#i need yalls knowledge
semi-personal · 4 months
I went to the fair in town today and realized something very important about my self
I don't like fairs anymore
I don't know what happened from when I was younger to now but I hated it after like 20 minutes
I really liked seeing all the cool hand made things but the minute It hit 20 mins I hated being there
Like my happy meter went from 100 to nothing
I don't know
Edit: I reached a tag limit... I never knew that was a thing.
I learn sm new
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leverage-ot3 · 6 months
no but y’all don’t understand
so I’ve been getting a lot of my photos for memes off of the IMDb website and most of the photo ratios are 16:9, right? but every once in a while there will be something in another ratio
there are never any edits or anything
so WHY is there an edit of the tragic ot3 death scene in the photo gallery for the long goodbye job???
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like as far as I’ve seen that’s the only edit out of any of the episodes throughout all seven seasons of the OG series and reboot
the only plausible answer: IMDb page editor secret leverage ot3 truther
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dailymothanon · 6 months
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A sketch of Gov in the new episode 🐶! I always kinda imagined Gov to look pretty much how he is portrayed in the episodes tbh so I never bother to make him that much of a separate design 🤔 BUT also this is an excuse to educate y'all on federal land. It will be under the cut for those who wanna learn.
What does Federal Land mean for a state?
Well, this is something I think a lot of folks in here (the fandom) needs to know, because I just see people jump to conclude Gov is horrible towards Nevada. That is not the case.
This is just the basics, but federal land literally just conserves, manages, and protects natural resources and wildlife. For example, national parks are federal lands. You'd notice this because of how western states tend to have more wildlife than the east. And how federal land is mostly administered by agencies such as the BLM, FWS, NPS, and USFS, which all are catered towards handling wildlife and resources.
Federal land also tends to consist of land that states cannot easily manage or utilize, which for Nevada it's pretty easy to notice, as most of Nevada is semi-arid and desert, meanwhile land more available to use, like by rivers and other water sources are not usually federal land.
Historically, up until 1976, you could easily just claim a homestead of hundreds of acres! The Federal Government just ended up taking what nobody else really wanted because they couldn't live there anyways. It's why Nevada has so much Fed Land, and now that land is managed by agencies; and in Nevada's case, most of it is under the Bureau of Land Management. This is why Nevada's population only resides in no more than 20% of the land. Because they bought it as they could use it and live in it, even then they don't use much of the full 20% that is accessible to them.
And it's not as if federal land is completely off-hands, people hunt, hike, camp and fish in federal land all the time! Take Alaska for example, who's 60%+ federal land, in terms of Alaska's size that's a LOT of land, yet Alaska is one of or the best state when it comes to fishing and hunting either way, and Alaska's natural beauty remains largely untouched and unbothered (at least directly).
There is also the fact that if a crime is committed on federal land, it instantly becomes punishable to a higher degree than it would on state grounds, as it becomes of federal interest.
So no, Nevada being 80% federal land isn't bad for him. It's just Gov taking up and protecting what Nevada can't really utilize or manage easily.
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
If anyone is wondering what Buck’s “like sea monkeys” comment is about:
Sea monkeys are the advertising name for brine shrimp which were sold basically as a sorta toy where you get three pooches (one of the eggs, one of nutrients, one of dye) and you pour it in and then you get these weird looking creatures
But the reason for bucks comment is that sea monkeys are actually an artificial breed made from hybridisation and they hatch from eggs that can remain dormant for years until exposed to water
So yeah Eddie😌like sea monkeys😌
Let the man cook next time🫡
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lwiann · 10 months
Ik gorts attractiveness is like controversial but i never found him ugly like most people do and i was just neutral to him for the longest time bc i felt like act 3 was lacking over all anyway, but thats a different topic. Although now that I think about it, Im kinda glad he looks like that and I love his facial features. He's very fun to draw. I think he's very unconventionally attractive. I just wish it translated better to my art style because sometimes I look at it and im like... I could make him rougher. I'm learning though. Its difficult coming from 2 years of genshin art to suddenly realistic faces with wrinkles and all 😂
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icyfox17 · 2 months
911 Elementary fandoms there's gotta be some overlap here, right??
The minute I saw Albert show up at Chimney's door it made me think of Joan's sister popping up... I need Joan and Chimney to bond over their annoying /affec younger siblings
I also think Sherlock would be incredibly done with anyone on the 118 within minutes of meeting them LMFAOFJFJD buuuutt Sherlock would love Athena. He'd be like "omg finally another competent police officer that's not Bell". And I think Athena would respect Sherlock sm too, tho maybe put him in his place too depending on which season Sherlock we're talking LMAOOO
Athena and Hen and Joan together would be too much power 😭😭 the absolute girlbossness of those three would explode the world I think
Bobby and Gregson exchanging dad jokes /j
Anywaysss I often think about the two of them stumbling into each other at a meeting
911 and Elementary are both shows that have shown incredibly realistic depictions of addiction and recovery and AGRHAGRHGSHDHD I need these two in the same room together... Also Alfredo and Wendall would be unstoppable tgt actually, can u imagine them bonding over stories about Bobby and Sherlock 😭😭😭❤️❤️🫶 (yes. Yes I am still sad about Wendall shush)
Man man man now I can't stop thinking about Bobby and Sherlock 😭😭😭
I just think that'd be neat
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askspiritfukase · 2 years
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Updated: 11/29/2022 (new info in asterisks)
So I heard there might be more new users on Tumblr. The Vocaloid ask blog community here has been sputtering for a while now, and I realized it might be intimidating to get involved. As an active participant in the ask blog community since 2013, I thought I could share some tips.
Disclaimer: I am basing this off of my personal experience in the VOCALOID ask blog community. I don’t know how other ask blog communities are faring or what their conventions are.
What is an ask blog?
In this context, it’s a blog where you roleplay a character and respond to people’s questions. Tumblr’s ask and submission boxes make this very simple. While an ask blog can technically be text only, I really recommend you get creative and make your own image responses. Most people draw, but some people back in the day used to use MMD. 
What is a muse?
I don’t know if this term is still used outside of the Tumblr ask and RP communities, but this basically refers to the character(s) you roleplay. Many mods feel personally connected to their muses and may even feel that their muses have a mind of their own. Don’t worry about it too much, but if you come across ask memes for “mod and muse,” they’re just referring to you and your character. Incidentally, “mun” also means “mod” so you’ll see posts using that sometimes too.
Choose a character!
If this is your first tumblr ask blog, I highly recommend starting with one or two characters you really enjoy drawing. Starting off with too many can become overwhelming. If you want to expand your character and world focus, you can always do that later!
Your character does not have to be fully fleshed out, but giving them some background and personality is definitely a good start! If you need inspiration, look up voca synth modules and songs! You can even use an original character that’s been featured in a voca synth original.
Ex: Ask25jiMiku, AskMeltdownRin, AskReincarnationApple, AskSynthVShian (all these blogs don’t exist as of writing this post)
Choose a name!
You can get creative, but I suggest choosing names that make your character easy to identify, especially if you’re using an original character featured in a Vocaloid song. I also recommend adding “Ask” somewhere in there so people know at a glance that you’re an ask blog.
Sideblog or main blog?
I highly, HIGHLY recommend you create a new main blog for your ask blog unless you don’t plan on updating often. You’re more likely to gain attention while using a main blog since you can follow back other ask blogs and send asks. Sideblogs cannot send asks at this time.
Figure out your blogging style
Many voca synth ask blogs I’ve seen fall roughly into one of two categories: Plot-focused and ask-focused.
Plot-focused blogs: These blogs take a more active role in providing information to audiences. They may even act like an interactive webcomic. Some blogs follow the course of a main storyline, while others may have only a series of smaller storylines and arcs within the blog. They can focus on a select number of characters and launch themselves into their own events. The mod may have clear endings in mind for these events, but audiences can influence what information is revealed by sending asks, such as the character’s thoughts. Overall, while asks are important to this blog, major events may occur even without much of their influence.
Ex: vocalads
Ask-focused blogs: These blogs take on a more passive role in providing information to askers. They may not have preset storylines that the characters will take, although they might have developed backgrounds. Without asks, these blogs might not reveal much information and may not update at all. Events can still occur, but they’re often triggered by asks(ex: magic anons) or through interactions with other ask blogs rather than started on their own. These blogs feel less streamlined and tend to go more with the flow of asks and interactions.
Ex: My ask blog, and 85% of voca synth ask blogs I’ve seen fall into this category. It’s the most common type by far.
Of course, you do not have to adhere strictly to one or the other, and there have been those that were a mix of both. You could even come up with something totally new that I haven’t thought of! But if you need a starting point, decide how you want to reveal information to your askers.
Lay down some rules
Do you have limits? Do you not want to be bombarded with asks about a specific topic? Make a page or post detailing these rules!
*Announce your ask box is open!
The final step is to let people know you’re open! You can make a simple post with an image of your character and an “ask box open!” message. Others can reblog your post and spread the word. If you have more energy, you can get more creative with your “ask box open” post, like making it into a short comic or something. 
Ex: askvfurawa’s, My blog’s 
Is your ask box open?
Seriously, it’s a common mistake so check your blog settings. And make sure your anons are on since people can be shy! If you feel safer with them off though, that’s okay too.
Provide some information
An “ask box open” post is a great way to get the word out there that you’re open for business, but it might be difficult for people to send you asks without more information. Make a quick profile for your character! Fill in some basic information about their likes and dislikes, what they do, etc. For mobile users, utilizing the pinned post feature is perfect for this.
Think about how your characters live their lives
When you answer asks, it’s also important to think about what your character might be doing as they answer their asks, as well as providing some extra information that could pique interest.
Are they cooking as they’re answering the ask? Are they in the park? Did the ask remind them of something they saw last week? Providing simple answers can be okay, but it may be hard to pique the interests of askers if that’s the majority of your responses. If you’re providing simple answers because you feel pressured to answer asks as soon as they’re sent—don’t! Well-thought-out responses are always better than a bunch of rushed ones!
Reblog ask memes!
Ask games exist on various social media, but you can find many on Tumblr tailored to ask and RP blogs! You can also reblog “M!A lists.” A “M!A” refers to a “magic anon” which is a special anon that is sent to change the conditions of a blog for a certain duration of time. For instance, an anon can send in “M!A: Character is turned into a mermaid for 3 days.” M!As are not mandatory to accept, and you can alter the duration if you feel you cannot handle it. You can also make your own ask memes or M!A lists. If you don’t accept M!As, be sure to list that in your rules or blog description.
As a bonus, ask memes can help spark character interactions or interactions between mods!
Ex: M!A List, Muse ask meme, Another Muse Ask Meme
Send in asks yourself
The asks you send to other blogs don’t necessarily have to be in-character but if you want to start interactions, sending in-character asks are a great way to do that. Additionally, if you send asks to others, they might return the favor. *In a similar vein, if you follow other ask blogs, there’s a good chance they might follow back. If they don’t, they might just need to get to know you better by seeing you around the community and stuff first!
Vocaloid Community events
Octoberloid is the main Vocaloid ask blog event still running, but there’s Vocatines and a few other stray events here and there! The host of the event will usually make a main post detailing what will be occurring, the venue and timeline, and what to tag your posts if you’re participating. These events can be a great way to have your characters interact with others! Feel free to start your own event as well or revive any old events!
Ex: Octoberloid, Vocatines, Vocasummer
Keep things in character
It’s generally recommended not to use your ask blog as a personal blog. The occasional OOC post is okay, but reblogging loads of OOC art and text posts that don’t relate to your character is discouraged. This is particularly true if you don’t tag your posts properly with “OOC.” There used to be weekly events on ask and RP blogs called “Munday” where you could ask the mods questions. This probably still exists in other communities but it’s pretty dead on the Vocaloid side of things. There are even ask memes centered around Munday! If you really wanna talk and show things about yourself, how about reviving Munday here?
Ex: Munday ask meme
Tag wisely
I don’t know if this is still true, but back in the day, only the first 5 things you tag would actually show up in the tag search. Everything else was for your own archiving purposes. I still think this is a good rule of thumb. Tags I recommend using are #ask, #vocaloid, #vocaloid ask blog, and the name of your character. I also tend to tag the asker out of habit so people can search their own name.
However, if you’re producing a large quantity of posts in a short amount of time because you’re making low-effort sketches or making a lot of text posts, I recommend reducing how many tags you use so you don’t spam the tag search.
I HIGHLY recommend you tag all your asks with something. Tumblr has a chronological order feature but as far as I know, it only works with tags. For example, I tag all my asks with “new ask.” If you want to see all my asks in chronological order, you can type in “askspiritfukase.tumblr.com/tagged/new ask/chrono” and BAM! For mobile users, you can add this to your pinned.
And of course, you can add your own thoughts as mod in the tags if you want. I’d encourage this compared to writing your thoughts in the captions, but that’s just a personal preference. Do what you feel is fun!
*Don’t make too many ask blogs!
*No matter how much you like the characters, making too many ask blogs might be spreading yourself thin and it’ll be hard to keep track of. While I think you should do whatever’s fun, it might not be good to accidentally overwhelm yourself either. From experience, it doesn’t feel good to open another, brand new ask blog only to abandon it within a few weeks. So just a word of caution!
Trim your posts!!
If you at least occasionally use Tumblr on desktop, download xKit and the addon “editable reblogs.” It works best if you use the text post feature to post your ask and art responses. Basically, it enables you to trim your responses in interactions which is important in sparing everyone’s dashboard from novel-length posts. If your ask response is gonna be particularly long, use a read more!!
Stay within fandoms
This might be more etiquette than anything but generally, ask blogs stay within their own fandoms but it isn’t a hard rule. *I mostly bring it up in case you try following ask blogs from other fandoms but they don’t follow back or want to interact. Some blogs are completely chill with it! OCs are a bit of a gray area so I can’t speak much for them. 
Communicate behind the scenes!
If you’re interacting with another blog, you should communicate behind the scenes if you want a successful interaction. In my experience, interactions without mod communication tend to die quickly.
Join the community with some friends!
A lot of the fun in ask blogging is in making connections and having your muses interact with your friends’ muses.
Reblog the end of interactions
Let’s say you and another blog are interacting and the interaction has ended on their side. Even if you have nothing left to add to the interaction, I recommend still reblogging their post so that readers of your blog will be able to have context since your audience may not follow your partner’s blog. This is something I used to not do and I have since regretted it.
Try to have legible text
I’m guilty of having spent years using chicken scratch but in all fairness, my main art program didn’t have a textbox feature. If your handwriting is naturally neat, then perfect! If not, and your art program has text features, use them! Just make sure your font is easy to read.
Don’t worry about consistency!
Ask blogging should be a hobby that encourages you to experiment without pressure. You can make your art as consistent as possible, try a different thing with every ask, or even just use uncolored lines. I’ve found that what’s most important is the thought put into the response.
Because this is a hobby, don’t worry about being inactive!! I’ve gone months without updating. It’s normal!! This should be a low-stress fun activity, and there’s no shame in having breaks :)
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kindred-spirit-93 · 1 month
when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity.
hello! currently overwhelmed with work, and seeing this in my inbox made me smile, so thank you very much :D
quite generic (or maybe not?) but my faith! my hijab among other things gives me peace of mind and in this day and age its quite a commodity. i have plenty to work on of course and much room for improvement, but overall its my first line of defense ^-^
my platonic soulmate <3 love her to death and cant wait to see her again soon hopefully (long distancing sucks my dudes) and my family, immediate and extended.
been stress eating quite a bunch, could absolutely go for several blueberry cheesecakes or cry into bowl of pasta and pesto lol. mm pizza..
fun fact: the reason people associate comfort with food and seek it in times of stress is because it mimics the body's 'rest and digest' response that redirects blood flow to the digestive system (among other things) as part of calming down.
my current hyperfixations and obsessions if im being honest. theyre my main source of the happy chemicals (and sometimes the less than happy ones lol). also, ive recently taken up embroidery! havent done anything yet but i look forward to it :)
sometimes its the small things that take my hand and tell me theres still much to life worth living: the sky just before a sunset, the birbs at my windowsill, a breeze that makes the paper bunting of ramadan lanterns still hanging crinkle slightly. stopping to smell the roses really.
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arom-antix · 9 months
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My feral little man
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lovinnelily · 8 days
There're so many jokes about Will having "one-sided" beef with bedelia over Hannibal and her being "you can have him" as if this lady didn't set a table for two where she served cunt and her own leg the moment she learnt Hannibal escaped.
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lovecoredeity · 2 months
in my head I have an au for Cashmere where instead of dying and being brought back via her weird heart she regresses instead but is healthy and was never actually sick and notably her family all treats her with love (“love”) and kindness that she never experienced in her first life and she’s torn between being overjoyed to finally be treated equally by them and the gnawing feeling that they’re only treating her this way because she’s “perfect” and that they don’t actually love her
#I read a lot of isekai and regression manhwa and my least favourite trope is when the characters from the og story/timeline were abusive#and/or the cause of death to the og character/in the og timeline but after the isekai/regression they treat the character ‘better’ because#the character is ‘different’ now (ofc they changed it’s either a different person or they regressed with the knowledge that you hurt them#lmao ofc they won’t be the same) but the character FORGIVES THEM#like fuck that shit#if I was reborn as a character who’s supposed love ones hurt them/caused their death or regressed after that happened I would not forgive#any of those bitches#‘you changed so we love you now we’re not going to be abusive to you anymore’ eat shit and die!!!#i complain about this trope a lot on main because it pisses me off so much#as I get older I realize more and more that I am not the forgiving and forgetting type like. I won’t forgive people who have caused me#immense pain. I may acknowledge your apology’s (if given one) but that doesn’t mean I’m going to accept it#it’s just like. I’m tired of the theme of ‘well they changed so you should forgive them’ that doesn’t undo what they’ve done and the harm#they’ve caused and like I just don’t care hope that clears things up <3#there are very few manhwa I know of where the main character actually is like ‘fuck this shit I’m not forgiving and staying with you’#like I’m sooo tired of characters forgiving the people who hurt them all of a sudden yall need to learn to hold grudges and love yourself#more than the people who hurt you
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
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disregarding what a bad take this is, did this person think I'd just like be fine with this reply to my post lmfao. I have been posting about this band since I joined Tumblr 11 years ago. what about me says "please come into my notes and insult my favorite band. I'll be amused by this" lmfao????
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wammbam · 4 months
send me your fav match (and a link/where to watch) i am having a bad time and want to watch wrestling tonight. i dont care if it's wwe, aew, or a beloved 2 bit indie match filmed on someone's camcorder in 2002, if its cool and has some good wrestling in it, i want it <33
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 7 months
okay so i did the summer and winter shoes so but do i need to do the work shoes too 👀
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thegreatyin · 6 months
over the course of my gw2 career, some very important things have become increasingly clear to me:
1) bloodstone dust is simultaneously priceless and worthless and you both want hoards upon hoards of it at any given time because you can never have enough but also you should get rid of it whenever you pick it up immediately because it clogs bag space and is absolutely useless
2) literally every single road leads back to running the silverwastes meta. like literally Every Single One. ever. forever.
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I can’t think about ancient humans for too long or I start crying
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