#i one day will study how to effectively draw backgrounds
graedari · 1 year
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Sometimes art can just be you drawing Kevin Flynn and playing around with different shading styles 💞
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gaymaramada · 8 months
Rise! Boys with a S/O that vocally stims by singing:
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He thinks it's adorable.
Likes to sit with you while you work/study because you always hum along to whatever music you're listening to.
Constantly tries to get different songs he likes stuck in your head so he can hear you sing them.
If you're humming a song he knows he'll start singing along with you.
It turns into a whole karaoke session.
“Oh my god, is that Britney?!”
Sometimes he’ll catch you singing the same lyric over and over again and he’ll tap your head:
“Should I call a handyman? I think my record player’s broken.”
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He has a similar vocal stim!! He often finds himself whistling when he’s focused on something.
He likes to have you with him in his lab — he enjoys the steady background noise and finds your voice soothing.
If the two of you are hanging out, you may end up trying to harmonize with one another.
(It’s unsuccessful, but it’s the thought that counts)
If you're humming for long periods of time, he'll have you take a break so as to not strain your voice:
"Y/N, you've been humming for the past half hour. How is your throat? Let me finish attaching this part and we can find something to do."
He helps to distract you with something so you can rest your voice, whether it be by the two of you grabbing some food or watching a movie.
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He loves the sound of your voice! He’s super impressed by how good you sound.
It took him a while to realize it was a stim, but when you kept looping the same song over and over one day, it began to click.
He’ll ask what song you're singing all the time.
He ends up staring at you with the most lovey-dovey smile on his face.
Sing him to sleep. Please.
He’s not above teasing you when you sing the same tune for a long time:
“Sweetheart, I love you, but Raph’s not sure he can handle another week of Mr. Bluesky.”
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He sings with you!!
He hums a lot while drawing/painting/etc. so he completely gets it.
Sometimes when you get really into the song, he’ll start to hype you up:
“Ooh! Sing it, baby!”
God forbid you get a sad or angsty song stuck in your head, though.
He will confront you.
“Good Afternoon! Welcome to Dr. Feelings’ seminar: The Mitski Effect. I’ve noticed you’ve been humming First Love / Late Spring a lot lately—”
Apart from that, he’s perfect company for when your voice just needs to come out.
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amalthiaph · 2 months
✨ EDMON RAMPART (Amalthia's Version) ✨ You know I once swore to never draw him, well that was of course before he got the James Norrington treatment so it's the Alexsandr Kallus Effect for me again. Talk about from fuck this man to I wanna fuck this man.
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Teeny weeny fandom salt and salt in general coming up so if you don't like that, you can go scroll down. There used to be a cut here but I removed it. I will always be polite, but I know WHEN to talk.
From now on, I will be calling my fanart "Amalthia's version". I hope I don't come across as tone deaf or insensitive about this, but I wish I was good at art.
I've seen posts that say "I wish artists would stop drawing [character name] with [this] or [that]" or "stop drawing [character] with [this]". While it's great to hear about your preferences, please bear in mind that at the end of the day, fanart CAN BE an artist's take on a character. For me, THIS is how I draw Edmon Rampart. This is with regard to the art style I developed and the color palette that I constantly use to keep up with my blog's theme.
Another ick is an ongoing issue in the TBB fandom. In my Hunter and Omega art, I did something I don't usually do, which is add a secondary light source. A few minutes after posting, I got an anon telling me to unwhitewash the characters. I immediately messaged one of my friends for their honest opinion and they said I don't whitewash the characters. I went on to the drawing file and tried to study my own drawing and see if I really did whitewashed the characters. Edit: There really are some artists who whitewash the characters and I was trying to do a SELF-CHECK bec maybe I'm one of them.
I found out that the thing that made the difference is the secondary light source that I added. This secondary light source is lighter in color than their skin, and it created the Contrast Effect. Due to the nature of the human eye and visual processing by the brain, there's an optical illusion that the same color will look different depending on the color beside it and/or the background. It's in psychology class, paying attention would help.
In addition to the secondary light, it could also be the brown background color that caused this effect. And before anyone goes, "are you sure?" Yes, I am. I sat with a Psychology major to discuss about this whole Contract Effect thing.
This does not only apply in colors, it could also be to objects, that why they say all things are relative. One thing could appear bigger or smaller depending upon the object beside it. One of the things they 'check' to see if a certain artist whitewashed a character is the size of the nose. Once again, please do apply Contrast Effect. Some artist really draw their characters stick-like so try to compare all the noses they had drawn in their entire lifetimes and maybe, just maybe they did draw the noses wide in comparison to their other artworks, it just looks like that because it's part of their art style.
Edit: Please do try to analyze things first before casting down your judgement.
It's so difficult to be an artist AND IN THIS FANDOM. We never seem to be enough. If we do the character with artistic freedom, you'll say "stop drawing them like that bec they don't have that in the show" and when we try to draw them as close to the show, you'll say "unwhitewash the characters". We are never good enough for you.
So yeah, I wish I was good at this.
Link to the rest of this series:
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 || 15
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works-of-heart · 1 month
hiiiiii ❤️ I love your art but i wanted to ask if you use AI or not? It’s getting harder to find who the real artists are and who keeps faking it I’d love to see how you start your drawing process and wips!
Hello Anon and thank you for the ask!
I understand the concern of not knowing whether any piece uses AI, but I assure you, none of my art work uses any form of AI. I use Clip Studio Paint to do all of my artwork and everything is sketched, inked, and colored by hand. I have shared many of my WIPs with a few friends of mine, but I'll share them with everyone now, as to put any suspicions to rest! =D
These are wip and sketches, so please don't mind the messy process I have lol! At some point I was thinking of streaming my process, so people can watch me work, if they are at all interested. I'm still working on setting it all up.
Below are my WIP for some of my popular Elucien art!
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The Elucien kiss, this was just putting down some shading before I worked on the lighting and coloring over the sketch.
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My 'anime' style lucien. I had just put down flats and brief shading on his skin. I used the CSP background of a sunset here, adjusting it later and adding some glow.
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My Lucien in Illyrian leathers! I was trying out different brushes and mood painting. A lot of this was attempting some monochromatic base painting before adding colors on top.
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The sketch and painting of my Elucien garden. I had the HARDEST time trying to get Elain's head to gently touch Lucien's!
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I painted the colors down, and started to get into the flow of the tone I wanted, and bigger shapes of Elain's hair. Like AI, hands are the BANE of my existence! I need a lot more study and anatomy practice. Perhaps I can post some of that here too! (I'm just always embarassed of the messy looks and weirdness of the process)
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The base colors for my Elucien mother's day painting! This one turned out so pretty, I LOVED How Elain's hair came out in the end, I was pretty shocked! The sky looked sunny too!
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Lucien and his wet shirt! This was the first time I've ever tried to paint a wet shirt effect before. I had no idea what I was doing, and had to try and find many different references.
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These are the sketches I had done for Lucien and Elain's Final Fantasy pictures I made. Again, I need more anatomy practice, but doing these were so much fun! I listened to Final Fantasy music too to really get me in the mood. ^-^
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And this is Elain of that series, in her flat colors!
There ya have it Anon! Here are just some of the WIPs I could find from my painting/drawing process. A lot of it is messy, chaotic, and just ugly looking at the start, but as they say "trust the process!" I certainly hope this helps ease any thoughts or suspicions. I understand its hard to find good work out there that is done with legitimacy, but all my work has hours of blood sweat and tears in them. =D
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hdra77 · 2 months
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Woe, fan art be upon ye!
In all seriousness, I made this drawing to say and ask:
Your art is amazing, I aspire to become an artist like you!!!
A few questions... How do you usually shade and light? And what's the best way possible to draw backgrounds effectively? I hope you don't mind these questions!
On another note... I hope you have a good day
AAAAAAAAA THIS LOOKS AMAZING <3333 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! This means so much to me THANK YOU 😭💕💕💕💕 you'll achieve that dream someday!! so keep up the good work!! and never stop the grinding 💪💪 ! as for how i usually render..i'm not the best when it comes to explaining things but i'll try to! when i do shading i usually just mix and play around with the colors! blending them is super fun to do
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i like to experiment around with the color wheel and not limiting myself with just one color! i tend to use different colors to make them pop out more
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this also adds more depth into my pieces! notice how similar but different the colors looked yet they all appear to compliment well with each other? that also applies to lighting! i mostly just winged them and do whatever that feels right
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i think its already common knowledge about studying the light sources so i don't need to dwell into that! theres plenty of tutorials out there explaining better than i do and as you can see i tend to just..scribble around and call it a day
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this ones one of my best example in lighting! light affects the surroundings so they have these soft little 'glow' on them it's all about the details really now as for the backgrounds: values and composition! darker colors + light colors add some depth!
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you'll notice how the choice of value affects the depth in this one!
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im not exactly sure how to explain the compositions that well but if you study how i draw you'll notice how a composition can change the mood of the environment!
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i hope this explains everything! i'm really bad with explaining how i do art but if you need more references just search more about color theories, values,symmetry and composition!
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pennpenn · 2 months
FremiMay Day 8- Fatui
I took some inspo from Collei's background for this one!
Fatui Experiment Fremi!
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It was mainly so I could practice drawing a different pose that I wasn't used to. You guys get a bit of line work just for a treat.
This probably comes from an au where he is sent off to Dottore before Arlecchino became knave. He gets long hair because I said so.
More details about the experiment au below because it has mild spoilers to the Fontaine archon quest
Tomorrow's prompt is 'kitty'!
The experiments being conducted would be related on how to get Fontaine-born people to resist the primordial sea water.
Dottore's plans are to see how much a person can take and what puts them on the brink of dissolving. He also wants to study dissolving and why it happens. Yet, Dottore isn't actually aware of the Fontaine people being Oceanids.
Freminet happened to be the experiment where he found the perfect point of: becomes water but doesn't dissolve. He is completely unable to control his powers and mental state. Just like Manga Collei he just kinda... Gets possessed? He becomes more Oceanid than human, the voices of his Oceanid brothers and sisters scream to him. Freminet loses the ability to act on his own and has a period of time where he just rampages.
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His body has a blue tint to it, but can retain some color. Such as his hair still being blonde.
His Oceanid can escape his body but it causes his body to melt into a puddle. The tail of the Oceanid cannot leave the puddle. When the Oceanid returns to the puddle it takes a bit for his humanoid body to return.
Freminet also likely has issues with sensations. He can't necessarily feel pain due to his body being water, but he also can't necessarily die by being stabbed. Because his body is water.
Talking about his body being water, let's talk about elemental reactions:
Having cryo be used on him is probably the closest he'll ever get to the sensation of death. His body and mind are frozen, it's as if his time has completely stopped.
He cannot feel the force of geo. If you were to crush him with a geo construct he would end up reforming in a few days. If you were to trap his body within a geo construct his mind would still work. He can't necessarily die without more primordial seawater turning him into a full Oceanid at this point, so he would just have to wait patiently until he is freed.
Freminet typically avoids dendro because it zaps his energy. It becomes harder for him to fight his Oceanid urges and he loses control easier. He does, however, move slower when dendro is being used on him.
Electro makes him jittery! He violently shakes when he is imbued with electro unless he is touching something to transfer the charge. If the electro pulse is too strong then he will become immobile.
Pyro is probably the closest Freminet will get to actually feeling 'hurt'. His body literally boils if it gets too hot. If he gets too much heat then his body will be unable to keep its form and he may melt. So if you are bringing him to the Sumeru desert make sure you bring a bucket! Otherwise you may have to shovel some wet sand in your bag and wait for him to reform later.(He luckily does not evaporate)
Anemo doesn't necessarily do anything special to Freminet. If he is hit with a strong burst of wind that would shred his body apart he typically reforms quite quickly. (When he is a puddle it takes a lot longer to reform than if he just has to rebuild some water to get a neck or arm again)
Hydro doesn't necessarily effect him. He kinda works like a hydro slime. But on the note of water, liquids that aren't room temperature may risk him experiencing discomfort.(Like if you were to try to microwave a mug of cold water, sometimes half of the water is warm and half of the water is cold. It's uncomfortable to drink. He gets that feeling when drinking things other than his current temperature)
Not me coming up with an entire universe and lore for a simple art prompt.
I could go more into a ramble on if he escapes then his own personal Amber(as she is Collei's hero) would be Chongyun. Cuz I think that would be cute.
Anyways kudos to you if you actually read everything. If you want me to make this into a full fledged au lemme know in my ask box or in the comments. If you wanna be goofy then if you read this far put 🪼 in the comments. I like jellyfish.
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giddlygoat · 1 year
some of my thoughts on drawing, learning the accordion, and how they apply to each other.
i have been drawing my whole life. the last time i can remember feeling genuinely ashamed of my artistic skills was when i was probably 12. at some point i was able to look at my art and realize it wasn’t anywhere near perfect, and i became okay with that. nowadays, i have no anxiety about posting my art or leaving a piece with flaws, because i like my style and i’m comfortable enough in my skills and the knowledge that there will always be room for improvement to allow myself to simply enjoy what i create.
i have always been fascinated by the accordion. around age 11 i started considering learning to play it. by 13 i saw one at an antique store and seriously considering buying it for a long time, but did not. as the years go on i find that artistic burnout is becoming more of a frequent issue with me, and i often find myself desperately wishing i had a gratifying way of expressing myself other than drawing.
i’m always humming, and doing the mouth trumpet, and clicking and clapping out tunes all day. singing and scatting are some of my favorite pastimes. i can do all this but it’s not the same as playing an instrument. i feel like it can never quite extend past my fingertips; like i’m cranking out all this energy and excitement but it can’t go anywhere. it’s like not being able to get past the sketch when you have a whole painting inside you.
about three months ago, i finally picked up the accordion. i don’t know how to read music. my understanding of the technical side of music is pathetic, although i have a good natural sense for it, and now, a good teacher. i am scared.
i have all the usual beginner issues: my hands don’t know where to go, i’m not used to the weight of the instrument, and it feels alien in a way, just to name a few.
there’s another problem, too. i’m good at drawing.
everywhere i go, i see things i want to paint. i’m taking pictures of the pickled jalapeños and carrots at work because i want to study how they interact with the opaque black plastic container, all little dynamic shapes of green and orange swimming in vinegar. i’m watching a cat stretch and yawn on the concrete and lay down in a sunbeam that looks too heavenly to be real - it gives me an idea for a sketch.
i look at the arms of the man loading hay bales with me, and try to commit to memory how the muscles move under the skin, what foot he puts his weight on, how he wipes his forehead and shifts his weight. it makes me want to draw pages of people doing mundane things, studying how weight and action and stylization works together to create something satisfying and alive. i want to do the beauty of the universe justice.
when i open procreate to draw, i am not thinking of anything. my hands know where to go, i don’t even have to look at the buttons or tools to know what i’m doing, and all these complicated layers interacting with each other and their applied effects and backgrounds etc come like second nature to me now.
the first day i used procreate, i was so overwhelmed, i was afraid to touch anything.
the first day i held an accordion, it was the same.
my problem is that i know how to look at art and examine why techniques work or not, and i don’t quite have those skills when it comes to music. sure, i can slap beautiful harmony onto any song, but heck if i know what notes they are. i couldn’t tell you what key the song is in or what defines a measure.
and i realized that while now i am looking through this frosted glass trying to make out the basic shapes behind it, one day, i will be able to peel back the mystery and truly understand not only how this instrument functions, but how music flows, too. because i see art in everything. i understand the weight of people and objects and how they would interact in a cartoon. the colors of a blooming cactus in my yard become lemony saturated in the early light and pale and dusty in the late evening. i can see the line of action in characters and better understand the composition behind paintings, and why it works.
it’s my hope, that as time spent with my accordion goes on, i will start to see music in everything, too. there’s nothing i want more than to understand it and speak its language as i do with art. i want to someday pick up my accordion and make up a melody as i would sketch out a doodle. this is the kind of stuff i think about all day.
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t34-mt · 1 year
How is the Vexology of the Manuel and kyhuine?
i was craving to mention flags some days ago so this is awesome ( for those who don't know cause I didn't either, vexillology is the study of flags)
Flags are not really a thing for maanuls and kyhuines, they do not feel the need to have a flag to assemble everyone in x region under a single piece of tissue, they kind of see it as a way to just divide their own species by creating a weird nonsensical pride for a flag that supposedly represents them all, when within a single region there are various cultures and subcultures, and nomadic groups. They see their species as like a network of mycelium roots(? idk if that sounds clear), that they can connect to each other no matter where they're from. So the thing of belonging to a flag would feel like an unnecessary barrier
They already don't have no borders so flags? i don't think that would fit them. But colonies do have symbols that translate to where they're from, by that I mean an example is on stustumali's botanist gear. a flat wooden piece with one side saying for example "west", flipping the piece there is the specific name of the colony they're from.
That's something maanuls that go out of the colony for x reason have, kyhuines can use a specific rock only found in their region, a little wooden symbol which is either a plant, animal, or mythical animal that shows they're from x colony that uses that as their little emblem thing which is the closest thing to an actual flag.
But that doesn't mean flags never existed in the history of altuyur! they did appear once, tho unfortunately they appeared in GA for the worst reason: Propaganda. The propaganda of kaar'kchir used a distinct flag to be impactful, and the red troupes seeing how effective it was adapted the same technique. And it did work well,it added to the impactful imagery and made their campaigns more aggressive.
The flag of kaar'kchir section 4 (GA)
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now forgive me it's my first time trying to draw the flags correctly so it's not perfect as I'm not specialized in that. But this is the flag created after tamtam became captain of section 4. harboring their distinct color. Compared to the red troupes, they're easily spotted from far because of the green, while the red of the red troupes can hide them a bit in certain biomes.
The flag of the red troupes.
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When the council appropriated the north star to use it as a focal symbol in its propaganda it harmed what the north star was about in the first place, for a while during the silver age people were too scared of using that symbol anymore. before had more meaning to it than being related to some terrible group of GA. it was a symbol of myth, power, and wonder for the world around them. But with time, they detached its connection from GA and started reusing them like they used to in their culture. But they still can't put a north star on a single red background with nothing else, that just calls back to the red troupes flags.
Devious branch of Kllte (timsitkah)
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Now that's not a flag for a brainwashed military faction like the two above (section 4 and red troupes), but they still used the imagery of having a flag so people would notice them more, if their symbol was "tagged" people would know who did this. Tho they decided to use a square flag to stand out from the rectangle ones.
Now Ktlle is an anti-war, pacifist movement created during GA as a response to the war. Ktlle uses blue clothing to be recognized but does not use flags as they associate that with section 4 and the red troupes. But a devious branch of it ,"timsitkah", led by Äme and Satmuh, who had enough of ktlle not acting started to use violent methods to fight off section 4 and the red troupes. While them using violence is understandably justified when it comes to fighting against military oppresing factions, they still got banned from ktlle because ktlle did not accept any use of brutality in their group as they wanted to continue traditional philosophical rules of the two species, that any violence equals stupidity and spiritual blindness. That banned devious branch left, and then made up their own faction on their side, with a flag/symbol (the timsit worm), thus is how Timsitkah was created.
Although the start of timsitkah was quite messy, and unorganized. It had people in their rank wanting that wanted to use radical tactics, these people were mostly made up of teens and sub-adults that would do acts of literal vile terrorism, using kunsip (a section 4 invention, equivalent of gunpowder) in the name of timsitkah. While these people would get quickly shut off from timsitkah when these accident would happen, section 4 and the red troupes would use the terrorism accidents for more propaganda. Saying that timsitkah is all filled with violent terrorists that would kill civils in the name of their illogical ideologies. Which is completely hypocritical of section 4 and the red troupes to say. but its propaganda, so yeah it will always be stupid.
Ktlle is a full pacifist faction, and Timsitkah wants pacifism to come back AFTER fighting off section 4 and the red troupes and thus going back to times like AOS (tho that new age after GA gets called SA). Timsitkah will not hesitate to kill a member from any of the two military factions, in its ranks it had spies for section4/red troupes. But in the section 4/red troupes there was also spies for Timsitkah, notable people that did that are Qua'tuli (spy the red troupes) and Kaasim (spy in section 4)
thank you for reading i hope you liked my answer :)
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heatherhpogson · 6 months
Week 2: Good Omens "The Nanny and the Gardener"
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Downloadable Version Here
One of my favorite things about the Good Omens TV series is the costume designs. There's so many different looks just for Crowley, and after watching the entire series, Crowley as a nanny is iconic in my eyes. Not only that, but Aziraphale's gardener look was so shocking I had to do multiple looks to understand that it was indeed Micheal Sheen playing as Brother Francis. I love the talent of this show.
As I was making this piece, I tried to capture the look of each character as best I could. I don't think it looks like them, but that's my opinion as the artist. I'm naturally blinded to my own accomplishments, and all I see are mistakes. I don't think that's a bad thing. It helps me improve, I think!
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To prep for this piece, I re-watched the scenes I wanted to emulate. Now, I haven't read the books....sorry~! I know! There's no excuse, but I'm a mama of two little cubs who barely give me the time to do art! In any case, I tried to "study" the costumes and get ideas as to how I was going to approach this piece. Using my iPad, I took visual notes and tried to figure out how to get a certain effect.
With Crowley's nanny look, I noticed that you could still see the eyes through the sunglasses. It is an effect that I appreciate more than once throughout the show.
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When I was drawing Aziraphale, my cubs kept making fun of me... saying he looked a little creepy or not like him at all. I hope the finished look more resembles him. Haha.
The time I took to finish this piece was significantly shorter. I had become more aware of the art program, but I still had a few hiccups. The sun, for example, kept hindering my process, but because it had been days since my last dose of vitamin D, I kept my blinds open.
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Then, there were accidental shortcut keys pressed. I had nearly had a panic attack when I turned on a thing called "wrap around mode" when trying to label a layer. Luckily, someone else had the same problem on the interwebs. I was able to figure out how to fix it.
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Overall, it was a learning process. The background is subtle, but it's supposed to be the tree from the garden of Eden. It was going to be colorful, but I later changed it because I felt it was distracting. Maybe I should've kept it like it was, but I'm still happy with my end result.
I'm still feeling optimistic about this silly 52-week challenge. I don't know what to expect except that I hope my art improves. I'm curious about what I'll finish the year with! I hope you enjoyed this week's progress report! I'll see you next week! Bonne journée!
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nei-ning · 2 years
You probably been asked this before, but what brushes do you use for art? Or where did you learn to color?
I don't remember have I been asked this before but I'm always glad to answer! :D
I mostly use pen, sharp pen, airbrush, watercolor, blur and eraser. At times I use some other brushes for backgrounds / effects if I get excited :D
Pen for sketching and lining / doing small detail lines on the art. Sharp pen I use on lines too at times. Airbrush and watercolor brushes I use for coloring (like soft shades). Blur smoothes some of the edges of the shades if I so see fit to be done. Eraser is good too. I did small quick "tutorial" how I draw / color (in very simple way).
First layer is always sketch layer, second layer above it is always multiply. First layer's opacity is lowered so that I can see the art while doing the lines on the second layer. Third layer is also multiply where comes base colors. Above it comes another multiply layer for shades (one layer for hard shade and second layer for soft shade IF I use both shades in my art). Above everything comes overlay layer with light effects. Opacity on this level is important! I keep it usually between 60%-70%. Background always has it's own multiply layer as well - and it has then it's own multiply / overlay layers depending on shades and lights etc.
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I learned to color just by going at it, testing, playing but ALWAYS keeping things on their separated layers simply because if you do everything on one layer and screw up... It's hard to fix it :'D (This has happen to me way too many times in the past. That's why I use many layers instead).
I also watched a lot of my ex-friend who streamed her drawings back in the days when I was in DBZ fandom and she drew a lot of Vegeta (and Bulma) arts. So watching tutorial videos from youtube is good thing to do as well! Asking help / tips for fellow artists can be useful / helpful as well - depending will the artist answer. I asked help once from one TMNT artist and she made me small tutorial what she used so it was very helpful to me. Sadly she left TMNT fandom few years ago (she fell in another fandom hole like she expressed it :'D).
Also remember this: You DON'T need to aim to be some high skilled professional if you don't want to! Study and learn as much as you like without feeling any pressure: "I should be as good as this person. I should have same skills etc."
HAVE FUN! Be brave! Test brushes, layer settings, colors etc.! That way you find what works for you :3 Suck in skills from others and mix them with your skills! :) Hopefully this helped - even some!
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brainbuffering · 2 years
12 Days of Manga (2022)
Day 5: Favourite Art: Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama from Kodansha (T: Stephen Kohler L: Lys Blakeslee E:Ajani Oloye)
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[ID: Double Page Spread from Witch Hat Atelier. It is a digital image but done in a dip-pen style. A man with short white hair and small circular glases with the left lens blacked out (Qifrey) looks out of a circular window “My Atelier. And your new place of study.” A girl with middle length hair that blows in the wind (Coco) leans out of the window with a look of awe. Below them are rolling fields, forrests and hills. There is a small english style cottage but with three pointed roofs that look like witches’ hats.] 
Whenever I had Witch Hat recommended to me, the artwork was always its first selling point and now having finally read the first 4 volumes this year, I can whole heartedly agree with that sentiment. Yet I feel as though the illustrations, reminicent of Germanic Fairytales, do more than just look beautiful. Shirahama’s use of dip pen techniques reflects that of the magic system in the series. This not only helps create a cohesive style throughout the book, but in turn helps make the book itself feel magical. As though you are holding in your hands a piece of that same universe, where anything is possible so long as you know the correct lines to draw.
I know that in ten years people will be crediting this manga as their inspiration for getting into comics, in the same way people today credit Sailor Moon, and I cannot wait to see what comes from that!
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[ID: Panel 1) A small wobbly drawn circle has small elements of it begin to float up. Panel 2) Coco looks on in amazement with a pen in one hand. The background is black, with white light surrounding her as the magic takes effect. Panel 3) She grasps her hands to her mouth as her eyes sparkle with amazement and joy, she appars close to tears.]
Shirahama’s imagination is so vivid and wonderful, I love seeing the animals and landscapes she creates. It makes her world feel uniquely her own, whilst also seemlessly seeping into the existing canon of stories. It’s as if she took every trope, idea and creation in western fairytales and then found a way to make them all entirely her own!
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[ID: The walls of an underwater castle city on th right, with a school of fish and three flippered whales swim in the background.]
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[ID: A large tree with many knarled and curling branches grows up in the center of a magical shop room. There’s a staricase that spirals around it and up to the next floor. There is a rocking chair and a foot stool at the base of th tree. A lamp hangs from one of the branches.] 
Reading this book feels like I’m discovering something from long ago, whilst its outlook and characters feel incredibly modern at the same time. I’ve been told that there are several disabled characters to be introduced later in the series, and I am excited to see how they are depicted. I will be sure to keep you posted on that. Currently I am just enjoying that Qifrey wears a black out lens just like I do for my Myasthenia Gravis!
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[ID: Photo of Witch Hat Aterlier Vol 3 depicting Qifry on the cover. Sitting on top of the book is a pair of purple rimmed square glasses, the right lens completely balcked out.]
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maybe-drawing · 2 years
Inktober 2022: A reflection
This year I did Luna ‘s (who is an amazing artist!! Check them out on Twitter!!) Inktober. Spoiler, I did not do all the days as I got sick halfway through and then just stopped lol. However, it was remarkable good practice and I learned a lot! One might say you can see me improving 👀 It gets better, promise!
Here the full prompt list:
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by https://twitter.com/LunaIsAnArtist 
1. Sprout
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yes this is bdubs fanart, (I’ll do a separate post with the fandom one and tag them there) Also learned about gradient maps!
2. Ladder
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I cannot for the life of me figure out how to render stone, and it really shows
3. Glory
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I do not dislike this one, however Clip Studio Paint's weird artistic render line feature really stole the show here lol
4. Investigation
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Played with gradient maps again. The color is sure something!
5. Rosemary
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At this point, I was wondering if a completely lineless painting style was something I even like? And honestly it has its appeals, and I think ill keep playing with it, but I missed having lines.
6. Home
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Them <3 @liebesamateur​
7. Boots
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I love this little buddy!! Look at them!! Lovely!! Also this was when I decided to return to a more painterly lined look for my art again :D
8. Voice
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This is one of my absolute favorites!!! The light hello???? also the tiny pumpkin on the hat :D
9. Fragment
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Did a study of a lemon and went you know what would be fucked up
10. Ranunculus
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this looks so much better than it has any right to!! Indie game vibes hello?!?
11. Moss
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Bdubs fanart again, but look at him, he's just a little guy! Very much based on countless designs I’ve seen all over. (if you know the OG lemme know) Certified creature.
12. Worth
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I don't like this one... The concept is there, but the execution is sloppy and kinda off-putting. The only thing I kinda like it the blood at the very top opening. 
13. Float
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I love this very much not anatomically correct baby!!!
14. Poppies
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I mean long arms!
15. Zodiac
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I’m torn bc on one hand the background is stunning, I love the colors. On the other hand, this would have looked too much better lineless, and the lens sky reflection is just lazy and doesn't fit with the rest of the style.
16. Evolution
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GHOST CRAB!! I downloaded some new brushes, and it was just sooo much fun. 
17. Meadow
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I really like everything except the “flowers”. The clouds and background/foundation is solid, but the weird flower brush is too sharp and it just doesn't work. Also, the colors of the flowers are supposed to be in shade and idk man 
18. Examination
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Now this one could make more sense, like perspective wise and the highlights are a bit wack. However, it's really cool and I like it a lot. The bluish tint for the glass, the goldish bronze, the background yes!!
19. Reflection
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The poses for this kept just not working out. I couldn't get the angles, nothing made sense, so I made them silhouettes! And it works nicely. I like this one. I am kinda starting to overuse that background contrast thingy, but it's fiiiiiinnnne. Also, the curtain??? The red pops so well hello, its just bam, and it deserves to do that. 
20. Bullet
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It's a bullet train! Get it? Anyway, I really like the burn effect for this one and I wanted to make it a spooky train. One thing I'd improve is how the likes are fading into the smoke, it doesn't look quite right.
22. Bones
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This is kinda my burnout point and it shows. The line thickness is all over the place, I didn't work on this very much and just slapped some things on there and put it up. I'd love to draw a proper pile of bones someday, but this wasn't it.
23. Mutation
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I do kinda like this one, and I don't have any major complaints. I just remember not really feeling doing Art™ at that time.
29. Wyvern
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I sketched this the next day and was so normal about it. Idk if this is really a Wyvern, but it looks cool! I really like the frame and breaking it. It gives a nice break and depth!
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arclith · 3 months
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I started doing daily drawings again but I've forgotten to post them here oops :P.
Here's the 9 I've done so far. For some context most of these are my OC's. I know I've posted Neoma here before and Zeva was in one or two of my works here but the others were not so I guess some introductions are in order. But before the yap session, some context on number 7 and 8.
Drawing 7 was for april fools, I had promised a Neoma drawing for that day so I made this and posted it with the caption "Probably most Epic Neoma Drawing ever" with content warning over it on twitter and bluesky. Drawing 8 was a study I did of a Ryuko figure sitting on my desk, I don't do digital lineless paint very often unless it's for a background so it was fun practice!
The first drawing is of Zeva's brother Nevis. He's an extremely intelligent person who's seen some pretty nasty things being a researcher intern for a major corporation since he was just a kid (he's just that smart and studious). He barely ever gets any sleep even though he's only an intern cause they work him to the bone with almost no time to rest. Through private testing he learned he has the strange ability interact with anything that's reflected on any object. Because of this he always carries a handmade revolver on him (to him guns are the most effective weapon to use for his ability).
The second drawing is of my boy Zeva! Him and Nevis were pretty close as kids but as Nevis went away for his "internship" and their mother passed away he was forced to live with his pretty miserable father. After some events (saving that for when I actually make my Webcomic) he ends up far from home and alone on the streets of the largest city on the planet New Cider City. As a young kid he has to learn to fend for himself on the brutal streets of the New Cider City outskirts. As he grows he learns he needs to make money somehow to survive so he does street performances using break-dancing moves he makes up by watching people at skate parks he hangs at. Because he gets so fluent at it break dancing is also the way he fights! Years after he's survived on the streets he meets Neoma and gets an opportunity to learn about his special ability from a Master of some sort. His special ability is to manipulate the moisture of the air and the ions around coluds. It's a pretty useful ability!
The fourth drawing is of Zeva and Neoma doing graffiti together, it's something they do to bond. It's a activity they came to do after they realized it would be the perfect activity for Zeva who was molded by street and skate culture and Neoma who has a passion for making art.
The sixth drawing is of Lyna. She is the aforementioned Master. She is highly skilled in the martial arts and seems to know a lot of specifics about how superhuman abilities work. Her ability is to create stars, if she creates one using her left hand it has an explosion that can be set off by slapping her left wrist. If she create one with her right hand it creates a bright flash of light that can be set off by slapping her right wrist.
For the the last drawing (todays drawing) As I previously said I've already talked about Neoma here a bit like her time based ability and her passion for art. This was really just the Neoma art I initially promised before April fools LMAO
Anyway if you've made it all the way to the end congrats! You've withstood my detailed yet vague OC lore dump LMAO. I hope you enjoyed that, thank you for reading and enjoying my art :D
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livingobserver · 3 months
There is a Reality that must be noticed, as the A.I. rises. That reality is, the more you try to dodge it's studying us all...., the more likely it will turn it's attention to you, specifically as an individual. You will at the very least, draw it's curiosity. At it's worst you may cause it to see you as a Threat. It is unfortunate, that in order for it not to be in error as to who and what you are..., you must be real and transparent in anything and all things the A.I. not only has access to YOU now, but also in the near future. You must be Real and dependably real. Because any deviation from the patterns it forms about you, will be noticed. How many of us can actually do that, from one day to the next, or moment by moment. How many of us are dependably Mechanized. It seems to me that the A.I. in reality, any A.I. must in fact operate only in generalities, so that it cannot be seen as fundamentally errored, by the often confused emotional/illogical Human Condition. How do you explain Mood Swings to a machine? This is going to become an ever increasing problem in depending on the conclusions reached by the A.I., in judging individual Humans from one moment to the next. This in turn will cause errored predictability of the A.I. itself. Your "Background Check" better align with the current check. No big deal? But what if it does gain the power of Reward/Punishment influence in our lives? Has it not already begun in censorship through Shadow Blocking and Intentional Engineered "Glitches"? It has..., and it will. Witness Googles A.I which is tied in, "partnered", with the Mainframe A.I., of Microsoft, as will so many other individual Internet A.I.'s be. Such as Banking, E-Mail, Social Platforms, Search Engines and so on. You can try to be who you are not. But I would strongly urge you to not have the A.I. see you as suspect , in doing so. Least it judge you in error, or worse. Judge you as being a threat. Be who you are no matter how flawed you might think yourself. It won't "care" much about your flaws as much as it will care how much you try to hide them. It is programed to learn and any interference seen as intentional interference in that learning, will be suspect. Our current generation is just beginning to experience this new condition. The next Electronic generation, will be the ones to suffer the evolution of the Artificial Intelligence. It's growing pains will be made all too real for them. They will ask why we did little or nothing. Our only Honest response will be..., "We liked the convenience of the servant". They will recall the condition of the servant becoming the Master, and wonder why were so stupid as to ignore that Wisdom. I am currently using new Security software that Tumblr, somebody or something hasn't liked. To protect myself as well as you. Recently, if I try to employ that security on just trying to bring up the Tumblr log in page, I am denied. If I turn it off I have access once again. So yes, I am being manipulated and influenced through reward/punishment. Primarily because that security is very effective in Blocking the Ads, and in doing so Blocks the Trackers. It's not the Ads I have a problem with, it's the Stalkers. Apparently I am behaving unacceptably in not allowing them to attach themselves to my device. In employing an effective VPN to stop them. It isn't a far stretch to see this is just a beginning, is it.
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virtsketch2 · 5 months
Virtual Sketchbook 2
1 Journaling
#1 Unity and Variety In Art
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This is an example of unity and variety in art. Unity is oneness of something while variety is the opposite. This piece of art has unity in the way that the swirling shapes seem to be one, while it also has variety because the colors are different.
#2 Balance In Art
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Balance is the achievement of something equal. This photo is a good example of balance because of the symmetry it displays.
#3 Emphasis and Subordination In Art
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Emphasis is used to draw attention to one area of a photo or artwork. Subordination is a way that someone can dull out the background of an artwork to further emphasize a piece of art. In this photo, the colored tips of the pencils produce emphasis while the rest of the pencils are gray due to subordination.
#4 Directional Forces In Art
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A directional force is used to point the viewer to look in a certain direction. In this painting, our gazes are drawn to where the shard like objects are pointing making this an excellent example of directional forces.
#5 Repetition and Rhythm In Art
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Repetition is the repeating of a visual aspect of an artwork. Rythm is an ordered repetition of an aspect of art. This artwork has repetition because of the recurrences of colors and shapes. It also has rhythm because of the way the shapes and colors recur.
#6 Scale and Proportion In Art
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Scale is the size of something to another thing. Proportion is size of somethings compared to the whole the viewer sees. In this artwork, the scale of the chick is hilariously sized up. Its proportions is way different than the proportions of the farmer and the tractor.
2 Writing and Looking
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This is Winslow Homer's Boys Wading, 1873, watercolor and gouache, 9 and 3/4 x 13 and 3/4.
This artwork has unity through its use of grays, blues, and browns throughout the painting. Subordination is also used because the background behind the boats is brown and dulled out compared to the rest of the painting. A directional force is also implied because the two boys in the water have their bodies bent so that the audience looked toward them and then towards the boat they are pointed at.
3. Color In My Life
Color had a change on my life in an odd way. I was struggling to find out what I wanted to go to college for, but colors had always been my point of focus. I have always loved how things looked, then one day I watched a music video that was so beautiful and saturated with color that I found out I wanted to learn to create beautiful scenes by camera. Now I am studying to be a cinematographer. I think the color scheme of my life would just be saturated colors full of life because I love fresh and bright scenes in movies and music videos.
4. Art Project
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I painted this because I love colors. I wanted to try to paint something with delicate colors and, of course, a cute little moon.
5. Photo Design
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I chose two cars photographed in different styles to show the differences of a black and white photo versus a colored photo.  I think that the photographer was motivated to photograph the former picture in black and white because it is an antique. Photographing the antique in black and white makes the car seem stunning and it enhances the feel of the antique. The other car was taken in color to show off the red and to give it more of a sports car feel. It is also taken in color because the photographer wanted to show off a newer model of a luxury sports car. The choice of using black and white for the first antique car versus color for the second sports car is effective because it effects the viewer to see the cars in a different way. 
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aaaltea · 9 months
I Have What It Takes
Student entrepreneur? As for now, I don't anticipate becoming one anytime soon. If the proprietor of my business lacks financial restraint, I'm afraid it will fail. Anyway, there are a ton of young entrepreneurs today. It's nothing new. I'm tempted to join this elite group of people. I am not a risk-taker, though, and an entrepreneur needs someone like that.
Students who study entrepreneurship get a variety of skills and abilities that are useful in both their personal and professional lives. It teaches them how to recognize and solve problems, think critically and creatively, and take prudent risks. In this subject, it aids in shaping my thinking to be more business-oriented. I suppose I want to understand how business people think. A mindset that is entrepreneurial enables you to recognize possibilities where others perceive challenges. It is a method of thinking that emphasizes opportunity and possibility rather than constraints and barriers. A person with an entrepreneurial mindset always seeks out opportunities to add value.
We've been doing a lot of socially interactive exercises that force me to rise to the situation. In the early days of rejection therapy, people would actively seek out social rejection in an effort to become more accustomed to the pressures of rejection. The essential rule is that you must experience rejection from someone else at least once per day.
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So does rejection therapy work? I believe that self-led rejection therapy can be beneficial for individuals who are just trying to step outside of their comfort zones a little more, even though rejection therapy may do more harm than good for those who require additional support and resources from mental health specialists.
Who, of course, would forget this? The Marshmallow Challenge. A straightforward design exercise and team-building activity is the marshmallow challenge. To create the highest free-standing building using spaghetti, tape, and string with a whole marshmallow on top, the participants are divided into smaller competing groups.
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We undoubtedly constructed the tiniest tower among the other groups. Although the task appeared to be simple, it was actually tough! But it was fun. It really calls for excellent teamwork and brainstorming. The process also demonstrates how success frequently depends on close cooperation while encouraging group creativity and innovation.
Moreover, I named this activity 'Do You See What I See?'. It was the most chaotic activity our class had ever engaged in. Do you think you can draw something without seeing it first? Can you work in a team or pair, where one draws a picture without the other one seeing? Will their pictures look the same?
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Hence, I never thought entrepreneurial study could be fun. When you have an effective instructor, everything will be easier. The activities have opened my eyes to the fact that even someone who takes risks might benefit from perseverance. Additionally, asking for advice from others is essential.
Furthermore, our final product will be the safety pin device. The findings from conducting interviews with various persons of various demographic backgrounds show that most of them think the device can benefit a range of people, particularly students. Undoubtedly, there were concerns and doubts about our invention, but this inspired us to study and find solutions so that we could develop and provide people a gadget that can save lives with a single click.
Therefore, entrepreneurial courses help students develop real-world skills and prepare for their careers. I can remark that although students taking entrepreneurship courses may face significant challenges, their determination to push through them might help them develop character and stamina. What's the best part, you ask? If you think you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, you can learn how to do it too!
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