?” he asks.
“No!” Peter snarls, his eyes flashing. He then grimaces yet Peter knows he is completely unapologetic about his reaction. “There’s no one else for me. If you reject me then that’s it.”
“Talk about pressure,” Stiles grumbles.
Peter flashes his eyes again, pleased when amethyst purple answers electric blue. “Stiles, tell me here and now that you don’t want me. Look in my eyes and say you reject me as your mate. If your heart doesn’t skip…" he trails off and sighs. "Then I’ll go.”
Amber eyes scan the wolf's face, and he opens his mouth to speak. “I don’t want you as my mate.”
Ice blue eyes crinkle as Peter smiles. “You know what I just heard? Your heart blipped over the words ‘I don’t want.' You’re lying, sweetheart.”
Stiles blushes and looks away. “Fine. Maybe I’m sort of flattered but, well, you’re you and you look like you look, and I mean well yeah so whatever.”
“Such a flatterer. Do you think I could be free of this barrier now perhaps?”
“Only if you answer this next question correctly.”
Peter quirks his brow. “Okay. Shoot. I’d like to exit the eternal trap sooner rather than later.”
Stiles crosses his arms and smirks. “Who is Dia, iskra mojego serca?”
The smirk falls and blue eyes tear up. “My best friend.” He blinks and meets Stiles’s gaze. “Claudia Marie Gajos.”
Amber eyes glisten with tears and he waves a hand to dispel the mountain ash. It’s a strange sensation being held by Peter Hale, but it feels so right to Stiles. So, he doesn’t pull away. He can feel the magic of his mother around Peter’s heart, and he melts into the embrace, knowing that for just a few minutes he can let go. Peter has him.
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noyzinerd · 2 years
Who is the REAL Alpha?
Scott McCall? No. Wrong.
Derek Hale? NO. Wrong again.
Peter Hale? Ugh, not even in consideration.
You see, the correct answer is Stiles.
That's right, you heard me. Stiles is actually the one true Alpha. No, I don't mean he would be Alpha if he were a werewolf, and, no, I don't mean in an omegaverse way involving knots and mpreg. I mean, Stiles canonically and consistently shows the most traits to be the Pack Leader. The Human Alpha.
Let me explain:
Derek's family (the Hale Pack) was canonically made up of both werewolves and humans. Now, this is important. The Hale Pack's mantra was always "Alpha, Beta, Omega", which Derek states means that "we can always rise to one and fall to another". Notice he didn't say "a werewolf can always rise to one and fall to another". This was a pack motto that embodied the heart of the Hales' beliefs and belonged specifically to this mixed-species pack. The Hale Pack didn't just own a bunch of humans, they didn't just happen to know these humans. These humans were considered legitimate pack members and family. He didn't lose his pack and a few human cousins. No, he lost his Pack, period. This mantra applied to ALL pack members. Just as a Hale werewolf can rise and fall through the hierarchy, so too can a human. Just as a human pack member can be a Beta or Omega, so too can they also rise to be an Alpha.
But enough about CAN Stiles be an Alpha. Let's talk about WHY Stiles in particular is the pack Alpha.
1. Everyone intrinsically trusts his judgement and follows what he says, because he has shown time and time again that he knows what he's talking about and accomplishes what he sets out to do. He gets Isaac out of Holding, he helps Lydia use her power to figure out the sacrifices are being held at the Nemeton, he finds a way into a bank vault, he gets the bus to stop, he finds the cure to what's making all the supernaturals in school sick. When he says he'll do something, chances are high that he'll find a way to do it.
2. He always throws himself first into danger, willing to risk his life for the pack, because he puts the pack before himself. Sure, Derek and Scott do this too, but where Stiles differs is that he isn't self-sacrificing/masochistic or arrogantly lone-wolfing it when he jumps into battle. Unlike the other Alphas we've seen, Stiles also knows when to hold back, regroup, to withhold from unnecessary danger, and knows when to ask for help. Derek locked himself in a room and let two feral Betas maul at him because he didn't care if he lived or died, Scott almost bled out on a bus, instead of seeking medical attention, because "I can handle it myself". Meanwhile Stiles, on the one hand, Molotoved an Alpha werewolf and, on the other hand, hid in the shadows and managed to get the drop on an immortal, Nazi werewolf by himself with nothing but a bat.
3. He knows everyone's strengths and weaknesses and knows who goes best where, delegating them appropriately (which also includes himself, showing that he is aware of his own limitations and knows when a physically stronger pack member would be better suited for a situation than him). Like when he let the weres handle the assassin/mercenary assault while he and Lydia found and disabled the Deadpool or when he threw mountain ash at the Anuke-Ite while everyone else was dealing with Monroe's armada.
4. He has incredible judgement and intuition, able to spot threats to the pack immediately (like when he thought Matt was controlling the kanima, or when he was suspicious of Theo, or when he didn't trust Peter right before Peter betrayed them).
5. Not only that, but he was able to help THREE separate weres control their shift (even becoming anchors for two weres, himself), and usually just by talking to them. Even Peter had trouble helping Derek control his shift in highschool and Derek couldn't help Scott with his shift either (meanwhile, Stiles accomplished this in half a school day), and both Peter and Derek are born weres.
6. No matter if he was head over heels in love or just horny AF, Stiles never let that distract him from what needed to be done, unlike Scott actively endangering people just to make out with Allison (and the less said about Derek's love life, the better). Case in point: when Lydia was crying in her car, even though it seemed to pain him, he told her he had something important he had to do, then proceeded to look for the bestiary. There's also when he woke up in bed with Lydia and, instead of just going back to sleep without questioning it, he got up to explore the ominous, open door because, logically, he knew something wasn't right. And let's not forget when he stopped making out with Caitlyn to investigate a glowing key.
7. Stiles may have had a few fuck-ups here and there in the beginning (what Alpha hasn't?), but he learns in long, bounding strides from his mistakes and doesn't make the same mistake twice (because Stiles lives by his own mantra: once is an incident, twice is a coincidence, three's a pattern). I love Derek, I do, but I gotta ask: how many times has Derek been tied to an electric fence or been manipulated to fight on the wrong side? And how many times has Scott made 'a deal with the devil' or almost killed Allison or outed himself to the wrong people? You wanna know how many times Stiles has been beaten to a pulp? Once, by Gerard. Since then, there have been at least two instances in which he's taken on this sort of scrapper-brawler type of fighting style, almost like he never wants to just lay there helplessly as someone beats him up ever again. Very rarely do we ever see Stiles on his back with someone looming over him after that.
I could go on and on about how Stiles knows how to network and branch out for help from potential allies, or how Stiles actually listens and considers what other pack members have to say, or how Stiles doesn't let whether or not he likes a person get in the way of helping them, but we'd be here all day and this post is already long enough.
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neil-gaiman · 3 years
How Did you come up with the first eve in the story about adams wives? I haven’t been able to find anything about her after I read it and I want to know if she’s an actual biblical character or just someone you made
She's from the Midrash. I learned about her as a 12 year old, from my barmitzvah teacher. There was a point in there, long after I'd put her into Sandman, where I was starting to think I'd imagined her, when I ran across her in Robert Graves's Hebrew Myths....
Excerpt from: The Hebrew Myths by Robert Graves and Raphael Patai (New York:  Doubleday, 1964), pp 65-69
Chapter 10: Adam's Helpmeets
(a) Having decided to give Adam a helpmeet lest he should be alone of his kind, God put him into a deep sleep, removed one of his ribs, formed it into a woman, and closed up the wound, Adam awoke and said: 'This being shall be named "Woman", because she has been taken out of man. A man and a woman shall be one flesh.' The title he gave her was Eve, 'the Mother of All Living''. [1]
(b) Some say that God created man and woman in His own image on the Sixth Day, giving them charge over the world; [2]  but that Eve did not yet exist. Now, God had set Adam to name every beast, bird and other living thing. When they passed before him in pairs, male and female, Adam-being already like a twenty-year-old man-felt jealous of their loves, and though he tried coupling with each female in turn, found no satisfaction in the act. He therefore cried: 'Every creature but I has a proper mate', and prayed God would remedy this injustice. [3]
(c) God then formed Lilith, the first woman, just as He had formed Adam, except that He used filth and sediment instead of pure dust. From Adam's union with this demoness, and with another like her named Naamah, Tubal Cain's sister, sprang Asmodeus and innumerable demons that still plague mankind. Many generations later, Lilith and Naamah came to Solomon's judgement seat, disguised as harlots of Jerusalem'. [4]
(d) Adam and Lilith never found peace together; for when he wished to lie with her, she took offence at the recumbent posture he demanded. 'Why must I lie beneath you?' she asked. 'I also was made from dust, and am therefore your equal.' Because Adam tried to compel her obedience by force, Lilith, in a rage, uttered the magic name of God, rose into the air and left him.
Adam complained to God: 'I have been deserted by my helpmeet' God at once sent the angels Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof to fetch Lilith back. They found her beside the Red Sea, a region abounding in lascivious demons, to whom she bore lilim at the rate of more than one hundred a day. 'Return to Adam without delay,' the angels said, `or we will drown you!' Lilith asked: `How can I return to Adam and live like an honest housewife, after my stay beside the Red Sea?? 'It will be death to refuse!' they answered. `How can I die,' Lilith asked again, `when God has ordered me to take charge of all newborn children: boys up to the eighth day of life, that of circumcision; girls up to the twentieth day. None the less, if ever I see your three names or likenesses displayed in an amulet above a newborn child, I promise to spare it.' To this they agreed; but God punished Lilith by making one hundred of her demon children perish daily; [5] and if she could not destroy a human infant, because of the angelic amulet, she would spitefully turn against her own. [6]
(e) Some say that Lilith ruled as queen in Zmargad, and again in Sheba; and was the demoness who destroyed job's sons. [7] Yet she escaped the curse of death which overtook Adam, since they had parted long before the Fall. Lilith and Naamah not only strangle infants but also seduce dreaming men, any one of whom, sleeping alone, may become their victim. [8]
(f) Undismayed by His failure to give Adam a suitable helpmeet, God tried again, and let him watch while he built up a woman's anatomy: using bones, tissues, muscles, blood and glandular secretions, then covering the whole with skin and adding tufts of hair in places. The sight caused Adam such disgust that even when this woman, the First Eve, stood there in her full beauty, he felt an invincible repugnance. God knew that He had failed once more, and took the First Eve away. Where she went, nobody knows for certain. [9]
(g) God tried a third time, and acted more circumspectly. Having taken a rib from Adam's side in his sleep, He formed it into a woman; then plaited her hair and adorned her, like a bride, with twenty-four pieces of jewellery, before waking him. Adam was entranced. [10]
(h) Some say that God created Eve not from Adam's rib, but from a tail ending in a sting which had been part of his body. God cut this off, and the stump-now a useless coccyx-is still carried by Adam's descendants. [11]
(i) Others say that God's original thought had been to create two human beings, male and female; but instead He designed a single one with a male face looking forward, and a female face looking back. Again He changed His mind, removed Adam's backward-looking face, and built a woman's body for it. [12]
(j) Still others hold that Adam was originally created as an androgyne of male and female bodies joined back to back. Since this posture made locomotion difficult, and conversation awkward, God divided the androgyne and gave each half a new rear. These separate beings He placed in Eden, forbidding them to couple. [13]
Notes on sources:
1. Genesis II. 18-25; III. 20.
2. Genesis I. 26-28.
3. Gen. Rab. 17.4; B. Yebamot 632.
4. Yalqut Reubeni ad. Gen. II. 21; IV. 8.
5. Alpha Beta diBen Sira, 47; Gaster, MGWJ, 29 (1880), 553 ff.
6. Num. Rab. 16.25.
7. Targum ad job 1. 15.
8. B. Shabbat 151b; Ginzberg, LJ, V. 147-48.
9. Gen. Rab. 158, 163-64; Mid. Abkir 133, 135; Abot diR. Nathan 24; B. Sanhedrin 39a.
10. Gen. II. 21-22; Gen. Rab. 161.
11. Gen. Rab. 134; B. Erubin 18a.
12. B. Erubin 18a.
13. Gen. Rab. 55; Lev. Rab. 14.1: Abot diR. Nathan 1.8; B. Berakhot 61a; B. Erubin 18a; Tanhuma Tazri'a 1; Yalchut Gen. 20; Tanh. Buber iii.33; Mid. Tehillim 139, 529.
Authors’ Comments on the Myth:
1. The tradition that man's first sexual intercourse was with animals, not women, may be due to the widely spread practice of bestiality among herdsmen of the Middle East, which is still condoned by custom, although figuring three times in the Pentateuch as a capital crime. In the Akkadian Gilgamesh Epic, Enkidu is said to have lived with gazelles and jostled other wild beasts at the watering place, until civilized by Aruru's priestess. Having enjoyed her embraces for six days and seven nights, he wished to rejoin the wild beasts but, to his surprise, they fled from him. Enkidu then knew that he had gained understanding, and the priestess said: 'Thou art wise, Enkidu, like unto a godl'
2. Primeval man was held by the Babylonians to have been androgynous. Thus the Gilgamesh Epic gives Enkidu androgynous features: `the hair of his head like a woman's, with locks that sprout like those of Nisaba, the Grain-goddess.' The Hebrew tradition evidently derives from Greek sources, because both terms used in a Tannaitic midrash to describe the bisexual Adam are Greek: androgynos, 'man-woman', and diprosopon, 'twofaced'. Philo of Alexandria, the Hellenistic philosopher and commentator on the Bible, contemporary with Jesus, held that man was at first bisexual; so did the Gnostics. This belief is clearly borrowed from Plato. Yet the myth of two bodies placed back to back may well have been founded on observation of Siamese twins, which are sometimes joined in this awkward manner. The two-faced Adam appears to be a fancy derived from coins or statues of Janus, the Roman New Year god.
3. Divergences between the Creation myths of Genesis r and n, which allow Lilith to be presumed as Adam's first mate, result from a careless weaving together of an early Judaean and a late priestly tradition. The older version contains the rib incident. Lilith typifies the Anath-worshipping Canaanite women, who were permitted pre-nuptial promiscuity. Time after time the prophets denounced Israelite women for following Canaanite practices; at first, apparently, with the priests' approval-since their habit of dedicating to God the fees thus earned is expressly forbidden in Deuteronomy xxIII. I8. Lilith's flight to the Red Sea recalls the ancient Hebrew view that water attracts demons. 'Tortured and rebellious demons' also found safe harbourage in Egypt. Thus Asmodeus, who had strangled Sarah's first six husbands, fled 'to the uttermost parts of Egypt' (Tobit viii. 3), when Tobias burned the heart and liver of a fish on their wedding night.
4. Lilith's bargain with the angels has its ritual counterpart in an apotropaic rite once performed in many Jewish communities. To protect the newborn child against Lilith-and especially a male, until he could be permanently safeguarded by circumcision-a ring was drawn with natron, or charcoal, on the wall of the birthroom, and inside it were written the words: 'Adam and Eve. Out, Lilith!' Also the names Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof (meanings uncertain) were inscribed on the door. If Lilith nevertheless succeeded in approaching the child and fondling him, he would laugh in his sleep. To avert danger, it was held wise to strike the sleeping child's lips with one finger-whereupon Lilith would vanish.
5. 'Lilith' is usually derived from the Babylonian-Assyrian word lilitu, ,a female demon, or wind-spirit'-one of a triad mentioned in Babylonian spells. But she appears earlier as 'Lillake' on a 2000 B.G. Sumerian tablet from Ur containing the tale of Gilgamesh and the Willow Tree. There she is a demoness dwelling in the trunk of a willow-tree tended by the Goddess Inanna (Anath) on the banks of the Euphrates. Popular Hebrew etymology seems to have derived 'Lilith' from layil, 'night'; and she therefore often appears as a hairy night-monster, as she also does in Arabian folklore. Solomon suspected the Queen of Sheba of being Lilith, because she had hairy legs. His judgement on the two harlots is recorded in I Kings III. 16 ff. According to Isaiah xxxiv. I4-I5, Lilith dwells among the desolate ruins in the Edomite Desert where satyrs (se'ir), reems, pelicans, owls, jackals, ostriches, arrow-snakes and kites keep her company.
6. Lilith's children are called lilim. In the Targum Yerushalmi, the priestly blessing of Numbers vi. 26 becomes: 'The Lord bless thee in all thy doings, and preserve thee from the Lilim!' The fourth-century A.D. commentator Hieronymus identified Lilith with the Greek Lamia, a Libyan queen deserted by Zeus, whom his wife Hera robbed of her children. She took revenge by robbing other women of theirs.
7. The Lamiae, who seduced sleeping men, sucked their blood and ate their flesh, as Lilith and her fellow-demonesses did, were also known as Empusae, 'forcers-in'; or Mormolyceia, 'frightening wolves'; and described as 'Children of Hecate'. A Hellenistic relief shows a naked Lamia straddling a traveller asleep on his back. It is characteristic of civilizations where women are treated as chattels that they must adopt the recumbent posture during intercourse, which Lilith refused. That Greek witches who worshipped Hecate favoured the superior posture, we know from Apuleius; and it occurs in early Sumerian representations of the sexual act, though not in the Hittite. Malinowski writes that Melanesian girls ridicule what they call `the missionary position', which demands that they should lie passive and recumbent.
8. Naamah, 'pleasant', is explained as meaning that 'the demoness sang pleasant songs to idols'. Zmargad suggest smaragdos, the semi-precious aquamarine; and may therefore be her submarine dwelling. A demon named Smaragos occurs in the Homeric Epigrams.
9. Eve's creation by God from Adam's rib-a myth establishing male supremacy and disguising Eve's divinity-lacks parallels in Mediterranean or early Middle-Eastern myth. The story perhaps derives iconotropically from an ancient relief, or painting, which showed the naked Goddess Anath poised in the air, watching her lover Mot murder his twin Aliyan; Mot (mistaken by the mythographer for Yahweh) was driving a curved dagger under Aliyan's fifth rib, not removing a sixth one. The familiar story is helped by a hidden pun on tsela, the Hebrew for 'rib': Eve, though designed to be Adam's helpmeet, proved to be a tsela, a 'stumbling', or 'misfortune'. Eve's formation from Adam's tail is an even more damaging myth; perhaps suggested by the birth of a child with a vestigial tail instead of a coccyx-a not infrequent occurrence.
10. The story of Lilith's escape to the East and of Adam's subsequent marriage to Eve may, however, record an early historical incident: nomad herdsmen, admitted into Lilith's Canaanite queendom as guests (see 16. 1), suddenly seize power and, when the royal household thereupon flees, occupy a second queendom which owes allegiance to the Hittite Goddess Heba.
The meaning of 'Eve' is disputed. Hawwah is explained in Genesis III. 20 as 'mother of all living'; but this may well be a Hebraicized form of the divine name Heba, Hebat, Khebat or Khiba. This goddess, wife of the Hittite Storm-god, is shown riding a lion in a rock-sculpture at Hattusaswhich equates her with Anath-and appears as a form of Ishtar in Hurrian texts. She was worshipped at Jerusalem (see 27. 6). Her Greek name was Hebe, Heracles's goddess-wife.
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mrsstruggle · 3 years
The Lost Child - Chapter 5 // Teen Wolf x Marvel AU
Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen years later and her family believes she is dead. Then how is she living in Beacon Hills?
Warnings: Mentions of Death, Mentions of Robbery, Characters Grieving, Medical Inaccuracies, Character Having A Panic Attack, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else)
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader, Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Vision x Wand Maximoff, & More To Come
Previous Pairings: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Scott McCall x Allison Argent
Words: 2k
Note: I am posting new chapters every 2-3 days! I am trying to get on a consistent schedule.
Additional Note: While this is a Teen Wolf x Marvel AU, not everything is true to the shows/movies/comics. I had to change things for the story. This also loosely follows Teen Wolf Season 4.
One Last Note: Y/N was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I did this so that more people can see themselves in this story.
***I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment only.***
The Lost Child Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
Y/N takes a breath before looking at the three boys standing in front of her, "Okay, start from the beginning."
"Lydia unconsciously wrote a code which led to this list," Stiles began, "We then used a password to get into the list."
"What was the password?"
Scott sighs before locking eyes with Y/N, "Allison."
Y/N gives him a sad look before looking down at the list in her hand, "How do you know this is a Deadpool of supernaturals? Malia's name isn't on here. Liam's name isn't on here. I can't even tell you who most of these people are."
"This isn't the only list," Stiles informs her, "There's two more. Lydia is trying to find out the other two passwords."
"The Walcott’s were found murdered in their house a few days ago. They were Wendigos," Derek added.
"How do you know what the numbers mean?" she questions.
"Do you remember how Peter's money was stolen?" Stiles asks.
"Yeah, he was robbed when Kate and the Berserkers were at the school," Y/N glances at Derek at the mention of Kate.
"One hundred and seventeen million dollars was stolen from him. The numbers should all add up once we figure out the codes to the other two lists."
"This doesn't make any sense." Y/N started pacing back and forth in her kitchen, "There's no way I'm worth fifty million."
"You are a werewolf," Scott noted.
"And you're something else as well." Stiles adds while taking a seat on the kitchen counter, "We might not know what but maybe whoever made this list does."
Y/N stops pacing and turns to look at the three boys in the room with her, "One, I'm not an alpha. I'm not even a true alpha like Scott. Two, I don't even know what I am! How does someone else know?"
"Look, we don't know why you're worth fifty million, but with a prize that high, you now have a giant target on you," Scott states, looking down at his hands nervously, "We were thinking that maybe you should get out of town for the time being."
"You can't be serious," she gives him an annoyed look.
"You're not safe here. We know you can protect yourself, but this list is for trained assassins. They are literally trained to kill people! Who knows how many of them are going to be after your head," Stiles reasons.
"So, I'm not the only one on this list," she states angrily, waving the list at Stiles.
"Yes, but you're worth fifty million dollars," Scott interjects, "We know that no one is going to be worth more than that. You might not be an alpha, but you're the most powerful person in Beacon Hills."
"And you're worth," she looks down at the paper in her hand, "twenty-five mill. We all have targets on us. Why do I have to leave and you don't?"
"You're worth the most," Derek states, hoping this won't lead to a fight.
"And you're worth 15 mill!" Y/N yells, throwing her hands up in exasperation, "Lydia's worth twenty, and Kira's worth six!"
"I'm not talking about the money!" Derek yells out.
"Then what?"
Derek sighs, running his hand down his face, "I mean you're worth way more than fifty million dollars."
"I-I don't understand," Y/N was confused looking at the sad look on Derek's face.
"Y/N, you mean everything to me. I already had one girlfriend die in my arms, I won't let another one do the same. Especially not the one I plan on spending the rest of my life with." Everyone was looking at Derek with different shocked looks on their faces, "I have very little family left and I'm not losing you too."
"We've already lost mom," Stiles adds, "Dad and I can't lose you either."
Scott takes a few steps closer to her, "This isn't because we think you can't protect yourself. We are all very aware that you can. This is because we don't want something to happen to you while you're too busy trying to stop something from happening to us."
"We know you, B. We know you'll try and help everyone without thinking about yourself."
"I understand that you're concerned and that you're scared, but I'm not going anywhere." Y/N states, looking firmly at the boys, "I have the power to protect people, so that's what I'm going to do."
"Babe," Derek pleads with a desperate look in his eyes.
She walks over to him and holds his face in between her hands, "Der, I love you and I understand that you just want to keep me safe, but I'm not going anywhere."
Derek stares into the beautiful eyes staring back at him before sighing in defeat, "You're never leaving my sight."
"I don't think I could if I tried," she smiles at him before leaning in to place a long kiss on his lips.
"Um, I'm still not okay with this!" Stiles exclaims.
"Stiles, you're going to have to get over it. How many more people in this town are going to pop up on one of these lists? Like you said, the people who get these lists are trained assassins. Not everyone will be able to protect themselves from that." She states before looking over to Scott, "We protect those who cannot protect themselves."
Stiles jumps off the counter, walking over to Y/N, "The second you get a scratch on you, I'm driving you straight out of town."
"Can Roscoe even make it out of town? It broke down like five times coming home from Mexico," she smirks at him.
"We'll take your car, deal?" Stiles sticks out his pinky toward her.
"Deal." She giggles as she shakes pinkies with him.
Tony walks into Peter's bedroom to find him staring up at the sky through the skylight. After they brought Peter back from the hospital, he went straight up to his room to take a nap. It's now almost 11 PM.
"What are you thinking about?" Tony asks as he leans against the door frame.
"Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, that Y/N could still be alive?"
"What do you mean?" Tony pushes himself off the door frame and sits down next to Peter.
"I know they found her body, but what if they were wrong?" Peter turns his head to look at his dad.
"When they first found her body, I spent every day denying that it was her." Tony lays down next to his son, "Even after they showed me the proof themselves, I still didn't believe it."
"I don't know why but I just have this feeling that she's still alive."
Tony looks up at the sky at Peter's confession, thinking about the worst day of his life. The day they found Y/N.
Tony looked up from working on his Iron Man suit to see Bruce standing in the doorway with a heartbroken expression on his face. His immediate thought was that something happened to Natasha on her mission. He puts down his tools and walks over to Bruce.
"What's up? Did something happen to Nat?"
Bruce grabbed Tony's shoulder, "You should probably sit down."
"Just tell me what's going on. Did something happen on her mission? Was she hurt? Is she okay?" Tony looks at Bruce with so much concern in his eyes.
"She's okay. Physically."
"What does that mean?"
Bruce sighed, hating being the one to give Tony the news, "On her mission, she found something."
"Okay?" Tony was confused. The whole point of missions like Nat's was to find information. Why is this time different?
"She, um, she found some bodies. Dead bodies."
"Sh-she also found the bracelet she helped Y/N make for her birthday."
Tony could feel his heart pounding against his chest. His mind was jumbled with millions of thoughts. His vision was blurring. He could see that Bruce was saying something to him, but he couldn't understand what he was saying.
He couldn't breathe.
He collapsed to the ground as Bruce tried to slow his fall. He clutched at his chest as he tried to catch his breath. Bruce turned his head so they could look at each other. He tried to focus on Bruce.
"Tony. Just focus on me and focus on my voice. Do you understand?" Tony slightly nodded his head at Bruce. "Take some deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out."
Tony started to catch his breath as Bruce helped him with his breathing. He made sure to focus on Bruce and not the news he just told him.
"I'm okay. I'm okay." Tony murmured as his breathing slows and his body starts to calm.
Bruce watched him warily as he shakily stood up from the ground. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Define okay."
"They, um, they don't know if they found her or not. Nat said that she didn't see Y/N, she just found her bracelet in an empty room." Bruce said while he nervously played with his glasses in his hands.
"So there's a possibility that they didn't find her? That she could still be alive somewhere? All you found was a bracelet?" Tony looked at Bruce with small hope in his eyes.
"Yes, but they haven't identified all of the bodies yet." Bruce gently explained to Tony, "There were a lot of bodies, Tony. It's been ten years since she disappeared. Th–"
"I know that it's been ten years. Just because I haven't given up like you have, doesn't mean I don't know the statistics and what everyone says. Until you can present me with some hard facts, I'm always going to believe that she is still out there. Finding some bracelet doesn't mean anything." Tony tried to storm away but Bruce prevented him from doing so.
"Tony, I just told you that Tasha found her bracelet and you had a panic attack! You say these things but deep down you know that there's less than a one percent chance that she is still alive! I've watched for ten years as you and Nat and Steve and Bucky and the others run yourselves into the ground trying to find something that would lead you to her! You never found anything and now that we have something, you refuse to believe it!" Bruce yelled exasperatedly.
Tony gave him a cold look, "One percent chance is still a chance. She is my daughter, and I will never give up on her."
"Tony." Tony turns to see Fury standing at the door a few feet away from him. "The lab just finished running their tests."
"They identified one of the bodies." Fury paused for a moment, "It's Y/N."
"Why do you think she's still alive?" Tony asks Peter as he subtly wipes the small tears that have fallen from his eyes.
"I don't know. I've always felt like she was still out there somewhere. Even after they found her, I never truly felt like they did."
"I would love to think that she's still out there somewhere, living a wonderful life, but I made my peace years ago," Tony says, sitting up from his position on Peter's bad, "After I almost got Wanda killed from being too drunk on a mission, I knew I had to finally confront the truth."
"If she is still out there, do you think she remembers us?" Peter asks, sitting up to sit next to Tony.
Tony thinks for a moment, "I'd like to think so, but I don't know. She was so young when she was taken and who knows what happened afterward. Why are you thinking about this?"
"I don't know," Peter isn't sure whether he should tell his dad about the feeling he has about the girl who fixed his leg, "I think it's just because we're back at this house."
"If she is somehow still out there, I'd hope to meet her again someday and let her know that we never gave up and that we never stopped loving her."
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