#i never want to hear the words “let's go home” ever again in a manga again
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and then hiyori, yato, and yukine went home 🥰🥰🥰 and lived happily ever after 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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quinnyundertow · 29 days
Picking up the Pieces
For my bby Choso
Angst with a happy ending, Hurt/Comfort
1,800 Words
The fight with Sukuna has finally ended. Before he’s wisked off the battlefield the boy named Yuji begs you to try and save what’s left of his older brother.
I have been drowning in writers block. The manga has me so damn depressed and the one I want to live most right now is our baby Choso. He deserves to live that domestic life he never got to feel. Best big brother ever.
Picking up the Pieces
Choso had thought for sure he had died. No he definitely died. He had protected his little brother with his life. There wasn’t a more noble way to die. Now his brother would have the chance to thrive and grow old. Find a first love, have his first kiss, buy his first home. Have children that would have called him uncle Chocho. Never mind that Choso never had the chance to do any of those things either. Yuji would have the chance that he never did; and that made it all worthwhile.
“I’ve got you, just hold on.” Someone is talking to him. The voice is what he imagines angels sound like. Do curses get to go to heaven? Maybe death won’t be so bad. “Don’t you dare die on me.”
He’s so tired. More tired than he’s ever been in his existence. A part of him is annoyed you keep shaking him awake. Just let him rest for a minute. “Yuji needs you, so you can’t give up yet.”
Yuji? Who’s Yuji and why did he-? Yuji. Yuji! He takes a gasping breath in as his chest keeps getting harshly pushed on. He doesn’t know what CPR is but it’s painful. You keep pushing against his broken ribs. Don’t you know that’s excruciating? Wait, what about Yuji? “Yuji?” The words come out strangled and almost too low to hear.
“Holy shit you’re alive.” Your voice breaks with a mixture of relief and joy. “We're not out of the woods yet but damn it but we’ll get there!”
He tries to ask for Yuji again but all that escapes is a hacking cough from all the smoke he inhaled during his fight with Sukuna.
Thankfully, you somehow manage to understand and respond accordingly, “Oh, right. Yeah, Yuji is okay. Better than okay. Well I mean they rushed him to Shoko, our healer, but he’s gonna be okay. He’s not a vessel anymore. They won. I don’t know how they pulled it off but they won.”
The wave of relief that washes over him is visible. Your voice is coming in a little panicked now, “Woah, woah, woah! Nope! Yuji is okay but he still needs you. When they rushed him off he was asking for you. He begged me to save you. Said you’re the best big brother in the world.” Your tone warbles and his face feels wet. At least he thinks it does. Are you crying? Why are you crying? He’s a curse. You’re presumably one of Yuji’s companions, a sorcerer. Shouldn’t you want him dead? He’s straining to try and make out your features but you look like a shadow on a curtain or static on a tv. Are his eyes even open? Does it matter? He feels so nice, so warm. You’re cradling him and he can’t help but wonder if this is what his mothers love would have felt like. If his father wasn’t a rapist and if he hadn’t been born a monster.
“Shit, shit, shit. I’m losing him again!” Your voice is shrill and screaming as you wake him up again. You’re yelling names he doesn’t know, “Nitta! Nitta!” The sound is fading out. He can’t hear anything now. That’s alright. It’s perfect to go back to sleep to. He’s so warm and lovingly held. Just a little nap, well..maybe a long one. A nice long sleep.
“I’ve got you, just hold on.” Your fingers keep slipping as you’re trying to do chest compressions. There’s just so much blood. The entire area reeks of it. Blood, smoke, dust. Smells of a battlefield. His pulse is so slow you’re not sure if it’s stopped or not. “Don’t you dare die on me.” This was bad. The worst you’ve ever seen. His body is so burnt and mutilated at this point he isn’t able to regenerate like a curse normally would. You try to infuse him with your cursed energy but it’s like his body doesn’t know what to do with it. It’s trying to shut down and you’re here telling it to work harder.
You can’t give up though. You’ve barely met the man in front of you but you know Yuji. As Shoko rushed Yuji off the battlefield his eyes had met yours. Choso’s name on his lips, his eyes a plea. “Please, Cho- tell him he’s the best big brother I could have asked for.”
The pain in Yuji’s eyes had been so raw. So visceral. Not even knowing what you were agreeing to you had yelled to Yuji, “I’ll do everything I can!”
So here you are. You aren’t sure if your reverse curse is even doing anything at this point. There are so many disconnected pieces of tissue. Blood vessels and veins so destroyed there is nothing left to repair. Nowhere for your technique to start. You can’t create something from nothing. He’s not breathing. Chest compressions. You’re throwing all the strength you have left into them. You vaguely remember someone saying you should push to the beat of “Staying Alive”. The song feels inappropriate in your head but it helps your timing. At least you hope it does.
The curse lying on the ground has given everything for his brother. Now you need him to live for himself. Grunting with exertion you manage to say, “Yuji needs you, so you can’t give up yet.”
When the corpse in front of you gasps you’re momentarily stunned. When are you supposed to stop chest compressions? Now? He’s hacking and you're trying to help him clear his airway. You're shocked he has an airway. Sukuna had practically obliterated him with flames. His lips are moving. You feel your cursed energy finally managed to find something inside of him it can work with.
Hands under his underarms, you pull. He’s not as heavy as you expected. Of course he isn't, he doesn't have anything left below the knees. You’ve managed to get his head resting on your thighs as you sit in the crumbling city turned battleground. He manages to croak out one word. “Yuji?” The word comes out strangled and almost too low to hear.
“Holy shit you’re alive.” Your voice breaks with a mixture of relief and joy. He would ask about his brother when he’s the one who is holding on by a thread. “We're not out of the woods yet but damn it we’ll get there!”
He’s giving this terrifying sounding cough that’s more liquid than air; but to cough means he has something there to cough with. His eyes open and his pupils are unfocused and blown. They don’t respond at all to light.
His brows are furrowing in panic when you don’t immediately respond, “Oh, right. Yeah, Yuji is okay. Better than okay. Well I mean they rushed him to Shoko, our healer but he’s gonna be okay. He’s not a vessel anymore. They won. I don’t know how they pulled it off but they won.”
His lip somehow manages to curl into a hint of a smile. He must not be able to feel any pain due to all the adrenaline. He’s relaxing against you and his eyes are closing. “Woah, woah, woah! Nope! Yuji is okay but he still needs you. When they rushed him off he was asking for you. He begged me to save you. Said you’re the best big brother in the world.” Your tone warbles and you’re yelling at yourself to hold it together. Tears fall from your visage on to his. You want to at least comfort him in his potential final moments.
Your hands go to rest on his cheeks. Your fingers lightly caressing him as you continue to give everything you have left in yourself to heal him. You brush his dark sweaty bangs off his forehead. His eyes open partially again staring into the sky. He’s rejecting your cursed energy again. “Shit, shit, shit. I’m losing him again!” You have to make an executive decision. You had been trying to give him the strength to kickstart his own regenerative capabilities but there’s not enough energy in him anymore to utilize it. You have to stop the bleeding. You have to sacrifice his legs below the knee if he’s going to survive. Rather than regrow the limbs like he normally would you focus purely on closing every open wound you can find. FUCK. Where is Shoko? Where is Arata Nitta? Someone? Anyone? There are too many wounded and dying. Not enough healers. Never enough healers.
A streak of platinum blonde hair in the distance catches your gaze, “Nitta! Nitta!” He was one of your underclassmen before you graduated. The Kyoto school is small enough to where everyone knows everyone. Nita’s looking for you in the rubble, unable to tell where your voice is coming from at first. “Arata!” His eyes lock on yours and he’s sprinting through the chaos. He looks like a track star the way he’s jumping building detritus like they’re hurdles.
He’s leaning over you trying to find where you are bleeding from but it’s all Choso’s blood. At least you think it is. “Can you help him?” Nitta’s face jerks down to what he had thought was a corpse in your arms.
He’s shaking his head no but he’s doing the movements for his technique. It won’t heal the curse hybrid but it will buy him time and at this point you’ll take anything you can get.
There’s a sharp tug in your gut as your cursed energy feels like it’s suddenly being siphoned out of you. You originally couldn’t find any of Choso’s energy to help him. Now large lifesaving gulps of your cursed energy flow into the man fighting for his life on your lap. You gasp in pain as you try to limit the amount of energy you are giving out at once. Choso’s not even conscious but instinctually his body is struggling like it’s drowning and you're the life preserver.
Nitta looks panicked, “He’s going to kill you!” You can’t afford to pass out now there are so many more people that need healing. Choso is unconsciously pulling you under with him. “This is a curse. It feeds off our kind. He’ll take from you until there’s nothing left.”
Shit. You feel like you’re going to faint. Choso’s eyelids are fluttering, they open as if seeing you for the first time. He’s clearly still delirious as his onyx eyes look at you confused. You visibly flinch, a groan in pain leaving you as he takes more of your energy. Understanding clicks in his brain and the rapid siphoning of your energy abruptly stops. Nitta is calling your name.
Nitta tries to pull you away from Choso so he can’t cling to your energy again, but you refuse to budge. You're not sure if Choso is even conscious despite his eyes jerkily roaming your face. Caressing Choso’s brow, you lean over him. Your lips are near his ear as you murmur comforting words. “I’ve got you. Everything is going to be okay.”
Chapter 2
If people want more I’ll continue. It just flowed out so here it is. Please don’t comment if you don’t have anything nice to say.
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dearestmui · 11 months
can u do mui x demon! reader?
like, with the same plot the first 2 (?) episodes have where tanjiro comes back and finds nezuko as a demon, but with mui and reader
also (this is optional) reader is hesitant to hurt mui
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Summary: Muichiro comes home to you, only for you to be turned into a demon. Cw: graphic description, mentions of anxiety and vomitting Pairings: Muichiro x demon reader. Additional tags: no manga spoilers. muichiro without amnesia. he's not a demon slayer yet. can be interpreted as platonic or romantic. angst to comfort. Things are slightly altered in Muichiros backstory Word count: 1785
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You ran away from home and formed a close bond with the Tokito twins. Unfortunately, the older brother died after an attack from a demon outside your home, and the lady who used to visit you to recruit the twins as demon slayers stopped visiting, which left you and Muichiro alone. You and Muichiro have been living together for awhile now, and it's been tough since Yuichiro died. While you were in charge of everything inside the house, he'd go out to gather materials such as wood and food.
Every time he goes out, you feel a strong sense of anxiety bubbling in your stomach, almost making you want to vomit. The thought of him leaving and never coming back haunts you until you hear the door opening again. Only then could you find a brief moment of relief until the next day when he had to go out.
You never thought that one day, the door opening would not be Muichiro
"Okay...." Your voice sounded like that of a sad kitten's. "Please come home safely, and don't take too long..!!" You hesitantly replied. Absolutely hating this time of day, you could feel yourself getting nauseous from the anxiety again.
"Y/n, I'm going to the village. Our food supply is running out." He told you. It was winter, so you couldn't grow crops. Instead, you relied on selling wood to buy ingredients.
Muichiro simply let out a hum and stepped out.
"I love you!" You'd repeat this phrase everytime he steps outside the door. To which he would simply reply with a hum of acknowledgment. He never repeated this phrase back, afraid that if he were to love someone, they'd disappear just like his mother, his father, his precious brother..
Ever since the death of his brother, Muichiro wasn't as energetic as he used to be. He knew he still had you to take care of, though. So no matter how depressed he was, how many times he wanted to give up, he needed to stay with you. He never understood that everything he did for you was out of love, because he'd do them without thinking much of it. It was something he did as If he was programmed to do it
He loved you so much he'd do anything for you without hesitance
It took longer than usual to get to the village. The deep thick snow reaching slightly below his knees made it hard to move. Him carrying wood on his back didn't make it any better. Luckily, at this season it was easier to sell wood for people who wanted to warm up their home.
When he arrived at the village, he was warmly welcomed by the locals.
"Muichiro! It's good to see you again!" They warmly welcomed the young boy. People started to call out for him to buy his wood. The villagers knew about Muichiro's situation, since they were close with his parents. So they always tried their best to support him.
Around evening, he managed to sell most of his wood, and traded the rest for ingredients. Having everything he needed in a bag, he was ready to come back home to you. Muichiro started to walk to the village exist, until a man — who Muichiro assumed was in his mid-twenties, came up from behind and stopped him. This man wasn't a stranger, Muichiro has sold plenty of wood for him before. Muichiro looked up at him, a curious expression on his face.
"You shouldn't be out this late kid, there are man eating demons roaming at this time of night." The man said, concerned about the child Infront of him. "Come stay at my house until the sun rises again."
Muichiro was fully aware of the man eating creatures wandering though the night, however-
"I have someone waiting for me back home."
"They will be fine." The man insisted. "If you want to go back to them in one piece, then wait until sunrise."
Muichiro sighed. The man was right, he couldn't let you suffer the pain of losing someone again. He had to come back to you safely, even if it meant to worry you for the whole day.
"Alright," Muichiro declared. "But I'm leaving early in the morning."
"Do whatever you want, kid. Just make sure the sun is up."
After that, they went to the man's home. He was kind of to give Muichiro a meal before bed, though he felt bad about eating it without you. While he had a feast with udon, you had to survive off of plain white rice for today. He made a silent promise to get you delicious food when he gets back.
After that, Muichiro went to lay down in the futon the man set up for him. His thoughts of you were almost drowning him.Are you crying? Are you vomiting? Are you going outside looking for him? Will you be able to sleep? His questions won't be answered until tomorrow morning. He engraved it in his mind to wake up as soon as possible, and to get good sleep so his way back won't be exhausting.
The next morning, he woke up so early that the man who took him in wasn't even awake yet. The whole village seemed to still be asleep, actually. Except for the shopkeepers who were getting ready to open their stores. It was cloudy, but there was light. And that was enough for him.
Muichiro quickly, but quietly as to not wake the man up, put on his boots and jacket to immediately get back to you.
"...Thank you." He whispered to the man; who was still sleeping, before going out.
Fortunately for him, the snow did slightly melt, now only reaching to his ankles. He ran home to you, beyond worried. He wanted to show you that he's safe, that he's okay, how much wood he managed to sell. He started to see his house from a distance. The closer he got the more excited he was to tell you, to make you warm delicious food.
Until, he got close enough. That's when he realized the door was open.
Something is wrong, the door shouldn't be open. He stopped running, fear creeping through every inch of his body. Has something happen to you? He walked towards the open house; the distance not being too far.
"Y/n?" He stuttered. Clutching onto the bag of groceries before entering the building.
His eyes widened at the site before him. Immediately dropping the bag, everything spilling on the floor. Your lifeless body laid out on the floor. You were severely wounded; deep cuts all over your body. Chunks of flesh on your arm looked like they were bitten off, like someone was eating you. Your empty eyes were staring at him, the scene reminded him of his brother. There were maggots coming to eat your flesh on your body. It was a disturbing site, an image that will forever haunt him.
Muichiro couldn't scream, no matter what he couldn't let anything out. He was completely frozen, just staring at your body. Until, he saw a slow rise of your chest.
"...!!! she's breathing!"
he quickly went to your side, sitting you up then wrapping your arms around his shoulders and putting his hands below your knees to be able to pick you up on his back.
"Stay with me, please. I'm sorry."
Your body was cold, so cold that when your hand touched his it made him shiver.
"Will I even be able to get them to a hospital at this state?" He asked himself, but he couldn't lose hope. He had no time to cry, he needed you to get medical attention asap.
Your blood smeared on him as he jogged through, the forest towards the village. towards the village, the cloudy weather and the big trees shading you both.
"I love you, I'm sorry." He sobbed out, finally saying the phrase he had refused to say. But why, did he have to say it when you couldn't hear him? When you were in brink of death? "Why, why did this happen? You took my older brother, please don't take Y/n too." he kept muttering out apologized, till he got interrupted.
Muichiro felt you moving behind him.
One of your legs kicked his back, causing him to fall onto the ground with a grunt and releasing his hold on you. The cold snow was stinging his face, he quickly sat up and looked at you. There was a fair distance between you both.
Your injuries were healed, and limbs spread apart; You were standing in a position like you wanted to attack him. You were breathing heavily, and he could see your sharp fangs. You glared at him, but didn't dare to move.
Muichiro stood up, and your eyes followed his every move. He couldn't believe what he was seeing... He slowly reached his arm out to you, tears threatening to falling from his eyes.
"Y/n.." He choked out. He felt like he was suffocating, like his head was held down underwater. The harsh winter air stinging his lungs everytime he inhales. He couldn't take it, his tears now rolling down his cheeks. You were a demon now, and he knew he had to do something. But he didn't want to hurt you. He couldn't hurt you.
Seeing Muichiro's pained face lit a fire in your heart. Even in your demon state, it hurt you to see him like this. Your face softens, and so does your porsture as you begin to tear up. He slowly walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you. That's when you started to cry. You rested your head on his shoulder and sobbed, you were scared, you didn't know what to do. You turned into a demon; does that mean you have to die now? You were too scared to say anything, so you just let it out on his shoulder
"I'm sorry, I love you." He told you inbetween his shaky breaths, not missing the chance to tell you this when you were awake, when you could hear him say the words you've always been anticipating.
Neither of you noticed the presence behind you.
It was Lady Amane, the woman who used to visit the Tokito twins during summer. She came to try recruiting both again, unknowingly to her that one of the twins is dead. On her way here, she saw Muichiro carrying you and witnessed the entire scene unfold in the forest. She determined that despite being a demon, you were different. You were hesistant to harm Muichiro, someone who you loved dearly. Other demons would've eaten anyone infront of them, but not you. She approached both of you, willing to welcome you into the corps. And she hopes that one day, you will be able find your humanity again.
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Do not repost
A/N: Not my best work aha,, I don't like this one.
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mixakuu · 1 year
But You Already Knew, Cause My Six Eyes Told You.
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You felt it in your heart that he was gone.
The man that you love, was no more.
I’ve already lost two of my husbands (Geto and Nanami) so now I’m writing about you losing yours. ⚠️TW! Implied death, LOTS of angst no comfort! MANGA SPOILERS!
This will be posted on both my Tumblr and AO3! Follow me on AO3 @mxxdygrizzle for more <3
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You felt it in your heart that he was gone.
You were standing by the kitchen counter, cutting tomato’s for a meal you two can enjoy when he comes home, that’s when you knew.
You felt a ping in your heart that you didn’t want to let go.
Because it was the cold harsh truth. Panic fills you like a thunderstorm. The man you love ever so much is gone. “What is this feeling?!” You kept asking yourself.
But you already knew.
Because on one summer evening, when the sky was a little too beautiful, and the moment was a little too perfect, he told you;
“If I were to ever die y/n, my six eyes will let you know.”
You told him to not say stuff like that, that he wouldn’t ever die, like that wasn’t even an option for him.
Yet he had every opportunity in the world to.
And now you’re here, just shy of 5 months later of when he told you those damaging words. With your eyes stinging, ears ringing, cheeks crimson, and soaked with your solemn tears.. angry to have ever heard those egregious words.
But a part of you is oh so grateful that he did.
Because you wouldn’t want to hear it from anyone else but him, first.
But as you clench your fist, already had dropped the knife on the kitchen counter, you pace back and forth between the hallway of your shared apartment with him. It starts to feel like the whole world is spinning around you.
You hold onto your stomach for dear life, knowing something is wrong. That’s when all of your senses hit you full force like a freight train. You could smell his clothes that are hung on his side of the closet, you could taste the type of shampoo that he uses, oh god his hair. His soft, winter white hair… that you know you'll never be able to touch again. You won’t be able to feel his warmth. His touch. His soul.
The way that he laughs at you when you do something silly. Oh that stupid laugh. If only you could hear it one last time.
Or the way that he says he loves you….
Your knuckles began to turn white as you grasp onto yourself even tighter. You were just waiting for the door to open. To hear him come in and start laughing at you for getting all worked up.
That this was all a mistake, a false alarm…
That’s when you get a call. That damn. dreadful. call.
Your phone vibrates on the couch, the only sound to fill the room other than your soft cries. You walk quickly over to the phone, hoping it Satoru
your, Toru.
And to have him tell you he'll be late from work again and that he’s sorry for the millionth time. That you can get mad at him once again for being so late for dinner and all you have to think about is how to explain to him why you were crying, because when hearing your sadden voice he would know.
But no, oh no,
it wasn’t him.
And like a smooth melody playing in your ears,
the beat finally drops.
it’s your heart.
Knowing who it is however, you pick up the phone. You take a deep breath and say “Hello…”
“We’re so sorry y/n but we’re here to let you know that Sa….”
You don’t even get to hear his name before screaming at the top of your lungs.
Because you knew.
You already knew.
But you would’ve anyways.
No matter the time, day, or situation.
Because of that six eyes of his,
telling you goodbye and I love you, one last time.
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thefriendlyghvst · 1 year
idyllic // jjk nanami kento
synopsis: you hear nanami laugh for the first time and can't stop thinking about how beautiful his smile is
(kind of manga/s2 spoilers if you squint… i think?)
when you heard it, you could have sworn time slowed for you. it was like the universe was letting you catch the moment and save it with your very own eyes. nothing could have ever compared to the visual you were bearing witness to, and you believed that if you died right at that moment, you would have died happy. 
the sound was music to your ears, the loud laughter that left his chest. and oh the beautiful, beautiful smile that graced his lips.
"did you just- did i just make you laugh, kento?" you beamed, pride and something unfamiliar swelling in your chest.
nanami was trying to regain himself, the remainder of what you thought was the most beautiful thing you ever saw still lingering on his features. nanami kento, your bestest friend ever, smiling wide enough to light up the whole world.
"that was a pretty funny joke, y/n," he admitted.
kento you are gorgeous when you smile, you wanted to say. you didn't just think his smile was just beautiful. no, the word for what you felt for nanami's smile was didn't exist yet. there was nothing that could describe it. the genuine laughter that accompanied it was no different.
i want to make him laugh all the time, you thought.
you never earned anything more than a chuckle from him or a small smile. even then, you'd never seen him smile this huge. he didn't even look real. this was definitely going into your extraordinary achievements list.
y/n y/l/n, awarded for making kento nanami laugh.
the thought made you giggle, and you looked over at him who was still smirking a little as he fiddled with the biscuits he was eating. you replayed the joke you said in your head, but you didn't think it was that funny anymore. you were still glad however, that nanami saw the hilarity in it and rewarded you with that stunning grin of his.
you tilted your head to get a better look at him, not wanting the moment to pass.
"you really should smile more, kento," you commented. "you look good when you do,"
his features softened as he turned to look at you. "you think so?"
"i know so,"
"okay," he nodded. "but if you tell anyone, especially satoru, of what you saw here today i'll never laugh at your jokes again,"
it was your turn to laugh, and nanami wished he was quick enough to snap a photo. what you didn't know, was that he loved it just as much when you smiled at him. it tugged at the strings in his heart that he was able to make you comfortable enough to hang around him and become his best friend. he could never forget the first time you smiled at him when you were teenagers, even if he tried.
"good things must be shared, you know," you teased.
"not when its with satoru," he grimaced.
you lightly slapped him on his shoulder. "you should be nicer to him!"
"nothing good comes out of it," he shrugged. "you're nice to him and he never reciprocated your feelings,"
"he doesn't owe me anything," you countered. "his six eyes can't see my feelings. plus, it's been a while but i actually don't like him like that anymore,"
"really?" nanami raised his eyebrows. "that's good to hear, congratulations,"
you waved at him dismissively, not really listening to him anymore, your mind wandering back to his smile and laugh. you couldn't stop thinking about it, and a striking realisation made you gasp, startling the man beside you.
was nanami the reason you didn't view satoru like that anymore?
"what?" he asked, genuinely worried.
"nothing. i left my fridge open at home," your bewildered eyes scanned him as you came up with an excuse.
"how do you leave a fridge... nevermind, let me drop you home," he offered.
nanami, always the gentleman. you accepted the offer, biting your lip in thought. you briefly thought about what your late brother haibara would say. he would definitely encourage you to tell him, but you weren't brave enough for that. you shook your head, internally thanking heavens that nanami was walking in front of you and couldn't see what you were doing.
maybe one day, when you've found the courage, you'd tell him. for now, you settled for remembering the idyllic moment you shared a moment ago, his smile and laugh engraving themselves in your head and in your heart.
a/n: i'm honestly not really vibing with this one idk HAHAHAH but lmk your thoughts !!
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leviiattacks · 2 years
do you think loid loves yor? i think yor likes him but i don’t know if love is the right word everyone uses it to describe them but i don’t see it
long post!! i take a while to get to yor specifically but hear me out i have a lot to say here!!!
early on in the manga chapter 8.5 loid overhears the neighbour’s speculating he’s having an affair because he returns from work so late. in response to it he thinks “when i get home i have this fake family”. pretty standard, it’s true they aren’t his real wife or child but later on in chapter 55 he no longer refers to yor and anya in that way.
chapter 8.5
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chapter 55
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nothing makes him think “i still ended up abandoning my family” he does that by his own will. by this point in particular it’s clear that yor’s and anya’s role in his life have crossed the threshold of fake or artificial. he truly does see them as his own. regardless of him saying he cares because of operation strix it’s undeniable that he cares for them too.
moving forward, another very telling piece of evidence that shows loid really sees them as his family is this panel with bond from chapter 58.2
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“i want you to think of yourself as a member of the forger family” loid has no reason to say that to… a dog. to be talking like they are really his family to bond who he thinks can’t understand what he’s saying just proves it. he’s got his guard down and admits it because well, let’s be honest who cares if the family dog knows how he really feels? as per usual loid then backtracks and links his thoughts back to operation strix because again. this man is in denial.
loid practically has to throw himself into the role of the loving husband and he plays it incredibly well, why you ask? because he’s never been acting in the first place. it’s honestly quite obvious as a manga reader especially because of a lot of his mannerisms towards anya and yor or the way he thinks about them
the fact that fiona, someone who prides herself in knowing everything about loid notices loid breaking character in chapter 30 says a lot. she says it’s the first time his fake smile has really seemed genuine.
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loid and yor know their marriage is fake, they literally know yet when yor gets the wrong idea or feels inadequate as a wife loid always comforts her and tells her she’s great. when she thinks he’ll leave her for someone else instead of saying something like “we’re not even a real couple” he reassures her that he would never leave her and anya. when she feels bad about her cooking he tells her not to worry either and encourages her.
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then there’s the infamous “rest up yor” panel
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when fiona visits and loid only gets angry when she criticises yor - this is very similar to his reaction towards prof swan in the eden interview arc. he grows defensive easily when people question yor’s capability as his wife
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i could go on about yor and loid forever but it’s very obvious he has feelings for her. during the cruise ship arc he says it’s lonely eating dinner without yor and when anya calls him sappy he backtracks, he buys cake for their (fake) one year anniversary but again there’s NO POINT in doing that if they really see each other as fake husband and wife.
when loid is suspicious of yor because of yuri and he spies on her he feels guilty for ever doubting her especially after she later says she’s glad she married him.
frankie tells loid to trust no one and to not feel guilty for doubting her. after all in their line of work trusting people is the last thing you want to do. at this statement loid looks pretty annoyed and tired. then he rips off frankie’s face disguise before telling him to stop lecturing him… 😭😭
but most of all i think this panel is the most convincing.
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he tells yor to be who she really wants because he believes she out of the two of them has the freedom to not pretend - she can love him and their family but he can’t love her or this family back. he thinks he can’t but has no idea that he already does.
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obeymeoasis · 3 years
Demon Bros React: MC Defends Them From Nasty Remarks
Warnings: Explicit language, MC being mildly violent (throwing/kicking things).
Lucifer had just finished some paperwork for Diavolo and was on his way to R.A.D to deliver it.
In the hallway he could hear two demons talking and laughing. As he got closer he heard them say "Lucifer" and instinctively ducked into a nearby alcove.
"Lucifer's such an asshole." "I know, right? He acts like he's so much better than the rest of us when really, he just has a huge stick up his ass. It's no wonder he doesn't have any friends. Even his own brothers don't like him!" "He'll probably spend the rest of his life being Diavolo’s little bitch."
He would be lying if the comments didn't make him angry. But it was far from the worst thing he had heard about himself and would definitely not be the last time someone spoke ill of him.
With a weary sigh, Lucifer turned toward the south entrance where he could walk in order to avoid the demons. He could have strode past and glared at them menacingly. He could have made them grovel on their knees. But he was honestly exhausted and looked forward to this day being over as soon as possible. Plus, it would reflect poorly on Lord Diavolo if he started a fight with some lesser demons over this.
Suddenly, the chatter of the demons was interrupted by a loud thumping sound followed by the sound of one of the demons screeching in pain.
Lucifer quickly turned around to see- Oh no. You were standing in front of the demons, rage clear on your face. The demon who had yelled in pain was crouched on the ground holding his bruised shoulder. A History of the Devildom textbook was open on the ground, pages crumpled.
Did you... did you just throw a textbook at a demon?
Before he could even move, he heard your angry voice. "Listen here you fuckers. How dare you talk about Lucifer like that. He's one of the kindest, most intelligent, most thoughtful beings I've ever met. And you have no right to speak of him like that! I love him!"
Lucifer's heart burst at your declaration, his cheeks warming in pleasure. The two demons however, who had been gaping at you in shock, were now beginning to look murderous. The injured one stood up and slowly inched toward you, a vicious grin on his face. "Oh, is that so? And what the hell is a weak human like you going to do about it?"
You opened your mouth to speak but before you could say anything, Lucifer picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. "Love, I appreciate how you stood up for me. There's not many people who have done so for me before. But any more would cause trouble. And also, please don't throw textbooks at others, no matter how much you think they deserve it."
With a smug smile on his face, Lucifer began to walk toward the dorms. You, however, were struggling to turn your head around, still yelling and pointing angrily at the demons. "This isn't over! Sleep with your eyes wide open! You'll be hearing from my lawyer!"
He really did love you.
Mammon was at the casino on a Monday night. It was lively as always, crowds of people playing group games and others drinking and mingling.
But for some reason, Mammon felt like being alone. He was in one of the more quiet corners, playing the slot machines.
He honestly should have been back at the dorms doing his homework. He was here because he felt like he had to, but his heart wasn't really in it. Mammon thought about packing it up early and texting you to see if you wanted to hang out.
The sudden sound of glass shattering broke through his thoughts. There was some sort of commotion going on and Mammon could hear angry yelling and cursing, some kind of argument.
Like many of the other customers, Mammon drifted toward the noise wanting to see what had happened. His heart sank when he saw you in the middle of the crowd, still in your R.A.D uniform, arguing with an older demon who Mammon recognized as a regular. They had played some games together before that always ended in angry accusations. The remains of a drinking glass lay shattered on the floor.
Mammon quickly rushed to your side. "MC, what the hell are you doing here?! What happened?" Up close he could see how livid you looked, you were trembling with fury.
The older demon opened his mouth while gesturing at his ruined clothes. "This bitch threw a drink at me! I should have them arrested! Do you know how much this tuxedo costs?" Ignoring him, you turned to face Mammon.
"Mams, Lucifer told me to check up on you and you weren't answering my calls. So I decided to come in person to make sure you were okay. But then I heard this asshole saying terrible things about you to his friends, calling you a liar and a cheater and all kinds of horrible names that you're not!"
Mammon was shocked to see you were struggling to fight off your tears, your lower lip quivering. "I know how caring and genuine and loving you are and I couldn't stand by while he said those things about you! None of it’s true!"
Overcome with emotion Mammon embraced you fiercely, shielding you from the other demon. "Oh, babe. Ya really are a special one.” Mammon gently stroked your hair and whispered in your ear. “I don't care about what he said, but thanks for sticking up for me. I love ya so much."
"Now let's make a run for it so that demon doesn't kill us."
Levi was slowly getting used to being in a relationship with you in public. At first, interactions were limited to the privacy of his room: cuddling and watching movies, gaming together, reading manga together. But now he looked forward to waiting for you after classes and walking home with you while holding hands.
His face got really red and he had a hard time making eye contact with you but still, he thought it was an improvement.
Right now he was waiting for you outside your classroom, scrolling through his D.D.D to kill time. Suddenly, he heard someone call your name.
“MC, you’re dating Levi right?” At the sound of his name he peeked in the window to see you cornered by three demons. He saw you nod. 
The demons began to barrage you with questions. “Why are you with a loser like that? Doesn’t he like never leave his room?” “He’s honestly the ugliest out of his family. I don’t believe that Levi and Asmo are related.” “You don’t actually find him attractive, do you?” “Are you with him ‘cause he’s like the easiest to control?” 
Each word felt like someone was piercing his heart. These were all things that he had thought or wondered himself, days when the darkness seemed to win over his mind. But to have them spoken out loud, especially in front of you, it was unbearable. It was as if his lowest and most shameful thoughts were being justified.
He was afraid to hear what your answers would be. Biting his lower lip, Levi turned to head home by himself but flinched at the loud sound of something slamming into the wall. He peeked inside the window again and saw you standing there, furious, your hands clenched into fists. You had apparently kicked one of the desks into the wall, black scuff marks clearly visible against the white paint.
“Alright, listen here you despicable fucks because I’m only going to say this once. My relationship with Levi is private, meaning all of your questions can be answered with ‘none of your damn business’. But since you’ve gone out of your way to waste my time, I’ll let you know this: Leviathan is more beautiful, inside and out, than any of you will ever be in your entire miserable lives. I honestly don’t think you deserve to breathe the same air as him and I hope Levi summons Lotan to devour the three of you."
Levi’s jaw was on the floor. He had never heard you speak that way. He had never had someone defend him so fiercely. His thoughts were interrupted by the classroom door suddenly slamming open as you walked out."
“Oh Levi, tell me you didn’t hear anything just now.” Your eyes were wide and you looked at him nervously.
Levi grabbed your hand and held it tight between two of his own. “I did, but it’s alright. Thanks for what you said.”
“Anything for my Lord of Shadows.”
Satan was heading to the library, your usual after-school spot. Some days you two spent hours there doing homework, reading, or just chatting quietly about your day before heading to dinner.
As he approached the table he saw you sitting down with a stranger seated opposite you. Leaning closer he was relieved to see it was a classmate you were friendly with, someone he knew you hung out with occasionally.
Satan was about to say hello when he stopped at the mention of his name. "MC, are you sure it's wise to be this involved with Satan?"
He quickly ducked behind a nearby bookshelf. Satan usually wasn't one to eavesdrop like this but the question concerned him.
"MC, I'm asking you for your sake. Satan is dangerous. He's violent and cruel. There are rumors about him beating up other demons and doing horrible things to them. What if he tries to hurt you too?"
Satan flinched. Sure his wrath had led him to do some destructive things before, but it was never without reason. Is this how you saw him as well? His thoughts began to spiral. What if you grew scared of him? Of his wrath? What if you flinched at his touch? That would hurt more than any of the rumors that swirled about him. 
Satan saw you take a deep breath before speaking. "Well, I appreciate you talking to me about this. I know you meant the best and were just thinking about me. But I promise you, you have nothing to be worried about. Satan would never hurt me."
He saw your friend shake their head, exasperated. "But you don't know that! What if one day he can't control himself and has an outburst or something?"
You replied carefully. "Satan is gentle. Incredibly so. He always treats me with nothing but respect and kindness. And Satan's not some kind of monster. He knows how to control himself and his powers. I love him. I really do. And until he decides to stop loving me, I want to be by his side."
He saw your friend huff irritably and get up to walk away. "Suit yourself, MC. Don't say I didn't warn you."
Satan took this as his cue to walk over. Your eyes brightened at the sight of him and you started to ask him about his day, acting as if nothing had happened. Satan played along for a bit, but then reached across the table for your hand and began playing with your fingers.
His hand was shaking. "I'll never stop loving you, you know. For as long as I live you're the only one for me. I love you, MC."
Asmo was thrilled when you said you wanted to go dancing with him because he was usually the one pestering you to do things. He was having so much fun with you tonight, twirling you around on the dance floor and marveling how beautiful you looked under the shimmering lights of the club.
He was beginning to feel a bit hot, however, and excused himself to the bathroom, making sure you were safe on of the couches with a bottle of water in your hand.
Asmo had just finished touching up his makeup and adjusting his outfit when he heard two demons near the entrance of the bathroom gossiping loudly about him.
“Did you see what he was wearing tonight? He might as well have come naked instead of wearing those scraps of fabric he thinks counts as an outfit.” “My friend slept with Asmo once. She said he’s super easy, he’s willing to pretty much sleep with anyone.” “I bet him and that human won’t last another week. Once he’s done with them he’ll trash ‘em and move on to the next one, like he always does.”
Being the Avatar of Lust meant that Asmo had heard these kinds of comments before, whispered in the hallways at R.A.D or the dark hallways of nightclubs. It never really got easier listening to them though, and he realized he was biting down hard on his lower lip, his nails digging into his palm. 
Asmo contemplated what to do. He didn’t want to keep you waiting by yourself outside but he also didn’t want to run into the demons talking about him. Their comments affected him more than he thought they would. Maybe it was because you were involved. He wouldn’t do that to you. You knew that right? He would never treat you like a plaything.
Taking a deep breath and steeling his nerves Asmo schooled his face into an expression of careless indifference. He took a step outside, ready to greet his "fans", but was surprised to see that you had gotten there first.
And what a sight you were. Despite being much shorter than the two demons, it seemed you were the least bit intimidated. Your glare was ice cold as you gestured wildly at the two of them, and moving closer Asmo realized you were screaming.
"How fucking dare you say such vile things? You don't know the first thing about Asmo. You're really going to shame someone for what they wear?! For what they do in the privacy of their bedroom?!"
You pointed angrily at the demons, who seemed too stunned to move or say anything. "People like you make me fucking sick. You're despicable! Talking as if you're so high and mighty when all you do is judge others! How dare you? You cowards!"
Asmo could see you were getting more and more enraged and your hands were beginning to tremble. He leapt forward to stand between you and the demons and put his hands gently on your shoulders. Once he saw that you were okay, he gave you a passionate kiss, his mouth hot and needy against yours.
You kissed him back for a moment but moved away to hiss, "Karens, Asmo! Karens in the fucking Devildom, who would have thought?!"
"I know, darling. Let's head home. We can have a nice, relaxing bubble bath together."
Beel was looking through the menu, deciding between a couple of his favorite dishes. It was your one year anniversary and despite his insistent protests, you had remained firm in your decision to pay for that night’s meal. Ever since you and Beel began dating, he pretty much always paid for your meals together because of how much he ate. But tonight, you wanted to be the one to treat him for once.
Beel knew you had secretly been saving up Grimm and he’d feel so guilty if you spent it all on him. Which was why he was trying to decide between a couple of different things, when normally he would have ordered everything on the page.
“Babe, please order whatever you want. I can practically see the thoughts turning in your head. I told you that I wanted to pay for tonight and I’m going to keep that promise. I want this to be a special night for us, so don’t worry about it.” Before he could protest, you called the waiter over.
Beel sighed and knew there was no changing your mind on this. You were incredibly stubborn when you wanted to be. He rattled off his usual order as the waiter frantically scribbled down notes, struggling to keep up. Once finished, Beel handed over the menus and smiled at how cute you looked, a mixture of pride and smugness on your face.
But your expression soon turned sour as you heard the conversation from a couple sitting a few tables over. Their voices were intentionally loud and they kept sneaking glances at your table as if to watch your reactions.
“Oh my lord, honey did you see how much food that guy just ordered? What an absolute pig!” “I saw, darling. I honestly pity his date right now, they must be soooo embarrassed.” “Is there anyone who wouldn’t be ashamed to be seen in public with such a selfish glutton?”
Beel’s heart felt like it had sunk. Embarrassed? Was MC embarrassed to be seen with him? Panicking, Beel thought back to all of the dates he’d had with MC so far. He realized that they ate out a good majority of the time they hung out, with Beel eating his normal enormous portions each time. Oh no, what had he done?
Head bowed, Beel slowly looked up at you, afraid to see what kind of expression you were making. But to his surprise, you didn’t look embarrassed or ashamed at all. You looked like you were going to murder someone.
Beel felt his lips inch into a smile and he flushed with amusement and happiness. But you weren’t finished just yet. “EXCUSE ME WAITER?” 
Your waiter practically ran to the table and looked between you two nervously, then at the couple glaring daggers in your direction. “COULD YOU PLEASE BRING US ANOTHER MENU? MY BOYFRIEND WASN’T FINISHED WITH ORDERING WHAT HE WANTS. OH BEEL, I LOVE HOW MUCH YOU EAT. HOW COULD SOMEONE BE EMBARRASSED OF A WONDERFUL GUY LIKE YOU?”
Beel took the menu and began listing some more foods at random, not really paying attention. He was too busy thinking about how much he loved you, how nobody aside from Belphie had ever stood up for him like that, had protected him like that. His cheeks felt like they were about to split from how much he was smiling.
When the waiter finally left, looking frazzled, Beel made his way over to your side of the table. He knelt down and nuzzled into your neck before giving you a tender kiss on your forehead. “MC, you’re amazing.”
Belphie had to admit, the gardens were a pretty nice place for a nap. Earlier in the day you had practically dragged him outside claiming that you were bored of sleeping in his room. As if that was even possible.
At first he was pretty annoyed that you were making him get up and move around. But the newly washed picnic blanket, the cool breeze rustling through the trees, and the light smell of flowers in the air all contributed to a very nice environment for a nap.
Belphie rested his head on your lap, already feeling his eyelids growing heavier. Your fingers gently combed through his hair, lightly scratching against his scalp, and he practically purred.
He guessed he had been asleep for about ten minutes when he awoke to the sound of your voice and something prodding against his knee.
Irritated at the disturbance, Belphie looked up to see two R.A.D students he recognized for always causing trouble. He looked over to see you scowling and guessed you had been telling them to leave so they wouldn't wake him up.
One of the students leered down, blocking out the light, and used the tip of his foot to poke Belphie's knee again. "Well the two of you make an odd fucking pair, huh?” He sneered, “Personally, I don’t date people who have MURDERED me in the past but what do I know? Love works in all kinds of mysterious ways.” You flinched as if someone had slapped you and Belphie growled, his hands curling into fists.
The other student leaned down to clap Belphie on the shoulder. “I gotta admit I didn’t know you had it in you, chief! I always thought you were...” He gave Belphie a once-over before adding “Well, everyone thinks you’re a bit fucking useless, eh? But I’m glad to see you’re capable of something.”
Belphie opened his mouth to reply venomously but was interrupted by the most horrifying sound coming from your mouth. It sounded like a combination of wailing and screeching as fat tears rolled down your cheeks. It was difficult to hear what exactly you were saying because of how hard you were crying, but Belphie could make out “How could you say that?!” and “Leave him alone!” among the screams. 
The two students had their hands over their ears, their faces twisted into grimaces of pain. One shouted, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Worried, Belphie put a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to calm you down but you shrugged it off, continuing to cry and wail. Pretty soon other students began gathering around you, whispering amongst themselves and looking to see what all the noise and commotion was about. It was difficult to ignore you when you kept yelling things like “You’re horrible! Horrible! Leave us alone!” 
The two instigators looked at each other for a brief moment before deciding to run off, not wanting to get involved any further. And as soon as they left, it was like a switch had been turned off. You stopped crying and screaming immediately. If he hadn’t been there from the beginning, Belphie never would have guessed that you had been crying. Your face was perfectly calm and you sat relaxed with your hands folded, the picture of innocence.
“Belphie, don’t worry about what those two idiots said. We’ve talked about it enough and we’ve both worked it out, haven’t we? And you’re not useless. You know how much I love you and care about you. You mean so much to me.” 
Belphie leaned over to take your hand in his trembling one. He reached down to brush a stray leaf out of your hair before whispering, “MC, you’re fucking terrifying sometimes. I love you.”
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softxsuki · 2 years
Can you please do a urgent request for me? I'm have a really rough time right now. I lose my grandma this February to stage four liver cancer,there are days where I lay in bed and cry (or sob if no one is home) until I started getting a headache and my eye are hurting due to crying too much even than I still try to cry it out but Im no longer able to. I been struggling dealing with my grieving process,I been trying finding other ways to cope with this lose but it been so hard for me right now. I crying while typing this. I feel so alone in this and I feel like no one in my family understand how truly I feel about losing my grandma.
I was wondering if you could do a headcannon comfort for me? Could you do Mitsuya Takashi and Souya Kawata comforting their fem o/s who's going through what I'm going through and just being there for her? I really hope it’s too much to ask or that I made you uncomfortable.
Mitsuya and Souya "Angry" (Separate) Comfort Grieving Reader
Pairings: Mitsuya x Fem!Reader, Souya "Angry" x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of grieving, crying, kissing in Souya's :3
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: In which Mitsuya and Souya comfort you through your grieving after losing your Grandma
[A/N: Hey! Thank you so much for your patience! I'm so sorry for your loss, it's never easy losing a loved one, especially if you were close to them. I hope these headcanons can provide you with even a tiny bit of comfort through your grieving process. It's hard to move forward, but it's definitely not impossible. Take as much time as you need to grieve <3. I don't really know much about Souya, as I don't write for him since I'm not that far into the manga yet, BUT I gave it a try for you. Apologies in advance if he's OOC, I'd love to hear your (or anyone's) opinion on how I did for his part :3. Feedback is always welcome. Feel better, love <3]
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Mitsuya was the first person outside of your immediate family who you told about your grandmother's passing
He was by your side the whole time as you watched her suffer through her fight against liver cancer, which she ultimately lost a few months ago
But ever since, you felt like you couldn’t grieve properly, the weight in your chest wouldn’t let up and only seemed to grab ahold of you tighter and tighter as the days passed
Mitsuya gave you your space and would wait for you with open arms whenever you needed him, but he couldn’t stand back and watch you wither away emotionally right in front of his eyes
“Darling?” He calls out to you as you lay in bed with your face in your pillow, the pain in your heart still too much to bear
He’d crawl over to you on the bed and gently caress your head as he speaks
“I know you miss her. Hell, I would have loved to meet the woman myself, but I never wanted to intrude on your family business, especially since we had only begun dating around that time, but you can’t keep this up,” he explains, his fingers still lost in your hair, “Your Granny wouldn’t want that for you. I don’t want you to be in pain anymore, bubs.”
Mitsuya was extremely patient, especially with you, but seeing you cry to the point where you ran out of tears hurt him, more so that he didn’t know how to make you better again
This was a weekly occurrence, some days were better than others, but certain days had you at your lowest, where you’d miss your Grandma desperately
You felt lonely even though Mitsuya came to see you everyday or as often as he could, really only wanting to be with your Grandma again
You never really opened up to him, not wanting to be a burden on him or have him judge you or dismiss you like your family would, even though deep down you knew he would never judge you
But that specific night you couldn’t hold back, you felt emotionally weak and Mitsuya’s warmth beside you felt comforting enough to open your heart to him about how you really had been feeling
“I miss her so much Takashi…” you finish, explaining all the moments you missed and how you felt stuck in this pit of grief
He finally understands you, and now that he does, he feels a lot more hopeful that he can help you out of your grief
He’d tell you that it’s okay to cry, and he’d thank you for letting him in
Mitsuya’s presence is probably the most comforting place you could be in, he’s like a super warm and inviting blanket that seems to wash away all your sadness
Everyday moving forward, he comes over and just lies down with you or takes you out with him to go sightseeing, watching the clouds; there’s one day where he even shows up at your place before the sunrise so you could both watch the sunrise together, creating new, memorable memories together (not to replace the ones with your grandma, but just so you could create memories that will make you happy instead of sad)
On days where he decides to be lazy with you, he’d cuddles up right into you with your face in his chest as you both talk, and he remains by your side even if you begin to cry, whispering encouraging, loving words into your hair 
Sometimes you need to be alone and he respects those boundaries that you put up, he’d still come over but he’ll busy himself with something else at your desk in your room or in your living room until you called out for him, then he’d be right back at your side
He smiles enough for the both of you, wanting you to have a bit of happiness around you until you can smile for yourself again, hoping you can one day think of the memories with your grandma with reminiscence instead of sadness at the days that are no more
BIG DOMESTIC HUSBAND ENERGY; he cooks for you to make sure that you’re not forgetting to eat and even sits with you wherever, eating with you or feeding you himself if you don’t have the energy to lift your fork
Lastly, any and all gang business is out the window during this time when you need him the most–he doesn’t care if they all give him an earful when he shows up again, his main priority is you, he sticks to handling his business over the phone whenever he has a moment to spare
Best boy, we love him <3
Souya “Angry”: 
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NOW, I don’t know much about Souya, aka, Angry, but I did some research and I think I’m prepared
Souya most definitely has cried with you after seeing you cry about your Grandma’s passing
Seeing him cry just makes you cry even harder, which makes him cry even harder, and it becomes an endless cycle of tears
A cycle that he decides to break one day, because he realizes he’s not being a very helpful boyfriend to you
So he invites you over to his place on day while his brother isn’t home (bc he knows he’d be annoying around you) and makes a mental vow to himself that he won’t cry
It takes a lot out of you to get out from bed and make your way to Souya’s place, but it does you good to be in a different, less depressing environment than the one that your bedroom had become over the last few months
Souya has to control himself as you walk through his front door and he instantly notices your puffy eyes
He HATES seeing you in so much emotional pain and even physical pain from the frequent heachaches you were getting from your sobbing
He wishes he had some kind of superhuman ability where he could take all the pain you were feeling and transfer them to himself–he’d rather feel your sadness and grieving for you than have you go through that everyday
But unfortunately he can’t, so he sticks to just trying to do whatever he can for you
Souya is super caring as he makes you feeling comfortable in his home, even though you’ve been there countless times, he’s a little nervous and shy that you’re alone together and he doesn’t know what he’ll do if you start crying again, so he turns to trying to distract you
He’d talk about his day or something dumb his twin did, ANYTHING to take your mind off of your sadness, anything to see you smile again–that smile that makes his heart leap, the one that magically transforms his fixed angry face into one of shock and admiration–yes, you had that kind of impact on him
And yes, he’s definitely stalling–trying to not address the elephant in the room, but he knows he has to
“I’m sorry I haven’t been very helpful to you in trying to make you feel better. I’ll try harder, Y/N. I love you and I just want you to be happy…I’m sure your Grandma would want the same for you as well,” he finally faces the issue head on instead of diverting your attention away from it–nothing would come from trying to ignore the pain you felt
You smile sadly at him, feeling the love you had in your heart for your boyfriend that momentarily overpowered the sadness in your heart.
“I love you too, and you did more than enough for me today. I always feel a lot less lonely when you’re around and I know you try to understand my pain instead of brushing me off as if I'm dragging my grieving out. So thank you for everything. You got me out of the house today, so that’s huge progress.”
His heart skips a beat as the glimpse of a real smile graces your lips, he has to hold himself back from leaning in to kiss you, because he can’t tell if it’s okay to do so or not, given the situation
Thankfully though, you close the distance between you both and press your lips to his in a loving peck, showing him your gratitude for remaining by your side
Souya knows your grief isn’t over yet and he’s okay with that–he’ll continue to do whatever he can to give you company and try and help you feel a little better, day by day
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Posted: 8/22/2022
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kyuuppi · 4 years
“You lie to your best friend/crush that you have an OnlyFans just to see their reaction”
Ft. Sugawara; Nishinoya; Tsukishima; Oikawa; Kenma
Pt. 2
A/N: My bias is so obvious here LOL
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↳ Sugawara
➣  You are over at his house, the two of you idly watching a sitcom while browsing your phones and chatting in between; it’s comfortable, as times with Sugawara usually are.
➣  Every time Suga leans in to show you a funny meme on his phone or throws his head back in laughter at a joke from the show, you find your heart skipping a beat.
➣  He is beautiful, basically an angel in your eyes, but he is also your best friend and you don’t think he has any interest in you like that. Not in the way you do. 
➣  That’s how you get the idea to test his feelings. 
➣  Being the troublemaker you are (how else would you and Suga get along so well?) you decide to shake things up by casually mentioning you’re interested in starting an OnlyFans and asking if he thinks its a good idea. 
➣  You expect either of two reactions: either he’ll be as supportive as usual, possibly advising you to be cautious with strangers online like the mother hen he is, proving he only sees you as a friend—or he’ll tell you not to, possible evidence that likes you.
➣  The response you receive is not quite what you were expecting...
➣  Once the words leave your lips his head immediately whips around in your direction, light brown eyes looking at you with a serious expression on his face, something you’d never really seen before. It makes you uncomfortable and you begin to regret all of your life decisions.
➣  Suddenly though, he is leaning into you, his arms coming up to trap you against the couch as you try to back away. Your eyes are as wide as saucers and face completely flushed as he continues to stare you down before speaking.
➣  “Even though I’m your best friend, I’m still a man, you know. You’re being awfully cruel right now.”
➣ You audibly gulp, suddenly feeling light-headed but he keeps speaking, close enough that you can feel his hot breath fan across your cheeks.
➣ “Asking me to watch the person I like show off in front of thousands of other men? Even I have my limits.”
➣ And that marks the day of you and Sugawara’s first kiss. ♡
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↳ Nishinoya
➣  Your best friend, Nishinoya Yuu, is notoriously unabashed with his affections. 
➣ The two of you have an interesting relationship—Noya has no qualms with expressing how pretty he thinks you are, borderline flirting with you at times, and you frequently return the favor. 
➣  But you don’t take any of it seriously, of course, regardless of how much you secretly wish it were real. Everyone at Karasuno knows about Noya’s undying dedication to the volleyball club manager, Shimizu Kiyoko, and he confesses his love to her at least twice a day. 
➣ Unbeknownst to you those professions became less and less frequent after he met you and now most of Karasuno thinks the two of you are basically dating
➣ The two of you are at the mall, a frequent hang out place where Noya can look at volleyball gear and you can browse manga at the bookstore, when you get the idea to prank your friend.
➣ “Hey, Noya? I’ve been thinking about finding a way to make more money but I don’t have time for a part-time job so I decided to make an OnlyFans—I already have a few subscribers.”
➣ Nishinoya nearly trips and falls flat on his face. You would have laughed if it weren’t for how he immediately grabs at your shoulders, staring at you with a mix of anger and fear. 
➣ “Absolutely not! No one should be allowed to see your beautiful body like that but me!”
➣ You immediately fluster at his loud declaration, acutely aware of how other customers in the mall are giving the two of your strange looks as they walk by. 
➣ “B-but Noya, we aren’t even dating—”
➣ “Then let’s start dating!” 
➣ And what are you gonna do? Say no?
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↳ Tsukishima
➣ Being friends with Tsukishima could be frustrating at times—a sentiment you and Yamaguchi frequently discuss when the blond isn’t around. 
➣ Tsukishima likes to think most things are beneath him and he’s too cool to find enjoyment in activities most other friends enjoy, ranging from mini golf to video games. The man seems content to waste his life away studying and listening to music if it weren’t for you and Yamaguchi forcing him out of his room. 
➣ Naturally, something like a prank war would be something Tsukishima would want no part of—not that that has ever stopped you. 
➣ Usually, your pranks are failures. Either Tsukishima easily figures out what you’re doing before it can happen or he doesn’t give you the satisfaction of a reaction, chastising you for wasting your time pulling pranks when you have a failing grade in mathematics you’ll later beg him to help you study for.
➣ He still helps you though, he’s whipped
➣ Your newest prank however, you feel exceptionally confident in. Not only is it simple to pull off, only relying on your acting kills, but it also might answer your curiosity on whether you have a chance in getting your dearest Tsukki to see you as more than just a friend.
➣ The day you decide to do it the three of you are hanging out in Tsukishima’s bedroom as usual, you working on the math homework Tsukishima forced you to study while he reads a book and Yamaguchi sits in the corner reading a book.
➣ You had already discussed your plans with Yama beforehand, to which his expression looked suspiciously devious, like he knew something you didn’t know, as he proclaimed his support. 
➣ You hear Tsukishima turning a page and decide to speak up. 
➣ “Hey, Tsukki, have you heard of OnlyFans?”
➣ You hold back a snicker as you see Tsukishima visibly tense, his eyes widening behind his glasses for a moment before he relaxes. From the corner of your eyes you can see Yamaguchi smirking behind his comic, watching the blond closely. 
➣ “...yeah, I’ve heard of it,” Tsukishima simply replies. 
➣ “I’ve been thinking about making more money but I don’t have time for a part-time job so my friend suggested it. She said I could make over ten thousand yen a month.”
➣ “I think only the really attractive ones make that much.”
➣ You gasp, thoroughly offended, and Yamaguchi looks mildly annoyed by his friend’s response, already opening his mouth to chastise him for being so mean—but before he can say anything, Tsukishima is speaking again, still looking down at the book in his lap. 
➣ “Don’t do it though.” 
➣ “Why not?” You pout, refusing to look up at him when you speak. 
➣ “...I don’t want the person I like to do those types of things.” 
➣ You nearly choke on your own saliva, head darting up to stare at him in disbelief. Yamaguchi, for some reason, only smiles softly, looking unsurprised by the admission. 
➣ “W-what? You...like me?”
➣ “Oi, shouldn’t you be studying? One more F and you’re gonna flunk out of the class, dummy.”
➣ You’re slightly disappointed by the change of subject but when you notice the soft pink on Tsukishima’s cheeks you can’t help but to smile the whole time you finish your homework.
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↳ Oikawa
➣ Oikawa is a busy guy.
➣ You were well aware of that before the two of you happened to be paired up for an assignment and got to know each other, eventually becoming close friends. 
➣ Between volleyball practices, tournaments, magazine interviews, and appeasing a passionate fan club, Oikawa rarely has time for himself, let alone another person. 
➣ Despite all of that, you could tell he always made sure to spend time with you, dedicating a few weekends a month to hanging out, just the two of you, and constantly texting you in the times the two of you couldn’t physically be together. 
➣ From an outsider’s perspective, it was almost like the two of you were dating. 
➣ But alas, you know the sad reality is that Oikawa is most certainly not your boyfriend and you have no idea if he has any interest in your like that…
➣ ...Which is why you decide to try to make him jealous one day to push him towards confessing his feelings, if they exist. 
➣ The two of you are at a café, sipping lattes and gossiping about other students when you bring it up. 
➣ “Y’know...I’ve been thinking of making an OnlyFans.”
➣ To your surprise, Oikawa’s eyes seem to light up, his lips curving into a smile of excitement. 
➣ “Wow, really? Maybe I should make one too!”
➣ Oikawa immediately pulls out his cell phone and the color drains from your face as you realize your plan has completely backfired. 
➣ “My fans are going to love this—hey do you think we can do a collab? The two of us in one pic would make us top creators for sure.”
➣ You can only nod numbly with a fake smile at Oikawa’s enthusiasm.
➣ Oh god, you’ve created a monster…
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↳ Kozume
➣ Unless you’re Kuroo, becoming friends with Kenma is a nearly impossible feat. Actually making him want to spend time with you alone, even more so. 
➣ But somehow, you managed to work your way into Kenma’s tightly knit social circle more like a two point line segment of him and Kuroo and your evenings after his volleyball practice are usually spent in one of your bedrooms, playing Splatoon and Animal Crossing until your Switches die or your parents force you to come home for dinner—whichever comes first. 
➣ You love spending time with Kenma, his quiet presence somehow making you feel comfortable—but over time those feelings of ease have shifted into something more akin to nervousness and excitement as you’ve come to develop a crush on the setter.
➣ Every moment with him, watching the small smiles tug at his lips when he wins a match or his cute, frustrated pout when he can’t figure out how to defeat a boss makes your heart flutter and it’s becoming more and more painful to idly sit by without expressing your feelings.
➣ A direct confession, especially to a boy with nearly 0 social skills, is scary, so you want to be sure your feelings are returned before you even attempt to share them. 
➣ Thus, you’ve decided to take Kuroo’s advice.
➣ “Push him into a corner. Kenma will only act when he thinks he has to.” 
➣ You take a deep breath to steel your nerves before you speak, eying him sneakily from behind your Switch. 
➣ “Gamer girls and boys are kind of trendy these days; I’m thinking about starting an OnlyFans to make money to buy more games.”
➣ The only visible response you receive is a slow blink as Kenma continues to play his game, fingers tapping furiously on the keys. 
➣ “Ah...I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
➣ “Why not?”
➣ There are a few moments of silence between you two, the room only filled with the SFX of your games as Kenma seems to finish his round. You recognize the victory music as Kenma pauses to finally raise his gaze to meet your own. 
➣ “It's your body so I can’t tell you what to do but...I would feel really jealous of all your subscribers.”
➣ And just like that, Kenma returns his attention to the video game, unpausing and starting a new match, blissfully unaware of you struggling to calm your racing heart and flushed cheeks. 
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idontblushsrry · 4 years
Love Language|| Jujutsu Kaisen
“I wanna be fluent in your love language. Learning your love language.” 
A/N: If you didn’t guess from the tagline this is inspired by the song love language by Kehlani. I’ll probably do more of these with different shows and what not because why not. If I missed anyone lmk and I can make a part 2. Also please tag spoilers appropriately esp for manga readers, that being said spoilers for the prequel? manga on Yuuta’s part.
Characters: Itadori, Fushiguro, Kugisaki, Maki, Inumaki, Okkotsu, Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna
Warnings: said it b4 but spoiler warnings in general but esp on Yuuji, Yuuta, and Maki’s parts
Plot synopsis: The 5 love languages; physical affection, quality time, words of affirmation, gift giving and acts of service, and how each jujutsu kaisen character shows their love and affection for you. Ft. a gender neutral reader!
Word count: 2352
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Itadori Yuuji
Love Language: Quality time and physical affection
Ok listen-
So for physical affection, Yuuji’s just that kind of person
He is all about giving to you
He’s holding hands with you if you’re ever walking anywhere, and if you’re not a hand holder pls pls pls let him hold your pinky he likes the reassurance
No but seriously he loves to hold you like yall could be walking in completely opposite directions and he’ll try to find some way to hold onto you until the very last second
And even then he’s all ‘:( babe imy’
‘Yuuji we just talked 2 minutes ago’
Another way he shows his love is through quality time
I think for him this is the biggest thing overall, esp as a jujutsu sorcerer bcus you never know yk but also because you’re important to him
Like remember how he literally went to occult club so that he could get out of school in time to go visit his grandpa...ye :(
He also loves finding dumb touristy things to do with you while in Tokyo or anywhere yall go together on a mission 
If you get together before he died and came back then that time he had to spend away from you literally killed him
Like my mans was goin THROUGH it
He almost considered spoiling Gojo’s secret
When he sees you again, he’s not gonna let go for like a solid day
Fushiguro Megumi
Love Language: acts of service and words of affirmation
This boy loves you so much
He loves to tell you all the things he loves about you when you’re alone
But he’s a little awkward with his words sometimes, hence where acts of service come in
He’ll immediately offer to hold your things, run to help you train or study, and if you’re cold? He’s fully prepared to never see his jacket again
Also he can’t cook but he’s fully prepared to suffer hearing Sukuna and suffering through Yuuji’s antics if it means he can learn how to make your favorite food
He also will surprise you by making you a playlist of all the songs that you’ve had stuck in your head and sends it to you randomly out of the blue one day like ‘thought you might like this’
However the best of both worlds is when he leaves you little notes throughout the day or sends you texts asking if you need anything or just encouraging you to keep going 
Negl he’s lowkey the president of the Y/N support club bcus-
You need anything? It’s yours
Cravings? Sad? Angry? What do you need bby, I’ve got it for you
Also he’s totally the type to be like you need help fuckin this person up? 
Also before yall started dating, Fushiguro was a mess
He was constantly asking to spar with you and go on missions, basically anything he could do to be near you  
End of the day, Fushiguro loves you and makes sure you know it whether it’s through his actions or his words
Kugisaki Nobara
Love Language: physical affection
So, she’s not the best with words, she tries but like someone help her bcus she is LOST
Like when she had a crush on you she was like “c’mere dumbass i wanna give you a hug”
In fact, she still is like “c’mere” but now you are dating :)
She loves you though and at first she doesn’t really know how to show it 
But one day you both come home from training and you just look at each other like ‘yeah today sucks’ and yall both just held each other for the rest of the day 
After that, she decided that she wants to do that with you but like always
She’s holding your hand, kissing your cheek when you go shopping, etc. etc.
She really loves to cling to you because she always has this fear that maybe one day you’ll get killed or just disappear so she figures might as well hold onto you for as long as we’ve got
After missions, she’s running up to you and if you aren’t prepared for the tackle, you’re probably gonna fall
On dates too, like if you guys have to meet up for a date, she’s tackling you
On the subject of dates...
She doesn’t mind PDA, and while she might hold your hand or arm so that you don’t get separated
She also doesn’t mind wiping food off your face and eating it, only to then kiss the spot on your face the food was previously at
She will split her shopping load between the two of you, however she will be slightly pouty if she’s carrying more than you (she then cheers up when she realizes she can do more shopping to “balance” the two of you)
In private she’s very cuddly and kissy which honestly isn’t that bad until it gets hot
At which point she’ll just say turn on the ac or convince you to walk around in a tank top (or something like it) so that she can continue holding you
Tbh she prefers the big spoon, but if she’s ever upset you let her be the little spoon >:(
All in all a very loving girlfriend who tries her best to show how much she loves you by glomping you at any given moment. 
Zenin Maki
Love language: acts of service and quality time
So you’re telling me that Maki wouldn’t immediately go out of her way to make sure her and her s/o can spend as much time together as possible?????
Like she’s super observant (which can cause her to be a bit harsh, see Yuuta) but she can always tell what’s bothering you
So if you’re upset that you haven’t been spending enough time together due to her being out on missions or otherwise busy she’s immediately running to finish her stuff and spend time with you.
((She’s very sorry, but on the bright side she brought your favorites!))
Maki is also an acts of service type
This mostly ties in with her kind of direct action way of thinking
She thinks she’s slick but you can always see her sneaking around to do small things like grabbing your laundry for you and folding it
She’s very much like if you love someone, you gotta prove it
Overall, dates with her are very intimate and personal to the two of you
Like she’ll take you to a frog pond you landed in during a fight once
Or you’ll take her to a street fair that serves this exclusive food that Maki mentioned wanting to try 
However, Maki shows her love through quality time and acts of service and while she does receive love from these to a degree, she is very much a words of affirmation gal
She’s not insecure in her day to day life but she has her moments, everyone does
Sometimes, she’ll feel like shit and a failure and all she wants is for you to say that she’s doing amazing and that she’s a great girlfriend.
Inumaki Toge
Love language: Physical affection
Because of his curse, he can’t exactly express how he feels about you through words
He does text you frequently throughout the day (I’ll have to do a hc abt that someday)
But he’d prefer not to be on his phone to communicate if you’re right in front of him
So he does the next best thing and just smothers you in physical affection
He loves kissing you the most
Like he could spend hours just kissing you if you let him (please let him)
But in public, he gets if you’re not a big fan of pda he’s willing to tone it down as long as he gets kisses later in private
He’d still prefer it if you held his hand or linked pinkies maintaining touch in some way
Also, unrelated, but it means so much to him if you try to understand his sushi language
He knows realistically the foundation of any relationship is communication so already he’s at a disadvantage because of his curse 
But if he sees you like take notes after he says something or start to need him to text you to translate, his heart is swelling
Like ‘omg this person loves me enough to learn a whole new language <333′
Another tangent but before you were together he was struggling so muchhhh
Like how does one express their feelings for someone without words?
If you’re Inumaki, you buy some flowers and text said person to meet you at a cafe
It took an embarrassingly long time for you to realize it was a date, but once you did, you ever so gently linked pinkies with Toge
Okkotsu Yuuta
Love language: words. of. affirmation. 
He’s literally so sensitive please tell him you love him regularly
In return he’ll be sure to tell you how much he loves you too
He knows that he can’t really be there for you as much as he’d like but he likes to let you know that he’s thinking of you
Doesn’t matter the time, if you call, he’s answering
If he doesn’t he’ll cry he’ll immediately call you back and is apologizing for missing your call
You assure him it’s no big deal but the man has his volume turned all the way up and changed your ringtone to one specific for you by the time you’ve even said hey
Aside from that, he really is sensitive
He’s been through a lot especially with Rika as well as growing up alone and bullied 
So for him, it’s everything to hear that you like having him around and don’t think he’s too much or anything like that
Of course, he gets better with time, trusting you and having the confidence in himself to not need constant assurance
That being said, if you ever just whisper in his ear, “I love you, Yuuta.”
That’s not your boyfriend, that’s a puddle of love on the floor
(Maki, Panda, and Inumaki had a field day when they saw him, Fushiguro now questions if Yuuta really is a respectable 2nd year.)
Gojo Satoru
Love language: gift giving and quality time
So Gojo doesn’t exactly get to spend a ton of time
Between missions, him beefing with higher ups, and you and him playing parent the baby sorcerers yall don’t exactly get time to go out much
In which case Gojo tends to default to two options:
He’ll either go the extra mile to try and spend time with you 
Whether that be an at home date where he tries and fails to surprise you with a home cooked meal
Or a date out at a restaurant or cafe (which you tend to visit after his home cooking efforts)
OR he’ll bring you various souvenirs from his missions
He loves to spoil you, and if he could he’d probably bring you back a whole store’s worth of stuff
But alas, airport security regulations
Anyways, he loves to spoil you especially if he can spoil you with sweets because it benefits him in two ways 
He treasures all the time you spend together, and he does try to overcompensate for his absence with gifts
Despite your assurances, it’s kind of a guilty pleasure at this point (just let him, trying to argue just goads him on further)
He doesn’t only buy you small things, he enjoys buying you outfits
And he especially likes seeing you in them 
Kento Nanami
Love Language: acts of service
Y’all remember the episode where he killed that curse that was bothering that baker lady?? Yea that
He’s literally such an acts of service boyfriend it’s not even funny
Before you got together, he would memorize your coffee order and bring you a cup pretty much everyday like clockwork
Now that you’re togehter, he wakes up before you so h=that when you wake up there’s the smell of coffee throughout the house
When you come out of you’re shared bedroom and he’s just scrooling through his phone like “mornin’”
Of course you already made the bed and ironed his clothes because relationships are give and take
And then when you leave for your jobs in the morning, he kisses you and holds the door open for you
He’ll draw a bath for you if he gets home before you, if you let him join or not is up to you
Also, if you ever get sick, he’s actually the best
Like he isn’t the best cook but he can heat up soup and tea
He’ll run to the store while you’re asleep and when you wake up, there’s like a whole tray of food in front of you and he’s like ‘it’s important to eat and drink so your body can heal’
And when you inevitably fall asleep after eating and taking medicine at his insistence, he tucks you in and clears away the dishes, exiting with little more than a kiss to your head
Ryoumen Sukuna
Love Language: gift giving and acts of service
So like Sukuna never says he loves you...ever
But he does notice if someone or something’s making you uncomfortable, and if so, said entity’s head will be presented to you later that day
You also just so happen to be the only person he can tolerate being around him for longer than 20 seconds
He also loves to give you jewelry, he likes seeing you adorned in something from him
He also isn’t gonna just handle all your problems for you, he will push you to become stronger by training with you 
He’ll also expect this energy to be reciprocated, as long as you’re pushing yourself to be better, he’s content with that
(He wants to see you grow because he’s scared that if he ever gets caught lackin one day you’ll end up dead)
He’ll never tell you or admit it, but Sukuna truly does care for you and hold you in a regard that he doesn’t have for others
So be grateful jkjk
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ultrastarbee · 3 years
For your sixth month anniversary, Kazutora wanted to make something special because he knows that he’ll go back to juvie and wont be out for a long time. So he asks Mitsuya for help. He asked if he could teach him how to make a small tiger plush toy. Kazutora thought it would be easy but no- this boy is no hope and Mitsuya was fed up. But after persistence (and a whole 2 weeks), he was able to make a decent, huggable tiger plushie that he gave to reader so that they can have something to kiss, hug and talk to in place of kazutora while he was gone.
-🎀 im brainrotting kazutora so bad. hes just a small tiger :( and the manga barely showed kazutora and mitsuya’s friendship even if they were both founding members. i’m here to change that
My beloved 🎀, I share the brainrot with you. He's just too cute and deserves more love. SO LET'S GIVE HIM MORE LOVE!
Title: Striped plushie Request: YES Couple: Kazutora x reader Category: fluffy Content Warning: Word Count: 484 Summary: Kazutora knows he may get arrested again, so before Bloody Halloween he works on making you a present A/N: this is too cute omg your requests are so light I love them. I changed it a little while writing, sorry I didn’t even noticed
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Before setting the fight between Toman and Valhalla Kazutora had somethings he still wanted to do before risking everything against Mikey. And each one of those things had to do with you. Kazutora knew he would be arrested again after killing Mikey and he was ready for that, but first your boyfriend needed to make you happier than ever. You already stayed two years apart and now Kazutora will go away again. He needs to make up to you so you don't leave him as everyone else.
First he went to Mitsuya, who was a little surprised to see him, but welcomed Kazutora as a good friend. They had fun for a while and then Kazutora asked his old friend for some help. Showing Mitsuya a child book Kazutora smiled.
"You want me to make one?" Mitsuya frowns a little confused looking at the book. It's a plush toy of a tiger.
"No! I want you to teach me how to make one"
"I need it"
That's how it started. Mitsuya made some drawings to get a better idea of the plush toy Kazutora wanted so much. They choosed the fabric for the body and the buttons for the eyes together, made the cuts and also choosed the sewing thread color. That was the easy part. Even with Mitsuya telling him it was harder than it looked, Kazutora was excited. He wanted to give you something cute. Something special to remind you of him. Something that looked like him. Something you could hug when you missed him.
But there's no hope for Kazutora. All his fingers ended up bleeding a little. Mitsuya never saw someone so bad at sewing. But Kazutora tough, he won't let some pierced fingers stop him. It took him two whole weeks, but Kazutora did it. He finished your present.
He hugs Mitsuya and shakes him a little, soon leaving to find you. It's night and you are already on your pajamas when he arrives at your house. Kazutora doesn't give a sigle fuck about your parents being home and enter through you bedroom window.
Kazutora's face is all red when he hugs and kisses you after handing you the plushie.
"You made me a little tiger? Just like you?" you are so happy snuggling against the plushie.
"I did!" Kazutora's voice is so excited just to see your smile, but he ends up taking the present and trowing it on your bed "But it's for when I'm not around! And I'm here now, so hold me now!"
You laugh, take him into your arms and kiss every single one of his fingers now covered with bandages. You are sure you can hear Kazutora purr on your neck.
He never told you why he would not be around, but you thought it was just a way of speeking. You couldn't even dream about the blood bath yet to come.
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mochikeiji · 3 years
Come Home
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↠ Pairing: Gojo Satoru x F!Reader
↠ Warning: anxiety attacks, pregnancy, manga spoiler! chapter 91 (for those who have not read)
↬ Word Count: 2k
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If death was giving you a sign at this very moment, it would be the cold ticks each second the clock on your empty apartment room echoed. Each second comes an outbursts of numerous emotions. On the first tick sent shivers on your skin, the second felt like small pricks of hair slowly rose up as goosebumps followed after, third was the frantic tapping of your foot on the carpeted floor as you bounced your leg.
On the outside, you would've been labelled as overreacting. On the inside, you were slowly dying.
As of now time felt like a never ending torture. It was a tug of war between trust in your husband or the one in your gut; a battle between mind and heart, to whom should you choose to believe in? How long do you plan on standing at the edge of the cliff not knowing the faith that has been laid out for you and the most powerful shaman? To whom do you concede to?
A critical position for you to be in. If Gojo were here beside you, not only would you have to wince at the feeling of his finger flicking your forehead, but also a round of uncharacteristic scolding about how bad it is to be stressed out or anxious because of the growing life inside of you. Well, none of this wouldn't have happened if he didn't left. But as all married couples are out there, you are one of the majority that did not want to tie their partners down from what they were meant to do. Especially if your partner is the most needed person in the world.
You couldn't tell him not to go out. Not out there on the field you've come to grow as a sorcerer yourself. The deaths of your fallen comrades and innocent civilians, the demands of the elders and powerful clans. Most of all, being part of the theatre death had directed. No one knows who'd be next to live another day or to be at forever slumber. And your husband was one of the main casts in this scene. Someone who'd always be near death's door only to keep taunting the horrifying God.
It was all fun and games before. It was either ride or die with Gojo during your youthful days. But as time progressed, and the upcoming family you both had dreamed of was at its peak, from that moment every thing came crashing down. It wasn't hormones anymore. It wasn't simple.
You were beyond terrified.
"Please come home."
Not even realizing you were already kneeling down from the couch you were seated, hands clasps together hard, the veins prodding out as if they were going to pop. A silent mantra of pleads to the unknown world you were stuck in. Chest heaving harshly, tears and snot mixing as they fell down the cushions. You didn't feel them. You couldn't see anything.
There was no way to describe the gaping hole that had swallowed you to your deepest depths of fear.
"Come home, Satoru.."
Was the last thing that had been uttered out from your lips before the dark hushes turned into soft cooes. The once imaginary prickly like nails that was scraping your body changed into gentle strokes on your back and onto your bulging stomach.
If there was no way to describe your fears, what is there to be said for the immense heart break of your own husband coming home to see you knelt down with cascading despair written all over your features? The image of the cheery, and powerful woman he's had of you now haunted by what he had came home to.
Though Gojo never had the brightest personality to everyone, he would trade every thing he has if it meant for you to be pulled out from where he had dragged you in.
He knew from the start loving you would mean a lot. You were every thing he wanted and yearned for in life. The love he always came home to. Cursing his naive self of erasing the fact that you were only human.
You had your limitations and this was it.
"Hey, wifey, shhh." the warmth of his breath next to your ear made you choke a sob. Having his body shield your smaller one from behind with his hands now trapping your still clasped ones. "I'm here, I'm not going any where. Not now or ever." his white hair tickling the side of your cheek as he rubbed the side of his face onto the your tear stained ones. If there was one thing everyone knew he was good at, it was being overly affectionate. Not that you'd complain.
His thumbs massages the back of your hands, smoothing down the veins in hopes of easing your grip. He should probably thank Yuuji for passing out hours ago, if not he'd be still stuck training the young lad and have you deal with this torment possibly longer. Even so, he was glad he had manage to finish up early. At your 7 month of pregnancy he wouldn't dare take longer. He didn't like being away, he never did. Always cursing at those who demand his presence. All he wanted was to stay home with you.
Home where everything is safe.
"Let's get you up, kay? May I carry you?" it was a shock on how uncharacteristically cautious he's become ever since your pregnancy. No one knew the Gojo Satoru knows when to tone it down on situations. It was all heart warming, you wanted to cry.
You gave him a small nod, feeling your body hoisted up from the floor and nested on top of his lap with ease. Never failing to amaze you how you managed to marry this man. The man you'd devotedly pray to the heavens would come back to you alive.
As his arms finally settled on your waist, moving at an upward then downward motion, he rubs your sides. Slowly coming to the globe of your stomach with a soft hum, he watches you deeply with a soft gaze behind his interfering blindfold.
Sighing shakily, you shifted your position a bit to the side, allowing yourself to lean your cheek on his left pectoral, listening to the rhythm his heart beat, sobs died down into sniffles and hiccups. You twiddled with his fingers placed on your stomach. The anxiety inside you barely disappeared, but tamed for the moment.
A light peck on your forehead was placed, snapping you back from the little world that had consumed you, down back in the arms of your beloved husband as he smiles and wipes away the left over tears, "Hi there, honey."
Focused on the warmth his palm emits, you reached out over his covered eyes, sliding away the blindfold, freeing the captivating azure gaze he possesses as they held nothing but love piercing back to your teary ones. His hair framing his adorning features, yet so perfect and lively he was smiling at you. The image of this man you wanted to wake up to every day. To welcome, to smile with, to live, and to love.
Cupping your cheeks in worry, the serene peace disappearing from him when his brows furrowed with his lips frantically hushing you. Parental instincts kicking in as he eyed your stomach in wonder how your dear child was holding up with the mountain of negative emotions crowding you, "Honey, you need to stay calm. Our little bun in there might have trouble baking you know?" he whispered close to your lips, foreheads leaned onto yours.
"Oh, Satoru." a broken smile formed from your quivering lips, "You're home, you're home." thumbs coming close to stroke his lids softly down to his cheeks. Fragile, that's how you'd describe yourself in touching your husband. Every day from the moment you lived with him are days you two cannot be separated from each other's lingering touches. Even so, on those days it still felt like it was too good to be true to have each other embraced away from the terrors of the world.
"I'm home, I'm home." sealing away your sobs with his lips to yours, letting you feel all of his emotions and unspoken vows within the action of only you two could share forever. The love he never knew he was capable of only for you and your child to be gifted of.
"I'm scared." pulling away as you shut your eyes. The dark hushes returning, coming back to haunt you of what is in store for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and so on. The strings attached upon you two, unknowing who was in control of your faiths. "Satoru, I'm scared. Please don't go anymore."
Confessing all of your troubles, he tightens his hold around you. Not a chance, he curses in his head would he allow himself to be defeated so easily and submitting himself to the awaiting gates of death.
"What if you don't come back to me anymore?"
Not a chance, was he going to die after happiness is just within his reach. Longing for something so surreal his entire life. He wasn't going out without having a taste of the sweetness of he now calls home in his life. Not ever. Not when he knows he's the strongest and will continue to reign as he is.
"Honey loves, I'll always come home to you." a vow he seals with the gaze he has locked with yours. The golden band that was proudly worn on his finger from his left hand above your stomach, "I'll always come home to you both, my sweet loves." a vow for only the two people in his life that kept him going. He will always keep his word by heart.
Though it was known that it wasn't enough to fully assure you. The comfort of today was much appreciated and needed for you to finally sigh out one last bit of the sadness, and giving him a teary smile.
"I love you, Satoru."
A melodic sound his heart would crave for every day. Definitely another thing worth coming home if he could hear it again and again.
Smiling mischievously, he reciprocates the feeling by stealing another one of your kisses whilst cradling your body and stomach. He wonders how long would it take for your baby to come meet him. He could hardly wait anymore.
"I love you more."
Was the last thing he had said before his eyes shut close to bask in the warmth and safety of his domain. His and yours little domain. One day to be shared with either a mini you or him between your arms, erupting small giggles into the air.
He couldn't wait to come home to that very day.
Not to wake up another second.
Or was it a minute?
An hour?
He couldn't tell. For time was unpredictable inside the realm he was kept imprisoned.
"Oh, another dream."
An old memory he has with you over months ago.
A breathy chuckle comes out. Was it another thing to mock him of his moment of weakness? Where he could do nothing but lay down and wait for he knows nothing of what could and what was happening?
His bones were on fire. The caged rage inside of him waiting to be freed as he could hear the cackles of his own enemies having to won over him.
"Come home to me."
No, they have not.
The fight was still going. He knows deep down as his faith on his beloved students remains strongly as his love and promises to you. Somehow, some way, he will get out. Like before, time is the enemy. He could only hope that you're holding up for the mean time. It was only matter of time you would be giving birth as well.
And he wasn't planning on missing out the biggest part of his life.
Nor was he planning on letting his enemies run free easily. They were going to pay.
He was going to pay.
"I'm coming home. Wait for me."
Thus begins the string of faith as every thing is set into motion.
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© all content belongs to mochikeiji. Please do not repost or copy, ありがとうございました!! (=^・^=)
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lila-skies · 3 years
pairings: mitsuya takashi x fem reader
prompt: mitsuya when he found out what happened to draken.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: hurt/comfort, mentions of death, contains manga spoilers so if you haven’t read the latest chapter yet, and you don’t want to be spoiled, i suggest you scroll. this was supposed to be for draken but i couldn’t do it ksdjhfjdga i’m still in denial but anyways. not proofread as usual.
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you have never liked the rain. the feeling of wearing heavy clothes when you get soaked is irksome, it's sticky and kind of unsettling. due to a traffic jam, travelling is such a hassle, plus the road is more prone to accidents. that’s why you tend to stay at home whenever it rains.
when draken fought for his life a few years ago, it was raining. after that incident, you started to hate the rain more and even went as far as associating it with unfortunate events. you always think that once the rain falls, bad luck will follow.
and you couldn't have been more right. all this time, you were right to despise it, to consider it as a bad omen. just like a few years back, death once again knocked on draken’s door. only this time, draken opened the door. they say, people who are about to die usually hallucinate, seeing their loved ones who went ahead first. ever since emma passed away, it was a known fact that draken never stopped longing for her. he promised, as toman’s former vice-leader that he would save mikey from the darkness. maybe, you suppose, that all it took was seeing emma again for draken to embrace his demise and raise the white flag.
it's pouring hard, and if this is just like any other nights, you wouldn't have gone out of your house; but you don’t care, even if you are already drenched as you continue to sprint under the rain without an umbrella. you couldn't care about the uncomfortable feeling it gives you, not when the first person you thought of when the bitter news reached you was mitsuya.
"mitsuya! mitsuya!" you shout before he could even hop on his bike.
"what are you doing here? it's raining," he meets you halfway, removing his jacket to put it over your head.
“i’m going with you. let’s go together.”
mitsuya’s head hangs low, refusing to look at you, but whether he does or not, you already know what kind of expression will greet you. small droplets fall down his face and as much as you want to believe that they only come from the rain, you also know that they are not.
unable to help yourself, your right hand cradles his cheek, and mitsuya leans into your touch. the pained look painted across his face twists your insides, and your heart feels like it’s being simultaneously pricked by numerous needles. the rain has given you another reason to hate it. you don’t like seeing him like this, so hurt and shaken up.
without a word, mitsuya crashes his body against yours for a hug, and he sobs —similar to a child whose favorite toy was taken away from them. mitsuya weeps, lets out guttural screams, catches his breath and then the process repeats. you could only look up at the gloomy sky, allowing the rain to wash away your own tears as you run your hand over his back, and you whisper words you know that are probably useless. at least right now.
“draken... why? why did he have to die? he was a person with a good heart. why? why...” you hear mitsuya say weakly, barely audible.
“i know. i know.”
on your way to mitsuya, you also asked yourself why did it have to be draken? he was a kind person who had the heart to care for people. he did nothing but to commit himself to mikey and toman; and you are certain that even during his last breath, he was thinking about mikey. maybe what your mother said was true, that the heaven takes the good ones first, as though they are the most beautiful flowers that people pick first in a garden, and draken is exactly that.
it's still quite unfair, you think, that you have to lose draken this early, too.
"have i done anything wrong?" mitsuya's voice cracks, but he proceeds to talk. "baji, draken... i don’t have any idea where mikey is now, kazutora is in jail. why am i losing them?”
“no. no, you haven’t, mitsuya,” you shut your eyes, composing yourself before you speak again. “you haven’t lose everyone. pah’s still here. hakkai and peh, too. you still have a lot.”
saying that might have no use, but it was your last resort. toman was important to mitsuya which is not a surprise, given that he was also one of the people who led it. he treated them as friends, however, the founding members were more than that, and they are slipping through his fingers one by one. 
"me. i'm still here, mitsuya."
your words bring him comfort, yet at the same time, underneath that comfort lies fear. mitsuya brings you impossibly closer to him, clinging onto you like tomorrow won’t arrive. it’s scary to imagine that one day the world might decide to play another cruel game by also taking you away from him.
if there’s one person who looks up to draken the most, it’s no doubt that it’s mitsuya. he was, after all, the one who helped mitsuya during that one eventful night when he ran away from home. it was draken who made mitsuya appreciate what he has, regardless if they are little things or not.
"i wouldn't have realized that what i have is what other people wish for if i hadn't met draken that night."
"and you know, draken used to tell me that he was really glad that he was of great help to you."
“i owe draken a lot,” he mutters. “i wanted to repay him, to always help him whenever he needs a hand. i haven’t done that much for him yet...”
you stayed like that under the rain for a few more minutes, mitsuya seeking refuge in your arms like how a child would to his mother; and you freely let him cry and scream as loud as he needed to. at one point, his knees gave up on him, you fell on the ground together, but you didn’t bother and let him grieve the loss of an important friend.
it’s not everyday that mitsuya exposes his vulnerable side like this, so you gave him the leisure to lean on somebody else instead of being leaned on, to be the one who’s at the lowest instead of being the one who pulls people back up. you made it known to mitsuya that even he, a person who gets depended on most of the time, could do the same thing to others, too.
“let’s go to the hospital now, mitsuya,” you tell him, breaking away from the hug first. “give me your keys.”
“but i can drive.”
“i know you can,” you get his bike keys from his pocket yourself. “but there’s no way i’m letting you drive in this state.”
the whole drive to the hospital was silent, only the sound of the engine and the pattering of the rain could be heard — which made the quiet whisper of mitsuya saying ‘thank you’ and ‘please don’t leave me, too’ so coherent.
(at the hospital, you held mitsuya. during the funeral, you stayed beside him. when he took over draken’s duty of visiting kazutora once in a while, you were there. and even when he tried to search for mikey in draken’s stead, you never left his side. 
all throughout those times, you were there to hold him.
and if there’s one thing mitsuya realized, it’s that if the dreaded day comes that he loses you as well, he wouldn’t know what to do.)
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getouswh0re · 3 years
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pairing: clan head megumi x reader
genre: yandere, power impact, manipulation, unhealthy relationships, friends to lovers turned wrong, slight manga spoilers
synopsis: you’ve learnt not to test megumi’s limits, especially when he becomes the head of the zenin clan
With the two of you raised by none other than Gojo Satoru himself, Fushiguro Megumi and you have been extremely close throughout the years; despite not being related by blood, he would still treat you dearly, making sure that harm wouldn’t come your way.
While you appreciate everything he has done, at times warning bells would set off in your head whenever Megumi is being way too overbearing; you know for a fact that he cares about you, but your conscience reminds you that however nice his intentions could be, there are certain boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed. 
The number of occurrences when he trails after you is already uncountable on its own, not to mention how he questions everything you do even though it’s technically none of his business. You’ve tried to hint at him that his actions are a bit too much at times, hoping the young man would respect your privacy and personal life. 
He apologises profusely afterwards, promising he would tone it down. But of course, with his tenacious personality, Megumi will not give up. Not when it’s someone he considers his lover a pseudo-family member. 
He could hear his heart shattering the moment you shyly tell him that he could be a bit too much sometimes, such words being way beyond what he could handle. Do you not love him? How could you do that to him, when he offers you his heart and soul? The world is a dangerous place, especially with curses and how his sister ending up bedridden because of a curse. It is justifiable that he protects you with whatever means possible, right?
As the two of you grow up, the relationship dynamics shift. You have lost count of how many times you have turned a blind eye to his advances and subtle hints on how the two of you would’ve been a wonderful couple. It is not like you hate him; Megumi is truly a wonderful person of good morals, complemented with his good looks, he is one that would be sought after by the ladies. 
Nonetheless, the raven doesn’t even spare a second to bat an eyelash at the ogling stares every time he is on the streets, ignoring whispers of admiration that ring in is ears incessantly. After all, he only has eyes for you only. 
So it is devastating when you reject his confession on a certain day, telling him that while the two of you may be close, perhaps it would be better off if your relationship stays this way, that you and him aren’t the one for each other when it comes to love. 
He tries to numb the pain; yet no matter what he does, the void in his chest would invariably be there, reminding him of the brutal rejection. 
For once Megumi’s walls finally crumples to dust and releases all of his bottled-up emotions by crying until his throat is sore and his eyes puffy. You are all that he has apart from Tsumiki, he can’t just let you go, not when you are just within arm’s reach. 
And the mentality finally hits the raven hard: if he couldn’t have you, then nobody else can. 
The two of you remain close, but unknowingly, Megumi starts to manipulate people in your life. With his intelligence and connections (courtesy of Gojo), having you all to himself is simply a matter of time.
Eventually, your friends distance themselves away from you, and your employers from your part-time jobs fire you out of no reason; not knowing what is with their abrupt hostility and the unexpected plummet towards rock bottom in life, you find yourself crying into Megumi’s chest in the early hours of morning, venting about how nobody wants you and life is a bitch. 
Being the only one you could rely on at this point, he puts on his act perfectly, comforting you with hugs and soothing words of comfort, reminding you that no matter how difficult circumstances could be, you could always depend on him no matter what. 
Perhaps you are wrong after all, a thought crosses your mind; perhaps Megumi really is the right one for you. Of all the people you know, he is the only one remaining by your side, being your anchor through highs and lows. What more could you ask from his unconditional kindness? 
And so the raven’s dreams finally come true as you confront him tearfully, telling him how you’ve realised he is the one for you, accepting his confession again. 
Megumi struggles with his emotions, but he would always do his best to make you smile. Playing all the cards of a romantic boyfriend, the sorcerer pulls you closer and closer, like a spider luring its prey into the web. He is the only one who could make you swoon, whom you would have a family and grow old with together, who is your soulmate. For a long while the relationship is stable as ever, but a crack starts to form after a certain incident. 
Ever since your boyfriend becomes the Zenin clan head, matters take a bad turn for you, and it would only be a matter of time until you unveil Megumi’s true colours. 
It all starts with your promotion towards a grade 1 sorcerer. You have been looking forward to this opportunity for years since it would help the two of you to sustain a living. You know Megumi has acquired a large sum of money ever since he becomes the leader of the clan, and life would be lavish for both of you. Still, you prefer to earn through your own blood and sweat, much to the raven’s displeasure. That’s why you keep insisting on taking the mission that would impact your promotion towards a higher rank. 
However, your promotion has been revoked at the last minute without proper reasoning; and after doing some digging, you are beyond enraged when you find out the one who caused all of this is none other than Fushiguro Megumi himself, thus leading to the first huge fight between the two of you. 
“Megumi. What the fuck? I just want to get promoted to a higher rank because it would make life easier for the two of us! What about living expenses and the bills we need to pay? I’m not going to sit still and spend your family money!” 
“Why can’t you just rely on me, love? I’ve done so much so that both of us could have a better off life than before. Now that I have in command of the clan and the money on my hands, what is the need for you to work and potentially hurt yourself? Are you trying to hurt me again?” 
Obviously, tension remain rigid between you and him. But it only takes a word from you that drives Megumi over the brink of sanity. 
“We need a break, perhaps you and me really aren’t right for each other.”
He is not going to let the same thing happen twice, is he?
So when you find yourself denied of any promotion and struggling to find other side jobs to sustain your own living after moving out of your shared apartment, you know for a fact that the raven has been pulling the strings behind the scene again, forcing you to come to the realisation that you would never survive in the world unless you go back to his side. 
Begrudgingly, to Megumi’s delight, you finally return to the home you once shared with him after six months. 
In time, as a glimmering platinum band sits snugly on your ring finger and Megumi’s calloused fingers lovingly caress your growing belly bump, you are ascertained that your fate would be sealed forever. 
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bnhamixjuice-sfw · 3 years
ANON REQUEST: Hawks, Dabi and Aizawa: spot an ex he had a bad break up with, he sees her walking around struggling to hold on to a bag of groceries while pushing a stroller with a toddler in it that looks awful lot like them, and the he awkwardly confronts them when the bag falls out of her hands.
Tags: Manga Spoiler, Mention of cheating, Angst to Fluff.
“I’m so sorry Dove, I didn’t mean to–”
“Didn’t mean what? to deny that I’m your girlfriend in front of the media ‘cause you had a job agreement with the commission not to reveal me! okay Keigo you’re doing this for what reason exactly? Hero Reputation? More women you can use to cheat behind my back again and expect me to forgive you? I–I don’t want this kind of life anymore!”, you wailed in pure anguish roughly wriggling your wrist away from his firm clutch.
He felt suffocated when he needed to let you go for all the things that he did to hurt you, holding back the urge to chase you outside when you frantically closed the door, not looking back anymore on him. Leaving the top pro hero falling on his knees, lonely between these four walls of his house.
After all this time he can’t forget you, longing to see your face everywhere he goes even on pro hero awarding events or his usual patrol work with Endeavor looking for you through the crowds, praying to see your smile again that he misses the most.
His life was crumbling apart without you, but luck was on his side today when he spotted you not too far from where he was signing autographs for his fans while stealing some glances. As always, you’re still beautiful standing there.
Trying to fix your grocery bags while clasping the baby-carriage’s handle. He hesitated at first to approach you thinking you’re probably waiting for your husband to pick you up and your child. And that’s when a tuft of yellow hair popped out.
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“Mommy look it’s Hawks, Awtoglaph pweasee awtoglapph”, his excited pleas reached Hawks’ ears. pointing his fingers towards your ex-boyfriend who waved a hand on both of you.
Soon red feathers clumped together on the ground, preventing your bag to fall.
“Wow what do we have here, a kid full of energy today, so where do you want me to sign your autograph?”, stooping down beaming a smile with his eyes crinkling behind his yellow visor making your child gasp in awe.
He knew instantly that his suspicion was right seemingly looking at his own reflection with those golden honey orbs and black lines on those eyelids and small bump protruding behind the kid’s shirt, red feathers similar to his, messily cramped inside.
“Ke–Hawks here… ”, almost calling out his first name when you handed him a notebook and a pen.
Slightly feeling his gloved hand against your palm.
“Hawks look I hab wings too–”
“Honey we need to go home now or else you’ll miss your favorite show again, now say bye bye to Mr. Hawks”, you interrupted, sneaking a warning glare on him not to tell him anything before gently freeing your child’s wings out from his shirt’s makeshift holes.
“Little fledgling I guess your wings were moulting, so did your Daddy tell you about it”
“Hab no Dawdy but Oh you see… Mommy Lov’ Dawdy so much that she booboo cries” you were shock-stricken softly hushing your child out of embarassment.
“Well kid make sure to tell your Mommy not to cry okay cause Daddy loves her so much, yes don’t forget to tell that to her every day I–”, he stammered with his voice started cracking, overwhelming him with emotions too easily, swallowing the lump forming on his throat.
“Your father loves you too kid trust me, and surely there’s not a single day he’s not thinking of your Mommy, his only Dove–Ah I think I’m taking too much of your time Miss I-I’m so sorry”, halting it immediately, muffling a few sniffles before finally signing his signature.
Your heart began thumping so loud, not expecting him shamelessly grabbing your hand, burying you into a warm embrace in public.
“Wait Keigo stop this, everyone’s taking so many pictures of you”
“No I don’t care anymore, listen Dove I’m so sorry and I still love you, come back to me please I promise I won’t hurt you again, I’ll do better this time just let me make up for it, and for our son”
You can’t blame yourself for giving in, accepting him wholeheartedly knowing this is what you promised to him once.
To never let your future child experience the same heartache he suffered from his past.
He regret those cruel words that came out from his mouth the first time he was too fed up of your constant admonishment of putting a rest on his revenge against his family forever since you cannot bear to see him exhausting his body anymore, starting this heated discourse again between you.
“You always bring this up y/n every single day and it’s too annoying already, why are you siding on Enji too much Babydoll… come on just say it you really want us to have a perfect family, so cool to have a child with this debilitating quirk too right?”
Sucking your inner lips anxiously avoiding to tell him something about that last one, you felt his grip on your sholders constricting furiously waiting for you to answer him back, but your tears spilling from those precious eyes made his stomach churn in guilt realizing what he had done when you began screaming on his face that everything’s over, shoving him away and locking the door of your house shut.
He knew how much of a dick he was, the worst break up that’s been haunting him everyday with your terrified face forever etched on his mind
It’s been a long time since the last time he saw you after you moved from your old house and he cannot find you everywhere until today.
He saw you pushing a stroller on the side of the road and having a hard time balancing the bag of groceries on your other hand.
Perhaps you found someone better than him and additionally having a child; a normal child considering he’s not the father. that’s what he thought until something caught his attention.
Squinting his eyes, he was slack-jawed to find a familiar cerulean orbs and red hair on that young boy giddily calling you Mommy.
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He took this rare chance of talking to you again by catching your bag of groceries that you clumsily dropped, your eyes met recognizing your ex-boyfriend instantly when he removed his mask. piercing eyes gazing down below observing your child’s similar features.
“Babydoll why didn’t you tell me about him, our son?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Dabi and refrain from calling me that nickname anymore, also stay away from MY son before I call the police”
You breathed heavily snatching back your grocery bag from his grasp, clutching the stroller’s handle in pure anger.
“Daddy you meanie, go home”, tugging his pants with those tiny hands.
It hurts you to see your own child begging for his father to go home, when you can’t even tell him how you often show his own picture to your child that’s why he recognized his own father easily, keeping him close to his heart and memory forever.
You can’t hate your only child’s father.
He was expecting him to cry on his intimidating face when he bent his knees down to look at his child closely, ignoring your earlier threat by patting his son’s head seemingly accepting this foreign fatherly instinct.
“Kid look I’m obviously a bad guy, I don’t want you to get in trouble so maybe next time when your Mommy allows me, don’t worry I’ll probably see you again next time pepperoni haired kid”, chuckling when he saw his son’s childish pout, letting him pinch his stapled cheeks annoyed at his nickname.
“Y/n this is goodbye then”, flashing you that thin smile noticing his lips quivering a bit as he stood.
Shoving both of his hands inside his pockets before turning around to walk slowly away from both of you ignoring your child’s tantrum cries calling for him to go back.
“Ssh… sweetie don’t cry okay–Wait Touya!”
He stopped on his tracks when you yelled his real name again, like how you used to call him that before out of endearment.
“We’re going to stay here from now on so same address, the usual okay knock thrice and use our anniversary day on pressing the doorbell and don’t forget our password, listen I’m doing this for our child only so you better show up tonight or I won’t ever give you a chance”
He disappeared quickly after that, and tonight he never failed to show up incessantly ringing the doorbell many times even greeting you that typical password; a kiss.
A yearning kiss, hands intertwining the moment you opened your heart once again.
“Shouta you keep missing my calls these past few weeks when I needed you the most, you barely have enough time to visit me when I was sick the whole week and now you’re late, fine I don’t wanna hear your excuses anymore”
Those bitter words pierced him like thorns, seeing you slip out that engagement ring from your finger and placing it on a table whispering those bitter words he doesn’t want to hear from you.
“It’s better if we end this relationship now before we regret something, I–I can’t imagine my future being married with you or even having a child with you who pathetically seek for time and attention from his workaholic father, sorry Shouta”, you covered your mouth trying to bite back your tongue from spilling about your unborn child.
Running outside the restaurant leaving him heartbroken that he can’t further speak out his words anymore because everything that you just told him was painfully true.
He doesn’t deserve you, blaming himself for not appreciating you enough despite of your effort of enduring the hardships of having a pro hero fiance who often risk his life for his students. A man who can’t even spend a time to take care of you.
Nevertheless, he wanted to mend back those strings that binds you to his heart, always pouring out his loneliness on visiting that Cat Cafe on his day off every week reminding him of memories you two share.
You often take him there to spend a date knowing he’s fond of cats and snapping lots of photos of him every time he ends up sleeping on the corner with cats huddling close to his face nearly suffocating him.
Keeping your engagement ring to him all the time was the only thing that calms him down whenever he’s in dire situation on his job, thinking how much he wish to meet you here again.
Unbelievably seeing you again one time, rubbing his weary eyes once and twice to know if it’s truly you. Indeed, he can’t forget that familiar caring smile of his beloved, finding you outside the cat cafe currently having a problem of organizing your bag of groceries.
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“Mawmmy, neko pweasee I wanna touch it!”, your daughter began whinning clapping his hands to get your attention.
He can’t believe his own eyes when your child resembles him too much with that obsidian dull eyes and sleek black hair minus for that pigtail hairstyle but that scowl seems a carbon copy of his own.
“Wait Baby I–”
“I think you need help Y/n”
You were flabbergasted to find your ex-fiance taking a hold of your bag of groceries with his whip that was about to hit the ground and voluntarily offering his Neko tote bag for you which you persuaded him not to.
“Mawmmy pwease I want that too, Neko”, her tiny hands reaching out determined to get it no matter what.
“Baby no–”
“Well your daughter love cats so much, you can give this to her, please just a friendly gift”, taking out something from his pocket leaning down a bit to his side to rummage on that keychain, letting you see his necklace around his neck with that old engagement ring of yours dangling.
“Found it, here kid I’m not sure if you’ll like this”
“Aww Mawmmy have that too um…right Mawmmy, so no thanks Mister”
There’s no way you were married that’s what Shouta suspected when he saw you not wearing any ring, and obviously that cat keychain was closely similar to his anniversary keychain that you two bought for each other.
“Y/n I can drive you two back to your house if its okay–”
“Mawmmy please say yes”
You sighed in defeat not having a choice in the first place and also giving freedom to your child to spend time with her father who doesn’t know about this.
His car was still the same, sitting beside him and your child now sleeping behind after getting so tired ogling on his car’s cat accesories.
You chuckled upon seeing your daughter’s face on the mirror messily drooling, leaning slightly on your side to wipe the corner of her mouth.
“Darling is she our daughter”
“Eyes on the road Shouta, and yes so what will you do about it. Do you expect me to ask for any financial support from you oh maybe spending your precious time for our daughter that I can’t even get from you years ago”, you sarcastically uttered, stabbing him rudely with those truthful words he was unprepared to hear from you.
“I understand if you’re still mad at me y/n, but I just want you to let you know that I want to set things right first before asking you to forgive me. Because I don’t want to miss this opportunity again to tell you how much I wanted to talk to you or maybe to see you in your white wedding dress”
You can’t resist how determined he was to get close to you again, feeling his hand slowly making its way on you.
Giving back that engagement ring to whom it truly belongs, and that was you, a dream he wanted to come true despite it being too impossible.
Turning your head away to wipe your own tears, proposing for the second time that you have been waiting to hear from him all along.
“She’s your daughter Shouta and don’t you dare make her cry of I’ll scratch your face harder than what your cat does”
“That’s too kind of you, I mean my cat misses your deadly belly rub too, you named him Mr. Pickles right, well I’m sure he’d be thrilled to see his Mom again and his new sibling soon”,
You both exchanged soft giggling catching up on one another by starting the conversation about your lives and so on and so forth, and apparently your child was eavesdropping on both of you.
Your daughter muffled a “Pro hero mission success” after accomplishing her goal, peeking a bit to see you wearing that shiny ring.
She knew it the first time she saw that stranger recognizing him from one of the picture you often place under your pillow, her daddy.
Well she did inherit Shouta’s intellectual skills after all.
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Do not repost this fic/headcanon.
Disclaimer: I don't own My hero academia nor its characters and plot.
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blessedlance · 4 years
pretty baby.
[wc:] 4k
[cw:] sub!atsumu, softdom!reader, femdom, oral (f. receiving), riding, pegging, mommy kink, puppy kink, minor dacryphilia, collar-play, restraints
! haikyuu manga timeskip spoilers. atsumu is 24. !
a/n: oh my god i haven’t written for leisure in literally 10 years i hope this is bearable LOL. @luvsicksubs​ wrote a lil tidbit about sub!atsumu a while ago and i have not known peace ever since so big thank you to ari for the inspo! pls enjoi :9
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Atsumu’s been gone lately. A lot.
 Too much.
 You know it’s not his fault. The Jackals' practices have been brutal lately. So when Atsumu does eventually trudge his way back to your shared apartment every evening, he can only muster up enough energy to shower and collapse into bed. You’ve had to wake him more than once, chiding him to get up and at least dry his hair before bed.
“You can’t afford to get yourself sick by sleeping with wet hair, ‘Tsumu.” You’d whisper, shaking him gently awake. Usually he’d just groan in response and bury himself further against your body heat beneath the comforter--unwilling to give up even a second of precious, blissful sleep. You’d even gone so far as to physically pull his heavy, six foot athlete’s body out of the bed and into the bathroom to dry it for him once or twice.
It’s for his health, you reason. You can afford to pamper him a little--especially when he’s been working so hard. And the way his body slumps while he sits, his features softening--long eyelashes kissing the tops of his cheeks as he dozes off into half-sleep at the feel of your fingers tussling his hair with the gentle heat of the blow dryer… He becomes so soft in those moments, like putty in your hands.
It’s dangerous, because it makes you crave the sight of him like this--fragile and reliant on the comfort of your touch--even more.
You sigh. Reminding yourself again, for seemingly the millionth time since this excessive practicing for the championships started,
‘It’s not his fault.’
He’s been good. So, so good. Trying so hard to make sure you know he loves you and he’s sorry. Texting you to check in whenever he has the chance.
 > how are you today?
> how’s work going??
> what’s for lunch??? ლ(≧ڡ≦ლ)
 Sometimes sending videos of himself and Hinata hashing out new plays (only the ones they’ve mastered, though. You may be intimately familiar with every embarrassing piece of him, but he still wants to try to look cool in front of his girlfriend.)
And it helps. It really does. But you also know the texts are just as much for his own sake as they are for yours. You know how needy Atsumu gets when you two are apart.
 You remember the time he’d called you from his hotel room after an away game in Tokyo. How he whined into the phone at the sound of your voice when you whispered.
“Touch yourself for me.”
The way a soft cry escaped him at your command--your name leaving his lips with a breath.
 You want to feel him like that again. To see him beneath you, squirming and desperate--begging for you to just touch him, just sit on his face, his cock, anything you want just please--
 You abruptly stop your line of thinking--not daring to continue dwelling on this recurring fantasy. Atsumu doesn’t deserve the punishment you crave to dole out on him to relieve this frustration.
 … But he might want it.
 Championships are tomorrow. Just 24 hours stand between you and the feeling of Atsumu Miya’s taut muscles beneath your fingertips.
You take a breath, summoning the remnants of your willpower.
You could do this. You would make certain that the wait would be worth it.
For both of you.
 The Black Jackals win their first match because of course they do. Honestly, sometimes you feel a bit bad for the opposing teams. Their skill, their teamwork, their passion, their absolute willpower to win is stifling. Atsumu texts you that they’re going out for celebratory dinner and drinks. Bokuto’s idea. (Obviously). He promises he’ll be home as soon as he can. They’ve all got tomorrow morning off, and a whole day before the next round of matches. Some indulgence is well-deserved.
You type out your reply.
 > Take your time and enjoy yourself! You’ve earned it. 💕
 Knowing you’ve got at least two hours or more before the boys’ exhaustion ushers them all home, you decide to spend some time... preparing.
 You’re reclined on the couch, watching something you can comfortably give your half-assed attention to while scrolling on your phone. You hear the front door unlocking, the handle turning, and your heart leaps into your throat. The thought of finally, finally having Astumu all to yourself makes you absolutely giddy.
You turn expectantly, and can’t help the way your lips curl upward into a smile.
Atsumu pushes the door open and turns toward you, already smiling when he opens his mouth.
 “Hey.” You murmur.
 “Hey.” He breathes back, and you watch the way his features relax at the sight of you. The way the confident, assiduous Atsumu Miya--a man who wakes up every single day and strives for perfection in everything and every one---melts into something softer.
Something that’s silently begging for you to tear him apart and piece him back together again.
He slips off his shoes, drops his gym bag to the floor, and brings his long, heavy body to lay over yours on the couch.
His face--tinted pink (presumably from the drinks)--buries itself against your neck, lips pressed to your skin.
Your fingers assume their familiar position, nestled in the blonde locks atop his head.
 “Missed you…” You say lowly against his ear.
The small shiver that runs down his spine does not escape your notice.
 “I’ve been here every night!” He protests.
 “You know what I mean.” Your fingers press against his head, tugging on the strands the slightest bit.
 “Mmm…” He affirms softly--your skin keenly feeling the gentle hum against its surface. He knows what you mean. He’s been here, yes, but it’s felt more like the ghost of him--wisping into your bed for a few hours and gone again in the morning.
 “You were really in the zone today.” You comment. “I felt bad for the other team.”
 He huffs out a small laugh. “Don’t. They played fine. We were just better.”
 “Hmm…” You take your unoccupied hand and run a single finger up the curve of his spine.
 He exhales, and you listen for the tremble in his breath you know will be there.
Just a little more.
 “Either way, you were so good.” You can’t contain the coy lilt your voice takes on. You know damn well what you’re doing--using the very words that always make him quiver. He knows what you’re doing, too.
Atsumu thinks he doesn’t mind.
 It’s quiet for a beat. The two of you simply basking in the warmth of your bodies pressed against each other. You stretch beneath him, and… readjust yourself in a way that presses your breasts against him just a little bit more...
And Atsumu finally, finally breaks.
 He inhales sharply, and lets the subsequent exhale freely pass against your neck. A muffled word that sounds a lot like a plea leaves his throat.
 “What was that?” You ask, purposely grazing your lips against his reddening ear.
 “Please…” He begs.
 You consider being mean for a moment. Consider pushing him to his limit in desperation. The way those sharp brown eyes would turn glassy and tearful, his dark brows pulled together, pleading you to hurry up and take him--touch him--let him touch you--fucking anything. However you want, wherever you want. Make him vocalize that burning desire, and only concede when he well and truly begs.
 But that can always be arranged another time.
You’re far too heady with desire yourself to enact such cruelty on him right now. Not after he’s been so good.
 You shift your weight, moving to switch your positions by sitting up and pressing him beneath you. Your straddle his hips, purposely pressing your weight down against his pelvis ever-so-slightly.
 “You’ve been working so hard, ‘Tsumu…” You murmur, lowering the top half of your body to lean over his. Hands sliding under the hem of his shirt, running up along the taut muscles that tremble at your touch. “Such a good boy…”
Atsumu’s bites his lip in an effort to stifle the deep moan that leaves his chest. The way his body almost involuntarily reacts to that phrase every. single. time… It’s just too good to pass up.
You wet your lips.
 “Let me make you feel good.”
 And you press those lips ever-so-softly to the juncture between his jaw and neck. Soft touch turning to a light bite, and then back to a soothing kiss.
 Atsumu is crumbling--his hardening length pressing insistently against you.
 “I got everything ready. We can use whatever you want: rope,” and you press a slow open-mouth kiss to his neck,
“your collar,” then one to his collarbone,
“a toy,” traveling down to his pecs,
“the strap…” ending just beneath his belly button.
You look up at him from beneath your lashes, watching keenly for his expression to shift in interest at any certain one.
 Atsumu doesn’t give an immediate answer, his gaze unable to meet your own. Your hands trail back down his body, grazing a nipple with your fingernail just to see the way he twitches at the sensation. 
 “C’mon baby, how am I supposed to treat my good boy if he doesn’t tell me what he wants?” You purr, bringing your hands to the hem of the worn, oversized t-shirt covering your top half down to the juncture of your thighs. You’d snatched it from his dresser earlier to lounge in. Another carefully plotted detail. You knew just how riled up he got at the sight of you wearing his shirts. Even more so if he lifted it only to find those black and gold lacy panties underneath… Or if there was nothing…
Stretching your body, you pull the shirt up and off of your torso, tossing it aimlessly behind you. Atsumu’s gaze immediately returns to you--spotting that very set’s match: a black bra with intricate gold stitching around the lace adorning your skin. His hands are on you in an instant--palms sliding up your ribs to reach your breasts and gently squeezing around them.
Astumu had never been good with the concept of patience.
 Normally, you’d stop those big, calloused setter hands in their tracks--admonishing him for not asking permission, first. But this was about him. About fulfilling every whim his exhausted mind and body had the energy left to want. You could allow a little insubordination tonight.
 “You even wore my favorite.” He grins, that cheeky, self important tone of his sneaking back out. You smile coyly and tilt your hips downward, pressing your bare core against his still-restrained cock. He inhales sharply--dropping the attitude once more.
 “Part of the reward.” You grin. “Now, what does my good boy want?”
 His eyes drift upwards from their fixation on your breasts, meeting your gaze.
 “I want…” He bites his lip. “Wanna make you feel good.”
 Your eyes widen at the admission, but he’s speaking again before you can inquire.
 “You’re always so patient with me when practice gets like this. I just want to... To give you a reward, too.”
 You’re taken aback for a beat, pleasantly surprised at the acknowledgement. Atsumu still manages to surprise you with how observant he is. One of the more unexpected traits he shares with Osamu. Your eyes soften and you reach up to gently cup his face. He turns his head to kiss your hand and murmurs against your palm.
 "Let me taste you. Please."
 He knows how you get when he’s busy like this. How--despite your authority and confidence in the bedroom--you still long for his affection and crave his touch when he’s gone.
And this… This is the perfect way for him to express his gratitude while still pleasing both of you.
 “Okay.” You breathe, moving to kneel over his face. “Whatever you want,” you gently drop your weight toward his mouth. “my sweet boy.”
 He practically preens at the praise, moaning against your core. Again, Atsumu demonstrates his struggle with patience and savoring the moment. In an instant, he’s gripping your thighs and pulling them closer against the sides of his face. You know you could sit your entire weight atop him and he’d thank you, but tonight calls for something gentler. It’s enough to know you’re the only person who gets to see him like this. The only one who gets to watch the diligent, cocksure Astumu Miya, one of--if not the--best setters in Japan, become so vulnerable and desperate beneath you.
 He flattens his tongue and runs it slowly up from the start of your opening to the top of your clit.
 “Fuck, ‘Tsumu…” You moan, hands rushing to grasp at his hair. He groans, too, at the sensation of your fingers tugging--the hum sending a vibration through your body. You grind your hips, silently urging him on, and his tongue laves at your clit with small kitten licks. The feeling of those tiny, gentle laps against your most sensitive spot, so diligent and soft--it’s like electricity coursing through you, running up into every limb.
 “Mmhmm.” He hums against you. He knows just how you like it. When he services you like this--like the obedient puppy he is. “So wet… Y’taste s’good...” He says, hot breath fanning against you while he catches his breath for a moment.
 You press yourself back against him insistently. “Who said you could take a break? Use your fingers, too.”
 His mouth is back against you immediately, right hand sliding beneath your thigh to reach your opening. Carefully, he presses two fingers against it--testing the give, while his tongue continues to lick and suck at that sensitive nub. Spit has dribbled down from his mouth to where his fingers are pressed, and he slides his digits against the wetness, adding to the natural lubricant. Then, finally, he pushes those long middle and ring fingers up and into you. They slide in easily despite the way you feel yourself clench around the intrusion. He was right--you’re soaked. He finds a comfortable rhythm to compliment his tongue’s lashings easily and your head falls back, a deep moan escaping past your lips.
 “‘Tsumu… ‘Tsumu, fuck just like that--you do it so well for me, baby… Right there--”
 You’re cut off by the feeling of his fingers curling within you--searching, and then pressing against that spot so nicely.
Your thigh muscles twitch against his cheeks--breath fleeing from your lungs at the sudden rush.
 “Yes, ‘Tsumu--fuck yes.”
 You chance a look down at his face. Those long lashes closed, brows knit together in concentration while he pleasures you. Atsumu’s a pretty boy, but you think he’s prettiest like this.
 Fuck, you want more of that desperate expression. Want to edge him over and over until he’s drooling and can’t remember his own fucking name.
 You’re getting close. That climbing ecstasy rising dangerously high within you. You pull yourself off him before you can climb too high, and the release of suction from his mouth makes a small, wet pop.
 “You eat it so well, baby. So, so good for me, pretty boy.” You coo, caressing the sides of his face. His lips are pink and wet and you return your hips to their place atop his length. His lip wobbles with a whimper, back arching against you in search of more.
 “I think you’ve earned your reward now, don’t you?” Your eyelids fall, half-closed seductively while you lean your chest toward his face. You reach behind your back and release the clasp of your bra. His hands tighten themselves into fists, trying to restrain the urge to reach up and touch. The fingers of your left hand splay out against his chest, holding your weight, while the right moves down to pull off his boxer briefs. Then, your wet folds are sliding against his erect, bare, length. Slowly, up and down.
 “Mmm please can I--can I touch--”
 You interrupt him with a small lick against those still-wet lips and chuckle quietly to yourself.
 Oh, so now he’s ready to ask first?
 “You can.” You affirm, reaching down to line him up with your entrance. His breath is coming harder now, those hardened pecs rising and falling beneath you. The anticipation is rapidly unraveling him. Atsumu’s hands are on your back, tugging your chest back down towards him. As they slide forward around your ribcage to grasp your breasts, his gaze flits up to you.
 “Can I--?”
 “Mmhmm.” You nod--knowing what he wants. His mouth closes around your nipple, sucking with that perfect amount of harshness to tighten the coiling pressure in your lower body. His tip rests right against your opening. You can see the precum dribbling out of him--can feel the way he’s pushing himself slightly further up--desperate to get inside. Were this any other time,  you’d reprimand him for such impertinence. Tie his hands above his head and deny him completely. ‘And you were being so good, too, asking permission and everything. You wanna be inside that bad, maybe I should remind you how it feels to be on the receiving end, hmm?’
But, honestly, he’d nearly tipped you over the edge with just his mouth earlier. You were becoming impatient, yourself. 
 Finally, blessedly, you sink yourself down onto his cock, revelling in the way his mouth falls open and his head flings backward against the couch pillow with a cry.
 “Mmm.. ‘s it that good, baby?” You tease.
 “‘S been a while… So tight…” He hisses, almost like it’s too much.
 “Yeah?” You tease. Your hips are gradually picking up speed. Slowly rising up, up, up, as far as you can go before it feels like he might just fall out of you, and then your hip fall again, taking his full length deep inside.
 “‘Tsumu…” You say, rising back up again. “I wanted to pamper you tonight... “ and you slide back down. “Give my cute, sweet boy a reward for all his hard work.”
 Atsumu keens, whimpering beneath you.
 “But I think I wanna be a little selfish, too.” You breathe, leaning in close enough for your breath to fan against his face. “Is that ok baby?”
 A high pitched moan leaves Atsumu’s throat, and you clench around him.
 “Yes…” He sighs between ragged breaths. “Yes... Please, I--”
 “Please, what?” You interrupt him.
 “P-please…” You watch his Adam's apple bob as he swallows. “Please, mommy…”
 “Ohhhhh, that’s my good boy.” You moan, restarting the rise and fall motion of your cunt around him. “Gonna make you feel so good. Just the way you deserve, ‘Tsumu. But you have to promise you won’t cum until I say so, mmk?” You’re holding his face, running your right index finger along the line of his jaw with a feather-light touch.
 And Astumu Miya shudders beneath you, staring up in reverence. The way those big brown watery eyes look at you… He’d look so cute with a collar clasped around his neck right now.
 He nods. “I--I won’t. I promise. Please.”
 Your hand moves up to stroke his hair softly. “Good boy.”
 You restraighten your back in your seated position atop him. Your hands come to rest against his chest for leverage, and you begin riding him in earnest. Atsumu’s eyelids fall closed again, head thrown back while his mouth hangs open in pleasure.
 “Is this what you wanted ‘Tsumu? Just want to feel me fuck myself on you until I’m satisfied?” You tease as you bounce. You slow to almost a halt and grind your hips in a circle, feeling the way his cock buries itself to the hilt. Atsumu’s hands are balled into tight fists against the couch. He’s moaning freely now--little cries escaping him as your cunt eagerly swallows him down over and over and over again.
“So good… You’re so good inside me, ‘Tsumu. Stretching me out so much every time. I know you know how good that feels.”
 “Ahnn--!” He keens at the memory. The way your soft hands had pressed his legs up against his chest. Wetness from the lube dripping down so tantalizingly slow between his ass cheeks. The cock of your strap buried within him. How utterly full he had felt, stretched around it while you softly cooed praises at him, stroking his cock.
 Fuck he wanted to cum like that again.
 More than that, he just wanted to cum. His hands clench and unclench--mouth hanging open while he revels in memory--in the feeling of your tight, wet, heat sliding up and down him just how he likes--how he needs.
 “I told you it was OK to touch, baby.” You reach down to grasp his hands with your own, bringing them to rest on your hips. “Hold onto me while I fuck myself on you.” You whisper.
 Atsumu’s eyes open at that, watching your body bounce on him. HIs left hand hastily comes up to grasp a breast, relishing the feel of the soft, pliable skin in his grasp.
 You gasp lightly at the sensation of his hand grazing your sensitive nipple. “Fuck yeah. So good for me baby--so good. Gonna make you cum in me like this--”
 Atsumu’s head falls back against the cushions again, his expression knotted in pleasure. “You feel so good. So good… Please… Please I’m-- Ahh!-- I’m getting close.”
 “Aww you’re close already? You wanna cum baby?” You shouldn’t tease. You know you’re close, too. That cresting peak getting closer and closer with every push of his cock into your deepest places. Your breath is ragged from the exertion of your body. You reach behind you blindly, refusing to miss an instant of Atsumu’s delicious expression. Eventually, you find the small bullet vibrator you’d stashed beneath the cushions earlier. You bring the toy to your clit and immediately feel it; that powerful wave looming just behind--threatening to take you over the edge. You steele yourself the best you can, inhaling deeply.
 Atsumu slides his eyes open at the sound and unleashes the mostly ungodly, moan. His voice trembles when he speaks.
 “Can I--can I come? Please--please baby let me come. Let me come.” His hands hold fast to your hips, grip growing steadily tighter as the sensations continue to climb. Faster now--exponentially faster. He’s not sure he could stop if he wanted to.
 “Mmmm hearing you beg like that… Good boy. You can cum, baby. I’ll even cum with you for being so good. Go ahead. Cum in this tight pussy.” Your words are rushed, breath catching here and there. “Give it to me.”
 And Atsumu shatters.
 The way his cry lilts up--high-pitched and unabashed. That wave crashing into him so hard and so completely it takes you down under with him. Atsumu’s mind is empty. Nothing but blinding white as he expends everything he has in him in an instant. His name spills past your lips over and over like a mantra while you ride out your high. The two of you so in-sync, it feels as though your cunt convulses in time with his every pulse. Everything feels so, astonishingly good and intimate.
 You’re both breathing heavily, eyes shut tight as that shared bliss slowly dissipates. You let yourself come down to rest on his chest. It’s suddenly very quiet save for your shared breaths. Eventually you rise onto your elbows, face directly over his.
 “I love you…” Atsumu murmurs, eyes slightly flitting about while he studies the intricacies of your face. He memorized them all long ago, but even in this he is never sated. Your eyes soften, chest fluttering at his tone: so tender and soft.
 “I love you, too.” You say, gently caressing his face. “So much.”
 Atsumu can’t help the smile spreading across his face. In one quick motion, his arms are around your neck and tugging your face down toward him. His head tilts, lips melding themselves against yours when they make contact. The kiss is unusually tender, his lips trying to convey what his words cannot: how he is so thankful and lucky to have you. You, who understands how dear his passion, his career, is to him yet helps him remain grounded so that it does not consume him entirely. You, who remains so, so patient when he is away. You, who is always there to help him take care of himself when he is too busy or exhausted. You, who holds him when he finally fractures under the stress of giving his everything all the time--and who helps him put his pieces back together again and get back at it.
 Your head returns to its resting place on his chest. His heartbeat steady beneath you, lulling you to sleep. You both need to get up, clean up, and get into your actual bed, but the bliss of finally feeling Atsumu’s hard body beneath you. Knowing it is completely yours, at least for a short while… You don’t want to relinquish it for even a second.
There’s another beat of silence before you speak.
 “Wanna go to ‘Samu’s and get tuna tomorrow?” You ask.
 Atsumu groans his approval loudly--so much so one would think he hadn’t just finished a massive meal with the Jackals. That signature cheeky grin returns to his face.
 “Oh my god I love you.”
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