#i once again strongly recommend this series
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Chapter 10
Beyond the Lens - Logbook Videographer!Reader x OT8 Ateez
W/C 6,436
🎥 Series Masterlist 🎥
☽ Masterlist ☾
Inspiration Pictures
Pinterest Board Masterlist
Previous Chapter (Chapter 9)

Disclaimer: This story is purely a work of fiction. It is not meant to assume or mock anything about Ateez, Atiny, or anything relating to what I do not know about being a videographer.
Contains she/her pronouns.
The logo in the center is mine. Please do not reuse or copy.
I strongly recommend looking at the inspiration pictures and the Pinterest boards (which will be updating as the story goes on).
General Warnings: slow burn, cussing, conflict, angst, fluff, and obliviousness.
CHAPTER WARNINGS - Angst, overthinking, abusive family members. Read at your own risk.
Let me know what you think! <3 Moonie
You were filming your first official video for the next few days. You had spent so much time with the boys between the first day and now. It almost seemed like you have known them for years. Technically you had, but knowing them on a personal level is so much better.
They had been so excited and chattering to you every time they got the chance about your invite to game night. Most of the time it was Yuhno and Mingi asking you about the games you play and what consoles you have; among other things. San was just thoroughly excited to see the giants again. Jongho seemed the most excited about the prospect of drinking and not having to worry about cameras and repercussions. You knew Hongjoong and Seonghwa longed for a night of relaxing and not being responsible for the other six men. You also knew that would be absolute chaos, especially if there were drinks involved; which always happened at your house. You had hosted your fair share of parties to know that you had enough room to host twelve people and possibly the spouses of your team which would bump it up to fifteen. They truly had accepted your team into their dynamic, they had seamlessly blended into each other. You couldn't be happier with how things were going. Sure it has only been several weeks but the energy was so perfect.
You knew that you would be spending most of your time inside tonight so you opted for a warmer outfit. Throwing on your favorite black oversized sweatshirt and some leggings topping it off with rings, necklaces, and your shitkickers. You grabbed your backpack with your laptop in it, put it on your shoulders and grabbed your travel bag. This one had several days worth of clothes in it as well as some more comfortable shoes. You had packed it because you would be far enough away that you wouldn't want to come back home. It was the opposite direction of where you lived which would put it anywhere from two to three hours away. Thankfully KQ thought ahead and reserved more rooms for your team. You were heading out the night before so everyone could get up bright and early for hair and makeup. You had made sure that your mom knew that you were gone for a few days and asked her to come and check on the giants. Once you were satisfied you had everything you made your way to the garage. You had to take your car, Aria. There was a little bit of a drive and it would be easier to load equipment into KQ’s vans and have all of you in one car than to shove all of you in company vans with the equipment. You popped the trunk and dropped your bags into the back making sure that it was situated so the others could fit their bags back there as well. You unplugged the car from the port that you had installed in your garage. Once you were finished you walked to the front of the car, got in and started her up. She quietly hummed to life. You drove for about forty-five minutes to get to KQ to meet everyone and help with any packing that needed finishing up.
When you arrived you saw several vans and people loading things up. Most of it was equipment. You got out of the car and walked toward the building to grab your personal camera bag before they got a hold of it. Sadly you couldn't take the portal to stream everything to your computer as it operated over wifi. That simple fact meant it would be a pain in the ass getting the film to download from all four of your cameras. Once you got up to the door you swiped your key and the door opened. You followed the now familiar path to the office space your team had taken over. Your bag was thankfully sitting where you left it next to your desk. You walked over to your shelves and grabbed one of the polaroid cameras and some film for it. This could be the perfect way to have some physical reminders of your first big shoot.
“Hi Y/n-nie,” you whipped around to see Mingi leaning against the door frame.
“Hi Mings, you scared me, for as much of a giant as you are you walk very quietly.” He chuckled at your reaction, his voice was still deep from sleep. He must have just woken up and come over here you knew that their schedule was horrendous so they squeezed naps in whenever they could. His voice was sexy before it was laced with sleep, but it was even better right now. You walked up to him with your backpack in hand and looked up at him, his eyes were half closed but he was coherent enough to pull you into a hug with the arm that wasn't against the door frame. He gave some of the best hugs, each of the boys was unique with how they hugged you but he and Yuhno were just enough taller than you to make it even better; much like your team. You loved and hated being the shortest one even though you were above average height. Your head fits perfectly under their chin which was your favorite part. You put your bag down and wrapped your arms around him and let him rest against you for a minute. You had to take a step back because he leaned on you so hard, you had almost lost your balance.
“Mingi, what are you doing?” Yuhno questioned. Once he got close enough he smiled at the pair of you. He wanted to be a part of this hug fest. He stepped in behind you and put his arms around the both of you effectively sandwiching you between the two of them. Your heart leapt, both of the twin towers were sandwiching you in a hug. This was the most comfortable hug that you had ever experienced. You could hear Mingi’s heartbeat and feel Yuhno’s breathing on the back of your head. Both of them rested their cheeks on you. You could feel your body relaxing and melting into the warmth of them.
“Lets pack into the vans” you heard Hongjoong yell across the hall. You couldn't tell if he could see your trio but at this point you couldn't move until they did. Yuhno was the one to let go first, before he pulled away completely he left a kiss on the crown of your hair. He passed you and looked at you with a big smile.
“Come on Mingi we gotta go," he said quietly, Mingi pried himself away from you with a dopey half asleep smile, he kissed your forehead and walked away without a word.
What in the fucking world just happened, that was new.
You brought your bag over your shoulder and started back to Aria. Your mind was trying to come up with some reason for why they did what they did but it couldn't find one. You waved at some of the boys as you passed. Some of their eyes widened as they looked behind you. You turned around to see Wooyoung approaching at a quick pace. He grabbed you and lifted you off your feet and planted a quick kiss on your cheek. How the hell he was this energetic was beyond you. You felt the blush rush to your face as he walked away. Pausing you put your hand up to your cheek, this must have been how San felt after you did that to him. Seonghwa smiled at you before disappearing into the van. Hongjoong was the last to get in the van but he waved at you with a small smile before getting in. You made it back to your car, popped the trunk to let the team put their bags in and once you put yours in you closed the trunk. You walked around Aria and got in and pushed the break to be able to start the car. Once she started up you got in line to follow the procession of KQ vans. Somehow you had managed to get behind the van the boys were in.
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
“She gives the best hugs. You know that?”
“I believe that. She has only quickly hugged me a couple of times. She is so perfect and I cannot wait to be able to hold her without limitations.”
“Her curves are something else, she fits into my arms perfectly.”
“I wonder what it would be like to be able to hold her on that motorcycle of hers.”
“Don't even get me started. I don't think I would be able to resist almost squeezing her to death.”
“We all will have to wait to find out, we haven't even asked her about joining our relationship yet. We will have to be patient, it will happen when it is supposed to happen.”
“Okay hyung, I hope we can talk to her soon. The more time we spend with her the more I want her to be ours.”
“I cannot wait to be able to hang out with everyone. While being in a professional setting is nice, I want to see them be themselves without restraint.”
“I want to see drunk y/n”
“I want to see the giants.”
“I want to see her house, she has an interesting aesthetic and I can't wait to see how her house matches that.”
“I am interested in the game room! I am almost positive she is a big nerd because of how many games she has.”
“Like you are any different, I am most excited for these drinks she has.”
“Of course you are.”
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
You turned to look at everyone with a wide grin. That hug had most definitely started your evening off on the right foot.
“What’s got you all smiley? Did something happen?” Forrest interrogated. The other two hadn't even looked up from where they were absorbed in their phones to notice your grin.
“I was just given one of the best hugs I have ever experienced.” Resting your head on the headrest you looked over to Forrest briefly. You put one hand over your chest to feel the slightly quick pace of your heart.
“Who was it?” Aurora asked, setting her phone in her lap. You had caught her attention now, she was always the gossip of the group. She was also the most knowledgeable because she loved to observe and ask shit tons of questions.
“Mingi and Yuhno.” You sighed. You looked at her in the rearview mirror. She was wearing a shit-eating grin before her face morphed into shock.
“Holy shit you got a double hug from the twin towers?” Aurora excitedly asked. “That’s a dream come true for any Atiny, especially me!” For being a lesbian she would definitely make an exception for Yuhno and Mingi. You had teased her about that fact on multiple occasions, you had only recently stopped because you both were afraid one of the boys would hear.
“It started out just as Mingi but Yuhno came up behind me and joined in on the hug squeezing the both of us.” You turned to look so you could merge with the procession of cars. “But it doesn’t end there. As they were being yelled at to go and get in the van before they stepped away they both gave me a kiss. Yuhno on the crown of my head and Mingi on the forehead. And then as I was headed back to the car Wooyoung attacked me, lifting me up off my feet and kissing my cheek.”
You heard Willow perk up in the back seat before she put her phone aside and started speaking. “I might be reading this wrong, and it is very rare that I read things wrong so take this as you will. I think they all might be flirting with you.” You looked at her through the rear view mirror incredulously before returning your eyes to the road. What you missed however was the look she gave Aurora in the back seat, they were conspiring.
“All of them?” You parroted.
For the love of all things sacred what the fuck was she on about. You’re just their videographer, you have a camera trained on them like 80% of the time and they are known to flirt with the camera. They are also flirty by nature. Could all of them actually be flirting with you?
“Yes, have you not noticed that they are completely different when it comes to you? They are nowhere near as affectionate with us.” Aurora butted in
You thought back to the past few weeks. Yuhno having his arm over your shoulder the entire time he was showing you around KQ and keeping that as a habit. Him calling your face pretty while you were at their practice. Seonghwa resting his head on yours and continuing to do so any time that you sat next to him whether his head was on your shoulder or yours was on his. Wooyoung sitting in front of you and leaning his head on your knee the first day, letting you sleep on him last week, being very flirty every time he saw you, then the kiss on the cheek today. San allegedly sleeping on you, then being the first one to make contact with you after your panic, and continuously checking in on you. He also had joked with you while at their practice. Yeosang sharing his chicken with you when you noted that it smelled good and then Jongho calling you Yeosang’s favorite which he didn’t deny. He also followed you around like a lost puppy when you were around. Hongjoong guiding you with a hand on your lower back any time you went anywhere with him, keeping the polaroid of you and him in his wallet. Jongho not pulling away from your skinship and being genuinely interested in everything you do. He also actually took pictures with you and let you complete his hand heart and the hug. Mingi putting his head on top of yours while you all were conversing about plans for the trip. Finally The hug and kisses.
“Holy. Fuck.” You thought out loud. All three of them burst into laughter. You glared the best you could at them. You could feel your hands start to shake at the revelation. Were you nervous or excited with this revelation?
“What am I going to do?!”
“Go out with all of them?” Forrest asked. Your head snapped to him. He raised his eyebrow at you and smirked. You quickly looked back to the road.
“I never would have thought in my entire life that I would be having this kind of conversation. Eight men?” Eight very beautiful men at that.
“They have lots of love to share, I am sure they wouldn’t be opposed.” Willow remarked.
“You aren’t the conventional kind of person anyway” Aurora mentioned.
“Okay and? None of us are.” You sniped back. Sure you have had your fair share of dating people, men, women, or non-binary. It wasn’t about what they were, it was about who they are that mattered to you.
“Okay fuck off.” she huffed.
“Let's be honest here, having had my fair share of men in the past, I think they are some of the best I have met aside from my Asher. They would be amazing partners, they are already so attentive to you and each other that I cannot help but to wonder how they would treat you differently if you were in a relationship with them.”
“I think they would get even more handsy and affectionate.” Willow quipped, both of them giggled in the back seat.
As the conversation drifted off you decided now would be a great time to turn up the music. The team put together a playlist for drives like this several years ago. You always kept it updated and were happy for the reprieve to the awkward ending of the previous conversation. When you turned up the music it always turned into a jam session. You absolutely loved that you could hear all of their favorite songs while sharing yours. It was one of the most interesting playlists you had, it ranged so widely that there was no specific genre that was most prevalent.
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
“I wonder how the room arrangements are going to fall out. Do you think Y/n’s team will be close to us?”
“We have two suites, and they have three rooms, one for Forrest, one for Y/n and one for Aurora and Willow. The rest of the staff are going to be split up like they usually are. I know that much but not the placement of the rooms.”
“Do we have the floor to ourselves, like just KQ people?”
“That’s what I was told. I was also informed by the security team that they have pretty decent security and because it is in more of a rural location we shouldn't have to worry about hiding out in our rooms.”
“Really? So we can actually sit and have breakfast like normal people?”
“As far as I know, yes.”
“This is going to be so much fun!!”
“We are about ten minutes out.”
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
You had driven for about an hour before your ringtone chirped loudly over the car speakers. All of you jumped, you needed to mess with the settings to make it not as loud. Seonghwa was calling you. You clicked the button to answer it.
“Hey, you’re on speaker in the car, what’s up?” You heard a chorus of hi and general chatter come from somewhere in the background. You smiled at the boys. They always had to be loud when greeting you.
“We are almost to the hotel and I wanted to let you know.” Seonghwa said over the boys in the background. He was the one who kept you in the know most of the time aside from Hongjoong; who did it when he could. Managing seven men who acted like children was hard enough so you didn't blame him when he didn’t communicate with you.
“Okay, perfect, we are right behind your van so we should be there right after you.” You checked the lane next to you as you merged into the turn lane behind the other vans.
“Okay, sounds good, yeobo. We will see you guys here in a few minutes.”
“See you soon Hwa,” you responded. You hung up the phone and continued driving behind the vans.
“He loves you,” Aurora snickered, lengthening the words in a teasing manner. “So are we just going to ignore the fact that he called you darling or?” Aurora put her hands on the back of Forrrest’s seat and leaned up to look at you.
“He did what?” Your eyes widened but stayed on the road.
“Yeobo means darling. You know Korean, why did you not put that together?” Willow responded with a snicker. You glanced at her in the rearview mirror, she was smirking.
“You've seen so many K-dramas you should recognize terms of endearment. We knew your memory wasn't the greatest but simple cute names are something I thought you would remember.” Aurora giggled, flopping back into her seat.
“I’ve never heard that term before, I didn’t know. We generally bounce between English and Korean because they know I am not a native speaker. I am still learning to this day because most of my conversations do not float away from being professional. Terms of endearment are absolutely foreign to me even after watching k-dramas.” you defended getting quieter as you went on. You could feel the shame creeping up the back of your neck. You followed the van taking several turns to get to the hotel. You fell into the deep pool of your thoughts.
Do you love them? Technically you loved them long before you actually met them which you thought you were content with..
Are you content with the relationship and how it is right now? Maybe..
Is your relationship bound to be something more than friendship? Maybe..
Would you want to pursue something with all of them? You had never tried anything like it but flying by the seat of your pants was something that happened a lot.
Could you see them staying in your life if you did pursue a relationship with them? Maybe.. but everyone left so it wouldn't be a surprise if they did.
Do you want more than friendship with them? Maybe..
What were your feelings for these men? Love, adoration, awe?
What kind of love? I don’t know
The dating kind? Maybe..
Are you in love with Ateez? I think so..
Could you see yourself being with them? Yes
The deeper you fell into your thoughts the farther from reality you went. You fell into the deep end.
But how could you be a good partner without fucking things up like you had in the past?
Why would they want to pursue you? You're too plain, they are extraordinary.
How could you survive in a relationship without knowing anything? You didn't even realize that Seonghwa called you darling..
Were they just pursuing you to have a quick fuck like everyone did in the past?
Were they just going to use you to get what they wanted and then leave you?
Would they fall out of love with you like everyone else did?
You hadn’t even realized that you pulled into the parking spot before saying “We are here!” You leapt out of the car immediately after it was parked and turned off. You could not wait to escape. You snatched your backpack and bags from the trunk and started walking without the rest of your team. You kept thinking back to how you really wanted to answer Willow's question.
How didn’t you know? Well I don’t know, maybe because I have not had a long term relationship in ages. It had always embarrassed and disappointed you that you hadn’t dated in a long time; not for lack of trying. You had your flings but nothing lasted more than a few months. You sat back watching all of your friends and family get married and have kids. Here you were at 27 not having anyone but the three giants.
Even some of the people back in America had sent you invitations to their weddings, it had disheartened you to no end to see all of the people in your life having one of the things that you wanted most. Every time you had pursued someone they had always fallen out of love with you or called you clingy so you just stopped. No one had approached you, it had always made you feel like you were the problem. No matter how many people told you otherwise you were the problem. You wiped the tears away from the corners of your eyes making sure to look up so they wouldn't continue to fall. You could hear people talking in the distance and maybe someone calling your name; you kept walking. Right now was not the time for having feelings. It may have started off as something warm and fuzzy but the demons started creeping up on you like a wolf among sheep. This is not the time, nor the place for emotional turmoil.
Fake it till you make it.
Thankfully KQ had gotten you three rooms, one for Forrest, one for Aurora and Willow, and one for you. The manager handed your keycard to you and you quietly walked to the elevator before everyone else got into the building. Once you got to the floor they had booked out you walked to your room and shut the door locking it.
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
“Do you know what is going on with Y/N?”
“She was perfectly fine when we left, something happened on the car ride here that is the only explanation.”
“She even ignored us and her team yelling after her, she never does that”
“I wonder what happened, the rest of them seem to be down too, her energy was off as soon as we got here. It worries me.”
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
You threw your bag on the bed, and gently set your camera bag and laptop bag down on the desk. You had half a thought to fling them against the wall, but that would be an expensive thing to do that with. You walked into the bathroom without even noticing and stood in front of the mirror looking at yourself. You met your own eyes in the mirror. The tears had started freely streaming down your face, you made no move to wipe them away. You took yourself in, your face was puffy and your eyes red rimmed behind your thick framed glasses. You looked down and all you could see were the imperfections. The hips that were wider than all of the people surrounding you. The extra you had on your stomach. The extra you had on your arms and legs. The stretchmarks littered all over your body. You shook your head, putting it down and resting your hands against the sink leaning into it. You couldn't stand to look at yourself anymore. Tears continued to fall down your face and neck, snot had started running and you sniffled. You glanced back up at yourself before looking back down. You squeezed your eyes shut. Your breathing was picking up. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears. Everything was so loud, even in the silence of the room. You could feel yourself start to shake. Your body was heating up, it felt like you were standing in the heat of summer.
Was this the reason you haven't dated?
Was it because of your body?
Were you not attractive enough for someone to pursue you?
Are you too fat for anyone to want to even consider dating you?
Your logical mind knew that it wasn’t true but your demons kept chanting it getting louder and louder. You dragged yourself away from the coolness of the sink and into the main portion of the room and changed into the knitted sleep set that you brought. Once you had gone through the motions you let out a large sigh and plugged in all of your things. You were utterly numb. Taking off your glasses and tossing them aside you threw the covers back and crawled into the bed. Getting settled you just stared at the blurry white ceiling, at this point you couldn’t tell if it was your tears or your lack of good vision. You could feel your eyes slipping into being unfocused as you fell into the hole in your mind.
“For fucks sake, why are you so emotional. Get a fucking grip or I will give you something to be emotional about.” You could still clearly hear your fathers voice as he threatened you. He held a beer bottle and was laughing with some of his friends at your expense. You had just found out that you did not get into your dream school, you had a right to be emotional. So you did what you do best and locked yourself away.
“You are too fat for anyone to want to even consider dating you.” This time it was your aunt's voice that rang through your head. Your fathers sister was the perfect woman with her beautiful blonde hair and little waist. She always looked down her nose at you, no matter the situation. You had grown to despise her and her family.
“You don’t date because no one would love some stupid whore who wears black all the time.” Your cousin sneered at you in the hallway of the school. Her friends all laughed at you and your now ex had his arm slung around her shoulder. He had only dated you because they bet him a decent amount of money to do so. What a great fucking way to start your senior year.
You clutched your head. Shaking it to expel the memories. All that did was make you dizzy. Your heartbeat and breathing were still erratic.
Stop. Please. Go away.
Shutting your eyes tightly you turned to your side and curled into the fetal position in an attempt to get more comfortable. You could feel the tear stains on the pillow below you, you were too drained to care. You knew that you wouldn't be able to fall asleep quickly but you begged your mind and body to comply. You were crying in earnest now the sobs were wracking your body.
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
“Do you think we should go over there to see if she is okay Yuyu?”
“I think only one of us would be best. We don't need to overwhelm her.”
“From the few weeks we have known her she seems to leave to deal with things on her own. I think she will want more of a silent companion than someone who talks things through.”
“Then you are the more qualified of the two of us.”
“Are you sure you don't want to go?”
“Yeah, at least one of us needs to be here to tell Joongie and Hwa.”
“Okay, I’m going to go over now, I love you and will see you tomorrow.”
“I love you too. Go comfort our girl.”
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
Just as you were starting to slip into unconsciousness you were startled awake by a small knock on the door. You got up and stomped to the door forgoing your glasses. You opened ready to tell the person to fuck off. You could still feel the tear tracks on your face.
“Hi,” someone mumbled as soon as you opened the door. You squinted up and saw the tall blurry form. It was Mingi. He had changed into what looked like a different set of sweats and a t-shirt since the last time you saw him.
“What's up Mingi?" you lean yourself on the door. You avoided looking at him so he wouldn’t see your face and how swollen it was. You wanted to snap at him, you wanted to lash out, you wanted to just slam the door in his face. You knew better than to let that part of you take over, especially since he was just here to check on you.
“Can I come in?” He asked, shuffling his feet. You nodded and stepped aside, opening the door further for him. He stepped in and walked to your bed. You closed the door and deadbolted it again. He sat on the edge of the bed and held his arms open for you. He was looking at you with such gentleness, it only broke your heart further. You walked over to him and crawled into his lap. He wrapped his arms around you, one wrapping around your back and the other to cradle your head to his chest.
Everything erupted. You let out everything you were holding back. Your eyes were closed tightly as sobs wracked your body. Your breath came in short pants. You were gripping onto his shirt for dear life. You buried yourself in the junction between his neck and shoulder. You didn’t know how much time had passed but you could feel yourself falling into panic. Your chest was tight and it was becoming hard to breathe. His hold on you tightened just slightly which brought you back to yourself. He held you so carefully rocking you both back and forth, it was just enough to slowly start to put your broken pieces back together again. No one had ever held you this way.
“You don't have to talk about what is going on, but I wanted you to know that I am here for you. We are all worried about you. You weren't yourself when we got here and we could all see it and feel it.” He whispered into the top of your hair. You nodded into his chest, tears spilling faster down your face. You stayed in his arms for a while slowly coming back to your senses. Eventually he moved you toward the head of the bed and laid down with you still cradled to his chest. He tugged the covers over the both of you.
“Thank you,” you whispered. You had regained yourself enough to actually look at him with your horrid vision.
“Don't mention it, I could see you were hurting. I know how that feels and sometimes the only thing that can fix it is someone being here for you in silent support.” You nodded against his chest wrapping yourself further around him and clutching the fabric of his clothes. He tucked some of your hair behind your ear. You felt it stick to the side of your face as he did so. God you must have looked absolutely horrid.
“Will you stay with me?” You knew that if he left you would fall apart again and this vicious cycle would continue for the next few days until you could focus enough and listen to your logical mind. You generally could pull yourself out of it but it took a few days.
“I wouldn't want to be anywhere else,” You could hear the sincerity in his voice. He truly was one of the best people you could have at your side in these moments. He might be a big scary looking man on the outside but he was the sweetest man on the inside. You could feel yourself relaxing more and more as time passed. Mingi’s breathing was slow and steady against the cheek pressed to his chest. You listened to his heart, it was calm and steady, a presence you didn’t know you needed. Before you knew it you had fallen into unconsciousness. He had looked over you to make sure you were asleep before pulling you even closer to his chest. You had unconsciously cuddled closer to him. You were almost on top of him at this point. He looked down at you and vowed to himself that he would do anything in his power to never see this side of you again. He leaned in and kissed your forehead, letting his lips linger for just a second. He pulled away and tucked your head under his chin.
“Goodnight Jagi, sleep well.” He murmured before closing his eyes and falling into a deep sleep.
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
Hongjoong and Seonghwa looked at each other with silver lining their eyes. They shared a wall with you and their hearts were breaking at the sound of your sobs. Both of them clung to each other in their bed while they listened. Before they could get up and go over to you they watched Mingi slip out. Shortly after they heard the padding of feet coming toward their room. Yuhno appeared in the doorway. Hongjoong opened the covers and Yuhno made his way to slip in behind him. They all knew that he would be the best person to help you through this. His quiet support was something they cherished in moments like you were having on the other side of the wall.
“You think he will be able to handle this on his own?”
“I think he is the best out of all of us.”
“We talked about it before deciding who would go over.”
“I don't know how you both do it. I wouldn't be able to keep myself from kissing her to make it better.”
“With great love and restraint.”
They relaxed into each other listening to Mingi’s voice soothe you. Your sobs got worse before they got better and stopped, Mingi had done exactly what they knew he would. They fell asleep knowing you would be well taken care of.
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
“I want to go over there damnit. Let me go over there! Did you not see the look on her face as she walked in here; she was crying! Did you not watch her ignore our calls and her team's calls?”
“I saw everything I was right beside you Woo. And no, you know it isn't our place currently to do so, I want to go help too but we shouldn't.”
“If we went over there all we would do is overwhelm her.”
“Sangie and Sannie are right, it isn't our place. As much as I would like it to be, we aren't in a relationship with her yet. I also know you well enough that you would spill everything before Joongie hyung would get the chance to ask her.”
“Fuck off Jongho. How are you three so fucking level headed? The woman we all like is over there in a terrible headspace and you are sitting here stopping me from doing anything about it.”
“Look, I know you want to be there for her, but we can't go over there and comfort her without spilling our feelings. We are also not the most qualified for situations like this and you know it.”
“Fuck you all for being so logical.”
“We love you too, let's get settled and go to bed. We will see her tomorrow morning and then we can make sure she is okay.”
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
On the other side of your room Aurora and Willow paced. They knew exactly why you were crying. It was because of them that you had fallen into that state. They could barely stand it. Willow had to physically hold Aurora back from going over there. Both of them knew you would want space to clear your own head, which they would respect no matter how much it hurt them. They knew about your rough past with relationships so why did they push it, why did they tease you?
They heard your sobs get worse. Aurora was stomping toward the door before she heard a knock. She flung it open to see Forrest. He stepped into the room and sat on one of the beds. He was always the one to offer comfort in situations like these. He held out his arms and both Aurora and Willow hugged him. The three of them stayed there for a little bit until they heard your sobs lessen. Forrest had gotten up shortly after they stopped. He left without a word heading back to his room. They all fell into a fitful sleep, worried about where your head would be tomorrow.
Next Chapter (Chapter 11)
Likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
Thanks for reading! <3 Moonie
@breadedloafs @a-short-ass-disappointment @ateezswonderland @staytinyluv @cherryangel-coke @11glitch11 @neivivenaj @herpoetryprincess @premverse @starryjoong-jeongcheollie @sol3chu
#beyond the lens fic#moonie’s fics#ateez#ateez fic#ateez x reader#ot8 x reader#poly ateez#poly ateez x reader#seonghwa x reader#park seonghwa x reader#hongjoong x reader#kim hongjoong x reader#yunho x reader#jeong yunho x reader#yeosang x reader#kang yeosang x reader#san x reader#choi san x reader#mingi x reader#song mingi x reader#wooyoung x reader#jung wooyoung x reader#jongho x reader#choi jongho x reader
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I actually think this Dark Knights of Steel twist-reveal with Alfred as martian manhunter was a really fascinating one (I genuinely loved it).
An Elseworlds continuity which really took advantage of being able to take different interpretations of a character, by the writer of the Nightwing series where the presence of Alfred is felt throughout, despite his pre-series death
Here we have him as the last survivor of a genocide, who lost absolutely everything. Felt he failed in the worst possible way, as his fatally wounded child died in his arms - unable to even offer him any comfort, with both being telepaths.
He flees a dead world. Gets to try again. Martha and Thomas Wayne know what he is, but conceal the secret. Have him as one of their most trusted retainers, friends.
He gets to try again.
A smile on his face, he gets to see another boy grow.
Even as Martha and Thomas are murdered, he stays with their son, looking after him no matter what. Having faith in him. Loving him. To the point where a man who had his adored son brutally murdered in the dark, able to do nothing but watch him die, looks at this orphaned alien child and says -
-as he holds the lasso of truth.
It adds an additional, really interesting factor to the paternal relationship he has with Bruce in this particular setting. I wish we got to see more of it. Perhaps if they ever do more "Tales of the Kingdom", we may get to see it in a prologue manner.
#batfam#batman#alfred pennyworth#martian manhunter#dark knights of steel#dkos#i once again strongly recommend this series#dark knights of steel spoilers#dkos spoilers#i have many more thoughts but will restrain myself#post by me#long post#dc#batfamily#i always love alfred as a dad to bruce#so of course i enjoyed this version
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"She's flawless at getting it ALL wrong. She has the worst judgment of anyone in the world."*
Netflix With Love, Meghan Crisis Meetings
Her Netflix trailer bombed with the public & suddenly it's someone else's fault! Isn't it SHE who must be obeyed the person who continues to proudly promote that TRAILER via her own social media platform? Wasn't it SHE who must be obeyed the one who enlisted her "friends" to do the same? SHE who must be obeyed is afraid to promote projects via traditional media & press junkets and she's surprised her trailer received legendary backlash?
This woman has been repeatedly voted the most unliked celebrity and Netflix executives now pretend that they were ignorant of the MARKLED effect? Now she's taking up LA hotel rooms/resources in the (Pretty Woman) Presidential Suite at The Beverly Wilshire Four Seasons Hotel.
Make It Make Sense.

Show Up. Mess Up.

"The Duchess tried to stay under the radar in all black workout gear with an LA baseball hat" 🤡

Netflix Crisis Meeting Parody
Delusional Duchess of Sus Parody

"Meghan's Got a Trailer (grab your inhaler)" Parody Psychotherapy

"Stand By Me, While It's All About Me"

"She's a wicked wicked girl." -Queen Elizabeth
"I am informed that, contrary to the story being promulgated by the Duchess of Sussex that the delay of the launch of her lifestyle series @withlovemeghan from this Wednesday to the 4th March, was her idea, it was entirely @netflix's. They evidently strongly recommended that she use the intervening period to try to turn around the wave of unpopularity that has engulfed all of them, unbelievably to their surprise. "They thought they might have problems owing to how toxic she now is, but they've been taken aback by the depth of feeling the public have shown," someone who is Hollywood royalty told me. So what does she do? She goes and shows the public even more clearly what a ghoul she is by plugging in yet again to disaster the way she tastelesslyy did at Uvalde, once more tipping off @TMZ of her and Harry's intentions to do their version of ambulance chasing. She posed up a storm beside the perfectly groomed Mrs @GavinNewsom, then moves off to hug a member of her detail, all the while surrounded by the cameramen who had accompanied her. She's been rightly condemned for this deathly display of opportunistic limelighting, but at least she was canny enough to dress down, which is more than could be said for the perfectly-groomed First Lady of California, who looked as if she was preparing for one of Anna Wintour's left-of-centre @voguemagazine spreads. I gather the visit lasted all of 17 minutes - five minutes longer than the time spent with His Majesty The King when Harry crossed the Atlantic for that photo-op. Does this couple have no shame?" Lady Colin Campbell
"Let Them Eat Doughnuts"-Lady C

The Presidential Suite at Pretty Woman's Beverly Wilshire Four Seasons Hotel
#Tragedy Vultures#markled#parody psychotherapy#Beverly Wilshire#*Tina Brown Quote#show up mess up#Delusional Duchess#disaster tourism#Disaster Duchess#worldwide privacy tour#narcissistic personality disorder#Lady C#Ham Parodies#like a spare#spare us#la fires#Uvalde#fame junkie#queen meghan of the world#a wicked wicked girl#meghan markle is a meme#Meghan Markle parodies#meghan markle is a bully#meghan markle is a liar#meghanarciss1#The Duchess of Sus#Queen of Memes80#Netflix Crisis Meetings#Youtube#Netflix
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Hey babe! Love ur writing. Do you have any recs?
@fallingforfictionalcharacterss - literally one of my favorite writers on this app, I 100% recommend reading all her works but these are my favorites!
The Ferret : in which the reader takes care of a ferret, unaware that it's Draco Malfoy
Cookies : in which love potion meant for the reader gets misplaced, leading to a love struck Ron and confessions to Draco
I Got You : in which Draco takes care of a temporarily blind reader after a potion goes wrong
@dracowars - another amazing writer — once again recommending all of their works
notebook : in which Draco finds readers notebook and falls in love with the words written inside
one bed, two enemies : in which Draco and reader share a bed
unforgivable : in which reader gets poisoned thanks to Draco's behavior
@wondernimbus : strongly rec all her writing!
veritaserum : in which Draco takes the truth potion, leading to unwanted confessions
play pretend : in which two people are forced into marriage; reader falls in love. draco doesn’t.
two sworn enemies : there is only one thing worse than being hated by draco malfoy; it’s being fancied by him
@littlemissnoname13 - another great writer!
my girl : in which Draco sticks up for his girl
forever hold your peace : in which the reader is set for an arranged marriage, but a mysterious guy from the church has other plans
@dmslvt - Crossing constellations : in which Draco stumbles upon the reader while she star gazes
@dr3amlab - wicked games series : in which two sworn enemies play pranks on each other, leading to the reader pretending to be Draco's secret admirer
@enviedear - bewitched my mind : in which draco malfoy becomes entirely bewitched with a girl who’s never paid too much mind to him
@ladyvesuvia - nuggets with gravy : in which Draco takes the reader out for a drive-thru in a Muggle fast food, but they did not prepare the reader’s order properly
@prettygirlkay - A Worthy Opponent series : in which the reader and Draco are academic rivals
@holden-caulfield - The Girl : in which the reader has a secret pen pal
@holden-caulfield - Red Binds : in which the reader and her soulmate are bound together by a red string
@lxngbottom - Amortentia - in which Neville smells Luna Lovehood instead of his girlfriend in his amortentia potion
@lxngbottom - Bookshelves : in which reader helps out in the library, and she catches the eye of Neville.
@refiwrites - The Accident - in which you collide into Neville, revealing that you two are soulmates.
@p-taryn-dactyl - Confervo : in which Fred wakes up after the war, and his first reaction is to flirt with the cute nurse
@destourtereaux - Put A Ring On It : in which reader and Fred run into her ex while out for errands
@destourtereaux - Secrets and Confessions : in which Fred confessed his feelings in the middle of the Great Hall
@httpbakugou - after all this time : in which Fred returns three years later, and secrets are unearthed
if anyone mentioned feels uncomfortable with me linking their work on here please lmk and i will remove it! <3
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Interview with director of Pretty Cure All Stars F (Yuta Tanaka) - Translated by Leontoi
I provided the link to the original translation above, but there were a few grammatical issues. I cleaned up and edited the translation below. It's a great interview and I recommend reading it after watching the movie!
──The theme of the 20th anniversary movie is "What is Precure?" Why did you choose this as the theme of the movie?
I feel that because the Pretty Cure series has continued for so long, it has become extremely diverse.
Over the past 20 years, various Precures and Pretty Cure works have been created.
As a result, I think that the beginning of deciding the movie's theme was because I felt that it was no longer possible to say in one word, "What is Precure?"
For example, in terms of setting, when I started working 15 years ago, only ordinary girls could transform into Pretty Cure.
However, recently, more people with various origins, such as a mermaid and an android, are becoming Precures.
In addition to the main series for children, there is "Kibo no Chikara ~Adult PreCure '23~" which depicts the future of PreCure, and the stage play "Dancing☆Star PreCure", etc.
Derivative works aimed at adult fans who have loved the Pretty Cure series for a long time, as well as spin-off works from the main series, are now being created.
PreCure has continued to change with the times, so these may be part of that change.
However, the definition of a Pretty Cure has become vague, as to what makes someone a Pretty Cure and what doesn't.
In that case, asking this question once again might be an appropriate theme for the 20th anniversary.
Or so I thought.
──Tanaka-san, you have been involved in the production of the Pretty Cure series for over 15 years since "Yes! Pretty Cure 5" (2007).
In other words, from your point of view as one of the creators, you feel that there has been a big change in Pretty Cure, right?
This is just my personal opinion, but I feel that the creators of the early Pretty Cure series were really stoic and created anime with only the children in mind.
There were adult fans who enjoyed Pretty Cure back then, but the creators basically didn't care about them that much.
UMEZAWA Atsutoshi-san, who was the producer of the Pretty Cure series from 2009 to 2013, said this at the time.
"If we are too conscious of the adult audience, children will see right through it and feel that it is not theirs, and those who are our original target audience will turn away from Pretty Cure. In that case, it will no longer be PreCure."
I strongly sympathize with his opinion, and have been involved in the production of Pretty Cure while valuing it.
However, as the title suggests, the main target audience for "Otona Pretty Cure," are adults who used to like PreCure, and I think this work was created with their feelings in mind.
("Otona" means "adults" in Japanese.)
Although there are parts that I sympathize with,
Now that a "Pretty Cure work whose main target audience is adults" has been born, it's finally become difficult to understand what Pretty Cure is.
Going forward, I think the most important thing about the Pretty Cure series is that it was created with the children who are currently watching it in mind, but as a business, we need to consider other directions as well. That may be the situation. I also wonder what will happen to Pretty Cure in the future.
About All Stars F.
──This movie is an All Stars movie that features all 78 Precures from the past.
Actually, at first I wasn't planning on making an All Stars movie.
I thought it would be impossible to have all 78 people appear in the 70-minute length film, so I had an idea to divide it by different generations.
There was also an idea that only characters from three generations (Hirogaru Sky, Delicious Party, and Tropical Rouge) would appear, or they and several other Precure characters from other generations.
But, the idea of all three generations of PreCure coming together has been done so many times that I didn't think it felt fresh.
PreCure All Stars movies were made every year from 2009 to 2016.
However, with the exception of this work (PreCure All Stars F), we have only produced it for the 15th anniversary (2018) since then.
I thought, "If that's the case, it would be great if we could make it consist of the latest 9 generations of Pretty Cure series, who haven't appeared in many All Stars movies."
Considering the characters' activities in a 70-minute movie, I think that's about as long as we can manage in terms of the number of people.
However, due to various circumstances, we ended up having all of the Pretty Cure All Stars appear in this movie (lol).
──So you went through a lot of hardships.
Hahaha (lol). Planning is a living thing, so it changes over time.
──Was it difficult to get all 78 people to appear in this movie?
Oh no... there are so many people that it's impossible to treat everyone equally...
The length of the movie is about 70 minutes, so it can't be made any longer. Also, whether it's possible just because the movie time has been increased is another question. After all, the numbers are big.
That's why we decided to narrow down the number of characters who appear frequently in this movie. I wanted to show the Precures from all the different series as equally as possible, but I think it was difficult in reality.
──However, this film has recorded the highest box office revenue ever, and I feel that it has been very well received by the audience.
The theme of this movie is "What is Precure?", and the character Cure Supreme/Prim appears as an original Precure exclusive to this movie.
Cure Supreme, she embodies the antithesis of the question, "What is Precure?"
Throughout the anime series, the Precures (Precure warriors) have basically been portrayed as ``strong, cute, and cool beings.''
And Prim is a character who is interested in PreCure, seeing only one aspect of them being "strong."
However, she lacked consideration for why Precure are strong and cool, and she didn't even try to find out why they were so strong and cool.
But I think what we've been making about over the last 20 years is the ``why'' part of why Precures are so strong.
The desire they have to become who they want to be.
They stand up hand-in-hand with someone.
Due to the aforementioned, they do not give up.
...That is why Precures are so strong.
I wanted to convey that basic idea in this work as well.
──At the end of this movie, Supreme realized "Why the Precures are so strong," and the Precures extended a helping hand to her.
Actually, in this movie, I wanted to focus on promoting good and punishing evil.
My first idea for the story of this movie was that I wanted it to end with the Precures completely defeating Supreme and making her disappear.
But in the end, the Precures extended a helping hand to her, even though they had fought against her many times before.
As a creator, I felt that I was a little naive in some ways, but I have no regrets. I think we've come back to the idea that "Precures are all about reaching out to even the enemy, right?"
──In the final scene, I felt that Puka and Supreme had become true Precures.
It's not explained at all in the movie, so I don't think it's wrong to say that they became Precures, and I hope people who watch it can come up with their own interpretations.
Speaking of characters, Supreme is a god-like being from another world.
She has powers that are far from human, such as the ability to reshape the world, and she can be described as a "superior being" or "transcendence", and it can be said that she alone is a complete being.
But that's not the case with Precure, and because each of them is, in a sense, an "imperfect being", I think there is a part of them that wants to join hands with everyone and stand up for themselves.
Supreme admires the appearance of such Precures.
And she created Puka from within herself. Originally, Supreme and Puka were completely the same entity (Supreme), but they separated into two entities.
This caused a rift and change in her being.
Depending on how you look at it, you could say that she went from being perfect to being imperfect, but personally, I find her imperfections more appealing than her perfect self.
Don't you think "imperfect" means "human"?
──Lastly, I felt that the design was reminiscent of the first generation (Futari wa Pretty Cure), with Supreme's color being black and Puka's color being white.
I think so.
It's not an homage to "Futari wa PreCure," but I thought it might be a beautiful ending to the 20th anniversary movie.
This is just a matter of how the movie looks.
──Why did both of them become Precures?
I think that's the "miracle of Pretty Cure".
WASHIO Takashi-san, the founder of the PreCure series, said to me while I was making this movie, "I want you to stop portraying admiration for Precures as evil," which was also a big inspiration.
Supreme has done a lot of incredibly annoying things, including destroying and re-creating our world.
However, when asked if she is an evil being, I have a slightly different image of her than an evil being.
More than anything, she wanted to become a Precure.
I wanted to save her that feeling.
I wanted the children to look up to Precures, so I felt like I shouldn't deny Supreme's feelings.
──What is the answer that the production team gave to the question “What is Precure?”
After much discussion, one of our answers was "Connect," which is also our catchphrase, because Precures have been connecting generations and feelings for 20 years.
However, when asked "What is Precure?", I ended up saying, "I don't really understand."
It's a series that has connected many people's feelings, so I think it's impossible to sum up the answer to the question of what Pretty Cure is in one word.
There are as many different types of PreCure as there are PreCure works, and we didn't want the production side to force us to say, ``This is what PreCure is!'' or to give a narrow answer.
The idea was to ask the movie audience a question within the movie, and leave it up to them to answer the question, ``What is PreCure?''
And I think it's important to connect this to the future. Be flexible when it comes to change, while preserving what needs to be protected. I think it's important to change with the times. If we do that, more new PreCures that we can't even imagine now may be created in the future.
#there was a part 1 to the interview but it was about go princess so it's not relevant#this interview is long enough as it is already#also the movie was F*CKING AMAZING#precure#pretty cure#precure all stars f#cure supreme#cure puka#yuta tanaka#translated by someone else#edits by me
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(a man after midnight--)
You are in for the ramble of all rambles >:D
Okay I am smiling from ear to ear right now prepare for me to talk (type?) your ears off
it’s. yeah it's Ethubs. (ding ding! you got it *finger guns*)
I'm writing a fic based on the DBHC au (Detroit Become Hermitcraft au) story/comics by Shepscapades here on Tumblr! If you're not familiar with it, I highly recommend you check it out! I have SUCH brainrot and the storyline and art are so compelling.
Here's the masterpost if you wanna check it out once I'm done rambling!
I also want to stress this isn't my au - only the explanation and snippets of my little story is my own work. :) All credit goes to Shepscapades for all that and the brainrot
- DBHC spans Hermitcraft (seasons 8 and onwards) and the Life Series (note that all androids were absent from Third Life due to not being created yet)
- It makes use of the android mechanics from the video game Detroit Become Human <- don't worry about that part just yet though :)
- Most major post-Season 7 events seem to still be canon here, and there's a lot of other things going on in each of the androids' - and hermits' - lives (and trauma. </3. yeah. Etho and so many others are Going Through It), often as a consequence of those events.
Anyone new to the au should probably have a look at this illustrated guide post You don't have to read all of it, but I strongly suggest at least checking out the "Guide to Androids", "Deviancy" and even the "Interfacing" sections for proper context!
rambles under the cut >:) I promise I'm keeping it to a minimum. and then some snippets!!
(edit: the cut isn’t cutting, I think)
BASICALLY At some point around Season 8, Xisuma designs androids (like Mumbo, Etho, Impulse and Doc) to assign to some of the hermits (Grian, Bdubs, Pearl and Ren to name a few) for help with everything from building to terraforming. Everything goes relatively smoothly, up until... the androids begin to deviate. <- hence why I linked this post earlier!
This isn't entirely necessary for anything other than understanding the characters and the overarching narrative a bit more, but if you do want further context + cool art + a small break from my rambles, here (1), here (2) and here (3) are really good comics that sorta explain how DBHC Ethubs' relationship starts, and here (4) is the first part of Etho's first deviancy! uh. So like things happened here. Don’t worry about that being labelled first. Or it not being at all normal for an android to deviate twice. Or what situation caused it. Uh. Yeah. :’)
Otherwise you're welcome to just read on!
I'm writing an incredibly fluffy (and there's angst now too hehe) oneshot on the two of them.
They've been planting saplings for Bdubs’ Season 10 forest (Etho was originally designed to help with terraforming and that, after all) and it's late afternoon, so, Bdubs being Bdubs, he's tired.
And tired people are clingy, they let their guard down a bit, they start giving in slightly to things they don't have enough energy to fight.
Like the urge to reach out and go hey, come back, I actually want you to play with my hair, I want you to lie with me in the sunshine, I want to listen to the sound of your android heart (thirium pump) because it's a reassurance that even though my eyes are closed you're still nearby, I want you here, and I'm going to hang on to you because I don't ever want you to leave again.
I half-wrote that little summary of my fic a little while back as a proof of concept but. Yeah.
This is Bdubs talking, if it isn’t clear:
>:) Not sure if you're familiar with how Bdubs' Last Life ended, and how it could have been avoided. Or how much I'm allowed to say on what happened afterwards until we cross over into spoilers territory. But uh. Yeah. Normal and fine and not at all insane over this. <- that's a blatant lie
Don't worry though!! I said fluff for a reason; I don't think this quite crosses over into "crack treated seriously" territory (only saying that because I'm sorta working on something Ethubs-related that 100% DOES hehe) but the second half is panning out to be incredibly silly. I just think they deserve it after everything they've been through (this post makes me all levels of insane.)
Aaaaaanyway, snippets :D

Something I want to add: he isn’t entirely human. Like as much as he acts and feels and functions like one… yeah.

Tired 👏people👏give👏into👏things👏they👏don’t👏have👏the👏energy👏to👏fight

Bonus: a friend tried grabbing my phone from my hand while typing a little while ago and… this happened
OH I nearly forgot! It has a title :)
“home, home again (i like to be here when i can)”
song lyrics from Time by Pink Floyd (beware loud bells until about 40 seconds in)
I��ll publish it on ao3 under katkit03 when it’s done! May cross post it to tumblr for convenience :)
please lmk what you think, this is my first time writing a fanfic!!!
#Ha the abba reference I love that so much. It is indeed well after midnight#I'm sorry to inform you that you've fallen into the trap that is my dbhc Ethubs brainrot. you can't escape it. I can’t escape it either#I'm actually so shocked I managed to keep this under like 10k words#My writing#wip#ethubs#fanfic wip#My posts#moots#royallygray#TYSM FOR THE ASK <3#I’m roughly 2k in - it might double in length before I’m done but I don’t see it spiralling past 1 or 2 chapters in length#Home home again
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Hi! What tutorials helped you learn how to mesh clothes in Blender? Or what tutorials or tips would you recommend? Thank you
I've watched a lot of character modelling videos on YouTube to get better acquainted with Blender. What I can recommend for you to watch is this 10-part tutorial by Darrin Lile. The creator even provides the images he's working with which makes his workflow easier to follow. The notions you'll learn here will help you create basically anything in Blender, from a bed to a crop top to a bridge.
Another good series you can watch -and specifically made for creating clothing in TS3 - is this one by Lyralei.
Once you're more comfortable with Blender, you can search all kinds of tutorials (like how to mesh flowers, coats, skirts, pillows, etc)., if you're interested and need further clarification.
What I strongly recommend is for you to export the EA game meshes and break them apart in Blender to see how the dev team has approached the category you're interested in. At the beginning, I wouldn't look too much at anyone's meshes except EAs because every creator has their own style and views over what a reasonable polycount is (you can have the same skirt at 2k or 4k- for instance, depending on how much detail you want to add to the mesh). But it is useful to look at other creator's meshes when you deal with transparency, for example.
You can also try to convert CAS stuff from TS4 if you have the possibility. This helped me a lot in getting used to meshing in general because, while being similar to TS3s, their meshes are a bit more detailed (a belt is often painted on the mesh in TS3, but in TS4 the belt will be meshed).
Another important process in Blender is UV mapping. Because it's TS3 and you can't get away with wonky and stretched textures -as long as you make your stuff recolorable, that is - you need to pay special attention to this part.
In general, for Blender I'd say:
keep your polycount in check; too detailed/high poly meshes will "explode" in the game;
close the openings on a mesh (where the sleeves, pants or skirts/dresses end); I also UV unwrap these and find them a spot on the UV layout to make the textures more cohesive.
avoid using the "subdivision surface" modifier as it increases the polycount too much;
try to delete as much of the body under the clothing mesh as possible (I'm also doing this part in Blender for a while now and it's a lot better, easier and more precise to crop it; it helps a lot with avoiding clipping too);
for baggy clothing you can use a plane or cylinder to start with; for skin-tight clothes you can use the EA body meshes ((like in the second link);
If you're really set on creating custom clothing -and sharing your stuff- I'd get used to some good practices from the beginning (because we humans tend to get used to do things one way and keep at that from there on):
create all the LODs required for your item (if it's clothing you'll need all these three: HLOD, MLOD and LLOD) and load them into TSRW. This way your carefully crafted blouse won't change into a t-shirt when zooming out in the game.
in TSRW leave only the maps/images you created for your item. Delete everything else.
for every LOD in TSRW, go to Mesh -> HLOD (MLOD, LLOD)-> Material and load your maps by using Browse. Don't import over the same map again.
textures are really important and the more time you spend working on them, the better your item will look. It's very useful to know how to create normal maps as they add depth to your mesh.
never export packages directly from TSRW as it doesn't compress your file the way it does for sims3pack files. Export as sims3pack, use S3RC to compress it further, then use the Sims 3 Pack Extractor to convert into packages.
Note: When I say TS3 and TS4 meshes, what I'm referring to is meshes from the games, not CC. Also what you're going to learn here is how to make Maxis-Match content for TS3, which I do 90% of the time. The only differences is that my textures are usually more "alpha" looking. I've got a similar ask a while ago if you want to check it out.
The most important thing is to keep at it and don't get discouraged. All this info might seem like a lot now but with practice you'll get used to it. Start with something easy like a tube top and see how it goes. If you have any more questions you can contact me again, either through ask or through DM if you feel comfortable.
Hope this helps!
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Quiet Nights
Ledger!Joker x Nolanverse!Harley
Summary: Joker comes back home to Harley after a long day of causing chaos. They share a quiet, cozy night in bed, enjoying each other's company.
Author's Note: I wrote this on paper over a year ago. Here I am finally posting it lol. I strongly recommend rereading the series! It can be found on my masterlist. I edited/redone chapters 1-3 of Fire Meet Gasoline, which is the first fic I did for these two, so the story is a little bit different now.

Tonight, Harley stayed home instead of assisting Joker with the heist. He didn’t want her coming along as it was really dangerous this time. Harley was happy not to be involved with the slaughter, but that didn’t stop her from worrying.
Eventually, Joker came home exhausted and covered in blood. Harley greeted him with a kiss and helped him out of his purple coat.
“How’d it go?” She asked him.
“Beautifully. But the Bat didn’t show again. Must be losin’ his touch. Worked out great for me though.”
Harley nodded. “I picked up some food earlier. Want some?”
“Yeah. I’ll eat a little.”
“When was the last time you ate anything?”
“Uh, like two days ago.” Joker said casually.
“J! That’s not good. You need to eat something. God, you’re probably starving! How’d you pull off that heist on an empty stomach?” Harley scolded him.
He shrugged like it was nothing and found her concern amusing.
“Adrenaline is the only fuel I need, doll. I’ll be fine.”
Harley sighed and stuck the takeout in the microwave. She took it out when it was heated and handed it to Joker. Inside was lo mein, rice, and half an egg roll.
“At least eat half of it.” Harley pleaded with him.
Joker sighed and sat down at their messy kitchen table. He cleared away some papers and other objects to make room for himself.
“Fine. If it’ll make you happy, Harls.”
Harley sat down across from him and watched him eat. His eyes went crossed when he took the first few bites. “Damn. This is good. Maybe I am starving. How much did ya tip Liu this time?”
Harley snickered. Joker always made sure to give big tips to the sweet little old lady who ran the Chinese restaurant they frequented.
“The usual.”
“She deserves every cent.”
After Joker finished eating, they moved into the bedroom to retire for the day. Harley unbraided her hair and crawled into bed as Joker began undressing himself. His body was surprisingly clear of wounds tonight, much to Harley’s relief. The heist must have gone extremely well.
Once Joker was down to his dark purple boxers, he crawled into bed with Harley and rested his head on her chest. Harley stroked his curly, greasy hair gently, her nails raking across his scalp. He moaned softly.
Harley laughed in surprise. “Did you just…?”
“Maybe.” Joker said with a sly smirk.
“That feel good?”
He hummed in response. She smiled and continued playing with his hair. It was fluffy and soft despite the greasy appearance.
“J?” Harley spoke up after a moment.
“Why did you want to be with me?”
Her curiosity got the best of her yet again. Her mind often wandered on quiet nights like this.
Joker was silent for a moment. Harley started to worry she struck a nerve. Finally he spoke in a quiet, genuine tone.
“You understand me. You weren’t, uh, disgusted by me. You listened to me when I talked to you in the alley. Nobody’s ever done that for me before. And then, I saw something in you. It kept me drawn to you. I don’t know. I’ve never felt like this before.”
That made Harley feel so much better. What he was experiencing was love. But he didn’t know that. Maybe he did, he just didn’t want to admit it. Emotions were hard for Joker. Harley knew that. Even though he never told her he loved her that often, she could tell he did by the way he treated her. She was content with that. The few times he expressed his feelings with words Harley’s heart soared.
“You okay?” Joker asked, interrupting her thoughts.
“Yeah. I’m just thinking.”
“Uh, can I ask you something?”
“When you first read my file when you were applying for that job at Arkham, what did you think of me?”
“Well, probably what everyone else thought about you. You were insane and evil. I couldn’t understand you but I was determined to try. Your case captivated me. But now that I’ve actually gotten to know you personally, you’re not like how people make you out to be at all. Minus the killing, you’re not that bad of a guy. You treat me with more respect than any other man I’ve known my whole life. You’ve helped me feel confident in my own skin again. I can’t thank you enough for that.”
She planted a kiss on his forehead. Joker smiled up at her but then turned more serious.
“It’s nothing, Harls. I’m nothing special. This should be the standard. A man that abuses a woman is not a man at all.”
“I know that, J. But a man who thinks like that is not always easy to find. Given my history, it’s a big deal to me.”
They went quiet for a while after that. Harley stroked his hair gently and Joker melted into her touch. The only sounds to be heard was their breathing and the light patter of rain outside.
Harley finally broke the silence and reached over to grab a book from the wooden chest beside the bed that acted as their nightstand. “I almost forgot. You want me to read tonight?”
Joker nodded sleepily. “Mhm. Which one of Poe’s we at now?”
Harley turned to the bookmark sticking out the book. “Ooh, it’s The Raven. My favorite.”
“Heh. Didn’t we read this last time?”
“No, we read The Black Cat last time.”
“Oh. Go ahead then, doll.”
Harley smiled. “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary…”
As she read, Joker closed his eyes and just listened to the sound of her soft voice. She spoke with eloquence and all the right inflections. When he did occasionally glance up at her, he saw the passion brewing in her brilliant blue eyes. He could tell she was internally dissecting each line and each stanza even though she’d read it all hundreds of times before. He grinned. His girl was so intelligent. Anyone who had ever put a dumb blonde stereotype on her was dead wrong.
“And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor. Shall be lifted–nevermore.” Harley concluded and shut the book.
“Beautiful, darling.” Joker purred.
Harley put the book back on top of the wooden chest. She settled back into Joker’s arms, burying her face into his chest.
“Will you be here tomorrow?”
“Should be. I’m not planning on going anywhere.”
“Okay. Ready for bed?”
Joker yawned. “Yeah. I’m tired.”
Harley turned the lamp beside the bed off and pulled the thick covers over both of them.
“Goodnight, J.”
“G’night, Harley.”
Joker wrapped his arms tighter around Harley’s torso and nestled close to her. Harley loved it when he used her as a pillow. His embrace was warm and comforting. It felt like home.
She’d kill for these rare quiet nights to happen more often.
#ledger joker x harley#ledger joker#harleen quinzel#harley quinn#the dark knight#nolanverse#my writing
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question should i download n play animal crossing and if so which games should i play. for no particular reason at all. absolutely nothing suspicious going on here, no siree. just a simple passerby query is all���
I do love Animal Crossing, but it is definitely not for everyone. I, and a couple other people, have drawn comparisons to Winnie the Pooh, and I think it's a pretty apt comparison. You're basically Christopher Robin. There's not much of a plot, there's minimal danger (I'm counting tarantulas, scorpions, and wasps as danger lmao), and unless you're playing online and you visit other people you rarely leave. It's you and your cute animal neighbors all living together in a cute town. If you think you'd enjoy that, I recommend it. But if you think you'd be bored out of your skull... best to skip it.
As for the games themselves...
My absolute favorite is Wild World (DS), because if you talk to the special characters enough (Tom Nook, the birds in the post office, the Able Sisters, etc.) they eventually start giving you lore. I love me some tasty tasty lore. New Leaf (3DS) is also quite great, that's where our girlie Isabelle debuted and the beginning of being able to decorate your town in addition to your home.
New Horizons (Switch) is the newest in the series, I do like it but I miss elements that were in Wild World and New Leaf that aren't there anymore. The lore especially, though I feel like we got a continuation on the Able Sisters' story if you squint. (But you have to approach it ALREADY knowing the lore, so...)
I strongly recommend Happy Home Designer (standalone game on 3DS) and Happy Home Paradise (New Horizons DLC), especially if you enjoy the home decoration aspect of Animal Crossing. It's very fun. I build insane shit, as you saw the other night lmao, but some people put together really pretty spaces for the villagers.
I played the GameCube version briefly a long time ago, sadly it didn't grip me then but I'm open to trying it again.
I never played City Folk/Let's Go to the City (Wii), so I have no formal opinion of it. It was the worst selling Animal Crossing game though, so much so that it played heavy influence in how New Leaf turned out, so keep that in mind.
And I don't think anyone counts Amiibo Festival (Wii U) as an Animal Crossing game lmao. :) This is the only one I wouldn't recommend, as it's not an Animal Crossing game, it's basically a Mario Party game in Animal Crossing clothing. (And you have to pay for other playable characters, I think, since it's pushing the Amiibo? No gud.)
And finally, Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, which is an app on iPhone and Android. You do have to pay for it to download it, but they're so generous with their various currency I haven't felt pressured to sink more money into it since I got it. (In fact I... can't even find the screens where you do pay real money lmao. I went looking once out of curiosity to see what the pricing was and couldn't figure out how to get there.) I do recommend Pocket Camp, but kind of like Amiibo Festival it's not really the full AC experience (but it's more so than Amiibo Festival lmao). They did a damn good job translating it to an app though.
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Chapter 5
Beyond the Lens - Logbook Videographer!Reader x Poly OT8 Ateez
W/C 3,814
🎥 Series Masterlist 🎥
☽ Masterlist ☾
Inspiration Pictures
Pinterest Board Masterlist
Previous Chapter (Chapter 4)

Disclaimer: This story is purely a work of fiction. It is not meant to assume or mock anything about Ateez, Atiny, or anything relating to what I do not know about being a videographer. I will be attempting to keep it as gender neutral as possible but it will have she/her pronouns.
The logo in the center is mine. Please do not reuse or copy.
I strongly recommend looking at the inspiration pictures (which will be updating as the story goes on).
General Warnings: slow burn, cussing, conflict, possible angst, fluff, and obliviousness.
This list will be updated as the story goes on.
Chapter Warnings: Anxiety/Panic Attack. Dark Jokes.
Thanks for reading <3 Moonie
“Y/n?” You heard someone shaking you and repeating your name. Holy shit, you fell asleep. You shot up and looked around the room. Most of the boys were standing putting on their light jackets. Seonghwa was looking at you with something you couldn’t decipher. You turned to look at your team and they were watching the interaction with smirks. Everything clicked into place. They were watching you because you were surrounded by some of the people you idolized. They were watching you to see if you would embarrass yourself and you most certainly had.
“I am so sorry Seonghwa, I didn’t even realize that I fell asleep or that I was even tired. It won’t happen again, I am so sorry” You rambled at a quick place. You scrambled up from the seat and bowed before you scurried away from everyone and out into the hall. You had remembered seeing a restroom not too far away so you practically ran toward it. You were getting too hot. Was it embarrassment? Could it be shame? You made it to the bathroom door, yanked the door open, and locked yourself in. You rolled up your sleeves, leaned against the sink, and put your head down. Your head started swimming with uncontrollable thoughts. Each one bleeding into the last. You could feel your breath coming in shaky pants, you couldn't get a deep breath. You could barely suck in enough air to keep you from feeling lightheaded. Your sight got blurry and you could feel yourself start to shake. The heat that was burning in your body felt like the sun was trying to escape from your skin.
Did you cross a line? Did you just make him uncomfortable? You fell asleep on your first official day of being here at KQ. How could you be so stupid? Would he request that they cancel the contract? Could you have fucked things up on your first official day? You jumped at the sound of small knocks on the door. The thoughts ceased for only a moment.
“Hey, Boo it's me, can you open the door?” There were only three people who called you that, Aurora, Forrest, or Willow. From the sound of it it was Willow. She was always the person of the friend group to calm any one of you down. She was a grounding presence. You shakily stepped over to the door unlocking it and let her in, Aurora followed shortly after her. Forrest was posted up on the side of the door like a guard dog. Once all three of you were in the bathroom and Aurora locked the door you threw yourself at Willow. She knew that when you were in a bad headspace you either needed to be left alone or you needed grounding. She was good about being able to tell which one it was, which came from the years of friendship. She wrapped her arms around you and let you breathe her in. You sighed and relaxed into her hold. “How could I be so stupid? How could I fall asleep on the first day? How could I fall asleep on someone who knows I bias him?”
She shushed you running her hand over the back of your braided hair. “There is no need to be ashamed. In fact I was fairly certain Wooyoung snoozed for a little bit against your leg. Had you been awake you would have noticed that San had his head against your shoulder as well and was snoozing. It was a whole cuddle pile and you were in the middle of it. Seonghwa was the only one who wasn't asleep. San woke up shortly before you did. Seonghwa was comfortable enough with you that he pulled you closer to make sure you were comfortable, and he had his head against yours for the majority of the time you were asleep. You have nothing to worry about. In fact, they are worried about you.”
“Do you think she is okay?”
“I am not sure, but I trust her team to know her and help her through whatever was going across her mind before she ran out.”
“Did we come on too strong?
“You did not act unlike you normally do, she knows how all of us are, she is an Atiny. She might just be embarrassed that she fell asleep. We can be a lot to handle, we just have to take it slow.”
“All I want to do is run after her and comfort her hyung.”
“I know you do, I would like to as well but this isn’t something that I think would do her mental state much better.”
“She is a strong person, she is just hesitant around us because I think she is still reeling from all of this. It has only been a few days since they got the call from KQ.”
“Let’s go down to the cafeteria like we planned with her team and they will meet us like they said. We can only do so much here, she may know us, but she doesn’t know us. She just needs time.”
“They were worried about me? Why would they be worried about me?” you questioned regaining some semblance of a breathing rhythm. Willow had successfully grounded you enough to help you regain some kind of consciousness around your body.
“Because they care and are amazing people. At least two of them almost ran out the door after you, Forrest had to stop them so we could handle this. They care for you. While you were asleep we could tell so. They kept checking in on you while you slept and they were asking us so many questions about what we do and what you do. They even were asking to see some of your work. They care about you Y/n, it has only been a few days since everything has happened but they are so genuine about getting to know us.”
You pulled away from Willow and she wiped under your eyes. You hadn’t even realized that a few tears spilled down your face. “You mean that? They aren’t mad?”
“No”, Aurora spoke up, “When they started looking at you questioningly we may have spilled that you generally always have trouble sleeping. Also that you don’t do that very often with people that aren’t us. That you generally hate new people and that you take forever to warm up to someone enough to even consider falling asleep anywhere near them. They were so over the moon that you felt comfortable enough to fall asleep in their presence.”
“You make me sound like a child,” you groaned with a light chuckle. That made the two of them smile wide. “Where would I be without you guys?” you asked.
“Probably playing out in traffic,” Aurora remarked with a grin. You slapped her on the shoulder. All three of you broke out into giggles. You could feel your heartbeat returning to normal. Thankfully they pulled you out before it got really bad, otherwise it would not have been as easy to get through to you.
“Come on, I am getting hungry and Forrest is still waiting out there.” Willow said to you moving to unlock the door. Forrest turned to look at you and pulled you into a giant hug. Your arms slid around his waist as his hand cradled the back of your head.
“You worried me there for a second Boo.” He murmured into your hair.
“I’m sorry, they got me all sorted out, I’m as good as new.” You responded.
“Let’s go eat, I am starving." he said and kept his arm around your shoulder. He maneuvered you toward the cafeteria and you smiled up at him. These were your people. This is where you are supposed to be, right here in the moment, not in your head.
After the short walk to the cafeteria you noticed that you were starving as well. Leave it to nerves to make you not notice your bodily functions. You looked around and saw the boys. Seonghwa, Yuhno and San stood up as you approached with Forrest next to you. You shyly waved at them. You noticed that they left four seats open for you and the team. San was the one to move to your duo. He smiled at you and said “I am glad you are okay, you really worried us there for a minute.”
“I’m all good Sannie, I am sorry I worried all of you. Let’s sit and eat and maybe if we have enough time before dance practice I can bring you guys out to see my bike.” you replied in a quiet tone.
“We would absolutely love that.” He said with a gentle smile. He grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze before walking back to his place at the table between Wooyoung and Yeosang. You took the seat across from Yeosang and the girls sat on either side of you leaving the seat next to Aurora open for Forrest who was ordering lunch for your group. Hongjoong looked at you with a smile, and nodded before continuing a conversation with Mingi. You reached over to Willow and grabbed her hand, you were still reeling from everything that just happened.
“How was your nap, sleepy?” Wooyoung teased. San smacked him on the back of the head and turned quickly to look at you. You shrunk into yourself to hide the blush on your face.
“Yknow, a little birdy told me that you fell asleep on me too so I could be asking you the same question Woo.” You shot back after gathering yourself. Yeosang laughed heartily. That sound was melodic, even if he decided to cover it up and almost immediately stop after Wooyoung glared at him. He looked at you with a small smile. They all had resumed their conversations. You were listening to the conversation between San, Yeo, and Woo until you heard Jongho speak up from the other side of Willow.
“Wait, really, she is the oldest of all of us?” Your ears perked up as you knew that you were the oldest out of everyone here. All of their gazes fell to the two who were previously having a quiet discussion.
“Who is older than all of us?” Seonghwa asked, having not heard it over his conversation with Hongjoong.
“Y/n is 27 which is older than all of us.” Jongho said, looking at you around Willow.
“Yahh, I didn’t know you were so old Noona,” Wooyoung teased. You heard the snicker of San and you cut both of them an icy glare.
“Oh whatever,” you rolled your eyes at Wooyoung. “You have no need to use honorifics with me unless you feel it is absolutely necessary. I do not care either way because I am not from here.” You said looking down at your hands. You had never really been referred to as anything other than your name or Boo. That was something that you might have to get used to.
After a couple of minutes of listening to the chatterboxes you heard Yeosang speak up, “Y/n? Can we see your tattoos?” He asked, looking bashful. You looked down and realized that your sleeves were still rolled up. He must have seen the bottom half of them and gotten curious. What a cute maltese.
“That's a loaded question,” Forrest said, sitting down with a tray of food and dishing it out to the team. You smiled at him and thanked him.
“Why is that?” Yeosang asked, cocking his head to the side like a curious puppy.
“She has them all over her body, and some of them are in places that you won't see unless she has her top off,” he teased. Hongjoong and Jongho sputtered their drinks at the other end of the table. Some of it got on the table, Seonghwa and Mingi patted their backs trying to make sure they were okay. Yeosang, Wooyoung and San had their mouths open. Seonghwa, Yuhno and Mingi were blushing like mad. You looked around to everyone and your team started laughing. Full on belly laughter came from your portion of the group. You were sure that the other people in the cafeteria were looking at your group in disgust for being so loud. They should be used to it seeing as Ateez and Xikers were very loud groups. Nothing could have prepared you for the look of pure and utter shock on all of their faces. You squeezed Willow’s hand and let go putting it over your mouth while the other was slapping Aurora’s leg.
“Forrest, I think you broke all of them,” you wheezed. He shrugged his shoulders and continued laughing.
“You didn’t expect that answer, did you Yeosang?” Aurora asked between fits of giggles. You looked at him and he still had his mouth open slightly. He looked like a goldfish out of water. You stood up and walked around the table to the three with their mouths hanging open. Choosing to be bold you put a finger under each of their chins to close their mouths.
“If you keep your mouth open like that you’ll catch flies, boys. It is perfectly normal for a person to have tattoos that others can't see. Get your mind out of the gutter.” you whispered just loud enough for only the three of them to hear. All three of them went cherry red and put their heads down as you strutted back to your seat. You plopped down and started eating, prompting all of the rest of them to continue their meals. Aurora got your attention and motioned under the table for a high five and you obliged her.
There is only one tattoo you had that you would be embarrassed if they saw. It was a testament to yourself and your independence, but it revolved around one of their songs. The lyrics Mingi sang in Halazia, “Who are you, it's just me myself and I” in your own handwriting to remind you to always be loyal to yourself. It was situated right above the moon tarot card on your left hip. It had been a spur of the moment decision while you were traveling after filming something for a client out of the country. Truthfully it was one of your favorite ones.
“Y/n how many tattoos do you have? HongJoong asked after he recovered. The genuine curiosity in his eyes was so cute. He was looking at you with his big boba eyes that made everyone swoon.
“I have eight, most of them are fairly large. You will have to wait to see the ones that are visible without my top off until swimsuit season; then and only then you will get to see them,” You stole a glance at Forrest and he let out a huff of laughter. Hongjoong nodded and continued eating. Most of the boys had recovered, but Yeosang still wouldn’t look you in the eye.
After a little bit of quiet eating from your group Seonghwa stood up and said “Alright, it is almost time for practice, let's go and get our newbies set up and explain to them how things go and what needs to happen for our dance practices.”
All of the boys chorused in agreement. You stood and helped them clean up the mess everyone created. Once you were finished you followed the group of boys down the hall to where their room was. You had seen this room many times on a screen. You had always been fascinated with how fluidly they moved and how they worked together. You also loved that you could see their personalities shine through in their dancing. All around they were mesmerizing. Some of your favorite videos were the behind the scenes videos. You got to see how they worked and what they preferred to do.
“Do we need any cameras or is today just a get them set up day?” You asked. walking over to the small desk Hongjoong motioned to. There were four notepads and pens at the ready for you to take notes. How sweet, but you were not one to take notes on paper, it was too much of a hassle to keep all of it together. You preferred to take notes on an iPad or online with the team, that way you could collaborate in the same document.
“Today is more of a chill day, we are just rehearsing choreography for tours to make sure we aren’t rusty.” Hongjoong said while he started stretching.
“Before we start can we grab our bags?” You asked. A couple of the boys looked at you curiously. “We prefer to take notes on our iPads so we can compile all of our notes together and discuss what the best course of action is for pictures or videos.”
“Yeah you can go grab your stuff, do you need someone to show you where it is? We know this place is a maze.” Hongjoong asked, looking between the four of you.
“That would be preferable, someone likes to get lost in their free time.” Willow said motioning to you. You turned to her in shock she had not just brought that up.
“Willow!! You know that being directionally challenged isn't my fault!! Left and right can be hard, that's why I have tattoos; so I can differentiate them from each other.” You defended with an exasperated sigh. She had always teased you for it, she was lucky her brain was wired correctly. Your brain had always been a fucking mess.
“Sure Boo, whatever you say,” she said grinning at you “you're just lucky you have us to keep your head on your shoulders, keep you from taking a wrong turn somewhere, and from playing in traffic” Your eyes widened, she did not just pull the same shit Aurora did earlier. You lunged at her jokingly attempting to smack her or tickle her. She sidestepped you and before you could stop yourself you ran smack into Forrest’s chest. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow and decided that it would be absolutely so much fun to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder. You let out a squeal in protest smacking his back. He trotted around the practice room with you bouncing on his shoulder. You could hear the laughter of the boys all around you.
“Put me down you fucking tree. Willow started it, not me!!” You yelled at him, your plea fell on deaf ears.
“A tree?! Fuck you, you know good and damn well I hate that nickname.” Forrest responded to only part of your statement. He had some of the worst selective hearing.
“Put me down and I'll say it to your stupid face” you snarked. He set you down on your own two feet, almost throwing you on the ground. You stood toe to toe with him.
“You. are. a. fucking. tree.” You said in the most serious tone you could poking him in the chest. Aurora got in the middle of the two of you and held you back. She knew you would launch yourself at him to get him back after throwing you around like a ragdoll.
“Children now let's get a hold of yourselves” Aurora said in a mock serious tone.
“She started it” you sniped pointing at Willow. She gasped and put a hand to her chest in offence.
“I would never do such a thing," she said with a smirk.
“Oh fuck you, lets go get our things, we have already held up their practice enough.” you rolled your eyes and looked around to find out who would be taking you to the room.
Jongho was the one who stepped up to your group, “I can take you.”
“Thank you Jjong!” You said linking your elbow with his. He looked at you in surprise but went along with it and led you out of the room.
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
“I wish we could be like that with her.”
“Is that jealousy I hear”
“No… okay maybe, but I can't help but to want us to be the people that she is so close to. Or the ones she bickers with like an old married couple.”
“They have known each other for years, they have a head start on us. We can get to that state; it might just take time.”
“You know we are impatient men, I just hope we can give it a respectable amount of time before spilling everything.”
“I will make sure that you do.”
“Thank you hyung.”
★☆☽ O ☾☆★
“So Jjong, what is it like being the scariest and strongest maknae in all of kpop?”
He chuckled at your question. “It is rewarding to see the faces of people that don't know me. No one would expect me to be the most mature out of all of us. Some people are still shocked by that fact.”
You laughed, he seemed more comfortable around you than you thought he would be. He seemed to be the most hesitant out of all of the boys. He is full of surprises from his vocals to being able to split apples. He really was just a giant teddy bear when it came down to it. You looked at him and smiled, he was so beautiful. Most people do not favor him because of his looks but he was just as beautiful as the rest of them.
“Here we are,” he said, looking at you. Your eyes met and you couldn't help but to blush, there were multitudes behind his eyes. You could spend all day looking into them and never get tired. He was so expressive, his eyes said everything, but they could be hard to read, especially if you barely actually knew him.
You unlinked your arm from his and walked into the office. Once you got to your backpack you swung it over your shoulder. The rest of your team did the same. You walked back out to meet Jongho and smiled when he looked up at you from his phone. You walked back side by side. Once you got back you set up your camera in the center close to the mirrored walls. You figured that it would be best to get an initial recording to build your notes off of. You then settled yourself right in front of your camera. Your team spread out in a line to take notes with you. You gave the boys a thumbs up and they started to do what they do best.
The remainder of practice went well, you and your team took notes and started to make a plan for possible angles of future videos. You would discuss the plans in more detail later. You were so excited to start on this project and get the ball rolling.
Next Chapter (Chapter 6 Remastered)
@breadedloafs @a-short-ass-disappointment @ateezswonderland
#beyond the lens fic#moonie’s fics#ateez#ateez fic#ateez x reader#ot8 x reader#poly ateez#poly ateez x reader#seonghwa x reader#park seonghwa x reader#hongjoong x reader#kim hongjoong x reader#yunho x reader#jeong yunho x reader#yeosang x reader#kang yeosang x reader#san x reader#choi san x reader#mingi x reader#song mingi x reader#wooyoung x reader#jung wooyoung x reader#jongho x reader#choi jongho x reader
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Netflix Markled by (unmitigated) Disaster Duchess 😂

For those of you who've for YEARS referred to her as the 'Disaster Duchess,' did you know it would become a Double Entendre! Congratulations---you were ahead of the curve! 🤭

Lady C: "I am informed that, contrary to the story being promulgated by the Duchess of Sussex that the delay of the launch of her lifestyle series withlovemeghan from this Wednesday to the 4th March, was her idea, it was entirely netflixs. They evidently strongly recommended that she use the intervening period to try to turn around the wave of unpopularity that has engulfed all of them, unbelievably to their surprise. "They thought they might have problems owing to how toxic she now is, but they've been taken aback by the depth of feeling the public have shown," someone who is Hollywood royalty told me. So what does she do? She goes and shows the public even more clearly what a ghoul she is by plugging in yet again to disaster the way she tastelesslyy did at Uvalde, once more tipping off TMZ of her and Harry's intentions to do their version of ambulance chasing. She posed up a storm beside the perfectly groomed Mrs GavinNewsom then moves off to hug a member of her detail, all the while surrounded by the cameramen who had accompanied her. She's been rightly condemned for this deathly display of opportunistic limelighting, but at least she was canny enough to dress down, which is more than could be said for the perfectly-groomed First Lady of California, who looked as if she was preparing for one of Anna Wintour's left-of-centre voguemagazine spreads. I gather the visit lasted all of 17 minutes - five minutes longer than the time spent with His Majesty The King when Harry crossed the Atlantic for that photo-op. Does this couple have no shame?"
Tragedy Vultures Strike Again

#Disaster Duchess#Disaster Bessie#Lady C#Netflix Markled#spare us#worldwide privacy tour#like a spare#unmitigated disaster#double entendre#ambulance chaser#grifters gonna grift#inGRIFTus#inFLICTus#megflix#megflop#meghan markle#Tragedy Vultures#with love meghan#TMZ
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hiii it’s me again, i just wanna say i love Ur art so much and ❤️❤️ Ur a very good artist and U changed my art style a bit, in a good way!!! i also wanna ask if you have any recommendations because i’m already watching neon genesis evangelion and i like it, i’m ok with any
- 🦉
Thank you anon, I'm happy with my artstyle nowadays after having chronically changed it in almost every single drawing for years. And it's funny how we all rub off on each other. It happens linguistically all the time, too. I hope whatever elements you've gotten inspired by will bring you joy as you draw.
Also yay, another person getting into NGE. It really inspired me creatively with the long, still, quiet shots. And in my art, too, but that was mostly once I read the manga (highly recommend it, by the way, if you like Rei especially because she gets a much more fleshed out role that actually explores her character, plus Gendou gets more character building, so the final part is much more impactful).
In terms of other shows I like, I unfortunately don't watch a lot of shows, but I think one that has a similar atmosphere at times (slow, contemplative/introspective, makes you think) is Serial Experiments Lain, it basically follows an asocial young girl who's having hallucinations and becomes increasingly obsessed with being on/in the internet. It also has similar themes of parental neglect/distant parents, identity, personhood, interactions with your peers, and so on.
And this is a much more popular anime in comparison, but Death Note is pretty cool, I haven't finished the anime series but I read the manga and it's a very close adaptation of the manga. It's similar the NGE in some ways where there are long calmer moments and then bursts of higher action. But I wouldn't say it's very introspective, mostly the two MCs trying to fight each other mentally. Still a really good show, and I thought some of the ploys they came up with were quite smart.
And this is a movie but, I liked Uzumaki 2001 a lot. It's a horror film with some creepy elements and body horror, but I strongly dislike body horror and it didn't freak me out so I'm pretty sure it was mild (watched it a while ago). It's a loose adaptation of Junji Ito's manga of Uzumaki. It was really pretty in the cinematography and colour grading, and the best part in my opinion was that it didn't follow a traditional plot structure.
Unfortunately I don't watch many movies or tv so my recommendations end there, so many of them are too predictable (western media clings onto the 3-act structure and it makes things downright unwatchable for me) or have basic medical/scientific inaccuracies, or even in good ones, they throw in random romance or fanservice. It's a tough world out there :p
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A Fever You Learn To Live With part 3 of the Loving a God is Only a Tragedy if The God Does (Not) Love You Back
It's here! It took a while buts it's finally posted, @readingbythestreetlights happy belated birthfay bestie, this fic wouldn't even exist if it wasnt for you. I love you to pieces and I hope you get to experience noting but love this year.
The fic also has a playlist and I strongly recommend checking part 2 of the series for context

His name didn't matter. He was Helios once until he was forgotten and renamed, they changed his identity. But it was okay. He was adored, he was Apollo. His lover chose to call him Nico in this life, and he was no longer worshipped, it was better. He was loved.
But Jenson smiled at him, and he was so beautiful, like the day they met, like the day Nico fell in love with him, beautiful as the day he died, beautiful as the day Nico found him again.
read it here!
#jenson button#nico rosberg#f1 rpf#f1 rpf fic#princess cake#loving a god is only a tragedy if...#laurie writes
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I could never become bored of you, not that easily, at least! You are my Bon, you can't get rid of me that easily <3
Yeah, I got 2 kitties! Both of them are boys, and their names are Pickle and Bean! Maybe one day you'll get to see pictures of them! I also have a dog, snails, isopod, beetles, chickens, and hermit crabs! Got a bit of a zoo around here!
I'll definitely watch some of your suggestions, and I will be sure to tell you my thoughts! Just another excuse to talk to you!
I will hopefully be posting on my blog again soon, and I am so excited to now that I know you will be watching my blog (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
I mainly read fiction, distopian, and horror/gore. But also, like when books have lgbt+ characters, and have read a few Manga! I just borrowed a book from a friend called "The Corpse Queen" by Heather M. Herrman, I strongly suggest it, I've also just started reading a GL Manga series called "Whisper Me a Love Song" and so far have been really enjoying it!!! I like plants in many ways, I learn about plants, I grow both indoor and outdoor plants, and I have a fascination with all living or once living things,,, and they happen to fit in that category too!!! I don't think I could pick just one flower as my favorite, but I do enjoy Asters a lot! Bleeding hearts? awe, it makes sense that a sweetie like you would love a poisonous flower!
What video games do you like to play? I'd love to hear all about your current favorite game! What part of history do you like so much? Oh and you collect things too! I would love to hear all about your little hoards 💕
Okay. Anyways. Sorry, got a lil excited there... I’m your Bon, and you’re my Doll!! All mine!!! I’m glad to hear that you wouldn’t get bored and leave. I’d do anything to make sure my precious doll stays with me!
AWH, they sound so darling. You have so many… how do you keep up with all of them??That’s really cool, though! You definitely have some uncommon pets.
I’m excited to hear your thoughts (๑>◡<๑)
I will definitely be watching my doll’s blog! How could I not? Anyone would find it hard to take their eyes off you. Besides, I’d love to see more of your posts when you decide to go back to it.
Ah, those are all good genres! Thank you for the recommendation, and I’ll check out the manga you mentioned later. Asters are gorgeous; my doll has great taste in flowers!!
I usually prefer games with long stories. I like RPGs and visual novels the most! I find pixel art really nice to look at, so a lot of my favorite games feature that. I’ve been playing through a farming sim called Fields of Mistria lately; it’s been really enjoyable so far! The best way I could describe it is as a mix of Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. As for my current favorite games, they’re probably… Minecraft, Danganronpa, Persona 5 Royal, and Identity V. I’m not finished playing through P5R, but I like it so far. I’m currently replaying and trying to get all achievements in every Danganronpa game! I’ve finished Trigger Happy Havoc, and I’m now working on Goodbye Despair. Having a bit of trouble though, because I have a friend I’m sharing my Steam library with who is ALSO playing through the Danganronpa games. I can’t play the games until they get off, bleh. AH, I also started a playthrough of Red Dead Redemption 2. I suck ass at it. I ended up punching my horse when trying to get on it. I also drew my gun on it multiple times. So sorry to my horse, it did not deserve that. It took me like 10 minutes and frantic googling to figure out how to get back on my horse after I accidentally got off (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
Do you play any videogames? If you do, I’d love to hear about what you like to play.
Ah, I just like history in general. I love to learn about things. Some things that caught my interest for awhile in the past though are torture/execution methods, the Chernobyl disaster, the Carrington event, WW2, old medical treatments, and Greek mythology. I haven’t been into history as much lately.. so I probably couldn’t explain anything here well.
I do collect stuff! I have a collection of various plushies, figurines, keychains, and knickknacks stored in my room. I think my favorite things that I own are probably my jar of uranium glass and this stunning piece of bismuth I got just a couple weeks ago. I’d like to start a full on collection of uranium glass, but that’s expensive, and I have no idea where I’d put it. Uranium glass is absolutely gorgeous, though! I hope to at least get a couple more pieces in the future.
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💙 "And The World Was Gone"💙
One shot, rated M (for mature themes dealing with grief and loss)
Several months after Exegol, Rey finds herself waiting once again. But this time, it's for Ben.
But she's not worried. He did make her a promise, after all.
This is an angsty companion piece to my reincarnation/soulmate TRoS fix-it fic, "I'll be the light and lead you home". I strongly recommend reading that story first (linked as Part 1 of this series) to understand why this is really a happily ever after, albeit a bittersweet one. However, it can be read as an angsty post-TRoS standalone, if you so choose.
Please mind tags.
Link to AO3 here
#reylo#reylo fanfiction#reylo fanfic#reylo fic recs#soulmates#reylo fix it#dyad#force dyad#post tros fix it
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Hey! I’ve never watched an anime series apart from Avatar stuff, if that counts. Do you have an anime series to recommend? I strongly prefer dubs over subs, and I like fantasy. Thanks !
Might I suggest delicious in dungeon? It's about a dnd party cooking and eating monsters in a dungeon, as they save their leader's sister from a red dragon's stomach before it digests her. it is on Netflix!
Below are some more anime recs with short summaries and where to watch them, keep in mind I'm shit at summaries ↓↓↓
Mob Psycho 100: middle school student, shigeo kageyama just wants to live a normal life, Despite his psychic powers. He is taken advantage of for said powers by a con man pretending to be a psychic, reigen arataka. He runs a business called Spirits and Such, where he (mostly mob) (that's shigeo's nickname) exorcises spirits bothering his clientele. Mob's powers are also a good metaphor for autism, I think it's canon that mob's autistic? Anyway, it's fuckin' fantastic. I love this. And I love mob?? Forever and platonically?? It's on Netflix, Hulu and Crunchyroll (season 1 is free but 2 & 3 need a premium subscription)
Sk8 The Infinity: high school student Reki introduces his new friend Langa to skateboarding, and. I can't recommend you watch this enoughm despite the simple premise I gave, it's fucking fantastic! I can't put these feelings into words!Please! It is free on Crunchyroll with ads, but the dubs after episode 3 require Crunchyroll premium.
Bocchi the Rock!: and here I thought mob was literally me! Hitori wants to be in a band, because in the words of the band that inspired her, a band is where an introvert can shine! She spent her days practicing and pouring her soul into the guitar, practicing to be ready to perform at her middle school's culture festival! But, well, in her own words,
"I practiced six hours every day, so I could learn how to play in front of people... The result? Middle school ended and I never played a single note for them! I never performed once... at the culture festival! I never put together... the members for a band! And I never made a single friend... In three whole years! Now, in high school... I gotta form a band or die trying! But, despite my vow, it's been a whole month since high school started, and yet my heart remains grounded in the guitar, little better than a shut in..."
Sasaki To Miyano:
Anyway, she joins a band and that's all I'm gonna say because thisssss is getting too long. She has social anxiety! Jus like me! And she has my exact fear for the future. it made me cry tears of deep unfocused fear and misery. It's free on Crunchyroll with ads, but there's no dub. But! But! I promise you it's worth a watch! The animation is great, the voice acting is great, the humor is great, the characters are great, the story inspires me to get my shit together (thus great), and the SONGS? OUGGGHHH DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE SONGS. THSI ANIME SINGLEHANDEDLY MADE ME REALIZE HOW MUCH I LOVED MUSIC. IVE CRIED AT SOME OF THE SONGS FOR ONE REASON OR ANOTHER. EVEn if you don't watch the anime, at least listen to the soundtrack! try Rock'n roll, Morning Light Falls On You! It's crack cocaine in song form! Thank you for coming to my ted talk!
Alright first things first, this shits adorable. Understatement! High school student Miyano befriends this guy Sasaki, and he gets interested in the bl manga that miya reads, and he borrows one. Much to Miyano's surprise, he loved it! ohhhhhgod i can feel the hyperfixation taking hold once again over time, they start to fall in love. Yeah, it's BL!!!! Fuxk! I love yaoi! I love life! The world hath gained colour! Funny part is, uh.miya's straight. He contemplates things on front of his bookshelf of BL manga. Taking a line from a summary I saw on YouTube, reading bl manga everyday and having an entire bookshelf of bl manga, while saying "yeah I'm straight!" Is a special kind of in the closet. Anyway fuckkkkkkkkkkkki love thsi series soooooososososososoo much. I have RAMMED MY HEAD INTO A WALL BECAUSE OF THIS. I HAVE PACED THE LIVING ROOM LISTENING TO THE SOUNDTRACK LIKE RETIRED MIDDLE AGED DETECTIVE GOING THROUGH A DIVORCE HAUNTED BY A COLD CASE HE JUST CANT CRACK BECAUSE OF THIS. granted that was me going delirious with hungerSASAMIYA IS MY REASON TO LIVE. anyway it is unfortunately exclusively on Crunchyroll for a premium subscription, but you can READ it! Yeah its 10 volumes are online to read! for free! call your dentist, you will gain cavities! but I do hear the dub is phenomenal!
Sorry for yappin', and happy viewing if you decide to watch any of these! Can you tell sasamiya and bocchi are my faves?
#delicious in dungeon#mob psycho 100#sk8 the infinity#bocchi the rock!#sasaki and miyano#sasaki to miyano#mutuals#lord devere
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